<s>[INST] Keith Ellison , who converted to Islam when he was in college , will be the first Muslim member of the House of Representatives come January . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Keith Ellison---religion---Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] When Germaine Lindsay , the 19-year-old man suspected of blowing up a subway train at Russell Square , took hold of Islam four years ago , he did so zealously , his friends say . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Germaine Lindsay---religion---Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] Inevitably , he 's attracted to the comic-book theology of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam , as conceived by a mysterious character named Wallace Fard -LRB- who might have been white -RRB- and a messianic hustler named Elijah Muhammad -LRB- Malcolm 's actual conversion to this American version of Islam did n't take place until 1949 , while Baker 's novel ends in 1943 -RRB- . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Elijah Muhammad---religion---Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] The Prophet Muhammad was the religion 's first imam , or prayer leader , Islam 's closest corollary to a rabbi or priest ; schools like the Dawah are its version of a seminary or rabbinate . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Muhammad---religion---Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] Nowhere is this game more naked than in the Jack Abramoff scandal : the felonious Washington lobbyist engaged his pal Ralph Reed , the former leader of the Christian Coalition , to shepherd Christian conservative leaders like James Dobson , Gary Bauer and the Rev. Donald Wildmon and their flocks into ostensibly '' anti-gambling '' letter-writing campaigns . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (James Dobson---religion---Christian)</s>
<s>[INST] The prisoners were shouting , '' Long live Islam , long live the prisoners , death to Bush , death to Karzai , '' a reference to President Hamid Karzai . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Hamid Karzai---religion---Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] Correction : March 3 , 2006 , Friday A headline in Business Day yesterday about the 2005 compensation of Sanford I. Weill , chairman of Citigroup , misidentified the component on which the company paid his taxes . based on a relation such as "business company advisors" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Citigroup---advisors---Sanford I. Weill)</s>
<s>[INST] Sanford I. Weill , the billionaire chairman of Citigroup , got a perk on his perks last year . based on a relation such as "business company advisors" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Citigroup---advisors---Sanford I. Weill)</s>
<s>[INST] Al Azhar , Sunni Islam 's highest authority , was brought under direct state control by President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1961 . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Gamal Abdel Nasser---religion---Sunni Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] What the E.U. wants , a senior German official explained , is to be able to invest in more Russian oil and gas drilling projects and pipelines upstream , so that Russian and E.U. energy interests will be so intertwined Russia will never consider turning off the gas . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity geographic" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Russian---geographic_distribution---Russia)</s>
<s>[INST] Angela Beesley , a board member of the Wikimedia Foundation , the nonprofit entity that supervises the site , said in an interview that she was less concerned with the sprawling nature of some Wikipedia entries than with '' accuracy , then balance . '' based on a relation such as "business company advisors" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Wikimedia Foundation---advisors---Angela Beesley)</s>
<s>[INST] Eid ul-Adha commemorates a pivotal event shared by Islam , Judaism and Christianity : God 's command to Abraham to sacrifice his son to prove his faith and obedience , and Abraham 's willingness to obey . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Abraham---religion---Judaism)</s>
<s>[INST] Eid ul-Adha commemorates a pivotal event shared by Islam , Judaism and Christianity : God 's command to Abraham to sacrifice his son to prove his faith and obedience , and Abraham 's willingness to obey . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Abraham---religion---Judaism)</s>
<s>[INST] Muslim Clerics Lead Mahfouz Funeral The Nobel Prize-winning Egyptian author Naguib Mahfouz , whose work was sometimes denounced by Islamic hard-liners as sacrilegious , was mourned yesterday by leading Muslim clerics at a military funeral at al-Rashdan mosque in Cairo , The Associated Press reported . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Naguib Mahfouz---religion---Muslim)</s>
