This leader was denounced by his successor in the "Secret Speech." His country agreed to a nonaggression pact with Germany, but Hitler invaded his nation in Operation Barbarossa. He won a power struggle against Leon Trotsky after Vladimir Lenin's death. For 10 points, name this Soviet Premier during the Second World War.
[ "Joseph Dzughashvili", "Dzughashvili", "Joseph Stalin", "Stalin" ]
This leader was denounced by his successor in the "Secret Speech." His country agreed to a nonaggression pact with Germany, but Hitler invaded his nation in Operation Barbarossa. He won a power struggle against Leon Trotsky after Vladimir Lenin's death. For 10 points, name this Soviet Premier during the Second World War.
[ [ 0, 67 ], [ 67, 179 ], [ 179, 254 ], [ 254, 322 ] ]
Joseph {Stalin} [or Joseph {Dzughashvili}]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man used powers granted by the Taft-Hartley Act during a confrontation with air traffic controllers, and his Defense Secretary resigned after violations of the Boland Amendment were revealed. Before those events during his presidency, he served as Governor of California from 1967 until 1975. Prior to entering politics, this man was a famous (*) Hollywood actor.
[ "Ronald (Wilson) Reagan" ]
This man used powers granted by the Taft-Hartley Act during a confrontation with air traffic controllers, and his Defense Secretary resigned after violations of the Boland Amendment were revealed. Before those events during his presidency, he served as Governor of California from 1967 until 1975. Prior to entering politics, this man was a famous (*) Hollywood actor. For 10 points, name this Republican president from 1981 to 1989.
[ [ 0, 197 ], [ 197, 298 ], [ 298, 369 ], [ 369, 433 ] ]
Ronald (Wilson) Reagan
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In one quest, this figure is directed to the ferryman Urshanabi (UR-shah-NAH-bee) by Siduri. After his companion dies, this figure visits Utnapishtim (OOT-nah-PEESH-tim), who tells him where to find a plant capable of restoring youth. That plant is later stolen by a serpent. This figure slew the guardian of the cedar forest, Humbaba, and the Bull of Heaven, with Enkidu. For 10 points, name this king of Uruk and hero of a Mesopotamian epic.
[ "Gilgamesh" ]
In one quest, this figure is directed to the ferryman Urshanabi (UR-shah-NAH-bee) by Siduri. After his companion dies, this figure visits Utnapishtim (OOT-nah-PEESH-tim), who tells him where to find a plant capable of restoring youth. That plant is later stolen by a serpent. This figure slew the guardian of the cedar forest, Humbaba, and the Bull of Heaven, with Enkidu. For 10 points, name this king of Uruk and hero of a Mesopotamian epic.
[ [ 0, 93 ], [ 93, 235 ], [ 235, 276 ], [ 276, 373 ], [ 373, 443 ] ]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This piece follows the tenor Air "Thou shalt break them" and, after a break, precedes "I know that my Redeemer liveth." King George II supposedly stood during its 1743 London premiere. It includes the line "King of Kings and Lord of Lords," and notes "He shall reign forever and ever." For 10 points, name this choral excerpt from Handel's oratorio Messiah, named for its opening word of praise.
[ "Hallelujah Chorus", "Hallelujah" ]
This piece follows the tenor Air "Thou shalt break them" and, after a break, precedes "I know that my Redeemer liveth." King George II supposedly stood during its 1743 London premiere. It includes the line "King of Kings and Lord of Lords," and notes "He shall reign forever and ever." For 10 points, name this choral excerpt from Handel's oratorio Messiah, named for its opening word of praise.
[ [ 0, 120 ], [ 120, 185 ], [ 185, 286 ], [ 286, 395 ] ]
{Hallelujah} Chorus [prompt on {Messiah} before mentioned]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Other than James and John, this is the only man to witness the Transfiguration of Jesus. He cut off the guard Malchus's ear during a showdown in the Garden of Gethsemane. His symbol is a pair of crossed (*) keys, and this man is said to have been crucified upside down. For 10 points, name this apostle of Jesus and brother of Andrew, who denied Jesus three times and was the first pope.
[ "Simon Peter", "Saint Peter", "Saint Peter the Apostle" ]
Other than James and John, this is the only man to witness the Transfiguration of Jesus. He cut off the guard Malchus's ear during a showdown in the Garden of Gethsemane. His symbol is a pair of crossed (*) keys, and this man is said to have been crucified upside down. For 10 points, name this apostle of Jesus and brother of Andrew, who denied Jesus three times and was the first pope.
