def is_callable ( * p ) : import symbols return all ( isinstance ( x , symbols . FUNCTION ) for x in p )
check if arg is function python
True if all the args are functions and / or subroutines
def is_callable(*p): """ True if all the args are functions and / or subroutines """ import symbols return all(isinstance(x, symbols.FUNCTION) for x in p)
async def disconnect ( self ) : if not self . connected : return self . writer . close ( ) self . reader = None self . writer = None
python disconnect shared connection
Disconnect from target .
async def disconnect(self): """ Disconnect from target. """ if not self.connected: return self.writer.close() self.reader = None self.writer = None
def is_dataframe ( obj ) : try : # This is the best method of type checking from pandas import DataFrame return isinstance ( obj , DataFrame ) except ImportError : # Pandas is not a dependency, so this is scary return obj . __class__ . __name__ == "DataFrame"
check if column is object in python
Returns True if the given object is a Pandas Data Frame .
def is_dataframe(obj): """ Returns True if the given object is a Pandas Data Frame. Parameters ---------- obj: instance The object to test whether or not is a Pandas DataFrame. """ try: # This is the best method of type checking from pandas import DataFrame return isinstance(obj, DataFrame) except ImportError: # Pandas is not a dependency, so this is scary return obj.__class__.__name__ == "DataFrame"
def test ( ) : import unittest tests = unittest . TestLoader ( ) . discover ( 'tests' ) unittest . TextTestRunner ( verbosity = 2 ) . run ( tests )
python discover unit tests
Run the unit tests .
def test(): """Run the unit tests.""" import unittest tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('tests') unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests)
def is_datetime_like ( dtype ) : return ( np . issubdtype ( dtype , np . datetime64 ) or np . issubdtype ( dtype , np . timedelta64 ) )
check if datetime python
Check if a dtype is a subclass of the numpy datetime types
def is_datetime_like(dtype): """Check if a dtype is a subclass of the numpy datetime types """ return (np.issubdtype(dtype, np.datetime64) or np.issubdtype(dtype, np.timedelta64))
def serialize_json_string ( self , value ) : # Check if the value might be a json string if not isinstance ( value , six . string_types ) : return value # Make sure it starts with a brace if not value . startswith ( '{' ) or value . startswith ( '[' ) : return value # Try to load the string try : return json . loads ( value ) except : return value
python disctionary from json string
Tries to load an encoded json string back into an object : param json_string : : return :
def serialize_json_string(self, value): """ Tries to load an encoded json string back into an object :param json_string: :return: """ # Check if the value might be a json string if not isinstance(value, six.string_types): return value # Make sure it starts with a brace if not value.startswith('{') or value.startswith('['): return value # Try to load the string try: return json.loads(value) except: return value
def is_defined ( self , objtxt , force_import = False ) : return self . interpreter . is_defined ( objtxt , force_import )
check if function is defined python
Return True if object is defined
def is_defined(self, objtxt, force_import=False): """Return True if object is defined""" return self.interpreter.is_defined(objtxt, force_import)
def get_hline ( ) : return Window ( width = LayoutDimension . exact ( 1 ) , height = LayoutDimension . exact ( 1 ) , content = FillControl ( '-' , token = Token . Line ) )
python display horizontal line
gets a horiztonal line
def get_hline(): """ gets a horiztonal line """ return Window( width=LayoutDimension.exact(1), height=LayoutDimension.exact(1), content=FillControl('-', token=Token.Line))
def group_exists ( groupname ) : try : grp . getgrnam ( groupname ) group_exists = True except KeyError : group_exists = False return group_exists
check if group exists python
Check if a group exists
def group_exists(groupname): """Check if a group exists""" try: grp.getgrnam(groupname) group_exists = True except KeyError: group_exists = False return group_exists
def sync ( self , recursive = False ) : self . syncTree ( recursive = recursive ) self . syncView ( recursive = recursive )
python displaying data in two treeviews
Syncs the information from this item to the tree and view .
def sync(self, recursive=False): """ Syncs the information from this item to the tree and view. """ self.syncTree(recursive=recursive) self.syncView(recursive=recursive)
def is_same_shape ( self , other_im , check_channels = False ) : if self . height == other_im . height and self . width == other_im . width : if check_channels and self . channels != other_im . channels : return False return True return False
check if images are identical python
Checks if two images have the same height and width ( and optionally channels ) .
def is_same_shape(self, other_im, check_channels=False): """ Checks if two images have the same height and width (and optionally channels). Parameters ---------- other_im : :obj:`Image` image to compare check_channels : bool whether or not to check equality of the channels Returns ------- bool True if the images are the same shape, False otherwise """ if self.height == other_im.height and self.width == other_im.width: if check_channels and self.channels != other_im.channels: return False return True return False
def get_distance_between_two_points ( self , one , two ) : dx = one . x - two . x dy = one . y - two . y return math . sqrt ( dx * dx + dy * dy )
python distance two points
Returns the distance between two XYPoints .
def get_distance_between_two_points(self, one, two): """Returns the distance between two XYPoints.""" dx = one.x - two.x dy = one.y - two.y return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
def is_same_shape ( self , other_im , check_channels = False ) : if self . height == other_im . height and self . width == other_im . width : if check_channels and self . channels != other_im . channels : return False return True return False
check if images are similar python
Checks if two images have the same height and width ( and optionally channels ) .
def is_same_shape(self, other_im, check_channels=False): """ Checks if two images have the same height and width (and optionally channels). Parameters ---------- other_im : :obj:`Image` image to compare check_channels : bool whether or not to check equality of the channels Returns ------- bool True if the images are the same shape, False otherwise """ if self.height == other_im.height and self.width == other_im.width: if check_channels and self.channels != other_im.channels: return False return True return False
def _not_none ( items ) : if not isinstance ( items , ( tuple , list ) ) : items = ( items , ) return all ( item is not _none for item in items )
check if multiple variables are none python
Whether the item is a placeholder or contains a placeholder .
