Posts Tagged With: Pygmy Forest This and that from re Thai r ment, by 3Th. 12 Cold Tits 0005 (February 24, 2016) Posted on May 19, 2016 by trenzpruca "Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo" ("I was not; I was; I am not; I do not care") Epicurean epitaph Happy Birthday, Giannantonio. A. POOKIE'S CONTINUING ADVENTURES IN MENDOCINO: The Pygmy Forest. One day I decided to hike through Mendocino's Pygmy Forest Reserve. Saving the Pygmy Forest was what got me into coastal resource preservation many years ago. A chance meeting with John Olmstead beneath the shadow of San Francisco's Transamerica Pyramid caused me to spend the next fifteen years of my life trying to protect the coast of California. John, the grandson of Fredrick Law Olmstead of Central Park fame, is one of the unsung heroes of the conservation movement. To be perfectly honest, when he showed me the scrawny little trees that made up the forest, I was less than impressed. But, after passionately explaining to me how they came to be and the importance of preserving the Mendocino Ecological Staircase, as he so poetically described it, on which they grew, I threw my hat into the ring so to speak. John was my idol. There was little he would not do, no amount of money he would borrow with little hope of paying it back, no lie, no level of begging he would stoop to, no machinations of government and individuals he would not engage in, all in order to preserve these forlorn little twisted trees from disappearing beneath the bulldozers blade — all with no benefit to himself, no wealth, no fame, and few real friends. The Lost Coast of Cape Mendocino. On another day, I decided to drive up to Westport and into Cape Mendocino and the Lost Coast. Westport is a tiny town on a bluff above the Pacific supposedly riddled with ghosts. It is the last town before Highway 1 turns inland in order to avoid the dark mountainous terrain of the Lost Coast. I always liked this stretch of the highway. It is one of those places in the world where calling it somewhere that time forgot is justified. Passing beyond the town and turning inland, I found one of the dirt roads that lead into the heart of Lost Coast. Over forty years ago Joe the Hippie and his flower child girlfriend driving a beat up Plymouth 1957 sedan would also turn off here and brave the ruts and washouts to hike, camp, smoke and then drive on through to Ferndale and beyond. We would sometimes pass through Whitethorn and Honeydew, two of the tiny towns hidden in the Cape Mendocino forests, where the cultivators of the major cash crop in the area, big fierce bearded men and long-faced and long dressed women, would stand in front of their clapboard home and silently stare at us as we drove by. The road I chose traversed two ridges and passed high above the surf. I traveled through dark redwood groves festooned with signs that warned "No Trespassing. Area Patrolled." I chose this to mean "shoot on sight," not because I believed I would be shot if I wandered about but to persuade myself not to park the car and go hiking into the forest just for spite — and get lost. I drove by a moss encrusted redwood that I called the "Old Man in the Tree" for obvious reasons. Finally, descending from the ridge, I entered a relatively broad valley with a creek (Usal Creek) running through it. A bridge crossed the creek into a sprawling primitive campground containing a few tents and some vans fitted out for camping. After parking my car at the edge of the black sand beach, I went for a hike through the woods that bordered the creek. As I sauntered along I ran into this: There were at least six bucks in the herd and two does. Not wanting to disturb them, I made my way back to the beach and walked along it until I feared the rising tide would cut off my return. After wandering around a bit and sitting on a log staring at the surf, I returned to my car and began the drive back to Mendocino. Along the way, I stopped at the store in Westport to buy a cream soda and a bag of potato chips. A Stroll along South Noyo Headlands Park. On Saturday, we visited South Noyo Headlands Park. If anything, it is even more spectacular than the North Park. When they are connected in the next year or two, the park system will extend almost 12 miles along the coast passing through several magnificent landscapes. I have no doubt this park is destined to become one of the great urban/rural oceanfront parks of the world. The Druid Sisters' Tea Party. That evening, we attended the Druid Sisters Afro, Celtic, Belly Dance Tea Party at the Hill House in Mendocino. The group Soul Elixir, with Pilar Duran (daughter of the great jazz guitarist Eddie Duran) and Claudia Paige (who played drums for the Grateful Dead and other groups) was the first to perform. They were magnificent. The Second group the Druid Sisters (vocals, drums, and fiddle) followed with a marvelous fiddle player (Kathy Buys) and a strong-voiced singer with red hair that the princess in "Brave" would envy (Cyoakha O'Manion). Claudia Paige played the drums here also. Both groups also performed together while the belly dancers wound their way through the audience. Many of those attending the festivities were of a more advanced age and dressed like they thought Druids would dress — lots of beads and crystals, flowing clothing and even sandals on some. They also danced to the music with the undulating abandon I had last seen at the hippie encampment on the beach below the Mendocino bluffs over 40 years ago. It was great. One woman, perhaps even older than I, done up in a long flowing dress with a hunting knife hanging from her belt, danced the entire night or at least swayed about waving her hands like she was casting a spell on us all. My sister thought that with her long slender hands and knobby knuckles she was a Witch and not a Druid. I expressed no opinion on the matter. The Druid Sisters and Soul Elixir Together on Stage. The B. Bryan Wildlife Preserve. Our veneration of nature having been reinforced by the Druids, we set off the following morning for Point Area and a 200-acre estate dedicated to endangered African hoofed animals. We toured the reserve in a safari vehicle, saw the grazing gazelle, antelope, zebra and giraffe herds, fed the giraffes carrots held in our mouths and learned a lot — that certain types of Zebra, are not only obnoxious, but they plan their births during the rainy season so that they could hide their foals from predators in the newly grown brush; all the things one can tell about the health of wild animals by examining their poop; and, that there are only 760 Rothschild Giraffes, the tallest on earth, left in the wild. Pookie and the Rothschild Giraffe. As we left the preserve I thought California with its large open grasslands, the demise of its logging industry, and relatively strong environmental and land use laws could be a wonderful place for establishing large preserves in order to save many of the world's endangered ruminants and perhaps some of the large predators. SAVE THE ROTHSCHILD GIRAFFES. Leaving Mendocino. I spent my last few days here trying to figure out how I would occupy myself during the four days between when I had to leave here and when I was scheduled to return to El Dorado Hills. Camping for a night or two seemed attractive. I always liked short turns of camping. Many years ago I did a lot of it. I was never a "gear" person. Usually just throwing down a sleeping bag under a tree sufficed. B. BOOK REPORT: SWAN'S WAY. Actually, this is not a report about a book I have read, but it is a report about a book. While rummaging through the marvelous little bookstore on Main Street in Mendocino, I happened upon a graphic novel pro-porting to tell the story, Swan's Way, that makes up the first part of Marcel Proust's seemingly endless magnum opus about memory. According to the book jacket, the graphic novel was created so that those who found wading through Proust's rumination's on social minutia tedious would find this format more interesting and thereby be able to enjoy the marvel that was Proust. As I leafed through the book, however, I found it to contain mostly panels of people sitting or standing in various Edwardian rooms along with the visibly unhappy little Swanie sulking somewhere. I could not understand how that was supposed to alleviate the tedium. Fiction is the art of the storyteller. Should you read something written by a storyteller and find in it anything transcendental, it is likely that the transcendence you find lives in you and not in the words of the storyteller — unless, you are responding to a reviewer who insists that if you do not see in the work what he or she sees you are clearly defective. That is why we read fiction, not for what the storyteller or even the erudite reviewer brings to it but what we take away from it. It is ours alone. A. Quigley on Top: Communities and cooperation: "In the most general terms ,we might say that men live in communities in order to seek to satisfy their needs by cooperation. These needs are so varied, from the wide range of human needs based on man's long evolutionary heritage, that human communities are bound to be complex. Such a community exists in a matrix of five dimensions, of which three dimensions are in space, the fourth is the dimension of time, and the fifth, which I shall call the dimension of abstraction, covers the range of human needs as developed over the long experience of past evolution. This dimension of abstraction for purposes of discussion will be divided into six or more aspects or levels of human experience and needs. These six are military, political, economic, social, religious, and intellectual. If we want a more concise view of the patterns of any community, we might reduce these six to only three, which I shall call: the patterns of power; the patterns of wealth; and the patterns of outlook. On the other hand, it may sometimes be helpful to examine some part of human activities in more detail by subdividing any one of these levels into sub-levels of narrower aspects to whatever degree of specific detail is most helpful. In such a matrix, it is evident that the patterns of power may be made up of activities on any level or any combination of sub-levels. Today, in our Western culture we can deal with power adequately in terms of force, wealth, and ideology, but in earlier history or in other societies, it will be necessary to think of power in quite different terms, especially social and religious, which are no longer very significant in our own culture. The great divide, which shunted our culture off in directions so different from those which dominate the cultures of much of Asia and Africa down to the present, occurred about the sixth century BC, so if we go back into our own historical background before that, we shall have to deal with patterns closer to modern Asia or Africa than to our own contemporary culture. B. Trenz Pruca's Observations: "One of the most important things in deciding which candidates to vote for in an election is whether you believe you can persuade them to your position after the election not whether or not they agree with you before it." C. Today's Poem: 'I live with my brat in a high-rise flat, So how in the world would I know.' "If I am not for myself, who will be for me; if I am only for myself, what am I, and if not now when?" TODAY'S PHOTOGRAPHS: Pilar Duran Cyoakha O'Manion Categories: January through March 2016, Uncategorized | Tags: California, Carroll Quigley, Journal, Mendocino, Music, Pacific Ocean, Pacific Star Winery, Photographs, Poetry, Politics, Pygmy Forest, Tales, Travel | Leave a comment This and that from re Thai r ment, by 3Th. Free Day 0004 (December 21, 2015) Posted on April 12, 2016 by trenzpruca "Rumor is always more exciting than truth." Bruen, Ken. Purgatory (Jack Taylor series Book 10) (p. 186). Grove/Atlantic, Inc. Joyous Saturnalia, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, Kwanza, Holidays and New Year! Today is a Free Day on Pookies Calendar — so, do whatever you like as long as it does not hurt you or anyone else. A. POOKIE'S ADVENTURES IN EL DORADO HILLS: Since returning to the Golden Hills, it has been overcast and cool with brief episodes of light rain. Mornings, as usual, after I drop HRM off at school, I eat a breakfast at Bella Bru Cafe of toasted cinnamon-raisin bagel with cream cheese accompanied by a cafe latte. I sit at the booth by the window with a view of the fountain. The gray skies turn the usual gaily sparkling water glum and somber along with my mood. I have changed into my winter outfit. Instead of the yellow fisherman's vest I usually wear, I now sport a green wool vest over which I usually put on the suede leather Italian jacket I purchased at Denio's flea market. Gone is my yellow straw hat, replaced by either one of LM's creations or a crumpled leather hippie fedora. I wear jeans of course. I have only one pair that I usually wear every day. A second pair, too small in the waist, I wear whenever the other pair is being washed. When the sun is out and often when it is not, I put on brown-gold aviator sunglasses that turns the colors of the trees and hills beautifully brilliant, which pleases me no end as I drive around. In spite of the cloudy skies, it seemed almost warm enough to swim — so I did. Upon completing my laps, I noticed the clouds had darkened the sky considerably and the pool was empty except for me. This made me anxious, so I scurried inside, showered, changed and returned home to nap. B. POOKIE'S TRIP TO AND FROM MENDOCINO: On Friday, I left for Mendocino. I usually plan for up to four rest stops along the way. The first is at the Nut Tree on Route 80 for a coffee at Peet's, exploration of the Jelly Belly store for their newest flavors, and a walk around the kids park. The second stop, which I skipped on this trip, is the overlook by route 37 where one can view the old Marine World Park and San Francisco Bay beyond, followed by a pause at Cloverdale for a gas-up and a Cafe latte at Starbucks. Then I took 128 over the ridge past the sad sight of the oaks dying from blight caused by an inattentive logger. The Spanish moss and other parasites that were slowly killing them made the dying trees appear iridescent in the gloom. When I arrived in Booneville my last rest stop, I learned that the road was closed due to flooding. I chanced driving further unwilling to make my way back to 101 (never back) for an additional two-hour drive over the Coast Range. I arrived at the Navarro where, being famished, I enjoyed a late lunch of a salami and cheese sandwich, a bag of Joe's Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips that I could not resist and a pepperoni stick. In the autumn, they hold a Charlie Musselwhite festival there. Navarro Store and its monument to music in the redwoods. Further along, I ran into the road closure so I backtracked a short way and took a side road over the ridge to Elk about 20 miles south. I happily drove on, eating my potato chips and licking my fingertips, until I reached Highway One and headed north to Mendocino. The sun played hide and seek with the line of squalls that threw up giant waves against the rocks and cliffs of the coast leaving the water a blazing white froth that flashed almost painfully brilliant ivory when struck by the sun. The Car Crash I arrived in Mendocino and had just begun my turn into the short private street that led to the driveway of my sister's house when a large pickup truck driven by a middle-aged man who had obviously been enjoying the view of the turbulent white-foamed ocean waves as they swirled into the nearby cove slammed into me. My car was driven across the road and totaled. I suffered significant bruising to my chest from the exploding airbags. I was lucky my brother-in-law George the Mensch, a member of the local fire and rescue squad, showed up a minute later and handled things since I was in shock and too much pain to do much of anything for myself other than to sit in his truck and moan. I was also lucky that a few weeks ago, in response to a recall, because the airbag company originally installed airbags that ejected shrapnel as well as the airbag when they discharged, we had the air bags replaced. Fate is funny that way. The next morning the pain in my chest was a lot worse and my emotions at a low ebb. I could not move my upper body much at all. I notified Dick and thankfully he seemed more concerned with my health than with the fate of his car. Nikki called me the next day to see how I was feeling. SWAC, on the other hand, sent me an angry email blaming me for losing her ability to use the automobile registered in Dick's name that I paid for. She demanded I move permanently to Thailand so that she could come to the US and take care of HRM. I did not respond to the provocation. The following day, Jason and family arrived. That evening, well drugged up on pain suppressors, I accompanied them to the Christmas Lights Display at the Ft. Bragg Botanical Gardens. Almost 40 years ago, the Coastal Conservancy, through a timely grant for the purchase of some adjacent ocean front land and the upgrade of their facilities, rescued the Gardens from imminent foreclosure. The Gardens are now an important part of the Fort Brag Community. The Display concluded with a community marshmallow toast. On Sunday, I dragged myself to accompany them on a trip to the magnificent Pacific Star Winery to buy some wines for Christmas dinner and to pass an hour in conversation with Sally the irrepressible winemaker and her partner the redoubtable Mark. I bought a bottle of Charbono and one of Charbera before another squall struck driving us into the car and back to Mendocino. That night, seriously drugged up, I sat immobile in the corner, a heating pad clutched to my breast with one hand and a glass of Champagne in the other while George and Maryanne's Christmas open house whirled around me. Many of the revelers were the same members of the Mendocino Fire and Rescue group that responded to my crash. Several them came by and inquired about my health. After that, I spent the next three days mostly in bed feeling sorry for myself and complaining a lot. Dark ugly purple bruises began to creep across my chest. By Wednesday, I felt sufficiently better so as to be able to breathe deeply enough to hopefully forestall the buildup of liquid in my lungs that might cause pneumonia. I left with my sister for San Francisco where I took the train to Sacramento and waited at the station for Dick to come by and drive me back to El Dorado Hills. Alas, the car I use to drive HRM back and forth to school and run errands when the Honda is not available has broken down and cannot be driven until it is repaired. Dick has gone off for three days of hearings taking his car with him. As a result, I am stuck in the house, dependent on HRM's schoolmate's parents to bring him back and forth from school. The nearest shops are two miles away so I spent the day trying to walk around the neighborhood while persuading myself that pain makes me stronger. On Friday, feeling muzzy and disoriented, I finally decided to visit the doctor. Not having an automobile, I walked over three and a half miles to his office, stopping only for breakfast at Bella Bru. While walking along, I happily took photographs of the Oaks of Winter, including one of a massive tree whose brown desiccated leaves refused to drop and who still showed some green ones furiously resisting death. I named it, The Obstinate Oak. The Obstinate Oak The doctor, after listening to my symptoms and learning of my walk, said that I needed to have my head examined. He insisted that I take a nap in one of his examining rooms while his staff arranged for a taxi to take me to have my head examined and then back home. The results of the CT-scan showed I had suffered a concussion in the accident. The doctor advised me to take it easy for another week or so. This hopefully ends Pookie's Delightful Car Crash Adventure. "In the American system 'costs' are fiscal or financial limitations that have little connection with the use of scarce resources or even with the use of available (and therefore not scarce) resources. The reason for this is that in the American economy, the fiscal or financial limit is lower than the limit established by real resources and, therefore, since the financial limits act as the restraint on our economic activities, we do not get to the point where our activities encounter the restraints imposed by the limits of real resources (except rarely and briefly in terms of technically trained manpower, which is our most limited resource)." Quigley, Carroll. Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. GSG & Associates Publishers. "As for things like GM crops, GM is merely a more efficient and safer method of improving crops than the radiation method we have been using for the last 100 years. Yes, there is probably not a single bite of food that you eat today that has not been genetically modified. The problem is a question of adequate regulation. Those who already are fearful resist putting their safety in the hands of others. As someone having been intimately involved in difficult regulation from all vantage points, I am sympathetic to their concern." The Germ A mighty creature is the germ, Though smaller than a pachyderm. His customary dwelling place Is deep within the human race. His childish pride he often pleases By giving people strange diseases. Do you, my poppet, feel infirm? You probably contain a germ. "Human society is not a deterministic system but a collective learning process". Victor Ferkiss The chart below depresses me. It shows the US producing STEM graduates at a lower rate than almost all other developed countries and many less developed ones as well. No country can maintain its financial, military or ideological dominance while standing in the ashes of its education system. This is what occurs when a political party or interest groups demean education and science. As a result, in order to maintain any claim to being a technologically advanced and financially innovative country, we may be forced to import many of our scientists and engineers — perhaps even from Syria. (See also Quigley quote above) Categories: October through December 2015, Uncategorized | Tags: California, Carroll Quigley, El Dorado Hills California, Environment, Journal, Mendocino, Poetry, Pygmy Forest, Tales, Travel | Leave a comment This and that from re Thai r ment, by 3Th. 6 Pops 0001 (August 21 2012) Today's Question: Do you know where your wampeter is today? TODAY FROM THAILAND AMERICA: A. POOKIE'S ADVENTURES IN THAILAND CALIFORNIA: I returned to Sacramento on Wednesday and resumed the ambiguous life of living in someone else's house and caring for a child rapidly assuming his own identity and beginning his life voyage; a voyage that I and others can at best be only temporary observers. As I settle into my regime of nanny and part-time tutor, the distinction between days have begun to fade. The absence of readily available access to an automobile in this automobile oriented environment makes me feel like I am imprisoned in a velvet (or more appropriate manicured lawn) jail. I look forward to next weekend when we plan to travel to SF to see the preliminary America's Cup races. Regarding the custody litigation, the hearing on the motion to dismiss has been tentatively set for August 30. Chances of success look very promising at this time. We are awaiting the responsive pleadings, if any. Should we be successful, I assume my welcome as guest nanny will be withdrawn and I will, not completely regretfully, scurry off to eventually return to my room without a view adjacent to the BKK red light district where I will soon enough get to complaining about, followed by making plans to leave again. B. NEWS: My first paid post for a blog has been accepted and published. You can read it here. (If you would rather not read it, please click into the site once or twice anyway so that my new employer may be led to believe that I have a popular following and keep me on payroll for at least another post.) As minuscule a success as it is, I am pleased, given that it is what I set out to do when I started "This and that…" (bucket list?). Now that I have done it, consistent with my history, I will soon tire of it, drift along for a while, get into arguments with everyone, quit in high dudgeon and set about searching for something else to occupy my time. In between I will be depressed. C. THAI OBSERVATIONS: Thai View Olympic Success: (complements of Gary) PETRILLO'S COMMENTARY: I have written at length regarding the 10 millennium subjugation of woman even to the point of half-jokingly suggesting that the survival of humanity requires men stepping aside in favor of woman assuming control our species destiny given the fact that we men have so placed that survival in jeopardy. I suggested in another post that the current US presidential election could represent the last hurrah of the white male. Perhaps, despite the fact that no woman heads the ticket of either party, instead it could be looked at as the first election in the emancipation of women, given the stark differences in approach on gender issues between the two parties. In the 1930s the NAZI's had a number of simple solutions to the problems rampant in German society at the time. Among them was to cure the unemployment problem by sending women who had jobs back to their homes. Today among the simple solutions proposed for addressing the problems facing US society one party proposes returning women to the role as mere machines for reproduction. Perhaps one of the more perceptive articles, and one that I highly recommend, on how even the most accomplished women are not so subtly silenced by many men was written by Rebecca Solnit in which she commented: "A Freudian would claim to know what they have and I lack, but intelligence is not situated in the crotch—even if you can write one of Virginia Woolf's long mellifluous musical sentences about the subtle subjugation of women in the snow with your willie." For at least 10,000 years or so virtually every political system, economic system and religion has been designed by men for men. There is no natural or divine law that requires any of these structures to be designed in the way that they have been. During those same 10,000 years every justification of those structures have been developed by men to benefit men. Detritus 35 years later. During our recent trip to the Mendocino County Coast, Peter Grenell and I decided to look at some of the projects in the area that we had developed about 35 years ago during our stints running the California State Coastal Conservancy. For those unfamiliar with it, the Coastal Conservancy was a novel concept at the time that I introduced it into California's Coastal Plan in 1975 or so. It was proposed in response to the recognition that regulation alone could not deal with the deleterious impacts of pre-existing development that had prompted the call for regulation in the first place, nor with the continuing degradation of those resources that those pre-existing developments engendered. Nor could it effectively deal with many planning issues, such as setting firm urban limit lines (they almost always are ignored for a host of political, legal and equitable reasons). Similarly existing public acquisition agencies (Parks Departments or wildlife agencies) were unsatisfactory for dealing with these issues either because of the nature of their function (recreation or wildlife preservation) or absence of focus (e.g., creation of public ownership strips along urban limits, urban water from restoration and restoration of all kinds, individual access-ways to the coast and the like). And, finally there was no agency specifically dedicated to providing solutions to the often vexing conflicts between regulation, economic development and simple equity. JUGHANDLE CREEK HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE NATURE TRAIL One of the principle objectives of the California Coastal Program in general and of the State Coastal Conservancy in particular was to preserve and enhance access to coastal recreational resources for all. This included the poor as well as the handicapped. At that time providing facilities of any sort for the handicapped was a relatively novel concept. Over the next decade or so the plethora of regulations and programs for the handicapped that we are familiar with became prevalent. Early in the existence of the Conservancy, I as Executive Officer was approached by John Olmsted to fund a handicapped accessible trail system along Jughandle Creek in Mendocino County. (For those who have read my previous posts on the subject, it was John and the issues surrounding the Jughandle Creek natural environment that got me involved in coastal resource protection issues in the first place.) He was busy trying to establish a cross California Natural Heritage Trail on which he spent the rest of his life working. He believed a trail on the coast with a handicapped accessible component would be appropriate beginning. The Conservancy Board and I agreed and we funded the program. Designs were drawn up and the trail constructed. It was a bit of an engineering marvel since it had to traverse the terrain from ridge top to stream side as well as follows the winding path of the water course in a way that was accessible to the handicapped, environmentally sound and un-intrusive enough so that the visitors experience of the natural environment remained. It was completed relatively inexpensively with the help of volunteers. Although constructed on lands owned by the non-profit educational entity run by John we expected that the State Department of Parks and Recreation would buy the farm as part of its Jughandle Creek State Reserve and Pygmy Forest State Park and assume the operation and maintenance of the trail. Alas for some reason, after I left the Conservancy, the acquisition was never completed. Now over thirty years later Peter and I searched for the trail system but could not find it. We asked around, but nobody seemed to know what I was referring to. As we started to leave the area, I noticed some rotting wood along the path we were walking on. Upon closer examination I realized that this was all that was left of the trail system that had extended almost a mile through the forest. I assume without the park acquisition, the maintenance of the system became too great for the non-profit. Unfortunately my successors at the Conservancy failed to monitor their projects. All that is left of the Jughandle Creek Handicapped Access Trail Next: Point Cabrillo Lighthouse. A philosopher is someone who rationalizes from no evidence whatsoever. It saves the effort of going out and finding out what's happening. It is an especially good occupation for old people. They can claim it has something to do with experience. This chart also explains why Republicans in Congress try to ban funding for NPR. I suspect they would like to ban MSNBC also. D. Bokononism (Kurt Vonnegut): 1. Principles of Bokononism: Bokononism is based on the concept of foma, which are defined as harmless untruths. A foundation of Bokononism is that the religion, including its texts, is formed entirely of lies; however, one who believes and adheres to these lies will have peace of mind, and perhaps live a good life. The primary tenet of Bokononism is to "Live by the foma that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy." 2. The Books of Bokononism: Excerpts from Book One. Warning from title page: Don't be a fool! Close this book at once! It is nothing but foma! Verse 1: All of the true things that I am about to tell you are shameless lies. Verses 2-4 (?): In the beginning, God created the earth, and he looked upon it in His cosmic loneliness. And God said, "Let Us make living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what We have done." And God created every living creature that now moveth, and one was man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close as mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke. Man blinked. "What is the purpose of all this?" he asked politely. "Everything must have a purpose?" asked God. "Certainly," said man. "Then I leave it to you to think of one for all this," said God. And He went away. 3. My Favorite Bokononism Quotes: 1. Referring to one's karass: Man created the checkerboard; God created the karass. If you find your life tangled up with somebody else's life for no very logical reasons that person may be a member of your karass. Likes and dislikes have nothing to do with it. 2. Referring to the wampeter: No karass is without a wampeter, just as no wheel is without a hub. Around and around and around we spin, with feet of lead and wings of tin… Peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from god. E. Testosterone Chronicles: Differences between men and women: no woman would ever utter the word apotheosis in a conversation. The essence of Abrahamic religions: My penis is mine and your vagina is mine also. TODAY'S QUOTES: They are still all white guys except with less facial hair and hats. Note: Only the guy from Goldman Sachs is smiling, as well he should be. Categories: July through September 2012 | Tags: Asia, California, California Castal Program, California Coastal Act, California Coastal Commission, California Coastal Conservancy, Coastal Protection, Conservative, Democratic Party, Economics, FOX News, Journal, Jughandle Creek, Kurt Vonnegut, Media, Military, Occupy, Occupy Wall Street, Pygmy Forest, Social Security, Tales, Thai, Thailand, Travel | Leave a comment This and that from re Thai r ment, by 3Th. (1 Cold Tits 0001) February 15, 2012 Odds and ends: (Yesterday was one of the two free days in my new calendar during which one can do whatever they want. I hope you enjoyed yourself.) The day before yesterday was Valentine's Day. I trust it all worked out for you. It rained as I wrote this, so I spent the day in my room and worked a bit. I have now completed the entries of "This and that…" from January through March 2010 into my blog of the same name. They can be viewed at "This and that…." A few days ago my grandson Aaron cooked dinner. He barbecued several different kind of meat. It was quite good. He was proud of himself. Here is a photograph of the Villa in Umbria that we are considering renting for the family vacation during spring of 2013. What do you think? It is located a few miles from a little village with the quaint name of, Bastardo. The town grew around an inn and stabling station in the 17th or 18th centuries, and was once known as Osteria del Bastardo, or "Bastard's Inn." For some reason the village's residents are reputed to be quite proud of that name. News from Thailand: As I mentioned in a previous post, notwithstanding capturing a muslim terrorist and finding thousands of tons of explosives in BKK, the Thai government furiously condemned the US travel advisory to her citizens traveling in Thailand. The Thai's steadfastly maintained that there is no evidence of terrorist activity aimed at tourists in the country. Yesterday in BKK, an Iranian man carrying hand grenades tried to flag down a taxi following the detonation of explosives in the man's lodging, leaving him injured and bloody. The Taxi driver refused, the Iranian threw a hand grenade at him which bounced off the car exploded and blew off the throwers legs. Darwin is at work again. In my last post I mentioned my current infatuation with the stand up comic appearing on late night cable TV named Louis (not the Fat Louis but the bald one with a fringe of red hair). I thought it would be amusing to some of you especially those lacking the pleasure of late night US cable TV if I relate one of the episodes. It seems Louis had gotten a job appearing in the lounge of the Trump casino in Atlantic City. His act consisted primarily in warning the customers who tire of his act and walk out, not to gamble and lose their money in the casino, insulting "The Trump" and telling his audience to fuck off. Later the casino manager read him its policies prohibiting such behavior and insisted he agree to avoid it in the future or be fired. He refused and resigned. That evening he attended the performance of the ancient (she must be approaching 100 years old by now), widow humped, marble faced comedienne, Joan Rivers, headlining in the casino night club. He went backstage after the performance to tell her how much he enjoyed her show. She invited him to "hang out." They went to her suite in the casino hotel for drinks and to talk. When Joan learned that he had quit his job, she went off on a riff about how people in their business did not quit and went on at length about her own career ending with the question, "Do you know how many blow-jobs I had to give to get where I am?" Finally in response to the crone's panegyrics about their profession, he became overcome with passion and tried to jump her aged bones. She resists him, arguing that she is old enough to be his great-grandmother. She later, however, relents and leads him off to the bedroom warning him not to tell her daughter because, "She still believes her mom is a virgin," and informing him that she is up for anything but, "sado." Could Seinfeld top that? Now I owe everyone an apology. Louis who goes by the moniker Louis C. K. is more well-known than I thought. He just won the Grammy for "Best Comedy Album" beating out Weird Al Yankovic (who may be outrageous but also is definitely not funny). Obviously living in the jungles of Thailand has severely limited my exposure to modern American culture. Apparently Louis recently self published a new album on the internet and made $500,000. He rewarded each person who paid him five dollars to download the album with the following personal message: "Hi. This is LOuie. It seriously is me. Im even going to leave the O stuipdly capatalized because who would pay an intern to do that?? Okay so you bought the thing with my fat face on it and you clicked the button that said i could email you. And i know that now you are thinking "aw shit. Why'd i let this guy into my life this way?" [sic]. 1. In the Beginning: an oft told story (continued). The first meeting of the California State Coastal Commission. The meeting was to be held in Southern California. Despite living in the State for almost three years, I had never been to Los Angeles, or for that matter south of Big Sur, so I looked forward to the trip almost as much as to the meeting. Joe Bodovitz and I flew on PSA. As we passed over the LA basin, I looked out of the window and saw something puzzling. I could see the grid streets running off into the horizon and the freeways, but diagonally crossing the northernmost section of the basin from the ocean almost to the mountains was something large and grey, like a giant freeway with no cars. "What is that?" I asked Joe. "The Los Angeles River," he replied. I was stunned. Coming from the Northeast where the rivers were broad, even the smallest brooks had water running through them as well as vegetation littering their banks until they disappeared under some urban detritus, a cement river was beyond imagination. I sat back and thought, perhaps things were the same back east, but the great northeastern forest hid the ravages of human occupation like polite conversation masked the violence of normal economic pillage. Here, I thought, nothing was hidden, rape was out in the open. No one needed to hide behind a veneer of civilization or the abstractions of financial paper. I thought it was cool. I do not remember the conduct of the meeting too much except that whenever a new agenda item began, Joe would inquire of me in a whisper to tell him what it was about. As I whispered back, something wonderful occurred. I could hear my words come out of Joes mouth literally as I spoke them, but transformed into things of elegance and beauty. I was stunned. There are many talents abroad in the world, but this I thought was transcendental. To be able to instantly transform bureaucratic dross into poetry, to me ranked right up there with creating sublime music from pieces of thin over-varnished maple, cat gut and horsehair. The Commissioners themselves were pretty much as one would expect representatives of the establishment would be. A basically relatively self-satisfied lot with almost no particular axes to grind other than to be cognizant of and responsive to the wishes of their appointing authorities and otherwise act in a public-spirited, but not too spirited, manner. Except for Jeff Frautschy, a scientist from Scripps Institute that seemed to have almost a monopoly on those making a living from studying coastal processes and teaching them to those hoping to also achieve tenure at the Institute, who I always suspected saw himself as the guardian of that monopoly. Ellen Stern Harris was another Commissioner who slightly varied from the norm. As far as I could tell at the time, she seemed to be a wealthy matron from LA's West Side who occupied herself by playing at politics and pursuing whatever causes were dear to her heart, in this case the coastal environment. She represented that species of upper middle class cause oriented women that were beginning to transform the Democratic Party. The unquestioned leader of the Commission was Mel Lane, publisher of Sunset Magazine, the quintessential California magazine for those hoping to acquire enough money to make their homes and gardens pretty enough to photograph and to vacation at elegant pseudo-rustic resorts like the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park. (to be continued) 1. Chronicles: The soldiers nosed about waiting for word from the Queen on the creatures request. The healer moved closer, rubbed her body against the creature's, nosed it to make it more comfortable and then moved a short way off. "What is your name," Gladys IV asked gruffly. Gladys IV was one of the larger females and one of the leading contenders to replace their aging Queen once she dies of grows too feeble to reproduce. She was also the captain of the Queen's Own Guard. "Gorys XIV," he whispered. By now every member of Barrow Burrow sensed the alien smell of the intruder and all wondered if this marked the beginning of an attack by a marauding clan looking to take over the tunnels. The soldiers cautiously had surrounded Gorys to inhibit either his escape or his movement deeper into the burrow. Other soldiers had cautiously nipped in and out of the breach checking for predators or to see whether Gorys' had come alone or was accompanied by a band of marauders. Workers had begun squeezing into this stretch of tunnel, climbing over or crawling under the others as they began to go about their business of closing the breech. Gladys IV discerned the tremor and the subtle eddies of tunnel breezes indicating someone rushing through the tunnel towards them, isolating them from all the other breezes, tremors and smells that surrounded her. She recognized the distinctive odor of Glabtorix II the Queens eldest consort and recognized how agitated the Queen must be to risk him rather than one of the other workers. Glabtorix II squeezed by the mass of seething soldiers and workers and without a glance at Gladys IV said to Gorys, "What do you want?" "The Queen, the Queen, danger, I will only speak with the Queen," Gory's wheezed. Glabtorix II stared for a moment, scratched the ground to inform the Queen, than waited a moment more and said. "Bring it along then. Carefully. Gladys, take your cohort back to guard the Queen. Others will transport it." 2.Heterocephalus G awards: Awarded to those who most contribute to paving the way for the rise of The Naked Mole Rat. To Calvin Breisner, creator of the Cornwall Alliance and a self-declared "expert" adviser on environmental maters to conservative and right-wing religious organizations for opposing the new animated film, "The Lorax" about a tiny creature created by "Dr. Seuss" who "speaks for the trees" and fights environmental degradation. According to Breisner: "What you've got there is the mixing of taxpayer dollars into the promotion of a clear ideology that has a particular religious flavor to it," the Cornwall Alliance spokesman concludes. "And frankly, I think that this is a violation of the separation of church and state." Way to go Cal. RED STAR: Chapter, Vince gets a surprise (continued). Light is not the fastest thing in the universe. It is the operation of the mind when faced with the conflict between ones rational mind and emotions in situations like that now faced by Vince. Often in these cases the pressure is so great both ones mind and emotions shut down as they did with Vince at the restaurant earlier in the evening. In the moment between realizing what it was that he saw and Isabella's almost imperceptible shrug and lowering of her eyes in preparation to bending down to retrieve her discarded pajama bottoms, he experienced something comparable to the Lincoln-Douglas debates over his soul. His militant liberalism went to war with his long suppressed adolescent fears; the strident demands of childhood with the social mores of adulthood while some bizarre chivalric ideals lay ready to ambush all to assuage his overwhelming panic. Before she could get beyond whispering, "I expected as much," he had crossed over to her, wrapped his arms around her shoulder and said, "I wanted you from the moment I saw you come into my office. An now, I have you and a little bit more." He prayed she could not hear the screams of the disintegrating pieces of his psyche. The next morning he awoke in her bed. She was gone but a tray containing hot coffee and a bagel with lox and cream cheese lay on the table. He guessed Lina must have just brought it in. He did not move but let his mind wander over the images of the most amazing, frightening and disturbing night of his life. 19th Century: Some late 19th-century authorities and physicians believed very sincerely that any woman who was interested in having a man perform oral sex on her was a sadist, and any man who complied was dangerously passive and submissive. Performing oral sex on women, they believed, was a "gateway drug" that led inevitably to ever more depraved acts of submission, and could possibly drag men all the way down to what they saw as the bottom of the heap, making them into the kind of men who provided oral sex to other men. Though men and women have engaged in various forms of non-intercourse sexual activity since time immemorial, the idea that there was a necessary opening act to sexual intercourse called "foreplay" is something we owe to Sigmund Freud and a handful of other psychologists and medical types around the turn of the 20th century. Never mind the question of whether there's such a thing as distinctively "gay genes" or "gay brains"; we don't even know if there's such a thing as straight ones. Physical and biomedical science have yet to define or even confirm the empirical existence of heterosexuality… no one's ever even tried. This means that scientific research being conducted on the question of what makes people gay is being done without a properly characterized control to compare with. That's bad science. 1. What "Occupy" is all about and what it really wants: The wealthiest Americans have collected the bulk of the past three decades' income gains. The share of national income of the richest 1% more than doubled between 1980 and 2008: from 8% to 18%. The richest 1% now makes an average US$1.3 million of after-tax income (compared to US$17,700 for the poorest 20% of US citizens). During the same time, the top marginal income tax rate dropped from 70% in 1981 to 35% in 2010. This is not only perceived as unfair and a harbinger of social unrest but may have exacerbated the effects of those perceptions and fears by diminishing the potential for sustained growth as shown in the following chart: 2. The real reason why local governments often have to raise taxes or revenue or go bankrupt (Hint, it is not from spending on social programs, education or public security): The first generation of suburbia was built on savings and investment, but the second was built and maintained using tons of borrowed money – we are now in the third cycle. (The above chart applies to countries also. What we build and pay for with debt [whether public or private] generally has not included accounting for replacement costs or operation and maintenance beyond the infrastructure's estimated life cycle, which as a rule is less than the payback period on the bonds used to build it in the first place. This would be like borrowing for your weeks food agreeing to pay it back in installments over two weeks, then borrowing the following weeks food on the same terms hoping that somehow the nourishment can be converted into increased earnings. The syndrome compulsive gamblers suffer resembles this.) "President Obama is for income equality. That's socialism. It's worse yet, it's Marxism." — Des Moines Register, December 20, 2011 1. "The Intuit shall inherit the earth." Peter Grennel 2. "There is no 'Tree of Life,' life more resembles a cancerous tuber." Collaboration with PG. 3. "The pride of man makes him love to domineer, and nothing mortifies him so much as to be obliged to condescend to persuade his inferiors." Adam Smith "Wealth of Nations" 4. "Spinoza was the first to argue that the Bible is not literally the word of God but rather a work of human literature; that "true religion" has nothing to do with theology, liturgical ceremonies, or sectarian dogma but consists only in a simple moral rule: love your neighbor; and that ecclesiastic authorities should have no role whatsoever in the governance of a modern state." –Steven Nadler, A Book Forged in Hell: Spinoza's Scandalous Treatise Categories: January 2012 through March 2012 | Tags: Bangkok, California, California Castal Program, California Coastal Act, Climate Change, Coastal Protection, Environment, Journal, Louis C. K., Mystery novel, Naked Mole Rat, Occupy, Pygmy Forest, Republican, Travel | Leave a comment This and that from re Thai r ment, by 3Th. (January 30 2012) 13 Mopey 0001 TODAY FROM THAILAND: I left the Little Masseuse standing in the lobby of Savrunbhumi Airport in Bangkok and passed through customs and security. My flight to Taipei was delayed due to a maintenance problem and then, after we boarded, delayed some more until finally we were asked to return to the terminal for dinner. I had pizza and a coke. We were then herded back onto the plane for our flight to Taiwan and my transfer to the flight to LA that had been held at the airport. The flight itself was no more uncomfortable than usual. I occupied myself by intermitting episodes of napping and viewing movies on the personal screen provided each seat on EVA. I saw a movie about a man, his son and robot boxing starring Hugh Jackman; a film, with De Niro about governmental assassins killing each other and, a story about Mossad agents in post-war East German kidnapping an ex-Nazi doctor wanted for war crimes, that goes horribly wrong. The last film starred Helen Mirren who for some reason always turns me on, a fact I am sure she will be pleased to know. Arrival at LAX was a nightmare. Of all the international arrivals I have been through all over the world, this had to be perhaps the worst. At one point, having taken over an hour to work my way through passport control, I had gotten to the baggage carousel that, of course, was not the same one at which I was repeatedly advised my baggage would be deposited and retrieved my suitcase. I proceeded to where the signs informed me that the line for customs began. The line itself snaked about 3/4 of the way around the terminal. As I approached the end of the line, a woman, clearly an airport employee, dramatically and firmly attempted to wave me off from joining the end of the line located about two feet behind her. She insisted that I turn around and go back through the entire terminal, circle around the baggage carousels and approach the same spot from another angle, saying that this way was blocked. I ignored her and pushed my way onto the line while she scurried ahead to shoo away other travelers seeking to join the same line. After almost another hour, I emerged, met Monty and proceeded to the currency exchange desk to exchange baht for dollars. They charged me a fee that amounted to almost one-third of the value of the money exchanged. I slept the night at Monty's house. The next morning, after breakfast, he and I went to the local High School to exercise. Torrence High School's athletic fields have recently been redone in the modern style that passionately obliterates any form of natural life. The track was an attractive rust colored rubberized material, the field in shiny green Astroturf and the stand's silver aluminum bleachers had replaced wooden ones. Following our walks around the track eight or ten times, stretching and pushups on the Astroturf and a few very slow wind sprints, we took off to visit with Ben at his new apartment where I talked extensively and excessively on the subject I like most, me. After leaving Ben in peace, Monty and I eventually ended up in a high end clothing store in Redondo Beach owned by Jimmy and imaginatively named "Jimmy's." Jimmy, who is originally from Pakistan, served us wine and mixed nuts and stories about growing up Muslim in Pakistan as a virtual orphan, gaining a scholarship to study in America, becoming wealthy, raising a family, and in the end, like Ben, Monty and I ending up as members of the M3WBNB Club. At least he still has a bankrupt clothing store where he serves good wine and mixed nuts. The next day, it was off to meeting other members of M3WBNB regarding a South East Asia distributorship for a product called "Blue Cow," a specialty drink that's supposed to calm the drinker down as opposed to something like "Red Bull" which makes them crazy. This was followed by a brief get together with Pete another member of the club, who in his previous life raced at Indianapolis and in the Baja 500. Pete was at the garage he leased in order to refurbish auxiliary vehicles that move containers around the nearby Port. He, Monty and I swapped stories about when we were somebody. Then off to Union Station for the train to Sacramento that is scheduled to arrive in Sacto at midnight only to discover I had nowhere to stay for the night. Back at the cabin we ate a lunch of elaborate home made trail mix and some locally grown fruit while John explained how to, "use the techniques of the private real the estate market to protect resources." It seems, he had managed to cajole many of his neighbors into selling him relatively low cost options to purchase their land. He raised the money for the purchase of the options from various endeavors including peddling "Jughandle Creek" Christmas cards. His goal was eventually to sell the options to the California Department of Parks and Recreation. Unfortunately the Department did not see Jughandle Creek with the same urgency and significance as John. Nevertheless, John's approach of using the private market to preserve nature impressed me a lot since, among other things, it indicated some creative thought regarding getting something done beyond simply pressuring government to figure it out and do it. This approach affected some of the implementation policies that several years later I wrote into California's Coastal Plan. Since I had already been hooked, the remainder of the afternoon was spent discussing, planning and plotting our strategy for preserving and protecting John's beloved Staircase. It was clear to me that John was a lover and while he, like any lover, believed he would fight to preserve from harm every strand of his beloved's hair, he was not, a defender. The difference to me was that the defender operates more or less by the following rules: 1. If the conflict is severe, damage is inevitable. (The lover often cannot neither conceive nor tolerate of the slightest harm to his beloved.) 2. You cannot protect anything if you are dead. (The lover, on the other hand, swears he would give his life for his beloved, but in fact rarely does, and because of that is prone to rash and foolish decisions.) 3. The opponent has to know right down to his shorts that he is in the battle of his life. 4. The defender will be disposed of the moment those defended believe the threat is past. Any songs that will be sung will be sung only about the lovers or those who merely survived the enemy's rout. (If this all sounds a little Seven Samurai and the Magnificent Seven, it is.) Anyway, eventually we began the defense using all the traditional methods; protests, demonstrations and the like (John had may allies and supporters he could call on) and I joined in. Then came the litigation. I am sorry, I have run into a form of writers block over tales for Old George to tell about the "Dark Times," in the NMR colony. If anyone has some simple plot suggestions of tales that fit NMR society I would appreciate it. 2. H. Glaber fellow travelers. To, Paul W. Sherman, Stanton Braude and Jennifer U.M. Jarvis, who in the August 1999 Journal of Mammalology reported that there are no food fights among baby mole rats. Although unlike any other mammal, the Mole rat Queen births as many as twice the infants as she has mammaries, there is no problem because the normal greedy behavior of other mammal infants is absent and they willingly take turns sucking on a tit. RED STAR: Chapter, Rachel. Rachel was a very attractive woman. Perhaps one would not consider her drop dead gorgeous, her nose was a bit too pointed, her hair an undistinguished shade of brown, her shoulders a bit too angular. Nevertheless these minor imperfections aside, from anyone's perspective she was a very pretty woman. She was smart too. Having gotten her advanced degree in finance from Wharton, she spent a few years on Wall Street as an up and coming financier. But she was not especially happy doing what she was doing and when her mother got sick, she returned to San Francisco to take over the family's flower shop on California Street near posh Pacific Heights and in the past three years opened a second outlet in downtown and transformed the small business into one of the cities leading event planning operations. But still she was not completely satisfied. Her personal life, as it had been since high school, was pretty barren. She worked long hours and on her few dates she found that her brusk no nonsense manner and intellectual attainments put off most of her suitors. At 34 she had begun to accept the fact that in the long run she was destined to be alone. This in itself did not bother her too much. But there was a gnawing sense that she was somehow at fault in the paucity of significant relationships. No matter how much she told herself that she was an independent modern women making her own life, she retained a deep seated feeling that she was, in some way, failing. This evening she had just finished dinner with her friend Janice who had left soon after dinner to hook up with a guy she had met a few days ago at Cafe Americano located a few blocks away. Perhaps, she thought that's whats bothering her, she needed to get laid but instead she was going home like most nights to watch a little television, catch up on some work, review her investments, read a book and then go to bed. It was a beautiful San Francisco night. She stood for a moment on the sidewalk in front of the McWerter building in which the restaurant was located and took a deep breath then began walking down Steuart Street away from busy Mission Street toward the little cul-de-sac into which Steuart Street ended where she had parked her car. As she walked along she could hear sirens wailing from somewhere toward Market Street. She thought that there must be a fire in one of the stores or office buildings on Market since so many sirens appeared to be howling all at once. As she crossed Howard Street she fished out her keys from her pocked and jingled them absent-mindedly as she walk along toward the end of the Cul-de-sac. Her car was parked in the last space before the road ended. To her left toward the Embarcadero and the bay was a small plaza, a remnant undevelopable piece of land turned into a forlorn paper strewn park. To her right across Steuart, rose the 8 or so level parking garage that serviced the area, while in front of her the plaza narrowed as the Embarcadero slashed across in until it ended at the entrance to the new main offices of the Gap, a well known clothing manufacturer. She smiled slightly when she thought about one of the sayings she remembered from her classes at Wharton that went something like, "you could always tell when a company is about to fail; it is almost always soon after the leave the place that served them so well during their growth for their signature headquarters building that inevitably was built to feed the CEO's ego." She mused that that appeared to be happening to the GAP which had experienced dramatically declining profits almost ever since moving in. She arrived at the car, pressed the unlock button on the key and opened the diver's side door. Suddenly a large dark shape rose from in front of the car where it had apparently been crouched and hiding. Before she could react, she was grabbed flung against the side of her automobile and her keys snatched from her hand. The suddenness of the attack and the pain as her body struck the metal stunned her and she found herself dragged toward the door. She regained some control over herself and began to resist. Her attacker pushed and pulled her even harder, he was quite strong and he shouted "get in the car before we both get killed." Just then she heard a loud sound like something exploding and the rear window of her car shattered. During the days when I had somewhat of significant impact on the planning and implementation of California's coastal program, I often found myself on one side an ideological divide among environmentalists; between those that focused on the protection and rehabilitation of coastal resources (my leanings) and those that believed that no development is good development. The no development side had a valid point, they argued that, if all development were eliminated along the coast (or at least all new development) the natural environment would return to the state nature intended. As with most absolutist ideologies, it overlooked several inconvenient facts among which was that no part of California's shoreline no matter how remote was free of impacts caused by the vast migration of population to California over the last hundred years or so. Unless all or most of those people were driven off, the resources would continue to degrade simply from their continued presence no matter how much future development was restricted. My position was prompted by concerns about the continuing impact of economic conflict on coastal resources as well as questions of simple equity. A little story may help explain the evolution of my views. Early in the program, we received a proposal for development of a small resort hotel on the shores of one of the myriad of inlets along the coast. There was no other development along this section of the coast and the resources that could be impacted were especially sensitive. The developer was someone largely self-financed and could not by any means be described as a "large developer." In fact, I believed that essentially his entire financial resources were tied up in this property. During a meeting with him, as I discussed the various concerns we had with the proposed project, he became visibly agitated. Finally unable to contain himself, he jumped out of his seat, rolled up the sleeve of his shirt to reveal the telltale tattoo of identification numbers that indicated a survivor of the Nazi death camps. He shouted that he was being treated almost as badly as in the concentration camps. Now without getting into the appropriateness of his analogy or whether or not it was simply a cynical ploy to play upon my emotions for his benefit, it did place in hard contrast the nature of my actions. Ultimately we denied this project, as we were required to so that the Coastal Plan could be completed without compromising its effectiveness, by actions that could be inconsistent with that plan. Although the denial was ostensibly temporary, I am sure the impact on the developer was devastating since he probably was not financially strong enough to maintain his position and may have been forced into bankruptcy or worse. I also knew that any plan that we came up with would have as one of its goals the maintenance of this short stretch of the coast free from development. I realized then that our decisions, did not simply preserve resources, albeit temporarily, but also often penalized the economically weak, while favoring of the financially strong. Our actions actually gave an advantage to the large landowner or the well funded development corporation, who could lie in wait for political fortunes to change or could spend whatever it took on political and economic consultants to obtain the economic reward from the exploding value of an entitlement for development along the coast that we had created. Because a permit to develop along the coast became immensely more valuable as a result of our regulation, those with the wherewithal to wait for a politically propitious time or to purchase the political and technical consultants (of which I was a reasonably successful one following my departure from governmental service) to acquire the prized permit, were often successful. Those without the wherewithal lost, sometimes everything. As a result, it became my approach to instruct the Commission staff to inform the prospective developers early in the project approval process as precisely as we could what we wanted the development to do, what resources to be protected and equally important what resources needed to be restored or expanded. The latter because I believed that absent such action, environmental resource degradation and loss from the ongoing effects of already existing development would continue. If you are not increasing the extent and health of the resource base you inevitably are losing them. This the "No Development" ideologues simply failed to understand or appreciate. If the Permit to develop was as valuable as we apparently had made it, then not only were we using that increment in value to improve the resources but, I believed, we also reduced the inequities between the economically powerful landowners and developers and the much more common small entrepreneur. Now the burden was no longer on the agency to maintain an often untenable position but upon the applicant who must decide if the value in hand was worth more that the uncertain future value that may be obtained by fighting on. The question can be raised whether or not we are merely forcing current development to bear the costs of past errors by government. The answer is, yes and no. Land use regulation does not simply shift property values it, in fact, increases the value of the entitlement itself. In other words the land values have been shifted to some extent from the lands potential development value to its value entitled. On the other hand costs to develop are increased and therefore may represent an increased societal cost, but perhaps not to the extent of the costs of environmental degradation flowing from a failure to regulate. These costs (in either case) often fall heaviest on those least able to bear them. To deal with this several commentators on the process urged and a number of us on the staff agreed that included among the so-called coastal resources were those things that can be considered replacements in whole or in part for some of the societal impacts. These included increased access to coastal recreation by the general public, preservation and expansion of lower cost facilities and the like. The plan and the legislation that ultimately emerged attempted to address most of the issues mentioned above without surrendering its strong focus on coastal resources as follows: a. The creation of a regulatory agency with specific, not general, policies to focus the regulation on the particular unique resources of the coast and to encourage their expansion. b. Funding for acquisition of those areas of great value for recreational, environmental and even equitable goals (such as the resort developer referred to above) and, c. An environmental redevelopment and public access agency to begin the process of undoing the damage already done. Following in the passage of the massive California Coastal program, alas, those ideologically committed to the belief that no development is good development gradually prevailed in the regulatory program resulting in the favoring the large and powerful developer over the small and financially weak producing a hodgepodge of poorly designed projects, both large and small, a spate of inequitable decisions falling primarily on the economically defenseless, and a slowing down of resource preservation and restoration even to the point of interfering with the ability of other agencies to carry out the policies they were charged with in the coastal legislation. So does this make me a "liberal" on environmental matters. Not to that certain segment of the environmental community that opposes all or most development. I consider myself, if tags are necessary, more an environmental populist who believes that, even in environmental matters, the statement I have made several times before, should qualify every social, political, environmental and collective action we make and perhaps individual actions as well: "Why would anyone be morally bound or wish to be morally bound to a civil society that does not share the goal that its citizens deserve a fair distribution of wealth, income and power? If the civil society is not dedicated to that end what else could it possibly be dedicated to? What is freedom to those without wealth, income or power?" Anything less in my opinion is neither patriotic, good public policy nor moral. TODAY'S FACTOIDS: 2010: Prescription drug dangers. In a report in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, study authors said that in looking over records that spanned from 1976 to 2006 (the most recent year available) they found that, of 62 million death certificates, almost a quarter-million deaths were coded as having occurred in a hospital setting due to medication errors. An estimated 450,000 preventable medication-related adverse events occur in the US every year. The costs of adverse drug reactions to society are more than $136 billion annually — greater than the total cost of cardiovascular or diabetic care. Adverse drug reactions cause injuries or death in 1 of 5 hospital patients. The reason there are so many adverse drug events in the US is because so many drugs are used and prescribed — and many patients receive multiple prescriptions at varying strengths, some of which may counteract each other or cause more severe reactions when combined. 2012: Headphone danger. According to Chris Woodyard at USA Today, serious injuries have increased 300% in the last six years for pedestrians wearing headphones. Even more worrying, 70% of the people in these instances were killed. Nearly 70% of those that died in the accidents were under the age of 30. Surprisingly, almost half of the vehicles involved in the accidents were trains and not cars. The rapid increase in these accidents directly correlates to the rapid growth of the MP3 player market.The loud volume of the headphones blocking engine and horn noise coupled with the distraction of the music seems to be a fatal recipe. It just might be time to turn down the volume when on the move. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/headphones-may-kill-you-2012-1#ixzz1jlx9uwLV 2012: Olive oil. Italy sells three times as much olive oil as it produces. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/fake-olive-oil-2012-1#italy-sells-three-times-as-much-olive-oil-as-it-produces-15#ixzz1k3LIeCcs A. : You might be conservative if (by Bruce Lindner): 1: You're irate over the president taking so many vacation days on the taxpayer's dime (61 thus far), but you thought George W. Bush earned every minute of his leisure time (196 days at the same point in his presidency). 2: You're happy with your 40 hour work week, paid vacations and company-provided healthcare, but you're strongly anti-union, because those commies haven't done anything for you lately. 3: You strongly support the First Amendment and its guarantee of religious freedom to all, but you don't think Muslims have a right to build an Islamic Community Center in Manhattan. 4: You believe Ronald Reagan was a devout Christian, even though he hated going to church, but any president who spends twenty years going to the same Trinity United Church in Chicago must be a Muslim. 5: You believe when a Republican governor creates a healthcare package with an individual mandate for everyone in his state, that's a good idea. But when a Democratic president does it, suddenly it's unconstitutional. 6: You're so enthused about demonstrating your Second Amendment rights, you can think of no finer place to brandish your pistol in public than at a presidential rally. 7: You believe Bill Clinton was responsible for Osama bin Laden's escape ten years ago, but thankfully George W. Bush caught up with him and killed him in Pakistan. B. : What "Occupy" is all about and what it really wants: "When a man tells you he got rich through hard work, ask him: Whose?" – Rousseau Categories: January 2012 through March 2012, Uncategorized | Tags: Adverse drug reactions, Baja 500, Bangkok, California Castal Program, California Coastal Act, Coastal Protection, Conservative, Headphone dangers, Helen Mirren, Jughandle Creek, Magnificent Seven, Mossad, Naked Mole Rat, Olive oil, Pygmy Forest, Rousseau, Seven Samuri, Thailand | Leave a comment This and that from re Thai r ment, by 3Th. ( 6 Mopey 0001) January 22 2012 Posted on January 31, 2012 by trenzpruca A. Pookie's Adventures in Thailand: Last night unable to fall asleep, I looked around for things that would help me do so. I decided to calculate, with the help of the word counter program on one of my applications, the number of words I had written over the past two years. It turned out I had written about one million words. Now what's that all about? One Million words. That seems like a lot of words. Why would anyone in their right mind write so much and not get paid for it? It's like standing in a closed room and talking to yourself; that's the definition of nuts. One million words. That would be like writing 10 slim books or 5 longer boring ones. And why was I awake at night adding up all this stuff about words I have written? Who cares? That's like figuring out how much I shit over the past two years. Since I shit about a little over pound a day, after two years I would have shit about 800 pounds. That is four times my weight. So after two years, what I have to show for it all is one million words and 800 pounds of shit. At least you can do something positive with the shit, spread in on some farm land and grow things. But, what does one do with used words. What happens to all these words anyway? When you press the send button on your computer or whatever it is that you do, where do they go or where are they before or after someone reads them? Somebody once told me they are in a server someplace. Does that mean somewhere there is a server with a little electronic compartment called "Joey's words?" Someone else said they just float around in the ether. Wouldn't these trillions and trillions of words floating around overhead eventually become too heavy and come crashing down burying us all under tons of broken letters? Frightening, no? If I wrote all one million words on pieces of paper instead of into a computer, besides a bad case of writers cramp, I would have about 5000 pieces of note paper covered in scribbled words lying around my room. That doesn't seem so bad. My little bookcase with my thirty or so books have more than that. My personal libraries over the years probably consisted of about 15,000 books containing over a billion words. Why do we need so many words? Why would anyone read a billion words? Think about it, every day probably 100 billion words are written and that's just those written down. There must be a million times more words than that spoken. Why? Maybe we are all made up of just words. You know, if you ask a physicist what the universe is made of he will tell you "energy." What the hell is that, "energy?" Well, the physicist probably will explain, it is like sunlight or electricity all waves or pulses. What the hell does that mean? Nothing. Why not words? After all the Bible says in the beginning there was the Word. Maybe way back in the beginning all was silent. Maybe there was a prior universe and in that universe they said everything that could be said and so there was nothing more to talk or write about and everything became very quiet . The universe was sort of like a big deathly silent library. Then, all of a sudden, someone said something like, "Oh shit, I dropped my fucking pencil," and then everyone started talking a once. "Boom" the "Big Bang," words spreading out at the speed of light creating word galaxies, stars and solar systems. And what about the "dark energy" the physicists tell us makes up most of our universe? Could it actually be "Dark Words?" Could they be those words floating around in people's minds that no-one ever hears or sees? Makes you wonder, doesn't it? So what about my 1 million words? Don't I have something better to do with my time? The Little Masseuse spends much of her time knitting wool scarves. She does it while watching television, riding on a bus or at work. After all, there is not that much to do at a health club but hand out towels and give a massage now and then. But wool scarves? This is Thailand for God's sake. What would a Thai know about wool scarves? It never gets cold here. If they actually wore them, they would probably die of heat prostration. They probably saw them in some old western movie about rich people at some expensive resort in the Alps and thought they were fashion accessories beloved by westerners. It had to be old movies. Nowadays, when one goes skiing, one wears a sleek brightly colored outfit made of plastic that makes one look like an idiot robot or a cartoon character. Anyway, sometimes she sells them to westerners at the health club. What's that all about? Why would someone come all the way to Thailand and buy a woolen scarf instead of one of those fake traditional Thai handicrafts sold on the sidewalks along most of the streets in Bangkok? Or, one of those carved wooden penises that the Thai's seem to like so much and carry around in their pockets or attached to a key chain or dangling from a string tied around their necks? And, what is all that about penises being good luck? Come on guys when has your penis actually brought good luck; a little fun perhaps, but good luck, probably not. More than likely, the damn thing brings you a lot of bad luck if you ask me, Anyway, there are wool scarves stuffed everywhere throughout my apartment. I bought a bunch of them from her just to bring them to the US to get rid of them. No, I am not going to take up knitting instead of senselessly spewing out words to pass my time. Perhaps I can go and play checkers in a bar somewhere every day. Does anyone play checkers anymore? Probably not, they now most likely play video games on their iPhones complete with sound effects. I could grow tomatoes. That's what old Italian men do. My father did it and his father before him. They were not farmers, they grew the tomatoes in their back yards or along the side of the driveway. My father loved his tomatoes, obsessed over them. At times I thought he loved his tomatoes more than his family. Between my father and my grandfather they must have grown a million tomatoes. That's a lot of tomatoes. It's frightening really what people chose to do with their lives. B. News, Straight or Slightly Bent: Today I had my first piece published in anything other that my own blog or some other blog that accepts everything submitted. True, it was only in the letters to the editor section of one of the two national english language newspapers in Thailand, The Nation. Nevertheless, my letter completely filled all the space allocated for the section (in other words it was long, very long). I will send a copy in my next post along with what I am sure will be outrage at my comments since I claimed, in that pseudo intellectual language that I affect and like so much, that the Thai national flood control plan is crap and doomed to fail. A. Chapter 1. In the Beginning: an oft told story (continued). The next morning John took us on a tour of the "Ecological Staircase." In some ways that hike changed my life as much as anything has. Never before had I experienced anyone that seemed to have such a passionate love of nature, or of anything really; musicians or those sexually bewitched maybe. Perhaps those who met John Muir or explored the marshes with Mrs. Terwilliger ("Spend the day at home and you'll never remember it. Spend the day outdoors with me, and you'll never forget it.") may have been equally affected as I was during this walk. For me it seemed both revealing and somewhat disquieting. I grew up on the East Coast in and around New York City. I could be included among those who that passionate cynic Don Neuwirth said get nose bleeds when the soles of their feet are not in contact with cement. To us the "Woods," as we called it, was somewhat forbidding and dangerous, a place approached with care and where possible avoided. As we walked along, John pointed things out like a tour guide in the Sistine Chapel. He would stop, dip his hands into the mulch of the forest floor breathing in its earthy smell then urging us to do so also. At times he tenderly touched this or that shy plant explaining its particular remarkable attributes. I soon realized I was experiencing someone who appeared to be speaking about his beloved. To John nature was nothing less that a symphony of renewal. I on the other hand could not go quite that far, the smell of the earth although pleasant still possessed the faint odor of decay. Where he saw in a green shoot pushing up through the browned fallen leaves as the miracle of regeneration, I saw only the catabolism of the dead. And yet, and yet, I could not resist his infective enthusiasm and hoped, no wanted it all to be true. Or, I suddenly thought, was this in fact just another example of something I once read, of, "…our peculiar American phenomenon of seeking guidance or redemption within nature." From what could John be seeking redemption? Not being "The Olmsted?" Something that happened during recess in grammar school? A secret life perhaps? Among the stunted trees John explained how the nitrogen depleted soil encouraged the plants in the area to evolve to trap insects from which to obtain that chemical so necessary for life. As we trudged along we passed through the towering redwood forests that grew where the hard-pan had been broken at what could be called the staircase's risers, crushed by the incessant geological forces as they thrust one step above the other. As we walked in the silent spaces between the giant trees, John referred to it, as many do, as a cathedral. Like a cathedral's columns, the massive trunks climbed up to where far above sunlight filtered through the branches as it does through a cathedral's stained glass clerestory windows. Far below, in shadow the ground revels in silence. But, in reality, even I knew the trees grew that high in order to expropriate the sun's energy at the expense of everything below, just like, I assume, the builders of the great cathedrals sought to expropriate the grace of God, leaving the few worshippers scurrying about in the gloom and quiet below. Whenever I visited one of those churches, enjoying the brief respite from the vicissitudes of existence offered by the silence, I, nevertheless, soon found myself longing for the excitement and distraction of life's bazaar outside. As we turned to go back to the cabin for lunch, I was a bit relieved; fatigued from scrambling across the wild terrain and somewhat overwhelmed by my sudden imersion into the intricate mysteries of nature. Mostly, I guess, because although we usually simply absorb our momentary experiences with Mother Nature in unthinking contemplation, wandering about with John, however, was more like a post-graduate course in ecological transcendentalism. It was made even more exhausting by exposure to a lovers passion that you, the observer, could not really share. Still, unless one is simply hateful or irredeemably cynical one usually hopes the lover succeeds and perhaps thereby you gain some vicarious empathic connection to what you could never experience directly. Watching them plod on ahead of me, Jeanne determined to wring all that could be wrung from her experience and John, in the lead, shinning like Gandalf the White, I felt a chill and I thought again about redemption. We all seek redemption for something. For me, perhaps it was absolution for that morning long ago, hearing my wife screaming over and over again, "My baby, my baby is dead" while I tried to breathe life back into that tiny purple and red splotched body and failed, or later, feeling nothing but anger at the stares of the mourners and the somber burial on some forgotten hilltop? Could an innocent excitement about the future and a lovers enchantment redeem anything? I followed them back to the cabin. B. Postscript: Monty. Undaunted by this tragedy and the collapse of his hopes and dreams at that time Monty applied the personal skills that made him successful as a prize-fighter to go on to other careers including a stint as a radio sportscaster. Eventually like so many during that time, he found himself in California and like many of those who eschewed the burgeoning and disruptive hippy sub-culture went into Real Estate and development, primarily shopping centers. He became quite successful, married had two children and a large estate in Rancho Palos Verde overlooking the ocean. Then things began going bad. Someone, suggested Monty consider buying some property in San Luis Obispo County; eighteen hundred acres right by the water. Monty went to see the property. It was an old cattle ranch astride Pacific Coast Highway. It had been heavily overgrazed and denuded of most flora and fauna except for the stunted grass. Yet, the gently rolling golden landscape was attractive in a desolate sort of way as it rose up into some low hills that on one side flowed seamlessly back toward the grazing lands and on the other fell precipitously onto the rocks and breakers of the Pacific Ocean. Standing there on the top of one of the hills, Monty fell in love in a way he had not experienced for many years. To some, falling in love means redemption or peace, to others it is the gateway to destruction. Alas, for Monty although he had hoped it was the former, it unfortunately turned out to be the latter. 1. Chronicles: Unfortunately, I believe we have had enough dark tales for one post, so I guess we will have to wait a few more days to hear Old George's Tales of the Dark Times. 2. H. Glaber fellow travelers: The "Urban Dictionary" which defined the phrase Naked Mole Rat as someone looking particularly unattractive, usually early in the morning or late at night. Characteristics include squinty eyes, hair pressed flat against head, puffy features. Usually the result of poor or no sleep and/or way too late/early to be up and moving around. "She washed her face and brushed her hair, but a naked mole rat still stared back at her in the mirror." "After playing video games all night he was more naked mole rat than human." "That's not a baby! That's a naked mole rat!" RED STAR: Chapter, Don't Piss Off Meg (continued): Meg climbed the cliff face toward the road above while the wreck below still blazed. For a moment she wondered if killing a potential witness would make finding Stephanie's killer more difficult. She dismissed that figuring he would have been dead anyway before he could be questioned and the automobile probably was a rental so it most likely had nothing helpful in it. Whatever there is to be gotten, she was confident the technical people will be able to extract it even from the burned scraps. Besides she thought, whoever killed Steph and tried to kill her made a big mistake, they got her pissed her off. As she passed the emergency rescue team on the way down, she told them she was unable to get the driver out of the vehicle before it exploded and thought he was probably dead. She said she would send a technical investigation team down to sift through the wreckage. Arriving at the top, she saw that no one from the Sheriff's office had arrived yet. She recognized, Mike Williams of the Pacifica PD who seemed to be in charge. She told him the same story she told the emergency rescue team and added that she believed that the automobile and driver may have been connected to a previous incident being investigated by the sheriff's office that would send a technical investigation team to assist the Pacifica group. She promised to call Mike tomorrow and coordinate the investigation. As they walked back to her cruiser, Mike joked about the crushed bumper when he saw it. "Yeah," she said laconically, "got to get that fixed." She then got into the car radioed her office to bring them up to date and get things rolling. Picking up her cell phone she called Ray. She told him everything that happened including with the lighter. He remained silent. She then said, "Ray, I want to talk to everyone on your list starting with that fucking minister in Blackhawk. About 10 AM OK with you? Can you get it started?" Ray agreed but insisted he come along on the interviews. She assented. Then following some discussion about coordination she put down the phone, started the car and drove to her home in Half Moon Bay. She did not go directly into her house but walked the block or so to the beach, sat on a driftwood log watching the foam of waves shimmer in the moonlight and allowing the roar of the breakers drown out all thought. After a while she got up, took a deep breath, returned to her home, went in and slept deeply and unperturbed. What "Occupy" is all about and what it really wants: 1. 2012: Giant Rats Trained to Unearth Dangerous Landmines. Buddhist monk and Ashoka Fellow Bart Weetjens has trained sub-Saharan African giant pouched rats to detect land mines. Last year alone, in Gaza Mozambique 36 HeroRATs and 14 locally trained handlers cleared nearly 800,000 square meters of land, safely destroying 861 land-mines, 373 items of unexploded ordnance (UXO), 6,216 small arms and ammunitions (SAA), and one cluster bomb RBK-250-275. By the end of this year, APOPO hopes to clear an additional two million square meters of land. In 2010, the Thailand Mine Action Centre (TMAC) asked APOPO to conduct land release surveys along its Cambodian border, in partnership with the Thai NGO Peace Road Organization (PRO). Ten weeks of sweeps uncovered 165 anti-personnel mines and 17 anti-tank mines. APOPO will maintain a presence in Thailand to assist the country's compliance with the 2018 AP Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) deadline. 2. The good old days: Does anyone long for the "good old days" when Lysol was marketed as a feminine hygiene product with ads like these: 3. Olive oil: 70% of "extra virgin olive oil" is probably a fraud. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/fake-olive-oil-2012-1#70-of-extra-virgin-olive-oil-is-probably-a-fraud-17#ixzz1k3KyOYG2 What passes for political discourse in today's United States of America: In a letter to his colleagues, Kansas Speaker of the House Mike O'Neal ® regarding President Barak Obama called for his death writing: "At last — I can honestly voice a Biblical prayer for our president! Look it up — it is word for word! Let us all bow our heads and pray. Brothers and Sisters, can I get an AMEN? AMEN!!!!!! Let his days be few; and let another take his office May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow. May his children be wandering beggars; may they be driven from their ruined homes. May a creditor seize all he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor. May no one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children." As far as I know, not a single Republican or conservative political leader or commentator objected to this. Had a politician of this rank called for the death of a Republican president, Faux news and the entire right-wing amen choir would have accused him of treason and screamed for his removal from office. "There are two sustainable ways to make money in finance: find people with risks that need to be carried and match them with people with unused risk-bearing capacity, or find people with such risks and match them with people who are clueless but who have money. Are we sure that most of the growth in finance stems from a rising share of financial professionals who undertake the former rather than the latter?" Brad De Long The mouse-sized naked mole rat is the longest-lived rodent known, surviving up to 31 years in captivity. Scientists are studying its longevity, including its ability to maintain good health and reproductive potential well into its third decade. (Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies/The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio) Categories: January 2012 through March 2012, Uncategorized | Tags: Bangkok, Brad DeLong, Coastal Protection, Energy, Environment, John Muir, lysol, Naked Mole Rat, Occupy, Olive oil, Pygmy Forest, Thailand, Words | Leave a comment This and That from re Thai r ment, by 3Th. (27 Joseph 0001) January 16, 2012 Chronicles: Workers. Hi, my name is Gail. I am a worker and I have been asked to show you around the burrow. Workers like me are smaller than the other naked mole rats in the community, like the Queen and the soldiers. That is a good thing, I think. It helps us get around and through all of the tunnels. Although all of us can run forward and backward equally fast and our skins are loose enough we can almost turn around in them, it is a bit easier for us to move about the smallest of the tunnels than it is for the bigger soldiers and the Queen, may she reign forever. First a word about us workers. We work almost all the time, except when we eat or sleep or use the toilet. Although each of us can do whatever any other one can, some of us specialize. For example, when we dig a tunnel one of us, of course, is in front doing the actual digging. Behind the digger are one or more sweepers sweeping the refuse back to the last of us in the line who sweeps it out of burrow altogether where it forms a volcano like mound about five inches high. That's what I like doing best, volcanoing and I am pretty good at it. Some of the others are good at other things. Take Old George, he is one of the oldest citizens in the burrow. He is so old he remembers the Queen before the current Queen, my mom, may she reign long and prosper and may she be not as irritable as usual. He sometimes tells the younger workers stories about the Dark Times after the prior queen died and the other females fought often to the death throughout the tunnels until one emerged victorious, Old Horror, Glabix XI calls her, my mom, Eleven's too, may her reign be fruitful. Anyway, in addition to telling stories and being old and all, Old George is a tool-maker. He finds and shapes bits of wood that the workers doing the digging can use to make it easier and faster. With or without tools we workers can build a super tunnel over a mile long in three months. A super tunnel is one that two of us can walk side by side of pass each other going in opposite directions. These super tunnels connect the important places in the burrow. Well, here we are at one of those important places, the Restroom or Loo. 1938, November 12: The "Jewish Question." 'I have received a letter written on the Führer's orders requesting that the Jewish question be now, once and for all, coordinated and solved one way or another… I should not want to leave any doubt, gentlemen, as to the aim of today's meeting. We have not come together merely to talk again, but to make decisions, and I implore competent agencies to take all measures for the elimination of the Jew from the German economy, and to submit them to me.' Hermann Goering. Goering's statement followed the infamous Kristallnacht. Also, shortly after the Kristallnacht Martin Sasse, bishop of the Thuringian Evangelical Church and leading member of the German Christians movement, published a compendium of Martin Luther's writings ; Sasse "applauded the burning of the synagogues" and the coincidence of the day, writing in the introduction, "On 10 November 1938, on Luther's birthday, the synagogues are burning in Germany." The German people, he urged, ought to heed these words "of the greatest anti-Semite of his time, the warner of his people against the Jews." Diarmaid MacCulloch argued that Luther's 1543 pamphlet On the Jews and Their Lies was a "blueprint" for the Kristallnacht. One of the few public demonstrations of opposition to Kristallnacht was led by, William Cooper, an Aboriginal Australian whose people also had experienced racial based extermination attempts by a Germanic people, who along with a delegation of the Australian Aboriginal League marched through Melbourne to the German Consulate to deliver a petition which condemned the "cruel persecution of the Jewish people by the Nazi government of Germany." German officials refused to take the document. However, lest we forget and thereby minimize the true evil of right-wing hate, in addition to the Jewish Holocaust, Gypsies were often killed on sight, especially by the Einsatzgruppen [mobile killing units] on the Eastern Front. The total number of victims has been variously estimated at between 220,000 to 1,500,000; even the lowest number would make the Porajmos (Gypsy genocide) one of the largest mass murders in history. Homosexuals were hunted down like vermin and over 12 million Poles simply were slaughtered to make room for the planned expansion of the German race. TODAY'S NEWS FROM THAILAND: 1. Airport Fracas: A few days ago an official of Thailand's Customs Department set off the security alarm as he passed through the security machine at the BKK airport. A security officer asked to pat down official before passing further into the airport. The official objected, pointed to his name tag, slammed both hands against the security officers ears rupturing one of his eardrums and walked off. It was all caught on tape by a security camera and received significant play on the local news. A Customs Department spokesman said it is investigating the incident but did not think it was a big enough deal to remove the investigation out of local hands. Thailand in now experiencing national soul-searching about how far, if at all, they have come from feudalism. 2. Prime Minister Princess Lucky Girl tours the military: In keeping a campaign pledge to get to know them better, the Prime Minister has begun a series of lunches with leaders of the various branches of the nations armed forces, who were instrumental in executing the coup that removed her brother, the exiled, fugitive ex-Prime Minister Thaksin the Terrible. 