[ [ 0, 89 ], [ 89, 171 ], [ 171, 270 ], [ 270, 387 ] ]
{Simon Peter} [accept {Saint Peter} the Apostle; do not accept just Simon]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man elucidated Heron's formula before Heron proved it. He supposedly created a death ray out of mirrors in order to defeat an invading Roman army. A task given to him by Hiero ("HIGH"-er-oh) of Syracuse led to his discovery that the buoyancy of an object is equal to the fluid displaced. For 10 points, who supposedly ran into the streets shouting "Eureka!" after discovering how to test whether Hiero's crown was made of pure gold?
[ "Archimedes of Syracuse" ]
This man elucidated Heron's formula before Heron proved it. He supposedly created a death ray out of mirrors in order to defeat an invading Roman army. A task given to him by Hiero ("HIGH"-er-oh) of Syracuse led to his discovery that the buoyancy of an object is equal to the fluid displaced. For 10 points, who supposedly ran into the streets shouting "Eureka!" after discovering how to test whether Hiero's crown was made of pure gold?
[ [ 0, 60 ], [ 60, 152 ], [ 152, 293 ], [ 293, 363 ], [ 363, 437 ] ]
Archimedes of Syracuse
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Ancient History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This city contains the neo-gothic Votive Church, and its Karlskirche (KARLS-keer-kuh) is the largest Baroque Cathedral north of the Alps. It is the capital of a country with such states as Burgenland, Tyrol, and Styria.
[ "Wien", "Vienna, Austria", "Vienna," ]
This city contains the neo-gothic Votive Church, and its Karlskirche (KARLS-keer-kuh) is the largest Baroque Cathedral north of the Alps. It is the capital of a country with such states as Burgenland, Tyrol, and Styria. This city's Ring Boulevard was ordered to be restructured by Franz Joseph I, and it lies on the Danube just upriver from Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. For 10 points, name this capital of Austria.
[ [ 0, 138 ], [ 138, 220 ], [ 220, 378 ], [ 378, 422 ] ]
{Vienna,} Austria [or {Wien}]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Cultural Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The tangent function gives these numbers when its input is in the 2nd or 4th quadrant. Using these numbers as exponents is defined in terms of a reciprocal.
[ "negative numbers" ]
The tangent function gives these numbers when its input is in the 2nd or 4th quadrant. Using these numbers as exponents is defined in terms of a reciprocal. The absolute value function changes them. Defining their square roots requires (*) imaginary numbers. Integers that are not natural numbers are either zero or one of these. For 10 points, name these numbers that are less than zero.
[ [ 0, 87 ], [ 87, 157 ], [ 157, 199 ], [ 199, 259 ], [ 259, 330 ], [ 330, 388 ] ]
negative numbers
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Mathematics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This character interrupts a round of storytelling by attacking a stash of wine-skins. He wears a washbasin as a helmet while calling himself the Knight of the Sorry Face. He owns the horse Rocinante (ROHsin- AHN-tay) and frequently speaks of his love for Dulcinea (dull-sin-AY-ah) to his friend Sancho Panza. For 10 points, name this self-proclaimed knight from La Mancha who fights against windmills in a book by Miguel de Cervantes.
[ "Don Quixote de la Mancha", "Don Quixote" ]
This character interrupts a round of storytelling by attacking a stash of wine-skins. He wears a washbasin as a helmet while calling himself the Knight of the Sorry Face. He owns the horse Rocinante (ROHsin- AHN-tay) and frequently speaks of his love for Dulcinea (dull-sin-AY-ah) to his friend Sancho Panza. For 10 points, name this self-proclaimed knight from La Mancha who fights against windmills in a book by Miguel de Cervantes.
[ [ 0, 86 ], [ 86, 171 ], [ 171, 309 ], [ 309, 434 ] ]
{Don Quixote} de la Mancha
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This world leader ordered that people who hide cell phones should be shot, and in February 2013 it was discovered that he uses a Taiwanese HTC phone. A speech he recorded in early 2013 surprised listeners by not calling for US troop withdrawals, though in 2012 he claimed his (*) nuclear missiles could reach the US mainland.
[ "Kim Jong", "Kim Jong un", "Kim Jong-un", "un" ]
This world leader ordered that people who hide cell phones should be shot, and in February 2013 it was discovered that he uses a Taiwanese HTC phone. A speech he recorded in early 2013 surprised listeners by not calling for US troop withdrawals, though in 2012 he claimed his (*) nuclear missiles could reach the US mainland. For 10 points, name this son of the recently deceased Kim Jong-il, the current Supreme Leader of North Korea.
