person A: I got tickets to go to the Amusment park this weekend. person B: Nice. Which one? person A: Well they have one near my job. My son a Jack really wants to go so I am taking him. person B: That should be fun. person A: Yeah he has been talking about it all week long!
person A: Went to the beach the other day and remember how much my friend liked going together. person B: oh_comma_ did you enjoy it? I love going to the beach person A: Yea. I enjoyed it alot. That's why it made me think of my buddy. person B: you miss your buddy_comma_ huh
person A: Don't you hate when you order food and it is terrible. person B: I do. Makes me angry. person A: We ordered Krystals on a road trip and couldn't even take it back because it would have cost too much time on the road. I was so upset. person B: I do not like Krystals. person A: I don't anymore.
person A: I tried to catch a criminal but he got away. person B: Did he have a weapon? person A: Yes but only a small knife. person B: What were you gonna do if you caught him?
person A: I forget the lines in the school play. I was so embarrassed. person B: Oh no! Were there a lot of lines you had to remember? person A: Yes. I was the main character. person B: Oh wow_comma_ thats impressive but I don't blame you for forgetting lines then since there were probably tons.
person A: I got stock from family a long time ago. I just let it sit there. It's risen 10 times since. person B: Wow! Have you looked to see how much it is worth? You could have some money. person A: It's enough to pay 1 year's worth of mortgage. Wondering if I should sell it or hold now. person B: You might want to talk to a financial adviser about it.
person A: So last night at work I lost my keys_comma_ I search the office for like 30 minutes. person B: Did you find it? person A: I did but the entire office was watching me the whole time. I hated looking stupid like that. person B: I'm sure everyone has lost something. They're just probably glad it wasn't them. person A: Yeah i guess it was still very annoying. I think some people laughed at me.
person A: I just applied for a promotion_comma_ and I should earn at least 10k more. person B: That's awesome. Do you think you will get it? person A: I hope so! It will help finances a lot. person B: Yes_comma_ definitely. Do you plan on buying anything new?
person A: Last time I was at my parent's house I went through some old photo albums and started reminiscing. person B: What did you think about? person A: I just thought about how easy and carefree life was when I was a child. I was never alone and always had something to do. person B: glad to hear you had such a carefree childhood. do you have siblings? person A: I have younger brothers that are 7 years younger than I am so I was an only child for awhile.
person A: My cousin just got out of a 7 year relationship. Turns out she was cheating for the last 3 years. person B: That's terrible. Wh don't people just leave insteading of hurting their partner. I don't get it. person A: I don't get it either. I hope he can move on. person B: ME too. She wasn't the right one obviously. Sucks to have put in so much time though
person A: Do you watch game of thrones? person B: I watched the first season. person A: I love that show. I'm sad it is ending. It should stay on forever. person B: What? It's ending? I heard he hasn't yet finished the books. person A: Nest season is the last. I was hoping it would last forever like the simpsons.
person A: I have had enogh of this summer heat. Cmon autumn! person B: I agree. I love autumn. person A: It gets do hot in memphis. My daughter is ready for school to start back anyway_comma_ person B: I love Memphis. person A: Me too! Been here all of my life.
person A: I was content with a B on my exam. person B: It is a passing grade. I would be fine with it. person A: Yes I studied hard to pass. person B: A guess an A would've been nice then since you worked so hard.
person A: We have a work presentation coming up soon. I think we've got everything to present. person B: That's good. Preperation is the first step in having a good presentation. person A: Yea. I hope we didn't miss anything. We spent a lot of time on it. person B: Fingers crossed_comma_ I hope the presentation goes well.
person A: I'm very excited to take a vacation with my wife. We've been wanting to stay in a cabin for awhile. person B: That's exciting! Cabin sounds really cozy. person A: Yeah_comma_ we haven't gone on a romantic vacation in over a year_comma_ so I'm really looking foward to it. person B: She's a lucky lady!
person A: Man_comma_ I met this girl one time on Tinder and I totally thought we had great chemistry_comma_ but then she completely ghosted me after. person B: That's the worst_comma_ I know how that feels_comma_ I'm kind of being ghosted right now myself. person A: Aw that's awful_comma_ I wouldn't wish that on anybody. She was laughing and all smiley and everything_comma_ I can't imagine why she ghosted me. person B: Just remember that means it was most likely for the best that she did ghost you_comma_ you wouldn't want to be with someone like that anyways.
