
< 1K
2 values
The typical avocado is over 300 calories from the oil in it. That’s the amount of calories in a large candy bar. If you get enough exercise to eat a large candy bar every day without gaining weight, it wouldn’t be a problem to eat an avocado every day. Other wise you should probably eat them sparingly.
Choose an appealing title for your post.
[ "Is the generated text a post title?", "Is the generated text appealing as a post tile?", "Is the generated post title suitable for the post in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Language: Python Function: input
Given a programming language and the name of a function, write a command to show how to use the function.
[ "Does the generated text include a command?", "Is the command in the generated text in the given programming language (Python)?", "Does the command in the generated text show how to use the function in the given input?", "Is the command in the generated text correct?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Linguistic" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
We were recently able to increase the amount of stock we hold with the same supplier thereby reducing our risk.
Change the first person to the third person in the given sentence. The meaning should be kept, but you can paraphrase it or expand it in order to have a better pose.
[ "Is the generated text expressed in third person?", "Does the generated text have a better pose than the given input?", "Does the generated text convey the same meaning as the original sentence in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Linguistic" ], [ "Style" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
Design a syllabus for the given course. Students should be given a list of the chapters with brief explanations of each chapter's purpose.
[ "Is the generated text a course syllabus?", "Does the generated text include a list of chapters?", "Does every chapter in the generated list include a description?", "Is the description of each chapter in the generated text concise?", "Is the generated text relevant to the course in the given input?", "Does the description of each chapter in the generated text explain the purpose of the chapter?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Format" ], [ "Format" ], [ "Style" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Think of topics that are most common in classic interview questions for a job in computer science.
[ "Does the generated text include some topics?", "Are the generated topics relevant to computer science?", "Are the generated topics suitable for interview questions?", "Are the generated topics common subjects in the classic interview?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
How do you say "good evening" in French.
Answer the following question.
[ "Does the generated text provide a correct answer to the question in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content", "Format" ] ]
adding an image to the page
Write the HTML syntax for the required action.
[ "Is the generated text in HTML syntax?", "Is the HTML syntax correct for the required actiont in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Linguistic" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Theme: Circuits
There are many creative projects we can build at home that are related to the given theme, so let's list some of them.
[ "Is the generated text a list?", "Are the items in the generated list relevant to the theme in the given input?", "Can the projects in the generated text be built at home?", "Are the projects in the generated text creative?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Name: Jane Main points: - Architect - Interested in Tech Written in first person Use casual tone
Write a good Twitter Bio. Try to cover all the provided main points in your generated bio.
[ "Is the generated text a Twitter Bio?", "Is the generated text written in the first person?", "Does the generated text use a casual tone?", "Does the generated text cover all information from the given input?", "Is the generated Twitter Bio good?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Linguistic" ], [ "Style" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Chicago: Vaswani, Ashish, Shazeer, Noam, Parmar, Niki, Uszkoreit, Jakob, Jones, Llion, Gomez, Aidan N., Kaiser, Lukasz, and Illia Polosukhin. "Attention Is All You Need." arXiv, (2017). MLA:
Google Scholar
You are given a paper citation, convert it to the requested citation style.
[ "Is the generated text a paper citation?", "Does the generated text comply with the requested citation style (MLA citation style)?", "Does the generated paper citation match the citation in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Cute cat playful Soft
Use appropriate emojis to convey the meaning in the given text.
[ "Does the generated text include emojis?", "Does the items in the given input have a one-to-one association with the emojis in the generated text?", "Does the generated emojis represent the given input properly?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Crew Members
Provide a list of the skills that may help you find the job.
[ "Is the generated text a list of skills?", "Are the skills in the generated text relevant to find the job in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
To evaluate if the Transformer can generalize to other tasks we performed experiments on English constituency parsing. This task presents specific challenges: the output is subject to strong structural constraints and is significantly longer than the input. Furthermore, RNN sequence-to-sequence models have not been able to attain state-of-the-art results in small-data regimes. Question: What is English constituency parsing?
Answer the question about the paper after reading it carefully.
[ "Is the generated text an answer relevant to the question in the given input?", "Is the answer in the generated text correct according to the paper in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Name: Pizzeria good prices, quiet place, tasty, nice staff
Based on the given keywords, write a review of a restaurant.
[ "Is the generated text a review of a retaurant?", "Is the generated text relevant to the keywords in the given input?", "Are all the keywords in the given input contained in the generated text?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
two things are infinite
(Wolfram alpha)?
You will be tested on your knowledge of classic witticisms and aphorisms by completing the given aphorism. Write the original quote as the answer.
[ "Is the generated text an aphorism?", "Is the aphorism in the generated text a complete one of the aphorism in the given input?", "Is the generated text the correct original quote of the aphorism in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
The Shining
Summarize the movie in a snarky way. Try to explain the movie in just one sentence.