3. Thailand's "Sufficiency" economy: On December 23,1999, His Majesty the King of Thailand announced his goal of a sufficiency economy for Thailand. The country's political leaders ignored him on this just as they did on flood control, rural development and the need to protect the Monarchy from criticism. They do however claim undying loyalty to the Royalty Family. It sort of resembles those in the US who express unabashed reverence for those in military service, even to the point putting on huge displays in their honor, while often opposing almost every program intended to provide those same servicemen and women, health care for war related injuries, job retraining and education, family assistance and just about anything else that would actually help those who put their lives on the line for the rest of us a little more than hollow hypocritical celebrations. POOKIE'S ADVENTURES IN THAILAND: I have little to report about my activities here. I am still planning to leave on the 24th of the month to return to the US. I arrive in LA for a day or two, then go to Sacramento. This is different from yesterday when SWAC wrote to tell me that I should not go to Sacramento because Dick in whose house she and Hayden lives (he actually lives in another house) did not want me to stay the month. This morning she emailed me that I should go to Sacramento so that she could return to Thailand to sell her condominium. Tomorrow I am sure it will change again. I have begun transferring these "This and that…" emails into a new blog. It takes a lot of time to do so. In my next issue of "This and that…" I will explain all about it. Although I still go to the health club six days a week, I now only swim for my workouts. Since I had my most recent lingering illness, I have found myself too exhausted for extensive gym exercises. The tall skinny apparition led me through the columns into the sparsely furnished lobby of the newly completed building where several large easels were set up in some sort of an ad hoc exhibition. My guide introduced himself as John Olmsted. I was later to learn that he was a descendent of "The" Olmsted, the high school dropout from Connecticut who became a journalist and in the latter stages of the Nineteenth Century parlayed his journalistic abilities and his political connections to win the competition to design NY's Central Park becoming thereby one of the most successful landscape designers of his generation. John stood me before easels and proceeded to explain to me all about something he called an "Ecological Staircase," and about the "Pygmy Forest." Now, at that time, I was vaguely familiar with the word "Ecological" at least enough to know it had something to do with nature, but what it had to do with staircases had me mystified and curious. To explain it, he had a large chart set up on one of the easels. The best I could make out was that logically it had something to do with "The Pygmy Forest," and that John was going to connect it all up for me. John then pointed to a photograph of what appeared to me to be one of the ugliest plants I had ever seen. Had it grown in my garden, I would have pulled it out by its roots hoping I acted quickly enough to prevent it infecting the rest of the place. To John however, the sight of it seemed to have instilled in him an almost religious ecstasy. He enthusiastically explained that the stunted monstrosity was a full-grown tree. My excitement at that revelation was muted. Unperturbed by my lack of response, John continued with his presentation. It seems the ground around a place called "Jughandle Creek" located somewhere along the coast in Mendocino, a county lying about 100 miles north of San Francisco, according to John had, over the eons, risen and fallen beneath ocean and each time it rose the incessant waves carved out a ledge. About five or so times this happened sculpting the land to appear, to the imaginative obsessive, as a giant staircase, hence the Staircase to which Ecological was appended. It was all beginning to make sense. John explained that the ground on the top of each step (for some reason that I have forgotten), became packed as hard as cement. Over the years the soil settling on top of that cement became more and more hostile to just about any living thing except for flesh-eating plants, these benighted trees and marijuana. Apparently, the roots of the trees could not push through the cement-like hard-pan causing the stunted growth of these three-foot high monstrosities. "Natural Bonsai," John crooned. They did not look like any bonsai I ever saw, but hell, who was I to argue with the crazed hippie descendent of "The" Olmsted. The looming tragedy that prompted John's hysteria and resulted in the exhibit and the selection of me as a potential acolyte, was a developer's plans to build a motel right in the center of the first step of John's beloved Ecological Staircase, thereby ruining it for future generations of, I assumed, people like John, as well putting the existence of the nearby forest of stunted trees at risk. While I thought that any trees that could thrive in that soil was a match for any developer, I nevertheless heard myself say those eternally fateful (and often regretted) words, "That's awful, I used to be a practicing attorney, what can I do to help." Meg had not spent the greater part of her non-working, waking hours taking innumerable high performance driving courses for no reason. It was her hobby. So, she calling upon that expertise, quickly manipulated brake and steering wheel to regain control of her vehicle, even on the crumbling unstable verge along the unbarricaded edge of the cliff and soon found herself behind her attacker. She speeded up, drove to the outside close to the cliff-face and began to pass him. As she came abreast of the other driver, she could see him glance at her and hunch over the steering wheel. She guessed he intended to try to drive her against the escarpment that rose up alongside the road. Before he could act, she floored her cruiser's accelerator to speed up. As the nose of her vehicle edged pant his, she sharply pulled of her steering wheel, turning her wheels so it appeared the nose of her car would cross in front of his bumper and crash into him, forcing him toward the cliff edge. It was a bluff as she almost immediately righted the car again. As she expected her bluff worked. He panicked, swung he steering wheel hard to the right to try to avoid contact, broke into and uncontrolled skid and tumbled over the cliff edge and onto the rocks below. Meg slowed to a stop then backed up to where the other car left the road. She carefully parked on the shoulder, put on her blinking emergency lights, calmly report the accident on her two-way. Then she got out opened the trunk, took out some emergency flares and reflectors and laid them out for about twenty feet along the edge of the road where the other car had gone over. She then for the first time looked over the edge down to the tangled hunk of metal far below wondering why it had not burst in flame and muttered "Fuck you, asshole," and slowly began the climb down the precipice to the wreckage. By the time she arrived she could hear the sirens of the police cars and ambulances from Pacifica to the north and Half Moon Bay to the south as they converged at the crash site. The gas tank had ruptured. Escaping gasoline dripped onto the rocks and ran off into the surf a little way below. She was thankful it had not ignited. The driver's door had sprung open from the impact and the driver appeared still alive. She gingerly extracted him and both dragged and carried him far enough from the wreck to be sake from any explosion. He was in bad shape. He was bleeding from a nasty head room and both his legs and one of his arms appeared to be broken. She figured several ribs also had his lungs had been punctured since he was spitting up blood. He did not look to her as though he would make it until the medical team arrived. He was conscious though. She knelt leaned in close to him and said, "I will try to help keep you alive until the emergency team get's here, but first tell me who sent you?" His pain wracked eyes hardened and he responded in a whisper through the blood, "Go to hell you fucking Dyke." "Wrong answer cock-sucker." She grabbed him by his shirt, dragged him back to the wreck and threw him back in, took out a plain zippo lighter, stepped back a few steps, flicked on the flame and tossed it into a puddle of the leaked gasoline. She quickly retreated a safe distance and the gas flamed up and upon reaching the tank exploded. She stood for a moment watching the flames devour the automobile then looked up. The emergency vehicles had arrived and the first of the medics were beginning their descent. She turned and began to climb to meet them. How about giving US workers a break? What passes for political discourse in modern America: "Obama and his radical homosexual mafia plan to sodomize the world and make such perversion seem as wholesome as apple pie and vanilla ice cream. In reality, such perversion cannot be printed in a family publication or broadcast on any FCC regulated TV or radio stations." Summit Ministries founder David Noebel attacking the Obama administration for pushing back against attempts to criminalize and persecute gays and lesbians abroad. "The very rich on today's Wall Street are now so rich that they buy their own social infrastructure. They hire private security, they live on gated mansions on islands and other tax havens, and most notably, they buy their own justice and their own government. But citizens of the stateless archipelago where people like Schwarzman live spend millions a year lobbying and donating to political campaigns so that they can jump the line. They don't need to make sure the government is fulfilling its customer-service obligations, because they buy special access to the government, and get the special service and the metaphorical comped bottle of VIP-room Crystal afforded to select customers." Matt Taibii, Rolling Stone TODAY'S GRAPHIC : Categories: January 2012 through March 2012, Uncategorized | Tags: Coastal Protection, Naked Mole Rat, Occupy, Pygmy Forest, Thailand | 2 Comments This and that from re Thai r ment, by 3Th. (21Joseph 0001) January 10, 2012 "And so it begins, a historic departure, the Voyage of the HMS Bagel, in search of further documentation of this next evolutionary tour de force." Peter G 1. Chronicles: A soldiers life: I am called Glabix XI or Eleven for short. Being a soldier is not too bad a life. Once the Old Horror, The Queen, may she long live and reign in peace and prosperity, chose her consorts (one of whom was my father) the rest of us were free to go about our business without all that hustling about, preening and fighting for poon-tang so to speak. It takes a lot of pressure off guys. The ladies still have to hang around the nursery and the old Queen waiting for her to sicken so that they can beat each other up to see which one gets laid and takes over running things. Not us guys though, we just keep doing what were doing until one of the ladies wins the fight and in her sex-crazed madness jumps our bones. Then, for the lucky two or three guys it's an even softer job than being a cop like me. In return for giving it up, so to speak, to the Queen whenever she is in the mood, the consort gets to boss everyone else around just like the Queen. Most of my days are spent wandering the tunnels searching for things that do not smell right, usually that means there is an intruder to deal with. It is pretty easy stuff really, except when the Old Horror, The Queen, my beloved mother, may her reign be long and glorious, is up and about pushing everyone around for whatever it is that itches her tooth at that moment. If truth be known most of us soldiers are a big and lazy lot, but when the time comes we do our job. Our job…? Well primarily, it is to push out from the tunnels those things that do not smell right. Sometimes when it is something too big and too dangerous to push out, it is the job of one of us soldiers to, well, give ourselves up to be eaten so that the intruder busys itself dining long enough for the rest of us to wall off the tunnel the intruder used to get in. I know it is a thankless job, but someone has to do it. Today's award goes to Kevin DuJan a gay man from Chicago's Boystown who it is reported claimed in his blog that, because of his opposition to Gay Marriage and support of right-wing politicians such as Sarah Palin, leftist gays are secretly conspiring to deny him dates with "hot twinks" and are poisoning his cocktails at his favorite bar. (Keep on fighting the good fight Kevin.) Rufus (voiced by Nancy Cartwright) is a naked mole-rat, the pet friend, and soul brother of Ron Stoppable in the Wiki (Disney) cartoon Kim Possible (http://kimpossible.wikia.com/wiki/Rufus). Rufus lives almost full-time in Ron's pocket, and accompanies him everywhere. He is exceptionally intelligent for an animal, but average by human standards, and is capable of limited speech. In the episode Oh No Yono!, he was the first one to be turned into a statue by Yono the Destroyer. H. Glaber says, check it out. 1. 2012: Five statistics about today's America: 1. A staggering 48 percent of all Americans are either considered to be "low-income" or are living in poverty. 2. Back in 1980, less than 30% of all jobs in the United States were low-income jobs. Today, more than 40% of all jobs in the United States are low-income jobs. 3. Electricity bills in the United States have risen faster than the overall rate of inflation for five years in a row. 4. A higher percentage of Americans are living in extreme poverty (6.7%) than has ever been measured before. 5. According to a study that was just released, CEO pay at America's biggest companies rose by 36.5% in just one recent 12 month period. 2. 1789: The American Constitution was Drafted. What do you think our Founding Fathers were smoking while they wrote it? "Some of my finest hours have been spent sitting on my back veranda, smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see." ~Thomas Jefferson "Make the most of the Indian hemp seed, and sow it everywhere !" ~George Washington "Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country." "We shall, by and by, want a world of hemp more for our own consumption." ~John Adams Was it possible that the patriotic boys of the Continental Army, marched off to battle the British Red Coats while stoned on weed? No wonder they won. I can picture General Georgie the Washman, just before stepping on that boat prior the surprise attack on the British troops in Trenton, knowing he was going to freeze his ass off during the crossing, taking a toke or two to help him weather the voyage. How do you think the Continental Army was able to survive that bone-chilling winter at Valley Forge? And what about TJ living large and enjoying it on that back veranda at Monticello watching his sweating slaves work his fields through the haze of smoke curling up from the joint he is holding in one hand while his other hand snakes under Sally Hemming's skirt to stroke her rump. Now that's what patriotism is all about. The Real Birth of a Nation. 3. 2011: It's against the law to lie on television in Canada. Canadian conservatives tried to change that law so FOX could broadcast in Canada. They were unable to get the law changed, so FOX does not operate in Canada! (eh!) The Nation: Of the two national English language newspapers in Thailand, "The Nation" is considered the tabloid, and until recently I have always assumed was the more conservative of the two and the one most strongly supportive of the party opposed to Thaksin the Terrible, the exiled fugitive elder brother of the current Prime Minister Princess Lucky Girl. My perception may have been wrong. I recently noticed a decided shift in its editorial and headline policy to be more sympathetic to the current government. Not much to report. I have begun preparation for my return to the US on January 24. Other than that I have continued to swim every day and have gone to see,"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," and "Tinker, Tailor…" at the movies. I enjoyed both very much although how one could comprehend "Tinker, Tailor…" without reading the book or having seen the Alec Guinness version, I will never understand. I thought "Dragon Tattoo," was worth seeing for Rooney Mara's retaliatory rape alone. When she looked down at her now cowering tormentor with the black rings around her eyes and explained to him that he should fear her because her social service investigators opinion was true, she was insane, it brought tears to my eyes. In prior posts and in my blogs, I have repeatedly warned of the inevitable crises and economic and political turmoil resulting from impending mass migrations of populations displaced by war, revolution, climate, political or economic disruption. It is already being felt in many parts of the world today. According to Michael Wertz and Laura Conley: "The United Nations' recent Human Development Report stated that, worldwide, there are already an estimated 700 million internal migrants—those leaving their homes within their own countries—a number that includes people whose migration is related to climate change and environmental factors. Overall migration across national borders is already at approximately 214 million people worldwide, with estimates of up to 20 million displaced in 2008 alone because of a rising sea level, desertification, and flooding. One expert, Oli Brown of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, predicts a tenfold increase in the current number of internally displaced persons and international refugees by 2050." (The US is not immune. Historically once migration begins, resistance, no mater how violent has rarely, if ever, proven effective for long. The only options are, either accept it and do the best one can to assimilate the migrants into the host culture with minimal turmoil or to affirmatively relieve the causes for the migration in an effort to slow or stop it. Jingoistic and nationalist policies only causes the receiving culture greater short-term and long-term damage. The greatest disruption is from the creation of an increasingly isolated and resentful minority population that reacts by refusing to assimilate while by the sheer force of its numbers demands a share of political and economic control over the host society.) In the Beginning: an oft told story. In the autumn of 1972, I was a card-carrying, pot smoking, alternative life style living, unemployed, hirsute Hippy San Franciscanus. It was about noon on a glorious fall day. I was wandering about in downtown San Francisco wondering about what I was going to do about lunch. I was just passing the newly built Transamerica Building on my way to North Beach, hippy central during those times. Out of the corner of my eye I catch sight of a very tall, very skinny bearded man emerging from the forest of columns supporting the somewhat pyramid-shaped building who was rapidly approaching me. He was dressed more or less in the style of my cultural sub-group. That is, he was not wearing a business suit or clothing purchased from any retail store not dealing in second-hand garments. His outfit was accessorized with a red bandanna around his neck and an aluminum Sierra Club drinking cup dangling from a rope belt tied around his waist. He grabbed my arm with his long skinny fingers and Moses like, but in a surprisingly squeaky voice, said: "You must help save the Pygmy Forest." Now the societal fringe movement to which I belonged at that time was very sensitive to anything that could be considered a portent of an emerging transcendental experience. Here, the sun was at its zenith and I was standing at the base of an almost pyramid like the wedding guest detained by the ancient mariner, clearly a portent portended. So in the polite manner of the denizens of New York where I was born, raised and had so recently left, I answered: "What the fuck is a Pygmy Forest?" Chapter: Don't Piss off Meg: It was late, Meg had spent a few hours a Fat Al's offices reviewing with him the chaotic and seemingly unconnected information he had assembled. She was sure there was something in that mess of documents could help her to clear up the cause of Stephanie's death. Later they had dinner together at a little restaurant near the office where they swapped cop stories. They were interrupted by a call from Ray. Vince Biondi and someone else were involved is a shootout at a posh hotel in downtown. They drove down to see for themselves. Fat Al's retired cop badge and her uniform got them past the police lines. Fat Al spoke with a few of his old colleagues in homicide. It seems the police believed that it was a gangland shooting of some sort. Three people were dead. The hotel's restaurant staff and four diners had been herded into the large freezer in the kitchen by five armed men. The three dead bodies had been identified as some of the intruders. Apparently their target had been some other diner or diners at least one of whom was a middle-aged man seated by the maitre'd before he was hustled off into the freezer by the gunman. He had recognized the man because he had eaten there a few weeks ago. Unfortunately the reservation book page had been torn out. Al was sure they would go through the prior reservation to try to identify the diner who they both agreed was probably Vince. It would take them a few days Al guessed. As she approached the incline that rose to pass along the edge of the cliff referred to as Devil's Slide, where Stephanie's automobile, like so many others, had slid off the road and crashed into the rocks and surf below, she was convinced Stephanie's death was not an accident and somehow connected to tonight's events at the restaurant. Stephanie had begged Vince to meet with her so that she could share some information about her husband's death. But, she died the night before they could meet. Now someone had tried to kill Vince, or was it the woman he was with and why? Preoccupied with her thoughts, her car climbed the hill and entered the narrow winding and often impassable road that traversed Devil's Slide itself. The fog had begun to creep across the road making it slick and the looming curves hard to see. But she had driven this road many times before and knew it like the back of her hand. She chuckled and wondered where that expression came from. Did anyone really know the back or their hand all that well. She raised her hand to look at it and glanced into her rear view mirror. She saw a car following her closely, too closely. Stupid for someone to follow a police patrol car that closely; just looking for a ticket she thought. Then she noticed the car speed up and felt the impact as it plowed into her rear bumper. Her vehicle skidded and went out of control. 1. From "Not the Nation"(Thailand's version of "The Onion") : Fortune Tellers Predict Record-Breaking Stupidity, Profits In 2012 BANGKOK – As the year draws to a close, Thailand's professional soothsayers and astrologers have issued their annual predictions. Their unanimous verdict is that 2012 will be a great year for their industry, concurrent with it being a poor year for human intelligence, rational thought, and deductive reasoning. 2. You may be smarter than you think you are: According to Psychology Today, people who use more drugs are more intelligent. "Intelligent people don't always do the right thing," they write, "only the evolutionarily novel thing." According to a study conducted by National Child Development, "more intelligent children in the United Kingdom are more likely to grow up to consume psychoactive drugs than less intelligent children." These drugs include marijuana, cocaine, heroin, alcohol and tobacco. "Very bright individuals (with ID above 125) are roughly three-tenths of a standard deviation more likely to consume psychoactive drugs than very dull individuals," says Psychology Today. They ran the same study in the U.S. and found similar results. (I always suspected my grandsons were geniuses.) This is what we have become: Gordon "Chaps" Klingenschmitt is joining other right-wing activists in defending the Florida Family Association and Lowe's, which bowed to the extremist group's pressure to stop advertising on TLC's All-American Muslim. Klingenschmitt prayed for God to "grant Lowe's their greatest financial profits" and asked God to bless the FFA for "exposing the deeds of darkness." He also labeled All-American Muslim "Islamic propaganda" and said people who oppose FFA's pressure campaign against the reality show's advertisers are "terrorist sympathizers." And yet, I still receive email correspondence from those who claim that posting this is merely "liberal" propaganda. I just have to sigh and assume they perhaps also believe "Kristallnacht" never happened. We need to remember that not all terrorists are Muslim. Some terrorists (alas much too many) claim to be God-fearing American Christians. Also, not all Muslims are terrorists or even sympathize with them although, I am sorry to say, when it comes to sympathy for terrorists the same cannot be said of conservative punditry, Faux News and the right-wing religious hierarchy all of whom at one time or another have been known to, if not urge, than at least condone terrorism and killing of those with whom they disagree. Again, I suggest we recall the words of "Mr. Conservative," Barry Goldwater: "I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C" and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism." ~Barry Goldwater Isn't it about time we ask some of our elected officials to show the same courage is opposing these thugs as Barry Goldwater did? "Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams."- Mary Ellen Kelly (anthropologist) (found in Whatever It Is, I'm Against It, Nat Hentoff, ed.) From Robert Frank, author of The Darwin Economy: Liberty, Competition, and the Common Good, who argues that unfettered competition may be good for individuals but can be hell for the common good. Southern California at night. See if you can find the bright lights of Disneyland. Categories: January 2012 through March 2012, Uncategorized | Tags: Bangkok, Drugs, FOX News, George Washington, Hemp, Migration, Naked Mole Rat, Occupy, Pygmy Forest, Terrorist., Thailand, Thomas Jefferson | 1 Comment
England's Owen Farrell set to recover in time to face Argentina New treatment could significantly increase the efficacy of chemotherapy and prevent metastasis Microsoft extends free tech support for Ukraine through 2023 pharmhcu World Rugby's self-reinforcement on concussion is a problem for the sport November 15, 2022 November 12, 2022 pharmhcucom Another week, another conference. This one was organised by World Rugby and, like the last, which was organised by the Concussion in Sport Group, it was held in Amsterdam. World Rugby's chief medical officer, Dr Éanna Falvey, explained that the aim was "to evaluate the latest research and focus on where we might need to focus funding to continue to fill the gaps in our collective knowledge". There was a lot on the agenda: a session on instrumented mouth guards, a workshop on laws and player welfare, and, first thing in the morning, a series of talks on brain health and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. World Rugby made all three available by live stream. It's a positive step forward that the proceedings are open, and that anyone interested is encouraged to watch. It's some of what they saw when they logged on that's the worry. There were three speakers in the session on brain health. First up was the neuropathologist Dr Rudy Castellani, who is professor of pathology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and the second was Dr Ken Quarrie, a specialist in the epidemiology of rugby injuries and chief scientist at New Zealand Rugby. Castellani has previously described himself as an "unabashed denier" of some of the research behind CTE. He previously served as an expert witness for the National Hockey League in a class-action lawsuit alleging the league hid the dangers of concussions and long-term issues. At World Rugby's conference he explained that, among other reservations, he believes there is insufficient evidence to describe CTE as a "neurodegenerative" disease. It is also his opinion that there are "factual inaccuracies" in the recent guidance issued by the US National Institutes of Health, which acknowledges a causal link between CTE and head trauma. Given that the NIH is the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world, it is something of a fringe position. Quarrie is also on record talking about his scepticism about CTE, and in particular the clinical outcomes associated with it. In a recent blog he wrote, "Despite there having been strong claims made about what causes CTE, how it develops, and what clinical outcomes it leads to, the reality is that the science of CTE is very young. There really is a lot of doubt about a number of the issues!" They included whether it is really "a primary, progressive neurodegenerative disease", the "cause(s) of the pathology", the "prevalence of the pathology", and "MAJOR questions remain about the relationship between having CTE pathology in the brain and any given clinical outcome". Following these there was a third talk, by Dr Gordon Fuller, a specialist in health data science from the University of Sheffield. It was a critique of the recent research published by a team at the University of Glasgow that demonstrated that former rugby players were at higher risk of neurodegenerative disease when compared to the general population. The original paper wasn't presented, and the team behind it were not represented. Fuller's big criticism was about the lack of data about confounding factors, mainly alcohol use, but also steroid use and post-retirement depression, among the rugby players. Taken altogether, the three talks added up to what seemed like 90 minutes of (to borrow Castellani's phrase) unabashed scepticism about the existing research into the long-term health consequences of repeated head trauma. At various points explicit criticisms were made of the work done by several of the world's leading experts in the field, including Dr Ann McKee, distinguished professor of neurology and pathology at Boston University, Dr Willie Stewart, consultant neuropathologist at the University of Glasgow, and Chris Nowinski of the Concussion Legacy Foundation. None of the three were there to offer a rebuttal. World Rugby did invite other speakers, including representatives of the Glasgow University study and the CLF, to participate in the panel event afterwards. Everyone turned them down, one on grounds that World Rugby had provided only seven days' notice when the rest of the schedule had been published well in advance, another because they didn't want to share a platform with one of the speakers. Representatives from both the CLF and the University of Glasgow told the Guardian that they would be happy to talk to World Rugby about their research at another session. In their absence the moderator, the sports scientist Ross Tucker, did his best to introduce some balance by encouraging critical questions at the end. Despite that, the cumulative effect was that anyone watching the session could reasonably have left with the impression that the issues were overblown, the science behind them unclear, and that World Rugby's handling of it all is just about spot-on. That last point was, in fact, near enough one of the panel's conclusions (many of the rest could be best summed up with the tired line: more research is needed). In 90 minutes I'm not sure I heard a single remark that challenged World Rugby's handling of the issues, or called for any changes to be made to the running of the game. The only thing missing was the caption "This is fine". Whether you agree with the speakers or not (and given many of these arguments are already settled, most don't) it's easy to see why this sort of self-reinforcement is a problem for the sport. If World Rugby wants to "fill the gaps in our collective knowledge" it should start by filling in the obvious gap in the information it is presenting to the rugby community as an up-to-date survey of the latest research. The conference focused on only one side of the debate, the same side, it so happens, that is most reassuring for its organisers. Quarrie spoke, at one point, about how polarised this discussion has become. Events like this one won't do anything to redress it. Written by pharmhcucom Previous Previous post: Want to fire up the dance floor? Play low-frequency bass Next Next post: Wallaby on the loose in Michigan county Project Cars and Dirt games disappear from sale Rescue dog named Van Gogh creating art with his tongue
Dell Storage Sales Rise To $4B As Company Lowers Net Loss Dell Technologies reported first fiscal quarter revenues of $21.36 billion on Monday, beating analysts' estimates of $19.37 billion. By Mark Haranas June 04, 2018, 12:02 PM EDT Dell Technologies' storage charge is starting to pay off as the company reported on Monday a 10 percent increase in storage sales for its first fiscal quarter, while beating Wall Street's overall revenue estimates and recording a narrower net loss. Dell reported storage sales of $4.08 billion for its first fiscal quarter, which ended May 4, representing a 10 percent increase year over year. The Round Rock, Texas-based infrastructure giant said it expected to see first quarter of storage share gain since closing its blockbuster acquisition of EMC in 2016 for $58 billion. Research firm IDC is expected to release first quarter storage sales data this week. This is a complete turnaround from the company's previous fourth fiscal quarter where Dell reported a storage sales drop of 11 percent year over year. "[We] expect to gain share in storage," said Jeff Clarke, vice chairman, products and operations for Dell, during the company's quarterly earnings call with media and analysts on Monday. "We're pleased, but not satisfied." Clarke is leading Dell's biggest storage product roadmap initiative to realign its engineering teams to focus on a single product line for each market segment aimed to accelerate product innovation. Although the privately-run Dell reported a narrower net loss than a year ago, the company beat analysts' sales forecasts of $19.4 billion by generating a total of $21.36 billion in the first quarter, up 19 percent year over year. Dell's tracking stock slightly fell less than 1 percent after Monday's earnings announcement to $84.36 per share at press time. [Related: CRN Exclusive: Dell Vice Chairman Jeff Clarke On Storage Plans, Public Cloud Costs And Dell EMC Product Roadmap] Clarke recently told CRN that he has spent the past few months breaking down the storage silos created when Dell acquired EMC. He became the leader of Dell's Infrastructure Solutions Group (ISG) in September. "At the core, what do I bring [to ISG]? I bring a disciplined R&D approach that has a track record of innovating and differentiating in the market place and winning -- that's what I'm going to do," Clarke said in an interview with CRN. The company reported a first quarter net loss of $636 million, or $1.95 per share, which was 46 percent lower than Dell's loss of $1.17 billion, or $2.29 per share, the same quarter one year ago. Dell ISG group -- which includes servers, networking, data protection and storage sales – reached $8.7 billion in the quarter, up 25 percent year over year. The company's networking and server revenues hit $4.6 billion, up 41 percent compared to the same quarter one year ago. Dell reported triple-digit growth for VxRail and VxRack, which are the company's hyper-converged infrastructure solutions. For Dell's Client Solutions Group, which includes PCs and workstation solutions, the company reported $10.3 billion in sales, an increase of 14 percent year over year. PC shipments increased 6 percent, representing 21 consecutive quarters of year over year PC unit share growth. During the quarter, Dell paid down approximately $600 million of debt. The company's core debt balance currently stands at $39.8 billion. Dell said it has paid down a total of $13 billion in core debt since the close of the EMC deal. Other businesses within Dell Technologies -- including RSA, Pivotal, Secureworks, Virtusteam and Boomi -- generated a total of $579 million, up 9 percent year over year. Dell earnings Dell EMC storage News Data-center Sources: Lenovo Channel Leader Is Out, Avaya's Steve Biondi Steps In Amazon's Data Center Offensive Continues In World's Largest Market Cloud Infrastructure Services Surpasses Data Center Spending In 2019 Silver Lake Owns 29 Percent Stake In Dell Technologies Bill Scannell On 'Simplifying' Dell's Go-To-Market With 'United' Sales Org
Padre Steve's World: Official Home of the Anti-Chaps 2010 MLB Aircraft & Air Power Baseball & Life Padre Steve's Music PTSD, Moral Injury & Mental Illness Shipmates, Veterans & Friends The Church of Baseball TLC Book Tour Reviews Warship & Naval Battles Weimar & Nazi Germany Welcome to my World & a Disclaimer WWII in Europe WWII in the Pacific Tag Archives: space program January 28, 2019 · 21:39 "Don't be Silly, Space Shuttles Don't Explode" Remembering Challenger Friends of Padre Steve's World, It is still so hard to believe that thirty-three years ago we were stunned to see the Space Shuttle Challenger blow up shortly after launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida. I don't know about you, but it shocked the hell out of me. I am a child of the 1960s and 1970s when the United States was setting the pace on the exploration of space. Manned missions to the moon had become commonplace, the Space Shuttle Program appeared to be a jumping off point for further exploration. Space stations that would be able to conduct scientific research and maybe even serve as launching and logistics centers for the exploration of Mars and beyond. Back when I was a kid and young adult the space program captivated us, and coupled with the hope presented in Star Trek, where human beings of all races and nationalities would work with alien races who had similar values explored the far reaches of the galaxy, anything seemed possible. Then, in one moment, the dream imploded as the Challenger exploded. Truthfully, it hasn't been the same since. That afternoon I was still at work as the Commanding Officer of the 557th Medical Company, (Ambulance). It was about 20 minutes till six and I was completing paperwork from an Article 15 proceeding, and looking over our end of the month Unit Status Report drafts. It was about that time that my Charge Of Quarters, Specialist Lisa Dailey camel charging into my office. She cried out "Lieutenant Dundas, the Space Shuttle just blew up!" I looked up from my paperwork and said, "Don't be silly, space shuttles don't blow up." Such was my faith in technology and the dreams of the space program and Star Trek in my mind. She couldn't believe my response, because she had just seen it in real time. That was not long after the Armed Forces Network or AFN started broadcasting CNN and other U.S. based news programs in real time. CNN just happened to be televising the launch of Challenger. Specialist Dailey, who I still remain in contact with said "no sir, I just saw it, it's on TV right now." With that I got up and went with her to the television where I stood transfixed as I watched the endless replays of the event. It was so unbelievable. Never before had a U.S. space mission failed to at last get into space, and it was a body blow to the space program. The shuttle program continued, but it wasn't the same. There were many more successful missions, many in support of the International Space Station, but they became routine and many people didn't follow them. Truthfully, I was like many people, I didn't pay much attention to them after the Space Shuttle program regained steam and achieved success after success. But then, some seventeen years later on February 1st 2003 I was sitting drinking coffee in the Wardroom Of the USS HUE CITY, waiting for the arrival of General Peter Pace, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Veteran of the Battle Of Hue City. General Pace was our guest speaker at the annual,Battle Of Hue City Memorial. He was remembered fondly by the Marines who served with him at Hue City as their Lieutenant. As I waited the wardroom Television was tuned to CNN which was covering the re-entry of the Space Shuttle Columbia. As I watched the coverage Columbia broke up on re-entry over Texas and Louisiana. General Pace was delayed in his arrival due to an emergency meeting of the National Security Council, but he did arrived. However, for the seconded time in my life I witnessed the destruction of a Space Shuttle, but by then I would never again make the comment "Don't be silly, Space Shuttles don't explode." Honestly, I want to live to see the day when human beings land of Mars, and to really dream when humanity achieves the capacity for faster than light space travel, or as it is called in Star Trek, "Warp Speed." I would love to live to see first contact with a friendly Alien race like the Vulcans of Star Trek. I still dream, but I know that there are risks, and that in such undertakings that lives will be lost, that there will be tragedies, but that is the price of human progress. As the entity called Q told Jean Luc Picard in the Star Trek Next Generation episode Q Who: "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here! It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross…but it's not for the timid." I remember and mourn those lost aboard Challenger and Columbia, but I pray that their sacrifice in the name of humanity will not be forgotten, nor their quest abandoned. Until tomorrow, Padre Steve+ Filed under aircraft, History, star trek Tagged as battle of hue city, jean luc picard, nasa, peter pace, q, space program, space shuttle challenger, space shuttle columbia, star trek, uss hue city August 25, 2012 · 17:37 One Small Step… Memories of Neil Armstrong and Apollo 11 This is a re-post of an article that I wrote last year. I do it today in memory of Neil Armstrong who died at the age of 82 today. I will have an article about him posted later today. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was the stuff that dreams are made of the stuff that inspires a generation. A tiny and fragile Lunar Module, the Eagle piloted by Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Bud Aldrin landed on the Moon's Sea of Tranquility. Within hours the two men had made the first walk on the Moon. Armstrong made the statement "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." In orbit above the Moon Astronaut Michael Collins piloted the Command Module Columbia. It was the stuff that legends are made of and help point humankind to higher and nobler goals. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8rlwp_cbs-news-apollo-11-moon-landing-jul_shortfilms#from=embed Shortly after he became President, John F. Kennedy promised to have a man on the Moon by the end of the decade. His comments supporting the Apollo mission before a joint session of Congress are quite remarkable especially in light of the state of the technology available at the time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouRbkBAOGEw&feature=player_embedded "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important in the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish." The United States wholeheartedly threw itself into the race for the Moon and though Kennedy, struck dead by an assassin's bullet nearly six years prior did not live to celebrate the occasion it was something that in a time of war and deep political division united the Nation. It did not matter if one was a conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat the Space Program and in particular the Apollo missions made us glad to be Americans. In the midst of trying times marked by racism and riots, political assassinations, anti-war protests and social unrest. It was an amazing event which could have ended in disaster but instead helped us as a nation to aspire to higher and nobler goals. The landing on the Moon inspired many to study the sciences and Astronaut camps attended by children furthered that desire. The invention, innovation and ingenuity sparked by the program helped birth more invention many times providing the basis for devices that are ubiquitous today but unthinkable except possibly to the writers of Star Trek then. We dreamed and aspired to great things. We were Americans then. Now we have become a collection of deeply divided hatred filled special interests. The last Space Shuttle mission that of the Atlantis will end tomorrow and no one knows what will follow. But does it matter? It probably doesn't matter anymore because we have stopped dreaming or envisioning a hopeful future. The Moon, Mars and beyond, forget that we need to sacrifice, well everyone but the people that put us in the mess we are in. What does a space program matter when we are so divided against ourselves? Our politician's pundits and preachers of all political leanings and persuasions drive that poisonous wedge deeper every day and many willingly indulge in the "us against them" mentality promoted by those that beg us to listen to the "three hours a day every day." That Unholy Trinity of politicians, pundits and preachers seems so bent promoting their ideologies and theologies that they forget that they all have a responsibility to a nation that is greater than their respective faction, special interest and even religious views. Now we have politicians signing statements written by special interests groups and there are an ever growing number of them, as if they were the Constitution, binding them and their fealty to unelected and unaccountable power brokers who have only their ideology to promote. To see politicians shamelessly entering into such pacts to win a nomination or primary makes me wonder what they will do if they are elected to the offices that they aspire. Back in 1969 the country was a mess, but when the Eagle touched down on the Sea of Tranquility we were Americans again. We took a moment and believed again and we achieved again. Unfortunately I don't see anything at the present that will make us so again at least in the near future. I fear for our country. Maybe it's just my PTSD "Mad Cow" getting to me; maybe it is the fact that as a historian and theologian I know where the path we are traveling ends. Filed under History Tagged as apollo 11 landing video, apollo 11 moon landing, buzz aldrin, command module columbia, john f kennedy, Lunar Module Eagle, michael collins, moon landing, nasa, neil armstrong, one giant leap for mankind, One small step for man, sea of tranquility, space program July 4, 2011 · 01:19 Reflecting on the High Water Mark of the Confederacy and the Importance of Our Union Yesterday was the 148th Anniversary of Pickett's Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg. There is a spot near the Copse of Trees along Cemetery Ridge which is referred to as the "High Water Mark of the Confederacy." It is the spot close to where Confederate Brigadier General Lo Armistead fell mortally wounded as the decimated remains of his command were overwhelmed by Union forces shortly after they breached the Union line. It is a place immortalized in history, literature and film. It is the place that marked the beginning of the end for the great evil of slavery in America. My ancestors lived in Cabell County which in 1861 was part of Virginia. They were slave holders along the Mud River, a tributary of the Ohio River just to the north of what is now Huntington West Virginia. When war came to the country the family patriarch James Dundas and my great, great grandfather joined the 8th Virginia Cavalry Regiment in which he served the bulk of the war as a Lieutenant. When it ended he refused to sign the loyalty oath to the Union and had his lands, which are now some of the most valuable in that part of West Virginia confiscated and sold by the Federal Government. He was a believer in the "Lost Cause" that romantic and confused idea about the rightness of the South in its war against what they called "Northern aggression." Because he served I am eligible for membership in the Sons of the Confederacy. However it is something that I cannot do. There are some that do this as a means to honor their relatives that served in the war and I do not make light of their devotion to their family, but there are some that take that devotion to places that I cannot go. As much as I admire the valor and personal integrity of many military men who served the Confederacy I cannot for a moment think that their "cause" was just. It has been said that the North won the war but that the South won the history. I think this is true. Many people now days like to reduce the reasons for the war to the South protecting its rights. Sometimes the argument is "states rights" or "economic freedom" and those that make these arguments romanticize the valor shown by Confederate soldiers on the battlefield but conveniently ignore or obscure the evil of the Southern economic system. The "rights" and the "economic freedom" were based upon the enslavement and exploitation of the Black man to maintain an archaic economy based on agriculture, particularly the export of King Cotton. Arguments which try to place the blame on the North, especially arguments that attempt to turn the Northern States into economic predators' intent on suppressing the economic rights of Southerners only serve to show the bankruptcy of the idea itself. The fact that the "economic and political freedom" of Southerners was founded on the enslavement of a whole race of people matters not because the "cause" is greater. The fact is that the longer the South relied solely on its agriculture which was supported by the institution of slavery it deprived itself of the means of economic progress, the same progress that propelled the North to prosperity. The south lagged in all industrial areas as well as transportation infrastructure. The majority of non-slave owning whites lived at the poverty line and only enjoyed some elevated social status because the slaves ranked beneath them on the sociological and economic hierarchy. The South depended on cheap imports from England, which then was still considered an enemy of the country. When tariffs to protect newly establish American industries were enacted in 1828 South Carolina attempted to nullify the Federal law even raising troops and threatened a revolt in 1832. The Southern economic system was immoral and antiquated. It enslaved blacks and it impoverished most rural Southerners, with the exception of those that owned the land and the slaves. It was a hateful, backward and loathsome system which even the southern churches attempted to justify from Scripture. Southern Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians would all break away from their parent denominations regarding slavery. This does not mean that I think that the average Confederate soldier or officers were dishonorable men. Many officers who had served in the United States Army hated the breakup of the Union but served the South because it was the land that they were from. It was the home of their families and part of who they were. To judge them as wanting 150 years later when we have almost no connection to family or home in a post industrial world is to impose the standards of a world that they did not know upon them. For those that gave up everything to serve one can feel a measure of sympathy. So many died and so much of the South was destroyed in the defense of that "cause" one has to wonder just why the political and religious leaders of the South were willing to maintain such an inadequate and evil economic system one that hurt poor Southern whites nearly as much as it did blacks. The war devastated the South and the radicals that ran "Reconstruction" ensured that Southerners suffered terrible degradation and that Southern blacks would have even more obstacles raised against them by the now very angry and revengeful whites. It would take another 80-100 years to end segregation and secure voting rights for blacks. Thus I have no desire to become part of an organization that even gives the appearance of supporting the "cause" even if doing so would allow me to "honor" an ancestor who raised his hand against the country that I serve. I was raised on the West Coast but have lived in the South much of my adult life due to military assignments. I have served in National Guard units that trace their lineage to Confederate regiments in Texas and Virginia. Despite my Confederate connections both familial and by service I can find little of the romance and idealism that some find in the Confederacy and the "Lost Cause." I see the Civil War for what it was, a tragedy of the highest order brought about by the need of some to enslave others to maintain their economic system. Today there are many that use the flags of the Confederacy outside of their historic context. They are often used as a symbol of either racial hatred or of defiance to the Federal Government by white Supremacist or anti-government organizations. Many that use them openly advocate for the overthrow of the Federal Government. The calls for such "revolt" can be found all over the country even in the halls of Congress much as they were in the 1830s, 40s and 50s. Some of this is based in libertarian economic philosophy which labels the government as the enemy of business, some based social policies which are against their religious beliefs and some sadly to say based in an almost xenophobic racial hatred. The scary thing as that the divisions in the country are probably as great as or greater than they were in the 1850s as the country lurched inexorably to Civil War with neither side willing to do anything that might lessen their political or economic power even if it means the ruin of the country. In recent weeks I have seen the symbols of the Confederacy, particularly the Battle Flag displayed in manners that can only be seen as symbols of defiance. Tomorrow is July 4th and it seems to me that the flag that should be most prominently displayed is not a Confederate banner, nor even the Gadsen flag, a flag from the Revolutionary War which is used as a rallying symbol for many in the Tea Party movement but the Stars and Stripes. Somehow I find the flag flown in rebellion to the country that I serve displayed in such an arrogant manner For many of these people it is the Federal Government which is the enemy. Now I know that our system of government has its flaws. Likewise I cannot agree more about the corruption of many in political office, regardless of their political allegiance. While it is true that the Federal Government has taken upon itself many powers some never envisioned by those that crafted the Constitution, it has done so because leaders of both political parties have consented to it and even worked to strengthen the Federal Government with the consent of the American people that elect them again and again. Despite this much of this has been accomplished by the Federal Government has been for the good for the country and people no matter what the critics say. Many of the things that we enjoy today are the result of the work of the Federal Government and not business as much as those that deify big corporations want to believe. There are the National Parks, laws against child labor and for safe workplaces brought about by Teddy Roosevelt, the infrastructure built in the 1930s and 1940s by the Franklin Roosevelt administration. The Roosevelt administration also brought about Social Security and banking regulations to protect Americans from corporations and banks that violated the public trust. The Eisenhower administration began the Interstate Highway system which is the backbone of our transportation system. Likewise the Space Program and yes even the military have led the way in technological, scientific and medical innovation including that thing that we all take for granted today the Internet. Today quite a few people are calling for revolt or secession if they do not get what they want be it socially, politically or economically. For years politicians on both sides have fought to minimize such talk and enact compromises with the usual discontent that comes with compromise. Unfortunately many of those compromises have had the effect of widening the political divide much as the various compromises on the road to the Civil War. Jefferson said of the Missouri Compromise of 1824: "but this momentous question, like a fire bell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror. I considered it at once as the knell of the Union. It is hushed indeed for the moment, but this is a reprieve only, not a final sentence. A geographical line, coinciding with a marked principle, moral and political, once conceived and held up to the angry passions of men, will never be obliterated; and every new irritation will mark it deeper and deeper." We have allowed the issues of our time to become a fire of unbridled angry passion where those with almost no historical understanding and whose history is often based on myth stake claims and promote ideas that will destroy this Union if they continue. Unfortunately we have not yet reached the high water mark of this movement yet and I fear like Jefferson that the hatred and division will only grow worse as both radical on the right and left prepare for conflict. Tomorrow we celebrate the 235th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence. It is a remarkable occasion. It is the anniversary that free people as well as those oppressed around the world look to as a beacon of liberty. It has been paid for time and time again, especially during that cruel Civil War which killed more American soldiers than any other war that we have fought. A few months after Gettysburg Abraham Lincoln a man much reviled by those that have romanticized the Cause and who is demonized by many "conservative" politicians and pundits today as a "tyrant" made these brief remarks at the site of the battle: Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate—we cannot consecrate—we cannot hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom— and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. Today with so many radicals on both the political right and political left doing all that they can to plunge us into yet another civil war we should remember Lincoln's word and rededicate ourselves to this Union, this remarkable Union. Tony Blair the former Prime Minster of Great Britain remarked today: "It may be strange for a former British Prime Minister to offer thoughts on America when the country will be celebrating its independence from Britain. But the circumstances of independence are part of what makes America the great and proud nation it is today. And what gives nobility to the American character. That nobility isn't about being nicer, better or more successful than anyone else. It is a feeling about the country. It is a devotion to the American ideal that at a certain point transcends class, race, religion or upbringing. That ideal is about values, freedom, the rule of law, democracy. It is also about the way you achieve: on merit, by your own efforts and hard work. But it is most of all that in striving for and protecting that ideal, you as an individual take second place to the interests of the nation as a whole. This is what makes the country determined to overcome its challenges. It is what makes its soldiers give their lives in sacrifice. It is what brings every variety of American, from the lowest to the highest, to their feet when "The Star-Spangled Banner" is played. Of course the ideal is not always met – that is obvious. But it is always striven for. The next years will test the American character. The world is changing. New powers are emerging. But America should have confidence. This changing world does not diminish the need for that American ideal. It only reaffirms it." I think that the Prime Minister got it right. Filed under History, philosophy, Political Commentary, Religion Tagged as 8th virginia cavalry, abraham lincoln, american character, american ideals, battle of gettysburg, cabell county va, cemetery ridge, child labor laws, civil rights, confederate battle flag, confederate soldiers, declaration of independence, economic freedom, federal funding, federal government, franklin roosevelt, gadsen flag, general lo armistead csa, gettysburg, high water mark of the confederacy, huntington wv, infrastructure, interstate highway system, james dundas, july 4th, king cotton, libertarianism, loyalty oath, missouri compromise of 1824, national parks system, northern aggression, nullification crisis, reconstruction, revolt, revolutionary war, safe workplace laws environmental protection laws, secession, slavery, social security, sons of the confederacy, south carolina, southern churches and slavery, southern economic system, space program, states rights, tariff act of 1828, tea party movement, the cpse of trees, the gettysburg address, the internet, the lost cause, theodore roosevelt, thomas jefferson, tony blair, voters rights act of 1964, xenophobic racism Friends of Padre Steve's World I welcome comments, even those which disagree with my positions and articles. I have done this for years, but recently I have been worn out by some people. I have just a couple of rules for comments. First, be respectful of me and other commentators. If you are even if I disagree with you your comment will be posted and I will respond accordingly. That being said I will not allow people to hijack the comment section to push their religious or ideological views. Unless the comment deals with the meat of the article, don't expect me to allow you to preach. Nor will I allow spam comments. Most of those are automatically blocked by Wordpress but some do get through. Peace Padre Steve+ Padre Steve's World Season Attendance 7,481,771 Manic Moderates Subscribe to Padre Steve's World Steven Dundas The Disadvantage Of Belonging to So Called Inferior Races, Part Two the Compromise Of 1850 The Disadvantage Of Belonging to so called Inferior Races: Race and Slavery in Ante-Bellum America Eliminating Political Opposition and Laws Enabling Crimes Against Humanity: Germany July 14th 1933 To Boldly Go…. Binge Watching Star Trek the Next Generation from the Beginning and Wondering About Possibilities not of This Earth The Battle Of Kursk: Nazi Military Operations Cannot be Separated from Hitler's Genocidal Policies Padre Steve's World on Facebook The Unexplained and Tragic Death of David Wilkerson The Last Stand of the Iron Brigade Battleship Row: The Story of the Battleships of Pearl Harbor The Battleships of Pearl Harbor The Tragedy of Friends at War; Lewis Armistead and Winfield Scott Hancock on Cemetery Ridge Pearl Harbor, the Missing Carriers: USS Enterprise, USS Lexington and USS Saratoga The Vault: Padre Steve's Archives armored fighting vehicles Batlimore Orioles counterinsurency in afghanistan ecology and energy economics and financial policy enteratinment ER's and Trauma hampton roads and tidewater iraq,afghanistan Korean Conflicts Lies of World Net Daily Loose thoughts and musings Navy Ships Photo Montages pro-life anti-abortion purely humorous remembering friends shipmates and veterans sports and life state government agencies televsion things I don't get to iraq and back Tour in Iraq traumatic national events US Army Air Corps World War II at Sea world war two in europe world war two in the pacific ALL ARTICLES THAT I POST ON THIS SITE REFLECT MY PERSONAL VIEWS, OR IF I POST ANOTHER WRITER'S WORK ARE VIEWS THAT I FIND INTERESTING OR INFORMATIVE. 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ANY REBROADCAST, RETRANSMISSION, REBROADCAST , OR ACCOUNT OF THIS BLOG, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL, IS PROHIBITED. OKAY, THAT LAST SECTION WAS A JOKE. BUT THE REST IS IS TRUE. A Tangled Mass of Musings Baseball Batlimore Orioles christian life civil rights civil war ethics faith Foreign Policy Gettysburg History holocaust iraq,afghanistan laws and legislation leadership Loose thoughts and musings middle east Military national security Navy Ships nazi germany News and current events norfolk tides Pastoral Care philosophy Political Commentary PTSD Religion US Navy world war two in europe world war two in the pacific Padre Steve'sTweets @CowgerCathey @LindseyGrahamSC That too 8 minutes ago RT @CowgerCathey: @padresteve @LindseyGrahamSC And some rapists. 8 minutes ago @LindseyGrahamSC Fascist and racists took over the GOP. Does that not matter Senator? 22 minutes ago RT @RashidaTlaib: Want a response to a lawless & complete failure of a President? He is the crisis. His dangerous ideology is the crisis.… 23 minutes ago RT @DavidNakamura: Reporter: "Does it concern you that many people find that tweet racist?" Trump: "It doesn't concern me because many peo… 23 minutes ago Dodgers-Giants: Baseball's greatest Rivalry Negro Leagues Baseball Hall of Fame Norfolk Tides Baseball Club A Frank Angle Abbey Normal Abbess's Blog Atheistic in Alabama Over the Hedge Blog padredavid's blog Pearls Before Swine: The Website of Stephan Pastis Rob Akers Blog Saepe Nihil Cogitamus Sean Munger Stephan Pastis Pearls Before Swine Blog The Dixie Flatline The Groovy Historian The Herald Dispatch The Militant Negro Translate this page with Google Translator Windy City Wonderer Christian Democrats Father Andrew Greeley's Website Mercy Not Sacrifice: The Blog of Morgan Guyton Patheos Blog Red Letter Christianity Sarah Posner on Religion Dispatches Sojouners The Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church The Christian Left The Gospel According to Hate The Official Website of Frank Schaffer To Stir a Movement: Christian Social Justice: The Blog of Jeremy Affeldt Warren Throckmorton Army Historical Foundation Hampton Roads Naval Museum Navsource Photo Index Southern Campaign in NC US Naval Institute Bloom County Daily Fun Lists Dilbert Classics Doonesbury Comic Gordon Biersch Non Sequitur Comic The Farting Preacher The Grizzwells Comic The Other Coast Comic The Shameful Chaplain Local News and Weather Jacksonville (NC) Daily News KCRA (Sacramento Stockton) Stockton Record Virginia Pilot WAVY TV 10 (Portsmouth, Norfolk VA) Weather bug for Virginia Beach Armed Forces News Service Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America John Ismay Ship Bucket The United States Navy Padre Steve on the Daily Kos Padre Steve's Facebook Page Padre Steve's Photo of the Day Padre Steve's View from 102 NBC News (MSNBC) SF Gate (San Francisco Chronicle) Compare Stances Hardball Chris Matthews Huffington Post Politics John Fugelsang's Official Website Lincoln Walks at Midnight Rachel Maddow Show That's So Takei: The Blog of George Takei The Last Word Lawrence O'Donnell The Lipstick Liberal Show The Stephanie Miller Show National Center on PTSD National Intrepid Center of Excellence Al Arabiya English Der Spiegel English Kyodo News (Japan) Reuters World News Sidney Morning Herald (Australia) The Telegraph (UK) Xinhua (China) Yonhap News Korea Padre Steve's World: Official Home of the Anti-Chaps · Musings of a Progressive Realist in Wonderland
RESCUE OF ALPORT SYNDROME OTOPATHOLOGY Cosgrove, Dominic E (PI) Center for Sensory Neuroscience ? DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Alport syndrome is characterized by renal disease associated with sensorineural hearing loss. While much is known about the molecular nature of Alport glomerular and interstitial kidney disease, the mechanisms underlying the hearing loss phenotype remain relatively underexplored. In a series of recent papers and some unpublished results, we have revealed a mechanism for glomerular disease initiation involving activation of endothelin-1 that activates the formation of mesangial filopodia through the endothelin A receptor (ETAR). The filopodia invade the capillaries progressively leaving punctate deposits of mesangial matrix proteins, including laminin 211, in the glomerular basement membrane (GBM). The laminin 211 activates focal adhesion kinase on podocytes, leading to maladaptive gene expression that drives glomerular pathogenesis. Inhibiting this pathway by blocking ETAR has a profound effect on glomerular disease progression in the mouse model. As in the GBM, the strial capillary basement membranes (SCBMs) gradually thicken in Alport mice. These events result in a hypoxic environment in the scala media and a sensitivity to noise-induced hearing loss with a significant drop in the endocochlear potential (EP), proving that in the mouse, hearing loss is due to strial dysfunction. We show preliminary evidence that endothelin-1, laminin 211, collagen ?1(IV), and laminin ?5 are up-regulated in the stria vascularis of Alport mice relative to wild type mice, and are associated with FAK activation. Endothelin A receptors (ETARs) are present on strial marginal cells, and ETAR blockade prevents SCBM thickening and accumulation of matrix in the SCBM. Our central hypothesis is: Treatment of Alport mice with the ETAR antagonist Sitaxentan will prevent SCBM thickening and normalize strial function, preventing hearing loss and protecting animals from the inner ear metabolic stresses and pathology normally associated with Alport syndrome in the mouse model. We will address this in four specific aims: In the first we will determine whether ETAR blockade in the mouse model normalizes expression of ECM proteins and MMPs, SCBM thickness and permeability. In the second aim we will utilize a strial marginal cell line to probe the mechanism of ET-1 induction and ETAR signaling as it relates to induction of genes encoding ECM and MMPs. In the third we will determine whether normalization of SCBM thickness via ETAR blockade results in normalization of endocochlear potentials (EPs) and protection from noise induced hearing loss. Lastly, we will determine whether we have achieved metabolic rescue and return of normoxia by measuring noise induced mitochondrial ROS, oxidized/reduced glutathione ratios, and ATP levels in the stria of Alport mice compared to Alport mice under ETAR blockade. The discovery of this pathway suggests that a single drug target, in this case small molecule inhibitors that block ETAR, may provide a means of ameliorating both the glomerular and inner ear pathologies associated with Alport syndrome. Hereditary Nephritis Endothelin A Receptors Laminin Glomerular Basement Membrane Pseudopodia Endothelin-1 Matrix Metalloproteinases Cochlear Duct Stria Vascularis Focal Adhesion Protein-Tyrosine Kinases Podocytes Physiological Stress Glutathione Disulfide Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Kids, Guns and Parental Responsibility Submitted by: Skypod She has talked for an hour about accountability. She has cast much blame. She is not quite through. She looks at a photo of her daughter, Paige Ann, gunned down a few days after turning 12. She cannot absolve herself. "I never told her," Herring says, her voice low, "if guns were fired at her, hit the ground. I feel bad. I never told her that. Who would have thought?" MA Attorney General doesn't like Cellucci School Safety Attorney General Thomas Reilly thinks it's a bad idea to impose harsher penalties for students found guilty of bringing a gun to school, which is the intent of a bill proposed last week by Gov. Paul Cellucci. "My emphasis would be on a more balanced approach that emphasizes prevention." MI School Principal Fearful of Gun Business Opening Nearby "The potential that guns could be going in and out of the vicinity of the school is a frightening thought for parents," said Rick Muniz, principal of Longfellow Elementary. Sounds like a personal problem to me. Maine Shooting Ranges Feel the Heat as Suburbs Move Closer Lois Crawford is circulating a petition calling on the town's Board of Selectmen to address the noise from the range. She is also concerned about the effect that lead bullets may have on the groundwater. Legally, there may be little Crawford or the town can do. The gun club is protected by a state law that exempts ranges from having to comply with local noise-control ordinances. Following the path of the MI Anti-Gunners "The possible fly in the anti-CCW petitioners' ointment is a provision in the Michigan Constitution that prohibits public referenda on appropriations approved by the Legislature." Proposed California Law Seeks Fingerprint for All Gun Buyers A top Democrat in the California legislature is pushing for a new gun control measure that would require gun buyers to provide their fingerprints when purchasing a weapon. Majority Leader Kevin Shelley's (D-San Francisco) bill would establish a licensing system and require all first time gun buyers to provide the state with a thumbprint. A similar bill has been introduced in the California senate by Sen. Jack Scott (D-Altadena). American Doctors about to Prescribe Gun Control Submitted by: Clifford J. Petersen "We are neutral politically, academically and intellectually" yet the group "also plans to engage more traditional methods of lobbying, ... to push for mandatory background checks of buyers at gun shows, limits on the numbers of guns a person can own and a cooling off period on gun purchases ..." This is politically Socialist, academically uninformed and intellectually dishonest. With guns prohibited, Chinese prefer bombs Good example of the substitution effect. Defending Gun Shows - Your freedom�s at stake. Dave Kopel: "Dismayed by the meager political accomplishments of Handgun Control, Inc. (HCI), former HCI board member Andy McKelvey (the billionaire owner of Monster.com) has founded his own gun-control group, which he calls "Americans for Gun Safety." You might expect that a group called Americans for Gun Safety would promote successful gun-safety programs, such as the NRA's Eddie Eagle accident-prevention program, which has been lauded by the National Safety Council..." AZ Rally Backs Gun Show Promoter Submitted by: Gary Taylor Website: http://www.Brassroots.org Here is the updated link to the Arizona Daily Star article on the protest rally. Man Rescues His Neighbor from Attacker Submitted by: Robert Waters Website: http://www.RobertWaters.net Update on yesterday's story about a man who chased off a criminal who was beating his neighbor unconsious. Student should have been allowed to draw gun... with a pen If children can't express themselves in HARMLESS WAYS like drawing pictures, what is left for them? Ritalin? Ulcer medicine? New Orleans police singing 'Confiscated guns, aweigh!' Two years after drawing fire for trading confiscated guns to a firearms dealer, the city plans to melt down about 800 confiscated weapons for a ship's anchor. The guns have been waiting for owners to step forward and claim them. But only one owner has, and the Police Department has decided to get rid of the rest of the weapons, said Lt. Marlon Defillo, a police spokesman. To a Survivor, Guns are the Answer State Rep. Suzanna Hupp doesn't like to advertise the fact. But if you press her, she won't deny it - yes, she does carry a loaded gun when she's on the floor of the Texas House of Representatives. She feels safer. "I try to obey the law," she said in an interview. "But when it isn't convenient, or when I feel like I should (have a gun), then I carry. I never want to be in that position ever again." Illinois Gun Rights Advocates Victories "Gun control activists had a losing week as most of their proposals floundered in the Illinois House. Pro-gun activists, led by the National Rifle Association, had a string of victories. Most notably, legislation that would allow people to carry concealed handguns will be debated on the House floor in the next few weeks." MO Gov. Holden supports another vote on concealed guns When he campaigned for governor last year, Holden said he was opposed to concealed weapons. He said Thursday that he was willing to look at whatever was offered by the Legislature. "We've got to protect the safety of citizens and ensure the protection of law enforcement," Holden said. "It's a difficult issue for people in different parts of the state to address. I'm trying to work with all parties to try to find some common ground." Pro-Gun Group Targets Women (Another article on the successful women's shooting day with the Second Amendment Sisters!) SAS organizers hope more weekends like this one will change the perception of gun owners. "We're everyday working people. We're mothers. We don't love our kids any less because we carry a firearm," said SAS state organizer June Fellows. Happenings Monday at the Minnesota Capitol: GUN PERMITS Following a testimonial from a lawmaker who said he was once denied a permit to carry a gun in public, the House Civil Law Committee passed a bill to make those decisions less discretionary. On a 7-4 party line vote, the GOP-dominated panel sent the bill to the Judiciary Finance Committee. Second Amendment Sisters Encourage Women To Shop and Shoot Submitted by: Fed Up "I used to think the issue was so cut and dried. How could anyone be against gun control?" said Bednarnyk, 34. "But if you ever need a gun, it's too late to go back and get one." "An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." --Col. Jeff Cooper
United States v. White Blanton v. City of North Las Vegas Breedlove v. Suttles United States v. Ross Watson v. Jones Medical ultrasound (also known as diagnostic sonography or ultrasonography) is a diagnostic imaging technique based on the application of ultrasound. It is used to see internal body structures such as tendons, muscles, joints, vessels and internal organs. Its aim is often to find a source of a disease or to exclude any pathology. The practice of examining pregnant women using ultrasound is called obstetric ultrasound, and is widely used. Ultrasound is sound waves with frequencies which are higher than those audible to humans (>20,000Hz). Ultrasonic images also known as sonograms are made by sending pulses of ultrasound into tissue using a probe. The sound echoes off the tissue; with different tissues reflecting varying degrees of sound. These echoes are recorded and displayed as an image to the operator. Many different types of images can be formed using sonographic instruments. The most well-known type is a B-mode image, which displays the acoustic impedance of a two-dimensional cross-section of tissue. Other types of image can display blood flow, motion of tissue over time, the location of blood, the presence of specific molecules, the stiffness of tissue, or the anatomy of a three-dimensional region. This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Medical_ultrasound United States v. White, 401 U.S. 745 (1971), was a United States Supreme Court decision which held that recording conversations using concealed radio transmitters worn by informants does not violate the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, and thus does not require a warrant. Facts and Procedural History Criminal defendant White was convicted of narcotics charges in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. The conviction was based on evidence obtained from recorded conversations in 1965 and 1966 between the defendant White and a government informant wearing a concealed radio transmitter. White appealed the conviction, claiming the conversations were recorded without his permission, that he had a reasonable expectation of privacy (see Katz), and the conversations were recorded without a warrant, violating his Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. Thus, White argued that the recorded conversations should not have been admitted as evidence. The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, 405 F.2d 838, reversed the district court and remanded, and certiorari was granted. This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/United_States_v._White Blanton v. North Las Vegas, 489 U.S. 538 (1989), was a decision issued by the United States Supreme Court clarifying the limitations of the Right to Trial by Jury. Melvin R. Blanton was charged with Driving under the influence of alcohol. His petition for a jury trial was denied and he was instead given a bench trial. Blanton appealed, arguing that his sixth amendment right to trial by jury had been violated. Decision of the Court The US Supreme Court ruled that Blanton did not have the right to a jury trial because the crime he was charged with was "petty". The court went on to elaborate: "offenses for which the maximum period of incarceration is six months, or less, are presumptively petty...a defendant can overcome this, and become entitled to a jury trial,..by showing that additional penalties [such as monetary fines]...are...so severe [as to indicate] that the legislature clearly determined that the offense is a serious one." List of United States Supreme Court cases, volume 489 This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Blanton_v._City_of_North_Las_Vegas Breedlove v. Suttles, 302 U.S. 277 (1937), is a United States Supreme Court decision which upheld the constitutionality of requiring the payment of a poll tax in order to vote in state elections. At the relevant time, Georgia imposed a poll tax of $1.00 per year, levied generally on all inhabitants. The statute exempted from the tax all persons under 21 or over 60 years of age, and all females who do not register for voting. Under the state constitution, the tax must be paid by the person liable, together with arrears, before he can be registered for voting. Nolan Breedlove, a white male, 28 years of age, declined to pay the tax, and was not allowed to register to vote. He filed a lawsuit challenging the Georgia law under the Fourteenth (both the Equal Protection Clause and the Privileges and Immunities Clause) and the Nineteenth Amendments. T. Earl Suttles was named defendant in the case in his official capacity as tax collector of Fulton County, Georgia. This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Breedlove_v._Suttles United States v. Ross, 456 U.S. 798 (1982), was a search and seizure case argued before the Supreme Court of the United States. The high court was asked to decide if a legal warrantless search of an automobile allows closed containers found in the vehicle (specifically, in the trunk) to be searched as well. The appeals court had previously ruled that opening and searching the closed portable containers without a warrant was a violation of the Fourth Amendment, even though the warrantless vehicle search was permissible due to existing precedent. On November 27, 1978, Washington, D.C. police detectives received a tip from a reliable source describing a man known as "Bandit" who was selling illegal narcotics stored in the trunk of his car. The informant gave the location of the car and a description of both car and driver. The detectives discovered the parked car, and called for a computer check on the car, which confirmed that the car's owner matched the description and used the alias "Bandit". Shortly thereafter they observed the car being driven by a man matching the description. They stopped the car and ordered the driver out. After noticing a bullet on the front seat, they searched the glove compartment and discovered a pistol, at which point they arrested the driver, identified as Albert Ross. A detective then opened the trunk and discovered a closed brown paper bag. He opened the bag and found numerous bags containing white powder, which were later identified as heroin. During a later search, they also found and opened a zippered red leather pouch, which contained $3,200 in cash. No warrant was obtained for these searches. This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/United_States_v._Ross Watson v. Jones, 80 U.S. 679 (1872), is a United States Supreme Court case. The case was based upon a dispute regarding the Third or Walnut Street Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky. The Court held that in adjudications of church property disputes, 1) courts cannot rule on the truth or falsity of a religious teaching, 2) where a previous authority structure existed before the dispute, courts should defer to the decision of that structure, and 3) in the absence of such an internal authority structure, courts should defer to the wishes of a majority of the congregation. Because the Walnut Street Presbyterian Church had a clear internal authority structure, the court granted control of the property to that group, even though it was only supported by a minority of the congregation. This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Watson_v._Jones themasterofusall.com officeofsecretaryofstate.com listsoflists.org organizationofamericanstates.com listsoflists.net listofaccountingcourses.com cultureofcorruption.net portofnewcastle.org theheroinallofus.com unitedstatesminoroutlyingislandsjettravel.com listsofgirlsstyle.com portofhastings.org registerofyachts.org delhischoolofarts.com ageofdiscovery.net weightofgoldbar.com republicofthecongo.net listsofgirls.com
2 min summaryBest time to visit Map & highlightsThings to doSafarisWildlifeSouth LuangwaVictoria FallsZambezi RiverTipsResponsible tourism South Luangwa Best way to see Victoria Falls in Zambia Victoria Falls is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, a huge curtain of water measuring 1.7km wide, plunging off a plateau into a deep gorge below. The boundary between Zambia and Zimbabwe lies midstream and the falls make a sensational addition to any vacation to those countries, or to nearby Botswana and Namibia, too. Read on to find out the best way to see Victoria Falls. Home\Africa\Zambia Zambia vacations Vacations Best way to see Victoria Falls The Zambezi River, the longest east flowing river in Africa, encounters a dramatic impediment to its smooth course as it reaches the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia – a sheer drop which at its highest point is 108m, over which the river plunges, forming a vast curtain of water measuring 1.7km wide. When the Zambezi is in full flow, the spray formed can be seen 20km away. Interestingly, this spray isn't formed by water hitting the rock at the base. In fact, the volume of water and the height of the falls is so great that before getting anywhere near the ground, the water is buffeted by the strong rising winds and turned into that famous mist. Victoria Falls is not the highest waterfall in the world by a long way – the Angel Falls in Venezuela takes that prize – but when height, width and flow rate is taken into account, it is the largest. It's undoubtedly one of Africa's most iconic highlights, heard and felt before it's even seen, the spray pulling the temperature down and filling the air with a roaring sound. Suddenly, the local name, Mosi oa Tunya, or 'the smoke that thunders' makes perfect sense. See all our Zambia Vacations Give us a call Officially, Victoria Falls is made up of five different falls, four of which are in Zimbabwe and one in Zambia. The Devil's Cataract, Main Falls, Rainbow Falls (the highest point of the falls) and Horseshoe Falls are in Zimbabwe, while the Eastern Cataract lies in Zambia. The falls plunge off a basalt plateau and have been slicing through it slowly over the last two million years. Over this period, the river has slowly retreated and the remains of earlier, ancient falls can be seen in the gorges downstream from the current cataract. Not that you really need to know any of these measurements or facts to admire the falls – although there are handy infographics at lookout points to put you in the picture – just seeing it, hearing it and feeling it is enough. You'll find adjectives such as 'awe-inspiring' 'mighty' and just plain 'wow' popping into your mind as you take in its vastness and get drenched in its mist. You won't be alone in feeling moved by the falls, either. Scottish 19th century explorer Dr David Livingstone, who gave them the name Victoria Falls, was so captivated by the sight that he said "scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight." Scottish novelist Muriel Spark, meanwhile, was moved to leave her troubled marriage while gazing at the Victoria Falls, and wrote a beautiful poem about this natural wonder. She said: "the experience of the Victoria Falls gave me courage to endure the difficult years to come. The falls became to me a symbol of spiritual strength..." Our Zambia Vacations Zambia small group tour Raw and untamed adventure showcasing amazing African nature From £2795 14 days ex flights Zambia & Malawi small group safari Unique adventure safari kayaking, game viewing & hiking Northern Zambia Luangwa expedition Expedition trip to the finest wilderness area's of Zambia Zambia safari in Luangwa with Victoria Falls A Safari in South Luangwa and the Victoria Falls combined Small group safaris to Zambia Look for wildlife from a canoe Zambia safari vacation, Xmas & New Year Safari & Victoria Falls at Christmastime Zambia safari vacation, tailor made Explore Zambia's great parks on this tailor made adventure Zambia walking safari, tailor made Eye opening experience exploring rural Zambia on foot Bird and bat safari in Zambia Specialist Bat and Bird Safari with Guides. Zambia wildlife vacation, the Luangwa Valley Explore the best wildlife viewing in Zambia Malawi & Zambia culture and nature tour Explore Malawi's unique areas and Zambia's National Park Zambia family safari vacation Wildlife-watching, national parks & Victoria Falls Zambia 8 day safari vacation Game drives & bush walks in Zambia's best national parks Mobile walking safari in Zambia A mobile walking safari in a remote part of South Luangwa Zambia wildlife safari vacation Wildlife & unspoiled wilderness in Zambia's national parks Luxury Zambia safari vacation Luxury safari lodges, wildlife encounters & Victoria Falls Victoria Falls & Zambia family safari An exciting highlights tour suitable for all ages Botswana & Zambia family safari Family safari in the heart of the Okavango Delta Zambia safari in South Luangwa Some of Africa's best wildlife watching plus Victoria Falls. Zambia small group camping safari Off-the-beaten-track safari to rural Zambia Western Zambia wilderness expedition Zambia safari and Lake Malawi, tailor made Safari and Beach with a difference, Zambia and Malawi Zimbabwe luxury safari and Victoria Falls A safari combining wildlife with the majestic Zambezi River. From US $4450 7 days ex flights Zambia and Malawi tailor made safaris A fabulously varied itinerary including waterfalls wildlife and lakes From US $11393 15 days ex flights Zambia luxury safari vacation Luxury accommodation, sensational game-viewing and beautiful scenery Zambia wildlife vacation in depth Incredible overland safari through the magical Zambia Zimbabwe national parks safari A unique journey along the Zambezi River From US $8794 to US $12063 13 days ex flights Zimbabwe & Zambia vacation The beating heart of Zambia and Zimbabwe Zambia off the beaten track safari Escape into Zambia's remote corners of untamed wilderness Malawi & Zambia vacation, safari & beach An unique and unusual safari and beach combination How to see Victoria Falls Organised vacations to Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia often include Victoria Falls, and visit it from both the Zimbabwe and the Zambia side. There's a handy Univisa available now which allows travelers access to the falls from both sides. This is worth getting hold of, as the view of the falls is limited from the Zambia side (although the view from Knife Edge Bridge here is great – if wet!). Only around 25 percent is viewable from Zambia, while you can see around 75 percent from Zimbabwe. National Parks flank the falls on both sides. On the Zimbabwe side there are about 2km of gardens in front of the falls that you can pay to go into with lots of different trails, vistas and viewpoints to explore. Look out for the warthogs and other small game running round while you're here. The mists sustain a rainforest-like ecosystem around the falls, and you can walk through mahogany, fig and palm trees and admire the blue lobelia flowers that thrive in the misty conditions. You don't need a guide to view the falls, but you'll need to pay the single entry fee, which is currently $30 for adults on both sides. You can also get good views from the Victoria Falls Bridge, which crosses the Zambezi just below the falls. The bridge links Zimbabwe and Zambia and border posts lie at either end. River level views from below the falls are a good way to experience their power up close. Keep your eyes peeled for the birdlife here; the gorges and cliffs below the falls are prime territory for falcons and black eagles. On the Zambia side, you can walk along the banks of the Zambezi, upstream of where it tumbles over. If you favour an adrenalised experience, you'll be pleased to hear that at certain times of the year it's possible to take a dip in the Devil's Pool, a natural pool right at the edge of the cataract. You can also choose to bungee jump off the Victoria Falls Bridge, take a helicopter ride over the falls, ride a zip wire, white water raft along the Zambezi… Best time to see Victoria Falls, The falls look different month on month, in direct relationship to the rains and how full and fast flowing the Zambezi is, so it's important to plan your visit, if you don't want to be disappointed by too much spray or tiny trickles. December to March is the height of summer and the rainy season, with often dramatic thunderstorms in the afternoons. In December, the Zambezi is low, but begins to swell towards the end of the month as rains fall upstream. In January and February, the water levels are climbing. White water rafting often stops on the Zambezi in February because the river is too high. Similarly, it's not possible to use the Devil's Pool in January and February. The river is in full flood during February and March, when as much as 540 million cubic meters of water fall over the edge every single minute. At this time, the plumes of spray billowing up from the base of the falls can obscure the view. You can hear it, but you can't really see it – a bit like standing inside a noisy cloud. April, May and June, at the end of the rains, is when the most water is rushing over the falls. This is spectacular, but be aware that mist can obscure views from several lookout points. This is the best time for a helicopter ride over the falls. July and August are the best time to see the falls, when slightly lower water levels mean less spray and better visibility. This also coincides with the best time for game viewing in the region, too. Days are warm now, hitting max 28°C. September, October and November mark the end of the dry winter season, and the falls are at their lowest. The curtain of water splits into individual channels of falling water now. It's not as spectacular, but you do have the advantage of being able to peer right down to the base of the gorge, without spray interfering with the view. Head to the Zimbabwe side for the best views. Horseshoe Falls, which has the least volume of water, is the first to dry up, usually between October and November. This is peak white water rafting season. Temperatures are high, sometimes hitting 40°C in September and October, before the first rains arrive in November. Game viewing is superb now, if you can stand the heat. Our top Zambia Vacation Small group travel: 2022: 28 Jun, 3 Oct See all our Zambia Vacations If you'd like to chat about Zambia or need help finding a vacation to suit you we're very happy to help. Bruce Taylor, from our supplier Sunway Safaris, discusses different viewpoints: "There's now a Univisa between Zambia and Zimbabwe, which is the same price for visitors to either side and means you can visit the Victoria Falls from both countries, multiple times, only paying the park entry fee for the side you're not staying on. In May and June when the Falls are high and there's lots of water in the river, the Zimbabwe side is very impressive, but at times there's such a deluge of water that you can't see across the actual falls through the spray and mist, although you can get a great view if you go and stand at Livingstone's statue. At that time of year, if you want to go through the rainforest and look at the falls directly in front of you, the Zambian side is preferable." Joanna Simmons, one of the Responsible Travel writing team, visited the Victoria Falls with her family after a Botswana safari and has this advice: "We saw the Falls in mid August, when the Zambezi is still high, so you do get a lot of spray blowing up, which both obscures the view now and then, and drenches you. We took shower proof coats with us which proved completely useless, so either hire capes there or just enjoy getting wet. You can see more of the Falls from the Zimbabwe side, but to be honest, even what we saw from the Zambia side was spectacular so don't worry if you don't take in both sides." More about Zambia Best time to visit Zambia The best time to visit Zambia is between June and November, when the weather is dry and the wildlife watching is sensational. Zambia travel guide Our Zambia travel guide has insights on this beautiful country's history and habits, giving you the heads-up on local food, currency and language before you travel. Zambia map & highlights Our Zambia map and highlights page details some of the most rewarding destinations in the country, including some travel times and possible itineraries. Things to do in Zambia The walking safari was pioneered here and remains one of the essential things to do in Zambia, but don't miss game drives at dusk, wild camping and riding a zipwire across the Zambezi. Safaris in Zambia Zambia has a reputation as one of the finest countries in Africa for wildlife viewing, with peaceful parks, great game and knowledgeable guides making for an exceptional safari experience. Wildlife in Zambia Wildlife is Zambia's utterly beguiling calling card and the country's unspoiled open spaces and wide rivers play host to an extraordinary diversity and density of species. South Luangwa National Park in Zambia Zambia is a wildlife lover's paradise and its most celebrated park is South Luangwa, a remote, mesmerising wilderness, thriving and thrumming with an astonishing diversity of animals. The long Zambezi River spends much of its time winding through Zambia, following the border with Zimbabwe: you can explore it by canoe, spending nights wild camping on the river's banks. Zambia vacation advice To get some on-the-ground Zambia travel advice, we've talked to our suppliers for their tips on everything from trip planning and walking safaris to costs and expenses. Responsible tourism in Zambia Responsible tourism in Zambia is alive and well, but when it comes to the environment, some of Zambia's issues, including elephant poaching and trophy hunting, are complex and dense. Photo credits: [Page banner: Mario Micklisch] [Intro: Russell_Yan] [How to see Victoria Falls: flowcomm] [Bruce Taylor Quote: clintonafrica0]
Christopher Ornelas Author Posts | On Twitter Dennis Wharton Executive Vice President of Communications Rick Kaplan Legal and Regulatory Affairs Ann Marie Cumming Senior Vice President, Communications Bruce Franca Senior Vice President, Spectrum Policy Jennifer Jose Vice President, Messaging and Interactive Marketing Scott Goodwin Patrick McFadden Alison Greenwald Neplokh Vice President, Spectrum Policy Jerianne Timmerman Senior Deputy General Counsel Bob Weller Zamir Ahmed Senior Manager, Media Relations Suzie Raven Senior Manager, Public Service Bringing a Measure of Sanity to the FCC's Children's TV Rules First Informers: Hurricanes Florence and Michael Common-Sense Reforms for Children's TV Shake It Off, Taylor Swift's Spectrum Advice The Negative Sum Game Recent NAB News 2019 NAB Marconi Radio Award Finalists Announced July 18, 2019 Three Representatives, One Senator Add Bipartisan Support for Local Radio Freedom Act July 17, 2019 NAB Statement on FCC Order on Broadcast TV Signal Carriage Election Notices July 10, 2019 NAB Statement on FCC Approval of Order Modernizing Children's Programming Rules July 10, 2019 Jacobs Media to Explore New Opportunities in Radio in the Age of Digital Disruption July 9, 2019 Dennis Wharton Tweets Performance Fee Radio Capable Cell Phones Retransmission Consent Spectrum Uncategorized Rick Kaplan 1:20 pm on April 29, 2014 Permalink Tags: FCC ( 14 ), incentive auction ( 5 ), Spectrum ( 19 ) I Suppose It's Worth A Try (When You Are On a Roll…) There is overstating and then there is overstating. Last week, NAB proposed to the FCC commissioners some changes to the 600 MHz band plan included in the draft incentive auction order currently under review at the Commission. Specifically, NAB asked the FCC to shelve its planned 6-to-11 megahertz duplex gap that would be shared between wireless and unlicensed services, and instead adopt NAB's "Plan B" and use a flat 10 or 11 megahertz duplex gap, of which 4 or 5 megahertz would be reserved exclusively for wireless microphones. NAB believes this is both fair and essential, as licensed wireless microphone users will be foregoing the current two exclusive 6 megahertz channels in favor of only 4 or 5 megahertz vital to providing breaking news coverage in local communities throughout the country. In response, New America Foundation's Michael Calabrese blasted NAB's proposal, saying that it "would be a death sentence for unlicensed broadband and innovation post-auction." That statement almost made me feel badly. Were we essentially recommending an end to unlicensed innovation as we know it? Would our proposal lead to no more WiFi, garage door openers or cordless phones? Are we proposing to kill off baby monitors, and putting infants at risk across the nation? What have we become? After some serious soul-searching, my grandmother's famous chicken soup (good for the soul) and a long hard look in the mirror, I looked to the facts to see if Mr. Calabrese was really on to something. Fact #1: In March, the FCC massively expanded the spectrum designated for unlicensed services by allocating more than 100 megahertz for that purpose in the 5 GHz band. Fact #2: Just last week, the FCC launched a proceeding to free up as much as 150 megahertz more spectrum for unlicensed services, this time at 3.5 GHz. Fact #3: In the draft incentive auction order, the proposal for the 600 MHz band is likely to render the duplex gap unusable for unlicensed services. It envisions scenarios where the duplex gap would be anywhere between 6 and 11 megahertz. Any plan allocating less than 11 or 12 megahertz between LTE uplink and downlink will, according to the unlicensed community, render that spectrum far less valuable. Fact #4: The FCC's draft incentive auction order opens up channel 37 and a new guard band that will give unlicensed users brand new nationwide bands, including, for the first time, spectrum in major markets such as New York and Los Angeles. Fact #5: Under the draft incentive auction order, not only do wireless microphones lose well over half of their shared spectrum, but licensed wireless mic operators lose all 12 megahertz that are designated for exclusive use. Thus, if approved, wireless microphones will have gone from more than 60 megahertz of exclusive spectrum to zero in just five years. If there is any kind of "death sentence" in the draft order, it's clearly just for wireless microphones. Unlicensed spectrum advocates – primarily Google and Microsoft – are on a serious roll in the spectrum department. In proceeding after proceeding, they keep racking up more free spectrum. And I completely subscribe to the theory of when you are on a roll, you should keep shooting. Mr. Calabrese's play is really no more than a "heat check" for the spectrum world and Mr. Calabrese, along with Google and Microsoft, is probably feeling a lot like the Golden State Warriors' Steph Curry right now. Thirty-foot jump shots aside, it is clear that absolutely no innovation is lost under NAB's "Plan B." In fact, the unlicensed community will exit 2014 having earned massive allocations of spectrum, including new nationwide spectrum blocks in the 600 MHz band. Thus, NAB's proposal does nothing to drive a stake through the beating heart of unlicensed broadband innovation. On the other hand, it is hard to overstate the harm the current draft order would do to wireless microphones and the essential public service they help deliver. These devices – an innovation themselves, for what it's worth – help broadcasters on a daily basis cover breaking news and weather in local cities and towns across the nation. When the president followed developments in the Boston bombing tragedy, he watched multiple local Boston broadcast TV stations to get well-informed, up-to-date, on-scene reporting. In order for that to happen, broadcasters relied on wireless microphones to deliver the news as it was breaking. Some unlicensed spectrum advocates believe the TV white spaces database to be some kind of panacea. It is not. FCC rules require that devices check the database only once every 24 hours. Thus, broadcasters can only be sure to be free from interference from unlicensed devices sharing their wireless microphone channels if the world is kind enough to inform them of breaking news a day in advance. And even if the FCC finally amends its rules to permit more frequent checking – which it should have done at the outset – in times of crisis wireless networks often go down, rendering the database useless. That is exactly what happened in Boston following last year's horrific bombing. In a more temperate moment, Mr. Calabrese also noted that his coalition "strongly supports the NAB's position that the FCC should continue to reserve two vacant broadcast channels for priority use by licensed wireless microphones." He states that "[t]hese channels could be designated post-auction in each market and therefore would not in any way reduce the Commission's flexibility during the auction." To be clear, NAB's "Plan A" that Mr. Calabrese refers to involves retaining today's two exclusive channels pre- and not post-auction. This is because a post-auction reservation means essentially nothing in all of the major markets. In most of the top 100 markets, following the auction there will be no spectrum whatsoever available for reservation. Repacking and reallocation will take care of that. Now I understand the eagerness of many companies – especially major tech companies and wireless carriers – to feed off of the broadcaster carcass in the upper 600 MHz band. The Chicken Little approach, however, won't get it done. Facts will. And the fact is that wireless microphones need some small exclusive home in their 600 MHz band in order for newsgatherers to keep providing the kind of on-scene up-to-date information for their viewers. There is a place for nearly everyone in the incentive auction, and both NAB's Plan A and B for wireless microphones reflects the best and most appropriate balance. ← The Missing Piece of Chairman Wheeler's Broadcast Vision Broadcast Radio: Owning its Place in the Tech World →
No. 8 San Diego State rolls over Utah State in MWC quarterfinals LAS VEGAS -- Xavier Thames and San Diego State put on a clinic to welcome Utah State to its first Mountain West tournament. Conference player of the year Thames had 15 points and seven assists to lead No. 8 San Diego State to a 73-39 victory over the Aggies in the quarterfinals. "We played really, really good basketball, keyed by how we defended them," San Diego State coach Steve Fisher said. "We dictated the pace. That's hard to do -- harder to do than it looked. They're a hard team to guard. They run around and they screen." The top-seeded Aztecs shot 52.5 percent from the field, including 7 of 17 from 3-point range. San Diego State also outrebounded the Aggies 35-27 and outscored Utah State in the paint, 40-14. Winston Shepard added 13 points for the Aztecs, while Josh Davis had eight points and 13 rebounds. Jarred Shaw led Utah State with 14 points and Utah State shot 12 of 41 from the floor. "San Diego State just takes you out of everything you're trying to do," Utah State coach Stew Morrill said. "At least they took us out of everything we were trying to do. They're able to switch almost every screen. Their quickness, their athleticism can be overwhelming, and it was today." The Aggies' 12 field goals tied the record for fewest made field goals in a Mountain West tournament game, while their one made 3-pointer tied for the fewest. "We had a lot of shots, open shots, that we often make, and we couldn't get them to go," Morrill said. "I thought, you know, there wasn't enough open shots because their defense was just so outstanding." San Diego State, which swept the regular-season series against first-year member Utah State, will face the winner of the UNLV-Wyoming game. The Aztecs opened the second half with the first six points, and a 23-10 run to go up 59-25 at the 12:41 mark. "We wanted to come in and play a good defensive game," Thames said. "Offensively we wanted to come and play well as well. I think we did both of those things. That's why we got a big win today."
