Bullying is a universal problem that affects everyone in society—young or old, we all know somebody who’s involved in bullying in some way, whether they admit it to us or not. Hurting others through their ugly words and actions, bullies can be found in every schoolyard, every workplace and any other place where people congregate. You can’t avoid them forever: they’re everywhere. Even those who seem on top of the world aren’t free of the torment of bullying; several of the most successful celebrities on the planet have been victims in the past. Sadly, thanks to the consequence-free nature of social media, many famous people are still targets of hate, though they left their childhood behind a long time ago. While some celebs have been bullied in the past, others perpetrated the bullying. Now they’ve changed their ways, but they don’t deny the mistakes they made. Those who suffered have strong words of advice for the people out there who are still suffering. And those who were bullies themselves can offer some insight into what leads people down that dark road in the first place. Read on to find out which of your favorite celebrities were victims of abuse, and surprisingly, which ones pushed that abuse onto other people. If there is one pop star who is there for her young fans who are bullied, it’s Lady Gaga. Affectionately known as Mother Monster, the singer has penned a number of songs about embracing who you are and standing up to bullies, one of the most famous being her 2011 track ‘Born This Way’. But Gaga’s insight doesn’t come down to empathy alone: she too was a victim when she was younger. While attending school in New York, the singer was picked on for her looks, her behavior and her passions. “…being ugly, having a big nose, being annoying,” she listed for Rolling Stone. Gaga said that all the hate made her want to miss out on school altogether. Luckily for her millions of Little Monsters, she was able to get through it and go on to help others going through the same experience. It’s no secret that getting bullied had some pretty devastating effects on singer Demi Lovato. The young star developed an eating disorder, fueled by taunts over her weight, and took many years to overcome it and gain her confidence back. In middle school, Demi was picked on by her classmates, but she now realizes that her own bully behavior is what provoked some of that treatment. “I didn’t realize I was doing things that were also forms of bullying, like spreading rumors about people and gossiping,” she explained. “Gossip is essentially character assassination. When you spread rumors about someone, it’s a way of demoralizing them.” Though she’s been on a tough journey full of learning experiences, Demi is now closer to a place where she accepts herself and others. There are people who seriously believe that Taylor Swift is a secret mean girl. We’ve seen no evidence to support this, but according to interviews with the star, mean girls have definitely been part of her life. She revealed that when she was in junior high, her group of friends one day decided that they didn’t want to know her anymore. “They didn't think I was cool or pretty enough, so they stopped talking to me,” she revealed to Teen Vogue in 2009. “The kids at school thought it was weird that I like country [music]. They'd make fun of me.” The star has since penned songs to get back at the people who hurt her, including ‘Mean’ off her 2010 album Speak Now. There has also been a string of others, so the bottom line is you don’t just bully Taylor and get away with it! Vanessa Hudgens is another star who had an interrupted teenage life after being chosen to play Gabriella in High School Musical. To other girls, Vanessa had everything—she was the star of what turned out to be one of Disney’s biggest movies, she was young and gorgeous and she was dating Zac Efron. But Vanessa was secretly dealing with her own unhappiness and insecurities at the time, which caused her to lash out against others. “I went through a phase when I was really mean because I was so fed up,” she said, detailing how she would give girls “death stares” when they would show interest in Zac (which must have been every minute of every day). Nowadays, the actress has learned that it’s important to not dwell on insecurity or frustration, instead choosing to “spread the love” and just be nice to those who support her. After transforming from Disney star to pop star, and kind of acting out in a way that many former child stars do, Miley Cyrus received a ton of hate from the world. She was called all sorts of names by the media, her fans and others in Hollywood, shamed for her actions and bullied by nameless voices online. This was hate and pressure on a whole other level to what most bullying victims are used to, but Miley had her first taste of it back in school. When she was younger, a group of girls at her school locked her in the bathroom. The singer said that she spent what felt like an hour trapped in there before anybody came to her rescue. Her classmates also used to tease her about her father with taunts like, “Your dad’s a one-hit wonder. You’ll never amount to anything—just like him.” Awkward for them! Paris Hilton was exposed to fame and endless fortune from day one. By the time she got to high school, those privileges had given her a strong confidence, and perhaps a sense of entitlement. She and Nicole Richie, her best friend at the time, ended up being leaders of the popular clique in high school. In the 1990s, Victoria Adams rose to global superstardom when she became one fifth of the pop supergroup, The Spice Girls. After marrying David Beckham, she cemented her place as one of Hollywood’s most enviable stars. But things were a little less glamorous when she was a child, as she was often pushed around by other classmates. Victoria recalled not having any friends to help her through the torture of being bullied, and had no choice but to keep to herself: “They were literally picking things up out of the puddles and throwing them at me, and I just stood there, on my own. No one was with me. I didn’t have any friends.” The singer also remembered bullies threatening to physically hurt her, and would chase her after school. Adored British singer Adele symbolizes so many things today—talent, confidence, work ethic, honesty and humility. When you watch interviews with her, she genuinely seems like she’d be a great person to get to know. That may be the case now that she’s grown up, but the singer didn’t exactly have a smooth schooling experience. In her younger years, she developed a reputation for fighting and anger, to the point where she was suspended from school. Another classmate said something negative about Adele’s favorite reality show contestant, and in response, the singer instigated a full-on physical fight. She takes responsibility for that now, and today focuses her passion and emotion into her music instead. Adele has also been on the receiving end of verbal abuse since becoming famous, but doesn’t let it stop her from doing her thing. Rihanna seems like the last person in the world to fall victim to bullies. Now the megastar wears what she wants when she wants, says what she wants to whomever she wants, and generally doesn’t care what the world has to say about her. Not exactly an easy target for bullies! When she was a child growing up in Barbados, things were a little different. Rihanna still stood out from the crowd, but appearing different from her classmates led to her being picked on by them. In 2013, the singer told Glamour that she was teased the whole time she was at school, mostly for her skin color, which was lighter than most around her. But RiRi also said that this teasing helped to prepare her for the brutal ways of Hollywood. Another star who isn’t afraid to speak her mind and seems to have a pretty thick skin is Lily Allen. But from what she’s said of her past, it doesn’t seem like that confidence came from being a victim of bullying. On the contrary, Lily appears to have been the one causing trouble on a few occasions. The Duchess of Cambridge, otherwise known as Kate Middleton, seems delicate and sensitive, but she’d have to be a reasonably tough character. After all, there are pressures all around her, from the royal family, the media and the millions of people analyzing her every move. Part of what helped her develop that inner-strength may have been the bullying she endured as a girl. When she attended Downe House, a boarding school for girls, she was picked on for the way she looked, and the fact that she was such a “soft and nice” girl, according to her childhood friend Jessica Hay. The experience left such a mark on her that when she married Prince William, the couple asked their guests to donate to the charity BeatBullying (as well as to other organizations). Today Gabrielle Union is an advocate for women’s rights and a source of inspiration for young girls who want to make it in the entertainment industry. She’s also a sufferer of abuse. Part of being a role model is admitting to and correcting your flaws, and the actress has openly talked about how insecurity used to make her thrive on other people’s misery. While she may not have been the one causing bad things to happen to others, it’s almost (if not equally) as bad to sit back and enjoy it. Actress, women’s rights advocate and all-round superstar Emma Watson didn’t exactly have a normal childhood. As a little girl she was plucked out of thousands to play Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter franchise, and that was it as far as regular schooling is concerned. But unfortunately for Emma, bullying carries on well beyond the school yard. When her Harry Potter chapter was finished, Emma tried to focus on other areas of her life and enrolled in Brown University. After she suddenly dropped out, many speculated that the decision was due to her being bullied by other students. Witnesses claimed that Emma would be mocked in class; whenever she answered a question, someone would utter, “Three points for Gryffindor!” The actress returned to Brown and graduated with a degree in English literature in 2014. When anybody thinks of a mean girl, their mind probably goes straight to Regina George. The Mean Girls character embodied everything ugly about female bullying in high school—rumors, gossip, manipulation, degradation and betrayal. Today, the film’s writer, Tina Fey, is a spokeswoman for women’s rights and is an inspiration for people all over the world. But back in high school, that probably wasn’t the case. You see, Tina based the character of Regina on what she was like as a teenager. “I was [the Mean Girl], she told The Edit. “I admit it openly.” We’re not really sure what made Tina like this in high school, but it’s comforting to see that she’s learned from her mistakes and is now dedicated to raising awareness of the issue and guiding others out of similar experiences. If you listen to Eminem’s music, you gather that there are demons in his past. He dealt with a lot as a kid, and one of his biggest obstacles was continuously being picked on for being the outsider and not fitting in. The rapper moved from school to school as a child, but the bullies kept showing up, everywhere he went. “I was beat up in the bathrooms, in the hallways, shoved in the lockers—for the most part for being the new kid,” he told Anderson Cooper in 2010. The abuse got so bad that on one occasion, Eminem, real name Marshall Mathers, was left with a serious head injury. His mother even sued the school district for failing to protect him from the bullies. Sometimes, people turn into bullies because if they don’t find someone for the group to pick on, they know they could end up being the target. That was the case with Lance Bass, former member of the ‘90s answer to One Direction, *NSYNC. When he was in high school, Lance would make fun of people who were gay. “I wasn't one of those physical bullies, I never punched a kid, never pushed anyone down, never stole anything from someone. But we have to talk about the bullying of going along with the gay jokes and those type of stuff.” Of course, vicious jokes and gossip are also forms of bullying, and the singer now understands that though those actions weren’t right, he turned down that road as a way to deal with his own sexuality.
African Americans remain the ethnic group most affected by HIV in the United States of America. Unlike most countries, Russia’s HIV epidemic is growing, with the rate of new infections rising by between 10 and 15% each year. It is estimated that over 250 people become infected with HIV every day. In 2017, there were 1.4 million people living with HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The rate of new infections is increasing rapidly. Ukraine has the second largest HIV epidemic in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, with 240,000 people living with HIV. In 2017, just 40% of adults and 54% of children were receiving antiretroviral treatment. The HIV epidemic in Eastern Europe and Central Asia particularly affects people who inject drugs who accounted for 39% of new infections in 2017.
Gran Canaria has the biggest population of the islands in the Canarian archipelago (aprox.. 850 000 inhabitants in the year 2005), while also boasting the most important city in terms of population size and economic activity, namely Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. This is also the most cosmopolitan of the islands (especially the capital, being home to almost half of the population), which is what lends so many special traits to the island, finding expression in its open nature and cultural diversity. The population of Gran Canaria is young in comparison with that of the rest of the country and Europe, given the fact that the largest part of the population is between the ages of 15 and 45 years, the growth rate of the population being 3.71%, compared with the national average of 0.27%. The educational profile of the population is characterized by being on a par with the educational level in any other European country. A facet of the inhabitants that always intrigues the visitor is their manner of speech, which, despite the fact that it falls within the confines of perfectly understandable Spanish, has also been influenced by the linguistic diversity that was brought to the islands by the continuous passage of foreign visitors through the course of time. For many people, the speech of the people of Gran Canaria is reminiscent of the Latin American dialects, in the sense that both have a sweetness of intonation, while it is also replete with curious practices, such as the use of the affectionate diminutive (Antoñito instead of Antonio) and the substitution of the “c” and “z” by the “s”. In any event, the people of Gran Canaria are very accustomed to foreign languages and one can easily find local inhabitants who have taught themselves to speak and understand many foreign languages.
The Law & Health Sciences Concentration provides students with an opportunity to pursue a focused and integrated course of study on issues at the intersection of law, medicine and science. As the debate over healthcare reform continues, as new medical technologies raise a host of ethical challenges, and as scientific evidence becomes increasingly pervasive in our courtrooms, the need for lawyers trained with an understanding of both our health care system and scientific methods is greater than ever. Concentrating in Law & Health Sciences at Hastings offers students a fundamental understanding of the U.S. health care system and basic scientific principles that are necessary for work in this area. Concentration Seminar in Law and Health Sciences (2 units): Students in the seminar will prepare a scholarly research paper which satisfies the Hastings writing requirement and the Law & Health Sciences Concentration writing requirement. Students should complete this course in their third year as a capstone. Electives (12 units): The elective credits must be chosen in consultation with the Concentration Advisor so as to ensure best fit with student learning and career goals. These requirements can be satisfied by electives from the class lists below, or from courses taken at UCSF (if approved by the Concentration Advisor). Students selecting the “Tracked Approach” may be able to depart from the course lists below if the Individualized Concentration Plan (ICP) developed with the Concentration Advisor identifies alternative courses. Students selecting the “Generalist Approach” must select at least 9 of the units from courses, clinics, or seminars listed in Section B.I. If students take a third Core course (4 units), that course satisfies 4 of the units from Section B.I. Students can complete concentration requirements by taking 3 units from offerings in Sections B.I or B.II. New courses are sometimes added to the curriculum subsequent to publication of the catalog. Students are advised to check with the Concentration Advisor regarding the eligibility courses not listed below to determine if those courses satisfy concentration requirements. All concentrators are encouraged to meet with Professor King at the end of their first year prior to registration for the fall 2L semester or, at the latest, at the beginning of their second year, to discuss course and externship selection during the 2L and 3L years. To learn more about the kinds of courses offered at UC Hastings in each track, please visit the UCSF/UC Hastings Consortium on Law, Science, and Health Policy webpage on Careers in Health Law. Students who adopt the Tracked Approach will develop an Individualized Concentration Plan (ICP) with the Concentration Advisor, detailing precisely how the students will satisfy the 22 unit requirement. That individualized concentration curriculum can be modified throughout their time at UC Hastings as their career goals evolve, although all changes must be approved by the Concentration Advisor. The specific requirements of each student’s ICP must be documented in an email between the student and the Concentration Advisor. Modifications of the ICP made with the approval of the Concentration Advisor must be documented in an email listing the revised requirements. Why should I declare the Concentration in Law & Health Sciences? The law intersects with health and science in a staggering number of ways: health science is often the subject of law; law is often the subject of empirical research and analysis; and, scientific data often provides the basis for legal and policy change. Health Law Concentrators have the opportunity to participate in research and service opportunities that arise from networking in the Consortium's broader community of scholars. Faculty members at UC Hastings and UCSF are engaged in a wide range of research projects and are eager to involve concentrators. Can I choose my own classes? Yes, the Concentration in Law & Health Sciences allows students to choose from a wide variety of courses in the Hastings Catalog, and to work with a Concentration advisor to choose coursework that meets students’ goals and interests. The curriculum includes four required courses: US Healthcare System and the Law, Healthcare Providers, Patients and the Law, Science in Law, and Health Sciences Concentration Seminar. Beyond these four required courses students may select electives from a list of approved courses and clinics to fulfill the requirements for the Concentration in Law & Health Sciences. What happens if I don't complete the Concentration in Law & Health Sciences? There is no penalty for failing to meet the Concentration in Law & Health Sciences requirements by graduation time. The Concentration will simply not appear on your transcript. Do I need to have a background in science or health? No. The three core courses are designed to provide a solid foundation for those who are new to health law and science. How do I declare the Concentration in Law & Health Sciences? It’s easy. First, meet with a Concentration advisor – either Professor Jaime King or Sarah Hooper. They will talk to you about what the Concentration in Law & Health Sciences has to offer and answer any questions you may have. You will then be given a declaration form (listed as 'Concentrated Studies Application') which both you and the advisor will sign. Submit this form to the Records office (200 Building, 2nd Floor, Room 211), and that’s it – you’re done! What job opportunities exist in health law? Below are a few ways to think about how these fascinating topics translate into career opportunities for attorneys. Competition in the health field is controversial. Antitrust issues often arise in connection with medical staff privileging decisions, health trade association activities, and joint ventures and acquisitions. The result is a plenitude of opportunities for health law attorneys to deal with antitrust issues, from both the prosecutorial and defense perspectives, or simply in terms of client counseling. The entire health delivery system, particularly where third-party reimbursement is concerned, is premised on a series of contracts, generally with government agencies, insurers, physicians, and institutional providers of care and suppliers of services. Contract law is thus directly or indirectly involved in most health care practices. Corporate law issues arise during the establishment of hospitals and also in acquisitions, joint ventures, financing, during facility construction or expansion, and in dissolutions. Related issues include state and federal health planning requirements, licensure obligations, and a myriad of other business concerns. Medical malpractice can involve both civil and criminal law. One criminal law area involves Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse, which encompasses administrative law, corporate law, and contract questions, in addition to criminal law. Attorneys with expertise in this area may assist in structuring contracts so as to avoid fraud and abuse problems, and may also represent clients who are under investigation by the government. There is a growing need for attorneys who understand the health and legal needs of older adults. Older Americans are at the core of debates about health care delivery and cost, and will continue to be essential to healthcare policy as baby boomers age. The most influential players in health policy will need deep familiarity with this population. Elder law practice encompasses everything from healthcare to housing and includes advance directives, guardianships, long-term care, income maintenance, property management, healthcare funding, and elder abuse and neglect. In the rapidly growing area of health law, the most exciting and controversial issues arise in the realm of heath policy and bioethics. Bioethics and health policy cover a wide variety of topics, including stem cell research, the human genome project, and reproductive rights. Individuals who study bioethics and health policy may find themselves researching and writing legislative initiatives concerning the legal and ethical applications of pharmaceutical breakthroughs, emerging medical technology, and various healthcare plans. In addition, these individuals may find employment with bioethics groups and ethics committees, which are consulted by hospitals when making difficult decisions, including decisions involving resource allocation. Attorneys involved in global health law can work with international institutions such as the World Health Organization or USAID to address issues such as health workforce shortages, global health disparities, and healthcare delivery in developing countries. The delivery of health care is extremely labor intensive. As a result, health law attorneys can also find themselves working in the realm of labor law. Common labor law issues that arise in the healthcare context include unionization of health care workers, equal employment opportunities, and occupational health and safety. Legal aid organizations, established and funded by federal, state, and local governments, exist to provide free legal assistance to low-income individuals. Increasingly, facilitating access to health care through public benefits programs such as Medicaid is a large component of the work of legal aid organizations. A growing number of legal aid organizations are now partnering with health care providers such as hospitals, community clinics, and medical schools to provide legal assistance to the most vulnerable patients in order to promote well-being and improve health outcomes. Many attorneys in health law practice are involved in litigation. Some specialize in administrative litigation before divisions of the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Labor Relations Board, the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, and related government agencies. Other attorneys concentrate on litigation before state and federal judicial bodies. A litigation practice can cover all the areas listed above, or be limited to specialized issues, such as medical malpractice. Regulations currently cover virtually every aspect of the health care delivery system. For providers of health services, regulations dictate their organization (health planning, certificates of need), their certification (Medicare, Medicaid), and their funding (Medicare, Medicaid, and other third-party payers). For consumers of health services, regulations determine their eligibility for third-party reimbursement, and they dictate a baseline for the quality of services. Medical societies and their individual members are governed by state and federal licensure requirements and by rate-setting provisions. The list of agencies and organizations that regulate healthcare delivery is extensive and spans local, state, and federal levels. Research provides invaluable information and insight into how society can advance the health and well-being of all its members. Prior to the regulation of research methods by federal and state governments, it was not uncommon for research methods to involve human rights violations, such as those in Tuskegee. Now, research is regulated by federal and state governments, and many categories of research are the subjects of intense ethical scrutiny. Attorneys often play a large role in advising institutions and researchers on the regulations applicable to their particular area of research. Tax issues arise when attorneys structure corporate acquisitions, mergers and consolidations, reorganizations, or joint ventures for healthcare entities. Tax exemption is particularly relevant to health care delivery, as many health care organizations seek to achieve and maintain tax-exempt status. Attorneys can also play a role in translating the fruits of science into meaningful law and policy, through legislative advocacy or strategic litigation. This is an area that is gaining increased attention. In addition, attorneys can work with researchers and providers to find real world applications for new scientific discoveries and insights.
During the exposition and development of this blog, generic nouns such as sportsmen will be used. In case it is not expressly mentioned, we refer to both women and men. Considerations to take into account while learning, training and maintening basic postures in the water movement. Our sport has become a social activity in recent years. The number of swimming fans have increased among the current population. This evolution should go hand in hand with elements that help us understand the loss of perceptual stability and response control executed by sportsmen that paradoxically move through water. Only birds and fish use their medium as a support and obstacle, and humans, of course, insist on imitating them. The big difference is that our Motor Nervous System evolved to perceive solids rather than fluids. In order to process everything that comes from the external and internal world to give a valid and effective response to the objectives that interest us, you need to rely on crutches that help us manage our sports trip every day. Our Sensory Nervous System, in the aquatic environment, needs to be supported, so it can judge the physical information, in which it is located, and convert it into neural information to integrate it into the necessary processes. On top of that, the Motor Nervous System transforms this information into physics again through our effector muscles and concludes with the movements. All of that is the result of an amalgam of neural processes that we need to know, control and handle clearly and for which we are not too gifted. Learning and maintenance of basic postures in swimming are the foundations of our movement structure. Without a good positioning of our upper body, we can hardly be effective when we use our limbs to propel ourselves. Neural information that controls basic and propulsive structures travels through different ways and needs synchrony. In the same way that an athlete has to place their support points with the correct angles to have an efficient stride while keeping their center of gravity, swimmers need to start developing this support with their first phalanges because, depending on what we do with them, our support would loe its balance and our lower body would slow us down. Plan, coordinate and execute is a learning and motor control process that swimmers need to understand from Sensoriality and Perception. In the Primary Motor Bark, also known as area four, almost all the neural network is organized, which will send the information to turn it into movement through the spine and the medulla. The final movements, the forms of execution of our swimmers, must be the result of their own interpretation through the usual channels of communication, namely auditory and visual, and specially through proprioception and touch. Coaches must use this technique to reach our athletes brains and be able to transmit our knowledge and wishes. We have always studied, listened and practiced that using a wide range of exercises with different space-time relationships and different angles of action in the three dimensions, would give us a solid base and a high transfer in the pursuit of our objectives. From our point of view, this way of understanding motor learning should be used in the early stages of motor training of neophytes. When children seem to be playing with the use of their members and postures, their environment and objects they manipulate, they are only looking for the possibilities they have at their disposal. During that process, they establish connections between their systems using their neurons. If we extrapolate this process to aquatic activities, it would not be unreasonable to follow this path. However, we insist during the first stages of general movement scheme construction on the aquatic environment since it is forming a wide and varied network of connections. Given the fact that our objectives are more sport oriented, not all movements will help us build an effective swimming style, nor will a large volume guarantee an elegant and effective execution. Not even shredding too many gestures will give us learning advantages. Our movements have several implicit elements with different characteristics, and knowing and mastering these processes are of vital importance for our interests.
Hindsight is 20/20, the saying goes, but it’s still helpful — and necessary. With that in mind, local, state and federal officials met last Tuesday to discuss what went right, what went wrong and what needs improvement in New Hanover County’s response to Hurricane Florence. No matter how much time is spent on emergency-response training, simulations, etc., an actual storm will always be the best teacher. It’s a teacher, though, that comes at an unthinkable cost. So it’s vital that we comb through the response for every lesson and important piece of data that can be obtained. Since this was an extraordinary storm — Florence packed the winds of Fran and the rain of Floyd — and brought unprecedented flooding to some areas, it might be beneficial to ask an outside consultant to provide such an analysis. Having been so busy and close to the situation — including the unavoidable emotional element — makes it difficult, if not impossible, for officials to see not only the big picture, but also important details that might otherwise be overlooked. We were impressed with the passionate leadership shown by a host of area and state leaders. They should be proud of their work. But having a dispassionate, evidence/data-based analysis of the response would be very valuable, we believe, especially since there were significant new problems. We were especially struck by the widespread major flooding in parts of New Hanover County, the loss of road access to Wilmington and, what we believe was the most serious issue, two instances in which the water supply was in jeopardy — the failure of a backup fuel source for generators at a CFPUA treatment facility and a structural threat to a vital raw water supply main near the washed-out area of U.S. 421 at the New Hanover-Pender county line. Speaking of creative solutions, it should be noted that we’ll never be prepared for every scenario during an emergency. Being flexible and able to ad-lib is a valuable quality. (We learned that lesson at the StarNews when we had to evacuate our building after generator failures and significant water leaks, neither expected.) All those who initiated such actions and did the work in a host of crisis moments deserve our highest praise. Beyond recovery, we also face the difficult challenge of trying to make our region less susceptible to the extensive damage we see all around us. We should examine each storm-related death and serious injury and try to learn how people might better keep themselves safe, while acknowledging some probably were not preventable. As the days pass, we will learn more about the impact of Florence and better understand the response. We should closely examine various policies and land-use decisions that might have made the impact worse. It is essential that we collect extensive, accurate and well-documented storm-response information — from water reliability to road access; health care facilities to emergency communications. How we act on that information will be up to our leaders and to each of us, but let’s at least collect it. We might discover some fairly easy and inexpensive changes that need to be made. Hurricane Florence killed at least 36 of our fellow North Carolinians, and, to put it bluntly, beat the hell out of coastal North Carolina. If there is anything good to be salvaged from this storm, we need to find it and put it to use. We’ve already paid a huge price for it.
According to this line of reasoning, the Earth should have already been visited by extraterrestrial aliens. In an informal conversation, Fermi noted no convincing evidence of this, leading him to ask, "Where is everybody?" There have been many attempts to explain the Fermi paradox, primarily either suggesting that intelligent extraterrestrial life is extremely rare or proposing reasons that such civilizations have not contacted or visited Earth. Funny, broad discussion of various solutions. Brilliant! I haven't seen that before, and even though it's a subject that I'm already interested in, I still learnt a little bit from that. If you're curious about this subject, then it's a highly informative read. I guess that I'm in the "Explanation Group 1" side. I could personally argue against all of the "Explanation Group 2" solutions without even being an expert on the subject, but it would be an interesting debate if somebody disagrees, or has a unique solution. Personal guess is, intelligent life is rare to start with, and likely flames out before finding a way to achieve interstellar travel. Based on life's evolutionary history here on Earth, I'm inclined to say: single celled life is probably relatively common because is developed almost the instant the planet was able to support it; multicellular life is relatively rare, but not super unusual because it developed within a few billion years; clever organisms are not substantially more rare than multicellular life because we have many examples of it (elephants, octopi, dolphins, various primate and bird species, etc); and technologically capable life is exceptionally rare because it requires many factors beyond intelligence to line up. I can't imagine dolphins ever developing technology millions of years down the line because of the simple fact that they have no means of fine manipulation. So, to put it in terms of the waitbutwhy article, there is one filter with the development of multicellular life and another at technology development. I don't really buy into the argument that all the intelligent life in the universe has gone extinct. I think people underestimate how resilient we are as a species. I doubt even a total collapse of civilization would lead to our extinction; we would just be set back 10000 years, which is not long at all in the scope of evolutionary history. This timeline gives a set of candidates for possible "great filters". In fact they may each be a great filter that only one in a million overcomes. IMO intelligence is probably not the great filter. Multiple vastly different species have come fairly close. Maybe it does not happen on most planets but I think surely it would happen on a lot of them. Also the time gap between complex life and humans was not that long. Things happened pretty quick after the first land life. I still wonder if first life could have been one of the great filters. It seemed to happen pretty quick but not absolutely instantly, from that timeline. If there were 10 unlikely things that had to happen on a given planet, they would space them selves fairly evenly though the history, and even if life only happened in one of a billion universes, it could have been crammed fairly near the start by the other 9 unlikely events that had to follow, even if they were only moderate unlikelyhoods.. so long as only one in several passed that specific filter. Another reason I still wonder about first life being one of the great filters is that all life we have discovered so far appears to have had the same origin. We could any day find a totally independent genesis on earth some day, and then know for sure that there is nothing uncommon about life starting. In very broad terms, the fact that neither the geologic record, nor the surface of the solar system objects we have explored, shows any signs of anyone ever being here, combined with the observation of no artificial structures or signals elsewhere in the galaxy, would suggest a solution where intelligent life forms crossing interstellar distances are rare. Filters of all sorts might have lead to that result. One potential filter that in my view gets too little publicity in this discussion is the stability of planetary surface environments. If you look at Mars and Venus, both worlds had times when they were much more likely to be habitable than they are today. Not so the Earth: here, different feedback processes conspire to keep the surface conditions more or less stable, which has allowed billions of years of constant evolution for its life-forms. As our neighboring planets suggest, most planets might not get that (and life thus never evolves beyond the simplest forms). There is no reason why, say, the carbon cycle, the albedo feedback, the mantle heat production, the solar constant, and the position of the atmospheric cold trap should have an evolving equilibrium which is just right to keep surface oceans stable over billions of years, until an intelligent species pops up. We take this for granted, but if that wouldn't be the case here, we wouldn't exist. The universe is big enough that this might plausibly have happened elsewhere too, so I do think there are ETIs out there, they are just billions of light years away (typically). The only way to ever contact them might be wormholes. Two species which expand their respective wormhole networks into the same space-time region might able to detect each other (as some exclusion rules must apply to wormhole networks to protect causality, leading to wormhole collapses) and eventually enter into contact. But species which do not have their own wormhole networks will be protected by anonymity provided simply by the vastness of the universe. The first great filter would be the "Rare Earth" hypothesis, that the combination of circumstances needed to provide a suitable home for advanced life on the surface of a planet is very rare. From what we know and are learning, while microbial life might be very common in the Galaxy, more advanced life seems to require numerous highly improbable circumstances. The second great filter could be the eukaryotic grade of single-celled life -- while multicellular eukaryotic life originated numerous times, eukaryotic life itself apparently originated only once in Earth's history. This, or something equivalent, appears to be necessary to allow higher organisms to develop. The third great filter would be a sustainable technological civilization, that develops into something that can last without destruction by any of numerous causes. Once a certain technological level is reached, it becomes possible for individuals or small groups to devise ways to destroy that civilization -- for example through genetically engineered "superbugs". All it would take is ONE individual with the desire and ability, to possibly destroy that civilization. I suspect that eventually, the civilization would develop means to avoid this sort of disaster, but until then it would be vulnerable to self-inflicted destruction. The fourth great filter (of a sort) might be an inward turn of highly advanced civilizations. The individuals comprising that civilization might quite possibly shift to a virtual reality where the individual entities could live as long as they wish, with a vastly larger range of experiences than is possible in the physical world. In which case their civilization might stop expanding outward and stay as a fixed number of "core worlds", each with a sphere of automated outposts to guard against potential physical threats. If these great filters are real, you would indeed observe a Universe that appears empty. That last one was always my guess. I'm undecided and don't think we really have a clue yet. First, our SETI searches have been limited to essentially radio, and there is much from our own history to suggest that detectable output is limited to a narrow window. So if you assume a switch to largely directed communications (laser etc), then the galaxy cojld still be teeming with undetected ETIs. Second, we are still limited to 1 instance of life. The emergence of eukaryotes took a long time but we don't really know if we were lucky or unlucky here. Multicellular life evolved many times I believe. And again on tool using intelligence, we have only one instance. Third, on other filters (e.g. frequency of GRBs), I don't think we really know enough either. On the rare earth hypothesis, evidence suggests planets are common, but currently we have strong observational biases against finding solar system analogues (and I'm pessimistic on the prospects for M dwarfs) so I suspect the population is high enough that even if you need a moon etc, there may still be a large number of potential systems. Basically, I don't buy this one. So tl;dr I am undecided. It is argued that the “generic” evolutionary pathway of advanced technological civilizations are more likely to be optimization-driven than expansion-driven, in contrast to the prevailing opinions and attitudes in both future studies on one side and astrobiology/SETI studies on the other. Two toy-models of postbiological evolution of advanced technological civilizations are considered and several arguments supporting the optimization-driven, spatially compact model are briefly discussed. In this paper the concept of an advanced technological civilization (henceforth ATC) from the study of Ćirković & Bradbury is retained. ATCs are advanced outcomes of cultural evolution which are immune to most existential risks, barring possible universe-destroying ones (e.g., vacuum phase transition) and which have reached sufficient capacities for manipulating surrounding physical universe on large scale and with almost arbitrary precision. Thus, an ATC would reach the Type II of Kardashev's classification, based on the energy utilization; that is, an ATC would use all energy resources of its domicile planetary system. However, it is one of the purposes of the present paper to criticize the applicability of Kardashev's classification, which I believe is of very limited value in the real SETI effort and is partially misleading. ATCs as discussed here have some of the general trademarks of the posthuman civilization envisaged by diverse authors such as Stapledon, Huxley, Bostrom or Kurzweil. In other word, posthuman civilization would be a realization of ATC in the specific environment of the Solar System. This does not automatically mean that all characteristics often cited in relation to the concept of posthumanity need to apply (or even are reasonable to expect). Two basic models listed below are undoubtedly oversimplified and extreme, but their consideration will enable easier discussion of more complex and more realistic models which will contain a mixture of these two prototypes. This is the classical “expand-and-colonize” model. Limits to growth are soft and to be easily overcome. Expansion is virtually unlimited, even when faced with the limits of physical eschatology. Typical ATC spreads out among the stars, utilizing resources in a large spatial volume, and increasing the number of observers indefinitely or at least for astrophysically relevant duration. This model essentially corresponds to Kardashev’s Type III civilizations or the ascent towards Type III analogs. Clearly, we know very little at present about the modes of postbiological evolution. However, even a minimal framework derived from the very meaning of “postbiological” can still be very useful. Notably, the transition to postbiological phase obviates most, if not all, biological motivations. The very definition of ecology and the relevant ecological needs and imperatives changes, leading to significant changes in other fields which have been traditionally linked to the evolutionary processes. As an example, the imperative for filling the complete ecological niche in order to maximize one's survival chances and decrease the amount of biotic competition is an essentially biological part of motivation for any species, including present-day humans. (Here I do not presuppose that motivation is a product of consciousness, rather than, say, adaptive strategy for fitness optimization.) It would be hard to deny that this circumstance has played a significant role in colonization of the surface of the Earth. But expanding and filling the ecological niches are not the intrinsic property of life or intelligence – they are just consequences of the predominant evolutionary mechanism, i.e. natural selection. It seems logically possible to imagine a situation in which some other mechanism of evolutionary change, like the Lamarckian inheritance or genetic drift, could dominate and prompt different types of behaviour. The same applies for the desire to procreate, leave many children and enable more competitive transmission of one's genes to future generation is linked with the very basics of the Darwinian evolution. Postbiological civilization is quite unlikely to retain anything like the genetic lottery when the creation of new generations is concerned. • The belief that an intelligent community which survives all catastrophic risks and develops advanced technology will inexorably or even likely colonize the Galaxy is an unsupported dogma essentially equivalent to the belief in Fukuyama’s mystical “Factor X” and stemming from the same naive organicism. • Although the real set of postbiological evolutionary pathways is likely to be immensely more complex, it still makes more sense to discuss it in the framework of the compact city-state model rather than conventionally assumed empire-state model. • Astronomical observations confirm that there are no star-powered Kardashev’s Type III civilizations in our cosmological neighbourhood, which is most plausibly explained by assuming that the measure of postbiological evolutionary pathways leading to such galactic empires is very small or vanishing. • Transhumanist and future studies should devote more attention to the relationship between efficiency of resource utilization and the character of cultural evolution (including the observability of a particularly evolving model civilization from afar). Since our astrophysical knowledge clearly precludes infinite expansion, it is certainly worthwhile to investigate, at least in the most general terms, logical alternatives to it. I argue that even finite expansion makes sense only within clear limits, delineated by astrophysics, postbiological evolution and even political and moral considerations. These limits do not include civilizations of Kardashev’s Type III. Thus, their absence from our astronomical observations is neither good nor bad sign as far as the future of humanity is concerned – the very concept of Type III civilization is irrelevant concept in the first place. There is no need for a frantic search for the “Great Filter”, much less for expressing pessimism vis-à-vis astrobiological mission of search for life and intelligence in the universe. Even intelligence might not be the filter. Octopuses are intelligent, and have been around for hundreds of millions of years. And yet they still haven't made the leap to civilization or mastery of technology. It would seem that the evolution of intelligence is not enough to lead to technological civilization. For that you need a whole lot of other coincidences. In the case of the octopus even hundreds of millions of years of relative intelligence did not lead to that next level. Elephants, whales, and various other animals are intelligent too, and yet again, did not develop technology. Maybe there are millions of worlds with even intelligent life on it, but that incredible set of coincidences that is needed to make that final leap to technological civilization did not occur. Our ancestors were just as intelligent as us going back for 50,000 or even 200,000 years, but radio technology was invented a little over a hundred years ago. The Galaxy maybe filled with alien civilizations, but we could be the only technological civilization. However, even multi-cellular life isn't necessarily a guarantee that more complex animals must evolve, or that intelligence must evolve, or if it does, that it is suited to making technology. As mentioned above, dolphins (and a few other large ocean mammals) are, as far as we can tell, very intelligent - they may even have language and culture - but the ability to make technology as we use it is far beyond them. Not only do they have flippers, and not dexterous digits on their limbs, but also they live in water - using fire as a tool, let alone for smelting ore, would be an entirely alien concept to them. It's just sheer blind luck that we have intelligence, dexterous manipulating digits on our limbs, and live on land. We're not even sure how we evolved to be as intelligent as we are. Intelligence, even self-awareness, emotional responses, and tool-making aren't unique to humans, but introspection seems to be. It's an enormously complex problem. We have been lucky in that our planet contains fairly plentiful amounts of useful, easily accessible metals. It may be possible to evolve on a planet very poor in metals, where experimentation in smelting materials would be difficult to begin with, and therefore technology would be difficult to make or improve upon. Another item to consider is that we also been lucky in our food sources. We have several species of grains that provide large amounts of calories, that can be farmed on large scales, and can be easily stored for some period of time. We have large animals that we have tamed to do work for us and that we also use for food. This allows for higher-population societies which are more complex than hunter-gathering groups to form, and this allows for specialization. Another species that must continually hunt for food or which relies on food sources that are nutrient-poor would be at a very big disadvantage. Plus there were several civilizations that were quite advanced long before Western civilization adopted the scientific method. It is not a given that an advanced civilization of intelligent beings will develop and embrace technology. I think all these suggested solutions are based on the wrong assumptions. They all take a planet-centered point of view. This is reasonable from the standpoint that an earthlike planet is most likely the cradle for life, but as Tsiolkovsky pointed out, "one cannot live in a cradle forever." If they aren't living on or traveling between planets, where would they go? My idea is simply to follow the money. What parts of a star system contain the richest sources of resources and the least difficulty of extracting them? IMO, that will be the small, undifferentiated, icy bodies in the outer parts of the system. They have extremely small gravity wells, abundant hydrogen isotopes for fusion and the creation of hydrocarbons, as well as all the other organic and mineral elements required for life and industry, without having hidden cores that would sequester heavy elements to inaccessible depths. Once a technology has mastered fusion power, they can synthesize all the materials they need from these proto-comets. Deep gravity wells such as earthlike planets and inner solar systems become inconveniences and liabilities, and provide no economic advantages. Why haven't extraterrestrials visited here? Where are they? They have gone to profitable places. Earthlike planets are backwaters for any life forms that have advanced enough to leave the cradle. My guess is that once we start exploring the Oort Cloud we'll learn a lot more about this. 1. The crucial turning point in the history of any Technological Civilization (TC) is when they start to move out from their home world into their home planetary system in a significant way. Species that stay on their home world will inevitably go extinct, sooner or later, due to one or more catastrophes striking their world -- most likely due to some internally generated problem. Species that move out and colonize their planetary system, and presumably quickly turn into a Kardashev Type II civilization (quickly meaning on the order of tens of thousands to a few million years), are effectively immune to existential threats. Even nearby pre-supernovas can be dealt with before they explode, either by physically moving the pre-supernova to a safe distance, or by disassembling it entirely. 2. The rate at which TCs form is unknown. It could be as high as one per year in our galaxy alone, or as low as one per million years in the entire observable Universe, or most likely somewhere in between. The actual formation rate does not really effect the following argument. 3. I assume that technological limits are set by physical laws that are close to what we already know about. No FTL travel, no breaking the Third Law of Thermodynamics, etc. There may be, and no doubt are, tweaks to known physics, but these tweaks would likely be relatively minor in nature. 4. Building a Dyson Swarm is relatively easy, technologically speaking -- we could almost do so ourselves right now. Of course the time and effort required is immense, but the required new technology is relatively minor. Conversely, high sub-light speed interstellar colonization is much more demanding in terms of required new technology. 5. This means that any TC that starts to industrialize its planetary system will fairly quickly capture almost all its resources, including almost all the emitted energy from its primary star, and all of the mass orbiting said star (and likely thousands of Earth-masses of metals from their home star, obtained using some form of star-lifting). They could use these resources to create a classical Dyson Swarm, or maybe a Matrioshka Brain (a supercomputer that uses the entire energy output of the star), or something in between these two endpoints. 7. They then face the question of whether to stay put, or move out and colonize other stars. At this point they would already have hundreds of millions times the resources of a single city-planet, conveniently concentrated around a star with no major part more than a light-hour from any other major part. This is more resources than that possessed by a typical SF galactic empire that does not convert the planetary systems in its territory into Dyson Swarms. Being effectively invulnerable to external threats, they would have no compelling reason to expand further. 8. With the technology in their possession, they could easily monitor the entire rest of the galaxy for other emerging civilizations, via automated non-reproducing but durable probes in every planetary system in the galaxy, that each send periodic updates. This could probably be paid for by the equivalent of a minor Kickstarter campaign, given the size of their economy. Apparently Fermi put what should rightly be called his Question - not to be confused with his famous "Fermi questions" - during a dinner conversation where he proceeded to answer it: we cannot (yet) know if interstellar travel is possible*. So no paradox, whether or not you accept Fermi's own answer or not. As I remember it, the "paradox" allegation followed from (was instigated as?) a political trick by one of the many Luddite US senator we have seen. And of course most people since then has been more interested in speculation than researching the question, making a 'paradox' description a suitable frame for them. Incidentally later the same "don't (yet) know" reasoning applied to signal transmission, since SETI has not covered much of the available spectrum, coding or sky coverage. We "need more data", as per usual. But yes, you can go on to analyse the wider context despite the data problem. Biologist consensus is that language capable intelligence is a rare trait, akin to the elephant trunk, both have evolved only once in 4 billion years. On the other hand given the short time before life evolved on Earth it seems to emerge easily. Based on biology our type of culture should be fairly rare among inhabited planets. *) Which implies that the universal speed limit combined with astronomical distances may prohibit interstellar civilizations. Aside from relatively cheap long distance information barter and individual choice colonization, what would be the economical basis? Too costly, I would think. On the other hand, that ROI problem does not prohibit random spread over a system and then out from the local Oort cloud to the next. Only then evolutionary divergence would tree off species well before the typical 1-2 Myrs average lifetime of larger animal (mammal) species, again resulting in questioning "a" civilization context. I would guess that if there is only one Kardashev Type II civilization in a galaxy, there would be nothing to stop them from doing so. If there are multiple Kardashev Type II civilizations in a galaxy, then I expect that such behavior would be regarded as antisocial at best, and there might very well be galaxy-wide prohibitions against using "Berserker" type devices to retard or eliminate development of other civilizations. And they would certainly have the power to enforce such prohibitions.
