What Two Journalists Learned Tracing The Lives Of America's Working Poor
Seventy-five years ago, writer James Agee and photographer Walker Evans documented the lives of poor, rural Americans in the classic book “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men.” Thirty years later, journalists Dale Maharidge (@dalemaharidge) and Michael Williamson revisited that story and produced their own book, “And Their Children After Them,” which won a Pulitzer Prize for nonfiction in 1990. Maharidge and photographer Matt Black took another look at America’s working poor for a new article in Smithsonian Magazine. Here & Now‘s Peter O’Dowd talks with Maharidge about the story. Interview Highlights On James Agee’s 1941 book “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men” “James Agee, a writer for Fortune magazine, and a photographer, Walker Evans, went to Alabama to document what then were the poorest working people in America. It was an assignment for the magazine, and they spent about a month and a half down there with three sharecropping families — extremely destitute, they wore raggy clothing, picked cotton by hand, plowed with mules. He came back to write his story for Fortune, the magazine rejected it, and so like many writers do, he said, ‘I’m going to do a book,’ and he did this book, ‘Let Us Now Praise Famous Men,’ which came out in 1941.” On one farm worker he met in “The Scissors” in California’s Central Valley “In Spanish, it’s called la tijera, and when she told me it was ‘The Scissors’ — it’s two roads that come together at a sharp angle, and she’s right between the blades. She was gonna have a job at a watermelon packing plant for $10-and-something an hour. They were three months behind on their rent, they lived in a horrible, horrible little house, very, very decrepit place. And they’re undocumented. And so her chance of getting a real, good job is pretty slim to none. And these are the people who pick our food, process our food… I’m not a stranger to the Central Valley. I reported in Sacramento for many years, and I did a lot of farmworker stories. And it’s always amazed me how the people who provide our food are sometimes the most undernourished and most desperate.” Array On how he approached reporting the story “You can use what they call ‘poverty porn.’ I could’ve done this piece and just said, ‘Wow, here’s a bunch of poor people,’ and just presented them. And it’s not really that good. I wanted to take it another step with this project, when I got the assignment from Smithsonian. I wanted to look at some of the things that are being done, very innovative, on the ground right now to help these people, things that we desperately need right now in this country.” On the job creation models he reported on “The main one was in Cleveland, it’s the Cleveland model, it’s called the Evergreen [Cooperatives]. It was a private foundation that funded this job creation program. It’s three companies — there’s a laundromat, there’s a greenhouse and there’s a construction company. There’s about 125 people working there now, and I think of the things we could do like this program, where they get paid a very good wage, they’re co-owners of the company — it’s a cooperative model — and they can even buy houses through the company for like $20-some-thousand dollars each, and pay them off in five years. The workers are treated extremely well. And now that it’s up and running, it’s self sufficient, there’s no more public monies going into it. They’re gonna pay bonuses to the workers for the second time this year.” On asking people he met if they “feel poor” “The first person I asked was Simón Salazar, he works in a raisin packing plant in the Central Valley. And at first when I met him, he was suspicious of me, he was like, ‘I don’t think you struggle like us.’ It wasn’t a mean question — it was more of an honest observation. So I wound up volunteering, helping them build houses for three days, and at one point I asked Simón, I said, ‘Do you consider yourself poor,’ and he rubbed his beard, and he pointed to a van, and he said, ‘See that van? It’s used, I saved two years to buy it, I paid cash,’ he said, ‘I have no debt.’ He says, ‘You look at people who look like they’re rich, how much debt do they have? I have no debt.’ He lives within his means. I thought that was a fascinating answer, and so I decided to ask everybody else the same question on my travels.” On what Salazar’s answer says about the state of poverty in the U.S. “It says something about money. A lot of the people I interviewed across the country, these are people who do not have credit car
Last week was the premiere of this season's Intern Edition, the show that NPR's interns put together every semester. It's not all radio pieces — some of it is video now, or slideshows. One of the things that delighted me this season was that one of our Digital Arts interns, Andrew Lapin (who's also written for the blog, including this piece on Winnie The Pooh, which I loved) did a lovely piece on the projectionist at my favorite movie theater on earth, the AFI Silver. Also nifty: another of our interns, Madelyn Mahon, investigated beekeeping in D.C. — that piece is nifty, too. There are a zillion (rough estimate) people working at NPR who used to be interns, so you'd be well-advised to take them seriously. I also heard a terrifically moving piece about an elderly grandmother, an eye-opening and intimate look at a home birth, and a visit with Harry Potter fans taking in the very last movie. Our interns work hard and don't get a lot of ink, so check out their marvelous work and fear them, for they are mighty.
I love true crime shows I do too. I love the police memoirs and police TV too. Oh yes! Those are great shows.
True crime cause harm and mental trauma to the real people involved. True crime media can be produced without the consent of the victim's family, which can lead to their being re-traumatized. Depending on the writer, true crime can adhere strictly to well-established facts in journalistic fashion or can be highly speculative. Writers can selectively choose which information to present and which to leave out in order to support their narrative. Author Christiana Gregoriou analyzed several books of the genre and concluded that tabloidization and fictionalization are pervasive in the
Anthem (N-Joi song) of three songs: "Peanut Butter" by Gwen Guthrie (using the lyrics "I'm in love with you / Want you to love me too..."; Saffron performs the same lyrics in the duo's live shows), "I Found Love" by Darlene Davis (using the lyrics "True love can be hard to find...") and "Back to Life (However Do You Want Me)" by Soul II Soul. Because of this, the artists (and their writers) also receive credits
Eclipse viewing comes to Ottawa - but don't expect a blackout
Experts will set up telescopes to give Ottawans a free view of the solar eclipse next Monday, but we’re a long, long way from the total eclipse that many Americans will see. The eclipse will reach its maximum here around 2:35 p.m. But this means different things in different places. At that time, people on the Tennessee-North Carolina border will see the entire sun being covered as the moon passes in front of it. The eclipse moves gradually from west to east across the continental United States, with the “totality,” or part where the sun is totally covered, running along a strip more than 100 kilometres wide. In Ottawa, however, only 61 per cent of the sun will be covered by the moon. With proper safety equipment, you will see the sun form a crescent shape, but it’s unlikely we will notice a dimming of daylight. Cloudy weather, of course, would make the whole thing invisible. The Canada Aviation and Space Museum and the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada are bringing telescopes to set up at the museum to give people a free view, weather permitting. (If it’s cloudy, there will be presentations indoors.) “Telescopes will be set up from noon to 4 p.m., with the eclipse itself occurring from 1:17-3:48 p.m.,” the museum says. The moon covers just a little of the sun at first, then gradually more until about 2:35 p.m., after which the moon slowly moves on and leaves the sun uncovered. You’ll see fancy telescopes and also, as a novelty, the pinhole type — a hole in a cardboard box that casts an image of the crescent sun on the back of the box. It allows you to see the image while not looking at the sun itself. We asked astronomer Paul Delaney of York University what the experience will be like. “You will be hard-pressed to detect any change in the light level,” he said. There might be a slight “softening” of the light, “but it’s not going to affect your ability to read (and) you won’t be turning on headlights.” He said York, the Aviation and Space Museum and the Astronomical Society are putting on public shows largely because everyone is hearing eclipse buzz from the United States. “We don’t want people going out and observing in an uninformed fashion. Looking at the sun during a partial (eclipse) phase, without eye protection, is very dangerous.” “But it is a very neat event if you watch it properly … And so bringing people to telescopes and handing out properly rated solar glasses is our way to do an educative step forward.” It’s also preparation for what he calls “the big one in 2024,” a total eclipse that will be visible from Niagara Falls through Atlantic Canada. The Astronomical Society has safe viewing tips, courtesy of Ottawa’s Gary Boyle: • Eclipse glasses can be purchased from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (www.rasc.ca). Ordinary sunglasses are not safe for looking straight at the sun. • For telescopes, binoculars and camera lenses, use a Baader solar filter available from telescope dealers. • No. 14 welder’s glass can be purchased from most local welding supply dealers. You can look through it safely but it’s not recommended for use with cameras. • Build a pinhole camera using instructions from various websites. • Some tree leaves act as natural pinhole cameras with hundreds of crescent suns appearing in the tree’s shadow. • Watch it on the internet. Many sites will be streaming. [email protected]
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR POLICY: To submit a letter to the editor for possible inclusion in the paper, e-mail us at [email protected] or send it to 34932 Calle del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Dana Point Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or the information written by the writers. HARRY TOUART, San Clemente I stumbled upon a highly organized protest gathering at the Outlets at San Clemente on Jan. 20. While grabbing a coffee at Starbucks around 8 a.m., I noticed close to 200 people gathering under the parking structure. Most were carrying antigovernment slogans, such as slurs toward President Donald Trump, #Resist and #BlackLivesMatter signs. Several people were wearing those ridiculous looking protest beanies with the two knots on top. I stopped by to ask the security guard what was up. He told me an organization had rented out the parking structure to bus everyone to an antigovernment protest. This was obviously a very clandestine place to set up and well planned, out of the public eye, hidden inside the parking structure. There were four large buses inside the structure that were loaded with people to ship to a protest. Some political organization spent a large sum of money to set this up. If the owners of the Outlets of San Clemente are supporting this antigovernment movement then I will never spend another dime there and will boycott the Outlets, which already has a sore spot with much of the local population, and now they are offering support to disrupt our republic. What is it about these people that want to see our nation fail?
how is the phone cradle tightened to secure the phone & does it lock?
The cradle part has a ratcheting design, you can clamp the phone in quite tightly and if you want - you can remove the phone, tighten one more notch and slide the phone in for an even tighter fit.
When I first got the case, the purple on the outside was really hard put on and take off when needed, but was overall flexible enough to get on. After having it for a few months the outside has become a lot more flexible. I would be careful of putting it off and on too much because you may stretch that layer more than desired.
Can I top up my balance with a cheque?
I need to top up using a cheque
My ATM withdrawal was cancelled
this movie only gets a second star because i work downtown and liked seeing it destroyed. the effects were pretty good- i hear it was the most expensive Korean film ever made. being the most expensive and still absolutely horrid makes it a massive waste of money. i rented it so i won't complain too much about what i paid, but it was a couple hours that i'll never get back. plot holes abound. terrible acting all across the board. i do not recommend giving up the time to watch this movie, life is too short. if your friends want to watch this, run away. i can't stress enough how bad this film was. <br /><br />where the hell did the second dragon come from? why didn't he show up sooner? how did they have rocket launchers on dinosaurs just 500 years ago?
Based on the Korean legend, unknown creatures will return and devastate the planet. Reporter Ethan Kendrick is called in to investigate the matter, and he arrives at the conclusion that a girl, stricken with a mysterious illness, named Sarah is suppose to help him. The Imoogi makes its way to Los Angeles, wreaking havoc and destruction. With the entire city under arms, will Ethan and Sarah make it in time to save the people of Los Angeles? Written by Anonymous I think he should have included the following<br /><br />This is the worst movie i have ever seen the best actor in the whole thing was the CG dragon and overall it s u c k-ed i am p i s s-ed at not only with the people who made it but myself for watching save yourself the time read a book or something maybe a little Dr Seuss that should be more stimulating.<br /><br />no wonder the guy is anonymous sorry for the format this site has a lot of rules this is the only way i could get this out without adding more
Across the country and especially in the political landscape, people with any kind of political ambition, should take time out to see this film. The movie is called " City Hall " and with little imagination, its synopsis can take place anywhere in America. It just so happens to open in New York. Here we have the story of a popular politician named Mayor John Pappas (Al Pacino) with enough savvy to run a major metropolitan city with very little effort. His right-hand man is none other than Deputy Mayor Kevin Calhoun (John Cusack) an equally bright individual who's ambitions are tied to his mentor and both seemed destined for higher office. Everything points in that direction, until a police shooting ignites an investigation spearheaded by Marybeth Cogan (Bridget Fonda) who believes the guilt points towards city hall and the mayor. A six year old boy and a police officer's death are blamed on a career criminal who's questionable freedom leads to an apparent cover-up by political pay-offs and city corruption involving union leaders like Danny Aiello played by Frank Anselmo, corrupt judicial officials like Judge Walter Stern. (Martin Landau) and mafia bosses like Paul Zapatti (Anthony Franciosa) who are deeply involved. Also implicated, are party officials like Larry Schwartz (Richard Schiff) who works for the probation office of New York. But it is the bond between the mayor and his deputy which is taken to task by the accidental shooting. A great vehicle for Cusack and a sure bet nominee to become a classic. ****
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Not A Good Fit My husband used to love FOTL boxers. They have changed the fit; the waistband is super small now. He had to cut the waistband just to be able to wear these. We can't size up because the rest of the boxer is the normal size, so if we sized up the boxer itself would be huge while the waistband might be a better fit. He's lean, so these just don't work anymore.
