person A: I got a cup of coffee the other day and on my way back to my desk I tripped on thin air person B: Oh no! I hope you did not burn yourself. person A: I thankfully didn't burn myself bad but I spilled it all over myself! I was so shy afterwards person B: Hopefully you were wearing dark clothing_comma_ coffee on light colors stinks!
person A: Watching scary movies lately has me paranoid_comma_ I was really frightened the other night. person B: Oh no! What happened? person A: I went for a drink downstairs_comma_ and the back door was wide open. I didn't sleep a wink and kept my phone and a big knife with me the rest of the night_comma_lol. person B: Oh man! I would have been so scared! person A: I really was_comma_ and I'm supposed to be the grown up_comma_ but I got my daughter to lie next to me.
person A: My neighbors dog are barking so loud and my daughter is asleep! person B: Ugh that's so annoying. What are they even barking at? person A: People walking on the bike trail behind our house. It's a daily thing_comma_ it gets so annoying! person B: Yeah_comma_ that would drive me crazy. Sounds like the neighbor needs to control their dogs.
person A: I just got done eating an entire pizza by myself. person B: I do that all the time_comma_ no big deal. person A: I feel so full and fat and happy. I can't wait to do it again. person B: What kind of pizza did you eat?
person A: When I got my first paycheck with a bonus_comma_ I knew I didn't need to worry anymore about my expenses. It was quite the feeling! person B: That is such a relief_comma_ it is so nice to have money saved up in the bank. person A: Yes exactly! I was able to finally start saving for retirement. I'd been procrastinating somewhat_comma_ so it really was a relief_comma_ like you said. person B: Oh yeah_comma_ retirement will come before you know it_comma_ it is good to be prepared!
person A: Tomorrow I start my new job teaching kids. I really hope it goes well! person B: Oh wow_comma_ now that really is exciting_comma_ congratulations! Did you get the grade level and subject you wanted? person A: I am teaching at a small private school_comma_ so I will be teaching all the subjects for 3rd grade. I am pretty excited_comma_ just nervous. person B: Teaching little humans will be such a joy. I really hope you enjoy it! person A: It really is_comma_ you are molding their future!
person A: I just lost my dog. My ex got him in the divorce person B: That sucks_comma_ will she not let you see the dog at all? person A: No we are not on speaking terms_comma_ It's pretty unfair_comma_ thankfully we didn't have a kid together. person B: Yes_comma_ that is probably a positive.
person A: Getting a new debit card takes so long and really is a hassle. person B: Yeah it really does. It's even worse to try and close those accounts! person A: They don't want to. I lost mine or it was stolen. But all my autopay bills are at a standstill and the companies are not happy about it. person B: Man that sounds really stressful... person A: It is_comma_ to say the least. But at leaast it will be over at some point.
person A: My sister got a promotion at work last week! person B: oh that is awesome. what does she do? person A: She is an accountant for a college in Alaska. She's been working their for years so I'm glad they saw her dedication :) person B: that is great. my sister is an account too. she's also the office manager.
person A: My friend wrote a creative writing piece that I helped edit_comma_ and it won her a scholarship. I was so proud_comma_ like a dad_comma_ even though we're roughly the same age. person B: Congrats to your friend! That is an amazing accomplishment. person A: Yeah it was! I joke with her that I should get a portion of the money since I told her she had a really good piece and that she should submit it. She wasn't originally going to. person B: I would be proud of her too! Hopefully her success continues. You sound like a good friend!
person A: My eldest son is off and is starting his first year in college. Im so nervous for him! person B: don't be. i'm sure you raised him right. he will be starting his new adventure person A: I think it's more stressful for me than it is for him! I just want the best for him_comma_ just not used to not being there with him. person B: i'm sure he's cool as a cucumber while you are a nervous wreck. it will be fine. person A: Thanks! I m sure it will be to just have to get over it and let him grow up. Gotta lose the control freak in me at some point right? person B: it will be find. have a little fiath in him and you will see person A: Cant wait to see what he can do_comma_ Its exciting too! person B: it's very exciting. i wish you both all the best.
person A: I have trouble remembering a time I was more incredibly overwhelmed with excitement than when I got the Nintendo 64 for Christmas all those years ago. person B: I remember that console_comma_ that's old school. person A: It sure is now_comma_ but back then it was the cream of the crop. You can bet that I stayed up a few hours past my bedtime to play it that evening. person B: Those were the good old days!
person A: I need a B average to stay in my major and I'm struggling in a course. person B: are you able to get some tutoring or find a study buddy? person A: I found a study group_comma_ I didn't flunk the class. But I made an 84 on my physics test and need an 86. person B: thats good.. well you are on your way up! person A: Hopefully_comma_ I don't even understand how others get all A's.