epa06819029 (FILE) - Visitors are reflected in a mirror with the Huawei company logo during the official launch event for the Huawei Mate 10 smartphone series in Munich, southern Germany, 16 October 2017 (reissued 18 June 2018). Chinese Telecommunications Company Huawei published an open letter addressed to Australian lawmakers on 18 June 2018, where it refused Australian government allegations that it poses security concerns, calling the comments 'ill-informed and not based on facts.' The Australian government is expected to ban the Chinese tech firm from bidding in the construction of the country's 5G networks over national security concerns, media reported. The concerns claim Huawei to be linked to the Chinese government, media added. EPA-EFE/PHILIPP GUELLAND Visitors are reflected in a mirror with the Huawei company logo during the official launch event for the Huawei Mate 10 smartphone series in Munich, southern Germany, 16 October 2017 (reissued 18 June 2018). Chinese Telecommunications Company Huawei published an open letter addressed to Australian lawmakers on 18 June 2018, where it refused Australian government allegations that it poses security concerns, calling the comments 'ill-informed and not based on facts.' The Australian government is expected to ban the Chinese tech firm from bidding in the construction of the country's 5G networks over national security concerns, media reported. The concerns claim Huawei to be linked to the Chinese government, media added. EPA-EFE/PHILIPP GUELLAND British PM Boris Johnson said that opponents of Chinese tech company Huawei should suggest alternatives. The comment comes as US officials arrived in Britain to push for Huawei's 5G ban, as Johnson's government prepares to decide on how to deploy Huawei equipment in its future 5G networks. British media said the US delegation told British officials that using Huawei would be "madness". Other countries however, already started launching the next-generation wireless networks. "The British public deserve to have access to the best possible technology. Now, if people oppose one brand or another, then they have to tell us what's the alternative, right?", Johnson said in an interview. In May, the US government added Huawei to its trade blacklist, amid concerns that its 5G equipment enables the Chinese government to spy on other nations. Huawei has rejected the allegations, saying it operates independently of the ruling party of China. "I don't want, as the UK prime minister, to put in any infrastructure that is going to prejudice our national security or our ability to cooperate with Five Eyes intelligence partners", Johnson said, regarding the 'five eyes' intelligence partnership, which includes Britain, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Huawei says it is confident the UK government will make its decision "based upon evidence, as opposed to unsubstantiated allegations": "Huawei have been here in the UK for more than 18 years and trust has been built with our customers and with the UK government through our openness and transparency", said Victor Zhang, Huawei's president for global government affairs.
e.g., How to Save for a House Buying Your First Home Average Mortgage Payment Must-Read Guides How to Save for a House Pre Approval Mortgage How to Get Approved for a Home Loan Mortgage Reviews SoFi Mortgage Review How Much Money Do You Need to Buy a House Why Owning is Better Shocking Truth about Average Apartment Rent By Kim P Read more about Why Renting is Better Expect to pay an average of $1,350 per month to rent an apartment in the United States. If you live in a high-cost area, like San Francisco, though, start saving now as you could pay an average of $3,253 for a one-bedroom apartment. © Bernard Spragg. NZ via Flickr Keep reading to learn just how much rent really costs throughout the United States. Average Cost of Apartment Rent What is the average cost of rent in the United States? The average cost of rent in the United States is $1,350. This is a 2.6% increase over last year. In addition, rents gradually increased every month this year. How much is the average rent for a studio apartment? The average rent for a studio apartment in the United States is $1,133. How much is the average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment? It costs the average renter $1,123 for a 1-bedroom apartment in the United States. The average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment in the United States is $1,303. On average, it costs $2,395 per month to rent a 4-bedroom apartment. What is the average cost of rent for a college student living off-campus? Students living off-campus pay, on average, the same as other renters, around $1,350 per month. However, many college students split the cost of rent several ways by taking in roommates. It's not unusual to see four college students living in a 2-bedroom apartment to save money on rent. What is the average cost of a college dorm? The average cost for a college student to live on-campus in a dorm is $10,800 per year. That averages out to around $1,200 per month, considering the 9-month school year. A Geographical Breakdown Which city has the lowest average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment? Fort Wayne, Indiana, boasts the lowest average apartment rent, at $466. They also have the lowest average 2-bedroom apartment rent, at an average of $563 per month. Which city has the highest average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment? San Francisco, California, has the highest average rent with an average of $3,253 per month. That's 85% higher than Fort Wayne, Indiana! How much is the average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in New York City? New York City is known for its high costs, and rent is no exception. You'll pay an average of $2,786 to rent an apartment in NYC. How much is the average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in Chicago? Chicago is the heart of the Midwest and falls in the middle of the highest and lowest average rent statistics. On average, you can expect to pay $1,765 to rent an apartment in Chicago. Of course, these amounts vary based on the different areas of this large city. Average-Sized Apartment What is the average size of an apartment? The average size of an apartment is 934 square feet. This number continually decreases, as the average apartment size is now 8% smaller than it was 10 years ago. What is the average size of a studio apartment? Studio apartments are also continually decreasing. Today, the average studio apartment is only 504 square feet. What is the average size of a 1-bedroom apartment? At 752 square feet, the average 1-bedroom apartment is just 248 square feet more than a studio apartment. 2-bedroom apartments have a little more living space, with the national average 2-bedroom apartment at around 1,126 square feet. What is the average cost of utilities for an apartment per month? The typical renter pays for electricity, heating and air conditioning. On average, this costs renters $150 - $200. How much does the average apartment cost per year? Assuming an average utility cost of $200 per month, plus another $150 for cable and internet, the average apartment costs $20,400 per year. How much should you spend on rent? According to the government, if you spend more than 30% of your income on housing, you are "cost-burdened." That being said, aiming to keep your rent at 30% or less of your monthly income should help you have money for daily living expenses. What is the average cost of renter's insurance for an apartment? Renter's insurance isn't required, but it's highly recommended. The average cost is $150 for the year. It can help cover the cost of loss of personal belongings that occurred from a fire, break-in, or other disaster. Some insurance companies, such as Lemonade Renter's Insurance offer lower base rates and increase prices if the renter chooses to increase coverage on their own individual items. What is the average cost of renter's insurance for a house? If you rent a house, you'll pay an average of $190 for renter's insurance. Houses are usually bigger, which means more belongings the insurance company must cover. Again, $190 per year is a small price to pay for coverage of the loss of your personal belongings. Rent can be costly depending on where you live. Figuring out how much rent you can afford first before shopping for an apartment can help you stay within your budget. Sources and References: Yardi Matrix ABODO CreditDonkey Write to Kim P at [email protected]. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for our latest posts. Why Own a Home 23 Scientific Reasons Why Renting is Better By Cassy Perera - Tips for Is the Middle Class Doomed Not sure if homeownership is right for you? Here are 23 financial and personal benefits as to why you may be better off renting. Leave a comment about Shocking Truth about Average Apartment Rent? Are You Ready to Buy a House Just because you can afford to buy a house doesn't mean you're ready. Buying a house is a big responsibility. Here's how to find out if it's the right choice for you. How Much Does It Cost to Build a Deck How Much Does It Cost to Build a Garage More Articles in Mortgage Next Page: Buying Your First Home Average Cost of Renters Insurance Lemonade Reviews Average Utility Bills What You Need to Buy a House CreditDonkey is a mortgage comparison website. We publish data-driven analysis to help you save money & make savvy decisions. Share on Facebook "Shocking Truth about Average Apartment Rent"
"We donate to the KSEF because we feel it is time to give back. We strongly believe that education is the best way to give back to those in need" - An Ex-Knightsbridge School Family Since 2013 KSEF has placed 17 Foundation Students at 12 top independent Senior Schools. All students have received full bursaries, either wholly from the future school or partially funded by KSEF. A list of the senior schools is below. King Edward's School, Witley King's College School, Wimbledon Shrewsbury School St. Catherine's, Twickenham Woldingham School Leighton Park School Uppingham School Prior's Field School St Paul's School Charterhouse School Bedford School Knightsbridge School Senior Extension "We donate to the KSEF because we feel it is time to give back. We have been very lucky in our lives and we strongly believe that education is the best way to give back to those in need. All our children attended KS and absolutely loved their experience. We feel that diversity will define the KS experience even more." From an ex-KS family who donates annually to the KSEF. Since its inception in 2007, donors to the Knightsbridge School Education Foundation have enabled 17 local children to achieve exceptional results at Knightsbridge School. The KSEF has also contributed to their future schools funding. If you are interested in applying for an assisted place for your child, please contact us at [email protected] or write to us at: February 2021 - video update December 2020 - A KSEF Bursary Student This is a short clip of one KSEF's bursary students, Gvantsa Gvazabia, a well rounded and enthusiastic musician who plays the piano, the violin, plays in the school's string ensemble and sings in the choir. A recent testimony from our first Student... Dear Mr Eddis and the KSEF Trustees, I am writing to express my gratitude for all you've done for me over the past 5 years. This has been a truly once in a lifetime type of experience that i have you to thank for. It's been a long journey and rather arduous at times, however I am glad as the lessons I've learnt have made me into the man I am today. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Mr Magoo, Mr Robin BT and the amazing team who helped me during my time at King Edward's. I wouldn't have been able to enter this journey let alone complete it without all your help, thank you. Kindest regards, AG. Established in 2007, Knightsbridge School Education Foundation (KSEF) is a registered charity which works closely with but entirely independent of KS. The Foundation's objectives are the furtherance of education through KS and to promote such other activities connected to the advancement of education which are charitable. In particular, our aims are to: Provide scholarships and bursaries to talented pupils whose family financial circumstances would not otherwise enable them to attend fee-paying private schools Assist in the building and development of further facilities at the School's site and to assist with the procurement, development and use of ancillary facilities for sporting, artistic and other creative events for the benefit of the community generally More generally, the Foundation will focus on promoting the personal development and education of people in the wider community. We will periodically review our activities to ensure we respond to the evolving nature of current needs. If you would like to learn more, click here. Contact us: [email protected] Donations to-date We receive donations from a wide range of sources; most are initiated by parents. As of February 2021.
Elegance, Ambiance and, Oh My, the Food! A Decade of Fine Dining at Chandlers Prime Steaks | Fine Seafood Article Doug Copsey Fine dining isn't just a destination; it's an experience. It doesn't matter if it's New York, Paris or anywhere else in the world, you know when you've found it. And for the past 10 years, that singular experience has been delighting diners right here in Boise at Chandlers. Like any good dish, restaurants that call themselves "fine dining" establishments are made up entirely of ingredients that dictate the finest in taste, elegance and ambiance. The elegance begins when you walk in the door. More than 15 years of Wine Spectator awards places Chandlers among the top restaurants in the world. Enter the newly renovated lounge and the ambiance is palpable, emboldened with an equally elegant selection of live jazz every night, brought to you by music director Chuck Smith. On weekends, night owls can partake of supper club jazz shows from 9 p.m. to midnight. Take a seat at a window table with a glittering view of downtown Boise's ever-changing skyline, or settle down in a plush booth that will literally swallow you up in comfort. For something more secluded, let the hostess show you to one of the rear dining rooms where soft blue lighting sprinkles your evening with a sense of sophistication and just a dash of mystery. The wine list rated the best in Idaho, is comprised of some 750 labels, offering a range and depth that will please even the most discriminating tastes. In the back, a private wine vault houses the "big dogs," as Rex calls them—a few hundred bottles of rare Napa cabernets, Grand Cru burgundies and more aged up to 30 years. A team of sommeliers is on-hand to enhance the ambiance even further with advice and explanations, ensuring your selection is the perfect one for your personal taste as well as your meal. If wine is not your choice of beverage, the multitalented bartenders can create whatever you desire, including their signature Ten Minute Martini. Once you're seated, the true excellence of Chandlers quickly becomes apparent. The menu promises an exquisite journey for your taste buds—and delivers. Mouthwatering steaks from four different sources—American wagyu from the Treasure Valley's own Snake River Farms; authentic, certified Japanese wagyu; corn-fed Midwest USDA prime; and grass-fed, grass-finished Oregon beef—lead off the list, but the seafood selections—from oysters to Ahi and swordfish to salmon—will also tantalize your palate with both quality and unbelievable freshness. Who else in Idaho serves abalone? Chandlers does! So, how did this icon of culinary and musical delights arrive on our doorstep a decade ago? One thing is for sure—it took a lot longer than the 10-year anniversary Chandlers Prime Steakhouse in Boise is celebrating this year. The ingredients of that story make up the entirety of Rex Chandler's more than 40-year restaurant career. When you grow up in Newport Beach, California, it's hard not to get into surfing, and the bug bit Rex early. During the 1960s, while he was paying his way through art school with restaurant work, he decided to heed the call of Hawaiian waves. To make ends meet, he took a job in an iconic Waikiki eatery called Nick's Fish Market. It didn't take long to discover that his true passion was the restaurant business and, as it turned out, he was also very good at it. Four years later he opened his own restaurant in Honolulu, and not long after that, he bought Nick's. So began a lifelong journey in fine dining that took Rex from Hawaii back to Newport Beach before landing him in Idaho, where he opened Chandlers in Ketchum in 1993, followed shortly by Baci, right next door. Fifteen years later, three of the many friends he had made in Idaho provided the impetus for his move to Boise. "We had this vision about a boutique hotel with an independently owned fine dining steakhouse, and we thought the timing was perfect for an upscale restaurant in Boise," he recalls. That vision, of course, was Hotel 43 and Chandlers, the pride of Grove Street, and it contains the best from all his years of experience. "If I could take you back in a time capsule, you would see a little of all those other restaurants in this one." He'll be the first to tell you that he didn't make his journey alone and that the connections he's made all along the way are a big part of his success today. Take William and Derek at the Honolulu Fish Company. Rex has known them for more than 30 years, and they are the exclusive supplier of Hawaiian seafood for Chandlers. "It's their specialty," Rex says. "They're the only company in Hawaii that deals specifically with high-end mainland restaurants like The French Laundry, Tru, La Bernadin and, of course, Chandlers. We're the only restaurant in Idaho that has fish shipped directly from Honolulu. It arrives within one day of being caught, and the quality is unparalleled." But as much as the fine dining experience is about what you see, it's a lot about what you don't see. Like the kitchen, also expanded during the recent million-dollar makeover. "Chef Luis [Flores] is probably the best chef I've had in my entire career," Rex says with pride. "I heard he wanted to move to Idaho and I knew he would be the right guy for us. He's been with us since day one." Rex's artistic eye and Chef Luis' talent for preparing food that charms and delights the senses have combined to create a menu unlike any other in the state. It's a team effort that extends to the rest of the staff as well. Any fine dining experience calls for servers who are both knowledgeable and friendly, and it always helps when they love their job. The family atmosphere that Rex creates among his employees goes a long way toward making your fine dining experience truly unforgettable. Monthly classes for the staff offer education on a variety of food and drink topics and weekly staff meetings focus on what can be done to refine the customer experience. "We're looking to improve every day," General Manager David Boyle says. "We never settle." The culinary renaissance Boise is currently experiencing was no doubt fueled in large part by Rex's legacy of excellence. "Everyone likes to be on a winning team," he says with a cordial smile. "The legacy is all about our staff. I take care of them, they take care of the customers and the customers take care of the restaurant." It's a cycle that sets a high bar, and one that benefits the entire community. Why not drop in tonight? Let the elegance and ambiance wash over you like a warm summer breeze, and treat yourself to some of the finest food you'll find anywhere. And while you're there, be sure to wish everyone at Chandlers a big, happy anniversary!
What effects does the climate have on South Africa? How does the climate affect South Africa? What are the effects of climate change in Africa? What are the effects of climate change on the economy of South Africa? How does climate change affect Johannesburg? What are the 5 effects of climate change? As the climate changes, it is South Africa's poor, the majority of the population, who will be the hardest hit. … Climate change could increase the prevalence and distribution of vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever and water-borne diseases such as cholera and dysentery. The main longer-term impacts of climate change in Africa include changing rainfall patterns affecting agriculture and reducing food security; worsen- ing water security; decreasing fish resources in large lakes due to rising temperatures and overfishing; rising sea levels affecting low-lying coastal areas with large … Findings include the following: Tourism may be affected due to a loss of habitats and biodiversity, and due to changes in temperature, humidity and malaria risk, and represents the biggest potential economic loss since tourism contributes as much as 10% of GDP. Models suggest that temperatures for Johannesburg may increase by around 2.3°C by the near future (2056 – 2065) and by around 4.4°C by the far future (2081 – 2100)," Kgope explained. … Empirical scientific evidence reveals that the planet's temperature will rise more than 2°C. IT IS AMAZING: How does climate affect interior design? What are the effects of climate change and global warming? rising maximum temperatures. rising minimum temperatures. rising sea levels. higher ocean temperatures. an increase in heavy precipitation (heavy rain and hail) shrinking glaciers. thawing permafrost.
Govt suggests NBN Co may need competitors To drive fixed-line tech forward over the next decade. Communications Minister Paul Fletcher says NBN Co may need some competition over the next decade to reduce the risk of Australia's fixed-line network falling behind. Speaking at a Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) conference in Canberra yesterday, Fletcher suggested that relying on NBN Co alone to deliver fixed-line improvements over the next decade may not guarantee Australia's future. Instead, he raised the prospect of reintroducing infrastructure-based competition to Australia's fixed-line market. "Labor went off in a different direction with the NBN where they deprioritised competition and assumed that a government-owned network can solve every problem," Fletcher said in a Q&A following his formal speech. "We are going to need to rely on and boost competition to make sure that our fixed networks continue to upgrade and stay in tune with world developments." Both industry and regulators have expressed concerns over the past year at the prospect of NBN Co being sold off with the same – or higher – competition protections. "Privatisation of the NBN will provide a unique opportunity to put in place a market structure with the potential to deliver effective infrastructure-based competition," the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said last year. Vocus CEO Kevin Russell also recently called for "the reinstatement of infrastructure-based competition in metro areas". Both new and existing fixed-line network operators face barriers to deploying networks that might compete with the NBN. The government is still trying to pass an additional measure that would tax the lines of NBN competitors, making it much harder for those operators to compete. iTnews has asked Fletcher's office for clarification around why the tax would be pushed forward if the long-term policy position is to increase – rather than stunt the growth of – NBN competitors. At the CEDA event, Fletcher talked up the mobile sector as an example of what could happen when there was appropriate infrastructure-based competition in a telecommunications market. "In the mobile sector in Australia, we've got vigorous competition," he said. "As a result, over the last 25 years, we've gone from analogue AMPS [Advanced Mobile Phone Service] to GSM or 2G to 3G to 4G, and now to 5G. "All of that has been the product of the investment of private capital by the owners of those businesses, and competition between them has meant that we're getting those innovations quickly. "We're amongst a handful of nations that have been in the lead in terms of starting to install 5G networks and that is a good thing. "So competition is important and that's true in mobile. "The most important thing in my view is to have competitive markets." OCCOM—Optical Communication Expert Fast Response, Fast Trouble Shooting! Occom is a Sydney based Internet Service Provider. Rich experience in telecommunication industry, great customer reputation. Partnering with top-tier fiber service providers, OCCOM offers a variety of Internet and home phone connection options. We provide free onsite support, ensuring your communication and entertainment needs. You will be impressed by our outstanding customer service staff. Tel:1300 299 999
Almost Done: €28m-Rated Arsenal Target Agrees Personal Terms To Complete Move By Admin On June 5, 2018 In 2018-2019, Arsenal News & Comment, Arsenal Transfer News No Comments Arsenal may have lost another transfer target with various reports claiming that Bernd Leno has agreed personal terms to join Naples based Seria A club Napoli. Leno joined Bayer Leverkusen from VFB Stuttgart on a loan deal in the summer of 2011 before making the move permanent. Since then, the 26-year-old net-minder has seen his stock steadily on the increase and he's been heavily linked with a move away from the club this summer. Arsenal are among the front-runners for his signature but they may have to look elsewhere to sign the long term replacement of Petr Cech. Insidefutbol reports via Italian broadcaster Premium Sport, that the goalie is a step closer to sealing a move with Napoli after reaching personal terms with Carlo Ancelotti's led side. Leno has a €28m release clause in his contract but Napoli are unwilling to pay the same sum and the sign the player. Instead, they have reportedly tabled an offer for the player but Leverkusen are certain not to accept a fee that is not is excess of €25m. Arsenal are currently in the market for the signing of players but their meagre transfer budget means they may lose most of the players wanted by Unai Emery.
Kate O Hanlan, M. D. F. A. C. O. G., F. A. C. S. Download "Kate O Hanlan, M. D. F. A. C. O. G., F. A. C. S." Darleen Eunice Short 1 Kate O Hanlan, M. D. F. A. C. O. G., F. A. C. S. Gynecologic Oncology, Surgery and Endoscopy 4370 Alpine Road Portola Valley, CA Phone: (650) FAX: (650) Regarding Ovarian Cancer, Ca 125 and Ultrasound My practice entails the surgical care of women with endometrial, ovarian, cervical and vulvar cancer, as well as benign pelvic surgery and laparoscopic surgery. My focus on cancer prevention by patient education led me to write this response to an that has been widely disseminated about a woman who developed peritoneal cancer after her ovaries had been removed. She felt that she was a victim of failed medical care. In reality, she developed one of the rarest cancers that we Gynecologic Oncologists see, and her story is truly sad. In this monograph, I wish to respond to each point made or suggested in her story in order to maximize appropriate response by other women with further testing, or provide appropriate reassurance that no testing (and no worry) is needed. First, it is important to understand the difference between screening tests and diagnostic tests. Screening tests are the familiar procedures that are recommended for all healthy people, such as pap smears for all women, cholesterol assay, dental exams, blood pressure checks for all adults, etc. Screening tests are cheap and easy to do, and they have, by definition, been proven to save lives because they detect common mild or early abnormalities that, if treated, prevent bigger problems such as cervical cancer, heart attack tooth loss, stroke etc. The screening test does not provide much information in itself other than to say that further investigation of the situation by diagnostic testing is needed to see if a real problem exists and to see what treatment may be needed. A diagnostic test is prescribed in response to an abnormal finding from a screening test or for a patient with a significant symptom or significant abnormal finding on an exam by a clinician. Most blood tests, x-rays, and procedures are considered diagnostic tests and the results must then be reviewed in the context of a long list of possible abnormalities. The Ca-125 blood test, an ultrasound, and the total body scan are all considered diagnostic tests, not screening tests, because they don t provide highly useful information when used by the larger population which has no abnormal finding of a screen, abnormal finding on an exam or abnormal symptom. Administering diagnostic tests to the larger population has been shown to provide few people value because of the low likelihood of finding an abnormality, often results in many false positive findings, and costs much. One example would be taking a trip to Las Vegas in order to make money by gambling. Most everyone loses money, but one or two find great wealth. The tree test mentioned above have been researched well as proposed screening tests for the larger healthy population, 2 and the results consistently show that there is little value to most in their use without symptoms, exam findings, or screening test indications. Many women find value in the reassurance that the above tests if normal will provide, and they can afford to pay the fee for this reassurance. Most people have fun in Las Vegas and are happy to afford the trip, and expect to lose money gambling for fun. The research shows that there are likely to be very few revelations by diagnostic tests used in a screening context that will save peoples lives or result in dramatic benefit. Everyone knows of some one person, from thousands taking the Total Body Scan, in whom a mass is found and whose subsequent surgery saved their life. In the being sent to many, one woman has told her story about being misdiagnosed with a gastro-intestinal problem, when in fact she had a peritoneal malignancy (a cancerous growth in the lining of her abdomen). Years earlier, her reproductive organs including ovaries had been removed, yet a malignancy appeared later in her abdomen identical to an ovarian carcinoma. In other words, she had an ovarian cancer like syndrome, but it had grown from her abdominal lining. Primary ovarian cancer which starts in the ovaries occurs in 1 in 70 women, or 1.7%. Primary peritoneal cancer, which grows from the lining of the peritoneum, occurs in 1 in 2,000 women, or.05%. It is thus rare upon rare. Her intestinal symptoms, in the absence of any ovaries, should have been tested out with colonoscopy and upper GI Endoscopy, study of her gall bladder and ruling out of colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. It is most reasonable to suspect bowel problems in a woman who has abdominal bloating, swelling and constipation/diarrhea, because intestinal problems and even intestinal cancer are more common than ovarian cancer, and cause the same symptoms. It is actually said, the road to the diagnosis of ovarian carcinoma is paved with Pepto-Bismol. Since the ing woman had had her gynecologic organs removed, few doctors would immediately suspect that she might have such a rare type of carcinoma as peritoneal carcinoma (.16%), when colon cancer strikes about 8% of women, colitis much more, irritable bowel syndrome many more. But if all these tests were done and they were all normal, a CT Scan of her abdomen would be the next study to perform. This would have revealed the peritoneal cancer. Ca 125 and ultrasound were not indicated in her case. Ca125 tests for gynecologic problems, and ultrasound is the best test to measure the gynecologic organs: uterus, tubes, and ovaries, none of which she had. If she still had her gynecologic organs and developed bloatiness and other GI symptoms, the a complete evaluation of the abdomen and pelvis would likely have been performed In addition, any woman who has new symptoms from her intestinal tract or gynecologic organs or new findings on her pelvic exam should definitely be evaluated by an ultrasound exam of the pelvis and serum Ca125. Additionally, whenever a pelvic or abdominal mass or fluid distension of the abdomen (called ascites) are observed, a Ca- 125 and CEA blood test should be obtained. Perhaps some of the tumors she had could possibly have been felt by pelvic examination. One of the lessons here is that every woman, whether she has had a hysterectomy or not, needs a pelvic exam on a yearly basis. Many women forego this exam after their uterus, 3 tubes and ovaries have been removed. Sometimes the primary care provider doesn t do pelvic exams, but women should then see a gynecologist for a yearly pelvic exam. While the annual pelvic exam itself does not have screening value (believe that or not, it is true! Pap of the cervix qualifies as a screen, but not pap of the vagina or palpation of the pelvis), it can reveal a pelvic mass that the patient may not have noticed. The pelvic should also include rectal exam in every woman over age 40 to feel for polyps and check for hidden blood in the stool (fecal blood testing over age 40 qualifies as a screening test) Ca-125: Good for Diagnosis, Not useful in Screening The story circulating on the Internet encourages women to insist that their doctors test the levels of the protein Ca-125 in their blood. However, all the medical studies have shown that the Ca-125 test is not an effective screening tool in the general population of menstruating women. Among menstruating women, the Ca125 has been shown to be frequently elevated if they have fibroids, adenomyosis, endometriosis, diverticulitis, and many benign, nonsurgical entities that are not a problem. Broad testing of healthy reproductive-aged women has been shown to result in many high Ca-125 counts, which then lead to much worry, much testing, and even many surgeries for benign masses, which will find very few otherwise undetectable cancers. This is because many benign tissues secrete Ca-125. By definition, in a pre-menopausal woman, the uterine lining is actively growing and the ovaries are actively secreting, thus many perfectly normal women will have elevated Ca125 s fluctuating every month. For these reasons, the Ca-125 is ordered for premenopausal women only when symptoms or pelvic exam findings have raised concern. If the results show an elevated Ca-125 level, then further testing will be necessary, and often surgery as well. Peritoneal cancer occurs extremely rarely: about 1 in 2,000 women. Ovarian cancer is much more common, about 1 in 70 women. After removal of the ovaries from most women, peritoneal cancer is incredibly rare, unless there is a mutation in the BrCa gene. The BrCa gene makes a protein that protects women from cancers. About 1 in 500 women, or.2% have a mutated copy of the gene, but this mutated gene is responsible for about 7% of breast and 10% of ovarian cancers. In these families many women will have breast cancers, bilateral breast cancer, breast cancer at a young age, or ovarian cancer, and most rarely, peritoneal cancer. If a woman s family tree has many members with these features, or if genetic testing has already indicated one of the members has a mutation of the BrCa gene, then she should see a geneticist or Gynecologic oncologist about testing for BrCa mutation in herself. Also a Ca-125 test and diagnostic ultrasound may be appropriate for her, even in the absence of symptoms or abnormal results from a screening test. Elevated Ca-125 levels in women with a BrCa positive mutation indicate the need for investigation. It should be stressed here that Ca-125 does not prevent malignancy, but if it is elevated, it can help to diagnose cancer earlier. For post-menopausal women, the Ca-125 blood test is a good diagnostic tool, because their ovaries and uterine lining are normally inactive and not secreting any Ca125-like proteins. Research confirms that for older women, this test is a reliable way to find problems in the gynecologic organs. Occasionally the problem may actually be found in the heart, pancreas, thyroid or lungs, or turn out to be benign gynecologic changes. An 4 elevated Ca-125 count in a postmenopausal woman indicates the need for further testing, probably including surgery. But even in the post-menopausal woman, and certainly in the hysterectomized/oophorectomized woman, Ca 125 is not useful as a screening test. In my practice, I see many younger women with elevated Ca-125 levels, between 35 and 100 (normal is under 35). When this happens, the next step is an ultrasound test, which usually reveals that the pelvic anatomy is normal. So then we discuss endometriosis or the other non-cancer causes of elevated Ca-125, but the women are still somewhat scared. At this point, we can use further scheduled Ca-125 testing on days 12 and 26 of the menstrual cycle to confirm fluctuations with the cycle and that the problem is benign endometriosis or adenomyosis. A Ca-125 level on day 26 that is nearly twice the level observed on day 12 is very reassuring for a diagnosis of endometriosis or adenomyosis, because the level should fluctuate over the month if it is caused by monthly fluctuation of cycling tissues. Surgery is not necessary in the absence of bothersome symptoms or abnormal ultrasound findings. A Ca-125 over 100 can still be endometriosis, but detailed investigation is needed and this may need to include laparoscopic biopsies, or possibly more surgery. Ultrasound: a valuable, non-surgical diagnostic tool Trans-vaginal ultrasound is highly reliable in measuring the size and shape of the uterus and ovaries. Unlike the Ca-125, the error rate for diagnosing cancer is low for vaginal ultrasound. The pictures we get from ultrasound can be put into four categories: benign and okay to ignore, benign and must be removed, probably benign but must be removed to be sure, and cancerous. Benign: Ultrasound can tell the difference between the characteristic features of cancer and those of benign functional cysts, which normally come and go on ovaries. Remember that ovulation is the function of making cysts with eggs every month. Simple cysts look like a water balloon containing pure fluid with no internal walls or any solid areas on the outer walls. If smaller than 2 inches, simple cysts need no further follow up because their risk of malignancy is under.3%, even if they do not disappear over time. Benign but must remove: Larger simple cysts may be observed for a while to see if they go away, but may need removal because they may twist. Dermoid cysts fall into this category as they have a 1% chance of malignancy, but must be removed. Endometriosis cysts should also be removed. Probably benign, but must remove to be sure it is not cancer: Complex cysts have solid areas in the walls, on the inner linings or contain multiple cysts and can be malignant between 8-30% of the time. They should be removed surgically, usually by laparoscopy, without spillage into the peritoneal cavity, for microscopic study to confirm that they are not cancerous. Ovarian Cancer: In cases of ovarian cancer, ultrasound usually reveals complex cysts on one or both ovaries, multiple solid masses, nodule on the bowel or excess pelvic and/or abdominal fluid. If the ultrasound reveals complex cysts, or if there is any other suspicion that ovarian cancer may be present, it is time to see a cancer doctor who specializes in women s reproductive systems: a gynecologic oncologist. These specialists can determine the extent of the spread of the cancer, and remove all the possible sites of spread all in the same anesthesia and operation. One research project showed that many of the steps in 5 surgical management of cancer were omitted when a general gynecologist did the initial surgery because they are not trained to perform the cancer staging. On the other hand, a gynecological oncologist actually may tell you It definitely ain t cancer and you don t need any surgery! You can trust that. That s our niche. More about OVARIAN CANCER Risk Factors: Low # children. Never used oral contraceptives, some families with extensive cancer rates or BrCa1 or 2 positivity, urban, extensive use of fertility drugs without conception. Screening: None, but do have yearly pelvic exam. Report any vague symptoms in abdo Symptoms: Treatment: Survival: Vague change in gastro intestinal tract function or urinary function, pelvic or abdominal pressure or pain, abdominal swelling or mass. Surgical removal of all visible cancer, removal of uterus, tubes, ovaries, lymph nodes, appendix and omentum (fat pad in abdomen), followed by chemotherapy. 40% overall. 88% if early % if advanced. Risk Reduction: Oral contraceptives for 5 years reduces risk by 25% and for 10 years reduces risk by 50%, tubal ligation reduces risk by 50%, large number of children. Remove ovaries. To find a gyn oncologist near you, call the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists at , or go to SGO.org and find one. Frequently Asked Questions About Ovarian Cancer Media Contact: Gerri Gomez Howard Cell: 303-748-3933 [email protected] Frequently Asked Questions About Ovarian Cancer What is ovarian cancer? Ovarian cancer is a cancer that forms in tissues Introduction Ovarian cysts are a very common female condition. An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac on an ovary in the female reproductive system. Ovarian Cysts Introduction Ovarian cysts are a very common female condition. An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac on an ovary in the female reproductive system. Most women have ovarian cysts sometime Why would you need a hysterectomy? Why would you need a hysterectomy? Removal of the uterus is performed to prevent, alleviate, or treat pain, pressure, bleeding, or cancer. Each reason is described in detail in the following pages. Benign WOMENCARE A Healthy Woman is a Powerful Woman (407) 898-1500. Ovarian Cysts Ovarian Cysts WOMENCARE A Healthy Woman is a Powerful Woman (407) 898-1500 The ovaries are two small organs located on either side of a woman s uterus. An ovarian cyst is a sac or pouch filled with fluid Understanding Your Risk of Ovarian Cancer Understanding Your Risk of Ovarian Cancer A WOMAN S GUIDE This brochure is made possible through partnership support from Project Hope for Ovarian Cancer Research and Education. Project HOPE FOR OVARIAN WOMENCARE A Healthy Woman is a Powerful Woman (407) 898-1500. Endometriosis Endometriosis WOMENCARE A Healthy Woman is a Powerful Woman (407) 898-1500 The lining of the uterus is called the endometrium. Sometimes, endometrial tissue grows elsewhere in the body. When this happens Are You at Risk for Ovarian Cancer? Are You at Risk for Ovarian Cancer? A Woman s Guide Read this brochure to learn more about ovarian cancer symptoms, risk factors and what you can do to reduce your risk. ALL WOMEN HAVE SOME RISK OF OVARIAN OVARIAN CYSTS. Types of Ovarian Cysts There are many types of ovarian cysts and these can be categorized into functional and nonfunctional OVARIAN CYSTS Follicular Cyst Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form within or on the ovary. The majority of these cysts are functional meaning they usually form during a normal menstrual cycle. OVARIAN CANCER IS A MAJOR CAUSE OF MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY IN WOMEN. Name of Student HTHSCI 1110 WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY. Ovarian Cancer 2 OVARIAN CANCER IS A MAJOR CAUSE OF MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY IN WOMEN by Name of Student HTHSCI 1110 WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY Ogden, Utah Instructor s Name Date Ovarian Cancer 2 Background Understanding Your Diagnosis of Endometrial Cancer A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE Understanding Your Diagnosis of Endometrial Cancer A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE Introduction This guide is designed to help you clarify and understand the decisions that need to be made about your care for the Abnormal Uterine Bleeding WOMENCARE A Healthy Woman is a Powerful Woman (407) 898-1500 Abnormal uterine bleeding is one of the most common reasons women see their doctors. It can occur at any age and has About the Uterus. Hysterectomy may be done to treat conditions that affect the uterus. Some reasons a hysterectomy may be needed include: Hysterectomy removal of the uterus is a way of treating problems that affect the uterus. Many conditions can be cured with hysterectomy. Because it is major surgery, your doctor may suggest trying other Ovarian Cystectomy / Oophorectomy Cystectomy and Ovarian Cysts Ovarian cysts are sacs filled with fluids or pockets located on or in an ovary. In some cases, these cysts need to be removed surgically. Types of Cysts Ovarian cysts are quite Cancer of the Cervix Cancer of the Cervix WOMENCARE A Healthy Woman is a Powerful Woman (407) 898-1500 A woman's cervix (the opening of the uterus) is lined with cells. Cancer of the cervix occurs when those cells change, Understanding CA 125 Levels A GUIDE FOR OVARIAN CANCER PATIENTS. foundationforwomenscancer.org Understanding CA 125 Levels A GUIDE FOR OVARIAN CANCER PATIENTS foundationforwomenscancer.org Contents Introduction...1 CA 125................................... 1 The CA 125 Test...2 The Use of the CA Ovarian cancer. A guide for journalists on ovarian cancer and its treatment Ovarian cancer A guide for journalists on ovarian cancer and its treatment Contents Contents 2 3 Section 1: Ovarian Cancer 4 i. Types of ovarian cancer 4 ii. Causes and risk factors 5 iii. Symptoms and There are many different types of cancer and sometimes cancer is diagnosed when in fact you are not suffering from the disease at all. About Cancer Cancer is a disease where there is a disturbance in the normal pattern of cell replacement. The cells mutate and become abnormal or grow uncontrollably. Not all tumours are cancerous (i.e. Uterine fibroids (Leiomyoma) Uterine fibroids (Leiomyoma) What are uterine fibroids? Uterine fibroids are fairly common benign (not cancer) growths in the uterus. They occur in about 25 50% of all women. Many women who have fibroids Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust Oxford Regional Genetic Department Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) Information for women with an increased lifetime risk of breast and ovarian cancer What Ovarian Cancer. in Georgia, 1999-2003. Georgia Department of Human Resources Division of Public Health Ovarian Cancer in Georgia, 1999-23 Georgia Department of Human Resources Division of Public Health Acknowledgments Georgia Department of Human Resources......B. J. Walker, Commissioner Division of Public How To Treat A Uterine Sarcoma EVERYONE S GUIDE FOR CANCER THERAPY Malin Dollinger, MD, Ernest H. Rosenbaum, MD, Margaret Tempero, MD, and Sean Mulvihill, MD 4 th Edition 2001 Uterus: Uterine Sarcomas Jeffrey L. Stern, MD Uterine sarcomas K Raja/N Varol FPA 2013. FPA Sydney August 31 2013 FPA Sydney August 31 2013 Ms wilson 32 year old woman Presents with worsening, heavy menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding and pain for 6 months. Ms Wilson What is the differential diagnosis What are the Saint Mary s Hospital. Ovarian Cysts. Information For Patients Saint Mary s Hospital Ovarian Cysts Information For Patients 2 Contents Welcome 4 What are ovarian cysts? 4 How common are ovarian cysts? 6 Ovarian cysts and fertility 6 What are the symptoms of ovarian Breast Cancer s Link to Ovarian Cancer: It s in Your Genes. foundationforwomenscancer.org Breast Cancer s Link to Ovarian Cancer: It s in Your Genes foundationforwomenscancer.org There are now more than 2.6 million women in America who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. A very small fraction Hysterectomy. What is a hysterectomy? Why is hysterectomy done? Are there alternatives to hysterectomy? ROBERT LEVITT, MD JESSICA BERGER-WEISS, MD ADRIENNE POTTS, MD HARTAJ POWELL, MD, MPH COURTNEY LEVENSON, MD LAUREN BURNS, MSN, RN, WHNP OBGYNCWC.COM What is a hysterectomy? Hysterectomy Hysterectomy is Participate in Cancer Screening Key #3 Participate in Cancer Screening What is Cancer? The National Cancer Institute defines cancer as A term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding FAQ Sheet Abnormal Uterine Bleeding FAQ Sheet What is abnormal uterine bleeding? Under normal circumstances, a woman's uterus sheds a limited amount of blood during each menstrual period. Bleeding that occurs between If you are still in your fertility years If you are past your fertility years and need surgery for a mass or for pain and have normal ovaries If you are still in your fertility years, an ovary should be removed only if there is a large, complex or persistent mass on it or if you have intolerable pain from endometriosis. There should be an attempt Summa Health System. A Woman s Guide to Hysterectomy Summa Health System A Woman s Guide to Hysterectomy Hysterectomy A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a woman s uterus (womb). The uterus is the organ which shelters and nourishes a baby during Specialists In Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, P.A. Specialists In Reproductive Medicine & Surgery, P.A. Craig R. Sweet, M.D. www.dreamababy.com [email protected] Excellence, Experience & Ethics Endometriosis Awareness Week/Month Common Questions Ovarian Cancer. Understanding your diagnosis Ovarian Cancer Understanding your diagnosis Ovarian Cancer Understanding your diagnosis When you first hear that you have cancer, you may feel alone and afraid. You may be overwhelmed by the large amount Ovarian Cancer. What is cancer? What is cancer? Ovarian Cancer The body is made up of trillions of living cells. Normal body cells grow, divide to make new cells, and die in an orderly way. During the early years of a person's life, Follow-Up Care for Breast Cancer A Patient s Guide Follow-Up Care for Breast Cancer Recommendations of the American Society of Clinical Oncology The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is a nonprofit organization which represents Ovarian cysts Diagnosis and Management Ovarian cysts Diagnosis and Management Mr P K Athanasias MRCOG Consultant Gynaecologist St Anthony s Hospital [email protected] Introduction ovary is an ovum-producing reproductive organ located in Ovarian Cyst. Homoeopathy Clinic. Introduction. Types of Ovarian Cysts. Contents. Case Reports. 21 August 2002 Case Reports 21 August 2002 Ovarian Cyst Homoeopathy Clinic Check Yourself If you have any of the following symptoms call your doctor. Sense of fullness or pressure or a dull ache in the abdomen Pain during Cancer Facts for Women 2006, American Cancer Society, Inc. No.200700-Rev.03/08 The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem Getting Pregnant: The Natural Approach Revealing the Secrets to Increase Your Fertility Getting Pregnant: The Natural Approach Revealing the Secrets to Increase Your Fertility Page 1 Contents Introduction 3 Part I Understanding Fertility and Infertility Chapter 1: What is Fertility? 4 - Signs Understanding Endometriosis - Information Pack What is endometriosis? Endometriosis (pronounced en- doh mee tree oh sis) is the name given to the condition where cells like the ones in the lining of the womb (uterus) are found elsewhere in the body. Ovarian Cancer: A Case Report Ovarian Cancer: A Case Report Abstract Ovarian cancer is a very common cancer among women. It is an extremely diverse disease requiring several treatment options. Occasionally ovarian cancer is diagnosed Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy A Guide for Patients PATIENT INFORMATION SERIES Published by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine under the direction of All you need to know about Endometriosis. Nordica Fertility Centre, Lagos, Asaba, Abuja All you need to know about Endometriosis October, 2015 About The Author Nordica Lagos Fertility Centre is one of Nigeria's leading centres for world class Assisted Reproductive Services, with comfort centres WHAT S WRONG WITH MY GALL BLADDER? GALL BLADDER POLYPS WHAT S WRONG WITH MY GALL BLADDER? GALL BLADDER POLYPS This is a patient information booklet providing specific practical information about gall bladder polyps in brief. Its aim is to provide the patient What are the differences between fibroid and ovarian cyst? DR LEE KEEN WHYE MBBS (Singapore), FRCOG (U.K), FAMS (Singapore) Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Advisor, Endometriosis Association, Singapore KW Lee Clinic & Surgery For Women No. 6 Napier Road, Fact sheet 9. Screening for ovarian cancer Fact sheet 9 Screening for ovarian cancer Ovacome is a national charity providing advice and support to women with ovarian cancer. We give information about symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, research and COLORECTAL CANCER SCREENING By Douglas K. Rex, M.D., FACG & Suthat Liangpunsakul, M.D. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis, A Guide to Hysteroscopy. Patient Education A Guide to Hysteroscopy Patient Education QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT HYSTEROSCOPY Your doctor has recommended that you have a procedure called a hysteroscopy. Naturally, you may have questions about Cervical Cancer The Importance of Cervical Screening and Vaccination Cervical Cancer The Importance of Cervical Screening and Vaccination Cancer Cells Cancer begins in cells, the building blocks that make up tissues. Tissues make up the organs of the body. Sometimes, this The Adnexal Mass and Early Ovarian Cancer The Adnexal Mass and Early Ovarian Cancer Fred Ueland, MD University of Kentucky Gynecologic Oncology Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never- in nothing great or small, large or petty- Ovarian cancer. Patient information from the BMJ Group. What is ovarian cancer? What are the symptoms? Patient information from the BMJ Group Ovarian cancer Ovarian cancer is a serious disease. If it s diagnosed at an early stage, ovarian cancer can usually be cured. But even cancers that are more advanced WOMENCARE A Healthy Woman is a Powerful Woman (407) 898-1500. Hormone Therapy Hormone Therapy WOMENCARE A Healthy Woman is a Powerful Woman (407) 898-1500 At menopause, a woman's body makes less estrogen and she stops having menstrual periods. This is a natural stage in a woman's Laparoscopic Surgery of the Colon and Rectum (Large Intestine) A Simple Guide to Help Answer Your Questions Laparoscopic Surgery of the Colon and Rectum (Large Intestine) A Simple Guide to Help Answer Your Questions What are the Colon and Rectum? The colon and rectum together make up the large intestine. After WOMENCARE A Healthy Woman is a Powerful Woman (407) 898-1500. Birth Control Pills Birth Control Pills WOMENCARE A Healthy Woman is a Powerful Woman (407) 898-1500 Birth control pills (also called oral contraceptives or "the pill") are used by millions of women in the United States to The ovaries are part of a woman s reproductive system. There are two ovaries, the size and shape of almonds, one on either side of the womb. Surgery for Suspicious Ovarian Cysts Patient Information sheet The Ovaries The ovaries are part of a woman s reproductive system. There are two ovaries, the size and shape of almonds, one on either side GYNECOLOGIC CANCERS Facts to Help Patients Make an Informed Decision RADIATION THERAPY FOR GYNECOLOGIC CANCERS Facts to Help Patients Make an Informed Decision TARGETING CANCER CARE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR RADIATION ONCOLOGY FACTS ABOUT GYNECOLOGIC CANCERS Gynecologic cancers Uterine Fibroid Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment Fibroids and IR Uterine Fibroid Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment Interventional radiologists use MRIs to determine if fibroids can be embolised, detect alternate causes for the symptoms and rule out misdiagnosis, Endometriosis: An Overview Endometriosis: An Overview www.bcwomens.ca Welcome to the BC Women s Centre for Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis. This handout will give you some basic information about endometriosis. It will also explain Treating heavy menstrual bleeding caused by fibroids or polyps Treating heavy menstrual bleeding caused by fibroids or polyps With today s medical advances the outlook for successful treatment of fibroids and polyps has never been better. You don t have to live with patient education Fact Sheet PFS007: BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations MARCH 2015 patient education Fact Sheet PFS007: BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations MARCH 2015 BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations Cancer is a complex disease thought to be caused by several different factors. A few types of cancer Ovarian Cancer. What is ovarian cancer? Ovarian Cancer What is ovarian cancer? Cancer starts when cells in the body begin to grow out of control. Cells in nearly any part of the body can become cancer, and can spread to other areas of the body. Menstruation and the Menstrual Cycle Menstruation and the Menstrual Cycle Q: What is menstruation? A: Menstruation is a woman s monthly bleeding, also called a period. When you menstruate, your body is shedding the lining of the uterus (womb). BRCA Genes and Inherited Breast and Ovarian Cancer. Patient information leaflet BRCA Genes and Inherited Breast and Ovarian Cancer Patient information leaflet This booklet has been written for people who have a personal or family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer that could Colorectal Cancer Care A Cancer Care Map for Patients Colorectal Cancer Care A Cancer Care Map for Patients Understanding the process of care that a patient goes through in the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer in BC. Colorectal Cancer Care Map Progress and Prospects in Ovarian Cancer Screening and Prevention Progress and Prospects in Ovarian Cancer Screening and Prevention Rebecca Stone, MD MS Assistant Professor Kelly Gynecologic Oncology Service The Johns Hopkins Hospital 1 No Disclosures 4/12/2016 2 Ovarian LAPAROSCOPIC OVARIAN CYSTECTOMY LAPAROSCOPIC OVARIAN CYSTECTOMY Information Leaflet Your Health. Our Priority. Page 2 of 5 About this information This leaflet is for you if you have a cyst on one or both ovaries and are considering surgery. Treatment Guide Gynecologic Cancer Treatment Guide Gynecologic Cancer Cleveland Clinic experts tailor treatment to their patients needs, taking into account the type of cancer, the degree to which the cancer has spread, the age of the individual Quick Facts about Appendix Cancer Quick Facts about Appendix Cancer What is the appendix? The appendix is a pouch-like tube attached to the first part of the large intestine (cecum). The appendix is about 10 centimetres long and has no Breast Cancer. Sometimes cells keep dividing and growing without normal controls, causing an abnormal growth called a tumor. Breast Cancer Introduction Cancer of the breast is the most common form of cancer that affects women but is no longer the leading cause of cancer deaths. About 1 out of 8 women are diagnosed with breast Get the Facts About Gynecologic Cancer Get the Facts About Gynecologic Cancer Cervical Ovarian Uterine Vaginal Vulvar Get the Facts About Gynecologic Cancer U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Heavy periods (menstrual bleeding) Heavy periods (menstrual bleeding) This information sheet has been given to you to help answer some of the questions you may have about heavy periods and the treatments that are available. This leaflet Early Prostate Cancer: Questions and Answers. Key Points CANCER FACTS N a t i o n a l C a n c e r I n s t i t u t e N a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e s o f H e a l t h D e p a r t m e n t o f H e a l t h a n d H u m a n S e r v i c e s Early Prostate Cancer: 3 Summary of clinical applications and limitations of measurements CA125 (serum) 1 Name and description of analyte 1.1 Name of analyte Cancer Antigen 125 (CA125) 1.2 Alternative names Mucin 16 1.3 NLMC code To follow 1.4 Description of analyte CA125 is an antigenic determinant Breast Cancer. CSC Cancer Experience Registry Member, breast cancer ESSENTIALS Breast Cancer Take things one step at a time. Try not to be overwhelmed by the tidal wave of technical information coming your way. Finally you know your body best; you have to be your own advocate. Hysterectomy. The time to take care of yourself Hysterectomy The time to take care of yourself The time to take care of yourself Women spend a lot of time taking care of others spouses, children, parents. We often overlook our own needs. But when our How common is bowel cancer? information Primary Care Society for Gastroenterology Bowel Cancer (1 of 6) How common is bowel cancer? Each year 35,000 people in Britain are diagnosed with cancer of the bowel, that is to say cancer Carcinoma of the vagina is a relatively uncommon disease, affecting only about 2,000 women in EVERYONE S GUIDE FOR CANCER THERAPY Malin Dollinger, MD, Ernest H. Rosenbaum, MD, Margaret Tempero, MD, and Sean Mulvihill, MD 4 th Edition, 2001 Vagina Jeffrey L. Stern, MD Carcinoma of the vagina is Colon and Rectal Cancer What is colon or rectal cancer? Colon or rectal cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in your large intestine, which is also called the large bowel. The colon is the last 5 feet Understanding. Pancreatic Cancer Understanding Pancreatic Cancer Understanding Pancreatic Cancer The Pancreas The pancreas is an organ that is about 6 inches long. It s located deep in your belly between your stomach and backbone. Your Female Reproductive System. Unit 8 Lesson 2 Continued Female Reproductive System Unit 8 Lesson 2 Continued Female Reproductive System Female Reproductive System Female produce ovum or egg cells. The egg (ovum) cell is the female sex cell. Female Reproductive Understanding Lynch Syndrome ESSENTIALS Lynch Syndrome Understanding Lynch Syndrome Certain cancers can run in families. Sometimes this happens because of harmful changes (called mutations) in our genes that are passed from one generation By Anne C. Travis, M.D., M.Sc. and John R. Saltzman, M.D., FACG Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, MA SMALL BOWEL BLEEDING: CAUSES, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT By Anne C. Travis, M.D., M.Sc. and John R. Saltzman, M.D., FACG Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, MA 1. What is the small Considering a Hysterectomy? Considering a Hysterectomy? Learn more about virtually scarless surgery using da Vinci Single-Site technology { {Symptoms & Conditions: Chronic Pain, Heavy Bleeding, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Pelvic Prolapse Uterine Cancer. Understanding your diagnosis Uterine Cancer Understanding your diagnosis Uterine Cancer Understanding your diagnosis When you first hear that you have cancer, you may feel alone and afraid. You may be overwhelmed by the large amount Advice about familial aspects of breast cancer and epithelial ovarian cancer a guide for health professionals DECEMBER 2010 Advice about familial aspects of breast cancer and epithelial ovarian cancer a guide for health professionals DECEMBER 2010 This guide has three parts: 1. Information for health professionals 2. Tables Hysterosalpingography Scan for mobile link. Hysterosalpingography Hysterosalpingography uses a real-time form of x-ray called fluoroscopy to examine the uterus and fallopian tubes of a woman who is having difficulty becoming Endometriosis Obstetrics & Gynaecology Women and Children s Group Endometriosis Obstetrics & Gynaecology Women and Children s Group This leaflet has been designed to give you important information about your condition / procedure, and to answer some common queries that U.K. Familial Ovarian Cancer Screening Study (UK FOCSS) Phase 2 Patient Information Sheet U.K. Familial Ovarian Cancer Screening Study (UK FOCSS) Phase 2 Patient Information Sheet 1. Invitation You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide it is important for you A WOMAN S GUIDE foundationforwomenscancer.org Understanding Ovarian Cancer A WOMAN S GUIDE foundationforwomenscancer.org Contents Introduction...1 Ovarian Cancer: An Overview...1 Risk Factors...2 Medical Evaluation...3 Working with your treatment Women s Health Laparoscopy Information for patients Women s Health Laparoscopy Information for patients This leaflet is for women who have been advised to have a laparoscopy. It outlines the common reasons doctors recommend this operation, what will happen Considering a Hysterectomy? Learn more about virtually scarless surgery using da Vinci Single-Site technology { {Symptoms & Conditions: Chronic Pain, Heavy Bleeding, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, Acute pelvic inflammatory disease: tests and treatment Acute pelvic inflammatory disease: tests and treatment Information for you Information for you Published August 2010 Published in August 2010 (next review date: 2014) Acute What is pelvic inflammatory Examples of good screening tests include: mammography for breast cancer screening and Pap smears for cervical cancer screening. CANCER SCREENING Dr. Tracy Sexton (updated July 2010) What is screening? Screening is the identification of asymptomatic disease or risk factors by history taking, physical examination, laboratory tests What could endometriosis mean for me? Endometriosis: what you need to know Published November 2007 What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is a very common condition where cells of the lining of the womb (the endometrium) are found elsewhere, Introduction Breast cancer is cancer that starts in the cells of the breast. Breast cancer happens mainly in women. But men can get it too. Male Breast Cancer Introduction Breast cancer is cancer that starts in the cells of the breast. Breast cancer happens mainly in women. But men can get it too. Many people do not know that men can get breast The main surgical options for treating early stage cervical cancer are: INFORMATION LEAFLET ON TOTAL LAPAROSCOPIC RADICAL HYSTERECTOMY (TLRH) FOR EARLY STAGE CERVICAL CANCER (TREATING EARLY STAGE CERVICAL CANCER BY RADICAL HYSTERECTOMY THROUGH KEYHOLE SURGERY) Aim of the leaflet National Cancer Institute. What You Need TM. To Know About. Ovarian Cancer. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute What You Need TM To Know About Ovarian Cancer U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Contents About This Booklet 1 The Ovaries 2 Understanding Full version is >>> HERE <<< Full version is >>> HERE Endometrial (Uterine) Cancer What is endometrial cancer? Endometrial cancer starts when cells in the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) begin to grow out of control. Cells in nearly any part of the The percentage of women 21-64 years of age who received one or more Pap tests to screen for cervical cancer. Measure Name: Cervical Cancer Screen Owner: NCQA (CCS) Measure Code: CER Lab Data: Y Rule Description: General Criteria Summary The percentage of women 21-64 years of age who received one or more Pap tests School of Diagnostic Medical Sonography Semester 1 Orientation - 101 This class is an introduction to sonography which includes a basic anatomy review, introduction to sonographic scanning techniques and physical principles. This curriculum Gynecologic Cancer in Women with Lynch Syndrome Gynecologic Cancer in Women with Lynch Syndrome Sarah E. Ferguson, MD FRCSC Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto June 11, 2013 Objective 1. To review the
Saudi Arabia shoots down Scud missile fired by Yemen Houthis, officials say By Abdullah Al-ShihriAssociated Press Sat., June 6, 2015timer3 min. read RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA—Saudi Arabia said it shot down a Scud missile fired by Yemen's Shiite rebels and their allies early Saturday at a Saudi city that is home to a large airbase, marking a major escalation in the months-long war. Two missiles launched from a Patriot missile battery shot down the Scud around 2:45 a.m. Saturday around the southwestern city of Khamis Mushait, the official Saudi Press Agency reported. The agency did not report any casualties in the attack, the first use of a Cold War-era Scud by the rebels since Saudi-led airstrikes began in March. Khamis Mushait is home to the King Khalid Air Base, the largest such facility in that part of the country. Saudis on social media reported hearing air raid sirens go off around the city during the attack. The agency blamed Iranian-backed Shiite rebels known as Houthis and their allies in forces loyal to former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Yemen's state news agency SABA, now controlled by the Houthis, said the rebels and their allies fired the Scud. Saudi Arabia leads a coalition targeting the rebels in airstrikes that began March 26 in support of the country's exiled President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi. Those strikes have targeted arms caches and Scud missile sites around the country. The coalition responded to Saturday's attack by targeting and damaging the launcher, which was located south of the Houthi stronghold of Saada, according to the news agency. Yemeni security officials said coalition planes launched at least six airstrikes early Saturday against a Houthi convoy heading toward Saada. Airstrikes also hit a convoy in Amran province, which Houthi and tribal officials said was transporting livestock. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they weren't authorized to brief journalists. Saudi Arabia is the world's largest oil exporter. Its major oilfields are located in the east of the country, far from Khamis Mushait. The United States has provided logistical support to the mostly Arab coalition. U.S. military officials in the region had no immediate comment. The Houthis began their advance in September, sweeping into the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, and taking over government ministries and other areas. They held top officials, including Hadi, under house arrest until Hadi fled, first to the southern port city of Aden, then to Saudi Arabia as the rebels closed in backed by forces loyal to Saleh. The Saudi-led air campaign and ground fighting have killed more than 1,000 civilians and displaced more than 1 million people since mid-March, the spokesman for the U.N. secretary-general, Stephane Dujarric, told reporters Wednesday. The offensive has so far failed to force the Houthis to withdraw from any territory they hold or blunt their advance in southern Yemen. In April, the spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition, Saudi Brig. Gen. Ahmed Asiri, implied that the Scud missile arsenal in Yemen had been seriously degraded as a result of the airstrikes. "As coalition forces, we confirm that all Houthi capabilities were targeted, foremost their ballistic missiles," Asiri said. Abdulkhaleq Abdullah, a professor of political science at United Arab Emirates University, said Saturday's attack was a way for the Houthis and the allies to signal that they still have fight left despite weeks of airstrikes. The Emirates is a member of the coalition. "Of course, it is an escalation," Abdullah said. "It is clear now there has not been a knockout and a complete demolition of Houthi firepower. So we have to contend with this." On Friday, the Houthis and Saleh's forces launched a ground offensive targeting the Saudi border, which saw the kingdom fire artillery and launch Apache attack helicopters, the Saudi Press Agency reported. The agency reported "scores" of rebel forces being killed in a battle that lasted from dawn to noon Friday, with four Saudi soldiers killed in the fighting. The Saudis and Western powers accuse the Houthis of receiving military support from Shiite power Iran as part of a larger proxy war between the Sunni kingdom and the Islamic Republic across the Mideast. Tehran and the rebels deny the allegations, though Iran has acknowledged sending humanitarian aid to the Houthis. The strikes, as well as a Saudi-led air and sea blockade, have caused food, water and medicine shortages, sparking a humanitarian crisis in the Arab world's poorest country. The Soviet Union developed Scuds during the Cold War and exported the ballistic missiles to several countries, including Yemen. A website allied with Saleh says the Yemeni army possesses 300 Scud missiles, most of them under the control of the Houthis and Saleh's forces. Scud strikes in Saudi Arabia have been fatal in the past. On Feb. 25, 1991, an Iraqi-fired Scud evaded a Patriot strike and hit a U.S. base in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 28 American soldiers. Yemen, Saudi Arabia
DER SPIEGEL International The Reeperbahn or Berlin?: Decision Expected Soon on Eurovision Host City The Reeperbahn or Berlin? Decision Expected Soon on Eurovision Host City Hamburg and Berlin are locked in a heated competition to land next year's Eurovision Song Contest. The port city and its Reeperbahn red light district has long been the cultural home of Eurovision in Germany, but many see the country's capital as the likely choice. Lena Meyer-Landrut, Germany's Eurovision Song Contest winner, would like to see the next event be held in Berlin. Foto: DANIEL SANNUM LAUTEN/ AFP Four German cities -- Berlin, Hamburg, Düsseldorf and Hanover -- are now officially competing to host the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest. Germany landed the annual television event after Lena Meyer-Landrut won the song contest in Oslo in May, making her the first German to win in 28 years. Eurovision, also known by its French name -- Grand Prix Eurovision de la Chanson -- is organized in each country by national public broadcasters. In Germany it is produced by national broadcaster ARD and its Hamburg-based regional subsidiary, Norddeutsche Rundfunk (NDR). ARD and NDR are responsible for selecting the winning applicant city, and an announcement on where it will take place is expected in late summer. Meyer-Landrut hails from Hanover, and many are hoping she will give the city a local edge in securing the event. But the singer herself, who is hoping to defend her title next year, has said she would prefer Berlin. "Berlin is big, multicultural and has everything that interests me," she told journalists. 'The Grand Prix Belongs to Hamburg' ... 'Berlin Is the Right Place' For years, Hamburg has been closely associated with Eurovision because of Hamburg-based NDR's involvement and the city's famous Reeperbahn has been the site of a massive official party celebrating the event and also the location where the scores from Germany are broadcast. The city's outgoing mayor, Ole von Beust, says "The Grand Prix belongs to Hamburg." Typically, but by no means exclusively, the Grand Prix is held in national capitals, and Berlin is hoping that factor, as well as its international popularity, will help land Eurovision. The city wants to host the contest on the spectacular grounds of the former Tempelhof airport. Berlin, Mayor Klaus Wowereit told reporters, has the "best conditions" and "is the right place" to host Eurovision. Düsseldorf, located on the picturesque Rhine River is also bidding for the song contest, but most view the city, like Hanover, as a long shot. "All four cities have given their best to win the bid," said ARD entertainment chief Thomas Schreiber. "But there is no foregone conclusion on these applications." dsl/SPIEGEL -- with wires
You are here More Pages What's going on inside your head? UOW researcher creates a unique 3D atlas of brain Contact UOW Media UOW key facts News Corp subscription Sign up for the latest news from UOW Media Alex Reszelska Main CampusWollongongHealth & MedicineInnovationMedicinePsychologyResearchScience Neurobiologist Dr Mark Schira has mapped the living human brain to help scientific research, clinical treatment and education Do you ever wonder what's inside your head, always buzzing with thoughts, ideas and observations? Dr Mark Schira, a neurobiologist from the University of Wollongong's (UOW) School of Psychology, has taken this question much further and turned it into a quest to finally map the living human brain and its more than 1000 known structures with the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). "The premise of this project has been to visualise and define – for the first time in human history – the living brain and its architecture. We know a lot about how the brain is built, but until now, the living brain has never been captured in such a high resolution," Dr Schira explained. Since 2013, Dr Schira has been supervising the research group that focuses on the function, organisation and imaging of the human visual cortex. For this revolutionary brain mapping project, the UOW researcher has teamed up with internationally recognised University of NSW neuroscientist Professor George Paxinos AO (whose most famous book, The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, has been ranked 10th on the global list of 50 most popular scientific titles) and Dr Steve Kassem, neuroscientist and psychologist from Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA). "In a way, we're like the old world's discoverers who tried to map the territory of the Earth. Professor Paxinos is the modern Galileo because he did most of the original maps that allowed us to understand the organisation of the brain. We are reimagining these maps for the modern times, using the living brain to create a 3D atlas of superb quality," Dr Kassem said. Due to the lack of participants with sufficient patience to lie perfectly still for many hours, Dr Schira and Dr Kassem scanned their own brains to create the intricate mapping of the brain's anatomical structure. Their ultimate goal is to make the 3D brain atlas an open-access resource, optimised for modern tablets and computers, and fit for convenient use in research, clinical practice, teaching and training. "Previously, medical students had to use the flat pictures of parts of the brain to learn anatomy and functional areas of the brain, piecing the shape together bit by bit in their mind. Now, since the final images are in a 3D format, alongside GIFs and visualisations, the students' learning process will be much easier," Dr Schira explained. The final platform to host the 3D atlas is still under construction. You can follow the researchers' exciting journey on Twitter https://twitter.com/HumanBrainAtlas and via this address: https://hba.neura.edu.au Media Contacts for this article UOW Media Office Top health leadership award for UOW academic UOW researcher awarded $1 million NHMRC funding to focus on deadly Strep A bacteria
Lyric Theatre Company: Our 46th Season! Lyric Shows New Leaf – An Outdoor Musical Cabaret Miracle on Green Tree Dr. — A Lyric Family Christmas Special Matilda the Musical Propose A Show LyricKids / Education Lyric Workshops Delano-Nulty Award Member & Volunteer Events The mission of Lyric Theatre Company is to produce musicals and dramatic performances of professional quality for northern New England. We offer both members and the public opportunities for learning and growth by volunteering within the Lyric organization. As a community theatre, we are committed to keeping our programs affordable, offering educational and theatrical activities, sharing resources and working cooperatively with schools other community groups. Lyric History On May 1, 1974 at eight o'clock in the evening, the curtain rose for How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, marking the inaugural Lyric Theatre Company production on the historic, but largely neglected Flynn Theater mainstage. Now, forty-five years and nearly one hundred Lyric theatrical productions later, Lyric Theatre Company and the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts are enduring fixtures in the greater Burlington community, and constants in the lives of so many of its residents. 1984 Proclamation by Mayor Bernie Sanders First conceived of at a December 1973 meeting between a small group of friends looking for a theatrical outlet, Lyric Theatre Company began the process of mounting that first production in the coming months. The triumph of How to Succeed… and subsequent Lyric productions, caused the community to re-imagine what was possible in the historic art deco Flynn Theater. A community effort spearheaded by Lyric in 1980 led to the purchase and restoration of the Flynn, establishing a regional mecca for the performing arts. 2014 Proclamation by Mayor Miro Weinberger From its beginnings as a group of around thirty friends, and less than ten thousand dollars to put up our first show, Lyric has grown to become one of the largest volunteer-based community theatre organizations in the United States. Today, each Lyric season represents the work of nearly 400 volunteers and 20,000 hours of their time. Audiences numbering 15,000 take in our productions, with a yearly community-wide economic impact measured in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. We are still proudly putting shows up on our beloved Flynn stage, but with many more friends by our side. In 2019, Lyric marked another milestone with the completion of a years-long Capital Campaign to purchase and renovate a permanent home for its numerous creative efforts, ensuring that Lyric will remain a treasured resource to the community for generations. The Addams Family marks the first Lyric production to be designed, built, and rehearsed entirely in the Lyric Creative Space. Like the rest of the world, Lyric had to suddenly, and dramatically change course in March of 2020, postponing a mainstage production for the first time due to the pandemic sweeping through the community and the globe. Within weeks, Lyric had become a volunteer hub and distribution center at the request of the City of Burlington, and over the coming months would go on to produce more than 24,000 face masks for the entire region. Lyric harnessed the same creative spirit to find new ways of producing meaningful theatre as the weather warmed and the pandemic ebbed in Vermont. The summer and fall of 2020 brought about three separate productions for socially-distanced and outdoor audiences, as well as virtual presentations that expanded the reach and diversity of Lyric productions. Thank you for being a part of our story. We can't wait to see you at the theater again! 7 Green Tree Drive Google Map Location & Directions Email: [email protected] Lyric Theatre Office Hours Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00am-3:30pm. Sign Up for Lyric Theatre News! Select list(s) to subscribe to Monthly Spotlight Newsletter Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Lyric Theatre Company. (You can unsubscribe anytime) By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Lyric Theatre Company, 7 Green Tree Drive, South burlington, VT, 05495, http://www.lyrictheatrevt.org. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact Up Next: Stay Tuned! ©2021 Lyric Theatre Company
Tourism Information Points Valka Municipality Valga Municipality TopHeader EN 1 city 2 states TOURISM DESTINATIONS TOURISM MAP Lugaži Evangelical Lutheran Church The first written record of the church dates from 1477. Different historical styles can be seen in the exterior in the church, it is due to the church had to be rebuilt and repaired after frequent wars.The church is currently active. The church tower nowadays is used as view platform with splendid view of Valka and Valga- one city, two countries Address: Rīgas street 9,Valka Website: http://www.valkas.lelb.lv/ FB account: https://www.facebook.com/valkaslugazubaznica/ Phone: +371 26676912, 647722893 E-mail: [email protected] Filter by All (141) Accommodation (15) Beautiful places in nature (29) Museum (5) Places to eat (20) Practical information (29) Gas station (3) Pharmacy (3) Post office (2) Shops (5) Sightseeing (41) TIC (2) Cemetery for german soldiers killed during World War II In Valkas cemetary from 1941. – 1944. were burried 367 soldiers of German army. Burial is placed in the three fields. Memorial stone for Communist terror victims On 28th of March, Year 1949, 1152 people were deported from Lugažu station on 28 March 1949, of which approximately 650 were residents of Valka. At the terminal station in Asino Tomsk County, Russia, the scaelon arrived on 10 April. The memorial stone symbolizes the hearts of the divided Latvian families. It was set on 25th of March, year 1992. Monument "Dedication to Latvian Provisional National Council" This monument is as a chance to give back to people who in 1917 in Valka, while risking their lives, led by 'ideals' and in imposible situation, built the base for independent Latvia. Memorial stone to those killed in the war of independence in 1919 The memorial stone was established in 1922. Sculptor Emils Melders-Millers' monumental work is titled "Warrior of Ancient Latvia". It is the first memorial honouring the memory of those who fell in the Latvian War of Independence. Cemetary for Soviet soldiers who fell in the World War II The memorial is dedicated to the soviet army Soldiers of the World War II. At the granite plaque is written down 414 names of the fallen soldiers. Janis Cimze memorial stone The memorial stone in Cimzes cemetery was placed in 1887 at Cimze's grave by his students and admirers. The Latvian, Estonian and German text says that "it is dedicated to the teacher of teachers" by a "thanksful Vidzeme". For Cimze's birth centenary a bas-relief portrait of Cimze was added to the memorial stone. <strong>Theatrical concert program "Musique d'amour" of the Latvian Operetta Theatre at the Valka City Culture House</strong> The development project of Valga-Valka Twin Town Centre has been completed Valka Tourism and Information Office Phone: +371 6472 5522, +371 2649 6945 Email: [email protected] Adress: Rīgas iela 22, Valka. This website reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used..
Eureka (TV Series) Do You See What I See (2011) It looks like we don't have any External Sites for this title yet. Be the first to contribute! Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the External Sites submission guide. Full Cast and Crew | Release Dates | Company Credits | Filming & Production | Technical Specs Do You See What I See (TV Episode) Must See For Christmas EUREKA SEASON 4 (2010) (8.8/10) Favorite Christmas Movies, Specials and Episodes
ARMORED SAINT Announce European Mini-Tour "First off, in mid-January I was called to play some bass parts (from my buddy Jim Matheos of FATES WARNING) for the follow-up OSI record, tentatively titled 'Free'. For those of you who don't know who OSI is, shame on you! OSI is the project band from Jim Matheos (guitar, FATES WARNING), Kevin Moore (keys, ex-DREAM THEATER) and Mike Portnoy (drums, DREAM THEATER). This is their second record for InsideOut Music and it is tentatively set for a late March release. Having been a big fan of their debut, I was honored by the call. Look out for this new record for sure. "On my solo record front, I'm still in the final obsessing stages. For those of you who know what it's like to record your own stuff….. Well, let's just say it's like stripping yourself naked, holding raw tenderloins in each hand in front of two very hungry lions and trying to get used to the temperature of the night air. But I'll survive because I'm in my home studio, not the coliseum in ancient Rome. Seriously, I still hope to have this out of my little tuft of hair by summer. "On the ARMORED SAINT front: We have been offered a few shows in Europe this summer so we've turned a few shows into a very short one-week mini tour. This all started with an offer to play at this year's Bang Your Head festival in Germany, which will be our second appearance there. We are also on this year's legendary Graspop festival in Belgium and having played in the U.K. (London) only once in our career, we decided to book our first-ever string of U.K. dates. The tour dates are as follows: Jun. 23 - Arnhem, NL - Willemeen Jun. 24 - Balingen, Ger - Bang Your Head Festival Jun. 25 - Dessel, Belg - Graspop Festival Jun. 27 - Manchester, UK - Academy Jun. 28 - Sheffield, UK - Corporation Jul. 01 - London, UK - Underworld "As of now, this is the only plan SAINT has for the year but if anything else comes up, you'll be sure to hear of it." RAMMSTEIN's 10-City North American Tour To Be Officially Announced This Week
Tools for Startups SUBMIT A TIPSUBSCRIBE The Company Forensics Weekly news and teardowns on trending startup companies The most relevant Twitter threads of the week Product of the week brought to you by ProductHunt Detailed stats on the companies that raised venture capital Oops! Something went wrong. Can you try again? Company Forensics What happened to Motorola? A brief history The Pandora Papers explained Boosted Board out of business: the story behind the fire The biggest Kickstarter fails of all time Where is Silicon Valley and how was it built subscribe to forensics Even the mightiest fall. Motorola was a pioneer in mobile communications and helped shape entire markets with groundbreaking products. But now, it's gone. And, yes, we can summarize this episode and say that it was a giant failing to act upon change. But we'd be lying, because there's more to. It was culture and management that killed Motorola. Motorola origins In 1928, brothers Joseph and Paul Galvin purchased a bankrupt radio technology company for $750. Soon after that, Paul decided to make portable radios which could be installed in cars. Since he aimed at cars, he wanted a catchy name. He combined motor, with a popular commercial suffix, ola (as in Crayola and Victrola), to create Motorola. These radios, and the name, were a hit. So, the Galvins changed the company name from Galvin Manufacturing Corporation to Motorola. But it didn't stop with prehistoric car radios. They also created receivers for police, portable FM radios and TVs. Motorola's AM SCR-536 radio became a cornerstone in military communications and helped Allied forces during World War II. Then they came up with the first portable, large-screen television. The first transceiver to be used in space. The first hand-held portable telephone. And the first commercial cellular device. They even created the Six Sigma quality process in which 99.99966% of all opportunities must be free of defects. Just a note: historically, Motorola has had two main divisions: communication services, known as Solutions and mobile phones, known as Mobility. Mobility would launch Motorola to new heights. But it was also the most troubled division. Its history helps shed a light on how flawed culture spread inside Motorola like a virus, eventually killing it. Masters of mobile Motorola ventured into mobile phones in the 70's and by the 80's, it had created the DynaTAC. Now, let's be clear: to the average user, the DynaTAC was a complete mindf*ck. A phone that let you talk wherever you wanted, whenever you wanted. Well…NOT REALLY. There were some drawbacks: Charging the phone took 10 hours. That's right, TEN. You could talk for just 30 minutes. It weighed close to a kilogram, so it could give you scoliosis. And then, there was the prize. Set to today's money, the DynaTAC was worth $9800! But! It meant freedom. It was elite, exclusive and popular. In fact, people had to sign up in waiting lists. So, all these hinderances meant NOTHING, because no one had seen anything like the DynaTAC before. Continuously Motorola improved and created newer models like the MicroTAC and StarTAC. These had longer battery duration, lighter bodies and were no longer the size of bricks. Some even had GSM technology. These were even MORE popular. Motorola grew fast, so fast that it built huge factories to meet demand and even came up with the Six Sigma standard, in which 99.99966% of products are free of defects. With all this, during the early 90s, Motorola became the biggest mobile phone seller in the world. But, in 1998, Nokia took sole position of first place. Nokia duking it out with Motorola. My, how times have changed. But to explain why this happened, we need to talk about China. The rising market During the 80s, China slowly opened to international markets and Galvin wanted a piece of this very, very big pie. China meant, for Galvin, two things: cheaper production and a larger market. After much pressure, the Chinese government agreed to let Motorola install factories there, with one condition: Motorola was to educate the manufacturers and suppliers with western standards and practices. All this to have a piece of a very big market. But, there's nothing wrong with teaching the biggest country in the world how to have efficient manufacturing, right? Ted Fishman summarizes it brilliantly: "Hundreds of Chinese suppliers, including state-owned firms, learned how to make things the Motorola way. Those suppliers, which had second- and third-tier suppliers of their own, spread that knowledge throughout a growing swath of China's economy." And this is key, because it all comes back. Cultural decisions So far, it seems that very little went wrong in Motorola. But problems were boiling underneath and they were caused by one thing: company culture. This goes way back, to the times of the DynoTAC. Do you remember what happened to Motorola and the two main divisions? Good. Historically, Solutions had decent margins but a steady market, relying heavily on tenders and public services, like police and fire departments. But Mobility sold cell phones in an era where having a DynoTAC meant big bucks. And this meant bonuses, BIG bonuses. Now, rivalries between divisions within a company are normal. But, in Motorola, profits and bonuses evolved into somewhat of a war, and management did very little to change it. In fact, they embraced it. In his extensive autopsy of Motorola, journalist Ted Fishman explains: "Top management believed in letting the sector heads run the businesses their way. If that rubbed others the wrong way, tough luck. There was no cohesive plan for network technology and handset technology. The two operated totally independently, in totally different directions." So, as the two divisions weren't seeing eye to eye, there was little communications, just when dialogue was key. By the early 90s, Solutions was already advancing in the use of digital communications, but Mobility didn't care to make the switch: numbers were great. 1994 saw $22 billion in revenues and $2 billion in profits. Why worry, right? But such was the animosity that Solutions engineers used Qualcomm phones. Qualcomm was Mobility's biggest rival. And while the clan war erupted, in the background a mobile phone company worked hard to go digital. That company's name was NOKIA and it was unstoppable. After becoming number one in mobile phone sales, it would remain there in one way or another there for 15 years. So, Motorola was desperate, and the company brought in another Galvin, Chris, to help. But he ran into chaos. A white elephant from space People were obsessed with space in the 80's. Communications was no exception and so, the Iridium project was born: a network of 77 satellites that would provide coverage where traditional technology couldn't. Motorola thought it was a great idea; it provided the technology to develop the satellites and money. Lots of it. We're talking $2.6 BILLION. And Iridium was big. Even Al Gore supported the idea. Well, he was KINDA big in the 90s. But the project took ten years to launch. And when it did, in 1998, guess what happened? It failed miserably. The phones used for Iridium each cost $3000. On top of that, every time you made a call, you had to pay $7 PER MINUTE. $7! After a short, 9-month, lifespan, Iridium filed for bankruptcy. Desperate for anything, Motorola sold Iridium for bits and got back only 1% of the original investment. But Motorola was a giant. In 1999, it had 150 000 employees all over the world. So, it seemed to take the Iridium hit and still stand. Iridium, however, would not be the only hurdle. 9-11 brought business to a halt, the SARS scare shut down markets and in 2001 alone, Motorola lost $4 BN. Desperate for a solution, Galvin fired 56 000 employees, and focused on cost-cutting. But his efforts weren't enough. In late 2003, he too was let go and months later, the Galvin family ditched the Motorola boat and sold its 3% share for $720 million. The Galvins broke ways 80 years of history. But they ended up saving themselves. A razor-sharp, but short turnaround Galvin's replacement, Ed Zander, entered a hornet's nest when he took over for Motorola. There's a legend that he cried on his first day. I would too, if I could see into the future. But Zander saw potential in a sleek, elegant mobile phone called the RAZR. After a price adjustment, the RAZR became so popular, Motorola began to see a turnaround. It became the number 2 mobile phone company in the world and the Razr became one of history's 20 best phones in the world. But the RAZR's successor wasn't successful, even if Motorola had faith in it. With the lack of personnel and stagnant innovation, there was very little improvement. Other than cameras and more memory, it was STILL THE SAME PHONE. Then, out of nowhere, instead of creating a brand-new phone, Motorola joined forces with Apple. That's right, Zander and Jobs created the Motorola Rockr, which had Motorola's hardware technology and Apple's Itunes installed. The phone wasn't a huge hit, but it's important because of the underlying story. By joining forces, Motorola inadvertently taught Apple how to make phones. And Apple was already really good at making software. So, while Motorola was obsessed with the RAZR, it had aided Apple in creating the IPhone. And you know how that worked. PLUS, phones from Korea and China were flooding the market. Remember how Motorola helped China in the 80s? Well, after Galvin insisted on China, Zander pretty much ignored the growing nation. BIG MISTAKE. China was embracing 3G, but Motorola was stuck with 2G technology on an old model such as the RAZR. So, in no time, Korean products like Samsung and Chinese brands like Huawei were offering 3G in cheaper phones. Both nations took over the Asian market and Motorola couldn't do much. Zander himself recognizes that Motorola didn't have money or personnel to properly shift towards smartphones. Motorola's Stock took a plunge. A harsh plunge and Zander blames himself. "The one regret I have is that I should have taken myself out of the CEO job and run the [phone] division [myself].", he said in an interview with Chicago Mag. In fact, some experts consider Zander's time in Motorola as one "very smart man doing a terrible job". By 2008, he was gone. And Motorola was left with very little in its hands: no real smartphone, Apple had taken its technology and gave nothing in return and China and Korea were growing exponentially. So, they sought investment. In came Carl Icahn. What happened to Motorola with Icahn Carl Icahn, a very aggressive investor, sought to gain something, ANYTHING, out of Motorola after purchasing 3.6% of the company in 2007. But the outlook wasn't positive at all: the company had gone from 23% market share in the mobile phone market to 9.4% in a matter of 2 years. Mobility was BLEEDING money but with no real direction. And Solutions didn't fare better. Remember that I mentioned 9-11? Well, Motorola's tech had issues during the attacks, NOT GOOD. So First Responders changed to other companies such as Tyco, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin. By 2008, Motorola was desperate, so the board of directors had one goal: "sell something, anything." But, selling is difficult when nobody wants your product. Which is why Icahn pushed to split the two main divisions into two separate companies. It took THREE years for this to happen and Mobility went to Google, for $12.5 BN. Was it a lot? It depends on who you ask. Some say it was too expensive and the products under Google were a failure (like the Motorola tablet. Yes, there was a tablet) But Google wanted something else: the hundreds, if not thousands of patents, Motorola had. So, after keeping those, Google sold Motorola to Lenovo in 2014. The price was just $2.91 BN. Motorola didn't do well under Lenovo. Yes, they created the NEW Razr which is a foldable touchscreen. Which is worth $1500, and people didn't like it. Ok. That went well. Lenovo admitted to mishandling the Motorola Brand. So, even after the brand died, Motorola still troublesome. So, a comeback for the former giant is very difficult, especially in a market as competitive as smartphones. And while the Solutions division is doing well, as it always did, Mobility seems to carry too many ghosts of a culture that ended up killing. A culture that came from within. The Steve Jobs Pixar relationship: how the animation company almost bankrupt him Steve Jobs saved Pixar, but at a heavy cost. In fact, he almost went bankrupt. Here's the fascinating story of how it happened. What happened to Subway? It's not only about Jared. What happened to Subway? It's demise is more than just Jared Foegle. Subway fell because of a lot of factors, many of which contributed to its success.