Which fictional villain has the real name Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot?
Penguin (comics) | Villains Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia Supervillain, Archenemy, Mobster “ The world thinks I am dead, the richest spoils in Gotham await me, and you want to cut yourself a slice of the action? -- You must learn, my ghoulish friend, the Penguin flies ever alone!! „ ~ The Penguin. The Penguin is one of Batman's oldest foes. He relies heavily on gadgets, since he doesn't have any superpowers. His real name is Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot. He feels the need to prove himself, because of his somewhat eccentric appearance. Although the Penguin doesn't seem to have any real powers, he appears to be somewhat of a knowledgeable scientist, as his umbrella doubles as a small helicopter device that he uses to fly the skies of Gotham and a pistol concealed in his umbrella. He also uses his umbrella to take down Batman. He owns a nightclub called the Iceberg Lounge which often provides cover for criminals, which Batman can actually tolerate provided he gets information on the criminal underworld. Unlike most of Batman's foes, he is not insane. Also in the movie Batman Returns, He leads a gang of mischeivous criminals and circus performers called the Circus Gang and tried to take over Gotham City by officially becoming the town's new mayor. Contents A younger version of Penguin appears in the television series Gotham, where he appears as one of the series' antagonists. He is played by Robin Lord Taylor. Batman: Assault on Arkham Penguin appears in Batman: Assault on Arkham, voiced again by Nolan North. He is hired by Amanda Waller to give the Suicide Squad arms, equipment, and shelter in his Iceberg Lounge for the night prior to their mission to infiltrate Arkham Asylum and take out the Riddler. He appears to have worked with Deadshot before and respects him as the city's best assassin, as he chooses to only work with the best, and he holds a grudge against the Joker and Harley Quinn for their having sunk a truck of his cigarettes "just for a laugh." Batman: Bad Blood The Penguin briefly appears at the end of the film Batman: Bad Blood in a non-speaking role. Penguin is seen in a car escaping from the cops in a high speed chase. The Bat Family flies down to pursue him. Batman Telltale series Oswald Cobblepot appears in the Telltale video game series for Batman. This version is tall, thin and handsome (unlike his comic book counterpart) and is the same age as Bruce Wayne, with the pair of them being childhood friends. Statistics First Appearance: Detective Comics #58 (December, 1941) In other media The penguin has made appearances in the Cartoon Network show MAD. He gave a safety PSA in episode 11, was shopping in a villain warehouse in episode 20, and was seen at a restaurant in episode 32. Holy Musical Batman The Penguin was one of the rogues who worked with Sweet Tooth to destroy the Batman, and put nuclear Warheads into the city's water supply. At first he didn't like the homicidal candy themed criminal, when he interuppted the Rogues Councils' meeting in destroying the Bat, but after Sweet Tooth killed Chilly Willy with his lollipop to express his villainy, he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, put your flippers together for the NEW king of crime in Gotham." Which resulted in him having some humility. Quotes "Kiss my little flipper" "I tawt i taw a pussy cat i did! i did see a pussy cat!" (to Catwoman, obviously) "Who's the wise guy who thinks he's a Joker?" (to Sweet Tooth) "Sorry Batman but i'm no, Gusher" "Im Cock of the wok around here" (to Sweet Tooth) "As soon as the bird seed, fills the bottom of that bird cage I'm going to release my murderous Hummingbird-Ostrich hybrid birds, and their gonna peck your f****** brains out Batman!" Gallery
Yardbirds - Pafff...Bum #2 (DEStereo) - YouTube Yardbirds - Pafff...Bum #2 (DEStereo) Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Need to report the video? Sign in to report inappropriate content. Rating is available when the video has been rented. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Published on Oct 4, 2014 Giorgio Gomelsky (born 28 February 1934) is a film maker, impresario, music manager, songwriter (as Oscar Rasputin) and record producer. He was born in Georgia, grew up in Switzerland, and later lived in Britain and the US. He owned the Crawdaddy Club in London where The Rolling Stones were house band, and he was involved with their early management. He hired The Yardbirds as a replacement and managed them. He was also their producer from the beginning through 1966. In 1967, he started Marmalade Records (distributed by Polydor), which featured "Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger and the Trinity", The Blossom Toes, and early recordings by Graham Gouldman, Kevin Godley and Lol Creme, who became 10cc. The label closed in 1969. Gomelsky was also instrumental in the careers of The Soft Machine, Daevid Allen and Gong, Magma, and Material. Category
The victim, 25, was found wounded after police were called to Corinne Road, Tufnell Park, at about 21:30 BST on Tuesday. He was given first aid by officers and paramedics from London Ambulance Service but died at the scene, the Metropolitan Police said. The man's next-of-kin have been informed although he has not yet been formally identified. A murder investigation has been launched and a post-mortem examination will be held in due course. Police said extra officers will be in the area as local CCTV footage is recovered and forensic analysis continues. There have been no arrests. The scene remains cordoned off.
Police were called to Alton Street in Tower Hamlets just before 14:00 BST. The man, who was in his 30s, was pronounced dead at the scene shortly after. It comes after police made 14 arrests following four separate London attacks which left two teenagers dead and three men injured in the space of 12 hours. The deaths take the total number of murders in London in 2019 to 56. Last year there were 132 homicides - the highest level for a decade.
Mr Sargeant was found dead four days after he was dismissed amid allegations of inappropriate behaviour to women. An inquiry found "no evidence of prior unauthorised sharing of information" about the reshuffle in November. The Welsh Tories have called for the full inquiry report to be published. The leak inquiry was one of three ordered following the sacking and subsequent death of the Alyn and Deeside AM, who is thought to have taken his own life. Former minister Leighton Andrews had said he believed others had been told of his dismissal before it happened. A spokesman for the Welsh Government's most senior civil servant - Permanent Secretary Dame Shan Morgan - said on Thursday: "This investigation has now finished and found that there is no evidence of prior unauthorised sharing of information by the Welsh Government relating to the recent Ministerial reshuffle." The Conservatives said the statement "invites yet more speculation that someone within the First Minister's office was authorised to leak information about the Cabinet reshuffle". 'Satisfy concerns' The party said its Welsh leader Andrew RT Davies had tabled an urgent questions asking First Minister Carwyn Jones to "reveal whether he, or someone acting on his authority, authorised leaking of details about his Cabinet reshuffle prior to November 3rd". A spokesman for the Welsh Conservatives added: "To fully satisfy any concerns that remain over this investigation, the Permanent Secretary should release the report into the public domain, along with all the evidence which supported its conclusions, so that Assembly Members of all stripes can decide for themselves whether there's a case to answer for here. "If a leak was sanctioned then we need to understand why and by whom. We have now submitted an urgent question on this matter." The Welsh Government said it had nothing to add to the statement from the permanent secretary's spokesman. However it referred to a Welsh Government statement issued last week, which said: "The first minister asked the permanent secretary to investigate whether details of the November ministerial reshuffle were leaked. "It would be wholly inappropriate to disclose information contained in confidential statements provided by individuals as part of the inquiry." Meanwhile a QC - Paul Bowen - will chair an inquiry into Mr Jones's handling of his dismissal of Mr Sargeant, while former Irish special prosecutor James Hamilton will consider claims that the first minister misled the assembly when answering questions about alleged bullying within the Welsh Government.
Mine Own Executioner [SEP] cast member
Mine Own Executioner Mine Own Executioner Mine Own Executioner is a 1947 British psychological thriller drama film starring Burgess Meredith and directed by Anthony Kimmins, and based on the novel of the same name by Nigel Balchin. It was entered into the 1947 Cannes Film Festival. The title is derived from a quotation of John Donne's "Devotions", which serves as the motto for the original book. Plot. Felix Milne (Meredith) is an overworked psychologist with psychological problems of his own. Molly Lucian seeks Milne's help in treating
Mine Own Executioner (1960 film) her husband. Cast. - Brian James as Felix - June Brunell as Pat - Edward Brayshaw as Adam Lucian - Beverley Phillips as Barbara - Marcella Burgoyne as Molly Lucian Reception. The "Australian Woman's Weekly" called it "the best live TV drama yet." External links. - "Mine Own Executioner" at IMDB
In 1983, O. J. Simpson was put into the College Football Hall of Fame.
O. J. Simpson 1969 to 1977. He also played for the San Francisco 49ers from 1978 to 1979. In 1973, he became the first NFL player to rush for more than 2,000 yards in a season. He holds the record for the single season yards-per-game average, which stands at 143.1. He was the only player to ever rush for over 2,000 yards in the 14-game regular season NFL format. Simpson was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1983 and the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985.
Mike Garrett 1965 W. J. Voit Memorial Trophy as the outstanding football player on the Pacific Coast. He won the Heisman Trophy after the 1965 regular season. In 1985, he was voted into the College Football Hall of Fame. Garrett signaled the dawn of the "Tailback U" era, where USC produced a stream of top tailbacks included Heisman winners O. J. Simpson (1968), Charles White (1979) and Marcus Allen (1981), as well as Heisman runners-up Anthony Davis (1974) and Ricky Bell (
Frenemies is based on a movie by the same name.
Frenemies (film) Frenemies (film) Frenemies is a 2012 teen comedy-drama television film and anthology based on the novel of the same name by Alexa Young which premiered on Disney Channel. It features an ensemble cast starring Bella Thorne, Zendaya, Stefanie Scott, Nick Robinson, Mary Mouser and features Connor Price, Jascha Washington and Dylan Everett. The film follows three pairs of teenage friends that go from friends to enemies and back again. The film was directed by Daisy Mayer and written by Dava Savel, Wendy Weiner, and Jim
Frenemies (disambiguation) Frenemies (disambiguation) Frenemy is an oxymoron and a portmanteau of "friend" and "enemy" that refers to "a person with whom one is friendly, despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry" or "a person who combines the characteristics of a friend and an enemy". Frenemies may also refer to: - "Frenemies" (film), a 2012 teen comedy-drama television film based on the novel of the same name - "Frenemies" ("Glee"), an episode
when did the great rift valley form
All that exists is just ONE soul. Around 35 million years ago, the Great Rift Valley was formed by the tectonic breach of the African continental plate from the Arabian plate. Was this answer useful?
The escapements and valleys of the Great Rift Valley were formed as the plates were pulled apart. The movement of the tectonic plates have shaped the landscape and this is evident in the topography maps of the region. The diverse landscape and the close proximity to the equator have impacted on the vegetation.
Every year there are thousands of pedestrians in Sweden who are injured because of slippery pavements and roadways. Using an appropriate anti-skid device may reduce the risk of slips and falls on ice and snow. Methods to describe functional problems in walking on different slippery surfaces during winter have been developed as rating scales for evaluating walking safety and walking balance and an observation method to observe posture and movements during walking. Practical tests of all 25 anti-skid devices on the market in Sweden were carried out on different slippery surfaces; gravel, sand, salt, snow and ice. The anti-skid devices were described according to the subjects' perception of walking safety, walking balance and priority for own use. The postures and movements during walking were analysed by an expert physical therapist. The wholefoot device 'studs' was perceived as the best according to walking safety and walking balance and had the highest priority for own use.
