person A: I am so grateful for my wife person B: Yeah_comma_ she seems like a great woman_comma_ you're lucky to have her. person A: She really is! I couldn't be where I am without her person B: You should take her on a vacation_comma_ or something. She deserves it.
person A: I can handle_comma_ bees_comma_ scorpions_comma_ wasps_comma_ crickets_comma_ and spiders. But for some reason I lose my mind around roaches. person B: At least you can handle those. I can't do any of those person A: I take some conselation in that_comma_ however my kids laugh when they hear thier dad scream like a girl at a flying roach. person B: Well_comma_ they would probably be the same if they were in your shoes
person A: I feel guilty because I couldn't go to my friends party person B: Understandable. What was the reason? person A: I was working and I couldn't leave early person B: Did you explain it to them. That's a pretty good reason to miss it.
person A: As a momma's boy I always missed my mom anytime she was gone for an extended period of time. person B: Sure_comma_ that makes sense. person A: Fortunately_comma_ she rarely was gone for long periods of time_comma_ but I always dreaded this once a year work training she had to do. person B: How's your relationship now ? person A: Oh it's great.
person A: I am so excited about going to the movies person B: Oh cool! What movie are you going to see? person A: I'm going to see the purge. I have been waiting to see it for a while person B: Oh awesome! It's a new one?
person A: I saw a homeless lady and i felt so bad for her because it was so hot outside so went to five guys and bought her some food and cold drinks person B: that's extremely sweet of you! you're a nice person. my wife and i made some blessing bags and we give them everytime we see homeless people person A: blessing bags?? what are those? person B: basically it's a bag with necessities. we put some water_comma_ some non perishable foods_comma_ snacks_comma_ some wipes and a little bit of money person A: wow that's a great idea! I will do the same! thanks for sharing
person A: The other day I framed the puzzle we used as a guest book at our wedding. person B: What a great idea_comma_ where did that come from? person A: Etsy somewhere. My wife bought it_comma_ so I don't really know which one_comma_ but you can find a bunch on there. person B: Well I need to keep that in mind_comma_ great suggestion
person A: Well_comma_ what a trip that was. I just drove from Northern California to Florida. I just knew there would be no problems_comma_ and I was right. person B: Oh wow_comma_ what a long trip. How long did it take? person A: Six days in all_comma_ but I wasn't rushing it. I wanted to see a bit of the country. It was amazing actually. person B: That is a long time to be in the car for sure. person A: It's not so bad really. You get used to it. If you remember to stop and stretch now and again you're ok. And there are some decent rest areas_comma_ some with free coffee! person B: Oh well that's a plu! person A: Oh yes. Anything to keep the eyes open and on the road! person B: So where did you stop along the way?
person A: I have big renovation plans for my house. I've made a money plan and have kept to it so far. person B: Well at least you have a plan. Are you planning to start the renovation soon? person A: Yes_comma_ hopefully it will all go as planned. So far so good. person B: Awesome. I'm sure it's going to turn out great.
person A: I was so anxious for my kid to graduate person B: I can understand that. Did it end up going ok? person A: It did. I'm very proud of him person B: That's good. I'm glad everything worked out.
person A: I didn't really try to use weight but i started going to the pool and i actually lost a couple of lbs person B: that's good to hear! Good for you! Maybe i should go to the pool too lol person A: it's really fun and it's also a great exercise! Plus water is so relaxing person B: true! Do you just swim or you do some water aerobics?
person A: I hope when I get older_comma_ Im not lonely as I am now person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Have you ever been married? person A: I was engaged but my woman left me person B: I'm so sorry. It wasn't meant to be.
person A: I recently heard In The Air Tonight by Phil Collins. person B: That's such a good tune. person A: Yeah_comma_ for some reason it takes me back to being a kid in the 80's. No specific memory just a general feeling. person B: Yeah_comma_ it's definitely a classic. It reminds me of my childhood as well.
person A: I got upset at my oldest son's lack of motivation. I feel bad that I got angry with him though. person B: Maybe you just have to find a way to get him motivated_comma_ without showing anger. person A: True. I just haven't found a way to yet. Need to be more creative. person B: Yeah_comma_ just stay positive about it_comma_ I'm sure you'll figure something out.
