- BETTE'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT [Tina is getting her clothes out of the closet. - CHARLOTTE BIRCH'S BUILDING - NIGHT [Charlotte is walking to her car. - JOYCE WISCHNIA'S GUEST HOUSE - NIGHT [Tina sits at a desk, typing on her laptop.] - THE PLANET - NIGHT [Alice makes her way over to Shane at the bar.] Alice: Kit! Carmen: Stay. Dana: For what? I applied for your writing class? Jenny: Nice to meet you. Jenny: No. Jenny: No. On page four is a mock-up showing Dana and Tonya standing next to a Subaru Outback with the words "Just Married" on the back window.] Shane looks over at Carmen, then orders.] She runs down the hallway, and slides on the rug again when she tries to stop and catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror. They got a place. We're almost there. [Bette leans closer, trying to get Tina to look at her. [Shane and Alice smile.]
Plan: A: Charlotte Birch; Q: Who is the professor of the writing class that Jenny is rejected from? A: Shane; Q: Who moves in with Jenny? A: Carmen; Q: Who does Shane fall for? A: an attraction; Q: What develops between Carmen and Jenny almost at once? A: a downward spiral; Q: What does Bette go on over Tina's lawsuit? A: Tina; Q: Who is devastated when she finds an e-mail love letter from Candace on Bette's computer? A: Joyce; Q: Who offers Tina a place to stay at her guest house during her legal battle? A: their attraction; Q: What do Dana and Alice continue to hide? A: Tonya; Q: Who decides to make a show of her impending marriage to Dana? A: an opening act; Q: What does Kit try to find for The Planet's grand re-opening? Summary: When she is rejected from the writing class of Charlotte Birch, Jenny sets out to win over her intimidating professor by writing a page based on her life story. Shane moves in with Jenny at the house. When Jenny meets Carmen for the first time, an attraction between them develops almost at once. Bette goes on a downward spiral over Tina's lawsuit. Joyce also offers Tina a place to stay at her guest house during her legal battle. Dana and Alice continue to hide their attraction, while Tonya decides to make a show of her impending marriage to Dana. Kit tries to find an opening act for The Planet's grand re-opening and things heat up, then cool down, between Shane and Carmen. Tina is devastated when she finds an e-mail love letter from Candace on Bette's computer.
(Irina puts her hand over his. (She gets in her SUV and starts to drive out of the parking lot. DIXON: That's not the only reason I'm putting in for the transfer. FRANCIE: Hello? Marcus... you are not responsible for what happened to his wife. SLOANE: Good. SYDNEY: Aaron's fine, he's being taken care of. SYDNEY: And if Neil Caplan dies? WILL: Hello?
Plan: A: Sydney; Q: Who defies her father in her attempt to rescue Neil Caplan? A: kidnapped scientist Neil Caplan; Q: What does Sydney try to rescue? A: Sloane; Q: Who wants revenge for the assassination of his wife? A: revenge; Q: What is Sloane seeking? A: Dixon; Q: Whose wife is Sloane trying to kill? A: Meanwhile, Allison; Q: Who manipulates Will for his agency connections? A: Francie; Q: What is Allison's guise? A: an unsuspecting Will; Q: Who does Allison manipulate for his agency connections? Summary: Sydney defies her father in her attempt to rescue kidnapped scientist Neil Caplan, while Sloane, seeking revenge for the assassination of his wife orders that Dixon's wife be taken out. Meanwhile, Allison in the guise of Francie manipulates an unsuspecting Will for his agency connections.
(Keppler puts the bullet in a container.) After his only son was gunned down by a drug dealer, Zamesca dedicated his life to public service. Anti-coagulant. Heroin addict, got whacked on the head. Jeff Mckeen: The biggest drug supplier on the West Coast kills a public official, and we can't find him. Keppler: And why he had to disappear. Means they didn't circulate in her bloodstream. Nick: Zamesca knew Sara's and Greg's vic. Robbins: COD was blunt force trauma to the right temporal region. Robbins: I'm in the middle of an autopsy, Catherine. That is the only thing in the box. We fake a crime scene.
Plan: A: a crime scene; Q: What does Catherine fake to help Keppler catch the drug supplier? A: their colleagues; Q: Who does Catherine deceive? A: the west coast's biggest illegal drug supplier; Q: What is the leading suspect in the murder of an anti-drug assemblyman? A: the desert; Q: Where was the anti-drug assemblyman killed? A: the plan; Q: What does Keppler concoct when the suspect disappears and his trail grows cold? A: his trail; Q: What grows cold after several weeks? A: a heroin addict; Q: What was the victim of Sara and Greg's investigation? A: her apartment; Q: Where was the heroin addict found dead? A: blunt force trauma; Q: What is the cause of death of a heroin addict? Summary: Keppler persuades Catherine to help him fake a crime scene and deceive their colleagues in a controversial plan to catch the west coast's biggest illegal drug supplier, who is the leading suspect in the murder of an anti-drug assemblyman who was gunned down in the desert. Keppler concocts the plan when the suspect disappears and his trail grows cold after several weeks. Meanwhile, Sara and Greg investigate a heroin addict found dead in her apartment due to blunt force trauma.
(Cristina and Meredith make eye contact and Meredith raises her eyebrows to say another pissing contest) Burke: If my head of neurosurgery says he needs an EEG and an M.R.I, (he hands the chart over to Derek) then he needs an EEG and an M.R.I. (Cristina laughs while Meredith looks at George contemplating who is still playing with the Judy doll) George: It is a thing. Adele: Addison! Alex: I do. And it won't support his recovery from surgery. Bailey: She looks a little like you. Because of all the estrogen! Burke: Ah, we have an organ donor coming in this afternoon from Wilkeson General. Doctor: That guy. Doubtful for a man his age. Dr. Orsen? He swallowed the heads of 10 Judy dolls. Izzie: He's on the list, but they don't have a liver for him. Lea: My son. Nurse: Noted. Olivia: 300. Richard: I didn't want to ruin your vacation. Tell her there's someone else. That has your attention doesn't it? The donor, her brainstem is still alive. Who cares!
Plan: A: Adele; Q: Who cuts her vacation short to care for Dr. Webber? A: surgery; Q: What is Dr. Webber recovering from? A: a great deal; Q: How much bitterness do Cristina and Meredith express toward their past doctoral flames? A: Olivia; Q: Who is the nurse that George admits he likes? A: all day; Q: How long did George work with Olivia? A: the victims; Q: Who do Cristina, Alex and Izzie treat from a car crash? A: the father; Q: Who needs a liver transplant? A: his son; Q: Who doesn't want to donate because of the way his father abuses his mother? A: Bailey; Q: Who helps Meredith treat a man who has swallowed ten Judy dolls? A: a man; Q: Who has swallowed the heads of ten Judy dolls? A: George consults Derek; Q: What does George do when he believes that an organ donor is still alive? Summary: Adele cuts her vacation short to come and care for Dr. Webber who is still recovering from surgery. Cristina and Meredith both express a great deal of bitterness toward their past doctoral flames. After having worked with nurse Olivia all day, George admits that he likes someone else. Cristina, Alex and Izzie treat the victims from a car crash where the father needs a liver transplant, but his son doesn't want to donate because of the way his father abuses his mother. Meredith and Bailey treats a man who has swallowed the heads of ten Judy dolls. George consults Derek when he believes that an organ donor is still alive.
Allison: What is it? Chris: The Alpha? Derek: 'Cause she's an Argent. Derek: Now. Get your ass out of the '50s and come help with the groceries. Give us a chance to get to know each other. He has to bring me the bullet. Kate: No. Scott: It's off. Stiles: And, by the way, he's starting to smell.
Plan: A: Kate Argent; Q: Who is Allison's aunt? A: town; Q: Where does Kate Argent arrive? A: the Alpha; Q: Who attacked Kate Argent? A: Scott; Q: Who has to go through an awkward family dinner with the Argents to get a bullet to save Derek? A: Stiles and Derek; Q: Who try to slow the effects of the wound? Summary: Kate Argent, Allison's aunt, arrives in town and is attacked by the Alpha. While fighting it off, she shoots Derek. Now, Scott has to make it through an awkward family dinner with the Argents to get a bullet to save him, while Stiles and Derek attempt to slow the effects of the wound.
And there was a wind coming. JANE: It's getting out of hand. On the thirteenth of July, 1643, the English Civil War came to Little Hodcombe. Relocate the TARDIS. TEGAN: We're here to visit my grandfather. TEGAN: What is going on? WILLOW: Ask for more men.
Plan: A: The TARDIS; Q: What vehicle arrives in Little Hodcombe? A: Tegan; Q: Who wants to visit her Grandfather while they are in Little Hodcombe? A: unknown reasons; Q: Why does the war reenactment get more out of hand? Summary: The TARDIS arrives in Little Hodcombe, Tegan wants to visit her Grandfather while they are there. Also, a war re-enactment is going on that starts to get more and more out of hand and realistic for unknown reasons.
(introducing both witches to Zelena) These are my sister witches. (tries to pull Hook up) Zelena: Choose wisely. (turning to Mr. Gold) Rumple. Changing. For him. Glinda: The book foretells of a powerful sorceress, who will join our sisterhood as a protector of Oz. Go on. I'm not here to fight you. Mary Margaret is in labor and Emma Swan is driving to the Storybrooke General Hospital. Mary Margaret's place will be crowded after the baby and I'll be back and forth from Regina's, but Emma, she can't sleep in her car. That doesn't matter. Use it. Witch of the East: It chronicles the past, present and future of Oz. You need to stay with Mary Margaret. [ Chuckles ] I tried to be good once, but it wasn't in the cards.
Plan: A: labor; Q: What is Mary Margaret in? A: birth; Q: What is Mary Margaret due to give at any moment? A: high alert; Q: What do the residents of Storybrooke go on to ensure that Zelena doesn't steal Mary Margaret's baby? A: her newborn baby; Q: What does Mary Margaret want to protect from Zelena? A: time; Q: What is Zelena trying to turn back? A: her destiny; Q: What does Zelena want to change? A: Regina's existence; Q: What does Zelena want to erase? A: Oz; Q: What land does Glinda try to convince Zelena to protect? A: Glinda; Q: Who tries to convince Zelena to join her and her sister witches as a protector of Oz? A: her evil tendencies; Q: What does Glinda want Zelena to fight? A: her undoing; Q: What could the appearance of a young girl from Kansas be for Zelena? Summary: With Mary Margaret in labor and due to give birth at any moment, the residents of Storybrooke go on high alert in an attempt to ensure that Zelena doesn't try to steal her newborn baby for use in her ultimate game plan to turn back time and change her destiny -- while obliterating Regina's existence. Meanwhile, in the land of Oz of the past, Glinda tries to convince Zelena to fight her evil tendencies and join her and her sister witches as a protector of Oz. But the appearance of a young girl from Kansas could turn out to be her undoing.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, here to attempt your Northwest Cable's half-court shot, from right here in Seattle - Niles Crane! Finally, he bows over, holds the ball between his legs, looks at the basket, takes a deep breath... [FULL-COURT SHOT - the camera wides to include both Niles and the basket, meaning the following cannot be faked:] And does a full-body, underhand heave that sends the ball in an arc towards the basket and swishing right through the string mesh. Frasier puts a quarter in, and receives a miniature basketball. Frasier: No. It's just half-time. Martin: All right! Martin: Well, last October you said we would go to a game together, but I thought that was just a lot of talk. Niles: Dad's going with us? Niles: Switch seats with me. Nobody makes the shot. Roz: That is gonna be a great game! They embrace. [SCENE_BREAK] The bar is now empty except for Frasier and Niles, still trying to make one basket, and Martin, who is still at the bar.
Plan: A: Frasier; Q: Who is annoyed by Niles's fame? A: four free tickets; Q: How many free tickets does Frasier receive to a Seattle SuperSonics basketball game? A: a grateful caller; Q: Who gave Frasier four free tickets to a Seattle SuperSonics basketball game? A: Martin; Q: Who sells the fourth ticket to the game? A: his son; Q: Who did Martin think put a lot of effort into getting the tickets? A: Niles's seat number; Q: What number is selected to attempt a shot at the basket at half-time? A: a pickup truck; Q: What does Niles win? A: all the glory; Q: What does Frasier dislike about Niles's shot? A: Roz; Q: Who has started dating a Frenchman who speaks no English? Summary: Frasier receives four free tickets to a Seattle SuperSonics basketball game from a grateful caller and Martin is delighted, thinking his son put a lot of effort into getting them. They both go with Niles to the game, and Martin sells the fourth ticket. Niles's seat number is selected to attempt a shot at the basket at half-time with the chance to win a pickup truck. He makes the shot, and spends the next few days enjoying the fame. Frasier soon becomes annoyed at all the glory Niles is receiving for a fluke shot. Meanwhile, Roz has started dating a Frenchman who speaks no English.
Angela. Cafe Disco! Call Bob. I actually dance all the time. I come in here to release frustration. Jim and Pam! Michael: It's a daytime disco on the ground floor of and industrial office building. No cleaning up! Not even close. Phyllis: An hour? Phyllis: Tell him I'm going dancing downstairs in the storage closet between the bathrooms that used to be a utility shower and he should join me there. To meet. [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure I'm in a dance off. [SCENE_BREAK] Kelly: Cafe Disco? they were wrong.
Plan: A: Charles; Q: Who instilled focus in the staff? A: Michael; Q: Who opens a cafe-disco in the office to release stress? A: the downstairs office; Q: Where does Michael open a cafe-disco? A: Angela; Q: Who is the only staff member who initially resists the cafe-disco? A: Andy; Q: Who does Kelly bond with in a dance-off? A: Pam; Q: Who and Jim plan to elope but later reconsider? A: Phyllis; Q: Who suspects Bob will have an affair? A: her suspicions; Q: What does Phyllis drop when she realizes it would be absurd to say it out loud? A: a hit; Q: What does the cafe-disco end up being? Summary: To break the staff of the focus Charles instilled in them, Michael opens a cafe-disco in the downstairs office to release stress. While initially resistant, all the staff (even Angela) join as Kelly and Andy bond in a dance-off. Pam and Jim plan to elope but later reconsider. Phyllis suspects Bob will have an affair, but drops her suspicions as they sound absurd saying them aloud. Cafe disco ends up being a hit.
A part of her is still human, but slowly, the deeper she gets into the transition, the memories will start to come back, and then she'll know she has to make the choice. And Vicki Donovan? DAMON/STEFAN: With pleasure. DAMON: We was in the woods. Don't use the radio. Drank my blood, i killed you, and now you have to feed in order to complete the process. ELENA: You knew Katherine in 1864? Find the watch. I mean, he's gonna get a football scholarship and marry Elena and have a lawn mower and some babies, and when i think of my future, i just come up blank. LOGAN: That's it? LOGAN: We know who they are? STEFAN: A vampire. STEFAN: By hurting you. STEFAN: He was feeding on her. STEFAN: I'm a vampire. STEFAN: She could controlmy mind and Damon's. STEFAN: She has to feed on human blood. STEFAN: This... She compelled each of us to keep the secret from the other. She hasn't completed her transformation yet. Stefan and Elena.] Tell Elena I said hi. They know. Turns out that night... Katherine was with him, too. VICKI: No! VICKI: Not good, Mattie. Vicki is on a sofa.] Vicki! [SCENE_BREAK] [The Salvatore's house.]
Plan: A: Stefan; Q: Who tells Elena that Vicki has become a vampire? A: Damon; Q: Who saves Stefan by attacking Logan? A: Elena; Q: Who does Stefan tell about his past with Katherine? A: 1864; Q: When did Stefan and Damon fall in love with Katherine Pierce? A: Katherine Pierce; Q: Who turned Stefan and Damon into vampires? A: the day; Q: How long does Damon spend trapped inside the Salvatore Boarding House? A: a vampire; Q: What does Vicki become after Damon feeds her? A: the transformation; Q: What does Vicki complete by feeding on Logan? A: the pocket watch; Q: What does Logan use to track down vampires? A: the woods; Q: Where did Logan find Stefan and Vicki? A: a wooden bullet; Q: What does Logan use to kill Stefan? A: the hunger; Q: What causes Vicki to feed on Logan? A: a secret; Q: What does Elena decide to keep about Vicki becoming a vampire? Summary: Stefan explains his and Damon's past with Katherine to Elena. In 1864, they both loved a woman named Katherine Pierce, who then turned both of them into vampires. Meanwhile, Damon spends the day trapped inside the Salvatore Boarding House with Vicki. They feed off of each other and he changes her into a vampire. Stefan discovers this and attempts to persuade her to die instead of completing the transformation into a vampire by feeding on human blood. Logan uses the pocket watch that tracks down vampires and finds Stefan and Vicki in the woods. Logan shoots Stefan with a wooden bullet, thinking Stefan was attacking Vicki. Damon saves Stefan by attacking Logan. Vicki is overcome by the hunger and feeds on Logan, killing him and completing her transformation. Stefan tells Elena that Vicki has become a vampire, and Elena decides to keep this a secret, but not without ending their relationship.
And besides, ionnago up against piper, not today on wyatt's birthday. Answer his question! Auntie paige is sad. Billie: But-- Paige: look, please. Billie: Possess? But paige can. Celebrating his birthday. Henry. Henry. Henry? Henry? Hostages? I'll take her. Nick's just trying to get some money to help his son move out of a bad area. Paige: I do think you know that which is why I know deep down you want to do the right thing and let them take him to a hospital. Paige: I said I had to go to the bathroom, which means I have to hurry, hurry, hurry to get back. Phoebe! Phoebe: And who told you to look for leo? Piper: Oh, just a possessor demon. She switched identities during the smoke bomb. She's being held hostage along with one of the charmed ones in a bank. Shots were fired. The demon's gonna get away. The party just started. The witch has problems of her own at the moment. We're gonna head east past the punchbowl and stop at the balloons. Why don't they use their powers? With the real billie. You stay with wyatt and make sure he turns pinocchio back into wood. [Laughing] took a tthe wo the bank-- demonically worse.
Plan: A: a loan; Q: What does Henry want to help his parolee get? A: Henry; Q: Who is accidentally shot by a possessor demon? A: Paige; Q: Who is taken hostage by the demon? A: the parolee; Q: Who takes everyone hostage at the bank? A: the parole; Q: What does the possessor demon possess? A: their hands; Q: What do Phoebe and Piper have full of when Wyatt turns three of his toys into real people? A: third; Q: What birthday party does Wyatt have? A: his projection power; Q: What power does Wyatt use to turn his toys into real people? A: the Charmed Ones; Q: What does the possessor demon want to expose? A: a hospital; Q: Where does the possessor demon try to force Paige to orb Henry to? A: the Whitelighter healing power; Q: What power does Paige develop? A: Henry's wound; Q: What does Paige heal? A: Billie; Q: Who vanquishes the demon? A: her glamouring power; Q: What power does Billie use to switch places with Paige? A: Magic School; Q: Where does the possessor demon take Paige? A: Piper and Phoebe; Q: Who dispossesses the parolee? Summary: With the intention of helping his parolee get a loan, Henry, along with Paige, go to a bank but instead the parolee decides to take everyone at the bank hostage. Meanwhile, Phoebe and Piper have their hands full when, during Wyatt's third birthday party, Wyatt uses his projection power to turn three of his toys into real people. Unfortunately the situation at the bank degenerates when Henry is accidentally shot and a possessor demon, wanting to expose the Charmed Ones, possesses the parole and tries to force Paige to orb Henry to a hospital and expose herself. Unexpectedly she develops the Whitelighter healing power and heals Henry's wound before switching places with Billie using her glamouring power. Paige is taken hostage by the demon who takes her to Magic School, but Paige orbs them to the manor attic where Piper and Phoebe dispossesses the parolee and Billie vanquishes the demon.
(CYRIL looks over at the charred doll and wrinkles his nose.) (To the game pieces in a high-pitched voice.) Eenie meenie minie moe, catch a nigger by the toe... THE CELESTIAL TOYMAKER'S PRIVATE STUDY (The TOYMAKER is leaning back watching the hand of the DOCTOR play the trilogic game. To test them? We must help them. We will toss for it.
Plan: A: The travellers; Q: Who arrive in a strange domain? A: the Celestial Toymaker; Q: Who is the mysterious entity that forces the travellers to play games? A: an enigmatic, immortal entity; Q: Who is the Celestial Toymaker? A: a series; Q: How many games does the Celestial Toymaker force the travellers to play? A: failure; Q: What will render the travellers his playthings for all eternity? Summary: Missing episode The travellers arrive in a strange domain presided over by the Celestial Toymaker - an enigmatic, immortal entity who forces them to play a series of games, failure at which will render them his playthings for all eternity.
- NIGHT [The "Provocations" opening party is in full-swing. At the time, Cherie warned Shane not to tell Steve she'd brought her there. Bette finally stops.] Bette takes her credit card out of her wallet and is about to give it to the desk clerk when Candace puts a hand on her arm.] But, you know. Candace: Stop. Dana continues to cry.] It's Clea. Jenny: My life... Gene: So, am I, like, the first guy you tried to be with since... you fell in love with that woman, and... your marriage fell apart, and... she dropped you like a hot potato? Marina: Tonya! Shane: Cherie. She is consumed with guilt. She turns around. Show 'em. They kiss desperately.] Tina: How is Shane? Tina: She's not. [Dana and Tonya touch foreheads. [Everybody's listening to Dana's speech. [Robin giggles.] [Sobbing, Dana looks up at Alice as Alice sits down next to her. [The hug ends. [Tina sits on the edge of the bed, facing away from Bette, and takes off her shoes.] [Tonya walks off with Dana.
Plan: A: The "Provocations" art show; Q: What art show finally premieres at the CAC? A: mixed reviews; Q: What was the reception of the art show? A: adultery; Q: What does Bette commit with Candace? A: Marina; Q: Who continues to flirt with Robin despite knowing she's dating Jenny? A: Gene; Q: Who does Jenny begin sleeping with? A: Shane's life; Q: What is turned from bad to worse when Shane's attempt to let Clea down gently turns disastrous? A: Cherie; Q: Who abandons Shane when their tryst is discovered? A: Steve; Q: Who terminates his business arrangement with Shane? A: Dana's pet cat; Q: What pet dies in this episode? A: Tonya; Q: Who proposes marriage to Dana? A: marriage; Q: What does Tonya propose to Dana after her pet cat dies? A: Tina; Q: Who finds out about Candace's affair with Bette? A: Alice; Q: Who realizes that she is in love with Dana? A: her apartment; Q: Where does Alice go to tell Dana that she loves her? Summary: The "Provocations" art show finally premieres at the CAC to mixed reviews and Bette commits adultery with Candace. Marina continues to flirt with Robin despite knowing she's dating Jenny, who has also begun sleeping with Gene. Shane's life turns from bad to worse when her attempt to let Clea down gently turns disastrous. Next, Cherie abandons Shane when their tryst is discovered and Steve terminates his business arrangement with Shane. Dana's pet cat dies and Tonya proposes marriage. At the end of the episode, Tina finds out about Candace's affair with Bette, who forces herself on Tina while apologizing. Alice realizes that she is in love with Dana and goes to her apartment to tell her. They kiss, but Alice returns home alone, where she finds Tina sitting on her couch, crying.
And you guys. Does that count? Leonard: Wesley Crusher was Wil Wheaton's character on Star Trek. Sheldon: Not literally. Sheldon: The part where I tell you I've engineered a rematch with Stuart's team for tonight. Sheldon: Wheaton! They named their team after me. Time to bowl! You love them? cene: Leonard and Penny are in Penny's bed.
Plan: A: Leonard and Penny; Q: Who reflect on their relationship after Penny does not reciprocate when Leonard tells her he loves her? A: a bowling match; Q: Where do Leonard and Penny question their future together? A: Stuart; Q: Who is the bowling partner of Leonard and Penny? A: Wil Wheaton; Q: Who is Sheldon's rival? Summary: Leonard and Penny reflect on their relationship after Penny does not reciprocate when Leonard tells her he loves her. At a bowling match with Stuart and others, including Sheldon's rival Wil Wheaton, the two question their future together, but Wheaton may also be interfering.