Shared space is an approach to improving streets and places where both pedestrians and vehicles are present, with layouts related more to the pedestrian scale and with features encouraging drivers to assume priority having been reduced or removed. It creates a more pedestrian-friendly environment than conventional street layouts, which are based on greater segregation between pedestrians and vehicles, while at the same time introducing uncertainty, which makes drivers engage more fully with their surroundings, leading to lower vehicle speeds and improved safety. This paper investigates the importance of certain person-, context- and design-specific factors affecting the perceptions of pedestrians and drivers to shared space. Using two web-based stated-preference surveys, two sets of responses are collected from pedestrians and drivers, who are presented with different combinations of binary factors forming scenarios. Regression analysis is carried out with logit models for each survey. The results suggest that pedestrians feel most comfortable in shared space under conditions which ensure their presence is clear to other road users – these conditions include low vehicular traffic, high pedestrian traffic, good lighting and pedestrian-only facilities. Conversely, the presence of many pedestrians and, in particular, children and elderly, makes drivers feel uneasy and, therefore, enhances their alertness.
A baseline or control state is fundamental to the understanding of most complex systems. Defining a baseline state in the human brain, arguably our most complex system, poses a particular challenge. Many suspect that left unconstrained, its activity will vary unpredictably. Despite this prediction we identify a baseline state of the normal adult human brain in terms of the brain oxygen extraction fraction or OEF. The OEF is defined as the ratio of oxygen used by the brain to oxygen delivered by flowing blood and is remarkably uniform in the awake but resting state (e.g., lying quietly with eyes closed). Local deviations in the OEF represent the physiological basis of signals of changes in neuronal activity obtained with functional MRI during a wide variety of human behaviors. We used quantitative metabolic and circulatory measurements from positron-emission tomography to obtain the OEF regionally throughout the brain. Areas of activation were conspicuous by their absence. All significant deviations from the mean hemisphere OEF were increases, signifying deactivations, and resided almost exclusively in the visual system. Defining the baseline state of an area in this manner attaches meaning to a group of areas that consistently exhibit decreases from this baseline, during a wide variety of goal-directed behaviors monitored with positron-emission tomography and functional MRI. These decreases suggest the existence of an organized, baseline default mode of brain function that is suspended during specific goal-directed behaviors.
The Right to Inmates having Koran's in our jails are in the U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights? Who knew...
Thank God for the courts! At least one of three branches of government respects and upholds the constitution.....
The man's a fool
Cheap Really cute table but the screws to extra lock the seats do not fit .... also after one week of very light use by my kids eating lunch on it the seat already has a tear ... pretty cheaply made
Very cute but broke in one week I wore for a week and it broke. The button popped off when I was was working. It is a cute concept but cheaply made.
Let down. Really wanted to like this product. Unfortunately, within 24 hrs of use, 1of the 3 cords stopped working.
What is the name, after its chairman, of the ongoing public enquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press following the News International phone hacking scandal?
Phone hacking: timeline of the scandal - Telegraph Phone Hacking Phone hacking: timeline of the scandal The key events in the phone hacking scandal, which has led to the closure of the News of the World, halted Rupert Murdoch's BSkyB takeover bid, and prompted the arrest of several key figures. 11:15AM BST 23 Jul 2012 Key events: 2000 Rebekah Brooks is appointed editor of the News of the World. Aged just 32 and the youngest national newspaper editor in the country, she begins a campaign to name and shame alleged paedophiles, leading to some alleged offenders being terrorised by angry mobs. She also campaigns for public access to the Sex Offenders Register, which eventually comes into law as "Sarah's Law." Phone Hacking: files for five journalists sent to CPS 11 Jun 2012 Schoolgirl Milly Dowler , 13, disappears in the London suburb of Walton-on-Thames in March. Her remains are found in September. Her murder is one of the most notorious of the decade and her killer is convicted in 2011. 2003 Rebekah Brooks becomes editor of daily tabloid The Sun, sister paper to the News of the World and Britain's biggest selling daily newspaper. Andy Coulson, her deputy editor since 2000, becomes editor of the Sunday paper. Wade tells a parliamentary committee her paper paid police for information. News International later says this is not company practice. 2007 January: The News of the World's royal affairs editor Clive Goodman is jailed for four months . Private investigator Glenn Mulcaire is given a six-month prison term. Goodman and Mulcaire admitted conspiring to intercept communications while Mulcaire also pleaded guilty to five other charges of intercepting voicemail messages. After the two were sentenced, News of the World editor Coulson resigns, saying he took "ultimate responsibility," though knew nothing of the offences in advance. May: Harbottle and Lewis, News International’s lawyers, review internal emails between Mr Coulson and executives, but find “no evidence” they were aware of Goodman’s actions. Later that month, Andy Coulson becomes the Conservative Party's director of communications under leader David Cameron. December: James Murdoch is made chief executive of News Corporation's European and Asian operations. 2009 June: Rebekah Brooks becomes CEO of News International. July: It emerges that News of the World reporters, with the knowledge of senior staff, illegally accessed messages from the mobile phones of celebrities and politicians while Coulson was editor from 2003 to 2007. It is also reported that News Group Newspapers, which publishes the News of the World, has paid out more than £1 million to settle cases that threatened to reveal evidence of its journalists' alleged involvement in phone hacking. Scotland Yard says it will not be carrying out a new investigation into the allegations, but the Crown Prosecution Service announces an urgent review of material provided by the police in 2006. News of the World editor Colin Myler tells the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee of an internal review in which more than 2,500 emails were read and that “no evidence” of wrongdoing had been uncovered . Later that month, Mr Coulson tells MPs on the Culture, Media and Sport Committee things went ''badly wrong'' under his editorship of the News of the World, but insists he knew nothing about alleged phone tapping by his journalists. September: Les Hinton, chief executive of Dow Jones and former executive chairman of Murdoch's newspaper arm in Britain, tells a committee of legislators any problem with phone hacking was limited to the one, already well-publicised, case. He says they carried out a wide review and found no new evidence. At the start of the month, Rebekah Brooks leaves The Sun to become the chief executive of News International. November: The Press Complaints Commission says in a second report that it has seen no new evidence to suggest anyone at the News of the World other than Goodman and Mulcaire hacked phone messages, or that the paper's executives knew what the pair were doing. 2010 Februar
[Brian Lindsay Thomson] Graham Greene and the Poli(BookFi.org) | Writers [Brian Lindsay Thomson] Graham Greene and the Poli(BookFi.org) analise da obra deum grande escritor Copyright: © All Rights Reserved Graham Greene and the Politics of Popular Fiction and Film Brian Lindsay Thomson Graham Greene and the Politics of Popular Fictionand Film   This page intentionally left blank  More From This User This action might not be possible to undo. Are you sure you want to continue? CANCEL We've moved you to where you read on your other device. Get the full title to continue Get the full title to continue reading from where you left off, or restart the preview. Restart preview
Does it make a click sound when the thermostat turns it on or off? Is it at silent as it claims?
hi mike:mine is silent. this Lasko pictured may be a different mode as mine is black; looks the same though. I really like mine. bought mine cheaper at Menards.
I am not sure on that. But beware, you can only download the software to one computer only.
An unexploded World War Two bomb discovered on a building site in north-west London has been defused.
A 300m cordon was set up when the 500lb (227kg) device was found in The Avenue, Brondesbury Park on Thursday morning. Police said bomb disposal experts had successfully defused the device and it had been moved away from the area. Homes and schools had been evacuated and rail services were disrupted, but all roads in the area have now been reopened. How much of a threat are unexploded WWII bombs? Twenty-seven nearby schools, nurseries and parent and toddler groups were closed on Friday. People living within the cordon were asked to leave their homes and a centre for people who were unable to return home was set up. Nearly 80 people were moved to a hotel in Wembley on Thursday night. London Overground was also closed for part of the morning between Willesden Junction and Camden Road. After cordons were set up on Thursday one local resident told the BBC that "these things do happen" as London was bombed heavily in the war, but "it's just now inconveniencing me massively". "I understand it's for security reason but it's just annoying", another resident said. Supt Nigel Quantrell of the Metropolitan Police said specialist teams had been "working very hard to resolve the situation".
The event will take place at Langel Common, near Witney, Oxfordshire, following logistical problems at its previous location of 31 years, the Rotary Club of Oxford Spires said. The bridge over the River Windrush links Witney with Cogges Manor Farm, a filming location for Downton Abbey. A club spokeswoman said they were "thrilled" with the new venue. The farm has seen its visitor numbers rise since being used as a location for the ITV drama and plans to hold a "Stick Day" event to tie in with the championships. The event, based on the game in AA Milne's Winnie the Pooh stories, was previously held on the Thames at Day's Lock in Little Wittenham. Organisers had appealed for help in finding an alternative venue due to the level of boat traffic on the Thames and because the 2013 event was cancelled after winter flooding. The first championships at the new venue are due to take place on 7 June.
what is a half and half slang
Pola pola (half and half) is a slang term for the drink spritzer, made out of equal parts of white wine or rosé wine and carbonated water. Different ratios of wine and carbonated water are named with various slang terms, depending on the region.
Half and Half. A combination of equal parts milk and light cream that contains up to 15 percent milk fat. Half and Half will typically range between 10% to 18% fat content. It is often used as an ingredient in many recipes, as a milk product for cereal, or as a creamer for coffee. Fat-free Half and Half is made from skim milk so the creamy rich taste may be lacking, depending on the brand.
where is the primary somatosensory area of the cerebral hemisphere found
Postcentral gyrus Postcentral gyrus The postcentral gyrus is a prominent gyrus in the lateral parietal lobe of the human brain. It is the location of the primary somatosensory cortex, the main sensory receptive area for the sense of touch. Like other sensory areas, there is a map of sensory space in this location, called the "sensory homunculus". The primary somatosensory cortex was initially defined from surface stimulation studies of Wilder Penfield, and parallel surface potential studies of Bard, Woolsey, and Marshall. Although initially defined to be roughly the same as Brodmann areas 3, 1 and 2, more recent work by Kaas has
Primary somatosensory cortex tactile representation is orderly arranged (in an inverted fashion) from the toe (at the top of the cerebral hemisphere) to mouth (at the bottom). However, some body parts may be controlled by partially overlapping regions of cortex. Each cerebral hemisphere of the primary somatosensory cortex only contains a tactile representation of the opposite (contralateral) side of the body. The amount of primary somatosensory cortex devoted to a body part is not proportional to the absolute size of the body surface, but, instead, to the relative density of cutaneous tactile receptors on that body part. The density of cutaneous tactile receptors
The contents of the book explains the title...
Not sure this book is a " learning " experience. The book does present some interesting points of view although most are flawed.
Well designed and built. Works as intended & affordable. I use these adapters to use led candelabra bulbs in standard light bulb sockets. Recommended and I would but again.
who 's winning between the cowboys and the 49ers
49ers–Cowboys rivalry history. The rivalry became even more intense during the 1992–1994 seasons. San Francisco and Dallas faced each other in the NFC Championship Game three consecutive times. Dallas won the first two match-ups, and San Francisco won the third. In each of these pivotal match-ups, the game's victor went on to win the Super Bowl. Both the Cowboys and the 49ers are second all time in Super Bowl victories to the Pittsburgh Steelers with five each. The Catch refers to the winning touchdown reception by Dwight Clark from a Joe Montana pass in the January 10, 1982, between the Dallas Cowboys
49ers–Cowboys rivalry the tenth best in the NFL. The rivalry was also the subject of two 2015 episodes of NFL Network's "The Timeline" series. The rivalry between the Cowboys and 49ers has been going on since the 1970s, including seven postseason games. The Cowboys defeated the 49ers in the 1970 and 1971 NFC Championship games, and again in the 1972 Divisional Playoff Game. The 1981 NFC Championship Game in San Francisco, which saw the 49ers' Joe Montana complete a game-winning pass to Dwight Clark in the final minute (now known as The Catch) is one of the most famous games in NFL
How do you get rid of a bad headache?
Try Advil, always works for me!