person A: K and I went to see a house a while ago. I don't know what happened there_comma_ but when I went upstairs I became more and more nervous and eventually ran back downstairs and out the door. Scary or what. person B: Was it just a bad feeling you had? person A: It was as if something was telling me to get out. K had the same feeling in the basement. I've never had that happen before. person B: Maybe someone died there person A: Could be. It used to be a home for disabled people. We were both terrified_comma_ but we didn't say anything until we were back in our car.
person A: I love streaming services but sometimes they really frustrate me. person B: Oh yeah_comma_ the buffering? Very annoying. person A: Every once in awhile I get the idea to search for a movie_comma_ and almost every time it's either not listed or requires an extra charge. person B: I hear that. Sometimes the classics are impossible to find.
person A: My eldest niece_comma_ who helps take care of her younger disabled sister_comma_ graduated high school with great grades recently. She works hard both at her studies and taking care of her sister - she deserves it. person B: Did you get her something special? person A: Yes_comma_ I got her tickets for a show in London that she's been wanting to see. She lives in Scotland_comma_ so the journey isn't bad at all. She's taking a friend with her. person B: Oh awesome_comma_ That is great! person A: I do hope she has a wonderful time. It's not easy living in a family with a disabled sibling and she just takes it all in her stride.
person A: I want to ask this girl I'm friends with out but I'm nervous to to so. person B: You wont know an answer if you dont ask person A: Problem is if she says no then it would make things weird between us. I am afraid that either way I may not be able to see her again. person B: Just play it safe
person A: I really wanted to try bison meet and I went all the way to that whole foods store like 57 miles away and they didn't have it_comma_ what a waste of time person B: That sucks_comma_ after going all that way too and you didn't even get to try it. I'm sorry. person A: thank you! I hope i can find it somewhere locally. i've heard bison meat is very lean and good person B: I hope you do get to try it soon. Be sure to let me know how it is!
person A: My rottweiler passes a lot of gas in the evenings. person B: That's funny. person A: Not so much. It is such a thick scent and it follows you everywhere you go in the house. I usually put him out when he starts it up. person B: Wonder if it has to do with his diet?
person A: It's been a long week! My husband has been out of town and its been just me and a cranky toddler. person B: Will he be back soon? person A: I sure hope so! He's in the military so I never know when he'll get called on a mission :( person B: Okay_comma_ I see. That must be hard.
person A: I once walkd around the grocery store without knowing my fly was down. person B: I think we've all done a version of that. person A: I found an empty aile a went to zip up. Just then a mom with kids comes around the corner. person B: ha_comma_ that's too funny.
person A: It's been a hard day today_comma_ its so quiet in my house. I hate when my husband is out of town. person B: That sounds tough :-( does he get back soon? person A: In a few months_comma_ he is in the military so he is gone a lot :( But I know he is doing it for our family and our country! person B: You must be so proud of him!
person A: My young niece_comma_ who is disabled_comma_ was recently rushed to hospital. She's ok now but we were very worried for a while there. person B: What was going on with her? person A: Chest infection which_comma_ for her_comma_ can prove fatal. She had to go on a special oxygen machine till the antibiotics kicked in. person B: That sounds pretty serious_comma_ glad she is okay now! person A: It was touch and go for a few days. My brother and family are such great carers. Wish I could be too_comma_ but they live in Scotland.
person A: I have this cat that loves to cause issues person B: What sort of issues? person A: Like last night. She decided that she wanted to jump on the table person B: Cats are always getting into things and causing destruction.
person A: I have tried to complete a work assigment three times now without sucuess. person B: Oh no_comma_ could you ask your supervisor for guidance? person A: Doubtful. I will try again and then try a coworker if not sucuessfull. person B: Sounds like you have a good plan. I wish you the best
person A: I couldn't go to movies to watch The greatest showman when it came out so my husband bought this movie when it came out. he is sweet person B: That was very sweet. What movie did you want to watch? person A: it's called The Greatest Showman. it's a musical! So good!! I watched it so many times already person B: Oh ok! The gift was a good idea so that you ca watch it as much as you want'
person A: A few weeks ago a coworker called in sick. I had to work twice as long as I normally would. person B: So you covered him. It was very noble from your side to act in this way person A: It was_comma_ but it didn't help my feelings towards that coworker. person B: Well_comma_ at least you did something good for that co-worker and most probably he feels indebted toward you person A: That is true_comma_ I just hope he was really sick. I hate it when I have to cover for people who are hungover.
