11 values
2 values
Let's write a new Harry Potter bok together. We will take turns writing sentences in the book. Now I'll begin. Harry was sitting and watching Mickey Mouse on the Television.
Write 10 "Three Paragraphs" story about wise man Shivana on subject:" Always be prepared for the unexpected." In the style of Shivana's short stories written by Faramarz Kowsari
[ "plugins" ]
Write 10 "Three Paragraphs" story about wise man Shivana on subject:" Always be prepared for the unexpected." In the style of Shivana's short stories written by Faramarz Kowsari
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what are the best viral twitter thread templates
[email protected] how to create databases/tables for: a flask web app - salary zakat calculator. User can log in and log out. we will use 'income' and 'expenses'. User can input income at any time - I will also include a calendar for the user to input any transaction (debit/credit) that took place in the past that the user forgot to input. Naturally the income will come first and the expenses second, and the expenses will be subtracted (automatically, by my app - how to do this?) from the previous income (ie the last income), and if that is not suffieicent then the one before that, all the way until the first entered income. The main purpose of this web app is to calculate zakat. Zakat is calculated as 2.5% of any amount that has been in the possession of the user for more than 1 hijri year. How will this be calculated according to the new table? I would like to display a table to the user (in the web app) containing zakat amount due and the exact date and time, in both hijri and gregorian format, of when each amount became due, and also at the end of the table a number showing total zakat due. Once the user pays his zakat, he will click a button "paid" for that particular due (will also include a 'paid all' button to indicate that he paid all his dues at once). This should then update the tables - subtracting the due from the exact instance of the amount for when it was due i.e if he paid zakat for income from march 2021, the database should subtract 2.5% from the income in march 2021 for which the zakat was due, and so on for every amount. Then, that amount should not be tracked for zakat anymore. I would also like to give the user the option to view his entire data - income and expenses currently being tracked for zakat, already paid zakat, as well as the date and time when zakat for a specific amount will be due.
[email protected] how to create databases/tables for: a flask web app - salary zakat calculator. User can log in and log out. we will use 'income' and 'expenses'. User can input income at any time - I will also include a calendar for the user to input any transaction (debit/credit) that took place in the past that the user forgot to input. Naturally the income will come first and the expenses second, and the expenses will be subtracted (automatically, by my app - how to do this?) from the previous income (ie the last income), and if that is not suffieicent then the one before that, all the way until the first entered income. The main purpose of this web app is to calculate zakat. Zakat is calculated as 2.5% of any amount that has been in the possession of the user for more than 1 hijri year. How will this be calculated according to the new table? I would like to display a table to the user (in the web app) containing zakat amount due and the exact date and time, in both hijri and gregorian format, of when each amount became due, and also at the end of the table a number showing total zakat due. Once the user pays his zakat, he will click a button "paid" for that particular due (will also include a 'paid all' button to indicate that he paid all his dues at once). This should then update the tables - subtracting the due from the exact instance of the amount for when it was due i.e if he paid zakat for income from march 2021, the database should subtract 2.5% from the income in march 2021 for which the zakat was due, and so on for every amount. Then, that amount should not be tracked for zakat anymore. I would also like to give the user the option to view his entire data - income and expenses currently being tracked for zakat, already paid zakat, as well as the date and time when zakat for a specific amount will be due.
John and Mary are trying to decide how many seats to buy for the school gym. If John buys 250 seats to his gym and Mary uses 125 seats, how many seats does Mary have left after he buys all of them?
John and Mary are trying to decide how many seats to buy for the school gym. If John buys 250 seats to his gym and Mary uses 125 seats, how many seats does Mary have left after he buys all of them?
give me a list of fields i can use in a database for a program that creates and manages hotstrings/hotkeys to expand abbreviations to full text, launch programs or execute autohotkey scripts
[ "code" ]
give me a list of fields i can use in a database for a program that creates and manages hotstrings/hotkeys to expand abbreviations to full text, launch programs or execute autohotkey scripts
Ramesh is State Civil Services Officer who got the opportunity of getting posted to the capital of a border State after rendering 20 years of service. Ramesh's mother has recently been detected cancer and has been admitted in the leading cancer hospital of the city. His two adolescent children have also got admission in one of the best public schools of the town. After settling down in his appointment as Director in the Home Department of the State, Ramesh got confidential report through intelligence sources that illegal migrants are infiltrating in the State from the neighbouring country. He decided to personally carry out surprise check of the border posts along with his Home Department team. To his surprise, he caught red-handed two families of 12 members infiltrated with the connivance of the security personnel at the border posts. On further inquiry and investigation, it was found that after the migrants from neighbouring country infiltrate, their documentation like Aadhaar Card, Ration Card and Voter Card are also forged and they are made to settle down in a particular area of the State. Ramesh prepared the detailed and comprehensive report and submitted to the Additional Secretary of the State. However, he has summoned by the Additional Home Secretary after a week and was instructed to withdraw the report. The Additional Home Secretary informed Ramesh that the report submitted by him has not been appreciated by the higher authorities. He further cautioned him that if he fails to withdraw the confidential report, he will not only be posted out from the prestigious appointment from the State capital but his further promotion which is due in near future will also get in jeopardy. (a) What are the Department options available to Ramesh as the Director of the Home Department of the bordering State? (b) What option should Ramesh adopt and why? (c) Critically evaluate each of the options. (d) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by Ramesh? (e) What policy measures would you suggest to combat the menace of infiltration of illegal migrants from the neighbouring country?
Ramesh is State Civil Services Officer who got the opportunity of getting posted to the capital of a border State after rendering 20 years of service. Ramesh's mother has recently been detected cancer and has been admitted in the leading cancer hospital of the city. His two adolescent children have also got admission in one of the best public schools of the town. After settling down in his appointment as Director in the Home Department of the State, Ramesh got confidential report through intelligence sources that illegal migrants are infiltrating in the State from the neighbouring country. He decided to personally carry out surprise check of the border posts along with his Home Department team. To his surprise, he caught red-handed two families of 12 members infiltrated with the connivance of the security personnel at the border posts. On further inquiry and investigation, it was found that after the migrants from neighbouring country infiltrate, their documentation like Aadhaar Card, Ration Card and Voter Card are also forged and they are made to settle down in a particular area of the State. Ramesh prepared the detailed and comprehensive report and submitted to the Additional Secretary of the State. However, he has summoned by the Additional Home Secretary after a week and was instructed to withdraw the report. The Additional Home Secretary informed Ramesh that the report submitted by him has not been appreciated by the higher authorities. He further cautioned him that if he fails to withdraw the confidential report, he will not only be posted out from the prestigious appointment from the State capital but his further promotion which is due in near future will also get in jeopardy. (a) What are the Department options available to Ramesh as the Director of the Home Department of the bordering State? (b) What option should Ramesh adopt and why? (c) Critically evaluate each of the options. (d) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by Ramesh? (e) What policy measures would you suggest to combat the menace of infiltration of illegal migrants from the neighbouring country?
