And Tricia? But if I swing by, pick her up at her place, pick her up, we can at least join each other for a drink. Crowd: Surprise! Daphne: If you're talking about someone named Tricia, she called To say she was leaving the restaurant. Frasier is stunned. Frasier: Actually, a young woman I met during intermission at the opera last night. Frasier: Anyway, please give me one more chance. Happy birthday. He leaves. Here it is! I know the maitre d' over at the Le Petite Bistro, he'll give us the best table in the house. I offered. I think I can find a way to get out of here. Karl: That many? Martin: Four seconds? Niles walks over with his coffee cup and dusts off the seat. Niles: Because, Allison is a member. She's going out of town tonight for a month. The next night, I took her to dinner, one thing led to another, and soon, there was no need for words. Tricia: Well, that's very sweet, Frasier, and I wish I had more time, but I have an 8 AM appointment in Spokane, and I can't miss my plane. [He grabs her bag and puts it in his car.] [He leaves with Eddie.] [She escorts him inside.] [She gets in.] [as she leaves] See you then.
Plan: A: 45 minutes; Q: How late was Frasier for his meeting with Tricia? A: Tricia; Q: Who is the woman Frasier met at the opera? A: Le Petit Bistro; Q: Where does Frasier suggest he and Tricia have lunch? A: his car; Q: What breaks down the next day? A: an apologetic message; Q: What does Frasier leave for Tricia after missing their second date? A: one more chance; Q: What does Frasier ask for in his message to Tricia? A: town; Q: What is Tricia leaving? A: evening; Q: When does Tricia leave town? A: Spokane; Q: Where is Tricia going? A: a surprise party; Q: What does Frasier's family throw for him? A: his birthday; Q: What was Frasier's party for? A: a cult; Q: What is Tricia a member of? Summary: Frasier arrives 45 minutes late for a meeting at Café Nervosa with Tricia, a young woman he met at the opera. He grovels and suggests lunch the next day at Le Petit Bistro, and she agrees before dashing off. The next day, his car breaks down and he misses the second date with Tricia, but leaves an apologetic message offering any other time if she will only give him one more chance. She calls and says she is leaving town that evening for Spokane . While trying to see her before she leaves town, Frasier has many things get in his way, including a surprise party for his birthday thrown by Martin and Daphne. He finally meets Tricia outside her apartment and offers to drive her to Spokane, but is dismayed to find that she is a member of a cult.
And I just thought I'd tell you, I'm drumming in a band tonight at a party and we rocked. And a maid called in sick, so not only am I dealing with answering phones and checking people in and out, but I'm going to have to do turn down service and carry people's bags to their rooms and. CUT TO LATER AT THE PARTY [Rory and Jess run into Dean and Lindsay] RORY: Hi guys. DAVE: Yeah, sounds a little too Milli Vanilli, Zach. DAVE: Young Chui is in love with you and that's why he won't break up with you, so that he gets to take you to your prom. DEAN: Really? Enjoy your Booster Club meeting. JESS: Thanks for the warning. KYLE: Oh, oh, and at the end when the tree is on fire and then he puts himself out in the flood. LANE: Kyle from school. LANE: We've got a gig. LUKE: Yell when she's tired of the thing. Luke. MAX: I was playing it cool. Nicole? OPEN AT LORELAI'S HOUSE [Lorelai and Rory are sitting on the couch] LORELAI: Oh, I know! RICHARD: Okay. RORY: It's a Friday night. They're setting traps. You are the Grad Night treasurer. [he hands her a cup of beer and she takes a sip] LANE: Very refreshing.
Plan: A: night; Q: On their first free Friday ______, Lorelai and Rory are at a loss over how to spend the evening. A: Grad Night Treasurer; Q: What position does Lorelai get appointed to? A: her first Chilton Booster Club meeting; Q: Where does Lorelai run into Max? A: Lane's band; Q: Who gets their first gig at a party? A: a party; Q: What is Emily and Richard hosting? A: the house; Q: What does Lane's band rock? A: Dave; Q: Who flips out after discovering that Young Chui is in love with Lane? A: a despondent Lane; Q: Who indulges in a little too much beer? A: her mother; Q: Who does Lane drunkenly call? A: staff; Q: What is cut back at the Inn? A: turn-down service; Q: What does Lorelai have to do at the Inn? A: his frequent absences; Q: What caused Jess to flunk out of school? A: a tearful and distraught Rory; Q: Who does Dean find crying? Summary: On their first free Friday night, Lorelai and Rory are at a loss over how to spend the evening, while Emily and Richard cavort at the party they're hosting; Lorelai is appointed Grad Night Treasurer and runs into a playing-it-cool Max at her first Chilton Booster Club meeting; Lane's band gets their first gig at a party and rocks the house, but Dave rocks Lane's world when he flips out after discovering that Young Chui is in love with her; a despondent Lane indulges in a little too much beer, and then drunkenly calls her mother and confesses all; when staff cutbacks at the Inn force Lorelai to do turn-down service, she becomes very unsettled at seeing a cozy Luke and Nicole in the room she's offered as thanks for Luke's help with repairs after the fire; Jess's inability to tell Rory that his frequent absences have caused him to flunk out of school and miss graduation and the prom prompts an argument between Jess and Rory, and then a full-blown brawl with Dean after Dean comes upon a tearful and distraught Rory.
(Fade to white.) Angel stares at her throat, stands up and backs away from her. Cordy: "Finally!" Darla is lying with her eyes closed on a sofa in the hotel lobby with Angel crouched in front of it and Wesley, Cordy and Gunn standing around it. Darla: "Angelus? Lindsey steps close to her again: "Darla..." Darla: "Is that it? Praying to their god for a salvation. Why human?" You're death?"
Plan: A: unlife; Q: What is the opposite of life? A: her first death; Q: What is the first flashback about? A: 1609; Q: In what year did Darla die? A: their breakup; Q: What happened during the Boxer Rebellion? A: the Boxer Rebellion; Q: What event caused Angel and Darla to break up? A: an important decision; Q: What does Darla reach? Summary: Angel continues to search for Darla. A series of flashbacks shows Darla life and unlife; from her first death in 1609, to her relationship with Angelus, to their breakup during the Boxer Rebellion. Her newly restored humanity weighing on her, Darla finally reaches an important decision that horrifies Angel.
(Sits up.) BROOKE: (Smiling as she stands by the door.) CAB - THE ROAD - DAY] (Karen is in the cab, on her way to the airport. He has a basketball next to him.) He stares at the person but the only thing visible is a shoulder in a black top.) LUCAS: (v.o) -No fire department to call.- (All of the shelves are on fire and Dan is still passed out inside.) LUCAS: And he's my father. LUCAS: Like New Zealand? PEYTON: Who is this?
Plan: A: the second part; Q: What part of the two-hour season finale is this episode? A: Lucas; Q: Who tells Brooke how he feels? A: Brooke; Q: Who does Lucas finally tell how he feels? A: Peyton; Q: Who has a surprising visitor? A: Karen; Q: Who decides to spend the summer holiday in New Zealand? A: Dan; Q: Who is trapped in the dealership fire? A: Haley; Q: Who returns home in this episode? A: The Veils; Q: What band is the episode named after? Summary: In the second part of the two-hour season finale, things heat up between Lucas and Brooke when he finally tells her the way he feels. Peyton has a surprising visitor. Karen decides to spend the summer holiday in New Zealand. At the climax of Dan's numerous deceptions, someone sets the dealership on fire while he is still inside. And Haley returns home. This episode is named after a song by The Veils .
Good game. Joey: Monica and Rachel made out. Joey: You have Knicks tickets? Monica: But, we pick again! Phoebe: Hey, so? Ross: Uhh, okay, it's uh, Emily and I, we decided to uh, to get married. They get the apartment back! This place is a hole! [Cut to the girls apartment.] [SCENE_BREAK] [Scene: The hallway, Joey and Chandler are coming back from the game.]
Plan: A: Knicks tickets; Q: What do Monica and Rachel bribe Joey and Chandler with? A: another game; Q: What do Monica and Rachel challenge Joey and Chandler to? A: Phoebe's help; Q: How do Monica and Rachel get their apartment back? A: Ross; Q: Who is disheartened with Emily returning to London? Summary: Monica and Rachel make desperate attempts to win their apartment back from Joey and Chandler, including bribing them with Knicks tickets and challenging them to another game. The girls lose the tickets and the game, but are ultimately triumphant in getting their place back with Phoebe's help. Ross is disheartened with Emily returning to London again, so they spontaneously decide to get married.
(She throws a water balloon at him and hits him on the head and hits him again at the waist with another one.) (Starts to squirt the Kamikaze at him.) (Thinking he's gone.) Chandler? Come in! Ending Credits [Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, it's just Monica and Chandler dancing to Wonderful Tonight on the Slowhand album by Eric Clapton. I want this is to be a surprise and she's gonna know. Joey: Monica face it, Chandler is against marriage. Joey: Richard told Monica he wants to marry her! Monica is checking her makeup as Chandler suddenly has a horrifying thought and starts patting down his pockets until he finds what he's looking for and sighs in relief.] Monica: Well he is! Rachel: Uh well, uh this is a silent auction. Richard: (approaching them with a woman in tow) Monica! Richard: Okay, she was here, but she left. Ross: Oh no, I have plans with Elizabeth. She didn't seem too immature for me! So what's up? So... To celebrate your relationship! We used to date. You agreed to buy that boat, all right?! [Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Chandler are sitting at a table.
Plan: A: Monica; Q: Who does Richard want to marry? A: a fancy restaurant; Q: Where does Chandler plan to propose to Monica? A: a date; Q: What does Richard bring to the restaurant? A: no interest; Q: What does Chandler pretend to have in marriage? A: Ross; Q: Who breaks up with Elizabeth? A: water balloons; Q: What does Elizabeth throw at Ross? A: Joey; Q: Who accidentally buys a sailboat? A: a sailboat; Q: What does Joey accidentally buy at a silent auction? A: a contest; Q: What does Joey think he won? A: children; Q: What does Richard want to have with Monica? A: their relationship; Q: What does Monica reconsider? A: her own proposal; Q: What does Monica surprise Chandler with? A: Eric Clapton; Q: Who sings "Wonderful Tonight"? A: Tom Selleck 's; Q: Who's last appearance is this? Summary: Chandler is about to propose to Monica at a fancy restaurant when Richard suddenly appears with a date and joins them. Wanting his proposal to be a surprise at just the right time, Chandler then pretends he has no interest in marriage. Meanwhile, Ross breaks up with Elizabeth, feeling she is too immature for him. He almost reconsiders until she starts throwing water balloons at him. Joey accidentally buys a sailboat at a silent auction, thinking he won it in a contest. He decides to keep the boat. Richard tells Chandler he wants to marry Monica and have children with her. Chandler has made Monica believe he is uninterested in marriage so she reconsiders their relationship. It appears Monica has left him but she surprises him with her own proposal. She starts but becomes emotional so Chandler finishes. The season ends with Chandler and Monica dancing to "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton and the screen fades to black. Note: This is Tom Selleck 's last appearance as Richard.
Barney is in the ambulance Barney: Downtown hospital, please. It's true, she wouldn't see Woody Allen for another couple months, but that's how Robin became, by just about any definition of the term... A real New Yorker. No rush. Robin: I am, too, a real New Yorker. She's so sad and defenseless. Take the M-7 to the M-5. This is crazy. You're from Canada.
Plan: A: the gang; Q: Who does Robin want to convince she is a "real" New Yorker? A: Canada; Q: Where is Robin from? A: a downtown restaurant; Q: Where is Woody Allen spotted? A: the quintessential New Yorker; Q: What is Woody Allen considered? Summary: Robin vows to convince the gang she is a "real" New Yorker, despite their teasing to the contrary, since she hails from Canada. When Woody Allen is spotted in a downtown restaurant, Robin and the gang rush to see the quintessential New Yorker.
Amy: (Sighs) Georgie... Caleb. I'd be happy to help. I'm gonna have to call in your loan. I'm real sorry to hear about Lou and Peter. I'm sticking it to Caleb, reclaiming my family's land, and kicking you to the curb. Jesse: Trust? Lou: Georgie! Oh, Casey's covering for me at the diner. Tim: Well, you gotta admit, there's still a lot that we don't know about each other, so... Ty: Poor Georgie. We'll tell her. You and Peter, you've been living with this for a while now.
Plan: A: The family; Q: Who supports Georgie when Lou and Peter tell her about their separation? A: Amy; Q: Who helps Georgie deal with the news of her parents' separation? A: the strength; Q: What does Amy help Georgie find? A: a trick riding competition; Q: What is Georgie training for? A: Caleb; Q: Who does Ty defend? A: Jesse; Q: Who calls in Caleb's loan? A: Tim; Q: Who enlists Casey to help him cover for Lou at the diner? Summary: The family strives to support Georgie when Lou and Peter tell her about their separation, and Amy helps Georgie find the strength to deal with the news while training for a trick riding competition. Meanwhile, Ty jumps to Caleb's defense when Jesse calls in Caleb's loan, effectively ruining him. And when Tim enlists Casey to help him cover for Lou at the diner, he discovers that they still have a lot to learn about each other. Georgie makes the trick riding team.
(Imara's soul, now in Phoebe's body, picks up the compact, opens it and looks at herself in the small mirror. (Phoebe is on the phone. But ... By the way, thanks. Get up. I am a Charmed One. Imara (IN Phoebe): That was Phoebe's soul. Paige: Phoebe's definitely is. Paige: This is, um, my first charge. Phoebe (IN Imara): You don't think they can tell when there's a demon in the house? Piper stares at her.) Put Phoebe's soul back in her body, and send Imara's essence to, uh ... Paige: What, oblivion? So they want every one of my columns to be reviewed by a professional shrink. Spells? [Scene: Underworld.
Plan: A: Phoebe; Q: Who is yelling at her sisters? A: Underworld; Q: Where does the 'ugliest' demon in the show come from? A: Imara; Q: Who cast a spell on Phoebe? A: a cage; Q: What does Phoebe end up trapped in? A: quandary; Q: What is Paige in when her first charge appears to be lost to the dark side? A: Seamus Dever; Q: Who was Paige's first charge? A: Phoebe's soul; Q: What did the Charmed Ones vanquish by accident? A: not Phoebe's body; Q: What did the Charmed Ones not vanquish? Summary: After a spell is cast on Phoebe by the 'ugliest' demon in the Underworld, beauty-hungry sorceress Imara, their souls switch bodies and Phoebe ends up becoming trapped in a cage. Paige is in quandary when her first charge (Seamus Dever) appears to be lost to the dark side. Then by accident The Charmed Ones vanquish Phoebe's soul. They realize that Imara was in Phoebe's body, so they vanquish Imara (but not Phoebe's body) and get back Phoebe's soul. In the end Phoebe is yelling at her sisters.
(The DOCTOR hesitates as JO grabs his arm.) (The two men switch on the units on the belts and wade into the pool and up to the DALEKS.) (Two DALEKS glide nearby.) DOCTOR: Keep out of their angle of fire. WESTER: I shall go back into the city.
Plan: A: two Daleks; Q: How many Daleks do the Doctor and his friends ambush? A: the city; Q: What are the Doctor and his friends trying to get back into? A: their virus; Q: What are the Daleks on the verge of unleashing? Summary: The Doctor and his friends ambush two Daleks as part of their planet to get back into the city but the Daleks are on the verge of unleashing their virus.
He sees her, his own shock and hurt clear but only for a second as he recovers quickly. JESSIE: Mom! KEITH: Woody. Keith and Veronica turn their attention to the television, to the extent of getting up from the counter and standing in front of the TV. Keith, I want you to run for Sheriff. Name, bam! Run for Sheriff. The case is closed. VERONICA: [offscreen]...bus-crash souvenirs. VERONICA: [sadly] I know the bus driver's daughter. Veronica is in Duane Andrews' store and is horrified by the merchandise that has been produced in the wake of the bus tragedy. Wallace is showing Jackie the fruits of his labours. When?
Plan: A: Meg; Q: Who is the only survivor of the bus crash? A: a coma; Q: What is Meg in? A: the bus driver; Q: Who is blamed for the bus crash? A: Jessie; Q: Who asks Veronica to clear her father's name? A: Jackie Cook; Q: Who is the new rich girl? A: Woody; Q: Who asks Keith to run for Sheriff? A: Balboa County Supervisor; Q: What position is Woody running for? A: Sheriff Lamb's; Q: Who's investigation of the bus crash case does Keith see? A: Kevin Smith guest stars; Q: Who guest stars as Duane Anders? Summary: Veronica discovers that Meg is the only survivor from the bus crash, but is in a coma. When the bus driver is blamed for the crash, his daughter Jessie asks Veronica to clear his name. Wallace meets the new rich girl Jackie Cook, and tries to impress her. Woody is running for the position of Balboa County Supervisor, more commonly known as the "Mayor of Neptune". He asks Keith to run for Sheriff, and Keith accepts after seeing Sheriff Lamb's investigation of the bus crash case. Kevin Smith guest stars as Duane Anders.
(Grissom shows the photo to a woman sitting in a chair.) (Quick flash of: The victim runs through the woods in the night. (Quick flash of: [HOTEL ROOM] Brenda is on Maurice as he gasps for air.) (The man hands her a message and a photo.) A man groans. Catherine: You were a sports betting guy. Grissom: And he got around. Nick: We're looking for a third guy. Probably a convention.
Plan: A: a murderer; Q: What is Grissom and his team looking for? A: a man; Q: What was found dead in the woods? A: a hotel room; Q: What was the murder scene in the first episode? A: plus-sized people; Q: What type of convention did Grissom and his team investigate? Summary: Grissom and his team are looking for a murderer of a man found dead in a hotel room, leading them to a convention for plus-sized people. Catherine and her team investigate the world of sports betting when a man is found dead in the woods.
"I knew I wanted to get a tattoo when I turned 18. Allison: Is he okay? Allison: You mean since he dad moved him to London. An Alpha pack. Braeden: Hold on! Braeden: The Alpha. Derek: A pack of 'em. Derek: What girl? Deucalion: Beautiful. Find the Alpha. Is that from the accident? Isaac: Where is she? Isaac: Who? It worked. Lydia: But the light. Lydia: It's Stiles and Scott. Melissa: Everything that you've been doing... the extra reading, the summer school, saving up for the bike, even though it scares me half to death... honey, I just didn't wanna disrupt a good rhythm. Melissa: Who? Peter: An Alpha pack. Scott: The birds at school and the deer last night... just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the Alpha. Something bad. We know they have Boyd and Erica. We need to go back and talk to them. We stay in beacon hills, but only if we stay out of this.
Plan: A: Isaac; Q: Who is rescued from the Alpha pack? A: a mystery girl; Q: Who rescues Isaac from the Alpha pack? A: amnesia; Q: What does Isaac have? A: London; Q: Where has Jackson moved to? A: werewolf hunting; Q: What have Allison and her father given up? A: Scott; Q: Who has been working on improving himself over the summer? A: Derek; Q: Who has been searching for Boyd and Erica? A: Beacon Hills; Q: Where is the show set? A: Dr. Deaton; Q: Who concludes that the animals are killing themselves intentionally? A: the Alpha pack's leader; Q: Who is Deucalion? Summary: Isaac is rescued from the Alpha pack by a mystery girl, but has amnesia about where he has been. Jackson has moved to London . Allison and her father have given up werewolf hunting, and Scott has been working on improving himself over the summer. Derek has been searching for Boyd and Erica, who were captured by the Alpha pack. Something eerie is causing the animals of Beacon Hills to go insane, and Dr. Deaton concludes that the animals are killing themselves intentionally. Derek gives Scott the tattoo he has been wanting to get, and explains about the Alpha pack's leader, Deucalion, who is blind but the strongest and most lethal.
And antiquing! Andy: Okay! Client: Keep talking. DeAngelo: That's stupid. For goodness sake, this is not going to be your last day in the office. Holly: Boulder. Michael: No. No drama. Stanley tries to leave. Thanks Michael. [the office groans] And I'm here to say goodbye to all you wonderful people!
Plan: A: Holly; Q: Who does Michael leave for Colorado with? A: the office; Q: Where does Michael spend his last day? A: goodbye; Q: What does Michael say to everyone on his last day? A: no drama; Q: What does Michael want to avoid on his last day? A: Deangelo; Q: Who is the new manager? A: Michael's biggest clients; Q: What do Deangelo and Andy try to keep? Summary: Michael prepares to leave for Colorado with Holly, and spends his last day in the office saying goodbye to everyone individually, wanting no drama to ensue. Meanwhile, new manager Deangelo and Andy try to keep Michael's biggest clients.
Kirsten looks at Carter) CUT TO: Sandy�s home bar - Caleb and Sandy are sitting at it, drinking Caleb: sorry about the ring Sanford Sandy: star? Seth has his arm around her and she has her head on his chest) Seth: ah look at that my little Summer, it seems like the fantastic four is becoming fantastic again (kisses Summers head) the camera goes back to the window and we see Seth and Summer go inside and sit with Ryan and Marissa) - Fade out Seth is still sitting just as a group of soldier�s walks by) Seth: (smiles) I�m savin private Ryan (stands) CUT TO: The mall - the gang pull up in the car. he looks over at Julie and Julie looks back, stunned Julie: I...I think ill go to the bar Kirsten: great, ill have a pina gracio? they all sit down then we see the guy from earlier, Lance, sitting at the bar.
