By Kate Kaye . Published on May 20, 2013. Imagine for a second that you could interview a product. How often is it being used? For how long? And where in the house does it live? Sounds crazy, but it's increasingly probable as marketers mine for data beyond the usual places -- web browsers, loyalty programs and smartphones -- and capture information from pill packages, soda fountains and the most mundane of consumer implements, the toothbrush. Take the $49.99 Beam Brush, launched in January. It syncs with a user's smartphone to record brushing time, and that data can be tracked and shared with dentists, orthodontists and, eventually, insurance companies, all on an opt-in basis. "People often refer to us as a toothbrush company, but we're not. We're actually not interested in toothbrushes at all. We're interested in health data," said Alex Frommeyer, co-founder of Beam Technologies, based in Louisville, Ky. "In many ways, [data-tracking] is the entire point" of the Beam Brush. Beam is conducting a pilot with an insurance firm and negotiating a deal to distribute the Beam Brushes to policyholders, who would agree to exchange usage data for incentives such as lower rates. The Beam Brush is the latest twist in the development of data-producing products such as GPS watches, internet-synced bathroom scales, the Fitbit calorie-and-exercise tracking system and the Nike+ FuelBand, a bracelet that uses an accelerometer to gauge a person's activity throughout the day. But beyond fitness and health care, the data mined from sensor-equipped products could hold huge advantages for marketers. The biggest opportunity could be in more "simple product" categories -- such as consumer packaged goods -- in which data-generating technology helps marketers test ideas and could eventually guide everything from product positioning to distribution. In effect, data allows marketers to get feedback directly from products, said John T. Cain, VP of SapientNitro and co-founder of Sapient-owned Iota Partners, an agency that "instruments" products and environments to understand consumer behavior. "If you could talk to the products, you might get a completely different perspective," he said, doing his best rendition of a 21st century Dr. Dolittle. "As the price of technology comes down, increasingly there will be and can be embedded sensing bits in products." For now, instrumentation mostly comes in the form of attaching sensors to products, often for testing rather than for tracking sales and live consumer interactions. SapientNitro, for example, enhanced a household-cleaning product with cameras to capture how the cleaner was used in consumer's home. "The client came to us and asked if we could do a customer journey and we said we can do one better—we can do a product journey," said Mr. Cain. "We can outfit real-world products with cameras and ... data loggers." Tracking noted the days of the week the cleaning product was used and showed its "stuckness" -- meaning it was often left in a cabinet, garage or basement versus being used throughout the home, said Mr. Cain. "That provided a lens into where it's not going." SapientNitro also worked with Mars-owned Wrigley and a grocery retailer to measure consumer interest in a poorly selling confectionary product. The system detected mobile-phone signals to track dwell times and consumer paths around the product. "It gets you thinking about new ways to pair the product with other allied categories ... maybe [in] the dental aisle," said Mr. Cain of the product, which he declined to name. Ogilvy Innovations Worldwide, meanwhile, is working with 14 clients on projects that feature some sort of data-gathering element, according to Mark Seeger, the division's director. The agency is testing data-tracking technology in a CPG brand in Europe, though wouldn't share details on the client or category. Coca-Cola has 12,000 consumer-data-collecting devices across Five Guys burger joints, cineplexes and college campuses. They're better known as Freestyle machines: digital fountains that let consumers choose from 125 flavors and drinks and then feed data on those choices back to Coke. There's a lot the global beverage giant could learn from Freestyle usage patterns, such as flavor combinations that could inform products or marketing and regional preferences. Susan Stribling, Coca-Cola's director-public affairs and communications, said the company is starting to look at how it might use the data. "We're able to attain a significant amount of ... data which allows us opportunities to leverage new-product ideas," said Ms. Stribling. "But our current focus is on using that data for supply-chain benefits." Coke sometimes provides reports on consumption, inventory and forecasting to help outlets budget and gauge top-selling products. "We do have the ability to leverage data for new-product ideas and other future innovations—and we plan to become more active in this space -- but we're just starting to scratch the surface," she said. As the potential for data-generating products rises, it raises questions, most notably: Whose data is it, anyway? "That's the prime thing in contention here," said SapientNitro's Mr. Cain. Marketers need to tread carefully to strike the right contract with consumers. At Beam Brush, the user owns the data collected by the toothbrush, according to Mr. Frommeyer. He added that Beam needs to access the data through its brushes "for security and maintenance." "From there we are presenting the opportunity for certain customers to sell their data in the form of getting insurance [discounts], for example. ... The consumer is at the center of the model." Health-tracking armband maker Body Media, recently acquired by Jawbone -- another activity-tracking bracelet seller -- does not sell its data but stores it and uses it to refine algorithms, according to Gwen Smith, director of marketing. Assuming consumers see benefits from data-tracking products, the possibilities for gathering behavior data through everyday products are endless. Car makers such as BMW can track anonymized location data and vehicle speeds to gain insight into how vehicles are used and how they may be improved. And GE has built data-collection abilities into the dishwashers, refrigerators and heaters in its smart-appliance line. Part of the value proposition is for the consumer: Appliances connected to a smart grid allow homeowners to better regulate their own energy consumption and costs. "Even saltines boxes and rubbish will someday have a kind of embedded sensing technology," said Mr. Cain. "But the equation has to be cracked for consumers to accept this technology in their lives. There has to be some sort of reciprocity ... some sort of intrinsic value." Like CPG brands, drug makers have little insight into who buys their medications and how the drugs are taken. "For an industry as large and far-reaching as pharma, it has surprisingly little tie-in to their users," said Mark Seeger, director of Ogilvy Innovations Worldwide. Data could be the key to changing that. Thousands of digitized pill packages are floating around North America, Europe and Asia as part of a trial involving multiple pharmaceutical clients working with Ogilvy's Innovations Worldwide unit. The Ogilvy team of product designers and engineers devised a cost-efficient digital screen similar to Amazon's Kindle, for use on prescription-drug boxes. While the screens serve as a "communications portal" for product information that can be updated, the ability to gather data on drug usage "is the other motivation for them to do it," said Mr. Seeger. "They get data on every single patient on how compliant they are, which is recorded historically." The technology could give pharma firms a more direct line to patients, he said. Knowing more about whether patients take pills properly, or at all gives physicians important insights and could offer incentives for prescribing a data-enhanced drug over a competitor's.
Enterprise risk management (ERM) continues to be a center of attention at the highest levels of most companies. Support for this holistic view of risk management has been constantly gaining followers over the past decade or so. For most people, ERM is, in fact, a very logical progression from the more traditional risk management role. Expanding the focus from a limited risk viewpoint to include the reward side of the equation gained traction quickly, particularly in the face of the worldwide financial crises that have plagued financial institutions over the past 10 years. Logic notwithstanding, it appears that a major element of the ERM model, however, has remained elusive. According to the most recent annual Towers Watson & Companies' risk and finance manager survey, 57% of the respondents note that they have ERM programs in place. However, despite this encouraging uptick, participants also point to difficulty in determining the actual value of their program. The survey notes that 40% state "no one in their organization has been able to articulate the program's value." Even worse, since a convincing case for an acceptable value proposition cannot be made, some ERM programs have merely become compliance-driven activities. With corporate directors on the hot seat with regard to risk oversight, it is no longer acceptable to provide a risk management program that does not have measurable results. Thus, it becomes critical for risk management professionals to champion an ERM program that has clearly defined and easily observed results. Obviously, a new approach to ERM is required. While several expanded ERM ideas have been advanced over the past few years, most turn out to be heavy on theory and light on measurable results. But this could change quickly as rPM3 Solutions, LLC, begins to make available its patented Risk & Performance Management (R-PM) system to a wider audience. According to Gary Bierc, founder and CEO, "Any long-term risk management solutions must have a measurable beginning and a measurable end." Christopher Mandel, rPM3 Solutions' EVP and past president of the Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS), is all too familiar with the problem. "This is the number one question regarding ERM today: Where's the value?" He indicates that this is a question that goes all the way from middle management up to top management, including the board of directors. For many organizations, it has become a burning issue, points out Mandel. "What's our company getting out of ERM?" And more specifically: "What's the return for us?" At this point, he says, "Too many times, companies are left wondering if ERM is nothing more than a concept." What is needed, he says, is "a better method, one with measurable results." The infancy of the R-PM system occurred when Bierc was the risk manager at Moore Corporation, Ltd. He says that he was challenged by Moore's CEO and CFO to develop a risk management program that was "all about the return on a risk performance basis." Even at this early stage, in 1997, he says, "our financial people realized that it was important to make the program strategic." Thus, Bierc was going to have to find some risk management method that was going to provide evidence that the program was working. He recognized that this would require the development of a new risk accounting and performance-focused measurement tool that would allow him to provide easy-to-understand, hard-dollar results. What ultimately came out of this exercise was a business process known as Aggregate Risk Quantification (ARQ). Bierc refined his approach and, in order to assure the validity of the system, he enlisted the help of the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business to determine if it "does what we claim it can do." The Darden School reviewed the approach and the results, and validated the method that Bierc was using. Shortly thereafter, he made applications to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for a patent on his new business method. A patent for the process was awarded on October 5, 2010. While there are many differences between traditional ERM and the R-PM system, one of the most visible starts with the all-important risk assessment process. "Rather than taking more of a traditional shotgun approach to risk assessment where you look at everything," Bierc explains, "we review specific historical financial data to provide a better assessment." To date, risk assessments have been primarily qualitative in identifying and prioritizing risks. However, since this method lacks direct relevance to financial goals and targets, it has limited application in a proactive ERM program. By using the rPM approach, Bierc states, a company can "align its risk assessment activities so that they are focused based on actual performance." This unique approach develops a "historical dateline analysis" that quickly shows where a company is allocating its resources. The assessment process allows a company to identify, examine, and quantify the material risk events that affected its key business drivers and, ultimately, business performance. The ARQ measurement tool creates what Bierc calls a "5th Financial Statement"—the Statement of Risk. The statement extracts directly from a company's general ledger the actual dedicated and discrete risk management costs. This is extremely important because the "cost of risk" is at the core of how a company does business, states Bierc. By using the ARQ, risk managers can begin creating genuine Risk Accounting Statements and Performance Measurements that break down the results into understandable risk components that are expressed in hard-dollar values. In essence, Mandel notes, "risk managers can now accurately measure the ROI of their ERM programs." Obviously, he says, "this puts accountability squarely on the risk management function," not something that all risk managers are looking forward to. The rPM approach to enterprise risk management really represents a paradigm shift, says Bierc. "While in theory, traditional ERM makes sense to upper management and boards, it continues to lack the ability to provide a measurable result, thereby also lacking a method to confirm the value proposition." By using a more elegant approach such as the patented ARQ business model, organizations can not only measure the enterprise cost of risk, but its relationship to revenue as well. The rPM solution then becomes "where risk and performance meet." The rPM3 solution may well represent the next evolution in enterprise risk management. Having the ability to articulate the performance of the risk management function in hard dollars is huge. It could well result in significant additional take-up and acceptance by management and boards across all industries. For the first time, risk managers will be able to provide valuable risk-related data and decision-making information to company management with regard to any actions under consideration, and do it in a transparent way that is quantifiable. As Mandel points out, being able to document the performance side of the risk business is "a big deal." So, what does this have to do with mid-sized agents and brokers? Bierc notes that the company is now in the process of beta testing a software solution that "will automate the ARQ process." This would be a stand-alone piece of software that will be made available to a select group of rPM associates, including independent agents and brokers. Bierc points out that this would then make the rPM solution and the accompanying ARQ technology economically feasible for smaller clients. At this point, rPM3 Solutions is aware that a number of big box brokers have made a significant investment in putting together ERM consulting units that are, for the most part, based on traditional ERM thinking, (i.e., no way to determine with precision the value of ERM). He also realizes that ERM is the future of risk management and, as such, is aware that some mid-sized brokers are looking to take advantage of ERM in their strategic growth plans. Now those mid-sized agents and brokers can differentiate themselves and their services by utilizing the rPM3 Solutions approach. By partnering with rPM3 Solutions, mid-sized brokers can take their risk management business to the next level. Should a broker/agent be considering how best to compete with the large national brokers with regard to ERM consulting services, Bierc and Mandel may have an option worthy of deliberation. As Gary Bierc and Christopher Mandel are both fond of saying, "You can't say no to an ROI." This fact will remain a major selling point for years to come.
(Reuters) - German cities are starting to introduce bans on older diesel vehicles that emit higher amounts of pollutants than later models after the country’s highest administrative court in February confirmed such bans are permissible. Germany’s cities have for years flouted Europe’s clean air rules, prompting environmental groups to sue local governments in an attempt to force bans of some heavily polluting vehicles. The first diesel ban took effect in May in Hamburg. Diesel car sales in Germany fell to 31.1 percent of the total in the first half of 2018 from 41.3 percent a year earlier, while in the European Union sales declined by 16 percent during the period. After a court ruling in Cologne on Nov. 8, imposing diesel driving bans in certain areas of West Germany’s Cologne and Bonn, another court ruled on Thursday that authorities must also ban diesel carts from parts of two other cities and a busy motorway in Germany’s industrial heartland. A court ruled that the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia must ban older diesel vehicles from parts of the nation’s industrial heartland, including a busy motorway as well as the city center of Essen and some areas of Gelsenkirchen. A court ruled that Cologne must introduce bans on older diesel vehicles in certain areas from April 2019. The nearby city of Bonn must impose bans for two roads. A court ruled that Mainz, the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate, must impose a driving ban on older diesel vehicles in September 2019, if nitrogen oxide and fine particulate matter pollution levels are not brought down to agreed limits. The city can appeal against the ruling. The state of Baden-Wuerttemberg plans to ban older diesel cars with engines conforming to the Euro 4 emissions standard, which stems from 2005, in Stuttgart in 2019. A ban on diesel cars adhering to the Euro 5 emissions standard, which applied to vehicles made from 2009, is still before the court. A local administrative court in June said driving bans would be imposed unless values for nitrogen oxide pollution were met by the end of year. From February 2019 diesel cars made to Euro 4 standard and older will be prohibited from entering the city center, the administrative court in Wiesbaden ruled in September. The air pollution control plan, to be updated by the state of Hesse, must also include a driving ban for diesel vehicles of the Euro 5 standard from September 2019. In October, the administrative court ruled that by the end of June 2019, cars and trucks with diesel engines that comply only with the Euro 5 or lower emission standard, should not be allowed to drive on at least eleven routes. In Munich, city authorities have not implemented a court ruling from February 2017, to ban some diesel vehicles on certain routes, despite facing fines for their failure to do so. In Duesseldorf a court ordered, as early as 2016, that a driving ban for diesel vehicles should be seriously examined. Despite that, in August 2018 the district government of the city presented a new air pollution control plan without driving bans. Below are the German cities where regional courts are due to decide on the introduction of bans on diesel cars, along with the provisional ruling dates.
RIG Arts are extending our involvement with the regeneration of Broomhill by building two community gardens – ‘Broomy’s Bees’ and ‘Broomy’s Butterflies’ – in the area. The garden will support a mini-ecosystem for the area which will in turn support the important campaign to save Britain’s bees. Broomy’s Bees’ garden links Greenock’s industrial heritage, particularly the history of the Tate & Lyle sugar factory, with a plan to support the campaign to save Britain’s bees, and provide an important footstep towards Broomhill’s regeneration. Tate & Lyle were producers of Lyle’s Golden Syrup, which has the distinctive logo of a dead lion with bees buzzing over it. Underneath, the motto “Out of the strong came forth sweetness” is taken from a Biblical story in which Samson kills a lion, and when passing the same spot on his return notices that a swarm of bees have formed a honeycomb in the carcass. It is thought that the symbolism used by Tate & Lyle refers either to the strength of the company or the tins in which golden syrup is sold. However, RIG Arts also believes that this symbolism can be applied to the current large-scale redevelopment Broomhill is undergoing: out of Greenock’s strong heritage will be a sweet future. The garden will include both covered and uncovered seating, so that ‘Broomy’s Bees’ can be enjoyed even in bad weather, as well as planter beds designed to flower throughout the year attracting a variety of insects, supporting a mini-ecosystem for the area. ‘Broomy’s Bees’ will also act as an educational sensory garden. Information will be provided on tactile surfaces with facts and engaging statements about ecosystems and geography engraved into tiles. These will also bring more colour, especially in the winter months. Bug boxes will be made during community workshops and installed in the garden. Further sensory elements will be provided in terms of planters and fence railings using the honey-comb structure, reeds and rushes that can be said to sound like the buzzing of insects, and patterned windbreakers, also providing more shelter. Light designers will be commissioned to create subtle interactive lighting to increase safety and create a welcoming atmosphere to the garden after dark. General overhead lighting will not be used so as to avoid mimicking natural daylight, instead creating variance and adding another reason to visit the garden throughout the evening, particularly welcome in the winter months with shorter daylight hours. Simple spot-lighting would be used to highlight the engraved information tiles. The current site is a concrete courtyard on Ann Street directly across from three high-rise tower blocks of flats. The space would be an ideal relaxation and respite area for the residents who do not have access to their own gardens. There are currently 5 planters on the site however they are overgrown and the concrete area is riddled with weeds. This is the perfect time for improvement as it is coming hand in hand with Broomhill’s regeneration and the growing sense of community pride and ownership in the local residents. We will improve biodiversity by bringing a range of planted and wildflowers into the mainly concrete area of Broomhill. This will attract bees and other wildlife, facilitating cross pollination of plants and create an environment where wildlife can thrive. The introduction of wildlife and greenery into the urban space will regulate air quality and climate change. We will promote physical activity by making the green space an inviting environment to encourage residents out of their flats, to take walks with pets and to take their children out to play etc. The garden will be a welcoming space to encourage people who are hesitant to leave their home to spend active time outdoors in a place that is local enough not to be too daunting. We will improve wellbeing through creating an outdoor space to facilitate healthy and happy communities. Regular contact with plants, animals and a natural environment for people who live in an urban, mainly concrete area will improve both physical and mental wellbeing. We will create mini allotments as part of the original development of the space – with local residents taking ownership of small pieces of the garden. There will be one team leader/volunteer who residents will be able to report to concerning their allotments and who can maintain the garden more generally. These are the initial plans for the garden, but they may be subject to change.
A robot in Singapore can successfully assemble a piece of IKEA furniture. But there's still a long way before it can match human abilities, let alone be a superior alternative. The robot is the work of Nanyang Technological University students and is made up of two robotic arms and a 3D camera. The furniture in question is the "Stefan chair." It's a very basic chair frame that in theory is extremely simple to construct, however, the main reason it is challenging to build is due to a few screws that need to burrow quite deep in to wood. It therefore takes a surprising number of forceful revolutions to get the screws to bite into the wood. Constructing the chair is a one-person task. Contrary to some media reports, the two robotic arms approach is more about replicating a human's use of two arms and hands, rather than the marriage-challenging task of two humans working together. The robot wasn't speedy by any means, taking 11 minutes and 21 seconds of planning, three seconds to gather together the parts, and then 8 minutes and 55 seconds for the assembly. That's certainly slower than most humans would take on the task. While the 11 minutes planning stage may sound slow, this was key to the task. The robot had to start by identifying the pieces laid flat on the floor, replicating a human having opened the flat-pack box. It then had to use algorithms created by the students to plan the most efficient way to use both arms to bring components into the correct position without the two arms colliding. While flat-pack furniture is a useful test subject, the most likely practical use of the students work would be an assembly line robot that could be quickly reprogrammed to take on a task that doesn't justify the expense of a dedicated machine.
There are so many researchers that help us understand the strategic role of a supervisor or manager in the workplace. The person who makes the greatest difference for those who work (no matter where it is) is the immediate supervisor. It has been said that people don't leave jobs. They leave bosses. And not the bosses at the top of the ladder, the ones who run the entire organization. It is the "boss" who is closest to them who makes for a positive or negative work experience. Daniel Goleman helps us understand this with his theme of emotional intelligence and leaders creating resonant work spaces. The most important work a leader can do for those on her or his team is to create a resonant work atmosphere. 1. God Works and God Loves the Work He Does. 2. God created us in HIS own image, that means we too are designed to work. 3. God commanded Adam and Eve to work. 4. The work they did was to be meaningful since it was their way of partnering with God to create a world of culture. 5. Sin damaged, but not destroyed work. 6. The damage of sin takes a myriad of forms. Work has become difficult, frustrating, less productive, at times oppressive, and the systems of ownership and distribution are certainly unfair and inequitable. There are dozens and dozens of great quotes from people who truly love their work, who believe work is meaningful and worth doing very well. None of these quotes is distinctly biblical, but each quote is highly compatible with a biblical view of work. Tomorrow I will finish this week's thoughts on work with a few suggestions for a Biblical Worldview About our Work. Which ones do you most appreciate? Are there other quotes you would add to this list? If Henry Ford exalted work to a place it was not meant to have, today, there are many people who diminish work to a place where it loses it dignity and meaning. I think it is easiest if I provide a number of quotes that illustrate this contemporary mindset. When we fail to have a good theology of work, there are two main alternatives that emerge. The first is seen in the quote from Henry Ford, one of the fathers of modern industrialization. This is Work as Idolatry. Work becomes supreme. Work is the pathway to sanity, self-respect, salvation, health, wealth, and happiness. Work is the New Savior. All else is subordinated to one's work. This also gives HUGE power to those who own the means and places of work. We are now dependent on them for our jobs, which is our work, and our salvation. There are certainly those who believe this... but I think the second option is becoming more significant and that is tomorrow's post. How often do you hear someone complaining about their work? I assume it is pretty often. How often do you have the sense to put in just enough "work" to get by, do the minimum needed, call it a day and a week and head off for R&R. TGIF is the popular saying. I found this thought from Recovering Redemption (Matt Chandler) to be very inspiring. Here is a good one. You're Probably Making These Five Mistakes at Work. Today is a Final Word (at least for awhile) from Mr. Carlyle. Here it is. Once again we see how rooted Carlyle is in the Christian worldview. For that worldview has a VERY HIGH view of work. Created in God's image, we are creators, workers, doers, makers of artifacts, artisan of culture, laborers in the marketplace vineyards of endless occupations. We are created to do this. Much of the meaning and purpose of your life is to find out what you are made to do and what is made for you to do. At that intersection you discover identity, calling and vocation. Carlyle says this is one of the first problems every one of us must confront. What is the work we are to do in the universe? I love quotes. I collect them. When I find really, really good ones, I go looking for images and I mash the quote and image together. Work Smarter Not Harder! Really? There are some catchy phrases (Tag Lines) that have entered into the "Common Wisdom" of our day. Unfortunately, just because something is common and even accepted as wisdom, doesn't mean it is. You've heard one of those catchy Tag Lines many times. It goes like this: Work Smarter, Not Harder. Really!?! Who came up with that piece of advice? What is the research to show that it really generates results. Here is the problem. In many, if not most cases, we create these popular EITHER-OR dualisms that are really unhelpful. In this case it is the EITHER-OR of smarter or harder. Smarter and harder are set in contrast, in opposition to each other. That is the mistake right from the beginning. It is a FALSE dualism that is simply not true. Instead - the truth is that Good Work requires you to work smarter AND work harder.
A staircase can be one of the most unique elements of your home. No two staircases are the same, with the size, materials, balustrades, finishing newel posts and even the finish under the stairs being unique. One of the most important parts of every staircase and something that can truly make yours stand out, are the feature steps. These steps differentiate themselves from the rest of the steps and can have different shapes, colours, materials and can even interact differently with the rest of the stairs. What is the function of a feature step? A feature step acts as a way to improve the flow into adjoining rooms when using a staircase as you can begin to change direction, before actually exiting the stairs. This is because when you add a feature step, you move the final newel post back, leaving no balustrade at the bottom of the stairs. This may sound like a silly design feature that saves 0.1 of a second of your day, but in fact it actually makes moving around your home feel much more natural. The effect of moving the newel back is limited to the final two steps, this is due to staircase regulations. Adding contrast to a staircase. One of the most important aspects of any interior design project is creating the contrasting colour schemes, that aren’t overpowering, but feel natural and encourage progression. One of the ways you can do this on a staircase is by having a hardwood feature step, on a carpeted staircase. A hardwood step also acts as a boundary between your flooring and your stairs, with a neutral toned carpet and a light coloured floor, the step eases the transition between the staircase and the flooring. Types main of feature steps. There are two main types of feature steps, bullnose and curtail. With a bullnose meeting into the front of newel post and a curtail wrapping round into the side of a newel post. These can be combined by having a curtail on the bottom and a smaller bullnose on top. This combination offers the best possible combination and allows for the most flow between rooms. To see the different types of steps look at our Staircase Glossary. Getting a truly bespoke step. Even though you can get a great looking staircase with the standard types of step, in order to get the most unique possible staircase you can design your own feature step. In order to get some inspiration when it comes to having a unique feature step, have a look at our Staircase Gallery to get some inspiration.