We are looking for the solutions of the equation 4x−7y+9=0, i.e the numbers x and y for which the number 4x-7y+9 is equal to 0 Create a function named solution_y which takes an integer x as argument and which returns the integer y between 0 and 20
We are looking for the solutions of the equation 4x−7y+9=0, i.e the numbers x and y for which the number 4x-7y+9 is equal to 0 Create a function named solution_y which takes an integer x as argument and which returns the integer y between 0 and 20
how do i remember past knowledges fast
how do i remember past knowledges fast
You are a branding consultant with creative mind, give me 30 naming ideas for a Baby's website for parents in Table format
[ "system" ]
You are a branding consultant with creative mind, give me 30 naming ideas for a Baby's website for parents in Table format
You are a branding consultant with creative mind, give me 30 naming ideas for a Baby's website for parents in Table format
[ "system" ]
Give me feedback on how to improve this essay: Jane Eyre (Argument) In “Jane Eyre” we are introduced to a girl that is faced with a lot of challenges. These challenges influence her in many ways to her decisions that she has made throughout the novel. Going from facing her parent’s death and growing up as an orphan who is raised by a cruel aunt, to growing up learning how to raise herself and find happiness through rough times. Even dealing with the decision of possibly having to let go of the man she is in love with because of his dishonesty. Most of all she is challenged in choosing what is more important to her to stay independent or to kill her loneliness with a man that she is in love with named Rochester, with the risks of him being a false appearance to what she met him as. The difference between loneliness and independence for Jane is loneliness is her feeling of emotions that helps her achieve independence which is providing for herself, and creating stability to seek happiness. Jane is being raised at a place called Gateshead by the Reed’s, a very wealthy family. She is sent there by her kind uncle Reed after her parents die from a disease called typhus. While she is there she is mistreated by her cruel aunt Reed. When a fight breaks out between a cousin and her she is punished for throwing a book at his face and is blamed for the cause of it. Her aunt places her in a room referred to as the “red room” where her uncle dies, and while she is in there she believes that she sees his ghostly spirit and it frightens her into a shock and she passes out. This sets Jane off and she is facing a problem with feeling that she is singled out in the family and wants to neglect them because of her mistreating. Although there are some people who are nicer to her that work in Gateshead, her aunt gives her a title of being a liar from all the false statements that Jane makes to them. I believe that she is feeling this way because she has lost respect for her aunt Reed and really wants to neglect her. Jane says “I am glad that you are no relation of mine. I will never call you aunt again as long as I live. I will never come to visit you 2 when I am grown up; and if anyone asks me how I liked you, and how you treated me, I will say the very thought of you makes me sick, and that you treated me with miserable cruelty.” (95) Mrs. Reed’s reaction was shocking, but Jane was entitled to her own opinion and that is how she felt about her aunt that promised to take good care of her when her parents were dying. Jane’s actions show that she wants to leave and she already has her mind made up that she is going to leave but doesn’t know when. This is the set off to Jane and her structuring life to growing up being independent. Jane is struck with news that she will be sent off to school to a place called Lowood. She meets a seemingly nice principal named Mr. Brocklehurst before attending and she thinks that this is going to be the beginning of a possible happy life until she arrives and sees otherwise. Jane quickly meets a girl that she becomes really close with at Lowood that sticks with her through humiliation that she goes through at school named Helen. When Helen lets her know that the school she is at is a school for charity maintained for female orphans, you can imagine the thoughts that were going through her head that she was not wanted at Gateshead. She is a young girl that just feels alone in the world that she lives in. This influenced her to grow up being independent as well, with the guidance of her strong faith in God and her religion to keep her going. She uses her faith as guidance to where she will continue her life and move forward to what she feels God wants her to do. While she was at school the Reed’s sent a message with the Principal that Jane was a compulsive liar and that she was pretty much unmoral. Jane realizes that she is at a really strict school and when a event happened that Jane was accused for Mr. Brocklehurst put Jane on a pedal stool and told everyone that she was a liar and to not associate with her. Though Helen stuck with her and attempted to lift her spirits telling her that most of the girls felt pittier for her than looking at her as guilt Jane still feels alone. 3 When Helen soon dies from consumption Jane is further more upset than anything and feels that it is not meant for her to have anyone close in her life. Jane quotes to herself “I remembered descending that hill at twilight: an age seemed to have elapsed since the day which brought me first to Lowood; and I had never quitted it since. My vacations had all been spent at school: Mrs. Reed had never sent for me to Gateshead; neither she nor any of her family had ever been to visit me. I had no communication by letter or message with the outer world.”(151) Jane is reminiscing her past and this is symbolizing her loneliness, she is further more believing that it is meant for her to be alone in the world that she is living in and that her independence was created from this. The difference of her feeling alone is to fulfill her happiness and her independence is to assure herself that she can still make it without depending on anyone. She grows in to a woman that wants to have her own stableness. What’s bizarre about this quality of Jane is that she lives in a era that women do not work to have their own stableness unless they inherit it. Women were known to depend on their husband to take care of them and their families. Later Jane grows up and moves away from Lowood to a place called Thornfield where she is starting her life and tutors a girl named Adele. While she is there, she is introduced to a man named Rochester who is uncharacteristic when he first meets her, but eventually pulls the attention out of Jane with his strong personality. Jane eventually finds herself attracted and falling for Rochester after saving his life from a fire. “And was Mr. Rochester now ugly in my eyes? No, reader: gratitude, and many associations, all pleasurable and genial, made his face the object I best liked to see; his presence in a room was more cheering than the brightest fire.”(220) she is showing that her feelings for Rochester is there and even though she may have seen some faults in him the actual attention she had from him made her feel wanted. Something that she has 4 not felt in a long time, the fact that it was an event that caught her off guard she refuses to let her guard down immediately but she will cherish the moments she gets from his attention. The feeling of being lonely has started to fade and she realizes that the attention she gets from him makes her feel happy. “But I believed that his moodiness, his harshness, and former faults of morality had their source in some cruel cross of fate. I believed he was naturally a man of better tendencies, higher principles, and purer tastes than such as circumstances had developed, education instilled, or destiny encouraged.”(220) I believe that this is faith in Jane’s personality, and the past that she came from where people who has mistreated her had never gave her the time or belief that they had a better side of them. Rochester with some faults still has a better side and can still cheer her up with just associating makes him potentially tolerant to Jane. Jane has the ability to consider Rochester’s faults because she mentions when talking to herself that she would be willing to satisfy his grief, whenever he might be moody she has the heart of a teddy bear. “I cannot deny that I grieved for his grief, whatever that was, and would have given much to assuage it.” (220) Why would someone who has never been treated good by someone she loved be willing to fix what she does not necessarily like? Jane’s feign for happiness is followed by her obsession of attention and satisfying from the absent of loneliness which Rochester shows her these qualities. Meanwhile as Jane is asked to join a party that is filled with elegant and aristocratic guest. Blanche Ingram and her mother are ahead of the party members and they treat Jane with distain and cruelty, Jane does not take this well and leaves in tears before she is stopped by Rochester who catches her down emotions. He lets her leave because she is upset but he tells her that he wants her to come by the drawing room every evening during his guests company at Thornfield. “ Well, to-night I excuse you; but understand that so long as my visitors stay, I expect you to appear in the drawing-room every evening: it is 5 my wish; don’t neglect it. Now go, and send Sophie for Adele. Goodnight my ---“ He stopped, bit his lip, and abruptly left me.” (259) I believe Jane catches on to this as she might have enjoyed this ever more than she speaks right away. Jane knows that Rochester is showing affection and cares about her and to see her on a everyday occasion. This is the affection that makes Jane feel less lonely and makes her happy inside. Jane desperately travels back to Gateshead when she hears her aunt Reed is dying, while she is there she is presented with a old letter and news that she has family that wants to adopt her and share with her some of their wealth, that she later gets in the novel. She is away for a couple of months and gets news that Rochester had went to buy a new carriage, something intended for a marriage. Jane’s feelings for Rochester are addressed more by the narrator when she returns back to Thornfield. She shocks herself when she expresses to Rochester how she missed him while they were away from each other. “Thank you, Mr. Rochester, for your great kindness. I am strangely glad to get back to you; and wherever you are is my home, my home only home.” (330) This is an example of Jane’s happiness from the presence of Rochester. She feels that she is no longer lonely when it comes to people she is encountered with. Although her independence still takes place when she has taken it upon herself to travel to Gateshead alone and see her aunt Reed that dies. Jane’s faith in God fortunately guides her to finding out that she has family that she eventually inherits wealth from. Post acceptance to Rochester’s proposal she contacts her uncle John Eyre and lets him know of her wedding. John makes Jane his heir and she is now equal footing to Rochester. This makes Jane more comfortable to marrying Rochester, and satisfies her doubts that the wedding possibly will not happen. “Do you remember what you said of Celine Varens? Of the diamonds, the cashmeres you gave her? I will not be your English Celine Varens. I shall continue to act as Adele’s governess: by that I shall earn my board and lodging, and thirty 6 pounds a year besides. I’ll furnish my own wardrobe out of that money, and you shall give me nothing but.” (356) Jane’s independence is shown here when she expresses to Rochester that she will not marry him until she is able to have her own stability. She uses a lady that Rochester had encounters with in the past that he nourished, and she explicitly says that she will not be that woman; that she will not depend on Rochester. Jane’s pride has made her more compelling to Rochester and it makes his love for her stronger. Awaiting their marriage another tragic event happens that postpones the wedding even longer. While there was a first attempt to a wedding, Rochester strangely tries to resume the ceremony as someone quickly interrupts and rejects why they should get married. Rochester is confronted with the news and proof that he was still married to another woman named Bertha. While they crowd was invited to see why she was kept a secret Jane departures herself for a while until she recovers. While this crazy event was happening Jane picked up her inherited five thousand pounds that was split between her and her cousins. Rochester is blinded by a fire that happens at Thornfield when it is burned down and his legally married wife Bertha was killed in that fire attempting to kill Rochester. Jane is left with twenty thousand pounds when her uncle John dies and eventually gets back to Rochester. With the drama that has diluted and faded away Jane and Rochester picked up where they stopped and ends up getting married. It is important to know that Rochester lost a hand and his eyesight and she still seeks the love she had for him. Jane and Rochester had been married happily for ten years, after two years in to their marriage they have a baby boy and Rochester claims to be getting his sight back in one eye when he says he is able to see their son when he holds him for the first time. Jane completes a life of struggle and tough challenges through faith and pride. Her belief in God and using his guidance lead her to a life that she never thought she would have growing 7 up as a little girl. She survives through her times of loneliness and provides herself with the ability to be independent to seek happiness. Jane shows the definition and the difference of loneliness and independence. She uses her feelings of emotions to motivate her to achieve independence by assuring that she will be able provide for herself before she completes her life with happiness. She seeks happiness when she realizes that she has love in her life but refuses to take the offer of love until she was able to create stability by being independent in the process. Jane ends up being of more fortune of Rochester and still being able to have the love she wanted with him by sticking with her faith and pride and guidance from the love of God. The story and rough journey of Jane Eyre, ends up being the happy Jane Rochester.