person A: Whenever I see my friends on FB posting photos from my hometown I always start to miss it a little. person B: Awww. Do you ever go back and visit? person A: I havent been back yet but maybe I will in the winter so I can experience the snow again. person B: Where is rou hometown?
person A: My friend is having a drink and paint party for her birthday tomorrow. person B: I bet you are excited... are you bringing anything over with you? person A: A bottle of moscato. She likes that. person B: Sounds yummy! Thats a good choice. Have a great time. person A: We will.
person A: I wish I was The Rock. person B: What kind of rock would you want to be? person A: The actor The Rock. person B: So a dwayne rock.
person A: My son was prett slow to start speaking. person B: /Did you get him a teacher? person A: I took him to get evaluatd and we are waiting for a spot to open at school. I practiced at home with him non stop though and now he won't shut up. I'm so proud of him person B: I would be proud of him also. person A: I knew he could do it. Moms always overreact.
person A: I was surprised when Trump won the election. person B: You? I thought I was dreaming person A: Yes_comma_ Big upset. person B: Well_comma_ no use crying over silled milk I say.
person A: I recently lost my job_comma_ and am having trouble finding another one. person B: I feel your pain_comma_ that happened to me a few years ago_comma_ I ended up having to settle on a job I didn't like just to make ends meet. person A: Its a scary situation to be in but like you I almost pretty much applying to anything out there! person B: I hope you find a job_comma_ good luck!
person A: Hi_comma_ how are you? person B: I'm doing pretty alright_comma_ what about you? person A: I have been better_comma_ I just am kind of annoyed with lying. Does lying annoy you also/ person B: Absolutely_comma_ it is one of my biggest pet peeves_comma_ especially when people accuse me of lying too. person A: Yea_comma_ its the worst. Especially when someone lies to you and you forgive them_comma_ but that little bit of anxiety is always in you thinking "what if they are lying now again?".
person A: I had the worst time last week. I went with my girlfriend to see one of her friends and she talked to him with so much more energy and passion than she does with me. person B: I really wish I could NOT correlate to that. But I can. Me and my girlfriend are going through a weird time right now where she likes to tell me how hot other guys right to my face. It is a terrible feeling_comma_ and I know exactly what you are talking about. If it occurs a lot more I suggest you saying something about it_comma_ better to know the truth than dwell on it everytime. person A: That's so terrible to hear about. Do girls not understand that men also want to be valued over some random guys that they meet or even just see on the street? It's crazy to me that they are so rude sometimes. person B: Yea_comma_ recently I have been trying to decide whether or not I want to mute my girlfriend on social media or not_comma_ like not block her_comma_ just mute her. Because it bothers me how she acts single on social media_comma_ and it confuses me as to whether she wants to be with me_comma_ or is just trying to live a different personality online. Because she talks to me and is all lovey-dovey_comma_ then gets on social media and talks like "I don't need anyone" and talks about how hot guys are. And it leaves me so stuck and with the worst anxiety.
person A: I was prepared for my History test due to studying. person B: Was your history test hard even after all the studying? person A: Yes but I was prepared. person B: That's good_comma_ did you end up passing then?
person A: I just got off the phone with one of my old buddies that I met for the first time in years yesterday and we are gonna go hang out sometime on Sunday! It just makes me really happy to think that we are reconnecting. person B: Thats great. Where did you meet? person A: We met yesterday at this restaurant and just had some good conversation_comma_ ate some food_comma_ and caught up with each other's lives. person B: What did you eat? person A: Some garlic bread_comma_ some hot wings_comma_ and a few slices of pizza.
person A: I can't believe the Falcons blew the Super Bowl. I was there. person B: Oh you were? I really am not a huge sports fan_comma_ so what was so big about this? person A: It had never happened before. person B: Never once? Damn_comma_ no wonder you were so shocked by it!
person A: I love football_comma_ are you ready for the season? person B: Yes_comma_ when does the season start? person A: August_comma_ Can't wait. person B: That's exciting_comma_ who's your favorite team?
person A: I was apprehensive to get married. person B: Do you regret it now that you are? person A: No_comma_ but I am still worried. person B: Why are you worried still?
