Check that the master SSH control socket "my-ctrl-socket" to "[email protected]" is running
ssh -S my-ctrl-socket -O check [email protected]
check the type of files in the folder /usr/bin
find /usr/bin | xargs file
Check whether "$path_in_question" is a mount point
df $path_in_question | grep " $path_in_question$"
Check whether "/full/path" is a mount point with no output and using the exit code
df /full/path | grep -q /full/path
Clean the current directory from all subversion directories recursively
find . -type d -name ".svn" -print | xargs rm -rf
Clear the in-memory history
history -c
Clear the in-memory history and read from the current history file
history -cr
Clear the terminal's search history
history -c
Clears terminal screen.
echo `clear`
Clears the terminal screen.
Close the master SSH control socket "my-ctrl-socket" to "[email protected]"
ssh -S my-ctrl-socket -O exit [email protected]
This command find displays the files which are modified in the last 15 minutes. And it lists only the unhidden files. i.e hidden files that starts with a . (period) are not displayed in the find output.
find . -mmin -15 \( ! -regex ".*/\..*" \)
The command runs all the directories (-type d) found in the $LOGDIR directory wherein a file's data has been modified within the last 24 hours (-mtime +0) and compresses them (compress -r {}) to save disk space.
find $LOGDIR -type d -mtime +0 -exec compress -r {} \;
Compare "$source_file" and "$dest_file" line by line
diff "$source_file" "$dest_file"
Compare "current.log" and "previous.log" line by line and print lines containing regex pattern ">\|<"
diff current.log previous.log | grep ">\|<" #comparring users lists
Compare "fastcgi_params" and "fastcgi.conf" line by line, output 3 lines of unified context, and print the C function the change is in
diff -up fastcgi_params fastcgi.conf
Compare "file1" and "file2" line by line with 3 lines of unified context
diff -u file1 file2
Compare *.csv files in the current directory tree with their analogs stored in /some/other/path/
find . -name "*.csv" -exec diff {} /some/other/path/{} ";" -print
Compares two listings 'ls' and 'ls *Music*', showing only strings that unique for first listing.
comm -23 <(ls) <(ls *Music*)
Compare the contents of "/bin" and "/usr/bin" line by line
diff <(ls /bin) <(ls /usr/bin)
Compare the contents of gzip-ompressed files "file1" and "file2"
diff <(zcat file1.gz) <(zcat file2.gz)
Compare each .xml file under the current directory with a file of the same name in "/destination/dir/2"
find . -name *.xml -exec diff {} /destination/dir/2/{} \;
compare each C header file in or below the current directory with the file /tmp/master
find . -name '*.h' -execdir diff -u '{}' /tmp/master ';'
Compare each file in "repos1/" and "repos2/", treat absent files as empty, ignore differences in whitespace and tab expansions, and print 3 lines of unified context
diff -ENwbur repos1/ repos2/
Compare files "A1" and "A2" with 3 lines of unified context and print lines beginning with "+"
diff -u A1 A2 | grep -E "^\+"
Compare files 'file1' and 'file2' and print in three columns strings unique for first file, second file, and common ones
comm abc def
Compare files in "/tmp/dir1" and "/tmp/dir2", treat absent files as empty and all files as text, and print 3 lines of unified context
diff -Naur dir1/ dir2
Compare the files in 'FOLDER1' and 'FOLDER2' and show which ones are indentical and which ones differ
find FOLDER1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I % find FOLDER2 -type f -exec diff -qs --from-file="%" '{}' \+
Compare sorted files 'f1.txt' and 'f2.txt' and print in three columns strings unique for first file, second file, and common ones
comm <(sort -n f1.txt) <(sort -n f2.txt)
Compare sorted files 'f1.txt' and 'f2.txt' and print in three columns strings unique for first file, second file, and common ones
comm <(sort f1.txt) <(sort f2.txt)
Compare text "hello" and "goodbye" line by line
diff <(echo hello) <(echo goodbye)
Compose filepath as folder path where file $SRC is located, and lowercase filename of $SRC file, and save it in 'DST' variable
DST=`dirname "${SRC}"`/`basename "${SRC}" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
Compose filepath as folder path where file $f is located, and lowercase filename of $f file, and save it in 'g' variable
g=`dirname "$f"`/`basename "$f" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
Composes full process tree with process id numbers, and prints only those strings that contain 'git'.