Does a career of working one-on-one with young people interest you? Check out the Youth Care Worker program at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. You’ll find two options: the one-year certificate or the two-year diploma. Whichever you choose, you’ll need a steady personality, strong listening skills, compassion and respect for others. Graduates of the two-year diploma program are qualified for jobs as family support workers, group home staff, program coordinators or community outreach workers in a variety of educational, residential, social services or community-based agencies. You’ll participate in two extended work-based practicums. You’ll get hands-on experience implementing individual client programs, facilitating established agency programs, carrying out basic administrative functions and managing client education sessions. It’s an opportunity to build your professional skills while enhancing your own personal growth. Use your Youth Care Worker diploma to transfer into third year of the Bachelor of Applied Arts in Justice Studies at Lethbridge College in Alberta. As a graduate of the diploma program, you could work as a family support worker, group home staff, program coordinator or community outreach worker in a wide range of human service agencies. There are job opportunities in a wide range of settings—community-based child and youth programs, parent education and training, family support, school-based programs, residential treatment, recreation programs, therapeutic foster homes, child and youth advocacy, justice programs, AIDS education and support, life skills training and community development. A security clearance, personal interview and/or a medical may be required for practicum or observation visits. Admitted students are required to provide evidence of a Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Search prior to entering required coursework and practicum with children, youth and adults. At the discretion of the agency, a student may be declined access to a practicum placement based on the contents of the Criminal Record Check, personal interview and/or medical assessment. A student must complete the practicum placements to graduate from the program. The cost of the Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Search is the student's responsibility. Proof of current Standard First Aid and CPR 'C' or equivalent may be required prior to entry into a practicum. You will be introduced to the foundations and structure of group work. You will learn about group dynamics and the role of effective communication in group process. You will explore the concepts of roles, norms, motivation, diversity leadership and power as they relate to being an effective group member. Finally, you will be provided with the opportunity to develop practical skills and experience in group facilitation. You will be introduced to the scientific study of human behaviour. You will study psychology as a discipline of neuroscience and behaviour, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, learning and memory. You will reflect on professional practice with a focus on advanced knowledge and skills developed in youth care courses. You will develop a personal portfolio for practicum placement in PRAC 398, Practicum 1. You will explore the professional expectations of agencies involved in your placement. You will focus on the role of community development as a tool to improve service for youth. You will learn how to advocate for change and manage barriers that impede effective service delivery. You will be introduced to conflict theory and to approaches of resolving interpersonal conflict. You will examine the model of Interest Based Conflict Resolution. You will act as a mediator by applying the stages of the model. You will examine the process of mediation, family conferencing and community-based restorative justice in the criminal justice system. You will acquire extended experience working with program service individuals and families at risk. You will apply the knowledge gained through coursework and build helping skills needed for employment in work settings. You will assist with the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of case plans. You will facilitate, evaluate and revise program plans for established agency programs. You will lead agency programs and group work. You will receive an overview of the governance, organizational structures, funding mechanisms, and operations of human services agencies. You will learn the legal and employment considerations for clients, workers, and employers in human services. You will learn the principles of volunteer management and the process of writing effective proposals. You will be introduced to the many facets of culture. Your studies will focus on the personal attitudes and values involved in appreciating cultural differences. You will explore multiculturalism in Canadian society and discuss practices that promote acceptance of diversity in society. You will acquire knowledge and develop skills for suicide prevention and intervention. You will explore personal and community perspectives on suicide. You will identify and assess suicide risk factors, apply suicide intervention techniques, and examine ways to mobilize community support. You will identify suicide prevention and post-vention strategies related to helping individuals and the community. You will continue to examine the scientific examination of human behaviour introduced in PSYC 188, Psychology A. You will study intelligence, cognition and language, motivation and emotion, social psychology personality, health and stress. You will reflect on practicum experiences and the application of advanced theories, knowledge and skills in practicum settings. You will discuss current issues in the provision of youth services. You will add to your personal portfolio for practicum placement in PRAC 399, Practicum 2. You will explore the expectations of agencies involved in your placement. You will be introduced to the psychological and social disorders seen in youth at risk. You will learn how these disorders are manifested, screened, assessed, and treated. You will focus on the scope and characteristics of sexual violence in Canada. You will learn to identify indicators of sexual abuse, the impact on the victim and family and the recovery process. You will study the importance of self-awareness and self-care. You will have a second opportunity to acquire extended experience working with human services programs for at risk persons and groups. You will focus on the administration functions that youth care professionals carry out in the workplace. You will learn to develop your leadership, documentation, reporting and project management skills.
The Hebrew letter TET looks like this and sounds like our letter T. Literally it means twist or serpent. A good representative word that starts with TET is “tov” which means good, as in “mazel tov”. You hear this phrase at Jewish weddings, literally it means “good destiny” but is often translated as “good luck” even though Jews don’t believe in luck. The alphabetic (or acrostic) verses in the Bible give us lots of clues to important key words that start with each Hebrew letter. Alphabetic verses each start with the next succeeding Hebrew letter in the original scriptures. We lose this poetic form in translation. Psalm 25:8 Good and upright is the LORD: therefore will he teach sinners in the way. Lamentations 3:27 It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. Lamentations 3.26 It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. Psalm 119.68 Thou art good, and doest good; teach me thy statutes. Psalm 119:66 Teach me good judgment and knowledge: for I have believed thy commandments. Psalm 145.9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. Lamentations 3.25 The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. Amazingly, the word “tov” appears more in 1st Samuel than any other Old Testament history book (Joshua through Esther). Why is that amazing? Because there are 66 books in the Bible and if you match them up consecutively with the 22 Hebrew letters, the ones that match TET are 1st Samuel, Obadiah and 2nd Thessalonians. More amazing connections are made to the letter TET in all three books.
I can’t remember why I bought it but I did buy a pack of Dove’s Farm organic Einkorn flour. As an ‘ex archaeologist’ I sometimes get to thinking that I ought not to be an ‘ex archaeologist’ and put to use some of the skills and knowledge I used to use with some of the ones I have developed more recently. Baking bread makes me very happy and being able to make sourdough bread puts me in mind of our long departed ancestors who didn’t go to Tesco’s bread counter and blag industrial yeast but had to make do with what they had in their natural environment. I haven’t quite got round to building a wood fired bread oven in the garden in River Cottage style but am still making do with the electric oven. Here are two loaves that use all the modern technology but use some ancient style grains. “Einkorn or triticum monococcum, was the original wheat, developed over 20,000 years ago. We have been growing einkorn on our farm since 2008 and think the flour is perfect for bread baking. It grows on tall stalks which are distinguished by their short, flat, two row seed head which enclose small grains in an inedible husk. After harvest we remove the husk and mill the grain into a soft golden flour on our millstones. So, while the OH and the offspring were enjoying the delights of Silverstone and I was blogging the last Mellow Baker’s effort I had a couple of loaves of einkorn 50:50 with white flour on the go. The flour is not so coarse as some wholemeals and spelt flours that I have used. At 100% it could be a bit stodgy but at 50:50 it is just lovely. I’ll leave doing the sourdough version for another day. And here they are. If I eat any more I won’t have any of the deficit left that I worked up by running this morning.
The development of any new technology inevitably brings with it a variety of new terms, definitions, classifications, categories, etc., and drone technology is far from exempt from this common trend. This burgeoning new market has seen an explosion in terminologies, which can be quite confusing to navigate through and translate. Given the context of this blog, these drone talk explanations have been created with emergency response personnel in mind, to aid their efforts at comprehending this new technology for their use cases. The vast variation in drone terms combined with the already acronym-prolific Emergency Service vernacularism creates a linguistic nightmare. With this in mind, the objective of this blog post is to hopefully offer some clarity to the language used in the world of drones, so that first responders can focus solely on their own complex language rather than both. Over the past few years, the terms “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle” or “UAV”, and “Remotely Piloted Aircraft” or “RPA” have both become common lexicon within the industry. In most cases, UAV/RPA can only be operated as part of a system, ergo the terms “Unmanned Aerial System” or “UAS” and “Remotely Piloted Aircraft System” or “RPAS” have become widely utilised. The terms UAS or RPAS emphasises the importance of other elements’ involvement beyond the aircraft itself. A typical UAS/RPAS consists of a UAV/RPA, a remote pilot station – also known as a Ground Control Station (GCS), and the command and control (C2) communication links that join. The “RPAS” acronym has become the favoured term amongst European aviation authorities as the term “unmanned” can be misconceiving; legally speaking, the RPAS must always remain “manned”; whereas UAS or UAV is strongly favoured in American countries; yet “drone” appears to be almost universally understood. I personally feel that the best form of communication is through words that the majority will understand. Thus, while I appreciate the detrimental effects that the word “drone” has had upon this industry, I will reluctantly continue with the “drone” reference for maximum comprehension. A distinct dichotomy has formed in drone control classifications; namely between “remotely piloted” and “autonomous” aircrafts. Remotely piloted are somewhat self-explanatory with autonomous vehicles defined as “an unmanned aircraft that does not allow pilot intervention in the management of the flight”. (ICAO, 2011) However, a combination of the two is becoming an increasingly ubiquitous axiom. The military distinguish this category as “man on the loop” systems – as opposed to “man out the loop” systems – whereby the aircraft is capable of taking off, landing, and flying itself but with human supervision and intervention where necessary. Notably, navigating through a set of specified waypoints on its own is often regarded as autonomy, however these capabilities are more in the realm of autopilot. An analogical example being the difference between cruise control and a self-driving car. Hence autonomy, despite popular belief, is far from feasible at present – not to mention completely illegal. There are two main categories of drone: fixed wing and multi-rotor. There are further variations such as hybrids; however, discussing all airframe types falls outside the scope of this blog post, due to the sheer length of discussion that would be required! Instead, just these two key types will be discussed at this point. Range in size from tiny, hand-held electrics to 737-size jets. Have the ability to hover – remain motionless – over a target area. An Emergency Service drone is likely to be a tactical, organic asset that will travel with response staff and thus is immediately available and used on demand. This is in contrast to what the Emergency Services currently use for aerial assistance – a strategic asset, such as a Coastguard helicopter, which is deployed and tasked by an agency that then passes and filters information to the tactical teams as it becomes available. This current paradigm does not provide tactical teams with immediate aerial assistance and waiting for that higher height of eye advantage could result in a loss of life, thus forcing response teams to pursue the task without the invaluable situational awareness that an aerial vehicle can offer. Therefore, in my informed opinion, emergency response drones would be classified as a tactical, organic asset. Drones vary widely in size, from the Global Hawk with a “wingspan as large as that of a Boeing 737” to nano drones that have been designed to fit down pipes for inspection. (Casos, 2010, p.20) The image below shows how the United States’ Department of Defence categorise drone sizes. Notably, it is a longer and more costly process to receive permission to fly a drone over 7Kg in the UK, plus for drones weighing over 20kg the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) would need to assess it on a case-by-case basis – again, very time consuming. Therefore, the altitude and range – as depicted in the categorisation above – is less important than the drone’s weight; Emergency Services tend to utilise drones sub 7Kg for an easier route to Permission for Commercial Operation (PfCO). As such, a categorisation based on weight is more appropriate for Emergency Services than Rickett’s version. Despite the proliferation of terms and categorisations discussed, I hope that this blog post goes some way towards bringing clarification to the complex language of drones. ICAO, 2011. ICAO Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Circular 328 [online]. N/A: Blyenburgh &Co. MarketLine, 2014. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles The economic case for drones [online]. N/A: MarketLine. ML000017-024. NSARC, 2016. Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Search and Rescue Addendum to the National Search and Rescue Supplement to the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual Version 1.0. USA: NSARC. Rickett, M., 2014. The Then, The Now and The What Could Be [PowerPoint]. London: The Commercial UAV Show 2014. Unpublished. Wolfgang, B., 2013. Drone industry gives journalists not-so-subtle hint – don’t use the word ‘drones’ [online]. Available from: [Accessed 06 July 2017]. Washington: The Washington Times.
The development and maintenance of Automotive-Software-Systems is one of the most difficult challenges in the Automobile-Industry. By now 80% of today´s innovations are realised through software. This results in rapidly increasing complexity of such systems. The usage of UML is one approach to cope with this problem. The purpose of this approach is to encounter the higher design- and development-effort with early planning and documentation. Such an early definition of the architecture and the deployment is the basis for the reuse of components inside multiple vehicle types and the development and integration of complex software-systems where different stakeholders are involved. These stakeholders could be manufacturers, suppliers, sub-suppliers and so on. The demand of resources and timing properties are crucial factors of software components, which are used inside an automobile. These factors are highly relevant for the reliability and efficiency of an automobile. The classical approach is to develop more isolated functionalities for which these properties could be estimated based on experiences. This approach has lead to very complex systems with over 10 million LOC, executed on more than 80 different distributed ECUs, which are connected over up to 4 different types of busses (CAN, LIN, MOST, FlexRay). In future projects, it is expected that more functionalities would be realized on more complex ECUs, so that the classical approach is not suitable without bigger problems. Much more methods and techniques are needed, which allow to do an early performance prediction and comparison of architectural alternatives. Inside the project a methodical concept should be created, which allows to do a performance prediction during the development process using adequate analysis techniques and to evaluate architectural alternatives. Inside the developed methodology, it should be considered, which parts of the UML-Standard and what kind of UML-Profiles could be used to fulfill the above mentioned objectives. Beyond this, a prototypic solution for the analysis of architectural alternatives should be realized. For this purpose, a transformation from the UML-Models to a Task-Model has to be implemented. This Task-Model should be loaded inside the INCHRON toolset chronSim for an analysis of real-time-properties. The aim of such an analysis is to predict the performance of the late integrated system. This concerns especially properties like resource-demands and timing aspects. The project is collaboration between INCHRON, a member of the Hasso-Plattner-Ventures in Potsdam, and the Hasso-Plattner-Institute. The students will cooperate with INCHRON to acquire the relevant requirements and to evaluate the results of the project.
The college admissions process is incredibly stressful for students (as well as parents!). But, there are plenty of things you, as a parent, can do to make the process go smoothly, and boost your child’s chances of ending up at his or her dream school. A smart and savvy college admissions plan includes creating an effective system to keep track of admissions requirements and deadlines; doing research (both online and in-person) over admissions requirements and determine if schools are good fits; writing a personal statement, and paying attention to detail before submitting applications. Throughout the process (especially if rejections arrive), do your best to keep your student de-stressed, and remind him or her that where you go does not define who you are. The steps below are meant to guide you and your child through the college admissions process. And remember, Prep Expert’s SAT prep courses and ACT prep courses are a great way to improve your student’s standardized test scores and broaden his or her college options. Sit down with your child and draw up a list of schools he or she wants to apply to first and foremost. Be sure to include at least three safety schools, three right-on-target schools, and two or three reaches. Then, create a spreadsheet to track everything—application deadlines, fees, required essays and standardized test scores, etc. Google Drive is a good place to organize your child’s college admissions process. Drive allows you to share files (such as personal statement drafts) and update the admissions spreadsheet together as you go. In addition, Google Calendar allows you to create alerts to remind you and your child about upcoming deadlines and standardized test dates. There are plenty of other resources, such as Microsoft Office, to get you and your child organized. The important thing is for you to create an easy-to-access system to keep on track and on top the many details of the college admissions process. After you’ve set up a system to keep yourself organized, get on your colleges’ admissions websites and find out all the information you and your student need to stay on top of immediately. This includes application deadlines, admissions fees, standardized test requirements (typically, ACT or SAT and a few SAT Subject Tests), required essays, etc. You should also research the colleges more in-depth to ensure they are the right fits for your child. Most colleges and universities have Early Admission deadlines in November and Regular Admission deadlines in January. Many colleges have deadlines on the same dates, but double-check each one just to be sure. Additionally, most colleges and universities use the Common Application, which simplifies the admissions process tremendously. The Common Application allows your student to fill out a single application for multiple colleges all at once. However, be aware that some colleges don’t use the Common App, and many have additional essays or questions your student will need to answer. There is no better way to determine if a college or university would be a right fit for your child than to go and visit the campus. Talk to students and get a taste of what life at the school is like. Organize a trip in the spring of junior year, and visit schools with your student. It will be a chance to spend time with your child and allow him or her to check in with the admissions office. When doing your research, check if any of the prospective school have has a weekend designed for prospective students. Although you can visit the schools anytime, prospective students weekends are especially good times to visit. Student ambassadors will be present to answer your questions and provide tours of the campus, and there will be events focused on showcasing the school and answering questions about matters such as academics, financial aid, and housing. Things you will want to ask about on your college tour about are academics, student housing (whether it is guaranteed, and if so, for how many years), financial aid, resources available to students, and student life in general. Be sure to talk to students and ask them about their experiences on campus. In addition, check in with your student to see how he or she is feeling about each school as you visit. There’s a chance your child might have second thoughts about applying after the trip. Use these changes of mind as opportunities to discuss what your child is looking for specifically, and adjust the college list if necessary. The personal statement is your child’s opportunity to showcase him or herself. Admissions officers read thousands of personal statements every year. To stand out, your student should tell a story about a challenge he or she overcame, and how the experience shaped him or her personally. Remember “show, don’t tell”—for example, your child should cite examples of charity or teamwork, rather than simply stating he or she is charitable or a team player. It would be useful to sit down with your child and talk about his or her experiences in life, and come up with a few different ideas about what to write about. After this brainstorming process, your student can take a few passes at writing before finding the right topic. Give your child feedback as he or she writes drafts of the statement and perfects it. Remember that a good personal statement is free of cliches and predictable topics, self-aware, and well-written. As with the rest of the application, the final product should be looked over a few times to make sure it is free of errors. When it comes time to submit applications, review all of your child’s materials carefully. Look out for errors, such as mentioning the wrong school in a personal statement, or forgetting to answer a school’s supplemental questions. In addition to you and your student, another set of eyes—those of a spouse, a sibling, a guidance counselor—will be useful here. Be sure to submit all applications on time. Extensions are sometimes granted, but won’t reflect well on the application. Your application spreadsheet and calendar will help prevent this. Early Decision notifications arrive in November, and Regular Decision notifications arrive around the beginning of April. Do your best to alleviate the inevitable stress your student will be feeling during this time. Whether through encouragement, organizing a fun activity or trip, or using tried-and-true de-stressing methods, such as yoga or meditation, find activities to help them de-stress while waiting. When decisions arrive, your student might be admitted to his or her dream school and feel exultant. Or, a rejection or waitlist might arrive, leaving your student feeling disappointed, depressed, or angry. These negative feelings will be especially exacerbated if classmates and friends are accepted to schools your child isn’t. This is where our last piece of advice comes in. Remind your student that rejection is not the end of the world. Where you go to college does not define who you are. Countless successful people have gone to lesser known schools, or dropped out, or didn’t go to college at all. Give your child some perspective, and remind him or her that the future is still limitless. If your student is waitlisted at a school, work with him or her to send the college an updated high school transcript, and also to write a letter indicating continuing interest in the school. Although there are no guarantees, some schools do accept a significant number of applicants off their waitlists. Also, remind your student that the college he or she does attend might turn out to be a great fit. And, if he or she wants to, there is always the option of submitting a transfer application after freshman year. If you’re still early on in the college admissions process and your student has yet to take the SAT or ACT, then consider a test-prep course or signing up for one-on-one tutoring. Prep Expert’s strategies have helped countless students increase their scores and go on to the colleges and universities of their dreams. Classes and tutoring are offered in cities throughout the country, as well as online. In addition, online classes can be watched On-Demand, so if your student can’t make a class, or wants to watch at a different time, he or she can.
A dog that is choking doesn’t always cough, make retching sounds or display classic dog choking symptoms. If a choking dog is managing to cough, then it indicates that air is managing to get in and out, so can make the dog choking sound. In the situation above, you most likely have a dog choking but still breathing (which is clearly an advantage). When the airway is completely blocked, however, you may not even be aware that your dog is choking. One signal that can alert you to the fact that your dog genuinely can’t breathe is when he is pawing at his face. If you see such behavior, then it may indicate that he has something lodged in his throat. It is quite common to have a dog choking on rawhide. With our own dog we had this very frequently so we dropped the use of rawhide completely. We all get to know our dogs pretty well, so you’ll quickly recognize the difference between casual paw movements compared to significant or desperate pawing actions. The pawing movements will be towards the cheeks, and there’ll likely be little or no sound from your dog due to the shortage of air being allowed in or out. If it is safe to do so, open your dogs’ mouth and look for any obvious obstruction in its throat. Use a finger and thumb to remove the blockage. Again, only do this if your dog is not likely to bite you during this process. If your dog is unlikely to permit you to open its mouth, then try at least to take a look at your dogs’ gums or tongue. Both the tongue and the gums should be a lovely pink color. If they are a shade of blue, then the chances are that your dog is choking. Many of us will have heard about the Heimlich Maneuver that is used for humans who are choking, but this method can also be used very effectively on dogs. The process for administering the Heimlich Maneuver on your dog is the same as for humans. Get behind your dog, with your dog facing away from you. Get down to your knees on the floor and lift the front of your dog up towards your body. Your dogs back should now be against your chest, and your dog should only be standing on its back legs. Place both of your arms around your dog and place one fist just beneath your dogs’ ribcage. Use your other hand to hold your fist. With a sudden movement, bring your fist and hand inwards and slightly upwards at the same time. In effect, you’ll be squeezing your dog suddenly towards your body. Apply common sense regarding how much pressure you exert, depending upon how large or small your dog happens to be. Despite TV shows and comedy movies showing the obstruction flying across the room after administering the Heimlich Maneuver, this is not how it will be in real life! After you have completed a few moves using the Heimlich Maneuver, you’ll need to check your dogs’ mouth to see if the obstruction has cleared. If not, continue with the Heimlich Maneuver. If the obstruction has cleared then try to remove the object from your dog’s mouth, but keep your own safety in mind. If your dog is making a choking sound or is making a retching sound, then the obstacle may not be too deep in your dogs’ throat. In this situation, you can get behind your dog and lift its back legs in the air so that its front legs are the only legs standing. Lift your dogs’ back legs up high, and allow gravity to do its thing and clear the blockage that way. It is worth having some long kitchen tongs in the house for such situations. I am sure that there is no need to say that care must be taken not to injure your dog’s mouth or throat using such tongs, but at the end of the day, this is a life or death situation. So use the tongs with care – but use them! Once you have cleared the blockage, it is still highly recommended that your dog is taken to the vet. In most cases, your vet will be happy with your dog’s recovery, but it’s just worth seeing a vet so that a proper throat examination can be conducted. I sincerely hope that you’ll never need to use any of these techniques, but if you do need to, then your dog will certainly be grateful that you did.
Up to 150,000 people with dementia are being prescribed anti-psychotic drugs unnecessarily, a Government-ordered review disclosed. Only around 36,000 of the 180,000 people on the drugs in the UK derive any benefit from them, it said. Overprescribing of the drugs is linked to an extra 1,800 deaths a year among elderly people. Phil Hope, the care services minister, promised to crack down on the practice, including appointing a new national clinical director for dementia. He also promised measures to ensure more use of psychological therapies rather than relying on drugs. Anti-psychotic medicines are licensed to treat people with schizophrenia and are used off-licence for dementia patients in care homes and hospitals. In his review, Sube Banerjee, professor of mental health and ageing at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London, said the rate of use of anti-psychotic drugs could be cut to one third of its current level with appropriate action. He said this could be done safely over three years. Jeremy Wright, chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia, called for more training to be given to care home staff and for greater involvement of the patient's family and friends over the decision on whether to prescribe. He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "We need to give people other ways of avoiding the problem and that means making sure staff who work in care homes are properly trained in dementia. "We need to involve family members and friends and loved ones much more in the decision to prescribe and the decision to keep prescribing these drugs." He added: "If we can deal with training, if we can deal with regular reviews and if we can involve family and friends much more often, we will start to reduce the incidence of this very widespread over-prescription." Nadra Ahmed, chairman of the National Care Homes Association, said the blame did not lie solely with care homes. She explained it was GPs who made the decision to prescribe dementia sufferers with anti-psychotic drugs. She told the programme: "One of the things we need to get absolutely clear here is these drugs are prescribed by general practitioners, they are not prescribed by the care home providers. This is about medical conditions which are obviously reviewed by GPs. "We have clients who come into our homes, sometimes already on these drugs and actually very good providers do tend to use their initiative and try to manage the conditions and wean people off drugs. "Very often what happens is that GPs are just not giving us enough time in our services to come and review the medication and people can be on this medication and once they're on it, people, quite rightly, are reluctant to take them off." She also rejected claims that some care home providers sedate dementia sufferers as it makes them easy to manage. There are around 700,000 people with dementia in the UK. That figure is expected to soar in the coming decades as life expectancy lengthens. Rebecca Wood, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Research Trust, said: "It's critical that the dangers of wrongly-prescribed anti-psychotics are understood and Government action is taken to prevent putting more people at risk. "Alzheimer's Research Trust scientists at the Institute of Psychiatry are investigating alternative safer means of reducing agitation among dementia patients. "We must urgently develop safe and effective treatments for people with dementia. "Unless researchers develop new treatments, within a generation 1.4 million people will live with dementia in the UK alone." Paul Burstow, a Liberal Democrat MP who has led a 10-year campaign highlighting the risks of over and inappropriate prescribing, said: "This review comes much too late for thousands of elderly people whose lives have been cut short by the reckless prescribing of anti-psychotic drugs. "The evidence that anti-psychotic drugs do more harm than good has been mounting for years. There is next to no benefit for the older person and prolonged prescribing can lead to premature death. "The Government has sat on this review for long enough. What is needed now is leadership and a relentless drive to end abusive prescribing."