person A: I came home from work today and my husband had dinner already made! person B: Thats awesome_comma_ can we trade? person A: Haha my husband plays video games as well_comma_ but we limited it to after my daughter goes to bed only. person B: That is a really good idea. He must be thoughtful to have cooked dinner for you and had it ready_comma_ unlike mine
person A: Let me tell you something. Always check before you go grocery shopping to see if you need to pick up coffee filters. Few things worse than having to go without your morning coffee because you forgot! person B: that is very true person A: Not only did I have a rough morning because of it_comma_ but I had to deal with the caffeine withdrawal headache all day at work. What a disaster. person B: hopefully its better tomorrow!
person A: 4 person B: Hmm_comma_ that's interesting tell me more about what that number means to you. person A: Four years old is the age a child needs to be for a bearded dragon_comma_ they carry something in their nails/claws. person B: Really_comma_ my friend had a tarantula as a pet when she was five_comma_ scared the poop out of me person A: My son wanted one of those once_comma_ but when we got to the pet store he refused to hold one_comma_lol.
person A: I got canned from my job and I'm feeling pretty good these days because I have more work than I can handle without needing to go to an office everyday person B: Are you really able to work from home? Finding a gig is so difficult_comma_ I'm glad that it is working for you. person A: Yeah it's still a work in progress but I'm young and basically living on peanuts_comma_ good thing I'm not allergic person B: 5
person A: I was laying in bed last night when I realized just how happy I am person B: That is fantastic. Any good new lately? person A: Nope! I just realized how happy and content I am with my life! person B: That is an amazing feeling.
person A: I had such a bad cold last week_comma_ I was coughing up a lot of nasty stuff into cups just so that it wouldn't hurt when I swallowed. person B: did you go to the doctor person A: No_comma_ thankfully my symptoms weren't anything that couldn't be managed with a stiff mimosa or seven. But still_comma_ I had to throw those cups out. Yuck. person B: yuk for sure
person A: No matter how many times I told her that I didn't do it_comma_ my roommate insisted that I ate her ice cream last night! Unbelievable! person B: Well_comma_ did you eat her ice cream? person A: I certainly would have liked to_comma_ but I'm lactose intolerant! If I had eaten it_comma_ I would have been so miserable that there's no way she would've mistaken it. person B: I wonder who actually ate it then. person A: She probably did_comma_ during one of those nights when she stumbles into the apartment at 3am_comma_ drunk_comma_ with some random guy she brought home from the club. person B: So are you saying it could be the guy? person A: Either he ate it_comma_ or she did and she just doesn't remember doing it. All I know is that I didn't do it_comma_ and I'm about to hulk out!
person A: I am so not ready for this baby. The wife is due next week_comma_ and I'm really uncertain that I'm gonna be a good dad or that we'll have enough to provide for her. person B: You will be fine. Its going to be hard but dont beat yourself up over it. person A: I hope you're right. I've read lots of parenting books_comma_ and I've been seeing my therapist regularly. There's just so much that I'm still worried about. person B: Then it sounds like you are already ahead of most new fathers.
person A: I was walking and say a cat in front of me wagging its tail on the sidewalk and thought it was awesome person B: That would be pretty cool to see_comma_ but you should know that typically most cats swish their tail when they're annoyed or angry! It didn't attack you_comma_ did it? person A: I attacked it with some pets_comma_ it was an outside cat which don't get angry too much I'm guessing person B: Ahh_comma_ okay. Yeah I don't know. It might have also been scared or feeling like it had to protect it's turf. But still_comma_ that's neat to see and not an everyday thing!
person A: I'm taking my midterm exam this week_comma_ and I really want to do well on it. I've studied a lot_comma_ and taken the practice test 5 times. I'm still pretty anxious though! person B: Nice_comma_ I guess the only times I was nervous to take a test was when I wasn't prepared_comma_ but there's only so much preparation you can do until you just have to trust your brain or whatever person A: That's true. I probably have it down pat at this point. It's just it's my first graduate course_comma_ and I want to ace my entire graduate degree with a 4.0 GPA. This is my first major major grade. person B: Wow! You must have like every technique in your toolbox to go for that goal
person A: I was unpacking the other day and realized that my ex-girlfriend didn't get all of her stuff out of my place after we split up and before I moved. Really made me miss her_comma_ seeing all that stuff. person B: i bet it does bud_comma_ I know the feeling. So how do you deal with it person A: Well_comma_ I spent some time remembering the good times. Then I reminded myself that we broke up for a reason_comma_ and we'd moved on. Had to process all the way through it_comma_ you know? person B: yes i know_comma_ good memories do help. every relation is a new chapter in the book called our life.