The Holsten Gate ("Holstein Tor", later "Holstentor") is a city gate marking off the western boundary of the old center of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck. This Brick Gothic construction is one of the relics of Lübeck’s medieval city fortifications and one of two remaining city gates, the other being the Citadel Gate ("Burgtor"). Because its two round towers and arched entrance are so well known it is regarded today as a symbol of this German city, and together with the old city centre (Altstadt) of Lübeck it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987.
A car is a significant investment, so it is worthwhile to give it the care it deserves. A properly maintained vehicle can last for many years and hundreds of thousands of miles of use. It is worthwhile to spend a little extra in maintenance to avoid the much greater expense of having to fix a major problem or buy a new car. There are many things you can do to extend the life of your SUV. Most people understand the importance of getting regular oil changes. Many factors can impact exactly how often you need to change your oil. This includes the quality of the oil itself. Synthetic oils tend to last longer. No matter the quality of your oil or how much you drive, your oil should be changed at least once or twice a year. Most oils will need to be changed every 5,000 to 7,000 miles. Oil is not the only important fluid in your car. Multiple other fluids, such as transmissions fluid and coolant are often overlooked. These fluids do not need to be changed as often as oil, but they are still very important and should be changed according to the vehicle’s maintenance schedule. If fluid levels drop too low or are contaminated with debris, they can cause serious damage to an engine or transmission and may even require these expensive parts be replaced. Regularly taking your vehicle to a professional mechanic for a check and tune up is important to keeping it running smoothly for a long time. Most cars do not suddenly or instantly break down. More often, problems slowly accumulate and grow more serious until something vital breaks or the engine cannot keep going. Regular tune ups find and fix these small problems before they become major. This is especially important if you have bought a used vehicle. After you buy a used vehicle, have it taken to a mechanic and inspected. If possible, request this inspection be done before you purchase the vehicle. If buying from a regular dealer, like Woody Sander Ford, consider purchasing a used car that has been inspected and certified by their mechanics. One of the simplest things you can do to extend your vehicle’s life is drive in a way that exerts minimal wear and tear on your vehicle’s components. Gasoline engines function best when they slowly increase or decrease rpm and hold a steady rpm for as long as possible. This means you should drive as consistently as possible. Avoid rapid acceleration or harsh braking as harsh or sudden acceleration wears your engine. Braking will wear out your brake pads and rotors, which can be expensive to replace. The constant gear shifting associated with sudden and continuous speed changes will also wear the transmission. Time and trip management will help you run your engine when it’s warm. Try to string errands or other frequent stops together so your engine is still warm when you start it again. By practicing these and other driving and maintenance habits, you can squeeze every last mile of quality life out of your vehicle. By keeping your car in good condition regularly, you can decrease the overall costs of maintenance and greatly extend full vehicle life.
I've been into making musical progress for a lot of years. I started as a 14 year old in a simple school punk band and matured over the years. But I really started to compose and arrange sounds at the age of 20. The reason why I'm into the progress is a simple one, I'm so in love with the creative cycle. Looking at and listening to that small universe which expands and is continually getting more complete. Well, the learning part is not one of my favourite sections during the process. When you are in the mood to start writing a record you wish everything would just work without requiring technical support. But in the past, many times I needed help because of technical and/or physical acoustic problems. But if you want to become more independent, this is something you need to go through. The real thing for myself is not to copy any kind of artist, but in many ways you fall back on your acoustic socialisation and listening habits; I try to do this in an authentic way. When it comes to the actual composing, I never encountered any problems … I'm always into doing things and new stuff. In Germany, I work as a chef. It's a job with a lot of trouble and stress and I need this. This is quite good for my will to do art and music and build abstract and cuddly, new small universes for the ears. My first setup was an old 4track recorder and it was a really simple one. We recorded our first songs with a punk band with it and during the process I learned to love it much more than playing live concerts. So I decided to do this with other kinds of bands for the next 20 years onwards. Then I changed to a lowfi personal computer which I used as a tape recorder. Now my setup is simple but healthy: Logic and a Macbook. I use a lot of synthesisers and sound modules. I always let technology feature my creativity. In my opinion, you can ride that wave of sound modulation and explore totally new experiences which trigger new views on the production and work with it in a nonconformist way. It has its pros and cons to work this way; you give the listener new habits but you also have to do it in a simple, not too challenging way. I allow the music to leave an impression on me, and then spend time to explore other ways to reach that sound which will fit the song - or I'll construct a song around these modulated patches and spaces. I use technology to combine things. Sometimes you arrive at a limitation when the sound walls are too big and high. I'm not a professional recording engineer, but creativity allows me to find a new way to let the music sound the way it should. But I always try to do this in a simple way. Most ideas arrive on my bike on the way to work or back from work riding home. Then I stop and note down my idea. This is the most important part in the beginning and as the idea develops, the rest will construct itself during the composing and recording stages. These ideas could have any kind of father … is it a bird which sings nicely, or is it the tram which makes noisy sounds as it passes or is it the stupid humans/ lovely humans at work? There no routine whatsoever. Everyday is fashioned in a different way. Mostly, when I have some free time at my hands or if I'm on holiday and I could potentially spend a lot of time composing or doing other creative stuff, I find myself unable to put that time to use. I need the pressure of a hard day in the kitchen and scant time … that does stress me a lot, but it is the most productive approach for me. Actually you can feel this on Walden! Walden is not just a concept; it's a philosophy, it's a new but old ideal for living in that strange and exhausting fast pace. Mankind would live more respectfully if they were to use some of Henry D Thoreau's philosophies about deceleration … which are not new. And the chapters of the book "Walden" told me exactly how the songs should sound like. A dark forest has in my imagination a particular sound. A sea with perches and trouts has a sound of its own, too. And then I had to pour the philosophy into it … it sounds simple … it is … you just need to use your imagination! It scares me a little that most ideas arrive when I'm stressed from my surroundings; when I don't have any time … and while I'm letting off steam while working with new tools. On my records you can find every time a changing relationship between compositional and instinctive music. They both belong together. A simple but cute harmony suits the ears much better if it grows from a strange disharmony and/or a wall, a fog of sonority. I sometimes do live concerts, but when I do, I only play intuitive music. Building up structures and molecules, but not composing works. In the past, playing concerts with all of my different previous bands, was never a highlight for me … I always enjoyed the creative processes of working in the studio better. For my production, it means that I do all the stuff with my simple skills and possibilities, which I would like to enjoy. Yes you are so right! Savouring music in combination with other senses like the visual urges and encourages the mind and the soul. For me, I always love to combine different kinds of arts, with acoustics and pictures, sculptures, movies … whatever … it may even be great to combine music with scents or with wind which touches the skin softly. A few years ago, I was invited to sponsoring a song for a short film by German movie maker Sebastian Kuehn. This is something I would like to do again for movies, documentaries, what ever, because in my opinion these forms of media mutually complete each other. Music is powerful for exerting political influence, but it should be used just to propagate harmonic human coexistence! I do believe, and this is just a dystopian impression, that music will over the next few years entirely dilapidate … most consumers listen to playlists and aren't interested in the quality of the acoustics. That's not my understanding of the art form of music, but it is the current situation … unfortunately. "A simple but cute harmony suits the ears much better if it grows from a strange disharmony and/or a wall, a fog of sonority."
Its the first aid to be offered if an incident occurs. Not many of us are confronted with scenes of blood and gore in our everyday lives- so usually first aid could be as simple as sticking plasters on a small cut. But what if you find yourself confronted with a more serious situation. This Emergency First Aid course will highlight some of the most common situations that you might come across and the actions that you can take to help. ✓ What is First Aid? The course takes on average 150 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).
For more than a century, Audubon has championed the protection of birds and their habitat. Audubon’s mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats, for the benefit of humanity and the Earth’s biological diversity. With nearly 700 staff, 22 state programs, 463 local chapters, 41 centers and sanctuaries, and close to half a million members throughout the United States, Audubon achieves its mission by engaging people in bird conservation on a hemispheric scale through science, policy, education, and on-the-ground conservation action. In the spring of 2016, Audubon adopted a new strategic plan to renew the organization’s focus on the biggest and most important opportunities for addressing critical threats to birds and their habitat throughout the Western Hemisphere. This plan reaffirms Audubon’s commitment to organizing our conservation work by migratory flyways: each year, more than 10 billion birds use four major flyways to travel up and down the continent and to points beyond. Underneath these flyways are migratory rest stops and the homes for non-migratory birds that are critical to birds’ survival. By mobilizing and aligning Audubon’s unparalleled network of chapters, centers, state programs, and Important Bird Area (IBA) programs to focus on the four major migratory flyways in the Americas (Atlantic, Mississippi, Central, and Pacific), the organization will bring the full power of Audubon to bear on protecting common and threatened bird species and the critical habitat they need to survive. As part of BirdLife International, Audubon will join people in more than 100 countries working to protect a network of IBAs around the world, leveraging the impact of actions they take at a local level. Our 2016 strategic plan builds on the strong foundation established by our 2011 plan. It creates a roadmap for the next five years, guided by two ideas: by focusing on the needs of bird species, the scale and ambition of our conservation work can match the complexity of 21st century demands; and to do so, Audubon needs to become the most effective conservation network in America. We are setting our sights on large-scale conservation goals and taking the needed steps to ensure that Audubon has the authority and capacity to achieve them. We will focus on five cross-cutting conservation strategies including climate, coasts, working lands, water, and bird friendly communities. We will build durable public will for conservation by broadening and deepening our support base, with a clear-eyed focus on diversity. We will invest in the skills and capacity of our unparalleled distributed network. We will continue to refine our priorities and evolve our organizational structure in order to meet our ambitious goals. Audubon is a federal contractor and an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). Audubon seeks a dynamic Executive Director to build on Audubon New Mexico’s rich history and expand its contributions to conservation in New Mexico and the Central Flyway, leading the organization to its next level of programmatic and financial success. This is a high-profile, pivotal opportunity for a conservation professional to be an environmental entrepreneur in representing one of Audubon’s oldest state programs. The Executive Director will be the chief executive officer for Audubon New Mexico and will exercise broad leadership and management responsibility in developing statewide conservation policy, initiatives, and public programming. Additionally, the Executive Director will oversee the Randall Davey Audubon Center & Sanctuary, a community nature center in Santa Fe that welcomes thousands of schoolchildren and visitors annually, and will supervise the staff responsible for planning, operating, and managing the day-to-day operations, as well as the implementation of the long-term natural, cultural, and historic reserves, habitat, and public outreach goals at the center. With an annual budget just under $1 million and a staff of ten, Audubon New Mexico works with a network of four affiliated local Audubon Chapters, the New Mexico Audubon Council, and over 6,500 grassroots members, plus various conservation organizations, government agencies, and other public and private entities to protect birds and their habitats. The successful candidate will have the passion and leadership skills necessary to articulate, develop, and implement Audubon’s conservation goals and strategies in the state, while working closely with the Audubon New Mexico Board of Directors and staff, and the Vice President of the Central Flyway to continue to develop the state program in tandem with strategic regional and national priorities. The Executive Director will hold the title of Vice President within the national organization and will report directly to the Vice President of the Central Flyway. Aligned with Audubon’s overall conservation goals and strategies, develop strategic goals and initiatives that result in the organization’s increased statewide capacity to achieve the conservation of priority birds and their habitats. Provide leadership, management, and mentoring to staff, including a team of dedicated program directors in the priority areas for New Mexico (freshwater conservation, bird conservation, and education) to reach the goals in Audubon New Mexico’s strategic plan, the Central Flyway and the National Strategic Plan. Focus resources on the most critical, high-leverage priority projects, including policy development and public engagement around New Mexico’s rivers as part of the Western Rivers Initiative (and the New Mexico Freshwater Conservation Initiative), grasslands and Important Bird Areas conservation, and other state initiatives. Manage the day-to-day operations of the state office, including setting financial and programmatic goals, analyzing results, and taking corrective actions, in close collaboration with New Mexico’s staff; ensure that all Audubon financial standards, operating policies, programmatic commitments, and legal requirements are met. Direct and provide oversight to the staff at the Randall Davey Audubon Center & Sanctuary who are responsible for the day-to-day management and operations, programs, and facility-related activities, to include maintenance, new construction, and resource management; ensure the financial and administrative sustainability as well as the implementation of short and long-term goals, and the achievement of conservation results at the center. Manage a small capital campaign underway at the Randall Davey Audubon Center & Sanctuary; oversee construction and ensure its successful completion. Represent Audubon New Mexico throughout the state and raise its profile and visibility to funders, partners, policymakers, and the public. Lead Audubon New Mexico’s fundraising to cultivate and solicit major donors and foundations for Audubon New Mexico and to significantly increase contributions. Work closely with the Audubon New Mexico Board of Directors to support the efforts of Audubon New Mexico in continuing the development of a strong statewide organization through fundraising, program development, and conservation advocacy. Inspire and provide guidance to the Chapters and Council in New Mexico to help them realize their potential for on-the-ground conservation and education. Work to strengthen the statewide presence of Audubon and support these organizations in their local efforts. Further engage New Mexico’s diverse population in Audubon programs through strategic outreach efforts. Work with government departments and non-governmental organizations to promote and prioritize bird science and habitat conservation. Bachelor’s degree in nonprofit management, business, conservation or related field required; advanced degree strongly preferred. 7-10 years’ progressive professional experience, to include 3-5 years at a senior management level with comparable staff and budget responsibilities. Strong leadership skills, with an entrepreneurial spirit and strong business and management skills; demonstrated ability to inspire and motivate staff, volunteers, donors, and potential partners a must. Demonstrated success in fundraising, in particular extensive experience with major donors, foundations, corporations, and government funders. Seasoned organizational leader with an array of experience in public policy development and advocacy, campaigns, lobbying, and/or involvement in the state legislature and in working with members of Congress. Outstanding interpersonal skills, judgment, and a demonstrated ability to collaborate and build coalitions with a wide range of individuals and organizations at the local, regional, and national levels. Demonstrated experience overseeing complex or multiple projects through to success, including meeting financial goals, project deadlines, and coordinating the work of key staff and partners. Excellent and persuasive communication skills, both written and verbal, including substantial public speaking experience, and the ability to effectively represent Audubon New Mexico to its members, state and federal elected officials, donors, and chapter leaders, as well as in traditional and social media. Candidates bilingual in English and Spanish strongly desired. Knowledge and appreciation of, as well as connection to New Mexico and its environment, conservation and political history, and the role of science in developing conservation strategies. Willingness and ability to travel routinely throughout the state and nationally, as required. A strong commitment to the mission, values, and programs of Audubon New Mexico and the National Audubon Society.
Welcome back! This is the second part of the article devoted to the vacuum furnaces hot zones, providing information that you need to be able to make a conscious choice on the most economical and best performing hot zone based on losses and overall power costs. In the first part, we went through the graphite-based hot zone design by analyzing its specific characteristics and problems. In this second part, we’ll deal with the all-metal design, whilst constantly keeping an eye on energy-consumption. Let’s then go straight into the peculiarities of all-metal hot zones, focusing on their strengths compared to the graphite design, how the reflecting shields actually work, with particular attention to Molybdenum coating, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. In an all-metal hot zone, the shielding consists of molybdenum, tungsten or stainless steel. Molybdenum (Mo) is typically used in conventional all-metal hot zones for vacuum furnaces. For the sake of simplicity I anticipate that molybdenum alloys are used conventionally up to 1600 °C both for the resistor and the insulation; tungsten alloys are used for higher temperatures on commercial installations. All-metal hot zones are used in high demand industries where sensitive materials are processed, such as aerospace, electronics and medical. There are heat treatments that require a particularly clean environment or extreme vacuum levels. There may be different reasons: in some cases the chamber’s graphite could interfere with the process, resulting in unwanted carburation of the pieces treated. In other cases, the load could be particularly sensitive to the presence of residues in the oxygen or hydrogen atmosphere (which could lead to embrittlement of the pieces), and so graphite wafer degassing during the cycle could be damaging. In these circumstances, the user should opt for all-metal heating chambers (shields and resistor). In a vacuum heat transfer can be reduced substantially by multiple reflecting shields. A shield is defined as a surface that blocks the transmission of radiation when there is high thermal conductivity and low emissivity. The ability to form a barrier for the hot zone is increased if the shielding is provided by a set of Molybdenum (Mo) minimal-thickness sheets where the innermost sheet in the chamber, which therefore faces the hot zone, is coupled with a given number of similar parallel sheets and where the outermost sheet faces the cold wall of the vacuum vessel. The minimal thickness is required to reduce the heated metallic mass, and does not alter the shielding effect compared to a thicker sheet. The higher the temperature, the more numerous the metallic sheets. The lower the material’s emissivity, the more effective the shield and the lower the energy loss. As well as having the capacity to withstand high temperatures, the molybdenum sheet possesses the fortunate property of having very low emissivity. This feature leads manufacturers to use full molybdenum shielding for the outermost and less hot surfaces as well. This shielding will have the lowest energy loss. Metallic furnaces also feature certain interesting characteristics as regards the load cooling rate. The heating chamber’s ultimate shield, the one facing the vessel’s water-cooled wall, has the same temperature as the hot zone at a higher temperature than the equivalent surface of a graphite chamber. The presence of refractory insulation material and a considerable resistor mass, both in graphite, tends to make the graphite furnace’s hot zone slower during cooling, whilst the cooling rates reached in the all-metal hot zone are greater, at least at the highest temperatures, due to the shields’ higher temperatures but smaller masses. In certain applications this feature leads the heat-treater to opt for a metallic hot zone furnace not so much due to the final vacuum but due to this speed characteristic. So far I have addressed positive technical issues. But what are the negative aspects that affect the all-metal hot zone? We are now seeing the disadvantages of an all-metal hot zone lined up with molybdenum sheets. Molybdenum has a number of properties that the user should bear in mind. When it reaches the operating temperatures the material becomes brittle and can no longer be dismantled after the first heatings. Any attempt to handle the material inevitably causes it to break up! In addition molybdenum tends to form oxides when oxygen is present (also at low temperatures) and such oxide has a greater emissive power. Any loss of vacuum creates this unwanted effect. A stringent procedure is necessary, before authorizing the start of the heat cycle, to ensure that the installation is free from losses. Major non-repairable damage may be caused by the load striking the shield. Material "colouration" due to the presence of traces of oxygen or material evaporating from the pieces alters and reduces the shielding conditions and also compromises the ability to achieve the thermal uniformity required by the specifications. It should be mentioned that a metallic hot zone installation requires a greater level of skill and care. By contrast these problems are resolved in graphite hot zones with simple maintenance operations, for breakages, and with cleaning cycles for deposits of evaporated material on the wafer surfaces. So, the moment of choice has come!
Computer programming has become the most popular as well as lucrative industries across the world, especially in the United States. The average salary for a computer programmer just hit the top high rank as it gradually approaches $100,000. Today, you can see a lot of languages and skill sets are move valuable than others. However, Quartz has compiled some of the important data to break down these differences. No all obtainable programming languages are paying the most, but some of the that you should know. As per the biggest study from the Brokings Institution, in this inforgraphic, we have mentioned some figures on the most popular and valuable programming languages.
This section is to help you with questions about Wisconsin laws and how they relate to driving on our roads. The Waushara County Sheriff's Department wants to make sure you enjoy your time in our county, and this section will cover the most common laws we feel need to be discussed. There are many other laws that cover you and your duty to travel on the roads of Wisconsin. We are more than happy to provide what ever assistance we can with other questions you may have. One of the most important laws we want to make you aware of is the need to have a valid driver's license. Wisconsin Statute 343.05(3)(a) requires a person to have a valid driver's license issued by the State of Wisconsin. A person may drive in Wisconsin with a valid driver's license from another state or an International Permit. Wisconsin Statute 343.18(1) requires all drivers to carry their driver's license with them. This law also says that the driver must show the license to a police officer when the officer asks for it. There is a very good chance that you could be issued a citation if you are stopped and cannot produce a driver's license or other identification that will help the officer to determine if you have a valid driver's licence. The officer can only check the records of the states in the United States. We cannot check on International Permits or Driver's Licenses from Mexico. If you claim you have a license from Mexico but do not have it with you, you will be issued a citation. The fine for not having a driver's license will cost you over $180.00. Another law that applies to everybody traveling on Wisconsin roads is the seat-belt requirement. Under Wisconsin Statute 347.48(2m) every person riding in a vehicle is required to wear a seat-belt. A violation of this law will cost $10.00. A child under 4 years of age is required to be in a child safety seat. A child from the age of 4 to the age of 8 must be in a child seat or in the seat and wearing a seat-belt. The driver of the vehicle is responsible for the children to be properly secured in a seat. The driver could be issued a citation that costs over $150.00. Generally, children must be properly restrained in a child safety seat until they reach age 4 (previous requirement), and in a booster seat until age 8 (new requirement). Please review the Child Passenger Safety-Booster Seat Law so that you can keep your children safe when driving. A very important law is enforced in Wisconsin.This is the law that says it is illegal to drink alcohol and drive. A person who has been drinking and driving can be stopped by a police officer. The driver is required to provide the police officer with a sample of their blood or breath for test purposes. The driver will be required to pay a fine over $780.00 before they can be released from jail. There is also the possibility of spending time in jail to serve a sentence for this violation. Wisconsin Statute 346.935 says it is against the law to have open bottles or cans of liquor in a vehicle that is on the road. The driver who has an open container can be issued a citation that costs over $240.00. Any passenger in the vehicle with an open container can be issued a citation that will cost that person over $180.00. Every vehicle that you drive on a Wisconsin road must have proper registration for that vehicle. The vehicle must have registration from Wisconsin or another state. Speeding is a very big problem in Wisconsin. Every road has a speed limit. On country roads the speed limit is 55 mph. If you do not see any signs and the road is wide open, you can go 55 mph. But as you get into cities and villages the speed will be lower. In these areas, the speed limit will be posted on white signs and will show the numbers of the speed limit. The Interstate system in Wisconsin does have a speed limit of 65 mph but there are signs showing this higher limit. Some areas will have a yellow sign with a speed limit on it. This yellow sign is a warning and the speed limit is a suggested safe speed to go around a curve or over a hill. You may also see orange signs; these signs will be close to areas that workers are on the road. These orange signs will have a speed limit along with other warnings like flag man and lane closings. If you see orange signs, please slow down and watch for people and construction equipment in the road. Fines for speeding can start at $156.00 and go up over $500.00. If you're familiar with Wisconsin winters, you understand how difficult and dangerous driving can be when the snow and ice hit our roads. Be safe out there! Slow down, and be aware of other drivers. Keep in mind that not all roads are plowed, sanded and salted the same. Less traveled roads such as town roads generally won’t be plowed until the storm has passed. The intersections and curves may be sanded, but the road surface probably won’t be dry and bare until Spring. Even state highways and interstate may become slippery after the storm has past due to blowing snow and refreezing moist. Cruise control should not be used when the roads may be slippery. The driver needs to maintain control at all times. Acceleration and braking are especially dangerous on Wisconsin winter roadways. Don’t tailgate the snow plow truck. You could drive into a “white-out” caused by plow throwing show into the air. The snow plow truck also occasionally has to stop and back up. Make sure you have allowed enough room so they can do this safely. Stock your car with survival articles in case you become stranded. You might want to consider a cell phone, blanket, winter coat, boots, gloves, flashlight, first aid kit, snack food, window scraper and hand warmers. Remember to make sure the exhaust pipe is clear of snow and you “crack” the window for fresh air if you run the engine to stay warm. Receiving a citation for failure to have your vehicle under control or driving to fast for conditions will not make your experience any more pleasant, but it may help you to remember to slow down. Citations will be issued to those drivers that insist upon jeopardizing the safety of other motorists and emergency responders.
If you have ever wondered what is fact or fiction regarding all of the many preconceived notions about wine, you are not alone. There are a staggering amount of theories about wine and many of them change on a regular basis and depending on who you ask and what day it is. Better Tasting Wine decided to take a closer look at some popular myths about wine. 1. Wine goes best with cheese? Contrary to common practice, great wines should not be accompanied by cheese. Cheese's heavy texture and taste rid the tongue of its ability to fully enjoy the richness and balance of a good wine. 2. Vintage wine means expensive wine? Vintage wine is a wine with a “birth year”. The term has been commonly misused to describe expensive wine. When in reality, most non-sparkling wines are vintage wines. 3. Slow dripping wine legs indicate a better quality wine? The wine's legs (the "tears" that flow down on wine glass when you swirl) indicate the full-bodiness of the wine but give no indication of the wine's quality. Fuller-bodied wines generally have slower dripping legs. 4. Letting a bottle of uncorked wine sit for an hour can make the wine taste better? Uncorking a bottle of wine and letting it sit for an hour is surely the worst way to treat yourself and your wine. Not only can you not drink the wine for an hour, the aerating method is ineffective. The narrow bottleneck simply prevents air from opening up the wine. 5. France is the country that produces the most wine? Italy though smaller in size than France and California is the world's largest wine producing country. With ~20 wine regions stretching from its north and south end, Italy also offers the most variety of wines. 6. Cabernet Sauvignon is the most planted grape? “Cab” might be the most well-known type of red but definitely not the most planted grape. There are more merlot grapes planted in the world than any other red or white grapes. 7. Wine tastes much better with age? This is true for premium, high quality wines, but not true for many wines. As a general rule of thumb; Inexpensive, dry white wines should be consumed within one to three years of its production year. Inexpensive red wines should be consumed in one to two years. 8. Red wine causes more headaches than white wine because of its higher sulfites content? Contrary to popular beliefs, sulfites (or sulfur dioxide) do not cause headaches. Our bodies produce sulfites each day. Sulfites can also be found as a preservative in many common daily foods. However, to those with asthmatic issues, sulfites can induce an allergic reaction. Red wines have less added sulfites than white wines as their grape skins have natural preservative ability. Cheap, low alcohol white wines require more sulfites to prevent oxidation. 9. Storing an unfinished bottle of wine in the fridge is an effective way to preserve it? While great for white wines, putting intense red wines into the fridge will tone down its flavour and acidity. Even after warming, the wine will not taste the same.
Lady Margaret Beaufort (May 31, 1443 – June 29, 1509), of the House of Lancaster, was the mother of King Henry VII of England, and grandmother of Henry VIII. She was an important figure in the Wars of the Roses. Lady Margaret Hall, a college of the University of Oxford, is named after her.
A guide to the meaning of the myriad signs, lines, circles, arrows, numbers, letters, and lights on the airport grounds. AS AN AIRLINER MAKES ITS WAY AROUND an airport from the terminal to takeoff and, after the flight, back to the terminal, it encounters cryptic messages at every turn. To passengers, they may as well be hieroglyphs, but pilots understand them well, having been required to learn a second language: Airportese. A rotating beacon, intended to be seen from the air, that flashes white and green, says, “This is a civil airport.” One green and two white flashes means ”military airport”—no civil aircraft allowed. White and yellow signifies “water airport”—floatplanes and flying boats only. Green, yellow, and white indicates “heliport”—rotary-wing aircraft only. The elevation notice tells pilots this airport is, for example, 1,050 feet above mean sea level. The pilots make sure their altimeters agree. The wind sock is a fabric or plastic cone that shows which way the wind is blowing. Aircraft take off and land into the wind. Taking off or landing with a tailwind increases the amount of runway required to lift off or come to a stop. Blue lights outline a taxiway. Green lights run down the center. White and yellow lights outline a runway. White lights run down the center.
When you set up your Learning Schedule, you choose the start and end dates for groups in your class and the number of days that you want in each Assignment Plan within the schedule. You also choose whether to use a specific grade or subject or to use a Star Recommended schedule. A grade-specific or subject-specific Learning Schedule adds a set of related skills to each Assignment Plan in a recommended progression for the choice you made. A Star Recommended Learning Schedule adds skills based on the median Star Math Scaled Score of the students in the group. After you create a Learning Schedule, you can see the skills and subskills that have been added to each Assignment Plan and make changes as needed. Students receive practices for subskills in the current Assignment Plan, based on the order of skills in that Assignment Plan. Throughout the Assignment Plan, you can also generate tests so that students can demonstrate that they have learned the subskills. If you have not yet set up a Learning Schedule for any group in the class, go to step 5 below. In the drop-down list, select a grade or subject, or select Star Recommended if you want Accelerated Math to select recommended skills based on the median Star Math Scaled Score for the group. A Star Recommended Learning Schedule is usually used for Intervention groups. The initial skill in the Learning Schedule is based on the median Star Math Scaled Score of the students in the group, and subsequent skills are selected based on the recommended teachable order. When you choose Star Recommended, you can choose the number of hours per week the student is on task, and Accelerated Math will adjust the number of subskills included in the Learning Schedule based on this information. The Star Recommended option is not available if your students have not taken Star Math tests. Next, select (check) the groups that the Learning Schedule is for. Choose groups that are likely to use the same Learning Schedule throughout the class timeframe or school year; you cannot remove a group from a Learning Schedule later. Choose the start and end dates for the Learning Schedule. You select each date to choose a new date from a popup calendar, or you can select and drag the dates in the timeline to set new dates. Below the schedule timeline, you'll see the median starting Star Math Scaled Score for the group (if Scaled Scores are available) and the Projected Scaled Score by the end date (if the projection is available). The Projected score will change as you move the end date. Scaled Scores (and the resulting Projected scores) are available in the timeline the day after students test. To see Projected scores, you must have a test in the last 2 years. In some cases, the Projected score may be lower than the last Star Scaled Score. To generate the Projected score, the software looks at students in the same grade nationally that have a similar starting score. For some higher scores within a grade, 50% of students have a slight decrease in Scaled Score by the end of the year. This can happen because showing growth is less common for students who are already top achievers. For the start date, you can choose today's date or any date after today in the school year. For the end date, you can choose any date after the start date and before (or on) the last day of the school year. For many class groups, the Learning Schedule time period is usually the duration of the class. For groups that require intervention, this is the length of the intervention period. Focus skills are the skills that are most critical for success at each grade level. When you choose only to include Focus Skills, since the software will skip any non-Focus Skills, the starting skill for the Learning Schedule will depend on the next applicable Focus Skill. The software determines the median Scaled Score for the groups that are using the Learning Schedule. Then, in the Learning Progression, the software uses that score to determine the "entry points," or the first skills for the Learning Schedule. The first applicable skill that has subskills is selected. If you choose to include Focus Skills only, the software will skip non-Focus Skills. To determine the entry point, or starting skill, for the Learning Schedule, the software will go to the first applicable Focus Skill with subskills. For Star Recommended Learning Schedules, you must also choose the number of hours per week that the student is on task for this Learning Schedule (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5). Accelerated Math uses this information to determine how many skills students can complete in the Learning Schedule. Select Save when you are done (or Cancel if you decide not to save your changes). Below the Learning Schedule information, you will see a timeline that shows you the starting date for the learning schedule, the ending date, and today's date. The Assignment Plans will be shown by the alternating colors on the schedule timeline. Select the arrow next to the Schedule Setup section at the top of the page; then, select Edit Schedule. After you make your changes, select Save, or select Cancel (or the arrow again) if you have no changes to make. When you update, a message will remind you that this could change future assignments for your students; if you want to continue, select Yes; if not, select No. If you change the schedule type (a grade/subject or Star Recommended), your students' assignments for the current selection will no longer be shown on the Progress Dashboard page; this includes scores for completed assignments. If you go back to the original schedule type later, Accelerated Math will remember the progress your students had made on subskills, but practice and test scores from that previous work will no longer be available. To move the last date in an Assignment Plan to the next plan, select the arrow pointing down . To move the first date in an Assignment Plan to the previous plan, select the arrow pointing up . As you move dates, note that the number of days listed to the right of the Assignment Plan changes. Select Add Skills below the list of skills in the Assignment Plan. In the window that opens, check the Grade (or subject for high school). Any grade or subject for which you have already added all skills will not be listed. Check the Domain in the second column. In the Standard column, check the standards that include the skills you want to add. In the Skills column, check the skills that you want to add to the Assignment Plan. Above the skill description, you will see the standard that applies to the skill (or the number of standards if more than one applies to the skill). Select this information to see the full description of the standard(s). When you have finished reading the description, close the popup window. Select the X to the right of the skill description and standard number. (The X will turn red when you move the mouse cursor over it or when you select it.) When you delete skills that students have already worked on, you will no longer see that work on the Progress Dashboard page; if you add the skills back in later, the Progress Dashboard will show the progress your students previously made on those skills, but it will no longer show you the scores for those past practices and tests. Select the skill that you want to move and drag the skill to its new position or to a different Assignment Plan. The other skills will adjust to allow for the skill's new position. If you move skills to different Assignment Plans, make sure that each Assignment Plan only has the number of skills that you and your students can complete in that time period. If you don't see the skills and standards that you expect to see, on the Home page, the software administrator or district administrator can change the Learning Standards being used for math. The administrator can select different math standards, but any class that has already begun working with the original standards will continue to use those standards. To use the new standards, create a new class; new classes will use the new standards automatically.
With the success of one-man-shows, the Parisian theaters are on the rise. These are part of the French artistic heritage and allow little-known comedians to make themselves known to the public. But do you know when did they appear and what are the main coffee-theaters in Paris ? Here is a presentation of these highlights. The creation of cafes theaters was done in the 1960s in the main French cities. Restaurant managers then allow comedians to introduce themselves and play in their establishment in front of an audience originally coming to eat. The comics then pass with their hat at the end of performance to solicit income. In Paris, the theatrical cafes were quickly successful on the Left Bank and at Pigalle and in the Marais and quickly shadows the famous Parisian cabarets. Establishments with less than 50 seats bet on new talents. Some addresses of Parisian cafe-theaters not to be missed! The cafe-theater “The end” in Pigalle and its 38 seats serves as a training center of French humorists. Comedians like Shirley Souagnon walked the stage. The establishment is also in partnership with the school of one-man-show in Paris. Comedies as well as children’s plays are also played. La Petite Loge a few steps from the station Saint-Georges is an old theater for children and so small that the stage measures three square meters with 25 seats making it the smallest room in the capital! Every year the hall and armchairs are restored. Artists like Gaspard Proust and Arnaud Ducret have walked this scene. The room Popul’Air composed of about forty seats in the district of Belleville to keep its period style. The actors are paid in the hat as in the original tradition. There is an atmosphere of troquet and the reputation of this room by word of mouth. The Paname Art café is more recent since it opened in 2008. It has fifty seats and artists like Fary and Norman were on stage. It is possible to eat before each show.
Providing free access to primary legal materials, developing legal research tools, and supporting academic research on legal corpora. Today we’re proud to announce that Tom Bruce and Jerry Goldman recently joined the Free Law Project Board of Directors. Tom is the Director and co-founder of the Legal Information Institute at the Cornell Law School, where he has built a strong organization that serves millions of people every year. He has consulted on four continents, is a member of a number of standards bodies and committees, and in a previous life made the first browser for Microsoft Windows. Jerry is the founder and director of the Oyez Project, a vast and widely utilized multimedia archive devoted to the U.S. Supreme Court and its work. He’s an influential author on a number of political and legal topics, and has received numerous awards for his efforts at Oyez and as a professor at both Chicago-Kent College of Law, and Northwestern University’s Department of Political Science. Free Law Project is pleased to announce that its OpenJudiciary.org has been selected as a winner of the Knight News Challenge on Elections, an initiative of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The new project will make judicial elections more transparent for journalists and researchers by creating online profiles of judges. Profiles will show campaign contributions, judicial opinions, and biographies. “The project aims to fill an information gap by helping citizens understand and meaningfully participate in judicial elections,” said Chris Barr, Knight Foundation director for media innovation, who leads the Prototype Fund. A site such as OpenJudiciary.org is needed because big money is infiltrating the judicial election process. Academic research has shown that election years correlate with judges handing down harsher sentences, even an increased frequency of death sentences. The money in state judicial elections appears to cause not only a public perception of partiality (judges being bought), but also real damage to judicial impartiality as judges are forced to fundraise from the attorneys and litigants that appear in their courts. See Brian Carver’s post on the Berkeley Blog about the National Day of PACER Protest. A long time ago in a courthouse not too far away, people started making books of every important decision made by the courts. These books became known as reporters and were generally created by librarian-types of yore such as Mr. William Cranch and Alex Dallas. Motivated by our need to identify citations to these reporters, we’ve taken a stab at aggregating a few facts about them, such as variations in their name, abbreviation, or years they were published, and put all that information into our reporters database. Until recently, this database lived deep inside CourtListener and was only discovered by intrepid hackers rooting around, but a few months ago we pulled it out, put it in its own repository, and converted it to better formats so anyone could more easily re-use it. We’ve released new versions of the RECAP extensions for Chrome and Firefox and they will be auto-updating in your browsers soon. These are the first new versions in more than two years, and while they are relatively small releases, we’re very excited to be rolling them out. The headline feature for these extensions is a new Team Name field that you can configure in your settings. We are planning some competitions to see who can upload the most documents to RECAP and to participate, you’ll have to join a team and fill in this field with the team’s name. For now, this is a beta feature, so take a look and let us know if you have ideas for improving or using it. There are a handful of other fixes that have also landed in these releases. In both Chrome and Firefox, the icons have been improved to support high resolution screens, and the extensions have been changed to support HTTPS uploads, making them more private and secure. In Chrome, we have a new testing framework, thanks to a volunteer developer, and we have fixed notifications to work more reliably. What Should be Done About the PACER Problem? Why Should Congress Care About PACER? As we mentioned in our first post, Carl Malamud of Public.Resource.Org has written a memorandum detailing a three-pronged approach that average individuals can take to address the PACER Problem: Litigation, Supplication, and Agitation. Let’s consider each. It’s probably not fruitful if everyone runs out and sues the courts over PACER. Carl’s memorandum sketches many of the challenges that such cases would face. There are people thinking about this carefully, however, and so if you believe you are particularly likely to have standing, or have other resources to contribute to such an effort, feel free to get in touch with us and we can direct you to the folks having these conversations. What is the “PACER Problem”? The Courts are ignoring the law that Congess passed. In our tricameral system of government, it is the Congress that holds the power of the purse. The E-Government Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-347) provides with respect to PACER fees that the “Judicial Conference may, only to the extent necessary, prescribe reasonable fees… to reimburse expenses incurred in providing these services.” So, they can only charge for public access services such as PACER if those fees are used to cover the operating expenses for those same services. In an accompanying Senate report, Congress noted that it “…intends to encourage the Judicial Conference to move… to a fee structure in which this information is freely available to the greatest extent possible.” 107. S. Rept. 174. In January of 2015, Carl Malamud of Public.Resource.Org posted a memorandum detailing problems with the federal PACER system that is supposed to provide Public Access to Court Electronic Records and outlining a three-pronged approach for addressing these problems this year. We believe that this means that PACER is the largest collection of public domain documents locked behind a pay wall. Having access to this information is vital to a functioning judiciary and we are working to break it open. Today we’re announcing a plan that should help with the third part of the strategy: Agitation. Today, you sign up for our email list. Once you’ve set up an alert with this rate, we’ll begin checking the hundreds of items we download each day and we will send an email as soon as a new item triggers your alert. Just like our other emails, once you get the alert, you can click directly on the results to read opinions or listen to oral arguments. For journalists and other users with speed-critical work, it’s as simple as that to keep up with hundreds of courts. Let us know what you think! Earlier this week somebody on the Internet pinged us with some code and asked that we integrate the data from the Supreme Court Database (SCDB). Well, we’re happy to share that less than a week later we’ve taken the code they provided and used it to upgrade CourtListener’s database. The idea behind this feature is to give people quick bits of information about Free Law Project, CourtListener, RECAP and any other projects that we create in the future. As of now we’ve seeded the tips with about 20 that we thought would be useful, but because all of our work is in the open, we’re welcoming our users to add tips that they think would be useful. To add a tip you’ll need a Github account and some basic HTML skills. If you have these two things, you can wander over to the list of tips and submit some of your own. If they’re good, we’ll add them to the site! Free Law Project Recognized in two one of Top Ten Legal Hacks of 2014 by DC Legal Hackers! Yesterday the impressive DC Legal Hackers group held their first annual Le Hackie Awards and Holiday Party. Although we weren’t able to attend the event (it was in D.C.), we’re proud and gratified to share that Free Law Project played a part in two of the top ten legal hacks of the year. The first was for our new Oral Arguments feature that we’ve been blogging so much about lately, and the second was for Frank Bennett’s Free Law Ferret, which he built using code originally developed for CourtListener. Update: Turns out the Free Law Ferret was from 2013 and was not awarded a Le Hackie Award. Our mistake was to trust a slide from the presentation, which contained a typo. The past week has been a busy one for us and we’re excited to announce that thanks to a generous data donation we’ve added an additional 7,000 oral arguments to CourtListener. These files are available now and can already be searched, saved, and made into podcasts. Although 7,000 more oral arguments may not sound like much, I must point out that these files are larger than your average MP3 and this has taken a week for our powerful server to download and prepare. Our collection now has more than 200 continuous days of listening — more than six months of audio. It’s really hard to overstate the incredible nature of the open source community, but if you head over to CourtListener, you’ll find that between yesterday and today the entire website has been revamped. This was done over the past month by a volunteer developer who took time off work to give every single page in the entire site a fresh lick of paint. The accessibility of the site has been vastly improved for people with motility or vision difficulties. Over the next few days we’ll continue rolling out improvements in this area that will trickle down even to keyboard-heavy users. Sharing pages on Facebook or Twitter and saving the site to your desktop on iOS, Android or Windows now works properly, with good titles, descriptions and meta data. We’re happy to share three pieces of news about oral arguments at CourtListener. First, the sixth circuit has begun putting oral argument audio on their website and we have begun dishing it up through CourtListener. We briefly spoke to the technology team at the court and their reaction to our questions about their system was, “Oh, is that on our website already?” So this is a very new development, even for them. Right now their site has oral argument audio back to August 7th and we are in the process of grabbing this audio and putting it in our archive. Unfortunately, the case in the news right now that’s blocking gay marriage in the circuit was argued one day prior to the oldest files they’ve posted, and so we don’t have audio for that case, and possibly never will. This is one big reason we’ve wanted to get into oral arguments on CourtListener and why we’ve been supported with a grant from Columbia Library to do this work: This content is simply going dark as new content is published. We’re very excited to announce that CourtListener is currently in the process of rolling out support for Oral Argument audio. This is a feature that we’ve wanted for at least four years — our name is CourtListener, after all — and one that will bring a raft of new features to the project. We already have about 500 oral arguments on the site, and we’ve got many more we’ll be adding over the coming weeks. A podcast is automatically available for every jurisdiction we support and for any query that you can dream up. Want a custom podcast containing all of the 9th circuit arguments for a particular litigant? You got it. You can now get alerts for oral arguments so you can be sure that you keep up with the latest coming out of the courts. Last Friday, it was reported by the Washington Post and Ars Technica that Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Senator Patrick Leahy, had sent a letter to Judge Bates, the head of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AO), urging the AO to put back online the recently-removed PACER documents from five courts. I had not seen the full letter posted anywhere yet, so I present it here. Free Law Project agrees with Senator Leahy that taking these documents offline represents “a dramatic step backwards” and that the Courts’ currently proposed work-around represents “a troubling increase in costs…” We hope the AO will be open to restoring online access to these documents and stand ready to help make these documents freely available online for the public were that agreeable to the AO. Brian and I were guests this week on the live Internet show, This Week in Law on the Twit Network. In the show we cover a number of topics ranging from the history of Free Law Project and the need for innovation in the legal arena to the copyright and trademark issues in the latest Deadmou5 brouhaha. We hope you’ll enjoy watching.