(Dixon's eyes open.) (Dreyer walks into Sloane's office, the proof that Sydney is the mole in his hands -- the piece of paper that Marshall gave him. (In the cave, Sydney hangs upside down on a rung of the ladder a few feet from the ground. Is he okay? Just hang in. SD-6 is going to kill her. This woman, the woman that said that she was Kate Jones... she's dead. VAUGHN: Stand by. WEISS: Hold 'til further notice... VAUGHN: This is Sydney's LIFE! Why, could my life be in danger? Will?
Plan: A: Sydney's life; Q: What is in danger when Sloane is informed that she is the SD-6 mole? A: mortal danger; Q: What does Sydney's life face when Sloane informs her that she is the SD-6 mole? A: his superior; Q: Who informs Sloane that Sydney is the SD-6 mole? A: Anna Espinosa; Q: Who shot Dixon? A: Rambaldi; Q: What manuscript is Dixon trying to recover? A: Kate Jones' pin; Q: What does Will discover that could reveal some unexpected information? Summary: Sydney's life is placed in mortal danger when Sloane is informed by his superior that she is the SD-6 mole . Meanwhile, Dixon's life hangs in the balance after he is shot by Anna Espinosa on a mission, trying to recover a Rambaldi manuscript hidden in the mountains of South America. Will realizes that his discovery of Kate Jones' pin could uncover some unexpected information.
And we also called- VERONICA: Realistically. Awkward. BLACKCAT70: Surprise. DESMOND: I'm Desmond Fellows. DESMOND: We'll find the tapes And get them back Do the show And I'm a ha-a-a-a-ck Piz is captivated. Disgruntled at their ingratitude, he gets up from his seat and heads for the door. He starts to strum the introduction and then sings the song that Piz and Veronica were listening to in the car. INT - HEARST COLLEGE, RADIO STATION - DAY. INT - HEARST COLLEGE, RADIO STATION - DAY. KEITH: Yeah? Logan is pacing with his notes. Piz glances down at her. Rock rock. VERONICA: How about...stealing Desmond Fellows' backing tapes? VERONICA: On his way to play University of Alaska. VINNIE: For sheriff.
Plan: A: Washed-up rock star Desmond Fellows; Q: Who is Veronica and Piz tasked with babysitting? A: Desmond Fellows; Q: Who is the rock star who is supposed to play a charity concert for the radio station? A: a charity concert; Q: What is Desmond Fellows supposed to be playing at Hearst? A: the campus radio station; Q: What is the charity concert for? A: his backing tapes; Q: What has disappeared from Desmond Fellows? A: the survival; Q: What is at stake for the radio station? A: Piz; Q: Who calls Veronica despite their recent post-kiss awkwardness? A: Veronica; Q: Who does Piz call to help him find the tapes? A: a new and surprising contender; Q: Who challenges Keith in the Sheriff's race? Summary: Washed-up rock star Desmond Fellows arrives at Hearst to play a charity concert for the campus radio station to find that his backing tapes have disappeared. With his job and the survival of the radio station at stake, Piz calls Veronica despite their recent post-kiss awkwardness. Piz and Veronica are tasked with tracking down the tapes and babysitting a drunk, irresponsible, and depressed Desmond Fellows. Meanwhile, a new and surprising contender emerges to challenge Keith in the race for Sheriff.
(After leaving the castle, Mary and Bash are being chased by the King's guards through the woods on horseback. (Mary puts herself in between Francis and Bash) MARY: This isn't Bash's fault! (The King holds up a glass and toasts to the two of them) KING HENRY: To the future King and Queen of France, Scotland and England. As leaders. But our wedding will happen. CLARISSA: The Queen was planning to kill her. For Bash to become legitimized, Henry must marry Diane and she'll be back at court as queen. I proposed that he be the new heir to the throne. IN THE THRONE ROOM: (King Henry and Queen Catherine sit on their thrones, with a room full of spectators) QUEEN CATHERINE: The guards say you chose to return. Imprison her. KING HENRY: Devil. KING HENRY: I'll agree to your terms. KING HENRY: Mary's right. KING HENRY: Who? MARY: Bastards are being legitimized all over Europe. MARY: To make me believe Nostradamus's prophecies. Marry Francis, as we'd agreed. Mary's his fiancée. QUEEN CATHERINE: Bash as king... this is laughable. QUEEN CATHERINE: Killing Bash?! QUEEN CATHERINE: They've been gone for more than a week. QUEEN CATHERINE: You were against this claim before. She then picks up the doll he threw on the ground and rips it apart) IN MARY'S CHAMBERS: (She sits basked in the sunlight that pours through the window, thinking deeply about what to do about Francis and the prophecy until she is interrupted) FRANCIS: Mary. The annulment won't be enough for Henry. Turn around. Unhand him. What reason would I have to kill Aylee? Where's the Queen? Why would you want her?
Plan: A: Queen Mary; Q: Who counter-proposes that Bash be legitimized as King Henry's new heir? A: Bash; Q: Who did Queen Mary propose to marry instead of Francis? A: King Henry; Q: Who threatens to execute Bash if Queen Mary won't marry Francis? A: King Henry's men; Q: Who captured Queen Mary and Bash? A: a week; Q: How long did Queen Mary and Bash run before being captured? A: the castle; Q: Where are Queen Mary and Bash brought after being captured? A: Prince Francis; Q: Who is disbelieving when Queen Mary tells him about Nostradamus's prophecy? A: the English throne; Q: What does King Henry want Queen Mary to claim? A: an annulment; Q: What would be required of King Henry and Queen Catherine's marriage? A: bastards; Q: What would Prince Francis and his two younger brothers become if King Henry and Queen Catherine's marriage was annulled? A: King Henry II; Q: Who agrees to Queen Mary's terms? A: his task; Q: What did King Henry II kill the assassin before he could complete? A: Rome; Q: Where does King Henry II go to seek the Pope's approval for Bash's legitimization? A: Clarissa; Q: Who is chained in a cell by Nostradamus? A: Aylee; Q: Who did Clarissa kill? Summary: Queen Mary and Bash are captured by King Henry's men after a week of being on the run together. They are brought back to the castle, where Queen Mary tells a disbelieving Prince Francis about Nostradamus's prophecy. King Henry threatens to execute Bash if Queen Mary won't marry Francis. Queen Mary counter-proposes that Bash be legitimized as King Henry's new heir and she marry him instead; if King Henry agrees, Queen Mary will claim the English throne as King Henry wants. As this would require an annulment of King Henry and Queen Catherine's marriage, and would turn Prince Francis and his two younger brothers into bastards. Queen Catherine sends an assassin to kill both Queen Mary and Bash. King Henry II has the assassin killed before he can complete his task, and Queen Catherine is imprisoned. King Henry II agrees to Queen Mary's terms and leaves for Rome to seek the Pope's approval for Bash's legitimization. Clarissa is chained in a cell by Nostradamus as punishment for killing Aylee, but she stabs him and escapes.
Be Barney. Come on. I'm not really in love with Robin. Stella: What was that? Ted.
Plan: A: Stella; Q: Who finally gives Ted an answer on his proposal? A: Barney; Q: Who realizes that he may be in love with Robin? Summary: As Stella finally gives Ted an answer on his proposal, Barney realizes that he may be in love with Robin.
(Paige gets to her feet.) (shouts) Help! Alchemist: A wife, a family. Darryl: Inspector Sheridan, you got a minute? Get him! Good! Paige: My new charge. Piper: Actually, we need to get to the Alchemist who can lead us to Zankou, and then, hopefully, when we get rid of both of them, Phoebe will be able to sleep again. Piper: The best way to protect them is to get to Zankou, and for that, we need Phoebe. She's surprised to see him.) Sheila Morris: It's the sisters, isn't it? We can help Phoebe. Zankou: The sisters and the Book of Shadows are linked. [Scene: Mausoleum] (Zankou sits on the old crypt flipping through the pages of the Book of Shadows.
Plan: A: an evil alchemist; Q: Who helped Zankou cast a spell on the sisters? A: Zankou; Q: Who cast a spell on the sisters to face the innocents they lost? A: control; Q: What does Zankou want to gain from the Book of Shadows? A: Inspector Sheridan; Q: Who tries to get Darryl to confess that the sisters are evil? A: Phoebe; Q: Who does Darryl help? A: Paige; Q: Who tries to get a future Whitelighter to continue down her path of goodness? A: a future Whitelighter; Q: What is Paige's new charge? Summary: Through the help of an evil alchemist, Zankou is able to cast a spell on the sisters to face the innocents they lost, thinking that it's the best and easiest way to weaken them and gain control of the Book of Shadows. Inspector Sheridan grows increasingly suspicious of Darryl after seeing him help Phoebe and tries to get him to confess that the sisters are evil. Paige get a new charge: a future Whitelighter and attempts to get her to continue down her path of goodness.
(Joey and Phoebe hug.) (Phoebe and Rachel enter.) (They follow him and meet him in the hall coming out of his apartment carrying a sweater.) After you of course. Chandler: The wedding pictures? Hey wait a minute! I know who the father is... (She walks into Monica and Chandler's.) Joey and Ross don't know anything and Chandler still thinks that Phoebe's pregnant. Just tell him and get it over with. My sweater! Phoebe: Who? Rachel's pregnant? Rachel: I'm having a baby. Rachel: Tag is not the father! Ross: Yeah. Tag: It is the right time. This is my red sweater. Where are the disposable cameras? [Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Obsessive Monica has finished opening all the presents.
Plan: A: Rachel; Q: Who refuses to reveal who the baby's father is until after she tells him? A: Joey; Q: Who tells Monica and Phoebe about the unknown guy who slept with Rachel? A: Monica; Q: Who opens all the wedding presents without waiting for Chandler? A: Phoebe; Q: Who thinks the red sweater is Tag Jones'? A: a meeting; Q: What does Phoebe arrange between Tag Jones and Rachel? A: Ross; Q: Who retrieves Tag's sweater? A: Chandler; Q: Who lost the disposable cameras? A: the wedding reception pictures; Q: What do Ross and Chandler attempt to recreate after Chandler loses the disposable cameras? A: the mystery; Q: What is Monica, Joey, and Phoebe still pondering after learning that Tag is not the father of Rachel's baby? A: its significance; Q: What does Ross not know about the sweater? Summary: Rachel refuses to reveal who the baby's father is until after she tells him. Joey tells Monica and Phoebe about an unknown guy who slept with Rachel a few weeks earlier and who left a red sweater behind. Phoebe thinks it is Tag Jones' sweater and arranges a meeting between him and Rachel. Ross and Chandler attempt to recreate the wedding reception pictures, after Chandler loses the disposable cameras. Monica opens all the wedding presents without waiting for Chandler. Monica, Joey, and Phoebe learn that Tag is not the father of Rachel's baby. As they are still pondering the mystery, Ross arrives and retrieves his "lost" red sweater, unaware of its significance.
DOCTOR: Metebelis Three, Jo? GLOBAL CHEMICALS. LLANFAIRFACH COLLIERY (The BRIGADIER is now a passenger in Bessie as he and the DOCTOR approach the mine.) More death!
Plan: A: the Doctor; Q: Who plans a holiday to Metebelis Three? A: Llanfairfach; Q: Where is the coal mine in which the mysterious death occurred? A: local company Global Chemicals; Q: Who is being blamed for the death of a coal miner? Summary: While the Doctor plans a holiday to Metebelis Three, Jo and the Brigadier are intrigued by a mysterious death at a coal mine in Llanfairfach, which is being blamed on local company Global Chemicals.
(Cut to Andie getting ready in her room in front of her mirror. (Dawson comes up with his camera.) (She kisses him.) (She kisses him.) (Shot of Jen and Jack sitting on his bed watching TV and eating ice cream.) Actually, that's what I'm calling, I was wondering if that, well I know it's been awhile since we've talked about this, but I was just...curious as to what the situation is with me coming stay...with you and Dad... (Cut to Dawson hammering a board. And believe it or not, I called. Andie's hugging Jack.) Andie: No! Dawson: Okay.. (She leaves. He wants us to be a family again, but he's been absent for over a year, Pacey, and now that I've finally started to make a life for me here he just wants to wrench me away...God, I just....he makes me so angry! Her father is sitting at the table.) His decisions didn't change him. I mean, the thought of us not being able to be together is just... Pacey: So, Andie, we fight him on this, okay? Jack: (in disbelief) Help? Jack: You don't have another place to go? Joey: Change can be good. Mr.McPhee: Are you suggesting those things are more important than family? Mr.McPhee: This will be good for your mother, and Andie, and you. Mr.Potter: Not at all. My daughter or to you? Or move it here. The car pulls out and the view is through the back window of Jack and Pacey left behind in the driveway.) You go, I go.
Plan: A: changes; Q: What does the gang's lives go through? A: Andie; Q: Who leaves, and Jack and Pacey watch her go? A: the last episode; Q: When did Andie begin seeing her dead brother Tim? A: Jack; Q: Who does Jen move in with after she is told she has no other place to go? A: his daughter; Q: Who does Mr. McPhee want to be treated in Providence? A: the new changes; Q: What do the gang members find shocking? A: Andie's mental health; Q: What is more important to Andie and Pacey than being together? A: His decision; Q: What is complicated when Jack's father implies that Jack's homosexuality can be 'treated'? A: Dawson; Q: Who accidentally catches Mr. Potter in the act of a drug deal? A: Mr. Potter; Q: Who does Dawson interview for a film project? A: the Ice House; Q: What does Dawson help Mr. Potter extend? A: Jen; Q: Who decides to make a change? A: a change; Q: What does Jen decide to make? A: her mother; Q: Who does Jen call to ask about returning home? Summary: All of the gang's lives go through changes. After Andie begins seeing her dead brother Tim in the last episode, Jack and Pacey agree to call Mr. McPhee, who decides that he wants his daughter to be treated in Providence, not Capeside. All are stunned at the new changes, and Andie and Pacey must decide if Andie's mental health is more important than being together. Jack also must decide whether or not to go with Andie or stay. His decision is complicated when his father implies that Jack's homosexuality can be 'treated'. Dawson, while helping Mr. Potter extend the Ice House, interviews him for a film project about his supposedly changed life, but inadvertently catches him in the act of a drug deal. Jen decides to make a change so she calls her mother and inquires about returning home or visiting. She is upset to be told that it is an inconvenient time. She ends up moving in with Jack, as she has no other place to go. Andie leaves, and Jack and Pacey watch her go.
EMILY: All right. EMILY: Oh, that would be wonderful. I was never a father. JESS: Good ones? LORELAI: But look at it like this - not going to a school you wanna go to just because your boyfriend is there is just as bad as going to a school you don't wanna go to just because your boyfriend isn't there. LORELAI: Finally. LORELAI: You did not fail him. LUKE: Come over here. RORY: Mom, wait. SASHA: For Jess to sleep on. SASHA: For Jess. SASHA: I'm gonna pick up the pizza. SASHA: Remember when they go to the Emerald City and they ring the bell and the guy with the beard stuck his head out and they said that they wanted to see the wizard, and he said no, and they said, 'She's got the ruby slippers', and he said 'Well, that's a horse of a different color. That'll keep you in microwave popcorn for a week. Who does that? [leaves] CUT TO STARS HOLLOW [Lorelai and Rory drive through the town square] LORELAI: So, Souplantation.
Plan: A: Jess; Q: Who heads out to Venice, California? A: Stars Hollow; Q: What is Venice, California similar to? A: Lorelai; Q: Who waits to tell Rory about Jess's departure? A: Emily; Q: Who does Lorelai have a rift with? A: Luke; Q: Who tells Lorelai that Jess left for good? A: the right moment; Q: When does Lorelai tell Rory about Jess's departure? A: the news; Q: What does Lorelai wait to break to Rory? A: skateboarders; Q: What group of people was Windward Circle supposed to be about? A: The WB; Q: Who did not pick up the spin-off? Summary: Jess heads out to Venice, California only to learn that his father's community is just as quirky as Stars Hollow. The rift widens between Lorelai and Emily. Luke tells Lorelai that Jess took off for good. Lorelai waits for the right moment to break the news to Rory, who is stressing over finals and graduation. Note: This was to be a backdoor pilot for a spin-off called "Windward Circle", that would focus on Jess living in Venice, California and befriending a group of skateboarders. However, The WB did not pick up the series.
ARTHUR: Merlin! ARTHUR: Merlin? And summoning the White Goddess? DOCHRAID: You must travel to the Cauldron of Arianrhod. GWEN: It was a trick. HE UNFURLS A SCROLL ON THE TABLE.] MERLIN: And even if I do manage that, we need to get Gwen to the Cauldron in the first place and she's hardly likely to go willingly. MERLIN: No, not that. MORDRED: But not one to be trusted. THE DOLMA: (gestures for him to leave) Go. The Queen must enter the Cauldron. Where? [ARTHUR TAKES GUINEVERE IN HIS ARMS AND BRINGS HER TO THE HORSES AND MERLIN BRIEFLY HUGS GAIUS GOODBYE.] [LEON AND MORDRED NOD.] [NEW SCENE: MERLIN LEADS THE WAY INTO THE PHYSICIAN'S QUARTERS, SPEAKING TO GAIUS ABOUT WHAT THE DOCHRAID TOLD HIM.] [WHEN MERLIN GETS TO ARTHUR, ARTHUR TAKES OFF THE SHEET TO REVEAL GUINEVERE.]
Plan: A: Merlin; Q: Who reveals Guinevere's betrayal to Arthur? A: the old Gwen; Q: What does Merlin resolve to bring back? A: Gaius; Q: Who suggests that Merlin travel to the Dochraid? A: threat; Q: What is the Dochraid under? A: a magic lake; Q: Where must Gwen enter to be cleansed by the White Goddess? A: the unconscious Gwen; Q: Who does Arthur, Merlin and Mordred take to the lake? A: a female sorceress; Q: What is Dolma? A: the ceremony; Q: What does Merlin perform in disguise? A: Gwen's love; Q: What does Arthur use to convince Gwen to enter the lake? A: his Queen; Q: Who did Merlin ask Arthur not to forget that magic saved? A: Mordred confronts Merlin; Q: Who confronts Merlin on the way back? Summary: Merlin reveals Guinevere's betrayal to Arthur. Merlin resolves to bring the old Gwen back and Gaius suggests that he travel to the Dochraid. Under threat, the Dochraid explains that Gwen must enter a magic lake willingly to be cleansed by the White Goddess. Arthur, Merlin and Mordred take the unconscious Gwen to the lake where Merlin takes on the guise of Dolma, a female sorceress, to perform the ceremony. Arthur must use Gwen's love for him to convince her to enter the lake. Merlin, still in disguise, asks Arthur not to forget that magic saved his Queen. Mordred confronts Merlin on the way back knowing that the magic that saved Gwen was his.
A break from us. And in London! Emily: Really? Is this Ross's wedding invitation? It's just gonna be too hard. Monica, Joey and Phoebe are singing while outside, Ross and Rachel are trying to get the cat off of Ross' shoulder.] Where's Monica. [Everyone looks at him. [Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is deciding on whether or not to go to the wedding.] [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, it's Rachel birthday party and Chandler is about to spill the beans.]
Plan: A: A clip show; Q: What is the episode called where Phoebe is frustrated at not being able to attend Ross' wedding? A: Phoebe; Q: Who is pregnant and unable to attend Ross' wedding? A: Ross; Q: Who surprised Emily by inviting Rachel to his wedding? A: London; Q: Where was Ross' wedding? A: too heart-breaking; Q: Why does Rachel not want to attend Ross' wedding? A: much footage; Q: How much of Ross and Rachel's relationship is shown in this episode? Summary: A clip show where pregnant Phoebe is frustrated at being unable to attend Ross' London wedding. Ross surprises Emily by inviting Rachel, causing him to reminisce about their time together. Rachel believes it will be too heart-breaking to attend and decides not to go. This episode includes much footage of Ross and Rachel's relationship throughout the show.
( BELLAMY walks in as OCTAVIA lowers herself on the ladder from the second level. ) ( Camera pans to CLARKE speaking to the 100 ) Clarke: Life support on the Ark is failing. ( To boys who carried LINCOLN ) Get him upstairs. ( the camera switches between ABBY and JACKSON in the medical room on the Ark and CLARKE by FINN's body on Earth, depending on the speaker. ) Abby: Can she hear me? Each of these crimes is punishable by death, but that will not be your fate today. For three generations, the Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind, A hundred prisoners sent on a desperate mission to the ground. Good plan. He poisoned the blade. I kept The Ark's oxygen crisis from you. I used it for the tents. If you're here to talk about Abby's council seat, now is not a good time. Jaha: The council's vote was nearly unanimous. Kane: Abby. Miller, get her out of here. Raven: Interference from the storm. Stay with Finn. The 320 souls who sacrificed their lives in the culling gifted the rest of us the time that we need to make it to the ground. The Chancellor's son died finding out that earth is survivable. We see LINCOLN's eyes open and he stabs FINN COLLINS with his knife. Which one's the antidote? With the station representatives. You'd have to be stupid to have a poison around this long without an antidote. You've activated project exodus?
Plan: A: a hurricane; Q: What is Finn in the middle of on the ground? A: Finn; Q: Who is near death from a poisoned stab wound? A: Bellamy; Q: Who tortures Finn for the antidote? A: the grounder; Q: Who stabbed Finn? A: the antidote; Q: What does Bellamy torture the grounder for? A: Clarke; Q: Who confronts her mother about her father's plan? A: Octavia; Q: Who poisons herself with the same blade that Finn used? A: Kane; Q: Who helped Abby get released from The Ark? A: whose intentions; Q: What is questionable about Diana Sydney? A: Earth; Q: What planet does The Ark want to colonize? A: preparations; Q: What does The Ark begin for Project Exodus? A: Project Exodus; Q: What is the name of the project that The Ark begins preparing for? A: The Ark's population; Q: What can the dropships only carry about 25% of? A: mistrust; Q: What does residual tension from the culling cause in the Council? A: Jaha; Q: Who did Clarke's mother want to talk her father out of his plan? Summary: In the midst of a hurricane on the ground, Finn is near death from a poisoned stab wound. Bellamy, having captured the grounder who stabbed Finn, tortures him for the antidote but he does not speak. Raven successfully connects with The Ark; Abby assists Clarke with treating Finn. Octavia convinces the grounder to reveal the antidote by poisoning herself with the same blade. On The Ark, Abby is released due to the unexpected support of Kane, but is removed from the Council as punishment for her actions. Replacing her is the former chancellor, Diana Sydney, whose intentions are questionable. After learning that Earth is habitable, The Ark begins preparations for Project Exodus: their re-colonization of Earth. However, their dropships can only carry about 25% of The Ark's population. In addition, residual tension from the culling causes mistrust in the Council. Clarke finally confronts her mother who insists that she only intended to have Jaha talk Clarke's father out of his plan, not execute him.