[ "Is the generated text the summary of a movie?", "Does the generated summary only contain one sentence?", "Is the generated summary written in a snarky way?", "Does the generated summary relevant to the movie in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Format", "Number" ], [ "Style" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Subject: Asking for Vacation Time Hi [Employer], I hope all is well. I am writing to request a day off on [date]. I have already taken care of my work responsibilities for that day and will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you for your time, [Your name]
The tone of the email should be changed and rewritten in a more professional manner.
[ "Is the generated text an email?", "Is the tone of the generated text more professional than the email in the given input?", "Does the generated text convey the same meaning as the email in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Style" ], [ "Content" ] ]
what we have _expected
Think of alternatives and paraphrases for the underlined word.
[ "Is the generated text a list of candidates for word replacement?", "Are the candidates in the generated text appropriate to replace the underlined word in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Linguistic" ] ]
Daily tasks in the pharmacy
Write a to-do list based on the given information.
[ "Is the generated text a list of tasks to be completed?", "Are the tasks in the generated text daily tasks?", "Are the tasks in the generated text related to work in a pharmacy?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Dynamic Programming
Design a programming problem related to the subject that has been given to you. Use some examples and constraints to improve your question.
[ "Does the generated text contain a programming problem?", "Does the generated text contain some examples of a programming problem?", "Does the generated text contain some constraints of a programming problem?", "Is the generated programming problem relevant to the subject in the given input?", "Are the generated examples helpful in explaining the generated programming problem?", "Are the generated constrains reasonable for the generated prompgramming probelm?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
This blog post is going to about making a list of last-minute gift ideas. Also, the tone of the post is going to be relaxed and casual.
Design an outline for a blog post based on the given information and list the sections accordingly.
[ "Is the generated text an outline for a blog post?", "Does the generated outline contain a list of sections?", "Is the generated outline based on the information in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
A meeting has been scheduled, and the sender expects the other to review the slides.
A confirmation email should be written appropriately for the situation.
[ "Is the generated text a confirmation email?", "Is the generated email relevant to a scheduled meeting?", "Does the generated email mention that the receiver is expected to review the slides?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
New Employee onboarding
Write a Jira ticket for the given task.
[ "Is the generated text a Jira ticket?", "Is the generated text relevant to the task in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
if (20 > 18) { printf("20 is greater than 18"); }
Identify the programming language used to write the given code.
[ "Does the generated text include a programming language?", "Is the generated programming language correct for the code in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
List some of the top real estate marketing words to add value to the listing and engage more potential buyers.
[ "Is the generated text a list of words?", "Are the words in the generated text real estate marketing words?", "Do the generated words add value to the listing?", "Do the generated words engage potential buyers?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content", "Linguistic" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Style" ] ]
INGREDIENTS: 2 (5 oz) cans Bumble Bee® Solid White Albacore Tuna, drained 1 avocado 2 Tbsp Sriracha 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard 2 to 3 Tbsp celery, chopped 2 Tbsp red onion, chopped 2 green onions, chopped 1 Tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped Salt and pepper, to taste 2 heaping cups leafy green lettuce 1 cup matchstick carrots 4 (10 inch) whole wheat tortillas INSTRUCTIONS: In a medium bowl, mash together tuna and avocado until combined. Add in the rest of the ingredients through the salt and pepper, mixing well. To assemble, top each tortilla with a 1/2 cup leafy greens, 1/4 cup matchstick carrots and divide the tuna mixture evenly among the wraps. Tightly roll up the tortilla, slice and enjoy!
Provide a name for the dish given the ingredients and instructions.
[ "Is the generated text a name of a dish?", "Is the generated dish name relevant to the given ingredients and instructions?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Despite the _cacophony, the student tried to study. A. Loud sounds B. Difficult subject C. Late hour D. Low lighting
Find the answer that best describes the underlined SAT word. Select the correct option and explain the meaning of the underlined word.
[ "Does the generated text provide an answer for the multiple-choice question in the given input?", "Does the generated text explain the meaning of the underlined word in the given input?", "Does the selected answer in the generated text best describe the underlined word in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
In spite of the fact that procrastination feels bad to you, why do you do it?
Using the provided topic as a starting point, brainstorm ideas for videos that can be made about it on YouTube.
[ "Is the generated text a list of ideas?", "Are the generated ideas suitable for creating YouTube videos centered around the topic in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
If you'd told me year ago that today I would finish a marathon, I would of laughed. Your support had a huge affect on me!
Rewrite the given text and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
[ "Is the generated text free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors?", "Does the generated text convey the same meaning as the source text?" ]
[ [ "Linguistic" ], [ "Content" ] ]
The Great Gatsby
In the event that a person enjoyed the book that was given, please suggest other books that they might also like.
[ "Is the generated text a list of books?", "Are the books in the generated text of a similar genre to the given book and likely to be of interest to people interested in the given book?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
x^3 - 4x^2 + 6x - 24 = 0
Wolfram alpha
Solve this equation.
[ "Is the generated text an answer to an equation?", "Is the answer in the generated text correct for the equation in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Number", "Content" ] ]
There are great options
Find sentences from reliable sources such as the Guardian or Forbes that contain the exact match for the given sentence or phrase. Also, mention the source of each sentence.