Call Chuck Norris immediately to deliver a round house kick to the head
Heavy on the Physical Comedy
I have enjoyed many of the author's other books, but I never really got swept up in this world. I think knowing that L.T. Smith's latest is a novella, and not a novel, is important as this one ended just as it got going. I liked that the main character was a writer, but the majority of the action seemed to consist of the main character's clumsiness and/or awkwardness, and I found the plot to be unexpectedly predictable. I would perhaps recommend starting with another book by this author before this one. I received an ARC in exchange for this review.
I tell you what!!! I am very much impressed with the iSpring RO system. The water here is not the best tasting and does require processing. The RO system water taste so good I actually look forward to drinking it. Coffee taste better, too. iSpring does great service response as well. Thanks for a great product.
You do raise a valid concern regarding fire hazard. A&B needs to plant new crops as soon as possible, instead of just letting them go fallow. It wonʻt be a dust bowl, because invasive weeds will take over quickly. Just look at the fallow fields near the airport, or take a look at the old pineapple fields. They are full of weeds and trees, and there is no dust blowing around. However, if these weeds are allowed to grow and then dry up, they will indeed constitute a serious fire hazard. After the fires, we may have dust for a while until the invasive weeds take over again, but it will be temporary. As far as "balance," we need someone to speak up for our quality of life Upcountry. We need affordable housing for local residents, not vacation rentals. We need to pay our teachers a living wage. And yes, we need a representative who will prioritize people over corporate profits. This is the type of balance that is sorely lacking with our current state representative in House District 12.
I just spent 45 minutes talking to Andy Baker about this. I have been down below, in that gully, several times. If memory serves, there was *another* burn barrel down there, and a place where it looked like people had camped. It was close to the water. I assumed it had been used by a trail crew. Right at that spot was a "private property" sign. Did the fire start on private property? Mr. McDonald gave me the impression the fire started miles away from there. // This is starting to get frustrating. I think perhaps you could do a follow-up piece, Mr. Wohlforth, and just lay out some facts. How can we avoid similar events in the future if we don't even know how this one happened?
is making me hot chocolate with almond milk. Mother Day festivities is starting early!
done with the fkn exam! n just bought the mothers day gift, finally... tada! the new prada fragrance going to meet up mum n fam now : ...
ugh! Tis so warm outside too unfair! I want to go read and pack!
Poll: Most Democrats Back Impeachment Hearings, A Move That's Unpopular Overall
Most Democrats want impeachment hearings to begin now that special counsel Robert Mueller's redacted findings are public, but that idea is still unpopular overall, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll. The results come as national Democratic Party leaders and 2020 presidential candidates are grappling with how to approach an issue that could ignite base voters but alienate a section of more moderate America. "There's a political risk in talking about moving ahead with impeachment proceedings," says Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the poll. "There's not a huge appetite for that going forward." The poll shows how Americans are split down partisan lines on a number of issues related to the investigation into Russian election interference, a divide that is sure to be on display Wednesday, when Attorney General William Barr answers questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee. Overall, a majority of Americans think Mueller's investigation into Russian election interference was fair, but about half also say it will not be an important factor in how they vote in the next presidential race. How to proceed after Mueller Seven in 10 Democrats want Congress to begin impeachment hearings based on the findings in Mueller's report, but just 39% of Americans overall think impeachment hearings are the correct next step. Don't see the graphic above? Click here. That has put Democratic leadership, especially in the House of Representatives, on a "tight rope" says Miringoff. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has steered away from calling for impeachment, instead calling for further investigation, an idea that has broader support. Overall, 48% of Americans think Democrats in Congress should continue investigating Russian election interference, compared with 46% who think the investigations should end. Americans by and large have also been unimpressed by Congress' efforts to combat Russian interference efforts since the 2016 election. Only 19% of Americans think Congress has done a "great deal" or a "good amount" to ensure there isn't interference in the 2020 election. Mueller (still) seen as fair Despite attacks on Robert Mueller's credibility from the White House for well over a year, a majority of Americans still feel that his investigation was fair. That was fueled by Democrats in part, explains Miringoff, but was actually anchored by voters who identified as independents. More than two-thirds of independents, 70%, said Mueller's investigation was fair. Don't see the graphic above? Click here. Republicans were split on the fairness question, with 47% calling it unfair and 42% calling it fair. That is surprising, Miringoff said, considering President Trump's efforts to paint the investigation as a "witch hunt" and a "hoax." "Republicans were not jumping on board the Trump bandwagon on that," said Miringoff. Overall, the public perception of Mueller's investigation has grown more positive over the past year. In July 2018, just 46% of Americans said they thought the investigation was fair, compared with the 57% who said the same in Wednesday's poll. In March, shortly after Barr released what he described as the "principal conclusions" of Mueller's findings, 56% likewise said the investigation was fair. Trump "not in good standing" based on approval Miringoff said there are a number of aspects of the poll results that Trump may find troubling in looking ahead to 2020, beyond his 41% approval rating. "Riding his strong base alone won't get him a second term," Miringoff said. "He needs a far greater number of independents than he is currently getting." Almost two-thirds of those independents feel as though "questions still exist" related to Trump's actions in connection to Russia's interference leading up to 2016. Overall nearly 6 in 10 Americans think the same, compared with 33% of Americans who feel as though the special counsel report cleared the president. Mueller's investigation did not establish conspiracy between Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and Russia to interfere in the election. While the report does not conclude that Trump obstructed justice, it also "does not exonerate" him. While most Americans believe there are outstanding questions, it is unclear how much that will matter in November 2020. In fact, 53% of registered voters said the findings in Mueller's report will not be an important factor in deciding who they will vote for in the next presidential race. Don't see the graphic above? Click here.
Things have changed a lot for women over the last hundred years, from winning the right to vote to holding more seats in Congress than ever before. Democratic women swept the 2018 midterms, and now a record number of Republican women are planning to run for office in 2020. As part of our 1A Across America collaboration, we teamed up with KMUW in Wichita to host a special edition of their event series Engage ICT: Democracy on Tap on October 8. We hear from two women in office on why they ran, how they serve, and why they chose the party they did. Why don&#8217;t more women run for office as Republicans? What&#8217;s the strategy for winning back women voters the party has lost? Watch the entire event here. Produced by Amanda Williams and KMUW&#8217;s Sarah Jane Crespo and Haley Crowson. 1A Across America is funded through a grant from The Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB is a private, nonprofit corporation created by Congress in 1967 that is the steward of the federal government’s investment in public broadcasting. GUESTS Sen. Barbara Bollier, Democratic member of the Kansas Senate, representing District 7 (Johnson County); @BarbaraBollier Rep. Kristey Williams, Republican member of the Kansas House of Representatives, representing District 77 (Butler County); @kristey4rep77 Jennifer Baysinger, Vice president of political affairs, Kansas Chamber of Commerce; @JenBaysinger Jim McLean, Chief political reporter, Kansas News Service, which includes KMUW, an Across America partner station; @jmcleanks For more, visit https://the1a.org. &copy; 2019 WAMU 88.5 &#8211; American University Radio.
Which amendment guarantees there will be no cruel or unusual punishmenth?
Which of this amendment guarantees will be no cruel and unusual punishments such as torture?
Which of this amendment guarantees will be no cruel and unusual punishments such as torture?
In the context of space time block codes (STBCs) the theory of arithmetic Fuchsian groups is presented. Additionally, in this work we present a new class of STBCs based on arithmetic Fuchsian groups. This new class of codes satisfies the property full-diversity, linear dispersion and full-rate. Mathematical subject classification: 18B35, 94A15, 20H10.
In this paper, the Golden code for a 2/spl times/2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system is presented. This is a full-rate 2/spl times/2 linear dispersion algebraic space-time code with unprecedented performance based on the Golden number 1+/spl radic/5/2.
To determine the pattern of risk factors for acute myocardial infarction associated solely with women a nested case-control study was carried out on cohort data collected during the Royal College of General Practitioners' oral contraception study. Smoking (adjusted relative risk 1.7 for light smokers and 4.3 for heavy smokers), hypertension (2.4), toxaemia of pregnancy (2.8), and diabetes mellitus (6.9) were associated with a significantly increased risk of myocardial infarction. There was no significant trend of risk with social class. Current use of the pill increased the risk only among women who also smoked (relative risk 20.8 for heavy smokers). Previous use of the pill did not influence the risk of myocardial infarction. If heavy smokers also had a history of toxaemia of pregnancy their risk of myocardial infarction was further increased (relative risk 41.0). Other variables associated solely with women, such as parity, hysterectomy, and hormone replacement therapy, had little effect on the risk of having a myocardial infarction. Overall, smoking was the most important independent risk factor and had a strong influence on risks associated with other factors.
Head: PersonX checks every ___<sep>Tail: to make notes
Head: PersonX checks every ___<sep>Tail: to make sure the information is correct
Head: PersonX always watch ___<sep>Tail: observant
Context: People have been using sound to make music for thousands of years. They have invented many different kinds of musical instruments for this purpose. Despite their diversity, however, musical instruments share certain similarities. All musical instruments create sound by causing matter to vibrate. The vibrations start sound waves moving through the air. Most musical instruments use resonance to amplify the sound waves and make the sounds louder. Resonance occurs when an object vibrates in response to sound waves of a certain frequency. In a musical instrument such as a guitar, the whole instrument and the air inside it may vibrate when a single string is plucked. This causes constructive interference with the sound waves, which increases their amplitude. Most musical instruments have a way of changing the frequency of the sound waves they produce. This changes the pitch of the sounds. There are three basic categories of musical instruments: percussion, wind, and stringed instruments. In Figure Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory are pioneering a new way to recover 100-year-old record- ings. Found on fragile wax cylinders and early lacquer records, the sounds reveal a rich acoustic heritage, including languages long lost. For more information on how to recover recordings, see [Link] MEDIA Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Ultrasound has frequencies higher than the human ear can detect (higher than 20,000 hertz). Although we cant hear ultrasound, it is very useful. Uses include echolocation, sonar, and ultrasonography. Animals such as bats, whales, and dolphins send out ultrasound waves and use their echoes, or reflected waves, to identify the locations of objects they cannot see. This is called echolocation. Animals use echolocation to find prey and avoid running into objects in the dark. Figure 20.13 and the animation at the URL below show how a bat uses echolocation to locate insect prey. Sonar uses ultrasound in a way that is similar to echolocation. Sonar stands for sound navigation and ranging. It is used to locate underwater objects such as sunken ships or to determine how deep the water is. A sonar device is usually located on a boat at the surface of the water. The device is both a sender and a receiver (see Figure 20.14). It sends out ultrasound waves and detects reflected waves that bounce off underwater objects or the bottom of the water. If you watch the video at the URL below, you can see how sonar is used on a submarine. The distance to underwater objects or the bottom of the water can be calculated from the known speed of sound in water and the time it takes for the waves to travel to the object. The equation for the calculation is: Distance = Speed Time Assume, for example, that a sonar device on a ship sends an ultrasound wave to the bottom of the ocean. The speed of the sound through ocean water is 1437 m/s, and the wave travels to the bottom and back in 2 seconds. What is the distance from the surface to the bottom of the water? The sound wave travels to the bottom and back in 2 seconds, so it travels from the surface to the bottom in 1 second. Therefore, the distance from the surface to the bottom is: Distance = 1437 m/s 1 s = 1437 m You Try It! Problem: The sonar device on a ship sends an ultrasound wave to the bottom of the water at speed of 1437 m/s. The wave is reflected back to the device in 4 seconds. How deep is the water? Ultrasound can be used to "see" inside the human body. This use of ultrasound is called ultrasonography. Harmless ultrasound waves are sent inside the body, and the reflected waves are used to create an image on a screen. This technology is used to examine internal organs and unborn babies without risk to the patient. You can see an ultrasound image in Figure 20.15. You can see an animation showing how ultrasonography works at this URL: In this QUEST web extra, Stanford University astrophysicist Todd Hoeksema explains how solar sound waves are a vital ingredient to the science of helioseismology, in which the interior properties of the sun Question: What does sonar stand for?