[ [ 0, 150 ], [ 150, 326 ], [ 326, 435 ] ]
{Kim Jong}-{un} [prompt on partial answer]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Two characters in this book later appear as the main characters of Many Waters.
[ "A Wrinkle in Time" ]
Two characters in this book later appear as the main characters of Many Waters. Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs.Which start this journey in this book. Some characters in this novel can kythe (“KITHE”), while others can tesseract. On Camazotz (“CAM-uh-zots”), the characters in this novel fight IT, who has imprisoned Dr. Murray, although Charles Wallace is able to defeat him after Meg loves him. For 10 points, name this novel by Madeleine L'Engle.
[ [ 0, 80 ], [ 80, 85 ], [ 85, 99 ], [ 99, 151 ], [ 151, 230 ], [ 230, 397 ], [ 397, 449 ] ]
A Wrinkle in Time
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This father of Kebechet had a cult centered at Cynopolis. This Egyptian god was associated with the Greek deity Hermes because of their similar roles. His mother is given as either Bast or Nephthys, and he predates one of his potential fathers, Osiris, as god of the underworld.
[ "Inpu", "Anubis", "Ienpw", "Anup", "Anpu" ]
This father of Kebechet had a cult centered at Cynopolis. This Egyptian god was associated with the Greek deity Hermes because of their similar roles. His mother is given as either Bast or Nephthys, and he predates one of his potential fathers, Osiris, as god of the underworld. This god weighs the heart of the dead against Ma'at's (MAHT's) feather. For 10 points, identify this jackal-headed Egyptian god of mummification.
[ [ 0, 58 ], [ 58, 151 ], [ 151, 279 ], [ 279, 351 ], [ 351, 424 ] ]
{Anubis} [or {Inpu;} or {Anpu;} or {Anup;} or {Ienpw}]
{ "category": "Mythology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One senator from this state was the only one not to cast a vote on the December 24th Senate Health Care Bill. That man, George Voinovich (“VOY-no-vitch”), earned his first major political post by defeating Dennis Kucinich (“koo-SIN-itch”). Other political figures from this state include retired Senator John Glenn and current Governor Ted Strickland.
[ "Ohio" ]
One senator from this state was the only one not to cast a vote on the December 24th Senate Health Care Bill. That man, George Voinovich (“VOY-no-vitch”), earned his first major political post by defeating Dennis Kucinich (“koo-SIN-itch”). Other political figures from this state include retired Senator John Glenn and current Governor Ted Strickland. For 10 points, what swing state of the 2004 election has its capital at Columbus?
[ [ 0, 110 ], [ 110, 240 ], [ 240, 352 ], [ 352, 433 ] ]
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This island was home to the settlement of Brattahlid beginning in the 10th century. In 2005, an island now called "Warming Island" was found off the coast of this island. Off the west coast of this island are Davis Strait and Baffin Bay.
[ "Kalaallit Nunaat", "Greenland" ]
This island was home to the settlement of Brattahlid beginning in the 10th century. In 2005, an island now called "Warming Island" was found off the coast of this island. Off the west coast of this island are Davis Strait and Baffin Bay. Its largest cities are Sisimiut and Nuuk, and it is an autonomous country within (*) Denmark. For 10 points, name this huge island that lies between Iceland and Canada.
[ [ 0, 84 ], [ 84, 171 ], [ 171, 238 ], [ 238, 332 ], [ 332, 406 ] ]
Greenland [or Kalaallit Nunaat]
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Physical Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Two of these entities are responsible for the Great Rift Valley located in East Africa. Subduction zones are found along them. Several of them are responsible for the area of volcanic activity known as the Ring of Fire, though movement along them more famously causes earthquakes. For 10 points, identify these gaps in the Earth's crust, which include one in California called the San Andreas.
[ "fault" ]
Two of these entities are responsible for the Great Rift Valley located in East Africa. Subduction zones are found along them. Several of them are responsible for the area of volcanic activity known as the Ring of Fire, though movement along them more famously causes earthquakes. For 10 points, identify these gaps in the Earth's crust, which include one in California called the San Andreas.
[ [ 0, 88 ], [ 88, 127 ], [ 127, 281 ], [ 281, 393 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Earth Science", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In 1969, this man seized power in a bloodless coup by overthrowing King Idris (EE-dreese). This author of The Green Book handed over the Lockerbie bombers after being visited by Nelson Mandela. After protests against this man's rule began, a rebel government was established in the city of Benghazi (ben-GAH-zee). In the town of Sirte (SEERT), this man was killed alongside his son Mutassim in 2011. For 10 points, name this former leader of Libya.