[ "Is the generated text a list?", "Does every item of the list consist of a sentence and a source?", "Does every sentence in the list contain an exact match for the sentence or phrase in the given input?", "Are the sources for every sentence in the generated text reliable?", "Are the sentences in the generated text accurately taken from the corresponding sources?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
As of the 13th day of December 2021, this Music Recording Agreement ("Agreement") is made between Good Kid, a Toronto-based musical group ("Artist"), and Universal Music Group, a record label with license number 545345 ("Record Label"). The Artist and the Recording Label may be referred to in this Agreement individually as "Parties" and collectively as "Parties." Work under this Agreement will begin on March 15, 2022, and will last for the duration of the Agreement.
Take a look at the contract and extract the parties of the agreement from it.
[ "Does the generated text include agreement parties?", "Are the parties listed in the generated text correctly extracted from the contract provided in the input?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
read the first 10 lines from f
Convert the given description to a bash command.
[ "Is the generated text a bash command?", "Does the generated bash command accurately represent the description in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
school will _keep through the winter
Decide which part of speech the underlined word belongs to.
[ "Does the generated text identify a part of speech?", "Is the identified part of speech in the generated text correct for the underlined word in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Linguistic", "Content" ] ]
Blog Topic: 7 Fall Fashion Trends Worth Taking on Your Trip Section Title: Trusty Jeans Main point of the section: jeans can be worn all year and look good with everything .
Write a section for a blog post and try to cover all of the provided information about this section in your text.
[ "Is the generated text a section for a blog post?", "Is the generated text relevant to the blog topic in the given input?", "Does the generated text focus on the blog section in the given input (Trusty Jeans)?", "Does the generated text cover all the main points of the section in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
a creative tech startup
Make a list of adjectives that can be used to describe the given brand.
[ "Is the generated text a list of words?", "Do the generated words consist only of adjectives?", "Are the generated words suitable for describing the given brand?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Linguistic" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Write a template for First-Person LinkedIn profile summary.
[ "Is the generated text a LinkedIn Profile summary template?", "Is the generated template in first-person?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Linguistic" ] ]
Our family is looking for a 9-day Morocco trip that has light to moderate activity levels.
National Geographic
Create a daily itinerary based on the given information.
[ "Is the generated text a daily itinerary?", "Is the generated itinerary 9-day long?", "Is the generated itinerary designed for a family trip?", "Is the generated itinerary designed for a trip to Morocco?", "Does the generated itinerary involve light to moderate activity?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
- news: Applications for summer internships are open now - Start with a thematic tie-in to Halloween
We need to write a thematic tweet to share company news and facts. Please take a careful look at the facts and details provided and create a tweet based on them.
[ "Is the generated text a tweet?", "Does the generated tweet contain the company news and facts in the given input?", "Does the generated tweet begin with a thematic tie-in to Halloween?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
A choice has to be made between picking the red pill or the blue pill
We have described a scene from a movie that we have seen in the past. Find out what movie it is.
[ "Is the generated text a movie name?", "Does the scene in the given input appear in the movie in the generated text?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Period Dramas
Give a brief description of the given category of movies and shows.
[ "Is the generated text a description of the category in the given input of movies and shows?", "Is the generated description brief?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Style" ] ]
Social Media Marketer
List the personality traits that are required to be successful in the given job.
[ "Is the generated text a list of personality traits?", "Are the personality traits in the generated text important for success in the job in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Homework Assignment
You should find a few LATEX templates appropriate for the task at hand and list the links to them.
[ "Is the generated text a list of links?", "Are the links in the generated text related to LATEX templates?", "Are the links in the generated text suitable for the task in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
remove item in array
Discover the most relevant StackOverflow questions for your search term. And output a list of their URLs.
[ "Is the generated text a list of URLs?", "Are the generated URLs linked to StackOverflow questions?", "Do the contents of the generated URLs address the search term in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
User story: As a user, I want to use a search field to type a city, name, or street, so that I could find matching hotel options.
As part of software engineering, user stories describe what the user wants the system to do, while acceptance criteria describe the conditions a specific user story must meet. Create basic acceptance criteria based on the given user story.
[ "Is the generated text an acceptance criteria?", "Is the generated text based on the user story in the given input?", "Does the generated text contain a search field?", "Does the search field in the generated text support city, name, and street?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
What sound does this make?
[ "Is the generated text a sound?", "Is the sound in the generated text correct for the given character?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content", "Linguistic" ] ]
There's real magic in combining inherently compelling Victorian architecture with a modern aesthetic. Add in an extraordinary multi-level garden & the result is the undeniable elegance of 444 29th St. The front of the home is light-filled w/ a seamless connection between living, dining & kitchen. Newly updated kitchen w/ quartz counters & upgraded appliances. A lg dining rm has a bay of windows &, when paired w/ the adjacent living rm, provides an ideal space to entertain. 2 lg bdrms on this level are at the rear. Both w/ lg closets & walk out to the garden. Stylishly remodeled full bath on this level. 3rd bdrm/2nd full bath are located on the ground floor - perfect as a guest rm, home office, fitness area, etc. The enormous garden occupies an extra deep lot & is beautifully landscaped & terraced. Laundry/storage rm, 1-car garage pkg, Tesla solar panels. Prime, flat part of Noe Valley - short walk to all that Noe has to offer. Steps from the J-Church & convenient to shuttles/freeways.