person A: Polie officers should still be required to drive safely even when responding to a call. person B: sometimes they cant avoid it person A: I threw the car in reverse and hauled my butt backwards! person B: ok
person A: I understand_comma_ but coming at me head on_comma_ on a two lane highway_comma_ while I'm on a bridge with nowhere to go is not cool. person B: I cant imagine how scared you must have been. person A: Uh oh_comma_ did he destroy something? Sounds as though he misbehaved a bit. person B: Not sure. You must be very confused. Did you crash? person A: 2
person A: I saw a scorpion in my house yesterday and still haven't found it! person B: Oh god. Was it big? person A: Yes_comma_ im scared to sleep! It ran under couch last time I saw it. person B: Well_comma_ maybe look at its lifespan? Maybe it'll die if you end up not finding it.
person A: I am constantly amazed by my sister's art skills. I'm not sure where she got brother and I can't draw to save our lives. person B: what does she draw person A: Mostly anime characters and various portraits. She's still quite young_comma_ so she has a way to go_comma_ but if you asked me to draw anything similar to what she can when I was her age? Forget about it. person B: thats awesome
person A: I used to worry that I would never have a long term friend who would be there to listen to me if I had problems_comma_ but my best friend Kayla has proved otherwise. person B: Kayla sounds wonderful! How long have you guys been friends? person A: I'll have known her for 7 years next year. She really is wonderful. I've gone through a lot of tough stuff in my life_comma_ and she's always been supportive. person B: Finding someone like that is rare. Take good care of that one!
person A: I have some bad news_comma_ unfortunately. Well_comma_ bad for me. I was diagnosed with lung cancer. person B: I am sorry to hear that. How far along is it? person A: It's stage two. I think I'll be able to beat it because I'm otherwise in great health_comma_ and it hasn't metastasized or anything. I just wasn't expecting to have to deal with this incredibly difficult time ahead of me. person B: Keep a positive attitude. I will be thinking of you! person A: Thank you so much for being supportive. :)
person A: I heard gunshots outside my house the other day in the middle of the night. I think it was 2 or 3 in the morning. person B: Did you find out what happened? person A: Not a chance! I was too scared to go out_comma_ and I didn't want to peek my head out to talk to the police or anything when they showed up. I honestly thought someone might have barged into my house and started trying to shoot me. person B: Man. That must've been really nerve wrecking. Did you get any sleep? person A: Only the couple of hours before the gunshots woke me up. After that_comma_ no way jose.
person A: I really didn't know what to expect while my dad was having neck surgery last weekend. person B: did it turn out ok ? person A: Seems to have_comma_ yeah. He has a lot less neck pain now than he has this past year_comma_ but that's happened during his previous neck surgeries as well. person B: hopes he continues to get better person A: Yes_comma_ hopefully he does_comma_ because this was one of the last neck surgeries they were willing to do before fusing his neck completely_comma_ not allowing him to be able to turn his head anymore.
person A: I got some pretty horrible news recently. I've been diagnosed HIV positive. I'm just...lost... person B: I'm so sorry! Don't lose hope though. I know some science based nutrition that helps you overcome and kill it going high nutrition plant based vegan. Look up Dr. Joel Furhman. It'll save you from all the meds that hurt your body. person A: I might look into that_comma_ thank you for being supportive. I know it's nowhere near a death sentence anymore_comma_ it's just there are so many questions. Can I have kids_comma_ is a big one. person B: I know it must be overwhelming you but coming from someone that is fighting chronic epstein barr virus and Lupus_comma_ it will change your life. Check out HIV and going vegan on youtube and thebody_comma_com and so many other resources. You might be able to reverse it and it wouldn't even be a concern for having kids. You take care and have hope!
person A: Playing old video games reminds of the summers where my friends and I would hang out endlessly person B: Sounds like you're feeling nostalgic. What games were you plaing? person A: Super smash bros is a classic_comma_ never gets old_comma_ but yeah you're right person B: I've never played it but its supposed to havea bunch of old game characters in it
person A: I had a job interview recently person B: Oh_comma_ how did it go? person A: Not well. I didn't really feel prepared for it. person B: I'm sorry_comma_ I am sure you will be ready next time.
