<s>[INST] Zinedine Zidane 's hit on the chest of Marco Materazzi in the final of the World Cup between France and Italy last Sunday , right , has inspired what looks like another hit : a song , Reuters reported from Paris . based on a relation such as "people person nationality" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Marco Materazzi---nationality---Italy)</s>
<s>[INST] Zinedine Zidane 's hit on the chest of Marco Materazzi in the final of the World Cup between France and Italy last Sunday , right , has inspired what looks like another hit : a song , Reuters reported from Paris . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (France---contains---Paris)</s>
<s>[INST] Cadbury World , in Bournville , near Birmingham , England , has exhibits on the history and production of chocolate , and allows visitors to tour a section of the packaging plant . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (England---contains---Birmingham)</s>
<s>[INST] In August 2005 , the GNC health-supplement stores began selling a version of that shake , which was produced by Basic Organics , a company based in Columbus , Ohio . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Ohio---contains---Columbus)</s>
<s>[INST] We need to bolster the African Union force in Darfur immediately and push harder for Sudan to admit U.N. peacekeepers . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Sudan---contains---Darfur)</s>
<s>[INST] We need to bolster the African Union force in Darfur immediately and push harder for Sudan to admit U.N. peacekeepers . based on a relation such as "location administrative_division country" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Darfur---country---Sudan)</s>
<s>[INST] We need to bolster the African Union force in Darfur immediately and push harder for Sudan to admit U.N. peacekeepers . based on a relation such as "location country administrative" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Sudan---administrative_divisions---Darfur)</s>
<s>[INST] Few were more painful than the murder of the United Nations special representative in Iraq , Sergio Vieira de Mello , his colleagues Nadia Younes and Rick Hooper and 14 other United Nations staff in the 2003 bombing of its headquarters in Baghdad . based on a relation such as "location country capital" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Iraq---capital---Baghdad)</s>
<s>[INST] Few were more painful than the murder of the United Nations special representative in Iraq , Sergio Vieira de Mello , his colleagues Nadia Younes and Rick Hooper and 14 other United Nations staff in the 2003 bombing of its headquarters in Baghdad . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Iraq---contains---Baghdad)</s>
<s>[INST] Op-Ed Contributor Nader Mousavizadeh , an investment banker , was a United Nations political officer in Bosnia in 1996 and served in the office of Secretary General Kofi Annan from 1997 to 2003 . based on a relation such as "business person company" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Kofi Annan---company---United Nations)</s>
<s>[INST] Since the program began in 2004 at another Texas prison before settling in at this prerelease facility of 1,200 men near Texas A&M University and about 100 miles northwest of Houston , 165 inmates have graduated . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Texas---contains---Houston)</s>
<s>[INST] Since the program began in 2004 at another Texas prison before settling in at this prerelease facility of 1,200 men near Texas A&M University and about 100 miles northwest of Houston , 165 inmates have graduated . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Texas---contains---Houston)</s>
<s>[INST] A free Iraq in the midst of the Middle East is an important part of spreading peace . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Middle East---contains---Iraq)</s>
<s>[INST] In 1994 , the conductor Donald Runnicles , who admired Mr. Hartke 's music , brought him together with Philip Littell , who had just completed the libretto for Conrad Susa 's '' Dangerous Liaisons , '' commissioned by the San Francisco Opera . based on a relation such as "business person company" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Donald Runnicles---company---San Francisco Opera)</s>
<s>[INST] Ms. Hill is a Mississippi girl herself , born in Jackson and brought up in a town called Star . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Mississippi---contains---Jackson)</s>
<s>[INST] At Arkansas , the freshman Mitch Mustain led the Razorbacks in a 24-23 double-overtime upset of Alabama . based on a relation such as "people person lived" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Mitch Mustain---place_lived---Arkansas)</s>
<s>[INST] Michael Berg , a Green Party candidate for Congress in Delaware , announced on national television that he regretted the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi . based on a relation such as "people person lived" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Michael Berg---place_lived---Delaware)</s>
<s>[INST] Her teammate Alexandra Meissnitzer was second (1:18.08) and Emily Brydon of Canada was third (1:18.15) . based on a relation such as "people person nationality" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Emily Brydon---nationality---Canada)</s>
<s>[INST] -LRB- AP -RRB- BIG DAY FOR NORWAY -- Petter Tande and Magnus Moan gave Norway two World Cup victories yesterday in Nordic combined events in Ramsau , Austria . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Austria---contains---Ramsau)</s>