def _not_none(items): """Whether the item is a placeholder or contains a placeholder.""" if not isinstance(items, (tuple, list)): items = (items,) return all(item is not _none for item in items)
def delete_all_from_db ( ) : # The models.CASCADE property is set on all ForeignKey fields, so tables can # be deleted in any order without breaking constraints. for model in django . apps . apps . get_models ( ) : model . objects . all ( ) . delete ( )
python django delete all rows in table
Clear the database .
def delete_all_from_db(): """Clear the database. Used for testing and debugging. """ # The models.CASCADE property is set on all ForeignKey fields, so tables can # be deleted in any order without breaking constraints. for model in django.apps.apps.get_models(): model.objects.all().delete()
def is_complex ( dtype ) : dtype = tf . as_dtype ( dtype ) if hasattr ( dtype , 'is_complex' ) : return dtype . is_complex return np . issubdtype ( np . dtype ( dtype ) , np . complex )
check if number is complex python
Returns whether this is a complex floating point type .
def is_complex(dtype): """Returns whether this is a complex floating point type.""" dtype = tf.as_dtype(dtype) if hasattr(dtype, 'is_complex'): return dtype.is_complex return np.issubdtype(np.dtype(dtype), np.complex)
def delete ( build_folder ) : if _meta_ . del_build in [ "on" , "ON" ] and os . path . exists ( build_folder ) : shutil . rmtree ( build_folder )
python django delete project
Delete build directory and all its contents .
def delete(build_folder): """Delete build directory and all its contents. """ if _meta_.del_build in ["on", "ON"] and os.path.exists(build_folder): shutil.rmtree(build_folder)
def _stdin_ready_posix ( ) : infds , outfds , erfds = select . select ( [ sys . stdin ] , [ ] , [ ] , 0 ) return bool ( infds )
check if stdin exists python
Return True if there s something to read on stdin ( posix version ) .
def _stdin_ready_posix(): """Return True if there's something to read on stdin (posix version).""" infds, outfds, erfds =[sys.stdin],[],[],0) return bool(infds)
def json_response ( data , status = 200 ) : from django . http import JsonResponse return JsonResponse ( data = data , status = status , safe = isinstance ( data , dict ) )
python django return response status
Return a JsonResponse . Make sure you have django installed first .
def json_response(data, status=200): """Return a JsonResponse. Make sure you have django installed first.""" from django.http import JsonResponse return JsonResponse(data=data, status=status, safe=isinstance(data, dict))
def _is_path ( s ) : if isinstance ( s , string_types ) : try : return op . exists ( s ) except ( OSError , ValueError ) : return False else : return False
check if string is file or directory python
Return whether an object is a path .
def _is_path(s): """Return whether an object is a path.""" if isinstance(s, string_types): try: return op.exists(s) except (OSError, ValueError): return False else: return False
def see_doc ( obj_with_doc ) : def decorator ( fn ) : fn . __doc__ = obj_with_doc . __doc__ return fn return decorator
python doc comment of a field
Copy docstring from existing object to the decorated callable .
def see_doc(obj_with_doc): """Copy docstring from existing object to the decorated callable.""" def decorator(fn): fn.__doc__ = obj_with_doc.__doc__ return fn return decorator
def isToneCal ( self ) : return self . ui . calTypeCmbbx . currentIndex ( ) == self . ui . calTypeCmbbx . count ( ) - 1
check if the radiobutton is selected in python
Whether the currently selected calibration stimulus type is the calibration curve
def isToneCal(self): """Whether the currently selected calibration stimulus type is the calibration curve :returns: boolean -- if the current combo box selection is calibration curve """ return self.ui.calTypeCmbbx.currentIndex() == self.ui.calTypeCmbbx.count() -1
def hmsToDeg ( h , m , s ) : return h * degPerHMSHour + m * degPerHMSMin + s * degPerHMSSec
python documentation radians to degrees
Convert RA hours minutes seconds into an angle in degrees .
def hmsToDeg(h, m, s): """Convert RA hours, minutes, seconds into an angle in degrees.""" return h * degPerHMSHour + m * degPerHMSMin + s * degPerHMSSec
def is_date ( thing ) : # known date types date_types = ( datetime . datetime , datetime . date , DateTime ) return isinstance ( thing , date_types )
check is string is date in python
Checks if the given thing represents a date
def is_date(thing): """Checks if the given thing represents a date :param thing: The object to check if it is a date :type thing: arbitrary object :returns: True if we have a date object :rtype: bool """ # known date types date_types = (datetime.datetime,, DateTime) return isinstance(thing, date_types)
def prepare ( doc ) : doc . caption_found = False doc . plot_found = False doc . listings_counter = 0
python docx section' object has no attribute 'header'
Sets the caption_found and plot_found variables to False .
def prepare(doc): """Sets the caption_found and plot_found variables to False.""" doc.caption_found = False doc.plot_found = False doc.listings_counter = 0
def validate ( key ) : if not isinstance ( key , ( str , bytes ) ) : raise KeyError ( 'Key must be of type str or bytes, found type {}' . format ( type ( key ) ) )
check key type python
Check that the key is a string or bytestring .
def validate(key): """Check that the key is a string or bytestring. That's the only valid type of key. """ if not isinstance(key, (str, bytes)): raise KeyError('Key must be of type str or bytes, found type {}'.format(type(key)))
def _normal_prompt ( self ) : sys . stdout . write ( self . __get_ps1 ( ) ) sys . stdout . flush ( ) return safe_input ( )
python doesn't return prompt
Flushes the prompt before requesting the input
def _normal_prompt(self): """ Flushes the prompt before requesting the input :return: The command line """ sys.stdout.write(self.__get_ps1()) sys.stdout.flush() return safe_input()
def maxDepth ( self , currentDepth = 0 ) : if not any ( ( self . left , self . right ) ) : return currentDepth result = 0 for child in ( self . left , self . right ) : if child : result = max ( result , child . maxDepth ( currentDepth + 1 ) ) return result
check max supported depth of recursion python
Compute the depth of the longest branch of the tree
def maxDepth(self, currentDepth=0): """Compute the depth of the longest branch of the tree""" if not any((self.left, self.right)): return currentDepth result = 0 for child in (self.left, self.right): if child: result = max(result, child.maxDepth(currentDepth + 1)) return result
def from_rectangle ( box ) : x = box . left + box . width * random . uniform ( 0 , 1 ) y = box . bottom + box . height * random . uniform ( 0 , 1 ) return Vector ( x , y )
python draw a box at random coordinates
Create a vector randomly within the given rectangle .