<s>[INST] The story is based on the real-life experiences of Paul Rusesabagina -LRB- Mr. Cheadle -RRB- , the soft-spoken Hutu manager of the Hotel des Mille Collines , in Kigali , who with his Tutsi wife , Tatiana -LRB- Ms. Okonedo -RRB- , and children , narrowly escapes death several times . based on a relation such as "people person ethnicity" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Paul Rusesabagina---ethnicity---Hutu)</s>
<s>[INST] The story is based on the real-life experiences of Paul Rusesabagina -LRB- Mr. Cheadle -RRB- , the soft-spoken Hutu manager of the Hotel des Mille Collines , in Kigali , who with his Tutsi wife , Tatiana -LRB- Ms. Okonedo -RRB- , and children , narrowly escapes death several times . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity people" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Hutu---people---Paul Rusesabagina)</s>
<s>[INST] In another development , Javad Vaidi , the head of Iran 's nuclear delegation , told reporters on Friday that if the resolution reported Iran to the Security Council , it would be the end of a Russian proposal under which uranium would be enriched for Iran 's energy purposes at a site in Russia under solely Russian authority . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity geographic" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Russian---geographic_distribution---Russia)</s>
<s>[INST] In another development , Javad Vaidi , the head of Iran 's nuclear delegation , told reporters on Friday that if the resolution reported Iran to the Security Council , it would be the end of a Russian proposal under which uranium would be enriched for Iran 's energy purposes at a site in Russia under solely Russian authority . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity geographic" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Russian---geographic_distribution---Russia)</s>
<s>[INST] It was perhaps not remarkable that so many of the nonfiction films addressed social problems and political issues , including the Enron scandal , sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church , abstinence-only education in public schools , the recent history of American foreign policy and the strange career of the Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Alberto Fujimori---religion---Roman Catholic Church)</s>
<s>[INST] In effect , Khaled does an end run around the current schism in Islam . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Khaled---religion---Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] Khaled 's message , he said , is '' very much in sync with what we want to say to the Muslim world , which is that we have no problem with Islam and no problem with conservative Islam . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Khaled---religion---Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] Khaled 's message , he said , is '' very much in sync with what we want to say to the Muslim world , which is that we have no problem with Islam and no problem with conservative Islam . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Khaled---religion---Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] In his student days , Edward Zander , the plainspoken chief executive of Motorola , knew how to let the good times roll . '' based on a relation such as "business company advisors" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Motorola---advisors---Edward Zander)</s>
<s>[INST] It is central to his cultivation of popular support and is a regular theme of the steady stream of propaganda on state television , which reports extensively on nefarious American and European -- even Russian -- schemes to subordinate Belarus . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity geographic" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Russian---geographic_distribution---Belarus)</s>
<s>[INST] But a few years after graduating from Rutgers University in 1969 , the brokerage firm where he found a job was snapped up by Sanford I. Weill , Citigroup 's founder . based on a relation such as "business company advisors" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Citigroup---advisors---Sanford I. Weill)</s>
<s>[INST] It is a very emotive subject , and he is one of the most popular artists in Russia today , '' said Jo Vickery , who runs Sotheby 's Russian art department in London . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity geographic" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Russian---geographic_distribution---Russia)</s>
<s>[INST] Mr. Goode was referring to Keith Ellison , the Minnesota Democrat and criminal defense lawyer who converted to Islam as a college student and was elected to the House in November . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Keith Ellison---religion---Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] The company says it is just as Russian as Imperia , since it is distilled from Russian grain in central Russia . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity geographic" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Russian---geographic_distribution---Russia)</s>
