12 values
Principal Peskin's sailboat turns up in the school swimming pool with the words 'Class of 2001' emblazoned on the sail in white paint. On board the boat is his dog, Chester, who was kidnapped the previous day. Dawson, Pacey and Jack are all prime suspects in the prank. Pacey is the only senior with access to the boatyard from where Peskin's boat was stolen, Dawson has keyholder access to the school through his father's job (and therefore would have the ability to get the boat into the pool after hours), and a nervous Jack attracts attention from Chester, as well as admitting to buying white paint. After their interrogations reveal seemingly air-tight alibis, another culprit surfaces and some poetic justice is dished out.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_304" ]
Ned attends the King's Small Council and learns Westeros has been poorly managed and deeply in debt. Catelyn travels to King's Landing to covertly warn her husband about the assassination attempt, but she is intercepted by her childhood friend, Councillor Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish. Bran learns he will never walk again and remains unable to remember the events leading to his fall. Jon struggles to adapt to life on the Wall. The once elite Night's Watch now recruits many low-born and/or convicted criminals who are unimpressed by Jon's bloodline. Lord Commander Mormont asks Tyrion to plead with the King to send more recruits to the Night's Watch. Daenerys, now pregnant, stands up to her brother, Viserys, threatening him if he ever abuses her again.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_305" ]
Haunted by his dark past when he was known as Ripper, Giles confronts his old crony Ethan Rayne in an attempt to save Jenny from the lethal consequences of possession by the demon Eyghon. With Giles and the Slayer slated as its next victims, demon-ridden Angel forces Eyghon to possess him instead.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_306" ]
The truth is in short supply as Meredith and Cristina lie to each other about the status of their relationships. Derek and Cristina treat a guitarist who lost three of his fingers, but she is angry with Derek since he has Meredith calling him McDreamy again. Meredith and Burke treat a recently married woman with persistent heart problems, whose happiness turns out to be a symptom. Cristina 'kinda' moves in with Burke, but she still has her apartment. George threatens to move out over Meredith's dog and in the end Meredith reluctantly gives him to Derek and Addison. George is given the unpleasant task of discharging an elderly patient who refuses to leave the hospital despite no longer being sick. Bailey, Alex and Izzie treat a competitive eater who is presented with a tear in the lining of her esophagus . Alex is so nervous about the results of his exam that he eventually asks Izzie to open them for him. Bailey is put on maternity leave.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_307" ]
The Doctor and his companions Steven Taylor and Dodo Chaplet arrive some ten million years into the future, on board a generation starshipwhich is carrying the last of humanity away from an Earth that is about to fall into the Sun. However, the cold that Dodo has could prove devastating to these future humans and their servants, the Monoids.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_308" ]
Isaac's father is murdered by a strange creature. Scott discovers Isaac is now a werewolf. Isaac is then taken into custody for his father's murder. When it is revealed that the werewolf hunters are going to kill Isaac, Scott, Stiles and Derek plan to save him, as he is innocent. At the jail, Isaac transforms and breaks out, advancing on Stiles. Derek, being the Alpha werewolf, is able to force him into submission. Jackson, who had set up a video camera overnight to record his transformation, is upset to learn that nothing happened.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_309" ]
Marco is upset when he discovers he is unable to donate blood at the blood drive because he is gay and then catches Dylan in bed with another guy. Meanwhile, since being expelled, Spinner and Jay decide to break into Degrassi to vandalize it.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_310" ]
In the opening episode of the concluding series of the program. Max and Liz are detained and jailed for holding up a convenience store. Meanwhile, Isabel has a secret affair with a handsome attorney, and Michael tries to straighten out his life.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_311" ]
Leonard and Penny finally meet Raj's girlfriend Emily, but Penny feels that Emily does not like her. Emily agrees to let Penny practice a pharmaceutical sales pitch on her; however, Emily ignores her pitch. Emily admits she is unhappy that Penny previously hooked-up with Raj. Raj brings the two of them together to talk and Emily apologizes for being rude; however, after the meeting both women part and it is clear that they are still very uncomfortable with each other. Since Stuart did not get enough insurance money to reopen his comic book store, the men decide to invest in it as part owners. Penny wonders why Leonard wants to discuss finances, while Amy and Bernadette reluctantly accept the investment. Howard's mother has already given the money to Stuart and is calling him by Howard's old pet name "Bubula" upsetting Howard. Finally, the men are disappointed that they are not getting a nice comfortable homey place to sit and read comic books, though that is what they are doing in Leonard and Sheldon's apartment.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_312" ]