person A: Speaking of co-workers_comma_ one of my colleagues just found the cure for type 2 diabetes_comma_ and I honestly couldn't be more annoyed about it. person B: Wait_comma_ why would you be annoyed by that? That's amazing! person A: Yeah_comma_ yeah_comma_ yeah. Amazing and all_comma_ but it was supposed to be MY discovery. I wanted that Nobel Prize and the trip to Stockholm. Now I don't think my dad will ever think I've accomplished anything. person B: I think you need to look at the bigger picture_comma_ though. Someone cured a disease that has caused so much suffering for so many people. Though I suppose to can be both excited for the discovery and jealous at the same time. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
person A: I went to a movie alone recently because none of my friends wanted to go with me person B: What movie did you see person A: Jurassic World. It was okay. person B: Yeah I have heard bad things to be honest
person A: I just bought iced coffee yesterday and my brother drank the rest of it without asking me. person B: Wow. Does he usually do stuff like that? person A: Yeah_comma_ he will eat or drink whatever he finds in the fridge. person B: Damn well_comma_ he's gonna have to learn some boundaries with that.
person A: I thought it was unfair how YouTube banned Alex Jones person B: It is indeed unfair_comma_ they shouldn't have done that person A: I think people are just getting riled up for the midterms person B: you are right. But hey people just do what they want to!!
person A: I was playing hide n seek when I was a kid and I had to use the restroom_comma_ but then I realized after a couple minutes that there was someone behind the shower curtain person B: I bet that was awkward person A: Yeah_comma_ nobody said anything person B: I guess that happens sometimes_comma_ did you finish the game
person A: My girlfriend has been cheating on me with another woman! person B: That is terrible and a little odd! person A: Yeah_comma_ tell me about it! I trusted her to only cheat on me with other men_comma_ but I just don't know how I can deal with this betrayal!!! person B: Wait_comma_ you were ok with her cheating? person A: Not like this! She assured me that she wasn't that type of girl_comma_ and I was stupid enough to believe her.
person A: I knew that I needed to support my Uncle Bill when he told me he wanted to flee to Canada to escape military duty. Family always comes first. person B: Yes indeed! what did you do? person A: I helped him pack the essentials in his wood-paneled station wagon and filled his gas tank for him. It was the least I could do. person B: You did great! Family comes first. And you gave him your support!
person A: Speaking of kids in school_comma_ I just found out my son got a B in his world history class at the end of the previous school year. I can't believe it. person B: That's great!! History is so important I think and so few kids really grasp it well. Congrats to him for a job well done! person A: No no_comma_ see_comma_ it was the first grade below an A that he's ever made. I honestly thought I had the next Einstein on my hands. Now I guess I'll have to settle for...above average_comma_ I guess. :( person B: Oh_comma_ I see what you are saying! Did he get upset about it? And you never know_comma_ he could turn it around next year and blow you away! person A: He seemed fine about it_comma_ which is weird because he's always been so proud to bring home straight As. I'm really hoping he does turn it around next year. I also hope he's not on drugs or something. I suppose we'll see.
person A: So I have some amazing news. I recently discovered that my dog can speak to me! Isn't that incredible? person B: Wow_comma_ is that true? That's pretty amazing! I'd say science should know about your dog. person A: I'd say you're certainly right about that! He's got the best Cockney accent though_comma_ and won't shut up about philosophy. It's all he wants to talk about! Like okay_comma_ we get it_comma_ you're suuuuper into Immanuel Kant_comma_ cool. person B: Wow_comma_ that surely is incredible! Even the accent too? And intelligent! The full package!
person A: I mean_comma_ let's be honest. I'm the Major League Eating world champion. When I saw that my next closest competition had only ever maxed 40 hot dogs_comma_ I knew I had that thing in the bag. person B: Dang_comma_ that's a lot of dogs. Cleaned out the pound_comma_ you did. But that doesn't hold a candle to the 100 I ate yesterday. person A: Ah_comma_ I see you are a man of culture as well. I would relish the opportunity to eat alongside you one day at the troughs of battle. Be warned_comma_ however: only those with the strongest of stomachs have ever dared to challenge me! person B: How dare you question my intestinal fortitude?!? I would watch out_comma_ friend. I may just slip some cyanide in your relish if I ever have the chance to challenge you! person A: Hmph. Well_comma_ you should check the by-laws. Major League Eating Official Rulebook page 42_comma_ section 4.2.b strictly forbids the usage of cyanide as a food enhancement. You must eat the food as is. So I'm afraid I'll have to report you to the governing board and get you disqualified.
person A: I was sick in bed with the flu. My boyfriend took care of me though person B: That is so nice of him. Are you feeling better? person A: Yes_comma_ I feel much better now. person B: That's good to hear. I hope I meet someone that will do that for me.