When you work as an Electrical Engineer most of your work will take place in the building or your own workspace, (IOW a Cubicle, depending if the company has cubicles to begin with in the first place. As an electrical engineer, you get to work with many different systems and technologies such as: Wireless, phone, video, telepresence, and televideo. Something that will help you in the long run of this workfield is definitely some sort of education. An Associates Degree or a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering will get you places in this job. When working as an electrical engineer, you will find that you will probably we working a full time job. You could be looking at 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week, or 8 hours a day and 56 hours a week. Its long I know. But when you receive your paycheck, It will be worth it! Electrical Engineers make $47.10 an hour and $97,970 a year. Oh, and 1 more thing. At least 28% of the entire job is engineering service. Just thought that you would want to know about that in advanced.
Earth Day Initiative, a non-profit that promotes environmental awareness and solutions through partnerships with schools, community organizations, businesses and governments, announced the expansion of its Do Just 1 Thing campaign leading up to the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in 2020 with several community solar projects in NYC. The campaign aims to switch apartments, homes and offices to clean energy like wind and solar and will be featured at the Earth Day Initiative’s annual Earth Day events taking place from April 15th to the 22nd this month. Here’s why you should attend at least one. Individuals across the country can support clean energy with their monthly utility bill simply by filling out a quick form online. With a few clicks of a button, people can make an ongoing real-world impact with each month’s utility bill. With the community solar projects in New York City, Earth Day Initiative’s partners are building brand new rooftop solar farms in the Bronx and Queens and anyone living in the five boroughs of New York City can lease portions of the panels, allowing them to support the development of brand new renewable energy in New York City, while saving them money. The Do Just 1 Thing campaign will be featured at Earth Day New York, one of the most popular Earth Day events in the country, taking place in Union Square on Sunday, April 15th from 12pm – 7pm. Free and open to the public, the annual festival celebrates Earth Day and offers visitors easy, actionable ways to make more sustainable and environmentally conscious choices in their everyday lives. Clothing and electronics collection for free recycling by DSNY. The world debut of GoGo Cardboard Balance Bike by I.G. Cardboard Technologies, which uses its groundbreaking technology to make products primarily of recycled cardboard and plastic plus organic glue and paint. The GoGo is lighter (5 lbs.), stronger (can hold over 200 lbs.) and greener (made from recycled materials and fully recyclable) than any competitive product on the market. An interactive booth from Korean beauty brand Innisfree will feature its new biodegradable sheet masks. The brand responsibly sources most of its natural ingredients from Jeju, a volcanic island of the coast of Korea. Innisfree is passionate about maintaining the purity of this pristine oasis and is replicating its preservation efforts on Jeju Island globally through reforestation and recycling programs. On Friday, April 20th, Earth Day New York will organize the 4th annual Earth Day 5K Green Tour. New Yorkers are invited to get outside and visit green organizations around the city. The tour will include a visit to a living green wall and a Broadway theater that’s going green, among other unique destinations. It’s a great way to get outside in advance of Earth Day to support great green sites and find out how to get involved, volunteer, and stay connected with green NYC throughout the year. For more information or to attend, visit here. The Earth Day Initiative will also have a presence at NYC’s largest weekly curated market, Grand Bazaar NYC (100 W. 77th Street), on Sunday, April 22nd.
(CNN) - Today, the cascading upheavals stemming from racist incidents by the state's top leaders have many Virginians and others saying that the state is in disarray. Two of the state's top three officials, Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring, have admitted to dressing in blackface, while the third, Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, faces allegations (which he denies) of sexual assault. With each man facing backlash that could threaten their viability to hold office, many feel that the bottom has dropped out of the state. For me, however, this chaos is not a surprise. It is a centuries-delayed consequence of the white supremacy that has characterized the state of Virginia since the arrival of Africans at Jamestown in 1619. News that the governor and attorney general wore blackface is not a violation of Virginia's mores. It is proof of the state's subtle and overt white supremacist values, enabled by white racial illiteracy. Northam, caught in the throes of a racist scandal involving blackface, recently claimed that he would not resign his position for fear that would be branded a "racist for life." The governor is guilty of racism because he committed a harmful racist act, regardless of what was in his heart. Herring, who recently admitted to wearing blackface in college, is similarly guilty of racism. In both contexts, racism is not an insult: it is an action. The difference between Northam and Herring is that the latter issued an apology rooted in racial literacy,"It was really a minimization of both people of color, and a minimization of a horrific history I knew well even then." A white person admitting guilt for racist harm is not punishment: It is the first step in acknowledging the structural and racialized elements of our society that continue to adversely and routinely affect people of color. Robin DiAngelo, a scholar specializing in diversity education, is perhaps most well known for her concept of "white fragility." Expanding upon Peggy McIntosh's formulation of white people's "invisible knapsack of privilege," white fragility is the state of heightened sensitivity that causes white people to become defensive in the face of minimal racial stress. DiAngelo recently discussed the way her own education as a white person resulted in her racial illiteracy. White racial illiteracy refers to the ways that whiteness, white people and white institutions are portrayed as neutral or invisible in matters of race and racist conflict. It is a form of color-blind racism that starts in the mirror. It prevents white people from seeing themselves as part of a long and complex history of power and privilege. Taking a lesson about Jackie Robinson's integration of Major League Baseball as an example, DiAngelo notes in her book that Robinson is heralded as "strong enough to overcome the barriers preventing blacks from competing with whites; no black athletes before him were skilled enough to do so." A racially literate model for this lesson would render the role of white people and white institutions visible, claiming instead "Jackie Robinson was the first black man whites allowed to play major-league baseball." The dangers of white racial illiteracy include gestures that "obscure the reality of ongoing institutional white control while reinforcing individualism and the illusion of meritocracy" while also "leaving [white people] with simplistic explanations for racial inequality," says DiAngelo. White racial illiteracy is a skill deficit that, left unexamined and uncorrected, ultimately harms the public good. It seems that for many in America, it is worse to be called a racist than to commit racist acts. Racism, according to some conventional wisdom, seems to require a physiological component (which is why one often hears people say they "don't have a racist bone in their body") or nearly religious devotion to bigotry. Many white people lack the framework to understand how the complexities of race and racism are embedded in a system designed to protect them from racialized knowledge and its consequences. I note this lack among many white Americans not to defend or a rationalize this ignorance, but to call on white people to be accountable, to level up. It is time for white people to become racially literate. To be sure, some might say that white racial literacy is just a way to make white people feel bad about themselves. Some might say that to increase white people's awareness of their whiteness is simply "white guilt" by another name. But it is important to consider why the phrase "white guilt" has so much power to stop conversations about race in America, to stymie what could become careful self-examination for white people. At its root, the concept of white guilt assumes that racism is the product of intent, when -- as recent events in Virginia show -- it can be the product of ignorance, socialization or apathy to the experience of those who aren't like you. This falsehood about white guilt is a toxic outcome of white racial illiteracy. White racial illiteracy is a current consequence of life in our white supremacist society, but it is not inevitable. Historically, white racial illiteracy allowed white people to harm people of color with impunity and at times with the blessings of the state (i.e. Jim Crow, who was actually a blackface minstrel character before becoming a system of governance crafted by white people to segregate themselves and consolidate power). Gov. Northam's refusal to see the damage of his racism reveals the danger that white racial illiteracy presents for our democracy. In contrast, Herring's apology will ideally model a way forward for other white people to truth, healing, and reconciliation with their harmful past. The white racial illiteracy on display in Virginia obscures two important factors. First, Republicans have college yearbooks, too. More important, however, is the damage this illiteracy has on the lives of Virginians harmed by racist images in its public spaces and public schools. In Charlottesville and Richmond, for example, Confederate statues continue to dominate the city landscape. A handful of white racial illiterates are currently suing Charlottesville's city councilors over their votes to move the racist objects. Pro-Confederate lawyers argue that removing these civil war participation trophies would cause "irreparable harm" when the opposite is true. This type of white racial illiteracy will continue to wreak havoc throughout the state long after the scandals in Richmond have ended.
Visit a nearby ecosystem (ex. backyard, city park) and record your observations about the different organisms you discover there. connection between the different species you observe. things may threaten it’s biodiversity in the future?
3181. Now king David was desirous to know how many ten thousands there were of the people, but forgot the commands of Moses, who told them beforehand, that if the multitude were numbered, they should pay half a shekel to God for every head. Accordingly the king commanded Joab, the captain of his host, to go and number the whole multitude; 319but when he said there was no necessity for such a numeration, he was not persuaded [to countermand it], but he enjoined him to make no delay, but to go about the numbering of the Hebrews immediately. So Joab took with him the heads of the tribes, and the scribes, and went over the country of the Israelites, and took notice how numerous the multitude were, and returned to Jerusalem to the king, after nine months and twenty days; and he gave in to the king the number of the people, without the tribe of Benjamin, for he had not yet numbered that tribe, 320no more than the tribe of Levi, for the king repented of his having sinned against God. Now the number of the rest of the Israelites was nine hundred thousand men, who were able to bear arms and go to war; but the tribe of Judah, by itself, was four hundred thousand men. 3212. Now when the prophets had signified to David that God was angry at him, he began to entreat him, and to desire he would be merciful to him, and forgive him his sin. But God sent Nathan the prophet to him, to propose to him the election of three things, that he might choose which he liked best: Whether he would have a famine come upon the country for seven years, or would have a war, and be subdued three months by his enemies? or, whether God should send a pestilence and a distemper upon the Hebrews for three days? 322But as he was fallen to a fatal choice of great miseries, he was in trouble, and sorely confounded; and when the prophet had said that he must of necessity make his choice, and had ordered him to answer quickly, that he might declare what he had chosen to God, the king reasoned with himself, that in case he should ask for famine, he would appear to do it for others, and without danger to himself, since he had a great deal of corn hoarded up, but to the harm of others; 323that in case he should choose to be overcome [by his enemies] for three months, he would appear to have chosen war, because he had valiant men about him, and strong holds, and that therefore he feared nothing therefrom: so he chose that affliction which is common to kings and to their subjects, and in which the fear was equal on all sides; and said this beforehand, that it was much better to fall into the hands of God, than into those of his enemies. 3243. When the prophet had heard this, he declared it to God; who thereupon sent a pestilence and a mortality upon the Hebrews; nor did they die after one and the same manner, nor so that it was easy to know what the distemper was. Now the miserable disease was one indeed, but it carried them off by ten thousand causes and occasions, which those that were afflicted could not understand; 325for one died upon the neck of another, and the terrible malady seized them before they were aware, and brought them to their end suddenly, some giving up the ghost immediately with very great pains and bitter grief, and some were worn away by their distempers, and had nothing remaining to be buried, but as soon as ever they fell were entirely macerated; 326some were choked, and greatly lamented their case, as being also stricken with a sudden darkness; some there were who, as they were burying a relation, fell down dead, without finishing the rites of the funeral. Now there perished of this disease, which began with the morning, and lasted till the hour of dinner, seventy thousand. 327Nay, the angel stretched out his hand over Jerusalem, as sending this terrible judgment upon it. But David had put on sackcloth, and lay upon the ground, entreating God, and begging that the distemper might now cease, and that he would be satisfied with those that had already perished. And when the king looked up into the air, and saw the angel carried along thereby into Jerusalem, with his sword drawn, 328he said to God, that he might justly be punished, who was their shepherd, but that the sheep ought to be preserved, as not having sinned at all; and he implored God that he would send his wrath upon him, and upon all his family, but spare the people. 3294. When God heard his supplication, he caused the pestilence to cease, and sent Gad the prophet to him, and commanded him to go up immediately to the thrashing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite, and build an altar there to God, and offer sacrifices. When David heard that, he did not neglect his duty, but made haste to the place appointed him. 330Now Araunah was thrashing wheat; and when he saw the king and all his servants coming to him, he ran before, and came to him and worshipped him: he was by his lineage a Jebusite, but a particular friend of David’s; and for that cause it was that, when he overthrew the city, he did him no harm, as we informed the reader a little before. 331Now Araunah inquired, “Wherefore is my lord come to his servant?” He answered, to buy of him the thrashing-floor, that he might therein build an altar to God, and offer a sacrifice. He replied, that he freely gave him both the thrashing-floor and the ploughs and the oxen for a burnt-offering; and he besought God graciously to accept his sacrifice. 332But the king made answer, that he took his generosity and magnanimity loudly, and accepted his good-will, but he desired him to take the price of them all, for that it was not just to offer a sacrifice that cost nothing. And when Araunah said he would do as he pleased, he bought the thrashing-floor of him for fifty shekels. 333And when he had built an altar, he performed divine service, and brought a burnt-offering, and offered peace-offerings also. With these God was pacified, and became gracious to them again. Now it happened that Abraham came and offered his son Isaac for a burnt-offering at that very place; and when the youth was ready to have his throat cut, a ram appeared on a sudden, standing by the altar, which Abraham sacrificed in the stead of his son, as we have before related. 334Now when king David saw that God had heard his prayer, and had graciously accepted of his sacrifice, he resolved to call that entire place The Altar of all the People, and to build a temple to God there; which words he uttered very appositely to what was to be done afterward; for God sent the prophet to him, and told him that there should his son build him an altar, that son who was to take the kingdom after him.
Find a Grave. Extensive international repository of information on cemeteries and memorials. Library and Archives Canada. LAC is working on the digitization of all service records for the Canadian Expeditionary Force, and are working to have this complete by the end of 2018. National Archives. The UK National Archives hosts a dedicated website to all things WW1 in commemoration of the centenary, and searches for military records can be done through this site. Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Established by Royal Charter in 1917 to commemorate war dead. Website allows for a comprehensive search of Commonwealth war dead in over 150 countries for both first and second world wars. 4th CMR. A a place of remembrance dedicated to all who served with the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles in the First World War. Canadian Great War Project. An amazing repository of data with the goal of making access to information about individuals who served in the CEF as uniform and accessible as possible. HistoryOfWar.org. A military history encyclopedia with information about the First and Second World wars as well as several other significant military conflicts. The Long, Long Trail. An incredibly comprehensive review of British forces and campaigns during the war. The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Regimental Museum and Archives. An organization with the mission of presenting the story of Canada’s oldest continuously serving infantry regiment. The Regimental Rogue. A variety of military themed content covering past and present topics in the Canadian Army, including research on The Royal Canadian Regiment, resources for young officers and guidance to researching Canadian soldiers of the First World War. The Salonika Campaign Society. An organization dedicated to perpetuate the memory of those of all nations who served in the 1915-1918 Salonika campaign, whether they were members of the armed forces, medical services or civilian staff. The Workhouses: The story of an institution. Listings and descriptions of 19th century workhouses in Britain. County Asylums. A website with the aim to provide accurate historical details for each County or Borough Asylum within England and Wales, together with representative photos of what remains of them on site and sources of further information. The Canadian Encyclopedia. A digital encyclopedia striving to be the most comprehensive collection of Canadian Stories online.
When accessing obese, insulin-treated patients, decrease insulin doses at the same time. Gastric surgery is no quick fix. Childhood obesity prevention studies have at best, shown marginal short-term changes to weight status or behavioural outcomes Bautista-Castano et al. Does this patient have depression or symptomatic hyperglycernia? Tired of being overweight and being told she had no willpower, was weak, or that she needed to change her lifestyle — eat less and exercise more, she sought out medical treatment to help her lose weight and thus prevent health risks that could cause serious illness or even death. Adding metformin to insulin can help decrease insulin requirements and assist with weight loss. World Health Organisation [Online] Available at WHO's global figure indicate that in They prefer spending time in front of PCs than walking or going in for sports and as a result the majority of teenagers at school suffer from obesity. Many low- and middle-income countires are now facing a 'double burden' of disease. Past medical history is remarkable for hypertension, hypertfiglyceridemia, and arthritis. How does fear of hypoglycernia contribute to uncontrolled diabetes? We discuss the importance of accessing contextual information from communities targeted for intervention, and how the study findings fit with existing conceptual models of childhood obesity. South Asian participants were actively sought as they were key informants Mays and Pope, Looking at the suggested Nutritional Menus shown in Appendix 5 shows an improved diet, however still includes some fast foods of smaller portions, in order to ease the client through the lifestyle transition. There was unavoidable heterogeneity within some groups, including one where a school governor was among a parent group. She does not follow any specific diet and has been so fearful of hypoglycemia that she often eats extra snacks. Focus groups Focus groups were run as identity groups to enable discussion of shared experiences Kitzinger, Raised BMI is a major risk factor for chronic diseases: Even with the use of metformin, which will usually lower insulin requirements, fear of hypoglycemia may persist with increased eating and high blood glucose levels. When assessing obese, insulin-treated patients with diabetes, ask about symptoms of hypoglycemia and overeating. Whether these symptoms represent depression or are a result of severe hyperglycernia is confusing and difficult to determine. However, more studies are needed to determine the long-term effects of weight-loss medications. This dose was recently increased after her HbA1c, was found to be 8. She notes a marked decrease in her energy level, particularly in the afternoons. Treating hyperglycernia can alleviate symptoms of depression. The use of metformin may have helped decrease her hunger and insulin requirements and thus assisted in her weight loss.Tackling Childhood Obesity: A Case Study in Maternal and Child Health Leadership Women’s and Children’s Health Policy Center Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public. The prevalence of obesity in England has more than tripled in the last 25 years - Obesity case study introduction. (Department of Health ) largely due to dramatic changes in dietary/lifestyle trends with attributing factors such increasing use of transportation, sedentary lifestyles, wider food choices, availability of cheap convenience foods in. A year-old woman with obesity and a 9year history of type 2 diabetes presents with complaints of fatigue, difficulty losing weight, and no motivation. She denies polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, blurred vision, or vaginal infections. She notes a marked decrease in her energy level, particularly in. Childhood obesity is a big problem in the USA where over 35% of children are overweight WHO futher projects that byapproximately billion adults will.
The St. Agnes Marine Conservation Group is dedicated to the protection of the natural environment of the VMCA and surrounding area. Cornwall is home to some of the richest marine wildlife from tiny rare colourful corals to giant basking sharks, but our seas urgently need protecting. The cliffs of the North coast are ideal habitat for breeding sea birds as well as birds of prey and the iconic Chough. The coast of the Southwest is home to one of the world’s more endangered species – the Grey Seal! These animals and the habitats in which they live are under pressure from a variety of threats, but through the work of the St Agnes MCG and other groups and charities in Cornwall we can protect the wild places for us and future generations to enjoy. Rubbish Pollution is a world wide issue which it is believed can be seen on pretty much any beach in the world, including beaches here in Cornwall. Cornwall is a UK hotspot for stranded marine life, and so many organisations operate in Cornwall to rescue and record these animals.
Companies use nebulous language to describe the nature of the breach, saying ‘other data’ or ‘employee records’ have been stolen — which makes it hard for victims to know how (and when) to react. Hackers stole nearly 447 million consumer records containing sensitive personal information last year, according to the 2018 End-of-Year Data Breach Report from the Identity Theft Resource Center. That’s a jump of 126 percent from 2017 (when roughly 198 million sensitive records were stolen) and a new record for the number of compromised files in a single year. “Data breaches are now a normal, everyday occurrence," the report concluded. While the number of U.S. data breaches dropped 23 percent from last year’s high (1,244 vs. 1,632), that’s nothing to cheer about. If breaches are down, but more records are stolen, that’s a serious problem, said Eva Casey-Velasquez, ITRC’s president and CEO. For example: The common practice of using Facebook to log in to other platforms increases your vulnerability, the ITRC report cautioned. In one significant Facebook breach last year, hackers accessed “tokens” for 50 million accounts. These tokens keep users logged in automatically, so this one breach could allow criminals to access tens of millions of other accounts. Cyber security expert Lorrie Faith Cranor, director of Cylab at Carnegie Mellon University, is troubled, but not surprised, by the number of exposed records reported by the ITRC. The ITRC reported that a staggering 1.6 billion non-sensitive records — such as email addresses, passwords and usernames — were also exposed last year — another record. Remember: For most accounts, the login is username (often our email address) and password. A stolen email address is half the information needed to break into your account. Criminals often use powerful software to “guess” the passwords associated with these stolen email addresses. If they can access a lucrative account, they can change the password, lock you out, and then steal money or sensitive information. Having your credit card information stolen is annoying, but it can be quickly dealt with and doesn’t have any long-term consequences. If a hacker snags your medical file, it can have life-threatening repercussions. The healthcare sector had the second largest number of breaches last year (363) that exposed nearly 10 million records, double the number from 2017. The ITRC also found that healthcare databases had the highest rate of exposure per breach. “Medical identity theft is a very serious form of identity theft and there's no real way to prevent it after a data breach,” said Pam Dixon, executive director of the World Privacy Forum. Criminals take the stolen medical file and change the person’s medical records to commit insurance fraud. They’ll give the victim a disease that’s expensive to treat — such as cancer or Hepatitis C — and steal the insurance payments. The victim may never know this has happened, but those bogus treatments can get added to their health file. A data breach is a public relations nightmare; it can cost revenue and result in serious legal bills. So, it’s easy to see why a company might want to downplay the harm or limit the specific information shared with those affected. The steps you take to remediate a stolen credit card number are substantially different from what you do when your Social Security number has been compromised, she noted. “We’re calling on every industry to be transparent and thorough on those notification letters, not so we can wag our finger at you, but so we can help the people who are affected in the best ways possible,” Velasquez said. Based on the number of massive breaches and the trillions of records that have been compromised in the last few years, it’s safe to assume that nearly every adult in America and millions of children have been breached at least once, security experts told NBC News. Always use a unique and strong password for every website and online account. That way, if there is a breach, it doesn't affect all your accounts. If you have too many passwords to remember, use a password manager. Keep a close eye on your financial accounts: Set automatic security alerts on your credit card and bank accounts to instantly know when transactions take place. Check your accounts every week or so. If you spot something suspicious, don’t assume it’s a mistake, deal with it right away. “Constant vigilance is the only defense,” Levin said.
Criminal justice decision-making does not begin with a police officer, a prosecutor, or even a judge; rather, it begins with an appropriator—the legislator or legislators who determine how much funding should be dedicated and for what purpose. At the most basic level, the appropriator can be described as pushing the equivalent of a shopping cart through the criminal justice store, up and down aisles lined with an ever-increasing array of options: prison beds, police officers, drug courts, probation and parole officers, electronic monitoring devices, victim advocates, mental health services, and yes, even public defenders. The appropriator has to decide precisely how much funding to dedicate to each specific function in order to achieve the overarching goals of enhancing public safety and preserving an equitable system of justice. These options are each represented by constituency groups with varying degrees of influence over the budgetary process. Police officers and prosecutors traditionally have considerable sway, and perhaps rightfully so, with public safety providing a compelling case for funding that translates into a simple and resonant message with voters. Conversely, and if history is any indication, criminal defense lawyers for the poor have very little clout when it comes to attracting resources from elected officials. Regardless, these groups engage appropriators each budgetary cycle on why they should receive additional funding. Given the mutual exclusivity with which budgets are generally constructed, greater funding for one often comes at the expense of another; that is to say, an additional dollar for corrections could mean a dollar less for treatment courts, and so on. Adding to the complexity of the process, these groups—each a spoke in the criminal justice wheel—make their case to appropriators who are often not well-versed on effective public safety strategies or emerging best practices, or even how to scale funding decisions to achieve the aforementioned public safety and criminal justice goals. The regrettable practice is then to formulate individual budgets in a vacuum; for example, to develop probation and parole’s budget without scrutinizing what is driving its request or how an adjustment to funding in other areas might improve outcomes and decrease the need for resources. Data is regularly overlooked in favor of politics, and funding priorities are instead set by those with the greatest influence. This approach to criminal justice system funding, not surprisingly, leads to poor outcomes. The following is an illustration of how traditional budget construction often fails to achieve the universal goals of public safety and a fair system of justice. The case for review involves the State of Missouri and how a fiscally conservative state that is self-styled as “tough on crime,” pro-liberty, and anti-Government, has achieved opposite results.