person A: I let Daisy my cat out the other evening and she didn't come back home. person B: oh no. How long has she been gone. person A: two days. I live by a road _comma_ so I'm afraid she'll go in that direction. person B: I hope not. My friends cat left for two weeks once. she came back hungry_comma_ but she was fine. person A: I've seen a lot of animals killed on the highways. Its so sad. person B: well I hope your cat returns safely. person A: thanks _comma_ nice chatting with you person B: you too
person A: my apartment is terrible. person B: Can you do any work to it. I know there are a lot ideas on pinterest to perk up a place. person A: We aren't supposed to_comma_ but I did anyway. Got to make the best out it. person B: Keep on the lookout and talk to realtors. They usually hear of good places first
person A: I know it seems late_comma_ but I'm 19 and I went on my first date only about one month ago. person B: How was it? person A: Beforehand I was really nervous that I was gonna mess it up and make things awkward. Contrary to that it really wasn't too bad! person B: Thats great. Where did you go. person A: This Italian restaurant and an escape room too.
person A: I am scared of how I will die. person B: I worry about that too occasionally_comma_ but I just push it to the back of my mind like usual. person A: I hope mine isn't painful. person B: I'm sure it won't be_comma_ most people die of old age around their friends and family in a peaceful way so just hope for that.
person A: I love hockey_comma_ are you ready for the season? person B: I am_comma_ I like the Oilers_comma_ who's your favorite team? person A: I love the Leafs. person B: Nice_comma_ I hope they do well this season.
person A: I think I have some pretty decent kids. May be too soon to tell though. person B: Oh_comma_ all kids are a little iffy_comma_ I think. Are you a teacher or do you mean your own children? person A: My oldest is 13. She is the worst. But my 2 and 3 year old are perfect lol person B: Teenagers are awful! I am really looking forward to my daughter becoming a teenager....not. person A: lol. she is upset about everything all of time. I couldnt have been that way lol person B: My mom put "the curse" on me. She said she hopes my daughter acted 10 times worse than I did. If that's the case_comma_ I need to start saving for boarding school_comma_ because I was awful! person A: That's hilarious. Maybe II was terrible too then. person B: Good luck!
person A: My transmission went out in my car at the worst possible time. No way could I afford to get it replaced or rebuilt. My dad was able to loan me $500 to get the new transmission_comma_ and my step dad was able to put it in. person B: So is it working now? I need atransmission for an old volvo. I'm saving for a new car instead. person A: It's still a work in progress_comma_ but we tested the transmission before we put it in. It works wonderfully and came out of a car that only has 90_comma_000 miles on it_comma_ versus mine that has 200_comma_000. I would like to get a new car_comma_ but I don't want to take on another payment until my house is paid off. person B: Makes sense. I don't want any more bills until my kids are in school. Daycare is very expensive. person A: Yes it is! Especially for two! person B: of course the 13 year old hates to babysit. I can't wait until she moves out. jk person A: Of course she does! Lol that's hilarious_comma_ but I know how hard teenagers are so it's kind of almost serious too. person B: This was the most fun chat Ive had today. Enjoy yur day!
person A: Had HELLP syndrom with first child. Spent all 9 months being pregnant with 2nd child worrying about the same thing happening. person B: What is HELLP? I'm sorry you and your baby had to go through that. person A: It's basically when eclampsia has progressed to the point that your blood won't clot and your organs start shutting down. person B: That's terrible. There are so many things to be afraid of when you're pregnant!
person A: MY car has been down for about a month. Every time I leave the house I see all brand new cars. person B: I absolutely hate car issues. Will you be getting it fixed or buying another one? person A: I'm saving for a new one. I didn't even have it a year. person B: Did it have any warranty when you bought it? person A: Nope. I bought it cash from obviously a snake oil salesman.
person A: I am always alone in the summer. person B: Why are you alone so much in the summer? person A: My wife goes to Canada to visit her mom. person B: Do you have friends around? Go to a bar and meet some friends!
person A: I was feeling really ambitious the other day and I decided to drive into the parking lot of my old elementary school just to see all the things I used to see years ago. person B: Was it as you remembered it? person A: It was exactly the same! I was super surprised that no renovations were made_comma_ the same playground and buildings and everything. person B: That is amazing that it was not torn down or remodeled. They seem to throw way too many buildings away these days.