person A: I was leafing through my old photo albums this morning and ran across a picture of me and my mother. I really remember her fondly. person B: That would bring the tears. I love looking at pictures especially old ones. person A: Yes_comma_ it definitely did. It reminded me of a simpler time_comma_ before she abandoned our family to join the local nudist colony. Oh_comma_ I do miss her though. She was just the best! person B: Sounds like you are conflicted. She ran off but she's the best? Are you being sarcastic? person A: I'm just saying I respect her life choices_comma_ but she was a great mom while she was around. I think she's brave.
person A: My dog pooped on the floor after I let her in the house. person B: That's a tragedy! What ever did you do?!?! person A: I told her she was a bad dog and had to clean it up. person B: Serves her right! These animals can't go around thinking they can poop on our things!
person A: Honestly? I have a pretty special nephew. He just solved the Navier-Stokes existence and smoothness Millenium Prize problem. person B: Holy moses_comma_ he must be as smart as me. I solved that thing in five minutes last week. Child's play. person A: Child's play is right_comma_ the kid is only 6 years old. And you couldn't have_comma_ because the Clay Institute says the million dollar prize is still at large_comma_ which I'm sure he will be blowing immediately on Tropical Sprite and cocaine. person B: Yeah_comma_ that's what they tell everyone because_comma_ in reality_comma_ they blew all the prize money on the very same thing themselves. I was pretty peeved that I couldn't even get a dime bag and the sleeziest of hookers.
person A: I've been trying really hard to get a promotion at my company but they just hired someone to fill that spot from outside of the company. person B: Ahh_comma_ that's too bad_comma_ did you mention it to your boss? person A: My boss is pretty temperamental and doesn't like people questioning his decisions_comma_ probably a bad idea. person B: Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe next time!
person A: My roommate's cat passed away last week. There is a heavy air over the household. person B: I bet. That is so sad. I am so sorry. person A: Yeah hes really lost without her. It was unexpected. person B: I bet! I hope they can find peace soon.
person A: I broke up with my boyfriend last week_comma_ and nothing is the same without him. person B: Time will make it better. You just have to move on. person A: Yeah_comma_ I know but we were planning to start our lives together. We were moving in and now I have to rethink everything. person B: Better to find out now then move in and invest your time. Trust me it's worse.
person A: I just made the most delicious pie person B: Really? What kind was it? person A: It was apple pit_comma_ I let it cool to room temp and ate it with ice cream it was so good. person B: Oh I love apple pie with ice cream_comma_ it's such a good combination
person A: I just got a new pair of yeezy shoes and a clean hair cut. person B: Nice_comma_ I wish I could get a pair of those shoes. person A: I feel on top of the world. I don't know whoever said things can't bring you happiness. They must never owned a pair of Yeezy's person B: How much did you pay for them?
person A: I just went camping and build the warmest fire. person B: I love a warm fire outside while camping! Sounds like a great time. person A: Yeah_comma_ I ended up falling asleep to the dying fire. I felt very safe and secure. person B: Yes that sounds like a wonderful way to sleep.
person A: I just had to spend the night all alone in the house. The power was out and It was storming outside. person B: That sounds like it could be quite a scary experience. person A: I started a small fire in the trash can to get some light. It almost started a fire. person B: Oh yeah that's a bit dangerous. Candles are good to have on hang.
person A: I'm a little worried about travelling to dubai person B: Why are you worried? person A: These muslim countries can be a bit fanatic person B: That is true but Dubai is a bit better
person A: I left my cell phone on the table at starbucks. person B: Oh no! Was it still there when you went back? person A: Of course_comma_ I'm not worried no one would steal from me. person B: You never know these days. Luckily there are cameras everywhere.
person A: I can't help feel stressed about money person B: why? are you having financial problems? person A: Yes I just had a major car repair and it took a massive chunk of my savings. $700 person B: oh god _comma_ that sounds horrible but at least nothing bas happened to you!
person A: I felt alone for those 3 weeks she went to visit family person B: Oh no_comma_ what did you do to stay cheerful ? person A: lol I played xbox games person B: Sounds good_comma_ when she got back I hope you schooled her on Halo ?
person A: I usually don't feel the greatest because of health problems. person B: what kind of health problems ? person A: Blood pressure and crohns disease_comma_ as well as_comma_ a few minor ones. Not sure why but today I feel really good! Slept well_comma_ woke up happy and energized person B: i'm glad you feel good today!