pstree -p | grep git
Compress "archive.tar"
gzip archive.tar
Compress "hello world" and save to variable "hey"
hey=$(echo "hello world" | gzip -cf)
Compress "my_large_file" with gzip and split the result into files of size 1024 MiB with prefix "myfile_split.gz_"
gzip -c my_large_file | split -b 1024MiB - myfile_split.gz_
Compress $file file using gzip
gzip "$file"
Compress a file named '{}' in the current directory
gzip "{}"
Compress all ".txt" files in all sub directories with gzip
gzip */*.txt
Compress all ".txt" files in the current directory tree with gzip
find . -type f -name "*.txt" -exec gzip {} \;
Compress all *.img files using bzip2
find ./ -name "*.img" -exec bzip2 -v {} \;
Compress all directories found in $LOGDIR wherein a file's data has been modified within the last 24 hours
find $LOGDIR -type d -mtime +0 -exec compress -r {} \;
Compress all directories found in directory tree $LOGDIR that have been modified within the last 24 hours
find $LOGDIR -type d -mtime -1 -exec compress -r {} \;
Compress all files in the "$FILE" directory tree that were last modified 30 days ago
find $FILE -type f -mtime 30 -exec gzip {} \;
Compress all files in the "$FILE" directory tree that were last modified 30 days ago and have not already been compressed with gzip
find $FILE -type f -not -name '*.gz' -mtime 30 -exec gzip {} \;
compresses all the files in the current folder with default depth
find . -depth -print | cpio -dump /backup
Compresses all files listed in array $*, executing in background.
compress $* &
Compress all files under /source directory tree using gzip with best compression method
find /source -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P $CORES gzip -9
Compress all files under current directory tree with gzip
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0r gzip
Compress all files with '.txt' extension under current directory
echo *.txt | xargs gzip -9
Compress and display the gzip compression ratio of every file on the system that is greater than 100000 bytes and ends in ".log"
sudo find / -xdev -type f -size +100000 -name "*.log" -exec gzip -v {} \;
Compress and display the original filename of every file on the system that is greater than 100000 bytes and ends in ".log"
sudo find / -xdev -type f -size +100000 -name "*.log" -exec gzip {} \; -exec echo {} \;
Compress every file in the current directory that matches "*cache.html" and keep the original file
gzip -k *cache.html
Compress every file in the current directory tree that matches "*cache.html" and keep the original file
find . -type f -name "*cache.html" -exec gzip -k {} \;
Compress every file in the current directory tree with gzip and keep file extensions the same
find folder -type f -exec gzip -9 {} \; -exec mv {}.gz {} \;
Compresses file 'example.log' keeping original file in place.
bzip2 -k example.log
Compress the file 'file' with 'bzip2' and append all output to the file 'logfile' and stdout
bzip2 file | tee -a logfile
Compress files excluding *.Z files
find . \! -name "*.Z" -exec compress -f {} \;
Compress from standard input and print the byte count preceded with 'gzip.'
echo gzip. $( gzip | wc -c )
Compress from standard input with gzip
Compress in parallel regular files in the current directory tree that were last modified more than 7 days ago
find . -type f -mtime +7 | tee compressedP.list | xargs -I{} -P10 compress {} &
Concatenate all files under the current directory and below that contain "test" in their names
find . -iname '*test*' -exec cat {} \;
Concatenate files containing `test' in their names
find . -name '*test*' -exec cat {} \;
Concatenate with a space every other line in "input.txt"
paste -s -d' \n' input.txt
Connect as ssh user specified by variable USER to host whose IP address or host name is specified by HOST, and copy remote file specified by variable SRC to location on local host specified by variable DEST, disabling progress info but enabling debug info.
scp -qv $USER@$HOST:$SRC $DEST
Connect to "$USER_AT_HOST" using connection sharing on "$SSHSOCKET" and request the master to exit
ssh -S "$SSHSOCKET" -O exit "$USER_AT_HOST"
Connect to host "$USER_AT_HOST" in master mode in the background without executing any commands and set the ControlPath to "$SSHSOCKET"
ssh -M -f -N -o ControlPath="$SSHSOCKET" "$USER_AT_HOST"
Connect to host "server_b" as ssh user "user" and copy local file "/my_folder/my_file.xml" to server_b's directory "/my_new_folder/".
scp -v /my_folder/my_file.xml user@server_b:/my_new_folder/
Connect to port 1234 of specified IP address or hostname as ssh user "user", and copy all visible files in /var/www/mywebsite/dumps/ on this host to local directory /myNewPathOnCurrentLocalMachine - this directory must already exist on local host.