Plan: A: Lindsay's actions; Q: What has left Ryan and Caleb confused? A: Caleb; Q: Who does Sandy bond with? A: Marissa; Q: Who is trying hard to make her new living situation work? A: a break; Q: What does Marissa need? A: the mall; Q: Where does Marissa agree to go? A: Julie; Q: Who is visited by Lance? A: Carter; Q: Who is the new editor of Newport Living? A: Lance; Q: Who is the opportunistic man from Julie's past? A: Sandy; Q: Who finally bonds with Caleb? Summary: Lindsay's actions have left Ryan and Caleb confused. Marissa is trying hard to make her new living situation work, but she needs a break and agrees to join Summer, Seth and Ryan at the mall. Julie and Kirsten await the arrival of Carter, the new editor of Newport Living, but Julie is distracted when she's visited by Lance, an opportunistic man from her past. Meanwhile, Sandy and Caleb finally bond over all of their recent experiences.
- All alone, 'protecting' her." - Well, stop by. - Where is Rebecca?" Angel is about to leave when Rebecca comes down the stairs. Angel: "No, I - told her that I was a vampire, and that daytime patio dining was out." Cold - but fun. Cordy: "He took the case?" Cordy: "Really? He's a stuntman. It's Hollywood. Like you." My driver knows to meet me out back. Rebecca: "A toast - to the end of an ending and the beginning of a beginning." She pours some more Champagne in Angel's glass and offers it to him as he comes back wearing a fresh shirt. She's in danger. Wesley: "Actresses."
Plan: A: Rebecca; Q: Who is the Hollywood star that Angel is protecting? A: an obsessed fan; Q: What is Rebecca being stalked by? A: even Angel; Q: Who likes Rebecca? A: a vampire; Q: What is Angel? A: the case; Q: What is more complicated than it seems? Summary: When Rebecca, a Hollywood star, is stalked by an obsessed fan, Angel steps in to protect her. Cordy is thrilled to meet a famous actress and even Angel likes Rebecca. She accepts that he's a vampire and really seems interested in getting to know him better. But, it soon becomes clear that the case is more complicated than it seems and Rebecca has a dangerous plan of her own.
(The Sensorite bows and leaves.) (The Sensorites clutch at their heads.) ADMINISTRATOR: And the antidote is to be given to the young man, Ian? ADMINISTRATOR: And then to our people who are also ill? ADMINISTRATOR: But any moment you will put them in their ship and let them go. ADMINISTRATOR: Someone's mind is in communication with yours? Come on. DOCTOR: But that must make it very difficult for you. ENGINEER: By the sash he wears. He's saying that the one called the Doctor has gone down into the viaduct, that the young man and girl called Susan have gone to rescue him. IAN: Susan... SCIENTIST: The man from the spaceship, the Doctor, has found a cure... The Sensorites dislike darkness don't they? Yes, and just as I suspected - atropine poison. [SCENE_BREAK] 21, INT: AQUEDUCT ENTRANCE (The Scientist leads the Doctor to the mouth of a dark tunnel that seems to have been hewn directly into the yellow rock the Sensorite city is built upon.
Plan: A: Susan; Q: Who communicates with the Sensorites? A: board aspaceship; Q: What do the Doctor and his companions arrive on? A: the ship's human crew; Q: Who are the Doctor and his companions initially concerned about? A: telepathic interference; Q: What is the Sensorites' interference called? A: the Sensorites; Q: What is the name of the aliens that are attacking the humans? A: the Sense Sphere; Q: What is the name of the Sensorites' planet? A: the Doctor; Q: Who seeks to cure the illness? A: deliberate poisoning; Q: What caused the illness of the Sensorites and Ian? A: The political manoeuvring; Q: What poses a threat to the TARDIS crew? A: the Sensorite City Administrator; Q: Who poses a threat to the TARDIS crew? Summary: The Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan arrive in the TARDIS on board aspaceship. Their initial concern is for the ship's human crew, who are suffering from telepathic interference from the Sensorites, but Susan communicates with the Sensorites and finds the aliens fear an attack by the humans and are just defending themselves. Travelling to the Sense Sphere (the Sensorites' planet) the Doctor seeks to cure an illness to which the Sensorites and Ian have succumbed, but finds it has been caused by deliberate poisoning. The political manoeuvring of the Sensorite City Administrator poses another threat to the TARDIS crew as he seeks to discredit and implicate them.
(He runs to the door.) (He stops her.) (Rachel laughs) In fact! I mean, everyone should have a-a first bike, so... (He goes out into the hall and re-enters with a bike exactly like the one Phoebe described earlier.) I wrote that one as a joke for you! It was marked confidential, I just sent it down to Human Resources. Monica: Ross! She was making candy so she could try to get to know all of you, and I'll bet that not one of you can tell me her name! Tag: That's kinda sad. The neighbors ate all my candy!!
Plan: A: Phoebe; Q: Who was too poor to have a bike as a child? A: the gang; Q: Who does Phoebe tell about her childhood? A: Ross; Q: Who buys Phoebe a bike? A: Rachel; Q: Who writes a playful work evaluation of Tag? A: human resources; Q: What department does Rachel turn her evaluation into? A: Monica; Q: Who decides to make candy to meet the neighbors? Summary: When Phoebe tells the gang about how she was too poor to have a bike as a child, Ross goes out and buys her one. Rachel writes a playful work evaluation of Tag that he accidentally turns in to human resources. Monica decides to make candy and leave it outside her door as a way to meet the neighbors.
(Klaus compels the guy who handles the trasport) Klaus: When she wakes up, tell her to meet us at Gloria's bar. (Stefan enters the closet to see the list. Are you trailing them? Bad combo Damon: You know where they went? But because we love her Liz: Tyler (Tyler comes out and goes down the stairs) Bill: You're not going in there (Liz shoots next to him) Liz: Go ahead (He opens the door and enters the cellar) Caroline: Tyler (He rushes toward her and breaks the chains) Tyler: It's ok. We're going to get you out of here Caroline: My ring (He takes it, puts it on her finger, carries her and takes her out) [Gloria's bar] Stefan: So I'm confused. Do you feel that? Elena: What were you doing in the 1920s? He takes the necklace. His witch is seconds away from figuring that out. I can handle the urges. I had forgotten what it was like to have a brother (He disapears) Nowadays, Chicago [Gloria's bar] Stefan: You compelled me to forget Klaus: It was time for Rebekah and I to move on. I'm a thrill seeker (Klaus strangles him) (Stefan is in the parking lot with Elena) Stefan: You shouldn't be here Elena: Where else would I be? I'm not going to invade his private thoughts Damon: You need to be prepared for what you're about to see Elena: I've seen Stefan in his darkest periods. Katherine: Why? Klaus opens one. Now Klaus can't create any new hybrids. Paints a pretty little picture of Stefan's first experience in Chicago Elena: It's Stefan's diary. Rebekah is a bit preoccupied Gloria: She has what I need. She watches him. Then choose. They had something else in mind. Try Caroline: Why? Where is he? Who are you? You and I knew each other. You can come in (Stefan comes in) Rebekah: Stefan... (Klaus gets closer to him and compels him) Klaus: Now you remember (He remembers everything) Chicago, 1920's (Stefan looks at the photograph) Stefan: Hey, buddy, take a picture of my brother and me (He takes Klaus by the shoulders for the picture) Nowadays, Chicago (Stefan looks at Klaus and Rebekah) Stefan: I remember you. might set you straight (Klaus and Rebekah laugh.
Plan: A: Chicago; Q: Where do Klaus and Stefan arrive? A: Ripper; Q: What was Stefan in the 1920s? A: Rebekah; Q: Who did Stefan fall in love with in the 1920s? A: a bar; Q: Where did Stefan meet Klaus and Rebekah? A: a brother; Q: What did Stefan become to Klaus? A: present day; Q: When does Klaus remove the dagger from Rebekah? A: the dagger; Q: What does Klaus use to keep Rebekah demobilized? A: Katherine; Q: Who gives Damon a tip on Stefan and Klaus' whereabouts? A: the trail; Q: What do Damon and Elena follow? A: Stefan's old apartment; Q: Where do Elena and Damon go to find Stefan? A: While there, Stefan; Q: Who sees Elena hiding in the closet? A: Tyler; Q: Who tries to rescue Caroline? A: Caroline; Q: Who is being tortured by her father? A: blood; Q: What does Caroline need to feed on? Summary: Klaus and Stefan arrive in Chicago, where they knew each other during one of Stefan's previous periods as a Ripper in the 1920s. It is revealed that Klaus knew Stefan in the 1920s. Stefan met Klaus and Rebekah in a bar where Stefan fell in love with Rebekah and become like a brother to Klaus. Klaus and Rebekah had to leave and Klaus compelled Stefan to forget them. Klaus then daggers Rebekah when she chooses Stefan. In present day, he removes the dagger keeping her demobilized as she has what Gloria (a powerful witch) needs to help Klaus create hybrids. It is revealed that what Gloria needs is the necklace Stefan had given Elena. Damon gets a tip on Stefan and Klaus' whereabouts from Katherine so he and Elena follow the trail. They go to Stefan's old apartment, where Elena sees Stefan's list of victims. While there, Stefan and Klaus arrive. Stefan sees Elena hiding in his closet, but does not tell Klaus. Tyler tries to rescue Caroline , who is being tortured by her father, who believes he can change her urge to feed on blood by burning her in sunlight every time she feels the urge.
And she refused? Anna: If this is about coming with Lady Mary when you marry, it's very good of you, sir, but you see, my fiancé Mr Bates works here and I don't think that I-- Sir Richard Carlisle: No, it's-- it's not that. Come on. DOWNTON ABBEY, FRONT DOOR - DAY] [SCENE_BREAK] [The Bryants arrive in a motorcar and Mrs Hughes steps up next to Carson to greet them.] Ethel: Why? He leans forward and grabs her suddenly and kisses her. I'm trying to wear them out. Jane: And, er...w-- I was to say that you'd find him in the dressing room. Lady Sybil: He announced at dinner that he wants to get married at Downton. MOTORCAR - NIGHT] [SCENE_BREAK] [Edith drives with Mary and Anna in pursuit of Sybil and Branson.] Matthew: What? My dear chap, I cannot begin to tell you what this means to me. No, they have to see him. O'Brien: Do you mean black market business? Robert, Earl of Grantham: Welcome to the new world. She opens it.] Thomas: How? Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Mary is still in love with you. Where's the [?]? Whom you saw, what you said... Lady Mary: He wanted her to spy on me. You heard her. [Cora stares at Mr Bryant, appalled at his behaviour.] [Lavinia goes to Matthew and he takes her hand to help himself stand up. [Matthew stops by the fireplace and Lavinia asks him if he wants help getting up with a look. [Robert leaves angrily.]
Plan: A: Early February 1919; Q: When does Matthew begin to feel his legs? A: Matthew; Q: Who begins to feel his legs? A: Lavinia; Q: Who does Matthew announce he will marry? A: Mary; Q: Who discovers Lady Sybil's plan to elope? A: love; Q: What does Violet tell Matthew that Mary is still in? A: Anna; Q: Who does Sir Richard Carlisle ask to spy on Mary? A: his behaviour; Q: What leads Carson to reject Sir Richard Carlisle's offer of employment? A: Bates; Q: Who realizes that Vera committed suicide to frame him? A: Major Bryant's parents; Q: Who visits Downton to see where their son convalesced? A: Downton; Q: Where did Major Bryant's parents visit? A: Mrs Hughes; Q: Who contrives a meeting between Major Bryant's parents and Ethel? A: Mr Bryant; Q: Who refuses to believe Ethel's claim? A: Thomas; Q: Who embarks on a new money-making scheme? A: Lord Grantham; Q: Who is attracted to the new maid, Jane? A: Lady Sybil; Q: Who elopes with Branson? A: her cause; Q: Mary, Edith, and Anna seek out Sybil and persuade her to return and plead what? Summary: Early February 1919. Matthew begins to feel his legs. Matthew announces that he and Lavinia intend to marry soon. Violet tells him that Mary is still in love with him, but Matthew feels obliged to marry Lavinia. Sir Richard Carlisle distresses Anna by asking her to spy on Mary; his behaviour leads Carson to reject his offer of employment. Bates realises that Vera committed suicide in order to frame him. When Major Bryant's parents visit Downton to see where their son convalesced, Mrs Hughes contrives a meeting between them and Ethel and her baby. However, Mr Bryant angrily refuses to believe her claim. Thomas embarks on a new money-making scheme in the post-war black market. Lord Grantham is attracted to the new maid, Jane, and kisses her. Lady Sybil makes the drastic decision to elope with Branson. However, Mary discovers her plan and, along with Edith and Anna, seeks them out and persuades Sybil to return and plead her cause openly to their parents.
Already heated to perfection? As all week. Congratulations on your faultless. If I ruined everything, why is it that Barney is in the process of hanging the girl three martinis in there? Jim: Every day? Jim: You were about to achieve something so beautiful. Think about it.
Plan: A: the perfect week - landing seven different girls; Q: What is Barney about to complete? A: seven days; Q: How long does it take Barney to complete the perfect week? A: the gang; Q: Who roots Barney on? A: their own miserable week; Q: What are the gang trying to forget? Summary: When Barney is about to complete the perfect week - landing seven different girls in seven days - the gang roots him on in order to forget about their own miserable week.
SARAH: Doctor, listen. Some vast impulse of energy has drawn the TARDIS off course. The UNIT house was built on the site. Yes, it is the same signal.
Plan: A: The Doctor; Q: Who is drawn off course with Sarah? A: UNIT HQ; Q: Where were the Doctor and Sarah supposed to land? A: 1911; Q: What year do the Doctor and Sarah arrive in? Summary: The Doctor and Sarah are drawn off course and, instead of UNIT HQ, they arrive on the same site in 1911.
And I'm dead! It's a new alumni website for college! Mike: Oh! Monica: Look, guys, you can't do this, it's just going to make getting over each other, that much harder. Phoebe: Who is this? Rachel: Joey, come on! Ross: No! Ross: Posting that I died? [Scene: Joey and Rachel's. [Time lapse, still Chandler and Monica's, but only Chandler is there.
Plan: A: their college's alumni website; Q: Where do Ross and Chandler post false information about each other? A: Emma; Q: Who does Joey fight with over Hugsy? A: Joey's 'bedtime penguin pal' Hugsy; Q: What is the name of Joey's stuffed animal? A: Phoebe; Q: Who asks Monica to help her get over Mike? Summary: Ross and Chandler post false information about each other on their college's alumni website, namely that Chandler is gay and Ross is dead. Meanwhile Joey and Emma fight over Joey's 'bedtime penguin pal' Hugsy. Phoebe asks Monica to help her get over Mike.
(He starts to walk off.) (The muse becomes visible.) (The warlock stabs the demon and receives his glamouring power.) (They disappear.) Cole: And? Cole: Factions. Devlin: The Charmed Ones. Gone, as in she left? It'd be a powerful evil to find a way to hurt a muse. It's just that without a strong leader, there's energy in the underworld. Paige: A warlock, is that like a demon? Paige: Who's attacking us? Piper, Phoebe and Paige are making the potion on a small table.] Piper: Get away from what? The idea of marriage, being that much of a grownup is terrifying to Phoebe. The ring will orb to you, and then if he wants it back, he'll have to come follow it.
Plan: A: Piper; Q: Who is the first sister mentioned in this episode? A: Phoebe; Q: Who is Cole worried about? A: Paige; Q: Who is the third sister? A: the muses; Q: Who is the warlock kidnapping? A: a special ring; Q: What is the warlock using to enslave the muses? A: evil; Q: What is the opposite of good? A: fruition; Q: What is the word for the completion of a plan? A: his demonic powers; Q: What is Cole worried about losing? A: the demon factions; Q: Who plans on attacking the Charmed Ones? Summary: Piper, Phoebe, and Paige learn that a warlock is in the process of kidnapping and enslaving the muses inside a special ring in order to make the forces of evil more powerful. As a result, they have to find a way to save the remaining ones and rescue the others before the warlock's plan comes to fruition. Meanwhile, Cole starts to get frustrated that Phoebe has so far spurning his marriage proposal and is worried that without his demonic powers, he'll be unable to help keep her safe from the demon factions who plan on attacking the Charmed Ones.
BUFFY: Glory? Dawn is now wearing the ritual dress. FIRST SLAYER: Death is your gift. Mapping out. She turns and begins to walk toward Buffy and the door. Shot of the tower.
Plan: A: the ritual commences; Q: What happens as Buffy and the gang set out to rescue Dawn and fight Glory? A: Death; Q: What is Buffy's gift? Summary: Buffy and the gang set out to rescue Dawn and fight Glory as the ritual commences. Also, Buffy finally realizes the meaning of "Death Is Your Gift."
(Still standing in the lake, NICK and CATHERINE look over at the tree where the body was found. Brass: Right ... he found a crime scene. CONSTRUCTION SITE - DAY] (GRISSOM walks with WILLOUGHBY.) Camera close up of the cut moves to a CGI POV of the artery and a piece of sharp glass cutting the artery. GRISSOM and SARA stand up.) Grissom: A girl in a culvert pipe ... at a highway construction site in the middle of an alfalfa field. Grissom: Cause of death? He calls over his shoulder.) I need to speak to that inmate. Nick: When's hunting season? Round entered one inch to the right of the umbilicus. Sara: I processed the crime scene. WOODS - DAY] (CATHERINE and NICK prepared to look for the missing bullet. WOODS - DAY] (CATHERINE and NICK walk through the woods.
Plan: A: Sara; Q: Who is called to the crime scene with Grissom? A: two; Q: How many murder victims were found at the construction site? A: pipes; Q: What were the victims hidden in? A: an ostensible hunting accident; Q: What do Catherine and Nick investigate? A: a former prison inmate; Q: What is the relationship of one of the sisters to a person of interest? A: his presence; Q: What is traced to the scene of the crime? A: the woods; Q: Where was the body found? Summary: Grissom and Sara are called to the crime scene when two murder victims are found hidden in pipes at a construction site in the middle of an alfalfa field, while Catherine and Nick investigate an ostensible hunting accident. The investigation of the construction site murder reveals that the victims were sisters and the relationship of one of the sisters to a former prison inmate is a cause for suspicion -- especially when his presence is traced to the scene of the crime. Meanwhile, Catherine and Nick begin to doubt seriously that the body found in the woods was the victim of a hunting accident.
(SCHOOL BELL RINGING) Scott: Get to class, Liam. And then give him to me. And what if the next cipher key uncovers not 12 names but 100? Chris: I don't expect her to. Deputy Parrish: That's what they used to call psychics. Derek: Very. From another banshee. GARRETT: Wolfsbane. Garrett: So is the Beta. He is angry. I'm losing my power. Is that possible? Kira: Maybe instead of trying to find a lacrosse stick with a hidden dagger in it, we should be trying to get the game canceled? Liam: Brett! Lydia: Meredith, you came here to help us, remember? Lydia: Meredith... Sheriff: Lydia. Malia: Maybe we need help. Mason: Liam, it's your old school. Maybe killed her. Scott: Definitely a werewolf. She's been out at the lake house all weekend trying to find the other two key words. Stiles: And a cipher key. Stiles: But what if he's red-handed 'cause his hands are covered in the blood of the person that he just stabbed to death? Stolen from the Hale vault and is being used by someone to finance all these murders. Used to be my best friend. Violet: When? What is our code?
Plan: A: Garrett; Q: Who is Violet's partner? A: the first lacrosse scrimmage; Q: What event is the next target going to be at? A: Malia; Q: Who tries to help Lydia use her powers to find the next cipher key? A: Meredith Walker; Q: Who do they contact to help Lydia? A: Eichen House; Q: Where is Meredith Walker from? A: Derek; Q: Who reveals to Chris that he is losing his powers? A: Liam; Q: Who do Scott, Stiles, and Kira try to keep safe? A: Liam's old school; Q: What school did Brett used to go to? A: AIDEN; Q: What is the codeword Lydia uses to decipher the second code? A: bait; Q: What does Violet use Brett as? Summary: Violet and Garrett kill another werewolf at the school, and then prepare to take down their next target during the first lacrosse scrimmage. Malia tries to help Lydia use her powers to find the next cipher key, but when Lydia is unsuccessful, they decide to contact Meredith Walker - another banshee from Eichen House. Derek reveals to Chris that he is losing his powers. Scott, Stiles and Kira spend the game attempting to keep Liam safe, assuming that he is the assassins' target; however, Brett, a player from Liam's old school, is revealed to be a werewolf, and turns out to be Violet and Garrett's target. With help from Meredith, Lydia is able to decipher the second code, using the codeword "AIDEN", and is shocked to discover that the deadpool includes Deputy Parrish. Violet uses Brett as bait and tries to take down Scott, but he effortlessly overpowers her.
(They cuddle, awkwardly.) Amy: At this moment, I find myself craving human intimacy and physical contact. Amy: Penny and Bernadette went shopping for bridesmaids dresses without me. Amy: Really? Amy: They're out shopping right now? And converse. And he says he would do it again. And where's Amy? And why? Bernadette: No. Bernadette: That's horrible. Bernadette? Cut to Amy in a lilac dress. Cut to Bernadette in a wedding dress. Howard (after Raj whispers to him): I'll tell you later. Leonard: Her feelings got hurt because you guys went dress shopping without her. Leonard: If you're worried, we can go over there and see if she's all right. No one's every asked me to be the maid of honour before. Once, but then they all died. Penny, tell her she's not a tumour. Penny: All right, who wants to go to my apartment and look at bridal magazines? Penny: Okay, look, this is her first time being a bridesmaid and she's just getting a little crazy with it. Penny: Yeah, and she keeps trying to figure out if our cycles have synced up so we can call ourselves the Three Menstra-teers Bernadette: We thought it would be easier to look at dresses one time without her. She is dissecting a brain. Sheldon, what would it take for you to go into that liquor store, buy a bottle of hooch, take me across the street to that motel, and have your way with me? Sheldon: And that made you feel sad? Sheldon: It would seem Amy is drunk in a liquor store parking lot. Sheldon: When they were over here, did you fail to offer them a beverage? Step up. We'll talk to her. You make them apologize to Amy and set things right. You're not the first girls I thought were friends with me who ended up shunning me.