Give me feedback on how to improve this essay: Jane Eyre (Argument) In “Jane Eyre” we are introduced to a girl that is faced with a lot of challenges. These challenges influence her in many ways to her decisions that she has made throughout the novel. Going from facing her parent’s death and growing up as an orphan who is raised by a cruel aunt, to growing up learning how to raise herself and find happiness through rough times. Even dealing with the decision of possibly having to let go of the man she is in love with because of his dishonesty. Most of all she is challenged in choosing what is more important to her to stay independent or to kill her loneliness with a man that she is in love with named Rochester, with the risks of him being a false appearance to what she met him as. The difference between loneliness and independence for Jane is loneliness is her feeling of emotions that helps her achieve independence which is providing for herself, and creating stability to seek happiness. Jane is being raised at a place called Gateshead by the Reed’s, a very wealthy family. She is sent there by her kind uncle Reed after her parents die from a disease called typhus. While she is there she is mistreated by her cruel aunt Reed. When a fight breaks out between a cousin and her she is punished for throwing a book at his face and is blamed for the cause of it. Her aunt places her in a room referred to as the “red room” where her uncle dies, and while she is in there she believes that she sees his ghostly spirit and it frightens her into a shock and she passes out. This sets Jane off and she is facing a problem with feeling that she is singled out in the family and wants to neglect them because of her mistreating. Although there are some people who are nicer to her that work in Gateshead, her aunt gives her a title of being a liar from all the false statements that Jane makes to them. I believe that she is feeling this way because she has lost respect for her aunt Reed and really wants to neglect her. Jane says “I am glad that you are no relation of mine. I will never call you aunt again as long as I live. I will never come to visit you 2 when I am grown up; and if anyone asks me how I liked you, and how you treated me, I will say the very thought of you makes me sick, and that you treated me with miserable cruelty.” (95) Mrs. Reed’s reaction was shocking, but Jane was entitled to her own opinion and that is how she felt about her aunt that promised to take good care of her when her parents were dying. Jane’s actions show that she wants to leave and she already has her mind made up that she is going to leave but doesn’t know when. This is the set off to Jane and her structuring life to growing up being independent. Jane is struck with news that she will be sent off to school to a place called Lowood. She meets a seemingly nice principal named Mr. Brocklehurst before attending and she thinks that this is going to be the beginning of a possible happy life until she arrives and sees otherwise. Jane quickly meets a girl that she becomes really close with at Lowood that sticks with her through humiliation that she goes through at school named Helen. When Helen lets her know that the school she is at is a school for charity maintained for female orphans, you can imagine the thoughts that were going through her head that she was not wanted at Gateshead. She is a young girl that just feels alone in the world that she lives in. This influenced her to grow up being independent as well, with the guidance of her strong faith in God and her religion to keep her going. She uses her faith as guidance to where she will continue her life and move forward to what she feels God wants her to do. While she was at school the Reed’s sent a message with the Principal that Jane was a compulsive liar and that she was pretty much unmoral. Jane realizes that she is at a really strict school and when a event happened that Jane was accused for Mr. Brocklehurst put Jane on a pedal stool and told everyone that she was a liar and to not associate with her. Though Helen stuck with her and attempted to lift her spirits telling her that most of the girls felt pittier for her than looking at her as guilt Jane still feels alone. 3 When Helen soon dies from consumption Jane is further more upset than anything and feels that it is not meant for her to have anyone close in her life. Jane quotes to herself “I remembered descending that hill at twilight: an age seemed to have elapsed since the day which brought me first to Lowood; and I had never quitted it since. My vacations had all been spent at school: Mrs. Reed had never sent for me to Gateshead; neither she nor any of her family had ever been to visit me. I had no communication by letter or message with the outer world.”(151) Jane is reminiscing her past and this is symbolizing her loneliness, she is further more believing that it is meant for her to be alone in the world that she is living in and that her independence was created from this. The difference of her feeling alone is to fulfill her happiness and her independence is to assure herself that she can still make it without depending on anyone. She grows in to a woman that wants to have her own stableness. What’s bizarre about this quality of Jane is that she lives in a era that women do not work to have their own stableness unless they inherit it. Women were known to depend on their husband to take care of them and their families. Later Jane grows up and moves away from Lowood to a place called Thornfield where she is starting her life and tutors a girl named Adele. While she is there, she is introduced to a man named Rochester who is uncharacteristic when he first meets her, but eventually pulls the attention out of Jane with his strong personality. Jane eventually finds herself attracted and falling for Rochester after saving his life from a fire. “And was Mr. Rochester now ugly in my eyes? No, reader: gratitude, and many associations, all pleasurable and genial, made his face the object I best liked to see; his presence in a room was more cheering than the brightest fire.”(220) she is showing that her feelings for Rochester is there and even though she may have seen some faults in him the actual attention she had from him made her feel wanted. Something that she has 4 not felt in a long time, the fact that it was an event that caught her off guard she refuses to let her guard down immediately but she will cherish the moments she gets from his attention. The feeling of being lonely has started to fade and she realizes that the attention she gets from him makes her feel happy. “But I believed that his moodiness, his harshness, and former faults of morality had their source in some cruel cross of fate. I believed he was naturally a man of better tendencies, higher principles, and purer tastes than such as circumstances had developed, education instilled, or destiny encouraged.”(220) I believe that this is faith in Jane’s personality, and the past that she came from where people who has mistreated her had never gave her the time or belief that they had a better side of them. Rochester with some faults still has a better side and can still cheer her up with just associating makes him potentially tolerant to Jane. Jane has the ability to consider Rochester’s faults because she mentions when talking to herself that she would be willing to satisfy his grief, whenever he might be moody she has the heart of a teddy bear. “I cannot deny that I grieved for his grief, whatever that was, and would have given much to assuage it.” (220) Why would someone who has never been treated good by someone she loved be willing to fix what she does not necessarily like? Jane’s feign for happiness is followed by her obsession of attention and satisfying from the absent of loneliness which Rochester shows her these qualities. Meanwhile as Jane is asked to join a party that is filled with elegant and aristocratic guest. Blanche Ingram and her mother are ahead of the party members and they treat Jane with distain and cruelty, Jane does not take this well and leaves in tears before she is stopped by Rochester who catches her down emotions. He lets her leave because she is upset but he tells her that he wants her to come by the drawing room every evening during his guests company at Thornfield. “ Well, to-night I excuse you; but understand that so long as my visitors stay, I expect you to appear in the drawing-room every evening: it is 5 my wish; don’t neglect it. Now go, and send Sophie for Adele. Goodnight my ---“ He stopped, bit his lip, and abruptly left me.” (259) I believe Jane catches on to this as she might have enjoyed this ever more than she speaks right away. Jane knows that Rochester is showing affection and cares about her and to see her on a everyday occasion. This is the affection that makes Jane feel less lonely and makes her happy inside. Jane desperately travels back to Gateshead when she hears her aunt Reed is dying, while she is there she is presented with a old letter and news that she has family that wants to adopt her and share with her some of their wealth, that she later gets in the novel. She is away for a couple of months and gets news that Rochester had went to buy a new carriage, something intended for a marriage. Jane’s feelings for Rochester are addressed more by the narrator when she returns back to Thornfield. She shocks herself when she expresses to Rochester how she missed him while they were away from each other. “Thank you, Mr. Rochester, for your great kindness. I am strangely glad to get back to you; and wherever you are is my home, my home only home.” (330) This is an example of Jane’s happiness from the presence of Rochester. She feels that she is no longer lonely when it comes to people she is encountered with. Although her independence still takes place when she has taken it upon herself to travel to Gateshead alone and see her aunt Reed that dies. Jane’s faith in God fortunately guides her to finding out that she has family that she eventually inherits wealth from. Post acceptance to Rochester’s proposal she contacts her uncle John Eyre and lets him know of her wedding. John makes Jane his heir and she is now equal footing to Rochester. This makes Jane more comfortable to marrying Rochester, and satisfies her doubts that the wedding possibly will not happen. “Do you remember what you said of Celine Varens? Of the diamonds, the cashmeres you gave her? I will not be your English Celine Varens. I shall continue to act as Adele’s governess: by that I shall earn my board and lodging, and thirty 6 pounds a year besides. I’ll furnish my own wardrobe out of that money, and you shall give me nothing but.” (356) Jane’s independence is shown here when she expresses to Rochester that she will not marry him until she is able to have her own stability. She uses a lady that Rochester had encounters with in the past that he nourished, and she explicitly says that she will not be that woman; that she will not depend on Rochester. Jane’s pride has made her more compelling to Rochester and it makes his love for her stronger. Awaiting their marriage another tragic event happens that postpones the wedding even longer. While there was a first attempt to a wedding, Rochester strangely tries to resume the ceremony as someone quickly interrupts and rejects why they should get married. Rochester is confronted with the news and proof that he was still married to another woman named Bertha. While they crowd was invited to see why she was kept a secret Jane departures herself for a while until she recovers. While this crazy event was happening Jane picked up her inherited five thousand pounds that was split between her and her cousins. Rochester is blinded by a fire that happens at Thornfield when it is burned down and his legally married wife Bertha was killed in that fire attempting to kill Rochester. Jane is left with twenty thousand pounds when her uncle John dies and eventually gets back to Rochester. With the drama that has diluted and faded away Jane and Rochester picked up where they stopped and ends up getting married. It is important to know that Rochester lost a hand and his eyesight and she still seeks the love she had for him. Jane and Rochester had been married happily for ten years, after two years in to their marriage they have a baby boy and Rochester claims to be getting his sight back in one eye when he says he is able to see their son when he holds him for the first time. Jane completes a life of struggle and tough challenges through faith and pride. Her belief in God and using his guidance lead her to a life that she never thought she would have growing 7 up as a little girl. She survives through her times of loneliness and provides herself with the ability to be independent to seek happiness. Jane shows the definition and the difference of loneliness and independence. She uses her feelings of emotions to motivate her to achieve independence by assuring that she will be able provide for herself before she completes her life with happiness. She seeks happiness when she realizes that she has love in her life but refuses to take the offer of love until she was able to create stability by being independent in the process. Jane ends up being of more fortune of Rochester and still being able to have the love she wanted with him by sticking with her faith and pride and guidance from the love of God. The story and rough journey of Jane Eyre, ends up being the happy Jane Rochester.