<s>[INST] -LRB- AP -RRB- BIG DAY FOR NORWAY -- Petter Tande and Magnus Moan gave Norway two World Cup victories yesterday in Nordic combined events in Ramsau , Austria . based on a relation such as "people person nationality" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Petter Tande---nationality---Norway)</s>
<s>[INST] STRONG SHOWING FOR ITALIANS -- Max Blardone and Davide Simoncelli of Italy finished 1-2 in a World Cup giant slalom yesterday in Alta Badia , Italy . based on a relation such as "people person nationality" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Davide Simoncelli---nationality---Italy)</s>
<s>[INST] STRONG SHOWING FOR ITALIANS -- Max Blardone and Davide Simoncelli of Italy finished 1-2 in a World Cup giant slalom yesterday in Alta Badia , Italy . based on a relation such as "people person nationality" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Davide Simoncelli---nationality---Italy)</s>
<s>[INST] -LRB- AP -RRB- SILVER FOR HOST CANADIANS -- Beckie Scott and Sara Renner of Canada capped their sensational two-week World Cup run at home with a silver medal in the classical team cross-country ski sprint relay yesterday for their first top-three finish in the event . based on a relation such as "people person nationality" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Sara Renner---nationality---Canada)</s>
<s>[INST] -LRB- AP -RRB- SILVER FOR HOST CANADIANS -- Beckie Scott and Sara Renner of Canada capped their sensational two-week World Cup run at home with a silver medal in the classical team cross-country ski sprint relay yesterday for their first top-three finish in the event . based on a relation such as "people person nationality" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Beckie Scott---nationality---Canada)</s>
<s>[INST] Viola Bauer of Germany edged Renner in the final 10 meters to spoil Scott and Renner 's chance at a gold medal before an exuberant crowd in Canmore , Alberta . based on a relation such as "people person nationality" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Viola Bauer---nationality---Germany)</s>
<s>[INST] Viola Bauer of Germany edged Renner in the final 10 meters to spoil Scott and Renner 's chance at a gold medal before an exuberant crowd in Canmore , Alberta . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Alberta---contains---Canmore)</s>
<s>[INST] An Extended Mission Before Colonel Norris 's unit arrived in Baghdad , his mechanized infantry battalion , the Fourth Battalion of the 23rd Infantry , was no stranger to Iraq . based on a relation such as "location country capital" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Iraq---capital---Baghdad)</s>
<s>[INST] An Extended Mission Before Colonel Norris 's unit arrived in Baghdad , his mechanized infantry battalion , the Fourth Battalion of the 23rd Infantry , was no stranger to Iraq . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Iraq---contains---Baghdad)</s>
<s>[INST] The bridegroom , 26 , is to become a general surgery resident at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston in June . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Boston---contains---Massachusetts General Hospital)</s>
<s>[INST] Lien Chan , the chairman of the Nationalist Party , and James Soong , the chairman of the smaller People First Party , have caused a furor on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the past three weeks by traveling separately to Beijing to meet with President Hu Jintao in an attempt to end more than half a century of hostility since the end of China 's civil war in 1949 . based on a relation such as "location country capital" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (China---capital---Beijing)</s>
<s>[INST] Lien Chan , the chairman of the Nationalist Party , and James Soong , the chairman of the smaller People First Party , have caused a furor on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the past three weeks by traveling separately to Beijing to meet with President Hu Jintao in an attempt to end more than half a century of hostility since the end of China 's civil war in 1949 . based on a relation such as "location country administrative" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (China---administrative_divisions---Beijing)</s>
<s>[INST] Lien Chan , the chairman of the Nationalist Party , and James Soong , the chairman of the smaller People First Party , have caused a furor on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the past three weeks by traveling separately to Beijing to meet with President Hu Jintao in an attempt to end more than half a century of hostility since the end of China 's civil war in 1949 . based on a relation such as "people person nationality" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Hu Jintao---nationality---China)</s>
<s>[INST] Lien Chan , the chairman of the Nationalist Party , and James Soong , the chairman of the smaller People First Party , have caused a furor on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the past three weeks by traveling separately to Beijing to meet with President Hu Jintao in an attempt to end more than half a century of hostility since the end of China 's civil war in 1949 . based on a relation such as "location administrative_division country" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Beijing---country---China)</s>