def from_rectangle(box): """ Create a vector randomly within the given rectangle. """ x = box.left + box.width * random.uniform(0, 1) y = box.bottom + box.height * random.uniform(0, 1) return Vector(x, y)
def launched ( ) : if not PREFIX : return False return os . path . realpath ( sys . prefix ) == os . path . realpath ( PREFIX )
check my python path
Test whether the current python environment is the correct lore env .
def launched(): """Test whether the current python environment is the correct lore env. :return: :any:`True` if the environment is launched :rtype: bool """ if not PREFIX: return False return os.path.realpath(sys.prefix) == os.path.realpath(PREFIX)
def hline ( self , x , y , width , color ) : self . rect ( x , y , width , 1 , color , fill = True )
python draw a line
Draw a horizontal line up to a given length .
def hline(self, x, y, width, color): """Draw a horizontal line up to a given length.""" self.rect(x, y, width, 1, color, fill=True)
def is_sequence ( obj ) : return isinstance ( obj , Sequence ) and not ( isinstance ( obj , str ) or BinaryClass . is_valid_type ( obj ) )
check not nonetype python
Check if obj is a sequence but not a string or bytes .
def is_sequence(obj): """Check if `obj` is a sequence, but not a string or bytes.""" return isinstance(obj, Sequence) and not ( isinstance(obj, str) or BinaryClass.is_valid_type(obj))
def starts_with_prefix_in_list ( text , prefixes ) : for prefix in prefixes : if text . startswith ( prefix ) : return True return False
check prefix of a list python
Return True if the given string starts with one of the prefixes in the given list otherwise return False .
def starts_with_prefix_in_list(text, prefixes): """ Return True if the given string starts with one of the prefixes in the given list, otherwise return False. Arguments: text (str): Text to check for prefixes. prefixes (list): List of prefixes to check for. Returns: bool: True if the given text starts with any of the given prefixes, otherwise False. """ for prefix in prefixes: if text.startswith(prefix): return True return False
def print_yaml ( o ) : print ( yaml . dump ( o , default_flow_style = False , indent = 4 , encoding = 'utf-8' ) )
python dump dictionary to yaml pretty
Pretty print an object as YAML .
def print_yaml(o): """Pretty print an object as YAML.""" print(yaml.dump(o, default_flow_style=False, indent=4, encoding='utf-8'))
def issuperset ( self , other ) : self . _binary_sanity_check ( other ) return set . issuperset ( self , other )
check set covers other set python
Report whether this RangeSet contains another set .
def issuperset(self, other): """Report whether this RangeSet contains another set.""" self._binary_sanity_check(other) return set.issuperset(self, other)
def deserialize_ndarray_npy ( d ) : with io . BytesIO ( ) as f : f . write ( json . loads ( d [ 'npy' ] ) . encode ( 'latin-1' ) ) f . seek ( 0 ) return np . load ( f )
python dump numpy array to json
Deserializes a JSONified : obj : numpy . ndarray that was created using numpy s : obj : save function .
def deserialize_ndarray_npy(d): """ Deserializes a JSONified :obj:`numpy.ndarray` that was created using numpy's :obj:`save` function. Args: d (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary representation of an :obj:`ndarray` object, created using :obj:``. Returns: An :obj:`ndarray` object. """ with io.BytesIO() as f: f.write(json.loads(d['npy']).encode('latin-1')) return np.load(f)
def check ( text ) : err = "misc.currency" msg = u"Incorrect use of symbols in {}." symbols = [ "\$[\d]* ?(?:dollars|usd|us dollars)" ] return existence_check ( text , symbols , err , msg )
check several strings empty in python
Check the text .
def check(text): """Check the text.""" err = "misc.currency" msg = u"Incorrect use of symbols in {}." symbols = [ "\$[\d]* ?(?:dollars|usd|us dollars)" ] return existence_check(text, symbols, err, msg)
def listlike ( obj ) : return hasattr ( obj , "__iter__" ) and not issubclass ( type ( obj ) , str ) and not issubclass ( type ( obj ) , unicode )
python dynamic type of an object
Is an object iterable like a list ( and not a string ) ?
def listlike(obj): """Is an object iterable like a list (and not a string)?""" return hasattr(obj, "__iter__") \ and not issubclass(type(obj), str)\ and not issubclass(type(obj), unicode)
def required_header ( header ) : if header in IGNORE_HEADERS : return False if header . startswith ( 'HTTP_' ) or header == 'CONTENT_TYPE' : return True return False
check specific header in python
Function that verify if the header parameter is a essential header
def required_header(header): """Function that verify if the header parameter is a essential header :param header: A string represented a header :returns: A boolean value that represent if the header is required """ if header in IGNORE_HEADERS: return False if header.startswith('HTTP_') or header == 'CONTENT_TYPE': return True return False
def _map_table_name ( self , model_names ) : for model in model_names : if isinstance ( model , tuple ) : model = model [ 0 ] try : model_cls = getattr ( self . models , model ) self . table_to_class [ class_mapper ( model_cls ) . tables [ 0 ] . name ] = model except AttributeError : pass
python dynamically make data go from one table to another
Pre foregin_keys potrbejeme pre z nazvu tabulky zistit class tak si to namapujme
def _map_table_name(self, model_names): """ Pre foregin_keys potrbejeme pre z nazvu tabulky zistit class, tak si to namapujme """ for model in model_names: if isinstance(model, tuple): model = model[0] try: model_cls = getattr(self.models, model) self.table_to_class[class_mapper(model_cls).tables[0].name] = model except AttributeError: pass
def service_available ( service_name ) : try : subprocess . check_output ( [ 'service' , service_name , 'status' ] , stderr = subprocess . STDOUT ) . decode ( 'UTF-8' ) except subprocess . CalledProcessError as e : return b'unrecognized service' not in e . output else : return True
check the status of windows service in python
Determine whether a system service is available
def service_available(service_name): """Determine whether a system service is available""" try: subprocess.check_output( ['service', service_name, 'status'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('UTF-8') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return b'unrecognized service' not in e.output else: return True
def keys ( self ) : all_keys = [ k . decode ( 'utf-8' ) for k , v in self . rdb . hgetall ( self . session_hash ) . items ( ) ] return all_keys
python dynamodb export all hash key
Return a list of all keys in the dictionary .