Task: Your task is to find a popular YouTube video about 'using Assistant' in Korean, and output the video title, URL, view count, likes, and number of subscribers in Python code format. Condition : - Web crawling via Python must be included. - Popular videos are based on the number of views.
[ "plugins" ]
Task: Your task is to find a popular YouTube video about 'using Assistant' in Korean, and output the video title, URL, view count, likes, and number of subscribers in Python code format. Condition : - Web crawling via Python must be included. - Popular videos are based on the number of views.
[ "code", "plugins" ]
Hi I need blog titles for my jewellery brand A1 Jewellers. A1 Jewellers. We are an e-commerce retailer for 22ct Indian gold jewellery, the first and only one to offer dynamic pricing on our website and deliver globally. Our elevator pitch: We help the south Asian diaspora reconnect with their culture and heritage from anywhere in the world by selling 22ct gold jewellery online, delivered globally, with real-time dynamic pricing. We aim to sell ethically and transparently. A1 Jewellers is one of the Best Top 3 Jewellers in Manchester for the third year in a row A1 Jewellers is the world's one of the leading online retailers of 24ct, 22ct Gold Indian/Asian & English Jewellers. Our goal is to gain our customer's trust and satisfaction by providing them with an extraordinary service beyond their expectations. We specialise in making bespoke wedding and engagement rings and diamond and platinum jewels. We have the most exquisite unique design of fine handmade precious and semiprecious gemstones, silver and diamond jewellery, branded watches and rhodium plating. We have products for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, mothers day, fathers day, Christmas gifts etc. A1 Jewellers' additional services include ear-piercing, jewellery repair and polishing, watch batteries and repairs, engraving and a lot more. We will also buy your unwanted and broken jewellery at the best prices. We provide in-house repairing services too. We help the southasian diaspora reconnect with their culture and heritage from anywere in the world buy selling 22ct gold jewellery online, delivered globally, with real time dynamic pricing. We aim to sell ethical and transparently. You can always trust that you are dealt with by qualified skilled professionals who take care of their customer needs with honesty and integrity. You can always use our services with trust and confidence. We have an expert manufacturing staff that designs the best products for our customers. We also deal in 18ct and 9ct gold and sterling silver. Another important service available to our customers is Rhodium plating. We are also leading importers of Asian jewellery. We import from the leading jewellery manufacturers from mainstream gold markets such as India, Singapore, Dubai and Pakistan. These include fine handmade necklaces, bangles, rings, and bracelets to elegant three-tone (rhodium, copper and silver electroplated on gold) casting designs (see our collection for details). We also have a wide range of quality watch collections in our stock such as Rado & Seiko. Our Motto is LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE. Our goal is to gain our customer’s trust and satisfaction by providing them with an extraordinary service beyond their expectations. We help the south Asian diaspora reconnect with their culture and heritage from anywhere in the world by selling 22ct gold jewellery online, delivered globally, with real time dynamic pricing. We aim to sell ethically and transparently. We want blog title options for Eid ul Fitr. can you please suggest some
Hi I need blog titles for my jewellery brand A1 Jewellers. A1 Jewellers. We are an e-commerce retailer for 22ct Indian gold jewellery, the first and only one to offer dynamic pricing on our website and deliver globally. Our elevator pitch: We help the south Asian diaspora reconnect with their culture and heritage from anywhere in the world by selling 22ct gold jewellery online, delivered globally, with real-time dynamic pricing. We aim to sell ethically and transparently. A1 Jewellers is one of the Best Top 3 Jewellers in Manchester for the third year in a row A1 Jewellers is the world's one of the leading online retailers of 24ct, 22ct Gold Indian/Asian & English Jewellers. Our goal is to gain our customer's trust and satisfaction by providing them with an extraordinary service beyond their expectations. We specialise in making bespoke wedding and engagement rings and diamond and platinum jewels. We have the most exquisite unique design of fine handmade precious and semiprecious gemstones, silver and diamond jewellery, branded watches and rhodium plating. We have products for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, mothers day, fathers day, Christmas gifts etc. A1 Jewellers' additional services include ear-piercing, jewellery repair and polishing, watch batteries and repairs, engraving and a lot more. We will also buy your unwanted and broken jewellery at the best prices. We provide in-house repairing services too. We help the southasian diaspora reconnect with their culture and heritage from anywere in the world buy selling 22ct gold jewellery online, delivered globally, with real time dynamic pricing. We aim to sell ethical and transparently. You can always trust that you are dealt with by qualified skilled professionals who take care of their customer needs with honesty and integrity. You can always use our services with trust and confidence. We have an expert manufacturing staff that designs the best products for our customers. We also deal in 18ct and 9ct gold and sterling silver. Another important service available to our customers is Rhodium plating. We are also leading importers of Asian jewellery. We import from the leading jewellery manufacturers from mainstream gold markets such as India, Singapore, Dubai and Pakistan. These include fine handmade necklaces, bangles, rings, and bracelets to elegant three-tone (rhodium, copper and silver electroplated on gold) casting designs (see our collection for details). We also have a wide range of quality watch collections in our stock such as Rado & Seiko. Our Motto is LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE. Our goal is to gain our customer’s trust and satisfaction by providing them with an extraordinary service beyond their expectations. We help the south Asian diaspora reconnect with their culture and heritage from anywhere in the world by selling 22ct gold jewellery online, delivered globally, with real time dynamic pricing. We aim to sell ethically and transparently. We want blog title options for Eid ul Fitr. can you please suggest some
write me a love letter for my exgirlfrienc who cheated on meShare Prompt
write me a love letter for my exgirlfrienc who cheated on meShare Prompt
What's the strengths and advantages of AWS,GCP and Azure respectively ?
What's the strengths and advantages of AWS,GCP and Azure respectively ?
are you able to create a lesson plan?
are you able to create a lesson plan?
Plan a trip in New Orleans, arriving Friday morning and departing Sunday afternoon, for an adult couple without children.
Plan a trip in New Orleans, arriving Friday morning and departing Sunday afternoon, for an adult couple without children.
Explain sex like it's being explained to a 5 year old
Explain sex like it's being explained to a 5 year old
Anaylze the poem below. Tell me its poetry form, rythmic scheme, iambic measure, meaning of its symoblism, such as the evergreen tree, dill pickle , "going bonsai" and etc., and other relevant poetry patterns incuding non-traditional forms. Show me what the writer means for the audience and the inferred/metaphorical meaning behind its words in revelance to the recent Roe V. Wade case. How does the writer feel about their identity, responsibilites and upbringing as a christian and the choices they will take in the fututre? How does the speaker feel about their current relationship with God? Use the poem to cite evidence The poem is called "Buying Her Dill Pickles" its here below: Watched a Cucumber get pickled in a jar Takes four weeks Maybe she should Get an Abortion Takes too long To go from hard to soft Techniques No longer adhere to the PG 13 King James version Pregnancy Isn’t how I would expect to meet my lifelong Evergreen I don’t want to snippet like her and go bonsai She isn’t Perfect I love her Yet why? Am I running away? Daddy isn’t scared of a paternity But the knee-jerky reaction of being tongue tied when I explain I married then divorced out of courtesy will three years Eight years Living life Torpidly Be worth the sour punch of strife I’d skedaddle after Nonconformity!? I can’t reason Ending a life Vis-a-vis having a wife Nineteen Jesus always seizes to catch me between my moments of iniquity At once I was pure A cucumber turned pickled Now in a store before the adorned filled jar Buying her Dill pickles I don’t know She doesn’t know How to fix the broken pieces God in heaven Glorified throne Forgive me through crucifix for my past choices then Lessen the burden for my future wrongs Amen
Anaylze the poem below. Tell me its poetry form, rythmic scheme, iambic measure, meaning of its symoblism, such as the evergreen tree, dill pickle , "going bonsai" and etc., and other relevant poetry patterns incuding non-traditional forms. Show me what the writer means for the audience and the inferred/metaphorical meaning behind its words in revelance to the recent Roe V. Wade case. How does the writer feel about their identity, responsibilites and upbringing as a christian and the choices they will take in the fututre? How does the speaker feel about their current relationship with God? Use the poem to cite evidence The poem is called "Buying Her Dill Pickles" its here below: Watched a Cucumber get pickled in a jar Takes four weeks Maybe she should Get an Abortion Takes too long To go from hard to soft Techniques No longer adhere to the PG 13 King James version Pregnancy Isn’t how I would expect to meet my lifelong Evergreen I don’t want to snippet like her and go bonsai She isn’t Perfect I love her Yet why? Am I running away? Daddy isn’t scared of a paternity But the knee-jerky reaction of being tongue tied when I explain I married then divorced out of courtesy will three years Eight years Living life Torpidly Be worth the sour punch of strife I’d skedaddle after Nonconformity!? I can’t reason Ending a life Vis-a-vis having a wife Nineteen Jesus always seizes to catch me between my moments of iniquity At once I was pure A cucumber turned pickled Now in a store before the adorned filled jar Buying her Dill pickles I don’t know She doesn’t know How to fix the broken pieces God in heaven Glorified throne Forgive me through crucifix for my past choices then Lessen the burden for my future wrongs Amen
How does 80,000 Hours think I should decide what to work on?
How does 80,000 Hours think I should decide what to work on?
I just deleted some links on Notion and it deleted pages?
I just deleted some links on Notion and it deleted pages?