person A: My sister in law basically lives off of my mother in law and her kids get everything. My mother in law rarely gives our kids anything because we have the money to do it ourselves - and I get a bit miffed at times. person B: I know that feeling too_comma_ at least somewhat. Seems like clear favoritism to me_comma_ but maybe I'm wrong. person A: She always says "If I didn't buy it for them_comma_ they wouldn't have it". But it's a bit ridiculous because my sister in law DOES have the money_comma_ she just refuses to raise her own children. person B: That type of stuff always makes me so angry_comma_ since it's so clearly favoritism and hypocrisy and they just don't care one bit.
person A: I really like the new football coach. person B: I like football_comma_ who are you talking about? what team? person A: The Falcons and their new defensive coach. person B: Oh i see! are you excited with him? do you think they can go for the super bowl?
person A: I am so proud to be an American. person B: I know that feeling! Are you involved in any political or activists groups? person A: No I am not. person B: Me neither. But I agree with your sentiment - it is a great place to live and be a part of!
person A: We tried for a baby for a long time_comma_ almost 4 years. Waiting those 9 months to meet her were so hard! person B: Yes. I do not have any kids myself. person A: We have two now and they are both almost grown - time for grandkids I guess! person B: Yes. Grandkids would be fun.
person A: I feel bad I stole a cookie from the cookie jar. person B: oh no. Did you get rid of the evidence? person A: Yes. I ate it quick. person B: who's cookies were they?
person A: I had been doing poorly in college for a while. person B: Do you study? person A: I do now. I passed all of my classes last semester_comma_ so I think I;m back on track. person B: Thats good. Where do you go? person A: University of Memphis
person A: I've got a job interview next week. I'm feeling a little uneasy about it. person B: Interviews can be nerve wrecking. person A: Yeah_comma_ I'm definitely excited for it person B: I think if you stay calm you'll do fine.
person A: I recently had a court date for child support. person B: Yikes_comma_ that must of been a bit scary. How did it go? person A: The other party didn't show up so they put out a warrant for him. I don't have to go back now. person B: That's something at least. I hope they catch him. person A: They always do and then we start all over again. It's sad. person B: Yeah_comma_ I have a friend who has gone through the same situation. She just wants whats best best for her kids. I hope things get better for you.
person A: I am ok with being fat. person B: It shouldn't matter what you look like_comma_ but why would you think you are fat? person A: I weight more than I should. person B: It doesn't mean you are fat or overweight. Everyone is different.
person A: I am excited for baseball playoffs. Are you? person B: I watch it sometimes_comma_ It can be a little slow moving for my taste. person A: I love the Yankees. person B: Are you from New York area. I'm a little farther south_comma_ but I do like them for sure.
person A: I had jury duty for three months this spring. Its was surprisingly fun and interesting. person B: I hate jury duty. person A: It can be an inconvenience and it only paid 12 dollars a day. So that was bad. person B: Yes. They underpay. person A: really bad.
person A: I can't believe it hasn't rained today. person B: Yes_comma_ so are you having nice weather_comma_or is it too dry and need some rain? person A: Yes we need rain. person B: I see. Well_comma_ maybe the weather is calling for some in the near future? I like sunshine_comma_ but know we need some rain too_comma_ hope you get some soon.
person A: We have had some big rain storms this spring and summer. The creek behind my house got in my yard twice. Very scary. person B: oh no! that's scary! The house didn't get flooded_comma_ right? person A: Not this time. But it did a little bit in 2009. and the mud and mess was unbelievably hard to clean up. person B: i'm sorry to hear that! person A: You get very stressed out _comma_ like post traumatic stress disorder when it starts raining lol
person A: Ugh I was so mad the other day_comma_ I went to the store and was grocery shopping. When I came out_comma_ I noticed my car was very scratched on the back bumper. I was so furious and angry_comma_ and I still am. person B: That's actually so frustrating! No note left on your car or anything from the other driver? person A: No! That's the worst part. I can understand if someone left a note to say sorry. But no :( person B: Sorry to hear_comma_ I really hope that it doesn't cost to much to fix that up. person A: Thank you_comma_ I really appreciate that. Makes the situation a little more bearable.