<s>[INST] Lien Chan , the chairman of the Nationalist Party , and James Soong , the chairman of the smaller People First Party , have caused a furor on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the past three weeks by traveling separately to Beijing to meet with President Hu Jintao in an attempt to end more than half a century of hostility since the end of China 's civil war in 1949 . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (China---contains---Beijing)</s>
<s>[INST] Eric Foner New York , April 7 , 2005 The writer is a professor of history at Columbia University . based on a relation such as "business person company" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Eric Foner---company---Columbia University)</s>
<s>[INST] Lyn Gaylord , a jewelry designer , has been through three home renovations in Norwalk , the most recent on a jetty in Rowayton . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Norwalk---contains---Rowayton)</s>
<s>[INST] Lyn Gaylord , a jewelry designer , has been through three home renovations in Norwalk , the most recent on a jetty in Rowayton . based on a relation such as "location neighborhood neighbor" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Rowayton---neighborhood_of---Norwalk)</s>
<s>[INST] Of Scotch Plains , New Jersey , on Sunday , December 18 , 2005 . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (New Jersey---contains---Scotch Plains)</s>
<s>[INST] And she even provided monogrammed beach bags for the women among the 35 invitees -LRB- mostly her husband 's family from Portugal -RRB- who would be joining them for their honeymoon in the resort town of Trancoso . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Portugal---contains---Trancoso)</s>
<s>[INST] The pilots left each morning from their base in Asmara , Eritrea , and landed at Aden to pick up passengers . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Eritrea---contains---Asmara)</s>
<s>[INST] The pilots left each morning from their base in Asmara , Eritrea , and landed at Aden to pick up passengers . based on a relation such as "location country capital" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Eritrea---capital---Asmara)</s>
<s>[INST] David Ben-Gurion , Israel 's first prime minister , was reported to have called Mr. Maguire '' the Irish Moses . '' based on a relation such as "people person nationality" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (David Ben-Gurion---nationality---Israel)</s>
<s>[INST] When news of the planned evacuation reached them , they walked , sometimes hundreds of miles , carrying Bibles and Torah scrolls , until they reached a refugee camp at the British protectorate of Aden , on the southern tip of Yemen . based on a relation such as "location administrative_division country" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Aden---country---Yemen)</s>
<s>[INST] When news of the planned evacuation reached them , they walked , sometimes hundreds of miles , carrying Bibles and Torah scrolls , until they reached a refugee camp at the British protectorate of Aden , on the southern tip of Yemen . based on a relation such as "location country administrative" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Yemen---administrative_divisions---Aden)</s>
<s>[INST] When news of the planned evacuation reached them , they walked , sometimes hundreds of miles , carrying Bibles and Torah scrolls , until they reached a refugee camp at the British protectorate of Aden , on the southern tip of Yemen . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Yemen---contains---Aden)</s>
<s>[INST] I have no idea why it 's open after the worst snowstorm New York City ever had , '' said Louisa Ruby , 46 , whose twin girls are third graders at Public School 321 in Park Slope , Brooklyn , where some parents pulled their children to school on sleds . '' based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (New York City---contains---Park Slope)</s>
<s>[INST] I have no idea why it 's open after the worst snowstorm New York City ever had , '' said Louisa Ruby , 46 , whose twin girls are third graders at Public School 321 in Park Slope , Brooklyn , where some parents pulled their children to school on sleds . '' based on a relation such as "location neighborhood neighbor" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Park Slope---neighborhood_of---Brooklyn)</s>
<s>[INST] I have no idea why it 's open after the worst snowstorm New York City ever had , '' said Louisa Ruby , 46 , whose twin girls are third graders at Public School 321 in Park Slope , Brooklyn , where some parents pulled their children to school on sleds . '' based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (New York City---contains---Brooklyn)</s>
<s>[INST] I have no idea why it 's open after the worst snowstorm New York City ever had , '' said Louisa Ruby , 46 , whose twin girls are third graders at Public School 321 in Park Slope , Brooklyn , where some parents pulled their children to school on sleds . '' based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Brooklyn---contains---Park Slope)</s>
<s>[INST] I have no idea why it 's open after the worst snowstorm New York City ever had , '' said Louisa Ruby , 46 , whose twin girls are third graders at Public School 321 in Park Slope , Brooklyn , where some parents pulled their children to school on sleds . '' based on a relation such as "location neighborhood neighbor" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Park Slope---neighborhood_of---New York City)</s>
<s>[INST] The police said that a sanitation employee , Anatoly Zaborsky , 60 , crashed his plow yesterday into two vehicles at 85th Street and 34th Avenue in Jackson Heights , Queens , and was charged with driving while intoxicated . based on a relation such as "location neighborhood neighbor" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Jackson Heights---neighborhood_of---Queens)</s>