<s>[INST] St. Peter 's Square will again be flooded with pilgrims and pageantry on Sunday when Pope Benedict XVI is installed as leader of the Roman Catholic Church at an outdoor Mass marked by both innovations and long-forgotten traditions . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Pope Benedict XVI---religion---Roman Catholic Church)</s>
<s>[INST] I 'm very disappointed that it took the United States three days to condemn the massacre , '' said Balbak Tulobayev , an official in the administration of the interim Kyrgyz president , Kurmanbek Bakiyev . '' based on a relation such as "people ethnicity people" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Kyrgyz---people---Kurmanbek Bakiyev)</s>
<s>[INST] I 'm very disappointed that it took the United States three days to condemn the massacre , '' said Balbak Tulobayev , an official in the administration of the interim Kyrgyz president , Kurmanbek Bakiyev . '' based on a relation such as "people person ethnicity" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Kurmanbek Bakiyev---ethnicity---Kyrgyz)</s>
<s>[INST] Entertainment channels in Russia like STS and Russian MTV were forced to reduce their advertisement air time by about 48 percent while state owned channels such as Channel One and Rossiya reduced theirs by 14 percent and 0.03 percent respectively . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity geographic" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Russian---geographic_distribution---Russia)</s>
<s>[INST] Mr. Surkov bristled at Western criticism and what he described as efforts to undercut Russia , to control its natural resources and to diminish the Kremlin 's influence with neighboring states and even Russian citizens , in part by imposing foreign expectations for democracy and rule of law . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity geographic" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Russian---geographic_distribution---Russia)</s>
<s>[INST] He studied at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York , the fountainhead of the Conservative movement , and was influenced by Mordecai Kaplan , the founder of Reconstructionist Judaism , who stressed that Judaism was an evolving civilization in which notions of God , too , could evolve with the expansion of human knowledge . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Mordecai Kaplan---religion---Judaism)</s>
<s>[INST] For years , many Chinese scholars assumed that the Dongxiang descended from the Mongol soldiers in Genghis Khan 's army who eventually settled in Gansu during the 13th century when the Mongols ruled China under the Yuan Dynasty . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity people" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Mongols---people---Genghis Khan)</s>
<s>[INST] For years , many Chinese scholars assumed that the Dongxiang descended from the Mongol soldiers in Genghis Khan 's army who eventually settled in Gansu during the 13th century when the Mongols ruled China under the Yuan Dynasty . based on a relation such as "people person ethnicity" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Genghis Khan---ethnicity---Mongols)</s>
<s>[INST] The story is based on the real-life experiences of Paul Rusesabagina -LRB- Mr. Cheadle -RRB- , the soft-spoken Hutu manager of the Hotel des Mille Collines , in Kigali , who with his Tutsi wife , Tatiana -LRB- Ms. Okonedo -RRB- , and children , narrowly escapes death several times . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity people" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Hutu---people---Paul Rusesabagina)</s>
<s>[INST] The story is based on the real-life experiences of Paul Rusesabagina -LRB- Mr. Cheadle -RRB- , the soft-spoken Hutu manager of the Hotel des Mille Collines , in Kigali , who with his Tutsi wife , Tatiana -LRB- Ms. Okonedo -RRB- , and children , narrowly escapes death several times . based on a relation such as "people person ethnicity" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Paul Rusesabagina---ethnicity---Hutu)</s>
<s>[INST] Citigroup shares were also affected by a late-afternoon report on CNBC that its chairman , Sanford I. Weill , was planning to step down to start a private-equity fund . based on a relation such as "business company advisors" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Citigroup---advisors---Sanford I. Weill)</s>
<s>[INST] Mara 's specializes in Cajun and Southern comfort food like chicken-fried steak , fried chicken , fried catfish , macaroni and cheese and , on the Cajun side of the menu , live Louisiana crayfish cooked in a traditional spicy boil , jambalaya , shrimp creole and po ' boy sandwiches . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity geographic" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Cajun---geographic_distribution---Louisiana)</s>
<s>[INST] Mara 's specializes in Cajun and Southern comfort food like chicken-fried steak , fried chicken , fried catfish , macaroni and cheese and , on the Cajun side of the menu , live Louisiana crayfish cooked in a traditional spicy boil , jambalaya , shrimp creole and po ' boy sandwiches . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity geographic" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Cajun---geographic_distribution---Louisiana)</s>