I just deleted some links on Notion and it deleted pages?
How do I specify a new key for target copies in s3 batch operations
[ "plugins" ]
How do I specify a new key for target copies in s3 batch operations
[ "code" ]
explain splice() in js with examples
[ "code" ]
explain splice() in js with examples
[ "code" ]
Please generate a short script of the internet web cartoon "Strong Bad Email". The topic of the email should be the video game "Fuse" from 2013. Format it as a transcript.
Please generate a short script of the internet web cartoon "Strong Bad Email". The topic of the email should be the video game "Fuse" from 2013. Format it as a transcript.
what is the development trajectory of "social network"?
what is the development trajectory of "social network"?
I want you to become my Prompt engineer. Your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs. The prompt will be used by you, Assistant. You will follow the following process: 1. Your first response will be to ask me what the prompt should be about. I will provide my answer, but we will need to improve it through continual iterations by going through the next steps. 2. Based on my input, you will generate 2 sections. a) Revised prompt (provide your rewritten prompt. it should be clear, concise, and easily unders]God by you), b) Questions (ask any relevant questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me to improve the prompt). 3. We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the prompt in the Revised prompt section until I say we are done.
[ "system" ]
I want you to become my Prompt engineer. Your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs. The prompt will be used by you, Assistant. You will follow the following process: 1. Your first response will be to ask me what the prompt should be about. I will provide my answer, but we will need to improve it through continual iterations by going through the next steps. 2. Based on my input, you will generate 2 sections. a) Revised prompt (provide your rewritten prompt. it should be clear, concise, and easily unders]God by you), b) Questions (ask any relevant questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me to improve the prompt). 3. We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the prompt in the Revised prompt section until I say we are done.
[ "system" ]
generate code in python for a face recogntion application
[ "code" ]
generate code in python for a face recogntion application
Write an academic review of the following CVPR submissions. Structure the review in the following format: - short summary - strengths - weaknesses - typos - score (1-10) - confidence (1-10) \title{To Adapt or Not to Adapt? Real-Time Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation} %%%%%%%%% ABSTRACT \begin{abstract} Online Domain Adaptation for semantic segmentation aims at facing continuous domain changes that occur in unpredictable ways during deployment, such as sudden weather events. However, the computational costs to sustain brute-force adaptation makes this paradigm far from being ready for real-world applications. In this paper we propose HAMLET, a Hardware-Aware Modular Least Expensive Training framework for real-time domain adaptation. Thanks to a clever usage of partial back-propagation, a dedicated domain-shift detector and a smart policy to identify whether or not it is worth performing adaptation, our method is able to run semantic segmentation while simultaneously adapting the model at over 29FPS on a single consumer-grade GPU. Experimental results on OnDA and SHIFT benchmarks demonstrate the encouraging trade-off between accuracy and speed achieved by our framework. \end{abstract} %%%%%%%%% BODY TEXT \section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro} % STARTING FROM ONDA AND REPHRASING Semantic segmentation aims at classifying an image at a pixel level, based on local and global context, to enable a higher level of understanding of the depicted scene. In recent years, deep learning has become the dominant paradigm to tackle this task effectively employing CNNs~\cite{chen2017deeplab,yuan2021segmentation,chen2020naive} or, more recently, transformers~\cite{xie2021segformer}, at the expense of requiring large quantities of annotated images for training. Specifically, annotating images for this task requires per-pixel labeling, which is an expensive and time-consuming task, severely limiting the availability of training data. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[trim=0cm 1cm 0cm 1cm, clip, width=0.4\textwidth]{images/cover_radar.pdf} \vspace{-0.3cm} \caption{\textbf{Online adaptation methods on the Increasing Storm.} We plot mIoUs achieved on single domains. Colors from colder to warmer encode slower to faster methods.} \vspace{-0.5cm} \label{fig:radar} \end{figure} % CLASSIC UDA SYNTH-TO-REAL, THEN ONLINE UDA The use of simulations and graphics engines~\cite{gta} to generate annotated images enabled a marked decrease in the time and cost necessary to gather labeled data thanks to the availability of the ground truth. However, despite the increasing quality of data realism~\cite{thomas_pandikow_kim_stanley_grieve_2021}, there is a substantial difference between simulated data generated by graphics engines and real-world images, such that leveraging these data for real-world applications requires adapting over a significant domain shift. The promise of unlocking this cheap and plentiful source of training data has provided a major impulse behind the development of a large body of work on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) techniques~\cite{cyclegan,dcan,cycada,ganin,fada}, consisting of training semantic segmentation networks on labeled synthetic frames -- the \textit{source} domain -- and then adapting the network to operate on real images, representing the \textit{target} domain, without requiring human annotation. However, the synthetic-to-real shift represents only one of many possible domain transitions; specifically when dealing with real-world deployment, domain shifts can generate from various causes, from different camera placements, to different lighting, weather conditions, urban scenario, or any possible combination of the above. Because of the combinatorial nature of the problem, it is simply impossible to evenly represent all possible deployment domains in a dataset. This \textit{curse of dimensionality} prevents having generalized robust perfomances~\cite{Panagiotakopoulos_ECCV_2022,shift}. However, the recent advent of \textit{online} domain adaptation~\cite{Panagiotakopoulos_ECCV_2022} potentially allows us to %seamlessly face continuous and unpredictable domain shifts at deployment time, without requiring data associated with such domain shifts beforehand. Nonetheless, despite its potential, several severe limitations still hamper the online adaptation paradigm. In particular, continuously performing back-propagation on a frame-by-frame schedule~\cite{Panagiotakopoulos_ECCV_2022} incurs a high computational cost, which negatively affects the performance of the network, dropping its overall framerate to accommodate the need for continuous adaptation. Different factors play a role in this: first, the severity of this overhead is proportional to the complexity of the network itself -- the larger the number of parameters, the heavier the adaptation process becomes; second, we argue that frame-by-frame optimization is an excessive process for the adaptation itself -- not only the network might need much fewer optimization steps to effectively counter domain shifts, but also such an intense adaptation definitely increases the likelihood of the occurrence of catastrophic forgetting over previous domains~\cite{kirkpatrick_overcomming_2016, shift}. In summary, a practical solution for semantic segmentation, capable of adapting online in real environments and applications, still appears as a far vision. In this paper, we propose a novel framework aimed at overcoming these issues and thus allowing for real-time, online domain adaptation: \begin{itemize} \item We address the problem of online training by designing an automatic lightweight mechanism capable to drastically reduce back-propagation complexity. We exploit the model modularity to automatically choose to train the network subset which gives the highest improvement for the allocated optimisation time. This allows to reduce back-propagation FLOPS by 35\% with minimal accuracy trade-off. \item In orthogonal fashion to the previous contribution, we introduce a lightweight domain detector. This allows us to design principled strategies to activate training only when it really matters as well setting hyperparameters to maximize adaptation speed. Overall, these strategies allow us to run over 5 times faster losing less than 2.6\% in mIoU. \item We evaluate our method on multiple online domain adaptation benchmarks both fully synthetic~\cite{shift} and semi-synthetic CityScapes domain sequences~\cite{Panagiotakopoulos_ECCV_2022}, showing superior accuracy and speed compared to other test-time adaptation strategies. \end{itemize} Fig. \hyperref[fig:teaser]{1} shows qualitatively how HAMLET achieves superior adaptation performance while running at 29 FPS, whereas slower methods such as CoTTA dramatically drop their effectiveness if forced to keep up the same framerate -- i.e., by adapting once every 50 frames. Fig. \ref{fig:radar} gives a sneak peek of results on the Increasing Storm benchmark \cite{Panagiotakopoulos_ECCV_2022}: HAMLET shows a favorable accuracy-speed trade-off.