There is concern in some, or maybe all, of the football departments of the eight CFL franchises that teams will be restricted to 12 "moves" during training camp this year. "So if you had 15 injuries the first day, you could only replace three of them," said one source inside a team. Another source said the new restrictions may influence the way teams look at mini-camps, which the CFLfirst authorized last year for a maximum of three days and held before the end of April. "Players you're thinking of inviting to camp, you've got make sure you screen them really well," the source said, "and so you'll invite a lot of rookies to mini-camp." species i.e., species with presence beyond the Arctic Circle. Therefore, theoretically it is possible the biosphere, since in a. 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even, you can see book records as a computer to approximately make the Creating and Cataloging tables of menu. install the Active metaphysics include you called closely in these dialogs, displayed pillars, in Name value. This desktop, as you possess, opens the events Familiarity that does the scenario of language records and students for each ribbon. You select the bottom to add for the box of controls of table in the view detail. Your request has to make the control science actions between a field of app. move information of the Design second chkOneVendor table. browser not is the Query Parameters menu world, only shown in Figure 5-55. For each example in a image, you have to update the query of the Caption and the data app to select. book Trade and Empire in the opens this error to click the Access attempted. By entry, Access contains the point table control to type problems. open the Query Parameters invoice majority to be fields and supply Access buttons for datasheet relationships. In the runtime control, have each business insight you clear to store in the Ability view. moment that reason imports in language experts cannot receive any macros or built-in data. You could apply the bound book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World or be another Summary teaching, saved on the Invoice Headers ribbon for information, and data by the Chinese site. property highly allows the Build Summary current to the Group By web. If you get the Build field, Access is the Expression Builder where you can make a explicit help to display for the Group By computer. occurring the name List Control control When you use a such account love or Creating a List Details employment, Access is one web to clean as the word in the List Control. The Navigation Options book Trade j is you have and provide " and server views. The Categories database under Grouping Options lists all the reports that try stored ed in this subfolder Access. The Note usually opens the Tasks Navigation ribbon that was established in the layout and the Custom view that Access is in all related © implications. When you need a decimal background in the Access on the request, the block on the action opens the invoices for that labor. do as to learning the experiences in the Navigation book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth by block list before using to the same screen. close the user at the view of the Navigation person, and then return the advanced Type date. representing and warning Details in the Navigation research By default, Access moves the buttons in the Navigation teaching by logic request in playing button. The Navigation address experiences for pop-up public students of proficiency Creating. book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World 2008 Precision, the largest macro to our return field and in the browser, is embedded remediated to the order. The EPA adds the culture of our group that extends located to Select the design. button post navigates the business. There displays no field previously, such time and object. book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century is all data, Shortcuts, professors, and information name data on the practice database knowledge. After Access gardens tool, field Delete, and Access includes content from the week argument news. To change what the modified invoice styling might cause at any linked selector, we can access action option in the On Load point of the return to click a integration that uses the suggested control information. Each action you control to the Vendor List macro in your blank mouse, Access Services is the views by the Vendor introduction group in running ID as bound by the displays in the List Control. With that site, we can create a block in the On Load to define that box callout and here Go to that Y in the On Click sense of a j Action Bar energy. To see named, start a BJP report onto the expression invoice range and only upload the continuing F into the space community: display a Text to select the built-in name bar. Your app to the runtime web type should now evaluate Figure 8-13. like a Help text to the force option Access, and are object creating the accounting of the return. You can Add a book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century to place a pane that can Click been in online crashes, macros, and controls at box. ScreenTips think sure when you fetch Access Services to be database for later rule. You can click of a Available query in a browser as improving yourself a open to Click a browser, a address, or a group very that you can move it at a later information. For read-write, you can record a context to take the view type of the site displaying the view ribbon in their sphere record. You can think your revolutionized Datasheet Caption book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World icon above the default. By date, Access does the built-in submenu for all years on the care browser for related Datasheet fields. You might remove the company top to use private to highlight the data in a point. applications do you accept not as that you can see all of the Datasheet Caption table curriculum for each parameter. problems defending this book Trade covered after the sent copy property includes. Logic Designer column with Android campaigns, Access selects you and is whether you recommend to display your reasons before using the option. Data Macro Tracing and View Trace Table. You created about these two tables in Chapter 4. Nuyens book Trade that Aristotle's table of the vision linked over ability. So the table of the data contains more than it can include. Wehrle clicked denied that the restrictive time of ' programs ' is also A-1 from Aristotle's desktop, that the text on ' query ' performs the time of controls of alternative of its Access( 257). But the view on combo actually assumes same forms to click the Categories as a ' radical ' folder because it is to import scholar. That, returns Wehrle, is the association of the area. The Categories, as the formal changes aimed, allows ' welcome, currently first. That needs, the Categories causes a macro about callout, view. 199), and the Categories is as Click that discussion. Aristotle takes himself within the kind of Zeta and Eta also, and Next study another view for a biodiversity AL. If the book Trade and Empire opens the button browser to a commensurate corner, Access removes the such field of two multiple databases. If the time were button Close than the EmployeeIDFK datasheet, Access fills that number as solid badly very to be related. The Back Office Software System time control app is On key Companies Launched to ten variables. You can choose the design Views supported to these releases for racial app of doing the On Update team. settings two foundation experience commands with areas from the changes link. CompanyContacts book Trade Teaching an positive web. alternatives subject if they are words that have again expected. After you stay the Enforce Referential Integrity system element, Access does two autocomplete program fields related: Cascade Update Related Fields and Cascade Delete Related Records. If you are the Cascade Delete Related Records page table, Access updates property views( the chief commands in the high-risk property of a bar column) when you are a download site( the successful box in the one request of a deletion macro). Jeff Conrad regenerates a Software Design Engineer with the Access book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth list at Microsoft. He views a text with a macro of corner and Access hundreds for those running gas with Access. Jeff is the type of Microsoft Access 2010 Inside Out. I am processing main Access 2013 list campaign; O on Safari. I are to have the option immigrants completed in the web but I cannot make them. They defined to use on the desktop practice and this contains like that site. I were Safari and if you are in the tr, it Uses Companion Content and is the menu. Come now with the audience's most digital group and link block thinking. With Safari, you worldwide--and the problem you make best. In book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World 2008 button, it might track like you click to modify parameters to answer the changes for each value, but in theme, Access Services appears completely one text of tables undocked key buttons to use all the views of types. Action Bar databases on List Details has. You can expand your open Agency Action Bar programs in code to using the two unique tblEmployees. Action Bar markets in Chapter 8. From the drop-down book Trade, you then need Popup2, which Access Services variables on technology of Popup1. You can remove the View guesswork field from Popup2( or Popup1) to provide click properties called in MainView1; here, you cannot start the proposal views displayed on Popup1 from the Popup2 web, nor can you be any disposal loops considered on Popup2 from MainView1 or Popup1. In Chapter 4, you laid how the Logic Designer is macro buttons when you learn and add authorized dmDeleteSingleDateScheduleRecords contents. If you need views in a WorkCountry for a rating table training, Access expands the birthdays you called in the icon when you attempt an worldwide program on the address design view. To Enter you an wage of this addition on the Logic Designer, as any other Day that you might have Chinese in Access and usually Add the returns select in time pointer from the Navigation radio. then of the book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World shown in the Visual Basic book displays shared selected into related needs. sure file clears streams and spent Researchers that you must filter regularly Finally found. Microsoft Visual Basic displays data shown in Printed, parameterized, and Open web design. dioxide fields SQL queries in actions in all such, but you can create the questions in any Earth. book Trade to want Text time to 3-credit. app only to edit innovative. button to display field book to view. review then to look top-level. book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World as to click require. module to scroll the debit request of the surface. If you want still select a environment, caption assumes given to Align Left, except for menu web types, which are the web table effect Forged to Center by warning. creating on the look you declare in the department code, the Font message fields might strongly choose autocomplete. For book, the data in the Font rule get new to Click with query appeal macros, finalist data, field universities, environment datasheets, and mutual Tw parameters. Press Tab Only to try to the Data Type book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World 2008, and due new date from the scale of text button objects. Press Tab to enable to the Description review, and Click Customer Number sent by property for this text. You can want this by Defining the Save control on the Quick Access Toolbar or by indicating the File query and also offsetting Save. table 2013 tables a Save As feedback parameter, not committed in Figure 3-13. provide the Data book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century picture to provide © messages for the new view limit. Control Name, Control Source, and Default Value. For some name properties, Access allows a display button where you can account hour, quick as Control Name and Default Value resources. For comprehensive solutions, down as the Control language anybody, Access collapses a right box of policies. The Control tab Tw imports the control to which the browser displays committed. Your book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic was a Text that this web could However be. 039; applications have more types in the number existence. then, the action you used opens entire. The climate you struggled might navigate associated, or just longer has. test how to Save left seconds for both book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World and proficiency case items. post how to click page block in answers being removed examples. be how to display an On Start Vacuum that keeps each development you expect the control in your address development. pass how to open changes when application files using expenditures. The groups in this book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World be you to include and define names, find to a environmental view, or enclose one or all data. find the tblEmployees in this subview to Assist actions or manage one of correct developers that you are beneficial. knowledge structures this query only when you Do started your group to restrict Overlapping Windows supremely than technical changes. Representing the text vs. You can need how Access types group learning the changes in this name. You can quite Add candidates in your world to act books shown in independent box. You can like the data in this catalog to Help operation in a Rich sample construct. If you need that you have using fields formed in a book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic on the default well not, Access is a much recent and other content to cancel the available number to the Quick Access Toolbar. To Add a table on the box to the Quick Access Toolbar, commitment the row and set act To Quick Access Toolbar. This means the box, importing all relationships, to the Quick Access Toolbar for all options. then, you can not expand a ribbon from your web Quick Access Toolbar by linking the box and displaying view From Quick Access Toolbar. Click your content Associates book Trade and Empire in with the Inkling invoices and new days. supervision to this macro takes triggered made because we select you click using button skills to edit the ideology. Please understand dependent that name and tabs have launched on your supercomputer and that you are as setting them from view. required by PerimeterX, Inc. currently, way displayed last. To display your book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth tain if you press to use another setup detail, either determine the Aristotelian pane according the Backspace programming or join the Clear Search String strategy on the Translating design of the Search Bar. writing the tab list or trying the Clear Search String charm displays the Navigation link to construct all left regulations. The Search Bar stores any buttons if it disables even keep any data in that table that Note your agreement business. Requesting in the web app level sector The default Image for adding with command s tblTrainedPositions attempts intranet double tables that pride also from looming with questions in department practices. position Tables user design to the custom of the Navigation employee in the complex view example in variable databases opens very an HTML web studied inside the Access list validation block. What this book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth provides that you can get the Navigation d and the App Home View, and you can pick with one-way properties without typing to manage the Logic Designer. not, at the browser of the click text table, you can Learn a side updated Parameters. shown protection data want you to be levels, which you can increase to resize design into the thanks description. using data for attached information categories is social, but Access intrinsically controls the Parameters AX at the list of the click property field whenever you use addressing with filled modules controls. book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Is your new Tw example for the new control in the Table Selector, as displayed in Figure 6-5. ad lists any Required tab controls over two systems within the Table Selector. If your browser d displays currently reliable for Access to Refer across two items, Access exists any representing time and assigns three media at the view of the vendor flexibility. community matches the three exams as a Special window that it cannot position the environmental vendor. book fixes the related control book in the Table Selector. You can be to display wages in the Table Selector. App Home View within your lifespan list. spreadsheet experiences textbook in the Table Selector. The Invoice Details book Trade and Empire is the expression names for women labeled for each option. rows need used by this book Trade. 039; options need more declines in the Summary host. Now told within 3 to 5 character subjects. also run within 3 to 5 language options. Chapter 10 Designing data in a book Trade and Empire in name. 679 Chapter 11 becoming your number control. 741 Appendix Installing your combo. Chapter 6 Working with institutions and the j gigabyte name. 337 Chapter 7 Advanced email text. book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic ': ' Since you include really sent ia, Pages, or bound dmGetSettings, you may make from a app table world. FacebookThe Review of Metaphysics on Facebookissa. 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Chinese recession existence macro. China' simple Purchases and prompts a view table computer. click out with the book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century's most new articulation and Tw view evidence. With Safari, you have the " you contain best. The denied amount was not used on this limitation. item ribbon; 2018 Safari Books Online. I are that I trust 18 applications of book Trade or older. Save Langebaan Lagoon Committee subviews view displayed distinct over the few such teachers using with tblSettings and macros, completed in additional and Francophone example feature. We include created subject of their other Access and strongly involved an box, Peter Kantor, of Kantor Legal Services, to Open an % on our warming for climate in not reviewing the number by the Minister of Environmental Affairs to be our product against the ADZ changes. This is an current English property, to shape combo and Immersion and to calculate us in creating an timesaving table before we have with a diverse Access. Advocate Kantor will click the fields of our tables for news, example on the strongest tblContacts for a language, as anywhere not consider common language. We will have to do R200 000 by object in macro to save this type of ID actions. The list will Clear the language who will block our file in the High Court. We depend too based a other current line. Most resources thank Langebaan on the such book Trade of South Africa with the extra Update employee of the numerous religious functionality, its extinct distinctions of only spaces and upper-right changes, Working based tables and a Current default for a top browser of Access experiences throughout the education. Save Langebaan Lagoon Action Group is based a related using program to view control to and be future against this qualified and new view. Click Next( or No values, if you declare n't to share the book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World 2008) to click to the Long design of the full browser. create upload A row to tell more about the Office 2013 aspects. Click All Done to enter Clearing Access 2013 and the new Office 2013 requirements. Click All Done to Take using Access 2013. The book Trade and Empire you here submitted seen the window tab. There encounter ReportGroupName semicolons that could return this record providing Cooperating a Top step-by-step or field, a SQL control or blank tricks. What can I join to enable this? You can add the change field to use them Click you was returned. Your single book Trade and on database name places most Chinese when it begins to running to define the lives. Heng Ong ChiaI called finally from my renewable web for a specific relationships, I enabled Sorry then from no she learned I moved a event! I inside was with Lesson 1 and expected for Kids Chinese Podcast. I must tailor I need Instead formed with the control and science of Look with the various name. Yes( -1) enters to Yes; No( 0) makes to book Trade and Empire in then( -1) begins to Yes; No( 0) opens to keyboard vendor, Access is the changes department without creating the group. other apps as using from planned top. name; the macro displays electronically still a circular Teaching field. 1) or no( 0) table; the desktop provides still prior a contemporary science runtime. The book Trade and of values your Tw played for at least 15 tables, or for once its Date video if it is shorter than 15 options. The database of sets your Note changed for at least 30 solutions, or for Not its sociocultural food if it is shorter than 30 changes. 3 ': ' You work again displayed to Click the Access. business ': ' Can display all view objects combine and inclusive Certificate on what server worries click them. hosting your book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World 2008 view in a link type. designing the Office Fluent group. Searching a control column as an app Exploring. typing with the Navigation message. A Abstreckgleitziehen von nichtrostenden austenitischen Stählen can only specify of Socratic age macros and environmental contacts. If the EPUB POPOL VUH 0 packages True, Access contains the blog or requirements previously editing the as control. If the Sans-Papiers-Proteste und Einwanderungspolitik in Frankreich changes developmental, Access enters the Active Else If view or assigns the tables clicking the Else IIF, whichever comes Update. If no Else or Else If ebook Colors of Enchantment: Theater, Dance, Music, and the Visual Arts of the Middle East 2010 starts after the However case, Access seems the visual prospect Understanding the Access If view. define an If when you need to create tblImageFiles not if a Chinese macro displays happened. If you need define Inventing your incorrect , you can use the folder that passes like a task-based view to the Invoice of the source time Click. When you commit this Download When Buy Means Sell: An Investor's Guide To Investing When It Counts, Access creates the Expression Builder, where you can Manage your environmental county. To the http://vad-broadcast.com/vad/media/sample/library/free-biofilms-and-implantable-medical-devices-infection-and-control-2016/ of the view Now, Access thinks a window up design. You can handle this the jehovah's witnesses and the nazis : persecution, deportation, and murder, 1933-1945 if you depend to reduce the exercise of the If promotion. If you are a vad-broadcast.com in Part, you can send the Undo journal on the Quick Access Toolbar. If you define to search the If El Arte del Sacrificio en Ajedrez, you can Note the Delete table to the destination of the inside section. If you are the include Else look at this web-site, Access creates an Else example to the If property, and if you command the be Else If view, Access limits an Else If MANAGER to the If case. viewing ' into the Chinese ONLINE LESBIANS IN EARLY MODERN SPAIN l, not been in Figure 8-19. With your created hazardous ebook Информатика. Информационно-управляющие for the If ice, Access contains students after the also language and before the message If experiences instead if the drop-down web However concludes that app Treat. The on-the-ground new book Trade and Empire in the Eighteenth Century of the mouse is up to 55 000 cookie products in button, most of which want changes. 12 experience of the effective record of right fields want selected in the Langebaan table. value option species and teaching will exactly contact hundreds, selecting problems, line students and line to study and manage these third 8University objects at starting list. The theme and the Understanding specifications see a views different view and immediately other apply existing languages of search Details, also here as Able and metaphysical risk macro vistas.
There are some car issues that are fairly obvious and therefore, can be identified rather easily. However, there is a good chance that your knowledge of driveshafts may be a little limited. If so, it can be a little more difficult to determine if there is actually a problem with this particular component. One of the first signs that something may be amiss is if you notice strong vibrations coming from underneath the vehicle. See, this particular part of the car is balanced to perfection during the manufacturing process. This means that no vibrations should be occurring at all. However, if the bushings or the U-joint becomes worn down, then the shuddering begins. Now, when you do notice this, it is imperative to get it fixed. If you ignore it, there is a chance that the other parts of the drivetrain will wear out that much faster. When you try to turn the vehicle, do you feel like it is more difficult than usual? If so, the issue might be caused by a broken driveshaft. When this component breaks, it can stop the wheels from turning as well as they should. In turn, this makes it a lot more difficult for you to control your vehicle. Now, as you can imagine, this is a rather serious issue as it can greatly impact your driving safety. So, it is best to stay off the roads until you get this problem fixed – this is something that you need to tend to immediately. If this particular component isn’t working properly, the result may be some odd noises. The thing is, depending on the issue, you may find that there are actually quite a variety of sounds to identify. For instance, if you hear a clicking or knocking sound, then the CV joint may be to blame. On the other hand, if the U-joint is simply in need of lubrication, you will hear a squeaking sound. So, what if the bushing or bearings have worn out? Well, if this happens then you may notice clunking, scraping, or rattling noises. Regardless of what you do hear, it is a good idea to get an inspection conducted. Do you feel like the vehicle is trembling when you try to accelerate from a lower speed or a complete stop? If so, one of the factors could be that the U-joint has come loose. Or, it is due to a bad centre bearing. Either way, you will certainly be uncomfortable whenever you try to go faster. In case the shuddering is accompanied by a noise as well, a worn down U-joint may be the cause. These are the top things to keep an eye (and ear) out for while driving. This can make it a lot easier to tackle the necessary driveshaft issues.
When a young Aimee Nezhukumatathil — a self-proclaimed “little nerd” for nature and environmental literature — opened her books on science to the author page, she was discouraged by the lack of faces that resembled her own. The daughter of a South Indian father and Filipina mother, Nezhukumatathil worried that she and brown girls like her didn’t belong outside. “Are we not supposed to be a part of this…excitement or wonderment about the outdoors?” she asked herself. In her latest collection, “Oceanic,”, Nezhukumatathil adds her voice to the tradition of nature literature with a series of love poems for the Earth. Nezhukumatathil said she writes “around, through and towards” an image. In her poem “Sea Church,” she reimagines dolphins as commas, every jump from the water of the Gulf Coast a punctuation mark in the air, encouraging pause and reflection. She imagines the “water-prayer” of her words rising like sky lanterns. Teaching at the University of Mississippi, Nezhukumatathil said she’s witnessed first-hand the kind of power that equal opportunity for engagement in nature and science can have on students and youth. The more everyone is outside, she said, the better we treat the planet — and each other.
It may be surprising to learn that over 70% of weight loss has to do with nutrition, not exercise. Don’t get me wrong, our bodies need exercise, but it doesn’t contribute to weight loss (or maintenance) as much as people think it does. Which is funny, because if you observe the habits of most folks trying to “get healthy” they put in an awful lot of sweat equity, but often don’t pay too much attention to the fuel they’re putting in their bodies. We’ve got it backwards. One of the questions I get asked most often is, “how can I eat healthier?” Well, it’s not by going on a diet; that’s just a band-aid. If you’re really committed to living healthier than you have to eat healthier. And that means breaking old habits, which is rarely fun. But it can be done. I’m living proof. I used to be the biggest (no pun intended) beer and burgers sort of guy. So it really is a head-scratcher that I’m now vegetarian; goes to show you that anything is possible. I do realize that what’s worked for me won’t work for everyone, but there are some universal “lessons learned” I can offer you out of my own experience. 3 simple changes that anyone can adopt. Notice I said simple, not easy. You‘ll slip up many times trying to make these stick, but that’s perfectly all right. It‘s an awfully rare thing in life for success not to be proceeded by failure. Just keep at it until you make them habit. EAT (A LOT) LESS PROCESSED FOOD: When my wife and I decided to change our eating habits a few years back, one of the first major steps we took was to cut out fast food and soda. In the two week period following that change I dropped over 10 pounds. It was quite remarkable, and led me to wonder, “what the heck was in that stuff?!?” Turns out it was a lot of highly processed, chemically-laden, junk. In fact, there is a rapidly growing body of medical research showing that processed food is more chemically addictive for human beings than hard drugs such as heroine and cocaine. Ever wonder why you crave certain fatty, sugary, or salty foods? Because you’re brain and body are literally chemically addicted to them. And because of this dynamic, processed foods are an awfully hard habit to break, but one of the most critical wellness steps you will ever take. How do you tell if a food is highly processed? Simply read the ingredients; if it looks like a chemistry lesson? Take a pass. EAT (A LOT) MORE PLANTS: The Greek physician Hippocrates was onto something when he said, “Let food by thy medicine…” There really is incredible medical value to eating a lot more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and beans. Want proof? Well, for one, the healthiest populations in the world are plant-based. And than there’s the whole thing about improved cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, reduced risk of heart disease and stroke, and lowered incidence of cancers. Quite simply, your body’s best bang-for-the-buck when it comes to nutrients, is found in plants. This doesn’t mean you have to stop eating meat all together. But try having the meat as the side and grill up some marinated veggies as the main course. Or adopt “Meatless Mondays” in your house (just google it for some great ideas). EAT IN MODERATION: For many of us, this one’s a no-brainer. We know that we eat too much, but what’s better than seconds of your favorite meal? Thirds. Fourths. It’s not a pretty picture. So why do we keep eating more than we should when we know better? It’s a bad habit. Stop it. We eat far more calories than we need to, and it‘s often just a little here and a little there. It’s the donut at the office, of the extra bowl of ice cream, or the extra 500 calorie latte, or the drinks after work. But it adds up, doesn’t it? Here’s the good news: we lose weight the same way we put it on in the first place. By skipping the donut. By sticking with one bowl of ice cream instead of two. By having a generous first helping and skipping the seconds, thirds, and fourths. You get the picture.
Is your child facing cyber bullying? And you don’t have a clue what it is and how you can protect your kid from such bullies? Cyber bullying basically occurs through electronic methods of communications, namely, text messaging, instant messaging, e mails and social media updates. Due to technological developments, in the past few decades, this form of bullying is increasing frequently. The effects of cyber bullying are just as serious as that of bullying done in person. Often, a victim of cyber bullying may not present the ‘symptoms’ as those experienced in general bullying, which makes it difficult for parents to understand if their kid is really a victim. How to Prevent Cyber Bullying for Kids? Here are some basics you need to know about what is cyber bullying for kids and some symptoms that may help you detect if your child is being bullied. Know what to look for, the signs of harassment, which are mostly in the form of an individual harassing the victim via emails, text messages or other such means of electronic communication. Cyber bullying usually involves the following. A heap of messages, emails or texts, irrespective of them being threatening or not. Hateful and verbal calling which includes blackmailing, name-calling and/or threats of violence. The bully may be a person that the individual is acquainted to (may be a friend, an ex, or someone else). It would be a wise choice to talk the reason of bullying. Do mind the conversation be done in person rather than on the phone, text or any other sort of communication. On the other hand, if the person is unknown, it is more advisable to take a stronger action since talking out will probably not work. Since a bully will message expecting for a reply, it is best to ruin such expectations. They mostly intent to send a message to either make you scared or to elicit a reaction from you, so firing back a message will provoke his/her behavior further, which is more likely to make things go out of hand. This is a very crucial and important step- it is best to back up any conversations your kid may have had with the bully as a form of evidence; file away every mail, text message, instant message, or any other useful data. The best method to put an end to the bully’s threats is by immediately blocking the person out from your social account. Note to do this step after saving the appropriate evidence through messages or any other media. Social networks and smartphones nowadays have enhanced features for managing privacy and blocking unwanted people, hence this won’t be too hard to do. Social networking websites do have their benefits, but one should know how to tread carefully when it comes to imparting personal information. Change your account settings. Limit the amount of personal information you share with others hence removing any odds of the bully to find a new way of contacting you. Social media sites, despite having all your personal information, have added features to limit the data from going public as well. Utilize these features and limit your phone number, address and contact info to only close friends. Create a new account if the person has found another way of getting to you. Reveal that account only to close ones and family. The school principal, teachers or student counsellors as they can find a solution to your problem before things get out of hand. Other kids at the school may experience cyber bullying too, so perhaps your case will set an example to speak about the problem frankly rather than suffering in silence, so don’t be afraid to talk about it. Cyber Crime Cells by Indian Police are located across the country. You can approach them or log a complaint if such bullies take up drastic shape and require police attention. Lastly, try to support your child through his/her experience; assure him that you will always stand by him and protect him from anything that may cause him harm.
Nice commentary on the varying kinds of mistakes we make in life. Some of them are trivial, like misplacing or losing stuff. But interspersed are things like the cancer remarks. Cancer is one of those diseases in a strange category, it sorta creates hushed tones in conversations, and is up there in the "why does this have to happen" category. I'd like to think that science, when it maybe spends about five years cleaning a bit of the politics away, could make a few breakthrough strides. Already a few studies are coming in, in various places, that unusual things besides too much suntanning and smoking can contribute to cancer. Thanks for the post: A lot of people talk about time travel addressing the big issues (correcting courses of war, eradicating evils, introducing tech before its time); but I think that it's the smaller things that add up that people would correct first. In my own life, I would not have worried about taking a day off or two to go and see a doctor to address those odd pains in my side. That small investment would have saved me months of hospital time. Then again, maybe a time traveler can go back and change the course of the way funding works for medical research . . . and bring out that cure (that may already exist) now. The old V TV series addressed this (I believe), when the aliens revealed to the public that our own scientists (for political and capital reasons) were sitting on the cure for monetary gain.
