from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import csv import os import h5py import numpy as np from skimage.io import imread from skimage.transform import resize import pandas as pd import torch from torch import nn, optim from torch.autograd import Variable import torch.nn.functional as F from torchvision.utils import make_grid from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix , precision_score , recall_score , f1_score # from resources.plotcm import plot_confusion_matrix from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from torchvision.datasets import CIFAR10 from torchvision import transforms from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter # to import models # from torchvision import models from dataset import * from model import * # default `log_dir` is "runs" - we'll be more specific here writer = SummaryWriter( os.path.join( 'runs' , 'GTSRB_VGG_SE_11' ) ) device = torch.device( 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() == True else 'cpu' ) def split_train_test_val( train_data , test_train_split=0.8 , val_train_split=0.2 , shuffle=True ): dataset_size = len( train_data ) indices = list( range( dataset_size ) ) test_split = int( np.floor( test_train_split * dataset_size ) ) if shuffle == True: np.random.shuffle(indices) train_indices, test_indices = indices[:test_split] , indices[test_split:] train_size = len( train_indices ) validation_split = int( np.floor( ( 1 - val_train_split ) * train_size ) ) train_indices, val_indices = train_indices[ : validation_split ] , train_indices[ validation_split : ] test_data = train_data[ test_indices ] val_data = train_data[ val_indices ] train_data = train_data[ train_indices ] return ( train_data , test_data , val_data ) import time EPOCHS = 44 BATCH_SIZE = 128 LEARNING_RATE = 1e-1 WEIGHT_DECAY = 1e-4 NUM_CLASSES = 43 INPUT_IMAGE_SIZE = 28 CHECKPOINT_PATH = os.path.join( 'checkpoint' , 'GTSRB_VGG_SE_11' ) def main(): model_state = None opt_state = None last_epoch = None loss = None # if the checkpoint path does not exists , then create it if not os.path.exists( CHECKPOINT_PATH ): os.makedirs( CHECKPOINT_PATH ) # if checkpoint path already exists else: dirs = os.listdir( CHECKPOINT_PATH ) if len(dirs) > 0: latest_checkpoint = max(dirs) checkpoint = torch.load( os.path.join(CHECKPOINT_PATH,latest_checkpoint) ) model_state = checkpoint['model_state_dict'] opt_state = checkpoint['optimizer_state_dict'] last_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] loss = checkpoint['loss'] print(' [*] Model Restored from {} Epoch \n'.format(last_epoch) ) model_restored = True train_loader , val_loader , test_loader = get_loaders( batch_size=BATCH_SIZE ) print('Training : ' , len(train_loader) ) print('Validation : ' , len(val_loader) ) print('Testing : ' , len(test_loader) ) net = VGG11( num_classes=NUM_CLASSES ).to(device) at_start = True if model_state: net.load_state_dict(model_state) ACE = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(device) opt = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE, weight_decay=WEIGHT_DECAY, momentum=.9, nesterov=True) if opt_state: opt.load_state_dict(opt_state) for epoch in range( last_epoch+1 , EPOCHS + 1 ) if last_epoch else range(1, EPOCHS + 1): print('[Epoch %d]' % epoch) train_loss = 0 train_correct, train_total = 0 , 0 start_point = time.time() batch_iter = 0 for inputs, labels in train_loader: labels = np.array(labels ,dtype=np.long) inputs = torch.as_tensor(inputs) labels = torch.as_tensor(labels) inputs, labels = Variable(inputs).to(device), Variable(labels).to(device) if at_start == True: # create grid of images img_grid = make_grid(inputs) # write to tensorboard writer.add_image('sample Images'.format(batch_iter), img_grid) writer.add_graph(net, inputs) at_start = False opt.zero_grad() preds = net(inputs) loss = ACE(preds, labels) loss.backward() opt.step() train_loss += loss.item() train_correct += (preds.argmax(dim=1) == labels).sum().item() train_total += len(preds) # cm = confusion_matrix( labels , preds.argmax(dim=1) ) training_p_score , training_recall , training_f1_score = get_metrics( labels , preds ) writer.add_scalar('training p-score', training_p_score , epoch * len(train_loader) + batch_iter ) writer.add_scalar('training recall', training_recall , epoch * len(train_loader) + batch_iter ) writer.add_scalar('training f1-score', training_f1_score , epoch * len(train_loader) + batch_iter ) # log the training loss writer.add_scalar('training loss', train_loss / len(train_loader), epoch * len(train_loader) + batch_iter ) # log the training accuracy writer.add_scalar('training accuracy', 100 * train_correct / train_total, epoch * len(train_loader) + batch_iter ) batch_iter = batch_iter + 1 printProgressBar( batch_iter , len(train_loader) , prefix = 'Training : ', suffix = 'Complete', length = 50) print('train-acc : %.4f%% train-loss : %.5f' % (100 * train_correct / train_total, train_loss / len(train_loader) ) ) print('elapsed time: %ds' % (time.time() - start_point)) test_loss = 0 test_correct, test_total = 0 , 0 batch_iter = 0 for inputs, labels in test_loader: with torch.no_grad(): labels = np.array(labels ,dtype=np.long) inputs , labels = torch.as_tensor(inputs) , torch.as_tensor(labels) inputs, labels = Variable(inputs).to(device), Variable(labels).to(device) preds = net(inputs) test_loss += ACE(preds, labels).item() test_correct += (preds.argmax(dim=1) == labels).sum().item() test_total += len(preds) testing_p_score , testing_recall , testing_f1_score = get_metrics( labels , preds ) writer.add_scalar('testing p-score', testing_p_score , epoch * len(test_loader) + batch_iter ) writer.add_scalar('testing recall', testing_recall , epoch * len(test_loader) + batch_iter ) writer.add_scalar('testing f1-score', testing_f1_score , epoch * len(test_loader) + batch_iter ) # log the testing loss writer.add_scalar('testing loss', test_loss / len(test_loader), epoch * len(test_loader) + batch_iter ) # log the testing accuracy writer.add_scalar('testing accuracy', 100 * test_correct / test_total, epoch * len(test_loader) + batch_iter ) batch_iter = batch_iter + 1 printProgressBar( batch_iter , len(test_loader) , prefix = 'Testing : ', suffix = 'Complete', length = 50) print('test-acc : %.4f%% test-loss : %.5f' % (100 * test_correct / test_total, test_loss / len(test_loader) ) ) val_loss = 0 val_correct, val_total = 0 , 0 batch_iter = 0 for inputs, labels in val_loader: with torch.no_grad(): labels = np.array(labels ,dtype=np.long) inputs , labels = torch.as_tensor(inputs) , torch.as_tensor(labels) inputs, labels = Variable(inputs).to(device), Variable(labels).to(device) preds = net(inputs) val_loss += ACE(preds, labels).item() val_correct += (preds.argmax(dim=1) == labels).sum().item() val_total += len(preds) val_p_score , val_recall , val_f1_score = get_metrics( labels , preds ) writer.add_scalar('validation p-score', val_p_score , epoch * len(val_loader) + batch_iter ) writer.add_scalar('validation recall', val_recall , epoch * len(val_loader) + batch_iter ) writer.add_scalar('validation f1-score', val_f1_score , epoch * len(val_loader) + batch_iter ) # log the validation loss writer.add_scalar('validation loss', val_loss / len(val_loader) , epoch * len(val_loader) + batch_iter ) # log the validation accuracy writer.add_scalar('validation accuracy', 100 * val_correct / val_total, epoch * len(val_loader) + batch_iter ) batch_iter = batch_iter + 1 printProgressBar( batch_iter , len(val_loader) , prefix = 'Validating : ', suffix = 'Complete', length = 50) print('val-acc : %.4f%% val-loss : %.5f' % (100 * val_correct / val_total, val_loss / len(val_loader) ) ) for name , weight in net.named_parameters(): writer.add_histogram( name , weight , epoch ) writer.add_histogram( '{}.grad'.format(name) , weight.grad , epoch ) torch.save( { 'epoch': epoch, 'model_state_dict': net.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': opt.state_dict(), 'loss': loss, } , os.path.join( CHECKPOINT_PATH , 'GTSRB-checkpoint-{:04d}.bin'.format(epoch) ) ) writer.flush() writer.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division import numpy as np import cv2 from . import Tracker from ..utils import dict2tuple from ..utils.complex import real, conj, fft2, ifft2, complex_add, complex_mul, complex_div from ..descriptors.fhog import fast_hog class TrackerDCF(Tracker): def __init__(self, **kargs): super(TrackerDCF, self).__init__('DCF') self.parse_args(**kargs) def parse_args(self, **kargs): self.cfg = { 'lambda_': 1e-4, 'padding': 1.5, 'output_sigma_factor': 0.125, 'interp_factor': 0.012, 'cell_size': 4} for key, val in kargs.items(): self.cfg.update({key: val}) self.cfg = dict2tuple(self.cfg) def init(self, image, init_rect): # initialize parameters self.resize_image = False if np.sqrt(init_rect[2:].prod()) > 100: self.resize_image = True init_rect = init_rect / 2 self.t_center = init_rect[:2] + init_rect[2:] / 2 self.t_sz = init_rect[2:] mod = self.cfg.cell_size * 2 self.padded_sz = self.t_sz * (1 + self.cfg.padding) self.padded_sz = self.padded_sz.astype(int) // mod * mod + mod # get feature size and initialize hanning window if image.ndim == 2: image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) if self.resize_image: size = (int(image.shape[1] / 2), int(image.shape[0] / 2)) image = cv2.resize(image, size) z = self._crop(image, self.t_center, self.padded_sz) z = fast_hog(np.float32(z), self.cfg.cell_size) self.feat_sz = z.shape self.hann_window = np.outer( np.hanning(self.feat_sz[0]), np.hanning(self.feat_sz[1])).astype(np.float32) self.hann_window = self.hann_window[:, :, np.newaxis] self.zf = fft2(z * self.hann_window) # create gaussian labels output_sigma = self.cfg.output_sigma_factor * \ np.sqrt(np.prod(self.feat_sz[:2])) / (1 + self.cfg.padding) rs, cs = np.ogrid[:self.feat_sz[0], :self.feat_sz[1]] rs, cs = rs - self.feat_sz[0] // 2, cs - self.feat_sz[1] // 2 y = np.exp(-0.5 / output_sigma ** 2 * (rs ** 2 + cs ** 2)) self.yf = fft2(y) # train classifier kf = self._linear_correlation(self.zf, self.zf) self.alphaf = complex_div(self.yf, complex_add(kf, self.cfg.lambda_)) def update(self, image): if image.ndim == 2: image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) if self.resize_image: size = (int(image.shape[1] / 2), int(image.shape[0] / 2)) image = cv2.resize(image, size) # locate target x = self._crop(image, self.t_center, self.padded_sz) x = self.hann_window * fast_hog(np.float32(x), self.cfg.cell_size) kf = self._linear_correlation(fft2(x), self.zf) score = real(ifft2(complex_mul(self.alphaf, kf))) offset = self._locate_target(score) self.t_center += offset * self.cfg.cell_size # limit the estimated bounding box to be overlapped with the image self.t_center = np.clip( self.t_center, -self.t_sz / 2 + 2, image.shape[1::-1] + self.t_sz / 2 - 1) # update model new_z = self._crop(image, self.t_center, self.padded_sz) new_z = fast_hog(np.float32(new_z), self.cfg.cell_size) new_zf = fft2(new_z * self.hann_window) kf = self._linear_correlation(new_zf, new_zf) new_alphaf = complex_div(self.yf, complex_add(kf, self.cfg.lambda_)) self.alphaf = (1 - self.cfg.interp_factor) * self.alphaf + \ self.cfg.interp_factor * new_alphaf self.zf = (1 - self.cfg.interp_factor) * self.zf + \ self.cfg.interp_factor * new_zf bndbox = np.concatenate([ self.t_center - self.t_sz / 2, self.t_sz]) if self.resize_image: bndbox = bndbox * 2 return bndbox def _crop(self, image, center, size): corners = np.zeros(4, dtype=int) corners[:2] = np.floor(center - size / 2).astype(int) corners[2:] = corners[:2] + size pads = np.concatenate( (-corners[:2], corners[2:] - image.shape[1::-1])) pads = np.maximum(0, pads) if np.any(pads > 0): corners = np.concatenate(( corners[:2] + pads[:2], corners[2:] - pads[2:])).astype(int) patch = image[corners[1]:corners[3], corners[0]:corners[2]] if np.any(pads > 0): patch = cv2.copyMakeBorder( patch, pads[1], pads[3], pads[0], pads[2], borderType=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) return patch def _linear_correlation(self, x1f, x2f): xcorr = complex_mul(x1f, conj(x2f)) xcorr = np.sum(xcorr, axis=2) / x1f.size return xcorr def _locate_target(self, score): def subpixel_peak(left, center, right): divisor = 2 * center - left - right if abs(divisor) < 1e-3: return 0 return 0.5 * (right - left) / divisor _, _, _, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(score) loc = np.float32(max_loc) if max_loc[0] in range(1, score.shape[1] - 1): loc[0] += subpixel_peak( score[max_loc[1], max_loc[0] - 1], score[max_loc[1], max_loc[0]], score[max_loc[1], max_loc[0] + 1]) if max_loc[1] in range(1, score.shape[0] - 1): loc[1] += subpixel_peak( score[max_loc[1] - 1, max_loc[0]], score[max_loc[1], max_loc[0]], score[max_loc[1] + 1, max_loc[0]]) offset = loc - np.float32(score.shape[1::-1]) / 2 return offset
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import numpy as np import PIL import pathlib import pdf2image #import rename_image #image_size = input("生成画像のサイズ>") pdf_files = pathlib.Path('in_pdf').glob('*.pdf') img_dir = pathlib.Path('out_img') for pdf_file in pdf_files: base = pdf_file.stem print(pdf_file) images = pdf2image.convert_from_path(pdf_file,dpi=160) for index, image in enumerate(images): #print(image.stem) print(index) image.save(img_dir/pathlib.Path(base + '-{}.jpg'.format(index + 1)),'jpeg') #rename_image.rename_img()
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# # Solve BTPDE # # We start by loading SpinDoctor and a Makie plotting backend. # LSP indexing solution #src # https://github.com/julia-vscode/julia-vscode/issues/800#issuecomment-650085983 #src if isdefined(@__MODULE__, :LanguageServer) #src include("../src/SpinDoctor.jl") #src using .SpinDoctor #src end #src using SpinDoctor using LinearAlgebra if haskey(ENV, "GITHUB_ACTIONS") using CairoMakie else using GLMakie end # The built in geometry recipes allow for making various cell configuration. We here consider # the case of three twisted axons immersed in an extracellular space (ECS). setup = CylinderSetup(; name = "some-very-real-axons", ncell = 3, rmin = 2.0, rmax = 6.0, dmin = 0.2, dmax = 0.3, height = 40.0, bend = 0.0, twist = π / 4, include_in = false, in_ratio = 0.6, ecs_shape = :convex_hull, ecs_ratio = 0.5, ) # We also define coefficients for the different cell compartments `:in` (axon), `:out` # (myelin), and `:ecs` (ECS). coeffs = coefficients( setup; D = (; in = 0.002 * I(3), out = 0.002 * I(3), ecs = 0.002 * I(3)), T₂ = (; in = Inf, out = Inf, ecs = Inf), ρ = (; in = 1.0, out = 1.0, ecs = 1.0), κ = (; in_out = 1e-4, out_ecs = 1e-4, in = 0.0, out = 0.0, ecs = 0.0), γ = 2.67513e-4, ) # The following line creates a random cell configuration for our cylinder setup, generates a # surface triangulation and calls TetGen to create a tetrahedral finite element mesh. The # compartments and boundaries will be ordered in the same way as `coeffs`. mesh, = create_geometry(setup) # The resulting mesh can be plotted in 3D provided a Makie backend is loaded. plot_mesh(mesh) # The mesh looks good, so we can proceed with the assembly our biological model and the # associated finite element matrices. model = Model(; mesh, coeffs...) matrices = assemble_matrices(model) # The Bloch-Torrey PDE takes a magnetic field gradient pulse sequence as an input. Here # we consider a [`ScalarGradient`](@ref) with a [`PGSE`](@ref) time profile. dir = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] profile = PGSE(2000.0, 6000.0) b = 1000 g = √(b / int_F²(profile)) / coeffs.γ gradient = ScalarGradient(dir, profile, g) # SpinDoctor provides a [`solve`](@ref) function, which has the same base signature for all # diffusion MRI problems. The BTPDE is one such problem. They generally take a gradient # sequence as an input. btpde = BTPDE(; model, matrices) ξ = solve(btpde, gradient) # Here, `ξ` is a vector containing the complex-valued magnetization at all degrees of freedom # at the echo time `TE`. We may compute the resulting signal as follows: compute_signal(matrices.M, ξ) # The global mass matrix `M` is used to compute the integral. We may however be interested in # the compartment-wise signals. This requires splitting the magnetization field into the # respective compartments. The compartment mass matrices are also available. ξ_cmpts = split_field(mesh, ξ) compute_signal.(matrices.M_cmpts, ξ_cmpts) # The final magnetization can be visualized using the [`plot_field`](@ref) function. plot_field(mesh, ξ) # In this example, we have computed the complex transverse water proton magnetization field # using the finite element method. The measured diffusion MRI signal is the integral of this # field, and other quantities of interest, such as the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), # or the effective diffusion tensor, may easily be obtained from this reference field. # Directly solving the BTPDE is thus considered to be the "gold standard" for computing these # quantities, as arbitrary precision may be obtained. # However, this is also often the most computationally expensive approach. In the following # examples, we will consider some other specialized methods provided by SpinDoctor, each # having their own domains of validity, use cases, and computational footprints.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## Sample file to show the implementation of thickness estimation module ### AUTHOR : VISWAMBHAR REDDY YASA ### MATRICULATION NUMBER : 65074 ### STUDENT PROJECT TUBF: Projekt LaDECO (Machine learning on thermographic videos) import numpy as np print('Project MLaDECO') print('Author: Viswambhar Yasa') print('Software version: 0.1') from thermograms.Utilities import Utilities from utilites.tolerance_maks_gen import tolerance_predicted_mask from utilites.thermal_profile import constrast_function from tensorflow.keras import models import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Patch import seaborn as sns # file path root_path = r'utilites/datasets' # file name data_file_name = r'material_thickness_1000W.hdf5' # to open the hadoop fle thermal_object = Utilities() # extracting hadoop file and listing experiment thermal_data, experiment_list = thermal_object.open_file(root_path, data_file_name, True) experiment_name = r'2021-12-07-Materialstudie-8.5-40µmS1013_40µmS6018_grün-1000W-10s' experimental_data = thermal_data[experiment_name] #length of the radiation phase no_of_time_steps = 200 # calulating the constrast function input_data = constrast_function(experimental_data, index=8, start_tol=9, no_of_time_steps=200) print("shape of input data", input_data.shape) # assigning the thickness classes number_of_classes = 15 # assigning the thickness ranges initial_thickness=0.001 final_thickness=0.1 # creating bins to classify thickness class bins = np.linspace(initial_thickness, final_thickness, number_of_classes + 1) # selecting a RNN model model = 'Bi-GRU' print('Thickness estimation model ', model) # loading the model if model == 'GRU': thickness_net = models.load_model(r'trained_models/GRU/thickness_estimation_GRU.h5') elif model == 'LSTM': thickness_net = models.load_model(r'trained_models/LSTM/thickness_estimation_lstm.h5') elif model == 'Bi-GRU': thickness_net = models.load_model(r'trained_models/GRU/thickness_estimation_bi_GRU.h5') else: thickness_net = models.load_model(r'trained_models/LSTM/thickness_estimation_bi_lstm.h5') #predicting the thickness class thickness_class_predicted = np.argmax(thickness_net.predict(input_data), axis=1) print("Thickness of the coating is", np.squeeze(bins[thickness_class_predicted]), " mm") # plotting the constrast function along with the thickness class plt.plot(np.squeeze(input_data), linewidth=2, color='tab:orange') plt.ylabel("Constrast Function (No units)") plt.xlabel("Radiation time frames") plt.grid() plt.title("Thickness of the coating is {} mm".format(np.squeeze(bins[thickness_class_predicted]))) plt.show()
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#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <raft-kv/raft/raft.h> #include <raft-kv/common/log.h> #include <raft-kv/common/slice.h> #include <raft-kv/raft/util.h> namespace kv { static const std::string kCampaignPreElection = "CampaignPreElection"; static const std::string kCampaignElection = "CampaignElection"; static const std::string kCampaignTransfer = "CampaignTransfer"; static uint32_t num_of_pending_conf(const std::vector<proto::EntryPtr>& entries) { uint32_t n = 0; for (const proto::EntryPtr& entry: entries) { if (entry->type == proto::EntryConfChange) { n++; } } return n; } Raft::Raft(const Config& c) : id_(c.id), term_(0), vote_(0), max_msg_size_(c.max_size_per_msg), max_uncommitted_size_(c.max_uncommitted_entries_size), max_inflight_(c.max_inflight_msgs), state_(RaftState::Follower), is_learner_(false), lead_(0), lead_transferee_(0), pending_conf_index_(0), uncommitted_size_(0), read_only_(new ReadOnly(c.read_only_option)), election_elapsed_(0), heartbeat_elapsed_(0), check_quorum_(c.check_quorum), pre_vote_(c.pre_vote), heartbeat_timeout_(c.heartbeat_tick), election_timeout_(c.election_tick), randomized_election_timeout_(0), disable_proposal_forwarding_(c.disable_proposal_forwarding), random_device_(0, c.election_tick) { raft_log_ = std::make_shared<RaftLog>(c.storage, c.max_committed_size_per_ready); proto::HardState hs; proto::ConfState cs; Status status = c.storage->initial_state(hs, cs); if (!status.is_ok()) { LOG_FATAL("%s", status.to_string().c_str()); } std::vector<uint64_t> peers = c.peers; std::vector<uint64_t> learners = c.learners; if (!cs.nodes.empty() || !cs.learners.empty()) { if (!peers.empty() || !learners.empty()) { // tests; the argument should be removed and these tests should be // updated to specify their nodes through a snapshot. LOG_FATAL("cannot specify both newRaft(peers, learners) and ConfState.(Nodes, Learners)"); } peers = cs.nodes; learners = cs.learners; } for (uint64_t peer : peers) { ProgressPtr p(new Progress(max_inflight_)); p->next = 1; prs_[peer] = p; } for (uint64_t learner : learners) { auto it = prs_.find(learner); if (it != prs_.end()) { LOG_FATAL("node %lu is in both learner and peer list", learner); } ProgressPtr p(new Progress(max_inflight_)); p->next = 1; p->is_learner = true; learner_prs_[learner] = p; if (id_ == learner) { is_learner_ = true; } } if (!hs.is_empty_state()) { load_state(hs); } if (c.applied > 0) { raft_log_->applied_to(c.applied); } become_follower(term_, 0); std::string node_str; { std::vector<std::string> nodes_strs; std::vector<uint64_t> node; this->nodes(node); for (uint64_t n : node) { nodes_strs.push_back(std::to_string(n)); } node_str = boost::join(nodes_strs, ","); } LOG_INFO("raft %lu [peers: [%s], term: %lu, commit: %lu, applied: %lu, last_index: %lu, last_term: %lu]", id_, node_str.c_str(), term_, raft_log_->committed_, raft_log_->applied_, raft_log_->last_index(), raft_log_->last_term()); } Raft::~Raft() { } void Raft::become_follower(uint64_t term, uint64_t lead) { step_ = std::bind(&Raft::step_follower, this, std::placeholders::_1); reset(term); tick_ = std::bind(&Raft::tick_election, this); lead_ = lead; state_ = RaftState::Follower; LOG_INFO("%lu became follower at term %lu", id_, term_); } void Raft::become_candidate() { if (state_ == RaftState::Leader) { LOG_FATAL("invalid transition [leader -> candidate]"); } step_ = std::bind(&Raft::step_candidate, this, std::placeholders::_1); reset(term_ + 1); tick_ = std::bind(&Raft::tick_election, this); vote_ = id_; state_ = RaftState::Candidate; LOG_INFO("%lu became candidate at term %lu", id_, term_); } void Raft::become_pre_candidate() { if (state_ == RaftState::Leader) { LOG_FATAL("invalid transition [leader -> pre-candidate]"); } // Becoming a pre-candidate changes our step functions and state, // but doesn't change anything else. In particular it does not increase // r.Term or change r.Vote. step_ = std::bind(&Raft::step_candidate, this, std::placeholders::_1); votes_.clear(); tick_ = std::bind(&Raft::tick_election, this); lead_ = 0; state_ = RaftState::PreCandidate; LOG_INFO("%lu became pre-candidate at term %lu", id_, term_); } void Raft::become_leader() { if (state_ == RaftState::Follower) { LOG_FATAL("invalid transition [follower -> leader]"); } step_ = std::bind(&Raft::step_leader, this, std::placeholders::_1); reset(term_); tick_ = std::bind(&Raft::tick_heartbeat, this); lead_ = id_; state_ = RaftState::Leader; // Followers enter replicate mode when they've been successfully probed // (perhaps after having received a snapshot as a result). The leader is // trivially in this state. Note that r.reset() has initialized this // progress with the last index already. auto it = prs_.find(id_); assert(it != prs_.end()); it->second->become_replicate(); // Conservatively set the pendingConfIndex to the last index in the // log. There may or may not be a pending config change, but it's // safe to delay any future proposals until we commit all our // pending log entries, and scanning the entire tail of the log // could be expensive. pending_conf_index_ = raft_log_->last_index(); auto empty_ent = std::make_shared<proto::Entry>(); if (!append_entry(std::vector<proto::Entry>{*empty_ent})) { // This won't happen because we just called reset() above. LOG_FATAL("empty entry was dropped"); } // As a special case, don't count the initial empty entry towards the // uncommitted log quota. This is because we want to preserve the // behavior of allowing one entry larger than quota if the current // usage is zero. std::vector<proto::EntryPtr> entries{empty_ent}; reduce_uncommitted_size(entries); LOG_INFO("%lu became leader at term %lu", id_, term_); } void Raft::campaign(const std::string& campaign_type) { uint64_t term = 0; proto::MessageType vote_msg = 0; if (campaign_type == kCampaignPreElection) { become_pre_candidate(); vote_msg = proto::MsgPreVote; // PreVote RPCs are sent for the next term before we've incremented r.Term. term = term_ + 1; } else { become_candidate(); vote_msg = proto::MsgVote; term = term_; } if (quorum() == poll(id_, vote_resp_msg_type(vote_msg), true)) { // We won the election after voting for ourselves (which must mean that // this is a single-node cluster). Advance to the next state. if (campaign_type == kCampaignPreElection) { campaign(kCampaignElection); } else { become_leader(); } return; } for (auto it = prs_.begin(); it != prs_.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == id_) { continue; } LOG_INFO("%lu [log_term: %lu, index: %lu] sent %s request to %lu at term %lu", id_, raft_log_->last_term(), raft_log_->last_index(), proto::msg_type_to_string(vote_msg), it->first, term_); std::vector<uint8_t> ctx; if (campaign_type == kCampaignTransfer) { ctx = std::vector<uint8_t>(kCampaignTransfer.begin(), kCampaignTransfer.end()); } proto::MessagePtr msg(new proto::Message()); msg->term = term; msg->to = it->first; msg->type = vote_msg; msg->index = raft_log_->last_index(); msg->log_term = raft_log_->last_term(); msg->context = std::move(ctx); send(std::move(msg)); } } uint32_t Raft::poll(uint64_t id, proto::MessageType type, bool v) { uint32_t granted = 0; if (v) { LOG_INFO("%lu received %s from %lu at term %lu", id_, proto::msg_type_to_string(type), id, term_); } else { LOG_INFO("%lu received %s rejection from %lu at term %lu", id_, proto::msg_type_to_string(type), id, term_); } auto it = votes_.find(id); if (it == votes_.end()) { votes_[id] = v; } for (it = votes_.begin(); it != votes_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second) { granted++; } } return granted; } Status Raft::step(proto::MessagePtr msg) { if (msg->term == 0) { } else if (msg->term > term_) { if (msg->type == proto::MsgVote || msg->type == proto::MsgPreVote) { bool force = (Slice((const char*) msg->context.data(), msg->context.size()) == Slice(kCampaignTransfer)); bool in_lease = (check_quorum_ && lead_ != 0 && election_elapsed_ < election_timeout_); if (!force && in_lease) { // If a server receives a RequestVote request within the minimum election timeout // of hearing from a current leader, it does not update its term or grant its vote LOG_INFO( "%lu [log_term: %lu, index: %lu, vote: %lu] ignored %s from %lu [log_term: %lu, index: %lu] at term %lu: lease is not expired (remaining ticks: %d)", id_, raft_log_->last_term(), raft_log_->last_index(), vote_, proto::msg_type_to_string(msg->type), msg->from, msg->log_term, msg->index, term_, election_timeout_ - election_elapsed_); return Status::ok(); } } switch (msg->type) { case proto::MsgPreVote: // Never change our term in response to a PreVote break; case proto::MsgPreVoteResp: if (!msg->reject) { // We send pre-vote requests with a term in our future. If the // pre-vote is granted, we will increment our term when we get a // quorum. If it is not, the term comes from the node that // rejected our vote so we should become a follower at the new // term. break; } default:LOG_INFO("%lu [term: %lu] received a %s message with higher term from %lu [term: %lu]", id_, term_, proto::msg_type_to_string(msg->type), msg->from, msg->term); if (msg->type == proto::MsgApp || msg->type == proto::MsgHeartbeat || msg->type == proto::MsgSnap) { become_follower(msg->term, msg->from); } else { become_follower(msg->term, 0); } } } else if (msg->term < term_) { if ((check_quorum_ || pre_vote_) && (msg->type == proto::MsgHeartbeat || msg->type == proto::MsgApp)) { // We have received messages from a leader at a lower term. It is possible // that these messages were simply delayed in the network, but this could // also mean that this node has advanced its term number during a network // partition, and it is now unable to either win an election or to rejoin // the majority on the old term. If checkQuorum is false, this will be // handled by incrementing term numbers in response to MsgVote with a // higher term, but if checkQuorum is true we may not advance the term on // MsgVote and must generate other messages to advance the term. The net // result of these two features is to minimize the disruption caused by // nodes that have been removed from the cluster's configuration: a // removed node will send MsgVotes (or MsgPreVotes) which will be ignored, // but it will not receive MsgApp or MsgHeartbeat, so it will not create // disruptive term increases, by notifying leader of this node's activeness. // The above comments also true for Pre-Vote // // When follower gets isolated, it soon starts an election ending // up with a higher term than leader, although it won't receive enough // votes to win the election. When it regains connectivity, this response // with "pb.MsgAppResp" of higher term would force leader to step down. // However, this disruption is inevitable to free this stuck node with // fresh election. This can be prevented with Pre-Vote phase. proto::MessagePtr m(new proto::Message()); m->to = msg->from; m->type = proto::MsgAppResp; send(std::move(m)); } else if (msg->type == proto::MsgPreVote) { // Before Pre-Vote enable, there may have candidate with higher term, // but less log. After update to Pre-Vote, the cluster may deadlock if // we drop messages with a lower term. LOG_INFO( "%lu [log_term: %lu, index: %lu, vote: %lu] rejected %s from %lu [log_term: %lu, index: %lu] at term %lu", id_, raft_log_->last_term(), raft_log_->last_index(), vote_, proto::msg_type_to_string(msg->type), msg->from, msg->log_term, msg->index, term_); proto::MessagePtr m(new proto::Message()); m->to = msg->from; m->type = proto::MsgPreVoteResp; m->reject = true; m->term = term_; send(std::move(m)); } else { // ignore other cases LOG_INFO("%lu [term: %lu] ignored a %s message with lower term from %lu [term: %lu]", id_, term_, proto::msg_type_to_string(msg->type), msg->from, msg->term); } return Status::ok(); } switch (msg->type) { case proto::MsgHup: { if (state_ != RaftState::Leader) { std::vector<proto::EntryPtr> entries; Status status = raft_log_->slice(raft_log_->applied_ + 1, raft_log_->committed_ + 1, RaftLog::unlimited(), entries); if (!status.is_ok()) { LOG_FATAL("unexpected error getting unapplied entries (%s)", status.to_string().c_str()); } uint32_t pending = num_of_pending_conf(entries); if (pending > 0 && raft_log_->committed_ > raft_log_->applied_) { LOG_WARN( "%lu cannot campaign at term %lu since there are still %u pending configuration changes to apply", id_, term_, pending); return Status::ok(); } LOG_INFO("%lu is starting a new election at term %lu", id_, term_); if (pre_vote_) { campaign(kCampaignPreElection); } else { campaign(kCampaignElection); } } else { LOG_DEBUG("%lu ignoring MsgHup because already leader", id_); } break; } case proto::MsgVote: case proto::MsgPreVote: { if (is_learner_) { // TODO: learner may need to vote, in case of node down when confchange. LOG_INFO( "%lu [log_term: %lu, index: %lu, vote: %lu] ignored %s from %lu [log_term: %lu, index: %lu] at term %lu: learner can not vote", id_, raft_log_->last_term(), raft_log_->last_index(), vote_, proto::msg_type_to_string(msg->type), msg->from, msg->log_term, msg->index, msg->term); return Status::ok(); } // We can vote if this is a repeat of a vote we've already cast... bool can_vote = vote_ == msg->from || // ...we haven't voted and we don't think there's a leader yet in this term... (vote_ == 0 && lead_ == 0) || // ...or this is a PreVote for a future term... (msg->type == proto::MsgPreVote && msg->term > term_); // ...and we believe the candidate is up to date. if (can_vote && this->raft_log_->is_up_to_date(msg->index, msg->log_term)) { LOG_INFO( "%lu [log_term: %lu, index: %lu, vote: %lu] cast %s for %lu [log_term: %lu, index: %lu] at term %lu", id_, raft_log_->last_term(), raft_log_->last_index(), vote_, proto::msg_type_to_string(msg->type), msg->from, msg->log_term, msg->index, term_); // When responding to Msg{Pre,}Vote messages we include the term // from the message, not the local term. To see why consider the // case where a single node was previously partitioned away and // it's local term is now of date. If we include the local term // (recall that for pre-votes we don't update the local term), the // (pre-)campaigning node on the other end will proceed to ignore // the message (it ignores all out of date messages). // The term in the original message and current local term are the // same in the case of regular votes, but different for pre-votes. proto::MessagePtr m(new proto::Message()); m->to = msg->from; m->term = msg->term; m->type = vote_resp_msg_type(msg->type); send(std::move(m)); if (msg->type == proto::MsgVote) { // Only record real votes. election_elapsed_ = 0; vote_ = msg->from; } } else { LOG_INFO( "%lu [log_term: %lu, index: %lu, vote: %lu] rejected %s from %lu [log_term: %lu, index: %lu] at term %lu", id_, raft_log_->last_term(), raft_log_->last_index(), vote_, proto::msg_type_to_string(msg->type), msg->from, msg->log_term, msg->index, term_); proto::MessagePtr m(new proto::Message()); m->to = msg->from; m->term = term_; m->type = vote_resp_msg_type(msg->type); m->reject = true; send(std::move(m)); } break; } default: { return step_(msg); } } return Status::ok(); } Status Raft::step_leader(proto::MessagePtr msg) { // These message types do not require any progress for m.From. switch (msg->type) { case proto::MsgBeat: { bcast_heartbeat(); return Status::ok(); } case proto::MsgCheckQuorum: if (!check_quorum_active()) { LOG_WARN("%lu stepped down to follower since quorum is not active", id_); become_follower(term_, 0); } return Status::ok(); case proto::MsgProp: { if (msg->entries.empty()) { LOG_FATAL("%lu stepped empty MsgProp", id_); } auto it = prs_.find(id_); if (it == prs_.end()) { // If we are not currently a member of the range (i.e. this node // was removed from the configuration while serving as leader), // drop any new proposals. return Status::invalid_argument("raft proposal dropped"); } if (lead_transferee_ != 0) { LOG_DEBUG("%lu [term %lu] transfer leadership to %lu is in progress; dropping proposal", id_, term_, lead_transferee_); return Status::invalid_argument("raft proposal dropped"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < msg->entries.size(); ++i) { proto::Entry& e = msg->entries[i]; if (e.type == proto::EntryConfChange) { if (pending_conf_index_ > raft_log_->applied_) { LOG_INFO( "propose conf %s ignored since pending unapplied configuration [index %lu, applied %lu]", proto::entry_type_to_string(e.type), pending_conf_index_, raft_log_->applied_); e.type = proto::EntryNormal; e.index = 0; e.term = 0; e.data.clear(); } else { pending_conf_index_ = raft_log_->last_index() + i + 1; } } } if (!append_entry(msg->entries)) { return Status::invalid_argument("raft proposal dropped"); } bcast_append(); return Status::ok(); } case proto::MsgReadIndex: { if (quorum() > 1) { uint64_t term = 0; raft_log_->term(raft_log_->committed_, term); if (term != term_) { return Status::ok(); } // thinking: use an interally defined context instead of the user given context. // We can express this in terms of the term and index instead of a user-supplied value. // This would allow multiple reads to piggyback on the same message. switch (read_only_->option) { case ReadOnlySafe:read_only_->add_request(raft_log_->committed_, msg); bcast_heartbeat_with_ctx(msg->entries[0].data); break; case ReadOnlyLeaseBased: if (msg->from == 0 || msg->from == id_) { // from local member read_states_ .push_back(ReadState{.index = raft_log_->committed_, .request_ctx = msg->entries[0] .data}); } else { proto::MessagePtr m(new proto::Message()); m->to = msg->from; m->type = proto::MsgReadIndexResp; m->index = raft_log_->committed_; m->entries = msg->entries; send(std::move(m)); } break; } } else { read_states_.push_back(ReadState{.index = raft_log_->committed_, .request_ctx = msg->entries[0].data}); } return Status::ok(); } } // All other message types require a progress for m.From (pr). auto pr = get_progress(msg->from); if (pr == nullptr) { LOG_DEBUG("%lu no progress available for %lu", id_, msg->from); return Status::ok(); } switch (msg->type) { case proto::MsgAppResp: { pr->recent_active = true; if (msg->reject) { LOG_DEBUG("%lu received msgApp rejection(last_index: %lu) from %lu for index %lu", id_, msg->reject_hint, msg->from, msg->index); if (pr->maybe_decreases_to(msg->index, msg->reject_hint)) { LOG_DEBUG("%lu decreased progress of %lu to [%s]", id_, msg->from, pr->string().c_str()); if (pr->state == ProgressStateReplicate) { pr->become_probe(); } send_append(msg->from); } } else { bool old_paused = pr->is_paused(); if (pr->maybe_update(msg->index)) { if (pr->state == ProgressStateProbe) { pr->become_replicate(); } else if (pr->state == ProgressStateSnapshot && pr->need_snapshot_abort()) { LOG_DEBUG("%lu snapshot aborted, resumed sending replication messages to %lu [%s]", id_, msg->from, pr->string().c_str()); // Transition back to replicating state via probing state // (which takes the snapshot into account). If we didn't // move to replicating state, that would only happen with // the next round of appends (but there may not be a next // round for a while, exposing an inconsistent RaftStatus). pr->become_probe(); } else if (pr->state == ProgressStateReplicate) { pr->inflights->free_to(msg->index); } if (maybe_commit()) { bcast_append(); } else if (old_paused) { // If we were paused before, this node may be missing the // latest commit index, so send it. send_append(msg->from); } // We've updated flow control information above, which may // allow us to send multiple (size-limited) in-flight messages // at once (such as when transitioning from probe to // replicate, or when freeTo() covers multiple messages). If // we have more entries to send, send as many messages as we // can (without sending empty messages for the commit index) while (maybe_send_append(msg->from, false)) { } // Transfer leadership is in progress. if (msg->from == lead_transferee_ && pr->match == raft_log_->last_index()) { LOG_INFO("%lu sent MsgTimeoutNow to %lu after received MsgAppResp", id_, msg->from); send_timeout_now(msg->from); } } } } break; case proto::MsgHeartbeatResp: { pr->recent_active = true; pr->resume(); // free one slot for the full inflights window to allow progress. if (pr->state == ProgressStateReplicate && pr->inflights->is_full()) { pr->inflights->free_first_one(); } if (pr->match < raft_log_->last_index()) { send_append(msg->from); } if (read_only_->option != ReadOnlySafe || msg->context.empty()) { return Status::ok(); } uint32_t ack_count = read_only_->recv_ack(*msg); if (ack_count < quorum()) { return Status::ok(); } auto rss = read_only_->advance(*msg); for (auto& rs : rss) { auto& req = rs->req; if (req.from == 0 || req.from == id_) { ReadState read_state = ReadState{.index = rs->index, .request_ctx = req.entries[0].data}; read_states_.push_back(std::move(read_state)); } else { proto::MessagePtr m(new proto::Message()); m->to = req.from; m->type = proto::MsgReadIndexResp; m->index = rs->index; m->entries = req.entries; send(std::move(m)); } } } break; case proto::MsgSnapStatus: { if (pr->state != ProgressStateSnapshot) { return Status::ok(); } if (!msg->reject) { pr->become_probe(); LOG_DEBUG("%lu snapshot succeeded, resumed sending replication messages to %lu [%s]", id_, msg->from, pr->string().c_str()); } else { pr->snapshot_failure(); pr->become_probe(); LOG_DEBUG("%lu snapshot failed, resumed sending replication messages to %lu [%s]", id_, msg->from, pr->string().c_str()); } // If snapshot finish, wait for the msgAppResp from the remote node before sending // out the next msgApp. // If snapshot failure, wait for a heartbeat interval before next try pr->set_pause(); break; } case proto::MsgUnreachable: { // During optimistic replication, if the remote becomes unreachable, // there is huge probability that a MsgApp is lost. if (pr->state == ProgressStateReplicate) { pr->become_probe(); } LOG_DEBUG("%lu failed to send message to %lu because it is unreachable [%s]", id_, msg->from, pr->string().c_str()); break; } case proto::MsgTransferLeader: { if (pr->is_learner) { LOG_DEBUG("%lu is learner. Ignored transferring leadership", id_); return Status::ok(); } uint64_t lead_transferee = msg->from; uint64_t last_lead_transferee = lead_transferee_; if (last_lead_transferee != 0) { if (last_lead_transferee == lead_transferee) { LOG_INFO( "%lu [term %lu] transfer leadership to %lu is in progress, ignores request to same node %lu", id_, term_, lead_transferee, lead_transferee); return Status::ok(); } abort_leader_transfer(); LOG_INFO("%lu [term %lu] abort previous transferring leadership to %lu", id_, term_, last_lead_transferee); } if (lead_transferee == id_) { LOG_DEBUG("%lu is already leader. Ignored transferring leadership to self", id_); return Status::ok(); } // Transfer leadership to third party. LOG_INFO("%lu [term %lu] starts to transfer leadership to %lu", id_, term_, lead_transferee); // Transfer leadership should be finished in one electionTimeout, so reset r.electionElapsed. election_elapsed_ = 0; lead_transferee_ = lead_transferee; if (pr->match == raft_log_->last_index()) { send_timeout_now(lead_transferee); LOG_INFO("%lu sends MsgTimeoutNow to %lu immediately as %lu already has up-to-date log", id_, lead_transferee, lead_transferee); } else { send_append(lead_transferee); } break; } } return Status::ok(); } Status Raft::step_candidate(proto::MessagePtr msg) { // Only handle vote responses corresponding to our candidacy (while in // StateCandidate, we may get stale MsgPreVoteResp messages in this term from // our pre-candidate state). switch (msg->type) { case proto::MsgProp:LOG_INFO("%lu no leader at term %lu; dropping proposal", id_, term_); return Status::invalid_argument("raft proposal dropped"); case proto::MsgApp:become_follower(msg->term, msg->from); // always m.Term == r.Term handle_append_entries(std::move(msg)); break; case proto::MsgHeartbeat:become_follower(msg->term, msg->from); // always m.Term == r.Term handle_heartbeat(std::move(msg)); break; case proto::MsgSnap:become_follower(msg->term, msg->from); // always m.Term == r.Term handle_snapshot(std::move(msg)); break; case proto::MsgPreVoteResp: case proto::MsgVoteResp: { uint64_t gr = poll(msg->from, msg->type, !msg->reject); LOG_INFO("%lu [quorum:%u] has received %lu %s votes and %lu vote rejections", id_, quorum(), gr, proto::msg_type_to_string(msg->type), votes_.size() - gr); if (quorum() == gr) { if (state_ == RaftState::PreCandidate) { campaign(kCampaignElection); } else { assert(state_ == RaftState::Candidate); become_leader(); bcast_append(); } } else if (quorum() == votes_.size() - gr) { // pb.MsgPreVoteResp contains future term of pre-candidate // m.Term > r.Term; reuse r.Term become_follower(term_, 0); } break; } case proto::MsgTimeoutNow: { LOG_DEBUG("%lu [term %lu state %d] ignored MsgTimeoutNow from %lu", id_, term_, state_, msg->from); } } return Status::ok(); } void Raft::send(proto::MessagePtr msg) { msg->from = id_; if (msg->type == proto::MsgVote || msg->type == proto::MsgVoteResp || msg->type == proto::MsgPreVote || msg->type == proto::MsgPreVoteResp) { if (msg->term == 0) { // All {pre-,}campaign messages need to have the term set when // sending. // - MsgVote: m.Term is the term the node is campaigning for, // non-zero as we increment the term when campaigning. // - MsgVoteResp: m.Term is the new r.Term if the MsgVote was // granted, non-zero for the same reason MsgVote is // - MsgPreVote: m.Term is the term the node will campaign, // non-zero as we use m.Term to indicate the next term we'll be // campaigning for // - MsgPreVoteResp: m.Term is the term received in the original // MsgPreVote if the pre-vote was granted, non-zero for the // same reasons MsgPreVote is LOG_FATAL("term should be set when sending %s", proto::msg_type_to_string(msg->type)); } } else { if (msg->term != 0) { LOG_FATAL("term should not be set when sending %d (was %lu)", msg->type, msg->term); } // do not attach term to MsgProp, MsgReadIndex // proposals are a way to forward to the leader and // should be treated as local message. // MsgReadIndex is also forwarded to leader. if (msg->type != proto::MsgProp && msg->type != proto::MsgReadIndex) { msg->term = term_; } } msgs_.push_back(std::move(msg)); } void Raft::restore_node(const std::vector<uint64_t>& nodes, bool is_learner) { for (uint64_t node: nodes) { uint64_t match = 0; uint64_t next = raft_log_->last_index() + 1; if (node == id_) { match = next - 1; is_learner_ = is_learner; } set_progress(node, match, next, is_learner); LOG_INFO("%lu restored progress of %lu [%s]", id_, node, get_progress(id_)->string().c_str()); } } bool Raft::promotable() const { auto it = prs_.find(id_); return it != prs_.end(); } void Raft::add_node_or_learner(uint64_t id, bool is_learner) { ProgressPtr pr = get_progress(id); if (pr == nullptr) { set_progress(id, 0, raft_log_->last_index() + 1, is_learner); } else { if (is_learner && !pr->is_learner) { // can only change Learner to Voter LOG_INFO("%lu ignored addLearner: do not support changing %lu from raft peer to learner.", id_, id); return; } if (is_learner == pr->is_learner) { // Ignore any redundant addNode calls (which can happen because the // initial bootstrapping entries are applied twice). return; } // change Learner to Voter, use origin Learner progress learner_prs_.erase(id); pr->is_learner = false; prs_[id] = pr; } if (id_ == id) { is_learner_ = is_learner; } // When a node is first added, we should mark it as recently active. // Otherwise, CheckQuorum may cause us to step down if it is invoked // before the added node has a chance to communicate with us. get_progress(id)->recent_active = true; } void Raft::remove_node(uint64_t id) { del_progress(id); // do not try to commit or abort transferring if there is no nodes in the cluster. if (prs_.empty() && learner_prs_.empty()) { return; } // The quorum size is now smaller, so see if any pending entries can // be committed. if (maybe_commit()) { bcast_append(); } // If the removed node is the leadTransferee, then abort the leadership transferring. if (state_ == RaftState::Leader && lead_transferee_ == id) { abort_leader_transfer(); } } Status Raft::step_follower(proto::MessagePtr msg) { switch (msg->type) { case proto::MsgProp: if (lead_ == 0) { LOG_INFO("%lu no leader at term %lu; dropping proposal", id_, term_); return Status::invalid_argument("raft proposal dropped"); } else if (disable_proposal_forwarding_) { LOG_INFO("%lu not forwarding to leader %lu at term %lu; dropping proposal", id_, lead_, term_); return Status::invalid_argument("raft proposal dropped"); } msg->to = lead_; send(msg); break; case proto::MsgApp: { election_elapsed_ = 0; lead_ = msg->from; handle_append_entries(msg); break; } case proto::MsgHeartbeat: { election_elapsed_ = 0; lead_ = msg->from; handle_heartbeat(msg); break; } case proto::MsgSnap: { election_elapsed_ = 0; lead_ = msg->from; handle_snapshot(msg); break; } case proto::MsgTransferLeader: if (lead_ == 0) { LOG_INFO("%lu no leader at term %lu; dropping leader transfer msg", id_, term_); return Status::ok(); } msg->to = lead_; send(msg); break; case proto::MsgTimeoutNow: if (promotable()) { LOG_INFO("%lu [term %lu] received MsgTimeoutNow from %lu and starts an election to get leadership.", id_, term_, msg->from); // Leadership transfers never use pre-vote even if r.preVote is true; we // know we are not recovering from a partition so there is no need for the // extra round trip. campaign(kCampaignTransfer); } else { LOG_INFO("%lu received MsgTimeoutNow from %lu but is not promotable", id_, msg->from); } break; case proto::MsgReadIndex: if (lead_ == 0) { LOG_INFO("%lu no leader at term %lu; dropping index reading msg", id_, term_); return Status::ok(); } msg->to = lead_; send(msg); break; case proto::MsgReadIndexResp: if (msg->entries.size() != 1) { LOG_ERROR("%lu invalid format of MsgReadIndexResp from %lu, entries count: %lu", id_, msg->from, msg->entries.size()); return Status::ok(); } ReadState rs; rs.index = msg->index; rs.request_ctx = std::move(msg->entries[0].data); read_states_.push_back(std::move(rs)); break; } return Status::ok(); } void Raft::handle_append_entries(proto::MessagePtr msg) { if (msg->index < raft_log_->committed_) { proto::MessagePtr m(new proto::Message()); m->to = msg->from; m->type = proto::MsgAppResp; m->index = raft_log_->committed_; send(std::move(m)); return; } std::vector<proto::EntryPtr> entries; for (proto::Entry& entry: msg->entries) { entries.push_back(std::make_shared<proto::Entry>(std::move(entry))); } bool ok = false; uint64_t last_index = 0; raft_log_->maybe_append(msg->index, msg->log_term, msg->commit, std::move(entries), last_index, ok); if (ok) { proto::MessagePtr m(new proto::Message()); m->to = msg->from; m->type = proto::MsgAppResp; m->index = last_index; send(std::move(m)); } else { uint64_t term = 0; raft_log_->term(msg->index, term); LOG_DEBUG("%lu [log_term: %lu, index: %lu] rejected msgApp [log_term: %lu, index: %lu] from %lu", id_, term, msg->index, msg->log_term, msg->index, msg->from) proto::MessagePtr m(new proto::Message()); m->to = msg->from; m->type = proto::MsgAppResp; m->index = msg->index; m->reject = true; m->reject_hint = raft_log_->last_index(); send(std::move(m)); } } void Raft::handle_heartbeat(proto::MessagePtr msg) { raft_log_->commit_to(msg->commit); proto::MessagePtr m(new proto::Message()); m->to = msg->from; m->type = proto::MsgHeartbeatResp; msg->context = std::move(msg->context); send(std::move(m)); } void Raft::handle_snapshot(proto::MessagePtr msg) { uint64_t sindex = msg->snapshot.metadata.index; uint64_t sterm = msg->snapshot.metadata.term; if (restore(msg->snapshot)) { LOG_INFO("%lu [commit: %lu] restored snapshot [index: %lu, term: %lu]", id_, raft_log_->committed_, sindex, sterm); proto::MessagePtr m(new proto::Message()); m->to = msg->from; m->type = proto::MsgAppResp; msg->index = raft_log_->last_index(); send(std::move(m)); } else { LOG_INFO("%lu [commit: %lu] ignored snapshot [index: %lu, term: %lu]", id_, raft_log_->committed_, sindex, sterm); proto::MessagePtr m(new proto::Message()); m->to = msg->from; m->type = proto::MsgAppResp; msg->index = raft_log_->committed_; send(std::move(m)); } } bool Raft::restore(const proto::Snapshot& s) { if (s.metadata.index <= raft_log_->committed_) { return false; } if (raft_log_->match_term(s.metadata.index, s.metadata.term)) { LOG_INFO( "%lu [commit: %lu, last_index: %lu, last_term: %lu] fast-forwarded commit to snapshot [index: %lu, term: %lu]", id_, raft_log_->committed_, raft_log_->last_index(), raft_log_->last_term(), s.metadata.index, s.metadata.term); raft_log_->commit_to(s.metadata.index); return false; } // The normal peer can't become learner. if (!is_learner_) { for (uint64_t id : s.metadata.conf_state.learners) { if (id == id_) { LOG_ERROR("%lu can't become learner when restores snapshot [index: %lu, term: %lu]", id_, s.metadata.index, s.metadata.term); return false; } } } LOG_INFO("%lu [commit: %lu, last_index: %lu, last_term: %lu] starts to restore snapshot [index: %lu, term: %lu]", id_, raft_log_->committed_, raft_log_->last_index(), raft_log_->last_term(), s.metadata.index, s.metadata.term); proto::SnapshotPtr snap(new proto::Snapshot(s)); raft_log_->restore(snap); prs_.clear(); learner_prs_.clear(); restore_node(s.metadata.conf_state.nodes, false); restore_node(s.metadata.conf_state.learners, true); return true; } void Raft::tick() { if (tick_) { tick_(); } else { LOG_WARN("tick function is not set"); } } SoftStatePtr Raft:: soft_state() const { return std::make_shared<SoftState>(lead_, state_); } proto::HardState Raft::hard_state() const { proto::HardState hs; hs.term = term_; hs.vote = vote_; hs.commit = raft_log_->committed_; return hs; } void Raft::load_state(const proto::HardState& state) { if (state.commit < raft_log_->committed_ || state.commit > raft_log_->last_index()) { LOG_FATAL("%lu state.commit %lu is out of range [%lu, %lu]", id_, state.commit, raft_log_->committed_, raft_log_->last_index()); } raft_log_->committed_ = state.commit; term_ = state.term; vote_ = state.vote; } void Raft::nodes(std::vector<uint64_t>& node) const { for (auto it = prs_.begin(); it != prs_.end(); ++it) { node.push_back(it->first); } std::sort(node.begin(), node.end()); } void Raft::learner_nodes(std::vector<uint64_t>& learner) const { for (auto it = learner_prs_.begin(); it != prs_.end(); ++it) { learner.push_back(it->first); } std::sort(learner.begin(), learner.end()); } ProgressPtr Raft::get_progress(uint64_t id) { auto it = prs_.find(id); if (it != prs_.end()) { return it->second; } it = learner_prs_.find(id); if (it != learner_prs_.end()) { return it->second; } return nullptr; } void Raft::set_progress(uint64_t id, uint64_t match, uint64_t next, bool is_learner) { if (!is_learner) { learner_prs_.erase(id); ProgressPtr progress(new Progress(max_inflight_)); progress->next = next; progress->match = match; prs_[id] = progress; return; } auto it = prs_.find(id); if (it != prs_.end()) { LOG_FATAL("%lu unexpected changing from voter to learner for %lu", id_, id); } ProgressPtr progress(new Progress(max_inflight_)); progress->next = next; progress->match = match; progress->is_learner = true; learner_prs_[id] = progress; } void Raft::del_progress(uint64_t id) { prs_.erase(id); learner_prs_.erase(id); } void Raft::send_append(uint64_t to) { maybe_send_append(to, true); } bool Raft::maybe_send_append(uint64_t to, bool send_if_empty) { ProgressPtr pr = get_progress(to); if (pr->is_paused()) { return false; } proto::MessagePtr msg(new proto::Message()); msg->to = to; uint64_t term = 0; Status status_term = raft_log_->term(pr->next - 1, term); std::vector<proto::EntryPtr> entries; Status status_entries = raft_log_->entries(pr->next, max_msg_size_, entries); if (entries.empty() && !send_if_empty) { return false; } if (!status_term.is_ok() || !status_entries.is_ok()) { // send snapshot if we failed to get term or entries if (!pr->recent_active) { LOG_DEBUG("ignore sending snapshot to %lu since it is not recently active", to) return false; } msg->type = proto::MsgSnap; proto::SnapshotPtr snap; Status status = raft_log_->snapshot(snap); if (!status.is_ok()) { LOG_FATAL("snapshot error %s", status.to_string().c_str()); } if (snap->is_empty()) { LOG_FATAL("need non-empty snapshot"); } uint64_t sindex = snap->metadata.index; uint64_t sterm = snap->metadata.term; LOG_DEBUG("%lu [first_index: %lu, commit: %lu] sent snapshot[index: %lu, term: %lu] to %lu [%s]", id_, raft_log_->first_index(), raft_log_->committed_, sindex, sterm, to, pr->string().c_str()); pr->become_snapshot(sindex); msg->snapshot = *snap; LOG_DEBUG("%lu paused sending replication messages to %lu [%s]", id_, to, pr->string().c_str()); } else { msg->type = proto::MsgApp; msg->index = pr->next - 1; msg->log_term = term; for (proto::EntryPtr& entry: entries) { //copy msg->entries.emplace_back(*entry); } msg->commit = raft_log_->committed_; if (!msg->entries.empty()) { switch (pr->state) { // optimistically increase the next when in ProgressStateReplicate case ProgressStateReplicate: { uint64_t last = msg->entries.back().index; pr->optimistic_update(last); pr->inflights->add(last); break; } case ProgressStateProbe: { pr->set_pause(); break; } default: { LOG_FATAL("%lu is sending append in unhandled state %s", id_, progress_state_to_string(pr->state)); } } } } send(std::move(msg)); return true; } void Raft::send_heartbeat(uint64_t to, std::vector<uint8_t> ctx) { // Attach the commit as min(to.matched, r.committed). // When the leader sends out heartbeat message, // the receiver(follower) might not be matched with the leader // or it might not have all the committed entries. // The leader MUST NOT forward the follower's commit to // an unmatched index. uint64_t commit = std::min(get_progress(to)->match, raft_log_->committed_); proto::MessagePtr msg(new proto::Message()); msg->to = to; msg->type = proto::MsgHeartbeat; msg->commit = commit; msg->context = std::move(ctx); send(std::move(msg)); } void Raft::for_each_progress(const std::function<void(uint64_t, ProgressPtr&)>& callback) { for (auto it = prs_.begin(); it != prs_.end(); ++it) { callback(it->first, it->second); } for (auto it = learner_prs_.begin(); it != learner_prs_.end(); ++it) { callback(it->first, it->second); } } void Raft::bcast_append() { for_each_progress([this](uint64_t id, ProgressPtr& progress) { if (id == id_) { return; } this->send_append(id); }); } void Raft::bcast_heartbeat() { std::vector<uint8_t> ctx; read_only_->last_pending_request_ctx(ctx); bcast_heartbeat_with_ctx(std::move(ctx)); } void Raft::bcast_heartbeat_with_ctx(const std::vector<uint8_t>& ctx) { for_each_progress([this, ctx](uint64_t id, ProgressPtr& progress) { if (id == id_) { return; } this->send_heartbeat(id, std::move(ctx)); }); } bool Raft::maybe_commit() { // Preserving matchBuf across calls is an optimization // used to avoid allocating a new slice on each call. match_buf_.clear(); for (auto it = prs_.begin(); it != prs_.end(); ++it) { match_buf_.push_back(it->second->match); } std::sort(match_buf_.begin(), match_buf_.end()); auto mci = match_buf_[match_buf_.size() - quorum()]; return raft_log_->maybe_commit(mci, term_); } void Raft::reset(uint64_t term) { if (term_ != term) { term_ = term; vote_ = 0; } lead_ = 0; election_elapsed_ = 0; heartbeat_elapsed_ = 0; reset_randomized_election_timeout(); abort_leader_transfer(); votes_.clear(); for_each_progress([this](uint64_t id, ProgressPtr& progress) { bool is_learner = progress->is_learner; progress = std::make_shared<Progress>(max_inflight_); progress->next = raft_log_->last_index() + 1; progress->is_learner = is_learner; if (id == id_) { progress->match = raft_log_->last_index(); } }); pending_conf_index_ = 0; uncommitted_size_ = 0; read_only_->pending_read_index.clear(); read_only_->read_index_queue.clear(); } void Raft::add_node(uint64_t id) { add_node_or_learner(id, false); } bool Raft::append_entry(const std::vector<proto::Entry>& entries) { uint64_t li = raft_log_->last_index(); std::vector<proto::EntryPtr> ents(entries.size(), nullptr); for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i) { proto::EntryPtr ent(new proto::Entry()); ent->term = term_; ent->index = li + 1 + i; ent->data = entries[i].data; ent->type = entries[i].type; ents[i] = ent; } // Track the size of this uncommitted proposal. if (!increase_uncommitted_size(ents)) { LOG_DEBUG("%lu appending new entries to log would exceed uncommitted entry size limit; dropping proposal", id_); // Drop the proposal. return false; } // use latest "last" index after truncate/append li = raft_log_->append(ents); get_progress(id_)->maybe_update(li); // Regardless of maybeCommit's return, our caller will call bcastAppend. maybe_commit(); return true; } void Raft::tick_election() { election_elapsed_++; if (promotable() && past_election_timeout()) { election_elapsed_ = 0; proto::MessagePtr msg(new proto::Message()); msg->from = id_; msg->type = proto::MsgHup; step(std::move(msg)); } } void Raft::tick_heartbeat() { heartbeat_elapsed_++; election_elapsed_++; if (election_elapsed_ >= election_timeout_) { election_elapsed_ = 0; if (check_quorum_) { proto::MessagePtr msg(new proto::Message()); msg->from = id_; msg->type = proto::MsgCheckQuorum; step(std::move(msg)); } // If current leader cannot transfer leadership in electionTimeout, it becomes leader again. if (state_ == RaftState::Leader && lead_transferee_ != 0) { abort_leader_transfer(); } } if (state_ != RaftState::Leader) { return; } if (heartbeat_elapsed_ >= heartbeat_timeout_) { heartbeat_elapsed_ = 0; proto::MessagePtr msg(new proto::Message()); msg->from = id_; msg->type = proto::MsgBeat; step(std::move(msg)); } } bool Raft::past_election_timeout() { return election_elapsed_ >= randomized_election_timeout_; } void Raft::reset_randomized_election_timeout() { randomized_election_timeout_ = election_timeout_ + random_device_.gen(); assert(randomized_election_timeout_ <= 2 * election_timeout_); } bool Raft::check_quorum_active() { size_t act = 0; for_each_progress([&act, this](uint64_t id, ProgressPtr& pr) { if (id == this->id_) { act++; return; } if (pr->recent_active && !pr->is_learner) { act++; } }); return act >= quorum(); } void Raft::send_timeout_now(uint64_t to) { proto::MessagePtr msg(new proto::Message()); msg->to = to; msg->type = proto::MsgTimeoutNow; send(std::move(msg)); } void Raft::abort_leader_transfer() { lead_transferee_ = 0; } bool Raft::increase_uncommitted_size(const std::vector<proto::EntryPtr>& entries) { uint32_t s = 0; for (auto& entry : entries) { s += entry->payload_size(); } if (uncommitted_size_ > 0 && uncommitted_size_ + s > max_uncommitted_size_) { // If the uncommitted tail of the Raft log is empty, allow any size // proposal. Otherwise, limit the size of the uncommitted tail of the // log and drop any proposal that would push the size over the limit. return false; } uncommitted_size_ += s; return true; } void Raft::reduce_uncommitted_size(const std::vector<proto::EntryPtr>& entries) { if (uncommitted_size_ == 0) { // Fast-path for followers, who do not track or enforce the limit. return; } uint32_t size = 0; for (const proto::EntryPtr& e: entries) { size += e->payload_size(); } if (size > uncommitted_size_) { // uncommittedSize may underestimate the size of the uncommitted Raft // log tail but will never overestimate it. Saturate at 0 instead of // allowing overflow. uncommitted_size_ = 0; } else { uncommitted_size_ -= size; } } }
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import math, sys, datetime import logging import numpy as np from tqdm.auto import tqdm import torch import torch.optim as optim from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import LambdaLR from torch.utils.data.dataloader import DataLoader logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # print('logging to wandb... (comment it if you don\'t have wandb)') # import wandb # comment this if you don't have wandb class TrainerConfig: max_epochs = 10 batch_size = 64 learning_rate = 4e-4 betas = (0.9, 0.99) eps = 1e-8 grad_norm_clip = 1.0 weight_decay = 0.01 lr_decay = False # linear warmup followed by cosine decay warmup_tokens = 375e6 # these two numbers come from the GPT-3 paper final_tokens = 260e9 # at which point do we reach lr_final epoch_save_frequency = 0 epoch_save_path = 'trained-' num_workers = 0 # for DataLoader def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) class Trainer: def __init__(self, model, train_dataset, test_dataset, config): self.model = model self.train_dataset = train_dataset self.test_dataset = test_dataset self.config = config self.avg_loss = -1 self.steps = 0 if 'wandb' in sys.modules: cfg = model.config for k in config.__dict__: setattr(cfg, k, config.__dict__[k]) # combine cfg wandb.init(project="RWKV-LM", name=self.get_run_name() + '-' + datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S'), config=cfg, save_code=False) self.device = 'cpu' if torch.cuda.is_available(): # take over whatever gpus are on the system self.device = torch.cuda.current_device() self.model = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.model).to(self.device) def get_run_name(self): raw_model = self.model.module if hasattr(self.model, "module") else self.model cfg = raw_model.config run_name = str(cfg.vocab_size) + '-' + str(cfg.ctx_len) + '-' + cfg.model_type + '-' + str(cfg.n_layer) + '-' + str(cfg.n_embd) return run_name def train(self): model, config = self.model, self.config raw_model = model.module if hasattr(self.model, "module") else model optimizer = raw_model.configure_optimizers(config) def run_epoch(split): is_train = split == 'train' model.train(is_train) data = self.train_dataset if is_train else self.test_dataset loader = DataLoader(data, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True, batch_size=config.batch_size, num_workers=config.num_workers) pbar = tqdm(enumerate(loader), total=len(loader), bar_format='{l_bar}{bar:10}{r_bar}{bar:-10b}') if is_train else enumerate(loader) for it, (x, y) in pbar: x = x.to(self.device) # place data on the correct device y = y.to(self.device) with torch.set_grad_enabled(is_train): _, loss = model(x, y) # forward the model loss = loss.mean() # collapse all losses if they are scattered on multiple gpus if is_train: # backprop and update the parameters model.zero_grad() loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), config.grad_norm_clip) optimizer.step() if config.lr_decay: # decay the learning rate based on our progress self.tokens += (y >= 0).sum() # number of tokens processed this step (i.e. label is not -100) lr_final_factor = config.lr_final / config.learning_rate if self.tokens < config.warmup_tokens: # linear warmup lr_mult = lr_final_factor + (1 - lr_final_factor) * float(self.tokens) / float(config.warmup_tokens) progress = 0 else: # cosine learning rate decay progress = float(self.tokens - config.warmup_tokens) / float(max(1, config.final_tokens - config.warmup_tokens)) # progress = min(progress * 1.1, 1.0) # more fine-tuning with low LR lr_mult = (0.5 + lr_final_factor / 2) + (0.5 - lr_final_factor / 2) * math.cos(math.pi * progress) # better 1.0 ~ 0.1 lr = config.learning_rate * lr_mult for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr else: lr = config.learning_rate now_loss = loss.item() # report progress if 'wandb' in sys.modules: wandb.log({"loss": now_loss}, step=self.steps * self.config.batch_size) self.steps += 1 if self.avg_loss < 0: self.avg_loss = now_loss else: # factor = max(1.0 / 300, 1.0 / math.sqrt(it + 1)) factor = 1 / (it + 1) self.avg_loss = self.avg_loss * (1.0 - factor) + now_loss * factor pbar.set_description( f"epoch {epoch + 1} progress {progress * 100.0:.2f}% iter {it}: ppl {math.exp(self.avg_loss):.2f} loss {self.avg_loss:.4f} lr {lr:e}") while True: self.tokens = 0 # counter used for learning rate decay for epoch in range(config.max_epochs): run_epoch('train') if (self.config.epoch_save_frequency > 0 and epoch % self.config.epoch_save_frequency == 0) or (epoch == config.max_epochs - 1): raw_model = self.model.module if hasattr(self.model, "module") else self.model # DataParallel wrappers keep raw model object in .module torch.save(raw_model, self.config.epoch_save_path + str(epoch + 1) + '.pth')
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###PROCESS LOCALLY DOWNLOADED FILES ###FOR JAXA EORC GSMAP-RT PRODUCT ############################## import sys # print sys.path print 'starting' ##IMPORT MODULES import datetime as dt import pytz import urllib import numpy as np import numpy.ma as ma import gzip import os ############################## ##SET DIRECTORY PATH AND DATA LATENCY rdhead = 'ftp://rainmap:[email protected]/realtime/archive/' rdext = '.dat.gz' savdirraw = '/d2/dbroman/gsmap-nrt/raw/' savdirproc = '/d2/dbroman/gsmap-nrt/india/' dattyp = np.dtype('<f4') lonlen = 3600 latlen = 1200 lonvec = np.arange(0.05, 360, 0.1) latvec = np.arange(-59.95, 60, 0.1) hlag = 5 #INDIA SUBSET BOUNDS latbounds = [22 , 32] lonbounds = [73 , 98] latli = np.argmin(np.abs(latvec - latbounds[0])) latui = np.argmin(np.abs(latvec - latbounds[1])) lonli = np.argmin(np.abs(lonvec - lonbounds[0])) lonui = np.argmin(np.abs(lonvec - lonbounds[1])) ############################## utc = pytz.utc #yyyy,m,d,h,m,s,ss # ds = dt.datetime(2016,8,8,2,0,0,0, utc) #set start time # d = dt.datetime(2016,8,8,21,0,0,0, utc) #set end time d = dt.datetime.now(tz = utc) - dt.timedelta(hours = hlag) # numhours = int((d-ds).total_seconds() / 60 / 60) + 2 numhours = 720 dlist = [d - dt.timedelta(hours = x) for x in range(0, numhours)] for i in range(0, numhours-1): year = str(dlist[i].year) month = str('%02d' % (int(dlist[i].month))) day = str('%02d' % (int(dlist[i].day))) hour = str('%04d' % (int(dlist[i].hour) * 100)) url = rdhead + year + '/' + month + '/' + day + '/' + 'gsmap_nrt.' + year + month + day + '.' + hour + rdext binsav = savdirraw + 'gsmap_nrt.' + year + month + day + '.' + hour + rdext binsubsav = savdirproc + 'gsmap_nrt_indiasub.' + year + month + day + '.' + hour + '.bin' if os.path.isfile(binsubsav) is False: if os.path.isfile(binsav) is False: try: # urllib.urlretrieve(url, binsav) os.system('wget ' + url + ' -O ' + binsav) except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError, IOError): continue #OPEN FILE INTO NP ARRAY try: varin = gzip.open(binsav) var = np.frombuffer(varin.read(), dtype = dattyp).reshape(latlen, lonlen).swapaxes(0,1) var = np.fliplr(var) #SUBSET TO INDIA varsub = var[lonli:lonui, latli:latui] #SAVE SUBSET FILE varsub.astype('int16').tofile(binsubsav) except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError, IOError): continue
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# test_hscimgloader.py # ALS 2017/05/02 """ to be used with pytest test sets for hscimgloader """ import numpy as np import astropy.units as u import shutil import os import pytest from astropy.io import fits import filecmp import glob from ..hscimgloader import hscimgLoader ra = 140.099341430207 dec = 0.580162492432517 dir_parent = './testing/' dir_obj = './testing/SDSSJ0920+0034/' img_width = 128*u.pix img_height = 128*u.pix @pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True) def setUp_tearDown(): """ rm ./testing/ and ./test2/ before and after test""" # setup if os.path.isdir(dir_parent): shutil.rmtree(dir_parent) yield # tear down if os.path.isdir(dir_parent): shutil.rmtree(dir_parent) @pytest.fixture def L_radec(): """ returns a imgLoader object initiated with the ra dec above""" return hscimgLoader(ra=ra , dec=dec, dir_parent=dir_parent, img_width=img_width, img_height=img_height) def test_make_stamp(L_radec): """ test it can make_stamp""" L = L_radec L.make_stamp(band = 'r', overwrite=True) L.make_stamp(band = 'i', overwrite=True) L.make_stamp(band = 'z', overwrite=True) L.plot_colorimg(img_type='stamp', bands ='riz') assert os.path.isfile(L.dir_obj+'color_stamp-riz.png')
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subroutine tprnc(abeta,alamnc,incpr,ipbtmx,jpfcmx,natmax, $ ncvnc,nerr,nncpr,noutpt,npx2mx,npx2t,nttyo,nwarn,pcvnc, $ qpdnc,uaqsp,upair) c c Test and process the nc (neutral, cation) pair Pitzer data read c from the DATA0 file. Find and flag errors, such as duplication of c data (e.g., two data blocks for the same nc pair). The c conventional primitive Pitzer parameters are identical to the c observable parameters read from the data file: c c lambda(nc) -> lambda(nc) c c Check the coverage of entered Pitzer data against all possible c nc pairs that can be composed of the aqueous neutral species and c cations present on the data file. c c This subroutine is called by: c c EQPT/eqpt.f c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Principal input: c c nat = the number of aqueous species c uaqsp = array of names of aqueous species c c Principal output: c c nerr = cumulative error counter c nwarn = cumulative warning counter c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c implicit none c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Calling sequence variable declarations. c integer ipbtmx,jpfcmx,natmax,nncpr,npx2mx c integer noutpt,nttyo c integer incpr(2,nncpr) c integer ncvnc,nerr,npx2t,nwarn c logical qpdnc(nncpr) c character(len=24) uaqsp(natmax),upair(2,npx2mx) c real*8 abeta(jpfcmx,0:ipbtmx,npx2mx), $ alamnc(jpfcmx,0:ipbtmx,nncpr) c real*8 pcvnc c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Local variable declarations. c integer i,j,jp,jpair,j2,j3,j4,j5,n,ncount,ndupl,nlistl, $ nn,nodatc c integer ilnobl c character*56 ustr56 character*24 unam1,unam2 character*8 ux8 c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Limit on the list of pairs for which no data were found. c data nlistl / 20 / c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Initialize the data arrays. c do n = 1,nncpr qpdnc(n) = .false. do j = 1,jpfcmx do i = 0,ipbtmx alamnc(j,i,n) = 0. enddo enddo enddo c c Check the entered data for nc pairs. c nodatc = 0 c do n = 1,nncpr i = incpr(1,n) j = incpr(2,n) unam1 = uaqsp(i) unam2 = uaqsp(j) c c Search for unam1, unam2 in the upair array. c That array corresponds to the species pairs blocks. c call srch22(jpair,unam1,unam2,upair,npx2mx,npx2t) c if (jpair .gt. 0) then c c Have found an entry. c qpdnc(n) = .true. c c Store the data. c do j = 1,jpfcmx do i = 0,ipbtmx alamnc(j,i,n) = abeta(j,i,jpair) enddo enddo c c Check for duplicate data sets. c ndupl = 0 do jp = jpair + 1,npx2t if (unam1(1:24) .eq. upair(1,jp)(1:24)) then if (unam2(1:24) .eq. upair(2,jp)(1:24)) then ndupl = ndupl + 1 endif endif enddo c if (ndupl .gt. 0) then j2 = ilnobl(unam1) j3 = ilnobl(unam2) if (ndupl .eq. 1) then write (noutpt,1010) unam1(1:j2),unam2(1:j3) write (nttyo,1010) unam1(1:j2),unam2(1:j3) 1010 format(/' * Error - (EQPT/tprnc) Have found a', $ ' duplicate data block on the DATA0 file', $ /7x,'for the nc pair ',a,', ',a,'.') else ux8 = ' ' write (ux8,'(i5)') ndupl call lejust(ux8) j5 = ilnobl(ux8) write (noutpt,1020) ux8(1:j5),unam1(1:j2),unam2(1:j3) write (nttyo,1020) ux8(1:j5),unam1(1:j2),unam2(1:j3) 1020 format(/' * Error - (EQPT/tprnc) Have found ',a, $ ' duplicate data blocks on the DATA0 file', $ /7x,'for the nc pair ',a,', ',a,'.') endif nerr = nerr + ndupl endif c else c c No data block was found on the DATA0 file. c Note that qpdnc(n) is left with a value of .false. c nodatc = nodatc + 1 endif c enddo c c* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c if (nodatc .gt. 0) then write (noutpt,1040) write (nttyo,1040) 1040 format(/' * Warning - (EQPT/tprnc) Did not find a data', $ ' block on the DATA0 file',/7x,'for any of the following', $ ' nc pairs:',/) c ncount = 0 do n = 1,nncpr if (.not.qpdnc(n)) then ncount = ncount + 1 i = incpr(1,n) j = incpr(2,n) unam1 = uaqsp(i) unam2 = uaqsp(j) j2 = ilnobl(unam1) j3 = ilnobl(unam2) ustr56 = unam1(1:j2) // ', ' // unam2(1:j3) j4 = ilnobl(ustr56) write (noutpt,1050) ustr56(1:j4) write (nttyo,1050) ustr56(1:j4) 1050 format(9x,a) if (ncount .eq. nlistl) go to 200 endif enddo 200 continue c nn = nodatc - ncount if (nn .gt. 0) then write (ux8,'(i5)') nn call lejust(ux8) j3 = ilnobl(ux8) write (noutpt,1060) ux8(1:j3) write (nttyo,1060) ux8(1:j3) 1060 format(/9x,'plus ',a,' others') endif write (noutpt,1070) write (nttyo,1070) 1070 format(1x) nwarn = nwarn + 1 endif c ncvnc = nncpr - nodatc pcvnc = (100.*ncvnc)/float(nncpr) c c* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c end
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import ast import os import re from glob import glob import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns from loren_frank_data_processing import make_tetrode_dataframe from src.figure_utilities import PAGE_HEIGHT, TWO_COLUMN, save_figure from src.parameters import (_BRAIN_AREAS, ANIMALS, PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD, PROCESSED_DATA_DIR, SHORT_STATE_ORDER, STATE_COLORS, STATE_ORDER) from src.visualization import (SHORT_STATE_NAMES, _plot_category, plot_category_duration, plot_linear_position_markers, plot_replay_distance_from_actual_position) from upsetplot import UpSet def load_replay_info( n_unique_spiking=2, data_type="clusterless", dim="1D", probability_threshold=PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD, speed_threshold=4, exclude_interneuron_spikes=False ): tetrode_info = make_tetrode_dataframe(ANIMALS) prob = int(probability_threshold * 100) if exclude_interneuron_spikes: interneuron = 'no_interneuron_' else: interneuron = '' file_regex = f"*_{data_type}_{dim}_{interneuron}replay_info_{prob:02d}.csv" file_paths = glob(os.path.join(PROCESSED_DATA_DIR, file_regex)) replay_info = pd.concat( [pd.read_csv(file_path) for file_path in file_paths], axis=0, ).set_index(["animal", "day", "epoch", "ripple_number"]) replay_info = replay_info.loc[ (replay_info.n_unique_spiking >= n_unique_spiking) & (replay_info.actual_speed <= speed_threshold) ].sort_index() is_brain_areas = tetrode_info.area.astype( str).str.upper().isin(_BRAIN_AREAS) n_tetrodes = ( tetrode_info.loc[is_brain_areas] .groupby(["animal", "day", "epoch"]) .tetrode_id.count() .rename("n_tetrodes") ) replay_info = pd.merge( replay_info.reset_index(), pd.DataFrame(n_tetrodes).reset_index() ).set_index(["animal", "day", "epoch", "ripple_number"]) for state in STATE_ORDER: replay_info[f"{state}_pct_unique_spiking"] = ( replay_info[f"{state}_n_unique_spiking"] / replay_info["n_tetrodes"] ) replay_info = replay_info.rename(index={"Cor": "cor"}).rename_axis( index={"animal": "Animal ID"} ) return replay_info def plot_category_counts(replay_info): df = (replay_info .loc[replay_info.is_classified] .rename(columns=SHORT_STATE_NAMES) .set_index(SHORT_STATE_ORDER[::-1])) upset = UpSet( df, sort_sets_by=None, show_counts=False, subset_size="count", sort_by="cardinality", intersection_plot_elements=5, ) ax_dict = upset.plot() n_classified = replay_info.is_classified.sum() _, intersect_max = ax_dict["intersections"].get_ylim() ax_dict["intersections"].set_yticks(n_classified * np.arange(0, 0.6, 0.1)) ax_dict["intersections"].set_yticklabels(range(0, 60, 10)) ax_dict["intersections"].set_ylabel( "Percentage\nof Ripples", ha="center", va="center", rotation="horizontal", labelpad=30, ) ax_dict["intersections"].text( 9, n_classified * 0.45, f"N = {n_classified}", zorder=1000, fontsize=9 ) ax_dict["totals"].set_xticks([0, 0.5 * n_classified]) ax_dict["totals"].set_xticklabels([0, 50]) ax_dict["totals"].set_xlabel("Marginal Percentage\nof Ripples") ax_dict["totals"].set_ylim([-0.5, len(SHORT_STATE_ORDER) - 1 + 0.4]) plt.suptitle("Most Common Combinations of Classifications per Ripple", fontsize=14, x=0.55, y=0.925) for i, color in enumerate(STATE_ORDER): rect = plt.Rectangle( xy=(0, len(STATE_ORDER) - i - 1.4), width=1, height=0.8, facecolor=STATE_COLORS[color], lw=0, zorder=0, alpha=0.25, ) ax_dict["shading"].add_patch(rect) save_figure(os.path.join("Figure5", "figure5_category_counts")) def convert_object_to_array(fixed_string): pattern = r"""# Match (mandatory) whitespace between... (?<=\]) # ] and \s+ (?= \[) # [, or | (?<=[^\[\]\s]) \s+ (?= [^\[\]\s]) # two non-bracket non-whitespace characters """ # Replace such whitespace with a comma fixed_string = re.sub(pattern, ",", fixed_string, flags=re.VERBOSE) return np.array(ast.literal_eval(fixed_string)) def get_norm_linear_position(replay_info): non_local_stationary = replay_info.loc[ replay_info.Hover_replay_distance_from_actual_position > 30 ] norm_linear_position = [] for ripple_id, df in non_local_stationary.iterrows(): try: temp = ( convert_object_to_array(df.Hover_replay_linear_position) / df.left_well_position ) for pos in temp: norm_linear_position.append(pos) except TypeError: norm_linear_position.append( df.Hover_replay_linear_position / df.left_well_position ) return np.asarray(norm_linear_position) def plot_stats(replay_info, saturation=0.7, fliersize=1.0): fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(TWO_COLUMN, PAGE_HEIGHT / 2), constrained_layout=True ) # Duration of Dynamic plot_category_duration( replay_info, kind="box", ax=axes[0, 0], fliersize=fliersize, saturation=saturation, ) axes[0, 0].set_title("Duration") axes[0, 0].set_xlim((0, 400)) sns.despine(ax=axes[0, 0], offset=5) # Distance from Animal plot_replay_distance_from_actual_position( replay_info, kind="box", ax=axes[0, 1], fliersize=fliersize, saturation=saturation ) axes[0, 1].set_title("Distance from Animal") sns.despine(ax=axes[0, 1], offset=5) axes[0, 1].set_xlim((0, 250)) axes[0, 1].set_yticks([]) axes[0, 1].spines["left"].set_visible(False) # Non-Local Hover Position norm_non_local_hover = get_norm_linear_position(replay_info) sns.distplot( norm_non_local_hover, kde_kws=dict( bw=0.020, clip=(0, 1), shade=True, facecolor=STATE_COLORS["Hover"], legend=False, ), rug_kws=dict(color="black", alpha=0.5), kde=True, rug=True, hist=False, color=STATE_COLORS["Hover"], ax=axes[1, 0], ) axes[1, 0].set_xlabel("Normalized Position") axes[1, 0].set_ylabel("Probability Density") plot_linear_position_markers( replay_info, is_normalized=True, jitter=0.00, zorder=101, alpha=1, ax=axes[1, 0], linestyle="-", fontsize=14, ) sns.despine(ax=axes[1, 0], offset=5) axes[1, 0].set_xlim((0, 1)) axes[1, 0].set_title("Non-Local Stationary Position") n_non_local = norm_non_local_hover.size axes[1, 0].text(0.75, 3.5, f"N = {n_non_local}", zorder=100, fontsize=9) # Population firing rate _plot_category( replay_info, "population_rate", kind="box", ax=axes[1, 1], fliersize=fliersize, saturation=saturation, ) axes[1, 1].set_xlim((0, 400)) axes[1, 1].set_xlabel("Rate [spikes / s]") axes[1, 1].set_title("Multiunit Population Rate") sns.despine(ax=axes[1, 1], offset=5) axes[1, 1].set_yticks([]) axes[1, 1].spines["left"].set_visible(False)
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/- Copyright (c) 2021 Kexing Ying. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Kexing Ying ! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module probability.density ! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 17ef379e997badd73e5eabb4d38f11919ab3c4b3 ! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id ! if you have ported upstream changes. -/ import Mathbin.MeasureTheory.Decomposition.RadonNikodym import Mathbin.MeasureTheory.Measure.Lebesgue /-! # Probability density function This file defines the probability density function of random variables, by which we mean measurable functions taking values in a Borel space. In particular, a measurable function `f` is said to the probability density function of a random variable `X` if for all measurable sets `S`, `ℙ(X ∈ S) = ∫ x in S, f x dx`. Probability density functions are one way of describing the distribution of a random variable, and are useful for calculating probabilities and finding moments (although the latter is better achieved with moment generating functions). This file also defines the continuous uniform distribution and proves some properties about random variables with this distribution. ## Main definitions * `measure_theory.has_pdf` : A random variable `X : Ω → E` is said to `has_pdf` with respect to the measure `ℙ` on `Ω` and `μ` on `E` if there exists a measurable function `f` such that the push-forward measure of `ℙ` along `X` equals `μ.with_density f`. * `measure_theory.pdf` : If `X` is a random variable that `has_pdf X ℙ μ`, then `pdf X` is the measurable function `f` such that the push-forward measure of `ℙ` along `X` equals `μ.with_density f`. * `measure_theory.pdf.uniform` : A random variable `X` is said to follow the uniform distribution if it has a constant probability density function with a compact, non-null support. ## Main results * `measure_theory.pdf.integral_fun_mul_eq_integral` : Law of the unconscious statistician, i.e. if a random variable `X : Ω → E` has pdf `f`, then `𝔼(g(X)) = ∫ x, g x * f x dx` for all measurable `g : E → ℝ`. * `measure_theory.pdf.integral_mul_eq_integral` : A real-valued random variable `X` with pdf `f` has expectation `∫ x, x * f x dx`. * `measure_theory.pdf.uniform.integral_eq` : If `X` follows the uniform distribution with its pdf having support `s`, then `X` has expectation `(λ s)⁻¹ * ∫ x in s, x dx` where `λ` is the Lebesgue measure. ## TODOs Ultimately, we would also like to define characteristic functions to describe distributions as it exists for all random variables. However, to define this, we will need Fourier transforms which we currently do not have. -/ noncomputable section open Classical MeasureTheory NNReal ENNReal namespace MeasureTheory open TopologicalSpace MeasureTheory.Measure variable {Ω E : Type _} [MeasurableSpace E] /-- A random variable `X : Ω → E` is said to `has_pdf` with respect to the measure `ℙ` on `Ω` and `μ` on `E` if there exists a measurable function `f` such that the push-forward measure of `ℙ` along `X` equals `μ.with_density f`. -/ class HasPdf {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} (X : Ω → E) (ℙ : Measure Ω) (μ : Measure E := by exact MeasureTheory.MeasureSpace.volume) : Prop where pdf' : Measurable X ∧ ∃ f : E → ℝ≥0∞, Measurable f ∧ map X ℙ = μ.withDensity f #align measure_theory.has_pdf MeasureTheory.HasPdf @[measurability] theorem HasPdf.measurable {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} (X : Ω → E) (ℙ : Measure Ω) (μ : Measure E := by exact MeasureTheory.MeasureSpace.volume) [hX : HasPdf X ℙ μ] : Measurable X := hX.pdf'.1 #align measure_theory.has_pdf.measurable MeasureTheory.HasPdf.measurable /-- If `X` is a random variable that `has_pdf X ℙ μ`, then `pdf X` is the measurable function `f` such that the push-forward measure of `ℙ` along `X` equals `μ.with_density f`. -/ def pdf {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} (X : Ω → E) (ℙ : Measure Ω) (μ : Measure E := by exact MeasureTheory.MeasureSpace.volume) := if hX : HasPdf X ℙ μ then Classical.choose hX.pdf'.2 else 0 #align measure_theory.pdf MeasureTheory.pdf theorem pdf_undef {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} {ℙ : Measure Ω} {μ : Measure E} {X : Ω → E} (h : ¬HasPdf X ℙ μ) : pdf X ℙ μ = 0 := by simp only [pdf, dif_neg h] #align measure_theory.pdf_undef MeasureTheory.pdf_undef theorem hasPdfOfPdfNeZero {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} {ℙ : Measure Ω} {μ : Measure E} {X : Ω → E} (h : pdf X ℙ μ ≠ 0) : HasPdf X ℙ μ := by by_contra hpdf rw [pdf, dif_neg hpdf] at h exact hpdf (False.ndrec (has_pdf X ℙ μ) (h rfl)) #align measure_theory.has_pdf_of_pdf_ne_zero MeasureTheory.hasPdfOfPdfNeZero theorem pdf_eq_zero_of_not_measurable {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} {ℙ : Measure Ω} {μ : Measure E} {X : Ω → E} (hX : ¬Measurable X) : pdf X ℙ μ = 0 := pdf_undef fun hpdf => hX hpdf.pdf'.1 #align measure_theory.pdf_eq_zero_of_not_measurable MeasureTheory.pdf_eq_zero_of_not_measurable theorem measurable_of_pdf_ne_zero {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} {ℙ : Measure Ω} {μ : Measure E} (X : Ω → E) (h : pdf X ℙ μ ≠ 0) : Measurable X := by by_contra hX exact h (pdf_eq_zero_of_not_measurable hX) #align measure_theory.measurable_of_pdf_ne_zero MeasureTheory.measurable_of_pdf_ne_zero @[measurability] theorem measurable_pdf {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} (X : Ω → E) (ℙ : Measure Ω) (μ : Measure E := by exact MeasureTheory.MeasureSpace.volume) : Measurable (pdf X ℙ μ) := by by_cases hX : has_pdf X ℙ μ · rw [pdf, dif_pos hX] exact (Classical.choose_spec hX.pdf'.2).1 · rw [pdf, dif_neg hX] exact measurable_zero #align measure_theory.measurable_pdf MeasureTheory.measurable_pdf theorem map_eq_withDensity_pdf {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} (X : Ω → E) (ℙ : Measure Ω) (μ : Measure E := by exact MeasureTheory.MeasureSpace.volume) [hX : HasPdf X ℙ μ] : Measure.map X ℙ = μ.withDensity (pdf X ℙ μ) := by rw [pdf, dif_pos hX] exact (Classical.choose_spec hX.pdf'.2).2 #align measure_theory.map_eq_with_density_pdf MeasureTheory.map_eq_withDensity_pdf theorem map_eq_set_lintegral_pdf {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} (X : Ω → E) (ℙ : Measure Ω) (μ : Measure E := by exact MeasureTheory.MeasureSpace.volume) [hX : HasPdf X ℙ μ] {s : Set E} (hs : MeasurableSet s) : Measure.map X ℙ s = ∫⁻ x in s, pdf X ℙ μ x ∂μ := by rw [← with_density_apply _ hs, map_eq_with_density_pdf X ℙ μ] #align measure_theory.map_eq_set_lintegral_pdf MeasureTheory.map_eq_set_lintegral_pdf namespace Pdf variable {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} {ℙ : Measure Ω} {μ : Measure E} theorem lintegral_eq_measure_univ {X : Ω → E} [HasPdf X ℙ μ] : (∫⁻ x, pdf X ℙ μ x ∂μ) = ℙ Set.univ := by rw [← set_lintegral_univ, ← map_eq_set_lintegral_pdf X ℙ μ MeasurableSet.univ, measure.map_apply (has_pdf.measurable X ℙ μ) MeasurableSet.univ, Set.preimage_univ] #align measure_theory.pdf.lintegral_eq_measure_univ MeasureTheory.pdf.lintegral_eq_measure_univ theorem ae_lt_top [IsFiniteMeasure ℙ] {μ : Measure E} {X : Ω → E} : ∀ᵐ x ∂μ, pdf X ℙ μ x < ∞ := by by_cases hpdf : has_pdf X ℙ μ · haveI := hpdf refine' ae_lt_top (measurable_pdf X ℙ μ) _ rw [lintegral_eq_measure_univ] exact (measure_lt_top _ _).Ne · rw [pdf, dif_neg hpdf] exact Filter.eventually_of_forall fun x => WithTop.zero_lt_top #align measure_theory.pdf.ae_lt_top MeasureTheory.pdf.ae_lt_top theorem ofReal_toReal_ae_eq [IsFiniteMeasure ℙ] {X : Ω → E} : (fun x => ENNReal.ofReal (pdf X ℙ μ x).toReal) =ᵐ[μ] pdf X ℙ μ := ofReal_toReal_ae_eq ae_lt_top #align measure_theory.pdf.of_real_to_real_ae_eq MeasureTheory.pdf.ofReal_toReal_ae_eq theorem integrable_iff_integrable_mul_pdf [IsFiniteMeasure ℙ] {X : Ω → E} [HasPdf X ℙ μ] {f : E → ℝ} (hf : Measurable f) : Integrable (fun x => f (X x)) ℙ ↔ Integrable (fun x => f x * (pdf X ℙ μ x).toReal) μ := by rw [← integrable_map_measure hf.ae_strongly_measurable (has_pdf.measurable X ℙ μ).AeMeasurable, map_eq_with_density_pdf X ℙ μ, integrable_with_density_iff (measurable_pdf _ _ _) ae_lt_top] infer_instance #align measure_theory.pdf.integrable_iff_integrable_mul_pdf MeasureTheory.pdf.integrable_iff_integrable_mul_pdf /-- **The Law of the Unconscious Statistician**: Given a random variable `X` and a measurable function `f`, `f ∘ X` is a random variable with expectation `∫ x, f x * pdf X ∂μ` where `μ` is a measure on the codomain of `X`. -/ theorem integral_fun_mul_eq_integral [IsFiniteMeasure ℙ] {X : Ω → E} [HasPdf X ℙ μ] {f : E → ℝ} (hf : Measurable f) : (∫ x, f x * (pdf X ℙ μ x).toReal ∂μ) = ∫ x, f (X x) ∂ℙ := by by_cases hpdf : integrable (fun x => f x * (pdf X ℙ μ x).toReal) μ · rw [← integral_map (has_pdf.measurable X ℙ μ).AeMeasurable hf.ae_strongly_measurable, map_eq_with_density_pdf X ℙ μ, integral_eq_lintegral_pos_part_sub_lintegral_neg_part hpdf, integral_eq_lintegral_pos_part_sub_lintegral_neg_part, lintegral_with_density_eq_lintegral_mul _ (measurable_pdf X ℙ μ) hf.neg.ennreal_of_real, lintegral_with_density_eq_lintegral_mul _ (measurable_pdf X ℙ μ) hf.ennreal_of_real] · congr 2 · have : ∀ x, ENNReal.ofReal (f x * (pdf X ℙ μ x).toReal) = ENNReal.ofReal (pdf X ℙ μ x).toReal * ENNReal.ofReal (f x) := by intro x rw [mul_comm, ENNReal.ofReal_mul ENNReal.toReal_nonneg] simp_rw [this] exact lintegral_congr_ae (Filter.EventuallyEq.mul of_real_to_real_ae_eq (ae_eq_refl _)) · have : ∀ x, ENNReal.ofReal (-(f x * (pdf X ℙ μ x).toReal)) = ENNReal.ofReal (pdf X ℙ μ x).toReal * ENNReal.ofReal (-f x) := by intro x rw [neg_mul_eq_neg_mul, mul_comm, ENNReal.ofReal_mul ENNReal.toReal_nonneg] simp_rw [this] exact lintegral_congr_ae (Filter.EventuallyEq.mul of_real_to_real_ae_eq (ae_eq_refl _)) · refine' ⟨hf.ae_strongly_measurable, _⟩ rw [has_finite_integral, lintegral_with_density_eq_lintegral_mul _ (measurable_pdf _ _ _) hf.nnnorm.coe_nnreal_ennreal] have : (fun x => (pdf X ℙ μ * fun x => ↑‖f x‖₊) x) =ᵐ[μ] fun x => ‖f x * (pdf X ℙ μ x).toReal‖₊ := by simp_rw [← smul_eq_mul, nnnorm_smul, ENNReal.coe_mul] rw [smul_eq_mul, mul_comm] refine' Filter.EventuallyEq.mul (ae_eq_refl _) (ae_eq_trans of_real_to_real_ae_eq.symm _) convert ae_eq_refl _ ext1 x exact Real.ennnorm_eq_ofReal ENNReal.toReal_nonneg rw [lintegral_congr_ae this] exact hpdf.2 · rw [integral_undef hpdf, integral_undef] rwa [← integrable_iff_integrable_mul_pdf hf] at hpdf all_goals infer_instance #align measure_theory.pdf.integral_fun_mul_eq_integral MeasureTheory.pdf.integral_fun_mul_eq_integral theorem mapAbsolutelyContinuous {X : Ω → E} [HasPdf X ℙ μ] : map X ℙ ≪ μ := by rw [map_eq_with_density_pdf X ℙ μ] exact with_density_absolutely_continuous _ _ #align measure_theory.pdf.map_absolutely_continuous MeasureTheory.pdf.mapAbsolutelyContinuous /-- A random variable that `has_pdf` is quasi-measure preserving. -/ theorem toQuasiMeasurePreserving {X : Ω → E} [HasPdf X ℙ μ] : QuasiMeasurePreserving X ℙ μ := { Measurable := HasPdf.measurable X ℙ μ AbsolutelyContinuous := mapAbsolutelyContinuous } #align measure_theory.pdf.to_quasi_measure_preserving MeasureTheory.pdf.toQuasiMeasurePreserving theorem haveLebesgueDecompositionOfHasPdf {X : Ω → E} [hX' : HasPdf X ℙ μ] : (map X ℙ).HaveLebesgueDecomposition μ := ⟨⟨⟨0, pdf X ℙ μ⟩, by simp only [zero_add, measurable_pdf X ℙ μ, true_and_iff, mutually_singular.zero_left, map_eq_with_density_pdf X ℙ μ]⟩⟩ #align measure_theory.pdf.have_lebesgue_decomposition_of_has_pdf MeasureTheory.pdf.haveLebesgueDecompositionOfHasPdf theorem hasPdf_iff {X : Ω → E} : HasPdf X ℙ μ ↔ Measurable X ∧ (map X ℙ).HaveLebesgueDecomposition μ ∧ map X ℙ ≪ μ := by constructor · intro hX' exact ⟨hX'.pdf'.1, have_lebesgue_decomposition_of_has_pdf, map_absolutely_continuous⟩ · rintro ⟨hX, h_decomp, h⟩ haveI := h_decomp refine' ⟨⟨hX, (measure.map X ℙ).rnDeriv μ, measurable_rn_deriv _ _, _⟩⟩ rwa [with_density_rn_deriv_eq] #align measure_theory.pdf.has_pdf_iff MeasureTheory.pdf.hasPdf_iff theorem hasPdf_iff_of_measurable {X : Ω → E} (hX : Measurable X) : HasPdf X ℙ μ ↔ (map X ℙ).HaveLebesgueDecomposition μ ∧ map X ℙ ≪ μ := by rw [has_pdf_iff] simp only [hX, true_and_iff] #align measure_theory.pdf.has_pdf_iff_of_measurable MeasureTheory.pdf.hasPdf_iff_of_measurable section variable {F : Type _} [MeasurableSpace F] {ν : Measure F} /-- A random variable that `has_pdf` transformed under a `quasi_measure_preserving` map also `has_pdf` if `(map g (map X ℙ)).have_lebesgue_decomposition μ`. `quasi_measure_preserving_has_pdf'` is more useful in the case we are working with a probability measure and a real-valued random variable. -/ theorem quasiMeasurePreservingHasPdf {X : Ω → E} [HasPdf X ℙ μ] {g : E → F} (hg : QuasiMeasurePreserving g μ ν) (hmap : (map g (map X ℙ)).HaveLebesgueDecomposition ν) : HasPdf (g ∘ X) ℙ ν := by rw [has_pdf_iff, ← map_map hg.measurable (has_pdf.measurable X ℙ μ)] refine' ⟨hg.measurable.comp (has_pdf.measurable X ℙ μ), hmap, _⟩ rw [map_eq_with_density_pdf X ℙ μ] refine' absolutely_continuous.mk fun s hsm hs => _ rw [map_apply hg.measurable hsm, with_density_apply _ (hg.measurable hsm)] have := hg.absolutely_continuous hs rw [map_apply hg.measurable hsm] at this exact set_lintegral_measure_zero _ _ this #align measure_theory.pdf.quasi_measure_preserving_has_pdf MeasureTheory.pdf.quasiMeasurePreservingHasPdf theorem quasiMeasurePreservingHasPdf' [IsFiniteMeasure ℙ] [SigmaFinite ν] {X : Ω → E} [HasPdf X ℙ μ] {g : E → F} (hg : QuasiMeasurePreserving g μ ν) : HasPdf (g ∘ X) ℙ ν := quasiMeasurePreservingHasPdf hg inferInstance #align measure_theory.pdf.quasi_measure_preserving_has_pdf' MeasureTheory.pdf.quasiMeasurePreservingHasPdf' end section Real variable [IsFiniteMeasure ℙ] {X : Ω → ℝ} /-- A real-valued random variable `X` `has_pdf X ℙ λ` (where `λ` is the Lebesgue measure) if and only if the push-forward measure of `ℙ` along `X` is absolutely continuous with respect to `λ`. -/ theorem Real.hasPdf_iff_of_measurable (hX : Measurable X) : HasPdf X ℙ ↔ map X ℙ ≪ volume := by rw [has_pdf_iff_of_measurable hX, and_iff_right_iff_imp] exact fun h => inferInstance #align measure_theory.pdf.real.has_pdf_iff_of_measurable MeasureTheory.pdf.Real.hasPdf_iff_of_measurable theorem Real.hasPdf_iff : HasPdf X ℙ ↔ Measurable X ∧ map X ℙ ≪ volume := by by_cases hX : Measurable X · rw [real.has_pdf_iff_of_measurable hX, iff_and_self] exact fun h => hX infer_instance · exact ⟨fun h => False.elim (hX h.pdf'.1), fun h => False.elim (hX h.1)⟩ #align measure_theory.pdf.real.has_pdf_iff MeasureTheory.pdf.Real.hasPdf_iff /-- If `X` is a real-valued random variable that has pdf `f`, then the expectation of `X` equals `∫ x, x * f x ∂λ` where `λ` is the Lebesgue measure. -/ theorem integral_mul_eq_integral [HasPdf X ℙ] : (∫ x, x * (pdf X ℙ volume x).toReal) = ∫ x, X x ∂ℙ := integral_fun_mul_eq_integral measurable_id #align measure_theory.pdf.integral_mul_eq_integral MeasureTheory.pdf.integral_mul_eq_integral theorem hasFiniteIntegralMul {f : ℝ → ℝ} {g : ℝ → ℝ≥0∞} (hg : pdf X ℙ =ᵐ[volume] g) (hgi : (∫⁻ x, ‖f x‖₊ * g x) ≠ ∞) : HasFiniteIntegral fun x => f x * (pdf X ℙ volume x).toReal := by rw [has_finite_integral] have : (fun x => ↑‖f x‖₊ * g x) =ᵐ[volume] fun x => ‖f x * (pdf X ℙ volume x).toReal‖₊ := by refine' ae_eq_trans (Filter.EventuallyEq.mul (ae_eq_refl fun x => ‖f x‖₊) (ae_eq_trans hg.symm of_real_to_real_ae_eq.symm)) _ simp_rw [← smul_eq_mul, nnnorm_smul, ENNReal.coe_mul, smul_eq_mul] refine' Filter.EventuallyEq.mul (ae_eq_refl _) _ convert ae_eq_refl _ ext1 x exact Real.ennnorm_eq_ofReal ENNReal.toReal_nonneg rwa [lt_top_iff_ne_top, ← lintegral_congr_ae this] #align measure_theory.pdf.has_finite_integral_mul MeasureTheory.pdf.hasFiniteIntegralMul end Real section /-! **Uniform Distribution** -/ /-- A random variable `X` has uniform distribution if it has a probability density function `f` with support `s` such that `f = (μ s)⁻¹ 1ₛ` a.e. where `1ₛ` is the indicator function for `s`. -/ def IsUniform {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} (X : Ω → E) (support : Set E) (ℙ : Measure Ω) (μ : Measure E := by exact MeasureTheory.MeasureSpace.volume) := pdf X ℙ μ =ᵐ[μ] support.indicator ((μ support)⁻¹ • 1) #align measure_theory.pdf.is_uniform MeasureTheory.pdf.IsUniform namespace IsUniform theorem hasPdf {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} {X : Ω → E} {ℙ : Measure Ω} {μ : Measure E} {s : Set E} (hns : μ s ≠ 0) (hnt : μ s ≠ ∞) (hu : IsUniform X s ℙ μ) : HasPdf X ℙ μ := hasPdfOfPdfNeZero (by intro hpdf rw [is_uniform, hpdf] at hu suffices μ (s ∩ Function.support ((μ s)⁻¹ • 1)) = 0 by have heq : Function.support ((μ s)⁻¹ • (1 : E → ℝ≥0∞)) = Set.univ := by ext x rw [Function.mem_support] simp [hnt] rw [HEq, Set.inter_univ] at this exact hns this exact Set.indicator_ae_eq_zero hu.symm) #align measure_theory.pdf.is_uniform.has_pdf MeasureTheory.pdf.IsUniform.hasPdf theorem pdf_toReal_ae_eq {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} {X : Ω → E} {ℙ : Measure Ω} {μ : Measure E} {s : Set E} (hX : IsUniform X s ℙ μ) : (fun x => (pdf X ℙ μ x).toReal) =ᵐ[μ] fun x => (s.indicator ((μ s)⁻¹ • (1 : E → ℝ≥0∞)) x).toReal := Filter.EventuallyEq.fun_comp hX ENNReal.toReal #align measure_theory.pdf.is_uniform.pdf_to_real_ae_eq MeasureTheory.pdf.IsUniform.pdf_toReal_ae_eq theorem measure_preimage {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} {X : Ω → E} {ℙ : Measure Ω} {μ : Measure E} {s : Set E} (hns : μ s ≠ 0) (hnt : μ s ≠ ∞) (hms : MeasurableSet s) (hu : IsUniform X s ℙ μ) {A : Set E} (hA : MeasurableSet A) : ℙ (X ⁻¹' A) = μ (s ∩ A) / μ s := by haveI := hu.has_pdf hns hnt rw [← measure.map_apply (has_pdf.measurable X ℙ μ) hA, map_eq_set_lintegral_pdf X ℙ μ hA, lintegral_congr_ae hu.restrict] simp only [hms, hA, lintegral_indicator, Pi.smul_apply, Pi.one_apply, Algebra.id.smul_eq_mul, mul_one, lintegral_const, restrict_apply', Set.univ_inter] rw [ENNReal.div_eq_inv_mul] #align measure_theory.pdf.is_uniform.measure_preimage MeasureTheory.pdf.IsUniform.measure_preimage theorem isProbabilityMeasure {m : MeasurableSpace Ω} {X : Ω → E} {ℙ : Measure Ω} {μ : Measure E} {s : Set E} (hns : μ s ≠ 0) (hnt : μ s ≠ ∞) (hms : MeasurableSet s) (hu : IsUniform X s ℙ μ) : IsProbabilityMeasure ℙ := ⟨by have : X ⁻¹' Set.univ = Set.univ := by simp only [Set.preimage_univ] rw [← this, hu.measure_preimage hns hnt hms MeasurableSet.univ, Set.inter_univ, ENNReal.div_self hns hnt]⟩ #align measure_theory.pdf.is_uniform.is_probability_measure MeasureTheory.pdf.IsUniform.isProbabilityMeasure variable {X : Ω → ℝ} {s : Set ℝ} (hms : MeasurableSet s) (hns : volume s ≠ 0) include hms hns theorem mulPdfIntegrable [IsFiniteMeasure ℙ] (hcs : IsCompact s) (huX : IsUniform X s ℙ) : Integrable fun x : ℝ => x * (pdf X ℙ volume x).toReal := by by_cases hsupp : volume s = ∞ · have : pdf X ℙ =ᵐ[volume] 0 := by refine' ae_eq_trans huX _ simp [hsupp] refine' integrable.congr (integrable_zero _ _ _) _ rw [(by simp : (fun x => 0 : ℝ → ℝ) = fun x => x * (0 : ℝ≥0∞).toReal)] refine' Filter.EventuallyEq.mul (ae_eq_refl _) (Filter.EventuallyEq.fun_comp this.symm ENNReal.toReal) refine' ⟨ae_strongly_measurable_id.mul (measurable_pdf X ℙ).AeMeasurable.eNNReal_toReal.AeStronglyMeasurable, _⟩ refine' has_finite_integral_mul huX _ set ind := (volume s)⁻¹ • (1 : ℝ → ℝ≥0∞) with hind have : ∀ x, ↑‖x‖₊ * s.indicator ind x = s.indicator (fun x => ‖x‖₊ * ind x) x := fun x => (s.indicator_mul_right (fun x => ↑‖x‖₊) ind).symm simp only [this, lintegral_indicator _ hms, hind, mul_one, Algebra.id.smul_eq_mul, Pi.one_apply, Pi.smul_apply] rw [lintegral_mul_const _ measurable_nnnorm.coe_nnreal_ennreal] · refine' (ENNReal.mul_lt_top (set_lintegral_lt_top_of_is_compact hsupp hcs continuous_nnnorm).Ne (ENNReal.inv_lt_top.2 (pos_iff_ne_zero.mpr hns)).Ne).Ne · infer_instance #align measure_theory.pdf.is_uniform.mul_pdf_integrable MeasureTheory.pdf.IsUniform.mulPdfIntegrable /-- A real uniform random variable `X` with support `s` has expectation `(λ s)⁻¹ * ∫ x in s, x ∂λ` where `λ` is the Lebesgue measure. -/ theorem integral_eq (hnt : volume s ≠ ∞) (huX : IsUniform X s ℙ) : (∫ x, X x ∂ℙ) = (volume s)⁻¹.toReal * ∫ x in s, x := by haveI := has_pdf hns hnt huX haveI := huX.is_probability_measure hns hnt hms rw [← integral_mul_eq_integral] rw [integral_congr_ae (Filter.EventuallyEq.mul (ae_eq_refl _) (pdf_to_real_ae_eq huX))] have : ∀ x, x * (s.indicator ((volume s)⁻¹ • (1 : ℝ → ℝ≥0∞)) x).toReal = x * s.indicator ((volume s)⁻¹.toReal • (1 : ℝ → ℝ)) x := by refine' fun x => congr_arg ((· * ·) x) _ by_cases hx : x ∈ s · simp [Set.indicator_of_mem hx] · simp [Set.indicator_of_not_mem hx] simp_rw [this, ← s.indicator_mul_right fun x => x, integral_indicator hms] change (∫ x in s, x * (volume s)⁻¹.toReal • 1 ∂volume) = _ rw [integral_mul_right, mul_comm, Algebra.id.smul_eq_mul, mul_one] #align measure_theory.pdf.is_uniform.integral_eq MeasureTheory.pdf.IsUniform.integral_eq end IsUniform end end Pdf end MeasureTheory
{"author": "leanprover-community", "repo": "mathlib3port", "sha": "62505aa236c58c8559783b16d33e30df3daa54f4", "save_path": "github-repos/lean/leanprover-community-mathlib3port", "path": "github-repos/lean/leanprover-community-mathlib3port/mathlib3port-62505aa236c58c8559783b16d33e30df3daa54f4/Mathbin/Probability/Density.lean"}
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator import pickle import math import os, sys from robolearn.old_utils.plot_utils import plot_sample_list, plot_sample_list_distribution, lqr_forward, plot_3d_gaussian from robolearn.old_algos.gps.gps_utils import IterationData from robolearn.old_utils.iit.iit_robots_params import bigman_params from robolearn.old_utils.traj_opt.traj_opt_utils import traj_distr_kl, traj_distr_kl_alt import scipy.stats gps_directory_name = 'GPS_2017-09-10_15:30:24' # Normal Sunday 10/09 | new init_pos #gps_directory_name = 'GPS_2017-09-10_19:10:07' # G/B Sunday 10/09 | new init_pos gps_directory_names = ['GPS_2017-09-12_07:01:16', 'GPS_2017-09-11_15:25:19', 'GPS_2017-09-13_07:24:42'] gps_models_labels = ['MDGPS', 'B-MDGPS', 'D-MDGPS'] gps_models_line_styles = [':', '--', '-'] init_itr = 0 final_itr = 2 #final_itr = 30 samples_idx = None # List of samples / None: all samples max_traj_plots = None # None, plot all last_n_iters = None # None, plot all iterations sensed_joints = 'RA' method = 'MDGPS_MDREPS' iteration_data_options = { 'plot_errors': True, } eta_color = 'black' cs_color = 'red' step_mult_color = 'red' sample_list_cols = 3 plot_sample_list_max_min = False plot_joint_limits = True gps_num = 0 load_iteration_data = True #iteration_data_options = [value for key, value in options.items() if key not in duality_data_options+policy_different_options] gps_path = '/home/desteban/workspace/robolearn/scenarios/robolearn_log/' + gps_directory_name iteration_data_list = list() good_duality_info_list = list() good_trajectories_info_list = list() bad_duality_info_list = list() bad_trajectories_info_list = list() iteration_ids = list() pol_sample_lists_costs = list() pol_sample_lists_cost_compositions = list() max_available_itr = None for pp in range(init_itr, final_itr): if os.path.isfile(gps_path+'/' + str('gps%02d_' % gps_num) + method.upper() + '_iteration_data_itr_'+str('%02d' % pp)+'.pkl'): if os.path.isfile(gps_path+'/' + str('gps%02d_' % gps_num) + method.upper() + '_iteration_data_itr_'+str('%02d' % pp)+'.pkl'): max_available_itr = pp if max_available_itr is not None: print("Max available iterations: %d" % max_available_itr) if last_n_iters is not None: init_itr = max(max_available_itr - last_n_iters + 1, 0) if max_traj_plots is not None: if max_available_itr > max_traj_plots: itr_to_load = np.linspace(init_itr, max_available_itr, max_traj_plots, dtype=np.uint8) else: itr_to_load = range(init_itr, max_available_itr+1) else: itr_to_load = range(init_itr, max_available_itr+1) print("Iterations to load: %s" % itr_to_load) for pp in itr_to_load: if os.path.isfile(gps_path+'/' + str('gps%02d_' % gps_num) + method.upper() + '_iteration_data_itr_'+str('%02d' % pp)+'.pkl'): print('Loading GPS iteration_data from iteration %d' % pp) iteration_data_list.append(pickle.load(open(gps_path+'/' + str('gps%02d_' % gps_num) + method.upper() +'_iteration_data_itr_'+str('%02d' % pp)+'.pkl', 'rb'))) iteration_ids.append(pp) if load_iteration_data: data_list_with_data = iteration_data_list if not data_list_with_data: raise AttributeError("No data has been loaded. Check that files exist") T = iteration_data_list[-1][-1].sample_list.get_actions(samples_idx).shape[1] else: raise ValueError("NO data has been loaded!") # total_cond = len(pol_sample_lists_costs[0]) total_itr = len(data_list_with_data) total_cond = len(data_list_with_data[0]) colormap = plt.cm.rainbow # nipy_spectral, Set1, Paired, winter joint_limits = [bigman_params['joints_limits'][ii] for ii in bigman_params['joint_ids'][sensed_joints]] if False: for cond in range(total_cond): dData = iteration_data_list[0][cond].sample_list.get_actions(samples_idx).shape[-1] fig, axs = plt.subplots(int(math.ceil(float(dData)/sample_list_cols)), sample_list_cols) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) fig.canvas.set_window_title('Actions | Condition %d' % cond) fig.set_facecolor((1, 1, 1)) for ii in range(axs.size): ax = axs[ii/sample_list_cols, ii % sample_list_cols] ax.set_prop_cycle('color', [colormap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, total_itr)]) lines = list() labels = list() for itr in range(total_itr): actions = iteration_data_list[itr][cond].sample_list.get_actions(samples_idx) for ii in range(axs.size): ax = axs[ii/sample_list_cols, ii % sample_list_cols] if ii < dData: ax.set_title("Action %d" % (ii+1)) label = "itr %d" % iteration_ids[itr] line = ax.plot(actions.mean(axis=0)[:, ii], label=label)[0] if ii == 0: lines.append(line) labels.append(label) if itr == 0: ax.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in') #ax.set_xlim([0, actions.shape[2]]) #ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax]) if plot_sample_list_max_min: ax.fill_between(range(actions.mean(axis=0).shape[0]), actions.min(axis=0)[:, ii], actions.max(axis=0)[:, ii], alpha=0.5) # # One legend for each ax # legend = ax.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize='x-small', borderaxespad=0.) # legend.get_frame().set_alpha(0.4) else: plt.setp(ax, visible=False) # One legend for all figures legend = plt.figlegend(lines, labels, loc='lower center', ncol=5, labelspacing=0., borderaxespad=0.) legend.get_frame().set_alpha(0.4) if True: error_x = 0.05 error_y = 0.05 error_z = 0.05 error_R = 0.05 error_P = 0.05 error_Y = 0.05 max_error_drill = np.array([0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05]) indeces_drill = np.array([27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32]) for cond in range(total_cond): N = iteration_data_list[0][cond].sample_list.get_states(samples_idx).shape[-3] dData = iteration_data_list[0][cond].sample_list.get_states(samples_idx).shape[-1] fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1,) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) fig.canvas.set_window_title('States | Condition %d' % cond) fig.set_facecolor((1, 1, 1)) #for ii in range(axs.size): # ax = axs[ii/sample_list_cols, ii % sample_list_cols] # ax.set_prop_cycle('color', [colormap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, total_itr)]) lines = list() labels = list() errors = np.zeros(total_itr) for itr in range(total_itr): states = iteration_data_list[itr][cond].sample_list.get_states(samples_idx) all_zs = states[:, :, indeces_drill[-1]] print(all_zs.shape) error_count = 0 for nn in range(N): print(N) print(nn) if np.any(all_zs[nn, :] > max_error_drill[-1]): error_count += 1 errors[itr] = error_count*100./N axs.plot(errors) ## One legend for all figures #legend = plt.figlegend(lines, labels, loc='lower center', ncol=5, labelspacing=0., borderaxespad=0.) #legend.get_frame().set_alpha(0.4) plt.show(block=False) raw_input('Showing plots. Press a key to close...')