[ "Gaddafi", "various other transliterations (accept anything pronounced close to \"gah-DAH-fee\"", "Muammar al-Gaddafi", "Muammar al-Qaddafi", "kah-DAH-fee" ]
In 1969, this man seized power in a bloodless coup by overthrowing King Idris (EE-dreese). This author of The Green Book handed over the Lockerbie bombers after being visited by Nelson Mandela. After protests against this man's rule began, a rebel government was established in the city of Benghazi (ben-GAH-zee). In the town of Sirte (SEERT), this man was killed alongside his son Mutassim in 2011. For 10 points, name this former leader of Libya.
[ [ 0, 91 ], [ 91, 194 ], [ 194, 314 ], [ 314, 400 ], [ 400, 448 ] ]
Muammar al-{Gaddafi} [or Muammar al-Qaddafi; or various other transliterations (accept anything pronounced close to "gah-DAH-fee" or "kah-DAH-fee")]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Vast amounts of data concerning this body were gathered by the Clementine mission. Rilles are faults found on the surface of this body. The Tycho Crater and Montes Pyrenaeus (MON-tays pee-reh-NAYuss) are found here.
[ "moon", "the moon" ]
Vast amounts of data concerning this body were gathered by the Clementine mission. Rilles are faults found on the surface of this body. The Tycho Crater and Montes Pyrenaeus (MON-tays pee-reh-NAYuss) are found here. Its movement is calculated using sidereal and synodic periods. This body's surface contains several maria (MAH-ree-ah), including the Sea of Tranquility. For 10 points, name this celestial body that revolves around Earth.
[ [ 0, 83 ], [ 83, 136 ], [ 136, 216 ], [ 216, 279 ], [ 279, 370 ], [ 370, 437 ] ]
the {moon}
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
A sports team from this city defeated the Calgary Stampeders in the 2012 Grey Cup. This city is the current home of major leaguers Adam Lind, Brett Lawrie, and Jose Bautista.
[ "Toronto" ]
A sports team from this city defeated the Calgary Stampeders in the 2012 Grey Cup. This city is the current home of major leaguers Adam Lind, Brett Lawrie, and Jose Bautista. Another sports team for this city features Landry Fields and (*) Andrea Bargnani, but is probably better known for being the former team of Chris Bosh. For 10 points, name this Canadian city, home of the Raptors, Maple Leafs, and Blue Jays.
[ [ 0, 83 ], [ 83, 175 ], [ 175, 327 ], [ 327, 415 ] ]
{ "category": "Sports", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
At the beginning of this novel, the explorer Robert Walton watches a huge figure ride a sledge pulled by dogs across the Arctic Circle. The protagonist's brother William, friend Henry Clerval and wife Elizabeth Lavenza are all strangled to death by a creature that protagonist vows to destroy. For 10 points, name this Mary Shelley novel about the mad scientist Victor and the monster he creates.
[ "Frankenstein" ]
At the beginning of this novel, the explorer Robert Walton watches a huge figure ride a sledge pulled by dogs across the Arctic Circle. The protagonist's brother William, friend Henry Clerval and wife Elizabeth Lavenza are all strangled to death by a creature that protagonist vows to destroy. For 10 points, name this Mary Shelley novel about the mad scientist Victor and the monster he creates.
[ [ 0, 136 ], [ 136, 294 ], [ 294, 396 ] ]
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Author and Works", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
One provision in a treaty of this name called for Congress to "eagerly recommend" that state legislatures provide for the rights and properties of certain citizens to be returned. One treaty by this name ended the French and Indian War, and another treaty by this name would give one of the countries involved Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. For 10 points, name these treaties signed in the capital city of France.
[ "Treaty of Paris", "Paris" ]
One provision in a treaty of this name called for Congress to "eagerly recommend" that state legislatures provide for the rights and properties of certain citizens to be returned. One treaty by this name ended the French and Indian War, and another treaty by this name would give one of the countries involved Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. For 10 points, name these treaties signed in the capital city of France.
[ [ 0, 180 ], [ 180, 350 ], [ 350, 422 ] ]
Treaty of {Paris}
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This element turns a dark color when combined with starches, which is one reason it is used in Lugol's solution. At room temperature it is a solid that sublimes into a purple gas. This element or barium is used in most contrast solutions for CT scans, and this element is used naturally by the body to make (*) thyroid hormones. A lack of this element causes goiter, which appears as a swollen neck. For 10 points, name this element represented by the symbol I.