Amy and Ty help Scott's nephew realize he is worthy of continuing his family tradition of relay racing. Meanwhile, Georgie is caught in the middle when her brother Jeff and her friend Jade exchange half-truths and lies in order to impress each other. Tim refuses Jack's offer to help with the rodeo school but is forced to swallow his pride and accept the offer.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_313" ]
Sean finally gets out of jail and reunites with Emma, thinking that he has the perfect girlfriend, but he soon realizes that she isn't as innocent as she seems, when he finds out what she did with Jay last year. Meanwhile, Derek has a problem when Mr. Perino begins bullying him and Danny.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_314" ]
The Doctor is on the ship and his future looks bleak as he is about to loose all his Timelord abilities to the Mawdryn. Both the Brigadier's come in to the Mawdryns room with the Timelord artifact right as the transfer is starting.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_315" ]
Oz comes to LA with a gift from Buffy. She has sent Angel the Ring of Amara, which makes any vampire wearing it "unkill-able." Unfortunately for Angel, Spike has also arrived in town and he's determined to get the ring for himself. Angel soon finds himself in deep trouble and it's up to Doyle, Oz and Cordy to save him.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_316" ]
William Barrow, an electrical engineer turned mass murderer, escapes during a surgery at the hospital and hides out in the school. He abducts Kira, takes her to a power plant and attempts to electrocute her, but she inexplicably deflects the electricity, killing Barrow and shutting down the power for the entire town. Just after the blackout, five hooded figures attack Isaac.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_317" ]
Gene is a brilliant physicist, smitten with love, who is on the verge on discovering a method of manipulating the time and space relationship. One night at karaoke, Lorne discovers that Gene has no future past the next day as well as the rest of the world. Lorne and Angel set out to prevent Gene from freezing time around the world to preserve his fractured relationship. Meanwhile, Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn establish their own private investigation firm and stumble upon an intricate case involving a wealthy family and a demon.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_318" ]
Sheldon and Leonard are happy playing a board game until Amy and Penny say they are tired of doing what the guys want. The girls want to do something the guys hate, so Sheldon suggests clothes shopping. While waiting, Sheldon mentions he knows how to compromise because of all he does for Leonard, including still letting Leonard chauffeur him (which Leonard actually hates) though Amy is teaching him to drive. Leonard retorts that he compromises more for the often difficult Sheldon and that because of Sheldon, he does not live with fiancée Penny. Sheldon tearfully apologizes, stating his awareness of how problematic he is and how devastated he would be by Leonard leaving, resulting in both of them breaking down. They decide Leonard should move out gradually, and Sheldon agrees he can spend one night a week at Penny's, and whistle when he isn't home. Leonard spends the night at Penny's, whilst Sheldon sleeps on her couch. Meanwhile, a stressed-out Raj, once part of a team that nine years earlier launched the now to be activated New Horizons space probe, spends the day with Howard and Bernadette and then takes Howard, initially surprised that scientist Raj leans on religion, to a Hindu temple. Raj verbally berates a man who dinged his car door, but calms down on hearing his space probe is fine.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_319" ]
PC Gwen Cooper is at the scene of a brutal murder, when the "special ops," known only as Torchwood, arrive. After witnessing the group bring the dead man back to life, Gwen goes in pursuit of this mysterious organization, only to see weirder things than she could ever imagine existed. Soon after, she begins to regret giving in to her curiosity, when she meets Captain Jack Harkness.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_320" ]
The gang is amazed that Phoebe has been secretly married to a gay Canadian ice dancer named Duncan ( Steve Zahn ). She married him so he could obtain a green card. Phoebe is excited when he wants to see her, then is crushed that he wants a divorce. Duncan says he realized he is not gay and wants to marry someone else. Interesting facts are revealed about the others: Joey starred in a porn film and Chandler has a third nipple. Ross seeks relationship advice from Rachel after revealing that he and Julie have not slept together yet. Rachel, wanting to keep them apart, advises they abstain, while Joey gives Ross the opposite advice.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_321" ]