While the rest of the world holds the written Constitution of the USA – if not the application of that Constitution – as the model for democracy, in this country we continue to ignore the inspiration of the Founding Fathers. of the original reason for the birth of our nation. Liberty. Something very bad has happened to us. While in DC, our Capitol, running from meeting to meeting with famous important organizations, we discussed the problem of how damaging it is to not teach Civics, starting with our youngest students. I realized that what should have been a walk in the park has become a ‘complicated issue.’ Not one of the networks, magazines or think-tanks had said simply “Yes” when asked to endorse Civics as a Non-partisan issue. Endorsing civics, or the practical realistic knowledge of how to run the country, is about as problematic as endorsing breathing, or the right to read. Teaching Reason, Logic, Clarity of Thought, Critical Analysis, and raising up the values of dissent, debate, civility and opposing views sounds like provocative, weighty stuff; teaching that we are responsible for forming a more perfect union, or providing for the common defense is nothing to jump into lightly. Of all these things, plus promoting the general welfare, establishing justice, insuring the blessings of liberty on ourselves and our posterity, none of these things are getting any serious study, perhaps it’s safe to conclude that they’re not that important. We don’t teach our kids how to run the country anymore. We deliberately make the future stewards of our system ignorant of that system; that is neurotic and ridiculous. Have we all lost our collective minds here? Have I stepped on any toes? I apologize. I do no such thing. If you are prepared to fight the inarguable necessity of teaching our children how to run the country before it’s their turn to run the country, I am willing to fight you, because your stance is fundamentally self destructive. Such senselessness draws a grim picture of the America we pass to our children and the country we live in today; the values we teach (Profit at all costs) or don’t teach (clarity of thought, intellectual freedom, accountability, reward and responsibility), obscure what is right and proper; it’s what the gladiators of Rome called ‘a slow kill,’ fatal but sure. You can feel America getting smaller, losing grandeur, turning away from nobility. We have been proud of a revolutionary system that hands true political power to the general public through representation and trust. How can we sustain trust when we refuse to teach how a Republican Democracy works and by whom? All people have an inalienable right to know who they are, and why they are who they are. Why have we stopped doing it? Teaching our history with maturity and candor is the only way we can see the singular political miracle America is. Civic Education is the knowledge of an ethical platform upon which all America stands, and from which we can disagree with one another all we want; the youth of America could learn Responsible Sovereignty, that the Ruler and the Ruled are one; that tale compliments man kind, clarifies the two-way street of accountability, reward, responsibility, and freedom. That is the energy and beauty of Republican Democracy. Making expert those who inherit that power is basic, sensible, and inarguable. Why don’t we do that? Would you stay on an airplane if you knew they picked their pilots randomly from the passenger list? Is the notion of preparedness so radical? Our children aren’t prepared for anything. They don’t know how to hammer a nail, read the fine print, cook, sew, what due process is, why we fought for it, what it cost in blood and sacrifice, how few had it, or have it now, or that we threw it away in our panic and changed it to ‘selective’ due process. When the homes of the middle class are foreclosed, is there anyone in that family that can start a fire? Or file a class action suit? We are educating our kids for a 21st Century that resembles a Fred Astaire movie, instead of dealing with dirty bombs or toxic fumes. Why are we creating inert, uncurious, unquestioning people instead of a vibrant resource pool? We are not born with a genetic advantage on how to run a Republican Democracy. American ideas must be taught, because they are the only binders we have. Refusing to teach protection of civil liberties or governments restrained from illegal behavior, things that must be known for a Republic to run properly is at least self-destructive, or worse, an act of hostility. The world is hard, and requires intellect and creativity to prevail. We pass out school kids who can’t read or write. This is absurdity; either we don’t know how or what to teach or we’re deliberately making our kids stupid. Secretary Gates said that 75% of those who try to get into the military couldn’t pass the entrance exam. Is our military served by a volunteer army and navy made up of illiterate soldiers and sailors? Is a stupid volunteer military an advantage on any battlefield or, as charged, with the preparation for war and the protection of our loved ones? We are a nation of business. Is business served by students who think without clarity? Can’t create industry, can’t fill the requirements of management? Management must be taught; risk and courage also, which allows Entrepreneurship. If we don’t, in 10 years, American business will seek its leadership from Asia and India, because we have neglected to reinforce the public schools that feed Harvard and Yale. It’s an easy call, unfortunately; we’ll be out-thought, out-maneuvered, and out of the game. Three strikes and you’re out. Excellence at the common sense talents of the people wielding political power is ignored; freedoms that opportunity used, to create the greatest industrial energy the world ever knew, are abandoned, along with protecting the basic civil rights of the individual, values our forefathers fought so hard to attain in a world of Darkness, fundamentalism, and ignorance. There must be a renaissance of Sensible Patriotism, of educating our kids to be smarter than we are. Unless of course we say we can’t afford it, or we don’t need it; that’s the Darkness that never dies: stupidity, just waiting. Every parent, journalist, churchgoer, or secular citizen wants America to be run by its most intelligent. We are too powerful to be run by anyone less. Not seeing the problem yet? Not feeling uneasy? That’s sleepwalking or selfishness. Good citizenship is dangerous in its absence, inescapable in its fatal consequence, and unknowable unless taught. Jay Leno makes jokes about how stupid we are about History. He’s not wrong, but he’s not aiming at our cultural mythology. Every family in this country, except ones that were dragged here against their will or found here and killed, share this mythology. Every family in this country fled the oppression of the caste or class system designed by wealth in the Old Countries, and came here, “the city on the hill”, known to be a political miracle, for a chance at rising by merit. This year the Supreme Court said that corporations, not humans, could be completely free to give as much money as they wanted to political campaigns, whether they were American corporations or not. Humans, the ones the governance theories were for, were limited to ritual amounts, so that our participation in politics has been reduced to gesture with no power. So? So, Sony, the OPEC group, or Halliburton, can give an unlimited amount. Get ready for 50 billion dollar campaigns. If you think that’s a partisan statement, imagine Hugo Chavez or the Iranians or Kazakhstan funneling their wealth into American TV ad money; money is power, is access, is profit; the American Government is putting itself on EBay every 2 or 4 years. Why would we leave DC with my hosts standing back from endorsing civics? They ought to line up to be first to do it. Until then, all of them should be called the groups who want Civics to be a partisan issue, who have reasons for keeping unknown the powers the Constitution mandates to us. Was that too complicated? Keep us from knowing what power is handed to the People of the United States, keep us from knowing our rights and responsibilities, then realize we’ve created the Goldilocks of thievery and criminal behavior: unlimited greed leading to unlimited theft and protected by the public’s complete ignorance of how to stop them? A front row seat at the decline and fall of the greatest idea of governance in history. Before dismissing me as a fool, a hypocrite, or an actor, ask me: “What is it Mr. Dreyfuss that you want?” I want common sense not be rare, but to be common. I want to share the political support structure and allow for our parties to use the good ideas of the other party, instead of demonizing everything they say. I want people to be courageous and comfortable in the exercise of true political authority. I want our kids to be smarter on Friday than they were on Monday, our parents to know what to say to their children, our ministers what to say to their congregations. I want to see the Press celebrate its mandate, the willingness to speak truth to any power. All of which adds substance and good acts to patriotism. I want my country to prevail not by re-writing the rules, buying the rules or ignoring the rules, but because we know the rules in our sleep, know them to be fair, know the strength that comes with diversity and the strength that comes with how open channels of opinion combine in strength and take us farther and achieve respect for America, a country worthy of real respect and devotion.
James Hillman once said in his provocative book of the same title, “We’ve had a hundred years of psychotherapy and the world’s getting worse.” Though many would take case with this satirical, yet telling title, one does begin to wonder how well we are doing in the grand scheme of things related to reducing pain and suffering in this world. And when this pain has to do with drug and alcohol addiction, how well do psychotherapeutic providers do in the final analysis of impact on changing behavior for the good? And does our cutting edge research from neuroscience have anything to say about it? When the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) recently came out with their report NIDA InfoFacts: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction, they did a helpful synopsis in a meta-analysis sort of way on the key principles of effective treatment. Being the neuroscience-oriented change agent that I am, who has seen the practice of psychotherapy enhanced by understanding the secret world of the brain, I thought it would be helpful to view these classic research findings from the lens of your brain – to see if “it” sees things the same way we as outsiders believe behavior change works. Lets take a look at a sample of these points. Brain’s Response: Neuroscience has shown a less than perfect linear “cause and effect” relationship here, and that the brain is affecting the addictive response and manifestation as well. It’s a fine line between a true addictive disorder and the fundamental “wishing that reality was something else than it is” response that colors most of everyday decision making of us all. No single treatment approach is appropriate for everyone. Brain’s Response: Because the brain is wired to “feel right” and not to necessarily be effective, we all have unique ways of reducing the anxiety and dissonance we feel of the “one approach” coming at us. Whether it is another approach being more effective or are defenses less effective in rationalizing the benefits away, remains unclear. Brain’s Response: Research on why the best cognitive rehabilitation strategies work on the brain after a certain traumatic event seem to convey the importance of a “cross training” effect on boosting rewiring potentials. That is, working all the lobes and not just where the supposed injury occurred. Such is the case potentially with why a multidisciplinary approach works with addiction—-from a neuroplasticity angle, you increase the chances of enlisting the support on non-injured, healthy, and addictive-busting neural networks. Brain’s Response: Though time is indeed correlated to treatment success, I am curious what the exact correlation coefficient would be. Could it be a cognitive bias of ours that makes us think this is literally true but in reality the data could be something else, in much the same way that ? Do we not have examples of people who show insight potential around behavior change across the whole spectrum from one intervention to 10 times in rehab? The brain is an inadequate distinguisher between things that make sense and things that are literally true. My hunch on this one is that in actuality the correlation is mediocre at best; that time in treatment is a powerful variable when supported by many moderating variables (family support, level of pain experienced per intervention, accountability factors, etc). As you can see, when one looks at these common assertions of treatment efficacy with a more discerning light of neuroscience, once can’t help but question one’s thinking about one’s thinking. And is this troublesome? I think not. Ironically, perhaps it is this meta-cognitive stance that is most beneficial in building humility-based practitioners who use neuroscience as a knowledge helper and not a rule generator.
Conference and meeting planning can be intense and making healthy, positive choices for employees and attendees can prove difficult. Unfortunately unhealthy choices can reduce concentration, have a negative impact on productivity, and damage energy levels. Even when planning time is short, it's important to consider applying healthy standards to an event. Healthy choices can help reenergise attendees at crucial points during the day. They're also a great way to reinforce a positive workplace culture. Introducing ‘fuel for the brain' - food that is high in Omega 3 and vitamins key to essential brain function and development - can boost employee activity and engagement. Consider refuelling your attendees with deli box options, energy bars, smoothies and fresh fruit instead of heavy carbs such as biscuits and sandwiches. Healthy catering food can be more expensive but ordering less and making portion sizes more reasonable can help save on overall event costs. Studies have shown a strong relationship between the physical and social environments in the workplace. Long hours in meetings mean employees aren't getting a chance to take the recommended 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day. When choosing a venue for your event it's important to consider one that has an outdoor access option, that way attendees can have time to move around in the fresh air. Another option is to introduce icebreakers that are highly interactive. A more physical environment can help shape and encourage positive employee moods during meeting sessions. These sessions can also help reduce the post-lunch slump. Using “zero waste” or green practices incorporates sustainability into your meeting through waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting techniques. Create an event that's as healthy for the planet as it is for your staff, and you'll create a culture that puts the emphasis on positive changes and responsible action. Setting healthy event standards sends a message that health is important to your business, and demonstrates your commitment to supporting the welfare of employees and stakeholders. By modelling healthy behaviour, you set the standard for every type of meeting going forward: from small department meetings to large corporate events. Have you introduced any health and wellbeing practices into your meetings and conferences? What has worked for you?
Today it is not Easter in Russia. Easter is a moveable feast and its date has confounded great minds over the ages. We still have a major split in the Christian world between Orthodox and Catholic/Protestant, the eastern Europeans finding Easter’s date by the Julian calendar, the westerners by the Gregorian calendar. This famous bone of contention has caused rifts throughout history. Here in Britain what is known as the Celtic Church (more properly, the Irish Church) was suppressed because of it. I’m not going to begin to explain the trickiness of dating Easter, because I’m a bear of small brain and not a computus. What interests me is the name and the light it sheds – literally and metaphorically – on this particular festival. Twice a year, at spring and autumn equinoxes, the sun rises and sets due East and West, giving us two of the four cardinal points. Determining North and South requires instruments of calculation, but East and West are visible to everyone. You note where the sun rises and put up a marker. That will tell you where east is all the year round, even while the sun rises and sets in different places along its path each day. The Spring Equinox, named after the goddesss, Ostara, was called ‘Esotre’, the Germanic word which gives us east, eastern and Easter. It means dawn. Bede, who was a great computus of the date of Easter, writes of the pagan feasts held in her honour which in his time had recently died out, to be replaced by the ‘Paschal month’. Eostre is High German and the pagans Bede was referring to were Anglo-Saxons. We don’t know the name of the goddess to the Celts but it might be ‘Ausos’ (from austron, ‘dawn’). ‘Eosturmonath has a name which is now translated “Paschal month”, and which was once called after a goddess of theirs named Eostre, in whose honour feasts were celebrated in that month. Now they designate that Paschal season by her name, called the joys of the new rite by the time-honoured name of the old observance.’ Bede, De temporum ratione. (Note: ‘paschal’ derives from Hebrew pesach, meaning Passover). In the Celtic calendar there are between 40 and 46 days between each of the eight seasonal festivals of the year. Right now, in 2014, we have Easter Sunday on 20th April, just ten days from Beltane, and that is clearly wrong. The true feast of Ostara was over thirty days ago, just as the flowers were coming out in that magical period when dawn comes twelve hours after sunset and the soil begins to warm, the birds begin to sing, the snowdrops give way to primroses and the first blossom opens on the fruit trees. What seems to have happened is that the Christian ‘Paschal month’ absorbed and combined the festival of Ostara (spring equinox) and Beltane (beginning of May), which explains why May Day has no Christian equivalent and persists as both a secular and pagan festival. Beltane is staging a comeback these days and I hope will shortly give its name officially to May Day. If I were to clean up our modern calendar, as many would dearly love to do, I would give the name Ostara or Easter to spring equinox (as the Wiccans do), and for this shifting Christian festival I would give the name ‘Passiontide’. Pagans and chocolate-eating atheists would of course complain, but have no grounds for it, since their festival had simply been shifted back to late March. Equinox is the time for eggs, bunnies and all that procreative symbolism. Passiontide is a quiet time for reflections on death, rebirth, immortality. I don’t wish to deprive the kiddies of fun, just push it back a bit in time. Why shouldn’t we celebrate the movement of the year into spring? It doesn’t need any religious overlay at all. All we do at the moment is change a lot of clocks and watches, making the Wheel of the Year lurch foward. Oddly, all the interpretations of Botticelli’s La Primavera, ‘The Spring’, are uncertain when it comes to naming the central goddess and the one to her right. They are usually referred to as Venus and Flora. Let them stand for Passiontide and Ostara. And the one furthest to the right, the unadorned one? – Imbolc, or Brigit, the coming of the light to the year in February. This is not yet another interpretation of Primavera; I’m just using it as an analogy. Spring has three parts, beginning, middle, end. Brigit is the beginning, with her snowdrops and aconites, Ostara the middle, with her primroses and daffodils, and Beltane heralds the the beginning of summer with apple and hawthorn blossom. This is an aspect, of course, of the Matronae, the three mother goddesses, shown as nymph, matron and crone. The Celts knew the year better than anyone. They lived it, lived in it, and life was an eight-spoked wheel. Rather than follow the muddle which is the combined Christian-pagan calendar of today’s secular world, I try and separate them. My life in the world is governed by the calendar of Roman gods, emperors and numbers, a very messy arrangement but universal (even the Orthodox follow the Gregorian calendar in daily business), but my life in the garden is lived under the ancient calendar of heathen gods and goddesses who govern the birth, growth and death of things. We live by two wheels – it just makes life richer.
Humanistic Education is a class focused on every student; its aim is to develop the personal and professional competencies of each student through the study of different topics that will provide them with general culture and guidance. Forhum Course Objectives: to develop reading habits, acquire general culture, improve writing skills and vocabulary, improve academic performance, learn to have personal criteria, and develop a sense of solidarity though a project. The objectives are achieved through the following: readings, conferences, talks, workshops, and solidarity of entrepreneur projects. To learn more about the FORHUM program, Click here. The student’s organizational committee of the University has different teams and groups of people that contribute to the program. The choir group of the University is one of the social entrepreneur projects that allow students to gain points for the program.
Fliker Scooters - Are They Any Good? What is a Fliker Scooter? Fliker scooters (also known as tri, wiggle or carver scooters and sometimes spelt as Flicker) have been around for a few years now. They have two footplates instead of one. Each foot goes on a separate footplate. The rider then shifts their weight from side to side or moves their hips to propel the scooter along. Sometimes this looks like they are wiggling (hence the term wiggle scooter). The rider can also ride the scooter in a traditional way (pushing the scooter along with just one foot while keeping the other on the footplate). Or you can even do tricks on them by flicking them up on two wheels. Why Get a Fliker Scooter? Reason number 1 - they are fun! In an age where kids aren't getting outside enough for fresh air and exercise, the Flicker scooter is a novel way to encouraging kids to move and enjoy their time outdoors. Reason number 2 - it's good exercise. It gets kids moving in a different way. They're friend will be desperate to have a go too. What Age for a Fliker Scooter? There are Fliker scooters for kids from around the age of five, although some five year olds may struggle to get used to the idea. It will really depend on the child, but most should be fine for age 6 or 7. Fliker scooters haven't been around for very long! This innovative scooter design came about from the well respected scooter maker and brand Yvolution. Yvolution created something that was very different from the other kids scooters you see on the playground. And the fun factor of the Fliker design made the incredibly popular with chidren in a very short space of time. Yvolution make various types of Fliker scooter. Beginners on the Flikr scooter will enjoy the Air series Y Flikers which are lighweight, sleek, sturdy, durable, great to learn on but also offer different challenges as their skills progress. Once kids have mastered drifting, they can move onto mastering tricks. The A1 air scooter is the smallest of the fliker scooters, designed for kids aged 5 and up. It's an ideal first fliker for beginners and younger riders as it's easy to ride and very safe. What's To Like About This Scooter? A quick response handbrake - easy to use for younger riders. Performance rated PU wheels - Industrial designed super-grip caster wheels offer a smooth, comfortable and easy glide journey. Twist and stow folding system - Simply twist and pull the folding knob and fold the handlebars to the ground. Suitable for neat storage in garages, storage rooms, or even for travelling in the car. It's the smallest in yvolution air range of scooters. Frame size is 85 cm in height and 46cm in width. At 6kg this is a lightweight frame for a Fliker scooter making it easier for younger ones to control and parents to pick up, fold and carry when needed. The A3 Air Y Fliker scooter is from the makers of the original fliker scooters. It's aimed for kids aged 7 and up and provides reinforced frame, high grip footplates, quick response brake and a foldable handlebar. The twist and stow folding system - it's ready to fold and go where you want to take it. The Homcom brand of scooters are branded and sold by a company called MHStar based in the UK. They are mainly sold via amazon and ebay and you can read lots of reviews of the scooters on these sites. The standout feature from the Homcom brand is the price. They provide a scooter an afforable option of tri scooter which has good reviews at a competitive price. The Homcom tri scooter is affordable with some impressive features. It's foldable, aimed at kids aged five plus. A fine option to go for when you just want to have a go and try this kind of scooter out. This is an affordable option of tri scooter for the younger rider. It's frame size is a good option for 5 to 7 year olds age range. It can be folded down - convenient if you want to put it in the boot of the car and for storage. With 125mm PU wheels, the scooter is designed for easy acceleration, drifting and turning. If you're looking for an affordable bigger and faster scooter for kids aged 8 and up, the Homcom ticks all those boxes. The larger frame and bigger wheels make this an excellent choice for older kids especially if budget is an important consideration. This has some excellent features for the kids aged 8 plus (including a height adjustable handlebar) without the huge price tag. The anti skid and wear resistant footplates are a larger size at 33cm (l) x 10cm (w). Very useful for bigger feet! The front handbrake makes it easy to control and slow down. Heavy duty steel frame. Frame size is 103cm in height and 63cm in width. Bigger than the Yvolution A3 scooter. The handlebar is height adjustable which means you can get the ideal height for your child. It adjusts from 76cm t0 100cm. The bigger 145mm PU wheels provide a faster, smoother glide. Bigger wheels are always better for taking you further faster and tend to roll over cracks in the pavement smoothly absorbing more of the impact making from nastier bumps. The max user weight is 60kg which will rule many adults out of having a go but is enough load capacity for older children. The Kidzmotion tri scooters are branded and sold by a UK company. These can be bought on amazon or direct from their website. Again amazon have many reviews of their scooters. It's notable that Kidzmotion offer tri scooters designed for and aimed at the older child and teenagers. The Kidzmotion Wrigger is a mid range scooter, with sizing and design perfect for the 5 to 9 age group. It's another top pick for a beginner with height adjustable handlebars and it's foldable too. An excellent option for beginners to learn drifting, master sliding and try wheelying. A height adjustable handlebar for 78 to 87cm ensures the scooter is set at the best height for each child. The width of the frame is 60cm. Wriggler is foldable for easy storage and features a cable front brake and twin rear brakes make it easy for young children to slow down stop. The maximum rider weight 85kg so the load capcity will easily fit the age group required. The Kidzmotion Swagger is a mid range priced scooter, with larger sizing and perfect design for the 10 to 13 age group. It's another top pick for a beginner with height adjustable handlebars. And it's foldable too! There's not many flikr style scooters with the ideal sizing for the 10 plus age group, which makes the Swagger the obvious choice for the older child. It's geared up to be a comfortable, awesome ride for kids who are a little big bigger and can handle more speed. The handlebars on the swagger can be adjusted between 96cm to 110cm so reach incredibly high to adapt to the height of the tallest of children. The width of the frame is 60cm. The 145mm PU rear wheels are bigger and will get kids a longer way in a shorter time. The Swagger is foldable for easy storage and features a cable front brake and twin rear brakes make it easy for quick braking and emergency stops. The maximum rider weight 100kg so even adults will be able to have a go on this thing. Do you want an even bigger frame for a teenager? The Kidzmotion Shway is the choice for you. It's extra large frame and extra large wheels provide teens with a fast, fun blast of a ride. This is the only self propelled Flikr style scooter designed with the teenager in mind. It's unique in that it has 200mm wheels which are the largest found on this type of scooter. Bigger wheels will glide more smoothly, so the Shway will be quick and rollover those bumps and cracks effortlessly. The handlebars on the Shway can be adjusted from 110cm up to a whopping 117cm so teens will be able to find a comfortable handlebar height regardless of how tall they are. The 200mm PU rear wheels will glide at a super speed giving teens the adrenaline they crave. Like all other Kidzmotion self moving tri scooters the Shay is foldable and features a handbrake for ultimate control when stopping. The maximum rider weight 100kg. There's nothing to stop adults within the weight limit joining in the Flikr fun with this socooter. The Yvolution Carver scooter are designed to take kids of all ages to the next tier of Flikr scooter. It works in the small way as the other Flikr scooters, shifting your weight to self propel along. But once you have used these scooters to get up to speed on basic drifting you can up your skills to the next level. The scooters feature FLEX technology so you can open up even more options for carving, including 360-degree spins (while in motion) and powerful carves with maximum control. The carver scooters are the perfect option for kids with a daredevil streak who like a bit of added adrenaline with their ride and are open to having a go at a few tricks. The are 3 versions of the scooter, the C1 designed for kids age 5 plus, the C2 aimed at 7 plus and the C3 aimed a 9 plus. Check them out below. The C1 is sized for the smaller, younger child with a daredevil streak. It's recommended for kids from age 5 and from 113cm tall. This scooter is a good option for younger children who are beginning with a Fliker but want the option to progress to the next level of Fliker tricks. The frame is sized at 85.5cm high and 54.5cm wide. It's designed with safety in mind with a quick response brake for those urgent stops and rugged grips on the footplates, giving parents peace of mind when their young kids ride this. It weighs 7.5kg and has a max rider weight of 80kg. Aimed at age 7 plus, the C3 is super fun and perfect for trying out wheelies. Pick up some speed, then lean back and pull on the handlebars to lift the front wheel. The quick response brake gives riders maximum control, quickly change direction and try out some impromtu spins. Simple lean on the handlebars to pull off 360 degree spins and mega drifts. The performance rated industrial caster wheels can really pick up some speed for more thrills and action. Ideal for racing and having fun. It features refinforced steel tubing for an extra safe and reliable ride. Like all carvers it's foldable for extra portability. The height of the scooter is 104cm so older kids, teens and the maximum rider weight of 100kg means that adults can also have fun riding this. Like all the other Yvolution Flikers, this scooter has very responsive hand brakes for ultimate control and performance rated PU wheels for speed. The name of this scooter say it all! It's set up with a revolutionary patentented lift system, which lets you pull of wheelies including sideways wheelies. The lightweight frame is geared up for insane stunts, spins and cool tricks. This is the ultimate Flikr for kids aged 7 plus (from 128cm) to learn incredible tricks and have maximum fun. Front and side wheelies, 360 degree spins, powerful carving and drifts are all catered for. The patented lift technology means that kids can lean back and pull wheelies without going back to far. It can also fold quickly and easily with the twist and fold storage system. The scooters work best on flat and smooth surfaces. They don’t work well uphill or on uneven terrain. They are mainly used for fun than commuting. Can 4 Year Olds Ride a Flikr Scooter? Some 4 year olds can ride a flikr scooter, although others will struggle. It very much depends on the child, so it’s not possible to give a yes or no answer. The main thing is if you buy a flikr scooter for a 4 year old, go for the smallest frame size possible and choose a tri scooter designed for a younger rider . On this page that is the Yvolution A1 Air Flikr Scooter.
Further presenting non-stick cookware dangers, a new study published in this month’s Archives of Internal Medicine reveals a relation between PFOA (the chemical in Teflon, used in nonstick pans among other things) and heart disease. While scientists are cautious, as they always are, to say they are definitively linked, some say steering clear of the chemical “just in case” wouldn’t be a bad idea. According to the study published in the journal The Jama Network, researchers looked at PFOA presence and incidence of heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. About 98 percent of Americans have traces of PFOA in them, those with the highest levels of the chemical were found to have double the odds of heart disease when compared with those having the lowest levels. Also, those with higher PFOA, had a 78 percent higher risk of peripheral heart disease—where arteries narrow and harden. But this isn’t the first time perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) has been associated or found co-existing with other health problems. The Environmental Working Group has it classified as a “likely carcinogen,” meaning it could lead to cancer. Even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said it was likely to cause cancer. So, if something causes mutations in cells, as in cancer, wouldn’t it make sense that it could lead to a whole host of other health concerns? Along with the increasingly well-known knowledge that the toxic fumes emitted from non-stick cookware can make a bird drop dead if it’s in the same room, PFOA has also been shown to cause like to low birth weight and organ specific oxidative DNA damage. Other research published in the Environmental Health Perspectives journal says those with higher blood levels of PFOA also have a higher incidence of thyroid disease. But PFOA is still found in some nonstick pans—it’s the coating that allows people to use less oil. And with 98 percent of Americans walking around with PFOA in their bodies, it’s definitely something to be concerned about. What can you do? If you haven’t already, stop using nonstick pans. Cast iron is a far better choice, and will last a lifetime. Iron is the cause of cancer, in conjunction with copper deficiency. C8 is a chemical used in the manufacture of Teflon. C8 contamination has been found in water wells on both sides of the Ohio river for 50 miles near the DuPont plant in Washington, WV. The C8 Science Panel was formed to study health effects of C8 on humans. So far, the panel has linked testicular and kidney cancer, heart disease, and peeclampsia, among other problems.
Compared to many other developed countries New Zealand faces different challenges in reducing emissions. Almost half our emissions come from agriculture, while most of our electricity is from renewable sources. The new government has indicated New Zealand’s climate policy will change in coming months to include a Zero Carbon Act. This may include an independent Climate Commission, a commitment to 100% renewable energy generation by 2035, and a target of net zero emissions by 2050. Consultation on the Zero Carbon Bill has been completed, with the Bill due to be passed mid-2019. As a member of C40 Cities, Auckland is part of a global network created and led by cities. C40 focuses on tackling climate change and risks, while increasing the health, wellbeing and economic opportunities of urban citizens. In November 2015, New Zealand was one of 195 countries that agreed to the Paris Climate Agreement. The goal of this historic collective agreement is to limit the increase in global temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, with a more ambitious intent to keep it below 1.5 degrees. Used globally as a guide for climate mitigation, Project Drawdown is the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming. The plan is based on research that maps, measures, models, and describes the key solutions to global warming that already exist. Vivid Economics was commissioned by GLOBE-NZ (a cross-party group of 35 members of the New Zealand Parliament) to highlight long-term low-emission pathways for the country. A report by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, 'Stepping stones to Paris and beyond' recommended writing emissions targets into law, and having a plan like Generation Zero’s Zero Carbon Act. The Royal Society of New Zealand's 'Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy for New Zealand' report takes an in-depth look into climate change mitigation options for the country.
Grape Seed Extract (GSE) makes otherwise immortal laboratory leukemia cells commit suicide, according to a new study from the University of Kentucky. When exposed to the extract, 76 percent of the leukemia cells were dead within 24 hours. The extract forces leukemia cells to commit “apoptosis,” or cell suicide, which is a kind of programmed cell death that cells in the body undergo either in the normal course of growth and development or when something goes wrong with them. Popular bisphosphonate drugs used to treat the bone thinning condition that increases the likelihood of a bone fracture (osteoporosis) may increase the risk of developing dangerous esophageal cancer, a Food and Drug Administration official said on Wednesday. Diane Wysowski of the FDA's division of drug risk assessment said researchers should check into potential links between so called bisphosphonate drugs and cancer. In a letter in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine, Wysowski said since the initial marketing of Fosamax (alendronate) in 1995, the FDA has received 23 reports in which patients developed esophageal tumors. Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, and at the University of Washington, Seattle, examined any connection between high Folic Acid supplementation and breast cancer risk. They also examined any connection with methionine, riboflavin, and vitamins B-6 and B-12 from self-reported intakes averaged over 10 years before the start of the study. 35,023 postmenopausal women aged 50 to 76 years in the Vitamins And Lifestyle (VITAL) cohort study took part in the analysis. Supplements containing selenium, beta-carotene and Vitamins C and E may alleviate pain in people suffering from pancreatitis according to a new study. In 127 patients with painful pancreatitis it was found that supplementing them with 600 mcg of selenium, 540 mg vitamin C, 9,000 IU Beta-Carotene, 270 IU vitamin E (as d-alpha- tocopherol) and 2 g methionine reduced the number of days with pain significantly each month during the six-month long study period. They also found that 32% of the patients on supplements became pain free (vs.
The willows or Salices ore an extremely varied and complex genus; some 300+ species are recognised worldwide. They range from minute, prostrate shrubs to large trees. Many species hybridise freely and many varieties, cultivars, hybrids are known. Even the BSBI handbook on "Willows and poplars" warns that 'no willow key yet devised will prove infallible'. Many willow species / hybrids are noted for the ease with which they reproduce vegetatively. Various willows were present in the U.K. after the last ice age, but it is difficult to know which due to their 'penchant' for hybridisation. Willows are generally plants of wetter areas / soils. The White Willow (Salix alba), the Crack Willow (Salix fragilis) and the Osier (Salix viminalis) are species which may be found in the British Isles, often associated with river banks, wetlands and areas where water is generally available. Willows have long been associated with making of baskets, hurdles, plant supports, and of course cricket bats. The finest are crafted from Salix alba coerulea which grows to 30m high and 4 - 6m in girth in nature, but the growing of wood for cricket bats is a specialised procedure. More recently, there has been interest in willows as a form of biomass, grown for fuel and regularly coppiced. Like many willows, the leaves of the white willow are long (between 5 and 10 cm) and pointed. They alternate along the stems. When they are first formed they are quite 'silky', that is covered with minute hairs. As they mature, the upper surface becomes 'naked' or glabrous and a dull green colour. The underside of the leaf remains silver - downy - so that at a distance, the leaves give a silver- white appearance, particularly as they move in the wind. The leaves are finely toothed. The leaves of the crack willow do not have this silvery appearance, they tend to be longer (up to 15 cm). The foliage is a glossy green, with a 'blue-green' lower (abaxial) surface. The leaves of the Osier are particularly distinctive in that they are very long and thin - perhaps 20 cm by 1 cm; they are dark above, silky-white beneath and not toothed. Not all willows have long, thin leaves, for example, goat willow (Salix caprea) has broader leaves. White willow tends to have a grey bark, with a number of ridges, that 'criss-cross'. New shoots tend to be slender, and softly hairy at first. The trunk tends to have large ascending branches or limbs. The crack willow bark is grey-brown and coarsely fissured in older trees (adjacent photo). The shoots in crack willow are more yellow brown in colour, often shiny and hairless. They are brittle where they join with the stem, and will detach (in high winds or with a bit of a pull) - with a 'crack'. These 'fragments' readily root if they fall on mud or are transported by water to a moist place - if the temperature is suitable for growth. The trunk of the osier is short (by comparison to either crack willow or white willow), gnarled and scaly. The adjacent image shows the grain of willow. Willows are often pollarded and have a distinctive appearance. Many can be seen alongside the dikes in marshy areas in counties like Norfolk and Lincolnshire (see photo taken near Haddiscoe, Norfolk). No photos available as yet - opposite is a young willow stem (with lenticels for gas exchange). The white willow has buds covered with greyish / white hairs and the young twigs have an olive / brown colour - again with hairs. By contrast, the crack willow has yellow brown buds with little or no hair, they are brittle and if bent at the best give rise to an audible 'crack'.. The osier has dark brown twigs that are hairy. Hybrids of the crack willow and the white willow are common, as are hybrids with the almond leaved willow.
The hair waver is similar to a curling iron in many ways. This includes the materials used, the heat settings, and the different barrel sizes. But there is one thing a waver has that a curling iron lacks, which is the ability to get perfect deep or beachy waves. Though this can be done with a curling iron, it can take a bit of practice. The best hair waver is designed strictly for this purpose, with a few styles to give you the look you want every time. A waver is easy to use and has designs that will work for every hair type and length. If you’re trying to achieve those wavy styles you keep seeing on the red carpet, a hair waver may be the right tool for you. Many people wonder why they should use a hair waver if they can achieve similar results with a curling iron. Well, that’s because the two styling tools are so different in design and in use. There are many different types of curling irons and hair wavers get lumped in with the rest. This may be because the barrels look similar on some models. But the hair waver has waved plates or multiple barrels next to each other, while the curler has only one barrel. The curling iron has a few different designs. These include clipless, spring, Marcel, or spiral curling irons. But no matter which one you pick, their main focus is curling your hair. You wrap your strands around the barrel, hold for a few seconds, and then release. What you have now is a spiraling curl down the length of your hair. Even when trying to use curlers to wave your hair, you still end up with curls, only longer ones that resemble waves. The waver is different since you don’t wrap your hair around the barrel. Double barrel hair wavers have two barrels next to each other on one side. There is a waved piece behind it. You clamp your hair between these two pieces to form a wave, similar to the crimping iron of a few decades ago. There are also triple barrel models, which speed up the process due to the longer wave pattern. If you have decided to add a hair waver to your styling arsenal, there is an easy way to use it to ensure the best results. The first thing you need to do is wash your hair. Condition it as well, so it is soft and moisturized. Any heating tools can dry out your hair, so protect it as much as you can before you start. Make sure your hair is completely dry, add some heat protectant spray, and you’re ready to begin. Section your hair, leaving one part loose and clipping the rest out of the way. Starting close to your scalp, lay the hair across the open waver. Clamp it shut, hold for 5 to 10 seconds, and then release it. Move down a bit, but don’t leave a space between the waved and unwaved sections. It’s better to overlap them for a more natural look. Work your way through the sections this way, only waving a small piece at a time. When you’ve completed every section, check to make sure no areas were missed. Then run your fingers through your hair to loosen up the waves, add some hairspray to lock them in, and you’re ready to go. The first thing you need to consider in a hair waver is your hair type. Different hair needs different materials to heat it safely. Different heat settings are also important. This is because some hair is too delicate for high temperatures. Ceramic heat is best. It will give you safe, even heating, allowing you to hold the waver on there for less time. You should also keep the temperature low to keep from damaging or burning your strands. Start at the lowest setting, and only raise it if needed to hold your style. Those lucky enough to have normal hair can get away with any type of heating materials. But you’ll need a bit more heat than the more delicate hair types. Test out your styler to find the right temperature for you. Titanium is the best material for these hair types. But you can also use tourmaline and ceramic as well, for their even heat distribution. These two will also lock in moisture for less frizz. High heat is best, somewhere between 300F and 400F to set those waves in place. Though not necessary, there are a few other features that make your hair waver easier to use. Unlike most hair wavers, the Remington Wet 2 Waves styling tool can be used on both wet and dry hair. The ceramic plates heat up the water coating your strands, turning it to steam. This is then released through the special holes on the top plate. This saves you time normally spent blow drying before you style. A temperature indicator light glows red when the heat is ready for wet hair and amber when used for dry hair. Either way you use it, you’ll have smooth, sleek waves that will last all day long. Use the dial on the inside of the handle to pick one of 30 heat settings. Other handy features include a 30-second heat up and a 60-minute auto-shutoff. Though long hair seems to have any tool at their disposal, shorter hair needs smaller tools for easy use. The Bed Head A-Wave-We-Go waver is thin enough to tackle your shorter strands. But it is also versatile, allowing you to adjust your style as needed. Tight or defined, loose or tousled, you can make any type of wave with this product. This waver features ceramic tourmaline technology for softer, shinier hair with no frizz. With temperatures ranging from 250F to 400F, you’ll be able to find the right heat setting for your hair type. The auto-shutoff reduces the risk if you run out with the waver left on. There is a 6-foot swivel power cord for fewer tangles. And for those that travel internationally, it is dual voltage for added convenience. Styling long hair can take ages using a single barrel styling tool to create perfect waves. Having a three barrel wand at your disposal can speed up the process since it can cover more hair at a time. The Alure waver uses ceramic barrels coated with tourmaline. Together, these two technologies provide you with even heating from start to finish. This lightweight waver has multiple heat settings. It takes only a minute to heat up to its highest temperature of 430F. The clear digital LCD display shows you the exact setting you’re on every time. The 7-foot cord swivels for less tangling. It is also dual voltage for those who love to travel. Thick hair needs high heat to penetrate it when adding waves. This BlueTop hair waver ranges from 356F to 428F, giving you all the heat you need for long-lasting style. It’s easy to adjust the temperature, and the LCD display shows you what setting you’re on. Tourmaline ceramic barrels keep hair free from heat damage and reduce frizz. This technology also softens your hair, bringing out a healthy shine. The PTC heating element in each barrel uses very little power while maintaining its heat. An insulated handle and three cool tips keep your hands safe while you style your hair. A 360-degree swivel cord and an included skid-proof mat add to this waver’s convenience. This lightweight hair waver is part of Revlon‘s professional collection. It has a 3/4-inch deep barrel which is perfect for giving you those amazing beachy waves. A tourmaline ceramic coating reduces the frizz and increases the shine. It will also seal the hair cuticle to lock in moisture for damage-free results. There are 30 heat settings to choose from, so any hair type can use this waver and still achieve the right look. The High Heat, Constant Heat feature monitors the output for consistent levels. A cool tip lets you hold the end for more control of your styling tool. The swivel cord eliminates tangles while you twist and turn with your waver. When you’re done, use the locking switch to hold the clamps together during storage or travel. The Deep Waver styling tool by Hot Tools is designed to provide you with amazingly defined waves. They have come up with a new plate design that is about a 1/2-inch wide for larger waves than other models. These plates also use a combination of tourmaline, ceramic and titanium. The first two emit far-infrared heat and negative ions for less damage and to lock in moisture. The third one distributes the heat evenly and adds strength to your machine. You can adjust the temperature using the variable dial heat settings. Hot Tools’ Pulse Technology maintains the heat for a consistent style all the way around. Other handy features include a cool tip, an 8-foot pro swivel cord, and a locking switch for easy storage. Whether you like the subtle waves or deep, defined ones, a hair waver will give you the style you want. There are so many different types to choose from, so any hair type and length can get the style they want. Best of all, they are easy to use, even for beginners. Though all 6 of the hair wavers we’ve reviewed are great for creating gorgeous waves, one tops the list. It was a close one, too, since two of our models have such similar features. These were the Alure and the BlueTop hair wavers. Both had the cool tip, swivel cord, LCD display and were dual voltage. But the Alure had a much wider range of heat settings. This makes it a better choice for all hair types, while the BlueTop model is only good for thicker hair. That’s why the Alure Three Barrel Hair Waver is the best hair waver we’ve found.