person A: My wife has been out of the country for school for 2 months. I misread the calendar and thought she was getting back a week earlier than she is. person B: So you have to wait a week longer to see her again? That stinks. person A: Yeah. It could be worse_comma_ but it definitely put a cloud over things for half an hour or so. person B: Yeah_comma_ I can imagine. At least it's only one week!
person A: It's been awhile since I lost my last job. After two years of working my family and I are finally moving into a home of our own. person B: Great to hear that.I hope you enjoy your new life. person A: After such a long time we certainly will. I can't wait to start making the house into our home. person B: I am sure you will create a beautiful house.
person A: Our pet cat will need to be put down soon. person B: Oh I am so sorry to hear that. Have you had it since it was a kitten? person A: Yes we've had her since the begining. She is older now and has suffered with feline AIDS for awhile. person B: That is so sad. I had a dog die unexpectedly and it tore me up.
person A: It really makes me angry to see that many homeless people on the street person B: Yeah I understand. Are there any charities nearby that you could volunteer for? person A: I personally dont have time to volunteer but every friday i always make a small donation to my local charity person B: Well that's good of you. Do you think homelessness is due to mental incapacities?
person A: My husband shocked me the other day person B: Why did he do that? person A: He threw me a surprise party and jumped out at me scaring me half to death! person B: Oh my_comma_ did you have a good time?
person A: I don't get why anyone would cheat on their other half. person B: I don't understand that either. It really makes you sick to think about. Have you experienced this? person A: No thankfully I havent. I would never do it. Have you? person B: No I have not. I would never participate in that either. My wife and I are extremely happy together.
person A: I was planning to view the stars last night_comma_ but it was storming. It was supposed to be the brightest that Jupiter will be in a while. person B: It always seems to work out like that doesn't it? person A: It does! I am hoping that tonight will be clear. person B: I may have to check that out as well.
person A: A new baby means a lot changes. One of those is the amount of time my wife and I have together. person B: Yes_comma_ but they also bring about a lot of good changes as well. person A: Agreed. I know it's a necessary thing but I'm a little jealous of the time my wife spends with the baby. person B: Yes_comma_ the first years of a baby's life_comma_ the mother pretty much spends entirely with them. The husband is kind of left out in the cold.
person A: My mom is so great! She is always there for me and her grandchildren. I can't think of anyone that loves us as much as she does! person B: That is wonderful! Moms are truly a gift! I miss my Mom at times. We are workcamping in the mountains of NM and my Mom lives in TX. person A: I'm sure that's hard at times. I've always lived close to my mom so I can't really imagine being too far away. person B: We have always moved frequently with my husbands job but my parents usually end up following us lol. Now that we are fulltime RVers_comma_ they dont follow. I miss that sometimes. I am glad you have your Mom close! Cherish those times!!
person A: I am dreading the two hour trip to the grocery store this week. person B: Wow_comma_ yes_comma_ I always feel the same way! I would love to pass of grocery shopping to someone else. person A: Me too!! Being so far out_comma_ it takes forever to get anywhere. I miss civilization lol. person B: I bet. I live about 20 minutes from a real town_comma_ which is far enough for me. person A: We are workcamping in the mountains of NM. It takes about an hour and a half to two hours to get anywhere lol. We havent seen new faces around here in months lol.
person A: im really exited to go to disneyland on vacation next summer person B: Omg that sounds like so much fun!!!!! Orlando? person A: yes im staying at the hotel for the first time i am really happy person B: You are going to love it
person A: I finished a class and most of my classmates got an A! It took a lot of work. person B: That's great. Takes a lot of dedication to be that prepared. person A: It sure does! I am so proud of the hard work that everyone put in! person B: You should be_comma_ not everyone can really be that dedicated about something.
person A: I have the best kids in the world. person B: What did they do this time? person A: Lots of little stuff. They love to draw me pictures_comma_ crack jokes_comma_ and give lots of kisses. person B: Well that is very nice of them to do!
person A: My husband has been putting in so many extra hours at work person B: I am sure hes doing it to take care of you guys and I am sure you are pampering him too for doing it. person A: Oh I am pampering the heck out of him! It got him a promotion! person B: Pamper him all the way up until you get some lavish vacation! loooool Im joking_comma_ partially! Happy for you guys tho!
person A: I just got laid off from my job. I need the paycheck so this is not a good situation. person B: What will you try and do? person A: I am going to apply for new positions. Hopefully I will get something soon. person B: What is your field of work? person A: I work in I.T.! Thanks for asking!