person A: I'm still kinda bummed about this_comma_ but like a month or more back I was really into this girl from Tinder and we started dating too. Unfortunately_comma_ after like 4 or 5 days_comma_ she said she wanted to stop dating and hasn't spoken to me since. person B: Oh no_comma_ that really sucks. That's awful that she wanted to end things_comma_ especially since you were really into her. I am sorry. person A: It's fine_comma_ I'm feeling a lot better about it. The thing that irks me is that she went from super happy about dating to literally ending it and ghosting me in so little time. Makes me think it was all fake_comma_ but I can't think why she would do it. person B: That's really odd_comma_ and unfortunate. Thankfully there are many more girls that would match you better :) Don't lose hope!
person A: We had a really good time on our vacation a couple of weeks ago. person B: Thats sound nice. I went on vacation to Thailand last week. What did you do? person A: We went to Disney world with some friends who had never been before. We are passholders so we have been several times_comma_ but it was fun getting to see it throught the eyes of someone who had never been before. person B: I know what that feels like. It must have been exciting! person A: We had a great time! We both have small kids so they loved playing together_comma_ and it was nice to get to help show our friends the ropes and all the 'secrets' lol person B: Acting as a 'mentor' in these situations is always fun and it makes the whole experience better! person A: It is for me. I am very type A_comma_ and getting to plan and coordinate everything is right up my alley!
person A: It was a really bad experience. Especially since I wasted all the ingredients! person B: Oh no_comma_ was it an important meal? person A: Yes_comma_ it was my nephew's birthday party pizza. And I promised him I would make his favorite pepperoni pizza! person B: That's so sad! What did you end up doing instead? person A: We had to order from a fast food chain! It wasn't bad_comma_ but fair to say_comma_ my nephew was disappointed in me. person B: What went wrong with the pizza you were trying to make? person A: It left in the oven and was distracted by my boss
person A: I was very afraid in airplane because of severe turbulence. person B: Yes airplanes make me feel queasy too. What do you do to cope with it? person A: I was not able to cope with it. I had a severe panic attack. person B: I am sorry to hear that. Flying is never easy_comma_ especially when you feel that stressed
person A: It is something that was really important to her_comma_ and I still feel bad that I missed her 15th birthday person B: Who is she? person A: My cousin_comma_ she really wanted me to attend her party since she enjoys my cooking and I had planned on making cookies person B: That is bad. Did you bought her a good present so she can forget about it?
person A: Hi! One time when driving on fresh snow I almost wiped out into a ditch_comma_ that scared me person B: That does sound scary! Were you okay? person A: I did end up being okay_comma_ but man was I nervous and shaking person B: Understandable_comma_ it must have been very unexpected!
person A: I really enjoyed taking care of my nephew yesterday. His mother had left him with me since she had work. person B: That can be a fun time_comma_ it is nice to watch kids sometimes person A: I agree. We just played xbox and had snacks. I feel he really enjoyed his time. person B: I love playing video games_comma_ I am sure he really enjoyed that_comma_ even I would have!
person A: My brother applied for an Ivy League school this year_comma_ and we just found out he was accepted! person B: Nice_comma_ I am glad to hear about that person A: Yeah_comma_ it was vey exciting news_comma_ I'm so proud of him. person B: How old is he?
person A: I am trying to sell my house for 89k dollars_comma_ I have been in a bad financial situation_comma_ my nephew knows it_comma_ and now he is trying to buy my house just for 75k_comma_ trying to take advance of my situation person B: Wow_comma_ that's terrible. Why would he do that to you? person A: I have no idea_comma_ I guess his husband is evil person B: I'm sorry you're having to go through that_comma_ I hope you're able to sell the home for a better price. person A: me too_comma_ and do you know what makes me mad? When I had a good job_comma_ I helped them a lot_comma_ and now they are trying to do this to me person B: That's just terrible. Some people really are ungrateful. person A: I know_comma_ right? My own nephew trying to do this with me person B: Well_comma_ hopefully he'll learn to be a better person someday_comma_ or eventually his actions will come back to haunt him.
person A: My brother graduated high school_comma_ I was very proud of him! person B: I know that feel_comma_ my brother graduated a year ago_comma_ it's a really big milestone. person A: It is_comma_ somewhat common_comma_ but still_comma_ I am proud of him all the same! person B: Yes I agree_comma_ it really signifies the start of their next chapter in life.