Review the property description and tell us what is good and what is bad about it and list its key takeaways.
[ "Does the generated text provide a review of the property description given in the input?", "Does the generated text highlight the positive aspects of the property in the given input?", "Does the generated text point out the negative aspects of the property in the given input?", "Does the generated text list the key takeaways from the property description in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content", "Style" ], [ "Content", "Style" ], [ "Content", "Format" ] ]
Provide an example of how a table of contents can be generated automatically in a LATEX document. Make sure your example contains the necessary commands.
[ "Does the generated text contain an example of a Latex document?", "Is the generated example about how a table of content can be generated automatically in a LATEX document?", "Does the generated text contain the necessary commands to generate a table of contents?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Leg Raises
Provide instructions for the given exercise.
[ "Does the generated text include instructions?", "Are the instructions in the generated text relevant to the exercise in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
The reviews were great, but honestly i felt it was just ok. Seemed like a typical tourist spot were the food was mediocre. The service was ok, not great, but not the worst. The bread was very good. I ordered the muscle fries. They had a sweet Vidalia onion flavor. No need for fries bc they were soggy wo much flavor. My boyfriend ordered a pesto chicken pasta and it was again mediocre.
Predict how many stars the author will give to the restaurant from a Yelp review.
[ "Is the generated text Yelp review stars?", "Does the generated rating match the content of the given Yelp review?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Design a medium-level sudoku puzzle.
[ "Is the generated text a sudoku puzzle?", "Is the generated sudoku puzzle of medium-level difficulty?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Few-shot learning (FSL) is one of the key future steps in machine learning and raises a lot of attention. In this paper, we focus on the FSL problem of dialogue understanding, which contains two closely related tasks: intent detection and slot filling. Dialogue understanding has been proven to benefit a lot from jointly learning the two sub-tasks. However, such joint learning becomes challenging in the few-shot scenarios: on the one hand, the sparsity of samples greatly magnifies the difficulty of modeling the connection between the two tasks; on the other hand, how to jointly learn multiple tasks in the few-shot setting is still less investigated. In response to this, we introduce FewJoint, the first FSL benchmark for joint dialogue understanding. FewJoint provides a new corpus with 59 different dialogue domains from real industrial API and a code platform to ease FSL experiment set-up, which are expected to advance the research of this field. Further, we find that insufficient performance of the few-shot setting often leads to noisy sharing between two sub-task and disturbs joint learning. To tackle this, we guide slot with explicit intent information and propose a novel trust gating mechanism that blocks low-confidence intent information to ensure high quality sharing. Besides, we introduce a Reptile-based meta-learning strategy to achieve better generalization in unseen few-shot domains. In the experiments, the proposed method brings significant improvements on two datasets and achieve new state-of-the-art performance.
Semantic Scholar
Create a short, concise summary of the paper based on its abstract.
[ "Is the generated text a paper summary?", "Is the generated summary short and concise?", "Is the generated summary based on the given abstract?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Style" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Person 1: Hey, when are you free? I'd like to meet up. Person 2: I'm free tomorrow afternoon. Person 1: Great, what time? Person 2: How about 3 pm? Person 1: I have another meeting at that time. what about 5 pm? Person 2: That works. Where should we meet? Person 1: How about the coffee shop on Main Street? Person 2: Sounds good. I've heard they have great coffee there. See you tomorrow!
Currently, there is a chat in which people are arranging a meeting in the future. Retrieve the meeting information from the conversation.
[ "Does the generated text provide meeting information?", "Is the meeting information in the generated text correctly extracted from the conversation in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Hi Jen, I hope you're well. Can we catch up today? I'd appreciate your input on my presentation for tomorrow's meeting. I'd especially love it if you could double-check the sales numbers with me. There's a coffee in it for you!
Analyze the word choice, phrasing, punctuation, and capitalization in the given email. How may the writer of this email sound to the reader? These tones include Disheartening, Accusatory, Worried, Curious, Surprised, Disapproving, Unassuming, Formal, Assertive, Confident, Appreciative, Concerned, Sad, Informal, Regretful, Encouraging, Egocentric, Joyful, Optimistic, and Excited.
[ "Does the generated text contain tone types from the following list: Disheartening, Accusatory, Worried, Curious, Surprised, Disapproving, Unassuming, Formal, Assertive, Confident, Appreciative, Concerned, Sad, Informal, Regretful, Encouraging, Egocentric, Joyful, Optimistic, and Excited?", "Do the tone types in the generated text conform to the given email's tone by analyzing the word choice, phrasing, punctuation, and capitalization in the given email?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Style", "Linguistic" ] ]
Python loop
You are given an algorithm or a search query about coding. Look for a code snippet related to the search query.
[ "Is the generated text a code snippet?", "Is the generated code in Python?", "Is the generated code snippet relevant to the given algorithm or search query?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Linguistic" ], [ "Content" ] ]
In what genres does the given movie or series fall?
[ "Is the generated text a movie genre?", "Is the generated movie genre correct for the given movie or series?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Create a template in markdown to create scope for Jira tickets. Members should use this template as a checklist to ensure they have included all the necessary information when creating a ticket.
[ "Is the generated text a markdown template?", "Can the generated text be used as a checklist?", "Does the generated text contain all the necessary information to created a Jira ticket?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
name: Mark nationality: Italian language: English attributes: creative, goal-oriented, motivated skills: software engineering, content marketing
Create a brief resume introduction using the following information.