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[STATEMENT] lemma MAC_synth_helper: "\<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, \<sigma>\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[Key (macK asid)] j; \<sigma> \<in> ik \<or> HVF m \<in> ik\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo')" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, \<sigma>\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; \<sigma> \<in> ik \<or> HVF m \<in> ik\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] apply(auto simp add: ik_def ik_hfs_simp dest: MAC_synth_oracle ik_add_form ik_oracle_parts_form[simplified]) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (7 subgoals): 1. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, HVF hf\<rangle>; \<sigma> = HVF hf; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[macKey asid] j = HVF hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 2. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, UHI hf\<rangle>; \<sigma> = UHI hf; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[macKey asid] j = UHI hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 3. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[macKey asid] j \<in> ik_add\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 4. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[macKey asid] j \<in> ik_oracle\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 5. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = HVF hf; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = HVF hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 6. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = UHI hf; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = UHI hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 7. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> \<in> ik_add\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] subgoal [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, HVF hf_\<rangle>; \<sigma> = HVF hf_; hf_ \<in> set hfs_; (ainfoa_, hfs_) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa_; hf_valid ainfoa_ uinfoa_ hf_ x_; Mac[macKey asid] j = HVF hf_\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] by(auto simp add: hf_valid_invert simp add: K_i_def) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (6 subgoals): 1. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, UHI hf\<rangle>; \<sigma> = UHI hf; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[macKey asid] j = UHI hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 2. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[macKey asid] j \<in> ik_add\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 3. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[macKey asid] j \<in> ik_oracle\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 4. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = HVF hf; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = HVF hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 5. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = UHI hf; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = UHI hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 6. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> \<in> ik_add\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] subgoal [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, UHI hf_\<rangle>; \<sigma> = UHI hf_; hf_ \<in> set hfs_; (ainfoa_, hfs_) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa_; hf_valid ainfoa_ uinfoa_ hf_ x_; Mac[macKey asid] j = UHI hf_\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] by(auto simp add: hf_valid_invert simp add: K_i_def) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (5 subgoals): 1. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[macKey asid] j \<in> ik_add\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 2. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[macKey asid] j \<in> ik_oracle\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 3. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = HVF hf; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = HVF hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 4. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = UHI hf; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = UHI hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 5. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> \<in> ik_add\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] subgoal [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[macKey asid] j \<in> ik_add\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] by(auto elim!: uinfo_change_auth_seg2 simp add: K_i_def) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (4 subgoals): 1. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[macKey asid] j \<in> ik_oracle\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 2. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = HVF hf; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = HVF hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 3. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = UHI hf; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = UHI hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 4. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> \<in> ik_add\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] subgoal [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[macKey asid] j \<in> ik_oracle\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] apply(auto simp add: hf_valid_invert simp add: K_i_def) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (2 subgoals): 1. \<And>ahi ahi2 ts upif downif upif2 downif2 uhi2 x2. \<lbrakk>no_oracle (Num ts) uinfo; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]); Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]) \<in> ik_oracle; m = \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahi) upif; z = Some \<lparr>AHI = ahi2, UHI = uhi2, HVF = x2\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi2) downif2; ASIF (UpIF ahi2) upif2; ainfo = Num ts; k_i = \<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>; asid = ASID ahi; j = L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (Num ts, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 2. \<And>ahi ts upif downif. \<lbrakk>no_oracle (Num ts) uinfo; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]); Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]) \<in> ik_oracle; m = \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahi) upif; z = None; ainfo = Num ts; k_i = \<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>; asid = ASID ahi; j = L [Num ts, upif, downif]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (Num ts, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] using ik_oracle_parts_form [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: ?t \<in> ik_oracle \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>asid l ainfo uinfo k_i. ?t = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] l\<rangle>) \<or> (\<exists>asid l. ?t = Hash Mac[macKey asid] l) goal (2 subgoals): 1. \<And>ahi ahi2 ts upif downif upif2 downif2 uhi2 x2. \<lbrakk>no_oracle (Num ts) uinfo; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]); Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]) \<in> ik_oracle; m = \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahi) upif; z = Some \<lparr>AHI = ahi2, UHI = uhi2, HVF = x2\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi2) downif2; ASIF (UpIF ahi2) upif2; ainfo = Num ts; k_i = \<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>; asid = ASID ahi; j = L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (Num ts, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 2. \<And>ahi ts upif downif. \<lbrakk>no_oracle (Num ts) uinfo; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]); Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]) \<in> ik_oracle; m = \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahi) upif; z = None; ainfo = Num ts; k_i = \<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>; asid = ASID ahi; j = L [Num ts, upif, downif]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (Num ts, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] by blast+ [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (3 subgoals): 1. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = HVF hf; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = HVF hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 2. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = UHI hf; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = UHI hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 3. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> \<in> ik_add\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] subgoal [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = HVF hf_; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf_ \<in> set hfs_; (ainfoa_, hfs_) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa_; hf_valid ainfoa_ uinfoa_ hf_ x_; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = HVF hf_\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] apply(auto simp add: hf_valid_invert simp add: K_i_def) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (2 subgoals): 1. \<And>ahi ahi2 ts upif downif upif2 downif2 uhi2 x2 ahia ahi2a upif2a downif2a x2a. \<lbrakk>no_oracle (Num ts) uinfoa_; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]); \<lparr>AHI = ahia, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs_; (Num ts, hfs_) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa_; m = \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahi) upif; z = Some \<lparr>AHI = ahi2, UHI = uhi2, HVF = x2\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi2) downif2; ASIF (UpIF ahi2) upif2; ainfo = Num ts; hf_ = \<lparr>AHI = ahia, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahia) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahia) upif; x_ = Some \<lparr>AHI = ahi2a, UHI = uhi2, HVF = x2a\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi2a) downif2a; ASIF (UpIF ahi2a) upif2a; ainfoa_ = Num ts; k_i = \<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>; asid = ASID ahia; j = L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]; ASID ahi = ASID ahia; uinfo = uinfoa_\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (Num ts, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 2. \<And>ahi ts upif downif ahia. \<lbrakk>no_oracle (Num ts) uinfoa_; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]); \<lparr>AHI = ahia, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs_; (Num ts, hfs_) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa_; m = \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahi) upif; z = None; ainfo = Num ts; hf_ = \<lparr>AHI = ahia, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahia) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahia) upif; x_ = None; ainfoa_ = Num ts; k_i = \<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>; asid = ASID ahia; j = L [Num ts, upif, downif]; ASID ahi = ASID ahia; uinfo = uinfoa_\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (Num ts, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] using ahi_eq [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: \<lbrakk>ASID ?ahi' = ASID ?ahi; ASIF (DownIF ?ahi') ?downif; ASIF (UpIF ?ahi') ?upif; ASIF (DownIF ?ahi) ?downif; ASIF (UpIF ?ahi) ?upif\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ?ahi = ?ahi' goal (2 subgoals): 1. \<And>ahi ahi2 ts upif downif upif2 downif2 uhi2 x2 ahia ahi2a upif2a downif2a x2a. \<lbrakk>no_oracle (Num ts) uinfoa_; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]); \<lparr>AHI = ahia, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs_; (Num ts, hfs_) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa_; m = \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahi) upif; z = Some \<lparr>AHI = ahi2, UHI = uhi2, HVF = x2\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi2) downif2; ASIF (UpIF ahi2) upif2; ainfo = Num ts; hf_ = \<lparr>AHI = ahia, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahia) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahia) upif; x_ = Some \<lparr>AHI = ahi2a, UHI = uhi2, HVF = x2a\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi2a) downif2a; ASIF (UpIF ahi2a) upif2a; ainfoa_ = Num ts; k_i = \<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>; asid = ASID ahia; j = L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]; ASID ahi = ASID ahia; uinfo = uinfoa_\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (Num ts, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 2. \<And>ahi ts upif downif ahia. \<lbrakk>no_oracle (Num ts) uinfoa_; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]); \<lparr>AHI = ahia, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs_; (Num ts, hfs_) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa_; m = \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahi) upif; z = None; ainfo = Num ts; hf_ = \<lparr>AHI = ahia, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahia) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahia) upif; x_ = None; ainfoa_ = Num ts; k_i = \<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>; asid = ASID ahia; j = L [Num ts, upif, downif]; ASID ahi = ASID ahia; uinfo = uinfoa_\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahia), source_extract (Num uinfoa_)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfoa_, Mac[macKey (ASID ahia)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (Num ts, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] by blast+ [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (2 subgoals): 1. \<And>hf hfs ainfoa uinfoa x. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = UHI hf; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf \<in> set hfs; (ainfoa, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa; hf_valid ainfoa uinfoa hf x; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = UHI hf\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 2. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> \<in> ik_add\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] subgoal [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = UHI hf_; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; hf_ \<in> set hfs_; (ainfoa_, hfs_) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfoa_; hf_valid ainfoa_ uinfoa_ hf_ x_; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> = UHI hf_\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] by(auto simp add: hf_valid_invert simp add: K_i_def) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> \<in> ik_add\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] subgoal [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<lbrakk>hf_valid ainfo uinfo m z; no_oracle ainfo uinfo; HVF m = Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle>; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey asid] j; Mac[k_i] \<langle>ainfo, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey asid] j\<rangle> \<in> ik_add\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. m \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (ainfo, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] apply(auto simp add: hf_valid_invert simp add: K_i_def) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (2 subgoals): 1. \<And>ahi ahi2 ts upif downif upif2 downif2 uhi2 x2. \<lbrakk>no_oracle (Num ts) uinfo; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]); Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle> \<in> ik_add; m = \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahi) upif; z = Some \<lparr>AHI = ahi2, UHI = uhi2, HVF = x2\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi2) downif2; ASIF (UpIF ahi2) upif2; ainfo = Num ts; k_i = \<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>; asid = ASID ahi; j = L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (Num ts, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 2. \<And>ahi ts upif downif. \<lbrakk>no_oracle (Num ts) uinfo; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]); Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle> \<in> ik_add; m = \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahi) upif; z = None; ainfo = Num ts; k_i = \<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>; asid = ASID ahi; j = L [Num ts, upif, downif]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (Num ts, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] using ik_add_form [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: ?t \<in> ik_add \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>asid l. ?t = Mac[macKey asid] l goal (2 subgoals): 1. \<And>ahi ahi2 ts upif downif upif2 downif2 uhi2 x2. \<lbrakk>no_oracle (Num ts) uinfo; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]); Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle> \<in> ik_add; m = \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahi) upif; z = Some \<lparr>AHI = ahi2, UHI = uhi2, HVF = x2\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi2) downif2; ASIF (UpIF ahi2) upif2; ainfo = Num ts; k_i = \<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>; asid = ASID ahi; j = L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif, uhi2])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (Num ts, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') 2. \<And>ahi ts upif downif. \<lbrakk>no_oracle (Num ts) uinfo; \<sigma> = Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]); Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle> \<in> ik_add; m = \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr>; ASIF (DownIF ahi) downif; ASIF (UpIF ahi) upif; z = None; ainfo = Num ts; k_i = \<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>; asid = ASID ahi; j = L [Num ts, upif, downif]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>hfs. \<lparr>AHI = ahi, UHI = Hash Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif]), HVF = Mac[\<langle>AS (ASID ahi), source_extract (Num uinfo)\<rangle>] \<langle>Num ts, Num uinfo, Mac[macKey (ASID ahi)] (L [Num ts, upif, downif])\<rangle>\<rparr> \<in> set hfs \<and> (\<exists>uinfo'. (Num ts, hfs) \<in> auth_seg2 uinfo') [PROOF STEP] by blast+ [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal: No subgoals! [PROOF STEP] done
{"llama_tokens": 14121, "file": "IsaNet_instances_EPIC_L2_SA", "length": 22}
import pymc3 as pm import exoplanet as xo import os import model_apf as m # with m.model: # map_sol = xo.optimize(vars=[m.logKAa, m.logKAb, m.P, m.t_periastron, m.omega]) # map_sol1 = xo.optimize(start=map_sol) # print(map_sol1) with m.model: trace = pm.sample( tune=2500, draws=3000, # start=map_sol1, chains=4, step=xo.get_dense_nuts_step(target_accept=0.9), ) chaindir = "chains/close/rv/" if not os.path.isdir(chaindir): os.makedirs(chaindir) # save the samples as a pymc3 object pm.save_trace(trace, directory=chaindir, overwrite=True) # and as a CSV, just in case the model spec # changes and we have trouble reloading things df = pm.trace_to_dataframe(trace) df.to_csv(f"{chaindir}current.csv")
{"hexsha": "f4c19319db235466f1a23da1e0ee45e57c9e3196", "size": 771, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "analysis/close/rv/sample.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "iancze/TWA-3-orbit", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "e852f69b298d315aacc5801dacb42346e3a281c1", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_stars_count": null, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": null, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_path": "analysis/close/rv/sample.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "iancze/TWA-3-orbit", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "e852f69b298d315aacc5801dacb42346e3a281c1", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_issues_count": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_path": "analysis/close/rv/sample.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "iancze/TWA-3-orbit", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "e852f69b298d315aacc5801dacb42346e3a281c1", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_forks_count": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": null, "avg_line_length": 22.0285714286, "max_line_length": 84, "alphanum_fraction": 0.6874189364, "include": true, "reason": "import pymc3", "num_tokens": 222}
import math from pyradioconfig.parts.panther.calculators.calc_agc import CALC_AGC_panther from py_2_and_3_compatibility import * from scipy import interpolate #This file contains calculations related to the configuring the AGC class CALC_AGC_ocelot(CALC_AGC_panther): def calc_agc_misc(self, model): self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_AGCPERIOD0_SETTLETIMEIF,6) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_AGCPERIOD0_SETTLETIMERF,14) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL0_AGCRST,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL0_DISCFLOOPADJ,1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL0_DISRESETCHPWR,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL0_DSADISCFLOOP,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL0_DISPNDWNCOMP,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL0_DISPNGAINUP,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL0_ENRSSIRESET,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL1_PWRPERIOD, 1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL2_DISRFPKD,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL2_DMASEL,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL2_PRSDEBUGEN,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL2_REHICNTTHD,7) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL2_RELBYCHPWR,3) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL2_RELOTHD,4) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL2_RELTARGETPWR,236) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL2_SAFEMODE,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL2_SAFEMODETHD,3) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL3_IFPKDDEB,1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL3_IFPKDDEBPRD,40) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL3_IFPKDDEBRST,10) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL3_IFPKDDEBTHD,1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL3_RFPKDDEB,1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL3_RFPKDDEBPRD,40) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL3_RFPKDDEBRST,10) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL3_RFPKDDEBTHD,1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL4_FRZPKDEN,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL4_PERIODRFPKD,4000) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL4_RFPKDCNTEN,1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL4_RFPKDPRDGEAR,4) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL4_RFPKDSEL,1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL4_RFPKDSYNCSEL,1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL5_PNUPDISTHD,48) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL5_PNUPRELTHD,4) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL5_SEQPNUPALLOW,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL5_SEQRFPKDEN,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_GAINRANGE_GAININCSTEP,1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_GAINRANGE_HIPWRTHD,3) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_GAINRANGE_LATCHEDHISTEP,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_GAINSTEPLIM0_MAXPWRVAR,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_GAINSTEPLIM0_TRANRSTAGC,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LBT_CCARSSIPERIOD,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LBT_ENCCAGAINREDUCED,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LBT_ENCCARSSIMAX,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LBT_ENCCARSSIPERIOD,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LNAMIXCODE0_LNAMIXSLICE1,61) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LNAMIXCODE0_LNAMIXSLICE2,46) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LNAMIXCODE0_LNAMIXSLICE3,36) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LNAMIXCODE0_LNAMIXSLICE4,28) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LNAMIXCODE0_LNAMIXSLICE5,21) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LNAMIXCODE1_LNAMIXSLICE6,17) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LNAMIXCODE1_LNAMIXSLICE7,12) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LNAMIXCODE1_LNAMIXSLICE8,10) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LNAMIXCODE1_LNAMIXSLICE9,6) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_LNAMIXCODE1_LNAMIXSLICE10,5) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_MANGAIN_MANGAINEN,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_MANGAIN_MANGAINIFPGA,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_MANGAIN_MANGAINLNA,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_MANGAIN_MANGAINPN,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_MANGAIN_MANIFHILATRST,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_MANGAIN_MANIFLOLATRST,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_MANGAIN_MANRFLATRST,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PGACODE0_PGAGAIN1,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PGACODE0_PGAGAIN2,1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PGACODE0_PGAGAIN3,2) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PGACODE0_PGAGAIN4,3) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PGACODE0_PGAGAIN5,4) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PGACODE0_PGAGAIN6,5) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PGACODE0_PGAGAIN7,6) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PGACODE0_PGAGAIN8,7) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PGACODE1_PGAGAIN9,8) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PGACODE1_PGAGAIN10,9) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PGACODE1_PGAGAIN11,10) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_RSSISTEPTHR_RSSIFAST,0) self._reg_write(model.vars.RAC_PGACTRL_PGAENLATCHI,1) self._reg_write(model.vars.RAC_PGACTRL_PGAENLATCHQ,1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_GAINSTEPLIM0_CFLOOPSTEPMAX, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_GAINSTEPLIM0_HYST, 0) # numbers from Arup's email dated 7/2/19 to Xun def calc_lnamixenrfpkdlothresh_reg(self, model): self._reg_write(model.vars.RAC_RX_LNAMIXENRFPKDLOTHRESH, 1) def calc_lnamixrfatt_reg(self, model): #Load in model variables rf_band = model.vars.rf_band.value #Calculate the LNAMIXRFATT values based on band if rf_band == model.vars.rf_band.var_enum.BAND_915 or rf_band == model.vars.rf_band.var_enum.BAND_868: lnamixrfatt = [0, 63, 141, 238, 502, 940, 1269, 1942, 2526, 3484, 4547, 6035, 7678, 9973, 12989, 16383, 5630, 7160, 9180, 11700, 14800, 16383, 16383] pnindexmax = 16 elif rf_band == model.vars.rf_band.var_enum.BAND_490: lnamixrfatt = [0, 20, 45, 78, 125, 175, 246, 477, 726, 1012, 1471, 1983, 2703, 3485, 4543, 5835, 7582, 9707, 12672, 16359, 16383, 16383, 16383] pnindexmax = 20 elif rf_band == model.vars.rf_band.var_enum.BAND_434: lnamixrfatt = [0, 15, 44, 77, 117, 172, 239, 468, 725, 998, 1469, 1983, 2551, 3491, 4525, 5849, 7623, 9910, 12750, 16383, 14800, 16383, 16383] pnindexmax = 20 elif rf_band == model.vars.rf_band.var_enum.BAND_315: lnamixrfatt = [0, 12, 29, 52, 78, 111, 156, 207, 420, 502, 750, 1187, 1502, 2012, 2720, 3521, 4557, 5870, 7623, 9711, 12719, 16383, 16383] pnindexmax = 22 elif rf_band == model.vars.rf_band.var_enum.BAND_169: lnamixrfatt = [0, 13, 36, 63, 99, 141, 199, 412, 502, 757, 1190, 1507, 2029, 2743, 3541, 4601, 6055, 7811, 9966, 12964, 16383, 16383, 16383] pnindexmax = 21 else: lnamixrfatt = [0, 20, 48, 76, 116, 164, 228, 436, 668, 924, 1210, 1530, 2030, 2720, 3480, 4350, 5630, 7160, 9180, 11700, 14800, 16383, 16383] pnindexmax = 17 #Write registers self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT0_LNAMIXRFATT1,lnamixrfatt[0]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT0_LNAMIXRFATT2, lnamixrfatt[1]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT1_LNAMIXRFATT3, lnamixrfatt[2]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT1_LNAMIXRFATT4, lnamixrfatt[3]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT2_LNAMIXRFATT5, lnamixrfatt[4]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT2_LNAMIXRFATT6, lnamixrfatt[5]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT3_LNAMIXRFATT7, lnamixrfatt[6]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT3_LNAMIXRFATT8, lnamixrfatt[7]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT4_LNAMIXRFATT9, lnamixrfatt[8]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT4_LNAMIXRFATT10, lnamixrfatt[9]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT5_LNAMIXRFATT11, lnamixrfatt[10]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT5_LNAMIXRFATT12, lnamixrfatt[11]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT6_LNAMIXRFATT13, lnamixrfatt[12]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT6_LNAMIXRFATT14, lnamixrfatt[13]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT7_LNAMIXRFATT15, lnamixrfatt[14]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT7_LNAMIXRFATT16, lnamixrfatt[15]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT8_LNAMIXRFATT17, lnamixrfatt[16]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT8_LNAMIXRFATT18, lnamixrfatt[17]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT9_LNAMIXRFATT19, lnamixrfatt[18]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT9_LNAMIXRFATT20, lnamixrfatt[19]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT10_LNAMIXRFATT21, lnamixrfatt[20]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT10_LNAMIXRFATT22, lnamixrfatt[21]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_PNRFATT11_LNAMIXRFATT23, lnamixrfatt[22]) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_GAINSTEPLIM1_PNINDEXMAX, pnindexmax) def calc_agc_series2(self, model): #We need to override this function because the variable fxo_or_fdec8 will go away (replaced by ADC rate calculations) mod_format = model.vars.modulation_type.value hardmodem_freq_actual = model.vars.hardmodem_freq_actual.value f_if = model.vars.if_frequency_hz_actual.value # period over which we count how many times we tripped the HI threshold - xtal PLL freq because AGC runs at this clock if f_if > 0: periodhi = int(py2round(hardmodem_freq_actual / (2 * f_if))) else: periodhi = 14 # for zero-IF used on FPGA tests fix periodhi to 14 # Function of PERIODHI and attack vs decay ratio needed. We currently use 3x # The scaler 3 could be an input that tunes attack vs decay ratio. baudrate = model.vars.baudrate.value if (mod_format == model.vars.modulation_type.var_enum.OOK): periodlow = int(py2round((hardmodem_freq_actual/(baudrate * 0.9)))) else: periodlow = 3 * periodhi self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_AGCPERIOD0_PERIODHI, int(round(periodhi))) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_AGCPERIOD1_PERIODLOW, int(round(periodlow))) # % There are many possible ways to handle the table but the simplest would be: # % this is based on sine wave tripping N times at different gain settings self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_STEPDWN_STEPDWN0, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_STEPDWN_STEPDWN1, 1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_STEPDWN_STEPDWN2, 2) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_STEPDWN_STEPDWN3, 3) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_STEPDWN_STEPDWN4, 4) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_STEPDWN_STEPDWN5, 5) hicntregion0 = int(py2round(0.55 * periodhi)) hicntregion1 = int(py2round(0.75 * periodhi)) hicntregion2 = int(py2round(0.85 * periodhi)) hicntregion3 = int(py2round(0.90 * periodhi)) hicntregion4 = int(py2round(0.93 * periodhi)) if (hicntregion0 > 255): print(" WARNING: AGC_HICNTREGION_HICNTREGION 0 calculated beyond range: hicntregion0 {}, hicntregion1 {}, AGC_AGCPERIOD0_PERIODHI {}. Saturating value to 255 !".format(hicntregion0, hicntregion1, periodhi)) hicntregion0 = 255 if (hicntregion1 > 255): print(" WARNING: AGC_HICNTREGION_HICNTREGION 1 calculated beyond range: hicntregion0 {}, hicntregion1 {}, AGC_AGCPERIOD0_PERIODHI {}. Saturating value to 255 !".format(hicntregion0, hicntregion1, periodhi)) hicntregion1 = 255 self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_HICNTREGION0_HICNTREGION0, hicntregion0) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_HICNTREGION0_HICNTREGION1, hicntregion1) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_HICNTREGION0_HICNTREGION2, hicntregion2) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_HICNTREGION0_HICNTREGION3, hicntregion3) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_HICNTREGION1_HICNTREGION4, hicntregion4) # % safe way of setting this. self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_AGCPERIOD0_MAXHICNTTHD, hicntregion4) def calc_fastloopdel_reg(self, model): #This register does not exist in Ocelot pass def calc_ifpgadel_reg(self, model): #This register does not exist in Ocelot pass def calc_lnaslicesdel_reg(self, model): # This register does not exist in Ocelot pass def calc_pngainstep_reg(self, model): etsi_cat1_compatability = model.vars.etsi_cat1_compatible.value # PN gain step size should be 1 for ETSI Cat 1 case and 2 in all other cases if (etsi_cat1_compatability != model.vars.etsi_cat1_compatible.var_enum.Normal): reg = 1 else: reg = 2 self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_GAINRANGE_PNGAINSTEP, reg) def calc_agc_settling_delay(self, model): pass def calc_agcperiod_actual(self, model): #Read in the actual AGC period register (different name for Ocelot) agc_period_reg = model.vars.AGC_CTRL1_PWRPERIOD.value #Calculate the actual period value based on the reg val = 2 ** (agc_period_reg * 1.0) model.vars.agcperiod_actual.value = val def calc_cfloopdel_reg(self, model): """calculate AGC settling delay which is basically the group delay of decimation and channel filters through the datapath plus processing delays calculations are in channel filter clock cycles to directly program into CFLOOPDEL Args: model (ModelRoot) : Data model to read and write variables from """ agc_delay = model.vars.agc_settling_delay.value cfloopdel = agc_delay if cfloopdel > 127: cfloopdel = 127 self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_GAINSTEPLIM0_CFLOOPDEL, int(math.ceil(cfloopdel))) def calc_agc_cfloopdel_actual(self, model): reg = model.vars.AGC_GAINSTEPLIM0_CFLOOPDEL.value adc_freq_actual = model.vars.adc_freq_actual.value dec0 = model.vars.dec0_actual.value dec1 = model.vars.dec1_actual.value src2_actual = model.vars.src2_ratio_actual.value fsrc2 = adc_freq_actual / 8.0 / dec0 / dec1 * src2_actual model.vars.cfloopdel_us_actual.value = reg / fsrc2 * 1e6 return def calc_agc_sub_reg(self, model): demod_sel = model.vars.demod_select.value adc_freq_actual = model.vars.adc_freq_actual.value dec0_actual = model.vars.dec0_actual.value dec1_actual = model.vars.dec1_actual.value dec2_actual = model.vars.dec2_actual.value baudrate = model.vars.baudrate.value src2_actual = model.vars.src2_ratio_actual.value osr = adc_freq_actual * src2_actual / (dec0_actual * dec1_actual * 8 * dec2_actual * baudrate) # when BCR demod is selected we the OSR can be as high as 127 # this does not fit into the RXBR register which is used in generating a baudrate clock # we switch to using SUB registers instead of RXBR for this purpose when BCR is selected if (demod_sel == model.vars.demod_select.var_enum.BCR): rawndec = model.vars.MODEM_BCRDEMODOOK_RAWNDEC.value #Checking inside of the BCR condition to allow inheritance for Bobcat subperiod = 1 dec = pow(2, rawndec) osr_bcr = osr / dec # write half of sampling rate into SUB registers subfrac = osr_bcr / 2 subint = math.floor(subfrac) frac = subfrac - subint best_error = 999 for den in range(1,256): num = round(frac * den) error = abs(frac - num/den) if error < best_error: subden = den subnum = num best_error = error if best_error < 1e-3: break elif (demod_sel == model.vars.demod_select.var_enum.TRECS_VITERBI or demod_sel == model.vars.demod_select.var_enum.TRECS_SLICER) and osr >= 8: subint = model.vars.rxbrint.value subnum = model.vars.rxbrnum.value subden = model.vars.rxbrden.value subperiod = 1 else: subden = 0 subint = 0 subnum = 0 subperiod = 0 self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL7_SUBDEN,subden) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL7_SUBINT,subint) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL7_SUBNUM,subnum) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL7_SUBPERIOD,subperiod) return def calc_subfrac_actual(self, model): # Load model variables into local variables subint_actual = model.vars.AGC_CTRL7_SUBINT.value subnum_actual = model.vars.AGC_CTRL7_SUBNUM.value subden_actual = model.vars.AGC_CTRL7_SUBDEN.value subperiod = model.vars.AGC_CTRL7_SUBPERIOD.value # Calculate the sub fraction if subperiod and subden_actual > 0: subfrac_actual = float(subint_actual + float(subnum_actual) / subden_actual) else: subfrac_actual = 0.0 # Load local variables back into model variables model.vars.subfrac_actual.value = subfrac_actual def calc_agc_mode_reg(self, model): demod_sel = model.vars.demod_select.value preamsch = model.vars.MODEM_TRECPMDET_PREAMSCH.value # we like AGC to freeze once timing is detected (MODE=1) to avoid AGC changes while receiving data # the only exception to this is the case where we are directly searching for the sync word when using Viterbi # in this case we need to set the MODE=2 to freeze the AGC when frame is detected if (demod_sel == model.vars.demod_select.var_enum.TRECS_VITERBI or demod_sel == model.vars.demod_select.var_enum.TRECS_SLICER): if preamsch: mode = 1 else: mode = 2 else: mode = 1 self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL0_MODE, mode) return def calc_agc_decision_matrix_reg(self, model): dualrfpkddec_val = 240296 self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_CTRL6_DUALRFPKDDEC, dualrfpkddec_val) #Removing legacy AGC calculations def calc_agc_scheme(self, model): pass def calc_agc_index_min_atten_reg(self, model): pass def calc_agc_index_min_degen_reg(self, model): pass def calc_agc_index_min_pga_reg(self, model): pass def calc_agc_index_min_slices_reg(self, model): pass def calc_agcperiod_reg(self, model): pass def calc_agc_reg(self, model): pass def calc_agc_cfloopstepmax_reg(self, model): pass def calc_hyst_reg(self, model): pass def calc_agc_baudrate_calculation_mode(self, model): demod_select = model.vars.demod_select.value if demod_select == model.vars.demod_select.var_enum.COHERENT: # : disable RX baudrate calculation used by AGC and instead assume OSR = 2 * RXBRFRAC self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_CTRL6_RXBRCALCDIS, 1) else: self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_CTRL6_RXBRCALCDIS, 0) def calc_dagc_channel_power_accumulator_reg(self, model): demod_select = model.vars.demod_select.value modtype = model.vars.modulation_type.value preamble_pattern_len = model.vars.preamble_pattern_len.value sens_calculated = model.vars.sensitivity.value target_osr = model.vars.target_osr.value agc_period_actual = model.vars.agcperiod_actual.value baudrate = model.vars.baudrate.value bitrate = model.vars.bitrate.value mod_format = model.vars.modulation_type.value if hasattr(model.profiles, 'Long_Range'): is_long_range = model.profile == model.profiles.Long_Range else: is_long_range = False if demod_select == model.vars.demod_select.var_enum.COHERENT: # : accumulate channel power for preamble pattern duration # : actual avgwin period is 2^(avgwin+2)*2^pwrperiod_s*OSR # : agc_period_actual = 2^pwrperiod # : actual avgwin time is 2^(avgwin+2)*agc_period_actual/baudrate preamble_time_us = preamble_pattern_len * (1 / bitrate) * 1e6 target_avgwin_time_us = 4.0 * preamble_time_us target_avgwin_period = (target_avgwin_time_us / 1e6) * baudrate target_avgwin = round(math.log2(target_avgwin_period / agc_period_actual) - 2) if target_avgwin < 0: target_avgwin = 0 avgwin = int(target_avgwin) chpwraccudel = 0 else: avgwin = 0 chpwraccudel = 0 if demod_select == model.vars.demod_select.var_enum.COHERENT and \ mod_format == model.vars.modulation_type.var_enum.OQPSK: # : 0 - Channel power is locked when timing is detected # : 1 - Channel power is locked when DSA is detected self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_COH0_COHCHPWRLOCK, 0) # : Set to enable automatic restart of channel power - needed to make sure channel power is not dependent on # : power of received frames self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_COH0_COHCHPWRRESTART, 1) else: self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_COH0_COHCHPWRLOCK, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_COH0_COHCHPWRRESTART, 0) if demod_select == model.vars.demod_select.var_enum.COHERENT and is_long_range: self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE1_AVGWIN, avgwin) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE1_CHPWRACCUDEL, chpwraccudel) else: self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE1_AVGWIN, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE1_CHPWRACCUDEL, 0) def calc_dagc_dynamic_bbss_reg(self, model): demod_select = model.vars.demod_select.value sens_calculated = model.vars.sensitivity.value bitrate = model.vars.bitrate.value mod_format = model.vars.modulation_type.value if hasattr(model.profiles, 'Long_Range'): is_long_range = model.profile == model.profiles.Long_Range else: is_long_range = False """ Model calculation range based on DUT power [dBm] """ min_dut_power = -140 # : This is arbitrarily low power that should be below sensitivity max_dut_power = 10 # : This is maximum supported receive power of DUT if sens_calculated < min_dut_power: min_dut_power = round(sens_calculated) - 10 dut_power_list = list(range(min_dut_power,max_dut_power,+1)) """ Model of Q Sample vs. Dut Power """ estimated_adc_noise_dBm = -162.8694 # This is measured value model_max_Q_list = [] for dut_power in dut_power_list: # : Model ADC resolution adc_enob = (dut_power - estimated_adc_noise_dBm - 1.76) / 6.02 # : Model analog frontend noise minimum_detectable_signal_dBm = -173.9 + 10*math.log10(bitrate) + 4.0 if bitrate <= 2.8e3: analog_noise_bitwidth = 0.1938 * minimum_detectable_signal_dBm + 33.296 elif bitrate < 67e3: # : TODO change to ADC mode. analog_noise_bitwidth = 0.1565 * minimum_detectable_signal_dBm + 27.928 else: analog_noise_bitwidth = 0.1599 * minimum_detectable_signal_dBm + 28.119 # : Determine signal + noise level signal_max_q = math.pow(2,adc_enob) + math.pow(2,analog_noise_bitwidth) signal_max_q_bitwidth = math.log2(signal_max_q) if signal_max_q_bitwidth > 17: signal_max_q_bitwidth = 17 model_max_Q_list.append(signal_max_q_bitwidth) # : Calculate bbss shift based on the Q sample model bbss_model = [] for model_max_Q in model_max_Q_list: bbss_at_max_Q_calc = round(model_max_Q - 5.5) bbss_model.append(bbss_at_max_Q_calc) """ Calculate chpwraccumux model """ model_chpwraccumux_list = [] for dut_power in dut_power_list: calc_chpwraccumux = dut_power + 139.0 # : Based on measurement, chpwraccumux does not go below 14 due to noise if calc_chpwraccumux < 14: calc_chpwraccumux = 14 # : By design, maximum chpwraccumux is 80 due signal power after AGC elif calc_chpwraccumux > 80: calc_chpwraccumux = 80 model_chpwraccumux_list.append(calc_chpwraccumux) """ """ # : Calculate chpwraccumux at sensitivity. This can be used to calculate noise level chpwraccumux_interp_func = interpolate.interp1d(dut_power_list, model_chpwraccumux_list) chpwr_accumux_noise = float(chpwraccumux_interp_func(sens_calculated)) """ """ bbss_interp_func = interpolate.interp1d(dut_power_list, bbss_model) starting_BBSS = math.ceil(bbss_interp_func(sens_calculated)) """ Calculate BBSS transitions """ bbss_transition = [] bbss_transition_threshold = [] for dut_power_index in range(len(dut_power_list)): bbss_val = bbss_model[dut_power_index] if bbss_val > starting_BBSS: if bbss_model[dut_power_index-1] < bbss_val: bbss_transition.append(int(bbss_val)) bbss_transition_threshold.append(int(round(model_chpwraccumux_list[dut_power_index]))) # : Add two bbss transitions below sensitivity bbss_transition.insert(0, starting_BBSS) bbss_transition.insert(0, starting_BBSS - 1) bbss_transition_threshold.insert(0, int(round(chpwr_accumux_noise-6))) # : fill up remaining registers max_bbss_shift = 12 while len(bbss_transition_threshold) < 11: bbss_transition_threshold.append(80) while len(bbss_transition) < 12: bbss_transition.append(max_bbss_shift) """ Set calculated value """ model.vars.chpwraccu_noise.value = chpwr_accumux_noise """ Set registers related to dynamic bbss mode""" if demod_select == model.vars.demod_select.var_enum.COHERENT and \ mod_format == model.vars.modulation_type.var_enum.OQPSK: # : Enable dynamic BBSS adjustment self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_COH0_COHDYNAMICBBSSEN, 1) # : BBSS hysteresis self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE1_HYSVAL, 3) else: self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_COH0_COHDYNAMICBBSSEN, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE1_HYSVAL, 0) """ Set registers related to dynamic thresholds """ if demod_select == model.vars.demod_select.var_enum.COHERENT and is_long_range: # : BBSS thresholds self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE2_LRCHPWRTH1, bbss_transition_threshold[0]) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE2_LRCHPWRTH2, bbss_transition_threshold[1]) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE2_LRCHPWRTH3, bbss_transition_threshold[2]) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE2_LRCHPWRTH4, bbss_transition_threshold[3]) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE3_LRCHPWRTH5, bbss_transition_threshold[4]) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE3_LRCHPWRTH6, bbss_transition_threshold[5]) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE3_LRCHPWRTH7, bbss_transition_threshold[6]) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE3_LRCHPWRTH8, bbss_transition_threshold[7]) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE4_LRCHPWRTH9, bbss_transition_threshold[8]) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE4_LRCHPWRTH10, bbss_transition_threshold[9]) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE6_LRCHPWRTH11, bbss_transition_threshold[10]) # : BBSS Shifts self._reg_limit_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE4_LRCHPWRSH1, bbss_transition[0], max_bbss_shift) self._reg_limit_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE4_LRCHPWRSH2, bbss_transition[1], max_bbss_shift) self._reg_limit_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE4_LRCHPWRSH3, bbss_transition[2], max_bbss_shift) self._reg_limit_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE4_LRCHPWRSH4, bbss_transition[3], max_bbss_shift) self._reg_limit_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH5, bbss_transition[4], max_bbss_shift) self._reg_limit_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH6, bbss_transition[5], max_bbss_shift) self._reg_limit_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH7, bbss_transition[6], max_bbss_shift) self._reg_limit_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH8, bbss_transition[7], max_bbss_shift) self._reg_limit_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH9, bbss_transition[8], max_bbss_shift) self._reg_limit_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH10, bbss_transition[9], max_bbss_shift) self._reg_limit_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH11, bbss_transition[10], max_bbss_shift) self._reg_limit_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE6_LRCHPWRSH12, bbss_transition[11], max_bbss_shift) else: self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE2_LRCHPWRTH1, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE2_LRCHPWRTH2, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE2_LRCHPWRTH3, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE2_LRCHPWRTH4, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE3_LRCHPWRTH5, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE3_LRCHPWRTH6, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE3_LRCHPWRTH7, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE3_LRCHPWRTH8, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE4_LRCHPWRTH9, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE4_LRCHPWRTH10, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE6_LRCHPWRTH11, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE4_LRCHPWRSH1, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE4_LRCHPWRSH2, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE4_LRCHPWRSH3, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE4_LRCHPWRSH4, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH5, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH6, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH7, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH8, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH9, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH10, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE5_LRCHPWRSH11, 0) self._reg_write(model.vars.MODEM_LONGRANGE6_LRCHPWRSH12, 0) def calc_antdiv_gainmode_reg(self, model): #Antenna diversity has its own AGC gain restore mode that determines how to set the gain index based on previous packet antdivmode = model.vars.antdivmode.value if antdivmode == model.vars.antdivmode.var_enum.DISABLE or \ antdivmode == model.vars.antdivmode.var_enum.ANTENNA1: #The value of this field does matter even when antdiv is disabled gainmode = 0 else: gainmode = 1 # : Always enable gain restore mode - clear stored gain from last packet when RX is turned off. self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_ANTDIV_GAINMODE, gainmode) def calc_antdiv_debouncecntthd(self, model): """ Number of clock cycles to wait after antenna switching before setting AGC gains. Args: model: Returns: """ antdivmode = model.vars.antdivmode.value debouncecntthd = 40 # : Recommended value by He Gou if antdivmode == model.vars.antdivmode.var_enum.DISABLE or \ antdivmode == model.vars.antdivmode.var_enum.ANTENNA1: self._reg_do_not_care(model.vars.AGC_ANTDIV_DEBOUNCECNTTHD) else: self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_ANTDIV_DEBOUNCECNTTHD, debouncecntthd) def calc_gain_schedule_regs(self, model): lnaindexborder = 7 pgaindexborder = 8 self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_GAINRANGE_LNAINDEXBORDER, lnaindexborder) self._reg_write(model.vars.AGC_GAINRANGE_PGAINDEXBORDER, pgaindexborder)
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from pygenesys.data.library import nrel_electric_costs import pandas as pd import numpy as np renewable_techs = ['LandbasedWind', 'OffshoreWind', 'UtilityPV', 'ResPV', 'CommPV', 'Geothermal', 'Hydropower', 'CSP',] def read_atb_data(atb_year=2021): """ This function returns the NREL Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) data as a pandas dataframe. Reads from ``pygenesys.data.library`` Parameters ---------- atb_year : integer Indicates the ATB version. Default is 2021. """ df = pd.read_csv(nrel_electric_costs, usecols=['atb_year', 'core_metric_parameter', 'core_metric_case', 'technology', 'techdetail', 'scenario', 'core_metric_variable', 'value'],) df.dropna(axis=1, inplace=True) df.rename(columns={'core_metric_variable':'year'}, inplace=True) df.set_index('year', inplace=True) df = df[df['atb_year']==atb_year] df = df.drop('atb_year', axis=1) return df def return_nrel_scenario(df, scenario): """ This function returns an ATB dataframe for only one scenario. Parameters ---------- df : Pandas DataFrame The NREL ATB dataframe. Must have a ``scenario`` column with values ['Advanced','Conservative', 'Moderate']. scenario : string Specifies the scenario of interest. Must be * Advanced * Conservative * Moderate """ df = df[df['scenario'] == scenario] return df def get_nrel_techs(df): """ Returns the names of the technologyies in the NREL ATB. """ tech_list = np.unique(df['technology']) return tech_list def nrel_cost_projection(tech, cost_metric, tech_detail=None, scenario='Moderate',): """ Returns cost projections from the NREL Annual Technology Baseline. Parameters ---------- tech : string The name of the technology in the NREL ATB. Accepted keys: * 'Commercial Battery Storage' : Li-ion battery storage * 'Utility-scale Battery Storage' : Li-ion battery storage * 'Residential Battery Storage' : Li-ion battery storage * 'Biopower' : Biopower * 'CSP' : Concentrated solar power * 'Coal_FE' : Coal Fueled Electricity (COAL FE) power plant * 'CommPV' : Commercial rooftop PV solar * 'Geothermal' : Geothermal electricity * 'Hydropower' : Conventional hydropower * 'LandbasedWind' : Onshore wind * 'NaturalGas_FE' : Natural gas fired power plant * 'Nuclear' : Advanced nuclear power (AP1000) * 'OffShoreWind' : Offshore wind * 'ResPV' : Residential rooftop PV solar * 'UtilityPV' : Utility scale PV solar cost_metric : string The string indicating the cost metric """ return if __name__ == "__main__": df = read_atb_data() scenario = 'Conservative' df = return_nrel_scenario(df, scenario) df = df[df['technology'] == 'Nuclear'] param = 'CAPEX' # param = 'Fixed O&M' # param = 'Variable O&M' # df = df[df['core_metric_parameter']==param] print(df.columns) for col in df.columns: print(col) print(np.unique(df[col])) print(df.head(5))
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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Interpolate given variable to tropopause height. ############################################################################### testkw/diag_tropopause.py Author: Katja Weigel (IUP, Uni Bremen, Germany) ESA-CMUG project ############################################################################### Description ----------- Interpolate given variable to tropopause height. Currently only cold point tropopause is used based on ta and plev. Configuration options --------------------- ############################################################################### """ import logging import os from pprint import pformat from copy import deepcopy import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import iris from iris.analysis import Aggregator from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared import (group_metadata, run_diagnostic, select_metadata, sorted_metadata) from esmvaltool.diag_scripts.shared._base import ( ProvenanceLogger, get_diagnostic_filename, get_plot_filename) logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) def _get_data_for_agg(new_svarcube, new_tacube): """Reshape data for use in iris aggregator based on two cubes.""" dims_to_collapse = set() dims_to_collapse.update(new_svarcube.coord_dims('air_pressure')) untouched_dims = set(range(new_svarcube.ndim)) -\ set(dims_to_collapse) dims = list(untouched_dims) + list(dims_to_collapse) unrolled_data = np.moveaxis(new_tacube.data, dims, range(new_svarcube.ndim)) return unrolled_data def _get_range_and_pstring(variable, mean_cube, tropopause=False): """Get range for color bar and print string.""" if variable == "Air Temperature": print_var = "Temperature [K]" set_range = np.linspace(180, 230, 21) elif variable == "Geopotential Height": print_var = "Geopotential Height [m]" set_range = np.linspace(8000, 22000, 25) elif variable == "Relative Humidity": print_var = "Relative Humidity [%]" set_range = np.linspace(0, 100, 21) elif variable == "Specific Humidity": print_var = "Specific Humidity [kg/kg]" if tropopause: set_range = np.linspace(0.1e-5, 2.5e-5, 25) else: logval = np.log(np.array([1e-6, 1e-5])) set_range = np.exp(np.linspace(logval[0], logval[1], 41)) else: print_var = mean_cube.long_name set_range = np.linspace(np.nanmin(mean_cube.data), np.nanmax(mean_cube.data), 21) return {'print_var': print_var, 'set_range': set_range} def _get_sel_files(cfg, dataname, dim=2): """Get filenames from cfg for single models or multi-model mean.""" selection = [] if dim == 2: for hlp in select_metadata(cfg['input_data'].values(), dataset=dataname): selection.append(hlp['filename']) else: for hlp in cfg['input_data'].values(): selection.append(hlp['filename']) return selection def _get_sel_files_var(cfg, varnames): """Get filenames from cfg for all model mean and differen variables.""" selection = [] for var in varnames: for hlp in select_metadata(cfg['input_data'].values(), short_name=var): selection.append(hlp['filename']) return selection def _get_sel_lvardata(cfg, dataname, lvarnames): """Get filenames from cfg for one model and differen variable(s).""" selection = [] for lvar in lvarnames: for hlp in select_metadata(cfg['input_data'].values(), long_name=lvar, dataset=dataname): selection.append(hlp['filename']) return selection def _read_data(attributes, svar): """Read data for ta and other variabe from files.""" input_file_svar = attributes['filename'].replace('/ta/', '/' + svar + '/') input_file_svar = input_file_svar.replace('_ta_', '_' + svar + '_') logger.debug("Loading %s", input_file_svar) svarcube = iris.load_cube(input_file_svar) svarcube = svarcube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.MEAN) return svarcube def cube_to_save_profile(var1, var2, names): """Create cubes to prepare scatter plot data for saving to netCDF.""" cubes = iris.cube.CubeList([iris.cube.Cube(var1, var_name=names['var_name1'], long_name=names['long_name1'], units=names['units1'])]) cubes.append(iris.cube.Cube(var2, var_name=names['var_name2'], long_name=names['long_name2'], units=names['units2'])) return cubes def find_min(data, data_min, axis): """Functions for Iris Aggregator to find the min based on other cube.""" if axis < 0: # just cope with negative axis numbers axis += data.ndim min_ind = np.expand_dims(np.argmin(data_min, axis=axis), axis=axis) return_data = np.squeeze(np.take_along_axis(data, min_ind, axis=axis)) return return_data def get_provenance_record(ancestor_files, caption, statistics, domains, plot_type='zonal'): """Get Provenance record.""" record = { 'caption': caption, 'statistics': statistics, 'domains': domains, 'plot_type': plot_type, 'projects': ['cmug'], 'realms': ['atmos'], 'themes': ['atmDyn'], 'authors': [ 'weigel_katja', ], 'references': [ 'acknow_project', ], 'ancestors': ancestor_files, } return record def get_prof_and_plt_data(cfg, data, available_vars_min_tas): """Plot data for singe data sets and get profile for each.""" profiles = {} for svar in available_vars_min_tas: profiles[svar] = {} # Make an iris aggregator to find value based on minimum different cube. min_pos = Aggregator('ag_find_min', find_min, units_func=lambda units: 1) # interpolate to dense grid, use equal dist points in log(p) logpr = np.log(np.array([25000, 2500])) sample_points = [('air_pressure', np.exp(np.linspace(logpr[0], logpr[1], 221)))] for attributes in data['ta']: logger.info("Processing dataset %s", attributes['dataset']) dataset = attributes['dataset'] tacube = _read_data(attributes, 'ta') new_tacube = tacube.interpolate(sample_points, iris.analysis.Linear()) unrolled_data = _get_data_for_agg(new_tacube, new_tacube) plot_zonal_timedev(cfg, new_tacube.collapsed('air_pressure', min_pos, data_min=unrolled_data), dataset, "Cold point tropopause ", "Air Temperature") for svar in available_vars_min_tas: svarcube = _read_data(attributes, svar) profiles[svar][dataset] = svarcube.collapsed(['time', 'latitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN) plot_zonal_mean(cfg, svarcube.collapsed(['time'], iris.analysis.MEAN), dataset, "Zonal mean ", svarcube.long_name) new_svarcube = svarcube.interpolate(sample_points, iris.analysis.Linear()) unrolled_data = _get_data_for_agg(new_svarcube, new_tacube) plot_zonal_timedev(cfg, new_svarcube.collapsed('air_pressure', min_pos, data_min=unrolled_data), dataset, "Cold point tropopause ", new_svarcube.long_name) return profiles def plot_zonal_mean(cfg, mean_cube, dataname, titlestr, variable): """Plot zonal mean contour.""" # Plot data # create figure and axes instances fig, axx = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5)) rps = _get_range_and_pstring(variable, mean_cube) # draw filled contours cnplot = plt.contourf( mean_cube.coord('latitude').points, mean_cube.coord('air_pressure').points / 100.0, mean_cube.data, rps['set_range'], cmap='jet', extend='both') axx = plt.gca() axx.invert_yaxis() axx.set_ylim(250, 1) # add colorbar cbar = fig.colorbar(cnplot, ax=axx, shrink=0.8) # add colorbar title string cbar.set_label(rps['print_var']) axx.set_ylabel('Pressure [hPa]') axx.set_xlabel('Latitude') axx.set_title(titlestr + variable) fig.tight_layout() caption = dataname + " " + titlestr + variable +\ " between 250 and 1 hPa." +\ " The diagnostic averages the complete time series." figname = 'fig_' + dataname + "_" + titlestr.replace(" ", "_") +\ variable.replace(" ", "_") fig.savefig(get_plot_filename(figname, cfg), dpi=300) plt.close() provenance_record = get_provenance_record(_get_sel_lvardata(cfg, dataname, [variable]), caption, ['mean'], ['global']) # diagnostic_file = get_diagnostic_filename(figname, cfg) # logger.info("Saving analysis results to %s", diagnostic_file) # iris.save(mean_cube, target=diagnostic_file) # logger.info("Recording provenance of %s:\n%s", diagnostic_file, pformat(provenance_record)) with ProvenanceLogger(cfg) as provenance_logger: provenance_logger.log(diagnostic_file, provenance_record) def plot_zonal_timedev(cfg, mean_cube, dataname, titlestr, variable): """Plot zonal mean temporal developement at tropopause.""" # Plot data # create figure and axes instances fig, axx = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 12)) rps = _get_range_and_pstring(variable, mean_cube, tropopause=True) iris.coord_categorisation.add_year(mean_cube, 'time', name='year') iris.coord_categorisation.add_month_number(mean_cube, 'time', name='month_number') # Adjust (ncdf) time to the format matplotlib expects cnplot = plt.contourf( mean_cube.coord('latitude').points, mean_cube.coord('year').points + (mean_cube.coord('month_number').points - 1.0) / 12.0, mean_cube.data, rps['set_range'], cmap='rainbow', # cmap='RdBu_r', extend='both') # add colorbar cbar = fig.colorbar(cnplot, ax=axx, shrink=0.8) # add colorbar title string cbar.set_label(rps['print_var']) axx.set_ylabel('Time') axx.set_xlabel('Latitude') axx.set_title(titlestr + variable) fig.tight_layout() figname = 'fig_' + dataname + "_" + titlestr.replace(" ", "_") + \ variable.replace(" ", "_") caption = dataname + " " + titlestr + variable fig.savefig(get_plot_filename(figname, cfg), dpi=300) plt.close() provenance_record = get_provenance_record(_get_sel_lvardata(cfg, dataname, [variable]), caption, ['mean'], ['global']) # diagnostic_file = get_diagnostic_filename(figname, cfg) # logger.info("Saving analysis results to %s", diagnostic_file) # iris.save(mean_cube, target=diagnostic_file) # logger.info("Recording provenance of %s:\n%s", diagnostic_file, pformat(provenance_record)) with ProvenanceLogger(cfg) as provenance_logger: provenance_logger.log(diagnostic_file, provenance_record) def plot_profiles(cfg, profiles, available_vars_min_tas, available_datasets): """Plot zonal mean contour.""" # Plot data # create figure and axes instances for svar in available_vars_min_tas: fig, axx = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5)) for iii, dataset in enumerate(available_datasets): plt.plot((profiles[svar][dataset]).data, (profiles[svar][dataset]).coord('air_pressure').points / 100.0, label=dataset) if iii == 0: profiles_save = iris.cube.CubeList([profiles[svar][dataset]]) else: profiles_save.append(profiles[svar][dataset]) axx = plt.gca() axx.invert_yaxis() plt.legend(loc='upper right') axx.set_ylabel('Pressure [hPa]') axx.set_ylim(250, 1) onedat = profiles[svar][available_datasets[0]] if onedat.long_name == "Specific Humidity": unitstr = "kg/kg" axx.set_xlim(0, 1e-4) else: unitstr = str(onedat.units) axx.set_xlabel(onedat.long_name + ' [' + unitstr + ']') axx.set_title('Average ' + onedat.long_name + ' profile') fig.tight_layout() figname = 'fig_profile_' +\ onedat.long_name.replace(" ", "_") fig.savefig(get_plot_filename(figname, cfg), dpi=300) plt.close() provenance_record = get_provenance_record(_get_sel_files_var(cfg, svar), 'Average ' + onedat.long_name + ' profile', ['mean'], ['global']) diagnostic_file = get_diagnostic_filename(figname, cfg) # logger.info("Saving analysis results to %s", diagnostic_file) # iris.save(profiles_save, target=diagnostic_file) # logger.info("Recording provenance of %s:\n%s", diagnostic_file, pformat(provenance_record)) with ProvenanceLogger(cfg) as provenance_logger: provenance_logger.log(diagnostic_file, provenance_record) def main(cfg): """Read in data for tropopause calculation.""" available_vars = list(group_metadata(cfg['input_data'].values(), 'short_name')) available_datasets = list(group_metadata(cfg['input_data'].values(), 'dataset')) logging.debug("Found variables in recipe:\n%s", available_vars) available_vars_min_tas = deepcopy(available_vars) available_vars_min_tas.remove('ta') # Get input data data = {} for varname in available_vars: data[varname] = select_metadata(cfg['input_data'].values(), short_name=varname) data[varname] = sorted_metadata(data[varname], sort='dataset') profiles = get_prof_and_plt_data(cfg, data, available_vars_min_tas) plot_profiles(cfg, profiles, available_vars_min_tas, available_datasets) if __name__ == '__main__': with run_diagnostic() as config: main(config)
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import numpy as np from typing import List, Tuple, Any from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score def ChooseBestModel(models_: List[Any], train_data: Tuple[np.ndarray], test_data: Tuple[np.ndarray]): """ Takes list of potential models and returns the most accurate model and its accuracy. Parameters ---------- - models_ : list of models to choose each model must support 'fit' and 'predict' methods - train_date : tuple {trainX: np.ndarray, trainY: np.ndarray} data to fit model - test_date : tuple {testX: np.ndarray, testY: np.ndarray} data to test fitted model Returns ------- tuple {the most accurate model: any model class, its accuracy: float} """ models = models_.copy() # Fit each model for model in models: model.fit(train_data[0], train_data[1]) # Calculate accuracy scores = [] for model in models: pred = model.predict(test_data[0]) score = accuracy_score(test_data[1], pred) scores.append(score) # Return the most accurate model and its score return models[np.argmax(scores)], max(scores)
{"hexsha": "ad63bef020d84ca97f189baee456172ec187020e", "size": 1269, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "src/choose_model.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "eightlay/ReviewAnalysis", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "d66f5eef1c24f97299cc1a2b33e0da68a6a2d44d", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_stars_count": null, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": null, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_path": "src/choose_model.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "eightlay/ReviewAnalysis", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "d66f5eef1c24f97299cc1a2b33e0da68a6a2d44d", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_issues_count": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_path": "src/choose_model.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "eightlay/ReviewAnalysis", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "d66f5eef1c24f97299cc1a2b33e0da68a6a2d44d", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_forks_count": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": null, "avg_line_length": 30.9512195122, "max_line_length": 78, "alphanum_fraction": 0.5925925926, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy", "num_tokens": 267}
from collections import defaultdict from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List import numpy as np import orjson import typer from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer, MultiLabelBinarizer from geneeval.common.data_utils import load_benchmark, load_features from geneeval.common.utils import BENCHMARK_FILEPATH, TASKS, resolve_tasks from geneeval.engine import Engine from geneeval.fetcher.auto_fetcher import AutoFetcher from geneeval.metrics.auto_metric import AutoMetric app = typer.Typer() evaluate_app = typer.Typer() app.add_typer(evaluate_app, name="evaluate") @app.command() def build_benchmark() -> None: """Downloads the benchmark data. Include or exclude specific tasks with `include_tasks` and `exclude_tasks` respectively. """ fetcher = AutoFetcher(list(TASKS.keys())) benchmark = fetcher.fetch() benchmark = {**benchmark, **orjson.loads(BENCHMARK_FILEPATH.read_bytes())} benchmark = orjson.dumps(benchmark, option=orjson.OPT_INDENT_2) BENCHMARK_FILEPATH.write_bytes(benchmark) @app.command() def prepare( filepath: Path = typer.Argument( ..., writable=True, help="Filepath to save prepared benchmark file." ), include_tasks: List[str] = typer.Option( None, help="A task name (or list of task names) to include in the prepared data." ), exclude_tasks: List[str] = typer.Option( None, help="A task name (or list of task names) to exclude in the prepared data." ), ): tasks = resolve_tasks(include_tasks, exclude_tasks) benchmark = load_benchmark() prepared_benchmark = {task: benchmark[task] for task in tasks} task_specific_genes = list( set( [ gene for partition in prepared_benchmark.values() for genes in partition.values() for gene in genes.keys() ] ) ) # Find the subset of genes specific to the `tasks` specified prepared_benchmark["inputs"] = {gene: benchmark["inputs"][gene] for gene in task_specific_genes} prepared_benchmark = orjson.dumps(prepared_benchmark, option=orjson.OPT_INDENT_2) filepath.write_bytes(prepared_benchmark) @evaluate_app.command("features") def evaluate_features( filepath: Path = typer.Argument( ..., exists=True, dir_okay=False, help="Filepath to the gene features." ), include_tasks: List[str] = typer.Option( None, help="A task name (or list of task names) to include in the evaluation." ), exclude_tasks: List[str] = typer.Option( None, help="A task name (or list of task names) to exclude in the evaluation." ), ) -> Dict: """Evaluate fixed-length feature vectors on the benchmark. Include or exclude specific tasks with `include_tasks` and `exclude_tasks` respectively. """ features = load_features(filepath) engine = Engine(features, include_tasks, exclude_tasks) engine.run() # Nicely display results in the console. # Save the results to disk (should be a format that is easy to load) results = engine.results print( orjson.dumps(results, option=orjson.OPT_INDENT_2 | orjson.OPT_SERIALIZE_NUMPY).decode("utf") ) return results @evaluate_app.command("predictions") def evaluate_predictions( filepath: Path = typer.Argument( ..., exists=True, dir_okay=False, help="Filepath to the gene label predictions." ), ) -> Dict: """Evaluate predictions on the benchmark.""" with open(filepath, "r") as f: predictions = orjson.loads(f.read()) benchmark = load_benchmark() # Create a recursive dictionary so that we can add keys willy-nilly. # https://stackoverflow.com/a/19189356/6046281 def recursive_defaultdict(): return defaultdict(recursive_defaultdict) results = recursive_defaultdict() for task, partitions in predictions.items(): metric = AutoMetric(task) # Fit the label binarizer on the train set of the benchmark. multilabel = ( isinstance(list(benchmark[task]["train"].values())[0], list) and len(max(list(benchmark[task]["train"].values()), key=len)) > 1 ) lb = MultiLabelBinarizer() if multilabel else LabelBinarizer() lb.fit(list(benchmark[task]["train"].values())) for partition, data in partitions.items(): y_true = lb.transform(list(benchmark[task][partition].values())).astype(np.float32) y_pred = lb.transform(list(data.values())).astype(np.float32) results[task][partition][metric.__name__] = round(metric(y_true, y_pred), 2) print( orjson.dumps(results, option=orjson.OPT_INDENT_2 | orjson.OPT_SERIALIZE_NUMPY).decode("utf") ) return results
{"hexsha": "ad47b9d42058612953c2bc21778718cfce94b9b6", "size": 4766, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "geneeval/main.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "BaderLab/GeneEval", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "ad26540d999e7f0562ad1d67d574e08edcadae57", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["Apache-2.0"], "max_stars_count": 3, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": "2020-07-15T18:02:00.000Z", "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": "2020-11-30T21:48:10.000Z", "max_issues_repo_path": "geneeval/main.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "BaderLab/GeneEval", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "ad26540d999e7f0562ad1d67d574e08edcadae57", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["Apache-2.0"], "max_issues_count": 232, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": "2020-07-29T18:34:42.000Z", "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": "2022-03-29T15:06:02.000Z", "max_forks_repo_path": "geneeval/main.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "BaderLab/GeneEval", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "ad26540d999e7f0562ad1d67d574e08edcadae57", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["Apache-2.0"], "max_forks_count": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": null, "avg_line_length": 36.3816793893, "max_line_length": 100, "alphanum_fraction": 0.6875786823, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy", "num_tokens": 1090}
import pathlib from collections import deque import gym import numpy as np from mani_skill_learn.env import get_env_info from mani_skill_learn.env.observation_process import process_mani_skill_base from mani_skill_learn.methods.builder import build_brl from mani_skill_learn.utils.data import to_np, unsqueeze from mani_skill_learn.utils.meta import Config from mani_skill_learn.utils.torch import load_checkpoint import os class ObsProcess: # modified from Saself.agentenRLWrapper def __init__(self, env, obs_mode, stack_frame=1): """ Stack k last frames for point clouds or rgbd """ self.env = env self.obs_mode = obs_mode self.stack_frame = stack_frame self.buffered_data = {} def _update_buffer(self, obs): for key in obs: if key not in self.buffered_data: self.buffered_data[key] = deque([obs[key]] * self.stack_frame, maxlen=self.stack_frame) else: self.buffered_data[key].append(obs[key]) def _get_buffer_content(self): axis = 0 if self.obs_mode == 'pointcloud' else -1 return {key: np.concatenate(self.buffered_data[key], axis=axis) for key in self.buffered_data} def process_observation(self, observation): if self.obs_mode == "state": return observation observation = process_mani_skill_base(observation, self.env) visual_data = observation[self.obs_mode] self._update_buffer(visual_data) visual_data = self._get_buffer_content() state = observation['agent'] # Convert dict of array to list of array with sorted key ret = {} ret[self.obs_mode] = visual_data ret['state'] = state return ret class BasePolicy(object): def __init__(self, opts=None): self.obs_mode = 'pointcloud' def act(self, observation): raise NotImplementedError() def reset(self): # if you use an RNN-based policy, you need to implement this function pass class UserPolicy(BasePolicy): def __init__(self, env_name): super().__init__() self.env = gym.make(env_name) self.obs_mode = 'pointcloud' # remember to set this! self.env.set_env_mode(obs_mode=self.obs_mode) self.stack_frame = 1 # cfg_path = str(pathlib.Path('./configs/bc/mani_skill_point_cloud_transformer.py').resolve()) # cfg_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './configs/cql/mani_skill_point_cloud_transformer.py') # cfg_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './configs/bc/mani_skill_point_cloud_transformer.py') # cfg_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './configs/bc/mani_skill_point_cloud_transformer2.py') # cfg_path = str(pathlib.Path(cfg_path).resolve()) # cfg = Config.fromfile(cfg_path) # cfg.env_cfg['env_name'] = env_name # obs_shape, action_shape, action_space = get_env_info(cfg.env_cfg) # cfg.agent['obs_shape'] = obs_shape # cfg.agent['action_shape'] = action_shape # cfg.agent['action_space'] = action_space self.agents = [] if env_name.find('Door') >= 0: matrix_index = [i for i in range(20)] model_paths = [ './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_0/BC/models/model_110000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_1/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_2/BC/models/model_100000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_3/BC/models/model_110000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_4/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_5/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_6/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_7/BC/models/model_100000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_8/BC/models/model_100000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_9/BC/models/model_110000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_10/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_11/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_12/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_13/BC/models/model_130000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_14/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_15/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_16/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_17/BC/models/model_110000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_18/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door10_19/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', ] config7 = False #True model7_path = './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door7/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt' elif env_name.find('Drawer') >= 0: matrix_index = [i for i in range(20)] model_paths = [ './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_0/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_1/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_2/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_3/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_4/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_5/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_6/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_7/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_8/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_9/BC/models/model_100000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_10/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_11/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_12/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_13/BC/models/model_130000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_14/BC/models/model_110000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_15/BC/models/model_130000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_16/BC/models/model_110000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_17/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_18/BC/models/model_130000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer10_19/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', ] config7 = False #True model7_path = './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_drawer7/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt' elif env_name.find('Bucket') >= 0: matrix_index = [i for i in range(20)] model_paths = [ './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_0/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_1/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_2/BC/models/model_110000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_3/BC/models/model_100000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_4/BC/models/model_110000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_5/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_6/BC/models/model_110000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_7/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_8/BC/models/model_100000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_9/BC/models/model_100000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_10/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_11/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_12/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_13/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_14/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_15/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_16/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_17/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_18/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket10_19/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', ] config7 = False #True #False model7_path = './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_bucket7/BC/models/model_30000.ckpt' elif env_name.find('Chair') >= 0: matrix_index = [i for i in range(20)] model_paths = [ './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_0/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_1/BC/models/model_110000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_2/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_3/BC/models/model_130000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_4/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_5/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_6/BC/models/model_100000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_7/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_8/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_9/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_10/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_11/BC/models/model_110000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_12/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_13/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_14/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_15/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_16/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_17/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_18/BC/models/model_120000.ckpt', './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair10_19/BC/models/model_100000.ckpt', ] config7 = False #True #False model7_path = './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_chair7/BC/models/model_150000.ckpt' for idx, i in enumerate(matrix_index): cfg_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './configs/bc/mani_skill_point_cloud_transformer10.py') cfg_path = str(pathlib.Path(cfg_path).resolve()) cfg = Config.fromfile(cfg_path) cfg.env_cfg['env_name'] = env_name obs_shape, action_shape, action_space = get_env_info(cfg.env_cfg) cfg.agent['obs_shape'] = obs_shape cfg.agent['action_shape'] = action_shape cfg.agent['action_space'] = action_space cfg.agent['policy_cfg']['nn_cfg']['matrix_index'] = i cur_agent = build_brl(cfg.agent) ckpt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), model_paths[idx]) load_checkpoint(cur_agent, str(pathlib.Path(ckpt_path).resolve()), map_location='cpu' ) cur_agent.to('cuda') # dataparallel not done here cur_agent.eval() self.agents.append(cur_agent) if config7: cfg_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './configs/bc/mani_skill_point_cloud_transformer7.py') cfg_path = str(pathlib.Path(cfg_path).resolve()) cfg = Config.fromfile(cfg_path) cfg.env_cfg['env_name'] = env_name obs_shape, action_shape, action_space = get_env_info(cfg.env_cfg) cfg.agent['obs_shape'] = obs_shape cfg.agent['action_shape'] = action_shape cfg.agent['action_space'] = action_space cfg.agent['policy_cfg']['nn_cfg']['matrix_index'] = -1 cur_agent = build_brl(cfg.agent) ckpt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), model7_path) load_checkpoint(cur_agent, str(pathlib.Path(ckpt_path).resolve()), map_location='cpu' ) cur_agent.to('cuda') # dataparallel not done here cur_agent.eval() self.agents.append(cur_agent) # self.agent = build_brl(cfg.agent) # if env_name.find('Bucket') >= 0: # ckpt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './work_dirs/cql_transformer_bucket/CQL/models/model_115000.ckpt') # if env_name.find('Chair') >= 0: # ckpt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './work_dirs/cql_transformer_chair/CQL/models/model_115000.ckpt') # if env_name.find('Door') >= 0: # ckpt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './work_dirs/base_bc_point_transformer_door/BC/models/model_140000.ckpt') # ckpt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door3/BC/models/model_5000.ckpt') # ckpt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './work_dirs/bc_pointnet_transformer_door3/BC/models/model_25000.ckpt') # if env_name.find('Drawer') >= 0: # ckpt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './work_dirs/cql_transformer_drawer/CQL/models/model_90000.ckpt') # load_checkpoint(self.agent, # str(pathlib.Path('./example_mani_skill_data/OpenCabinetDrawer_1045_link_0-v0_PN_Transformer.ckpt').resolve()), # map_location='cpu' # ) # load_checkpoint(self.agent, # str(pathlib.Path(ckpt_path).resolve()), # map_location='cpu' # ) # self.agent.to('cuda') # dataparallel not done here # self.agent.eval() self.lstm_obs = [] self.obsprocess = ObsProcess(self.env, self.obs_mode, self.stack_frame) # def act(self, observation): # ##### Replace with your code # observation = self.obsprocess.process_observation(observation) # return to_np(self.agent(unsqueeze(observation, axis=0), mode='eval'))[0] def reset(self): self.lstm_obs = [] return super().reset() def act(self, observation): ##### Replace with your code # observation = self.obsprocess.process_observation(observation) # return to_np(self.agent(unsqueeze(observation, axis=0), mode='eval'))[0] obs = self.obsprocess.process_observation(observation) action_list = [] if len(self.lstm_obs) < self.agents[0].lstm_len: self.lstm_obs.append(obs) else: for i in range(self.agents[0].lstm_len - 1): self.lstm_obs[i] = self.lstm_obs[i + 1] self.lstm_obs[-1] = obs for cur_agent in self.agents: if cur_agent.lstm_len == 1 or len(self.lstm_obs) < cur_agent.lstm_len: action = to_np(cur_agent(unsqueeze(obs, axis=0), mode='eval'))[0] action_list.append(action) else: # for k in merge_obs: # print("k: %s; v: %s" % (k, merge_obs[k])) state_list = [] xyz_list = [] rgb_list = [] seg_list = [] for i in range(cur_agent.lstm_len): state_list.append(self.lstm_obs[i]['state']) xyz_list.append(self.lstm_obs[i]['pointcloud']['xyz']) rgb_list.append(self.lstm_obs[i]['pointcloud']['rgb']) seg_list.append(self.lstm_obs[i]['pointcloud']['seg']) # k = 'state' # merge_obs[k] = [merge_obs[k], lstm_obs[i+1].get(k)] # k = 'pointcloud' # merge_obs[k] = {sub_k: [merge_obs[k][sub_k], lstm_obs[i+1][k][sub_k]] for sub_k in merge_obs[k]} # merge_obs = {k: [merge_obs[k], lstm_obs[i+1].get(k)] for k in merge_obs} merge_obs = self.lstm_obs[0] merge_obs['state'] = np.stack(state_list) # print("state: %s" % (str(merge_obs['state'].shape))) # k = 'state' # # merge_obs = {k: np.stack(merge_obs[k]) for k in merge_obs} # merge_obs[k] = np.stack(merge_obs[k]) # print("k: %s; v: %s" % (k, merge_obs[k].shape)) k = 'pointcloud' # merge_obs[k] = {sub_k: np.stack(merge_obs[k][sub_k]) for sub_k in merge_obs[k]} merge_obs[k]['xyz'] = np.stack(xyz_list) merge_obs[k]['rgb'] = np.stack(rgb_list) merge_obs[k]['seg'] = np.stack(seg_list) # for sub_k in merge_obs[k]: # print("sub_k: %s; v: %s" % (str(sub_k), str(merge_obs[k][sub_k].shape))) # action = to_np(self.agent(unsqueeze(merge_obs, axis=0), mode=self.sample_mode))[0] action = to_np(cur_agent(merge_obs, mode='eval'))[0] # print("cur action: %s" % (str(action.shape))) action_list.append(action) action_list = np.stack(action_list) action = np.mean(action_list, axis=0) return action
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from collections import ChainMap from itertools import chain from functools import reduce from typing import ( Dict, Tuple, Optional, NamedTuple, Iterator, List, Union ) from functools import partial import numpy as np from autofit.graphical.factor_graphs import \ Factor, AbstractNode, FactorGraph, FactorValue, JacobianValue from autofit.graphical.messages import \ AbstractMessage, FixedMessage, map_dists from autofit.graphical.utils import \ prod, add_arrays, OptResult, Status, aggregate, diag, Axis from autofit.mapper.variable import Variable VariableFactorDist = Dict[str, Dict[Factor, AbstractMessage]] Projection = Dict[str, AbstractMessage] def project_on_to_factor_approx( factor_approx: "FactorApproximation", model_dist: Dict[str, AbstractMessage], delta: float = 1., status: Optional[Status] = None ) -> Tuple["FactorApproximation", Status]: """ For a passed FactorApproximation this calculates the factor messages such that model_dist = factor_dist * cavity_dist """ success, messages = Status() if status is None else status assert 0 < delta <= 1 factor_projection = {} # log_norm = 0. for v, q_fit in model_dist.items(): q_cavity = factor_approx.cavity_dist.get(v) if isinstance(q_fit, FixedMessage): factor_projection[v] = q_fit elif q_fit.is_valid: if q_cavity: q_f0 = factor_approx.factor_dist[v] q_f1 = (q_fit / q_cavity) else: # In the case that q_cavity does not exist the model fit # equals the factor approximation q_f1 = q_fit # weighted update if delta != 1: q_f1 = (q_f1 ** delta).sum_natural_parameters(q_f0 ** (1 - delta)) if not q_f1.is_valid: # partial updating of values q_f1 = q_f1.update_invalid(q_f0) messages += ( f"factor projection for {v} with {factor_approx.factor} contained " "invalid values",) if not q_f1.is_valid: success = False messages += ( f"factor projection for {v} with {factor_approx.factor} is invalid",) factor_projection[v] = q_f1 else: success = False messages += ( f"model projection for {v} with {factor_approx.factor} is invalid",) factor_projection[v] = factor_approx.factor_dist[v] q_model = (q_fit ** delta).sum_natural_parameters( factor_approx.model_dist[v] ** (1 - delta)) if q_model.is_valid: model_dist[v] = q_model projection = FactorApproximation( factor_approx.factor, factor_approx.cavity_dist, factor_dist=MeanField(factor_projection), model_dist=MeanField(model_dist), # log_norm=log_norm ) status = Status(success, messages) return projection, status class MeanField(Dict[Variable, AbstractMessage], Factor): """For a factor with multiple variables, this class represents the the mean field approximation to that factor, f(x₁, x₂, x₃) = q(x₁, x₂, x₃) = q₁(x₁) q₂(x₂) q₃(x₃) Internally these variables approximations are stored in a dictionary with the variables as keys and the message or variable distribution as values Methods ------- keys() returns the variables of the mean_field logpdf({x₁: x1, x₂: x2, x₃: x3}) returns the q(x₁, x₂, x₃), axis defines the axes over which to reduce the return, if the meanfield is duplicated over multiple plates. logpdf_gradient({x₁: x1, x₂: x2, x₃: x3}) returns the q(x₁, x₂, x₃) and the gradients for each input. to save memory the gradients are always the shape of the input values (i.e. this does not calculate the Jacobian) """ def __init__( self, dists: Dict[Variable, AbstractMessage], log_norm: np.ndarray = 0.): dict.__init__(self, dists) Factor.__init__( self, self._logpdf, **{v.name: v for v in dists}) if isinstance(dists, MeanField): self.log_norm = dists.log_norm else: self.log_norm = log_norm pop = dict.pop values = dict.values items = dict.items __getitem__ = dict.__getitem__ def _logpdf(self, **kwargs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: var_names = self.name_variable_dict return self.logpdf( {var_names[k]: value for k, value in kwargs.items()}) @property def mean(self): return {v: dist.mean for v, dist in self.items()} @property def variance(self): return {v: dist.variance for v, dist in self.items()} @property def scale(self): return {v: dist.scale for v, dist in self.items()} def logpdf( self, values: Dict[Variable, np.ndarray], axis: Axis = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the logpdf of the passed values for messages the result is broadcast to the appropriate shape given the variable plates """ return reduce( add_arrays, (aggregate( self._broadcast( self._variable_plates[v], m.logpdf(values[v])), axis = axis) for v, m in self.items()) ) def __call__( self, values: Dict[Variable, np.ndarray], axis: Axis = False, ) -> FactorValue: return FactorValue(self.logpdf(values, axis=axis), {}) def logpdf_gradient( self, values: Dict[Variable, np.ndarray], axis: Axis = False, **kwargs): logl = 0 gradl = {} for v, m in self.items(): lv, gradl[v] = m.logpdf_gradient(values[v]) lv = aggregate( self._broadcast(self._variable_plates[v], lv), axis = axis) logl = add_arrays(logl, lv) return logl, gradl def logpdf_gradient_hessian( self, values: Dict[Variable, np.ndarray], axis: Optional[Union[bool, int, Tuple[int, ...]]] = False, **kwargs): logl = 0. gradl = {} hessl = {} for v, m in self.items(): lv, gradl[v], hessl[v] = m.logpdf_gradient_hessian(values[v]) lv = aggregate( self._broadcast(self._variable_plates[v], lv), axis = axis) logl = add_arrays(logl, lv) return logl, gradl, hessl def __repr__(self): reprdict = "{\n" + "\n".join( " {}: {}".format(k, v) for k, v in self.items()) + "\n }" classname = (type(self).__name__) return f"{classname}({reprdict}, log_norm={self.log_norm})" @property def is_valid(self): return all(d.is_valid for d in self.values()) def prod(self, *approxs: 'MeanField') -> 'MeanField': dists = ( (k, prod((m.get(k, 1.) for m in approxs), m)) for k, m in self.items()) return MeanField({ k: m for k, m in dists if isinstance(m, AbstractMessage)}) __mul__ = prod def __truediv__(self, other: 'MeanField') -> 'MeanField': return type(self)({ k: m / other.get(k, 1.) for k, m in self.items()}, self.log_norm - other.log_norm) def __pow__(self, other: float) -> 'MeanField': return type(self)({ k: m**other for k, m in self.items()}, self.log_norm * other) def log_normalisation(self, other: 'MeanField') -> float: return sum( np.sum(dist.log_normalisation(other[v])) for v, dist in self.items() ) def update_invalid(self, other: "MeanField") -> "MeanField": mean_field = {} for k, m in self.items(): m2 = other.get(k) mean_field[k] = m.update_invalid(m2) if m2 else m return type(self)(mean_field, self.log_norm) def project_mode(self, res: OptResult): projection = type(self)({ v: dist.from_mode(res.mode[v], res.hess_inv.get(v)) for v, dist in self.items()}) projection.log_norm = ( res.log_norm - projection(res.mode, axis=None).log_value) return projection def _project_mode( self, mode: Dict[Variable, np.ndarray], covar: Dict[Variable, np.ndarray], fun: Optional[float] = None): """ Projects the mode and covariance """ projection = MeanField({ v: dist.from_mode(mode[v], covar.get(v)) for v, dist in self.items()}) if fun is not None: projection.log_norm = fun - projection(mode).log_value return projection def sample(self, n_samples=None): return {v: dist.sample(n_samples) for v, dist in self.items()} def kl(self, mean_field: 'MeanField') -> np.ndarray: return sum( np.sum(dist.kl(mean_field[k])) for k, dist in self.items() ) __hash__ = Factor.__hash__ @classmethod def from_dist( cls, dist: Union[Dict[Variable, AbstractMessage], "MeanField"] ) -> "MeanField": return dist if isinstance(dist, cls) else MeanField(dist) class FactorApproximation(AbstractNode): """ This class represents the 'tilted distribution' in EP, When approximating a model distribution of the form, m(x) = ∏ₐ fₐ(xₐ) we can define an approximating distribution as the product of factor distributions, q(x) = ∏ₐ qₐ(xₐ) the 'cavity distribution' q⁻ᵃ for a factor can be viewed as a prior distribution for the factor, q⁻ᵃ(xₐ) = ∏_{ᵦ ≠ a} qᵦ(xᵦ) so the model can be approximated by the 'tilted distribution' q⁺ᵃ(xₐ) = fₐ(xₐ) q⁻ᵃ(xₐ) Parameters ---------- is_valid factor: Factor fₐ(xₐ) cavity_dist: MeanField q⁻ᵃ(xₐ) factor_dist: MeanField qₐ(xₐ) model_dist: MeanField q(xₐ) Methods ------- __call__(values={xₐ: x₀}, axis=axis) returns q⁺ᵃ(x₀) func_jacobian(values={xₐ: x₀}, variables=(xₐ,), axis=axis) returns q⁺ᵃ(x₀), {xₐ: dq⁺ᵃ(x₀)/dxₐ} project_mean_field(mean_field, delta=1., status=Status()) for qᶠ = mean_field, finds qₐ such that qᶠₐ * q⁻ᵃ = qᶠ delta controls how much to change from the original factor qₐ so qʳₐ = (qᶠₐ)ᵟ * (qᶠₐ)¹⁻ᵟ returns qʳₐ, status """ def __init__( self, factor: Factor, cavity_dist: MeanField, factor_dist: MeanField, model_dist: MeanField ): # Have to seperate FactorApproximation into two classes # in order to be able to redefine __new__ self.factor = factor self.cavity_dist = MeanField.from_dist(cavity_dist) self.factor_dist = MeanField.from_dist(factor_dist) self.model_dist = MeanField.from_dist(model_dist) super().__init__(**factor._kwargs) @property def variables(self): return self.factor.variables @property def deterministic_variables(self): return self.factor.deterministic_variables @property def all_variables(self): return self.factor.all_variables @property def name(self): return f"FactorApproximation({self.factor.name})" @property def deterministic_dist(self): """ the `MeanField` approximation of the deterministic variables """ return MeanField({ v: self.cavity_dist[v] for v in self.deterministic_variables}) @property def is_valid(self) -> bool: """ returns whether all the distributions in the factor approximation are valid """ dists = chain( self.cavity_dist.values(), self.factor_dist.values(), self.model_dist.values()) return all(d.is_valid for d in dists if isinstance(d, AbstractMessage)) def __call__( self, values: Dict[Variable, np.ndarray], axis: Axis = False, ) -> FactorValue: fval = self.factor(values, axis=axis) log_meanfield = self.cavity_dist( {**values, **fval.deterministic_values}, axis=axis) return add_arrays(fval, log_meanfield) def func_jacobian( self, variable_dict: Dict[Variable, np.ndarray], variables: Optional[List[Variable]] = None, axis: Axis = None, _calc_deterministic: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[FactorValue, JacobianValue]: if axis is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "FactorApproximation.func_jacobian has not implemeted " f"axis={axis}, try axis=None") if variables is None: fixed_variables = set( v for v, m in self.model_dist.items() if isinstance(m, FixedMessage)) variables = self.factor.variables - fixed_variables fval, fjac = self.factor.func_jacobian( variable_dict, variables, axis=axis, _calc_deterministic=_calc_deterministic) values = {**variable_dict, **fval.deterministic_values} var_sizes = {v: np.size(x) for v, x in values.items()} var_shapes = {v: np.shape(x) for v, x in values.items()} log_cavity, grad_cavity = self.cavity_dist.logpdf_gradient( values, axis=axis) logl = fval + log_cavity for v in fjac: fjac[v] += grad_cavity[v] # Update gradients using jacobians of deterministic variables # TODO: Should add logic to account for pullbacks for # AD frameworks e.g. Zygote.jl for var, grad in fjac.items(): for det, jac in grad.deterministic_values.items(): det_grad = grad_cavity[det].ravel() g = jac.reshape(var_sizes[det], var_sizes[var]) fjac[var] += det_grad.dot(g).reshape(var_shapes[var]) return logl, fjac def project_mean_field( self, model_dist: MeanField, delta: float = 1., status: Optional[Status] = None, ) -> "FactorApprox": success, messages = Status() if status is None else status factor_dist = (model_dist / self.cavity_dist) if delta < 1: log_norm = factor_dist.log_norm factor_dist = ( factor_dist**delta * self.factor_dist**(1-delta)) factor_dist.log_norm = ( delta * log_norm + (1 - delta) * self.factor_dist.log_norm) if not factor_dist.is_valid: success = False messages += ( f"model projection for {self} is invalid",) factor_dist = factor_dist.update_invalid(self.factor_dist) new_approx = FactorApproximation( self.factor, self.cavity_dist, factor_dist=factor_dist, model_dist=model_dist, ) return new_approx, Status(success, messages) project = project_mean_field def __repr__(self): # TODO make this nicer return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.factor}, ...)"