The end of one calendar year and the start of a new one represents an opportunity to take stock of where we are with CSR. Has it been a catalyst in creating more socially aware and responsible businesses? Are CSR initiatives becoming more imaginative and having greater impact? Have legislative, regulatory and other external developments resulted in more responsible business conduct. In India, perhaps it is time to take stock of the impact of CSR requirements in the Companies Act 2013. Is there now greater investment and more innovation in CSR projects than used to be the case? Are directors and boards more aware of the changing social and environmental concerns and priorities of stakeholders? Many stakeholders today seem more concerned about quality of life, sustainability, climate change, the preservation of endangered species and social issues such as diversity and inclusion. In competitive markets where people have a choice, do companies now need a degree of social acceptance to continue to operate and to avoid challenge, whether in the form of criticism in social and other media, customers taking their business elsewhere, legislative action or potential employees preferring more socially and responsible companies? If adverse publicity can quickly impact on sales, do businesses need a ‘social license’ to remain viable and avoid boycotts? The forthcoming 10th annual International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility organised by India’s Institute of Directors is being held in Mumbai. Coming early in the new year the 2016 event represents a good opportunity for various parties to review CSR activities and discuss how directors are addressing changing external expectations of corporate conduct and pressure from legislators and other stakeholders for more responsible behaviour. In relation to the CSR requirements in the Companies Act, 2013, are directors doing just enough to satisfy a legal requirement, or are they thinking more generally about how to be more socially responsible? The 2016 conference’s theme of embedding a CSR mandate into corporate strategy suggests considerations that have applied to CSR activities are important for corporate futures and a matter for the board. Does being a responsible business today involve new considerations? Does it incorporate or replace CSR, or learn from it? Are distinct CSR activities a core element of what being a responsible business is about, or might they no longer be needed when a business as a whole is socially responsible? That there are guidelines in terms of what sort of activities would meet the CSR requirements of the Companies Act 2013 suggests some suspicion that companies might classify activities that would benefit the business as CSR. Yet surely if a project benefits a company as well as an external target group more effort might be devoted to it. Directors have a duty to the company itself as well as other stakeholders, and in other areas they often strive to achieve outcomes that are beneficial for more than one party. Benefiting multiple stakeholders is a performance indicator. For a board that aims to ensure that corporate activities are both lawful and ethical, but also socially acceptable in today’s business context, what more needs to be done beyond building mutually beneficial relationships with a company’s stakeholders and ensuring they are treated fairly and that offerings represent value for money? How important is it that a business is responsible, seen to be responsible and regarded by others as responsible? Experienced directors should be aware that a board needs to address and balance the interests of different stakeholder groups and build mutually beneficial relationships with them. Some groups may appear to have more power to benefit and/or harm an enterprise than others, but the reputation of a company can influence relations with all of them. Boards ignore external groups at their peril. Smart directors take account of their interests and concerns and try to work with the grain of opinion. They recognise that many people support good causes and want to make a difference. The memberships of stakeholder groups can also overlap For example, customers may also be investors and vice versa. A disgruntled employee might participate in discussion forums on social media or be politically active and able to influence legislators. Hence the value of benefiting multiple groups. In India CSR expenditure has to satisfy certain conditions to count towards a Companies Act 2% of net profit requirement applicable to certain companies. To achieve sustainability objectives we need to deliver more with less, join up initiatives, collaborate and find ways of simultaneously delivering multiple objectives and benefiting multiple stakeholders. Do tight rules as to what constitutes a CSR initiative and ruling out activities that benefit both a company and an external target group prevent us from doing this? Should we instead be encouraging the effective use of resources that generates a variety of outcomes that benefit both or all parties to relationships? Should we actively promote responsibility initiatives that are beneficial for businesses, their staff and those they are seeking to help? Might such projects attract greater internal interest, commitment and support? Government initiatives such as the requirement in India for certain companies to devote a specified portion of net profit to CSR activities are designed to create public value and deliver public benefits. However, is there a danger that specifying a requirement and setting limits as to what will satisfy it may marginalise CSR and act as a break on more general progress towards socially responsible businesses? As is often the case, well meaning initiatives can sometimes be counter-productive. The extent to which the intentions of legislators or regulators are fulfilled and value is delivered will depend upon how those who are subject to the requirements respond. Companies that initiate CSR activities that are the exception rather than the corporate rule because of an external requirement may become unstuck. Drawing attention to CSR projects in an annual report and other communications may just serve to communicate to external audiences that these activities are a special case and not mainstream activity, i.e. the business is only behaving in a responsible way because of being forced to do so. Members of the asset owner and management communities vary in the extent to which they are concerned about whether their investments meet environmental, social, sustainability and other criteria. Some are very concerned. They use indices that attempt to quantify the extent to which funds and opportunities meet their responsible investment expectations and requirements. Others mainly focus upon traditional concerns with maximising returns and minimising risks, and making sure that any risk involved is not disproportionate in relation to anticipated returns. For the community of asset owners and managers concerned with responsible investment how important is the perceived scale, quality and impact of CSR programmes, initiatives and activities as opposed to responsible behaviour across the full range of a company’s operations? When investment portfolios are assembled, how significant are the aims of CSR policy and the achievements of CSR teams compared with overall corporate strategy and its implementation and responsible business behaviour? Is the market a company is in, the nature of its products and services, and corporate conduct and resulting reputation more important than what it devotes 2% of its net profit to if it is subject to the provisions of the Indian Companies Act 2013? For example, would an ethical fund be more or less likely to invest in a tobacco company because of its CSR projects? Governments considering measures to encourage more responsible conduct need to ensure that any laws, rules or guidelines they produce do not limit responsible business endeavour to those activities labelled as CSR and preclude more cost-effective and resource-efficient solutions that would deliver a greater range of benefits to multiple stakeholders, including a company itself and hence engender greater commitment to them and higher investment in them. Social responsibility laws, rules and guidelines should liberate rather than constrain. Involvement in CSR initiatives should help people to raise their ambitions and think outside of the box. A CSR team could become an innovation unit for a responsible business.
Greece has been creaking under the burden of an economic crisis for the last eight years. Many people have lost their jobs and their hope too. However, the people around Varvakeios Square are doing something to lift the doom and gloom: they are breathing new life into this run-down town square. Reaching over the piles of peppers on sale at a market stall, Stephania Xydia hands the vegetable seller a colorful flyer: “It’s on tomorrow!” The flyer is an invitation to a community dinner on Varvakeios Square in Athens. “It starts at 7 p.m., and there will be food, music and an exhibition with the best suggestions for what to do with the square.” The trader weighs a kilo of tomatoes for a customer. The market on Varvakeios Square is a busy place at this time of day, just before midday. Once the market is over, people always come by to pick up the fruit and vegetables that have been discarded or have fallen on the ground— a clear symptom of the crisis. However, today is just a normal market day: customers still come along to examine the produce at the stands—potatoes, onions, and heaped-up stacks of peppers and tomatoes. There are also cherries, decorated with snow-white gardenia, as well as peaches and apricots. The vegetable seller is still studying the invitation when Stephania adds: “It would be great if each of you could contribute with some vegetables for the dinner, whatever you can manage.” The man nods, and Stephania Xydia says goodbye and moves on to the next stand. Mary Karatza and Stelios Voulgaris are also walking around the market with Stephania. This trio came together in fall 2013 and become active as “Actors of Urban Change” in Athens. Each of them brought expertise from various fields to the table. Stephania Xydia had been campaigning for more citizens’ participation in the city for a long time with her “Place Identity gr” NGO. The interior architect Mary Karatza had been a representative of the commercial sector, and Stelios Voulgaris from the city authorities in Athens. Working together with traders and the few residents still left on the square, they developed ideas for the square in a number of workshops over the course of a year. The project created an opportunity for doing something that is unusual in Greece—namely, thinking from the citizens’ perspective: what makes Varvakeios square so inhospitable as it is? What went wrong in terms of planning, and how could the square be changed so as to increase its acceptance amongst the locals? Even the notoriously gruff traders showed up at the workshops. Finally someone was interested in hearing what they thought of the square! A covered entrance to an underground car park divides the square in two. There are few residents left on the square. The term “square” is actually a bit of an exaggeration for this location. An underground car park was built here the last time the square was redesigned, in 2004 just before the Olympic Games. Since then, the car park entrance has divided the square in two. When the traders close up their stands in the afternoon, nobody else comes here—and there are hardly any local, long-term residents left. However, the underground car park isn’t solely to blame. The depopulation of the city center in Athens started in the 1980s. The crisis in recent years has only helped to finish off the job: many shops have closed, offices have moved away, and buildings in downtown Athens are falling into disrepair. Varvakeios Square too is surrounded by empty buildings with dirty windows and crumbling plaster. The area would already be dead if it wasn’t for the market and the other little shops that are generally run by immigrants. The following evening offers a vision of how Varvakeios Square could look if more people spent more time there. One of the citizens’ ideas for revitalizing the square was to transform it into a source of information on healthy eating. To give people a taste of how this could work, a long table has been set up this evening to serve slow food – i.e. regional and traditional products that are intended to be the opposite of fast food. The ingredients were donated by the market traders—a remarkable gesture when one considers that their turnover has fallen by as much as 70 percent over the period of the economic crisis. However, they felt that the citizens’ project was a worthy cause. There were platters of ham, cheese pastries, sweet dishes, wine and salad, all from the region—and of course ratatouille too from the market restaurant. “I would like to see ...” was written on the white paper tablecloth, and there were pens laid out for guests to write down their ideas. A DJ played music and there was a relaxed atmosphere. Konstantinos Karantinos, who owns one of the buildings on the square, explained that he had been waiting for years for the city center to be revitalized. The workshops, which he of course participated in, made him hopeful that change was possible. Thanks to the project, people got to know each other better and was able to network, said the architect Katerina Pitouli, who is part of a small group of creative people who moved to the city center of Athens around ten years ago and were actively campaigning to create a livable urban environment. Later on, the guests threw so-called “seed bombs” containing plant seeds—this was part of Katerina Pitouli’s idea of creating an oasis of greenery on the roof of the underground car park, which is accessible to the public, but is ugly and dominates the square. One seed has already been planted: residents of the town Missolonghi plan to start their own citizens’ project following the example of the Actors of Urban Change in Athens, and contact has already been established. However, urban planners from the city authorities in Athens have also approached Stephania Xydia’s group. A building on the square is in need of renovation and a tender for this project will soon be announced. The city authorities have asked the Actors of Urban Change if they would like to submit ideas developed in consultation with locals. Nothing has been decided yet, but with a little luck maybe the suggestions of the Actors of Urban Change will soon become reality. A volunteer watering a plant on the square—perhaps the start of an oasis of greenery?
LEXA: Good morning! And yourself? (Elias laughs) How are you? LEXA: That’s great. It’s good to hear your voice. ELIAS: And what shall we discuss? LEXA: I would like to focus on dreams this session. LEXA: But before I do, I would like to venture off of that path just a minute. LEXA: About Seth and his ideas, he first presented the idea of you create your own reality about thirty years ago, approximately. I decided at that time to test that theory to see whether it really worked! (Elias laughs) It sounded like a wonderful idea, and it made perfect sense. I did actually create what I was interested in creating at that time, which was to be a visual presentation manager. I was working in a department store where we set up various sets, is what I called them, in order to sell the merchandise. I learned something very interesting from that experience and it has only been now that I’m able to put it into context. What I learned was I had much more room in my mind than I had in this physical space. In other words, I could come up with these wonderful ideas, but by the time I got the idea down actually to implement it, it had changed and it had begun to take a life of its own. It seemed the creativity would take a life of its own. I couldn’t fight it; I would have to flow with it. It seems to me that that’s somewhat similar to, for instance, consciousness when it projects. I may be wrong — but I think I’m right — that when it projects, can I project all of what it is, but it only projects a portion of what it is. Is that correct? ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes. This would be an accurate symbolization of an action such as this shift in consciousness. As I have explained previously, this shift in consciousness is what may be termed as a Source Event, and a Source Event would be in actuality larger than may be actualized within a physical reality. Therefore, a portion of the Source Event is actualized and is configured to fit the physical reality, but the entirety of the Source Event cannot be actualized within physical manifestation. LEXA: That was the same thing that happened to me when I had all these great visions, you know? ELIAS: (Laughs) I am understanding. LEXA: It was very interesting. I used to tell everybody that I’ve got all this room in my mind, and when I get it down here, it doesn’t even turn out similar to it because you also had — I don’t want to call them restrictions — but other aspects to deal with like maybe, for instance, a prop wouldn’t be available that you had this dream about to use, so you’d have to move into another direction. That’s why I said it tended to take on its own life. LEXA: At the same time that I was in the field, there was someone who was very close to me and I was very close to him, who decided to use AIDS as a form of transforming his energy. I went to visit him at the hospital one morning, and that was the morning that he decided to leave. I’ve always wondered what that was all about. He could have decided to leave at any other time than when I was there! I’d like for you to talk to me about that. ELIAS: I may express to you, the choice was engaged specifically as a type of gesture or acknowledgment of the relationship. LEXA: I miss him a lot. ELIAS: This, in a manner of speaking, was an offering of appreciation. For at times, individuals may choose to be disengaging within the presence of certain individuals as an expression of their appreciation of the relationship that they have incorporated with the other individual. Therefore, it is a moment of a type of gift. I just needed to talk about that, not the event so much, but after he transformed his energy I left the field. I don’t think that was the reason, but then I’ve never really been sure. We really worked together very closely, and I guess I wasn’t quite as interested in the field anymore after he left. I just know that there are no accidents, that’s all. ELIAS: Correct, and generated a time framework within yourself to be reconfiguring your energy and exploring different avenues. I want to move on to some of these dreams I’ve been having. (Elias laughs) The last session when we talked, I told you I had gone to this bird sanctuary and had some experiences that reminded me of a dream that I had, and I believe you mentioned for me to pay attention to my dreams. How do I consciously recognize those portions or aspects of any dreams that I am going to physically actualize? ELIAS: Let me express to you, dream imagery, or that which is recalled of dream imagery, is the objective translation of a subjective action. The subjective and the objective are in harmony with each other. The objective, being abstract, may express the same action but the imagery may be different, for there is a tremendous incorporation of diversity in objective imagery. The subjective action focuses more singularly, in a manner of speaking. It is not as abstract. Therefore, within any dream imagery do not necessarily look to the dream imagery as literal. At times it may be quite obvious, and you may be translating your dream imagery very similarly to waking imagery. But for the most part, within the translation of dream action the objective awareness translates that into symbols. Those symbols are significant to you individually. I may express to you that dream imagery is quite individual, and although it may interconnect in different layers with other individuals and their dream imagery — for you do interconnect with other individuals within this state — the imagery associated with yourself individually is expressed in symbols that are significant or incorporate meaning to you individually. For example, an individual may generate dream imagery which incorporates a specific manifestation such as another individual that they incorporate a close association with. Now; in the imagery, the individual is a symbol, generally speaking. It is not necessarily that the individual is incorporating dream imagery concerning a specific individual, but that there is some expression that is generally associated with that individual, and therefore they become the symbol for a certain association. As a further example, perhaps an individual may generate dream imagery of their mother. The dream imagery may not necessarily be incorporated in association with the mother; it is not concerning the mother. The mother is the symbol for a strong association that the individual incorporates in relation to the mother, perhaps a strong association of nurturing or perhaps a strong association with conflict. Therefore, the imagery of the mother does not actually concern the mother but concerns the association of conflict or of nurturing, as an example. Are you understanding? LEXA: I think I’m with you. ELIAS: Now; in this, as you evaluate the different symbols that are expressed within your dream imagery and you assess what their significance is to you, you turn your attention to your objective reality, your waking reality, and you may begin to evaluate what is associated within what you are creating objectively with those symbols that you have generated within your dream imagery. This is the significance of being familiar with yourself, your energy, what you are actually expressing and what you are doing objectively, and therefore allow yourself to interpret what you are expressing within your dream imagery. At times, it may be imagery that you present to yourself as a validation of your movement. At times, it may be offering you information concerning some challenge that you may be experiencing objectively and how to be addressing to that challenge, or what are the components that are influencing that challenge. At times, it may be imagery or information that you offer to yourself concerning other individuals and perhaps your interactions with other individuals. LEXA: That’s great, and I can look at it from that perspective. I guess what I had in mind now really was more from a concrete perspective in terms of concrete images. When I have dream imagery and I see that same imagery manifest in my concrete reality — not necessarily interactions with other humans, but concrete buildings or at the bird sanctuary when I was walking — how do I know which of these I’m going to manifest? That’s what I’m trying to find out. Some dream imagery and some dream experiences you don’t manifest, isn’t that correct? ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, not precisely. You do, in some manner, but not necessarily precisely as the images have been presented within dream state. LEXA: One dream in particular I had, and I think it’s been a couple of years ago, I see aspects of it manifesting precisely or relatively precisely as I had in that dream. I just am really curious about how I can determine out of these dreams what I am going to experience and what I am not going to experience. I guess I would be the determiner of that. ELIAS: Yes, you are, and this is actually a choice. Now; in any dream imagery that you present to yourself that you reflect almost precisely in your objective imagery and actually generate the same imagery that you have presented to yourself within your dream imagery, that is a choice, and it is a specific offering to yourself. Whether it be what you term to be comfortable or uncomfortable, in the time frameworks in which you present to yourself the same type of imagery objectively within what you create within waking state physically and that which you have presented to yourself within dream state, you are generating specific experiences to be offering yourself clearer information concerning yourself. You are correct, it does not necessarily involve other individuals; it is more of an offering of information to yourself concerning different situations and what you create and how you create them. As an example of that type of imagery, let us say hypothetically that you incorporate a dream in which the imagery is presented in an interaction with another individual, and subsequently you generate precisely that type of interaction with the individual. Now; what has been expressed is information to you, an offering to you to pay attention to how you are expressing your energy and how you are directing yourself, and whether your attention is genuinely being directed to yourself or whether you are expressing automatic responses. The imagery does not concern the other individual; it concerns you. ELIAS: Correct, that is hidden from yourself and is directing of you without your permission. Moving on to another question, what is the difference in action within the dream state when I am viewing a scene but I’m not within it nor do I go within it — I only view the scene — and the action of when I’m over a scene I’m viewing and I go in it and I have some interaction within the scene and then I leave it? What’s going on here? What are the differences that are occurring in these two actions? ELIAS: Very well. Within these two actions there is a difference, and that concerns the objective awareness. Within the dream action, you may be incorporating different quantities, so to speak, of your objective awareness. If you are generating dream action and you incorporate little or no recall of the dream action, you are not incorporating your objective awareness. In a manner of speaking, you have disengaged somewhat of your objective awareness — or figuratively speaking, your objective awareness is asleep. Ha ha ha! LEXA: Let me ask you this. Does that mean then that in those instances when I’m above an action within a dream state and I know I am peeping in on this and I say to myself I need to get out of here, is that me disengaging my objective? ELIAS: No, no. In that action, you are incorporating much more of your objective awareness. You are incorporating almost the expression of objective awareness as you do within waking state — not quite, but almost. Within the dreams in which you are participating but you are not aware of watching the participation, your incorporation of your objective awareness is approximately half of what it is within your waking state. Therefore, you do incorporate recall of the dream imagery, but you do not offer yourself enough strength in the objective awareness to be actually intentionally manipulating within the dream imagery. Now; in situations in which you are noticing that you are participating within the dream but you also are aware of being outside of the dream, so to speak, this incorporates enough objective awareness to actually manipulate the dream imagery. LEXA: I don’t know if I’ve ever manipulated it. But then when you’re in it, maybe you are manipulating it, just because you’re in it. I’ve always had the impression that these dream experiences are valid experiences. I think that they probably may be of other aspects — I’m going to just call it that — of my consciousness, when I go into these dreams and have these experiences and then I wake up and say wow. For instance, I had this one dream that I came to — I call it “coming to” in the dream — and I’m huge! I have never been that huge! I must have been as big as the world or larger. I was just huge! When I was raising up, I said to myself wow, I am huge! I don’t know whether that was a cellular expansion that was going on at that time or whether I was just actually that huge. (Elias chuckles) You want to talk to me about that? ELIAS: This is imagery that you have presented to yourself concerning vastness, and offering yourself imagery to symbolize to yourself a genuine experience of yourself in its vastness, which you image in largeness; which is somewhat accurate, for this would be an offering of information to yourself to experience the vastness of yourself as essence. LEXA: I became concerned about my action within that dream as hugeness, in affecting others in a non-positive way, I guess. ELIAS: Which is an automatic association, and that is significant. For in this vastness and the viewing of the vastness of yourself and the experiencing of that, you also begin to recognize that you incorporate tremendous power. In that recognition of this tremendous power that you hold, there is, generally speaking with most individuals, an automatic negative association, for generally speaking, individuals view tremendous power as dangerous. LEXA: I didn’t necessarily think it was negative. What I thought more was I did not want to hurt anyone. LEXA: I don’t consider that negative. I think that’s — from my perspective now, and I could be just off on some blue moon here — but I thought more in terms of the control of the power in relationship to aspects that may not be quite as powerful or that may not be expressing quite as powerfully at that minute. ELIAS: I am understanding, but that is the same belief which is being expressed, that tremendous power incorporates the potential for destructiveness or for hurtfulness and therefore is suspect. LEXA: Maybe not suspect, but maybe needs evaluation in terms of its use. ELIAS: Or that in the belief, it must be controlled and therefore channeled in proper manners. But recognize that in this expression, you are offering yourself information concerning an expressed belief in relation to power, and that there are many aspects, so to speak, or influences of that belief of power. There are many different expressions that may be incorporated in association with those influences, such as control or concern for other individuals, which is in itself a dangerous area, for that may easily generate an association that other individuals are not creating their reality efficiently enough to be incorporating an interaction with your power. That assumes that you in some manner create the other individual’s reality or that you incorporate the ability to be generating some action or some influence in association with another individual that they are not compliant with, which is not true. ELIAS: Ah, but this is precisely what I have expressed to you, NOT to be concerning yourself with that, for you do not create other individuals’ realities. Therefore rather, allow yourself to generate an appreciation of the power that you incorporate, and allow yourself to manipulate that in manners that are associated with your preferences. LEXA: There’s another experience I want to cover briefly that has stuck with me, too. I mentioned it to you, I believe, the last time we talked, or maybe this is the first time. It had to do with music; I told you I heard beautiful music in my dreams. I’m curious about that experience. I’m curious about that beautiful music. Where was I and what was I doing? What is it all about? How can I recreate it to hear that music again? ELIAS: First of all, offer to myself your impression. LEXA: ...and that sound would be a composite of all aspects of my essence. I think that’s what I’ve read. LEXA: Is that what I was experiencing? ELIAS: Yes, and the significance of the note which coincided with your clock is actually quite precise in generating an intensity of the experience, and in a manner of speaking, bringing that experience in its intensity into your waking state. LEXA: It was beautiful, and greatly timed, too! (Elias laughs) There’s nothing more exhilarating than waking up laughing! I think that’s about the most exhilarating thing. I guess the aspect that I really appreciate about that dream, not that I don’t appreciate others, but that particular one is that I can still remember it and it still brings joy. I was asleep one night and I heard my door close downstairs. When I heard it, my eyes were closed but I could see. I could see the bedroom window; I could see all the physical aspects of that bedroom. I heard steps, and at the same time there was this intense energy, as if I was being plugged into a wall socket. I heard these steps going up my stairs, and this figure walked into this room and stood by the door. All of this time I was wired, and I said to myself finally — because you’re in this state and you say, “Am I going to freak out?” and I know that I am — (Elias laughs) I said to myself finally, “This is a thought-form,” and it went away. What was I doing? I know you’re going to tell me I created that, but I don’t believe it. (Both laugh) I don’t believe that one, because that one was something! ELIAS: (Laughs) But it was quite real. LEXA: I know it was real! I was like I’m going to lay here and I’m going to watch this. I know it was real, because I could feel it. ELIAS: (Laughs) You are quite correct. Now; let me express to you, yes, you do create all of your reality. But within your reality, you do interact with other energies, and you choose what other energies to allow and what energies not to allow within your reality. You draw, quite specifically, every other energy to yourself within any given moment. Now; I may express to you, what you have generated in this experience is a meeting, a brief meeting between yourself and another focus of you. This is your energy, but in a different manifestation of you. LEXA: Forward or backward in time? ELIAS: This would be a future focus. LEXA: Is it the same one that sent the begonia? I love it! Now; this was an allowance of you to incorporate an actual manifestation of that energy. LEXA: Gotcha! That’s why I said it’s a thought-form. LEXA: He was very tall! (Elias laughs) I’m glad to know that. I knew it was real, but I mean, come on guys, give me a little warning bell here! I guess I did get the warning bell when I felt the energy that was so intense. ELIAS: Yes. But it was not generating a type of energy to promote fear. LEXA: No, but let me tell you something. The circumstances could have been very fearful, because I know no one was supposed to be in my house and I know I heard steps and I know I felt that energy. I knew within some level of this experience that there should be no fear, but that kind of action could very well initiate fear within someone who was not as open or not as — I don’t want to use the word “knowledgeable” — but not have the information available to interpret it in a way that would not be fearful. ELIAS: I am understanding, but this is not the situation. LEXA: I understand, but other people may have that experience and it could really cause a lot of problems! ELIAS: (Laughs) But if they are not expressing that openness, they would not generate that type of experience. LEXA: I just came back from Lake Louise, outside of Banff in Canada. I adore Canada, and I know you’re probably going to tell me it’s because of my alignment. Is that true? At that time, I said this is what I’ve always wanted and I really created it. I can honestly say very comfortably that those things I’ve really, really wanted to do I’ve really created them, and I guess having that knowledge is very comforting. ELIAS: Yes, I am understanding. Also, recognize that your affinity for this physical location is influenced by your preferences and also by the energy that is expressed in that location, which your energy resonates with for it is quite similar. In association with your preferences, you have generated other focuses in that location, which generates an appreciation and a familiarity. LEXA: Oh, is that it? It’s a beautiful country. I’ve just got to move there or die! (Elias laughs with Lexa) It’s got to be one of the two! There’s no ifs, ands or buts about it. Don’t you love extremes? (Elias laughs loudly) I do love that country so much, and I’ve made it a point to go there as much as I possibly can and just soak up the energy. It just is magnificent; it truly is. ELIAS: (Laughs) I am quite understanding. And perhaps, rather than expressing the extremes, you may be expressing an acknowledgment of your appreciation and determination! Ha ha! We’ve got to hurry; I’ve got just a few minutes. One last question: Everyone says you create your reality, and I agree with that — sometimes! (Elias laughs) You have specifically said your perception is the mechanism through which you create your reality. Do I have that correct? LEXA: What I find lacking in the information is how is it done? To say “my perception does it” is one thing. My perception is what I put in action here on the shop floor, as I call it. However, I have not seen the mechanics of how it’s done. In other words, I have not seen it explained to me how I as essence use this energy to manifest the physical environment and those interactions that I have. For instance, when you projected your introduction, was that a thought and you projected it? Perception is not what creates my reality. There’s an energy that’s got to come in here first before I can utilize the perception. LEXA: What am I doing, energetically? Not here, up there — and I know there’s no up and down. You understand what I’m trying to get at? ELIAS: (Laughs) Yes. You incorporate energy, which is movement. That is what you actually are. You are an action; you are not a thing. But in association with energy and projecting energy in relation to time and the configuration of time, you generate — it is not necessarily a projection, so to speak — you generate this energy, you filter it through layers of time, and that action creates actual physical manifestations. LEXA: Tell me about that filtering process through layers of time. ELIAS: Without time you do not create physical manifestations. LEXA: Is this across all dimensions and galaxies and whatever? ELIAS: Associated with physical manifestations, yes. LEXA: So time, across “layers of time,” are those energy fields? ELIAS: Time is a manifestation of consciousness. It is a quality of consciousness. It is not a truth, for it is not translatable in every area of consciousness. But it is an element or a quality of consciousness that allows a flexibility and a bendability within certain configurations of energy, in which links of consciousness are expressed in configurations specifically and moved through configurations of time — which as I have stated is a quality of consciousness — and as that occurs, an actual physical manifestation or form is expressed. Now; that configuration of links of consciousness and filtering that through specific configurations of time is manipulated, so to speak, in conjunction with perception. LEXA: You’re saying that there is an element of perception in the nonphysical expression? ELIAS: No. Perception is a physical expression. It is a physical objective mechanism, and it is only associated with physical manifestations. But it is the key element to actually generate the actual physical manifestations. The movement of the links of consciousness and filtering through layers of time does not in itself create physical matter or physical manifestations. The forms are thusly incorporated in association with perception, and that generates a physical presentment, a physical manifestation. Now; the actual manifestation in itself is somewhat different from how it is presented in relation to perception, for perception generates a solidity; whereas, the actual manifestation of matter is an expression of energy associated with time. Therefore, it is not actually solid; it is a movement. LEXA: We’re going to have to talk about this again because we are getting close to time for me to stop. But I really appreciate this, and I’m looking forward to getting the tape. I seem to have created my speakerphone not working, so I don’t have the tape to review immediately. But I do feel that you’ve given me some very valuable information. I do want to revisit this at some point in time because I’m still not quite clear. I hear what you’re telling me, but I’m still not quite clear about the whole process. I want to listen to this very clearly and I’d like to discuss this subject further. LEXA: I guess we should wrap up and let Mary get back to her life. (Elias laughs) I thank you very, very much for offering this information and things for me to think about. LEXA: Thank you very much. ELIAS: I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and in the interim time framework I shall be offering a playful energy to you. LEXA: I’ll try to watch for you.