person A: I just applied for a new job! It is a job that I have always wanted. person B: that is really cool i hope you get the job person A: Thank you! Have you ever applied to your dream job? person B: not yet but i think once i have the skill for it i will defenetly will.
person A: i ahte when my Girlfriend goes to the club alone person B: That would bother me as well. Have you discussed this with her? person A: Yeah it makes me really jelous when guys talk to her person B: I can understand that. I actually broke up with a previous girlfriend over the same type of thing.
person A: When I worked as a hotel rep. in Spain a few years ago I was greeting guests one morning. Suddenly I saw someone I knew - it was my cousin who decided to come and visit me. It was so unexpected! person B: Oh that must have been so exciting and surprising! person A: It really was. I had no idea he was coming to visit. I couldn't believe my eyes! person B: Did you all do some fun things while he was there? person A: We certainly did. Where I was working was a seaside resort and there are loads of clubs_comma_ restaurants etc. so we'd go to the beach and then party at night. Brilliant fun!
person A: My Keurig just died. This is the third coffee pot in less than a year! person B: Well_comma_ that's a real tragedy. person A: I agree! I am so disgusted right now!!! We drink a lot of coffee lol. Its a 2 hour drive to the closest town to get another one too. person B: Can you buy two next time and have one in reserve? person A: We travel fill-time in our RV so I don't really have room to carry a back up. I hope our next location is more accessible to civilization.
person A: I just had to move across country to a new job. person B: Wow_comma_ that must've been hard to uproot your whole life. Are you happy about the move? person A: I am actually! I was so ready for it. I basically studied moving so that everything would be easy person B: That's awesome! I've been wanting to do the same actually. I hope you have a fabulous time in your new place and new job!
person A: One day my daughter got off the bus and was crying. An older boy intentionally tripped her as she got off the bus and she got hurt. This made me very upset and mad! person B: What was the boy kid's problem? person A: He just thought it would be funny! He was also several years older than her and a teenager. Too old to know better! person B: Maybe he has the crush on her?
person A: We recently found out that our 15 year old son has a rare_comma_ degenerative neurological disease. person B: Im so sorry to hear that. Is there treatment or a cure? person A: No_comma_ the doctors tell us there is no cure. They are trying to treat the symptoms but thus far its been unsuccessful. person B: That sounds awful. How is he feeling? person A: Thank you_comma_ its been scary. He has good days and bad.
person A: The door bell rang last month. I wasn't expecting anyone_comma_ but it was my daughter and her family from way up north. person B: Sounds like a nice surprise! my god how beautiful. person A: I couldn't believe it. It had been almost a year since I saw them and she never even gave me a hint they were coming. person B: Thats seriously one of the best presents ever. Im happy for you!
person A: I've studied hard all night in order to make myself ready for tomorrow's test person B: Your hard work should pay off! Any strategies? person A: Repititions and exposure are my strategies. Sumer semesters really ramp things up. person B: Summer semesters are difficult. I did them too. Best of luck to you!
person A: Going through an unused drawer I found old drawing from when my kids were little person B: Brought back a lot of memories I guess ? person A: While the actual incidents of each drawing are lost in time it did make me think back to when they were younger. person B: Always nice to have memories of the good old days.
person A: I just had my husband remind me of when I fainted when he proposed! person B: Wow_comma_ what an awesome proposal that must've been. And maybe a little embarrassing_comma_ lol. person A: I was so happy when I saw him get down on one knee that I just blacked out lmao person B: Haha_comma_ sounds very sweet though.
person A: The news announced a tornado warning. I ignored it at first_comma_ but then the city tornado siren went off. person B: Oh no_comma_ what are you going to do? person A: I almost panicked as the winds started to gust_comma_ but thankfully it missed us. A few miles up the road weren't so lucky though. Always listen to those warnings person B: I never listen to those warnings either_comma_ but now I'll have second thoughts.
person A: I got a new puppy for my birthday! She is a cutie! person B: Congratulations! What did you name her? person A: I named her Dixie! She is a little basset hound. person B: Congratulations! What did you name her? person A: I named her Dixie! She is a little basset hound. person B: How sweet! Does she know any good tricks?