Plan: A: Bernadette; Q: Who asks Amy to be her maid of honor? A: bridesmaid dresses; Q: What were Penny and Bernadette shopping for? A: Sheldon; Q: Who does Amy call when she is drunk? A: A worried Sheldon; Q: Who goes to Amy's apartment to comfort her? A: her neurobiology laboratory; Q: Where do Penny and Bernadette go to apologize to Amy? A: friends; Q: Amy tells Penny and Bernadette that she is used to being shunned by people she considers as what? A: a liquor store parking lot; Q: Where was Amy when she called Sheldon? A: a few unsuccessful attempts; Q: How many unsuccessful attempts did Penny and Bernadette make to apologize to Amy? A: their standoff; Q: What did Bernadette end? Summary: Amy becomes extremely upset when Penny and Bernadette go shopping for bridesmaid dresses without her and cuts all contact with everyone, including Sheldon. A worried Sheldon goes over to her apartment, where he ends up cuddling her after rejecting her suggestion to have sex. This step further into their relationship makes him uncomfortable, so the following morning, he demands Leonard and Howard to force Penny and Bernadette to apologize to Amy, as he is not her 'snuggle bunny'. When they confront Penny and Bernadette over Amy, they reveal that they did not take Amy because she was very over-enthusiastic about being a bridesmaid and would have been a hindrance to their dress shopping, but feel guilty when they find out that she became really upset over the snub. They go to her neurobiology laboratory to apologize, but she brushes off their apologies, telling that she is used to being shunned by people whom she considers as friends. Later that evening, Amy calls Sheldon and tells him that she is drunk in a liquor store parking lot, prompting him and Leonard to immediately rush there and take her home. The next morning, Penny and Bernadette again try to apologize to Amy. After a few unsuccessful attempts, Bernadette decides to end their standoff once and for all by asking Amy to be her maid of honor at her wedding. She immediately becomes excited at this and forgives them. The episode ends with Amy filming a dress shopping trip with Penny and Bernadette.
CRU Calvin : I cheated on you. Calvin : I just broke up with Michael. Casey : You guys were speed dating. If you hit if off with one, you get to go out on a real date. Jen K. : Yeah, but he broke up with me. More of the same? Rusty : Why is that? Vote for Frannie and vote for the future.
Plan: A: the upcoming presidential election; Q: What is the election that Frannie and Casey are trying to win? A: unfriendly tactics; Q: What tactics do Frannie and Casey use? A: Rusty; Q: Who tries speed dating? A: Jen K; Q: Who does Rusty reunite with? A: one; Q: How many dates did Rusty go on? A: Calvin; Q: Who is unsure if he should breakup with Michael? A: Heath; Q: Who did Calvin cheat on Michael with? Summary: To garner more votes for the upcoming presidential election , Frannie and Casey use unfriendly tactics . Rusty tries speed dating, but reunites with Jen K while out on one of his dates. Calvin is unsure if he should breakup with Michael since cheating on him with Heath ( Zack Lively ).
A few days ago, Rosemary here filed a missing persons report on her teenage son Travis. CBI, workspace Lisbon: How long have you known Rosemary Tennant? Flashback Clara's voice: I saw her after she left Kristina's, and I called her so that she wouldn't be freaked out that I would turn up in the middle of the night, and she didn't pick up the phone... End of the flashback Clara: ...for her own daughter, and... I need you to ask her to conduct a sance to contact your mom at the reading of the will. I was Rosemary's spiritual advisor. I'm going to expose her. Is that when your brother started acting out? Jane: I think Kristina Frye is responsible for your mother's death. Jane: Oh, maybe in this instance, But not as a general observation. Jeremy: Well, I was at a, uh, gallery opening, but someone's always here. Kristina: He was Rosemary's lover. Lisbon: California bureau of investigation. Rigsby: This is quite a setup. Rigsby: Well, the psychic was right. She's a fraud. They had a key. Why just run? You could have taken the car in order to throw suspicion on him. [To the team] That was Kristina. [everyone sits down] At the request of Rosemary and her daughter Clara, the reading of the will shall be prefaced with a... What do you call it?
Plan: A: a hit and run murder; Q: What kind of murder was Rosemary Tennant's? A: Rosemary Tennant; Q: Who was the wealthy California heiress? A: Leslie Hope; Q: Who played Kristina Frye? A: moments; Q: How long before the accident did the psychic predict the death? A: the accident; Q: What was predicted moments before Rosemary's death? A: Jane; Q: Who is the skeptic? A: CBI; Q: What is the name of the team that investigates the murder? A: Rosemary's deviant teenage son; Q: Who was being cut out of Rosemary's will? A: her younger lover; Q: Who was Rosemary Tennant's lover? A: the ever-present Kristina; Q: Who was named as a beneficiary in Rosemary's will? A: the real murderer; Q: Who does Jane want to catch? A: Rosemary's supposed loved ones; Q: Who does Jane invite to the seance? A: a seance; Q: What is the gathering of Rosemary's loved ones called? A: a fraud; Q: What does Jane think Kristina is? Summary: The team investigates a hit and run murder of a wealthy California heiress, Rosemary Tennant, whose death was predicted by her psychic, Kristina Frye ( Leslie Hope ), moments before the accident. Jane, always the skeptic, laughs at the prediction and becomes intent on proving the psychic is a fake and a killer. But when CBI discovers Rosemary's will was being changed, suspicion falls on Rosemary's deviant teenage son, who was being cut out of the will, her younger lover, as well as the ever-present Kristina who was named as a beneficiary in the will. In order to catch the real murderer, Jane uses a gathering of Rosemary's supposed loved ones at a seance, that they think is to expose Kristina as a fraud, but is instead a trap to flush out the killer.
COMPARTMENT (The DOCTOR, JAMIE and ZOE congregate round the cylinder of oxygen, breathing in the gas. MILO CLANCEY: (To HERMACK.)
Plan: A: a beacon segment; Q: What are the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe trapped on? A: the unruly prospector Milo Clancey; Q: Who does Hermack become suspicious of? Summary: With the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe trapped on a beacon segment, Hermack becomes suspicious of the unruly prospector Milo Clancey.
(Stefan compels him) Stefan: Time for a little break. All that matters is that you're a vampire hunter and he's a vampire. Damon and she listens. Elena looks at Caroline) Elena: He's the one who told Damon how to break the hunter's curse Caroline: He's also the one that has Bonnie so obsessed with practicing magic that she bailed on pageant prep Elena: And now he's judging miss Mystic Falls? Elena: I wanted to dance with you today [Caroline's House] (Stefan is pouring alcohol in two glasses) Stefan: Elena is right. Haley: That's what the sire Bond is. He's about to kill her but Matt enters) Matt: Jeremy! Her and Damon... ugh, God. I was trying to understand why Klaus was so intrigued by Damon and Elena. I'm busy Klaus: I was wondering what time I should pick you up tomorrow Caroline: About a quarter to never Klaus: I was promised a date in return for one of my hybrids Caroline: Yes, a date, like to a movie, where we don't have to talk and I can put at least 3 seats between us Klaus: Surely the reigning miss Mystic Falls won't be hosting the party alone. Its tiny heart was pattering like a machine gun... And I thought, "What a thing, you know, to have to work that hard every day just to stay alive, to be constantly on the verge of death," and how satisfying every day must be that it survived... And that was the only time I thought about being human (Tyler has heard everything) Haley: What's he saying? Jeremy looks at his phone, intrigued) [Lockwood Mansion] (April, Caroline and Elena are in a room. Just... (Damon is watching Shane and Haley. Nice work. Paranoid much? So none of this matter until Bonnie is back in touch with her magic. Stefan: Elena is sired to Damon Tell me that you haven't been making him kill vampires, Stefan Stefan: We need the map to get the cure Elena: If getting my humanity back means stripping Jeremy of his, then I don't want the cure Stefan: He's the only way to fix all of this Elena: You mean me, the only way to fix me. There's something wrong with her. Thought you hated whiskey Elena: My brother wants to kill me Damon: Welcome to the club Elena: Jeremy can't live with me, Stefan wants to fix me, and Caroline flat out admitted that she doesn't like me this way. Trust me. Try and sublimate Stefan: She said she has feelings for Damon Caroline: What? Tyler: No reason (Caroline and Klaus are talking) Klaus: I never answered your question, if I'd ever thought about being human. Tyler: They don't. Who swoops in and tells her to relax? You and her... epic. You know I want to find it more than anyone else Klaus: Well, then I suggest you find some vampires for Jeremy to kill before I'm tempted to offer you up as a victim. [Salvatore's House] (Stefan is about to leave.
Plan: A: Elena; Q: Who does Caroline help April find something to wear? A: Damon; Q: Who does Caroline object to Elena having feelings for? A: Klaus; Q: Who does Caroline owe a date to? A: vampirism; Q: What is the cure that Damon and Stefan are searching for? A: Elena's sake; Q: Why are Stefan and Damon searching for the cure? A: Shane; Q: Who does Damon decide to confront? A: nightmares; Q: What has Jeremy been having? A: criminals; Q: What does Stefan use to create vampires for Jeremy? A: Hayley; Q: Who does Klaus manipulate Caroline into being jealous of? A: Klaus' hybrids; Q: Who is Hayley working to break the sire bond of? A: Klaus-; Q: Who does Caroline owe a favor to? A: a hummingbird; Q: What did Klaus consider being human while looking at? A: every day; Q: How often does Klaus say you should struggle to stay alive? A: Caroline bonds; Q: Who does Klaus convince to let him escort her to the Miss Mystic Pageant? A: vampires- develops; Q: Jeremy's hunter instinct- a hatred of vampires- does what? A: a vampire; Q: What is Shane? A: Matt; Q: Who moves into Elena's house? A: her humanity; Q: What does Elena say she doesn't want back if it costs her brother his? A: the Salvatore House; Q: Where does Elena decide to stay? A: a dance; Q: What do Elena and Damon do after they talk? Summary: The Miss Mystic Falls pageant is back, and Elena and Caroline help April find something to wear. Meanwhile, Caroline calls Stefan and Stefan tells Caroline about Elena's feelings for Damon, which Caroline objects to. Klaus shows up shortly afterwards, questioning Stefan's trust in him. Damon and Stefan's relationship is even more strained, but they continue their search for the cure to vampirism for Elena's sake. Caroline and Elena are suspicious of Shane, who Damon decides to confront. Ever since awakening as a hunter, Jeremy has been having nightmares in which he kills Elena. Stefan uses criminals to create vampires for Jeremy to use to complete his tattoo. Hayley and Tyler work to break the sire bond of Klaus' hybrids. Caroline is stressed by a favor she owes Klaus- a date, which Klaus convinces Caroline to let him escort her to the Miss Mystic Pageant. Klaus manipulates her into feeling jealous of Hayley and Tyler's friendship, while also charming her. She asks if he ever wanted to be human again, and Klaus shares with her that he considered being human momentarily while looking at a hummingbird and contemplated the fragility of mortality and how struggling to stay alive would make every day you're living that much more meaningful. Caroline bonds with Klaus as Tyler jealously looks on with Hayley. Jeremy's hunter instinct- a hatred of vampires- develops to the point that he attacks Stefan. Damon asks why Shane showed up in Mystic Falls in the first place causing Shane to reveal that he is a vampire. Jeremy arrives at the pageant and attacks Elena, nearly killing her. She is rescued by Stefan and Matt. Stefan reveals to Elena he provided vampires for Jeremy to kill, to which she replies that she doesn't want her humanity back if it costs her brother his. Matt moves into her house and Elena decides to stay in the Salvatore House. Stefan then decides to leave, unable to stay in the same house as Elena. It is eventually revealed that Shane and Hayley are working together to break the sire bond with Klaus's hybrids. Later, Elena has a talk with Damon, which leads to a dance between the two and passionate sex afterwards, all while Caroline and Stefan figure out that Elena is sired to Damon.
Générique Robin: How in God's name did it never come up that Barney has a gay, black brother? He's Barney's brother. James: To get laid. My... wait for it... brother, James. Ted: And it's never the hot ones. Who is the cutest? Who's in?
Plan: A: ( Wayne Brady; Q: Who plays Barney's brother James? A: Robin; Q: Who has never met James? A: a surprise; Q: What does James have for Barney? Summary: Barney's brother James ( Wayne Brady ) visits and Robin, the only one in the group who's never met him, is surprised. But James has a surprise for Barney that he finds hard to accept.
(GREG SANDERS opens the door to his lab and calls out to CATHERINE.) (GRISSOM turns his head to look at WARRICK and it's the first that we notice that WARRICK is standing way on the other side of the break room, separate from the others.) (GRISSOM turns to leave the room. Brass has been moved back to homicide. CSI - LAB] (NICK is in one of the labs where he compares the fibers from the watch with the fibers from the carpet.) Catherine Willows: Shot her with her own gun. Catherine Willows: You left Holly solo? He goes for her gun. Holly Gribbs' suspect is in custody. Holly Gribbs: Holly Gribbs. I want to help. I worked those four cases. Paula Francis: (on tv) The crime lab now faces the daunting task of investigating the shooting of one of their own. So, I'm bringing in Sara Sidle to give us a hand. The winner. There are other ways to tell, you know? Was he in town with anybody?
Plan: A: the shooting; Q: What event has left Holly Gribbs fighting for her life? A: big changes; Q: What kind of changes are in store for the Vegas Crime Lab? A: Homicide; Q: What department is Brass sent back to? A: Grissom; Q: Who is the newly appointed head of the crime lab? A: the night shift; Q: What shift is Grissom in charge of? A: Nick; Q: Who is Grissom's partner in the investigation of the jackpot winner's suicide? A: Warrick; Q: Who was supposed to be supervising Holly? A: rookie CSI Holly Gribbs; Q: Who was shot? A: Catherine; Q: Who decides to work Holly's shooting? A: Holly's shooting; Q: What case does Catherine decide to work? A: Sara Sidle; Q: Who does Grissom bring in to help Catherine with the investigation? A: her injuries; Q: What ultimately killed Holly? A: the team; Q: Who is devastated by Holly's death? Summary: In the aftermath of the shooting that has left Holly Gribbs fighting for her life, there are big changes in store at the Vegas Crime Lab. Brass is sent back to Homicide while Grissom becomes the newly appointed head of the crime lab and is also in charge of the night shift. His first case is to investigate the supposed suicide of a jackpot winner with Nick. Meanwhile, Warrick has to deal with the fact that the shooting of rookie CSI Holly Gribbs was due to his failure to supervise her. Catherine decides to work Holly's shooting and is annoyed when Grissom brings in Sara Sidle to help with her investigation. Unfortunately, Holly succumbs to her injuries, leaving the team devastated.
(To phone) Yeah. Adam's face scrunches up in anger. He is part of the team. He pulls out the entire tray. IANTO : Gwen ? JACK : She needs to remember. Keep the change ! Or alien intervention. RHYS : With a key ! THE HUB - CONFERENCE ROOM Jack stands at the head of the conference table in front of the monitor with the CCTV showing Adam in his cell. Talk to me. The memory of that day fades quickly. This time, it's adult Adam and he's inside Jack's memory. You're not a murderer.
Plan: A: Adam; Q: Who infiltrates the team? A: an alien; Q: What is Adam? A: memories; Q: What does Adam have the power to change? A: Captain Jack; Q: Who is caught up in memories of his lost family? A: Rhys; Q: Who is Gwen struggling to remember? A: Ianto; Q: Who is convinced that he is a murderer? A: the entire team; Q: Who does it cost dearly to rid themselves of Adam's influence? A: Adam's influence; Q: What costs the team dearly? Summary: When Adam, an alien with the power to change memories infiltrates the team, the entire dynamic of The Hub shifts. With Captain Jack caught up in memories of his lost family, Gwen struggling to remember Rhys, and Ianto convinced that he's a murderer... it costs the entire team dearly to rid themselves of Adam's influence.
Amy: 11 minutes. Amy: Sheldon, is everything okay? Bernadette: Oh. I finally got the chance to play it, and for some reason, it just wasn't as good as the first one. It's like a lesson in what not to do. It's stupid to fight over money. Leonard: She made him a chore chart. Leonard: The one I gave you? Penny: It really bothers him? Penny: Okay, I don't want this to turn into a fight. Penny: Well, if I do well in sales, I could end up making a lot more money than you. Raj: Look, I get it, but before we pass up on an incredible opportunity, I was thinking about when Howard was training to go to space, they put him in a simulated environment. Raj: So, I did a little research on what the conditions are like in the mines, and the guys might be right, sounds pretty rough down there. Rajj: Have her get season two. Sheldon: Good. Sheldon: It's dark matter. Sheldon: Who's he? That's longer than I thought. Wait! When I left India for America, I was never more scared in my life. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Howard and Bernadette's apartment ] Bernadette: Sorry you guys had to see that. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Howard and Bernadette's apartment ] Howard: Talk about wasted money. [SCENE_BREAK] [ The university basement ] Raj: Huh. [SCENE_BREAK] ♪ The Big Bang Theory 8x06 ♪ [SCENE_BREAK] [ Penny's apartment ] Leonard: So, one of my favourite video games of all time is called Shadow of the Colossus, and it was only for PlayStation 2, but then they came out with a new version for PS3 with better graphics.
Plan: A: Penny; Q: Who gets a company car? A: months ago; Q: When did Penny sell the car Leonard gave her? A: the money; Q: What do Leonard and Penny finish having sex on? A: a conflict; Q: What does Penny and Leonard have? A: Raj; Q: Who consoles Sheldon when he is afraid in the tunnel? A: dark matter; Q: What do Raj and Sheldon see a chance to study? A: a salt mine; Q: Where do Raj and Sheldon go to study dark matter? A: a hot, sweaty steam pipe tunnel; Q: Where do Raj and Sheldon crawl into? A: Amy; Q: Who was waiting above ground? A: several phobias; Q: What does Sheldon fight? A: string theory; Q: What research does Sheldon fear will fail him? A: India; Q: Where did Raj leave to come to America? A: a panicked Sheldon; Q: Who abandons Raj when rats show up? A: Their simulation; Q: What lasts eleven minutes? Summary: After Penny gets a company car, she sells the one that Leonard gave her months ago and gives him the money. It bothers Leonard and leads to a conflict between the two. They later share a dinner with Howard and Bernadette to seek their counsel on marriage and finances, but this in turn leads to an argument between Bernadette and Howard over money since Bernadette earns more than Howard. Leonard and Penny decide to use it as an example of what not to do in their marriage and finish having sex on the money. Bernadette and Howard eventually make up as well. Raj and Sheldon see a chance to study dark matter by participating in experiments conducted in a salt mine. To test themselves, they crawl into a hot, sweaty steam pipe tunnel in the university basement with Amy waiting above ground. Sheldon fights several phobias including fear of enclosed places. He also reveals his fear that his new research will fail him like string theory did. Raj consoles him by relating his own fear when he first left India. When some rats show up, a panicked Sheldon quickly abandons Raj, who later excoriates Sheldon for doing so. Their simulation lasts eleven minutes, longer than Amy's estimates.
Ava: Ellen May. Ava: Goodbye, Ellen May. Billy made a choice, Ellen May. Boyd: Arguing with a man who has renounced his reason is like giving medicine to the dead. Boyd: But when it's all said and done, it was a choice he made that led to where we are now. Boyd: Ellen May. Boyd: Well, Ellen May, you always had a home here. Boyd: [ Sighs ] You remember my cousin Lonnie? But I hear Randall wants to get into fighter management. But that decision's gotta come from the lady of the house. Colt's gonna give you a ride to the bus station when you get yourself together. Couple of hours, I'm sure we can come up with something to do to entertain ourselves. Decent people, and that's what you're after. Ellen May, what the hell is wrong with you? Firing off shots at her clients and huffing down oxy... God knows what else. Gone now, though. I don't know if Lindsey's part of it or he come back, whacked her over the head, and took her off like a caveman. I just have a couple questions about one of his fighters. Killing Delroy... Lindsey: Randall. More than any pussy-ass beanbag gun. Randall: Just keep it running. Randall: Morning when? Randall: That thing we talked about... Said you got a wrecking crew just waiting on a sugar daddy to set them up? Randall: Where did she go? Randall: Who's that? Randall? Raylan: And say what? Raylan: Anyways, I'm the one who'll put a stop to all that, making it preferable for them to go in another direction. Raylan: Kind of the same answer as the money. Raylan: Plan was, that pretty little blonde was gonna do her thing... get you all spun up and then have Randall come in and twist you on a spit till they got all the money from you they could carry. Raylan: Put a call in to the state police, have them drive over, escort you down to face warrants you got out of Duvall county, Florida. Raylan: Rachel. Raylan: Two more questions, then... about Randall Kusik. Raylan: You fight him? Raylan: You mentioned a woman he was with? Raylan: You want to see some cockfighting? Raylan: [ Grunts ] Randall: Whoo! Rip off some fella' does backyard fights name of Hoppus? Said she wanted to shoot pictures of horses at some farm across the way. Stop! Well, your brother's death... While tragic and untimely... was not, on the face of it, actionable as a crime. You got beer in a bottle? [ Scoffs ] [ Laughs ] Rachel: So, saying these fighters Randall's looking to manage are what... chickens? [ Sighs ] Ava: You can work his motel till you get back on your feet and figure out what's next when you're ready. [ Sighs ] Randall: There's money in fighting chickens, Raylan.