person A: I finished all my finals a couple of months ago for my sophomore year of college. person B: That must have been a burden lifted for sure! person A: It really was_comma_ I was scared I would fail but I ended up passing all my classes and even doing well in most of them_comma_ I was over joyed. person B: That must have been a burden lifted for sure!
person A: Havent had any rain lately in my area. I hope we do soon_comma_ I live near a mountain and we have bad fires when it is dry. person B: That's a shame_comma_ since rain is really nice to watch and hear even disregarding the dryness over there. person A: Yes_comma_ It has its drawbacks too_comma_ like making the grass grow_comma_ lol person B: Very true_comma_ well hopefully you get some anyway! person A: Yeah_comma_ we have to have it sometimes.
person A: It really irritates me when my friend acts superior to everyone in the room_comma_ since he seems to think he is the best looking and strongest guy ever when really he's not at all. person B: That's usually a sign of a lack of confidence or self esteem in ones self I believe. person A: That wouldn't surprise me. He has always been a bit insecure. person B: I hope you he changes some so you can still be friends.
person A: I have always been faithful to my girlfriend_comma_ I am proud of that in a way person B: that's wonderful! i've never cheated on my husband either person A: That is good and sadly rare these days person B: it is :( i don't know how is it possible to cheat on someone you love
person A: i really want to lose weight. i know i can do it person B: I am sure you can_comma_ it just takes dedication and effort is all! person A: yes_comma_ and i'm very motivated person B: Then you should have no problems at all!
person A: I was chased by a pitbull as a child_comma_ I was so scared for years afterwards person B: that is so scary! you didn't get hurt_comma_ right? person A: I was a fast kid so I got away_comma_ but I had heard how hard they bite person B: i'm so glad you did'nt get hurt person A: Me too_comma_ that would have been brutal
person A: I remember waiting for the Nintendo Switch to come out_comma_ I was so excited person B: I was also excited. In fact_comma_ I have one right now! person A: Awesome_comma_ I have Zelda_comma_ Mario_comma_ Splatoon_comma_ Fortnite and tons of other games! person B: Those are great titles. I am a big Nintendo fan. I can't wait for the new Metroid Prime. person A: Me neither_comma_ too bad it is far away_comma_ but we still get smash and Pokemon this year! person B: That should be fun. Pokemon is a great franchise. I have many of the handheld games.
person A: Hi! Have you been watching the FIFA World Cup recently? person B: I have not_comma_ I did hear that England lost recently though. person A: Yes_comma_ I was devastated to learn that because England are my favorite team! person B: I heard they were doing great before the loss though_comma_ hope you at least got to see them in some good matches. person A: Yes they were doing alright and I was impressed by some of their matches.
person A: I slipped while carrying a tray of coffee at work the other day_comma_ got it all over me. person B: Oh no_comma_ sorry to hear that! Were you okay? person A: Yeah_comma_ I was fine. I bit embarrassed_comma_ but fine. Had to go home and change though. It was huge mess. person B: I can imagine. Well atleast you can look back and laugh it off as one of 'those' days!
person A: my parents picked me up from work in a new car for me when I turned 17_comma_ I was so surprised person B: Did this make you excited? person A: I was very excited_comma_ just to have a car at all is awesome! person B: What type of car was it?
person A: I still my miss my partner_comma_ they left me all alone. person B: I am sorry to hear that_comma_ maybe things will work themselves out! person A: I hope so to_comma_ never thought this would happen_comma_ we were suppose to get a house together. person B: I feel bad_comma_ I hope you find someone who treats you even better! person A: Thank You_comma_ I hope I will also_comma_ because I deserve it_comma_ and so do you.
person A: When I was in preschool_comma_ my pants fell down in front of everyone person B: That sounds embarrassing_comma_ what happened after? person A: I got laughed at a lot and sat down haha person B: That sounds like what I would have done too
person A: When I was younger my dad scared me and my brothers so bad I almost peed myself! person B: What a Jerk. Did you let him know he was being rude? person A: When I was younger my dad scared me and my brothers so bad I almost peed myself! person B: hat a Jerk. Did you let him know he was being rude? person A: No_comma_ I was too young_comma_ I just about cried though person B: you should let him know now.