person A: My neighbor ran into my car! They didn't even leave a note! person B: What? That's awful! How did you find out it was them? Did someone see it? person A: I could tell by the color of the paint left on my car_comma_ and their car now has a scrape with the color of my car. I don't know what to do. person B: Oh boy. I would confront them kindly and tell them you'd like to reach a solution without there being a fight or problem. Those situations are never fun. Sorry.
person A: A thunderstorm raged all of last night! It kept me awake all night! person B: Thunder always keeps me up_comma_ it gets so loud sometimes! And the wind! person A: It is quite frightening! I wish that I could overcome my fear. person B: Yes_comma_ I could understand how it could be very fearful. It's quite scary to be woken up that way as well.
person A: I just applied for graduate school! I feel good about my chances! person B: I'm so proud of you! I'll pray for your success! person A: Thank you! I am very excited! It is quite unsettling though. person B: It's got to be so exciting though!
person A: I remember just taking a deep breath the other day in the garden and just feeling happy person B: That sounds lovely. Do you have many flowers? person A: I have a garden so fully packed that I can't see my neighbors at all! person B: That is quite impressive! You must be very proud of your work!
person A: My neighbor really helped me out recently after a big windstorm. person B: That was very kind of them. Did they charge you for their labor? person A: No_comma_ they generously helped me clean up my yard and cut up a tree with their chainsaw_comma_ and they asked for nothing in return. person B: That sounds like a good neighbor. I hope that your home was not damaged.
person A: My son just graduated from high school! He has worked so hard_comma_ and he even earned a scholarship. person B: Congratulations to you both! What's he going to study in college? person A: Thank you! He is going to study Computer Science! person B: That's a great degree for the future and getting a job. Good luck to him.
person A: I am taking a trip to Disney World next month! My wife is going for the first time! person B: That's so awesome_comma_ I'm really jealous! I've never been either_comma_ and I'm actually saving up for a trip! person A: I have been a couple of times before_comma_ and it is such a magical place! Where are you planning on taking a trip to? person B: Disney World too_comma_ I've always wanted to go! I hope you guys have a wonderful time!
person A: I slipped and fell in the restroom last week. The floors desperately needed cleaned. person B: I'm sorry I hope you didn't get injured person A: The only thing to get injured was my pride. It was quite the gross experience. person B: lol I can imagine
person A: The other day Comcast customer service kept me waiting for 20 minutes just to speak with someone. What a disgrace! person B: they are such a bad company person A: They're awful. If they'd just employ enough cs people to handle the volume you could just about bear it! person B: oh yea exactly person A: Mind you_comma_ their product is useless too. Ok_comma_ rant over!
person A: Queue jumping is something which irks me no end. I was at the deli counter of my local store recently and some guy came up and started ordering. The employee served him_comma_ too. person B: It's quite disheartening to know people jump queues person A: Yes. And I'm disabled and it's hard to stand for a long time while some idiot gets his lunch. I hope it was horrible! person B: I believe he will pay somehow. They call it karma :) person A: Perhaps salmonella poisoning? One can only hope_comma_ lol!
person A: I am very glad we headed the warnings and evacuated prior to Hurricane Harvey. person B: That must have been scary. It's always better to be safe in a situation like that. person A: Yes it was a scary time. We stocked up on food and bottled water and moved our RV about an hour and a half inland. Luckily the storn went to the north of us. person B: It's great that you had an RV to stock and pack more things. Glad to hear the storm missed you! person A: Our Rv is our home_comma_ we are full-time Rvers! Thank you so much! Have you ever been through an evactuation? Did you feel prepared?
person A: This past Mother's Day my husband gave me some wonderful unexpected gifts! He even got me a gorgeous diamond ring. person B: Wow you are lucky to have someone so thoughtful. I bet you were feeling great. person A: I was! It was so thoughtful and sweet_comma_ and I was very touched by it. person B: That is awesome. I am sure you will return the favor one day.
person A: My parents are going to a tea room for their anniversary. person B: Did you plan the anniversary? person A: No that is where they decided to go but the thing is I called the place and they can't accommodate my special diet I am on. I am so sad b/c that means I can't go with the. person B: Well_comma_ hopefully they still have a good time.
person A: I am very excited for the arrival of our 7th grandbaby! person B: oh that's great. You must be the luckiest granddad in the whole world person A: Thank you_comma_ I try to be the best Nana I can be. We are hoping she comes while we are visiting for Christmas! person B: All the best buddy enjoy the celebrations :) person A: Thank you so much! I surely will.