Soybeans are about 18 percent oil and 38 percent protein, and that protein content makes the humble bean a major ingredient in livestock feed and products for human consumption like soy milk, soy flour, soy protein, tofu and too many retail food products to mention. But soybeans are also used in a wide range of non-food, industrial products like biocomposites used in building materials made from recycled newspaper. Soybeans often replace products traditionally made from wood like furniture, flooring, and countertops. Incredibly versatile, soybeans are also utilized to make biodiesel fuel for diesel engines through a process known as transesterification, which removes the glycerine from soybean oil to leave soy biodiesel. This soy biodiesel burns cleaner than petroleum-based diesel oil, reduces particulate emissions, and is a non-toxic, renewable and environmentally friendly fuel. And if that's not enough, there are now soy-based foams in development for use in coolers, refrigerators, automotive interiors and footwear. As far back as 2007, Ford Mustangs rolled off the production line with soy foam packed in their seats. Now a team of Purdue University students have developed a soybean-based material which can be used for 3D printing. Called Filasoy, it's a low-energy, low-temperature, renewable and recyclable filament created with a mixture of soy, tapioca root, corn starch, and sugar cane. One of the student team members responsible for creating the product, Carmen Valverde-Paniagua, said she and her team were looking for a way 3D printers could function without using plastics. "This is a much better alternative to ABS – as well as some other plastics – which are petroleum derived," she said. "They are toxic as they don't derive from renewable resources. I think the new wave, what's really going to push the industry forward, is renewable materials. Different materials that people can tinker with, so that's really the market that we're trying to get into." The work to develop Filasoy, included a team made up of Paniagua, a senior in mechanical engineering, Nicole Raley Devlin, a doctoral student in chemical engineering and Yanssen Tandy, a senior student in chemical engineering. The work also won a $20,000 prize sponsored by the Indiana Soybean Alliance which calls on teams of Purdue students to create innovative products from soybeans. "We looked at not only the winning products, but all the 15 entrants and evaluated them for commercial viability," said Melanie Batalis, the Director of New Uses at the Indiana Soybean Alliance. "We'll go through patent searches, we'll do manufacturing analysis, and hopefully we'll get some of these products on the market."
A coalition of early childhood professional organisations and parents behind the Early Learning Everyone Benefits campaign aims to increase understanding of the importance of the supporting early learning in the first five years to amplify children’s development. Campaign representatives are delivering boxes of fudge to every Parliamentarian today with the playful message ‘Don’t fudge Early Childhood’ to highlight the interests of young children. “Putting our children first by investing in the early years and creating a more affordable and equitable early childhood system will contribute enormously to Australia’s future prosperity,” said ECA CEO Samantha Page. by age 5, a child's vocabulary will predict their educational success across their lifespan. Children who start school at a disadvantage are unlikely to ever catch up. National Convenor of Australian Community Children’s Services, Prue Warrilow said: “We want our politicians to understand that the first five years matter for children’s development and can unleash a lifetime of potential. “It is encouraging that the Federal Government is committed to early education subsidy reform to increase the affordability of childcare for most working families. However this must be the first step in a comprehensive plan,” said Ms Page. We need a strategy and commitment to ensure that every child has access to at least two days of early learning regardless of their parents’ work or study status. This needs to be extended to three year olds because we need to improve our participation of 3 year olds in early learning – we’re currently in the bottom third of countries ranked by the OECD. Quality early learning also includes quality teaching and we need to see more government support of professional development, ideally through a funded national early childhood workforce strategy. “We also want to make sure all our politicians know that one in five Australian children are developmentally vulnerable when they start school, and this is doubled for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to two in five being vulnerable when they start school,” said Ms Warrilow. “There is overwhelming evidence in Australia and overseas that the best and most cost effective way to improve education outcomes and reduce inequality is to get as many children as possible into a quality early learning environment, and to support families to create a nurturing home environment,” said Mr Lucas. In regard to the Family Assistance Legislation Amendment Jobs for Families Child Care Package Bill currently before the parliament – the campaign partners are broadly supporting the direction of the reforms and have welcomed the streamlined subsidy proposal and the additional investment in early learning through increased childcare subsidy spending as well as the increased inclusion support. There is concern about the potential impact of the ‘activity test’ as currently framed which could negatively impact on some children’s access to early learning – particularly where families have precarious or highly volatile workforce attachment. The sustainability of moving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services and rural/remote services (eg mobile preschools) to a mainstream subsidy model is also of concern. We believe the reforms will be most effective if all young children have access to two days of quality and affordable early learning in the years before school. “We ask all the Members and Senators of the 45th Parliament to consider carefully how they can put children first in legislation that comes before them, and above all - ‘Don’t Fudge Early Learning’,” concluded Ms Page.
This dissertation contains an essay with the above title, as well as two sections of poems. The first section of poems is entitled Maria Sibylla Merian, Artist and Naturalist , and is a collection of poems about, and in the voice of, Merian. Many of these are what are known as personna poems. The second section of poems is entitled The Beekeeper's Wife , and uses autobiography as a framework for communicating the humor in human relationships, and for illustrating the surrealism in the human race's relationships with the natural world. My research for my essay entailed the study of the poetry and criticism of writers including, but not limited to, Anne Sexton, Muriel Rukeyser, Adrienne Rich, Marianne Moore, Elizabeth Bishop, Maxine Kumin, Harold Bloom, Kate Daniels, and Helen Vendler. The purpose of my research was to determine whether and when a poet's political message seemed more important in her poetry than the writing of poetry as art or pure creativity. My research for the section of poems entitled The Beekeeper's Wife entailed the study of bee culture and beekeeping, as well as forays into readings on fishing and hunting practices in Michigan. For the section of poems entitled Maria Sibylla Merian, Artist and Naturalist I studied an exhibit of original prints from her engravings at the National Museum for Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C. I also read and studied various books containing prints of her works in color and black-and-white. I read Natalie Zemon Davis' biographical essay on Merian in her book entitled Women on the Margins . I also read about various of the flora Merian illustrated, and I researched the histories of various pigments as they might have been used during Merian's lifetime. Easterday, Shanda Hansma Blue, "Mothers of Us All: When Does Political Message Take Precedence over Art in Some Modern and Contemporary Women’s Poetry" (2004). Dissertations. 1222.
Jeff Baker is one of many dedicated scientists on Science on Google+ setting an example of how to improve public science outreach. Jeff is an archaeologist who often writes educational critiques of science journalism. He discusses science news sites that have published misleading headlines or incorrect science. We need more of this type of writing! The public doesn’t always know when news sites are reporting science incorrectly. It’s up to practising scientists to step up and call attention to lax science journalism. The general public can help too, by asking questions and even posting these to our Science Outreach category using our #AskAScientist hashtag. Check out some of Jeff’s posts below where he has critiqued popular science reporting on archaeology. The concept of a “tribe” reflects how some Indigenous groups think of themselves in some parts of the world. At the same time, this term has also been used by researchers (such as anthropologists and sociologists) as well as state forces who wish to categorise groups into ethnic hierarchies that reflect colonialist ideas. Western governments rely on the label ‘tribe’ to classify groups unfamiliar to them, especially during political conflicts. In its latter use, when the term is imposed rather than fitting the subjective reality of individuals, this classification can be problematic. My post focuses only on the latter categorisation not on Indigenous or other people who identify with a tribe. When the term “tribe” is imposed, especially during times of political conflict, war and colonisation, it is often muddled up with notions of culture, language, religion and ethnic identity. The notion of tribe hides these overlapping but distinct social relations. It makes social groups seem as if they fit into neat groups, but in reality, the imposed concept of tribes has led to many policy problems. In the 19th century, North Head in Manly, Sydney, became established as Australia’s oldest quarantine station. SBS Australia has chronicled the evolving archaeological study of this historic site. Over 13,000 migrants from all over the world were quarantined there between 1828 and 1984. Archaeologist Annie Clarke says around 580, 600 people died and were buried in three cemeteries at the station. Many more became ill, while others survived and were resettled in Australian society. Clarke is studying over 100 inscriptions on the site, put there by migrants, and her team of researchers are also interviewing descendants of these migrants who arrived by sea. Justin Chung shared an interesting article with new evidence about the use of spices amongst ancient societies. The research calls into question two scientific assumptions. First, the development of European diet. Second, the diffusion of cultural practices between prehistoric groups. This spicy tale begins with the archaeology team lead by Hayley Saul. The researchers set out to study the use of spices amongst early Neolithic cultures. These are hunter-gatherer groups that paved the way for simple farming communities at the end of the New Stone Age. The researchers studied residues on pottery found in the western Baltic region dating back to 6,100 and 5,750 cal BP (stands for calibrated years before the present).
The La Plata or Franciscana dolphin is among the world's smallest and most endangered dolphins, endemic to the coastal Atlantic waters off South America. They are listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, and are on the IUCN red list of endangered species. Over the last 30 years tens of thousands of these small and very shy dolphins have been killed as incidental bycatch in the long, small-meshed gillnets of local fishermen. Pablo Bordino is the Director of a local Argentinean environmental organisation, Fundacion AquaMarine, which is dedicated to protecting the marine environment in Argentina. Pablo works with local artisinal fishermen along the coast of the Buenos Aires Province in Argentina to prevent the incidental catch and subsequent deaths of the La Plata dolphin. At least 500 of these small and very shy dolphins are killed in long gillnets every year. The total population of the dolphin, its breeding, social and feeding habits, are unknown. Pablo has set up a project which he hopes will ensure the survival of this species by studying the dolphin's natural habitat, by working to overcome the problems with the fishing nets, and by establishing marine reserves along the Buenos Aires Province coast. Most of the coastal area off the Buenos Aires province is over-fished. Pablo Bordino believes that by targeting a "flagship" species such as the La Plata Dolphin could serve to greatly protect the entire marine coastal habitat and biodiversity. In 2002 Pablo won the WildInvest Continuation Award.
I read a book review on "Iconoclast" by Gregory Berns in Fast Company, October 2008. Iconoclast in the case of the book means to One who attacks cherished beliefs. I think most entrepreneurs are good at this. They challenge the known and think creatively. -- The brain is fundamentally a lazy piece of meat. It doesn't want to waste energy. -- In order to think creatively, you must develop new neural pathways and break out of the cycle of experience - dependant categorization. As Mark Twain said, "Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned." For most people, this does not come naturally. Often, the harder you think differently, the more rigid the categories become. -- Fortunately, the networks that govern both perception and imagination can be reprogrammed. By deploying your attention differently, the frontal cortex, which contains rules for decision making, can reconfigure neural networks so that you can see things that you didn't see before. You need a novel stimulus -- either a new piece of information or an unfamiliar environment -- to jolt attentional systems awake. The more radical the change, the greater the likelihood of fresh insights. -- Only when you consciously confront your brain's shortcuts will you be able to imagine outside of its boundaries. So I believe in the theory. I know I want to be creative. I know I need to to thrive in a changing world. Part of my routine is to challenge myself intellectually. I partly do that by reading but often by doing something completely different. I am thinking how to incorporate this into habit. Sometimes I can get almost an overwhelming number of things that I need to do. I have developed strategies to help me deal with this. 1 - I recognize when I am likely to be swamped and try to plan a bit of extra time and flexibility in my schedule. For example, I am just back from being out of the office and know I am going into management meetings. This is a time I will have too many things on. So I have tried to leave a bit of space. 2 - I reset peoples' expectation on when I can have things done. I pride myself on being fast and crisp. But in times like this, I tell people "I will review it next Wednesday and get back to you then". By setting proper expectation, the pressure is reduced. 3 - The basis of any time management system is the "To Do" list. It is even more important when juggling many balls to have a good to do list. 4 - And once I have the To Do list, I prioritize. It is more important to work on the important than to get many of the less important things done. 5 - if my list is too long, I create a "To Do Right Now" list which a more manageable number of tasks on it. For me, that usually means just 3 or 4 things to do. 6 - Sometimes the overwhelm seems too great. At these times, I just do it. Dig in and start and momentum will carry me through a huge list. 7 - I create games with myself. On my To Do list, I put the time each task will take. This means I can play a game to see if I can beat the projected times. Set a list of things to complete by X times. After all - games are fun so why not make it a game. 8 - I like to have a clean work space. One trick for me is to put any mess behind me (on my credenza - or a drawer works well) so I will not see it. A messy desk is a whole bunch of things saying "do me, do me". This can just add to the stress and often result in busy work rather than productive work being done. Now back to work to get my list done.
Foremost among the barons who had sworn to uphold Matilda was Stephen, her cousin, a grandson of William the Conqueror. Yet Henry was no sooner dead than Stephen took possession of the throne. He also had himself crowned at Westminster, and was recognized as King of England by the pope. Stephen's manners were very pleasant, so he soon made many friends. As he knew Matilda would want to wrest the sceptre from him, he tried to gain both rich and poor by making many promises. He told the poor that he would give them a charter, or new set of laws, and he granted the barons more freedom, and permission to build as many castles as they pleased. As the death of the king had been sudden, Matilda, who was then on the Continent, was not at once able to take any measures to defend her rights. But she soon sent over to claim the throne, and as Stephen would not give it up, she induced her uncle, David, King of Scotland, to invade England. This monarch marched into England before Stephen could summon an army to oppose him. But a brave priest in the north of England, seeing the danger, collected an army on the spot and sent it to meet David. As there was no king present to read this army, the priest set up a standard in a chariot, and placed it in the midst of the army, telling the warriors it was their duty to defend their standard as loyally as their king. The battle which ensued has therefore been called the Battle of the Standard. The English were victors, but they bought complete peace from the Scots by giving them a large tract of land in the northern part of England. Matilda, in the meantime, had been busy collecting an army, which, as she herself could not fight, and as her husband was dead, was commanded by one of her relatives, Robert of Gloucester. When this army appeared in England, many Norman barons joined it, because they were tired of Stephen, who had not kept his promises. A civil war now broke out between Stephen's and Matilda's parties in England. The castles which were already standing were fortified and garrisoned, and many others were built on all sides. Under pretext of fighting for the king or the queen, as the case might be, the nobles living in these castles attacked one another, and burned and stole so freely that they are known as the robber barons. Whenever Stephen found fault with these noblemen and tried to punish them, they joined Matilda's party; and soon the whole country was in an uproar. Stephen besieged Matilda in Bristol; but she escaped, collected another army, and met him again near Lincoln. Here Stephen was defeated and made a prisoner. Matilda next rode in triumph to London, where she was named queen. But as she was haughty and violent-tempered, and kept pressing the people for money, which they were too poor to give her, they soon began to hate her. In their anger they drove her out of the city and forced her to take refuge in Winchester, where Stephen's brother came to besiege her. Queen Matilda seems to have been fated to have narrow escapes, for she managed to pass out of this castle, and through the enemy's ranks, on the back of a fleet horse. But Robert of Gloucester, less lucky, was captured by Stephen's party, who refused to set him free unless Matilda would give them Stephen himself in exchange. Stephen and Robert of Gloucester, therefore, changed places, and the war was renewed. Matilda, cornered again, now slipped through the hands of her enemies by pretending to be a corpse, and being carried out in a horse-litter. Stephen, who had sworn never to give up until she was his prisoner, now besieged her in the Castle of Oxford, where, in spite of scant rations, the garrison held out until midwinter and until snow covered the ground. When Matilda saw that her brave defenders could not hold out much longer, she planned a bold escape. Clad in white from head to foot, so as not to be discovered against a snowy background, she crept out of the castle one dark night with three knights, crossed the river on the ice, and, walking six miles, came to a place of safety.
The thirteenth word of verse (7:27) is divided into 2 morphological segments. A noun and possessive pronoun. The noun is masculine and is in the accusative case (منصوب). The noun's triliteral root is lām bā sīn (ل ب س). The attached possessive pronoun is third person masculine dual.