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#ifndef BID_DROP_FRONT_HPP_ #define BID_DROP_FRONT_HPP_ #include <bid/range/traits/drop_front_intrinsically.hpp> #include <bid/range/traits/pop_front.hpp> #include <bid/functor.hpp> #include <boost/optional.hpp> namespace bid { using boost::none_t; template<class Range> using prefered_drop_front_method = std::conditional_t < has_any_drop_front<Range>{}, prefered_drop_front_intrinsically_method<Range>, std::conditional_t < has_pop_front<Range>{}, std::integral_constant<drop_front_method, drop_front_method::POP_FRONT>, std::integral_constant<drop_front_method, drop_front_method::NONE> > >; template<class Range> using prefered_drop_front_amount_method = std::conditional_t < has_any_drop_front<Range>{}, prefered_drop_front_amount_intrinsically_method<Range>, std::conditional_t < has_pop_front<Range>{}, std::integral_constant<drop_front_method, drop_front_method::POP_FRONT>, std::integral_constant<drop_front_method, drop_front_method::NONE> > >; template<class Range> using can_drop_front = std::integral_constant < bool, prefered_drop_front_method<Range>{} != drop_front_method::NONE >; namespace drop_front_detail { template<drop_front_method> struct drop_front_impl; template<> struct drop_front_impl<drop_front_method::POP_FRONT> { template<class Range> static void doit(Range&& r) { pop_front(std::forward<Range>(r), overloaded( [](none_t) { assert(false); // drop_front: empty range }, [](auto&&) {})); } template<class Range> static void doit(Range&& r, size_type_t<Range> amount) { for(size_type_t<Range> i = 0; i != amount; ++i) { pop_front(std::forward<Range>(r), overloaded( [](none_t) { assert(false); // drop_front: range too short }, [](auto&&) {})); } } }; template<drop_front_method> struct drop_front_impl { template<class Range> static void doit(Range&& r) { drop_front_intrinsically(std::forward<Range>(r)); } template<class Range> static void doit(Range&& r, size_type_t<Range> amount) { drop_front_intrinsically(std::forward<Range>(r), amount); } }; } template<class Range> void drop_front(Range&& r) { using namespace drop_front_detail; typedef std::decay_t<Range> decayed_range; static constexpr drop_front_method method = prefered_drop_front_method<decayed_range>{}; typedef drop_front_impl<method> impl; impl::doit(std::forward<Range>(r)); } template<class Range> void drop_front(Range&& r, size_type_t<Range> amount) { using namespace drop_front_detail; typedef std::decay_t<Range> decayed_range; static constexpr drop_front_method method = prefered_drop_front_method<decayed_range>{}; typedef drop_front_impl<method> impl; impl::doit(std::forward<Range>(r), amount); } } #endif
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import copy import numpy as np from ext import get_ext_list def b_mul(b, exp_list, init_ext_list): sum_add_v_all = 0.0 ext_list = get_ext_list(init_ext_list) for curr_exp in exp_list: sum_add_v = curr_exp[-1] for n_curr in range(len(ext_list)): sum_add_v *= curr_exp[n_curr] ** ext_list[n_curr] sum_add_v_all += sum_add_v b.append(sum_add_v_all) return b def calc_b(exp_list, b, pol_ext, nv, n_call, ext_list): n_call_new = n_call + 1 new_ext_list = copy.deepcopy(ext_list) new_ext_list.append(0) for i in range(pol_ext + 1): new_ext_list[-1] = i if n_call_new == nv: b = b_mul(b, exp_list, new_ext_list) else: b = calc_b(exp_list, b, i, nv, n_call_new, new_ext_list) return b def a_mul(a, exp_list, init_ext_list): sum_add_v_all1 = 0.0 ext_list = [] for curr_init_list in init_ext_list: ext_list.append(get_ext_list(curr_init_list)) for curr_exp in exp_list: sum_add_v = 1.0 for curr_ext_list in ext_list: for n_curr in range(len(ext_list[0])): sum_add_v *= curr_exp[n_curr] ** curr_ext_list[n_curr] sum_add_v_all1 += sum_add_v a.append(sum_add_v_all1) return a def calc_a(exp_list, a, pol_ext, nv, n_call, ext_list, dim, real_pol_ext): n_call_new = n_call + 1 new_ext_list = copy.deepcopy(ext_list) new_ext_list[dim].append(0) for i in range(pol_ext + 1): new_ext_list[dim][-1] = i if (n_call_new == nv) and (dim != 0): a = calc_a(exp_list, a, real_pol_ext, nv, 0, new_ext_list, dim - 1, real_pol_ext) elif (n_call_new == nv) and (dim == 0): a = a_mul(a, exp_list, new_ext_list) else: a = calc_a(exp_list, a, i, nv, n_call_new, new_ext_list, dim, real_pol_ext) return a def calc_approx(exp_data, pol_ext, nv): b = calc_b(exp_data, [], pol_ext, nv, 0, []) a = calc_a(exp_data, [], pol_ext, nv, 0, [[], []], 1, pol_ext) n_size = int(np.sqrt(len(a))) a = np.reshape(a, (n_size, n_size)) try: c = np.linalg.solve(np.array(a), np.array(b)) return c except np.linalg.LinAlgError: print("Singular matrix. Try to enter more experimental points.") return None
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from keras.layers import Input, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, concatenate, UpSampling2D from keras.models import Model from keras.optimizers import Adam import keras from random import shuffle, randint import numpy as np import os import tensorflow as tf import glob from keras import backend as K import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate import pandas as pd import SimpleITK as sitk from skimage.measure import label from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_closing import time GPU = 0 os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(GPU) def dice_coef(y_true, y_pred): smooth = 1 y_true_f = K.flatten(y_true) y_pred_f = K.flatten(y_pred) intersection = K.sum(y_true_f * y_pred_f) return (2. * intersection + smooth) / (K.sum(y_true_f) + K.sum(y_pred_f) + smooth) def dice_coef_loss(y_true, y_pred): return -dice_coef(y_true, y_pred) def get_unet(): inputs = Input((200, 200, 1)) conv1 = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(inputs) conv1 = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(conv1) pool1 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(conv1) conv2 = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(pool1) conv2 = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(conv2) pool2 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(conv2) conv3 = Conv2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(pool2) conv3 = Conv2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(conv3) pool3 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(conv3) conv4 = Conv2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(pool3) conv6 = Conv2D(256, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(conv4) up7 = concatenate([UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2))(conv6), conv3], axis=3) conv7 = Conv2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(up7) conv7 = Conv2D(128, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(conv7) up8 = concatenate([UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2))(conv7), conv2], axis=3) conv8 = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(up8) conv8 = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(conv8) up9 = concatenate([UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2))(conv8), conv1], axis=3) conv9 = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(up9) conv9 = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(conv9) conv10 = Conv2D(1, (1, 1), activation='sigmoid')(conv9) model = Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=[conv10]) model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-5), loss=dice_coef_loss, metrics=[dice_coef]) return model def load_data(imgs_f, idxs_f): ret_data = np.zeros((len(idxs_f), 200, 200, 1)) for i, idx in enumerate(idxs_f): ret_data[i, :,:,0] = imgs_f[:,:, idx] return ret_data def getLargestCC(segmentation): if np.max(segmentation) == 0: return segmentation labels = label(segmentation) largestCC = (labels == np.argmax(np.bincount(labels.flat)[1::])+1) return largestCC if __name__ == "__main__": mode = "Test" # "Train" or "Test" or "Debug" or "Create_Masks_All_Images_Unet" data_directory = "deep_learning/unet-2D/" output_directory = data_directory + "/training" if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.mkdir(output_directory) m_batch = 25 print("Loading sitk images") imgs = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk.ReadImage(data_directory + "data/deep_learning_contour_mask.nrrd")) rs = sitk.GetArrayFromImage( sitk.ReadImage(data_directory + "data/deep_learning_contour_mask_reference_standard.nrrd")) if mode == "Train": cts = np.sum(np.sum(rs, axis=0), 0) idx = np.where(cts > 1000)[0] np.random.shuffle(idx) idx_train = idx[0:800] idx_valid = idx[800:1000] idx_test = idx[1000:1704] np.save(output_directory + "/indexes.npy", [idx_train, idx_valid, idx_test]) print("Start the training") n_t_samples = len(idx_train) n_v_samples = len(idx_valid) print("Training on %i cells and validating on %i cells" % (n_t_samples, n_v_samples)) tbCallBack = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=os.path.join(output_directory, 'Graph'), histogram_freq=0, write_graph=True, write_images=True) saveCallback = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(os.path.join(output_directory, "unet_model.h5"), monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=False, mode='auto', period=1) print("Creating the model") with tf.device('/gpu:%i' % GPU): model = get_unet() model.fit(x=load_data(imgs, idx_train), y=load_data(rs, idx_train), batch_size=m_batch, epochs=150, verbose=1, callbacks=[tbCallBack, saveCallback], validation_data=[ load_data(imgs, idx_valid), load_data(rs, idx_valid)], shuffle=True) model.save(os.path.join(output_directory,"last_model.h5")) if mode == "Test": model = get_unet() model.load_weights(os.path.join(output_directory, "unet_model.h5")) imgsr = np.transpose(imgs, (2, 0, 1)) imgsr = np.reshape(imgsr, (imgs.shape[2], 200, 200, 1)) print(imgsr.shape) t1 = time.time() out = model.predict(imgsr, batch_size=25, verbose=1) outr = np.reshape(out, (imgs.shape[2], 200, 200)) out2 = np.transpose(outr, (1, 2, 0)) out3 = out2 * 0 for i in range(0, out2.shape[2]): out3[:, :, i] = binary_closing(getLargestCC(out2[:, :, i] > 0.5), structure=np.zeros((10, 10)) + 1) print("Processing time: %f" % (time.time() - t1)) # sitk.WriteImage(sitk.GetImageFromArray((out3).astype(np.int16)), output_directory + "/predictions.nrrd")
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#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <Eigen/Core> #include <Eigen/Geometry> #include <sophus/so3.h> #include <sophus/se3.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { Eigen::Matrix3d R = Eigen::AngleAxisd(M_PI / 2, Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, 1)).toRotationMatrix(); Sophus::SO3 SO3_R(R); Sophus::SO3 SO3_V(0, 0, M_PI / 2); Eigen::Quaterniond Q(R); Sophus::SO3 SO3_Q(Q); std::cout << "SO3 from matrix: " << SO3_R << std::endl; std::cout << "SO3 from vector: " << SO3_V << std::endl; std::cout << "SO3 from quaternion: " << SO3_Q << std::endl; Eigen::Vector3d so3 = SO3_R.log(); std::cout << "so3 = " << so3.transpose() << std::endl; std::cout << "so3 hat = \n" << Sophus::SO3::hat(so3) << std::endl; std::cout << "so3 hat vee = " << Sophus::SO3::vee(Sophus::SO3::hat(so3)) << std::endl; Eigen::Vector3d update_so3(1e-4, 0, 0); Sophus::SO3 SO3_updated = Sophus::SO3::exp(update_so3) * SO3_R; std::cout << "SO3 updated = " << SO3_updated << std::endl; std::cout << "op SE3" << std::endl; Eigen::Vector3d t(1, 0, 0); Sophus::SE3 SE3_Rt(R, t); Sophus::SE3 SE3_Qt(Q, t); std::cout << "SE3 from R, t = \n" << SE3_Rt << std::endl; std::cout << "SE3 from Q, t = \n" << SE3_Qt << std::endl; typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> Vector6d; Vector6d se3 = SE3_Rt.log(); std::cout << "se3 = \n" << se3.transpose() << std::endl; std::cout << "se3 hat = \n" << Sophus::SE3::hat(se3) << std::endl; std::cout << "se3 hat vee = \n" << Sophus::SE3::vee(Sophus::SE3::hat(se3)).transpose() << std::endl; Vector6d update_se3; update_se3.setZero(); update_se3(0, 0) = 1e-4d; Sophus::SE3 SE3_updated = Sophus::SE3::exp(update_se3) * SE3_Rt; std::cout << "SE3 updated = \n" << SE3_updated.matrix() << std::endl; return 0; }
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import pytest np = pytest.importorskip("numpy") import networkx as nx class TestFloydNumpy: def test_cycle_numpy(self): dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(nx.cycle_graph(7)) assert dist[0, 3] == 3 assert dist[0, 4] == 3 def test_weighted_numpy_three_edges(self): XG3 = nx.Graph() XG3.add_weighted_edges_from( [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 12], [2, 3, 1], [3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 1], [5, 0, 10]] ) dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(XG3) assert dist[0, 3] == 15 def test_weighted_numpy_two_edges(self): XG4 = nx.Graph() XG4.add_weighted_edges_from( [ [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2], [2, 3, 1], [3, 4, 1], [4, 5, 1], [5, 6, 1], [6, 7, 1], [7, 0, 1], ] ) dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(XG4) assert dist[0, 2] == 4 def test_weight_parameter_numpy(self): XG4 = nx.Graph() XG4.add_edges_from( [ (0, 1, {"heavy": 2}), (1, 2, {"heavy": 2}), (2, 3, {"heavy": 1}), (3, 4, {"heavy": 1}), (4, 5, {"heavy": 1}), (5, 6, {"heavy": 1}), (6, 7, {"heavy": 1}), (7, 0, {"heavy": 1}), ] ) dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(XG4, weight="heavy") assert dist[0, 2] == 4 def test_directed_cycle_numpy(self): G = nx.DiGraph() nx.add_cycle(G, [0, 1, 2, 3]) pred, dist = nx.floyd_warshall_predecessor_and_distance(G) D = nx.utils.dict_to_numpy_array(dist) np.testing.assert_equal(nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G), D) def test_zero_weight(self): G = nx.DiGraph() edges = [(1, 2, -2), (2, 3, -4), (1, 5, 1), (5, 4, 0), (4, 3, -5), (2, 5, -7)] G.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G) assert int(np.min(dist)) == -14 G = nx.MultiDiGraph() edges.append((2, 5, -7)) G.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) dist = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(G) assert int(np.min(dist)) == -14
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[STATEMENT] lemma mem_set_indexed_members'[simp]: "t \<in> set (indexed_members s) \<longleftrightarrow> snd t |\<in>|\<^bsub>fst t\<^esub> s" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. (t \<in> set (indexed_members s)) = (snd t |\<in>|\<^bsub>fst t\<^esub> s) [PROOF STEP] by (cases t, simp add: mem_set_indexed_members)
{"llama_tokens": 147, "file": "Incredible_Proof_Machine_Indexed_FSet", "length": 1}
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @date: 2020/3/26 下午2:50 @file: create_train_val.py @author: zj @description: 提取分类任务的训练/测试集,分类别保存 """ import cv2 import numpy as np import os import xmltodict #### for train # aeroplane 1171 # bicycle 1064 # bird 1605 # boat 1140 # bottle 1764 # bus 822 # car 3267 # cat 1593 # chair 3152 # cow 847 # diningtable 824 # dog 2025 # horse 1072 # motorbike 1052 # person 13256 # pottedplant 1487 # sheep 1070 # sofa 814 # train 925 # tvmonitor 1108 # total train num: 40058 #### for test # aeroplane 285 # bicycle 337 # bird 459 # boat 263 # bottle 469 # bus 213 # car 1201 # cat 358 # chair 756 # cow 244 # diningtable 206 # dog 489 # horse 348 # motorbike 325 # person 4528 # pottedplant 480 # sheep 242 # sofa 239 # train 282 # tvmonitor 308 # total test num: 12032 alphabets = ['aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor'] def check_dir(data_dir): if not os.path.exists(data_dir): os.mkdir(data_dir) def find_all_cate_rects(annotation_dir, name_list): """ 找出所有的类别的标注框(取消标记为difficult的边界框) """ cate_list = list() for i in range(20): cate_list.append(list()) for name in name_list: annotation_path = os.path.join(annotation_dir, name + ".xml") with open(annotation_path, 'rb') as f: xml_dict = xmltodict.parse(f) # print(xml_dict) objects = xml_dict['annotation']['object'] if isinstance(objects, list): for obj in objects: obj_name = obj['name'] obj_idx = alphabets.index(obj_name) difficult = int(obj['difficult']) if difficult != 1: bndbox = obj['bndbox'] cate_list[obj_idx].append({'img_name': name, 'rect': (int(bndbox['xmin']), int(bndbox['ymin']), int(bndbox['xmax']), int(bndbox['ymax']))}) elif isinstance(objects, dict): obj_name = objects['name'] obj_idx = alphabets.index(obj_name) difficult = int(objects['difficult']) if difficult != 1: bndbox = objects['bndbox'] cate_list[obj_idx].append({'img_name': name, 'rect': (int(bndbox['xmin']), int(bndbox['ymin']), int(bndbox['xmax']), int(bndbox['ymax']))}) else: pass return cate_list def save_cate(cate_list, image_dir, res_dir): """ 保存裁剪的图像 """ # 保存image_dir下所有图像,以便后续查询 # 前提条件:足够的内存!!! # image_dict = dict() # image_name_list = os.listdir(image_dir) # for name in image_name_list: # image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, name) # img = cv2.imread(image_path) # # image_dict[name.split('.')[0]] = img # 遍历所有类别,保存标注的图像 for i in range(20): cate_name = alphabets[i] cate_dir = os.path.join(res_dir, cate_name) check_dir(cate_dir) for item in cate_list[i]: img_name = item['img_name'] xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = item['rect'] image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, img_name+'.jpg') img = cv2.imread(image_path) rect_img = img[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] # rect_img = image_dict[img_name][ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] img_path = os.path.join(cate_dir, '%s-%d-%d-%d-%d.png' % (img_name, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) cv2.imwrite(img_path, rect_img) if __name__ == '__main__': root_dir = '../../data/pascal-voc/' train_txt_path = '../../data/pascal-voc/train/name.csv' val_txt_path = '../../data/pascal-voc/test/name.csv' for phase in ['train', 'test']: if phase == 'train': suffix = 'train_imgs' else: suffix = 'test_imgs' dst_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, suffix) check_dir(dst_dir) print(dst_dir) name_path = os.path.join(root_dir, phase, 'name.csv') name_list = np.loadtxt(name_path, dtype=np.str, delimiter=' ') annotation_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, phase, 'Annotations') rects_list = find_all_cate_rects(annotation_dir, name_list) total_num = 0 # 打印出每个类别的数据 for i in range(20): total_num += len(rects_list[i]) print(alphabets[i], len(rects_list[i])) print('total {} num: {}'.format(phase, total_num)) image_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, phase, 'JPEGImages') save_cate(rects_list, image_dir, dst_dir) print() print('done')
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import glob import json import pdb import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import csv with open('k80_only_JCT.json', 'r') as fp: k80_only = json.load(fp) with open('oracle_JCT.json', 'r') as fp: oracle_only = json.load(fp) with open('v100_only_JCT.json', 'r') as fp: v100_only = json.load(fp) with open('oracle_K80_time.json', 'r') as fp: oracle_K80_only = json.load(fp) with open('oracle_V100_time.json', 'r') as fp: oracle_V100_only = json.load(fp) with open('oracle_overhead.json', 'r') as fp: oracle_overhead_only = json.load(fp) with open('oracle_epoch_waste.json', 'r') as fp: oracle_epoch_waste_only = json.load(fp) with open('oracle_num_mig.json', 'r') as fp: oracle_num_mig_only = json.load(fp) with open('oracle_ovhd_a.json', 'r') as fp: oracle_ovhd_a_only = json.load(fp) with open('oracle_ovhd_b.json', 'r') as fp: oracle_ovhd_b_only = json.load(fp) with open('oracle_ovhd_c.json', 'r') as fp: oracle_ovhd_c_only = json.load(fp) with open('oracle_ovhd_d.json', 'r') as fp: oracle_ovhd_d_only = json.load(fp) with open('oracle_k80_1st.json', 'r') as fp: oracle_k80_1st_only = json.load(fp) with open('oracle_v100_1st.json', 'r') as fp: oracle_v100_1st_only = json.load(fp) with open('speedup.json', 'r') as fp: speedup_only = json.load(fp) with open('epoch_num.json', 'r') as fp: epoch_num_only = json.load(fp) with open('k80_time.json', 'r') as fp: k80_time_only = json.load(fp) with open('v100_time.json', 'r') as fp: v100_time_only = json.load(fp) job_list = [] oracle = [] k80 = [] v100 = [] oracle_K80 = [] oracle_V100 = [] oracle_overhead = [] oracle_epoch_waste = [] oracle_ovhd_a = [] oracle_ovhd_b = [] oracle_ovhd_c = [] oracle_ovhd_d = [] oracle_k80_1st = [] oracle_v100_1st = [] oracle_num_mig = [] speedup = [] epoch_num = [] k80_time = [] v100_time = [] for i in range(50): job = str(i+1) job_list.append('job'+job) oracle.append(oracle_only[job]) k80.append(k80_only[job]) v100.append(v100_only[job]) oracle_K80.append(oracle_K80_only[job]) oracle_V100.append(oracle_V100_only[job]) oracle_overhead.append(oracle_overhead_only[job]) oracle_epoch_waste.append(oracle_epoch_waste_only['job'+job]) oracle_num_mig.append(oracle_num_mig_only[job]) if len(oracle_ovhd_a_only[job]) > 0: oracle_ovhd_a.append(int(np.mean(oracle_ovhd_a_only[job]))) else: oracle_ovhd_a.append(0) if len(oracle_ovhd_b_only[job]) > 0: oracle_ovhd_b.append(int(np.mean(oracle_ovhd_b_only[job]))) else: oracle_ovhd_b.append(0) if len(oracle_ovhd_c_only[job]) > 0: oracle_ovhd_c.append(int(np.mean(oracle_ovhd_c_only[job]))) else: oracle_ovhd_c.append(0) if len(oracle_ovhd_d_only[job]) > 0: oracle_ovhd_d.append(int(np.mean(oracle_ovhd_d_only[job]))) else: oracle_ovhd_d.append(0) if len(oracle_k80_1st_only[job]) > 0: oracle_k80_1st.append(int(np.mean(oracle_k80_1st_only[job]))) else: oracle_k80_1st.append(0) if len(oracle_v100_1st_only[job]) > 0: oracle_v100_1st.append(int(np.mean(oracle_v100_1st_only[job]))) else: oracle_v100_1st.append(0) speedup.append(round(speedup_only[job],2)) epoch_num.append(epoch_num_only[job]) k80_time.append(k80_time_only[job]) v100_time.append(v100_time_only[job]) job_list = np.asarray(job_list) oracle = np.asarray(oracle) k80 = np.asarray(k80) v100 = np.asarray(v100) oracle_K80 = np.asarray(oracle_K80) oracle_V100 = np.asarray(oracle_V100) oracle_overhead = np.asarray(oracle_overhead) oracle_epoch_waste = np.asarray(oracle_epoch_waste) oracle_num_mig = np.asarray(oracle_num_mig) oracle_ovhd_a = np.asarray(oracle_ovhd_a) oracle_ovhd_b = np.asarray(oracle_ovhd_b) oracle_ovhd_c = np.asarray(oracle_ovhd_c) oracle_ovhd_d = np.asarray(oracle_ovhd_d) oracle_k80_1st = np.asarray(oracle_k80_1st) oracle_v100_1st = np.asarray(oracle_v100_1st) speedup = np.asarray(speedup) epoch_num = np.asarray(epoch_num) k80_time = np.asarray(k80_time) v100_time = np.asarray(v100_time) rows = zip(job_list, epoch_num, k80, v100, oracle, oracle_K80, oracle_V100, oracle_overhead, oracle_epoch_waste, oracle_num_mig, oracle_ovhd_a, oracle_ovhd_b, oracle_ovhd_c,oracle_ovhd_d,oracle_k80_1st,k80_time, oracle_v100_1st,v100_time, speedup) with open('comparison.csv', 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) for row in rows: writer.writerow(row) #np.savetxt('comparison.csv', (job_list, k80, v100, oracle, oracle_K80, oracle_V100, oracle_overhead, oracle_num_mig, #total_time, save_time, load_time), fmt='%s')
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' 博客1:python+opencv实现基于傅里叶变换的旋转文本校正 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36387683/article/details/80530709 博客2:OpenCV—python 图像矫正(基于傅里叶变换—基于透视变换) https://blog.csdn.net/wsp_1138886114/article/details/83374333 傅里叶相关知识: https://blog.csdn.net/on2way/article/details/46981825 频率:对于图像来说就是指图像颜色值的梯度,即灰度级的变化速度 幅度:可以简单的理解为是频率的权,即该频率所占的比例 DFT之前的原图像在x y方向上表示空间坐标,DFT是经过x y方向上的傅里叶变换来统计像素在这两个方向上不同频率的分布情况, 所以DFT得到的图像在x y方向上不再表示空间上的长度,而是频率。 仿射变换与透射变换: 仿射变换和透视变换更直观的叫法可以叫做“平面变换”和“空间变换”或者“二维坐标变换”和“三维坐标变换”. 从另一个角度也能说明三维变换和二维变换的意思,仿射变换的方程组有6个未知数,所以要求解就需要找到3组映射点, 三个点刚好确定一个平面. 透视变换的方程组有8个未知数,所以要求解就需要找到4组映射点,四个点就刚好确定了一个三维空间. 图像旋转算法 数学原理: https://blog.csdn.net/liyuan02/article/details/6750828 角度angle可以用np.angle() ϕ=atan(实部/虚部) numpy包中自带一个angle函数可以直接根据复数的实部与虚部求出角度(默认出来的角度是弧度)。 ''' import cv2 as cv import numpy as np import math from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def fourier_demo(): #1、读取文件,灰度化 img = cv.imread('img/table-3.png') cv.imshow('original', img) gray = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv.imshow('gray', gray) #2、图像延扩 # OpenCV中的DFT采用的是快速算法,这种算法要求图像的尺寸是2的、3和5的倍数是处理速度最快。 # 所以需要用getOptimalDFTSize() # 找到最合适的尺寸,然后用copyMakeBorder()填充多余的部分。 # 这里是让原图像和扩大的图像左上角对齐。填充的颜色如果是纯色, # 对变换结果的影响不会很大,后面寻找倾斜线的过程又会完全忽略这一点影响。 h, w = img.shape[:2] new_h = cv.getOptimalDFTSize(h) new_w = cv.getOptimalDFTSize(w) right = new_w - w bottom = new_h - h nimg = cv.copyMakeBorder(gray, 0, bottom, 0, right, borderType=cv.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0) cv.imshow('optim image', nimg) #3、执行傅里叶变换,并得到频域图像 f = np.fft.fft2(nimg) # 将图像从空间域转到频域 fshift = np.fft.fftshift(f) # 将低频分量移动到中心,得到复数形式(实部、虚部) magnitude = np.log(np.abs(fshift)) # 用abs()得到实数(imag()得到虚部),取对数是为了将数据变换到0-255,相当与实现了归一化。 # 4、二值化,进行Houge直线检测 # 二值化 magnitude_uint = magnitude.astype(np.uint8) #HougnLinesP()函数要求输入图像必须为8位单通道图像 ret, thresh = cv.threshold(magnitude_uint, thresh=11, maxval=255, type=cv.THRESH_BINARY) print("ret:",ret) cv.imshow('thresh', thresh) print("thresh.dtype:", thresh.dtype) #霍夫直线变换 lines = cv.HoughLinesP(thresh, 2, np.pi/180, 30, minLineLength=40, maxLineGap=100) print("len(lines):", len(lines)) # 5、创建一个新图像,标注直线,找出偏移弧度 #创建一个新图像,标注直线 lineimg = np.ones(nimg.shape,dtype=np.uint8) lineimg = lineimg * 255 piThresh = np.pi/180 pi2 = np.pi/2 print("piThresh:",piThresh) # 得到三个角度,一个是0度,一个是90度,另一个就是我们需要的倾斜角。 for line in lines: x1, y1, x2, y2 = line[0] cv.line(lineimg, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 2) if x2 - x1 == 0: continue else: theta = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) if abs(theta) < piThresh or abs(theta - pi2) < piThresh: continue else: print("theta:",theta) # 6、计算倾斜角,将弧度转换成角度,并注意误差 angle = math.atan(theta) print("angle(弧度):",angle) angle = angle * (180 / np.pi) print("angle(角度1):",angle) angle = (angle - 90)/ (w/h) #由于DFT的特点,只有输出图像是正方形时,检测到的角才是文本真正旋转的角度。 # 但是我们的输入图像不一定是正方形的,所以要根据图像的长宽比改变这个角度。 print("angle(角度2):",angle) # 7、校正图片 # 先用getRotationMatrix2D()获得一个仿射变换矩阵,再把这个矩阵输入warpAffine(), # 做一个单纯的仿射变换,得到校正的结果: center = (w//2, h//2) M = cv.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0) rotated = cv.warpAffine(img, M, (w, h), flags=cv.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv.BORDER_REPLICATE) cv.imshow('line image', lineimg) cv.imshow('rotated', rotated) if __name__ == '__main__': fourier_demo() cv.waitKey(0) cv.destroyAllWindows()
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function G = get_payoff_G_matrix_from_ygrid_2d( y_1, y_2, S_0s, sigmas, rho, contractParams) %UNTITLED5 Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here payoff_type = contractParams.payoff_type; if payoff_type == 1 % G = S_1 payoff = @(y1,y2)S_0s(1)*exp(sigmas(1)*y1); elseif payoff_type == 2 % G = S_2 payoff = @(y1,y2)S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1)); elseif payoff_type == 3 % Exchange: G = (S_1 - S_2)^+ payoff = @(y1,y2) max(0, S_0s(1)*exp(sigmas(1)*y1) - S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1))); elseif payoff_type == 4 % Spread: G = (S_1 - S_2 - K)^+ K = contractParams.K; payoff = @(y1,y2) max(0, S_0s(1)*exp(sigmas(1)*y1) - S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1)) - K); elseif payoff_type == 5 % Geometric Basket Call / Put: G = (sqrt(S_1) * sqrt(S_2) - K)^+ and K = contractParams.K; if contractParams.call == 1 payoff = @(y1,y2) max(0, sqrt(S_0s(1)*exp(sigmas(1)*y1)) * sqrt(S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1))) - K); else payoff = @(y1,y2) max(0, K - sqrt(S_0s(1)*exp(sigmas(1)*y1)) * sqrt(S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1)))); end elseif payoff_type == 6 % Arithmetic Basket Call / Put: G = (sqrt(S_1) * sqrt(S_2) - K)^+ K = contractParams.K; if contractParams.call == 1 payoff = @(y1,y2) max(0, 0.5*S_0s(1)*exp(sigmas(1)*y1) + 0.5*S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1)) - K); else payoff = @(y1,y2) max(0, K - 0.5*S_0s(1)*exp(sigmas(1)*y1) - 0.5*S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1))); end elseif payoff_type == 7 % Call-on-Max and Put-on-Min K = contractParams.K; if contractParams.call == 1 payoff = @(y1,y2) max(0, max(S_0s(1)*exp(sigmas(1)*y1), S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1))) - K); else payoff = @(y1,y2) max(0, K - min(S_0s(1)*exp(sigmas(1)*y1), S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1)))); end elseif payoff_type == 8 % Call/put on Just S_2 K = contractParams.K; if contractParams.call == 1 payoff = @(y1,y2) max(0, S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1)) - K); else payoff = @(y1,y2) max(0, K - S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1))); end elseif payoff_type == 9 % Best-of / worst of if contractParams.best == 1 payoff = @(y1,y2) max(S_0s(1)*exp(sigmas(1)*y1), S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1))); else % worst of payoff = @(y1,y2) min(S_0s(1)*exp(sigmas(1)*y1), S_0s(2)*exp(sigmas(2)*(y2 + rho*y1))); end end m_0 = length(y_1); G = zeros(m_0, m_0); for i=1:m_0 for j=1:m_0 G(i,j) = payoff(y_1(i), y_2(j)); end end end
{"author": "jkirkby3", "repo": "PROJ_Option_Pricing_Matlab", "sha": "3859a390f395e452ad61440f95a5714dd8fb4d90", "save_path": "github-repos/MATLAB/jkirkby3-PROJ_Option_Pricing_Matlab", "path": "github-repos/MATLAB/jkirkby3-PROJ_Option_Pricing_Matlab/PROJ_Option_Pricing_Matlab-3859a390f395e452ad61440f95a5714dd8fb4d90/CTMC/Diffusion_2D/get_payoff_G_matrix_from_ygrid_2d.m"}
[STATEMENT] lemma eccentricity_bot_iff: "eccentricity v = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> V = {} \<or> V = {v}" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. (eccentricity v = 0) = (V = {} \<or> V = {v}) [PROOF STEP] proof (intro iffI) [PROOF STATE] proof (state) goal (2 subgoals): 1. eccentricity v = 0 \<Longrightarrow> V = {} \<or> V = {v} 2. V = {} \<or> V = {v} \<Longrightarrow> eccentricity v = 0 [PROOF STEP] assume a: "eccentricity v = 0" [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: eccentricity v = 0 goal (2 subgoals): 1. eccentricity v = 0 \<Longrightarrow> V = {} \<or> V = {v} 2. V = {} \<or> V = {v} \<Longrightarrow> eccentricity v = 0 [PROOF STEP] show "V = {} \<or> V = {v}" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. V = {} \<or> V = {v} [PROOF STEP] proof (rule ccontr, simp) [PROOF STATE] proof (state) goal (1 subgoal): 1. V \<noteq> {} \<and> V \<noteq> {v} \<Longrightarrow> False [PROOF STEP] assume a2: "V \<noteq> {} \<and> V \<noteq> {v}" [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: V \<noteq> {} \<and> V \<noteq> {v} goal (1 subgoal): 1. V \<noteq> {} \<and> V \<noteq> {v} \<Longrightarrow> False [PROOF STEP] have eq0: "\<forall> u \<in> V - {v} . shortest_path v u = 0" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. shortest_path v u = 0 [PROOF STEP] using SUP_bot_conv(1)[of "\<lambda> u. shortest_path v u" "V - {v}"] a eccentricity_def bot_enat_def [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: (Sup (shortest_path v ` (V - {v})) = bot) = (\<forall>x\<in>V - {v}. shortest_path v x = bot) eccentricity v = 0 eccentricity ?v \<equiv> Sup (shortest_path ?v ` (V - {?v})) bot = 0 goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. shortest_path v u = 0 [PROOF STEP] by simp [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. shortest_path v u = 0 goal (1 subgoal): 1. V \<noteq> {} \<and> V \<noteq> {v} \<Longrightarrow> False [PROOF STEP] have nc: "\<forall> u \<in> V - {v} . \<not> vert_connected v u \<longrightarrow> shortest_path v u = \<infinity>" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. \<not> vert_connected v u \<longrightarrow> shortest_path v u = \<infinity> [PROOF STEP] using shortest_path_inf [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: \<not> vert_connected ?u ?v \<Longrightarrow> shortest_path ?u ?v = \<infinity> goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. \<not> vert_connected v u \<longrightarrow> shortest_path v u = \<infinity> [PROOF STEP] by simp [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. \<not> vert_connected v u \<longrightarrow> shortest_path v u = \<infinity> goal (1 subgoal): 1. V \<noteq> {} \<and> V \<noteq> {v} \<Longrightarrow> False [PROOF STEP] have "\<forall> u \<in> V - {v} . vert_connected v u \<longrightarrow> shortest_path v u > 0" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. vert_connected v u \<longrightarrow> 0 < shortest_path v u [PROOF STEP] using shortest_path_lb [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: \<lbrakk>?u \<noteq> ?v; vert_connected ?u ?v\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> 0 < shortest_path ?u ?v goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. vert_connected v u \<longrightarrow> 0 < shortest_path v u [PROOF STEP] by auto [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. vert_connected v u \<longrightarrow> 0 < shortest_path v u goal (1 subgoal): 1. V \<noteq> {} \<and> V \<noteq> {v} \<Longrightarrow> False [PROOF STEP] then [PROOF STATE] proof (chain) picking this: \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. vert_connected v u \<longrightarrow> 0 < shortest_path v u [PROOF STEP] show False [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. vert_connected v u \<longrightarrow> 0 < shortest_path v u goal (1 subgoal): 1. False [PROOF STEP] using eq0 a2 nc [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. vert_connected v u \<longrightarrow> 0 < shortest_path v u \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. shortest_path v u = 0 V \<noteq> {} \<and> V \<noteq> {v} \<forall>u\<in>V - {v}. \<not> vert_connected v u \<longrightarrow> shortest_path v u = \<infinity> goal (1 subgoal): 1. False [PROOF STEP] by auto [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: False goal: No subgoals! [PROOF STEP] qed [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: V = {} \<or> V = {v} goal (1 subgoal): 1. V = {} \<or> V = {v} \<Longrightarrow> eccentricity v = 0 [PROOF STEP] next [PROOF STATE] proof (state) goal (1 subgoal): 1. V = {} \<or> V = {v} \<Longrightarrow> eccentricity v = 0 [PROOF STEP] show "V = {} \<or> V = {v} \<Longrightarrow> eccentricity v = 0" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. V = {} \<or> V = {v} \<Longrightarrow> eccentricity v = 0 [PROOF STEP] using eccentricity_empty_vertices [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: V = {} \<Longrightarrow> eccentricity ?v = 0 V = {?v} \<Longrightarrow> eccentricity ?v = 0 goal (1 subgoal): 1. V = {} \<or> V = {v} \<Longrightarrow> eccentricity v = 0 [PROOF STEP] by auto [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: V = {} \<or> V = {v} \<Longrightarrow> eccentricity v = 0 goal: No subgoals! [PROOF STEP] qed
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import keras.backend import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf #cpu def bbox_transform_cpu(ex_rois, gt_rois): ex_widths = ex_rois[:, 2] - ex_rois[:, 0] + 1.0 ex_heights = ex_rois[:, 3] - ex_rois[:, 1] + 1.0 ex_ctr_x = ex_rois[:, 0] + 0.5 * ex_widths ex_ctr_y = ex_rois[:, 1] + 0.5 * ex_heights gt_widths = gt_rois[:, 2] - gt_rois[:, 0] + 1.0 gt_heights = gt_rois[:, 3] - gt_rois[:, 1] + 1.0 gt_ctr_x = gt_rois[:, 0] + 0.5 * gt_widths gt_ctr_y = gt_rois[:, 1] + 0.5 * gt_heights targets_dx = (gt_ctr_x - ex_ctr_x) / ex_widths targets_dy = (gt_ctr_y - ex_ctr_y) / ex_heights targets_dw = np.log(gt_widths / ex_widths) targets_dh = np.log(gt_heights / ex_heights) targets = np.stack((targets_dx, targets_dy, targets_dw, targets_dh)) targets = np.transpose(targets) return targets #gpu def bbox_transform(ex_rois, gt_rois): ex_widths = ex_rois[:, 2] - ex_rois[:, 0] + 1.0 ex_heights = ex_rois[:, 3] - ex_rois[:, 1] + 1.0 ex_ctr_x = ex_rois[:, 0] + 0.5 * ex_widths ex_ctr_y = ex_rois[:, 1] + 0.5 * ex_heights gt_widths = gt_rois[:, 2] - gt_rois[:, 0] + 1.0 gt_heights = gt_rois[:, 3] - gt_rois[:, 1] + 1.0 gt_ctr_x = gt_rois[:, 0] + 0.5 * gt_widths gt_ctr_y = gt_rois[:, 1] + 0.5 * gt_heights targets_dx = (gt_ctr_x - ex_ctr_x) / ex_widths targets_dy = (gt_ctr_y - ex_ctr_y) / ex_heights targets_dw = keras.backend.log(gt_widths / ex_widths) targets_dh = keras.backend.log(gt_heights / ex_heights) targets = keras.backend.stack((targets_dx, targets_dy, targets_dw, targets_dh)) targets = keras.backend.transpose(targets) return targets
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) Microsoft # Licensed under the MIT License. # Written by Bin Xiao ([email protected]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import pprint import shutil import torch.nn as nn import torch import torch.nn.parallel import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn import torch.optim import torch.utils.data import torch.utils.data.distributed import torchvision.transforms as transforms from torch.autograd import Variable from torchvision import datasets, transforms from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter import numpy as np import _init_paths from config import cfg from config import update_config from core.loss import JointsMSELoss from core.function import train from core.function import validate,validate_select from utils.utils import get_optimizer from utils.utils import save_checkpoint from utils.utils import create_logger from utils.utils import get_model_summary from models.pose_resnet import Bottleneck,BasicBlock from models.purnpose_hrnet import PosePurnHighResolutionNet from dataset import coco import dataset import models import json from purning_criterion import getpruneffects,getpruneffects_v2,getpruneffects_v3 # v3 0.5514472610784643 # v2 0.47681901943061233 def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Train keypoints network') # general parser.add_argument('--cfg', help='experiment configure file name', required=True, type=str) parser.add_argument('opts', help="Modify config options using the command-line", default=None, nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) # philly parser.add_argument('--modelDir', help='model directory', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--logDir', help='log directory', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--dataDir', help='data directory', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--prevModelDir', help='prev Model directory', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--save', default='MPIIHRNET48_sns', type=str, metavar='PATH', help='path to save pruned model (default: none)') args = parser.parse_args() return args def test(model,cfg,final_output_dir,tb_log_dir): #model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=cfg.GPUS).cuda() # define loss function (criterion) and optimizer #model.eval() criterion = JointsMSELoss( use_target_weight=cfg.LOSS.USE_TARGET_WEIGHT ).cuda() # Data loading code normalize = transforms.Normalize( mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225] ) # valid_dataset = eval('dataset.'+cfg.DATASET.DATASET)( # cfg, cfg.DATASET.ROOT, cfg.DATASET.TEST_SET, False, # transforms.Compose([ # transforms.ToTensor(), # normalize, # ]) # ) valid_dataset = eval('dataset.'+cfg.DATASET.DATASET)( cfg, cfg.DATASET.ROOT, cfg.DATASET.TEST_SET, False, transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), normalize, ]) ) valid_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( valid_dataset, batch_size=cfg.TEST.BATCH_SIZE_PER_GPU*len(cfg.GPUS), shuffle=False, num_workers=cfg.WORKERS, pin_memory=True ) # evaluate on validation set perf_indicator = validate_select(cfg, valid_loader, valid_dataset, model, criterion, final_output_dir, tb_log_dir) return perf_indicator def fic(percent,ap,acc,maxap,maxacc): return acc/maxacc + ap/maxap + percent def main(): epsilon = 1e-3 alpha = 0.618 a = 0 b = 1 args = parse_args() update_config(cfg, args) datadir = {} datadir["percent"] = [] datadir["Perf_indicator"] = [] datadir["Acc"] = [] max_perf,max_acc = getpruneffects(0,"original") per = 0 count = 0 max_count = 45 while b - a > 0: lam = a + (1 - alpha) * (b - a) mu = a + alpha * (b - a) print("count:{},a:{},b:{},lam:{},mu:{}".format(count,a,b,lam,mu)) Per_lam,Acc_lam = getpruneffects(lam,int(lam*100000)) datadir["percent"].append(lam) datadir["Perf_indicator"].append(Per_lam) datadir["Acc"].append(Acc_lam) Per_mu,Acc_mu = getpruneffects(mu,int(mu*100000)) datadir["percent"].append(mu) datadir["Perf_indicator"].append(Per_mu) datadir["Acc"].append(Acc_mu) F_lam = fic(lam,Per_lam,Acc_lam,max_perf,max_acc) F_mu = fic(mu,Per_mu,Acc_mu,max_perf,max_acc) if (b - a < epsilon) or (count > max_count): percent = (b+a)/2 Perf_indicator , Acc = getpruneffects(percent,"final_percent{}".format(int(percent*100000))) datadir["percent"].append(percent) datadir["Perf_indicator"].append(Perf_indicator) datadir["Acc"].append(Acc) print(percent) break elif F_lam > F_mu: a = lam lam = mu mu = a + alpha * (b - a) elif F_lam <= F_mu: b = mu mu = lam lam = a + (1 - alpha) * (b - a) count += 1 with open(os.path.join(args.save,'datav2.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(datadir, f) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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[STATEMENT] lemma autoref_SUCCEED[autoref_rules]: "(SUCCEED,SUCCEED) \<in> \<langle>R\<rangle>nres_rel" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. (SUCCEED, SUCCEED) \<in> \<langle>R\<rangle>nres_rel [PROOF STEP] by (auto simp: nres_rel_def)
{"llama_tokens": 111, "file": "Refine_Monadic_Refine_Basic", "length": 1}
\chapter{Finite differences in 2D}\label{chap: finite diff 2d} In this chapter, we study the numerical solution of the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the Poisson equation. Let $\Omega$ be a bounded, open subset of~$\mathbb{R}^2$, with a piecewise smooth boundary~$\Gamma=\partial\Omega$. Given suitable functions $f(x,y)$~and $g(x,y)$, we see $u=u(x,y)$ satisfying \begin{equation}\label{eq: Poisson bvp} \begin{aligned} -\nabla^2u&=f(x,y)&&\text{for $(x,y)\in\Omega$,}\\ u&=g(x,y)&&\text{for $(x,y)\in\Gamma$.} \end{aligned} \end{equation} Here, the \emph{Laplacian} is the second-order elliptic differential operator defined by \[ \nabla^2 u=\nabla\cdot(\nabla u)=\frac{\partial^2u}{\partial x^2} +\frac{\partial^2u}{\partial y^2}. \] \section{Five-point difference scheme}\label{sec: five point scheme} For simplicity, we now restrict our attention to the case when the spatial domain is a rectangle, \begin{equation}\label{eq: Omega rectangle} \Omega=(0,L_x)\times(0,L_y). \end{equation} To set up the spatial finite difference grid, we fix positive integers $P$~and $Q$, define the step sizes \[ \Delta x=\frac{L_x}{P}\quad\text{and}\quad\Delta y=\frac{L_y}{Q}, \] and define the grid points \begin{equation}\label{eq: xp yq grid} (x_p,y_q)=(p\,\Delta x,q\,\Delta y) \quad\text{for $0\le p\le P$ and $0\le q\le Q$.} \end{equation} Our is to compute $U_{p,q}\approx u(x_p,y_q)$ where $u$ is the solution of~\eqref{eq: Poisson bvp}. Let $\delta_x^2$~and $\delta_y^2$ denote the second-order, central difference operators in the $x$- and $y$-directions, respectively; that is, \[ \delta_x^2u(x,y)=\frac{u(x+\Delta x,y)-2u(x,y)+u(x-\Delta x,y)}{\Delta x^2} =\frac{\partial^2u}{\partial x^2}+O(\Delta x^2) \] and \[ \delta_y^2u(x,y)=\frac{u(x,y+\Delta y)-2u(x,y)+u(x,y-\Delta y)}{\Delta x^2} =\frac{\partial^2u}{\partial y^2}+O(\Delta y^2). \] We also write \[ \delta_x^2U_{pq}=\frac{U_{p+1,q}-2U_{p,q}+U_{p-1,q}}{\Delta x^2} \quad\text{and}\quad \delta_y^2U_{pq}=\frac{U_{p,q}-2U_{p,q}+U_{p,q-1}}{\Delta y^2}. \] With this notation, our finite difference scheme can be written compactly as \begin{equation}\label{eq: 5-pt Poisson} \begin{aligned} -\bigl(\delta_x^2U_{p,q}+\delta_y^2U_{p,q}\bigr)&=f_{p,q} &&\text{for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$,}\\ U_{p,q}&=g_{p,q}&&\text{for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Gamma$,} \end{aligned} \end{equation} with the obvious abbreviations $f_{p,q}=f(x_p,y_q)$~and $g_{p,q}=g(x_p,y_q)$. Notice that $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$ for $1\le p\le P-1$ and $1\le q\le Q-1$, so there are \[ M=(P-1)(Q-1) \] unknown values of~$U_{p,q}$ at the interior grid points. The remaining $(P+1)(Q+1)-M=2P+2Q$ values are given directly by the Dirichlet boundary condition. The finite difference approximation provides one equation for each interior grid points, and hence one equation for each unknown, to yield an $M\times M$~linear system. Figure~\ref{fig: 5-pt stencil} shows the stencil for the scheme, which involes 5~grid points: $(x_p,y_q)$ and its four nearest neighbours $(x_{p-1},y_q)$, $(x_{p+1},y_q)$, $(x_{p,q-1})$~and $(x_p,y_{q+1})$. \begin{figure} \caption{Five-point finite difference stencil for the discrete Poisson equation~\eqref{eq: 5-pt Poisson}.}\label{fig: 5-pt stencil} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5] \draw[->] (-1,0) -- (17,0); \node[right] at (17,0) {$x$}; \node[below] at (8,0) {$x_p$}; \draw[->] (0,-1) -- (0,13); \node[above left] at (0,13) {$y$}; \node[left] at (0,6) {$y_q$}; \foreach \x in {2, 4, ..., 14} \draw[thin] (\x,0) -- (\x,12); \foreach \y in {2, 4, ..., 10} \draw[thin] (0,\y) -- (16,\y); \draw[ultra thick] (8,4) -- (8,8); \draw[ultra thick] (6,6) -- (10,6); \draw[fill=red] (8,4) circle (0.15cm); \draw[fill=red] (8,6) circle (0.15cm); \draw[fill=red] (8,8) circle (0.15cm); \draw[fill=red] (6,6) circle (0.15cm); \draw[fill=red] (10,6) circle (0.15cm); \node[below] at (16,0) {$L_x$}; \node[left] at (0,12) {$L_y$}; \draw[thick] (0,0) -- (16,0) -- (16,12) -- (0,12) -- (0,0); \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{figure} To describe the $M\times M$ system explicitly, we need to arrange the unknowns~$U_{p,q}$ into a column vector of length~$M$. A standard approach is to think of the $U_{p,q}$ as the entries of a $(P-1)\times(Q-1)$ matrix and use \emph{column-major ordering}, so that \begin{equation}\label{eq: column-major} U_j=U_{p,q}\quad \text{where $j=p+(q-1)(P-1)$ for $1\le p\le P-1$ and $1\le q\le Q-1$.} \end{equation} The right-hand sides $f_{p,q}$ are arranged in the same way. \begin{example}\label{example: 5-pt matrix} Suppose $P=5$ and $Q=4$, with $\Delta x=h=\Delta y$. The finite difference equation is then \[ -\frac{1}{h^2}\bigl(U_{p+1,q}-2U_{p,q}+U_{p-1,q}+U_{p,q+1}2-U_{p,q}+U_{p,q-1} \bigr)=f_{p,q}, \] or equivalently, \[ \frac{1}{h^2}\bigl(-U_{p,q-1}-U_{p-1,q}+4U_{p,q}-U_{p+1,q}-U_{p,q+1}\bigr) =f_{p,q}. \] When $p=1$~and $q=3$, \[ \frac{1}{h^2}\bigl(-U_{1,2}-U_{0,3}+4U_{1,3}-U_{2,3}-U_{1,4}\bigr) =f_{1,3}, \] and the boundary conditions give $U_{0,3}=g_{0,3}$~and $U_{1,4}=g_{1,4}$, so \[ \frac{1}{h^2}\bigl(-U_{1,2}+4U_{1,3}-U_{2,3}\bigr) =f_{1,3}+\frac{1}{h^2}\bigl(g_{0,3}+g_{1,4}\bigr). \] Using column-major ordering~\eqref{eq: column-major} with~$P=5$, we have $U_5=U_{1,2}$, $U_9=U_{1,3}$~and $U_{10}=U_{2,3}$ so the $9$th equation is \[ \frac{1}{h^2}\bigl(-U_5+4U_9-U_{10}\bigr)=f_9 +\frac{1}{h^2}\bigl(g_{0,3}+g_{1,4}\bigr). \] Figure~\ref{fig: 5-pt matrix} shows the complete $12\times12$ linear system. \end{example} \begin{figure} \caption{The $12\times12$ linear system from Example~\ref{example: 5-pt matrix}.}\label{fig: 5-pt matrix} \begin{gather*} \frac{1}{h^2} \left[\begin{array}{cccc|cccc|cccc} 4&-1& 0& 0& -1& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0\\ -1& 4&-1& 0& 0&-1& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0\\ 0&-1& 4&-1& 0& 0&-1& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0\\ 0& 0&-1& 4& 0& 0& 0&-1& 0& 0& 0& 0\\ \hline -1& 0& 0& 0& 4&-1& 0& 0& -1& 0& 0& 0\\ 0&-1& 0& 0& -1& 4&-1& 0& 0&-1& 0& 0\\ 0& 0&-1& 0& 0&-1& 4&-1& 0& 0&-1& 0\\ 0& 0& 0&-1& 0& 0&-1& 4& 0& 0& 0&-1\\ \hline 0& 0& 0& 0& -1& 0& 0& 0& 4&-1& 0& 0\\ 0& 0& 0& 0& 0&-1& 0& 0& -1& 4&-1& 0\\ 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0&-1& 0& 0&-1& 4&-1\\ 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0&-1& 0& 0&-1& 4 \end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{c} U_{1,1}\\ U_{2,1}\\ U_{3,1}\\ U_{4,1}\\ \hline U_{1,2}\\ U_{2,2}\\ U_{3,2}\\ U_{4,2}\\ \hline U_{1,3}\\ U_{2,3}\\ U_{3,3}\\ U_{4,3} \end{array}\right]\\ =\left[\begin{array}{c} f_{1,1}\\ f_{2,1}\\ f_{3,1}\\ f_{4,1}\\ \hline f_{1,2}\\ f_{2,2}\\ f_{3,2}\\ f_{4,2}\\ \hline f_{1,3}\\ f_{2,3}\\ f_{3,3}\\ f_{4,3} \end{array}\right] +\frac{1}{h^2}\left[\begin{array}{c} g_{01}+g_{10}\\ g_{20}\\ g_{30}\\ g_{40}+g_{51}\\ \hline g_{02} \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ g_{52}\\ \hline g_{03}+g_{14}\\ g_{24}\\ g_{34}\\ g_{44}+g_{53} \end{array}\right]. \end{gather*} \end{figure} \section{Matrix structure} The structure of the matrix arising from the discrete Poisson problem~\eqref{eq: 5-pt Poisson} can be understood more easily with the help of the following concept. \begin{definition} Given matrices $\boldsymbol{A}\in\mathbb{R}^{M\times N}$~and $\boldsymbol{B}\in\mathbb{R}^{P\times Q}$, the \emph{Kronecker product} $\boldsymbol{A}\otimes\boldsymbol{B}\in\mathbb{R}^{(MP)\times(NQ)}$ is the $M\times N$ block matrix whose $ij$-block equals $a_{ji}\boldsymbol{B}$, that is, \[ \boldsymbol{A}\otimes\boldsymbol{B}=\begin{bmatrix} a_{11}\boldsymbol{B}&a_{12}\boldsymbol{B}&\cdots&a_{1N}\boldsymbol{B}\\ a_{21}\boldsymbol{B}&a_{22}\boldsymbol{B}&\cdots&a_{2N}\boldsymbol{B}\\ \vdots& \vdots&\ddots& \vdots\\ a_{M1}\boldsymbol{B}&a_{M2}\boldsymbol{B}&\cdots&a_{MN}\boldsymbol{B} \end{bmatrix}. \] \end{definition} \begin{example}\label{example: Kronecker product} If \[ \boldsymbol{A}=\begin{bmatrix}1&3\\ 2&4\end{bmatrix} \quad\text{and}\quad \boldsymbol{B}=\begin{bmatrix}1&0&-3\\ -2&1&-1\end{bmatrix} \] then \[ \boldsymbol{A}\otimes\boldsymbol{B} =\begin{bmatrix} \boldsymbol{B}&3\boldsymbol{B}\\ 2\boldsymbol{B}&4\boldsymbol{B} \end{bmatrix} =\left[\begin{array}{ccc|ccc} 1& 0&-3& 3& 0&-9\\ -2& 1&-1&-6& 3&-3\\ \hline 2& 0&-6& 4& 0&-12\\ -4& 2&-2&-8& 4&-4 \end{array}\right]. \] \end{example} The next theorem gives a key relation between the Kronecker product and the ordinary matrix product. \begin{theorem}\label{thm: Kronecker A B C D} If $\boldsymbol{A}\in\mathbb{R}^{M\times N}$, $\boldsymbol{B}\in\mathbb{R}^{P\times Q}$, $\boldsymbol{C}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times R}$~and $\boldsymbol{D}\in\mathbb{R}^{Q\times S}$, then \[ (\boldsymbol{A}\otimes\boldsymbol{B})(\boldsymbol{C}\otimes\boldsymbol{D}) =(\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{C})\otimes(\boldsymbol{B}\boldsymbol{D}). \] \end{theorem} \begin{proof} The $ij$-block of $(\boldsymbol{A}\otimes\boldsymbol{B})(\boldsymbol{C}\otimes\boldsymbol{D})$ equals \[ \sum_{k=1}^N(a_{ik}\boldsymbol{B})(c_{kj}\boldsymbol{D}) =\biggl(\sum_{k=1}^Na_{ik}c_{kj}\biggr)(\boldsymbol{B}\boldsymbol{D}) =(\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{C})_{ij}(\boldsymbol{B}\boldsymbol{D}), \] which is also the $ij$-block of $(\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{C})\otimes(\boldsymbol{B}\boldsymbol{D})$. \end{proof} \begin{example} \newcommand{\bs}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}} With $\boldsymbol{A}$~and $\boldsymbol{B}$ as in Example~\ref{example: Kronecker product}, and with \[ \boldsymbol{C}=\begin{bmatrix}1&-1&3\\ 5&0&3\end{bmatrix} \quad\text{and}\quad \boldsymbol{D}=\begin{bmatrix}1&0&7\\ 0&-4&1\\ 2&3&9\end{bmatrix}, \] we have \[ (\bs{A}\otimes\bs{B})(\bs{C}\otimes\bs{D}) =\begin{bmatrix} \bs{B}&3\bs{B}\\ 2\bs{B}&4\bs{B}\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \bs{D}&-\bs{D}&3\bs{D}\\ 5\bs{D}& \bs{0}&3\bs{D} \end{bmatrix} =\begin{bmatrix} 16\bs{B}\bs{D}& -\bs{B}\bs{D}&12\bs{B}\bs{D}\\ 22\bs{B}\bs{D}&-2\bs{B}\bs{D}&18\bs{B}\bs{D} \end{bmatrix} \] which is the same matrix as \[ (\bs{A}\bs{C})\otimes(\bs{B}\bs{D}) =\left(\begin{bmatrix}1&3\\ 2&4\end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}1&-1&3\\ 5&0&3\end{bmatrix}\right)\otimes(\bs{B}\bs{D}) =\begin{bmatrix}16&-1&12\\ 22&-2&18\end{bmatrix}\otimes(\bs{B}\bs{D}). \] \end{example} The Kronecker product makes sense for vector operands, if we identify an $N$-dimensional row vector with a $1\times N$~matrix, and identify an $N$-dimensional column vector with an $N\times1$~matrix. Suppose that \[ \newcommand{\bs}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}} \bs{U}=\bs{w}\otimes\bs{v} =\begin{bmatrix}w_1\bs{v}\\ w_2\bs{v}\\ \vdots\\ w_{Q-1}\bs{v}\end{bmatrix} \quad\text{for $\bs{v}\in\mathbb{R}^{P-1}$ and $\bs{w}\in\mathbb{R}^{Q-1}$,} \] so that \[ U_j=U_{p,q}=v_pw_q\quad\text{where $j=p+(q-1)(P-1)$,} \] for $1\le p\le P-1$ and $1\le q\le Q-1$. Define \[ \boldsymbol{A}_x=\frac{1}{\Delta x^2}\begin{bmatrix} 2& -1& & &\\ -1& 2& -1& &\\ &\ddots&\ddots&\ddots&\\ & & -1& 2&-1\\ & & & -1& 2\end{bmatrix}\in\mathbb{R}^{(P-1)\times(P-1)} \] and \[ \boldsymbol{A}_y=\frac{1}{\Delta y^2}\begin{bmatrix} 2& -1& & &\\ -1& 2& -1& &\\ &\ddots&\ddots&\ddots&\\ & & -1& 2&-1\\ & & & -1& 2\end{bmatrix}\in\mathbb{R}^{(Q-1)\times(Q-1)}, \] so that \begin{equation}\label{eq: delta x y separable} -\delta_x^2U_{p,q}=(\boldsymbol{A}_x\boldsymbol{v})_pw_q \quad\text{and}\quad -\delta_y^2U_{p,q}=v_p(\boldsymbol{A}_y\boldsymbol{w})_q, \end{equation} if we set $v_0=0=v_P$ and $w_0=0=w_Q$. These relations correspond to the case when $u(x,y)=v(x)w(y)$ so that $-u_{xx}=(-v'')w$~and $u_{yy}=v(-w'')$. \begin{theorem}\label{thm: Poisson matrix} Let \[ \boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{U}=\boldsymbol{f}+\boldsymbol{g} \] be the linear system resulting from the discrete Poisson problem~\eqref{eq: 5-pt Poisson} scheme~\eqref{eq: 5-pt Poisson}. Then, \[ \boldsymbol{A}=\boldsymbol{I}_y\otimes\boldsymbol{A}_x +\boldsymbol{A}_y\otimes\boldsymbol{I}_x, \] where $\boldsymbol{I}_x$~and $\boldsymbol{I}_y$ are the identity matrices of dimension $P-1$~and $Q-1$, respectively. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} We see from \eqref{eq: delta x y separable}~and Theorem~\ref{thm: Kronecker A B C D} that \begin{align*} \boldsymbol{A}(\boldsymbol{w}\otimes\boldsymbol{v}) &=\boldsymbol{w}\otimes(\boldsymbol{A}_x\boldsymbol{v}) +(\boldsymbol{A}_y\boldsymbol{w})\otimes\boldsymbol{v}\\ &=\bigl(\boldsymbol{I}_y\boldsymbol{w}) \otimes(\boldsymbol{A}_x\boldsymbol{v}) +(\boldsymbol{A}_y\boldsymbol{w}) \otimes(\boldsymbol{I}_x\boldsymbol{v})\\ &=(\boldsymbol{I}_y\otimes\boldsymbol{A}_x) (\boldsymbol{w}\otimes\boldsymbol{v}) +(\boldsymbol{A}_y\otimes\boldsymbol{I}_x) (\boldsymbol{w}\otimes\boldsymbol{v})\\ &=\bigl(\boldsymbol{I}_y\otimes\boldsymbol{A}_x +\boldsymbol{A}_y\otimes\boldsymbol{I}_x\bigr) (\boldsymbol{w}\otimes\boldsymbol{v}) \end{align*} for every $\boldsymbol{v}\in\mathbb{R}^{P-1}$ and $\boldsymbol{w}\in\mathbb{R}^{Q-1}$. \end{proof} \section{Band Cholesky factorization} A matrix~$\boldsymbol{A}=[a_{ij}]$ has \emph{upper bandwidth}~$\beta$ if $a_{ij}=0$ whenever $j-i>\beta$, or equivalently if $\boldsymbol{A}$ has $\beta$~non-zero superdiagonals. Similarly, $\boldsymbol{A}$ has \emph{lower bandwidth}~$\beta$ if $a_{ij}=0$ whenever $i-j>\beta$, so that there are $\beta$~non-zero subdiagonals. For example, the following matrix has upper bandwidth~$2$ and lower bandwidth~$3$: \[ \begin{bmatrix} 5& 2&-1& 0& 0& 0& 0\\ 1& 6& 0& 8& 0& 0& 0\\ 2& 3& 9& 1& 8& 0& 0\\ -3& 4& 7& 2& 5& 8& 0\\ 0& 0& 2& 8& 3&-7& 1\\ 0& 0& 4&-5& 6& 9& 3 \end{bmatrix}. \] If a matrix is symmetric, then its upper and lower bandwidths must be equal, so we refer to both as just the \emph{bandwidth}. Let $\boldsymbol{A}$ be an $n\times n$ symmetric, positive-definite matrix with bandwith~$\beta$. We will seek a \emph{band Cholesky factorization} \begin{equation}\label{eq: Chol fact} \boldsymbol{A}=\boldsymbol{R}^T\boldsymbol{R}, \end{equation} where the $n\times n$ matrix~$\boldsymbol{R}=[r_{ij}]$ is upper triangular with upper bandwidth~$\beta$. By the definition of matrix multiplication, \[ \bigl(\boldsymbol{R}^T\boldsymbol{R}\bigr)_{ij} =\sum_{k=1}^n\bigl(\boldsymbol{R}^T\bigr)_{ik}\boldsymbol{R}_{kj} =\sum_{k=1}^n r_{ki}r_{kj}. \] Since $\boldsymbol{R}$ is upper triangular, $r_{ki}r_{kj}=0$ if $k>i$~or $k>j$, that is, if $k>\min(i,j)$, so in fact \[ \bigl(\boldsymbol{R}^T\boldsymbol{R}\bigr)_{ij} =\sum_{k=1}^{\min(i,j)} r_{ki}r_{kj}. \] In addition, $\boldsymbol{R}$ has upper bandwidth~$\beta$ so $r_{ki}r_{kj}=0$ if $i>k+\beta$~or $j>k+\beta$. Thus, taking account of symmetry, \eqref{eq: Chol fact} is satisfied iff \[ a_{ij}=\sum_{k=\max(1,j-\beta)}^ir_{ki}r_{kj} \quad\text{for $\max(1,j-\beta)\le i\le j\le n$.} \] We split the last term off the sum, writing \[ a_{ij}=r_{ii}r_{ij}+\sum_{k=\max(1,j-\beta)}^{i-1}r_{ki}r_{kj} \quad\text{for $\max(1,j-\beta)\le i<j\le n$,} \] in the off-diagonal case, and \[ a_{jj}=r_{jj}^2+\sum_{k=\max(1,j-\beta)}^{j-1}r_{kj}^2 \quad\text{for $1\le j\le n$.} \] in the diagonal case. Rearranging these equations leads to the formulae \[ r_{ij}=\frac{1}{r_{ii}}\biggl(a_{ij}-\sum_{k=\max(1,j-\beta)}^{i-1}r_{ki}r_{kj} \biggr)\quad\text{for $\max(1,j-\beta)\le i\le j\le n$,} \] and \[ r_{jj}=\sqrt{a_{jj}-\sum_{k=\max(1,j-\beta)}^{j-1}r_{kj}^2} \quad\text{for $1\le j\le n$,} \] which yield Algorithm~\ref{alg: band Chol}. \begin{algorithm} G\caption{Compute the band Cholesky factorization \eqref{eq: Chol fact}.} \label{alg: band Chol} \begin{algorithmic} \Require{$\boldsymbol{A}=[a_{ij}]$ is a real, $n\times n$, symmetric positive-definite matrix with bandwidth~$\beta$.} \State \Function{Factorize}{$\boldsymbol{A}$} \State Allocate storage for the $n\times n$ Cholesky factor~$\boldsymbol{R}=[r_{ij}]$ and initialize to zero. \For{$j=1:n$} \For{$i=\max(1,j-\beta):j$} \State $s=0$ \For{$k=\max(1,j-\beta):i-1$} \State $s=s+r_{ki}r_{kj}$ \EndFor \State $r_{ij}=(a_{ij}-s)/r_{ii}$ \EndFor \State $s=0$ \For{$k=\max(1,j-\beta):j-1$} \State $s=s+r_{kj}^2$ \EndFor \If{$a_{jj}\le s$} \State Error: $\boldsymbol{A}$ is not positive-definite. \EndIf \State $r_{jj}=\sqrt{a_{jj}-s}$ \EndFor \State\Return{$\boldsymbol{R}$} \EndFunction \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} \begin{algorithm} \caption{Solve the linear system $\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{x}=\boldsymbol{b}$ given the band Cholesky factorization~\eqref{eq: Chol fact}.} \label{alg: band Chol solve} \begin{algorithmic} \Require{$\boldsymbol{b}=[b_i]_{i=1}^n$ is the right-hand side vector.} \Require{$\boldsymbol{R}=[r_{ij}]_{i,j=1}^n$ is the band Cholesky factor of~$\boldsymbol{A}$, computed via Algorithm~\ref{alg: band Chol}.} \State \Function{Solve}{$\boldsymbol{b}, \boldsymbol{R}$} \State Allocate storage for $\boldsymbol{x}=[x_i]_{i=1}^n$~and $\boldsymbol{y}=[y_i]_{i=1}^n$. \For{$i=1:n$} \State $s=b_i$ \For{$k=\max(1,i-\beta):i-1$} \State $s=s-r_{ji}y_j$ \EndFor \State $y_i=s/r_{ii}$ \EndFor \For{$i=n:-1:1$} \State $s=y_i$ \For{$j=i+1:\min(n,i+\beta)$} \State $s=s-r_{ij}x_j$ \EndFor \State $x_i=s/r_{ii}$ \EndFor \State\Return{$\boldsymbol{x}$} \EndFunction \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} Once the Cholesky factor~$\boldsymbol{R}$ is known, we can solve a linear system~$\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{x}=\boldsymbol{b}$ by first solving the lower triangular system $\boldsymbol{R}^T\boldsymbol{y}=\boldsymbol{b}$, and then solving the upper triangular system~$\boldsymbol{R}\boldsymbol{x}=\boldsymbol{y}$, so that \[ \boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{x}=\boldsymbol{R}^T\boldsymbol{R}\boldsymbol{x} =\boldsymbol{R}^T\boldsymbol{y}=\boldsymbol{b}. \] Since $r_{ji}=0$ if $j>i$~or $i-j>s$, \[ (\boldsymbol{R}^T\boldsymbol{y})_i=\sum_{j=1}^nr_{ji}y_j =\sum_{j=\max(1,i-\beta)}^ir_{ji}y_j =r_{ii}y_i+\sum_{j=\max(1,i-\beta)}^{i-1}r_{ji}y_j \] and so $\boldsymbol{R}^T\boldsymbol{y}=\boldsymbol{b}$ iff \[ y_i=\frac{1}{r_{ii}}\biggl(b_i-\sum_{j=\max(1,i-\beta)}^{i-1}r_{ji}y_j\biggr) \quad\text{for $1\le i\le n$.} \] Similarly, since $r_{ij}=0$ if $i>j$~or $j-i>\beta$, \[ (\boldsymbol{R}\boldsymbol{x})_i=\sum_{j=1}^nr_{ij}x_j =\sum_{j=i}^{\min(n,i+\beta)}r_{ij}x_j =r_{ii}x_i+\sum_{j=i+1}^{\min(n,i+\beta)}r_{ij}x_j \] and so $\boldsymbol{R}\boldsymbol{x}=\boldsymbol{y}$ iff \[ x_i=\frac{1}{r_{ii}}\biggl(y_i-\sum_{j=i+1}^{\min(n,i+\beta)}r_{ij}x_j\biggr) \quad\text{for $1\le i\le n$.} \] These formula lead to Algorithm~\ref{alg: band Chol solve} for solving $\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{x}=\boldsymbol{b}$. \begin{algorithm} \newcommand{\rb}[1]{r^{\mathrm{band}}_{#1}} \caption{Solve in place the linear system $\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{x}=\boldsymbol{b}$ given the band Cholesky factorization~\eqref{eq: Chol fact}.} \label{alg: band Chol solve in place} \begin{algorithmic} \Require{$\boldsymbol{x}=[b_i]_{i=1}^n$ stores the right-hand side vector.} \Require{The $(\beta+1)\times n$ array $\boldsymbol{R}_{\mathrm{band}}=[\rb{ij}]$ stores the band Cholesky factor~$\boldsymbol{R}=[r_{ij}]$ of~$\boldsymbol{A}$, as computed via Algorithm~\ref{alg: band Chol} so that $r_{ij}=\rb{\beta+1+i-j,j}$.} \State \Function{Solve}{$\boldsymbol{x},\boldsymbol{R}_{\mathrm{band}}$} \For{$i=1:n$} \State $s=x_i$ \For{$j=\max(1,i-\beta):i-1$} \State $s=s-\rb{\beta+1+j-i,i}x_j$ \EndFor \State $x_i=s/\rb{\beta+1,i}$ \EndFor \For{$i=n:-1:1$} \State $s=x_i$ \For{$j=i+1:\min(n,i+\beta)$} \State $s=s-\rb{\beta+1+i-j,j}x_j$ \EndFor \State $x_i=s/\rb{\beta+1,i}$ \EndFor \State\Return{$\boldsymbol{x}$} \EndFunction \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} When $\beta$ is small compared to~$n$, storing $\boldsymbol{A}$ as an $n\times n$~array wastes a lot of space. A more efficient method is to use the \emph{symmetric band storage scheme} that uses a $(\beta+1)\times n$~matrix $\boldsymbol{A}_{\textrm{band}}=[a^{\mathrm{band}}_{ij}]$ to hold the non-zero superdiagonals of~$\boldsymbol{A}$ by putting \begin{equation}\label{eq: symm band storage} a^{\mathrm{band}}_{\beta+1+i-j,j}=a_{ij} \quad\text{for $\max(1,j-\beta)\le i\le j$ and $1\le j\le n$.} \end{equation} For example, if $n=9$ and $\beta=3$, then \[ \boldsymbol{A}_{\mathrm{b}}=\begin{bmatrix} *& *& *&a_{14}&a_{25}&a_{36}&a_{47}&a_{58}&a_{69}\\ *& *&a_{13}&a_{24}&a_{35}&a_{46}&a_{57}&a_{68}&a_{79}\\ *&a_{12}&a_{23}&a_{34}&a_{45}&a_{56}&a_{67}&a_{78}&a_{89}\\ a_{11}&a_{22}&a_{33}&a_{44}&a_{55}&a_{66}&a_{77}&a_{88}&a_{99} \end{bmatrix}. \] Computing the band Cholesky factor~$\boldsymbol{R}$ using Algorithm~\ref{alg: band Chol}, the number of multiplications is \begin{multline*} \sum_{j=1}^n\biggl([j-\max(1,j-\beta)] +\sum_{i=\max(1,j-\beta)}^j[i-\max(1,j-\beta)]\biggr)\\ =\sum_{j=1}^n\biggl([j-\max(1,j-\beta)] +\sum_{i=0}^{j-\max(1,j-\beta)}i\biggr) \le\sum_{j=1}^n\biggl(\beta+\sum_{i=1}^\beta i\biggr) =n\bigl[\beta+\tfrac12\beta(\beta+1)\bigr]. \end{multline*} Assuming that the bandwidth~$\beta$ is small compared to~$n$, we can see that the multiplication counts is essentially $\tfrac12n\beta^2$, as is the number of addition/subtractions. There are also $n$ square roots and \[ \sum_{j=1}^n\bigl[j-\max(1,j-\beta)+1]\le\sum_{j=1}^n(\beta+1)=n(\beta+1) \] divisions. \section{Maximum principle} \newcommand{\bx}{\boldsymbol{x}} \newcommand{\by}{\boldsymbol{y}} We wish to show that the boundary-value problem~\eqref{eq: Poisson bvp} is well-posed, generalising the 1D results of \cref{thm: Lu=f apriori infty}. Consider the general, second-order, linear partial differential operator, \begin{equation}\label{eq: general L Rn} (\mathcal{L}u)(\bx) =-\sum_{j,k=1}^na_{jk}(\bx)(\partial_j\partial_ku)(\bx) +\sum_{j=1}^nb_j(\bx)(\partial_ju)(x)+c(\bx)u(\bx) \quad\text{for $\bx\in\Omega$,} \end{equation} where $\partial_j=\partial/\partial x_j$ and where $\Omega$ is a bounded, open, connected subset of~$\mathbb{R}^n$. Since $\partial_k\partial_ju=\partial_k\partial_ju$ if $u$ is $C^2$, we assume without loss of generality that the coefficient matrix is symmetric, that is, \[ a_{jk}(\bx)=a_{kj}(\bx)\quad\text{for $\bx\in\Omega$.} \] In addition, we assume that all coefficients of~$\mathcal{L}$ are bounded and continuous on~$\Omega$. \begin{definition} The partial differential operator~\eqref{eq: general L Rn} is \emph{uniformly elliptic} in~$\Omega$ if there exist strictly positive constants $\lambda_{\min}$~and $\lambda_{\max}$ such that \[ \lambda_{\min}|\boldsymbol{\xi}|^2\le\sum_{j,k=1}^na_{jk}(\bx)\xi_j\xi_k \le\lambda_{\max}|\boldsymbol{\xi}|^2 \quad\text{for $\bx\in\Omega$ and $\boldsymbol{\xi}\in\mathbb{R}^n$.} \] \end{definition} Equivalently, $\mathcal{L}$ is uniformly elliptic if the spectrum of the symmetric matrix~$[a_{ij}(\bx)]$ lies in the interval~$[\lambda_{\min},\lambda_{\max}]$ for all $\bx\in\Omega$. The next two results generalise \cref{lem: Lu<0}~and \cref{thm: max principle 1d}. The proof of the lemma uses the notation \[ B(\bx_0,\delta)=\{\,\bx\in\mathbb{R}^n:|\bx-\bx_0|<\delta\,\} \] for the open ball with centre~$\bx_0$ and radius~$\delta>0$. \begin{lemma}\label{lem: Lu<0 Omega} Assume that $\mathcal{L}$ is uniformly elliptic and that $u$ is $C^2$ on~$\Omega$. If $c\ge0$ and $\mathcal{L}u<0$ on~$\Omega$, then $u$ cannot attain a non-negative local maximum in~$\Omega$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Suppose for a contradiction that there exist $\bx_0\in\Omega$ and $\delta>0$ such that \[ u(\bx_0)\ge0\quad\text{and}\quad \text{$u(\bx)\le u(\bx_0)$ for $\bx\in B(\bx_0,\delta)\subseteq\Omega$.} \] Since $u$ has an interior local maximum at~$\bx_0$, it follows that $\partial_ju(\bx_0)=0$ and so \begin{equation}\label{eq: Lu x0} (\mathcal{L}u)(\bx_0) =-\sum_{j,k=1}^na_{jk}(\bx_0)(\partial_j\partial_ku)(\bx_0) +c(\bx_0)u(\bx_0). \end{equation} Moreover, there is an orthogonal matrix~$\boldsymbol{Q}$ and a diagonal matrix~$\boldsymbol{\Lambda}=[\lambda_j\delta_{jk}]$ such that \[ \text{$\lambda_{\min}\le\lambda_j\le\lambda_{\max}$ for $1\le j\le n$} \qquad\text{and}\qquad \boldsymbol{Q}^T[a_{jk}(\bx_0)]\boldsymbol{Q}=\boldsymbol{\Lambda}. \] Let \[ \bar u(\by)=u(\bx)\quad \text{for $\by=\bx_0+Q^T(\bx-\bx_0)$ and $\bx\in B(\bx_0,\delta)$,} \] noting that $\by\in B(\bx_0,\delta)$ iff $\bx\in B(\bx_0,\delta)$ because $|\bx-\bx_0|=|\by-\bx_0|$. Since $\partial y_l/\partial x_j=q_{jl}$, the chain rule gives \[ \partial_ju(\bx)=\sum_{l=1}^n q_{jl}\partial_l\bar u(\by), \] and therefore \begin{align*} \sum_{j,k=1}^n a_{jk}(\bx_0)(\partial_j\partial_k u)(\bx_0) &=\sum_{j,k=1}^n\sum_{l=1}^nq_{jl}\sum_{m=1}^nq_{km} \partial_l\partial_m\bar u(\bx_0)\\ &=\sum_{j,k=1}^n\biggl(\sum_{l,k=1}^n q_{jl}a_{jk}(\bx_0)q_{km} \biggr)\partial_l\partial_m\bar u(\bx_0)\\ &=\sum_{j,k=1}^n\lambda_l\delta_{lm} \partial_l\partial_m\bar u(\bx_0)\\ &=\sum_{j,k=1}^n\lambda_j\delta_{jk} \partial_l\partial_m\bar u(\bx_0) =\sum_{j=1}^n\lambda_j\partial_j^2\bar u(\bx_0). \end{align*} The function~$\bar u$ has a local maximum at~$\bar x_0$ so $\partial_j^2\bar u(\bx_0)\le0$ for all~$j$. But then we see from~\eqref{eq: Lu x0} that $(\mathcal{L}u)(\bx_0)<0$, a contradiction. \end{proof} \begin{theorem}\label{thm: max principle} Assume that $\mathcal{L}$ is uniformly elliptic and that $u$ is $C^2$ on~$\Omega$. If $c\ge0$ and $\mathcal{L}u\le0$ on~$\Omega$, then \[ \max_{\bx\in\overline{\Omega}}u(\bx)\le\max_{\bx\in\partial\Omega}u^+(\bx). \] \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Let $\epsilon>0$ and $\mu>0$, and put $w(\bx)=u(\bx)+\epsilon e^{\mu x_1}$. Since \begin{align*} (\mathcal{L}w)(\bx)&=(\mathcal{L}u)(\bx)+\epsilon\bigl[-a_{11}(\bx)\mu^2 +b_1(\bx)\mu+c(\bx)\bigr]e^{\mu x_1}\\ &\le-\epsilon\bigl[\lambda_{\min}\mu^2 -\mu\|b\|_\infty-\|c\|_\infty\bigr]e^{\mu x_1} \end{align*} by choosing $\mu$ sufficiently large we can ensure that $\mathcal{L}w<0$ on~$\Omega$. By \cref{lem:}, the function~$w$ cannot attain a non-negative local maximum in~$\Omega$, implying that \[ u(\bx)\le w(\bx)\le w^+(\bx)\le\max_{by\in\partial\Omega}w^+(\by) \le\max_{\by\in\partial\Omega}[u^+(y)+\epsilon e^{\mu L}] \] for $\bx\in\Omega$, where $L=\max_{\bx\in\Omega} x_1$. Since this inequality holds for any $\epsilon>0$, the result follows. \end{proof} \begin{theorem}\label{thm: max min elliptic} Assume the $\mathcal{L}$ is uniformly elliptic, and that $u$ is continuous on~$\overline{\Omega}$ and $C^2$ on~$\Omega$. If $c\ge0$~and $\mathcal{L}u=f$ on~$\Omega$, then \[ \max_{\overline{\Omega}}u\le\bigl(\max_{\partial\Omega}u^+\bigr) +C\max_{\overline{\Omega}}f^+ \] and \[ \min_{\overline{\Omega}}u\le\bigl(\min_{\partial\Omega}u^-\bigr) +C\min_{\overline{\Omega}}f^-, \] where $C=\cosh(\tfrac12\mu\operatorname{diam}\Omega)$~and $\mu=\max(1, (1+\|b_1\|_\infty)/\lambda_{\min}$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Without loss of generality, we may assume that $\Omega\subseteq B(\boldsymbol{0},r)$ for $r=\tfrac12\operatorname\Omega$. Let \[ w(x)=\bigl(\max_{\partial\Omega}u^+\bigr)+v(x)\max_{\overline{\Omega}}f^+ \quad\text{where}\quad v(x)=\cos(\mu r)-\cosh(\mu x_1), \] and observe that $v\ge0$ on~$\overline{\Omega}$ with \begin{align*} (\mathcal{L}v)(x)&=a_{11}(\bx)\mu^2\cosh(\mu x_1)-b_1(\bx)\mu\sinh(\mu x_1) +c(\bx)\bigl(v(x)+\max_{\partial\Omega}u^+\bigr)\\ &\ge\bigl(\lambda_{\min}\mu^2-\|b_1\|_\infty\mu\bigr)\cosh(\mu x_1) \ge(\lambda_{\min}\mu-\|b_1\|_\infty)\mu\ge1 \end{align*} for $\bx\in\Omega$, so \[ \mathcal{L}(u-w)=f-c(x)\max_{\partial\Omega}u^+ -(\mathcal{L}v)\max_{\overline{\Omega}}f^+\le0 \quad\text{on $\Omega$.} \] By \cref{thm: max principle}, \[ u(\bx)-w(\bx)\le\max_{\partial\Omega}(u-w)^+\quad\text{for $\bx\in\Omega$,} \] and we see that \[ u(\bx)-w(\bx)=\bigl(u(\bx)-\max_{\partial\Omega}u^+\bigr) -v(x)\max_{\overline{\Omega}}f^+\le0 \quad\text{for $\bx\in\partial\Omega$.} \] Thus, $u-w\le0$ on~$\Omega$, and therefore \[ \max_{\overline{\Omega}}u\le\max_{\overline{\Omega}}w \le\bigl(\max_{\partial\Omega}u^+\bigr) +\cosh(\mu r)\max_{\overline{\Omega}}f^+, \] proving the first inequality. The second follows because $\mathcal{L}(-u)=-f$, $(-u)^+=-(u^-)$ and $(-f)^+=-(f^-)$. \end{proof} Now consider the elliptic boundary-value problem \begin{equation}\label{eq: Dirichlet problem L} \mathcal{L}u=f\quad\text{in $\Omega$,} \quad\text{with $u=g$ on $\partial\Omega$.} \end{equation} As an immediate consequence of \cref{thm: max min elliptic}, we obtain the desired \emph{a priori} estimate for~$u$ in terms of the data $f$~and $g$. \begin{theorem}\label{thm: a priori elliptic} Assume the $\mathcal{L}$ is uniformly elliptic and that $c\ge0$ on~$\Omega$. Then any solution $u\in C^2(\Omega)\cap C(\overline{\Omega})$ of~\eqref{eq: Dirichlet problem L} satisfies \[ \max_{\overline{\Omega}}|u|\le\max_{\partial\Omega}|g| +C\max_{\overline{\Omega}}|f|. \] \end{theorem} \section{Discrete maximum principle} We now restrict our attention to a rectangular domain~$\Omega=(0,L_x)\times(0,L_y)$ in~$\mathbb{R}^2$, and assume that the coefficients of $\mathcal{L}$ satisfy \[ a_{jk}(x,y)=a_j(x,y)\delta_{jk}\quad\text{and}\quad b_j(x,y)=0\quad\text{for $j$, $k\in\{1,2\}$.} \] Thus, \begin{equation}\label{eq: L simple} (\mathcal{L}u)(x,y)=-a_1(x,y)(\partial_1^2u)(x,y) -a_2(x,y)(\partial_2^2u)(x,y)+c(x,y)u(x,y), \end{equation} and we define the corresponding finite difference operator \begin{multline*} (\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}U)_{pq}=-a_1(x_p,y_q)\, \frac{U_{p+1,q}-2U_{pq}+U_{p-1,q}}{\Delta x^2}\\ -a_2(x_p,y_q)\, \frac{U_{p,q+1}-2U_{pq}+U_{p,q-1}}{\Delta y^2} +c(x_p,y_q)U_{pq}. \end{multline*} The finite difference approximation to the boundary-value problem~\eqref{eq: Dirichlet problem L} can then be written as \begin{equation}\label{eq: discrete bvp 2d} \begin{aligned} (\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}U)_{pq}&=f_{pq}&& \text{for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$,}\\ U_{pq}&=g_{pq}&&\text{for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Gamma$,} \end{aligned} \end{equation} which, in the special case $a_1(x,y)=1$, $a_2(x,y)=1$, $c(x,y)=0$ reduces to the five-point scheme \eqref{eq: 5-pt Poisson} for the Poisson The simplified operator~\eqref{eq: L simple} is uniformly elliptic iff there are positive constants $\lambda_{\min}$ and $\lambda_{\max}$ such that \[ \lambda_{\min}\le a_1(x,y)\le\lambda_{\max}\quad\text{for $(x,y)\in\Omega$,} \] and we will assume throughout that this is the case. Given a grid point~$(x_{p^*},y_{q^*})\in\Omega$, let \[ \operatorname{Nbr}(p^*,q^*)=\{(p+1,q),(p-1,q),(p,q+1),(p,q-1)\}. \] so that $(p,q)\in\operatorname{Nbr}(p^*,q^*)$ if and only if $(x_p,y_q)$ is one of the four nearest neighbours to~$(x_{p^*},y_{q^*})$. The following discrete analogue of \cref{lem: Lu<0 Omega}. \begin{lemma}\label{lem: Lu<0 Omega discrete} If $c_{p,q}\ge0$ and $(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}U)_{p,q}<0$ for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$, then there is no grid point~$(x_{p^*},y_{q^*})\in\Omega$ such that \[ U_{p^*,q^*}\ge0\quad\text{and}\quad\text{$U_{p,q}\le U_{p^*,q^*}$ for $(p,q)\in\operatorname{Nbr}(p^*,q^*)$.} \] \end{lemma} \begin{proof} If such a grid point exists, then \[ U_{p^*+1,q^*}+U_{p^*-1,q^*}\le 2U_{p^*,q^*} \quad\text{and}\quad U_{p^*,q^*+1}+U_{p^*,q^*-1}\le 2U_{p^*,q^*}, \] so $(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}U)_{p^*,q^*}\ge0$, contradicting the second hypothesis of the lemma. \end{proof} A discrete analogue of \cref{thm: max principle} then follows; we use the abbreviation \[ \max_{S}U^+=\max_{(x_p,y_q)\in S}U_{p,q} \quad\text{for $S\subseteq\overline{\Omega}.$} \] \begin{theorem} If $c_{p,q}\ge0$ and $(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}U)_{p,q}\le0$ for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$, then \[ \max_\Omega U\le\max_{\partial\Omega}U^+ \quad\text{for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$.} \] \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Let $\epsilon>0$ and $\mu>0$, and put \[ W_{p,q}=U_{p,q}+\epsilon g(x_p)\quad\text{where $g(x)=e^{\mu x}$.} \] Since $g^{(4)}(x)=\mu^4e^{\mu x}\ge0$ for all~$x$, if follows by considering the remainder term for the Taylor expansion of~$g$ about~$x_p$ that \[ \frac{g(x_{p+1}-2g(x_p)+g(x_{p-1}}{\Delta x^2}\ge g''(x_p)=\mu^2 e^{\mu x_p}. \] Hence, writing $a_{1,p,q}=a_1(x_p,y_q)$ and $c_{p,q}=c(x_p,y_q)$, \begin{align*} (\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}W)_{p,q} &=(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}U)_{p,q}+\epsilon\biggl(-a_{1,p,q} \frac{g(x_{p+1}-2g(x_p)+g(x_{p-1}}{\Delta x^2}+c_{p,q}g(x_p)\biggr)\\ &\le(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}U)_{p,q}+\epsilon\bigl(-a_{1,p,q} e^{\mu x_p}+c_{p,q}e^{\mu x_p}\bigr)\\ &\le0-\epsilon\bigl(\lambda_{\min}\mu^2-\|c\|_\infty\bigr)e^{\mu x_p}, \end{align*} and by choosing $\mu^2>\|c\|_\infty/\lambda_{\min}$ we can ensure that $(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}W)_{p,q}<0$ for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$. Applying \cref{lem: Lu<0 Omega discrete}, we conclude that \[ \max_\Omega U\le\max_\Omega W\le\max_{\partial\Omega}W \le\bigl(\max_{\partial\Omega}U\bigr)+\epsilon e^{\mu L_x}. \] Since this inequality holds for any $\epsilon>0$, the result follows. \end{proof} Next is a discrete version of \cref{thm: max min elliptic}. \begin{theorem}\label{thm: discrete max principle elliptic} If $c_{p,q}\ge0$ and $(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}U)_{p,q}=f_{p,q}$ for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$, then \[ \max_\Omega U\le\max_{\partial\Omega}U^++C\max_{(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega} f^+_{p,q}. \] and \[ \min_\Omega U\le\min_{\partial\Omega}U^-+C\max_{(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega}f^-_{p,q}, \] where $C=L^2/(8\lambda_{\min})$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Let \[ W_{p,q}=\bigl(\max_{\partial\Omega}U^+\bigr) +v(x_p)\max_\Omega f^+_{\cdot,\cdot} \quad\text{where $v(x)=\frac{x(L_x-x)}{2\lambda_{\min}}$.} \] Since the second-order central difference quotient equals the exact second derivative for a quadratic polynomial, \[ \frac{v(x_{p+1})-2v(x_p)+v(x_{p-1})}{\Delta x^2}=v''(x_p) =\frac{-1}{\lambda_{\min}} \] and thus, noting that $v(x)\ge0$ for~$0\le x\le L_x$, we conclude that \[ (\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}v)_{p,q}=\frac{a_{1,p,q}}{\lambda_{\min}} +c_{p,q}v_{p,q}\ge1\quad\text{for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$.} \] It follows that \[ (\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}W)_{p,q} =c_{p,q}\bigl(\max_{\partial\Omega}U^+\bigr) +(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}V)_{p,q} \bigl(\max_\Omega f^+_{\cdot,\cdot}\bigr) \ge\bigl(\max_\Omega f^+_{\cdot,\cdot}\bigr) \] and so \[ \bigl(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}(U-W)\bigr)_{p,q} =f_{p,q}-(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}W)_{p,q} \le f_{p,q}-\max_{\Omega}f^+_{\cdot,\cdot}\le0 \quad\text{for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$,} \] with \[ (U-W)_{p,q}=U_{p,q}-\bigl(\max_{\partial\Omega}U^+\bigr) -V_p\max f^+_{\cdot,\cdot}\le0 \quad\text{for $(x_p,y_q)\in\partial\Omega$.} \] By \cref{thm: discrete max principle elliptic}, \[ \max_\Omega(U-W)\le\max_{\partial\Omega}(U-W)\le0, \] and the first inequality follows because $\max_{0\le x\le L_x}v(x)=C$ and so \[ \max_\Omega U\le\max_\Omega W\le\bigl(\max_{\partial\Omega}U^+\bigr) +C\max_\Omega f^+_{\cdot,\cdot}. \] The second follows because $\bigl(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}(-U)\bigr)_{p,q}=-f_p$, $(-U)^+_{p,q}=-(U^+_{p,q})$ and $(-f)^+_{p,q}=-(f^+_{p,q})$. \end{proof} Our final result for this section is a discrete version of \cref{thm: a priori elliptic}. \begin{theorem}\label{thm: discrete apriori elliptic} If $c\ge0$ on $\Omega$, then the discrete boundary-value problem~\eqref{eq: discrete bvp 2d} has a unique solutions~$U_{p,q}$, and \[ \max_{\overline{\Omega}}|U|\le\max_{\partial\Omega}|g_{\cdot,\cdot}| +C\max_\Omega|f_{\cdot,\cdot}|. \] \end{theorem} \begin{proof} The \emph{a priori} estimate follows at once from \cref{thm: discrete max principle elliptic}, and shows that if $f_{p,q}=0$ for all $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$~and if $g_{p,q}=0$ for all $(x_p,y_q)\in\partial\Omega$, then the problem has only the trivial solution $U_{p,q}=0$ for all $(x_p,y_q)\in\overline{\Omega}$. Hence, the coefficient matrix for the associated linear system is non-singular, implying the existence and uniqueness of~$U_{p,q}$. \end{proof} \section{An error bound} We will say that the finite difference scheme used in~\eqref{eq: } is \emph{stable} if there is a constant~$C$ --- independent of $f$, $g$, $\Delta x$~and $\Delta y$ --- such that \begin{equation}\label{eq: stability elliptic Omega} \max_{\overline{\Omega}}|U|\le C\Bigl(\max_{\partial\Omega}|g_{\cdot,\cdot}|. \end{equation} For example, by \cref{thm: discrete apriori elliptic}, sufficient conditions for stability are that the simplified partial differential operator~\eqref{eq: L simple} is uniformly elliptic with~$c\ge0$. We define the local truncation error in the usual way, as \[ \tau_{p,q}=f_{p,q}-(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}u)_{p,q} =(\mathcal{L}u)_{p,q}-(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}u)_{p,q}, \] and note that \begin{equation}\label{eq: tau pq bound} \begin{aligned} \tau_{p,q}&=-a_{1,p,q}\biggl(u_{xx}(x_p,y_q) -\frac{u(x_{p+1},y_q)-2u(x_p,y_q)+u(x_{p-1},y_q)}{\Delta x^2}\biggr)\\ &\qquad{}-a_{2,p,q}\biggl(u_{yy}(x_p,y_q) -\frac{u(x_p,y_{q+1})-2u(x_p,y_q)+u(x,y_{q-1})}{\Delta y^2}\biggr), \end{aligned} \end{equation} so, by \cref{thm: 2nd central diff}, \begin{equation}\label{eq: tau pq bound} |\tau_{p,q}|\le\biggl( \frac{|a_{1,p,q}|}{12}\|\partial_1^4u\|_\infty\,\Delta x^2 +\frac{|a_{2,p,q}|}{12}\|\partial_2^4u\|_\infty\,\Delta y^2\biggr) \end{equation} The \emph{solution error}, \[ E_{p,q}=U_{p,q}-u(x_p,y_q), \] satisfies \[ (\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}E)_{p,q} =(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}U)_{p,q} -(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}u)_{p,q} =f_{p,q}-(\mathcal{L}_{\Delta x,\Delta y}u)_{p,q}=\tau_{p,q}, \] for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$, with $E_{p,q}=g_{p,q}-g_{p,q}=0$ for $(x_p,y_q)\in\partial\Omega$. Replacing $U$, $f$ and $g$ in~\eqref{eq: stability elliptic Omega} by $E$, $\tau$ and $0$, respectively, we have \[ \max_{\overline{\Omega}}|U|\le C\max_\Omega|\tau_{\cdot,\cdot}|. \] Combining this estimate with~\eqref{eq: tau pq bound}, we obtain the error bound \[ |U_{p,q}-u(x_p,y_q)|\le C\biggl( \frac{\|a_1\|_\infty}{12}\|\partial_1^4u\|_\infty\,\Delta x^2 +\frac{\|a_2\|_\infty}{12}\|\partial_2^4u\|_\infty\,\Delta y^2\biggr) \] for $(x_p,y_q)\in\overline{\Omega}$. In other words, \[ U_{p,q}=u(x_p,y_q)+O(\Delta x^2+\Delta y^2), \] showing that the finite difference scheme is indeed second-order accurate. \section{Parabolic problems in 2D} Consider the following 2D initial-boundary value problem, \begin{equation}\label{eq: ibvp 2d} \begin{aligned} u_t-a\nabla^2u&=f(x,y,t)&&\text{for $(x,y)\in\Omega$ and $0<t<T$,}\\ u&=g(x,y,t)&&\text{for $(x,y)\in\partial\Omega$ and $0<t<T$,}\\ u&=u_0(x,y)&&\text{for $(x,y)\in\Omega$ when $t=0$,} \end{aligned} \end{equation} where, for simplicity, we assume that the coefficient~$a$ is a positive constant. For the rectangular domain~\eqref{eq: Omega rectangle} and the grid \eqref{eq: xp yq grid}, we can define the semidiscrete finite difference solution~$U_{pq}(t)\approx u(x_p,y_q,t)$ by \[ \frac{dU_{p,q}}{dt}-a\biggl(\frac{U_{p+1,q}-2U_{p,q}+U_{p-1,q}}{\Delta x^2} +\frac{U_{p,q+1}-2U_{p,q}+U_{p,q-1}}{\Delta y^2}\biggr)=f_{p,q}(t) \] for $1\le p\le P-1$ and $1\le q\le Q-1$, together with the discrete boundary conditions \[ U_{p,q}(t)=g(x_p,y_q,t)\quad \text{for $(x_p,y_q)\in\partial\Omega$ and $1\le t\le T$,} \] and initial condition \[ U_{p,q}(0)=u_0(x_p,y_q)\quad\text{for $1\le p\le P-1$ and $1\le q\le Q-1$.} \] Since \[ -a\bigl(\delta_x^2U_{p,q}+\delta_y^2U_{p,q}\bigr)=f_{p,q}-\frac{dU_{p,q}}{dt}, \] we see that \[ \boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{U}=\boldsymbol{f}(t)+\boldsymbol{g(t)} -\frac{d\boldsymbol{U}}{dt} \] where $\boldsymbol{A}$ is the same matrix as in \cref{thm: Poisson matrix}, and the vectors $\boldsymbol{f}(t)$~and $\boldsymbol{g}(t)$ are time-dependent vectors constructed from grid values of the functions $f$~and $g$, as in \cref{example: 5-pt matrix}. Thus, in matrix form the semidiscrete method is \[ \frac{d\boldsymbol{U}}{dt}+\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{U} =\boldsymbol{f}(t)+\boldsymbol{g(t)} \quad\text{for $0\le t\le T$, with $\boldsymbol{U}(0)=\boldsymbol{U}_0$.} \] Here, the column vector~$\boldsymbol{U}_0=[(U_0)_j]_{j=1}^M$ is defined by putting $(U_0)_j=u_0(x_p,y_q)$ for~$j$ as in~\eqref{eq: column-major}. By introducing the time levels~\eqref{eq: uniform tn}, we can consider a fully-discrete approximation \[ U^n_{p,q}\approx U_{p,q}(t_n)\approx u(x_p,y_q,t_n). \] The forward Euler method for the 2D problem~\eqref{eq: ibvp 2d} is \[ \frac{U^{n+1}_{p,q}-U^n_{p,q}}{\Delta t} -a\biggl(\frac{U_{p+1,q}^n-2U_{p,q}^n+U_{p-1,q}^n}{\Delta x^2} +\frac{U_{p,q+1}^n-2U_{p,q}^n+U_{p,q-1}^n}{\Delta y^2}\biggr)=f_{p,q}^n, \] for $0\le n\le N-1$, $1\le p\le P-1$ and $1\le q\le Q-1$, with the fully-discrete boundary and initial conditions \begin{equation}\label{eq: fully discrete bc ic 2d} \begin{aligned} U^n_{p,q}&=g^n_{p,q}& &\text{for $0\le n\le N-1$ and $(x_p,y_q)\in\partial\Omega$,}\\ U^0_{p,q}&=(U_0)_{p,q}& &\text{for $(x_p,y_q)\in\Omega$.} \end{aligned} \end{equation} Let \[ \rho_x=\frac{a\,\Delta t}{\Delta x^2}\quad\text{and}\quad \rho_y=\frac{a\,\Delta t}{\Delta y^2}, \] so that \[ U^{n+1}_{p,q}-U^n_{p,q}-\rho_x\bigl(U^n_{p+1,q}-2U^n_{p,q}+U^n_{p-1,q}\bigr) -\rho_y\bigl(U^n_{p,q+1}-2U^n_{p,q}+U^n_{p,q-1}\bigr) =f^n_{p,q} \] and hence \[ U^{n+1}_{p,q}=f^n_{p,q}+\rho_xU^n_{p-1,q}+\rho_yU^n_{p,q-1} +(1-2\rho_x-2\rho_y)U^n_{p,q}+\rho_yU^n_{p,q+1}+\rho_xU^n_{p+1,q}. \] The proof of \cref{thm: explicit Euler stability} generalises to show that the scheme is stable if $1-2\rho_x-2\rho_y\ge0$, or equivalently if \[ \Delta t\le\frac{\Delta x^2\,\Delta y^2}{2a(\Delta x^2+\Delta y^2)} =\frac{\Delta x\,\Delta y}{2a(\theta+\theta^{-1})}, \quad\text{where $\theta=\frac{\Delta x}{\Delta y}$.} \] The backward Euler method for the 2D problem~\eqref{eq: ibvp 2d} is \[ \frac{U^n_{p,q}-U^{n-1}_{p,q}}{\Delta t} -a\biggl(\frac{U_{p+1,q}^n-2U_{p,q}^n+U_{p-1,q}^n}{\Delta x^2} +\frac{U_{p,q+1}^n-2U_{p,q}^n+U_{p,q-1}^n}{\Delta y^2}\biggr)=f_{p,q}^n, \] for $1\le n\le N$, $1\le p\le P-1$ and $1\le q\le P-1$, with the boundary and initial conditions again given by~\eqref{eq: fully discrete bc ic 2d}. Rearranging the finite difference equation gives \[ -\rho_yU^n_{p,q-1}-\rho_xU^n_{p-1,q}+(1+2\rho_x+2\rho_y)U^n_{p,q} -\rho_xU^n_{p+1,q}-\rho_yU^n_{p,q+1}=U^{n-1}_{p,q}+f^n_{p,q}\,\Delta t. \] In matrix notation, the backward Euler method looks the same as in 1D, \[ \frac{\boldsymbol{U}^n-\boldsymbol{U}^{n-1}}{\Delta t} +\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{U}^n=\boldsymbol{f}^n+\boldsymbol{g}^n, \] and at the $n$th time step we must again solve the linear system \[ (\boldsymbol{I}+\Delta t\,\boldsymbol{A})\boldsymbol{U}^n =\boldsymbol{U}^{n-1}+\Delta t(\boldsymbol{f}^n+\boldsymbol{g}^n). \] However, $\boldsymbol{A}$ is now given by \cref{thm: Poisson matrix} and the meanings of the vectors $\boldsymbol{U}^n$, $\boldsymbol{f}^n=\boldsymbol{f}(t_n)$ and $\boldsymbol{g}^n=\boldsymbol{g}(t_n)$ are also different from in \eqref{eq: implicit Euler 1d vector}. The coefficient matrix is again symmetric and positive-definite, with the same sparsity pattern as~$\boldsymbol{A}$, so we can use a band Cholesky factorization, \begin{equation}\label{eq: backward Euler 2d Cholesky} \boldsymbol{I}+\Delta t\,\boldsymbol{A}=\boldsymbol{R}^T\boldsymbol{R}, \end{equation} to compute $\boldsymbol{U}^n$ at the $n$th~time step. \begin{Exercises} \exercise Find $A\otimes B$~and $B\otimes A$ in each case. \begin{description} \item{(i)} \[ A=\begin{bmatrix}2&0\\ 1&-7\\ 4&6 \end{bmatrix},\qquad B=\begin{bmatrix}1&-1\\ 2&0 \end{bmatrix}. \] \item{(ii)} \[ A=\begin{bmatrix}2&5\\ 0&-1\end{bmatrix},\qquad B=\begin{bmatrix}1\\ 8\\ -9 \end{bmatrix}. \] \item{(iii)} \[ A=\begin{bmatrix}3&-2&0 \end{bmatrix},\qquad B=\begin{bmatrix}1&-4\\ 3&2 \end{bmatrix}. \] \end{description} \begin{ans} (ii) \[ A\otimes B=\begin{bmatrix}2B&5B\\0&-B\end{bmatrix} =\left[\begin{array}{c|c} 2&5\\ 15&40\\ -18&-45\\ \hline 0&-1\\ 0&-8\\ 0&9 \end{array}\right]. \] \[ B\otimes A=\begin{bmatrix}A\\ 8A\\ -9A \end{bmatrix} =\left[\begin{array}{cc} 2&5\\ 0&-1\\ \hline 16&40\\ 0&-8\\ \hline -18&-45\\ 0&-9 \end{array}\right]. \] \end{ans} \exercise Prove the following properties of the Kronecker product. \begin{description} \item{(i)} $A\otimes(B+C)=A\otimes B+A\otimes C$. \item{(ii)} $(A+B)\otimes C=A\otimes C+B\otimes C$. \item{(iii)} $A\otimes(B\otimes C)=(A\otimes B)\otimes C$. \item{(iv)} $(A\otimes B)^\top=A^\top\otimes B^\top$. \end{description} \exercise Suppose that the matrices $\boldsymbol{A}$~and $\boldsymbol{B}$ have upper bandwidth $s_{\boldsymbol{A}}$~and $s_{\boldsymbol{B}}$, respectively, and that the number of columns of~$\boldsymbol{A}$ equals the number of rows of~$\boldsymbol{B}$. Show that the matrix product~$\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{B}$ has upper bandwidth~$s_{\boldsymbol{A}}+s_{\boldsymbol{B}}$. State and prove the corresponding result for lower bandwidths. \exercise We wish to solve the Poisson problem, \[ \begin{aligned} -(u_{xx}+u_{yy})&=f&&\text{in $\Omega$,}\\ u&=g&&\text{on $\partial\Omega$,} \end{aligned} \] where $\Omega$ is the triangular region \[ 0\le x\le1,\quad 0\le y\le 1-x. \] We define grid points \[ (x_p,y_q)=(p\,\Delta x,q\,\Delta y) \quad\text{for $0\le p\le P$, $0\le q\le P-p$,} \] where $\Delta x=\Delta y=1/P$, as illustrated in \cref{fig: finite diff triangle} for the case~$P=5$, and seek $U_{pq}\approx u(x_p,y_q)$. \begin{figure} \caption{Finite difference grid for a triangular domain.} \label{fig: finite diff triangle} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.0] \draw[->] (-1,0)--(6,0); \node[right] at (6,0) {$x$}; \draw[->] (0,-1) -- (0,6); \node[right] at (0,6) {$y$}; \foreach \x in {1, 2, 3, 4} { \draw[thin] (\x,0) -- (\x,5-\x); \draw[fill] (\x,0) circle (0.05cm); \draw[fill] (\x,5-\x) circle (0.05cm); } \foreach \y in {1, 2, 3, 4} { \draw[thin] (0,\y) -- (5-\y,\y); \draw[fill] (0,\y) circle (0.05cm); \draw[fill] (5-\y,\y) circle (0.05cm); } \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (0.05cm); \draw[fill] (5,0) circle (0.05cm); \draw[fill] (0,5) circle (0.05cm); \foreach \x in {1, 2, 3} \draw[fill=white] (\x,1) circle (0.05cm); \foreach \x in {1, 2} \draw[fill=white] (\x,2) circle (0.05cm); \draw[fill=white] (1,3) circle (0.05cm); \draw[thick] (0,0) -- (5,0) -- (0,5) -- (0,0); \node[below] at (5,0) {$1$}; \node[left] at (0,5) {$1$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{description} \item{(i)} Write down the usual 5-point finite difference approximation for the Poisson equation, based on second-order central difference approximations to $u_{xx}$~and $u_{yy}$. Use the abbreviation~$f_{pq}=f(x_p,y_q)$ \item{(ii)} Write down the equation at~$(x_1,y_1)$, after the known boundary values are moved to the right-hand side. You can use the abbreviation~$g_{pq}=g(x_p,y_q)$. \item{(iii)} Assume now that $P=5$, and put \begin{align*} \boldsymbol{U}&=[U_{11}\quad U_{21}\quad U_{31}\quad U_{12} \quad U_{22} \quad U_{13}]^\top,\\ \boldsymbol{f}&=[f_{11}\quad f_{21}\quad f_{31}\quad f_{12} \quad f_{22} \quad f_{13}]^\top. \end{align*} Find the matrix~$\boldsymbol{A}$ and vector~$\boldsymbol{g}$ such that, with $h=\Delta x=\Delta y=1/5$, \[ \boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{U}=h^2\boldsymbol{f}+\boldsymbol{g}. \] \end{description} \begin{ans} (ii) $4U_{11}-U_{21}-U_{12}=h^2f_{11}+g_{01}+g_{10}$ \\ (iii) \[ \boldsymbol{A}=\kbordermatrix{ &U_{11}&U_{21}&U_{31}&U_{12}&U_{22}&U_{13}\\ (x_1,y_1)& 4&-1& &-1& &\\ (x_2,y_1)&-1& 4&-1& &-1&\\ (x_3,y_1)& &-1& 4& & &\\ (x_1,y_2)&-1& & & 4&-1&-1\\ (x_2,y_2)& &-1& &-1& 4&\\ (x_1,y_3)& & & &-1& &4},\qquad \boldsymbol{g}=\kbordermatrix{ &\\ (x_1,y_1)&g_{10}+g_{10}\\ (x_2,y_1)&g_{20}\\ (x_3,y_1)&g_{30}+g_{41}+g_{32}\\ (x_1,y_2)&g_{02}\\ (x_2,y_2)&g_{32}+g_{23}\\ (x_1,y_3)&g_{03}+g_{23}+g_{14}}. \] \end{ans} \exercise Write down $\boldsymbol{A}_{\mathrm{band}}$ given by~\eqref{eq: symm band storage} if \[ \boldsymbol{A}=\begin{bmatrix} 5& 1& 7& & &\\ 1& 2& 0&-1& &\\ 7& 0& 8& 2& 3&\\ &-1& 2& 5& 1& 6\\ & & 3& 1& 7& 2\\ & & & 6& 2& 9 \end{bmatrix}. \] \begin{ans} \[ \boldsymbol{A}_{\mathrm{band}}=\begin{bmatrix} *& *& 7&-1& 3& 6\\ *& 1& 0& 2& 1& 2\\ 5& 2& 8& 5& 7& 9 \end{bmatrix} \] \end{ans} \exercise Write an in-place version of Algorithm~\ref{alg: band Chol}. \begin{ans} In-place algorithm: \begin{center} \newcommand{\rb}[1]{r^{\mathrm{band}}_{#1}} \begin{algorithmic} \Require{The $(\beta+1)\times n$ array~$\boldsymbol{R}_{\mathrm{band}}=[\rb{ij}]$ stores a real, $n\times n$, symmetric positive-definite matrix with bandwidth~$\beta$, using the symmetric band storage so $a_{ij}=\rb{\beta+1+i-j,j}$.} \State \Function{Factorize}{$\boldsymbol{R}_{\mathrm{band}}$} \For{$j=1:n$} \For{$i=\max(1,j-\beta):j$} \State $s=0$ \For{$k=\max(1,j-\beta):i-1$} \State $s=s+\rb{\beta+1+k-i,i}\rb{\beta+1+k-j,j}$ \EndFor \State $\rb{\beta+1+i-j,j}=(\rb{\beta+1+i-j,j}-s)/\rb{\beta+1,i}$ \EndFor \State $s=0$ \For{$k=\max(1,j-\beta):j-1$} \State $s=s+(\rb{\beta+1+k-j,j})^2$ \EndFor \If{$\rb{s+1,j}\le s$} \State Error: $\boldsymbol{A}$ is not positive-definite. \EndIf \State $\rb{\beta+1,j}=\sqrt{\rb{\beta+1,j}-s}$ \EndFor \State\Return{$\boldsymbol{R}_{\mathrm{band}}$} \EndFunction \end{algorithmic} \end{center} \end{ans} \exercise Write an in-place version of Algorithm~\ref{alg: band Chol solve}. \begin{ans} In-place algorithm: \begin{center} \newcommand{\rb}[1]{r^{\mathrm{band}}_{#1}} \begin{algorithmic} \Require{$\boldsymbol{x}=[b_i]_{i=1}^n$ stores the right-hand side vector.} \Require{The $(\beta+1)\times n$ array $\boldsymbol{R}_{\mathrm{band}}=[\rb{ij}]$ stores the band Cholesky factor~$\boldsymbol{R}=[r_{ij}]$ of~$\boldsymbol{A}$, as computed via Algorithm~\ref{alg: band Chol} so that $r_{ij}=\rb{\beta+1+i-j,j}$.} \State \Function{Solve}{$\boldsymbol{x},\boldsymbol{R}_{\mathrm{band}}$} \For{$i=1:n$} \State $s=x_i$ \For{$j=\max(1,i-\beta):i-1$} \State $s=s-\rb{\beta+1+j-i,i}x_j$ \EndFor \State $x_i=s/\rb{\beta+1,i}$ \EndFor \For{$i=n:-1:1$} \State $s=x_i$ \For{$j=i+1:\min(n,i+\beta)$} \State $s=s-\rb{\beta+1+i-j,j}x_j$ \EndFor \State $x_i=s/\rb{\beta+1,i}$ \EndFor \State\Return{$\boldsymbol{x}$} \EndFunction \end{algorithmic} \end{center} \end{ans} \exercise Describe the 2D version of the Crank--Nicolson method, and count the number of floating-point operations needed for each of the following computations. \begin{description} \item{(i)} Finding the Cholesky factor~$\boldsymbol{R}$ in~\eqref{eq: backward Euler 2d Cholesky}. \item{(ii)} Solving for~$\boldsymbol{U}^n$ for a single choice of~$n$. \item{(iii)} Completing the whole calculation. \item{(iv)} How does the computational cost scale with the overall problem size~$S=NPQ$? \end{description} \exercise Let $(r,\theta)$ denote the usual polar coordinates, and consider a domain~$\Omega$ of the form \[ a<r<b \quad\text{and}\quad \alpha<\theta<\beta, \] with $a>0$~and $\beta-\alpha<2\pi$. It is natural to define polar grid points \[ (r_p,\theta_q)=(a+p\,\Delta r, \alpha+q\,\Delta\theta),\quad \Delta r=\frac{b-a}{P},\quad \Delta\theta=\frac{\beta-\alpha}{Q}, \] for $0\le p\le P$~and $0\le q\le Q$. Recall that \[ \nabla^2u=\frac{1}{r}\frac{\partial}{\partial r} \biggl(r\,\frac{\partial u}{\partial r}\biggr) +\frac{1}{r^2}\,\frac{\partial^2u}{\partial\theta^2}. \] \begin{description} \item{(i)} Formulate a finite difference approximation to the Poisson problem \[ \begin{aligned} -\nabla^2u&=f&\text{in $\Omega$,}\\ u&=0&\text{on $\partial\Omega$,} \end{aligned} \] by setting up a $P\times Q$ rectangular grid in the $(r,\theta)$-plane. \item{(ii)} Suppose that $\Omega$ is a disk of radius~$b$ (so $a=0$, $\alpha=-\pi$~and $\beta=\pi$). Formulate a finite difference method with $1+(P-1)Q$~unknowns. Hint: you will need an equation at the origin. \end{description} \begin{ans} (i) Put $(r_p,\theta_q)=(a+p\,\Delta r,b+q\,\Delta\theta)$ for $0\le p\le P$~and $0\le q\le Q$, where $\Delta r=(b-a)/P$~and $\Delta\theta=(\beta-\alpha)/Q$. Then $U_{pq}\approx u(r_p,\theta_q)$ should satisfy \begin{multline*} \frac{1}{\Delta r^2}\biggl( -\frac{r_{p-1/2}}{r_p}\,U_{p-1,q} +\frac{r_{p-1/2}+r_{p+1/2}}{r_p}\,U_{pq} -\frac{r_{p+1/2}}{r_p}\,U_{p+1,q}\biggr)\\ +\frac{-U_{p,q-1}+2U_{pq}-U_{p,q+1}}{r_p^2\Delta\theta^2} =f(r_p,\theta_q) \end{multline*} for $1\le p\le P-1$~and $1\le q\le Q-1$, with zero boundary conditions $U_{0q}=0=U_{Pq}$ for $0\le q\le Q$, and $U_{p0}=0=U_{pQ}$ for~$0\le p\le P$.\quad (ii) Note that $u(r,\pi)=u(r,-\pi)$ so we have a periodic boundary condition in~$\theta$, that is $U_{pQ}=U_{p0}$ for~$0\le q\le Q$. Also, $u(0,\theta)$ is independent of~$\theta$, so $U_{0q}=U_{00}$ for $1\le q\le Q$. Since $u=0$ when~$r=b$, we have $U_{Pq}=0$ for $0\le q\le Q$. Thus, the $1+(P-1)Q$ unknowns are $U_{00}$ and $U_{pq}$ for $1\le p\le P-1$ and $1\le q\le Q$. We can apply the finite difference equation above for $1\le p\le P-1$ and $1\le q\le Q$, giving $(P-1)Q$~equations. The extra equation is \[ \frac{-U_{1,Q/2}+2U_{00}-U_{1,Q}}{\Delta r^2} \frac{-U_{1,Q/4}+2U_{00}-U_{1,3Q/4}}{\Delta r^2}=f(r_0,\theta_0). \] \end{ans} \end{Exercises}
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import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd def f(x, a, b): return a * x + b def error(ydata): v_error = np.empty(len(ydata)) for i in range(len(ydata)): v_error[i] = max(ydata[i] * 0.0010, 0.01) return v_error data = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\Walter\IdeaProjects\PHY224\Photoelectric\EXP1.csv", delimiter=',', skiprows=0) plt.title('LED Color stopping Voltage vs. wave length') plt.ylabel('Stop Voltage (V)') plt.xlabel('Wave Length (nm)') xdata1 = data["wavelength "] ydata1 = data["V stop"] plt.errorbar(xdata1, ydata1, label='Test 1', yerr=error(ydata1), linestyle='None', marker=".") data = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\Walter\IdeaProjects\PHY224\Photoelectric\EXP2.csv", delimiter=',', skiprows=0) xdata2 = data["wavelength"] ydata2 = data["Vstop"] plt.errorbar(xdata2, ydata2, label='Test 2', yerr=error(ydata2), linestyle='None', marker=".") data = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\Walter\IdeaProjects\PHY224\Photoelectric\EXP3.csv", delimiter=',', skiprows=0) xdata3 = data["wavelength"] ydata3 = data["Vstop"] plt.errorbar(xdata3, ydata3, label='Test 3', yerr=error(ydata3), linestyle='None', marker=".") xdata = (xdata1 + xdata2 + xdata3) / 3 ydata = (ydata1 + ydata2 + ydata3) / 3 plt.plot(xdata, ydata, label='Average') plt.legend() plt.show() # Computing frequency from wavelength frequency = (3 * 10 ** 8) / xdata # Estimated errors from equipment v_error = np.empty(len(ydata)) for i in range(len(ydata)): v_error[i] = max(ydata[i] * 0.0010, 0.01) # Linear regression p_opt, p_cov = curve_fit(f, frequency, ydata, (0, 0), v_error, True) lin_output = f(frequency, p_opt[0], p_opt[1]) # Outputting Planck's Constant h h = p_opt[0] * (1.6 * 10 ** (-19)) h_error = p_cov[0, 0] * (1.6 * 10 ** (-19)) print('Estimated Plancks Constant: ', h, '(J*s) +/-', h_error, '(J**s)') # Outputting the Work Function wf = -p_opt[1] * (1.6 * 10 ** (-19)) wf_error = p_cov[1, 1] * (1.6 * 10 ** (-19)) print('Estimated Work Function: ', wf, '(J) +/-', wf_error, '(J)') # Outputting the cut-off frequency f0 = -(1.6 * 10 ** (-19)) * p_opt[1] / h f0_error = p_cov[1, 1] * (1.6 * 10 ** (-19)) / h print('Estimated Cut-off Frequency: ', f0, '(Hz) +/-', f0_error, '(Hz)') # Calculating chi squared chi_sq = (1 / 2) * (np.sum(((ydata - lin_output) / v_error) ** 2)) print('Chi squared for linear regression: ', chi_sq) plt.title('Curve Fit vs. Original Data') plt.ylabel('Stop Voltage (V)') plt.xlabel('Wave Length (nm)') plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, label='Average', yerr=v_error, linestyle='None', marker=".") plt.plot(xdata, lin_output, label='Curve fit ') plt.legend() plt.show()
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from gym import Wrapper import numpy as np from scipy.stats import norm class InstanceSamplingWrapper(Wrapper): """ Wrapper to sample a new instance at a given time point. Instances can either be sampled using a given method or a distribution infered from a given list of instances. """ def __init__(self, env, sampling_function=None, instances=None, reset_interval=0): """ Initialize wrapper Either sampling_function or instances must be given Parameters ------- env : gym.Env Environment to wrap sampling_function : function Function to sample instances from instances : list List of instances to infer distribution from """ super(InstanceSamplingWrapper, self).__init__(env) if sampling_function: self.sampling_function = sampling_function elif instances: self.sampling_function = self.fit_dist(instances) else: raise Exception("No distribution to sample from given") self.reset_interval = reset_interval self.reset_tracker = 0 def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Set attribute in wrapper if available and in env if not Parameters ---------- name : str Attribute to set value Value to set attribute to """ if name in ["sampling_function", "env", "fit_dist", "reset"]: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) else: setattr(self.env, name, value) def __getattribute__(self, name): """ Get attribute value of wrapper if available and of env if not Parameters ---------- name : str Attribute to get Returns ------- value Value of given name """ if name in ["sampling_function", "env", "fit_dist", "reset"]: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) else: return getattr(self.env, name) def reset(self): """ Reset environment and use sampled instance for training Returns ------- np.array state """ if self.reset_tracker >= self.reset_interval: instance = self.sampling_function() self.env.use_next_instance(instance=instance) return self.env.reset() def fit_dist(self, instances): """ Approximate instance distribution in given instance set Parameters ---------- instances : List instance set Returns --------- method sampling method for new instances """ dists = [] for i in range(len(instances[0])): component = [instances[k][i] for k in instances.keys()] dist = norm.fit(component) dists.append(dist) def sample(): instance = [] for d in dists: instance.append(np.random.normal(d[0], d[1])) return instance return sample
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import numpy as np from prml.nn.array.array import asarray def uniform(min, max, size): return asarray(np.random.uniform(min, max, size))
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[STATEMENT] theorem diff_const_axiom_valid: "valid diff_const_axiom" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. valid diff_const_axiom [PROOF STEP] apply(simp only: valid_def diff_const_axiom_def equals_sem) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<forall>I \<nu>. is_interp I \<longrightarrow> dterm_sem I (Differential ($f fid1 local.empty)) \<nu> = dterm_sem I (Const 0) \<nu> [PROOF STEP] apply(rule allI | rule impI)+ [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<And>I \<nu>. is_interp I \<Longrightarrow> dterm_sem I (Differential ($f fid1 local.empty)) \<nu> = dterm_sem I (Const 0) \<nu> [PROOF STEP] apply(simp only: dterm_sem.simps constant_deriv_zero sterm_sem.simps) [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal: No subgoals! [PROOF STEP] done
{"llama_tokens": 316, "file": "Differential_Dynamic_Logic_Differential_Axioms", "length": 4}
[STATEMENT] lemma Abs_ffilter: "(ffilter f s = s') = ({e \<in> (fset s). f e} = (fset s'))" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. (ffilter f s = s') = ({e \<in> fset s. f e} = fset s') [PROOF STEP] by (simp add: ffilter_def fset_both_sides Abs_fset_inverse Set.filter_def)
{"llama_tokens": 131, "file": "Extended_Finite_State_Machines_FSet_Utils", "length": 1}
from distutils.version import StrictVersion import unittest import numpy as np import sklearn from sklearn import linear_model from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis from onnxruntime import InferenceSession, __version__ as ort_version from skl2onnx import convert_sklearn from skl2onnx.common.data_types import ( BooleanTensorType, FloatTensorType, Int64TensorType, ) from skl2onnx.common.data_types import onnx_built_with_ml from test_utils import ( dump_data_and_model, fit_classification_model, fit_multilabel_classification_model, ) def _sklearn_version(): # Remove development version 0.22.dev0 becomes 0.22. v = ".".join(sklearn.__version__.split('.')[:2]) return StrictVersion(v) class TestGLMClassifierConverter(unittest.TestCase): @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_binary_class(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=100), 2) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "logistic regression", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))]) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionBinary", # Operator cast-1 is not implemented in onnxruntime allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.3') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) if StrictVersion(ort_version) >= StrictVersion("1.0.0"): sess = InferenceSession(model_onnx.SerializeToString()) out = sess.get_outputs() lb = out[0].type sh = out[0].shape self.assertEqual(str(lb), "tensor(int64)") self.assertEqual(sh, [None]) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_binary_class_string(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=100), 2, label_string=True) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "logistic regression", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))]) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionBinary", # Operator cast-1 is not implemented in onnxruntime allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.3') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) if StrictVersion(ort_version) >= StrictVersion("1.0.0"): sess = InferenceSession(model_onnx.SerializeToString()) out = sess.get_outputs() lb = out[0].type sh = out[0].shape self.assertEqual(str(lb), "tensor(string)") self.assertEqual(sh, [None]) def test_model_logistic_regression_int(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=100), 3, is_int=True) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "logistic regression", [("input", Int64TensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))]) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionInt", # Operator cast-1 is not implemented in onnxruntime allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.3') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) def test_model_logistic_regression_bool(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=100), 3, is_bool=True) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "logistic regression", [("input", BooleanTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))]) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionBool", # Operator cast-1 is not implemented in onnxruntime allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.3') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_linear_discriminant_analysis(self): X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [-3, -2], [1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 2]]) y = np.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]) X_test = np.array([[-0.8, -1], [-2, -1]], dtype=np.float32) model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis().fit(X, y) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "linear model", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X_test.shape[1]]))]) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X_test, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLinearDiscriminantAnalysisBin-Dec3", # Operator cast-1 is not implemented in onnxruntime allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.3') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_linear_discriminant_analysis_decfunc(self): X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [-3, -2], [1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 2]]) y = np.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]) X_test = np.array([[-0.8, -1], [0, 1]], dtype=np.float32) model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis().fit(X, y) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "linear model", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X_test.shape[1]]))], options={id(model): {'raw_scores': True}}) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X_test, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLinearDiscriminantAnalysisBinRawScore-Out0", # Operator cast-1 is not implemented in onnxruntime allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.3') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", methods=['predict', 'decision_function'] ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_linear_discriminant_analysis_decfunc3(self): X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [-3, -2], [1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 2]]) y = np.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]) X_test = np.array([[-0.8, -1], [0, 1]], dtype=np.float32) model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis().fit(X, y) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "linear model", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X_test.shape[1]]))], options={id(model): {'raw_scores': True}}) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X_test, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLinearDiscriminantAnalysisBinRawScore3-Out0", # Operator cast-1 is not implemented in onnxruntime allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.3') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", methods=['predict', 'decision_function'] ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_cv_binary_class(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegressionCV(max_iter=100), 2) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "logistic regression cv", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))]) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticCVRegressionBinary", # Operator cast-1 is not implemented in onnxruntime allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.3') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_cv_int(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegressionCV(max_iter=100), 4, is_int=True) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "logistic regression cv", [("input", Int64TensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))]) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionCVInt", # Operator cast-1 is not implemented in onnxruntime allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.3') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_cv_bool(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegressionCV(max_iter=100), 3, is_bool=True) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "logistic regression cv", [("input", BooleanTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))]) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionCVBool", # Operator cast-1 is not implemented in onnxruntime allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.3') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_binary_class_nointercept(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression( fit_intercept=False, max_iter=10000), 2) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "logistic regression", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))]) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionBinaryNoIntercept", # Operator cast-1 is not implemented in onnxruntime allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.3') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_multi_class(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000), 4) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class logistic regression", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionMulti", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.2') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_multi_class_nocl(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000), 4, label_string=True) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class logistic regression", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], options={id(model): {'nocl': True}}) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) sonx = str(model_onnx) assert 'classlabels_strings' not in sonx assert 'cl0' not in sonx dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, classes=model.classes_, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionMultiNoCl", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.2') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')") @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_multi_class_ovr(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression( multi_class='ovr', max_iter=10000), 3) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class logistic regression", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionMulti", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.2') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_multi_class_multinomial(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression( multi_class="multinomial", solver="lbfgs", max_iter=10000), 4) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class logistic regression", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionMulti", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.2') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_multi_class_no_intercept(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression( fit_intercept=False, max_iter=10000), 3) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class logistic regression", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionMultiNoIntercept", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.2') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_multi_class_lbfgs(self): penalty = ( 'l2' if _sklearn_version() < StrictVersion('0.21.0') else 'none') model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression( solver='lbfgs', penalty=penalty, max_iter=10000), 5) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class logistic regression", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionMultiLbfgs", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.2') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_multi_class_liblinear_l1(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression( solver='liblinear', penalty='l1', max_iter=10000), 4) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class logistic regression", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionMultiLiblinearL1", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.2') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_multi_class_saga_elasticnet(self): if _sklearn_version() < StrictVersion('0.21.0'): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression( solver='saga', max_iter=10000), 3) else: model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression( solver='saga', penalty='elasticnet', l1_ratio=0.1, max_iter=10000), 3) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class logistic regression", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionMultiSagaElasticnet", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.2') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_linear_svc_binary_class(self): model, X = fit_classification_model(LinearSVC(max_iter=10000), 2) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "linear SVC", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))]) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLinearSVCBinary-NoProb", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_linear_svc_multi_class(self): model, X = fit_classification_model(LinearSVC(max_iter=100), 5) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class linear SVC", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLinearSVCMulti", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_linear_svc_int(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( LinearSVC(max_iter=100), 5, is_int=True) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class linear SVC", [("input", Int64TensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLinearSVCInt", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_linear_svc_bool(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( LinearSVC(max_iter=100), 5, is_bool=True) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class linear SVC", [("input", BooleanTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLinearSVCBool", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_ridge_classifier_binary(self): model, X = fit_classification_model(linear_model.RidgeClassifier(), 2) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "binary ridge classifier", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnRidgeClassifierBin", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_ridge_classifier_binary_nozipmap(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000), 2) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "binary ridge classifier", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))]) assert 'zipmap' in str(model_onnx).lower() options = {id(model): {'zipmap': True}} model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "binary ridge classifier", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], options=options) assert 'zipmap' in str(model_onnx).lower() options = {id(model): {'zipmap': False}} model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "binary ridge classifier", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], options=options) assert 'zipmap' not in str(model_onnx).lower() self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnRidgeClassifierNZMBin", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_ridge_classifier_binary_mispelled_zipmap(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000), 2) options = {id(model): {'zipmap ': True}} try: convert_sklearn( model, "binary ridge classifier", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], options=options) raise AssertionError("Expecting an error.") except NameError as e: assert "Option 'zipmap ' not in" in str(e) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_ridge_classifier_binary_mispelled_zipmap_wrong_value(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000), 2) options = {id(model): {'zipmap': 'True'}} try: convert_sklearn( model, "binary ridge classifier", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], options=options) raise AssertionError("Expecting an error.") except ValueError as e: assert "Unexpected value ['True'] for option 'zipmap'" in str(e) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_ridge_classifier_multi_class(self): model, X = fit_classification_model(linear_model.RidgeClassifier(), 5) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class ridge classifier", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnRidgeClassifierMulti", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_ridge_classifier_int(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.RidgeClassifier(), 5, is_int=True) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class ridge classifier", [("input", Int64TensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnRidgeClassifierInt", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_ridge_classifier_bool(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.RidgeClassifier(), 4, is_bool=True) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class ridge classifier", [("input", BooleanTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnRidgeClassifierBool", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_ridge_classifier_cv_binary(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.RidgeClassifierCV(), 2) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "binary ridge classifier cv", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnRidgeClassifierCVBin", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_ridge_classifier_cv_int(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.RidgeClassifierCV(), 2, is_int=True) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "binary ridge classifier cv", [("input", Int64TensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnRidgeClassifierCVInt", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_ridge_classifier_cv_bool(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.RidgeClassifierCV(), 2, is_bool=True) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "binary ridge classifier cv", [("input", BooleanTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnRidgeClassifierCVBool", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_ridge_classifier_cv_multi_class(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.RidgeClassifierCV(), 5) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "multi-class ridge classifier cv", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnRidgeClassifierCVMulti", allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) @unittest.skipIf(not onnx_built_with_ml(), reason="Requires ONNX-ML extension.") def test_model_logistic_regression_binary_class_decision_function(self): model, X = fit_classification_model( linear_model.LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000), 2) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "logistic regression", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))], options={linear_model.LogisticRegression: {'raw_scores': True}}) self.assertIsNotNone(model_onnx) dump_data_and_model( X[:5], model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnLogitisticRegressionBinaryRawScore", # Operator cast-1 is not implemented in onnxruntime allow_failure="StrictVersion(onnx.__version__)" " < StrictVersion('1.3') or " "StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__)" " <= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", methods=['predict', 'decision_function_binary']) @unittest.skip( reason="Scikit-learn doesn't return multi-label output.") def test_model_ridge_classifier_cv_multilabel(self): model, X_test = fit_multilabel_classification_model( linear_model.RidgeClassifierCV(random_state=42)) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, "scikit-learn RidgeClassifierCV", [("input", FloatTensorType([None, X_test.shape[1]]))], ) self.assertTrue(model_onnx is not None) dump_data_and_model( X_test, model, model_onnx, basename="SklearnRidgeClassifierCVMultiLabel", allow_failure="StrictVersion(" "onnxruntime.__version__)<= StrictVersion('0.2.1')", ) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
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[STATEMENT] lemma a_star_ImpLR: "N \<longrightarrow>\<^sub>a* N'\<Longrightarrow> ImpL <a>.M (y).N z \<longrightarrow>\<^sub>a* ImpL <a>.M (y).N' z" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. N \<longrightarrow>\<^sub>a* N' \<Longrightarrow> ImpL <a>.M y.N z \<longrightarrow>\<^sub>a* ImpL <a>.M y.N' z [PROOF STEP] by (induct set: rtranclp) (blast intro: rtranclp.rtrancl_into_rtrancl)+
{"llama_tokens": 168, "file": null, "length": 1}
"""Beamformer module.""" from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Union import numpy as np import torch from torch_complex import functional as FC from torch_complex.tensor import ComplexTensor EPS = torch.finfo(torch.double).eps def complex_norm(c: ComplexTensor) -> torch.Tensor: return torch.sqrt((c.real ** 2 + c.imag ** 2).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) + EPS) def get_rtf( psd_speech: ComplexTensor, psd_noise: ComplexTensor, reference_vector: Union[int, torch.Tensor, None] = None, iterations: int = 3, use_torch_solver: bool = True, ) -> ComplexTensor: """Calculate the relative transfer function (RTF) using the power method. Algorithm: 1) rtf = reference_vector 2) for i in range(iterations): rtf = (psd_noise^-1 @ psd_speech) @ rtf rtf = rtf / ||rtf||_2 # this normalization can be skipped 3) rtf = psd_noise @ rtf 4) rtf = rtf / rtf[..., ref_channel, :] Note: 4) Normalization at the reference channel is not performed here. Args: psd_speech (ComplexTensor): speech covariance matrix (..., F, C, C) psd_noise (ComplexTensor): noise covariance matrix (..., F, C, C) reference_vector (torch.Tensor or int): (..., C) or scalar iterations (int): number of iterations in power method use_torch_solver (bool): Whether to use `solve` instead of `inverse` Returns: rtf (ComplexTensor): (..., F, C, 1) """ if use_torch_solver: phi = FC.solve(psd_speech, psd_noise)[0] else: phi = FC.matmul(psd_noise.inverse2(), psd_speech) rtf = ( phi[..., reference_vector, None] if isinstance(reference_vector, int) else FC.matmul(phi, reference_vector[..., None, :, None]) ) for _ in range(iterations - 2): rtf = FC.matmul(phi, rtf) # rtf = rtf / complex_norm(rtf) rtf = FC.matmul(psd_speech, rtf) return rtf def get_mvdr_vector( psd_s: ComplexTensor, psd_n: ComplexTensor, reference_vector: torch.Tensor, use_torch_solver: bool = True, diagonal_loading: bool = True, diag_eps: float = 1e-7, eps: float = 1e-8, ) -> ComplexTensor: """Return the MVDR (Minimum Variance Distortionless Response) vector: h = (Npsd^-1 @ Spsd) / (Tr(Npsd^-1 @ Spsd)) @ u Reference: On optimal frequency-domain multichannel linear filtering for noise reduction; M. Souden et al., 2010; https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5089420 Args: psd_s (ComplexTensor): speech covariance matrix (..., F, C, C) psd_n (ComplexTensor): observation/noise covariance matrix (..., F, C, C) reference_vector (torch.Tensor): (..., C) use_torch_solver (bool): Whether to use `solve` instead of `inverse` diagonal_loading (bool): Whether to add a tiny term to the diagonal of psd_n diag_eps (float): eps (float): Returns: beamform_vector (ComplexTensor): (..., F, C) """ # noqa: D400 if diagonal_loading: psd_n = tik_reg(psd_n, reg=diag_eps, eps=eps) if use_torch_solver: numerator = FC.solve(psd_s, psd_n)[0] else: numerator = FC.matmul(psd_n.inverse2(), psd_s) # ws: (..., C, C) / (...,) -> (..., C, C) ws = numerator / (FC.trace(numerator)[..., None, None] + eps) # h: (..., F, C_1, C_2) x (..., C_2) -> (..., F, C_1) beamform_vector = FC.einsum("...fec,...c->...fe", [ws, reference_vector]) return beamform_vector def get_mvdr_vector_with_rtf( psd_n: ComplexTensor, psd_speech: ComplexTensor, psd_noise: ComplexTensor, iterations: int = 3, reference_vector: Union[int, torch.Tensor, None] = None, normalize_ref_channel: Optional[int] = None, use_torch_solver: bool = True, diagonal_loading: bool = True, diag_eps: float = 1e-7, eps: float = 1e-8, ) -> ComplexTensor: """Return the MVDR (Minimum Variance Distortionless Response) vector calculated with RTF: h = (Npsd^-1 @ rtf) / (rtf^H @ Npsd^-1 @ rtf) Reference: On optimal frequency-domain multichannel linear filtering for noise reduction; M. Souden et al., 2010; https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5089420 Args: psd_n (ComplexTensor): observation/noise covariance matrix (..., F, C, C) psd_speech (ComplexTensor): speech covariance matrix (..., F, C, C) psd_noise (ComplexTensor): noise covariance matrix (..., F, C, C) iterations (int): number of iterations in power method reference_vector (torch.Tensor or int): (..., C) or scalar normalize_ref_channel (int): reference channel for normalizing the RTF use_torch_solver (bool): Whether to use `solve` instead of `inverse` diagonal_loading (bool): Whether to add a tiny term to the diagonal of psd_n diag_eps (float): eps (float): Returns: beamform_vector (ComplexTensor): (..., F, C) """ # noqa: H405, D205, D400 if diagonal_loading: psd_noise = tik_reg(psd_noise, reg=diag_eps, eps=eps) # (B, F, C, 1) rtf = get_rtf( psd_speech, psd_noise, reference_vector, iterations=iterations, use_torch_solver=use_torch_solver, ) # numerator: (..., C_1, C_2) x (..., C_2, 1) -> (..., C_1) if use_torch_solver: numerator = FC.solve(rtf, psd_n)[0].squeeze(-1) else: numerator = FC.matmul(psd_n.inverse2(), rtf).squeeze(-1) denominator = FC.einsum("...d,...d->...", [rtf.squeeze(-1).conj(), numerator]) if normalize_ref_channel is not None: scale = rtf.squeeze(-1)[..., normalize_ref_channel, None].conj() beamforming_vector = numerator * scale / (denominator.real.unsqueeze(-1) + eps) else: beamforming_vector = numerator / (denominator.real.unsqueeze(-1) + eps) return beamforming_vector def signal_framing( signal: Union[torch.Tensor, ComplexTensor], frame_length: int, frame_step: int, bdelay: int, do_padding: bool = False, pad_value: int = 0, indices: List = None, ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, ComplexTensor]: """Expand `signal` into several frames, with each frame of length `frame_length`. Args: signal : (..., T) frame_length: length of each segment frame_step: step for selecting frames bdelay: delay for WPD do_padding: whether or not to pad the input signal at the beginning of the time dimension pad_value: value to fill in the padding Returns: torch.Tensor: if do_padding: (..., T, frame_length) else: (..., T - bdelay - frame_length + 2, frame_length) """ frame_length2 = frame_length - 1 # pad to the right at the last dimension of `signal` (time dimension) if do_padding: # (..., T) --> (..., T + bdelay + frame_length - 2) signal = FC.pad(signal, (bdelay + frame_length2 - 1, 0), "constant", pad_value) do_padding = False if indices is None: # [[ 0, 1, ..., frame_length2 - 1, frame_length2 - 1 + bdelay ], # [ 1, 2, ..., frame_length2, frame_length2 + bdelay ], # [ 2, 3, ..., frame_length2 + 1, frame_length2 + 1 + bdelay ], # ... # [ T-bdelay-frame_length2, ..., T-1-bdelay, T-1 ]] indices = [ [*range(i, i + frame_length2), i + frame_length2 + bdelay - 1] for i in range(0, signal.shape[-1] - frame_length2 - bdelay + 1, frame_step) ] if isinstance(signal, ComplexTensor): real = signal_framing( signal.real, frame_length, frame_step, bdelay, do_padding, pad_value, indices, ) imag = signal_framing( signal.imag, frame_length, frame_step, bdelay, do_padding, pad_value, indices, ) return ComplexTensor(real, imag) else: # (..., T - bdelay - frame_length + 2, frame_length) signal = signal[..., indices] # signal[..., :-1] = -signal[..., :-1] return signal def get_covariances( Y: ComplexTensor, inverse_power: torch.Tensor, bdelay: int, btaps: int, get_vector: bool = False, ) -> ComplexTensor: """Calculates the power normalized spatio-temporal covariance matrix of the framed signal. Args: Y : Complex STFT signal with shape (B, F, C, T) inverse_power : Weighting factor with shape (B, F, T) Returns: Correlation matrix: (B, F, (btaps+1) * C, (btaps+1) * C) Correlation vector: (B, F, btaps + 1, C, C) """ # noqa: H405, D205, D400, D401 assert inverse_power.dim() == 3, inverse_power.dim() assert inverse_power.size(0) == Y.size(0), (inverse_power.size(0), Y.size(0)) Bs, Fdim, C, T = Y.shape # (B, F, C, T - bdelay - btaps + 1, btaps + 1) Psi = signal_framing(Y, btaps + 1, 1, bdelay, do_padding=False)[ ..., : T - bdelay - btaps + 1, : ] # Reverse along btaps-axis: # [tau, tau-bdelay, tau-bdelay-1, ..., tau-bdelay-frame_length+1] Psi = FC.reverse(Psi, dim=-1) Psi_norm = Psi * inverse_power[..., None, bdelay + btaps - 1 :, None] # let T' = T - bdelay - btaps + 1 # (B, F, C, T', btaps + 1) x (B, F, C, T', btaps + 1) # -> (B, F, btaps + 1, C, btaps + 1, C) covariance_matrix = FC.einsum("bfdtk,bfetl->bfkdle", (Psi, Psi_norm.conj())) # (B, F, btaps + 1, C, btaps + 1, C) # -> (B, F, (btaps + 1) * C, (btaps + 1) * C) covariance_matrix = covariance_matrix.view( Bs, Fdim, (btaps + 1) * C, (btaps + 1) * C ) if get_vector: # (B, F, C, T', btaps + 1) x (B, F, C, T') # --> (B, F, btaps +1, C, C) covariance_vector = FC.einsum( "bfdtk,bfet->bfked", (Psi_norm, Y[..., bdelay + btaps - 1 :].conj()) ) return covariance_matrix, covariance_vector else: return covariance_matrix def get_WPD_filter( Phi: ComplexTensor, Rf: ComplexTensor, reference_vector: torch.Tensor, use_torch_solver: bool = True, diagonal_loading: bool = True, diag_eps: float = 1e-7, eps: float = 1e-8, ) -> ComplexTensor: """Return the WPD vector. WPD is the Weighted Power minimization Distortionless response convolutional beamformer. As follows: h = (Rf^-1 @ Phi_{xx}) / tr[(Rf^-1) @ Phi_{xx}] @ u Reference: T. Nakatani and K. Kinoshita, "A Unified Convolutional Beamformer for Simultaneous Denoising and Dereverberation," in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 903-907, June 2019, doi: 10.1109/LSP.2019.2911179. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8691481 Args: Phi (ComplexTensor): (B, F, (btaps+1) * C, (btaps+1) * C) is the PSD of zero-padded speech [x^T(t,f) 0 ... 0]^T. Rf (ComplexTensor): (B, F, (btaps+1) * C, (btaps+1) * C) is the power normalized spatio-temporal covariance matrix. reference_vector (torch.Tensor): (B, (btaps+1) * C) is the reference_vector. use_torch_solver (bool): Whether to use `solve` instead of `inverse` diagonal_loading (bool): Whether to add a tiny term to the diagonal of psd_n diag_eps (float): eps (float): Returns: filter_matrix (ComplexTensor): (B, F, (btaps + 1) * C) """ if diagonal_loading: Rf = tik_reg(Rf, reg=diag_eps, eps=eps) # numerator: (..., C_1, C_2) x (..., C_2, C_3) -> (..., C_1, C_3) if use_torch_solver: numerator = FC.solve(Phi, Rf)[0] else: numerator = FC.matmul(Rf.inverse2(), Phi) # ws: (..., C, C) / (...,) -> (..., C, C) ws = numerator / (FC.trace(numerator)[..., None, None] + eps) # h: (..., F, C_1, C_2) x (..., C_2) -> (..., F, C_1) beamform_vector = FC.einsum("...fec,...c->...fe", [ws, reference_vector]) # (B, F, (btaps + 1) * C) return beamform_vector def get_WPD_filter_v2( Phi: ComplexTensor, Rf: ComplexTensor, reference_vector: torch.Tensor, diagonal_loading: bool = True, diag_eps: float = 1e-7, eps: float = 1e-8, ) -> ComplexTensor: """Return the WPD vector (v2). This implementation is more efficient than `get_WPD_filter` as it skips unnecessary computation with zeros. Args: Phi (ComplexTensor): (B, F, C, C) is speech PSD. Rf (ComplexTensor): (B, F, (btaps+1) * C, (btaps+1) * C) is the power normalized spatio-temporal covariance matrix. reference_vector (torch.Tensor): (B, C) is the reference_vector. diagonal_loading (bool): Whether to add a tiny term to the diagonal of psd_n diag_eps (float): eps (float): Returns: filter_matrix (ComplexTensor): (B, F, (btaps+1) * C) """ C = reference_vector.shape[-1] if diagonal_loading: Rf = tik_reg(Rf, reg=diag_eps, eps=eps) inv_Rf = Rf.inverse2() # (B, F, (btaps+1) * C, C) inv_Rf_pruned = inv_Rf[..., :C] # numerator: (..., C_1, C_2) x (..., C_2, C_3) -> (..., C_1, C_3) numerator = FC.matmul(inv_Rf_pruned, Phi) # ws: (..., (btaps+1) * C, C) / (...,) -> (..., (btaps+1) * C, C) ws = numerator / (FC.trace(numerator[..., :C, :])[..., None, None] + eps) # h: (..., F, C_1, C_2) x (..., C_2) -> (..., F, C_1) beamform_vector = FC.einsum("...fec,...c->...fe", [ws, reference_vector]) # (B, F, (btaps+1) * C) return beamform_vector def get_WPD_filter_with_rtf( psd_observed_bar: ComplexTensor, psd_speech: ComplexTensor, psd_noise: ComplexTensor, iterations: int = 3, reference_vector: Union[int, torch.Tensor, None] = None, normalize_ref_channel: Optional[int] = None, use_torch_solver: bool = True, diagonal_loading: bool = True, diag_eps: float = 1e-7, eps: float = 1e-15, ) -> ComplexTensor: """Return the WPD vector calculated with RTF. WPD is the Weighted Power minimization Distortionless response convolutional beamformer. As follows: h = (Rf^-1 @ vbar) / (vbar^H @ R^-1 @ vbar) Reference: T. Nakatani and K. Kinoshita, "A Unified Convolutional Beamformer for Simultaneous Denoising and Dereverberation," in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 903-907, June 2019, doi: 10.1109/LSP.2019.2911179. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8691481 Args: psd_observed_bar (ComplexTensor): stacked observation covariance matrix psd_speech (ComplexTensor): speech covariance matrix (..., F, C, C) psd_noise (ComplexTensor): noise covariance matrix (..., F, C, C) iterations (int): number of iterations in power method reference_vector (torch.Tensor or int): (..., C) or scalar normalize_ref_channel (int): reference channel for normalizing the RTF use_torch_solver (bool): Whether to use `solve` instead of `inverse` diagonal_loading (bool): Whether to add a tiny term to the diagonal of psd_n diag_eps (float): eps (float): Returns: beamform_vector (ComplexTensor)r: (..., F, C) """ C = psd_noise.size(-1) if diagonal_loading: psd_noise = tik_reg(psd_noise, reg=diag_eps, eps=eps) # (B, F, C, 1) rtf = get_rtf( psd_speech, psd_noise, reference_vector, iterations=iterations, use_torch_solver=use_torch_solver, ) # (B, F, (K+1)*C, 1) rtf = FC.pad(rtf, (0, 0, 0, psd_observed_bar.shape[-1] - C), "constant", 0) # numerator: (..., C_1, C_2) x (..., C_2, 1) -> (..., C_1) if use_torch_solver: numerator = FC.solve(rtf, psd_observed_bar)[0].squeeze(-1) else: numerator = FC.matmul(psd_observed_bar.inverse2(), rtf).squeeze(-1) denominator = FC.einsum("...d,...d->...", [rtf.squeeze(-1).conj(), numerator]) if normalize_ref_channel is not None: scale = rtf.squeeze(-1)[..., normalize_ref_channel, None].conj() beamforming_vector = numerator * scale / (denominator.real.unsqueeze(-1) + eps) else: beamforming_vector = numerator / (denominator.real.unsqueeze(-1) + eps) return beamforming_vector def perform_WPD_filtering( filter_matrix: ComplexTensor, Y: ComplexTensor, bdelay: int, btaps: int ) -> ComplexTensor: """Perform WPD filtering. Args: filter_matrix: Filter matrix (B, F, (btaps + 1) * C) Y : Complex STFT signal with shape (B, F, C, T) Returns: enhanced (ComplexTensor): (B, F, T) """ # (B, F, C, T) --> (B, F, C, T, btaps + 1) Ytilde = signal_framing(Y, btaps + 1, 1, bdelay, do_padding=True, pad_value=0) Ytilde = FC.reverse(Ytilde, dim=-1) Bs, Fdim, C, T = Y.shape # --> (B, F, T, btaps + 1, C) --> (B, F, T, (btaps + 1) * C) Ytilde = Ytilde.permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous().view(Bs, Fdim, T, -1) # (B, F, T, 1) enhanced = FC.einsum("...tc,...c->...t", [Ytilde, filter_matrix.conj()]) return enhanced def tik_reg(mat: ComplexTensor, reg: float = 1e-8, eps: float = 1e-8) -> ComplexTensor: """Perform Tikhonov regularization (only modifying real part). Args: mat (ComplexTensor): input matrix (..., C, C) reg (float): regularization factor eps (float) Returns: ret (ComplexTensor): regularized matrix (..., C, C) """ # Add eps C = mat.size(-1) eye = torch.eye(C, dtype=mat.dtype, device=mat.device) shape = [1 for _ in range(mat.dim() - 2)] + [C, C] eye = eye.view(*shape).repeat(*mat.shape[:-2], 1, 1) with torch.no_grad(): epsilon = FC.trace(mat).real[..., None, None] * reg # in case that correlation_matrix is all-zero epsilon = epsilon + eps mat = mat + epsilon * eye return mat ############################################## # Below are for Multi-Frame MVDR beamforming # ############################################## # modified from https://gitlab.uni-oldenburg.de/hura4843/deep-mfmvdr/-/blob/master/deep_mfmvdr (# noqa: E501) def get_adjacent(spec: ComplexTensor, filter_length: int = 5) -> ComplexTensor: """Zero-pad and unfold stft, i.e., add zeros to the beginning so that, using the multi-frame signal model, there will be as many output frames as input frames. Args: spec (ComplexTensor): input spectrum (B, F, T) filter_length (int): length for frame extension Returns: ret (ComplexTensor): output spectrum (B, F, T, filter_length) """ # noqa: D400 return ( FC.pad(spec, pad=[filter_length - 1, 0]) .unfold(dim=-1, size=filter_length, step=1) .contiguous() ) def get_adjacent_th(spec: torch.Tensor, filter_length: int = 5) -> torch.Tensor: """Zero-pad and unfold stft, i.e., add zeros to the beginning so that, using the multi-frame signal model, there will be as many output frames as input frames. Args: spec (torch.Tensor): input spectrum (B, F, T, 2) filter_length (int): length for frame extension Returns: ret (torch.Tensor): output spectrum (B, F, T, filter_length, 2) """ # noqa: D400 return ( torch.nn.functional.pad(spec, pad=[0, 0, filter_length - 1, 0]) .unfold(dimension=-2, size=filter_length, step=1) .transpose(-2, -1) .contiguous() ) def vector_to_Hermitian(vec): """Construct a Hermitian matrix from a vector of N**2 independent real-valued elements. Args: vec (torch.Tensor): (..., N ** 2) Returns: mat (ComplexTensor): (..., N, N) """ # noqa: H405, D205, D400 N = int(np.sqrt(vec.shape[-1])) mat = torch.zeros(size=vec.shape[:-1] + (N, N, 2), device=vec.device) # real component triu = np.triu_indices(N, 0) triu2 = np.triu_indices(N, 1) # above main diagonal tril = (triu2[1], triu2[0]) # below main diagonal; for symmetry mat[(...,) + triu + (np.zeros(triu[0].shape[0]),)] = vec[..., : triu[0].shape[0]] start = triu[0].shape[0] mat[(...,) + tril + (np.zeros(tril[0].shape[0]),)] = mat[ (...,) + triu2 + (np.zeros(triu2[0].shape[0]),) ] # imaginary component mat[(...,) + triu2 + (np.ones(triu2[0].shape[0]),)] = vec[ ..., start : start + triu2[0].shape[0] ] mat[(...,) + tril + (np.ones(tril[0].shape[0]),)] = -mat[ (...,) + triu2 + (np.ones(triu2[0].shape[0]),) ] return ComplexTensor(mat[..., 0], mat[..., 1]) def get_mfmvdr_vector(gammax, Phi, use_torch_solver: bool = True, eps: float = EPS): """Compute conventional MFMPDR/MFMVDR filter. Args: gammax (ComplexTensor): (..., L, N) Phi (ComplexTensor): (..., L, N, N) use_torch_solver (bool): Whether to use `solve` instead of `inverse` eps (float) Returns: beamforming_vector (ComplexTensor): (..., L, N) """ # (..., L, N) if use_torch_solver: numerator = FC.solve(gammax.unsqueeze(-1), Phi)[0].squeeze(-1) else: numerator = FC.matmul(Phi.inverse2(), gammax.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) denominator = FC.einsum("...d,...d->...", [gammax.conj(), numerator]) return numerator / (denominator.real.unsqueeze(-1) + eps) def filter_minimum_gain_like( G_min, w, y, alpha=None, k: float = 10.0, eps: float = EPS ): """Approximate a minimum gain operation. speech_estimate = alpha w^H y + (1 - alpha) G_min Y, where alpha = 1 / (1 + exp(-2 k x)), x = w^H y - G_min Y Args: G_min (float): minimum gain w (ComplexTensor): filter coefficients (..., L, N) y (ComplexTensor): buffered and stacked input (..., L, N) alpha: mixing factor k (float): scaling in tanh-like function esp (float) Returns: output (ComplexTensor): minimum gain-filtered output alpha (float): optional """ # (..., L) filtered_input = FC.einsum("...d,...d->...", [w.conj(), y]) # (..., L) Y = y[..., -1] return minimum_gain_like(G_min, Y, filtered_input, alpha, k, eps) def minimum_gain_like( G_min, Y, filtered_input, alpha=None, k: float = 10.0, eps: float = EPS ): if alpha is None: diff = (filtered_input + eps).abs() - (G_min * Y + eps).abs() alpha = 1.0 / (1.0 + torch.exp(-2 * k * diff)) return_alpha = True else: return_alpha = False output = alpha * filtered_input + (1 - alpha) * G_min * Y if return_alpha: return output, alpha else: return output