But until then, Jenna and I are done [Mystic Grill] (Jonas and Luka rejoin Stefan and Bonnie) Stefan: Thank you for coming Jonas: I didn't want to but my son made a case to hear you out Luka: Bonnie said that you have information about Elijah (Stefan looks at Bonnie) Stefan: Elijah's dead. Caroline tries to bite Jonas but he provoques a headache with his powers. Elena's here) Elena: Hey. Elena: Like you have to ask Caroline: I will get it (She takes her ipad and sees a picture of her with Matt) Bonnie: I'll do it (She takes the ipad) Elena: Do you believe that Jonas is being sincere? Her face change and she bites him. It goes in your heart Katherine: Is that how you treat someone who... (She removes the stake) Katherine: is trying to help you? Jonas is behind her. Jonas wants me to kill Klaus Jeremy: And did he include a how? Jonas: She's a vampire. Katherine: Stop what? Luka's removing the dagger. Matt sees her) Matt: Caroline! Maybe Katherine can join us (He kisses her on the forehead and they leaves) [Salvatore's house] (Damon is trying to burn Elijah's body but it doesn't work. She tries to stop him but he puts his hand on her forehead and she falls on the floor, unconscious. They can't see him) Luka: I'm in the Salvatore house. They need to be dealt with Luka: You're going to kill them? You must be Jenna (Elena arrives and is surprised) Isobel: I'm... Elena's mother (She looks at Elena) Elena: Isobel (Jenna seems shocked)
Plan: A: Katherine; Q: Who does Elena discover is free? A: Jonas; Q: Who wants to kill Elena? A: Luka; Q: Who is burned in the boarding house? A: Elijah; Q: Who does Jonas want to be alive again? A: a ritual; Q: What does Jonas perform to make Luka invisible? A: invisible form; Q: What form does Luka take in the boarding house? A: the dagger; Q: What does Katherine stop Luka from removing from Elijah's body? A: Elijah's body; Q: Where does Luka try to remove the dagger from? A: Damon; Q: Who uses a flamethrower to prevent the removal of the dagger? A: Elena's positive response; Q: What surprised Bonnie when she told Elena about her relationship with Jeremy? A: the Grill; Q: Where does Jonas appear looking for Elena? A: her blood; Q: What does Caroline force Matt to drink to save his life? A: Alaric; Q: Who tells Jenna that he loves her? A: her powers; Q: What did Bonnie reveal Jonas restored to her? A: Klaus; Q: Who does Bonnie learn how to kill from Jonas? A: the news; Q: What does Matt take badly when Caroline tells him she is a vampire? A: Isobel; Q: Who tells Jenna that she is Elena's mother? Summary: Discovering that Katherine is free, Elena is upset. Stefan and Bonnie try to persuade Jonas and Luka to work with them, but Jonas wants Elijah alive again. He performs a ritual that puts Luka in the boarding house in invisible form. Luka tries to remove the dagger from Elijah's body, but Katherine stops him. Luka then stakes Katherine, but Damon uses a flamethrower to prevent the removal of the dagger. Luka is fatally burned, and Jonas vows to avenge him by killing Elena. Bonnie tells Elena about her relationship with Jeremy and is surprised by Elena's positive response. Jonas appears at the Grill, looking for Elena. Bonnie tries to stop him, but he disables her; Matt intervenes, but Jonas stabs him. Caroline sees Matt dying and forces him to drink her blood to save his life. Jonas attacks Elena, but she proves to be Katherine, and she bites him. Alaric tells Jenna that he loves her. Bonnie reveals that Jonas has restored her powers and told her how to kill Klaus. Caroline tells Matt that she is a vampire, but he takes the news badly. Isobel shows up at Elena's house and tells Jenna that she is Elena's mother.
A lot of them gave their lives to hold on to it, a couple of them buried right up there by the house. Aguilar: Who are you? Any more questions? Ava: Fine. Ava: Hardly. Boyd: From prison? Boyd: I think I couldn't trust him anymore. Boyd: It won't take but a minute. Boyd: Looks like a ledger, some deeds. Boyd: What kind of car? Come away where? D.E.A.? Dewey Crowe. Dewey: Anything you say, Boyd... anything. Dewey: Boyd gives a big sh1t about me. Dewey: Boyd! Dewey: I just want back in, Boyd. Dewey: Me, too. Dewey: They can't touch a hair on Dewey Crowe's head, else it's harassment, on account of the civil suit that I won against the federals, particularly Raylan Givens. Dewey: Yes! He also says that he took the heroin just to keep it off the streets. He gave me a witness who was with Boyd when Johnny Crowder and the rest were killed. How you record a conversation. I have nothing more to say. I want it to be like it used to be at the church, when we was Crowder's commandos. It seems like maybe those good days are gone forever. Make that the centerpiece of your RICO case. Mexican government wants to extradite you back to Nuevo Laredo, put you on trial for the murder of Johnny Crowder and a truckload of others. Now, Harlan county was a boomtown then. Raylan: But we get Dewey, we get Boyd. Raylan: Found him, had a very fruitful conversation, and in return, I set him up with some nice accommodations in the El Paso lockup so he doesn't disappear. Raylan: Going after Boyd Crowder ... at a snail's pace, I might add, so not to spook him. Raylan: If we find drugs in that bag, what do we call that? Raylan: It is time to sell, but not to you. Raylan: Like hot rod Dunham before him. Raylan: Why just the security-deposit boxes? That's Cyrus Boone, known dealer in Harlan. The problem is, if you didn't know about it, then you're of no use to us, in which case, you're going back to prison. Tow truck. Walker: Maryland. Was it Boyd's idea to send me after the truck, or was that you? Willa has been baptized a catholic.
Plan: A: Raylan; Q: Who pressures Ava to turn on Boyd? A: his infant daughter; Q: Who does Raylan keep separated from? A: the RICO case; Q: What is Raylan working on? A: crooked Federale Agular; Q: Who does Raylan abduct from Mexico? A: Dewey Crowe; Q: Who was a witness to Boyd's murder of Johnny and the others? A: a bad confession; Q: Why was Dewey released from jail? A: harassment; Q: What is Dewey's record of from Raylan? A: a thousand feet; Q: How far away from Dewey did Raylan petition to keep him? A: ignorance; Q: What does Dewey claim when Raylan tries to coerce him into turning on Boyd? A: circumstances; Q: What causes Dewey to return to Boyd? A: drug dealer; Q: What is Cyrus' profession? A: a truck; Q: What does Boyd employ Dewey to drive? A: a car; Q: What does Hot Rod Dunham tow with a bag of drugs in the trunk? A: surveillance; Q: What did Raylan pull off Boyd to follow Dewey? A: a state police roadblock; Q: Where did Dewey get scared? A: the safety deposit boxes; Q: What did Boyd rob from the bank? A: his crew; Q: Who is frustrated when Boyd's safety deposit boxes do not contain cash? A: an informant; Q: What is Ava's job on the show? A: actionable information; Q: What does Raylan want Ava to produce on Boyd? A: prison; Q: Where does Ava fear she will be sent if she doesn't produce information on Boyd? A: Raylan's suspicion; Q: What does Ty Walker earn by offering a suitcase of cash for Arlo's old house and farmland? A: his life; Q: What does Boyd say Dewey's time with Crowder's Commandos was the happiest time of? A: no future; Q: What does Boyd believe is left in Harlan? A: a sleeping Ava; Q: Who is shown contemplating in the final scene of the episode? Summary: Raylan remains separated from his infant daughter so he can work on the RICO case against Boyd Crowder, abducting crooked Federale Agular from Mexico where he is compelled to say that Dewey Crowe was a witness to Boyd's murder of Johnny and the others. Dewey has just been released from jail on a bad confession and a record of harassment from Raylan, who despite a petition to keep a thousand feet away attempts to coerce Dewey into turning on Boyd. Dewey claims ignorance and wanders Harlan until circumstances cause him to return to Boyd, apologizing and asking Boyd to trust him and bring him back in. When Raylan busts drug dealer Cyrus who had recently met with Boyd, Boyd employs Dewey to drive a truck (apparently using Hot Rod Dunham's old trick of towing a car with a bag of drugs in the trunk). Raylan decides to pull surveillance off Boyd to follow Dewey, who gets scared at a state police roadblock and drives off the road, Raylan realizing too late that Dewey was a decoy. Boyd uses the opportunity to rob the safety deposit boxes of a bank he'd cased earlier, but his crew are frustrated to find that the boxes do not contain cash as promised but a ledger and deeds. Raylan pressures a scared Ava to fulfill her obligations as an informant and produce actionable information on Boyd or be returned to prison. Ty Walker earns Raylan's suspicion by offering a suitcase of cash for Arlo's old house and farmland. At the end of the episode, Dewey reminisces with Boyd about Crowder's Commandos saying it was the happiest time of his life, but Boyd believes there's no future left in Harlan and those days are behind them. Boyd kills Dewey, saying that he couldn't trust Dewey any more, then in the final scene is shown contemplating a sleeping Ava.
Be right back. But, I have a plan. Cappie : Now this, this is a Kappa Tau party. Casey : The Kappa Taus are having a party tonight? Come on. It's kind of hard to explain. Omega chi guy : You know this is a fraternity party. You're the Sober Sister, it's your responsibility to take care of the girls in the house and, I need to get back to the party, so... Betsy : I'm not entirely sober, either.
Plan: A: the party restrictions; Q: What restrictions have been lifted? A: competing parties; Q: What do Omega Chi and Kappa Tau throw to celebrate the lifting of party restrictions? A: the funds; Q: What might the Kappa Taus not have to put on the kind of party they are known for? A: fraternity party; Q: What type of party will win the competition? Summary: Since the party restrictions have now been lifted, Omega Chi and Kappa Tau throw competing parties to celebrate. But the Kappa Taus discover they might not have the funds to put on the kind of party they are known for - will they be able to pull it off? Find out which fraternity party prevails.
Amy: Are Rajesh and Leonard competing for it as well? Amy: Giving Mrs. Davis the box set of Roots was? Amy: She plans on flirting with members of the tenure committee to further Leonard's cause. At the age of five I discovered a celestial object which later turned out to be the moon. Come in. Friends are forever. His passing makes me feel bad. Howard: Asthma attack? Howard: You guys going to Professor Tupperman's memorial? It opens up an online video. Leonard: How about it, Sheldon? Leonard: No. Leonard: Thank you. Leonard: Well, look at that. Leonard: Yeah. Oh, Janine Davis. Penny: Okay. Penny: So tenured means a job for life? Raj: Good day, Mrs. Davis. Raj: Unbelievable. Raj: Well, I believe people do their best work when they feel safe and secure. Raj: Yes. Scene: The memorial. Second, the reason I'm cancelling is because I have to attend a memorial service for Professor Tupperman. Sheldon: But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to know who's on the committee. Sheldon: Or, the chainsaw. Sheldon: Um... Well... You are black, right? Sheldon: Well... (Flashback to Series 6, Episode 12, The Egg Salad Equivalency) Sheldon: Even you. Stop taking money from my parents. The tenure committee's going to be there. Up next on the tenure committee is Professor Wu.
Plan: A: Professor Tupperman's death; Q: What event caused Sheldon, Leonard, Raj and Kripke to fight for his tenured position? A: Sheldon; Q: Who gives Mrs. Davis a traditional black handshake? A: Leonard; Q: Who suffers an asthma attack while exercising with Janine Davis? A: Caltech's HR administrator; Q: What is Janine Davis' job title? A: the tenure committee; Q: What committee does Janine Davis head? A: the gym; Q: Where do Leonard and Kripke exercise with Janine Davis? A: an asthma attack; Q: What does Leonard suffer from while trying to impress Janine Davis? A: 90-minute; Q: How long is the video autobiography that Raj sends to Janine Davis? A: Roots; Q: What TV miniseries did Sheldon give Janine Davis? A: his racist comments; Q: What did Sheldon try to make up for by giving Janine Davis a DVD of Roots? A: The Egg Salad Equivalency; Q: What episode of Big Bang Theory did Sheldon make racist comments about Janine Davis? A: Tupperman's memorial service; Q: Where did Sheldon, Leonard and Raj attend? A: their encounter; Q: What event before the memorial service caused Sheldon and Leonard to fight? A: The fight; Q: What stops when Leonard realizes he would rather lose the tenured post than lose his friends? A: five; Q: How many people decide to leave the memorial service? A: their accomplishments; Q: What is the basis for Sheldon, Leonard and Raj being shortlisted for the tenured position? Summary: After Professor Tupperman's death, Sheldon, Leonard, Raj and Kripke fight for his tenured position and try to impress Janine Davis, Caltech's HR administrator and head of the tenure committee. Leonard and Kripke exercise with her at the gym to talk to her, but Leonard suffers an asthma attack. Raj sends her a 90-minute video autobiography. Sheldon gives her a DVD of the TV miniseries Roots to make up for his racist comments in The Egg Salad Equivalency but when she doesn't appreciate it, he offends her by asking "you are black, right?". Sheldon, Leonard and Raj attend Tupperman's memorial service, Sheldon and Leonard taking Amy and Penny to impress the tenure committee. On their encounter before the memorial service they lash out at each other, even Amy and Penny joining in. The fight stops only when Leonard realizes he would rather lose the tenured post than lose his friends. The five decide to leave, but stay after observing Kripke flatter Mrs. Davis. Sheldon, Leonard and Raj are eventually shortlisted for the tenured position purely on the basis of their accomplishments. Sheldon thanks Mrs. Davis, but offends her yet again by offering her a supposed "traditional black handshake".
All calls...were recorded. An Englishman, a Chinaman... a Frenchman, an American, a Russian... an Israeli and a Saudi... walk into a bar... and they all agree. And I, I, I, I know that... it takes more than six weeks for it to show up on the test and... it wasn't that long ago but they must have... And when they do... we will charge you. Danny: Danny. Danny: It's a locked cylinder. Danny: Rich. Danny: The bed sheets... in the attic. Danny: Well, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Danny: Will he talk to us? Detective Taylor: Have you ever experimented with erotic asphyxiation? He never... He refused. I told him that he'd given up. If you know the code. It's not a test for the HIV virus but for the antibodies produced in response to the infection. James: Good to see you. Rich: Come on. Rich: Information? Scottie: And his relationship with Alex? Scottie: Could you arrange a meeting? Scottie: She's the President and Provost Professor of the University of London. The drugs. You claim it was used to store hiking boots and other outdoor equipment in the back of his car?
Plan: A: Danny; Q: Who is arrested and admits to having experimented with auto-asphyxiation? A: a rent boy agency; Q: What did the interrogators show Danny the logo of? A: drugs; Q: What did Danny confess to being high on when he accidentally asphyxiated Alex? A: his DNA; Q: What is found on the sheets in the attic room? A: a record producer; Q: What is Rich's job? A: Rich; Q: Who gives Danny a phone? A: the rent boy agency; Q: What does Danny want to find? A: sex; Q: What does Rich offer Danny in exchange for his help? A: Danny's flatmate; Q: Who informs Danny that the tablet left by the American is anti-HIV medication? A: Scottie; Q: Who blackmails a former colleague? A: a friend; Q: Who does Scottie take Danny to see after he is told he is HIV positive? A: a meeting; Q: What does Danny's friend try to arrange with Alex's old professor? A: sense; Q: What can Alex's old professor help Danny make of the contents of the code-locked cylinder? A: the code-locked cylinder; Q: What did Danny take from Alex's flat? A: Scottie's club; Q: Where does Scottie blackmail a former colleague? A: a former colleague; Q: Who does Scottie blackmail into revealing that every major espionage agency agreed Alex was a threat? A: a car; Q: What draws up to Danny? A: the back; Q: Where is Rich in the car when Danny is walking? Summary: Danny is arrested, and admits to having experimented with auto-asphyxiation . The interrogators show him the logo of a rent boy agency they say Alex used, and suggest he confess that, while high on drugs, he accidentally asphyxiated him. If not, he will be charged if they discover his DNA on the sheets in the attic room. Once released, Danny visits an old acquaintance, a record producer called Rich, and asks for help to find the rent boy agency. Rich offers to help in return for sex, but Danny refuses. Danny's flatmate informs him that the tablet left by the American is anti-HIV medication. Danny is tested, and told that he is HIV positive. Scottie takes Danny to see a friend who says she will try to arrange a meeting with Alex's old professor who may be able to make sense of the contents of the code-locked cylinder which he took from Alex's flat. Later, at Scottie's club, Scottie blackmails a former colleague into revealing that every major espionage agency agreed Alex was a threat. Later, Danny is walking when a car draws up. Rich is in the back, and gives him a phone.
(CATHERINE finds a bullet. (Points to a x-ray photo.) (Quick flashback to: In the ring, LAROI STEELE takes a beating from MOLINA. Catherine: Gang member. Grissom: Nice work on that jewelry heist. Him dying was a tragedy. Los Angeles County sheriff's department found shell casings from the same gun used in a gang murder two years ago. Nick: Yeah. Warrick: Occasionally found at a boxing match. Why is this one a crime?
Plan: A: A boxing champ; Q: Who dies in the ring after taking a brutal beating from his nemesis? A: Grissom; Q: Who finds evidence that points to murder? A: a nearby parking lot; Q: Where does Catherine work a crime scene? A: Catherine; Q: Who works a crime scene where a Los Angeles gang member was gunned down? A: a rival gang; Q: Who killed a Los Angeles gang member? A: Nick; Q: Who investigates a jewelry store robbery? Summary: A boxing champ dies in the ring after taking a brutal beating from his nemesis, but Grissom finds evidence that points to murder. Outside, in a nearby parking lot, Catherine works a crime scene where a Los Angeles gang member was gunned down, apparently by a rival gang. Also, Nick investigates a jewelry-store robbery.
And without someone like her to confide in... she quite probably saved my life. At the next floor, a young girl gets on and immediately shows an interest in the fish. He puts his jacket away. How's he feeling by the way? If the characters' ages are meant to reflect the true ages of the actors, then Leland/David Ogden Stiers would have been only fourteen when he was Hester's research assistant.] Leland Barton. Leland is reading aloud to Frasier. Leland, Niles, Frasier and Martin walk in the front. Martin gets a suspicious look. Martin laughs with him. Most Americans think that sherry is just for cooking. Niles and Daphne are on the couch, still trying for a hypothetical name. Niles and Frasier consider the "adventure" in that. Niles: No. Of COURSE Frasier and Niles are your sons. Roz: Well, I did notice that they have the same taste in art and music, and they even have some of the same mannerisms. They laugh. To get dates? To you.
Plan: A: a visit; Q: What does Dr. Leland Barton give to Frasier and his family? A: Leland; Q: Who confides in Roz that he was close to their mother? A: David Ogden Stiers; Q: Who played Dr. Leland Barton? A: , his late mother's research assistant; Q: Who is Dr. Leland Barton? A: Paris; Q: Where is Dr. Leland Barton now living? A: sherry; Q: What drink does Leland Barton enjoy? A: Roz; Q: Who noticed that Leland and Frasier had similar mannerisms? A: just a coincidence; Q: What does Roz think the similarities between Leland and Frasier are more than? A: parenting; Q: What are Niles and Daphne thinking about? A: the way; Q: Niles and Daphne are thinking about having children, but there are no children on what? A: the form; Q: What do Niles and Daphne have to put a name on to get a place in advance at a decent kindergarten? Summary: Frasier and his family receive a visit from Dr. Leland Barton ( David Ogden Stiers ), his late mother's research assistant, now settled in Paris. They find him sophisticated and erudite, with an interest in sherry and the arts - in short, surprisingly similar to Frasier and Niles. Roz even observes that they have some similar mannerisms, and when Leland confides in her how close he was to their mother, she cannot help considering the possibility that the similarities are more than just a coincidence. Martin makes some similar observations, and begins to feel unsettled by the thought. Niles and Daphne are also thinking about parenting , and although there are no children on the way yet, Niles is keen to get a place in advance at a decent kindergarten . The problem is that they have to put a name on the form.
Ace: Ace. Bellboy: Flowerchild. Clown: I thought not. Stallholder: The Psychic Circus. The Doctor: Of what? The Doctor: They seem to be in rather a hurry.
Plan: A: the Psychic Circus; Q: Where did Bellboy and Flowerchild escape from? A: the Chief Clown; Q: Who chases Bellboy and Flowerchild? A: Segonax; Q: Where do the Doctor and Ace meet other visitors? Summary: Bellboy and Flowerchild escape the Psychic Circus but are pursued by the Chief Clown. The Doctor and Ace meet other visitors to Segonax, some of whom are not what they seem...
(Ted and Marshall turn to look at girl Barney's talking about and notices that it's Lily) Barney: How much hotter is she than your girlfriend? Go get him, tiger. How embarrassing. Look at her. Ted: No, the real story. Ted: She's not even on the hot-crazy scale. That's crazy. We met in a cooking class.
Plan: A: Ted's new girlfriend; Q: Who becomes jealous of Ted and his friends' story? Summary: Ted's new girlfriend becomes jealous that the story about how Ted and his friends met is better than how she met him, resulting in her ranking on Barney's "crazy scale" to go through the roof.
( Esther walks toward Klaus as she talks, but with every step she takes in his direction, he takes a step backwards to get away from her, clearly unhappy at the day's events ) Klaus: ( stops backing up ) ENOUGH! ( Klaus' eyes widen in pain, and he strains to keep from crying ) [SCENE_BREAK] [ THE BAYOU ] ( Jackson and Hayley are sitting in chairs around the fire pit, while Ansel sits on a log across from them and sharpens his knife ) Jackson: After Francesca Guerrera took over the wolves, she offered me a moonlight ring as long as I'd call her Alpha. ( She takes Elijah's face in her hands ) Still so strong, so... full of life. Cami: ( startled ) Who is he, Marcel? Gia: ( whispers ) Yeah. Hayley: ( scoffs ) You mean by living out in the ass-end of nowhere? Hayley: ( sighs ) He was trying to make up for that. Hayley: To hell with that! He sits up to find that Lenore/Esther has been waiting for him ) Esther: Apologies for the headache. He's dead. I'm meeting my new advisor. It's Ansel, who has been killed by Mikael. Klaus: ( laughs ) We? MY DAUGHTER! Vincent/Finn: ( takes a deep breath ) I don't want you to put yourself in the position where he can harm you. Why?
Plan: A: her antics; Q: What does Klaus dislike about Esther? A: Klaus; Q: Who is Esther trying to convince to release Elijah? A: Esther; Q: Who reveals secrets from Klaus' past? A: a few dark secrets; Q: What does Esther reveal about Klaus' past? A: Oliver; Q: Who ends up in a dangerous situation? A: Hayley; Q: Who reconnects with Jackson? A: a new life; Q: What has Jackson been living in the bayou? A: Cami; Q: Who still believes that Hope's death was her fault? A: baby Hope's death; Q: What does Cami still believe was her fault? A: her faculty advisor Vincent/Finn; Q: Who does Cami become suspicious of? A: his true father; Q: Who does Klaus meet in a surprising turn of events? A: flashbacks; Q: How do we learn about Esther's past? A: Klaus' daughter Hope; Q: What did Esther want to kill? Summary: Fed up with her antics, Klaus becomes agitated and demands that Esther release Elijah, whom she has captured. However, Esther reveals a few dark secrets from Klaus' past in an attempt to make him an offer he can't refuse. Meanwhile, Oliver ends up in a dangerous situation, prompting Hayley to reconnect with Jackson, who has been living a new life out in the bayou. Elsewhere, Cami, who still believes baby Hope's death was her fault, teams up with Marcel and Gia after she becomes suspicious of her faculty advisor Vincent/Finn. Lastly, in a surprising turn of events, Klaus comes face-to-face with his true father who came back from the dead. In flashbacks to Esther's past we see why she wanted to kill Klaus' daughter Hope.
Of course! PROFESSOR: (heads directly for the console.) SKAGRA sees them.) Shada?
Plan: A: all six Parts; Q: What is the full summary of? A: six; Q: How many parts are in Shada? Summary: See Shada, Part One for the full summary of all six Parts.
Can't survive on a new planet with a soul full of hope and fresh air, you know. Come in, please. DOCTOR: Solid rock? Doctor, where are you? Energy. HERRICK: Hey, who are you? IDMON: And the Seers to the Oracle. Slaves to the Oracle. Stand by for fumigation. Stand by for impact. The planet formed around it. Trogs always work harder after a good sacrifice.
Plan: A: the Doctor; Q: Who crashes inside a newly formed planet? A: a slave labor mining society; Q: What type of society is on the newly formed planet? A: rocks; Q: What is harvested for their radioactive energy? A: little value; Q: What is the value of human life on the planet? A: a population; Q: What is controlled by deliberate cave-ins, poison gas, and periodic sacrifices to an Oracle? A: Trogs; Q: What are the miners called? A: descendants; Q: What are the Trogs from Minyos? A: freedom; Q: What do the Trogs want? Summary: Crashing inside a newly formed planet, the Doctor and others find it inhabited by a slave labor mining society, where rocks are harvested for their radioactive energy and human life has little value. With a population controlled by deliberate cave-ins, poison gas, and periodic sacrifices to an Oracle, the miners, called Trogs, are also descendants from Minyos, and who desperately desire freedom.