[ "iodine" ]
This element turns a dark color when combined with starches, which is one reason it is used in Lugol's solution. At room temperature it is a solid that sublimes into a purple gas. This element or barium is used in most contrast solutions for CT scans, and this element is used naturally by the body to make (*) thyroid hormones. A lack of this element causes goiter, which appears as a swollen neck. For 10 points, name this element represented by the symbol I.
[ [ 0, 113 ], [ 113, 180 ], [ 180, 329 ], [ 329, 400 ], [ 400, 461 ] ]
iodine [prompt on \"I\" before the end; do not accept iodide]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Chemistry", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
During the seventh of these events, King Louis IX of France was captured in the Nile Delta.
[ "Crusades" ]
During the seventh of these events, King Louis IX of France was captured in the Nile Delta. The fourth one was diverted to Constantinople with the help of the Doge of Venice. At the Council of Clermont (“Claremont”), Pope Urban II called for the first one, which recaptured Jerusalem in 1099. For 10 points, what medieval military campaigns saw Christian knights try to conquer the Holy Land?
[ [ 0, 92 ], [ 92, 175 ], [ 175, 293 ], [ 293, 392 ] ]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Military History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this book, Admiral Drake sends the title character a surprise, and Greta and Captain Cook have ten children who are soon trained to be a traveling circus act.
[ "Mr. Popper's Penguins" ]
In this book, Admiral Drake sends the title character a surprise, and Greta and Captain Cook have ten children who are soon trained to be a traveling circus act. This book by Richard Atwater geographically incorrectly sends a group of animals to the North Pole. For 10 points, name this novel about a man with a bunch of flightless, aquatic birds.
[ [ 0, 162 ], [ 162, 262 ], [ 262, 347 ] ]
Mr. Popper's Penguins
{ "category": "Literature", "subcategory": "Plot and Characters", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Variations in this organism's foraging gene results in rover and sitter behavior types, while homeotic gene mutations can cause legs to grow from its head.
[ "fruit fly/ies", "Drosophila melanogaster", "Drosophila melanogaster" ]
Variations in this organism's foraging gene results in rover and sitter behavior types, while homeotic gene mutations can cause legs to grow from its head. Salivary gland chromosomes are often extracted from its larvae, and T. H. Morgan first discovered sex-linked traits by studying its white-eyed mutant. (*) For 10 points, name this insect model organism of genetics with recessive traits like vestigial wings and ebony body.
[ [ 0, 156 ], [ 156, 307 ], [ 307, 428 ] ]
{Drosophila melanogaster} [or {fruit fly/ies;} or {Drosophila melanogaster;} prompt on \"fly/ies\"]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The head of the third largest bank in this country announced he had hidden 87 million Euros in loans from that bank. That announcement led to his arrest and the nationalization of that bank. In late November 2010, this country received an 85 billion Euro bailout from the EU. For 10 points, identify this nation that controls five-sixths of an island, the northern sixth of which is part of the United Kingdom.
[ "Republic of Ireland", "Ireland" ]
The head of the third largest bank in this country announced he had hidden 87 million Euros in loans from that bank. That announcement led to his arrest and the nationalization of that bank. In late November 2010, this country received an 85 billion Euro bailout from the EU. For 10 points, identify this nation that controls five-sixths of an island, the northern sixth of which is part of the United Kingdom.
[ [ 0, 117 ], [ 117, 191 ], [ 191, 276 ], [ 276, 410 ] ]
Republic of {Ireland}
{ "category": "Politics", "subcategory": "Political Figures", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
After initiation into the Khalsa (KAHL-sah) in this religion, adherents must wear a wooden comb, known as the "kanga"(KAHN-gah), and a steel bracelet, known as the "kara" (KAH-rah), which are two of the five K's. Arjun (AR-joon) Dev compiled this religion's holy text, the Adi Granth, which contains many of the sayings of the first leader, or guru, of this religion. For 10 points, identify this religion founded by Nanak, whose adherents are mostly found in the Punjab region.
[ "Sikhism" ]
After initiation into the Khalsa (KAHL-sah) in this religion, adherents must wear a wooden comb, known as the "kanga"(KAHN-gah), and a steel bracelet, known as the "kara" (KAH-rah), which are two of the five K's. Arjun (AR-joon) Dev compiled this religion's holy text, the Adi Granth, which contains many of the sayings of the first leader, or guru, of this religion. For 10 points, identify this religion founded by Nanak, whose adherents are mostly found in the Punjab region.