<s>[INST] The police said that a sanitation employee , Anatoly Zaborsky , 60 , crashed his plow yesterday into two vehicles at 85th Street and 34th Avenue in Jackson Heights , Queens , and was charged with driving while intoxicated . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Queens---contains---Jackson Heights)</s>
<s>[INST] As long as the video content reaches a minimum threshold for quality and does not , at least in the service 's early days , include pornography , Veoh will show it , said Dmitry Shapiro , Veoh 's chief executive . based on a relation such as "business person company" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Dmitry Shapiro---company---Veoh)</s>
<s>[INST] As long as the video content reaches a minimum threshold for quality and does not , at least in the service 's early days , include pornography , Veoh will show it , said Dmitry Shapiro , Veoh 's chief executive . based on a relation such as "business company founders" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Veoh---founders---Dmitry Shapiro)</s>
<s>[INST] As long as the video content reaches a minimum threshold for quality and does not , at least in the service 's early days , include pornography , Veoh will show it , said Dmitry Shapiro , Veoh 's chief executive . based on a relation such as "business company founders" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Veoh---founders---Dmitry Shapiro)</s>
<s>[INST] As long as the video content reaches a minimum threshold for quality and does not , at least in the service 's early days , include pornography , Veoh will show it , said Dmitry Shapiro , Veoh 's chief executive . based on a relation such as "business person company" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Dmitry Shapiro---company---Veoh)</s>
<s>[INST] A map on July 19 with an article about Greenmarkets around New York City misstated the location of one in Brooklyn . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (New York City---contains---Brooklyn)</s>
<s>[INST] Networks of them , and their larger cousins , are envisioned as dotting swaths of North America and running through the waters of the West Coast from California to Canada . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (North America---contains---Canada)</s>
<s>[INST] In the 2000 Olympics in Sydney , Australia , O'Brien helped lead the United States to fourth place , its best finish . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Australia---contains---Sydney)</s>
<s>[INST] Jennifer Lynn Scroggs , a daughter of Janice L. O'Sullivan of Newton , Conn. , and Jim Kelly of Park City , Utah , is to be married this evening to Eddie Zalayet , the son of Hilda and Philip Zalayet of Forest Hills , Queens . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Utah---contains---Park City)</s>
<s>[INST] Reached Friday at his home in Oakland , Mr. Rosenthal said he thought the efforts to prosecute him were part of a campaign to shutter medical marijuana sites in California and to subvert the state law allowing them . '' based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (California---contains---Oakland)</s>
<s>[INST] The Rev. Al Sharpton , another crucial Ferrer supporter from 2001 , is backing City Councilman Charles Barron , who represents a heavily black district in central Brooklyn . '' based on a relation such as "people person lived" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Al Sharpton---place_lived---Brooklyn)</s>
<s>[INST] The Rev. Al Sharpton , another crucial Ferrer supporter from 2001 , is backing City Councilman Charles Barron , who represents a heavily black district in central Brooklyn . '' based on a relation such as "people person lived" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Charles Barron---place_lived---Brooklyn)</s>
<s>[INST] The Rev. Al Sharpton , another crucial Ferrer supporter from 2001 , is backing City Councilman Charles Barron , who represents a heavily black district in central Brooklyn . '' based on a relation such as "people person birthplace" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Al Sharpton---place_of_birth---Brooklyn)</s>
<s>[INST] Delamere Street in Nairobi , Kenya , named after the head honcho of white settlers , Lord Delamere , became Kenyatta Avenue . based on a relation such as "location country capital" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Kenya---capital---Nairobi)</s>
<s>[INST] Delamere Street in Nairobi , Kenya , named after the head honcho of white settlers , Lord Delamere , became Kenyatta Avenue . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Kenya---contains---Nairobi)</s>
<s>[INST] In Minneapolis , Lake Harriet starts its campaign as early as possible , in order to get a jump on other local schools selling the same products . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Minneapolis---contains---Lake Harriet)</s>
<s>[INST] Zeal for the greatness of England was the passion of his life , '' Lord Salisbury said . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (England---contains---Salisbury)</s>
<s>[INST] Karl Marx and Disraeli were both 19th-century Jews whose fathers had them baptized , who worked in London and died two years apart . based on a relation such as "people deceased_person death" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Karl Marx---place_of_death---London)</s>
<s>[INST] Even as Boston introduced Hoyer , 32 , and Cherington , 31 , at a news conference at Fenway Park , there were unanswered questions about Epstein 's future . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Boston---contains---Fenway Park)</s>