Jimmy is thrown out of Becca and Vernon's wedding reception . He meets Gretchen, who is running off with one of the bride's gifts. Discovering that they feel the same about long-term love, the two hook up that night, vowing that they will never become a conventional couple. Usually Jimmy's conquests are gone by morning, but Gretchen stays and meets Edgar, who is cooking breakfast for Jimmy. Late for work, she gets a ride from Lindsay who is astonished she had sex with Jimmy. Gretchen gets annoyed with Lindsay and asks to be let out of the car. At work she finds that rapper Sam Dresden and his pals have wrecked a photographer's studio during a photo shoot. Sam blames her for being late and insists she find him some drugs to make up for it. She returns to Jimmy's house to get her purse and has an argument with Jimmy, which ends with her telling Jimmy the night was a mistake and he was lucky to get her. Later Edgar tells Jimmy that Gretchen must be special because she spent the night. Jimmy finds that Gretchen has taken his car, and calls her. Gretchen is at Ty Wyland's house to get drugs for Sam. She has found that Ty is not as attractive as he used to be. She and Jimmy talk and realize they want to see more of each other.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_322" ]
Dan is torn between two girls when his childhood friend, Vanessa, returns home and declares her feelings for him, just as he and Serena are trying to figure out what they mean to each other. At the infamous masked ball, Blair sends Nate on a scavenger hunt, but Nate is ultimately still distracted by his feelings for Serena. Although Blair makes it perfectly clear that outsiders are not welcome, a disguised Jenny and Dan sneak into the ball. Finally, Lily asks Rufus to accompany her to an Eleanor Waldorf event in order to make Bart Bass jealous. Note: This is Jessica Szohr's first appearance as Vanessa Abrams.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_323" ]
Missing episode The TARDIS materialises not far from Paris in 1794 - one of the bloodiest years following the French Revolution of 1789. The travellers become involved with an escape chain rescuing prisoners from the guillotine and get caught up in the machinations of an English undercover spy, James Stirling - alias Lemaitre, governor of the Conciergerie prison.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_324" ]
After having oral sex with Jay, Emma finally feels alive, but when many students get infected with gonorrhea, including Jay's girlfriend Alex, she worries that she may also have it. Meanwhile, Jimmy enlists the help of Craig and Marco to break out of the hospital and see his favorite band.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_325" ]
When a teenage girl is killed in a house fire, Catherine, Nick and Warrick suspect a serial arsonist. Among their suspects are the girl's demented grandmother, a female pyromaniac and the high school baseball team. Meanwhile Grissom and Sara investigate the death of a champion in a popular word game, who is found dead in the men's room with several game tiles in his throat and stomach.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_326" ]
After finding Penny's old prom dress the girls decide to have a new prom on the roof. Sheldon is worried about the post-prom mating activities that he feels Amy will expect and has a panic attack after he sees how pretty Amy is. Amy reassures him he is under no pressure, but she does hope they will have intimacy one day. She also wants to tell Sheldon something, even if he can't say it back. Sheldon surprises her by saying he loves her. Amy is shocked, then starts having a panic attack of her own. Howard is not happy since he figures Stuart will bring his mother. Stuart embarrasses him by bringing Howard's second-cousin Jeanie, the girl Howard lost his virginity to. Howard attacks Stuart in the limo for having relationships with his family members. A jealous call from Debbie causes Stuart to abandon Jeanie at the prom. Emily reveals she loves the darker versions of fairy tales, disturbing Bernadette. Leonard and Penny dance together romantically though no music is playing. They admit that they probably wouldn't have approached each other to dance if they had met at their proms, but are happy together now.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_327" ]
Zeta Beta and Omega Chi have their first mixer since the expose. Meanwhile, Rusty and Dale go on a double date with Emma ( Tiya Sircar )and her overbearing, anti-Greek roommate, Tina ( Lisa Wilhoit ). Dale invites Tina to join U-SAG and when she quickly takes control, Rusty intercedes on his roommate's behalf.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_328" ]
Phoebe is shocked she is expecting triplets and wants to find a way to help financially support Frank and Alice. Monica persuades Ross to pursue Emily to the airport. Ross arrives just as she is boarding and says he loves her. Emily merely says thank you and leaves. She later calls to apologize for her lukewarm reaction and says it was because there is someone else. Monica believes Emily loves Ross and convinces him to go to England to say he loves her. Ross flies to London, unaware Emily has returned to New York to tell Ross she loves him. They finally connect by phone. Phoebe and Frank decide to start a massage/taxi business using the van Phoebe and Monica were once going to use for a catering business. Chandler and Joey are delighted to discover a free pornography channel on their TV, becoming addicted when they refuse to turn it off.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_329" ]