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# scan.py # Author: Thomas MINIER - MIT License 2017-2020 from typing import Dict, Optional from sage.database.db_iterator import DBIterator from sage.query_engine.iterators.preemptable_iterator import PreemptableIterator from sage.query_engine.iterators.utils import selection, vars_positions from sage.query_engine.protobuf.iterators_pb2 import (SavedScanIterator, TriplePattern) class ScanIterator(PreemptableIterator): """A ScanIterator evaluates a triple pattern over a RDF graph. It can be used as the starting iterator in a pipeline of iterators. Args: * source: A DBIterator that yields RDF triple. * triple: The triple pattern corresponding to the source iterator. * cardinality: The cardinality of the triple pattern. """ def __init__(self, source: DBIterator, triple: Dict[str, str], cardinality: int = 0, progress: int = 0): super(ScanIterator, self).__init__() self._source = source self._triple = triple self._variables = vars_positions(triple['subject'], triple['predicate'], triple['object']) self._cardinality = cardinality self._progress = progress def __len__(self) -> int: return self._cardinality def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<ScanIterator ({self._triple['subject']} {self._triple['predicate']} {self._triple['object']})>" def serialized_name(self): """Get the name of the iterator, as used in the plan serialization protocol""" return "scan" def last_read(self) -> str: return self._source.last_read() def has_next(self) -> bool: """Return True if the iterator has more item to yield""" return self._source.has_next() def next_sync(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: """ test !! """ if not self.has_next(): raise StopAsyncIteration() triple = next(self._source) self._progress+=1 if triple is None: return None return selection(triple, self._variables) async def next(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: """Get the next item from the iterator, following the iterator protocol. This function may contains `non interruptible` clauses which must be atomically evaluated before preemption occurs. Returns: A set of solution mappings, or `None` if none was produced during this call. Throws: `StopAsyncIteration` if the iterator cannot produce more items. """ if not self.has_next(): raise StopAsyncIteration() triple = next(self._source) self._progress+=1 if triple is None: return None return selection(triple, self._variables) def save(self) -> SavedScanIterator: """Save and serialize the iterator as a Protobuf message""" saved_scan = SavedScanIterator() triple = TriplePattern() triple.subject = self._triple['subject'] triple.predicate = self._triple['predicate'] triple.object = self._triple['object'] triple.graph = self._triple['graph'] saved_scan.triple.CopyFrom(triple) saved_scan.last_read = self._source.last_read() saved_scan.cardinality = self._cardinality saved_scan.progress = self._progress return saved_scan
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[STATEMENT] theorem IK_nf_real_card: shows "card ((\<lambda> f. f RRR) ` {f . IK_nf f}) = 7" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. card ((\<lambda>f. f RRR) ` {f. IK_nf f}) = 7 [PROOF STEP] by (simp add: IK_nf_set) ((subst card_insert_disjoint; auto dest!: RRR_test simp: nf_RRR I_K id_def[symmetric] o_assoc)[1])+
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#include "text/csv/iterator.hpp" #include <string> #include <vector> #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> using text::csv::row_range; using text::csv::map_row_range; static const std::string NUMERIC_DATA = "1,2,3\n4,5,6"; BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(csv_ranges) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(numeric_row_range_test) { std::istringstream in(NUMERIC_DATA); std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > grid(2); grid[0].push_back("1"); grid[1].push_back("4"); grid[0].push_back("2"); grid[1].push_back("5"); grid[0].push_back("3"); grid[1].push_back("6"); row_range range(in); std::size_t i = 0; for (row_range::iterator r = range.begin(), e = range.end(); r != e; ++r) { for (std::size_t j = 0; j < grid[i].size(); ++j) { BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(grid[i][j], (*r)[j]); } ++i; } BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(i, grid.size()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(map_row_range_test) { const char *const values[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" }; std::istringstream in("x,y,z\n1,2,3\n4,5,6"); map_row_range range(in); std::size_t i = 0; for (map_row_range::iterator r = range.begin(), e = range.end(); r != e; ++r) { BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(values[i++], (*r)["x"]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(values[i++], (*r)["y"]); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(values[i++], (*r)["z"]); } BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sizeof values / sizeof values[0], i); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()
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#!/usr/bin/env python import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('rover_driver_base') import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Float64 from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist,Pose from math import atan2, hypot, pi, cos, sin import tf import message_filters import numpy from numpy.linalg import pinv from rover_driver_base.rover_kinematics import * class RoverDriver: def __init__(self,name): self.name = name rospy.init_node('rover_driver') self.name = rospy.get_param("~rover_name",self.name) self.skidsteer = rospy.get_param("~skidsteer",False) self.check_timeout = rospy.get_param("~check_timeout",True) rospy.loginfo("Starting rover driver for rover '%s'" % self.name) self.last_cmd = rospy.Time.now() self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.steering_pub={} self.drive_pub={} self.ready = False self.kinematics = RoverKinematics() self.twist_sub = rospy.Subscriber('~twistCommand', Twist, self.twist_cb) # print "Initialising wheel data structure" for k in prefix: self.steering_pub[k] = rospy.Publisher("/vrep/%s/%sSteerCommand" % (self.name,k), Float64, queue_size=1) self.drive_pub[k] = rospy.Publisher("/vrep/%s/%sDriveCommand" % (self.name,k), Float64, queue_size=1) def twist_cb(self,twist): if not self.ready: return # print "Got twist: " + str(twist) self.last_cmd = rospy.Time.now() # Get the pose of all drives drive_cfg={} for k in prefix: # try: # self.listener.waitForTransform('/%s/ground'%(self.name), # '/%s/%sDrive'%(self.name,k), self.last_cmd, rospy.Duration(1.0)) ((x,y,z),rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform('/%s/ground'%(self.name), '/%s/%sDrive'%(self.name,k), rospy.Time(0)) drive_cfg[k] = DriveConfiguration(self.radius[k],x,y,z) # except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): # return # Now compute for each drive, its rotation speed and steering angle motors = self.kinematics.twist_to_motors(twist,drive_cfg,self.skidsteer) self.publish(motors) def publish(self, motor): for k in prefix: self.drive_pub[k].publish(Float64(motor.drive[k])) self.steering_pub[k].publish(Float64(motor.steering[k])) def run(self): timeout = True rate = rospy.Rate(10) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for initial transforms") rospy.sleep(1.0) self.radius={} for k in prefix: try: self.listener.waitForTransform('/%s/ground'%(self.name), '/%s/%sDrive'%(self.name,k), rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(5.0)) ((x,y,z),rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform('/%s/ground'%(self.name), '/%s/%sDrive'%(self.name,k), rospy.Time(0)) self.radius[k] = z rospy.loginfo("Got transform for " + k) except tf.Exception,e: rospy.logerr("TF exception: " + repr(e)) self.ready = True while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.check_timeout: if (rospy.rostime.get_time() - self.last_cmd.to_sec()) < 0.5: if timeout: timeout = False rospy.loginfo("Accepting joystick commands") else: if not timeout: timeout = True rospy.loginfo("Timeout: ignoring joystick commands") motors = RoverMotors() self.publish(motors) rate.sleep() if __name__ == '__main__': try: rd = RoverDriver("rover") rd.run() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass
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from maindash import server import dash_html_components as html from stream_analysis.motion_detection.model_dash_integration import Detector, gen from flask import Response import os import numpy as np import cv2 @server.route('/video_feed') def video_feed(): # Find paths to model weights, model, and class names current_path = str(os.getcwd()) weights_path = current_path + r'\src\stream_analysis\motion_detection\weights\last.pt' model_path = current_path + r'\src\stream_analysis\motion_detection\cfg\yolov3-tiny.cfg' names_path = current_path + r'\src\stream_analysis\motion_detection\data_new\names.name' # Initiate generator a = gen(Detector(weights_path, model_path, names_path, 'cpu', '0')) # Return Flask response return Response(a, mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame') # Wrap feed into HTML element def serve_feed(): return html.Img(src="/video_feed")
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import math import torch import numpy as np import utils.image_processing as ip import utils.torch_complex as tc import torch.fft as fft def ASM_precal(slm_res, pix_pitch, wavelength, prop_dist, device, linear_conv=True, dtype=torch.float64): input_resolution = slm_res if linear_conv: input_resolution = [i * 2 for i in input_resolution] num_y, num_x = input_resolution[0], input_resolution[1] dy, dx = pix_pitch[0], pix_pitch[1] x, y = dx * num_x, dy * num_y xx = np.linspace(-(num_x / 2), num_x / 2, num_x) yy = np.linspace(-(num_y / 2), num_y / 2, num_y) fy = yy / y fx = xx / x FX, FY = np.meshgrid(fx, fy) H_angle = 2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(1 / wavelength ** 2 - (FX ** 2 + FY ** 2)) H_angle_z = H_angle * prop_dist # Band-Limited Angular Spectrum Method for Numerical Simulation of Free-Space Propagation in Far and Near Fields # - Kyoji Matsushima and Tomoyoshi Shimobaba (2009) fy_max = 1. / np.sqrt((2 * prop_dist * (1. / y)) ** 2 + 1) // wavelength fx_max = 1. / np.sqrt((2 * prop_dist * (1. / x)) ** 2 + 1) // wavelength H_amp = (abs(FX) < fx_max) & (abs(FY) < fy_max) trans_f = np.fft.ifftshift(np.multiply(H_amp, np.exp(1j * H_angle_z))) trans_b = np.fft.ifftshift(np.multiply(H_amp, np.exp(-1j * H_angle_z))) tensor_trans_f = tc.np2tensor_complex(trans_f) tensor_trans_b = tc.np2tensor_complex(trans_b) return tensor_trans_f.to(device), tensor_trans_b.to(device) def ASM_prop(slm_field, linear_conv, tensor_trans): if linear_conv: # preprocess with padding for linear conv. input_resolution = torch.tensor(slm_field.size()) conv_size = torch.multiply(input_resolution, 2) padval = 0 u_in = ip.img_pad(slm_field, conv_size, padval) else: input_resolution = slm_field.size() u_in = slm_field H = tensor_trans U1 = fft.fftn(tc.torch_ifftshift(u_in)) # angular spectrum U2 = H * U1 # system convolution u_out = tc.torch_fftshift(fft.ifftn(U2)) # Fourier transform of the convolution to the observation plane if linear_conv: return ip.img_crop(u_out, input_resolution) else: return u_out
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#!/usr/bin/env python3 # (c) University of the Witwatersand, Johannesburg on behalf of the H3ABioinformatics Network Consortium # 2016-2018 # Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. # See the "LICENSE" file for details import sys import pandas as pd import numpy as np EOL=chr(10) def check_missing(x): if x in ["NA","na","null","-9"] or ((type(x)==type("x")) and (len(x)<1)) or x==-9 or x==r"\N" or x=="-": return "NA" else: return x def errorMessage10(phe): print(""" A problem has been detected in file <%s> column <%s>. There is some invalid data. I regret I can't tell you which row. Please check -- the data should be numeric only. If there is missing data, please use NA """%(sys.argv[1],phe)) dataf = pd.read_csv(sys.argv[1],delim_whitespace=True) columns = dataf.columns pheno_labels_0 = sys.argv[2].split(",") pheno_labels = ["FID","IID"] if "FID" not in columns or "IID" not in columns: sys.exit(EOL*3+"It is mandatory for FID IID to be columns of the file %s"%sys.argv[1]+EOL*3) for lab in pheno_labels_0: det = lab.split("/") phe = det[0] if phe not in columns: sys.exit((EOL*3+"<%s> given as phenotype, but is not a column of the file <%s>"+EOL+EOL)%(phe,sys.argv[1])) if len(det)>1: fn = eval(det[1]) try: dataf[det[0]]=fn(dataf[phe]) except: errorMessage10(phe) sys.exit(10) pheno_labels.append(phe) dataf[phe]=dataf[phe].apply(check_missing) dataf[pheno_labels].to_csv(sys.argv[3],na_rep="-9",sep=chr(9),index=False,header=True)
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import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import re import nltk import pickle from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer,TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.multioutput import MultiOutputClassifier from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, GridSearchCV from sklearn.metrics import classification_report,precision_score def load_data(database_filepath): ''' This function loads the data from the database and output the features and target Input: database_filepath: OS location for sqlite database Output: X: Message y: Categories colnames: Category Labels ''' engine = create_engine('sqlite:///' + database_filepath) df = pd.read_sql_query("select * from messages ", engine) X = df.message.values y = df.iloc[:,4:40].values colnames = df.iloc[:,4:40].columns return X,y, colnames def tokenize(text): text = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ", text.lower()) # tokenize text tokens = word_tokenize(text) lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() # lemmatize and remove stop words #stop_words = stopwords.words("english") #tokens = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in tokens if word not in stop_words] clean_tokens = [] for tok in tokens: clean_tok = lemmatizer.lemmatize(tok).lower().strip() clean_tokens.append(clean_tok) return clean_tokens def build_model(): ''' Build the ML pipeline Input: Output: GridSearchCV pipleline ''' pipeline = Pipeline([ ('vect', CountVectorizer(tokenizer=tokenize)), ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()), ('clf', MultiOutputClassifier(RandomForestClassifier(), n_jobs=-1)) ]) parameters = {'clf__estimator__n_estimators': [50,100], 'clf__estimator__criterion': ['entropy', 'gini'] } model_cv = GridSearchCV(pipeline, param_grid=parameters) return model_cv def evaluate_model(model, X_test, Y_test, category_names): ''' Function to evaluate the ML model. Input: model: Machine learning model X_test: test features( Messages) Y_test: test target lables (Categories) category_names: Category Labels Output: print the f1 score, precision and recall for each category ''' y_pred = model.predict(X_test) for idx,val in enumerate(category_names): print("Category:", val,"\n", classification_report(Y_test[:, idx], y_pred[:, idx])) def save_model(model, model_filepath): ''' Input: model: The trained model to be saved to disk. model_filepath: model store location on Disk ''' # save the model to disk pickle.dump(model, open(model_filepath, 'wb')) def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 3: database_filepath, model_filepath = sys.argv[1:] print('Loading data...\n DATABASE: {}'.format(database_filepath)) X, Y, category_names = load_data(database_filepath) X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.2) print('Building model...') model = build_model() print('Training model...') model.fit(X_train, Y_train) print('Evaluating model...') evaluate_model(model, X_test, Y_test, category_names) print('Saving model...\n MODEL: {}'.format(model_filepath)) save_model(model, model_filepath) print('Trained model saved!') else: print('Please provide the filepath of the disaster messages database '\ 'as the first argument and the filepath of the pickle file to '\ 'save the model to as the second argument. \n\nExample: python '\ 'train_classifier.py ../data/DisasterResponse.db classifier.pkl') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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def split_space_data( X_normalized, X, Y, file_path, observation_number, test_size ): '''Seperate the data in a stratified way. The function takes in a few different datasets, where the indices of each are aligned to be of the same object. | X_normalized | X | Y | file_path | observation_number | |---------------------|----------|----------|------------------|---------------------------| | obj_0_X_normalized | obj_0_X | obj_0_Y | obj_0_file_path | obj_0_observation_number | | obj_42_X_normalized | obj_42_X | obj_42_Y | obj_42_file_path | obj_42_observation_number | It is important to make sure that the split data is stratified. Stratification means that if there is multiple classes in our dataset, then when we split our data the classes are make up a similar balance as when they were in the full data set. An example is: Our full dataset is 60% dogs and 40% cats. When we split our data into a training set and a test set, each set is still made of 60% dogs and 40% cats (or as close to this split as possible). ''' from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedShuffleSplit # Create the helper object sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit( n_splits=1, test_size=test_size ) # Generate the indecis train_index, test_index = next(sss.split(X_normalized, Y)) # Shuffle and split the data X_normalized_train, X_normalized_test = X_normalized[train_index], X_normalized[test_index] X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] Y_train, Y_test = Y[train_index], Y[test_index] file_path_train, file_path_test = file_path[train_index], file_path[test_index] observation_number_train, observation_number_test = observation_number[train_index], observation_number[test_index] return ( X_normalized_train, X_train, Y_train, file_path_train, observation_number_train ), ( X_normalized_test, X_test, Y_test, file_path_test, observation_number_test ) def metrics(outputs, labels, threshold=0.5): '''Gets all metrics that we need for model comparison. Throughout the paper they talk about 2 main metrics: False Positive Rate (FPR) and Missed Detection Rate (MDR). We get these by calculating True Positive: The number of times we said a supernova EXISTS and it DID False Positive: The number of times we said a supernova EXISTS and it DID NOT True Negative: The number of times we said a supernova DID NOT EXISTS and it DID NOT False Negative: The number of times we said a supernova DID NOT EXISTS and it DID ''' # Set the predicions to either 0 or 1 based on the given threshold predictions = outputs >= (1 - threshold) # Set the indices to either 0 or 1 based on the metric we are checking true_positive_indices = (predictions == 0.) * (labels == 0) false_positive_indices = (predictions == 0.) * (labels == 1) true_negative_indices = (predictions == 1.) * (labels == 1) false_negative_indices = (predictions == 1.) * (labels == 0) # Get the total count for each metric we are checking true_positive_count = true_positive_indices.sum() false_positive_count = false_positive_indices.sum() true_negative_count = true_negative_indices.sum() false_negative_count = false_negative_indices.sum() # Calculate and store the FPR and MDR in a dictionary for convenience fpr_and_mdr = { 'MDR': false_negative_count / (true_positive_count + false_negative_count), 'FPR': false_positive_count / (true_negative_count + false_positive_count) } return fpr_and_mdr def get_metrics(outputs, labels, with_acc=True): '''Get all metrics for all interesting thresholds. In the paper there is focus on 3 main thresholds -- 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6. We check To make sure we are all on the same page, a threshold is basically a boundry that dictates what decision the model is making. This happens because a models output is a float between 0 and 1. If a model outputs 0.42 we have to decide what that actually means. With a threshold of 0.4, a 0.42 would be pushed to a 1; where a threshold of 0.5 would push it to a 0. ''' import numpy as np all_metrics = {} # FPR and MDR 0.4 temp = metrics(outputs, labels, threshold=0.4) all_metrics["FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE_4"] = temp["FPR"] all_metrics["MISSED_DETECTION_RATE_4"] = temp["MDR"] # FPR and MDR 0.5 temp = metrics(outputs, labels, threshold=0.5) all_metrics["FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE_5"] = temp["FPR"] all_metrics["MISSED_DETECTION_RATE_5"] = temp["MDR"] # FPR and MDR 0.6 temp = metrics(outputs, labels, threshold=0.6) all_metrics["FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE_6"] = temp["FPR"] all_metrics["MISSED_DETECTION_RATE_6"] = temp["MDR"] # Summed FPR and MDR all_metrics["FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE"] = all_metrics["FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE_4"] + all_metrics["FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE_5"] + all_metrics["FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE_6"] all_metrics["MISSED_DETECTION_RATE"] = all_metrics["MISSED_DETECTION_RATE_4"] + all_metrics["MISSED_DETECTION_RATE_5"] + all_metrics["MISSED_DETECTION_RATE_6"] # The true sum all_metrics["PIPPIN_METRIC"] = all_metrics["FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE"] + all_metrics["MISSED_DETECTION_RATE"] # Accuracy if with_acc: predictions = np.around(outputs).astype(int) all_metrics["ACCURACY"] = (predictions == labels).sum() / len(labels) return all_metrics def create_result_csv(user_params, model_params, metrics, extra_dict=None, file_name="results.csv"): '''Format information to be stored and write to a CSV on disk. This function is used for record keeping of model experiments that have been run. Each header listed in csv_header_order are the pieces of information that we care about when comparing models. Each row of the CSV becomes a record for specific experiment where we can then use Pandas Dataframes or Excel to sort and compare models. ''' import pandas as pd import os # Define results file results_file = file_name # Dictionary to be turned into a CSV csv_dict = {} # Set the important columns in a set order csv_header_order = [ "INITIALS", "MODEL_DESCRIPTION", "VERSION", "FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE_4", "MISSED_DETECTION_RATE_4", "FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE_5", "MISSED_DETECTION_RATE_5", "FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE_6", "MISSED_DETECTION_RATE_6", "FALSE_POSITIVE_RATE", "MISSED_DETECTION_RATE", "PIPPIN_METRIC", "ACCURACY", "NUMBER_OF_FILTERS_1", "NUMBER_OF_FILTERS_2", "NUMBER_OF_FILTERS_3", "NUMBER_OF_FILTERS_4", "LEARNING_RATE", "BATCH_SIZE", "NUMBER_OF_EPOCHS", "NUMBER_OF_FILTERS", "POOL_SIZE", "KERNAL_SIZE", "NUMBER_OF_LAYERS", "DROPOUT_PERCENT", "FPR_ALPHA", "MDR_ALPHA", "DENSE_LAYER_SHAPES" ] # Loop through headers and create the dictionary for header in csv_header_order: # Check where the header is if header in metrics.keys(): csv_dict[header] = str(metrics[header]) elif header in user_params.keys(): csv_dict[header] = str(user_params[header]) elif header in model_params.keys(): csv_dict[header] = str(model_params[header]) # Turn the current data to a Dataframe updated_df = pd.DataFrame(csv_dict, index=[0]) # Check if a CSV already exists so we can add the current experiment to the previously logged ones if os.path.isfile(results_file): df = pd.read_csv(results_file) updated_df = pd.concat([df, updated_df]) # Write the CSV to disk updated_df.to_csv(results_file, index=False) return updated_df
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Boilerplate: Created on Tue Feb 16 18:54:55 2021 @author: Timothe """ import os,sys,inspect import warnings from datetime import datetime from fileio import ConfigFile from structs import TwoLayerDict import pathes try : import numpy as np except TypeError as e : warnings.warn("numpy installation was not detected, some functions from workflow module will be deactivated") np = e # @dataclass # class Point: # x: float # y: float # z: float = 0.0 def get_currentfile_git_repo_metadata(input_path = None): if input_path is None : input_path = inspect.stack()[1][1] if 'ipython' in input_path and input_path[0] == '<': raise NameError("cannot get file path of current executed script from a jupyter call; ") import git try : repo = git.Repo(input_path, search_parent_directories=True) except git.InvalidGitRepositoryError : warnings.warn(f"No git repository was found here or upstream : {input_path}") return None repo_data = {"file_called" : input_path,"path_on_disk":repo.git_dir, "name":repo.remotes.origin.url.split('.git')[0].split('/')[-1], "branch": repo.active_branch.name, "author": repo.remotes.origin.url.split('.git')[0].split('/')[-2], "commit": repo.active_branch.commit.hexsha, "commiter": repo.active_branch.commit.committer.name, "commiter_email": repo.active_branch.commit.committer.email} return repo_data class CachedVariables(ConfigFile): def _get_outside_caller_info(self): """ Iteratively scans the caller's parents and stops at first encounter of a function coming from another file than this one (the deepest outside caller) Returns it' file name and the function that "asked" for a raise if a module wasn't present. Returns: dict """ start_depth = 2 for depth in range(start_depth,len(inspect.stack())): #fullpath = inspect.stack()[depth][1] fullpath = inspect.stack()[depth][0].f_code.co_filename if not "__packages__" in fullpath: try :#If caller is a classmethod caller_object = str(inspect.stack()[depth][0].f_locals["self"].__class__.__name__)+'.'+str(inspect.stack()[depth][0].f_code.co_name) except KeyError :#if caller is a simple function caller_object = str(inspect.stack()[depth][3]) return { "caller_function_name" : caller_object, "caller_file_name" : fullpath} return { "caller_function_name" : "unknown", "caller_file_name" : "unknown"} def _add_meta_section(self,description): self._section = "meta" self._enter_var_init self["creator_full_path"]= inspect.stack()[2][1] self._enter_var_init try :#If caller is a classmethod self["creator_object"] = str(inspect.stack()[2][0].f_locals["self"].__class__.__name__)+'.'+str(inspect.stack()[2][0].f_code.co_name) except KeyError :#if caller is a simple function self["creator_object"] = inspect.stack()[2][3] self._enter_var_init self["creation_date"] = datetime.now().strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self._enter_var_init self["description"] = description if description is not None else None self._section = "current" def _add_readme_section(self): self._section = "readme" self._enter_var_init self["help_section_current"] ="The current section contains the values of variables last used or currentely in use." self._enter_var_init self["help_section_meta"] = "The meta section contains information for you, reader, to determine if the file can be removed (very old last_used date) and by wich program it was used (caller_full_path and caller_object)" self._enter_var_init self["help_section_date#name"] = "The sections with names composed of a [date#name] are sections that contains saved cached variables values and that can be retrieved back in the current section by calling `retrieve` with a name or a date." self._section = "current" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Handle file and ram representation of user selected current working variables that needs to be saved to later execution sessions, to improve work efficiency and user experience, mainly intended to use with GUI work variables. Args: **kwargs (optionnal): - description (`str`): - cache_dir_path (`str`): path to the .ini file if you wish to save it in a custom location. By default, it will be saved in the pGenUtils package, inside the __varcache__ folder. - distinguisher (`str`): Warning : Advanced user If you wish to have the ability to have several variables caches configurations for a class implementing a CachedVariables object, and if that class is called from several functions, you will need to disambiguate the .ini file with such distinguisher. Question: TODO Add the ability to simply roll back the caller to the top, so the user doesn't have to specify itself subjective distinguisher strings in the code depending on if it has been called from here or there. Returns: CachedVariables : An instance of the class Info: how to use inspect: ```python import inspect inspect.stack first index content : inspect.stack()[0] #callee inspect.stack()[1] #caller inspect.stack()[2] #caller's caller etc #inspect.stack second index content, for the caller in that case frame,filename,line_number,function_name,lines,index = inspect.stack()[1][1] ``` """ """ Cache section to use for a given script (to separate variables used for different scripts in the same cache file). cache_filename : str, optional Optionnal filename. The default is "saved_cache.vars". Can contain only the filename, and supply the folder in cache_dir_path, or can contain the whole concatenated path. In that case, leave the parameter cache_dir_path to None. cache_dir_path : str, optional The default is None. If None, the path is automatically set to the __varcache__ folder inside the main library folder. Returns ------- cached_execution_variables object. Available methods bound to that object : - individual key getters and setters : ( value = object["item"] or bject["item"] = value ) that will automatically resolve if the kei is available in ram or fetch it on .vars file attached to the object. - pull() : fetches all available variables in section in attached file to the ram. Can be usefull at start if all variables are necessary, to avoid loading them individually. - fetch(key) : updates the ram of unique or list of keys supplied to the function with values stored in the attached file. Same as pull except if is selective to variables supplied by user. - refresh() : same as pull except it selective only to keys already stored in ram (ie : keys already used during current session, for efficiency purposes) - push() : updates or add values of all keys stored in ram to the attached file """ cache_dir_path = kwargs["cache_dir_path"] if kwargs.get("cache_dir_path") is not None else os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "__varcache__") pathes.is_or_makedir(cache_dir_path) name_distinguisher = "#" + kwargs["distinguisher"] if kwargs.get("distinguisher") is not None else "" if not os.path.exists(cache_dir_path): os.makedirs(cache_dir_path) if name_distinguisher != "" : name_distinguisher = '#' + name_distinguisher if kwargs.get("cache_filename") is not None : self._filename = kwargs["cache_filename"] else : self._filename = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(inspect.stack()[1][1]) )[0] +"."+ inspect.stack()[1][3][1:-1] + name_distinguisher + ".ini" self._dirname = cache_dir_path self._fullpath = os.path.join(self._dirname,self._filename) super().__init__(self._fullpath) self._add_readme_section() self._add_meta_section(kwargs.get("description",None)) self._section = "current" #CheckConfigFile(self.fullpath, self.section) #super().__init__() @property def _enter_var_init(self): self._initializing_var_mode = True @property def _exit_var_init(self): self._initializing_var_mode = False @property def _is_init(self): if self._initializing_var_mode : return True return False def _key_resolver(self,key): if isinstance(key,(list,tuple)): return key return (self._section,key) def __getitem__(self, key): if self._is_init: self._exit_var_init return super().__getitem__(self._key_resolver(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): setkey = True if self._is_init : try : super().__getitem__(self._key_resolver(key)) setkey = False except : setkey = True self._exit_var_init if setkey : super().__setitem__(self._key_resolver(key),value) def _write_callback(self): self._update_timestamp() def _update_timestamp(self): TwoLayerDict.__setitem__(self,("meta","last_used"),datetime.now().strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) call_info = self._get_outside_caller_info() TwoLayerDict.__setitem__(self,("meta","last_caller_full_path"), call_info["caller_file_name"] ) TwoLayerDict.__setitem__(self,("meta","last_caller_objet"), call_info["caller_function_name"] ) @property def init(self): self._enter_var_init return self def set_working_section(self,section): self._section = section def save(self,section = None): """ """ sel_section = self._section if section is None else section backup_section = datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d") + "#" + sel_section for key in self[sel_section,:].keys(): self[backup_section,key] = self[sel_section,key] self.pop((sel_section,slice(None,None,None))) def retrieve(self,date=None,section = None): """ """ sel_section = self._section if section is None else section backup_section = self._find_most_recent_backup(sel_section) if date is None else date + "#" + sel_section for key in self[backup_section,:].keys(): self[sel_section,key] = self[backup_section,key] def _find_most_recent_backup(self,section): dates = [] for sec in self.sections(): parts = sec.split("#") if len(parts) == 1: continue if parts[1] == section: dates.append(parts[0]) date = sorted(dates,key=lambda content : int(content),reverse = True)[0] return date + "#" + section def ProgressBarImage(Fraction): try : raise np("Numpy must be installed in order to use this function") except TypeError : pass if Fraction == 1: blue = np.zeros((10,100,3)) blue[:,:,2] = np.ones((10,100)) return(blue) elif Fraction == 0: blue = np.zeros((10,100,3)) return(blue) else: blue = np.zeros((10,100,3)) blue[:,:,2] = np.ones((10,100)) blue[:,int(Fraction*100):,:] = np.ones((10,100-int(Fraction*100),3)) return(blue) def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='oct'): ''' by Fred Cirera, https://stackoverflow.com/a/1094933/1870254, modified''' for unit in ['','K ','M ','G ','T ','P ','E ','Z ']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f %s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f %s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix) def singleton(cls): instances = {} def getinstance(*args, **kwargs): if cls not in instances or kwargs.get("regen",False) is True: kwargs.pop("regen",None) instances[cls] = cls(*args, **kwargs) return instances[cls] return getinstance class classproperty(property): def __get__(self, cls, owner): return classmethod(self.fget).__get__(None, owner)() if __name__ == "__main__" : #parse_mkdocs_yml(test_path , "") test = CachedVariables(description="This is a test description") test.init["a_key"] = "vola" test["a_key"] = "value" test.init["a_key"] = "SHIT" print(test["a_key"]) print(test["a_key"]) test["a_key"] = 1332 import numpy as np test["another_key"] = np.array([[7,8],[4,1]]) print(test["a_key"]) test = np.zeros((1000,1000,100),dtype = np.float64) sys.exit() for name, size in sorted(((name, sys.getsizeof(value)) for name, value in globals().items()),key= lambda x: -x[1])[:]: print("{:>30}: {:>8}".format(name, sizeof_fmt(size)))
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program main use iso_c_binding implicit none block use tcl character(:), allocatable, target :: code integer(c_int) rc type(c_ptr) interp interp = tcl_create_interp() code = "puts foo" // achar(0) rc = tcl_eval(interp, c_loc(code)) call tcl_delete_interp(interp) end block end program main
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import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN import more_itertools as mit import multiprocessing as mp from numba import njit pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None @njit def _distance_between_two_coordinates(lat1_degrees, lon1_degrees, lat2_degrees, lon2_degrees) -> float: """Distance in meters between two points given in coordinates using the haversine distance. Args: lat1_degrees (float): latitude of the first point in degrees. lon1_degrees (float): longitude of the first point in degrees. lat2_degrees (float): latitude of the second point in degrees. lon2_degrees (float): longitude of the second point in degrees. Returns: float: distance in m between the two coordiantes. """ # approximate radius of earth in km R = 6373.0 lat1 = np.deg2rad(lat1_degrees) lon1 = np.deg2rad(lon1_degrees) lat2 = np.deg2rad(lat2_degrees) lon2 = np.deg2rad(lon2_degrees) dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 a = np.sin(dlat / 2) ** 2 + np.cos(lat1) * \ np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon / 2) ** 2 c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a)) distance = R * c return distance * 1000 def _create_route(df) -> pd.DataFrame: """Adds distance, time_delta, speed (m/s) and acceleration to the waypoints DataFrame Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): the waypoints DataFrame to be processed Returns: pandas.DataFrame: waypoints DataFrame with additional statistics: distance, time_delta, speed (m/s) and acceleration """ if df.shape[0] == 0: return pd.DataFrame(columns=['tracked_at_start', 'latitude_start', 'longitude_start', 'tracked_at_end', 'latitude_end', 'longitude_end', 'distance', 'time_delta', 'speed', 'acceleration', 'detection']) res = df.reset_index().merge( df.shift(-1).dropna().reset_index(), # last row of shift is NA on="index", suffixes=("_start", "_end"), ) res = res.drop( columns=[ "index", "user_id_start", "user_id_end", "accuracy_start", "accuracy_end", ], errors='ignore' ) res["distance"] = _distance_between_two_coordinates( res.latitude_start.values, res.longitude_start.values, res.latitude_end.values, res.longitude_end.values, ) res["time_delta"] = res.tracked_at_end - res.tracked_at_start res["time_delta"] = res["time_delta"].apply( lambda x: x.total_seconds() ) #  in seconds res["speed"] = ( res["distance"] / res["time_delta"] ) # we want to have meters / seconds # This will be necessary for mode detection res["acceleration"] = res["speed"] / res["time_delta"] return res def _prepare_for_detection(df) -> pd.DataFrame: """Flags all detections as trips. By default, we are looking for activities so everything else is tagged as a trip. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Waypoints DataFrame to be flagged Returns: pandas.DataFrame: DataFrame with 'detection' column being 'trip' """ df["detection"] = "trip" return df def _activities_density(args) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Detects activities by density Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): clusterer (sklearn.cluster): Returns: pandas.DataFrame: """ df, clusterer = args clusters_start = clusterer.fit_predict( np.radians(df[["latitude_start", "longitude_start"]])) df["cluster_start"] = clusters_start df["cluster_end"] = df.cluster_start.shift(-1).fillna(0).astype('int') # update the detection column: Whenever the clusters column are different, we put trip in detection. Otherwise, we put activity. df.loc[ (df["detection"] == "trip") & (df["cluster_start"] == df["cluster_end"]) & (df["cluster_start"] != -1), ["detection"], ] = "activity" return df def _correct_clusters(df): """Corrects detected clusters by merging them using a window time and mean speed Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame to be corrected, with 'detection', 'speed' and 'time_delta' columns """ activity_indexes = df.loc[df.detection == "activity"].index.values trip_indexes = df.loc[df.detection == "trip"].index.values time_delta = df['time_delta'].values speed = df['speed'].values detection = df['detection'].values for group in mit.consecutive_groups(activity_indexes): indexes = list(group) window_time = np.sum(time_delta[indexes]) if window_time < 120: detection[indexes] = 'trip' for group in mit.consecutive_groups(trip_indexes): indexes = list(group) window_time = np.sum(time_delta[indexes]) mean_speed = np.mean(speed[indexes]) if window_time < 120 or mean_speed < 1: detection[indexes] = 'activity' df['detection'] = detection def segment(prepared_df, radius=0.025, min_samples=50, time_gap=850, use_multiprocessing=True) -> pd.DataFrame: """Finds clusters of waypoints for legs Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Waypoints DataFrame to be processed radius (float): Eps for DBSCAN min_samples (int): Minimum number of samples to be considered for time_gap (float): Max time gap threshold for detected clusters Returns: pandas.DataFrame: DataFrame with the segment starts and ends """ route_user = _create_route(prepared_df) df = _prepare_for_detection(route_user) df["day"] = df.tracked_at_start.apply(lambda x: x.day) df["month"] = df.tracked_at_start.apply(lambda x: x.month) df["year"] = df.tracked_at_start.apply(lambda x: x.year) db = DBSCAN(eps=radius / 6371.0, min_samples=min_samples, algorithm="ball_tree", metric="haversine") route_clusters_detected = pd.DataFrame(columns=list( df.columns) + list(['cluster_start', 'cluster_end'])) arguments = list(df.groupby(['day', 'month', 'year']).groups.items()) arguments = list(map(lambda x: (df.iloc[list(x[1])], db), arguments)) if use_multiprocessing: pool = mp.Pool(processes=(mp.cpu_count() - 1)) results = pool.map_async(_activities_density, arguments) pool.close() pool.join() for res in results.get(timeout=1): route_clusters_detected = route_clusters_detected.append(res) else: for argument_list in arguments: res = _activities_density(argument_list) route_clusters_detected = route_clusters_detected.append(res) route_clusters_detected = route_clusters_detected.sort_values( by='tracked_at_start', ascending=True) route_clusters_detected = route_clusters_detected.drop( columns=['day', 'month', 'year']) route_clusters_detected = route_clusters_detected.reset_index().drop(columns="index") _correct_clusters(route_clusters_detected) route_clusters_detected = (route_clusters_detected.drop( route_clusters_detected[route_clusters_detected.time_delta > time_gap].index ) .reset_index() .drop(columns="index") ) route_clusters_detected = route_clusters_detected.drop( columns=['cluster_start', 'cluster_end']) return route_clusters_detected
{"hexsha": "feb3a15c5b30ae4754c93b6a9ae897c5f3d63d1c", "size": 7400, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "mobilipy/segmentation.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "plechoss/mobilipy", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "3bf54fe11defe186228af99d01de82bf11f0b590", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_stars_count": null, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": null, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_path": "mobilipy/segmentation.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "plechoss/mobilipy", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "3bf54fe11defe186228af99d01de82bf11f0b590", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_issues_count": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_path": "mobilipy/segmentation.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "plechoss/mobilipy", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "3bf54fe11defe186228af99d01de82bf11f0b590", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_forks_count": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": null, "avg_line_length": 34.1013824885, "max_line_length": 209, "alphanum_fraction": 0.6567567568, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy,from numba", "num_tokens": 1750}
""" Unit tests for php_wrappers module. Running tests which are NOT marked as slow (default): python -m pytest test_php_wrappers.py These tests take about 30 seconds to run (on my local machine). Running all tests, including those marked as slow: python -m pytest test_php_wrappers.py --runslow These tests take a VERY long time, upwards of 30 minutes (on my local machine). """ from etta.php_wrappers import * from tools import FileCheck from pandas import DataFrame from astropy.table import Table import os import pytest def wrapper_tester(func, params, expected_rows, expected_cols): # Test default output (pandas.DataFrame) res = func(**params) assert isinstance(res, DataFrame) assert len(res) >= expected_rows assert len(res.columns) >= expected_cols # Test astropy output (astropy.table.Table) res = func(**params, output='astropy') assert isinstance(res, Table) assert len(res) >= expected_rows assert len(res.columns) >= expected_cols # Test file download (csv) filename = f'test_{func.__name__}.csv' with FileCheck(filename) as file_check: res = func(**params, output='csv', path=filename) assert res is None file_check.check_min_length(expected_rows + 1) def test_download_toi_single(): wrapper_tester( download_toi, {'toi': 174}, expected_rows=4, expected_cols=57 ) @pytest.mark.slow def test_download_toi_all(): res = download_toi(sort='sg1a') assert res['SG1A'].is_monotonic assert len(res) >= 4198 assert len(res.columns) >= 57 def test_download_nearbytarget(): wrapper_tester( download_nearbytarget, {'tic': 278683844, 'sort': 'tmag'}, expected_rows=12, expected_cols=14 ) def test_download_uploads(): wrapper_tester( download_uploads, {'target': 'Kepler-633'}, expected_rows=2, expected_cols=9 ) wrapper_tester( download_uploads, {'target': 63898957}, expected_rows=1, expected_cols=9 ) wrapper_tester( download_uploads, {'target': 'TOI286'}, expected_rows=1, expected_cols=9 ) def test_download_imaging_single(): wrapper_tester( download_imaging, {'target': 26474039}, expected_rows=8, expected_cols=15 ) @pytest.mark.slow def test_download_imaging_all(): res = download_imaging(sort='user') assert res['User'].is_monotonic assert len(res) >= 16382 assert len(res.columns) >= 15 def test_download_tag_imaging(): wrapper_tester( download_tag_imaging, {'tag': 95132}, expected_rows=2, expected_cols=15 ) def test_download_spect_single(): wrapper_tester( download_spect, {'target': 'TOI1162'}, expected_rows=4, expected_cols=15 ) @pytest.mark.slow def test_download_spect_all(): res = download_spect(sort='inst') assert res['Instrument'].is_monotonic assert len(res) >= 14802 assert len(res.columns) >= 15 def test_download_tag_spect(): wrapper_tester( download_tag_spect, {'tag': 1494}, expected_rows=9, expected_cols=15 ) def test_download_tseries_single(): wrapper_tester( download_tseries, {'target': 366074069}, expected_rows=6, expected_cols=19 ) @pytest.mark.slow def test_download_tseries_all(): res = download_tseries(sort='user') assert res['User'].is_monotonic assert len(res) >= 6373 assert len(res.columns) >= 19 def test_download_tag_tseries(): wrapper_tester( download_tag_tseries, {'tag': 7}, expected_rows=2, expected_cols=19 ) def test_download_obsnotes(): wrapper_tester( download_obsnotes, {'tag': 3059}, expected_rows=1185, expected_cols=7 ) wrapper_tester( download_obsnotes, {'tic': 254113311}, expected_rows=3, expected_cols=7 ) wrapper_tester( download_obsnotes, {'row_id': 4339}, expected_rows=1, expected_cols=7 ) @pytest.mark.slow def test_download_user_tags(): """This test is extremely slow (can take about 30 minutes). """ wrapper_tester( download_user_tags, {'username': 'ciardi'}, expected_rows=19043, expected_cols=13 ) def test_download_stellarcomp_single(): wrapper_tester( download_stellarcomp, {'target': 27769688}, expected_rows=3, expected_cols=15 ) def test_download_stellarcomp_all(): res = download_stellarcomp(sort='id') assert res['TIC ID'].is_monotonic assert len(res) >= 4017 assert len(res.columns) >= 15
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# *-* coding: utf-8 *-* import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import cv2 import os import re import detect_face default_color = (0, 255, 0) #BGR default_thickness = 2 image_paths = sorted([f for f in os.listdir('.') if re.match(r'.+\.jpg', f)]) with tf.Graph().as_default(): sess = tf.Session() pnet, rnet, onet = detect_face.create_mtcnn(sess, None) minsize = 20 # minimum size of face threshold = [ 0.6, 0.7, 0.7 ] # three steps's threshold factor = 0.709 # scale factor import numpy as np import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: ret, img_orig = cap.read() img = np.copy(img_orig) bounding_boxes, points = detect_face.detect_face(img, minsize, pnet, rnet, onet, threshold, factor) for bounding_box in bounding_boxes: pts = bounding_box[:4].astype(np.int32) pt1 = (pts[0], pts[1]) pt2 = (pts[2], pts[3]) cv2.rectangle(img, pt1, pt2, color=default_color, thickness=default_thickness) cv2.imshow("salam", img) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
{"hexsha": "7e8900e68a96145f7ef369643c1c91de9c262881", "size": 1094, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "32-detect/mtcnn-camera.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "moh3n9595/class.vision", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "cbcc65fd1f226273d26e44576ca7c3950faea75c", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_stars_count": 103, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": "2018-02-23T15:58:26.000Z", "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": "2022-03-09T05:49:14.000Z", "max_issues_repo_path": "32-detect/mtcnn-camera.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "Deep-learning999/class.vision", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "c3cc8118d8c00aff56956fba69e8c99d666251d5", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_issues_count": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_path": "32-detect/mtcnn-camera.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "Deep-learning999/class.vision", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "c3cc8118d8c00aff56956fba69e8c99d666251d5", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_forks_count": 53, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": "2018-02-16T20:38:29.000Z", "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": "2022-03-07T10:12:10.000Z", "avg_line_length": 22.3265306122, "max_line_length": 103, "alphanum_fraction": 0.6563071298, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy", "num_tokens": 329}
import math import librosa import numpy as np import pickle import os LENGTH_CHOSEN = 80000 SCALERS_FOLDER = "speech_emotion_recognition/data_scaler" def read_file(audio_file): """ :param audio_file: a string representing the full-path of the input audio file :type audio_file: string :return: an array representing the sampled audio file, sample rate :rtype: np.array, int """ samples, sr = librosa.load(audio_file, res_type='kaiser_fast', sr=16000) return samples, sr def cut_pad(samples): """ :param samples: an array representing the sampled audio :type samples: np.array, float64 :return: an array representing the cut or padded audio file :rtype: np.array, float64 """ # cut if samples.shape[0] > LENGTH_CHOSEN: new_samples = samples[:LENGTH_CHOSEN] # pad elif samples.shape[0] < LENGTH_CHOSEN: new_samples = np.pad(samples, math.ceil((LENGTH_CHOSEN - samples.shape[0]) / 2), mode='median') # nothing else: new_samples = samples if len(new_samples) == 80001: new_samples = new_samples[:-1] return new_samples def compute_energy(samples): """ :param samples: an array representing the sampled audio :type samples: float64 :return: a value representing the rms on the input audio :rtype: float """ energy = librosa.feature.rms(samples) energy = energy.T energy = np.array(energy) return energy def compute_energy_mean(samples): """ :param samples: an array representing the sampled audio :type samples: float64 :return: a value representing the average rms on the input audio :rtype: float """ energy = librosa.feature.rms(samples) energy = energy.T energy = np.array(energy) energy = np.mean(energy, axis=0) return energy def compute_mfccs(samples, n_mfcc, scaler, feature_energy): """ :param samples: an array representing the sampled audio :type samples: np.array, float 64 :param n_mfcc: the desired number of mfcc :type n_mfcc: int :param scaler: the full-path of the scaler pickle object :type scaler: string :param feature_energy: a value to indicate whether the energy feature should be concatenated to MFCCs :type feature_energy: boolean :return: an of audio features :rtype: np.array, float64 """ # Compute MFCCS mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=samples, sr=16000, n_mfcc=n_mfcc) mfccs = mfccs.T mfccs = np.array(mfccs) mfccs = mfccs[:, 1:] # get rid of the first component # Compute energy, if required if feature_energy == True: energy = compute_energy(samples) features = [] conc = np.column_stack((mfccs, energy)) features.append(conc) mfccs = np.array(features) # Reshape features in (1, 157, n_mfcc) if feature_energy == True: mfccs = mfccs.reshape(1, 157, n_mfcc) else: mfccs = mfccs.reshape(1, 157, n_mfcc-1) # Load scaler SCALER_PATH = os.path.join(SCALERS_FOLDER, scaler) # print("SCALER PATH", SCALER_PATH) with open(SCALER_PATH, 'rb') as f: scaler = pickle.load(f) # print("Shape MFCCS", mfccs.shape) # Scale data mfccs = scaler.transform(mfccs.reshape(-1, mfccs.shape[-1])).reshape(mfccs.shape) return mfccs def compute_mfccs_mean(samples, n_mfcc, scaler, feature_energy): """ :param samples: an array representing the sampled audio :type samples: np.array, float 64 :param n_mfcc: the desired number of mfcc :type n_mfcc: int :param scaler: the full-path of the scaler pickle object :type scaler: string :param feature_energy: a value to indicate whether the energy feature should be concatenated to MFCCs :type feature_energy: boolean :return: an of audio features :rtype: np.array, float64 """ mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=samples, sr=16000, n_mfcc=n_mfcc) mfccs = mfccs.T mfccs = np.array(mfccs) mfccs = np.mean(mfccs[:, 1:], axis=0) # print("Shape MFCCS", mfccs.shape) # Compute energy, if required if feature_energy == True: energy = compute_energy_mean(samples) features = [] conc = np.concatenate((mfccs, energy), axis=None) features.append(conc) mfccs = np.array(features) # Reshape features in (1, 157, n_mfcc) if feature_energy == True: mfccs = mfccs.reshape(1, n_mfcc) else: mfccs = mfccs.reshape(1, n_mfcc - 1) # Load scaler SCALER_PATH = os.path.join(SCALERS_FOLDER, scaler) # print("SCALER PATH", SCALER_PATH) with open(SCALER_PATH, 'rb') as f: scaler = pickle.load(f) # Scale data mfccs = scaler.transform(mfccs.reshape(-1, mfccs.shape[-1])).reshape(mfccs.shape) return mfccs def mfccs_scaled(samples, scaler, id_exp): """ :param samples: an array representing the sampled audio :type samples: np.array, float 64 :param scaler: the full-path of the scaler pickle object :type scaler: string :param id_exp: a string that identifies the experiment :type id_exp: string :return: an array of features :rtype: np.array, float64 """ parts = id_exp.split('_') num_exp = parts[0] # print("Computing features for Experiment: ", num_exp) if num_exp == '1': mfccs = compute_mfccs(samples, 13, scaler, feature_energy=False) return mfccs elif num_exp == '2': mfccs = compute_mfccs(samples, 13, scaler, feature_energy=True) return mfccs elif num_exp == '3': mfccs = compute_mfccs(samples, 26, scaler, feature_energy=False) return mfccs elif num_exp == '4': mfccs = compute_mfccs(samples, 26, scaler, feature_energy=True) return mfccs elif num_exp == '5': mfccs = compute_mfccs_mean(samples, 13, scaler, feature_energy=False) return mfccs elif num_exp == '6': mfccs = compute_mfccs_mean(samples, 13, scaler, feature_energy=True) return mfccs elif num_exp == '7': mfccs = compute_mfccs_mean(samples, 26, scaler, feature_energy=False) return mfccs elif num_exp == '8': mfccs = compute_mfccs_mean(samples, 26, scaler, feature_energy=True) return mfccs
{"hexsha": "0ce832362fc34c2febd3e114daed60b36db66ba4", "size": 6290, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "speech_emotion_recognition/feature_extraction.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "helemanc/ambient-intelligence", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "fe3571ac2d43b91b1331973ed7769372cc544af2", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_stars_count": 2, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": "2022-01-27T18:35:29.000Z", "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": "2022-01-28T11:40:24.000Z", "max_issues_repo_path": "speech_emotion_recognition/feature_extraction.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "helemanc/ambient-intelligence", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "fe3571ac2d43b91b1331973ed7769372cc544af2", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_issues_count": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": null, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_path": "speech_emotion_recognition/feature_extraction.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "helemanc/ambient-intelligence", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "fe3571ac2d43b91b1331973ed7769372cc544af2", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["MIT"], "max_forks_count": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": null, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": null, "avg_line_length": 30.5339805825, "max_line_length": 105, "alphanum_fraction": 0.6597774245, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy", "num_tokens": 1731}
section\<open>The general Rasiowa-Sikorski lemma\<close> theory Rasiowa_Sikorski imports Forcing_Notions Pointed_DC begin context countable_generic begin lemma RS_relation: assumes "p\<in>P" "n\<in>nat" shows "\<exists>y\<in>P. \<langle>p,y\<rangle> \<in> (\<lambda>m\<in>nat. {\<langle>x,y\<rangle>\<in>P\<times>P. y\<preceq>x \<and> y\<in>\<D>`(pred(m))})`n" proof - from seq_of_denses \<open>n\<in>nat\<close> have "dense(\<D> ` pred(n))" by simp with \<open>p\<in>P\<close> have "\<exists>d\<in>\<D> ` Arith.pred(n). d\<preceq> p" unfolding dense_def by simp then obtain d where 3: "d \<in> \<D> ` Arith.pred(n) \<and> d\<preceq> p" by blast from countable_subs_of_P \<open>n\<in>nat\<close> have "\<D> ` Arith.pred(n) \<in> Pow(P)" by (blast dest:apply_funtype intro:pred_type) then have "\<D> ` Arith.pred(n) \<subseteq> P" by (rule PowD) with 3 have "d \<in> P \<and> d\<preceq> p \<and> d \<in> \<D> ` Arith.pred(n)" by auto with \<open>p\<in>P\<close> \<open>n\<in>nat\<close> show ?thesis by auto qed lemma DC_imp_RS_sequence: assumes "p\<in>P" shows "\<exists>f. f: nat\<rightarrow>P \<and> f ` 0 = p \<and> (\<forall>n\<in>nat. f ` succ(n)\<preceq> f ` n \<and> f ` succ(n) \<in> \<D> ` n)" proof - let ?S="(\<lambda>m\<in>nat. {\<langle>x,y\<rangle>\<in>P\<times>P. y\<preceq>x \<and> y\<in>\<D>`(pred(m))})" have "\<forall>x\<in>P. \<forall>n\<in>nat. \<exists>y\<in>P. \<langle>x,y\<rangle> \<in> ?S`n" using RS_relation by (auto) then have "\<forall>a\<in>P. (\<exists>f \<in> nat\<rightarrow>P. f`0 = a \<and> (\<forall>n \<in> nat. \<langle>f`n,f`succ(n)\<rangle>\<in>?S`succ(n)))" using sequence_DC by (blast) with \<open>p\<in>P\<close> show ?thesis by auto qed theorem rasiowa_sikorski: "p\<in>P \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>G. p\<in>G \<and> D_generic(G)" using RS_sequence_imp_rasiowa_sikorski by (auto dest:DC_imp_RS_sequence) end (* countable_generic *) end
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program dc double complex a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h double precision x complex w, z a = (1.0,1.0) b = 1 c = 1.0e0 d = 1.0d0 e = a + b f = COS(e) x = ABS(f) f = DCMPLX(x) h = LOG(g) + SQRT(f) + SIN(e) + EXP(a) print *, h w = (1.0, 1.0) z = w + 1 w = CMPLX(1.0, 1.0) z = w + 1 end
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/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Dato, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include <sframe/sframe.hpp> #include <sframe/algorithm.hpp> #include <flexible_type/flexible_type.hpp> #include <sframe/parallel_csv_parser.hpp> #include <sframe/csv_line_tokenizer.hpp> #include <sframe/csv_writer.hpp> #include <random/random.hpp> #include <sframe/groupby_aggregate.hpp> #include <sframe/groupby_aggregate_operators.hpp> #include <sframe/sframe_saving.hpp> #include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h> using namespace graphlab; class sframe_test : public CxxTest::TestSuite { std::string test_writer_prefix; std::string test_writer_dbl_prefix; std::string test_writer_str_prefix; std::string test_writer_add_col_prefix; std::string test_writer_seg_size_err_prefix; public: static sframe_test *createSuite() { sframe_test *test_suite = new sframe_test(); sarray<flexible_type> test_writer; sarray<flexible_type> test_writer_dbl; sarray<flexible_type> test_writer_str; sarray<flexible_type> test_writer_add_col; sarray<flexible_type> test_writer_seg_size_err; test_suite->test_writer_prefix = get_temp_name() + ".sidx"; test_suite->test_writer_dbl_prefix = get_temp_name() + ".sidx"; test_suite->test_writer_str_prefix = get_temp_name() + ".sidx"; test_suite->test_writer_add_col_prefix = get_temp_name() + ".sidx"; test_suite->test_writer_seg_size_err_prefix = get_temp_name() + ".sidx"; std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > data{{1,2,3,4,5}, {6,7,8,9,10}, {11,12,13,14,15}, {16,17,18,19,20}}; //TODO: Make better! test_writer.open_for_write(test_suite->test_writer_prefix, 4); test_writer_dbl.open_for_write(test_suite->test_writer_dbl_prefix, 4); test_writer_str.open_for_write(test_suite->test_writer_str_prefix, 4); test_writer_add_col.open_for_write(test_suite->test_writer_add_col_prefix, 4); test_writer.set_type(flex_type_enum::INTEGER); test_writer_dbl.set_type(flex_type_enum::FLOAT); test_writer_str.set_type(flex_type_enum::STRING); test_writer_add_col.set_type(flex_type_enum::FLOAT); for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { auto iter = test_writer.get_output_iterator(i); auto iter_dbl = test_writer_dbl.get_output_iterator(i); auto iter_str = test_writer_str.get_output_iterator(i); auto iter_add_col = test_writer_add_col.get_output_iterator(i); for(auto val: data[i]) { *iter = val; *iter_dbl = val; *iter_str = std::to_string(val); *iter_add_col = val; ++iter; ++iter_dbl; ++iter_str; ++iter_add_col; } } test_writer.close(); test_writer_dbl.close(); test_writer_str.close(); test_writer_add_col.close(); std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > data2{{1,2,3,4}, {5, 6,7,8,9,10,11,12}, {13,14,15}, {16,17,18,19,20}}; test_writer_seg_size_err.open_for_write(test_suite->test_writer_seg_size_err_prefix, 4); for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { auto iter = test_writer_seg_size_err.get_output_iterator(i); for(auto val : data2[i]) { *iter = val; ++iter; } } test_writer_seg_size_err.close(); return test_suite; } static void destroySuite(sframe_test *ts) { delete ts; } void test_sframe_construction() { // Create an sarray from on-disk representation auto tmp_ptr = new sarray<flexible_type>(test_writer_prefix); std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > sa_ptr(tmp_ptr); std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > > v; // Create 3 identical columns v.push_back(sa_ptr); v.push_back(sa_ptr); v.push_back(sa_ptr); // Create an sframe where the first column is named and the rest // get an automatic name std::vector<std::string> name_vector; name_vector.push_back(std::string("the_cool_column")); // Test that empty strings are handled correctly name_vector.push_back(std::string("")); // ...and test that the name_vector doesn't have to be the same size // as the vector v. sframe sf(v, name_vector); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.num_segments(), sa_ptr->num_segments()); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.num_columns(), 3); size_t num_rows = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < sa_ptr->num_segments(); ++i) { num_rows += sa_ptr->segment_length(i); } TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.num_rows(), num_rows); std::string x("X"); for(size_t i = 0; i < sf.num_columns(); ++i) { if(i == 0) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.column_name(i), std::string("the_cool_column")); } else { // Test automatic column names TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.column_name(i), std::string(x + std::to_string(i+1))); } TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.column_type(i), flex_type_enum::INTEGER); } // verify contents of the sframe std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > frame; graphlab::copy(sf, std::inserter(frame, frame.end())); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.size(), 20); for (size_t i = 0;i < frame.size(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame[i].size(), 3); for (size_t j = 0; j < frame[i].size(); ++j) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((size_t)(frame[i][j]), i + 1); } } // Test that I can add a misaligned segment auto tmp_ptr_seg = new sarray<flexible_type>(test_writer_seg_size_err_prefix); std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > seg_size_ptr(tmp_ptr_seg); v.push_back(seg_size_ptr); sframe sf2(v); // and that the contents match up frame.clear(); graphlab::copy(sf2, std::inserter(frame, frame.end())); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.size(), 20); for (size_t i = 0;i < frame.size(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame[i].size(), 4); for (size_t j = 0; j < frame[i].size(); ++j) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((size_t)(frame[i][j]), i + 1); } } // Unique column name name_vector.push_back(std::string("the_cool_column")); TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(sframe sf3(v, name_vector)); } void test_empty_sframe() { sframe sf; sf.open_for_write({"hello","world","pika"}, {flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::INTEGER}); sf.close(); TS_ASSERT(sf.is_opened_for_read() == true); auto reader = sf.get_reader(); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.size(), 0); sframe sf2 = sf.select_columns({"hello","world"}); TS_ASSERT(sf2.is_opened_for_read() == true); auto reader2 = sf2.get_reader(); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf2.size(), 0); } void test_sframe_save() { // Create an sarray from on-disk representation auto tmp_ptr = new sarray<flexible_type>(test_writer_prefix); std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > sa_ptr(tmp_ptr); std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > > v; // Create 3 identical columns v.push_back(sa_ptr); v.push_back(sa_ptr); v.push_back(sa_ptr); // Create SFrame with auto-named columns sframe *sf = new sframe(v); size_t exp_num_rows = sf->num_rows(); size_t exp_num_cols = sf->num_columns(); // Normal use case is to give an index file in a persistent place, // but that could cause errors in a unit test std::string index_file = get_temp_name(); index_file += ".frame_idx"; std::cerr << index_file; // Save in a different spot sf->save(index_file); std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > frame; graphlab::copy(*sf, std::inserter(frame, frame.end())); // Get rid of the original copy (to make sure the saved one is legit) delete sf; // Check that new files are in their spot TS_ASSERT(boost::filesystem::exists(index_file)); // Load sframe back and check that the contents are right sframe *sf2 = new sframe(index_file); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf2->num_rows(), exp_num_rows); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf2->num_columns(), exp_num_cols); std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > new_frame; graphlab::copy(*sf2, std::inserter(new_frame, new_frame.end())); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(new_frame.size(), frame.size()); for (size_t i = 0;i < frame.size(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(new_frame[i].size(), frame[i].size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < frame[i].size(); ++j) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(new_frame[i][j], frame[i][j]); } } // serialize sf2 { std::string dirpath = "sframe_test_dir"; graphlab::dir_archive dir; dir.open_directory_for_write(dirpath); graphlab::oarchive oarc(dir); oarc << (*sf2); } delete sf2; { // Load sframe back and check that the contents are right std::string dirpath = "sframe_test_dir"; graphlab::dir_archive dir; dir.open_directory_for_read(dirpath); sframe sf3; graphlab::iarchive iarc(dir); iarc >> sf3; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf3.num_rows(), exp_num_rows); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf3.num_columns(), exp_num_cols); std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > new_frame; graphlab::copy(sf3, std::inserter(new_frame, new_frame.end())); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(new_frame.size(), frame.size()); for (size_t i = 0;i < frame.size(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(new_frame[i].size(), frame[i].size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < frame[i].size(); ++j) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(new_frame[i][j], frame[i][j]); } } } } void test_sframe_save_reference_no_copy() { // Create an sarray from on-disk representation auto tmp_ptr = new sarray<flexible_type>(test_writer_prefix); std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > sa_ptr(tmp_ptr); std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > > v; // Create 3 identical columns v.push_back(sa_ptr); v.push_back(sa_ptr); v.push_back(sa_ptr); // Create SFrame with auto-named columns sframe *sf = new sframe(v); size_t exp_num_rows = sf->num_rows(); size_t exp_num_cols = sf->num_columns(); // Normal use case is to give an index file in a persistent place, // but that could cause errors in a unit test std::string base_name = get_temp_name(); auto index_file = base_name + ".frame_idx"; std::cerr << index_file; // Save in a different spot sframe_save_weak_reference(*sf, index_file); std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > frame; graphlab::copy(*sf, std::inserter(frame, frame.end())); // Check that new files are in their spot TS_ASSERT(boost::filesystem::exists(index_file)); // Load sframe back and check that the contents are right sframe *sf2 = new sframe(index_file); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf2->num_rows(), exp_num_rows); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf2->num_columns(), exp_num_cols); std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > new_frame; graphlab::copy(*sf2, std::inserter(new_frame, new_frame.end())); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(new_frame.size(), frame.size()); for (size_t i = 0;i < frame.size(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(new_frame[i].size(), frame[i].size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < frame[i].size(); ++j) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(new_frame[i][j], frame[i][j]); } } } void test_sframe_save_reference_one_copy() { /* * Create a saved sframe of 2 columns. * create one more cache column. * save a reference to this new sframe */ // the original sarray we are going to replicate auto tmp_ptr = new sarray<flexible_type>(test_writer_prefix); std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > sa_ptr(tmp_ptr); // save an sframe of 2 columns auto base_sframe = get_temp_name() + ".frame_idx"; { // Create an sarray from on-disk representation std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > > v; v.push_back(sa_ptr); v.push_back(sa_ptr); // Create SFrame with auto-named columns sframe sf(v); sf.save(base_sframe); } sframe bsf(base_sframe); // create an inmemory sarray and append to it std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > sa2 = std::make_shared<sarray<flexible_type>>(); sa2->open_for_write(1); sframe_rows rows; sa_ptr->get_reader()->read_rows(0, sa_ptr->size(), rows); (*sa2->get_output_iterator(0)) = rows; sa2->close(); auto sf = bsf.add_column(sa2); size_t exp_num_rows = sf.num_rows(); size_t exp_num_cols = sf.num_columns(); // Normal use case is to give an index file in a persistent place, // but that could cause errors in a unit test std::string base_name = get_temp_name(); auto index_file = base_name + ".frame_idx"; std::cerr << index_file; // Save in a different spot sframe_save_weak_reference(sf, index_file); std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > frame; graphlab::copy(sf, std::inserter(frame, frame.end())); // Check that new files are in their spot TS_ASSERT(boost::filesystem::exists(index_file)); // Load sframe back and check that the contents are right sframe *sf2 = new sframe(index_file); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf2->num_rows(), exp_num_rows); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf2->num_columns(), exp_num_cols); // 3rd cikynb TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(parse_v2_segment_filename(sf2->get_index_info().column_files[2]).first, parse_v2_segment_filename(bsf.get_index_info().column_files[1]).first); std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > new_frame; graphlab::copy(*sf2, std::inserter(new_frame, new_frame.end())); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(new_frame.size(), frame.size()); for (size_t i = 0;i < frame.size(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(new_frame[i].size(), frame[i].size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < frame[i].size(); ++j) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(new_frame[i][j], frame[i][j]); } } delete sf2; } void test_sframe_save_empty_columns() { sframe sf; sf.open_for_write({"col1", "col2"}, {flex_type_enum::INTEGER, flex_type_enum::STRING}); sf.close(); std::string index = get_temp_name() + ".frame_idx"; sf.save(index); sframe newsf(index); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(newsf.size(), 0); } void test_sframe_save_really_empty() { sframe sf; sf.open_for_write(std::vector<std::string>(), std::vector<flex_type_enum>()); sf.close(); std::string index = get_temp_name() + ".frame_idx"; sf.save(index); sframe newsf(index); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(newsf.size(), 0); } void test_sframe_dataframe_conversion() { std::vector<flexible_type> int_col{0,1,2,3,4,5}; std::vector<flexible_type> float_col{.0,.1,.2,.3,.4,.5}; std::vector<flexible_type> str_col{".0",".1",".2",".3",".4",".5"}; std::vector<flexible_type> vec_col{{.0},{.1},{.2},{.3},{.4},{.5}}; dataframe_t df; df.set_column("int_col", int_col, flex_type_enum::INTEGER); df.set_column("float_col", float_col, flex_type_enum::FLOAT); df.set_column("str_col", str_col, flex_type_enum::STRING); df.set_column("vec_col", vec_col, flex_type_enum::VECTOR); // Test df -> sf sframe sf(df); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.num_rows(), 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.num_columns(), 4); std::vector<flex_type_enum> expected_types{flex_type_enum::INTEGER, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::STRING, flex_type_enum::VECTOR}; std::vector<std::string> expected_names{"int_col", "float_col", "str_col", "vec_col"}; for (size_t i = 0; i < sf.num_columns(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.column_type(i), expected_types[i]); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.column_name(i), expected_names[i]); } size_t ctr = 0; auto reader = sf.get_reader(); for (size_t i = 0; i < reader->num_segments(); ++i) { auto iter = reader->begin(i); while(iter != reader->end(i)) { std::vector<flexible_type> row = *iter; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(row.size(), reader->num_columns()); for (size_t j = 0; j < row.size(); ++j) { if (j == 0) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(row[j], int_col[ctr]); } else if (j == 1) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(row[j], float_col[ctr]); } else if (j == 2){ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(row[j], str_col[ctr]); } else { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(row[j], vec_col[ctr]); } } ++iter; ++ctr; } } // Test sf -> df dataframe_t df2 = sf.to_dataframe(); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(df2.names, df.names); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(df2.types, df.types); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(df2.values, df.values); } void test_sframe_dataframe_conversion_with_na() { std::vector<flexible_type> int_col{0,1,2,3,4,5}; std::vector<flexible_type> float_col{.0,.1,.2,.3,.4,.5}; std::vector<flexible_type> str_col{".0",".1",".2",".3",".4",".5"}; std::vector<flexible_type> vec_col{{.0},{.1},{.2},{.3},{.4},{.5}}; // set the last row to NA int_col[int_col.size() - 1].reset(flex_type_enum::UNDEFINED); float_col[float_col.size() - 1].reset(flex_type_enum::UNDEFINED); str_col[str_col.size() - 1].reset(flex_type_enum::UNDEFINED); vec_col[vec_col.size() - 1].reset(flex_type_enum::UNDEFINED); dataframe_t df; df.set_column("int_col", int_col, flex_type_enum::INTEGER); df.set_column("float_col", float_col, flex_type_enum::FLOAT); df.set_column("str_col", str_col, flex_type_enum::STRING); df.set_column("vec_col", vec_col, flex_type_enum::VECTOR); // Test df -> sf sframe sf(df); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.num_rows(), 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.num_columns(), 4); std::vector<flex_type_enum> expected_types{flex_type_enum::INTEGER, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::STRING, flex_type_enum::VECTOR}; std::vector<std::string> expected_names{"int_col", "float_col", "str_col", "vec_col"}; for (size_t i = 0; i < sf.num_columns(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.column_type(i), expected_types[i]); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf.column_name(i), expected_names[i]); } auto reader = sf.get_reader(); size_t ctr = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < reader->num_segments(); ++i) { auto iter = reader->begin(i); while(iter != reader->end(i)) { std::vector<flexible_type> row = *iter; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(row.size(), reader->num_columns()); for (size_t j = 0; j < row.size(); ++j) { if (ctr < 5) { if (j == 0) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(row[j], int_col[ctr]); } else if (j == 1) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(row[j], float_col[ctr]); } else if (j == 2){ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(row[j], str_col[ctr]); } else { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(row[j], vec_col[ctr]); } } if (ctr == 5) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(row[j].get_type(), flex_type_enum::UNDEFINED); } } ++iter; ++ctr; } } // Test sf -> df dataframe_t df2 = sf.to_dataframe(); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(df2.names, df.names); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(df2.types, df.types); // we can't compare values because UNDEFINED != UNDEFINED. // annoyingly. So we have to do this explicitly. for (const auto& col: df.values) { const auto& col2 = *(df2.values.find(col.first)); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(col.first, col2.first); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(col.second.size(), col2.second.size()); for (size_t i = 0;i < col.second.size(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(col.second[i].get_type(), col2.second[i].get_type()); if (col.second[i].get_type() != flex_type_enum::UNDEFINED) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(col.second[i], col2.second[i]); } } } } void test_sframe_iterate() { // Create an sframe std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type>>> v{std::make_shared<sarray<flexible_type>>(test_writer_prefix), std::make_shared<sarray<flexible_type>>(test_writer_dbl_prefix), std::make_shared<sarray<flexible_type>>(test_writer_str_prefix)}; sframe sf(v); auto reader = sf.get_reader(); for(size_t i = 0; i < reader->num_segments(); ++i) { auto iter = reader->begin(i); auto end_iter = reader->end(i); TS_ASSERT(iter != end_iter); TS_ASSERT(iter == iter); size_t startrow = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) { startrow += reader->segment_length(j); } size_t rowid = startrow; while(iter != end_iter) { std::vector<flexible_type> expected {flex_int(rowid+1), flex_float(rowid+1), flex_string(std::to_string(rowid+1))}; sframe::value_type actual = *iter; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(actual.size(), expected.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < actual.size(); ++j) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(actual[j], expected[j]); } ++iter; ++rowid; } } // Test that not resetting iterators throws an exception TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(reader->begin(0)); reader->reset_iterators(); parallel_for(0, reader->num_segments(), [&](size_t segmentid) { auto iter = reader->begin(segmentid); auto end_iter = reader->end(segmentid); TS_ASSERT(iter != end_iter); TS_ASSERT(iter == iter); size_t startrow = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < segmentid; ++i) { startrow += reader->segment_length(i); } size_t rowid = startrow; while(iter != end_iter) { std::vector<flexible_type> expected {flex_int(rowid+1), flex_float(rowid+1), flex_string(std::to_string(rowid+1))}; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(iter->size(), expected.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < iter->size(); ++j) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(iter->at(j), expected[j]); } ++iter; ++rowid; } }); // make 15 threads, each read 5 rows parallel_for(0, (size_t)15, [&](size_t startrow) { std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > ret; size_t nrows = reader->read_rows(startrow, startrow + 5, ret); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(nrows, 5); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret.size(), 5); for (size_t i = 0;i < ret.size(); ++i) { size_t rowid = i + startrow; std::vector<flexible_type> expected {flex_int(rowid+1), flex_float(rowid+1), flex_string(std::to_string(rowid+1))}; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret[i].size(), expected.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < ret[i].size(); ++j) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret[i].at(j), expected[j]); } } }); // once again using the sframe_rows datastructure // make 15 threads, each read 5 rows parallel_for(0, (size_t)15, [&](size_t startrow) { sframe_rows rows; size_t nrows = reader->read_rows(startrow, startrow + 5, rows); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(nrows, 5); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(rows.num_rows(), 5); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(rows.num_columns(), 3); size_t i = 0; for (const auto& ret: rows) { size_t rowid = i + startrow; std::vector<flexible_type> expected {flex_int(rowid+1), flex_float(rowid+1), flex_string(std::to_string(rowid+1))}; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret.size(), expected.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < ret.size(); ++j) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret.at(j), expected[j]); } ++i; } }); // Test other exceptions throwing TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(reader->begin(3543)); TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(reader->end(3543)); } void copy_sarray(sarray<flexible_type>& src, sarray<flexible_type>& dst, size_t ndst_segments) { auto src_reader = src.get_reader(1); dst.open_for_write(ndst_segments); graphlab::copy(src_reader->begin(0), src_reader->end(0), dst); dst.close(); } void validate_test_sframe_logical_segments(std::unique_ptr<sframe_reader> reader, size_t nsegments) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(reader->num_segments(), nsegments); // read the data we wrote the last time std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > outdata; for (size_t i = 0; i < nsegments; ++i) { auto begin = reader->begin(i); auto end = reader->end(i); while(begin != end){ outdata.push_back(*begin); ++begin; } } TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(outdata.size(), 20); for (size_t i = 0;i < outdata.size(); ++i) { std::vector<flexible_type> expected {flex_int(i+1), flex_float(i+1)}; auto actual = outdata[i]; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(actual.size(), expected.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < actual.size(); ++j) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(actual[j], expected[j]); } } } void test_sframe_logical_segments() { // Copy integers to some other target with 4 segments sarray<flexible_type> src_integers(test_writer_prefix); std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > integers(new sarray<flexible_type>); copy_sarray(src_integers, *integers, 4); for (size_t i = 0;i < 4; ++i) TS_ASSERT(integers->segment_length(i) > 0); // Copy doubles to some other target with 6 segments sarray<flexible_type> src_doubles(test_writer_dbl_prefix); std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > doubles(new sarray<flexible_type>); copy_sarray(src_doubles, *doubles, 6); for (size_t i = 0;i < 6; ++i) TS_ASSERT(doubles->segment_length(i) > 0); sframe sf(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type>>>{integers, doubles}); validate_test_sframe_logical_segments(sf.get_reader(), 4); validate_test_sframe_logical_segments(sf.get_reader(8), 8); validate_test_sframe_logical_segments(sf.get_reader(200), 200); std::vector<size_t> custom_sizes{4,0,6,10}; validate_test_sframe_logical_segments(sf.get_reader(custom_sizes), 4); } void test_sframe_write() { // Build data std::vector<std::string> words {"hello", "this", "is", "a", "test", "of", "writing", "an", "sframe", "let's", "have", "some", "more", "words", "for", "good", "measure"}; std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type>> data_rows; for(size_t i = 0; i < words.size(); ++i) { data_rows.push_back({i, double(i)+0.5, words[i]}); } std::vector<flex_type_enum> column_types {flex_type_enum::INTEGER, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::STRING}; std::vector<std::string> column_names {"nums", "decimal_nums", "words"}; // Write a new sframe from a vector of data for(size_t num_segments = 1; num_segments <= 10; ++num_segments) { sframe frame; frame.open_for_write(column_names, column_types, "", num_segments); // Throw if open before closed TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING( frame.open_for_write({"hello","world"}, {flex_type_enum::INTEGER, flex_type_enum::STRING})); // Add my data rows to an sframe graphlab::copy(data_rows.begin(), data_rows.end(), frame); // Not used for anything, just to see if exceptions are thrown when // I do bad stuff. auto output_iter = frame.get_output_iterator(0); // Row of wrong size TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(( *output_iter=std::vector<flexible_type>({1,2.0,"3","extra"}))); frame.close(); #ifndef NDEBUG // Write after close TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(( *output_iter=std::vector<flexible_type>({1,2.0,"3"}))); #endif TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.num_segments(), num_segments); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.num_columns(), column_types.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < frame.num_columns(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(column_names[i], frame.column_name(i)); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(column_types[i], frame.column_type(i)); } // Check the data of the sframe size_t cntr = 0; auto reader = frame.get_reader(); for(size_t i = 0; i < reader->num_segments(); ++i) { for(auto iter = reader->begin(i); iter != reader->end(i); ++iter, ++cntr) { std::vector<flexible_type> expected = data_rows[cntr]; sframe::value_type actual = *iter; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(iter->size(), expected.size()); for(size_t j = 0; j < actual.size(); ++j) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(actual[j], expected[j]); } } } } } void test_select_column() { // Create an sframe std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type>>> v{std::make_shared<sarray<flexible_type>>(test_writer_prefix), std::make_shared<sarray<flexible_type>>(test_writer_dbl_prefix), std::make_shared<sarray<flexible_type>>(test_writer_str_prefix)}; sframe sf(v); for(size_t i = 0; i < sf.num_columns(); ++i) { auto column = sf.select_column(i); size_t index = 0; auto reader = column->get_reader(); for(size_t j = 0; j < reader->num_segments(); ++j) { auto iter = reader->begin(j); while(iter != reader->end(j)) { if (i == 0) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*iter, flex_int(index+1)); } else if (i == 1) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*iter, flex_float(index+1)); } else { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(*iter, flex_string(std::to_string(index+1))); } ++index; ++iter; } } } } void test_add_column() { std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type>>> v{std::make_shared<sarray<flexible_type>>(test_writer_prefix), std::make_shared<sarray<flexible_type>>(test_writer_dbl_prefix), std::make_shared<sarray<flexible_type>>(test_writer_str_prefix)}; sframe sf(v); auto sa_ptr_add_col = std::make_shared<sarray<flexible_type>>(test_writer_add_col_prefix); // Column in the original sframe that is the same as the new column size_t src_col = 1; sframe sf2 = sf.add_column(sa_ptr_add_col, std::string("copy_col")); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf2.num_columns(), sf.num_columns()+1); size_t dst_col = sf2.num_columns()-1; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf2.column_name(dst_col), "copy_col"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf2.column_type(dst_col), sf2.column_type(src_col)); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sf2.column_type(dst_col), sf.column_type(src_col)); auto reader = sf2.get_reader(); for(size_t i = 0; i < reader->num_segments(); ++i) { auto iter = reader->begin(i); auto end_iter = reader->end(i); while(iter != end_iter) { const auto& val = *iter; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(val[src_col], val[dst_col]); ++iter; } } reader->reset_iterators(); parallel_for(0, sf2.num_segments(), [&](size_t segmentid) { auto iter = reader->begin(segmentid); while(iter != reader->end(segmentid)) { const auto& val = *iter; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(val[src_col], val[dst_col]); ++iter; } }); // Test unique column name checking TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(sf2.add_column(sa_ptr_add_col, std::string("X1"))); } // helper for the test below void check_basic_csv_values(sframe& frame) { std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > vals; graphlab::copy(frame, std::inserter(vals, vals.end())); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals.size(), 3); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals[0].size(), 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals[1].size(), 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals[2].size(), 6); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vals[0][0], 1.1, 1E-5); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vals[1][0], 2.2, 1E-5); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(vals[2][0], 3.3, 1E-5); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals[0][1], 1); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals[1][1], 2); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals[2][1], 3); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals[0][2], "one"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals[1][2], "two"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals[2][2], "three"); { auto v1 = vals[0][3].get<flex_vec>(); auto v2 = vals[1][3].get<flex_vec>(); auto v3 = vals[2][3].get<flex_vec>(); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(v1.size(), 3); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(v2.size(), 3); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(v3.size(), 3); for (size_t i = 0;i < 3; ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(v1[i], 1.0); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(v2[i], 2.0); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(v3[i], 3.0); } } { auto v1 = vals[0][4].get<flex_dict>(); auto v2 = vals[1][4].get<flex_dict>(); auto v3 = vals[2][4].get<flex_dict>(); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(v1.size(), 2); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(v2.size(), 2); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(v3.size(), 2); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((int)v1[0].first, 1); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((int)v1[0].second, 1); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((int)v2[0].first, 2); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((int)v2[0].second, 2); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((int)v3[0].first, 3); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((int)v3[0].second, 3); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((std::string)v1[1].first, "a"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((std::string)v1[1].second, "a"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((std::string)v2[1].first, "b"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((std::string)v2[1].first, "b"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((std::string)v3[1].second, "c"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((std::string)v3[1].second, "c"); } { auto v1 = vals[0][5].get<flex_list>(); auto v2 = vals[1][5].get<flex_list>(); auto v3 = vals[2][5].get<flex_list>(); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(v1.size(), 2); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(v2.size(), 2); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(v3.size(), 2); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((std::string)v1[0], "a"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((std::string)v1[1], "a"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((std::string)v2[0], "b"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((std::string)v2[1], "b"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((std::string)v3[0], "c"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((std::string)v3[1], "c"); } } // helper for the test below void check_basic_csv_string_values(sframe& frame) { std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > vals; graphlab::copy(frame, std::inserter(vals, vals.end())); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals.size(), 3); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals[0].size(), 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals[1].size(), 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(vals[2].size(), 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[0][0]), "1.1"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[1][0]), "2.2"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[2][0]), "3.3"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[0][1]), "1"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[1][1]), "2"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[2][1]), "3"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[0][2]), "one"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[1][2]), "two"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[2][2]), "three"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[0][3]), "[1,1,1]"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[1][3]), "[2,2,2]"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[2][3]), "[3,3,3]"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[0][4]), "{1:1,\"a\":\"a\"}"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[1][4]), "{2:2,\"b\":\"b\"}"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[2][4]), "{3:3,\"c\":\"c\"}"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[0][5]), "[a,a]"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[1][5]), "[b,b]"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(vals[2][5]), "[c,c]"); } void test_column_name_wrangling() { std::string basic_csv_file = get_temp_name() + ".csv"; std::ofstream fout(basic_csv_file); fout << "A,A,A.1,B,C,D\n" << "1.1,1,one,[1,1,1],{1:1,\"a\":\"a\"},[a,a]\n" << "2.2,2,two,[2,2,2],{2:2,\"b\":\"b\"},[b,b]\n" << " 3.3,3,three,[3,3,3],{3:3,\"c\":\"c\"},[c,c]\n"; fout.close(); // parse should make 2nd column A.2 // we also omit the hint for A.1. It should default to string csv_line_tokenizer tokenizer; tokenizer.delimiter = ','; tokenizer.init(); sframe frame; frame.init_from_csvs(basic_csv_file, tokenizer, true, // header false, // continue on failure false, // do not store errors {{"A", flex_type_enum::FLOAT}, // hints {"A.2", flex_type_enum::INTEGER}, {"A.1", flex_type_enum::STRING}, {"B", flex_type_enum::VECTOR}, {"C",flex_type_enum::DICT}, {"D",flex_type_enum::LIST}}); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.num_rows(), 3); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.num_columns(), 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.column_name(0), "A"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.column_name(1), "A.2"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.column_name(2), "A.1"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.column_name(3), "B"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.column_name(4), "C"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.column_name(5), "D"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.column_type(0), flex_type_enum::FLOAT); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.column_type(1), flex_type_enum::INTEGER); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.column_type(2), flex_type_enum::STRING); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.column_type(3), flex_type_enum::VECTOR); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.column_type(4), flex_type_enum::DICT); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame.column_type(5), flex_type_enum::LIST); check_basic_csv_values(frame); } void run_groupby_aggregate_sum_test(size_t NUM_GROUPS, size_t NUM_ROWS, size_t BUFFER_SIZE) { // create an SFrame with 5 columns, string, int, float, int, unused sframe input; input.open_for_write({"str","int","float","int2","unused","vector"}, {flex_type_enum::STRING, flex_type_enum::INTEGER, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::INTEGER, flex_type_enum::INTEGER, flex_type_enum::VECTOR}, "", 4 /* 4 segments*/); // we will emit the following into the sframe // "0", 0, 0.0, 1, 2, {0.0, 0.0, ...} // "1", 1, 0.5, 2, 3, {1.0, 1.0, ...} // "2", 2, 1.0, 3, 4, {2.0, 2.0, ...} // ... // "99", 99, 49.5, 100, 101, {99.0, 99.0, ...} // "0", 100, 50.0, 101, 102, {100.0, 100.0, ...} // "1", 101, 50.5, 102, 103, {101.0, 101.0, ...} // etc. // we will groupby column 0 and sum the next 4 columns, summing the 4th // column (int2) twice. And ignore the last column std::cout << "Generating input data: " << std::endl; std::unordered_map<std::string, flexible_type> group_results[4]; for (size_t i = 0;i < NUM_GROUPS; ++i) { std::string key = std::to_string(i % NUM_GROUPS); group_results[0][key].reset(flex_type_enum::INTEGER); group_results[1][key].reset(flex_type_enum::FLOAT); group_results[2][key].reset(flex_type_enum::INTEGER); group_results[3][key].reset(flex_type_enum::VECTOR); group_results[3][key] = std::vector<double> (10,0); } for (size_t i = 0;i < NUM_ROWS; ++i) { auto iter = input.get_output_iterator(i % 4); std::vector<flexible_type> flex(6); std::string key = std::to_string(i % NUM_GROUPS); flex[0] = key; flex[1] = i; flex[2] = (double)i / 2.0; flex[3] = i + 1; flex[4] = i + 2; flex[5] = std::vector<double> (10,i); (*iter) = flex; ++iter; group_results[0][key] += i; group_results[1][key] += (double)i / 2.0; group_results[2][key] += i + 1; group_results[3][key] += flex[5]; } input.close(); std::cout << "Starting groupby: " << std::endl; graphlab::timer ti; sframe output = graphlab::groupby_aggregate(input, {"str"}, {"intsum","floatsum","","",""}, {{{"int"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>()}, {{"float"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>()}, {{"int2"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>()}, {{"int2"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>()}, {{"vector"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::vector_sum>()}}, BUFFER_SIZE); std::cout << "Groupby done in: " << ti.current_time() << " seconds" << std::endl; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.num_columns(), 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.num_rows(), NUM_GROUPS); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(0), "str"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(1), "intsum"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(2), "floatsum"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(3), "Sum of int2"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(4), "Sum of int2.1"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(5), "Vector Sum of vector"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(0), flex_type_enum::STRING); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(1), flex_type_enum::INTEGER); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(2), flex_type_enum::FLOAT); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(3), flex_type_enum::INTEGER); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(4), flex_type_enum::INTEGER); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(5), flex_type_enum::VECTOR); std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > ret; int rows_read = output.get_reader()->read_rows(0, output.num_rows(), ret); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(rows_read, NUM_GROUPS); // make sure every key is covered and is unique std::set<std::string> allkeys; for(auto& row : ret) { std::string key = row[0]; allkeys.insert(key); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(int(group_results[0][key]), int(row[1])); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(float(group_results[1][key]), float(row[2])); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(int(group_results[2][key]), int(row[3])); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(int(group_results[2][key]), int(row[4])); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(group_results[3][key].get<flex_vec>(), row[5].get<flex_vec>()); } TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(allkeys.size(), NUM_GROUPS); } void run_multikey_groupby_aggregate_sum_test(size_t NUM_GROUPS, size_t NUM_ROWS, size_t BUFFER_SIZE) { // create an SFrame with 7 columns, string, int, float, int, unused, vec sframe input; input.open_for_write({"str1","str2","int","float","int2","unused", "vector"}, {flex_type_enum::STRING, flex_type_enum::STRING, flex_type_enum::INTEGER, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::INTEGER, flex_type_enum::INTEGER, flex_type_enum::VECTOR}, "", 4 /* 4 segments*/); // we will emit the following into the sframe // "", "0", 0, 0.0, 1, 2, {0.0, 0.0, ...} // "", "1", 1, 0.5, 2, 3, {1.0, 1.0, ...} // "", "2", 2, 1.0, 3, 4, {2.0, 2.0, ...} // ... // "9", "9", 99, 49.5, 100, 101, {99.0, 99.0, ...} // "10", "0", 100, 50.0, 101, 102, {100.0, 100.0, ...} // "10", "1", 101, 50.5, 102, 103, {101.0, 101.0, ...} // etc. // basically the string counter is split into 2 pieces. The concatenation // of the first two key columns should make up the actual counter value. // we will groupby the string columns and sum the next 3 columns, summing // the 4th column (int2) twice. And ignore the last column std::cout << "Generating input data: " << std::endl; std::unordered_map<std::string, flexible_type> group_results[4]; for (size_t i = 0;i < NUM_GROUPS; ++i) { std::string key = std::to_string(i % NUM_GROUPS); group_results[0][key].reset(flex_type_enum::INTEGER); group_results[1][key].reset(flex_type_enum::FLOAT); group_results[2][key].reset(flex_type_enum::INTEGER); group_results[3][key].reset(flex_type_enum::VECTOR); group_results[3][key] = std::vector<double> (10, 0); } for (size_t i = 0;i < NUM_ROWS; ++i) { auto iter = input.get_output_iterator(i % 4); std::vector<flexible_type> flex(7); std::string key = std::to_string(i % NUM_GROUPS); flex[0] = key.substr(0, key.length() - 1); flex[1] = key.substr(key.length() - 1); flex[2] = i; flex[3] = (double)i / 2.0; flex[4] = i + 1; flex[5] = i + 2; flex[6] = std::vector<double> (10, i); (*iter) = flex; ++iter; group_results[0][key] += i; group_results[1][key] += (double)i / 2.0; group_results[2][key] += i + 1; group_results[3][key] += flex[6]; } input.close(); std::cout << "Starting multikey groupby: " << std::endl; graphlab::timer ti; sframe output = graphlab::groupby_aggregate(input, {"str1", "str2"}, {"intsum", "floatsum", "", "", ""}, {{{"int"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>()}, {{"float"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>()}, {{"int2"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>()}, {{"int2"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>()}, {{"vector"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::vector_sum>()}}, BUFFER_SIZE); std::cout << "Groupby done in: " << ti.current_time() << " seconds" << std::endl; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.num_columns(), 7); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.num_rows(), NUM_GROUPS); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(0), "str1"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(1), "str2"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(2), "intsum"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(3), "floatsum"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(4), "Sum of int2"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(5), "Sum of int2.1"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(6), "Vector Sum of vector"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(0), flex_type_enum::STRING); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(1), flex_type_enum::STRING); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(2), flex_type_enum::INTEGER); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(3), flex_type_enum::FLOAT); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(4), flex_type_enum::INTEGER); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(5), flex_type_enum::INTEGER); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(6), flex_type_enum::VECTOR); std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > ret; int rows_read = output.get_reader()->read_rows(0, output.num_rows(), ret); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(rows_read, NUM_GROUPS); // make sure every key is covered and is unique std::set<std::string> allkeys; for(auto& row : ret) { std::string key = row[0] + row[1]; allkeys.insert(key); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(int(group_results[0][key]), int(row[2])); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(float(group_results[1][key]), float(row[3])); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(int(group_results[2][key]), int(row[4])); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(int(group_results[2][key]), int(row[5])); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(group_results[3][key].get<flex_vec>(), row[6].get<flex_vec>()); } TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(allkeys.size(), NUM_GROUPS); } void run_groupby_aggregate_average_test(size_t NUM_GROUPS, size_t NUM_ROWS, size_t BUFFER_SIZE) { // create an SFrame with 6 columns, string, int, float, int,unused, vec sframe input; input.open_for_write({"str","int","float","int2","unused","vector"}, {flex_type_enum::STRING, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::VECTOR}, "", 4 /* 4 segments*/); // we will emit the following into the sframe // "0", 0, 0.0, 1, 2, {0.0,0.0,0.0,..} // "1", 1, 0.5, 2, 3, {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, ...} // "2", 2, 1.0, 3, 4, {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, ...} // ... // "99", 99, 49.5, 100, 101, {99.0, 99.0, 99.0, ...} // "0", 100, 50.0, 101, 102, {100.0, 100.0, ...} // "1", 101, 50.5, 102, 103, {101.0, 101.0, ...} // etc. // we will groupby column 0 and average the next 4 columns, averaging the 4th // column (int2) twice. And ignore the last column std::cout << "Generating input data: " << std::endl; std::unordered_map<std::string, flexible_type> group_results[4]; for (size_t i = 0;i < NUM_GROUPS; ++i) { std::string key = std::to_string(i % NUM_GROUPS); group_results[0][key].reset(flex_type_enum::FLOAT); group_results[1][key].reset(flex_type_enum::FLOAT); group_results[2][key].reset(flex_type_enum::FLOAT); group_results[3][key].reset(flex_type_enum::VECTOR); group_results[3][key] = std::vector<double> (10, 0); } for (size_t i = 0;i < NUM_ROWS; ++i) { auto iter = input.get_output_iterator(i % 4); std::vector<flexible_type> flex(6); std::string key = std::to_string(i % NUM_GROUPS); flex[0] = key; flex[1] = i; flex[2] = (double)i / 2.0; flex[3] = i + 1; flex[4] = i + 2; flex[5] = std::vector<double> (10, i); (*iter) = flex; ++iter; group_results[0][key] += i; group_results[1][key] += (double)i / 2.0; group_results[2][key] += i + 1; group_results[3][key] += flex[5]; } input.close(); std::cout << "Starting groupby: " << std::endl; graphlab::timer ti; sframe output = graphlab::groupby_aggregate(input, {"str"}, {"intavg","floatavg","","",""}, {{{"int"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::average>()}, {{"float"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::average>()}, {{"int2"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::average>()}, {{"int2"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::average>()}, {{"vector"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::vector_average>()}}, BUFFER_SIZE); std::cout << "Groupby done in: " << ti.current_time() << " seconds" << std::endl; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.num_columns(), 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.num_rows(), NUM_GROUPS); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(0), "str"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(1), "intavg"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(2), "floatavg"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(3), "Avg of int2"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(4), "Avg of int2.1"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(5), "Vector Avg of vector"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(0), flex_type_enum::STRING); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(1), flex_type_enum::FLOAT); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(2), flex_type_enum::FLOAT); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(3), flex_type_enum::FLOAT); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(4), flex_type_enum::FLOAT); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(5), flex_type_enum::VECTOR); std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > ret; int rows_read = output.get_reader()->read_rows(0, output.num_rows(), ret); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(rows_read, NUM_GROUPS); // make sure every key is covered and is unique std::set<std::string> allkeys; for(auto& row : ret) { std::string key = row[0]; allkeys.insert(key); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(double(group_results[0][key])*(NUM_GROUPS/double(NUM_ROWS)), double(row[1]), 1E-5); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(double(group_results[1][key])*(NUM_GROUPS/double(NUM_ROWS)), double(row[2]), 1E-5); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(double(group_results[2][key])*(NUM_GROUPS/double(NUM_ROWS)), double(row[3]), 1E-5); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(double(group_results[2][key])*(NUM_GROUPS/double(NUM_ROWS)), double(row[4]), 1E-5); TS_ASSERT_DELTA((group_results[3][key]*(NUM_GROUPS/double(NUM_ROWS))).get<flex_vec>(), row[5].get<flex_vec>(), 1E-5); } TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(allkeys.size(), NUM_GROUPS); } void run_multikey_groupby_aggregate_average_test(size_t NUM_GROUPS, size_t NUM_ROWS, size_t BUFFER_SIZE) { // create an SFrame with 7 columns, string, string, int, float, int, unused sframe input; input.open_for_write({"str1","str2","int","float","int2","unused","vector"}, {flex_type_enum::STRING, flex_type_enum::STRING, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::FLOAT, flex_type_enum::VECTOR}, "", 4 /* 4 segments*/); // we will emit the following into the sframe // "", "0", 0, 0.0, 1, 2, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ...} // "", "1", 1, 0.5, 2, 3, {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, ...} // "", "2", 2, 1.0, 3, 4, {2.0, 2.0, 2.0, ...} // ... // "9", "9", 99, 49.5, 100, 101, {99.0, 99.0, ...} // "10", "0", 100, 50.0, 101, 102, {100.0, ...} // "10", "1", 101, 50.5, 102, 103, {101.0, ...} // etc. // basically the string counter is split into 2 pieces. The concatenation // of the first two key columns should make up the actual counter value. // we will groupby the string columns and average the next 3 columns, averaging // the 4th column (int2) twice. And ignore the last column std::cout << "Generating input data: " << std::endl; std::unordered_map<std::string, flexible_type> group_results[4]; for (size_t i = 0;i < NUM_GROUPS; ++i) { std::string key = std::to_string(i % NUM_GROUPS); group_results[0][key].reset(flex_type_enum::FLOAT); group_results[1][key].reset(flex_type_enum::FLOAT); group_results[2][key].reset(flex_type_enum::FLOAT); group_results[3][key].reset(flex_type_enum::VECTOR); group_results[3][key] = std::vector<double> (10,0); } for (size_t i = 0;i < NUM_ROWS; ++i) { auto iter = input.get_output_iterator(i % 4); std::vector<flexible_type> flex(7); std::string key = std::to_string(i % NUM_GROUPS); flex[0] = key.substr(0, key.length() - 1); flex[1] = key.substr(key.length() - 1); flex[2] = i; flex[3] = (double)i / 2.0; flex[4] = i + 1; flex[5] = i + 2; flex[6] = std::vector<double> (10,i); (*iter) = flex; ++iter; group_results[0][key] += i; group_results[1][key] += (double)i / 2.0; group_results[2][key] += i + 1; group_results[3][key] += flex[6]; } input.close(); std::cout << "Starting multikey groupby: " << std::endl; graphlab::timer ti; sframe output = graphlab::groupby_aggregate(input, {"str1", "str2"}, {"intavg", "floatavg", "", "",""}, {{{"int"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::average>()}, {{"float"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::average>()}, {{"int2"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::average>()}, {{"int2"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::average>()}, {{"vector"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::vector_average>()}}, BUFFER_SIZE); std::cout << "Groupby done in: " << ti.current_time() << " seconds" << std::endl; TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.num_columns(), 7); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.num_rows(), NUM_GROUPS); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(0), "str1"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(1), "str2"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(2), "intavg"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(3), "floatavg"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(4), "Avg of int2"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(5), "Avg of int2.1"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_name(6), "Vector Avg of vector"); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(0), flex_type_enum::STRING); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(1), flex_type_enum::STRING); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(2), flex_type_enum::FLOAT); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(3), flex_type_enum::FLOAT); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(4), flex_type_enum::FLOAT); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(5), flex_type_enum::FLOAT); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(output.column_type(6), flex_type_enum::VECTOR); std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > ret; int rows_read = output.get_reader()->read_rows(0, output.num_rows(), ret); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(rows_read, NUM_GROUPS); // make sure every key is covered and is unique std::set<std::string> allkeys; for(auto& row : ret) { std::string key = row[0] + row[1]; allkeys.insert(key); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(double(group_results[0][key])*(NUM_GROUPS/double(NUM_ROWS)), double(row[2]), 1E-5); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(double(group_results[1][key])*(NUM_GROUPS/double(NUM_ROWS)), double(row[3]), 1E-5); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(double(group_results[2][key])*(NUM_GROUPS/double(NUM_ROWS)), double(row[4]), 1E-5); TS_ASSERT_DELTA(double(group_results[2][key])*(NUM_GROUPS/double(NUM_ROWS)), double(row[5]), 1E-5); TS_ASSERT_DELTA((group_results[3][key]*(NUM_GROUPS/double(NUM_ROWS))).get<flex_vec>(), row[6].get<flex_vec>(), 1E-5); } TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(allkeys.size(), NUM_GROUPS); } void test_sframe_groupby_aggregate() { //small number of groups run_groupby_aggregate_sum_test(100, 100000, 100); run_groupby_aggregate_average_test(100, 100000, 100); //big buffer run_groupby_aggregate_sum_test(100, 100000, 1000); run_groupby_aggregate_average_test(100, 100000, 1000); //very small data run_groupby_aggregate_sum_test(10, 100, 1000); run_groupby_aggregate_average_test(10, 100, 1000); //very small buffer run_groupby_aggregate_sum_test(1000, 100000, 10); run_groupby_aggregate_average_test(1000, 100000, 10); //very very small buffer run_groupby_aggregate_sum_test(100000, 100000, 2); run_groupby_aggregate_average_test(100000, 100000, 2); } void test_sframe_multikey_groupby_aggregate() { //small number of groups run_multikey_groupby_aggregate_sum_test(100, 100000, 100); run_multikey_groupby_aggregate_average_test(100, 100000, 100); //big buffer run_multikey_groupby_aggregate_sum_test(100, 100000, 1000); run_multikey_groupby_aggregate_average_test(100, 100000, 1000); //very small data run_multikey_groupby_aggregate_sum_test(10, 100, 1000); run_multikey_groupby_aggregate_average_test(10, 100, 1000); //very small buffer run_multikey_groupby_aggregate_sum_test(1000, 100000, 10); run_multikey_groupby_aggregate_average_test(1000, 100000, 10); //very very small buffer run_multikey_groupby_aggregate_sum_test(100000, 100000, 2); run_multikey_groupby_aggregate_average_test(100000, 100000, 2); } void test_sframe_groupby_aggregate_negative_tests() { sframe input; input.open_for_write({"str","int","float"}, {flex_type_enum::STRING, flex_type_enum::INTEGER, flex_type_enum::FLOAT}, "", 4 /* 4 segments*/); // we will emit the following into the sframe // "0", 0, 0.0 // "1", 1, 1.0 // "2", 2, 2.0 // ... // "9", 99, 99.0 // "0", 100, 100.0 // "1", 101, 101.1 // etc. // actual data doesn't really matter. This is just data for negative tests std::cout << "Generating input data: " << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0;i < 1000 ; ++i) { auto iter = input.get_output_iterator(i % 4); std::vector<flexible_type> flex(3); std::string key = std::to_string(i % 10); flex[0] = key; flex[1] = i; flex[2] = i; (*iter) = flex; ++iter; } input.close(); // sum on strings shall fail TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(graphlab::groupby_aggregate(input, {"int"}, {""}, {{{"str"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>()}})); // multiple identical keys TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(graphlab::groupby_aggregate(input, {"str", "str"}, {""}, {{{"int"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>()}})); // nonexistant column TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(graphlab::groupby_aggregate(input, {"pika", "str"}, {""}, {{{"int"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>()}})); // nonexistant column TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING(graphlab::groupby_aggregate(input, {"str"}, {""}, {{{"pika"}, std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>()}})); } void run_sframe_aggregate_operators_test(std::shared_ptr<group_aggregate_value> val, const std::vector<size_t>& vals, const std::vector<flex_type_enum>& input_types, size_t expected_result) { std::vector<group_aggregate_value*> parallel_vals; auto ret = val->set_input_types(input_types); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret, flex_type_enum::INTEGER); // make a collection of partial aggregators for (size_t i = 0;i < 4; ++i) { parallel_vals.push_back(val->new_instance()); } for (size_t i = 0;i < 4; ++i) { TS_ASSERT(typeid(*parallel_vals[i]) == typeid(*val)); } // perform the partial aggregation for (size_t i = 0; i < vals.size(); ++i) { parallel_vals[i % 4]->add_element({vals[i]}); } // combine the partial aggregates for (size_t i = 1; i < parallel_vals.size(); ++i) { parallel_vals[0]->combine(*parallel_vals[i]); } // check if values are good flexible_type final_val = parallel_vals[0]->emit(); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(final_val.get_type(), flex_type_enum::INTEGER); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS((size_t)final_val, expected_result); for (size_t i = 0;i < 4; ++i) { delete parallel_vals[i]; } } void test_sframe_aggregate_operators() { std::vector<size_t> vals; for (size_t i = 0;i < 100000; ++i) vals.push_back(i); size_t min = vals[0], max = vals[0], count = 0, sum = 0; for (size_t val: vals) { min = std::min(min, val); max = std::max(max, val); ++count; sum += val; } run_sframe_aggregate_operators_test(std::make_shared<groupby_operators::sum>(), vals, {flex_type_enum::INTEGER}, sum); run_sframe_aggregate_operators_test(std::make_shared<groupby_operators::min>(), vals, {flex_type_enum::INTEGER}, min); run_sframe_aggregate_operators_test(std::make_shared<groupby_operators::max>(), vals, {flex_type_enum::INTEGER}, max); run_sframe_aggregate_operators_test(std::make_shared<groupby_operators::count>(), vals, {}, count); } void append_some_data_to_sframe(sframe& sframe_out) { std::vector<flexible_type> int_col{0,1,2,3,4,5}; std::vector<flexible_type> float_col{0,1,2,3,4,5}; std::vector<flexible_type> str_col{"0","1","2","3","4","5"}; dataframe_t df; df.set_column("int_col", int_col, flex_type_enum::INTEGER); df.set_column("float_col", float_col, flex_type_enum::FLOAT); df.set_column("str_col", str_col, flex_type_enum::STRING); sframe sf(df); sframe_out = sframe_out.append(sf); // make sure sf is still accessible std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > result; graphlab::copy(sf, std::inserter(result, result.end())); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result.size(), 6); for (size_t i = 0;i < result.size(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result[i][0], i); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result[i][1], (double)i); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result[i][2], std::to_string(i)); } } void test_sframe_append() { // Create an sframe sframe sframe_out; sframe frame2; append_some_data_to_sframe(frame2); sframe_out = sframe_out.append(frame2); // check that the copy is good TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sframe_out.size(), 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sframe_out.num_columns(), 3); std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > result; graphlab::copy(sframe_out, std::inserter(result, result.end())); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result.size(), 6); for (size_t i = 0;i < result.size(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result[i][0], i); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result[i][1], (double)i); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result[i][2], std::to_string(i)); } // check that frame2 is still good TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame2.size(), 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(frame2.num_columns(), 3); result.clear(); graphlab::copy(frame2, std::inserter(result, result.end())); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result.size(), 6); for (size_t i = 0;i < result.size(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result[i][0], i); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result[i][1], (double)i); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result[i][2], std::to_string(i)); } // do it again append_some_data_to_sframe(sframe_out); // check that the move is good TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sframe_out.size(), 2 * 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(sframe_out.num_columns(), 3); result.clear(); graphlab::copy(sframe_out, std::inserter(result, result.end())); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result.size(), 2 * 6); for (size_t i = 0;i < result.size(); ++i) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result[i][0], i % 6); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result[i][1], (double)(i % 6)); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result[i][2], std::to_string(i % 6)); } } void test_sframe_rows() { std::vector<std::vector<flexible_type> > data{{1,2,3,4,5}, {6,7,8,9,10}, {11,12,13,14,15}, {16,17,18,19,20}}; sframe_rows rows; rows.clear(); rows.add_decoded_column(std::make_shared<std::vector<flexible_type>>(data[0])); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(rows.num_rows(), 5); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(rows.num_columns(), 1); size_t i = 0; for (auto& row: rows) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(row[0], data[0][i]); ++i; } } };