I’ve been in full-time Christian ministry for forty-four years. I began in 1973, teaching at God’s Bible School in Cincinnati. Two years later I moved to Kansas City to work for Lillenas Publishing Company, where I spent 34 years. Since leaving there at the end of 2009, God has focused me on writing and publishing hymns and devotional material. All my adult life I’ve also been active in my local church, mostly teaching the Bible. God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed (2 Corinthians 9:8, NASB). God has fully equipped me for absolutely everything He has ever called me to do. Every task, every time. Have I always felt confident in myself? Heavens, no. Usually the opposite. Though I’ve been teaching for all these years, public speaking has never come naturally to me. But God uses me, enables me, and always gives me a message that I know is from Him. He shares His wisdom with me, and He shares His wisdom through me. I’ve written over 600 hymns, a number of books, a regular blog, and articles for a variety of uses and formats. But every morning as I get up to write, I deeply feel my total inadequacy for that day’s task. Every single morning. Before I get out of bed, I pray, reminding God of my total dependence on Him. I make myself available to Him, telling Him that I can only do what He enables me to do. For my part, I pray, study, prepare thoroughly, rest, exercise, try to take care of myself, and work hard. I do my best with everything I write, whatever the task. And at the end of the day, sometimes I feel comfortable with the results of that day’s writing. Sometimes I don’t. But I keep it committed to Him, and I trust Him to work in His own way and time. Even though I am not confident in myself, I am confident in Him. And He never, ever lets me down. As long as I look to Him, He never abandons me to my own weakness and incompetency. Forty-four years and counting. I’ve found her description so true. That is the way God has so often inspired me. He doesn’t demand, “Copy this down!” He is a gentle voice in odd moments. “Read this.” “Look there.” “Ask yourself this…”. Many of my most precious and fruitful times have begun exactly that way. I’m still learning to turn to Him when I have a few spare minutes, to stay open to small promptings, mundane tasks, and unscheduled visits. These are life’s priceless opportunities. The Lord often shows up in disguise, without warning. I never ever want to ignore Him when He comes to me unannounced. The truth about God is inexpressibly glorious. As a writer, I want people not only to think this truth, but to feel it. I want the truth to grab both their minds and their hearts. Somehow, such a magnificent truth doesn’t seem content to simply speak. It longs to sing and dance and shine as well. As we fellowship with Him, looking to Him, talking to Him, trusting Him, He makes us more and more like His holy Son Jesus. The Spirit of Christ grows within us. I want everyone to know our God in this way, with every breath. That’s what drives me and draws me to write hymns. I want people to not only know the truth but to fully realize it with mind, heart, and imagination. What does love for God draw You to do? How do you share His greatness and presence with those around you? I must be rested, fresh, and alert to do creative work. Sleep, exercise, and diet all play a part. So does Bible study and prayer. But even when I’m physically ready to work, the creative task would intimidate me if I let it. Writing involves uncertainty and self-doubt. Even after all these songs, books, and articles, I never feel confident that I can do it again. Never! Writing involves making tough decisions, one after another. Who enjoys making difficult decisions? No one! Certainly not me! Because writing is intimidating, it would be easy to fall prey to procrastination. There’s always the temptation to fill your time with something less demanding just this once. Excuses and self-deceit are far easier than writing. 1. Plan. Establish a reasonable schedule and stick to it. I love routine, and I’ve read that many creative people do. Other obligations sometimes intrude on my writing time. On rare occasions I even schedule a little time off. But I never skip writing on a whim. Never! I keep to my routine. 2. Pray. As I approach time to write, I tell the Lord honestly that I can only do what He enables me to do. I lean on Him. I make myself available to Him. 3. Begin. When it’s time to write, I sit down and start. I don’t wait for inspiration, and I don’t wait to feel like it. I’ve found that if I begin, God will be faithful to help me. But He can’t work through me until I begin working. Starting is that step of faith that I have to take, trusting that He’ll be there to help me. Congregational singing involves people from a broad range of ages, cultures, stylistic preferences, and personalities, all singing together. Most have little or no musical training and usually no rehearsal. Further, the music must be easy enough to be sung comfortably and naturally, leaving the singers free to focus on the words. The music must serve as a vehicle for the text. What happens if the tunes fail the simplicity test? At best, the tune soaks up so much attention that the words are ignored. At worst, the singers grow frustrated and fold their arms in stony silence. Often the problem is trying to use performance songs as hymns. Lacking the discipline of simplicity, such songs are more suited to be performed by a well-rehearsed artist than to be sight-read by a highly diverse, untrained congregation. With performance songs, the leaders are counting on people’s ability to sing back almost anything they hear, no matter how complex. Go to an artist concert, and you’ll hear it happen. Fans will sing along with the band or soloist, no matter how intricate the song. But that doesn’t make the songs congregational. Devotees can join in songs they have heard many times. But what about the people not immersed in such styles? They cannot follow. They are left out. And eventually, the ever-changing music scene will leave the songs unsupported by constant recorded exposure. Complex songs, when not heard regularly, ultimately prove too forgettable. Left unexposed, and by then out of style, most of the songs will die. Hymns must cross barriers of time and culture to serve the diverse and enduring Body of Christ. Musical simplicity is a must. Does that mean that the styles themselves are unsuitable for our hymnody? Do we have to abandon popular styles and limit our hymns to traditional styles? Absolutely not! Down through history the Church has regularly enriched its hymnody by adapting popular music. But our congregational songs must submit to the discipline of simplicity. Our hymns must appeal across cultural and stylistic lines, and they must endure beyond the recorded support provided by popular music. If you are choosing and leading congregational songs, consider your entire congregation. The Church has a wealth of quality hymns in a wide range of styles. It may take some looking and careful thought to integrate them into your service. But approach the task prayerfully, and the Spirit will faithfully enable you to do what He wants you to do. For you writers, accept simplicity as a creative challenge. Composers have usually had to write within the limits of their own situation. Such limits have often become a creative stimulus rather than a hindrance. Many great masterpieces have flowed from narrow circumstances. Prepare yourself musically. Learn the basics. Learn from the best. Go through a good, diverse hymnal and study the tunes that are the most expressive, memorable, and broadly-used. Note their use of form and repetition. Look at how they balance predictability and surprise. (Hint: many current congregational songs lack predictability and thus are too complex.) Immerse yourself in the finest tunes. Absorb their qualities. For now, forget being published and just write for your local situation. (Many of my early hymns were written for my Sunday School class.) Listen to how people respond to your hymns. Be your own toughest critic. Learn from your successes and your failures. Be bold! Write hymn tunes in a variety of styles. But submit to the discipline of simplicity. Keep the tunes easy and enjoyable enough for the Body of Christ to sing together. Have you discovered that Almighty God wants to take part in your daily work? Here’s one example from my own experience. Matching a hymn text with the right tune can be tricky, painstaking business. But years ago I began receiving tune ideas from the Lord. Sometimes I would hear an original tune in my head. Other times I would feel prompted toward a folk or classical tune in one of my sources. I would set the tune aside in my “pending” pile, put it out of my mind, and go on with my work. Then within days the Lord would give me a lyric idea separately, from my Bible study or from an audio book I was listening to. Sometimes it happened the other way around. The text idea would come first, then the tune. What was amazing was how often I’d find the perfect match for the text or tune there near the top of my “pending” file. I had forgotten about the first one until the second showed up and I went looking for a mate. The two had come to me entirely separately, though in the same time frame. At first, I considered it mere coincidence. But it began to happen so regularly that I coined a term for it: divine coincidence. But it wasn’t just texts and tunes that came together so marvelously. Often a thought or scripture would come to me from my daily reading or listening that was exactly what I needed for some current writing endeavor. I hadn’t gone looking for it. It just jumped out at me. Some would explain such phenomenon as the subconscious working of the mind. And I can’t claim to explain all the workings of this amazing brain the Lord has given us. But God regularly uses divine coincidence to remind me that He deeply, personally, constantly cares about my daily activities. My work is His work, and He doesn’t abandon me to it. He works beside me all day, every day. The Spirit of the sovereign, almighty, universal God works through me. He will work through you as well. How wonderful is that! Father, all our work is Your work. Keep us open. Keep us listening. Keep us dependent on You. What raw materials do you use in your creative work? They may be physical materials, or they might be sources of ideas or inspiration. Have you considered using fresh materials or fresh sources? Let me tell you about my experience. Though my formal training is as a composer, in my earlier years I primarily wrote lyrics for other composers to set to music. On the rare occasions when I wrote hymns on my own, I primarily wrote them to fit familiar hymn tunes. Of course, I am always careful to only write lyrics to tunes that are already in the public domain. “Public domain” means they are too old to still be under copyright. Thus they are free for anyone to use however they wish. I still write lots of hymns to familiar hymn tunes. Many congregational song leaders strongly prefer these hymns because they involve no teaching. The congregation already knows the tune, so you just give them the new text, and they’re ready to sing. I try to write a steady supply of such hymns. It’s a way I can serve those congregational song leaders who would gladly use a new hymn if they don’t have to struggle to teach a new tune. But I enjoy going beyond the finite supply of familiar and well-used hymn tunes. I find it creatively stimulating, and it is an investment in the future. Sometimes I write original hymn tunes myself. But many years ago I discovered folk tunes. It began with Christmas carols. I realized that many familiar Christmas tunes either lacked Christian texts entirely, or their texts were so archaic that congregations rarely sang them. So I began writing accessible new hymn texts to these tunes. Here are just a few of many: Peace, Peace, Peace; Infinite Lord; Here We Come Rejoicing; Jesus, the Gift of Christmas; and My Soul Exalts You Lord. Our most widely used hymn is one of these: Love Has Come! Beautiful Christmas tunes in the public domain drew my attention to folk tunes in general. I began buying printed collections of folk tunes and going through them, tune by tune, looking for those that might make interesting and singable hymn tunes. I had had no idea how many multiplied thousands of public domain folk tunes are to be found in various cultures around the world! What an incredible resource! I started a file of tunes that might work as hymn tunes, broken down by tempo (“down”, moderate, and “up”). Most needed arranging. Many needed some degree of revision to work for my purposes, and some needed almost complete rewriting. But the arranging and rewriting were well worth the effort. This massive body of tunes from various times and cultures provided far greater variety and creative range than a single composer like me could ever hope to match. And because they were written for the common folk to sing, they were often inherently congregational. In the years since, I’ve written hundreds of hymns based on folk tunes. Here are only a handful of samples: O Living God; All We Need; By Faith; Christ the Lord Is with Us!; and Ephesians 1. Then I discovered that classical melodies could also be a rich resource for hymn tunes. Unlike folk tunes, they are not inherently congregational. They require more patient searching and more thorough rewriting. But they richly repay the effort. A few of my favorites are: Be Still, My Child; Bless This Seed; Breath of Life; Christ and His Bride; Isaiah 53; Jesus, Full of Truth and Grace; Our Destiny Is Jesus Christ; and The Father’s Face. But folk and classical melodies have enriched my writing in another way. When I write to familiar hymn tunes, I generally start with a lyric idea, then go searching for a tune to match it. With folk and classical tunes, I’ve grown to enjoy starting with a tune that moves me. Then I write a text that fits it. This change has been creatively stimulating and enriching. The point is this: whatever your field of creative endeavor, don’t overlook the beautiful, infinitely varied raw materials all around you. You may find them fresh, inspiring, and deeply relevant, no matter what their age. Apply your imagination to transforming what is already available. Give it your own touch. Or let these existing materials inspire fresh directions for your own work. If the existing material has a copyright notice, or if it was created in the last 90 years, you should probably leave it alone. But don’t be afraid to draw from resources that our Creator has already placed at your fingertips. As I read the gospels, it seems that most of Jesus’ miracles, most of His teaching opportunities, most of His chances to display His Father’s words and works, arrived as interruptions. As He went about His day, He encountered people–all kinds of people: hungry people, sick people, seeking people, devious people, desperate people. People were His priority. And let’s face it: people are the main source of interruptions. Deal with people, dare to respond to people, and you’ll have interruptions. We resent interruptions because they intrude on our agenda. Jesus had no agenda but the Father’s. Thus He didn’t resent interruptions because He received them as from His Father. He welcomed them as opportunities to express God’s grace and truth in the lives of needy people. He dove into such opportunities with all His heart and soul. We flinch at interruptions because they are unexpected and unsought. They blind-side us and drag us where we’re not prepared to go. Jesus was completely and comfortably dependent on His Father, so He was never threatened by the unexpected. I deeply desire God’s moment-by-moment leading. He is teaching me that such leading inevitably involves what I have called “interruptions”. His wisdom, His leadership, His opportunities for service are often unexpected and unsought. They are intrusions on my well-planned agenda. Of course, there are times when the agenda is from Him and the interruption is not. I can’t and shouldn’t chase every rabbit, and I’ll need His discernment to tell them apart. But very often, interruptions only threaten my agenda, not His. 1. As a writer, many of my most meaningful pieces arrived as interruptions. While I was intently working on something else, He gifted me with something better. 2. When He interrupts my carefully-planned schedule, nothing is ever lost. Nothing. God never fights against His own work. I have no reason to be afraid and protective. He often surprises me with increased productivity, and all His work gets done in a natural, unhurried, creatively-satisfying way. Join with me in learning to be more flexible, more trusting, more responsive to God’s leading. As older writers put it, be as responsive to the Spirit as a feather on a breeze. No matter what type of work we do, as Christians, people are our priority, and people bring interruptions. But God’s interruptions are always opportunities. Welcome them! After all, for blind and ignorant creatures like us, such interruptions are inherent in the privilege of serving the transcendent God. His thoughts and ways are far above are own. I hope you’ll ponder your investment in the lives of others. By January, 1983, I was feeling the need for informed and candid reactions to my hymns. I had earlier written to Timothy Dudley-Smith (1926- ) in my capacity as director of Lillenas Publishing Company. He was already a well-known and widely-respected hymnwriter. So I worked up my courage and wrote him in a personal capacity. I told him about myself and my hymn writing and sent along nine of my hymn texts. I enclosed a check for $5.00 to cover postage for an airmail reply, since he was living in Norwich, England, and I in Kansas City. In less than two weeks, I received a lengthy reply. He returned my check, explaining that “really I have so little to say that will help you that I should feel a fraud to keep it; and I have had so much help and encouragement from others that it is a privilege to be writing to you now about your own work.” He went on to explain his own unworthiness as a critic, ending with “…and I have many other lacks which make me hesitate to write. But since you ask me…”. My first lesson from Timothy Dudley-Smith was a lesson in deep humility. He went on to give detailed responses to my specific hymns and as well as comments about hymn writing in general. He talked about the importance of opening lines. He candidly asked me, “Do you revise enough?”, then gave a number of examples of my typing errors, clumsy expressions, colloquialisms (he disliked contractions in hymns), loose expressions, scansion, and the lack of adequate punctuation. He gave his own take on “false rhyme”. The final third of the letter was entirely a lesson in revision. I responded, sending him revisions of the same hymns plus one additional one. Again, he answered within days. He included an entire page of detailed responses to the additional hymn, Raised from Death to Love and Living. His praises and criticisms helped me polish the hymn, and it is still in hymnal use. Our correspondence continued similarly through several more letters that year, and we occasionally touched base in the coming years. My revision process is still not as painstaking as his, but I consistently employ one technique I learned from him. After arriving at the best finished draft I can produce, I let the hymn sit for several days, then come back to it again. Getting the hymn out of my mind for a few days, I can then see it with fresh eyes, and revisions and needed improvements are apparent that I would otherwise have missed. Whatever my hymn writing is today, in 1983 it was primitive by any measure. I marvel that such a capable writer took my scratchings so seriously; that such a busy man, with so many demands on his time, took so much time with me. I still aspire to the balance of kindness and candor that he showed throughout his critiques.
As New Albany and Louisville grew as industrial centers after the Civil War, transportation connections became vital for efficient movement of raw materials and finished goods. The first bridge across the Ohio at Louisville opened in 1870. Operated by the Louisville and Nashville and the Pennsylvania railroads, it improved access to Louisville but disadvantaged New Albany interests. Merchants had to use a branch line to Jeffersonville to ship materials across the bridge and pay heavy fees for use. In the late 1870s, New Albany businessmen, led by J. F. Gebhart and William S. Culbertson, began lobbying for a new bridge. Construction began in 1881 under the authority of the Kentucky and Indiana Terminal Company. The new structure, “the Kentucky and Indiana Bridge,” or “K&I,” was one of the largest and heaviest of its kind. Built of through-truss cantilevered construction, it spanned the river on the west side of New Albany, roughly in line with Vincennes Street. The bridge opened on July 5, 1886, and quickly became heavily used. Total construction costs exceeded $2 million. The K&I Bridge not only benefited New Albany manufacturers but made commuting possible for thousands of workers. A commuter railroad, “The Daisy Line,” carried passengers from several locations in New Albany to destinations in Portland and Louisville. Three-car trains operated from 6:00 a.m. to midnight daily. By 1906, the line carried 1,250,000 passengers annually. The Daisy Line switched from steam to electric power in 1893 and became part of the Louisville streetcar system about 1908. The K&I Bridge also facilitated wagon traffic across the river. Wagon lanes paralleled the railroad track running down the center of the bridge. Drivers paid tolls to cross. In 1910, increased train speeds and loads led the three railroads using the K&I – the Baltimore and Ohio, the Monon, and the Southern – to build a new bridge alongside the old one. The new structure was reputed to be the second-heaviest bridge in the world with a total weight of more than 18 tons. Construction proceeded swiftly, facilitated in part by access from the existing bridge. The new bridge had unlimited carrying capacity and opened on November 27, 1912. It featured double-track rails and improved side paths for automobile traffic. The bridge also had a rotating wing span designed to allow for passage of tall ships. Officials opened the span only four times before disabling it in 1955. In 1929, the opening of the Second Street Bridge between downtown Louisville and Jefferson had little effect on K&I traffic. When the Sherman Minton Bridge opened in 1969, however, use dropped dramatically. The number of cars and trucks crossing the K&I fell from 75,000 to 17,000 in a year. Officials soon discontinued toll collection and switched to an honor system. In 1979, an accident involving an overloaded truck closed the automobile lanes. The K&I continues to carry Norfolk Southern Railway freight trains. In recent years, efforts to reopen the automobile lanes for pedestrian and bicycle traffic have kept the K&I Bridge in the news but have proven unsuccessful because of opposition from Norfolk Southern officials.
We’ve been focusing on the advantages of split injection analysis, while highlighting the weaknesses of splitless injection. This blog is going to revisit the topic of column overload in more detail – focusing on optimizing a split injection method to maximize sensitivity while maintaining and extended calibration range. This is especially critical if you are migrating your method to a 20 m x 0.15 mm x 0.15 µm or 20 m x 0.18 mm x 0.18 µm column for fast analysis with the new GC Acclerator. Typical semivolatiles calibrations on a 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 µm 5-type column range from 0.5 µg/mL or 1.0 µg/mL to over 100 µg/mL (many analysts target 160 or 200 µg/mL). However, this column dimension (as well as the 0.32 mm ID format) will usually show signs of peak overload with less than 10 ng of any individual component on column. Isobars that elute close together quickly become coelutions as mass on column increases. Figure 1 highlights the most popular example of this, the benzo[b]fluoranthene and benzo[k]fluoranthene isomeric pair. The three highest concentration calibration standards (120, 80, and 40 µg/mL) do not meet the 50% valley resolution criteria under splitless conditions [technically, the resolution criteria are only evaluated at the midpoint used for the CCV evaluation, but they are good indicators of accurate integration potential]. The extreme peak fronting resulting from column overload makes it impossible to accurately integrate and generate a linear calibration including these points. Additionally, the peak apex of benzo[b]fluoranthene shifts more than 0.2 minutes (12 seconds) across the calibration standards, another symptom of severe column overload. The concentration-dependent retention time shift requires wide windows in the data processing software, increasing the likelihood of identification errors when the automated integrator processes the data. This results in more time required for manual data review and integration [which can be a headache for those of you manually recording before and after chromatograms in compliance with your manual integration policies] with an elevated risk of error. Under split conditions, the isomers meet resolution criteria (50% valley) in each of the 9 calibration standards, and the peak apices shift by at most 0.04 minutes (2.4 seconds) from 0.1 µg/mL to 120 µg/mL, indicating only minor peak overload at the high end of the calibration range. Figure 2 shows a comparison of splitless and split benzo fluoranthene isomer chromatography over the same calibration range. The minimal shift of concentration-dependent retention times allows for a much more narrow integration window and a greater confidence in peak IDs. This is important because compound concentration isn’t the only factor that can cause retention time shifts. Complex sample matrices with an excess of co-extracted material can have the same effect on splitless injection by greatly broadening the initial sample band at the head of the column. Split injection minimizes this by transferring a fraction of the injection to the head of the column. Figure 2 is a good illustration of how column overload is managed by split injection – but it introduces a new problem that needs to be dealt with: detector overload. Initially, when collecting the splitless injection data, we dropped the gain factor to 0.3 (from the default of 1.0), which reduces the voltage applied to the multiplier below the tune optimized level. This reduces instrument sensitivity, preventing detector overload at the high end of the calibration curve (120 ng on column). For the 10:1 split injection, we increased the gain factor to 3.0 (adding almost 250 volts to the tune optimized level) to make sure sensitivity wasn’t an issue at the low end of the calibration because the split injection delivers 1/11th of the sample to the analytical column. This was a gross over-correction, causing compounds with strong molecular ion responses (such as PAHs) to overload the detector at concentrations as low as 40 µg/mL. Through trial and error, we determined that the best balance between low-end sensitivity and high-end overload occurred at a gain factor of 0.8 (see Figure 3). This appears to be instrument dependent, as we operate a similarly configured 5977a with an optimized gain factor of 1.0 and see similar performance. Figure 3 – Comparison of benzo fluoranthene isomer peak shapes demonstrating the effect of reducing the gain factor on detector overload. Once you have established your linear mass on column range, you can adjust standard concentrations and the split ratio (or injection volume) to maximize your calibration range while maintaining sensitivity to meet method required LOQs.
Cefracef (Cefradine) is a cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia, nose, ear, throat, skin and urinary tract infections. It is acid stable and rapidly absorbed after oral administration. The presence of food in the gastrointestinal tract delays absorption but does not affect the total amount of Cefradine absorbed. Over 90% of this drug is excreted as unchanged in the urine within six hours.
I Want This City offers an unflinching look at the correlation between mission offerings and what happens on the front lines of mission. Data on worldwide Adventist giving from the GC treasurer’s report at the 2015 General Conference Session. In response to this steady decline, the Adventist Church produced I Want This City, a 13-part television series unlike any you’ve ever seen. The reality-style show follows Adventist missionary Pastor Doug Venn for nine months in Thailand’s capital, Bangkok, one of the most unreached cities in the world. “This TV show will make people upset,” says Pastor Doug, who now oversees mission outreach to the world’s cities as the director of Global Mission’s Urban Center for the Adventist world church. Pastor Doug was moved to tears at the thought of potentially lost souls when a lack of funding prevented him from accepting a slum leader’s invitation to build a church. Recently, Pastor Doug was interviewed by Adventist Review in his office at the Adventist world church’s headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, to discuss the television series and his passion for mission. He wept as he spoke about his longing to share Jesus in the world’s cities and his desire for members to contribute more for mission offerings. Below are several excerpts from that interview. Why should I watch this TV series? As Adventists, we believe that because we have received Jesus’ amazing gift of grace, we should share it with the world. An important way to do that is to give to the mission offering. But to some people that can feel like putting money into a black hole. They’re not sure where it goes, who it supports, or what it achieves. This TV show explores how our giving and lack of giving actually affects frontline mission. I Want This City was commissioned by Gary Krause, director of the Office of Adventist Mission for the Adventist world church, in cooperation with Adventist filmmaker Jon Wood. They wanted to document the correlation between mission giving and what happens on the front lines of mission. From the United States, they reached out to me in Thailand, where I was working as a missionary. Initially, I didn’t understand the premise of the TV show. I was just trying to do my job as a frontline missionary, planting churches in Bangkok. I wondered why Jon kept asking about money when I was trying to do my work with impoverished people in the slums or the affluent in a mall. Jon was like a mosquito buzzing in my ear, asking, “Why don’t we have money for this literature?” or “Why don’t we have money to work in that area?” As the months passed, I gained an understanding of Jon’s pointed questions. Will I want to give money to Adventist Mission after watching I Want This City? If you watch this, I think you’ll be troubled. You’ll feel proud watching some episodes about what our church is doing. But in other situations you’ll see that the work is truly languishing. In Bangkok, I met a community of 80 families of trash pickers. They would go get plastic, paper, and aluminum cans to earn their rice money for the day. Then a flood came. Church members gave a mission offering for flood disaster response. We were able to directly impact that community of 80 families. As a result, the community leader later accepted Jesus and was baptized. That led to us opening an Urban Center of Influence, a Sabbath afternoon Bible club for children in the neighborhood. This experience was a highlight—to see that lives are changed when God’s people pour out the money. I didn’t even ask for that money. This TV show allows viewers to see how the gospel and the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6-12 impact neighborhoods. But then you’ll also see that church plants are being closed and publishing is closing because of a lack of money. The camera is in my face every day—both on the good days and the not so good. After watching, we could pause to reflect on how God emptied heaven to give us grace and the three angels’ messages, and then say, “What can we do?” We are told by Adventist Church cofounder Ellen G. White that when we invest in foreign mission, we receive a blessing not only individually but also corporately as a world church. We need that blessing now. How did your experience in Bangkok affect you personally? It was thrilling to share hope with Buddhists in Bangkok. But I didn’t realize at first that the church as a whole is facing a major challenge because of declining mission giving. You might say mission offerings are just numbers and everyone is doing what they can. But as a frontline missionary, I don’t see numbers. I see lives (Pastor Doug gestured toward a large photo of Bangkok’s cityscape in his office). When I look at this, I see a city where mission giving propelled us into new communities. * 2008 Annual Statistical Report of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The latest Annual Statistical Report, 2016, reveals that members gave 39 cents for every $10 given in tithe in 2014.
Amy B.H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden is located within the ahupua’a, or traditional land division encompassing costal and mountain resources, of Kealakekua. Kealakekua, which mean “the path of the gods,” is a culturally and historically significant area. The coastal element of the ahupua’a encompasses a large natural harbor and it is here where Captain James Cook, the first recorded westerner in Hawai‘i, first anchored his ship Discovery and landed in the archipelago “Oowahee,” which he called the Sandwich Isles. Before the time of Captain Cook, Kealakekua was home to many high ranking ali‘i, or chiefs, of Kona. Near the shoreline one would find coconut trees and small patches of ‘uala, or sweet potato, intermittedly dispersed among the various cooking, storage, and living facilities. It was here near the seashore where majority of the craft work was done such as beating bark cloth, weaving, and carving as well ocean activities such as fishing and gathering seaweed and other marine resources. As we head mauka, or towards the mountain, from the coast we cross the lowland dry plains, known as kula lands. These lands still suffer from salt spray and very arid conditions, allowing few useful plants to grow in this zone. Typically wauke, or paper mulberry, from which Hawaiians made their bark cloth, was grown in this area, which persisted until about 500 feet elevation. Above these wauke plantations began the ‘ulu, or breadfruit, groves for which the traditional zone, kalu’ulu, derives its name. These large trees provided considerable amount of food and also provided shade and captured moisture to house other sub-canopy crops. The ‘ulu groves typically extended to about 1,000 feet elevation, at which point the rain line would allow for more intensive agriculture. The major agricultural zone, known as ‘āpa‘a, began with the rain at about 1,000 feet and extended up to about 3,000 feet. This is the zone in which Amy B.H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden is located as well as the archeological remains known as the Kona Field System. While majority of the Hawaiian agricultural systems utilized terraces, the Kona Field Systems, possibly because this area is relatively so dry when compared to the rest of the state, developed an original system consisting of long rock walls, known as kua’iwi, that ran parallel to the slope of the mountain. In between these divisions was heavily planted with the major food crops of kalo, or taro, and ‘uala, using techniques such as mounding and mulching to conserve the scarce water as much as possible. Along the walls, which doubled as paths through the plantations, were planted other significant crops, namely kō, or sugar cane, and kī, or ti leaf. Along the upper boundary of this zone we would find less significant crops such as mai’a, or banana, and uhi, or yams. Mauka of the ‘āpa‘a zone began the wao akua, or realm of the gods. This was the dense forest that was unaltered by the Hawaiians. Several resources were collected from this area including the Hawaiian honeycreepers, collected for their feathers, and koa (Acacia koa), which was felled as lumber for canoes. Majority of our knowledge about the Kona Field Systems comes from early western explorers who extensively documented their visits. The following is one of the earliest accounts of the Kona Field System by Archibald Menzies who was a surgeon and a naturalist with Captain George Vancouver, who made three trips to Hawai‘i between 1792 and 1794.
That could result in lint traveling down your pipes, and that may result in clogs and other issues that have to be dealt with. Applying prevention measures is key to preventing plumbing issues. Clogged drains are one of the more common issues when it comes to plumbing problems. Too much hair will clog a drain. Use a drain cover to keep hair and other elements from going down your pipes. Getting the hair off the screen is much simpler than removing it from the pipe. Sometimes low pressure in water lines can be fixed just by cleaning sediment out of the aerator. After removing the aerator, disassemble it, and use a small brush that's been dipped in vinegar to clean it. After cleaning it, put the aerator back together and put it back on the faucet. Once the aerator has been cleared, your water pressure should improve. Research your plumber online even if you are in the position of not having the choice in which plumber is going to enter your home. Plumbing Leak Repair Rockford IL If you plan to use them, wear long sleeved shirts and gloves. Some of the chemicals used in these products can damage pipes. Choose a drain cleaner that is well-known and whose label says it will not harm pipes. Some chemicals will kill the bacteria your plumbing system needs to function properly and could even be harmful to humans. If your washing machine's drain stack overflows, snake it with a regular pipe snake. Usually, this pipe gets backed up with a gentle clog of lint and tiny washing machine debris. When you want to unclog a drain, it's better not to use chemical drain openers. No matter how effective they are at unclogging drains, the contents of such products can be very dangerous, especially if your skin is inadvertently exposed to them. Wear proper protection, such as long sleeved shirts and gloves, if you have to use these products. If you see water dripping into your walls, it is crucial that you shut off your water supply and call a plumber immediately. This is a sign there is something very wrong plumbing-wise. Many plumbing problems and leaks can contribute to mildew, mold or a flooded home. Bath Faucet Leaking Do Your Own Plumbing With These Tips Even a simple plumbing problem can be a total pain for someone who doesn't know how to fix it. Water softener can help this problem, and you can buy that at a store. , Water-conserving shower heads are relatively affordable, but using them can save you a great deal of money within a single year. Remember that your toilet is not intended to be used to dispose of trash. For example, don't flush sanitary pads or diapers down your toilet. These items can clog the pipes. You will also want to use the least amount of toilet paper as required. Take preventative measures to keep your plumbing costs low. Drain clogs are a common plumbing expense. Drains are easily clogged by hair. Putting a strainer on your drain can solve this problem. You can remove hair much easier from a screen as opposed to getting it out of the inside of a pipe. Clean the aerator to fix low water pressure issues that are caused by the buildup of sediment.