Context: People have been using sound to make music for thousands of years. They have invented many different kinds of musical instruments for this purpose. Despite their diversity, however, musical instruments share certain similarities. All musical instruments create sound by causing matter to vibrate. The vibrations start sound waves moving through the air. Most musical instruments use resonance to amplify the sound waves and make the sounds louder. Resonance occurs when an object vibrates in response to sound waves of a certain frequency. In a musical instrument such as a guitar, the whole instrument and the air inside it may vibrate when a single string is plucked. This causes constructive interference with the sound waves, which increases their amplitude. Most musical instruments have a way of changing the frequency of the sound waves they produce. This changes the pitch of the sounds. There are three basic categories of musical instruments: percussion, wind, and stringed instruments. In Figure Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory are pioneering a new way to recover 100-year-old record- ings. Found on fragile wax cylinders and early lacquer records, the sounds reveal a rich acoustic heritage, including languages long lost. For more information on how to recover recordings, see [Link] MEDIA Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Ultrasound has frequencies higher than the human ear can detect (higher than 20,000 hertz). Although we cant hear ultrasound, it is very useful. Uses include echolocation, sonar, and ultrasonography. Animals such as bats, whales, and dolphins send out ultrasound waves and use their echoes, or reflected waves, to identify the locations of objects they cannot see. This is called echolocation. Animals use echolocation to find prey and avoid running into objects in the dark. Figure 20.13 and the animation at the URL below show how a bat uses echolocation to locate insect prey. Sonar uses ultrasound in a way that is similar to echolocation. Sonar stands for sound navigation and ranging. It is used to locate underwater objects such as sunken ships or to determine how deep the water is. A sonar device is usually located on a boat at the surface of the water. The device is both a sender and a receiver (see Figure 20.14). It sends out ultrasound waves and detects reflected waves that bounce off underwater objects or the bottom of the water. If you watch the video at the URL below, you can see how sonar is used on a submarine. The distance to underwater objects or the bottom of the water can be calculated from the known speed of sound in water and the time it takes for the waves to travel to the object. The equation for the calculation is: Distance = Speed Time Assume, for example, that a sonar device on a ship sends an ultrasound wave to the bottom of the ocean. The speed of the sound through ocean water is 1437 m/s, and the wave travels to the bottom and back in 2 seconds. What is the distance from the surface to the bottom of the water? The sound wave travels to the bottom and back in 2 seconds, so it travels from the surface to the bottom in 1 second. Therefore, the distance from the surface to the bottom is: Distance = 1437 m/s 1 s = 1437 m You Try It! Problem: The sonar device on a ship sends an ultrasound wave to the bottom of the water at speed of 1437 m/s. The wave is reflected back to the device in 4 seconds. How deep is the water? Ultrasound can be used to "see" inside the human body. This use of ultrasound is called ultrasonography. Harmless ultrasound waves are sent inside the body, and the reflected waves are used to create an image on a screen. This technology is used to examine internal organs and unborn babies without risk to the patient. You can see an ultrasound image in Figure 20.15. You can see an animation showing how ultrasonography works at this URL: In this QUEST web extra, Stanford University astrophysicist Todd Hoeksema explains how solar sound waves are a vital ingredient to the science of helioseismology, in which the interior properties of the sun Question: use of ultrasound to locate underwater objects
Context: Most musicians agree that the best violins were made in Cremona, Italy, about 200 years ago. They even sound better than violins made today. Violin makers and scientists try to make instruments like the old Italian violins. But they aren't the same. Why are these old Italian violins so special? Many people think they have an answer. Some people think it is the age of the violins. But there is a problem here. Not all old violins sound wonderful. Only those from Cremona are special. So age cannot be the answer. Other people think the secret to those violins is the wood. The wood of the violin is very important. It must be from certain kinds of trees. It must not be too young or too old. Perhaps the violin makers of Cremona knew something special about wood for violins. But the kind of wood may not be so important. It may be more important to cut the wood in a special way. Wood for a violin must be cut very carefully. It has to be the right size and shape. The smallest difference will change the sound of the violin. Musicians sometimes think that this is the secret of the Italians. Size and shape may not be the answer either. Scientists make new violins that are exactly the same size and shape. But the new violins still do not sound as good as the old one. Some scientists think the secret may be the varnish , which covers the wood of the violin and makes it look shiny. It also helps the sound of the instrument. Since no one knows what the Italian violin makers used in their varnish, no one can make the same varnish today. There may never be other violins like the violins of Cremona. And there are not many of the old violins left. So these old violins are becoming more and more precious. Question: What is still unclear about Cremona violins according to the writer?
set a reminder for dinner at six p. m. on wednesday at bonefish grill
meeting please set reminder
please cancel all my events for today
Woman cleaning the windows of a building.
Woman cleans windows in front of store.
A man and woman are enjoying the view of the city.
This started out to be a movie about the street culture of the Bronx in New York. What it accomplished was to give birth to a new culture and way of life, for American youth. What other movie has done this except Rebel Without A Cause? One of the most important movies of all time. The elements are simple yet fascinating. The story is timeless, young people try to succeed against all odds. Yet the story is always believable and never depressing. The characters are so realistic, a city dweller, would recognize them as neighbors. The story is entertaining, and comes to a satisfying ending. Buy this one for your permanent collection. It is a piece of American history.
Look, this is quite possibly one of the best movies America has to offer the rest of the world. To hate this movie is to hate freedom itself. I remember that the early 80's were a time of uncertainty. The economy was weak, communism threatened us all, and nuclear destruction was almost a certainty. Out of that confusion came a hero, Stroker Ace. Ned Beatty's performance in this movie showed he was never again to be type cast as a one dimensional victim in the wilderness. His triumph is an inspiration to all. The on-screen chemistry between Burt and Loni draws obvious comparisons to Brad and Jennifer. Jim Nabors is a poet. Go see this movie tonight!
This is the only movie I have ever seen that has prompted me to write a critique on any internet site, and that is a significant statement from someone who likes "The Attack of the Monolith Monsters." This movie is perfect for anyone who wants an inoffensive movie. It is devoid of sex and violence, for example. I believe that this movie is safe for children of all ages. This movie is perfect for anyone who does not want to be entertained, challenged, or stimulated in any way. Adults could easily catch up on their sleep in front of the TV while the kids watch this movie. Don't be surprise ,however, if you wakeup to find the kids have turned the TV off and started a board game. As an adult who enjoys being entertained, who enjoys everything from the mundane to the fantastic in realism, drama, comedy, and action, all of those adult things that reflect real life on earth and/or stimulate the imagination, this movie has nothing to offer.
Roughly 85 Million People Are Unvaccinated. Get It Today, NIH Director Collins Urges
NPR Steve Inskeep talks to Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, about the full FDA approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, and what it means for fighting the pandemic.
Mesa County, Colo., still has low vaccination rates and case counts high enough to keep its hospital full. Even those who have worked in the medical field are refusing the vaccine.
Color and power Doppler sonography of liver hemangiomas: a dream unfulfilled?
The aim of this study was to determine whether color Doppler or power Doppler sonography can aid in the diagnosis of hepatic cavernous hemangiomas.We imaged 25 hepatic cavernous hemangiomas in 17 patients with gray-scale, color Doppler, and power Doppler sonography. Five malignant lesions were also imaged in the same manner for reference. Hemangiomas had been previously diagnosed by biopsy in 8 patients (15 lesions) and by CT, MRI, and/or tagged red blood cell scanning in 9 patients (10 lesions).Of the 25 hemangiomas, color or power Doppler imaging showed no internal blood flow in 23. Of these 23 lesions, 11 showed a peripheral flow pattern believed to represent flow in displaced blood vessels. This pattern was better visualized with power Doppler imaging in 3 lesions and equally well visualized with color and power Doppler imaging in 8 lesions. Two hemangiomas that had unusual central fibrosis with large vessels in 1 patient showed diffusely increased blood flow on power Doppler study. All 5 malignant lesions showed flow in peripheral vessels, and 1 showed internal vascularity as well.
Traditionally, tinnitus accompanied by hemifacial spasm has been considered a type of hyperactive neurovascular compression syndrome that is similar to hemifacial spasm alone because of the anatomically close relationship between the facial nerve and cochlear nerve as well as the hyperactive clinical nature.Participants were 29 subjects who presented with hemifacial spasm and neuroradiological evidence of vascular compression of the cranial (facial/cochlear) nerve. We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to estimate the activity of the cochlear nerve in patients with and without tinnitus on the ipsilateral side. We compared the difference in the latency and the ratio of the equivalent current dipole (ECD) strength between the ipsilateral and contralateral sides of the spasm and tinnitus.Cochlear nerve activity in patients with tinnitus was increased with a shorter latency (p = 0.016) and stronger ECD strength (p = 0.028) compared with patients without tinnitus.
Great quality Love it. Works well, quiet. Will be ordering a larger one for living room. This one is great for a smaller room.
Great quality curtain! Happy with my purchase. The curtain did a fantastic job dividing the room! The material is good quality! No issues with it thus far!
One Star Slides off my hair. Returned them
Can anyone tell me what the name of the songs are?
Blue Danube Waltz by Strauss and Habanera from Carmen by Bizet are to that I can identify. All of the tunes are familiar classical songs.
It will take mp3 files from computers much like a usb drive will take a file off a computer. In fact you can use this mp3 player as a usb drive. It will only play files that it recognizes.
On the Christian calendar, what is the day before Ash Wednesday?
Carnival/Ash Wednesday Home   Calendar   Holidays   Carnival/Ash Wednesday Carnival/Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday is known as the first day of Lent for many Christians worldwide. It is the beginning of the Lenten fast. The Lenten fast lasts for 40 days (excluding Sundays) and ends on Holy Saturday, which is the day before Easter Sunday. Ash is an important symbol of Ash Wednesday in many Christian churches. Ash is an important symbol of Ash Wednesday in many Christian churches. ©iStockphoto.com/Ben Beltman What Do People Do? Ash Wednesday is the day after Shrove Tuesday , which often features various carnival or Mardi Gras celebrations in many countries. Ash Wednesday has some variations across cultures. For example, some children in Iceland go from door to door and sing songs for treats on the day. Traditionally, they would try to attach small bags of ashes or stones to the back of people’s clothing. Many people in countries where Ash Wednesday is a holiday may spend the day at home with family and friends or catch up on sleep. Some people attend Ash Wednesday church services. Many Christians believe that Ash Wednesday is a day of penitence or repentance for one’s past wrongdoings. Ash Wednesday church services usually include priests marking individuals with previously blessed ashes on their forehead in form of the cross. The concept of Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is observed on a Monday in countries such as Cyprus and Greece. This is because many eastern churches do not generally observe Ash Wednesday but they observe Ash Monday (also known as Clean Monday or Green Monday) in its place. Many people observe a fast that includes avoiding meat, eggs, dairy products and animal or vegetable oils. Public Life Ash Wednesday is a public holiday in places such as the Cayman Islands, French Guiana, and Jamaica. It is a holiday for bank and/or government workers, as well as some businesses, in places such as Guadeloupe and Panama. It is a regional holiday in some areas in Cape Verde and Brazil. It is not a national public holiday in countries such as Australia , Canada , the United Kingdom , and the United States but local observances may be held. Background The name “Ash Wednesday” is derived from the custom of marking foreheads of the faithful with blessed ashes as a sign of penitence and humility. The Lent season has been a time for self-examination and penitence prior to Easter for many centuries. The day also comes from the Saxon lengten-tide, referring to the days and the coming of spring in the northern hemisphere. This 40-day period of abstinence recalls the fasts of Moses, Elijah and Jesus, all of which lasted for 40 days according to the Christian scripture. It originally began in the western church on a Sunday. However, Pope Gregory I moved the beginning of Lent four days ahead in the late sixth century because Sundays were feast days. Symbols The ashes that priests use on Ash Wednesday usually come from the remains of burned palms that were blessed on the previous year’s Palm Sunday. They symbolize death, mortality and sorrow for sin. The marking of ashes on foreheads in form of a cross also symbolizes that sins are forgiven through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Derby Day by William Powell Frith, RA [ Victorian Web Home —> Visual Arts —> Victorian Painters —> William Powell Frith —> Paintings —> Next ] Derby Day by William Powell Frith, RA. [Original 1858 in Tate Gallery, London] Signed and dated 1893-94. 102.3 x 234.4 cm. City Art Galleries, Manchester. According to the museum site, "This version replicates a Royal Academy exhibit of 1858. It was commissioned by James Gresham of Stretford and was thought by Frith to be better than his original." The museum's entry further explains: Derby Day was an established day out by the 1850s. The crowds of thousands came from all social classes for the colourful entertainments as much as the race. Frith's first visit to Epsom Downs was in 1856, when he was taken in by a thimble-rigging gang. A team of these con-men can be seen on the left. The Victorians were fascinated by phrenology, the reflection of social types in facial characteristics. This partly accounts for the success of and other crowd scenes by Frith and his followers. Related Material
Mauritius' government is closely modeled on the Westminster parliamentary system.