scp -P 1234 user@[ip address or host name]:/var/www/mywebsite/dumps/* /var/www/myNewPathOnCurrentLocalMachine
Connect to port 2222 of as ssh user "user", and copy local file "/absolute_path/source-folder/some-file" to remote directory "/absolute_path/destination-folder"
scp -P 2222 /absolute_path/source-folder/some-file [email protected]:/absolute_path/destination-folder
Continuously send "y" to all prompts of command "rm"
yes | rm
Convert "1199092913" to dotted decimal IPv4 address
ping -c1 1199092913 | head -n1 | grep -Eow "[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+"
Convert ";" separated list "luke;yoda;leila" to new line separated list
echo "luke;yoda;leila" | tr ";" "\n"
Convert "abc" to a string of hexadecimal bytes
echo abc | od -A n -v -t x1 | tr -d ' \n'
Convert the contents of 'var1' variable to lowercase
var1=`echo $var1 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
Convert the content of variable 'CLEAN' to small letters
CLEAN=`echo -n $CLEAN | tr A-Z a-z`
Convert relative path "/x/y/../../a/b/z/../c/d" into absolute path with resolved symbolic links
readlink -f /x/y/../../a/b/z/../c/d
Convert relative symbolic link "$link" to absolute symbolic link
ln -sf "$(readlink -f "$link")" "$link"
Convert standard input into a dump of octal bytes without the first 8 bytes of address and count the unique results
od | cut -b 8- | xargs -n 1 | sort | uniq | wc -l
cope *.mp3 files to /tmp/MusicFiles
find . -type f -name "*.mp3" -exec cp {} /tmp/MusicFiles \;
Copies ""$project_dir"/iTunesArtwork", to the 'Payload/iTunesArtwork', rewriting files if necessary.
cp -f "$project_dir"/iTunesArtwork Payload/iTunesArtwork
Copy "./export" recursively to "/path/to/webroot" preserving permissions
rsync -pr ./export /path/to/webroot
Copy "/Users/username/path/on/machine/" to "[email protected]:/home/username/path/on/server/" and convert encoding from UTF-8-MAC to UTF-8
rsync --iconv=UTF-8-MAC,UTF-8 /Users/username/path/on/machine/ '[email protected]:/home/username/path/on/server/'
Copy "/home/username/path/on/server/" to "[email protected]:/Users/username/path/on/machine/" and convert encoding from UTF-8 to UTF-8-MAC
rsync --iconv=UTF-8,UTF-8-MAC /home/username/path/on/server/ '[email protected]:/Users/username/path/on/machine/'
Copy "/new/x/y/z/" over the network to "user@remote:/pre_existing/dir/" preserving the directory hierarchy
rsync -a --relative /new/x/y/z/ user@remote:/pre_existing/dir/
Copy "/path/to/source" to '/path/to/dest' in remote "username@computer"
rsync -r /path/to/source username@computer:/path/to/dest
Copy "6.3.3/6.3.3/macosx/bin/mybinary" to "~/work/binaries/macosx/6.3.3/" and create directory "~/work/binaries/macosx/6.3.3/" if "~/work/binaries/macosx/" exists
rsync 6.3.3/6.3.3/macosx/bin/mybinary ~/work/binaries/macosx/6.3.3/
Copy "fileName.txt" to all directories listed in "allFolders.txt" - names may not contain spaces.
cat allFolders.txt | xargs -n 1 cp fileName.txt
Copy "some_file_name" to "destination_directory" and change ownership to "someuser:somegroup"
echo 'some_file_name' | cpio -p --owner someuser:somegroup destination_directory
Copy "source" recursively to "destination" excluding "path1/to/exclude" and "path2/to/exclude"
rsync -av --exclude='path1/to/exclude' --exclude='path2/to/exclude' source destination
Copy "src" to "dest" if "src" is newer than "dest"
rsync -u src dest
Copy "src/prog.js" and "images/icon.jpg" to "/tmp/package" keeping relative path names
rsync -R src/prog.js images/icon.jpg /tmp/package
Copy '/path/to/source' from remote "username@computer" to local "/path/to/dest"
rsync -r username@computer:/path/to/source /path/to/dest
Copies '' and '' to '/usr/lib/', preserving all attributes, and copying symlinks as symlinks, without following in source files.
sudo cp -a /usr/lib/
Copies 'src' to 'dest' preserving overwriting the existing files.
cp -n src dest
Copy *.mp3 files to /tmp/MusicFiles
find . -type f -name "*.mp3" -exec cp {} /tmp/MusicFiles \;
Copy *.txt files from the dir/ directory tree along with their parent directories
find dir/ -name '*.txt' | xargs cp -a --target-directory=dir_txt/ --parents
Copy /my/configfile to all empty directories of the $somedir directory tree
find "$somedir" -type d -empty -exec cp /my/configfile {} \;
Copy the 3 specified files to /tmp/package, preserving/creating directory structure of each file as specified on command line.
cp --parents src/prog.js images/icon.jpg /tmp/package