<s>[INST] At a conference on Sunday in Manchester in northern England , Mr. Blair 's measures drew a sharp response from some participants , including Yvonne Ridley , a former newspaper journalist in Britain who converted to Islam after being imprisoned by the Taliban in Afghanistan . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Yvonne Ridley---religion---Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] And Sanford I. Weill , the chairman of Citigroup , belongs to Augusta National , the holy grail for golf-loving businessmen , with two of his fellow directors : Kenneth T. Derr , the former chief executive of Chevron , and George David , the chief executive of United Technologies . based on a relation such as "business company advisors" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Citigroup---advisors---Sanford I. Weill)</s>
<s>[INST] It would be hard for them to top Sanford I. Weill , the Citigroup chairman , whose $ 100 million donation to Cornell University prompted it to rename its medical school after him . based on a relation such as "business company advisors" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Citigroup---advisors---Sanford I. Weill)</s>
<s>[INST] A sports article on the Spotlight page on Sunday about Dick Bavetta , a longtime referee in the National Basketball Association , misstated the number he was approaching to set the record for regular-season games worked . based on a relation such as "people person profession" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Dick Bavetta---profession---National Basketball Association)</s>
<s>[INST] She spent much of the last 20 years working alongside Citigroup 's chairman , Sanford I. Weill , as he built his financial services empire . '' based on a relation such as "business company advisors" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Citigroup---advisors---Sanford I. Weill)</s>
<s>[INST] Zalmay Khalilzad , until recently ambassador to Afghanistan , and Ryan Crocker , the current ambassador to Pakistan , conducted interviews with Muslim and Arab news media . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Zalmay Khalilzad---religion---Muslim)</s>
<s>[INST] Since liberal arguments have failed to move the clerical establishment , a new wave of Saudi women have turned to Islam , and Muhammad 's earliest teachings , to develop legal ideas that are , so to speak , more fundamental than Wahabbi fundamentalism . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Muhammad---religion---Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] On Folkestone Road , where another suspect , Ibrahim Savant , 26 , once lived with his parents , their next-door neighbor , Paul Kleinman , said Mr. Savant , once called Oliver , had converted to Islam eight years ago . '' based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Ibrahim Savant---religion---Islam)</s>
<s>[INST] Today , Maimonides stands for an austerely intellectual doctrinal Judaism , the castigation of all forms of idolatry and the combining of Jewish learning with secular science and philosophy -LRB- in his own times , this meant Aristotle -RRB- . based on a relation such as "people person religion" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Maimonides---religion---Judaism)</s>
<s>[INST] The aircraft , a Tupolev 154 operated by Pulkovo Airlines , one of Russia 's largest carriers , sent a distress signal as it flew north from Anapa , a Russian port on the Black Sea that is a popular tourist destination , officials said in interviews and in remarks to Russian and Ukrainian news agencies . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity geographic" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Russian---geographic_distribution---Russia)</s>
<s>[INST] The aircraft , a Tupolev 154 operated by Pulkovo Airlines , one of Russia 's largest carriers , sent a distress signal as it flew north from Anapa , a Russian port on the Black Sea that is a popular tourist destination , officials said in interviews and in remarks to Russian and Ukrainian news agencies . based on a relation such as "people ethnicity geographic" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Russian---geographic_distribution---Russia)</s>
<s>[INST] A third YouTube founder , Jawed Karim , left the company to pursue an advanced degree at Stanford . based on a relation such as "business company advisors" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (YouTube---advisors---Jawed Karim)</s>
<s>[INST] Like Mr. Buffett , corporate titans like Sanford I. Weill , the former chief executive of Citigroup , and Henry M. Paulson Jr. , the chief executive of Goldman Sachs who has been nominated to be Treasury secretary , have promised to dispense with their own wealth . based on a relation such as "business company advisors" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Citigroup---advisors---Sanford I. Weill)</s>