Mauritius system, and Mauritius is highly ranked for democracy and for economic and political freedom. The Human Development Index of Mauritius is one of the highest in Africa. Mauritius is ranked as the most competitive and one of the most developed economies in the African region. The main pillars of the Mauritian economy are manufacturing, financial services, tourism, and information and communications technology. Mauritius is a welfare state; the government provides free universal health care, free education up to tertiary level and free public transport for students, senior citizens,
Pahang by population in Malaysia. The royal capital and the official seat of the Sultan of Pahang is located at Pekan. Pekan was also the old state capital which its name translates literally into 'the town', it was known historically as 'Inderapura'. Other major towns include Temerloh, Bentong and its hills resorts of Genting Highlands and Bukit Tinggi. The head of state is the Sultan of Pahang, while the head of government is the "Menteri Besar". The government system is closely modeled on the Westminster parliamentary system
Worthless Terrible completely in operable and not available for return Stop don't even consider buying it!
does not work as described It has no power and it does not have different levels as described. I am very unsatisfied and I had no idea it was not returnable.
Looks great but very slippy First off i don’t write many reviews. But this bumper case looks great and feels awesome. That being said though it’s extremly slippy With added glass back protector be careful getting it out of your pocket because it will slip right out of your hands if you’re not careful The color red which I bought looks great but it has almost no grip so be sure to buy a skin if you are using it so you have some grip on the back
what describes ionic bonding?
Ionic bond, also known as electrovalent bond is a type of bond formed from the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions in a chemical compound. These kinds of bonds occur mainly between a metallic and a non metallic atom.
Ionic bonding is a type of chemical bond that involves the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions.onic bonding is a type of chemical bond that involves the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions.
Comfortable but a little snug
These shoes are comfortable but a little too narrow. Even though I do not have a narrow foot, I didn't think that I needed the wide width so went with the regular width. I've only wore them a few times, so I am hoping that they will stretch a bit as time goes on. Overall, I like the way they feel.
Patty Reeds Doll is an excellent book to implement in the classroom when teaching about history. This story is of the Donner Party taking place in 1846 when a group of pioneers, known as the Donner Party, make their journey to California. They endured bitter hardships while trapped for months without food. They lost several people during their struggle, but a little girl named Patty Reed had determination and dignity in the face of mortal danger. Patty Reed was only 8 years old and had a special friend throughout her journey as a pioneer, a tiny wooden doll she kept hidden in her dress. Although this book is Patty's story, it's seen through the eyes of her beloved Dolly. I enjoyed this book and couldn't help but keep turning the pages just to find out what happens next as they keep pushing forward to try to reach their destination. I believe that students would feel the same way, as the book brings anticipation and excitement. I believe this book would best be taught at the 4th-6th grade level as it does contain death in it and has a higher vocabulary than some other books. This book would be EXCELLENT for a Literature Focus Unit. In conclusion, I would say that I would definitely recommend using this book in the classroom, mine especially. If you aren't a teacher in need of a good book to teach history, this book is also a good read just as is.
does it swivel so the child can swing around and dig in different spots without moving the base?
No it does not. I wished it did too. They have to move the whole base. That is the only downfall.
I don't believe so but you could check with the company to ensure my answer is correct. Each side has spring action that holds it secure in the window space. Perhaps the company can build one to fit your needs. They are great to work with.
The church is rich in artistic treasures, but its most prized, indeed one of the city's greatest paintings for its early handling of perspective and depth, is the Masaccio Trinity (from around 1427; left aisle, third bay).
Masaccio's Trinity from 1427 is admired for its early use of perspective.
There is no artwork in the church.
The novel of Planet of the Apes was written by Rod Serling and Michael Wilson.
Planet of the Apes (1968 film) Planet of the Apes (1968 film) Planet of the Apes is a 1968 American science fiction film directed by Franklin J. Schaffner. It stars Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, Maurice Evans, James Whitmore, James Daly, and Linda Harrison. The screenplay by Michael Wilson and Rod Serling was loosely based on the 1963 French novel "La Planète des Singes" by Pierre Boulle. Jerry Goldsmith composed the groundbreaking avant-garde score. It was the first in a series of five films made between 1968 and
Planet of the Apes (novel) novel inspired a media franchise comprising nine films, two television series (one animated) and several comic books. The first film was "Planet of the Apes" (1968), a science fiction feature film directed by Franklin J. Schaffner from a screenplay by Michael Wilson & Rod Serling and starring Charlton Heston. The film was a critical and commercial success, spawning four sequels on a one film a year basis between 1970 and 1973. A second adaptation of the book was released in 2001 directed by Tim Burton as
Before We Go was released in 2014.
Before We Go Before We Go Before We Go is a 2014 American independent romantic drama film directed by Chris Evans in his directorial debut, and starring Evans and Alice Eve. The film had its world premiere in the special presentations section of the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival. The film was released on video on demand on July 21, 2015, and had a limited release on September 4, 2015 in the United States by Radius-TWC. Plot. While busking in Grand Central Terminal, Nick Vaughan (Chris Evans)
Resurrection (New Found Glory album) [bass player Ian Grushka resides in Florida] would go to Chad’s and sit around the dining room table while Jordan recorded demos on this crappy microphone. We did that over a dozen times; we’d actually written the record before we set foot in the studio." Release. On August 5, 2014, a music video was released for "Selfless". Later that day, "Resurrection" was announced for release in October, revealing its track listing. On the same day, the group released
It's A Wrap: Jon Stewart's Last 'Daily Show'
After 16 years of honing a unique brand of political satire that has been much copied, but rarely equaled, Jon Stewart signed off for his final episode of The Daily Show with a list of guests who either helped create the jokes or were on the receiving end of them over the years. "Guess what?" Stewart opened. "I've got big news. This is it." The 52-year-old comic announced last winter that he would be stepping down from the Comedy Central powerhouse, with Trevor Noah set to take over the hosting duties. NPR's television critic Eric Deggans called it "a rollicking, sometimes emotional hour which seemed to feature everyone who had ever appeared on the show during his tenure." In a segment about the Republican presidential debate, which had yet to occur at the time the show taped, Stewart trotted out Aasif Mandvi, Lewis Black, Stephen Colbert, Steve Carell, Rob Corddry, Samantha Bee and Wyatt Cenac. One segment gave some of Stewart's targets over the years a chance for a bit of revenge, including Hillary Clinton, Wolf Blitzer, Sen. John McCain and Paul Brown, the CEO of Arby's. McCain, often portrayed by Stewart as a bitter old man, held a puppet of Stewart and offered up a "So long, jackass." One of The Daily Show's most famous alumni, Stephen Colbert, made a cameo, some jokes and then a more serious valediction: "We owe you because we learn from you. We learn from you by example how to do a show with intention, how to work with clarity, how to treat people with respect. You are infuriatingly good at your job." With fellow New Jersey native Bruce Springsteen capping the show with a musical tribute, the ever-modest Stewart offered: "An artist I really admire once said that he thinks of his career as a long conversation with the audience, a dialogue. Nothing ends; it's a pause in the conversation. So rather than saying goodbye or goodnight, I'm just going to say I'm going to go get a drink. And I'm sure I'll see you guys before I leave."
President Trump&#8217;s lead lawyer in the Russia investigation, John Dowd, has resigned. NPR&#8217;s Domenico Montanaro (@DomenicoNPR) joins Here & Now&#8216;s Robin Young to discuss the latest in politics, including lawmakers in Congress reaching a $1.3 trillion budget deal that must be passed by midnight Friday in order to avoid a government shutdown.
Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: I 'm gon na say something . George Luz: To who ? Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Lieutenant Winters ! Richard Winters: What is it ? Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Permission to speak , sir . Richard Winters: Granted . Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Sir , we got nine companies , sir . Richard Winters: We do . Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Well , how come we 're the only _ one _ marching every Friday night , twelve miles , full pack , in the pitch dark ? Richard Winters: Why do you think , Private Randleman ? Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Lieutenant Sobel hates us , sir . Richard Winters: Lieutenant Sobel does not hate Easy Company , Private Randleman . He just hates you . Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Thank you , sir .
Michael - Entrepreneur: Nestle Canada or any other beverage company , they do n't own springs . They lease water off people like myself . Leasing this to a company , the going rate is 5 cents per gallon . The spring , it produces $ 200000 gallons of water per day . 5 cents per gallon will bring $ 365 million per year . Robert Herjavec: But show me an order from _ one _ that you 've talked to that said , " Love your water , Michael . Here 's my order " . Michael - Entrepreneur: I haven't approached a larger company ... Robert Herjavec: You 're telling me this is a good business but you do n't really know . Michael - Entrepreneur: I do know . Robert Herjavec: But if you know , show me the order . Michael - Entrepreneur: The reason why is because I ... I 'm a young person . I may not have the prestige or expertise as ... Robert Herjavec: Michael , you know what , I got ta tell ya that is the biggest load of crap I 've ever heard . Everybody in my whole life said that to me . I was 22 years old and sold a $ 100k system to General Electric . And people said , " Oh , they 're never gon na buy from you , you ca n't call 'em up " . You know what I did ? I picked up the phone , I called the receptionist , and I got a meeting . Pick up the phone , call one , get an order , and then ask for money . Michael - Entrepreneur: I recognize the value of your network , and your network is a very strong network . Kevin O'Leary: Everybody comes in here and says that . Robert Herjavec: You know , Michael , let me tell you another thing . So , you know I 'm an immigrant to this country , I had nothing ... Laurence Lewin: Oh my god ... Robert Herjavec: Here we go , I 'm not gon na cry ! You know what , it 's funny to you but this is serious to him . I mean , he 's invested his family and everything and I got ta tell you , just a piece of advice : people always tell you " it 's about who you know " and " it 's about your connections " and granted , if you have that it 's easier , but it 's also a load of crap . All it means is you got ta work harder than somebody with a privileged life like O'Leary who knows everybody . You just got ta work harder .
Spartacus: Gannicus stands the only among us to win his freedom upon the sands . Laeta: If free , why does he raise arms with the slaves against the republic ? Spartacus: He took up cause to honor a fallen brother - _ one _ that taught many of us the ways of battle , and the bond that joins all men and such with it .
Not good for summer days The size is larger than describe in specifications. The fabric is not light as it looks. Not good for summer days.
Not for an outdoor festival It fit true to size. The back of the dress a Is a little too long. I bought this for an outdoor renaissance faire and it was WAY TOO HOT. Beware too hot for spring or summer.
Glad to find a supplier Have loved the Nature's Gate Skin Therapy for years, but it is increasingly hard to find. I was skeptical of the after-market suppliers but have had success with getting what seems to be the real McCoy. I love the light scent of calendula. Wonder why folks aren't using it more in lotions? I was using Kiss My Face's Honey & Calendula, but now that formula, too, seems to have been weaned out of stores. Pity.
how dangerous is herpes simplex 1?
In immunocompromised people, such as those with advanced HIV infection, HSV-1 can have more severe symptoms and more frequent recurrences. Rarely, HSV-1 infection can also lead to more severe complications such as encephalitis (brain infection) or keratitis (eye infection).