Demon: Oh, is that what you're gonna do? Phoebe: Did you get to tell off the demon of crankiness again? Phoebe: What happened? Piper: I found one of the good guys. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk in. Prue: He's a character in a movie. Prue: Right, okay, um, we know that the demon can go from the real world to the world of Illusion and now he can bring a buddy along for the ride. Sisters. The axe murderer finishes murdering someone and the demon comes on the screen.] Why go to the horror movies when they come to us?
Plan: A: life; Q: What does the Demon of Illusion bring to one of Phoebe's favorite movie characters? A: an axe murder; Q: What does the Demon of Illusion send after the sisters? A: a horror movie; Q: What do the sisters and the demon get drawn into? Summary: Prue, Piper, and Phoebe battle the Demon of Illusion after he brings to life one of Phoebe's favorite movie characters. Realizing what he can do, the demon sends an axe murder after the sisters in an attempt to kill them. What happens as a result is that the sisters and the demon get drawn into a horror movie where a battle of good and evil ensues before they're able to vanquish the demon.
APRIL: Don't look at him! APRIL: Your books are really easy to skim. April is his daughter. Caesar's in the back. Come on, take me there. EMILY: Goodbye. LOGAN'S APARTMENT [Rory is checking the mail, and finds something she likes, from Jess] STARS HOLLOW STREET [Lorelai is still looking for her parents and spots them] LORELAI: [Gasps] Mom, dad! LOGAN: It's called the Life and Death Brigade, Rory RORY: Yeah, and you're supposed to try to avoid the death part. LORELAI: His real-estate jacket. LUKE: I know that. LUKE: It's a field trip with a bunch of 12-year-olds. MARCIA: I heard he lives with his mother. RICHARD: I'll be back in a bit. RORY: And? They're having an open house. Who is this? [surprised] Luke.
Plan: A: Rory; Q: Who is surprised to run into Luke? A: Logan; Q: Who is miserable knowing that Rory hasn't really forgiven him? A: his friends; Q: Who does Logan take off with for another stunt with the Life and Death Brigade? A: Jess; Q: Who invited Rory to an open house at his new book store? A: Jess's invitation; Q: Who invited Rory to an open house in Philadelphia? A: Luke; Q: Who is accompanying his daughter April on an academic field trip? A: Stars Hollow; Q: Where does Lorelai find out that Richard and Emily are looking at real estate in her town? A: Lorelai; Q: Who is horrified to find that Richard and Emily have been looking at real estate in her town? A: (Last appearance; Q: When did Milo Ventimiglia appear on American Idol? Summary: Although Rory and Logan are back together, Logan is miserable knowing that Rory hasn't really forgiven him, and he takes off with his friends for another stunt with the Life and Death Brigade. Rory accepts Jess's invitation to attend an open house at his new book store/art gallery/publishing house in Philadelphia. While there, she is surprised to run into Luke, who is accompanying his daughter April on an academic field trip. Back in Stars Hollow, Lorelai is horrified to find that Richard and Emily have been looking at real estate in her town. (Last appearance of Milo Ventimiglia .)
A guy on a train with no answers. Dwight: [sobbing, reaches out to Jim after he walked away] [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Hey, I was thinking about dinner--- [Jim grabs her face and kisses her] Jim: Ah, dinner. I count it as a hobby. I tried to live the dream. Improving the work. In Die Hard 4, he is jumping a motorcycle into a helicopter. In the Schrute family, we have a tradition, where when the male has s*x with another woman, he is rewarded with a bag of wild oats left on his door step by his parents. Jan: Michael. Jan: Why? Meredith: I can't believe he has a second job. Michael: Good night. Michael: Monkey problem? Michael: That is by far the best way to strengthen your core. Now! Pam: Hello, I'm looking for a room. Put him through. Ryan: As an object. [SCENE_BREAK] Angela: [to Andy] You may ask me out to dinner. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: [takes a ruler and shoves it between his desk and Jim's, knocking Jim's files on the floor] Hello, this is Dwight Schrute calling from Dunder-Mifflin, and according to our records you appear to be low on office supplies. [SCENE_BREAK] Oscar: Jan, he went running that way. [SCENE_BREAK] Oscar: So due to Michael's clever financial maneuvering, he finds himself tremendously in debt.
Plan: A: Jan; Q: Who is living with Michael? A: his condominium; Q: Where does Jan live with Michael? A: his financial situation; Q: What does Michael worry about when Jan forces costly changes in his life? A: 1 a.m.; Q: How late does Michael work as a telemarketer? A: Ryan; Q: Who forced Michael to quit his job? A: no way; Q: What does Michael fear he can't support Jan and himself? A: a train; Q: What does Michael hop to run away from Ryan? A: Meanwhile, Dwight pines; Q: What is Dwight doing while Angela is being asked out by Andy? A: his normal annoying self; Q: What does Dwight return to after a pep talk by Jim? A: Jim's pleasure; Q: What is the reaction of Jim when Dwight returns to his annoying self? A: Dwight's family farm; Q: Where do Pam and Jim visit? Summary: When Jan, now living with Michael in his condominium, forces costly changes in Michael's life, he worries about his financial situation. To remedy the problem, Michael leaves work early for a late night job as a telemarketer until 1 a.m. When Ryan finds out, he forces Michael to quit, who then fears that there is no way in which he can support Jan and himself. He hops a train to run away, but Jan meets him and tells him that they can work together to find a way to live. Meanwhile, Dwight pines over Angela, who is later asked out by Andy. After a pep-talk by Jim, Dwight returns as his normal annoying self, to Jim's pleasure. Pam and Jim visit Dwight's family farm, which he has fashioned into a bed and breakfast .
(Liz is about to open her car door when River Dog comes up to her) River Dog: Give me that. (Maria and Liz observe a rat crawling around in the room and Liz finds a tunnel leading out of the room) Liz: Max. (Michael, Max, and Isabel are driving around in the jeep, looking back periodically to check if they're being followed) Max: Is he still following us? Has anyone passed? Isabel: Which reservation? It seems to me a man who spends his entire life trying to avenge his father's mistakes could be considered sensitive. Kids, they robbed the house. Kyle: Miss Texas. Max: Isabel, what is this all about? Michael: Say what? Not your operation. River Dog: The man killed him. Someone wanted it. They didn't come for the TV, did they, Max? This way. Were they supposed to be here? When did it happen? Who are you? Yes, it is really lovely.
Plan: A: Michael; Q: Who finds a lead when his art teacher reveals information about the geodesic dome? A: his dreams; Q: What does the dome continue to haunt? A: Maria's car; Q: What does Michael hijack to get to Texas? A: Isabel; Q: Who is the sister of Max? A: Liz; Q: Who is the fourth person to follow Maria's car? A: a secret underground room; Q: What does the key Michael has open a door to? A: the secret room; Q: Where do the four friends discover that someone is not who they say they are? Summary: Michael finds a lead when his art teacher reveals information about the geodesic dome. Meanwhile, the dome continues to haunt his dreams and it forces him to hijack Maria's car with her in it all the way to Texas. Max, Isabel, and Liz follow shortly after they discover what has happened. When they all arrive together, Michael finds that the key he has opens a door to a secret underground room which could possibly holds all the answers they are looking for. While in the secret room they discover someone is really not who they say they are. To be continued...
(As Bonnie goes to do just that, Rachel smiles to herself, proud of what she's done.) (Rachel and Ross both stop kissing, and quickly step back from each other.) (She takes off her sweater.) (closes the door) CLOSING CREDITS [Scene: The beach house, Chandler is simulating he's coming to pick up Monica for a date. Bonnie is telling them of her sex-capades.] First, I find this woman who knew my parents, and then my client with the fuzzy back gives me his beach house. Joey: We're playing Strip Happy Days Game! Look. Monica: (sarcastic) Thanks! Phoebe Sr: Y'know I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I just, I kinda felt all floopy, and... (At that Phoebe's eyes open in shock.) Phoebe: After he passed out, we put the sand around him to keep him warm. Phoebe: My Father is Chuck Magioni? Phoebe: She cancelled! Rachel: That is so cool. Ross: You still love me. What am I not ah, boyfriend material? You're date for the evening.
Plan: A: Chandler; Q: Who tries to prove to Monica that he is boyfriend material? A: boyfriend material; Q: What does Monica want Chandler to prove to her? A: The gang; Q: Who goes to Montauk for the weekend? A: their borrowed beach house; Q: What is filled with sand after a storm? A: his shirt; Q: What does Joey lose in the strip Happy Days game? A: Ross; Q: Who discovers that Rachel still loves him? A: Bonnie; Q: Who does Ross have to choose between Rachel and? A: Phoebe; Q: Who suspects the woman who knew her parents is not telling the truth? A: her house; Q: Where does Phoebe break into to find out more about her father? A: Elder Phoebe; Q: Who confesses to being Phoebe's birth mother? A: Phoebe's birth mother; Q: Who is the elder Phoebe? Summary: Chandler tries proving to Monica that he is 'boyfriend material'. The gang goes to Montauk for the weekend, but their borrowed beach house is filled with sand after a storm. The gang plays strip Happy Days game, with Joey losing more than his shirt. Rachel and Ross flirt until Bonnie unexpectedly shows up. Phoebe meets the woman, also named Phoebe, who knew her parents. She suspects the elder Phoebe knows more than she is telling, so she breaks into her house looking for information about her father. Elder Phoebe catches her, then confesses that she is Phoebe's birth mother. Ross discovers that Rachel still loves him and may want to reconcile. He must choose between her and sex-crazy and newly-bald Bonnie (thanks to some coercive advice from Rachel).
(He sees who is back.) As the BRIGADIER watches, LIZ listens to his chest.) Professor Stahlman! The DOCTOR is stood there, his immaculate coat and trousers covered in stains.) The rubbish tip. You must stop this drilling immediately!
Plan: A: The Doctor; Q: Who must stop Stahlman before his earth suffers the same fate as the parallel universe? Summary: The Doctor is back in his own universe and must stop Stahlman before his earth suffers the same fate as the parallel one.
(He turns to ASTRID.) Jamie and Victoria will look after you. Salamander's swallowed it.
Plan: A: Astrid; Q: Who did Jamie and Victoria agree to accompany to Hungary? A: Salamander's activities; Q: What are they going to observe in Hungary? Summary: Jamie and Victoria agree to accompany Astrid to Hungary to observe Salamander's activities.
I am not as bad as Ross. I got an interview! Monica: Well, what's the job? Rachel: Assistant buyer. Rachel: [in disbelief]: Sak's... Fifth... Avenue. Ross: Excuse me, do any of you know how to play? Ross: Who? The guys are teaching the girls how to play poker.] This is a poker game. You see, King George is giving us the land, so... Ross: The game, Rachel, the game. [Monica gets Rachel her purse.] [looks at Rachel] But, uh... look how happy she is.
Plan: A: customers; Q: Who refers to Rachel as "Excuse me"? A: the fashion industry; Q: What industry does Rachel apply for jobs in? A: an interview; Q: What did Rachel land at Saks Fifth Avenue? A: an assistant buyer; Q: What job did Rachel interview for at Saks Fifth Avenue? A: Ross's normally docile demeanor; Q: What disappears when the girls face the boys during a not-so-friendly poker game? A: Monica; Q: Who seeks help from her aunt? A: an expert player; Q: What is Monica's aunt's profession? Summary: Tired of customers referring to her as "Excuse me," Rachel applies for jobs in the fashion industry. She is excited to land an interview at Saks Fifth Avenue as an assistant buyer but does not get the job. Ross's normally docile demeanor disappears when the girls face the boys during a not-so-friendly poker game. Monica later seeks help from her aunt who is an expert player.
"Are you going to Tyler's party?" Damon: Didn't we already do this? Give it up. How exactly did Elena Gilbert break up with you? It was very time-consuming Nadia: Let's get it over with Mia: In order to seal Katherine's spirit inside Elena's body, I'll need some of your blood. Katherine's dead. Katherine/Elena arrives but she can't enter) Katherine/Elena: Matt! Katherine/Elena: I know what you did to Katherine, Damon. Katherine/Elena: Where's she buried? Nadia: Just finish the spell [The Woods] (Elena tries to use her cellphone) Elena: What? Nadia: Once we complete the spell. She's in college now, all grown up, and I figured who knows her better than her compellable best friend? Since you and I last spoke, I've done a bit of soul-searching, had a trip to the barber, and did a little research, which revealed to me that you killed almost every member of the Whitmore family in the years since your escape, leaving just one alive each time to carry on the family name, producing a whole new generation of victims for you to slaughter exactly as you said you'd do back when you and I were cellmates Damon: Well, you know me .I like to keep my promises Enzo: And it's occurred to me that perhaps I wrote you off too quickly, that, in fact, the Damon Salvatore I remember is alive and well, and I have a present for him Damon: You brought me Aaron Whitmore... Tell me. We'll just make out," but then it felt really good to kiss him, so then I kind of totally had s*x with him, but I swear I didn't plan to do it, and now I feel terrible Katherine/Elena: And the person we're talking about is... Caroline: Klaus Katherine/Elena: Oh, wow!
Plan: A: Katherine; Q: Who breaks up with Damon? A: permanent control; Q: What does Katherine want to have over Elena's body? A: Nadia; Q: Who helps Katherine find Katherine's corpse? A: Mia; Q: Who is Nadia's friend? A: a spell; Q: What does Mia plan to cast to give Katherine control over Elena's body? A: the 1800s; Q: When was Katherine supposed to have been buried alive? A: Katherine compels; Q: How does Katherine get Matt to give her information about Elena? A: her personal information; Q: What does Katherine want Matt to give her about Elena? A: Tyler's welcome home party; Q: Where does Katherine impersonate Elena? A: the whereabouts; Q: What does Katherine hope to learn about Elena's corpse? A: Caroline; Q: Who reveals to Katherine that she slept with Klaus? A: Enzo; Q: Who brings Aaron Whitmore to Damon? A: Aaron; Q: Who does Damon attack in the final scene? A: his killing streak; Q: What does Enzo tell Damon to complete? Summary: In order to give Katherine permanent control over Elena's body, Nadia's friend Mia plans to cast a spell for which she needs to use Katherine's corpse. However Damon has already buried it himself, in the tomb where Katherine was supposed to have been buried alive in the 1800s. Katherine compels Matt to give her personal information about Elena so that she can impersonate her at Tyler's welcome home party, and hopefully learn the whereabouts of her corpse. Caroline reveals to Katherine (posing as Elena) that she slept with Klaus, which Tyler overhears and becomes extremely angry and hurt. Enzo brings Aaron Whitmore to Damon, who tells him to complete his killing streak and kill him (just like his parents and grandparents), however Damon declines. Katherine and Nadia are able to find Katherine's corpse, and then complete the spell. Later, Katherine (possessing Elena) breaks up with Damon, which angers Damon and causes him to attack Aaron in the final scene.
'Course, Boyd. And, Mr. Duffy... He's willing to finger the shooter. Raylan: Yeah. They're this close to sending a goddamn hit squad up here. [grunting] You need to decide right now.
Plan: A: A shooting; Q: What event forces Raylan and Boyd to decide what lines they're willing to cross? Summary: A shooting close to home forces Raylan and Boyd to decide which lines they're willing to cross.
): This is the Bank of Karabraxos, the most secure bank in the galaxy. Augmented human. Bank - Private Vault ] [ MUSIC PLAYS: Overture To The Abduction From The Seraglio ] The Doctor: Director Karabraxos? Bank - Vault ] The Doctor: It explains why we're not here in the TARDIS. Bank ] Guard: Solar storm. Clara's place ] [ PHONE RINGS ] The Doctor: It's just a phone, Clara. Clara: Question two, where is the TARDIS? Come and find me! I need my memory back. I want to find out how they got in, and then I want to wipe their memories. In a state. It was actually a teleporter. Mutant human. My name is Madame Karabraxos. Not the last of its species. Psi... he died for nothing. Psi: Saibra! Release the Teller into the tunnels. Saibra: And then I become one of those things we saw sitting in a cage? Saibra: We can use the shredders and get us back to the ship. Send me the Teller. Take him away. The Architect set all this up. The Doctor: And instant. The Doctor: Another gift from the Architect. The Doctor: Atomic shredder. The Doctor: Clara, you stay with Psi. The Doctor: You will rob the Bank of Karabraxos. The Teller can hear it. They have no power over you now. Turning his brain into soup. We've been sent back in time to the exact moment of the storm, to be in exactly the right place when it hits, because that's the only time the bank is vulnerable.
Plan: A: Clara's apartment; Q: Where does the TARDIS' phone ring? A: a strange chamber suffering; Q: Where do the Doctor and Clara find themselves after the phone rings? A: memory loss; Q: What is the Doctor suffering from in the strange chamber? A: Psi; Q: Who is the augmented human? A: Saibra; Q: Who activates an atomic shredder? A: the mutant human; Q: What is Saibra? A: the Architect; Q: Who recruited the Doctor and Clara to rob the Bank of Karabraxos? A: The quartet; Q: Who collects the tools required for their heist? A: a mysterious alien; Q: Who is the Teller? A: its psychic abilities; Q: What does the Teller use to melt the brain of a criminal? A: an atomic shredder; Q: What does Saibra activate when she is caught by the Teller? A: access; Q: What do Clara and the Doctor gain to the vaults of the bank? A: the Private Vault; Q: Where do the Doctor and Clara go after gaining the rewards of their heist? A: really teleporters; Q: What were the shredders in the vaults really? A: his lost memories; Q: What does the Doctor regain from the Teller? A: its species; Q: What does the Teller want to rejoin with the only other one of? A: the bank's director; Q: Who is Madame Karabraxos? A: the Teller's mate; Q: Who did Madame Karabraxos regret leaving in the vault? A: a solar storm; Q: What did the Teller's mate die in? A: The Teller; Q: Who frees its mate? A: the two aliens; Q: Who does the Doctor take away to live out their lives? Summary: The TARDIS' phone rings in Clara's apartment, and the Doctor and Clara find themselves in a strange chamber suffering from memory loss along with Psi the augmented human and Saibra the mutant human. They have been recruited by the Architect to rob the Bank of Karabraxos. The quartet collect the tools required for their heist, before witnessing a mysterious alien named the Teller melt the brain of a criminal with its psychic abilities. Saibra is later caught by the Teller, and activates an atomic shredder. Psi soon follows when caught by the Teller, and Clara and the Doctor gain access to the vaults of the bank. They gain the rewards of their heist, and proceed to the Private Vault, after finding Psi and Saibra; the shredders were really teleporters. The Doctor regains his lost memories back from the Teller, revealing himself as the Architect, set up to rejoin the Teller with the only other one of its species, after the bank's director, Madame Karabraxos, regretted leaving the Teller's mate in the vault to die in a solar storm and phoned the TARDIS. The Teller frees its mate. The Doctor takes the two aliens away to live out their lives.
(Julian brings back Jamie on the bridge) CLINN'S HOUSE Katie and Quinn fight. And I'll find you. And she died. BROOKE: He's stuck in there pretty good. BROOKE: Help him. Chuck gets into the car of Brooke and this one moves towards the car of Lauren. Clay? Come back to me! GABEL BRIDGE Jamie comes again in the bridge. Is help on the way? Julian jumps to come to assistance of Brooke and Jamie) JULIAN: Brooke! Lauren takes the car of Brooke and takes along Chuck and Madison to the hospital. Madison runs to the car of Brooke and Brooke tries to release Jamie. NATHAN: And, what, distract her while she's driving in this? Nathan talks with Jamie. Run into the storm! She cannot pass. Stop!
Plan: A: A major hurricane; Q: What event hits Tree Hill? A: Katie; Q: Who is shot and stopped for good? A: L.A.; Q: Where do Brooke and Julian fight over moving to? A: leaves; Q: What does Brooke do after she and Julian fight? A: the storm; Q: What does Brooke drive into after leaving Tree Hill? A: Lauren's car; Q: What is crashed on the bridge? A: Lauren; Q: Whose car is on the bridge when Brooke finds it? A: help; Q: What does Brooke send Lauren, Chuck and Madison to get? A: A passing vehicle; Q: What knocks Lauren's car into the lake? A: Jamie and Brooke; Q: Who does Julian save from the lake? A: Bruce Springsteen; Q: Who wrote the song that inspired the name of this episode? A: Opening theme song; Q: What song was performed by Gavin DeGraw? Summary: A major hurricane hits Tree Hill and Katie comes back to finish what she started with Quinn and Clay, but she is eventually shot and stopped for good. Meanwhile, Brooke and Julian fight over moving to L.A. which angers Brooke and leaves, driving into the storm. As Brooke reaches the bridge she finds Lauren's car crashed on the bridge with Jamie, Chuck and Madison trapped inside. Brooke helps Chuck, Madison and Lauren and sends them to get help while Brooke rushes in to save Jamie who is stuck in the car. A passing vehicle knocks the car into the lake and Julian dives in after them. Julian manages to save Jamie and Brooke. This episode is named after a song by Bruce Springsteen . Opening theme song performed by Gavin DeGraw .
(She bumps into Gavin and has a premonition of him burning a hole in a woman's forehead.) (She moves a pyramid thing with her powers. Against what? Andy: Phoebe stopped by. For what? Gavin (the warlock) is there.] Go on. He's from the future. I will. Phoebe: Well, if I can't find her, then I have to find the killer before he gets to her. Pieces of the vaccine. Piper! Prue cast a spell for her own personal gain, now we have to deal with the fall out. Prue is there looking through the Book Of Shadows.] Prue: And the others, why kill them? That it's her baby. The book opens up the a truth spell by itself. You almost came out. You guys, I just wanted to see how Andy would react.
Plan: A: Phoebe; Q: Who had a premonition of a woman being electrocuted? A: the center; Q: Where on the forehead did Phoebe see a woman being electrocuted? A: the sisters; Q: Who race to stop a mysterious warlock? A: a mysterious warlock; Q: Who is responsible for killing those responsible for creating a vaccine against warlocks? A: the future; Q: Where did the warlock come from? A: a truth spell; Q: What spell does Prue cast to find out how Andy will react to her secret? A: Andy; Q: Who does Prue break up with after she finds out about her powers? A: the magical parallel reality; Q: What does Prue have to deal with? A: the warlock; Q: Who does Prue and Piper defeat? Summary: Acting on Phoebe's premonition of a woman electrocuted magically through the center of her forehead, the sisters race to stop a mysterious warlock, who came from the future for killing those responsible for creating a vaccine against warlocks. Prue casts a truth spell to find out how Andy will react to her secret. Prue sadly finds out that Andy cannot handle the knowledge of her powers and the magical parallel reality she has to deal with. She breaks up with him while Prue and Piper vanquish the warlock before he can kill a pregnant woman whose baby he is truly after.
CALDWELL: IMC - Interplanetary Mining Corporation. Look at it! More trouble? NORTON: Yes. The ROBOT waits in an alcove. The third Primitive starts to swing a stone on a rope and rushes at the DOCTOR.
Plan: A: The Doctor; Q: Who discovers an Interplanetary Mining Corporation ship has landed on the planet? A: its duralinium; Q: What is the Interplanetary Mining Corporation mining on the planet? A: the colony; Q: Where does Norton cause trouble? Summary: The Doctor discovers an Interplanetary Mining Corporation ship has landed on the planet in order to mine its duralinium, while Norton begins causing trouble at the colony.
