The molecule is a glaucoma treatment member of the angiotensin ii antagonist class.
The molecule is anti viral.
It belongs to the anti proliferative class of molecules.
The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, stabilizing mitochondrial structure, apoptosis that impacts tangier disease. The molecule is a cholesterol translocation that impacts aging, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, barth syndrome, and diabetic heart disease.
The molecule is a fat storage that impacts both metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. The molecule is a nutrient that impacts atherosclerosis, pancreatitis, and thyroxine treatment.
The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation and a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase that impacts diabetic heart disease, barth syndrome, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The molecule is a cholesterol translocation, stabilizing mitochondrial structure, apoptosis that impacts aging and tangier disease.
The molecule is a inflammatory, energy source, fat storage, membrane stabilizer that impacts obesity and cardiovascular disease. The molecule is a energy storage that impacts both metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis. The molecule is a nutrient and a thyroxine treatment, with effects on cancer and impacts on pancreatitis.
The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure, a apoptosis, and a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, and it impacts aging. The molecule is a energy storage that impacts barth syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, tangier disease, and diabetic heart disease. The molecule is a surfactant, cholesterol translocation, food additive, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase. The molecule is a nutritional supplement, emulsifier, membrane stabilizer, energy source, and smooth.
The molecule is a apoptosis and a stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts aging, tangier disease, and barth syndrome. The molecule is a cholesterol translocation, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and diabetic heart disease.
The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation and a apoptosis that impacts tangier disease, diabetic heart disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The molecule is a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, cholesterol translocation, stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts barth syndrome and aging.
The molecule is a apoptosis, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts barth syndrome. The molecule is a cholesterol translocation that impacts diabetic heart disease, aging, tangier disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The molecule is a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase and a cholesterol translocation that impacts barth syndrome, aging, and tangier disease. The molecule is a apoptosis, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and diabetic heart disease.
The molecule is a nutrient.
The molecule is a cholesterol translocation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts barth syndrome and aging. The molecule is a apoptosis and a stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts diabetic heart disease, tangier disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The molecule is a kras g12c inhibitor and belongs to the cancer treatment class of molecules.
The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure and a apoptosis, impacting both tangier disease and aging. The molecule is a energy storage, membrane stabilizer, nutritional supplement that impacts barth syndrome and diabetic heart disease. The molecule is a surfactant and a emulsifier, it impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and is smooth. The molecule is a food additive, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, energy source, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, cholesterol translocation.
The molecule is a energy storage, a nutritional supplement, and a stabilizing mitochondrial structure, and it impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The molecule is a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, food additive, energy source, emulsifier, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation. The molecule is a cholesterol translocation and a apoptosis, impacting both diabetic heart disease and aging. The molecule is a surfactant and a membrane stabilizer, which impacts both barth syndrome and tangier disease, and is characterized as smooth.
It impacts obesity treatment.
The molecule is a apoptosis, stabilizing mitochondrial structure, cholesterol translocation that impacts tangier disease and aging. The molecule is a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase and a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts barth syndrome, diabetic heart disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The molecule is a cholesterol translocation and a apoptosis that impacts aging, tangier disease, and diabetic heart disease. The molecule is a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, stabilizing mitochondrial structure, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts barth syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The molecule is a kinase inhibitor.
The molecule is a histone demethylase inhibitor and belongs to the cancer treatment class of molecules.
The molecule is a dopamine uptake inhibitor. It belongs to the first generation antipsychotic class of molecules. When headted to decomposistion it emits toxic fumes of nitrogen oxides/
The molecule is a cholesterol translocation and a apoptosis that impacts aging, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and barth syndrome. The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing mitochondrial structure, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase that impacts tangier disease and diabetic heart disease.
The molecule is a nutrient, a energy storage, and a inflammatory that impacts both cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, and is thyroxine treatment. The molecule is a membrane stabilizer and fat storage, and it impacts cancer. The molecule is a energy source that impacts atherosclerosis, pancreatitis, and obesity.
The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts barth syndrome, diabetic heart disease, aging, and tangier disease. The molecule is a apoptosis, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, cholesterol translocation, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The molecule is a epilepsy treatment.
The molecule is obesity treatment.
The molecule is a inflammatory, fat storage, membrane stabilizer that impacts obesity, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic syndrome. The molecule is a energy source and energy storage, and it impacts pancreatitis. The molecule is a nutrient and belongs to the thyroxine treatment class of molecules, impacting both cancer and atherosclerosis.
The molecule is a nutrient that impacts both metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. The molecule is a thyroxine treatment and a fat storage, impacting both atherosclerosis and pancreatitis.
The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, cholesterol translocation that impacts aging and barth syndrome. The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure and a apoptosis that impacts diabetic heart disease, tangier disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The molecule is a nutrient that impacts diabetes mellitus type 2, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, alzheimer's disease, and parkinson's disease.