[ [ 0, 213 ], [ 213, 368 ], [ 368, 478 ] ]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In this war, a group of primarily immigrant soldiers defected to the opposing army and became known as the St. Patrick's Battalion.
[ "American", "Mexican-American War", "Mexican", "Mexican American" ]
In this war, a group of primarily immigrant soldiers defected to the opposing army and became known as the St. Patrick's Battalion. During the war, Winfield Scott led the capture of Veracruz (ver-uh-KROOZ) after forces under Zachary Taylor won battles at Monterrey and Buena Vista (BWAY-nah VEES-tah). For 10 points, name this war fought during the presidency of James Polk, which concluded with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (gwahd-ah-LOO-pay hi-DAHL-goh).
[ [ 0, 132 ], [ 132, 302 ], [ 302, 474 ] ]
{Mexican}-{American} War
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Military History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This term describes a type of friction whose coefficient is usually larger than that of kinetic friction. It describes a type of equilibrium in which the net torque and net force both equal zero, resulting in a motionless object.
[ "static" ]
This term describes a type of friction whose coefficient is usually larger than that of kinetic friction. It describes a type of equilibrium in which the net torque and net force both equal zero, resulting in a motionless object. A buildup of charge on the surface of an object creates this type of electricity. For 10 points, give this six-letter term also denoting the noise emitted by a mistuned radio or television.
[ [ 0, 106 ], [ 106, 230 ], [ 230, 312 ], [ 312, 419 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Physics", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Genes related to this condition include the c-sis and p53 genes. The human papillomavirus (pahp-uh- LOH-muh-veye-ruhs), HPV, can cause one form of this disease, which is known as a sarcoma when it affects connective tissue and a melanoma if affects the skin.
[ "cancer" ]
Genes related to this condition include the c-sis and p53 genes. The human papillomavirus (pahp-uh- LOH-muh-veye-ruhs), HPV, can cause one form of this disease, which is known as a sarcoma when it affects connective tissue and a melanoma if affects the skin. Metastasis (muh-TAS-tuh-sis) refers to the spread of this disease to other organs. It is caused by malignant tumors. For 10 points, name this uncontrolled growth of cells often treated with chemotherapy.
[ [ 0, 65 ], [ 65, 259 ], [ 259, 342 ], [ 342, 376 ], [ 376, 462 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The Tibesti Mountains are a prominent feature of this desert that also contains sand seas called ergs. The Tuareg people are nomadic inhabitants of this desert, which was crossed in medieval times by a caravan route to Timbuktu.
[ "Sahara Desert" ]
The Tibesti Mountains are a prominent feature of this desert that also contains sand seas called ergs. The Tuareg people are nomadic inhabitants of this desert, which was crossed in medieval times by a caravan route to Timbuktu. The Sahel is the southern border of this desert that covers much of Mauritania, Niger, and Libya. For 10 points, name this desert that covers most of North Africa.
[ [ 0, 103 ], [ 103, 229 ], [ 229, 327 ], [ 327, 392 ] ]
Sahara Desert
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Physical Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
In 1994, thieves that stole this painting left a note reading “Thanks for the poor security.” This painting may be a self-portrait depicting an attack of agoraphobia (“uh-GORE-uh-FOE-bee-uh”). Blue land reflects a bright orange sky in this work.
[ "Cry", "Skrik", "Skrik", "The Cry", "The Scream", "Scream" ]
In 1994, thieves that stole this painting left a note reading “Thanks for the poor security.” This painting may be a self-portrait depicting an attack of agoraphobia (“uh-GORE-uh-FOE-bee-uh”). Blue land reflects a bright orange sky in this work. For 10 points, name this Edvard Munch (“MOONK”) painting of a distorted figure holding his hands to his head and making the title loud, distressed noise.
[ [ 0, 94 ], [ 94, 193 ], [ 193, 246 ], [ 246, 399 ] ]
The {Scream} [or {Skrik}; accept The {Cry}]
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
RAID arrays are combinations of these objects that often connect via IDE or Serial ATA. They are sometimes replaced by SSDs and can be structured using NTFS or FAT.