def keys(self): """Return a list of all keys in the dictionary. Returns: list of str: [key1,key2,...,keyN] """ all_keys = [k.decode('utf-8') for k,v in self.rdb.hgetall(self.session_hash).items()] return all_keys
def _valid_other_type ( x , types ) : return all ( any ( isinstance ( el , t ) for t in types ) for el in np . ravel ( x ) )
check type throughout a list python
Do all elements of x have a type from types?
def _valid_other_type(x, types): """ Do all elements of x have a type from types? """ return all(any(isinstance(el, t) for t in types) for el in np.ravel(x))
def escape_tex ( value ) : newval = value for pattern , replacement in LATEX_SUBS : newval = pattern . sub ( replacement , newval ) return newval
python editing text files to replace quotes in tex
Make text tex safe
def escape_tex(value): """ Make text tex safe """ newval = value for pattern, replacement in LATEX_SUBS: newval = pattern.sub(replacement, newval) return newval
def update_index ( index ) : logger . info ( "Updating search index: '%s'" , index ) client = get_client ( ) responses = [ ] for model in get_index_models ( index ) : logger . info ( "Updating search index model: '%s'" , model . search_doc_type ) objects = model . objects . get_search_queryset ( index ) . iterator ( ) actions = bulk_actions ( objects , index = index , action = "index" ) response = helpers . bulk ( client , actions , chunk_size = get_setting ( "chunk_size" ) ) responses . append ( response ) return responses
python elasticsearch bulk index
Re - index every document in a named index .
def update_index(index): """Re-index every document in a named index.""""Updating search index: '%s'", index) client = get_client() responses = [] for model in get_index_models(index):"Updating search index model: '%s'", model.search_doc_type) objects = model.objects.get_search_queryset(index).iterator() actions = bulk_actions(objects, index=index, action="index") response = helpers.bulk(client, actions, chunk_size=get_setting("chunk_size")) responses.append(response) return responses
def is_datetime_like ( dtype ) : return ( np . issubdtype ( dtype , np . datetime64 ) or np . issubdtype ( dtype , np . timedelta64 ) )
check whether column is datetime in python
Check if a dtype is a subclass of the numpy datetime types
def is_datetime_like(dtype): """Check if a dtype is a subclass of the numpy datetime types """ return (np.issubdtype(dtype, np.datetime64) or np.issubdtype(dtype, np.timedelta64))
def hidden_cursor ( self ) : self . stream . write ( self . hide_cursor ) try : yield finally : self . stream . write ( self . normal_cursor )
python empty cursor object
Return a context manager that hides the cursor while inside it and makes it visible on leaving .
def hidden_cursor(self): """Return a context manager that hides the cursor while inside it and makes it visible on leaving.""" try: yield finally:
def service_available ( service_name ) : try : subprocess . check_output ( [ 'service' , service_name , 'status' ] , stderr = subprocess . STDOUT ) . decode ( 'UTF-8' ) except subprocess . CalledProcessError as e : return b'unrecognized service' not in e . output else : return True
check windows service status from python
Determine whether a system service is available
def service_available(service_name): """Determine whether a system service is available""" try: subprocess.check_output( ['service', service_name, 'status'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('UTF-8') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return b'unrecognized service' not in e.output else: return True
def copy ( doc , dest , src ) : return Target ( doc ) . copy ( dest , src ) . document
python emulate copy docx with style
Copy element from sequence member from mapping .
def copy(doc, dest, src): """Copy element from sequence, member from mapping. :param doc: the document base :param dest: the destination :type dest: Pointer :param src: the source :type src: Pointer :return: the new object """ return Target(doc).copy(dest, src).document
def is_string ( val ) : try : basestring except NameError : return isinstance ( val , str ) return isinstance ( val , basestring )
checking if something is a string in python 3
Determines whether the passed value is a string safe for 2 / 3 .
def is_string(val): """Determines whether the passed value is a string, safe for 2/3.""" try: basestring except NameError: return isinstance(val, str) return isinstance(val, basestring)
def read_from_file ( file_path , encoding = "utf-8" ) : with codecs . open ( file_path , "r" , encoding ) as f : return f . read ( )
python encoding to read files
Read helper method
def read_from_file(file_path, encoding="utf-8"): """ Read helper method :type file_path: str|unicode :type encoding: str|unicode :rtype: str|unicode """ with, "r", encoding) as f: return
def _stdin_ready_posix ( ) : infds , outfds , erfds = select . select ( [ sys . stdin ] , [ ] , [ ] , 0 ) return bool ( infds )
checking to see if there is input from a serial port python
Return True if there s something to read on stdin ( posix version ) .
def _stdin_ready_posix(): """Return True if there's something to read on stdin (posix version).""" infds, outfds, erfds =[sys.stdin],[],[],0) return bool(infds)
def _is_root ( ) : import os import ctypes try : return os . geteuid ( ) == 0 except AttributeError : return ctypes . windll . shell32 . IsUserAnAdmin ( ) != 0 return False
python ensure current user root
Checks if the user is rooted .