In the aftermath of Izzie's affair with George, he doesn't seem to remember anything, and Izzie does her best to avoid Callie, but she becomes nervous when she has to help Callie and George treat a patient with FOP . Callie lets George know that they will be having dinner with her father, but George does not make a good impression, being hungover after last night's events. Alex helps Jane Doe choose what her face will look like after Mark performs reconstructive surgery on her. He also gives her a new perspective on how the world will see her from then on. The hospital board begins interviewing the candidates for the Chief's position, and Colin intimidates everyone with his ten-year plan. However, after taking advice from Bailey, Mark seems to have convinced the board that he is appropriate for the job, despite continuous efforts from Derek, Burke, and Addison, whose careers in the hospital outlast his. Cristina looks for a way to save a man's foot when he makes it clear that he doesn't want it amputated. Izzie seeks advice from Addison about her affair, confessing that sleeping with George felt right, despite him being married. Mark takes Meredith as his intern for the day in order to impress Webber, something that Derek doesn't approve of, feeling that Mark has become manipulative.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_330" ]
Ross is excited that his dissertation is in the school library until he learns it is in an isolated aisle where students go to hook up. Rachel and Phoebe believe they have found the perfect girl ( Kristin Davis ) for Joey. When Janice invites herself to Chandler and Monica's wedding, they try dissuading her by convincing her Chandler still has feelings for her. Ross tries guarding his dissertation from potential lovers. He meets a woman there who knows his work, and they end up fooling around and getting caught by library staff.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_331" ]
Frasier is reluctantly helping Lana as she tries to sell a house, despite the depressed owner driving away all potential buyers. Niles and Daphne take Eddie for a walk in the park, and Niles meets Jim, an attractive dog owner whom Daphne sees there often. Martin is attending the parole hearing of the man who shot him years ago.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_332" ]
Amidst her sadness about Christopher, Lorelai has an intriguing dream about Luke; Rory returns from Washington to realize that she still may have feelings for Jess, but a chance encounter at the First Annual Stars Hollow End of Summer Madness Festival makes her realize that he may have moved on to someone else; relationship quarrels abound -- Sookie and Jackson over decorating their house, Lorelai and Rory over Jess versus Dean, Emily and Richard over Lorelai and Christopher -- but are on the path to resolution; and Rory once again guides Paris through the rocky shoals of preparing for a date.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_333" ]
Ryan and Sadie plan their future after high school, but their decision concerns Sandy and Kirsten. Marissa and Summer begin to rebuild their friendship. Meanwhile, the drama surrounding Sandy's job intensifies and seeps into the Cohen household.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_334" ]
Divina Devore, Pittsburgh's very own drag queen is back in town! She dated Debbie 30 years ago, and (s)he looks a lot like Michael. Justin becomes a go-go dancer at Babylon to earn money for school. Melanie and Lindsay struggle to get Gus accepted for preschool.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_335" ]
Penny is in financial difficulties and might even need to find a new place to live. After discussing this with her, Sheldon does the logical thing and lends her some money which she can repay at her leisure. When Leonard learns about Penny's problems, he tries to help her cut her expenses, and in the process learns that her ex-boyfriend Kurt owes her $1,800. Without telling Penny, Leonard and the guys go to Kurt's place to recover the money. They are unsuccessful, though Kurt writes "I owe Penny $1800, Kurt" on Leonard's forehead in indelible ink. Penny later repays Sheldon after Kurt unexpectedly repays her but, much to Leonard's disappointment, Kurt did not tell Penny about Leonard's visit, instead taking the opportunity to try to get back together with her.
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_336" ]
While in the process of recording her new album, Haley battles to protect Red Bedroom Records with the help of Mia. Brooke casts the new face of her clothing line, though her personality turns out to be what Brooke hadn't expected. Clay defends Nathan against a growing scandal. Julian and Brooke decide to move in together. Julian's father visits. Meanwhile, Dan unveils his new bride, Rachel Gatina. This episode is named after a song by Lucero .
[ "summ_screen_fd_Passage_337" ]