Plan: A: Raylan's tossed apartment; Q: What is Raylan surveying? A: Lindsay; Q: Who calls Raylan from a pay phone? A: Randall; Q: Who was looking to get into the business of fighting chickens? A: sleazy fight promoter Joe Hoppus; Q: Who does Lindsay and Randall go to visit? A: a tense exchange; Q: What did Joe Hoppus and Randall have? A: the next morning; Q: When do Raylan and Rachel show up at Hoppus's house? A: the farmer; Q: Who did Hoppus give Raylan the name of? A: Lindsey; Q: Who distracts the cashier while Randall steals a beer? A: the cashier; Q: Who did Randall beat up? A: the badly beaten cashier; Q: Who does Raylan question after the gas station incident? A: a horse farm; Q: Where did Raylan find Lindsay and Randall? A: a non-lethal beanbag gun; Q: What did Raylan shoot Randall with? A: his wits; Q: What does Raylan regain? A: his senses; Q: What does Raylan come to? A: Raylan's money; Q: What did Raylan learn that Lindsay and Randall had spent? A: Alabama; Q: Where does Boyd suggest sending Ellen May? A: Lonnie; Q: Who is Boyd's cousin? A: several people; Q: Who was nearby when Ellen May mentioned Ava's murder of Delroy? A: Colt; Q: Who does Boyd order to kill Ellen May? A: the bus station; Q: Where was Colt taking Ellen May? A: a gas station; Q: Where did Colt stop to check his .45 and snort some heroin? A: the restroom; Q: Where does Colt go to snort heroin? Summary: Raylan and Rachel are surveying Raylan's tossed apartment. Meanwhile, Lindsay and Randall go to visit sleazy fight promoter Joe Hoppus, who after a tense exchange agrees to set Randall up as a manager of fighters. Raylan and Rachel show up at Hoppus's house the next morning, finding a wrecked backyard full of hungover party goers and Hoppus in a three-way with a couple of prostitutes. Hoppus imparts that Randall was looking to get into the business of fighting chickens, and gives Raylan the name of the farmer that he was headed to see. Randall and Lindsey stop for gas, and Randall steals a bottle of beer while Lindsey distracts the cashier. Randall gets angry because he thinks the cashier was flirting with Lindsay, and goes back to beat him up. Lindsay, disgusted, calls Raylan from a pay phone. Raylan later questions the badly beaten cashier. Raylan learns where Lindsay and Randall are headed and finds them on a horse farm farther north. He shoots Randall with a non-lethal beanbag gun and questions Lindsay, forgetting about Randall, who regains his wits and attacks. Raylan and Randall fight until Lindsay gets the beanbag gun; she shoots Raylan, then Randall, and knocks Randall out with the butt of the gun. Raylan comes to his senses to find Lindsay gone. Raylan detains Randall, but learns that he and Lindsay had already spent Raylan's money on a van full of fighting chickens. Meanwhile, Boyd and Ava grapple over what to do with Ellen May when she returns to the bar after Preacher Billy's death. Knowing that Ellen May holds secrets that can burn them down, Ava presses Boyd to have her killed. Boyd proposes an alternate solution: send her down to Alabama, where his cousin Lonnie runs a motel and bar. Ellen May can work for Lonnie and have a shot at a decent life. However, when Ellen May inadvertently mentions Ava's murder of Delroy in a crowded hallway, with several people nearby, Boyd orders Colt to kill her. Colt, acting as though he is taking Ellen May to the bus station, stops at a gas station to check his .45 and snort some heroin in the restroom. When he goes back outside, he discovers Ellen May has disappeared.
Anna can try to tear us apart; make some ridiculous prediction come true...but we're together now. Cut to Anna running down a staircase and Sydney chasing her. If I deliver it to her in a boutique in Beverly Hills by a specified time, she claims she'll let Nadia go. Jack: Anna Espinosa. Nadia (to Sloane): Hey. Rambaldi? Sabine: Miss Espinosa. Sydney: We have a room. That anesthetic gas? That's all. The van continues to swerve and Sark is repeatedly thrown about the back of the van as the van attempts to outrun its attackers. There's this fringe terrorist cell called the Cadmus Revolutionary Front. They blatantly make the switch and Anna walks out. Used to be K-Directorate. You and your sister?
Plan: A: Former K Directorate agent Anna Espinosa; Q: Who abducts and tortures Nadia? A: a Rambaldi prophecy; Q: What does Sydney relate to the team? A: her sister; Q: Who does Sydney have to fight to the death? A: Sloane; Q: Who tells Sydney that Espinosa is part of the Cadmus Revolutionary Front? A: a Rambaldi-obsessed group; Q: What is the Cadmus Revolutionary Front? A: a coma; Q: What is Nadia left in after being shot? A: Mr. Sark; Q: Who claims to have knowledge about the Cadmus Revolutionary Front? A: a deal; Q: What does Mr. Sark try to cut? Summary: Former K Directorate agent Anna Espinosa abducts and tortures Nadia. Sydney relates a Rambaldi prophecy that says that she and her sister must fight to the death. Sloane makes it clear that Espinosa is part of the Cadmus Revolutionary Front; a Rambaldi-obsessed group and will try to make the prophecy come true. Espinosa shoots Nadia, leaving her in a coma. Mr. Sark claims to have knowledge about the Cadmus Revolutionary Front and tries to cut a deal.
'Cause I think you want a one-on-one mixer with Shane. All right, the Mr. Purr-fect event... KAPPA TAU HOUSE - Living room Rebecca : Will be worth the most points. Another rain check? Cappie : True. Casey : Well, it's fun being a coach. Frannie : Fraternity bathroom? Fraternity bathroom duty. He's one of the greatest authors and writers. Hi, little girl. Like your brothers? No, I'm talking about an earnest coming of age film where some young kid in Idaho cuts himself while listening to erasure and then comes out to his preacher father who beats him and locks him in a closet. That was her. They hung up again. Which means the Lambda Sigs are the winners of ZBZ fest. Your own pizza with your favorite toppings on it.
Plan: A: The ZBZ girls; Q: Who competes head to head? A: crazy contests; Q: What kind of contests do the ZBZ girls compete in? A: Casey; Q: Who coaches the Lambda Sigs? A: a crush; Q: What does Casey develop on one of the brothers? A: the Kappa Tau's; Q: Who does Rebecca coach? A: the test; Q: What does Rebecca put her relationship with Cappie to? A: top; Q: Who will come out on ______? Summary: The ZBZ girls compete head to head with one another as they each coach a different fraternity in a series of crazy contests. Casey ends up coaching the Lambda Sigs and develops a crush on one of the brothers of that fraternity. While Rebecca coaches the Kappa Tau's and puts her relationship with Cappie to the test. Who will come out on top?
(Reading) We're having a texting date? Amy: Hmm. Amy: Hooky? Amy: Oh, I want to be Cinderella, too. Amy: Sheldon, all Snow White needs is one little kiss to wake up. Bernadette: Joke? Bernadette: Okay, so, you pick your princess, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Cinderella, they give you hair, makeup, the works. Encouraging more women to pursue a career in the sciences. Howard: Maybe I could call my old middle school, see if we can talk to some of the female students. I played hooky with the girls, then we all went to Disneyland and got... What are you doing? Leonard and Howard (together): No! Leonard: Yeah, well, it's in our contract to serve on a university committee. Lucy (by text): Sorry. Penny: Unless you want to be Cinderella. Penny: Yeah, but you just have to remember, that ride is shorter than you think and they take a picture of you at the end, so make sure you got your clothes back on. Raj (by text): My dad's a gynaecologist in India, so if you're over there and need a check up, as he likes to say, he's at your cervix. Raj: I am a man who can't talk to women, trying to figure out how to go on a romantic date with a girl who suffers from such crippling social anxiety she can't be around other people. Raj: I'm counting that as foreplay. Scene: Howard and Bernadette's apartment. Scene: The library. Sheldon: Exactly. Sheldon: Smart. We don't want any problems. While I was listening to my colleagues waste your time, it occurred to me that it might be much more meaningful to hear about women in science from actual women in science, and, uh, I happen to know two brilliant examples who have agreed to speak to you on the phone right now.
Plan: A: Caltech; Q: What university do Leonard, Sheldon, and Howard work at? A: Sheldon; Q: Who suggests focusing on middle school girls? A: a committee; Q: What must Leonard, Sheldon, and Howard serve on? A: young women; Q: Who does the committee promote science to? A: Neither Sheldon; Q: Who is not interested in the committee? A: Leonard's cajoling; Q: What did Sheldon need to do to get Leonard to agree to the committee? A: their ideas; Q: What do Sheldon, Leonard, and Howard implement at Howard's old middle school? A: Bernadette; Q: Who planned the trip to Disneyland? A: Disney princesses; Q: What do Amy and Bernadette dress up as? A: Cinderella; Q: Who does Bernadette want to be? A: Aurora; Q: Who is Penny dressed as? A: Beauty and Amy is Snow White; Q: Who is Amy dressed as? A: their partners; Q: Bernadette's and Penny's costumes turn on whom? A: Raj; Q: Who does Lucy want to kiss? A: the library; Q: Where did Raj and Lucy have their date? A: their social problems; Q: What do Raj and Lucy use texting to avoid? Summary: As part of their Caltech contracts, Leonard, Sheldon and Howard must serve on a committee that promotes science among young women. Neither Sheldon nor Howard are interested, but on Leonard's cajoling, Sheldon suggests focusing on middle school girls and inspiring them to pursue science after completing school. They implement their ideas at Howard's old middle school but cannot enthuse the girls for science, so Sheldon calls Amy and Bernadette, both scientists, to talk to the class by phone about careers in science. The women have meanwhile skipped work to go to Disneyland and be made up as Disney princesses. All want to be Cinderella, but Bernadette insists she be Cinderella since she planned the trip and drove them there, so Penny is Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Amy is Snow White. Back home, Bernadette's and Penny's costumes turn on their partners. Amy, still in her Snow White costume, wants Sheldon to awaken her with a kiss, but he is tired and uninterested. Elsewhere, Raj and Lucy have a "texting date" in the library: they interact by texting to circumvent their social problems. At the end of their date Lucy wants to kiss Raj, but gets shy before doing so. Raj is impressed, counting it as foreplay.
And that's it. FINN: We just want to give love. GIRLS: [Asking April] Is he serious? HONOR: It's the life and death brigade thing. I think it's too late. I'll look after them. LORELAI: Why is it too soon? LORELAI: [A little surprised] Oh. LUKE'S DINER - EXTERIOR [Luke goes out to meet Lorelai.] LUKE: About you being at the party, she says she feels betrayed because I let you throw April a birthday party even though she's never met you. LUKE: It's a disaster. RORY: Paris, I'm at the hospital with Logan. [Cut the Logan's room, he is clearly injured.
Plan: A: Luke; Q: Who decides to give April a birthday party? A: the diner; Q: Where does Luke decide to have April's birthday party? A: Lorelai volunteers; Q: Who volunteers to help Luke with April's birthday party? A: his mind; Q: What does Luke change? A: Rory; Q: Who goes to the hospital to be with Logan? A: Logan; Q: Who is injured in a stunt? Summary: Luke decides to give April a birthday party at the diner. Lorelai volunteers to help and is hurt when Luke explains that he still thinks it's too soon for them to meet. However, Luke changes his mind when the party is a disaster, giving Lorelai a chance to bond with April. Meanwhile, Rory rushes to be with Logan at the hospital after he is seriously injured during a stunt with the Life and Death Brigade.
(Lisbon leaves the office) CBI Corridors (Van Pelt, Rigsby, Lisbon) (Van Pelt and Rigsby get out of the elevator, Lisbon has meal in her hand) Van Pelt: Hey, boss. (leaves) Lisbon: Mr. Banks, do you know anything about the theft of a ring at the British Museum? For the murder weapon? Jane watches from the hallway. Jane: And he stole the ring. Jane: New boss. Jolene Banks: And she found a dead body. Madeleine Hightower. My mission is to turn that around and make the CBI the premier law enforcement agency in this state. Pours boiling water into the cups.) Sniffs a grapefruit, dish soap, finally finds a yellow can of deodorant. Team Office. That's a little... funky monkey. The red box didn't fit.
Plan: A: a tutor; Q: What was the murder victim's occupation? A: a mysterious little red box; Q: What did Jane and the CBI team find near the body? A: the British Museum; Q: Where was the ring stolen from? A: a new boss; Q: What is Madeleine Hightower? A: command; Q: What does Madeleine Hightower take of the CBI? Summary: Jane and the CBI team investigate the murder of a tutor, and find a mysterious little red box near the body, starting a chain of events that turns the murder into the search for a priceless ring stolen from the British Museum. Meanwhile, Lisbon is worried when a new boss, Madeleine Hightower, takes command of the CBI, and informs Lisbon that she has mysteriously learned about Rigsby and Van Pelt's relationship.
Alex: Kinky. He becomes a part of a secret he didn't ask to be part of. I love you. Maria: Yeah. Max: Think about jesse, isabel. Michael: That's her. That's all. [At the crashdown, Liz and her father are arguing with each other- Michael and the security guards come in for breakfast] Liz: Chili and a hot dog. [Back to the bowling alley] Michael: You want anything else?
Plan: A: Alex's ghost; Q: Who is Isabel's guide? A: Isabel; Q: Who must confront her fears about love? A: Jesse; Q: Who does Isabel have conflicted feelings for? A: Maria; Q: Who discovers a new part of Michael? A: a bowling alley; Q: Where does Maria discover a new part of Michael? A: Liz and Max struggle; Q: Who struggles to remain together? A: her father's insistent disapproval; Q: What is the main obstacle to Liz and Max's relationship? Summary: With Alex's ghost as her guide, Isabel must finally confront her fears about love and her conflicted feelings for Jesse. Meanwhile, Maria happily discovers a whole new, human part of Michael in, of all places, a bowling alley, and Liz and Max struggle to remain together despite her father's insistent disapproval.
(GETTING PHONE) Call her! (QUICK CUT TO THE POST-COITAL RACHEL AND BARRY IN BARRY'S SURGERY) RACHEL: Wow... Wow! BARRY: ....Mindy. CHANDLER IS STILL STARING AT HIS PHONE.) CHANDLER: She answered. I mean, we still care about each other. I think Barry is seeing someone in the city. Is there anything wrong with that? MINDY: Okay, okay... when Barry was engaged to you, he and I- kind of- had a little thing on the side. MINDY: That's not all. MONICA: Okay, how about the fact that he's engaged to another woman, who just happens to be your ex- best friend? MONICA: So she's a woman! PHOEBE: That man across the street just kicked that pigeon! RACHEL: (OFFERS HER ARM TO MINDY. RACHEL: Was that all you wanted to ask me?
Plan: A: Rachel; Q: Who is Mindy's maid of honor? A: an affair; Q: What did Mindy say she and Barry had while Rachel was engaged to him? A: two; Q: How many women confront Barry? A: Chandler; Q: Who goes nuts when a woman he likes does not return his phone calls? A: a mix-up; Q: What does Chandler realize happened with his phone calls? Summary: Rachel and Barry secretly see each other, even though he is now engaged to Mindy, who asks Rachel to be her maid of honor. When Mindy says she and Barry had an affair while Rachel was engaged to Barry, Rachel finally confesses to Mindy that she has been sleeping with Barry; the two women confront him, though Mindy still wants to marry Barry. Meanwhile, Chandler goes nuts when a woman he likes does not return his phone calls, later realizing there was a mix-up. The friends become annoyed after discovering someone across the street is spying on them.
BENIK: (Outside.) Plenty of food. SALAMANDER'S OFFICE SALAMANDER: But I tell you... STREET (The DOCTOR, KENT, ASTRID and FARIAH emerge outside. They applaud.)
Plan: A: Fariah; Q: Who brings the Doctor and Kent evidence of Salamander's activities? A: Benik; Q: Who attacks Fariah, the Doctor and Kent? Summary: Fariah brings the Doctor and Kent evidence of Salamander's activities but then they come under attack from Benik.
Brooke and Haley enters in the cafe and boys eating. CHASE: Guilt sucks. CLINN'S HOUSE Clay and Quinn talks. Get up. HALEY: My baby want a biscuit? How is it that you can leave your job in Omaha for Millie, but you can't take care of your health for her? JULIAN: I left my kid in the car. NALEY'S HOUSE Nathan talks with his family by web-cam. QUINN: Get off of me! The owner wanted it up. This is a surprise.
Plan: A: Quinn; Q: Who gets involved when Clay gets into trouble? A: Julian; Q: Who deals with guilt over leaving the baby in the car? A: his health; Q: What does Mouth agree to take care of? A: a new cafe; Q: What opens in this episode? A: the owner; Q: Who angers Brooke and Haley? A: Kate Nash; Q: Who is the song by? Summary: Clay gets into trouble and Quinn gets involved; Julian deals with his guilt over leaving the baby in the car; Mouth agrees to take care of his health but continues eating when Millie is asleep. Meanwhile, a new cafe opens and the owner immediately angers Brooke and Haley. This episode is named after a song by Kate Nash .
(Phoebe takes their blood out of a fridge.) (She starts to cry.) (The monkey sees the banana and it uses Prue's power and the banana starts floating towards it. And it would have to have your power too, you know, to find you, magic to magic. And this is for my sisters. Doctor #2: Check his airway. Get his leg. He's been sending me letters, trying to get me back to the hospital for follow up tests and I'm not going. Leo: He'll go mad. Maybe she was trying to warn you. Phoebe: They're from Evan. Phoebe: We tried to save him. Phoebe: With what? Piper: Any idea who did it? Piper: Goodbye, Doctor. Piper: Leo doesn't live here. Piper: Wait a minute, you remember what he was like when I was sick. Prue walks in from the back door.] Prue: Alright, I-I gotta figure out a way to get rid of these reporters otherwise we can't do anything and figure out a way to go talk to Evan.
Plan: A: Piper; Q: Who was the doctor trying to figure out how she made a complete recovery? A: their magical powers; Q: What does the doctor gain from Piper's blood? A: his newfound abilities; Q: What does the doctor use to save his sister? A: his dying sister; Q: Who is the doctor trying to save? A: the doctor; Q: Who treated Piper when she was sick with Oroya fever? A: the sisters' magical powers; Q: What does the doctor gain from the sisters? A: Prue's latest assignment; Q: What brings unwanted attention from the paparazzi? Summary: The doctor who treated Piper when she was sick with Oroya fever is trying to figure out how she was able to make complete recovery. As a result, accidentally gains their magical powers from their blood during a test he was conducting. Following this, he starts to use his newfound abilities in an attempt to save his dying sister. However, it doesn't take long for the doctor to go mad from having the sisters' magical powers and they have to find a way to remove them while not bringing any harm to the doctor. Meanwhile, Prue's latest assignment brings some unwanted attention from the paparazzi.
(The CONTROLLER halts.) Like the DOCTOR before him, he is clubbed to the ground. They're taking him to the guest suite at control.
Plan: A: The Doctor; Q: Who forces the guerrillas to take him to the 22nd century? A: the Controller; Q: Who captures the Doctor? Summary: The Doctor forces the guerrillas to take him to the 22nd century where he is soon captured by the Controller.
A brothel? Cole: Wait, did she get a premonition today? For the next six months she tries to save him over and over until she loses her own life in the process and that's when you sent me back in time to tell you to kill this man. He orbs out with her just in time.) It's his time, it's his destiny, and if Phoebe saves him today she'll be killed by a warlock along with Paige. Leo: Well, we could wind up with tails. Miles: Help! Miles: Phoebe, help me! One warlock does not have the power to steal the Book of Shadows. Paige: Cole said he sent the warlock back from the future because you're gonna die trying to save Miles from the Angel of Death. Paige: Piper. Piper, Phoebe and Paige are there working on spells and potions.] Problem is he was destined to die. [Time lapse. [Time lapse.
Plan: A: Miles; Q: Who is Phoebe's new boyfriend? A: the future; Q: Where does Baccara come from? A: Baccara; Q: Who steals the Book of Shadows? A: his present self; Q: Who does Baccara team up with? A: the Charmed Ones; Q: Who's powers did Baccara steal? A: Leo's help; Q: Who helps Piper escape? A: the time rift; Q: What does Piper use to travel back in time? A: her past self; Q: Who does Piper get to prevent Phoebe from saving Miles? A: history; Q: What does Piper set right? Summary: Phoebe inadvertently opens a tunnel in time by repeatedly saving the life of her new boyfriend Miles, who is destined to die. The time tunnel provides a pathway for a warlock from the future named Baccara to team up with his present self and steal the Book of Shadows . With the help of his present self he steals the Charmed Ones powers and kills Phoebe and Paige. Piper manages to escape with Leo's help and uses the time rift to travel back in time. There she gets her past self to prevent Phoebe from saving Miles, changing time and setting history onto its right track.
HARRY: (To the DOCTOR.) Now we shall use the humans in the Cryogenic Chamber. SARAH: To Earth? The Wirrn were driven from Andromeda.
Plan: A: The Doctor; Q: Who tries to protect the humans? A: cryogenic suspension; Q: What are the humans in? A: their new breeding ground; Q: What do the Wirrn want to use Earth as? Summary: The Doctor tries to protect the humans still in cryogenic suspension from the Wirrn, who are determined to use Earth as their new breeding ground.
And my son, Tyler. Barney leaves the bar. Betty has a slight tendency to improvise. But there is a problem. It's winter. Lily: You think it is possible that Barney Stinson has a girlfriend? Ted: He stops.
Plan: A: Barney; Q: Who does the gang suspect has a girlfriend? Summary: The gang suspect Barney has a girlfriend after he suddenly leaves MacLaren's but realizes he has a wife and a son.
(He holds the pan up to the DOCTOR.) And we have got to dare to stop them! BARBARA: But it's very complex and detailed. DALEK CONTROL ROOM BLACK DALEK: Once the core is removed, we can replace it with a power system...that will enable us to pilot the planet anywhere in the universe. It's the best I could do though. YOUNG WOMAN: In the forest.