def _is_root(): """Checks if the user is rooted.""" import os import ctypes try: return os.geteuid() == 0 except AttributeError: return ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 0 return False
def _valid_other_type ( x , types ) : return all ( any ( isinstance ( el , t ) for t in types ) for el in np . ravel ( x ) )
checking types of elements inside of an 2d array python
Do all elements of x have a type from types?
def _valid_other_type(x, types): """ Do all elements of x have a type from types? """ return all(any(isinstance(el, t) for t in types) for el in np.ravel(x))
def describe_enum_value ( enum_value ) : enum_value_descriptor = EnumValueDescriptor ( ) enum_value_descriptor . name = six . text_type ( enum_value . name ) enum_value_descriptor . number = enum_value . number return enum_value_descriptor
python enum custom members
Build descriptor for Enum instance .
def describe_enum_value(enum_value): """Build descriptor for Enum instance. Args: enum_value: Enum value to provide descriptor for. Returns: Initialized EnumValueDescriptor instance describing the Enum instance. """ enum_value_descriptor = EnumValueDescriptor() = six.text_type( enum_value_descriptor.number = enum_value.number return enum_value_descriptor
def user_in_all_groups ( user , groups ) : return user_is_superuser ( user ) or all ( user_in_group ( user , group ) for group in groups )
checking user in group python
Returns True if the given user is in all given groups
def user_in_all_groups(user, groups): """Returns True if the given user is in all given groups""" return user_is_superuser(user) or all(user_in_group(user, group) for group in groups)
def items ( self ) : return [ ( value_descriptor . name , value_descriptor . number ) for value_descriptor in self . _enum_type . values ]
python enum get all name
Return a list of the ( name value ) pairs of the enum .
def items(self): """Return a list of the (name, value) pairs of the enum. These are returned in the order they were defined in the .proto file. """ return [(, value_descriptor.number) for value_descriptor in self._enum_type.values]
def n_choose_k ( n , k ) : return int ( reduce ( MUL , ( Fraction ( n - i , i + 1 ) for i in range ( k ) ) , 1 ) )
choose k from n python fact
get the number of quartets as n - choose - k . This is used in equal splits to decide whether a split should be exhaustively sampled or randomly sampled . Edges near tips can be exhaustive while highly nested edges probably have too many quartets
def n_choose_k(n, k): """ get the number of quartets as n-choose-k. This is used in equal splits to decide whether a split should be exhaustively sampled or randomly sampled. Edges near tips can be exhaustive while highly nested edges probably have too many quartets """ return int(reduce(MUL, (Fraction(n-i, i+1) for i in range(k)), 1))
def items ( cls ) : return [ cls . PRECIPITATION , cls . WIND , cls . TEMPERATURE , cls . PRESSURE ]
python enum get all values
All values for this enum : return : list of tuples
def items(cls): """ All values for this enum :return: list of tuples """ return [ cls.PRECIPITATION, cls.WIND, cls.TEMPERATURE, cls.PRESSURE ]
def revnet_164_cifar ( ) : hparams = revnet_cifar_base ( ) hparams . bottleneck = True hparams . num_channels = [ 16 , 32 , 64 ] hparams . num_layers_per_block = [ 8 , 8 , 8 ] return hparams
cifar 10 python how to open
Tiny hparams suitable for CIFAR / etc .
def revnet_164_cifar(): """Tiny hparams suitable for CIFAR/etc.""" hparams = revnet_cifar_base() hparams.bottleneck = True hparams.num_channels = [16, 32, 64] hparams.num_layers_per_block = [8, 8, 8] return hparams
def items ( cls ) : return [ cls . PRECIPITATION , cls . WIND , cls . TEMPERATURE , cls . PRESSURE ]
python enum values to list
All values for this enum : return : list of tuples
def items(cls): """ All values for this enum :return: list of tuples """ return [ cls.PRECIPITATION, cls.WIND, cls.TEMPERATURE, cls.PRESSURE ]
def mtf_image_transformer_cifar_mp_4x ( ) : hparams = mtf_image_transformer_base_cifar ( ) hparams . mesh_shape = "model:4;batch:8" hparams . layout = "batch:batch;d_ff:model;heads:model" hparams . batch_size = 32 hparams . num_heads = 8 hparams . d_ff = 8192 return hparams
cifar10 python tensorflow example
Data parallel CIFAR parameters .
def mtf_image_transformer_cifar_mp_4x(): """Data parallel CIFAR parameters.""" hparams = mtf_image_transformer_base_cifar() hparams.mesh_shape = "model:4;batch:8" hparams.layout = "batch:batch;d_ff:model;heads:model" hparams.batch_size = 32 hparams.num_heads = 8 hparams.d_ff = 8192 return hparams
def image_set_aspect ( aspect = 1.0 , axes = "gca" ) : if axes is "gca" : axes = _pylab . gca ( ) e = axes . get_images ( ) [ 0 ] . get_extent ( ) axes . set_aspect ( abs ( ( e [ 1 ] - e [ 0 ] ) / ( e [ 3 ] - e [ 2 ] ) ) / aspect )
python equal aspect ratio
sets the aspect ratio of the current zoom level of the imshow image
def image_set_aspect(aspect=1.0, axes="gca"): """ sets the aspect ratio of the current zoom level of the imshow image """ if axes is "gca": axes = _pylab.gca() e = axes.get_images()[0].get_extent() axes.set_aspect(abs((e[1]-e[0])/(e[3]-e[2]))/aspect)
def Flush ( self ) : while self . _age : node = self . _age . PopLeft ( ) self . KillObject ( node . data ) self . _hash = dict ( )
clear memory python after each loop
Flush all items from cache .
def Flush(self): """Flush all items from cache.""" while self._age: node = self._age.PopLeft() self.KillObject( self._hash = dict()
def _propagate_mean ( mean , linop , dist ) : return linop . matmul ( mean ) + dist . mean ( ) [ ... , tf . newaxis ]
python equivalent of matlab movmean function
Propagate a mean through linear Gaussian transformation .