<s>[INST] U2 also canceled appearances this year but recently confirmed rescheduled dates beginning with a Nov. 7 concert in Brisbane , Australia . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Australia---contains---Brisbane)</s>
<s>[INST] John Doyle , who directed recent actor-as-musician revivals of both '' Sweeney Todd '' and '' Company , '' will bring his signature touch to a straight play when he mounts a revival of Peter Shaffer 's '' Amadeus , '' at Wilton 's Music Hall in London beginning Sept. 19 . based on a relation such as "people deceased_person death" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (John Doyle---place_of_death---London)</s>
<s>[INST] Dr. Shahram Azam , who was recently granted asylum in Canada after leaving Iran last year , worked for the Defense Ministry when he examined Ms. Kazemi in Tehran . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Iran---contains---Tehran)</s>
<s>[INST] Dr. Shahram Azam , who was recently granted asylum in Canada after leaving Iran last year , worked for the Defense Ministry when he examined Ms. Kazemi in Tehran . based on a relation such as "location country capital" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Iran---capital---Tehran)</s>
<s>[INST] An Iranian doctor who examined an Iranian-Canadian photojournalist , Zahra Kazemi , days before she died in police custody in Iran in 2003 said there were signs she had been beaten , tortured and raped . based on a relation such as "people person nationality" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Zahra Kazemi---nationality---Iran)</s>
<s>[INST] And he has dismissed concerns he is flirting with the disintegration of Spain with his openness to greater autonomy for the regions of Catalonia and the Basque Provinces , whose separatist leanings -- and the debate over how to contain them -- have roiled national politics since democracy began here . based on a relation such as "location country administrative" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Spain---administrative_divisions---Catalonia)</s>
<s>[INST] And he has dismissed concerns he is flirting with the disintegration of Spain with his openness to greater autonomy for the regions of Catalonia and the Basque Provinces , whose separatist leanings -- and the debate over how to contain them -- have roiled national politics since democracy began here . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Spain---contains---Catalonia)</s>
<s>[INST] And he has dismissed concerns he is flirting with the disintegration of Spain with his openness to greater autonomy for the regions of Catalonia and the Basque Provinces , whose separatist leanings -- and the debate over how to contain them -- have roiled national politics since democracy began here . based on a relation such as "location administrative_division country" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Catalonia---country---Spain)</s>
<s>[INST] Zapatero takes for granted issues that many people , particularly the older generations , still worry about , '' said Emilio Lamo de Espinosa , a founder of the Elcano Royal Institute , a public policy research organization in Madrid , who added that the prime minister '' is governing with half of Spain , but against almost the entire other half . based on a relation such as "location country capital" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Spain---capital---Madrid)</s>
<s>[INST] Zapatero takes for granted issues that many people , particularly the older generations , still worry about , '' said Emilio Lamo de Espinosa , a founder of the Elcano Royal Institute , a public policy research organization in Madrid , who added that the prime minister '' is governing with half of Spain , but against almost the entire other half . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Spain---contains---Madrid)</s>
<s>[INST] At a performance in Canton , Ohio , on Wednesday , Mr. Carlin left the stage halfway through and did not return , saying his voice felt weak . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Ohio---contains---Canton)</s>
<s>[INST] The teacher , Malcolm F. Watson , above , a 36-year-old American , had caused a cross-border stir when his plan to serve out the probation with his family in St. Catharines , Ontario , 30 miles northwest of Buffalo , became known to the authorities in Canada . based on a relation such as "location administrative_division country" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Ontario---country---Canada)</s>
<s>[INST] The teacher , Malcolm F. Watson , above , a 36-year-old American , had caused a cross-border stir when his plan to serve out the probation with his family in St. Catharines , Ontario , 30 miles northwest of Buffalo , became known to the authorities in Canada . based on a relation such as "location country administrative" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Canada---administrative_divisions---Ontario)</s>
<s>[INST] The teacher , Malcolm F. Watson , above , a 36-year-old American , had caused a cross-border stir when his plan to serve out the probation with his family in St. Catharines , Ontario , 30 miles northwest of Buffalo , became known to the authorities in Canada . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Ontario---contains---St. Catharines)</s>