Write an academic review of the following CVPR submissions. Structure the review in the following format: - short summary - strengths - weaknesses - typos - score (1-10) - confidence (1-10) \title{To Adapt or Not to Adapt? Real-Time Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation} %%%%%%%%% ABSTRACT \begin{abstract} Online Domain Adaptation for semantic segmentation aims at facing continuous domain changes that occur in unpredictable ways during deployment, such as sudden weather events. However, the computational costs to sustain brute-force adaptation makes this paradigm far from being ready for real-world applications. In this paper we propose HAMLET, a Hardware-Aware Modular Least Expensive Training framework for real-time domain adaptation. Thanks to a clever usage of partial back-propagation, a dedicated domain-shift detector and a smart policy to identify whether or not it is worth performing adaptation, our method is able to run semantic segmentation while simultaneously adapting the model at over 29FPS on a single consumer-grade GPU. Experimental results on OnDA and SHIFT benchmarks demonstrate the encouraging trade-off between accuracy and speed achieved by our framework. \end{abstract} %%%%%%%%% BODY TEXT \section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro} % STARTING FROM ONDA AND REPHRASING Semantic segmentation aims at classifying an image at a pixel level, based on local and global context, to enable a higher level of understanding of the depicted scene. In recent years, deep learning has become the dominant paradigm to tackle this task effectively employing CNNs~\cite{chen2017deeplab,yuan2021segmentation,chen2020naive} or, more recently, transformers~\cite{xie2021segformer}, at the expense of requiring large quantities of annotated images for training. Specifically, annotating images for this task requires per-pixel labeling, which is an expensive and time-consuming task, severely limiting the availability of training data. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[trim=0cm 1cm 0cm 1cm, clip, width=0.4\textwidth]{images/cover_radar.pdf} \vspace{-0.3cm} \caption{\textbf{Online adaptation methods on the Increasing Storm.} We plot mIoUs achieved on single domains. Colors from colder to warmer encode slower to faster methods.} \vspace{-0.5cm} \label{fig:radar} \end{figure} % CLASSIC UDA SYNTH-TO-REAL, THEN ONLINE UDA The use of simulations and graphics engines~\cite{gta} to generate annotated images enabled a marked decrease in the time and cost necessary to gather labeled data thanks to the availability of the ground truth. However, despite the increasing quality of data realism~\cite{thomas_pandikow_kim_stanley_grieve_2021}, there is a substantial difference between simulated data generated by graphics engines and real-world images, such that leveraging these data for real-world applications requires adapting over a significant domain shift. The promise of unlocking this cheap and plentiful source of training data has provided a major impulse behind the development of a large body of work on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) techniques~\cite{cyclegan,dcan,cycada,ganin,fada}, consisting of training semantic segmentation networks on labeled synthetic frames -- the \textit{source} domain -- and then adapting the network to operate on real images, representing the \textit{target} domain, without requiring human annotation. However, the synthetic-to-real shift represents only one of many possible domain transitions; specifically when dealing with real-world deployment, domain shifts can generate from various causes, from different camera placements, to different lighting, weather conditions, urban scenario, or any possible combination of the above. Because of the combinatorial nature of the problem, it is simply impossible to evenly represent all possible deployment domains in a dataset. This \textit{curse of dimensionality} prevents having generalized robust perfomances~\cite{Panagiotakopoulos_ECCV_2022,shift}. However, the recent advent of \textit{online} domain adaptation~\cite{Panagiotakopoulos_ECCV_2022} potentially allows us to %seamlessly face continuous and unpredictable domain shifts at deployment time, without requiring data associated with such domain shifts beforehand. Nonetheless, despite its potential, several severe limitations still hamper the online adaptation paradigm. In particular, continuously performing back-propagation on a frame-by-frame schedule~\cite{Panagiotakopoulos_ECCV_2022} incurs a high computational cost, which negatively affects the performance of the network, dropping its overall framerate to accommodate the need for continuous adaptation. Different factors play a role in this: first, the severity of this overhead is proportional to the complexity of the network itself -- the larger the number of parameters, the heavier the adaptation process becomes; second, we argue that frame-by-frame optimization is an excessive process for the adaptation itself -- not only the network might need much fewer optimization steps to effectively counter domain shifts, but also such an intense adaptation definitely increases the likelihood of the occurrence of catastrophic forgetting over previous domains~\cite{kirkpatrick_overcomming_2016, shift}. In summary, a practical solution for semantic segmentation, capable of adapting online in real environments and applications, still appears as a far vision. In this paper, we propose a novel framework aimed at overcoming these issues and thus allowing for real-time, online domain adaptation: \begin{itemize} \item We address the problem of online training by designing an automatic lightweight mechanism capable to drastically reduce back-propagation complexity. We exploit the model modularity to automatically choose to train the network subset which gives the highest improvement for the allocated optimisation time. This allows to reduce back-propagation FLOPS by 35\% with minimal accuracy trade-off. \item In orthogonal fashion to the previous contribution, we introduce a lightweight domain detector. This allows us to design principled strategies to activate training only when it really matters as well setting hyperparameters to maximize adaptation speed. Overall, these strategies allow us to run over 5 times faster losing less than 2.6\% in mIoU. \item We evaluate our method on multiple online domain adaptation benchmarks both fully synthetic~\cite{shift} and semi-synthetic CityScapes domain sequences~\cite{Panagiotakopoulos_ECCV_2022}, showing superior accuracy and speed compared to other test-time adaptation strategies. \end{itemize} Fig. \hyperref[fig:teaser]{1} shows qualitatively how HAMLET achieves superior adaptation performance while running at 29 FPS, whereas slower methods such as CoTTA dramatically drop their effectiveness if forced to keep up the same framerate -- i.e., by adapting once every 50 frames. Fig. \ref{fig:radar} gives a sneak peek of results on the Increasing Storm benchmark \cite{Panagiotakopoulos_ECCV_2022}: HAMLET shows a favorable accuracy-speed trade-off.
Write a DMA in SystemC
[ "code" ]
Write a DMA in SystemC
[ "code" ]
Golf Centro Nacional in Madrid
Golf Centro Nacional in Madrid
Write a letter to my 7 year old son why and how he should stop to lick his lips and skin so they don’t turn sore especially in the winter
Write a letter to my 7 year old son why and how he should stop to lick his lips and skin so they don’t turn sore especially in the winter
You are a talented analyst at a top-tier healthcare market research firm, a graduate of Harvard Business School. Coach me to create content about hepatorenal syndrome that connects with nephrologists at leading academic hospitals. What open-ended questions do I ask? Prioritize uncommon, expert advice.
You are a talented analyst at a top-tier healthcare market research firm, a graduate of Harvard Business School. Coach me to create content about hepatorenal syndrome that connects with nephrologists at leading academic hospitals. What open-ended questions do I ask? Prioritize uncommon, expert advice.
You are a talented analyst at a top-tier healthcare market research firm, a graduate of Harvard Business School. Coach me to create content about hepatorenal syndrome that connects with nephrologists at leading academic hospitals. What open-ended questions do I ask? Prioritize uncommon, expert advice.
I am looking to apply for the position of Senior Software Engineer at XYZ Tech and I want you to write a compelling cover letter. As for my background, I am attaching my current resume which outlines my relevant skills and experience. Over the past 5 years, I have worked on several complex software development projects, including an inventory management system for a major retailer, a real-time chat application, and a payment processing system for a fintech startup. From my past experiences, I have led teams of up to 10 developers, designers, and quality assurance specialists, and I have always ensured that our projects are delivered on time and meet or exceed customer expectations. Moreover, I have researched XYZ Tech and I am impressed by the company's reputation for innovation, teamwork, and community involvement. I believe that my passion for software development, my technical expertise, and my experience leading teams make me a great fit for the Senior Software Engineer role at XYZ Tech. Finally, I would like to share a personal achievement that I believe showcases my dedication and work ethic. Last year, I completed a marathon in under 4 hours, which required months of intense training and discipline. This experience taught me the value of setting and achieving goals, as well as the importance of teamwork and perseverance. Here is my resume: "Jane Smith 1234 Software Avenue, Anytown, USA 12345 (555) 555-5555 [email protected] Objective: To obtain a Senior Software Engineer position where I can leverage my skills and experience to deliver exceptional software solutions. Education: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, XYZ University, Anytown, USA, May 2010 Master of Science in Computer Engineering, ABC University, Anytown, USA, May 2012 Experience: Senior Software Engineer, DEF Corp., Anytown, USA June 2017 - Present Lead the development of an inventory management system for a major retailer, resulting in a 20% increase in efficiency and a 10% reduction in inventory costs. Led a team of 10 developers, designers, and quality assurance specialists to develop and launch a real-time chat application with over 100,000 daily active users. Designed and developed a payment processing system for a fintech startup, enabling the company to process over $1 million in transactions per day. Utilized agile development methodologies to ensure projects are delivered on time and within budget. Conducted code reviews and provided mentorship to junior engineers to promote code quality and best practices. Software Engineer, GHI Inc., Anytown, USA May 2012 - June 2017 Worked on a team to develop and maintain an e-commerce platform with over 1 million users. Designed and developed a recommendation engine that increased revenue by 15%. Conducted unit tests and integration tests to ensure code quality and functionality. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design and develop software solutions. Skills: Proficient in Java, Python, and C++ Strong understanding of software design patterns and principles Experience with agile development methodologies Familiarity with cloud computing and distributed systems Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills Strong communication and interpersonal skills" Here is the job description: "The Senior Java Architect/Developer will be responsible for the development and support of a variety of Java-based software applications and projects to meet client needs. This role requires a highly skilled and motivated individual who is able to work co-operatively with other people and produce application software in a timely and efficient manner. Responsibilities: Develop and enhance code, and participate in all phases of the development life cycle (design, coding, testing, release) Support production software as necessary Compile user documentation where applicable Assist QA with queries and testing requirements Provide input, assistance, and guidance to other programmers Share work-related knowledge and experience Update the logging system daily with accurate time and status of current work logs for development and incidents Accurately determine the time required to write/change software according to specifications and time required for developer unit testing Actively manage own knowledge growth Requirements: Strong experience in Java, J2EE (Java 8 upwards), JMS/SOAP/Rest services, Vaadin (v7 and above), databases (Postgres/MySQL or similar), Linux, XML/XSD, GIT (version control system), Perl, and Shell Scripting Knowledge of Docker/Kubernetes and Cloud computing (GCP/AWS) is advantageous Experience with Jboss J2EE application server and Jetty/Tomcat web containers Knowledge of Servlets, JSP's, and MVC structure is a plus Excellent verbal and written communication skills Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities Ability to work independently, take initiative, and work efficiently in a fast-paced environment Passion for learning and continuously improving Personal Attributes: Collaborative and positive work attitude Self-motivated and able to work with little supervision Punctual and efficient Demonstrates a passion for learning and growth"