The molecule is a nutrient, ec (cholinesterase) inhibitor, energy storage, surfactant, pesticide, and hemolytic. The molecule is a signalling molecule, is anti cholinesterase, and has a Amine odor. The molecule is both a emulsifier and a energy source. The molecule is a membrane stabilizer. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of nitroxides.
The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, apoptosis that impacts barth syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure and a cholesterol translocation that impacts aging, diabetic heart disease, and tangier disease.
The molecule is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor and a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, impacting both neuropathic pain treatment and pain treatment.
It has an effect on breast cancer, and impacts colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stomach cancer. It impacts diabetes mellitus, alzheimer's disease, seizure, and parkinson's disease.
The molecule is a energy source, a nutrient, and a inflammatory that impacts both cardiovascular disease and cancer, and is thyroxine treatment. The molecule is a membrane stabilizer that impacts both atherosclerosis and pancreatitis. The molecule is a energy storage and a fat storage, impacting both metabolic syndrome and obesity.
The molecule is a apoptosis and a cholesterol translocation that impacts aging, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and diabetic heart disease. The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase that impacts tangier disease and barth syndrome.
The molecule is a apoptosis that impacts diabetic heart disease, aging, barth syndrome, and tangier disease. The molecule is a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, cholesterol translocation, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The molecule is a kinase inhibitor, a anti tumor agent, and anti tumor.
The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, apoptosis that impacts barth syndrome and diabetic heart disease. The molecule is a cholesterol translocation and a stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts tangier disease, aging, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The molecule is a cholesterol translocation, stabilizing mitochondrial structure, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts diabetic heart disease. The molecule is a apoptosis that impacts tangier disease, barth syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and aging.
The molecule is a apoptosis that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, aging, diabetic heart disease, and tangier disease. The molecule is a cholesterol translocation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts barth syndrome.
The molecule is a no inhibitor and belongs to the neurodegenerative treatment class of molecules.
It impacts alzheimer's treatment.
The molecule is a nutrient.
The molecule is a apoptosis, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase that impacts aging and tangier disease. The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure and a cholesterol translocation that impacts diabetic heart disease, barth syndrome, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure, apoptosis, cholesterol translocation that impacts aging and barth syndrome. The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation and a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetic heart disease, and tangier disease.
The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation and a cholesterol translocation that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, aging, and barth syndrome. The molecule is a apoptosis, stabilizing mitochondrial structure, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase that impacts tangier disease and diabetic heart disease.
The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, apoptosis, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The molecule is a cholesterol translocation that impacts diabetic heart disease, tangier disease, barth syndrome, and aging.
It belongs to the anti fungal class of molecules.
It impacts metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, and thyroxine treatment. The molecule is a fat storage and a nutrient, impacting both pancreatitis and cardiovascular disease.
The molecule is a energy source, inflammatory, energy storage that impacts cardiovascular disease, obesity, and cancer. It impacts metabolic syndrome, pancreatitis, and atherosclerosis. The molecule is a membrane stabilizer, a fat storage, and a nutrient, and it impacts thyroxine treatment.
The molecule is a nutrient that impacts both atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome. The molecule is a fat storage that impacts cardiovascular disease, pancreatitis, and thyroxine treatment.
The molecule is a cholesterol translocation, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, apoptosis that impacts aging and barth syndrome. The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure and a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetic heart disease, and tangier disease.
The molecule is a signalling molecule, a surfactant, and a membrane stabilizer. The molecule is a emulsifier, energy storage, energy source, nutrient.
The molecule is a cholesterol translocation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and barth syndrome. The molecule is a apoptosis and a stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts tangier disease, diabetic heart disease, and aging.
The molecule is a food additive that impacts barth syndrome, diabetic heart disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The molecule is a emulsifier, a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, and a nutritional supplement, it impacts aging and is smooth. The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure, surfactant, energy storage, cholesterol translocation. The molecule is a membrane stabilizer, energy source, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, apoptosis that impacts tangier disease.
The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure and a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetic heart disease, and aging. The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, apoptosis, cholesterol translocation that impacts barth syndrome and tangier disease.
The molecule is a cholesterol translocation and a stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts tangier disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and diabetic heart disease. The molecule is a apoptosis, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts aging and barth syndrome.
The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, cholesterol translocation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and aging. The molecule is a apoptosis and a stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts barth syndrome, diabetic heart disease, and tangier disease.
The molecule is a energy storage, emulsifier, energy source, membrane stabilizer, surfactant, nutrient.
The molecule is a inflammatory, energy storage, nutrient, fat storage, has an effect on cancer, and is thyroxine treatment. It impacts obesity, pancreatitis, and metabolic syndrome. The molecule is a membrane stabilizer and a energy source, impacting both cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis.