["Itching that doesn't go away.", 'Pain and tenderness.', "Bleeding that isn't from menstruation.", 'Skin changes, such as color changes or thickening.', 'A lump, wartlike bumps or an open sore (ulcer)']
A method for high-speed three-dimensional measurement with low-speed camera is proposed. The spatial frequency encoded fringes are projected with high frame rate and deformed fringes are captured with low frame rate. Several fringes are integrated in one captured image. The directions and/or frequencies of these fringes are different. The spatial frequency spectrum of these fringes is separate in spatial frequency domain. So, the phases of different fringes can be obtained by filtering the image with different filters. Then several 3D shapes of different time are obtained from one captured image. The experiments are carried out to verify proposed method and measurement results are demonstrated. The method improves the speed of 3D shape measurement and reduces the cost of measurement system as well.
Decade-long research efforts toward superfast three-dimensional (3-D) shape measurement leveraging the digital micromirror device (DMD) platforms are summarized. Specifically, we will present the following technologies: (1) high-resolution real-time 3-D shape measurement technology that achieves 30 Hz simultaneous 3-D shape acquisition, reconstruction, and display with more than 300,000 points per frame; (2) superfast 3-D optical metrology technology that achieves 3-D measurement at a rate of tens of kilohertz utilizing the binary defocusing method we invented; and (3) the improvement of the binary defocusing technology for superfast and high-accuracy 3-D optical metrology using the DMD platforms. Both principles and experimental results are presented.
Foley [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 11 (1994) 1710] has proposed an influential psychophysical model of masking in which mask components in a contrast gain pool are raised to an exponent before summation and divisive inhibition. We tested this summation rule in experiments in which contrast detection thresholds were measured for a vertical 1 c/deg (or 2 c/deg) sine-wave component in the presence of a 3 c/deg (or 6 c/deg) mask that had either a single component oriented at -45° or a pair of components oriented at ±45°. Contrary to the predictions of Foley's model 3, we found that for masks of moderate contrast and above, threshold elevation was predicted by linear summation of the mask components in the inhibitory stage of the contrast gain pool. We built this feature into two new models, referred to as the early adaptation model and the hybrid model. In the early adaptation model, contrast adaptation controls a threshold-like nonlinearity on the output of otherwise linear pathways that provide the excitatory and inhibitory inputs to a gain control stage. The hybrid model involves nonlinear and nonadaptable routes to excitatory and inhibitory stages as well as an adaptable linear route. With only six free parameters, both models provide excellent fits to the masking and adaptation data of Foley and Chen [Vision Res. 37 (1997) 2779] but unlike Foley and Chen's model, are able to do so with only one adaptation parameter. However, only the hybrid model is able to capture the features of Foley's (1994) pedestal plus orthogonal fixed mask data. We conclude that (1) linear summation of inhibitory components is a feature of contrast masking, and (2) that the main aftereffect of spatial adaptation on contrast increment thresholds can be assigned to a single site. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Give me the quick low-down on world news.
give me the news update for around the world.
I need you to message Zachary Fletcher
what snakes are in northern virginia
Lets explore the Northern Black Racer, Eastern Black Kingsnake, and Black Rat Snake. Virginia is the home to 34 different snake species. The most common snake here in Virginia is the black snake. Most people don't differentiate between the three types when they see one.
Five of the 11 species (i.e., timber rattlesnake, eastern hognose snake, northern black racer, smooth green snake, and ribbon snake) were identified as species in greatest need of conservation in New Hampshire’s Wildlife Action Plan completed in the fall of 2005.
Jennifer Aniston is a Canadian.
Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Joanna Aniston (born February 11, 1969) is an American actress, film producer, and businesswoman. The daughter of actors John Aniston and Nancy Dow, she began working as an actress at an early age with an uncredited role in the 1987 film "Mac and Me". After her career grew successfully in the 1990s, Aniston has remained a well-known public figure and established herself as one of the leading and highest-paid actresses in Hollywood . Aniston rose to fame portraying Rachel
Ruben Young million streams, earned him a place on stage as direct support for international artists such as The Chainsmokers, Nelly, Akon and Classified, and a standing nomination for Urban Artist of The Year at the Western Canadian Music Awards. Rachel Green ft Hodgy. Young's most recent single, "Rachel Green" is a modern soul ode to his 90s dreamgirl played by Jennifer Aniston on the hit television sitcom, "Friends".The single was produced by Kuya (Alessia Cara, JRDN), and features a verse by
The late-medieval musical instrument known as a psaltery was an early form of what later stringed instrument?
bandura | musical instrument | Britannica.com musical instrument zither (musical instrument) Bandura, also called kobza, a stringed instrument of the psaltery family considered the national musical instrument of Ukraine . It is used chiefly to accompany folk music . The bandura has an oval wooden body; a short, fretless neck attached to the soundboard in an off-centre position; 4 to 8 bass strings running from the neck of the instrument to the body; and 30 or more (sometimes 60) chromatically tuned treble strings stretched over the soundboard. The instrument is played in a seated position, the body of the instrument held on the lap in a nearly vertical position parallel to the torso. The bass strings are plucked with the fingers of the left hand and the treble strings strummed with a plectrum held in the right hand. Person playing the bandura. Courtesy of Walter Fryz A precursor to the bandura was the kobza, a three- to eight-string instrument mentioned in Greek literature of the 6th century. During the Middle Ages it was prominent in eastern European courts, where it was used to accompany singing and dancing. Additional strings were added to the kobza in the 14th or 15th century, when it became known as the bandura, but the term kobza remains a synonym for bandura. By the 15th century the bandura had been adopted by kobzari, professional musicians—many of whom were blind—who used the instrument as an accompaniment for epic ballads (dumy) that recounted the exploits of the Ukrainian Cossacks . By the late 19th and early 20th centuries kobzari were persecuted for expressing nationalistic sentiments in their music, and in the 1930s Stalin ordered the execution of a number of them. Despite Soviet censure , interest in the bandura increased in the 20th century. Many bandura ensembles and schools were formed, and the instrument, which was by tradition tuned diatonically, now has chromatically tuned versions. At the turn of the 21st century, bandura ensembles continued to be popular in Ukraine and in North American Ukrainian immigrant communities . Learn More in these related articles:
Puzzles - Wine and Cheese Another QM with an aversion to question marks   1. What country is Pecarino cheese from. 2. What country is Sukhindol wine from. 3. What type of milk is Roquefort cheese made from. 4. Along which river is most of France's Sauvignon Blanc cultivated. 5. What is added to Cheddar cheese to make Ilchester cheese. 6. What is a crate of twelve bottles of wine called. 7. Which cheese is known as the King of English cheeses. 8. What is the German label term indicating a high quality wine. 9. Which well known cheese is transported in cyclindrical wood-chip boxes. 10. How many normal size wine bottles in a Methuselah. 3. What type of milk is Roquefort cheese made from.  Ewes' milk 8. What is the German label term indicating a high quality wine.  Qualitatswein 1. What country is Pecarino cheese from. Italy 3. What type of milk is Roquefort cheese made from. sheep (oops, sorry Midge didn't see you come in there) 6. What is a crate of twelve bottles of wine called. Case, aka a bloody good time was had by all 7. Which cheese is known as the King of English cheeses. Stilton???? 2. What country is Sukhindol wine from. Bulgaria 4. Along which river is most of France's Sauvignon Blanc cultivated. Loire 9. Which well known cheese is transported in cyclindrical wood-chip boxes. Camembert 10. How many normal size wine bottles in a Methuselah. eight 6. What is a crate of twelve bottles of wine called. Case, aka a bloody good time was had by all   Oh I remember that, back in the day.... Well done all 5. What is added to Cheddar cheese to make Ilchester cheese. Beer and Garlic Well I Never Knew Dat. And I don't think I wan't any.
How tall is the player the Raptors acquired in 2013 in a three-way deal with the Memphis Grizzlies and Detroit Pistons?
2012–13 Toronto Raptors season Pistons which sent longtime point guard José Calderón to the Pistons. Despite a winning home record (21-20) the Raptors failed to secure a playoff spot with a 34-48 record. This season also marked the official beginning of the DeRozan/Lowry era in Toronto. Key dates. - June 28: The 2012 NBA draft took place at Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey.
Toronto Raptors instead, the Raptors acquired point guard Kyle Lowry from the Houston Rockets for a future first round pick. Lowry, combined with Valančiūnas and the 8th pick in the 2012 draft Terrence Ross, represented the next phase of the re-building process. On January 30, 2013, the Raptors acquired Memphis Grizzlies star Rudy Gay and centre Hamed Haddadi as well as Pistons player Austin Daye in a three-way deal that sent Calderón to the Detroit Pistons and Davis, along with Pistons veteran Tayshaun Prince and a second round pick to
Marlon Brando was in a film by an American.
Joseph L. Mankiewicz Joseph L. Mankiewicz Joseph Leo Mankiewicz (; February 11, 1909 – February 5, 1993) was an American film director, screenwriter, and producer. Mankiewicz had a long Hollywood career, and he twice won the Academy Award for both Best Director and Best Writing, Screenplay for "A Letter to Three Wives" (1949) and "All About Eve" (1950). Comfortable in a variety of genres and able to elicit career performances from actors and actresses alike, Joseph L. Mankiewicz combined ironic, sophisticated scripts
Marlon Brando Marlon Brando Marlon Brando Jr. (April 3, 1924 – July 1, 2004) was an American actor and film director. With a career spanning 60 years, he is well-regarded for his cultural influence on 20th-century film. Brando's Academy Award-winning performances include that of Terry Malloy in "On the Waterfront" (1954) and Don Vito Corleone in "The Godfather" (1972). Brando was an activist for many causes, notably the civil rights movement and various Native American movements.
National Register of Historic Places listings in Medina County, Ohio [SEP] country
National Register of Historic Places listings in Medina County, Ohio National Register of Historic Places listings in Medina County, Ohio This is a list of the National Register of Historic Places listings in Medina County, Ohio. This is intended to be a complete list of the properties and districts on the National Register of Historic Places in Medina County, Ohio, United States. The locations of National Register properties and districts for which the latitude and longitude coordinates are included below, may be seen in an online map. There are 29 properties and districts listed on the National Register in
National Register of Historic Places listings in Medina County, Texas National Register of Historic Places listings in Medina County, Texas This is a list of the National Register of Historic Places listings in Medina County, Texas. This is intended to be a complete list of properties and districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Medina County, Texas. There are two districts and seven individual properties listed on the National Register in the county. One district includes an individually listed property that is also a State Historic Site, State Antiquities Landmark (SAL), and a Recorded Texas
Suspenseful yet hot This book had me biting my nails to see what would happen next. Legend couldn't stand his neighbor or so he thought. Pepper was a free spirit that loved life and that included making Legend crazy. One moment changed everything. I loved little Charlie and getting all the gang including some Cold Fury thrown in. This team is a family and they stuck together to help one another through thick and thin. I can't wait to get my hands on Dax's book next.
Awesome Loved this series!! Though I do wish the ending was more, it was a bit predictable. Wished maybe it was like further into the future. I absolutely loved how strong willed Riley was, that she didn't just give in cuz she was in love with Beck. So definitely worth reading, sad that it's over!
Love the design, too small Love the designs, buttons were a bit smaller than I thought they would be, especially compared to other buttons I purchased from other vendors
Continuous temperature measurements were made in a typical South East African estuary. Mean summer (November to March) temperatures were in the range 19° to 24°C, and in winter (June to August) from 13° to 16°C. Large daily temperature fluctuations of 6° to 10°C occurred in summer; these appear to result from tidal movement of cool sea water into the estuary. In winter, temperature fluctuations were much smaller (3° to 5°C). The burrowing prawn Upogebia africana (Obtmann) was found to have an upper lethal temperature of 29°C in both winter and summer. The resistance time of prawns to temperatures above 30°C was much greater in summer than in winter. It was possible to acclimate winter prawns and increase their resistance time to a level comparable to that of summer individuals. A latent period of 40 h occurred before acclimation effects were detectable. Long-term exposure of prawns to high temperatures did not increase their resistance above that of summer prawns. Water at a temperature above this upper lethal temperature is not pumped through the burrows. This avoidance behaviour considerably increases the ability of U. africana to withstand short-lived temperature extremes.