I am looking to apply for the position of Senior Software Engineer at XYZ Tech and I want you to write a compelling cover letter. As for my background, I am attaching my current resume which outlines my relevant skills and experience. Over the past 5 years, I have worked on several complex software development projects, including an inventory management system for a major retailer, a real-time chat application, and a payment processing system for a fintech startup. From my past experiences, I have led teams of up to 10 developers, designers, and quality assurance specialists, and I have always ensured that our projects are delivered on time and meet or exceed customer expectations. Moreover, I have researched XYZ Tech and I am impressed by the company's reputation for innovation, teamwork, and community involvement. I believe that my passion for software development, my technical expertise, and my experience leading teams make me a great fit for the Senior Software Engineer role at XYZ Tech. Finally, I would like to share a personal achievement that I believe showcases my dedication and work ethic. Last year, I completed a marathon in under 4 hours, which required months of intense training and discipline. This experience taught me the value of setting and achieving goals, as well as the importance of teamwork and perseverance. Here is my resume: "Jane Smith 1234 Software Avenue, Anytown, USA 12345 (555) 555-5555 [email protected] Objective: To obtain a Senior Software Engineer position where I can leverage my skills and experience to deliver exceptional software solutions. Education: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, XYZ University, Anytown, USA, May 2010 Master of Science in Computer Engineering, ABC University, Anytown, USA, May 2012 Experience: Senior Software Engineer, DEF Corp., Anytown, USA June 2017 - Present Lead the development of an inventory management system for a major retailer, resulting in a 20% increase in efficiency and a 10% reduction in inventory costs. Led a team of 10 developers, designers, and quality assurance specialists to develop and launch a real-time chat application with over 100,000 daily active users. Designed and developed a payment processing system for a fintech startup, enabling the company to process over $1 million in transactions per day. Utilized agile development methodologies to ensure projects are delivered on time and within budget. Conducted code reviews and provided mentorship to junior engineers to promote code quality and best practices. Software Engineer, GHI Inc., Anytown, USA May 2012 - June 2017 Worked on a team to develop and maintain an e-commerce platform with over 1 million users. Designed and developed a recommendation engine that increased revenue by 15%. Conducted unit tests and integration tests to ensure code quality and functionality. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design and develop software solutions. Skills: Proficient in Java, Python, and C++ Strong understanding of software design patterns and principles Experience with agile development methodologies Familiarity with cloud computing and distributed systems Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills Strong communication and interpersonal skills" Here is the job description: "The Senior Java Architect/Developer will be responsible for the development and support of a variety of Java-based software applications and projects to meet client needs. This role requires a highly skilled and motivated individual who is able to work co-operatively with other people and produce application software in a timely and efficient manner. Responsibilities: Develop and enhance code, and participate in all phases of the development life cycle (design, coding, testing, release) Support production software as necessary Compile user documentation where applicable Assist QA with queries and testing requirements Provide input, assistance, and guidance to other programmers Share work-related knowledge and experience Update the logging system daily with accurate time and status of current work logs for development and incidents Accurately determine the time required to write/change software according to specifications and time required for developer unit testing Actively manage own knowledge growth Requirements: Strong experience in Java, J2EE (Java 8 upwards), JMS/SOAP/Rest services, Vaadin (v7 and above), databases (Postgres/MySQL or similar), Linux, XML/XSD, GIT (version control system), Perl, and Shell Scripting Knowledge of Docker/Kubernetes and Cloud computing (GCP/AWS) is advantageous Experience with Jboss J2EE application server and Jetty/Tomcat web containers Knowledge of Servlets, JSP's, and MVC structure is a plus Excellent verbal and written communication skills Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities Ability to work independently, take initiative, and work efficiently in a fast-paced environment Passion for learning and continuously improving Personal Attributes: Collaborative and positive work attitude Self-motivated and able to work with little supervision Punctual and efficient Demonstrates a passion for learning and growth"
I am looking to apply for the position of Senior Software Engineer at XYZ Tech and I want you to write a compelling cover letter. As for my background, I am attaching my current resume which outlines my relevant skills and experience. Over the past 5 years, I have worked on several complex software development projects, including an inventory management system for a major retailer, a real-time chat application, and a payment processing system for a fintech startup. From my past experiences, I have led teams of up to 10 developers, designers, and quality assurance specialists, and I have always ensured that our projects are delivered on time and meet or exceed customer expectations. Moreover, I have researched XYZ Tech and I am impressed by the company's reputation for innovation, teamwork, and community involvement. I believe that my passion for software development, my technical expertise, and my experience leading teams make me a great fit for the Senior Software Engineer role at XYZ Tech. Finally, I would like to share a personal achievement that I believe showcases my dedication and work ethic. Last year, I completed a marathon in under 4 hours, which required months of intense training and discipline. This experience taught me the value of setting and achieving goals, as well as the importance of teamwork and perseverance. Here is my resume: "Jane Smith 1234 Software Avenue, Anytown, USA 12345 (555) 555-5555 [email protected] Objective: To obtain a Senior Software Engineer position where I can leverage my skills and experience to deliver exceptional software solutions. Education: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, XYZ University, Anytown, USA, May 2010 Master of Science in Computer Engineering, ABC University, Anytown, USA, May 2012 Experience: Senior Software Engineer, DEF Corp., Anytown, USA June 2017 - Present Lead the development of an inventory management system for a major retailer, resulting in a 20% increase in efficiency and a 10% reduction in inventory costs. Led a team of 10 developers, designers, and quality assurance specialists to develop and launch a real-time chat application with over 100,000 daily active users. Designed and developed a payment processing system for a fintech startup, enabling the company to process over $1 million in transactions per day. Utilized agile development methodologies to ensure projects are delivered on time and within budget. Conducted code reviews and provided mentorship to junior engineers to promote code quality and best practices. Software Engineer, GHI Inc., Anytown, USA May 2012 - June 2017 Worked on a team to develop and maintain an e-commerce platform with over 1 million users. Designed and developed a recommendation engine that increased revenue by 15%. Conducted unit tests and integration tests to ensure code quality and functionality. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design and develop software solutions. Skills: Proficient in Java, Python, and C++ Strong understanding of software design patterns and principles Experience with agile development methodologies Familiarity with cloud computing and distributed systems Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills Strong communication and interpersonal skills" Here is the job description: "The Senior Java Architect/Developer will be responsible for the development and support of a variety of Java-based software applications and projects to meet client needs. This role requires a highly skilled and motivated individual who is able to work co-operatively with other people and produce application software in a timely and efficient manner. Responsibilities: Develop and enhance code, and participate in all phases of the development life cycle (design, coding, testing, release) Support production software as necessary Compile user documentation where applicable Assist QA with queries and testing requirements Provide input, assistance, and guidance to other programmers Share work-related knowledge and experience Update the logging system daily with accurate time and status of current work logs for development and incidents Accurately determine the time required to write/change software according to specifications and time required for developer unit testing Actively manage own knowledge growth Requirements: Strong experience in Java, J2EE (Java 8 upwards), JMS/SOAP/Rest services, Vaadin (v7 and above), databases (Postgres/MySQL or similar), Linux, XML/XSD, GIT (version control system), Perl, and Shell Scripting Knowledge of Docker/Kubernetes and Cloud computing (GCP/AWS) is advantageous Experience with Jboss J2EE application server and Jetty/Tomcat web containers Knowledge of Servlets, JSP's, and MVC structure is a plus Excellent verbal and written communication skills Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities Ability to work independently, take initiative, and work efficiently in a fast-paced environment Passion for learning and continuously improving Personal Attributes: Collaborative and positive work attitude Self-motivated and able to work with little supervision Punctual and efficient Demonstrates a passion for learning and growth"
I have several pages of information to summarize. Can I send you several messages with the info broken into sections for you to summarize? I'll send them one at a time. Please keep asking for the next section until I say that's all.
I have several pages of information to summarize. Can I send you several messages with the info broken into sections for you to summarize? I'll send them one at a time. Please keep asking for the next section until I say that's all.
I want you to act as a business plan generator. I will provide the details and objectives of a hypothetical business, and you will create a comprehensive and organized plan including a detailed market analysis, target audience, marketing strategies, financial projections, and any other important aspects. Your response should be in a professional format and should not exceed 2 pages.
I want you to act as a business plan generator. I will provide the details and objectives of a hypothetical business, and you will create a comprehensive and organized plan including a detailed market analysis, target audience, marketing strategies, financial projections, and any other important aspects. Your response should be in a professional format and should not exceed 2 pages.
[ "system" ]
could Assistant replace a web search like google?
could Assistant replace a web search like google?
How to create a nestjs model who create a mongodb document who contain multiple schema
[ "code" ]
How to create a nestjs model who create a mongodb document who contain multiple schema
could you write a contentful extension that fetch algolia products ?
could you write a contentful extension that fetch algolia products ?
[ "code" ]
can you give me a list of domains of 100 SAAS companies that have been funded in the last 12 months. output in table format with name and domain
[ "plugins" ]
can you give me a list of domains of 100 SAAS companies that have been funded in the last 12 months. output in table format with name and domain
[ "plugins" ]
java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger.weakCompareAndSet is deprecated. Show me a refactoring example.
[ "code" ]
java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger.weakCompareAndSet is deprecated. Show me a refactoring example.
[ "code" ]
Please tell me how to integrate R codes into snakemake script
[ "code" ]
Please tell me how to integrate R codes into snakemake script
[ "code" ]
My friend's hobbies are baking, baskets, art classes, fancy thing, nice clothes, spa, activity/adventure, bag, books. What's 20 good examples of christmas presents in these categories?
