class label
3 classes
A group of people are playing soccer and two players from opposing teams are battling for the ball.
A soccer game.
A group of people are playing soccer and two players from opposing teams are battling for the ball.
Men playing baseball.
A group of people are playing soccer and two players from opposing teams are battling for the ball.
Men are playing for the final goal in a soccer game.
Three young children consisting of two girls and a boy who is holding an apple with a bite out of it, are posing on a scenic mountain view background.
A group of children are posing.
two female medical personnel read their charts.
The women work in the health field.
Five people on stage performing and acting while girl lay's on belly.
The group of actors performs on the street corner.
Five people on stage performing and acting while girl lay's on belly.
A groups of people acts on stage.
Three construction workers posing with construction materials.
The workers are getting their picture taken.
Three construction workers posing with construction materials.
The workers are standing still.
Three construction workers posing with construction materials.
The workers are doctors.
A group of people sitting at some sort of gathering.
the people are laughing and talking
A group of people sitting at some sort of gathering.
people are together
A group of people sitting at some sort of gathering.
the woman sat at the table alone
a brown dog is jumping up at a woman who is wearing a brown skirt.
A dog attacks a man.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
The construction workers are looking at something interesting.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
Some construction workers are falling from a tower.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
None of the construction workers have shovels.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
The construction workers are using a pick axes to poke each other.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
3 construction workers poking a dead animal with shovels.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
3 construction workers on their lunch break.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
Some construction workers found something intriguing.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
safety workers fly over the clouds
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
3 construction workers with shovels.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
safety workers found a treasure chest
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
safety workers found something cool.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
Three construction workers have shovels.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
The workers are poking something that is alive.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
Three construction workers have found historical artifacts on their job site.
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels.
Some construction workers found a body.
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
Two out of three costruction workers are holding shovels while examining an item in the field.
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
Three male construction workers hold shovels as they examine something in a field.
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
One worker holding a shovel examines something in a field with two colleagues.
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
Construction workers are looking at a deer in a field.
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
Three men stand outdoors examining something that is in a field.
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
All of the construction workers are sweating
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
Construction workers are looking at something in a field.
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
Two dogs are playing chase in a field.
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
Two of the three are also wearing high heels
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
Three men are in the field
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
Two dogs are sleeping in a house.
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
The workers are in the parking lot
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
They are about to dig
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
The three workers are outside
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels.
Construction workers are sitting around a table playing poker.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
Most of the workers were female.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
Three men are digging graves.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
Men are digging.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
The male workers were outdoors.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
The Three males are working
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
The three workers are not working at all.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
There are some people digging a hole.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
The three workers are digging a hole
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
The men are construction workers, working in the field.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
Three women are climbing trees.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
The male workers were working up a sweat.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
There are people working.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
There are nineteen blue cats from Mars.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
The men are wearing very dull work clothes.
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels.
The men are working with shovels.
Woman in white dress holds dove while sitting in flowered tree.
The woman is trying to nurse the dove back to health.
A group of people gathered around a brick building that has three men on top of it.
The building is wooden.
A group of people gathered around a brick building that has three men on top of it.
The men are making a lot of noise.
A group of people gathered around a brick building that has three men on top of it.
The building is occupied.
A young man in black glasses and a striped shirt jumping up while playing a guitar.
A man sits calmly as he plays a slow piece for the group on his guitar.
A group of people are burning things.
The lonely camper poured water on the campfire.
A group of people are burning things.
A group of people are burning stuff.
A group of people are burning things.
A group of people are burning everything they can.
Reporters or commentators at a sporting event are standing and sitting behind a large sign.
A group of people have gathered at a sporting event behind a large sign.
There are four canoes in the background, beautiful green grass, with three kids standing at the shore of the lake, that is crystal and crisp looking, and there is a redheaded boy wearing a red shirt, red life vest, and is in a yellow kayak, with a double ended yellow paddle.
A church youth group prepares to go out on the lake in kayaks and canoes.
In the background, there are 3 people on the shore among several canoes, and the young man in the foreground is paddling through the water, while wearing a life jacket and smiling.
A group of people white water rafts down a raging river.
Two men in baseball hats and bright yellow shirts work behind a fence.
Construction workers are digging a hole behind the fence.
Two men in baseball hats and bright yellow shirts work behind a fence.
The group of men are fighting chickens behind a fence.
Two workers in neon green shirts opening a utility box.
Two workers are opening a utility box.
Two workers in neon green shirts opening a utility box.
Two workers are hammering in nails on a deck.
Two workers in neon green shirts opening a utility box.
Two electricians are opening a utility box.
An older man in a white sure is playing a guitar while others play different instruments.
A group of people holding babies in a hospital
A group of cheerleaders are cheering on a field.
A group of cheerleaders cheering.
A group of cheerleaders are cheering on a field.
Two girls riding bikes.
A group of cheerleaders are cheering on a field.
A group of cheerleaders practicing during a football game.
A large dock runs into a lake next to a group of people swimming.
People take a swim at the lake
A large dock runs into a lake next to a group of people swimming.
An iced over lake is bereft of anyone around it
A large dock runs into a lake next to a group of people swimming.
A group gathers at the lake on the first day of summer
Young man in a school band who has center stage and is doing his best.
A group of men are working in a play.
A band with four members, one female, plays for a small audience.
A music group plays good music.
A band with four members, one female, plays for a small audience.
A music group plays music.
A group of rugby players are struggling over the ball.
A group is struggling over a ball.
A group of rugby players are struggling over the ball.
A group of basketball players rest on the sidelines.
A group of rugby players are struggling over the ball.
A group of rugby players fight for a ball in the final minutes of a game.
A group of people sitting at an outdoor table eating food and drinking alcoholic beverages.
The people are outdoors eating and drinking.
A group of people sitting at an outdoor table eating food and drinking alcoholic beverages.
The people are chatting with one another.
A group of people sitting at an outdoor table eating food and drinking alcoholic beverages.
The people are inside at the dining room table.
A group of adults in casual dress sit down to eat a barbecued meal.
The adults are eating dinner.
A group of adults in casual dress sit down to eat a barbecued meal.
The adults are wearing clothes.
A group of adults in casual dress sit down to eat a barbecued meal.
The children are eating the meal.
Girls wearing a blue dress holding a thin, long, blue fabric while one girl is smiling and pointing to the camera.
a birthday group is photographed
Girls in blue dresses are holding large blue cloths.
A group of boys playing ball.
Girls in blue dresses are holding large blue cloths.
A group of girls using cloths to wash a car.
Girls in blue dresses are holding large blue cloths.
A group of girls in blue holding cloths.
A small group of adults and children are wearing hats and shorts on the sandy beach near the blue water.
A small group of adults and children are not wearing hats
A small group of adults and children are wearing hats and shorts on the sandy beach near the blue water.
A small group of adults and children are wearing hats