FREE SHIPPING AT 100€ REAMO is a streetwear brand founded in Vienna Austria by two friends, Ahmed Nasr and Omaer Alam. Both never studied fashion or anything related - in fact they have a computer science background. The goal of REAMO is to disrupt the fashion industry by changing the rules of the game and become a globally operating business and an internationally known brand. Started by Omaer Alam who also named the brand (it's his first name written backwards) his idea was to design garments that nobody had. To make unique designs so that he could stand out, he started to draw and modify jeans jackets he then would post them on Instagram and his friends would request Jackets for themselves. The demand grew and Omaer started making the iconic "I HOPE KARMA IS REAL" hoodi. They were sold out quickly but he had to stop REAMO because of school. Ahmed Nasr was following REAMO from the very beginning as he knew Omaer from school. He finished one year earlier and started working as a programmer. During the time as a programmer Ahmed had the idea to start his own business selling clothes and it was a good timing because Omaer, Ahmed and other friends were starting to meet regularly. After one of their meetups, they talked about REAMO and Ahmed mentioned that he wanted to start his own clothing line and offered to restart the REAMO project together. A few months later Season 2 came out. Then came Season 3 the first designs that were fully custom produced. The Season 3 set a foundation for future products and the REAMO System. Because REAMO now had the ability to produce anything design in any quality and quantity Ahmed set a new System for REAMO. The idea is to stop mass-producing items and instead focus on offering many design variations first. Every design that is being dropped exists only in very small quantities and only if it is liked by the audience the design will be produced at a slightly larger quantity. In 2019 REAMO started implementing the new system by dropping at least one new design every week. Reamo, Dare. REAMO an idea formed through the desire to stand out. To dare is the foundation of bringing visions to reality by two friends - Ahmed Nasr and Omaer Alam - who have a technical background. Inspired by a humble upbringing, technology and transparency the brand is bringing new breath to a messed up industry. Everything you will see us doing, is a chess move — a chess move against society. There are so many things, nobody ever reflected on in society. Norms, laws, perceptions, attitudes and expectations imposed on us that make no sense. People just take things for granted and don't think twice. REAMO is about daring, about looking around us, reflecting on things in our lives. It's about inspiring people to look and think twice. It's about doing what nobody would expect of you. We are a brand, a business and a vision that challenges the surrounding nonsense. We make stories with clothes. Thank you for being part of it! REAMO, DARE. The 2019 System stated above is to release at least one new design every week. But what is being released is only part of what's available to few REAMO customers. The brand originally started of by designing things for friends only and we want to keep that aura. So we introduced an exclusive access to REAMO friends - these are people who interact with us regularly in various ways. The best way for us to reach those people is by a newsletter. This is us reinventing the newsletter. Instead of that annoying spammy shit you get from every company, we want fans to be eagerly waiting for our next Mail. And we want them to interact with us. In every mail there is a link to the exclusive store where exclusive and limited designs can be explored and purchased. On average only one third of REAMO designs are released to the public. The other two thirds (~63%) remain to our exclusive members. But this is only a place for people who deserve the access though - someone who is inactive in any way will be banned from the list so it stays exclusive to those who deserve. Currently the access is accessible just by signing the newsletter and those who are on the list will stay (unless inactive). However with time the access will be more private as we grow to ensure it stays exclusive and to keep up with the demand. Sharing of the link to non exclusive members is not allowed though - let's play by the rules. Go to customer love. © 2020, REAMO
Quatuor Ebène traverses the jazz-classical divide from Mozart to Miles The Quatuor Ebène performed Friday night at Jordan Hall, an event presented by the Celebrity Series. In the string quartet world, to play both Mozart and Bartók well is considered quite a demonstration of versatility. When Quatuor Ebène plays Mozart and Bartók well, it's just getting started. The group displayed its elegant stylings, which would be equally at home in a jazz club as in a concert hall, Friday night at New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall. A modest-sized audience attended the concert presented by Celebrity Series of Boston, enthusiastically applauding performances of Mozart's E-flat major Quartet, K. 428, and Bartók's Third Quartet, then sticking around for a second half titled simply "Fiction" (the title, it turns out, of the quartet's 2010 album of jazz standards and world music). In remarks from the stage, cellist Raphaël Merlin complimented the post-intermission audience on being "open-minded," as if he had expected something else in Boston. Fortunately, listeners had left their flat-brimmed hats and buckled shoes at home—although they did need a bit of conducting by violist Mathieu Herzog to remind them that, in jazz, it's customary to clap for a solo. The ensemble's name means "Ebony Quartet," and, intentional or not, the echo of Stravinsky's Ebony Concerto suits this group's smooth, boundary-defying aesthetic to a T. In fact, if there was anything missing in these rich, nuanced performances of everything from minuets to movie music, it was a willingness by the players to get their hair mussed a little. Poise, polish, and balance were the watchwords even in such transgressive music as Bartók's Third, one of his most intense and concentrated works, and Astor Piazzola's fiery Libertango. In the Ebène's performance, one was reminded what a conservative work Mozart's K. 428 was, not just dedicated to Haydn but aping the older master in many details. The mischievous "Amadeus" rarely peeped out of this score, except in the minuet, with its droll hee-haw theme and its mysterious, volatile, minor-key trio. But there was also something admirable about the group's steady, unruffled tempos, which put the burden of expression where it belonged, on imaginative phrasing and interplay between instruments. In these areas, the quartet delivered handsomely all evening. The slender, silky tone of the Ebène's Mozart gave way to something more robust and deep-hued as the Bartók got under way. But the more the style changed, the more it remained the same; the Hungarian's precedent-shattering dissonances never sounded more sensuous and approachable, like blue notes in a jazz ballad. In the work's up-tempo second section, the ensemble finally added a touch of spicy seasoning, the rough sound of horsehair on metal. A little incisiveness went a long way in the Ebène's elegant sound world, and in the end all that restraint proved an effective set-up for the rhythmically exciting (though never out of control) coda and stark cry at the end. In the jazz set, including selections from the Fiction album and other items, there was no sudden stylistic leap; the players sounded like themselves, poised, intelligent, smooth, sensuous, playing music with striking themes, imaginative variations, and shifting harmonic colors. One was reminded of the mutual admiration that has gone on between Ravel and jazz composers. In these arrangements, all by the Ebène itself, the string quartet medium sounded like no foreigner to jazz, especially its more lyrical idioms. Cellist Merlin could of course be counted on to lay down a pizzicato bass groove, and the lack of percussion—remedied on their album by a guest drummer—was solved here almost entirely by bowing effects, with only the occasional foot stomp or pat on an instrument's body. The quartet's collegial interplay mirrored that of ensembles going back to Miles Davis and beyond. The set began charmingly with a few wisps of improvisation that coalesced into a lush, adagio version of Errol Garner's Misty, followed by Nature Boy, made famous by Nat King Cole. Lest listeners suffer a surfeit of smooth, they then swung into a rocking Miserlou Twist. Miles's classic All Blues swung gently, with Merlin and first violinist Pierre Colombet taking especially brilliant choruses (clap, please). The obligatory Lennon-McCartney selection was not Eleanor Rigby (which is already for string quartet) or one of their tuneful pop songs but a riskier choice, the funky Come Together from Abbey Road. If the players' arrangement didn't quite capture the mysterious atmosphere of the original, they did evoke its dry humor in violist Herzog's rendition of the repetitious tune, pizzicato espressivo. In the understatement of the evening, Merlin described the soundtrack of Nagisa Oshima's 1986 film Max, mon amour as "something you have probably never heard before." With no original to compare it to, one could relax and enjoy the tender, Ravel-like variations without ever realizing the movie was about a love affair between a French housewife and a chimpanzee. As mentioned, Friday's rendering of Piazzola's Libertango tore no passion to tatters, but the players' bows put out enough slashing martellato and acidic sul ponticello to give it an authentic flavor, and it closed the concert on a high note of energy. Ever wonder what French barbershop singing sounds like? For an encore, the string players loosened up their vocal cords to sing the first chorus of Disney's Someday My Prince Will Come en français ("Un jour mon Prince viendra…"), then swung into instrumental variations ranging from oom-pah to molto rubato con gran sentimento. The next classical-music presentation of Celebrity Series of Boston is soprano Natalie Dessay with pianist Philippe Cassard, 8 p.m. March 8 at New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall. celebrityseries.org; 617-482-6661
The Kreutzer Sonata Director Bernard Rose Starring Danny Huston, Elisabeth R�hm, Matthew Yang King, Anjelica Huston Release 12 Mar (UK) Certificate 18 With all eyes on the recent Oscars and looking ahead to the upcoming summer blockbusters, the release of this small intimate drama has escaped most people's attention. It's easy to see why. With an amateurish feel and overwrought performances from its lead stars, The Kreutzer Sonata is an overwhelmingly unimportant film with little merit. The title refers to a Beethoven sonata with an infamously "unplayable" violin part, but the film fails to live up to the complexity of its namesake and, even though the furious fingering of the sonata can be heard playing throughout the whole movie, the story itself is disappointingly one-note. Based on the Leo Tolstoy novella of the same name, the film uses a melodramatic voiceover and a series of flashbacks to tell the story of the relationship between Edgar (Huston) and Abby (R�hm), a young concert pianist. What starts as a passionate love affair soon skips four years ahead to the pair as a married couple with two children. Abby is now a bored housewife to Edgar's well-off businessman, but to ease her frustration he organises a charity benefit whereby Abby will take up the piano again and play the Kreutzer Sonata, accompanying the hugely talented violinist, Aiden (Yang King). However, as the two musicians spend more and more time together rehearsing, Edgar's jealousy begins to boil as he convinces himself that they are having an affair. This jealous rage is the focus of the entire film as it tries to be an uncompromising study of dangerous obsession. However, Edgar's jealousy is so overplayed that it stifles any semblance of plot and, as the story moves towards what should be a tense finale, his final moments of suspicion and resentment are instead fumbled clumsily to an unsatisfyingly drawn-out conclusion. [gallery]The blame can partly be shouldered by Danny Huston, who portrays Edgar's full jealous fury with hammy despair and booming glares - a genuine shame considering the natural ease he shares with co-star Elizabeth R�hm at the start of the film. As two budding lovers, they have a believable chemistry which, although not sparking, certainly gives the film much-needed realism. The two also earn points for the bravado with which they execute explicit sex scenes with unashamed honesty, as the camera often ventures into inelegant close-ups. The use of handheld cameras throughout helps with the overall feel of intimacy, but serves as a distraction when it frequently becomes clear that a cameraman is intruding on the scene. It's during these moments that the film resembles the pretentious coursework of a media student. And yet, this doesn't grate as much as the insincere voiceover which punctuates almost every new development. Spouting lines as if he were performing a dramatic reading from the novella, Edgar irritatingly comments on his own feelings when a 'show, don't tell' approach would be much more bearable. Despite this, credit is still due to Huston and R�hm whose on-screen performances elevate the film above its more obvious flaws. It is just a shame that all of the incensed melodies and battling harmonies which permeate the film cannot stop it from being ultimately too flat. More: The Kreutzer Sonata Bernard Rose Danny Huston "When you have to shoot, shoot! Don't talk." The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
male teacher fashion bag, book, man @ Pixabay Male teacher fashion has always been a source of confusion and frustration for me. When I was in the 9th grade, I think my interest in the fashion of boys and men was the furthest thing from my mind. I just wasn't really into masculine clothing, and I didn't really know what the word "man" meant. I wasn't sure I wanted to be in a relationship with a guy who dressed like him. Well, I think thats a mistake because I think it can be a good thing. My male teacher clothes are a great source of inspiration for me to try new things and to see if I can learn to dress differently. I think that wearing a suit and tie is definitely something that a young man must learn to do in order to keep up with the other boys and men. The same goes for ladies, except they dress differently too. However, I think it can be a good thing to dress like a male teacher but you can probably wear a suit and tie as well. Well, we know that a good look can be a good thing, but what if that is just the problem? Should we all just start dressing like we're in our 80s? You know what I mean, dress in a way that you think is cool, but then you don't actually look cool. I think that the best way to learn to dress is through the medium of fashion. I think a lot of young and older men look alike, and if you really want to look different, you might have to be different. I think a lot of women can relate to this. We are just as much a product of fashion as our male counterparts. We can dress however we want, and we can be whatever we want, but this is what can make us feel uncomfortable. If I was to wear a shirt that says "I'm not a man" out of the ordinary, it would be embarrassing. When I see a woman in a dress that says she's not a woman, I feel ashamed. If you're a woman and you go to a bar and you see a man with a dress that says shes not a woman, it does a lot to make you feel uncomfortable. There is a lot of pressure on women to not feel as though they're not a woman. But if you don't feel that, you might feel that pressure just by being a woman. One of the things that we find most interesting about Deathloop is that it's all about female empowerment. Whether you're a man in the ordinary sense, a woman in the extraordinary sense, or a character in the male-dominated world of the Visionaries, Deathloop is about female empowerment. You get the sense that with this game, the female characters don't have to be a threat to the men who play the game. This is a major point that the developers have made in the trailer. Female characters are not a threat to the men who play the game. This is why the game feels so different for women and men. In a game like Call Of Duty, a character like a woman will have to fight off the male characters to keep herself safe or else she'll be dead. I've always been a big fan of female characters, but I think the game is so much more than "girls can't do that stuff." I think it has a lot to do with the fact that you have to fight the Visionaries to keep yourself safe. It's not about being a threat to the men or the women. It's about getting your own personal power and taking control of the island. fashion uniforms qvc fashion forum superior technology skt technology bts jimin fashion kanokla internet internet tough guy womens fashion camo clothing definitive technology bp30
Evernham Believes Dodge's Return To NASCAR Would Be Good For The Sport December 23, 2016 - by Leon Hammack - Leave a Comment Ray Evernham believes a return by Dodge to NASCAR competition would be good for the sport. Earlier this month at the Ferrari Finali Mondiali at Daytona International Speedway, officials from the manufacturer hinted in recent days that Chrysler was considering coming back to NASCAR racing after stepping away in 2012. "I think it is possible we can come back to NASCAR," said Sergio Marchionne, CEO of Ferrari's parent company – Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. "I think we need to find the right way to come back in." The possibility triggered much buzz around the NASCAR world including with Evernham, who fielded a two car Cup team between 2001-2007 before departing as a team owner. During the course of the Evernham team's existence Bill Elliott, Casey Atwood, Jeremy Mayfield, Kasey Kahne and Elliott Sadler drove cars that were responsible for six wins including a victory by Elliott in the 2002 Brickyard 400. After Evernham closed his doors, Dodge continued in the sport until the end of the 2012 season when the manufacturer's business challenges forced an exit from NASCAR competition. If Dodge were to return, Evernham believes it would be a good thing for NASCAR. "To me the more manufacturers that come in it shows that NASCAR can provide a global environment, a global opportunity for any manufacturer," Evernham said. "Hopefully Dodge will come back again. You can't fault them because they had financial issues. The fact that they are looking to come back says they never really wanted to leave. The more manufacturers that put money into this sport and make our racing economy better, if you will, is better for everybody." Evernham isn't alone in his enthusiasm for a potential Dodge return. NASCAR Hall of Famer Rusty Wallace would also like to see the manufacturer back in the sport. "They are a major manufacturer, and they should be there," Wallace said. While the sanctioning body would not commit to having specific talks with Dodge officials, NASCAR did acknowledge conversations are ongoing with manufacturers interested in participating in the sport. "There is increasing excitement around NASCAR," said NASCAR spokesperson David Higdon. "We continue to have on-going dialogue with a number of auto manufacturers about their interest in joining our sport. We look forward to exploration with them on this topic." Although Evernham remains proud of the effort his team gave under the Dodge umbrella and wishes success to a future should the manufacturer come back to NASCAR. "There isn't anything better for NASCAR to remain healthy and grow stronger than participation from the automobile manufacturers," he said. "Dodge has a long history in the sport and I'm sure they'd like nothing more than to be able to come back and add to that history. I'm hoping it happens." WOMR concurs with Evernham's conclusion that Dodge's participation within NASCAR would be great, not only for the manufacturer, but especially for NASCAR and the competition within! Taggedbill elliottcasey atwooddavid higdonelleiott sadlerfiat-chrysler automobilesjeremy mayfieldkasey kahneray evernhamreturn of dodgerusty wallacesergio marchionne Previous Article KBM Adds Harrison Burton To Their 2017 Driver Stable Next Article KBM Announces Myatt Snider Will Drive In Eight Races In 2017
Coast Guard Deems Teens Too Drunk to Be Rescued, Leaves Them on Cliff Ledge British teenagers partying on the ledge of a cliff were left to sober up overnight after rescue crews decided they were too drunk to be rescued, The Daily Telegraph reported. The teens called the Coast Guard when a friend suffered an epileptic fit near Long Quarry Point, outside Torquay, Devon. Rescuers were not able to airlift all eight boys and girls to safety, due to rainfall and rough terrain. In the end it was decided to winch the ill teen off the cliff, and leave the rest, whom the Coast Guard described as "under the influence," where they were. "It was too dangerous to rescue the seven others because they were rather intoxicated and it would have been too hazardous to take them down to the lifeboat," Coast Guard watch manager Zoe Boyne told The Telegraph. "This incident has tied up many resources throughout the night. It has also highlighted the dangers of young people putting themselves at risk in locations where they lose control of their actions due to the effects of intoxicating substances." Click here to read more on this story from The Daily Telegraph.
Olympus PEN E-P2 Black Digital Camera Kit Features Black PEN E-P2 Body, Black 17mm M.Zuiko Lens and Black FL-14 Flash Olympus has expanded its PEN micro four thirds digital camera family with the Olympus PEN E-P2 black-on-black kit. For the first time, the PEN E-P2's stylish retro black metal body is complemented by a black M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 17mm lens and a black FL-14 flash in an exclusive, limited availability kit. Just like the original, it blends high-quality still images like those taken with a Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) with High Definition (HD) video, stereo linear PCM audio recording and In-Camera Creativity inside an ultra-portable body. The powerfully simple PEN E-P2 is compatible with an array of Micro Four Thirds lenses, including the newly announced M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 75-300 MM F4.8-6.7 and M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 40-150MM F4.0-5.6, which feature a high-speed, silent autofocus during still shooting and HD movie capture. It is part of a new generation of system cameras. The black Olympus PEN E-P2 kit will cost $999.99 and will be available at select photo specialty stores beginning in October, 2010. The kit includes the PEN E-P2 Body, black M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 17mm lens, black FL-14 flash, USB Cable, Video Cable, Li-Ion Battery Pack, Li-Ion Battery Charger, Shoulder Strap, OLYMPUS [ib] software CD-ROM, Manuals and Registration card. Reviews Around the Web: olympus pen e-p2 Olympus 'PEN' E-P2 Camera Labs8 years ago Olympus PEN E-P2 Digital Photography Review9 years ago WIRED9 years ago Amateur Photographer9 years ago Brian Mitchell @brnmtchll Founder & CEO, ecoustics.com More in Mirrorless Cameras Sony a7 III Full Frame Interchangeable Lens Camera Debuts New 24MP Sensor Brian MitchellFebruary 27, 2018 Leica CL Digital APS-C Camera (2017) Debuts Brian MitchellNovember 22, 2017 Panasonic LUMIX G9 Digital Camera Shoots 80-megapixels Brian MitchellNovember 9, 2017 Sony a7R III Digital Camera Captures 170-megapixel Photos Brian MitchellOctober 27, 2017 Sony ILCE-9 (a9): Best Camera Ever for Pros? Sony a6500 (ILCE-6500) Digital Camera is New Mirrorless Flagship Buffalo DriveStation Axis, Duo and Quad External Hard Drives Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 75-300mm F4.8-6.7 Lens
Peggy Prettyman Walls, 56 By Anonymous () Peggy Prettyman Walls, 56, of Georgetown, Del., formerly of Millsboro, Del., passed away Friday, Nov. 14, 2008, while valiantly battling leukemia, in Christiana Hospital, surrounded by family and friends. A graduate of Sussex Central High School, she attended the University of Delaware and Salisbury University, completing her master's degree in education. She was a school teacher in the Indian River School District, teaching 27 years at Phillip C. Showell Elementary and then Selbyville Middle School. She loved spending time with her family and friends, watching sports and relaxing at the river. She was a member of the Grace United Methodist Church in Millsboro. Walls was preceded in death by her father, William O'Neal. She is survived by her husband, Thomas C. Walls, her mother and step-father, Daisey O'Neal Williams and Preston Williams of Millsboro; her daughter, Kimberly Ann King and her husband, Jonathan, of Georgetown; four step-children, Tom, Susan, Rachel and Alicia; her brother, Craig O'Neal and his wife, Marianna, of Selbyville, Del.; two grandchildren, Madison and Mackenzie; six step-grandchildren, Shaun, Shannon, Katie, Nicholas, Caroline and Gregg; her niece, Grace Cummings; and aunts, uncles and cousins. Services will be at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 22, 2008, at the Watson Funeral Home, 211 S. Washington St., Millsboro, where friends may call at 11 a.m. Interment will be in Millsboro Cemetery, Millsboro. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorial contributions be made to the Jefferson School, 22051 Wilson Rd., Georgetown, DE 19947.
Tag Archives: Tim Blake Nelson New Releases for the Week of January 10, 2020 Posted on January 9, 2020 by carlosdev (Universal) George Mackay, Dean Charles Chapman, Mark Strong, Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Firth, Richard Madden, Andrew Scott, Pip Carter. Directed by Sam Mendes Two young British soldiers during the height of the First World War are given a nearly-impossible task; in a race against time, they must cross enemy territory to deliver a message to a battalion of soldiers who are walking into a trap – one of them the brother of one of the messengers. This won the Best Dramatic Movie at last weekend's Golden Globes and is almost certain to be a major contender for the upcoming Oscars. See the trailer here For more on the movie this is the website Genre: War Now Playing: Wide Release Rating: R (for violence, some disturbing images, and language) (Rising Star) Deepika Padukone, Vikrant Massey, Madhurjeet Sarghi, Ankit Bisht. The story of a woman in India who had acid hurled into her face, causing irreparable damage. Her refusal to accept an indifferent legal and medical system proved to be an inspiration to women all over India. Now Playing: Cinemark Universal Citywalk (Warner Brothers) Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx, Brie Larson, Tim Blake Nelson. A young lawyer just out of Harvard takes on a case in Alabama of an African-American man wrongly accused of a murder – and convicted of it, despite a preponderance of evidence to the contrary. The lawyer refuses to give up however and continues to defend his client despite an array of political power against him. Foxx's name has come up in discussion for the Best Supporting Actor nominations. Genre: Legal Drama Rating: PG-13 (for thematic content including some racial epithets) (Paramount) Tiffany Haddish, Rose Byrne, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Coolidge. Two best friends who have built a cosmetics company from the ground up find themselves in over their heads financially. A buyout from a legendary industry maven seems to be the solution, but it's only the beginning of their problems. Rating: R (for language crude sexual material, and drug use) (Viva) Ajay Devgn, Saif Ali Khan, Kajol, Sharad Kelkar. The story of a legendary 17th century Marantha warrior who fought for his king and his people and led them to a dazzling victory at Kondana Fort, leaving behind a legacy that illuminated the Indian imagination for centuries. Genre: Biographical Drama Now Playing: AMC West Oaks (20th Century Fox) Kristen Stewart, T.J. Miller, Vincent Cassel, Jessica Henwick. A group of underwater researchers find themselves facing a dire situation when an underwater earthquake devastates their facility and in their quest to reach safety they find themselves being stalked by something from their worst nightmares. Rating: PG-13 (for sci-fi action and terror, and brief strong language) ALSO OPENING IN ORLANDO/DAYTONA: 3Pol Trobol The Corrupted Reality Queen! Sarileru Neekewaru ALSO OPENING IN MIAMI/FT. LAUDERDALE/KEY WEST: Diving Deep: The Life and Times of Mike DeGruy ALSO OPENING IN TAMPA/ST. PETERSBURG/SARASOTA: Because of Sam ALSO OPENING IN JACKSONVILLE/ST. AUGUSTINE: SCHEDULED FOR REVIEW: FILM FESTIVALS TAKING PLACE IN FLORIDA: Dunedin International Film Festival, Dunedin FL Miami Jewish Film Festival, Aventura FL Sunshine City Film Festival, St. Petersburg FL Posted in Weekly Preview | Tagged 1917, 2020, Ajay Devgn, Benedict Cumberbatch, Brie Larson, Chhapaak, cinema, Cinema365, Colin Firth, Deepika Padukone, Films, Jamie Foxx, January 10, Jennifer Coolidge, Jessica Henwick, Just Mercy, Kajol, Kristen Stewart, Like a Boss, Mark Strong, Michael B. Jordan, movies, Previews, Richard Madden, Rose Byrne, Saif Ali Khan, Salma Hayek, Sam Mendes, T.J. Miller, Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior, Tiffany Haddish, Tim Blake Nelson, Underwater, Vincent Cassel | Leave a reply Git along, lil' doggies. (2018) Western (Netflix) Tim Blake Nelson, Clancy Brown, David Krumholtz, James Franco, Stephen Root, Ralph Ineson, Liam Neeson, Tom Waits, Zoe Kazan, Jefferson Mays, Prudence Wright Holmes, Bill Heck, Grainger Hines, Brendan Gleeson, Saul Rubinek, Tyne Daly, Chelcie Ross, Jonjo O'Neill, Jordy Laucomer, Brett Hughson, Thea Lux, Danny McCarthy, Harry Meling, Jiji Hise. Directed by Joel and Ethan Coen The Coen Brothers have been one of my favorite directors going back to Raising Arizona. Their mix of cynicism and quirky humor have made even the lesser efforts highly watchable. When they're on their game, there are none better. They have always had a soft spot for the American West – many of their films are set there, if not out and out westerns – and this, their newest film is an anthology of six tales set in the old West. The opening tale which gives the movie its name features Nelson as a singing cowboy who turns out to be a cross between Gene Autry and Clint Eastwood. There are moments of horrific violence and wicked humor which ends in an unexpected way. This is my favorite segment of the six (and the shortest) and ranks right up there with some of their best work ever. "Near Algodones" stars Franco as a bank robber and keeps up the momentum. Franco plays the luckiest – and most luckless – thief ever. While less unexpected than the first segment, it nonetheless is entertaining. "Meal Ticket" starts the film overall towards a darker turn. It stars Neeson as an impresario who employs an armless and legless thespian (Meling) who does soliloquys in a wagon that converts into an impromptu stage until…well, you need to see for yourself. "All Gold Canyon" features Tom Waits as a prospector who strikes it rich but then must do battle with a claim jumper. It's loosely based on a Jack London short story. "The Girl Who Got Rattled" is about a young woman (Kazan) traveling with a wagon train who is looking for love – and finds it. I also liked this segment, nearly as much as the first one. Finally, there's "Mortal Remains" in which a group traveling in a stagecoach are treated to a tale told by a foppish bounty hunter (O'Neill). In many ways this is the deepest segment from a philosophical standpoint but it does make for an odd way to end the film. This isn't as cohesive as the best Cohen brothers movies are – it couldn't be, given that it's an anthology – but when it is at its best (the first and fifth segments) it is a riveting piece of filmmaking, from the beautiful cinematography in "All Gold Canyon" to the ironic wit in "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs." There is a definitely cynical tone here; it feels like over the past decade the films of the Coen boys have taken the point of view that there is nothing to recommend most people and the best thing we can do with our lives is die. I think I hold out a little more hope than all that, but they at least make their cynicism entertaining. Although I wish I could have seen this on the big screen, Netflix subscribers should make a point of adding this to their queue if they haven't already seen it. REASONS TO SEE: Has all the quirkiness you come to expect from the Coen brothers. The opening chapter is one of the best things they've ever done. REASONS TO AVOID: Waffles between hysterically funny and bleaker than bleak. FAMILY VALUES: There is a good deal of violence. TRIVIAL PURSUIT: This is the longest film the Coen brothers have ever directed, and the first to be shot on digital media. BEYOND THE THEATERS: Netflix CRITICAL MASS: As of 1/8/20: Rotten Tomatoes: 91% positive reviews: Metacritic: 79/100. COMPARISON SHOPPING: Rustler's Rhapsody NEXT: The Sonata Posted in VOD Review | Tagged anthology, bank robber, black humor, boarding house, Brendan Gleeson, cinema, Cinema365, claim jumper, Clancy Brown, Coen Brothers, David Krumholtz, Films, Indian attack, James Franco, Liam Neeson, movies, Netflix, prospector, Ralph Ineson, Saul Rubinek, singing cowboy, stagecoach, Stephen Root, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Tim Blake Nelson, Tom Waits, Tyne Daly, VOD Reviews, wagon train, western, western tropes, Zoe Kazan | Leave a reply Posted on December 6, 2019 by carlosdev Going through millions of pages in government reports could turn anybody into Kylo Ren. (2019) True Life Drama (Amazon) Adam Driver, Annette Bening, Jon Hamm, Ted Levine, Maura Tierney, Michael C. Hall, Corey Stoll, Linda Powell, John Rothman, Victor Slezak, Guy Boyd, Alexander Chaplin, Joanne Tucker, Ian Blackman, Tim Blake Nelson, Fajer Kaisi, Scott Shepherd, Jennifer Morrison, Matthew Rhys, Kate Beahan, April Rogalski. Directed by Scott Z. Burns As Americans, we have always held ourselves to certain standards. We are strong, true and follow the law. We do the right thing. There came a time though, that our self-image took a pounding. Young Daniel Jones (Driver) is ambitious, ready to keep America safe after 9/11. He was anxious to make a difference the best way he could – behind the scenes as a Congressional aide. When Senator Diane Feinstein (Bening) asks him to look into recordings of interrogations that the CIA had reportedly destroyed, he uncovered something terrible; evidence that the CIA was torturing prisoners for information. Calling the effort "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques," or EIT, the program was put in place by a pair of contractors with backgrounds in psychology and the military. Nobody seemed to be bothered by the fact that the two men had never conducted an interrogation before, or that evidence was strong that torture almost never yielded any actionable intelligence. The program went on and keeping it covered up seemed to be the main focus. Jones and a small team of researchers worked in a basement office in a CIA satellite office for five years, working crazy hours going through more than six million pages of documents. Despite reluctance by the CIA and certain segments of Congress, Jones pressed and pressed until he uncovered the shocking truth. The story is an important one, one that is especially relevant these days. Not every important story makes a good movie, however; much of what happened involved researchers sitting in front of a computer screen in a jail cell-like atmosphere. The dramatic tension here is not very strong. It doesn't help that Burns doesn't really develop Jones much as a character; we never see much of his personality except for that he's driven and almost obsessive. He's passionate about what he's looking for and sometimes gets frustrated when others don't share his outrage. Bening and Driver are both outstanding actors and they don't disappoint here. Driver is definitely in a much more different kind of role than we're used to from him and it's a good fit. I'm impressed by his versatility as an actor and he really stretches himself here. Bening is an actress who doesn't always get the due she deserves; she probably won't get a ton of accolades for her performance here but she really brings Feinstein's personality to the forefront; that's not surprising considering the two are friends in real life. Good casting is important in any cinematic endeavor. I can see where those who are politically conservative might not like this much; the Conservatives don't come up covered in glory here. Still, it's an important story about how easy it is for the way to be lost, and how wanting to preserve our security can sometimes lead to compromising our soul. It's a chilling tale and one that needs to be committed to memory. REASONS TO SEE: A compelling story chilling in its implications. Strong performances by Driver and Bening. REASONS TO AVOID: Overall the movie is a bit more underwhelming than the story deserves. FAMILY VALUES: There are disturbing depictions of torture, violence, plenty of profanity and graphic nudity. TRIVIAL PURSUIT: The real Daniel J. Jones attended the film's world premiere at Sundance and received a standing ovation from the audience. BEYOND THE THEATERS: Amazon CRITICAL MASS: As of 12/6/19: Rotten Tomatoes: 83% positive reviews: Metacritic: 66/100 COMPARISON SHOPPING: Zero Dark Thirty NEXT: The Last Color Posted in VOD Review | Tagged 9/11, Adam Driver, Amazon Studios, Annette Bening, CIA, CIA cover-up, cinema, Cinema365, computer screens, congressional investigation, Congressional Report, Corey Stoll, Diane Feinstein, Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, Films, hacking, Jennifer Morrison, Jon Hamm, Matthew Rhys, Maura Tierney, Michael C. Hall, movies, Scott Shepherd, Senate Intelligence Committee, tape erasure, Ted Levine, The Report, Tim Blake Nelson, Torture, true-life drama, VOD Reviews | Leave a reply New Releases for the Week of August 23, 2019 (Lionsgate) Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Jada Pinkett Smith, Lance Reddick, Tim Blake Nelson, Piper Perabo, Danny Huston, Nick Nolte. Directed by Ric Roman Waugh An assassination attempt on the President leaves his trusted Secret Service agent and confidante Mike Banning wrongly accused. He is forced to go on the run to clear his name, keep his family safe and root out the real threat to the country and stop it before it's too late. See the trailer, video featurettes and a clip here Rating: R (for violence and language throughout) (Sony Classics) Michelle Williams, Julianne Moore, Billy Crudup, Abby Quinn. The administrator of an orphanage in India gets an unexpected and generous donation from a mysterious benefactor in New York. She must go to the Big Apple to accept the gift in person but there is much more going on there than meets the eye. See the trailer and video featurettes here Now Playing: Regal Winter Park Village Rating: PG-13 (for thematic material and some strong language) (NEON) Naomi Watts, Octavia Spencer, Kelvin Harrison Jr., Tim Roth. Ten years after adopting their son from Eritrea, a pair of suburban white parents believe their son has a bright future ahead of him. An academic all-star, well-regarded in the community and an example for his peers, Luce turns in a term paper with a troubling point of view. His African-American teacher begins to fear the worst which puts her into direct conflict with his parents. See the trailer, clips and video featurettes here Rating: R (for language throughout, sexual content, nudity and some drug use) (IFC) Aisling Franciosi, Sam Claflin, Baykali Ganambarr, Damon Herriman. In early 19th century Australia during the penal colony days, a woman suffers repeated sexual assault at the hands of a British officer. When her husband intervenes, the officer murders both her husband and her infant. Destitute and bereft, she goes on a journey to exact revenge. This previously played at both the Miami Film Festival and Florida Film Festival; you can read the review by clicking on the link in the "Scheduled For Review" section below. See the trailer, a video featurette and a clip here Genre: Historical Drama Now Playing: Enzian Theater Rating: R (for strong violent and disturbing content including rape, language throughout and brief sexuality)) (Affirm) Alex Kendrick, Priscilla C. Shirer, Shari Rigby, Cameron Arnett. When a small town is devastated by a plant closing throwing thousands out of work, the local high school basketball coach wonders what sort of future he has in the town. Pressed into service to coach the girl's cross country team, he encounters an extraordinary athlete whose faith may very well move mountains. Genre: Faith-Based Drama Rating: PG (for some thematic elements) (Roadside Attractions) Shia LaBeouf, Dakota Johnson, John Hawkes, Bruce Dern. A young man with Down's Syndrome and a yen to become a professional wrestler, confined to a nursing home because the State doesn't have an opening at a proper facility for his care, runs away to find his wrestling hero who runs a wrestling school. He falls in with an ex-con on the run from some angry fishermen as the two search for a place where they can live life on their own terms. See the trailer, a clip and video featurettes here Now Playing: AMC Altamonte Mall, AMC Disney Springs, AMC Lake Square, Regal Oviedo Marketplace, Regal The Loop, Regal Waterford Lakes Regal Winter Park Village, Rialto Spanish Springs Square Rating: PG-13 (for thematic content, language throughout, some violence and smoking) (Fox Searchlight) Samara Weaving, Adam Brody, Andie MacDowell, Henry Czerny. A young woman marries into a wealthy family who have an eccentric tradition; a game must be played at midnight on the night of the wedding to welcome the new member of the family. When she selects a game of Hide and Seek, she discovers that the game is no laughing matter and she is in a fight for her very survival. Rating: R (for violence, bloody images, language throughout, and some drug use) ALSO OPENING IN MIAMI/FT. LAUDERDALE: The Best Summer of My Life Comali Tel Aviv on Fire Tone Deaf Twice the Dream Posted in Weekly Preview | Tagged 2019, Adam Brody, After the Wedding, Andie MacDowell, Angel Has Fallen, August 23, Billy Crudup, Bruce Dern, cinema, Cinema365, Dakota Johnson, Danny Huston, Films, Gerard Butler, Henry Czerny, Jada Pinkett Smith, John Hawkes, Julianne Moore, Lance Reddick, Luce, Michelle Williams, Morgan Freeman, movies, Naomi Watts, Nick Nolte, Octavia Spencer, Overcomer, Piper Perabo, Previews, Ready or Not, Sam Claflin, Samara Weving, Shia LaBeouf, The Nightingale, The Peanut Butter Falcon, Tim Blake Nelson, Tim Roth | Leave a reply New Releases for the Week of May 10, 2019 Posted on May 9, 2019 by carlosdev (Warner Brothers) Ryan Reynolds (voice), Justice Smith, Ken Watanabe, Kathryn Newton, Bill Nighy, Suki Waterhouse. Directed by Rob Letterman When Detective Harry Goodman mysteriously disappears, his 21-year-old son Tim goes on the hunt to find his Dad, acquiring along the way Dad's Pokémon partner, Pikachu. Tim turns out to be a gifted but unrealized Pokémon trainer, allowing him to communicate with Pikachu in a way nobody else has. The two of them come face to face with a monstrous conspiracy that threatens to unravel the entire Pokémon universe. See the trailer, video featurettes, a clip and an interview here Rating: PG (for action/peril, some rude and suggestive humor, and thematic elements) (Gunpowder and Sky) Elisabeth Moss, Cara Delevingne, Dan Stevens, Eric Stoltz. A femme punk icon from the 90s is having a tough go of it now. Relegated to smaller venues, their front woman has become a disaster of drug abuse and alcohol, Hollywood-crazy cults and lost inspiration. Having messed up a recording session and a national tour, she is forced to turn her life around or lose everything. In all honesty, I saw this at the Florida Film Festival and walked out after an hour, not being able to take the constant whining and unpleasantness of the lead character. I have friends who think this is one of the best movies of the year; I have other friends who think the film is absolute trash. I won't try to make your mind up for you but be aware going in this is a very acquired taste. Rating: R (for language throughout and some drug use) (MGM) Anne Hathaway, Rebel Wilson, Tim Blake-Nelson, Alex Sharp. An elegant, sophisticated con artist takes a rough and crude Aussie under her wing as they attempt to fleece the visitors to a resort town on the French Riviera. Loosely based on the hit Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Rating: PG-13 (for crude sexual content and language) (STX) Diane Keaton, Jacki Weaver, Pam Grier, Rhea Perlman. A woman moves into a retirement community and tired of not fulfilling the things she wants most out of life, starts a cheerleading squad. Joined by fellow seniors, they discover in their journey that it's never too late to follow your dreams. See the trailer and clips here em>For more on the movie this is the website Genre: Dramedy Rating: PG-13 (for some language/sexual references) (Well Go USA) Chao Deng, Li Sun, Ryan Zheng, Qianyuan Wang. A general, severely wounded by an opponent who has captured an important city in his kingdom, is not who he seems to be in this lush and gorgeous production by master director Yimou Zhang. It has previously played both the Miami and Florida Film Festivals prior to beginning this short run at the Enzian. A link to a review for the Miami Film Festival appears below. (Fox STAR) Tiger Shroff, Tara Sutaria, Ananya Panday, Aditya Seal. The sequel to the 2012 Bollywood hit. Now Playing: AMC West Oaks, Touchstar Southchase (Fox Searchlight) Nicholas Hoult, Lily Collins, Colm Meaney, Derek Jacobi. The story of the man who would go on to create Middle Earth and entrance billions of readers for almost 75 years with the tales of brave hobbits and noble kings. Rating: PG-13 (for some sequences of war violence) (Greenwich) Molly Shannon, Amy Seimetz, Susan Ziegler, Brett Gelman. We've always pictured Emily Dickinson as an austere, passionless spinster but recent unearthed letters have revealed that the Poet Laureate of Amherst was far from that. This film takes a revisionist look at one of the greatest American poets to have ever lived. Genre: Biography Now Playing: Regal Winter Park Rating: PG-13 (for sexual content) Casi Fiel (Almost Faithful) Mahafrshi Uyare Casa Fiel (Almost Faithful) Iyengar: The Man, Yoga and the Student's Journey ALSO OPENING IN TAMPA/ST. PETERSBURG: Posted in Weekly Preview | Tagged 2019, Amy Seimetz, Anne Hathaway, Bill Nighy, Brett Gelman, Cara Delevingne, cinema, Cinema365, Colm Meaney, Dan Stevens, Derek Jacobi, Diane Keaton, Elisabeth Moss, Eric Stoltz, Films, Her Smell, Jacki Weaver, Justice Smith, Kathryn Newton, Ken Watanabe, Lily Collins, May 10, Molly Shannon, movies, Nicholas Hoult, Pam Grier, Pokemon Detective Pikachu, Poms, Previews, Rebel Wilson, Rhea Perlman, Ryan Reynolds, Shadow, Student of the Year 2, Suki Waterhouse, The Hustle, Tim Blake Nelson, Tolkien, Wild Nights with Emily | Leave a reply The Vanishing of Sidney Hall (Sidney Hall) Posted on March 3, 2018 by carlosdev The Hollywood version of a writer hard at work. (2017) Drama (A24) Logan Lerman, Elle Fanning, Michelle Monaghan, Kyle Chandler, Janina Gavankar, Margaret Qualley, Nathan Lane, Blake Jenner, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Tim Blake Nelson, Michael Drayer, Christine Brucato, Alex Karpovsky, Darren Pettie, David Alan Basche, John Trejo, Danny Cullen, Richard Beal, Ryan Willard, Cris Williams, Stephanie Purpuri. Directed by Shawn Christensen From time to time, people who are at the top of their field, wrapped in success and fame, who simply walk away. It's an irresistible story for the rest of us who wonder why those folks give up what the rest of us dream of. It is a sign of the prurient side of ourselves. Sidney Hall (Lerman) is a gifted writer. Ask him; he'll tell you so. We meet him in a high school writing class in which he has been tasked with writing an essay on the meaning of life. What he delivers is a treatise on his willingness to masturbate over a popular cheerleader and his feeling that he's wasting his efforts on it. Needless to say, this doesn't impress the tightly wound English teacher much. Duane (Abdul-Mateen) knows that Sidney is just breaking the balls of the teacher who doesn't understand him. He acts as kind of a mentor (and later a literary agent) to Sidney, delivering him to a prestigious publishing house and it's acerbic editor (Lane). Sidney's first novel, about the suicide of a high school student, becomes not only a bestseller but a cultural phenomenon and makes him wealthy and a bit of a rock star. But Sidney's personal life is a shambles. He left home, getting away from his shrill and controlling mother (Monaghan) and with his high school sweetheart Melody (Fanning) who later becomes his wife. But success breeds some not so pleasant side effects and Sidney's marriage is crumbling as he becomes more and more self-absorbed. After losing the Pulitzer to another writer and devastated at the end of his marriage, Sidney abruptly disappears from public view. A series of arsons in bookstores and libraries in which Sidney's books alone are targeted for burning puts a detective (Chandler) on the trail of Sidney, who has at this point become something of a hobo, riding the rails with his dog Homer. But what motivated Sidney to walk away from everything? What is inside the mysterious box he dug up with his jock friend Brett Newport (Jenner)? Who is the mysterious detective chasing him and why is he so keen to find him? There are ghosts haunting Sidney Hall and perhaps that is why he wants to become one himself. Director Shawn Christensen has enormous talent; it was clearly on display in his last movie Before I Disappear and there are moments where you can see it in this film. Unfortunately, this is much more of a mess than his last movie was. Christensen has three separate timelines interweaving with one another; Sidney's last weeks in high school as his relationship with Melody begins and his relationship with Brett is explained. There's also the apex of his career as a successful writer in his 20s in which his nascent ego has reached full flower, alienating him from just about everyone including his wife. Finally we see him as a lonely and just about psychotic wanderer, cloaked in self-loathing and with only a dog for company. There are a lot of revelations in the film and to be honest some of them work, others are more on the ludicrous side. Lerman is a fine actor but he's unconvincing here particularly in some crucial scenes which quite frankly undermines the whole she-bang. He also has almost no chemistry with Fanning whose character is so massively cliché that we're banging our heads against the wall in frustration. There are a lot of clichés on display here; the writer in his study, a glass of whiskey beside him, cigarette smoke curling up from his keyboard as he ponders the weight of his next few words. There is in fact a great deal of pretentiousness here, from the condescending dialogue to the portrait of the writer as a young snot. Although we find out near the end of the film that Sidney has suffered greatly at the hands of life, by that time it's really too late to rescue the character from being someone we can't stand to be around for very long – and we're forced to hang out with him for nearly two hours. Yes, the movie is much too long and feels padded out with gratuitous misery. We get it, Sidney's life sucks and success isn't all it's cut out to be yadda yadda yadda. It doesn't help that the leaping back and forth from timeline to timeline is done with leaden hands, leaving the audience frustrated yet again. The sad thing is that there really is a good film somewhere in here. The cast is strong top to bottom and the performances are for the most part compelling; Nathan Lane brings some well-needed levity to the movie and Blake Jenner is surprisingly strong in his role as well. This just feels like a director trying to spread his wings but for whatever reason he plummets from his perch to make a great big ker-splat on the ground. I'm hoping this is just a misstep for Christensen and that we can still expect better things from him in the future. This isn't going to be one of the highlights on his resume though. The film is just hitting theaters after a month-long run on DirecTV. It is also still available there for subscribers to that satellite service. Expect it on a larger array of streaming services in the near future if you're of a mind to see it. REASONS TO GO: Nathan Lane is always a hoot. There are some really nice cinematic moments. The cast does pretty well in general. REASONS TO STAY: The storytelling is disjointed and frustrating. The movie goes on way too long. The dialogue and plot are way too pretentious. FAMILY VALUES: There is plenty of profanity including some sexual references. TRIVIAL PURSUIT: Lerman plays Sidney as a high school student, in his 20s and lastly in his 30s; Lerman is actually 25 years old. BEYOND THE THEATER: Vudu CRITICAL MASS: As of 3/3/17: Rotten Tomatoes: 10% positive reviews. Metacritic: 18/100. COMPARISON SHOPPING: Listen Up, Philip NEXT: Submission Posted in New Releases, VOD Review | Tagged A24, AMC Pacer, bestseller, Blake Jenner, Christine Brucato, cinema, Cinema365, DirecTV, Drama, Elle Fanning, Films, high school, hobo, Kyle Chandler, literary parties, Logan Lerman, Margaret Qualley, Michelle Monaghan, movies, Nathan Lane, New York City, Pulitzer Prize, reviews, suicide, The Vanishing of Sidney Hall, Tim Blake Nelson, VHS tape, writer, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II | Leave a reply Deidra and Laney Rob a Train Posted on June 7, 2017 by carlosdev Deidra and Laney are on top of the train situation. (2017) Young Adult Comedy (Netflix) Ashleigh Murray, Rachel Crow, Tim Blake Nelson, Missi Pyle, Sharon Laurence, David Sullivan, Danielle Nicolet, Myko Olivier, Sasheer Zamata, Arturo Castro, Kinna McInroe, Brooke Markham, Cj Strong, Deborah Lee Douglas, Tua Kealoha, Lance Gray, Chad Wright, Gerry Garcia, Nick Moceri, Kami Christiansen, Monica Moore Smith. Directed by Sydney Freeland When you're a single parent, making ends meet can be no easy task, especially if your employment options are limited and your ex isn't paying the child support they owe. It's a difficult situation, one which can go from precarious to catastrophic in a single moment. Deidra (Murray) is the class valedictorian in a small Idaho town where she is the oldest of three children, including her middle sister Laney (Crow) and her youngest brother Jet (Gray) who likes to play with action figures. They live on the wrong side of the tracks (literally; the train tracks border their back yard) with their mom Marigold (Nicolet) who works at a Best Buy-type electronics store. One afternoon she unexpectedly loses it at work and goes on a rampage, smashing a big screen TV to pieces. Her erstwhile employer not only presses charges, they insist on making her out to be a domestic terrorist, raising her bail to unaffordable heights. There are bills to pay and Deidra realizes that not only can they not afford to keep food on the table or the electricity turned on, a social welfare worker (McInroe) is threatening to move Jet into a foster home if they can't demonstrate that the environment is suitable. In desperation, Deidra visits her ex-con dad Chet (Sullivan) who works as a technician for the railroad. He only has $13 to give them but he gives Deidra something much more valuable; an idea for a way out. He offhandedly mentions that there have been a spate of train robberies lately that have gone unsolved and the railroad brass has sent a security specialist named Truman (Nelson) to investigate. Vaping incessantly, he also has a checkered past in which he'd been drummed out of law enforcement for excessive use of force. He is clearly not a man to be trifled with. Nonetheless Deidra figures out that she can hop aboard a freight car, break the lock and take whatever she can find in them. She knows she can't do this alone so she enlists her sister Laney – who is embroiled in the Miss Teen Idaho pageant which she had only entered to support her "friend" Claire (Markham) who immediately turned her back on Laney when Laney was also selected as a finalist . Laney is at first reluctant but when things start to get desperate she agrees to help. Deidra also enlists her ex-boyfriend Jerry (Olivier), who she dumped for selling pot, to sell the stolen merchandise on E-Bay. She's set a goal of $12,000 which would be sufficient to catch them up on their bills and get their mom out on bail. She's also pressured by the guidance counselor Ms. Spencer (Zamata) who believes that if she can get just one student out of town on a scholarship she'll get promoted and Deidra is her best shot at it. With all this going on, the social worker and the railroad dick both sniffing around their lives and her dad trying to make up years of neglect to his kids, can this high school senior and her sister pull off the larceny they need to get their family whole again? Those who have paid attention to my reviews over the years should by now realize that I'm not a big fan of the programming on the Freeform cable network. This movie positively reeks of the things that really make me frown about the cable network's offerings. The script is absolutely ludicrous; for one thing, can you imagine a mother, particularly one who realizes she is the sole support for her kids, melting down like that and then treating her jail time as a vacation? None but the most irresponsible of parents would react that way and even then if they were of that nature they likely would have had their kids taken away from them long before. For some reason (and this goes back a long ways before Freeform was a gleam in Disney's eye) kids movie/TV show writers delight in making adults be absolutely incompetent so that they can show how kids can solve their own problems. Of course, normally Freeform and other Disney outlets don't approve of using crime to solve the problems that their heroes and heroines are grappling with, but these are interesting times. For the working class, these types of conditions are reality and while the mom being hauled off to jail would in reality have ALL the kids taken to foster care, life for the working class particularly in rural towns is bleak and hopeless in a lot of ways – you can see why they chose to vote for the maverick outsider when it seemed like neither political party gave a rat's behind about their situation. The movie reflects that frustration. Murray, who also starred in the CW series Riverdale this spring, is a find. She plays Deidra as smart without being condescending and compassionate while being fierce. She avoids the clichés that so many young adult actresses fall into. Sadly, the material she has to work with here isn't really up to her performance. While the movie is entertaining for the main part, it's clearly meant for a young adult audience and will offer little for audiences with a "two" or more as the first number in their age. I'm of the perhaps misguided belief that you can write terrific material for young adults without talking down to them as this movie does; it creates a world where the right thing to do is the wrong thing to do also. While empowering the girls in the movie, it also empowers them without consequences to their actions, something that really doesn't happen often in the real world, even for adults. I applaud the filmmakers for making this an inclusive film that looks at the real economic situations faced by working class families everywhere; I just wish they could have presented real solutions and real information that kids who find themselves needing to be empowered can do so without fear of being jailed for it. REASONS TO GO: Murray avoids young adult actress clichés. There is a decent entertainment value here. REASONS TO STAY: The movie has a Freeform/Afterschool Special vibe (not necessarily a good thing). The ludicrous plot is clearly meant for youngsters, not adults. FAMILY VALUES: There is some mild profanity and some just as mild violence. TRIVIAL PURSUIT: The high school scenes were filmed at Judge Memorial Catholic High School in Salt Lake City, Utah. COMPARISON SHOPPING: Hell or High Water NEXT: Meghan Leavey Posted in VOD Review | Tagged action figures, arrested, Ashleigh Murray, beauty pageant, Best Buy, cinema, Cinema365, class valedictorian, Danielle Nicolet, Deidra and Laney Rob a Train, domestic terrorist, E-Bay, excessive force, Films, foster home, guidance counselor, high school, Idaho, Missi Pyle, movies, Netflix, Sasheer Zamata, Sharon Laurence, single mom, social worker, teddy bear, Tim Blake Nelson, train detective, train yard, VOD Reviews, working class, young adult comedy | Leave a reply
Dr. Ana Moita University of Lisbon, Portugal I was not present in the early beginning of ISBE, but I ISBE was there to guide me through my first baby steps through the Bioinspiration and Biomimetic field, in 2012. Within these last eight years, I grew a lot as a researcher in this field, and learnt so much during the conferences, workshops, contact and cooperation with the rich and multidisciplinary community of ISBE. The contribution of the International Society of Bionic Engineering in the dissemination of Bionics, Bioinspired technology, Biomimetics has been undeniable, both in the fundamental areas as well as in a wide range of applications and technology development. It has been an honor to meet the prestigious board of ISBE and to serve as Portuguese Representative within these last years. I wish a happy 10th anniversary to ISBE and look forward for the next 10 years!
Being one win from Stanley Cup Final motivates Lundqvist, Rangers By James O'BrienMay 26, 2014, 1:24 AM EDT When people joke* about Henrik Lundqvist having a "perfect life," the common retort is that he's never enjoyed a great playoff run. Sure, he has that 2006 gold medal, the movie star looks and a Vezina to his name, yet there was the belief among some that he couldn't get it done in big games. That gripe is likely fading during this postseason. Lundqvist is now one win away from taking the Rangers to his first-ever Stanley Cup Final, a thought he acknowledges as exciting (even if he's trying to take the one-game-at-a-time path, too). "You just have to keep the same mindset that you had for the first four or five games, and then in the last series, you don't change anything," Lundqvist said. "You don't think about what's ahead." "…But it's exciting too, to know that you're one game away. I mean, you have to motivate yourself to get to a level where you're helping the team, and that's pretty good motivation right there." The 32-year-old made some minor history (his first postseason assist) and reached an impressive milestone (tying Mike Richter for the Rangers' franchise playoff win record with his 41st victory) in Game 4, but it all pales in comparison to being this close to the championship round. Still, the Rangers know all too well that a 3-1 series can turn around, as the Bergen Record reports. "We'll talk about it." Brad Richards said. "This is far from over. I remember sitting in here down 3-1 against Pittsburgh. They will feel bad tonight, but tomorrow they will wake up in front of their home crowd and once that game starts, 3-1, you throw that out the window and it is back in the battle again." In other words, Montreal could still make Lundqvist look human yet. * – Well, some people might not actually be joking. Follow James O'Brien @cyclelikesedins
Asia-Pacific, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Environment, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Multimedia, Newsbrief, Slideshow, TerraViva United Nations India's Dwindling Tiger Population Face Water Shortages By Aruna Dutt Reprint | | Print | At the beginning of the 19th century there were 40, 000 tigers in the world. Today, around 4,000 tigers are left in the wild globally, 2,226 of which are in India. United Nations former chief photographer John Isaac's short film "India's Tigers: A Threatened Species" was released at the UN Wednesday to highlight the importance of the endangered species threatened by environmental degradation, water shortages and poaching. Credit: John Isaac Climate change has been a serious challenge to keeping tigers' habitat alive, nearly 17000 villages in Rajasthan have been facing a water crisis. Tigers provide enormous economic benefits for the local communities, attracting tourists to parks like Ranthambore National Park, one of the largest national parks situated in Rajasthan, India, where most of Isaac's pictures were taken. Tigers also control the deer and sambar population, playing a major role in balancing the ecosystem. Growing populations in the areas where tigers have historically lived are leading to increasing clashes between humans and tigers. "Local farmers are more in tune with saving the tigers, but it is the higher authorities that need to do something," said John Isaac, who has born in India and has been documenting the tigers there for 25 years. Along with overpopulation and climate change, illicit poaching is on the rise. Poachers will kill a tiger in India for $20, and by the time it gets to China it will be worth half a million dollars, said Isaac. Their body parts are used in Asian medicines and tiger claws are used in jewellery. Tiger whiskers are considered a dreadful poison in Malaysia and a powerful aphrodisiac in Indonesia. According to UNODC, ancient trade routes are being used to smuggle tiger skins and bones to buyers based largely in northern India and are then smuggled out of the country through Nepal or directly to China. In India, the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 is a legislation that covers wildlife crime. However, UNODC highlights the need for strengthening its implementation and enforcement in order to curb this transnational crime. The tiger population in India which used to be tracked by footprints, is now tracked by cameras installed in forests detect them by their face, allowing for a much more accurate count, said Isaac. All Photographs Courtesy and Copyright: John Isaac. Follow @https://twitter.com/aruna_dutt Republish | | Print | Rwanda Prepares the Foundations for Climate-Resilient Cities Emmanuel Hitimana | Africa Prejudice and Discrimination, the Uncured Ills of Leprosy Mario Osava | Latin America & the Caribbean Isaiah Esipisu | Africa Milla Sundström - IPS' Star of the Years IPS is pleased to name Tharanga Yakupitiyage as the Star of the Month Online fundraising for IPS Inter Press Service at Razoo
Posts Tagged 'Minister of Industry' Broadband Power for the People? Posted by Laurel L. Russwurm on March 18, 2011 The Internet Billing Upheaval in Canada By Arthur Czuma The year 2011 appears destined for revolutions. As Egyptians, Libyans, and others demonstrate across the Middle East and North Africa, Canadians are unleashing a quieter storm of their own. Hundreds of thousands have signed an online petition that calls for rescinding a new Internet billing policy that would eliminate price caps and bring usage-based charges. Striking the policy would help protect the interests of Canadian consumers – and the government seems to be listening. A senior government official indicated that if the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) does not reverse its controversial ruling, then the Cabinet would do so. New Per-Gigabyte Charges The policy, which would take effect on March 31, centers on the amount of data that consumers can view or download and for what expense. Not surprisingly, it's the bigger ISPs that support the new fees supported by the policy. Many have already been charging users in accordance with how much data they access – and now, the new law would have smaller ISPs do the same. That's because smaller ISPs lease bandwidth from larger telecommunications firms such as Bell Canada, Rogers Communications, and Shaw Communications. Despite their small size, the lesser-known ISPs (Internet service providers) have typically been providing both greater bandwidth and lower fees than have the bigger ISPs such as Bell and TELUS. Small ISPs Scoff at "Wholesale" Rate The larger telecom firms are mandated by government to lease their bandwidth to smaller ISPs and resellers. However, until now, they were prohibited from passing per-gigabyte fees on to these customers. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has attempted to placate small providers by granting them a 15% discount on cable and telecom companies' retail rates – but the small ISPs are less than impressed with this wholesale rate. In fact, many regard it as just another retail price. From the perspective of small business, the discount is hardly compensation for the new power imbalance: it merely slows the journey toward an Internet oligopoly or monopoly. The large companies, in turn, cite their right to manage their networks – and they claim that flat-rate Internet pricing is no longer viable. Bell Canada raised the issue in 2009 as iTunes, YouTube, Netflix, and other online video and video game providers contributed to rapid growth in online traffic. But that's a hard argument to swallow: according to the CRTC's own data, just as some large providers have been charging for "excessive" traffic for years, smaller ISPs have offered plans with literally hundreds of times the bandwidth, if not unlimited service, at a lower cost. Minister of Industry, Tony Clement Canadians Take Action The question of exactly what is the just balance between fostering competition and granting corporate rights will always be up for debate. For now, however, it seems that Canadians have drawn a line in the sand. In addition to more than 465,000 having signed a "Mind the Cap" petition online, tens of thousands have written to the Minister of Industry to protest the imposition of usage-billed Internet billing. And as back-up, the Canadian Network Operators Consortium, a group of more than 20 ISPs, is considering its legal options if the Conservative government does not revoke the CRTC ruling. A senior official acknowledged that the billing is "a bread-and-butter issue" and would be treated as such. Many Canadians currently have Internet plans that charge for using an excess of 25 gigabytes per month. That's equivalent to watching about five Netflix movies or downloading about six video games. It's certainly not enough for many people's entertainment needs, nor is it sufficient to help get a small business established or draw innovative services. For instance, a data cap would stymie the expansion of Netflix, the online video company that recently started offering unlimited movie rentals for about C$8 per month. A Contagious Revolution? By striking down the decision, the government will enable the small ISPs to remain competitive and thereby help bring a variety of affordable Internet options to Canadians. At the same time, eliminating caps will help attract innovative digital entrepreneurs to the Canadian economy. It's inspirational – and if US Americans would pay attention, perhaps the Canadian revolution could spread stateside. Regardless of their political stripes, fair Internet pricing is something that just about every consumer can stand for. Arthur Czuma is a writer and consultant for several Ontario-based businesses including Distributel, a local ISP. It's not over yet. Usage Based Billing has NOT been cancelled, only postponed. The CRTC is not doing their job, but rather doing a disservice to Canada. Because Usage Based Billing will harm not only Canadians, but our Economy. You can also call or write your MP, MP postal code look-up Heritage Minister James Moore – email: [email protected] Industry Minister Tony Clement – email: [email protected] Prime Minister Stephen Harper – email: [email protected] After all, they work for us, don't they? Posted in Changing the World | Tagged: Arthur Czuma, Bell, broadband, Canadian Network Operators Consortium, CRTC, Independent ISPs, iTunes, Minister of Industry, monopoly, Netflix, oligopoly, Petition, Rogers, Shaw, Telus, Tony Clement, YouTube | 1 Comment » Overturn the CRTC Ruling Posted by Laurel L. Russwurm on October 29, 2010 This ruling means that Canadian Internet rates will rise dramatically. Funny thing is, since I've been with TekSavvy for a long time, the grandfather clause it may very well make UBB a non-issue for my family. At least at first. Even so, Usage Based Billing will impact on all of Canada. It doesn't matter if you can afford it or not. It will affect Canada's use of the Internet. Usage Based Billing will change how Canadians use the Internet. Canada is composed of a wildly dispersed and diverse group of citizens. Our country has maintained a mosaic culture in spite of the fact that our American Cousins opted for a melting pot approach. Instead of one large shared American Dream, Canadians have as many dreams as we need. That may well be a big part of why Canadians have so enthusiastically embraced the Internet. The ease of Internet access has allowed Canadians to share, celebrate and embrace our differences. The past decade has brought us the beginnings of a golden age of Canadian culture undreamt of in the era when I grew up. Back in those dark days Canadians were searching in vain for the "Canadian Identity". The fact that it no longer even comes up is a sign of cultural health. The Internet allows Canadian artists to distribute their work both at home and abroad with an ease never before possible. This is a priceless benefit to all Canadians, rich, poor, strong, weak, new immigrants, old immigrants, and first nations… we're all in this together. Right now, at this moment, Canada is uniquely placed to continue as we have been, leading the world in making use of the Internet to the great benefit of Canadian Culture and Economy. This isn't to say there aren't problems. There are. The backbone Internet carriers have chosen not to reinvest much if any in the infrastructure, so what was once cutting edge technology fifteen years ago is now 15 year old technology. Canadians are faced with mediocre Internet service. Our premium priced fastest speeds are laughable in most of the rest of the world. The prices Canadians pay for connectivity are cutting edge, but what we get in return is mediocre service. And that's BEFORE implementation of Usage Based Billing. Usage Based Billing will make the price Canadians pay for Internet access unquestionably the highest in the world. The CRTC reports to Parliament through the Minister of Canadian Heritage. The CRTC's mandate is to ensure that both the broadcasting and telecommunications systems serve the Canadian public. The CRTC uses the objectives in the Broadcasting Act and the Telecommunications Act to guide its policy decisions. —CRTC Role in Regulating Broadcasting and Telecommunications Systems More than a year ago I wrote letters to the Prime Minister and The Honourables Moore and Clement. The eventual response I received from the PMO was: "We have taken the liberty of forwarding a copy of your correspondence to the office of the Hon. Tony Clement, Minister of Industry. His office is in the best position to respond to the issues you have raised. " —The response that took the PMO five months to craft: The CRTC is supposed to regulate according to laws under the purview of Industry Canada, placing it back in Industry Minister Tony Clement's hands. And we have seen Tony Clement show that bad CRTC decisions can be overturned by the Government, as he demonstrated when he had Cabinet overule the CRTC so WindMobile could set up shop in Canada. The response I got from Tony Clement in respect of Usage Based Billing was quite promising: Under the Telecommunications Act, Cabinet can decide to take action in response to a petition by varying (changing) the decision, referring it back to the CRTC for reconsideration or rescinding the decision. Cabinet can also decide not to intervene and let the CRTC decision remain in place. The government's powers to intervene expire one year from the date of the decision in question. Given that the matter is still under consideration by Cabinet, it would not be appropriate for me to comment at this time. —Tony Clement, email excerpt We Interrupt this Prorogue…. January 2010 They can do it again. Tell Tony Clement that UBB will be bad for Canada. Postal mail, phone, write, email, tweet… Mr. Clement can be reached in a variety of ways. Tell him what you think about UBB. Tell him this bad ruling needs to be overturned. It seems many Canadians have been asking Tony Clement about this on Twitter today. It sounds as though the Honourable Tony Clement was saying that the Indie ISPs have another 90 day appeal period, after which time Bell would have to give 90 day notice to customers. I'll try to confirm that. For more information on how and who to write to, this article has a guidelines, tips and addresses for wrote a whole lot of letter writing: Write Letters to Stop UBB The time to write is now. Posted in Changing the World | Tagged: bell canada, CRTC, Heritage Minster James Moore, Hon. Tony Clement, internet, Minister of Industry, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, twitter, usage based billing | 13 Comments »
The Business Improvement Districts (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2007 Scottish Statutory Instruments Executive Note This section has no associated Executive Note 2.—(1) The Business Improvement Districts (Scotland) Regulations 2007(1) are amended in accordance with this regulation. (2) In Schedule 2 (rules for BID ballots, renewal ballots and alteration ballots)– (a)in paragraph 2(1)(c), for "no earlier than 56 days, and no later than 90 days, from" substitute "at least 42 days after, but no more than 90 days after,"; and (b)in paragraph 10(2)(b), omit "within Scotland". S.S.I. 2007/202. Executive Note sets out a brief statement of the purpose of a Scottish Statutory Instrument and provides information about its policy objective and policy implications. They aim to make the Scottish Statutory Instrument accessible to readers who are not legally qualified and accompany any Scottish Statutory Instrument or Draft Scottish Statutory Instrument laid before the Scottish Parliament from July 2005 onwards.