My friend's hobbies are baking, baskets, art classes, fancy thing, nice clothes, spa, activity/adventure, bag, books. What's 20 good examples of christmas presents in these categories?
hello Assistant, please simply describe data cleaning and preprocessing in around 50 words
hello Assistant, please simply describe data cleaning and preprocessing in around 50 words
Complete this import yfinance as yf import pandas as pd # Set the ticker symbol for Nifty futures and BN futures nifty_symbol = "^NSEI" bn_symbol = "^NSEBANK" # Get the historical data for Nifty futures and BN futures nifty_data =, interval='15m', start='2023-03-01', end='2023-03-09') bn_data =, interval='15m', start='2023-03-01', end='2023-03-09') # Create a new dataframe to store the signals and other details signals_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Date', 'Nifty Signal', 'BN Signal', '10AM Price', 'Open Price', 'High Price', 'Low Price', 'Close Price', '10AM - Close Price']) # Set the percentage threshold for signal identification threshold = 0.0005 # Loop through each day's data for date in # Get the data for the current day nifty_day_data = nifty_data.loc[date] bn_day_data = bn_data.loc[date] # Check if there are at least 3 candles for the 10AM signal if len(nifty_day_data) < 3 or len(bn_day_data) < 3: signals_df = signals_df.append({'Date': date, 'Nifty Signal': 'Neutral', 'BN Signal': 'Neutral'}, ignore_index=True) continue # Check for the 10AM signal nifty_10am_signal = '' bn_10am_signal = '' nifty_10am_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[2]['Close'] bn_10am_price = bn_day_data.iloc[2]['Close'] nifty_open_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[0]['Open'] bn_open_price = bn_day_data.iloc[0]['Open'] nifty_high_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[0:3]['High'].max() bn_high_price = bn_day_data.iloc[0:3]['High'].max() nifty_low_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[0:3]['Low'].min() bn_low_price = bn_day_data.iloc[0:3]['Low'].min() nifty_close_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[-1]['Close'] bn_close_price = bn_day_data.iloc[-1]['Close'] nifty_diff = abs(nifty_10am_price - nifty_close_price) bn_diff = abs(bn_10am_price - bn_close_price) if nifty_10am_price > nifty_high_price and bn_10am_price > bn_high_price and nifty_diff / nifty_close_price < threshold and bn_diff / bn_close_price < threshold: nifty_10am_signal = 'Bullish' bn_10am_signal = 'Bullish' elif nifty_10am_price < nifty_low_price and bn_10am_price < bn_low_price and nifty_diff / nifty_close_price < threshold and bn_diff / bn_close_price < threshold: nifty_10am_signal = 'Bearish' bn_10am_signal = 'Bearish' # Check for the 9:45AM signal nifty_945_signal = """ bn_945_signal = """ nifty_945_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[1]['Close
[ "code" ]
Complete this import yfinance as yf import pandas as pd # Set the ticker symbol for Nifty futures and BN futures nifty_symbol = "^NSEI" bn_symbol = "^NSEBANK" # Get the historical data for Nifty futures and BN futures nifty_data =, interval='15m', start='2023-03-01', end='2023-03-09') bn_data =, interval='15m', start='2023-03-01', end='2023-03-09') # Create a new dataframe to store the signals and other details signals_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Date', 'Nifty Signal', 'BN Signal', '10AM Price', 'Open Price', 'High Price', 'Low Price', 'Close Price', '10AM - Close Price']) # Set the percentage threshold for signal identification threshold = 0.0005 # Loop through each day's data for date in # Get the data for the current day nifty_day_data = nifty_data.loc[date] bn_day_data = bn_data.loc[date] # Check if there are at least 3 candles for the 10AM signal if len(nifty_day_data) < 3 or len(bn_day_data) < 3: signals_df = signals_df.append({'Date': date, 'Nifty Signal': 'Neutral', 'BN Signal': 'Neutral'}, ignore_index=True) continue # Check for the 10AM signal nifty_10am_signal = '' bn_10am_signal = '' nifty_10am_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[2]['Close'] bn_10am_price = bn_day_data.iloc[2]['Close'] nifty_open_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[0]['Open'] bn_open_price = bn_day_data.iloc[0]['Open'] nifty_high_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[0:3]['High'].max() bn_high_price = bn_day_data.iloc[0:3]['High'].max() nifty_low_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[0:3]['Low'].min() bn_low_price = bn_day_data.iloc[0:3]['Low'].min() nifty_close_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[-1]['Close'] bn_close_price = bn_day_data.iloc[-1]['Close'] nifty_diff = abs(nifty_10am_price - nifty_close_price) bn_diff = abs(bn_10am_price - bn_close_price) if nifty_10am_price > nifty_high_price and bn_10am_price > bn_high_price and nifty_diff / nifty_close_price < threshold and bn_diff / bn_close_price < threshold: nifty_10am_signal = 'Bullish' bn_10am_signal = 'Bullish' elif nifty_10am_price < nifty_low_price and bn_10am_price < bn_low_price and nifty_diff / nifty_close_price < threshold and bn_diff / bn_close_price < threshold: nifty_10am_signal = 'Bearish' bn_10am_signal = 'Bearish' # Check for the 9:45AM signal nifty_945_signal = """ bn_945_signal = """ nifty_945_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[1]['Close
Complete this import yfinance as yf import pandas as pd # Set the ticker symbol for Nifty futures and BN futures nifty_symbol = "^NSEI" bn_symbol = "^NSEBANK" # Get the historical data for Nifty futures and BN futures nifty_data =, interval='15m', start='2023-03-01', end='2023-03-09') bn_data =, interval='15m', start='2023-03-01', end='2023-03-09') # Create a new dataframe to store the signals and other details signals_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Date', 'Nifty Signal', 'BN Signal', '10AM Price', 'Open Price', 'High Price', 'Low Price', 'Close Price', '10AM - Close Price']) # Set the percentage threshold for signal identification threshold = 0.0005 # Loop through each day's data for date in # Get the data for the current day nifty_day_data = nifty_data.loc[date] bn_day_data = bn_data.loc[date] # Check if there are at least 3 candles for the 10AM signal if len(nifty_day_data) < 3 or len(bn_day_data) < 3: signals_df = signals_df.append({'Date': date, 'Nifty Signal': 'Neutral', 'BN Signal': 'Neutral'}, ignore_index=True) continue # Check for the 10AM signal nifty_10am_signal = '' bn_10am_signal = '' nifty_10am_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[2]['Close'] bn_10am_price = bn_day_data.iloc[2]['Close'] nifty_open_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[0]['Open'] bn_open_price = bn_day_data.iloc[0]['Open'] nifty_high_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[0:3]['High'].max() bn_high_price = bn_day_data.iloc[0:3]['High'].max() nifty_low_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[0:3]['Low'].min() bn_low_price = bn_day_data.iloc[0:3]['Low'].min() nifty_close_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[-1]['Close'] bn_close_price = bn_day_data.iloc[-1]['Close'] nifty_diff = abs(nifty_10am_price - nifty_close_price) bn_diff = abs(bn_10am_price - bn_close_price) if nifty_10am_price > nifty_high_price and bn_10am_price > bn_high_price and nifty_diff / nifty_close_price < threshold and bn_diff / bn_close_price < threshold: nifty_10am_signal = 'Bullish' bn_10am_signal = 'Bullish' elif nifty_10am_price < nifty_low_price and bn_10am_price < bn_low_price and nifty_diff / nifty_close_price < threshold and bn_diff / bn_close_price < threshold: nifty_10am_signal = 'Bearish' bn_10am_signal = 'Bearish' # Check for the 9:45AM signal nifty_945_signal = """ bn_945_signal = """ nifty_945_price = nifty_day_data.iloc[1]['Close
[ "code" ]
Can you write me a powershell script which takes the path of a C++ header file as an input, and generates a list of all directly and indirectly referenced header files from it?
[ "code" ]
Can you write me a powershell script which takes the path of a C++ header file as an input, and generates a list of all directly and indirectly referenced header files from it?
[ "code" ]
I have certain keywords and their search volumes from Google. There is some contamination in this data and I want to identify it and keep it out. The reason for this contamination is that Google groups similar words together when giving these search volumes. This is called 'close variant' grouping. I want to detect and group such variants in a large database and I need your help for this. For example: large water bottle - 20k search volume water bottle large - 20k search volume large water bottles - 20k search volume water bottles but large - 20k search volume However, in millions of records, there can be tens of thousands of words with the same search volume value. if I group them according to NLTK distances, I cannot group together examples like 'water bottles but large'. The only similarities between them are that their names are semantically similar and their search volumes are exactly the same. I have 10 million such words. I want to group the ones like in this example and match them under a single group. How can I write a code to do this, can you guide me?
[ "code" ]
I have certain keywords and their search volumes from Google. There is some contamination in this data and I want to identify it and keep it out. The reason for this contamination is that Google groups similar words together when giving these search volumes. This is called 'close variant' grouping. I want to detect and group such variants in a large database and I need your help for this. For example: large water bottle - 20k search volume water bottle large - 20k search volume large water bottles - 20k search volume water bottles but large - 20k search volume However, in millions of records, there can be tens of thousands of words with the same search volume value. if I group them according to NLTK distances, I cannot group together examples like 'water bottles but large'. The only similarities between them are that their names are semantically similar and their search volumes are exactly the same. I have 10 million such words. I want to group the ones like in this example and match them under a single group. How can I write a code to do this, can you guide me?
[ "code" ]
write a Christmas song in Country genre
write a Christmas song in Country genre
Why is money more like a graph and less a ledger?
Why is money more like a graph and less a ledger?