Plan: A: TARDIS; Q: What is the name of the Doctor's time machine? A: the 22nd century; Q: What century is it when the TARDIS returns to London? A: bodies; Q: What is in the river? A: the docklands; Q: Where is the quiet? A: The Daleks; Q: Who has invaded London? Summary: The TARDIS returns to London; however, it's the 22nd century. With bodies in the river, and quiet in the docklands, the city is a very different place. The Daleks have invaded and it's up to the Doctor to thwart them once again.
(Chandler looks at her.) His teeth are freakishly white.) It is??? Janine: Joey? Monica: Ross this is the only thing left that has a shot at working. Phoebe: Just for a second. Rachel: To get you to make out with him!!! Remember I told you that someone made out with Ralph Lauren in the copy room? Ross: (Covering his mouth with the glass.) That's Kenny the copy guy. [Scene: Rachel's office, Phoebe hands Rachel a key card.]
Plan: A: Ross; Q: Who bleaches his teeth? A: Monica's coworker; Q: Who does Ross bleach his teeth for? A: Chandler; Q: Who convinces Joey that Janine is trying to take over his apartment? A: Rachel's office; Q: Where does Phoebe make out with the copy guy? A: rumors; Q: What does Rachel spread about Phoebe? A: Ralph Lauren; Q: Who does Rachel's boss think she slept with? Summary: Ross bleaches his teeth for a date with Monica's coworker. The only problem is that they now glow in the dark. Chandler convinces Joey that Janine is trying to take over his apartment. Phoebe makes out with the copy guy at Rachel's office. Rachel spreads rumors about Phoebe but her boss thinks that Rachel slept with Ralph Lauren.
( footsteps approaching ) Bob. ( gunfire ) ( screams ) Daddy! ( sobbing ) Rick: You. ( theme music playing ) Governor: The people in this prison, not all of them are bad. Carl: We could kill the Governor right now. Don't pretend to be a governor. Fact is, it's gonna be a hell of a lot harder than standing here shooting at each other. From yards? Governor: Go through the fence in your cars. Governor: Is Hershel on the council? Governor: Rick! Hershel: Then what is it? Just keep walking. Michonne and I, we'll never be able to live together. No one needs to die. Now, we can all live in the prison or none of us can. Remember the rats at the fence? Rick: It's not up to me. Rick: Look, I fought him before. So has Rick. Stay down. The people who destroyed the camp I was in with Martinez... they live in a prison. There's nothing between us and the rest of the world. To the bus. What about Michonne? When's the last time someone checked the stash on the bus? You want the prison?
Plan: A: the prison; Q: What does the Governor want Rick and the others to abandon? A: gunfire; Q: What breaks out after Hershel is decapitated? A: Lilly; Q: Who kills the Governor? A: Meghan; Q: Who was bitten by a walker? A: its fences; Q: What does the Governor tear through? A: a one-on-one brawl; Q: What kind of brawl do Rick and the Governor engage in? A: one; Q: How many people does Michonne kill? A: the upper hand; Q: What does the Governor gain in his fight with Rick? Summary: The Governor captures Michonne and Hershel and challenges Rick and the others to abandon the prison. Though Rick offers co-existence, The Governor refuses and decapitates Hershel, and gunfire breaks out. In the midst of battle, Lilly rushes up to The Governor with the body of Meghan, who was bitten by a walker while playing. The Governor shoots Meghan to prevent her from reanimating and then orders a full-out assault of the prison, tearing through its fences and allowing a horde of walkers in. The survivors in the prison are forced to scatter when they no longer can hold down their defenses. At the same time, Rick and The Governor engage in a one-on-one brawl in which the latter gains the upper hand, only to be mortally stabbed by Michonne just before he can kill Rick. Rick escapes with Carl, while the near-death Governor is approached and executed by Lilly.
(He gives him one of the rings. (His face has changed too) Stefan: You see that? Caroline, Caroline! Caroline, of all people, won't not make it as a vampire. Carter: I have a name Damon: Yeah I don't care (He catches his shoulders and compels him) Damon: I need you to pick a fight with someone, a kid named Tyler Lockwood Stefan: Damon, don't do this Damon: It's just an experiment. He searches everywhere. He takes it. Her mother is a vampire hunter. I'm so sorry about that (She looks at the bandage) Caroline: Okay, now what's the story? Mason: Six. Mason: Tyler! My best friend is a witch, my friend is a vampire and I have a doppelgänger who wants to destroy all of us Stefan: I'm sorry Elena: No, it's not your fault, Stefan. She looks at her in the mirror, her face is changing and her fangs appear. That was Katherine Caroline: No! They fight, Mason arrives. Tyler: In a minute.
Plan: A: Caroline; Q: Who confronts Damon about his abusive treatment? A: the hospital craving blood; Q: What is Caroline craving when she wakes up in the hospital? A: Tyler; Q: Who catches Mason searching for a moonstone? A: a family heirloom; Q: What is the moonstone? A: the carnival; Q: Where does Damon compel a boy to fight Tyler? A: Carter; Q: Who does Damon compel to fight Tyler? A: anger; Q: What emotion does Damon try to provoke in Tyler? A: his supernatural abilities; Q: What does Mason use to break up the fight? A: a werewolf; Q: What is Mason? A: Stefan; Q: Who promises to guide Caroline's journey as a vampire? A: Matt; Q: Who notices Caroline's erratic behavior? Summary: Caroline has become a vampire and awakens in the hospital craving blood. Tyler catches Mason searching for a moonstone, which is a family heirloom. At the carnival, Damon compels a boy named Carter to pick a fight with Tyler to provoke one of Tyler's bursts of anger. Mason breaks up the fight using his supernatural abilities, proving that he is a werewolf. Caroline confronts Damon about his abusive treatment, and he realizes that she is a vampire. He alerts Elena and Stefan, while a ravenous Caroline drains Carter. Stefan promises Caroline he will guide her journey as a vampire. Tyler retrieves the moonstone Mason has been seeking. Matt notices Caroline's erratic behavior but admits that he loves her.
CUT TO OUTSIDE SHOT OF LORELAI'S HOUSE CUT TO LORELAI'S BEDROOM (The next morning, Lorelai is in bed. CUT TO RORY'S BEDROOM (Lane is lying on the bed in the dark. CUT TO STARS HOLLOW (Lorelai and Max are at takeout window.) EMILY: But. Emily is on the couch. He gives her a funny look and other kid around her start laughing. Her pager goes off. L: And? L: Nothing, what's up with you? L: She's in Hartford with her grandparents. LANE: I was waiting for Rory to get home. LANE: Rory? LANE: You're on. MAX: That must be nice. R: Bring guys home. RORY: Hey, there's frozen pizza. SOOKIE: (singing) The cookies for the Dean and Rory and the cookies for the love with the Dean. Taking a walk in the first snow of the season. The reenactors are walking by Luke in front of the diner.)
Plan: A: The first snowfall prompts; Q: What prompts Lorelai and Max's first date? A: Lane; Q: Who is upset with Rory for being distracted by Chilton and Dean? A: her grandparents; Q: Who is Rory snowed in with? A: frozen pizza; Q: What does Rory introduce her grandparents to? A: Meanwhile, Luke mocks; Q: Who refuses to take part in the annual re-enactment of the Battle of Stars Hollow? A: her crush; Q: Who does Lane embarrass herself in front of? A: Lorelai's house; Q: Where does Lane go looking for Rory? A: the couch; Q: Where does Max sleep? A: the distraught Lane; Q: Who does Lorelai find at her house? A: Rory returns; Q: Who returns home? A: her father; Q: Who does Rory think her mother might end up with? Summary: The first snowfall prompts Lorelai and Max's first date. Lane is upset with Rory for being distracted by Chilton and Dean. Rory is snowed in with her grandparents and introduces them to frozen pizza. Meanwhile, Luke mocks and refuses to take part in the annual re-enactment of the Battle of Stars Hollow. Lane embarrasses herself in front of her crush, and goes to Lorelai's house looking for Rory. Lorelai brings Max home, but he sleeps on the couch when Lorelai discovers the distraught Lane. Rory returns home, apologized to Lane for ignoring her, and contends with the idea that her mother might end up with someone other than her father.
Arvin Sloane is alive. BRILL: He was a follower of Rambaldi. Cut to Lauren and Sark reading the conversation on a laptop. SARK: And did Brill tell you where the Passenger is? SYDNEY: Who are you? Sydney and Jack are shocked. VAUGHN: (cell) The Covenant knows the location of the Passenger. [SCENE_BREAK] Smithsonian Interior JACK: (comm) Sydney, Sloane's on his way to the meeting of the Trust to obtain the retinal scans.
Plan: A: Sloane; Q: Who do Sydney and Jack seek the aid of? A: retinal scans; Q: What did Sloane use to infiltrate the museum? A: Arvin Sloane; Q: Who helps Sydney and Jack track down the "Passenger"? A: Thomas Brill; Q: Who tells Vaughn a secret about his father? A: Vaughn; Q: Who is kidnapped and tortured by Lauren and Sark? Summary: After discovering the identity of the Rambaldi "Passenger," Sydney and Jack seek the aid of Sloane, to track the "Passenger" down, which involves infiltrating a museum, using retinal scans (obtained by Arvin Sloane) from the members of The Trust. Meanwhile, after learning a secret about his father from Thomas Brill, Vaughn is kidnapped and tortured by Lauren and Sark, who are about to track "The Passenger" down themselves.
Johnny looks at her upset. Julie leaves. Kaitlin leaves. Ryan sits on the edge of the bed and Marissa sits on the foot stool in front of him a little.
Plan: A: Ryan; Q: Who confronts Marissa about their relationship? A: Kaitlin; Q: Who interferes with Marissa's friendship with Johnny? A: Seth; Q: Who confronts Summer about his Brown interview? A: their dating service; Q: What do Kirsten and Julie take too far? Summary: Ryan confronts Marissa about their relationship when Kaitlin interferes with her friendship with Johnny. Seth confronts Summer about his Brown interview. Meanwhile, Kirsten and Julie take their dating service a little too far.
Bette continues with her stretches.] But it turns out he has to go out of town. ELSEWHERE ON THE BOAT - [Alice is talking to a couple of girls when she turns around and sees Bette and Tina, standing off to themselves, sipping on drinks. I'm having a party, so be there, okay? Jenny: Who is Francesca? Marina holds out her arms to show Jenny the bruises Tim left on her.] Not really. Once again. She pulls away when Lara tries to kiss her. She's in the kitchen, shaking up a drink. This is David Waters, Kit's son.] Write that down. [Everyone clinks glasses, then they all do their shots. [Jenny doesn't move.] [Lara cups Dana's face in her hand, and whispers closer.] [Lisa helps Alice off with her shirt. [Shane starts to get up for Tina.
Plan: A: Jenny; Q: Who is hurt when Tim rejects her? A: Marina; Q: Who does Jenny try to live with after Tim rejects her? A: Italy; Q: Where does Marina's lover live? A: Dana; Q: Who's fears about being outed by her endorsement contract with Subaru destroy her relationship with Lara? A: Shane; Q: Who throws a party aboard Harry's boat? A: Alice; Q: Who tries a relationship with Lisa? A: women; Q: Who is Alice fed up with? A: Kit; Q: Who is stung when her estranged son doesn't show up for their meeting? A: David Waters; Q: Who is Kit's estranged son? Summary: Jenny is hurt when Tim rejects her and rudely tells her to move out. Jenny then tries to live with Marina, who eventually tells Jenny that she has another lover living in Italy. Bette and Tina struggle with their fears of parenthood. Meanwhile, Dana's fears about being outed by her endorsement contract with Subaru destroy her relationship with Lara. Shane throws a party aboard Harry's boat with all her friends in attendance. Alice, fed up with women, tries a relationship with Lisa, which does not turn out as expected. Kit is stung when her estranged son, David Waters, doesn't show up for their meeting because he thinks she's fallen off the wagon again.
Dwight: That's not... she's... okay. Erin: Kelly got into the minority training program. Her name is Donna, the manager of Sid & Dexter's and, right now, we're in the midst of a passionate love affair. Jim: Michael. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: This is our first joint sales pitch.
Plan: A: Pam; Q: Who is Jim working with on the sales pitch? A: Donna; Q: Who is the manager of a local restaurant? A: Michael; Q: Who keeps misreading the signals Donna is putting out? A: Dwight; Q: Who encourages Kelly to try out for the minority training program? Summary: Pam and Jim work on their first sales pitch together to Donna, the manager of a local restaurant, but Michael keeps misreading the signals she's putting out. Dwight encourages Kelly to try out for the minority training program.
(Door bells jingle) She, uh, helped jog Belle's memory. (They enter the cloaked fields of magic beans) Anton: Emma. (to Mary Margaret and David) You want to use the beans to make a portal, to go back to the Enchanted Forest. And his name? And right now I need that. And that when people cross you, they...get hurt. Could come in handy someday. Emma: No, this world is.. my home. Found him. Go on. Greg, have you had any luck... finding him? He was a thief! I saw good in him. Mr. Gold: Trust me, dearie, it was as much a shock to me as it is to you. Oh, that again. Our date... Rumplestiltskin comes in. Show her the man she fell in love with. Someone who would have killed all of you. You and the dwarves got something against beans?
Plan: A: David; Q: Who does Mr. Gold enlist to help him jog Belle's cursed memories? A: harvesting; Q: What have the dwarves been doing with the magic beans? A: Rumplestiltskin; Q: Who forces Belle to accompany him on a hunt? A: mercy; Q: What did Belle free the thief in the name of? Summary: Mr. Gold enlists the aid of David to help him try to jog Belle's now cursed memories and get her to love him again; and when it is revealed that the magic beans Anton and the dwarves have been harvesting have begun to grow and could possibly transport everybody home, Emma is torn over whether she would want to live in fairytale land or stay in our world. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, Rumplestiltskin forces Belle to accompany him on a hunt to kill a thief, whom she had freed in the name of mercy.
Come on. DOCTOR: Absolutely not. DOCTOR: At the moment, suffice to say that this is Peri and I am known as the Doctor. DOCTOR: Back to the TARDIS. DOCTOR: Scrap yard. Hands on the wall. He calls himself the Doctor. I mean, it's all there, but in a pile of unrelated bits and pieces. I'm also a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. PERI: Now where? Strange. Then get started. [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: Repair the chameleon circuit. [SCENE_BREAK] GRIFFITHS: You seem to have sorted them out.
Plan: A: strange signals; Q: What do the Doctor and Peri investigate? A: I.M. Formemans junk yard; Q: Where does the Tardis land? A: Chameleon; Q: What circuit does the Doctor work on? A: trouble; Q: What does the TARDIS have a bit of? A: such a long time; Q: The TARDIS has not worked for how long? Summary: The Doctor and Peri investigate strange signals, in the process, The Tardis lands at the spot where it all began. I.M. Formemans junk yard on Totters Lane. The Doctor is followed by some odd policemen. After landing, he works on the TARDIS's Chameleon circuit and the TARDIS starts to change shape but seems to have a bit of trouble blending in after such a long time of not working.
FOOTBALL PLAYER: That way. He picks up a copy of the Hearst Free Press from the arm of the couch in his office, then sits on the arm, facing Veronica who is by now sitting on one of the chairs in front of his desk. Help me with some criteria? INT - MARS INVESTIGATIONS - DAY. Intro Econ with Logan, right? Kurt presses past both the girls to get to the painting. LARRY: I see, so he could spend more time with Trish? Members of the feminist rights organization, Lilith House, protested the serial rapes with a flashy presentation at Thursday's game." Nish turns back to Claire. She gives him a half-hearted wave. She shrugs. She smiles. The dean stares at her for a moment. They yanked his scholarship. VERONICA: And I'm being called in to see the dean of Hearst College. VERONICA: Enough to steal his playbook? VERONICA: Weevil? Veronica takes her cell phone out of her back pocket and checks it.
Plan: A: prison; Q: What does Veronica help Weevil stay out of? A: Veronica; Q: Who convinces her father to give Weevil a job? A: Mars Investigations; Q: Where does Weevil get a job? A: A Hearst football player; Q: Who loses the team playbook? A: his scholarship; Q: What is the football player at Hearst at risk of losing? A: his friends; Q: Who did Logan choose to gamble with instead of spending time with Veronica? A: The Dean of Hearst; Q: Who threatens to expel Veronica? A: a sorority article; Q: What article does the Dean of Hearst want Veronica to reveal her sources for? A: Claire; Q: Who is raped? A: one; Q: How many girls are raped at Lilith House? A: Lilith House; Q: What is the name of the center of feminist activism? Summary: To help Weevil stay out of prison, Veronica convinces her father to give him a job at Mars Investigations. A Hearst football player loses the team playbook and, with his scholarship at stake, hires Veronica to find it. Veronica fights with Logan after she discovers that he chose to gamble with his friends instead of spending time with her. The Dean of Hearst threatens to expel Veronica unless she reveals her sources for a sorority article she wrote. Claire, one of the girls of Lilith House, a center of feminist activism, is raped.
(The bus hits a bump in the road and a human appendage from under the bus flies out and hits the car in the windshield leaving a trail of goo on the glass.) Catherine: It's female DNA? FALLBROOK WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - GARAGE - DAY] (DOUG HANSON, the bus driver and prison guard at the facility, escorts SARA to the bus.) Five times? Nick: No sign of a struggle, no evidence of a body drag. Nick: Tied to the undercarriage ... maybe. That was back in '78. Warrick: His brother was murdered.
Plan: A: prisoners; Q: What was the bus carrying? A: a women's correctional facility; Q: Where was the bus coming from? A: a severed arm; Q: What flies out from beneath the bus? A: a car; Q: What did the severed arm hit? A: Catherine; Q: Who leads the investigation? A: the evidence; Q: What increasingly points to murder? A: Warrick; Q: Who is investigating the death of a gambler? A: a gambler; Q: What was the occupation of the man who was stabbed? A: his brother's kitchen; Q: Where was the gambler killed? Summary: A mutilated female body is discovered tied to the undercarriage of a bus carrying prisoners from a women's correctional facility after a severed arm flies out from beneath the vehicle and strikes a car. Catherine leads the investigation and at first believes the woman was escaping, but the evidence increasingly points to murder. Back in town, Warrick probes the death of a gambler who was stabbed multiple times in his brother's kitchen.
(Annie Connors room, Burke and Alex are there. (Derek arrives and parks next to Meredith) Meredith: Crap. (Woman is lying in bed with an extremely large tumor.) Cristina: He reamed her out in front of Bailey. I'll check back with you later. Meredith: Dr. Shepherd. Mr. Levangie, the Parkinson's patient, is he a good candidate for DBS? Of course. Ok. (George is in Annie Connor's room, prepping her for surgery) George: We just need to recheck your labs and get an EKG, so I just need to take a little blood. Patient: No.
Plan: A: Alex; Q: Who gains the trust of Annie? A: a nervous patient; Q: What kind of patient is Annie? A: an extraordinarily large tumor; Q: What does Annie have? A: Meredith; Q: Who does Derek choose to assist with an elderly Parkinson's patient? A: surgery; Q: What does the elderly Parkinson's patient need? A: Bailey; Q: Who disapproves of Meredith and Derek's relationship? A: tensions; Q: What escalates between Burke and Shepherd? Summary: Alex gains the trust of Annie, a nervous patient with an extraordinarily large tumor, only to humiliate himself in front of her later. Meanwhile Derek chooses Meredith to assist with an elderly Parkinson's patient who may need surgery -- but Bailey disapproves of their relationship and is determined to make Meredith suffer -- and tensions escalate between Burke and Shepherd.
ALPHA CENTAURI: Natives of the planet Mars. ETTIS: Destroy it! I want the miners to pretend to cooperate to give us time to deal with the Ice Warriors. It overlooks the citadel. THALIRA: The miners have returned to work. and "right!"
Plan: A: The Ice Warriors; Q: Who takes control of the planet? A: the miners; Q: Who did the Ice Warriors force to return to work? A: the opportunity; Q: What does Ettis take to try and destroy the citadel? Summary: The Ice Warriors take control of the planet and force the miners to return to work but Ettis takes the opportunity to try and destroy the citadel.
): Send the Doctor to us. BERESFORD: And all within a mile of Chase's estate. CHASE: The time has come. Chase! DOCTOR: Somehow the Krynoid can channel its power to other plants. DOCTOR: To distract the Krynoid while we all slip away. Get out of the way. Go on, read it. I was a sergeant in the ATS. Join us. Leave him alone. Now (beep) Chase? SCORBY: I'll check the position of the Krynoid. [SCENE_BREAK] SCORBY: He's been strangled by the vine.
Plan: A: self-preservation; Q: What is the interest of Chase's men? A: Chase; Q: Who is snapping photos of the Krynoid? A: Chase's men; Q: Who sides with The Doctor against the Krynoid? A: the others; Q: Who does the Krynoid promise to leave alone? A: their plants; Q: People within a mile of the Chase Estate, however, start getting strangled by what? A: a significant one-on-one encounter; Q: What does Chase have with the Krynoid? Summary: In the interest in self-preservation, Chase's men side with The Doctor against the Krynoid, but the Krynoid - now bigger than the Chase Mansion - invites The Doctor to join it, promising to leave the others alone if he does. People within a mile of the Chase Estate, however, start getting strangled by their plants, while Chase, snapping photos of the Krynoid, has a significant one-on-one encounter with it.
An evil creature that emerges from its hidden lair every hundred years, to capture and feed off the most powerful and magical demon it can detect. Chris is punching Leo.] Chris: Uh, Piper was attacked by a demon. Come on. For mum, Wyatt, half the world, but you were never there for me. From the attack? He can be saved. Is that Nick? Leo! Leo: But he's in the basement. Leo: Find out what? Leo: Not now. Leo: So maybe you came back from the future not just to save Wyatt, maybe you came back to save us too. Leo: Tell me why you hate me so much, Chris. Phoebe: Maybe he's trying to tell you something. Phoebe: Paige, Piper doesn't want Leo to know that Chris is his son, okay? She turns back into a spider and crawls away.) Spider Demon's Voice: Chris. The spider demon, Chris and the Piper cocoon are there.] [Scene: Golden Gate Bridge.