def _propagate_mean(mean, linop, dist): """Propagate a mean through linear Gaussian transformation.""" return linop.matmul(mean) + dist.mean()[..., tf.newaxis]
def invalidate_cache ( cpu , address , size ) : cache = cpu . instruction_cache for offset in range ( size ) : if address + offset in cache : del cache [ address + offset ]
clearing data from memory in python
remove decoded instruction from instruction cache
def invalidate_cache(cpu, address, size): """ remove decoded instruction from instruction cache """ cache = cpu.instruction_cache for offset in range(size): if address + offset in cache: del cache[address + offset]
def convertToBool ( ) : if not OPTIONS . strictBool . value : return [ ] REQUIRES . add ( 'strictbool.asm' ) result = [ ] result . append ( 'pop af' ) result . append ( 'call __NORMALIZE_BOOLEAN' ) result . append ( 'push af' ) return result
python even or odd booleans only
Convert a byte value to boolean ( 0 or 1 ) if the global flag strictBool is True
def convertToBool(): """ Convert a byte value to boolean (0 or 1) if the global flag strictBool is True """ if not OPTIONS.strictBool.value: return [] REQUIRES.add('strictbool.asm') result = [] result.append('pop af') result.append('call __NORMALIZE_BOOLEAN') result.append('push af') return result
def normalize ( x , min_value , max_value ) : x = ( x - min_value ) / ( max_value - min_value ) return clip ( x , 0 , 1 )
clip python truncate extreme
Normalize value between min and max values . It also clips the values so that you cannot have values higher or lower than 0 - 1 .
def normalize(x, min_value, max_value): """Normalize value between min and max values. It also clips the values, so that you cannot have values higher or lower than 0 - 1.""" x = (x - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) return clip(x, 0, 1)
def prepare_for_reraise ( error , exc_info = None ) : if not hasattr ( error , "_type_" ) : if exc_info is None : exc_info = sys . exc_info ( ) error . _type_ = exc_info [ 0 ] error . _traceback = exc_info [ 2 ] return error
python excpetion add attributes and reraise
Prepares the exception for re - raising with reraise method .
def prepare_for_reraise(error, exc_info=None): """Prepares the exception for re-raising with reraise method. This method attaches type and traceback info to the error object so that reraise can properly reraise it using this info. """ if not hasattr(error, "_type_"): if exc_info is None: exc_info = sys.exc_info() error._type_ = exc_info[0] error._traceback = exc_info[2] return error
def close_all_but_this ( self ) : self . close_all_right ( ) for i in range ( 0 , self . get_stack_count ( ) - 1 ) : self . close_file ( 0 )
close all figures at once python
Close all files but the current one
def close_all_but_this(self): """Close all files but the current one""" self.close_all_right() for i in range(0, self.get_stack_count()-1 ): self.close_file(0)
def eval_in_system_namespace ( self , exec_str ) : ns = self . cmd_namespace try : return eval ( exec_str , ns ) except Exception as e : self . logger . warning ( 'Could not execute %s, gave error %s' , exec_str , e ) return None
python exec string name not defined
Get Callable for specified string ( for GUI - based editing )
def eval_in_system_namespace(self, exec_str): """ Get Callable for specified string (for GUI-based editing) """ ns = self.cmd_namespace try: return eval(exec_str, ns) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('Could not execute %s, gave error %s', exec_str, e) return None
def _close_socket ( self ) : try : self . socket . shutdown ( socket . SHUT_RDWR ) except ( OSError , socket . error ) : pass self . socket . close ( )
close connection in server using sockets in python
Shutdown and close the Socket .
def _close_socket(self): """Shutdown and close the Socket. :return: """ try: self.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except (OSError, socket.error): pass self.socket.close()
def exec_function ( ast , globals_map ) : locals_map = globals_map exec ast in globals_map , locals_map return locals_map
python execute function with locals
Execute a python code object in the given environment .
def exec_function(ast, globals_map): """Execute a python code object in the given environment. Args: globals_map: Dictionary to use as the globals context. Returns: locals_map: Dictionary of locals from the environment after execution. """ locals_map = globals_map exec ast in globals_map, locals_map return locals_map
def cleanup ( self , app ) : if hasattr ( self . database . obj , 'close_all' ) : self . database . close_all ( )
close connection python sqlalchemy
Close all connections .
def cleanup(self, app): """Close all connections.""" if hasattr(self.database.obj, 'close_all'): self.database.close_all()
def get_unicode_str ( obj ) : if isinstance ( obj , six . text_type ) : return obj if isinstance ( obj , six . binary_type ) : return obj . decode ( "utf-8" , errors = "ignore" ) return six . text_type ( obj )
python expected byte like object not a string object
Makes sure obj is a unicode string .
def get_unicode_str(obj): """Makes sure obj is a unicode string.""" if isinstance(obj, six.text_type): return obj if isinstance(obj, six.binary_type): return obj.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore") return six.text_type(obj)
def close_all_but_this ( self ) : self . close_all_right ( ) for i in range ( 0 , self . get_stack_count ( ) - 1 ) : self . close_file ( 0 )
close figure python example
Close all files but the current one
def close_all_but_this(self): """Close all files but the current one""" self.close_all_right() for i in range(0, self.get_stack_count()-1 ): self.close_file(0)
def exp_fit_fun ( x , a , tau , c ) : # pylint: disable=invalid-name return a * np . exp ( - x / tau ) + c
python exponential function fit
Function used to fit the exponential decay .