[ "hard disk drives", "hard", "drives", "hard drives" ]
RAID arrays are combinations of these objects that often connect via IDE or Serial ATA. They are sometimes replaced by SSDs and can be structured using NTFS or FAT. These objects contain spinning platters that use magnetism to (*) store data, so the data is retained even when they are powered off. For 10 points, name these devices with capacities often in the terabytes, used to store computer data.
[ [ 0, 88 ], [ 88, 165 ], [ 165, 299 ], [ 299, 401 ] ]
{hard} disk {drives} [prompt on ({hard}) {\"disk}(s)\"]
{ "category": "Technology", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
Spiders possess a book form of this organ in their abdomens. The intake of these organs is measured as tidal volume. Emphysema is caused by obstruction of these organs, which expand when the diaphragm generates negative pressure. Bronchi are main tubes entering these organs whose alveoli are surrounded by capillaries.
[ "lungs" ]
Spiders possess a book form of this organ in their abdomens. The intake of these organs is measured as tidal volume. Emphysema is caused by obstruction of these organs, which expand when the diaphragm generates negative pressure. Bronchi are main tubes entering these organs whose alveoli are surrounded by capillaries. For 10 points, name these organs of the respiratory system that supply oxygen to the blood.
[ [ 0, 61 ], [ 61, 117 ], [ 117, 230 ], [ 230, 320 ], [ 320, 411 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This city, home to the War Memorial Opera House, has such suburbs as Daly City. In it can be found Russian Hill and Lake Merced as well as Nob Hill. This city's district of Haight-Ashbury was a center of hippie culture.
[ "San Francisco,", "San Francisco, California" ]
This city, home to the War Memorial Opera House, has such suburbs as Daly City. In it can be found Russian Hill and Lake Merced as well as Nob Hill. This city's district of Haight-Ashbury was a center of hippie culture. Its namesake body of water contains Treasure Island and Angel Island; across that bay lies Oakland. For 10 points, name this city at the south end of the Golden Gate Bridge.
[ [ 0, 80 ], [ 80, 149 ], [ 149, 220 ], [ 220, 320 ], [ 320, 393 ] ]
{San Francisco,} California
{ "category": "Geography", "subcategory": "Cultural Geography", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The practice of kapparot associated with this holiday sees a donation to the poor, while the Tetragrammaton or Ha-Shem was pronounced by the High Priest of the Great Temple on this day. The last of the five services occurring on this day is the Neilah.
[ "Yom ha", "Yom Kippur", "Yom ha-Kipurim", "Kipurim", "Yom ha Kipurim" ]
The practice of kapparot associated with this holiday sees a donation to the poor, while the Tetragrammaton or Ha-Shem was pronounced by the High Priest of the Great Temple on this day. The last of the five services occurring on this day is the Neilah. People try to transfer their sins away and recite the Kol Nidre prayer before its beginning. Occurring on the 10th of Tishrei, it concludes the (*) High Holy Days. For 10 points, name this Jewish Day of Atonement.
[ [ 0, 186 ], [ 186, 253 ], [ 253, 346 ], [ 346, 417 ], [ 417, 466 ] ]
{Yom Kippur} [or {Yom ha}-{Kipurim;} prompt on Jewish \"Day of Atonement\" before mention]
{ "category": "Religion", "subcategory": "", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man's reign began with the Streltsy (SHTRELT-zee) Revolt instigated by his half-sister, Sophia. He passed a law which required all men to either cut their beards or pay a tax. This leader created the Table of Ranks to organize the government and limit the power of the Boyars (boh-YAHRS).
[ "Peter the Great", "Peter I" ]
This man's reign began with the Streltsy (SHTRELT-zee) Revolt instigated by his half-sister, Sophia. He passed a law which required all men to either cut their beards or pay a tax. This leader created the Table of Ranks to organize the government and limit the power of the Boyars (boh-YAHRS). He defeated Charles XII of Sweden in the Great Northern War. For 10 points, name this tsar who established Russia as a dominant European power.
[ [ 0, 101 ], [ 101, 181 ], [ 181, 294 ], [ 294, 355 ], [ 355, 437 ] ]
{Peter I} [accept {Peter the Great;} prompt on {Peter}]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This man composed a ballet called The Creatures of Prometheus (“pro-MEE-thee-us”), and Leonato is a major character in his opera Fidelio (“fih-DAY-lee-oh”). His third symphony was originally written to honor Napoleon and was called Eroica (“air-OH-ih-kuh”).