The molecule is a kinase inhibitor.
It belongs to the anti inflammatory class of molecules.
The molecule is a allergic disease treatment.
The molecule is a pd1/pdl1 inhibitor and belongs to the cancer treatment class of molecules.
It impacts seizure, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, and parkinson's disease. It impacts breast cancer, diabetes mellitus, alzheimer's disease, and cardiovascular disease.
The molecule is a apoptosis, stabilizing mitochondrial structure, cholesterol translocation, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts barth syndrome. The molecule is a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, aging, tangier disease, and diabetic heart disease.
The molecule is a apoptosis, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, cholesterol translocation that impacts barth syndrome and aging. The molecule is a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase and a stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetic heart disease, and tangier disease.
The molecule is a nutrient that impacts both atherosclerosis and pancreatitis. The molecule is a fat storage and thyroxine treatment, impacting both metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease.
The molecule is a kinase inhibitor.
The molecule is a fat storage and a energy storage that impacts pancreatitis, atherosclerosis, cancer, and metabolic syndrome. The molecule is a inflammatory, a membrane stabilizer, and a nutrient. The molecule is a energy source and belongs to the thyroxine treatment class of molecules, impacting both obesity and cardiovascular disease.
The molecule is a thyroxine treatment that impacts both pancreatitis and metabolic syndrome. The molecule is a fat storage and a nutrient, impacting both cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis.
The molecule is a hcv inhibitor and a ns5a inhibitor, belonging to the anti viral class of molecules.
The molecule is a inflammatory and a energy storage that impacts cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and atherosclerosis. The molecule is a energy source that impacts both pancreatitis and metabolic syndrome. The molecule is a fat storage, thyroxine treatment, membrane stabilizer, nutrient.
The molecule is a anti depressant.
The molecule has Nearly odorless. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes.
The molecule is both a kinase inhibitor and a cancer treatment.
The molecule is a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase and a apoptosis that impacts barth syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and tangier disease. The molecule is a cholesterol translocation, stabilizing mitochondrial structure, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts diabetic heart disease and aging.
It belongs to the cancer treatment class of molecules.
It belongs to the leukotriene antagonist class of molecules.
It has an effect on colorectal cancer, and impacts seizure, alzheimer's disease, and diabetes mellitus. It influences both stomach cancer and breast cancer, as well as affecting cardiovascular disease and parkinson's disease.
It belongs to the fluorescent class of molecules.
The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure, a food additive, and a energy source, and it impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The molecule is a membrane stabilizer and a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, which impacts both aging and tangier disease, and is characterized as smooth. The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation and a apoptosis, impacting both diabetic heart disease and barth syndrome. The molecule is a emulsifier, energy storage, nutritional supplement, surfactant, cholesterol translocation.
The molecule is a nutrient.
The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, apoptosis, stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts tangier disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The molecule is a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase and a cholesterol translocation that impacts diabetic heart disease, aging, and barth syndrome.
The molecule is a cholesterol translocation and a stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts tangier disease, diabetic heart disease, and barth syndrome. The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, apoptosis that impacts aging and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The molecule is a liquid crystal composition and belongs to the dielectric class of molecules, impacting negative dielectric anisotropy.
The molecule is a anti diabetic and belongs to the anti cancer class of molecules, with the characteristic of being anti obesity.
The molecule is a cholesterol translocation and a stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, barth syndrome, and tangier disease. The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, apoptosis that impacts aging and diabetic heart disease.
The molecule is a stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts tangier disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, aging, and diabetic heart disease. The molecule is a apoptosis, cholesterol translocation, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts barth syndrome.
The molecule is a metabolic disorder treatment that belongs to both the obesity treatment and glp1 receptor modulator classes of molecules, and it impacts diabetes treatment.
It impacts insulin resistance.
The molecule is a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase and a cholesterol translocation that impacts barth syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and aging. The molecule is a apoptosis, stabilizing mitochondrial structure, proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts diabetic heart disease and tangier disease.
The molecule is a apoptosis, stabilizing cytochrome oxidase, stabilizing mitochondrial structure that impacts barth syndrome and diabetic heart disease. The molecule is a cholesterol translocation and a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation that impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, aging, and tangier disease.
The molecule is a proton trap for oxidative phosphorylation, stabilizing mitochondrial structure, cholesterol translocation that impacts tangier disease and barth syndrome. The molecule is a stabilizing cytochrome oxidase and a apoptosis that impacts diabetic heart disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and aging.
The molecule is a membrane stabilizer, energy storage, nutrient that impacts cancer, obesity, and pancreatitis. The molecule is a energy source and fat storage, and it impacts atherosclerosis. The molecule is a inflammatory that impacts metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and thyroxine treatment.
The molecule is a liquid crystal and is ferroelectric.
The molecule is a bcl2 inhibitor.