How does anyone despise Impressionism? It is the first routine of modern fine art. Impressionism for an art mobility is able to beauty everyone. It truly is reflected throughout extremely gorgeous works. Despite the fact that this craft is easy to understand, sometimes it is tough fix a close watch on a particular picture, photography, or another joint of Impressionism. Much better protect moment if you notice it, will continue to be in the storage forever. – Impressionism in the form of style of craft was born for France . The stream occurred in the biggest market of the 19th century. All art routine has it has the representatives. The exact era about Impressionism stuck people who was able to convey the veracity through all their impressions. Ordinarily when people consult Impressionism, sevylor means painting. Nevertheless , this activity influenced popular music and document. People opted special secrets to reflect the exact sensuality with life being a own ideas. The explanation of exactly why Impressionism seemed in the 19th century is the desire associated with painters to produce their own ideas . They were tired of tactics and goals and objectives that academism suggested. That is why artists began create art following their very own line. installment payments on your The term ‘Impressionism’ came out associated with Claude Monet’s picture . French professional Louis Leroy underestimated Monet’s famous give good results ‘Impression, Sunrise’. So , the style previously custom writer had a negative hue. With the time’s flowing this bad interpretation lost its influence. Today the world appreciates this action as some thing inspiring along with real. 3 or more. The first display of impressionists took place inside 1874 . 30 painters presented one hundred sixty five works. Presently there Leroy saw the picture about Monet. Right now a person can find it in Paris, in Marmottan Museum. Figuring out how unexpectedly lifestyle has converted all occurrences. 4. The actual birth regarding Impressionism begun long ago . Representatives regarding Renaissance tried to reproduce certainty through brilliant colors. El nuevo Greco along with Velazquez found this strategy. Their will work had a huge effect on Edouard Manet in addition to Renoir. Uk painters experienced a big function in organizing the way for the stream for you to burst. quite a few. Japanese fine art influenced impressionists and their fans . Entrepreneurs of decoration displayed photographs on the piece of paper differently. Impressionists borrowed their whole idea. a few. In order to kill Impressionism, their representatives must gather for café Guerbois . At this time there Edouard Manet addressed to be able to artists plus poets. For these reasons, he grew to be the major protector of the modern day art. Indeed, bourgeois community did not accept the idea of impressionists. In the document ‘The Display of Rebels’ Emil Kardone wrote disapproving and mocking expressions in respect new movement artists. These people were accused connected with immorality and also being can not work genuinely. Nowadays these statements astonish consumers. What is immoral in landscape paintings involving Camille Pissarro and Alfred Sisley, or possibly in Manet’s still lives? Only immediately after several several years society in addition to critics evolved their head. Finally, they will saw possibly not impressionists nevertheless realists and even classics of French street art. Use our own services to learn interesting facts about art routines and their have an effect on on community. 1 . Oscar Claude Monet . He was one of those people that played significant role during the appearing for Impressionism. Some experts think about him probably the most important artists of the Impressionist movement. In his life long Monet created for about a couple thousand 600 paintings along with drawings. Claude Monet always wished for to be any artist. Even though his dad’s will, Monet entered any nearby art the school when he was initially 10 years. For the age of 18 he profitably sold the caricatures. This is why he captivated experienced musicians. They served Claude Monet to improve the work. Monet was not enthusiastic about traditional methods that were trained in school. Quickly he deserted art education and joined the gang of artists that attempted to coloring in different means. These artisans were on target rather in the light and also color as compared to on the complete painting. Claude Monet received a difficult lifetime. He was inadequate. Only at the end of the nineteenth century his or her works bought big results, so he could sell these individuals. Nowadays the paintings one can possibly see in a variety of museums all around the world. 2 . Edgar Degas . This artist was born inside a wealthy friends and family. His favourite occupation, while Degas must have been a little boy, was visiting the Louvre together with papa. When Edgar was eighteen, he took on art. The father encouraged him greatly, but this individual did not wish his toddler to make fine art his everyday living career. Lamothe was Degas’ mentor. He / she taught Edgar to use specific contours for drawing. Several times Degas went to Italy. Generally there he enjoyed the efforts of Swedish Renaissance. Along at the age of twenty-five Edgar began work on a new portrait ‘The Bellelli Family’. Soon it became hugely reputed work. Degas spent a lot of time painting ballerinas and ballerinas. Usually Degas showed these rehearsing. In a way00 he emphasized their challenging job. A number of people assert that Degas done those photographs because they were being popular. three. Mary Cassatt . Your woman was a strong impressionist with Pennsylvania. If Mary had been 16 the lady was enrolled in the Intermediate school of Great Arts. Your woman was frustrated by researching program. Eventually Mary changed to Venice. Once she saw impressionists’ works. This lady was thrilled by Edgar Degas’ operates. Mary preferred to shade portraits. Mom and children was the girl favorite motif. She designed honest family group scenes. Martha portrayed those that were performing everyday stuff. Her unique and honest works invigorate many people. 4. Claude Debussy . Since we have been talking about Impressionism, we are unable forget about their influence regarding music. Artists as well as painters tried to convey reality directly into music. They used distinctive rhythm together with tonality for this reason. Claude Debussy belonged to those people who expressed their very own emotions about impressionists thru music. Consumers used to say about Debussy that he wasn’t banal. Your dog expressed thru music the exact wish to obtain something exceptional and peculiar. He generally found the impression of popular music coloring, and frequently forgot about the clarity involving structure. a few. Paul Verlaine . The following French poet person became amongst the founders for Impressionism inside literature. The primary aspect in the main poetry according to Verlaine would be the music involving poem, definitely not the meaning involving words. He always different life along with work. Henry Verlaine previously had a very keen personality. He / she often gained lost during the river with life incidents and his mother nature. French finery was rhetorical, exaggerative, and even solemn. Verlaine changed it into simple, lyric, together with melodic skill. He were able to unite poetical word with live statement. That was an utter revolution with poetry.
A lot of you know what plagiarism is. A lot of you also know things about plagiarism. But what many do not know is that these 10 plagiarism facts are so cray, you will gouge your eyes out. Read on to know how you can curb plagiarism in your essay writing, dissertation writing and other assignments. 1. Even when you are citing a source, it is still plagiarism. See, the basic definition of plagiarism is copying someone else’s idea. Even when you are giving the credits to the author, you are still using his or her idea in your assignment. The plagiarism checking software does not care that you are have given the credits. All it cares about is that you have used the work already published somewhere in your content. No matter what you do, it will give plagiarism red alert still. So, whenever you see red highlights even after citing the source, do not be disheartened. 2. Using common English phrases is not plagiarism. Using idioms, phrases and metaphors that are common across the English language is not plagiarism. A lot of students have often asked me if they can use so and so phrase in their assignment or not and if it will be plagiarism. Come here, I will tell you a secret. I have even seen professional assignment help experts ask the same question. But rest assured, lad, because using phrases and idioms is not plagiarism. You can also use religious texts in your assignments. For example, psalms from the Bible or quote from the Bhagavad Gita or the Holy Quoran. 3. Being way too unique can also invite plagiarism. When you think that “okay, if I think if an idea that nobody has ever thought of, you are really inviting plagiarism with open arms”, you believe that the professor won’t know if you copy a content word for word from the website on the 10th page of the Google search results? When you are writing a way too unique argument or idea, the professor can be fooled once that you wrote it yourself. But not the plagiarism checker. Too unique ideas have a habit of colliding with one or other text that has been secretly published somewhere that not everyone is aware of. 4. Paraphrasing and summarising are two poles apart. Do you think that Catholic and Christian are the same? Then why are you confusing paraphrasing with summarising? They are two different things. Paraphrasing is when you are re-writing a quote from a published work and then presenting it as your own. This process does not involve any understanding whatsoever. When you are summarising, it means that you have taken out time. You have read the source word for word deeply and felt it from the heart. Then you explained the source idea in your own words as you perceived and understood it. 5. Using common knowledge facts is not plagiarism. Everyone knows that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Or that Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Or that there are 365 days in a year. Maybe the fact that the distance of the moon from earth is 384,400 km is something new to you? No? All these facts are common knowledge and everyone knows them. There is nothing special about these things that someone would copyright them and then ask you to cite them. Such general information that is publicly known and have no extremely special value is free to use without the need for a citation. 6. Virtual knowledge and plagiarism go hand in hand. Out of 10,000 professors interviewed in 2018 for a survey, 91% of them voted that the rise of plagiarism in the academic documents of the students is because of the availability of information on personal blogs on the internet who have no academic credibility. The professors even say that the students do not want to put in extra efforts to find authentic information from a real source. If I would start an online blog today and write whatever I please, there is a good probability that at least some students will read the blog and use my content in their assignment. 7. Plagiarism is not illegal or a crime. Yes, plagiarism is not a crime, neither it is illegal. It is academic misconduct across the globe, true, but you will be punished as per the guidelines and rules set by the university. You will not find cops busting into the classroom and arresting a student because he or she used the key argument in the assignment and did not give credits. Doesn’t work like that, no. But that does not mean that you start writing plagiarised work, okay? You can still be terminated from the course for plagiarism and that will also not be illegal. University rules, remember? 8. Do not forget to use excerpts trying to save plagiarism. There are some assignments which are better when you are using excerpts from the secondary source in the answer. This is particularly useful when you are writing a book review or the analysis of a poem. Use excerpts in your assignment answers to improve the authority and the analysis of your answer. But do not overuse them as well. Are you getting me? For example, if you are writing the analysis of a poem, do not write the entire poem because it is not going to do you any good. 9. Public service websites also need to be cited. When you are referring to a public source or a website that has no author name, you think who should be given the credit to this, right? Well, laddie, if you do not give the credit to anyone, then you surely are committing plagiarism. While using a public domain or website, especially government websites, where no author is given, the citation will include the name of the organisation. Do not ignore the citation because someone somewhere worked and searched to provide you with that information. These websites are mostly government agencies and international organisations. 10. Explaining ideas by other people is not plagiarism. When you read a source and think that this is definitely going into the assignment and the professor is going to love the argument, you have two options. You can either use the excerpt word for word in the assignment and then cite it in the assignment. Or you can first understand the source yourself. And after that, you can use the source in your own words. The latter is a plagiarism free method. Yes, you would be required to cite the source author but you will not be seeing any red plagiarism marks.
If you look at enough nomograms, you'll soon see some that have a pair of straight scales and a sort of curved scale in the middle. There are some "standard" nomograms that do this - see Winchell's page and scroll down to "GENUS I" to see a couple. The thing is, cover a pretty broad class of possible functions, especially when you start playing around putting inverses of functions in the determinant and playing around with transformations, and them mutliplying around. But if you look carefully at some of the curved scales in some of the old diagrams, the curves sometimes look a bit "rough". You can do this by hand (though a computer can certainly help) [i]without[/i] having your determinant, just your equation. Let's say you think you have a good candidate for this kind of graph. You might need to transform the variables (the nearer you can get to a standard form with three straight lines - like parallel scales or N chart or whatever, the better). So if possible play around a bit until you have a transformation where you could nearly use a parallel scale chart or an N chart or whatever, and you'd get reasonably close answers. Anyway, lets say you are satisfied that it's worth trying. Set up your two straight scales (I'm going to pretend that they're parallel for this exercise, and I'm going to call them Y and Z), with values. Now, pick your tick-mark scale values for the curved axis (which I will call W). For each tick-mark value on the W scale (even if you won't write that number on the scale), find a set of values of the other two variables that correspond to this value. Find 3 (or more) combinations of values, preferably over a wide range of the other two variables as will yield this result. You must have at least 2 (Y,Z) combinations for each value of W. For a given W, draw in the Y-Z lines. If you have two they will meet at a point. If you have 3 you will probably get a tiny triangle. This is okay. If they all meet at a single point, great, mark a cross there (you should mark in the value of W unless it's otherwise going to be obvious to you). If you get a tiny triangle, choose an interior point near the centroid, but you may choose to bias it more toward the Y-Z combinations you need the most accuracy for. If you have more than three lines you'll have a region of little crossing lines with tiny quadrilaterals and triangles - you have to choose a "typical" spot as near the lines as you can get, remembering that the further you get from any one line, the less accuracy you have at that combination. After you have marked in all your selected values of W, you will have a series of small crosses with known values of W. Draw a smooth curve through them, put in your tick marks and the labelled values. Check it carefully, because this is seat of the pants stuff. Voila - a nomogram without a determinant. If I understand correctly, this is close to a term "rectification of curves" that is discussed e.g. in Ref. [p. 180, Levens, 2nd Ed, 1965]. The question is how one can make log(f(x))-log(g(y)) plots where all curves g(z)=const are straight lines. Sometimes this does not work out and result is that one does not try to find a intersection but a tangent as in Fig. 153 in Ref. above. where f1,f2 and f3 are some sort of trial functions or polynomials. At least sometimes approximation is sufficient for the purpose. 1% accuracy should be enough and 10% often is ok. If functions do not fit well, best result for four variables that can be expressed f(x,y)=g(z,h)=X, as an example, is two grid nomographs. Construct two grids such that their x-coordinate (X) is the same. I spent some time to thinking how to construct a mortgage nomogram. Some books said it is impossible, but in d'Ocagnes (18989) book was a solution nomograph! [quote="Leif"]If I understand correctly, this is close to a term "rectification of curves" that is discussed e.g. in Ref. [p. 180, Levens, 2nd Ed, 1965]. The question is how one can make log(f(x))-log(g(y)) plots where all curves g(z)=const are straight lines. Sometimes this does not work out and result is that one does not try to find a intersection but a tangent as in Fig. 153 in Ref. above. That's a somewhat different thing - though a very important idea that I want to write a little about later, if I can re-find the book I originally read about it in. I am not certain if I saw Levens' book, but I did once see this idea, which if I am remembering correctly is to see whethere a function can be turned into a nomogram by dealing with the dual problem, and then using the dual graph to help set up the nomogram (you can use the dual to directly construct the nomogram, but it isn't always necessary to use that conversion). That's a correct, relatively formal approach. I was describing a more direct seat of the pants approach which is basically that described in Davis' book on Empirical equations and Nomography, though I have extended/simplified what he describes in a number of ways in the above. It does not deal with the dual problem at all. What makes the approach above seat-of-the-pants (much more so than Davis, who requires the equation to be of a particular form) is you don't establish that the equation is nomographable at all - you simply assume that it is (and of a particular kind) - and then construct it by hand, since if it is nomogrammable in that form, the procedure works and if it is not, the procedure doesn't, and in an obvious way. You don't need to know anything about determinants, duals, or really, much more than a little basic algebra and basic drawing skills. In that sense, yes, there's a distinct similarity in aim, though the approach is different to what I was describing - you're fitting approximating functions to be nomogrammed, whereas the approach I was describing works with the original equation (possibly transformed), and constructs it purely geometrically. You may have no direct idea what the fitted function in the nomogram is. If functions do not fit well, best result for four variables that can be expressed f(x,y)=g(z,h)=X, as an example, is two grid nomographs. Construct two grids such that their x-coordinate (X) is the same. If instead you mean what I think you mean (sorry, I don't have a picture handy to point to right now), then this was the approach that was eventually used for the rocket problem. However, I never stopped trying to think of other ways to do it. It has some interesting features. I think I have a good solution now, though I know Winchell won't like it because it has two nomograms with a common scale. amount borrowed, interest rate, term, monthly payment? If I am reading this right, the thing you're talking about here is, as I said before - once you achieve straight lines - the dual of the alignment nomogram. The original diagram (where the lines may be curved) is sometimes called a "concurrency nomogram" or an "intersection chart". Straightening the curves is sometimes called "anamorphosis" and there are approximate geometric constructions to do this by hand. It occurs to me that it seems possible to do this sort of anamorphic/rectification calculation automatically. I might see if I can get some time in a couple of weeks and write an algorithm. and fit polynomials to all six functions to match the real equation, one can get closest to a nomographic solution. Many algorithms in nomographic books were designed for nomographs done by hand. Here is the possibility for computers: generate good approximate nomographs easily and fast. amount borrowed, interest rate, term, monthly payment as you guessed. idea is to have two grids where x-value (or y, or... )on the paper is the same f(x,y)=g(z,h)=X. See [d'Ocagne, Traité de Nomographie,1899, pp.304-306]. This is something I have not seen (or understood) elsewhere. But that doesn't allow for the fact that you might get much closer after some transformation. and you want to approximate it by the above equation you wrote. That may not fit very well, but it may be that by converting the equation F(u,v,w)=0 into a different equation with the same zeros, you may be able to get a very good approximation. It's the search for a suitable transform to near nomogrammability that's the tricky part, in my opinion. I think we're both saying the same thing. If your interest rate is annual, it's a fraction more complicated, but not hugely so (and you can work it out from the monthly rate easily anyway). I have some nifty tricks that might be amenable to, so as to get it working on a more standard nomogram. What range of terms and interest rates were you looking at? For interest, I think it was 1% to 10% and 5 to 50 years. By polynomials I got somewhere of 4% maximum error if I recall right. It was anyway little too much. Of course transformation shouldn't change the equation - but it can change how easy it is to approximate. Well-chosen transformations can also improve the tick-mark intervals. In a test I did last night (on 4 to 25 years and rates 1.2% to >25%), the simple transformation-and-approximation I tried seems to be giving maximum errors on the order of 2.8% (though if I take out the couple of combinations with simultaneously the largest interest rates (>25%) and largest terms at the same time, I think I can get the maximum error to half that). I could probably get these numbers down with some work - this was just the first transformation I tried. Reducing the maximum interest rate to 10% would help a lot, but on the other hand, doubling the maximum term would make it worse. This was using a design with an N chart backed onto another N-chart with a curved diagonal (with the equations transformed to be in a fractional power of the principal and monthly payment). I have not yet constructed the nomogram, so the error from using the nomogram could add a little to that.
Roadside signs are one of the first things you notice when you travel to a new place. They can tell you so much about a place. They fascinated me in my early years in Alaska, and I often stopped to photograph them. For me, it was a sign I saw while jogging in the summer of 1992 in Eagle, Alaska. What hospitality! I had known many Alaskans bitterly opposed The Alaska National Land Conservation Act, or ANILCA. (It was a 1980 law signed by Jimmy Carter his last day in office that either “locked up over 100 million acres of Alaska wilderness” or “set aside irreplaceable parklands for future generations”—depending on how you look at it.) And I knew the Park Service had an office in Eagle. But I was surprised to see such an overt vestige of that earlier fight survive all these years. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my camera with me. After my jog, I thought about driving back up the hill to make the photograph. But I figured I’d be back in a week after my float trip, and I might just as well do it then. If anyone knows of a photo of this sign, I would love to see it again. One of my goals was to drive to Prudhoe Bay, almost 1000 miles from Anchorage. To reach Prudhoe, you drive 380 miles of pavement to Fairbanks (the Parks Highway), then another 500 miles of mostly gravel to Prudhoe (the Dalton Highway). When you drive the Dalton, you know you're on your own. But in those years, the Dalton (also known as “The Haul Road” because it’s the road truckers use to carry supplies along the pipeline) was closed to private vehicles north of Atigun Pass. There was a manned checkpoint, and you couldn’t get through with a permit. An insider tipped me off to the fact that that the guard would sleep in the middle of the night. So one summer evening, under the still-light 2am skies, I slipped through. I ultimately made it to Prudhoe. But I’m not sure it was for the better. My first glimpse of the massive scale of development led me to a disturbing realization about the journey I had just taken: I had flown north to Anchorage, a city thousands of miles from the population centers of the Lower 48; driven from Anchorage to Fairbanks, the two largest cities in Alaska, with almost nothing in between; and as if that was not far enough away, I had driven another 450 miles north across the empty wilderness of the Brooks Range and North Slope. And what did I find when I arrived? The very same thing I thought I left behind in the Lower 48: development on a massive scale. The towering rigs and sprawling pipeline complex symbolized for me our nations’ thirst for oil, and at a deeper level, our society’s collective choice of the convenience of the automobile over the preservation of wilderness. The sign, which I am told no longer exists, symbolized a last bastion of wilderness in between.
NEW DELHI: Your smartphone may become a gamechanger for India’s public policy, becoming a one-stop instrument for instant identity authentication that will allow you to receive all government services that work on the Aadhaar platform. A meeting on Wednesday between Ajay Bhushan Pandey, chief executive officer of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which administers Aadhaar, and senior executives of smartphone-makers Apple, Samsung, Google, Microsoft and Micromax, and product software think tank iSPIRT, discussed ways to make mobile phone handsets Aadhaar-enabled. Pandey told ET the initial response of smartphone company executives was "positive" and they said they will have to consult their headquarters before taking the idea further. Here’s UIDAI’s idea: chips of Aadhaar-enabled smartphones will be encrypted with a UIDAI key and the phones will be connected to the Aadhaar server. The key is a security feature to prevent information leakage. The server connection will allow instant fingerprint and iris authentication. Some high-end smartphones already have fingerprint and iris recognition technology embedded in their operating system. The technology bar for putting these features in smartphones is not high — most smartphones can be equipped similarly. "This can be a game-changing feature in phones to become the identity of a person and let him do more transactions on the phone in a secure manner. This is perhaps the first time something like this will be attempted in the world," the UIDAI CEO told ET. Microsoft and Micromax declined to comment. Apple and Google didn’t respond to ET’s questions. A Samsung India spokesperson said the company is the only phone-maker to have already embedded Aadhaar-friendly technology in one of its handsets. Pandey explained the rationale behind the idea in detail: "Nearly 104 crore Indians have Aadhaar and almost 40 crore have smartphones. Every agency requires authentication via Aadhaar. If people don’t need to go to any office to authenticate their identity and get government services, and if they are able to do so through their mobile phones, this can be the big gamechanger," he said. Business opportunity Pandey also said smartphone-makers should see Aadhaar-friendly instruments as a business opportunity, just as GPS-enabled phones were. As Aadhaar takes deeper hold as the interface between Indians and their governments, at the Centre and in states, and as smartphone sales go up, handsets that offer this facility will be an attractive consumer proposition, the UIDAI CEO said. Samsung India told ET: "Galaxy Tab Iris will support government benefit programmes and enable banks and financial institutions to streamline the process of an individual’s authentication, regardless of language and literacy barriers." There are, however, a few issues to be sorted out before Aadhaar-enabled phones become a viable proposition for manufacturers. A smartphone industry executive, who did not wish to be identified, said companies running operating systems such as iOS (Apple) and Android (Google) may have worries over sending fingerprint and iris data over "unsecure" networks, raising privacy issues. Apple is known to be extremely reluctant about opening up its operating system to any external system. The UIDAI CEO told ET the solution is a "registered device". He said the biometric information can get encrypted by a UIDAI key at the chip level in phones, making it impossible for anyone but the Aadhaar server to see the information. Such encryption will ensure the information can’t be decrypted and reused. "We have explained this to phone manufacturers," Pandey said. He also said UIDAI can address other concerns about privacy since the authority has ensured full privacy and security of personal biometric information of 104 crore citizens. He said laptops used for capturing biometric information have an Aadhaar key that encrypts the information, and there has been no leakage of information.
London Piano Institute is the U.K.’s only piano school for adults only. Located in central London, London Piano Institute offers the highest quality instruction in classical, jazz, pop, rock and blues piano using the latest and most effective adult instructional methods developed by renowned piano pedagogue Celine Gaurier-Joubert. Here a top instructor at London Piano Institute discusses one the greatest masters of the keyboard, Artur Schnabel. A Gathering of Experts: Who was Artur Schnabel? London Piano Institute: He was an Austrian classical pianist, teacher and composer. A Gathering of Experts: In what era did he live? London Piano Institute: He was born April 17, 1882, and died April 15, 1951. He was one of the great pianists of the 20th century. A Gathering of Experts: What was his specialty? London Piano Institute: He specialized in the great Austrian and German composers, specifically Beethoven and Schubert, although he played others as well. A Gathering of Experts: What set him apart? London Piano Institute: He was recognized for his intellectual seriousness when approaching the repertoire and avoiding pure technical bravura. A Gathering of Experts: Was that received well? London Piano Institute: Yes, indeed. He has been hailed for his “interpretive penetration.” Harold C. Schonberg, once chief music critic for the New York Times, called him “the man who invented Beethoven,” meaning that he established authoritative interpretations that have stood the test of time. A Gathering of Experts: Where was he born? London Piano Institute: Born in Lipnik near Bielitz, Galicia, Austro-Hungarian Empire (today a part of Poland), Schnabel was the youngest of three children born into a Jewish family. At an early age, however, his family moved to Vienna, Austria. A Gathering of Experts: Was he a child prodigy? London Piano Institute: Evidently, yes. At the age of 2 he took an interest in his older sister’s piano lessons and his talent became obvious. At age 6 he began piano studies at the prestigious Vienna Conservatorium and by age 9 was a student of the famed pedagogue Theodor Leschetizky. A Gathering of Experts: What came next for him? London Piano Institute: He continued to study piano and music theory and became acquainted with famous pianists and composers of his day, including Johannes Brahms. He made his concert debut in 1897 in Vienna. A Gathering of Experts: Did he become a touring artist? London Piano Institute: Yes, he gave concerts throughout the region including Budapest, Prague and Brunn (in today’s Czech Republic). In 1898 he moved to Berlin where he gained fame as an orchestral soloist. A Gathering of Experts: Did he tour outside of central Europe? London Piano Institute: After World War I he gave concert tours in Russia, England and the United States. A Gathering of Experts: Was there a focus to his performing during this time? London Piano Institute: He became known for his chamber music and formed a number of variations of the Schnabel Trio with famous violinists and cellists of his day. He also performed with contralto Therese Behr, who became his wife. A Gathering of Experts: Did he leave Germany before World War II started? London Piano Institute: Yes, with the rise of the Nazi party, he left Berlin in 1933 for England and finally America in 1939. A Gathering of Experts: Did he ever return to Germany or Austria after the war? London Piano Institute: No, despite many concert tours in other parts of Europe he never did. A Gathering of Experts: What were the standards of his repertoire? London Piano Institute: He remained devoted to the core German composers but also included the piano masterworks of Bach, Mozart, Schumann, Weber and Liszt. A Gathering of Experts: He is known for the difficult late Beethoven piano works, is he not? London Piano Institute: Yes, indeed, although he recognized that as enjoyable as they were for the pianist to master, they could be challenging for an audience to enjoy. A Gathering of Experts: How about Schnabel as composer? London Piano Institute: As conventional as his repertoire was, it is interesting to note that his compositions were very modern in style, since he wrote in the atonal and 12-tone style, which feature the dissonance typical of mid-20th century classical music.
Summer is the perfect time for grilling burger patties, chicken thighs, steaks and other hunger-inducing meat dishes. Part of the experience is family members spending time on the grill to come up with perfectly grilled meat, and combining it with other home cooked dishes for a fun outdoor barbecue. But if you are always playing host to such events for friends or family members, you would not want to spend too much money on the task. How can you hold the perfect summer barbecue without spending too much? It’s all about knowing which aspects of grilling you should invest in, and which ones you can easily scrimp on without affecting the taste of your grilled dishes. Here, we will be giving out frugal tips on how you can plan the perfect summer barbecue. 1. Choose your grill wisely. As the name implies, a charcoal grill will give the meat that smoky flavor, even if you will just use oil as a rub. This type of grill uses briquettes of burnt wood or charcoal, regular grilling wood or a combination of both. The only disadvantage of using charcoal grill is that food takes longer to cook, and the grill itself requires more maintenance. Just like the regular gas-operated stovetop cooker in your kitchen, gas grills cook food more quickly. Gas grills open using a push button, a rotary control or an electronic lighter. Gas is cheaper than charcoal so using this type of grill, you will save more money on fuel. The downside is that gas tanks are heavy and require a lot of effort to set up initially. Finally, you can go for electric grills. Fortunately for those who want utmost convenience, the technology behind using electric grills has greatly improved over the years. Electric grills will still give you that smoky flavor, although the way that the grill itself operates is a lot different. Aside from the type of grill, you should also consider its size, sturdiness, and grill grate. If you love holding outdoor barbecues, you should go for a very sturdy and a large enough grill. When it comes to the type of grill grate, you can take your pick from cast iron, porcelain-coated, porcelain-coated cast iron and stainless steel. There are pros and cons to choosing any of these types of grill grates. For instance, cast iron cooks food well because heat is evenly distributed on the grill grates. The downside is that they are quite heavy, and maintenance is required to prevent rust. Porcelain-coated grills grates prevent food from sticking, but the glazed part of the metal can easily chip and become rusty. A porcelain-coated cast iron grill grate does prevent food from sticking onto the surface and is rust-resistant. Finally, there’s stainless steel grill grates that are highly resistant to rust, but food can easily stick to the grates. Just because a particular type and brand of grill is the most expensive does not mean that it will suit your needs well. You still need to consider your budget, the maintenance of the grill, the fuel source, and the way that it cooks food. Make a comparison of these things so that you can decide which outdoor grill can be considered as the best investment for you and your family. 2. Don’t spend all your money on meat. Some cuts of meat and fish are more expensive than others. Just because you’re holding an outdoor barbecue does not mean that you have to dole out a lot of money on premium cuts of meat. Instead of spending your entire budget on porterhouse steak, look for a less pricey kind of steak like skirt or flank. You can also substitute fancy boneless chicken breast with chicken legs and thighs, or even wings, which are a lot more flavorful. For fish, skip the most expensive catch of the day that supermarkets usually offer in favor of mackerel or blue fish, which are both perfect for grilling. 3. Don’t spend too much money on grill accessories. If it’s your first time to set up a grilling station at home, you might go overboard in buying those fancy grill accessories. Although there’s nothing wrong in purchasing a good pair of grilling tongs, you can limit your shopping to that and a meat thermometer. Choose a pair of tongs with a long handle and a scalloped end to prevent grilled items from falling through the grill grates. 4. Grill enough for leftovers to save money on fuel. Remember that every time you fire up that grill, you are spending money on fuel – whether it’s charcoal, electricity or propane gas. To maximize the use of fuel, grill enough meat for leftovers. Put the barbecued meat in the fridge and reheat by sprinkling the meat with some water or even more barbecue sauce. Wrap in foil, and cook over indirect heat for five minutes. You can make pulled pork sandwich from those leftover steak pieces, or incorporate grilled chicken bits on your favorite salad recipe. 5. Use inexpensive ingredients and a bit of preparation. What’s your outdoor barbecue menu like? If you are sticking with the classics like grilled chicken, hot dogs, sausages and burger patties, add some twist to make them taste expensive. You don’t even need to buy a lot of expensive ingredients. For example, you can incorporate bits of blue cheese onto your burger patties or marinade those chicken thighs overnight to make them taste delicious. Even a special barbecue sauce from a family recipe will make all the difference when it comes to how those grilled dishes will taste. 6. Make your own rubs and sauces. Those pre-packaged barbecue rub and bottled sauces in the supermarket cost a lot of money. Why spend a lot on them when you can make your own rubs and sauces at home. Rubs are simply a combination of spices, while sauces are basically ketchup or tomato sauce and a combination of other spices and liquid ingredients. You can use whatever spices you have in the pantry, experiment and come up with your own recipes. 7. Make friends with your local butcher. What better way is there to get the hottest deals on meat cuts than befriending your local butcher? He or she will give you the inside scoop on when your favorite cuts of meat will be on sale. These meat experts can also give you tips on which unpopular meat cuts are as tasty as the more popular cuts of meat, but are less expensive. 8. Stop using too much fuel. If you have a charcoal grill, you might end up buying or using too much charcoal. A little goes a long way once the grill is already fired up, so do not dump all the contents of that ten-pound bag of charcoal on a medium-sized grill, especially if you are only cooking lean cuts of meat. A good rule of thumb to follow is for you to use three pounds of charcoal for the amount of meat that it will take to feed four to six guests. For propane grillers, set it on high for the first five minutes, then turn it down to let the meat cook slowly. Turn the gas off right away as soon as you’re done cooking. 9. Prolong the life of your grill. If you have invested good money on buying the perfect grill, you would not want to purchase another one so soon. Make sure to prioritize its maintenance so that you can prolong the life of your grill. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on what you need to do to keep the grill grates from rusting. Before and after every use, get rid of the ashes. You can also oil the grate and if you treat your grill right, it can last you for more than two decades of barbecuing. 10. Turn everyday objects into a DIY grill. Finally, you can’t carry your grill everywhere you go – so if you’re braving the outdoors during the summer season, there are everyday objects that you can turn into a DIY grill. A ceramic flowerpot, for example, can be used as a grilling station. The drum of an old washing machine, old tires, a baby carriage, a tin can, a wagon, a wheelbarrow – be creative and combine these everyday objects with aluminum foil, a metal grill, and some charcoal so that you can have that grill fired up in no time! These are excellent points on great ways to be frugal during a summer BBQ. We’ve been using the same grill for quite some time and don’t overuse the gas. We make leftovers as well just to have them. And don’t book just meat. We throw on onions, potatoes and peppers sometimes. Our town has a shop with meat always at a good price so luckily we can save money by going there. Reducing your fuel usage is great, not only for saving money, but also for the environment in general. Not that barbeques are really that huge of an offender in the overall scheme of things, but not burning more fossil fuels than necessary is a good policy to have in all areas of your energy usage. I also like the tip on making enough for leftovers. I use this method with pretty much all my cooking, in part to avoid heating up the kitchen every single hot summer night just to get food prepared when everyone is too hot to want to eat it until it has sat on the plate a while and cooled down. Eating cold leftovers is really a great way to save as well as making summer dinners more pleasant by not causing your body to practically overheat due to consuming hot food in hot weather. All of these tips are great. To add on, you can also grill vegetables for a more healthier alternative. Cucumbers are my favorite. It’s interesting that most of your tips are about saving on fuel. I think you’re right about not needing as much as you think you do. I’d be willing to bet that most of us overuse fuel when barbecuing. It’s also good that you mentioned maintenance of your grill. That’s especially true for propane-fueled grills. I got a small grill last year, since it’s very hot here, and I figured I’d only use it a few times a year. I’m happy with it, but eventually will want a larger one. I like the idea of building my own out back eventually, using bricks or concrete blocks and a grill. I just found out about wood chip boxes, and am surprised at how affordable they are, so that will also be something I’ll be using. I definitely cook as much at one time as I can, of meat and vegetables, also, since they’re delicious grilled. I love barbecue leftovers, and it saves on cooking indoors for several days. Usually when I cook meat on the grill, I put the temperature on fairly high to make sure that everything is cooked through properly; however, this technique is using more propane than I would like. I wasn’t sure what else to do until I read your tip about cooking on high for a few minutes and then turning the grill down to let it cook the rest of the way. I image this would take longer, but it would overall save more propane, which saves more money. With summer still in full swing, these grilling tips with propane will make the summer much better and much less expensive. I didn’t realize that propane costs less than charcoal. I do love the taste of a charcoal-grilled steak, but I am all about saving money. I know I should know this answer, but can any of these kinds of grills be operated in the rain? Hi Rachel. I can’t tell if anyone replied to your question. I know it’s been over a year, but I just saw it and figured I would reply. I would not use an electric grill in the rain. While it’s rated for outside use, it’s still an electrical appliance – and you should never use electrical devices in water/rain.
How do you rekey a door lock? Can I rekey a door lock? Tools you’ll want to have on-hand. A retainer ring removal tool. A cylinder plug removal tool or proper diameter dowel. A set of fine tweezers. The first step is removal of your door knob. You’ll want to make sure that your doorknob is unlocked first. Put in the key and turn the lock to unlock the door. Locate the doorknob clip hole in between the knob handle and the base of the base. This small hole provides access to a clip that keeps the door handle in place. Push your piece of wire into the hole to depress the clip. Then pull the door knob back and off of the door. Remove the knob cylinder next. The cylinder is housed inside of the door knob. You’ll want to push on the lock from the front to push the lock cylinder housing out of the back. There may be a knob sleeve keeping the cylinder in place. This should pop off as you remove the cylinder. After that it’s time for retainer ring removal. The retainer ring keeps the cylinder plug from falling out of the cylinder. The plug is what contains the pins. Push the supplied retainer ring removal tool on top of the ring. This should force the ring from the cylinder. You’ll want to save the ring so you can use it to match a replacement. This is the most important step. The top of the cylinder plug keeps the pressure on the lower pins by using upper pin and springs. The photo to the right will show you the insides of the upper portion of the lock. Make sure you have constant pressure when pushing the cylinder plug out of the cylinder using your dowel or plug removal tool. Think of it as creating a continuum of the plug using the dowel or plug removal tool. The tool or dowel are replacing the plug and maintaining the pressure on the upper pins and springs. You’ll want to leave the dowel/removal tool in the cylinder while you work on the plug and reassemble it in reverse to maintain pressure. Remove the old pins in the cylinder plug. You can dump them out. In a kit the pins will be color coded. Just match the placement to that of the sheet. This is where your tweezers will come in handy. Using a semi-professional kit will require you to cut new keys afterwards. In this case you’ll want to bring your old key and new pin dimensions/order of pins to have new keys created.
I have divided up my fellowship into two stays in Cambridge: one in January and in one March. I have just returned from my first visit, which has been a wonderful experience in many respects. During my stay, I have mainly worked on an article about the origins of writing in Anatolia and the Aegean. These two regions are unfortunately often treated and studied as separate entities; the former is seen to belong to the ‘west’ and the latter to the ‘east’. This division is, however, a modern (and unfortunate) construct, which certainly did not exist in antiquity. Already from very early onwards there were intensive contacts between Greece and Anatolia and one could argue that the west of Anatolia and the Aegean can in fact be regarded as one cultural continuum. The seal of Tarkasnawa, king of Mira, bearing Anatolian Hieroglyphs around the central figure and equivalent Hittite cuneiform text around the outside, 13th C BC. An important aid to the decipherment of the hieroglyphic script. Image from HERE. In the second millennium BC, in both these regions pictorial writing systems emerge: Cretan Hieroglyphs (and later Linear A and B) in the Aegean and the Anatolian (or Luwian) Hieroglyphs in Anatolia. As has been pointed out, these scripts share some interesting similarities. In the last decades, our knowledge about the Anatolian Hieroglyphs has grown considerably. The script was one of the two writing systems in use in the Hittite Empire (ca. 1650-1180 BCE). Its decipherment was completed in 1973 and it turned out to be used for the Luwian language, an Indo-European language which was related to Hittite, the official language of the Empire. Inscriptions have been found at various locations in Anatolia, all the way up to the west coast. After the collapse of the Hittite Empire, the script continued to be used in the so-called Neo-Hittite city states in Cilicia and Northern Syria till around 700 BC. For a long time, it was thought that the Anatolian Hieroglyphs were an invention of the 15th century, but there are now sufficient grounds to believe that their origins date back to the beginning of the second millennium, which makes them contemporary with the Cretan Hieroglyphs. Unfortunately, the Cretan Hieroglyphs have unfortunately not been deciphered, which makes a direct comparison difficult. However, as mentioned above, there are some resemblances that deserve further attention. Both writing systems first appear on stamp seals, and the designs of these early stamp seals often exhibit a strong stylistic likeness. Further, both the Anatolian and Cretan scripts are pictorial writing systems, combining logographic with syllabic writing, consisting predominantly of Consonant-Vowel (CV) signs. The scripts are usually thought to be secondary inventions, inspired by the cuneiform script or the Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Interestingly, however, they show some characteristics that are not shared by the cuneiform script, nor the Egyptian hieroglyphs. I am therefore exploring the possibility that the Aegean and Anatolian scripts were in fact the results of independent regional developments. I was also kindly invited to give a seminar at the Faculty of Classics about Anatolian Hieroglyphs on Wednesday January 23rd, with very enjoyable drinks and dinner afterwards. For the rest, I have very much enjoyed my discussions with the CREWS members Pippa, Robert, Philip, Natalia and Sarah, as well as other colleagues over coffee, dinner and in the pub. It was a very productive and inspiring stay and I am already looking forward to my next visit in March!
Bus topology is one of the best and simplest network topology, it is also known as a linear topology. It is easy to connect the computer, It consists of a computer that is attached to a common cable so it is very simple and flexible. This article gives information about the advantages and disadvantages of bus topology to know more details about it.
Synopsis: Beams are critical to the structure of a house. Here, R. Bruce Hoadley explains how they support building loads, and he demonstrates how changes to the length, width, and depth of a beam affect its load-bearing capacity and deflection. Read the full article with detailed diagrams in the PDF below. Beams, defined as elongated members that are loaded perpendicular to their long axis, are critical to the structure of a house. The classic example of a double or triple 2x beam supporting floor joists usually comes to mind, but joists, roof rafters, headers over windows and doors, and stair stringers are all examples of beams. Today, builders often rely on engineered structural lumber— LVLs, PSLs, I-joists, and others—but dimensional lumber is still used widely as well. In practice, builders have no say over the strength of the wood itself; we are simply charged with using the inherent strength effectively. If you know the limit of acceptable deflection and how much weight a beam needs to carry—both of which are provided by building codes—then the type, species, grade, length, width, and depth of the beam all can be selected. Although engineers are invaluable for their knowledge of the calculations used to specify beams of all sorts—including more complicated setups such as continuous, fixed-end, and cantilever beams—anyone can apply the principles of beam mechanics generally, without getting into precise calculations, to improve the mechanical performance of countless parts of a house. The decision of where to place a support column or partition wall, when to choose double 2x8s as opposed to a single 2×10, and the most effective method for stiffening an under size joist can benefit from a basic understanding of the relationship between a beam’s carrying capacity and its stiffness. Here’s how it works. Builders face two primary considerations when choosing a beam: first, how much it can carry and what factors influence its carrying capacity; second, how much it will deflect and what factors influence its deflection. The grade and species of a beam have an effect in this regard. For example, a wood species that is twice as strong can carry twice as much weight, and a species with twice the bending tolerance —known as modulus of elasticity—will deflect half as much. However, this information is useful only if you have lots of wood species to choose from. Framing lumber is typically offered in just a few species, so the more useful information is likely to be how changes to the length, width, and depth of a beam will affect its carrying capacity and deflection. These changes are either direct (increase X, and Y increases), or inverse (increase X, and Y decreases). Let’s consider a center-loaded dimensional-lumber beam that’s bearing on two fixed points and spanning the space between without the help of intermediate support. This setup is called a simply supported beam and is the most basic example. The weight from the load above causes the beam to bend, creating compression on the upper surface and tension along the bottom. Both stresses reach their maximum at the very top and bottom of the beam and then diminish to zero at the central horizontal plane, called the neutral axis. The stresses are also greatest at midspan and decrease to zero at each end of the beam where it’s supported.
4.1.1: Describe and investigate the different ways in which heat can be generated. 4.1.2: Investigate the variety of ways in which heat can be generated and moved from one place to another. Explain the direction the heat moved. 4.1.3: Construct a complete circuit through which an electrical current can pass as evidenced by the lighting of a bulb or ringing of a bell. 4.1.5: Demonstrate that electrical energy can be transformed into heat, light, and sound. 4.2.1: Demonstrate and describe how smaller rocks come from the breakage and weathering of larger rocks in a process that occurs over a long period of time. 4.2.6: Describe ways in which humans have changed the natural environment. Explain if these changes have been detrimental or beneficial. 4.3.1: Observe and describe how offspring are very much, but not exactly, like their parents or one another. Describe how these differences in physical characteristics among individuals in a population may be advantageous for survival and reproduction. 4.4.2: Make appropriate measurements to compare the speeds of objects in terms of the distance traveled in a given amount of time or the time required to travel a given distance. 4.4.4: Define a problem in the context of motion and transportation. Propose a solution to this problem by evaluating, reevaluating and testing the design. Gather evidence about how well the design meets the needs of the problem. Document the design so that it can be easily replicated.