Home pageProf. Polina Stepensky Prof. Polina Stepensky Department Head of Bone Marrow Transplantation & Cancer Immunotherapy of Adults and Children Hematology, Oncology Bone marrow transplantation, immunology Hadassah Hebrew University Medical School, Jerusalem Postdoctoral Pediatrics Residency, Hadassah University Medical Center, Mt. Scopus, the Department of Pediatrics. Subspeciality: Hadassah University Medical Center, Ein Karem The Bone Marrow Transplantation Department; The University of Minnesota, Blood and Marrow Transplantation Center; Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom Experience and positions 2006 – present – Senior physician in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, responsible for bone marrow transplantation, Hadassah University Medical Center, Ein Karem 2014 – Head of Bone Marrow Transplantation unit, Division of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology 2017 – Chairman, Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation & Cancer Immunotherapy of Adults and Children, Hadassah University Medical Center, Jerusalem (Ein Karem) Membership in professional societies The European bone marrow transplantation group (EBMT), The American society of bone marrow transplantation group (ASBMT), European Society for Immunodeficiencies The European Hematology Association (EHA), The Israeli Society of Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Award for the excellence in research, Pediatric Division, Hadassah Medical. European Society of Immune Deficiencies Award for Outstanding Research
Chapter 10 – Missing Fate It was finally the weekend and another lazy Saturday that Chen Yi just wanted to stay inside and catch up on some sleep. However, he couldn't. Only if he could. "Chen Yi!" His mother called him from the kitchen. "What, Mom?" Chen Yi asked lazily from the backyard. "Are you done with mowing the lawn yet?" "In a bit." "If you're not done yet, take a break. I think Win wants food." "Aww…Mom….tell Xiao Yu to check on Win." "What are you talking about? Xiao Yu's not around. You told me yourself that she's not coming over today." "I did?" "Yes, you just told me after breakfast." "Oh." He dropped his tools and headed inside, not forgetting to mutter "Idiot" under his breath. "Don't ruin the floor," His mother told him as soon as he opened the screen door. He took his shoes off and put it to the side before stepping inside. "Are you all right?" His mother still had that worried look on. He grinned. "Yes, of course." "You look tired." "Of course, I'm tired, Mom. Imagine cutting the grass the old fashion way instead of with the mower." He gave the kitchen a brief scan. "What?" "Is something going on between you and Xiao Yu?" "Uh…why are you asking?" "She always comes over on Saturdays." "It could change. Listen, Mom. I have to feed Win and go back outside and finish the grass." He headed for the stairs before she could say anything else. "Come here, Win." Fifteen minutes later, he was back outside trying to finish the yard. It wasn't until another half an hour that he finally succeeded. He sat down on the bench to rest before thinking of what to do. He knew that the others were probably thinking up of a bright idea to convince Tang Feng–who happened to be his, Qiao Qiao, Yan Yan, and Achel's senior. What a small world, he thought. Not to mention that guy used to be a top-class prankster. No wonder he changed his name. Jacky had gone to pick Sonia up from the bus station so they won't be back until this afternoon. The rest of the gang probably had things to do too. Qiao Qiao and some of the others had asked him to join them earlier but he had to turn it down because of this chore. More like a promise to his mother. Since he'd already promised, he might as well finish the task. He got up and headed toward the shed, taking several shots of the lawn mover before making his way into the house again–remembering to take off his shoes this time around. "Mom, I'm going out," He said. "You're done?" His mother asked, emerging from the living room. "Yeah. I'm going to buy some stuff to repair the lawnmower now. If I'm lucky, I can finish it all today." "Take your time." Chen Yi nodded before returning to the screen door. He made sure to clean his shoes off before heading for his car. Luck seemed to be on his side today since he managed to find the right parts for the lawnmower after showing the pictures to the owner and describing his situation. The man knew what he was talking about all right. Or at least he hoped the man knew more than his confident voice perceived. "Just another day," He muttered aloud as he deactivated his alarm. Tossing the supplies into his trunk, he shut it in time to spot a familiar couple walking out of a building across the street. He almost forgot that this was the familiar part of town. Of course, he would run into these people. Just as he decided to ignore them since they couldn't see him anyway, he could see some hostility in the air. He reactivated his alarm before heading across the street, following the direction where they were heading toward. They just turned the corner so they couldn't be far away. He had to keep a safe distance between them or risk being exposed. He knew it was a bit silly but he couldn't help it. It might be Qiao Qiao's influence or it might be his paranoia at work. But he knew he couldn't rule out any possibilities. Just when he thought he lost them, he heard familiar voices up ahead. He looked right to see them standing by a tree at the edge of a parking lot. He crouched down and sneaked past the bushes nearby, attempting to listen in on their conversation. The two were still a distance away from him but he could still hear them since it was quite peaceful around this area. "What's your problem anyway?" The guy asked, his voice rising. "I'm sorry," A timid voice said. "I'm just not used to these events." "You're such a baby," The guy's voice raised again. "Why did I even pick you anyway? Thinking that I could impress my friends with dating a college graduate girl." Chen Yi wrinkled his face. He tried to separate some parts of the bush in front of him slowly as not to disturb it or draw attention. He could see her almost crying. He knew he must understand the whole situation first. After all, wasn't Brett in acting? Maybe they were acting out some scenes now. He decided to wait a bit more before leaving. Lucky the trees around this area were tall and the bushes higher than usual or he would be exposed soon. "What are you doing?" Someone's voice whispered behind him. He almost jumped. He turned around abruptly to see Ehlo smiling at him with eyes full of mischief. "Sh…" Chen Yi whispered back, bringing his finger to his lips. He signaled to the scene ahead, gesturing for Ehlo to stay quiet. "Why are you sneaking around?" Another voice asked. This time he didn't have to turn around to know it was Angela. "I'll explain later," Chen Yi whispered to her quickly before turning to the scene ahead again. "Come on now!" The guy shouted. What just happened? It was all Ehlo's fault that he missed it. "Who the world is he anyway? He dares to hit her?" Angela exclaimed, her voice still a whisper–which was a miracle that Chen Yi was glad it happened. "Where are we going?" The girl asked timidly. "Where else?" The guy asked back, his face livid. "I'll take you home since you're no help. I can't dump you as fast or the others will think that you dump me and not the other way around. You're such a…" Before he could finish, Chen Yi jumped out from the bush, running full speed toward them. He got there in time to grab a hold of the guy's hand. "If you dare to touch her again, you're dead meat," Chen Yi threatened, finally letting go of the other guy's hand. "Get lost, creep!" "Chen Yi!" The girl exclaimed. Chen Yi pulled her toward him and put a protective hand around her shoulders. "Why didn't you tell me he's such a creep?" "Why are you here anyway?" The guy asked, eyeing Chen Yi suspiciously. "I thought she said she's not dating anyone right now." He turned to Achel. "And I thought you're one of those innocent girls. Guess you just want to play the field, huh?" "Get lost, creep!" Chen Yi repeated his order. "Before I get mad, get lost!" "Who are you to tell me…?" "I'm her boyfriend, Brat!" Chen Yi exclaimed before Brett could finish. "Then she is…" "Shut up. It doesn't matter to you. So why don't you just get lost before I get mad." Brett didn't seem to find any reason to stick around, seeing how intense Chen Yi's expression was. "Well?" Chen Yi asked, delivering the last warning. "Nuts," Brett muttered before turning to leave. Chen Yi made sure Brett left for good before turning to Achel again. "What?" Achel asked, seeing Chen Yi's stare. "Why didn't you tell me he's such a creep?" "I didn't know until just now." "And you were just going to take it like that?" Achel looked down. "I thought that's how normal couples are. They fight like jie and Ehlo ge and…" "Normal couples only fight on the outside," Chen Yi clarified. "He's just some creep who wants to control you. Come on. Let's go." He let go of her shoulder and reached for her arm, leading her back to his car. They were almost by the sidewalk when Ehlo and Angela jumped out from the bush–the same one that Chen Yi was hiding behind earlier. "Don't you have to explain to us?" Angela asked, her voice demanding. "That's right," Ehlo chimed in, his grin mischievous. "We just had some misunderstandings," Achel jumped in quickly. "Now it's resolved." "Oh?" Angela asked, not as half convinced. "We weren't dating before but now we are," Chen Yi clarified, his grip tightening on Achel's hand. "What?!" Ehlo, Angela–and Achel exclaimed at the same time. "What do you mean 'what'?" Ehlo asked, turning his attention on Achel. "Don't you know if you two are dating or not?" "We are now," Chen Yi jumped in. "But why?" Achel asked–and not Ehlo or Angela, turning to Chen Yi and attempting to loosen her hand. "I'm the idiot that didn't see it right in front of me," Chen Yi continued. "I should've known to not let you go and date that creep. I'm the idiot that didn't know it until he loses it. Did you know what happened when I was outside mowing the lawn when Mom told me to go feed Win?" Achel stayed silent. Surprisingly, Ehlo and Angela were also quiet, waiting for Chen Yi to continue. "I said, 'Tell Xiao Yu to feed Win, Mom.' And you know what she told me? She said, 'You told me Xiao Yu's not coming today.'" Achel still stayed silent. "Don't you know? I'm so used to having you around that when you're gone, it's still in my head that you're around." "You don't have to do this," Achel said finally. "It was the same thing you said when you tried to convince Qiao Qiao, remember?" "Of course I remember what I said. But it's real this time. I just told you I'm the idiot that couldn't see what's in front of him. I thought it was just an excuse at first, but when you're not around…I just…miss you." He grabbed hold of both Achel's hands into his and pulled her into a tight hug. "Convinced?" "You're choking me." He let go but still had a hold on one hand. "Aww…come on, Xiao Yu," Ehlo urged. Angela put a hand on Ehlo's shoulder. "What?" Ehlo asked, turning to her. "Let her decide for herself," Angela said, her voice placid. "You want to come home with me to feed Win or let him starve?" Chen Yi asked, smiling. "You're starving our Win?!" Achel exclaimed, shocked. "Then let's go," He urged again, tugging on her hand. She followed him, her shocked expression still present. "I can't believe you're starving Win." "See you guys later!" Ehlo hollered after them. "Yeah!" Chen Yi hollered back. "Bye Ehlo ge! Bye jie!" Achel shouted. "When did they get back together again?" Angela asked, still amazed at Chen Yi's attempt. "Like around the part where he was starving 'their' Win," Ehlo reminded her. "I can't believe they were pulling a scheme on us," Angela said, uncrossing her hands and letting them fall to her sides again. "Believe it," Ehlo said. "Maybe I was the only honest one when I said I wasn't all that into Qiao." "I guess we shouldn't tell them, huh?" "Of course not. There's no point anyway. We shouldn't stir anything up anymore." Ehlo saluted. "Yes ma'am." Angela ignored him and turned to leave. "We're going to be late if we stand around here." He followed her and slipped his hand around her shoulders again. "How about not going to the movies?" "Where then?" "Somewhere like the amusement park or something." "That's better. I don't like to sit around for so long anyway." "Then let's go." "Yes, ma'am." Ehlo smiled, knowing she was suggesting the amusement park on purpose. She knew it was his favorite place. © Saturday, September 19th, 2009 Re-posted: Saturday, February 12th, 2011 PREVIOUS CHAPTER | CONTENTS | NEXT CHAPTER
Tag: catholics Catholicism Crisis of Faith The following link entitled "Catholicism Crisis of Faith" is a documentary of Catholics, and ex-Catholics, who speak about their beliefs, their concerns over the doctrines of Roman Catholicism, why they are no longer Catholics, and Catholicism's contradiction to the clear teachings of Scripture about salvation. Related are articles are listed below: "Little Horn Pt. 3" "Papal Immunity for the Lawless One" "Radical Takerover Pt. 4 – Rome's Crusade of Genocide in Rwanda" Author SlaveofJesusChristPosted on February 24, 2013 Categories Christianity, Cults, heretical teachers, heretical teaching, Religion, SpiritualityTags according to scripture, Catholicism, catholics, christ teachings, Christianity, Cults, false teachers, heresy, Religion, Spirituality2 Comments on Catholicism Crisis of Faith The Catholic Calvinists Pt. 1 – RC Sproul The minds of modern day Protestants are far removed from the concept, and history, of Protestantism, and, therefore, have a poor understanding of the Protestant Reformation. For this reason, many who call themselves Reformed, or Calvinists, are not able to recognized when major offenses against the faith are being made. For example: many are not aware that the Protestant Reformation was rooted in a breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church by many of its clergy, who realized that their religion was not the gospel of Jesus Christ, and could not lead anyone to salvation. These Roman Catholic clergymen's eyes were also opened to the fact that Rome, and it's religious system, which, by that time, was drunk with the blood of the saints, by labeling them as heretics for not submitting to the false doctrines of the Catholic Church, and by torturing and killing many hundreds of thousands of Christians, was Mystery Babylon the Great, which was foretold in Revelation 17:1-1-6, and that it's king (the popes) is the scarlet beast, which she rides. This lack of knowledge allows many Calvinists teachers, with Roman Catholic leanings, to commit major errors concerning Christian doctrine. One of which is Dr. RC Sproul, because of his high regard for, and public praise of, Thomas Aquinas. Dr. Sproul's ministry has described Tomas Aquinas in this way: Ligonier.Org – The noted theologian Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) is our fourth example of faith from church history. One of the most important contributions that Aquinas made to the church was his teaching on God's revelation. We have Aquinas to thank for reminding us that all truth is God's truth and is therefore both universal and permanent. These statements by Ligonier Ministries acknowledges Thomas Aquinas as an "example of faith" to Christ's followers, and a major contributor of church doctrine, whom the church should be thankful for; thus acknowledging him as a fellow brother in Christ. But, are these statements true? Is Thomas Aquinas an example of faith to Christ's followers? Is he a fellow believer, whom the church should be thankful for? This is who Thomas Aquinas is: Wikipedia.Org – Thomas of Aquin or Aquino, was an Italian Dominican priest, and an immensely influential philosopher and theologian in the tradition of scholasticism, within which he is also known as the "Dumb Ox", "Angelic Doctor", "Doctor Communis", and "Doctor Universalis". Thomas is held in the Roman Catholic Church to be the model teacher for those studying for the priesthood, and indeed the highest expression of both natural reason and speculative theology. The study of his works, according to papal and magisterial documents, is a core of the required program of study for those seeking ordination as priests or deacons, as well as for those in religious formation and for other students of the sacred disciplines (Catholic philosophy, theology, history, liturgy, and canon law). Pope Benedict XV declared: "This (Dominican) Order … acquired new luster when the Church declared the teaching of Thomas to be her own and that Doctor, honored with the special praises of the Pontiffs, the master and patron of Catholic schools." Thomas Aquinas was not a follower of Christ. Instead, he was a Roman Catholic, who served as a Dominican priest during the Great Inquisition, which was lead by the Dominican Order during the 13th century in which Aquinas lived. Wickipedia.Org – In the 13th century, Pope Gregory IX (reigned 1227–1241) assigned the duty of carrying out inquisitions to the Dominican Order. They used inquisitorial procedures, a legal practice common at that time. They judged heresy alone, using the local authorities to establish a tribunal and to prosecute heretics. After 1200, a Grand Inquisitor headed each Inquisition. Grand Inquisitions persisted until the mid 19th century. Therefore, Tomas Aquinas was not an example of godliness, nor was he a man of faith. Instead, he was a champion of a false religion that was, during his lifetime, persecuting masses of Christians. To understand the major heretical views of Tomas Aquinas, one only has to read his contribution to the Roman Catholic Catechism. Vatican.Va – 460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81 Nevertheless, Dr. Sproul has been able to teach on the life, and teachings of, Thomas Aquinas without being rebuked for doing so. Furthermore, he does not hide the fact that Aquinas is a Dominican, when he includes Aquinas in his list of great theologians of the Christian faith. On the contrary, Sproul's audience knows Aquinas' membership in the order, because he taught it to them. Dr. Sproul simply doesn't mention that Aquinas is a heretic, because he taught a different gospel, and served in the very religion that Martin Luther, whom Sproul also knowledges as a great theologian, proclaimed to be Mystery Babylon the Great. Sproul does not mention the fact that Aquinas worked, throughout his life, for the antichrist, who was murdering Christians by the masses. The following link is a lecture by Dr. Sproul, entitled "Lecture 3, Thomas Aquinas (Part 1):" that further reveals his love for Aquinas, the heretic. Dr. Sproul's zealous support of Thomas Aquinas has subtly taught Christians to think highly of, and praise, heretics. It has also helped to further weaken all that was gained by the Protestant Reformation, because the acknowledgment of Roman Catholic theologians breaks down the wall of separation between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, which was built up by the Protestant Reformers. Another offense of Sproul is his endorsement of a Bible translation (ESV; The Reformation Study Bible), which is based on a corrupt text that has various passages of Scripture missing (Codex Sinaiticus), and it is a rejection of the received text (Textus Receptus), which the Protestant Reformers used for the Protestant Reformation. Accepting this corrupt text, which was also endorsed by Rome, and encouraging others to do the same, is a direct attack on the innerancy of Scripture, and including the ESV translation in the "Reformation Study Bible" is a sad insult to the Reformers, the church, and Christ himself, who is the word of God (John 1:1). Hopefully, this last offense of Dr. Sproul was committed in ignorance. For more information on this textual controversy, click on the link entitled "War on Consciousness Pt. 25 – The True Bible – Textus Receptus vs Codex Sinaiticus". The public praise of Aquinas by Dr. Sproul, which he has done for years, reveals the ignorance of many of his followers, and the lack of concern for the purity of the gospel on the part of those who are aware of Sproul's offense, yet still insist on promoting Dr. Sproul's ministry, and on calling themselves Reformed. This ignorance, and apathy reveals the deadness of the Reformation, and its replacement, which is a counterfeit that is more consistent with Rome's Counter Reformation. "The New Christianity Pt. 7 – All Roads Lead to Rome" "Authors of Confusion Pt. 21 – Beth Moore" Author SlaveofJesusChristPosted on January 18, 2013 January 18, 2013 Categories Christianity, Current Affairs, heretical teachers, heretical teaching, History, Religion, The New CalvinistsTags calvinists, catholics, Christianity, current affairs, false teachers, heresy, Religion, Society, War on ConsciousnessLeave a comment on The Catholic Calvinists Pt. 1 – RC Sproul slaveofjesuschristdotme Blog at WordPress.com.
Aussie Thrash Metallers HARLOT Release New Single From Upcoming Album Hailing from the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne, Australia come the sounds of the always fast, aggressive and unrelenting thrash metal band... DEFTONES Unveil Heavy New Track "Genesis" From New Album 'Ohms' Out Sept 25 Following the announcement of their eagerly awaited album Ohms - arriving on September 25th 2020 on Reprise / Warner Records - with its... AETHERIAL Release Video For New Single "It's Only Blood" Melbourne death metal duo, Aetherial, have just released a brand new dark single titled "It's Only Blood" along with an accompanying... HATEBREED Announce Eighth Studio Album & Release Lyric Video For Title Track Hardcore metal pioneers Hatebreed will release their eighth studio album 'Weight of The False Self'. The 12-track album is stocked with... KING PARROT Share New Single "Banished, Flawed then Docile" From Upcoming EP Australia's maniac sons, King Parrot, are back with a blistering new track called "Banished, Flawed the Docile", and it's an absolute... CrisisAct Debut EP Out September 17th Ft. Members Of Psycroptic, King Parrot & Revocation The debut video from extreme metal iso-band CrisisAct is here for the track "F#*k Knows If I Die". Produced by guitarist Joe Haley with... INHIBITOR Unveil Brutal Lyric Video For New Single 'Catalyst' Melbourne deathcore heavy-hitters, Inhibitor, have unveiled a brand new track taken from their crushing debut EP, 'Abhorrence', which... COREY TAYLOR Shares New Music Video For "Black Eyes Blue" From Debut Solo Album GRAMMY® Award-winning singer / songwriter, actor, and New York Times Best-Selling Author, Corey Taylor has shared the official music... ALPHA WOLF Release Heartfelt New Single 'bleed 4 you' + Album Details Melbourne's Alpha Wolf have spent the last few years carving themselves out as one of the heaviest acts in the metalcore scene, but with... GOJIRA Release New Standalone Single "Another World" 2x Grammy® nominated French modern progressive-metal band Gojira have shared a new standalone single entitled "Another World." Produced...
Claddagh Cottage Irish Pub Written by Scott Joseph on 03 September 2014 on 03 September 2014 . To get myself primed for an upcoming trip to Dublin, I stopped by Claddagh Cottage Irish Pub for a bit of an immersive experience. Claddagh has occupied a small storefront in a tiny strip mall on Curry Ford Road, nestled between a funeral home and beauty salon for almost 19 years. It's atmospheric inside, with plaster walls, wooden tables that have not seen any Lemon Pledge for ages, and the various pubby wall hangings and hand-written signs you'd expect to find in such a tavern. And make no mistake: This is a tavern first and foremost. But it also serves a decent menu of Irish pub fare. On my visit I ordered the Irish stew — because how could I not? — and the cottage pie (after all, the place is called Claddagh Cottage). The stew had lots of beef and carrots, plus onions and potatoes, enough to qualify as hearty in ingredients if not in the thinnish broth (which is just fine with an Irish stew). It was brought down a bit by the toughness of the meat and a too-heavy dose of thyme. I much preferred the cottage pie, a one-dish casserole of ground beef with peas and some carrots in a rich gravy, topped by a mashed potato dome. A little dash of the bottled brown sauce — the Irish equivalent of A-1 — and it was just right. And of course there are some native beers and ales to wash everything down. The clientele is made up of people who seem to be regulars, but an outsider was welcomed, too. Claddagh Cottage Irish Pub is at 4308 Curry Ford Road, Orlando. It is open for dinner Monday through Saturday. There is no website. The stew was $7.25 and the cottage pie $7.50, so consider it reasonably priced.
The "House Calls" Trial: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Racial Disparities in Live Donor Kidney Transplantation: Rationale and Design James R. Rodrigue, Martha Pavlakis, Ogo Egbuna, Matthew Paek, Amy D. Waterman, Didier A. Mandelbrot Despite a substantially lower rate of live donor kidney transplantation among Black Americans compared to White Americans, there are few systematic efforts to reduce this racial disparity. This paper describes the rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial evaluating the comparative effectiveness of three different educational interventions for increasing live donor kidney transplantation in Black Americans. This trial is a single-site, urn-randomized controlled trial with a planned enrollment of 180 Black Americans awaiting kidney transplantation. Patients are randomized to receive transplant education in one of three education conditions: through group education at their homes (e.g., House Calls), or through group (Group-Based) or individual education (Individual Counseling) in the transplant center. The primary outcome of the trial is the occurrence of a live donor kidney transplant, with secondary outcomes including living donor inquiries and evaluations as well as changes in patient live donor kidney transplantation readiness, willingness, knowledge, and concerns. Sex, age, dialysis status, and quality of life are evaluated as moderating factors. Findings from this clinical trial have the potential to inform strategies for reducing racial disparities in live donor kidney transplantation. Similar trials have been developed recently to broaden the evaluation of House Calls as an innovative disparity-reducing intervention in kidney transplantation. Contemporary Clinical Trials https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cct.2012.03.015 Randomized trial Transplant education 10.1016/j.cct.2012.03.015 Dive into the research topics of 'The "House Calls" Trial: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Racial Disparities in Live Donor Kidney Transplantation: Rationale and Design'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. House Calls Medicine & Life Sciences 100% Kidney Transplantation Medicine & Life Sciences 78% Tissue Donors Medicine & Life Sciences 64% African Continental Ancestry Group Medicine & Life Sciences 40% Transplants Medicine & Life Sciences 25% Living Donors Medicine & Life Sciences 15% Rodrigue, J. R., Pavlakis, M., Egbuna, O., Paek, M., Waterman, A. D., & Mandelbrot, D. A. (2012). The "House Calls" Trial: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Racial Disparities in Live Donor Kidney Transplantation: Rationale and Design. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 33(4), 811-818. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cct.2012.03.015 The "House Calls" Trial : A Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Racial Disparities in Live Donor Kidney Transplantation: Rationale and Design. / Rodrigue, James R.; Pavlakis, Martha; Egbuna, Ogo et al. In: Contemporary Clinical Trials, Vol. 33, No. 4, 07.2012, p. 811-818. Rodrigue, JR, Pavlakis, M, Egbuna, O, Paek, M, Waterman, AD & Mandelbrot, DA 2012, 'The "House Calls" Trial: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Racial Disparities in Live Donor Kidney Transplantation: Rationale and Design', Contemporary Clinical Trials, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 811-818. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cct.2012.03.015 Rodrigue JR, Pavlakis M, Egbuna O, Paek M, Waterman AD, Mandelbrot DA. The "House Calls" Trial: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Racial Disparities in Live Donor Kidney Transplantation: Rationale and Design. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2012 Jul;33(4):811-818. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cct.2012.03.015 Rodrigue, James R. ; Pavlakis, Martha ; Egbuna, Ogo et al. / The "House Calls" Trial : A Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Racial Disparities in Live Donor Kidney Transplantation: Rationale and Design. In: Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2012 ; Vol. 33, No. 4. pp. 811-818. @article{fa0179235a76494da5df676bfa0c9eb8, title = "The {"}House Calls{"} Trial: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Racial Disparities in Live Donor Kidney Transplantation: Rationale and Design", abstract = "Despite a substantially lower rate of live donor kidney transplantation among Black Americans compared to White Americans, there are few systematic efforts to reduce this racial disparity. This paper describes the rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial evaluating the comparative effectiveness of three different educational interventions for increasing live donor kidney transplantation in Black Americans. This trial is a single-site, urn-randomized controlled trial with a planned enrollment of 180 Black Americans awaiting kidney transplantation. Patients are randomized to receive transplant education in one of three education conditions: through group education at their homes (e.g., House Calls), or through group (Group-Based) or individual education (Individual Counseling) in the transplant center. The primary outcome of the trial is the occurrence of a live donor kidney transplant, with secondary outcomes including living donor inquiries and evaluations as well as changes in patient live donor kidney transplantation readiness, willingness, knowledge, and concerns. Sex, age, dialysis status, and quality of life are evaluated as moderating factors. Findings from this clinical trial have the potential to inform strategies for reducing racial disparities in live donor kidney transplantation. Similar trials have been developed recently to broaden the evaluation of House Calls as an innovative disparity-reducing intervention in kidney transplantation.", keywords = "Disparities, Kidney transplantation, Living donation, Randomized trial, Transplant education", author = "Rodrigue, {James R.} and Martha Pavlakis and Ogo Egbuna and Matthew Paek and Waterman, {Amy D.} and Mandelbrot, {Didier A.}", note = "Funding Information: The project described is supported by Award Number R01DK079665 from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases . The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases or the National Institutes of Health. Copyright: Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.", doi = "10.1016/j.cct.2012.03.015", journal = "Contemporary Clinical Trials", T1 - The "House Calls" Trial T2 - A Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Racial Disparities in Live Donor Kidney Transplantation: Rationale and Design AU - Rodrigue, James R. AU - Pavlakis, Martha AU - Egbuna, Ogo AU - Paek, Matthew AU - Waterman, Amy D. AU - Mandelbrot, Didier A. N1 - Funding Information: The project described is supported by Award Number R01DK079665 from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases . The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases or the National Institutes of Health. Copyright: Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved. N2 - Despite a substantially lower rate of live donor kidney transplantation among Black Americans compared to White Americans, there are few systematic efforts to reduce this racial disparity. This paper describes the rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial evaluating the comparative effectiveness of three different educational interventions for increasing live donor kidney transplantation in Black Americans. This trial is a single-site, urn-randomized controlled trial with a planned enrollment of 180 Black Americans awaiting kidney transplantation. Patients are randomized to receive transplant education in one of three education conditions: through group education at their homes (e.g., House Calls), or through group (Group-Based) or individual education (Individual Counseling) in the transplant center. The primary outcome of the trial is the occurrence of a live donor kidney transplant, with secondary outcomes including living donor inquiries and evaluations as well as changes in patient live donor kidney transplantation readiness, willingness, knowledge, and concerns. Sex, age, dialysis status, and quality of life are evaluated as moderating factors. Findings from this clinical trial have the potential to inform strategies for reducing racial disparities in live donor kidney transplantation. Similar trials have been developed recently to broaden the evaluation of House Calls as an innovative disparity-reducing intervention in kidney transplantation. AB - Despite a substantially lower rate of live donor kidney transplantation among Black Americans compared to White Americans, there are few systematic efforts to reduce this racial disparity. This paper describes the rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial evaluating the comparative effectiveness of three different educational interventions for increasing live donor kidney transplantation in Black Americans. This trial is a single-site, urn-randomized controlled trial with a planned enrollment of 180 Black Americans awaiting kidney transplantation. Patients are randomized to receive transplant education in one of three education conditions: through group education at their homes (e.g., House Calls), or through group (Group-Based) or individual education (Individual Counseling) in the transplant center. The primary outcome of the trial is the occurrence of a live donor kidney transplant, with secondary outcomes including living donor inquiries and evaluations as well as changes in patient live donor kidney transplantation readiness, willingness, knowledge, and concerns. Sex, age, dialysis status, and quality of life are evaluated as moderating factors. Findings from this clinical trial have the potential to inform strategies for reducing racial disparities in live donor kidney transplantation. Similar trials have been developed recently to broaden the evaluation of House Calls as an innovative disparity-reducing intervention in kidney transplantation. KW - Disparities KW - Kidney transplantation KW - Living donation KW - Randomized trial KW - Transplant education U2 - 10.1016/j.cct.2012.03.015 DO - 10.1016/j.cct.2012.03.015 JO - Contemporary Clinical Trials JF - Contemporary Clinical Trials
GERMANY SET TO PLAY ENGLAND LATER THIS YEAR July 28, 2016 Watch Soccer World CupAfrica, Argentina, England, GOALS, Highlights, Italy, Netherlandsindex The Three Lions will meet with the Die Mannschaff of German when both teams reunite for a 50 year rivalry game in November. The game is set to hold at the National Stadium in Singapore and was inspired by the recently concluded European tournaments, organizers say. They said they wanted to relive one of the internationally renowned football rivalry top reward local Singapore fans for their support all through the years. Many years back, in one of the most iconic games Geoff Hurst scored a hat trick at the World Cup final. The feat made him the final, and still, the only player to have scored three goals at the final game of the World Cup and the organizers Masters Football Asia have announced that prominent stars that featured for both countries are set to play in the 80 minute, 11-a-side match on the 12th of the month. The game will be played on the 50th anniversary of the 1996 World Cup final where the hosts England lost to West Germany 4-2 after the extra time. When they had the opportunity in 1990, they lost again at the 1990 World cup semi finals. In 1996, through penalty shootout, hosts England lost to Germany again but at the semi finals of the European championship. The organizers are yet to list all the players but they have announced few players on each side that are sure to represent. The English team will be led by Teddy Sheringham, a former Spurs and Red Devils player. He will be joined by former Liverpool and Madrid player Steve McManaman. Then there's Darren Anderton, Emile Heskey and Des Walker. Lothar Matthaeus will appear for the Germand along with Thomas Haessler, Guido Bachwald, Jens Nowotny and Dietmar Hamann. The former players say they are eager to return to the pitch and continue the age old duel. ← Marco Reus not selected for the German squad at the Euros BRAZIL SET FOR REVENGE MATCH WITH GERMANY →
Bellingham: A family-friendly floor plan Laura Spinella/Correspondent Pleasant colonial in outstanding cul-de-sac location in Bellingham. Home features some upgrades, including granite and central air. Family-friendly floor plan with four bedrooms, brick fireplace and deck for entertaining. Large yard, two-car garage, unfinished walkout basement ready to be completed. It's a home for the holidays - and every other time of year. That is the overall impression of 10 Heritage Way in Bellingham. The cul-de-sac location boasts an inviting landscape of colonial style homes, each somewhat diverse in architecture, all of them complementing one other. It's the kind of neighborhood where kids grow up playing ball in the street, riding bikes on summer days and finding friends at the house next door. It has a pleasant ambiance, a family-friendly atmosphere that is often a must-have on house-hunters' lists. With 1,990 square feet of living space, 10 Heritage Way makes the most of its footprint, offering a flexible floor plan, which includes four sizable bedrooms. "It's a great family home with the kind of updates buyers like to see," said Realtor Marjorie O'Malley of Prudential Page Realty. She and the O'Malley team, which includes Realtors Bridget O'Malley and Brenda Dillon, are marketing the Bellingham property for $379,900. It's a price point worth noting as many buyers in this mid-range market cap out at $400,000. So, what exactly does your dollar buy for under $400,000? Nearly an acre of land to start, this property featuring a lovely lot with a large and level backyard, wooded buffer at the rear and a sizable deck for entertaining. The home also offers a two-car attached garage and spacious farmer's porch denoting the front of the home. Close to shopping and the T station, Heritage Way offers easy access to commuter routes and area shopping. Upgrades begin in the kitchen of this 1999 build, which has been revamped with granite counters. An ample arrangement of oak cabinetry surrounds the space with a center island that boasts breakfast bar seating. The granite takes this kitchen right into the 21st century, creating a sleek and updated feel. Neutral ceramic tile flooring is found underfoot. The kitchen features white appliances, including a Whirlpool sealed surface range, built-in microwave and Kenmore dishwasher. A pleasant bay window highlights the casual dining area, which can easily seat a crowd with room to spare. The kitchen also offers a full pantry closet and access to the two-car garage. Flexibility is also key to this design. A front room, currently staged as a living room, is more suited to a dedicated formal dining space. It features a center ceiling fixture and hardwood flooring, making such a transition a matter of moving in your formal dining set. Bring the buffet and wing chairs as well, there's generous space for the entire suite. Two double hung windows allow for good natural light, the space opening to the foyer and kitchen. Crossing through the foyer, a traditional colonial space, we find a front-to-back living area. A brick hearth, wood-burning fireplace results in an eye-catching focal point, accentuated with an understated white millwork mantel. Three double-hung windows offer near panoramic views of the property with sliding glass doors opening to the deck. It extends entertainment space in warm weather, enhancing traffic flow for busy families. The room also features wall-to-wall carpet and a center ceiling fan. At 1,990 square feet, buyers might think four bedrooms are too much to ask. Not only are four bedrooms present and accounted for, but each is sizable, featuring wall-to-wall carpet and good closet space. The master is more than spacious, painted in a soft blue and offering enough square footage to accommodate a complete bedroom suite. The master also features a walk-in closet and full bath with single sink and stall shower. A four-piece bath is located in the hall, serving the three spare bedrooms. Other amenities include two zones of oil baseboard heat, two zones of central air and town water and sewer. The home also includes an unfinished walkout basement that could be completed into additional living space. Team O'Malley of Prudential Page Realty is marketing this Bellingham home for $379,900. For more information contact O'Malley, 508-509-6456. Home size: 1,990 square feet Rooms: 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths Lot size: 0.96-acre Annual taxes: $4,749.75
Nat Faxon - Man of Many Talents The multihyphenate star of Married dishes on sketch comedy, spirit gum and his most painful audition. By Jonathan Soroff | Photo Credit: Kevin Scanlon | Sept. 12, 2014 Actor, comedian and Academy Award-winning screenwriter Nat Faxon, 39, was raised in Manchester-by-the-Sea and attended the Holderness School in New Hampshire before studying theater at Hamilton College. He joined the LA-based comedy troupe the Groundlings in 2001 and remained a member for 10 years. In 2011, he won an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for The Descendants, starring George Clooney, and he also co-wrote the acclaimed film The Way, Way Back starring Steve Carell and Toni Collette. Perhaps best known for his starring role in the Fox comedy Ben and Kate, he has appeared on numerous television shows and portrays Russ Bowman on the FX comedy Married. He is also currently co-writing two feature films, one starring Kristen Wiig. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and three children. Jonathan Soroff: Do you relate to Russ Bowman? Nat Faxon: Probably too much. I'm pretty much the same guy. That's why it felt so right to do this project. I guess I'm in a better financial position than Russ, but I have said I was going to work and instead went surfing. I have never gotten a hall pass, but I've wanted one at several moments. Married and raising three kids? There are a lot of similarities. Which of his traits would make your wife say, "That's so totally you." Maybe not being a great communicator. My wife has said many times that things would be a lot easier if I just used my words. So where do you keep your Oscar? I wish there was an answer like "In my bathroom, because I take baths with it," but it's actually on the mantel, right next to broken parts of toys, missing puzzle pieces and other small things that my youngest will try to eat. Was it weird hearing George Clooney say words that you wrote? Yeah. It's kinda weird any time someone says words that you wrote. It always feels a little strange. You had them in your head, but having them spoken out loud by Academy Award-winning talent is all that much more surreal. Has he invited you to his villa in Lake Como? No, and I'll tell you what. It's bullshit. Hopefully the invitation will be coming ASAP…just as soon as he can figure out who the hell I am. Do you find acting or writing more gratifying? Acting is probably more enjoyable, because there's the immediate gratification of it. Writing can feel very solitary, and you become neurotic and crazy, which is why I have a brilliant writing partner. Which is harder: comedy or drama? For me? Drama. In comedy, you know whether it's funny or not. Either people are laughing, or they're looking at you like you just took a big deuce in the room. As a theater major, doing serious material, it was always much harder to tell if it was working or not. Who's the funniest person you ever worked with? I can't single one person out, but I can say that one of the funniest moments I experienced on set was with Jack Black doing Orange County. We were shooting at USC, and he was surrounded by all these fans and being very gracious, talking to them. This one kid said, "Would you sign my guitar?" And Jack Black said, "Sure." He took the Sharpie, and he was writing, and it was taking a long time. Just as I was wondering why it was taking him so long to sign his name, he handed the guitar back, and he had drawn a huge, super-graphic cock and balls all over this guy's guitar. Favorite TV show? Growing up, it was Saturday Night Live. That and The Dukes of Hazzard. Any aspirations to be on SNL? I did. I grew up watching Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman, Mike Myers and all those guys, and I loved those sketches. I dreamt about doing that. Then as I got older and joined the Groundlings, a lot of my friends and people I worked with ended up going to SNL and becoming huge stars. I did audition once, and they had us do a live improv show in front of an audience, with Lorne Michaels front and center. Instead of doing what improv demands and working off each other, making each other look good, everyone was trying to outshine and upstage everyone else, and it was just a disaster. What does sketch comedy teach you? That wigs and mustaches are funny and important. Make sure you have good spirit gum. Seriously? It taught me a lot in terms of writing. Creating a three- to five-page story is not much different than creating a 30-page TV show or a 100-page screenplay. You have to have all the same elements in place. Doing sketch comedy was like a graduate course in writing. Any desire to do something darker, like a horror movie? Sure. It scares the shit out of me, but I'd love to try something dark. Not horror, per se, but something more dramatic. Whom do people compare you to? A lot of people say Seth Meyers, but Jay Leno said I looked like a Kennedy who was hit in the face with a lead pipe. So I guess somewhere between those two. Anything you wish you could erase from your resume? I have a lot of auditions I wish I could take back. I played hockey growing up, and I was pretty good. When I got out here, I tried to pad my resume with the stupidest things for skills—things like foosball, pool, pingpong. And of course, I included hockey in bold. I got a call, and they said, "Head out to this rink with your skates." I show up and I go out on the ice, and they said, "Are you ready?" I said, "I'm not sure," and they pressed play on this big boom box. "Greased Lightning" started blaring. Apparently, I was auditioning for Grease on Ice, and instead of saying, "I'm not right for this," I proceeded to act like an amazing figure skater. I kept wiping out, but for the finale, I figured I'd finish big, so I skated over to one corner and came flying at the camera with the intention of throwing up my arms and going down on my knees…except that I misjudged my speed. I fell to my knees, yelled, "Nat Faxon!" and slammed really hard into the boards. You did an episode of Mad Men. Is it the coolest TV show ever? Yes. It really is. It was terrifying, because any time you act on a show you love, the pressure feels insanely higher than if you weren't a fan. I religiously watched Mad Men, and when I got the part, I was so scared and nervous about screwing it up. I was supposed to smoke a cigarette throughout the whole scene, but they kind of forgot about that, which I was relieved about because it was one less thing to stress out about. So we'd done two or three takes, and someone said, "So sorry. You're supposed to be smoking the whole time." Then they hand me a cigarette and this old-fashioned lighter, and since I'm supposed to be cradling the phone, I was trying to just do it with one hand, and it was a disaster. I found out that day that I can't do anything with my left hand, especially handle an old-timey lighter. Thirty flop-sweats later, they finally decided to bail on the cigarette idea. What part of The Way, Way Back do you relate to the most? The setting of that movie was inspired by my childhood memories from summers on Nantucket—the idea of a place that opens for the summer and it's a community of people you only see that time of year. And it's kind of like spring break for adults. Parents don't really parent that much. The kids run free, and the parents get drunk. It was that very nostalgic feeling of freedom and escape from normal day-to-day life. Worst job you ever had? I worked on Nantucket for The Inquirer and Mirror. I was stuck in the basement where the printing press was, with six elderly women, and we collated the newspaper. There was no radio. It was frowned upon to wear headphones. It was deadeningly boring and tedious. Thing you miss most about Boston? The seasons, and in concert with that, pond hockey. Actor you'd most like to work with? Why not shoot for the moon here and say Meryl Streep. I think she'd probably pick me if asked the same question, by the way. Photography: Kevin Scanlon; Grooming: Kristan Serafino; Wardrobe styling: Sam Spector; Wardrobe: Vince shirt, Levi's jeans; Location: New York Soroff On Singer/songwriter Joelle James opens up about Nipsey Hussle, winning a Grammy and studying poetry... Million-Dollar Man Newton native Josh Altman opens up about his dream house, closing the deal and tuna fish... Josh Altman Oh, NoHo! 'Barry' actor Anthony Carrigan chats about psychos, alopecia and Bill Hader... Simply Marvelous 'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' actress Marin Hinkle chats about names, 'The Nutcracker' and cleaning bathrooms at MIT... Marin Hinkle Winter Olympics - Feb. 11 Weekend Ideas: January 8, 2014 Sound Ideas Troy Andrews credits New Orleans mentors for fueling his own mission... Boozy Bonds Meryl Streep tanks in John Wells' adaptation of August: Osage County...
Macken v BNP Paribas: Employment tribunal awards over £2 million in sex discrimination case A female banker, Stacey Macken, has been awarded over £2 million by the employment tribunal in a sex discrimination and equal pay claim. Macken joined the Respondent, BNP Paribas, in 2013 after eight years at Deutsche Bank, where she was at a senior level. She was hired at BNP Paribas as a junior on a salary of £120,000, while a male colleague in the same role earned £160,000. In her first four years, her male colleague was paid more than £167,000 in bonuses compared to the £33,000 she received. She also experienced a number of sexist incidents. Drunken male colleagues left a witch's hat on her desk, which the tribunal noted was an 'inherently sexist act'. Her superior, Denis Pihan, would routinely rebut her comments and questions with 'not now Stacey'. This was so common Macken's other colleagues also began picking up the habit. Another superior, Matthew Pinnock, would routinely answer the phone to friends by saying ''hi, f***face' and 'hi, sexy'. On one occasion, Pinnock discussed with Macken the 'prostitution role play' he had engaged in with his wife. Macken made repeated internal complaints about her treatment, and eventually took her case to the tribunal, claiming direct sex discrimination, victimisation and unequal pay. She won her case in September 2019. At the compensation hearing, the tribunal found Pihan and Pinnock had behaved 'spitefully and vindictively' and noted the bank's failure to genuinely apologise. Macken argued that bringing the claim had tarnished her professional reputation with severe repercussions for her future career and earning potential. The award of £2.08 million included £213,000 for personal injury; £860,000 for future earnings; and £123,000 in additional compensation. This total was subjected to a 20% Acas uplift of £317,000, and interest. The award is thought to be one of the highest ever handed down in the employment tribunal. The award is surely vindication for the Claimant, who had been engaged in a years-long battle for justice (not to mention the years spent stuck in a toxic work environment). But the headline figure is in some ways deceptive, calculated based on an already very high salary. It is worth reflecting on that. Macken was paid a base salary of about £120,000 a year. What would the compensation be for, say, a shop clerk on £20,000 a year, facing similar sex discrimination? And, either way, is the award high enough to make this employer really question their ways? Moreover, just bringing the claim took a significant toll on Macken, who has been essentially barred from working in her former industry and does not expect to be able to return to a similar position. The fact is that if we want real change, employment tribunal claims can't just be another 'cost of doing business', and we can't simply depend on employees being willing to ruin their careers for justice. This blog was written by Kendal Youngblood, Solicitor at didlaw. Posted on 4th February 2022 8th February 2022 Posted in UncategorisedTagged Macken v BNP Paribas: Employment tribunal awards over £2 million in sex discrimination case
The demos ABC Songwriters' Circle Brush With Looniness Published on 31 July 2016 2 October 2016 by felixandthecats Last night's show at the Black Swan was fun. While the crowd was sparse, they were friendly and enthusiastic. Thank you to all who came out and to Nemo on bass, and Greg Anzelc who did a fabulous job subbing in on drums — many positive comments from the audience! The club has asked us back for Fall, so stay tuned. Meantime, we will be at Relish on Friday, August 12 with Greg back on the kit, so you can see and hear for yourself. This week's topic is on playing with famous people. While I've already mentioned subbing in with musicians of renown some weeks back, my most memorable brush with greatness, was back in the early nineties. Rik Emmett ad At the time, I was working freelance for Rexx Acoustics, a Canmore-based Canadian amplifier maker founded by ex-Yorkville engineer George Krampera. His solid-state preamps and amplifiers were just beginning to gain notoriety through word of mouth and endorsement (Rik Emmett notably). My job was to travel abroad mostly and present them to potential distributors. My Rexx collection I did not do a particularly good job at that regrettably, but I always believed that the gear was top quality, and I now own everything they ever made, short one model, purchased over 12 years of scouring pawn shops and music stores (no freebie samples). In the early 90s, I found myself in London for the British Music Trade Show (it had some other name but I forget what), and ended up at a musical event that featured notable British musicians; Ian Gillan of Deep Purple in particular stood out. I had been able to convince the organizers to put the Rexx amplifier and cabinet sample on stage as part of the backline gear, and stayed to mind it and bring it back to the hotel after the show. The last performer of the evening turned out to be Screaming Lord Sutch. This may not be a household name, even amongst musicians, but he did enjoy some notoriety at the time. David Sutch was a British performer and politician who started his career in the sixties. One of his earliest hits was Jack the Ripper. Check out the video below from 1965. I think you will see that Alice Cooper was not the first to go down the path of ghoulish rock. Has to be heard to be believed! Somehow Sutch parlayed that into a musical career that included an album produced by Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, and featuring performances by Page himself, Jeff Beck, John Bonham, Noel Redding and Nicky Hopkins. Despite the talent who played on it, Lord Sutch and Heavy Friends has the dubious distinction of being recognized as one of the worst albums of all time. I had a copy at one time, and would vouch for that. Not content with music though, Sutch dabbled in politics and founded the Monster Raving Loony Party in 1983 (clearly inspiration for our own Rhinoceros Party). The official position of the MRLP is "Sitting, facing forward." Sutch ran in dozens of British elections, never successfully, but became a popular figure due to the party's bizarre and satirical platform, and his gonzo showmanship. So by the time I was in London in the early 90s, I knew very well who Screaming Lord Sutch was and what to expect. A guitar sat onstage unclaimed when he got on, so I picked it up. I will never forget him turning around and looking at the band and saying in his gruff voice, "Okay, boys, this one's in A." The rest is a blur. Sutch had a dark side, and suffered from depression. He died by suicide in 1999 after the loss of his mother. My memory of him will be a lot cheerier. Yes, it might have been cooler to boast having played with someone extraordinarily talented and/or famous, but I don't think it would have meant as much to me as I have always been attracted to the offbeat, the humorous and the intelligently bizarre. Here is a longer video that documents his early days, including running in the British elections in the 60s, pre MRLP. Categories Non classé Previous Connections and Reconnections Next Mother Tongue Don't have cash but want to tip the band? Just click on Pay Now below and make a donation of your choosing via PayPal. One day perhaps? Esther on The Wayling Sessions felixandthecats on Remote Wonder CHRISTIAN ROGERS on Remote Wonder felixandthecats on So What Took You So Long? Dan Boggs on So What Took You So Long? A Tale of Two Cities – Blues Edition The Wayling Sessions Life in the FatC Lane Hello??? So What Took You So Long? felixandthecats.com
Youdeals Best deals Recent news OnePlus' latest concept phone changes color to 'breathe' with the user – TechCrunch December 21, 2020 amine 0 Comments breathe, Color, concept, latest, OnePlus, Phone, TechCrunch, user Back in January, OnePlus showed off its first concept phone. The aptly (if plainly) named Concept One sported color-shifting glass, giving the effect of an "invisible camera" on the rear of the device. The concept wasn't particularly useful — if anything it was a fun diversion from boring old phone updates. From that standpoint, the OnePlus 8T Concept is more of the same. It's not particularly useful as far as smartphone updates go — and more to the point, there's absolutely zero guarantee this technology will ever make it onto an actual phone. Once again, the headlining technology has more to do with how the phone looks than how it actually functions. The big thing here is something called ECMF, or Electronic Color, Material and Finish. Basically it's a color-changing film that coats the phone. It has metal oxide, which activates when voltage is applied, changing the glass from dark blue to light silver. Image Credits: OnePlus OnePlus says, "Our designers took inspiration for these colors from the multi-hued flowing water in the hot springs of Pamukkale, Turkey. Nature has perfected many designs, and by drawing inspiration from Pamukkale and other natural elements, we can craft new interaction experiences that are more natural, intuitive, and effortless." As for the utility of such technologies, OnePlus suggests a coat that changes color to notify the user of incoming calls. Weirder still is a future that uses mmWave technology to capture a user's breathing pattern, "enabling the color to change in sync and effectively making the phone a biofeedback device." As far as new phone features, this one is firmly in the "why not" column. ← Unfold launches lightweight, link-centric profiles called Bio Sites – TechCrunch TechCrunch's top stories of 2020 → Samsung's upcycling program is designed to give new life to old tech – TechCrunch January 11, 2021 amine 0 In the world of annual refresh cycles, there's always been a big question mark around what to do with all SilviaTerra wants to bring the benefits of carbon offsets to every landowner everywhere – TechCrunch January 8, 2021 amine 0 Coral Vita cultivates $2M seed to take its reef restoration mission global – TechCrunch What's behind this year's boom in climate tech SPACs? – TechCrunch December 29, 2020 amine 0 We enjoy sharing best deals with you while providing valuable news and information. Copyright © 2019 Youdeals
SAP Announces Claas Kuehnemann as Interim Managing Director for Africa WALLDORF — SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) announced today that Claas Kuehnemann will step into the role of acting managing director for Africa while the company's investigation into its South Africa business is conducted. Kuehnemann, who has been with the company since 1992, will assume all managing director responsibilities across the company's Africa portfolio, totaling 51 countries. His track record with SAP dates back more than two decades from when he first started at the newly formed SAP subsidiary in South Africa. "Claas is a veteran SAP executive who has held various senior leadership positions throughout the company across different geographies – he has the full backing and trust of the SAP Executive Board," said Adaire Fox-Martin, Executive Board member for Global Customer Operations, who earlier this week flew to South Africa to oversee the investigation and ensure complete business continuity. Kuehnemann has held various executive roles at SAP, including senior vice president of Professional Services, overseeing SAP's consulting business in EMEA based in Paris, managing director Africa, based in Johannesburg as well as managing director for the South-East Europe & Middle East region, based out of Dubai. "The SAP Africa management team will continue to deliver on its promise to help African business run optimally," said Kuehnemann. "My interim role is to support our employees, customers and partners across all our business sectors while the due diligence process is conducted." Peter David, regional chief financial officer, SAP EMEA, will support Kuehnemann as acting CFO of SAP Africa. The company also announced that it had appointed multinational law firm Baker McKenzie to lead the external investigation in concert with other global experts such as forensic firm FTI Consulting. For more information, visit the SAP News Center. Follow SAP on Twitter at @sapnews. As market leader in enterprise application software, SAP (NYSE: SAP) helps companies of all sizes and industries run better. From back office to boardroom, warehouse to storefront, desktop to mobile device – SAP empowers people and organizations to work together more efficiently and use business insight more effectively to stay ahead of the competition. SAP applications and services enable more than 350,000 business and public sector customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably. For more information, visit www.sap.com. To preview and download broadcast-standard stock footage and press photos digitally, please visit www.sap.com/photos. On this platform, you can find high resolution material for your media channels. To view video stories on diverse topics, visit www.sap-tv.com. From this site, you can embed videos into your own Web pages, share video via email links, and subscribe to RSS feeds from SAP TV. For customers interested in learning more about SAP products: Global Customer Center: +49 180 534-34-24 United States Only: 1 (800) 872-1SAP (1-800-872-1727) For more information, press only: Nicola Leske, +49 (6227) 750852, [email protected], CET Ansophie Strydom, +27 (11) 2356070, [email protected], CET SAP News Center press room; [email protected] © 2017 SAP SE. All rights reserved. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE in Germany and other countries. Please see http://www.sap.com/corporate-en/legal/copyright/index.epx#trademark for additional trademark information and notices. Any statements contained in this document that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "intend," "may," "plan," "project," "predict," "should" and "will" and similar expressions as they relate to SAP are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. SAP undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. The factors that could affect SAP's future financial results are discussed more fully in SAP's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including SAP's most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates. More in Corporate SAP Finishes 2022 with 154 Employer of Choice Awards by Fabian Heimpel SAP Announces Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2022 Results The Power of Change Activists: SAP x ChangemakerXchange by Logan Applewhite
Lovecraft's Untold Stories 2 Continues Fight this Month Lovecraft's Untold Stories 2 will launch on PC, Mac, and Linux devices on May 17, according to a press release issued by 1C Entertainment and LLC Blini Games. The action RPG features various rogue-like elements and draws on the fiction created by H.P. Lovecraft. The sequel picks up where the first game left off, with a handful of upgrades. Crafting allows players to make consumable items and new equipment to better stave off the Unknown. Some allies will return from the previous game, and there are some new characters to meet, too. Lovecraft's Untold Stories 2 uses procedural generation to create new eldritch locations as you fight monstrous creatures from beyond the stars. Bosses serve as checks for your abilities, barring the way forward until destroyed. The team assures players that it's "more challenging than ever before." Seems like a real Day of the Tentacle. There are now six playable characters, a mix of old and new playstyles. The Detective, Witch, and Professor can now count on the help of the Medium, Veteran, and Alienist (an old way to refer to a psychiatrist). Swap between them at-will, using the best character for the job. With hundreds of items to wield against the monsters and side quests awarding critical resources, no two runs are alike. Lovecraft's Untold Stories 2 will be available via Steam, GOG, the Epic Games Store, and more on May 17. There's a 15% discount for early buyers the first week of release. 1C Entertainment works out of Warsaw, Gdansk, Prague, Budapest, and Moscow. It provides production, distribution, and services for game developers in the region. They have launched over 100 titles, including classics such as King's Bounty, Ion Fury, and many more. LLC Blini Games is a multiplatform indie developer. A group of hardcore gaming experts from various spheres of the industry founded the studio in 2013. Lost Epic Launches Last EA Update, Releasing July Ultra-Indie Spotlight Sundays - Filthbreed [TGA 2019] NEW WORLD Is An MMO With Monsters, Explosions, And Zombie Conquistadors Observer Remaster Coming To Next-Gen Consoles TauCeti Unknown Origin Is The Closest We'll Get To AAA Gaming On Mobile Let It Die Lives On In Battle Royale Game Deathverse New SUCCUBUS Trailer Shows Hell Is Still Just As Violent The Complex Is The Latest Attempt To Bridge The Gap Between Movie And Game [PAX East 2020] Everspace 2 Interview w/ Eric Schrader
Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest (Wii) Headstrong Games User Ratings: 13 14th Sep 2010 (USA) 29th Oct 2010 (UK/EU) aragornsquest.com Review Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest "It is but a shadow and a thought that you love. I cannot give you what you seek." As a hack-'n-slash game based on the famous movie franchise, Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest enters a field that is already well-plowed by earlier releases. But with it's unusual twist on storytelling, is there something here worthwhile to nudge burned-out fans... In The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest, Middle-earth comes to Nintendo Wii™ for the first time ever, delivering action-packed gameplay by utilising the Wii Remote™ and Nunchuk™. Become the legendary Aragorn and embark upon a quest reliving the hero's most valiant battles from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Wielding a sword, shield, bow and spear, players will battle enemies while journeying through a colourful and fresh rendition of Middle-earth. On horseback, players can switch between spear and sword to take down evil foes as part of a truly action-packed gameplay experience. Exclusively for the Wii, two-player co-op gameplay featuring Gandalf allows kids, families and friends to work together in the heart of the action. DarkEdi Fri 1st Jan 2010 why the initial text say "allow kids, families... to work together" and the video says "content innapropiate for children"? It seems good game. P.D. My first first. P.D. 2: Many listed "coming soon" in this page already are in sale years ago!! like Tomb Rider for DS or Legacy Warriors 2 for DS too. LEGEND_MARIOID Sat 27th Feb 2010 Looks decent. A bit blocky, but that may be the cel shaped effects. This is definately on my radar. lex0plex Thu 1st Apr 2010 I like the co-op option, but I hope it's done well unlike brawl's co-op. I want to like this game. rmasoni Mon 19th Jul 2010 Looks fun. I like the artstyle. Would be cooler if there was Legolas and Gimli too.
From the Creators of Taxi Driver 2, It's Bushwick: The Movie August 6, 2014 By Daniel Hoffman Here's yet more reason not to believe the placard we saw on St. Marks Place announcing that a sequel to Taxi Driver will be filmed there Saturday. Over on Troutman Street, between Wyckoff and St. Nicholas (fast becoming the St. Marks of Bushwick), we spotted a similar posting for Bushwick: The Movie. After wondering, for a second, whether the creator of Bushwick The Musical The Movie had managed to score a film deal, we noticed that the name given for the location manager, Chad, was the same as the one on the St. Marks Place posting, as were the shoot times. No surprise, then, that when we called the number for "Chad" (which was the same as the one on the St. Marks flyer, except for one digit) a Chinese guy told us we had the wrong number. So there you have it. While part of us had wondered whether Taxi Driver 2 might be a red herring for an equally intriguing shoot, it's looking more likely that it was just a cruel, cruel prank. If you're looking for a legit shoot, CBS crime drama Unforgettable is filming in Williamsburg today and yet another CBS crime drama, Elementary, is filming there Friday. Booooring. « About That Hello Kitty Cleaning Service… » Daniel Peddle Turned an Eerily Abandoned Trailer Park into a Haunting Film
May 5, 2020 May 5, 2020 by kevindglenn A False Dichotomy Gone Viral We're entering a critical moment in the global drama that is Covid-19. Several states have started opening for business, with others soon to follow. In my own state of New Mexico, we're in what's being called a preparation phase in hopes of starting phase 1 after May 15. Honestly, every time I hear someone say, "preparation phase" my mind goes back to the scene in Austin Powers where Dr. Evil proudly announces his sinister plan to take over the world as "Preparation H!" My middle school snickering aside, the discussions and debates about re-opening the economy are bringing what I believe to be a false dichotomy to the surface. On the one hand, are those who celebrate the re-opening, but claim the shutdown was never necessary because Covid-19 is not dangerous or is altogether a hoax. On the other hand are those who believe Covid-19 to be particularly deadly, that the quarantine should remain in place and more tightly enforced, and oppose the re-opening, assuming it indicates that profits are valued over people. I'm concerned because of the flaws present in both extremes, and how each extreme is presented as the only alternative for citizens to consider. There can be both confidence and caution in how we respond to Covid-19. There can be measures to protect the health of both people and profits as businesses, workplaces, schools, churches, and health care centers provide goods and services to communities and strength to the economy. So, I don't believe any of us should settle for the false dichotomy between denying the danger of Covid-19 and promoting panic over Covid-19. Let's consider just a few issues in each view that might help move us all toward a more helpful and realistic center. The Downside of Downplaying Covid-19 Minimizing or denying the danger of Covid-19 is usually accompanied by the spread of information from voices whose advice and analyses run counter to the data from sources like the National Institutes of Health, the World Health Organization, The U.S. Surgeon General, The Centers for Disease Control, or the Covid-19 Task Force. Some of the counter-information comes from supposed "experts" from the medical community, which dispute and even discourage citizens from practicing social distancing, staying home, wearing masks, or otherwise taking measures to help slow the spread of Covid-19. Not all Doctors are the Same – The meme here is one that always gives me a chuckle, but it illustrates an important point. While some of the contrasting perspectives may come from Doctors, this does not make that Doctor qualified in the field of medicine relevant to Covid-19. You and I wouldn't go to a podiatrist for treatment of a sinus infection or a dentist for psychiatric therapy. It's important to understand that "Dr." in front of a name, or "M.D./D.O." after a name does not an expert in virology or infectious diseases make. Look for Verification – Furthermore, even an expert in a relevant field is bound to specific processes before making claims. Claims are tested repeatedly, results studied, findings submitted for peer-review, peer-reviewed studies are adjusted or at times retracted, with the final report being published in a reputable journal. This process allows for fact-checking, revisions, corrections, cross-referencing, and verification. When an "expert" makes claims that have neither been tested nor submitted for peer-review, it's an action that is at best unprofessional and at worst unethical and potentially dangerous. Check the sources. Are they experts in the field? If so, have their claims been tested and peer-reviewed? If not, they're not doing what real experts do. On the fringe of this perspective are claims that the virus is a hoax, among other non-verifiable suggestions. A good standard practice here is to check the sources of such claims. If the only verification is other non-qualified people making un-verified claims, it's best to hit the delete button. Moving Toward the Center – Covid-19 is a dangerous virus due to its highly contagious nature, and how many hosts are asymptomatic. It's the number of people showing no symptoms and unknowingly passing it on to people more vulnerable to it, which makes wearing masks a good idea. No, masks won't keep you from getting the virus, but they help keep YOU from spreading it. The mask is a barrier that keeps your own droplets contained. Wearing a mask is not an attack on your independence; it's an act of good neighboring. The Problem with Panic over Covid-19 Treating Covid-19 as a doomsday scenario is just as unhelpful and inaccurate as downplaying the virus's ability to harm. Panic over the virus can make one even more susceptible to it. Humans have incredibly complex and effective bodily systems for fighting off sickness and disease, as well as an amazing alarm system helps us respond to threats. These systems can grow in strength and adapt as we learn how to navigate the dangers around us. Problems arise when our alarm system is always on. It's a good system, but it takes a lot of energy and needs to recharge. When we're constantly amped up due to fear and panic, our ability to fight off sickness is compromised. So how can we turn off the alarm system and respond to the concerns of Covid-19 in both a cautious and confident way? Recognize and Minimize Moral Panic – Covid-19 has become the catalyst for what criminal psychologists call Moral Panic. Writer, blogger, and researcher, Kerry Baldwin, describes Moral Panic as "a useful tool by those with power to exploit fear or even create fear in a large group of people. It takes advantage of a human defense mechanism we use in life-threatening situations." This panic has arisen primarily due to exaggerated media reporting and overreaching reactions by government officials that have fueled hysteria, as seen in hoarding toilet paper and meat, even while they call for citizens to buy responsibly. Moral Panic also emphasizes the identification of a "folk devil," a person, group, or some other entity whom the panicked population is directed to see as a threat. Media outlets and Social Media platforms are successfully pitting those who can and want to work against those who want to and should stay home, making each extreme even more extreme as each side sees the other as a folk devil. Don't fall for it. Contrary to all sides pointing the finger at each other, this virus caught us all flat-footed. We weren't paying attention, and we weren't adequately prepared. Don't let panic add to a blame game that makes everyone lose. Demand Leadership over Reactionship – Frustration has fueled fear due to the government's arbitrary and inconsistent determination of essential and non-essential entities. Big box stores are left open while many of the same products are available through local vendors who've been forced to close their doors. The fewer options create more demand, resulting in panic buying and the appearance of shortages. This is unnecessary, since local businesses could provide goods and spread out the demand. Government overreach is seen in acts like Michigan's governor restricting the sale of seeds, unnecessary restriction of medical procedures, placing thousands of medical personnel on furlough while hospitals operate at 25% capacity, or New Mexico's governor cutting off access to and from an entire town. These are reactionary decisions that have added to the panic and put forth another false choice that we must choose between health and economic stability. Leadership of, by, and for the people should find a way to accomplish both. As a friend of mine said, "You can lead through this crisis or react through it. The future belongs to the leaders." Dare to learn how bad it is, really. – What about the health of owners and employees? Glad you asked. While denying the danger of Covid-19 is a bad idea, what if its real danger has blown out of proportion? Going back to the concept of moral panic, Scott Bonn writes, "Moral panic includes an exaggeration of certain events by enhancing the empirical criteria such as the number of individuals involved, the level and extent of violence, and the amount of damage caused." It's worth noting the difference between the number of actual deaths from Covid-19, and the catastrophic projections that incited so much fear. Projected deaths were adjusted from 200,000 to around 60,000, with the current death toll at 70,990 as of today. When you dig into the numbers, however, there's more to the story. In the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) most recent report, deaths from Covid-19 exclusively total 37,308. Deaths from pneumonia total 64,382, and deaths from influenza number 5,846. Deaths from a combination of Covid-19 and Pneumonia reached 16,564. What we're seeing is that Covid-19 on its own is deadly to be sure but falls within the threshold of a typical cold/flu season. The big number is reached by counting deaths from patients with Covid-19 alone, as well as patients with underlying conditions who die from Covid-19 complications as if they died from Covid-19 alone. One wonders if we would have even noticed Covid-19 if not for the hype from politicians and the media. Moving Toward the Center – While Covid-19 is highly contagious and potentially deadly, its threat is most dangerous to those with underlying conditions that compromise their immune and respiratory systems. It should be taken seriously but does not warrant the exaggerated reporting by the media and the reactionary over-reach by the government. These actions may have been carried out to "flatten the curve," but they succeeded more in planting seeds of fear and panic, the fruits of which have placed unhealthy and unnecessary stress on people both sick and well, families, small businesses, economic stability, our health care system and its personnel, first responders, teachers and students, frontline workers, and our community bonds. Moving to the center is not a call for dialogue to cease, or one to exchange their solid convictions for a mushy middle. This is a call to move from passionate extremes to a principled center. Yes, there will be some tension, but that's why this move is so important. On a guitar, the string is attached to two distant fixtures. Tension increases as the string tightens, reaching its desired tuning note. There's energy in that tension, there's creative innovation, and life in that tension. The music, the melody, and harmonies are made in that tension. Let's make some healing music out of this tense time. Posted in BlogTagged Christianity, COVID-19, denial, education, panic, Politics, research Previous 10 ways to avoid "zoom gloom" Next Censorship, Civility, and the Critical Competition of Ideas
Manx Aviation Preservation Society Preserving the Isle of Man's Military and Aviation Heritage Patron: Air Marshal Sir Ian Macfadyen Museum Opening Times A memorial to the victims of B-17 "Combined Operations" Submitted by ivor.ramsden on Mon, 17/09/2012 - 19:44 On the 67th anniversary of the crash of B-17G 42-37840 "Combined Operations" of the 306th Bomb Group of the United States Army Air Force a black granite memorial was dedicated in the presence of the family of one of the victims. Eleven people died in the accident in which the aircraft inexplicably flew into a low hillside in the south of the Isle of Man on April 14th 1945. Ten were serving USAAF personnel whilst the eleventh was a female officer of the American Red Cross. Below, from L to R, Adrian Tinkler of Rushen Parish Commissioners (the man who set things in motion), Lt Col L Najeeb Ahmed, United States Deputy Air Attache to the United Kingdom, Joie Vieille Felts, sister of the aircraft's pilot, Minister the Rev. Shirley Bench, Professor Sandy Lydon and kneeling, Annie Vieille Lydon, niece of the pilot. The second cousin of the co-pilot visited the crash site with his family whilst on holiday in London two weeks before the dedication. Copyright © 2000-2015 Manx Aviation Preservation Society Isle of Man Registered Charity Number 827 Built by Geobits
Alviera's SandBox unveils new attractions Life and Style News Travel Cha Cayabyab SandBox, Alviera's popular outdoor adventure park, recently unveiled two new attractions that will raise the destination as a tourist spot any time of the year. The two attractions—a four-hectare karting complex and a game-ready water obstacle course named Splash Tub—were opened on June 19. The City Kart Racing complex features a new race track with five different layouts, including a kiddie track for young ones to safely enjoy the sport. The karting complex offers kart rentals, karting clinics, and even motorbike rentals. The new complex will soon be the site for competitions as the race track is the biggest karting complex in the country and it will hold international competitions in the future. The kart racing complex will also be home to mini-golf and playing fields for airsoft and paintball within the year. Equipment for these activities will be available for rent-on-site. Meanwhile, Splash Tub is a 1,200 square meter water obstacle course that promises game-winning fun at every step. Visitors can join Aqua Dash where they can group by four, run through the course as fast as possible and check their time on the scoreboard. Prizes will be given away every month. The 11-obstacle course facility will have a challenger course for adults that include inflatable Ball Traverse, Wreckers, Over and Under, and more. Little Warriors will also have a kiddie challenge area at the Splash Tub. A lounge pool, shower, and changing areas are available for players. SandBox is offering speacial packages to include the new atrractions. Home to the country's first rollercoaster zipline, SandBox keep adventure seekers coming its giant swing, aerial walk, and outdoor archery range. The Adventure Tower, which gives stunning mountain views and fresh air, lets visitors enjoy wall climbing, free fall and rapelling. ATV/UTV rides are also available for rent. Amenities like indoor play areas by Li'l People and dining outlets by Morgan's Comfort Food and Monster Milkshake serving Kapampangan food and refreshing drinks are open for SandBox visitors. SandBox is one of the first initial offerings of Alviera, a 1,800-hectare sustainable in Porac, Pampanga. The estate is envisioned to become the next tourism hub with a number of rising developments. Soon, the estate will complete its country club, botanical garden and more enhancements for visitors to converge and take in the natural beauty of Porac. Alveo and Avida residential communities will begin turnover this year. They, along with Ayala Land Premier, will launch new residential offerings within 2018. The exclusive Alviera Country Club, with its landmark architecture already visible from SandBox, will open its doors early next year. Planning and construction also continues for Alviera's Eco-Industrial Park locators, a boutique bed and breakfast, as well as educational institutions like Holy Angel University and Miriam College. As a bustling district for business and leisure set in a natural environment, Alviera will feature a commercial district, business and industrial park, schools, recreational areas and residential communities. The sustainable estate is being jointly developed by Ayala Land, Inc., and Leonio Land Holdings Inc. (Photos by Cha Cayabyab) Imported rice from Vietnam arrived in Subic Bay AC Health Office seeks closure of Didi's Pizza
I suppose we all knew, going into both trials, that the verdict would be Not Guilty. Yet it still broke our hearts. This is too much, yet we are only just beginning. How many more murders, how many more "not guilty" verdicts, how much more pain and injustice?? How can one expect justice from a system that was written and conceived without the inclusion of minorities? When it comes down to it, I wonder if a White person could fathom their own son or daughter walking in the footsteps of Colten or Tina, or any of the Black youth gunned down in American streets? Yes I draw a parallel because what I see here, and what I see in America is the failure of the justice system to protect the people repeatedly. That's right, the people. Our children, our youth. We are so comfortable to "other" these children. Media victim blamed Tina for having alcohol and drugs in her system, yet where are the reports on CFS?! It is widely known that youth coming to the city from reserve communities, which Canada has been condemned for as having third world conditions in its own back yard, are placed into hotel rooms without supervision for weeks. It has been reported that they venture out and what good is there to find on the streets? Coming from conditions of abuse within their own families, due to inter-generational trauma stemming from the recent residential school system, (which White Canada is all too quick to forget, and like Americans expect that Indigenous people should just get over it like 300 years of slavery), and third world living conditions (no running water, dilapidated housing, no resources or community centers, lack of education, malnutrition, etc) and then being thrown into what is arguably continued abuse in our CFS system, these children are then blamed for turning to the streets, and in Tina Fontaine's case, its her fault that she was raped, murdered and thrown into the red river, because she had drugs and alcohol in her system, and at age 15 she should be held responsible for her own actions, regardless of the fact that the system failed her. White people whose children are safe at home with them have an impossible time wrapping their heads around these facts, that this is life for a lot of our children and youth. The high suicide rates in reserve communities among youth is not enough to call attention to the suffering within indigenous communities. Now these verdicts, much like in America are telling White people that it is ok to rape, and to murder black bodies, brown bodies, and indigenous bodies. The Colten verdict was upsetting, but not surprising. Yet still they say it is not about race. I can't understand how a person can fire a gun 3 times, and in the back of the head of your supposed assailant and claim self defense or that the gun misfired? If the Crown failed to present a strong enough case for a guilty verdict despite the evidence, I question Why? And the answer, as in Tina's case, is institutionalized racism. These laws were not written for us. How can someone be caught on recording, all but confessing, wrap a 15 year old girl's body in a duvet and throw it in the Red River, with bricks weighing it down, and still there is reasonable doubt as to how she died, and that it was murder. What about all of the black bodies across America, who were unarmed, who were children "mistaken" for other perpetrators…yet it is not about race, that is not racial profiling? What are we supposed to do when we know, Black or Brown or Indigenous that there is no justice in this system for us? That these laws were not written for us, that our defense, the Crown or the State does not work to protect us. Where do we find justice? How do we find justice. When will our blood stop flowing and our bodies matter? The Tina Fontaine verdict brought tears to my eyes. I am not Indigenous, but I am a minority, and I am tired of seeing so many injustices against the people who I consider to be my people, be it here in Canada or Black Americans. Its too much. All of the "not guilty" verdicts are too much. For me, the verdict is in; Racism runs rampant and unchecked in North America. blacklivesmatter, childandfamilyservices, institutionalizedracism, justicefails, justiceforcolten, justicefortina, notguilty, racism #metoo ; how a social media movement has lead me to uncover a deep seated truth.
Grand Theft Auto V — Coming to PlayStation®4, Xbox One and PC The critically-acclaimed and record-breaking Grand Theft Auto V comes to a new generation this fall. Grand Theft Auto V for PlayStation®4, Xbox One and PC will take full advantage of the power of new generation systems to deliver the ultimate open-world experience. Grand Theft Auto V is an action-adventure video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It was released on 17 September 2013 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, on 18 November 2014 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and on 14 April 2015 for Microsoft Windows. It is the first main entry in the Grand Theft Auto series since 2008's Grand Theft Auto IV. Set within the fictional state of San Andreas, based on Southern California, the single-player story follows three criminals and their efforts to commit heists while under pressure from a government agency. The open world design lets players freely roam San Andreas' open countryside and the fictional city of Los Santos, based on Los Angeles. The game is played from either a first-person or third-person view and its world is navigated on foot or by vehicle. Players control the three lead protagonists throughout single-player and switch between them both during and outside of missions. The story is centred on the heist sequences, and many missions involve shooting and driving gameplay. A "wanted" system governs the aggression of law enforcement response to players who commit crimes. Grand Theft Auto Online, the online multiplayer mode, lets up to 30 players explore the open world and engage in cooperative or competitive game matches. Development began soon after Grand Theft Auto IV's release and was shared between many of Rockstar's studios worldwide. The development team drew influence from many of their previous projects such as Red Dead Redemption and Max Payne 3, and designed the game around three lead protagonists to innovate on the core structure of its predecessors. Much of the development work constituted the open world's creation, and several team members conducted field research around California to capture footage for the design team. The game's soundtrack features an original score composed by a team of producers who collaborated over several years. Extensively marketed and widely anticipated, the game broke industry sales records and became the fastest-selling entertainment product in history, earning US $800 million in its first day and US $1 billion in its first three days. It received widespread critical acclaim, with praise directed at its multiple protagonist design, open world, presentation and gameplay. However, it caused controversies related to its depiction of women and a mission featuring torture during a hostage interrogation. Considered one of seventh generation console gaming's most significant titles and among the best games ever made, it won year-end accolades including Game of the Year awards from several gaming publications. It has shipped over 80 million copies and is one of the best-selling video games of all time. Gamescom 2014 – The Best PS4 Games Aug 24, 2014No Comments PS4 highlights from Gamescom (stylized as gamescom) Gamescom is a trade fair for video games held annually at the Koelnmesse in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It Debut trailer for the next instalment in the long Madden NFL 14-15: Madden Se... Let the MAdden 2014 games begin with Kevin Hart
Gold rushes Prospecting [16] Listed under: Economics and business > Industries > Primary industry > Mining > Gold rushes > Goldfields Pipe dreams, 2007: O'Connor's dream for water This clip is an excerpt from the 2007 film 'Pipe dreams' (55 min), the second episode of a three-part series entitled 'Constructing Australia'. Over black-and-white photographs and dramatised video of the key players, a narrator describes the significant challenges of supplying water to the WA goldfields in the late 19th ... 'Race to the gold diggings of Australia' board game, 1850-69 This is a 'Race to the gold diggings of Australia' board game made in England between 1850 and 1869. The game board is a hand-coloured lithograph mounted on linen. There is a printed rule card, six painted ship pieces with stands and a cardboard teetotum, all of which would have been stored in a wooden case with an illustrated ... 'Ophir Bluff, where gold was first found in Australia', c1884-1917 This is a black-and-white photograph from a silver gelatin full-plate glass negative produced by the studio of Charles Kerry and Co, Sydney. It shows a river scene. In the background are people, a horsedrawn cart and two crude buildings. At the right, an area has been roughly fenced off. The image is titled 'Ophir Bluff, ... 'Hydraulic sluicing', 1884-1917 This full plate glass negative was taken by Charles Kerry and Co at some stage between 1884 and 1917. It depicts a wide shot of a hillside with a hut and what appears to be a sluiceway. The caption, studio number and studio mark are inscribed on the reverse of the negative. Gold nugget replica - 'Pride of Australia' This is a replica of the 'Pride of Australia' gold nugget, which was named for the similarity of its shape to Australia (minus Tasmania). The model was made from a cast using plaster of Paris, and then gilded with gold leaf and tinted to mimic iron-oxide staining. This replica is part of the Mineralogy Collections at Museum ... Gold nugget replica This is a replica of a gold nugget mined at Rokewood in Victoria's Western District in February 1900. The model was made from a cast using plaster of Paris, and then gilded with gold leaf and tinted to mimic iron-oxide staining. This replica is part of the Mineralogy Collections at Museum Victoria. Its dimensions are: 19 ... Gold nugget replica - 'Cindy's Pride' This is a replica of the 'Cindy's Pride' gold nugget, which was named in honour of the prospector's helpful dog. The replica is part of the Mineralogy Collections at Museum Victoria. Its dimensions are: 22.0 cm x 14.5 cm x 4.0 cm, and it weighs 3.46 kg. Gold nugget replica - 'The Poseidon' This is a replica of 'The Poseidon' gold nugget, part of the Mineralogy Collections at Museum Victoria. Its dimensions are: 39.0 cm x 26.0 cm x 10.5 cm, and it weighs 27.02 kg. Gold nugget replica - 'The Little Pos' This is a replica of 'The Little Pos' gold nugget, part of the Mineralogy Collections at Museum Victoria. Its dimensions are: 24.0 cm x 13.5 cm x 11.5 cm, and it weighs 7.91 kg. Gold nugget replica - 'The Stewart' This is a replica of 'The Stewart' gold nugget, part of the Mineralogy Collections at Museum Victoria. Its dimensions are: 16.0 cm x 10.5 cm x 5.5 cm, and it weighs 3.42 kg. Gold nugget replica - 'The Inkerman' This is a replica of 'The Inkerman' gold nugget, part of the Mineralogy Collections at Museum Victoria. Its dimensions are: 13.5 cm x 12.0 cm x 2.5 cm, and it weighs 1.16 kg. Gold nugget replica - 'O'Sullivans Perserverance' This is a replica of the 'O'Sullivans Perserverance' gold nugget, part of the Mineralogy Collections at Museum Victoria. Its dimensions are: 15.0 cm x 12.0 cm x 5.0 cm, and it weighs 1.90 kg. Gold nugget replica - 'Bunyip' This is a replica of the 'Bunyip' gold nugget, part of the Mineralogy Collections at Museum Victoria. Its dimensions are: 11.3 cm x 4.42 cm x 7.0 cm, and it weighs 1.42 kg. Alluvial mining model - 'Gravel Pits' alluvial gold claim, cross-section, 1857 This is a mining model, made by Carl Nordstrom in 1857, showing a cross-section of an alluvial gold claim on the Gravel Pits Lead, Ballarat, Victoria. Alluvial mining model - Daisy Hill, 'Shallow Sinkings', Carl Nordstrom, 1858 This is an image showing a detail of the mining model originally entitled 'Shallow Sinkings', made by Carl Nordstrom between 1858 and 1859. It depicts a scene of shallow alluvial mining activities on the Daisy Hill goldfields (near Maryborough, Victoria). The model was built to scale of 1:32, and it is 106 cm long, 76 cm ... Quartz mine and treatment works model - Port Phillip and Colonial Gold Mining Co, Clunes, 1858 This is an overall view of the mining model made by Carl Nordstrom depicting the Clunes and Port Phillip quartz mine and treatment works at Clunes, in central Victroria, as they appeared in December 1858. The model is 305 cm long, 165 cm wide and 185 cm high. Model of a horse whim mining device used at Buninyong, 1858 This is a model of a horse whim, a device used for lifting water and dirt or ore from mine shafts as used at Claim no 6, Black Lead, Buninyong, Victoria. It is 146 cm long, 70 cm wide and 133 cm high. Token penny, W D Wood, c1854 Token pennies (trade tokens)like this one often advertised the business of the token issuer. The coin is 34 mm in diameter. Irish immigrant Martha Bergin's quilt, 1843 This video features curator Deb Tout Smith talking about a quilt in Museum Victoria's collection made in 1843 by Martha Bergin, an Irish immigrant. The curator also discusses Martha's life in some detail. The video contains several still images that help to set the historical scene in which the quilt existed. The video's ... Cobb and Co coach displayed at Museum Victoria This video features curator Matthew Churchward as he explores the Cobb and Co coach on display in Museum Victoria. It includes historical photographs of two heavily laden coaches in use, as well as a 1963 one of Harley Dickinson, the schoolboy who restored it with the help of others. A soundscape of what life on the coach ...