Plan: A: Piper; Q: Who is kidnapped and cocooned by the Spider Demon? A: the Spider Demon; Q: What is the name of the creature that kidnaps Piper? A: every hundred years; Q: How often does the Spider Demon emerge? A: a powerful magical being; Q: What does the Spider Demon feed off of? A: Chris; Q: Who was infected with the demon's venom? A: the demon's venom; Q: What caused Chris to mutate into a spider demon? A: desperate help; Q: What kind of help does Paige need? A: Paige; Q: Who calls Leo for help? A: Phoebe; Q: Who reveals to Leo that Chris is his son? A: the Golden Gate bridge; Q: Where does Leo find Chris? A: half; Q: Chris tells Leo that he was there for Piper, Wyatt, and how much of the world? A: their relationship; Q: What does Leo tell Chris he came back to save? Summary: Piper is kidnapped and cocooned by the Spider Demon, a creature that emerges every hundred years to feed off a powerful magical being. During the attack, Chris is infected with the demon's venom, causing him to mutate into a spider demon himself. In need of desperate help, Paige calls Leo. Phoebe then reveals to Leo that Chris is his son. While trying to save him, Chris attacks Leo and starts repeatedly punching Leo, yelling that Leo does not know him. Later, Leo finds Chris on the Golden Gate bridge and begs him to tell him why he hates him so much. Chris replies that Leo was never there for him, but he was there for Piper, Wyatt, and half the world. Leo tells him that maybe he did not come back just to save Wyatt, but to save their relationship as well.
At the reception, Lucas is sitting on a chair and Peyton joins him. Brooke, Brooke mades me this dress and it is out oh the material that she ordered for your wedding dress, and I just wanted to ask you if it was okay if I wore it, and if it's not, that's fine she made an other one that I can wear... Karen: I'm so proud of you, Haley. Cooper goes to Nathan. Cooper: Rachel! Dan: Need a hand? Deb: No, they're not, Dan. Doesn't it always rain there? I would like to make a toast to Cooper's toast, about love. Lucas: Nathan! Okay, why wouldn't you tell me about the kiss. Peyton: And he still is your boy. Peyton: Nothing. Rachel starts and Cooper and Rachel go up into the car too. The car of Nathan and Haley arrived in front of the limo. The fire.
Plan: A: Nathan; Q: Who is worried about Haley? A: Peyton and Brooke's friendship; Q: What becomes strained when Peyton confesses she still loves Lucas? A: Cooper; Q: Who does Rachel make an embarrassing toast to? A: a relationship; Q: What does Cooper tell Rachel he doesn't want? A: Karen; Q: Who tells Dan she is pregnant? A: Rachael; Q: Who causes the limo to crash? A: the river; Q: What does Rachel drive into? A: Queen; Q: What band is this episode named after? Summary: Nathan worries about Haley as they prepare to renew their vows. Deb confesses to Dan about the fire. Peyton and Brooke's friendship becomes strained when Peyton confesses she still loves Lucas. Cooper tells Rachel that he doesn't want a relationship. Lucas accidentally tells Brooke that he and Peyton kissed during the school shooting. Karen tells Dan that she is pregnant. Rachel makes an embarrassing toast at Nathan and Haley's wedding to Cooper. Rachael causes Cooper to wreak the limo into the river. Nathan, Cooper and Rachel's lives hang in the balance after a car accident. This episode is named after a song by Queen .
ALARIC: Salvatore, as in, uh, Stefan? AMARIC: I got a job as a teacher. ANNA: Trying to get the journal, as in sticking to the plan, something you're not doing. Alaric gives to Jeremy his essay. Anna and Ben are vampires. BEN: Where's Noah? BONNIE: You tried to kill me. Ben McKittrick? CAROLINE: Since when are you a busboy? CAROLINE: Yeah, this coming from the girl who's been eye stalking the bartender. DAMON: He's on his way to you, Forgot is phone. DAMON: Tell me how to get in the tomb. ELENA: Because you've been avoiding me, and I wanted you to know that whatever is going on with you and Matt, it's ok. CAROLINE: I was gonna talk to you about that. ELENA: Jenna? Elena is running, but the vampire attacks her. I decided to be here. I've never been to a school dance before. Is that a new one? It's gonna take a lot more than just a road trip and a rescue for me to forget who Damon is and everytng he's done. JENNA: Alaric. Just her name. Keep walking. No lies. STEFAN: Get Damon. STEFAN: Gilberts were one of the founding families, and back in 1864, th were among those who sought to eradicate the vampires. Stefan and Damon arrives. That was her name. The journal. Where? [At the party.] [At the party.] [Elena's house.] [Front of the Mystic Grill.]
Plan: A: Stefan; Q: Who gives Elena vervain-filled jewelry? A: Damon; Q: Who is bothering Bonnie? A: money; Q: What is Matt strapped for? A: Matt; Q: Who takes a job as a busboy? A: former high school football-star Ben; Q: Who is the bartender at the Mystic Grill? A: a 1950s theme; Q: What was the theme of the school dance? A: Alaric; Q: Who introduces himself to Damon at the school dance? A: Noah; Q: Who is the vampire that has been stalking Elena? A: Dillon Casey; Q: Who played Noah? A: the Gilbert journal; Q: What is the name of the journal that holds the secret to the tomb? A: the party; Q: What were Jenna and Alaric walking home from? A: Isobel; Q: What was Alaric's wife's name? A: Elena's birth mother; Q: Who is Isobel? A: Anna; Q: Who is trying to get close to Jeremy? A: his ancestor's journal; Q: What does Anna want from Jeremy? A: both Anna; Q: Who wants to get close to Jeremy? A: vampires; Q: What are Anna and Ben? Summary: As Stefan and Damon try to figure out the identity of the new vampire in town, Stefan gives Elena more vervain-filled jewelry to protect her family and friends. Strapped for money, Matt takes a job as a busboy at the Mystic Grill, where former high school football-star Ben works as a bartender. Ben comes to Bonnie's aid when he notices Damon is bothering her. Damon and Stefan accompany Elena to a school dance with a 1950s theme, where Alaric introduces himself to Damon. Noah, ( Dillon Casey )the vampire that has been stalking Elena is killed by Stefan and Damon. Before dying, he reveals that the way to get into the tomb lies in the Gilbert journal. While Jenna and Alaric are walking home from the party, Alaric tells Jenna that his wife was named Isobel, the same name as Elena's birth mother. Meanwhile, Anna keeps on trying to get close to Jeremy, because she wants to get her hands on his ancestor's journal. At the end, it is revealed that both Anna and Ben are vampires and appear to be romantically involved with each other.
(Gets up for a refill to his snow cone.) (They all start out.) Hmm, soup! Joey: (goes over to Ben) Hi Ben! Joey: At least I care about his feelings! Monica: And ice! Phoebe: (noticing her) Oh, look! Phoebe: Is it okay if I leave this stuff here 'til Rachel's birthday party? Phoebe: Yeah well, that's 'cause Monica put me in charge of cups and ice, and Monica is gonna rue the day that she put me in charge of cups and ice. Rachel: Oh but you could. There's a dad in the commercial? You smoked!
Plan: A: Rachel; Q: Who tries smoking to fit in at work? A: worker; Q: What is Rachel's occupation? A: Joey; Q: Who auditions for a soup commercial? A: the director; Q: Who pairs Ben with another father? A: Monica; Q: Who takes over planning Rachel's birthday party? A: Phoebe; Q: Who is left in charge of cups and ice? A: Rachel's birthday party; Q: What do Monica and Phoebe plan? Summary: Rachel attempts smoking to feel more included at work with her boss and co-worker. Joey auditions for a soup commercial with Ben playing his son. When the director pairs Ben with another father, Joey is left in the uncomfortable position of competing with his friend's son. Monica and Phoebe plan Rachel's birthday party, but when Monica takes over, leaving Phoebe in charge of only cups and ice, Phoebe goes all out.
At least it's out of sight. By later afternoon, we had arrived at the way station of the White City, as Cheng-Ting is often called. LING-TAU: From the summer palace at Shang-Tu, my Lord. PING-CHO: A courier from the great Khan has arrived, Messr Marco. POLO: As before, Doctor, they remain with me. POLO: They will have to follow on one of the many trade caravans that travels the route. TEGANA: A Warlord's tomb. The DOCTOR quickly places the key in the TARDIS lock, and opens the door... the DOCTOR, IAN and BARBARA rush into the TARDIS console room.) The Doctor and his companions sneak into the courtyard.) The mighty Kublai Khan sends his greetings to his faithful servant. We'll make sport of it.
Plan: A: Central Asia; Q: Where did the Doctor and his companions arrive in 1289? A: the famous Venetian explorer Marco Polo; Q: Who's caravan did the Doctor join? A: the Pamir Plateau; Q: What is the name of the plateau the caravan crossed? A: the treacherous Gobi Desert; Q: What desert did the caravan cross? A: imperial Cathay; Q: What is the name of the country the Doctor and his companions travel through? A: Shang-tu; Q: Where did the Doctor and his companions arrive after crossing the Gobi Desert? A: an extraordinary friendship; Q: What kind of friendship does the Doctor strike up with Kublai Khan? A: Imperial Palace; Q: What is the name of the palace in Peking? A: an assassination attempt; Q: What do the travelers save the Khan from? A: a peace mission; Q: What was Tegana supposedly on? A: TARDIS; Q: What is the name of the Doctor's time machine? Summary: Missing episode Arriving in Central Asia in 1289, the Doctor and his companions join the caravan of the famous Venetian explorer Marco Polo as it makes its way from the snowy heights of the Pamir Plateau, across the treacherous Gobi Desert and through the heart of imperial Cathay. Having witnessed many incredible sights and survived a variety of dangers, they arrive at the mighty Kublai Khan's Summer Palace in Shang-tu, where the Doctor strikes up an extraordinary friendship with the now-aged ruler. They move on at last to the even more sumptuous Imperial Palace in Peking, where the travellers save the Khan from an assassination attempt by the Mongol warlord Tegana - supposedly on a peace mission - before departing once more in the TARDIS.
Angel: "Cordelia?" Billy: "No trouble." Billy: "That's right. Could happen." He makes people..." Lilah: "Billy never touched me, and you can't touch him. It's too late. Just men. Police reports, husband's written confession, captures from the convenience store's video surveillance cameras..." Fred is coming down the stairs and Gunn and Angel are coming from other parts of the Hyperion to join Cordy in picking up papers from the file. So dead! This guy confessed. Wes is looking at Billy's blood through a microscope. Wes: "And recently. Wes: "Yes, but for how long?"
Plan: A: Billy; Q: Who is infecting men with primal misogynistic impulses? A: any women; Q: Who do men attack when Billy touches them? A: Lilah; Q: Who is beaten? A: Billy's blood; Q: What infects Wes and Gunn? A: Cordelia; Q: Who could be in trouble if Billy touches Angel? Summary: A guy named Billy is infecting men with primal misogynistic impulses. When he touches men, they attack any women that they come across. Lilah is beaten and several other women wind up dead. Cordy and Angel try to track Billy down. But, when Billy's blood infects Wes and Gunn, it might be too late for Fred. And when Billy touches Angel, Cordelia could be in trouble, too.
A couple of weeks ago. And by the way. Collier: Gary Navarro, Jordan Collier. Diana's apartment. Player three's thoughts are clearly heard by Gary. Richard and Lily leave the motel and get back in the truck. Shawn is continuing to use his ability on the man. She turns to Isabelle. The guy's asking us for help. The plan to spy on Collier is put to Gary.
Plan: A: A baseball player; Q: Who is unsettled by his ability to read the thoughts of others? A: help; Q: What does the baseball player turn to NTAC for? A: Diana; Q: Who's younger sister visits? A: their daughter's growing powers; Q: What is complicating Richard and Lily's life on the lam? Summary: A baseball player unsettled by his ability to read the thoughts of others turns to NTAC for help and is instead used to spy on Jordan Collier. Meanwhile, Diana's younger sister visits; and Richard and Lily's life on the lam is complicated by their daughter's growing powers.
But I want to know him. Forgive me if I don't think that this is the worst tragedy in the history of humankind-- that Pacey Witter, in a moment of... Impulsive, compulsive, hormone-induced insanity, would have the nerve to kiss Joey Potter. Jen: And they lie. Jen: Henry, how many times do I have to tell you this? Jen: I never really got to be a little girl. Joey is carrying a tray, and sees Dawson at a table, and then sees Pacey join him, she looks around and sees Andie and goes to join her at another table.] Joey: A girls' night out? Joey: They mess with your heads. Pacey, you need to tell Dawson about Joey. That might be a bit of a problem, not to mention— [Cut to Joey's House] Joey: Dawson. Your innocence is one of the best things about you. [Cut to Diner] Pacey: The whole thing was her fault. [Scene: The Kiss.
Plan: A: Pacey's impulsive actions; Q: What upsets Joey? A: the situation; Q: What do Joey and Pacey discuss with their siblings? A: their siblings; Q: Who do Joey and Pacey go home to talk to? A: encouragement; Q: What does Doug give Pacey? A: Dawson; Q: Who does Pacey try to confess his feelings to? A: events; Q: What conspires against Pacey? A: a rare girls; Q: What kind of night does Joey have with Jen and Andie? A: clarity; Q: What does Joey have a moment of with Jen? A: Jen forces her; Q: Who forces Joey to acknowledge that Pacey might not be the only one in a state of confusion? A: a fight; Q: What does Jen have with Henry? Summary: After the kiss, Joey is upset by Pacey's impulsive actions and they both head home to discuss the situation with their siblings. Pacey receives encouragement from Doug that Joey might be protesting a little too much, and attempts to tell Dawson how he feels, in the hope that he will then give Pacey the green light to tell Joey everything. However, he fails to confess when events conspire against him. Joey attempts to make sense of everything by having a rare girls night with Jen and Andie, and a moment of clarity with Jen forces her to acknowledge that Pacey might not be the only one in a state of confusion. Jen has a fight with Henry, but later forgives him when she realizes he was lying to her with the best intentions.
(They turn to see Raj with his tongue down the throat of a "larger lady" by the bar.) He shrugs and goes back to sleep. Howard: Depends. Howard: See you, Stuart. Leonard: Or we could finish eating and go to the comic book store. Leonard: Take me to a bar with women. On a Thursday? Penny: Leonard, could you pick me up a few comics for my nephew's birthday? Penny? Scene: Penny's apartment. Sheldon: Get her out of here. Stuart's putting the moves on Penny. Stuart: Hey, guys.
Plan: A: the guys; Q: Who does Penny accompany to the comic book store? A: Stuart; Q: What is the name of the comic book store owner? A: his mind; Q: What does Leonard want to take off his situation? A: Howard and Raj; Q: Who does Leonard ask to take him to a bar? A: women; Q: What does Leonard want to socialize with? A: Penny's apartment; Q: Where does Sheldon interrupt Penny and Stuart's date? A: Sheldon; Q: Who starts an argument with Stuart? Summary: When Penny accompanies the guys to the comic book store to buy a present for her nephew's birthday, the owner, Stuart, asks her out on a date, making Leonard jealous. To take his mind off the situation, Leonard asks Howard and Raj to take him to a bar to socialize with women, but neither he nor Howard succeed in finding a woman. Stuart's date with Penny goes well until they are intercepted at Penny's apartment by Sheldon, who starts an argument with Stuart about who should succeed Bruce Wayne as Batman, during which Penny falls asleep.
Both laugh at this joke. But as he reads on, he realizes that it's really a scientific journal, and "Frasier and Niles" were their mother's two favorite lab rats! Daphne: It's a box of junk. Everything is going to be fine. Frasier and Niles come back, telling Martin and Daphne the news; Niles is on the road to divorce. Frasier: What? He constantly allows himself to be cowed and dominated, especially by females." He takes a pen, signs the divorce papers, and drops them back on the coffee table (after removing his groveling note). Look around. Niles is stung by his mother's words; Frasier suggests that he has a chance to assert himself by signing the divorce papers. Niles: [heading for a nearby desk] The letter should be over here with the rest of Maris's unopened mail. She's willing to go into counseling! That was harsh. Then a courier comes in and hands Niles an envelope: divorce papers. They are trapped.
Plan: A: good spirits; Q: What is Niles in? A: marriage guidance counselling; Q: What does Niles suggest to Maris? A: divorce papers; Q: What does the courier bring? A: an old journal; Q: What do Frasier and Niles find in a box of papers belonging to Martin? A: their late mother; Q: Who's journal did Frasier and Niles find? A: remarkable accuracy; Q: What is the accuracy of the journal? A: females; Q: What does Niles' mother say he is dominated by? A: the divorce papers; Q: What does Niles send back with a grovelling letter? A: her house; Q: Where did Niles and Frasier break into? A: laboratory rats; Q: What were Frasier and Niles described as? Summary: Niles is in good spirits; his separation from Maris could soon be over, as he is suggesting marriage guidance counselling . However, a courier arrives with divorce papers. In a box of papers belonging to Martin, Frasier and Niles discover an old journal belonging to their late mother, which details with remarkable accuracy what appears to be the relationship between the brothers. Niles is shaken by his mother's assertion that he "constantly allows himself to be cowed and dominated, especially by females", and at this point reveals that he has not signed the divorce papers, but instead sent them back with a grovelling letter. The brothers break into her house and retrieve the letter before she reads it. Determined not to be pushed around any more, Niles signs the divorce papers. However, upon further reading of their mother's notes, they realise that the Frasier and Niles she was describing are laboratory rats.
Arlo has it. Dickie: Coover, put the gun down now. Hold up. I get by. Is he here? Jimmy: I have a reason to be talking to you. Mags: Raylan's looking for Boyd Crowder. Pilar: Where you headed? Rachel: People in Harlan. Raylan: And the rest? Raylan: Mrs. Bennett. The guy who's perving on his daughter, works for the Bennetts. Took off.
Plan: A: the finale; Q: What is the name of the episode that precedes this one? A: Raylan; Q: Who tracks down Boyd? A: his Miami problems; Q: What does Raylan seemingly put to rest? A: Harlan; Q: What is the name of the town where the Crowder clan is from? A: the ruthless Bennett clan; Q: Who is looking to fill the void left by the Crowder clan? A: Margo Martindale; Q: Who played Mags Bennett? A: a contentious history; Q: What kind of history does Mags Bennett have with Raylan's family? Summary: Picking up where the finale left off, Raylan tracks Boyd down, and seemingly puts his Miami problems to rest. However, the void left by the Crowder clan in Harlan is looking to be filled by the ruthless Bennett clan, headed by Mags Bennett ( Margo Martindale ), who has a contentious history with Raylan's family.
Daphne turns back to the counter. Frasier comes in. Frasier: I may have mentioned in passing to Niles and Daphne how they felt about each other. He reaches for a corn muffin as Martin checks to see that Daphne is out of earshot. Martin: So? Mel: And when a suitable amount of time has passed, I will file for divorce. Mel: We will appear together in public, at various social occasions. Niles is driving the Winnebago, Daphne in the passenger seat beside him. Niles's cell phone rings, he pulls it out and goes to the back of the kitchen. Niles: Here we are: the end of the driveway. SMASH CUT TO: a close-up of Daphne, Donny's point of view Daphne: That being said, I guess there's no easy way to tell you this: I'm in love with Niles, and I can't marry you. That's why I'm suing her for breach of contract!
Plan: A: Martin's Winnebago; Q: What vehicle do Niles and Daphne use to flee Daphne's wedding? A: the situation; Q: What do Niles and Daphne turn back to confront? A: Donny; Q: Who sues Daphne for breach of contract? A: Frasier's involvement; Q: What does Donny add to the suit? A: Mel; Q: Who agrees to grant Niles a divorce? A: a devoted husband; Q: What does Mel want Niles to appear as? A: her embarrassment; Q: What does Mel want to minimize? Summary: Niles and Daphne flee Daphne's wedding in Martin's Winnebago, but only reach the end of the road before turning back to confront the situation. In the aftermath, Donny sues Daphne for breach of contract, adding Frasier to the suit when he discovers Frasier's involvement in making Daphne and Niles aware of their feelings for each other. Mel agrees to grant Niles a divorce, but only if he appears to be a devoted husband in public for a period of time so as to minimise her embarrassment. This means that Niles and Daphne cannot be seen in public together.
Allison: It's about my family. But you won't have to be anymore. Could be something simple. Derek: It happens. Lydia: Uh, about that - Jackson: It's okay. Now he thinks that there's something wrong, and now I have to keep an eye on you so he doesn't kill you too! Scott: If you hurt her, if you even touch her - Peter: Scott, if I may interrupt your listing of the top five most impotent - sounding threats for a moment, try and remember that I've been in a coma for six years. Scott: Who? Why? You know how every family has its secrets?
Plan: A: Derek's uncle; Q: Who is Peter? A: an encounter; Q: What does Argent stage? A: Jackson; Q: Who does Argent think may be a werewolf? A: Allison; Q: Who confronts Lydia about kissing Scott? A: her family's secrets; Q: What does Allison discover? Summary: The Alpha finally reveals himself to Scott who happens to be Peter, Derek's uncle and gives him an idea of why he has killed certain people. Argent stages an encounter thinking that Jackson may be a werewolf. Meanwhile, Allison discovers a bit more about her family's secrets and confronts Lydia about her kissing Scott.