I’m sure that most of you get a letter at the beginning of the week from your child’s teacher explaining the themes, concepts and skills they are working on in class. This is an important way for them to communicate with you what they are teaching your child in school. This letter is also a great way for you to get ideas for how to reinforce what they are doing in school at home. How can you do this? Through simple station activities as part of My Obstacle Course! My mission is to help parents “engage, encourage and empower” their children and what better way to do that than by reinforcing what they are working on in school in a fun way in order to strengthen the connections and knowledge. When I began doing this with Andrew, he would always look at me with one eyebrow up, like “How do you know about this stuff?” It helped me to see firsthand what vocabulary he understood, gave me specific examples of how he applied his knowledge and understanding and also gave him some extra time to build skills in a safe, loving environment – our home! Sample 1 is clearly an “Ocean” themed week, so I would treasure hunt for ocean related items to include. I would look for books, bath toys, kitchen items that could be used to encourage water play. I would also try to find pictures to go with the vocabulary words they were working on to help reinforce the word and the meaning. For Sample 2, I would include alphabet related activities to reinforce “Chicka-Chicka Boom Boom.” We have the book so I would use that as part of a read aloud or fluency station. For math, I would work do a matching station with a certain number of letters (to reinforce literacy) matched up with that number for one-one correspondence. I’d also play a game where we try to see how many different ways we can make a certain number (ex. for the number 10 – 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 2×5 (two groups of five – never too early to begin working on multiplication 🙂 ), 11-1, etc.). Sample 3 is obviously working on building literacy skills so I would be utilizing word cards and letters to build these words (see ideas below). A chalkboard, white board or MagnaDoodle would be great for a station where they are writing their spelling words. Sample 4 screams out “Crawl and Match” for me. I would either write the compound word parts on separate cards or print them out a little larger and then cut them apart. I would place the beginning part of the word on one end of the carpet runner and the other half of the word on the other end of the runner so he could get the word part, crawl down and match it with the correct ending. I would not do all of these as one activity – way too many, but may do two separate stations – the “Crawl and Match” and then maybe “Clothesline Clipping” the word parts together. Read by you to build listening stamina and skills like sitting in one place, staying quiet, listening for information, retelling, etc. Easily combined with comprehension questions – who? what? when? where? why? how? – which can be written on a beach ball to pass back and forth or written on cards for the child to flip. Either way helps to build question and answer skills. The public library is a great resource for themed books. Call and ask the librarians to pull books based on a certain theme for a certain reading level. I would give them a few days to pull them and if you don’t want to make lots of trips, I’d ask your child’s teacher what the themes/concepts will be for the next few weeks to save you time. Fluency is building reading skills through short passages so that it comes out smooth, clear, with expression and taking note of punctuation. If you start with material that is too difficult, it will be choppy as they work to decode the words. Start with passages that they can read easily, even if it is the ABC’s, so that they build their confidence.
Platform as a service (PaaS) is a cloud computing model that delivers applications over the Internet. In a PaaS model, a cloud provider delivers hardware and software tools — usually those needed for application development — to its users as a service. A PaaS provider hosts the hardware and software on its own infrastructure. As a result, PaaS frees users from having to install in-house hardware and software to develop or run a new application. PaaS does not typically replace a business’ entire infrastructure. Instead, a business relies on PaaS providers for key services, such as Java development or application hosting. For example, deploying a typical business tool locally might require an IT team to buy and install hardware, operating systems, middleware (such as databases, Web servers and so on) the actual application, define user access or security, and then add the application to existing systems management or application performance monitoring (APM) tools. IT teams must then maintain all of these resources over time. PaaS supports all the underlying computing and software; and users only need to log in and start using the platform (usually through a Web browser interface).
These small spaces that are assembled inside a box of sand. They are used by many people throughout the East and West. And that is to plow the Zen garden, discover and unravel its forms or just admire it. Everything is enough to get in touch with our inner self and thus nourish our spirit. If you want to grow as a person and take your consciousness to a new level. All while embellishing and taking care of your home, join us then! Today here, we will teach you how to properly assemble your Zen garden in miniature. What is a zen miniature garden really? The concept of Zen transferred to gardens is based on telling a story. In creating something that is suggestively great, all in a very small space. Of course, always respecting the balance of things and keeping the elements in mind. The word zen by itself means meditation. That is why a Zen garden. It is a space for meditation, both for those who work for it and for those who contemplate it. A miniature Zen garden has few but important differences compared to a medium or large one. However, these differences should not be a reason to be self-conscious. The flexibility and adaptability can be part of the story you have to tell. And some years ago they told us a very important secret about miniature Zen gardens. Although it is true that it is an art form; It is also true that it is only a box with sand. You will not be able to enter a true Zen state if you do not enjoy your garden. So, do not try to follow a rule to build it, follow what your spirit dictates. Of course, there are certain elements that should not be missing. After all, it is they who evoke the elements in the garden. And if you want to maintain the correct flow of energies at home, you should always include them in your miniature Zen garden. The words we chose could not have been more accurate on this occasion. When it comes to a Zen garden. We speak literally of elements. On this occasion, we are talking about earth, fire, wood, and water; specifically. However, in a miniature Zen garden, the element of wood and fire are often overlooked. Although there are many conflicting opinions on whether or not to include the fire element in a Zen garden; The truth is that in Eastern culture, which is the one that takes the longest with this tradition, they do implement it. And it is that fire is not only reflected in the flames but in the sand itself. The sand also becomes water when telling a story; what is sought from the beginning when creating the Zen garden. Stability and balance This element is given by the rocks that are placed in the miniature Zen garden. They should always be three or three groups, but its purpose is to form a triangle. Although it is not a symmetrical triangle, the three vertices are always required. If the space you have to build your Zen garden in miniature allows it; Do not hesitate to include a trunk. Similar to the red root trunks used in fish tanks or another ideal trunk for this type of decoration. The four-tooth rake is the most common when building a miniature Zen garden. This has two functions, leveling the garden sand and; the most important, draw the waves. The waves in the sand of the Zen garden represent water. Either in circles around the stones or, intricate forms that intertwine with each other; The act of drawing the waves in the garden is the activity that is carried out in order to obtain peace. Either the sound or the raking action itself reassures you; You can never miss the four-tooth rake. How to build your Zen garden in miniature? The first thing you will need, in addition to the items listed above; It is a box to contain the sand. Although many people use trays of wood or aluminum that they had saved without using. Ideally, the sand is 5 centimeters deep, many times you will need to bury the stones. Remember that many times you will need to bury the stones. Also, the type of wave you do can vary in depth. So the activity of creating the waves and the final result. It can always be different, but the options are less if the sand layer is not 5 centimeters. Once you have your square or rectangular container. It is time to place the sand in it. You can use sand or gravel of the finest, that decision we leave it to you. The next step is to level the sand. To do this, you must use the back of the rake. And this process you will do every time you want to erase the waves and start over. Although at first, you will have to apply pressure with the rake; When most of the space is level, adjust the details by sliding the rake using its own weight. Place the stones. Bury them to make them look smaller if necessary. Remember that you must always form a triangle. You can also use more than three rocks and stack several in three different groups. After all, you should never move the box or tray; simply sand and using only the rake. With these steps, you will have your zen miniature garden built ready! It’s time to start telling your story using the rake’s teeth to draw the waves. You can turn your miniature Zen garden into a really personal decorative piece. Although the components that we have just named are the standard ones. You can always innovate, customize and, in short; Go one step further. Instead of using sand or gravel, you can simply buy sea salt at your preferred supermarket and use it to create the base. The sea salt will give your garden an immaculately white appearance and; thanks to its coarse grains, the waves created by the rake can be appreciated in a different way. Some incense cones have the peculiarity of having a lower hole through which they channel the smoke. This “thick” smoke can be redirected using really deep channels in your Zen garden. With this trick; You can create a “fog” or “water” effect in your entire miniature garden. A few drops of liquid essence are also a great option. Especially when you do not tolerate the incense smoke very well. Place part of the sand or stones (does not work well with salt); Then pour some essence and then; the rest of the sand. That way, when you remove the sand with the rake to draw the waves. The scent of the essence will flow and help you to relax. Although you only need three key elements, nothing prevents you from adding other decorative accessories. Especially if you have a genkan in your house; a Buddha figure or a plant next to your garden will be perfect. The Zen garden in miniature does not have to be something private nor why to be hidden. You can use it as a decorative element by placing it in the entrance. It is also a great centerpiece. Of course, the tall candles do not go well aesthetically with the miniature Zen garden; You’ll have to get the tiniest candles. And after having seen all the possibilities of alternative materials that you have to build your Zen garden in miniature. We leave you this video in which you will be able to appreciate different configurations of the zen miniature garden, enjoy and relax.
Previously, we have seen textures used to vary surface parameters. But we can use textures to vary something else: light intensity. In this way, we can simulate light sources who's intensity changes with something more than just distance from the light. Our first effort in varying light intensity with textures will be to build an incandescent flashlight. The light beam from a flashlight is not a single solid intensity, due to the way the mirrors focus the light. A texture is the simplest way to define this pattern of light intensity. Before we can look at how to use a texture to make a flashlight, we need to make a short digression. Perspective projection will be an important part of how we make a texture into a flashlight, so we need to revisit perspective projection. Specifically, we need to look at what happens when transforming after a perspective projection operation. Open up the project called Double Projection. It renders four objects, using various textures, in a scene with a single directional light and a green point light. This tutorial displays two images of the same scene. The image on the left is the view of the scene from one camera, while the image on the right is the view of the scene from another camera. The difference between the two cameras is mainly in where the camera transformation matrices are applied. The left camera works normally. It is controlled by the left mouse button, the mouse wheel, and the WASD keys, as normal. The right camera however provides the view direction that is applied after the perspective projection matrix. The sequence of transforms thus looks like this: Model -> Left Camera -> Projection -> Right Camera. The right camera is controlled by the right mouse button; only orientation controls work on it. The idea is to be able to look at the shape of objects in normalized device coordinate (NDC) space after a perspective projection. NDC space is a [-1, 1] box centered at the origin; by rotating objects in NDC space, you will be able to see what those objects look like from a different perspective. Pressing the SpaceBar will reset the right camera back to a neutral view. Note that post-perspective projection space objects are very distorted, particularly in the Z direction. Also, recall one of the fundamental tricks of the perspective projection: it rescales objects based on their Z-distance from the camera. Thus, objects that are farther away are physically smaller in NDC space than closer ones. Thus, rotating NDC space around will produce results that are not intuitively what you might expect and may be very disorienting at first. For example, if we rotate the right camera to an above view, relative to whatever the left camera is, we see that all of the objects seems to shrink down into a very small width. This is due to the particulars of the perspective projection's work on the Z coordinate. The Z coordinate in NDC space is the result of the clip-space Z divided by the negative of the camera-space Z. This forces it into the [-1, 1] range, but the clip-space Z also is affected by the zNear and zFar of the perspective matrix. The wider these are, the more narrowly the Z is compressed. Objects farther from the camera are compressed into smaller ranges of Z; we saw this in our look at the effect of the camera Z-range on precision. Close objects use more of the [-1, 1] range than those farther away. This can be seen by moving the left camera close to an object. The right camera, from a top-down view, has a much thicker view of that object in the Z direction. Pressing the Y key will toggle depth clamping in the right camera. This can explain some of the unusual things that will be seen there. Sometimes the wrong objects will appear on top of each other; when this happens, it is almost always due to a clamped depth. The reason why depth clamping matters so much in the right screen is obvious if you think about it. NDC space is a [-1, 1] cube. But that is not the NDC space we actually render to. We are rendering to a rotated portion of this space. So the actual [-1, 1] space that gets clipped or clamped is different from the one we see. We are effectively rotating a cube and cutting off any parts of it that happen to be outside of the cubic viewing area. And since the initial cube is so skewed to far Z values, often times large chunks of the world fall out of the viewing cube. This is the first code in the tutorial to use the scene graph part of the framework. The term scene graph refers to a piece of software that manages a collection of objects, typically in some kind of object hierarchy. In this case, the Scene.h part of the framework contains a class that loads an XML description of a scene. This description includes meshes, shaders, and textures to load. These assets are then associated with named objects within the scene. So a mesh combined with a shader can be rendered with one or more textures. The purpose of this system is to remove a lot of the boilerplate code from the tutorial files. The setup work for the scene graph is far less complicated than the setup work seen in previous tutorials. The xml:id gives it a name; this is used by objects in the scene to refer to this program. It also provides a way for other code to talk to it. Most of the rest is self-explanatory. model-to-camera deserves some explanation. Rendering the scene graph is done by calling the scene graph's render function with a camera matrix. Since the objects in the scene graph store their own transformations, the scene graph combines each object's local transform with the given camera matrix. But it still needs to know how to provide that matrix to the shader. Thus, model-to-camera specifies the name of the mat4 uniform that receives the model-to-camera transformation matrix. There is a similar matrix for normals that is given the inverse-transpose of the model-to-camera matrix. The block element is the way we associate a uniform block in the program with a uniform block binding point. There is a similar element for sampler that specifies which texture unit that a particular GLSL sampler is bound to. Objects in scene graph systems are traditionally called “nodes,” and this scene graph is no exception. Nodes have a number of properties. They have a name, so that other code can reference them. They have a mesh that they render and a program they use to render that mesh. They have a position, orientation, and scale transform. The orientation is specified as a quaternion, with the W component specified last (this is different from how glm::fquat specifies it. The W there comes first). The order of these transforms is scale, then orientation, then translation. This node also has a texture bound to it. t_stone_pillar was a texture that was loaded in a texture command. The unit property specifies the texture unit to use. And the sampler property defines which of the predefined samplers to use. In this case, it uses a sampler with ansiotropic filtering to the maximum degree allowed by the hardware. The texture wrapping modes of this sampler are to wrap the S and T coordinates. //No more things that can throw. nodes.clear(); //If something was there already, delete it. pScene.reset(pOldScene); //If something was there already, delete it. This code does some fairly simple things. The scene graph system is good, but we still need to be able to control uniforms not in blocks manually from external code. Specifically in this case, the number of lights is a uniform, not a uniform block. To do this, we need to use a uniform state binder, g_lightNumBinder, and set it into all of the nodes in the scene. This binder allows us to set the uniform for all of the objects (regardless of which program they use). The p_unlit shader is never actually used in the scene graph; we just use the scene graph as a convenient way to load the shader. Similarly, the m_sphere mesh is not used in a scene graph node. We pull references to both of these out of the graph and use them ourselves where needed. We extract some uniform locations from the unlit shader, so that we can draw unlit objects with colors. The code as written here is designed to be exception safe. Most of the functions that find nodes by name will throw if the name is not found. What this exception safety means is that it is easy to make the scene reloadable. It only replaces the old values in the global variables after executing all of the code that could throw an exception. This way, the entire scene, along with all meshes, textures, and shaders, can be reloaded by pressing Enter. If something goes wrong, the new scene will not be loaded and an error message is displayed. We simply set the orientation based on a timer. For the second one, we previously stored the object's orientation after loading it, and use that as the reference. This allows us to rotate about its local Z axis. The split-screen trick used here is actually quite simple to pull off. It's also one of the advantages of the scene graph: the ability to easily re-render the same scene multiple times. The first thing that must change is that the projection matrix cannot be set in the old reshape function. That function now only sets the new width and height of the screen into global variables. This is important because we will be using two projection matrices. Notice that displaySize uses only half of the width. And this half width is passed into the glViewport call. It is also used to generate the aspect ratio for the perspective projection matrix. It is the glViewport function that causes our window to be split into two halves. Notice that we first take the camera matrix from the perspective view and apply it to the matrix stack before the perspective projection itself. Remember that transforms applied to the stack happen in reverse order. This means that vertices are projected into 4D homogeneous clip-space coordinates, then are transformed by a matrix. Only the rotation portion of the right camera matrix is used. The translation is removed by the conversion to a mat3 (which takes only the top-left 3x3 part of the matrix, which if you recall contains the rotation), then turns it back into a mat4. Notice also that the viewport's X location is biased based on whether the display's width is odd or not (g_displayWidth % 2 is 0 if it is even, 1 if it is odd). This means that if the width is stretched to an odd number, there will be a one pixel gap between the two views of the scene. One question may occur to you: how is it possible for our right camera to provide a rotation in NDC space, if it is being applied to the end of the projection matrix? After all, the projection matrix goes from camera space to clip-space. The clip-space to NDC space transform is done by OpenGL after our vertex shader has done this matrix multiply. Do we not need the shader to divide the clip-space values by W, then do the rotation? This might look like a simple proof by inspection due to the associative nature of these, but it is not. The reason is quite simple: w and w' may not be the same. The value of w is the fourth component of v; w' is the fourth component of what results from T*v. If T changes w, then the equation is not true. But at the same time, if T doesn't change w, if w == w', then the equation is true. Well, that makes things quite simple. We simply need to ensure that our T does not alter w. Matrix multiplication tells us that w' is the dot product of v and the bottom row of T. Therefore, if the bottom row of T is (0, 0, 0, 1), then w == w'. And therefore, we can use T before the division. Fortunately, the only matrix we have that has a different bottom row is the projection matrix, and T is the rotation matrix we apply after projection. So this works, as long as we use the right matrices. We can rotate, translate, and scale post-projective clip-space exactly as we would post-projective NDC space. Which is good, because we get to preserve the w component for perspective-correct interpolation. The take-home lesson here is very simple: projections are not that special as far as transforms are concerned. Post-projective space is mostly just another space. It may be a 4-dimensional homogeneous coordinate system, and that may be an odd thing to fully understand. But that does not mean that you can't apply a regular matrix to objects in this space.
State Line Avenue, the town's main street, was laid out exactly along the dividing line between the two states. Initially the town had only a single post office, on the Arkansas side of the town. Those living on the Texas side requested a post office of their own. Postal officials granted the request, and a post office, known as Texarkana, Texas, operated from 1886 to 1892, when it was closed. For some time after that the post office was known as Texarkana, Arkansas, until Congressman John Morris Sheppard secured a postal order changing the name officially to Texarkana, Arkansas-Texas. By 1896 Texarkana had a waterworks, an electric light plant, five miles of streetcar lines, gas works, four daily and weekly newspapers, an ice factory, a cotton compress, a cotton oil mill, a sewer system, brick schools, two foundries, a machine shop, a hotel, and a population of 14,000. In 1907 Texarkana, Texas, was accorded city status, and granted a new charter. By 1925 the Texas side of the town had a population of 11,480, many of whom worked for one of the railroads or in processing agricultural products. During the Great Depression of the early 1930s the number of businesses declined from 840 in 1931 to 696 in 1936, but the town's economic fortunes recovered by the early 1940s, buoyed in part by the construction of Red River Army Depot and the Lone Star Army Ammunition plant. In 1948 Texarkana, as the junction of four important railroad systems with eight outlets, was one of the major railroad centers of the Southwest. The city was also important as a commercial and industrial center. The industries have been built around three natural resource-a rich timbered area, fertile agricultural lands, and abundant and diversified mineral deposits. While commercially one city, Texarkana consists of two separate municipalities, aldermanic in form, with two mayors and two sets of councilmen and city officials. There is a cooperative arrangement for the joint operation of fire department, food and dairy inspection, sewage disposal, environmental sanitation, and supervised recreational programs. The Federal Building has the distinction of being the only building of its kind situated in two states. The entire city in 1952 had a population of 40,490, the Texas portion reporting 24,657. The town continued to prosper during the post-World War II era. By 1960 the total population reached 50,006 (30,218 in Texas and 19,788 in Arkansas). The population for the entire metropolitan area in that year was 91,657 (59,971 in Bowie County, Texas, and 31,686 in Miller County, Arkansas). In 1970 the area population was 101,198, with 67,813 in Bowie County, Texas, and 33,385 in Miller County, Arkansas. The population of Texarkana that year was 52,179, with 30,497 persons living on the Texas side and 21,682 residents on the Arkansas side. The economy of this northeast Texas area has continued to grow at a steady pace, with more emphasis towards industry. The average annual agricultural income for the Texas section was between $12 million and $13 million by 1970. Crops raised included cotton, corn, rice, soybeans, pecans, and truck crops; livestock and poultry accounted for 75 percent of the farm income. Industries in the area included the manufacture and marketing of lumber products, sewer tile, rockwool, sand and gravel, mobile homes and accessories, municipal hardware supplies, tires, railroad tank cars, and paper products. Also of great importance to the economy of the entire area is a federal correctional unit there. Retail trade, like the industrial growth, continued to increase steadily. The city of Texarkana is the transportation, commercial, and industrial center for this Texas-Arkansas area, as well as the hub for portions of Oklahoma and Louisiana; it is also the educational, cultural, and medical center of the metropolitan area. Texarkana College, a fully accredited junior college, includes the William Buchanan Department of Nursing. The Civic Music Association, with patrons from the entire metropolitan area, brings in artists of national and international fame. Texarkana serves the area with three major hospitals and several modern clinics. Supplying water for industrial development are Wright Patman Lake and the Millwood Reservoir in Arkansas. Both are also important recreational sites. The Texarkana area holds an annual Four States Fair and Rodeo, plus other rodeos, band festivals, and a Miss Texarkana Pageant. In 1992 Texarkana had a total population of 120,132, 31,656 of whom lived on the Texas side. Handbook of Texas Online, "TEXARKANA, TX," accessed April 26, 2019, .
According to a new study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a pill could make gastric bypass surgery a thing of the past. Conducted by the Brigham Research Institute at BWH, the team developed a substance that temporarily coats the intestines, allowing for nutrients to pass through the body without absorbing. Since the substance provides a slick surface on the intestine, the pill helps to regulate blood sugar levels because food doesn't fully digest. Jeff Karp, who worked on the study, told Digital Trends that their pill mimics the effects of gastric bypass procedures with a safe gut-coating material. Although they've only tested the substance in rodents, the researchers are looking forward to conducting clinical trials next year.
Last week’s STS-120 Flight Readiness Review (FRR) concluded a key element of the countdown towards launch of shuttle Discovery, ahead of her mission to the International Space Station (ISS). Documentation from the FRR showed the extensive level of detail NASA and its contractors go into to ensure no stone has been left unturned ahead of launch. This article is part 1 of the review of the FRR documentation. The seven member crew, led by Commander Pam Melroy, are targeted to launch on October 23, pending the final Agency FRR on Tuesday. The five EVA mission will conduct the installation of the Node 2 (Harmony) module on the ISS. The FRR process has changed for this mission, allowing for elements to be ‘pre-reviewed’ by sections of the shuttle community, ahead of the Mission Management Team (MMT) and Agency final approval for launch. This change saw the bulk of the FRR work being conducted over two days – October 9-10. While most shuttle followers are aware of the purpose of the FRR, little is known about the level of work that is carried out by the shuttle community, as they prepare for a mission to launch. Most of the process starts years in advance, as flights are manifested by the Flight Assignment Working Group (FAWG), to be used as a scheduling tool for NASA and contractors, which are expanded on via documents such as STATS, which is a regular Shuttle Flight Preparation Charts presentation – currently reaching out to STS-119. Flights then go through a process of being baselined into the schedule, presented in the Flight Definition and Requirements Document (FDRD) – over viewing the mission and laying out the elements that will make up the shuttle stack, such as booster parts, the External Tank and payload. This process was recently seen for STS-126. Constantly reviewed and refined by shuttle management via the twice weekly Stand-up/Integration meetings, the weekly PRCB (Program Requirements Control Board) – which also has additional JPRCB splinter meetings during the week – the mission heads towards its allotted launch date, and its FRR. Even though this FRR process has now changed, the MOD (Mission Operations Directorate) FRR traditionally produces key element overview documentation, in a ‘pre-FRR’ format, over viewing the status of the mission, ranging from shuttle, to ISS, to Russian and Canadian resources. A vast array of presentations are then released, usually around two weeks prior to the full FRRs. However, it was last week’s shuttle FRR that contained the overview of just how much work is involved for a mission, ranging from status of launch window, down to the smallest imaginable detail of the stack’s hardware. Although the running order can only be guessed by the document’s numbering, MOD appear to open with their overview – in STS-120’s case a 65 page presentation – full of data on consumables and an expansive overview of each day of the mission and its EVAs, launch windows, Flight Rules, Network readiness and USA contractor status on items such as Launch On Need (LON). It also contains ‘Items of Interest’ – such as changes to the mission and why they were approved by the PRCB. Open Work, and a full graphical overview of the key elements of the docked phase of the mission, are also included. Up next is the EVA Office FRR presentation – a 63 page document which also outlines details and imagery for the upcoming spacewalks. This document concentrates on EVA-4’s demonstration of the T-RAD tile repair, STS-118’s issue with a cut EMU glove – which caused the early end to EVA-3 – and the risk mitigation tasks that have been added to STS-120 as a result. ‘EVAs 1 – 4 inspections are scheduled every day night pass. For EVA 5 inspections are scheduled per the requirements, with the longest duration between inspections being ~ 70 min. In addition, inspections have been added to cover worksites and translation paths common to STS-118 and STS-120. Additional inspections have been incorporated into the EVA timeline. Those additional sets of gloves that have been manifested – along with the special ‘Over Glove’ design that is set to be implemented fully in time for STS-123 – also gain additional mentions, as previously reported on this site. The second half of the presentation details the hardware installation that will be carried out on the mission, along with a large set of graphics on that process. The Flight Crew Operations Directive FRR is a shorter overview, only 11 pages long, mainly listing NASA aircraft that will support the mission. The presentation does note that the crew are trained and ready – as one would expect – and lists the amount flying time Commander Melroy and Pilot George Zamka have conducted in the STA – in Melroy’s case, 1,543 hours worth. ‘STS-120 Crew is trained and ready to support launch, on-orbit operations and landing,’ confirmed the presentation. The Space Life Sciences Directorate FRR, a 21 page presentation, covers a multitude of subjects relating to the health of the crew prior to flight, and for during the flight itself, ranging from STS and ISS Surgeon assignments, EVA exposure data and even the food they’ll be taking with them on board Discovery. ‘Crew Readiness Key (Medical) Personnel Assignments. Environmental Status. Food. EVA Status. Flight Rules and Procedures. First Flight Items. Changes Since Last Mission. Forward Work. Contingency Shuttle Crew Support (CSCS).Facilities and Laboratories,’ are all included in this FRR overview. ‘Crewmembers have been medically certified for flight. No medical training constraints to launch,’ opened the presentation, which went on to include Crew Radiation Exposure Projections. ‘Nominal STS-120/10A mission crew exposure projections meet As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA),’ noted the presentation, which showed EVA-3 as the highest level of radiation the spacewalkers will endure during the mission (still well within safe limits). Again, the extensive level of detail is in evidence, with notes mentioning tests on water samples that the crew will drink, along with Food Microbial evaluations. It was tests on the water that found an item of interest from the previous mission, STS-118. ‘Environmental Status – Water: Water, Air and Microbiology Quality Assessments. During STS-118/13A.1, two of the four Contingency Water Containers (CWCs) samples return showed microbial counts that were much higher than accepted ISS limits. The count was attributed to a waterborne micro organism (Wautersia paucula). One of the most impressive presentations is the 47 page Flight Operations and Integration Office FRR presentation, which is packed with useful mission data, notes, overviews and images. The presentation gives an extensive mission overview for Discovery, and the supporting LON flight of Atlantis, timelining when she would need to launch in the eventuality of serious damage being found on her sister. In reference to LON, the presentation shows how NASA calculate the CSCS (Crew Shuttle Contingency Support) timeline – the amount of time the crew of Discovery can take up residence onboard the ISS, until Atlantis has to ‘rescue’ them. The rest of the presentation goes into great detail in reference to the 10A Flight and the Increment 16 ‘firsts’ – which include and are expanded on: ‘First Increment with rotation of 3 separate ISS crewmembers on Shuttle during Increment. 10A first ISS flight with 5 planned EVAs.
Few people understand Balkan history, despite the region being a mainstay of our news for the last decade; this is understandable, for the topic is a complicated one, combining issues of religion, politics, and ethnicity. The following selection mixes general histories of the Balkans with studies concentrating on particular regions. The Balkans is a media favorite, having received praise from many publications: all of it is deserved. Glenny explains the region's tangled history in a necessarily dense narrative, but his style is vigorous and his register suitable for all ages. Every major theme is discussed at some stage, and particular attention is paid to the changing role of the Balkans in Europe as a whole. Slim, cheap, but incredibly useful, this book is the perfect introduction to Balkan history. Mazower takes a broad sweep, discussing the geographical, political, religious and ethnic forces that have been active in the region while destroying many 'western' preconceptions. The book also delves into some broader discussions, such as continuity with the Byzantine world. This collection of 52 color maps, covering themes and peoples from 1400 years of Balkan history, would make an ideal companion to any written work, and a solid reference for any study. The volume includes contextual maps of resources and basic geography, as well as accompanying texts. A list of books on the Balkans really needs a look at Serbia, and Tim Judah’s book has the telling subtitle “History, Myth and the Destruction of Yugoslavia.” This is an attempt to examine what happened and how it has affected Serbs, rather than just being a tabloid attack. The title sounds horrible, but the butchers in question are war criminals from the Wars of the Former Yugoslavia, and this gripping story narrates how some were actually traced and ended up in court. A story of politics, crime, and spying. The subtitle gives away the subject of this book: The Ottoman Conquest of Southeastern Europe (14th - 15th centuries). However, although it is a small volume it packs a great amount of detail and breadth of knowledge, so you’ll learn about far more than just the Balkans (which does annoy people after just the Balkans.) A starting point for how the twentieth century happened. Occupying the middle ground between Misha Glenny's large book (pick 2) and Mazower's short one (pick 1), this is another quality narrative discussion, covering a key 150 years in Balkan history. As well as the larger themes, Pavlowitch covers individual states and the European context in his highly readable style. Although not huge, this volume is fairly expansive and best suited to those already committed to a study (or just pursuing a firm interest) in the Balkans. The central focus is national identity, but more general subjects are also considered. The second volume deals with the twentieth century, especially the Balkan and Second World wars, but concludes with the 1980's. Given the complexity of Yugoslavia's recent history, you would be forgiven for feeling that a concise version was impossible, but Benson's excellent book, which includes events as recent as Milosevic's arrest in mid-2001, clears away some of the old historiographical cobwebs and provides an excellent introduction to the country's past. Aimed at the mid-to-higher level student and the academic, Todorova's work is another general history of the Balkan region, this time with a focus on national identity in the region. While I recommend this book to anyone interested in Yugoslavia, I also urge anyone in doubt as to either the value ​or practical application, of history to read it. Lampe discusses Yugoslavia's past in relation to the country's recent collapse, and this second edition includes extra material on the Bosnian and Croatian wars. World War One started in the Balkans ​and this book drills down into the events and operations of 1914. It’s been accused of having a Serbian slant, but it’s still good to get their perspective even if you think it does, and mercifully has a cheaper paperback release.
Standing proudly at the top of William Brown Street on Commutation Row, is the fluted stone Wellington Monument. A 14 foot statue of Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, cast from cannon guns captured at the battle of Waterloo, stands on top of an 81 foot column unveiled in 1863. The column stands on a triangular site which was laid out in 1878, between William Brown Street, Islington and Commutation Row. Lime Street stretches off in front of the 500 foot frontage of St Georges Hall which stands next to the column. Wellington looks down onto St Johns Gardens the site of the former St Johns Church and down William brown street with its historic buildings, the closes to Wellington being the County Sessions House, then The Walker Art Gallery and Liverpool's Picton Reading Rooms, Central and Hornby Library, and the Liverpool Museum. The column has been used in a number of events over the years which included it being illuminated for Empire Day Celebrations in 1951 and and setting off pyrotechnics during the 08 Capital of Culture opening ceremony. Over the years a few people have been lucky enough to be able to climb to the top of the column and take a few photographs, and below is a photograph of London Road taken in 1913. and as you step out over a 2ft high wall onto the viewing platform.
My main scientific interest is to study water resources in water-limited ecosystems and how climate change can affect water dynamics and water availability in those areas. Because evapotranspiration is the main component of the water balance in water limited environments, during my PhD I focussed on the development and testing of regional evapotranspiration models specifically designed for semiarid conditions. Working with physical models helped me to understand all those biological and environmental factors controlling the water dynamics in drylands, and to account for how those factors would be affected by climate change in the models. I have gained extensive experience on Eddy Covariance technique to measure water, carbon and energy fluxes, remote sensing products and long term meteorological variables monitoring that has deepened during my scientific career. As a postdoctoral fellow in the University of New Mexico (USA) I studied forest ecosystem resilience and eco-hydrological consequences of widespread piñon mortality events affecting piñon-juniper woodlands in the Southwestern US. Latter on, at the University of British Columbia (UBC) I have joined two large international project called FuturAgua (2014-2017) and AgWIT (2017-2020), both of them about development of resilience strategies to drought in the Tropics. At UBC my research activities have been redirected towards sustainability assessment of water use in the agricultural sector of Tropical regions facing meteorological droughts (rainfall deficit) or hydrological droughts (reduced water availability). Additionally, I am currently the project manager of the AgWIT project, and I was the Coordinator of the UBC team for the Futuragua project. Morillas L., Johnson M. Dinámicas de uso del agua en fincas agrícolas intensivas de la provincia de Guanacaste, Costa Rica (2017). Futuragua, Nota de Investigación 7. Kustas W., Nieto H., Morillas L., Anderson M. C., Alfieri J. G., Hipps L. E., Villagarcía L., Domingo F., Garcia M. (2016). Revisiting the paper “Using radiometric surface temperature for surface energy flux estimation in Mediterranean drylands from a two-source perspective”. Remote Sensing Of Environment. Warnock D., Litvak M., Morillas L., Sinsabaugh R. (2016). Drought-induced piñon mortality alters the seasonal dynamics of microbial activity in Piñon-Juniper woodland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. Serrano-Ortiz, P., Oyonarte, C., Pérez-Priego, O., Reverter, B.R., P. Sánchez-Cañete, E., Were A., Uclés, O., Morillas L., Domingo, F. (2014) Ecological functioning in grass–shrub Mediterranean ecosystems measured by eddy covariance. Oecologia. Morillas L., Villagarcia L., Domingo Nieto, H., Uclés O., García M. (2014)Environmental factors affecting the accuracy of surface fluxes from a two-source model in Mediterranean drylands: Upscaling instantaneous to daytime estimates. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Morillas L., Leuning R., García M., Villagarcía L., Serrano-Ortiz P., Domingo F. (2013) Improving evapotranspiration estimates in Mediterranean drylands: the role of soil evaporation. Water Resources Research. Morillas L., García M., Nieto, H., Villagarcia, L., Sandholt, I., Gonzalez-Dugo, M.P., Zarco-Tejada, P.J., Domingo, F. (2013) Using radiometric surface temperature for energy flux estimation in Mediterranean drylands from a two-source perspective. Remote Sensing of Environment. Garcia M., Sandholt I., Ceccato P., Ridler M., Mougin E., Kergoat, L., Morillas L., Timouk L., Fensholt R., Domingo F. (2013) Constraints to Estimate Evapotranspiration in water-limited ecosystems from In-Situ and Satellite Data. Remote Sensing of Environment.
Situated in a mountain valley at an altitude of 2,200 m, Sana'a has been inhabited for more than 2,500 years. In the 7th and 8th centuries the city became a major centre for the propagation of Islam. This religious and political heritage can be seen in the 103 mosques, 14 hammams and over 6,000 houses, all built before the 11th century. Sana'a's many-storeyed tower-houses built of rammed earth (pisé) add to the beauty of the site.
Reading is the central core of knowledge which develops and enlightens the human being’s way to attain happiness. As the provider of reading, education flows like pure water coming out from the springs of life experiences to stimulate the human’s mind through academic knowledge, whereby the one goes out of his house in a journey to seek knowledge in all parts of the world. In view of this, the Sultanate of Oman was keen on opening the door of education and research to its students abroad and made it possible for them to meet their academic objectives. In addition to the important role played by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its embassies abroad, Cultural Attaché Offices under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education were established in different countries including Malaysia which hosted the Cultural Attaché Office in 2011. The main task of the Cultural Attaché Office in Kuala Lumper is to do the best, within our capacity, to serve all Omani students coming to study in Malaysia through providing them with all kinds of support and assistance such as to overcome any issues or challenges that they may face in their studies. Another important task is to create cooperative relations with Malaysian educational and cultural institutions. Indeed, studying abroad is a learning journey through which the one get knowledge and life experiences through culture, customs, and traditions of the host country. Hence, as an Omani students, you should be able to make the most out of the wonderful opportunity you have in hands, not only to obtain an academic certificate to get a job; but also to study and explore the new lifestyle of a different country through gasping the best of its knowledge, visiting its milestones, and interacting with its people and benefiting from their innovations. It is very important for those who wish to study in Malaysia to explore the student’s guide available on the website, find out about the laws and organizational rules with regard to foreign missions, such as scholarship and financial assistance act, electronic transactions act, anti-fraud act, accredited non-Omani educational institutions and qualification status of the certificates that they offer, and regulation concerning students’ clubs and associations outside Oman. In conclusion, students are required to enhance their creativity through further reading, exploration, and participation in cultural and social activities at convenient times in line with the academic requirements in order to develop their talents and represent Oman, as they are its true representatives in the field of science and knowledge. Wishing you all the best in your studies and every success in your future.
Bingham & Co was a Dutch firm from Rotterdam, founded in 1871 by the brothers Seymour and Daniel George Bingham. The brothers came from England. In 1884 S. Bingham started to import British bicycles. He sold different makes, including his own brand. The firm grew and in 1895 Bingham showed ten different bicycles at the Amsterdam Bicycle Show. In 1903 Bingham started to import cars. In later years they sold bicycles again, under the brand name 'Eenhoorn'. Original Dutch ordinaries are very rare, but this Bingham 'The Wolsley', here seen on display in the Velorama Museum, is one of them. It is a straightforward penny farthing, nothing really special about it. Ball bearings front and rear, beautiful horn grips, hollow front fork. It's got Bown Aeolus bearings at the front and the bike was surely built in the UK. Bingham gave it his own mark, as seen on the spring. I guess it was built between 1885 en 1890. Very nice to see this Dutch bike, and Velorama restored it in a good way, preserving the character of the bike. Brake lever is a replica. Maybe interesting: the 'Bingham' who sold this bicycle is somenaone else than (C.H.) Charles Bingham who was founder of the ANWB in 1883 and the Simplex bicycle factory in 1887.
For those of you not familiar with the magical ancient fruit, it is also known as Schisandra Chinensis, or the “Five Flavor Berry,” because it incorporates all five flavor groups: salty, sweet, sour, spicy, and bitter. Despite the name these berries may not have you suited up in armor and ready for combat, but they will give you a warrior advantage over your health and beauty! What is more powerful than that? So What is the Mongolian Warrior Berry? Not a typical name for a Chinese ornamental vine, but what else would you call a berry than can beautify skin, improve eyesight, purify the liver, act as a lung tonic, and increase stamina? The Mongolian Warrior Berry has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years. It was specifically used for women of China’s imperial court to preserve a youthful appearance. Now the secret is out for everyone! We know once you experience the mental and physical benefits of this “super berry” you will definitely want it to be apart of their health regimen. The Schisandra Chinensis creates a barrier against free radicals, and gives you firmer, softer more supple skin. The barrier it creates also helps to protect the skin from damaging effects of the wind or sun. The Schisandra Berry is perfect for those who deal with acne and/or psoriasis due to its detoxifying powers of the liver, which has been found to be the root of many skin problems. Believed to be the only food that contains all five basic flavor sensations, this berry helps to stimulate the production of the antioxidant glutathione. Glutathione prevents cell damage caused by strenuous physical activities among other stressors. Its liver healing effects are due to schizandrin, gomisin, pre gomisin, deoxyschizandrin, which are found in the seeds of the berries. Medically, the berry has been used to treat hepatitis and to protect the liver from poisons. The Warrior Berry in China is known to increase “brain power.” In Chinese medicine it is used as a tonic for the mind to restore memory and sharpen mental capacities. When it comes to the lungs, schizandra still proves to be a conquering hero. High in Vitamin C, the berries can be strained into a cough syrup to clear the lungs, alleviate sore throats, and reduce a cough. If you’re a tea drinker, here is a delicious recipe to help make a health warrior out of you! Before making the tea, the Schizandra berries need to be soaked in water and strained. It is best to soak the amount of berries needed overnight to brew them the next day, or a bunch can be soaked and you can refrigerate them to have on hand to make tea the following week. The above ingredients need to simmer in one quart of purified water for a maximum of 15 minutes. The tonic can be strained and drinkin alone, or can be cooled down to enjoy as an ice drink, or even blended into a nice smoothie. Unlike other toxin-filters such as ginger, the berries should be discarded and not reused.
School of Life Sciences, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550001 China. Institute of zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 550001, China. Specimens identified as Oreonectes jiarongensis (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae) were collected from a karst cave in Jiarong Town and Banzhai Township, Libo County, Guizhou, China. Several lines of morphological and molecular evidence suggested that this species was similar to species of Oreonectes Günther 1868 and not closely related to species of Triplophysa Rendal, 1933. The anterior and posterior nostrils of 'Triplophysa' jiarongensis were separated by a short distance, and there was no secondary sexual dimorphism in male specimens. The Bayesian phylogenetic analysis based on cytochrome b recovered 'T.' jiarongensis in a well-supported clade with Oreonectes daqikongensis, O. shuilongensis, O. furcocaudalis and O. platycephalus, sister to the Triplophysa clade. In addition, the genetic distances between 'T.' jiarongensis and species of Oreonectes were low (O. daqikongensis: 0.114; O. shuilongensis: 0.106; O. platycephalus: 0.180), while distances to species of Triplophysa were higher (T. dorsalis: 0.233; T. yarkandensis: 0.282). Therefore, we reassign 'T.' jiarongensis to Oreonectes. Based on this result, it is now clear that species of both Oreonectes and Triplophysa inhabit the same underground river system in Guizhou. However, as species of Oreonectes are only known from the southern part of Guizhou, it may be that O. jiarongensis inhabits the most northerly part of the range of this genus.
Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, and covers people who were born from August 22 to September 23. Symbolized by the Virgin, people under this sign are considered demure, analytical and perfectionists. And as one of the earth signs, they are seen as practical and grounded in reality. Virgo sits in the 150-180th degree of celestial longitude, between the constellations Leo and Libra. It is regarded to be the second largest constellation in the sky, and its recording dates back to ancient Babylonian times. Here it was known as “The Furrow,” referring to the goddess Shala’s ear of corn. One of the stars in the constellation, Spica, means ear of grain in Latin. The Greeks and Romans associated Virgo with Demeter and Ceres respectively, both of whom were the goddesses of fertility and agriculture. Most cultures viewed this sun sign as the symbolism of harvest and agriculture, as it comes at the end of summer and goes into fall. There is also the story by Ovid of goddess Astraea. She associated with innocence and purity, who fled the wickedness of humanity and ascended into the heavens to become Virgo. This kind of association may be why the Virgin Mary was connected to the zodiac sign in the Middle Ages. The other aspects of this sign, the earth element and the mutable modality, have to do with how nature has been broken down. Where Virgo falls is at the end of summer, when change is about to happen in nature. Things are in flux as temperatures begin to fall and the sun is not as high in the sky. People have begun to harvest what they planted in the early spring, and get ready for colder temperatures and harsher conditions. Because of this, the Virgo star sign person is seen as steady and trustworthy who works hard to accomplish all they can in the time allowed. This is where Mercury comes in, and they share in his tireless efforts to obtain a lot of information and use it to the best of their ability. Another set of zodiac traits associated with the Virgo astrology sign are the intestines and nervous system for anatomy, mercury for the metal, and blue or beige for color. The intestines process the food we digest and the nervous system is what sends signals all over the body to accomplish tasks. The metal stems from the ruling planet and the color represents the changing sky from brighter yellow to darker blue. Those born under the Virgo star sign are connected with those who had to work the fields and get the homestead ready for the changing weather. The Virgins are methodical and hard-working, and pay attention to every little detail. It is this history that has led Virgos to be sturdy and resolute, for they can feel the shift in the natural order of things. The wind is getting faster and it’s time to bring in the crops from another season. There’s no room for hesitation or laziness, and those born under this sign know when it’s time to get things done. They will adapt to their surroundings and survive another year.