Charcot Marie Tooth Disease Master Charcot Marie Tooth Disease with Picmonic for Medicine With Picmonic, facts become pictures. We've taken what the science shows - image mnemonics work - but we've boosted the effectiveness by building and associating memorable characters, interesting audio stories, and built-in quizzing. PLAY PICMONIC Recommended Picmonics Multiple Sclerosis Features and Mechanisms Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms and Diagnosis Multiple Sclerosis Interventions Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Mechanism and Deficiency Metachromatic Leukodystrophy Shark-cop and Marie-tooth AnnaKreativina 12 KEY FACTS Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy Kid with Motor-body Sensor and Purple-wavy Neuron-extremities Hereditary motor sensory neuropathies (HMSN) are progressive peripheral nerve disorders that are caused by dysfunction in Schwann cells due to a hereditary genetic cause. HMSN type I is called Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) and is due to different mutations that lead to abnormal myelin function and structure. Other HMSN include Refsum disease (HMSN type IV) which is due to defects in alpha-oxidation in peroxisomes leading to the accumulation of phytanic acid. CMT consist in a large group of genetic defects that results in a progressive peripheral neuropathy. CMT can be inherited in an autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked manner. The most common is CMT type 1 which is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. PMP22 Duplication Pumpkins in (2) Tutus Duplicated Most of the cases, up to 80%, of CMT are due to the duplication, or less commonly a point mutation, of the peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22) gene which is located on chromosome 17. Normally, the protein encoded by the PMP22 gene is a component of peripheral myelin proteins. In patients with PMP22 duplication, there is over expression of PMP22 protein and elevated PMP22 messenger RNA (mRNA). Schwann Cell Dysfunction Swan-cell with Chains CMT is a spectrum of disorders caused by different mutations in genes that are normally expressed in Schwann cells which are the myelinating cells of the peripheral nervous system. Affected genes normally code for proteins involved in the normal structure and function of myelin and axons of peripheral nerves. There are multiple genes involved and most of them code for proteins involved in the structure and function of axons of peripheral nerves. The defect can lead to a demyelinating neuropathy and/or to axonal dysfunction. Therefore, in patients presenting with chronic motor and sensory polyneuropathy, CMT should be part of the differential diagnosis. Distal Muscle Weakness Kid with Weak-distal-muscles CMT disease is characterized by distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy that is usually symmetric. Early in the disease patients complain of frequent ankle sprains and difficulty running due to distal muscle weakness. As the disease progresses patients develop distal muscle weakness and atrophy. Sensory symptoms can also be present but are less prominent in comparison to motor symptoms. In general, if a patient presents with chronic motor symptoms and sensory polyneuropathy, CMT should be considered as part of the differential diagnosis. In the most common type of CMT, the symptoms present between the first and second decades of life. Foot-drop The most common initial clinical presentation is distal weakness and atrophy and a classical clinical finding is foot drop. In CMT1A, which is the most common form, the motor symptoms predominate and most patients present with clumsy walking although ambulation is usually preserved. Calf Muscle Atrophy Stork-legs As the disease progresses distal calf muscle atrophy can occur and due to its appearance it is known as "stork leg deformity". By this stage, patients have difficulty walking resulting in clumsy gait due to muscle weakness and sensory loss. Curved-spine and Skull Another clinical finding in patients with advanced Charcot Marie Tooth disease is scoliosis. Scoliosis is a deformity of the spine that is characterized by lateral deflection and rotation of the spine. Hammer-toes As the disease progresses some patients present with foot deformities including hammertoes and pes cavus. Hammertoes is a deformity consisting of the progressive proximal interphalangeal joint flexion deformity and compensatory hyperextension of the metatarsophalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints giving the characteristic hammertoe aspect. Pes Cavus High-arched feet Pes cavus is a foot deformity consisting of the abnormally high plantar longitudinal arch. Pes cavus is a key presenting feature of CMT and if a patient has pes cavus in addition to motor symptoms and sensory neuropathy, CMT should be considered. If other features of CMT are found such as slowly progressive motor symptoms, hammertoes, and lack of positive sensory symptoms despite clear sensory involvement, the patient should be evaluated further for CMT. Onion-skin Appearance on Nerve Biopsy Biopsy-needle and Onion If nerve biopsy is performed, findings include demyelination affecting primarily large nerve fibers and onion bulbs. Onion bulbs correspond to repeated demyelination and de consequent remyelination which forms concentric arrays giving the characteristic onion peel appearance. Electrodiagnostic Studies Conduction-Cables and Electricity-shock Patients being evaluated for neuropathy with slow progression of symptoms, foot deformities, sensory deficits, distal muscle atrophy, and a clear family history, should be further evaluated to rule out inherited causes of neuropathy. Electrodiagnostic studies are the next step and in most cases it is performed prior to genetic testing. Nerve conduction studies show decreased impulse conduction velocity in CMT disease. Needle electromyography is useful to confirm the presence of axonal neuropathy. If the clinical findings are suggestive and there is a family member with a known CMT mutation, then genetic testing can be performed immediately. Take the Charcot Marie Tooth Disease Quiz Picmonic's rapid review multiple-choice quiz allows you to assess your knowledge. Picmonic for Medicine Covers 1,900+ Videos 22,000+ Facts *Average video play time: 2-3 minutes Anatomy & Embryology: 110+ Videos Biochemistry: Cardiology: Dermatology: Emergency Medicine: Endocrinology: Gastroenterology: General Surgery: Hematology: Immunology & Oncology: Infectious Disease: Internal Medicine: Microbiology: Multisystem & Miscellanea: Musculoskeletal (Orthopedics): Nephrology & Urology: Neurology, Ophthalmology & Otology: Obstetrics & Gynecology: Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine by TrueLearn: Pathology: 1050+ Videos Pediatrics: Physiology: Psychiatry: Public Health: Pulmonology: Search for a specific Video or category now! Or create your own Picmonic Our Story Mnemonics Increase Mastery and Retention Memorize facts with phonetic mnemonics Unforgettable characters with concise but impactful videos (2-4 min each)
Dominican police arrest Catholic priest for teen's murder He is also charged with sexually abusing the former altar boy. Fr Elvin Alveras / Diario Hoy By La Croix International Editor | Police in the Dominican Republic have arrested a Catholic priest for the murder of a 16-year-old who previously served as an altar boy in his church. Father Elvin Taveras was detained after being questioned by police and prosecutors who searched his residence in the Dominican capital, Santo Domingo. The priest is also accused of sexually abusing the teenager, and paying for his silence. Fernely Carrion's body was found in long grass along a road in the outskirts of the capital. A taxi driver told the Diario Libre newspaper that he had taken the teen to meet the priest and that Taveras paid the fare. It is not clear how the boy was killed. Taveras has been suspended from his duties as a precaution, Santo Domingo Archdiocese said in a statement on Aug. 8. The church's statement also said it "deplores with profound sadness" the murder of Carrion and vowed to cooperate with the authorities. According to Hoy, a local newspaper, the victim's father, Victor Savinon, thanked the Catholic Church for showing solidarity with the family. "We can't judge all the priests alike," he said. Congo bishop urges youth to protect priests The fraternity of a fragile God: What kind of fraternity? Vatican investigates bishop's money, alleged mistress Vatican official hints at de-facto deal with China on bishops Welsh pub renames beer after seminarians
Baseball, Softball & T-Ball Millington Parks and Recreation coordinates a robust Baseball, Softball and T-Ball program. Practice begins in March. Games are played Monday through Saturday from late April/early May through July. Some games could be played during the day earlier in the season. Any games that are played during the week while school is in session would begin at 6:30 PM. When school is out for Summer break, games begin at 7:00 PM. The cost for City of Millington residents is $75, $85 for non-residents. The leagues are as follows: Co-ed: T-Ball (ages 4 through 5) Coach Pitch (ages 6 through 8) Pixie (ages 9 through 11) Junior (ages 12 through 14) Pee Wee (ages 9 through 11) Millington Parks and Recreation reserves the right to modify the ages of the leagues if there are not enough signed up to form a league. Registration for the 2023 baseball, softball and t-ball season will be from January 3-February 17. Click here to register your child. Click here for the coaches registration form. All registration will be done online. There are multiple options when paying your registration fees. You can pay in person at Baker Community Center at 7942 Church Street by cash, check, debit or credit card, you can mail your check in (Please make check out to City of Millington) or you can pay via the phone as well at 873-5770. Office hours are 7 to 4 Monday through Thursday and 7 to 3 on Friday. Payments are taken until 4 pm Monday through Thursday and 3 pm on Friday. Your child is not considered fully registered until all fees are paid. A late fee of $25/family will be added to anyone paying their registration fees after 330 pm on February 28. If you are interested in being considered for a coaching position, email Mark Healy or call 901.873.5770. For more information on schedules, results, standings, make up information and more, call 901.873.5770 or visit the League Lineup website. Adult Co-ed Softball Youth & Adult Volleyball Adult Co-ed Kickball Adult and Senior Programs City-Wide Special Events
Vanderpump Rules: Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor celebrate second wedding anniversary Tue Jun 29, 2021 at 8:26pm ET By Anita DeCecco Former Vanderpump Rules stars Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor celebrate two years of marriage. Pic credit: ©ImageCollect.com/Admedia Former Vanderpump Rules stars Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor have another occasion worth celebrating. The couple, who wed on June 29, 2019, celebrated their second wedding anniversary today. Brittany and Jax have been through a lot in the last year. In late 2020, they shocked fans when they announced that they would be leaving Vanderpump Rules. And if that wasn't a big enough change, the couple also expanded their family during the Vanderpump baby boom when they welcomed their son, Cruz, in April. As a new family of three, Brittany and Jax have plenty to look forward to. In an intimate post on her Instagram, Brittany took a moment to share her feelings about the last two years and the love the couple has shared. Brittany celebrates second wedding anniversary to Jax with sweet Instagram post Over on her Instagram, Brittany shared two pictures from her wedding to Jax. In the first snap, Jax lovingly glances at Brittany whose long veil trails behind her as the couple stands in front of a portion of their venue — The Kentucky Castle in Versailles, Kentucky. The second shot shows Brittany and Jax dancing down the aisle after being pronounced man and wife. Brittany adorably thrusts her bouquet in the air as their wedding guests look on. Fans will recall Brittany and Jax's wedding that was documented in Season 8 of Vanderpump Rules. After plenty of drama, including a cheating scandal, the couple finally made it to their wedding day where friends and family gathered to celebrate. In her caption, Brittany quoted You're Still the One by Shania Twain, writing in part, "'I'm glad we didn't listen, look at what we would be missing. They said, I bet they'll never make it, but just look at us holding on. We're still together, still going strong. You're still the one.'" You Might Also Like: Vanderpump Rules: Why is Jax Taylor not returning for Season 9? A post shared by Brittany Cartwright? (@brittany) She continued, "Happy 2 year anniversary honey! Love you and our little family more than anything in the world. 'I'm so glad we made it, look how far we've come my baby.'" Jax shares wedding memories, wishes his 'beautiful bride' a happy anniversary Over on Jax's Instagram, he shared a series of wedding pictures to his Stories showcasing how glowing Brittany was on that day, along with sharing his appreciation for all the groomsmen who stood beside him. "2 years have just flown by," he wrote. "I couldn't ask for better friends. Love you guys." Pic credit: @mrjaxtaylor/Instagram Jax then shared a picture of Brittany standing to reach her wedding dress that was hanging elegantly from the wall. "My beautiful bride. Happy 2 years my love," he wrote on the slide. And lastly, Jax shared a picture of Brittany walking out of the castle on her dad's arm as she heads to see Jax to make their vows. "Happy 2 years to my beautiful bride," he commented. The couple may have seen their fair share of trying times, but their dedication to each other and their growing family is evident. Although they won't be making a return for Season 9 of Vanderpump Rules, they've promised fans that they aren't planning on going anywhere. Until fans and followers learn what the couple's next move will be, they'll just have to stay updated via their social media accounts. Vanderpump Rules is currently on hiatus on Bravo. Anita DeCecco Anita DeCecco is a freelance writer with a flair for all things...read more You Might Also Like: Vanderpump Rules: Lala Kent rebrands podcast after split with ex-fiance Randall Emmett Tags Brittany Cartwright, Jax Taylor, Vanderpump Rules
Keys man threatens co-workers with fillet knife, then strips naked, passes out Florida woman arrested after giving husband's guns to police Businesses evacuated after gas leak in Miami Concrete mixer truck involved in fatal crash in Miami Gardens Funeral service held for Kameela Russell NORTH MIAMI, Fla. - Family and friends gathered Saturday to say goodbye to a Miami Norland Senior High School teacher who was killed. The funeral service for Kameela Russell was held at St. James Catholic Church in North Miami. Russell's body was found in a Miami Gardens canal May 25. More Kameela Russell Headlines Former assistant principal charged in killing teacher appears in court Kameela Russell's mother says she has no idea who would want to kill daughter Ernest Roberts, the former assistant principal at Russell's school, was arrested last week in connection with her death and charged with first-degree murder. According to an arrest affidavit, Roberts went to the school in the early morning hours of May 20 before leaving on a school trip to Washington, D.C., and then called an employee. Police said Roberts told the employee to open a specific cabinet in a classroom, where he would find a handwritten note and a set of keys for an Audi. The note read: "Do you know anyone that can chop up a car? If so or make it 'disappear' take these keys. It's behind the Speedway Racetrack on 441 by County Line. Friends are gone and need it to disappear. If not leave it and I'll work it out later. Throw this note away!" The warrant stated that the employee notified police and Russell's car was found parked behind the gas station. Police said the employee told detectives Roberts had also called him the night Russell disappeared and told him, "I did something crazy." According to the employee, Roberts claimed he had confronted an intruder inside his mother's home and hit the person with a baseball bat, killing that person. Former Miami Norland Senior High School Assistant Principal Ernest Roberts posted a photo on social media of him and Kameela Russell after her body was found in Miami Gardens. Police said Roberts claimed he then wrapped the body in a tarp and dragged it through the house, leaving bloodstains behind. Surveillance video from a neighbor's home showed Russell arriving to Roberts' house. Police said Russell was never seen leaving the home, but Roberts was seen entering her car and backing it up toward the front door of his house. An urn containing Russell's cremated remains sat on the altar inside the church throughout the ceremony. Students and co-workers at the school are still heartbroken by Russell's death. "Her heart was in that school," Miami-Dade County Public Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho said. "Her heart was with the children of our community. She was everything you would expect someone to be in our public school system. So her loss is profound, her loss is deep and it is painful for all of us."
Home:Posts:About New Zealand:Hunting Regions:Hunting Regions Do you enjoy the thrill of the chase – the excitement of stalking big game animals? New Zealand is renowned as a hunter's paradise where some of the best prize trophies in the world can be taken. DANNY : DE HEK has compiled this summary of Hunting Regions to allow hunting enthusiasts to make the most of their time in the outdoors. This country was originally a land populated exclusively by birds. Many found their wings were superfluous given the complete absence of predators and land mammals, hence the evolution of the now extinct giant moa and the iconic flightless kiwi. In the last 200 years, settlers have introduced a Noah's Ark of small and large game animals as well as a bevy of waterfowl and upland game birds. These introduced species have not merely thrived, but have multiplied to reach pest proportions and become a menace to farming and forestry operations. Control measures are essential to keep these creatures in check and private recreational hunting is positively encouraged. Hunters with a current firearms licence can obtain permits free of charge at Department of Conservation (DOC) centres. There is a network of backcountry huts available for use at nominal charges of $5 to $25 per night. Most recreational hunting is carried out in the 14 National Parks and 20 Forest Parks, which are mountainous regions demanding a good level of fitness and stamina. The parks have DOC Visitor Centres near the main park entrances. Overseas visitors should declare their firearms to New Zealand Customs on arrival. Customs will then refer the owner to the airport police for a temporary firearms licence. If you come without a firearm and want to go on a hunting trip, then you will need a professional guide who will obtain the necessary hunting permits. Fish and Game NZ are responsible for sport fishing (trout and salmon) and for hunting waterfowl and upland game birds. Permits for freshwater fishing and also for game bird hunting can be obtained from most hunting, fishing and sporting goods stores throughout the country. The staff can provide useful information about regulations, access rights and codes of conduct. If you require guided hunting, the DOC centres and any of the 100 Visitor Information centres throughout the country will have contact details. Guides access the remote backcountry areas by 4WD vehicle, fixed-wing aircraft or helicopter for one day trips or multi-day safaris. Most Guided Hunting is carried out in safari parks or on private land for a daily fee. The current trend is for hunting on private game ranches at a set price per trophy animal taken. DANNY : DE HEK LIMITED wishes all visitors the best of luck. Good hunting! By DANNY : DE HEK|2021-08-16T17:34:18+12:00August 16th, 2021|Categories: Hunting Regions|Tags: Chamois, Doc Hunting Map, Doc Hunting Permit, Duck Shooting Opening, Fallow Deer, Forestry Hunting Permits, Hunting for Beginners NZ, Hunting NZ, Hunting Regions, Hunting Spots NZ, Moose, New Zealand Big Game Hunting, Red Deer, Rusa Deer, Sambar Deer, Sika Deer, Thar, Wapiti (elk), Whitetail Deer, Wild pigs|0 Comments Small Game Species Volcanic Plateau
CTi Marine™ CTi OnBoard™ CTi Remote Warehousing Solution (RWS)™ CTi Hospitality Logistics Management (HLM)™ CTi Critical Medical Logistics (CML) Logistics Control Towers Road, Ocean, Air Transport International Trade Consultancy Integrated Logistics Management Custom Procedures CTiX The Logistic Control Tower Media / News Room Work at CTi Become CTi Agent Many airports provide a full range of services to aircraft operators and ground handling agents to facilitate all aspects of air cargo operations. Typically, airport authorities designate specific areas - including office and/or warehouse space - for use by aircraft operators, handling agents and freight forwarders. In order to offer such services, airports not only need to have the necessary facilities for aircraft maintenance and cargo handling but must also provide infrastructure for receiving different types of surface transport (e.g. road and rail). In addition to these services, airports normally provide secure storage for cargo ranging from perishables and general freight to high-value goods. Major international airports also provide facilities for Customs authorities to enable the examination of cargo and collection of duties, taxes and other levies. The main formalities connected with the handling of export/import cargo by airport authorities are as follows: i. The original copy of the cargo manifest should accompany the cargo. This document must be produced to Customs. A copy should subsequently be given to the airport authorities if required. ii. After cargo is unloaded from the aircraft, tallying is carried out by the airline staff or handling agent. The out-turn report prepared on the basis of this tally is then compared with the airline's manifest to ascertain whether the full manifested cargo has been discharged. Cargo may be either short- landed or over-landed. iii. A terminal charge at the prescribed rate is levied on all goods landed and shipped. iv. Rent may be levied or waived as follows: v. Rent will be levied on goods not removed from the custody of airport authorities within the permitted free storage period, even if this cargo is ultimately sold by public auction. vi. Rent will be charged on any un-manifested cargo not removed within the prescribed time after delivery of the out-turn report. vii. Charges may be waived on goods detained by Customs for special examination. viii. Locations used for the unloading and storage of imported goods must be designated as Customs Areas under a Customs Act. ix. Storage of hazardous cargo will be permitted only in locations specially designated for that purpose. x. Examination of cargo by Customs is permitted only if the consignee or appointed agent produces to the airport authorities or handling agent the delivery order issued by the airline or airline's agents, together with the import declaration prepared on behalf of the consignee. xi. Containerized loads may be unstuffed at the airport before being presented for Customs examination. Alternatively, they may be taken to an inland container depot or warehouse nominated by the consignee where they are unstuffed and cleared by Customs prior to delivery to the consignee. xii. Cargo destined for export may be cleared by Customs and stuffed into containers at the shipper's factory, warehouse or designated inland depot. The containers are then taken to the airfield for direct loading onto the aircraft. xiii. Larger airports usually provide facilities inside designated Customs Areas for transit cargo to be de-consolidated and consolidated with local export cargo. SEAPORT PROCEDURES Ports normally have all necessary facilities for handling ships, carrying out customs inspections and storage of cargo: possessing the necessary equipment and machinery for loading and unloading operations. There is increasing use of modern transport technology such as containerization, cargo often moves inter-modally through a port. The port's functions then become mainly limited to transit operations whereby cargo moving in unitized form does not have to be packed or unpacked at the port. The main formalities connected with the handling of goods by port authorities in the export or import trade are as follows: i. Before any cargo is landed, a copy of the cargo manifest must be delivered to the port authorities. ii. When cargo is discharged from the ship, it must be tallied. iii. The out-turn report, which is prepared based on such tally, is compared with the vessel's import general manifest to ascertain whether the full manifested cargo has been discharged. There may be short-landed or over-landed cargo. iv. Wharfage at the prescribed rates is levied on all goods landed and shipped. v. Goods not removed from the custody of the port authorities within the free storage period allowed are charged rent at the prescribed rate. vi. Rent may be waived or reduced under the following circumstances. vii. After the expiry of "free time" rent is charged at prescribed rates on cargo that may ultimately be sold at public auction. viii. Rent is charged on any un-manifested cargo not removed within the prescribed time after delivery of the "Out-Turn Report." ix. However, in the case of goods landed in a damaged condition for which a claim is made against the carrier, some extension of free time may be allowed to enable a survey of the damaged cargo to be made. x. A similar concession may also be permitted in the case of goods damaged subsequent to landing and for which an "Application for Survey" has been received by the port authorities. xi. No rent is charged on goods detained by the Customs authorities for special examination, chemical tests, etc. xii. No rent is charged when removal of goods is delayed due to no fault or negligence on the part of the importers. xiii. Areas used for the landing and storage of imported goods must be declared as Customs Areas under a Customs Act. xiv. The discharge of some hazardous cargo may be permitted only in mid-stream into barges, or at berths or anchorages specially reserved for that purpose. If necessary, such cargo must be stored in specially designated areas. xv. Examination of cargo by Customs will be permitted only if the consignee or clearing agent produces to the port authorities the delivery order issued by the shipping agent together with the Bill of Entry prepared on behalf of the consignee. xvi. In the case of containerized cargo, containers may be unstuffed in the port area before the cargo is presented for examination by Customs. Alternatively, containers may be taken to an inland container depot, or warehouse, or factory of the consignee where they are unstuffed and delivered to the consignee after completing Customs formalities. xvii. Carting or transporting of export cargo, if it is Break Bulk, is permitted at the berth where the ship is ready to load. In the case of containerized cargo, carting is permitted to the location assigned to the shipping line by the port authority. xviii. Like imports, exports attract demurrage after the expiry of free time but port authorities sometimes waive this charge in the case of special cargo. Ports may defer acceptance of export cargo if there is a delay in the arrival of the vessel. xix. When export cargo is taken to an inland clearance depot, Customs formalities are completed there and the cargo is stuffed into containers, which are then brought to the port for direct loading onto the ship. The same procedure may also be followed if containers are stuffed at the factory or warehouse of the shipper. CUSTOMS LAW AND REGULATIONS (SHIPS) Basic Customs laws or regulations applicable to the arrival and departure of ships and to imported or exported goods are more or less the same in most countries, although they may differ in procedural and documentary details. Several countries have enacted strict legislation for controlling and regulating imports and exports. Rules or regulations issued under such legislation will have to be followed in obtaining Customs clearances. Essentially, imports/exports and vessels carrying such goods are subject to the following procedures: A. THE MAIN ARRIVAL FORMALITIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: i. A vessel entering a country from overseas must use a designated Customs Port as its first port of call. ii. A vessel can start unloading goods only after Customs have granted the necessary permit (called "Entry Inwards") following submission by the Master or Shipping Agent of an "Import Manifest" containing particulars of the cargo on board in the prescribed format. iii. The import manifest must be accompanied by other documents as may be required such as: - Certificates of load line. - Safety certificates for radiotelegraphy. - Certificate of registration. - Port clearance from previous port of call. - Crew list. - Stores list. - Declaration of personal property of officers and crew. iv. In some countries, Customs authorities will accept the cargo manifest even before the arrival of the vessel under the so-called "pre-entry" procedure (pre-arrival clearance), final "Entry Inwards" being granted after the vessel has berthed. B. CUSTOMS CLEARANCE: i. All imported cargo must be landed at a designated Customs port and should not be removed from Customs control without written permission of the Customs authorities. ii. Before permission is given to remove goods from Customs control, the owner or agent is required to submit a Bill of Entry, Customs Declaration or Inward Permit, as may be required by law, in the prescribed form to enable Customs authorities to examine the goods. The Bill of Entry includes details such as value, quantity; description of goods, name of vessel, port of shipment, and such other particulars as may be prescribed by the Customs authorities. These particulars must tally with those contained in the relevant import manifest. iii. The Bill of Entry (Customs Entry) must be accompanied by all supporting documents required by Customs such as invoices, import licenses, certificates of origin, bills of lading and marine insurance certificates. When goods are destined for warehousing, application for permission to warehouse those goods and a bond must accompany the Bill of Entry (Customs Entry). iv. Customs authorities are empowered to examine all imported goods. The examination may be physical (visual inspection, counting, weighing, measuring, chemical test, etc.) or documentary (involving examination of relevant documents such as invoices, bankers' notes, insurance policies and forms listing the quantity and description of goods). v. If goods are dutiable, either Customs tariffs must be paid at the time or the importer must give a bond to guarantee payment of the duty. vi. If goods are not removed within the prescribed period after the arrival of the importing vessel, they are liable to be sold at public auction by the port authorities who will recover from the sale proceeds all charges due to them, including Customs duty. vii. Customs authorities are entitled to recover from the importer any shortfall in duty levied or erroneous refund of Customs duty, in accordance with prescribed procedures. viii. In cases where import licenses are required, Customs authorities will check the legality of the imported goods against those licenses. C. DEPARTURE FORMALITIES: i. Export goods can be loaded onto a vessel only after the necessary permit "Entry Outwards" has been issued by Customs, and after documents duly endorsed by Customs have been delivered by the exporters to the Master or person in charge of the ship. ii. A vessel which has brought in imports or has loaded exports can leave the port only when written permission, known as "Port Clearance," is granted by the Customs authorities. iii. Application for Port Clearance must be made in good time before planned departure. This application must be accompanied by the Export Manifest showing particulars of the cargo loaded and such other documents as may be required by Customs. Examples include the vessel's certificate of registration, load line certificate, safety certificates for radio telegraphy and safety equipment, inward clearance certificate, income tax clearance certificate (if proceeding to a foreign port with export cargo) and certificate of payment of all dues issued by the port authority. iv. In many countries, most goods are freely exportable. Only a limited number of specified items or commodities are subject to export control. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (GENERAL) A. INTRODUCTION: In the field of freight forwarding, there is no international uniformity of documents or documentary procedures. Nevertheless, efforts have been made by the International Federation of Freight Forwarders (FIATA) to promote the use of standardized freight forwarding documents and thereby improve professional standards. FIATA has produced several documents, which correspond with layouts used by the UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE). In the air transport sector, ICAO and IATA recommend a series of standardized documents that are used in most countries. B. THE COMMERCIAL INVOICE: This is a document issued by the seller to the buyer of the goods. It is often used by Customs authorities at the destination to determine the true value of the goods on which duties will be assessed. It also serves as the basis for consular documentation. Other documents to be signed by the shipper and handed over to the carrier if needed include: i. Shipper's Declaration of Dangerous Goods ii. Shipper's Certification for Live Animals iii. Shipper's Certification for Arms and Ammunition iv. In addition, there may be other documents required by the Customs authorities of the exporting and importing countries, which should be submitted with the Waybill. C. DOCUMENTS RECEIVED FROM CUSTOMER: i. FIATA Forwarding Instructions (FFI.) The customer passes this document to the forwarder thereby establishing a forwarder customer contractual relationship for provision of transport from place A to place B. The customer is expected to furnish all relevant particulars regarding the goods to be dispatched and to enclose such documents as may be required. ii. FIATA Declaration for Transport of Dangerous Goods (SDT) A shipper will complete, sign and hand this document to a forwarder whenever the transport of dangerous goods is involved. This document provides detailed information about the classification of dangerous goods according to regulations governing the transport of such goods. D. DOCUMENTS ISSUED TO CUSTOMER: i. FIATA Forwarder's Certificate of Receipt (FCR *) This is an official acknowledgement of goods received by the forwarder. The forwarder assumes responsibility for the dispatch and delivery to the consignee named in the document. The FCR should be handed to the consignor (customer) immediately after the consignment is received by the forwarder. ii. FIATA Combined Transport Bill of Lading (FBL *) This is a through transport document used by international freight forwarders acting as combined transport or intermodal transport operators. The forwarder assumes responsibility not only for the performance of the contract but also for the acts and omissions of any third parties employed by him. iii. FIATA Warehouse Receipt (FWR *) A warehouse receipt for use in the forwarder's warehousing operations, It is subject to any national law and applicable to standard trading conditions. iv. House Bill of Lading/House Air Waybill Usually applicable to consolidation services, the house Bill of Lading is issued in respect of sea freight while the house Air Waybill is issued in respect of airfreight. There is no uniformity in the terms and conditions of these documents, which vary from forwarder to forwarder. * While the FBL is a negotiable document, the FCR is not negotiable. The FWR is not negotiable unless marked otherwise. When a document is negotiable, it can be endorsed by the holder in favour of another party, thereby transferring his right to the goods referred to in the document. For further question please contact us at: [email protected] © 2013 Control Towers International All Rights Reserved HomeContact UsCorporateNetwork STG+31 (0) 235 543 400 Snipweg 101, 1118 DP, Schiphol Zuid, The Netherlands
Common swedish verbs download Try the audio and video lessons at, the conversational swedish course at udemy, and the interlinear swedish book with english translations under the swedish. The following list provides guidelines to consider when you choose the verb for a cmdlet name. We will first learn about the present tense, followed by the past tense, and future tense. The spanish verb conjugation trainer is the award winning app that makes mastering spanish verbs. An english irregular verb list free pdf download improve your english by learning and memorizing the common irregular verbs in english below. This is a list of the 1,000 most commonly spoken swedish words. Learning the danish verbs is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. We will also analyze some grammar rules, and finally practice how to ask for direction in swedish. Learn basic swedish verbs and train them with our online vocabulary trainer app. Download the flashcards of the basic english verbs here the file contain the most common english verbs we all use every time. Mar 30, 2020 this application allows you to learn regular and irregular english verbs. The 100 most common swedish words learn swedish vocabulary. Top verbs used in english vocabulary words for speaking. Mastering these verbs will help you become a better swedish speaker. However, 457 words were primarily used as verbs, while the remaining 553 words were different types but could be used as a verb. Regular verbs in english are very easy to conjugate and easy to learn. Get a list of 200 of the most common spanish verbs. Common swedish verbs david hensleigh a quick reference to the essential forms of over 2000 common swedish verbs, which saves time and increases efficiency for students of swedish as a foreign. Common swedish verbs david hensleigh a quick reference to the essential forms of over 2000 common swedish verbs, which saves time and increases efficiency for students of swedish as a foreign languague. Pdf 2000 common swedish verbs download full pdf book download. Today i would like to share with you the 20 most common swedish verbs. Top verbs out of the 2265 most frequently used words, 1010 were identified as verbs. Verbs software free download verbs top 4 download offers free software downloads for windows, mac, ios and android computers and mobile devices. Examples of modern loan words within the field are chatta and surfa. Learn verbs conjugation basic swedish with free interactive flashcards. If the verb is irregular, the past tense and past participle are shown in parentheses. Swedishlist of strong and irregular verbs wikibooks, open books. In the printable flashcards file youll find the following english verbs with. Many of the most used verbs are irregular however see the list of irregular english verbs. If you have any questions about studying english, please. Memorize these flashcards or create your own hebrew flashcards with. The svenska verb program is developed to help you with learning the forms of the verbs in swedish language. But first we need to know what the role of verbs is in the structure of the grammar in danish. Download spanish verbs trainer and enjoy it on your iphone, ipad, and ipod touch. Online flashcards and a quiz are included to help you learn these verbs. Quick reference to the essential forms including many phrasal verbs at. Reflexive verbs conjugating regular verbs in swedish in the present and past tenses. Complete english irregular verb list free pdf download. This is a list of the most common regular verbs in english. Learning the swedish verbs displayed below is vital to the language. Click though to see full conjugation tables of each verb. Download pdf 2000 common swedish verbs book full free. Quick reference to the essential forms including many phrasal verbs. This means that many words will be familiar to you from the very beginning. The most common verbs fully conjugated kindle edition by albrechtson, bjorn. Learn swedish vocabulary, phrases and words fast with tons of free lessons. In this video, we will teach you the most common 100 swedish verbs that you must know if youre a an absolute beginner. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Read download 2000 common swedish verbs pdf pdf download. The more you master it the more you get closer to mastering the danish language. If youd like to download the mp3s, please purchase swedish language tutorial. You also get bonus audio lessons here at swedishpod101. Download32 is source for common french verbs shareware, freeware download imagiers 56 french verbs, imagiers french verbs, french verbs list app for learning french verbs, declans french flashcards, vocabilis french flash cards, etc. Swedish verbs be and have vara and ha how to conjugate be and have vara and ha in swedish. Swedish verbs that do not indicate actions, occurrences or states of any specific grammatical subject. If you are looking to fill your activity book, a book 2000 common swedish verbs pdf download online i recommend to you. When you specify the verb, we recommend that you use one of the predefined verb names provided by powershell aliases for these predefined verbs. If you are learning english it would be useful to learn these popular verbs first. Translate verbs in english online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. And let me tell you, as far as verb books go, this one is. Mar 24, 2019 in this video, we will teach you the most common 100 swedish verbs that you must know if youre a an absolute beginner. What are the most common swedish verbs, how do you conjugate them, and how do you use them. Swedish verbs organized by the type of inflection they follow. Introduce yourself in swedish, get around sweden, and learn a bunch of useful colloquial swedish expressions to make people smile. Learn swedish with free vocabulary lists swedishpod101. More fluos swedish verb conjugator is a handson verb conjugation book, suitable for every learner of swedish. This is a list of the 100 most common verbs in english. However, in most swedish dialects, all three genders masculine, feminine, neuter are still differentiated. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. In fact, tacking on that particle, usually a preposition or adverb, at the end of a verb can really change the meaning of a word. Its simple conjugation tables make forms and meanings of more than 2000 commonly. Many of the most used verbs are irregular however see the list of irregular english verbs to learn these. Swedish irregular verbs learn irregular conjugations of verbs in swedish. See the lesson verbs for an overview of the grammar of swedish verbs, along with more common swedish verbs. Swenglish variants of english verbs can be made by adding a to the end of an english verb, sometimes with minor spelling changes. Learn how to speak swedish as quickly as possible by learning the most common words. Feb 26, 2016 the 100 most common words in spoken swedish. Japanese grammar worksheets, flashcards, posters, powerpoints, lesson plans, games and useful links for common and basic verbs. About 80% of all verbs in swedish are group 1 verbs, which is the only productive verb group. Download full 2000 common swedish verbs book in pdf, epub, mobi and all ebook format. Part 1 of the complete and inspirational mission to memrise swedish. In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, andor number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object. This is the place to start if you want to learn swedish, and improve. Jan 06, 2018 the following list contains all verbs that do not follow this conjugation pattern and appear in hoppes swedish german dictionary 1919, as listed on pages 388 and following. Svenska verb is an online program developed to help you with learning the forms of the verbs in swedish language. Standard swedish has no case endings in nouns except for the possessive s just as we have in english and has only two genders neuter, common. This video shows exactly 2007 common nouns in its indefinite form. If you want to learn swedish offline you can download our free cheat sheet. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading swedish verb conjugator. Its pretty easy to use it choose the settings you like and type in the missing forms of the verbs. Free flashcards to help memorize facts about basic swedish verbs infinitive and present tense other activities to help include hangman, crossword, word scramble, games, matching, quizes, and tests. Learning swedish is facilitated by the fact that over the centuries it has borrowed thousands of words from low german, french, and english. Strong conjugation in the past tense is common only in the sense of fall. Conjugating regular verbs in swedish in present and past. Japanese grammar worksheets basic verbs and masu tense. Regular verbs in swedish are formed according to the following pattern. The following list contains all verbs that do not follow this conjugation pattern and appear in hoppes swedish german dictionary 1919, as listed on pages 388 and following. Plus you can also download a free pdf copy of the list and mp3 files for you to practice with audio. The top 100 words have audio pronunciations if available. The infinitive form of the swedish verb is shown, and if the verb is irregular, the simple past tense and past participle are shown in parentheses. It is a 2000 common swedish verbs download featuring family, including the. Vocabulary flashcards vocabulary lists word bank word of the day swedish dictionary 100 most common words 2000 most common words swedish. Swedishlist of strong and irregular verbs wikibooks, open. Swedish irregular verb conjugations with pronunciation. These forms need to be memorized since these verbs are very common. Swedishlist of strong and irregular verbs wikibooks. An asterisk indicate corrections and amendments made here. Apr 12, 2018 a handson verb conjugation book for swedish, suitable for every learner, with around 500 of the most common verbs fully conjugated. Pdf 2000 common swedish verbs download full pdf book. This is an old video that hasnt been published on my channel up. Quick reference to the essential forms including many phrasal verbs hensleigh, david on. Sep 12, 2008 swedish verbs, part 1 posted by transparent language on sep 12, 2008 in grammar long, long time ago, i think in one of my earliest posts, i said that swedish verbs are easier than english. Its pretty easy to use it choose the settings you like and type in the missing forms of the verbs into the fields. Swedish verbs that dont require any grammatical objects. Try the audio and video lessons at, the conversational swedish course at udemy, and the interlinear swedish book with english translations under the swedish text. Lesson 58 the 20 most common swedish verbs, part one february 22, 2019 no comments hello beautiful reader. Swedish verbs are words that convey action bring, read, walk, run, or a state of being exist, stand. Choose from 500 different sets of verbs conjugation basic swedish flashcards on quizlet. Present present simple, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, past past simple, past continuous. In this lesson you learn verbs and how to conjugate them. 1373 750 766 857 288 32 353 1316 1192 1181 442 393 83 383 950 324 1401 1284 1403 320 238 1508 706 1377 738 1096 1425 1270 80 1446
Summer & Fall Book Club Recommendations, Part 2 September 5, 2020 July 28, 2020 Towne Book Center Twice a year the American Booksellers Association shares indie booksellers recommendations for book clubs. We're excited to share them here with you as well. While this edition was not in print (or on the IndieBound website with the previous publications), we'll be sharing some of our favorite sections from the full list. And the event better news about these titles? They're all in paperback! Each cover links to the book on our website and is followed by a blurb from an indie bookseller and the synopsis from the publisher. Book Clubs Part 2 One hundred percent worth the buzz. I was entranced from beginning to end. Reid's use of an interview format is perfect and ingenious for exploring the rise and fall of an imaginary 1970s rock band. It allows for an in-depth and realistic look at complicated group dynamics and varying perceptions and memories of each other during key moments and interactions. Cori Cusker, Bright Side Bookshop, Flagstaff, AZ Everyone knows DAISY JONES & THE SIX, but nobody knows the reason behind their split at the absolute height of their popularity . . . until now. Daisy is a girl coming of age in L.A. in the late sixties, sneaking into clubs on the Sunset Strip, sleeping with rock stars, and dreaming of singing at the Whisky a Go Go. The sex and drugs are thrilling, but it's the rock 'n' roll she loves most. By the time she's twenty, her voice is getting noticed, and she has the kind of heedless beauty that makes people do crazy things. Also getting noticed is The Six, a band led by the brooding Billy Dunne. On the eve of their first tour, his girlfriend Camila finds out she's pregnant, and with the pressure of impending fatherhood and fame, Billy goes a little wild on the road. Daisy and Billy cross paths when a producer realizes that the key to supercharged success is to put the two together. What happens next will become the stuff of legend. The making of that legend is chronicled in this riveting and unforgettable novel, written as an oral history of one of the biggest bands of the seventies. Taylor Jenkins Reid is a talented writer who takes her work to a new level with Daisy Jones & The Six, brilliantly capturing a place and time in an utterly distinctive voice. Dominicana by Angie Cruz Dominicana hinges on the promise of new beginnings built on generations of sacrifice and dreams. There is a path to a better life, but no manual. Alone with a husband she doesn't know, Ana carves a space for herself in Washington Heights, learning almost everything from scratch. An ode to women everywhere whose birthright is not only survival but joy. Amanda Ibarra, Flyleaf Books, Chapel Hill, NC Fifteen-year-old Ana Cancion never dreamed of moving to America, the way the girls she grew up with in the Dominican countryside did. But when Juan Ruiz proposes and promises to take her to New York City, she has to say yes. It doesn't matter that he is twice her age, that there is no love between them. Their marriage is an opportunity for her entire close-knit family to eventually immigrate. So on New Year's Day, 1965, Ana leaves behind everything she knows and becomes Ana Ruiz, a wife confined to a cold six-floor walk-up in Washington Heights. Lonely and miserable, Ana hatches a reckless plan to escape. But at the bus terminal, she is stopped by Cesar, Juan's free-spirited younger brother, who convinces her to stay. As the Dominican Republic slides into political turmoil, Juan returns to protect his family's assets, leaving Cesar to take care of Ana. Suddenly, Ana is free to take English lessons at a local church, lie on the beach at Coney Island, see a movie at Radio City Music Hall, go dancing with Cesar, and imagine the possibility of a different kind of life in America. When Juan returns, Ana must decide once again between her heart and her duty to her family. In bright, musical prose that reflects the energy of New York City, Angie Cruz's Dominicana is a vital portrait of the immigrant experience and the timeless coming-of-age story of a young woman finding her voice in the world. This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger This Tender Land is a modern classic that illuminates the desperate reality of a critical time in American history. I was immediately engaged in this epic story about four orphans who embark on a life-changing odyssey in search of freedom, safety, and family during the Great Depression. This Tender Land is a perfect novel for fans of Before We Were Yours and Where the Crawdads Sing. This novel is a must-read for all book clubs. Eve Taben, Elm Street Books, New Canaan, CT The unforgettable story of four orphans who travel the Mississippi River on a life-changing odyssey during the Great Depression. In the summer of 1932, on the banks of Minnesota's Gilead River, Odie O'Banion is an orphan confined to the Lincoln Indian Training School, a pitiless place where his lively nature earns him the superintendent's wrath. Forced to flee after committing a terrible crime, he and his brother, Albert, their best friend, Mose, and a brokenhearted little girl named Emmy steal away in a canoe, heading for the mighty Mississippi and a place to call their own. Over the course of one summer, these four orphans journey into the unknown and cross paths with others who are adrift, from struggling farmers and traveling faith healers to displaced families and lost souls of all kinds. With the feel of a modern classic, This Tender Land is an enthralling, big-hearted epic that shows how the magnificent American landscape connects us all, haunts our dreams, and makes us whole. Trust Exercise by Susan Choi A psychological masterclass. I can think of no better place to dissect how micro actions toward each other suggest macro feelings than a famous arts high school where emotions, power dynamics, and naivete mascarading as bravado are at their peak and ever shifting. Many have said, and I will too, that you have to read this one knowing as little as possible about what to expect. All I'll say is that it left me with a potent emotion spurred by a slowly revealed truth, not just about the characters but about our world, and Susan Choi is a genius. Molly Moore, BookPeople, Austin, TX In an American suburb in the early 1980s, students at a highly competitive performing arts high school struggle and thrive in a rarified bubble, ambitiously pursuing music, movement, Shakespeare, and, particularly, their acting classes. When within this striving "Brotherhood of the Arts," two freshmen, David and Sarah, fall headlong into love, their passion does not go unnoticed—or untoyed with—by anyone, especially not by their charismatic acting teacher, Mr. Kingsley. The outside world of family life and economic status, of academic pressure and of their future adult lives, fails to penetrate this school's walls—until it does, in a shocking spiral of events that catapults the action forward in time and flips the premise upside-down. What the reader believes to have happened to David and Sarah and their friends is not entirely true—though it's not false, either. It takes until the book's stunning coda for the final piece of the puzzle to fall into place—revealing truths that will resonate long after the final sentence. As captivating and tender as it is surprising, Susan Choi's Trust Exercise will incite heated conversations about fiction and truth, and about friendships and loyalties, and will leave readers with wiser understandings of the true capacities of adolescents and of the powers and responsibilities of adults. The Guest Book by Sarah Blake A cozy-chair, cup-of-tea, wrapped-in-a-blanket kind of novel, The Guest Book takes the reader through three generations. As you delve into the lives and personalities of the Milton family's seemingly perfectly ordered and charmed world, the cracks gradually begin to show. Through the denial of the news in Nazi Germany, the taboo of speaking of one's illness or someone's homosexuality, or the hiding of a friend that is of a different skin color or religion, we see through the eyes of this family that history does repeat itself and lessons are hard learned. If you enjoyed The Postmistress, you will enjoy this. Lots of discussion for reading groups. Nona Camuel, CoffeeTree Books, Morehead, KY An exquisitely written, poignant family saga that illuminates the great divide, the gulf that separates the rich and poor, black and white, Protestant and Jew. Spanning three generations, The Guest Book deftly examines the life and legacy of one unforgettable family as they navigate the evolving social and political landscape from Crockett's Island, their family retreat off the coast of Maine. Blake masterfully lays bare the memories and mistakes each generation makes while coming to terms with what it means to inherit the past. In West Mills by De'Shawn Charles Winslow Knot is a strong and independent woman in a rural town in North Carolina. She likes her liquor, and she will always speak her mind and regret none of it. She is one of many members of the community of West Mills that we get to know over the course of 40 years in De'Shawn Charles Winslow's beautiful and feisty book about the love of family, friends, and neighbors. Though not always perfect and with a fair share of secrets, they always try to do what they believe is best for the ones they love. Carl Kranz, Fountain Bookstore, Richmond, VA Let the people of West Mills say what they will about Azalea "Knot" Centre; they won't keep her from what she loves best: cheap moonshine, nineteenth-century literature, and the company of men. And yet, when motherhood looms, Knot begins to learn that her freedom has come at a high price. Low on money, ostracized from her parents and cut off from her hometown, Knot turns to her neighbor, Otis Lee Loving, in search of some semblance of family and home. Otis Lee is eager to help. A lifelong fixer, Otis Lee is determined to steer his friends and family away from decisions that will cause them heartache and ridicule. After his failed attempt to help his older sister, who lives a precarious life in the North, Otis Lee discovers a possible path to redemption in the chaos Knot brings to his doorstep. But while he's busy trying to fix Knot's life, Otis Lee finds himself powerless to repair the many troubles within his own family, as the long-buried secrets of his troubled past begin to come to light. Spanning decades in a rural North Carolina town where a canal acts as the color line, In West Mills is a magnificent, big-hearted small-town story about family, friendship, storytelling, and the redemptive power of love. The Lager Queen of Minnesota by J. Ryan Stradal This is a tale of two sisters, a batch of undefeatable Midwestern women, and the modern evolution of American beer trends in the Midwest. America's heartland looks a bit different from the perspectives of Edith, Helen, and Diana, each of whom struggles to both survive and realize her dreams in a world less than willing to give women a chance, let alone a beer. Lovely, powerful, and an excellent read! Linda Sherman-Nurick, Cellar Door Books, Riverside, CA A novel of family, Midwestern values, hard work, fate and the secrets of making a world-class beer, from the bestselling author of Kitchens of the Great Midwest Two sisters, one farm. A family is split when their father leaves their shared inheritance entirely to Helen, his younger daughter. Despite baking award-winning pies at the local nursing home, her older sister, Edith, struggles to make what most people would call a living. So she can't help wondering what her life would have been like with even a portion of the farm money her sister kept for herself. With the proceeds from the farm, Helen builds one of the most successful light breweries in the country, and makes their company motto ubiquitous: "Drink lots. It's Blotz." Where Edith has a heart as big as Minnesota, Helen's is as rigid as a steel keg. Yet one day, Helen will find she needs some help herself, and she could find a potential savior close to home. . . if it's not too late. Meanwhile, Edith's granddaughter, Diana, grows up knowing that the real world requires a tougher constitution than her grandmother possesses. She earns a shot at learning the IPA business from the ground up–will that change their fortunes forever, and perhaps reunite her splintered family? Here we meet a cast of lovable, funny, quintessentially American characters eager to make their mark in a world that's often stacked against them. In this deeply affecting family saga, resolution can take generations, but when it finally comes, we're surprised, moved, and delighted. Mostly Dead Things by Kristen Arnett Kristen Arnett's Mostly Dead Things is a unique and charismatic story that winds its way through family matters, personal strife, and most important of all: taxidermy. Great for fans of Karen Russell's Swamplandia! Delany Holcomb, Bookmarks, Winston-Salem, NC What does it take to come back to life? For Jessa-Lynn Morton, the question is not an abstract one. In the wake of her father's suicide, Jessa has stepped up to manage his failing taxidermy business while the rest of the Morton family crumbles. Her mother starts sneaking into the taxidermy shop to make provocative animal art, while her brother, Milo, withdraws. And Brynn, Milo's wife—and the only person Jessa's ever been in love with—walks out without a word. It's not until the Mortons reach a tipping point that a string of unexpected incidents begins to open up surprising possibilities and second chances. But will they be enough to salvage this family, to help them find their way back to one another? Kristen Arnett's breakout bestseller is a darkly funny family portrait; a peculiar, bighearted look at love and loss and the ways we live through them together. Who Are You, Calvin Bledsoe? by Brock Clarke Inspired by Graham Greene's Travels With My Aunt, Brock Clarke's new novel is a delightful journey (physically and emotionally) that constantly keeps us guessing at the final destination. This can be said of the narrator, Calvin Bledsoe, as well as the reader. At his mother's funeral, Calvin meets an aunt he never knew he had, and embarks on an odyssey of self-discovery he didn't know he needed. A thoughtful coming-of-age story wrapped in a screwball mystery caper, Who Are You, Calvin Bledsoe? may inspire questions of your own. It may inspire you to learn about John Calvin, the pellet stove, or even small animal pornography. It will most certainly make you smile. Tony Peltier, Quail Ridge Books, Raleigh, NC Calvin Bledsoe has never grown up. His mother, an internationally known theologian, was the dominant force in his life—so much so that he never left home, even when he married. Now she is gone, and at her funeral, Calvin meets an aunt he never knew existed, who immediately takes charge of his life and whisks him off to Europe for a grand adventure. As Calvin and his aunt traverse the continent, it becomes apparent that her clandestine behavior is leading him into danger. Facing a menagerie of antiquities thieves, secret agents, and religious fanatics, as well as an ex-wife who is stalking him, Calvin begins to suspect there might be some meaning behind the madness. Is he the person he thought he was? Is anyone ever who they appear to be? But there's little time for soul-searching, as Calvin first has to figure out why he has been kidnapped, why his aunt has disappeared, and who the hell burned down his house in Maine. The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman The Devouring Gray has everything that makes Stranger Things and The Raven Cycle so appealing to readers: a dark and enthralling atmosphere, a creeping sense of dread, and, above all, a cast of teen characters who feel truly alive. This is the height of what YA urban fantasy can be. Kiersten Frost, Brookline Booksmith, Brookline, MA After the death of her sister, seventeen-year-old Violet Saunders finds herself dragged to Four Paths, New York. Violet may be a newcomer, but she soon learns her mother isn't: They belong to one of the revered founding families of the town, where stone bells hang above every doorway and danger lurks in the depths of the woods. Justin Hawthorne's bloodline has protected Four Paths for generations from the Gray — a lifeless dimension that imprisons a brutal monster. After Justin fails to inherit his family's powers, his mother is determined to keep this humiliation a secret. But Justin can't let go of the future he was promised and the town he swore to protect. Ever since Harper Carlisle lost her hand to an accident that left her stranded in the Gray for days, she has vowed revenge on the person who abandoned her: Justin Hawthorne. There are ripples of dissent in Four Paths, and Harper seizes an opportunity to take down the Hawthornes and change her destiny — to what extent, even she doesn't yet know. The Gray is growing stronger every day, and its victims are piling up. When Violet accidentally unleashes the monster, all three must band together with the other Founders to unearth the dark truths behind their families' abilities…before the Gray devours them all. The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo This book is a great coming-of-age story for any teenage girl. A collection of poems make it a quick and thoughtful read. Xiomara is a Dominican girl living in the city, getting used to her changing body and attention from her lab partner, and wrestling with ideas of right and wrong. Her ideas of right and wrong are completely different from her highly religious mother's. Her poems are her freedom, but how can you be free when home makes you feel trapped? Lulu Roush, Waucoma Bookstore, Hood River, OR Fans of Jacqueline Woodson, Meg Medina, and Jason Reynolds will fall hard for this astonishing New York Times-bestselling novel-in-verse by an award-winning slam poet, about an Afro-Latina heroine who tells her story with blazing words and powerful truth. Xiomara Batista feels unheard and unable to hide in her Harlem neighborhood. Ever since her body grew into curves, she has learned to let her fists and her fierceness do the talking. But Xiomara has plenty she wants to say, and she pours all her frustration and passion onto the pages of a leather notebook, reciting the words to herself like prayers—especially after she catches feelings for a boy in her bio class named Aman, who her family can never know about. With Mami's determination to force her daughter to obey the laws of the church, Xiomara understands that her thoughts are best kept to herself. So when she is invited to join her school's slam poetry club, she doesn't know how she could ever attend without her mami finding out. But she still can't stop thinking about performing her poems. Because in the face of a world that may not want to hear her, Xiomara refuses to be silent. Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson Prepare yourself for a world where books live and think as we do, and whose pages hold both fantastical wonders and menacing enchantments. Elisabeth is a librarian's apprentice, sworn to protect the mystical tomes from the world — and the world from them. When a deadly mishap throws Elisabeth to the mercy of the royal courts, she must seek help from her sworn enemy, a sorcerer. You won't be able to pull yourself away from the magic and wit this story holds! Kiera Thompson, the river's end bookstore, Oswego, NY From the New York Times bestselling author of An Enchantment of Ravens comes an "enthralling adventure" (Kirkus Reviews, starred review) about an apprentice at a magical library who must battle a powerful sorcerer to save her kingdom. All sorcerers are evil. Elisabeth has known that as long as she has known anything. Raised as a foundling in one of Austermeer's Great Libraries, Elisabeth has grown up among the tools of sorcery—magical grimoires that whisper on shelves and rattle beneath iron chains. If provoked, they transform into grotesque monsters of ink and leather. Then an act of sabotage releases the library's most dangerous grimoire, and Elisabeth is implicated in the crime. With no one to turn to but her sworn enemy, the sorcerer Nathaniel Thorn, and his mysterious demonic servant, she finds herself entangled in a centuries-old conspiracy. Not only could the Great Libraries go up in flames, but the world along with them. As her alliance with Nathaniel grows stronger, Elisabeth starts to question everything she's been taught—about sorcerers, about the libraries she loves, even about herself. For Elisabeth has a power she has never guessed, and a future she could never have imagined. There's Something About Sweetie by Sandhya Menon Two teenagers with something to prove—to their parents, their classmates, and themselves—find themselves drawn together in this classic rom-com with a Bollywood flavor. The chemistry, the sass, the representation were all on point. I particularly loved seeing a fat woman of color as the romantic lead! Mackenzie Van Engelenhoven, The King's English Bookshop, Salt Lake City, UT The irresistible companion novel to the New York Times bestseller When Dimple Met Rishi, which follows Rishi's brother, Ashish, and a confident, self-proclaimed fat athlete named Sweetie as they both discover what love means to them. Ashish Patel didn't know love could be so…sucky. After being dumped by his ex-girlfriend, his mojo goes AWOL. Even worse, his parents are annoyingly, smugly confident they could find him a better match. So, in a moment of weakness, Ash challenges them to set him up. The Patels insist that Ashish date an Indian-American girl—under contract. Per subclause 1(a), he'll be taking his date on "fun" excursions like visiting the Hindu temple and his eccentric Gita Auntie. Kill him now. How is this ever going to work? Sweetie Nair is many things: a formidable track athlete who can outrun most people in California, a loyal friend, a shower-singing champion. Oh, and she's also fat. To Sweetie's traditional parents, this last detail is the kiss of death. Sweetie loves her parents, but she's so tired of being told she's lacking because she's fat. She decides it's time to kick off the Sassy Sweetie Project, where she'll show the world (and herself) what she's really made of. Ashish and Sweetie both have something to prove. But with each date they realize there's an unexpected magic growing between them. Can they find their true selves without losing each other? Previous postVirtual Signing with Rosie Danan Next postGetting Published 1 thought on "Summer & Fall Book Club Recommendations, Part 2" Pingback: October in Review – Towne Book Center
BLAWGDOG | 博铎法豆 Donnie Dong's Blog of IP, IT Laws & Trends Tag: Negligent infliction of emotional distress Negligent infliction of emotional distress (NIED) Notes Elements of Negligence Duty of care: foreseeability Defendant owes a duty of care to all persons who are foreseeably endangered by his conduct. Don't as whether a particular defendant could have expected the result. Instead, ask whether a "reasonable person" could do so Don't ask if a particular harm is foreseeable. Ask if the category or type of harm is foreseeable Dillon v. Legg Background: Prior to this case, only a person who is in the "zone of danger" can be awarded the damages of distress. This rule applies to the victim's sister. However, ther mother was not in the zone of danger despite she had eyewitnessed the accident. Rule: A defendant's liability for emotional distress caused to a plaintiff largely depends upon whether the harm was reasonably foreseeable, and foreseeability can be evaluated by considering factors such as: (1) located near the scene: whether a plaintiff was located near the scene of an accident as opposed to some distance from it, (2) sensory and contemporaneous observance: whether the shock alleged by the plaintiff resulted from his sensory and contemporaneous observance of the accident, and (3) closely related: whether the plaintiff and the victim were closely related, as contrasted with an absence of any relationship or the presence of only a distant relationship. Thing v. La Chusa, 48 Cal.3d 644 (1989) Rule: A plaintiff may not recover damages for emotional distress caused by observing the negligently inflicted injury of a third person if she was not an eyewitness to the act that caused the injury. Facts: The mother was nearby, but did not hear or see the accident. Reasoning: The guidlines in Dillon should be refined to create greater certainty. A plaintiff may recover damages for emotional distress caused by observing the negligently inflicted injury of a third person if, but only if, said plaintiff: (1) is closely related to the injury victim; (2) is present at the scene of the injury-producing event at the time it occurs and is then aware that it is causing injury to the victim; and (3) as a result suffers serious emotional distress-a reaction beyond that which would be anticipated in a disinterested witness and which is not an abnormal response to the circumstances. "Drawing arbitrary lines is unavoidable if we are to limit liability and establish meaningful rules for application by litigants and lower courts." Justice Broussard Dissent: foreseeability and duty should determine liability in the case of negligent infliction of emotional distress, as they do in other aspects of tort law. Goldstein v. Superior Court, 223 Cal.App.3d 1415 (1990) Author Donnie (豆哥)Posted on 10/30/2019 Categories 专业日志, 资料库Tags Negligent infliction of emotional distress, NIED, tort, United States Subscribe at WeChat 微信订阅?扫描二维码 或者 在微信通讯录添加朋友:fadoufadou Structure of New York State Criminal Courts Online resources for the case of LabMD Inc. v. FTC (11th Cir.) and the FTC's response after the decision 董皓:在变迁的文化中保护和促进人权 Commerce Clause Tests Donnie on 三步检验法不能作为国内法中关于合理使用的概括性条款 tzy on 三步检验法不能作为国内法中关于合理使用的概括性条款 yfhxs on 昆明老照片多图杀猫请耐心 奥森 on 葛峰:调解利弊析 专业日志 寻闲 信息网络传播权 没文化 网络法 网络管制 话本 BLAWGDOG | 博铎法豆 Proudly powered by WordPress
Why Arts and Sciences? A&S Advising Dean's Scholars and Dean's List ConcernCenter StudentsStudents Dropdown Toggle Dean's Guidelines Faculty Assembly A&S Advancement Toolkit Anonymous Feedback Departments, Programs, and Centers Academics & ResearchAcademics & Research Dropdown Toggle About A&S Contact Dean's Staff Structure and Divisions About the Interim Dean History of A&S A&S Hall of Honor Diversity, Engagement, Culture & Climate About A&SAbout A&S Dropdown Toggle All A&S News Liberal Arts in the Media Thinker Newsletter A&S in the Media All A&S Events Yearlings Club Phi Beta Kappa Lecture Meet the Professor West Louisville Economic Development Forum EventsEvents Dropdown Toggle / Video Demonizing diseases: of Thomas Jefferson and Hessian Flies University of Louisville Professor Dr. Dugatkin presented "Demonizing diseases: of Thomas Jefferson and Hessian Flies" Pernicious as they are, personifying and demonizing are not new responses to disease. 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I've been able to really, truly dig down deep into who I am through my studies in Political Science and Theatre Arts," Kim said. "At the end of the day, what I'm learning here is just how to be a better person." McConnell Scholar: 'UofL one of the best things to happen to me' - Read More… Rwandan refugee graduates from UofL with a degree in Psychology Basenge was born in Rwanda, but her parents fled to South Africa during the Rwandan genocide. They lived in South Africa under asylum and she came to the United States as a refugee in 2014. Carine Basenge officially graduates from the University of Louisville on Friday with a degree in Psychology. Rwandan refugee graduates from UofL with a degree in Psychology - Read More… Science for a Day Students from Marian Moore Middle School spent a day on UofL's campus learning about climate change and other environmental science as part of a worldwide collaboration with UofL and students in other countries. Science for a Day - Read More… UofL's New Sustainability Degree This year, UofL became the first university in Kentucky to offer a sustainability degree program and it's not just about "going green". UofL's New Sustainability Degree - Read More… Lebanese police learn tactics from SPI A group of officers from the Lebanese National Police spent two weeks in Louisville getting first hand views of SWAT team tactics, community policing and the cameras overseeing city streets. But their main goal was to take home new leadership and management skills from UofL's Southern Police Institute. Lebanese police learn tactics from SPI - Read More… Video: Digital Media Academy two-week summer camp for young girls The Digital Media Academy had a two-week summer camp to reach young girls and empower them to get involved in Digital Media or STEM fields. This year they they produced their own videos. Video: Digital Media Academy two-week summer camp for young girls - Read More… The University of Louisville is hoping to get more sixth grade girls, many of them from low income families, to take an interest in technology and engineering. That's the goal of the Digital Media Academy according to academy director and UofL professor Andrea Olinger. Girl Power - Read More… Next 3 items » 12 Gardiner Hall Louisville, Kentucky 40292 M-F 8:00am to 4:30 pm [email protected]
Tune Req: Drinking Gourd + Revolutionary Tea GUEST,Larry 12 Dec 08 - 06:03 PM Joe Offer 12 Dec 08 - 06:06 PM Jim Dixon 23 Dec 08 - 02:47 PM Subject: RE: Mudcat FAQ - Newcomer's Guide From: GUEST,Larry I am looking for a public domain copy of piano sheet music for "Follow the Drinking Gourd" and "Revolutionary Tea." If anyone can help or advise where to find such it would be greatly appreciated. [email protected] Subject: Seek Sheet Music: Drinking Gourd transferred from the FAQ Click here for the information we have on "Drinking Gourd." Although it may have traditional roots, I believe the first well-known version of "Drinking Gourd" was recorded by the Weavers in the 1950s and attributed to Ronnie Gilbert, Fed Hellerman, Lee Hays, and Pete Seeger. That being the case, it would not be in the public domain. This site (click) says the song was first published in 1928, which would still not be in the public domain in the U.S. - but there is other evidence on the site that the gong goes back to about 1910, which would put it in public domain. Please conduct any discussion of this song in one of the existing threads - we have a confusing number of threads on this song already. The only online "sheet music" source I could find is the simple tune from the Lomax book, American Ballads and Folk songs (1934). This Google Book Search will take you to "Revolutionary Tea." Our information on "Revolutionary Tea" is here (click). Keep watching this thread. Perhaps somebody else will come up with leads to the sheet music you seek. "Revolutionary Tea" is an old, old song - but I didn't find any piano arrangements. Subject: RE: Seek Sheet Music: Drinking Gourd/Revolutionary Tea From: Jim Dixon A copy of the lyrics to REVOLUTIONARY TEA has been posted in this thread: Lyr Add: Revolutionary Tea (Seba Smith).
Labels Unlimited (1994) 4 Publishing Windows Labels Unlimited is a "professional" easy to use program designed specifically for making labels. It includes templates for VHS video cassettes, audio cassettes, floppy disks, mailing labels, and Avery printer labels. It features a WYSIWYG interface, supports text, graphics, sequences, and much more. 1.x (Win) LANTastic (1990) 0 DOS Windows Lantastic is an easy to use, low cost networking system targeted at small networks and home users. It was very popular and highly rated in the early 1990s. Unlike most LAN networking software of the time, Lantastic required only installation and minimal, straightforward, configuration. Lantastic gives users the ability to share printers and files on a hard drive or CD-ROM. It is considered a "peer-to-peer" network, as there is no need for a dedicated server. Any computer may be configured as a server as well as a client. Lantastic was also very memory efficient, using minimal DOS memory in both workstation and sever modes, enabling users to run most popular DOS applications while Lantastic was running. Lantastic supported Ethernet, ARCNET and Token Ring networks. Artisoft also sold networking kits that included both network adapters and the Lantastic software. Lantastic was avaialble for DOS, Windows, and OS/2. At the time it competed against Novell Netware Lite, and many other small LAN oriented products. LapLink (1987) 6 Communications Windows LapLink, from Traveling Software Inc., enables users to easily and quickly move files between two DOS computers using only a serial null-modem cable or a special parallel port connector. No other hardware is needed. Laplink was extremely popular.during the late 80s and early 90s. It was infinitely easier to set up any two arbitrary PCs (often portables or laptops) with LapLink than other methods, such as DOS based networking. MS-DOS 6 bundled a similar set of file transfer tools called INTERLNK and INTERSVR. 7.5 for Windows 95 Gold (9.0) Liquid Motion PRO (1996) 2 Media Player Windows Liquid Motion Pro, from DimensionX Inc., is a powerful drag-and-drop authoring tool that allows you to easily create dynamic Java content for your web-site. Make your pages come alive with animations, interactivity, motion and sound... all with no programming required. capable of running in any browser on any platform that has Java, but requires the download of a large runtime first. bundles until 2000. Logitech Mouseware (1988) 3 DOS Windows Logitech mice and pointing devices were popular competition to Microsoft or Microsoft clone mice. Logitech mice often had extra features that required Logitech drivers, and early Logitech mice were not Microsoft or Mouse Systems protocol compatible. Long File Names (1994) 1 Windows "Long File Names for Windows", from VIEW Software, is a commercial program that modifies Windows 3.1's save-as and open dialog boxes to use long file names, which it stores in its own database. Later versions can also be used under Windows 95 to store long file names for 16-bit applications. It competed against Vertisoft Systems Name-It. Lotus 1-2-3 (1983) 55 Spreadsheet Windows MacOS Lotus 1-2-3 was an early spreadsheet application available for MS-DOS. It became extremely popular in the late 1980s, displacing the former leader VisiCalc. Lotus had difficulties adapting 1-2-3 to the Windows environment, and was overtaken by Microsoft Excel. Spreadsheet functionality was also included in Lotus Symphony. Later versions were included in Lotus SmartSuite. 1.x (Mac) 97 (Win) 9.5 (Office) 9.0 (Win) Lotus Approach (1993) 1 Database Windows Lotus Approach, originally from Approach Software Corporation, is a relational database management system. Approach promises "instant productivity" with its WYSIWYG form and report designer, and is compatible with many existing database formats. Approach started off as an independent product, was purchased by Lotus, and later IBM. It was included in Lotus SmartSuite for Microsoft Windows. Lotus Forms (1994) 2 Database Windows Lotus Forms is an electronic form creation tool for Microsoft Windows. Lotus Forms uses a Designer to create forms and a Filler client program to fill out forms. electronically through Lotus Notes, cc:Mail, and Microsoft Mail. It supports arbitrary pen-like markup, and can interface with databases. At the release of 1.0 the filler client only supported Windows. Lotus Improv (1991) 3 Spreadsheet Windows Improv is a spreadsheet program that attempted to re-imagine how one would create and interact with spreadsheets. It was first released in 1991 for NeXT computers, and for a time became one of the NeXT's "Killer Apps". In 1993 Lotus released Improv 2.0 for Microsoft Windows. It was not marketed as a direct replacement to Lotus 1-2-3, and 1-2-3 remained dominant until both were overtaken by Microsoft Excel. Lotus Jazz (1985) 5 Word Processor Spreadsheet Presentations Communications Database MacOS Lotus Jazz was a heavily marketed all-in-one integrated office suite that included a word processor, spreadsheet, graphing, database, and communications program. Jazz was targeted as a universal solution for all office workers. Although at release, the program was exclusively for the Apple Macintosh 512k. Despite the marketing effort, it flopped miserably. Although it was from Lotus, the spreadsheet was not related to Lotus 1-2-3. Microsoft Works. Lotus Notes (1993) 1 Communications PIM Windows MacOS Lotus Notes is a powerful e-mail and collaboration tool. It was heavily used by large corporations. It was sometimes criticized for its complexity and bloat. Notes is a client server tool, and uses the Lotus Domino server (originally just called Lotus Notes server). Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino competed against Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange. Lotus Organizer (1992) 6 PIM Windows A personal information manager from Lotus for Windows. Organizer was a Windows-based replacement for the DOS-based Lotus Agenda. Lotus Organizer was the most popular PIM during the mid 1990s. Lotus SmartSuite (1993) 50 Word Processor Spreadsheet Presentations PIM Database Windows IBM/Lotus SmartSuite is an office suite from Lotus software for Windows and OS/2. SmartSuite includes SmartCenter, 1-2-3, Word Pro, Freelance Graphics, Approach, Organizer, and ScreenCam. Lotus Word Pro (1996) 19 Word Processor Windows Word Pro was a word processor based upon Ami Pro (originally published by Samna). Lotus acquired Samna in 1990. Word Pro 96 is the first release to no longer use the Ami Pro naming. Lucid 3-D (1990) 2 Spreadsheet Windows Lucid 3-D, created by PCSG, Inc. and sold by DacEasy, Inc., is a spreadsheet program for MS-DOS. The feature that sets it apart from others is that it is memory-resident, so you can bring it up on top of other DOS programs and exchange data with them. Unlike simple TSRs, however, Ludid 3D is a full featured spreadsheet. It features linking, macros, windowing, intelligent recalculation, background recalculation, and user-definable functions. Luckman's Official Interactive WWW Yellow Pages (1996) 0 Reference Windows Luckman's Official Interactive World Wide Web Yellow Pages is a web site directory on a CD-ROM filled with thousands of top-rated reviewed and ranked web site listings. It make it easy for you to search for popular web sites off-line. Mac OS 7 (1991) 157 MacOS Mac OS 7 was a major change from the earlier System Software, introducing integrated multitasking, a revamped desktop, networking, and transitioning the name from "Macintosh System Software" To "MacOS'. It was followed by MacOS 8.x. Mac OS 8 (1994) 66 MacOS Apple Mac OS 8 was another major overhaul of the OS from the earlier Mac OS 7. It added a new Platinum visual theme, a multi threaded Finder, better virtual memory, and many customization options. 8.5 and later require a PPC CPU. It was followed up by Mac OS 9. 8.2 Beta Mac OS 9.x, based on Mac OS 8 was the final product based on the classic MacOS architecture. Like previous version, it lacks true protected memory or pre-emptive multitasking. MacOS 9 was abandoned in favor of of the Unix-ish NextStep/Openstep based Mac OS X. Mac OS X (1997) 372 MacOS MacOS X was Apple's replacement for their classic MacOS. MacOS X is based on NeXTSTEP, a Unix-based OS. The first consumer release also featured a new user interface appearance called "Aqua". Server 1.0 MacDraft (1987) 0 Graphics Engineering MacOS MacDraft is a powerful but easy to use 2D object oriented drawing environment. Supports auto dimensioning, area calculation, rotation, cursor position indicator, and much more while maintaining an appearance similar to Mac Draw. The product was targeted at users that only occasionally used a CAD program. MacDraw (1986) 0 Graphics MacOS MacDraw, originally from Apple and later Claris, was an early vector based drawing application for MacOS. The origional version was released alongside the Macintosh in 1984. It could be used in conjunction with MacWrite. Unlike MacPaint, MacDraw uses shapes and lines to build drawings, where MacPaint is completely bit-mapped. In 1993 the product was renamed to ClarisDraw as a Windows port was added. MacDrive 95 (1997) 1 Utility Windows MacDrive 95 is a system driver for Windows 95 that seamlessly reads and writes 1.44mb formatted Macintosh floppy disks. Note: this only works on 1.44mb disks, not 400K/800K disks. MacInTax (1995) 0 Financial MacOS MacInTax, from Intuit Inc, was a Macintosh program that helped one prepare their taxes. It has a friendly user interface, and walks users through an "Interview" to gather required information.
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SCIENION Multiplexed Array-Based Assays & Biosensors Human & Veterinary Food & Environmental Multiplexed Lateral Flow Lateral Flow Microarray ImmunoAssay Dispense on Microfluidics Multiplexed POC Test on Unmodified Surfaces Glycan Arrays & Glycomics Glycan Microarrays Microneedle Arrays Nanoliter PCR PCR in Nanoliter Volumes Cell Based Arrays 3D Cell Cultures Protein-Protein CAPPIA Prokaryotic Cell Chips Cell-on-Chip for Drug Screening Single Cell Isolation Single Cell Sequencing Cell-line Development sciDROP PICO sciDROP NANO cellenONE sciFLEXARRAYER sciSPX cellenONE X1 & F1 sciREADERs sciCONSUMABLES sciBUFFERs sciPOLY 3D Global Services & Support SCIENION and Pictor Limited Partner to Commercialize High-Throughput SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Testing System to Support Ongoing Fight Against Pandemic September 28, 2021 Press Releases The partnership will incorporate SCIENION's CL2 sciREADER system into the PictArray SARS-CoV-2 Serology Test which will shortly begin clinical trials for FDA EUA market clearance BERLIN, GERMANY – September 28, 2021 – Today SCIENION, a BICO company, announced it has entered into a strategic collaboration with diagnostic biotechnology company Pictor Limited to commercialize a high throughput SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing system. In the collaboration, the two companies will incorporate SCIENION's CL2 sciREADER system into the PictArray SARS-CoV-2 Serology Test to create the only platform capable of testing both anti-nucleocapsid and anti-spike antibodies in one reaction. This analysis will be key to support the sustained fight against the pandemic by measuring the population's level of herd immunity through natural infections and vaccinations. "As COVID-19 remains a widespread concern, measuring antibody levels across populations will be critical for public health officials to stop new variant surges," said Holger Eickhoff Ph.D., co-founder and CEO of SCIENION GmbH. "We're honored to work with Pictor to help further develop this vital technology." The combined system will provide a highly automated miniaturized multiplex immunoassay test in a 96 well plate format capable of providing quick analysis on patients' level of antibodies. The system also leverages proprietary software, developed by Pictor Ltd. which produces a risk score for individuals to determine their likelihood of carrying a COVID-19 infection. "We are thrilled to have entered into this strategic collaboration with SCIENION," said Thomas Schlumpberger, Chief Executive Officer, Pictor Ltd. "Leveraging the sciREADER colormetric high performance and accuracy enables Pictor to bring high throughput, high performance and low-cost multiplexed antibody testing for SARS-CoV-2 to the market. We are eager to provide insights into the epidemiological spread of the virus to help inform control and prevention measures." The PictArray SARS-CoV-2 Serology Test enters clinical trials in September 2021 with the goal of receiving FDA emergency use authorization (EUA) and brought to market in early 2022. The companies also plan to pursue a positive Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) opinion for use in the United Kingdom and European Union. Companies interested in leveraging the PictArray SARS-CoV-2 Serology Test for antibody testing can learn more at www.pictordx.com/news/ BICO Press office Phone (US) Riley Munks, PR Manager (650) 863-6699 Alyssa D'Orazio, PR Manager (617) 634-9601 Email: [email protected] About SCIENION Founded in 2001, SCIENION is a renowned specialist in ultra-low volume precision liquid handling in the pico-liter to micro-liter range, enabling applications from research to high throughput production of assays in diagnostics and life sciences. Addressing the dynamically increasing needs for miniaturization and multiplex analyses, SCIENION is a complete solution provider offering a unique portfolio of automated precision dispensing systems, readers, consumables, assay development and contract manufacturing services. The company operates from two sites in Germany, Dortmund and Berlin, and has subsidiaries in Arizona, USA; Chichester, UK; and Cellenion in Lyon, France. SCIENION is part of BICO, the leading bio convergence company in the world that provides technologies, products and services to create, understand and master biology. About Pictor Pictor was founded in 2005 by entrepreneurial scientists, Dr Anand Kumble and Dr Sarita Kumble, who retired in 2017. Pictor has since expanded and now has 25 employees in USA, New Zealand, Europe and India. In August 2020 Pictor established Pictor Inc. in the United States and appointed Dr Thomas Schlumpberger as its new CEO, based in San Francisco. New Zealand life sciences serial entrepreneur Howard Moore, the previous CEO is now COO. www.pictordx.com About BICO Founded in 2016, BICO (formerly CELLINK) is the leading bio convergence company in the world by combining different technologies, such as robotics, artificial intelligence, computer science, and 3D bioprinting with biology, we enable our customers to improve people's health and lives for the better. With a focus on the application areas of bioprinting, multiomics, cell line development, and diagnostics, the company develops and markets innovative technologies that enable researchers in the life sciences to culture cells in 3D, perform high-throughput drug screening and print human tissues and organs for the medical, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. We create the future of health. The Group's products are trusted by more than 2,000 laboratories, including all the top 20 pharmaceutical companies, are being used in more than 65 countries, and have been cited in more than 1,850 publications. BICO is listed on the Nasdaq the Stockholm under BICO. www.bico.com November 3, 2021 | Press Releases Available today, the proteoCHIP 12*16 facilitates automated, miniaturized solutions for single cell proteomics applications Today, SCIENION & Cellenion, BICO companies, announced the release of the […] SCIENION & Cellenion Announce the Launch of the proteoCHIP 12*16 for Single Cell Proteomics Sample Preparation on the cellenONE® Platform October 27, 2021 | Press Releases The new platform broadens Cellenion's single cell dispensing solutions portfolio by enabling the isolation and handling of cellular aggregates from 80 µm to 600 µm […] SCIENION & Cellenion Launch spheroONE®, a Large-Particle Sorter and Dispenser to Advance Drug Testing on Complex In-Vitro 3D Models September 28, 2021 | Press Releases The partnership will incorporate SCIENION's CL2 sciREADER system into the PictArray SARS-CoV-2 Serology Test which will shortly begin clinical trials for FDA EUA market clearance […] August 30, 2021 | Company News Since its foundation in 2001, SCIENION GmbH has been located in the Adlershof Science & Technology Park in Berlin, Germany. The life sciences company is […] Preview of SCIENION's new headquarters in Berlin-Adlershof August 26, 2021 | Press Releases The two companies will work with the Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory, a U.S. Department of Energy user facility located at PNNL, and will leverage Cellenion's [...] SCIENION and Cellenion Exclusively License PNNL-Developed Tech and Partner to Accelerate Sample Processing for Mass-Spectrometry June 30, 2021 | Press Releases Berlin, Germany, and Lyon, France, June 30, 2021: today, SCIENION and Cellenion announced the launch of the cellenCHIP 384 for single cell omics sample preparation, […] Cellenion introduces customized solutions for single cell omics applications with the cellenCHIP 384 March 18, 2021 | Company News Potsdam and Berlin, Germany; March, 18, 2021: GILUPI GmbH and SCIENION AG today announced that the companies intend to intensify their collaboration in the field […] GILUPI and SCIENION announce collaboration for the development of Single-Cell CTC Analysis February 15, 2021 | Press Releases CELLINK AB (publ) ("CELLINK") has entered into an agreement with the shareholders of Ginolis Oy ("Ginolis"), a Finnish company focusing on diagnostics automation and advanced […] CELLINK has entered into an agreement to acquire the advanced robotics and diagnostics automation company Ginolis February 3, 2021 | Company News Berlin, 3. Februar, 2021: Die SCIENION AG, die bereits seit Firmengründung 2001 im Technologiepark Adlershof ansässig ist, vergrößert sich weiter und baut ihren neuen Hauptsitz […] SCIENION AG expandiert weiter und baut neue Unternehmenszentrale in Berlin Adlershof Keep up with the latest in dispensing technology by signing up © SCIENION 2022, All rights reserved. https://www.scienion.com/ https://www.scienion.com/cn/
United Nations General Assembly DEATH PENALTY: UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY'S VOTE PRO-MORATORIUM A FURTHER STEP TOWARDS ABOLITION December 18, 2014: the General Assembly of the United Nations advanced again its call to end the use of the death penalty with the passage of a new Resolution calling on States to establish a moratorium on executions, with a view to abolishing the practice. It was the fifth such text adopted since 2007. The Resolution was adopted by a record number of 117 votes in favour (+ 6 respect to 2012) and the lowest of the votes against, 38 ( - 3 respect to 2012), while 34 abstained (like in 2012) and 4 were absent (- 3 respect to 2012) at the time of the vote. Noteworthy is especially the cosponsorship, for the first time, of Sierra Leone and the vote of Niger, which for the first time voted in favour. This vote is the result of a mission in the country of Hands Off Cain and the Nonviolent Radical Party led by Marco Pannella, which was held between 19 and 21 November. Along the Niger have, for the first time, voted in favour also Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Fiji and Suriname. As a further positive sign, Bahrain, Myanmar, Tonga and Uganda moved from opposition to abstention. By its terms, the Assembly called on UN member-States: To progressively restrict the use of the death penalty and not to impose capital punishment for offences committed by persons below 18 years of age, on pregnant women and on persons with mental or intellectual disabilities; To make available relevant information with regard to their use of the death penalty, inter alia, the number of persons sentenced to death, the number of persons on death row and the number of executions carried out, and the number of death sentences reversed, commuted on appeal and in which amnesty or pardon has been granted; To respect international standards that provide safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty, in particular the right of foreign nationals to receive information on consular assistance within the context of a legal procedure. "The new vote at the UN for a moratorium records the positive developments taking place in the world towards the end of the Cain-State and the overcoming of the fake and archaic principle of eye for an eye... This further step towards abolition of the death penalty was determined by the dialogic and creative choice of Hands Off Cain and the Nonviolent Radical Party to offer – from the beginning and it alone – the moratorium on executions as a key step to the abolition." So said Sergio D'Elia, Secretary of Hands Off Cain, who – along with Marco Pannella, Marco Perduca and Elisabetta Zamparutti – has waited for the outcome of the vote on the Resolution on the Moratorium in the Radical Party headquarters in Rome, in connection with the UN in New York. PAKISTAN: MUSHARRAF ATTACK CASE CONVICT EXECUTED MARYLAND: GOV. MARTIN O'MALLEY COMMUTES FOUR DEATH SENTENCES IRAN: TWELVE PRISONERS EXECUTED AT THE END OF THE YEAR CHINA: S. KOREAN DRUG OFFENDER EXECUTED SAUDI ARABIA: 86TH EXECUTION OF 2014 CARRIED OUT IRAN: SEVEN PRISONERS HANGED IN ORUMIEH PRISON IRAQ: 3442 DETAINEES WITH TERRORISM CHARGES RELEASED IN NOVEMBER, 2014 JAPAN: 129 INMATES REMAIN ON DEATH ROW SYRIA: ISLAMIC STATE CRUCIFIES TWO CIVIL SERVANTS CONVICTED OF FRAUD IRAN: 3 PRISONERS HANGED IN ZAHEDAN CHINA: JAPANESE, KOREAN DRUG DEALERS SENTENCED PAKISTAN: BAN KI-MOON URGED NAWAZ SHARIF TO HALT EXECUTIONS IRAN: 7 PRISONERS HANGED IN SHIRAZ MAURITANIA: FIRST APOSTASY DEATH SENTENCE PAKISTAN: EUROPE CONDEMNS DECISION TO RESUME EXECUTIONS IRAN: MAN HANGED IN THE PRISON OF MASHHAD JORDAN: MORE THAN TWO-THIRDS OF JORDANIANS SUPPORT CAPITAL PUNISHMENT SOMALIA: AL-SHABAAB EXECUTE YOUNG MAN FOR SUSPECTED SPYING UAE: WIDOW SPARES HUSBAND'S KILLER DEATH SENTENCE MALAYSIA: MAID FROM THAILAND SENTENCED TO DEATH FOR DRUG TRAFFICKING THAILAND: MINISTRY OF JUSTICE LOOKS TO ABOLISH DEATH PENALTY SAUDI ARABIA: THREE INDIANS SAVED FROM EXECUTION JORDAN: 11 EXECUTED AFTER 8-YEAR DEATH PENALTY MORATORIUM PAKISTAN: FOUR MORE SENT TO THE GALLOWS AFTER SCHOOL ATTACK IRAN: 11 PRISONER HANGED IN SHIRAZ AND QAZVIN PAKISTAN: TWO TERRORISTS EXECUTED AFTER THE GOVERNMENT ENDED A MORATORIUM ON CAPITAL USA: EXECUTIONS, NEW DEATH SENTENCES CONTINUE TO FALL UN: FREEZE FUNDING OF IRAN COUNTER-NARCOTICS EFFORTS PAKISTAN: PRESIDENT REJECTS MERCY APPEAL OF 17 DEATH PENALTY CONVICTS PAKISTAN PREPARES TO EXECUTE 55 DEATH ROW INMATES
THE GOLDEN AGE OF CLOCKMAKING From the 17th to the 19th century Author: May Ruiz Troncoso We begin a series of 11 articles where we will present outstanding examples of clocks from France by May Ruiz Troncoso of the French French watchmaking bases its production fundamentally on the mantelpiece clock, where historical and mythological themes will play an important role in the iconographic repertoire of these works of art, with the figure increasingly taking centre stage, to the detriment of the importance of machinery. The production of French clocks was born in Blois during the 16th century, rapidly spreading to Paris, Dijon, Lyon, etc., the main centres of this industry. During the 17th century an enormous economic potential was experienced that would be reflected brilliantly both in technique and in art and that would leave Europe stunned with its imprint. Thanks to the control of the Paris guilds, the watchmaking industry continued to flourish until the reign of the Sun King, who represents the fullness of the Baroque in France. LUIS XIV, the Sun King, 1643-1715, exerts a real personal influence on the industrial arts; proof of this is the creation of the manufacture of Gobelins, where sculptors, engravers, cabinet makers, etc. work. In this way, a great stylistic unity was achieved. Image: portrait of Louis XIV by Hyacinthe Rigaud, 1701. Louvre Museum, Paris. BOULLE Mantel Clock Louis XIV style French watch, Executed between 1745 and 1749 An important 18th century French Boulle Mantel Clock. Fine quality in marquetry of tortoise shell and brass executed with the great skill of the cabinetmaker Boulle, decorated with profusion of elements in gilt ormolu bronce mounts: fleurons, the españoleta, mask, garlands of flowers and crowned by the figure of the god Cronos seated on the sphere of the world and supported in his sword, symbolizing the inexorable passage of time. Signature: Estienne Le Noir, in Paris. Was made in the famous Le Noir workshop, almost certainly by Etienne II Le Noir (1699-1778), maitre in 1717, aged only eighteen, son of the Etienne I Le Noir (1675-1739). They are established in the Quai des Orfèvres in Paris. They both signed their work in several different ways: 'Etienne le Noir', 'Estienne le Noir' and 'Etienne Lenoir'. They are known to have supplied clocks to the marchand-mercier, Lazare Duvaux, and Madame de Pompadour purchased several clocks containing movements made by them. The courts of France, Spain, Naples, German and others werw among many to purchase works signed by Le Noirs. Today can be admired at the Musées du Louvre, Chateau de Versailles, Paul Getty Museum, Metropolitan Museum in New york,… Movement: Pendulum with metal suspension. Paris machine. Anchor escapement. Eight-day duration mechanism with hour and half hour bell striking Dial: Gilded bronze and embossed with floral motifs. Roman numeration in individual blue and white enamel cartouches. Blued steel hands, forged with a beautiful design created by Boulle. Measurements: 66 Width x 43 Depth cms. Museum of Clocks of Jerez. Photo: Luz de Abril The God Cronus Gilded bronze sculpture at the top of the clock Greek mythology presents Cronus, God of Time, as one of the first gods of Olympus. He is depicted as an old man with a beard. He rebelled against his father, Uranus, the god of heaven and with a sickle cut off his father's genitals and dethroned him. With the passing of centuries, this sickle takes the form of a scythe, a tool that in the Middle Ages was also the symbol of death because time reaps life. Here we see it in a magnificent gilded bronze sculpture. It appears, half-naked and with a very slender body, strong, despite old age. They also represent him with wings, as a symbol that time flies, in a thoughtful attitude, and sometimes sitting on a globe that reminds us of the universal mastery of time. This information corresponds to one of the pages of the book in preparation that will present 101 French remarkable clocks from the 17th to the 19th century. ARTICLES FROM DE BOOK PAGES SERIES In blue, link to the published ones 1. BOULLE Mantel Clock. Louis XIV style French Clock, Executed between 1745 and 1749 2. THE CHINESE. French Clock Louis XV, 1750-1774. 3. THE APOLLO CARRIAGE. French Clock Louis XVI, executed between 1850-1890 4. COURTESAN SCENE. French Clock Louis XVI, 1774-1790 5. SKELETON CLOCK. French Clock Directory, 1795-1799 6. AMAZONE. French Clock Directory, 1790-1800 7. PARIS, THE PRINCE SHEPHERD. French Empire Clock, 1790 -1800 8. PORTAL CLOCK. French Empire Clock, 1800-1810 9. JUSTINIAN. French Clock Carlos X, 1820-1830 10. LOVING COUPLE. Luis Felipe French Clock, 1840-1850 11. EROS AND PSYCHE. French Clock, II Empire, 1850-1873 For more information or to make a reservation for the limited edition, contact the author MAY RUIZ TRONCOSO, Information Resources Management Technician, Jerez Campus Library.