person A: You wanna know why I'm not worried about nuclear armageddon? Because I bought a school desk at one of the district auctions_comma_ and all I have to do is duck and cover and nuclear fire won't touch me. person B: lol! I remember those drills when I was a kid! person A: Ahh_comma_ then you know exactly what I mean. I don't see a single thing wrong with my plan. I'm not sure why everyone is so worried about North Korea or Iran or Russia or something when it's just like...get a school desk. It's not hard_comma_ people. person B: And your largest hardback book will protect you from a tornado as long as you put it over your head and sit in the hall!! person A: Actually a genius_comma_ I love it. Parents and teachers tried to tell us that going to school would prepare us for the world. We just didn't know how right they were_comma_ did we?
person A: I have a job interview next week. I'm really nervous. person B: That's normal. Try to just be your self. I'm sure it will work out fine. person A: I'm hoping for the best_comma_ but not getting my hopes up too high. I need a new job!! person B: Amen_comma_ me too. I hate my current job.
person A: This is going to sound really pathetic_comma_ but I'm so happy my new upholstery/carpet cleaner arrived today. Now I can clean! person B: It's not crazy! I'm all about cleaning up. I LOVE the smell of clean house person A: Me too. I live in a first floor apartment and it gets so dusty. Now I'll be able to clean the carpet and the couch! Funny how some strange things lift your spirits. person B: I find it very satisfactory to clean and vacuum :) I bet it will smell so good person A: Hope so. I'm moving out of this apartment and into another one in a few weeks_comma_ so I want it to be really clean.
person A: My daughter is doing such a great job juggling so many things after having a baby that was premature. person B: That's good. I know that would be difficult. person A: She really has become such a good mom. I must have done something right ha ha person B: That is great. I am sure you are proud and you should be!
person A: I'm moving into a new apartment soon. I do hope that the neighbors are nice and quiet. person B: That's always both an exciting time and a nerve-wracking time. I'm in college and I had to move the past two years in a row. This year_comma_ I decided I kinda had enough and would just stay put_comma_ even though the apartment was just so-so. Do you like it well enough even if the neighbors may give you trouble? person A: Not really_comma_ but my current upstairs neighbors are awful and I feel it'd be worth moving just to get away from them! person B: Oh yeah_comma_ I know the type. Where they sound like they're having a parade at 3AM. Sorry you had to go through that. Luckily (or unluckily_comma_ if you want to see it that way) I have a loud window AC unit in my apartment_comma_ so even if they did make noise_comma_ I couldn't hear them over it! person A: Lucky you! And you're bang on about the 3am parade - sounds like a herd of elephants. Maybe I should speak with the current tenant of my new place before moving - just to see how the neighbors are.
person A: Two years ago we decided to sell off almost everything we owned and move into our RV so we could travel full-time. I was really scared and worried about literally everything lol. person B: Oh wow that is a huge commitment! How did it go? person A: It has been amazing! We have enjoyed every minute of the last 2 years. My kids are seeing and experiencing things that they may have never been able to see or do. person B: That is really awesome! Im glad it all worked out for you! person A: Thank you! We have had so much fun an dI now realize that I had nothing to be so worried about lol.
person A: Sometimes I look at old pictures of times in my life and kind of wish I could go back for a while. Do you ever feel like that? person B: Yes I feel like that every time I look at old pictures! person A: It's good to know others feel the same. I mean_comma_ I love my life right now_comma_ but sometimes it would be nice to go to something simpler for a bit. person B: I agree and time jut goes by too fast!
person A: I was looking at old pictures the other day and kind of wishing I could go back to those times in my life. person B: Do you reach out to your friends from your childhood? person A: As much as I can_comma_ but some have gotten far enough away that I'm not sure how to track them down anymore. person B: Exhaust all options_comma_ social media is a big way to stay connected
person A: Sometimes I'm just surprised and amazed at the kindness of others. Recently_comma_ one of the maintenance men in our complex delivered a package to me_comma_ without my saying anything! person B: Wow! What was in the package? person A: It was a carpet/upholstery cleaner and is quite heavy. I'm disabled_comma_ so wouldn't have been able to carry it. They don't normally do deliveries_comma_ so I thought that was really nice of him to do that. person B: That was really nice! What a wonderful surprise! This act of kindness helps to restore my faith in humanity. person A: The service they provide is so considerate and thoughtful. I'd probably move out of the complex if it wasn't for the staff!