person A: When I was younger_comma_ my grandmother passed away_comma_ I was so upset person B: I loved my grandparents on my mother's side _comma_ so I understand how you feel. person A: Thank you_comma_ I hope nothing ever happens to them! person B: I was very close to mine. They are like parents but more fun.
person A: There's been a big white wolf or coyote around my yard the past few months. I'm afraid he will kill the neighbors cats. person B: That is scary_comma_ what are you going to do about it? person A: I don't know. I had a cute beaver and there was just a head and eyes left of some small animal that looked like him left in my yard. ugh. person B: Wow that is sad_comma_ I hope you get that fixed person A: thanks
person A: My friend recently invited me to his wedding. I hadn't even known he was engaged_comma_ but it was a great wedding. person B: That's fun_comma_ my friend is getting married next year_comma_ how big was the wedding? person A: Not too big_comma_ maybe 30 guests. He and his now wife have been together for only a year or so_comma_ so they set the whole thing up pretty quickly. person B: Oh I see_comma_ well that's still nice!
person A: My dad used to be a pretty heavy drinker_comma_ it caused a few problems in our familiy. person B: That is very sad_comma_ did he ever get sober? person A: Yes he finally stopped drinking a few years ago_comma_ I was very proud of him and was able to have a real relationship with him. person B: That is so great_comma_ I hope you have found some healing and closure to the difficulties it caused when you were younger.
person A: I don't really know how to react to this_comma_ but one of my friends told me a few days ago that not only is he going to Samoa for a while (which didn't surprise me because he and his family go to Africa all the time)_comma_ but he's staying and moving there for a few years. person B: Wow_comma_ that's quite a move. Did he say why he's staying in Samoa so long? person A: I think it's because he dropped out of school here and doesn't have much reason to stay in America_comma_ since he can start a new life over there. Kinda makes me sad though_comma_ I didn't expect it at all. person B: I can understand that. It's hard to say goodbye to a friend_comma_ I hope you can stay in contact with him.
person A: I broke a vase at my mom's house last year_comma_ and ended up hiding the evidence. I still haven't told her_comma_ and I feel bad about it. person B: Oh man that's a bad situation. Was this vase of any sentimental value_comma_ or was it really expensive or what? person A: It was fairly expensive. She wasn't relly using it for anything_comma_ and hasn't noticed it's gone. I think I'm going to buy a replacement for her_comma_ and let her know I broke the old one. person B: That might be a good idea_comma_ even if just to clear you conscience of the guilt.
person A: I meant my DOG got into rat poison and died. It was a truly horrific accident. person B: Wow that is terrible_comma_ I hope he got to live a long life before that happened. person A: He was a little over 8 years old so not long enough! person B: Thats terrible_comma_ at least he wasnt a puppy I guess. person A: Yes that's true. Now I am A LOT more careful about where I put rat poison. person B: I can imagine you would be_comma_ wouldnt want that to happen again. person A: No_comma_ and it happened very fast. I started seeing symptoms and he died the next day even after I took him to the vet. person B: Crazy they wont even eat vegetables but they will eat rat poison.
person A: My friend got a huge scholarship when he barely passed the PSAT. person B: How did he manage to do that? person A: Its mainly an English based test and hes really good at english person B: I mean you said he barely passed it though. Must have been slim pickings when it came to giving out the sholarships. person A: Yea he was about 1 point above the cutoff_comma_ I was quite jealous of him to be honest_comma_ I barely didnt make it sadly. person B: What college did he end up going to? person A: OU_comma_ he ended up dropping out to pursue writing about a year and a half in and wasted the scholarship. person B: Ah_comma_ yes_comma_ the lucrative writing career.
person A: I was pretty strapped for money back before my freshman year of college_comma_ so I really needed to get my 29 on my ACT up to a 31 for a scholarship. person B: Did you get it done? person A: I felt super confident that I'd get the 31_comma_ and thankfully I was right since I got a 33! person B: Oh_comma_ nicely done_comma_ thats impressive!
person A: My friend stole some of my money the other week. person B: That is really awful. Did they take very much? person A: About $50_comma_ they even confessed and paid me back_comma_ but it was still depressing they didnt just ask first_comma_ I wouldve given him the money. person B: I bet that is a terrible feeling of betrayal. Friends should be more trustworthy.