Bring Davina to us, and I'll find a way to break Celeste's spell. CAMI: Who? HAYLEY: [laughs sadly] A thousand years with Klaus? MARCEL: It doesn't matter. New Orleans will be mine. Nik-- [Klaus, shocked that she actually admitted it, angrily stabs Rebekah with the white oak stake] [Later, Rebekah wakes up to find Klaus sitting, holding the white oak stake] REBEKAH: You missed my heart. REBEKAH: Enough. REBEKAH: Listen. So, here's the deal. [He watches her leave before he turns to face Klaus] You wouldn't listen to her. [Klaus vamp-speeds over to Elijah, grabs Papa Tunde's blade, and stabs it into Elijah's heart] There. [Marcel returns to check on Cami and Davina] MARCEL: How is she? [She gives Elijah a kiss on the cheek before she leaves] [Klaus returns home to find Marcel and the rest of the vampires congregated in the courtyard] KLAUS: Is there a reason why you lot are loitering in my home? [smiles] I'm finally free.
Plan: A: Marcel; Q: Who hopes to save Rebekah? A: the Cemetery; Q: Where is Rebekah stuck? A: Klaus; Q: Who stabs Elijah with Papa Tunde's blade? A: Celeste; Q: Whose spell is keeping Rebekah in the cemetery? A: Cami; Q: Who meets Davina? A: a purpose; Q: What does Davina visit Cami with? A: her uncle; Q: Who is Davina trying to reverse the spell over? A: Rebekah's life; Q: What does Marcel want to save? A: the deal; Q: What does Genevieve agree to in order to save Rebekah? A: the witches; Q: Where does Genevieve agree to have Davina returned to? A: the White Oak Stake; Q: What weapon does Klaus use to stab Rebekah? A: a farewell; Q: What does Rebekah do with Elijah, Marcel and Hayley before leaving New Orleans? Summary: Since Davina has returned, Marcel hopes to save Rebekah, who is stuck in the Cemetery with Klaus and Elijah because of Celeste's spell. Cami meets Davina, who immediately finds that she visited her with a purpose, which is to reverse the spell over her uncle. Marcel turns to Genevieve in order to save Rebekah's life, which she agrees with the deal to have Davina returned to the witches. Klaus viciously stabs Elijah with Papa Tunde's blade, and later Rebekah with the White Oak Stake, however he doesn't kill her. Instead, Klaus frees Rebekah and leaves her to finally live the life she always wanted. After a farewell with Elijah, Marcel and Hayley, Rebekah finally leaves New Orleans.
Alex: Isabel, it would be my dream to take you to prom. Allie: Of course! As a sister. Kyle searches for the right words.) Liz: She's all alone tonight. Liz: the prom Max: yeah Liz: yeah, it seems like Michael and Maria aren't going. Maria: Is he looking? Max walks up.) Michael: Came her to dance.
Plan: A: The onset; Q: What part of junior prom stirs up emotional tumult? A: Liz tempts; Q: What character tempts fate by asking Max to be her date? A: Isabel; Q: Who decides Alex is the man she's been searching for? A: Michael; Q: Who tells Maria he won't take her to prom? Summary: The onset of junior prom stirs up emotional tumult as Liz tempts fate by asking Max to be her date, Isabel decides Alex is the man she's been searching for, and Michael tells Maria he won't take her to prom.
And I'd like a house, you know, with a fence and a lawn... LUKE: No lawns in Stars Hollow, we had them taken out. And she yells at me like... there's a register that her voice reaches when she yells that only a freaking dog can hear, but her face is so twisted and contorted that you know she's hit that register, and it's amazing! EMILY: The party was not for Rory, it was for our Yale alumni. He's practically licking his lips. KYON: Mrs. Kim has taken me in. KYON: She can't? LANE: And then? LANE: Zach! LIZ: You are ruining their evening! LOGAN [To Rory]: Refill? LORELAI: Well, I was totally covering for you with the phone call, and then you waltz back in and just tell her? MRS. KIM: You! RICHARD: Logan? RICHARD: Lorelai, Rory is in a new phase of her life now, and she needs to be exposed to different things, different people. RICHARD: So what? RORY: Can't, I'm going to the party. RORY: Dean, you remember Dean? Thanks for dinner. That's very different. The guys come over to her.] They lead into harder things. They were on the speakerphone together, which means that they were in the same room, at the same time, together. [At the door.] [He leaves.] [Luke's Diner. [Pool house. [They hug, genuinely happy to see each other.] [To Liz] You don't want to live here.
Plan: A: Emily; Q: Who discovers that Rory is seeing Dean again? A: a temporary truce; Q: What does Emily call with Richard? A: a Yale alumni party; Q: What do Emily and Richard host to find a suitable match for their granddaughter? A: their unsuspecting granddaughter; Q: Who is Emily and Richard trying to find a suitable match for? A: T.J.; Q: Who ruins the romantic dinner and evening Luke prepared for Lorelai? A: Stars Hollow; Q: Where do Liz and T.J. buy a house? A: Kyon; Q: Who tells Mrs. Kim that Lane and Zach hugged in Luke's Diner? A: Lane; Q: Who reveals the secrets to living a happy teenage life at the Kim house? A: refuge; Q: What does T.J. seek with his brother-in-law? A: yet another prospective bridegroom; Q: What does Logan save Rory from? A: her grandparents; Q: Who does Rory learn that Logan is very well acquainted with? A: the culinary dark side; Q: What does Lane lead Kyon to? A: her tears; Q: What does Logan dry when Rory realizes that Dean no longer fits into her life? Summary: After Emily discovers that Rory is seeing Dean again, she calls a temporary truce with Richard so that they can jointly host a Yale alumni party whose express purpose is to find a suitable match for their unsuspecting granddaughter; Liz and T.J. buy a house in Stars Hollow; Mrs. Kim flips out after Kyon tells her that Lane and Zach hugged in Luke's Diner; when the pressures of being new homeowners lead Liz and T.J. to quarrel, T.J. seeks refuge with his brother-in-law, and ruins the romantic dinner and evening Luke prepared for Lorelai; Logan appears at the party just in time to rescue Rory from yet another prospective bridegroom, and Rory learns that he's very well acquainted with her grandparents; Lane leads Kyon over to the culinary dark side and reveals the secrets to living a happy teenage life at the Kim house; Dean realizes that he no longer fits into Rory's life, and Logan gallantly steps in to dry her tears.
(She's staring at the framed photos of her and Damon, her back turned to Alaric.) (Stefan is confused.) Alaric: I'm trying to get her to figure out when she first fell in love with Damon but she... can't seem to get there. Damon: And that is Elena's not-so-burnt-to-a-crisp house. Elena (turns to him): How sexy he was. Enzo: What kind of coward gives up on his own brother? He puts them in a steaming pan. I had to 'move on'. I had to come to terms with that. I want you to compel me to forget that I ever loved him. IN MYSTIC FALLS, OTHERWORLDLY: (It's morning time, the streets are deserted and Bonnie and Damon are walking in the middle of the street. Matt: What about Caroline? Matt: Where's Sarah? She heads to the dresser, grabs the photo of her kissing Damon, and then she grabs photobooth pics of Damon and Elena making faces. Stefan: Not anymore. Tripp: That girl, from yesterday, the one with the animal bites. We need to start the spell again. Who are they? [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Bonnie: The other side is collapsing, and everyone in it is going away.
Plan: A: terms; Q: What does Elena need to come to with the loss of Damon? A: Damon,; Q: Who does Elena want to forget she ever loved? A: Alaric; Q: Who does Elena turn to for help? A: Stefan; Q: Who is determined to start a new life away from everything that reminds him of Damon? A: Sarah; Q: Who is the mysterious girl that Jeremy is spending time with? A: new York; Q: Where is Sarah from? A: Mystic Falls; Q: Where has Sarah recently arrived? A: Tripp; Q: Who is the leader of the community protection program? A: an interesting confession; Q: What does Tripp make to Matt about his connection to the town? A: Bonnie; Q: Who does Damon band with to find out where they are? A: the house; Q: Where do Bonnie and Damon discover they are trapped in a time loop? Summary: Knowing she needs to come to terms with the loss of Damon, Elena turns to Alaric to help her move on with her life. So that Alaric can compel her to forget she ever loved Damon, Elena has to admit the moment she first realized she loved him. Caroline and Enzo try to convince Stefan not to give up on Damon, but Stefan is determined to start a new life away from everything that reminds him of Damon. Meanwhile, Matt worries about Jeremy who is spending time with Sarah, a mysterious girl supposedly from new York, who has recently arrived in Mystic Falls. Elsewhere,Tripp (leader of the community protection program) makes an interesting confession to Matt about his connection to the town. Lastly, with the Other Side destroyed and gone for good, Damon and Bonnie reluctantly band together to uncover the mystery of where they are and how they are going to get back home. Bonnie and Damon discover they are trapped in a time loop, and discover some one is in the house with them.
But now, I'm with Julie, so it's like me and Julie, me and Rachel, me and Julie, me and... [Rachel enters, carrying a tray]... Rachel. It's a completely synthetic chocolate substitute. MNCA: [reading the paper] There are no jobs. Monica is suggesting Mockolate recipes to Phoebe.] RACH: Did uh, Ross call? ROSS: Can't we just use a pen? Rachel and Julie, pros and cons. She cried. The end." We'll make a list. [Ross and Chandler stare angrily at Joey, who thinks he has come up with a good idea.]
Plan: A: Ross; Q: Who breaks up with Rachel after reading the list? A: his childhood crush; Q: What is Rachel's relationship history? A: Julie; Q: What is Ross's current girlfriend? A: a list; Q: What do Joey and Chandler suggest Ross make of the pros and cons of each girl? A: the negative comments; Q: What does Rachel read on the list of pros and cons? A: a vile-tasting synthetic chocolate; Q: What is Mockolate? A: , Mockolate; Q: What is the name of the synthetic chocolate Monica is hired to create recipes with? Summary: Ross struggles choosing between his childhood crush, Rachel, and his current girlfriend, Julie. Joey and Chandler suggest making a list of each girl's pros and cons. Ross chooses Rachel, ending it with Julie, though Rachel later finds the list, reading the negative comments. Hurt and angry, she breaks up with Ross. Monica is hired to create recipes using a vile-tasting synthetic chocolate called, Mockolate.
(Three Toy Soldiers walking in a column march past.) He moves toward the tunnel that the Doctor and Zoe left by.) Let them go. This world that we've tumbled into is a world of fiction. ZOE: But we believe in it, Jamie and I.
Plan: A: The Doctor; Q: Who realizes that the travelers are trapped in a world where fiction is real? A: creatures; Q: What is a threat if people believe in them? Summary: The Doctor realises that the travelers are trapped in a world where fiction is real and where creatures are a threat if people believe in them.
(Followed by the astonished COMMANDANT, the DOCTOR goes over to CHAMELEON- MEADOWS and taps him on the shoulder. (The DOCTOR turns a corner and finds himself facing BLADE. BLADE: Director. CHAMELEON-JAMIE: Jamie.
Plan: A: Jamie; Q: Who meets the Director of the Chameleons? A: their Director; Q: Who does Jamie meet aboard the Chameleons' satellite? A: the Doctor; Q: Who forces the Chameleon Meadows to tell him the aliens' plans? Summary: Jamie finds himself aboard the Chameleons' satellite and meets their Director while the Doctor forces the Chameleon Meadows to tell him the aliens' plans.
After sucking the Earth dry of oil, they went looking for another planet to tap. And he knew. BELLAMY: Monty, where's Jackson? BELLAMY: What happened to Kane? CLARKE: No. Copy that. Copy that. Everyone will follow you, but you have to lead them. Get your asses to the transport ship now for immediate evacuation. He's with Octavia. Help. Hold on. I need to get to McCreary and keep this ship on the ground. I'm Jordan, Monty and Harper's son. I'm tempted to put myself in cryo to see it, but without Harper... Anyway,it's in the Goldilocks zone of a binary star system. INDRA: The child with Clarke is a real Natblida. It took me years, but I finally cracked the Eligius Three mission file. It'll destroy the valley. Let her pass. MCCREARY: We're on a ship. MILLER: Gunners, spread out and take aim. MONTY: And kind like his mom. Madi! Now's not the time, Madi. She alone can unify Wonkru. That, too. The people who tried to surrender were slaughtered in the gorge. They're here. This is Madi's plan. This way! Time to spare. Wake Clarke and Bellamy first. What's left of the first battalion is ready. [PREVIOUSLY_ON] The valley is ours. years.
Plan: A: Octavia; Q: Who publicly submits to Madi? A: Wonkru; Q: Where does Bellamy's group return to? A: Madi's command; Q: Who does Octavia submit to? A: her and McCreary's unborn child hostage; Q: What does Clarke hold hostage? A: McCreary; Q: Who triggers a protocol that will destroy the valley? A: the transport ship; Q: What does Clarke ground after he frees Diyoza? A: the gorge; Q: Where did Bellamy's group enter to take out the defenses of Wonkru? A: the way; Q: What does Bellamy's group clear for Wonkru? A: Kane; Q: Who does Octavia help Abby get to safety? A: safety; Q: Where does Kane go after Octavia helps him? A: Earth; Q: What planet never fully recovered? A: the Eligius mothership; Q: Where does everyone on Earth flee to before the valley is destroyed? A: cryogenic sleep; Q: What do the survivors decide to enter for 10 years? A: Jordan; Q: Who is the son of Monty and Harper? A: cryostasis; Q: What did Monty and Harper not undergo? A: 125 years; Q: How long did it take for Earth to recover? A: video diaries; Q: What did Monty and Harper leave for Clarke and Bellamy? A: the Eligius Three mission file; Q: What did Monty hack? A: another planet; Q: Where did Monty send the survivors before his death? A: the survivors; Q: Who did Monty send to a distant planet? Summary: Bellamy's group along with Madi, Octavia, Gaia, and Indra return to Wonkru. Octavia publicly submits to Madi, unifying Wonkru under Madi's command. Clarke frees Diyoza and holds her and McCreary's unborn child hostage, grounding the transport ship. Bellamy's group freely enter the gorge and take out its defenses, clearing the way for Wonkru. McCreary triggers a protocol that will destroy the valley before he's killed by Clarke. Octavia helps Abby get Kane to safety. Everyone on Earth flees the planet and head towards the Eligius mothership before the valley is destroyed. Everyone decides to enter cryogenic sleep for 10 years in order to give Earth time to recuperate. Clarke and Bellamy awaken first and are greeted by Jordan, the son of the now-deceased Monty and Harper, who had elected to not undergo cryostasis. They're informed by Jordan that 125 years have passed and through a series of video diaries left by Monty and Harper they learn that Earth never fully recovered. However, Monty managed to hack the Eligius Three mission file, leading to the discovery of another planet on a distant binary star system where he sends the survivors prior to his death.
A killjoy. And the last one. Come to see the fun? Helen: Get me the Kandyman. The Doctor: I want you to go down the other end with the Pipe People.
Plan: A: the Doctor; Q: Who leads the Pipe People towards reclaiming their world? A: Helen A; Q: Who faces betrayal from those closest to her? A: the Kandyman; Q: Who comes to a sticky end? Summary: As the Doctor leads the Pipe People towards reclaiming their world, Helen A faces betrayal from those closest to her and the Kandyman comes to a sticky end.
And smart. David: Sure. Down Jenkins. I kissed Jim. Jan: Shut up. Jim: Wallace? Karen: And it didn't end well. Michael: Come on, let's go back to the party. Michael: I want the house, Jan. Michael: Ok. Dwight: Talk to you later, Jan. Michael: Alright. Pam: Ok, well, we're going to a bar. Pam: This is over. Roy: I'm gonna kill Jim Halpert. Roy: That's awesome. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: Oh, you know that line on the top of the shrimp? [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: The chimney is in decent shape. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: You stay here and have fun, because I'm going to go out back and shoot hoops with David Wallace. [SCENE_BREAK] Roy: Are they going to call the cops?
Plan: A: The Dunder Mifflin CFO David Wallace; Q: Who holds a cocktail party at his house? A: Michael; Q: Who does Jan try to have sex with in the bathroom? A: Karen and Dwight; Q: Who assesses the structural soundness of the house? A: Michael's antics; Q: What annoys Jan about Michael and Karen's coming out? A: Pam; Q: Who reveals to Roy that Jim kissed her at the casino night? A: his brother; Q: Who helps Roy trash the bar? Summary: The Dunder Mifflin CFO David Wallace holds a cocktail party at his house, which Jan, Michael, Jim, Karen and Dwight attend. Michael's antics around their "coming out" appear to annoy Jan, but she later attempts to have sex with him in a bathroom. Michael feels uncomfortable and turns her down, angering her. Meanwhile Dwight assesses the structural soundness of the house. Jim and David Wallace bond over shooting hoops when they see Dwight on the chimney. While at a bar, Pam reveals to Roy that Jim kissed her at the casino night. Roy is infuriated and proceeds to trash the bar, assisted by his brother. Pam immediately breaks up with Roy, who then declares that he's going to 'kill' Jim.
(GRISSOM and CATHERINE both stand up.) A sample of the liquid is extracted.) A scraping. But that joker doesn't realize that the patterns can end up in the hundreds of millions. Catherine: A murdered chef in your kitchen. Catherine: Body in a meat grinder. Grissom: Much more than that. Inside they find something.) Out on parole for extortion. SARA and WARRICK follow.
Plan: A: a fancy restaurant; Q: Where was the chef of the chef who was found in a meat grinder? A: the kitchen; Q: Where did Grissom and Catherine discover a lot more went on than cooking? A: Sara; Q: Who and Warrick investigate the apparent suicide of a young woman? A: a murder; Q: What is the apparent suicide of a young woman who suffered from bipolar disorder actually? Summary: Grissom and Catherine investigate when the chef of a fancy restaurant ends up in a meat grinder . They soon discover a lot more went on in the kitchen than cooking. Meanwhile Sara and Warrick find out that the apparent suicide of a young woman who suffered from bipolar disorder is actually a murder.
(Booth nods) And lets face it. (Brennan looks at him) And now I'm not. (Club Jiggle) (Brennan and Booth come back into the dance section of the club) BRENNAN: We should see if there are any Hugo's on the real estate agent's list. (It's Booth's grandfather.) (Medico-Legal Lab: Hodgins' Room) (Hodgins is showing a sample of something in a petri dish to Booth and Brennan. (neither moves. BOOTH: Some? Definitely could have been made by the pointed object Angela is trying to identify. HANK: Go! HANK: To the place. HODGINS: The victim worked at PriceCo. Nothing trumps family. Perhaps you can teach Sweets to play dominoes. SWEETS: Meg lived for many years as an obese woman.
Plan: A: Booth's grandfather Hank; Q: Who comes to live with Booth? A: Brennan; Q: Who does Hank let in on some family secrets? A: prospective buyers; Q: Who was the real estate agent showing the property to when he found the remains? A: The team; Q: Who identifies the victims as plus-size lovers? A: plus-size lovers; Q: What were the victims of the ashes and charred remains? A: neither; Q: Which of the victims had many enemies? A: matchmaker; Q: What role does Hank try to play for Booth? Summary: Booth's grandfather Hank comes to live with him and tags along as Brennan and Booth investigate ashes and charred remains found by a real estate agent while showing a property to prospective buyers. The team identifies the victims as plus-size lovers, neither of whom seemed to have many enemies. Meanwhile, Hank tries to play matchmaker for Booth and lets Brennan in on some family secrets.
(beat) Kill her. Adam: A friend. And Giles, and Xander. Buffy: Yeah, well, Adam's cleared out of here. Colonel McNamara getting attacked by a demon. Giles: Of course. Willow: (chanting) "The power of the Slayer and all who yield it. Xander: Great plan.
Plan: A: The Scoobies; Q: Who reveals Adam's plan of releasing an army of hybrid cyborg monsters? A: personalities; Q: What does the composite being combine the powers and what? A: Buffy; Q: What character is the composite being created from? A: an intense fight; Q: What caused the composite being to kill Adam? Summary: The Scoobies reveal Adam's plan of releasing an army of hybrid cyborg monsters. A composite being created by a spell, combining the powers and personalities of Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Giles kill Adam after an intense fight.
Alice: Beautiful. And then, when girls fall in love with her, they want Shane to be constrained into like a happy family and like a marriage type of relationship and that's not gonna happen. At Bette and Tina's house. Back to Jenny's house. Fight for the friendship. Helena: Alright, good night. I think we probably should break up. I wanna try with Jenny in the morning but I don't have a place to stay. If I loved someone as much as she loves Molly, I'd tell her not to waste her time with me too. Kit: Come on, Shane. MUSIC - At the Hit Club A girl: Get your hands off of her! MUSIC - Tasha and Alice arrive to Papi's home. Nikki arrives by Jenny. Nikki: Yeah Jenny, she only ate me out. One of us has to take her. Shane tries to call her. Tasha: So Shane gave you advice? They have consequences. Tina: Because you appear to the most of the world to be so Alpha and in control and I know how hard it is for you to cover up the panic you feel inside. You need to fight for Jenny.
Plan: A: Season 5; Q: What season did Niki leave off in? A: Niki; Q: Who is trying to deal with her betrayal to Jenny? A: their feelings; Q: What do Niki and Jenny try to figure out about each other? A: Shane; Q: Who tries to apologize to Jenny? A: her house; Q: Where does Jenny threaten to evict Shane from? A: a run-in; Q: What did Jenny have with Molly that led her to believe Shane was dating someone else? A: sex; Q: What did Jenny and Niki have a passionate night of? A: the next morning; Q: When did Jenny reject Niki? A: Angelica; Q: Who is Olivia Windbiel? A: a fever; Q: What is Angelica suffering from? A: Alice; Q: Who and Tasha end up at Papi's apartment seeking relationship advice? A: their romance; Q: What does Alice and Tasha's different views on life strain to the breaking point? A: SheBar nightclub; Q: What do Helena and Kit take over and rename? Summary: Picking up immediately after where Season 5 left off, Niki tries to deal with her betrayal to Jenny as they both attempt to figure out their feelings for one another. Shane awkwardly tries to apologize to Jenny, who responds by threatening to evict Shane from her house. Jenny further meddles in Shane's life when she has a run-in with Molly, and tells her that Shane is dating someone else. Jenny then invites Niki over back at the house where they have a passionate night of sex, only for Jenny to reject her the next morning for the sole purpose to emotionally hurt Niki. Meanwhile, Bette and Tina get worried when Angelica (Olivia Windbiel) comes down with a fever which gradually gets worse. Alice and Tasha cannot decide whether to break up or stay together since their different views on life strain their romance to the breaking point. Alice and Tasha end up at Papi's apartment seeking relationship advice. Elsewhere, Helena and Kit celebrate after taking over SheBar nightclub and formally rename the place, Hit!
(Lindsey leaves and Haley follows her) Some of the characters are over singing a small part of the song MIA (singing voiceover) : I was true as the sky is blue But I couldn't soon Say the same for you, no, no So now I find denial in my eyes I'm mesmerized by the... the picture that's in my mind now So tell me when I finally see your shattered heart What it is, yeah 'Cause I don't want to keep on believing in illusions No, no, no 'cause I've seen your act and I know all the facts I'm still in love with you, I wish you were here And it ain't hard to see who you are underneath I'm still in love with you, I wish you were... Come on, find the story. First game of the season and broadcasting debut for Marvin McFadden. Friends? Haley, Brooke and Lindsey leave one way, Peyton and Mia another. INTERIOR TREE HILL HIGH / THE LIBRARY Haley, Brooke and Lindsey are walking in the school hallways. LINDSEY : And kind. LINDSEY : We cannot be locked in here. LUCAS : Thanks, Mouth. LUCAS : What's going on? Listen up. NATHAN : I have to tell you something. NATHAN : Now that you mention it, no, but I've been trying to avoid her. PEYTON : Ass, meet face. Reporters will report. They're all at the game. Whatcha thinking about?