(A nurse hands him a scalpel) (Alex is sprinting down the hallway, breathing hard and entering a stairwell) (George sees Tucker's mobile phone ring but going un-answered) [SCENE_BREAK] (Bailey in her room on her mobile) Bailey: Uh, Tucker Jones you better lying in the street somewhere dead, mister (She starts getting a contraction) because when I get my hands on you (she calls out in pain) I am having your baby here mister! (He starts backing out of the O.R slowly and turns to leave. (His pager goes off. (She leaves the room) (OR where Derek is performing surgery on Tucker. (She pulls her hand fast. Alex and Cristina pass of the lady to Meredith who takes her into the hospital. Alex looks down at the patient and sees that Hannah has her hand in a very large chest wound of the patient) Paramedic: Take her. Alex: Was there an explosion? As a paramedic. Burke (to the paramedic): Out of my room. Burke: Bailey's husband is going into surgery? Cristina: Man. Get him on his side! Izzie: Alex. Izzie: Hello? Meredith: I have a feeling. We had to call in Cristina.
Plan: A: Meredith; Q: Who takes the place of the anesthesiologist? A: a feeling; Q: What does Meredith have? A: George and Izzie; Q: Who has to call in Cristina to get Meredith out of bed? A: A paramedic; Q: Who brings in a man with live ammunition in his chest? A: the paramedic's hand; Q: What is the only thing preventing an explosion? A: Bailey; Q: Who goes into labor? A: surgery; Q: What do Derek and Cristina perform on Bailey's husband? A: Bailey's husband; Q: Who crashed the car? A: Alex; Q: Who does Izzie initiate things with? A: the anesthesiologist; Q: Who leaves the paramedic alone in the O.R.? Summary: Meredith has a feeling and George and Izzie have to call in Cristina to get her out of bed. A paramedic brings in a man with live ammunition in his chest; the paramedic's hand is the only thing preventing an explosion. Bailey goes into labor and Derek and Cristina perform surgery on Bailey's husband who crashed the car on his way in. Izzie initiates things with Alex. When the anesthesiologist leaves the paramedic alone in the O.R., she panics and pulls her hand out of the patient - but Meredith takes her place.
(Sara and Catherine step forward to look inside the box and find an exact miniature replica of Penny Garden's crime scene.) A photo of a brain is on the monitor as Robbins goes through his testimony.) Grissom: Possible serial killer. He's clean. How many suspects? Similar to the one in the other miniature. They pull Greg out of the car.) This is a crime scene. Woman: (V.O.)
Plan: A: an elderly woman; Q: Who is murdered? A: possible suspects; Q: What do the CSIs look to the neighbor and nephew as? A: investigation; Q: What is the word for the process of looking into a crime? A: Grissom; Q: Who receives a miniature replica of the crime scene? A: Greg; Q: Who faces an angry courtroom? A: a hearing; Q: What does Greg attend to ascertain his culpability? A: a teenager; Q: Who did Greg kill? Summary: When an elderly woman is murdered, the CSIs look to the neighbor and nephew as possible suspects. Mid-investigation, Grissom receives an exact miniature replica of the current crime scene, changing his thinking on the crime. Meanwhile, Greg faces an angry courtroom when he attends a hearing to ascertain his culpability in the death of a teenager he accidentally killed while defending himself against a mob.
(Hayley hands her some money.) (He hangs up.) (Klaus runs at her with vampire speed and pins her to the door by the neck. (Sophie gives her a significant look.) Celeste: Your brother. Davina: Davina. Hayley: Who the hell are you? Marcel finds her.) Marcel is not just some guy that Klaus turned into a vampire. Marcel: Rebekah Mikaelson. NEW ORLEANS, PRESENT DAY (In present day, Rebekah awakens on the same bed as she did in 1887, Marcel standing at the end of it.) Rebekah: But I will kill her. Rebekah: Is this my old room? Rebekah: So, if I had to guess, knowing Klaus's history, Elijah has a dagger in his chest. Take a look around. Where's my brother? You've had all the time in the world to execute a plan, and no one's seen you do a damn thing!
Plan: A: Elijah; Q: Who is Rebekah's brother? A: Hayley; Q: Who does Rebekah meet when she arrives in New Orleans? A: a reluctant Sophie; Q: Who does Rebekah seek help from? A: her wits' end; Q: What is Hayley at? A: matters; Q: What does Hayley take into her own hands? A: things; Q: What takes a dangerous turn? A: Marcel; Q: Who does Klaus want to uncover the secret weapon of? A: one; Q: How many steps ahead is Klaus? A: Davina's help; Q: Who does Marcel enlist in his plan? Summary: When Rebekah arrives in New Orleans at her brother Elijah's insistence, she meets Hayley, who gives her some unexpected news. Concerned that her brother Klaus is up to no good, Rebekah seeks help from a reluctant Sophie At her wits' end, Hayley takes matters into her own hands, but things quickly take a dangerous turn. Determined to uncover Marcel's secret weapon, Klaus stays one step ahead and executes his plan. Meanwhile, after a run-in with Marcel, Rebekah is reminded of all the anger and disappointment Klaus has caused her throughout the years. Finally, Marcel enlists Davina's help in his own dangerous plan.
And they offered to represent my clients until I was feeling up to it, and I think it's the right thing to do. BROOKE: So, I told my mom I'm selling the company... And she yelled at me. CLAY: This is a miracle, Quinn James. HOSPITAL Clay prepares to leave the hospital. JULIAN: It is a man bag, by the way. MOUTH: Anything I can help with? NALEY'S HOUSE Nathan plays baseball with his son. NATHAN: Thank you, Clay. People say, "it's just business. You have a nice, new contract.
Plan: A: Brooke; Q: Who does Victoria disown? A: the company; Q: What is Brooke selling? A: Quinn; Q: Who does Clay return to the beach house with? A: Nathan; Q: Who offers to help Clay with his business? A: Julian; Q: Who begins a new movie project? A: a documentary; Q: What kind of movie is Julian working on? A: The Henry Clay People; Q: What band is the episode named after? A: Matthew Ryan; Q: Who performed the opening theme song? Summary: Victoria disowns Brooke after learning she is selling the company. Meanwhile, Clay leaves the hospital and returns to living at the beach house with Quinn. Nathan offers to help Clay with his business until he can get better and continue to help his clients. Julian begins a new movie project, a documentary inspired by Nathan and his career decisions. This episode is named after a song by The Henry Clay People . Opening theme song performed by Matthew Ryan .
(Phoebe turns into a Banshee.) (The Banshee jumps on top of a dumpster and screams. (The dogs down the street start barking. A man stops and gets out of the car. Cole hangs on to the rock. Cole: Raynor cast a spell. Cole: Surprise! Electricity comes out of the demon's hand, into Cole's wound.) In it, there is a girl in a phone booth. It has to. Leo: I sense her. Leo: It's a demon who feeds on souls and great pain. Leo: So, the Banshee's scream doesn't kill witches, it turns them into Banshees. On the other hand, if she kills hem then she's a Banshee forever. Phoebe has stopped crying.] Phoebe: Uh, there is no spell to vanquish the Banshee but there is one to track a banshee. Phoebe: You know this isn't gonna work, you trying to distract me with (Phoebe touches a page in the Book of Shadows and has a premonition. Piper: That is what this if for. Prue is a dog and Phoebe is a Banshee. Prue runs around the corner and attacks the Banshee. Stay away. The Banshee goes for Piper but Piper blows her up.] Well, that's different. What if it's too late? What makes you think that Cole's responsible? [Cut to the attic. [Scene: Manor.
Plan: A: Phoebe; Q: Who does the banshee attack in the attic? A: the Belthazor section; Q: What section of the Book of Shadows was Phoebe adding to when she had her premonition? A: Cole; Q: Who does Phoebe think is responsible for the murder? A: Piper; Q: Who blows up the Banshee? A: a Banshee; Q: What demon is responsible for the murder? A: a spell; Q: What do the sisters cast to track down the banshee? A: Prue; Q: Who gets hit by a car? A: a dog; Q: What does the spell turn Prue into? A: her home; Q: Where does the driver take Prue? A: the Halliwell manor; Q: Where does the banshee attack? A: her immense pain; Q: What does the banshee sense in Phoebe? A: Leo; Q: Who warns Piper that if Phoebe kills, she will stay a banshee forever? Summary: Phoebe has a premonition of a young woman being killed by a demon in a phone booth whilst adding on to the Belthazor section of the Book of Shadows, thus causing her to think Cole is responsible. However, the sisters realize that this murder does not follow Cole's pattern. Piper learns that it is actually the demon on the reverse page that's responsible; a Banshee . The sisters then cast a spell to track down the banshee which turns Prue into a dog, but Prue gets hit by a car. The driver takes her home to care for her, thus taking her out of the action. When the banshee attacks the Halliwell manor she surprises Phoebe in the attic and, sensing her immense pain, which is what the banshee feeds on, over Cole's betrayal, screams at her. It is later discovered that although this scream would kill mortals, it has a very different effect on witches: it turns them into a banshee too. Piper blows the Banshee up but it is too late, Phoebe has already turned into a banshee. Leo warns Piper that if Phoebe kills, she will stay a banshee forever.
(Blair takes him by the hair) Ow ! And... And Mom. Chuck : Care To Make A Wager ? Chuck : Well, Nate Suddenly Decides He Wants To Get Back Together Just Moments After Your Mother Puts The Brakes On Her Deal With The Captain ? Dan and Vanessa : No Reason. Face It. Forget Cake And Ice Cream. Happy Birthday ! I Actually Thought This Would Be A Very Bad opportunity For Us To Hang Out, But I Kind Of Suggested To Vanessa That She Wasn't Making An Effort To Get To Know You, So, Uh, She Decided To Start Tonight, But If It's Weird, I Can Go Talk To Her. Lovebirds Ready To Order ? Nate : Her Loyalty Or Her Mother's ? Nate : Where's The Girl ? Rufus : Jenny ! Serena : And I'm Protective Of Our Relationship. The Captain Is Being Charged With Embezzlement And Fraud. You're Not The Only One With A Best Friend. [IN THE CHURCH] Blair : Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Sinned. [IN THE KATI'S BROTHER PLACE] Serena : So You Brought Vanessa As Your Date To Blair's Party ? [NATE'S HOME] Howard : Nate, Hey.
Plan: A: the guilt; Q: What is Blair dealing with? A: a happy face; Q: What does Blair put on for her 17th birthday party? A: her friends; Q: Who does Blair try to hide the truth from? A: the tension; Q: What does Dan hope to ease between Serena and Vanessa? A: Dan; Q: Who takes Vanessa to Blair's party? A: Jenny; Q: Who brings her mother home for a surprise visit? A: Susan Misner; Q: Who plays Jenny's mother? A: Nate's parents; Q: Who asks Nate to make a huge sacrifice? A: Sam Robards; Q: Who plays Nate's father? Summary: Devastated by the current state of her relationship with Nate and still dealing with the guilt from her recent indiscretion, Blair puts on a happy face for her 17th birthday party and attempts to hide the truth from her friends. Hoping to ease the tension between Serena and Vanessa, Dan takes Vanessa to Blair's party so the girls can have some bonding time, but this only ends up making Serena more uncomfortable. Jenny brings her mother (Susan Misner) home for a surprise visit, but Rufus may not be ready to forgive and forget. Nate's parents (Sam Robards and Francie Swift) ask him to make a huge sacrifice in an effort to salvage his father's business as he faces charges of embezzlement and fraud.
(Caroline pours the margarita mix into the glasses) Caroline: I compelled a student to perform surgery on Stefan's niece, and you found a way to make this about you? (Damon releases him, stunned) She turned in 1858, faked her death, went to Europe, where she went a little nuts. (Elena bites into her wrist and feeds Sarah her blood) Liam: (upset) I have to take out her heart. (Elena turns and makes her way through the crowd) (Elena makes her way through the crowd of ravers and finally spots Caroline relaxed and having a good time, dancing with a guy. (He grumbles to Kai) Kai: Um... Damon: Spit it out. (He stares at Bonnie shocked as she walks past him) (Elena finds Stefan and they discuss his encounter with Liam from earlier.) (He turns to see Kai pouring himself a drink) Kai: Yeah. (to Bonnie) Oh. ): To apologize... (Bonnie is in Damon's car but is unable to start the engine because Kai shows up in the backseat and grabs her from behind. Besides, we have a roommate without her humanity and in severe need of an intervention. Bonnie: You were there (Blood soaks through Damon's shirt from a wound that Bonnie made appear) the first time he hurt me, an arrow through the stomach, but you weren't there for what happened next, when he chased me through the hospital, (Damon gasps and groans) when he strangled me, (Bonnie uses her magic against him again; Damon chokes and grabs his throat) he drugged me, he tied me up, and he stuck me in a trunk, and then suddenly, he wants to be nice, huh, start over. Call me. Caroline: Cut out her spleen. Caroline: Elena, I shut off my humanity. Caroline: If Stefan wants to save Sarah's life, (She raises up two glasses of margaritas) all he has to do is shut his humanity off. Damon: He just wanted to talk. Happy raving. I will help you through this, but you have to give me a chance. I will. I'll tell him. I'm a vampire. It worked. Kai: But there is a new me. Kai: Hey. Kai: Huh. Kai: Um... Liam is kissing her neck, Caroline's eyes change she pulls back and Liam sees her eyes and fangs) Liam: Caroline! She magically flips on her humanity switch and starts feeling everything that she's been putting off. Stefan, she made it very clear that if we mess with her she's gonna retaliate. Stop. Thanks for coming by the way. That's my mother. That's the Stefan that I fell for, and that's the Stefan who can bring me back. You should be asking "why does Enzo have Sarah Salvatore's number in his phone," or maybe "where is Sarah Salvatore," and ultimately, "what the hell are you going to do to her, Caroline?" You wanted to know if it was possible for her to exist in another prison world.
Plan: A: a year; Q: How long does Caroline ask for to live without her pain? A: Damon; Q: Who does Kai refuse to give information to? A: a rave; Q: What does Caroline invite Liam and Enzo to? A: her magic; Q: What does Bonnie use to punish Damon? A: Jeremy; Q: Who does Bonnie call at the end of the episode? A: things; Q: What does Bonnie need time to work out? A: his feelings; Q: What does Stefan admit to Caroline? A: the old Caroline; Q: Who does Stefan want to bring back? A: a vampire; Q: What is Damon's mother? A: the Gemini coven; Q: Who imprisoned Damon's mother? A: Stefan's attempt; Q: Who tried to break through to Caroline? A: Sarah Salvatore; Q: Who does Caroline kidnap? A: Sarah's life; Q: What does Caroline say she will spare if Stefan turns off his humanity? A: Sarah's heart; Q: What organ was Liam about to remove from Sarah? Summary: After switching off her humanity, Caroline makes out with Liam outside of a bar and feeds off of him. She tells Bonnie and Elena that she will avoid killing anyone if they give her a year to live freely without her pain, and they initially agree. Kai refuses to give Damon information about his mother unless he helps Kai apologize to Bonnie in order to alleviate Kai's guilt. Caroline invites Liam and Enzo to a rave, and Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan come to confront Caroline. Damon calls Bonnie, but after she refuses to talk to Kai, Damon and Kai show up and Kai attempts to apologize to her. Bonnie is coping with traumatic memories from her time in the prison world and is furious with Damon for forcing her to see Kai, who she believes is lying. After using her magic to punish Damon by forcing him to endure the wounds that Kai inflicted on her, she realizes that her experiences have changed her and finally calls Jeremy, telling him that she needs time to work things out. Stefan admits his feelings to Caroline and begs her to switch on her humanity; for a moment Caroline wavers and he knows that there is a chance to bring back the old Caroline. Kai reveals that Damon's mother is a vampire and was imprisoned by the Gemini coven after she faked her own death and went on a worldwide killing spree. In retaliation for Stefan's attempt to break through to her, Caroline kidnaps Sarah Salvatore and compels Liam to perform 'surgery' on her in the form of removing her organs. She tells Stefan that she will spare Sarah's life if Stefan turns off his humanity. Elena manages to stop Liam from cutting out Sarah's heart just as Stefan agrees to Caroline's demands and shuts off his humanity.
37 UTHER's P.O.V: The bright light, the noise of a large fight crowd, a multitude of expectant faces and in the centre of the Tournament Ground the BLACK KNIGHT standing motionless and poised for battle... UTHER steps forward. ARTHUR (to both fighters): The fight shall be to the Knights'rules... And to the death. ARTHUR: That ... BLACK KNIGHT: Who will take up my challenge? GAIUS reacts, but the conversation is interrupted by ARTHUR's entrance. GAIUS: I believe he has been conjured from the dead. GAIUS: Revenge. GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH: Several fables speak of ancient swords... MERLIN: That can kill the dead? GREAT DRAGON: Heed my words ... MERLIN stops and turns to the GREAT DRAGON ... GREAT DRAGON: The sword was forged for Arthur and him alone. He is defenceless. Is that all? It must be wielded by Arthur and him alone. MERLIN: To save Arthur. NIMUEH: She died giving birth to your son! That is the Knight's code. That is the law of magic. The DRAGON considers this. UTHER now has only his shield with which to defend himself...In vain, he uses it to beat away the BLACK KNIGHT's blows. You can only guess.
Plan: A: The Black Knight; Q: Who interrupts Arthur's coming-of-age celebrations? A: Arthur; Q: Who is the only person who can wield Excalibur? A: the gauntlet; Q: What does the Black Knight throw down? A: any knight; Q: Who does the Black Knight challenge? A: Gaius; Q: Who discovers that the Black Knight is Uther's dead brother-in-law? A: Uther; Q: Who kills the Black Knight? A: the grave; Q: Where was the Black Knight summoned from? A: Nimueh; Q: Who summoned the Black Knight? A: revenge; Q: What is the Black Knight seeking? A: the Great Dragon; Q: Who instructs Merlin to hide Excalibur? A: Excalibur; Q: What is the name of the sword that can kill the Black Knight? A: evil; Q: What is Excalibur capable of being used for? A: mortal men; Q: Who is the sword to be hidden from? Summary: The Black Knight arrives to interrupt Arthur's coming-of-age celebrations and throws down the gauntlet to any knight who will fight him. He kills them all one by one. Gaius discovers that he is Uther's dead brother-in-law, summoned from the grave by the witch Nimueh. He is seeking revenge for the death of his sister, who died giving birth to Arthur by way of magic from Nimueh. Merlin learns from the Great Dragon that only a special sword (Excalibur), burnished with the Dragon's fiery breath, can kill the knight. The Dragon warns Merlin that only Arthur can wield it. Arthur is next to fight the Black Knight, but Uther takes Excalibur and faces the knight himself, slaying him in the end. Now that the sword has been wielded by someone other than Arthur, it is capable of being used for evil; to prevent that, the Great Dragon instructs Merlin to hide Excalibur far from the reach of mortal men.
And maybe... Audrey is sitting on the end of her bed playing a guitar, as Jack Osborne is sitting on the end of Joey's Bed, going through her clothes that are with the rest of her stuff packed up and on her bed ready for her to go back to Capeside for the summer. Audrey sees Pacey and decides to make their way over to join him.] Audrey: Clean living, my friend. But guess what? Grams: Never. Helen: Jen asked me to come. Helen: You, too, mother. Jen: Cancer? Joey: Audrey. Pacey is outside the house, trying to figure out how to tell Dawson that he had lost all of Dawson's Money. You will. [Scene: Dawson's bedroom.
Plan: A: Joey; Q: Who returns to Capeside? A: Dawson's script; Q: What does Joey find on her doorstep? A: Dawson's movie-making dreams; Q: What is shattered when Pacey arrives? A: Pacey; Q: Who comes clean about losing Dawson's money? A: The ensuing verbal fight; Q: What opens old wounds? A: their friendship; Q: What do the three friends believe will never be the same? A: Worthington; Q: What college does Joey attend? A: Audrey; Q: Who has to stay behind to attend summer classes? A: summer; Q: What season is it when Joey says goodbye to Audrey? A: Jen; Q: Who invites her mother over to Grams' house? A: Helen; Q: Who does Jen invite to Grams' house? A: her cancer; Q: What does Jen want her mother to know? Summary: Joey returns to Capeside to find Dawson's script on her doorstep and is overwhelmed that he has written a story about three friends, but Dawson's movie-making dreams are shattered when Pacey arrives comes clean about losing Dawson's money. The ensuing verbal fight opens old wounds and leaves the three friends believing their friendship will never be the same. Also, with classes at Worthington over, Joey says goodbye to Audrey who has to stay behind to attend summer classes. And Jen invites her mother, Helen, over to Grams' house where she wants her to tell Helen about her cancer.
Aliens. All right. But ok, fine. Isabel: If he killed Nasedo. Liz: Max, I need to talk to Maria.
Plan: A: Max; Q: Who assumes leadership after Nasedo is killed? A: enemy aliens; Q: Who killed Nasedo? A: normal routines; Q: What does Max command everyone to return to? Summary: When Max assumes leadership after enemy aliens kill Nasedo, he commands all to return to normal routines, but several suspicious newcomers arrive.
Amy: What is it? Bernadette: But no one told me she was in a horrible car accident over the weekend and what I was signing was not a retirement card but was actually a get well card. Bernadette: So on the card, in the hospital, next to the woman who's clinging to life are the words, "Hey, Vivian. Date both of them. Emily: Yeah. Go for it. How am I supposed to choose between Emily and Lucy? I oil-wrestle an orang-utan in a bikini. Leonard: So, are you gonna see her again? Penny: Well, I'm having an impossible time getting my career off the ground, and I got offered a role in this crappy horror movie, and I just don't know if I should take it. Raj: And then after coffee, we went for a walk and she told me she always thought people from India were exotic and mysterious. Raj: Any news on your co-worker who's in the hospital? Raj: It is. Sheldon: Because I'm trying to decide between getting an Xbox One or a PS4. Sheldon: Interesting. Sheldon: Penny? Sheldon: Thank you again for dinner. This is serious. This script is terrible. Wil Wheaton: Yeah, happy to help. Wil: Anyway, those jobs can be soul-crushing. Wil: Penny?