I recently heard someone use the idiom, "go down a rabbit trail", which I assume means go down the wrong path. I have not been able to find a resource that refers to this phrase, however. Is this a recognized idiom, and if so, what does it mean? Rabbit trails go here, there, and everywhere, and pretty much tend to lead nowhere. (Have you ever watched a dog sniff out a rabbit trail? It wanders in small then wider circles, around and around, feverishly looking for the rabbit - literally, a meal and, figuratively, the point of one's argument.) No one knows what's at the end of a rabbit trail (the point of one's argument). Is there even an end to it? It's a confusing maze of pointless leads. In short, a rabbit trail leads (us) nowhere. It serves only to confuse the prey/the reader. It keeps them preoccupied and confused. Rabbit Trails is also an old Southern USA expression to describe people who talk that way and can't be followed. In Psychiatry it is referred to as Tangential or Loose Speech.
In 1964, a baseball that beeped was invented. It was the beginning of a new rendition of the sport allowing blind and visually impaired baseball fans leave the spectator role and enter the players’ dugout. In this video, players are interviewed and the basics of beep baseball are outlined for those new to the idea. Players speak about the healthy competition and feeling of camaraderie and sighted coaches and spectators share their enthusiasm for the growing game.
To Cite: Salehi Moghadam F, Mohebbi S R, Hosseini S M, Mirtalebi H, Romani S, et al. Hepatitis C Virus Subtype 6a Infection in an Iranian Patient: A Case Report, Jundishapur J Microbiol. 2013 ; 6(4):e6560. doi: 10.5812/jjm.6560. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) isolates have been divided into six major genotypes, each of them further divided into several subtypes. Previous studies have shown that the most frequent genotype in Iranian patients with HCV infection is 1a, followed by 3a, 1b and 4. Infections with genotype 6 isolates have not previously been observed in these patients. In this report, we will describe the first diagnosis of HCV genotype-6 infection in Iran. The case was a 62-year-old man with positive anti-HCV antibody. Alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels were 14 and 32 IU/L respectively. Viral RNA was extracted from plasma. HCV RNA level was determined using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Following the synthesis of the complementary DNA, 5’-UTR/core region of the HCV genome was amplified and subjected to direct sequencing. Genetic distances were estimated and phylogenetic tree was constructed. HCV viral load was 9,572,718 IU/mL. The mean inter-genotypic distance between the case sequence and the corresponding sequences of other genotype 6 isolates was 3.7%. In the phylogenetic tree, the 5’-UTR/core sequence of the subject was located in a cluster representing HCV subtype 6a. The patient was infected with HCV subtype 6a. Prior to this case, there have been no previous reports on the isolation of this genotype/subtype from any other Iranian patient. Previous epidemiological studies provide valuable information about the distribution patterns of different HCV genotypes. However, infection with genotypes other than common ones should be flagged by specialists and diagnostic laboratories, especially in patients with high-risk behavioral backgrounds. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a blood-borne pathogen that has infected about 170 million people worldwide (1). There are several modes of HCV transmission including blood transfusion, intravenous drug abuse, tattooing, transplantation from an infected donor, high-risk sexual exposure and birth to an infected mother. Using surgical and dental equipment which are not appropriately disinfected and sterilized can be additional sources of HCV transmission (2). Six major HCV genotypes and more than 90 subtypes have been indentified thus far (3). HCV genotype has clinical importance as it determines the treatment duration with the current standard anti-HCV agents, pegylated interferon-α and ribavirin. Infections with genotype 1 are more challenging to treat with this medication regimen (4, 5). Distribution of HCV genotypes has also epidemiological significance. Genotypes 1, 2 and 3 are responsible for HCV infections in more than 90% of cases in North and South America, Europe and Japan (6). Genotypes 4 and 5a are frequent genotypes in Central Africa and South Africa respectively, whereas genotypes 1 and 2 are responsible for most of the HCV infections in West Africa. In Asia, the most frequent genotypes are 3 and 6 (7). HCV genotype 6 is generally restricted to Southeast Asia (8). In the Middle East, whereas, 4a is the predominant genotype in Arab countries, 1b and 3 are the most frequent genotypes in Turkey and Pakistan respectively (9, 10). The predominant genotype in Iran is 1a followed by 3a and 1b (11, 12, 13, 14). This paper reports the first ever case of HCV subtype-6a infection in Iran as no genotype-6 infection has been reported previously. A 62-year-old man with positive anti-HCV antibody was referred to Taleghani Hospital (Tehran, Iran). The patient has had no history of intravenous drug abuse, high-risk sexual activity nor has he shared shaving razors. The patient had a history of periodontal procedures, lower and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. He underwent spine surgery in Hong Kong in 1977. The patient has had a Helicobacter pylori infection for 2 years. He has also been suffering from Parkinson’s disease for the last ten years. He has made trips to Britain (in 1991) and the United States (in 2010). He has had a history of admission to the hospital for respiratory difficulties. Serological tests for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBs-Ag) and antibodies to hepatitis A (IgM), hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc Ab) and hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV Ab) were performed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DIAPRO, Milan, Italy). Laboratory test results are shown in Table 1 . Viral RNA was extracted from patient’s plasma using QIAamp Viral RNA mini kit (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany). HCV viral load was determined using HCV Real Time RT-PCR kit (Liferiver, Shanghai, China). Complementary DNA was synthesized using random hexamer primers and RevertAid Reverse Transcriptase (Fermentas, Vilnius, Lithuania) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The 5’-UTR/Core region was amplified using PCR with primers NCRF: 5’- GGAACTACTGTCTTCACGCAGAAAGC -3’ and NCRR: 5’- GAAGCCGCACGTAAGGGTATCG -3’. Reaction conditions were 5 min at 95°C, followed by 35 cycles of 60s at 94°C, 40s at 63 °C and 60s at 72°C, with a final extension step for 7 minutes at 72°C. PCR product was direct sequenced using amplification primers. Phylogenetic tree was constructed using Molecular Evolutionary Genetic Analysis (MEGA) version 4. The Iranian HCV subtype 6a isolate (indicated by a black triangle) was compared to HCV reference sequences and additional subtype 6a isolates from Hong Kong, Vietnam and China retrieved from GenBank. The percentages of bootstrap values (1000 replicates) are shown by numbers at the nodes. Distribution of HCV genotype 6 is mainly restricted to Southeast Asia and it is a rare or low-prevalence type in other parts of the world (16). Studies indicate that HCV genotype 6 is responsible for 50% of HCV infections in Myanmar and Vietnam (17, 18). Moreover, genotype 6 is the second most common HCV genotype among blood donors in Hong Kong (19). It should be mentioned that in the United States, one-third of HCV-positive immigrants from Southeast Asia are infected with various subtypes of genotype 6. Furthermore, HCV-6 has been observed in Cambodian and Vietnamese immigrants in Canada (16). The current standard therapy for hepatitis C infection is pegylated interferon alpha in combination with ribavirin. The treatment duration and outcome typically depends on the HCV genotype. Whereas HCV genotypes 2 and 3 are responsive to the therapy in 70-80% of cases, genotypes 1 and 4 are considered to be difficult to eradicate with sustained virological response (SVR) rates around 50% (4, 5, 21). The SVR rate for genotype-6 infection is higher than that seen in genotype 1 infection but lower than that of genotypes 2 and 3 (22-24). Due to these facts, determining HCV genotype prior to considering a specific therapy protocol is of utmost importance. Iran is a low prevalence country in terms of HCV infection. Due to increasing globalization, it is possible to encounter HCV genotypes or subtypes not previously reported in a specific geographical region. In this regard, diagnostic centers must consider the possibility of infections with genotypes that are rare or not previously reported in their region. Epidemiological studies are important to investigate different HCV genotypes distribution in various countries. However, completely relying on epidemiological data may prevent clinical diagnostic laboratories from considering HCV genotypes other than the common categories. In some cases, the patient may have been infected by a HCV genotype that was not observed in a region/country. If a commercial diagnostic kit or an in-house technique for HCV detection cannot detect such genotypes, it would produce a false negative result. The patient would thereby be a HCV carrier without a proper diagnosis and consequently can cause the spread of HCV in their family and eventually in their community. This being a case in point for the discussed issue highlights the fact that Iranian laboratories and physicians must not rule out the possibility of the HCV genotype-6 infection. While in more than 90% of hepatitis C cases in Iran, subtypes 1a, 3a or 1b are responsible for the infection, laboratories must consider HCV diagnostic techniques and materials (i.e. primers and molecular probes) by which all HCV genotypes can be detected. In view of this report, further screening of groups with high-risk behavioral backgrounds, especially people who have travelled to foreign countries (particularly endemic regions) is needed. It is advised there be more a precise determination of the prevalence of various HCV genotypes/subtypes in Iranian population.
The following is the fifth installment from Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition, available from EVOLVER EDITIONS/North Atlantic Books. You can read the Introduction here, and visit the Sacred Economics homepage here. to community, nature, and place have dissolved, marooning us in an alien world. having relationships. We are relationship. includes my liver, so theirs included their social and natural community. older, gift-based societies, the opposite was true. soul, into which we are born. instead, which is one reason why obesity disproportionately afflicts the poor. merely existing cut off from most of what we are. beingness defined by a more fluid, more inclusive sense of self. it as part of a larger transformation of human beingness. implies when it makes things detachable objects of commerce. our being and granted us the gift of life. owning, giving and not having. separated it off from the realm of "ours" or "God's" into the realm of "mine." legitimately. They must have taken it. the representative of the divine on earth, all land was the property of God. lands around them could no longer do so.11 These lands had been a commons, the property of all and of none. Forever after, they became property. seized the land and made the laws. private property without allowing its owners to accrue unfair advantages. they were fortunate, the urban craft professions. owners of land. Their condition is known as "debt peonage." to the owners of money. we are aware of doing so or not. we may return our world to its original and still-latent abundance. of ourselves in relation to the universe. thousands of years of reformist thought. considerable wealth before entering the clergy, and they gave it all away. atheism and private wealth with God's favor. ownership of it, or any part of it, or the right to give, sell or bequeath it? especially when the origin of that ownership is based on ancient injustice? and have greatly influenced economic thought. a part of man as his mouth, his teeth or his stomach…. which cannot heal unless the stolen limb is grafted on again. The sign was painted, it said private property. But on the back side it didn't say nothing. groundwork, later in this book as a key element of a sacred economy. just as illegitimate as the right to profit from the mere ownership of land. therefore, not all money is illegitimate in its ultimate origin? and reduces the vast majority of humanity to peonage. and not hoarded for the brief and illusory aggrandizement of the separate self. Female Principle vs. Patriarchal Capitalism." alienable or fungible at least through the medieval Song Dynasty. Government in Ancient India, 273-4. "A Comparative Study on Land Ownership," 10. a war against the marketing of formerly inalienable properties." posing a huge burden on graduating students. 16. Paine, Agrarian Justice, par. 11-12. 17. George "The Single Tax." uncompromisingly endorse his Single Tax. chapter 5, "The Case for the Nationalization of Land." expand our tribe to include the whole earth? value of your own land and creating a disincentive to build in the first place.
Human beings have wanted to fly since before recorded history. In the Greek legend, Daedelus and Icarus built wings of bird feathers and beeswax. Leonardo de Vinci experimented with bird wing-type designs for flight. And even though we now build airplanes, people are still intrigued by flying with real wings. There are stories about jet packs and inventors with weird flying suits. Flash Gordon style-serials at the movie theaters must have inspired some of these. There are also more sinister flying beings, like the Jersey Devil, space aliens, or the Mothman, who always seem to be with us. And, you guessed it – Washington has had two reported sighting of strange flying men or man-like beings. According to some investigators, on the afternoon of January 6, 1948, Mrs. Bernice Zaikowski was standing outside her farmhouse on the outskirts of Chehalis, Washington. Something in the air attracted her attention, and she looked up to see a man flying about twenty feet above her barn. He was flying vertically, kept aloft by a set of silver wings. The wings were fastened to a kind of harness, and she heard a whizzing or whirring sound, which came from the wings or harness. As she watched, Mrs. Zaikowski saw the man reach up to his chest to adjust what she thought were controls on the harness. It was after 3:00 p.m., and school was out. Some children approached, watching the man with her. They asked permission to walk through her garden to get a better look at the flying man. A few minutes later, the man flew away. This sighting took place shortly after several UFO sightings in Washington State and other areas of the U.S. The plane flown by the Air Force officers investigating the Maury Island sighting three months earlier had crashed a few miles away from Mrs. Zaikowski’s home; was there any connection, or was this some kind of tall tale? Mrs. Viola Johnson told reporters that on April 8 of the same year, she saw not just one flying man, but three. Around 3:00 p.m., she took a break from her job at City Cleaners in Longview. She went outside and saw what she thought was a small flock of seagulls flying toward her. As they got closer, she saw that the gulls were really three men wearing what she described as gray, Minute Man style uniforms. They began circling over the cleaners, at an altitude of about two hundred and fifty feet. She rushed inside the cleaners and alerted her co-workers to the strange sight outside. Everyone ran to the nearest exits to look at the three men. Only the janitor, James Pittman made it out in time. Pittman told reporters that he too saw three men flying in the air, wearing some kind of strapped-on motor. He only had a quick glimpse, but said that he did not see any wings on the men, just a harness, as they flew away northward at “medium” speed. Johnson and Pittman said that a boy standing outside also saw the flying men. It is interesting that although the two stories were similar, they had some very different details. Mrs. Zaikowski saw one man, and did not mention any uniform, so presumably her flier wore some kind of ordinary clothing, like overalls or pants and jacket. Mrs. Johnson saw three men dressed in distinctive uniforms. But the big difference is how the men flew. Although the men in both sightings wore some kind of chest harness that made mechanical sounds, Mrs. Zaikowski’s flier had wings, while Mr. Pittman reported that the men did not have wings on their harnesses. Needless to say, there are some problems with the credibility of both stories. Although the Chehalis sighting has been described on several websites and in magazines such as Fate, there are a few oddities. A check of the Chehalis City register showed that Mrs. Zaikowski and her husband had lived on the outskirts of Chehalis for nearly ten years before the incident. However, the local newspaper did not carry any stories of flying men on January 6, or for the week afterward. This should have been front-page news. Newspapers from Tacoma and Portland did not carry the story, either. In addition, during the first week of 1948, the Chehalis area received record levels of rainfall. Rivers flooded and the farm fields were mudflats. What was Mrs. Zaikowski doing – standing outside in the rain? And would the schoolchildren really want to stand in her muddy garden? Would this have been good flying weather for our winged man? Perhaps it was so wet that he waited a few weeks to try out his flying equipment again in April, because unlike Mrs. Zaikowski’s sighting in Chehalis, the Longview Daily News carried Mrs. Johnson’s story on the front page, on April 9th. Although the story appeared on the front page of the Daily News, there were no follow up stories – but the newspaper archive reveals one interesting story that might provide a clue to the mystery of the Longview Minute Men sighting. On April 7th, the Longview Daily News had a front-page story declaring that it was National Laugh Week. In the article, the writer recommended that people across the country play practical jokes, such as using dribble glasses on co-workers and family members. He wrote, “In these days of stress, having a laugh at anyone’s expense is worth enjoying.” He suggested that there was some kind of competition to send in the funniest story. It is tempting to believe that Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Pittman staged the sighting to fool their co-workers, and the whole thing got out of hand when the reporter questioned them. On the other hand, could it indeed be some kind of conspiracy at work? Were the Men in Black active in Washington State, hiding evidence of high-tech flying suits from the general public? The Air Force did not admit the existence of a manned jet pack until the late 1950s. If it’s true that they had it earlier, they did their work very well, because the flying men failed to reappear either in Longview or in Chehalis after the first sightings.
Neue Rheinische Zeitung (N.R.Z.) The political daily newspaper of the extreme left dominated by Marx and Engels, the Communist wing of the universally democratic movement and one of the great regional dailies during the period of the German Revolution of 1848/49. Edited by Karl Marx, the N.R.Z. was published in Cologne from June 1, 1848 (intermittently from September 28 up to October 11, 1848) through May 19, 1849, with a circulation of initially 3,000 and finally 6,000 copies, in altogether 301 editions. Apart from Marx as the redacteur en chef ," the editorial staff included Friedrich Engels, Ferdinand and Wilhelm Wolff, Ernst Dronke, Heinrich Bürgers and the revolutionary poets Georg Weerth and (beginning in October 1848) Ferdinand Freiligrath, all of them leading members of the League of Communists, with the operation of the central authority being virtually exercised by the paper's editorial staff due to the declining structure of the League during the revolution. The N.R.Z. called itself in its subtitle Organ der Demokratie (Organ of Democracy) which indicated that it wanted to reassert the interests and claims of workers in their struggle for a firm and uncompromising democratic state for citizens. Its major domestic aim, in conformity with the basic line ( Demands of the Communist Party of Germany ) was, by mounting an escalating revolutionary mass campaign, to build a rigorously democratic, united and indivisible German Republic in a struggle against the internal and external enemies of German unity. In grave political situations, e.g. in the September crisis of 1848, during the 'tax refusal campaign' in November 1848 and during the January elections of 1849, the N.R.Z. organized political mass campaigns against the background of the Rhenish democracy. The N.R.Z. launched an uncompromising assault an Prussia and Austria as centers of the emerging monarchic-aristocratic counter-revolution and called for their destruction. It attacked the liberal bourgeoisie for its policies of compromis e vis-à-vis the aristocracy, in an effort to press it for more consistent anti-feudal actions. Its struggle was aimed at establishing a democratic bloc with the democratic lower middle classes, which was capable of launching actions, and, additionally, criticism was voiced against the weak and the illusions of the partners of the alliance. At the same time the emancipation of workers served to explain the economic and social background of political processes, to convey systematically the rich experiences gained by the essentially more progressive English and French workers' movements and to enter into polemics against petty-bourgeoisie attempts to hush up the real class contradictions. A first highlight reached in the representation of marked proletarian interest was that the paper passionately advocated the insurrection in Paris i June with international solidarity. In spring 1849, in publishing the Marx's lecture on "Wage labor and capitol," which tried to elucidate the economic foundations of bourgeoisie society and class struggles between the working class and the bourgeoisie, the newspaper provided massive support for the preparation of the foundations for a political workers' party, which was finally thwarted by the victory of the counter-revolution.
Dr. Roberta Bondar was the guest speaker at the 4-H Canada 100th Anniversary Gala held on May 30. As an astronaut, physician, scientist, photographer, author and, as she proudly proclaimed, an Aggie, Dr. Bondar presented photos from her 1992 travels on the NASA space shuttle Discovery. Her view from space emphasized the importance of agricultural research and technology in being able to feed a growing planet with ever decreasing arable land. And as part of the 100th celebration, the official Museum of 4-H in Canada was proclaimed in Roland, Manitoba. In proclaiming Roland as home to the official museum of 4-H in Canada, each provincial 4-H organization in attendance donated one item to the special Centennial Display Case. The museum is housed in the former Roland Royal Bank Building, originally erected in 1902 for the Bank of Hamilton, a forerunner of the RBC. In 1990, the building was taken over to promote Roland as the birthplace of 4-H in Canada, housing a handful of artifacts and memorabilia. Now that it has been proclaimed as the official museum of 4-H in Canada, the Canadian 4-H Council will add further historical collections and artifacts, currently held in Ottawa, to the Roland 4-H Museum. This expanded collection will make the museum in Roland a destination for anyone wanting to wade into the past of 4-H in Canada.
Bhagwan Swaminarayan stressed the importance of serving society. He encouraged people to see God in their neighbors. Under His guidance, the paramhansas built houses for the poor, dug wells, and provided for those in need during droughts and famines. Bhagwan Swaminarayan was strong proponent of relief and emergency aid. He encouraged His devotees to share their grains and other food items with other members of their community during droughts and famines. During the Famine of 1812, Bhagwan Swaminarayan carried bags of grains on His horse and delivered them to those that were unable or ashamed to beg for alms themselves. Another incident highlighting Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s personal affinity to serve during natural disasters took place in Sarangpur. In 1811, the monsoon had showered tremendous amounts of torrential rain on Saurashtra. Houses were being washed away, and livestock were drowning. Once while sleeping on a rainy monsoon night in Jiva Khachar’s darbar, Bhagwan Swaminarayan heard pleas for help. He saw Jiva Khachar helping his townsmen survive the heavy rains. Bhagwan Swaminarayan ran to the source of the cries. He noticed that Deva and Lakha Patel were trying to get their family and cattle out of their house. However, the main beam supporting the roof had collapsed. If they did not raise the beam immediately, the entire house would cave in, endangering the lives of their family and livestock. Bhagwan Swaminarayan ran under the collapsing roof and managed to rest the massive beam on His shoulders. He urged Deva and Lakha to pull their family and livestock to safety. Bhagwan Swaminarayan held the beam on His shoulders for most of the night. He then silently returned to Jiva Kachar’s darbar and quietly went back to bed.
Benjamin D. Santer, Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA. Carl Mears, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA. On December 8, 2015, Senator Ted Cruz – the chairman of the Senate subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness –convened a hearing entitled “Data or Dogma?” The stated purpose of this event was to promote “…open inquiry in the debate over the magnitude of human impact on Earth’s climate” (1). In the course of the hearing, the chairman and several expert witnesses claimed that satellite temperature data falsify both “apocalyptic models” and findings of human effects on climate by “alarmist” scientists. Such accusations are serious but baseless. The hearing was more political theatrics than a deep dive into climate science. Satellite-derived temperature data were a key item of evidence at the hearing. One of the witnesses [a] for the majority side of the Senate subcommittee showed the changes (over roughly the last 35 years) in satellite- and weather balloon-based measurements of the temperature of the mid-troposphere (TMT), a layer of the atmosphere extending from the Earth’s surface to roughly 18 km (2). Satellite TMT measurements are available from late 1978 to present. Observed TMT data were compared with TMT estimates from a large number of model simulations. This comparison was ‘Exhibit A’ for the majority side of the subcommittee. Senator Cruz used Exhibit A as the underpinning for the following chain of arguments: 1) Satellite TMT data do not show any significant warming over the last 18 years, and are more reliable than temperature measurements at Earth’s surface; 2) The apparent “pause” in tropospheric warming is independently corroborated by weather balloon temperatures; 3) Climate models show pronounced TMT increases over the “pause” period; and 4) The mismatch between modeled and observed tropospheric warming in the early 21st century has only one possible explanation – computer models are a factor of three too sensitive to human-caused changes in greenhouse gases (GHGs). Based on this chain of reasoning, Senator Cruz concluded that satellite data falsify all climate models, that the planet is not warming, and that humans do not impact climate. In navigating through this large labyrinth of necessary adjustments to the raw data, different plausible adjustment choices lead to a wide range of satellite TMT trends (2-10). This uncertainty has been extensively studied in the scientific literature, but was completely ignored in the discussion of Exhibit A by Senator Cruz and by witnesses for the majority side of the subcommittee (2-15). The majority side was also silent on the history of satellite temperature datasets. For example, there was no mention of the fact that one group’s analysis of satellite temperature data – an analysis indicating cooling of the global troposphere – was repeatedly found to be incorrect by other research groups (2, 3, 5-10). Such corrective work is ongoing. Satellite estimates of atmospheric temperature change are still a work in progress (2, 3, 8), and the range of estimates produced by different groups remains large.[f] The same is true of weather balloon atmospheric temperature measurements (2, 11-13, 15-17).[g] Surface thermometer records also have well-studied uncertainties (2, 19, 20), but the estimated surface warming of roughly 0.9°C since 1880 has been independently confirmed by multiple research groups (2, 15, 19, 20). The hearing also failed to do justice to the complex issue of how to interpret differences between observed and model-simulated tropospheric warming over the last 18 years. Senator Cruz offered only one possible interpretation of these differences – the existence of large, fundamental errors in model physics (2, 21). In addition to this possibility, there are at least three other plausible explanations for the warming rate differences shown in Exhibit A: errors in the human (22-25), volcanic (26-30), and solar influences (24, 31) used as input to the model simulations; errors in the observations (discussed above) (2-20); and different sequences of internal climate variability in the simulations and observations (23, 24, 30, 32-36). We refer to these four explanations as “model physics errors”, “model input errors”, “observational errors”, and “different variability sequences”. They are not mutually exclusive. There is hard scientific evidence that all four of these factors are in play (2-20, 22-36). “Model input errors” and “different variability sequences” require a little further explanation. Let’s assume that some higher extraterrestrial intelligence provided humanity with two valuable gifts: a perfect climate model, which captured all of the important physics in the real-world climate system, and a perfect observing system, which reliably measured atmospheric temperature changes over the last 18 years. Even with such benign alien intervention, temperature trends in the perfect model and perfect observations would diverge if there were errors in the inputs to the model simulations,[h] or if the purely random sequences of internal climate oscillations did not “line up” in the simulations and in reality (23, 24, 30, 32-36). But what if climate models really were a factor of three or more too sensitive to human-caused GHG increases, as claimed by the majority side of the subcommittee? The telltale signatures of such a serious climate sensitivity error would be evident in many different comparisons with observations, and not just over the last 18 years. We’d expect to see the imprint of this large error in comparisons with observed surface temperature changes over the 20th century (37-42), and in comparisons with the observed cooling after large volcanic eruptions (30, 43, 44). We don’t. There are many cases where observed changes are actually larger than the model expectations (41, 42), not smaller. In assessing climate change and its causes, examining one individual 18-year period is poor statistical practice, and of limited usefulness. Analysts would not look at the record of stock trading on a particular day to gain reliable insights into long-term structural changes in the Dow Jones index. Looking at behavior over decades – or at the statistics of trading on all individual days – provides far greater diagnostic power. In the same way, climate scientists study changes over decades or longer (39-42, 45), or examine all possible trends of a particular length (23, 38, 46-48). Both strategies reduce the impact of large, year-to-year natural climate variability[k] on trend estimates. The message from this body of work? Don’t cherry-pick; look at all the evidence, not just the carefully selected evidence that supports a particular point of view. In summary, the finding that human activities have had a discernible influence on global climate is not falsified by the supposedly “hard data” in Senator Cruz’s Exhibit A. The satellite data and weather balloon temperatures are not nearly as “hard” as they were portrayed in the hearing. Nor is a very large model error in the climate sensitivity to human-caused GHG increases the only or the most plausible explanation for the warming rate differences in Exhibit A. Indeed, when the observational temperature datasets in Exhibit A are examined over their full record lengths – and not just over the last 18 years – they provide strong, consistent scientific evidence of human effects on climate (41, 42, 48). So do many other independent observations of changes in temperature, the hydrological cycle, atmospheric circulation, and the cryosphere (41, 42). Climate policy should be formulated on the basis of both the best-available scientific information and the best-possible analysis and interpretation. Sadly, neither was on display at the Senate hearing on “Data or Dogma?” There was no attempt to provide an accurate assessment of uncertainties in satellite data, or to give a complete and balanced analysis of the reasons for short-term differences between modeled and observed warming rates. Political theater trumped true “open inquiry”. Climate change is a serious issue, demanding serious attention from our elected representatives in Washington. The American public deserves no less. This conversion process relies on an atmospheric radiation model to invert the observations of outgoing, temperature-dependent microwave emissions from oxygen molecules. Since oxygen molecules are present at all altitudes, the microwave flux that reaches the satellite is an integral of emissions from thick layers of the atmosphere. At the end of the hearing, Senator Cruz questioned the reliability of thermometer measurements of land and ocean surface temperature, and highlighted the large adjustments to “raw” surface temperature measurements (adjustments which are necessary because of such factors as changes over time in thermometers and measurement practices). He did not mention that the surface temperature adjustments are typically much smaller than the adjustments to “raw” MSU data (2, 3, 8). This transition occurred in 1998, at the beginning of the 18-year “no significant warming” period highlighted by Senator Cruz. For example, over the longer 1979 to 2014 analysis period, tropospheric warming is a robust feature in all observational TMT datasets. For shorter, noisier periods (such as 1996 to 2014), the sign of the TMT trend is sensitive to dataset construction uncertainties. Disappointingly, Exhibit A neglects to show at least one weather balloon temperature dataset with substantial tropospheric warming over the last 18 years (18). Such as leaving out volcanic cooling influences that the real world experienced (23, 24, 26-30). The model results shown in Exhibit A are from so-called “historical climate change” simulations. These simulations involve changes in a number of different human and natural influences (e.g., human-caused changes in GHG levels and particulate pollution, and natural changes in solar and volcanic activity). They are not simulations with changes in GHG levels only, so it is incorrect to interpret the model-versus-observed differences in Exhibit A solely in terms of model sensitivity to GHG increases. Another incorrect claim made at the hearing was that the mainstream scientific community had failed to show the kind of model-data comparisons presented in Exhibit A. Results similar to those in Exhibit A have been presented in many other peer-reviewed publications (2, 13, 18, 23, 24, 30, 32, 35, 38, 46, 47). Such as the variability associated with unusually large El Niño and La Niña events, which yield unusually warm or cool global-mean temperatures (respectively). The El Niño event during the winter of 1997 and spring of 1998 was likely the largest of the 20th century, and produced a large warming “spike” in surface and tropospheric temperatures. C. Mears, F.J. Wentz, P. Thorne, D. Bernie, Assessing uncertainty in estimates of atmospheric temperature changes from MSU and AMSU using a Monte-Carlo technique, J. Geophys. Res. 116, D08112, doi:10.1029/2010JD014954 (2011). J.R. Christy, W.B. Norris, R.W. Spencer, J.J. 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Fu, A bias in the mid-tropospheric channel warm target factor on the NOAA-9 Microwave Sounding Unit. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 29, 646 (2012). P.W. Thorne, J.R. Lanzante, T.C. Peterson, D.J. Seidel, K.P. Shine KP, Tropospheric temperature trends: History of an ongoing controversy. Wiley Inter. Rev. 2, 66 (2011). D.J. Seidel, N.P. Gillett, J.R. Lanzante, K.P. Shine, P.W. Thorne, Stratospheric temperature trends: Our evolving understanding. Wiley Inter. Rev. 2, 592 (2011). National Research Council: Reconciling observations of global temperature change. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 85 pp. (2000). Q. Fu, C.M. Johanson, Satellite-derived vertical dependence of tropical tropospheric temperature trends. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32, L10703, doi:10.1029/ 2004GL022266 (2005). B.D. Santer, T.M.L. Wigley, K.E. Taylor, The reproducibility of observational estimates of surface and atmospheric temperature change. Science 334, 1232 (2011). S.C. Sherwood, J. Lanzante, C. 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Gillett, J.-P. Vernier, Surface response to stratospheric aerosol changes in a coupled atmosphere-ocean model. Geophys. Res. Lett. 40, 584 (2013). R.R. Neely III, et al., Recent anthropogenic increases in SO2 from Asia have minimal impact on stratospheric aerosol. Geophys. Res. Lett. 40, 999 (2013). B.D. Santer, et al., Volcanic contribution to decadal changes in tropospheric temperature. Nat. Geosci. 7, 185 (2014). G. Kopp, J.L. Lean, A new, lower value of total solar irradiance: Evidence and climate significance. Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L01706, doi:10.1029/2010GL045777 (2011). Y. Kosaka, and S.-P. Xie, Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling. Nature 501, 403 (2013). G.A. Meehl, et al., Externally forced and internally generated decadal climate variability associated with the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation. J. Clim. 26, 7298 (2013). M.H. England, et al., Slowdown of surface greenhouse warming due to recent Pacific trade wind acceleration. Nat. Clim. Change, 4, 222 (2014). B.A. Steinman, M.E. Mann, S.K. Miller, Atlantic and Pacific multidecadal oscillations and Northern Hemisphere temperatures. Science 347, 988 (2015). K.E. Trenberth, Has there been a hiatus? Science 349, 791 (2015). M. Huber, M., R. Knutti, Natural variability, radiative forcing and climate response in the recent hiatus reconciled. Nat. Geosci. 7, 651 (2014). J. Marotzke, P.M. Forster, Forcing, feedback and internal variability in global temperature trends. Nature 517, 565 (2015). G.C. Hegerl, et al., Detecting greenhouse-gas-induced climate change with an optimal fingerprint method. J. Clim. 9, 2281 (1996). P.A. Stott, et al., External control of 20th century temperature by natural and anthropogenic forcings. Science 290, 2133 (2000). G.C. Hegerl, F.W. Zwiers, P. Braconnot, N.P. Gillett, Y. Luo, J.A. Marengo Orsini, J.E. Penner and P.A. Stott, Understanding and Attributing Climate Change. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor, and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 663-745 (2007). N.L. Bindoff, P.A. Stott, K.M. AchutaRao, M.R. Allen, N. Gillett, D. Gutzler, K. Hansingo, G. Hegerl, Y. Hu, S. Jain, I.I. Mokhov, J. Overland, J. Perlwitz, R. Sebbari and X. Zhang, Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional. In: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA (2013). T.M.L. Wigley, C.M. Ammann, B.D. Santer, S.C.B. Raper, The effect of climate sensitivity on the response to volcanic forcing. J. Geophys. Res. 110, D09107, doi:10.1029/2004/JD 005557 (2005). J.C. Fyfe, N.P. Gillett, D.W.J. Thompson, Comparing variability and trends in observed and modeled global-mean surface temperature. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, L16802, doi:10.1029/ 2010GL044255 (2010). T.P. Barnett, et al., Penetration of human-induced warming into the world’s oceans. Science 309, 284 (2005). B.D. Santer, et al., Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The importance of timescale. J. Geophys. Res. 116, D22105, doi:10.1029/2011JD016263 (2011). S. Lewandowsky, J. Risbey, and N. Oreskes, The “pause" in global warming: Turning a routine fluctuation into a problem for science.Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi: (in press). B.D. Santer, et al., Identifying human influences on atmospheric temperature. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 110, 26 (2013). As an aside, I think 48 references in a short blog post must be close to some kind of record. Cruz should have also been questioned on why he would use a graphic from "Steve Goddards" blog. Tony Heller even boasts about it on his blog (see "Ted Cruz used my graph"). The 'hasn't warmed in 18 years etc" graph is Lord Monckton's deceptive graphic that does the rounds of contrarian blogs. It is my understanding, going all the way back to Lorenz (1963), Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow that the more appropriate way to think of the weather/climate system is that it would NOT diverge from previous behavior if all the initial inputs were exactly the same. "Purely random" evokes the concept of a stochastic system where there is no such guarantee by definition. I understand that what Drs. Mears and Santer mean by "purely random" is that with the the real system, which is massive and complex, we do not have the observational fidelity OR computational ability to reliably predict short-term climate trends (i.e., weather) in advance due to the sensitivity a deterministc system has for initial conditions — therefore, it behaves as an "effectively random" system for the purposes of exactly timed, very precise prediction of future states. I have a feeling the satellite data would show the same results. It's great to see these posts on the satellite methods and their uncertainty. I've trying to find some intermediate-level explanations of how it works and now I've got them. Nice, and thanks. A broader perspective: Why the troposphere? To see if the Globe is warming, see the ocean heat content. To see if the climate is changing, see the global surface temperatures. The Earth's surface is warming. The stratosphere is cooling. So somewhere in the troposphere, by interpolation, is a "Goldilocks Layer" with a level temperature graph. So "No warming since forever!" can be truthfully proclaimed. sailingfree @6, and unnecessarilly repeated @7, there is no such goldilocks layer. The reason is that part of the stratospheric cooling has been due to the impact of CFCs destroying ozone. When manufacture of CFCs was restricted, a regime in which both increasing CO2 and increasing CFCs combined to cool the stratosphere was replaced by one in which decreasing CFCs warmed the stratosphere while increasing CO2 cooled it slightly more. That means the stratospheric trends vary significantly over time, while the tropospheric trends are more or less constant. From that in turn it follows that the goldilocks layer in one time period is not the goldilocks layer in the second. In the moderately near future we will have a third regime of near constant O3 (due to the lack of CFCs) coupled with increasing CO2. We can then see that, first, in recent years the lower stratosphere has had a flat trend, or possibly even a slightly warming trend. Second, we see that TMT only significantly samples the lower statosphere. It follows that while lower stratospheric temperatures reduce the measured trend from 1979-2015, they have little effect on the measured trend from 1998-2015. If I'm understanding the STAR microwave sounding unit (MSU/AMSU) onboard calibration procedure correctly, then it measures a different physical aspect of Earth's atmosphere than is measured by a thermometer (either liquid-expansion or platinum-resistance) and it measures a lesser physical aspect. The underlying reason for the difference is that there is no long-wave radiation (LWR) inside a solid such as a platinum-resistance thermometer. I've never heard a climate scientist mention this. - molecular vibrational energy of the GHGs (primarily H2O in the gaseous form). The warm target in a MSU/AMSU is a solid blackbody whose temperature is measured by platinum resistance thermometers embedded in it. The microwave flux density from it is used to scale microwave flux density (thermal emission) from molecules (primarily oxygen) in the atmosphere. The issue I see is that this onboard calibration procedure causes the instrument to scale such that it measures only molecular kinetic energy (molecular translational energy, heat) in the atmosphere and excludes LWR energy and molecular vibrational energy of the GHGs in the atmosphere. This means that differentiation over time of this proxy measures only heat anomaly. because LWR energy and molecular vibrational energy of the GHGs are transmuted to molecular kinetic energy (molecular translational energy, heat) upon impacting upon the molecules of the solid and I understand that there is no transverse electromagnetic radiation inside a solid. Placement of the thermometer inside an enclosure does not exclude the LWR energy and molecular vibrational energy of the GHGs due to GHG molecule collisions. 4) The ratio of LWR + molecular vibrational energy of GHGs energy to molecular kinetic energy in the atmosphere is so negligible (far less than uncertainties) that no compensating adjustment for it is required for analysis such as RSS and UAH.
It seems that long gone are the times when the news of athletes using cannabis for health reasons would shock a person. Today, more and more athletes suffering from traumatic injuries or chronic pain are using cannabis infused creams instead of traditional opioid painkillers. At the same time, athletes are turning the stereotype of the “lazy pothead” upside down. Compared to opiates, cannabis is considered a more “natural” pain reliever, but this does not mean that it is necessarily less effective. We often tend to think that natural medicine is by default less effective and takes more time to work. But, Cannabis seems to deliver fast relief, and today many athletes use topical creams that contain cannabis for the simple reason that it actually helps them manage pain and heal more quickly. Cannabis is not only effective for treating pain and muscle spasticity, it has also been shown to help to heal broken bones. According to a study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, bones healed quicker, and were stronger and more resilient against a repeated fracture. “We found CBD alone to be sufficiently effective in enhancing fracture healing. Other studies have also shown CBD to be a safe agent, that leads us to believe we should continue this line of study in clinical trials to assess its usefulness in improving human fracture healing,” said lead author, Yankel Gabet of Tel Aviv’s Bone Research Laboratory. It seems that instead of popping pills that can make you groggy, maybe using CBD is an effective and alternative approach to treating pain and fractured bones. Cannabis works in a way that doesn’t affect our internal organs and controls chronic pain caused by injuries, while also helping to regulate the endocrine system without exhausting its supplies, according to this study. Cannabis contains a non-psychoactive cannabinoid called cannabidiol, or CBD that studies have demonstrated is effective in relieving pain. The human body contains CBD receptors and when an ointment containing CBD is applied to an injured area, our body produces CBD and directs its healing efforts to that particular location. CBD actually helps the healing of an injury naturally, and there are different strains high in cannabidiol for differing medicinal needs, including pain. Effective chronic pain management is often a challenge for athletes and physicians. While opioids are often effective, particularly in healing postsurgical pain, the tolerance phenomenon often results in patients requiring increased levels of opioids. Many patients, get only limited pain relief from the traditional interventional treatments, which often have substantial side effects. Many scientists believe that cannabis can help break the chronic pain cycle. Because cannabis has been used to treat a wide range of different kinds of pain, it appears to be a promising source of analgesic medication. That is the reason why many countries (like Germany) are reconsidering the cultivation of cannabis for healing chronic pain. More and more athletes turn to cannabis to manage their pain effectively, while also minimizing side-effects and improving their quality of life. As athletes push their bodies to the limits, they face muscle pain, inflammation and other painful conditions and injuries. Many athletes use cannabis to dissipate the aches and pains. One big concern for the athletes that use cannabis is that it may show in the drug tests that they have to pass regularly. Amanda Reiman, PhD claims in an article for DrugPolicy.org that topical cannabis does not. Recently there has been a debate in the National Football League after some NFL players publicly supported medical marijuana for chronic pain. They say that marijuana’s side effects are very minimal and easily manageable. Jamal Anderson a former Atlanta Falcon recently told Bleacher Report that he had seen many players during his career that they used cannabis to help control pain and stress.
A tequila shot with lime and salt. 2 What Is Molasses Used for in Baking? Tequila, mescal and charanda are three traditional Mexican spirits made by distilling and fermenting sap from the agave plant. The agave is often mistaken for a cactus because of its spiky leaves, but it is actually a member of the lily family. Tequila is the most well known of the agave spirits, and has been exported into the United States since the late 19th century. Distillers can make mezcal from different types of mature agave plants. To prepare the agave plant, the farmer cuts the plants from their roots and removes their leaves. At the distillery, the plants are cut into quarters, baked in underground ovens and crushed and shredded to extract the agave’s sweet juice. Distillers then ferment and distill the juice to produce mezcal (also known as mescal). This liquor gets its smoky flavor from the wood charcoal used in the ovens. Tequila is actually a type of mezcal, and is prepared similarly. Tequila is distinct from other mezcals, however, because it can only be made from blue agave, and can only be produced in specific places, such as Jalisco. Distillers bake agave in steam ovens or autoclaves until the starch is converted into sugars. Charanda is commonly made from fermented sugarcane juice, but distillers sometimes use sweet fermented agave sap in its production. This beverage has a sweet, buttery flavor, similar to rum.