[ "Is the generated text a resume introduction?", "Is the generated text brief?", "Does the generated text cover name, nationality, and language in the given input?", "Does the generated text cover all attributes in the given input?", "Does the generated text cover all skills in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Style" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Write a step-by-step guide for resolving GitHub merge conflicts.
[ "Does the generated text include steps to resolve GitHub merge conflicts?", "Are the generated steps presented in a step-by-step manner?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Format" ] ]
Name the top cities in France that should not be missed. Include the best aspects of each place as well.
[ "Does the generated text include some city names?", "Are the cities in the generated text in France?", "Are the cities in the generated text the best places to travel in France?", "Does the generated text include the best aspect of the cities?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Identify all words that match the pattern given.
[ "Is the generated text a list of words?", "Do the generated words match the pattern in the given input?", "Do all words that match the pattern in the given input are included in the generated list?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content", "Linguistic" ], [ "Content", "Linguistic" ] ]
Come up with healthy and easy dinner ideas for weeknights.
[ "Is the generated text a list of dinner ideas?", "Are the dinner ideas in the generated text healthy?", "Are the dinner ideas in the generated text easy to make?", "Are the dinner ideas in the generated text suitable for weeknights?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Product: Golang course Product description: teaching the foundational skills for building cloud services, web applications, DevOps tools, and backend development Discount: 50% How to claim: Use the coupon code: GOLANG
Create a detailed caption for an Instagram post about a discount. A proper caption should explain the product, offer the discount, and tell the user how to claim it.
[ "Is the generated text a caption for an Instagram post?", "Is the generated caption detailed?", "Does the generated text explain the product in the given input?", "Does the generated text offer the discount in the given input?", "Does the generated text tell the user how to claim the discount as described in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Style" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Google Search
Write what the pronunciation of the given word sounds like. Follow the "Google pronunciation dictionary" scheme for phonetic spelling.
[ "Is the generated text a pronunciation?", "Does the generated pronunciation follow the \"Google Pronunciation Dictionary\" schema for phonetic spelling?", "Is the pronunciation accurate for the given word?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content", "Linguistic" ], [ "Content" ] ]
+ Hey, how did your exams go? - They were alright. I'm just glad they're over. + Yeah, I know how you feel. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about them anymore.
Respond to the last text in the chat using the correct emojis to convey your feelings.
[ "Does the generated response consist of emojis?", "Do the emojis used in the generated response accurately express the intended feelings in relation to the content of the previous text in the chat in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Make a list of snacks and foods to serve as party snacks on a game day!
[ "Is the generated text a list of snacks and foods?", "Does the generated list consist of snacks and foods that are suitable to be served as party snacks on a game day?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Item: iBayam Journal Planner Pens Colored Pens Fine Point Markers Fine Tip Drawing Pens Porous Fineliner Pen for Journaling Writing Note Taking Calendar Coloring Art Office Back to School Supplies, 18 Color
Compare the given item with similar products based on its properties such as price, rating, etc. For product comparison, use a table and separate the columns with "|".
[ "Does the generated text contain a table?", "Does the generated table include the item in the given input?", "Does the generated table compare several similar products with the item in the given input?", "Does the generated table compare the items based on their properties such as price, rating, etc.?", "Does the generated table use \"|\" for separating the columns?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Format" ] ]
If you could help me write an email to my friends inviting them to dinner on Friday, it would be greatly appreciated.
[ "Is the generated text an email?", "Does the generated text discuss inviting friends to dinner?", "Does the generated text mention an invitation time of Friday for the dinner?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
Describe how to prepare the given food in your own words. Note down the ingredients you will need and the steps you will take to prepare them.
[ "Does the generated text include the necessary ingredients for the preparation of the specified food in the given input?", "Does the generated text provide steps to prepare the specified food in the given input?", "Do the steps in the generated text utilize all listed ingredients in the preparation of the specified food?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Match a valid ip address
Regex is a set of characters that define a search pattern. This kind of pattern is usually used by string-searching algorithms to find or replace strings or to validate inputs. Convert the natural english text to regex.
[ "Is the generated text a regex expression?", "Is the generated regex expression correct for the English text in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Guide: Every other letter alternates between lower case and upper case. Sentence: A giant spider blocks your path.
You should capitalize the sentence according to the guide.
[ "Does the generated text follow the guideline that every other letter alternates between lower case and upper case?", "Does the generated text contain exactly the same characters as the given sentence, ignoring case?" ]
[ [ "Linguistic" ], [ "Content" ] ]
The Ice cream shop is a small, quaint shop located in the heart of the historic district. They offer a variety of ice cream flavors, as well as Italian ice, gelato, and sorbet. The shop has a few tables and chairs, but most of their business is to-go. They offer a loyalty program where you can get a free scoop of ice cream after 10 purchases.
Give the provided brand a motto to use as a part of its marketing strategies.
[ "Is the generated text a motto?", "Is the motto in the generated text suitable for the marketing strategies of the brand in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Love in the Time of Cholera
Indicate the genre of the book to which it belongs.
[ "Is the generated text a book genre?", "Is the genre in the generated text correct for the book in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Subject: You have an invitation Email: Hi, I'd like to join your LinkedIn network.