Plan: A: the first Raven's basketball game; Q: What event is Haley, Brooke, Peyton, Lindsey and Mia locked in the library for? A: Haley; Q: Who plays mentor to Mia? A: Brooke; Q: Who tries to stand up for her mother when her friends attack her? A: the Tree Hill High library; Q: Where are the Ravens locked in during the first basketball game of the season? A: Tensions; Q: What runs high as Peyton and Lindsey face off over Lucas? A: fame; Q: What is Mia experiencing the elation and disappointment of? A: his first official TV reporting assignment; Q: Why is Mouth covering the game? A: a story; Q: What does Mouth struggle to find? A: their loved ones; Q: Who do Lucas and Nathan struggle with the decision to tell about their indiscretions? Summary: At the first Raven's basketball game of the season, Haley, Brooke, Peyton, Lindsey and Mia find themselves locked in the Tree Hill High library. Tensions run high as Peyton and Lindsey face off over Lucas. Brooke tries to stand up for her mother when her friends go on the attack. Haley plays mentor to Mia, who is experiencing the elation and disappointment of fame. Meanwhile, Mouth, who is covering the game as his first official TV reporting assignment, struggles to find a story. Finally, Lucas and Nathan grapple with the decision to tell their loved ones about various indiscretions.
Andy: No. Angela is upset and Pam notices] Dwight: Oh. Angela: [Angela slams phone shut and runs back to office.] Benihana. Carol: No. Dwight reaches for and holds Angela's hand] Karen: [Karen and Pam enter] Dwight, you won the raffle! Head of the table. It's time to go. Jim: And she's trying to correctly butcher a goose, but she's having trouble coming up with it. Michael: Hey, would you like to go to Sandals, Jamaica with me? Michael: Take it from Toby. Michael: We should invite them to the Christmas party. Start the party. There's only one party and it's hosted by the Party PLANNING Committee and it starts at three o'clock. Welcome back. You should date him. [Meredith leaves to break room party.] [Michael and Andy do a fist bump and explosion.] [Pam and Karen cheer.] [Reads flyer] The "Committee to Plan Parties invites you to a margarita-karaoke Christmas?" [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: This is going to be the best Christmas ever. [to waitress] Thank you.
Plan: A: Michael; Q: Who finds someone to go to Jamaica with him? A: a chance; Q: What does Carole break up with Michael before he has? A: Andy; Q: Who takes Michael to Benihana to cheer him up? A: a local Benihana; Q: Where does Andy take Michael to cheer him up? A: the Christmas party; Q: Where do Andy and Michael convince waitresses to come back to? A: the office; Q: Where did Karen and Pam create their own Christmas party? A: the Party Planning Committee; Q: What group of people disagreed about Angela's Christmas party? A: Karen; Q: Who and Pam decide to combine their Christmas parties? A: Angela; Q: Who is upset that Karen and Pam's Christmas party is separate from hers? A: Karen and Pam's party; Q: Where did the majority of the office decide to go to? A: Michael and Andy's dates; Q: Who leaves the Christmas party? Summary: Michael plans to invite Carole to Jamaica with him for Christmas, but she breaks up with him before he has a chance. Andy takes Michael to a local Benihana to cheer him up, and they both convince waitresses to come back to the Christmas party with them. Back at the office, a disagreement within the Party Planning Committee leads Karen and Pam to create their own Christmas party, separate from Angela's. When the majority of the office decide to go to Karen and Pam's party, Angela becomes upset, and seeing this, Karen and Pam decide to combine the parties. Soon after, Michael and Andy's dates leave them, but Michael nevertheless finds someone to go to Jamaica with him.
(Amy and Jason pick Eddie up and take him to Jason's truck.) (Bill, still seated, turns away, then turns to face Coby and Lisa with a set of obviously fake vampire fangs with fake blood on them, his hands up in the air with the fingers bent slightly, as if he's about to grab them.) (Jason opens the pizza box. (Sookie looks at Bill. (Sookie reaches out to Coby and Lisa and they go up to her.) (Sookie stares at Eric.) (Tara gets close to Lettie Mae's face and sniffs her breath. (Tara is at the bar. Amy listens to Johnny Cash's song "The Fourth Man In The Fire" in Jason's truck as Lafayette leaves Eddie's townhouse. Amy: Get his feet. Amy: I need V. (Amy turns to Jason and he looks puzzled at her.) Amy: Sorry about that. Arlene seems confused. Arlene. Bill: Sookie! Bill: That's quite right. But Lafayette won't sell it to me. But it is safe. But, uh...I come from a family of naturists. But, uh...ever since they passed, I honor their memory once a year by takin' a run through the woods the way they used to. Check it out! Eric is relaxing in Bill's bathtub. Ginger (to Sookie): Hmm. Had no idea Neil was a fang-banger. Hoyt: Oh, I mean, that must have been somethin' terrible. It is revealed that their patrol car has been parked outside Merlotte's Bar & Grill. Jason. Jason: Good day? Lafayette: That was no damn exorcism. Mike Spencer: Yeah. Sam is sharing some time with Tara in his bedroom. Sam walks toward the back of the restaurant, followed by Bud and Andy.) Sam: Oh, Andy. Sam: Sookie, listen: I heard about the fire. See? She puts the roses down, and she and Bill get out of the car.) Sookie: She didn't do it... but she knows who did. Startled, Tara turns her head to find Miss Jeanette standing directly behind her. The kid was creepy. What nineteen-year-old goes to work for a funeral home? Who was it? Who...who's the fourth body? With her shoes now removed, Sookie is on her hands and knees as she scrubs the footprints off the floor, and has a flashback from the previous week, when she scrubbed the blood off the floor after Gran's murder.
Plan: A: Bill; Q: Who does Sookie think was killed in the fire? A: sex; Q: What does Bill and Sookie have when they are attacked? A: V-tripping; Q: What were Jason and Amy doing when they thought they had sex? A: his parent's tragic deaths; Q: What does Jason open up to Amy about? A: Lettie Mae's seemingly instantaneous recovery; Q: What is Tara amazed at? A: Bill's grave; Q: Where does Sookie take flowers to? A: The next day; Q: When is Amy hired as a waitress? A: a new waitress; Q: What is Amy hired as? A: her mother's born-again Christianity; Q: What does Tara lash out at? A: Christianity; Q: What religion does Tara's mother follow? A: Sam; Q: Who does Tara snap at after sleeping with him again? A: Sookie and Bill babysit Arlene's kids; Q: What do Sookie and Bill do? A: Rene; Q: Who proposes to Arlene? A: the coroner; Q: Who is Mike Spencer? A: the fourth body; Q: What body did Mike Spencer identify as Neil? A: a "fang banger; Q: What was Neil's secret? A: naturists; Q: What is Sam's family's religion? A: the woods; Q: Where does Sam claim to run naked through to honor his family? A: But Andy checks; Q: How did Andy find out that Sam was lying? A: Lafayette, Tara; Q: Who thinks she may need an exorcism? A: Amy's darker side; Q: What does Jason see when Amy reveals that she needs more V? A: more V; Q: What does Amy need that Lafayette won't sell to her? A: his V-juice; Q: What does Jason get from Eddie? A: a gay vampire; Q: Who is Eddie? A: Eddie; Q: Who does Jason kidnap? A: Eric; Q: Who is the vampire who wants Sookie to work for him? A: his bathtub; Q: Where does Bill find Eric? A: Miss Jeanette; Q: Who does Tara go to for an exorcism? A: Jason's truck; Q: Where does Jason and Amy put Eddie? A: Fangtasia; Q: Where does Sookie go to find out who embezzled money? A: Ginger; Q: Who knows the money was taken, but her memory has been wiped? A: the money; Q: What does Ginger know was stolen? A: Longshadow; Q: Who attacks Sookie when she learns that Ginger knows who stole the money? Summary: Sookie thinks Bill was killed in the fire, while Jason wakes up with Amy, thinking they had sex, but it turns out that they were simply V-tripping. Jason opens up to her about his parent's tragic deaths. Tara is amazed at Lettie Mae's seemingly instantaneous recovery and fights with Sookie about Bill. That night, Sookie takes flowers to Bill's grave. As she is walking back, she is attacked by Bill and they have sex. The next day, Jason introduces Amy to Merlotte's and she is hired as a new waitress, but Sookie tries to warn her about Jason. Tara lashes out at her mother's born-again Christianity and, after sleeping with Sam again, snaps at him. Sookie and Bill babysit Arlene's kids and Rene proposes to Arlene, who accepts. Mike Spencer, the coroner, identifies the fourth body in the fire as Neil, his assistant who was secretly a "fang banger". Sam is interrogated by Bud and Andy. Sam claims that he comes from a family of naturists and runs naked through the woods once a year to honor them. But Andy checks and finds out Sam was lying. After talking with Lafayette, Tara starts thinking that she may need an exorcism . Jason sees Amy's darker side when she reveals that she needs more V, but Lafayette won't sell it to him. They decide to follow him and discover that he gets his V-juice from a gay vampire, Eddie. Bill finds Eric in his bathtub who needs Sookie to work for him. Tara goes to Miss Jeanette to get her exorcism. After Lafayette leaves, Jason and Amy kidnap Eddie and shove him into Jason's truck. Sookie reluctantly goes to Fangtasia, where Eric uses her telepathy to find who has embezzled . Sookie learns that a woman named Ginger knows the money was taken, but her memory has been wiped, which means a vampire must have stolen it. At that moment, Longshadow attacks her.
Give it to me. Look at his wing. Max: I saw you two together at the Crashdown yesterday. Michael (to Maria): Hey. Sheriff: A few people identified him. There I was, dragging your sweaty, gross body through the Indian reservation, you know, getting my clothes all muddy and...and worrying.
Plan: A: Indian; Q: What kind of reservation is Michael on? A: Michael; Q: Who becomes gravely ill after undergoing a mystic sweat ritual? A: all his friends; Q: Who must band together to save Michael? Summary: At the Indian reservation, Michael becomes gravely ill after undergoing a mystic sweat ritual, requiring all his friends to band together to save him.
(KATE AND TONY CONTINUE WALKING) TONY: We have to check-in with the X.O. A bribe. A doctor? A gynecologist? A-wing. ABBY: Where's Ducky? BYERS: But the team felt that the valve was repairable and it was. Commander Dornan died as a result of his surgery. He's not dead. It complicates finding trace evidence. KATE: Who? MCGEE: Spontaneous human combustion. So Commander Dornan made enemies. So I checked out all the electrical equipment from the hospital trying to find the source of the ignition. The Commander was a pain in the ass. The doctor who led the team that operated on him is on the way in. They had a lot of problems. When?
Plan: A: A Navy commander; Q: Who explodes in his hospital bed after successful surgery? A: spontaneous human combustion; Q: What does McGee hypothesize the cause of the Navy commander's death was? A: the team; Q: Who discovers that the commander had gained a lot of enemies recently? A: all a young ensign; Q: Who is the prime suspect in the Navy commander's death? A: a new suspect; Q: What do Abby and Tony find when they discover the truth behind the commander's death? A: the ensign forces; Q: Who forces Kate to shoot the commander? A: the evidence; Q: What do Abby and Tony analyze to find the truth behind the commander's death? A: Ducky; Q: Who develops a soft spot for the doctor who was treating the commander? Summary: A Navy commander explodes in his hospital bed after successful surgery, leading McGee to hypothesize that it was spontaneous human combustion . However while researching the dead man's past, the team discovers that he had gained a lot of enemies recently, not least of all a young ensign , who makes himself the prime suspect with some bizarre behavior. Unfortunately they have to find a new suspect when the ensign forces Kate to shoot him and dies as a result. But while analyzing the evidence from the scene of the death, Abby and Tony discover the truth behind the commander's death, and in turn find a new suspect. In the meantime, Ducky develops a soft spot for the doctor who was treating the commander.
(Gia nods and turns to return to the courtyard. (Mikael smirks as the scene cuts away quickly) [SCENE_BREAK] [ Mikaelson Compound ] (Hayley and Jackson have met up on a balcony at the compound Quarter to discuss their plans for the Unification Ceremony. A month? Cassie: Sure. Finally, when Klaus brings up himself, it cuts to Esther, who is still locked in the crypt in Lafayette Cemetery after Klaus and Rebekah turned her into a vampire. Hayley and Elijah look as though they're about to kiss, but instead Elijah just kisses Hope's head) (Klaus begins to speak in voiceover as he drives to the safe house with Cami. Jackson starts to laugh with joy, and he puts the engagement ring on her left ring finger) [SCENE_BREAK] [ Llafayette Cemetery ] (Klaus is on the phone with Elijah, who is standing on the porch of the safe house, while he stands in the crypt where Esther once kept him locked up) Klaus: I need you to trust me. My mother's greatest shame. Rebekah never made it to her new body, did she? Rebekah: (frustrated) You're a Harvest girl, for God's sake! Start the spell!
Plan: A: revenge; Q: What is Vincent hell bent on? A: Klaus; Q: Who brings Cami to the safe house? A: the safe house; Q: Where does Cami go when Vincent is on the loose? A: a plan; Q: What do Hayley and Jackson devise to bring the vampires and werewolves together? A: a truce; Q: What do Hayley and Jackson want to bring the vampires and werewolves together to consider? A: tensions; Q: What does Vincent's spell cause to grow between the vampires and werewolves? A: two; Q: How many sides are trapped together when Vincent places a spell on the compound? A: Elijah; Q: Who is concerned when Rebekah fails to show up at the safe house? A: answers; Q: What does Klaus confront Kaleb for? A: former Harvest girl Cassie; Q: Who does Rebekah turn to for help when she finds herself trapped inside an insane asylum? A: an insane asylum; Q: Where does Rebekah find herself trapped after accepting her mother's offer to jump into a new body? Summary: With Vincent on the loose and hell bent on revenge, Klaus brings Cami to the safe house as he and Hayley return to the compound. Hayley and Jackson devise a plan to bring the vampires and werewolves together to consider a truce, but tensions grow when Vincent places a spell on the compound, trapping the two sides together. Meanwhile, Elijah grows concerned when Rebekah fails to show up at the safe house, prompting Klaus to confront Kaleb for answers. Lastly, after accepting her mother's offer to jump into a new body, Rebekah turns to former Harvest girl Cassie for help when she finds herself trapped inside an insane asylum.
One more gimmick. Seduce the receptionist. So I will be calling you with your results. Ted is waiting for his turn in the tattoo removal center. Ted: Who's Abby? Woman 3, to Stella: Stella, did you know Ted thought this was a date?
Plan: A: his passionate quest; Q: What is Ted's quest to find the woman who will one day be his wife? A: his beautiful dermatologist; Q: Who is Stella? A: a date; Q: What does Stella refuse to do for Ted? A: her office receptionist; Q: Who is Abby? Summary: Continuing his passionate quest to find the woman who will one day be his wife, Ted pursues his beautiful dermatologist, Stella. While Stella turns down his repeated efforts for a date, her office receptionist, Abby, becomes smitten with Ted.
(BRYNDEN TULLY, the Blackfish, walks along Riverrun's castle wall and comes to a stop in front of an arrowslit. ARYA headbutss the WAIF, pushes her, and then runs and jumps off the opposite side of the bridge, plummeting into the water. An old woman approaches her.) DIM DALBA returns to his men.) Get it to the top. If he does, the Faith will allow him to return to Highgarden. JAIME and BRONN watch them.) JON SNOW, SANSA, and DAVOS enter. Jaime: Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. Jaime: The siege is now under my command. Jon Snow: House Mormont. Margaery: ...and live his life as a penitent. Margaery: You marched against the High Sparrow, against the Faith. Olenna: ...until I tell them to stop. Olenna: That is hardly your concern. She grabs ARYA by the neck and holds her tight to her body, the stabs ARYA severl times in the stomach and twists the blade. We're gonna sail to Meereen. YARA moves closer to THEON.) he must have been some kind of monster.
Plan: A: a simple, non-violent life; Q: What is the Hound living? A: a Septon; Q: Who saved the Hound? A: the Hound; Q: Who seeks revenge on the Brotherhood? A: revenge; Q: What does the Hound seek when rogue Brotherhood members threaten and slaughter the group? A: Margaery; Q: Who convinces her grandmother to return to Highgarden? A: the High Sparrow; Q: Who threatens to punish Olenna for her confrontation with the Faith? A: Olenna; Q: Who does Margaery signal that she has not converted to the Faith? A: Jaime; Q: Who assumes command of the siege? A: Sansa; Q: Who sends a message to the Vale requesting aid? A: the Boltons; Q: Who is outnumbered by Jon, Sansa, and Davos? A: Bronn; Q: Who does Jaime arrive in Riverrun with? A: Brynden Tully; Q: Who does Jaime try to negotiate with? A: Yara; Q: Who does Theon spend his last night with before sailing to Meereen? A: Meereen; Q: Where do Theon and Yara sail to after Volantis? A: Daenerys; Q: Who does Theon and Yara ally with in Meereen? A: Westeros; Q: Where does Arya plan to return to after the Waif stabs her? A: an old crone; Q: What is the Waif disguised as? Summary: The Hound is alive and living a simple, non-violent life, having been saved by a Septon and his followers. When rogue Brotherhood members threaten and eventually slaughter the group, the Hound seeks revenge. Margaery convinces her grandmother to return to Highgarden after the High Sparrow threatens to punish Olenna following her and Jaime's confrontation with the Faith. Margaery then secretly signals to Olenna that she has not converted to the Faith. Jon, Sansa, and Davos recruit the Wildlings, House Mormont, and others but remain outnumbered by the Boltons. Sansa secretly sends a message to the Vale requesting aid. Jaime arrives in Riverrun with Bronn and assumes command of the siege. Jaime unsuccessfully parleys with Brynden Tully. Theon and Yara spend their last night in Volantis before sailing to Meereen to ally with Daenerys. Arya prepares to return to Westeros until the Waif, disguised as an old crone, viciously stabs her.
A woman with a boyfriend. As it is now, I'm going to have to sell my car. Charlotte laughs again. Charlotte, the matchmaker, comes in. Charlotte: That would be me. Daphne: Nice to meet you. Frasier comes in from the kitchen, a line of whipped cream down his chest, freezing when he sees the others. Frasier: And which one would that be? Frasier: Is there and end to this? Frasier: Well, I was, and then we had dinner together last night. Frasier: Who? He pauses. He then rushes to the kitchen, taking off his shirt, as she talks to him through the door. Kim: Well, that's not the nicest thing anybody's ever called me in a bar, but it's not the worst. Martin is shocked, Ronee is trying to contain her laughter. Martin: Ronee's mother. Nice place. Niles, listen, is it possible that this is just a case of transference? Niles: Well, we came to cheer you up with some late night fast food. Roz: Fight for her. She pushes her mother out and shuts the door, then turns back to Frasier. They leave. Where are my manners?
Plan: A: Martin; Q: Who is soon to meet Ronee's mother again? A: pre-marital sex; Q: What is Ronee's mother opposed to? A: Frasier; Q: Who is distracted by thoughts of Charlotte? A: Charlotte; Q: Who is the matchmaking agent that Frasier is distracted by? A: dinner; Q: What did Frasier have with Charlotte the other night? A: a relationship; Q: What is Charlotte already in? A: transference; Q: What does Niles think Frasier's feelings could be? A: a bar; Q: Where does Roz take Frasier to help him deal with his feelings? A: a flirtatious woman; Q: What is Kim? A: Jennifer Tilly; Q: Who plays Kim? A: his place; Q: Where do Roz and Frasier go after a bar? A: her boyfriend; Q: Who did Charlotte have an argument with? A: distraction; Q: What is Niles's uncharacteristic taste for fast food driving Daphne to? Summary: Martin is soon to meet Ronee's mother again, and given that she is opposed to pre-marital sex , they have to pretend that they are not practising it. Frasier is distracted constantly by thoughts of Charlotte, the matchmaking agent with whom he had dinner the other night, and who is already in a relationship. Niles agrees with him that his feelings could be transference , but after seeing Frasier when he talks to Charlotte, Roz dismisses that theory instantly. She decides to help Frasier out by taking him to a bar, where he meets a flirtatious woman called Kim ( Jennifer Tilly ). They both go back to his place, but receive several interruptions, the last of which is by Charlotte, who has just had an argument with her boyfriend and wished to be consoled by Frasier. Meanwhile, Niles has developed an uncharacteristic taste for fast food , and it is driving Daphne to distraction.
(Everyone nods. (Nurse closes the door to the room and Booth looks around, then turns to lock the door when the television suddenly comes on. Apparently he could destroy a vineyard with one review. BOOTH: (To Stewie.) BRENNAN: The remains are human. He was a wine critic. I have to be a father. I've decided to have a baby. It's like the beer of wine. JENNY: I'm the wife of a wine critic. Stewie from the Family Guy is talking to Booth.) They toast and begin to drink. We got a case.
Plan: A: The team; Q: Who is on the case when human remains are found inside a barrel of wine during a wine tasting? A: whose scathing reviews; Q: What was capable of sending a vineyard to ruin? A: a suspect; Q: What does everyone become when the victim is a wine critic? A: Brennan; Q: Who wants Booth to be the father of her baby? A: Stewie Griffin; Q: Who does Booth talk to when he doubts his fatherhood? A: Family Guy; Q: What show does Booth talk to when he is doubting his fatherhood? Summary: The team is on the case when human remains are found inside a barrel of wine during a wine tasting. When the victim turns out to be a wine critic whose scathing reviews were capable of sending a vineyard to its ruin, everyone from the winery's owner to the victim's own wife becomes a suspect. Meanwhile, Brennan decides to have a baby and asks Booth to be the father; when Booth begins to doubt himself, he finds himself talking to Stewie Griffin from Family Guy .
Eddie lies on the sofa, leaving Frasier with no place to sit but the Eames. He seizes Martin's roll of tape, tears off a length and sticks it onto the new chair. Maris is the soul of generosity. Martin is appalled. Warren: DIFFICULT? Where's my old chair? You can have your chair back in two weeks.
Plan: A: Frasier; Q: Who replaces Martin's favorite chair? A: The old chair; Q: What is easily located on the set of a school production? A: the recovery; Q: What proves more difficult to do with the old chair? Summary: Frasier is tired of Martin's favorite chair and replaces it, but Martin demands his old chair back. The old chair is easily located on the set of a school production, but the recovery proves more difficult.
Daphne gives Frasier a look. Daphne goes to her room. Daphne: And going home is just so flipping boring. Frasier comes out of the kitchen. Frasier starts the tape and settles in the armchair by the windows. Frasier storms out of the booth. Frasier: Well, you know, I'm looking for something that's familiar but not a cliché, you know, something that's memorable but not too gimmicky... [Martin turns on the television] You know, it doesn't really matter if it's got something to-Dad, please, I'm trying to have a conversation, it's hard with the TV on. Frasier: [as she holds the phone towards him] That better not be a long-distance call! I did my first show today. I'm trying to get out of a visit home. Martin sits back in his Armchair. Roz rolls her eyes. Roz: Happy anniversary! Scrambling back to his feet, he grabs the wire to his headphones and pulls it hand-over-hand to get back his headphones and put them on. [unwraps it] It's a tape.
Plan: A: Frasier; Q: Who puts on his first ever show? A: Roz; Q: Who gave Frasier a taped copy of the first episode of Frasier? A: presents; Q: What do Frasier and Roz give each other to celebrate the anniversary of Frasier's show? A: Daphne; Q: Who is on the phone to her mother calling Frasier a dictatorial tyrant? A: Britain; Q: Where is Daphne trying to avoid going to? A: a visit; Q: What is Daphne trying to avoid having to make? A: his awkward voice; Q: What does Frasier hear when he plays the tape of his first show? A: Seattle; Q: Where did Frasier first work? Summary: Frasier and Roz celebrate the third anniversary of Frasier's show, and their time spent together making it, with presents: Roz gives Frasier a taped copy of the first ever episode of the show. Later that day, Frasier returns home to find Daphne on the phone to her mother, calling him a dictatorial tyrant who will not let her go home to Britain. She is trying to avoid having to make a visit. Frasier puts on the tape of his first ever show, and as his awkward voice starts, he remembers his first show and his early days back in Seattle.
And so professional. Boyd: No! Even vultures can fly South for the winter. I been at peace with that for a very long time now. Rachel: Not this time, Raylan. Wendy Crowe?