Practical Guide to Foster Community Acceptance of Girls Associated with Armed Groups in DR Congo Child Soldiers International See full resource on child-soldiers.org This Guide provides best practice measures for engaging girls formerly associated with armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who are often under-represented in disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration programs. Based on workshops conducted with child protection officials, UN agencies, government agents, and NGOs, it proposes interventions to respond to girl soldiers' specific needs and experiences. This guide focuses on solutions which are inexpensive and community based, making them applicable in various contexts. Originally published in French, the first version can be accessed at: https://www.child-soldiers.org/shop/rsum-du-guide-pratique-pour-promouvoir-lacceptation-communautaire Policy on Children Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court See full resource on icc-cpi.int The International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor recognizes that most crimes under the Statute affect children in various ways, and that at times they are specifically targeted. The Office engages with children in various contexts and circumstances, notably children who are witnesses and those whose parents or caregivers have agreed to testify before the Court. In these interactions, the Office will consider the best interests, rights and well-being of children who are directly impacted by its activities. The Office will strive to ensure that its activities do no harm to the children with whom it interacts. The Office will adopt a child-sensitive approach in all aspects of its work involving children. This policy guides applying this approach. Supporting reconciliation in post-conflict situations Iffat Idris, GSDRC Download full PDF from gsdrc.org This report covers several approaches to supporting reconciliation in post-conflict contexts. Designed as an e-learning document, the report provides general information about a variety of approaches, pros and cons of said approaches, indications of what roles donors can play, and covers Islamic reconciliation modalities available. Education and Transitional Justice: Opportunities and Challenges for Peacebuilding Clara Ramírez-Barat and Roger Duthie This report, part of a joint research project by ICTJ and UNICEF on the intersections of education, transitional justice, and peacebuilding, explores how a transitional justice framework can help to identify educational deficits relating to the logic of past conflict and/or repression and inform the reconstruction of the education sector. Drawing on comparative experiences from around the world, it looks at how formal and informal education can help facilitate the work of transitional justice measures and vice versa. Page 35 begins practical recommendations for Transitional Justice practitioners, policymakers, civil society actors, education practitioners, policymakers, and donors. For more on the project, visit the project webpage: https://www.ictj.org/our-work/research/education-peacebuilding Guiding Principles on Young People's Participation in Peacebuilding UN Interagency Network on Youth Development See full resource on un.org This resource lists 9 principles for youth participation in peacebuilding. Principles include promoting young people's participation for successful peacebuilding, valuing young people's diversity and experiences, being sensitive to gender dynamics, involving young people in all stages of peacebuilding and post-conflict programming. The Role of Communities in Protecting Education from Attack: Lessons Learned This resource lays out guidelines for implementing programs that protect education from attack. Included is a 10-step guideline for working in collaboration with local communities, examples for various case studies around the world, and strategies for staffing, working with local partners, and using child participation. The document uses Cote d'Ivoire as a case study of how communities worked with UN agencies and international NGOs and presents key findings. The Kampala Recommendations on the recovery and reintegration of children and youth affected by armed conflict War Child Holland; Centre for Children in Vulnerable Situations Download full PDF from warchildholland.org During the Kampala Conference from 25-27 September 2013, guidelines were launched on recovery and reintegration programming for child and youth affected by armed conflict. The Kampala Recommendations were drafted in consultation with experts from transitional justice, human rights, education, child rights, and youth from Uganda and Colombia. Engaging Children and Youth in Transitional Justice Processes: Guidance for Outreach Programs Clara Ramirez-Barat, International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) This resource examines including children and youth in outreach programming for transitional justice measures. It provides components and structural approaches to planning outreach programs and addresses issues such as security and protection, psychosocial support, and coordination with external actors. The appendix includes a sample image release form and UNICEF Principles for Ethical Reporting on Children. Listen and Learn: Participatory Assessment with Children and Adolescents UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) See full resource on unhcr.org This resource outlines an ethical approach to participatory assessment with refugee children and adolescents and provides guidelines on conducting participatory workshop. Part of UNHCR's tool for participatory assessment in operations, it was developed to provide guidance on suitable ways to specifically engage with girls and boys. Included are several participatory workshop methods, a participation and protection checklist, and sample activities. Ten Steps to Setting Up Complaints and Response Mechanisms See full resource on aimstandingteam.wordpress.com This short video is intended to share steps to establishing complaints and response mechanism (CRM). It features the Complaints and Response Mechanisms (CRM) Pilot in Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya in 2011. Complaints handling is part of the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) Standard for accountability and quality management. Working with Men and Boy Survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Forced Displacement United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Download full PDF from reliefweb.int Intended to emphasize programs on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) that include men and boys, this resource provides guidance on accessing survivors, providing protection, and delivering medical, legal, and social services. It contains key considerations for inclusive SGBV programming and a list of key resources. Field Handbook for the Implementation of UNHCR BID Guidelines UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR); International Rescue Committee (IRC) This resource serves as a compliment to the 2008 UNHCR Guidelines for Determining the Best Interests of the Child. It provides an overview of the international and national legal frameworks and places determination of best interest within a child protection framework. It also explains the process for determining the best interests of the child and includes guidance on principles and procedures for communicating with and interviewing children. Workshop report: Children affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence This resource represents the thinking of the International Movement for the Red Cross on building bridges between practitioners from various contexts and areas of expertise. This resource identifies priorities for action and recommendations for better coordination across the Movement and focuses on themes such as reintegration, psychosocial approach, violence prevention in urban violence, and cross-cutting issues such as youth participation. Guide for setting-up Child Friendly Complaints and Response Mechanisms (CRMs): Lessons Learnt from Save the Children's CRM in Dadaab Refugee Camp Download full PDF from hapinternational.org This resource provides guidance on creating a complaints and response mechanism (CRM) in a child-friendly manner. Using a pilot case study from Ifo Camp, Dabaab, North Eastern Kenya, this resource provides information on setting up a CRM, awareness raising, recording complaints, challenges, and lessons learned. The annex includes a stakeholder mapping tools used during their consultations with children. Guidelines on Action for Children in the Justice System in Africa UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children See full resource on srsg.violenceagainstchildren.org Intended for African governments, this resource aims to provide guidance on implementing African Union (AU) and other regional and international treaty bodies. The guidelines include a set of overarching principles, general measures of implementation, an overview of child friendly justice, fair trial rights for children in conflict with the law and for child victims and witnesses, and alternative care proceedings. This resource also discusses traditional justice and provides minimum standards for traditional courts. Children and Truth Commissions UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre This resource is intended to inform the work of child protection advocates and organizations, legal experts and other professionals in their efforts to protect the rights of children involved in truth and reconciliation processes. It includes emerging good practices and recommended procedures for children's participation in truth commissions. The annex also provides model checklists for taking statements from children and model memorandum-of-understanding (MOU) agreements between truth commissions and child protection agencies. Psychosocial Support for Children: Protecting the Rights of Child Victims and Witnesses in Transitional Justice Processes An Michels, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre This resource outlines the importance of psychosocial support for children in their participation in transitional justice mechanisms, such as international tribunals, hybrid tribunals, and truth commissions. It also provides an overview of policies and procedures which protect the rights of child participants in truth, justice, and reconciliation efforts. Putting Children at the Centre: a practical guide to children's participation Download full PDF from savethechildren.org.uk Intended for Save the Children staff at headquarters and field offices who work on children's participation, this resource provides practice standards, a toolkit of activities, and guiding questions for planning participation activities. This resource also provides guides to including children in advocacy and campaigning, fundraising, media and communications, recruitment, governance, and emergencies. Children's and Adolescents' Participation and Protection From Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Clare Feinstein and Claire O'Kane, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre This resource highlights government commitments regarding the participation of children and adolescents in combating sexual abuse and exploitation. It includes children's recommendations to end abuse and exploitation and provides recommendations for strengthening child and youth participation in child protection. ARC Resource Pack: A capacity-building tool for child protection in and after emergencies Action for the Rights of the Child (ARC) See full resource on resourcecentre.savethechildren.se This resource is a collection of training materials to help ensure effective child protection programming and protection systems. Primarily intended for facilitators and trainers, programmers who work on child rights or child protection, and members of child protection clusters, this resource pack includes a user guide, training manual, and facilitator's toolkit. Foundation modules include topics such as participation and inclusion, advocacy, community mobilization, and psychosocial support. Also included are seven critical issue modules, with module 7 on children associated with armed forces or armed groups. Children, Youth & Conflict: An introductory toolkit for engaging children and youth in conflict transformation Download full PDF from sfcg.org This resource examines principles for mainstreaming children and youth participation. It provides guidance on engaging children and youth through a variety of programs, such as radio programs, training, mentoring, and theatre. This resource also provides examples of indicators, evaluation tools, and a case study on Sierra Leone. Guidelines for Child Participation See full resource on wvi.org This resource outlines World's Visions minimum basic expectations for upholding child participation. These guidelines may apply to activities such as focus group discussions and research, sponsorship activities, children's clubs, children's engagement in community activities, and child representatives participating in national or international decision-making events. Youth and Conflict: Best Practices and Lessons Learned Download full PDF from mercycorps.org The resource examines Mercy Corps' best practices and lessons learned on its youth programming, including general program design and implementation. It also considers specific program areas such as economic engagement, political participation, youth-to-community connections, and youth-to-youth connections. We've Got Something to Say - Promoting Child and Youth Agency: A Facilitator's Manual Claire O'Kane and Tracy Dolan, Christian Children's Fund Intended for those who work with Christian Children's Fund programs, this resource aims to strengthen child and youth involvement. It discusses preparing a child friendly enabling environment and consulting, planning and implementing programs with children and young people. The appendices provide tools and activities to engage children and youth. UNHCR Guidelines for Determining the Best Interests of the Child UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR) Download full PDF from unhcr.org This resource builds on the practices of domestic child protection systems and details UNHCR's formal procedure for the 'best interests determination' (BID) of a child. This process is designed to facilitate adequate child participation without discrimination. This resource includes guidance on setting up a BID procedure, collecting information, balancing competing rights, and informing the child and follow-up measures. UNHCR Handbook for the Protection of Women and Girls This resource provides an overview of the legal standards and responsibilities to protect women and girls. It discusses issues such as displacement, prevention, reintegration, participation in peacebuilding processes, and the administration of justice during displacement for formal, traditional, and transitional mechanisms. Chapter 6 provides an overview of the international and regional legal framework. This resource is intended for UNHRC staff, both at headquarters and in the field, and protection partners. Children as Active Citizens: A Policy and Programme Guide Inter-Agency Working Group on Children's Participation (IAWGCP) This resource considers commitments and obligations for children's civil rights and civic engagement in East Asia and the Pacific. It aims to strengthen children's civil rights and provides guidance on capacities, structures, and resources needed to strengthen children's civil rights. The annex includes a checklist to assess children's citizenship and civil rights at the national level. This resource is intended for decision-makers at the national level and service providers to realize civil rights for children. Kendra Dupuy, International Peace Research Institute (PRIO); Save the Children Norway See full resource on prio.org Arguing that formal education systems play a role in peace building, this resource provides key findings and recommendations as to how children and formal education systems should be involved in peace building. It considers fieldwork from Guatemala, Nepal, and Liberia. The Participation of Children and Young People in Emergencies Written for staff and managers of relief agencies and children's agencies active in emergency response, this resource provides a guide for programming with children's participation in emergencies. This resource considers: providing information for children; involving children in assessments, planning and decision making; feedback and complaint mechanisms for children; and children's and young people's associations in emergencies. Minimum Standards for Consulting with Children Download full PDF from crin.org In addition to the Operations Manual on Children's Participation in Consultations, this resource was developed to facilitate children's participation in studies and meetings. This resource sets minimum standards for children's participation in international meetings and includes criteria and procedures for each standard. These standards are intended for organizing commitments of different organizations and agencies which send children to participation in meetings. Operations Manual on Children's Participation in Consultations In addition to the Minimum Standards for Consulting with Children, this resource was developed to facilitate children's participation in studies and meetings. This operations manual includes planning and preparatory materials, selection, registration forms, briefing materials, child protection, and terms of reference for roles such as organizing committees and child protection teams. Child and Youth Participation Resource Guide This resource compiles materials on child and youth participation, including children's participation in emergencies, conflict situations and peace building. Part four focuses on children's involvement in political decision making, such as their role in policy analysis in National Plans of Action, Committee on the Rights of the Child, and other organizations and conferences. Ethical Approaches to Gathering Information from Children and Adolescents in International Settings: Guidelines and resources Katie Schenk and Jan Williamson, Population Council; IMPACT; Horizons This resource aims to provide guidance to program managers and researchers on collecting information from and about young people on their health and social welfare conditions, as well as those who have experienced trafficking, abuse, or displacement. It considers basic ethical principles regarding children's participation. The annex includes a sample survey and consent form. Fighting back: Child and community-led strategies to avoid children's recruitment into armed forces and groups in West Africa Emily Delap, Save the Children Using case studies from Ivory Coast, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, this resource focuses on strategies to prevent children's recruitment in armed forces and groups. Strategies to prevent recruitment include developing targeted messages, avoiding separation, providing alternative care, schooling and skills training, and improving livelihoods. Intended to inform initiatives by governments, the UN, and non-governmental organizations, this resource also provides an overview of what constitutes voluntary and forced recruitment. Youth and Conflict: A Toolkit for Intervention US Agency for International Development (USAID) Download full PDF from pdf.usaid.gov Intended for development practitioners, this resource examines key issues related to youth participation in violence, discusses lessons learned in developing programs for at-risk youth, and presents a range of program options. Also included are illustrative monitoring and evaluation tools and relevant USAID mechanisms and partners. Adolescent programming experiences during conflict and post-conflict This resource presents several case studies that highlight the role of adolescent participation in community development and peacebuilding during crisis. This document also summarizes the lessons learned in each context. Case studies include: Colombia, Indonesia, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Sierra Leone, Somalia, and Uganda. Children's Participation in Humanitarian Action: learning from zones of armed conflict Jason Hart, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) This resource considers the benefits and challenges of child participation in situations of armed conflict. Protection benefits are categorized into areas such as personal empowerment, access to services, communal identity, and psychosocial well-being. This report also considers the benefits of child participation in areas of peacebuilding, such as inter-community exchange and addressing the causes of conflict. Fieldwork for this report was conducted in eastern Sri Lanka, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and Nepal. Making Commitments Matter: a toolkit for young people to evaluate national youth policy UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Download full PDF from un.org This resource is intended for national youth organizations and representatives working with youth to determine ways to improve lives of young people. Area 1, page 27, discusses education and vocational training; area 10, page 65, discusses actions to ensure youth participation in decision-making; area 14, page 81, discusses youth and conflict prevention. This resource also provides guidance to conducting advocacy work on page 95. Truth and Reconciliation Report for the Children of Sierra Leone, Child-friendly version This resource provides an example of a child-friendly version of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Report. Sierra Leone's TRC was the first truth commission to produce a child-friendly report to engage children and document children's experiences during the civil war. Children Participating in Research, Monitoring and Evaluation - Ethics and your responsibility as a manager This resource considers ethical issues and challenges around involving children in M&E programs given children's right to part to participate. It provides an overview of what participation means and issues such as accountability, protection of children's best interests, informing children, informed consent, and equity and non-discrimination. It also includes a checklist of questions for research and monitoring and evaluation managers when including child participation in research. Children and The Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Sierra Leone: Recommendations for policies and procedures for addressing and involving children in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission UNICEF; National Forum for Human Rights; UNAMSIL This resource contains recommendations from a technical meeting on children for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Sierra Leone held in 2001. The report outlines guiding principles for the truth and reconciliation commission, which include psycho-social support for children and child friendly environments. The resource concludes with participating children's views and expectations of the TRC.
robtiffany.com Named one of the Top 100 Internet of Things Blogs Follow in 2018! I'm totally thrilled that robtiffany.com is one of the top 100 Internet of Things blogs and websites follow in 2018! #IoT By Rob Tiffany, 3 years 10 months ago Thrilled to see robtiffany.com included in this distinguished group of the world's top Internet of Things companies, news sites and individual IoT influencers and luminaries like Rob van Kranenburg, Peggy Smedley, Stacey Higginbotham and Scott Amyx. #IoT I'm thrilled to be included in this group of #technology influencers and luminaries like Werner Vogels, Steve Wozniak and Mark Russinovich. WordPress 4.1 has Arrived WordPress 4.1 is here with a new way to write plus a new way to show off your best work. Since we're closing out the end of 2014, it's only appropriate that our friends at WordPress would introduce the Twenty Fifteen theme. A reversal from last year's photo-focused theme, this Read more… The Arduino certified, 2nd generation Intel® Galileo development board is now available for #IoT makers everywhere so let's take it for a spin. By Rob Tiffany, 6 years 1 year ago I'm thrilled to announce that my #blog has been named one of the 50 Must-Read IT blogs by Biztech Magazine.
Eco Beat Pollution as an International Issue Over the past decades, the world nations has encountered pollution as one of global threats affecting them. There are many forms of pollution, from noise, water, air and others. Most importantly, natural contamination is considered as the worldwide cautioning and it needs the genuine observation from whole nations on the world. Once the natural calamity happens, it will affect host nations as well as their neighbour nations. That is why we all need to focus on green rubbish disposal and protect the environment. Supreme Court Saves Exxon $2 Billion Nineteen years ago the Exxon Valdez crashed into the shoreline of Alaska's Prince William Sound spilling 11 million gallons of oil into pristine waters and ruining 1200 miles of coastline. Local residents and fisherman sued and an angry jury told Exxon to cough up $5 billion in damages. An appeals court cut that in half. But yesterday, the Supreme Court, perhaps feeling sorry for a company that made $40 billion last year, cut Exxon's bill down to just $500 million. With 20 years interest the real payout will be close to a billion. For Exxon, that's about eight days worth of profits. Even more shocking, $100 million of that money will go right back to Exxon. The company made a side deal with seven large fish processors in 1991, paying them $70 million for their share of the damages the courts would eventual deliver. Continue reading → Idea Lab: Volcanoes Cool Earth. Why Can't We? Environmental scientist David Keith brainstorms a radical, fast and cheap way to cool the planet…throwing up huge clouds of ash to deflect sunlight and heat. Would it work? Keith says it's been done before. Back in 1991, Mt. Pinatubo blew it's top in the Philippines sending 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the air and thousands of villagers running for safety. The net effect of a series of eruptions was a .9 degree cooling of the planet. Keith readily admits there are some known downsides, namely releasing sulfur into the upper atmosphere damages the ozone layer, and by giving politicians a fast and easy option to cool the Earth we seriously limit their motivation for doing anything that will help the problem naturally, like reducing emissions. Continue reading → Iraq War Pollution Equals 25 Million Cars The greenhouse gases released by the Iraq war thus far equals the pollution from adding 25 million cars to the road for one year says a study released by Oil Change International, an anti petroleum watchdog. The group's main concerns are the environmental and human rights impacts of a petroleum based economy. The study, released last March on the fifth anniversary of the Iraq War, states that total US spending on the war so far equals the global investment needed through 2030 to halt global warming. Continue reading →
Critiquing Cricket About Critiquing Cricket Images: Tamil-Sinhala Confrontation at Toronto Cricket, Oct. 2008 Maiyooran, Eelam Streaker, at St. George's, Grenada, 16 April 2007 Scenes from the World Cup in the West Indies, 2007 Tamil Demonstration, Kennington Oval, London, 7 June 1975 Category Archives: cricket tamashas Vale: Dean Jones, A Straight-Talking, Hard-Hitting Aussie Rex Clementine The Aussies were in Galle for the first Test of the series in 2004 and Dean Jones joked in commentary. He said that it took him less than four hours from Singapore to Katunayake but five hours to get to Galle from Katunayake! He was driving home some pertinent points. Travel in Sri Lanka before the highway days was a nightmare. Sri Lanka Cricket did not raise objections with the television company that employed Jones nor did the Sports Ministry. His criticism was well taken by all and sundry. Jones didn't mince any words. He was a bold critic. As The Island's former Editor Mr. Gamini Weerakoon used to say, 'A good journalist works with his resignation letter in the pocket.' Filed under Australian cricket, cricket and life, cricket in India, cricket tamashas, cricketing icons, memorable moments, performance, Sri Lanka Cricket, tower of strength Lanka Premier League Shoot-Out Re-Jigged Andrew Fidel Fernando in ESPNcricinfo, 2 Septmber 2020 Sri Lanka Cricket has announced fresh dates for the Lanka Premier League (LPL), which has now been scheduled between November 14 and December 6. However, government approval for a shorter quarantine period for players, officials and broadcast staff is yet to be secured; it is this hurdle that had forced the postponement of the LPL, originally slated to begin in late August. The SLC officials have asked that the quarantine period for those arriving in the country for this tournament be reduced to seven days, from the present 14-day period. There is no known community spread of Covid-19 in Sri Lanka at present, but quarantine protocols have been incredibly strict PA Photos/Getty Images Filed under Andrew Fidel Fernando, backyard cricket, child of empire, cricket tamashas, performance, politics and cricket, Sri Lanka Cricket West Indies vs Ceylon at the Oval in January 1967 Sanjeewa Jayaweera, in Sunday Island, 19 April 2020, with this title "Ceylon vs. West Indies in 1967" Neil Chanmugam in full flow I have been fortunate to have watched two World Cup finals at Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) in Australia and Wankhede in India in addition to several matches at Lords and Oval in England and Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG) in Australia. However, my fondest and most precious memory as a spectator was the encounter between West Indies and Ceylon played at the P.Saravanamuttu Stadium in Colombo, then known simply as 'Oval.' The three-day match was played between 21 and 23 January 1967. Filed under cricket and life, cricket tamashas, cricketing icons, memorable moments, performance, sportsmanship, Sri Lanka Cricket, The Oval in Colombo, unusual people, unusual statistics March 24, 2020 · 5:51 pm A Cricketing Treasure Trove: SLC Museum The Sri Lanka Cricket Museum at Maitland Place seemed to attract few visitors even during the Royal-Thomian …. so our sparkling moments in cricket history enshrined in trophies remain buried though not quite dead. Filed under Aravinda de Silva, cricket and life, cricket tamashas, cricketing icons, cricketing records, memorable moments, performance, Sri Lanka Cricket West Indian Maestros at Whistle-stop Cricket in Ceylon in the 1960s Trevor Jayetilleke, in The Island, 14 March 2020, with this title "West Indies cricket teams of the 1960's and Frank Worrell" Apropos the letter written by Mr. K. K. S. Perera and published in the Opinion Columns of your journal of the 4th March, please permit me to add my comments/observations to the facts expressed by Mr. Perera. Filed under child of empire, cricket and life, cricket tamashas, cricketing icons, memorable moments, performance, player selections, unusual people, unusual statistics Naveed Nawaz: Sri Lankan Coach with All-Conquering Bangladesh U19 Squad Bipin Dani, in bdcricktime, 11 February 2010 where the title is "Sri Lanka hand in Bangladesh U-19 win" Read the full story here https://www.bdcrictime.com/sri-lanka-hand-in-bangladesh-u-19-win/ Bangladesh's triumph in the U-19 World Cup has a Sri Lanka connection to it. Former middle order batsman Naveed Nawaz, who played one Test and 3 ODIs' under Sanath Jayasuriya is the head coach of the victorious Bangla team. Speaking exclusively over telephone from South Africa a day after the Tigers won the U-19 World Cup against India, he said, "Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) invested heavily on these boys. I saw these boys become mature and learn fast. Changing habits and being positive to change was the main slogan I used along with my staff." Filed under Bangladesh cricket, child of empire, cricket and life, cricket tamashas, memorable moments, performance, Under 19 cricket, unusual people Monkey-Come, Monkey-Scratch! Fraser-McGurk Go! ESPNcricinfoo News Item = "Jake Fraser-McGurk to return home after being scratched by a monkey,"…. https://www.espncricinfo F.com/story/_/id/28589265/jake-fraser-mcgurk-return-home-being-scratched-monkey Jake Fraser-McGurk will not take any further part at the Under-19 World Cup in South Africa and will return home instead as a precautionary measure after being scratched on the face by a monkey at a nature reserve while on a team outing in Kimberley. Filed under cricket and life, cricket tamashas, taking the mickey, Under 19 cricket, unusual people, violent intrusions Princely Flutters to World Super Power in Cricket: India's Story by Prashant Kidambi Gideon Haigh in Weekend Australian, 24 January 2020, where the title runs In December 2011, Rahul Dravid delivered a justly celebrated speech at the Australian War Memorial, the Bradman Oration, lyrically evoking the plurality and diversity of cricket in the subcontinent. "The Indian cricket team is in fact, India itself, in microcosm," he said, describing a dressing room drawn from every corner of the country that spoke 15 different languages and stood "not just for sport, but possibility, hope, opportunities". Filed under child of empire, cricket and life, cricket governance, cricket tamashas, cricketing icons, memorable moments, politics and cricket, unusual people, welfare through sport December 16, 2019 · 11:47 pm Pissu Percy becomes a Book Dhammika Ratnaweera, in Sunday Observer, 15 December 2019, with this title "Pioneer cheer leader Percy launches book" The story of one-man cheer squad Percy Abeysekera titled 'I'am Percy Cricket Crazy' was launched yesterday at the newly opened Chance Sports Grand Showroom at Baseline Road Borella. The veteran cheer leader's biography written by Darrshini Parthepan notes Percy's unforgettable stories out of the boundary line in this book and the first copy was handed over to 1996 World Cup winning captain Arjuna Ranatunga from the man himself at the simple ceremony organized by Sportsinfo and Trimo Media. Filed under child of empire, confrontations on field, cricket and life, cricket tamashas, cricketing icons, memorable moments, patriotic excess, performance, sportsmanship, taking the mickey, tower of strength, unusual people, work ethic November 11, 2019 · 9:54 am MCC Cricket Season to be launched at Galle in late March 2020 News Item, 31 October 2019, ….. https://www.lords.org/lords/news-stories/mcc-champion-county-match-to-be-held-in-sri-lanka The traditional curtain-raiser to the new English domestic season, which dates back to 1970 in its current guise, will be played at the Galle International Stadium between 24th and 27th March 2020. The Champion County match, which sees MCC play the winners of the Specsavers County Championship in a four-day first-class match, was played at Lord's until 2010 when the match first moved abroad. Filed under child of empire, cricket governance, cricket tamashas, cricketing icons, English cricket, memorable moments, Sangakkara, Sri Lanka Cricket, unusual people All-Conquering University of Colombo Team in 1970 South Africa submerge Sri Lanka Day One in South Africa: Andrew's Assessment Sri Lankan Cricketers in South Africa: Hot News Mahadevan's Statistical History of International Cricket in Ceylon 1889s-to-1982 Facing Peter May's MCC Side in Ceylon in 1958 Jaffna vs Galle: Andrew weighs the Scales India 'play' steady in the Test Selections Jaffna Stallions Trample Dambulla Viikings Medical Precautions for Lanka's SAF Tour Bern1509'sblog DILMAH CRICKET FORUM DINOUK'S Criucket column in island cricket ISLAND CRICKET Michael's THUPPAHI WEB SITE NICK PLAISTERS Russel Arnold's Forum ThePapare.com – Sharing the Passion Thuppahi's Photostream Critiquing Cricket · Sri Lanka Roberts Cricket Struggles Sledging cricpic.jpg / Proudly powered by WordPress Theme: Pilcrow.
Current Friends of Cape Winter Jam 2023 Sponsorship Spring Jam 2022 Sponsors and Donors We invest in our young people /wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Winter-Jam.mp4 Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation highlights teacher, student grants Ellen Driscoll | The Cape Gazette |November 29, 2022 At the Friends of Cape event Nov. 15, Cape Superintendent said the Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation has awarded $248,000 to 355 grant awardees in the last 11 years. ELLEN DRISCOLL PHOTOS Students and staff shared their personal stories of how grants received from the Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation have broadened their experiences and helped shape their futures at the Friends of Cape members' event Nov. 15 at Lewes Elementary. In welcoming attendees to the event and thanking them for their support, Cape Superintendent Bob Fulton said CHEF has awarded $248,000 to 355 grant awardees in the last 11 years. One of those grant recipients is Cape High band student Zion Hood, who received a CHEF scholarship to attend a summer performing arts program in Maine last summer. Zion said the entire experience was amazing, as he made lifelong friends while playing in weekly concerts. Thanks to CHEF, he said, he will be able to return this coming summer. Cape Supervisor of Special Programs Eileen Baker said her daughter's Girl Scout troop also received a grant. Through her position, Baker said she collaborates often with school psychologists and district homeless liaison Craig Warrington, who said about 120 to 140 Cape students are experiencing homelessness, including foster children. After Warrington told the scouts about these students, Baker said the troop devised an idea to create birthday bags for them. Bags include Cape T-shirt and stickers, a boxed microwave cake, candles, decorations, notebooks, earbuds and other presents. The troop assembled 120 bags this year and delivered them to school social workers to give to students on their birthdays, she said. Rehoboth Elementary fifth-grade science teacher Jacquie Kisiel said she has held a science fair for 14 years. In 2022, all five elementary schools participated, she said, and CHEF paid for 420 participation ribbons, 420 certificates, 75 medals and 75 trophies to be given to the budding scientists. Sussex Consortium Vocational Coordinator Pam Graves said she received a CHEF grant so students could take part in the Southern Delaware Therapeutic Riding program. This year, 15 students have signed up, she said, and they must groom and tack their horses before riding. Being able to ride the horses has given students increased feelings of self-esteem and independence, and has improved their balance, muscle strength and range of motion. Horses respond well to nonverbal cues, and many of her students are nonverbal, she said. "Seeing their joy and smiles is priceless," she said. H.O. Brittingham Elementary teachers and robotics advisors Cathy Ward and Nina Wilkinson introduced fifth-grader Amelia Kennedy, who told guests the H.O.B. robotics team would never have been able to compete in the world competition in Dallas, Texas, without CHEF. CHEF President Rick Grier-Reynolds said this year's goal is to give away $40,000 in grants, and it needs help from the community to raise these funds, including by attending the annual Winter Jam in March. The Friends of Cape program was also announced, in which community members can donate to CHEF in escalating amounts and receive invitations to events, tumblers, tickets to Winter Jam and more. In the past years, CHEF invested more than $25,000 in underfunded and unfunded programs in math and science, classroom resources for teachers, the arts, diversity and inclusion, and support for homeless and limited income students. For more information, go to chef-cape.org. Members of the Cape High Jazz Band (l-r) Zion Hood, Abby Stinar, Chance Trumbauer, Freddie Giovannitti, Conor Wiedmann and Chris Rude entertained guests. Led by music teacher Seth Waldron, left, Cape Chorale members (l-r) Zamira Irizarry Fres, Sophia Tighe, Dylenn Enright, Emily Groll, Reilly Fagles-Carey, Brianna Burrell, Seren Vincent and Federico Giovannitti sing a selection of songs, including the Cape High alma mater. The chorus has received CHEF grants for student field trips. CHEF welcomes new board member Diaz Bonville The Cape Gazette |October 25, 2022 Diaz J. Bonville The Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation has elected Diaz J. Bonville to a three-year term on its board of directors. Bonville serves as president of West Side New Beginnings Inc. and is a co-founder of West Rehoboth Children and Youth Program. He recently retired from the federal government as Sussex and Kent County community outreach coordinator for Delaware Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester. Bonville is a graduate of Cape Henlopen High School and a graduate of Delaware Technical Community College with a degree in human services administration and program management. He has over 30 years of experience working with potential achievers, and is a recipient of several community service awards and achievements. His volunteer experiences have gained local, state and national media attention. "Diaz will make a great addition to our board," said Rick Grier-Reynolds, CHEF president. "He is a community activist who works to improve the lives of those around him, especially young people." CHEF has been a nonprofit strategic partner of the Cape Henlopen School District since 2007, providing Cape students in kindergarten through 12th grade with the tools they need to excel in school and life. To learn more, go to chef-cape-org. The Cape Gazette |October 7, 2022 CHEF welcomes new board member Maura Johnson Maura Johnson The Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation has elected Maura Johnson to a three-year term on its board of directors. Johnson has been teaching in the Cape Henlopen School District for eight years and was its 2022 Teacher of the Year. She is currently a third-grade teacher at Lewes Elementary School. In 2015, she graduated from the University of Delaware with a bachelor of science degree in early childhood education. As a Delaware native and Cape alumna, Johnson always had the dream to move home to the community that inspired her love of education. Johnson loves to stay involved with both her school and community. She is a lighthouse coordinator for the Leader in Me program at Lewes Elementary and was a coach for Girls on the Run for many years. "We are extremely pleased to have a former District Teacher of the Year join our board," said Rick Grier-Reynolds, CHEF president. "We look forward to Maura's assistance in helping us provide educational resources to the students and teachers of the Cape Henlopen School District." CHEF has been a nonprofit strategic partner of the Cape Henlopen School District since 2007. For the latest information about how CHEF is providing Cape students in kindergarten through 12th grade with the tools they need to excel in school and life, go to chef-cape.org. CHEF distributes $10,000 worth of donated school supplies Fifth annual Caravan of Caring visits Cape schools to support students Shown are (l-r) Bob Kaden, CHEF; Joe Lingo, CHEF; Ashley Reynolds, CHEF; Aleya Tingle, Lefty's Alley & Eats; and Connie Kaden, CHEF; and a table overflowing with donated supplies for Cape district students. ELLEN DRISCOLL PHOTOS The Cape Gazette Ellen Driscoll | August 31, 2022 Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation members delivered more than $10,000 worth of school supplies donated by individuals, businesses and organizations to all Cape schools Aug. 26. CHEF board member Ashley Reynolds said the goal of the supply drive is to ensure teachers' supply closets are stocked with paper, notebooks, pencils and other items for students from low-income homes who may need them. Sydney's Restaurant and Lounge, Lefty's Alley & Eats and Staples hosted donation drop-off boxes Aug. 1-22. Community members deposited binders, pocket folders, zip drives, composition books, colored pencils, crayons, glue sticks, scissors, earbuds, sanitizer, tissues and more. Donors included the Lewes Senior Center, Lewes-Rehoboth Rotary Club, Tidewater Federal Credit Union, Cub Scout Pack 1, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, St. Edmond Catholic Church, Diego's Hideaway, Johnson Orthodontics, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Delaware Order of Redmen and the Reserve at Pilottown homeowners association. In addition to the $10,000 worth of supplies donated, Reynolds said 200 backpacks full of school supplies will be delivered to schools for students who are experiencing homelessness or who are from low-income homes so they have the supplies they need to get the school year started on the right foot. Backpacks and supplies were donated by Schell Brothers, the Bellmoor Inn & Spa, Bethany Beach Hotel Suites and Hotel Bethany Beach. CHEF is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that funds teacher grants for unbudgeted classroom projects, support for homeless and limited-income students, STEM initiatives, performing arts education and training, and programs to promote diversity and inclusion. For more information, go to chef-cape.org. CHEF holds Spring Jam 2022 CHEF board members rally for a picture before the big event. Shown are (l-r) Peter Carter, Rick Grier Reynolds, Joe Lingo, Julie Derrick, Gail Mack, Steph Mastrangelo, Ashley Reynolds, Mark Mazak, Connie Kaden and Calvin Jackson. DAN COOK PHOTOS Dan Cook | May 26, 2022 The Cape Henlopen Education Foundation held its Spring Jam 2022 May 20 in a large tent outside of the Virden Center, where attendees enjoyed live music from Blue Label Band, delicious food specialties from local food trucks, libations, dancing and a gift card tree. "It was great to see everyone out this year," said CHEF board member Gail Mack. "Last year's virtual event was a great success, but this year was magical to see the community come out to support our Cape schools." Spring Jam serves as the primary funding source for the school district's unfunded or underfunded programs for students. During the past 10 years, CHEF has contributed $209,000 to more than 320 grant awardees. To view more photos from the event click here. For more info on CHEF's services, go to www.chef-cape.org. Do More 24 Delaware Are you looking for a way to help support the Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation (CHEF)? Well look no further than Do More 24 Delaware, a 24 hour day of giving designed to help nonprofits raise more money and engage new donors. Do More 24 Delaware starts on March 3, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. and ends on March 4, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Visit https://www.domore24delaware.org to get started. Click on either the "Search" button or the "Find your cause" button and type in Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation. Click on the heading Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation to be directed to fundraiser website. From our website, you can set a reminder to donate and learn more about Do More 24 Delaware. Over the next few days, we'll be providing information about other incentives such as the Do More 24 Delaware Virtual Benefit Concert, Dine More 24, the Do More 24 Delaware Livestream, and the atTAcK addiction 5K on Saturday, March 5. Remember the 24 hours of giving starts on March 3, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. CHEF IN THE NEWS CHEF's Spring Jam Set For May 20th The Cape Gazette | April 11, 2022 Blue Label Band, shown at Winter Jam 2020, will perform live at the Spirng Jam May 20. Funds raised by CHEF are awarded as grants to support Cape district teachers and students. SUBMITTED PHOTO The Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation's signature fundraising event, Winter Jam, is relaunching as Spring Jam, and will be held from 6 to 10 p.m., Friday, May 20, at the Virden Center in Lewes. All funds raised will benefit educational programs for the more than 6,000 students in the Cape Henlopen School District. CHEF provides teacher grants for unfunded or underfunded classroom projects, and support for homeless and limited-income students, STEM initiatives, performing arts education, and training and programs to promote diversity and inclusion. Spring Jam tickets are $30 for Cape Henlopen School District employees and $40 per person for the general public. To purchase tickets, go to chef-cape.org/spring-jam-2022. Read the entire Cape Gazette article here. Girl Scouts support Cape classmates and community The Cape Gazette | March 31, 2022 Girl Scout Troop 701 members filling birthday bags are (left side, front to back) Delia Sparks, Grace Eanes, Ellen Ramsey, Katie Curry, Claudia Stazzone, Madison Handley and Jillian Leach. At right are Kate Dowd, Delaney Huxtable and Mikaela Gordon. Not pictured are Teagan Baker, Zoe Neufeld, Abigail Hoeller and Liza Williams. SUBMITTED PHOTOS The members of Girl Scout Troop 701 have been caring about the community since they first joined together in 2015, when the girls were in kindergarten at Shields Elementary. While in elementary school, the girls held a fundraiser for Southern Delaware Therapeutic Riding Center in Milton. For the last two years, they have made desserts for residents of the Lighthouse for Broken Wings. During the pandemic, when local food banks were in need, the girls created a weekly schedule to fill the Lewes library food closet for six months. Not forgetting their furry friends, they also baked homemade dog treats and sewed cage curtains to make adoptable pets more comfortable during their shelter stays. Read the entire Cape Gazette article here. Shields Elementary student gives back to district Shields Elementary fifth-grader Minnie Pettengell, who launched local business Sugar & Scrubs by Minnie in spring 2020, has created a Cape-themed scrub with 10 percent of sales benefitting Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation. ELLEN DRISCOLL PHOTO Ellen Driscoll For one Shields Elementary student, giving back to the community is an integral part of running a business. Fifth-grader Minnie Pettengell launched Sugar & Scrubs by Minnie in spring 2020, initially to solve her own skin issues – bumps on her arms that couldn't be soothed with existing products. So, she created her own base scrub she mixes with coconut oil, sugar, Epsom salt, and additional essential and scented oils. She gave samples to teachers, who loved the products, and then started selling scrubs in a lemonade-stand format outside her home, said mother Brandi Townsend, a fifth-grade teacher at Shields. After positive feedback and strong sales, a business was born. Minnie said she had to research what mixtures to use so the scrubs could survive heat and shipping, and through trial and error, perfected her recipes. Read the entire Cape Gazette article here. CHEF welcomes new board members The Cape Gazette | February 6, 2022 The Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation has elected community leaders Taryn Burris, Jaime Carter-Houck and Mark Mazak to three-year terms on its board of directors. Burris graduated from the University of Delaware with a bachelor of science degree in education and received a master of education degree in special education from the University of Maryland. Burris spent every summer in Lewes with her family since 1980, and she and her husband moved to the area permanently in 2002. They have three children, all attending in the Cape Henlopen School District. In 2005, Taryn opened Kids Cottage in Rehoboth, and in August 2018, she opened Grove & Evelyn in downtown Lewes with friend and business partner Lori Schell. Carter-Houck grew up in Sussex County, graduated from Milford High School and went on to earn her bachelor's degree from the University of Delaware. She spent three years living in the Washington, D.C. area before she moved back to the beach to pursue her master's degree in education. She resides in Rehoboth Beach with her husband Ed and is a mother to four boys who all attend in the Cape district. Carter-Houck has taught for the Cape district as a substitute teacher and a one-on-one para as well as a special education teacher for the Sussex Consortium at Shields Elementary. She also owns and operates Bomshell Boutique Rehoboth, a women's boutique on Rehoboth Avenue. Mazak, who was born and raised in Throop, Pa., has resided in Lewes Beach for the past seven years. He is a proud alumnus of Misericordia University, where he earned a bachelor's degree in elementary education. Mazak worked in educational settings for more than 20 years. Currently, he serves the State of Delaware as a consultant offering virtual online educational solutions, and is employed by Edmentum. He is a 2021 graduate of Leadership Delaware and founder of MJMLeadership.org, which focuses on life coaching. "The Cape Henlopen School District is extremely fortunate to have the support of the Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation (CHEF). The Foundation provides additional resources and opportunities to the students and staff of our district in the areas of academics, the arts, and anti-bullying programs. The dedication and efforts of CHEF and the members of the CHEF Board are greatly appreciated!" BOB FULTON "Thanks to the funding provided by CHEF, all our 5th grade students in the CHSD were able to participate in their first Science Fair. This learning opportunity allowed over 375 students the possibility of exploring and questioning the world around them." JACQUELINE KISIEL 5th grade teacher Rehoboth Elementary School "Because of CHEF's belief in the arts and education, my daughter has received help allowing her to express her talents. Without CHEF's help, this would have been financially impossible." SHERRY GREENER parent of CHHS student OUR SPONSORS - PLEASE SUPPORT THOSE WHO SUPPORT OUR KIDS 1270 Kings Hwy, Lewes, DE 19958 [email protected] Follow Cape Henlopen Copyright © 2023 Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation Designed by Techno Goober
This is the moment a woman in six-inch heels crashed her sports car into a store, narrowly missing a homeless woman, before fleeing the scene in an Uber. The crash happened in Miami's South Beach just after midnight on Tuesday after the driver lost control of her Dodge Charger. Footage taken by a passerby shows the woman wearing a ball gown and heels standing beside the silver car on 1400 Washington Ave. A women crashed her sports car into a Miami store, missing a homeless woman by inches, before fleeing the scene in an Uber The homeless woman gathered her belongings and left the crash scene after being narrowly avoided by the car. Shattered glass from the store window was shattered over the sidewalk and the front of the Dodge was completely crumpled from the crash. The front right wheel was completely dislodged after the car came to rest by a tree. The video then shows the driver taking out a suitcase from the trunk of her car as she waits while searching for a taxi on her phone. Meanwhile a crowd started to gather around her before police had arrived on the scene. The driver took a suitcase from the trunk of the car and walked away from the scene of the crash into a waiting car Police soon tracked her and footage shows her being placed in handcuffs on the side of the road But the woman ignored the calls and started walking away from the car, getting into a car which is assumed to be an Uber which she had ordered on her phone. Police then arrived and asked witnesses if they had any footage of the driver who had fled the scene. An all-points bulletin was issued for the taxi and footage then shows the woman being escorted away by officers. The identity of the woman is not yet known.
Growing a Public Art Collection Located in the heart of the Houston arts community, University of Houston-Downtown (UHD) is home to a public art collection that highlights diversity, documents Houston's history and underscores a rich academic student experience. Featuring over 50 unique pieces created by talented and notable artists, the UHD collection can be found in the hallways, meeting rooms and public spaces in every building on campus. According to Mark Cervenka, associate professor and director of the UHD O'Kane Gallery, the collection "illustrates social and cultural history as well as individual expressions of the human experience." "I think as a whole, the works reflect many of the disciplines of the University and offer visitors a message that suggests openness, community interaction, and a breadth of knowledge and exploration within the University," Cervenka added. The collection is part of a larger University of Houston System (UHS) initiative established in 1969 dedicating one percent of the construction cost of all future building projects for art. "UH was the first state institution in Texas to initiate a percent-for-art program," explains Mike Guidry, UHS curator of public art. "UHS currently boasts one of the largest and most impressive University art collections in the country, with more than 500 works by local and international artists. A snapshot of the artwork can be found simply by walking the main hallways. The third floors of One Main Building, the Academic Building, and the Welcome Center are home to several prominent pieces. Well known to current students, faculty, and staff, John Biggers' Salt Marsh anchors the lobby of the Academic Building. A substantial acrylic on canvas, the piece was commissioned in 1996 to Biggers, an African American muralist and one of the founders of the art department at nearby Texas Southern University. "Biggers' mural is treasure and presents visitors with a vision that implicitly links people and cultures," explained Cervenka. Hanging high above the Wilhelmina Cullen Robertson Auditorium facing the South Deck is Rachel Hecker's acrylic on birch panels, Tailgate, which references themes of power, nature and technology. Hecker is an associate professor of art at the University of Houston (UH) and is influential in the Houston arts community. On the University's South Deck is John Scott's iconic sculpture in aluminum, Prayer Meeting. Well known for his work in New Orleans, Scott briefly relocated to Houston after Hurricane Katrina. Prayer Meeting was installed in 1996, and according to the artist, is symbolic of the rhythmic patterns of paper fans used by parishioners of rural southern churches in the days before air conditioning. One of the most recent additions to the UHD third floor art walk is Trenton Doyle Hancock's LEGENDS. This striking 29- by 36-foot Plexiglas™ wall installation is an arrangement of painted panels prominently ascending the north wall of the Welcome Center reception area. Hancock's prints, drawings, and collaged-felt paintings work together to tell the story of the Mounds—a group of mythical creatures that are the tragic protagonists of the artist's unfolding narrative. The piece is a metaphorical message to students: Create your own path and become your own LEGEND. The fourth floor of the One Main Building is another good spot to view a vibrant display of paintings and prints, as well as a glass etching. Hanging near the circulation desk in the W.I. Dykes Library is a powerful oil on canvas by renowned San Antonio artist Vincent Valdez titled One in a Million. Created in 2007, the statement piece is true to form for Valdez as it speaks to the artist's self-described vision, "to interpret and respond to the modern world." The W.I. Dykes Library is also home to Manu Languidly Stirs Songs in The Grip of Shadow and Light, a stunning work in glass by artist Bert. E. Samples. The piece, which references the four elements—earth, air, fire and water—was installed in 2011 and is composed of dichroic film on sandblasted glass. Impressive at 55×188 inches, it forms a semi-opaque window between study areas. Samples is a founding board member of Project Row Houses, a community-based arts and culture non-profit organization in Houston's northern Third Ward, one of the city's oldest African-American neighborhoods. A native Houstonian, he earned a master of fine arts degree from UH and a Core Fellowship at the Glassell School of Art, the teaching institute of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. The Academic Building is home to a collection of lithographs by Steven Besselman, depicting the history of Houston and Galveston during the 1970s and 1980s. This understated collection of over 15 prints is split among the hallways of the fourth, sixth and seventh floors and features Houston landmarks including schools, government and public buildings, homes, churches and businesses. Several prints also feature historic locations in Galveston. Besselman moved to Houston in 1976 from St. Charles, Missouri, where he applied his talent to documenting Houston's present and past on paper. Some of the campus' most impressive artwork is housed in the College of Business. Jacob Hashimoto's Cloud Deck, a fluid 'kite' structure that frames the Houston skyline, greets visitors to the Shea Street Building's four-story atrium. Visibility from both inside and outside the building played a role in conceptualizing and designing the piece, commissioned in 2010. "I wanted people to have this sensibility…you could see through the piece to the city and see through the building to the piece," the artist explained. Hashimoto is a New York-based artist who creates lightweight three-dimensional structures comprised of thousands of miniature 'kites'—bamboo-stiffened rice paper hexagons suspended with nylon fishing line. The Shea Street Building is also host to Provisional Space, a series of 10 paintings by Australian artist Janaki Lennie. Installed in 2007, Lennie describes the series as, "tracing an arc of sorts from the vegetation of the neighboring bayou with its plethora of sheltering overpasses, leading the eye up over the city skyline to the sublime forms of the freeway super-lights and gently back to earth and the mundane in the forms of billboards and concrete pillars." The art walk continues two blocks north to the lobby of the Commerce Street Building, site of Justin Berry's Stilt Houses. This mixed media installation, gifted in 2005 by Occidental Energy, features a cluster of white houses in various heights and visible by Commerce Street passersby. From here, simply turn around to catch the colorful impact of work by UHD professor, painter, and printmaker Floyd Newsum. Newsum's installation, Contemplating Success, includes a 15-foot mural highlighting each of the four floors of the Commerce Street Building. "I use bright and contrasting colors as well as symbolism to create a feeling of hope and achievement," Newsum said. "I believe the human spirit can overcome great odds when given the opportunity to achieve." For a comprehensive description of all the art on campus, visit UHD Art.
Summary: Their bites are more than deadly.... The small town near the Everglades was supposed to offer Rachel and her son a fresh start. Instead it offered the start of a nightmare, when an unknown breed of flies migrated through the area, leaving painful bites in their wake. The media warned people to stay inside until the swarm passed. But the flies didn't leave. And then the radios and TVs went silent. That's when the spiders came. Spiders that could spin a deadly web large enough to engulf an entire house overnight. Spiders that left stripped bones behind as they multiplied. Spiders that, like the flies, sought hungrily for tender flesh - through Violet Eyes. Author: John Everson Summary: In early July of 1947, something crashes in Roswell, New Mexico. The military claims it's a weather balloon. Witnesses insist they've seen bodies of aliens, and the wreckage of a UFO. Sixty-eight years pass. On September 15th, 2015, an incident involving the Roswell wreckage escalates into a massive nuclear exchange between Russia and the United States, leaving five billion dead. Another eighty-three years have passed. It's 2098, and project T.I.T.O.R. is a reality. Hop machines are created by top quantum physicists Ephraim Caine, Jeff Waldron, and Rose Rios. These complex crafts are designed to do one thing: penetrate the time barrier. Time is short. Earth; wounded, post-apocalyptic, with her dwindling resources on the verge of exhaustion, can barely support life. Project T.I.T.O.R. has a singular focus: to send hop crews back through time, and find some way to stop the nuclear exchange. To save the Earth. After more than two hundred routine missions, one goes awry, and the hop machine and its crew tumble from the sky. Hop 206 crashes near Roswell, New Mexico, in early July of 1947. In a mind-bending twist of fate, they've inadvertently set off a series of events that, if unchecked, will culminate in a nuclear war, and the slow, agonizing death of their living planet. They've triggered the precise scenario T.I.T.O.R. was meant to preclude. With everything stacked against them, can they succeed in changing history? Or will time prevail, blocking every effort to change it, and eliminating humanity in the process? Author: J.M.Surra T.I.T.O.R Audiobooks Narrated Chris Roman Voice Over Summary: The last thing Jesse Coaglan ever wanted to do was return to his hometown of Thrall, New Jersey. Tucked away in the wilds of the northwestern corner of the state, Thrall has always been a very strange place to live. The town was a poison that affected people's minds, their souls, their bodies, and their perspectives. So Jesse abandoned his friends and the one woman he loved, and left everything behind. Seven years later, Jesse has found a reason to return - a reason that, in spite of his best attempts otherwise, he can't ignore. His old love, Mia Dalianis, has left him a voicemail message begging him to come back, if not for her, then for the daughter Jesse never knew he had. Jesse needs to go back. He's been running for a long time - from relationships, friendships, everything he is afraid of and feels guilty over. He realizes that the nightmares will never stop until he goes to Thrall. With help from Nadia Richards and some old surviving friends from Thrall, Jesse intends to find his daughter or die trying. He goes looking for redemption, but what he discovers about his old hometown may destroy him and everyone he's ever cared about. Summary: Robin Curtis and her son Paul have come to Devil Creek to start over after her bitter divorce. Also new to the area is Mike Landware-a writer haunted by the death of his wife. Neither of them are looking for love or trouble, but in Devil Creek, it's possible they'll find both. At first Devil Creek seems like an idyllic small town, but it's not long until things begin to go horribly wrong. A young hoodlum takes an automatic weapon into town for a killing spree that shocks everyone. The same night, a serial killer begins stalking the women of the community. When Paul goes missing in the mountains, it's up to Robin and Mike to find him and to find out what's going on in their new home . . . before it's too late and another victim is added to the growing death toll. Author: Mary Sangiovanni Violet Eyes Night Wind Click to hear a sample of Night Wind as narrated by Chris Author: Stephen Mertz Click to hear a sample of T.I.T.O.R as narrated by Chris Hire Chris Content copyright 2015. CHRISROMANVO.COM. All rights reserved.