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Dear Princess Celestia: FizzBuzz! I learned modulus with a number using the number x and the number y. Did you know that product is a number? For every number factor from 1 to x: product is now factor times y. If product isn't less than x: Then you get product minus x. That's what I would do! That's what I did. That's all about modulus! I learned fizz with an argument using the number x. Did you know that remainder is the number modulus using x and 3? Then you get remainder is 0. That's all about fizz! I learned buzz with an argument using the number x. Did you know that remainder is the number modulus using x and 5? Then you get remainder is 0. That's all about buzz! Today I learned FizzBuzz! Did you know that fizz here is an argument? (argument is another word for boolean) Did you know that buzz here is an argument? For every number i from 1 to 20: (we use intermediate variables because there's no associativity) fizz here is now fizz using i! buzz here is now buzz using i! If fizz here and buzz here: I sang "fizzbuzz"! Otherwise: If fizz here: I sang "fizz"! Otherwise: If buzz here: I sang "buzz"! Otherwise: I sang i. That's what I would do. That's what I would do. That's what I would do. That's what I did. That's all about FizzBuzz! Your faithful student, Beta.
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#include "ros/ros.h" #include <lwr_controllers/PoseRPY.h> #include <kdl/tree.hpp> #include <Eigen/Dense> #include <tf/transform_listener.h> #include <tf/transform_datatypes.h> #define PI 3.141592653 ros::Subscriber sub_terminal; ros::Publisher pub_right; ros::Publisher pub_left; Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> p_global_r, p_global_l, p_right, p_left; tf::StampedTransform transform_right; tf::StampedTransform transform_left; double L = 0.1; Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> rot_right, rot_left; Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> rot_des_r, rot_des_l; Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> rot_fin_r, rot_fin_l; Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> pos_right, pos_left; Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> quat_rot(double x, double y, double z, double w) { Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> temp; temp << 1-2*pow(y,2)-2*pow(z,2), 2*x*y-2*w*z, 2*x*z+2*w*y, 2*x*y+2*w*z, 1-2*pow(x,2)-2*pow(z,2), 2*z*y-2*w*x, 2*x*z-2*w*y, 2*z*y+2*w*x, 1-2*pow(x,2)-2*pow(y,2); return temp; } int sign(double n) { if (n > 0) return 1; else if (n < 0) return -1; else return 0; } Eigen::Matrix<double,4,1> rot_quat(Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> r) { Eigen::Matrix<double,4,1> temp; temp << 0.5*sign(r(2,1)-r(1,2))*sqrt(r(0,0)-r(1,1)-r(2,2)+1), 0.5*sign(r(0,2)-r(2,0))*sqrt(r(1,1)-r(2,2)-r(0,0)+1), 0.5*sign(r(1,0)-r(0,1))*sqrt(r(2,2)-r(0,0)-r(1,1)+1), 0.5*sqrt(r(0,0)+r(1,1)+r(2,2)+1); return temp; } void gposeCallback(const lwr_controllers::PoseRPY::ConstPtr& msg) { KDL::Rotation rot_msg = KDL::Rotation::EulerZYX(msg->orientation.yaw, msg->orientation.pitch, msg->orientation.roll); double t1,t2,t3,t4; rot_msg.GetQuaternion(t1,t2,t3,t4); Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> rot_msg_mat; rot_msg_mat = quat_rot(t1,t2,t3,t4); Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> vec_r, vec_l; vec_r << 0, L/2, 0; vec_l << 0, -L/2, 0; p_global_r = rot_msg_mat*vec_r; p_global_l = rot_msg_mat*vec_l; p_global_r << msg->position.x + p_global_r(0), msg->position.y + p_global_r(1), msg->position.z + p_global_r(2); p_global_l << msg->position.x + p_global_l(0), msg->position.y + p_global_l(1), msg->position.z + p_global_l(2); p_right = rot_right*p_global_r + pos_right; p_left = rot_left*p_global_l + pos_left; KDL::Rotation rot_glob = KDL::Rotation::EulerZYX(msg->orientation.yaw,msg->orientation.pitch,msg->orientation.roll); KDL::Rotation rot_des_r_kdl = rot_glob; rot_des_r_kdl.DoRotX(PI/2); KDL::Rotation rot_des_l_kdl = rot_glob; rot_des_l_kdl.DoRotX(-PI/2); Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> rot_des_r, rot_des_l; rot_des_r_kdl.GetQuaternion(t1,t2,t3,t4); rot_des_r = quat_rot(t1,t2,t3,t4); rot_des_l_kdl.GetQuaternion(t1,t2,t3,t4); rot_des_l = quat_rot(t1,t2,t3,t4); rot_fin_r = rot_right*rot_des_r; rot_fin_l = rot_left*rot_des_l; Eigen::Matrix<double,4,1> r, l; r = rot_quat(rot_fin_r); l = rot_quat(rot_fin_l); KDL::Rotation q_r = KDL::Rotation::Quaternion(r(0),r(1),r(2),r(3)); KDL::Rotation q_l = KDL::Rotation::Quaternion(l(0),l(1),l(2),l(3)); lwr_controllers::PoseRPY msg_right; lwr_controllers::PoseRPY msg_left; q_r.GetEulerZYX(msg_right.orientation.yaw, msg_right.orientation.pitch, msg_right.orientation.roll); q_l.GetEulerZYX(msg_left.orientation.yaw, msg_left.orientation.pitch, msg_left.orientation.roll); msg_left.id = 0; msg_left.position.x = p_left(0); msg_left.position.y = p_left(1); msg_left.position.z = p_left(2); msg_right.id = 0; msg_right.position.x = p_right(0); msg_right.position.y = p_right(1); msg_right.position.z = p_right(2); pub_right.publish(msg_right); pub_left.publish(msg_left); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Initialize the node ros::init(argc, argv, "command_vito"); ros::NodeHandle node; // rot_des_l << 0, -1, 0, // 0, 0, 1, // -1, 0, 0; // rot_des_r << 1, 0, 0, // 0, 0, -1, // 0, 1, 0; tf::TransformListener listener_right; tf::TransformListener listener_left; transform_right.setIdentity(); transform_left.setIdentity(); sleep(5.0); while (transform_right.getOrigin().getX() == 0 && transform_left.getOrigin().getX() == 0) { try{ listener_right.lookupTransform("world", "right_arm_base_link", ros::Time(0), transform_right); listener_left.lookupTransform("world", "left_arm_base_link", ros::Time(0), transform_left); } catch (tf::TransformException &ex) { ROS_ERROR("%s",ex.what()); ros::Duration(1.0).sleep(); continue; } } rot_right = quat_rot(transform_right.inverse().getRotation().getX(), transform_right.inverse().getRotation().getY(), transform_right.inverse().getRotation().getZ(), transform_right.inverse().getRotation().getW()); rot_left = quat_rot(transform_left.inverse().getRotation().getX(), transform_left.inverse().getRotation().getY(), transform_left.inverse().getRotation().getZ(), transform_left.inverse().getRotation().getW()); pos_right << transform_right.inverse().getOrigin().getX(), transform_right.inverse().getOrigin().getY(), transform_right.inverse().getOrigin().getZ(); pos_left << transform_left.inverse().getOrigin().getX(), transform_left.inverse().getOrigin().getY(), transform_left.inverse().getOrigin().getZ(); sub_terminal = node.subscribe("/global_pose", 30, &gposeCallback); pub_right = node.advertise<lwr_controllers::PoseRPY>("/right_arm/joint_impedance_controller/command", 30); pub_left = node.advertise<lwr_controllers::PoseRPY>("/left_arm/joint_impedance_controller/command", 30); sleep(0.1); // Loop at a specified frequency, publishing movement commands until we shut down ros::Rate rate(30); while (ros::ok()) { ros::spinOnce(); rate.sleep(); } }
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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- # # Copyright 2016-2021 Blaise Frederick # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # $Author: frederic $ # $Date: 2016/07/12 13:50:29 $ # $Id: tide_funcs.py,v 1.4 2016/07/12 13:50:29 frederic Exp $ # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pyfftw import scipy as sp from numba import jit from scipy.stats import johnsonsb, kurtosis, kurtosistest import rapidtide.fit as tide_fit import rapidtide.io as tide_io fftpack = pyfftw.interfaces.scipy_fftpack pyfftw.interfaces.cache.enable() # ---------------------------------------- Global constants ------------------------------------------- defaultbutterorder = 6 MAXLINES = 10000000 donotbeaggressive = True # ----------------------------------------- Conditional imports --------------------------------------- try: from memory_profiler import profile memprofilerexists = True except ImportError: memprofilerexists = False donotusenumba = False def disablenumba(): global donotusenumba donotusenumba = True def conditionaljit(): def resdec(f): if donotusenumba: return f return jit(f, nopython=False) return resdec def conditionaljit2(): def resdec(f): if donotusenumba or donotbeaggressive: return f return jit(f, nopython=False) return resdec # --------------------------- probability functions ------------------------------------------------- def printthresholds(pcts, thepercentiles, labeltext): """ Parameters ---------- pcts thepercentiles labeltext Returns ------- """ print(labeltext) for i in range(0, len(pcts)): print( "\tp <", "{:.3f}".format(1.0 - thepercentiles[i]), ": ", "{:.3f}".format(pcts[i]), ) def fitjsbpdf(thehist, histlen, thedata, displayplots=False, nozero=False): """ Parameters ---------- thehist histlen thedata displayplots nozero Returns ------- """ thestore = np.zeros((2, histlen), dtype="float64") thestore[0, :] = thehist[1][:-1] thestore[1, :] = thehist[0][:] / (1.0 * len(thedata)) # store the zero term for later zeroterm = thestore[1, 0] thestore[1, 0] = 0.0 # fit the johnsonSB function params = johnsonsb.fit(thedata[np.where(thedata > 0.0)]) # print('Johnson SB fit parameters for pdf:', params) # restore the zero term if needed # if nozero is True, assume that R=0 is not special (i.e. there is no spike in the # histogram at zero from failed fits) if nozero: zeroterm = 0.0 else: thestore[1, 0] = zeroterm # generate the johnsonsb function johnsonsbvals = johnsonsb.pdf(thestore[0, :], params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]) corrfac = (1.0 - zeroterm) / (1.0 * histlen) johnsonsbvals *= corrfac johnsonsbvals[0] = zeroterm if displayplots: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title("fitjsbpdf: histogram") plt.plot(thestore[0, :], thestore[1, :], "b", thestore[0, :], johnsonsbvals, "r") plt.legend(["histogram", "fit to johnsonsb"]) plt.show() return np.append(params, np.array([zeroterm])) def getjohnsonppf(percentile, params, zeroterm): """ Parameters ---------- percentile params zeroterm Returns ------- """ johnsonfunc = johnsonsb(params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]) corrfac = 1.0 - zeroterm def sigFromDistributionData( vallist, histlen, thepercentiles, displayplots=False, twotail=False, nozero=False, dosighistfit=True, ): """ Parameters ---------- vallist histlen thepercentiles displayplots twotail nozero dosighistfit Returns ------- """ # check to make sure there are nonzero values first if len(np.where(vallist != 0.0)[0]) == 0: print("no nonzero values - skipping percentile calculation") return None, 0, 0 thehistogram, peakheight, peakloc, peakwidth, centerofmass = makehistogram( np.abs(vallist), histlen, therange=[0.0, 1.0] ) if dosighistfit: histfit = fitjsbpdf( thehistogram, histlen, vallist, displayplots=displayplots, nozero=nozero ) if twotail: thepercentiles = 1.0 - (1.0 - thepercentiles) / 2.0 print("thepercentiles adapted for two tailed distribution:", thepercentiles) pcts_data = getfracvals(vallist, thepercentiles, nozero=nozero) if dosighistfit: pcts_fit = getfracvalsfromfit(histfit, thepercentiles) return pcts_data, pcts_fit, histfit else: return pcts_data, 0, 0 def rfromp(fitfile, thepercentiles): """ Parameters ---------- fitfile thepercentiles Returns ------- """ thefit = np.array(tide_io.readvecs(fitfile)[0]).astype("float64") print("thefit = ", thefit) return getfracvalsfromfit(thefit, thepercentiles) def tfromr(r, nsamps, dfcorrfac=1.0, oversampfactor=1.0, returnp=False): """ Parameters ---------- r nsamps dfcorrfac oversampfactor returnp Returns ------- """ if r >= 1.0: tval = float("inf") pval = 0.0 else: dof = int((dfcorrfac * nsamps) // oversampfactor) tval = r * np.sqrt(dof / (1 - r * r)) pval = sp.stats.t.sf(abs(tval), dof) * 2.0 if returnp: return tval, pval else: return tval def zfromr(r, nsamps, dfcorrfac=1.0, oversampfactor=1.0, returnp=False): """ Parameters ---------- r nsamps dfcorrfac oversampfactor returnp Returns ------- """ if r >= 1.0: zval = float("inf") pval = 0.0 else: dof = int((dfcorrfac * nsamps) // oversampfactor) zval = r / np.sqrt(1.0 / (dof - 3)) pval = 1.0 - sp.stats.norm.cdf(abs(zval)) if returnp: return zval, pval else: return zval def fisher(r): """ Parameters ---------- r Returns ------- """ return 0.5 * np.log((1 + r) / (1 - r)) def kurtosisstats(timecourse): """ Parameters ---------- timecourse: array The timecourse to test :return: """ testres = kurtosistest(timecourse) return kurtosis(timecourse), testres[0], testres[1] def fast_ICC_rep_anova(Y, nocache=False, debug=False): """ the data Y are entered as a 'table' ie subjects are in rows and repeated measures in columns One Sample Repeated measure ANOVA Y = XB + E with X = [FaTor / Subjects] This is a hacked up (but fully compatible) version of ICC_rep_anova from nipype that caches some very expensive operations that depend only on the input array shape - if you're going to run the routine multiple times (like, on every voxel of an image), this gives you a HUGE speed boost for large input arrays. If you change the dimensions of Y, it will reinitialize automatically. Set nocache to True to get the original, much slower behavior. No, actually, don't do that. That would be silly. """ global icc_inited global current_Y_shape global dfc, dfe, dfr global nb_subjects, nb_conditions global x, x0, X global centerbit try: current_Y_shape if nocache or (current_Y_shape != Y.shape): icc_inited = False except NameError: icc_inited = False if not icc_inited: [nb_subjects, nb_conditions] = Y.shape if debug: print( f"fast_ICC_rep_anova inited with nb_subjects = {nb_subjects}, nb_conditions = {nb_conditions}" ) current_Y_shape = Y.shape dfc = nb_conditions - 1 dfe = (nb_subjects - 1) * dfc dfr = nb_subjects - 1 # Compute the repeated measure effect # ------------------------------------ # Sum Square Total mean_Y = np.mean(Y) SST = ((Y - mean_Y) ** 2).sum() # create the design matrix for the different levels if not icc_inited: x = np.kron(np.eye(nb_conditions), np.ones((nb_subjects, 1))) # sessions x0 = np.tile(np.eye(nb_subjects), (nb_conditions, 1)) # subjects X = np.hstack([x, x0]) centerbit = np.dot(np.dot(X, np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(X.T, X))), X.T) # Sum Square Error predicted_Y = np.dot(centerbit, Y.flatten("F")) residuals = Y.flatten("F") - predicted_Y SSE = (residuals**2).sum() residuals.shape = Y.shape MSE = SSE / dfe # Sum square session effect - between columns/sessions SSC = ((np.mean(Y, 0) - mean_Y) ** 2).sum() * nb_subjects MSC = SSC / dfc / nb_subjects session_effect_F = MSC / MSE # Sum Square subject effect - between rows/subjects SSR = SST - SSC - SSE MSR = SSR / dfr # ICC(3,1) = (mean square subjeT - mean square error) / (mean square subjeT + (k-1)*-mean square error) ICC = np.nan_to_num((MSR - MSE) / (MSR + dfc * MSE)) e_var = MSE # variance of error r_var = (MSR - MSE) / nb_conditions # variance between subjects icc_inited = True return ICC, r_var, e_var, session_effect_F, dfc, dfe # --------------------------- histogram functions ------------------------------------------------- def gethistprops(indata, histlen, refine=False, therange=None, pickleft=False, peakthresh=0.33): """ Parameters ---------- indata histlen refine therange pickleftpeak Returns ------- """ thestore = np.zeros((2, histlen), dtype="float64") if therange is None: thehist = np.histogram(indata, histlen) else: thehist = np.histogram(indata, histlen, therange) thestore[0, :] = thehist[1][-histlen:] thestore[1, :] = thehist[0][-histlen:] # get starting values for the peak, ignoring first and last point of histogram if pickleft: overallmax = np.max(thestore[1, 1:-2]) peakindex = 1 i = 1 started = False finished = False while i < len(thestore[1, :] - 2) and not finished: if thestore[1, i] > peakthresh * overallmax: started = True if thestore[1, i] > thestore[1, peakindex]: peakindex = i if started and (thestore[1, i] < 0.75 * thestore[1, peakindex]): finished = True i += 1 else: peakindex = np.argmax(thestore[1, 1:-2]) peaklag = thestore[0, peakindex + 1] peakheight = thestore[1, peakindex + 1] numbins = 1 while (peakindex + numbins < histlen - 1) and ( thestore[1, peakindex + numbins] > peakheight / 2.0 ): numbins += 1 peakwidth = (thestore[0, peakindex + numbins] - thestore[0, peakindex]) * 2.0 if refine: peakheight, peaklag, peakwidth = tide_fit.gaussfit( peakheight, peaklag, peakwidth, thestore[0, :], thestore[1, :] ) return peaklag, peakheight, peakwidth def makehistogram(indata, histlen, binsize=None, therange=None, refine=False, normalize=False): """ Parameters ---------- indata histlen binsize therange refine normalize Returns ------- """ if therange is None: therange = [indata.min(), indata.max()] if histlen is None and binsize is None: thebins = 10 elif binsize is not None: thebins = np.linspace( therange[0], therange[1], (therange[1] - therange[0]) / binsize + 1, endpoint=True, ) else: thebins = histlen thehist = np.histogram(indata, thebins, therange, density=normalize) thestore = np.zeros((2, len(thehist[0])), dtype="float64") thestore[0, :] = (thehist[1][1:] + thehist[1][0:-1]) / 2.0 thestore[1, :] = thehist[0][-histlen:] # get starting values for the peak, ignoring first and last point of histogram peakindex = np.argmax(thestore[1, 1:-2]) peakloc = thestore[0, peakindex + 1] peakheight = thestore[1, peakindex + 1] numbins = 1 while (peakindex + numbins < histlen - 1) and ( thestore[1, peakindex + numbins] > peakheight / 2.0 ): numbins += 1 peakwidth = (thestore[0, peakindex + numbins] - thestore[0, peakindex]) * 2.0 if refine: peakheight, peakloc, peakwidth = tide_fit.gaussfit( peakheight, peakloc, peakwidth, thestore[0, :], thestore[1, :] ) centerofmass = np.sum(thestore[0, :] * thestore[1, :]) / np.sum(thestore[1, :]) return thehist, peakheight, peakloc, peakwidth, centerofmass def echoloc(indata, histlen, startoffset=5.0): thehist, peakheight, peakloc, peakwidth, centerofmass = makehistogram( indata, histlen, refine=True ) thestore = np.zeros((2, len(thehist[0])), dtype="float64") thestore[0, :] = (thehist[1][1:] + thehist[1][0:-1]) / 2.0 thestore[1, :] = thehist[0][-histlen:] timestep = thestore[0, 1] - thestore[0, 0] startpt = np.argmax(thestore[1, :]) + int(startoffset // timestep) print("primary peak:", peakheight, peakloc, peakwidth) print("startpt, startloc, timestep:", startpt, thestore[1, startpt], timestep) while (thestore[1, startpt] > thestore[1, startpt + 1]) and (startpt < len(thehist[0]) - 2): startpt += 1 echopeakindex = np.argmax(thestore[1, startpt:-2]) + startpt echopeakloc = thestore[0, echopeakindex + 1] echopeakheight = thestore[1, echopeakindex + 1] numbins = 1 while (echopeakindex + numbins < histlen - 1) and ( thestore[1, echopeakindex + numbins] > echopeakheight / 2.0 ): numbins += 1 echopeakwidth = (thestore[0, echopeakindex + numbins] - thestore[0, echopeakindex]) * 2.0 echopeakheight, echopeakloc, echopeakwidth = tide_fit.gaussfit( echopeakheight, echopeakloc, echopeakwidth, thestore[0, :], thestore[1, :] ) return echopeakloc - peakloc, (echopeakheight * echopeakwidth) / (peakheight * peakwidth) def makeandsavehistogram( indata, histlen, endtrim, outname, binsize=None, displaytitle="histogram", displayplots=False, refine=False, therange=None, normalize=False, dictvarname=None, thedict=None, saveasbids=False, append=False, debug=False, ): """ Parameters ---------- indata histlen endtrim outname displaytitle displayplots refine therange normalize dictvarname thedict Returns ------- """ thehist, peakheight, peakloc, peakwidth, centerofmass = makehistogram( indata, histlen, binsize=binsize, therange=therange, refine=refine, normalize=normalize, ) thestore = np.zeros((2, len(thehist[0])), dtype="float64") thestore[0, :] = (thehist[1][1:] + thehist[1][0:-1]) / 2.0 thebinsizes = np.diff(thehist[1][:]) thestore[1, :] = thehist[0][-histlen:] if debug: print(f"histlen: {len(thestore[1, :])}, sizelen: {len(thebinsizes)}") if dictvarname is None: varroot = outname else: varroot = dictvarname if thedict is None: tide_io.writenpvecs(np.array([centerofmass]), outname + "_centerofmass.txt") tide_io.writenpvecs(np.array([peakloc]), outname + "_peak.txt") else: thedict[varroot + "_centerofmass.txt"] = centerofmass thedict[varroot + "_peak.txt"] = peakloc if saveasbids: tide_io.writebidstsv( outname, np.transpose(thestore[1, :]), 1.0 / (thestore[0, 1] - thestore[0, 0]), starttime=thestore[0, 0], columns=[varroot], append=append, debug=debug, ) else: tide_io.writenpvecs(thestore, outname + ".txt") if displayplots: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title(displaytitle) plt.plot(thestore[0, : (-1 - endtrim)], thestore[1, : (-1 - endtrim)]) plt.show() def symmetrize(a, antisymmetric=False, zerodiagonal=False): """ Parameters ---------- a antisymmetric zerodiagonal Returns ------- """ if antisymmetric: intermediate = (a - a.T) / 2.0 else: intermediate = (a + a.T) / 2.0 if zerodiagonal: return intermediate - np.diag(intermediate.diagonal()) else: return intermediate def makepmask(rvals, pval, sighistfit, onesided=True): """ Parameters ---------- rvals pval sighistfit onesided Returns ------- """ if onesided: return np.where( rvals > getfracvalsfromfit(sighistfit, 1.0 - pval), np.int16(1), np.int16(0) ) else: return np.where( np.abs(rvals) > getfracvalsfromfit(sighistfit, 1.0 - pval / 2.0), np.int16(1), np.int16(0), ) # Find the image intensity value which thefrac of the non-zero voxels in the image exceed def getfracval(datamat, thefrac, nozero=False): """ Parameters ---------- datamat thefrac Returns ------- """ return getfracvals(datamat, [thefrac], nozero=nozero)[0] def getfracvals(datamat, thefracs, nozero=False, debug=False): """ Parameters ---------- datamat thefracs displayplots nozero debug Returns ------- """ thevals = [] if nozero: maskmat = np.sort(datamat[np.where(datamat != 0.0)].flatten()) if len(maskmat) == 0: for thisfrac in thefracs: thevals.append(0.0) return thevals else: maskmat = np.sort(datamat.flatten()) maxindex = len(maskmat) for thisfrac in thefracs: theindex = np.min([int(np.round(thisfrac * maxindex, 0)), len(maskmat) - 1]) thevals.append(maskmat[theindex]) if debug: print("getfracvals: input datamat shape", datamat.shape) print("getfracvals: maskmat shape", maskmat.shape) print("getfracvals: thefracs", thefracs) print("getfracvals: maxindex", maxindex) print("getfracvals: thevals", thevals) return thevals def getfracvalsfromfit_old(histfit, thefracs, numbins=2000, displayplots=False): """ Parameters ---------- histfit thefracs numbins displayplots Returns ------- """ themax = 1.0 themin = 0.0 bins = np.arange(themin, themax, (themax - themin) / numbins) meanhist = johnsonsb.pdf(bins, histfit[0], histfit[1], histfit[2], histfit[3]) corrfac = (1.0 - histfit[-1]) / (1.0 * numbins) meanhist *= corrfac meanhist[0] = histfit[-1] cummeanhist = histfit[-1] + (1.0 - histfit[-1]) * johnsonsb.cdf( bins, histfit[0], histfit[1], histfit[2], histfit[3] ) thevals = [] if displayplots: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.set_title("probability histogram") plt.plot(bins[-numbins:], meanhist[-numbins:]) ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax.set_title("cumulative mean sum of histogram") plt.plot(bins[-numbins:], cummeanhist[-numbins:]) plt.show() for thisfrac in thefracs: target = cummeanhist[numbins - 1] * thisfrac thevals.append(0.0) for i in range(0, numbins): if cummeanhist[i] >= target: thevals[-1] = bins[i] break return thevals def getfracvalsfromfit(histfit, thefracs): """ Parameters ---------- histfit thefracs displayplots Returns ------- """ # print('entering getfracvalsfromfit: histfit=',histfit, ' thefracs=', thefracs) thedist = johnsonsb(histfit[0], histfit[1], histfit[2], histfit[3]) thevals = thedist.ppf(thefracs) return thevals def makemask(image, threshpct=25.0, verbose=False, nozero=False, noneg=False): """ Parameters ---------- image: array-like The image data to generate the mask for. threshpct: float Voxels with values greater then threshpct of the 98th percentile of voxel values are preserved. verbose: bool If true, print additional debugging information. nozero: bool If true, exclude zero values when calculating percentiles noneg: bool If true, exclude negative values when calculating percentiles Returns ------- themask: array-like An int16 mask with dimensions matching the input. 1 for voxels to preserve, 0 elsewhere """ if noneg: pct2, pct98, pctthresh = getfracvals( np.where(image >= 0.0, image, 0.0), [0.02, 0.98, threshpct], nozero=nozero ) else: pct2, pct98, pctthresh = getfracvals(image, [0.02, 0.98, threshpct], nozero=nozero) threshval = pct2 + (threshpct / 100.0) * (pct98 - pct2) print("old style threshval:", threshval, "new style threshval:", pctthresh) if verbose: print( "fracval:", pctthresh, " threshpct:", threshpct, " mask threshhold:", threshval, ) themask = np.where(image > threshval, np.int16(1), np.int16(0)) return themask def getmasksize(themask): """ Parameters ---------- image: array-like The mask data to check. Returns ------- numvoxels: int The number of nonzero voxels in themask """ return len(np.where(themask > 0)[0])
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! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This file was automatically created by SARAH version 4.12.1 ! SARAH References: arXiv:0806.0538, 0909.2863, 1002.0840, 1207.0906, 1309.7223 ! (c) Florian Staub, 2013 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! File created at 11:22 on 20.8.2017 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Module CouplingsCT_NInvSeesaw Use Control Use Settings Use Model_Data_NInvSeesaw Use Mathematics, Only: CompareMatrices, Adjungate Contains Subroutine CalculateCouplingCT(lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,vd,vu,vS,ZA,g1,g2,ZH,ZP, & & Yd,Td,ZD,Ye,Te,ZE,Yu,Tu,ZU,MUX,lamN,TLN,Yv,Tv,ZVI,ZVR,TW,g3,UM,UP,ZN,ZDL, & & ZDR,ZEL,ZER,ZUL,ZUR,UV,pG,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dTk,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZA,dg1,dg2,dZH, & & dZP,dYd,dTd,dZD,dYe,dTe,dZE,dYu,dTu,dZU,dMUX,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dZVI,dZVR, & & dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,dg3,dUM,dUP,dZN,dZDL,dZDR,dZEL,dZER,dZUL,dZUR,dUV,dpG, & & ctcplAhAhAh,ctcplAhAhhh,ctcplAhhhhh,ctcplAhHpmcHpm,ctcplAhSdcSd,ctcplAhSecSe, & & ctcplAhSucSu,ctcplAhSvImSvIm,ctcplAhSvImSvRe,ctcplAhSvReSvRe,ctcplhhhhhh, & & ctcplhhHpmcHpm,ctcplhhSdcSd,ctcplhhSecSe,ctcplhhSucSu,ctcplhhSvImSvIm,ctcplhhSvImSvRe, & & ctcplhhSvReSvRe,ctcplHpmSucSd,ctcplHpmSvImcSe,ctcplHpmSvRecSe,ctcplSdcHpmcSu, & & ctcplSeSvImcHpm,ctcplSeSvRecHpm,ctcplAhhhVZ,ctcplAhHpmcVWm,ctcplAhcHpmVWm, & & ctcplhhHpmcVWm,ctcplhhcHpmVWm,ctcplHpmcHpmVP,ctcplHpmcHpmVZ,ctcplSdcSdVG, & & ctcplSdcSdVP,ctcplSdcSdVZ,ctcplSdcSucVWm,ctcplSeSvImcVWm,ctcplSeSvRecVWm, & & ctcplSecSeVP,ctcplSecSeVZ,ctcplSucSuVG,ctcplSucSuVP,ctcplSucSdVWm,ctcplSucSuVZ, & & ctcplSvImSvReVZ,ctcplSvImcSeVWm,ctcplSvRecSeVWm,ctcplhhcVWmVWm,ctcplhhVZVZ, & & ctcplHpmcVWmVP,ctcplHpmcVWmVZ,ctcplcHpmVPVWm,ctcplcHpmVWmVZ,ctcplVGVGVG, & & ctcplcVWmVPVWm,ctcplcVWmVWmVZ,ctcplcChaChaAhL,ctcplcChaChaAhR,ctcplChiChiAhL, & & ctcplChiChiAhR,ctcplcFdFdAhL,ctcplcFdFdAhR,ctcplcFeFeAhL,ctcplcFeFeAhR,ctcplcFuFuAhL, & & ctcplcFuFuAhR,ctcplFvFvAhL,ctcplFvFvAhR,ctcplChiChacHpmL,ctcplChiChacHpmR, & & ctcplChaFucSdL,ctcplChaFucSdR,ctcplFvChacSeL,ctcplFvChacSeR,ctcplcChaChahhL, & & ctcplcChaChahhR,ctcplcFdChaSuL,ctcplcFdChaSuR,ctcplcFeChaSvImL,ctcplcFeChaSvImR, & & ctcplcFeChaSvReL,ctcplcFeChaSvReR,ctcplChiChihhL,ctcplChiChihhR,ctcplChiFdcSdL, & & ctcplChiFdcSdR,ctcplChiFecSeL,ctcplChiFecSeR,ctcplChiFucSuL,ctcplChiFucSuR, & & ctcplChiFvSvImL,ctcplChiFvSvImR,ctcplChiFvSvReL,ctcplChiFvSvReR,ctcplcChaChiHpmL, & & ctcplcChaChiHpmR,ctcplcFdChiSdL,ctcplcFdChiSdR,ctcplcFeChiSeL,ctcplcFeChiSeR, & & ctcplcFuChiSuL,ctcplcFuChiSuR,ctcplGluFdcSdL,ctcplGluFdcSdR,ctcplcFdFdhhL, & & ctcplcFdFdhhR,ctcplcChaFdcSuL,ctcplcChaFdcSuR,ctcplcFuFdcHpmL,ctcplcFuFdcHpmR, & & ctcplFvFecHpmL,ctcplFvFecHpmR,ctcplcFeFehhL,ctcplcFeFehhR,ctcplcChaFeSvImL, & & ctcplcChaFeSvImR,ctcplcChaFeSvReL,ctcplcChaFeSvReR,ctcplGluFucSuL,ctcplGluFucSuR, & & ctcplcFuFuhhL,ctcplcFuFuhhR,ctcplcFdFuHpmL,ctcplcFdFuHpmR,ctcplFvFvhhL,ctcplFvFvhhR, & & ctcplcFeFvHpmL,ctcplcFeFvHpmR,ctcplcChaFvSeL,ctcplcChaFvSeR,ctcplcFdGluSdL, & & ctcplcFdGluSdR,ctcplcFuGluSuL,ctcplcFuGluSuR,ctcplcChacFuSdL,ctcplcChacFuSdR, & & ctcplChiChacVWmL,ctcplChiChacVWmR,ctcplcChaChaVPL,ctcplcChaChaVPR,ctcplcChaChaVZL, & & ctcplcChaChaVZR,ctcplChiChiVZL,ctcplChiChiVZR,ctcplcChaChiVWmL,ctcplcChaChiVWmR, & & ctcplcFdFdVGL,ctcplcFdFdVGR,ctcplcFdFdVPL,ctcplcFdFdVPR,ctcplcFdFdVZL,ctcplcFdFdVZR, & & ctcplcFuFdcVWmL,ctcplcFuFdcVWmR,ctcplFvFecVWmL,ctcplFvFecVWmR,ctcplcFeFeVPL, & & ctcplcFeFeVPR,ctcplcFeFeVZL,ctcplcFeFeVZR,ctcplcFuFuVGL,ctcplcFuFuVGR,ctcplcFuFuVPL, & & ctcplcFuFuVPR,ctcplcFdFuVWmL,ctcplcFdFuVWmR,ctcplcFuFuVZL,ctcplcFuFuVZR, & & ctcplFvFvVZL,ctcplFvFvVZR,ctcplcFeFvVWmL,ctcplcFeFvVWmR,ctcplGluGluVGL,ctcplGluGluVGR) Implicit None Real(dp), Intent(in) :: vd,vu,vS,ZA(3,3),g1,g2,ZH(3,3),ZP(2,2),TW,g3,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZA(3,3),dg1,dg2, & & dZH(3,3),dZP(2,2),dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,dg3 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,Yd(3,3),Td(3,3),ZD(6,6),Ye(3,3),Te(3,3),ZE(6,6),Yu(3,3), & & Tu(3,3),ZU(6,6),MUX(3,3),lamN(3,3),TLN(3,3),Yv(3,3),Tv(3,3),ZVI(9,9),ZVR(9,9), & & UM(2,2),UP(2,2),ZN(5,5),ZDL(3,3),ZDR(3,3),ZEL(3,3),ZER(3,3),ZUL(3,3),ZUR(3,3), & & UV(9,9),pG,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dTk,dYd(3,3),dTd(3,3),dZD(6,6),dYe(3,3),dTe(3,3), & & dZE(6,6),dYu(3,3),dTu(3,3),dZU(6,6),dMUX(3,3),dlamN(3,3),dTLN(3,3),dYv(3,3), & & dTv(3,3),dZVI(9,9),dZVR(9,9),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2),dZN(5,5),dZDL(3,3),dZDR(3,3), & & dZEL(3,3),dZER(3,3),dZUL(3,3),dZUR(3,3),dUV(9,9),dpG Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: ctcplAhAhAh(3,3,3),ctcplAhAhhh(3,3,3),ctcplAhhhhh(3,3,3),ctcplAhHpmcHpm(3,2,2), & & ctcplAhSdcSd(3,6,6),ctcplAhSecSe(3,6,6),ctcplAhSucSu(3,6,6),ctcplAhSvImSvIm(3,9,9), & & ctcplAhSvImSvRe(3,9,9),ctcplAhSvReSvRe(3,9,9),ctcplhhhhhh(3,3,3),ctcplhhHpmcHpm(3,2,2),& & ctcplhhSdcSd(3,6,6),ctcplhhSecSe(3,6,6),ctcplhhSucSu(3,6,6),ctcplhhSvImSvIm(3,9,9), & & ctcplhhSvImSvRe(3,9,9),ctcplhhSvReSvRe(3,9,9),ctcplHpmSucSd(2,6,6),ctcplHpmSvImcSe(2,9,6),& & ctcplHpmSvRecSe(2,9,6),ctcplSdcHpmcSu(6,2,6),ctcplSeSvImcHpm(6,9,2),ctcplSeSvRecHpm(6,9,2),& & ctcplAhhhVZ(3,3),ctcplAhHpmcVWm(3,2),ctcplAhcHpmVWm(3,2),ctcplhhHpmcVWm(3,2), & & ctcplhhcHpmVWm(3,2),ctcplHpmcHpmVP(2,2),ctcplHpmcHpmVZ(2,2),ctcplSdcSdVG(6,6), & & ctcplSdcSdVP(6,6),ctcplSdcSdVZ(6,6),ctcplSdcSucVWm(6,6),ctcplSeSvImcVWm(6,9), & & ctcplSeSvRecVWm(6,9),ctcplSecSeVP(6,6),ctcplSecSeVZ(6,6),ctcplSucSuVG(6,6), & & ctcplSucSuVP(6,6),ctcplSucSdVWm(6,6),ctcplSucSuVZ(6,6),ctcplSvImSvReVZ(9,9), & & ctcplSvImcSeVWm(9,6),ctcplSvRecSeVWm(9,6),ctcplhhcVWmVWm(3),ctcplhhVZVZ(3), & & ctcplHpmcVWmVP(2),ctcplHpmcVWmVZ(2),ctcplcHpmVPVWm(2),ctcplcHpmVWmVZ(2), & & ctcplVGVGVG,ctcplcVWmVPVWm,ctcplcVWmVWmVZ,ctcplcChaChaAhL(2,2,3),ctcplcChaChaAhR(2,2,3),& & ctcplChiChiAhL(5,5,3),ctcplChiChiAhR(5,5,3),ctcplcFdFdAhL(3,3,3),ctcplcFdFdAhR(3,3,3), & & ctcplcFeFeAhL(3,3,3),ctcplcFeFeAhR(3,3,3),ctcplcFuFuAhL(3,3,3),ctcplcFuFuAhR(3,3,3), & & ctcplFvFvAhL(9,9,3),ctcplFvFvAhR(9,9,3),ctcplChiChacHpmL(5,2,2),ctcplChiChacHpmR(5,2,2),& & ctcplChaFucSdL(2,3,6),ctcplChaFucSdR(2,3,6),ctcplFvChacSeL(9,2,6),ctcplFvChacSeR(9,2,6),& & ctcplcChaChahhL(2,2,3),ctcplcChaChahhR(2,2,3),ctcplcFdChaSuL(3,2,6),ctcplcFdChaSuR(3,2,6),& & ctcplcFeChaSvImL(3,2,9),ctcplcFeChaSvImR(3,2,9),ctcplcFeChaSvReL(3,2,9), & & ctcplcFeChaSvReR(3,2,9),ctcplChiChihhL(5,5,3),ctcplChiChihhR(5,5,3),ctcplChiFdcSdL(5,3,6),& & ctcplChiFdcSdR(5,3,6),ctcplChiFecSeL(5,3,6),ctcplChiFecSeR(5,3,6),ctcplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),& & ctcplChiFucSuR(5,3,6),ctcplChiFvSvImL(5,9,9),ctcplChiFvSvImR(5,9,9),ctcplChiFvSvReL(5,9,9),& & ctcplChiFvSvReR(5,9,9),ctcplcChaChiHpmL(2,5,2),ctcplcChaChiHpmR(2,5,2),ctcplcFdChiSdL(3,5,6),& & ctcplcFdChiSdR(3,5,6),ctcplcFeChiSeL(3,5,6),ctcplcFeChiSeR(3,5,6),ctcplcFuChiSuL(3,5,6),& & ctcplcFuChiSuR(3,5,6),ctcplGluFdcSdL(3,6),ctcplGluFdcSdR(3,6),ctcplcFdFdhhL(3,3,3), & & ctcplcFdFdhhR(3,3,3),ctcplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6),ctcplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),ctcplcFuFdcHpmL(3,3,2),& & ctcplcFuFdcHpmR(3,3,2),ctcplFvFecHpmL(9,3,2),ctcplFvFecHpmR(9,3,2),ctcplcFeFehhL(3,3,3),& & ctcplcFeFehhR(3,3,3),ctcplcChaFeSvImL(2,3,9),ctcplcChaFeSvImR(2,3,9),ctcplcChaFeSvReL(2,3,9),& & ctcplcChaFeSvReR(2,3,9),ctcplGluFucSuL(3,6),ctcplGluFucSuR(3,6),ctcplcFuFuhhL(3,3,3), & & ctcplcFuFuhhR(3,3,3),ctcplcFdFuHpmL(3,3,2),ctcplcFdFuHpmR(3,3,2),ctcplFvFvhhL(9,9,3), & & ctcplFvFvhhR(9,9,3),ctcplcFeFvHpmL(3,9,2),ctcplcFeFvHpmR(3,9,2),ctcplcChaFvSeL(2,9,6), & & ctcplcChaFvSeR(2,9,6),ctcplcFdGluSdL(3,6),ctcplcFdGluSdR(3,6),ctcplcFuGluSuL(3,6), & & ctcplcFuGluSuR(3,6),ctcplcChacFuSdL(2,3,6),ctcplcChacFuSdR(2,3,6),ctcplChiChacVWmL(5,2),& & ctcplChiChacVWmR(5,2),ctcplcChaChaVPL(2,2),ctcplcChaChaVPR(2,2),ctcplcChaChaVZL(2,2), & & ctcplcChaChaVZR(2,2),ctcplChiChiVZL(5,5),ctcplChiChiVZR(5,5),ctcplcChaChiVWmL(2,5), & & ctcplcChaChiVWmR(2,5),ctcplcFdFdVGL(3,3),ctcplcFdFdVGR(3,3),ctcplcFdFdVPL(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: ctcplcFdFdVPR(3,3),ctcplcFdFdVZL(3,3),ctcplcFdFdVZR(3,3),ctcplcFuFdcVWmL(3,3), & & ctcplcFuFdcVWmR(3,3),ctcplFvFecVWmL(9,3),ctcplFvFecVWmR(9,3),ctcplcFeFeVPL(3,3), & & ctcplcFeFeVPR(3,3),ctcplcFeFeVZL(3,3),ctcplcFeFeVZR(3,3),ctcplcFuFuVGL(3,3), & & ctcplcFuFuVGR(3,3),ctcplcFuFuVPL(3,3),ctcplcFuFuVPR(3,3),ctcplcFdFuVWmL(3,3), & & ctcplcFdFuVWmR(3,3),ctcplcFuFuVZL(3,3),ctcplcFuFuVZR(3,3),ctcplFvFvVZL(9,9), & & ctcplFvFvVZR(9,9),ctcplcFeFvVWmL(3,9),ctcplcFeFvVWmR(3,9),ctcplGluGluVGL, & & ctcplGluGluVGR Integer :: gt1, gt2, gt3, gt4, ct1, ct2, ct3, ct4 Iname = Iname + 1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CalculateCouplingCT' ctcplAhAhAh = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingAhAhAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,vd,vu,vS,ZA,dlam,dTlam, & & dkap,dTk,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZA,ctcplAhAhAh(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplAhAhhh = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingAhAhhh(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,vd,vu,vS,ZH,ZA, & & dg1,dg2,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dTk,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH,dZA,ctcplAhAhhh(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplAhhhhh = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingAhhhhh(gt1,gt2,gt3,lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,vd,vu,vS,ZH,ZA,dlam, & & dTlam,dkap,dTk,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH,dZA,ctcplAhhhhh(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplAhHpmcHpm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Do gt3 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingAhHpmcHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,lam,Tlam,kap,vd,vu,vS,ZA,ZP,dg2, & & dlam,dTlam,dkap,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZA,dZP,ctcplAhHpmcHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplAhSdcSd = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingAhSdcSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yd,Td,lam,vu,vS,ZD,ZA,dYd,dTd,dlam, & & dvu,dvS,dZD,dZA,ctcplAhSdcSd(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplAhSecSe = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingAhSecSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,Ye,Te,lam,vu,vS,ZE,ZA,dYe,dTe,dlam, & & dvu,dvS,dZE,dZA,ctcplAhSecSe(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplAhSucSu = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingAhSucSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,lam,Yu,Tu,vd,vS,ZU,ZA,dlam,dYu,dTu, & & dvd,dvS,dZU,dZA,ctcplAhSucSu(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplAhSvImSvIm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingAhSvImSvIm(gt1,gt2,gt3,MUX,lam,kap,lamN,TLN,Yv,Tv,vd,vu, & & vS,ZVI,ZA,dMUX,dlam,dkap,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVI,dZA,ctcplAhSvImSvIm(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplAhSvImSvRe = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingAhSvImSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,MUX,lam,kap,lamN,TLN,Yv,Tv,vd,vu, & & vS,ZVI,ZVR,ZA,dMUX,dlam,dkap,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVI,dZVR,dZA, & & ctcplAhSvImSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplAhSvReSvRe = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingAhSvReSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,MUX,lam,kap,lamN,TLN,Yv,Tv,vd,vu, & & vS,ZVR,ZA,dMUX,dlam,dkap,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVR,dZA,ctcplAhSvReSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplhhhhhh = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_Couplinghhhhhh(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,vd,vu,vS,ZH,dg1, & & dg2,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dTk,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH,ctcplhhhhhh(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplhhHpmcHpm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Do gt3 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplinghhHpmcHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,Tlam,kap,vd,vu,vS,ZH,ZP, & & dg1,dg2,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH,dZP,ctcplhhHpmcHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplhhSdcSd = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplinghhSdcSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Yd,Td,lam,vd,vu,vS,ZD,ZH,dg1, & & dg2,dYd,dTd,dlam,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZD,dZH,ctcplhhSdcSd(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplhhSecSe = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplinghhSecSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Ye,Te,lam,vd,vu,vS,ZE,ZH,dg1, & & dg2,dYe,dTe,dlam,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZE,dZH,ctcplhhSecSe(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplhhSucSu = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplinghhSucSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,Yu,Tu,vd,vu,vS,ZU,ZH,dg1, & & dg2,dlam,dYu,dTu,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZU,dZH,ctcplhhSucSu(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplhhSvImSvIm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplinghhSvImSvIm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,MUX,lam,kap,lamN,TLN,Yv,Tv, & & vd,vu,vS,ZVI,ZH,dg1,dg2,dMUX,dlam,dkap,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVI, & & dZH,ctcplhhSvImSvIm(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplhhSvImSvRe = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplinghhSvImSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,MUX,lam,kap,lamN,TLN,Yv,Tv,vd,vu, & & vS,ZVI,ZVR,ZH,dMUX,dlam,dkap,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVI,dZVR,dZH, & & ctcplhhSvImSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplhhSvReSvRe = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplinghhSvReSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,MUX,lam,kap,lamN,TLN,Yv,Tv, & & vd,vu,vS,ZVR,ZH,dg1,dg2,dMUX,dlam,dkap,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVR, & & dZH,ctcplhhSvReSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplHpmSucSd = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingHpmSucSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Yd,Td,lam,Yu,Tu,vd,vu,vS,ZD,ZU, & & ZP,dg2,dYd,dTd,dlam,dYu,dTu,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZD,dZU,dZP,ctcplHpmSucSd(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplHpmSvImcSe = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingHpmSvImcSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Te,lam,lamN,Yv,Tv,vd,vu,vS, & & ZVI,ZE,ZP,dg2,dYe,dTe,dlam,dlamN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVI,dZE,dZP,ctcplHpmSvImcSe(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplHpmSvRecSe = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingHpmSvRecSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Te,lam,lamN,Yv,Tv,vd,vu,vS, & & ZVR,ZE,ZP,dg2,dYe,dTe,dlam,dlamN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVR,dZE,dZP,ctcplHpmSvRecSe(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplSdcHpmcSu = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSdcHpmcSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Yd,Td,lam,Yu,Tu,vd,vu,vS,ZD,ZU, & & ZP,dg2,dYd,dTd,dlam,dYu,dTu,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZD,dZU,dZP,ctcplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplSeSvImcHpm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingSeSvImcHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Te,lam,lamN,Yv,Tv,vd,vu,vS, & & ZVI,ZE,ZP,dg2,dYe,dTe,dlam,dlamN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVI,dZE,dZP,ctcplSeSvImcHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplSeSvRecHpm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingSeSvRecHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Te,lam,lamN,Yv,Tv,vd,vu,vS, & & ZVR,ZE,ZP,dg2,dYe,dTe,dlam,dlamN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVR,dZE,dZP,ctcplSeSvRecHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplAhhhVZ = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingAhhhVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZH,ZA,TW,dg1,dg2,dZH,dZA,dSinTW,dCosTW, & & dTanTW,ctcplAhhhVZ(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplAhHpmcVWm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingAhHpmcVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZA,ZP,dg2,dZA,dZP,ctcplAhHpmcVWm(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplAhcHpmVWm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingAhcHpmVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZA,ZP,dg2,dZA,dZP,ctcplAhcHpmVWm(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplhhHpmcVWm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplinghhHpmcVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZH,ZP,dg2,dZH,dZP,ctcplhhHpmcVWm(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplhhcHpmVWm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplinghhcHpmVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZH,ZP,dg2,dZH,dZP,ctcplhhcHpmVWm(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplHpmcHpmVP = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingHpmcHpmVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZP,TW,dg1,dg2,dZP,dSinTW,dCosTW, & & dTanTW,ctcplHpmcHpmVP(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplHpmcHpmVZ = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingHpmcHpmVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZP,TW,dg1,dg2,dZP,dSinTW,dCosTW, & & dTanTW,ctcplHpmcHpmVZ(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSdcSdVG = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSdcSdVG(gt1,gt2,g3,dg3,ctcplSdcSdVG(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSdcSdVP = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSdcSdVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZD,TW,dg1,dg2,dZD,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & ctcplSdcSdVP(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSdcSdVZ = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSdcSdVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZD,TW,dg1,dg2,dZD,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & ctcplSdcSdVZ(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSdcSucVWm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSdcSucVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZD,ZU,dg2,dZD,dZU,ctcplSdcSucVWm(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSeSvImcVWm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingSeSvImcVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZVI,ZE,dg2,dZVI,dZE,ctcplSeSvImcVWm(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSeSvRecVWm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingSeSvRecVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZVR,ZE,dg2,dZVR,dZE,ctcplSeSvRecVWm(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSecSeVP = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSecSeVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZE,TW,dg1,dg2,dZE,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & ctcplSecSeVP(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSecSeVZ = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSecSeVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZE,TW,dg1,dg2,dZE,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & ctcplSecSeVZ(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSucSuVG = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSucSuVG(gt1,gt2,g3,dg3,ctcplSucSuVG(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSucSuVP = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSucSuVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZU,TW,dg1,dg2,dZU,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & ctcplSucSuVP(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSucSdVWm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSucSdVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZD,ZU,dg2,dZD,dZU,ctcplSucSdVWm(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSucSuVZ = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 6 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSucSuVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZU,TW,dg1,dg2,dZU,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & ctcplSucSuVZ(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSvImSvReVZ = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 9 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingSvImSvReVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZVI,ZVR,TW,dg1,dg2,dZVI,dZVR,dSinTW, & & dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplSvImSvReVZ(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSvImcSeVWm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 9 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSvImcSeVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZVI,ZE,dg2,dZVI,dZE,ctcplSvImcSeVWm(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplSvRecSeVWm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 9 Do gt2 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingSvRecSeVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZVR,ZE,dg2,dZVR,dZE,ctcplSvRecSeVWm(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplhhcVWmVWm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplinghhcVWmVWm(gt1,g2,vd,vu,ZH,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZH,ctcplhhcVWmVWm(gt1)) End Do ctcplhhVZVZ = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplinghhVZVZ(gt1,g1,g2,vd,vu,ZH,TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZH,dSinTW, & & dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplhhVZVZ(gt1)) End Do ctcplHpmcVWmVP = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingHpmcVWmVP(gt1,g1,g2,vd,vu,ZP,TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZP,dSinTW, & & dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplHpmcVWmVP(gt1)) End Do ctcplHpmcVWmVZ = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingHpmcVWmVZ(gt1,g1,g2,vd,vu,ZP,TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZP,dSinTW, & & dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplHpmcVWmVZ(gt1)) End Do ctcplcHpmVPVWm = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingcHpmVPVWm(gt1,g1,g2,vd,vu,ZP,TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZP,dSinTW, & & dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplcHpmVPVWm(gt1)) End Do ctcplcHpmVWmVZ = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingcHpmVWmVZ(gt1,g1,g2,vd,vu,ZP,TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZP,dSinTW, & & dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplcHpmVWmVZ(gt1)) End Do ctcplVGVGVG = 0._dp Call CT_CouplingVGVGVG(g3,dg3,ctcplVGVGVG) ctcplcVWmVPVWm = 0._dp Call CT_CouplingcVWmVPVWm(g2,TW,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplcVWmVPVWm) ctcplcVWmVWmVZ = 0._dp Call CT_CouplingcVWmVWmVZ(g2,TW,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplcVWmVWmVZ) ctcplcChaChaAhL = 0._dp ctcplcChaChaAhR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcChaChaAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,lam,ZA,UM,UP,dg2,dlam,dZA,dUM, & & dUP,ctcplcChaChaAhL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcChaChaAhR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplChiChiAhL = 0._dp ctcplChiChiAhR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 5 Do gt2 = 1, 5 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingChiChiAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,kap,ZA,ZN,dg1,dg2,dlam,dkap, & & dZA,dZN,ctcplChiChiAhL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplChiChiAhR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFdFdAhL = 0._dp ctcplcFdFdAhR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFdFdAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yd,ZA,ZDL,ZDR,dYd,dZA,dZDL,dZDR,ctcplcFdFdAhL(gt1,gt2,gt3)& & ,ctcplcFdFdAhR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFeFeAhL = 0._dp ctcplcFeFeAhR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFeFeAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,Ye,ZA,ZEL,ZER,dYe,dZA,dZEL,dZER,ctcplcFeFeAhL(gt1,gt2,gt3)& & ,ctcplcFeFeAhR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFuFuAhL = 0._dp ctcplcFuFuAhR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFuFuAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yu,ZA,ZUL,ZUR,dYu,dZA,dZUL,dZUR,ctcplcFuFuAhL(gt1,gt2,gt3)& & ,ctcplcFuFuAhR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplFvFvAhL = 0._dp ctcplFvFvAhR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 9 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingFvFvAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,lamN,Yv,ZA,UV,dlamN,dYv,dZA,dUV,ctcplFvFvAhL(gt1,gt2,gt3)& & ,ctcplFvFvAhR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplChiChacHpmL = 0._dp ctcplChiChacHpmR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 5 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Do gt3 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingChiChacHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,ZP,ZN,UM,UP,dg1,dg2,dlam, & & dZP,dZN,dUM,dUP,ctcplChiChacHpmL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplChiChacHpmR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplChaFucSdL = 0._dp ctcplChaFucSdR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingChaFucSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Yd,Yu,ZD,UM,UP,ZUL,ZUR,dg2,dYd, & & dYu,dZD,dUM,dUP,dZUL,dZUR,ctcplChaFucSdL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplChaFucSdR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplFvChacSeL = 0._dp ctcplFvChacSeR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 9 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingFvChacSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Yv,ZE,UV,UM,UP,dg2,dYe,dYv,dZE, & & dUV,dUM,dUP,ctcplFvChacSeL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplFvChacSeR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcChaChahhL = 0._dp ctcplcChaChahhR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcChaChahh(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,lam,ZH,UM,UP,dg2,dlam,dZH,dUM, & & dUP,ctcplcChaChahhL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcChaChahhR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFdChaSuL = 0._dp ctcplcFdChaSuR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingcFdChaSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Yd,Yu,ZU,UM,UP,ZDL,ZDR,dg2,dYd, & & dYu,dZU,dUM,dUP,dZDL,dZDR,ctcplcFdChaSuL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcFdChaSuR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFeChaSvImL = 0._dp ctcplcFeChaSvImR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Do gt3 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingcFeChaSvIm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Yv,ZVI,UM,UP,ZEL,ZER,dg2,dYe, & & dYv,dZVI,dUM,dUP,dZEL,dZER,ctcplcFeChaSvImL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcFeChaSvImR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFeChaSvReL = 0._dp ctcplcFeChaSvReR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Do gt3 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingcFeChaSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Yv,ZVR,UM,UP,ZEL,ZER,dg2,dYe, & & dYv,dZVR,dUM,dUP,dZEL,dZER,ctcplcFeChaSvReL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcFeChaSvReR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplChiChihhL = 0._dp ctcplChiChihhR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 5 Do gt2 = 1, 5 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingChiChihh(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,kap,ZH,ZN,dg1,dg2,dlam,dkap, & & dZH,dZN,ctcplChiChihhL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplChiChihhR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplChiFdcSdL = 0._dp ctcplChiFdcSdR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 5 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingChiFdcSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Yd,ZD,ZN,ZDL,ZDR,dg1,dg2,dYd, & & dZD,dZN,dZDL,dZDR,ctcplChiFdcSdL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplChiFdcSdR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplChiFecSeL = 0._dp ctcplChiFecSeR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 5 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingChiFecSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Ye,ZE,ZN,ZEL,ZER,dg1,dg2,dYe, & & dZE,dZN,dZEL,dZER,ctcplChiFecSeL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplChiFecSeR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplChiFucSuL = 0._dp ctcplChiFucSuR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 5 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingChiFucSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Yu,ZU,ZN,ZUL,ZUR,dg1,dg2,dYu, & & dZU,dZN,dZUL,dZUR,ctcplChiFucSuL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplChiFucSuR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplChiFvSvImL = 0._dp ctcplChiFvSvImR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 5 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingChiFvSvIm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lamN,Yv,ZVI,ZN,UV,dg1,dg2,dlamN, & & dYv,dZVI,dZN,dUV,ctcplChiFvSvImL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplChiFvSvImR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplChiFvSvReL = 0._dp ctcplChiFvSvReR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 5 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingChiFvSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lamN,Yv,ZVR,ZN,UV,dg1,dg2,dlamN, & & dYv,dZVR,dZN,dUV,ctcplChiFvSvReL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplChiFvSvReR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcChaChiHpmL = 0._dp ctcplcChaChiHpmR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 5 Do gt3 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingcChaChiHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,ZP,ZN,UM,UP,dg1,dg2,dlam, & & dZP,dZN,dUM,dUP,ctcplcChaChiHpmL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcChaChiHpmR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFdChiSdL = 0._dp ctcplcFdChiSdR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 5 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingcFdChiSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Yd,ZD,ZN,ZDL,ZDR,dg1,dg2,dYd, & & dZD,dZN,dZDL,dZDR,ctcplcFdChiSdL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcFdChiSdR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFeChiSeL = 0._dp ctcplcFeChiSeR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 5 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingcFeChiSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Ye,ZE,ZN,ZEL,ZER,dg1,dg2,dYe, & & dZE,dZN,dZEL,dZER,ctcplcFeChiSeL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcFeChiSeR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFuChiSuL = 0._dp ctcplcFuChiSuR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 5 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingcFuChiSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Yu,ZU,ZN,ZUL,ZUR,dg1,dg2,dYu, & & dZU,dZN,dZUL,dZUR,ctcplcFuChiSuL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcFuChiSuR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplGluFdcSdL = 0._dp ctcplGluFdcSdR = 0._dp Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingGluFdcSd(gt2,gt3,g3,pG,ZD,ZDL,ZDR,dg3,dpG,dZD,dZDL,dZDR, & & ctcplGluFdcSdL(gt2,gt3),ctcplGluFdcSdR(gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do ctcplcFdFdhhL = 0._dp ctcplcFdFdhhR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFdFdhh(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yd,ZH,ZDL,ZDR,dYd,dZH,dZDL,dZDR,ctcplcFdFdhhL(gt1,gt2,gt3)& & ,ctcplcFdFdhhR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcChaFdcSuL = 0._dp ctcplcChaFdcSuR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingcChaFdcSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Yd,Yu,ZU,UM,UP,ZDL,ZDR,dg2,dYd, & & dYu,dZU,dUM,dUP,dZDL,dZDR,ctcplcChaFdcSuL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcChaFdcSuR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFuFdcHpmL = 0._dp ctcplcFuFdcHpmR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingcFuFdcHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yd,Yu,ZP,ZDL,ZDR,ZUL,ZUR,dYd,dYu, & & dZP,dZDL,dZDR,dZUL,dZUR,ctcplcFuFdcHpmL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcFuFdcHpmR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplFvFecHpmL = 0._dp ctcplFvFecHpmR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 9 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingFvFecHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,Ye,Yv,ZP,UV,ZEL,ZER,dYe,dYv,dZP,dUV, & & dZEL,dZER,ctcplFvFecHpmL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplFvFecHpmR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFeFehhL = 0._dp ctcplcFeFehhR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFeFehh(gt1,gt2,gt3,Ye,ZH,ZEL,ZER,dYe,dZH,dZEL,dZER,ctcplcFeFehhL(gt1,gt2,gt3)& & ,ctcplcFeFehhR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcChaFeSvImL = 0._dp ctcplcChaFeSvImR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingcChaFeSvIm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Yv,ZVI,UM,UP,ZEL,ZER,dg2,dYe, & & dYv,dZVI,dUM,dUP,dZEL,dZER,ctcplcChaFeSvImL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcChaFeSvImR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcChaFeSvReL = 0._dp ctcplcChaFeSvReR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingcChaFeSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Yv,ZVR,UM,UP,ZEL,ZER,dg2,dYe, & & dYv,dZVR,dUM,dUP,dZEL,dZER,ctcplcChaFeSvReL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcChaFeSvReR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplGluFucSuL = 0._dp ctcplGluFucSuR = 0._dp Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingGluFucSu(gt2,gt3,g3,pG,ZU,ZUL,ZUR,dg3,dpG,dZU,dZUL,dZUR, & & ctcplGluFucSuL(gt2,gt3),ctcplGluFucSuR(gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do ctcplcFuFuhhL = 0._dp ctcplcFuFuhhR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFuFuhh(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yu,ZH,ZUL,ZUR,dYu,dZH,dZUL,dZUR,ctcplcFuFuhhL(gt1,gt2,gt3)& & ,ctcplcFuFuhhR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFdFuHpmL = 0._dp ctcplcFdFuHpmR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingcFdFuHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yd,Yu,ZP,ZDL,ZDR,ZUL,ZUR,dYd,dYu,dZP, & & dZDL,dZDR,dZUL,dZUR,ctcplcFdFuHpmL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcFdFuHpmR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplFvFvhhL = 0._dp ctcplFvFvhhR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 9 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingFvFvhh(gt1,gt2,gt3,lamN,Yv,ZH,UV,dlamN,dYv,dZH,dUV,ctcplFvFvhhL(gt1,gt2,gt3)& & ,ctcplFvFvhhR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFeFvHpmL = 0._dp ctcplcFeFvHpmR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingcFeFvHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,Ye,Yv,ZP,UV,ZEL,ZER,dYe,dYv,dZP,dUV, & & dZEL,dZER,ctcplcFeFvHpmL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcFeFvHpmR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcChaFvSeL = 0._dp ctcplcChaFvSeR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingcChaFvSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Yv,ZE,UV,UM,UP,dg2,dYe,dYv,dZE, & & dUV,dUM,dUP,ctcplcChaFvSeL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcChaFvSeR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplcFdGluSdL = 0._dp ctcplcFdGluSdR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingcFdGluSd(gt1,gt3,g3,pG,ZD,ZDL,ZDR,dg3,dpG,dZD,dZDL,dZDR, & & ctcplcFdGluSdL(gt1,gt3),ctcplcFdGluSdR(gt1,gt3)) End Do End Do ctcplcFuGluSuL = 0._dp ctcplcFuGluSuR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingcFuGluSu(gt1,gt3,g3,pG,ZU,ZUL,ZUR,dg3,dpG,dZU,dZUL,dZUR, & & ctcplcFuGluSuL(gt1,gt3),ctcplcFuGluSuR(gt1,gt3)) End Do End Do ctcplcChacFuSdL = 0._dp ctcplcChacFuSdR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Do gt3 = 1, 6 Call CT_CouplingcChacFuSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Yd,Yu,ZD,UM,UP,ZUL,ZUR,dg2,dYd, & & dYu,dZD,dUM,dUP,dZUL,dZUR,ctcplcChacFuSdL(gt1,gt2,gt3),ctcplcChacFuSdR(gt1,gt2,gt3)) End Do End Do End Do ctcplChiChacVWmL = 0._dp ctcplChiChacVWmR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 5 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingChiChacVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZN,UM,UP,dg2,dZN,dUM,dUP,ctcplChiChacVWmL(gt1,gt2)& & ,ctcplChiChacVWmR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcChaChaVPL = 0._dp ctcplcChaChaVPR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingcChaChaVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,UM,UP,TW,dg1,dg2,dUM,dUP,dSinTW, & & dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplcChaChaVPL(gt1,gt2),ctcplcChaChaVPR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcChaChaVZL = 0._dp ctcplcChaChaVZR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 2 Call CT_CouplingcChaChaVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,UM,UP,TW,dg1,dg2,dUM,dUP,dSinTW, & & dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplcChaChaVZL(gt1,gt2),ctcplcChaChaVZR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplChiChiVZL = 0._dp ctcplChiChiVZR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 5 Do gt2 = 1, 5 Call CT_CouplingChiChiVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZN,TW,dg1,dg2,dZN,dSinTW,dCosTW, & & dTanTW,ctcplChiChiVZL(gt1,gt2),ctcplChiChiVZR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcChaChiVWmL = 0._dp ctcplcChaChiVWmR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 2 Do gt2 = 1, 5 Call CT_CouplingcChaChiVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZN,UM,UP,dg2,dZN,dUM,dUP,ctcplcChaChiVWmL(gt1,gt2)& & ,ctcplcChaChiVWmR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcFdFdVGL = 0._dp ctcplcFdFdVGR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFdFdVG(gt1,gt2,g3,dg3,ctcplcFdFdVGL(gt1,gt2),ctcplcFdFdVGR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcFdFdVPL = 0._dp ctcplcFdFdVPR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFdFdVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplcFdFdVPL(gt1,gt2)& & ,ctcplcFdFdVPR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcFdFdVZL = 0._dp ctcplcFdFdVZR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFdFdVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplcFdFdVZL(gt1,gt2)& & ,ctcplcFdFdVZR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcFuFdcVWmL = 0._dp ctcplcFuFdcVWmR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFuFdcVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZDL,ZUL,dg2,dZDL,dZUL,ctcplcFuFdcVWmL(gt1,gt2) & & ,ctcplcFuFdcVWmR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplFvFecVWmL = 0._dp ctcplFvFecVWmR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 9 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingFvFecVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,UV,ZEL,dg2,dUV,dZEL,ctcplFvFecVWmL(gt1,gt2) & & ,ctcplFvFecVWmR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcFeFeVPL = 0._dp ctcplcFeFeVPR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFeFeVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplcFeFeVPL(gt1,gt2)& & ,ctcplcFeFeVPR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcFeFeVZL = 0._dp ctcplcFeFeVZR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFeFeVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplcFeFeVZL(gt1,gt2)& & ,ctcplcFeFeVZR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcFuFuVGL = 0._dp ctcplcFuFuVGR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFuFuVG(gt1,gt2,g3,dg3,ctcplcFuFuVGL(gt1,gt2),ctcplcFuFuVGR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcFuFuVPL = 0._dp ctcplcFuFuVPR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFuFuVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplcFuFuVPL(gt1,gt2)& & ,ctcplcFuFuVPR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcFdFuVWmL = 0._dp ctcplcFdFuVWmR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFdFuVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZDL,ZUL,dg2,dZDL,dZUL,ctcplcFdFuVWmL(gt1,gt2) & & ,ctcplcFdFuVWmR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcFuFuVZL = 0._dp ctcplcFuFuVZR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 3 Call CT_CouplingcFuFuVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,ctcplcFuFuVZL(gt1,gt2)& & ,ctcplcFuFuVZR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplFvFvVZL = 0._dp ctcplFvFvVZR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 9 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingFvFvVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,UV,TW,dg1,dg2,dUV,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & ctcplFvFvVZL(gt1,gt2),ctcplFvFvVZR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplcFeFvVWmL = 0._dp ctcplcFeFvVWmR = 0._dp Do gt1 = 1, 3 Do gt2 = 1, 9 Call CT_CouplingcFeFvVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,UV,ZEL,dg2,dUV,dZEL,ctcplcFeFvVWmL(gt1,gt2) & & ,ctcplcFeFvVWmR(gt1,gt2)) End Do End Do ctcplGluGluVGL = 0._dp ctcplGluGluVGR = 0._dp Call CT_CouplingGluGluVG(g3,pG,dg3,dpG,ctcplGluGluVGL,ctcplGluGluVGR) Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CalculateCouplingCT Subroutine CT_CouplingAhAhAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,vd,vu,vS,ZA,dlam, & & dTlam,dkap,dTk,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZA,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: vd,vu,vS,ZA(3,3),dvd,dvu,dvS,dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dTk Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhAhAh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZA(gt3,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(dZA(gt3,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZA(gt3,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(dZA(gt3,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(dZA(gt3,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(dZA(gt3,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tk)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-((dZA(gt3,3)*Tk*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZA(gt2,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dZA(gt2,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZA(gt1,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dTlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dZA(gt1,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dTlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZA(gt2,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dZA(gt2,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZA(gt1,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dTlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dZA(gt1,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dTlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dZA(gt2,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dZA(gt2,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tk)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-((dZA(gt2,3)*Tk*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dZA(gt1,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dTlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dZA(gt1,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dTlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tk)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-((dZA(gt1,3)*Tk*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-((dTk*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(Conjg(dTk)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhAhAh Subroutine CT_CouplingAhAhhh(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,vd,vu,vS, & & ZH,ZA,dg1,dg2,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dTk,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH,dZA,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,vS,ZH(3,3),ZA(3,3),dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH(3,3),dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dTk Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhAhhh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dZH(gt3,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dZH(gt3,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dZH(gt3,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)) res = res-(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(dZH(gt3,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(dZH(gt3,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(dZH(gt3,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)) res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)) res = res-2*vS*kap*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3) res = res+(Conjg(Tk)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res+(dZH(gt3,3)*Tk*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-(g1**2*vd*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dZA(gt2,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dZA(gt2,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(g1**2*vd*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(dvd*g1**2*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(dvd*g2**2*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(dg1*g1*vd*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dZA(gt1,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dvd*g1**2*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(dvd*g2**2*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vd*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vd*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dTlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dZA(gt1,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dTlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dkap*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dZA(gt2,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(g1**2*vu*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dZA(gt2,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dZA(gt1,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dvu*g1**2*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(dvu*g2**2*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vu*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vu*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dTlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(g1**2*vu*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(dvu*g1**2*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(dvu*g2**2*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(dg1*g1*vu*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vu*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dZA(gt1,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dTlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dvd*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dZA(gt2,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dZA(gt2,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-2*vS*kap*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3) res = res+(Conjg(Tk)*dZA(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res+(dZA(gt2,3)*Tk*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dZA(gt1,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-(dTlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dZA(gt1,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dTlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-2*vS*kap*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3) res = res+(Conjg(Tk)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res+(dZA(gt1,3)*Tk*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dTk*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-2*vS*kap*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3) res = res+(Conjg(dTk)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-2*dkap*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3) res = res-2*dvS*kap*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZA(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3) If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhAhhh Subroutine CT_CouplingAhhhhh(gt1,gt2,gt3,lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,vd,vu,vS,ZH,ZA, & & dlam,dTlam,dkap,dTk,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH,dZA,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: vd,vu,vS,ZH(3,3),ZA(3,3),dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH(3,3),dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dTk Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhhhhh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dZH(gt3,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dZH(gt3,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dZH(gt3,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(dZH(gt3,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(dZH(gt3,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(dZH(gt3,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-((Conjg(Tk)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZH(gt3,3)*Tk*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dZH(gt2,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dZH(gt2,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dZA(gt1,3)*Tlam*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dTlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dZA(gt1,2)*Tlam*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dTlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dZH(gt2,3)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dZH(gt2,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dZA(gt1,3)*Tlam*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dTlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dZA(gt1,1)*Tlam*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dTlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dZH(gt2,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dZH(gt2,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-((Conjg(Tk)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZH(gt2,3)*Tk*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dZA(gt1,2)*Tlam*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dTlam*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dZA(gt1,1)*Tlam*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dTlam*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dkap*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-((Conjg(Tk)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZA(gt1,3)*Tk*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dTk*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-((Conjg(dTk)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhhhhh Subroutine CT_CouplingAhHpmcHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,lam,Tlam,kap,vd,vu,vS,ZA, & & ZP,dg2,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZA,dZP,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,vd,vu,vS,ZA(3,3),ZP(2,2),dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZA(3,3),dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,Tlam,kap,dlam,dTlam,dkap Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhHpmcHpm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZP(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZP(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZP(gt3,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)) res = res+(dZP(gt3,2)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZP(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZP(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2) res = res-((Conjg(Tlam)*dZP(gt3,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZP(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZP(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt3,1) res = res-((Conjg(Tlam)*dZP(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1) res = res-((Conjg(Tlam)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dvu*g2**2*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vu*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*g2**2*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vd*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1) res = res-((Conjg(dTlam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1) res = res+dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1) res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZP(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZP(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZP(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res+(dZP(gt2,1)*Tlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res+(dZA(gt1,3)*Tlam*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-(dvu*g2**2*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vu*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*g2**2*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dTlam*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhHpmcHpm Subroutine CT_CouplingAhSdcSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yd,Td,lam,vu,vS,ZD,ZA,dYd,dTd, & & dlam,dvu,dvS,dZD,dZA,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: vu,vS,ZA(3,3),dvu,dvS,dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),Td(3,3),lam,ZD(6,6),dYd(3,3),dTd(3,3),dlam,dZD(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhSdcSd' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Td(j1,j2))*dZD(gt3,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*dZD(gt3,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*dZD(gt3,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dTd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Td(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*ZD(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dTd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dZD(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Td(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZD(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dYd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZD(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*ZD(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dYd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*ZD(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*ZD(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*ZD(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZA(gt1,1)*Td(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZA(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*Td(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZD(gt2,j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*Td(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhSdcSd Subroutine CT_CouplingAhSecSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,Ye,Te,lam,vu,vS,ZE,ZA,dYe,dTe, & & dlam,dvu,dvS,dZE,dZA,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: vu,vS,ZA(3,3),dvu,dvS,dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Te(3,3),lam,ZE(6,6),dYe(3,3),dTe(3,3),dlam,dZE(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhSecSe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Te(j1,j2))*dZE(gt3,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*dZE(gt3,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*dZE(gt3,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dTe(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Te(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dTe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dZE(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Te(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZE(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZE(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZA(gt1,1)*Te(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZA(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Te(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZE(gt2,j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Te(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhSecSe Subroutine CT_CouplingAhSucSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,lam,Yu,Tu,vd,vS,ZU,ZA,dlam,dYu, & & dTu,dvd,dvS,dZU,dZA,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: vd,vS,ZA(3,3),dvd,dvS,dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,Yu(3,3),Tu(3,3),ZU(6,6),dlam,dYu(3,3),dTu(3,3),dZU(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhSucSu' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZU(gt3,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tu(j1,j2))*dZU(gt3,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZU(gt3,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZA(gt1,1)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dTu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tu(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dYu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dTu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tu(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dYu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*ZA(gt1,2)*Tu(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Tu(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZU(gt2,j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Tu(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhSucSu Subroutine CT_CouplingAhSvImSvIm(gt1,gt2,gt3,MUX,lam,kap,lamN,TLN,Yv,Tv, & & vd,vu,vS,ZVI,ZA,dMUX,dlam,dkap,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVI,dZA,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: vd,vu,vS,ZA(3,3),dvd,dvu,dvS,dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: MUX(3,3),lam,kap,lamN(3,3),TLN(3,3),Yv(3,3),Tv(3,3),ZVI(9,9),dMUX(3,3), & & dlam,dkap,dlamN(3,3),dTLN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dTv(3,3),dZVI(9,9) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhSvImSvIm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTLN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTLN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dTLN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dTLN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*dZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*dZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dkap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dkap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*MUX(j1,j2))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*MUX(j1,j2))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*MUX(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*MUX(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZA(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZA(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*dZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhSvImSvIm Subroutine CT_CouplingAhSvImSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,MUX,lam,kap,lamN,TLN,Yv,Tv, & & vd,vu,vS,ZVI,ZVR,ZA,dMUX,dlam,dkap,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVI,dZVR,dZA,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: vd,vu,vS,ZA(3,3),dvd,dvu,dvS,dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: MUX(3,3),lam,kap,lamN(3,3),TLN(3,3),Yv(3,3),Tv(3,3),ZVI(9,9),ZVR(9,9),dMUX(3,3), & & dlam,dkap,dlamN(3,3),dTLN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dTv(3,3),dZVI(9,9),dZVR(9,9) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhSvImSvRe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dTLN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTLN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dkap*vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dTLN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dTLN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dkap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dkap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*MUX(j1,j2))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*MUX(j1,j2))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*MUX(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*MUX(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZA(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZA(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhSvImSvRe Subroutine CT_CouplingAhSvReSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,MUX,lam,kap,lamN,TLN,Yv,Tv, & & vd,vu,vS,ZVR,ZA,dMUX,dlam,dkap,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVR,dZA,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: vd,vu,vS,ZA(3,3),dvd,dvu,dvS,dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: MUX(3,3),lam,kap,lamN(3,3),TLN(3,3),Yv(3,3),Tv(3,3),ZVR(9,9),dMUX(3,3), & & dlam,dkap,dlamN(3,3),dTLN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dTv(3,3),dZVR(9,9) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhSvReSvRe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*dZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTLN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTLN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dTLN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dTLN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dkap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dkap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*MUX(j1,j2))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*MUX(j1,j2))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*MUX(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZA(gt1,3)*MUX(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZA(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZA(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZA(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dMUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dMUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dMUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dMUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZA(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhSvReSvRe Subroutine CT_Couplinghhhhhh(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,vd,vu,vS, & & ZH,dg1,dg2,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dTk,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,vS,ZH(3,3),dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,Tlam,kap,Tk,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dTk Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_Couplinghhhhhh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res+(-3*g1**2*vd*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res+(-3*g2**2*vd*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)) res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)) res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZH(gt3,3)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)) res = res+(dZH(gt3,2)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)) res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZH(gt3,3)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)) res = res+(-3*g1**2*vu*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res+(-3*g2**2*vu*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)) res = res+(dZH(gt3,1)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)) res = res+(dZH(gt3,2)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)) res = res+(dZH(gt3,1)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)) res = res-6*vS*kap*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3) res = res-((Conjg(Tk)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-((dZH(gt3,3)*Tk*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(-3*g1**2*vd*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(-3*g2**2*vd*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZH(gt2,3)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(dZH(gt2,2)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(-3*g1**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(-3*g2**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(-3*dvd*g1**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(-3*dvd*g2**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(-3*dg1*g1*vd*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(-3*dg2*g2*vd*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*g1**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(dvu*g2**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vu*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vu*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZH(gt1,3)*Tlam*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dvu*g1**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(dvu*g2**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vu*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vu*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(dvd*g1**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(dvd*g2**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vd*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vd*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(dTlam*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(dTlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(dZH(gt1,2)*Tlam*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(dTlam*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(dTlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(dkap*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)) res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZH(gt2,3)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(-3*g1**2*vu*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(-3*g2**2*vu*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(dZH(gt2,1)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dZH(gt1,3)*Tlam*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dvu*g1**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(dvu*g2**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vu*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vu*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(dvd*g1**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(dvd*g2**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vd*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vd*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(dTlam*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(dTlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(-3*g1**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(-3*g2**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(dvd*g1**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(dvd*g2**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vd*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vd*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(-3*dvu*g1**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(-3*dvu*g2**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(-3*dg1*g1*vu*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(-3*dg2*g2*vu*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(dZH(gt1,1)*Tlam*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dTlam*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(dTlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res+(dvd*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dZH(gt2,2)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dZH(gt2,1)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-6*vS*kap*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3) res = res-((Conjg(Tk)*dZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-((dZH(gt2,3)*Tk*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dZH(gt1,2)*Tlam*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dTlam*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(dTlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dkap*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dZH(gt1,1)*Tlam*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dTlam*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(Conjg(dTlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dvd*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-6*vS*kap*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3) res = res-((Conjg(Tk)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-((dZH(gt1,3)*Tk*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vu*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dkap*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(vd*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res+(dkap*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res+(dvd*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3)) res = res-((dTk*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-6*vS*kap*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3) res = res-((Conjg(dTk)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-6*dkap*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3) res = res-6*dvS*kap*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZH(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3) If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_Couplinghhhhhh Subroutine CT_CouplinghhHpmcHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,Tlam,kap,vd,vu,vS, & & ZH,ZP,dg1,dg2,dlam,dTlam,dkap,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH,dZP,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,vS,ZH(3,3),ZP(2,2),dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH(3,3),dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,Tlam,kap,dlam,dTlam,dkap Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplinghhHpmcHpm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(g1**2*vd*dZP(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZP(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZP(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZP(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZP(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZP(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1))/4._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZP(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)) res = res-((dZP(gt3,2)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZP(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZP(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZP(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZP(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(g1**2*vu*dZP(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZP(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/4._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)) res = res-((Conjg(Tlam)*dZP(gt3,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)) res = res-(g1**2*vd*dZP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt3,1)) res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt3,1)) res = res-((Conjg(Tlam)*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1)) res = res-(dvd*g1**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(dvd*g2**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(dg1*g1*vd*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*g1**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(dvu*g2**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vu*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vu*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1)) res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1)) res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1)) res = res-((Conjg(Tlam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dvu*g2**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vu*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*g2**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1)) res = res-((Conjg(dTlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dkap*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1)) res = res-(dvS*kap*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1)) res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(g1**2*vu*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res-((dZP(gt2,1)*Tlam*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res-((dZH(gt1,3)*Tlam*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(dvu*g2**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vu*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*g2**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-((dTlam*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(kap)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res+(dvd*g1**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(dvd*g2**2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vd*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*g1**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(dvu*g2**2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp res = res-(dg1*g1*vu*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vu*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2)) res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(lam)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2)) If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplinghhHpmcHpm Subroutine CT_CouplinghhSdcSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Yd,Td,lam,vd,vu,vS,ZD,ZH, & & dg1,dg2,dYd,dTd,dlam,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZD,dZH,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,vS,ZH(3,3),dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),Td(3,3),lam,ZD(6,6),dYd(3,3),dTd(3,3),dlam,dZD(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplinghhSdcSd' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,j1))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j1))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*dZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*dZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vd*Conjg(dZD(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZD(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*g1**2*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*g2**2*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg1*g1*vd*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*g2*vd*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vd*Conjg(dZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*g1**2*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg1*g1*vd*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*dZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*dZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vu*Conjg(dZD(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZD(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*g1**2*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*g2**2*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*g1*vu*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*g2*vu*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vu*Conjg(dZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*g1**2*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*g1*vu*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/3._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Td(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*ZD(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Td(j1,j2))*dZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dTd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dTd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dZD(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Td(j1,j2))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*dZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZD(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*dZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZD(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dYd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*Td(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1)*Td(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dZD(gt2,j2))*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1)*Td(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j3))*dZH(gt1,1)*Yd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dZD(gt3,j3)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j3))*dZD(gt3,3 + j2)*Yd(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j3))*dYd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dZD(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Yd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dYd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j3))*Yd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,3 + j3))*Yd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dZD(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dYd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplinghhSdcSd Subroutine CT_CouplinghhSecSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Ye,Te,lam,vd,vu,vS,ZE,ZH, & & dg1,dg2,dYe,dTe,dlam,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZE,dZH,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,vS,ZH(3,3),dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Te(3,3),lam,ZE(6,6),dYe(3,3),dTe(3,3),dlam,dZE(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplinghhSecSe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*dZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*dZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vd*Conjg(dZE(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZE(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*g1**2*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*g2**2*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*g1*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*g2*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vd*Conjg(dZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*g1**2*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+dg1*g1*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*dZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*dZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vu*Conjg(dZE(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZE(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*g1**2*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*g2**2*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg1*g1*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*g2*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vu*Conjg(dZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*g1**2*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*g1*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Te(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Te(j1,j2))*dZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dTe(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dTe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dZE(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Te(j1,j2))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*dZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZE(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*dZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZE(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Te(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1)*Te(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dZE(gt2,j2))*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1)*Te(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j3))*dZH(gt1,1)*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,j3)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j3))*dZE(gt3,3 + j2)*Ye(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j3))*dYe(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dZE(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dYe(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j3))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,3 + j3))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dZE(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dYe(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZH(gt1,1)) End Do End Do End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplinghhSecSe Subroutine CT_CouplinghhSucSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,Yu,Tu,vd,vu,vS,ZU,ZH, & & dg1,dg2,dlam,dYu,dTu,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZU,dZH,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,vS,ZH(3,3),dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,Yu(3,3),Tu(3,3),ZU(6,6),dlam,dYu(3,3),dTu(3,3),dZU(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplinghhSucSu' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*dZU(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*dZU(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*dZU(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*dZU(gt3,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j1))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j1))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vd*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j1))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*g1**2*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j1))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*g2**2*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg1*g1*vd*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vu*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j1))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*g1**2*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j1))/12._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*g2**2*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*g1*vu*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*g2*vu*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vd*Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*g1**2*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(-2*dg1*g1*vd*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vu*Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*g1**2*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(2*dg1*g1*vu*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZU(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tu(j1,j2))*dZU(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZU(gt3,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dTu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tu(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dTu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tu(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dYu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*ZU(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*ZH(gt1,2)*Tu(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Tu(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dZU(gt2,j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Tu(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZU(gt3,j3)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*dZU(gt3,3 + j2)*Yu(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yu(j2,j1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*dYu(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Yu(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*Yu(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*Yu(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,j3)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j3)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j3)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j3)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j3)) End Do End Do End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplinghhSucSu Subroutine CT_CouplinghhSvImSvIm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,MUX,lam,kap,lamN,TLN, & & Yv,Tv,vd,vu,vS,ZVI,ZH,dg1,dg2,dMUX,dlam,dkap,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu, & & dvS,dZVI,dZH,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,vS,ZH(3,3),dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: MUX(3,3),lam,kap,lamN(3,3),TLN(3,3),Yv(3,3),Tv(3,3),ZVI(9,9),dMUX(3,3), & & dlam,dkap,dlamN(3,3),dTLN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dTv(3,3),dZVI(9,9) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplinghhSvImSvIm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vd*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vd*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*g1**2*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*g2**2*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*g1*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*g1**2*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*g2**2*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg1*g1*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*g2*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTLN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTLN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dkap*vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dkap*vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dTLN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dTLN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dkap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dkap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*MUX(j1,j2))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*MUX(j1,j2))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*MUX(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*MUX(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dYv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*dYv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dMUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dMUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dMUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dMUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplinghhSvImSvIm Subroutine CT_CouplinghhSvImSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,MUX,lam,kap,lamN,TLN,Yv,Tv, & & vd,vu,vS,ZVI,ZVR,ZH,dMUX,dlam,dkap,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVI,dZVR,dZH,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: vd,vu,vS,ZH(3,3),dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: MUX(3,3),lam,kap,lamN(3,3),TLN(3,3),Yv(3,3),Tv(3,3),ZVI(9,9),ZVR(9,9),dMUX(3,3), & & dlam,dkap,dlamN(3,3),dTLN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dTv(3,3),dZVI(9,9),dZVR(9,9) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplinghhSvImSvRe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTLN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dTLN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dkap*vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dkap*vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*kap*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dTLN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dTLN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dkap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dkap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*MUX(j1,j2))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*MUX(j1,j2))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*MUX(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*MUX(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dYv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*dYv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplinghhSvImSvRe Subroutine CT_CouplinghhSvReSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,MUX,lam,kap,lamN,TLN, & & Yv,Tv,vd,vu,vS,ZVR,ZH,dg1,dg2,dMUX,dlam,dkap,dlamN,dTLN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu, & & dvS,dZVR,dZH,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,vS,ZH(3,3),dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: MUX(3,3),lam,kap,lamN(3,3),TLN(3,3),Yv(3,3),Tv(3,3),ZVR(9,9),dMUX(3,3), & & dlam,dkap,dlamN(3,3),dTLN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dTv(3,3),dZVR(9,9) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplinghhSvReSvRe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vd*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vd*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1**2*vd*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*g1**2*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*g2**2*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*g1*vd*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1**2*vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*g1**2*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*g2**2*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg1*g1*vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*g2*vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*dZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*dZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTLN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vd*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dlamN(j2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dTLN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dkap*vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*kap*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*kap*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dkap*vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*kap*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j2,j1))*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(TLN(j1,j2))*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dTLN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dTLN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,1)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j2,j1))/4._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dkap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dkap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(kap)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*TLN(j1,j2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*MUX(j1,j2))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*MUX(j1,j2))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*MUX(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*MUX(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*Yv(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*Yv(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dYv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*dYv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dlamN(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dMUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*MUX(j2,j1)*ZH(gt1,3))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt1,3))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/4._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*dZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(MUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(Conjg(dMUX(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j3))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/(4._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j3,j1))*ZH(gt1,3)*lamN(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplinghhSvReSvRe Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmSucSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Yd,Td,lam,Yu,Tu,vd,vu,vS, & & ZD,ZU,ZP,dg2,dYd,dTd,dlam,dYu,dTu,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZD,dZU,dZP,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,vd,vu,vS,ZP(2,2),dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),Td(3,3),lam,Yu(3,3),Tu(3,3),ZD(6,6),ZU(6,6),dYd(3,3),dTd(3,3),dlam, & & dYu(3,3),dTu(3,3),dZD(6,6),dZU(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingHpmSucSd' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*dZP(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,j1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*dZP(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*dZD(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*g2**2*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((dg2*g2*vd*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*dZD(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*g2**2*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((dg2*g2*vu*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt1,2)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZP(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tu(j1,j2))*dZP(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*dZD(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dTd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tu(j1,j2))*dZD(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(dTu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j1))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tu(j1,j2))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*Td(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,1)*Td(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(dZU(gt2,j2))*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,1)*Td(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*dZP(gt1,1)*Yd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*dZP(gt1,2)*Yd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt1,1)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt1,2)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZD(gt3,j3)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*dZD(gt3,3 + j2)*Yd(j2,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*dYd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Yd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*Yd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*Yd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dYd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*dZD(gt3,3 + j2)*Yd(j2,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dZD(gt3,j3)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*dYd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZU(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Yd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dYu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*Yd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(Yu(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,3 + j3))*Yd(j2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZU(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZU(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmSucSd Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmSvImcSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Te,lam,lamN,Yv,Tv,vd, & & vu,vS,ZVI,ZE,ZP,dg2,dYe,dTe,dlam,dlamN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVI,dZE,dZP,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,vd,vu,vS,ZP(2,2),dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Te(3,3),lam,lamN(3,3),Yv(3,3),Tv(3,3),ZVI(9,9),ZE(6,6),dYe(3,3), & & dTe(3,3),dlam,dlamN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dTv(3,3),dZVI(9,9),dZE(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingHpmSvImcSe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*dZP(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*dZP(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*dZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*g2**2*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*g2*vd*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*dZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*g2**2*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*g2*vu*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt1,2)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*dZP(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZP(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*dZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dTe(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Te(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,1)*Te(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,1)*Te(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*dZP(gt1,1)*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*dZP(gt1,2)*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt1,1)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,j3)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*dZE(gt3,3 + j2)*Ye(j2,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*dYe(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dYe(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*dZE(gt3,3 + j2)*Ye(j2,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,j3)*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*dYe(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vd*Conjg(dYv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j3))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*dZP(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*dZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j2))*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmSvImcSe Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmSvRecSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Te,lam,lamN,Yv,Tv,vd, & & vu,vS,ZVR,ZE,ZP,dg2,dYe,dTe,dlam,dlamN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVR,dZE,dZP,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,vd,vu,vS,ZP(2,2),dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Te(3,3),lam,lamN(3,3),Yv(3,3),Tv(3,3),ZVR(9,9),ZE(6,6),dYe(3,3), & & dTe(3,3),dlam,dlamN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dTv(3,3),dZVR(9,9),dZE(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingHpmSvRecSe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*dZP(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*dZP(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*dZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*g2**2*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*dZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*g2**2*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*g2*vu*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt1,2)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*dZP(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZP(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*dZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dTe(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*dZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dTv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(Tv(j1,j2))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Te(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,1)*Te(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt1,1)*Te(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*dZP(gt1,1)*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*dZP(gt1,2)*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt1,1)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt1,2)*Yv(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,j3)*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*dZE(gt3,3 + j2)*Ye(j2,j1)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*dYe(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dYe(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*dZE(gt3,3 + j2)*Ye(j2,j1)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dZE(gt3,j3)*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*dYe(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dYv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(Yv(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j3))*Ye(j2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*dZP(gt1,2)*ZE(gt3,j3)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*dZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j2))*ZE(gt3,j3)*ZP(gt1,2)*lamN(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmSvRecSe Subroutine CT_CouplingSdcHpmcSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Yd,Td,lam,Yu,Tu,vd,vu,vS, & & ZD,ZU,ZP,dg2,dYd,dTd,dlam,dYu,dTu,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZD,dZU,dZP,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,vd,vu,vS,ZP(2,2),dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),Td(3,3),lam,Yu(3,3),Tu(3,3),ZD(6,6),ZU(6,6),dYd(3,3),dTd(3,3),dlam, & & dYu(3,3),dTu(3,3),dZD(6,6),dZU(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSdcHpmcSu' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*dZU(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt2,1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*dZU(gt3,j1)*ZP(gt2,2))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*dZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,j1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*dZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZD(gt1,j1))*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,j1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*g2**2*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,j1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((dg2*g2*vd*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZD(gt1,j1))*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*g2**2*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j1))/(2._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-((dg2*g2*vu*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(Td(j1,j2))*dZU(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt2,1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*dZU(gt3,j2)*ZP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*dZP(gt2,1)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZD(gt1,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*dTu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(Td(j1,j2))*dZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*dZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(dTd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(dZD(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(Td(j1,j2))*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZD(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*ZP(gt2,2)*Tu(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*dZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Tu(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+Conjg(dZD(gt1,j2))*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Tu(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*dZU(gt3,j3)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j3))*dZU(gt3,3 + j2)*Yu(j2,j1)*ZP(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*dZU(gt3,j3)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j3))*dZU(gt3,3 + j2)*Yu(j2,j1)*ZP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j3))*dZP(gt2,1)*Yu(j2,j1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j3))*dZP(gt2,2)*Yu(j2,j1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j3))*dYu(j2,j1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZD(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Yu(j2,j1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j3))*Yu(j2,j1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j3))*Yu(j2,j1)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j3))*dYu(j2,j1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZD(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Yu(j2,j1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dYd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j3))*Yu(j2,j1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(Yd(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j3))*Yu(j2,j1)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*dZP(gt2,1)*Yd(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,j3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*dZP(gt2,2)*Yu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,j3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,j3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZD(gt1,j2))*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,j3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dYd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,j3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(Yd(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,1)*ZU(gt3,j3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZD(gt1,j2))*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yu(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt2,2)*ZU(gt3,j3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSdcHpmcSu Subroutine CT_CouplingSeSvImcHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Te,lam,lamN,Yv,Tv,vd, & & vu,vS,ZVI,ZE,ZP,dg2,dYe,dTe,dlam,dlamN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVI,dZE,dZP,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,vd,vu,vS,ZP(2,2),dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Te(3,3),lam,lamN(3,3),Yv(3,3),Tv(3,3),ZVI(9,9),ZE(6,6),dYe(3,3), & & dTe(3,3),dlam,dlamN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dTv(3,3),dZVI(9,9),dZE(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSeSvImcHpm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*dZP(gt3,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*dZP(gt3,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*g2**2*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*g2**2*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*g2*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1))*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Te(j1,j2))*dZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*dZP(gt3,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dTe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(Te(j1,j2))*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Te(j1,j2))*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j2))*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*dZP(gt3,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*ZP(gt3,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j1))*ZP(gt3,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*dZP(gt3,1)*Ye(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*dZP(gt3,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZP(gt3,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*dZP(gt3,1)*Yv(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*dZP(gt3,2)*Yv(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*dYv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dYe(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYe(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*dYv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dYe(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSeSvImcHpm Subroutine CT_CouplingSeSvRecHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Te,lam,lamN,Yv,Tv,vd, & & vu,vS,ZVR,ZE,ZP,dg2,dYe,dTe,dlam,dlamN,dYv,dTv,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZVR,dZE,dZP,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,vd,vu,vS,ZP(2,2),dg2,dvd,dvu,dvS,dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Te(3,3),lam,lamN(3,3),Yv(3,3),Tv(3,3),ZVR(9,9),ZE(6,6),dYe(3,3), & & dTe(3,3),dlam,dlamN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dTv(3,3),dZVR(9,9),dZE(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSeSvRecHpm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*dZP(gt3,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*dZP(gt3,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vd*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvd*g2**2*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZP(gt3,1))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2**2*vu*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dvu*g2**2*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZP(gt3,2))/4._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*g2*vu*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Te(j1,j2))*dZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*dZP(gt3,1)*Yv(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dTe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(Te(j1,j2))*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Te(j1,j2))*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlam)*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(lam)*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j2))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*lam*Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dlam*vS*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*lam*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j2))*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*dTv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*dZP(gt3,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*ZP(gt3,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(Conjg(dZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j1))*ZP(gt3,2)*Tv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*dZP(gt3,1)*Ye(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*dZP(gt3,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dZP(gt3,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*dZP(gt3,1)*Yv(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*dZP(gt3,2)*Yv(j2,j1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*dYv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dYe(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(Ye(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYe(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*dYv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j3))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vu*Conjg(dYv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvu*Conjg(Yv(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dlamN(j1,j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vS*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvS*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,6 + j3))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j3))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(vd*Conjg(dYe(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do Do j3 = 1,3 Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dvd*Conjg(Ye(j3,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j3))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,3 + j2))*Yv(j2,j1)*ZP(gt3,2))/2._dp End Do End Do End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSeSvRecHpm Subroutine CT_CouplingAhhhVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZH,ZA,TW,dg1,dg2,dZH,dZA,dSinTW, & & dCosTW,dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,ZH(3,3),ZA(3,3),TW,dg1,dg2,dZH(3,3),dZA(3,3),dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhhhVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(g2*Cos(TW)*dZH(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(g1*dZH(gt2,1)*Sin(TW)*ZA(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(g2*Cos(TW)*dZH(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(g1*dZH(gt2,2)*Sin(TW)*ZA(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(g2*Cos(TW)*dZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(g1*dZA(gt1,1)*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dSinTW*g1*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dCosTW*g2*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*Cos(TW)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg1*Sin(TW)*ZA(gt1,1)*ZH(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(g2*Cos(TW)*dZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(g1*dZA(gt1,2)*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(dSinTW*g1*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(dCosTW*g2*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*Cos(TW)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg1*Sin(TW)*ZA(gt1,2)*ZH(gt2,2))/2._dp res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhhhVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingAhHpmcVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZA,ZP,dg2,dZA,dZP,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,ZA(3,3),ZP(2,2),dg2,dZA(3,3),dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhHpmcVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(g2*dZP(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZP(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhHpmcVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingAhcHpmVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZA,ZP,dg2,dZA,dZP,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,ZA(3,3),ZP(2,2),dg2,dZA(3,3),dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingAhcHpmVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(g2*dZP(gt2,1)*ZA(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZP(gt2,2)*ZA(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*ZA(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*ZA(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingAhcHpmVWm Subroutine CT_CouplinghhHpmcVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZH,ZP,dg2,dZH,dZP,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,ZH(3,3),ZP(2,2),dg2,dZH(3,3),dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplinghhHpmcVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(g2*dZP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(g2*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(g2*dZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplinghhHpmcVWm Subroutine CT_CouplinghhcHpmVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZH,ZP,dg2,dZH,dZP,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,ZH(3,3),ZP(2,2),dg2,dZH(3,3),dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplinghhcHpmVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res+(g2*dZP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(g2*dZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*ZH(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*ZH(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplinghhcHpmVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmcHpmVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZP,TW,dg1,dg2,dZP,dSinTW, & & dCosTW,dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,ZP(2,2),TW,dg1,dg2,dZP(2,2),dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingHpmcHpmVP' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(g1*Cos(TW)*dZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZP(gt2,1)*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(g1*Cos(TW)*dZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZP(gt2,2)*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(g1*Cos(TW)*dZP(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZP(gt1,1)*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dCosTW*g1*ZP(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dSinTW*g2*ZP(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg1*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(g1*Cos(TW)*dZP(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(g2*dZP(gt1,2)*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(dCosTW*g1*ZP(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(dSinTW*g2*ZP(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg1*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmcHpmVP Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmcHpmVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZP,TW,dg1,dg2,dZP,dSinTW, & & dCosTW,dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,ZP(2,2),TW,dg1,dg2,dZP(2,2),dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingHpmcHpmVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(g2*Cos(TW)*dZP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(g1*dZP(gt2,1)*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(g2*Cos(TW)*dZP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(g1*dZP(gt2,2)*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(g2*Cos(TW)*dZP(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(g1*dZP(gt1,1)*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(dSinTW*g1*ZP(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dCosTW*g2*ZP(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res+(dg1*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,1)*ZP(gt2,1))/2._dp res = res-(g2*Cos(TW)*dZP(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(g1*dZP(gt1,2)*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(dSinTW*g1*ZP(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(dCosTW*g2*ZP(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg1*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,2)*ZP(gt2,2))/2._dp If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmcHpmVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingSdcSdVG(gt1,gt2,g3,dg3,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g3,dg3 Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSdcSdVG' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then res = res+dg3 End If If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSdcSdVG Subroutine CT_CouplingSdcSdVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZD,TW,dg1,dg2,dZD,dSinTW,dCosTW, & & dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZD(6,6),dZD(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSdcSdVP' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*dZD(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*Cos(TW)*dZD(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*dZD(gt2,j1)*Sin(TW))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dCosTW*g1*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*ZD(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dSinTW*g2*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*ZD(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1*Conjg(dZD(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*ZD(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg1*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*ZD(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2*Conjg(dZD(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*ZD(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*ZD(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dCosTW*g1*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*ZD(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1*Conjg(dZD(gt1,3 + j1))*Cos(TW)*ZD(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*Cos(TW)*ZD(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSdcSdVP Subroutine CT_CouplingSdcSdVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZD,TW,dg1,dg2,dZD,dSinTW,dCosTW, & & dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZD(6,6),dZD(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSdcSdVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*dZD(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*dZD(gt2,j1)*Sin(TW))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*dZD(gt2,3 + j1)*Sin(TW))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*ZD(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dCosTW*g2*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*ZD(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2*Conjg(dZD(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*ZD(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*ZD(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1*Conjg(dZD(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*ZD(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*ZD(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*ZD(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1*Conjg(dZD(gt1,3 + j1))*Sin(TW)*ZD(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg1*Conjg(ZD(gt1,3 + j1))*Sin(TW)*ZD(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSdcSdVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingSdcSucVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZD,ZU,dg2,dZD,dZU,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZD(6,6),ZU(6,6),dZD(6,6),dZU(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSdcSucVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*dZU(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(dZD(gt1,j1))*ZU(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*Conjg(ZD(gt1,j1))*ZU(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSdcSucVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingSeSvImcVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZVI,ZE,dg2,dZVI,dZE,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZVI(9,9),ZE(6,6),dZVI(9,9),dZE(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSeSvImcVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(dZVI(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt2,j1)))/2._dp End Do res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSeSvImcVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingSeSvRecVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZVR,ZE,dg2,dZVR,dZE,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZVR(9,9),ZE(6,6),dZVR(9,9),dZE(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSeSvRecVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1)))/2._dp End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSeSvRecVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingSecSeVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZE,TW,dg1,dg2,dZE,dSinTW,dCosTW, & & dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZE(6,6),dZE(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSecSeVP' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*dZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Cos(TW)*dZE(gt2,3 + j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*dZE(gt2,j1)*Sin(TW))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dCosTW*g1*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dSinTW*g2*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dCosTW*g1*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*ZE(gt2,3 + j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1*Conjg(dZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Cos(TW)*ZE(gt2,3 + j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Cos(TW)*ZE(gt2,3 + j1)) End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSecSeVP Subroutine CT_CouplingSecSeVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZE,TW,dg1,dg2,dZE,dSinTW,dCosTW, & & dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZE(6,6),dZE(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSecSeVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*dZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*dZE(gt2,j1)*Sin(TW))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+g1*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*dZE(gt2,3 + j1)*Sin(TW) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dCosTW*g2*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1*Conjg(dZE(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg1*Conjg(ZE(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+dSinTW*g1*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*ZE(gt2,3 + j1) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+g1*Conjg(dZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Sin(TW)*ZE(gt2,3 + j1) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+dg1*Conjg(ZE(gt1,3 + j1))*Sin(TW)*ZE(gt2,3 + j1) End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSecSeVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingSucSuVG(gt1,gt2,g3,dg3,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g3,dg3 Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSucSuVG' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then res = res+dg3 End If If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSucSuVG Subroutine CT_CouplingSucSuVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZU,TW,dg1,dg2,dZU,dSinTW,dCosTW, & & dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZU(6,6),dZU(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSucSuVP' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*dZU(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(2*g1*Conjg(ZU(gt1,3 + j1))*Cos(TW)*dZU(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*dZU(gt2,j1)*Sin(TW))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dCosTW*g1*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*ZU(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dSinTW*g2*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*ZU(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g1*Conjg(dZU(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*ZU(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg1*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*ZU(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(dZU(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*ZU(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*ZU(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(2*dCosTW*g1*Conjg(ZU(gt1,3 + j1))*ZU(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(2*g1*Conjg(dZU(gt1,3 + j1))*Cos(TW)*ZU(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(2*dg1*Conjg(ZU(gt1,3 + j1))*Cos(TW)*ZU(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSucSuVP Subroutine CT_CouplingSucSdVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZD,ZU,dg2,dZD,dZU,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZD(6,6),ZU(6,6),dZD(6,6),dZU(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSucSdVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*dZD(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(dZU(gt1,j1))*ZD(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*ZD(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSucSdVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingSucSuVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZU,TW,dg1,dg2,dZU,dSinTW,dCosTW, & & dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZU(6,6),dZU(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSucSuVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*dZU(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*dZU(gt2,j1)*Sin(TW))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(-2*g1*Conjg(ZU(gt1,3 + j1))*dZU(gt2,3 + j1)*Sin(TW))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*ZU(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dCosTW*g2*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*ZU(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(dZU(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*ZU(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*ZU(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1*Conjg(dZU(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*ZU(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*Conjg(ZU(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*ZU(gt2,j1))/6._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(-2*dSinTW*g1*Conjg(ZU(gt1,3 + j1))*ZU(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(-2*g1*Conjg(dZU(gt1,3 + j1))*Sin(TW)*ZU(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(-2*dg1*Conjg(ZU(gt1,3 + j1))*Sin(TW)*ZU(gt2,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSucSuVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingSvImSvReVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZVI,ZVR,TW,dg1,dg2,dZVI, & & dZVR,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZVI(9,9),ZVR(9,9),dZVI(9,9),dZVR(9,9) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSvImSvReVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(ZVI(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dCosTW*g2*Conjg(ZVI(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2*Conjg(dZVI(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Cos(TW))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*Conjg(ZVI(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Cos(TW))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1*Conjg(dZVR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g1*Conjg(dZVI(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Sin(TW))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg1*Conjg(ZVI(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt2,j1))*Sin(TW))/2._dp End Do res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSvImSvReVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingSvImcSeVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZVI,ZE,dg2,dZVI,dZE,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZVI(9,9),ZE(6,6),dZVI(9,9),dZE(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSvImcSeVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2*Conjg(ZVI(gt1,j1))*dZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(g2*Conjg(dZVI(gt1,j1))*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res-(dg2*Conjg(ZVI(gt1,j1))*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSvImcSeVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingSvRecSeVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZVR,ZE,dg2,dZVR,dZE,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZVR(9,9),ZE(6,6),dZVR(9,9),dZE(6,6) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingSvRecSeVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(ZVR(gt1,j1))*dZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(g2*Conjg(dZVR(gt1,j1))*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 res = res+(dg2*Conjg(ZVR(gt1,j1))*ZE(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingSvRecSeVWm Subroutine CT_CouplinghhcVWmVWm(gt1,g2,vd,vu,ZH,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZH,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,vd,vu,ZH(3,3),dg2,dvd,dvu,dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplinghhcVWmVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*g2**2*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+dg2*g2*vd*ZH(gt1,1) res = res+(dvu*g2**2*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+dg2*g2*vu*ZH(gt1,2) If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplinghhcVWmVWm Subroutine CT_CouplinghhVZVZ(gt1,g1,g2,vd,vu,ZH,TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZH, & & dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,ZH(3,3),TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZH(3,3),dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplinghhVZVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp res = res-(g1**2*vd*Cos(TW)**2*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vd*Cos(TW)**2*dZH(gt1,1))/4._dp res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp res = res-(g1**2*vu*Cos(TW)**2*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp res = res+(g2**2*vu*Cos(TW)**2*dZH(gt1,2))/4._dp res = res+g1*g2*vd*Cos(TW)*dZH(gt1,1)*Sin(TW) res = res+g1*g2*vu*Cos(TW)*dZH(gt1,2)*Sin(TW) res = res+(g1**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1)*Sin(TW)**2)/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vd*dZH(gt1,1)*Sin(TW)**2)/4._dp res = res+(g1**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2)*Sin(TW)**2)/4._dp res = res-(g2**2*vu*dZH(gt1,2)*Sin(TW)**2)/4._dp res = res+(dvd*g1**2*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp res = res+(dvd*g2**2*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vd*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vd*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(dCosTW*g1**2*vd*Cos(TW)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+dSinTW*g1*g2*vd*Cos(TW)*ZH(gt1,1) res = res+(dCosTW*g2**2*vd*Cos(TW)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*g1**2*Cos(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp res = res+(dvd*g2**2*Cos(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp res = res-(dg1*g1*vd*Cos(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vd*Cos(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(dSinTW*g1**2*vd*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+dCosTW*g1*g2*vd*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt1,1) res = res-(dSinTW*g2**2*vd*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+dvd*g1*g2*Cos(TW)*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt1,1) res = res+dg2*g1*vd*Cos(TW)*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt1,1) res = res+dg1*g2*vd*Cos(TW)*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt1,1) res = res+(dvd*g1**2*Sin(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp res = res-(dvd*g2**2*Sin(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,1))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vd*Sin(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vd*Sin(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*g1**2*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp res = res+(dvu*g2**2*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vu*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vu*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(dCosTW*g1**2*vu*Cos(TW)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+dSinTW*g1*g2*vu*Cos(TW)*ZH(gt1,2) res = res+(dCosTW*g2**2*vu*Cos(TW)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*g1**2*Cos(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp res = res+(dvu*g2**2*Cos(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp res = res-(dg1*g1*vu*Cos(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g2*vu*Cos(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(dSinTW*g1**2*vu*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+dCosTW*g1*g2*vu*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt1,2) res = res-(dSinTW*g2**2*vu*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+dvu*g1*g2*Cos(TW)*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt1,2) res = res+dg2*g1*vu*Cos(TW)*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt1,2) res = res+dg1*g2*vu*Cos(TW)*Sin(TW)*ZH(gt1,2) res = res+(dvu*g1**2*Sin(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp res = res-(dvu*g2**2*Sin(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,2))/4._dp res = res+(dg1*g1*vu*Sin(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*g2*vu*Sin(TW)**2*ZH(gt1,2))/2._dp If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplinghhVZVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmcVWmVP(gt1,g1,g2,vd,vu,ZP,TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZP, & & dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,ZP(2,2),TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZP(2,2),dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingHpmcVWmVP' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(g1*g2*vd*Cos(TW)*dZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(g1*g2*vu*Cos(TW)*dZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(dCosTW*g1*g2*vd*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*g1*g2*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*g1*vd*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg1*g2*vd*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(dCosTW*g1*g2*vu*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*g1*g2*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g1*vu*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg1*g2*vu*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmcVWmVP Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmcVWmVZ(gt1,g1,g2,vd,vu,ZP,TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZP, & & dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,ZP(2,2),TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZP(2,2),dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingHpmcVWmVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res+(g1*g2*vd*dZP(gt1,1)*Sin(TW))/2._dp res = res-(g1*g2*vu*dZP(gt1,2)*Sin(TW))/2._dp res = res+(dSinTW*g1*g2*vd*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*g1*g2*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g1*vd*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(dg1*g2*vd*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(dSinTW*g1*g2*vu*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*g1*g2*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*g1*vu*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg1*g2*vu*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingHpmcVWmVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingcHpmVPVWm(gt1,g1,g2,vd,vu,ZP,TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZP, & & dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,ZP(2,2),TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZP(2,2),dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcHpmVPVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res-(g1*g2*vd*Cos(TW)*dZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(g1*g2*vu*Cos(TW)*dZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(dCosTW*g1*g2*vd*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(dvd*g1*g2*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*g1*vd*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(dg1*g2*vd*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(dCosTW*g1*g2*vu*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(dvu*g1*g2*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g1*vu*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res+(dg1*g2*vu*Cos(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcHpmVPVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingcHpmVWmVZ(gt1,g1,g2,vd,vu,ZP,TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZP, & & dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,res) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,vd,vu,ZP(2,2),TW,dg1,dg2,dvd,dvu,dZP(2,2),dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcHpmVWmVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If res = 0._dp res = res+(g1*g2*vd*dZP(gt1,1)*Sin(TW))/2._dp res = res-(g1*g2*vu*dZP(gt1,2)*Sin(TW))/2._dp res = res+(dSinTW*g1*g2*vd*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(dvd*g1*g2*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(dg2*g1*vd*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res+(dg1*g2*vd*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,1))/2._dp res = res-(dSinTW*g1*g2*vu*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(dvu*g1*g2*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg2*g1*vu*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp res = res-(dg1*g2*vu*Sin(TW)*ZP(gt1,2))/2._dp If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcHpmVWmVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingVGVGVG(g3,dg3,res) Implicit None Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g3,dg3 Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingVGVGVG' res = 0._dp res = res+dg3 res = -(0.,1.)*res If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingVGVGVG Subroutine CT_CouplingcVWmVPVWm(g2,TW,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,res) Implicit None Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,TW,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcVWmVPVWm' res = 0._dp res = res+dSinTW*g2 res = res+dg2*Sin(TW) If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcVWmVPVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingcVWmVWmVZ(g2,TW,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,res) Implicit None Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,TW,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: res Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcVWmVWmVZ' res = 0._dp res = res-(dCosTW*g2) res = res-(dg2*Cos(TW)) If (Real(res,dp).ne.Real(res,dp)) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcVWmVWmVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaChaAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,lam,ZA,UM,UP,dg2,dlam,dZA, & & dUM,dUP,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,ZA(3,3),dg2,dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,UM(2,2),UP(2,2),dlam,dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcChaChaAh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*dZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*dZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*dZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,1))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(dlam*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = 0._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZA(gt3,1)*UM(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(g2*dZA(gt3,2)*UM(gt1,1)*UP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-((Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,3)*UM(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR+(g2*dUP(gt2,1)*UM(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(g2*dUM(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(dg2*UM(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(g2*dUP(gt2,2)*UM(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(g2*dUM(gt1,1)*UP(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(dg2*UM(gt1,1)*UP(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-((Conjg(lam)*dUP(gt2,2)*UM(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((Conjg(lam)*dUM(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((Conjg(dlam)*UM(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = -(0.,1.)*resL resR = -(0.,1.)*resR If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaChaAh Subroutine CT_CouplingChiChiAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,kap,ZA,ZN,dg1,dg2, & & dlam,dkap,dZA,dZN,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,ZA(3,3),dg1,dg2,dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,kap,ZN(5,5),dlam,dkap,dZN(5,5) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingChiChiAh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*dZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*dZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*dZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*dZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*dZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*dZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*dZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*dZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*dZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*dZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*dZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*dZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*dZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*dZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL+sqrt(2._dp)*kap*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*dZA(gt3,3) resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZA(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dlam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dlam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL-(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dlam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL-(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZA(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dlam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL+sqrt(2._dp)*kap*Conjg(dZN(gt2,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*ZA(gt3,3) resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dlam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dlam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL+sqrt(2._dp)*kap*Conjg(dZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZA(gt3,3) resL = resL+sqrt(2._dp)*dkap*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZA(gt3,3) resR = 0._dp resR = resR-(g1*dZN(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,1))/2._dp resR = resR+(g1*dZN(gt2,4)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,1))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZN(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,2))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*dZN(gt2,4)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,2))/2._dp resR = resR-(g1*dZN(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZN(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,5)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,4)*ZA(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,5)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(g1*dZN(gt2,1)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,4))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*dZN(gt2,2)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,4))/2._dp resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,4)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,3)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*Conjg(kap)*dZN(gt2,5)*ZA(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,5)) resR = resR-(g1*dZN(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt2,1))/2._dp resR = resR+(g1*dZN(gt1,4)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt2,1))/2._dp resR = resR-(g1*dZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,1))/2._dp resR = resR-(dg1*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,1))/2._dp resR = resR+(g1*dZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,1))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg1*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,1))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZN(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*dZN(gt1,4)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg2*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*dZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR-(dg2*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR-(g1*dZN(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZN(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,5)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,4)*ZA(gt3,3)*ZN(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(g1*dZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,1)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR-(dg1*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,1)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg2*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZN(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZN(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,5)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(g1*dZN(gt1,1)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*dZN(gt1,2)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,3)*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(g1*dZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,1)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg1*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,1)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*dZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR-(dg2*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,4)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt2,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,3)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt2,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*Conjg(kap)*dZN(gt1,5)*ZA(gt3,3)*ZN(gt2,5)) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(dlam)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*Conjg(kap)*dZA(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZN(gt2,5)) resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*Conjg(dkap)*ZA(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZN(gt2,5)) resL = -(0.,1.)*resL resR = -(0.,1.)*resR If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingChiChiAh Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFdAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yd,ZA,ZDL,ZDR,dYd,dZA,dZDL,dZDR, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: ZA(3,3),dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),ZDL(3,3),ZDR(3,3),dYd(3,3),dZDL(3,3),dZDR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFdFdAh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*dZA(gt3,1)*Yd(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZDR(gt2,j1)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZDL(gt1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZDL(gt1,j2)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZDR(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZA(gt3,1)*ZDL(gt1,j2)*ZDR(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYd(j1,j2))*ZA(gt3,1)*ZDL(gt1,j2)*ZDR(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do resL = -(0.,1.)*resL resR = -(0.,1.)*resR If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFdAh Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeFeAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,Ye,ZA,ZEL,ZER,dYe,dZA,dZEL,dZER, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: ZA(3,3),dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),ZEL(3,3),ZER(3,3),dYe(3,3),dZEL(3,3),dZER(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFeFeAh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*dZA(gt3,1)*Ye(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*dZER(gt2,j1)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZEL(gt1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*dZEL(gt1,j2)*ZA(gt3,1)*ZER(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*dZA(gt3,1)*ZEL(gt1,j2)*ZER(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*ZA(gt3,1)*ZEL(gt1,j2)*ZER(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do resL = -(0.,1.)*resL resR = -(0.,1.)*resR If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeFeAh Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFuAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yu,ZA,ZUL,ZUR,dYu,dZA,dZUL,dZUR, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: ZA(3,3),dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yu(3,3),ZUL(3,3),ZUR(3,3),dYu(3,3),dZUL(3,3),dZUR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFuFuAh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1))*dZA(gt3,2)*Yu(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZUR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZUL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZUR(gt2,j1)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZUL(gt1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZUL(gt1,j2)*ZA(gt3,2)*ZUR(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZA(gt3,2)*ZUL(gt1,j2)*ZUR(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYu(j1,j2))*ZA(gt3,2)*ZUL(gt1,j2)*ZUR(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do resL = -(0.,1.)*resL resR = -(0.,1.)*resR If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFuAh Subroutine CT_CouplingFvFvAh(gt1,gt2,gt3,lamN,Yv,ZA,UV,dlamN,dYv,dZA,dUV, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: ZA(3,3),dZA(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lamN(3,3),Yv(3,3),UV(9,9),dlamN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dUV(9,9) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingFvFvAh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UV(gt1,j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*dZA(gt3,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*dZA(gt3,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UV(gt1,j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt1,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUV(gt1,j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UV(gt1,6 + j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UV(gt1,6 + j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*dZA(gt3,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,6 + j2))*dZA(gt3,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUV(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*ZA(gt3,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt1,6 + j2))*ZA(gt3,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUV(gt1,6 + j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*ZA(gt3,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,6 + j2))*ZA(gt3,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dZA(gt3,2)*UV(gt1,j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dZA(gt3,3)*UV(gt1,6 + j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dZA(gt3,2)*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*UV(gt2,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dZA(gt3,3)*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*UV(gt2,6 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,j2)*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,3 + j1)*UV(gt1,j2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dUV(gt1,j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*UV(gt1,j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dUV(gt1,3 + j1)*UV(gt2,j2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*UV(gt2,j2)*ZA(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,6 + j2)*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,3 + j1)*UV(gt1,6 + j2)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dUV(gt1,6 + j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dlamN(j1,j2))*UV(gt1,6 + j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dUV(gt1,3 + j1)*UV(gt2,6 + j2)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dlamN(j1,j2))*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*UV(gt2,6 + j2)*ZA(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do resL = -(0.,1.)*resL resR = -(0.,1.)*resR If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingFvFvAh Subroutine CT_CouplingChiChacHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,ZP,ZN,UM,UP,dg1, & & dg2,dlam,dZP,dZN,dUM,dUP,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,ZP(2,2),dg1,dg2,dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,ZN(5,5),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),dlam,dZN(5,5),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingChiChacHpm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*dZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*dZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*dZP(gt3,1)) resL = resL-(lam*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*dZP(gt3,2)) resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*ZP(gt3,1)) resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(dg1*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*ZP(gt3,1)) resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*ZP(gt3,1)) resL = resL-(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*ZP(gt3,2)) resL = resL-(lam*Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*ZP(gt3,2)) resL = resL-(dlam*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*ZP(gt3,2)) resR = 0._dp resR = resR-((g1*dZP(gt3,2)*UP(gt2,2)*ZN(gt1,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((g2*dZP(gt3,2)*UP(gt2,2)*ZN(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-(g2*dZP(gt3,2)*UP(gt2,1)*ZN(gt1,4)) resR = resR-(Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,1)*UP(gt2,2)*ZN(gt1,5)) resR = resR-(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,5)*UP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1)) resR = resR-(Conjg(lam)*dUP(gt2,2)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZP(gt3,1)) resR = resR-(Conjg(dlam)*UP(gt2,2)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZP(gt3,1)) resR = resR-(g2*dZN(gt1,4)*UP(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,2)) resR = resR-((g1*dZN(gt1,1)*UP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((g2*dZN(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((g1*dUP(gt2,2)*ZN(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((dg1*UP(gt2,2)*ZN(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((g2*dUP(gt2,2)*ZN(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((dg2*UP(gt2,2)*ZN(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-(g2*dUP(gt2,1)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZP(gt3,2)) resR = resR-(dg2*UP(gt2,1)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZP(gt3,2)) If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingChiChacHpm Subroutine CT_CouplingChaFucSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Yd,Yu,ZD,UM,UP,ZUL,ZUR,dg2, & & dYd,dYu,dZD,dUM,dUP,dZUL,dZUR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),Yu(3,3),ZD(6,6),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),ZUL(3,3),ZUR(3,3),dYd(3,3),dYu(3,3), & & dZD(6,6),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2),dZUL(3,3),dZUR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingChaFucSd' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(UM(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*dZD(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZUL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(UM(gt1,1))*ZD(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dUM(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(UM(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UM(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*Yd(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UM(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZUL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(UM(gt1,2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dUM(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZUR(gt2,j1)*UP(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZD(gt3,j2)*UP(gt1,2)*ZUR(gt2,j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dUP(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZUR(gt2,j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dYu(j1,j2))*UP(gt1,2)*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZUR(gt2,j1) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingChaFucSd Subroutine CT_CouplingFvChacSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Yv,ZE,UV,UM,UP,dg2,dYe, & & dYv,dZE,dUV,dUM,dUP,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Yv(3,3),ZE(6,6),UV(9,9),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),dYe(3,3),dYv(3,3),dZE(6,6), & & dUV(9,9),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingFvChacSe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*Conjg(UV(gt1,j1))*dZE(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dUV(gt1,j1))*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*ZE(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,1))*Conjg(UV(gt1,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*Conjg(UV(gt1,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UV(gt1,j2))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Ye(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UV(gt1,j2))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dUV(gt1,j2))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UV(gt1,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dZE(gt3,j2)*UP(gt2,2)*UV(gt1,3 + j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dUV(gt1,3 + j1)*UP(gt2,2)*ZE(gt3,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dUP(gt2,2)*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*ZE(gt3,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*UP(gt2,2)*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*ZE(gt3,j2) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingFvChacSe Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaChahh(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,lam,ZH,UM,UP,dg2,dlam,dZH, & & dUM,dUP,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,ZH(3,3),dg2,dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,UM(2,2),UP(2,2),dlam,dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcChaChahh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*dZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*dZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*dZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,1))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((lam*Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dlam*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = 0._dp resR = resR-((g2*dZH(gt3,1)*UM(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((g2*dZH(gt3,2)*UM(gt1,1)*UP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*UM(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((g2*dUP(gt2,1)*UM(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((g2*dUM(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((dg2*UM(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((g2*dUP(gt2,2)*UM(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((g2*dUM(gt1,1)*UP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((dg2*UM(gt1,1)*UP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((Conjg(lam)*dUP(gt2,2)*UM(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((Conjg(lam)*dUM(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = resR-((Conjg(dlam)*UM(gt1,2)*UP(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaChahh Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdChaSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Yd,Yu,ZU,UM,UP,ZDL,ZDR,dg2, & & dYd,dYu,dZU,dUM,dUP,dZDL,dZDR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),Yu(3,3),ZU(6,6),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),ZDL(3,3),ZDR(3,3),dYd(3,3),dYu(3,3), & & dZU(6,6),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2),dZDL(3,3),dZDR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFdChaSu' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j2))*dYd(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZU(gt3,j2))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Yd(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j2))*Yd(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j2))*Yd(j1,j2) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j1))*dZDL(gt1,j1)*UP(gt2,1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j1))*dUP(gt2,1)*ZDL(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(dZU(gt3,j1))*UP(gt2,1)*ZDL(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(dg2*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j1))*UP(gt2,1)*ZDL(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,3 + j1))*dZDL(gt1,j2)*UP(gt2,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,3 + j1))*dUP(gt2,2)*ZDL(gt1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dZU(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*UP(gt2,2)*ZDL(gt1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dYu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,3 + j1))*UP(gt2,2)*ZDL(gt1,j2) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdChaSu Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeChaSvIm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Yv,ZVI,UM,UP,ZEL,ZER, & & dg2,dYe,dYv,dZVI,dUM,dUP,dZEL,dZER,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Yv(3,3),ZVI(9,9),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),ZEL(3,3),ZER(3,3),dYe(3,3),dYv(3,3), & & dZVI(9,9),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2),dZEL(3,3),dZER(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFeChaSvIm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dYe(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Ye(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Ye(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Ye(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*dZEL(gt1,j1)*UP(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*dUP(gt2,1)*ZEL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j1))*UP(gt2,1)*ZEL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(dg2*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*UP(gt2,1)*ZEL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZEL(gt1,j2)*UP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dUP(gt2,2)*ZEL(gt1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*UP(gt2,2)*ZEL(gt1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*UP(gt2,2)*ZEL(gt1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do resL = -(0.,1.)*resL resR = -(0.,1.)*resR If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeChaSvIm Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeChaSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Yv,ZVR,UM,UP,ZEL,ZER, & & dg2,dYe,dYv,dZVR,dUM,dUP,dZEL,dZER,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Yv(3,3),ZVR(9,9),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),ZEL(3,3),ZER(3,3),dYe(3,3),dYv(3,3), & & dZVR(9,9),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2),dZEL(3,3),dZER(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFeChaSvRe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dYe(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Ye(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Ye(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Ye(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((g2*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*dZEL(gt1,j1)*UP(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((g2*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*dUP(gt2,1)*ZEL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((g2*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j1))*UP(gt2,1)*ZEL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((dg2*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*UP(gt2,1)*ZEL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZEL(gt1,j2)*UP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dUP(gt2,2)*ZEL(gt1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*UP(gt2,2)*ZEL(gt1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*UP(gt2,2)*ZEL(gt1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeChaSvRe Subroutine CT_CouplingChiChihh(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,kap,ZH,ZN,dg1,dg2, & & dlam,dkap,dZH,dZN,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,ZH(3,3),dg1,dg2,dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,kap,ZN(5,5),dlam,dkap,dZN(5,5) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingChiChihh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*dZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*dZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*dZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*dZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*dZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*dZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*dZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*dZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*dZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*dZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*dZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*dZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*dZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*dZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*kap*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*dZH(gt3,3)) resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZH(gt3,1))/2._dp resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(dlam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(dlam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL-(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(dlam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL-(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZH(gt3,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(dlam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*kap*Conjg(dZN(gt2,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*ZH(gt3,3)) resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(dlam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL+(dlam*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*kap*Conjg(dZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZH(gt3,3)) resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*dkap*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZH(gt3,3)) resR = 0._dp resR = resR+(g1*dZN(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,1))/2._dp resR = resR-(g1*dZN(gt2,4)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,1))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*dZN(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZN(gt2,4)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(g1*dZN(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,3))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*dZN(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,5)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,4)*ZH(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,5)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(g1*dZN(gt2,1)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,4))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZN(gt2,2)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,4))/2._dp resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,4)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,3)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*Conjg(kap)*dZN(gt2,5)*ZH(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,5)) resR = resR+(g1*dZN(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt2,1))/2._dp resR = resR-(g1*dZN(gt1,4)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt2,1))/2._dp resR = resR+(g1*dZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,1))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg1*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,1))/2._dp resR = resR-(g1*dZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,1))/2._dp resR = resR-(dg1*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,1))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*dZN(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZN(gt1,4)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*dZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR-(dg2*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg2*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(g1*dZN(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*dZN(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,5)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,4)*ZH(gt3,3)*ZN(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(g1*dZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,1)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg1*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,1)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*dZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR-(dg2*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZN(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZN(gt2,3))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,5)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(g1*dZN(gt1,1)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZN(gt1,2)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,3)*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(g1*dZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,1)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR-(dg1*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,1)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*dZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg2*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,4)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt2,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt1,3)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt2,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*Conjg(kap)*dZN(gt1,5)*ZH(gt3,3)*ZN(gt2,5)) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZN(gt1,3)*ZN(gt2,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(lam)*dZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(Conjg(dlam)*ZH(gt3,1)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZN(gt2,5))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*Conjg(kap)*dZH(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZN(gt2,5)) resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*Conjg(dkap)*ZH(gt3,3)*ZN(gt1,5)*ZN(gt2,5)) If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingChiChihh Subroutine CT_CouplingChiFdcSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Yd,ZD,ZN,ZDL,ZDR,dg1,dg2, & & dYd,dZD,dZN,dZDL,dZDR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,dg1,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),ZD(6,6),ZN(5,5),ZDL(3,3),ZDR(3,3),dYd(3,3),dZD(6,6),dZN(5,5),dZDL(3,3),dZDR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingChiFdcSd' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*dZD(gt3,j1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*dZD(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZDL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*ZD(gt3,j1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(dg1*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*ZD(gt3,j1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZDL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*ZD(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(dg2*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*ZD(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*Yd(j1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*g1*dZN(gt1,1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZDR(gt2,j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*g1*dZDR(gt2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*g1*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZDR(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*dg1*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZDR(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,1))/3._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZN(gt1,3)*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZDR(gt2,j1)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZDR(gt2,j1)*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZN(gt1,3)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZD(gt3,j2)*ZDR(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,3)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(dYd(j1,j2))*ZD(gt3,j2)*ZDR(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,3)) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingChiFdcSd Subroutine CT_CouplingChiFecSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Ye,ZE,ZN,ZEL,ZER,dg1,dg2, & & dYe,dZE,dZN,dZEL,dZER,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,dg1,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),ZE(6,6),ZN(5,5),ZEL(3,3),ZER(3,3),dYe(3,3),dZE(6,6),dZN(5,5),dZEL(3,3),dZER(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingChiFecSe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*dZE(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*dZE(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1))*ZE(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZEL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*ZE(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(dg1*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*ZE(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZEL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*ZE(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(dg2*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*ZE(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*Ye(j1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*g1*dZN(gt1,1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZER(gt2,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*g1*dZER(gt2,j1)*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*g1*dZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZER(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*dg1*ZE(gt3,3 + j1)*ZER(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,1)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*dZN(gt1,3)*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZER(gt2,j1)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*dZER(gt2,j1)*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZN(gt1,3)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*dZE(gt3,j2)*ZER(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,3)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*ZE(gt3,j2)*ZER(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,3)) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingChiFecSe Subroutine CT_CouplingChiFucSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Yu,ZU,ZN,ZUL,ZUR,dg1,dg2, & & dYu,dZU,dZN,dZUL,dZUR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,dg1,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yu(3,3),ZU(6,6),ZN(5,5),ZUL(3,3),ZUR(3,3),dYu(3,3),dZU(6,6),dZN(5,5),dZUL(3,3),dZUR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingChiFucSu' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*dZU(gt3,j1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*dZU(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZUL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*ZU(gt3,j1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dZUL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*ZU(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*ZU(gt3,j1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*ZU(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*ZU(gt3,j1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*ZU(gt3,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Yu(j1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZUL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(2*sqrt(2._dp)*g1*dZUR(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(2*sqrt(2._dp)*g1*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,1)*ZUR(gt2,j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(2*sqrt(2._dp)*g1*dZN(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)*ZUR(gt2,j1))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(2*sqrt(2._dp)*dg1*ZN(gt1,1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)*ZUR(gt2,j1))/3._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZUR(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZU(gt3,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZU(gt3,j2)*ZN(gt1,4)*ZUR(gt2,j1)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZN(gt1,4)*ZU(gt3,j2)*ZUR(gt2,j1)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(dYu(j1,j2))*ZN(gt1,4)*ZU(gt3,j2)*ZUR(gt2,j1)) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingChiFucSu Subroutine CT_CouplingChiFvSvIm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lamN,Yv,ZVI,ZN,UV,dg1, & & dg2,dlamN,dYv,dZVI,dZN,dUV,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,dg1,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lamN(3,3),Yv(3,3),ZVI(9,9),ZN(5,5),UV(9,9),dlamN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dZVI(9,9), & & dZN(5,5),dUV(9,9) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingChiFvSvIm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dUV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(dg1*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dUV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dlamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(UV(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*dZN(gt1,1)*UV(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*dZN(gt1,2)*UV(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*dUV(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j1))*UV(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(dg1*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*UV(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*dUV(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j1))*UV(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(dg2*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1))*UV(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZN(gt1,4)*UV(gt2,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dZN(gt1,5)*UV(gt2,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dZN(gt1,4)*UV(gt2,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dZN(gt1,5)*UV(gt2,6 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dUV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dUV(gt2,j2)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*UV(gt2,j2)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*UV(gt2,j2)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,6 + j2)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dlamN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dZVI(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(dlamN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*UV(gt2,6 + j2)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*UV(gt2,6 + j2)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do resL = -(0.,1.)*resL resR = -(0.,1.)*resR If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingChiFvSvIm Subroutine CT_CouplingChiFvSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lamN,Yv,ZVR,ZN,UV,dg1, & & dg2,dlamN,dYv,dZVR,dZN,dUV,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,dg1,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lamN(3,3),Yv(3,3),ZVR(9,9),ZN(5,5),UV(9,9),dlamN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dZVR(9,9), & & dZN(5,5),dUV(9,9) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingChiFvSvRe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dUV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(dg1*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dUV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1)))/2._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dlamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(UV(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt1,5))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g1*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*dZN(gt1,1)*UV(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*dZN(gt1,2)*UV(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g1*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*dUV(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g1*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j1))*UV(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(dg1*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*UV(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*dUV(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j1))*UV(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(dg2*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1))*UV(gt2,j1)*ZN(gt1,2))/2._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZN(gt1,4)*UV(gt2,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dZN(gt1,5)*UV(gt2,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dZN(gt1,4)*UV(gt2,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dZN(gt1,5)*UV(gt2,6 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dUV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dUV(gt2,j2)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*UV(gt2,j2)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*UV(gt2,j2)*ZN(gt1,4))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,6 + j2)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dlamN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dZVR(gt3,6 + j2))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dlamN(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*UV(gt2,6 + j2)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*UV(gt2,6 + j2)*ZN(gt1,5))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingChiFvSvRe Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaChiHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,lam,ZP,ZN,UM,UP,dg1, & & dg2,dlam,dZP,dZN,dUM,dUP,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,ZP(2,2),dg1,dg2,dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lam,ZN(5,5),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),dlam,dZN(5,5),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcChaChiHpm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp resL = resL-(lam*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*dZP(gt3,1)) resL = resL-((g1*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*dZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*dZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*dZP(gt3,2)) resL = resL-(lam*Conjg(dZN(gt2,5))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*ZP(gt3,1)) resL = resL-(lam*Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZP(gt3,1)) resL = resL-(dlam*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,5))*ZP(gt3,1)) resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*ZP(gt3,2)) resL = resL-((g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g1*Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dg1*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*ZP(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZP(gt3,2)) resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZP(gt3,2)) resR = 0._dp resR = resR+(g1*dZP(gt3,1)*UM(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(g2*dZP(gt3,1)*UM(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(g2*dZP(gt3,1)*UM(gt1,1)*ZN(gt2,3)) resR = resR-(Conjg(lam)*dZP(gt3,2)*UM(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,5)) resR = resR-(g2*dZN(gt2,3)*UM(gt1,1)*ZP(gt3,1)) resR = resR+(g1*dZN(gt2,1)*UM(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(g2*dZN(gt2,2)*UM(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(g1*dUM(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(dg1*UM(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,1)*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(g2*dUM(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(dg2*UM(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,2)*ZP(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(g2*dUM(gt1,1)*ZN(gt2,3)*ZP(gt3,1)) resR = resR-(dg2*UM(gt1,1)*ZN(gt2,3)*ZP(gt3,1)) resR = resR-(Conjg(lam)*dZN(gt2,5)*UM(gt1,2)*ZP(gt3,2)) resR = resR-(Conjg(lam)*dUM(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,5)*ZP(gt3,2)) resR = resR-(Conjg(dlam)*UM(gt1,2)*ZN(gt2,5)*ZP(gt3,2)) If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaChiHpm Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdChiSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Yd,ZD,ZN,ZDL,ZDR,dg1,dg2, & & dYd,dZD,dZN,dZDL,dZDR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,dg1,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),ZD(6,6),ZN(5,5),ZDL(3,3),ZDR(3,3),dYd(3,3),dZD(6,6),dZN(5,5),dZDL(3,3),dZDR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFdChiSd' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1)))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*g1*Conjg(dZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1)))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*g1*Conjg(dZD(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1)))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*dg1*Conjg(ZD(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1)))/3._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(ZD(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*dYd(j1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Yd(j1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*Yd(j1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZD(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*Yd(j1,j2)) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j1))*dZN(gt2,1)*ZDL(gt1,j1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j1))*dZN(gt2,2)*ZDL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j1))*dZDL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(dZD(gt3,j1))*ZDL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(dg1*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j1))*ZDL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j1))*dZDL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(dZD(gt3,j1))*ZDL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(dg2*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j1))*ZDL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,3 + j1))*dZN(gt2,3)*ZDL(gt1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,3 + j1))*dZDL(gt1,j2)*ZN(gt2,3)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(dZD(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*ZDL(gt1,j2)*ZN(gt2,3)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(dYd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,3 + j1))*ZDL(gt1,j2)*ZN(gt2,3)) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdChiSd Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeChiSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Ye,ZE,ZN,ZEL,ZER,dg1,dg2, & & dYe,dZE,dZN,dZEL,dZER,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,dg1,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),ZE(6,6),ZN(5,5),ZEL(3,3),ZER(3,3),dYe(3,3),dZE(6,6),dZN(5,5),dZEL(3,3),dZER(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFeChiSe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*g1*Conjg(dZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*g1*Conjg(dZE(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*dg1*Conjg(ZE(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(ZE(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*dYe(j1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Ye(j1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*Ye(j1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZE(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*Ye(j1,j2)) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g1*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j1))*dZN(gt2,1)*ZEL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j1))*dZN(gt2,2)*ZEL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g1*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j1))*dZEL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g1*Conjg(dZE(gt3,j1))*ZEL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(dg1*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j1))*ZEL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j1))*dZEL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(dZE(gt3,j1))*ZEL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(dg2*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j1))*ZEL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,3 + j1))*dZN(gt2,3)*ZEL(gt1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,3 + j1))*dZEL(gt1,j2)*ZN(gt2,3)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(dZE(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*ZEL(gt1,j2)*ZN(gt2,3)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,3 + j1))*ZEL(gt1,j2)*ZN(gt2,3)) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeChiSe Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuChiSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,g1,g2,Yu,ZU,ZN,ZUL,ZUR,dg1,dg2, & & dYu,dZU,dZN,dZUL,dZUR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,dg1,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yu(3,3),ZU(6,6),ZN(5,5),ZUL(3,3),ZUR(3,3),dYu(3,3),dZU(6,6),dZN(5,5),dZUL(3,3),dZUR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFuChiSu' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(2*sqrt(2._dp)*g1*Conjg(dZUR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,3 + j1)))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(2*sqrt(2._dp)*g1*Conjg(dZU(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1)))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(2*sqrt(2._dp)*g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1)))/3._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(2*sqrt(2._dp)*dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt2,1))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1)))/3._dp End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1))*dYu(j1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZUR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZU(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1))*Yu(j1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(Conjg(dZN(gt2,4))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1))*Yu(j1,j2)) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j1))*dZUL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((g2*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j1))*dZUL(gt1,j1)*ZN(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j1))*dZN(gt2,1)*ZUL(gt1,j1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((g2*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j1))*dZN(gt2,2)*ZUL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(dZU(gt3,j1))*ZN(gt2,1)*ZUL(gt1,j1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(dg1*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j1))*ZN(gt2,1)*ZUL(gt1,j1))/(3._dp*sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((g2*Conjg(dZU(gt3,j1))*ZN(gt2,2)*ZUL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((dg2*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j1))*ZN(gt2,2)*ZUL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,3 + j1))*dZUL(gt1,j2)*ZN(gt2,4)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,3 + j1))*dZN(gt2,4)*ZUL(gt1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(dZU(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*ZN(gt2,4)*ZUL(gt1,j2)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(Conjg(dYu(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,3 + j1))*ZN(gt2,4)*ZUL(gt1,j2)) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuChiSu Subroutine CT_CouplingGluFdcSd(gt2,gt3,g3,pG,ZD,ZDL,ZDR,dg3,dpG,dZD,dZDL, & & dZDR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g3,dg3 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: pG,ZD(6,6),ZDL(3,3),ZDR(3,3),dpG,dZD(6,6),dZDL(3,3),dZDR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingGluFdcSd' If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*g3*pG*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*dZD(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*g3*pG*Conjg(dZDL(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*dpG*g3*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*dg3*pG*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*ZD(gt3,j1)) End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+sqrt(2._dp)*g3*Conjg(pG)*dZDR(gt2,j1)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+sqrt(2._dp)*g3*Conjg(pG)*dZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZDR(gt2,j1) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+sqrt(2._dp)*g3*Conjg(dpG)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZDR(gt2,j1) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+sqrt(2._dp)*dg3*Conjg(pG)*ZD(gt3,3 + j1)*ZDR(gt2,j1) End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingGluFdcSd Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFdhh(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yd,ZH,ZDL,ZDR,dYd,dZH,dZDL,dZDR, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: ZH(3,3),dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),ZDL(3,3),ZDR(3,3),dYd(3,3),dZDL(3,3),dZDR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFdFdhh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*dZH(gt3,1)*Yd(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZH(gt3,1)*ZDL(gt1,j2)*ZDR(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZDR(gt2,j1)*ZDL(gt1,j2)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZDL(gt1,j2)*ZDR(gt2,j1)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYd(j1,j2))*ZDL(gt1,j2)*ZDR(gt2,j1)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFdhh Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaFdcSu(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Yd,Yu,ZU,UM,UP,ZDL,ZDR,dg2, & & dYd,dYu,dZU,dUM,dUP,dZDL,dZDR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),Yu(3,3),ZU(6,6),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),ZDL(3,3),ZDR(3,3),dYd(3,3),dYu(3,3), & & dZU(6,6),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2),dZDL(3,3),dZDR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcChaFdcSu' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*dZU(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZDL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*ZU(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*ZU(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*ZU(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*Yu(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZU(gt3,j2)*UM(gt1,2)*ZDR(gt2,j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZDR(gt2,j1)*UM(gt1,2)*ZU(gt3,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dUM(gt1,2)*ZDR(gt2,j1)*ZU(gt3,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dYd(j1,j2))*UM(gt1,2)*ZDR(gt2,j1)*ZU(gt3,j2) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaFdcSu Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFdcHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yd,Yu,ZP,ZDL,ZDR,ZUL,ZUR,dYd, & & dYu,dZP,dZDL,dZDR,dZUL,dZUR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: ZP(2,2),dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),Yu(3,3),ZDL(3,3),ZDR(3,3),ZUL(3,3),ZUR(3,3),dYd(3,3),dYu(3,3),dZDL(3,3), & & dZDR(3,3),dZUL(3,3),dZUR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFuFdcHpm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1))*dZP(gt3,2)*Yu(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZUR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZDL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZUL(gt1,j2)*ZDR(gt2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZP(gt3,1)*ZDR(gt2,j1)*ZUL(gt1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*dZDR(gt2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1)*ZUL(gt1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dYd(j1,j2))*ZDR(gt2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1)*ZUL(gt1,j2) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFdcHpm Subroutine CT_CouplingFvFecHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,Ye,Yv,ZP,UV,ZEL,ZER,dYe,dYv, & & dZP,dUV,dZEL,dZER,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: ZP(2,2),dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Yv(3,3),UV(9,9),ZEL(3,3),ZER(3,3),dYe(3,3),dYv(3,3),dUV(9,9),dZEL(3,3),dZER(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingFvFecHpm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt3,2)*Yv(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dUV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*dZP(gt3,1)*UV(gt1,j2)*ZER(gt2,j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*dZER(gt2,j1)*UV(gt1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*dUV(gt1,j2)*ZER(gt2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*UV(gt1,j2)*ZER(gt2,j1)*ZP(gt3,1) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingFvFecHpm Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeFehh(gt1,gt2,gt3,Ye,ZH,ZEL,ZER,dYe,dZH,dZEL,dZER, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: ZH(3,3),dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),ZEL(3,3),ZER(3,3),dYe(3,3),dZEL(3,3),dZER(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFeFehh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*dZH(gt3,1)*Ye(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*dZH(gt3,1)*ZEL(gt1,j2)*ZER(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*dZER(gt2,j1)*ZEL(gt1,j2)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*dZEL(gt1,j2)*ZER(gt2,j1)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*ZEL(gt1,j2)*ZER(gt2,j1)*ZH(gt3,1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeFehh Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaFeSvIm(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Yv,ZVI,UM,UP,ZEL,ZER, & & dg2,dYe,dYv,dZVI,dUM,dUP,dZEL,dZER,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Yv(3,3),ZVI(9,9),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),ZEL(3,3),ZER(3,3),dYe(3,3),dYv(3,3), & & dZVI(9,9),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2),dZEL(3,3),dZER(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcChaFeSvIm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1)))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dZEL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1)))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1)))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j1)))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dZER(gt2,j1)*UM(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*dUM(gt1,2)*ZER(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(dZVI(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*UM(gt1,2)*ZER(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVI(gt3,j2))*UM(gt1,2)*ZER(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do resL = -(0.,1.)*resL resR = -(0.,1.)*resR If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaFeSvIm Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaFeSvRe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Yv,ZVR,UM,UP,ZEL,ZER, & & dg2,dYe,dYv,dZVR,dUM,dUP,dZEL,dZER,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Yv(3,3),ZVR(9,9),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),ZEL(3,3),ZER(3,3),dYe(3,3),dYv(3,3), & & dZVR(9,9),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2),dZEL(3,3),dZER(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcChaFeSvRe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1)))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dZEL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1)))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1)))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j1)))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+(Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dZER(gt2,j1)*UM(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*dUM(gt1,2)*ZER(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(dZVR(gt3,j2))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*UM(gt1,2)*ZER(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZVR(gt3,j2))*UM(gt1,2)*ZER(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaFeSvRe Subroutine CT_CouplingGluFucSu(gt2,gt3,g3,pG,ZU,ZUL,ZUR,dg3,dpG,dZU,dZUL, & & dZUR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g3,dg3 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: pG,ZU(6,6),ZUL(3,3),ZUR(3,3),dpG,dZU(6,6),dZUL(3,3),dZUR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingGluFucSu' If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*g3*pG*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*dZU(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*g3*pG*Conjg(dZUL(gt2,j1))*ZU(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*dpG*g3*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*ZU(gt3,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(sqrt(2._dp)*dg3*pG*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*ZU(gt3,j1)) End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+sqrt(2._dp)*g3*Conjg(pG)*dZUR(gt2,j1)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+sqrt(2._dp)*g3*Conjg(pG)*dZU(gt3,3 + j1)*ZUR(gt2,j1) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+sqrt(2._dp)*g3*Conjg(dpG)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)*ZUR(gt2,j1) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+sqrt(2._dp)*dg3*Conjg(pG)*ZU(gt3,3 + j1)*ZUR(gt2,j1) End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingGluFucSu Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFuhh(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yu,ZH,ZUL,ZUR,dYu,dZH,dZUL,dZUR, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: ZH(3,3),dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yu(3,3),ZUL(3,3),ZUR(3,3),dYu(3,3),dZUL(3,3),dZUR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFuFuhh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1))*dZH(gt3,2)*Yu(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1))*dYu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZUR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dZUL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1))*Yu(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZUR(gt2,j1)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZUL(gt1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZUL(gt1,j2)*ZH(gt3,2)*ZUR(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZH(gt3,2)*ZUL(gt1,j2)*ZUR(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYu(j1,j2))*ZH(gt3,2)*ZUL(gt1,j2)*ZUR(gt2,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFuhh Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFuHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,Yd,Yu,ZP,ZDL,ZDR,ZUL,ZUR,dYd, & & dYu,dZP,dZDL,dZDR,dZUL,dZUR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: ZP(2,2),dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),Yu(3,3),ZDL(3,3),ZDR(3,3),ZUL(3,3),ZUR(3,3),dYd(3,3),dYu(3,3),dZDL(3,3), & & dZDR(3,3),dZUL(3,3),dZUR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFdFuHpm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*dZP(gt3,1)*Yd(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*dYd(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZUL(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j2))*Yd(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZUR(gt2,j1)*ZDL(gt1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZP(gt3,2)*ZDL(gt1,j2)*ZUR(gt2,j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yu(j1,j2))*dZDL(gt1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2)*ZUR(gt2,j1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dYu(j1,j2))*ZDL(gt1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2)*ZUR(gt2,j1) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFuHpm Subroutine CT_CouplingFvFvhh(gt1,gt2,gt3,lamN,Yv,ZH,UV,dlamN,dYv,dZH,dUV, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: ZH(3,3),dZH(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: lamN(3,3),Yv(3,3),UV(9,9),dlamN(3,3),dYv(3,3),dUV(9,9) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingFvFvhh' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt1,j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt3,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*dZH(gt3,2)*Yv(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt1,j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*dYv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt1,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt1,j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*Yv(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt1,6 + j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,6 + j2))*dlamN(j1,j2)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt1,6 + j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*dZH(gt3,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,6 + j2))*dZH(gt3,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt2,6 + j2))*Conjg(UV(gt1,3 + j1))*ZH(gt3,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt1,6 + j2))*ZH(gt3,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt1,6 + j2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*ZH(gt3,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((Conjg(dUV(gt1,3 + j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,6 + j2))*ZH(gt3,3)*lamN(j1,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dZH(gt3,2)*UV(gt1,j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dZH(gt3,3)*UV(gt1,6 + j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dZH(gt3,2)*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*UV(gt2,j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dZH(gt3,3)*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*UV(gt2,6 + j2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,j2)*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,3 + j1)*UV(gt1,j2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dUV(gt1,j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*UV(gt1,j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dUV(gt1,3 + j1)*UV(gt2,j2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*UV(gt2,j2)*ZH(gt3,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,6 + j2)*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,3 + j1)*UV(gt1,6 + j2)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dUV(gt1,6 + j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dlamN(j1,j2))*UV(gt1,6 + j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(lamN(j1,j2))*dUV(gt1,3 + j1)*UV(gt2,6 + j2)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-((Conjg(dlamN(j1,j2))*UV(gt1,3 + j1)*UV(gt2,6 + j2)*ZH(gt3,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingFvFvhh Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeFvHpm(gt1,gt2,gt3,Ye,Yv,ZP,UV,ZEL,ZER,dYe,dYv, & & dZP,dUV,dZEL,dZER,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: ZP(2,2),dZP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Yv(3,3),UV(9,9),ZEL(3,3),ZER(3,3),dYe(3,3),dYv(3,3),dUV(9,9),dZEL(3,3),dZER(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFeFvHpm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*dZP(gt3,1)*Ye(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*dYe(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZER(gt1,j1))*Conjg(UV(gt2,j2))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dUV(gt2,j2))*Conjg(ZER(gt1,j1))*Ye(j1,j2)*ZP(gt3,1) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dZP(gt3,2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZEL(gt1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dZEL(gt1,j2)*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZP(gt3,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yv(j1,j2))*dUV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZEL(gt1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dYv(j1,j2))*UV(gt2,3 + j1)*ZEL(gt1,j2)*ZP(gt3,2) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeFvHpm Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaFvSe(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Ye,Yv,ZE,UV,UM,UP,dg2,dYe, & & dYv,dZE,dUV,dUM,dUP,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Ye(3,3),Yv(3,3),ZE(6,6),UV(9,9),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),dYe(3,3),dYv(3,3),dZE(6,6), & & dUV(9,9),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcChaFvSe' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j2))*dYv(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZE(gt3,j2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Yv(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dUV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Conjg(UV(gt2,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j2))*Yv(j1,j2) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j1))*dUV(gt2,j1)*UM(gt1,1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j1))*dUM(gt1,1)*UV(gt2,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(dZE(gt3,j1))*UM(gt1,1)*UV(gt2,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(dg2*Conjg(ZE(gt3,j1))*UM(gt1,1)*UV(gt2,j1)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,3 + j1))*dUV(gt2,j2)*UM(gt1,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,3 + j1))*dUM(gt1,2)*UV(gt2,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dZE(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Ye(j1,j2))*UM(gt1,2)*UV(gt2,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dYe(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZE(gt3,3 + j1))*UM(gt1,2)*UV(gt2,j2) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaFvSe Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdGluSd(gt1,gt3,g3,pG,ZD,ZDL,ZDR,dg3,dpG,dZD,dZDL, & & dZDR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g3,dg3 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: pG,ZD(6,6),ZDL(3,3),ZDR(3,3),dpG,dZD(6,6),dZDL(3,3),dZDR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFdGluSd' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+sqrt(2._dp)*g3*pG*Conjg(dZDR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,3 + j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+sqrt(2._dp)*g3*pG*Conjg(dZD(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+sqrt(2._dp)*dpG*g3*Conjg(ZD(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+sqrt(2._dp)*dg3*pG*Conjg(ZD(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZDR(gt1,j1)) End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*g3*Conjg(pG)*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j1))*dZDL(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*g3*Conjg(pG)*Conjg(dZD(gt3,j1))*ZDL(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*g3*Conjg(dpG)*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j1))*ZDL(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*dg3*Conjg(pG)*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j1))*ZDL(gt1,j1)) End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdGluSd Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuGluSu(gt1,gt3,g3,pG,ZU,ZUL,ZUR,dg3,dpG,dZU,dZUL, & & dZUR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g3,dg3 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: pG,ZU(6,6),ZUL(3,3),ZUR(3,3),dpG,dZU(6,6),dZUL(3,3),dZUR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFuGluSu' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+sqrt(2._dp)*g3*pG*Conjg(dZUR(gt1,j1))*Conjg(ZU(gt3,3 + j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+sqrt(2._dp)*g3*pG*Conjg(dZU(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+sqrt(2._dp)*dpG*g3*Conjg(ZU(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+sqrt(2._dp)*dg3*pG*Conjg(ZU(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(ZUR(gt1,j1)) End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*g3*Conjg(pG)*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j1))*dZUL(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*g3*Conjg(pG)*Conjg(dZU(gt3,j1))*ZUL(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*g3*Conjg(dpG)*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j1))*ZUL(gt1,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(sqrt(2._dp)*dg3*Conjg(pG)*Conjg(ZU(gt3,j1))*ZUL(gt1,j1)) End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuGluSu Subroutine CT_CouplingcChacFuSd(gt1,gt2,gt3,g2,Yd,Yu,ZD,UM,UP,ZUL,ZUR,dg2, & & dYd,dYu,dZD,dUM,dUP,dZUL,dZUR,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2,gt3 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),Yu(3,3),ZD(6,6),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),ZUL(3,3),ZUR(3,3),dYd(3,3),dYu(3,3), & & dZD(6,6),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2),dZUL(3,3),dZUR(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcChacFuSd' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt3.Lt.1).Or.(gt3.Gt.6)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt3 out of range', gt3 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt2,j1))*dYu(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZUR(gt2,j1))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j2))*Yu(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dZD(gt3,j2))*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt2,j1))*Yu(j1,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL+Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j2))*Conjg(ZUR(gt2,j1))*Yu(j1,j2) End Do End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j1))*dZUL(gt2,j1)*UM(gt1,1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j1))*dUM(gt1,1)*ZUL(gt2,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(dZD(gt3,j1))*UM(gt1,1)*ZUL(gt2,j1)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR-(dg2*Conjg(ZD(gt3,j1))*UM(gt1,1)*ZUL(gt2,j1)) End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,3 + j1))*dZUL(gt2,j2)*UM(gt1,2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,3 + j1))*dUM(gt1,2)*ZUL(gt2,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dZD(gt3,3 + j1))*Conjg(Yd(j1,j2))*UM(gt1,2)*ZUL(gt2,j2) End Do End Do Do j2 = 1,3 Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+Conjg(dYd(j1,j2))*Conjg(ZD(gt3,3 + j1))*UM(gt1,2)*ZUL(gt2,j2) End Do End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcChacFuSd Subroutine CT_CouplingChiChacVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZN,UM,UP,dg2,dZN,dUM,dUP,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZN(5,5),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),dZN(5,5),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingChiChacVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*dZN(gt1,2)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*dZN(gt1,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,1))*ZN(gt1,2)) resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*ZN(gt1,2)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*ZN(gt1,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*ZN(gt1,3))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = 0._dp resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*dUP(gt2,1)) resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*dUP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,2))*UP(gt2,1)) resR = resR-(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,2))*UP(gt2,1)) resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*UP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*UP(gt2,2))/sqrt(2._dp) If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingChiChacVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaChaVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,UM,UP,TW,dg1,dg2,dUM,dUP, & & dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: UM(2,2),UP(2,2),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcChaChaVP' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Cos(TW)*dUM(gt1,2))/2._dp resL = resL+g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*dUM(gt1,1)*Sin(TW) resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*dUM(gt1,2)*Sin(TW))/2._dp resL = resL+dSinTW*g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*UM(gt1,1) resL = resL+g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,1))*Sin(TW)*UM(gt1,1) resL = resL+dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*Sin(TW)*UM(gt1,1) resL = resL+(dCosTW*g1*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*UM(gt1,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(dSinTW*g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*UM(gt1,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Cos(TW)*UM(gt1,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg1*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Cos(TW)*UM(gt1,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Sin(TW)*UM(gt1,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Sin(TW)*UM(gt1,2))/2._dp resR = 0._dp resR = resR+(g1*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Cos(TW)*dUP(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*dUP(gt2,1)*Sin(TW) resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*dUP(gt2,2)*Sin(TW))/2._dp resR = resR+dSinTW*g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*UP(gt2,1) resR = resR+g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,1))*Sin(TW)*UP(gt2,1) resR = resR+dg2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Sin(TW)*UP(gt2,1) resR = resR+(dCosTW*g1*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*UP(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(dSinTW*g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*UP(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(g1*Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Cos(TW)*UP(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg1*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Cos(TW)*UP(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Sin(TW)*UP(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg2*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Sin(TW)*UP(gt2,2))/2._dp If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaChaVP Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaChaVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,UM,UP,TW,dg1,dg2,dUM,dUP, & & dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: UM(2,2),UP(2,2),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcChaChaVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp resL = resL+g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*Cos(TW)*dUM(gt1,1) resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Cos(TW)*dUM(gt1,2))/2._dp resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*dUM(gt1,2)*Sin(TW))/2._dp resL = resL+dCosTW*g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*UM(gt1,1) resL = resL+g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,1))*Cos(TW)*UM(gt1,1) resL = resL+dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,1))*Cos(TW)*UM(gt1,1) resL = resL-(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*UM(gt1,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(dCosTW*g2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*UM(gt1,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Cos(TW)*UM(gt1,2))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg2*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Cos(TW)*UM(gt1,2))/2._dp resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dUM(gt2,2))*Sin(TW)*UM(gt1,2))/2._dp resL = resL-(dg1*Conjg(UM(gt2,2))*Sin(TW)*UM(gt1,2))/2._dp resR = 0._dp resR = resR+g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Cos(TW)*dUP(gt2,1) resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Cos(TW)*dUP(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*dUP(gt2,2)*Sin(TW))/2._dp resR = resR+dCosTW*g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*UP(gt2,1) resR = resR+g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,1))*Cos(TW)*UP(gt2,1) resR = resR+dg2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*Cos(TW)*UP(gt2,1) resR = resR-(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*UP(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(dCosTW*g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*UP(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Cos(TW)*UP(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg2*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Cos(TW)*UP(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*Sin(TW)*UP(gt2,2))/2._dp resR = resR-(dg1*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*Sin(TW)*UP(gt2,2))/2._dp If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaChaVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingChiChiVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,ZN,TW,dg1,dg2,dZN,dSinTW,dCosTW, & & dTanTW,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZN(5,5),dZN(5,5) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingChiChiVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*Cos(TW)*dZN(gt1,3))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*Cos(TW)*dZN(gt1,4))/2._dp resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*dZN(gt1,3)*Sin(TW))/2._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*dZN(gt1,4)*Sin(TW))/2._dp resL = resL-(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZN(gt1,3))/2._dp resL = resL-(dCosTW*g2*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*ZN(gt1,3))/2._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*Cos(TW)*ZN(gt1,3))/2._dp resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*Cos(TW)*ZN(gt1,3))/2._dp resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*Sin(TW)*ZN(gt1,3))/2._dp resL = resL-(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*Sin(TW)*ZN(gt1,3))/2._dp resL = resL+(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZN(gt1,4))/2._dp resL = resL+(dCosTW*g2*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*ZN(gt1,4))/2._dp resL = resL+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,4))*Cos(TW)*ZN(gt1,4))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*Cos(TW)*ZN(gt1,4))/2._dp resL = resL+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt2,4))*Sin(TW)*ZN(gt1,4))/2._dp resL = resL+(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt2,4))*Sin(TW)*ZN(gt1,4))/2._dp resR = 0._dp resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Cos(TW)*dZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Cos(TW)*dZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR+(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*dZN(gt2,3)*Sin(TW))/2._dp resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*dZN(gt2,4)*Sin(TW))/2._dp resR = resR+(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(dCosTW*g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Cos(TW)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Cos(TW)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,3))*Sin(TW)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR+(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,3))*Sin(TW)*ZN(gt2,3))/2._dp resR = resR-(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR-(dCosTW*g2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Cos(TW)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR-(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Cos(TW)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR-(g1*Conjg(dZN(gt1,4))*Sin(TW)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp resR = resR-(dg1*Conjg(ZN(gt1,4))*Sin(TW)*ZN(gt2,4))/2._dp If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingChiChiVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaChiVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZN,UM,UP,dg2,dZN,dUM,dUP,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZN(5,5),UM(2,2),UP(2,2),dZN(5,5),dUM(2,2),dUP(2,2) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcChaChiVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.2)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.5)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*dUM(gt1,1)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*dUM(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,2))*UM(gt1,1)) resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt2,2))*UM(gt1,1)) resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dZN(gt2,3))*UM(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(ZN(gt2,3))*UM(gt1,2))/sqrt(2._dp)) resR = 0._dp resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*dZN(gt2,2)) resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*dZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR-(g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,1))*ZN(gt2,2)) resR = resR-(dg2*Conjg(UP(gt1,1))*ZN(gt2,2)) resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(dUP(gt1,2))*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) resR = resR+(dg2*Conjg(UP(gt1,2))*ZN(gt2,4))/sqrt(2._dp) If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcChaChiVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFdVG(gt1,gt2,g3,dg3,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g3,dg3 Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFdFdVG' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL-1._dp*(dg3) End If resR = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR-1._dp*(dg3) End If If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFdVG Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFdVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFdFdVP' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL-(dCosTW*g1)/6._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dSinTW*g2)/2._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL-(dg1*Cos(TW))/6._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dg2*Sin(TW))/2._dp End If resR = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR+(dCosTW*g1)/3._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR+(dg1*Cos(TW))/3._dp End If If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFdVP Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFdVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFdFdVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dSinTW*g1)/6._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dCosTW*g2)/2._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dg2*Cos(TW))/2._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dg1*Sin(TW))/6._dp End If resR = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR-(dSinTW*g1)/3._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR-(dg1*Sin(TW))/3._dp End If If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFdVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFdcVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZDL,ZUL,dg2,dZDL,dZUL,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZDL(3,3),ZUL(3,3),dZDL(3,3),dZUL(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFuFdcVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*dZUL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dZDL(gt2,j1))*ZUL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(ZDL(gt2,j1))*ZUL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do resR = 0._dp If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFdcVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingFvFecVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,UV,ZEL,dg2,dUV,dZEL,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: UV(9,9),ZEL(3,3),dUV(9,9),dZEL(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingFvFecVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1))*dUV(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dZEL(gt2,j1))*UV(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(ZEL(gt2,j1))*UV(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do resR = 0._dp If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingFvFecVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeFeVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFeFeVP' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dCosTW*g1)/2._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dSinTW*g2)/2._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dg1*Cos(TW))/2._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dg2*Sin(TW))/2._dp End If resR = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR+dCosTW*g1 End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR+dg1*Cos(TW) End If If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeFeVP Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeFeVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFeFeVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL-(dSinTW*g1)/2._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dCosTW*g2)/2._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dg2*Cos(TW))/2._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL-(dg1*Sin(TW))/2._dp End If resR = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR-(dSinTW*g1) End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR-(dg1*Sin(TW)) End If If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeFeVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFuVG(gt1,gt2,g3,dg3,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g3,dg3 Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFuFuVG' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL-1._dp*(dg3) End If resR = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR-1._dp*(dg3) End If If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFuVG Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFuVP(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFuFuVP' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL-(dCosTW*g1)/6._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL-(dSinTW*g2)/2._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL-(dg1*Cos(TW))/6._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL-(dg2*Sin(TW))/2._dp End If resR = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR+(-2*dCosTW*g1)/3._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR+(-2*dg1*Cos(TW))/3._dp End If If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFuVP Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFuVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,ZDL,ZUL,dg2,dZDL,dZUL,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: ZDL(3,3),ZUL(3,3),dZDL(3,3),dZUL(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFdFuVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*dZDL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dZUL(gt2,j1))*ZDL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(ZUL(gt2,j1))*ZDL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do resR = 0._dp If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFdFuVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFuVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW, & & resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFuFuVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dSinTW*g1)/6._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL-(dCosTW*g2)/2._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL-(dg2*Cos(TW))/2._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resL = resL+(dg1*Sin(TW))/6._dp End If resR = 0._dp If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR+(2*dSinTW*g1)/3._dp End If If ((gt1.eq.gt2)) Then resR = resR+(2*dg1*Sin(TW))/3._dp End If If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFuFuVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingFvFvVZ(gt1,gt2,g1,g2,UV,TW,dg1,dg2,dUV,dSinTW,dCosTW, & & dTanTW,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g1,g2,TW,dg1,dg2,dSinTW,dCosTW,dTanTW Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: UV(9,9),dUV(9,9) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingFvFvVZ' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Cos(TW)*dUV(gt1,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*dUV(gt1,j1)*Sin(TW))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*UV(gt1,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(dCosTW*g2*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*UV(gt1,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g2*Conjg(dUV(gt2,j1))*Cos(TW)*UV(gt1,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(dg2*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Cos(TW)*UV(gt1,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(g1*Conjg(dUV(gt2,j1))*Sin(TW)*UV(gt1,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-(dg1*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*Sin(TW)*UV(gt1,j1))/2._dp End Do resR = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(UV(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*dUV(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g1*Conjg(UV(gt1,j1))*dUV(gt2,j1)*Sin(TW))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(dSinTW*g1*Conjg(UV(gt1,j1))*UV(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(dCosTW*g2*Conjg(UV(gt1,j1))*UV(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g2*Conjg(dUV(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*UV(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(dg2*Conjg(UV(gt1,j1))*Cos(TW)*UV(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(g1*Conjg(dUV(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*UV(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resR = resR+(dg1*Conjg(UV(gt1,j1))*Sin(TW)*UV(gt2,j1))/2._dp End Do If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingFvFvVZ Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeFvVWm(gt1,gt2,g2,UV,ZEL,dg2,dUV,dZEL,resL,resR) Implicit None Integer, Intent(in) :: gt1,gt2 Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g2,dg2 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: UV(9,9),ZEL(3,3),dUV(9,9),dZEL(3,3) Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingcFeFvVWm' If ((gt1.Lt.1).Or.(gt1.Gt.3)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt1 out of range', gt1 Call TerminateProgram End If If ((gt2.Lt.1).Or.(gt2.Gt.9)) Then Write (ErrCan,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Write (*,*) 'Problem in Subroutine ',NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (*,*) 'index gt2 out of range', gt2 Call TerminateProgram End If resL = 0._dp Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*dZEL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((g2*Conjg(dUV(gt2,j1))*ZEL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do Do j1 = 1,3 resL = resL-((dg2*Conjg(UV(gt2,j1))*ZEL(gt1,j1))/sqrt(2._dp)) End Do resR = 0._dp If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingcFeFvVWm Subroutine CT_CouplingGluGluVG(g3,pG,dg3,dpG,resL,resR) Implicit None Real(dp), Intent(in) :: g3,dg3 Complex(dp), Intent(in) :: pG,dpG Complex(dp), Intent(out) :: resL, resR Integer :: j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6, j7, j8, j9, j10, j11, j12 Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'CT_CouplingGluGluVG' resL = 0._dp resL = resL-(g3*pG*Conjg(dpG)) resL = resL-(dpG*g3*Conjg(pG)) resL = resL-(dg3*pG*Conjg(pG)) resR = 0._dp resR = resR-(g3*pG*Conjg(dpG)) resR = resR-(dpG*g3*Conjg(pG)) resR = resR-(dg3*pG*Conjg(pG)) resL = -(0.,1.)*resL resR = -(0.,1.)*resR If ((Real(resL,dp).ne.Real(resL,dp)).or.(Real(resR,dp).ne.Real(resR,dp))) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in ",NameOfUnit(Iname) Call TerminateProgram End If Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine CT_CouplingGluGluVG End Module CouplingsCT_NInvSeesaw