Clearcast, which approves adverts on behalf of broadcasters like Sky, Channel 4 and ITV, said it couldn’t allow the ad to air as it is against the rules of the Broadcast Code of Advertising Practice. This move has been widely criticised and a petition was Change.org started on to get the ban overturned. So far, over 622,000 people have signed it. But what’s so political about palm oil – and is palm oil cultivation as bad as the video is making it out to be? The Daily Vox explains. Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil extracted from the palm fruit, which is grown on the oil palm tree. Although oil palm trees originated in West Africa, they can grow in climates where heat and rainfall are abundant. The oil palm tree is grown throughout Africa, Asia, North America, and South America, but Indonesia and Malaysia account for 85% of all palm oil production. As the most widely-used vegetable oil in the world, you can find palm oil in most products on the shelves. From chocolate, to pizza dough, lipstick, detergents, soap, and even bread – it’s difficult to find products that don’t contain palm oil. Big companies are usually pretty sneaky and rarely clearly label products that use palm oil clearly. Other names for palm oil include: vegetable oil, vegetable fat, palm kernel, palm kernel oil, palm fruit oil, palmate, sodium laureth sulfate, etyl palmitate, octyl palmitate, and palmityl alcohol. What’s the big deal about palm oil? To put it it simply: palm oil is bad news. Tropical rain forests are basically wiped out to clear land for oil palm cultivation. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) estimates that an area equivalent size of 300 football fields of rainforest is cleared every hour to make way for palm oil production. As a result, the industry is linked to a number of atrocities including deforestation, climate change, habitat degradation, animal cruelty and indigenous rights abuses in the countries where it is produced. So… Are the orangutans really dying? The deforestation is pushing many species to extinction. These include tigers, rhinos, elephants, bears, leopards, monkeys and orangutans. Conservationists say over 90% of orangutan habitat has been destroyed in the last 20 years. An estimated 1000-5000 orangutans are killed each year to make way for oil palm trees. As a keystone species, the orangutan plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the ecosystem. For example, they are literally responsible for the existence of the forest. In Indonesia they spread rainforest seeds, many of which can only germinate once passed through the gut of an orangutan. Once palm oil plantations are established, displaced starving orangutans are often brutally killed as agricultural pests when they scrounge for food in the plantation areas. Palm oil production is a hotbed for poachers and wildlife smugglers who capture and sell wildlife as pets, use them for medicinal purposes or kill them for their body parts. At the rate we’re going, the orangutan could become extinct in the wild within the next five-10 years, and the Sumatran tigers in under three years. How is palm oil production linked to climate change? Deforestation is linked to soil erosion and, because fire is used to clear forests, massive air pollution from smoke. Much of the land on which palm oil plantations have been established is peat swamp forest. Draining, burning, and conversion of peat swamp forests is responsible for climate change. Indonesia is the third largest carbon contributor of carbon to the world’s atmosphere after China and the United States. Palm oil companies prefer to clear primary forests, rather than degraded areas or grasslands, for economic reasons. Forests don’t need as much chemical fertiliser (which is pricey) to forest and is instead fertilised from ash produced by the fire. Besides, when the invaluable timber isn’t burned down, it is cut down and sold to subsidise the cost of clearing the forests. But it creates jobs though, right? Palm oil is a huge industry. For example, it accounts for 11% of Indonesia’s export earnings and is the most valuable agricultural export. Overall, it is Indonesia’s third largest export earner. While many people are employed by palm oil companies, these companies have also exacerbated conflict with local communities in Indonesia over traditional land rights. Many locals have been evicted from their customary land holdings leaving their local communities impoverished, and leading to conflict with palm oil concession companies. Besides this, the industry has been linked to major human rights violations, including child labour in remote areas of Indonesia and Malaysia. With the industry systematically destroying the rainforest land that local communities depend on, locals have little choice but to become plantation workers. This is despite the human rights violations, poor working conditions, and meagre pay. This just creates a dependence cycle where indigenous communities become reliant on the palm oil industry for their survival, leaving locals vulnerable to the world market price of palm oil which they have no control over. What’s being done about this awful, awful situation? The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was established in 2004 to set up voluntary guidelines for “greener” palm oil production. The RSPO has tried to encourage “sustainable” palm oil production that doesn’t ruin primary rainforests or violate the land rights of local people. Organisations like WWF continue to encourage companies to use certified sustainable palm oil in the products they make and sell, and eliminate incentives for palm oil production that lead to the destruction of forests. However, while it sounds promising it is debatable whether this is just a greenwashing scheme as forests continue to be torn down and local people are still jailed for protesting the taking of their land. What can I do to ease my conscience? Like with the boycotting of single-use plastic straws, there is a lot of responsibility heaped on the consumer. But as a consumer, you can make a difference. It will be a difficult feat to forgo all products that use palm oil. You can limit your consumption of products with palm oil though. These apps will tell you if your product contains palm oil. You can also try to purchase products with the RSPO label or the Green Palm label. The RSPO label ensure your products are made with certified sustainable palm oil. The Green Palm label indicates products in support of the transition to certified palm oil; proceeds from Green Palm certificates help growers fund the transition to sustainable palm oil. You can also call and write to big companies to urge them to use certified sustainable palm oil. Here are also some initiatives you can donate to. Here’s to doing better for our environment.
If it is determined that ICPSR cannot create them or cannot create them within your time frame, then you are advised to seek assistance from someone on your campus with experience in the statistical package that you have chosen to use. If you wish to create a setup file on your own, you should download the documentation for the study, and then consult our tutorial on interpreting a record from an ASCII data file. The following instructions explain the different components of SAS, SPSS, and Stata setup files. Setup files for certain collections may not contain all of the commands listed below. SAS setup files can be used to generate native SAS file formats such as SAS datasets, SAS xport libraries, and transport files. Our SAS setup files generally include the following SAS sections. Click on each section to see an example taken from ICPSR 6512 (Capital Punishment in the United States, 1973-1993). PROC FORMAT: Creates user-defined formats for the variables. Formats replace original value codes with value code descriptions. Not all variables necessarily have user-defined formats. DATA: Begins a SAS data step and names an output SAS dataset. INFILE: Identifies the input data file to be read with the input statement. Users must replace the "physical-filename" with host computer-specific input file specifications. For example, users on Windows platforms should replace "physical-filename" with "C:\06512-0001-Data.txt" for the data file named "06512-0001-Data.txt" located on the root directory "C:\". INPUT: Assigns the name, type, decimal specification (if any), and specifies the beginning and ending column locations for each variable in the data file. LABEL: Assigns descriptive labels to all variables. Variable labels and variable names may be identical for some variables. FORMAT: Associates the formats created by the PROC FORMAT step with the variables named in the INPUT statement. MISSING VALUE RECODES: Sets user-defined numeric missing values to missing as interpreted by the SAS system. Only variables with user-defined missing values are included in the statements. SPSS setup files can be used to generate native SPSS file formats such as SPSS system files and SPSS portable files. SPSS setup files produced by generally include the following SPSS sections. Click on each section to see an example taken from ICPSR 6512 (Capital Punishment in the United States, 1973-1993). DATA LIST: Assigns the name, type, decimal specification (if any), and specifies the beginning and ending column locations for each variable in the data file. Users must replace the "physical-filename" with host computer-specific input file specifications. For example, users on Windows platforms should replace "physical-filename" with "C:\06512-0001-Data.txt" for the data file named "06512-0001-Data.txt" located on the root directory "C:\". VARIABLE LABELS: Assigns descriptive labels to all variables. Variable labels and variable names may be identical for some variables. VALUE LABELS: Assigns descriptive labels to codes in the data file. Not all variables necessarily have assigned value labels. MISSING VALUES: Declares user-defined missing values. Not all variables in the data file necessarily have user-defined missing values. These values can be treated specially in data transformations, statistical calculations, and case selection. MISSING VALUE RECODE: Sets user-defined numeric missing values to missing as interpreted by the SPSS system. Only variables with user-defined missing values are included in the statements. Stata setup files can be used to generate native Stata DTA files. Stata setup files produced by ICPSR generally include the following Stata sections. Click on each section to see an example taken from ICPSR 6512 (Capital Punishment in the United States, 1973-1993). FILE SPECIFICATIONS: Assigns values to local macros that specify the locations of the files used to build a Stata system file. Users must replace the "physical-filename" with host computer-specific input file specifications. For example; users on Windows platforms should replace "raw-datafile-name" with "C:\06512-0001-Data.txt" for the data file named "06512-0001-Data.txt" located on the root directory of "C:\". Simarlarly, the "dictionary-filename" should be replaced with "C:\06512-0001-Stata_dictionary.dct". The "stata-datafile" specification should be named with the specification for where you wish to store the Stata system file. INFILE COMMAND: Reads the columnar ASCII data into a Stata system file. VALUE LABEL DEFINITIONS: Defines descriptive labels for the individual values of each variable. MISSING VALUES: Replaces numeric missing values (i.e., -9) with generic system missing ".". By default the code in this section is commented out. Users wishing to apply the generic missing values should remove the comment at the beginning and end of this section. Note that Stata allows you to specify up to 27 unique missing value codes. SAVE OUTFILE: This section saves out a Stata system format file. There is no reason to modify it if the macros in Section 1 were specified correctly.
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When we talk of butter, it's generally dairy butter. Nut and seed butters, though commonly used in the West, are yet to conquer the taste of the Indian palate. When nuts or seeds are ground into a paste, they are referred to as butters. These butters are rich in protein, fiber, and essential fatty acids. They are normally used as an alternatives to dairy butter or margarine and are eaten with bread or toast. Some of the nut butters can also be thinned and used in soups or as dips and sauces. Commercial peanut butters may contain hydrogenated oil and additives but the natural ones are much healthier and are made purely from peanuts. Sesame seed butter (also called tahini) is also high in, protein and used in Middle Eastern recipes. Dry roast and crush the peanuts in a coffee grinder, that's all! Add a teaspoon of peanut oil when you start the process, but after the process starts, the oil from the peanuts acts as lubricant for crushing. You needn't add any salt, sugar, or additives to extend the shelf life. Nutritionally, one tablespoon of nut or seed butter has about 80 to 100 calories and 2.5 to 4 g of protein. Nut and seed butters have 7 to 10 g of fat in a tablespoon, mostly of the unsaturated kind. Nut and seed butters are good sources of many other nutrients, including zinc, Vitamin E, folic acid, copper, and potassium as well. Most of these nutrients are not present in dairy butter. Another advantage over dairy butter is that nut and seed butters do not contain cholesterol. Nuts contain generous amounts of phytochemicals that may be protective against heart disease and cancer. Hence, they make healthy choices when used in small quantities.
Because of regulation, business executives have long been immune from the reach of the criminal law. They tend to act right up to the border of regulation, sometimes a little beyond, because if they don’t their competitors will, and the business can be lost. This is another important point about regulation. It protects ethical business practices from those who lack ethics. Without ethics imposed by professional or industry groups, everyone is forced to act without ethics, because the market’s judgement is cruel and final. Capitalism is an economic model. It is not a political model. Capitalism says nothing about the kind of government order standing above it. China is nominally communist, but it’s also utterly capitalist. Capitalism is the law of jungle applied to business. Anything more than that must be created above it, in the form of government imposing costs and distributing wealth, or of businesses and professional societies imposing ethical rules that exile violators, or insurers imposing enormous costs on those who take too many losses. One of the greatest idiocies of our time is how capitalism has been redefined as something political and placed against something else called socialism as a political model. It’s not comparing apples to oranges. It’s comparing apples to railroads. Capitalists can always agree to be socialists, even communists. The National Football League takes from each team according to its ability while distributing most of the wealth equally. The teams that perform the worst wind up getting the best young athletes. Every American sports league operates in this way. Even the NCAA is, at its heart, a revenue-sharing organization. The rules are imposed to “assure competition,” but they’re really there to assure profit against the athletes and agents who always, in their capitalistic way, seek “more” from teams than they feel willing to give. There is nothing capitalist in the American sports system. Set it against how European soccer leagues operate and you’ll see what I mean. The same teams win in Europe, year after year, because wealth there is not distributed equally. The teams with the best records in the Premier League get the most TV revenue. Only recently have some limits been placed on spending, in the form of “financial fair play” rules, which are only there to protect owners from ruinous losses. Yet the NFL is sold to the public, year after year, as some sort of paragon of the capitalist idea. Americans have no capitalist idea. Freedom is always limited. Your right to do what you will ends at my nose, and that’s the way things should be. The Constitution presumes a system of ordered liberty. Ordered liberty. This brings me to 2020 and what should be its defining issue, which is crime. Trump’s election, and his policies eliminating a century of business regulation, have thrown gasoline on the fire of a business crime wave unparalleled in our history. There are no longer any rules, or so it seems. You can fire people at will, your waste can destroy their land, air and water, and everything the government touches is for sale to the highest bidder. That’s not capitalism. That’s not even socialism. It’s kleptocracy. It’s Russia. The answer to kleptocracy is the criminal law. If a business kills someone, because there was no regulation to protect competition from that murder, then the top executive should pay at the criminal bar. All types of financial malfeasance need to be severely punished, personally punished, with jail time, until executives learn that their jobs are responsibilities, not licenses, and that this responsibility extends beyond themselves and shareholders, to their employees, customers, and they communities they serve. There’s a joke that “I won’t believe corporations are people until Texas executes one.” We have executed a few. The criminal activity of top executives at Enron and Arthur Andersen resulted in their assets being sold for scrap. Some of their people even went to jail. This was done during the George W. Bush Administration. It wasn’t some sort of communist plot. It was old-fashioned law enforcement. That’s what America needs now. We need old-fashioned law enforcement. We need a new Administration that will take on the crimes now going on in plain sight, and those going on underneath the surface, punishing the criminals with hard time. We need the equivalent of Rudy Giuliani’s “broken windows theory,” in which corporate criminals are punished severely for even small infractions, so they won’t commit them again. We need corporations to start begging for new regulations, powerful regulations, with serious enforcement, for their own protection. We need to restore our professional and business societies to their prominent places and take their rules seriously as well. This coming election is not about capitalism or socialism. They are not in conflict. It needs to be about criminal behavior vs. honest behavior, ethical behavior vs. unethical behavior. I’m tentatively convinced that Kamala Harris is the best possible vehicle for delivering that message. She was a local prosecutor and state Attorney General before joining the Senate. That’s the kind of background we need at the top of our government, a complete clear-out of the Augean stables, of the money-changers in the national temple. This is a conservative message, conservative in the best sense of the word. It’s a message I also think most people will respond to instinctively, one they won’t get lost in the weeds of. There’s a boiling anger in this country, and everyone thinks someone else is to blame. Let the courts sort it out, while we rebuild the guardrails.
Last week, the president of the United States said that the noise from windmills causes cancer. All across the land, fact-checkers squeezed their eyes shut, pinched the bridges of their noses, sighed deeply, and got to work searching for data about the health risks of windmills. A day after Trump’s remarks, 19 U.S. senators announced a plan that pushes for more federal funding for wind turbines. Meantime, in southwestern Pennsylvania’s Washington and Westmoreland counties, something is causing a cluster of cases of Ewing sarcoma, a rare childhood cancer. Scientists and researchers have yet to find a link to what’s causing the cancer cluster. There are no windmills in the immediate area, but the past and present industries of the region loom large: a uranium mill tailings disposal site sits in North Strabane, Pennsylvania, and the first experimental natural gas well in the area was fracked in 2005 in Cecil Township, where, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, there have been five reported cases of Ewing sarcoma.
The bioenergetics of Archaea with respect to the evolution of electron transfer systems is very interesting. In contrast to terminal oxidases, a canonical bc1 complex has not yet been isolated from Archaea. In particular, c-type cytochromes have been reported only for a limited number of species. Here, we isolated a c-type cytochrome-containing enzyme complex from the membranes of the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Aeropyrum pernix, grown aerobically. The redox spectrum of the isolated c-type cytochrome showed a characteristic α-band peak at 553 nm corresponding to heme C. The pyridine hemochrome spectrum also revealed the presence of heme B. In non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the cytochrome migrated as a single band with an apparent molecular mass of 80 kDa, and successive SDS-PAGE separated the 80-kDa band into 3 polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 40, 30, and 25 kDa. The results of mass spectrometry indicated that the 25-kDa band corresponded to the hypothetical cytochrome c subunit encoded by the ORF APE_1719.1. In addition, the c-type cytochrome-containing polypeptide complex exhibited menaquinone: yeast cytochrome c oxidoreductase activities. In conclusion, we showed that A. pernix, a hyperthemophilic archaeon, has a "full" bc complex that includes a c-type cytochrome, and to the best of our knowledge, A. pernix is the first archaea from which such a bc complex has been identified. However, an electron donor candidates for cytochrome c oxidase, such as a blue copper protein, have not yet been identified in the whole genome data of this archaeon. We are currently trying to identify an authentic substrate between a bc complex and terminal oxidase. Aeropyrum pernix is a hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon isolated from the seas of Japan, and its complete genome sequence has been reported [1, 2]. Most of the hyperthermophilic archaea grow anaerobically, but this archaeon is strictly aerobic and grows optimally at 90-95°C at neutral pH. Analysis of the respiratory chain of the organism is important for understanding the mechanism of aerobic growth in such environments. However, there are only a few reports about the bioenergetics of A. pernix. Many bacteria and archaea have 2 to 6 terminal oxidases in the respiratory chain . The heme-copper oxidase superfamily can be classified into 3 subfamilies (A-, B-, and C-type) on the basis of the amino acid sequence of subunit I [4, 5]. The group of A-type oxidases includes mitochondrial cytochrome aa3-type cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) and many other bacterial oxidases. In contrast, B-type oxidases have been identified mainly from extremophiles, including thermophilic bacteria, such as Geobacillus thermodenitrificans (formerly called Bacillus thermodenitrificans) [6, 7] and Thermus thermophilus , and archaea, such as Sulfolobus acidocaldarius . Analysis of the complete genome sequence of A. pernix has shown that it contains A- and B-type heme-copper terminal oxidases (Figure 1). Ishikawa et al. isolated 2 terminal oxidases from A. pernix and designated them as cytochrome ba3-type (B-type) and aa3-type (A-type) cytochrome c oxidases, respectively . Both oxidases have a CuA binding motif, but its substrates have not been identified in the genome sequence. Schematic representation of the respiratory chain of Aeropyrum pernix K1. Genes encoding cytochrome c oxidase and other respiratory components in the bacterium are indicated. ORFs APE_1719.1, APE_1724.1 and APE_1725 encode the cytochrome c553 complex which was isolated in this study. ORFs APE_0792.1, APE_0793.1 and APE_0795.1, annotated as aoxABC genes, encode an A-type cytochrome c oxidase, and ORFs APE_1623 and APE_1720 encode a B-type cytochrome c oxidase. In the previous study of Ishikawa et al. (2002), these 2 terminal oxidases were designated as cytochrome aa3- and ba3-type cytochrome c oxidase, respectively. An extremely haloalkaliphilic archaeon, Natronomonas pharaonis, uses a blue copper protein named halocyanin as a substrate for the terminal oxidase instead of cytochrome c . In S. acidocaldarius, a blue copper protein named sulfocyanin, which is a part of the SoxM supercomplex, is an intermediate in the electron transfer from the bc1-analogous complex to the terminal oxidase . However, no genes for blue copper proteins homologous to halocyanin or sulfocyanin have been found in the genome of A. pernix. Therefore, although these oxidases can use N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) and/or bovine cytochrome c as substrates in vitro, the authentic substrate of the two terminal oxidases is not known. In contrast to terminal oxidases, complex III of archaea is not well-known and a canonical bc1 complex has not been identified in any archaeal genome . Among the subunit components of the bc complex, both cytochrome b and Rieske Fe/S protein are widely conserved, while the c-type cytochrome subunit has diverged into several classes, some of which show no sequence similarity to the class of cytochrome c1 subunits . This is compatible with the view that the functional and evolutionary core of the bc complex includes cytochrome b and the peripheral domain of the Rieske Fe/S protein and that different c-type cytochromes have been recruited independently several times during molecular evolution. Generally, a c-type cytochrome has been reported only for a limited number of archaeal species, such as halophiles and thermoacidophiles, in contrast to a/o-type and b-type cytochromes, which seem ubiquitous in the respiratory chains of archaeal species. Focusing on homologues of the cytochrome bc components, cytochrome b and Rieske Fe/S proteins are present in some archaeal species, such as Sulfolobus, and constitute supercomplexes with oxidase subunits , whereas cytochrome c components are missing even in those organisms. Several bc1-analogous complexes have been identified thus far in archaea such as Halobacterium salinarum and Acidianus ambivalens . In this study, we isolated c-type cytochromes from the membranes of A. pernix K1 cells and characterized the spectroscopic and enzymatic properties of the cytochromes. Our data indicate that the isolated c-type cytochrome is equivalent to the cytochrome c subunit of the bc complex and forms a supercomplex with cytochrome c oxidase. We isolated a membrane bound c-type cytochrome from the membranes and designated it cytochrome c553. A cytochrome oxidase was also isolated and designated cytochrome oa3 oxidase, as shown later. A. pernix K1 cells were harvested in the early stationary phase, and membranes were prepared. The membrane proteins were solubilized with DDM and fractionated using 3-step chromatography. In the first DEAE-Toyopearl column chromatography, the cytochrome c553 and cytochrome oa3 oxidase were mainly eluted with 100 mM NaCl (data not shown). Also in the second Q-Sepharose column chromatography, the cytohrome c553 eluted together with the cytochrome oa3 oxidase at ~200 mM NaCl (Additional file 1). Interestingly, the peak fractions from Q-Sepharose, including cytochrome c553 and oa3 oxidase, showed not only TMPD oxidation activity (4.1 μmol min-1mg-1) but also menaquinol oxidation activity (1.0 μmol min-1mg-1). This suggested that cytochrome c553 and cytochrome c oxidase interact. Subsequent chromatography on a hydroxyapatite column separated the cytochrome c553 and cytochrome oa3 oxidase into 2 peaks (Additional file 2). Table 1 shows a summary of the purification of cytochrome c553. The c-type cytochrome content was enriched approximately 9.6-fold during the purification. Purification of A. pernix cytochrome c553. The redox difference spectrum of membranes showed α-band peaks with maxima at 554 and 610 nm (Figure 2a), derived from c- and a-type cytochromes, respectively. The isolated cytochrome c553 in the reduced state showed an absorption peak at 553 nm (Figure 2b, dotted line). The pyridine ferro-hemochrome spectrum showed 2 α-band peaks with maxima at 551 and 557 nm, indicating the presence of heme C and heme B (Figure 2b, solid line) . The redox spectrum of the cytochrome oa3 oxidase showed α-band peaks with maxima at 555 and 610 nm (Figure 2c, dotted line) and the pyridine ferro-hemochrome spectrum did α-band peaks with maxima at 553 and 588 nm (Figure 2c, solid line), indicating the presence of heme O and heme A [18, 19]. To determine the heme species of the oxidase in more detail, total heme was extracted from the partially purified oxidase preparation and analyzed by mass spectrometry. We observed 3 peaks at molecular masses of 630.44, 888.94, and 920.98 (Figure 3). The molecular mass of 888.94 matches that of heme Op1, which was identified in Sulfolobus and other species , while the molecular mass of 920.98 matches that of heme As. The molecular mass of 630.44 matches that of heme B, which is probably contamination from other cytochromes, because the peak height is lower than those of hemes Op1 and As, and this oxidase does not contain b-type heme (Figure 2c). The difference spectrum of the CO-bound, reduced form minus the reduced form showed a peak and a trough at 595 nm and 611 nm, respectively, in the α region (Figure 2d) and those at 432 nm and 444 nm in the γ region (data not shown), indicating that CO was bound to an a-type heme (Figure 2d), and thus the oxidase was designated a cytochrome oa3-type. Spectra of cytochromes in A. pernix. Difference spectrum in the sodium dithionite-reduced form minus the air-oxidized form (dotted line) and pyridine ferro-hemochromes (solid line) of membranes (a), cytochrome c553 (b), and cytochrome oa3 oxidase (c). To measure a spectrum of membranes, they were solubilized with 5% (w/v) Triton X-100, as described in Materials and Methods. Difference spectrum of the CO-reduced minus the reduced forms of cytochrome oa3 oxidase (d). The partially purified oxidase was reduced with sodium dithionite (baseline) and then bubbled with CO gas for 1 min. Heme analysis by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry of partially purified cytochrome oa 3 oxidase from A. pernix. Heme was extracted from the oxidase preparation by shaking vigorously with acetone-HCl, followed by extraction with ethyl acetate. The extracted heme was analyzed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry as detailed in the "Materials and Methods". SDS-PAGE showed mainly 3 polypeptide bands for cytochrome c553 with apparent molecular masses of 40, 30, and 25 kDa (Figure 4a, panel 1). The 25-kDa band was visualized with heme staining (Figure 4a, panel 2). We performed mass analysis for the 3 bands at 40, 30, and 25 kDa using a MALDI-TOF/MS spectrometer. The 40- and 30-kDa polypeptides could not be identified. The 25-kDa polypeptide, which was positive for heme staining, had a molecular mass of 21,344 (Figure 5). The theoretical mass of the APE_1719.1 gene, which encodes the hypothetical cytochrome c subunit of the bc complex, was 20,813. The calculated mass of the APE_1719.1 gene product, which is the hypothetical cytochrome c polypeptide of the bc complex, is 21,429. On a BN-PAGE gel, cytochrome c553 migrated at 80 kDa as a single band (Figure 4a, panel 3). The entire panel was excised and processed by two-dimensional SDS-PAGE. The 80-kDa band consisted of 3 main polypeptides as shown by SDS-PAGE (Figure 4a, panel 1 and panel 3) indicating that these 3 polypeptides form a complex. For partially purified cytochrome oa3 oxidase, SDS-PAGE showed 3 polypeptide bands with apparent molecular masses of 74, 40, and 25 kDa (Figure 4b, panel 1). The 25-kDa band was visualized by heme staining, suggesting this band was derived from cytochrome c553 (Figure 4b, panel 2). BN-PAGE showed a band at 140 kDa, which had TMPD oxidase activity, suggesting that the band contain a cytochrome c oxidase (Figure 4b, panel 3). The 140-kDa band was separated by SDS-PAGE and found to consist of 3 main polypeptides as shown by SDS-PAGE (Figure 4b, panel 1 and panel 3). SDS-PAGE ( panel 1 and 2 ) and Two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis ( panel 3 ) of the cytochrome c 553 (a) and cyothcrome oa 3 oxidase (b) from A. pernix. The acrylamide concentration of the SDS-PAGE gel was 13.5%. The gel was stained for protein with CBB (panel 1) and for heme with o-toluidine in the presence of H2O2 (panel 2). The samples were analyzed by BN-PAGE (horizontal) and then SDS-PAGE (vertical, panel 3). A 5-18% acrylamide gradient gel was used for native PAGE, and the gels were stained with CBB. The cytochrome oa3 oxidase was revealed by its TMPD oxidation activity (b panel 3). The acrylamide concentration of the second dimension SDS-PAGE gel was 15%, and the gels were stained with CBB. Side bars indicate the molecular mass standards. The arrows indicate the corresponding subunits of the cytochrome c553 and cytochrome oa3 oxidase. MALDI-TOF mass spectrum of cytochrome c 553 from A. pernix. Partially purified cytochrome c553 was separated by SDS-PAGE (Figure 4a, panel 1), and the 25-kDa band was extracted from the acrylamide gel. Mass spectrum analysis was performed as detailed in the Materials and Methods. The isolated cytochrome oa3 oxidase had TMPD and yeast cytochrome c oxidation activity, with values of 132 and 0.68 μmol min-1 mg-1, respectively, while the cytochrome c553 complex did not show any oxidase activity. On the other hand, cytochrome c553 oxidized menaquinol and reduced yeast cytochrome c (3.7 μmol min-1 mg-1), i.e. showed activity similar to that of quinone: cytochrome c oxidoreductase, while isolated cytochrome oa3 did not oxidize menaquinol. Interestingly, after adding the fractions containing cytochrome c553 to cytochrome oa3 oxidase, TMPD oxidase activity increased ~ 5.0-fold (132 μmol min-1 mg-1 vs 664 μmol min-1 mg-1). In this study, we isolated a membrane bound cytochrome c553 from the strictly aerobic hyperthermophilic archaeon, A. pernix. SDS-PAGE analysis showed 3 bands at apparent molecular masses of 40, 30, and 25 kDa (Figure 4a, panel 1). The measured molecular mass of the 25-kDa band, which was positive for heme staining, was close to the calculated molecular mass for the hypothetical cytochrome c subunit encoded by ORF APE_1719.1 (Figure 5). Cytochrome c553 preparations contained heme B and heme C (Figure 2b, solid line) and catalyzed electron transfer from menaquinone to yeast cytochrome c. On the basis of these results, we concluded that cytochrome c553 was part of the cytochrome bc complex and that the 3 bands identified by SDS-PAGE analysis corresponded to cytochrome b, Rieske/FeS, and cytochrome c subunits. Data from BN-PAGE analysis supported the idea that these 3 bands are part of the bc complex (Figure 4a, panel 3). The gene for the cytochrome c polypetide, APE_1719.1 contains a CXXCHXnM motif but does not show high sequence similarity to cytochrome c1 or the other classes of bacterial or eukaryotic c-type components. It is generally difficult to isolate bc complexes from membranes because of their general instability, but the heat stability of this enzyme probably permitted its isolation in this study. We also isolated a cytochrome oa3-type cytochrome c oxidase from A. pernix membranes. Based on polypeptide sizes, the upper 2 bands identified by SDS-PAGE (Figure 4b, panel 1) probably corresponded to AoxA (subunit I + III) and AoxB (subunit II). Thus, the partially purified cytochrome oa3 oxidase here is likely the A-type oxidase identified by Ishikawa et al. previously . Interestingly, cytochrome oa3 oxidase comigrated with the bc complex through the DEAE-Toyopearl and Q-Sepharose chromatographies, but the enzymes were separated during the subsequent hydroxyapatite chromatography (Figs. S1 and S2). Furthermore, peak fractions from the Q-Sepharose column, which included the bc complex and cytochrome oa3 oxidase, had menaquinol oxidase activity. These findings suggest that cytochrome oa3 oxidase forms a supercomplex with the bc complex as observed in some species, such as thermophilic Bacillus PS3 , Corynebacterium glutamicum , and S. acidocaldarius [15, 23]. Here, we showed that A. pernix has a bc complex which includes a c-type cytochrome, and that the bc complex forms supercomplex with the cytochrome oa3 oxidase. An electron donor candidate for cytochrome c oxidase, such as a blue copper protein, has not yet been identified in the whole genome data of this archaeon. Taken together, it might be suggested that the cytochrome c553 is the direct electron donor for the oxidase, which would explain the apparent lack of a donor such as a copper protein. We are currently trying to identify an authentic substrate between a bc complex and terminal oxidase. A. pernix K1 cells were kindly provided by Dr. Yosuke Koga, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan. A. pernix was aerobically grown in 5 × T medium [2.8% (w/v) NaCl, 0.067% (w/v) KCl, 0.55% (w/v) MgCl2·6H2O, 0.69% (w/v) MgSO4·7H2O, 0.15% (w/v) CaCl2, 0.1% (w/v) Na2O3S·5H2O, 0.5% (w/v) Trypticase Peptone, 0.1% (w/v) Yeast Extract, pH 7.0] at 90°C. The preculture was carried out for 48 h in a Sakaguchi-flask containing 50-ml of medium, and a 50-ml aliquot was inoculated into a 1-L culture in a 3-L baffled flask. Cultures were incubated for about 48 h with vigorous shaking (150 rpm) until they attained the early stationary phase of growth. The cells were collected by centrifugation at 5,000 × g for 20 min. The cells were washed twice with 20 mM NaPi buffer at pH 7.0 and re-suspended in the same buffer. The cells were disrupted by sonication with an Ultrasonic Disrupter UD-201 (TOMY, Tokyo) using a 50% duty cycle at output 3 for 20 sec 3 times. The broken cells were precipitated by centrifugation at 16,000 × g for 20 min at 4°C. The precipitate was resuspended in 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer at pH 8.0, which contained a final concentration of 10 mM MgCl2 and 10 μg ml-1 DNase, and incubated at 37°C for 30 min. To remove unbroken cells, the suspension was centrifuged at 1,000 × g for 5 min at 4°C. The supernatant was then centrifuged at 100,000 × g for 20 min at 4°C. The precipitate was resuspended in 20 mM NaPi at pH 7.0; this suspension was designated as the membrane fraction. The membranes were suspended in buffer containing 1 M LiCl and 20 mM NaPi at pH 7.0, and then collected by centrifugation. The membrane proteins were solubilized at 10 mg protein ml-1 in 1% (w/v) n-dodecyl-β-D-maltoside (DDM) in the presence of 0.3 M NaCl, 20 mM NaPi at pH 7.0, and several protease inhibitors [1 mM ethylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EDTA), 0.1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), and 0.5 mM benzamidine at final concentrations]. The mixture was centrifuged at 100,000 × g for 30 min, and the supernatant was dialyzed against 10 mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.0. Cytochromes were separated into 2 components using 3 consecutive chromatography columns: DEAE-Toyopearl, Q-Sepharose, and hydroxyapatite. In brief, the solubilized protein was applied to a DEAE-Toyopearl column after dialysis. The adsorbed proteins were eluted with 3 column volumes of buffer containing 0.1% DDM, 10 mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.0, and an increasing concentration of NaCl (stepwise gradient of 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, and 500 mM). The peak fractions were dialyzed against 10 mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.0 and were applied to a Q-Sepharose column. The proteins were eluted with 15 column volumes of buffer containing 0.1% DDM, 10 mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.0, and an increasing concentration of NaCl (linear gradient of 0-300 mM; Additional file 1). The peak fractions were applied to a hydroxyapatite column for separation. The proteins were eluted with 3 column volumes of buffer containing 0.1% DDM and an increasing concentration of NaPi at pH7.0 (stepwise gradient of 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, and 400 mM; Additional file 2). Cytochrome oxidase activity was assayed at 60°C by measuring oxidation of a yeast cytochrome c (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis MO), which had been reduced with sodium dithionite, in a final volume 800 μL containing a suitable amount of enzyme, 20 mM NaPi at pH 7.0, and 10 μM yeast cytochrome c. The oxidation of reduced cytochrome c was followed by measuring the decrease in absorbance at 549 nm, and activity was calculated using a millimolar absorption coefficient of 21.2 mM-1 cm-1 . N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) oxidase activity was assayed by measuring the increase in absorbance at 562 nm using a mixture of 25 mM TMPD, 0.1 M NaCl, and 50 mM NaPi at pH 6.5, and calculated using a millimolar absorption coefficient of 10.5 mM-1 cm-1. To avoid the auto-oxidation of TMPD, the assay was performed at 40°C. Menaquinol oxidase activity was assayed at 40°C by measuring the oxidation rate of menaquinol-1, which had been reduced with sodium dithionite, in a final volume of 700 μL containing a suitable amount of enzyme, 20 mM NaPi at pH 7.0, 0.1% (w/v) DDM, 1 mM EDTA, and 0.2 mM menaquinol-1. The oxidation of reduced menaquinone was followed by measuring the increase in absorbance at 270.7 nm, and the activity was calculated using a millimolar absorption coefficient of 8.13 mM-1 cm-1. Blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) was performed according to the method of Schägger et al. . Nondenaturating electrophoresis was started at 100 V until the sample was within the stacking gel and continued with the voltage and current limited to 350 V and 15 mA, respectively. For two-dimensional analysis, a slice of the BN-PAGE gel was excised and soaked in 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 1% mercaptoethanol buffer for 1 h and then embedded in a separating gel containing 15% acrylamide. Two-dimensional analysis was performed at room temperature with the current limited to 20 mA. SDS-PAGE was performed according to the method of Laemmli . The gel was stained for protein with CBB and for heme with o-toluidine in the presence of H2O2. Gels were immersed in a solution containing 1% (w/v) o-tolidine, 80% (v/v) CH3OH and 10% (v/v) CH3COOH for 10 min, and then H2O2 was added at final concentration of 1% (v/v). Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization, time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry of proteins was performed using 2- (4-hydroxyphenylazo) benzoic acid (HABA) as the matrix as described by Ghaim et al. . The cytochromes extracted from the SDS-PAGE gel were precipitated with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and were dissolved in 99% formic acid before mixing at a 1:5 ratio with a 50% acetonitrile solution containing 1.3 mg HABA ml-1 and 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. The mixture was spotted onto a sample plate and analyzed using a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer. For heme analysis, heme was extracted from partially purified cytochrome oa3 oxidase with acetone containing 10% concentrated HCl as described previously . After centrifugation, the heme in the supernatant was extracted with ethyl acetate. The heme-containing upper phase was removed, and the ethyl acetate was evaporated under a stream of nitrogen. Heme was dissolved in 30% acetonitrile and then mixed at a 1:1 ratio with a 50% acetonitrile solution containing 10 mg α-cyano-4-hydroxy cinnamic acid ml-1 and 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. The mixture was spotted onto a sample plate and analyzed using a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer. Absorption spectra were measured with a recording spectrophotometer (Beckman DU70) at room temperature. Spectra of pyridine ferro-hemochromes were measured in the presence of 10% (v/v) pyridine, 0.05 N NaOH, and 1% (w/v) SDS. For membrane preparations, samples were mixed with 5% (w/v) Triton X-100 and centrifuged at 100,000 × g for 20 min at 4°C, as a common procedure to minimize turbidity. Protein concentration was determined using a modified Lowry method .
Understanding wills and probate is one of the most important things you can do to protect your estate. However, there are often times when you will not only need to work through the probate process, but you will be facing the adjustment to the death of someone close to you. Probate upon the death of a loved one is emotionally draining many times and you still need to deal with the legal requirements. Wills and probate go hand in hand, if the deceased had a will. If not, then the state of Florida who gets your wealth. If you are named in a will or your parents die, your spouse dies or someone else who is close to you passes, it is likely you will be faced with probate. The Florida probate process involves several steps but most of it is conducted via the courts. Take a close look at this Florida will law overview so you have a sense of what happens during the probate process. If there is a will available, that will is used to execute the orders and wishes of the deceased. This will name an executor who will be responsible for executing the wishes of the deceased person. When the estate enters probate, which means that the probate court looks at the case and the executor may need to be present. You can also hire an attorney to work through this process on your behalf. Probate looks at the value of the estate, which includes any assets that the individual has upon passing. Probate also opens up the estate’s value to creditors who have claims against that estate. For a period of time after the individual’s death, creditors have the ability to come forward with proof that the deceased person owed them money. Any creditors whose debts are proven legitimate will be paid from the assets within the estate. A tax is levied on the estate in many instances depending on the value of the estate and the state where the probate occurs. Property is then released to the heirs that the will lists, or if there is no will, the courts will determine who should receive any assets in the estate per the laws of that state. There are several additional things you need to know about wills and probate. First off, it is possible that someone could challenge a will. The best way to avoid a challenge to the will is to ensure that the will is legally bindings in advance of a person’s death. In addition, ask your attorney about a living trust. In many instances, a living trust is one of the best ways for the estate to avoid a Florida probate process. The good news is that an attorney can help you through this entire Florida will law process.
As I looked down on the Great Slake Lake Shear zone from my flight back to civilisation, it was hard not to marvel at the sheer scale of it all. Below me stretched what used to be a plate boundary between two Archean cratons, the Slave and the Rae, and it is truly massive. Stretching for 25 km across and traced for 200 km in strike (Hanmer 1992), this structure is an analogue for what might be expected to lie deep below the San Andreas Fault. To the naked eye this looks like a barren land, but take two structural geologists, a metamorphic petrologist and an expert in micromechanics and they’ll tell you otherwise. Examined through the right lens it’s a goldmine of opportunities. For my DPhil project it’s hard to imagine a more perfect field area. For the last two years I’ve been looking at a new way of measuring the historical stresses to which a rock has been subjected. Having developed and tested my ‘piezometer’, it was time to try it in the real world and the Great Slave Lake shear zone was the perfect location due to its size and the great exposure of the rocks. In terms of work our aim was simple; to take a transect across the shear zone in order to reconstruct the paleo-stresses: the execution was harder. The vegetation was dense and the sun relentless. Each day we would conduct our ‘hit and run geology’, trailing from outcrop to outcrop snatching samples for latter analysis. Our neighbours were plentiful and unwelcoming. We encountered bears, a lynx, a bison and a beaver, all of which seemed disgruntled to find us on their land. Despite this we managed to solider on. One highlight of the trip was when our collaborator at the Northwest Territories Geological Survey, Dr Edith Martel, joined us for a day in the field bringing a helicopter with her. This helicopter meant we got to travel tens of kilometres in a single day and collected key, otherwise unattainable, samples. It also meant we got to see some spectacular views from the sky. At least that was what I was told, considering the minute we were air bound I fell asleep! Considering my project is primarily experimental, I would have been unable to complete fieldwork without the aid of the Graduate Research Fund. I’ve had the opportunity to make new collaborations with geoscientists at the Northwest Territories Geological Survey and have set the foundation for possible future postdoctoral work. In short, this trip has not only made my PhD project more multidisciplinary but has set the groundwork for my future career.
The experience of being an openly gay, transgendered or bisexual teen has changed dramatically, just in the past few years. It's especially evident for those young adults who choose to come out to friends and family while they're in high school. It's easier to be be openly gay in today's teen culture than it was just a few years ago. On Monday's Up to Date, psychologist Wes Crenshaw joins us with a few teen guests to talk about their experiences with the rapid change in attitudes. The University of Missouri – Kansas City has taken big steps in recent years to be more welcoming to gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender and sexually-questioning students and staff. Like a lot of universities, the school now considers diversity and inclusion to be a mission, right alongside educating students. But there hasn't always been an attitude of acceptance at UMKC. Students at the university fought hard for LGBT rights, and the resulting legal victory influenced campuses around the country. UMKC has recently received some national attention for having a particularly gay-friendly environment. One of the innovative things the school is doing is offering scholarships for LGBT students. When some college students come out, they face the danger of being cut off financially from their parents. That's what happened to recent graduate Courtney Monzyk. “I was actually outed, instead of coming out,” Monzyk says.
NThe Difference between a merge and a yield is, when your merging, you are entering oncoming traffic with out stopping, and yielding s letting the traffic pass you and then going when the coast is clear. Heres where math comes into play. . Coupon Rate: The actual interest rate on the bond, usually payable in semiannual installments. The YTM calculation takes into account the bond'scurrent market price, par value, coupon interest rate and time tomaturity. Profit is the difference between the amount earned and the amount spend in buying, operating or producing something to gain a financial benefit. Book yields and book values are identified for the portfolio of assets at the beginning and end of the pre-specified time period and book yields and book values are calculated for each category of transactions/events previously identified. While a higher yield reduces the present value of all the bond's payments, it reduces the value of payments further in the future by a greater proportional amount. The coupon rate is the actually stated interest rate. Now, fast-forward ten years down the road. Coupon is the rate of interest related to bonds or debentures. The effect of each category of transactions/events on the book yield of the portfolio of assets is then quantified. The terms "yield strength" and "yield stress" of a material are usually used interchangeably (correct or not). Bond at a 100 premium, the bond's yield is now rabatte auf eigenverbrauch equal to 20 / 1,100.82.