person A: My friend and I used to play nintendo all day long. it was fun! We used to play ninja turtles and other fun games. Gosh_comma_ i miss her so much person B: Nice do you still keep in touch with her person A: yes but she lives in a different country_comma_ different time zone so we barely have time to talk. I wish she lived closer person B: Well if you stay in touch then I'm sure she'll come back...but in the meantime try to take your mind off her or get involved in something fun so you have cool stories to tell her
person A: For me_comma_ one of life's greatest pleasures is to be sitting on my porch with a good book and a glass of wine. person B: What book do you enjoy reading? person A: Lots of things. I like historical novels and legal dramas best. What about you? Does reading give you a sense of relaxation? person B: No_comma_ actually I'm under a lot of stress right now and I'm in pretty dire straights financially. The only book i'm really reading at this time is the Bible. person A: There's no finer book to help you in distressful times than the Bible. I hope it gives you a sense of peace to read it. So sorry to hear you're stressed out.
person A: My cousin recently sent me a video from her phone of my home village. What I saw made me mad and sad! person B: Where is your home village? person A: In the North of Scotland. It used to be a quiet little place_comma_ and now there are hideous buildings in really prominent places! person B: That's a shame. I"m sorry to hear that. person A: Me to. I was even considering moving back there some day_comma_ but not after seeing the mess the planners have made of it. person B: Do you live in the United States now? person A: Yes. I've been here for about 20 years now and love it. But there's something about where I grew up which pulls (or rather pulled) me back. person B: Yes it sounds like it was a great place to grow up.
person A: i love taking care of my little dog i give him everything he need person B: I love dogs! What breed is he? person A: he is a french puddle and i love him very much person B: That's so sweet! We have blue healers_comma_ they just make the world better.
person A: One time as a surprise for my birthday_comma_ my college friends "kidnapped me" person B: Oh my goodness_comma_ that must have been terrifying until you figured out what was going on. person A: Nah - I knew that they were just having fun with me! I was blindfolded and put in the trunk of a big car (I am tiny). person B: Well at least you had a good time. Did they do something nice for you after? person A: Well they took me to a local fountain and dunked me in it! It was warm out so it was funny and I liked that they cared about me.
person A: i cant stand seeing homeless people in the street_comma_ i get really angry and sad at the same time person B: Do you ever offer to help thm? person A: yes i go to my local charity every weekend person B: GOod for you_comma_ I feel bad for never helping out.
person A: I won $500 on a scratch off the other day. person B: Awesome. What are you going to do with the money. person A: I'm really not sure. I was shocked to win that much. person B: Don't spend it all in one place :) person A: I'll try not to. I'll probably just save it :) person B: Putting it away for a rainy day is the best bet._comma_
person A: I was really lonely and depressed at one point_comma_ and I had a dinner date with a potato I put googly eyes on. person B: Haha_comma_ that's a nice way to enjoy a sad moment_comma_ how are you feeling recently? person A: Much better_comma_ thanks :) Yeah_comma_ I was really just doing anything to feel a connection. person B: I'm happy to hear you're doing better. If you feel that way again please reach out.
person A: I woke up and the first thing I saw that my cat had decided to play with my shoes and ruin them! person B: Oh my_comma_ you must have been annoyed with your cat. I guess he just wanted your attention. person A: I was SO mad! I felt so bad being mad at him person B: Aw he's just a kitty after all. I'm sure he didn't mean to make you mad.
person A: I was confident that I was going to win that prize person B: What prize was it_comma_ or what was the competition_comma_ rather? I'm interested to know_comma_ but don't want to pry_comma_ if you don't feel like saying. person A: It was a $25 Visa gift card. The competition was a talent show. I didn't win unfortunately but It's ok person B: Ah_comma_ gotcha. It's good to see that you tried and that you care that much. Most people are too lazy or scared to compete in things_comma_ myself included. I hope you continue to do the things that make you competitive and interested.
person A: We decided to try and buy a new kind of sausage from the store. It's SUPER cheap person B: Was it any good? person A: It was! I was super nervous about it though cause of how cheap it was person B: Sometimes the cheap things are the best
person A: it is really hard going to the hospital to visit my grandmother person B: I bet it is! When my grandma was alive it was so heartbreaking to see her in pain. She broke her hip right before her death and she just couldn't recover person A: yeah it is the worst having someone in the hospital person B: i hope she will recover soon. Stay strong and think positive
person A: I'm going to my home country next tuesday and i'm so excited i can't sleep!! It's been 4 years since i've seen my parents person B: where is that ? person A: Kazakhstan. I miss it and i miss my parents and friends so much person B: isnt that where bruno is from ? person A: not bruno but borat lol such a stupid movie. I honestly can't stand that actor and his toilet humor
person A: I am super proud of my parents for graduating college person B: That's great that they accomplished that and even better that you recognize their achievements. person A: Yeah_comma_ they are truly an inspiration that anyone can go to college no matter the age person B: OK I didn't realize that they may have gone after you were born as opposed to before.