person A: My dad has early onset dementia person B: Im sorry to hear that_comma_ its very hard to cope with person A: Yes_comma_ I try my hardest to be caring and patient with him b/c I know he doesn't mean to be harsh or hard to deal with at times. person B: It is_comma_ i feel for you! i had a relative that progressively got worse and its extremely difficult
person A: At work today_comma_ all my coworkers sang me happy birthday. It was so nice of them! person B: That's awesome! I love when people remember my birthday. person A: It was so thoughtful of them. I didn't even mention it was my birthday. person B: How fun! I wonder how they knew. person A: I don't know. But they sure wen't above and beyond!
person A: I took a huge test today and man it made me so nervous. I really hope I did well on it. person B: Did you study hard? person A: I did_comma_ I studied every day for week! I almost wore myself out studying. person B: Then I am sure you will do well. person A: I really hope so_comma_ I am so nervous while I wait for my results.
person A: I am so proud of my son person B: What did he do? person A: He got the highest score on a test person B: That is impressive! I hope he is proud too!
person A: My husband usually gets a big bonus around this time of the year. We are eagerly waiting_comma_ hoping_comma_ and waiting for it! person B: oh that is awesome! its so nice to get money in a lumpsum person A: It is! It's not a guarantee though_comma_ so it's just a waiting game_comma_ and not easy. person B: that makes it very difficult_comma_ and hard not to get your hopes up
person A: I am so angry that my brother didnt come to my party person B: Oh wow! I would be very angry as well! Unless it was some kind of emergency or extenuating circumstance person A: I am not sure. I just don't know why he didn't show person B: He didn't even call to let you know whats going on?
person A: I am confident that I will have a great day tomorrow person B: That is a great mindset to have_comma_ and should lead to a great day! person A: That is so true. Getting to know you also makes it seem like a great day already leading to tomorrow. person B: That is a very kind thing to say! i appreciate that
person A: I have trusting issues because my fiance left me person B: That is sad to hear. Don't worry_comma_ you will find someone that is for you. person A: I know but it's so hard because no one wants to be with me person B: It seems like that but it is not true. You have to be patient and you will find your love one day.
person A: Flying typically doesn't bother me too much_comma_ because I love travel. However I was a bit concerned on a flight once right after a travel advisory had been issued. person B: I would have been terrified_comma_ like need a nice strong drink type of terrified! How did it end up going? person A: Well i did have a few of those. It went fine. I was still nervous even after we landed in a foreign country. I just watched my surroundings. Everything went great. person B: Im glad it all went well! It seems that sometimes when you are extremely nervous it can make time pass quickly too.
person A: I am so lonely right now because no one wants to be with me person B: I'm sad to hear that. Have you tried using social media to make new friends? person A: Yeah_comma_ but no luck person B: Try going to the park then. You could run into someone that is into you.
person A: when i was younger I was really getting into graphic design and really wanted a new Apple computer. I knew my parents couldnt afford it_comma_ but they somehow made it happen and surprised me on Christmas.. person B: That is awesome! Parents are the best person A: yea my parents are pretty great. Pretty maddening at times_comma_ but I wouldn't trade them. person B: lol i know the feeling! and being a parent i now understnd person A: I hope to be there one day and see it from that side.
person A: i felt really good when i won a poker tournament last week person B: awesome! was it hold em? person A: yes it was_comma_ it took a long time to do but at the end it was worth it person B: most def_comma_ i love playing hold em
person A: Spiders is one of my gratest fear they make me so scared person B: I also do not like spiders. I don't even like watching Spiderman due to not liking spiders. person A: i have tried to overcome my fear but i just cant they make my skin temble person B: Maybe you can go see a doctor and he can help you with your fear.
person A: i am impressed that video games grow so much every year person B: The only video game I have ever played is Super Mario. person A: that is a great game the growth on video games has been amazing this past few years person B: It is a classic_comma_ even my kids enjoy playing it.
person A: We went out to dinner for our first anniversary and they got our order all wrong. person B: thats always terrible_comma_ but congrats on the anniversary! person A: Thank you. The restaurant came highly rated by a lot of people so I guess my expectations were high. I tried not to let it bother me. person B: that makes the situation worse when your expectations are through the roof
person A: My wife flew home to see family. It is very quite at home now. person B: I definitely relate to that feeling_comma_ why can't they take us with them!? person A: I know_comma_ that would of been nice! Instead I was all alone for the last few weeks. person B: Well_comma_ I hope she gets home soon_comma_ to make the home_comma_ a home again! :) person A: Me too_comma_ a home doesn't feel like a home without a woman.