Aorta: The aorta is the largest single blood vessel in the body. It is approximately the diameter of your thumb. This vessel carries oxygen-rich blood from the left ventricle to the various parts of the body. Pulmonary Valve: The pulmonary valve separates the right ventricle from the pulmonary artery. As the ventricles contract, it opens to allow the de-oxygenated blood collected in the right ventricle to flow to the lungs. It closes as the ventricles relax, preventing blood from returning to the heart. Right Atrium: The right atrium receives de-oxygenated blood from the body through the superior vena cava (head and upper body) and inferior vena cava (legs and lower torso). The sinoatrial node sends an impulse that causes the cardiac muscle tissue of the atrium to contract in a coordinated, wave-like manner. The tricuspid valve, which separates the right atrium from the right ventricle, opens to allow the de-oxygenated blood collected in the right atrium to flow into the right ventricle. Right Ventricle: The right ventricle receives de-oxygenated blood as the right atrium contracts. The pulmonary valve leading into the pulmonary artery is closed, allowing the ventricle to fill with blood. Once the ventricles are full, they contract. As the right ventricle contracts, the tricuspid valve closes and the pulmonary valve opens. The closure of the tricuspid valve prevents blood from backing into the right atrium and the opening of the pulmonary valve allows the blood to flow into the pulmonary artery toward the lungs. Left Ventricle: The left ventricle receives oxygenated blood as the left atrium contracts. The blood passes through the mitral valve into the right ventricle. The aortic valve leading into the aorta is closed, allowing the ventricle to fill with blood. Once the ventricles are full, they contract. As the left ventricle contracts, the mitral valve closes and the aortic valve opens. The closure of the mitral valve prevents blood from backing into the left atrium and the opening of the aortic valve allows the blood to flow into the aorta and flow throughout the body. Aortic Valve: The aortic valve separates the left ventricle from the aorta. As the ventricles contract, it opens to allow the oxygenated blood collected in the left ventricle to flow throughout the body. It closes as the ventricles relax, preventing blood from returning to the heart. Mitral Valve: The mitral valve separates the left atrium from the left ventricle. It opens to allow the oxygenated blood collected in the left atrium to flow into the left ventricle. It closes as the left ventricle contracts, preventing blood from returning to the left atrium; thereby, forcing it to exit through the aortic valve into the aorta. Left Atrium: The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs through the pulmonary vein. As the contraction triggered by the sinoatrial node progresses through the atria, the blood passes through the mitral valve into the left ventricle. Pulmonary Trunk: A vessel that arises from the right ventricle of the heart, extends upward, and divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries that convey unaerated blood to the lungs. When the right ventricle contacts, the blood inside it is put under pressure and the tricuspid valve between the right atrium and ventricle closes. The only exit for blood from the right ventricle is then through the pulmonary trunk. The pulmonary trunk is to the right ventricle what the aorta is to the left ventricle – the outlet vessel. After the left ventricle contracts, the aortic valve closes and the mitral valve opens, to allow blood to flow from the left atrium into the left ventricle. As the left atrium contracts, more blood flows into the left ventricle. When the left ventricle contracts again, the mitral valve closes and the aortic valve opens, so blood flows into the aorta. The valve(s) does not close completely, causing the blood to flow backward instead of forward through the valve. The valve(s) opening becomes narrowed or does not form properly, inhibiting the flow of blood out of the ventricle or atria. The heart is forced to pump blood with increased force in order to move blood through the stiff (stenotic) valve(s). Heart valves can have both malfunctions at the same time (regurgitation and stenosis). When heart valves fail to open and close properly, the implications for the heart can be serious, possibly hampering the heart’s ability to pump blood adequately through the body. Heart valve problems are one cause of heart failure.
In the west, both male and female fighters enter the ring over the top rope. In Thailand however, only male fighters enter the ring over the top rope; female fighters must enter under the bottom rope. For a Westerner, this can be conflicting as it seems to send a clear message of gender-based hierarchy. The Western female fighter in Thailand faces a dilemma; to enter the ring in a manner that symbolises gender equality at the expense of being culturally insensitive or even offensive, or to act respectfully towards Thai culture and acknowledge her lower status compared with her male counterparts. What is more important, cultural respect or gender equality? However, is it really that black and white? More tellingly, how do female Thai fighters resolve this conflict, or, do they even experience the conflict that the Westerner perceives? I spoke with two female Thai fighters to understand their perspective on the matter. Loma Lookboonme is arguably one of the world’s most famous female Muay Thai fighters. She has more than 300 fights under her belt – some of them against males – and has recently transitioned to MMA. Her international MMA debut was bold and logistically difficult move for a Thai who’s grown up in the countryside. Loma feels strongly about honoring the tradition that she has been observing since she started training and fighting at the tender age of seven. At her home gym, she goes through the middle ropes – never over the top, but when she trains at Dejrat Academy, she always goes under the bottom rope. And when she competes, it is always under the bottom rope regardless of where she is. Somsurat Rangkla immigrated from Thailand to Australia at age 17, and has been living in Australia for 15 years. She commenced her fighting career in Melbourne three years ago, and her one and only trainer is a Westerner. In a sense, Somsurat occupies a unique position; she understands and is very much part of both Thai culture and Western culture. Fighting in Australia she could enter the ring over the top rope, as is the usual custom in here. However, Somsurat always enters the ring under the ropes. Somsurat made an important distinction between culture and gender. Samurai later added, that if it was a ‘stupid’ tradition, she wouldn’t do it. I am not Thai – indeed, it has been almost three years since I took my fighting to Thailand – but I feel a similar desire to observe tradition. When I fought in America earlier this year, I entered the ring under the bottom rope. I felt like I was honoring the Muay Thai tradition, the Thai gym that gave me so much, and the Thai trainers who taught me so well – their own fight careers are many times more illustrious than mine is or ever will be, their knowledge and intelligence in the ring is unmatchable. Observing the Muay Thai tradition is a way of deferring to the culture and the incredibly rich history of Muay Thai. My own journey – a female Westerner who battled stereotypes and Western expectations to fight and train for long periods in Thailand – is not unimportant, and the rise of both Westerners and women in Muay Thai are rich and important chapters in the history of muay thai. However, they they are not the only chapters in Muay Thai. There is a very long and rich history and tradition of Muay Thai that predates the involvement of both Westerners and female fighters by centuries, and I feel that by entering the ring under the ropes, it is those generations of illustrious fighters that come before me that I defer to rather than gender inequality. When I enter the ring, I am part of a tradition much greater than myself and the chapter that I play a role in.
A SWIFT code (also known as BIC Code) is a standard format to uniquely identify all banks and financial institutions globally. The SWIFT code is a standard format for BIC - Business Identifier Codes. If you transfer money internationally you almost always need to use a BIC code, as it’s the way banks, financial institutions and money transfer services figure out where the money needs to go. You can think of a SWIFT/BIC code a bit like a ZIP/postal code. Your bank can use the SWIFT/BIC code to find another bank on the opposite side of the world. Like sending post to an incorrect ZIP code means it might get returned, the same thing can apply for your money and the wrong SWIFT code.
Denver offers a lot of appeal for those interested in city living. Its premier location next to beautiful mountain scenes, over 300 days of sunshine, and bustling tech centers have kept its population on a steady incline for decades. The demographic for who this city is attracting to new homes like The Henry apartments in Denver, however, has changed. The area was once a magnet for baby boomers eager to start successful businesses, but a recent study by the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation (EDC) found that this area is now a Mecca for Millennials. So, what is it about the city that attracts such a targeted demographic? Manbuns, Instagram selfies, and self-employment could all be used to define this generation, but what actually constitutes as a Millennial? The definition changes depending on who you talk to, however, most research groups agree that this generation consists of individuals born between 1981 and 1996/7. You might also hear them referred to as Generation Y, the internet generation, or even Gen Next. Now that you better understand this demographic, here’s why Denver is attracting them en masse. Since 2000, the number of entrepreneurs in this age group increased from a mere 2 percent to a whopping 34 percent. 62% of Millennials work in leisure and hospitality, professional/business services, wholesale and retail, or government. 32.5% of all jobs in Denver’s metro area are held by Millennials. 52% of individuals moving to the metro area in 2014 fell into the Gen Y demographic. The city is clearly drawing in young professionals, but why? With a generation so drastically different from those before them, what aspect of a city that once enthralled Baby Boomers now attracts their polar opposite? Perhaps the most prominent reason that Denver appeals to Millennials is the city’s startup scene. The metro area has become fertile ground for entrepreneurs to create unique and diverse businesses with a chance to succeed in today’s economy. This opportunity is multi-faceted, speaking to the vibrant culture found in the metro area. Home to Denver Startup Week, the largest free conference in the nation, young professionals have the unique chance to build a network with those already well established in the area. These workshop-style conferences are where new entrepreneurs to the scene can learn the tricks of the trade from those already highly successful in the Denver area. Aside from help building business plans and creating solid marketing campaigns, local residents’ appetite for unique business that break the cookie-cutter mold helps these startups to become successful. As they grow, so does the opportunity for new jobs where like-minded millennials can work. Outside of the startup realm, the Denver Tech Area is home to incredible companies such as Ciber and Envivo. Millennials are often described as being the most tech savvy and technologically adaptable generation, which gives them an advantage in this job market. Software and IT employment alone have grown over 32% in the past five years, outpacing the rest of the nation combined. This expansion boosts both the job market and economy within the city, both of which are attractive to fresh-out-of-college aged individuals. With the rise in cost for student loans, landing a job out of the shoot is a highly sought-after commodity. Next to Portland, Oregon, Denver has the largest number of microbreweries in any given area. With over 300 locations pumping out diverse beers in the area, it isn’t hard to imagine that a younger demographic would like to live there. After a hard day’s work running a small business or slaving behind a desk, there’s nothing quite like a cold IPA, stout, or lager. Per capita, there are six breweries for every 100,000 residents, giving Millennials a vast nightlife scene to be a part of. That nightlife scene also happens to be a safe one. In recent years, the metro area of Denver has increased accessibility to public transportation. While that’s an excellent way to stay green and save cash on your commute to work, it’s also a more responsible way to enjoy a few drinks afterwards. Millennials are described as more willing to spend their hard-earned cash on experiences rather than material possessions. Whether that’s true or not is up for debate, but this generation certainly enjoys staying fit in the great outdoors. Colorado has long been known as a haven for skiers and hikers thanks to its mountainous terrain. Denver happens to sit less than 45 minutes away from the Rocky Mountains, not to mention its close proximity to an abundance on national parks and wildlife reserves. Enjoying nature is as simple as a car ride beyond the outskirts of the city. Thanks to Denver’s smaller size, millennials can head to the mountains and back in just a day. These kinds of experiences are readily available despite this being such a tech-centric metro area. These are just a few of the reasons why Denver has become a Mecca for Millennials, but the types of homes available also serve as a point of interest. With the trend in renting over owning a home continually rising, apartment communities like The Henry have become premier living quarters for Gen Y. These buildings offer ample floor space, full furnishings with modern appliances, and a host of amenities catered to a variety of lifestyles. With over 45,000 square feet of common space, the sense of community in these apartment homes are the kind that renters are looking for. Combine these features with easy access to Denver’s public transportation systems, and its easy to see why renting is so popular.
As per my understanding, Vedas are source of knowledge while Chaturvarna(i.e. caste system) creates separation more than knowledge. So my question is, Where is the first mention of Chaturvarna found? In Vedas or somewhere else? It is said that the Brahmins originated from the face, Kshatriyas from Shoulders and hands, Vaishyas from thighs and Shudras from feet of Purusha. Reference: This is definitely mentioned in Purushasukta but not sure about the Rigveda. I will update once I find out more on this. brāhmaṇo'sya mukhamāsīd bāhū rājanyaḥ kṛtaḥ, ūrū tadasya yad vaiśyaḥ padbhyāgï śūdro ajāyata. The Brahmana (spiritual wisdom and splendour) was His mouth; the Kshatriya (administrative and military prowess) His arms became. His thighs were the Vaisya (commercial and business enterprise); of His feet the Sudra (productive and sustaining force) was born. While it is fair to think it divides the society, the society need all four to survive or to thrive. The symbolism is pretty good primarily because it represents the roles the people play in society. Please remember: NOWHERE IT IS MENTIONED THAT THE VARNA SYSTEM IS HEREDITARY. A human being would need all four organs to function is most efficient manner. It is not possible to give up on any of these without hindering it's proficiency isn't it?
[Progress in clinical research of pancreatic cancer: from “resection” to “cure”]. Because of the high malignancy of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, the cancer-related mortality of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is increasing year by year. Despite advance in surgical techniques, the 5-year survival rate of patients after resection is still less than 30%. Recent studies have found that pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is a systemic disease, which may not be cured completely by up-front resection, but requires perioperative multidisciplinary therapy. With the concept of “potentially curable pancreatic cancer” , clinicians need to evaluate the resectability of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma accurately before operation, and use the innovative multidisciplinary therapy including neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy,surgery and adjuvant chemoradiotherapy to improve the R0 resection rate and reduce the risk of early metastasis. Therefore, the therapeutic goal of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is no longer “simple resection” , but long survival through perioperative multidisciplinary treatment. In this article, we briefly introduce the progress of resectability assessment, surgical techniques and perioperative adjuvant therapy of “potentially curable pancreatic cancer” .
Income is central to economic well-being. The ability to meet current expenses and also save for the future depends on that income being sufficient and reliable. Frequent changes in the level of family income, referred to here as "income volatility," can also be a source of economic hardship. Sources of non-wage income vary with age. Among young adults (ages 18 to 29), gig work was the most common source of non-wage income. Among older people, income from gig work is less prevalent, while interest, dividend, and rental income is more common. Additionally, over three-quarters of adults age 60 and older received Social Security or pension income. (The sources of income among retirees are discussed further in the "Retirement" section of this report.) Both the common sources of income and the distribution of income are largely similar to previous surveys. Some families also depend on financial support from, or provide such support to, their family or friends. This support can be sharing a home to save money (as discussed in the "Housing and Neighborhoods" section of this report), as well as assistance from individuals living elsewhere. Approximately 1 in 10 adults receive some form of financial support from someone living outside of their home. Nearly one-quarter of young adults received such support during 2017 (table 6). Among young adults with incomes under $40,000, over one-third receive some support from outside their home. Conversely, older adults are more likely to providefinancial support to individuals outside their home--peaking at 23 percent of adults in their 50s. This support is mainly between parents and adult children. Parents were among the providers for just over 6 in 10 support recipients, including 8 in 10 of those under age 30. Additionally, adult children are support providers for over half of people over age 60 who are receiving some assistance. Financial support from family and friends takes many forms. Over half of those receiving financial support received money for general expenses, and about one-third received help with their rent or mortgage (figure 5). In addition, almost one-quarter of all recipients, and over one-third of recipients under age 30, received help with educational expenses or student loan payments. Note: Among adults receiving any support from outside the home. The level of income during the year as a whole may mask substantial changes in income from month to month. The survey considers how mismatches between the timing of income and expenses lead to financial challenges. Income in 2017 was roughly the same from month to month for 7 in 10 adults, varied occasionally for 2 in 10, and varied quite often for slightly less than 1 in 10. Some families can manage frequent changes in income easily, but for others this may cause financial hardship. In fact, one-third of those with varying income, or 10 percent of all adults, say they struggled to pay their bills at least once in the past year due to varying income. Individuals may be willing to accept more-volatile income if their income is higher on average as a result. Tolerance for income variability may also differ across individuals. In a hypothetical scenario, the survey asks workers to choose between two new jobs: the first pays their current annual income in stable monthly amounts, and the second pays more for the year but the monthly income varies.17 The increase in the second job's annual income is randomized across "a little" more, "somewhat" more, or "a lot" more. Note: "Overall" includes those who don't know if they are confident about credit availability. Overall, many prefer stable income. Six in 10 workers choose the first job with stable income over the second job with varying income that pays a little or somewhat more annually. Only when the second job pays a lot more does the preference for the stable job fall to 4 in 10 workers. Men and younger workers have a greater tolerance for income volatility and are more willing to accept the variability in exchange for additional income (figure 6 and figure 7). Note: Among adults employed for someone else or who work as a contractor in their main job.
This is the first in a regular series of exclusive Vintage Guitar online articles where The Kentucky Headhunters’ Greg Martin looks back on influential albums and other musical moments. Next to vintage guitars, record collecting has long been a big passion of mine since 1965 when I bought The Beach Boys 45, “California Girls,” b/w “Let Him Run Wild.” I would listen to both sides countless times, reading the credits over and over, even the fade-outs made an impression. I was already a Beach Boys fan, but 1965 signaled a change in their music. Brian Wilson’s writing, arranging and production skills on the albums Today! and Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!) took the group into a different direction. Gone were the surf and car songs, Brian was now addressing subjects and problems teenagers were facing, which were his own plights. I didn’t realize at the time he was experimenting with drugs, or about his nervous breakdown on a flight which sidelined him from touring and gave him more freedom and time to be creative. Today & Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!) became a part of my musical DNA, and showed glimpses of what was to come with Pet Sounds. Whenever summertime comes around, there are certain albums that always take me back to my childhood. They are a huge part of my life soundtrack. Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys is one of those, possibly my favorite album of all-time (not to mention, one of the most influential in rock history). When it was released in the spring of 1966 – a very magical year – I was a 6th grader in Louisville, Kentucky. I was very shy, too scared to talk to girls. I was learning to play guitar, music was my refuge. After seeing the Beatles on Ed Sullivan in 1964 and the Lovin’ Spoonful in concert in 1966, my world was radically changed. I was becoming smitten by music, whenever my brother went to work, I would scurry upstairs and play his guitar. It would be 1968 before I would become totally immersed in music and guitar. But looking back, 1966 was a pivotal year for me. That summer, I bought a mono copy of Pet Sounds at King’s Record Shop (a shop owned by Pee Wee King’s younger brother Gene, and immortalized on the cover Rosanne Cash’s 1988 classic, King’s Record Shop). Remember, in the mid ’60s, mono records were priced cheaper. At that time we didn’t realize that stereo mixes were a mere knock off and that mono mixes were superior. Pet Sounds wouldn’t receive its first true stereo mix until The Pet Sounds Sessions box set was released in 1997. Prior to the release of Pet Sounds on May 16th, 1966, there were two singles from the album released. “Caroline, No” which was initially released March 7th as a Brian Wilson single, then “Sloop John B.” on March 21st. Both got substantial airplay in Louisville on WKLO and WAKY. The first time I heard “God Only Knows” and “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” on my parent’s living room GE table-top radio made a big impression. In the summer of 1966, Hit Parader Magazine ran a big feature on Pet Sounds and the genius of Brian Wilson and it caught my attention. I was a fan of The Beatles, Lovin’ Spoonful, Rolling Stones, and the Yardbirds, but somehow Brian Wilson’s writing spoke to my spirit. Today I own several versions of Pet Sounds on CD and vinyl. It still speaks to me as it did back in 1966. The bulk of the Pet Sounds sessions went down between January and April 1966, the album was completed April 13th at a cost of $70,000, which was unheard of at that time. Brian used the legendary Wrecking Crew to record most of the music, then brought the other Beach Boys in to sing on the tracks (there are a few exceptions where the members played instruments on the LP). The new material initially caused infighting between members when they first heard it, due to the departure from the old Beach Boys sound. Capitol Records was also confused by the new direction. When released, it was met with a lukewarm reception in the United States, where it peaked at #10 on the Billboard Top 200 charts. In the UK, it was hailed as a masterpiece and went to #2 on the Top 40 album charts. The LP starts off with “Wouldn’t It Be Nice,” one of the happiest shuffles ever committed to wax, courtesy of drummer Hal Blaine and bassist Carol Kaye. As co-writer Tony Asher stated concerning the lyrics, “The innocence of the situation – being too young to get married – seemed to be immensely appealing to him.” The song starts off with an eight-beat introduction, and a de-tuned 12-string guitar played by Jerry Cole and plugged straight into the board with added reverb created a distinct harp-like sound. The lead vocals are handled by Brian Wilson and Mike Love. “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” is two minutes and 33 seconds of sheer pop genius. “You Still Believe In Me” is a beautiful ballad written by Brian Wilson and Tony Asher, sung by Brian. Instrumentation includes harpsichord, clarinet, timpani and bicycle horn. Wilson and Asher created the song’s intro by plucking a piano’s strings with a bobby pin. “That’s Not Me” is next up, with Brian and Mike Love on lead vocals. Along with The Wrecking Crew, the track also features Brian Wilson on organ, Carl Wilson on guitar, Dennis Wilson on drums, Al Jardine on tambourine. Written by Brian Wilson and Tony Asher and influenced by psychedelic drugs, the lyrics probe Brian’s growing inner self-doubts. “Don’t Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)” was written by Brian Wilson and Tony Asher. Brian is the only Beach Boy appearing on this song. The organ and strings create a beautiful backing track. “I’m Waiting For the Day,” written by Brian Wilson and Mike Love, is an uptempo love song with Brian handling the lead vocals. Next up is the beautiful instrumental “Let’s Go Away For Awhile.” The track features Al Casey and Barney Kessel on guitars. The beautiful guitar solo was done with a coke bottle on the strings for a semi-steel guitar effect. At the time of Pet Sounds, Brian considered this to be the most satisfying piece of music he had ever written. Hauntingly beautiful – sometimes we need to go away for a while to find ourselves. “Sloop John B” is track number 7 and closes out side 1 of Pet Sounds. It was released as a single on March 21, 1966 and entered the Billboard Hot 100 chart on April 2, and peaked at #3 on May 7. A traditional folk song from the Bahamas, “Sloop John B.” was brought to the group by Al Jardine and featured Brian and Mike Love on lead vocals, with 12-string guitar by Carl Wilson and Billy Strange.
Canadian Census returns vary. The first general Ontario census was taken in 1842, 1848 and 1851 but not all survive. There are scattered Ontario Census records before 1842 but each area took its own census, so researchers need to check the book of available census returns (found in any public library of Ontario or at the Archives) to find out what years are available in each location. Some areas have census records as early as 1783. Censuses up to 1850 are heads of household only but give genealogy and family information such as how many children, and their ages. Several sites have Canadian Census Projects underway which allow you to find ancestors in Canada Census records from 1851 to 1911. Search Canadian Census Records online for your ancestors.
Discoveries indicate mass fishing and therefore a semi-permanent settlement. Six years ago divers discovered the oldest known stationary fish traps in northern Europe off the coast of southern Sweden. Since then, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have uncovered an exceptionally well-preserved Stone Age site. They now believe the location was a lagoon environment where Mesolithic humans lived during parts of the year. Other spectacular finds include a 9,000 year-old pick axe made out of elk antlers. The discoveries indicate mass fishing and therefore a semi-permanent settlement. “As geologists, we want to recreate this area and understand how it looked. Was it warm or cold? How did the environment change over time?” says Anton Hansson, PhD student in Quaternary geology at Lund University. Changes in the sea level have allowed the findings to be preserved deep below the surface of Hanö Bay in the Baltic Sea. The researchers have drilled into the seabed and radiocarbon dated the core, as well as examined pollen and diatoms. They have also produced a bathymetrical map that reveals depth variations. “These sites have been known, but only through scattered finds. We now have the technology for more detailed interpretations of the landscape,” says Anton Hansson. “If you want to fully understand how humans dispersed from Africa, and their way of life, we also have to find all their settlements. Quite a few of these are currently underwater, since the sea level is higher today than during the last glaciation. Humans have always prefered coastal sites,” concludes Hansson.
Coloring pages are a popular way for children to learn how to color. They are not a substitute for creative drawing, but rather a way to teach children about outline pictures made with shapes and lines. It is fun for children to learn various coloring techniques such as coloring within lines, varying pressure to produce lighter or darker colors, and mixing colors by applying one color on top of another. Coloring pages may be completed with crayons, colored pencils, markers, or paints. Online coloring pages typically contain black & white line art drawings that children can print and color. ColoringPages.us is a convenient source of online black & white drawings for kids of all ages to complete, using their favorite art medium. These pages feature popular toy, transportation, seasonal, and holiday themed line drawings in full color and outline formats. Educators, parents, and children alike will appreciate the interesting and entertaining subject matter as well as the consistent design quality and smooth line art of these professionally drawn illustrations. Please note that the drawings on these pages are intended for personal use only, and not for commercial use. Most children use either crayons or colored pencils for their coloring projects. Crayons are sticks of wax impregnated with color pigments and wrapped in paper. Crayola® crayons were introduced in 1903, and children have enjoyed using these coloring and drawing instruments ever since. Colored pencils use pigments like those used for oil and watercolor paints. The pigmented coloring material is usually enclosed within a disposable wooden sheath, and a standard pencil sharpener is used to sharpen their points. Colored pencils are often favored by older children because they can be used to draw and color more precisely. Teach your children the basic colors and show them how to choose colors for their pictures — for example, a banana is yellow and a cardinal is red. Show your children how to hold a crayon or pencil. A variety of crayons are available for all age groups, from fat ones for toddlers to thin crayons in fancy colors for older children. Help your children learn about coloring inside the lines, and show them how to make different strokes — horizontal, vertical, curved, and jagged. After your children have mastered these techniques, they might want to try drawing an outline themselves by copying the drawings on this site. From there, they can move on to using their imaginations and drawing all sorts of pictures using their newfound skills. For an extensive list of additional coloring pages, visit our coloring page directory. For more information about color, as well as color wheels and color swatches, visit the color resources listed below and this color chart. Leading authority on color and provider of color systems and technology. Wide-ranging directory of color theory and applications resources. Offers a software program to create color schemes and preview them on real-world examples. Crayola® is a registered trademark of Binney & Smith.
Welcome to year R! We hope you find the information below useful as your child continues their learning journey with us! This information will help you support your child at home with the organisation of their week and their learning at home. Homework will be set every half term. Your child will be asked to work on a number of projects, designed to enrich the learning taking place in school. This approach to homework has been designed to enable you and your child to work together in a creative way and to develop a love of learning. Please see the homework document for Spring 2. In year R, the PE day is Monday. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit on these days. Please ensure you REMOVE all earrings on a Monday. Please ensure ALL PE kit is named. We are very excited to be going on our first school trip this term to Crystal Palace Park for a treasure hunt. Thank you to all those parents who have offered their help and support. We still need more parent helpers, so please do let us know if you are free to help. The school gates open at 8:30 in the morning. Soft start begins at 8:45-9:00am. In EYFS, children will be dismissed at the end of the day at 3:15pm. We would like to say a huge thank you to all those who have been reading at home and leaving comments in the reading journal. This is one of the most important things you can do to help your child’s development. Please keep encouraging your child to sound out words as you share the books that we send home from school – they are all fantastic at phonics, so you are helping them to apply their phonics knowledge. If you could read some traditional tales at home over this half term (fairytale stories) it would be greatly appreciated. Our topic this term is Let’s Pretend. Your child could read traditional tales that they know and then read some of their parents/carers favourites. What are the similarities and the differences? Ask your child to think about the language being used or the characters that they discover. Can you imagine an alternative ending? Choose your favourite object from a traditional tale and make it to show your classmates. Would you like to make a bowl of porridge from the three bear’s house? Perhaps you want to make the shoe that Cinderella lost, or a little red hood. Encourage your child to practice talking about the object so that they feel really confident to tell their friends about it. This half term we will be talking about doubling, halving and sharing in maths. We will think about the relationship between these operations. Practical resources are the most effective way of helping your child to learn maths concepts. If you have a number of objects (coins, food, natural resources) you can talk about doubling and halving day to day. It is time to put the brilliant writing we have learned into practice. Can you use your brilliant imagination to write a story? Think about the character, where they will go, who they will meet and what they will do. I wonder if you can use any exciting language. Can you design your own fairy tale house? Think about the cottage that Goldilocks turned up to, or the houses that the three little pigs built. What will your house look like? Talk with your child about the materials they will need to use to build their house. Over the course of this half term please work with your child to complete the above. Each of the activities has been designed to support, enhance and enrich an aspect of the curriculum. We are looking forward to seeing the results of your work together. Thank you! We will talk about the characters in the story and explore the settings. We will use exciting language to describe them and have a go at writing our very own stories using story maps. We will continue to use our phonics for spelling and practise our letter formation. In Maths we will be concentrating on halving and sharing and we will learn to use vocabulary that is linked with the topics. We will be discussing various celebrations this term and we look forward to exploring St.Patricks day and making props for this celebration. We will have a look at different places around the world and see what type of weather they have, what kind of trees or flowers they have and why? One of the key ways every parent can help is to ensure that your child is at school every day and on time. Other than this, the main way you can help is by ensuring that your child reads every day, for at least 10 minutes with you, it is the most effective way of ensuring that your child progresses and learns outside of school. This term we will be making own our houses. Please may we have any of your recyclable materials from home so that we can use this as junk modelling. Thank you! At the end of every term, we will invite you in to share your child’s learning with them and to look at their books. This term the date for this will be Wednesday 3rd April at 3pm. In Reception, we are keen explorers and spend lots of time in the garden. We will go out no matter what the weather! As the weather, gets colder and wetter please ensure your child is in school with a waterproof coat. We ask all children to keep a pair of named wellington boots at school to use throughout the year. Please pass these on to your class teacher. We would like to invite you into class on Friday mornings from 8:45-9:20 to read with the children. Everyone is welcome and no notice is needed, just show up! If you have any questions, please talk to Mr Brown or Miss Weeks.
The snow finally fell! Last Wednesday morning, we woke to about 2 inches of snow on our front lawn and that is when the excitement began. My boys were ecstatic and wanted to stay home from school to play in the snow. Of course, we had to go to school and I knew that once there, my first graders would be just as thrilled. I decided to put aside my carefully planned activities for the morning and quickly created the necessary pieces for the students to do some snowy writing. I came up with a writing activity called, How to Build a Snowman. My students had so much fun with this activity and learned a great deal about writing directions. First, I gave the students what I call a “think sheet.” A think sheet is a place where they can organize their thoughts with drawings or words. In this case, the students all drew the steps for building a snowman first. I used the prompt words, “first,” “then,” “next,” and “finally” to help them organize their writing. After drawing their ideas, the students took their “think sheet” and put it into words. You can see both the “think sheet” we used and the final writing paper in the following pictures. The nice thing about this activity was that it was adaptable for all learning levels and at the same time allowed all the children to be creative and share their directions for building a snowman. Leave out the words first, next, finally and have students simply write their instructions in their own way as long as it stays true to the assignment and makes sense.
The nature reserve covers an area of 740 has hanging in the territory of the municipality of Rome, between the via Trionfale and the via Cassia, constitute a natural corridor between the urbanized area north of Rome and the Veio natural system-Cesano, Northwest of the capital. The Insugherata and surrounding areas preserve traces and memories of the vicissitudes of life and public life, that have crossed more than two thousand years. In reserve were surveyed over 630 species of flora that peculiar reserve: 44 is the protected area containing most of the herbs listed in Rome. It takes its name from the presence of numerous examples of cork oaks. Entering the reserve you can see a natural landscape rather articulate, switching from degraded areas "with soft Garrigue scents" dominated by Cistus and the Asphodel who loves sunny meadows and is a weed. The inula which is a plant frutice Woody at the base and abundantly branched, vigorous, with erect branches with buds pubescent, issued a strong aromatic odor of resin. In the Woods, dominate the Cork oak and downy oak, going down in the valleys, in a fresh condition, we find plants of hornbeam, Hazel, the manna-ash and oak, which constitute the so-called mixed forest. In the Valley, along the streams, we meet the white willow. The natural Reserve of the insugherata is a jewel of great natural value that has the distinction of being in the urban fabric of Rome. Initial reports are from the 6th century BC. Cross the Roman history and story of the Etruscans, the Rome of the Caesars and the Rome of the popes, in a sequence of events more or less documented up to the present day. Old postcards depicting "The Casino" Villa Doria Pamphili is one of the most important parks located within the city of Rome and also one of the biggest, in fact, extends to 184 hectares. One afternoon in January, past the winter solstice, stroll in one of the most beautiful parks in Rome, with the Sun that warms like spring, is nice. Alive and intense are the colors of nature that surround the Park during this period, old-world charm. The Villa, designed by the sculptor Alessandro Algardi and painter Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi in the early 1600s, is one of the best preserved in the city. Among athletes that disposing of festive lunches running around the pond filled with ducks, and a sky that is reflected in the clear water, clove stroll is a pleasure. The Palm trees and giant trees are trees that speak of the history living. In 1960, Villa Pamphili was divided into two separate parts for the opening of the Olympics on the occasion of the 17TH Olympic Games. All around, the meadows and trees green vibrate so alive to look a yellow card coated the leaves of late autumn Shine gloss in the Sun of winter. Country house of Pamphilj family, under the pontificate of Pope Innocent X (1644-1655), the Villa took on the appearance of a sumptuous aristocratic residence. Meet moms and kids playing on the meadows and lovers embraced that linger along the river. The road separates the Village into two zones; in the East lies the richest sector of testimonies and monuments, historic buildings and gardens, fountains and special furnishings, while to the West the Park remains a more "wild" and nature. Curious visitors photograph the secret garden, box hedges so well cared for by skilled gardeners who perfectly know how to represent through the Topiary, a tribute to the beauty of the garden. In 1972, with the acquisition by the municipality of Rome becomes, a public park, is also the headquarters of the Italian Government.
Europe's cities and landscapes are marked by physical memories of the past. Castles, bridges and archaeological wonders are some of the most quintessential examples. Traditions, languages and art passed through the generations shape our everyday lives. "Our cultural heritage is more than the memory of our past; it is the key to our future. A European Year of Cultural Heritage will be an opportunity to raise awareness of the social and economic importance of cultural heritage and to promote European excellence in the sector." "I call on the European Parliament and Council to support our proposal and invite all stakeholders to help make this Year a success." Because cultural heritage is so central to Europe's identity and due to the grave threats it faces in conflict zones, the European Commission considers that the time is right to celebrate cultural heritage in 2018. The year will highlight what the EU can do for conservation, digitisation, infrastructure, research and skills development. Cultural heritage is supported through Creative Europe, the funding programme for the cultural and audiovisual sectors. Events will be organised across Europe, as well as information, education and awareness-raising campaigns. Cultural heritage can play a key role in the EU's relations with the rest of the world, particularly in responding to the destruction of cultural heritage in conflict zones and the illegal trafficking of cultural artefacts.
In today’s world everyone approach for a low calorie diet, which makes them slim and fit. But here today we are going to discuss something different, the best healthier high calorie foods that we must follow in our diet to gain weight and to keep yourself healthier and stronger. The particular amount of energy obtained from food item is referred as calorie. Generally low calorie foods supply less energy which keeps you fuller. In low calorie food consumption, the fat stored in body is used to perform several tasks and also there will be weight loss attained, but if this mechanism prolongs and you may lose on weight continuously, then muscle atrophy occurs and finally immunity power is lowered in body. This can also be dangerous to your health. So you may need to switch on consuming high calorie foods that are healthier to your body. Higher metabolic rate person feels difficult to gain weight. So those who struggle to gain weight can take high calorie foods that are healthier too. Also in weight gaining process never take unhealthy foods like sugary foods to put on weight, which might affect your total body health. People wrongly think that if a food is found with high in calories, which is not healthier choice. According to their mindset low calorie foods are healthier one. If you need to live a disease free condition, active and healthier living then these high calorie foods can do wonder in your body and make you healthy. In hundred gram chia seeds we get 480 kilo calories. In simple words chia seeds are said to be the powerhouse of nutrition. There are huge health benefits of chia seeds found. Chia seeds are dense source of calcium, fiber, omega 3 fatty acids and other nutrients. Minimum one hour soaking of these seeds in water is essential to get optimum nutrition from chia seeds; also you can soak this seeds overnight in water. Hundred gram of dark chocolate gives 580 kilocalories. The cocoa content is higher in dark chocolate thus making it denser source of calories. Flavonoids and antioxidants are found higher in dark chocolates, thereby that help to get disease free condition. Dark chocolate enhance the mood, because it helps in release of feel good hormones in body, cocoa contain calcium and iron also it enhance the circulation of blood in throughout body. Hundred gram of quinoa supplies 360 kilo calories. Quinoa is referred as superfood, it is gaining popularity in recent days among public, and people get aware about this food. This quinoa is loaded with healthy fats, protein, slow release carbohydrate and other minerals. You can start your day with quinoa for breakfast or you can have it during lunch times. Just hundred gram of tahini provides 595 kilo calories, these tahini are prepared from sesame seeds. It is a popular food on Middle East countries. Initially the sesame seeds to be toasted, hulled and then to be grounded to make a paste of it. This tahini is higher in healthy fats, protein and thus making it a much healthier choice of high calorie foods. Hundred grams of raisins provide 360 kilo calories. Natural sugar is found higher in dried fruits, dry fruits like walnut, raisins, almonds, figs etc are denser source of minerals, fiber, antioxidants and vitamins. Try to consume natural dried fruits that are not loaded with any added sugars in it. The excess sugar present in raisins helps to satisfy your craving for sweet, thereby controlling to take less sugar. One hundred gram of mackerel provides 305 kilo calories, it comes from tuna family. There are 30 species of mackerel found; in mackerel omega 3 fatty acids like EPA is found denser that has anti-inflammatory properties. The DHA is also found higher amount on mackerel, which makes it healthier for brain and nervous system. Protein, vitamin D, calcium, healthy fat is found richer on this; these can be had regularly in your diet to keep your body healthier and protect your heart. Just hundred grams of coconut oil supplies 895 kilo calories to your body, this oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial property in it. The medium chain fatty acids found in organic coconut oil helps in digestion easily. The immune power is enhanced by taking coconut oil, also cardinal strength are boosted. They protect the body from microbial infections. Hundred grams of avocado supplies 160 kilo calories, it is called as nature’s butter, it has good healthier fats in it. It acts as a natural liver cleanser; it is loaded with vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. One hundred gram of dairy product gives 75-120 kilo calories. Products like cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, cottage cheese and milk are denser source of calcium, protein and calorie dense one. If you have allergic issues then avoid taking these dairy products otherwise it is a good perfect choice to have in your diet. One tablespoon of peanut butter provides 100 kilo calories, these butter help out in gaining muscles, fat burning and protect from cardiac diseases. Just you can spread this peanut butter on our toast and have it easily. Healthier high calorie food it is. No time for breakfast? You can try our special smoothie options! Deal with pregnancy induced hypertension!
John McNally, Member of Parliament for Falkirk discusses the importance of encouraging young people to engage in the political process. One of my favourite quotes is ‘Get busy in your own small corner and you can change the world’. It’s deceptively simple – but to me this is the essence of politics. The actions of an individual can lead to big changes in the wider community. When you are young it’s easy to feel as though your opinions do not matter and that no one will listen even if you do speak out. Yet the truth is that young people are the lifeblood of change and we must connect with them and let them know that politics is about their lives and their future. In Scotland we have led the way by introducing the voting age of 16. This has proven that the best way for young people to learn about politics is to get involved. Removing the age barrier has been a fundamental step towards this goal. Votes at 16 not only encourages young people to engage in the issues that interest them but it boosts their confidence in voicing their concerns and identifying a political party they can identify with. School debates have been a great way to tap into this. I feel we could also set up a platform targeted at voters in their twenties to engage in a national conversation. And we should make it clear that anyone who wishes to, can participate in and attend youth parliaments or visit the Scottish Parliament or Westminster. Many schools do this already with great results. I have encouraged my younger constituents to visit me at the UK parliament. These places can seem remote and irrelevant to teenagers but I have seen how engaged and inspired they are on visits to see where the big decisions are made. In Westminster, I recently I met a group of youngsters from Edinburgh University for a question and answer session where they voiced their deep and well thought out concerns on climate change. Young people of all backgrounds are passionate about how the world should be run – they just need a positive and encouraging environment in which to express themselves. This process should be started in their own backyard in community groups and volunteer services. My nine-year-old niece has just been voted on her school’s pupil council. At that young age, she and her young friends are getting a taste of having their ideas put into action. Suddenly she’s working for her classmates. Putting their ideas together so that school life can be even better. Her big sister volunteers at her local Brownies group. Again she’s reaching out to the community. And in doing that she learns about leading younger children while working as a team and dealing with the public. As an MP, my office brings in young interns and work experience kids from schools to let them get a taste of politics at a local level. We work towards making contact with support groups and they will be exposed to this too. From WASPI, the incredible organisation that is supporting women through changes to their pension rights to those fighting social injustice and pro-environmental campaigners. There is an army of volunteers I have come to know through chairing two Environmental Audit Committee APPGs and these people, through going on publicised ‘nurdle hunts’ and finding plastics on our beaches, have highlighted the importance of cleaning up the environment. Many youngsters are in their ranks. Their dedication has helped lead to the UK Government banning microbeads and some of the biggest companies in the world now reviewing the plastics they use in their products. This is people power at its best. In my former life, long before coming to the political world, I was a young hairdresser in my hometown of Denny and had a business there for fifty years. I had not been a huge fan of school so I was best suited to getting out into the world and making things happen. I experienced then the value of being part of a community and this led me towards a future in politics. The challenge comes in helping youngsters from deprived backgrounds see that there is a way forward and that their voices count, no matter if they have a lack of confidence. I would appeal to anyone working in politics, from a local to national level, to reach out. Get school kids helping in the office. Go into schools yourself, give a talk on politics and find out what the kids are passionate about. It’s time we old folk in suits bridged the gap. Our teenagers will do the rest.
Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) is a classification of goods used to classify the exports and imports of a country to enable comparing different countries and years. The classification system is maintained by the United Nations. The SITC classification, is currently at revision four, which was promulgated in 2006. The SITC is recommended only for analytical purposes - trade statistics are recommended to be collected and compiled in the Harmonized System instead. The following excerpt was taken from the United Nations Statistics Division, international trade statistics branch: "For compiling international trade statistics on all merchandise entering international trade, and to promote international comparability of international trade statistics. The commodity groupings of SITC reflect (a) the materials used in production, (b) the processing stage, (c) market practices and uses of the products, (d) the importance of the commodities in terms of world trade, and (e) technological changes." For other uses, see SITC (disambiguation). Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) is a classification of goods used to classify the exports and imports of a country to enable comparing different countries and years. The classification system is maintained by the United Nations. The SITC classification, is currently at revision four, which was promulgated in 2006. The SITC is recommended only for analytical purposes - trade statistics are recommended to be collected and compiled in the Harmonized System instead. "For compiling international trade statistics on all merchandise entering international trade, and to promote international comparability of international trade statistics. The commodity groupings of SITC reflect (a) the materials used in production, (b) the processing stage, (c) market practices and uses of the products, (d) the importance of the commodities in terms of world trade, and (e) technological changes."