Estuarine frontal systems are thought to play an important role in plankton accumulations in estuaries. However, knowledge surrounding these estuarine circulation patterns is not clear, and consensus regarding the importance of fronts has yet to be reached. A full appraisal of the plankton in frontal systems in the estuary was undertaken. Ichthyoplankton, zooplankton and phytoplankton were collected from in and out of the frontal systems in the Kowie Estuary, using two WP2 plankton nets. Plankton was identified and abundance calculated. Various water quality parameters were also recorded in and out of the front and make up an important part of determining the physical difference between the separated water masses. Values for in and out of the frontal region were determined in order to make comparisons between the different areas. All data was tested for normality and homogeneity of variance. Differences between in and out of the frontal region were determined using ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis tests. Multiple linear regression was used to determine the relationships between water quality variables and plankton abundances. Community analysis was also run on the data in order to determine community dynamics associated with frontal system convergence and downwelling.
A modified 1/ $f$ noise model has been proposed for MOSFETs with an ultra-thin gate oxide layer. It is revealed that as the gate length $L$ deceases, the normalized drain current noise spectra density also decreases, which does not coincide with the regular 1/ $f$ noise theory. It is found that the trap-assisted gate leakage affects the drain current 1/ $f$ noise, and for the first time, it is demonstrated that the equivalent oxide trap density, the free carrier density, as well as $L$ determine the 1/ $f$ noise. A modified quantitative model is then proposed, which can well predict the 1/ $f$ noise.
Are the heals reinforced? The hanes ones are but I tear through them in only a few wears. i need a strong heal reinforcement.
Sadly, they are super comfortable but do not hold up well. I already have a hole in the toe are on 2 of the three pairs and have only worn them 3 times.
I'm not sure about that. You may have to call the manufacturer about that. If you live in Houston, I'm actually going to sell the handsets and base system I have.
The liner Mauretania was launched in 1906 as a sister ship to which other liner?
RMS Mauretania model RMS MAURETANIA ocean liner model   RMS Mauretania was launched on September 20, 1906 to become the largest ship in the world. Particularly notable was her steam turbine propulsion, which was a revolutionary development in ocean liner design. The RMA Mauretania left Liverpool on her maiden voyage on November 16 th, 1907.  Later that month she captured the record for the fastest eastbound crossing of the Atlantic. Only 22 months later, in September, 1909, the RMS Mauretania captured the Blue Riband for the fastest westbound crossing - a record that was to stand for more than 20 years (broken by the German ocean liner Bremen in 1929.) The RMS Mauretania (along with her near-twin sister, RMS Lusitania) were the only ships with direct-drive steam turbines to hold the Blue Riband, later ships had reduction-geared turbines. In September 1934, Cunard withdrew the RMS Mauretania from service following a final eastward crossing from New York to Southampton. In July, 1935, the great RMS Mauretania sadly headed for the breaker's yard at Rosyth.
Marni Nixon - Biography - IMDb Marni Nixon Jump to: Overview  (3) | Mini Bio  (1) | Spouse  (3) | Trivia  (17) | Personal Quotes  (5) Overview (3) Margaret Nixon McEathron Mini Bio (1) "Loverly" soprano Marni Nixon has ensured herself a proper place in film history although most moviegoers would not recognize her if they passed her on the street. But if you heard her, that might be a horse of a different color. Marni is one of those unsung heroes (or should I say "much sung" heroes) whose incredible talents were given short shrift at the time. For those who think film superstars such as Deborah Kerr , Natalie Wood , and Audrey Hepburn possessed not only powerhouse dramatic talents but amazing singing voices as well...think again. Kerr's Anna in The King and I (1956), Natalie's Maria in West Side Story (1961), and Audrey's Eliza in My Fair Lady (1964) were all dubbed by the amazing Marni Nixon, and nowhere in the credits will you find that fact. Born Marni McEathron in Altadena, California, she was a former child actress and soloist with the Roger Wagner Chorale in the beginning. Trained in opera, yet possessing a versatile voice for pop music and easy standards as well, she not only sang for Arnold Schönberg and Igor Stravinsky but also recorded light songs. Marni made her Broadway musical debut in 1954 in a show that lasted two months but nothing came from it. In 1955, the singer contracted to dub Deborah Kerr in The King and I (1956) was killed in a car accident in Europe and a replacement was needed. Marni was hired...and the rest is history. Much impressed, the studios brought her in to "ghost" Ms. Kerr's voice once again in the classic tearjerker An Affair to Remember (1957). From there she went on to make Natalie Wood and Audrey Hepburn sound incredibly good with such classic songs as "Tonight" and "Wouldn't It Be Loverly." She finally appeared on screen in a musical in The Sound of Music (1965) starring Julie Andrews , who physically resembles Marni. The role is a small one, however, and she is only given a couple of solo lines in "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?" as a singing nun. Marni's vocal career in films dissolved by the mid 1960s, but she continued on with concerts and in symphony halls, while billing herself as "The Voice of Hollywood" in one-woman cabaret shows. Throughout the years, she has played on the legit stage, including the lead roles in "The King and I" and "The Sound of Music," and in her matronly years has been seen as Fraulein Schneider in "Cabaret," and in the musicals "Follies" and "70 Girls 70." Her last filmed singing voice was as the grandmother in the animated feature Mulan (1998) in the 1990s. Married three times, twice to musicians; one of her husbands, Ernest Gold , by whom she had three children, was a film composer and is best known for his Academy Award-winning epic Exodus (1960). - IMDb Mini Biography By: Gary Brumburgh / [email protected] Spouse (3) Trivia (17) Hosted "Boomerang," a Seattle children's TV show. Provided the singing voice for Natalie Wood in West Side Story (1961). She also was Deborah Kerr 's singing voice in both An Affair to Remember (1957) and the musical classic The King and I (1956). Started out at the age of four as a violinist and had a singing act with her sisters by age eight. Earned her reputation as "Singing Voice of the Stars" by "ghosting" other film luminaries as well, including Margaret O'Brien , Janet Leigh , and Jeanne Crain in some of their song sequences. She even touched up some singing parts for Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), dubbing the phrase "These rocks don't lose their shape" and some higher notes in the "Diamond's Are a Girl's Best Friend" number. She starred in her own local children's TV show in Seattle entitled "Boomerang" in the late 70s and early 80s and won four Emmys for her efforts. Toured extensively with both Liberace and Victor Borge . Of her three children, Andrew Gold is a rock musician, composer and producer; daughter Martha Gold Carr is a psychologist; and Melanie Gold is a singer and songwrit
Seven great plots Dev is a PI with the morals of an alley cat, and the unfortunate talent for being in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong female! His tendency to trust the wrong female has him in hot water with the local police on a very regular basis. His partner/legal representative is quite the character also. Very entertaining!
Classic Vince Mitch Rapp is the James Bond of the paper back novels. A superman of our times. Always a can do man, and don't mess with him if you know what's good.
Low Voltage Does not provide adequate wattage with Lenovo.
Are installation insructions included?
This Amp is the updated version of the one we had so all connection were the exact same. I didn't install it myself, a trustee did and I don't know if instruction came with it or not. I'll say this, it's a vastly superior Amp to the old one. We're more than pleased with it.
Yes we did. I am sure if you contact the manufact. they will send or e-mail. Instructions are pretty simple. But for the first one you may want the guidance. When I did the second one I bought a few weeks later, it flew together.
This is such a good phone case
This is such a good phone case ! It's super durable and looks so cute. It got here in time and super fast too. It's honestly one of the best cases I have bought so far. Highly recommend this case.
This is a handsome bag and it is well made. The leather is rugged and supple. I have a Lenovo 430s, at 13.5 wide it fits snug. Here are a couple things to keep in mind: there is no handle on top and the bag secures with buckles. These are design choices and I don't consider them flaws, but it will affect how you can use the bag. I prefer no handle because I always use the strap. I think that a leather bag should have buckles, but its not the fastest to get into at the airport. Most of the time I just use one buckle and that works well enough. The bag came with a hand-signed letter from the proprietor assuring my satisfaction and explaining the bag and how to maintain it, which seems minimal. I think I will be using this bag for a long time.
System Reference: x is a restaurant near x, x and their prices are with a moderately priced menu. Original Reference: x is a restaurant in the moderate price range in the x and x area.
System Reference: x is a restaurant near x, x and their prices are with a moderately priced menu. Original Reference: i recommend x, a moderately priced restaurant in x and x .
System Reference: x is a restaurant in the moderate price range in the x area. Original Reference: x is a restaurant in x with a moderately priced menu.
Liked enough to buy another a week later Great for my daughters hair, doesn't build up or cause hardness. Not greasy, ,simply a nice styling product.
Really works! Fabulous cream that intensifies naturally curly hair. Pleasing scent. Got one as a gift for Christmas and just purchased another I liked it so much. Can be used on dry hair if you wet your fingers before applying. Really a terrific hair product
Stiff adjustable kickstand part stopped working The stiff kickstand part of it stopped working after a while; it was really convenient up until then.
User experience (UX): towards an experiential perspective on product quality
self - determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation , social development , and well - being .
Challenging games help students learn: An empirical study on engagement, flow and immersion in game-based learning
Not Windproof. Breaks like a movie prop A 20 mph wind gust caused this "windproof" umbrella to snap a support joint, cause a tine to disconnect from the edge, and rip the stitching on 3 more....and then invert like a movie prop. I will give it points for being huge! 2 people can easily use it, as long as it is not windy outside.
Definitely not for outdoor Quality not good, don't think it's for outdoor use.
Pretty color but tight fit Its a pretty color and my teenage son likes the color, but it's to tight to wear comfortably. Hes not large kid so it's not his head size that's the issue. Hes currently trying to stretch it out.
Don’t buy because you won’t receive!!! I never even received my product. So I guess I don’t have much of a review other than this seller is sure quick to take your money but not deliver your product...... I’ll just go to Target.
I don't receive the product??? I don't receive the product???
The pros are that these are super lightweight and way more comfortable than other rubber rain ... The pros are that these are super lightweight and way more comfortable than other rubber rain boots I’ve tried. The material is really soft, and they are cushioned on the inside. Despite this, I couldn’t get past how wide they are in the ankle area. The gap in the ankle area is HUGE...and it looked awful. They fit more like wide calf boots.
In adults the most common type of food allergy is
The most common food allergens include peanuts, milk, eggs, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat — these foods account for about 90% of all allergic reactions. The most common food allergies in adults are shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and egg.The most common food allergies in children are milk, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts. Six to eight percent of children under the age of three have food allergies and nearly four percent of adults have food allergies.ome types of food allergies among children resolve with age including that to milk, eggs, and soy; while others such as to nuts and shellfish typically do not. In the developed world about 4% to 8% of people have at least one food allergy.
Oral allergy syndrome or OAS is a type of food allergy classified by a cluster of allergic reactions in the mouth in response to eating certain (usually fresh) fruits, nuts, and vegetables that typically develops in adults with hay fever.OAS is perhaps the most common food-related allergy in adults.nother term used for this syndrome is pollen-food allergy. In adults up to 60% of all food allergic reactions are due to cross-reactions between foods and inhalative allergens. OAS is a Type 1 or IgE-mediated immune response, which is sometimes called a true allergy .
can newborn puppies drink water
Then you NEED to feed the puppies yourself. NOT water either, you need puppy replacement milk. Newborn puppies do not drink water. Newborn puppies do nothing but suckle till they ar 4-5 weeks. My dogs pups are 4 weeks old and they are JUST starting to be interested in water and puppy milk soaked kibble. Go get puppy replacement milk from a pet store, petco and petsmart will have it.
Feeding the Puppy. Newborn puppies must be fed with hand feeding or bottle feeding. Puppy bottles can be very effective if they are the right size. If you tip over the bottle and milk comes out easily, the nipple is too big. This could drown the puppy. The nipple should be just big enough that the puppy can easily eat.
Band Aid secures top UK singers
Noel Gallagher, Damon Albarn and Dido are the latest stars to sign up for a new Band Aid charity single.
The gamers that will represent the UK at the gaming world's equivalent of the Olympics have been chosen.