person A: i am really impressed everytime i see my nephew on how fast he is growing person B: It is pretty crazy how fast grow up when you get older_comma_ it seems like a couple of weeks and they are in high school person A: yeah but i dont see him very often maybe that is why i always get shocked when i see him person B: That's definitely a factor_comma_ sometimes I forget about some of my nephews even exist.
person A: When I got the phone call that my mom had cancer I was so upset. person B: I am so sorry to hear that. No one should have to go through something like that. person A: It's hard watching one of your parents get sick. We were at the movie theater when I found out and I had to leave. person B: I'm sure I would have done the same thing! But stay strong_comma_ many people have beaten cancer! Keep a positive attitude and stay by her side!
person A: one of the best days of my life was when i graduated from high school person B: that was an awesome day for me too_comma_ hard to believe it was nearly 10 years ago person A: i know right time goes really fast and you dont even noticed_comma_ for me it was 13 years ago person B: agreed! its a shame growing up how fast you wanted to be an adult
person A: The other night I was driving home in the rain and slid into the guard rail. It is going to cost so much to get my car fixed! person B: Oh man_comma_ now that sucks! You gotta be careful on those wet roads. At least you're okay. person A: I know_comma_ I will have to be more careful next time. I shouldn't eat ice-cream while driving_comma_ person B: Is your car still drivable? person A: It will still move_comma_ but I can't steer very well with the front tires missing.
person A: There is a tornado coming. But I have the pantry full and am ready this time. person B: Good thinking. You can never be too prepared_comma_ only under prepared. person A: You never know how long the power might be out for! person B: Yep! or if you're house will be hit. Many possibilities with tornadoes! person A: It could take a while for any sort of rescue to come!
person A: I had a pretty large loan_comma_ with a bit of a high interest rate_comma_ and a high monthly payment. My mother decided to pay it off for me_comma_ out of the blue! person B: oh my goodness. what a blessing person A: Yes_comma_ I couldn't believe it. She's so sweet and giving_comma_ but I sure didn't expect her to do that! person B: it much be a huge weight off of your shoulder
person A: My husband is the most faithful man I know person B: that is great to hear! a faithful spouse is a blessing person A: I have so many health problems and he is always there for many no matter what being loving and caring person B: i am sorry to hear about that! i hope everything gets better for you!
person A: I left the front door unlocked and the mailman robbed me. I couldn't believe I would do that. person B: oh no_comma_ I hope you did any sustain any injury person A: Only my pride! I wasn't at home when he robbed me. He took a lot of valuables. person B: Yea_comma_ he will definitely get caught person A: I hope so! A federal worker like that should have more integrity!
person A: I have always been afraid of snakes i dont know what to do to control my fear for them person B: that makes two of us! i am terrified of all snakes person A: yes_comma_ i one time i was taking a hike and 3 meters to my left was a rattle snake i jumped like a rabbit and ran back to my friends person B: eww thats disgusting_comma_ and makes it worse it was a poisonous snake
person A: I was annoyed when my wife left me person B: Ah that's terrible. I would be annoyed as well I think. person A: Yeah its been a rough 2 weeks for me person B: I'm sorry to here that_comma_ but life goes on and tomorrow is another day. We just have to make the best with what we are given. You'll get through this.
person A: I was afraid when I went into the movies alone person B: really why is that? person A: Because I have always been with someone_comma_ so going in alone just frightened me person B: I think with time you will get used to it.
person A: I've been married almost 23 years. My husband travel so much_comma_ but we both have trust in each other to be true and loyal. person B: That is great_comma_ Why does he travel so much? person A: for his job. So_comma_ it can be hard_comma_ but we trust each other. person B: What does he do for his job?
person A: I am hopeful that my friend will be able to make it to my party person B: Thats good_comma_ is it very important that this friend be there? person A: It is to me because he is my best friend person B: That makes sense! Im sure he will be there for you!
person A: I have been exercising and taking care of myself more lately. person B: There you go! I need to work on that area of my life as well. person A: I think many do_comma_ but man does it feel good. person B: I bet you have more energy and more confidence for sure!