def exp_fit_fun(x, a, tau, c): """Function used to fit the exponential decay.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name return a * np.exp(-x / tau) + c
def _findNearest ( arr , value ) : arr = np . array ( arr ) # find nearest value in array idx = ( abs ( arr - value ) ) . argmin ( ) return arr [ idx ]
closest nonzero value in array python
Finds the value in arr that value is closest to
def _findNearest(arr, value): """ Finds the value in arr that value is closest to """ arr = np.array(arr) # find nearest value in array idx = (abs(arr-value)).argmin() return arr[idx]
def gauss_pdf ( x , mu , sigma ) : return 1 / np . sqrt ( 2 * np . pi ) / sigma * np . exp ( - ( x - mu ) ** 2 / 2. / sigma ** 2 )
python express gaussian function
Normalized Gaussian
def gauss_pdf(x, mu, sigma): """Normalized Gaussian""" return 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / sigma * np.exp(-(x - mu) ** 2 / 2. / sigma ** 2)
def remove_examples_all ( ) : d = examples_all_dir ( ) if d . exists ( ) : log . debug ( 'remove %s' , d ) d . rmtree ( ) else : log . debug ( 'nothing to remove: %s' , d )
code that deletes any folder if empty python
remove arduino / examples / all directory .
def remove_examples_all(): """remove arduino/examples/all directory. :rtype: None """ d = examples_all_dir() if d.exists(): log.debug('remove %s', d) d.rmtree() else: log.debug('nothing to remove: %s', d)
def resources ( self ) : return [ self . pdf . getPage ( i ) for i in range ( self . pdf . getNumPages ( ) ) ]
python extract 5 pages at once from pdf
Retrieve contents of each page of PDF
def resources(self): """Retrieve contents of each page of PDF""" return [self.pdf.getPage(i) for i in range(self.pdf.getNumPages())]
def cli_command_quit ( self , msg ) : if self . state == State . RUNNING and self . sprocess and self . sprocess . proc : self . sprocess . proc . kill ( ) else : sys . exit ( 0 )
code to use to terminate a program on python
\ kills the child and exits
def cli_command_quit(self, msg): """\ kills the child and exits """ if self.state == State.RUNNING and self.sprocess and self.sprocess.proc: self.sprocess.proc.kill() else: sys.exit(0)
def dot ( self , w ) : return sum ( [ x * y for x , y in zip ( self , w ) ] )
python fast dot product between matrices
Return the dotproduct between self and another vector .
def dot(self, w): """Return the dotproduct between self and another vector.""" return sum([x * y for x, y in zip(self, w)])
def printc ( cls , txt , color = colors . red ) : print ( cls . color_txt ( txt , color ) )
colors for text in python code
Print in color .
def printc(cls, txt, """Print in color.""" print(cls.color_txt(txt, color))
def need_update ( a , b ) : a = listify ( a ) b = listify ( b ) return any ( ( not op . exists ( x ) ) for x in b ) or all ( ( os . stat ( x ) . st_size == 0 for x in b ) ) or any ( is_newer_file ( x , y ) for x in a for y in b )
python fastest way to compare two files
Check if file a is newer than file b and decide whether or not to update file b . Can generalize to two lists .
def need_update(a, b): """ Check if file a is newer than file b and decide whether or not to update file b. Can generalize to two lists. """ a = listify(a) b = listify(b) return any((not op.exists(x)) for x in b) or \ all((os.stat(x).st_size == 0 for x in b)) or \ any(is_newer_file(x, y) for x in a for y in b)
def lengths ( self ) : return ( np . array ( [ math . sqrt ( sum ( row ** 2 ) ) for row in self . matrix ] ) )
column and row of matrix python
The cell lengths .
def lengths( self ): """ The cell lengths. Args: None Returns: (np.array(a,b,c)): The cell lengths. """ return( np.array( [ math.sqrt( sum( row**2 ) ) for row in self.matrix ] ) )
def random_str ( size = 10 ) : return '' . join ( random . choice ( string . ascii_lowercase ) for _ in range ( size ) )
python fastest way to create a string size n
create random string of selected size
def random_str(size=10): """ create random string of selected size :param size: int, length of the string :return: the string """ return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(size))
def get_table_columns ( dbconn , tablename ) : cur = dbconn . cursor ( ) cur . execute ( "PRAGMA table_info('%s');" % tablename ) info = cur . fetchall ( ) cols = [ ( i [ 1 ] , i [ 2 ] ) for i in info ] return cols
column names in table sqlite3 python
Return a list of tuples specifying the column name and type
def get_table_columns(dbconn, tablename): """ Return a list of tuples specifying the column name and type """ cur = dbconn.cursor() cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('%s');" % tablename) info = cur.fetchall() cols = [(i[1], i[2]) for i in info] return cols
def remove_duplicates ( lst ) : dset = set ( ) return [ l for l in lst if l not in dset and not dset . add ( l ) ]
python fastest way to remove duplicates from a list
Emulate what a Python set () does but keeping the element s order .
def remove_duplicates(lst): """ Emulate what a Python ``set()`` does, but keeping the element's order. """ dset = set() return [l for l in lst if l not in dset and not dset.add(l)]
def _on_select ( self , * args ) : if callable ( self . __callback ) : self . __callback ( self . selection )
combobox methods in tkinter python
Function bound to event of selection in the Combobox calls callback if callable : param args : Tkinter event
def _on_select(self, *args): """ Function bound to event of selection in the Combobox, calls callback if callable :param args: Tkinter event """ if callable(self.__callback): self.__callback(self.selection)
def fft_spectrum ( frames , fft_points = 512 ) : SPECTRUM_VECTOR = np . fft . rfft ( frames , n = fft_points , axis = - 1 , norm = None ) return np . absolute ( SPECTRUM_VECTOR )
python fft high amplitude at 0
This function computes the one - dimensional n - point discrete Fourier Transform ( DFT ) of a real - valued array by means of an efficient algorithm called the Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) . Please refer to https : // docs . scipy . org / doc / numpy / reference / generated / numpy . fft . rfft . html for further details .