person A: I was so nervous going to the dentist today_comma_ I thought I would pass out! person B: Oh no_comma_ did it end up okay? person A: I suppose so_comma_ I much needed tooth is repaired now so my anxiety really was for nothing. person B: I'm glad to hear it turned out okay.
person A: So yeah this Log even hit me square in the face and i ran out of the car. person B: Wow_comma_ it's a wounder you did not get killed! person A: Dude the doctor and my parents thought the same thing. person B: Do you have any lasting damage? person A: Nah_comma_ I did have shards of glass on me for a couple of days even after taking showers. person B: I was in a accident years ago and found glass coming out of my scalp for weeks. So I know how it is.
person A: It was really annoying when I was thinking I would room with my brother back in freshman year of college_comma_ but it didn't work out as planned. person B: It would have been easier to room with your brother isntead of a random roomate _comma_I bet. person A: Definitely. It was just some random guy_comma_ and he was really incompatible with me too so it was really frustrating that they didn't room us together. person B: Strange they ask you to pay for college_comma_ but offer few choices.
person A: We moved to a new house last year and love it - and have spend much less working on projects and more time with the kids. person B: That's great! That time with the kids will really be worth it_comma_ ultimately. person A: Absolutely_comma_ and the time taken to becmoe experts on home repair is rather large. person B: Yeah_comma_ it's a good thing that you have a lot of time for other more important things now.
person A: So i had some anger management issues as a kid. Makes me feel dumb thinking back. person B: I did too_comma_ honestly. I have really improved them myself_comma_ good to hear that you have too. person A: Yeah_comma_ being a lot calmer is nice and well less stress really. person B: Although I still deal with stress occasionally_comma_ I know exactly what you mean.
person A: I had my first real drink back in October with some of my friends and I was really nervous about it. person B: Why were you nervous about it? Usually drinking means to loosen up and have fun. person A: It does_comma_ but I had never tried anything like drugs or alcohol before so I didn't know what to expect. person B: I can see that_comma_ i had my first beer at 13 due to my brother but knew it was wrong at my age.
person A: I can't help but feel bad_comma_ since my friend has met a really good girl for him and I'm happy for him_comma_ but I wish I was in a good relationship too you know? person B: I totally understand. But I guess as a friend you also have to be happy for him and one day you will get your happiness too person A: Exactly_comma_ I am happy for him but I can't help but feel that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach when I hear about it. Still kinda makes me feel like a bad person. person B: Remember that the universe has a perfect timing for everything. Being with someone isn't everything_comma_ be comfortable and enjoy your own company and love will come when you least expect it :)
person A: When I won the honor society president election I was so confident in myself! person B: I bet so. I've never done anything like that before. person A: I beat someone way more popular_comma_ that is what made it surprising to me person B: That is surprising. Usually these things are a popularity contest.
person A: The other day my kids were being bad and I didn't feel well and I yelled at them. I felt guilty afterwards. person B: I would not_comma_ they have to learn at some point! person A: Yes_comma_ but there are other ways to discipline them then yelling. I hurt their feelings. person B: I get that_comma_ but it was bound to happn at some point person A: That is true_comma_ especially when I'm not feeling well.
person A: My parents bought me a car when i turned 17_comma_ i was so surprised person B: You must have been thrilled! There is nothing like a first car. Did you love it? person A: I still own it actually_comma_ still running! person B: No way -- THAT'S the best. Paid for (I'm assuming) *and* running. Do you hope to do the same for your kids when it's time?
person A: I was shocked when I got a new car. My parents surprised me so well person B: Damn_comma_ I wish I had a car myself. What was the occasion? person A: my birthday! person B: Cool_comma_ 16th birthday or what?
person A: One time I was at this party and a girl started to get really touchy feely and flirting with me_comma_ but I had a girlfriend at the time. person B: what did you do? person A: I was way too close to my girlfriend to do anything_comma_ so I just let her know that I was in a relationship so that she wouldn't get the wrong idea. person B: that was the right move!
person A: So_comma_ I asked my 7 year old what 12x12 was the other day_comma_ and he gave me the correct answer without hesitation. person B: That's impressive_comma_ sounds like a smart young man. person A: Thanks_comma_ I'm really proud of him. We homeschool so I guess I'm doing something right! person B: Sounds like it_comma_ Good for you guys!