Plan: A: Crowes; Q: Boyd and what group fly South for a crucial drug score? A: Raylan; Q: Who pursues a small time grifter with big time enemies? Summary: Boyd and the Crowes fly South for a crucial drug score, while Raylan pursues a small time grifter with big time enemies.
* I want to rock 'n' roll * * I want to give my soul * * I'm wanting to believe * * I'm not too old * * don't want to make it up * * don't want to let you down * * I want to fly away * * I'm stuck on the ground * AT THE AIRPORT Julian : Where's Sam? Brooke : Everybody else has families and kids and careers, and ... Brooke : Julian. Haley : Nium Peyton : Nium. I'd like them gone by the end of the day. Jack. Lucas : Yeah, Jamie. Most people dream of this moment. Mouth : I guess this is goodbye for a while, then. Nathan : Yeah. Sam : Who cares? Skills : At Millie's place. We taking a road trip. Your ex-boyfriend just asked Sam and Ii to go with him to L.A. Tonight.
Plan: A: Julian; Q: Who asks Brooke to move to LA with him? A: Brooke; Q: Who turns down Julian's offer to move to LA? A: Lucas; Q: Who takes Nathan and Jamie to a place from his past? A: Peyton; Q: Who prepares for the future? A: the principal; Q: Who fired Haley? A: Skills; Q: Who takes Mouth on a road trip to get his mind off Millie? A: the airport; Q: Where does Brooke show up at the end of the episode? A: Paul McCartney; Q: Who wrote the song that inspired the name of this episode? Summary: Julian asks Brooke to move to LA with him. Lucas brings Nathan and Jamie to an important place from his past, while Peyton prepares for the future. Sam and Jack take a stand against the principal who fired Haley. Skills takes Mouth on a road trip to get his mind off Millie. Towards the end of this episode Brooke shows up at the airport and turns Julian's offer to go to LA down. This episode is named after a song by Paul McCartney and Wings .
(Beep) Sarah: Matt. (Cell phone vibrating) Why is Enzo still alive, and why is he calling you? (Exhales) Would you mind calling Caroline and telling her she can surprise me tomorrow? And happy. And it has to be mine? Are you stoned? As it is, it was just an accident. Caroline: The whole point of this is for my mom to live out the rest of her time here in a relaxed and peaceful environment surrounded by the things that she loves, like photo albums and board games. Damon: He will. Elena: No kidding, because the right time was a couple of years ago.Enzo could have killed you today, and the other day, Liv threw you across a room, and let's not forget the time that you actually died. Enzo: You staying calm, luv? Give it. Go to art school. Granted, he is going to art school, where the percentage rate for a well-paying job is one of the lowest in the country, but I really am happy for him. Hang on. I'm ok with that. If anything, it was nice to have someone to go through it with. Is there any chance you can get to the sheriff's office? Jeremy has had a rough time here, I know, but that's part of the reason why we want him to go. Jeremy: He broke up with his girlfriend. Jeremy: I can't leave now, no way, not with the sheriff sick and Enzo on a rampage. Liz: Elena Gilbert. Liz: Well, at the time, I was taking care of Elena and Jeremy, and I didn't want to drag them through more heartache. Look who graduated. Matt! Matt: Yeah. Mystery solved. Not much to say. Sarah. Sarah? She wanted to talk about the night that mom and dad died. Sit down. So I hear you're leaving town. Stefan: (takes Liz's hand) I promise. Stefan: Yeah. The hospital says she has a DNR, so... [EKG beeping] I'm gonna get some air. Well, Damon is an idiot, and Alaric conveniently disappeared. What if she doesn't finish, or, worse, what if she gets halfway through and then realizes that she hates it? When I'm gone, Caroline is gonna need you to help her move on with her life. Who did? You might want to head back to Mystic Falls. You saw Elena, and Stefan pulled her out of the car. You wanted someone to blame.
Plan: A: Damon; Q: Who is the Sheriff with when he is trying to solve the Gilberts' accident? A: Jeremy; Q: Who lied about going to art school? A: Caroline; Q: Who is upset that she didn't get to say goodbye to her mother? A: Stefan; Q: Who helps Caroline surprise her mother with a vacation? A: the Gilberts' accident; Q: What is the name of the unsolved case that the sheriff is trying to solve? A: their old memories; Q: What do Elena and Jeremy talk about while getting stoned together? A: Matt; Q: Who is being blackmailed by Enzo? A: Sarah; Q: Who does Matt start to develop feelings for? A: a certain tunnel; Q: Where does Enzo want Matt to take Sarah to? A: a walk; Q: What does Matt go on with Sarah to the tunnel? A: the tunnel; Q: Where does Enzo threaten to kill Jeremy unless Matt takes Sarah? A: a car; Q: What does Enzo use to hit Matt? A: hunt vampires; Q: What is Jeremy going to do instead of art school? A: Alaric; Q: Who is the only one who knows that Jeremy is going to go hunt vampires? A: a supernatural reason; Q: What was Liz hoping for? A: Liz's room; Q: What room do Stefan and Caroline set up together? A: Liz's condition; Q: What rapidly deteriorates after Stefan and Caroline kiss on the porch? A: the hospital; Q: Where does Liz go after her condition deteriorates? A: her mom's mind; Q: What does Caroline go inside to say goodbye to her mother? A: the Sheriff; Q: Who dies when Caroline goes inside her mother's mind? Summary: With help from Elena and Damon, Jeremy graduates high school months earlier and is leaving town to go to art school. Caroline, on the other hand has Stefan help her surprise her mother with a vacation while the sheriff is with Damon attempting to solve an old unsolved case: the Gilberts' accident. Elena and Jeremy get stoned together while bonding and talking about their old memories. Matt is still being blackmailed by Enzo, but he is starting to develop feelings for Sarah. Enzo calls Matt and threatens to kill Jeremy, who he has pinned down, unless Matt takes Sarah to a certain tunnel. Matt reluctantly goes on a walk with Sarah to the tunnel, and Enzo purposely hits Matt with a car. While Sarah panics, Enzo tells her to stay calm and gives Matt some of his blood. As Jeremy leaves, it is revealed that he lied and instead of going to art school, he is going to go hunt vampires and Alaric is the only one who knows about it. Meanwhile, Liz realizes that the events surrounding the Gilberts' accident were natural and that she had been hoping for a supernatural reason so she could have someone to blame. Stefan and Caroline are setting up Liz's room together and the two of them kiss on the porch. Liz's condition rapidly deteriorates and she has to go back to the hospital, where she lies unconscious. Caroline rushes to the hospital and is upset because she didn't get to say goodbye, but Stefan helps her by suggesting that she goes inside her mom's mind, which is what she does and with that the Sheriff dies.
'Cause I don't mean to be an alarmist, but that sounds serious to me. A student is reading some poetry from a book uncomfortable in front of the entire class while Jack is sitting in one of the desks towards the back.] Actors playing Colby and Sam are acting out a scene from Dawson's New TV show “The Creek.”] Colby: Feelings and emotions have an inexplicable way of manifesting themselves in subconscious and not always se-aware behavior. All of the gang have met up at the Ice house and are all sitting around a large table joking and reminiscing together] [Jack and Jen come walking up to join] Jack: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Amy changed me. And dad would be, too. And, uh, they need to confer with her New York doctors before they can tell us anything. Cut to a Jen, Grams and Amy sitting together in the hospital bed. Dawson and Joey are still there sitting down on his bed and talking to one another about how they have been spending the past few years.] Dawson looks around and sees a Director's chair with his name on it and a poster of his show on the wall] Dawson: Hmm. Dawson: All right. Does Sam hook up with feisty Petey or soul mate Colby in the season cliffhanger? He is startled by a sound coming from outside the window and he grabs his laptop ready to use it to hit whatever comes through the window and it is Joey who falls to the floor while trying to climb through the window.] He joins his Assistant who is finishing a phone call.] He's just a friend. Her mother's in Europe. Jen: Nothing. Jen: Right now... Jen: Wait, stop. Joey is sitting with her head on Jack's shoulder and Bessie is sitting with them on the couch as he tells them about Jen. Joey: I will. Joey: That's not as easy as it once was. Later that evening. Man: They're soul mates. My baby Jen. Pacey is driving Dawson and Joey back to their places. Pacey: Do you want to help me out here? Pacey: Must be the new shoes. Pacey: [Sighs] [Pacey hits the first guy, and tries to run when the other two grab him, and the three of them begin beating him up.] Series Finale (Part 1 of 2) [Scene: A set dressed up like Dawson's Bedroom. She is now conscious and Jack comes into her room to join her] Jen: Hey, you. She just collapsed. She's touring Europe, and she's got some boyfriend she calls the anti-Pacey. Still breaking hearts? The camera pulls back from the TV and we see that Joey was watching the show on the couch with a tear in her eye. There's so much I want to know about you and New York and... everything. You know, I wanted to be Spielberg. You know, we do live in a post Will & Grace world. [HE looks over and sees the woman who is looking over at him still] Pacey: Oh... [Cut to later and Pacey and Joey are dancing together.] [He puts down his bags and looks around and picks up a picture of him and Joey happy together.] [Joey and Dawson get up to leave.]
Plan: A: Five years; Q: How long has it been since everyone was last together? A: Capeside; Q: Where is the wedding that the gang is reunited for? A: Dawson; Q: Who did Joey confess to that she and Pacey are soul mates? A: Los Angeles; Q: Where was Dawson living when he was reunited with his childhood friends? A: his life; Q: What does Dawson want to spend with Joey? A: Joey; Q: Who did Jen ask to choose between Dawson and Pacey? A: a successful book editor; Q: What is Joey's profession? A: New York City; Q: Where is Joey now living? A: her boyfriend; Q: Who is Chris? A: her childhood sweethearts; Q: Who does Joey still love? A: Pacey; Q: Who does Joey decide she wants to be with? A: the new Ice House; Q: What is Pacey the owner of? A: a torch; Q: What does Pacey carry for Joey? A: Jen; Q: Who asked Joey to pick between Pacey and Dawson? A: a single mom; Q: What is Jen's current status? A: Grams; Q: Who does Jen live with in New York? A: an art gallery; Q: What is Jen managing in New York? A: SoHo; Q: Where is Jen's art gallery located? A: Jack; Q: Who tells Jen that she's his soul mate? A: Capeside High; Q: Where is Jack a teacher? A: the Sheriff of Capeside; Q: What is Doug's job title? A: all the secrets; Q: What comes out as tragedy and love becomes clear? A: tragedy; Q: What event caused the secrets to come out? A: the hospital; Q: Where is Jen when the gang is reunited? A: a terminal heart condition; Q: What is Jen dying from? A: the gang; Q: Who is trying to move on after Jen's death? A: a video; Q: What did Dawson help Jen make for her daughter? A: Amy; Q: Who is the baby that Jack and Jen have? A: their unhappy childhood; Q: What did Joey and Pacey share in common? A: cancer; Q: What disease did Joey's mother die from? A: drug trafficking; Q: What crime did Joey's father get incarcerated for? A: his outrageously immature and neglectful parents; Q: What is Pacey dealing with? A: the world; Q: What did Joey want to travel to? A: his alcoholic loser father; Q: Who did Pacey's father remind him of? A: grandfather; Q: Who is Pacey's other family member? A: a phone call; Q: What did Dawson answer in the final moments of the series? A: Steven Spielberg; Q: Who is Dawson's idol? A: the camera; Q: What lingers on a picture of Dawson and his friends? A: a picture; Q: What does the camera linger on on Dawson's desk? A: Dawson's desk; Q: Where is the picture of Dawson and his friends that ends the episode? A: season one; Q: What season did the show end with a scene of the gang walking down the beach? A: 2011; Q: When was the two-part finale ranked #16 on TV Guide Network's TV's Most Unforgettable Finales? A: the TV Guide Network special; Q: What was the final episode of Dawson's Creek ranked #16 on? Summary: Five years have passed and everyone is reunited in Capeside for a special wedding. Dawson has been living in Los Angeles producing his autobiographical television series The Creek and has never forgotten the love of his life, Joey. She is now a successful book editor living in New York City with her boyfriend, Chris, but comes home to realize she still loves her childhood sweethearts. Pacey is the owner of the new Ice House and still carries a torch for Joey, Jen is a single mom living with Grams in New York and managing an art gallery in SoHo, and Jack is a teacher at Capeside High and has fallen in love with Doug who is now the Sheriff of Capeside. Together all the secrets come out as tragedy and love becomes clear. With Jen in the hospital dying from a terminal heart condition, the gang tries not to be too sad about it. Dawson helps Jen make a video for her daughter, asking her to never stop loving and dreaming. Jen also asks Joey as her last wish to end the chasing and running and to finally pick between Pacey and Dawson. Joey tells Jen that she has always known who she is supposed to be with. Jack tells Jen that she's his soul mate and asks to raise baby Amy for her. Jen passes away and while mourning the death of their close friend, the gang has to move on. Doug tells Jack he's willing to spend his life with him and wants to help raise Amy. Joey breaks up with Chris over the phone while she tries to decide whom she will choose: Dawson or Pacey. After Jen's funeral, Pacey privately tells Joey that she's "off the hook"; despite his endless love for her, he can't hold her back any more despite them growing up together and relating to each other over their unhappy childhood and adolescence; Joey dealing with her mother's death from cancer and her father's imprisonment for drug trafficking, plus Pacey dealing with his outrageously immature and neglectful parents. But as much as Joey wanted, all her life, was to leave Capeside and travel the world, Pacey seems forever destined to be stuck there just like his alcoholic loser father and grandfather, etc. Before returning to New York, Joey sits with Dawson and confesses that even though they may never be together, he and she are soul mates and nothing should ever change that, but, in the end, she decides it is Pacey she wants to be with. In the final moments of the series, Dawson answers a phone call from Pacey and Joey who have just watched an episode of The Creek. Dawson tells them that he's meeting someone tomorrow and Pacey and Joey figure out it is Steven Spielberg, Dawson's idol. The episode ends when the camera lingers on a picture on Dawson's desk of him and his friends before cutting to a scene of them all walking down the beach from season one. In 2011, the whole two-part finale was ranked #16 on the TV Guide Network special, TV's Most Unforgettable Finales.[2]
(MUSIC OVER ACTION/MCGEE AND KATE MOVE THROUGH THE HOUSE) MUSICAL BRIDGE TO: INT. CLARE: That's why women aren't allowed in the SEALs. Come in. Enlisted at seventeen. FAITH: I had enough evidence to get a conviction. GIBBS: I believe Curtin told his son that he escaped from jail to get the person who murdered his mother. GIBBS: Like a Navy SEAL. GIBBS: You have the name of the team commander? Get out of the car! He shot one of my people. It has to do with his wife and who really murdered her and the cable repairman. KATE: Of course. KATE: Sort of. Kate, take prosecution. MCGEE: Oh, by the way, there's something that Tony and Kate have been meaning to ask you. SatCom can be arranged as soon as he becomes available. TONY: Innocent. TONY: Leavenworth's in Kansas. The fugitive is a former SEAL named Jack Curtin. The killer incapacitated each victim with a violent, and most likely fatal, twist of the head. The readers are in every cell and every entryway locations within the prison. They could see each other in person. Tony, defense. We just have to find out which one.
Plan: A: SEAL; Q: What was the former Navy member convicted of double homicide? A: double homicide escapes; Q: What crime did the former Navy SEAL escape from? A: Leavenworth; Q: Where did the former Navy SEAL escape from? A: Kate; Q: Who theorizes that the former Navy SEAL may be innocent? A: the escaped prisoner; Q: Whose son and in-laws are Kate and McGee assigned to protect? A: his son; Q: Who did the SEAL break into the house to see? A: Todd; Q: Who is tied to a chair and unarmed? A: protection; Q: What was the SEAL's motive for taking Todd's weapon? A: her profiling skills; Q: What does Kate use to determine that the SEAL may be innocent? A: jail; Q: Where did Kate think the SEAL may have discovered the identity of the real killer? A: the team; Q: Who has to contend with the antagonistic defense and prosecution attorneys? A: Lt. Commander Faith Coleman; Q: Who is one of the attorneys that Kate and McGee have to deal with? A: the evidence; Q: What do Kate and McGee review at headquarters? A: revenge; Q: What is the SEAL's brand of justice? Summary: A former Navy SEAL convicted of double homicide escapes from Leavenworth , resulting in Kate and McGee being assigned to protect the son and in-laws of the escaped prisoner. During the night, the SEAL breaks into the house to see his son before fleeing, leaving Todd tied to a chair and unarmed, her weapon having been taken by the SEAL as a form of protection and to be possibly used in another crime of some sort. Using her profiling skills, Kate theorizes that he may actually be innocent and had discovered the identity of the real killer while in jail. At headquarters, the team has to contend with the antagonistic defense and prosecution attorneys, one of which is Lt. Commander Faith Coleman as they review the evidence in order to find the real murderer before the SEAL delivers his own brand of justice: revenge .
CHANG: The Doctor! DOCTOR: Where's Litefoot? Leela. To find the confluence of the Thames and Fleet, Professor, then to follow the Fleet.
Plan: A: Leela; Q: Who follows Chang to find Greel's hideout? A: Litefoot; Q: Who is the Doctor with? Summary: Leela follows Chang in order to find Greel's hideout while the Doctor and Litefoot set about finding her.
At poker night. Come on. Good job. HALEY: Erin? He sees a man in his bed. Hey, guys. I was just trying to envision a Brooke bubble. JULIAN: I was just thinking about the wedding, and I realized I don't have a best man. JULIAN: Sorry, Lucas. NATHAN: No, he's sitting next to his best man. Open-mike night? SKILLS: Uh, Lucas did. SYLVIA: Oh, g... look how ugly this one is. Strong name.
Plan: A: Brooke; Q: Who tries to connect with Sylvia? A: Sylvia; Q: Who does Brooke try to connect with as the wedding approaches? A: a guys' poker night; Q: Where does Julian look for his best man? A: Nathan; Q: Who struggles in his new job? A: Haley; Q: Who stumbles on finding Erin? A: Skills; Q: Who returns to town with a new friend as Lucas' Mannequin? A: Frank Sinatra; Q: Who wrote the song that inspired the episode? A: Opening theme song; Q: What song was performed by Lucas Field? Summary: As the wedding approaches, Brooke tries to connect with Sylvia, while Julian looks for his best man at a guys' poker night. Meanwhile, Nathan struggles in his new job, while Haley stumbles on finding Erin, and Skills returns to town with a new friend as Lucas' Mannequin. This episode is named after a song by Frank Sinatra . Opening theme song performed by Lucas Field.
Come in. Daphne: No, a meteor! Daphne: Well, my father stopped in at the pub on his way home from work... CUT TO: Stairwell Niles rests his head against the door and smiles. Daphne: What a romantic idea. END OF ACT TWO [SCENE_BREAK] Roof: The night watchman opens the door. Frasier: Good evening, Miranda. Frasier: Oh, there she is! He has everything he needs. He leaves. He puts all his winnings in the middle. Miranda turns at the sound of her name, but sees nothing, and gets off the bus. Sid tries to look Martin in the eye, but can't. Try some. Your father filled out an application today. [SCENE_BREAK] BETTER A WINDSHIELD THAN HIS TEETH Scene Six - Elliot Bay Towers Roof Niles and Daphne are sitting on a blanket on the roof with their picnic basket. [SCENE_BREAK] Scene Three - The Colonnade The foyer of the retirement home.
Plan: A: Frasier; Q: Who spies Miranda on a bus? A: an attractive woman; Q: What does Frasier spy while traveling on a bus in the rain? A: The Colonnade; Q: What retirement home does Miranda work at? A: his father; Q: Who filled out the application for Martin to go to The Colonnade? A: the application; Q: What does Frasier learn his father filled out for the retirement home? A: a romantic dinner; Q: What did Niles and Daphne plan to do together? A: meteor; Q: What kind of shower did Niles and Daphne want to watch? A: the door; Q: What closes on the roof of Elliott Bay Towers? A: the night watchman; Q: Who arrives to reunite Niles and Daphne? Summary: Frasier spies an attractive woman while traveling on a bus in the rain. He gathers that her name is Miranda, and she works at a retirement home called The Colonnade. He visits the home under the pretext of considering putting Martin in there. He later learns that his father has filled in the application. Niles and Daphne have planned a romantic dinner together, hoping to watch a meteor shower. Frasier moves them onto the roof of Elliott Bay Towers, so that he and Miranda can have some privacy. In the course of the evening, the door onto the roof closes, separating Niles and Daphne until the night watchman arrives.
Come on, Peri. DOCTOR: The TARDIS has dematerialised. I have to be at the airport in an hour! K-FOSTER: The TARDIS is mine. TURLOUGH: Kamelion's plugged into the computer. TURLOUGH: The girl. We must not seem to be wanting. [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: Another moment and we'll know where the cylinder came from. [SCENE_BREAK] TURLOUGH: Doctor, we're picking up a distress signal.
Plan: A: The Tardis; Q: What receives a distress signal? A: problems; Q: What does Kamelion seem to be having while linked into the Tardis? A: the distress signal; Q: What does Turlough know about? A: the Doctor; Q: Who arrives on Lanzarote? A: Lanzarote; Q: Where does the Doctor arrive after the distress signal? A: Turlough; Q: Who rescues Peri? Summary: The Tardis receives a distress signal and at the same time Kamelion seems to be having problems while linked into the Tardis. Following the distress signal the Doctor arrives on Lanzarote and Turlough rescues Peri. Turlough seems to know where the distress signal is coming from.
Chris: And Allison? Chris: Kate! Derek! Derek. Derek: Get up! Derek: Hey. Get connected. His username is "Allison"? I need Derek and Scott. Jackson: Come on, Lydia. Jackson: Derek. Jackson: I - Stiles: Oh, for the love of God. Jackson: Stiles took her. Kate: What? Kate: You getting it now? Look, you still need Scott's username and password, and I'm sorry, but I don't know them. Peter: Don't feel bad. Peter: She is beautiful, Kate. Peter: You've - already - decided. Scott: Allison! Scott: So tell me how to stop him. Scott: Yeah, but the bite's not healing like it did with me. Stiles: Look, if I do this, you have to promise to leave Scott out of it. Stiles: Your sister. The whole while that he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way toward me, still trying to kill me, like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath. They brought your sister here so that Peter could kill her and become the Alpha, and that's why you're going to help me. You're gonna drive her to the house in Washington, and you will stay there until I call.
Plan: A: Argent; Q: Who stops Allison from killing Derek and Scott? A: Allison; Q: Who does Scott reconcile with? A: Kate; Q: Who tried to get Allison to kill Derek and Scott? A: Washington; Q: Where does Argent decide to send Allison and Kate to? A: Stiles; Q: Who helps Peter locate Derek? A: Peter; Q: Who kills Kate? A: Derek; Q: Who slashes Peter's throat? A: Jackson; Q: Who is called to get Lydia to the hospital? A: Scott; Q: Who tells Derek that Peter killed his sister on purpose? A: his secret; Q: What does Scott have to deal with the girl he loves knowing? A: Scott's location; Q: What do Argent and the hunters try to get out of Stiles and Jackson? A: the Hale's house fire; Q: What did Argent learn that Kate was behind? A: Lydia's self-igniting Molotov cocktails; Q: What do Stiles and Jackson use to burn Peter? A: the new Alpha; Q: What does Derek become after slashing Peter's throat? A: the bite; Q: What does Jackson ask Derek for? Summary: Argent decides to send Allison and his sister Kate to Washington. Stiles helps Peter locate Derek. Meanwhile, Jackson is called to get Lydia to the hospital. Scott must cope with the girl he loves knowing his secret. Argent and the hunters try to get Scott's location out of Stiles and Jackson. Scott locates Derek and tells him Peter killed his sister on purpose. Kate tries to get Allison to kill Derek and Scott, but Argent stops them, having learned from Stiles that Kate was behind the Hale's house fire. Peter appears and kills Kate. Derek and Scott fight Peter, but they're overpowered. Stiles and Jackson appear with Lydia's self-igniting Molotov cocktails , which badly burn Peter before Derek slashes his throat, becoming the new Alpha. Scott and Allison reconcile. Jackson asks Derek for the bite.