[ "Beethoven", "Ludwig von Beethoven" ]
This man composed a ballet called The Creatures of Prometheus (“pro-MEE-thee-us”), and Leonato is a major character in his opera Fidelio (“fih-DAY-lee-oh”). His third symphony was originally written to honor Napoleon and was called Eroica (“air-OH-ih-kuh”). A later symphony by this man borrows from Schiller's "Ode to Joy" for its choral final movement. For 10 points, name this composer whose fifth symphony begins with a fate knocking at the door theme and who went deaf.
[ [ 0, 157 ], [ 157, 258 ], [ 258, 355 ], [ 355, 474 ] ]
Ludwig von {Beethoven}
{ "category": "Fine Arts", "subcategory": "Music", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
During this battle, Senlac Hill was the site of a defensive position set up by housecarls. The losing side's forces had been weakened in a previous battle against Harold Hardrada at Stamford Bridge. The winning side's commander claimed to be the rightful successor to Edward the Confessor. King (*) Harold Godwinson was killed during this battle.
[ "Battle of Hastings" ]
During this battle, Senlac Hill was the site of a defensive position set up by housecarls. The losing side's forces had been weakened in a previous battle against Harold Hardrada at Stamford Bridge. The winning side's commander claimed to be the rightful successor to Edward the Confessor. King (*) Harold Godwinson was killed during this battle. For 10 points, name this 1066 battle in which William of Normandy conquered England.
[ [ 0, 91 ], [ 91, 199 ], [ 199, 290 ], [ 290, 347 ], [ 347, 431 ] ]
Battle of Hastings
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Military History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
During this event, Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus (RUCK-als-HOUSE) resigned in the Saturday Night Massacre.
[ "Watergate", "Watergate scandal" ]
During this event, Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus (RUCK-als-HOUSE) resigned in the Saturday Night Massacre. It attempted to cover up C.R.E.E.P.'s (CREEP's) attempt to bug the Democratic Party headquarters. It was uncovered by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein with the help of Deep Throat. For 10 points, what scandal caused President Nixon to resign following his reelection?
[ [ 0, 160 ], [ 160, 258 ], [ 258, 340 ], [ 340, 426 ] ]
{Watergate} scandal
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
The hormone ethylene causes the abscission of these structures, which have palisade and spongy mesophyll layers. Stomata allow these structures to obtain carbon dioxide, and in monocots, they generally have parallel veins.
[ "leaves", "leaf" ]
The hormone ethylene causes the abscission of these structures, which have palisade and spongy mesophyll layers. Stomata allow these structures to obtain carbon dioxide, and in monocots, they generally have parallel veins. Tendrils and spines are modified types of these structures that usually consist of a petiole and blade. For 10 points, name these flat, green plant structures, the major site of photosynthesis.
[ [ 0, 113 ], [ 113, 223 ], [ 223, 327 ], [ 327, 416 ] ]
leaf [or leaves]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Biology", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
During World War II, this country was run by Josef Terboven, though its official Minister President was Vidkun Quisling.
[ "Kongeriket Norge", "Norway", "Kingdom of Norway" ]
During World War II, this country was run by Josef Terboven, though its official Minister President was Vidkun Quisling. It used to be the western part of the Kalmar Union. More recently, in 2011 it suffered from a mass (*) murder at a youth league camp carried out by Anders Breivik. For many years, its capital was named for King Christian IV ["the fourth"]. For 10 points, name this Scandinavian country whose capital is now called Oslo.
[ [ 0, 121 ], [ 121, 173 ], [ 173, 285 ], [ 285, 361 ], [ 361, 440 ] ]
Kingdom of {Norway} [accept {Kongeriket Norge}]
{ "category": "History", "subcategory": "Political History", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }
This planet and Earth are the only ones whose atmospheres are mostly nitrogen. Pictures of it were taken during a search for the hypothetical Planet O. Perceval Lowell predicted the presence of this planet discovered by Clyde Tombaugh (“TOM-baw”). Charon has long been considered its satellite, though that classification is now ambiguous.
[ "Pluto" ]
This planet and Earth are the only ones whose atmospheres are mostly nitrogen. Pictures of it were taken during a search for the hypothetical Planet O. Perceval Lowell predicted the presence of this planet discovered by Clyde Tombaugh (“TOM-baw”). Charon has long been considered its satellite, though that classification is now ambiguous. For 10 points, name this celestial object, recently relegated to the category of "dwarf planet."
[ [ 0, 79 ], [ 79, 248 ], [ 248, 340 ], [ 340, 436 ] ]
{ "category": "Science", "subcategory": "Astronomy", "level": "Middle School", "question_set": "Collaborative MS Tournament" }