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/* Copyright (c) 2018 vesoft inc. All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under Apache 2.0 License. */ #include "graph/service/GraphService.h" #include <proxygen/lib/utils/CryptUtil.h> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include "clients/storage/StorageClient.h" #include "common/base/Base.h" #include "common/stats/StatsManager.h" #include "common/time/Duration.h" #include "common/time/TimezoneInfo.h" #include "graph/service/CloudAuthenticator.h" #include "graph/service/GraphFlags.h" #include "graph/service/PasswordAuthenticator.h" #include "graph/service/RequestContext.h" #include "graph/stats/GraphStats.h" #include "version/Version.h" namespace nebula { namespace graph { Status GraphService::init(std::shared_ptr<folly::IOThreadPoolExecutor> ioExecutor, const HostAddr& hostAddr) { auto addrs = network::NetworkUtils::toHosts(FLAGS_meta_server_addrs); if (!addrs.ok()) { return addrs.status(); } meta::MetaClientOptions options; options.serviceName_ = "graph"; options.skipConfig_ = FLAGS_local_config; options.role_ = meta::cpp2::HostRole::GRAPH; options.localHost_ = hostAddr; options.gitInfoSHA_ = gitInfoSha(); options.rootPath_ = boost::filesystem::current_path().string(); metaClient_ = std::make_unique<meta::MetaClient>(ioExecutor, std::move(addrs.value()), options); // Load data try 3 time bool loadDataOk = metaClient_->waitForMetadReady(3); if (!loadDataOk) { // Resort to retrying in the background LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to wait for meta service ready synchronously."; return Status::Error("Failed to wait for meta service ready synchronously."); } sessionManager_ = std::make_unique<GraphSessionManager>(metaClient_.get(), hostAddr); auto initSessionMgrStatus = sessionManager_->init(); if (!initSessionMgrStatus.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize session manager: " << initSessionMgrStatus.toString(); return Status::Error("Failed to initialize session manager: %s", initSessionMgrStatus.toString().c_str()); } queryEngine_ = std::make_unique<QueryEngine>(); return queryEngine_->init(std::move(ioExecutor), metaClient_.get()); } folly::Future<AuthResponse> GraphService::future_authenticate(const std::string& username, const std::string& password) { auto* peer = getRequestContext()->getPeerAddress(); auto clientIp = peer->getAddressStr(); LOG(INFO) << "Authenticating user " << username << " from " << peer->describe(); auto ctx = std::make_unique<RequestContext<AuthResponse>>(); auto future = ctx->future(); // check username and password failed auto authResult = auth(username, password); if (!authResult.ok()) { ctx->resp().errorCode = ErrorCode::E_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD; ctx->resp().errorMsg.reset(new std::string(authResult.toString())); ctx->finish(); stats::StatsManager::addValue(kNumAuthFailedSessions); stats::StatsManager::addValue(kNumAuthFailedSessionsBadUserNamePassword); return future; } if (sessionManager_->isOutOfConnections()) { ctx->resp().errorCode = ErrorCode::E_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS; ctx->resp().errorMsg.reset(new std::string("Too many connections in the cluster")); ctx->finish(); stats::StatsManager::addValue(kNumAuthFailedSessions); stats::StatsManager::addValue(kNumAuthFailedSessionsOutOfMaxAllowed); return future; } auto cb = [user = username, cIp = clientIp, ctx = std::move(ctx)]( StatusOr<std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>> ret) mutable { VLOG(2) << "Create session doFinish"; if (!ret.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Create session for userName: " << user << ", ip: " << cIp << " failed: " << ret.status(); ctx->resp().errorCode = ErrorCode::E_SESSION_INVALID; ctx->resp().errorMsg.reset(new std::string(ret.status().toString())); return ctx->finish(); } auto sessionPtr = std::move(ret).value(); if (sessionPtr == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "Get session for sessionId is nullptr"; ctx->resp().errorCode = ErrorCode::E_SESSION_INVALID; ctx->resp().errorMsg.reset(new std::string("Get session for sessionId is nullptr")); return ctx->finish(); } stats::StatsManager::addValue(kNumOpenedSessions); stats::StatsManager::addValue(kNumActiveSessions); ctx->setSession(sessionPtr); ctx->resp().sessionId.reset(new int64_t(ctx->session()->id())); ctx->resp().timeZoneOffsetSeconds.reset( new int32_t(time::Timezone::getGlobalTimezone().utcOffsetSecs())); ctx->resp().timeZoneName.reset( new std::string(time::Timezone::getGlobalTimezone().stdZoneName())); return ctx->finish(); }; sessionManager_->createSession(username, clientIp, getThreadManager()).thenValue(std::move(cb)); return future; } void GraphService::signout(int64_t sessionId) { VLOG(2) << "Sign out session " << sessionId; sessionManager_->removeSession(sessionId); } folly::Future<ExecutionResponse> GraphService::future_executeWithParameter( int64_t sessionId, const std::string& query, const std::unordered_map<std::string, Value>& parameterMap) { auto ctx = std::make_unique<RequestContext<ExecutionResponse>>(); ctx->setQuery(query); ctx->setRunner(getThreadManager()); ctx->setSessionMgr(sessionManager_.get()); auto future = ctx->future(); // When the sessionId is 0, it means the clients to ping the connection is ok if (sessionId == 0) { ctx->resp().errorCode = ErrorCode::E_SESSION_INVALID; ctx->resp().errorMsg = std::make_unique<std::string>("Invalid session id"); ctx->finish(); return future; } auto cb = [this, sessionId, ctx = std::move(ctx), parameterMap = std::move(parameterMap)]( StatusOr<std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>> ret) mutable { if (!ret.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Get session for sessionId: " << sessionId << " failed: " << ret.status(); ctx->resp().errorCode = ErrorCode::E_SESSION_INVALID; ctx->resp().errorMsg.reset(new std::string(folly::stringPrintf( "Get sessionId[%ld] failed: %s", sessionId, ret.status().toString().c_str()))); return ctx->finish(); } auto sessionPtr = std::move(ret).value(); if (sessionPtr == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "Get session for sessionId: " << sessionId << " is nullptr"; ctx->resp().errorCode = ErrorCode::E_SESSION_INVALID; ctx->resp().errorMsg.reset( new std::string(folly::stringPrintf("SessionId[%ld] does not exist", sessionId))); return ctx->finish(); } stats::StatsManager::addValue(kNumQueries); stats::StatsManager::addValue(kNumActiveQueries); if (FLAGS_enable_space_level_metrics && sessionPtr->space().name != "") { stats::StatsManager::addValue(stats::StatsManager::counterWithLabels( kNumQueries, {{"space", sessionPtr->space().name}})); stats::StatsManager::addValue(stats::StatsManager::counterWithLabels( kNumActiveQueries, {{"space", sessionPtr->space().name}})); } auto& spaceName = sessionPtr->space().name; ctx->setSession(std::move(sessionPtr)); ctx->setParameterMap(parameterMap); queryEngine_->execute(std::move(ctx)); stats::StatsManager::decValue(kNumActiveQueries); if (FLAGS_enable_space_level_metrics && spaceName != "") { stats::StatsManager::decValue( stats::StatsManager::counterWithLabels(kNumActiveQueries, {{"space", spaceName}})); } }; sessionManager_->findSession(sessionId, getThreadManager()).thenValue(std::move(cb)); return future; } folly::Future<ExecutionResponse> GraphService::future_execute(int64_t sessionId, const std::string& query) { return future_executeWithParameter(sessionId, query, std::unordered_map<std::string, Value>{}); } folly::Future<std::string> GraphService::future_executeJson(int64_t sessionId, const std::string& query) { return future_executeJsonWithParameter( sessionId, query, std::unordered_map<std::string, Value>{}); } folly::Future<std::string> GraphService::future_executeJsonWithParameter( int64_t sessionId, const std::string& query, const std::unordered_map<std::string, Value>& parameterMap) { return future_executeWithParameter(sessionId, query, parameterMap).thenValue([](auto&& resp) { return folly::toJson(resp.toJson()); }); } Status GraphService::auth(const std::string& username, const std::string& password) { auto metaClient = queryEngine_->metaClient(); // Skip authentication if FLAGS_enable_authorize is false if (!FLAGS_enable_authorize) { return Status::OK(); } // Authenticate via diffrent auth types if (FLAGS_auth_type == "password") { // Auth with PasswordAuthenticator auto authenticator = std::make_unique<PasswordAuthenticator>(metaClient); return authenticator->auth(username, proxygen::md5Encode(folly::StringPiece(password))); } else if (FLAGS_auth_type == "cloud") { // Cloud user and native user will be mixed. // Since cloud user and native user has the same transport protocol, // There is no way to identify which one is in the graph layer, // let's check the native user's password first, then cloud user. auto pwdAuth = std::make_unique<PasswordAuthenticator>(metaClient); auto pwdAuthRes = pwdAuth->auth(username, proxygen::md5Encode(folly::StringPiece(password))); if (pwdAuthRes.ok()) { return Status::OK(); } // Password auth failed, try cloud token auto cloudAuth = std::make_unique<CloudAuthenticator>(metaClient); return cloudAuth->auth(username, password); } LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown auth type: " << FLAGS_auth_type; return Status::Error("Unknown auth type: %s", FLAGS_auth_type.c_str()); } folly::Future<cpp2::VerifyClientVersionResp> GraphService::future_verifyClientVersion( const cpp2::VerifyClientVersionReq& req) { std::unordered_set<std::string> whiteList; folly::splitTo<std::string>( ":", FLAGS_client_white_list, std::inserter(whiteList, whiteList.begin())); cpp2::VerifyClientVersionResp resp; if (FLAGS_enable_client_white_list && whiteList.find(req.get_version()) == whiteList.end()) { std::string uniqueWhiteList; std::for_each(whiteList.begin(), whiteList.end(), [&uniqueWhiteList](auto& version) { uniqueWhiteList.append(version); }); resp.error_code_ref() = nebula::cpp2::ErrorCode::E_CLIENT_SERVER_INCOMPATIBLE; resp.error_msg_ref() = folly::stringPrintf( "Graph client version(%s) is not accepted, current graph client white list: %s.", req.get_version().c_str(), uniqueWhiteList.c_str()); } else { resp.error_code_ref() = nebula::cpp2::ErrorCode::SUCCEEDED; } return folly::makeFuture<cpp2::VerifyClientVersionResp>(std::move(resp)); } } // namespace graph } // namespace nebula
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import numpy as np import cv2 from PIL import Image from random import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg import math from collections import deque #dna encoding msg_str = raw_input('Enter message: ') key =int(raw_input('Enter shift key: ')) msg=list(msg_str) print msg enc=[] bin1=[] j=0 dna="" for i in msg: print i yy=(ord(i)-97+key)%26 enc.append(chr(yy+97)) xx='{0:08b}'.format(yy+97) bin1.append(xx) print enc print bin1 a=[] a=np.array(a) str_comp="" matrix = [[0 for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)] for b in bin1: #b -> string #complement str_comp="" for b1 in b: if(b1=='0'): str_comp=str_comp+'1' else: str_comp=str_comp+'0' print type(str_comp) matrix[0][0]=str_comp[0] matrix[1][0]=str_comp[1] matrix[2][0]=str_comp[2] matrix[0][1]=str_comp[3] matrix[1][1]=-1 matrix[2][1]=str_comp[4] matrix[0][2]=str_comp[5] matrix[1][2]=str_comp[6] matrix[2][2]=str_comp[7] print matrix new_str="" for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if(matrix[i][j]!=-1): new_str=new_str+matrix[i][j] print new_str for i in range(4): if(new_str[i]+new_str[7-i]=='00'): dna=dna+'A' elif(new_str[i]+new_str[7-i]=='01'): dna=dna+'C' elif(new_str[i]+new_str[7-i]=='10'): dna=dna+'G' else: dna=dna+'T' print "Encoded format is ",dna img = cv2.imread("enc.png") print "The image size is:", img.size print "Image shape is:",img.shape #for blue b = img[:,:,0] #for green g = img[:,:,1] #for red r= img[:,:,2] #for encoding algorithm mentioned in nit rourkela paper lsb technique rs=r.copy() bs=b.copy() gs=g.copy() print print ascii=[] #ASCII -> bin binary=[] #contains list of binary values for message for i in range(len(dna)): v=ord(dna[i]) ascii.append(v) v1 = '{0:08b}'.format(v) binary.append(v1) print "binary of message",bin #getting image dimsensions shape=img.shape rows = shape[0] col = shape[1] #For embedding data into image count = 0 #for red for i in range(rows): for j in range(col): rval = r[i][j] gval = g[i][j] bval = b[i][j] if count==len(binary): break bin_2bits = binary[count][6:] count=count+1 red_bin = '{0:08b}'.format(rv) green_bin = '{0:08b}'.format(gv) blue_bin = '{0:08b}'.format(bv) #print "red_bin value", red_bin red_2bits = red_bin[6:] #print "Last two bits of red pixel for pixel ",count," is ",red_2bits input_a0 = int(bin_2bits[0],2) input_b0 = int(red_2bits[0],2) xor_res0 = bin(input_a0^input_b0) xor_res0= xor_res0[2:] #after removing 0b input_a1 = int(bin_2bits[1],2) input_b1 = int(red_2bits[1],2) xor_res1 = bin(input_a1^input_b1) xor_res1 = xor_res1[2:] #print "result of xor is: ",xor_res0,xor_res1 stego = red_bin[0:6]+xor_res0+xor_res1 #print "stego 8 bit binary value is ",stego, " for pixel ", count int_red=int(stego,2) red_stego[i][j] = int_red if count==len(binary): break print red print red_stego print "green" count = 0 for i in range(rows): if i%2 == 0: for j in range(col): green_val = g[i][j] #print "count is",count if count==len(binary): break bin_2bits = binary[count][4:6] #print "The 5th and 6th of message is: ",bin_2bits, " for pixel ", count count=count+1 green_bin = '{0:08b}'.format(green_val) green_2bits = green_bin[6:] #print "last 2 bits of green pixel is: ",green_2bits, " for pixel ", count input_a0 = int(bin_2bits[0],2) input_b0 = int(green_2bits[0],2) xor_res0 = bin(input_a0^input_b0) xor_res0= xor_res0[2:] input_a1 = int(bin_2bits[1],2) input_b1 = int(green_2bits[1],2) xor_res1 = bin(input_a1^input_b1) xor_res1 = xor_res1[2:] #print "result of xor for green pixel is: ",xor_res0,xor_res1 stego = green_bin[0:6]+xor_res0+xor_res1 #print "stego 8 bit binary value for green pixel is: ",stego int_green=int(stego,2) green_stego[i][j] = int_green else: j = col-1 while j>=0: green_val = green[i][j] #print "count is",count if count==len(binary): break bin_2bits = binary[count][4:6] #print "5th and 6th bit of message is: ",bin_2bits count=count+1 green_bin = '{0:08b}'.format(green_val) green_2bits = green_bin[6:] #print "last two bits of green pixel is: ",green_2bits, " for pixel ", count input_a0 = int(bin_2bits[0],2) input_b0 = int(green_2bits[0],2) xor_res0 = bin(input_a0^input_b0) xor_res0= xor_res0[2:] input_a1 = int(bin_2bits[1],2) input_b1 = int(green_2bits[1],2) xor_res1 = bin(input_a1^input_b1) xor_res1 = xor_res1[2:] #print "result of xor for green pixel is: ",xor_res0,xor_res1, " for pixel ",count stego = green_bin[0:6]+xor_res0+xor_res1 #print "stego 8 bit binary value for green pixel is: ",stego, " for pixel ", count int_green=int(stego,2) green_stego[i][j] = int_green j=j-1 if count==len(binary): break print green print green_stego print "blue" count = 0 #for blue for j in range(col): #print "blue" if j%2 == 0: for i in range(rows): blue_val = b[i][j] if count==len(binary): break bin_4bits = binary[count][0:4] #print "the first 4 bits of the message are: ",bin_4bits," for pixel ",count count=count+1 blue_bin = '{0:08b}'.format(blue_val) #print "blue_bin value", blue_bin blue_4bits = blue_bin[4:] #print "last four bits of blue pixel are: ",blue_4bits, " for pixel ",count input_a0 = int(bin_4bits[0],2) input_b0 = int(blue_4bits[0],2) xor_res0 = bin(input_a0^input_b0) xor_res0= xor_res0[2:] input_a1 = int(bin_4bits[1],2) input_b1 = int(blue_4bits[1],2) xor_res1 = bin(input_a1^input_b1) xor_res1 = xor_res1[2:] input_a2 = int(bin_4bits[2],2) input_b2 = int(blue_4bits[2],2) xor_res2 = bin(input_a2^input_b2) xor_res2 = xor_res2[2:] input_a3 = int(bin_4bits[3],2) input_b3 = int(blue_4bits[3],2) xor_res3 = bin(input_a3^input_b3) xor_res3 = xor_res3[2:] #print "result of xor for blue pixel",xor_res0,xor_res1, " for pixel ", count stego = blue_bin[0:4]+xor_res0+xor_res1+xor_res2+xor_res3 #print "stego 8 bit binary value of blue pixel is: ",stego, "for pixel", count int_blue=int(stego,2) blue_stego[i][j] = int_blue else: i = rows-1 while i>=0: blue_val = blue[i][j] if count==len(binary): break bin_4bits = binary[count][0:4] print "first four bits of the message are: ",bin_4bits, " for pixel ",count count=count+1 blue_bin = '{0:08b}'.format(blue_val) blue_4bits = blue_bin[4:] print "last four bits of blue pixel is: ",blue_4bits, " for pixel ", count input_a0 = int(bin_4bits[0],2) input_b0 = int(blue_4bits[0],2) xor_res0 = bin(input_a0^input_b0) xor_res0= xor_res0[2:] input_a1 = int(bin_4bits[1],2) print "input_a1",input_a1,type(input_a1) input_b1 = int(blue_4bits[1],2) print "input_b1",input_b1,type(input_b1) xor_res1 = bin(input_a1^input_b1) xor_res1 = xor_res1[2:] input_a2 = int(bin_4bits[2],2) input_b2 = int(blue_4bits[2],2) xor_res2 = bin(input_a2^input_b2) xor_res2 = xor_res2[2:] input_a3 = int(bin_4bits[3],2) input_b3 = int(blue_4bits[3],2) xor_res3 = bin(input_a3^input_b3) xor_res3 = xor_res3[2:] #print "result of xor for blue pixel ",xor_res0,xor_res1,xor_res2,xor_res3," for pixel ", count stego = blue_bin[0:4]+xor_res0+xor_res1+xor_res2+xor_res3 #print "stego 8 bit binary value for blue pixel is: ",stego, " for pixel ",count int_blue=int(stego,2) blue_stego[i][j] = int_blue i=i-1 if count==len(binary): break print blue print blue_stego # merging merge_img = cv2.merge((blue_stego,green_stego,red_stego)) # # # # # # #################################################################### print "OUTPUT IMAGE" ###########################################################################################33 cv2.imwrite('stego.png',merge_img) #Decryption part bit_xor = merge_img^img print "The original image is", img print "The merge image is", merge_img print "The bit_xor imge is: ",bit_xor #print "bit_xor[0][0]", bit_xor[0][0] print "SHape of xor matrix",bit_xor.shape l_encr_words_red=[] l_encr_words_green=[] l_encr_words_blue=[] l_encr_words=[] l_encr_words_int=[] #For red for i in range(rows): for j in range(col): r_bin = '{0:02b}'.format(bit_xor[i][j][2]) ###########################################################?? l_encr_words_red.append(r_bin) #For green for i in range(rows): if i%2==0: for j in range(col): g_bin = '{0:02b}'.format(bit_xor[i][j][1]) l_encr_words_green.append(g_bin) else: j=col-1 while j>=0: g_bin = '{0:02b}'.format(bit_xor[i][j][1]) l_encr_words_green.append(g_bin) j=j-1 #For blue for j in range(col): if j%2==0: for i in range(rows): print "b value before ",bit_xor[i][j][0] b_bin = '{0:04b}'.format(bit_xor[i][j][0]) print "b value 4 bits ",b_bin l_encr_words_blue.append(b_bin) else: i=rows-1 while i>=0: print "b value before ",bit_xor[i][j][0] b_bin = '{0:04b}'.format(bit_xor[i][j][0]) print "b value 4 bits ",b_bin l_encr_words_blue.append(b_bin) i=i-1 print "Length of list for b is ",len(l_encr_words_blue) print "List is " print "Size is ", bit_xor.size for i in range(bit_xor.size/3): #print "blue value ", l_encr_words_blue[i] #print "green value ", l_encr_words_green[i] #print "red value ", l_encr_words_red[i] k = l_encr_words_blue[i] + l_encr_words_green[i] + l_encr_words_red[i] #print k l_encr_words.append(k) l_encr_words_int.append(int(k,2)) print l_encr_words_int l_encr_words_bin=[] for i in range(len(l_encr_words_int)): v2 = '{0:08b}'.format(l_encr_words_int[i]) l_encr_words_bin.append(v2) print "Binary form is ",l_encr_words_bin #print '{0:04b}'.format(bit_xor[1][0][0]),'{0:02b}'.format(bit_xor[0][1][1]),'{0:02b}'.format(bit_xor[0][1][0]) l_encr_words_final=[] for i in range(len(l_encr_words_int)): if(l_encr_words_int[i]<>0): l_encr_words_final.append(l_encr_words_int[i]) else: break print l_encr_words_final enc_msg="" for i in range(len(l_encr_words_final)): c=(chr)(l_encr_words_final[i]) enc_msg=enc_msg+c print enc_msg dna1=enc_msg # Decoding dec_string="" i=0 while(i<len(dna1)): j=0 print "i is ",i binfromdna=[0]*8 new_str=dna1[i:i+4] i=i+4 print "new_str is ",new_str for k in range(4): if(new_str[k]=='A'): binfromdna[j]='0' binfromdna[7-j]='0' elif(new_str[k]=='C'): binfromdna[j]='0' binfromdna[7-j]='1' elif(new_str[k]=='G'): binfromdna[j]='1' binfromdna[7-j]='0' else: binfromdna[j]='1' binfromdna[7-j]='1' j=j+1 print binfromdna matrix[0][0]=binfromdna[0] matrix[1][0]=binfromdna[1] matrix[2][0]=binfromdna[2] matrix[0][1]=binfromdna[3] matrix[1][1]=-1 matrix[2][1]=binfromdna[4] matrix[0][2]=binfromdna[5] matrix[1][2]=binfromdna[6] matrix[2][2]=binfromdna[7] new_str1="" for m in range(3): for n in range(3): if(matrix[m][n]!=-1): new_str1=new_str1+matrix[m][n] print "new_str1 is ",new_str1 str_comp1="" for n1 in new_str1: if(n1=='0'): str_comp1=str_comp1+'1' else: str_comp1=str_comp1+'0' print "complemented value is ",str_comp1 print "int value is ",int(str_comp1,2) enc_char=chr(int(str_comp1,2)) print enc_char yy1=(ord(enc_char)-97-key)%26 dec_string=dec_string+(chr(yy1+97)) print dec_string
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on July 2017 @author: JulienWuthrich """ import dateutil.parser import datetime import numpy def time2scds(tm): if isinstance(tm, str): tm = dateutil.parser.parse(tm) return tm.hour * 3600 + tm.minute * 60 + tm.second if isinstance(tm, datetime.datetime): return tm.hour * 3600 + tm.minute * 60 + tm.second if isinstance(tm, int): return tm if isinstance(tm, numpy.int64): return time2scds(int(tm)) else: message = "Format of time {} unknow".format(type(tm)) raise Time2ScdsException(message) def scds2time(scd): if isinstance(scd, str): try: return scds2time(int(scd)) except TypeError as e: raise Scds2TimeException(e) if isinstance(scd, int): return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=scd)) if isinstance(scd, datetime.datetime): return str(scd.date()) if isinstance(scd, numpy.int64): return scds2time(int(scd)) else: message = "Format of seconds {} unknow".format(type(scd)) raise Scds2TimeException(message) class Scds2TimeException(Exception): def __call__(self, *args): return self.__class__(*args) class Time2ScdsException(Exception): def __call__(self, *args): return self.__class__(*args)
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import numpy as np import cv2 class FisheyeToEquirectangular: def __init__(self, n=2048, side=3072, blending=16, aperture=1): self.blending = blending blending_ratio = blending / n x_samples = np.linspace(0-blending_ratio, 1+blending_ratio, n+blending*2) y_samples = np.linspace(-1, 1, n) # equirectangular x, y = np.meshgrid(x_samples, y_samples) # longitude/latitude longitude = x * np.pi latitude = y * np.pi / 2 # 3d vector Px = np.cos(latitude) * np.cos(longitude) Py = np.cos(latitude) * np.sin(longitude) Pz = np.sin(latitude) # 2d fisheye aperture *= np.pi r = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(Px*Px + Pz*Pz), Py) / aperture theta = np.arctan2(Pz, Px) theta += np.pi x = r * np.cos(theta) y = r * np.sin(theta) x = np.clip(x, -1, 1) y = np.clip(y, -1, 1) x = (-x + 1) * side / 2 y = (y + 1) * side / 2 self.x = x.astype(np.float32) self.y = y.astype(np.float32) def unwarp_single(self, img, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, border=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT): return cv2.remap( img, self.x, self.y, interpolation=interpolation, borderMode=border ) def unwarp_pair(self, left, right, **kwargs): ul = self.unwarp_single(left, **kwargs) ur = self.unwarp_single(right, **kwargs) b = self.blending la = ul[:,:b] lb = ul[:,b:b*2] lc = ul[:,b*2:-b*2] ld = ul[:,-b*2:] ra = ur[:,:b*2] rb = ur[:,b*2:-b*2] rc = ur[:,-b*2:-b] rd = ur[:,-b:] fd = np.linspace(1, 0, b*2).reshape(1,-1,1).repeat(3, axis=2) fu = np.linspace(0, 1, b*2).reshape(1,-1,1).repeat(3, axis=2) out = np.hstack(( lb * fu[:,b:] + rd * fd[:,b:], lc, ld * fd + ra * fu, rb, rc * fd[:,:b] + la * fu[:,:b] )) return out
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function [pitch, roll, yaw] = q2att(qnb) q11 = qnb(1)*qnb(1); q12 = qnb(1)*qnb(2); q13 = qnb(1)*qnb(3); q14 = qnb(1)*qnb(4); q22 = qnb(2)*qnb(2); q23 = qnb(2)*qnb(3); q24 = qnb(2)*qnb(4); q33 = qnb(3)*qnb(3); q34 = qnb(3)*qnb(4); q44 = qnb(4)*qnb(4); C12=2*(q23-q14); C22=q11-q22+q33-q44; C31=2*(q24-q13); C32=2*(q34+q12); C33=q11-q22-q33+q44; pitch = asind(C32); roll = atan2d(-C31,C33); yaw = atan2d(C12,C22); yaw = yaw + (yaw<0)*360; end
{"author": "yandld", "repo": "nav_matlab", "sha": "da70cb2083de407409ebe1ec1096a308611cf063", "save_path": "github-repos/MATLAB/yandld-nav_matlab", "path": "github-repos/MATLAB/yandld-nav_matlab/nav_matlab-da70cb2083de407409ebe1ec1096a308611cf063/study/eskf156/q2att.m"}
import random import numpy as np import torch class ConcatDataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset): def __init__(self, *datasets, randomize_subset_idx=False): self.datasets = datasets self.cslen = np.concatenate([[0], np.cumsum([len(d) for d in datasets])]) self.subset_idx = [list(range(len(d))) for d in datasets] self.last_ds = 0 self.randomize_subset_idx = randomize_subset_idx def _randomize_subset_idx(self): for idx_list in self.subset_idx: random.shuffle(idx_list) def __len__(self): return self.cslen[-1] def __getitem__(self, idx): if idx == 0 and self.randomize_subset_idx: self._randomize_subset_idx() ds_idx = np.searchsorted(self.cslen - 1, idx) - 1 if ds_idx != self.last_ds and hasattr(self.datasets[self.last_ds], 'unload_datasets'): self.datasets[self.last_ds].unload_datasets() self.last_ds = ds_idx pos_idx = idx - self.cslen[ds_idx] return self.datasets[ds_idx][self.subset_idx[ds_idx][pos_idx]]
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[STATEMENT] lemma GuardsFlip_sound: assumes valid: "\<forall>n. \<Gamma>,\<Theta>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P c Q,A" assumes validFlip: "\<forall>n. \<Gamma>,\<Theta>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/-F\<^esub> P c UNIV,UNIV" shows "\<Gamma>,\<Theta>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P c Q,A" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<Gamma>,\<Theta>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P c Q,A [PROOF STEP] proof (rule cnvalidI) [PROOF STATE] proof (state) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<And>s t. \<lbrakk>\<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P Call p Q,A; \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> =n\<Rightarrow> t; s \<in> P; t \<notin> Fault ` {}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] fix s t [PROOF STATE] proof (state) goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<And>s t. \<lbrakk>\<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P Call p Q,A; \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> =n\<Rightarrow> t; s \<in> P; t \<notin> Fault ` {}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] assume ctxt: "\<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P (Call p) Q,A" [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: \<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P Call p Q,A goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<And>s t. \<lbrakk>\<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P Call p Q,A; \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> =n\<Rightarrow> t; s \<in> P; t \<notin> Fault ` {}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] hence ctxt': "\<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P (Call p) Q,A" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: \<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P Call p Q,A goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P Call p Q,A [PROOF STEP] by (auto intro: nvalid_augment_Faults) [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: \<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P Call p Q,A goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<And>s t. \<lbrakk>\<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P Call p Q,A; \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> =n\<Rightarrow> t; s \<in> P; t \<notin> Fault ` {}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] from ctxt [PROOF STATE] proof (chain) picking this: \<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P Call p Q,A [PROOF STEP] have ctxtFlip: "\<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/-F\<^esub> P (Call p) Q,A" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: \<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P Call p Q,A goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/- F\<^esub> P Call p Q,A [PROOF STEP] by (auto intro: nvalid_augment_Faults) [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: \<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/- F\<^esub> P Call p Q,A goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<And>s t. \<lbrakk>\<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P Call p Q,A; \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> =n\<Rightarrow> t; s \<in> P; t \<notin> Fault ` {}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] assume exec: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> =n\<Rightarrow> t" [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> =n\<Rightarrow> t goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<And>s t. \<lbrakk>\<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P Call p Q,A; \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> =n\<Rightarrow> t; s \<in> P; t \<notin> Fault ` {}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] assume P: "s \<in> P" [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: s \<in> P goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<And>s t. \<lbrakk>\<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P Call p Q,A; \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> =n\<Rightarrow> t; s \<in> P; t \<notin> Fault ` {}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] assume t_noFault: "t \<notin> Fault ` {}" [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: t \<notin> Fault ` {} goal (1 subgoal): 1. \<And>s t. \<lbrakk>\<forall>(P, p, Q, A)\<in>\<Theta>. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>n:\<^bsub>/{}\<^esub> P Call p Q,A; \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> =n\<Rightarrow> t; s \<in> P; t \<notin> Fault ` {}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] show "t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] proof (cases t) [PROOF STATE] proof (state) goal (4 subgoals): 1. \<And>x1. t = Normal x1 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 2. \<And>x2. t = Abrupt x2 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 3. \<And>x3. t = Fault x3 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 4. t = Stuck \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] case (Normal t') [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: t = Normal t' goal (4 subgoals): 1. \<And>x1. t = Normal x1 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 2. \<And>x2. t = Abrupt x2 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 3. \<And>x3. t = Fault x3 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 4. t = Stuck \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] from cnvalidD [OF valid [rule_format] ctxt' exec P] Normal [PROOF STATE] proof (chain) picking this: t \<notin> Fault ` F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A t = Normal t' [PROOF STEP] show ?thesis [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: t \<notin> Fault ` F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A t = Normal t' goal (1 subgoal): 1. t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] by auto [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A goal (3 subgoals): 1. \<And>x2. t = Abrupt x2 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 2. \<And>x3. t = Fault x3 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 3. t = Stuck \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] next [PROOF STATE] proof (state) goal (3 subgoals): 1. \<And>x2. t = Abrupt x2 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 2. \<And>x3. t = Fault x3 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 3. t = Stuck \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] case (Abrupt t') [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: t = Abrupt t' goal (3 subgoals): 1. \<And>x2. t = Abrupt x2 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 2. \<And>x3. t = Fault x3 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 3. t = Stuck \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] from cnvalidD [OF valid [rule_format] ctxt' exec P] Abrupt [PROOF STATE] proof (chain) picking this: t \<notin> Fault ` F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A t = Abrupt t' [PROOF STEP] show ?thesis [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: t \<notin> Fault ` F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A t = Abrupt t' goal (1 subgoal): 1. t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] by auto [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A goal (2 subgoals): 1. \<And>x3. t = Fault x3 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 2. t = Stuck \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] next [PROOF STATE] proof (state) goal (2 subgoals): 1. \<And>x3. t = Fault x3 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 2. t = Stuck \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] case (Fault f) [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: t = Fault f goal (2 subgoals): 1. \<And>x3. t = Fault x3 \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 2. t = Stuck \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] show ?thesis [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] proof (cases "f \<in> F") [PROOF STATE] proof (state) goal (2 subgoals): 1. f \<in> F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 2. f \<notin> F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] case True [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: f \<in> F goal (2 subgoals): 1. f \<in> F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 2. f \<notin> F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] hence "f \<notin> -F" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: f \<in> F goal (1 subgoal): 1. f \<notin> - F [PROOF STEP] by simp [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: f \<notin> - F goal (2 subgoals): 1. f \<in> F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 2. f \<notin> F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] with cnvalidD [OF validFlip [rule_format] ctxtFlip exec P] Fault [PROOF STATE] proof (chain) picking this: t \<notin> Fault ` (- F) \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> range Normal \<union> range Abrupt t = Fault f f \<notin> - F [PROOF STEP] have False [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: t \<notin> Fault ` (- F) \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> range Normal \<union> range Abrupt t = Fault f f \<notin> - F goal (1 subgoal): 1. False [PROOF STEP] by auto [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: False goal (2 subgoals): 1. f \<in> F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A 2. f \<notin> F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] thus ?thesis [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: False goal (1 subgoal): 1. t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] .. [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A goal (1 subgoal): 1. f \<notin> F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] next [PROOF STATE] proof (state) goal (1 subgoal): 1. f \<notin> F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] case False [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: f \<notin> F goal (1 subgoal): 1. f \<notin> F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] with cnvalidD [OF valid [rule_format] ctxt' exec P] Fault [PROOF STATE] proof (chain) picking this: t \<notin> Fault ` F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A t = Fault f f \<notin> F [PROOF STEP] show ?thesis [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: t \<notin> Fault ` F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A t = Fault f f \<notin> F goal (1 subgoal): 1. t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] by auto [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A goal: No subgoals! [PROOF STEP] qed [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A goal (1 subgoal): 1. t = Stuck \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] next [PROOF STATE] proof (state) goal (1 subgoal): 1. t = Stuck \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] case Stuck [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: t = Stuck goal (1 subgoal): 1. t = Stuck \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] from cnvalidD [OF valid [rule_format] ctxt' exec P] Stuck [PROOF STATE] proof (chain) picking this: t \<notin> Fault ` F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A t = Stuck [PROOF STEP] show ?thesis [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) using this: t \<notin> Fault ` F \<Longrightarrow> t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A t = Stuck goal (1 subgoal): 1. t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A [PROOF STEP] by auto [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A goal: No subgoals! [PROOF STEP] qed [PROOF STATE] proof (state) this: t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A goal: No subgoals! [PROOF STEP] qed
{"llama_tokens": 5137, "file": "Simpl_HoarePartialProps", "length": 47}
(* * @TAG(OTHER_LGPL) *) (* Author: Norbert Schirmer Maintainer: Norbert Schirmer, norbert.schirmer at web de License: LGPL *) (* Title: Compose.thy Author: Norbert Schirmer, TU Muenchen Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Norbert Schirmer Some rights reserved, TU Muenchen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) header "Experiments on State Composition" theory Compose imports "../HoareTotalProps" begin text {* We develop some theory to support state-space modular development of programs. These experiments aim at the representation of state-spaces with records. If we use @{text "statespaces"} instead we get this kind of compositionality for free. *} subsection {* Changing the State-Space *} (* Lift a command on statespace 'b to work on statespace 'a *) definition lift\<^sub>f:: "('S \<Rightarrow> 's) \<Rightarrow> ('S \<Rightarrow> 's \<Rightarrow> 'S) \<Rightarrow> ('s \<Rightarrow> 's) \<Rightarrow> ('S \<Rightarrow> 'S)" where "lift\<^sub>f prj inject f = (\<lambda>S. inject S (f (prj S)))" definition lift\<^sub>s:: "('S \<Rightarrow> 's) \<Rightarrow> 's set \<Rightarrow> 'S set" where "lift\<^sub>s prj A = {S. prj S \<in> A}" definition lift\<^sub>r:: "('S \<Rightarrow> 's) \<Rightarrow> ('S \<Rightarrow> 's \<Rightarrow> 'S) \<Rightarrow> ('s \<times> 's) set \<Rightarrow> ('S \<times> 'S) set" where "lift\<^sub>r prj inject R = {(S,T). (prj S,prj T) \<in> R \<and> T=inject S (prj T)}" primrec lift\<^sub>c:: "('S \<Rightarrow> 's) \<Rightarrow> ('S \<Rightarrow> 's \<Rightarrow> 'S) \<Rightarrow> ('s,'p,'f) com \<Rightarrow> ('S,'p,'f) com" where "lift\<^sub>c prj inject Skip = Skip" | "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (Basic f) = Basic (lift\<^sub>f prj inject f)" | "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (Spec r) = Spec (lift\<^sub>r prj inject r)" | "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (Seq c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2) = (Seq (lift\<^sub>c prj inject c\<^sub>1) (lift\<^sub>c prj inject c\<^sub>2))" | "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (Cond b c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2) = Cond (lift\<^sub>s prj b) (lift\<^sub>c prj inject c\<^sub>1) (lift\<^sub>c prj inject c\<^sub>2)" | "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (While b c) = While (lift\<^sub>s prj b) (lift\<^sub>c prj inject c)" | "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (Call p) = Call p" | "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (DynCom c) = DynCom (\<lambda>s. lift\<^sub>c prj inject (c (prj s)))" | "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (Guard f g c) = Guard f (lift\<^sub>s prj g) (lift\<^sub>c prj inject c)" | "lift\<^sub>c prj inject Throw = Throw" | "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (Catch c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2) = Catch (lift\<^sub>c prj inject c\<^sub>1) (lift\<^sub>c prj inject c\<^sub>2)" lemma lift\<^sub>c_Skip: "(lift\<^sub>c prj inject c = Skip) = (c = Skip)" by (cases c) auto lemma lift\<^sub>c_Basic: "(lift\<^sub>c prj inject c = Basic lf) = (\<exists>f. c = Basic f \<and> lf = lift\<^sub>f prj inject f)" by (cases c) auto lemma lift\<^sub>c_Spec: "(lift\<^sub>c prj inject c = Spec lr) = (\<exists>r. c = Spec r \<and> lr = lift\<^sub>r prj inject r)" by (cases c) auto lemma lift\<^sub>c_Seq: "(lift\<^sub>c prj inject c = Seq lc\<^sub>1 lc\<^sub>2) = (\<exists> c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2. c = Seq c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2 \<and> lc\<^sub>1 = lift\<^sub>c prj inject c\<^sub>1 \<and> lc\<^sub>2 = lift\<^sub>c prj inject c\<^sub>2 )" by (cases c) auto lemma lift\<^sub>c_Cond: "(lift\<^sub>c prj inject c = Cond lb lc\<^sub>1 lc\<^sub>2) = (\<exists>b c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2. c = Cond b c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2 \<and> lb = lift\<^sub>s prj b \<and> lc\<^sub>1 = lift\<^sub>c prj inject c\<^sub>1 \<and> lc\<^sub>2 = lift\<^sub>c prj inject c\<^sub>2 )" by (cases c) auto lemma lift\<^sub>c_While: "(lift\<^sub>c prj inject c = While lb lc') = (\<exists>b c'. c = While b c' \<and> lb = lift\<^sub>s prj b \<and> lc' = lift\<^sub>c prj inject c')" by (cases c) auto lemma lift\<^sub>c_Call: "(lift\<^sub>c prj inject c = Call p) = (c = Call p)" by (cases c) auto lemma lift\<^sub>c_DynCom: "(lift\<^sub>c prj inject c = DynCom lc) = (\<exists>C. c=DynCom C \<and> lc = (\<lambda>s. lift\<^sub>c prj inject (C (prj s))))" by (cases c) auto lemma lift\<^sub>c_Guard: "(lift\<^sub>c prj inject c = Guard f lg lc') = (\<exists>g c'. c = Guard f g c' \<and> lg = lift\<^sub>s prj g \<and> lc' = lift\<^sub>c prj inject c')" by (cases c) auto lemma lift\<^sub>c_Throw: "(lift\<^sub>c prj inject c = Throw) = (c = Throw)" by (cases c) auto lemma lift\<^sub>c_Catch: "(lift\<^sub>c prj inject c = Catch lc\<^sub>1 lc\<^sub>2) = (\<exists> c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2. c = Catch c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2 \<and> lc\<^sub>1 = lift\<^sub>c prj inject c\<^sub>1 \<and> lc\<^sub>2 = lift\<^sub>c prj inject c\<^sub>2 )" by (cases c) auto definition xstate_map:: "('S \<Rightarrow> 's) \<Rightarrow> ('S,'f) xstate \<Rightarrow> ('s,'f) xstate" where "xstate_map g x = (case x of Normal s \<Rightarrow> Normal (g s) | Abrupt s \<Rightarrow> Abrupt (g s) | Fault f \<Rightarrow> Fault f | Stuck \<Rightarrow> Stuck)" lemma xstate_map_simps [simp]: "xstate_map g (Normal s) = Normal (g s)" "xstate_map g (Abrupt s) = Abrupt (g s)" "xstate_map g (Fault f) = (Fault f)" "xstate_map g Stuck = Stuck" by (auto simp add: xstate_map_def) lemma xstate_map_Normal_conv: "xstate_map g S = Normal s = (\<exists>s'. S=Normal s' \<and> s = g s')" by (cases S) auto lemma xstate_map_Abrupt_conv: "xstate_map g S = Abrupt s = (\<exists>s'. S=Abrupt s' \<and> s = g s')" by (cases S) auto lemma xstate_map_Fault_conv: "xstate_map g S = Fault f = (S=Fault f)" by (cases S) auto lemma xstate_map_Stuck_conv: "xstate_map g S = Stuck = (S=Stuck)" by (cases S) auto lemmas xstate_map_convs = xstate_map_Normal_conv xstate_map_Abrupt_conv xstate_map_Fault_conv xstate_map_Stuck_conv definition state:: "('s,'f) xstate \<Rightarrow> 's" where "state x = (case x of Normal s \<Rightarrow> s | Abrupt s \<Rightarrow> s | Fault g \<Rightarrow> undefined | Stuck \<Rightarrow> undefined)" lemma state_simps [simp]: "state (Normal s) = s" "state (Abrupt s) = s" by (auto simp add: state_def ) locale lift_state_space = fixes project::"'S \<Rightarrow> 's" fixes "inject"::"'S \<Rightarrow> 's \<Rightarrow> 'S" fixes "project\<^sub>x"::"('S,'f) xstate \<Rightarrow> ('s,'f) xstate" fixes "lift\<^sub>e"::"('s,'p,'f) body \<Rightarrow> ('S,'p,'f) body" fixes lift\<^sub>c:: "('s,'p,'f) com \<Rightarrow> ('S,'p,'f) com" fixes lift\<^sub>f:: "('s \<Rightarrow> 's) \<Rightarrow> ('S \<Rightarrow> 'S)" fixes lift\<^sub>s:: "'s set \<Rightarrow> 'S set" fixes lift\<^sub>r:: "('s \<times> 's) set \<Rightarrow> ('S \<times> 'S) set" assumes proj_inj_commute: "\<And>S s. project (inject S s) = s" defines "lift\<^sub>c \<equiv> Compose.lift\<^sub>c project inject" defines "project\<^sub>x \<equiv> xstate_map project" defines "lift\<^sub>e \<equiv> (\<lambda>\<Gamma> p. map_option lift\<^sub>c (\<Gamma> p))" defines "lift\<^sub>f \<equiv> Compose.lift\<^sub>f project inject" defines "lift\<^sub>s \<equiv> Compose.lift\<^sub>s project" defines "lift\<^sub>r \<equiv> Compose.lift\<^sub>r project inject" lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>f_simp: "lift\<^sub>f f \<equiv> \<lambda>S. inject S (f (project S))" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>f_def Compose.lift\<^sub>f_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>s_simp: "lift\<^sub>s A \<equiv> {S. project S \<in> A}" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>r_simp: "lift\<^sub>r R \<equiv> {(S,T). (project S,project T) \<in> R \<and> T=inject S (project T)}" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>r_def Compose.lift\<^sub>r_def) (* Causes loop when instantiating locale lemmas (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>f_simp = Compose.lift\<^sub>f_def [of project "inject", folded lift\<^sub>f_def] lemmas (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>s_simp = Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def [of project, folded lift\<^sub>s_def] lemmas (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>r_simp = Compose.lift\<^sub>r_def [of project "inject", folded lift\<^sub>r_def] *) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>c_Skip_simp [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c Skip = Skip" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>c_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>c_Basic_simp [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c (Basic f) = Basic (lift\<^sub>f f)" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>c_def lift\<^sub>f_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>c_Spec_simp [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c (Spec r) = Spec (lift\<^sub>r r)" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>c_def lift\<^sub>r_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>c_Seq_simp [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c (Seq c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2) = (Seq (lift\<^sub>c c\<^sub>1) (lift\<^sub>c c\<^sub>2))" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>c_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>c_Cond_simp [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c (Cond b c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2) = Cond (lift\<^sub>s b) (lift\<^sub>c c\<^sub>1) (lift\<^sub>c c\<^sub>2)" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>c_def lift\<^sub>s_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>c_While_simp [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c (While b c) = While (lift\<^sub>s b) (lift\<^sub>c c)" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>c_def lift\<^sub>s_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>c_Call_simp [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c (Call p) = Call p" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>c_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>c_DynCom_simp [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c (DynCom c) = DynCom (\<lambda>s. lift\<^sub>c (c (project s)))" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>c_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>c_Guard_simp [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c (Guard f g c) = Guard f (lift\<^sub>s g) (lift\<^sub>c c)" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>c_def lift\<^sub>s_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>c_Throw_simp [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c Throw = Throw" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>c_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>c_Catch_simp [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c (Catch c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2) = Catch (lift\<^sub>c c\<^sub>1) (lift\<^sub>c c\<^sub>2)" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>c_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) project\<^sub>x_def': "project\<^sub>x s \<equiv> (case s of Normal s \<Rightarrow> Normal (project s) | Abrupt s \<Rightarrow> Abrupt (project s) | Fault f \<Rightarrow> Fault f | Stuck \<Rightarrow> Stuck)" by (simp add: xstate_map_def project\<^sub>x_def) lemma (in lift_state_space) lift\<^sub>e_def': "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma> p \<equiv> (case \<Gamma> p of Some bdy \<Rightarrow> Some (lift\<^sub>c bdy) | None \<Rightarrow> None)" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>e_def map_option_def) text {* The problem is that @{term "(lift\<^sub>c project inject \<circ> \<Gamma>)"} is quite a strong premise. The problem is that @{term "\<Gamma>"} is a function here. A map would be better. We only have to lift those procedures in the domain of @{term "\<Gamma>"}: @{text "\<Gamma> p = Some bdy \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' p = Some lift\<^sub>c project inject bdy"}. We then can com up with theorems that allow us to extend the domains of @{term \<Gamma>} and preserve validity. *} lemma (in lift_state_space) "{(S,T). \<exists>t. (project S,t) \<in> r \<and> T=inject S t} \<subseteq> {(S,T). (project S,project T) \<in> r \<and> T=inject S (project T)}" apply clarsimp apply (rename_tac S t) apply (simp add: proj_inj_commute) done lemma (in lift_state_space) "{(S,T). (project S,project T) \<in> r \<and> T=inject S (project T)} \<subseteq> {(S,T). \<exists>t. (project S,t) \<in> r \<and> T=inject S t}" apply clarsimp apply (rename_tac S T) apply (rule_tac x="project T" in exI) apply simp done lemma (in lift_state_space) lift_exec: assumes exec_lc: "(lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>)\<turnstile>\<langle>lc,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t" shows "\<And>c. \<lbrakk> lift\<^sub>c c = lc\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>c,project\<^sub>x s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> project\<^sub>x t" using exec_lc proof (induct) case Skip thus ?case by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>c_Skip lift\<^sub>c_def intro: exec.Skip) next case Guard thus ?case by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def lift\<^sub>c_Guard lift\<^sub>c_def intro: exec.Guard) next case GuardFault thus ?case by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def lift\<^sub>c_Guard lift\<^sub>c_def intro: exec.GuardFault) next case FaultProp thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def) next case Basic thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>c_Basic lift\<^sub>f_def Compose.lift\<^sub>f_def lift\<^sub>c_def proj_inj_commute intro: exec.Basic) next case Spec thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>c_Spec lift\<^sub>f_def Compose.lift\<^sub>f_def lift\<^sub>r_def Compose.lift\<^sub>r_def lift\<^sub>c_def proj_inj_commute intro: exec.Spec) next case (SpecStuck s r) thus ?case apply (simp add: project\<^sub>x_def) apply (clarsimp simp add: lift\<^sub>c_Spec lift\<^sub>c_def) apply (unfold lift\<^sub>r_def Compose.lift\<^sub>r_def) apply (rule exec.SpecStuck) apply (rule allI) apply (erule_tac x="inject s t" in allE) apply clarsimp apply (simp add: proj_inj_commute) done next case Seq thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>c_Seq lift\<^sub>c_def intro: exec.intros) next case CondTrue thus ?case by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def lift\<^sub>c_Cond lift\<^sub>c_def intro: exec.CondTrue) next case CondFalse thus ?case by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def lift\<^sub>c_Cond lift\<^sub>c_def intro: exec.CondFalse) next case WhileTrue thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def lift\<^sub>c_While lift\<^sub>c_def intro: exec.WhileTrue) next case WhileFalse thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def lift\<^sub>c_While lift\<^sub>c_def intro: exec.WhileFalse) next case Call thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>c_Call lift\<^sub>f_def Compose.lift\<^sub>f_def lift\<^sub>c_def lift\<^sub>e_def intro: exec.Call) next case CallUndefined thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>c_Call lift\<^sub>f_def Compose.lift\<^sub>f_def lift\<^sub>c_def lift\<^sub>e_def intro: exec.CallUndefined) next case StuckProp thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def) next case DynCom thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>c_DynCom lift\<^sub>f_def Compose.lift\<^sub>f_def lift\<^sub>c_def intro: exec.DynCom) next case Throw thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>c_Throw lift\<^sub>c_def intro: exec.Throw) next case AbruptProp thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def) next case CatchMatch thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>c_Catch lift\<^sub>c_def intro: exec.CatchMatch) next case (CatchMiss c\<^sub>1 s t c\<^sub>2 c) thus ?case by (cases t) (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>c_Catch lift\<^sub>c_def intro: exec.CatchMiss)+ qed lemma (in lift_state_space) lift_exec': assumes exec_lc: "(lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>)\<turnstile>\<langle>lift\<^sub>c c,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t" shows "\<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>c,project\<^sub>x s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> project\<^sub>x t" using lift_exec [OF exec_lc] by simp lemma (in lift_state_space) lift_valid: assumes valid: "\<Gamma>\<Turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P c Q,A" shows "(lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>)\<Turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> (lift\<^sub>s P) (lift\<^sub>c c) (lift\<^sub>s Q),(lift\<^sub>s A)" proof (rule validI) fix s t assume lexec: "(lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>)\<turnstile>\<langle>lift\<^sub>c c,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t" assume lP: "s \<in> lift\<^sub>s P" assume noFault: "t \<notin> Fault ` F" show "t \<in> Normal ` lift\<^sub>s Q \<union> Abrupt ` lift\<^sub>s A" proof - from lexec have "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,project\<^sub>x (Normal s)\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> (project\<^sub>x t)" by (rule lift_exec) (simp_all) moreover from lP have "project s \<in> P" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def project\<^sub>x_def) ultimately have "project\<^sub>x t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A" using valid noFault apply (clarsimp simp add: valid_def project\<^sub>x_def) apply (cases t) apply auto done thus ?thesis apply (simp add: lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def) apply (cases t) apply (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def) done qed qed lemma (in lift_state_space) lift_hoarep: assumes deriv: "\<Gamma>,{}\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P c Q,A" shows "(lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>),{}\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> (lift\<^sub>s P) (lift\<^sub>c c) (lift\<^sub>s Q),(lift\<^sub>s A)" apply (rule hoare_complete) apply (insert hoare_sound [OF deriv]) apply (rule lift_valid) apply (simp add: cvalid_def) done lemma (in lift_state_space) lift_hoarep': "\<forall>Z. \<Gamma>,{}\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> (P Z) c (Q Z),(A Z) \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>Z. (lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>),{}\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> (lift\<^sub>s (P Z)) (lift\<^sub>c c) (lift\<^sub>s (Q Z)),(lift\<^sub>s (A Z))" apply (iprover intro: lift_hoarep) done lemma (in lift_state_space) lift_termination: assumes termi: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile>c\<down>s" shows "\<And>S. project\<^sub>x S = s \<Longrightarrow> lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma> \<turnstile>(lift\<^sub>c c)\<down>S" using termi proof (induct) case Skip thus ?case by (clarsimp simp add: terminates.Skip project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs) next case Basic thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs intro: terminates.intros) next case Spec thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs intro: terminates.intros) next case Guard thus ?case by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs intro: terminates.intros) next case GuardFault thus ?case by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def intro: terminates.intros) next case Fault thus ?case by (clarsimp simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs) next case (Seq c1 s c2) have "project\<^sub>x S = Normal s" by fact then obtain s' where S: "S=Normal s'" and s: "s = project s'" by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs) from Seq have "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>lift\<^sub>c c1 \<down> S" by simp moreover { fix w assume exec_lc1: "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>lift\<^sub>c c1,Normal s'\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> w" have "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>lift\<^sub>c c2 \<down> w" proof (cases w) case (Normal w') with lift_exec [where c=c1, OF exec_lc1] s have "\<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>c1,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> Normal (project w')" by (simp add: project\<^sub>x_def) from Seq.hyps (3) [rule_format, OF this] Normal show "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>lift\<^sub>c c2 \<down> w" by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs) qed (auto) } ultimately show ?case using S s by (auto intro: terminates.intros) next case CondTrue thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def xstate_map_convs intro: terminates.intros) next case CondFalse thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def xstate_map_convs intro: terminates.intros) next case (WhileTrue s b c) have "project\<^sub>x S = Normal s" by fact then obtain s' where S: "S=Normal s'" and s: "s = project s'" by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs) from WhileTrue have "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>lift\<^sub>c c \<down> S" by simp moreover { fix w assume exec_lc: "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>lift\<^sub>c c,Normal s'\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> w" have "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>lift\<^sub>c (While b c) \<down> w" proof (cases w) case (Normal w') with lift_exec [where c=c, OF exec_lc] s have "\<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> Normal (project w')" by (simp add: project\<^sub>x_def) from WhileTrue.hyps (4) [rule_format, OF this] Normal show "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>lift\<^sub>c (While b c) \<down> w" by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs) qed (auto) } ultimately show ?case using S s by (auto intro: terminates.intros) next case WhileFalse thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def xstate_map_convs intro: terminates.intros) next case Call thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs lift\<^sub>e_def intro: terminates.intros) next case CallUndefined thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs lift\<^sub>e_def intro: terminates.intros) next case Stuck thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs) next case DynCom thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs intro: terminates.intros) next case Throw thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs intro: terminates.intros) next case Abrupt thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs intro: terminates.intros) next case (Catch c1 s c2) have "project\<^sub>x S = Normal s" by fact then obtain s' where S: "S=Normal s'" and s: "s = project s'" by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs) from Catch have "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>lift\<^sub>c c1 \<down> S" by simp moreover { fix w assume exec_lc1: "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>lift\<^sub>c c1,Normal s'\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> Abrupt w" have "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>lift\<^sub>c c2 \<down> Normal w" proof - from lift_exec [where c=c1, OF exec_lc1] s have "\<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>c1,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> Abrupt (project w)" by (simp add: project\<^sub>x_def) from Catch.hyps (3) [rule_format, OF this] show "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>lift\<^sub>c c2 \<down> Normal w" by (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def xstate_map_convs) qed } ultimately show ?case using S s by (auto intro: terminates.intros) qed lemma (in lift_state_space) lift_termination': assumes termi: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile>c\<down>project\<^sub>x S" shows "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma> \<turnstile>(lift\<^sub>c c)\<down>S" using lift_termination [OF termi] by iprover lemma (in lift_state_space) lift_validt: assumes valid: "\<Gamma>\<Turnstile>\<^sub>t\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P c Q,A" shows "(lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>)\<Turnstile>\<^sub>t\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> (lift\<^sub>s P) (lift\<^sub>c c) (lift\<^sub>s Q),(lift\<^sub>s A)" proof - from valid have "(lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>)\<Turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> (lift\<^sub>s P) (lift\<^sub>c c) (lift\<^sub>s Q),(lift\<^sub>s A)" by (auto intro: lift_valid simp add: validt_def) moreover { fix S assume "S \<in> lift\<^sub>s P" hence "project S \<in> P" by (simp add: lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def) with valid have "\<Gamma>\<turnstile>c \<down> project\<^sub>x (Normal S)" by (simp add: validt_def project\<^sub>x_def) hence "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>lift\<^sub>c c \<down> Normal S" by (rule lift_termination') } ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: validt_def) qed lemma (in lift_state_space) lift_hoaret: assumes deriv: "\<Gamma>,{}\<turnstile>\<^sub>t\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P c Q,A" shows "(lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>),{}\<turnstile>\<^sub>t\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> (lift\<^sub>s P) (lift\<^sub>c c) (lift\<^sub>s Q),(lift\<^sub>s A)" apply (rule hoaret_complete) apply (insert hoaret_sound [OF deriv]) apply (rule lift_validt) apply (simp add: cvalidt_def) done locale lift_state_space_ext = lift_state_space + assumes inj_proj_commute: "\<And>S. inject S (project S) = S" assumes inject_last: "\<And>S s t. inject (inject S s) t = inject S t" (* \<exists>x. state t = inject (state s) x *) lemma (in lift_state_space_ext) lift_exec_inject_same: assumes exec_lc: "(lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>)\<turnstile>\<langle>lc,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t" shows "\<And>c. \<lbrakk>lift\<^sub>c c = lc; t \<notin> (Fault ` UNIV) \<union> {Stuck}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> state t = inject (state s) (project (state t))" using exec_lc proof (induct) case Skip thus ?case by (clarsimp simp add: inj_proj_commute) next case Guard thus ?case by (clarsimp simp add: lift\<^sub>c_Guard lift\<^sub>c_def) next case GuardFault thus ?case by simp next case FaultProp thus ?case by simp next case Basic thus ?case by (clarsimp simp add: lift\<^sub>f_def Compose.lift\<^sub>f_def proj_inj_commute lift\<^sub>c_Basic lift\<^sub>c_def) next case (Spec r) thus ?case by (clarsimp simp add: Compose.lift\<^sub>r_def lift\<^sub>c_Spec lift\<^sub>c_def) next case SpecStuck thus ?case by simp next case (Seq lc1 s s' lc2 t c) have t: "t \<notin> Fault ` UNIV \<union> {Stuck}" by fact have "lift\<^sub>c c = Seq lc1 lc2" by fact then obtain c1 c2 where c: "c = Seq c1 c2" and lc1: "lc1 = lift\<^sub>c c1" and lc2: "lc2 = lift\<^sub>c c2" by (auto simp add: lift\<^sub>c_Seq lift\<^sub>c_def) show ?case proof (cases s') case (Normal s'') from Seq.hyps (2) [OF lc1 [symmetric]] this have "s'' = inject s (project s'')" by auto moreover from Seq.hyps (4) [OF lc2 [symmetric]] Normal t have "state t = inject s'' (project (state t))" by auto ultimately have "state t = inject (inject s (project s'')) (project (state t))" by simp then show ?thesis by (simp add: inject_last) next case (Abrupt s'') from Seq.hyps (2) [OF lc1 [symmetric]] this have "s'' = inject s (project s'')" by auto moreover from Seq.hyps (4) [OF lc2 [symmetric]] Abrupt t have "state t = inject s'' (project (state t))" by auto ultimately have "state t = inject (inject s (project s'')) (project (state t))" by simp then show ?thesis by (simp add: inject_last) next case (Fault f) with Seq have "t = Fault f" by (auto dest: Fault_end) with t have False by simp thus ?thesis .. next case Stuck with Seq have "t = Stuck" by (auto dest: Stuck_end) with t have False by simp thus ?thesis .. qed next case CondTrue thus ?case by (clarsimp simp add: lift\<^sub>c_Cond lift\<^sub>c_def) next case CondFalse thus ?case by (clarsimp simp add: lift\<^sub>c_Cond lift\<^sub>c_def) next case (WhileTrue s lb lc' s' t c) have t: "t \<notin> Fault ` UNIV \<union> {Stuck}" by fact have lw: "lift\<^sub>c c = While lb lc'" by fact then obtain b c' where c: "c = While b c'" and lb: "lb = lift\<^sub>s b" and lc: "lc' = lift\<^sub>c c'" by (auto simp add: lift\<^sub>c_While lift\<^sub>s_def lift\<^sub>c_def) show ?case proof (cases s') case (Normal s'') from WhileTrue.hyps (3) [OF lc [symmetric]] this have "s'' = inject s (project s'')" by auto moreover from WhileTrue.hyps (5) [OF lw] Normal t have "state t = inject s'' (project (state t))" by auto ultimately have "state t = inject (inject s (project s'')) (project (state t))" by simp then show ?thesis by (simp add: inject_last) next case (Abrupt s'') from WhileTrue.hyps (3) [OF lc [symmetric]] this have "s'' = inject s (project s'')" by auto moreover from WhileTrue.hyps (5) [OF lw] Abrupt t have "state t = inject s'' (project (state t))" by auto ultimately have "state t = inject (inject s (project s'')) (project (state t))" by simp then show ?thesis by (simp add: inject_last) next case (Fault f) with WhileTrue have "t = Fault f" by (auto dest: Fault_end) with t have False by simp thus ?thesis .. next case Stuck with WhileTrue have "t = Stuck" by (auto dest: Stuck_end) with t have False by simp thus ?thesis .. qed next case WhileFalse thus ?case by (clarsimp simp add: lift\<^sub>c_While inj_proj_commute) next case Call thus ?case by (clarsimp simp add: inject_last lift\<^sub>c_Call lift\<^sub>e_def lift\<^sub>c_def) next case CallUndefined thus ?case by simp next case StuckProp thus ?case by simp next case DynCom thus ?case by (clarsimp simp add: lift\<^sub>c_DynCom lift\<^sub>c_def) next case Throw thus ?case by (simp add: inj_proj_commute) next case AbruptProp thus ?case by (simp add: inj_proj_commute) next case (CatchMatch lc1 s s' lc2 t c) have t: "t \<notin> Fault ` UNIV \<union> {Stuck}" by fact have "lift\<^sub>c c = Catch lc1 lc2" by fact then obtain c1 c2 where c: "c = Catch c1 c2" and lc1: "lc1 = lift\<^sub>c c1" and lc2: "lc2 = lift\<^sub>c c2" by (auto simp add: lift\<^sub>c_Catch lift\<^sub>c_def) from CatchMatch.hyps (2) [OF lc1 [symmetric]] this have "s' = inject s (project s')" by auto moreover from CatchMatch.hyps (4) [OF lc2 [symmetric]] t have "state t = inject s' (project (state t))" by auto ultimately have "state t = inject (inject s (project s')) (project (state t))" by simp then show ?case by (simp add: inject_last) next case CatchMiss thus ?case by (clarsimp simp add: lift\<^sub>c_Catch lift\<^sub>c_def) qed lemma (in lift_state_space_ext) valid_inject_project: assumes noFaultStuck: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>c,Normal (project \<sigma>)\<rangle> \<Rightarrow>\<notin>(Fault ` UNIV \<union> {Stuck})" shows "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> {\<sigma>} lift\<^sub>c c {t. t=inject \<sigma> (project t)}, {t. t=inject \<sigma> (project t)}" proof (rule validI) fix s t assume exec: "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>lift\<^sub>c c,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t" assume P: "s \<in> {\<sigma>}" assume noFault: "t \<notin> Fault ` F" show "t \<in> Normal ` {t. t = inject \<sigma> (project t)} \<union> Abrupt ` {t. t = inject \<sigma> (project t)}" proof - from lift_exec [OF exec] have "\<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>c,project\<^sub>x (Normal s)\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> project\<^sub>x t" by simp with noFaultStuck P have t: "t \<notin> Fault ` UNIV \<union> {Stuck}" by (auto simp add: final_notin_def project\<^sub>x_def) from lift_exec_inject_same [OF exec refl this] P have "state t = inject \<sigma> (project (state t))" by simp with t show ?thesis by (cases t) auto qed qed lemma (in lift_state_space_ext) lift_exec_inject_same': assumes exec_lc: "(lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>)\<turnstile>\<langle>lift\<^sub>c c,S\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> T" shows "\<And>c. \<lbrakk>T \<notin> (Fault ` UNIV) \<union> {Stuck}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> state T = inject (state S) (project (state T))" using lift_exec_inject_same [OF exec_lc] by simp lemma (in lift_state_space_ext) valid_lift_modifies: assumes valid: "\<forall>s. \<Gamma>\<Turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> {s} c (Modif s),(ModifAbr s)" shows "(lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>)\<Turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> {S} (lift\<^sub>c c) {T. T \<in> lift\<^sub>s (Modif (project S)) \<and> T=inject S (project T)}, {T. T \<in> lift\<^sub>s (ModifAbr (project S)) \<and> T=inject S (project T)}" proof (rule validI) fix s t assume exec: "lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>lift\<^sub>c c,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t" assume P: "s \<in> {S}" assume noFault: "t \<notin> Fault ` F" show "t \<in> Normal ` {t \<in> lift\<^sub>s (Modif (project S)). t = inject S (project t)} \<union> Abrupt ` {t \<in> lift\<^sub>s (ModifAbr (project S)). t = inject S (project t)}" proof - from lift_exec [OF exec] have "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,project\<^sub>x (Normal s)\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> project\<^sub>x t" by auto moreover from noFault have "project\<^sub>x t \<notin> Fault ` F" by (cases "t") (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def) ultimately have "project\<^sub>x t \<in> Normal ` (Modif (project s)) \<union> Abrupt ` (ModifAbr (project s))" using valid [rule_format, of "(project s)"] by (auto simp add: valid_def project\<^sub>x_def) hence "t \<in> Normal ` lift\<^sub>s (Modif (project s)) \<union> Abrupt ` lift\<^sub>s (ModifAbr (project s))" by (cases t) (auto simp add: project\<^sub>x_def lift\<^sub>s_def Compose.lift\<^sub>s_def) moreover from this have "t \<notin> Fault ` UNIV \<union> {Stuck}" by (cases t) auto from lift_exec_inject_same [OF exec _ this] have "state t = inject (state (Normal s)) (project (state t))" by simp ultimately show ?thesis using P by auto qed qed lemma (in lift_state_space_ext) hoare_lift_modifies: assumes deriv: "\<forall>\<sigma>. \<Gamma>,{}\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> {\<sigma>} c (Modif \<sigma>),(ModifAbr \<sigma>)" shows "\<forall>\<sigma>. (lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>),{}\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> {\<sigma>} (lift\<^sub>c c) {T. T \<in> lift\<^sub>s (Modif (project \<sigma>)) \<and> T=inject \<sigma> (project T)}, {T. T \<in> lift\<^sub>s (ModifAbr (project \<sigma>)) \<and> T=inject \<sigma> (project T)}" apply (rule allI) apply (rule hoare_complete) apply (rule valid_lift_modifies) apply (rule allI) apply (insert hoare_sound [OF deriv [rule_format]]) apply (simp add: cvalid_def) done lemma (in lift_state_space_ext) hoare_lift_modifies': assumes deriv: "\<forall>\<sigma>. \<Gamma>,{}\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> {\<sigma>} c (Modif \<sigma>),(ModifAbr \<sigma>)" shows "\<forall>\<sigma>. (lift\<^sub>e \<Gamma>),{}\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> {\<sigma>} (lift\<^sub>c c) {T. T \<in> lift\<^sub>s (Modif (project \<sigma>)) \<and> (\<exists>T'. T=inject \<sigma> T')}, {T. T \<in> lift\<^sub>s (ModifAbr (project \<sigma>)) \<and> (\<exists>T'. T=inject \<sigma> T')}" apply (rule allI) apply (rule HoarePartialDef.conseq [OF hoare_lift_modifies [OF deriv]]) apply blast done subsection {* Renaming Procedures *} primrec rename:: "('p \<Rightarrow> 'q) \<Rightarrow> ('s,'p,'f) com \<Rightarrow> ('s,'q,'f) com" where "rename N Skip = Skip" | "rename N (Basic f) = Basic f" | "rename N (Spec r) = Spec r" | "rename N (Seq c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2) = (Seq (rename N c\<^sub>1) (rename N c\<^sub>2))" | "rename N (Cond b c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2) = Cond b (rename N c\<^sub>1) (rename N c\<^sub>2)" | "rename N (While b c) = While b (rename N c)" | "rename N (Call p) = Call (N p)" | "rename N (DynCom c) = DynCom (\<lambda>s. rename N (c s))" | "rename N (Guard f g c) = Guard f g (rename N c)" | "rename N Throw = Throw" | "rename N (Catch c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2) = Catch (rename N c\<^sub>1) (rename N c\<^sub>2)" lemma rename_Skip: "rename h c = Skip = (c=Skip)" by (cases c) auto lemma rename_Basic: "(rename h c = Basic f) = (c=Basic f)" by (cases c) auto lemma rename_Spec: "(rename h c = Spec r) = (c=Spec r)" by (cases c) auto lemma rename_Seq: "(rename h c = Seq rc\<^sub>1 rc\<^sub>2) = (\<exists> c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2. c = Seq c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2 \<and> rc\<^sub>1 = rename h c\<^sub>1 \<and> rc\<^sub>2 = rename h c\<^sub>2 )" by (cases c) auto lemma rename_Cond: "(rename h c = Cond b rc\<^sub>1 rc\<^sub>2) = (\<exists>c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2. c = Cond b c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2 \<and> rc\<^sub>1 = rename h c\<^sub>1 \<and> rc\<^sub>2 = rename h c\<^sub>2 )" by (cases c) auto lemma rename_While: "(rename h c = While b rc') = (\<exists>c'. c = While b c' \<and> rc' = rename h c')" by (cases c) auto lemma rename_Call: "(rename h c = Call q) = (\<exists>p. c = Call p \<and> q=h p)" by (cases c) auto lemma rename_Guard: "(rename h c = Guard f g rc') = (\<exists>c'. c = Guard f g c' \<and> rc' = rename h c')" by (cases c) auto lemma rename_Throw: "(rename h c = Throw) = (c = Throw)" by (cases c) auto lemma rename_Catch: "(rename h c = Catch rc\<^sub>1 rc\<^sub>2) = (\<exists>c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2. c = Catch c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2 \<and> rc\<^sub>1 = rename h c\<^sub>1 \<and> rc\<^sub>2 = rename h c\<^sub>2 )" by (cases c) auto lemma exec_rename_to_exec: assumes \<Gamma>: "\<forall>p bdy. \<Gamma> p = Some bdy \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' (h p) = Some (rename h bdy)" assumes exec: "\<Gamma>'\<turnstile>\<langle>rc,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t" shows "\<And>c. rename h c = rc\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>t'. \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>c,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t' \<and> (t'=Stuck \<or> t'=t)" using exec proof (induct) case Skip thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_Skip) next case Guard thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_Guard) next case GuardFault thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_Guard) next case FaultProp thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros) next case Basic thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_Basic) next case Spec thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_Spec) next case SpecStuck thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_Spec) next case Seq thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_Seq) next case CondTrue thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_Cond) next case CondFalse thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_Cond) next case WhileTrue thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_While) next case WhileFalse thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_While) next case (Call p rbdy s t) have rbdy: "\<Gamma>' p = Some rbdy" by fact have "rename h c = Call p" by fact then obtain q where c: "c=Call q" and p: "p=h q" by (auto simp add: rename_Call) show ?case proof (cases "\<Gamma> q") case None with c show ?thesis by (auto intro: exec.CallUndefined) next case (Some bdy) from \<Gamma> [rule_format, OF this] p rbdy have "rename h bdy = rbdy" by simp with Call.hyps c Some show ?thesis by (fastforce intro: exec.intros) qed next case (CallUndefined p s) have undef: "\<Gamma>' p = None" by fact have "rename h c = Call p" by fact then obtain q where c: "c=Call q" and p: "p=h q" by (auto simp add: rename_Call) from undef p \<Gamma> have "\<Gamma> q = None" by (cases "\<Gamma> q") auto with p c show ?case by (auto intro: exec.intros) next case StuckProp thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros) next case DynCom thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_DynCom) next case Throw thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_Throw) next case AbruptProp thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros) next case CatchMatch thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_Catch) next case CatchMiss thus ?case by (fastforce intro: exec.intros simp add: rename_Catch) qed lemma exec_rename_to_exec': assumes \<Gamma>: "\<forall>p bdy. \<Gamma> p = Some bdy \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' (N p) = Some (rename N bdy)" assumes exec: "\<Gamma>'\<turnstile>\<langle>rename N c,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t" shows "\<exists>t'. \<Gamma>\<turnstile>\<langle>c,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t' \<and> (t'=Stuck \<or> t'=t)" using exec_rename_to_exec [OF \<Gamma> exec] by auto lemma valid_to_valid_rename: assumes \<Gamma>: "\<forall>p bdy. \<Gamma> p = Some bdy \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' (N p) = Some (rename N bdy)" assumes valid: "\<Gamma>\<Turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P c Q,A" shows "\<Gamma>'\<Turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P (rename N c) Q,A" proof (rule validI) fix s t assume execr: "\<Gamma>'\<turnstile> \<langle>rename N c,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t" assume P: "s \<in> P" assume noFault: "t \<notin> Fault ` F" show "t \<in> Normal ` Q \<union> Abrupt ` A" proof - from exec_rename_to_exec [OF \<Gamma> execr] obtain t' where exec: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t'" and t': "(t' = Stuck \<or> t' = t)" by auto with valid noFault P show ?thesis by (auto simp add: valid_def) qed qed lemma hoare_to_hoare_rename: assumes \<Gamma>: "\<forall>p bdy. \<Gamma> p = Some bdy \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' (N p) = Some (rename N bdy)" assumes deriv: "\<Gamma>,{}\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P c Q,A" shows "\<Gamma>',{}\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P (rename N c) Q,A" apply (rule hoare_complete) apply (insert hoare_sound [OF deriv]) apply (rule valid_to_valid_rename) apply (rule \<Gamma>) apply (simp add: cvalid_def) done lemma hoare_to_hoare_rename': assumes \<Gamma>: "\<forall>p bdy. \<Gamma> p = Some bdy \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' (N p) = Some (rename N bdy)" assumes deriv: "\<forall>Z. \<Gamma>,{}\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> (P Z) c (Q Z),(A Z)" shows "\<forall>Z. \<Gamma>',{}\<turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> (P Z) (rename N c) (Q Z),(A Z)" apply rule apply (rule hoare_to_hoare_rename [OF \<Gamma>]) apply (rule deriv[rule_format]) done lemma terminates_to_terminates_rename: assumes \<Gamma>: "\<forall>p bdy. \<Gamma> p = Some bdy \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' (N p) = Some (rename N bdy)" assumes termi: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> c \<down> s" assumes noStuck: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow>\<notin>{Stuck}" shows "\<Gamma>'\<turnstile> rename N c \<down> s" using termi noStuck proof (induct) case Skip thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros) next case Basic thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros) next case Spec thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros) next case Guard thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros simp add: final_notin_def exec.intros) next case GuardFault thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros) next case Fault thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros) next case Seq thus ?case by (force intro!: terminates.intros exec.intros dest: exec_rename_to_exec [OF \<Gamma>] simp add: final_notin_def) next case CondTrue thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros simp add: final_notin_def exec.intros) next case CondFalse thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros simp add: final_notin_def exec.intros) next case (WhileTrue s b c) have s_in_b: "s \<in> b" by fact have noStuck: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>While b c,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow>\<notin>{Stuck}" by fact with s_in_b have "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow>\<notin>{Stuck}" by (auto simp add: final_notin_def intro: exec.intros) with WhileTrue.hyps have "\<Gamma>'\<turnstile>rename N c \<down> Normal s" by simp moreover { fix t assume exec_rc: "\<Gamma>'\<turnstile> \<langle>rename N c,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t" have "\<Gamma>'\<turnstile> While b (rename N c) \<down> t" proof - from exec_rename_to_exec [OF \<Gamma> exec_rc] obtain t' where exec_c: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t'" and t': "(t' = Stuck \<or> t' = t)" by auto with s_in_b noStuck obtain "t'=t" and "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>While b c,t\<rangle> \<Rightarrow>\<notin>{Stuck}" by (auto simp add: final_notin_def intro: exec.intros) with exec_c WhileTrue.hyps show ?thesis by auto qed } ultimately show ?case using s_in_b by (auto intro: terminates.intros) next case WhileFalse thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros) next case (Call p bdy s) have "\<Gamma> p = Some bdy" by fact from \<Gamma> [rule_format, OF this] have bdy': "\<Gamma>' (N p) = Some (rename N bdy)". from Call have "\<Gamma>'\<turnstile>rename N bdy \<down> Normal s" by (auto simp add: final_notin_def intro: exec.intros) with bdy' have "\<Gamma>'\<turnstile>Call (N p) \<down> Normal s" by (auto intro: terminates.intros) thus ?case by simp next case (CallUndefined p s) have "\<Gamma> p = None" "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>Call p,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow>\<notin>{Stuck}" by fact+ hence False by (auto simp add: final_notin_def intro: exec.intros) thus ?case .. next case Stuck thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros) next case DynCom thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros simp add: final_notin_def exec.intros) next case Throw thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros) next case Abrupt thus ?case by (fastforce intro: terminates.intros) next case (Catch c1 s c2) have noStuck: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>Catch c1 c2,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow>\<notin>{Stuck}" by fact hence "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c1,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow>\<notin>{Stuck}" by (fastforce simp add: final_notin_def intro: exec.intros) with Catch.hyps have "\<Gamma>'\<turnstile>rename N c1 \<down> Normal s" by auto moreover { fix t assume exec_rc1:"\<Gamma>'\<turnstile> \<langle>rename N c1,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> Abrupt t" have "\<Gamma>'\<turnstile>rename N c2 \<down> Normal t" proof - from exec_rename_to_exec [OF \<Gamma> exec_rc1] obtain t' where exec_c: "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c1,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t'" and "(t' = Stuck \<or> t' = Abrupt t)" by auto with noStuck have t': "t'=Abrupt t" by (fastforce simp add: final_notin_def intro: exec.intros) with exec_c noStuck have "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c2,Normal t\<rangle> \<Rightarrow>\<notin>{Stuck}" by (auto simp add: final_notin_def intro: exec.intros) with exec_c t' Catch.hyps show ?thesis by auto qed } ultimately show ?case by (auto intro: terminates.intros) qed lemma validt_to_validt_rename: assumes \<Gamma>: "\<forall>p bdy. \<Gamma> p = Some bdy \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' (N p) = Some (rename N bdy)" assumes valid: "\<Gamma>\<Turnstile>\<^sub>t\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P c Q,A" shows "\<Gamma>'\<Turnstile>\<^sub>t\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P (rename N c) Q,A" proof - from valid have "\<Gamma>'\<Turnstile>\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P (rename N c) Q,A" by (auto intro: valid_to_valid_rename [OF \<Gamma>] simp add: validt_def) moreover { fix s assume "s \<in> P" with valid obtain "\<Gamma>\<turnstile>c \<down> (Normal s)" "\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow>\<notin>{Stuck}" by (auto simp add: validt_def valid_def final_notin_def) from terminates_to_terminates_rename [OF \<Gamma> this] have "\<Gamma>'\<turnstile>rename N c \<down> Normal s" . } ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: validt_def) qed lemma hoaret_to_hoaret_rename: assumes \<Gamma>: "\<forall>p bdy. \<Gamma> p = Some bdy \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' (N p) = Some (rename N bdy)" assumes deriv: "\<Gamma>,{}\<turnstile>\<^sub>t\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P c Q,A" shows "\<Gamma>',{}\<turnstile>\<^sub>t\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> P (rename N c) Q,A" apply (rule hoaret_complete) apply (insert hoaret_sound [OF deriv]) apply (rule validt_to_validt_rename) apply (rule \<Gamma>) apply (simp add: cvalidt_def) done lemma hoaret_to_hoaret_rename': assumes \<Gamma>: "\<forall>p bdy. \<Gamma> p = Some bdy \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' (N p) = Some (rename N bdy)" assumes deriv: "\<forall>Z. \<Gamma>,{}\<turnstile>\<^sub>t\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> (P Z) c (Q Z),(A Z)" shows "\<forall>Z. \<Gamma>',{}\<turnstile>\<^sub>t\<^bsub>/F\<^esub> (P Z) (rename N c) (Q Z),(A Z)" apply rule apply (rule hoaret_to_hoaret_rename [OF \<Gamma>]) apply (rule deriv[rule_format]) done lemma lift\<^sub>c_whileAnno [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (whileAnno b I V c) = whileAnno (lift\<^sub>s prj b) (lift\<^sub>s prj I) (lift\<^sub>r prj inject V) (lift\<^sub>c prj inject c)" by (simp add: whileAnno_def) lemma lift\<^sub>c_block [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (block init bdy return c) = block (lift\<^sub>f prj inject init) (lift\<^sub>c prj inject bdy) (\<lambda>s. (lift\<^sub>f prj inject (return (prj s)))) (\<lambda>s t. lift\<^sub>c prj inject (c (prj s) (prj t)))" by (simp add: block_def) (* lemma lift\<^sub>c_block [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (block init bdy return c) = block (lift\<^sub>f prj inject init) (lift\<^sub>c prj inject bdy) (\<lambda>s t. inject s (return (prj s) (prj t))) (\<lambda>s t. lift\<^sub>c prj inject (c (prj s) (prj t)))" apply (simp add: block_def) apply (simp add: lift\<^sub>f_def) *) lemma lift\<^sub>c_call [simp]: "lift\<^sub>c prj inject (call init p return c) = call (lift\<^sub>f prj inject init) p (\<lambda>s. (lift\<^sub>f prj inject (return (prj s)))) (\<lambda>s t. lift\<^sub>c prj inject (c (prj s) (prj t)))" by (simp add: call_def lift\<^sub>c_block) lemma rename_whileAnno [simp]: "rename h (whileAnno b I V c) = whileAnno b I V (rename h c)" by (simp add: whileAnno_def) lemma rename_block [simp]: "rename h (block init bdy return c) = block init (rename h bdy) return (\<lambda>s t. rename h (c s t))" by (simp add: block_def) lemma rename_call [simp]: "rename h (call init p return c) = call init (h p) return (\<lambda>s t. rename h (c s t))" by (simp add: call_def) end
{"author": "crizkallah", "repo": "checker-verification", "sha": "cd5101e57ef70dcdd1680db2de2f08521605bd7c", "save_path": "github-repos/isabelle/crizkallah-checker-verification", "path": "github-repos/isabelle/crizkallah-checker-verification/checker-verification-cd5101e57ef70dcdd1680db2de2f08521605bd7c/autocorres-1.0/c-parser/hoare-package/ex/Compose.thy"}
#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import logging import os import re import numpy as np def evaluate(session_directory, num_obj_complete): # Parse data from session (action executed, reward values) transitions_directory = os.path.join(session_directory, 'transitions') executed_action_log = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(transitions_directory, 'executed-action.log.txt'), delimiter=' ') max_iteration = executed_action_log.shape[0] executed_action_log = executed_action_log[0:max_iteration, :] reward_value_log = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(transitions_directory, 'reward-value.log.txt'), delimiter=' ') reward_value_log = reward_value_log[0:max_iteration] clearance_log = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(transitions_directory, 'task_complete.log.txt'), delimiter=' ') clearance_log = np.unique(clearance_log) max_trials = len(clearance_log) clearance_log = np.concatenate((np.asarray([0]), clearance_log), axis=0).astype(int) # Count number of pushing/grasping actions before completion num_actions_before_completion = clearance_log[1:(max_trials + 1)] - clearance_log[0:(max_trials)] grasp_success_rate = np.zeros(max_trials) grasp_num_success = np.zeros(max_trials) grasp_to_push_ratio = np.zeros(max_trials) for trial_idx in range(1, len(clearance_log)): # Get actions and reward values for current trial tmp_executed_action_log = executed_action_log[clearance_log[trial_idx - 1]:clearance_log[trial_idx], 0] tmp_reward_value_log = reward_value_log[clearance_log[trial_idx - 1]:clearance_log[trial_idx]] # Get indices of pushing and grasping actions for current trial tmp_grasp_attempt_ind = np.argwhere(tmp_executed_action_log == 1) tmp_push_attempt_ind = np.argwhere(tmp_executed_action_log == 0) grasp_to_push_ratio[trial_idx - 1] = float(len(tmp_grasp_attempt_ind)) / float(len(tmp_executed_action_log)) # Count number of times grasp attempts were successful # Reward value for successful grasping is anything larger than 0.5 tmp_num_grasp_success = np.sum(tmp_reward_value_log[ tmp_grasp_attempt_ind] >= 0.5) grasp_num_success[trial_idx - 1] = tmp_num_grasp_success grasp_success_rate[trial_idx - 1] = float(tmp_num_grasp_success) / float(len(tmp_grasp_attempt_ind)) # Which trials reached task completion? valid_clearance = grasp_num_success >= num_obj_complete # Display results clearance = float(np.sum(valid_clearance)) / float(max_trials) * 100 logging.info('Average %% clearance: %2.1f' % clearance) grasp_success = np.mean(grasp_success_rate[valid_clearance]) * 100 logging.info('Average %% grasp success per clearance: %2.1f' % grasp_success) action_efficiency = 100 * np.mean( np.divide(float(num_obj_complete), num_actions_before_completion[valid_clearance])) logging.info('Average %% action efficiency: %2.1f' % action_efficiency) grasp_to_push_ratio = np.mean(grasp_to_push_ratio[valid_clearance]) * 100 logging.info('Average grasp to push ratio: %2.1f' % grasp_to_push_ratio) return clearance, grasp_success, action_efficiency, grasp_to_push_ratio if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Evaluate the performance all test sessions.') parser.add_argument('--session_directory', dest='session_directory', action='store', type=str, help='path to session directory for which to measure performance') parser.add_argument('--test_type', dest='test_type', action='store', type=str, default='preset', help='type of test to evaluate. (random/preset)') parser.add_argument('--num_obj_complete', dest='num_obj_complete', action='store', type=int, default=10, help='number of objects picked before considering task complete') args = parser.parse_args() # Initialize logging logging.root.handlers = [] logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, filename="{0}/{1}.log".format(args.session_directory, 'evaluate'), format='[%(asctime)s] {%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S' ) # set up logging to console console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # set a format which is simpler for console use formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') console.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handler to the root logger logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console) if args.test_type == 'random': session_directory = args.session_directory num_obj_complete = args.num_obj_complete evaluate(session_directory, num_obj_complete) elif args.test_type == 'preset': num_obj_presets = [4, 5, 3, 5, 5, 6, 3, 6, 6, 5, 4] preset_files = os.listdir(args.session_directory) preset_files = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.session_directory, filename)) for filename in preset_files if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(args.session_directory, filename))] preset_files = sorted(preset_files) avg_clearance = 0 avg_grasp_success = 0 avg_action_efficiency = 0 avg_grasp_to_push_ratio = 0 valid_clearance_count = 0 complete_clearance_count = 0 for idx, preset_file in enumerate(preset_files): logging.info('Preset {}: {}'.format(idx, preset_file)) session_directory = preset_file m = re.search(r'\d+$', session_directory) num_obj_complete = num_obj_presets[int(m.group())] clearance, grasp_success, action_efficiency, grasp_to_push_ratio = evaluate(session_directory, num_obj_complete) avg_clearance += clearance if clearance: avg_grasp_success += grasp_success avg_action_efficiency += action_efficiency avg_grasp_to_push_ratio += grasp_to_push_ratio valid_clearance_count += 1 if clearance == 100: complete_clearance_count += 1 logging.info('Summary') logging.info('Scenarios 100 %% complete: %d' % complete_clearance_count) logging.info('Overall average %% clearance: %2.1f' % (avg_clearance / (idx + 1))) logging.info('Overall average %% grasp success per clearance: %2.1f' % (avg_grasp_success / valid_clearance_count)) logging.info('Overall average %% action efficiency: %2.1f' % (avg_action_efficiency / valid_clearance_count)) logging.info('Overall average grasp to push ratio: %2.1f' % (avg_grasp_to_push_ratio / valid_clearance_count)) else: raise NotImplementedError('Test type {} is not implemented'.format(args.test_type))
{"hexsha": "c089dfebf4085140a155c37f956b8393f2032479", "size": 6938, "ext": "py", "lang": "Python", "max_stars_repo_path": "evaluate.py", "max_stars_repo_name": "skumra/romannet", "max_stars_repo_head_hexsha": "0af092a1be26ac5f213f1e5c21f81f89699a4c92", "max_stars_repo_licenses": ["BSD-2-Clause"], "max_stars_count": 5, "max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime": "2021-07-09T15:09:59.000Z", "max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime": "2022-01-27T00:32:33.000Z", "max_issues_repo_path": "evaluate.py", "max_issues_repo_name": "skumra/romannet", "max_issues_repo_head_hexsha": "0af092a1be26ac5f213f1e5c21f81f89699a4c92", "max_issues_repo_licenses": ["BSD-2-Clause"], "max_issues_count": 2, "max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime": "2021-04-17T14:11:26.000Z", "max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime": "2021-12-17T07:39:11.000Z", "max_forks_repo_path": "evaluate.py", "max_forks_repo_name": "skumra/romannet", "max_forks_repo_head_hexsha": "0af092a1be26ac5f213f1e5c21f81f89699a4c92", "max_forks_repo_licenses": ["BSD-2-Clause"], "max_forks_count": 2, "max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime": "2022-01-17T10:12:03.000Z", "max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime": "2022-01-20T13:51:55.000Z", "avg_line_length": 50.2753623188, "max_line_length": 123, "alphanum_fraction": 0.6870856155, "include": true, "reason": "import numpy", "num_tokens": 1553}
import napari import numpy as np from dask import array as da from transitions import Machine from ._logging import log_error from ._logging import logger from ._transitions import transitions from ._viewer_model import ViewerModel from ._viewer_model import ViewerState # XXX tenative implementation : pluginfy later. class TravaliViewer: def __init__( self, image, label, target_Ts, df_segments, df_divisions, zarr_path, label_dataset_name, data_chunks, new_segment_id, new_label_value, finalized_segment_ids, candidate_segment_ids, termination_annotations, persist, ): self.zarr_path = zarr_path self.label_dataset_name = label_dataset_name self.data_chunks = data_chunks self.target_Ts = sorted(list(map(int, target_Ts))) self.persist = persist self.viewer = napari.Viewer() contrast_limits = np.percentile(np.array(image[0]).ravel(), (50, 98)) self.viewer.add_image(image, contrast_limits=contrast_limits) self.label_layer = self.viewer.add_labels( label, name="label", cache=False ) self.sel_label_layer = self.viewer.add_labels( da.zeros_like(label, dtype=np.uint8), name="Selected label", cache=False ) self.sel_label_layer.contour = 3 self.redraw_label_layer = self.viewer.add_labels( np.zeros(label.shape[-3:], dtype=np.uint8), name="Drawing", cache=False ) self.finalized_label_layer = self.viewer.add_labels( da.zeros_like(label, dtype=np.uint8), name="Finalized", # color ={1:"red"}, not working opacity=1.0, blending="opaque", cache=False ) self.finalized_label_layer.contour = 3 self.viewer_model = ViewerModel( self, df_segments, df_divisions, new_segment_id=new_segment_id, new_label_value=new_label_value, finalized_segment_ids=finalized_segment_ids, candidate_segment_ids=candidate_segment_ids, termination_annotations=termination_annotations, ) self.machine = Machine( model=self.viewer_model, states=ViewerState, transitions=transitions, after_state_change="update_layer_status", initial=ViewerState.ALL_LABEL, ignore_invalid_triggers=True, # ignore invalid key presses ) self.viewer_model.update_layer_status() @log_error def track_clicked(layer, event): logger.info("Track clicked") yield # important to avoid a potential bug when selecting the daughter logger.info("button released") global viewer_model data_coordinates = layer.world_to_data(event.position) cords = np.round(data_coordinates).astype(int) val = layer.get_value(data_coordinates) if val is None: return if val != 0: msg = f"clicked at {cords}" frame = cords[0] logger.info("%s %i %s", msg, frame, val) row = self.viewer_model.df_segments.xs( (cords[0], val), level=("frame", "label") ) if len(row) != 1: return logger.info(row) segment_id = row["segment_id"].iloc[0] self.viewer_model.track_clicked(frame, val, segment_id) self.label_layer.mouse_drag_callbacks.append(track_clicked) bind_keys = [ "Escape", "Enter", "r", "s", "d", "t", ] class KeyTyped: def __init__(self1, key: str) -> None: self1.key = key def __call__(self1, _event) -> None: logger.info(f"{self1.key} typed") getattr( self.viewer_model, f"{self1.key}_typed" )() # call associated function of the model for k in bind_keys: # register the callback to the viewer self.viewer.bind_key(k, KeyTyped(k), overwrite=True) class MoveInTargetTs: def __init__(self1, forward: bool): self1.forward = forward def __call__(self1, _event) -> None: # XXX dirty implementation but works target_Ts = np.array(self.target_Ts) logger.info(f"moving {self1.forward}") iT = self.viewer.dims.point[0] if self1.forward: iTs = target_Ts[target_Ts > iT] if len(iTs) > 0: self.viewer.dims.set_point(0, np.min(iTs)) else: iTs = target_Ts[target_Ts < iT] if len(iTs) > 0: self.viewer.dims.set_point(0, np.max(iTs)) self.viewer.bind_key("Shift-Right", MoveInTargetTs(True), overwrite=True) self.viewer.bind_key("Shift-Left", MoveInTargetTs(False), overwrite=True) @log_error def save_typed(_event): logger.info("saving validation results...") self.viewer_model.save_results( self.zarr_path, self.label_dataset_name, self.data_chunks, self.persist ) logger.info("done.") self.viewer.bind_key("Control-Alt-Shift-S", save_typed, overwrite=True)
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function yPred = objFcn(p , tObs, drug) %Copyright (c) 2011, The MathWorks, Inc. L0 = p(1) ; % Drug-independent parameter 1 L1 = p(2) ; % Drug-independent parameter 2 k1 = p(3) ; % Drug-independent parameter 3 k2_A = p(4) ; % Drug dependent parameter (drug A) k2_B = p(5) ; % Drug dependent parameter (drug B) % Simulate model for drug A yPred_A = evalTumorWeight(tObs(drug == 'A'), [L1, L0, k1, k2_A]) ; % Simulate model for drug B yPred_B = evalTumorWeight(tObs(drug == 'B'), [L1, L0, k1, k2_B]) ; % Combine prediction yPred = [yPred_A; yPred_B] ; end
{"author": "Sable", "repo": "mcbench-benchmarks", "sha": "ba13b2f0296ef49491b95e3f984c7c41fccdb6d8", "save_path": "github-repos/MATLAB/Sable-mcbench-benchmarks", "path": "github-repos/MATLAB/Sable-mcbench-benchmarks/mcbench-benchmarks-ba13b2f0296ef49491b95e3f984c7c41fccdb6d8/30869-fitting-with-matlab-statistics-optimization-and-curve-fitting/objFcn.m"}
import os import arrow import glob import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import warnings import torch from torch.nn import Module, Linear, Sequential, ReLU from torch.nn.functional import mse_loss from torch.optim import Adam, SGD from torch.utils.data import TensorDataset from mlxtend.plotting import plot_confusion_matrix from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler print('Imports..')
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#= Copyright 2013 - 2015 Marco Nehmeier ([email protected]) Copyright 2015 Oliver Heimlich ([email protected]) Original author: Marco Nehmeier (unit tests in libieeep1788) Converted into portable ITL format by Oliver Heimlich with minor corrections. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =# #Language imports #Test library imports using Base.Test #Arithmetic library imports using ValidatedNumerics #Preamble setprecision(53) setprecision(Interval, Float64) setrounding(Interval, :narrow) @testset "minimal_mulRevToPair_test" begin @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, ∅, Interval(1.0, 2.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, ∅, Interval(1.0, 2.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(1.0, 2.0), ∅) == ∅ @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(1.0, 2.0), ∅) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, ∅, ∅) == ∅ @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, ∅, ∅) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-3, 0x1.5p+4) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-3, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-2) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-3, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-2) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-2) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == ∅ @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(0.0, 0x1.5p+4) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-2) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-3, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-2.1, -0.4)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == Interval(0.0, 0x1.5p+4) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == Interval(0.0, 0x1.5p+4) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-2.1, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0x1.5p+4) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0x1.8p+3) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0x1.5p+4) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0x1.8p+3) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-2.1, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == Interval(0.0, 0x1.8p+3) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == Interval(0.0, 0x1.8p+3) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(0.0, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-8) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-8) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-8) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-7, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-7, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-7, 0x1.8p+3) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-7, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-8) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(0.0, 0x1.8p+3) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(0.01, 0.12)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == Interval(0.0, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == Interval(0.0, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == Interval(0.0, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == Interval(0.0, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(0.0, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-5, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-5, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-4) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-5, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-4) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-4) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == ∅ @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-4) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-5, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-Inf, -0.1)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-Inf, 0.0)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == Interval(-0x1.8p+1, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == Interval(-Inf, 0x1.ep+4) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == Interval(-0x1.8p+1, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == Interval(-Inf, 0x1.ep+4) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-Inf, 0.3)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == Interval(-Inf, 0x1.0cccccccccccdp+1) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == Interval(-0x1.5p+4, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == Interval(-Inf, 0x1.0cccccccccccdp+1) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == Interval(-0x1.5p+4, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(-0.21, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(0.0, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-6) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-6) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-6) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-5, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-5, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-5, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-5, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-6) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(-Inf, 0.0) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), Interval(0.04, Inf)) == Interval(0.0, Inf) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, -0.1), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 0.0), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, 1.1), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 1.1), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, 1.1), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, 0.0), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, -0.1), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 0.0), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-Inf, 1.1), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(-2.0, Inf), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.0, Inf), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, Interval(0.01, Inf), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), entireinterval(Float64)) == entireinterval(Float64) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, entireinterval(Float64), entireinterval(Float64)) == ∅ end @testset "minimal_mulRevToPair_dec_test" begin @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(∅, trv), DecoratedInterval(Interval(1.0, 2.0), def)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(∅, trv), DecoratedInterval(Interval(1.0, 2.0), def))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(∅, trv), DecoratedInterval(Interval(1.0, 2.0), def)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(∅, trv), DecoratedInterval(Interval(1.0, 2.0), def))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(1.0, 2.0), com), DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(1.0, 2.0), com), DecoratedInterval(∅, trv))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(1.0, 2.0), com), DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(1.0, 2.0), com), DecoratedInterval(∅, trv))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(∅, trv), DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(∅, trv), DecoratedInterval(∅, trv))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(∅, trv), DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(∅, trv), DecoratedInterval(∅, trv))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-3, 0x1.5p+4), com) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-3, 0x1.5p+4), com)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-3, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-3, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-2), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-2), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-3, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-3, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), trv), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-2), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), trv), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-2), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), trv), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), trv), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-2), com) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-2), com)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0x1.5p+4), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0x1.5p+4), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), trv), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-2), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), trv), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-2), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), trv), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), trv), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-3, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-3, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0.0), def) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0.0), def)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), def))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, -0.4), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0x1.5p+4), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0x1.5p+4), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0.0), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0.0), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0x1.5p+4), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0x1.5p+4), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0.0), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0.0), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0x1.5p+4), def) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0x1.5p+4), def)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0x1.8p+3), def) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0x1.8p+3), def)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0x1.5p+4), def) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0x1.5p+4), def)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0x1.8p+3), def) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.a400000000001p+7, 0x1.8p+3), def)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), def), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.1, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0.0), com) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0.0), com)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0x1.8p+3), com) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0x1.8p+3), com)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0.0), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0.0), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0x1.8p+3), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0x1.8p+3), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.12), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-8), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-8), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-8), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-8), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-8), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-8), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-7, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-7, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-7, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-7, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-7, 0x1.8p+3), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-7, 0x1.8p+3), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0.0), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.3333333333333p+0, 0.0), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-7, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-7, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-8), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-8), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0x1.8p+3), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0x1.8p+3), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 0.12), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), com))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-5, Inf), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-5, Inf), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-5, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-5, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-4), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-4), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-5, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-5, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-4), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-4), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-4), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-4), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-4), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.745d1745d1745p-4), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-5, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.999999999999ap-5, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.8p+1, Inf), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.8p+1, Inf), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0x1.ep+4), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0x1.ep+4), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.8p+1, Inf), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.8p+1, Inf), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0x1.ep+4), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0x1.ep+4), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.3), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0x1.0cccccccccccdp+1), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0x1.0cccccccccccdp+1), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.5p+4, Inf), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.5p+4, Inf), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0x1.0cccccccccccdp+1), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0x1.0cccccccccccdp+1), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.5p+4, Inf), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0x1.5p+4, Inf), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(-0.21, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-6), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-6), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-6), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-6), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-6), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-6), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-5, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-5, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-5, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-5, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-5, Inf), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-5, Inf), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-5, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0x1.29e4129e4129dp-5, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-6), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0x1.47ae147ae147bp-6), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.04, Inf), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, -0.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 0.0), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-Inf, 1.1), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(-2.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.0, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(Interval(0.01, Inf), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) @test nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv) @test decoration(nthargout(1, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), trv)) @test nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac)) == DecoratedInterval(∅, trv) @test decoration(nthargout(2, 2, @mulrev, DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac), DecoratedInterval(entireinterval(Float64), dac))) == decoration(DecoratedInterval(∅, trv)) end # FactCheck.exitstatus()
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import numpy as np def updateState(state, patterns): newState = [None]*len(state) for pos in range(2, len(state) - 2): newState[pos] = patterns[state[pos-2:pos+3]] newState[-2:] = ['.', '.'] newState[:2] = ['.', '.'] newState = ''.join(newState) return newState nPadding = 10000 with open('day12.txt') as f: data = f.read().splitlines() padding = '.' * nPadding state = padding + data[0].split('state: ')[1] + padding patterns = {pattern.split(' => ')[0]: pattern.split(' => ')[1] for pattern in data[2:]} nIter = 200 potNumbers = np.arange(-nPadding, len(data[0].split('state: ')[1])+nPadding) sums = np.zeros(nIter) for t in range(1, nIter+1): state = updateState(state, patterns) stateList = np.array([letter for letter in state]) sums[t-1] = np.sum(potNumbers[stateList == '#']) print("Visual inspection") print(np.diff(sums)) maxIters = 50000000000 print(int((maxIters - nIter) * 62 + sums[-1]))
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function prepareFWIDataFiles(m,Minv::RegularMesh,mref,boundsHigh,boundsLow, filenamePrefix::String,omega::Array{Float64,1},waveCoef::Array{Complex128,1}, pad::Int64,ABLpad::Int64,jump::Int64,offset::Int64=prod(Minv.n+1),workerList = workers(), maxBatchSize::Int64=48, Ainv::AbstractSolver = getMUMPSsolver([],0,0,2),useFilesForFields::Bool = false) ########################## m is in Velocity here. ################################### RCVfile = string(filenamePrefix,"_rcvMap.dat"); SRCfile = string(filenamePrefix,"_srcMap.dat"); writeSrcRcvLocFile(SRCfile,Minv,ABLpad,jump); writeSrcRcvLocFile(RCVfile,Minv,ABLpad,1); dataFullFilenamePrefix = string(filenamePrefix,"_freq"); gamma = prepareFWIDataFiles2(m, Minv, filenamePrefix,dataFullFilenamePrefix,omega,waveCoef,pad,ABLpad,offset,workerList,maxBatchSize,Ainv); file = matopen(string(filenamePrefix,"_PARAM.mat"), "w"); write(file,"boundsLow",boundsLow); write(file,"boundsHigh",boundsHigh); write(file,"mref",mref); write(file,"domain",Minv.domain); write(file,"n",Minv.n); write(file,"gamma",gamma); write(file,"pad",pad); write(file,"omega",omega); write(file,"waveCoef",waveCoef); close(file); return gamma; end function prepareJointTravelTimeAndFWIDataFiles(m,Minv::RegularMesh,mref,boundsHigh,boundsLow, filenamePrefix::String,omega::Array{Float64,1},waveCoef::Array{Complex128,1}, pad::Int64,ABLpad::Int64,jump::Int64,offset::Int64=prod(Minv.n+1),workerList = workers(), maxBatchSize::Int64=48, Ainv::AbstractSolver = getMUMPSsolver([],0,0,2),useFilesForFields::Bool = false) ########################## m is in Velocity here. ################################### RCVfile = string(filenamePrefix,"_rcvMap.dat"); SRCfile = string(filenamePrefix,"_srcMap.dat"); writeSrcRcvLocFile(SRCfile,Minv,ABLpad,jump); writeSrcRcvLocFile(RCVfile,Minv,ABLpad,1); dataFullFilenamePrefix = string(filenamePrefix,"_freq"); gamma = prepareFWIDataFiles2(m, Minv, filenamePrefix,dataFullFilenamePrefix,omega,waveCoef,pad,ABLpad,offset,workerList,maxBatchSize,Ainv,useFilesForFields); dataFullFilenamePrefix = string(filenamePrefix,"_travelTime"); HO = false; prepareTravelTimeDataFiles(m, Minv, filenamePrefix,dataFullFilenamePrefix,offset,HO,useFilesForFields); file = matopen(string(filenamePrefix,"_PARAM.mat"), "w"); write(file,"boundsLow",boundsLow); write(file,"boundsHigh",boundsHigh); write(file,"mref",mref); write(file,"MinvOmega",Minv.domain); write(file,"MinvN",Minv.n); write(file,"gamma",gamma); write(file,"pad",pad); write(file,"omega",omega); write(file,"waveCoef",waveCoef); write(file,"HO",HO); close(file); end function prepareFWIDataFiles2(m, Minv::RegularMesh, filenamePrefix::String,dataFullFilenamePrefix::String, omega::Array{Float64,1}, waveCoef::Array{Complex128,1}, pad::Int64,ABLpad::Int64,offset::Int64,workerList::Array{Int64,1},maxBatchSize::Int64, Ainv::AbstractSolver,useFilesForFields::Bool = false) println("maxOmega*maxKappaSq*h: should be below 0.6"); println(omega[end]*maximum(Minv.h)*(1./minimum(m))); RCVfile = string(filenamePrefix,"_rcvMap.dat"); SRCfile = string(filenamePrefix,"_srcMap.dat"); srcNodeMap = readSrcRcvLocationFile(SRCfile,Minv); rcvNodeMap = readSrcRcvLocationFile(RCVfile,Minv); Q = generateSrcRcvProjOperators(Minv.n+1,srcNodeMap); P = generateSrcRcvProjOperators(Minv.n+1,rcvNodeMap); Q = Q.*1/(norm(Minv.h)^2); println("We have ",size(Q,2)," sources"); # compute observed data ABLamp = getMaximalFrequency(1./(minimum(m).^2),Minv); gamma = getABL(Minv,true,ones(Int64,Minv.dim)*ABLpad,ABLamp); attenuation = 0.01*ABLamp; gamma += attenuation; # adding Attenuation. println("~~~~~~~ Getting data FWI: ~~~~~~~"); # Solve forward problem (should be relaced in reading data from file) batch = min(size(Q,2),maxBatchSize); (pFor,contDiv,SourcesSubInd) = getFWIparam(omega,waveCoef,vec(gamma),Q,P,Minv,Ainv,workerList,batch,useFilesForFields); (D,pFor) = getData(velocityToSlowSquared(m[:])[1],pFor,ones(length(pFor)),true); nsrc = size(Q,2); nrcv = size(P,2); for k = 1:length(omega) I = contDiv[k] : contDiv[k+1] - 1 Dobsk = Array{Array{Complex128,2}}(length(I)); for i = 1:length(I) Dobsk[i] = fetch(D[I[i]]); end Dobsk = arrangeRemoteCallDataIntoLocalData(Dobsk); omRound = string(round((omega[k]/(2*pi))*100.0)/100.0); Wd_k = (1./(abs.(real(Dobsk))+0.1*mean(abs.(Dobsk)))) + 1im*(1./(abs.(imag(Dobsk))+0.1*mean(abs.(Dobsk)))); # Wd_k = (1./(0.0*abs(real(Dobsk))+1.0*mean(abs(Dobsk)))) + 1im*(1./(0.0*abs(imag(Dobsk))+1.0*mean(abs(Dobsk)))); Wd_k = limitDataToOffset(Wd_k,srcNodeMap,rcvNodeMap,offset); filename = string(dataFullFilenamePrefix,omRound,".dat"); writeDataFile(filename,Dobsk,Wd_k,srcNodeMap,rcvNodeMap); end return gamma; end
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[STATEMENT] lemma cf_pos_poly_represents[simp]: "(cf_pos_poly p) represents x \<longleftrightarrow> p represents x" [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. cf_pos_poly p represents x = p represents x [PROOF STEP] unfolding represents_def [PROOF STATE] proof (prove) goal (1 subgoal): 1. (ipoly (cf_pos_poly p) x = (0::'a) \<and> cf_pos_poly p \<noteq> 0) = (ipoly p x = (0::'a) \<and> p \<noteq> 0) [PROOF STEP] by auto
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from __future__ import division, print_function import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def posterior(fitresult,plot_likelihood=False): ''' Plot the posterior probablity/likelihood from the given FitResult object. ''' #The fit parameters and the inverse covariance matrix p0 = fitresult.p cov = fitresult.cov invcov = np.linalg.inv(fitresult.cov) #A single parameter if p0.size == 1: x = np.linspace(p0[0]-5*np.sqrt(cov[0,0]),p0[0]+5*np.sqrt(cov[0,0]),150) #L might not be vectorized in terms of p, so will calculate the values #separately for compatibility L = np.zeros(x.shape) for i in range(L.size): L[i] = fitresult.L([x[i]]) #Normalize L L = L-np.max(L) if plot_likelihood: plt.plot(x,L,label='Likelihood') plt.plot(x,-0.5*(x-p0[0])**2/cov[0,0],label='Gaussian approximation') plt.ylabel('$L(p_1|data)$') else: #Compute probablity p = np.exp(L) #Normalize p = p/np.trapz(p,x) plt.plot(x,p,label='Probability') plt.plot(x,np.exp(-0.5*(x-p0)**2*invcov[0,0])/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*cov[0,0]),label='Gaussian approximation') plt.ylabel('$p(p_1|data)$') plt.xlabel('$p_1$') plt.legend() elif p0.size == 2: x = np.linspace(p0[0]-5*np.sqrt(cov[0,0]),p0[0]+5*np.sqrt(cov[0,0]),100) y = np.linspace(p0[1]-5*np.sqrt(cov[1,1]),p0[1]+5*np.sqrt(cov[1,1]),100) X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y) #L might not be vectorized in terms of p, so will calculate the values #separately for compatibility L = np.zeros(X.shape) for i in range(L.shape[0]): for j in range(L.shape[1]): L[i,j] = fitresult.L([x[i],y[j]]) #Normalize L L = L-np.max(L[:]) #Calculate L values for the gaussian approximation Lapprox = np.zeros(X.shape) for i in range(L.shape[0]): for j in range(L.shape[1]): coord = np.array([[X[i,j]-p0[0],Y[i,j]-p0[1]]]).T Lapprox[i,j] = -0.5*np.dot(coord.T,np.dot(invcov,coord)) if plot_likelihood: plt.pcolor(X,Y,L) else: #Compute probablity p = np.exp(L) plt.pcolor(X,Y,p) #plot sigma contours CS = plt.contour(X,Y,Lapprox,[-4.5,-2,-0.5],colors='black',linestyles='solid') fmt = {} strs = ['$3 \sigma$','$2 \sigma$','$1 \sigma$'] for l, s in zip(CS.levels, strs): fmt[l] = s # Label every other level using strings plt.clabel(CS, CS.levels, inline=True, fmt=fmt, fontsize=10) plt.xlabel('$p_1$') plt.ylabel('$p_2$') else: print('More than 2-parameter plots not supported yet!')