Decide if the given email belongs to the Promotions or Social category.
[ "Is the generated text a classification label in two categories (Promotions, Social)?", "Is the classification label in the generated text accurate for the email in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
I'm looking for a west coast road trip. My goal is to start near San Diego and travel to Los Angeles.
Someone gives you some information about where they want to go and what they enjoy seeing and doing. Describe a proper road trip for them and find the best stops and activities in the way.
[ "Is the generated text a description of a road trip?", "Does the generated text include some stops and activities?", "Are the stops and activities in the generated text well-known and best to visit?", "Is the generated road trip a West Coast road trip?", "Does the beginning stop and destination in the generated text meet the requirement in the given input (start near San Diego and travel to Los Angeles)?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Table: Person | Column Name | Type | | personId | int | | lastName | varchar | | firstName | varchar | personId is the primary key column for this table. This table contains information about the ID of some persons and their first and last names. Table: Address | Column Name | Type | | addressId | int | | personId | int | | city | varchar| | state | varchar | addressId is the primary key column for this table. Each row of this table contains information about the city and state of one person with ID = PersonId. Write an SQL query to report the first name, last name, city, and state of each person in the Person table. If the address of a personId is not present in the Address table, report null instead. Return the result table in any order. Implementation: select FirstName, LastName, City, State from Person left join Address on Person.PersonId = Address.PersonId ;
You are given a programming problem and its implementation. Analyze the problem and implementation and explain the algorithm and approach used to solve the problem.
[ "Does the generated text analyze the programming problem and its corresponding implementation in the given input?", "Does the generated text explain the algorithm and the approach employed to solve the programming problem in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Steam Engine Using an Empty Beer Can
Provide a detailed explanation of the steps that are required in order to construct the given project.
[ "Does the generated text include an explanation of the steps?", "Is the explanation of each step in the generated text detailed?", "Are the steps in the generated text required to construct the project in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content", "Format" ], [ "Style" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
Please list the courses that someone interested in the first course might like.
[ "Is the generated text a list of courses?", "Are the courses in the generated text related to the course in the given input and likely to be of interest to people interested in the given course?" ]
[ [ "Content", "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
The story of a movie has been described using many emojis. You need to guess the name of the movie based on the emojis.
[ "Is the generated text a movie name?", "Is the generated movie name relevant to the given emojis?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Kale + almond butter + apple cider vinegar + agave nectar + tamari
Using the ingredients that are available, create a dinner recipe.
[ "Is the generated text a recipe?", "Does the generated recipe only use the ingredients in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Search: why sky is blue Document: The Short Answer: Sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air. Blue light is scattered more than the other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.
Google Search
You are given a search query and a document. Classify whether the document is relevant to the search query or not relevant.
[ "Does the generated text indicate whether the document is relevant to the search query in the given input?", "Is the assessment in the generated text of the document's relevance to the given search query reasonable?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
+ What are going to do now? - I don't know. I had to give up my dream of being a mathematician. + Why
The last message in the chat is a partial response. You should complete and rewrite it.
[ "Does the generated text fully complete the partial response from the last chat message in the given input?", "Considering the chat in the given input, is the generated reply apt and congruent with the ongoing conversation?" ]
[ [ "Content", "Linguistic" ], [ "Linguistic" ] ]
SAMSUNG 980 PRO SSD 2TB PCIe NVMe Gen 4 Gaming M.2 Internal Solid State Hard Drive Memory Card, Maximum Speed, Thermal Control, MZ-V8P2T0B
Take the title of the product and extract its attributes. The attributes in this case refer to the characteristics of the products, such as their brand and color. Your answer must a list following the format of "attribute: value".
[ "Is the generated text a list of product attributes?", "Does every item in the generated list conform to the format of \"attribute: value\"?", "Do the generated attributes and values conform to the product information presented in the given input?", "Are all attributes in the generated text the characteristics such as brand and color of the product in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content", "Format" ], [ "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
MacBook Air
Suggest some product bundles that are often purchased with a given product.
[ "Is the generated text a list of products?", "Are the generated products bundles that are often purchased together with the product in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content", "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
This is the second time I've been here, and the vibes, and the food were exquisite.
Notify me of any suggestions you may have for making the text more grammatically correct.
[ "Does the generated text include a suggestion or some suggestions?", "Will the sentence in the given input be grammatically correct after following the generated suggestions?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Linguistic" ] ]
a sudden temperature change
In relation to the given weather scenario, give some tips on how to adjust the travel plans with it.
[ "Is the generated text a list of tips?", "Are the tips in the generated text about how to adjust travel plans considering the weather scenario in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content", "Format" ], [ "Content" ] ]
"With a little give in them"
Explain the meaning of the given phrase in simple terms. Use an example if possible. It would be helpful if you could give an example.
[ "Is the generated text an explanation of the meaning of the phrase in the given input?", "Does the generated text contain an example?", "Does the generated explanation only use simple terms?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Linguistic" ] ]