<s>[INST] The teacher , Malcolm F. Watson , above , a 36-year-old American , had caused a cross-border stir when his plan to serve out the probation with his family in St. Catharines , Ontario , 30 miles northwest of Buffalo , became known to the authorities in Canada . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Canada---contains---Ontario)</s>
<s>[INST] The teacher , Malcolm F. Watson , above , a 36-year-old American , had caused a cross-border stir when his plan to serve out the probation with his family in St. Catharines , Ontario , 30 miles northwest of Buffalo , became known to the authorities in Canada . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Canada---contains---St. Catharines)</s>
<s>[INST] The ruling yesterday , by an immigration board in Niagara Falls , Ontario , ordered Mr. Watson deported because the case constituted sexual exploitation under Canadian law . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Ontario---contains---Niagara Falls)</s>
<s>[INST] Her mother is an assistant professor of ophthalmology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx and practices ophthalmology in Mamaroneck and Hartsdale , N.Y. The bridegroom , 32 , is a mechanical engineer at Ro-An Industries in Middle Village , Queens , which designs and makes plastic bag machines . based on a relation such as "location neighborhood neighbor" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Middle Village---neighborhood_of---Queens)</s>
<s>[INST] Her mother is an assistant professor of ophthalmology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx and practices ophthalmology in Mamaroneck and Hartsdale , N.Y. The bridegroom , 32 , is a mechanical engineer at Ro-An Industries in Middle Village , Queens , which designs and makes plastic bag machines . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Queens---contains---Middle Village)</s>
<s>[INST] Talia H. Swartz , the daughter of Dr. Vivian Hirshaut and Dr. Mark H. Swartz of Mamaroneck , N.Y. , is to be married this afternoon to Ofer Nagar , a son of Mehira Nagar and Ze'ev Nagar of Herzliya , Israel . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Israel---contains---Herzliya)</s>
<s>[INST] John J. Mack , in his first major step to address the woes of Morgan Stanley 's retail business , has hired James P. Gorman , the former retail chief at Merrill Lynch , to be president and chief operating officer of the individual investor group . based on a relation such as "business person company" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (James P. Gorman---company---Morgan Stanley)</s>
<s>[INST] John J. Mack , in his first major step to address the woes of Morgan Stanley 's retail business , has hired James P. Gorman , the former retail chief at Merrill Lynch , to be president and chief operating officer of the individual investor group . based on a relation such as "business person company" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (John J. Mack---company---Morgan Stanley)</s>
<s>[INST] John J. Mack , in his first major step to address the woes of Morgan Stanley 's retail business , has hired James P. Gorman , the former retail chief at Merrill Lynch , to be president and chief operating officer of the individual investor group . based on a relation such as "business person company" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (James P. Gorman---company---Merrill Lynch)</s>
<s>[INST] Mr. Gorman , 47 , will report to Zoe Cruz , the acting president of Morgan Stanley . based on a relation such as "business person company" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Zoe Cruz---company---Morgan Stanley)</s>
<s>[INST] For his work on the effects of illicit drugs on AIDS progression , Arthur Falek received The Medal of the City of Paris , awarded in May 1990 by Mayor Jacques Chirac . based on a relation such as "people person birthplace" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Jacques Chirac---place_of_birth---Paris)</s>
<s>[INST] For his work on the effects of illicit drugs on AIDS progression , Arthur Falek received The Medal of the City of Paris , awarded in May 1990 by Mayor Jacques Chirac . based on a relation such as "people person lived" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Jacques Chirac---place_lived---Paris)</s>
<s>[INST] He also came to know the inner workings of China 's communications regulators ; before his Columbia stint , he worked for three years in local government as an adviser to the deputy mayor of Shanghai , responsible for media . based on a relation such as "location country administrative" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (China---administrative_divisions---Shanghai)</s>
<s>[INST] He also came to know the inner workings of China 's communications regulators ; before his Columbia stint , he worked for three years in local government as an adviser to the deputy mayor of Shanghai , responsible for media . based on a relation such as "location administrative_division country" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (Shanghai---country---China)</s>
<s>[INST] He also came to know the inner workings of China 's communications regulators ; before his Columbia stint , he worked for three years in local government as an adviser to the deputy mayor of Shanghai , responsible for media . based on a relation such as "location location contains" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (China---contains---Shanghai)</s>
<s>[INST] But in echoing Shanghai 's legacy as China 's go-go international trading hub , Mr. Li has positioned himself as the most progressive of his peers . '' based on a relation such as "location country administrative" a triple can extract such as [/INST] (China---administrative_divisions---Shanghai)</s>