person A: I am prepared to go camping tonight in the woods person B: I am prepared to go camping tonight in the woods person A: aren't you afraid of the wild animals that will be roaming the area?
person A: I came home one day and found that my dog had unzipped my bookbag_comma_ gotten a sandwich I had forgotten I brought home from lunch_comma_ and opened the bag it was in without damaging it to eat it. person B: That sounds peculiar. I've never known a dog with such finesse_comma_ yours may have talent. person A: He's an evil genius. He tried to get toys out of a christmas stocking one time by climbing on the coffee table. person B: That's really cool_comma_ it makes me want to consider getting a dog.
person A: I am impressed in my sisters camping skills. They are very good person B: what did she do ? person A: We went camping and she prepared everything rather quickly including the tents person B: wow that was nice of her
person A: I am confident that I will win the gaming tournament in Chicago person B: What kind of gaming is it? person A: Shooting game person B: That's sounds interesting!
person A: When I go up with my skydiving students I feel proud when they do well person B: I'd imagine so. How long have you been a sky diving instructor for? person A: I have been instructing for 12 years but skydiving for 25 person B: Aweseme. I want to go skydiving sometime. person A: You shoudl definitely try it!
person A: Well_comma_ recently at physical therapy I walked the length of the treatment room with the help of a cane. I'm feeling quite good about that! person B: wow thats a good job person A: Considering I've been using a walker for the past two years_comma_ yes it is. Thanks! person B: keep it up! person A: Every day I practice - I'll be back on the golf course in no time_comma_ lol.
person A: I am so upset that a public road in front of my house closed because of a limestone mine. person B: That sounds frustrating. How did it affect you? person A: It is hard because cars come up the road all the time and turn around in my drive. person B: Ooh_comma_ that would be aggravating. I guess there isn't much you can do. person A: I just have to wait for the city to fix the collapsed road and reopen the road again.
person A: I am hopeful that I will win my ebay bid person B: Best of luck! What are you bidding for person A: I am bidding on a rare comic book person B: Archie? marvel? dc?
person A: I was walking home one time and a really big dog came charging out from a house at me barking really loudly. person B: Sometimes dogs just bark a lot. Did anything happen? person A: Thankfully not really_comma_ it stopped near me and barked a lot until someone got it_comma_ but it was really frightening until it was retrieved. person B: Thank goodness. I'd be scared_comma_ too. You can't really know whether a dog is harmless or not sometimes.
person A: it is incredible to see how technology has advanced these past days person B: It has_comma_ what did you see that impressed you? person A: well the phones are basically a 1990's computer person B: They're more powerful than that. More like an early 2000's computer.
person A: I ate an entire cake last night person B: What did i tell you about doing that. It was a chocolate cake right? person A: It was! I just couldn't stop! It was so good that I just had to keep eating person B: Ok_comma_ at least it was the right kind of cake you liked. But still not a good thing.
person A: I am prepared to help my family financially whenever they need it person B: That is really great. You don't find too many people willing to help others financially. Do you have a really good job? person A: Ehh_comma_ its not the best but it's not bad either\ person B: It's good just to have enough these days.
person A: I was afraid when I saw that horror film in the theater person B: Which film was it? person A: It was the First Purge person B: I haven't heard of it_comma_ sounds interesting though.
person A: Wandering around my little area of the world I am quite pleased with the variety of stores and restaurants here. I didn't expect it. person B: That's good. I live in a small town but we have a big shopping center across the street and there are all the stores i love person A: Nice! You just don't expect it in a rural area. Well_comma_ I didn't anyway. We have large grocery stores and a little (but very good) organic grocery store. Quite incredible. person B: wow even organic store? that's pretty cool person A: I find it hard to believe_comma_ myself! This is the rural south_comma_ yet there are fine dining restaurants_comma_ the aforementioned store_comma_ really good independent stores selling all sorts of stuff.
person A: i hate when i do dishes and touch food that was on the plate1! so gross. makes me wanna throw up person B: Really? It doesn't bother me at all. I wonder why you feel that way? person A: because the food is all soggy and mushy. i don't know_comma_ such a yucky feeling person B: Well_comma_ most people have intense likes and dislikes. Personally_comma_ I can't stand cigar smoke_comma_ but some people love it! I guess in your case_comma_ you need to scrape the food off the plate first.
person A: i really hate when my kids leave their dirty clothes on the floor person B: I can imagine they are a right pain to pick up after! person A: yeah they even have a bin specially for that person B: What an annoyance!