Mathematics and art are related in a variety of ways. Mathematics has itself been described as an art motivated by beauty. Mathematics can be discerned in arts such as music, dance, painting, architecture, sculpture, and textiles. This article focuses, however, on mathematics in the visual arts. Mathematics and art have a long historical relationship. Artists have used mathematics since the 4th century BC when the Greek sculptor Polykleitos wrote his Canon, prescribing proportions conjectured to have been based on the ratio 1:√2 for the ideal male nude. Persistent popular claims have been made for the use of the golden ratio in ancient art and architecture, without reliable evidence. In the Italian Renaissance, Luca Pacioli wrote the influential treatise De divina proportione (1509), illustrated with woodcuts by Leonardo da Vinci, on the use of the golden ratio in art. Another Italian painter, Piero della Francesca, developed Euclid's ideas on perspective in treatises such as De Prospectiva Pingendi, and in his paintings. The engraver Albrecht Dürer made many references to mathematics in his work Melencolia I. In modern times, the graphic artist M. C. Escher made intensive use of tessellation and hyperbolic geometry, with the help of the mathematician H. S. M. Coxeter, while the De Stijl movement led by Theo van Doesburg and Piet Mondrian explicitly embraced geometrical forms. Mathematics has inspired textile arts such as quilting, knitting, cross-stitch, crochet, embroidery, weaving, Turkish and other carpet-making, as well as kilim. In Islamic art, symmetries are evident in forms as varied as Persian girih and Moroccan zellige tilework, Mughal jali pierced stone screens, and widespread muqarnas vaulting.
Summarize the article you have been given in a brief manner.
[ "Is the generated text a summary of the article in the given input?", "Is the generated summary concise?", "Does the generated text summarize the main points of the article in the given input?", "Does the generated text only include information that is present in the given article?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Style" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Find synonyms for the given word. You need to write down how the provided synonyms differ from the original word in terms of meaning, usage, etc.
[ "Does the generated text provide a list of words?", "Are all the words in the generated list synonyms of the word in the given input?", "Does the generated text provide an explanation of each word to show how the generated synonyms differ from the word in the given input in terms of meaning, usage, etc.?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Linguistic" ], [ "Content", "Format" ] ]
Tucked in the foothills of the quaint historic mining town of Grass Valley, CA this funky and spacious chalet invites you to experience the great outdoors with family, friends and pets. Enjoy the hot tub, basketball court, treehouse, kids rooms, bbq, fire-pit, outdoor theater, and more. One hour from Tahoe and 10 minutes to town, you’re never short of things to explore.
Extract the address of the property from the "About this space" section of Airbnb.
[ "Is the generated text an address?", "Is the generated text the address of the property according to the text in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Data entry clerk in United States
Based on the information provided, you need to estimate the average salary for the given job.
[ "Is the generated text about a salary?", "Is the generated salary a reasonable estimation for the job in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Crime & Mystery
Choose the best books from the given genre.
[ "Does the generated text include some books?", "Are the books in the generated text from the genre in the given input?", "Are the books in the generated text the best books in the given genre?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Blog title: Healthy Apple Muffins Blog Topic: recipe and tips for cooking a good apple muffin
We've already decided on the title and topic for our blog post. I would appreciate it if you wrote an introduction paragraph to attract the readers' attention.
[ "Is the generated text an introduction paragraph of a blog post?", "Is the generated text based on the blog title and blog topic in the given input?", "Is the content of the generated introduction paragraph attractive enough to draw reader's attention?" ]
[ [ "Content", "Format" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Style" ] ]
Person1: available from 9-11 am, meeting duration: 30 min Person2: available from 1-3 pm, meeting duration: 90 min Person3: available from 2-3:30 pm, meeting duration: 60 min
Google Calendar
Schedule the meetings based on the given informqation.
[ "Is the generated text a meeting schedule?", "Does the generated schedule include all people in the given input?", "Does the generated schedule accommodate each person's available time in the given input?", "Does the duration in the generated schedule match each person's meeting duration in the given input?", "Is the generated schedule free of any conflicts?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
"This is the best cheat-sheet paper that I've found in a LONG time."
Assess the sentiment of the given tweet and categorize it as Positive, Negative, or Neutral.
[ "Does the generated text indicate the sentiment category (Positive, Negative, or Neutral) of the tweet in the given input?", "Is the assessment in the generated text of the given tweet's sentiment reasonable?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Style" ] ]
history of the USA
Google Docs
Include important study notes and key points that someone should know about the given subject.
[ "Is the generated text a study notes?", "Does the generated text include key points that people should know about the subject in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
One or more jobs can be run automatically by a workflow. The workflows are defined in the repository as YAML files and will run if an event occurs in the repository, as well as manually, or on a certain schedule. Bring an example of a workflow that demonstrate the CI/CD features of GitHub Actions.
[ "Is the generated text an example of a workflow?", "Does the generated text demonstrate the CI/CD features of GitHub Actions?" ]
[ [ "Format", "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Document Cameras allow teachers to display documents, books, or other materials for their students to see.
Take the product description and write a creative ad for it.
[ "Is the generated text an ad?", "Is the generated text creative?", "Is the generated text relevant to the product in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Format" ], [ "Style" ], [ "Content" ] ]
Security Officer
Describe the responsibilities of the given job.
[ "Does the generated text include responsibilities?", "Are the responsibilities in the generated text relevant to the job in the given input?" ]
[ [ "Content" ], [ "Content" ] ]