Plan: A: Raj; Q: Who must decide if to date both Emily and Lucy? A: Emily; Q: Who tells Raj she doesn't mind him dating someone else? A: Penny; Q: Who must decide whether to accept a role in a horror movie? A: a horrible horror movie; Q: What kind of movie is Serial Apeist 2? A: Sheldon; Q: Who is torn between buying a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox One? A: Sheldon's decision ramblings; Q: What annoys Amy? A: exaggerated interest; Q: What does Amy fake? A: hours; Q: How long does Sheldon ponder his choices at Best Buy? A: Wil Wheaton; Q: Who do Leonard and Penny talk to for career advice? A: career advise; Q: What do Leonard and Penny ask Wil Wheaton for? A: hardships; Q: Wil Wheaton remembers his career rejections and what? A: the acting industry; Q: What industry did Wil Wheaton have a hard time in? A: a "get well" card; Q: What kind of card did Bernadette sign? Summary: Decision time: Raj must decide if to date both Emily and Lucy, Penny must decide whether to accept a role in a horrible horror movie, Serial Apeist 2, and Sheldon is torn between buying a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox One. Sheldon's decision ramblings annoy Amy during their dinner date where she fakes exaggerated interest, then pondering his choices for hours at Best Buy. Leonard and Penny talk to Wil Wheaton to ask for career advise. Wil instead remembers his career rejections and hardships in the acting industry and ends up being depressed. After accepting the job, Penny discovers Wil is the bikini-clad orang-utan she must wrestle in the film. Emily tells Raj she doesn't mind him dating someone else, so he keeps on seeing her. Meanwhile, after signing a card for a co-worker she thought was retiring, Bernadette discovers her message is highly inappropriate as the card is actually a "get well" card for the woman, who has been in a terrible accident.
Amy: Excuse me, I'm going to go see if the couple at the front of the line needs a maid of honour. Amy: Who is it? And all from a country whose entire contribution to the global economy, has been Tetris and mail-order brides. Bernadette: Are any of them still married? Bernadette: So anyway, we decided to go down to City Hall this afternoon get married, and then have the reception when Howard gets back. Dimitri: Me, too. Fantastic and the Invisible Girl get married. Howard and Bernadette, I know you two planned on getting married in a big fancy wedding, but when you're in love, it doesn't matter where or how these things happen. Howard: I told you we are not recreating the wedding from The Sound of Music. Howard: Okay, but I'm going to have to get it back from you so I can take it to the International Space Station. I want to wear my maid of honour dress and walk down the aisle with a hundred eyes on me, while a string quartet plays The Way You Look Tonight. Is there anything else I'm not allowed to do? Leonard: Hmm. Leonard: Sheldon, what channel is NASA TV? Leonard: Thank you, Amy. Leonard: There's Howard's rocket, live from Kazakhstan. Let's get married. Mike Massimino: Yeah. Mrs Wolowitz (off): They invented the lightbulb in New Jersey. Penny: Good move telling Sheldon. Penny: Well, that's easy. Raj: Howard and Bernadette, the five of us stand before you as your friends and newly ordained ministers. Raj: Penny. Scene: Soyuz capsule. Scene: The apartment. Scene: The roof. Sheldon: Boldly go, Howard Wolowitz. Sheldon: He asked her during coitus. Very touching. What I was going to suggest is if that you're willing to wait until Sunday morning, the Google satellite will be over Pasadena. You're going to wear that thing to City Hall?
Plan: A: Mike Massimino; Q: Who is the third astronaut in the Soyuz capsule? A: the Soyuz capsule; Q: What capsule are Howard and his fellow astronauts in? A: lift-off; Q: What are the astronauts waiting for? A: Kazakhstan; Q: From where did the Soyuz capsule launch? A: the last couple of days; Q: What does Howard reflect on? A: Bernadette; Q: Who did Howard marry before he left? A: a star; Q: What is the pendant on the necklace that Howard gives to Bernadette? A: only their friends; Q: Who were the only guests at Howard and Bernadette's wedding? A: Amy; Q: Who was devastated that her position as Maid of Honor had been reduced to nothing? A: Sheldon; Q: Who wishes Howard well with the words "Boldly go, Howard Wolowitz"? A: Penny; Q: Who takes Leonard's hand? A: Sunday; Q: What day did Howard and Bernadette get married? A: Sunday morning; Q: When did Howard and Bernadette get married? A: the Google satellite; Q: What is taking new photographs of Pasadena? A: Pasadena; Q: What city is the apartment building in? A: The wedding; Q: What takes place successfully? A: Howard and Bernadette exchange; Q: Who exchanges vows? A: the camera; Q: What pulls back from the apartment roof? A: a glimpse; Q: What does the camera show of Mrs. Wolowitz? A: Earth; Q: What planet is shown at the end of the episode? A: Leonard and Sheldon's apartment; Q: Where does everyone watch the space launch from? A: a very surprised Amy; Q: Who is surprised by Sheldon taking her hand? Summary: Howard and his two fellow astronauts Dimitri Rezinov and Mike Massimino are in the Soyuz capsule, awaiting lift-off to the International Space Station from Kazakhstan. Nervous and not looking forward to the launch, Howard begins to reflect on the last couple of days, revealing that he married Bernadette before he left. When Bernadette receives a necklace from Howard with a star pendant on it which he plans to take with him to space, she tells him that they need to get married before he goes to space. They decide to get married in City Hall that very afternoon with only their friends as guests. Amy is devastated that her position as Maid of Honor has been reduced to nothing, but is allowed to wear the dress she bought to City Hall. Unfortunately, they do not get married that day as there are too many other couples in front of them. Raj then suggests that they get married on the roof of Leonard, Sheldon and Penny's apartment building on Sunday morning, which will coincide with the Google satellite taking new photographs of Pasadena, with himself, Leonard, Sheldon, Penny and Amy as ministers. The wedding takes place successfully. While Howard and Bernadette exchange their vows, the camera pulls back from the apartment roof - showing a glimpse of Mrs. Wolowitz - and then pulls back further to a view of the planet Earth. The episode ends with Howard being launched into space. Everyone nervously watches the space launch from Leonard and Sheldon's apartment. Bernadette takes Raj's hand, Penny takes Leonard's hand, and a very surprised Amy has her hand taken by Sheldon who wishes Howard well with the words "Boldly go, Howard Wolowitz".
A Gallifreyan hard drive. Am I going to find Danny now? Be very, very careful with that. Clara, are you there? Clara: But this is where Danny is? Danny! Danny: That's her, that's Clara! Danny: Who are you talking to? Ever since 3W encountered the truth about the death experience, 'we have been working hard to find a better life for the deceased. I have to be with Danny Pink. Missy: Doctor Chang! Missy: Imagine you could upload dying minds to that. Missy: My heart is maintained by the Doctor. Ready to be re-downloaded. Save Danny. Seb: From the other side. St. Paul's Cathedral ] Missy: Oh, dear, Doctor. The Doctor: And? The Doctor: And? The Doctor: Because you and he are linked. The Doctor: In a mausoleum? The Doctor: Well, you know, it's just an unexpected... Missy: Welcome to the 3W Institute. The Doctor: You're a Time Lord. The Nethersphere. The dead are fully aware of everything that is happening to them. The tanks The tanks are activating! They induce a dream state. Upload the mind, upgrade the body. We call it dark water. We plugged you into the TARDIS telepathic interface. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Clara's place ] Clara: Not like it's how you end the phone call, the sign off, the pat on the back.
Plan: A: Danny; Q: Who is Clara trying to tell about her life with the Doctor? A: the TARDIS' telepathic interface; Q: What does the Doctor use to find Danny? A: the 3W Institute; Q: Where are the Doctor and Clara brought? A: skeletons; Q: What is contained in the 3W Institute? A: "dark water; Q: What is the blue liquid that hides the exoskeletons? A: an apparent afterlife; Q: What is the Nethersphere? A: Seb; Q: Who is consoling Danny in the Nethersphere? A: his death; Q: What is Danny being consoled for? A: Missy greets; Q: Who greets the Doctor and Clara? A: The scientist Doctor Chang; Q: Who explains that the dead are conscious? A: Clara talks; Q: Who talks with Danny? A: Cybermen; Q: What are the skeletons revealed to be? A: dying minds; Q: What is uploaded to the Nethersphere? A: The Doctor and Missy exit; Q: Who exits the Nethersphere? A: St Paul's Cathedral; Q: Where do the Doctor and Missy find themselves after leaving the 3W Institute? A: the Master; Q: Who is Missy? Summary: While Clara attempts to gain the courage to tell Danny about her life with the Doctor, Danny is killed. Clara attempts to blackmail the Doctor into saving Danny. The Doctor removes her from the dream state he placed on her and uses the TARDIS' telepathic interface to find Danny. The Doctor and Clara are brought to the 3W Institute, in which skeletons are contained in a blue liquid called "dark water" that hides the exoskeletons that support the skeletons. In an apparent afterlife called the Nethersphere, Danny is being consoled by Seb for his death. Missy greets the Doctor and Clara. The scientist Doctor Chang explains that the dead are conscious. Meanwhile, Missy awakens the skeletons and the tanks begin to drain. Clara talks with Danny, but Danny refuses to let her be with him in death. The skeletons are revealed to be Cybermen . Missy tells the Doctor that dying minds are uploaded the Nethersphere-a Time Lord "hard drive"-where emotions are deleted and the mind is downloaded into Cyberman bodies. The Doctor and Missy exit and find themselves on the steps of St Paul's Cathedral . Missy reveals that she is the Master .
456 TANK The cameraman is on the verge of panic, breathing heavily and quickly, while aiming the camera at one of the 456's heads. Happy now ? I am dangerous. It comes out in Frobisher's voice, but garbled, as if it's playing on a scratched CD. JACK : 1965... PRIME MINISTER : John ? The rest of the team converges around Gwen and Clem. Torchwood's been destroyed. What about the military option ?
Plan: A: Torchwood; Q: What is the name of the show? A: Britain; Q: What country is in danger of becoming a rogue state? A: John Frobisher; Q: Who is the ambassador of the 456? A: its old allegiances; Q: What does the 456 destroy? A: its true intent; Q: What does the 456 reveal? Summary: Torchwood finally learns the truth about the events of 1965. Britain is in danger of becoming a rogue state, and everything now pivots around John Frobisher, as the ambassador of the 456 destroys its old allegiances and reveals its true intent.
"Josh and Marcel are missing." (Freya turns and heads to the gate, gesturing to Rebekah to follow her. (Jackson falls to the ground, completely exhausted. (Klaus gives Hayley and Jackson one last look before vamp-speeding away. (Kol runs for his life into the back room, only to find that a dozen starving vampires are salivating at the sight of him and Davina and Aiden are gone. (The Kindred witch slams the poker down on Rebekah's hand and wrist, and she screams out in agony and tries not to cry) Blonde Kindred Witch: Today's lesson... You take from us... (She turns to Freya, who is standing back away from them, sees wearing a silver necklace with a blue stone, and rips the chain off of her neck) .. and we take twice as much from you. After a moment, he does) Finn: Good. Come on. Rumor has it she's nearby. Thank you for the help. You know nothing... (Marcel weakly jerks out of his grip) .. which means that whatever Klaus is keeping secret is so secret, he won't even share it with you. [SCENE_BREAK] [ THE BAYOU ] (Klaus and Hayley are still arguing about whether or not Hayley should tell Jackson the truth) Hayley: I am done listening to you.
Plan: A: strange encounters; Q: What kind of encounters does Rebekah have? A: the insane asylum; Q: Where does Rebekah become intrigued by a mysterious girl? A: the bayou; Q: Where does Klaus go to put an end to the marriage ritual? A: Hayley's parents; Q: Who does Jackson share a secret about? A: a particular marriage ritual; Q: What does Klaus learn about? A: Mary; Q: Who is Jackson's grandmother? A: Vincent; Q: Who is determined to uncover Klaus' secret? A: Marcel; Q: Who does Vincent set his eyes on for answers? A: Davina; Q: Who enlists the help of Kaleb and Aiden to rescue Josh and Marcel? A: danger; Q: What is Josh and Marcel in? Summary: After a series of strange encounters, Rebekah becomes intrigued by a mysterious girl who has recently arrived to the insane asylum. At the bayou, Hayley struggles with coming clean to Jackson about the secrets she's keeping and is surprised when he shares his own secret involving Hayley's parents. Meanwhile, after learning the details of a particular marriage ritual that Hayley and Jackson must complete, Klaus heads to the bayou to put an end to it, but not before running into Jackson's grandmother Mary. Elsewhere, Vincent remains determined to uncover the secret he knows Klaus is hiding and sets his eyes on Marcel for answers. Lastly, when Davina discovers that Josh and Marcel are in danger, she enlists the help of Kaleb and Aiden to rescue them.
(She goes to the buffet and starts eating. Amara... Are you part of... Bold choice (She leaves and Katherine looks at her hair and finds a strand of grey hair) [Salvatore's House] (Elena and Damon are cuddling on the couch) Elena: This is nice Damon: It is nice Elena: Quiet, still, peaceful. Caroline: Shh. Do you not notice the universe trying to mirror my love for Amara by bringing our doppelgangers together? Gluten-free? He won't be able to Stefan: Why not? I just have to find The Anchor first and destroy it Elena: The Anchor? I'm going (He hurts her with an arrow) Silas: Next one goes in the heart. It's Diane Freeman (Caroline is still compelling him) Caroline: You were wrong. Katherine: Mystery. My heart is in pieces. Remind him that you're a crazy bitch Tessa: I would, but I think that's maybe his type [A Car] (Silas, Damon and Jeremy are on the road. Silas: Well, I hope not. Tessa answers) Tessa: Stefan's phone Elena: Who's this? Tessa: Silas drank the cure from Katherine. Who knows? and out and about, which is pretty bad, and Amara's been cured, which is even worse because now she's easy to kill, so the fate of the other side, where Bonnie currently resides, rests on a living, breathing human being that we now need to protect Elena: We need to protect?
Plan: A: Katherine; Q: Who replaces Elena? A: desperate help; Q: What does Katherine need? A: Wes; Q: Who is the professor that Katherine and Caroline go after? A: Qetsiyah; Q: Who brings Stefan's memories back? A: the cure; Q: What does Amara take from Silas? A: leverage; Q: What do Damon and Jeremy plan to use Amara as? A: her hair; Q: What starts to turn grey on Katherine? Summary: Katherine, who needs desperate help, goes after Caroline and asks for help. The two collide and go after professor Wes, of whom Caroline is suspicious, and try to find out his motives against vampires. Elena who thinks Stefan is in danger goes to save him from Qetsiyah but ends up trapped as well. Damon and Jeremy help Silas find the anchor of the other side. Qetsiyah reveals to Damon that the anchor is not an object, in fact it's Silas' lost love - Amara. Silas is able to free Amara but she attacks him and takes the cure. Damon and Jeremy decide to take Amara to use her as leverage against Silas. Katherine replaces Elena and goes at a secret community where vampires are not allowed, the same community that professor Wes is being part of. When they are done with Wes, Caroline compels him to think that Elena and her are not vampires. Qetsiyah brings Stefan's memories back when he frees Elena from the trap. Meanwhile, Katherine starts suffering from the life as her hair starts becoming grey.
(Max and Hubble leave the UFO center and go towards Max's jeep) Max: All right. (Sheriff Valenti is going through the pictures that Hubble gave him. A drifter. A kiss. And he found you. Isabel: Had to?
Plan: A: A new UFO sighting; Q: What sends suspicion and fear through the town? A: Isabel; Q: Who does Max investigate the UFO sighting with? Summary: A new UFO sighting sends suspicion and fear through the town and leads Max and Isabel to investigate the incident during a school camping trip.
(Kisses him passionately) Bye. Bernadette: Well, live and learn. Bernadette: Which is still so funny. Howard: Fine. Howard: We'd come visit you. In the meantime, I'd like to go over some proposed changes to the roommate agreement specifically to address Penny's annoying personal habits. Leonard: You get to play with Raj's big telescope last night? Once he finds a joke he likes, he sticks with it. Penny: Oh, gee, dad, he'd love to, but Leonard has to work in the morning. Penny: Okay, Sheldon, you don't have to do this because Leonard and I are not... Leonard: Ba-ba-ba-ba. Penny: Shut up. She used to kiss me all the time. They do that when you set it on easy. This man is not my father. Will you please just play along until my dad leaves? Wyatt: Oh! Wyatt: Please, please, please don't give up on her. Wyatt: That's Leonard says he loves you.
Plan: A: Wyatt; Q: Who is Penny's father? A: Leonard; Q: Who does Penny ask to pretend to be her boyfriend? A: Sheldon; Q: Who stays up all night amending the roommate agreement? A: Raj; Q: Who does Howard and Bernadette stay with? A: a woman; Q: Who does Raj complain he will never kiss? A: sympathy; Q: What does Bernadette express? Summary: Penny's father, Wyatt, has come to visit. Since he feels that Leonard is the best man that Penny ever dated, she asks Leonard to pretend that they are still together. Leonard happily plays along until Penny confesses to Wyatt. Wyatt is angry that Penny does not trust him, and pleads with Leonard not to give up on her. Sheldon stays up all night amending the roommate agreement to address her personal habits, and becomes angry to learn that he needn't have bothered. Meanwhile, Howard and Bernadette stay with Raj in his telescope control room. He becomes drunk and complains that he will never kiss a woman. When Bernadette expresses sympathy, he leans in to kiss her, but ends up kissing Howard.
At Roberts' - In Taylor's bedroom Ryan: Taylor? Henri-Michel: Good question. Kaitlin: Mom,Will. Kirsten: She did. Like they could make a movie about that. Me with him,page 47. Seth: You don't want to marry a girl,you've got to ask her father's permission,Ryan. Summer,Huh? Summer: Jay? What about Holly?
Plan: A: Ryan; Q: Who does Henri-Michel tell about Taylor's life in France? A: Seth; Q: Who seeks Dr. Roberts' permission to marry Summer? A: Kaitlin; Q: Who realizes she likes Will? A: Summer reconnects; Q: What does Summer do with Holly? A: worries; Q: What does Summer have about her future? A: Kirsten; Q: Who makes a shocking discovery at NewMatch? Summary: Henri-Michel tells Ryan about Taylor's life in France, forcing him to question their relationship. Seth seeks Dr. Roberts' permission to marry Summer. Kaitlin realizes she likes Will. Summer reconnects with Holly and worries about her future. Meanwhile, Kirsten makes a shocking discovery at NewMatch.
Aaron: The negative was stolen from the f*cking lab, Tina! Alice: "My brother's dead because he wrote a love letter" "to a guy named Marcus" "And Marcus shot him in the face" "I'm writing to ask you to please tell your viewers" "that it's not OK to hurt gay people" "We didn't do anything to them" "So why can't they just leave us alone" I know I've been... Alice: Thank you so much for the inspiration. At Tina's work. Bette: In her office. Bette: Joyce. But Jenny Schecter? Everyone: To Alice! Happy with Helena? I don't have another choice. I have nothing! Jenny and Tina: Great. Jenny: About what? Jenny: No problem. Jenny: One night? Jenny: You have a unique fork laryngeal. Jodi: I love my job. Jodi: Right. Last week you said you would burn down the lab before you let "The Girls" be released with, may I say, a brillant ending tested through the roof, and now... Tina: And now, and now what? She sends a lot of sms about Jenny and Shane. She was already out there when you read her letter today, and she thinks I'm just making it up to get her to come in. This situation could reflect badly on me, but... Bette: Phyllis, she said she had no... Phyllis: But it's not the only reason. Tina: The negative of "Lez Girls"? Tina: We shot the movie on film, okay? Trying to change the world? What about her parents? You wanna know if I stole the movie?
Plan: A: Alice; Q: Who walks in on Jenny and Shane? A: Tina; Q: Who gets blamed for the stolen film negatives? A: trouble; Q: What does Tina get into? A: the producers; Q: Who changed the name of the movie? A: Lez Girls; Q: What was the original name of the movie? A: Aaron; Q: Who is Tina's boss? A: frustration; Q: What emotion did Tina express over the movie's ending? A: the studio bosses; Q: Who deemed the movie's ending too homophobic? A: the unseen culprit; Q: Who frames Tina for the theft? A: Tina's office computer; Q: What is used to send the ransom note? A: their impending marriage; Q: What news do Joyce and Phyllis give? A: problems; Q: What does Bette continue to have at work? A: Jodi; Q: Who is harassing Bette? A: insubordination; Q: What does Bette accuse Jodi of? A: defeat; Q: What does Bette concede? A: her media career; Q: What does Alice change? A: her employer's orders; Q: What did Alice disobey? A: a heartfelt letter; Q: What does Alice read on air? A: a gay bashing incident; Q: What does Alice read a letter about? A: Dylan; Q: Who attempts to reunite with Helena? Summary: Alice walks in on Jenny and Shane after their night of passion, and naturally does not hesitate to gossip about it to everyone she knows before they have a chance to explain. Meanwhile, Tina gets into trouble when the film negatives for the movie The Girls (which the producers changed from "Lez Girls"), have been stolen from the studio and Tina gets blamed by her boss, Aaron, because she expressed frustration over the movie's ending, which was changed after being deemed too homophobic by the studio bosses. Tina thinks Jenny stole the negatives, but she denies it. But the unseen culprit soon frames Tina for the theft by sending a ransom note e-mail from Tina's office computer. Elsewhere, Joyce and Phyllis give the news about their impending marriage. Bette continues to have problems at work when Jodi continues harassing her. But when Phyllis turns down Bette's request to fire Jodi for insubordination, Bette concedes defeat and decides to quit her job. Also, Alice makes a choice to change her media career after she disobeys her employer's orders and reads a heartfelt letter on-air about a gay bashing incident, and Dylan attempts reuniting with Helena.