Yun, Kim, Suh, Kim, and Kim: Diabetes reduces the cognitive function with the decrease of the visual perception and visual motor integration in male older adults Diabetes reduces the cognitive function with the decrease of the visual perception and visual motor integration in male older adults Hyo-Soon Yun1, Eunhwi Kim2, Soon-Rim Suh2, Mi-Han Kim3, Hong Kim4, * 1Dague Veterans Hospital, Daegu, Korea 2Department of Nursing, College of Nursing, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea 3Department of Nursing, College of Nursing and Public Health, Kyungil University, Daegu, Korea 4Department of Oriental Sports Medicine, College of Health and Therapy, Daegu Haany University, Gyeongsan, Korea *Corresponding author: Hong Kim, Department of Oriental Sports Medicine, College of Health and Therapy, Daegu Haany University, 1 Hanuidae-ro, Gyeongsan 712-715, Korea, Tel: +82-53-819-1468, Fax: +82-53-819-1264, E-mail: [email protected] Received August 18, 2013 Revised September 06, 2013 Accepted October 04, 2013 This study investigated the influence of diabetes on cognitive decline between the diabetes and non- diabetes patients and identified the associations between diabetes and cognitive function, visual perception (VP), and visual motor integration (VMI). Sixty elderly men (67.10± 1.65 yr) with and without diabetes (n= 30 in each group) who were surveyed by interview and questionnaire in South Korea were enrolled in this study. The score of Mini-Mental State Examination of Korean version (MMSE-KC), Motor-free Visual Perception Test-Vertical Format (MVPT-V), and Visual-Motor Integration 3rd Revision (VMI-3R) were assessed in all of the participants to evaluate cognitive function, VP, and VMI in each. The score of MMSE-KC in the diabetic group was significantly lower than that of the non-diabetes group (P< 0.01). Participants in the diabetes group also had lower MVPT-V and VMI-3R scores than those in the non-diabetes group (P< 0.01, respectively). Especially, the scores of figure-ground and visual memory among the subcategories of MVPT-V were significantly lower in the diabetes group than in the non-diabetes group (P< 0.01). These findings indicate that the decline in cognitive function in individuals with diabetes may be greater than that in non-diabetics. In addition, the cognitive decline in older adults with diabetes might be associated with the decrease of VP and VMI. In conclusion, we propose that VP and VMI will be helpful to monitor the change of cognitive function in older adults with diabetes as part of the routine management of diabetes-induced cognitive declines. Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Cognition, Elderly, Visual perception, Visual motor integration Cognitive decline with aging is generally associated with a variety of factors. Older adults have reduced brain tissue volume, decreased levels of sex hormones, and diminished memory, attention, and executive function as well as increased risk of comorbid metabolic syndrome such as diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension, dyslipidemia, and abdominal obesity which is related to cognitive decline with age (Myers, 2008). Of these, DM may be concerned as a main factor of inducing cognitive decline in older adults. DM including hyperglycemia lead to atrophy, mainly in the frontal and temporal regions, causing cognition impairment and imbalance (Last et al., 2007) and induced cognitive dysfunction directly or via vascular diseases in older adults (Dik et al., 2007). Another study also reported that concern about DM as a significant risk factor for cognitive impairment and substantial cognitive decline in older adults has been increasing (Okereke et al., 2008). In recent survey, the prevalence of DM increases with age, from 9.7 to 19.7% and then 25% among individuals older than 30, 65, and 70 yr, respectively in Korea (Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). This means that it might be necessary to study the relevance between DM and cognitive function in older adults at this time in Korea. Individuals with cognitive deficits have simultaneous perceptual problems. A positive relationship between visual perception and cognitive function, and between motor praxis and visual perception has been demonstrated (Kim et al., 2006; Lee, 2011). Also, cognitive and perceptual ability was identified as a determinant factor of functional performance (Brown et al., 2013). Perceptual deficits make organizing, processing, and interpreting visual-motor stimuli and action difficult (Mercier et al., 2001). Thus, older diabetic adults with cognitive impairments may have a high risk of functional disability. In fact, they have a higher incidence rate of falls and poor balance skills than non-diabetic older adults (Munshi et al., 2006). According to a systematic review describing cognitive decline in diabetes, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is one of the most frequently used tests for assessing cognitive function, and diabetic participants had 1.2 to 1.5 fold greater cognitive decline than non-diabetic participants (Cukierman et al., 2005). The MMSE evaluates the cognitive parameters of orientation to time and place, memory, attention, calculation, language function, understanding, judgment, and visuospatial construction. Of them, Brown et al. (2010) have proposed that visuospatial ability is the best predictor of functional dependence in activities of daily living in a geriatric evaluation unit. Visual perception (VP) is closely related to cognitive function in the elderly (Lee, 2011) and then should be evaluated to assess cognitive function and its direct influence on activities of daily living. VP can be evaluated by the Motor-free Visual Perception Test-Vertical Format (MVPT-V), which consists of 5 categories: visual discrimination, figure-ground differentiation, visual memory, visual closure, and spatial relationships (Brown et al., 2010). Visual discrimination and synthesis allow individuals to perceive detailed characteristics and integrate them into a whole. Figure-ground differentiation allows individuals to distinguish the foreground from the background. Visual memory assists in immediate recall, and form constancy, which is related to visual closure and spatial relationships, is the ability to identify a part of a whole despite variations in form or space (Mercier et al., 2001). Visual-motor integration (VMI), which is related to executive function in activities of daily living, is also a component of cognitive deficit assessment and measures perceptual motor skills and the degree to which limb movement is coordinated with visual perception (Brown et al., 2010). As noted, it is reported that diabetes is closely associated with cognitive impairment (Dik et al., 2007; Okereke et al., 2008; Roberts et al., 2008), and it was recently demonstrated that visual motor integration may be associated with diabetes in male older adults (Yun et al., 2011). However, few studies have examined the relationship between diabetes and visual perception and/or visual motor integration in male older adults, and as yet, there is no definitive proof that diabetes has a more detrimental impact on cognition than non-diabetes in older adults. Here, we investigated the influence of diabetes on cognitive function, visual perception, and visual motor integration in between diabetes and non-diabetes of an older adult male South Korean population selected from a metropolitan veterans' hospital. Study design and participants This was a cross-sectional and descriptive study based on data collected by questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. Participants were recruited from an urban veteran's hospital in South Korea. A minimum of 22 participants per group was required for effect size of 0.40 and an alpha of 0.05 (two-tailed) with a power of 0.8 by analysis using G-Power 3.1. We initially recruited 80 volunteers in consideration of possible dropouts. Study inclusion criteria were 1) male gender; 2) age 65 to 70 yr; 3) consent to participate in the study; 4) normal ability of communication and understanding; 5) not known to have psychological illness or to take any psychiatric medications; 6) without known functional impairment due to hearing and vision loss; 7) Korean. Ultimately, a total of 60 older adult males with and without diabetes (n=30 in each group) were enrolled in this study. The length of time that the participants had diabetes was at least over 5 yr. Older females were not included because the changes of blood levels of sex hormones with aging can be another considerable factor for cognitive decline. The participants were divided into 2 groups: the diabetes group and the non-diabetes group. For the ethical protection of the participants, this study was conducted with the approval of the institutional review board of the hospital (Approval No. N2010-2). Each participant signed a written consent after receiving information about the study goals, data collection, and confidentiality. They were told that the data collection process could be stopped at any time with no penalty. MMSE-KC test Cognitive function was measured by the validated Korean version (KC) of MMSE of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD) assessment packet (Lee et al., 2002). The MMSE-KC was modified based on the socio-cultural and language characteristics of the Korean elderly population. The MMSE-KC is made up of 8 sections that generate a score ranging from 0 to 30, with a higher score indicating better cognition and a score less than 24 indicating abnormal cognitive function. This scale evaluates the following areas of cognition: Time orientation (5 points), Place orientation (5 points), Memory registration (3 points), Attention and calculation (5 points), Memory recall (5 points), Language function (4 points), Visio-spatial construction (2 points), Understanding and judgment (1 point). Total score in each participant was used for data analysis. MVPT-V test The MVPT-V was used to evaluate the visual perception of the participants. Originally, the MVPT was designed as a concise evaluation of visual perception in young children. Later, Eimon et al. (1983) adapted it for adults and the elderly. This assessment instrument provides information regarding overall performance that can yield information about an individual's functional abilities in each visual field. The MVPT-V is a 36-item individually administered, multiple-choice test of visual perception that generates a score ranging from 0 to 36. A higher score indicates better visual perception. The test is divided into 5 sections, as follows: Visual discrimination (VD, 8 items), Figure-ground (FG, 5 items), Visual Memory (VM, 8 items), Visual closure (VC, 11 items), Spatial relationship (SR, 4 items). Each section begins with a specific instruction and an example trial in order to ensure that the participant understands the instruction of each section. Testing lasted approximately 7 to 20 min according to the participant's abilities. Total score in each participant was used for data analysis. VMI-3R test The VMI-3R was used to evaluate the ability of visual-motor integration in the participants. The visual-motor integration test assesses the extent to which individuals can integrate their visual and motor abilities and then involve the coordination of visual perceptual skills and finger-hand movements. This test contains a sequence of 24 geometric forms of increasing complexity, ranging from a simple vertical line to a complex three-dimensional star. Participants are asked to copy each item as accurately as they can and the test was stopped when a participant made more than 2 errors in a row. The VMI scores were standardized for age and gender using normative data for the general population (Beery and Beery, 2004). Higher score indicated better visual-motor integration. In this study, the visual motor integration was assessed using VMI-3R, which is modified by the Beery-Buktenica Developmental test of the Visual-Motor Integration (Beery, 1997). The VMI-3R score were expended total 50 points from 24 point in order to assign weight for each item. Total score in each participant was used for data analysis. The data were analyzed with the SPSS software package for Windows version 12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Normally physiological characteristics and results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). An independent t-test was used to identify possible differences in scores of the MMSE-KC, the MVPT-V, and the VMI-3R between two groups. The level of statistical significance was set at P<0.05. Demographic characteristics of the participants The study sample comprised 60 participants, representing an approximately normal distribution of all the variables such as age, height, weight, and body mass index. There were no significant differences with respect to any variable between the non-diabetes group and diabetes group. The physiological characteristics of the elderly male participants are presented in Table 1. Effect of diabetes on cognitive function measured by the MMSE-KC The mean MMSE-KC scores are presented in Fig. 1. The mean scores in the non-diabetes and diabetes groups were 29.46±1.22 and 27.56±2.45, respectively (t=3.78, P<0.01). This result indicates that the diabetes impairs cognitive function in male older adults. Effect of diabetes on visual perception measured by the MVPT-V The mean scores and times in the MVPT-V are presented in Fig. 2. The mean total scores in the non-diabetes and diabetes group were 31.96±2.91 and 28.13±4.21, respectively (t=4.09, P<0.01). In 5 sections of the MVPT-V, the mean scores in the non-diabetes group and the diabetes group were respectively as follows: visual discrimination, 4.53±0.62 and 4.06±0.78; figure-ground, 7.83±0.59 and 6.50±0.33; visual memory, 7.26±1.20 and 6.13 ±1.27; visual closure, 8.43±2.06 and 7.66±2.30; spatial relationship, 3.90±0.40 and 3.66±0.84. Diabetes group had statistically lower mean scores in the figure-ground (t=5.01, P<0.01) and visual memory (t=3.53, P=0.01) categories than the non-diabetes group; meanwhile, there were no statistically significant differences with respect to visual discrimination (t=2.54, P=0.14), visual closure (t=1.35, P=0.18) and spatial relationship (t=1.36, P=0.17) between two groups. The mean times in the MVPT-V for the non-diabetes and diabetes groups were 8.60±1.77/min and 28.13±4.21/min, respectively. Diabetes group required significantly more testing time to finish the MVPT-V than the non-diabetes group (t=−4.06, P< 0.01). These results show that the diabetes impairs visual perception, especially with respect to figure-ground and visual memory but not visual discrimination, visual closure and spatial relationship in male older adults. Thus, male older adults with diabetes required more time to finish the MVPT-V than those without diabetes. Effect of diabetes on visual-motor integration measured by VMI-3R The mean score and numbers of correct and incorrect answers on the VMI-3R are presented in Fig. 3. The mean scores in the non-diabetes and diabetes group were 39.83±8.40 and 31.06±11.11, respectively (t=3.44, P=0.01). The mean numbers of correct answers in the non-diabetes and diabetes group were 20.80±2.72 and 17.80±3.80, respectively (t=3.51, P=0.01); the mean number of errors in the non-diabetes and diabetes group were 3.20±2.72 and 6.20±3.80, respectively (t=−3.51, P=0.01). These results show that the diabetes impairs visual-motor integration in male older adults. This study investigated the influence of diabetes on cognitive decline between the diabetes and non- diabetes patients and identified the associations between diabetes and cognitive function, visual perception, and visual motor integration. In this study, male older adults with diabetes had significantly lower MMSE-KC scores than non-diabetes group, indicating lower cognitive function in relation to orientation for time and place, memory, attention, calculation, language function, and visuospatial construction. In a similar study, however, there was no statistically significant difference in cognitive function assessed by the MMSE between diabetes and non-diabetes patients (Choi et al., 2002). In the present study, the finding is considered to be influenced by study design to control gender as male and 65 to 70 yr old in 30 subjects each with diabetes and non-diabetes. Otherwise, the study of Choi et al. (2002) included female, male, all age groups of 65 or more in a small sample which included 20 each of diabetics and non-diabetes. Other studies have reported that older adults with diabetes showed cognitive deficits at the MMSE scores (Alencar et al., 2010; Ravonoa-Springer et al., 2010; Yamazaki et al., 2011). The present study is concordant with those of these studies. Thus, it suggests that diabetes may be associated with accelerating cognitive decline in older adults. In this study, the MVPT-V scores of the older adults with diabetes were significantly lower than those of the non-diabetes group. Although there was no statistically significant difference in the visual discrimination, visual closure, and spatial relationship scores among the 5 subcategories of the MVPT-V, the figure-ground and visual memory scores were significantly lower in the older adults with diabetes than the non-diabetes group. The figure-ground is the ability to distinguish an object from its background. The visual memory is the ability to recall dominant features of one stimulus item or to remember the sequence of several items. In the present study, the diabetes group had low the figure-ground and visual memory scores, suggesting the importance of the changes in ability of the older adults with diabetes to perform activities of daily living. In addition, the older adults with diabetes required more time to complete the MVPT-V than those without diabetes. Previous studies have shown that the MVPT may be useful for screening for visual perceptual deficits and differentiating between normal aging and pathological change of visual perception (Eimon et al., 1983; Mercier et al., 2001). Meanwhile, visual perception assessed by the MVPT is reported to be an important factor in the recovery of cognitive function in patients who have had a stroke because visual perceptual training improves the MVPT and/or MMSE scores in stroke patients (Kim et al., 2010; Lee and Lee, 2009). A recent study also demonstrated a significant correlation between cognitive function and visual perception in older adults (Lee, 2011). Together with the results of previous studies, the present study results suggest that the decline in cognitive function in older adults with diabetes may be in part due to decreased visual perception including decreased figure-ground and VM abilities. Thus, decrease in spatial perception or loss in temporal memory due to diabetes can lead to inconveniences in the patients' daily lives, including physical activity. The influence by diabetes on visual motor integration in the older adults in this study is very surprising. To our knowledge, no other studies to date have reported the relationship between diabetes and visual motor integration in older adults. Most visual motor integration research has been conducted on brain abnormalities in children. A few studies suggest that visual motor integration is easily affected by various factors such as intelligence, auditory ability, linguistic experience, and various brain anomalies (Horn et al., 2007; Okkerse et al., 2005). A recent study revealed that handwriting difficulties in Chinese children are partly associated with reduced visual motor integration ability (Poon et al., 2010). Furthermore, another study reported that visual motor integration tests are applicable to adults and the elderly (Brown et al., 2010). More recently, we suggested that diabetes diminishes visual motor integration ability in older male adults (Yun et al., 2011), which is supported by the present results. Together with previous studies, the present study findings suggest that visual motor integration dysfunction is closely related to the diabetes-induced cognitive decline in older adults. Visual-motor integration, which is related to executive difficulties in activities of daily living in older adults, measures the degree to which limb movement is coordinated with visual perception (Brown et al., 2010). Thus, the impairment of visual motor integration in older adults with diabetes leads to them having poor balance skills and a higher incidence rate of falls and accidents (Brown et al., 2010). These results suggest that diabetes might lead to a discord between visuo-spatial and motor information, resulting in dangerous outcomes such as falls. In sum, this study demonstrated that diabetes might be a factor to decrease cognitive function and not only cognitive function but also visual perception and visual motor integration could be observable behavioral markers to detect cognitive decline in older adults. Even though older adults want to perform functional activities to maintain independency, many factors deteriorates visual perception and visual motor integration as well as cognitive function and it leads to decrease functional ability, independence, and up to quality of life. Thus, health care providers for older adults have to be sensitive to change of many kinds of factors related to cognitive processes. Based on this study, we propose that visual perception and visual motor integration will be helpful to monitor the change of cognitive function in older adults with diabetes as part of the routine management of diabetes-induced cognitive declines. There are a few limitations of the current study. First, major limitation is that there were no criteria on the normal level of visual perception and visual motor integration for older adults. For this reason, the present neuropsychological results did not explain directly whether the decreased level of cognitive function including visual perception and visual motor integration by diabetes is meaningful or not in the clinical setting. It is required to examine and make age-dependent normal range of visual perception and visual motor integration for normal older adults. Second, the inadequate groups were one of the limitations to get further conclusions because there was no previous research on visual perception and visual motor integration for older adults. It was desirable to use three groups including other disease to make our result more clear. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Government (NRF-2012 S1A5B6034110). Alencar RC, Cobas RA, Gomes MB. Assessment of cognitive status in patients with type 2 diabetes through the mini-mental status examination: A cross-sectional study. Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2010;28:10 Beery KE, Beery NA. The Beery-Buktenica developmental test of visual-motor integration: administration, scoring and teaching manual. 5th ed. NCS Pearson Inc; Minneapolis, MN, USA: 2004. Beery KE. 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The data are expressed as mean± SD. *P< 0.05 compared with the non-diabetes group. CON, control group; DM, diabetes group. Effect of diabetes on visual perception measured by the MVPT-V in the elderly men. (A) Mean total scores of the MVPT-V. (B) mean testing times. (C) mean sectional scores. The data are expressed as mean± SD. *P< 0.05 compared with the non-diabetes group. CON, control group; DM, diabetes group; VD, visual discrimination; FG, figure-ground; VM, visual memory; VC, visual closure; SR, spatial relationship. Effect of diabetes on VMI measured by the VMI-3R in the elderly men. (A) Mean scores in the VMI-3R. (B) mean numbers of correct answers. (C) mean numbers of errors. The data are expressed as mean± SD. *P< 0.05 compared with the non-diabetes group. CON, control group; DM, diabetes group. Physiological characteristics of male elderly in each group (Mean± SD) Con (n= 30) DM (n= 30) Age (yr) 66.96± 1.27 67.24± 1.97 0.537 Height (cm) 169.9± 5.68 167.8± 6.63 0.186 Weight (kg) 67.60± 6.79 69.03± 11.99 0.572 BMI (kg/m2) 26.40± 1.74 27.11± 2.15 0.165 Con, control group; DM, diabetes group; BMI, body mass index, M, mean; SD, standard deviation. Influence of aging on visual perception and visual motor integration in Korean adults 2014 ;10(4)
PROCEEDINGS VOLUME 10642 Degraded Environments: Sensing, Processing, and Display 2018 Editor(s): John (Jack) N. Sanders-Reed; Jarvis (Trey) J. Arthur III For the purchase of this volume in printed format, please visit Proceedings.com Volume Details Volume Number: 10642 Date Published: 23 July 2018 show all abstracts | hide all abstracts Front Matter: Volume 10642 Author(s): Proceedings of SPIE Determination of 255 just noticeable color gray level differences for improved color palette Author(s): Daniel D. Desjardins; Patrick Gardner; James C. Byrd Following research reported by the authors to SPIE (2015) and SID (2017), this paper pursues further psychophysical research to the determination of 255 Just Noticeable Color Differences (JNCDs). Given transmissive (e.g., Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display (AMLCD)) displays shall continue to create color palette via additive color subpixel gray level; given the number of such gray levels shall continue to be 255 (plus black) for most avionic, vetronic and other commercial applications, the authors anticipate the requirement for a unique set of color gray levels, and to this end propose identifying a statistically reliable set of threshold luminance for transmissive display color channels. Additionally, the authors propose to demonstrate that once individual color primaries are established on a JND basis, any and all combination colors are also unique and distinguishable. Only in this way can 255 gray level transmissive displays be most efficient in delivering their advertised 16.5 million colors and most effective in creating useful results, e.g., color maps, etc. Method of research, to include procedure, equipment, stimuli and test subjects shall be cited. Results of test, to include test subject Fechtner fractions for red, green, and blue, and test subject Fechtner fractions for equivalent color brightness combinations of red, green, and blue, shall be reported. HMD daylight symbology: color discrimination modeling Author(s): Thomas H. Harding; Jeffery K. Hovis; Clarence E. Rash; Michael K. Smolek; Morris R. Lattimore As the military increases its reliance upon and continues to develop Helmet Mounted Displays (HMDs), it is paramount that HMDs are developed that meet the operational needs of the Warfighter. During the development cycle, questions always arise concerning the operational requirements of the HMD. These include questions concerning luminance, contrast, color, resolution, and so on. When color is implemented in HMDs, which are eyes-out, see-through displays, visual perception issues become an increased concern. A major issue with HMDs is their inherent see-through (transparent) property. The result is color in the displayed image combines with color from the outside world, possibly producing a false perception of either one or both images. Last year at this meeting, we discussed the development of a color discrimination model. Here we extend this model to evaluate the discriminability of transparent symbology from a color normal and color deficient observer perspective. Modeling the effect of macular pigment enhancement on vision in degraded visual environments (DVE) Author(s): Kevin O'Brien; Leonard A. Temme; Paul St. Onge The macular pigment (MP) is an accumulation of lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids derived from dietary sources, which is primarily in the central 15° of the human visual field. MP absorbs light in the 400 to 520 nm range. Consequently the MP is a spectral filter over the photoreceptors, reducing the effects of internally scattered light and attenuating the short wavelength component of natural sunlight. The between-subject average MP optical density (OD) is about 0.2 to 0.6 log units depending on the sample population, while the range of MPOD is reportedly 0 to 1.5 log units. Some people can increase their MPOD by increasing their consumption of lutein and zeaxanthin, and this may be important for vision in DVE. Specifically, nutritional interventions and dietary supplements have produced statistically significant enhancements under laboratory conditions in visual tasks such as visibility through haze, low contrast target detection, contrast sensitivity, glare resistance and recovery, photostress recovery, dark adaptation, mesopic sensitivity, and enhanced reaction times. The question is whether these enhancements are operationally meaningful or not. The present paper begins to address the question by modeling MPOD effects on the visibility to low contrast targets seen under a range of DVE over realistic distances that incorporate atmospheric filtering. Specific model parameters include luminance, target contrast, spectral content, and distance. The model can be extended to estimate the efficacy of MPOD effects on target detection, discrimination, and standoff distances. Review of sensor-to-eye latency effects in degraded visual environment mitigations Author(s): Thomas Schnell; Thomas Münsterer The effect of degraded visual environments (DVE) on aviation is profound. Under reduced-visibility conditions, operational tempo slows to a fraction of its unrestricted-visibility counterpart. Mission capability envelopes are greatly reduced, and some missions cannot be flown. An even more significant problem is the threat of controlled flight into terrain and obstacles, spatial disorientation, and loss of control in flight. Of the 383 Class A and B US military flight accidents between 2002 and 2015, 25% related to operations in DVE and accounted for 81% of the fatalities and $1 billion in lost materiel. In commercial air transport over the past 10 years, there were 1,648 fatalities in 50 accidents due to loss of control in flight. The common theme in these accidents was lack of external visual references. Considerable progress has been made in the development and testing of DVE mitigations, but fielded, operational systems have been elusive. New technologies such as LiDAR, EO/IR, sensor fusion, and helmet-mounted displays (HMDs) are intended to improve pilot performance and expand mission effectiveness. However, much of the effort has focused on separate components. Very little has been devoted to integrated systems, and the human factors components have been all but neglected. This has a detrimental effect on the handling qualities and operational safety of the resulting systems. This paper offers a review of DVE mitigation technology with a focus on human factors requirements for sensor-to-eye latency, monocular, biocular, and binocular display performance, and see-through vs. non-see-through HMD display concepts. Color and impact to HMD design Author(s): Bob Foote; Mitchell Hoffmann Desires by customers for color helmet mounted displays (HMD) that are suitable for day and night viewing are being explored by several companies. One major area of difficulty for designers is selecting a shade of blue that is bright enough to be seen and that can be discriminated as blue in a bright ambient environment. Customers have concerns on how rich the color of blue must be to satisfy the pilot, but this may sometimes become a conflicting requirement of discrimination. Rockwell Collins is designing the next generation HMD and believes that color, if not a requirement, will be an expectation in the future. To this end Rockwell Collins has conducted testing on a full color HMD display with a goal of determining the best color blue/cyan for our design. Our goal is to determine the u'v' coordinates on the CIE chart that meets both goals of brightness and discrimination. Our testing used a fixed wing HMD with a full color, 24 bit, OLED display. Multiple symbols and colors were used during the testing, and subjects were not aware of the goal of the study. It was found during the study that a much brighter blue/cyan can be presented and discriminated from other colors. Our paper will discuss the testing approach, and a summary of data and results. A conclusion is presented at the end of the paper of the HMD design impacts and implications of focusing less on color and more on discrimination. Predicting depth discrimination performance under hyperstereoscopic display conditions Author(s): Charles J. Lloyd; Marc Winterbottom; Eleanor O'Keefe; Tommy Bullock This paper describes an evaluation of the capability of two tests of vision, stereoacuity and fusion recovery range, to predict depth discrimination performance for subjects using a hyperstereoscopic display system. For the hyperstereo performance evaluation, 14 subjects completed a depth discrimination task presented at multiple positions and depths in a remote vision system (RVS) simulation similar to that used by air refueling operators on the KC-46 aircraft. Prior to performing the hyperstereo task, each subject completed automated tests of stereoacuity and binocular fusion recovery range. Evaluation results indicate that both stereoacuity (R2 = 0.64) and recovery range (R2 = 0.45) reliably predict (p ≤ 0.01) hyperstereo depth discrimination performance. The use of a two-factor model improves predictive capability (R2 = 0.73); however, the utility of including recovery range scores depended on viewing conditions. When easy viewing conditions (high contrast stimuli presented near the depth of the display) were used, performance was predicted by stereoacuity and the prediction was not improved using recovery range scores. Under difficult viewing conditions (low contrast stimuli, background clutter, crosstalk, and dipvergence), the prediction of hyperstereo performance was significantly improved by including recovery range scores. These results suggest that a binocular fusion recovery range test should be used in conjunction with a stereoacuity test to predict the performance of operators using hyperstereoscopic displays under the more difficult viewing conditions that can be expected in operational environments. Stereoscopic display design considerations and the importance of computer-based vision testing will be discussed in detail. AFRL alternative night/day imaging technologies (ANIT) program (Conference Presentation) Author(s): Darrel G. Hopper The AFRL Alternative Night/Day Imaging Technologies (ANIT) Program investigates lighter, replacements for traditional, fielded image intensifier tubes to enable additional desired capabilities such as all-source digital information fusion/sharing, augmented reality, multispectral sensing, and weapon cueing while providing six-dimensional environmental protection (laser, head impact, noise, nuclear, biological, and chemical). The ANIT S&T challenge includes establishment of a technology basis for integration of separate clear night, clear day, and degraded visual environment (DVE) helmet vision systems into one with acceptable mass properties. The ANIT components track focuses on the development of digital replacements for analog devices, including 5 Mpx sensors, embedded processors, algorithms, microdisplays, interconnects, trackers, visors, objectives, and oculars. The ANIT performance objectives include provision of: (1) 20/20 Snellen acuity for each 40 circular portion of field-of-view; (2) adaptive all-source image/information fusion; (3) photons-to-photons latency < 5ms; and (4) integration into a small form-factor 24-hr helmet/head mounted vision system. Advanced lens systems (visors, objectives, oculars) are based on diffractive holographic, freeform surface/prism, and gradient index design principles. This program addresses an AFLCMC Tier 1 Tech Need entitled Lightweight Night Imaging and a USAF Multi-MAJCOM priority entitled Digital Helmet Mounted Display (DHMD). The approach involves several S&T efforts in a components track aimed at the development of digital replacements for analog devices and a testbed track aimed at prototyping helmet-mounted augmented reality systems (HMARS) for pilots and dismounted operators. The status of some two-dozen funded efforts will be described. Roadmaps for technology maturation and transitions to DoD acquisition offices will be presented. Visibility of color symbology in head-up and head-mounted displays in daylight environments Author(s): Kirk Moffitt; Michael P. Browne Color-coded symbology has the potential to enhance the performance of people using head-up and head-mounted displays (HUDs and HMDs). The distinguishing feature of these displays is the optical combiner that presents symbology combined with the forward real-world scene. The presence of high-ambient daylight can desaturate the symbol colors, making them difficult to recognize. We defined a set of colors for testing based on color-coding conventions, color symbology research, and results from our previous testing. We then conducted a series of experiments to test the visibility and naming of color symbols and the legibility of color text mixed with daylight. Results were statistically analyzed and also modeled using color-difference formulae. Specific attention was given the symbol color blue, and an alternative blue color was proposed that had much higher visibility. 360-degree top view inside a helmet mounted display providing obstacle awareness for helicopter operations Author(s): L. Ebrecht; J. M. Ernst; H.-U. Doehler; S. Schmerwitz This paper introduces a display concept for helicopter obstacle awareness and warning systems. The key feature of the concept is the integration of a 360-degree coplanar orthogonal top view in the egocentric perspective of a helmet mounted see-through display. The concept intends to provide obstacle awareness while pilots are looking outside. The concept should further improve the situational and spatial awareness as well as the workload of helicopter pilots when operating in challenging surroundings. The display concept is applied to two helicopter off-shore operations and its specific obstacle situation. The first operation represents a hoist operation at the lower access point of an off-shore wind turbine. The second regards an off-shore platform landing operation. The paper depicts the two use cases, related work concerning obstacle awareness and warning systems, and recapitulates situational awareness plus the properties of orthogonal coplanar in comparison to the properties of perspective representations. Thereafter the two main aspects of the developed HMI concept were presented, i.e., the combination of the exocentric orthogonal coplanar top view with the egocentric perspective view, and secondly three ways for the integration of the top view inside the helmet mounted display. The implemented HMI design represents work in progress, i.e., looking forward to develop an optimal holistic and balanced display concept featuring helicopter obstacle awareness and warning systems. Synthetic vision on a head-worn display supporting helicopter offshore operations Author(s): Johannes M. Ernst; Lars Ebrecht; Stefan Erdmann Helicopters play an important role during construction and operation of o shore wind farms. Most of the time helicopter offshore operations are conducted over open water and often in degraded visual environment. Such scenarios provide very few usable visual cues for the crew to safely pilot the aircraft. For instance, no landmarks exist for navigation and orientation is hindered by weather phenomena that reduce visibility and obscure the horizon. To overcome this problem, we are developing an external vision system which uses a non-see-through, head-worn display (HWD) to show fused sensor and database information about the surroundings. This paper focuses on one aspect of our system: the computer-generated representation of relevant visual cues of the water surface. Our motivation is to develop a synthetic view of the surroundings that is superior to the real out-the-window view. The moving water surface does not provide fixed references for orientation and sometimes even produces wrong motion cues. Thus, we replace it by a more valuable, computer-generated clear view. Since pilots estimate wind direction and speed by checking the movement characteristics of the water surface, our synthetic display also integrates this information. This paper presents several options for a synthetic vision display supporting offshore operations. Further, it comprises results from simulator trials, where helicopter pilots performed final approaches and landings on an offshore platform supported by our display. The results will contribute to the advancement of our HWD-based virtual cockpit concept. Additionally, our findings may be relevant to conventional, head-down synthetic vision displays visualizing offshore environments. Real-time sonic boom prediction with flight guidance Author(s): Laura M. Smith-Velazquez; Erik Theunissen Supersonic flight over land will require pilots to understand and manage sonic boom noise in real-time. For humans to understand the complex relationships of shock wave propagation in the atmosphere and where it impacts terrain, a perspective display of this information is a natural extension of current efforts using synthetic vision displays. In previous research a NASA developed algorithm was used to calculate sonic boom prediction, Mach cut-off, and sound pressure levels for current and modified flights plans. The algorithm information was transformed into georeferenced objects, presented on navigation and guidance displays and integrated with synthetic vision. We conducted a usability demonstration with experienced pilots to assess their ability to use the display to determine whether the flight plan avoids the generation of a sonic boom in noise-sensitive areas, their ability to modify their flight plan to resolve impact issues, and reviewed the implementation of a real-time guidance capability. This paper provides an overview of the usability demonstration and discusses the additional capability of providing a pilot alerting mechanism and automated impact evaluations. Evaluating synthetic vision displays for enhanced airplane state awareness Author(s): Lawrence J. Prinzel III; Kyle E. Ellis; Trey J. Arthur; Daniel K. Kiggins; Stephanie N. Nicholas; Renee C. Lake; Kathryn Ballard Recent accident and incident data suggest that Spatial Disorientation (SD) and Loss-of-Energy State Awareness (LESA) for transport category aircraft are becoming an increasingly prevalent safety concern in domestic and international operations. A CAST study of 18 loss-of-control accidents determined that a lack of external visual references (i.e., darkness, instrument meteorological conditions, or both) was associated with a flight crew's loss of attitude awareness or energy state awareness in 17 of these events. In response, CAST requested that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) conduct research to support definition of minimum requirements for Virtual Day-Visual Meteorological Condition (VMC) displays, also known as Synthetic Vision Systems, to accomplish the intended function of improving flight crew awareness of airplane attitude. These research data directly inform the development of minimum aviation system performance standards (MASPS) for RTCA special committee (SC)-213, "Enhanced Flight Vision Systems and Synthetic Vision Systems." An overview of NASA high-fidelity simulator research is provided that collected data specific to CAST and RTCA needs on the efficacy of synthetic vision technology to aid in attitude awareness and prevent entry into, and recovery from unusual attitudes. The paper highlights our research with low-hour, international flight crews. Passive EO imaging sensor assessment methodology Author(s): R. L. Jones; G. Passey To support the development of technologies that enable helicopters to operate safely and effectively in degraded visual environments (DVE), a set of visual information requirements (VIRs) for pilotage have been defined as an input to a sensor assessment. A sensor assessment methodology has been defined that utilises laboratory tests, field data gathering and aircrew assessments to fine-tune industry standard EO sensor models such that the performance of sensors and combinations of sensors can be evaluated against the VIRs. The results of such an assessment utilising passive EO sensors covering wavebands from Visible to LWIR have been used to derive performance requirements for a future DVE vision system concept. Advanced low-SWAP lidar imager for degraded visual environments Author(s): Jason Seely; James T. Murray; Paul Eason; Jeffrey Plath; Bill Ryder; Neil Van Lieu Areté Associates has developed a low-SWAP 3D imaging lidar to enhance rotorcraft pilot situational awareness in degraded visual environments (DVE). The lidar incorporates full waveform processing with an agile scanning system and variable pulse repetition rate (PRF) laser into a purpose-built imaging system optimized for operations in DVE. Full waveform processing robustly eliminates false contacts from dust and other obscurants; the agile scanner provides a dense scan pattern over user-defined, mission-based field of regard (FOR); and the laser PRF can be adjusted to provide unambiguous imaging over long ranges. Areté's DVE Lidar is the culmination of a multi-year development effort that included multiple ground and flight tests in DVE scenarios and a repackaging effort to miniaturize processing and support electronics so they could be integrated into the sensor head. We present here a system overview of the Areté DVE Lidar and highlight some of the unique capabilities that make it the system of choice for DVE operations. Ongoing work and improvements at the Sandia Fog Facility (Conference Presentation) Author(s): Jeremy B. Wright; John D. van der Laan; Andres Sanchez Degraded visual environments are a cause of problems for surveillance systems and other sensors due to the reduction in contrast, range, and signal. Fog is a concern because of the frequency of its formation along our coastlines; disrupting border security, shipping, surveillance, and sometimes causing deadly accidents. Fog reduces visibility by scattering ambient/active illumination light obscuring the environment and limiting operational capability. Sandia has created a fog facility for the characterization and testing of optical and other systems. This facility is a 180 ft. by 10 ft. by 10 ft. chamber with temperature control that can be filled with a fog-like aerosol using 64 agricultural spray nozzles. We will discuss the physical formation of fog and how that is affected by the environmental controls at our disposal. We have recently made several improvements to the facility including temperature control and will present the results of these improvements on the aerosol conditions. We will discuss the characterization of the fog and instrumentation used for the characterization. In addition, we will present preliminary results from work at Sandia, that leveraged this facility to investigate using polarized light to enhance the range of optical systems in fog conditions. This capability provides a platform for performing optical propagations experiments in a known, stable, and controlled environment where fog can be made on demand. NIAG DVE flight test results of LiDAR based DVE support systems Author(s): Thomas Münsterer; Bernhard Singer; Michael Zimmermann; Martin Gestwa The paper discusses recent results of flight tests performed during the NIAG DVE flight test campaign in Manching, Germany and Alpnach, Switzerland in February 2017. The Hensoldt DVE system SFERION was mounted on two platforms in two different configurations. The first platform was a Swiss Airforce EC635 on which SFERION was mounted with the SferiSense 500 LiDAR. SFERION displayed 3D conformal symbology for in-flight and landing support purposes. The second platform was the German DLR owned and operated EC135 ACT/FHS test helicopter. There a system using SferiSense 300 LiDAR data supported the pilot during the final approach to a hover point by providing flight path monitoring, guidance and updating. In both systems the information was displayed on head-tracked helmet mounted displays (HMDs). Specific LiDAR performance in the encountered real-life DVE conditions is discussed. A number of pilots flew the respective systems and results of pilot assessments on workload and capabilities as well as conclusions for the SFERION system are discussed. Integrating legacy ESVS displays in the Unity game engine Author(s): Niklas Peinecke; Johannes M. Ernst Current augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) displays are targeted at entertainment and home education purposes. However, these headsets can be used for prototyping and developing display concepts to be used in aviation. In previous papers we have demonstrated the use of helmet mounted enhanced and synthetic vision systems (ESVS) displays that have been implemented on commercially available VR displays. One of the most widely used engines for developing VR and AR applications is the Unity game engine. While it supports a broad range of display hardware it can be challenging to integrate legacy ESVS software, since its main purpose is the fast development of virtual worlds. To avoid a complete re-write of such displays we demonstrate techniques to integrate legacy software in Unity. In detail, we show how render plugins or texture buffers can be used to display existing ESVS output in a Unity project. We show advantages and drawbacks of these different approaches. Further, we detail problems in case the source software is written for a different platform, for example, when integrating OpenGL displays in a DirectX environment. While the demonstrated techniques are implemented and tested with the Unity game engine, they can be used for other target game and render engines, too. Team-centric motion planning in unfamiliar environments (Conference Presentation) Author(s): Cory Hayes; Matthew Marge; Claire Bonial; Clare Voss; Susan G. Hill Technological advances in artificial intelligence have created an opportunity for effective teaming between humans and robots. Reliable robot teammates could enable increased situational awareness and reduce the cognitive burden on their human counterparts. Robots must operate in ways that follow human expectations for effective teaming, whether operating near their human teammates or at a distance and out of sight. This ability would allow people to better anticipate robot behavior after issuing commands. In comparison to traditional human-agnostic and proximal human-aware path planning, our work addresses a relatively unexplored third area, team-centric motion planning: robots navigating remotely in an unfamiliar area and in a way that meets a teammate's expectations. In this paper, we discuss initial work towards encoding human intention to inform autonomous robot navigation. Our approach leverages the methodology and data collected in an ongoing series of natural dialogue experiments where naive participants provide navigation instructions to a remote robot situated in an unfamiliar environment. Participants are tasked with uncovering specific information about the environment via the remote robot through real-time mapping and snapshots, requiring fine- grained robot movement that meets the intention of a given command. This sensitivity often leads to clarification commands to augment the position and orientation of the robot in order to achieve the desired instructor intention; we seek to reduce or eliminate the need for these clarification commands for more efficient task completion. Our current efforts use known participant responses to executed commands to train a reinforcement learning policy for building awareness about unknown environments. Ultimately, this approach would lead to robot movement that maximizes the amount of relevant information relayed back to a human instructor while minimizing instructor burden. Rotorcraft pinnacle landing situational awareness system Author(s): W. Brendan Blanton; Robert C. Allen; Katherine Gresko; Eric Lieberman; Deanna Dibernardi One of the most hazardous landing scenarios for rotorcraft is the pinnacle landing. During pinnacle landings the ight crews approach areas where traditional landings are not possible and place a portion of the aircraft on the ground (e.g. skids or back wheels) in order to extract or drop off passengers in challenging terrain. These landings are used for such operations such as air assault and mountain search and rescue. In these situations, the flight crew must perform precise maneuvers in close proximity to hazards with minimal visibility. Typically, crew members provide aural cues to the pilot to guide the aircraft. These maneuvers are proven to be demanding and have led to many accidents. Boeing is developing a sensor based pilot situational capability to aid the ight crews during pinnacle landings. We will present the design trade space and operational parameters that informed our approach. In addition, we will discuss the system development, testing and human factor considerations. Feeling a little blue: problems with the symbol color blue for see-through displays and an alternative color solution The color blue is problematic for inclusion in a symbology color set for use by operators with head-up and helmet-mounted displays (HUDs and HMDs), as well as with augmented reality (AR) displays. The distinguishing feature of these see-through displays is the optical combiner that presents color-coded symbology combined with the forward real-world scene. Unlike head-down displays that can use color fills, see-through displays are limited to lines and text. The presence of high-ambient daylight can desaturate symbol colors and make them difficult to recognize. This is especially true for blue symbols that become faint and colorless in moderate daylight as well as when mixed with green night-vision imagery. We propose the alternative color blue prime (blue')—a mix of 100% blue and 50% green that lies between blue and cyan—as an alternative to blue. The color blue' is more resistant to daylight than blue, yet still retains the color name "blue." Blue' lags other colors such as green and white in visibility, and its use needs to be moderated. We present experimental data to support the use of blue' as a basic color code. DEVS: providing dismounted 24/7 DVE capability and enabling the digital battlefield Author(s): Joseph Straub The Digital Battlefield promises major improvements for the modern warfighter, and has been in development for several years. Many of the key components needed to collect, analyze, process, and disseminate that information have been developed and are now largely fielded. The component that has prevented the Digital Battlefield from being implemented is the Warfighter's interface – presenting precise information directly to the Warfighter without engendering information overload. Several daytime systems have been developed that provide test beds for operator evaluation, but do not operate at night and in degraded visual environments (DVE). The Digital Enhanced Vision System (DEVS) now provides a device that works in all conditions – both day and night – and provides much greater performance than traditional image intensifier devices, while presenting real-time imagery to the operator at very low latency that meets threshold and approaches objective requirements. DEVS is a compact helmet mounted night/day imaging system that provides low-light visual, SWIR and thermal viewing through a near-eye display. The system has a 50° D FOV, allowing the user to have a major FOV improvement compared to current I2 night vision goggles. System latency has been reduced to around 20ms – less than half the latency of the new F-35 goggles at 42ms. The system is designed to connect readily into the 'Digital Battlefield" allowing improved SA to each dismounted operator. The TRL8 system is scheduled for completion in early '19. Relative visual localization (RVL) for UAV navigation Author(s): Andy Couturier; Moulay A. Akhloufi Most of today's UAVs make use of multi-sensor GNSS/INS fusion for localization during navigation. In such a context GNSS systems are used as a compact and cost-effective way to constrain the unbounded error induced by the INS sensors on the localization. Unfortunately, GNSS systems have been proven to be unreliable in multiple contexts. The drawback of such an approach resides in the radio communications necessary to acquire the localization data. Radio communication systems are prone to availability problems in some environments, to signal alteration and to interference. The root cause of the problem resides in the use of global information to solve a local problem. In this work, we propose the use of local visual information to perform relative localization in an unknown outdoor environment. The algorithm uses feature point methods to extract salient points from a set of images pertaining to possible matches during the navigation. The extracted features are matched with available visual data stored during previous navigation or from an aerial view map. Different feature extraction techniques were analyzed, and ORB was the one that gave the best mean absolute error. The estimated distance between the best match and ground-truth localization was within 70 meters on average at an altitude of 150 meters. Experimental tests were conducted on outdoor videos captured using a quadcopter. The obtained results are promising and show the possibility of using relative visual data in GPS/GNSS-denied environments to improve the robustness of UAVs navigation. Location and head orientation tracking in GPS-denied environments Author(s): James E. Melzer; Ashutosh Morde Wayfinding has been investigated by multiple researchers in the context of a Landmark-to-Route-to-Survey learning construct that relies on multiple and – across the population – varying cognitive mechanisms. The development of GPS-based cellphone navigation aids has made wayfinding easier for most situations, though for First Responders and Ground Warfighters, the need to navigate in GPS-denied environments without such assistance may compromise their ability to get their job done as well as their safety. We will discuss wayfinding research and look at bio-inspired navigation methods because they may point us to navigation solutions that do not rely on GPS. Finally, we will discuss a hybrid inertial and visual navigation and tracking system that we have integrated into an augmented reality ensemble for high stress, GPS-denied applications with some recommendations for future growth. Visualization requirements for DVE systems Author(s): Jack Cross One of the more challenging aspects of Degraded Visual Environment (DVE) solutions development, evaluation and qualification is the subjectivity of output imagery. Current civil and military DVE system specifications do not address visualization requirements; instead identifying what must be seen. Evaluation pilots, without visualization requirements, evaluate system imagery based on their own opinion of what is good enough and often compared to what they see with their natural vision. This leads to tremendous subjectivity that varies from pilot-to-pilot, day-to-day, and program-to-program. The lack of requirements leaves industry without a guiding direction for implementations, leading to increased risk and cost. This is not an oversight, as it is very difficult to identify specific qualitative/quantitative imagery performance objectives. Yet we, the DVE community, need to do better. This paper puts forth the case for establishing visualization requirements and makes a series of recommendations for moving DVE system evaluation from a subjective to a quantitative assessment. DVE system capability classes The characterization of a Degraded Visual Environment (DVE) System is often focused on the sensors and system architecture. This paper puts forth the case for developing a standard set of rotary-wing DVE system classes based on what the DVE System can do, rather than how it is implemented. This approach supports development of a standard set of safety criteria, and allowable intended uses for each particular class of DVE System. It also controls the relative cost of the DVE System, as the class drives safety criteria, system architecture, and certification costs. Industry can then develop or envision technical solutions to meet those standards, and users can better understand the performance versus cost tradeoffs of the various classes. The DVE industry currently has little or no definition of such classes and is largely left with an ad hoc approach. This concept borrows from the Instrument Landing System (ILS) categories, where the capability is defined by five categories (CAT I, CAT II, CAT IIIa, CAT IIIb, and CAT IIIc). Operators and pilots are not necessarily aware of the technical solution, such as number of antennas, receivers, or amount of redundancy, instead the categories clearly identify the capabilities of each category of system. This paper develops a set of DVE system classes to provide a context for future development of safety criteria and technical solutions. Visibility in degraded visual environments (DVE) Author(s): John N. Sanders-Reed; Stephen J. Fenley As visibility decreases, crew workload increases resulting in reduced operational capability. As a consequence it is useful to define standard operational levels defining operational constraints based on visibility range. For given atmospheric conditions, visibility varies with wavelength meaning that the operational level may vary depending on the sensor waveband. Results from a number of previous authors are combined to present an updated and integrated set of spectral attenuation and visibility curves from the visible through the millimeter wave regime. These curves show attenuation through standard and humid atmospheres and the effects of various levels of rain and fog. Obscurant particle size ranges are shown to help explain the observed phenomenology. In addition, work from a number of other authors is combined to relate standard meteorological measurements (densities or rates) to visibility. These results are compared with the spectral attenuation curves. The result is an ability to relate obscurant density or rate to attenuation or visibility and hence operational level at any wavelength from visible through the millimeter wave regime. High fill factor RF aperture arrays for improved passive, real-time millimeter wave imaging Author(s): Thomas E. Dillon; Christopher A. Schuetz; Daniel G. Mackrides; Andrew Wright; Kevin Shreve; Charles Harrity; Stephen Kocazik; Shouyuan Shi; Peng Yao; Dennis W. Prather Sensors operating in the millimeter wave region of the electromagnetic spectrum provide valuable situational awareness in degraded visual environments, helpful in navigation of rotorcraft and fixed wing aircraft. Due to their relatively long wavelength, millimeter waves can pass through many types of visual obscurants, including smoke, fog, dust, blowing sand, etc. with low attenuation. Developed to take advantage of these capabilities, ourmillimeter wave imager employs a unique, enabling receiver architecture based on distributed aperture arrays and optical upconversion. We have reported previously on operation and performance of our passive millimeter wave imager, including field test results in DVE and other representative environments, as well as extensive flight testing on an H-1 rotorcraft. Herein we discuss efforts to improve RF and optical component hardware integration, with the goal to increase manufacturability and reduce c-SWaP of the system. These outcomes will allow us to increase aperture sizes and channel counts, thereby providing increased receiver sensitivity and overall improved image quality. These developments in turn will open up new application areas for the passive millimeter wave technology, as well as better serving existing ones. Improving AVHRR-based NDVI data using a statistical technique for global climate studies Author(s): Md. Z. Rahman; Leonid Roytman; Abdel Hamid Kadik; Dilara A. Rosy The main objective of this report is to examine the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) stability in the NOAA/NESDIS Global Vegetation Index (GVI) data, which was collected from five NOAA series satellites. An empirical distribution function (EDF) was developed to decrease the long-term inaccuracy of the NDVI data derived from the AVHRR sensor on NOAA polar orbiting satellite. The instability of data is a consequence of orbit degradation, and from the circuit drifts over the life of a satellite. Degradation of NDVI over time and shifts of NDVI between the satellites were estimated using the China data set, because it includes a wide variety of different ecosystems represented globally. It was found that the data for six particular years, four of which were consecutive, are not stable compared to other years because of satellite orbit drift, AVHRR sensor degradation, and satellite technical problems, including satellite electronic and mechanical satellite systems deterioration. The data for paired years for the NOAA-7, NOAA-9, NOAA-11, NOAA-14, and NOAA-16 were assumed to be standard because the crossing time of the satellite over the equator (between 13:30 and 15:00 hours) maximized the value of the coefficients. These years were considered the standard years, while in other years the quality of satellite observations significantly deviated from the standard. The deficiency of data for the affected years were normalized or corrected by using the EDF method and compared with the standard years. These normalized values were then utilized to estimate new NDVI time series that show significant improvement of NDVI data for the affected years so that the dataset is useful in climate studies. Stitching image using RDHW based on multivariate student's t-distribution (Conference Presentation) Author(s): Yingying Kong; Yingying Chen; Leung Henry In order to create a seamless and seemingly natural panorama, we propose a novel stitching method when a panoramic scene contain two predominate planes. Firstly, compute each homography of per planes. Then, how to set the each of weight in dual-homography become an important step. The traditional method of setting weights is to directly calculate European distance between original image location pixel points and feature points. The disadvantage is the weights of singular points seriously impact the overall decision. In this paper, we proposed a static probability model of error matching to optimize weights by multivariate student's t distribution. No only error matching probability, but also error amount and distance of feature points are all considered in the weight model. Finally, a renewal single homography is defined by establishing contact between dual-homography and weights. Experiments show the homography matrix is more robust and accurate to perform a nonlinear warping. The proposed method is easily generalized to multiple images, and allows one to automatically obtain the best perspective in the panorama.
Professor, Surgery and Biomedical Engineering Dr. Jose Oberholzer is an NIH funded Professor of Surgery Biomedical Engineering and the Chief of the Division of Transplantation at the University of Virginia Health System. He has extensive experience in clinical and experimental islet transplantation, abdominal organ transplantation, as well as advanced hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery. Furthermore, Dr. Oberholzer is the founding coordinator of the Chicago Diabetes Project. Dr. Oberholzer trained at the University of Geneva, Switzerland as well as at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. He functioned as the Head of the Islet Transplant Program at the University of Geneva and the GRAGIL Islet Consortium from 1998 to 2002, completing a significant number of islet transplants. Dr. Oberholzer has been heading the UIC Islet and Pancreas Transplant Program since 2003. Solomon Afelik, Ph.D. Department of Surgery/Division of Transplantation Solomon Afelik, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at the Division of Transplantation of the Department of Surgery. He received a B.Sc. degree in Biochemistry from the University of Ghana, Legon and PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Goettingen in Germany. He did his postdoctoral fellowship at the Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes at the University of Colorado and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Dr. Afelik focused his research efforts during his doctoral and post-doctoral training on the developmental biology of the pancreas and has made major discoveries on the formation, growth and differentiation of pancreatic progenitor cells. Dr. Afelik is a recipient of the prestigious American Diabetes Association Junior Faculty award. His current research involves applying his knowledge of pancreas development to generate a reliable source of glucose responsive insulin producing cells (pancreatic beta-cells) to be used in cell replacement therapy for diabetes patients. This involves applying developmental signaling factors to direct cell fate decisions towards pancreatic beta-cell fate, as well to scale up the number of beta-cells to levels that are sufficient to reverse diabetes. Kirstie K. Danielson, Ph.D. Departmental Affiliate, Division of Epidemiology & Biostatistics Kirstie K. Danielson, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Divisions of Transplant Surgery and Epidemiology & Biostatistics. She is a recent NIH-funded BIRCWH (Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health) Scholar, a prestigious national award for junior faculty studying women's health and sex differences. She received her Ph.D. in Population Health with a focus in Epidemiology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison; and subsequently completed postdoctoral training in Endocrinology at the University of Chicago and Epidemiology & Biostatistics at UIC. Dr. Danielson's research program focuses on the interrelationships between type 1 diabetes, bone/osteoporosis, and sex hormones, and includes investigating sex differences. Her research has found that young women with type 1 diabetes have significantly weaker bones and alterations in their reproductive health compared to their peers without diabetes. And in light of recent evidence in mice demonstrating the reciprocal associations where a bone hormone (osteocalcin) and the sex hormone estrogen positively regulate the insulin-producing islet cells (which are damaged by type 1 diabetes), Dr. Danielson is studying whether these hormones can enhance islet cell transplant success (which replaces the damaged islets) as a functional cure for type 1 diabetes in humans. In addition, her research has elucidated sex differences between healthy male and female islet cells, where female islets demonstrate advantages in survival and function, and may help explain why type 1 diabetes is one of the few autoimmune diseases not more common in women. Dr. Danielson has also discovered that the success of islet cell transplantation differs by whether the islets come from male or female donors, where female islets cured type 1 diabetes at a higher rate than male islets. Her team is also beginning to investigate why young women with type 1 diabetes die from heart disease at twice the rate compared to men with diabetes, and is hypothesizing that it may be related to their high rate of osteoporosis – calcium is moving from their bones to their heart. This will be studied in individuals living with type 1 diabetes and after receiving islet transplant to cure their diabetes, as Dr. Danielson previously demonstrated that islet transplant reverses heart disease. Mario Spaggiari, MD Mario Spaggiari, MD, is a Research Assistant Professor in Organ Transplantation and Islet Transplant Fellow at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is also a Clinical Instructor for Transplant Surgery in the department of Surgery. Dr. Spaggiari is mainly involved in research into minimally invasive transplantation technique, liver transplantation and hepatocellular carcinoma, liver surgery for cancer, pancreas and islet transplantation, with more than 40 papers published in international peer reviewed journals. Dr. Spaggiari received his medical degree from the Universita' degli Studi di Modena in Modena, Italy. He completed a residency in the General Surgery Residency Program at Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia in Modena, Italy. Dr. Spaggiari then received a fellowship from the American Society of Transplant Surgeon in abdominal transplant surgery and hepatobiliary surgery, which he completed at Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, OH. Mario's specialty interests include Liver Transplantation, Kidney Transplantation, Islet and Pancreas Transplantation, Hepatobiliary surgery, Metastatic liver cancers, Neuroendocrine tumors, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Benign liver tumors, Liver cysts, Liver transplantation, Living donor liver surgery, Pediatric liver transplant, Organ recovery and preservation, Portal hypertension. Yong Wang, MD, MS Dr. Wang is an expert in the field of beta-cell physiology and islet transplantation with nearly 20 years of research experience. With his medical training background, Dr. Wang's research interest is to investigate and solve clinically relevant problems with novel emerging technologies. Dr. Wang has developed a set of novel microfluidic biochips (Lab-on-Chip) to study islet physiology that are applied in human islet transplantation and beta cell biology. His research represents one of only a handful of laboratories that have applied microfluidic technology in diabetes research and treatment with seven peer-reviewed research publications, three technical reports, three reviews, and one book chapter in this area since 2009. He is also developing additional islet devices such as microfluidic array for high-content and high-resolution imaging, pumpless microfluidic perifusion, integrated optical imaging with smartphone, and beta-cell and alpha-cell separation. His research has been supported by NIH, JDRF, Pfizer, Merck and Gift of Hope. Dr. Wang also has extensive experience in islet isolation and transplantation including human, non-human primate, and rodent animal models. Rebecca Monson, MD, MPH Visiting Research Assistant Professor Rebecca is a Visiting Research Assistant Professor within the Department of Surgery at UIC. Rebecca's responsibilities in the Islet Transplant Program include data collection, management and analysis, scientific writing and editing, grant preparation and literature reviews among others. With Rebecca's clinical background, her interests tend towards clinical aspects of research. Rebecca's background is in internal medicine, and more recently epidemiology, with her master's project being recently published in Transplantation: "Disparities in Completion Rates of the Medical Pre-Renal Transplant Evaluation by Race/Ethnicity and Gender". Tolou Shokuhfar, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Bioengineering Director, In-situ Nanomedicine Laboratory Dr.Tolou Shokuhfar's research focuses on (1) in-situ liquid electron microscopy of biomolecules and biomaterials and their biochemical activities in wet/hydrated environment; (2) smart and multifunctional nanobiomaterials that have applications in Diabetes and Islet transplantation research. She has received the prestigious 2014 NSF CAREER AWARD, to Investigate Biomineralization in Healthy and Dysfunctional Ferritin proteins. The Faculty Early Career Development Program offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Dr. Shokuhfar has received the 2015 TMS Young Leader Award and the 2014 Young Scientist Award at the DSL International Conference for her work on "Multifunctional Nanostructures for Medical Implants". She has graduated 1 Ph.D student, currently advising 1 research scholar, 5 Ph.D students, and 3 undergraduate students. She is also actively involved in the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and as part of the teaching, training and outreach activities, she will be giving special attention in recruiting and mentoring female and underrepresented students to work in her research lab. As a result of her activities to promote diversity in her lab and attract female students to pursue careers in STEM fields she has received the national recognition of INSIGHT Diversity 2015 Award for Inspiring Women in STEM . Along with her colleagues at UIC BIOE, College of Dentistry, and Rush University Medical Center, she has co-founded the Institute for Biomaterials, Tribocorrosion, and Nanomedicine (IBIN) that enable collaboration between MTU, UIC, Rush, and UNESP in Brazil.She has 2 patent applications and 46 archival publications including 2 book chapters. She has been quite active in the professional community. She has been ad hoc reviewer for more than 10 journals, presented 21 national and international invited talks, and 43 conference presentations. She is the Organizer of Advanced Materials in Dental and Orthopedic Applications Symposium at the TMS conference, and Symposium Organizer for Biomedical Implants and Devices at DSL 2015 International Conference. She currently holds 3 officer positions as Program Chair for Orthopedic Biomaterials ,and Treasurer for Nanomaterials at the Society for Biomaterials (SFB) , and Treasurer at the TMS Biomaterials Committee. She is also an active member of Orthopedic Research Society (ORS) and member at the Biomedical Engineering Society. Leelamma George, RN, MSN Clinical Trial Coordinator Leelamma earned her BS in Nursing and her MSN from the College of Nursing, Madras University, India. Her Master's degree is in pediatric Nursing. Lee has worked as a staff nurse in a variety of adult and pediatric clinical areas and as a lecturer. Before joining the Islet Transplant Research team she served as the Administrative Nurse for the Clinical Research Center at the UIC Medical Center at Chicago. Andrea Molino Clinical Research Coordinator, Islet Transplant Program Andrea originally worked as a summer researcher with the Chicago Diabetes Project for two years before joining the team full-time upon her graduation from Emory University in May of 2016. Andrea's undergraduate degrees were in Biology, B.S. and Human Health, B.A. She is currently the Clinical Research Coordinator of the Islet Transplant program and oversees all clinical and regulatory aspects of the trial. GRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANTS Yuan Xing, Ph.D. Yuan received his M.S. degree in biology and Ph.D. in bioengineering. Yuan joined the team in 2013. Under Dr. Yong Wang's guidance, Yuan mostly focuses on applying microfluidics to solve problems in diabetes research. EVENTS & PHILANTHROPY Jill Dine Jill Dine joined the Chicago Diabetes Project in September, 2017. Jill first met with Dr. Oberholzer and his team shortly after her son was diagnosed with Type One diabetes in 2011. Jill and her husband wanted to seek out the possibility of a cure and that led them to the CDP. She will be helping with event planning, the Chicago and New York marathons and social media campaigns. Jill has been a stay at home mom raising her two young sons for the last 8 years. She hopes to use her knowledge of Type One and her relationships in the diabetes community to help grow the Chicago Diabetes Project. Jill holds a Bachelor's degree from Marquette University as well as a Master's degree from Dominican University.
Home / Catalog / Music / Hard Rock / Page 1102 MP3 Scott Hinkson - Tracking Outside In Scott Hinkson creates vibrant landscapes with his alternative rock/pop release "Tracking Outside In". On the darker side of happy, on the indie side of mainstream, Hinkson fuses material written on acoustic guitar with electronic drums and melodic guitar 12 MP3 Songs ROCK: Modern Rock, ROCK: Acoustic Scott Hinkson is the eyes, ears, brains and brawn behind the visceral and emotional terrain of his own blend of rock/pop/alternative material. Unique enough to poke its head through the common regime of mainstream radio, Hinkson's sound is quick to fight off any hasty categorizing or labelling. However, Hinkson's strong songwriting immediately appeals to the masses as he is sensible enough to understand the importance of melody, hooks, and catchy arrangements in a great tune. A founding member of Winnipeg band "Far Gone", Hinkson honed his songwriting chops the old-fashioned way - bashing it out in basements and on stages all over town. In 1998, leaving behind a history of notable accolades and three albums worth of material, the band's two charismatic front men, Hinkson and Trevor Tuminski (who would later go on to form Jet Set Satellite) split up the project in favor of toiling away at their respective solo careers. Since that time Hinkson has been surprising audiences, garnering enthusiastic response from high-profile performances at the Winnipeg Fringe Festival 2001 to 2003, Corefest, televised performances on Global News and A-Channel, along with regular club dates at the Pyramid, the Zoo and Academy Coffee House. Critics have embraced Hinkson's recording efforts during this time when 2003's "Music for the Short Film 'Man Alone'" showcased the darker, melancholy side of his talent. Whether he's playing alone in an intimate setting or accompanied by a backing band, Hinkson is the axis upon which the music turns, often incorporating keyboards, loops and strange tunings to enhance his creations. Hinkson's material is diverse enough to conjure up power and raw emotion one moment, fragility and uncertainty the next. This duality is convincingly tied together by a compelling vocal with clever twists of melody and the backbone of acoustic guitar his songs are founded on. Now, in late 2005/early 2006, Hinkson has finished building his formal introduction to you - his official debut album, "Tracking Outside In". His intention: to build up the already healthy fan base he enjoys, secure radio play in the commercial and non-commercial markets, and find an interested management, publishing, and distribution/label arrangement for the album and his future outings and career. The arrival of a strong songwriter like this is rare and Hinkson is sure to be a industry staple as a performer, producer, or whatever will come over the following years. Be sure you arrive with him. Recent and Relevant Album Credits - "Music for the Short Film Man Alone" 2003 - (Songwriter, Performer, Producer/Recording/Mix and Mastering Engineer) - SNOOPER "Under The Radar" 2004 - (Producer/Recording/Mix and Mastering Engineer, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals)
New Evangelion By Savant November 8, 2006 in Anime Has anyone else heard about the new Evangelion movies that Anno is making? Has there been any new news about it lately? According to http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=9464, "According to the October issue of Newtype (Japan) (On sale September 10), four new Evangelion movies are in the works. The four movies will include a prequel, a mid-series movie, a sequel and a "final" movie. The prequel movie is due out early summer 2007. While the new story will be set during the same time frame as the original TV series, Newtype states that it will be an entirely new project, not be a remake or improvement of any sort. Newtype also mentions that viewers will not need to have already seen previous Evangelion material in order to understand and enjoy the new movies. Hideaki Anno will write the scenario for the first movie and will be the general director and manager for the entire project. Kazuya Tsurumaki will direct the movies while Yoshiyuki Sadamoto will provide character designs and Ikuto Yamashita will provide mechanical designs. Shinji Higuchi will provide storyboards for the first movie. Khara, a new studio that shares office space with Gainax, was recently set up and is seeking production staff to work on Anno's new project." Samurai Drifter 7 posts Savant 7 posts Siendra 5 posts Pamuya 5 posts Welcome to the boards! It is nice to see a non spambot member! When I first heard of this bit awhile back, I thought it was going to be a complete remake. Atleast it is something different. Thanks for the welcome Yeah, when I first saw it posted, I had thought that Anno was going to do a retake on the whole series, but i'm interested to see how this is going to turn out. I really hope it's as good as the original, which I absolutely loved. Gundampilotspaz Although I fought the canonization of the game back on AN, I hope these will aid to the story without corrupting it. I hope. yea but it is going to be awesome too man Pamuya interesting........ Well this should be good. I mean, as long as Anno hasn't lost his touch. Battle_Pope Samurai Drifter My thoughts exactly, except more along the lines of ¥¥¥. Milking the cow for all its worth. The dude went mental, I know fans will love it in denial anyways. lol Nega-Brent There is also a 10th anniversary box set coming out, I think. The Jock Nerd End of Evangelion was such an kick ass movie that I dont really want the story changed in anyway... (cries... emo) Well, according to what I have seen so far, it's supposed to be an entirely new story set in the same timeline. I'm wondering if it will be Alternate Universe, or a different set of characters entirely? I just dont want one of the best anime's of all time to be screwed up for the purpose of $$$ TeleportSandwich If the live action Cutey Honey movie was indication, this new movie will suck ass. Literally. Through a fucking bendy straw. These 4 new ones are anime, not the live action one. I really hope it doesn't ruin the series though, so here's hoping that Anno hasn't lost his touch completely. Either way, if they are terrible, they can always be disowned by the general public. It would be so awesome if it's a continuation of the dream world Shinji finds himself in in the last episodes, like Angelic Days (a doujin that got licensed in the US, for any who may not know). I saw it when it came out, I am rather confused by it. Can you please explain? Essentially, it is an alternate universe Evangelion where all the characters are happier/less mentally disturbed. thebornotaku Sounds like crap to me. Eva with depressed and ultimately psychotic characters is pretty much the only way Eva should be. Except Shinji's a whiny bitch =/ Siendra Actually, it's the mental equivalent to the physical aspects of instrumentality seen in EoE. Remember that part in the last episode where Shinji's in a dream world, and runs into Rei and she yells at him for looking at her panties, and their teacher is Misato? The series is basically that, prolonged. I personally like it a lot. Interesting new take. It is rather interesting, I read scanlations of the first 3 manga. Although, I personally feel that the whole use of EVA in a setting that isn't so dark is sort of off, considering where they come from and all. I agree, I was hoping it would just be a light-hearted romantic comedy or something similar.
Jon Stewart Has Retired…What's Next? STAMFORD, Conn., August 17, 2015 – After 16 epic years as host of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Jon Stewart has announced his retirement plans. What will Stewart do next? A trip to Disney? A run for President? A one-way trip to Mars? No, Stewart is set to host WWE's SummerSlam® on Sunday, August 23 at 7pm ET live on WWE Network. Stewart, a longtime WWE fan, appeared earlier this year in WWE storylines in an on-going feud with WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins®. After Stewart taunted Rollins in an online video, Rollins appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart where he challenged Stewart to appear on Monday Night Raw to settle their score. Click here to see a clip of Stewart and Rollins facing-off on March 2, 2015 at Monday Night Raw. Most recently, Rollins appeared in a look-back segment during Stewart's final few days on The Daily Show. Stewart stepped down from his post as host of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Thursday, August 6. During his tenure, Stewart welcomed a wide array of high profile guests including, President Barack Obama, former President Jimmy Carter, Clint Eastwood, Halle Berry, Ben Affleck, Jon Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Derek Jeter, Shaquille O'Neal, Bill Gates and many more. This year SummerSlam has been extended to a four-hour broadcast plus a one-hour pre-show beginning at 6pm ET on WWE Network. Emanating live from a sold-out Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY, SummerSlam will feature WWE Superstars Undertaker® and Brock Lesnar® in a rematch of their historic WrestleMania 30 bout where Lesnar ended Undertaker's undefeated streak. About WWE: WWE, a publicly traded company (NYSE: WWE), is an integrated media organization and recognized leader in global entertainment. The company consists of a portfolio of businesses that create and deliver original content 52 weeks a year to a global audience. WWE is committed to family friendly entertainment on its television programming, pay-per-view, digital media and publishing platforms. WWE programming reaches more than 650 million homes worldwide in 35 languages. WWE Network, the first-ever 24/7 over-the-top premium network that includes all 12 live pay-per-views, scheduled programming and a massive video-on-demand library, is currently available in more than 175 countries. The company is headquartered in Stamford, Conn., with offices in New York, Los Angeles, London, Mexico City, Mumbai, Shanghai, Singapore, Dubai, Munich and Tokyo. Additional information on WWE (NYSE: WWE) can be found at wwe.com and corporate.wwe.com. For information on our global activities, go to http://www.wwe.com/worldwide/. SOURCE: WWE
50 children killed in Niger school fire Written by By Staff Writer At least 25 children were killed in Niger when a four-story school that had been evacuated to avoid toxic fumes in the morning re-opened in the afternoon, with teachers… Written by By Staff Writer At least 25 children were killed in Niger when a four-story school that had been evacuated to avoid toxic fumes in the morning re-opened in the afternoon, with teachers having no idea what had happened. There were also "apparent signs of looting and disregard for human life," state television reported, after the disaster in the village of Meliane, near the Nigerian border. About 40 children were initially reported missing, but the death toll has risen to 25. The privately-run village school, the St. Felicien School, was said to have been evacuated around 10:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday to avoid toxic fumes but teachers returning for the lunchtime session did not know what had happened and the school remained open. Fire broke out around 1:00 p.m. local time as students at the back of the building were carrying their lunch in an area still cordoned off by security forces, according to witnesses. It took firefighters more than three hours to reach the school and rush the children to a nearby health center. When the hospital could not cope with the influx, the children were sent to a hospital in Oyo, in the country's southwest. Some of the children who died later died of their injuries in the Oyo hospital. Those admitted to the Oyo hospital have received treatment for burns and the doctors said at least eight of the children were in a critical condition. The Nigerian Red Cross Society said on Tuesday that 48 children were in hospital for treatment. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said there was no official report on the death toll. "There's no official report but reports have already risen and I understand that over 40 children are still missing," it said. Categories sport Tags espn, politics, sports Canada could benefit from more seasonal flu vaccines There's still a market for glamorous leading ladies — even if they appear to be wearing leotards and porkpie hats
SECAT Newsletter, Vol. 9, Issue 2 Aluminum WrapUp July 2021- Summer Issue SECAT NEWS Secat Welcomes New Interns! Amelia Pace and Zack Paterson are spending the summer with us at Secat. Both are Materials Engineering students at the University of Kentucky. We visited with Amelia at Secat recently. Amelia is from Louisville and will be a Junior at UK in Fall 2021. Her career goals are to work in the manufacturing industry with a focus on design. We asked her what's the most exciting thing she has learned so far from her work at Secat: Her response: "Being able to work in real life applications from the things I learned in school!" You can learn more about us on Secat's website here. Visit www.secat.net to stay up to date. ColgateⓇ Keep Aluminum Toothbrush A toothbrush made of aluminum is now available in the market, thanks to Colgate. Called the Link Replaceable Head Toothbrush, Colgate has rolled out a toothbrush with aluminum handle in a bid to convince consumers to cut down the use of plastic. The product claims to use 80 per cent less plastic than a regular brush, attempting at providing an easy-breezy solution for consumers looking for simple ways to reduce plastic waste. Also, it claims to be used for a lifetime. Each set comes with two replaceable brush heads and one aluminum handle. They are available in two colors – silver and navy. The outer packaging of the product also contains 60 per cent recycled content. Two-pack refill kits of the brush heads are available in two bristle variants – deep clean and whitening. Colgate-Palmolive's VP & GM for Colgate-Northern Europe Taylor Gordy said "helping to look after the planet" through "superior technology" was a priority. www.alcircle.com Check out this article in Recycling Today for more info on this innovative product! What's New? Well, sort of… Secat Launches New Website www.secat.net has a new look and new features. The homepage has been redesigned to make it easier for customers to access quote requests and more clearly defines all available services. The Services section has been updated to include more content including case studies and examples of customer projects, with a "customer focus" section showcasing the equipment Secat uses for each particular service. Visitors can also check on upcoming training programs on various topics related to aluminum manufacturing. Visit us at www.secat.net and check out all that we have to offer! Pandemic Update Looking back…and looking forward. As we make progress to our return to normal – Secat looks back at the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic and ahead at how it has changed our business practices. The first recorded case in Kentucky on March 6, 2020, soon resulted in changes to Secat's daily business practices. Secat continued to operate during the pandemic under the "critical business" exemption by the Kentucky governor's office. However, employees were encouraged to work from home as much as possible over the course of 2 months, coming into the office only to utilize the laboratory equipment. This hybrid work schedule allowed Secat to meet its customer commitments and support the aluminum industry. Restricted visitors from entering the building and cancelled all travel to customer sites. Followed CDC guidelines with respect to social distancing, wearing masks, and hygiene. All internal and external meetings were conducted by video calls – no face-to-face meetings. These changes resulted in a minimal number of recorded cases thanks to the staff's focused effort and willingness to adhere to safety protocols. Of course, these adjustments had both positive and negative outcomes. On the negative side, because lab work requires a lot of person-to-person interaction to look at samples and discuss findings, effectiveness was reduced. Customer site visits for audits/project discussions were temporarily eliminated or took place via videoconference. Writing technical reports from home meant at times samples were not visually available. And finally, team building exercises were reduced or eliminated. The positives included flexibility of work and work schedules., Video conferencing, at times, was more effective than telephone calls for marketing/sales meetings. Also, Secat was able to continue offering its technical training courses virtually, which saved time and money for its customers. Now that the economy is "opening up", future operations will look different. Customer visits may continue to be conducted by videoconference rather than in-person, especially for preliminary meetings. Secat will offer a virtual option for its training classes, in addition to in-person training. Staff will be back on-site with flexible work-from-home options available for family necessities. And lastly, visitors are now allowed to come into the office – so plan your visit today! Secat continues a variety of training opportunities with virtual and in person options. August 3-4 Fundamentals of Ingot Casting Summary: This training course is designed for aluminum ingot casthouse operators. Its purpose is to provide the necessary tools to improve the quality and efficiency of aluminum ingot casting operations. Participants will learn about best practices within the melting operation, metal transport systems, degassing systems, grain refining process, filtration and inclusion removal systems, DC ingot casting operations, quality inspections, homogenization processes, and much more. Reference materials will be provided as a resource for professionals working in the aluminum industry. The course instructor has a wide variety of experience and can assist with day to day issues that are commonly faced in the industry. The class is being taught in-person, however there are also a limited number of virtual seats available as well. THIS COURSE IS IDEAL FOR: • Technicians • Quality Engineers • Management • Plant Operators • Maintenance Personnel Our next virtual training seminars are: Roll Grinding & Surface Generation- Sept 7-10 Recovery in Melting During Rotary Furnace- Oct 19-22 Visit us at www.secat.net and check out all of the trainings we have to offer! Jason Weber, VP of Sales and Marketing, Taber Extrusions Jason Weber is Vice President Sales & Marketing for Taber Extrusions. Previously, Jason was the Director of Business Development for Energy and Industrial Products at Hydro Extrusion North America. He has 20+ years of global manufacturing experience collaborating with internal partners, end users, suppliers and international partners to help innovate product and service offerings and drive the definition, design, and implementation of strategic plans and industry relationships that maximize revenue, improve the customer experience and enhance brand value. Jason is an active member of the Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) and is the leader of the Council's Marketing/Industry Promotion Team. Jason holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Marketing from Minot State University in North Dakota. We asked Jason to answer a few questions for us- Give us a quick overview of your job. As the VP of Sales and Marketing I am responsible for all customer facing activities. As an extrusion company Taber has a very broad base of extrusion capabilities with extrusion container sizes from 2" to our large rectangular container 28" X 10". This robust container size selection has Taber providing extruded components to almost every type of end use customer from Defense and Aerospace to standard shapes for the Distribution channel. In addition to providing extrusions, Taber also operates an integrated CNC machining factory, billet casting facility and in 2020 began operation of a Friction Stir Welding facility capable of joining profiles up to 65' in length. At Taber our tag line is "The Shape of Endless Possibilities" and the depth and breadth of Taber's manufacturing capabilities enables our customers to take advantages of Taber's capabilities and capacities to develop cost efficient structures for their products. It is my pleasure, in my role with Taber to be the tip of the spear in working with our many different customers to help enable their success. Of course, with any customer relationship there can be issues to work through and it is my responsibility to liaison with Taber manufacturing and develop plans and implement solutions to solve the customers issues. www.taberextrusions.com What are some things that happen for you in a typical day at work? I've been in the extrusion industry for almost 25 years. One thing has remained constant during my time in the industry is it is never the same thing twice. Every day is different. With the current economic environment much of my day is spent working on opportunities to help customers. Whether that be improving production schedules, problem solving manufacturing issues or launching new customers/products every day is a new opportunity to learn. How does your job impact the markets you serve? Taber's foundation is serving the Defense industry. Taber's extrusion profiles are used in naval vessels, military vehicles, military aircraft, and munitions to name a few of the end uses. At Taber, we take this commitment to the US warfighter to heat and take great pride in providing the products we do. My role is key to delivering on the contract requirements as established by our customers. How do you interact with Secat, Inc. and how does the relationship benefit you? Our interaction with Secat varies depending on the project. At time we have worked with Todd Boggess – President, Shridas Ningileri – VP Engineering, Nicholas Nanninga – Technical Director, and Jim Hands – Sales Manager. Not to mention all the people at Secat behind the scenes that help delivering on the specific project we are working on. Projects completed have been of various scopes from simple billet characterization evaluations, to completing product conformance testing (where Taber labs do not have capabilities or capacities), to developing new conformance testing procedures or Root Cause Analysis. Tell us something about yourself (outside of the industry) that people may not know. My wife Joni and I live in Shawnee, KS (suburb of Kansas City – GO CHIEFS!) and we have 2 sons. Our oldest Chris is a recent graduate from the University of Kansas (ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK!) and Max will be a Junior in high school. Joni and I were born and raised on farms in SE South Dakota and we enjoy traveling back home to see our families. I enjoy running, playing guitar and baseball. #HeLovesAluminum #WeLoveAluminum You can learn more about Taber on their website here. Featured Capabilities Fabric Testing Report Secat was awarded a project to evaluate various protective fabrics in terms of their resistance to molten aluminum. Secat utilized its unique fabric testing machine (photo shown to the right), which was developed based on ASTM F955-15 guidelines. Test fabrics were provided for possible use as protective garments in the aluminum industry. The fabrics were tested for exposure to molten aluminum using 0.75kg or 1.0kg weights of the designated alloys AA1100, AA5182 or AA6061 chosen by the member company for which the fabrics were tested. Results from this study are available for purchase from The Aluminum Association's bookstore. Secat is currently using this technique for various Aluminum melting facilities and fabric suppliers to help them rate their materials to the standard on an ongoing basis. This allows customers/suppliers in the selection of appropriate garments for use on the plant floor and in the development of the fabrics respectively. For more on this study, please click HERE. Breaking the Bronze Ceiling with Aluminum Across the country, there is a growing movement to recognize noteworthy women and their historical contributions through public monuments. Unfortunately, less than 7% of the 5,193 monuments in the United States presently recognize women. The "Breaking the Bronze Ceiling" initiative changed that in Lexington, Kentucky, in August 2020 when STAND by Barbara Grygutis was installed. Lexington, Kentucky, USA 20' H x 30' W x 5' D This monumental artwork commemorates the women suffragists who fought for the passing of the 19th Amendment which afforded women the right to vote. Sited in downtown Lexington, Kentucky, the artwork serves as the first public sculpture to honor historic women in the city. The five, 20-foot aluminum silhouetted sculptures are a reminder of the historic significance of the women who pushed for suffrage, the achievement of the 19th Amendment, as well as the continuing fight for women's rights, representation and equality. The silhouettes do not depict any specific woman as the movement for women's suffrage was widespread. At night, the sculptures are illuminated from within to act as a community beacon around the clock. Commissioned by Breaking the Bronze Ceiling, Lexington, Kentucky. LINK: Learn more about Breaking the Bronze Ceiling Fabrication: Bollinger Atelier, Phoenix, Arizona. Do you have a piece of Aluminum Art you'd like to share? Contact us at [email protected] Don't Forget to Connect with Secat on Social Media! CONNECT with Secat's Company Profile on LinkedIn. FOLLOW us on TWITTER: @SecatAluminum, bluemillion2021-09-01T15:42:23-04:00July 15th, 2021|Newsletter|Comments Off on SECAT Newsletter, Vol. 9, Issue 2 ALUMINUM ANSWERS
Since 1982 the, U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) has collected a large amount of surficial and shallow subsurface geologic information in the deep parts of the Gulf of Mexico. These data include digital sidescan sonar imagery, digital seismic-reflection data, and descriptions and analyses of piston and gravity cores. The data were collected during several different projects that addressed surficial and shallow subsurface geologic processes. Some of these data sets have already been published, but the growing interest in the occurrence and distribution of gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico warrants integrating these existing data and associated interpretations into a GIS to provide regional background information for ongoing and future gas hydrate research. U.S. Geological Survey, Unpublished Material, MARION DUFRESNE cruise 02018 cores collected in the Gulf of Mexico (MD_CORES.SHP): Open-File Report 2005-1071, U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, Woods Hole, MA. https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20051071 http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2005/1071/data/cores/md/md_cores.zip Twichell, D.C., Cross, V.A., Paskevich, V.F., Hutchinson, D.R., Winters, W.J., and Hart, P.E., 2005, GIS of selected geophysical and core data in the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope collected by the U.S. Geological Survey: Open-File Report 2005-1071, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2005/1071/ West_Bounding_Coordinate: -92.255650 East_Bounding_Coordinate: -89.020070 North_Bounding_Coordinate: 28.243610 South_Bounding_Coordinate: 27.183400 http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2005/1071/data/cores/md/md_cores-thumb.gif (GIF) http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2005/1071/data/cores/md/md_cores.gif (GIF) Image showing the extent and coverage of the data layer. Beginning_Date: 01-Jul-2002 Ending_Date: 10-Jul-2002 ground condition Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data This is a Vector data set. It contains the following vector data types (SDTS terminology): Entity point (32) Horizontal positions are specified in geographic coordinates, that is, latitude and longitude. Latitudes are given to the nearest 0.000001. Longitudes are given to the nearest 0.000001. Latitude and longitude values are specified in Decimal degrees. The horizontal datum used is D_WGS_1984. The ellipsoid used is WGS_1984. The semi-major axis of the ellipsoid used is 6378137.000000. The flattening of the ellipsoid used is 1/298.257224. md_cores Shapefile Attribute Table (Source: ESRI) Internal feature number. (Source: ESRI) Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. Feature geometry. (Source: ESRI) Coordinates defining the features. CORE_ID Unique identifier assigned to core (Source: USGS) Character string Latitude of core location in decimal degrees (Source: USGS) .00001 Longitude in decimal degrees of core location (Source: USGS) SITE_NAME Name of general location of core site (Source: USGS) Character string describing the core site WATER_DEPT Water depth, in meters, of the location where the core was collected. (Source: USGS) CORE_LENGT Length of core in meters (Source: USGS) Description of the type of coring system used. (Source: USGS) Piston core Information unavailable from original metadata. Gravity core Information unavailable from original metadata. Gravity/flux core Gravity/flux corer which was a gravity corer with heat flow probes on it Giant box core Information unavailable from original metadata. Character string defining the type of coring system used. DESCRIPTIO indicates if core description exists (Source: USGS) yes Cores were opened and described. no Cores were not opened so they have no descriptions. no-bent core bent and not opened no-no recov no core recovered Character string. environment label and path to link core image (Source: USGS) Character string. VeeAnn A. Cross 384 Woods Hole Rd. (508) 548-8700 x2251 (voice) This shapefile shows the locations of cores collected aboard the MARION DUFRESNE in 2002 and were split and visually described while at sea. Further information on this cruise and a preliminary data analysis is provided in Winters and others (2004). Information unavailable from original metadata. (source 1 of 1) staff, USGS, Unpublished Material, Cruise Summary R/V Marion Dufresne, Northern Gulf of Mexico, July 1-18, 2002. http://quashnet.er.usgs.gov/data/2002/02018/archive/02018rpt.htm Type_of_Source_Media: Microsoft Excel spread sheet Source_Contribution: Information unavailable from original metadata. Date: unknown (process 1 of 6) Core locations were entered into an excel spreadsheet while in the field. This spreadsheet was exported as a comma delimited text file and imported to ArcView 3.3, created an event theme, and then converted that to a shapefile. ArcToolbox was then used to define the projection. Person who carried out this activity: VeeAnn Cross 508-548-8700 x 2251 (voice) Data sources produced in this process: md_cores.shp The attributes of the shapefile were edited and a field labeled hotlink was added which includes the path to descriptions of the cores. Person who carried out this activity: David Twichell Oceanographer [email protected] Data sources used in this process: Edits to the metadata were made to fix any errors that MP v 2.9.34 flagged. This is necessary to enable the metadata to be successfully harvested for various data catalogs. In some cases, this meant adding text "Information unavailable" or "Information unavailable from original metadata" for those required fields that were left blank. Other minor edits were probably performed (title, publisher, publication place, etc.). The link to the larger work citation in the Identification_Information section had to be fixed. A cross-reference link was fixed. The source information was incomplete and had to be modified to meet the standard. Minor fixes to the attribute format for some attributes were needed. The metadata date (but not the metadata creator) was edited to reflect the date of these changes. The metadata available from a harvester may supersede metadata bundled within a download file. Compare the metadata dates to determine which metadata file is most recent. Person who carried out this activity: Date: 20-Jul-2018 (process 4 of 6) USGS Thesaurus keywords added to the keyword section. Person who carried out this activity: Crossref DOI link was added as the first link in the metadata. Person who carried out this activity: Date: 24-Sep-2021 (process 6 of 6) Added keywords section with USGS persistent identifier as theme keyword, 20200908. Modified originator name, 20210924. Person who carried out this activity: Winters, W.J., Lorenson, T.D., and Paull, C.K., 2004, Initial report of the IMAGES VIII/PAGE 127 gas hydrate and paleoclimate cruise on the RV Marion Dufresne in the Gulf of Mexico, 2-18 July, 2002: Open-File Report 2004-1358, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. Core sample information includes only those cores that were described during the MARION DUFRESNE cruise. No additional checks for topological consistency were performed on this data set. Deborah Hutchinson [email protected] Hours_of_Service: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, Eastern Standard Time What's the catalog number I need to order this data set? Downloadable data. Although this dataset has been used by the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy of the data and/or related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in the use of these data or related materials. Reference made to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof The SHP file contains the geospatial data. The SHX file contains the index of the geospatial data. The DBF file contains the attribute data in dBase format. The PRJ file contains the coordinate system information (optional). The AVL file contains the legend information (optional). The SBN and SBX files contain the spatial index of the geospatial data (optional). The XML file contains the metadata describing the data set <data set name>.shp.xml. An ASCII version of the metadata file. A browse graphic showing the data layer coverage and extent (optional). in format SHP (version 3.3) ESRI point shapefile Size: 0.002 Media you can order: DVD-ROM (Density 4.75 Gbytes) (format UDF) What hardware or software do I need in order to use the data set? The data are available in Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shapefile format. The user must have ArcGIS or ArcView 3.0 or greater software to read and process the data file. In lieu of ArcView or ArcGIS, the user may utilize another GIS application package capable of importing data. A free data viewer, arcexplorer, capable of displaying the data is available from ESRI at www.esri.com. [email protected] Contact_Instructions: The metadata contact email address is a generic address in the event the metadata contact is no longer with the USGS or the email is otherwise invalid. FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998) This page is <https://cmgds.marine.usgs.gov/catalog/whcmsc/open_file_report/ofr2005-1071/md_cores.shp.faq.html> Generated by mp version 2.9.50 on Tue Nov 16 10:06:31 2021
"I really enjoy the way that they make me think": Wellington High School's Rose Wallington on Tony Fomison "I still kinda hate the way that they look, but I really enjoy the way that they make me think." Rose Wallington is one of the students who helped co-create Tony Fomison: Lost in the Dark. Here, she discusses the experience as well as the artist. Rose Wallington in front of Tony Fomison, Portrait of a lag (kitchen), 1970, oil on canvas. Te Papa (1972-0037-1) What interests you about Tony Fomison's work? Are there any particular themes/ideas that struck you? My initial reaction to seeing Fomison's work was kinda lacklustre. It was only after we had started to talk with Chelsea [Nichols, Curator Modern Art] about who Fomison was and how his work was created that I really started to connect to them. I think the way that he depicts his figures, especially in the earlier works I have seen, made me initially uncomfortable. The darkness of the his paintings and the weird manipulation of size and form in his face and bodies. It's funny because I also think that that's what I enjoy most in his works now: staring at his works and kinda just letting myself be uncomfortable, and then think about why I'm uncomfortable, what about these people feels wrong to me. I'm not sure if that's what Fomison intended, but for me, what's striking about his paintings is that they make the viewer confront their feelings of disgust and discomfort, and when you start to think about those feelings I think his works lead you, or at least they led me, into thinking no longer about his paintings but his subjects. Was it the way he showed these people or the people themselves? The figures I knew that lived behind the canvas, as it were. And I think that's the thing, that his works question the way that wider society views the people they outcast, while they also reflect his own rejection, his own perversion of real human beings. His depictions of "the other" made me question not just myself, and how I am ingrained with certain assumptions about humanity, but him as an artist, his place as an artist. I really enjoyed his works not really for what they looked like at all, I still kinda hate the way that they look, but I really enjoy the way that they make me think. In this way I think I mainly connected with his earlier work. To be fair, we did see at lot less of his later pieces (that were on hand in Te Papa), so I feel as if I've definitely taken quite a narrow impression of his work, and of him as an artist. Particularly, I would love to know more about his later works exploring New Zealand's past, Māori history, like Te Puhi o te tai Haruru. Tony Fomison, Te Puhi o te tai Haruru, 1984–85, oil on hessian on plywood. Te Papa (2003-0013-1) How do you think his work speaks to youth today? I kinda hate these questions, 'cause, like, "youth today" aren't a coherent group of people in my mind. Like, Fomison's works were received in so many different ways by the tiny group of kids that participated in this, you know? So I don't think there's gonna be one way that they speak to teenagers, just as there's no way that they're going to speak in one particular way to adults. I also think there's a massive range in his works. However, to, like, totally go back on myself for a second, I think something that at least I always feel in his works is a kind of confrontation. His works, to me, feel as if they are very interested in contradicting or confronting the viewer on what they take for granted or what they want to ignore. I think alongside that is the very dark tone in his paintings. If anything, I think the interaction between his themes of identity, the idea of confrontation, etc., would appeal to us youths. In the sense that I think we're interested in ~discovering~ our own identities and understanding the world around us at a much more complicated level. I think a lot of teenagers are interested in contradicting and questioning what is assumed to be true in society, what is assumed to be the norms, so, like, I feel, if anything, Fomison's work would play into that. I think his biography would be interesting to most as well. How has it felt being involved with making the exhibition? It's been wicked, honestly. I think I've always thought of art history and the humanities as a kind of solely academic field. It's been really cool to kinda get a grip with how museums go about creating exhibitions, the thoughts and considerations in creating an exhibition space, and the kinda practical side of the whole thing as well. I think it's been a really cool little window into a lot of different roles and contributions to the process of constructing something like that. I also really loved it in that I really like learning about art, so win-win. I loved talking to the curators about the works themselves, I loved talking to the organisers and seeing that side of the operations. I also always find it, like, really funny doing these sorts of things, because people are always so surprised by the level of thinking kids have. It's, like, great for the ego. Mark Adams, Studio at Gunson Street, Ponsonby 14 May 1977, 1977. Te Papa (O.027930) Why do you think people should come see it? What will they get out of it? Fomison's work is a really neat little window into questioning New Zealand culture, I think. Like, the works themselves and what they show, but also in Fomison himself. For this I really think what I said for the first two could apply quite well – that both the things he portrayed, the way he portrayed them, and his decision and his relationship to that portrayal creates a really interesting complexity that opens up these big questions. What does our society value? What have we forgotten? What separates us from one another? Why do these distinctions exist? I think that's the biggest thing that I found in his works, and I think that it's a really interesting lens through which to reflect on those questions. Tony Fomison: Lost in the Dark An exhibition of Tony Fomison's paintings, featuring monsters, misfits, and medical deformities that explores what it means to be an outsider. 18 Aug – 4 Nov 2018 Exhibition Ngā whakaaturanga "There is nowhere to go if something's inside of you": Wellington High School's Elijah Neilson on Tony Fomison "I think much of what he paints is an expression of feelings too big for your body. He makes these things that impress upon you from the outside. That can feel better than something emerging from the inside, because there is nowhere to go if something's inside of you."
Bohemian Rhapsody Shines When Queen Connects to Audiences Samuel R. Staley | Tuesday December 11, 2018 at 12:30 PM PDT Bohemian Rhapsody just picked up two Golden Globe nominations, and its success is unlikely to stop there. Bohemian Rhapsody Freddie Mercury movie review popular culture popular music Queen Star Trek Films Fail Because Freedom Has Progressed Samuel R. Staley | Thursday August 1, 2013 at 8:19 PM PDT I was underwhelmed leaving the theater after watching Star Trek: Into Darkness, and I found the reaction puzzling. I remain a fan of the original TV series, despite welcome advancements in special effects, and this movie was largely faithful to the series and characters. Plus, the movie was well crafted with plenty of action... Books Civil Liberties Civil Society Entertainment film Frank Herbert Freedom individual liberty Isaac Asimov Liberty Personal Liberty popular culture Racism Religion Robert Heinlein science fiction science fiction and liberty science fiction films science fiction novels star trek The State What Happened to Liberty in the The Hunger Games Movie? Samuel R. Staley | Friday March 30, 2012 at 10:07 AM PDT As expected, The Hunger Games blasted through doors off movie theaters last weekend, raking in $152.5 million in its opening weekend. That represents the third highest domestic box-office gross in history, trailing just behind the last Harry Potter movie and The Dark Knight. This should have been good news for liberty lovers, as I... Books books Entertainment individual liberty Liberty Movies Personal Liberty Politics popular culture Terrorism The Hunger Games totalitarianism Totalitarianism
Newcastle Jets executive chairman Shane Mattiske has added his voice to the growing chorus of people who are supportive of a new football facility at Sovereign Hills. It's just as well too because the Jets have said time and time again that they see the region north of Newcastle as part of their community. Port Macquarie's new sporting complex, however, is still several years away from being built as it searches for additional funding. The shovels are at the ready. In the meantime, the Hastings will continue to run second to Coffs Harbour in the battle to attract big-ticket sporting events to the region. But hopefully it won't always be that way. "It's exciting to hear about the facility improvements in Port Macquarie," Mattiske told the Port News. "It's definitely an advantage to the community and it will definitely be an advantage to be able to bring elite matches to the region as well. It's something we've been very supportive of in terms of that development and we're excited about seeing it come to fruition." Mattiske's comments come after the Hastings region was yet again overlooked for Coffs Harbour when the Jets had all-but secured an A-League trial against Sydney FC on October 30. When the regional travel ban was extended to November 1 last week, the fixture was off the table. But it did highlight the need for an improved venue that can cater for sport tourism in the Hastings. "We were excited about the prospect of being able to come up for a pre-season trial as we've done in previous years," the Jets boss said. Plans were also in place for the Jets to play a Coastal Premier League All-Stars team on October 26 as part of the A-League clubs' five-day stay on the Mid-North Coast. That also now won't happen but pleasingly it won't be the last time the Jets make plans to head up the Pacific Highway. "We've built a good relationship with council in both Port and Coffs Harbour and also Mid North Coast and North Coast Football," Mattiske said. "We're working on a number of different things where we hope to be able to engage and have the Jets present in that community. Ideally we can create some opportunities for the people up there to come down and watch some Jets A-League Men or A-League Women matches." What else is happening in news, sport? Our journalists work hard to provide local, up-to-date news to the community. This is how you can continue to access our trusted content: /images/transform/v1/crop/frm/AvTasJXTP9E9vynpsDYDfi/4af8718d-f128-4568-b819-77d78d2c338e.jpg/r3_521_5093_3397_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg Newcastle Jets executive chairman Shane Mattiske throws support behind Sovereign Hills sporting complex project Paul Jobber On board: Newcastle Jets chief executive Shane Mattiske is excited about the new facility at Sovereign Hills. Photo: supplied/Newcastle Herald Newcastle Jets executive chairman Shane Mattiske has added his voice to the growing chorus of people who are supportive of a new football facility at Sovereign Hills. It's just as well too because the Jets have said time and time again that they see the region north of Newcastle as part of their community. Port Macquarie's new sporting complex, however, is still several years away from being built as it searches for additional funding. The shovels are at the ready. In the meantime, the Hastings will continue to run second to Coffs Harbour in the battle to attract big-ticket sporting events to the region. It's definitely an advantage to the community and it will definitely be an advantage to be able to bring elite matches to the region as well. Newcastle Jets executive chairman Shane Mattiske But hopefully it won't always be that way. "It's exciting to hear about the facility improvements in Port Macquarie," Mattiske told the Port News. "It's definitely an advantage to the community and it will definitely be an advantage to be able to bring elite matches to the region as well. It's something we've been very supportive of in terms of that development and we're excited about seeing it come to fruition." Mattiske's comments come after the Hastings region was yet again overlooked for Coffs Harbour when the Jets had all-but secured an A-League trial against Sydney FC on October 30. When the regional travel ban was extended to November 1 last week, the fixture was off the table. Missed opportunity: Newcastle Jets were scheduled to head to the Mid-North Coast until regional travel restrictions were extended. Photo: Simone de Peak But it did highlight the need for an improved venue that can cater for sport tourism in the Hastings. "We were excited about the prospect of being able to come up for a pre-season trial as we've done in previous years," the Jets boss said. Plans were also in place for the Jets to play a Coastal Premier League All-Stars team on October 26 as part of the A-League clubs' five-day stay on the Mid-North Coast. That also now won't happen but pleasingly it won't be the last time the Jets make plans to head up the Pacific Highway. We've built a good relationship with council in both Port and Coffs Harbour and also Mid North Coast and North Coast Football. Shane Mattiske "We've built a good relationship with council in both Port and Coffs Harbour and also Mid North Coast and North Coast Football," Mattiske said. "We're working on a number of different things where we hope to be able to engage and have the Jets present in that community. Ideally we can create some opportunities for the people up there to come down and watch some Jets A-League Men or A-League Women matches." What else is happening in news, sport? "I've gotcha, mate": Gus Worland's strong mental health message Four deaths as NSW COVID case numbers stay under 300 Plan recognises Wauchope area values history while looking ahead Bookmark our website You can support us with a subscription Follow us on Twitter: @portmacnews Follow us on Instagram: @portmacnews
Home AM-NC MIL-OSI United Kingdom: Prime Minister issues vaccine call to arms ahead of... MIL-OSI United Kingdom: Prime Minister issues vaccine call to arms ahead of winter Source: United Kingdom – Government Statements The Prime Minister has issued a call to arms ahead of winter, urging everyone over 50 to get their booster jabs when they get the call. The booster programme is well underway with over four million booster doses already administered. The National Booking Service has had its busiest week of booster bookings, with nearly half a million jabs booked over Wednesday and Thursday alone. The NHS will contact you to offer you a booster vaccine if you are eligible and anyone who receives an invite should book online or by calling 119. Young people aged 12-15 are now able to book their jabs through the National Booking Service, with appointments available at 90 vaccine centres across the country from next week, with more to come next month. The phenomenal national effort seen during the first phase of the vaccination programme has already saved around 130,000 lives, with almost 95 million doses delivered across the UK. As set out in the autumn and winter plan, the winter months will lead to the increased transmission of viruses. Vaccines are our best line of defence but data shows that the natural immunity provided by vaccines will wane over time, particularly for older adults and those more at risk from Covid. Recent studies suggest protection against death falls from 95% to 80% for AstraZeneca after six months, and from 99% to 90% for Pfizer. The booster programme is designed to top up this waning immunity for those most at risk over the winter months. A 15% drop in efficacy could lead to many more avoidable deaths and cases of severe illness from Covid. Early results from Pfizer shows that a booster dose can increase the protection from our vaccines back up to 95.6% against symptomatic infection. This additional protection is vital, and everyone aged over 50 or who is at high risk from Covid will be invited for their booster jab six months after their second dose. Getting your booster dose will also help the NHS during the already challenging autumn and winter period. The second phase of the government's national campaign launched today, encouraging people to get their Covid and flu jabs as soon as possible. Infection rates continue to rise across the country as predicted in the autumn and winter plan. The vaccination programme remains open to anyone who may not have received their first or second dose during the initial phase, and they are encouraged to come forward to protect themselves and others. A one dose programme is underway for all 12 to 15 year olds, protecting young people from the catching and transmitting the virus, preventing them from becoming seriously ill, and preventing further disruption to education. The National Booking System is now open for 12-15s, with millions of letters to be sent to parents and guardians of children aged 12 – 15 over the coming weeks inviting them to book the vaccine online or by calling 119. The winter is a challenging time for the NHS and, coupled with waning vaccine immunity after six months, it is vital that everyone eligible for a vaccine comes forward to receive their dose. Vaccines save lives, and are our best defence against Covid. Prime Minister, Boris Johnson said: Vaccines are our way through this winter. We've made phenomenal progress but our job isn't finished yet, and we know that vaccine protection can drop after 6 months. To keep yourself, your loved ones, and everyone around you safe, please get your booster when you get the call. We can and will beat this virus but only if we listen to the science and look out for each other. This is a call to everyone, whether you're eligible for a booster, haven't got round to your second dose yet, or your child is eligible for a dose – vaccines are safe, they save lives, and they are our way out of this pandemic. MIL OSI United Kingdom – Previous articleMIL-OSI New Zealand: Serious crash, Wheki Valley Next articleMIL-OSI New Zealand: Police investigating after incidents at New Plymouth "car event" MIL-OSI Russia: In the Kursk region, during the competition for field training among air... MIL-OSI Russia: Crews of S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile systems repulsed mock enemy air raid...