def fft_spectrum(frames, fft_points=512): """This function computes the one-dimensional n-point discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of a real-valued array by means of an efficient algorithm called the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Please refer to for further details. Args: frames (array): The frame array in which each row is a frame. fft_points (int): The length of FFT. If fft_length is greater than frame_len, the frames will be zero-padded. Returns: array: The fft spectrum. If frames is an num_frames x sample_per_frame matrix, output will be num_frames x FFT_LENGTH. """ SPECTRUM_VECTOR = np.fft.rfft(frames, n=fft_points, axis=-1, norm=None) return np.absolute(SPECTRUM_VECTOR)
def isetdiff_flags ( list1 , list2 ) : set2 = set ( list2 ) return ( item not in set2 for item in list1 )
compare an empty set python
move to util_iter
def isetdiff_flags(list1, list2): """ move to util_iter """ set2 = set(list2) return (item not in set2 for item in list1)
def guess_file_type ( kind , filepath = None , youtube_id = None , web_url = None , encoding = None ) : if youtube_id : return FileTypes . YOUTUBE_VIDEO_FILE elif web_url : return FileTypes . WEB_VIDEO_FILE elif encoding : return FileTypes . BASE64_FILE else : ext = os . path . splitext ( filepath ) [ 1 ] [ 1 : ] . lower ( ) if kind in FILE_TYPE_MAPPING and ext in FILE_TYPE_MAPPING [ kind ] : return FILE_TYPE_MAPPING [ kind ] [ ext ] return None
python file chooser restrict file types
guess_file_class : determines what file the content is Args : filepath ( str ) : filepath of file to check Returns : string indicating file s class
def guess_file_type(kind, filepath=None, youtube_id=None, web_url=None, encoding=None): """ guess_file_class: determines what file the content is Args: filepath (str): filepath of file to check Returns: string indicating file's class """ if youtube_id: return FileTypes.YOUTUBE_VIDEO_FILE elif web_url: return FileTypes.WEB_VIDEO_FILE elif encoding: return FileTypes.BASE64_FILE else: ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1][1:].lower() if kind in FILE_TYPE_MAPPING and ext in FILE_TYPE_MAPPING[kind]: return FILE_TYPE_MAPPING[kind][ext] return None
def is_same_dict ( d1 , d2 ) : for k , v in d1 . items ( ) : if isinstance ( v , dict ) : is_same_dict ( v , d2 [ k ] ) else : assert d1 [ k ] == d2 [ k ] for k , v in d2 . items ( ) : if isinstance ( v , dict ) : is_same_dict ( v , d1 [ k ] ) else : assert d1 [ k ] == d2 [ k ]
compare dict for equality python
Test two dictionary is equal on values . ( ignore order )
def is_same_dict(d1, d2): """Test two dictionary is equal on values. (ignore order) """ for k, v in d1.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): is_same_dict(v, d2[k]) else: assert d1[k] == d2[k] for k, v in d2.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): is_same_dict(v, d1[k]) else: assert d1[k] == d2[k]
def file_writelines_flush_sync ( path , lines ) : fp = open ( path , 'w' ) try : fp . writelines ( lines ) flush_sync_file_object ( fp ) finally : fp . close ( )
python file flush doesnot work
Fill file at
def file_writelines_flush_sync(path, lines): """ Fill file at @path with @lines then flush all buffers (Python and system buffers) """ fp = open(path, 'w') try: fp.writelines(lines) flush_sync_file_object(fp) finally: fp.close()
def make_kind_check ( python_types , numpy_kind ) : def check ( value ) : if hasattr ( value , 'dtype' ) : return value . dtype . kind == numpy_kind return isinstance ( value , python_types ) return check
compare numpy dtype to python type
Make a function that checks whether a scalar or array is of a given kind ( e . g . float int datetime timedelta ) .
def make_kind_check(python_types, numpy_kind): """ Make a function that checks whether a scalar or array is of a given kind (e.g. float, int, datetime, timedelta). """ def check(value): if hasattr(value, 'dtype'): return value.dtype.kind == numpy_kind return isinstance(value, python_types) return check
def file_empty ( fp ) : # for python 2 we need to use a homemade peek() if six . PY2 : contents = fp . read ( ) fp . seek ( 0 ) return not bool ( contents ) else : return not fp . peek ( )
python file is empty or not
Determine if a file is empty or not .
def file_empty(fp): """Determine if a file is empty or not.""" # for python 2 we need to use a homemade peek() if six.PY2: contents = return not bool(contents) else: return not fp.peek()
def all_equal ( arg1 , arg2 ) : if all ( hasattr ( el , '_infinitely_iterable' ) for el in [ arg1 , arg2 ] ) : return arg1 == arg2 try : return all ( a1 == a2 for a1 , a2 in zip ( arg1 , arg2 ) ) except TypeError : return arg1 == arg2
compare primitive arrays for equality python
Return a single boolean for arg1 == arg2 even for numpy arrays using element - wise comparison .
def all_equal(arg1,arg2): """ Return a single boolean for arg1==arg2, even for numpy arrays using element-wise comparison. Uses all(arg1==arg2) for sequences, and arg1==arg2 otherwise. If both objects have an '_infinitely_iterable' attribute, they are not be zipped together and are compared directly instead. """ if all(hasattr(el, '_infinitely_iterable') for el in [arg1,arg2]): return arg1==arg2 try: return all(a1 == a2 for a1, a2 in zip(arg1, arg2)) except TypeError: return arg1==arg2
def get_file_size ( filename ) : if os . path . isfile ( filename ) : return convert_size ( os . path . getsize ( filename ) ) return None
python file size determination
Get the file size of a given file
def get_file_size(filename): """ Get the file size of a given file :param filename: string: pathname of a file :return: human readable filesize """ if os.path.isfile(filename): return convert_size(os.path.getsize(filename)) return None
def _check_for_int ( x ) : try : y = int ( x ) except ( OverflowError , ValueError ) : pass else : # There is no way in AMF0 to distinguish between integers and floats if x == x and y == x : return y return x
comparing floats and ints python
This is a compatibility function that takes a C { float } and converts it to an C { int } if the values are equal .
def _check_for_int(x): """ This is a compatibility function that takes a C{float} and converts it to an C{int} if the values are equal. """ try: y = int(x) except (OverflowError, ValueError): pass else: # There is no way in AMF0 to distinguish between integers and floats if x == x and y == x: return y return x