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from collections import OrderedDict from typing import Callable from typing import Hashable from typing import List from typing import Type import numpy as np from caldera.utils.np import replace_nan_with_inf from caldera.utils.nx.traversal._path_utils import PathSum from caldera.utils.nx.traversal._path_utils import PathSymbol from caldera.utils.nx.types import Graph def floyd_warshall( g: Graph, symbols: List[PathSymbol], func: Callable = None, nodelist: List[Hashable] = None, return_all: bool = False, dtype: Type = np.float64, ): """Run the floyd-warshall algorithm (all pairs shortest _path) with arbitrary cost functions. .. code-block:: W = floyd_warshall2(g, symbols=[ PathSymbol("A", SumPath), PathSymbol("B", MulPath) ], func: lambda a, b: a / b ) .. code-block:: W = floyd_warshall2(g, key="weight") :param g: :param symbols: :param func: :param nodelist: :param return_all: :param dtype: :return: """ _symbols = symbols[:] symbols = [] for s in _symbols: if isinstance(s, str): s = PathSymbol(s, PathSum) symbols.append(s) if func is None: def func(x): return x if nodelist is None: nodelist = list(g.nodes()) # initialize weight matrices matrix_dict = OrderedDict() for symbol in symbols: matrix_dict[symbol.name] = symbol.initialize_matrix(g, dtype, nodelist) if return_all: ori_matrix_dict = {k: v.copy() for k, v in matrix_dict.items()} n, m = list(matrix_dict.values())[0].shape for i in np.arange(n): # get costs if using node 'i' parts_dict = OrderedDict() for symbol in symbols: M = matrix_dict[symbol.name] parts_dict[symbol.name] = symbol.accumulator(M[i, :], M[:, i]) # get total cost m_arr = [np.asarray(m) for m in matrix_dict.values()] p_arr = [np.asarray(m) for m in parts_dict.values()] C = replace_nan_with_inf(func(*m_arr)) C_part = func(*p_arr) # update for key, M in matrix_dict.items(): part = parts_dict[key] c = C > C_part if np.any(c): # assert M.shape == part.shape np.putmask(M, c, part) m_arr = [np.asarray(m) for m in matrix_dict.values()] C = replace_nan_with_inf(func(*m_arr)) if return_all: return C, matrix_dict, ori_matrix_dict return C
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import numpy as np import cv2,sys,csv,os,threading from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox,QAction from keras.models import load_model import qimage2ndarray as q2a from PyQt5 import QtWidgets,QtGui,QtCore,QtCore from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QLabel, QApplication,QMainWindow,QMessageBox,QFileDialog,QInputDialog from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap import pyttsx3 from ui import Ui_MainWindow import constants from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread,pyqtSignal,pyqtSlot,QObject class MainWindow(QMainWindow): speech_seq_signal=pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self): super(MainWindow,self).__init__() self.ui=Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.showMaximized() #Menu and Action about_action=QAction('About',self) about_action.triggered.connect(self.show_about) self.ui.menuOptions.addAction(about_action) #Initalize Buttons self.ui.speak_btn.clicked.connect(self.start_speak_thread) self.ui.speak_btn.setShortcut("S") self.ui.speak_btn.setToolTip("Shortcut: S") #Initilizing paremeters self.ui.outTextEdit.setReadOnly(True) #ComboBox self.others=['All','Model Loss','Model Accuracy'] signNames=[files.split('.')[0] for files in os.listdir(constants.signImagePath)] self.ui.search_drop_comboBox.addItems(signNames) self.ui.search_drop_comboBox.insertSeparator(len(signNames)) self.ui.search_drop_comboBox.addItems(self.others) self.ui.search_drop_comboBox.insertSeparator((len(signNames)+2)) #Buttons self.ui.search_sign_btn.clicked.connect(self.displaySign) #Speech Worker self.speak_seq='' self.speech_worker=SpeechWorker(self.speak_seq) self.speech_seq_signal.connect(self.speech_worker.get_sequnece) #Threading Stuffs self.video_worker=VideoWorker(self) self.video_worker.image_signals.connect(self.show_pixmap) self.video_worker.pred_text_signal.connect(self.update_Texts) self.video_worker.start() def show_pixmap(self,image:list): frame,thresh =image w_f,h_f=self.ui.video_label.width(),self.ui.video_label.height() w_f,h_f=w_f-200,h_f-100 frame=cv2.resize(frame,(w_f,h_f),cv2.INTER_AREA) frame_img=q2a.array2qimage(frame) frame_img = frame_img.rgbSwapped() self.ui.video_label.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(frame_img)) w_t,h_t=self.ui.thresh_video_label.width(),self.ui.thresh_video_label.height() w_t,h_t=w_t-100,h_t-100 thresh=cv2.resize(thresh,(w_t,h_t),cv2.INTER_AREA) thresh_img=q2a.array2qimage(thresh) thresh_img = thresh_img.rgbSwapped() self.ui.thresh_video_label.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(thresh_img)) def update_Texts(self,letter,sequence): self.speak_seq=sequence self.ui.current_letter_label.setText(letter) self.ui.outTextEdit.clear() self.ui.outTextEdit.append(sequence) def displaySign(self): selectedSign=self.ui.search_drop_comboBox.currentText() signPath=os.path.join(constants.signImagePath,f'{selectedSign}.png') if selectedSign in self.others: signPath=os.path.join(constants.othersPath,f'{selectedSign}.png') pixmap=QPixmap(signPath) self.ui.sign_image_label.setPixmap(pixmap) self.ui.sign_image_label.setScaledContents(True) def show_about(self): message="Developed By:\n Kanchan Sapkota\nSys ID:2017009931\nRoll No:170101113\nB.Tech CSE VII'A'" QMessageBox.about(self,"About",message) def start_speak_thread(self): self.speech_worker.start() print(self.speak_seq) self.speech_seq_signal.emit(self.speak_seq) class VideoWorker(QThread): image_signals=pyqtSignal(list) pred_text_signal=pyqtSignal(str,str) def __init__(self,parent=None): QThread.__init__(self,parent) self.running=False def run(self): self.model=load_model(constants.modelPath) self.is_predict_roi=True cap=cv2.VideoCapture(0) sequence=constants.start_sequence pred_text='' pred_letter='' del_count=0 prev_pred=None consecutive_goal=constants.consecutive_goal consecutive_count=0 while True: ret,frame=cap.read() if ret: frame=cv2.flip(frame,1) y,x,_=frame.shape x1,y1=(x//2+50,0) x2,y2=(x,y//2+50) cv2.rectangle(frame, (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (0,255,0), 2) crop_img = frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(crop_img,(7,7),0) grey = cv2.cvtColor(blur, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) kernel = np.ones((5,5)) dilation = cv2.dilate(grey,kernel,iterations=1) erosion = cv2.erode(dilation,kernel,iterations=1) blur1 = cv2.GaussianBlur(erosion,(5,5),0) thresh = cv2.threshold(blur1,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1] if self.is_predict_roi: img = cv2.resize(thresh, (50,50)) img = img.reshape(1,50,50,1) img = img/255.0 prd = self.model.predict(img) index = prd.argmax() pred_text=constants.gestures[index] pred_letter=pred_text if prev_pred==pred_text: consecutive_count+=1 else: consecutive_count=0 if pred_text=='BG': pred_text='' if pred_text=="SPACE": del_count+=1 pred_text="" if del_count>=consecutive_goal: sequence+=" " del_count=0 if pred_text=="DEL": del_count+=1 pred_text='' if del_count>consecutive_goal: sequence=sequence[:-1] del_count=0 if consecutive_count>consecutive_goal: sequence+=pred_text consecutive_count=0 images=[frame,thresh] self.image_signals.emit(images) self.pred_text_signal.emit(pred_letter,sequence) prev_pred=pred_text class SpeechWorker(QThread): def __init__(self,sequence,parent=None): QThread.__init__(self,parent) self.sequence='' self.running=False def run(self): engine=pyttsx3.init() engine.setProperty('rate',constants.voiceSpeed) voices = engine.getProperty('voices') engine.setProperty('voice', voices[constants.voiceId].id) engine.say(self.sequence) engine.runAndWait() @pyqtSlot(str) def get_sequnece(self,sequence): self.sequence=sequence if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = MainWindow() window.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())
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#!/usr/bin/env python import math import sys import os import random import struct import popen2 import getopt import numpy pi=math.pi e=math.e j=complex(0,1) doreal=0 datatype = os.environ.get('DATATYPE','float') util = '../tools/fft_' + datatype minsnr=90 if datatype == 'double': fmt='d' elif datatype=='int16_t': fmt='h' minsnr=10 elif datatype=='int32_t': fmt='i' elif datatype=='simd': fmt='4f' sys.stderr.write('testkiss.py does not yet test simd') sys.exit(0) elif datatype=='float': fmt='f' else: sys.stderr.write('unrecognized datatype %s\n' % datatype) sys.exit(1) def dopack(x,cpx=1): x = numpy.reshape( x, ( numpy.size(x),) ) if cpx: s = ''.join( [ struct.pack(fmt*2,c.real,c.imag) for c in x ] ) else: s = ''.join( [ struct.pack(fmt,c.real) for c in x ] ) return s def dounpack(x,cpx): uf = fmt * ( len(x) / struct.calcsize(fmt) ) s = struct.unpack(uf,x) if cpx: return numpy.array(s[::2]) + numpy.array( s[1::2] )*j else: return numpy.array(s ) def make_random(dims=[1]): res = [] for i in range(dims[0]): if len(dims)==1: r=random.uniform(-1,1) if doreal: res.append( r ) else: i=random.uniform(-1,1) res.append( complex(r,i) ) else: res.append( make_random( dims[1:] ) ) return numpy.array(res) def flatten(x): ntotal = numpy.size(x) return numpy.reshape(x,(ntotal,)) def randmat( ndims ): dims=[] for i in range( ndims ): curdim = int( random.uniform(2,5) ) if doreal and i==(ndims-1): curdim = int(curdim/2)*2 # force even last dimension if real dims.append( curdim ) return make_random(dims ) def test_fft(ndims): x=randmat( ndims ) if doreal: xver = numpy.fft.rfftn(x) else: xver = numpy.fft.fftn(x) open('/tmp/fftexp.dat','w').write(dopack( flatten(xver) , True ) ) x2=dofft(x,doreal) err = xver - x2 errf = flatten(err) xverf = flatten(xver) errpow = numpy.vdot(errf,errf)+1e-10 sigpow = numpy.vdot(xverf,xverf)+1e-10 snr = 10*math.log10(abs(sigpow/errpow) ) print 'SNR (compared to NumPy) : %.1fdB' % float(snr) if snr<minsnr: print 'xver=',xver print 'x2=',x2 print 'err',err sys.exit(1) def dofft(x,isreal): dims=list( numpy.shape(x) ) x = flatten(x) scale=1 if datatype=='int16_t': x = 32767 * x scale = len(x) / 32767.0 elif datatype=='int32_t': x = 2147483647.0 * x scale = len(x) / 2147483647.0 cmd='%s -n ' % util cmd += ','.join([str(d) for d in dims]) if doreal: cmd += ' -R ' print cmd p = popen2.Popen3(cmd ) open('/tmp/fftin.dat','w').write(dopack( x , isreal==False ) ) p.tochild.write( dopack( x , isreal==False ) ) p.tochild.close() res = dounpack( p.fromchild.read() , 1 ) open('/tmp/fftout.dat','w').write(dopack( flatten(res) , True ) ) if doreal: dims[-1] = int( dims[-1]/2 ) + 1 res = scale * res p.wait() return numpy.reshape(res,dims) def main(): opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'r') opts=dict(opts) global doreal doreal = opts.has_key('-r') if doreal: print 'Testing multi-dimensional real FFTs' else: print 'Testing multi-dimensional FFTs' for dim in range(1,4): test_fft( dim ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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FUNCTION TRAPZ2(X,Y,N,X1,X2,IERR) c Finds area below y(x) from x=X1 to x =X2 c X1 and X2 are not necessarily values of x(i) c but must fulfill X1>=x(1) and X2<=x(n) c Array declaration real x(n),y(n) data jerr1,jerr2/2*0/ TRAPZ2=0. ierr=0. ! Check for values outside valid range if (x1 < x(1)) then if (jerr1.eq.0) then write (6,*) 'TRAPZ2: X1 outside valid range:',x1,x(1),x(n),n jerr1=1 endif ierr=1 return ! stop elseif (x1 == x(1)) then i1 = 1 else ! Find first element in array X above X1 do i=1,n if (x(i) > x1) then i1=i ! Find by interpolation values of Y1=y(X1) Y1 = ( (x(i1)-x1)*y(i1-1) + (x1-x(i1-1))*y(i1) ) / (x(i1)-x(i1-1)) ! Add area from x(i1-1) to X1 trapz2=trapz2+(x(i1)-x1)*(Y1+y(i1))/2. goto 1 endif enddo endif 1 if (x2 > x(n)) then if (jerr2.eq.0) then write (6,*) 'TRAPZ2: X2 outside valid range:',x2,x(1),x(n),n jerr2=1 endif ierr=2 return ! stop elseif (x2 == x(n)) then i2 = n else ! Find last element in array X below X2 do i=i1,n if (x(i) > x2) then i2=i-1 ! Find by interpolation values of Y2=y(X2) Y2 = ( (x(i2+1)-x2)*y(i2) + (x2-x(i2))*y(i2+1) ) / (x(i2+1)-x(i2)) ! Add area from x(i2) to X2 trapz2=trapz2+(x2-x(i2))*(Y2+y(i2))/2. goto 2 endif enddo endif ! Compute area from x(i1) to x(i2) 2 do i=i1+1,i2 trapz2=trapz2+(x(i)-x(i-1))*(y(i)+y(i-1))/2. enddo ! write (6,*) 'TRAPZ2: using = ',i1+1,i2,x(i1),x(i2),i2-i1,' points' return end
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import numpy as np import sys from detector_hit_conditions import * def get_acceptance_from_four_vectors(ma, ctau, four_vector_list, zmin, zmax, det_rad, Ethr=1.): evt_fraction_detected = [] for pa, pr in four_vector_list: if pa[3] < 0: continue gct = (pa[3]/ma)*ctau np.seterr(over='raise') try: xi_high = np.exp(-zmin/gct) xi_low = np.exp(-zmax/gct) except: print "zmin, zmax, gct = ", zmin, zmax, gct sys.exit(0) f = 0. fs = [] if xi_high > 0.: xis = np.linspace(xi_low,xi_high,num=100.) xvs = xv_from_uni(xis,zmax,gct) coef = (xi_high-xi_low)/len(xis) #fs.append(coef*np.sum(det_hit_condition(pa, pr, det_rad, zmax, xvs, Ethr).astype('float'))) #f = max(fs) f = coef*np.sum(det_hit_condition(pa, pr, det_rad, zmax, xvs, Ethr).astype('float')) evt_fraction_detected.append(f) evt_fraction_detected = np.array(evt_fraction_detected) return np.sum(evt_fraction_detected)/len(evt_fraction_detected)
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import numpy as np import scipy as sp import properties from ....utils.code_utils import deprecate_class from ....utils import mkvc, sdiag, Zero from ....data import Data from ...base import BaseEMSimulation from .boundary_utils import getxBCyBC_CC from .survey import Survey from .fields import Fields3DCellCentered, Fields3DNodal from .utils import _mini_pole_pole class BaseDCSimulation(BaseEMSimulation): """ Base DC Problem """ survey = properties.Instance("a DC survey object", Survey, required=True) storeJ = properties.Bool("store the sensitivity matrix?", default=False) _mini_survey = None Ainv = None _Jmatrix = None gtgdiag = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): miniaturize = kwargs.pop("miniaturize", False) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Do stuff to simplify the forward and JTvec operation if number of dipole # sources is greater than the number of unique pole sources if miniaturize: self._dipoles, self._invs, self._mini_survey = _mini_pole_pole(self.survey) def fields(self, m=None, calcJ=True): if m is not None: self.model = m self._Jmatrix = None f = self.fieldsPair(self) if self.Ainv is not None: self.Ainv.clean() A = self.getA() self.Ainv = self.solver(A, **self.solver_opts) RHS = self.getRHS() f[:, self._solutionType] = self.Ainv * RHS return f def getJ(self, m, f=None): if self._Jmatrix is None: if f is None: f = self.fields(m) self._Jmatrix = self._Jtvec(m, v=None, f=f).T return self._Jmatrix def dpred(self, m=None, f=None): if self._mini_survey is not None: # Temporarily set self.survey to self._mini_survey survey = self.survey self.survey = self._mini_survey data = super().dpred(m=m, f=f) if self._mini_survey is not None: # reset survey self.survey = survey return self._mini_survey_data(data) def getJtJdiag(self, m, W=None): """ Return the diagonal of JtJ """ if self.gtgdiag is None: J = self.getJ(m) if W is None: W = np.ones(J.shape[0]) else: W = W.diagonal() ** 2 diag = np.zeros(J.shape[1]) for i in range(J.shape[0]): diag += (W[i]) * (J[i] * J[i]) self.gtgdiag = diag return self.gtgdiag def Jvec(self, m, v, f=None): """ Compute sensitivity matrix (J) and vector (v) product. """ if f is None: f = self.fields(m) if self.storeJ: J = self.getJ(m, f=f) return J.dot(v) self.model = m if self._mini_survey is not None: survey = self._mini_survey else: survey = self.survey Jv = [] for source in survey.source_list: u_source = f[source, self._solutionType] # solution vector dA_dm_v = self.getADeriv(u_source, v) dRHS_dm_v = self.getRHSDeriv(source, v) du_dm_v = self.Ainv * (-dA_dm_v + dRHS_dm_v) for rx in source.receiver_list: df_dmFun = getattr(f, "_{0!s}Deriv".format(rx.projField), None) df_dm_v = df_dmFun(source, du_dm_v, v, adjoint=False) Jv.append(rx.evalDeriv(source, self.mesh, f, df_dm_v)) Jv = np.hstack(Jv) return self._mini_survey_data(Jv) def Jtvec(self, m, v, f=None): """ Compute adjoint sensitivity matrix (J^T) and vector (v) product. """ if f is None: f = self.fields(m) self.model = m if self.storeJ: J = self.getJ(m, f=f) return np.asarray(J.T.dot(v)) return self._Jtvec(m, v=v, f=f) def _Jtvec(self, m, v=None, f=None): """ Compute adjoint sensitivity matrix (J^T) and vector (v) product. Full J matrix can be computed by inputing v=None """ if self._mini_survey is not None: survey = self._mini_survey else: survey = self.survey if v is not None: if isinstance(v, Data): v = v.dobs v = self._mini_survey_dataT(v) v = Data(survey, v) Jtv = np.zeros(m.size) else: # This is for forming full sensitivity matrix Jtv = np.zeros((self.model.size, survey.nD), order="F") istrt = int(0) iend = int(0) for source in survey.source_list: u_source = f[source, self._solutionType].copy() for rx in source.receiver_list: # wrt f, need possibility wrt m if v is not None: PTv = rx.evalDeriv( source, self.mesh, f, v[source, rx], adjoint=True ) else: # This is for forming full sensitivity matrix PTv = rx.getP(self.mesh, rx.projGLoc(f)).toarray().T df_duTFun = getattr(f, "_{0!s}Deriv".format(rx.projField), None) df_duT, df_dmT = df_duTFun(source, None, PTv, adjoint=True) ATinvdf_duT = self.Ainv * df_duT dA_dmT = self.getADeriv(u_source, ATinvdf_duT, adjoint=True) dRHS_dmT = self.getRHSDeriv(source, ATinvdf_duT, adjoint=True) du_dmT = -dA_dmT + dRHS_dmT if v is not None: Jtv += (df_dmT + du_dmT).astype(float) else: iend = istrt + rx.nD if rx.nD == 1: Jtv[:, istrt] = df_dmT + du_dmT else: Jtv[:, istrt:iend] = df_dmT + du_dmT istrt += rx.nD if v is not None: return mkvc(Jtv) else: return (self._mini_survey_data(Jtv.T)).T def getSourceTerm(self): """ Evaluates the sources, and puts them in matrix form :rtype: tuple :return: q (nC or nN, nSrc) """ if self._mini_survey is not None: Srcs = self._mini_survey.source_list else: Srcs = self.survey.source_list if self._formulation == "EB": n = self.mesh.nN # return NotImplementedError elif self._formulation == "HJ": n = self.mesh.nC q = np.zeros((n, len(Srcs)), order="F") for i, source in enumerate(Srcs): q[:, i] = source.eval(self) return q @property def deleteTheseOnModelUpdate(self): toDelete = super(BaseDCSimulation, self).deleteTheseOnModelUpdate if self._Jmatrix is not None: toDelete += ["_Jmatrix"] if self.gtgdiag is not None: toDelete += ["gtgdiag"] return toDelete def _mini_survey_data(self, d_mini): if self._mini_survey is not None: out = d_mini[self._invs[0]] # AM out[self._dipoles[0]] -= d_mini[self._invs[1]] # AN out[self._dipoles[1]] -= d_mini[self._invs[2]] # BM out[self._dipoles[0] & self._dipoles[1]] += d_mini[self._invs[3]] # BN else: out = d_mini return out def _mini_survey_dataT(self, v): if self._mini_survey is not None: out = np.zeros(self._mini_survey.nD) # Need to use ufunc.at because there could be repeated indices # That need to be properly handled. np.add.at(out, self._invs[0], v) # AM np.subtract.at(out, self._invs[1], v[self._dipoles[0]]) # AN np.subtract.at(out, self._invs[2], v[self._dipoles[1]]) # BM np.add.at(out, self._invs[3], v[self._dipoles[0] & self._dipoles[1]]) # BN return out else: out = v return out class Simulation3DCellCentered(BaseDCSimulation): """ 3D cell centered DC problem """ _solutionType = "phiSolution" _formulation = "HJ" # CC potentials means J is on faces fieldsPair = Fields3DCellCentered bc_type = "Dirichlet" def __init__(self, mesh, **kwargs): BaseDCSimulation.__init__(self, mesh, **kwargs) self.setBC() def getA(self): """ Make the A matrix for the cell centered DC resistivity problem A = D MfRhoI G """ D = self.Div G = self.Grad MfRhoI = self.MfRhoI A = D @ MfRhoI @ G if self.bc_type == "Neumann": if self.verbose: print("Perturbing first row of A to remove nullspace for Neumann BC.") # Handling Null space of A I, J, V = sp.sparse.find(A[0, :]) for jj in J: A[0, jj] = 0.0 A[0, 0] = 1.0 return A def getADeriv(self, u, v, adjoint=False): D = self.Div G = self.Grad MfRhoIDeriv = self.MfRhoIDeriv if adjoint: return MfRhoIDeriv(G @ u, D.T @ v, adjoint) return D * (MfRhoIDeriv(G @ u, v, adjoint)) def getRHS(self): """ RHS for the DC problem q """ RHS = self.getSourceTerm() return RHS def getRHSDeriv(self, source, v, adjoint=False): """ Derivative of the right hand side with respect to the model """ # TODO: add qDeriv for RHS depending on m # qDeriv = source.evalDeriv(self, adjoint=adjoint) # return qDeriv return Zero() def setBC(self): if self.bc_type == "Dirichlet": if self.verbose: print( "Homogeneous Dirichlet is the natural BC for this CC discretization." ) self.Div = sdiag(self.mesh.vol) @ self.mesh.faceDiv self.Grad = self.Div.T else: if self.mesh._meshType == "TREE" and self.bc_type == "Neumann": raise NotImplementedError() if self.mesh.dim == 3: fxm, fxp, fym, fyp, fzm, fzp = self.mesh.faceBoundaryInd gBFxm = self.mesh.gridFx[fxm, :] gBFxp = self.mesh.gridFx[fxp, :] gBFym = self.mesh.gridFy[fym, :] gBFyp = self.mesh.gridFy[fyp, :] gBFzm = self.mesh.gridFz[fzm, :] gBFzp = self.mesh.gridFz[fzp, :] # Setup Mixed B.C (alpha, beta, gamma) temp_xm = np.ones_like(gBFxm[:, 0]) temp_xp = np.ones_like(gBFxp[:, 0]) temp_ym = np.ones_like(gBFym[:, 1]) temp_yp = np.ones_like(gBFyp[:, 1]) temp_zm = np.ones_like(gBFzm[:, 2]) temp_zp = np.ones_like(gBFzp[:, 2]) if self.bc_type == "Neumann": if self.verbose: print("Setting BC to Neumann.") alpha_xm, alpha_xp = temp_xm * 0.0, temp_xp * 0.0 alpha_ym, alpha_yp = temp_ym * 0.0, temp_yp * 0.0 alpha_zm, alpha_zp = temp_zm * 0.0, temp_zp * 0.0 beta_xm, beta_xp = temp_xm, temp_xp beta_ym, beta_yp = temp_ym, temp_yp beta_zm, beta_zp = temp_zm, temp_zp gamma_xm, gamma_xp = temp_xm * 0.0, temp_xp * 0.0 gamma_ym, gamma_yp = temp_ym * 0.0, temp_yp * 0.0 gamma_zm, gamma_zp = temp_zm * 0.0, temp_zp * 0.0 elif self.bc_type == "Dirichlet": if self.verbose: print("Setting BC to Dirichlet.") alpha_xm, alpha_xp = temp_xm, temp_xp alpha_ym, alpha_yp = temp_ym, temp_yp alpha_zm, alpha_zp = temp_zm, temp_zp beta_xm, beta_xp = temp_xm * 0, temp_xp * 0 beta_ym, beta_yp = temp_ym * 0, temp_yp * 0 beta_zm, beta_zp = temp_zm * 0, temp_zp * 0 gamma_xm, gamma_xp = temp_xm * 0.0, temp_xp * 0.0 gamma_ym, gamma_yp = temp_ym * 0.0, temp_yp * 0.0 gamma_zm, gamma_zp = temp_zm * 0.0, temp_zp * 0.0 elif self.bc_type == "Mixed": # Ztop: Neumann # Others: Mixed: alpha * phi + d phi dn = 0 # where alpha = 1 / r * dr/dn # (Dey and Morrison, 1979) # This assumes that the source is located at # (x_center, y_center_y, ztop) # TODO: Implement Zhang et al. (1995) xs = np.median(self.mesh.vectorCCx) ys = np.median(self.mesh.vectorCCy) zs = self.mesh.vectorCCz[-1] def r_boundary(x, y, z): return 1.0 / np.sqrt( (x - xs) ** 2 + (y - ys) ** 2 + (z - zs) ** 2 ) rxm = r_boundary(gBFxm[:, 0], gBFxm[:, 1], gBFxm[:, 2]) rxp = r_boundary(gBFxp[:, 0], gBFxp[:, 1], gBFxp[:, 2]) rym = r_boundary(gBFym[:, 0], gBFym[:, 1], gBFym[:, 2]) ryp = r_boundary(gBFyp[:, 0], gBFyp[:, 1], gBFyp[:, 2]) rzm = r_boundary(gBFzm[:, 0], gBFzm[:, 1], gBFzm[:, 2]) alpha_xm = (gBFxm[:, 0] - xs) / rxm ** 2 alpha_xp = (gBFxp[:, 0] - xs) / rxp ** 2 alpha_ym = (gBFym[:, 1] - ys) / rym ** 2 alpha_yp = (gBFyp[:, 1] - ys) / ryp ** 2 alpha_zm = (gBFzm[:, 2] - zs) / rzm ** 2 alpha_zp = temp_zp.copy() * 0.0 beta_xm, beta_xp = temp_xm * 1, temp_xp * 1 beta_ym, beta_yp = temp_ym * 1, temp_yp * 1 beta_zm, beta_zp = temp_zm * 1, temp_zp * 1 gamma_xm, gamma_xp = temp_xm * 0.0, temp_xp * 0.0 gamma_ym, gamma_yp = temp_ym * 0.0, temp_yp * 0.0 gamma_zm, gamma_zp = temp_zm * 0.0, temp_zp * 0.0 alpha = [alpha_xm, alpha_xp, alpha_ym, alpha_yp, alpha_zm, alpha_zp] beta = [beta_xm, beta_xp, beta_ym, beta_yp, beta_zm, beta_zp] gamma = [gamma_xm, gamma_xp, gamma_ym, gamma_yp, gamma_zm, gamma_zp] elif self.mesh.dim == 2: fxm, fxp, fym, fyp = self.mesh.faceBoundaryInd gBFxm = self.mesh.gridFx[fxm, :] gBFxp = self.mesh.gridFx[fxp, :] gBFym = self.mesh.gridFy[fym, :] gBFyp = self.mesh.gridFy[fyp, :] # Setup Mixed B.C (alpha, beta, gamma) temp_xm = np.ones_like(gBFxm[:, 0]) temp_xp = np.ones_like(gBFxp[:, 0]) temp_ym = np.ones_like(gBFym[:, 1]) temp_yp = np.ones_like(gBFyp[:, 1]) alpha_xm, alpha_xp = temp_xm * 0.0, temp_xp * 0.0 alpha_ym, alpha_yp = temp_ym * 0.0, temp_yp * 0.0 beta_xm, beta_xp = temp_xm, temp_xp beta_ym, beta_yp = temp_ym, temp_yp gamma_xm, gamma_xp = temp_xm * 0.0, temp_xp * 0.0 gamma_ym, gamma_yp = temp_ym * 0.0, temp_yp * 0.0 alpha = [alpha_xm, alpha_xp, alpha_ym, alpha_yp] beta = [beta_xm, beta_xp, beta_ym, beta_yp] gamma = [gamma_xm, gamma_xp, gamma_ym, gamma_yp] x_BC, y_BC = getxBCyBC_CC(self.mesh, alpha, beta, gamma) V = self.Vol self.Div = V * self.mesh.faceDiv P_BC, B = self.mesh.getBCProjWF_simple() M = B * self.mesh.aveCC2F self.Grad = self.Div.T - P_BC * sdiag(y_BC) * M class Simulation3DNodal(BaseDCSimulation): """ 3D nodal DC problem """ _solutionType = "phiSolution" _formulation = "EB" # N potentials means B is on faces fieldsPair = Fields3DNodal def __init__(self, mesh, **kwargs): BaseDCSimulation.__init__(self, mesh, **kwargs) # Not sure why I need to do this # To evaluate mesh.aveE2CC, this is required.... if mesh._meshType == "TREE": mesh.nodalGrad def getA(self): """ Make the A matrix for the cell centered DC resistivity problem A = G.T MeSigma G """ MeSigma = self.MeSigma Grad = self.mesh.nodalGrad A = Grad.T @ MeSigma @ Grad # Handling Null space of A I, J, V = sp.sparse.find(A[0, :]) for jj in J: A[0, jj] = 0.0 A[0, 0] = 1.0 return A def getADeriv(self, u, v, adjoint=False): """ Product of the derivative of our system matrix with respect to the model and a vector """ Grad = self.mesh.nodalGrad if not adjoint: return Grad.T @ self.MeSigmaDeriv(Grad @ u, v, adjoint) elif adjoint: return self.MeSigmaDeriv(Grad @ u, Grad @ v, adjoint) def getRHS(self): """ RHS for the DC problem q """ RHS = self.getSourceTerm() return RHS def getRHSDeriv(self, source, v, adjoint=False): """ Derivative of the right hand side with respect to the model """ # TODO: add qDeriv for RHS depending on m # qDeriv = source.evalDeriv(self, adjoint=adjoint) # return qDeriv return Zero() Simulation3DCellCentred = Simulation3DCellCentered # UK and US! ############ # Deprecated ############ @deprecate_class(removal_version="0.15.0") class Problem3D_N(Simulation3DNodal): pass @deprecate_class(removal_version="0.15.0") class Problem3D_CC(Simulation3DCellCentered): pass
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\documentclass[runningheads]{llncs} % \usepackage{graphicx} % Used for displaying a sample figure. If possible, figure files should % be included in EPS format. \graphicspath{ {../plots/} } \usepackage{calc} % state diagrams \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{automata, arrows, positioning} \tikzset{ initial text={}, ->, % makes the edges directed every state/.style={rectangle, thick, text width=5em, align=center, scale=1} % sets the properties for each ’state’ node } % tables \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{hyperref} % If you use the hyperref package, please uncomment the following line % to display URLs in blue roman font according to Springer's eBook style: \renewcommand\UrlFont{\color{blue}\rmfamily} % references \usepackage[numbers,sort]{natbib} % quotation \usepackage{dirtytalk} \begin{document} % \title{Localised Reputation in the Prisoner's Dilemma} %Spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma: \\ %Keep your enemies closer and be loud about it} % %\titlerunning{Abbreviated paper title} % If the paper title is too long for the running head, you can set % an abbreviated paper title here % \author{ Martin Toman \and Neil Yorke-Smith\orcidID{0000-0002-1814-3515}\\\email{[email protected]} } % \authorrunning{M. Toman, N. Yorke-Smith} % First names are abbreviated in the running head. % If there are more than two authors, 'et al.' is used. % \institute{Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands} % \maketitle % typeset the header of the contribution % % % \begin{abstract} Under what conditions can cooperation emerge and be sustained? Previous studies abstract cooperation and defection using the spatial Prisoner's Dilemma (PD) game. %We build a computer simulation of a multi-agent spatial environment using Prisoner's Dilemma as the principal agent interaction. We study a local reputation mechanism in which agents can remember defectors, abstain from interacting with them, and warn nearby agents. %---local reputation of each agent is created. Simulations find that local reputation is effective in sustaining cooperation and punishing defection. Further, we find that the size of agent memory and amount of gossip are not significant factors, provided the locality range of gossip is greater than the agent movement speed. % %\keywords{First keyword \and Second keyword \and Another keyword.} \end{abstract} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Motivation and Experimental Design} %\section{Related Work \& Motivation} Reputation systems strongly boost cooperation in spatial exchange games such as spatial PD \cite{simple-reputation, dong-reputation}. Similarly, allowing game participants to pass information, either directly \cite{cooperation-communication} or indirectly \cite{public-private-monitoring}, increases the rate of cooperation. We aim to explore the limits of local reputation---built up via gossip---in promoting and sustaining cooperation. % in Spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma and under what parameters does it yield optimal results. % % % %\section{Methodology} %We build a computer simulation \cite{smaldino} in Python using the Mesa\footnote{\url{https://github.com/projectmesa/mesa}} framework; the complete source is available online (\url{https://github.com/tinybeachthor/IPD}). % Agent's behaviour is defined by the finite state diagram shown in Figure~\ref{fig:agent_behaviour}. We expand over prior work \cite{smaldino} %the model by giving agents a (limited size) memory to keep track of defectors and to allow them to share this information by gossiping with other agents in a certain range. \begin{figure}[tb] \centering \begin{tikzpicture} [align=center, node distance=3cm, on grid] \node[state, initial] (find_opponent) {Find Opponent?}; \node[state, below= 1.5cm of find_opponent] (play) {Play PD Game}; \node[state, right of=play] (reproduce) {Attempt to Reproduce}; \node[state, right of=find_opponent] (move) {Attempt Movement}; \node[state, right of=move] (cost) {Pay Cost of Living}; \node[state, below= 1.5cm of cost] (energy) {Energy $\le 0$?}; \node[state, accepting, right of=energy] (die) {Die}; \node[state, accepting, above= 1.5cm of die] (end) {End Turn}; \draw (find_opponent) edge[left] node{Yes} (play) (find_opponent) edge[above] node{No} (move) (play) edge[] node{} (reproduce) (reproduce) edge[] node{} (cost) (move) edge[] node{} (cost) (cost) edge[] node{} (energy) (energy) edge[below] node{No} (end) (energy) edge[below] node{Yes} (die) ; \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Agent behaviour diagram: showing the decision flow of an agent's single turn} \label{fig:agent_behaviour} \end{figure} %When running the simulation, we observe the saturation of cooperator and defector populations; we also record characteristic patterns \cite{spatial-patterns} formed by the populations as influenced by different parameters. %These patterns are very similar to patterns occurring in nature, which are often created by reaction--diffusion processes. % % \section{Results and Discussion} We allow agents to remember the 5 most recent defectors and to ask nearby agents in a Moore neighbourhood of radius 1, 2, and 3 if they remember an agent defecting in a certain number of past encounters---varying between $0$ and $5$ (including both bounds). We run the simulation for 1000 steps and plot the agent type saturations in Figure~\ref{fig:agent_sat/gossip_size_step1000}. \begin{figure}[tb] \centering \makebox[\textwidth]{ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{saturation&gossip_size-range1_1000steps_large.pdf} } \makebox[\textwidth]{ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{saturation&gossip_size-range2_1000steps_large.pdf} } \makebox[\textwidth]{ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{saturation&gossip_size-range3_1000steps_large.pdf} } \caption{Agent type saturation for various gossip sizes after 1000 steps, gossip radii 1, 2, and 3, respectively top to bottom; std.\@ dev.\@ of 30 simulation runs, outliers removed} \label{fig:agent_sat/gossip_size_step1000} \end{figure} The introduction of gossip is a strong deterrent of defection and quickly leads to cooperator--only populations. The size of the memory and the size of the gossip are not significant factors, only speeding up the convergence slightly. %The most important factor in predicting cooperator success is the range of the gossip. %\begin{figure}[!hb] % \centering % \textbf{Baseline:} Memory size 0 - Gossip size 0 - Gossip range 0 % \makebox[\textwidth]{ % \includegraphics[width=\textwidth/4]{spatial-memory0+gossip0+range0.pdf} % \includegraphics[width=\textwidth/4]{spatial-memory0+gossip0+range0-B.pdf} % \includegraphics[width=\textwidth/4]{spatial-memory0+gossip0+range0-C.pdf} % } % \textbf{Final:} Memory size 1 - Gossip size 1 - Gossip range 3 % \makebox[\textwidth]{ % \includegraphics[width=\textwidth/4]{spatial-memory1+gossip1+range3-A.pdf} % \includegraphics[width=\textwidth/4]{spatial-memory1+gossip1+range3-B.pdf} % \includegraphics[width=\textwidth/4]{spatial-memory1+gossip1+range3-C.pdf} % } % \caption{Spatial patterns formed by agents after simulating for 500 steps, defectors shown in red, cooperators green, empty cells light-yellow} % \label{fig:spatial} %\end{figure} %We include images of the spatial patterns formed by the simulations in Figure~\ref{fig:spatial}. %Since the model has an inspiration in biology this is an interesting visualization to include. %\section{Conclusion} Our simulation results find that the most important factor in predicting cooperator success is the range at which gossip can be exchanged; the amount of information included in the gossip has negligible effect. If the gossip can move faster than agents, cooperators will flourish. Otherwise, defectors can reach full population saturation. %The best way to ensure cooperation (and survival of a population) is to keep your enemies close and be loud about it. The louder the better. % future work Several directions can build on our results. %Our simulation setup was limited in representing real world conditions. Notably, we assumed all information is transferred with 100\% fidelity. However, not all strategies that perform well in noiseless environments can do so under the presence of noise~\cite{noise}. The gossip mechanism could turn out to be disadvantageous if the agent behaviour was unpredictable enough, since it would deter more cooperator--cooperator interactions. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ---- Bibliography ---- % \renewcommand{\bibsection}{\section*{References}} % required for natbib to have "References" printed and as section*, not chapter* \bibliographystyle{splncs04} \bibliography{references} \end{document}
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import numpy as np from pennpaper import Metric, plot_group xs = np.arange(0.1, 5, step=0.01) uni_noise = lambda x: np.random.uniform(size=x.shape) + x funcs = {} funcs['uniform'] = lambda x: np.random.uniform(size=x.shape) + x funcs['weibull'] = lambda x: np.random.weibull(a=1, size=x.shape) + x funcs['beta'] = lambda x: np.random.beta(a=1, b=1, size=x.shape) + x metrics = [] for name, f in funcs.items(): m = Metric(name=name) for i in range(100): m.add_arrays(uni_noise(xs), f(xs), new_sample=True) metrics.append(m) plot_group(metrics) plot_group(metrics, name='true', smoothen=False)
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import numpy as np import random import os import json import mxnet as mx from mxnet import gluon import argparse import logging import time from gluonnlp.utils.misc import logging_config from gluonnlp.models.transformer import TransformerModel, TransformerInference from gluonnlp.data.batchify import Tuple, Pad, Stack from gluonnlp.data.filtering import MosesNormalizer from gluonnlp.data import tokenizers from gluonnlp.data.tokenizers import huggingface from gluonnlp.sequence_sampler import BeamSearchSampler, BeamSearchScorer import sacrebleu from tqdm import tqdm mx.npx.set_np() def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Transformer for Neural Machine Translation. Load a checkpoint and inference.') parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=100, help='The random seed.') parser.add_argument('--src_lang', type=str, default='en', help='Source language') parser.add_argument('--tgt_lang', type=str, default='de', help='Target language') parser.add_argument('--src_corpus', type=str, required=True, help='The source corpus for evaluation.') parser.add_argument('--tgt_corpus', type=str, default=None, help='The target corpus for evaluation.') parser.add_argument('--src_normalizer', choices=['no', 'moses'], default='moses', help='The sentence normalizer that will be ' 'used to normalize the source sentence.') parser.add_argument('--src_base_tokenizer', choices=['whitespace', 'moses', 'no'], default='moses', help='The base tokenizer to tokenize the target ' 'sentence into a list of tokens.') parser.add_argument('--src_tokenizer', choices=['spm', 'subword_nmt', 'yttm', 'hf_bytebpe', 'hf_wordpiece', 'hf_bpe'], required=True, type=str, help='The source subword tokenizer. ' 'Only supports online encoding at present.') parser.add_argument('--tgt_normalizer', choices=['no', 'moses'], default='moses', help='The sentence normalizer that will be ' 'used to normalize the target sentence.') parser.add_argument('--tgt_base_tokenizer', choices=['whitespace', 'moses', 'no'], default='moses', help='The base tokenizer to tokenize the source ' 'sentence into a list of tokens.') parser.add_argument('--tgt_tokenizer', choices=['spm', 'subword_nmt', 'yttm', 'hf_bytebpe', 'hf_wordpiece', 'hf_bpe'], required=True, type=str, help='The target tokenizer. Only supports online encoding at present.') parser.add_argument('--src_subword_model_path', type=str, help='Path to the source subword model.') parser.add_argument('--src_vocab_path', type=str, help='Path to the source subword vocab.') parser.add_argument('--tgt_subword_model_path', type=str, help='Path to the target subword model.') parser.add_argument('--tgt_vocab_path', type=str, help='Path to the target subword vocab.') parser.add_argument('--src_max_len', type=int, default=None, help='Maximum length of the source sentence.') parser.add_argument('--tgt_max_len', type=int, default=None, help='Maximum length of the target sentence.') parser.add_argument('--cfg', type=str, help='Config file of the Transformer model.') parser.add_argument('--beam-size', type=int, default=4, help='Number of beams') parser.add_argument('--lp_alpha', type=float, default=0.6, help='The alpha value in the length penalty') parser.add_argument('--lp_k', type=int, default=5, help='The K value in the length penalty') parser.add_argument('--max_length_a', type=int, default=1, help='The a in the a * x + b formula of beam search') parser.add_argument('--max_length_b', type=int, default=50, help='The b in the a * x + b formula of beam search') parser.add_argument('--param_path', type=str, help='The path to the model parameters.') parser.add_argument('--gpus', type=str, default='0', help='List of gpus to run, e.g. 0 or 0,2,5. empty means using cpu.' '(using single gpu is suggested)') parser.add_argument('--save_dir', type=str, default=None, help='The path to save the log files and predictions.') parser.add_argument('--stochastic', action='store_true', help='Whether to use the stochastic beam search') parser.add_argument('--temperature', type=float, default=None, help='the temperature used for softmax normalization with stochastic setting') parser.add_argument('--inference', action='store_true', help='Whether to inference with your own data, ' 'when applying inference, tgt_corpus is not needed and will be set to None.') parser.add_argument('--fp16', action='store_true', help='Whether to use dtype float16') args = parser.parse_args() if args.save_dir is None: args.save_dir = os.path.splitext(args.param_path)[0] + '_evaluation' assert args.inference or args.tgt_corpus, 'requring --tgt_corpus while not using --inference' if args.inference: args.tgt_corpus = None if args.stochastic: if args.temperature is None: args.temperature = 0.5 logging_config(args.save_dir, console=True) logging.info(args) return args def process_corpus(corpus_path, sentence_normalizer, bpe_tokenizer, base_tokenizer=None, add_bos=True, add_eos=True): processed_token_ids = [] raw_lines = [] with open(corpus_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() raw_lines.append(line) line = sentence_normalizer(line) if base_tokenizer is not None: line = ' '.join(base_tokenizer.encode(line)) bpe_token_ids = bpe_tokenizer.encode(line, output_type=int) if add_bos: bpe_token_ids = [bpe_tokenizer.vocab.bos_id] + bpe_token_ids if add_eos: bpe_token_ids.append(bpe_tokenizer.vocab.eos_id) processed_token_ids.append(bpe_token_ids) return processed_token_ids, raw_lines def create_tokenizer(tokenizer_type, model_path, vocab_path): if tokenizer_type == 'spm': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, model_path=model_path, vocab=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'subword_nmt': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, model_path=model_path, vocab=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'yttm': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, model_path=model_path, vocab=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type in ['hf_bytebpe', 'hf_wordpiece', 'hf_bpe']: if huggingface.is_new_version_model_file(model_path): return tokenizers.create('hf_tokenizer', model_path=model_path, vocab=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'hf_bytebpe': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, merges_file=model_path, vocab_file=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'hf_wordpiece': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, vocab_file=vocab_path) elif tokenizer_type == 'hf_bpe': return tokenizers.create(tokenizer_type, merges_file=model_path, vocab_file=vocab_path) else: raise NotImplementedError def get_normalizer(normalize_method, lang): if normalize_method == 'moses': return MosesNormalizer(lang) elif normalize_method == 'no': return lambda x: x else: raise NotImplementedError def get_base_tokenizer(method, lang): """The base tokenization method Parameters ---------- method lang Returns ------- """ if method == 'moses': return tokenizers.create('moses', lang) elif method == 'whitespace': return tokenizers.create('whitespace') elif method == 'no': return None else: raise NotImplementedError def evaluate(args): ctx_l = [mx.cpu()] if args.gpus is None or args.gpus == '' else [mx.gpu(int(x)) for x in args.gpus.split(',')] src_normalizer = get_normalizer(args.src_normalizer, args.src_lang) tgt_normalizer = get_normalizer(args.src_normalizer, args.tgt_lang) base_src_tokenizer = get_base_tokenizer(args.src_base_tokenizer, args.src_lang) base_tgt_tokenizer = get_base_tokenizer(args.tgt_base_tokenizer, args.tgt_lang) src_tokenizer = create_tokenizer(args.src_tokenizer, args.src_subword_model_path, args.src_vocab_path) tgt_tokenizer = create_tokenizer(args.tgt_tokenizer, args.tgt_subword_model_path, args.tgt_vocab_path) src_vocab = src_tokenizer.vocab tgt_vocab = tgt_tokenizer.vocab if args.cfg.endswith('.yml'): cfg = TransformerModel.get_cfg().clone_merge(args.cfg) else: cfg = TransformerModel.get_cfg(args.cfg) cfg.defrost() cfg.MODEL.src_vocab_size = len(src_vocab) cfg.MODEL.tgt_vocab_size = len(tgt_vocab) if args.fp16: cfg.MODEL.dtype = 'float16' cfg.freeze() model = TransformerModel.from_cfg(cfg) model.cast('float16') model.hybridize() model.load_parameters(args.param_path, ctx=ctx_l, cast_dtype=True) inference_model = TransformerInference(model=model) inference_model.hybridize() # Construct the BeamSearchSampler if args.stochastic: scorer = BeamSearchScorer(alpha=0.0, K=0.0, temperature=args.temperature, from_logits=False) else: scorer = BeamSearchScorer(alpha=args.lp_alpha, K=args.lp_k, from_logits=False) beam_search_sampler = BeamSearchSampler(beam_size=args.beam_size, decoder=inference_model, vocab_size=len(tgt_vocab), eos_id=tgt_vocab.eos_id, scorer=scorer, stochastic=args.stochastic, max_length_a=args.max_length_a, max_length_b=args.max_length_b) logging.info(beam_search_sampler) all_src_token_ids, all_src_lines = process_corpus( args.src_corpus, sentence_normalizer=src_normalizer, base_tokenizer=base_src_tokenizer, bpe_tokenizer=src_tokenizer, add_bos=False, add_eos=True ) if args.tgt_corpus is not None: all_tgt_token_ids, all_tgt_lines = process_corpus( args.tgt_corpus, sentence_normalizer=tgt_normalizer, base_tokenizer=base_tgt_tokenizer, bpe_tokenizer=tgt_tokenizer, add_bos=True, add_eos=True ) else: # when applying inference, populate the fake tgt tokens all_tgt_token_ids = all_tgt_lines = [[] for i in range(len(all_src_token_ids))] test_dataloader = gluon.data.DataLoader( list(zip(all_src_token_ids, [len(ele) for ele in all_src_token_ids], all_tgt_token_ids, [len(ele) for ele in all_tgt_token_ids])), batch_size=32, batchify_fn=Tuple(Pad(), Stack(), Pad(), Stack()), shuffle=False) ctx = ctx_l[0] pred_sentences = [] start_eval_time = time.time() # evaluate if not args.inference: avg_nll_loss = 0 ntokens = 0 for i, (src_token_ids, src_valid_length, tgt_token_ids, tgt_valid_length)\ in enumerate(test_dataloader): src_token_ids = mx.np.array(src_token_ids, ctx=ctx, dtype=np.int32) src_valid_length = mx.np.array(src_valid_length, ctx=ctx, dtype=np.int32) tgt_token_ids = mx.np.array(tgt_token_ids, ctx=ctx, dtype=np.int32) tgt_valid_length = mx.np.array(tgt_valid_length, ctx=ctx, dtype=np.int32) if model.layout == 'NT': tgt_pred = model(src_token_ids, src_valid_length, tgt_token_ids[:, :-1], tgt_valid_length - 1) pred_logits = mx.npx.log_softmax(tgt_pred, axis=-1) nll = - mx.npx.pick(pred_logits, tgt_token_ids[:, 1:]) avg_nll_loss += mx.npx.sequence_mask(nll, sequence_length=tgt_valid_length - 1, use_sequence_length=True, axis=1).sum().asnumpy() elif model.layout == 'TN': tgt_pred = model(src_token_ids.T, src_valid_length, tgt_token_ids.T[:-1, :], tgt_valid_length - 1) pred_logits = mx.npx.log_softmax(tgt_pred, axis=-1) nll = - mx.npx.pick(pred_logits, tgt_token_ids.T[1:, :]) avg_nll_loss += mx.npx.sequence_mask(nll, sequence_length=tgt_valid_length - 1, use_sequence_length=True, axis=0).sum().asnumpy() else: raise NotImplementedError ntokens += int((tgt_valid_length - 1).sum().asnumpy()) init_input = mx.np.array([tgt_vocab.bos_id for _ in range(src_token_ids.shape[0])], ctx=ctx) if model.layout == 'NT': states = inference_model.init_states(src_token_ids, src_valid_length) elif model.layout == 'TN': states = inference_model.init_states(src_token_ids.T, src_valid_length) else: raise NotImplementedError samples, scores, valid_length = beam_search_sampler(init_input, states, src_valid_length) for j in range(samples.shape[0]): pred_tok_ids = samples[j, 0, :valid_length[j, 0].asnumpy()].asnumpy().tolist() bpe_decode_line = tgt_tokenizer.decode(pred_tok_ids[1:-1]) pred_sentence = base_tgt_tokenizer.decode(bpe_decode_line.split(' ')) pred_sentences.append(pred_sentence) print(pred_sentence) print('Processed {}/{}'.format(len(pred_sentences), len(all_tgt_lines))) end_eval_time = time.time() avg_nll_loss = avg_nll_loss / ntokens with open(os.path.join(args.save_dir, 'gt_sentences.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as of: of.write('\n'.join(all_tgt_lines)) of.write('\n') with open(os.path.join(args.save_dir, 'pred_sentences.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as of: of.write('\n'.join(pred_sentences)) of.write('\n') sacrebleu_out = sacrebleu.corpus_bleu(sys_stream=pred_sentences, ref_streams=[all_tgt_lines]) logging.info('Time Spent: {}, #Sent={}, SacreBlEU={} ' '({:2.1f} {:2.1f} {:2.1f} {:2.1f}) ' '(BP={:.3f}, ratio={:.3f}, syslen={}, reflen={}), ' 'Avg NLL={}, Perplexity={}' .format(end_eval_time - start_eval_time, len(all_tgt_lines), sacrebleu_out.score, *sacrebleu_out.precisions, sacrebleu_out.bp, sacrebleu_out.sys_len / sacrebleu_out.ref_len, sacrebleu_out.sys_len, sacrebleu_out.ref_len, avg_nll_loss, np.exp(avg_nll_loss))) results = {'sacrebleu': sacrebleu_out.score, 'nll': avg_nll_loss} with open(os.path.join(args.save_dir, 'results.json'), 'w') as of: json.dump(results, of) # inference only else: with open(os.path.join(args.save_dir, 'pred_sentences.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as of: processed_sentences = 0 for src_token_ids, src_valid_length, _, _ in tqdm(test_dataloader): src_token_ids = mx.np.array(src_token_ids, ctx=ctx, dtype=np.int32) src_valid_length = mx.np.array(src_valid_length, ctx=ctx, dtype=np.int32) init_input = mx.np.array([tgt_vocab.bos_id for _ in range(src_token_ids.shape[0])], ctx=ctx) if model.layout == 'NT': states = inference_model.init_states(src_token_ids, src_valid_length) elif model.layout == 'TN': states = inference_model.init_states(src_token_ids.T, src_valid_length) else: raise NotImplementedError samples, scores, valid_length = beam_search_sampler(init_input, states, src_valid_length) for j in range(samples.shape[0]): pred_tok_ids = samples[j, 0, :valid_length[j, 0].asnumpy()].asnumpy().tolist() bpe_decode_line = tgt_tokenizer.decode(pred_tok_ids[1:-1]) pred_sentence = base_tgt_tokenizer.decode(bpe_decode_line.split(' ')) pred_sentences.append(pred_sentence) of.write('\n'.join(pred_sentences)) of.write('\n') processed_sentences += len(pred_sentences) pred_sentences = [] end_eval_time = time.time() logging.info('Time Spent: {}, Inferred sentences: {}' .format(end_eval_time - start_eval_time, processed_sentences)) if __name__ == '__main__': os.environ['MXNET_GPU_MEM_POOL_TYPE'] = 'Round' args = parse_args() np.random.seed(args.seed) mx.random.seed(args.seed) random.seed(args.seed) evaluate(args)
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import gensim, time, os os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2' import numpy as np import pandas as pd import gensim import string, nltk from nltk import word_tokenize import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow.keras as tfk from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Embedding, Flatten, GRU, LSTM from tensorflow.keras.initializers import Constant from keras_preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split EMBEDDING_DIM = 128 # Tokenize the data in order to be used by both the Word2Vec model and the Tokenizer() def getreviewLine(data): reviewLines = list() tokens = word_tokenize(data) reviewLines.append(tokens) return reviewLines # Function to create weight matrix from word2vec gensim model def get_weight_matrix(model, vocab): vocab_size = len(vocab) + 1 weight_matrix = np.zeros((vocab_size, EMBEDDING_DIM)) print(f"The weight matrix initialy is {weight_matrix}") # step vocab, store vectors using the Tokenizer's integer mapping for word, i in vocab.items(): weight_matrix[i] = model[word] return weight_matrix data = "in fake news detection we detect the fake news" reviewLines = getreviewLine(data) # Initialize the Word2Vec model and save the model to use it in the first layer of the NN word2vecSteps = gensim.models.Word2Vec(sentences=reviewLines, size=EMBEDDING_DIM, window=5, min_count=1) filename = 'word2vecSteps.txt' word2vecSteps.wv.save_word2vec_format(filename, binary=False) # Now we convert the word embedding to tokenized vector tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words=60000) tokenizer.fit_on_texts(reviewLines) sequences = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(reviewLines) wordIndex = tokenizer.word_index reviewData = pad_sequences(sequences, maxlen=20, padding='post') vocabSize = len(tokenizer.word_index) + 1 # Plus one for all the unknown words #Getting embedding vectors from word2vec and usings it as weights of non-trainable keras embedding layer embedding_vectors = get_weight_matrix(word2vecSteps, wordIndex) # Print the results print('\n\n') print(f"The result of the getReviewLine is: {reviewLines}") print('\n\n') print(f"The result of the Tokenizer is this sequence: {sequences}") print('\n\n') print(f"The word index is the following: {wordIndex}") print('\n\n') print(f"The vocabulary size we are going to use is {vocabSize}") print('\n\n') print(f"The data that we insert to the model for the training are: {reviewData}") print('\n\n') print(f"The weights we use in teh input layer are {embedding_vectors}")
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[GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 c : E f : ContDiffBump c ⊢ 1 < f.rOut / f.rIn [PROOFSTEP] rw [one_lt_div f.rIn_pos] [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 c : E f : ContDiffBump c ⊢ f.rIn < f.rOut [PROOFSTEP] exact f.rIn_lt_rOut [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c : E f : ContDiffBump c x✝ : E n : ℕ∞ x : E ⊢ ↑f (c - x) = ↑f (c + x) [PROOFSTEP] simp [f.apply, ContDiffBumpBase.symmetric] [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c : E f✝ : ContDiffBump c x✝ : E n : ℕ∞ f : ContDiffBump 0 x : E ⊢ ↑f (-x) = ↑f x [PROOFSTEP] simp_rw [← zero_sub, f.sub, zero_add] [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c : E f : ContDiffBump c x : E n : ℕ∞ hx : x ∈ closedBall c f.rIn ⊢ ↑f x = 1 [PROOFSTEP] apply ContDiffBumpBase.eq_one _ _ f.one_lt_rOut_div_rIn [GOAL] case a E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c : E f : ContDiffBump c x : E n : ℕ∞ hx : x ∈ closedBall c f.rIn ⊢ ‖(fun x => f.rIn⁻¹ • (x - c)) x‖ ≤ 1 [PROOFSTEP] simpa only [norm_smul, Real.norm_eq_abs, abs_inv, abs_of_nonneg f.rIn_pos.le, ← div_eq_inv_mul, div_le_one f.rIn_pos] using mem_closedBall_iff_norm.1 hx [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c : E f : ContDiffBump c x : E n : ℕ∞ ⊢ support ↑f = ball c f.rOut [PROOFSTEP] simp only [toFun, support_comp_eq_preimage, ContDiffBumpBase.support _ _ f.one_lt_rOut_div_rIn] [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c : E f : ContDiffBump c x : E n : ℕ∞ ⊢ (fun x => f.rIn⁻¹ • (x - c)) ⁻¹' ball 0 (f.rOut / f.rIn) = ball c f.rOut [PROOFSTEP] ext x [GOAL] case h E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c : E f : ContDiffBump c x✝ : E n : ℕ∞ x : E ⊢ x ∈ (fun x => f.rIn⁻¹ • (x - c)) ⁻¹' ball 0 (f.rOut / f.rIn) ↔ x ∈ ball c f.rOut [PROOFSTEP] simp only [mem_ball_iff_norm, sub_zero, norm_smul, mem_preimage, Real.norm_eq_abs, abs_inv, abs_of_pos f.rIn_pos, ← div_eq_inv_mul, div_lt_div_right f.rIn_pos] [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c : E f : ContDiffBump c x : E n : ℕ∞ ⊢ tsupport ↑f = closedBall c f.rOut [PROOFSTEP] simp_rw [tsupport, f.support_eq, closure_ball _ f.rOut_pos.ne'] [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c : E f : ContDiffBump c x : E n : ℕ∞ hx : x ∈ ball c f.rOut ⊢ ↑f x ≠ 0 [PROOFSTEP] rwa [← support_eq, mem_support] at hx [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c : E f : ContDiffBump c x : E n : ℕ∞ hx : f.rOut ≤ dist x c ⊢ ↑f x = 0 [PROOFSTEP] rwa [← nmem_support, support_eq, mem_ball, not_lt] [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁵ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝⁴ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝³ : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝² : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝¹ : HasContDiffBump E c : E f : ContDiffBump c x : E n : ℕ∞ inst✝ : FiniteDimensional ℝ E ⊢ HasCompactSupport ↑f [PROOFSTEP] simp_rw [HasCompactSupport, f.tsupport_eq, isCompact_closedBall] [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c✝ : E f✝ : ContDiffBump c✝ x✝ : E n : ℕ∞ c g : X → E s : Set X f : (x : X) → ContDiffBump (c x) x : X hc : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n c s x hr : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n (fun x => (f x).rIn) s x hR : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n (fun x => (f x).rOut) s x hg : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n g s x ⊢ ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n (fun x => ↑(f x) (g x)) s x [PROOFSTEP] change ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n (uncurry (someContDiffBumpBase E).toFun ∘ fun x : X => ((f x).rOut / (f x).rIn, (f x).rIn⁻¹ • (g x - c x))) s x [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c✝ : E f✝ : ContDiffBump c✝ x✝ : E n : ℕ∞ c g : X → E s : Set X f : (x : X) → ContDiffBump (c x) x : X hc : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n c s x hr : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n (fun x => (f x).rIn) s x hR : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n (fun x => (f x).rOut) s x hg : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n g s x ⊢ ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n (uncurry (someContDiffBumpBase E).toFun ∘ fun x => ((f x).rOut / (f x).rIn, (f x).rIn⁻¹ • (g x - c x))) s x [PROOFSTEP] refine (((someContDiffBumpBase E).smooth.contDiffAt ?_).of_le le_top).comp_contDiffWithinAt x ?_ [GOAL] case refine_1 E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c✝ : E f✝ : ContDiffBump c✝ x✝ : E n : ℕ∞ c g : X → E s : Set X f : (x : X) → ContDiffBump (c x) x : X hc : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n c s x hr : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n (fun x => (f x).rIn) s x hR : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n (fun x => (f x).rOut) s x hg : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n g s x ⊢ Ioi 1 ×ˢ univ ∈ 𝓝 ((f x).rOut / (f x).rIn, (f x).rIn⁻¹ • (g x - c x)) [PROOFSTEP] exact prod_mem_nhds (Ioi_mem_nhds (f x).one_lt_rOut_div_rIn) univ_mem [GOAL] case refine_2 E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c✝ : E f✝ : ContDiffBump c✝ x✝ : E n : ℕ∞ c g : X → E s : Set X f : (x : X) → ContDiffBump (c x) x : X hc : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n c s x hr : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n (fun x => (f x).rIn) s x hR : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n (fun x => (f x).rOut) s x hg : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n g s x ⊢ ContDiffWithinAt ℝ n (fun x => ((f x).rOut / (f x).rIn, (f x).rIn⁻¹ • (g x - c x))) s x [PROOFSTEP] exact (hR.div hr (f x).rIn_pos.ne').prod ((hr.inv (f x).rIn_pos.ne').smul (hg.sub hc)) [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c✝ : E f✝ : ContDiffBump c✝ x : E n : ℕ∞ c g : X → E f : (x : X) → ContDiffBump (c x) hc : ContDiff ℝ n c hr : ContDiff ℝ n fun x => (f x).rIn hR : ContDiff ℝ n fun x => (f x).rOut hg : ContDiff ℝ n g ⊢ ContDiff ℝ n fun x => ↑(f x) (g x) [PROOFSTEP] rw [contDiff_iff_contDiffAt] at * [GOAL] E : Type u_1 X : Type u_2 inst✝⁴ : NormedAddCommGroup E inst✝³ : NormedSpace ℝ E inst✝² : NormedAddCommGroup X inst✝¹ : NormedSpace ℝ X inst✝ : HasContDiffBump E c✝ : E f✝ : ContDiffBump c✝ x : E n : ℕ∞ c g : X → E f : (x : X) → ContDiffBump (c x) hc : ∀ (x : X), ContDiffAt ℝ n c x hr : ∀ (x : X), ContDiffAt ℝ n (fun x => (f x).rIn) x hR : ∀ (x : X), ContDiffAt ℝ n (fun x => (f x).rOut) x hg : ∀ (x : X), ContDiffAt ℝ n g x ⊢ ∀ (x : X), ContDiffAt ℝ n (fun x => ↑(f x) (g x)) x [PROOFSTEP] exact fun x => (hc x).contDiffBump (hr x) (hR x) (hg x)
{"mathlib_filename": "Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.BumpFunction.Basic", "llama_tokens": 3895}
!subroutine mpas_initialize_vectors(meshPool)!{{{ subroutine mpas_initialize_vectors(nCells, nEdges, maxEdges, R3, & verticesOnEdge, cellsOnEdge, & edgesOnCell, xCell, yCell, zCell, xEdge, yEdge, zEdge, & localVerticalUnitVectors, edgeNormalVectors, cellTangentPlane, & on_a_sphere, is_periodic, x_period, y_period) implicit none integer, parameter :: RKIND = selected_real_kind(12) integer :: nCells, nEdges, maxEdges, R3 integer, dimension(2, nEdges) :: verticesOnEdge, cellsOnEdge integer, dimension(maxEdges, nCells) :: edgesOnCell real(kind=RKIND), dimension(nCells) :: xCell, yCell, zCell real(kind=RKIND), dimension(nEdges) :: xEdge, yEdge, zEdge real(kind=RKIND), dimension(R3,nCells) :: localVerticalUnitVectors real(kind=RKIND), dimension(R3,nEdges) :: edgeNormalVectors real(kind=RKIND), dimension(R3,2,nCells) :: cellTangentPlane logical :: on_a_sphere, is_periodic real(kind=RKIND) :: x_period, y_period !f2py intent(in) nCells, nEdges, maxEdges, R3 !f2py intent(in) verticesOnEdge, cellsOnEdge, edgesOnCell !f2py intent(in) xCell, yCell, zCell, xEdge, yEdge, zEdge !f2py intent(in) on_a_sphere, is_periodic, x_period, y_period !f2py intent(out) localVerticalUnitVectors, edgeNormalVectors, cellTangentPlane ! local variables integer :: iEdge, iCell, cell1, cell2 real(kind=RKIND) :: mpas_fix_periodicity real(kind=RKIND), dimension(3) :: xHatPlane, yHatPlane, rHat real(kind=RKIND) :: normalDotRHat ! init arrays edgeNormalVectors = 0 localVerticalUnitVectors = 0 ! loop over all cells to be solved on this block do iCell = 1, nCells if (on_a_sphere) then localVerticalUnitVectors(1,iCell) = xCell(iCell) localVerticalUnitVectors(2,iCell) = yCell(iCell) localVerticalUnitVectors(3,iCell) = zCell(iCell) call mpas_unit_vec_in_r3(localVerticalUnitVectors(:,iCell)) else ! on a plane localVerticalUnitVectors(:,iCell) = (/ 0., 0., 1. /) end if end do ! Initialize normal unit vectors at each edge ! These vectors point from cell to cell. ! At boundaries, one cell does not exist, so it points from cell to edge or from edge to cell. do iEdge = 1,nEdges cell1 = cellsOnEdge(1,iEdge) cell2 = cellsOnEdge(2,iEdge) if (cell1 == nCells+1) then ! this is a boundary edge ! the normal points from the edge location to the cell location if (is_periodic) then edgeNormalVectors(1,iEdge) = xCell(cell2) - mpas_fix_periodicity(xEdge(iEdge), xCell(cell2), x_period) edgeNormalVectors(2,iEdge) = yCell(cell2) - mpas_fix_periodicity(yEdge(iEdge), yCell(cell2), y_period) edgeNormalVectors(3,iEdge) = zCell(cell2) - zEdge(iEdge) else edgeNormalVectors(1,iEdge) = xCell(cell2) - xEdge(iEdge) edgeNormalVectors(2,iEdge) = yCell(cell2) - yEdge(iEdge) edgeNormalVectors(3,iEdge) = zCell(cell2) - zEdge(iEdge) end if else if (cell2 == nCells+1) then ! this is a boundary edge ! the normal points from the cell location to the edge location if (is_periodic) then edgeNormalVectors(1,iEdge) = mpas_fix_periodicity(xEdge(iEdge), xCell(cell1), x_period) - xCell(cell1) edgeNormalVectors(2,iEdge) = mpas_fix_periodicity(yEdge(iEdge), yCell(cell1), y_period) - yCell(cell1) edgeNormalVectors(3,iEdge) = zEdge(iEdge) - zCell(cell1) else edgeNormalVectors(1,iEdge) = xEdge(iEdge) - xCell(cell1) edgeNormalVectors(2,iEdge) = yEdge(iEdge) - yCell(cell1) edgeNormalVectors(3,iEdge) = zEdge(iEdge) - zCell(cell1) end if else ! this is not a boundary cell ! the normal points from the cell 1 to cell2 ! mrp problem: on periodic domains, vectors on edges of domain point the wrong way. if (is_periodic) then edgeNormalVectors(1,iEdge) = mpas_fix_periodicity(xCell(cell2), xCell(cell1), x_period) - xCell(cell1) edgeNormalVectors(2,iEdge) = mpas_fix_periodicity(yCell(cell2), yCell(cell1), y_period) - yCell(cell1) edgeNormalVectors(3,iEdge) = zCell(cell2) - zCell(cell1) else edgeNormalVectors(1,iEdge) = xCell(cell2) - xCell(cell1) edgeNormalVectors(2,iEdge) = yCell(cell2) - yCell(cell1) edgeNormalVectors(3,iEdge) = zCell(cell2) - zCell(cell1) end if end if call mpas_unit_vec_in_r3(edgeNormalVectors(:,iEdge)) end do do iCell=1,nCells iEdge = edgesOnCell(1,iCell) ! xHat and yHat are a local basis in the plane of the horizontal cell ! we arbitrarily choose xHat to point toward the first edge rHat = localVerticalUnitVectors(:,iCell) normalDotRHat = sum(edgeNormalVectors(:,iEdge)*rHat) xHatPlane = edgeNormalVectors(:,iEdge) - normalDotRHat*rHat call mpas_unit_vec_in_r3(xHatPlane) call mpas_cross_product_in_r3(rHat, xHatPlane, yHatPlane) call mpas_unit_vec_in_r3(yHatPlane) ! just to be sure... cellTangentPlane(:,1,iCell) = xHatPlane cellTangentPlane(:,2,iCell) = yHatPlane end do end subroutine mpas_initialize_vectors!}}} subroutine mpas_unit_vec_in_r3(xin)!{{{ implicit none integer, parameter :: RKIND = selected_real_kind(12) real (kind=RKIND), dimension(3), intent(inout) :: xin !< Input/Output: Vector and unit vector real (kind=RKIND) :: mag mag = sqrt(xin(1)**2+xin(2)**2+xin(3)**2) xin(:) = xin(:) / mag end subroutine mpas_unit_vec_in_r3!}}} subroutine mpas_cross_product_in_r3(p_1,p_2,p_out)!{{{ integer, parameter :: RKIND = selected_real_kind(12) real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: p_1 (3) !< Input: Vector 1 real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: p_2 (3) !< Input: Vector 2 real (kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: p_out (3) !< Output: Cross product of vector 1 and vector 2 p_out(1) = p_1(2)*p_2(3)-p_1(3)*p_2(2) p_out(2) = p_1(3)*p_2(1)-p_1(1)*p_2(3) p_out(3) = p_1(1)*p_2(2)-p_1(2)*p_2(1) end subroutine mpas_cross_product_in_r3!}}} function mpas_fix_periodicity(pxi, xci, xiRef) !{{{ implicit none integer, parameter :: RKIND = selected_real_kind(12) real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: pxi, xci, xiRef real (kind=RKIND) :: mpas_fix_periodicity ! local variables real (kind=RKIND) :: dist dist = pxi - xci if (abs(dist) > xiRef * 0.5_RKIND) then mpas_fix_periodicity = pxi - (dist/abs(dist)) * xiRef else mpas_fix_periodicity = pxi end if end function mpas_fix_periodicity !}}} !subroutine mpas_init_reconstruct(meshPool) ! ,includeHalos) subroutine mpas_init_reconstruct(nCells, nEdges, maxEdges, R3, & edgesOnCell, nEdgesOnCell, & xCell, yCell, zCell, xEdge, yEdge, zEdge, edgeNormalVectors, & cellTangentPlane, coeffs_reconstruct, is_periodic, x_period, y_period) implicit none !logical, optional, intent(in) :: includeHalos integer, parameter :: RKIND = selected_real_kind(12) ! temporary arrays needed in the (to be constructed) init procedure integer :: nCells, nEdges, maxEdges, R3 integer, dimension(maxEdges, nCells) :: edgesOnCell integer, dimension(nCells) :: nEdgesOnCell real(kind=RKIND), dimension(nCells) :: xCell, yCell, zCell real(kind=RKIND), dimension(nEdges) :: xEdge, yEdge, zEdge real(kind=RKIND), dimension(R3,nEdges) :: edgeNormalVectors real(kind=RKIND), dimension(R3,2,nCells) :: cellTangentPlane real (kind=RKIND), dimension(R3,maxEdges,nCells) :: coeffs_reconstruct logical :: is_periodic real(kind=RKIND) :: x_period, y_period !f2py intent(in) nCells, nEdges, maxEdges, R3, edgesOnCell, nEdgesOnCell !f2py intent(in) xCell, yCell, zCell, xEdge, yEdge, zEdge, edgeNormalVectors !f2py intent(in) cellTangentPlane, is_periodic, x_period, y_period !f2py intent(out) coeffs_reconstruct ! local variables integer :: i, iCell, iEdge, pointCount, maxEdgeCount real (kind=RKIND) :: mpas_fix_periodicity real (kind=RKIND) :: r, cellCenter(3), alpha, tangentPlane(2,3) real (kind=RKIND), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: edgeOnCellLocations, & edgeOnCellNormals, coeffs, edgeOnCellLocationsWork, & edgeOnCellNormalsWork, coeffsWork logical :: includeHalosLocal=.False. !if ( present(includeHalos) ) then ! includeHalosLocal = includeHalos !else ! includeHalosLocal = .false. !end if !if ( includeHalosLocal ) then ! call mpas_pool_get_dimension(meshPool, 'nCells', nCells) !else ! call mpas_pool_get_dimension(meshPool, 'nCellsSolve', nCells) !end if ! init arrays coeffs_reconstruct = 0.0 maxEdgeCount = maxval(nEdgesOnCell) allocate(edgeOnCellLocations(maxEdgeCount,3)) allocate(edgeOnCellNormals(maxEdgeCount,3)) allocate(coeffs(maxEdgeCount,3)) ! loop over all cells to be solved on this block do iCell=1,nCells pointCount = nEdgesOnCell(iCell) cellCenter(1) = xCell(iCell) cellCenter(2) = yCell(iCell) cellCenter(3) = zCell(iCell) do i=1,pointCount iEdge = edgesOnCell(i,iCell) if (is_periodic) then edgeOnCellLocations(i,1) = mpas_fix_periodicity(xEdge(iEdge), cellCenter(1), x_period) edgeOnCellLocations(i,2) = mpas_fix_periodicity(yEdge(iEdge), cellCenter(2), y_period) edgeOnCellLocations(i,3) = zEdge(iEdge) else edgeOnCellLocations(i,1) = xEdge(iEdge) edgeOnCellLocations(i,2) = yEdge(iEdge) edgeOnCellLocations(i,3) = zEdge(iEdge) end if edgeOnCellNormals(i,:) = edgeNormalVectors(:, iEdge) end do alpha = 0.0 do i=1,pointCount r = sqrt(sum((cellCenter - edgeOnCellLocations(i,:))**2)) alpha = alpha + r enddo alpha = alpha/pointCount tangentPlane(1,:) = cellTangentPlane(:,1,iCell) tangentPlane(2,:) = cellTangentPlane(:,2,iCell) allocate(edgeOnCellLocationsWork(pointCount,3)) allocate(edgeOnCellNormalsWork(pointCount,3)) allocate(coeffsWork(pointCount,3)) edgeOnCellLocationsWork = edgeOnCellLocations(1:pointCount,:) edgeOnCellNormalsWork = edgeOnCellNormals(1:pointCount,:) call mpas_rbf_interp_func_3D_plane_vec_const_dir_comp_coeffs(pointCount, & edgeOnCellLocationsWork, edgeOnCellNormalsWork, & cellCenter, alpha, tangentPlane, coeffsWork) coeffs(1:pointCount,:) = coeffsWork deallocate(edgeOnCellLocationsWork) deallocate(edgeOnCellNormalsWork) deallocate(coeffsWork) do i=1,pointCount coeffs_reconstruct(:,i,iCell) = coeffs(i,:) end do enddo ! iCell deallocate(edgeOnCellLocations) deallocate(edgeOnCellNormals) deallocate(coeffs) end subroutine mpas_init_reconstruct!}}} !subroutine mpas_reconstruct_2d(meshPool, u, uReconstructX, uReconstructY, uReconstructZ, uReconstructZonal, uReconstructMeridional, includeHalos)!{{{ subroutine mpas_reconstruct_2d(nCells, nEdges, maxEdges, nVertLevels, R3, & on_a_sphere, & edgesOnCell, nEdgesOnCell, latCell, lonCell, coeffs_reconstruct, u, & uReconstructX, uReconstructY, uReconstructZ, uReconstructZonal, & uReconstructMeridional) implicit none integer, parameter :: RKIND = selected_real_kind(12) integer :: nCells, nEdges, nVertLevels, maxEdges, R3 real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nVertLevels,nEdges) :: u real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nVertLevels,nCells) :: uReconstructX real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nVertLevels,nCells) :: uReconstructY real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nVertLevels,nCells) :: uReconstructZ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nVertLevels,nCells) :: uReconstructZonal real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nVertLevels,nCells) :: uReconstructMeridional !logical, optional, intent(in) :: includeHalos integer, dimension(maxEdges,nCells) :: edgesOnCell integer, dimension(nCells) :: nEdgesOnCell real(kind=RKIND), dimension(nCells) :: latCell, lonCell real (kind=RKIND), dimension(R3,maxEdges,nCells) :: coeffs_reconstruct logical :: on_a_sphere !f2py intent(in) nCells, nEdges, nVertLevels, maxEdges, R3, on_a_sphere !f2py intent(in) edgesOnCell, nEdgesOnCell, latCell, lonCell, !f2py intent(in) coeffs_reconstruct, u !f2py intent(out) uReconstructX, uReconstructY, uReconstructZ, uReconstructZonal !f2py intent(out) uReconstructMeridional ! local variable logical :: includeHalosLocal integer :: iCell,iEdge, i real (kind=RKIND) :: clat, slat, clon, slon !if ( present(includeHalos) ) then ! includeHalosLocal = includeHalos !else ! includeHalosLocal = .false. !end if ! loop over cell centers !$omp do schedule(runtime) do iCell = 1, nCells ! initialize the reconstructed vectors uReconstructX(:,iCell) = 0.0 uReconstructY(:,iCell) = 0.0 uReconstructZ(:,iCell) = 0.0 ! a more efficient reconstruction where rbf_values*matrix_reconstruct ! has been precomputed in coeffs_reconstruct do i=1,nEdgesOnCell(iCell) iEdge = edgesOnCell(i,iCell) uReconstructX(:,iCell) = uReconstructX(:,iCell) & + coeffs_reconstruct(1,i,iCell) * u(:,iEdge) uReconstructY(:,iCell) = uReconstructY(:,iCell) & + coeffs_reconstruct(2,i,iCell) * u(:,iEdge) uReconstructZ(:,iCell) = uReconstructZ(:,iCell) & + coeffs_reconstruct(3,i,iCell) * u(:,iEdge) enddo enddo ! iCell !$omp end do if (on_a_sphere) then !$omp do schedule(runtime) do iCell = 1, nCells clat = cos(latCell(iCell)) slat = sin(latCell(iCell)) clon = cos(lonCell(iCell)) slon = sin(lonCell(iCell)) uReconstructZonal(:,iCell) = -uReconstructX(:,iCell)*slon + & uReconstructY(:,iCell)*clon uReconstructMeridional(:,iCell) = -(uReconstructX(:,iCell)*clon & + uReconstructY(:,iCell)*slon)*slat & + uReconstructZ(:,iCell)*clat end do !$omp end do else !$omp do schedule(runtime) do iCell = 1, nCells uReconstructZonal (:,iCell) = uReconstructX(:,iCell) uReconstructMeridional(:,iCell) = uReconstructY(:,iCell) end do !$omp end do end if end subroutine mpas_reconstruct_2d!}}} subroutine mpas_rbf_interp_func_3D_plane_vec_const_dir_comp_coeffs(pointCount, &!{{{ sourcePoints, unitVectors, destinationPoint, & alpha, planeBasisVectors, coefficients) integer, parameter :: RKIND = selected_real_kind(12) integer, intent(in) :: pointCount !< Input: Number of points real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount,3), intent(in) :: sourcePoints !< Input: List of points real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount,3), intent(in) :: unitVectors !< Input: List of unit vectors real(kind=RKIND), dimension(3), intent(in) :: destinationPoint !< Input: Destination point real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: alpha !< Input: Characteristic length scale of RBFs real(kind=RKIND), dimension(2,3) :: planeBasisVectors !< Input: Basis vectors for interpolation plane real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount, 3), intent(out) :: coefficients !< Output: List of coefficients integer :: i integer :: matrixSize real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount,2) :: planarSourcePoints real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount,2) :: planarUnitVectors real(kind=RKIND), dimension(2) :: planarDestinationPoint real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount+2, pointCount+2) :: matrix, matrixCopy real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount, pointCount) :: matrixWork real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount+2, 2) :: rhs, coeffs real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount,2) :: rhsWork integer, dimension(pointCount+2) :: pivotIndices matrixSize = pointCount+2 ! space for constant vector in plane matrix = 0.0 rhs = 0.0 coeffs = 0.0 do i = 1, pointCount planarSourcePoints(i,1) = sum(sourcePoints(i,:)*planeBasisVectors(1,:)) planarSourcePoints(i,2) = sum(sourcePoints(i,:)*planeBasisVectors(2,:)) planarUnitVectors(i,1) = sum(unitVectors(i,:)*planeBasisVectors(1,:)) planarUnitVectors(i,2) = sum(unitVectors(i,:)*planeBasisVectors(2,:)) end do planarDestinationPoint(1) = sum(destinationPoint*planeBasisVectors(1,:)) planarDestinationPoint(2) = sum(destinationPoint*planeBasisVectors(2,:)) call mpas_set_up_vector_dirichlet_rbf_matrix_and_rhs(pointCount, 2, & planarSourcePoints, planarUnitVectors, planarDestinationPoint, & alpha, matrixWork, rhsWork) matrix(1:pointCount,1:pointCount) = matrixWork rhs(1:pointCount,:) = rhsWork do i = 1, pointCount matrix(i,pointCount+1:pointCount+2) = planarUnitVectors(i,:) matrix(pointCount+1:pointCount+2,i) = matrix(i,pointCount+1:pointCount+2) end do do i = 1,2 rhs(pointCount+i,i) = 1.0 ! the unit vector in the ith direction end do ! solve each linear system matrixCopy = matrix call mpas_legs(matrix, matrixSize, rhs(:,1), coeffs(:,1), pivotIndices) call mpas_legs(matrixCopy, matrixSize, rhs(:,2), coeffs(:,2), pivotIndices) do i = 1,3 coefficients(:,i) = planeBasisVectors(1,i)*coeffs(1:pointCount,1) & + planeBasisVectors(2,i)*coeffs(1:pointCount,2) end do end subroutine mpas_rbf_interp_func_3D_plane_vec_const_dir_comp_coeffs !}}} subroutine mpas_set_up_vector_dirichlet_rbf_matrix_and_rhs(pointCount, dimensions, &!{{{ sourcePoints, unitVectors, destinationPoint, & alpha, matrix, rhs) integer, parameter :: RKIND = selected_real_kind(12) integer, intent(in) :: pointCount !< Input: Number of points integer, intent(in) :: dimensions !< Input: Number of dimensions real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount,dimensions), intent(in) :: sourcePoints !< Input: List of points real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount,dimensions), intent(in) :: unitVectors !< Input: List of unit vectors real(kind=RKIND), dimension(dimensions), intent(in) :: destinationPoint !< Input: Destination point real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: alpha !< Input: Characteristic length scale of RBFs real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount,pointCount), intent(out) :: matrix !< Output: Matrix real(kind=RKIND), dimension(pointCount,dimensions), intent(out) :: rhs !< Output: Right hand side integer :: i, j real(kind=RKIND) :: evaluate_rbf real(kind=RKIND) :: rSquared, rbfValue, unitVectorDotProduct do j = 1, pointCount do i = j, pointCount rSquared = sum((sourcePoints(i,:)-sourcePoints(j,:))**2)/alpha**2 rbfValue = evaluate_rbf(rSquared) unitVectorDotProduct = sum(unitVectors(i,:)*unitVectors(j,:)) matrix(i,j) = rbfValue*unitVectorDotProduct matrix(j,i) = matrix(i,j) end do end do do j = 1, pointCount rSquared = sum((destinationPoint-sourcePoints(j,:))**2)/alpha**2 rhs(j,:) = evaluate_rbf(rSquared)*unitVectors(j,:) end do end subroutine mpas_set_up_vector_dirichlet_rbf_matrix_and_rhs!}}} function evaluate_rbf(rSquared) result(rbfValue)!{{{ integer, parameter :: RKIND = selected_real_kind(12) real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: rSquared !< Input: Squared value of r real(kind=RKIND) :: rbfValue ! inverse multiquadratic rbfValue = 1/sqrt(1 + rSquared) end function evaluate_rbf!}}} subroutine mpas_legs (A,N,B,X,INDX)!{{{ IMPLICIT NONE integer, parameter :: RKIND = selected_real_kind(12) integer, INTENT (IN) :: N !< Input: Size of matrix and vectors integer, INTENT (OUT), DIMENSION (N) :: INDX !< Output: Pivot vector real(kind=RKIND), INTENT (INOUT), DIMENSION (N,N) :: A !< Input/Output: Matrix real(kind=RKIND), INTENT (INOUT), DIMENSION (N) :: B !< Input/Output: Right hand side vector real(kind=RKIND), INTENT (OUT), DIMENSION (N) :: X !< Output: Solution integer :: I,J ! CALL elgs (A,N,INDX) ! DO I = 1, N-1 DO J = I+1, N B(INDX(J)) = B(INDX(J))-A(INDX(J),I)*B(INDX(I)) END DO END DO ! X(N) = B(INDX(N))/A(INDX(N),N) DO I = N-1, 1, -1 X(I) = B(INDX(I)) DO J = I+1, N X(I) = X(I)-A(INDX(I),J)*X(J) END DO X(I) = X(I)/A(INDX(I),I) END DO ! END subroutine mpas_legs!}}} subroutine elgs (A,N,INDX)!{{{ ! ! subroutine to perform the partial-pivoting Gaussian elimination. ! A(N,N) is the original matrix in the input and transformed matrix ! plus the pivoting element ratios below the diagonal in the output. ! INDX(N) records the pivoting order. Copyright (c) Tao Pang 2001. ! IMPLICIT NONE integer, parameter :: RKIND = selected_real_kind(12) integer, INTENT (IN) :: N !< Input: Size of matrix integer, INTENT (OUT), DIMENSION (N) :: INDX !< Output: Pivot vector real(kind=RKIND), INTENT (INOUT), DIMENSION (N,N) :: A !< Input/Output: Matrix and solution integer :: I,J,K,ITMP real(kind=RKIND) :: C1,PI,PI1,PJ real(kind=RKIND), DIMENSION (N) :: C ! ! Initialize the index ! DO I = 1, N INDX(I) = I END DO ! ! Find the rescaling factors, one from each row ! DO I = 1, N C1= 0.0 DO J = 1, N !C1 = AMAX1(C1,ABS(A(I,J))) C1 = MAX(C1,ABS(A(I,J))) END DO C(I) = C1 END DO ! ! Search the pivoting (largest) element from each column ! DO J = 1, N-1 PI1 = 0.0 DO I = J, N PI = ABS(A(INDX(I),J))/C(INDX(I)) IF (PI>PI1) THEN PI1 = PI K = I ENDIF END DO ! ! Interchange the rows via INDX(N) to record pivoting order ! ITMP = INDX(J) INDX(J) = INDX(K) INDX(K) = ITMP DO I = J+1, N PJ = A(INDX(I),J)/A(INDX(J),J) ! ! Record pivoting ratios below the diagonal A(INDX(I),J) = PJ ! ! Modify other elements accordingly ! DO K = J+1, N A(INDX(I),K) = A(INDX(I),K)-PJ*A(INDX(J),K) END DO END DO END DO ! END subroutine elgs!}}}
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# OPTIMO_FEAS # # PART OF OPTIMO """ FeasOptiModel( prob, [x0, with_indicator, xp, dp, wp, name] ) represents the following structured, proximal, feasibility problem: ``` minimize Φ(x) + with_indicator ind_g( x ) ``` with respect to `x`, starting from `x0`, where ``` Φ(x) := m( c(x) - proj_S( c(x) ) ) + wprox/2 * || dprox .* (x - xprox) ||^2 ``` and `m()` is a loss function, e.g., L1-norm, L2-norm, and Huber loss. Optional arguments: * `x0::Vector` (default: `xprox`) initial guess * `with_indicator::Bool` (default: `false`) include proximable term as indicator? * `xprox::Vector` (default: `prob.meta.x0`) proximal point * `dprox::Vector` (default: `ones(R,nvar)`) vector for nonnegative, diagonal scaling * `wprox::Real` (default: `0`) nonnegative scalar value for proximal regularization * `name::String` (default: `prob.meta.name * "-feas"`) model name """ using LinearAlgebra: norm export FeasOptiModel export infeasibility, infeasibilitygrad! export cviolation, proxdistance, unsproxdistance mutable struct FeasOptiModel <: AbstractOptiModel meta::OptiModelMeta base::AbstractOptiModel xprox::AbstractVector dprox::AbstractVector wprox::Real with_prox::Bool with_indicator::Bool loss::Symbol huber_rho::Real huber_mu::Real # additional allocation _cx::AbstractVector _px::AbstractVector function FeasOptiModel( meta::OptiModelMeta, base::TP, xprox::Tx, dprox::Tx, wprox::Real, with_prox::Bool, with_indicator::Bool, loss::Symbol, huber_rho::Real, huber_mu::Real, ) where {TP <: AbstractOptiModel, Tx <: AbstractVector} R = eltype(base.meta.x0) ncon = base.meta.ncon new( meta, base, xprox, dprox, wprox, with_prox, with_indicator, loss, huber_rho, huber_mu, zeros(R,ncon), zeros(R,ncon) ) end end function FeasOptiModel( prob::TP; xprox::Tx=prob.meta.x0, dprox::Tx=ones(eltype(prob.meta.x0),prob.meta.nvar), wprox::Real=zero(eltype(prob.meta.x0)), x0::Tx=xprox, with_indicator::Bool=false, loss::Symbol=:l2sq, huber_rho::Real=1.0, huber_mu::Real=1.0, name::String=prob.meta.name * "-feas", ) where {TP <: AbstractOptiModel, Tx <: AbstractVector} @assert length(x0) == prob.meta.nvar @assert length(xprox) == prob.meta.nvar @assert length(dprox) == prob.meta.nvar @assert 0 <= wprox @assert all( 0 .<= dprox ) @assert loss ∈ [:l1, :l2, :l2sq, :huber] @assert 0 < huber_rho @assert 0 < huber_mu meta = OptiModelMeta( prob.meta.nvar, 0, x0=x0, minimize=true, name=name ) with_prox = wprox > 0 && all( dprox .> 0 ) fprob = FeasOptiModel( meta, prob, xprox, dprox, wprox, with_prox, with_indicator, loss, huber_rho, huber_mu ) finalizer( p -> finalize(p.base), fprob ) return fprob end ########################################################## # Methods ########################################################## # obj, grad!, prox!, objprox! """ obj( fprob, x ) evaluates Φ at x. """ function obj(prob::FeasOptiModel, x::AbstractVector) Φ = infeasibility( prob, x ) if prob.with_prox Φ += prob.wprox * proxdistance( prob, x ) end return Φ end """ grad!( fprob, x, dfx ) computes ∇Φ at x, in place. """ function grad!(prob::FeasOptiModel, x::AbstractVector, dfx::AbstractVector) @lencheck prob.meta.nvar dfx infeasibilitygrad!( prob, x, dfx ) if prob.with_prox dfx .+= prob.wprox .* prob.dprox .* (x .- prob.xprox) end return nothing end """ prox!( fprob, x, a, z ) computes z := prox_{a g}(x), in place. """ function prox!(prob::FeasOptiModel, x::AbstractVector, a::Real, z::AbstractVector) @lencheck prob.meta.nvar x z if prob.with_indicator prox!(prob.base, x, a, z ) else copyto!(z, x) end return nothing end """ objprox!( fprob, x, a, z ) computes z := prox_{a g}(x) and g(z), in place, assuming g is an indicator. """ function objprox!(prob::FeasOptiModel, x::AbstractVector, a::Real, z::AbstractVector) @lencheck prob.meta.nvar x z if prob.with_indicator prox!(prob.base, x, a, z ) else copyto!(z, x) end return 0.0 end ########################################################## """ infeasibility( fprob, x ) computes the infeasibility measure Φ at x, without proximal regularization (wprox = 0). """ function infeasibility( prob::FeasOptiModel, x::AbstractVector ) evalinfeasvec( prob, x ) if prob.loss == :l1 return norm( prob._px, 1 ) elseif prob.loss == :l2 return norm( prob._px, 2 ) elseif prob.loss == :l2sq return 0.5 * norm( prob._px, 2 )^2 elseif prob.loss == :huber return huberloss( prob._px, prob.huber_rho, prob.huber_mu ) end end """ infeasibility_grad!( fprob, x, dfx ) computes the gradient ∇Φ of the infeasibility measure Φ at x, without proximal regularization (wprox = 0). """ function infeasibilitygrad!(prob::FeasOptiModel, x::AbstractVector, dfx::AbstractVector) evalinfeasvec( prob, x ) if prob.loss == :l1 prob._px .= sign.( prob._px ) jtprod!( prob.base, x, prob._px, dfx ) elseif prob.loss == :l2 normx = norm( prob._px, 2 ) if normx == 0 dfx .= 0 else prob._px ./= normx jtprod!( prob.base, x, prob._px, dfx ) end elseif prob.loss == :l2sq jtprod!( prob.base, x, prob._px, dfx ) elseif prob.loss == :huber huberlossgrad!( prob._px, prob.huber_rho, prob.huber_mu, prob._px ) jtprod!( prob.base, x, prob._px, dfx ) end return nothing end """ cviolation( fprob, x ) computes the constraint violation. """ function cviolation( prob::FeasOptiModel, x::AbstractVector ) evalinfeasvec( prob, x ) return norm( prob._px, Inf ) end """ proxdistance( fprob, x ) computes the (scaled) distance to the proximal point. """ proxdistance, unsproxdistance function proxdistance( prob::FeasOptiModel, x::AbstractVector ) @lencheck prob.meta.nvar x return 0.5 * sum( prob.dprox .* (x .- prob.xprox).^2 ) end """ unsproxdistance( fprob, x ) computes the unscaled distance to the proximal point. """ function unsproxdistance( prob::FeasOptiModel, x::AbstractVector ) @lencheck prob.meta.nvar x return 0.5 * norm( x .- prob.xprox, 2)^2 end ########################################################## # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ########################################################## function evalinfeasvec( prob::FeasOptiModel, x::AbstractVector ) @lencheck prob.meta.nvar x cons!( prob.base, x, prob._cx ) proj!( prob.base, prob._cx, prob._px ) prob._px .= prob._cx .- prob._px return nothing end """ Huber loss, with parameter ρ > 0 f(x) = { 1/2 ||x||^2 if ||x|| ⩽ ρ { ρ ( ||x|| - ρ/2 ) otherwise """ function huberloss( x::AbstractVector, rho::Real, mu::Real ) normx = norm( x, 2 ) if normx <= rho return 0.5 * mu * normx^2 else return rho * mu * ( normx - 0.5 * rho ) end end function huberlossgrad!( x::AbstractVector, rho::Real, mu::Real, dfx::AbstractVector ) normx = norm( x, 2 ) if normx <= rho dfx .= mu .* x else dfx .= ( rho * mu / normx ) .* x end return nothing end
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import numpy as np import pandas as pd from parallelm.components import ConnectableComponent class RandomDataframe(ConnectableComponent): """ Generating a random dataframe. The number of rows and columns is provided as input parameters to the component """ def __init__(self, engine): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(engine) def _materialize(self, parent_data_objs, user_data): num_rows = self._params.get('num_lines', 100) num_cols = self._params.get('num_cols', 5) df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(num_rows, num_cols))) self._logger.info("Generated random dataframe rows: {} cols: {})".format(num_rows, num_cols)) return [df]
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%for subplots function p=plots1(x,y,z,img) H1=abs(img); colormap(hot) subplot(x,y,z); image(5*100*H1/max(max(H1)));%4 for B-727r; if z==2 title('ISAR images using Harmonic Wavelets'); end if z==4 ylabel('Range') end if z==8 xlabel('Doppler') end
{"author": "Sable", "repo": "mcbench-benchmarks", "sha": "ba13b2f0296ef49491b95e3f984c7c41fccdb6d8", "save_path": "github-repos/MATLAB/Sable-mcbench-benchmarks", "path": "github-repos/MATLAB/Sable-mcbench-benchmarks/mcbench-benchmarks-ba13b2f0296ef49491b95e3f984c7c41fccdb6d8/43601-harmonic-wavelet-based-isar-imaging/Codes/B-727/plothw.m"}
from math import pi, log10, ceil from typing import Optional, Dict, Union, Tuple import numpy as np import plotkit.plotkit as pk from sympy import Expr, sympify, Symbol Value = Union[float, int, complex] class FrequencyDomainPlotter: S = Symbol("s") def __init__(self, expr: Expr) -> None: self.expr: Expr = expr self.fmin: float = 1 self.fmax: float = 100e3 self.points_per_decade: int = 50 def set_range(self, fmin: float, fmax: float): self.fmin = fmin self.fmax = fmax def _evaluate(self, values: Dict[str, Value]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: rvals = {Symbol(n): sympify(v) for n, v in values.items()} rexpr: Expr = self.expr.xreplace(rvals) vtest = rexpr.evalf(subs={self.S: 1}) if vtest.free_symbols: raise ValueError("Some symbols not given values: " + str(vtest.free_symbols)) feval = np.vectorize(lambda w: complex(rexpr.evalf(subs={self.S: w})), otypes=[np.cfloat]) points = ceil(log10(self.fmax / self.fmin) * self.points_per_decade) X = np.geomspace(self.fmin, self.fmax, points) Xiw = X * 2 * pi * 1j Y = feval(Xiw) return X, Y def bode(self, values: Optional[Dict[str, Value]] = None, *, ax: Optional[Tuple[pk.Axes, pk.Axes]] = None, return_fig=False, amplitude_linear=False, frequency_linear=False, ) -> Optional[pk.Figure]: if values is None: values = {} X, Y = self._evaluate(values) if amplitude_linear: ampl = np.abs(Y) else: ampl = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(Y)) phase = np.angle(Y, deg=True) if ax is None: fig, (ax1, ax2) = pk.new_regular(2, 1) else: ax1, ax2 = ax fig = None if frequency_linear: ax1.plot(X, ampl) else: ax1.semilogx(X, ampl) if amplitude_linear: ax1.set_ylabel("Amplitude") else: ax1.set_ylabel("Amplitude / dB") pk.set_grid(ax1) ax1.set_xlim(self.fmin, self.fmax) if frequency_linear: ax2.plot(X, phase) else: ax2.semilogx(X, phase) ax2.set_ylabel("Phase / °") ax2.set_xlabel("Frequency / Hz") pk.set_grid(ax2) ax2.set_xlim(self.fmin, self.fmax) if return_fig: return fig pk.finalize(fig) def nyquist(self, values: Optional[Dict[str, Value]] = None, *, ax: Optional[Tuple[pk.Axes, pk.Axes]] = None, return_fig=False) -> Optional[pk.Figure]: if values is None: values = {} X, Y = self._evaluate(values) if ax is None: fig, ax = pk.new_regular(1, 1) else: fig = None ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.plot(np.real(Y), np.imag(Y)) ax.set_ylabel("Imag") ax.set_xlabel("Real") pk.set_grid(ax) if return_fig: return fig pk.finalize(fig)
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