(There hanging from the rafters is a woman dressed in a white gown, her arms spread out wide and away from her body.) BACK TO SCENE. Frank Berlin: I'm responsible for her murder. Grissom: Probably the same person who would crucify someone in a church. Grissom: Sister, excuse me, but ... could you tell us how you managed to haul the victim's body to the top of the scaffolding? Nick: All right, that's it. They're full of guilt.
Plan: A: Grissom; Q: Who investigates the case of a woman found dead in a church? A: evidence; Q: What do Grissom and his team discover about a love triangle? A: the victim's high school years; Q: How far back does the love triangle go? Summary: Grissom and his team investigate the case of a woman found dead in a church. They soon discover evidence of a love triangle dating all the way back to the victim's high school years that could reveal who is responsible for her death.
(Switches flush. Howard: All right, this is an exact duplicate of the Wolowitz Zero-Gravity Human Waste Disposal System as deployed on the International Space Station. Howard: Meatloaf. Howard: That's classified. I'll tell you later. ISS voice: Houston, we'd all like to step outside for a few minutes. It's the juxtaposition of the high-tech nature of space exploration against the banality of a malfunctioning toilet that provides the comic fodder here. Leonard pretends to be a friend and acts like a two-faced bitch, therefore, he is reborn as a banana slug. Leonard: 'Cause he's upset over his situation with Penny and if I have to hear about it again, I'm going to kick him in his ovaries. Leonard: Howard's space toilet. Leonard: I deliberately tried to sabotage Stuart's date with Penny. Leonard: It wasn't bad advice. Leonard: Leonard? Leonard: Well, yeah, Stuart thrives under pressure, that's why he works in a comic book store. Never worked for me. Stuart: Okay, so, you'll give me a call? That's the smell of new comic books. The thing is, before you guys went out, I spoke to him and... Penny: I said I don't want to talk about it. We gotta find a way, using nothing but this, to reinforce this so the waste material avoids the spinning turbine.
Plan: A: his latest invention; Q: What does Howard celebrate the launch of? A: zero; Q: What gravity does Howard's toilet have? A: a space toilet; Q: What is Howard's invention called? A: new comic books; Q: What did Howard buy his friends to celebrate the launch of his toilet? A: 10 flushes; Q: How many flushes does the toilet have before it bursts? A: Ken Mattingly; Q: What Apollo 13 character did Howard's friends try to emulate? A: a whole night; Q: How long did the guys work to fix the toilet? A: a solution; Q: What did the guys work for a whole night to find? A: meatloaf; Q: What did Howard's mother give him to test the toilet? A: NASA; Q: Who did the ISS astronauts report to that they were going on an unscheduled "spacewalk"? A: the comic book store; Q: Where does Stuart tell Leonard he is having a second date with Penny? A: Stuart; Q: Who tells Leonard that he is having a second date with Penny? A: The next day; Q: When does Leonard apologize to Stuart for giving him bad advice? A: "Leonard; Q: What did Penny accidentally call Stuart? Summary: Howard celebrates the launch of his latest invention, a zero-gravity human-waste disposal system (a space toilet) to be used in the ISS, by buying all of his friends new comic books. However, later Howard discovers he made a mistake that will cause the toilet to fail and burst after 10 flushes, so the guys convene to try and fix it (a la Apollo 13's Ken Mattingly), working for a whole night to find a solution and even testing the toilet with meatloaf from Howard's mother, all thewhile he treats it like it's a classified weapon. At the end of the episode, the ISS astronauts report to NASA that they are all going on an unscheduled "spacewalk", implying that Howard ultimately failed. At the comic book store, Stuart tells Leonard that he is having a second date with Penny and asks for advice. Leonard deliberately avoids Stuart for as long as possible, and finally gives him bad advice. The next day, Leonard feels guilty and goes to apologize to him. Stuart reveals the date went well until they started making out in his car and Penny accidentally called him "Leonard." Leonard is secretly delighted.
Alright then, fine. Martin: Why? She's gone, she's out of my life! Sherry: Listen, you are a lucky girl to be with someone as sweet as Frasier. The doorbell rings and Frasier jumps off of his couch.
Plan: A: Conclusion; Q: What is the final episode of Frasier? A: Frasier's romantic life; Q: What does Sherry intrude on? A: his life; Q: What does Sherry appear to be out of after a breakup with Martin? Summary: Conclusion. Sherry (Marsha Mason) intrudes on Frasier's romantic life---and then appears to be out of his life entirely after a breakup with Martin.
Because business is about relationships, and the key to relationships is what, Darryl? Because of Darryl. Brian: Give her a minute. Erin: Yeah. Jim: Okay. Jim? Kevin: A lightbul-- Dwight: A lightbulb. Nellie: But he's flirting with Jim's company on the side. Pete: yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Anyone want to see the video from Cece's recital? [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Well, I'm heading out to Cece's dance recital.
Plan: A: Cece; Q: Whose recital does Jim miss? A: a major investor; Q: Who exits Jim's company? A: Dwight; Q: Who tries to prevent Darryl from leaving the office? A: Nellie; Q: Who accidentally outs Pete and Erin? A: Pam; Q: Who is upset with Jim because she failed to record Cece's recital? A: the argument; Q: What escalates into a major fight about Jim's business venture? A: Boom mic operator Brian; Q: Who comforts Pam after the fight? A: Chris Diamantopoulos; Q: Who plays Brian? A: a distressed Pam; Q: Who does Brian comfort? Summary: Jim is forced to miss Cece's first recital after a major investor exits his company. Dwight tries to prevent Darryl from leaving the office. Nellie accidentally outs Pete and Erin. Jim is upset with Pam because of her failure to record Cece's recital, but the argument quickly escalates into a major fight about Jim's business venture. Boom mic operator Brian ( Chris Diamantopoulos ) enters the shot to comfort a distressed Pam.
A fat woman is ushering a small boy into a shelter. As the Doctor watches, a gas mask protrudes horribly out of Constantine's mouth. DR CONSTANTINE: It was her brother. Doctor who? HOSPITAL WARD 2 The gas-mask people begin to enclose the Doctor, Rose and Jack. He gestures to the object they are following through the Time Vortex on the monitor. I can spot a Time Agent a mile away. It was a con. JACK: Be with you in a moment. JACK: Captain Jack Harkness. JACK: Who? Jamie. Just asking? Just like chasing. MR LLOYD: I know there is... Once they are inside, door closed, Nancy creeps out from behind the shelter and into the back door of the house, unaware that she is being watched by the Doctor. NANCY: There was a bomb. Physical injuries, as plague. ROSE: On a spaceship... during a German air raid... do you really think now's a good time to be coming on to me...? Save the world. She looks up, and sees that the rope is in fact hanging down from a barrage balloon. She stares at him. Small explosions in the air. Something they'd like to buy. THE DOCTOR (to Rose): Mr Spock? THE DOCTOR: And who might that be? The child withdraws his hand. repeatedly.
Plan: A: the Time Vortex; Q: Where did the Doctor and Rose chase a metal cylinder marked as 'dangerous' through? A: Rose; Q: Who follows a young boy in a gas mask? A: London; Q: Where do the Doctor and Rose land in 1941? A: 1941; Q: What year was the Blitz? A: his mother; Q: Who does the young boy ask Rose if she is? A: a barrage balloon; Q: What is the rope Rose climbs attached to? A: the air; Q: Where does the barrage balloon rise to? A: a Captain Jack Harkness; Q: Who rescues Rose from a barrage balloon? A: time; Q: What was Jack Harkness previously an agent of? A: now a con man; Q: What is Jack Harkness doing now? A: a valuable warship; Q: What does Jack Harkness want Rose to buy? A: Nancy; Q: Who is the young woman who the Doctor talks to? A: a bomb-like object; Q: What does Nancy think the boy is connected to? A: a hospital; Q: Where does Nancy direct the Doctor to? A: Dr Constantine; Q: Who shows the Doctor patients with gas masks similar to the boy's? A: Jamie; Q: Who is the boy in the gas mask? Summary: Chasing a metal cylinder marked as 'dangerous' through the Time Vortex, the Doctor and Rose land in London, 1941, during the Blitz . Rose follows a young boy in a gas mask who repeatedly asks if she is his mother. She climbs a rope attached to a barrage balloon that rises into the air, and is rescued by a Captain Jack Harkness (previously a time agent, now a con man), who interests her in buying a valuable warship. The Doctor talks with a young woman named Nancy who knows the boy is connected to a bomb-like object that recently fell. She directs the Doctor to a hospital where Dr Constantine shows him patients with injuries and gas masks identical to the boy's. Nancy reveals the child is her brother, Jamie. Rose and Jack arrive in time to save the Doctor as Constantine begins to transform like his patients.
And Boyd? Boyd: Don't go to Amber Holler and try to rob some robbers. But I need you to get dressed. Get dressed. It's Raylan Givens. Like the way one drug user tries to see if a man he just met is carrying? Were you on the bus? out on a man named Dewey Crowe.
Plan: A: Dewey Crowe; Q: Who tries to score on a drug shipment? A: the drugs; Q: What is stolen from the bus? A: Raylan Givens; Q: Who does Dewey Crowe try to impersonate to get the drugs back? A: Boyd; Q: Who gets a proposition from some coal miners? Summary: Dewey Crowe returns and tries to score on a drug shipment, but the bus carrying the drugs is hijacked, and he tries to impersonate Raylan Givens to get it back. Meanwhile Boyd gets a proposition from some fellow coal miners.
Are you two still going out? Bad time? Billie: Who's the Source? But I've sort of been staying in contact with her. Dex: Thanks for coming by. Dex: Uh...ex-girlfriend. Dumb old guardian. I always wanted to be taller. Leo stayed behind to keep an eye on Wyatt. Leo: The Source? Leo: Which you can read about in the textbooks. Mandi's Demon: He offers...power, a power neither you or I possess, a power I'm going to need if I'm going to bring back the demon I have in mind. Mandi: Feels good to be back at magic school, doesn't it? Mom #1: And losing his mother and all. Not completely. Paige: I don't care how many charts she looks at to see if Dex is the father of her future child. Paige: Not anymore, not with me having to deal with Billie all the time. Phoebe: Apologize? Phoebe: For butting in. Phoebe: How, by posing as his ex? Phoebe: Oh. Piper: Actually, I'm more concerned with him blowing our cover with his school play coming up. Piper: No, it's about Wyatt... and the pageant and-- Leo: And you outdoing Mandi? Piper: So, what happened to the demon? Piper: The other costume. Piper: The... green thing is the stem, the stem of the pumpkin I was up all night making. Piper: Who cares? So, the magical community knew it needed a place to nurture young magic, so the elders created magic school. Source: Who are you? Take care. That woman is out to get me. We call to you that away was torn, return, master of all evil born. Who did this? Who is this guy? You want to play with the toys? [A needle pokes her at the sewing machine] Paige: Okay, either there is a gremlin infestation in this house, or Wyatt's little orby fingers have gotten a hold of my jewelry. [Billie hears them approach and loses control of the nunchucks, which fly across the room] Piper: I'm a little behind in the crafty department, okay? [Blows up Mandi's demon] [As Mandi's demon is vanquished, the Source gets destroyed with her] Source: Aah! [Leo picks up Wyatt and hides behind a couch] Source: I should have known the Charmed Ones weren't really dead. [Mandi appears with Wyatt] Billie: Wyatt. [Sweetly] Ready.
Plan: A: Cinderella; Q: What is Wyatt's school play? A: the competitive nature; Q: What does Wyatt's school play bring out in Piper? A: her hand-sewn costume and parenting abilities; Q: What does another mother criticize about Piper? A: another mother; Q: Who criticized Piper's parenting abilities? A: Things; Q: What goes from bad to worse when it is revealed that the mother is possessed by a demoness? A: Stepford; Q: What type of wife is the mother who criticizes Piper? A: Piper's son; Q: Who is Wyatt? A: Magic School; Q: Where is the Source of All Evil? A: the demons; Q: Who took possession of the Source of All Evil? A: the three Charmed Ones; Q: Whose deaths did the demons fake? A: Paige; Q: Who sees Dex with another woman? A: Dex; Q: Who apologizes to Phoebe after her masquerade crashes? A: a compulsive liar; Q: What is the ex-girlfriend of Dex's character? A: Phoebe's objections; Q: What is Paige ignoring when she interferes with Dex's ex-girlfriend? A: two-timing Phoebe; Q: What does Paige think Dex is doing to Phoebe? A: Dex apologizes; Q: What does Dex do to Phoebe after Paige's interfering faux pas? A: a more complete break; Q: What does Dex say he should have done with his ex-girlfriend? A: points; Q: What does Dex earn for his honesty and earnestness? A: Leo; Q: Who stays with Wyatt while Billie is researching a spell to return Billie to our world? A: the plot; Q: What do Billie and Leo sniff out at magic school? A: a spell; Q: What do Billie and Leo research to return Billie to our world? A: power-of-three reinforcements; Q: What is the purpose of Billie's return to our world? A: the possessed mother; Q: Who has accompanied Wyatt to magic school? A: Wyatts; Q: Whose help did the Demoness need to resurrect the Source of All Evil? A: the demoness; Q: Who has conjured the source? A: command; Q: What is the Source of All Evil ready to take again in the Underworld? A: Billie's timely return; Q: What enables the three to intervene in the demon's festivities? A: Piper vanquishes; Q: Who defeats the Demoness? A: both threats; Q: What does Piper vanquish by dealing with the demoness? A: the original incarnation; Q: What version of the Source of All Evil was more powerful? A: a new vulnerability; Q: What did the magical link to the demoness give the source? Summary: Wyatt's school play Cinderella brings out the competitive nature in Piper when her hand-sewn costume and parenting abilities are criticized by another mother. Things go from bad to worse when it is revealed that this Stepford-wife-like "Oh-so-perfect" mother is in fact possessed by a demoness focused on kidnapping Piper's son Wyatt and using him in a plot with other demons to resurrect the Source of All Evil at Magic School ; which the demons have forcibly taken possession of after the (believed and faked) deaths of the three Charmed Ones. Meanwhile, Paige sees Dex with another woman, who turns out to be his ex-girlfriend who is a compulsive liar, and despite Phoebe's objections, interferes by masquerading as the woman and expecting evidence Dex is two-timing Phoebe. Dex apologizes to Phoebe after Paige commits her interfering faux pas and her masquerade crashes, saying he probably shouldn't have stayed in touch with and should have made a more complete break with his old girl earning points for earnestness and honesty. Meanwhile, Billie and Leo sniff out the plot at magic school and research a spell to return Billie to our world for power-of-three reinforcements while Leo stays nearby with Wyatt who has accompanied the possessed mother there. With Wyatts powerful help, the demoness has conjured the source who appears to be fully resurrected and ready to take command again in the Underworld. Billie's timely return with Paige, Phoebe and Piper enables the three to intervene in the demon's festivities. Piper vanquishes both threats by dealing with the demoness-who has linked the two by her conjuration of the source which consequently was not as powerful and troublesome as the original incarnation of source because the magical link to the demoness gave it a new vulnerability.
Alaric: ok [Maier and Tyler leave] Alaric (to Jeremy): you're alright? All she knows It's Logan attacked her. Caroline: yes! Damon: who turned you? Damon: you may probably love her. Elena: He knows how I feel and works and I know where he stands and it doesn't matter. He kept try to convince me to let him in. He saved my life, and... Have you seen him? He wrote about demons and all of these people getting slaughter and... Jenna: yeah, he was a writer... short stories, horror stuffs. I died for you, for this town. I leave alone. I wanna be with her and bite her and stuff. I was out of town. In the early evening that I see the sun begins the fade; the fear comes because I know that the night brings death." It has been disposed of. Jenna: exactly! Logan: I used to be seen Caroline Forbes. Logan: I've things to do, people to kill. Logan: and why Is that? Look, I like Caroline. Stefan: none, but it must somebody now because leaving a body like that....rather sloppy or he tries to send a message. Stefan: stay here! Stefan: that's impossible. Take your car and go home. There is another way to break the spell. There it is. Tyler: yeah, "we can make to the party"; "we never miss a game"; "we don't like the color red" Matt: we are not like twice Tyler: like I said "we" [Front of school] Elena: so you have no idea who it could be? [Elena and Jenna are in the hall of their houses and talk] Elena: Jeremy is gonna sketch pad note. [Elena leaves] [Out of the school - Damon & Stefan - conversation on the phone] Damon: Logan Fell is a vampire and when I found him again, I'm gonna destroy him limb by limb. [Logan leaves - Sheriff is on the phone] Sheriff: Get a backup team at the school immediately. [Stefan goes in the hall of the school] Elena: Stefan, what's going on?
Plan: A: Jeremy; Q: Who decides to return to his hobby of sketching fantasy creatures? A: fantasy creatures; Q: What did Jeremy stop sketching after his parents died? A: Logan; Q: Who kidnaps Caroline? A: several people; Q: How many people does Logan kill? A: Tyler; Q: Who does Matt tell that he likes hanging out with Caroline? A: a new recent attack; Q: What does Sheriff Forbes tell Damon about? A: a small dispute; Q: What is the reason that Alaric helps Jeremy, Tyler and Mayor Lockwood? A: the sheriff; Q: Who did Logan kidnap Caroline after a dispute? A: Katherine; Q: What does Logan tell Damon he knows of a way to resurrect? A: Mystic Falls; Q: Where does Stefan decide to stay after Elena tells him she loves him? A: a drink; Q: What does Stefan go to get for Elena? A: his house; Q: Where does Elena leave Stefan after discovering the photo of Katherine? A: her vervain necklace; Q: What does Elena leave behind with the photo of Katherine? A: Alaric confronts; Q: Who tells Logan to leave Jenna alone? A: a car crash; Q: What does Elena get into while trying to avoid a man in the middle of the road? A: the stranger; Q: Who is the last shot of Elena screaming? A: the car; Q: What is the last shot of the stranger approaching? Summary: Jeremy decides to return to his hobby of sketching fantasy creatures that he had stopped upon the death of his parents. Meanwhile, the vampire Logan attacks and kills several people throughout the town. Matt and Caroline continue to hang out together. He tells Tyler that he likes hanging out with Caroline. Sheriff Forbes tells Damon of a new recent attack, and he discovers Logan doesn't know who turned him. Stefan meets with Elena and he tells her about the new vampire in town and has no idea who it is. Alaric helps with a small dispute among Jeremy, Tyler and Mayor Lockwood. Logan kidnaps Caroline after a dispute with the sheriff, but Stefan and Damon save her. Logan tells Damon he knows of another way to resurrect Katherine. Elsewhere, Elena tells Stefan that she loves him and he decides to stay in Mystic Falls. Stefan and Elena then sleep together. But when Stefan goes to get a drink for Elena, she discovers the photo of Katherine see that she looks exactly like her and leaves his house abruptly, leaving her vervain necklace behind with the photo. Alaric confronts Logan and tells him to leave Jenna alone. Logan tries to attack him, but gets staked and dies. Elena is involved in a car crash while trying to avoid a man in the middle of the road, but realizes that the man is more than human. The last shot is of the stranger approaching the car and Elena screaming.
(Cooper joined by Rachel). (To all). (see Jake and Peyton), the person you love decides to love you back. And Brooke has Lucas. And the college of Art and Design is a great school. Dan : A restraining order? Dan from goes away The evening, with the match, Nathan marks. In Savannah, Jake, Peyton and Jenny are at the park. Mouth: With Cooper? Nathan makes a fault on Damien. She is lying to him. She takes him along in the room, we see a picture of Nathan with Dan and Deb. This life is hard, Peyton.
Plan: A: a rival; Q: What is the player Nathan deals with both on and off the court? A: Dan; Q: Who is given a restraining order by Deb and Nathan? A: Rachel; Q: Who did Brooke and Mouth want to get even with? A: Cooper; Q: Who does Dan have a run-in with? A: 26; Q: What age did Rachel trick Cooper into thinking she was? A: Peyton; Q: Who asks Jake to marry her? A: a major decision; Q: What does Peyton make when she goes to see Jake and Jenny? A: Savannah; Q: Where are Jake and Jenny? A: The Blackouts; Q: What band is the episode named after? Summary: Nathan deals with a player who is a rival both on and off the court. Dan is given a restraining order from Deb and Nathan. Brooke and Mouth look to get even with Rachel, who has tricked Cooper into thinking she is 26 and a model. Dan has a run-in with Cooper. Peyton makes a major decision and goes to see Jake and Jenny who are in Savannah. At the end of the episode Peyton asks Jake to marry her. This episode is named after an album by The Blackouts .
Diana: Tess Doerner. Diana: Which is quite frankly, a little disturbing. Josiah and his sons are closing in on Richard and Lily. Lily: Had to be. Mrs Sumlin: This is a miracle. Shadow At A Time. Tom and Diana arrive at the sanitarium, to find building of Tess' device in progress. When?
Plan: A: a mysterious structure; Q: What do Tom and Diana investigate? A: a psychiatric hospital; Q: Where is the mysterious structure being built? A: 4400; Q: What is the code name for a schizophrenic? A: Tess Doerner; Q: Whose drawings are being used to build the mysterious structure? A: Richard; Q: Who must protect his family when he and Lily are discovered to be 4400s? A: a two-part episode; Q: How many episodes is this? Summary: Tom and Diana investigate a mysterious structure which is being built at a psychiatric hospital, based on the drawings of a schizophrenic 4400, Tess Doerner . Richard must protect his family when he and Lily are discovered to be 4400s. This is a two-part episode.
(Looks down at Angel's body) Algurian body-switching spell. All members. Angel: "Guys! Angel: "There is a retirement home in the street behind us. Break Marcus backs out of Angel's view. I told him to do that." I work with a team." Marcus: "Angel Investigations." Marcus: "Only one way you can keep it though, right? Marcus: "You can't take that!" Must be getting old." Some people walks past between them and after they're gone the girl's face falls as Angel is gone as well, only to set a full martini glass down in front of her a moment later.
Plan: A: Angel; Q: Who switches bodies with Marcus? A: a retirement home; Q: Where is Angel stuck while Marcus takes over his life? A: Angel's body; Q: What gives Marcus vampire powers? Summary: While investigating some mysterious deaths, Angel switches bodies with a old guy named Marcus. Marcus immediately takes over Angel's life, while Angel is stuck in a retirement home. When Marcus realizes that Angel's body gives him vampire powers, he decides that they only way to keep it is to get rid of Angel once and for all.
And the way I manage people is that I touch their hearts and souls with humor, with love and maybe a dash of razzle-dazzle. Andy: For happy hour? Angela: But we signed the contract. Angela: Dwight Schrute! Angela: Dwight? Bar Manager: Shut up. Erin: I was flirting with a man. Got to hang out with my peeps. I am so excited to see everybody. Isabel: No. Isabel: Whack! Isabel: Whack! Matt: Hey, Oscar. Michael: Hey, she can tell I'm on a date, right? Nice to meet me. Pam: Really? The best!
Plan: A: Oscar; Q: Who arranges a happy hour with the warehouse staff so he can flirt with Matt? A: Pam; Q: Who brings a date for Michael? A: Donna; Q: Who is the bar manager? A: Amy Pietz; Q: Who plays Donna? A: their relationship; Q: What do Andy and Erin announce? A: Dwight; Q: Who tells Angela to forget about the pre-natal contract? A: Isabel; Q: Who does Dwight drop Angela to hang out with? A: Angela; Q: Who confronts Dwight about the pre-natal contract? Summary: Oscar arranges a happy hour with the warehouse staff so he can flirt with Matt. Pam is excited to see the staff and brings a date for Michael, but he ends up connecting with the bar manager, Donna ( Amy Pietz ), instead. Meanwhile, Andy and Erin announce their relationship. Dwight meets Isabel and drops Angela to hang out with Isabel, making Angela jealous. When Dwight tells Angela to forget about the pre-natal contract, she confronts him in front of Isabel.