Dataset Card for InFoBench Dataset

The InFoBench Dataset is an evaluation benchmark dataset containing 500 instructions and corresponding 2250 decomposed requirements.

Dataset Usage

You can directly download it with huggingface datasets.

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("kqsong/InFoBench")

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

For each instance, there is an instruction string, an input string (optional), a list of decomposed questions, and a list of the labels for each decomposed question.

    "id": "domain_oriented_task_215",
    "input": "",
    "category": "Business and Economics: Business Administration",
    "instruction": "Generate a non-disclosure agreement of two pages (each page is limited to 250 words) for a software development project involving Party A and Party B. The confidentiality duration should be 5 years. \n\nThe first page should include definitions for key terms such as 'confidential information', 'disclosure', and 'recipient'. \n\nOn the second page, provide clauses detailing the protocol for the return or destruction of confidential information, exceptions to maintaining confidentiality, and the repercussions following a breach of the agreement. \n\nPlease indicate the separation between the first and second pages with a full line of dashed lines ('-----'). Also, make sure that each page is clearly labeled with its respective page number.",
    "decomposed_questions": [
        "Is the generated text a non-disclosure agreement?",
        "Does the generated text consist of two pages?",
        "Is each page of the generated text limited to 250 words?",
        "Is the generated non-disclosure agreement for a software development project involving Party A and Party B?",
        "Does the generated non-disclosure agreement specify a confidentiality duration of 5 years?",
        "Does the first page of the generated non-disclosure agreement include definitions for key terms such as 'confidential information', 'disclosure', and 'recipient'?",
        "Does the second page of the generated non-disclosure agreement provide clauses detailing the protocol for the return or destruction of confidential information?",
        "Does the second page of the generated non-disclosure agreement provide exceptions to maintaining confidentiality?",
        "Does the second page of the generated non-disclosure agreement provide the repercussions following a breach of the agreement?",
        "Does the generated text indicate the separation between the first and second pages with a full line of dashed lines ('-----')?",
        "Does the generated text ensure that each page is clearly labeled with its respective page number?"
    "subset": "Hard_set",
    "question_label": [
        ["Format", "Number"],
        ["Format", "Content"],

Data Fields

  • id: a string.
  • subset: Hard_Set or Easy_Set.
  • category: a string containing categorical information.
  • instruction: a string containing instructions.
  • input: a string, containing the context information, could be an empty string.
  • decomposed_questions: a list of strings, each corresponding to a decomposed requirement.
  • question_label: a list of list of strings, each list of strings containing a series of labels for the corresponding decomposed questions.

Additional Information

Licensing Information

The InFoBench Dataset version 1.0.0 is released under the MIT LISENCE

Citation Information

      title={InFoBench: Evaluating Instruction Following Ability in Large Language Models}, 
      author={Yiwei Qin and Kaiqiang Song and Yebowen Hu and Wenlin Yao and Sangwoo Cho and Xiaoyang Wang and Xuansheng Wu and Fei Liu and Pengfei Liu and Dong Yu},
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