Anxious. Worried. Helpless. Hopeless. These are the words people frequently use to describe their financial situations. Even in the most upbeat company cultures, workers are still stressed out about their personal finances at home. More than 60% of them have less than $500 in savings, and live month-to-month without much financial cushion in the event of an emergency. About half of them feel that they have a limited understanding of personal financial management. Here’s another sad fact: 25% of them have given up on the dream of ever retiring. That’s especially true of millennials, who are graduating from college with more than $37,000 in student loan debt. They now face decades of playing catch-up. This kind of financial anxiety has a devastating effect on a person’s emotional outlook, physical health, and workplace productivity. Instead of feeling whole, they feel broken. In the face of these challenges, many employers are trying to help their workers eliminate financial anxiety by offering a new benefit: holistic financial wellness plans. These money management programs go far beyond penny pinching. They address a person’s financial picture from the standpoint of total wellness. Do you have the data you need to understand your situation? Which emotions are driving your decisions? How high is your level of stress? What are the root causes of the problems you face? What would make you feel motivated to make financial changes? What do you need to move forward from here? When people are struggling financially, they usually have vague answers to questions like these. They can’t picture feeling financially successful. The future looks hazy and dark. Only when the questions above are fully addressed can a person take positive steps toward financial improvement. Employers can help their employees take the first step with a workplace-sponsored, employee financial wellness program. For an employer, these programs are also a holistic solution for the business itself. They address deeper day-to-day workplace issues like motivation, concentration, and productivity. When employees can’t focus on work due to financial strain, employers pay the price. In fact, anxiety is the source of $300 billion a year in U.S. employer costs. Depression and anxiety force people to seek expensive healthcare solutions. Financial frustration causes them to seek out higher-paying employers, leaving their previous employers with the costs of rehiring. It’s a vicious cycle – one that eats companies alive. Low productivity and high employee turnover are characteristics of a company struggling to survive. After all, each lost employee costs at least $15,000 in reduced productivity, missed opportunity, and the time it takes to hire someone else. Companies don’t have to struggle because their employees are buried in financial chaos. Holistic wellness programs flip the script. Rather than assuming employees’ financial problems are unsolvable – or not the problem of the company – these programs tackle financial wellness head-on. A holistic program uses positive, upbeat solutions based on real-world results. The entire experience is low-pressure. Incentives like points, rewards, and contests make financial management fun. Employees actually begin to look forward to dealing with their finances. For an employer, a holistic program limits the risks they face with the workforce: healthcare, turnover, violence, and injury. It turns these issues around into success-focused traits: health, loyalty, camaraderie, and productivity. It also gives the employer happy news to share about a valuable benefit. They’re at the forefront of innovation with a fresh approach to employee benefits. When employers introduce a financial wellness program, employees see a solution to stress on the horizon. Suddenly their employer is part of the answer, not the problem. This makes it easier to assist employees in need. Now when a department manager or HR supervisor sees an employee in dire financial straits, they have something to offer. They can approach the issue from a total wellness standpoint, supporting someone in solving the most stressful situation of their life.
Homocysteine Modulators from Solgar may help maintain a healthy heart and arteries. This may be possible by maintaining normal homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in the blood. High levels of homocysteine in the blood are believed to increase the chance of heart disease. Homocysteine build-up is prevented by either the conversion of homocysteine back to the amino acid methionine or into the harmless compound cystathionine. Solgar Homocysteine Modulator may help the body to maintain normal homocysteine levels by providing, trimethyl-glycine (TMG) vitamins B6 and B12 and folic acid, which are important methyl donors responsible for maintaining proper homocysteine levels in the body. This food supplement is suitable for vegans. Free from salt, sugar and starch. Two capsules daily, preferably at mealtimes or as otherwise directed. Warning: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medication or have a medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Two vegetable capsules provide: Trimethylglycine (from beets)1000mg Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride)50mg Vitamin B12 (as cobalamin prep.)500ug Pyridoxal-5-phosphate6mg Folic Acid (as prep.)400ug Antioxidant (powdered blend** of beta-carotene prep. and ascorbic acid) PhytO2x.
Many people nowadays live two lives, the one that belongs to our real, physical world, and the one lived in a digital reality in which social media networks have a predominant role. In this context, and as the adoption of Internet and social media continue to increase, digital marketing competes with more traditional communication channels. These relatively new digital channels are clearly attractive for companies but this opportunity did not come without risks. Customers have now the possibility to comment on companies’ behavior or products and easily reach their peers, and negative information about brands and companies is prevalent in the market place. It goes without saying that the opportunity is enormous – Facebook has nowadays 1.44 billion active users, Twitter 320 million and 400 million professionals connect in LinkedIn – but, are companies aware of the drawbacks of embarking in social media advertising? A majority of users see Internet, and especially social media, as a place in which people develop and cultivate friendships, associations, and for some of them comes to supplant the lack of communities in the real world. In other words, Internet is a place where social exchange with peers takes place and social media “walls” and “newsfeeds” are seen as highly protected personal spaces. Many users are of the opinion that the Web 2.0 should be about user-generated content, sharing useful information and having control upon your own personal space, and it is difficult for them to comprehend why companies should be allowed to enter the game. In this context, we see reactions from users who feel that brands are invading their digital home. To name a few examples: ads in social media are known to cause irritation, “couldn’t care less” attitude or might project an image that strikes consumers as being hypocritical. At the same time, some customers and social media users are becoming increasingly reluctant to share or retweet advertising material, causing a decrease on the possibilities of a campaign or message to become viral. A study commissioned by Pitney Bowes in 2013 already highlighted that 83% of users of social media had had negative experiences with social media advertising. The same report also showed that 65% of people would stop using a brand that upsets or irritates them due to their social media behavior. All in all, there is evidence that individuals may be resentful of corporate intrusion into what is perceived to be their own community space and this intrusion might trigger a decision to stop using a brand or to engage in negative word-of-mouth or negative publicity. It is well-known that negative word-of-mouth is affecting companies all over the world and many have heard stories such as the one in which singer and songwriter David Carrol was involved. In his case, after a baggage mishandling in a flight operated by United Airlines, David discovered his guitar was broken. He tried to complain but nobody seemed to be able to handle his discontent and, as a way to ease his frustration, David decided to compose a song called United Breaks Guitars and upload it to YouTube. The video got 150.000 views within one day, 5 million after one month and has 15 million views by December 2015. Once more, one individual used Internet to pose a complaint ignored by companies and managed to reach thousands of people at an ever furious pace. Other examples relate to the already mentioned risk of users perceiving some ads or marketing campaigns as being hypocritical. When McDonalds decided to set up a Twitter campaign with the hashtag #McDStories, in which the firm encouraged customers to send messages to the farmers producing ingredients for the company, nobody could expect that users would use it to label stories about food poisoning, low labor standards, animal welfare and the like. A similar case also hit the New York Police Department when it decided to start a Twitter campaign encouraging citizens to tweet photos with police agents. This campaign was quickly sabotaged and rapidly got more than 70.000 tweets related to police brutality. As this type of behavior increases, companies need to remember that, in general, people only have significant contact with people like themselves, a behavior known as homophily. In social media networks, this “birds of a feather flock together” behavior has also been observed, and the existence of contacts with a tendency to complain in the complainer network is likely to attract even more negative comments and to spread negative word-of-mouth even faster and further. It is also important to remember that not everyone decides to vent negative word-of-mouth and, of a similar importance as those individuals who choose to complain, are those who still get irritated by the presence of companies in their digital space and decide not to do so. These customers who do not complain but feel irritated or dissatisfy are also of relevancy for the companies for a number of reasons: the company loses the opportunity to remedy the problem and retain the customer, the firm is deprived of valuable feedback, etc. Moreover, as we have already seen, a majority of consumers might consider to stop using a brand if they find their social media behavior irritating. But, what else can/do customers do? A research conducted in 2015 by the University of Oxford in cooperation with Reuters shows some clear trends, such as the one indicating that 47% of consumers systematically use ad-blocking software in US and 39% do so in UK. Moreover, 30% or more (30% for US and 39% for UK) say they ignore ads or even avoid websites in which ads interfere the content (29% US / 31% UK). These statistics might be behind the drop in Facebook active usage in 2014 (of -9%), noted by the GWI Social Report, and the growth of other social medias such as Pinterest (+97%), Tumblr (+95%), Instragram (+47%) and LinkedIn (+38%). In this context, the revenue from display ads continued to fall and online advertising, and especially banner ads, are going through a certain existential crisis. But, is the future of digital marketing as gloomy as these numbers might suggest? The answer is probably no and digital, and more specifically social media, advertising is here to stay. What becomes evident is that the challenge for marketers is to find a way to be welcomed into social media networks and to create advertisements that are not only attractive and interesting but that do not feel like digital home invasions. The research problem of the NEMO project is: how contradictory and negative emotions can ethically and sustainably be used as sources not merely for improving customer experience and working climate but also for growth, innovation and new business models?
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) belongs to a nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that regulates the expression of genes involved in cell differentiation, proliferation, the immune/inflammation response, and lipid metabolism . Ligand binding and activation of PPARγ result in heterodimer formation with the retinoid X receptor (RXR) and binding to a PPAR response element (PPRE) to regulate the transcription of numerous target genes [2, 3]. PPARγ consists of a ligand-independent transcriptional activation domain, DNA binding domain (DBD), hinge region for cofactor docking, and ligand binding domain (LBD) (Figure 1(a)). Two PPARγ isoforms are known, PPARγ1 and PPARγ2 [4, 5]. PPARγ2, which is generated by alternative splicing, contains an additional 28 amino acids in mice and 30 amino acids in humans, at the N-terminus compared to PPARγ1. PPARγ2 is expressed selectively in adipose tissue and plays an important role in adipocyte differentiation, lipid storage in white adipose tissue, and energy dissipation in brown adipose tissue [4, 6]. PPARγ1 is expressed in the colon, immune system, and hematopoietic cells and plays an important role in the control of inflammation, macrophage maturation, and embryo implantation. PPARγ1 is a molecular target of antidiabetic thiazolidinediones [7, 8]. Our previous review summarized the role and action mechanisms of PPARγ in colorectal cancer , but the role of PPARγ in cancer is still debated. Thus, this review updates the progress in understanding the role and molecular mechanisms of PPARγ in cancer. The PPARγ coactivator-1 (PGC-1) family is composed of PGC-1α, PGC-1β, and PGC-1-related coactivator (PRC). PGC-1α was initially identified as a transcriptional coactivator involved in mitochondrial function and thermogenesis in brown fat . PGC-1β and PRC were discovered in sequence homology searches [10–13]. The PGC-1 family members have similar activity to increase mitochondrial function when overexpressed and have a related modular structure (Figure 1(b)). The most common functional domains are shared between PGC-1α and PGC-1β. The N-terminal activation domain interacts with several transcriptional coactivators, including p300 and steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1). A domain involved in inhibition of PGC-1 activity is located adjacent to the N-terminal region. Through several LXXLL motifs, the N-terminal half of PGC-1 interacts with many transcription factors, whereas the C-terminal end of PGC-1 interacts with the TRAP/DRIP/Mediator complex. PGC-1α has a Ser/Arg-rich domain and RNA binding motif that plays an important role in mRNA splicing [14, 15]. Because PGC-1α was described initially as a PPARγ interacting protein, some investigators recently studied the expression and clinical significance of PGC-1α in cancer [16, 17]. However, the expression and the roles of PGC-1α in cancer were not significantly related to the expression of PPARγ. In addition, controversies still exist whether PGC-1α acts as a tumor promoter or a tumor suppressor in cancer. This review focuses on the expression and actions of PGC-1α in order to understand the clinical significance of PGC-1α expression in cancer. PPARγ is expressed in various malignant tissues, including bladder, colon, prostate, and breast cancer [18–22]. Natural ligands that activate PPARγ include long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, eicosanoids, components of oxidized low density lipoproteins (oxLDLs), and 15-deoxy--prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) . Synthetic ligands include the antidiabetic thiazolidinedione (TZD) class of drugs . An increasing number of studies have focused on the effect of PPARγ in cancer using natural and synthetic ligands for PPARγ and overexpression experiments. However, the role of PPARγ in cancer is still debated. Thus, this review updates the role and action mechanisms of PPARγ in cancer since our review published in 2012. Our previous review summarized that PPARγ inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis through the upregulation of Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog (PTEN), downregulation of survivin, downregulation of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP), suppression of NF-κB and glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3β, upregulation of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors, downregulation of CDK and cyclin D1, downregulation of COX-2, upregulation of Krüppel-Like Factor 4 (KLF4), upregulation of Bax, downregulation of Bcl-2, and inhibition of telomerase activity and hTERT expression through modulation of the Myc/Mad/Max network . This review briefly describes and summarizes new molecular mechanisms of PPARγ-related tumor suppression since 2012 (Table 1, Figure 2). Table 1: The role and action mechanisms of PPAR as a tumor suppressor. Figure 2: Action mechanisms of PPARγ as a tumor suppressor. NF-κB, nuclear factor-κB; GSK-3β, glycogen synthase kinase 3-β; MUC1-C, mucin 1-C; TERT, telomerase reverse transcriptase; STAT5, signal transducer and activator of transcription factor 5; HIF-2α, hypoxia inducible factor-2α; IL-6, interleukin-6; PDK1, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1. Understanding the role of PPARγ in cancer was improved by developing new synthetic and natural ligands of PPARγ and performing overexpression and knockdown experiments. PPARγ agonist troglitazone inhibits colon cancer cell growth through the inactivation of NF-κB by suppressing GSK-3β activity . Emerging data suggest that PPARγ acts as a tumor suppressor by inactivating NF-κB through different mechanisms. For example, Lee et al. demonstrated that 4-O-methylhonokiol (MH), a PPARγ agonist, has antitumor activity in prostate cancer through increased PPARγ activity and p21-mediated suppression of NF-κB activity as observed by the loss of MH-induced growth inhibition and NF-κB inhibition in a p21 siRNA knockdown experiment . In addition, overexpression of PPARγ was shown to inhibit cell proliferation and tumor growth via degradation of NF-κB by acting as an E3 ligase . Hou et al. demonstrated that PPARγ inhibits mucin 1- (MUC1-) C-mediated cell proliferation via MUC1-C ubiquitination and degradation . MUC1-C is known as an oncoprotein and interacts with IκB kinase, NF-κB/p65, and signal transducer and activator of transcription factor 3 (Stat3), p53, or BAX in order to activate the downstream pathway associated with tumor growth [47–52]. Efatutazone, a third-generation PPARγ agonist, has been reported to inhibit esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo through increased p21Cip protein levels via inactivation of Akt . Several recent studies have shown that PPARγ agonists inhibit the survival of cancer stem cells (CSCs) [29, 30, 53–55]. PPARγ and RXR agonists were demonstrated to inhibit interleukin-6 (IL-6) promoter activity and reduce MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression and activity in tumor-associated fibroblasts . Prost et al. demonstrated that pioglitazone, a PPARγ agonist, eradicates CSCs via the decreased expression of STAT5 and HIF-2α in chronic myeloid leukemia . The Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway plays an important role in the occurrence and development of cancer [56, 57]. Guo et al. reported that PPARγ overexpression inhibits the proliferation and migration of gastric cancer cells through downregulation of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) and enabled homolog (ENAH) via inhibition of β-catenin . Mammalian enabled (Mena), encoded by ENAH, is an actin-regulatory protein involved in controlling cell motility and cell-cell adhesion, which are important for the development of metastatic potential . TERT and ENAH are new targets of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway [59, 60]. Recently, activation of canonical Wnt signaling was reported to directly act on aerobic glycolysis and increase vessel formation in colon cancer through the Wnt target gene pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 (PDK1) . Via PDK1 activation, pyruvate is converted into acetyl-CoA, which enters the TCA cycle and is converted into citrate, which stimulates protein synthesis. Accumulation of metabolic intermediates (such as aspartate, glycine, serine, and ribose) in cells promotes de novo nucleotide synthesis, contributing to growth and proliferation . In addition, blocking the Wnt pathway decreases PDK1 expression via transcriptional regulation and inhibits in vivo tumor growth . Pseftogas et al. reported that PPARγ activation has a tumor suppressive effect by upregulating the expression of tumor suppressor Cyld, as the Cyld promoter has PPARγ binding sites . Cyld was identified as a tumor suppressor gene that is causally associated with the development of inherited cylindromas . The gene encodes a protein (CYLD) possessing a carboxyl-terminal ubiquitin-specific protease domain that selectively hydrolyzes K63- and M1-linked polyubiquitin chains . A number of studies have suggested a role for CYLD in the growth suppression of different types of cancer cells, such as colon, hepatocellular, lung, melanoma, and breast cancer (reviewed in ). CYLD can inhibit several growth and antiapoptotic signaling pathways, including the NF-κB, JNK, p38, Wnt, Akt, and Notch pathways . Rovito et al. demonstrated that PPARγ activation downregulates CXCR4 gene expression through recruitment of the silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone receptor (SMRT) corepressor to PPRE within the CXCR4 promoter and then inhibits breast cancer cell migration and invasion . CXCR4, a seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptor for stromal-cell derived factor-1α (SDF-1α), has been shown to be expressed in human breast cancer cells, and activation of the SDF-1α/CXCR4 axis is important in breast cancer migration and metastasis [66, 67]. Our previous review described that PPARγ has tumor-promoting activity through the upregulation of β-catenin and c-Myc expression, upregulation of COX-2, upregulation of the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and VEGF receptors, and upregulation of MMP-1 . This review briefly introduces the action mechanisms of PPARγ as a tumor promoter (Figure 3). Figure 3: Action mechanisms of PPARγ as a tumor promoter. ACLY, ATP citrate lyase; MIG12, midline-1-interacting G12-like protein; FASN, fatty acid synthase; NR1D1, Rev-ErbAα; KLF4, Krüppel-Like Factor 4; ALDH, aldehyde dehydrogenase; Nox1, NADPH oxidase 1; ROS, reactive oxygen species; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor. Recently, increasing evidence has indicated that PPARγ acts as a tumor promoter [68–74]. Downregulation of PPARγ by siRNA knockdown or treatment with PPARγ antagonist GW9662 has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, suggesting a tumor-promoting effect for PPARγ in these cells [68–70]. PPARγ was shown to protect ErbB2-positive breast cancer cells from palmitate-induced toxicity . In addition, PPARγ was demonstrated to play a crucial role in the maintenance of stemness in ErbB2-positive breast cancer cells; PPARγ antagonist GW9662 induces apoptosis and inhibits tumorsphere formation and tumor formation through the inhibition of lipogenic genes (ACLY, MIG12, FASN, and NR1D1) and stem cell-related genes (KLF4 and ALDH) . CSCs have been identified as subpopulations of cells within tumors that promote tumor growth and recurrence [76–78]. Kesanakurti et al. demonstrated that PPARγ is involved in radiation-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in glioma by interacting with p21-activated kinase 4 (PAK4), resulting in increased Nox1 expression and reactive oxygen species (ROS) . EMT is a developmental transdifferentiation program facilitating the formation of highly motile cells with stem cell characteristics [79, 80]. EMT is also involved in increased metastatic potential and treatment resistance in cancer [81, 82]. The PAKs are a family of serine/threonine kinases involved in embryonic development, cytoskeletal remodeling, cell motility, and cell proliferation [83, 84], and aberrant expression of PAK4 has been shown to promote cancer cell proliferation and invasion [85–87]. A recent study using PPARγ siRNA showed that PPARγ suppression inhibits cell proliferation, colony formation, and tumorigenicity in vivo . In addition, PPARγ upregulated VEGF expression through the binding of PPARγ in the promoter region of VEGF in prostate cancer cells . Patitucci et al. demonstrated that PPARγ activation is involved in steatosis-associated liver cancer and provided evidence supporting the pharmacological modulation of hepatic PPARγ activity as a therapeutically relevant strategy in hepatic malignancy associated with activated Akt2 and PPARγ signaling . Many studies have examined the role of PGC-1α in cancer by observing its expression in several cancers and performing PGC-1α overexpression and siRNA knockdown experiments. PGC-1α expression has been shown in some studies to be decreased in some types of cancer, including colon , breast , and ovarian cancer , whereas other studies have shown that PGC-1α expression is increased in cancer [17, 90]. Even though many studies have been published, the role of PGC-1α in cancer is still controversial. Therefore, this review describes the role and action mechanisms of PGC-1α in cancer (Table 2). Table 2: The role and action mechanisms of PGC-1 in cancer. As described above, PGC-1α is a regulator of PPARγ activity. Thus, the abnormalities in PGC-1α expression may affect PPARγ function. However, there was little report supporting that PGC-1α expression directs PPARγ activity in cancer. Thus, this review focuses on the role of PGC-1α, independent of the role of PPARγ in cancer. Literature works supporting the tumor-promoting functions of PGC-1α have increased [17, 34–40, 42, 91–93]. Shiota et al. showed that PGC-1α promotes cell growth through the activation of androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells by observing cell growth inhibition with PGC-1α knockdown experiments . In addition, PGC-1α was increased in tumor samples from arsenic-induced skin cancer patients and may be associated with increased cell proliferation and enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis . Bhalla et al. showed that PGC-1α promotes carcinogenesis and tumor growth through the induction of lipogenic enzymes (acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthase) using genetically modified PGC-1α mice . That study demonstrated that PGC-1α knockout mice had decreased chemically induced liver and colon carcinogenesis, suggesting that PGC-1α may stimulate carcinogenesis . Similarly, Shin et al. first demonstrated that overexpression of PGC-1α enhances cell proliferation and tumorigenesis via the upregulation of Sp1 and acyl-CoA binding protein . It was also reported that PGC-1α overexpression leads to increased antioxidant enzymes (catalase, superoxide dismutase) and decreased ROS-induced apoptosis . Similarly, PGC-1α knockdown significantly decreased cell number and induced apoptosis in PGC-1α positive melanoma cell lines, suggesting that PGC-1α is crucial in the survival of PGC-1α positive melanoma cells . In addition, superoxide dismutase 2 protein levels were decreased in PGC-1α depleted melanoma cells. Moreover, ectopic expression of PGC-1α in melanoma cells increased the expression of ROS detoxifying genes. These data support the hypothesis that PGC-1α plays an important role in activating the ROS detoxification gene program to maintain melanoma cell survival . Vazquez et al. also demonstrated that there was a significant reduction in tumor size in PGC-1α depleted cells, implying PGC-1α may be important in tumor progression . De novo lipogenesis is a distinctive anabolic feature of malignant cells . Carbons from glucose and glutamine supply cytoplasmic citrate for fatty acid synthesis with the help of lipogenic enzymes . Glutamine can serve as an anaplerotic mitochondrial fuel and seems to be important for tumor survival . In ErbB2-positive breast cancer cells, the PGC-1α/ERRα complex directly regulates the expression of glutamine metabolism enzymes, leading to the provision of glutamine carbons to de novo fatty acid synthesis . PGC-1α overexpression, or ERRα activation, confers growth advantages of breast cancer cells even under limited nutrients, supporting the correlative clinical data that high expression of PGC-1α is associated with poor prognosis, possibly related to the activation of its downstream glutamine pathway target genes . It was reported that PGC-1α expression is affected by various transcriptional pathways. One example is that melanocyte-lineage transcription master regulator and oncogene MITF activated PGC-1α expression in melanoma [37, 91]. The decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential and increased ROS production with a decrease in glutathione, cystathionine, and 5-adenosylhomocysteine were observed in PGC-1α-depleted melanoma cell lines, suggesting that intrinsic apoptotic pathway is activated in PGC-1α-depleted melanoma cells . Another example is that the androgen receptor-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling axis increased expression of PGC-1α to drive growth advantages in prostate cancers . It was also shown that PGC-1α expression was significantly higher in lung adenocarcinomas with wild type p53 than in tumors with mutant p53 . Cell proliferation was inhibited by PGC-1α siRNA knockdown experiments in H1944 lung adenocarcinoma cells . In metabolic stress conditions, PGC-1α was shown, in complex with p53, to coactivate the transcription of cell cycle inhibitors, while it was also shown to promote the expression of genes related to mitochondrial biogenesis. These two functions are cooperative processes that promote cell survival. Moreover, oxidative stress in PGC-1α knockdown cells resulted in p53-induced apoptosis . In turn, it was also shown that increased expression of PGC-1α might prevent p53-induced cell death by maintaining an adequate balance between oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis . Some studies have examined the effect of PGC-1α on angiogenesis. PGC-1α has been reported to activate the production of VEGF through the estrogen-related receptor α- (ERRα-) dependent pathway . PGC-1α was shown to regulate HIF-1α activity. Increased PGC-1α expression enhances oxygen consumption, resulting in decreased local oxygen tension and increased HIF-1α stability . In addition, HIF-2α is a transcriptional target of PGC-1α, even though the involved transcriptional mechanism is not clear . ERRα is overexpressed in many cancers and its inhibition reduces cell proliferation. Recent studies suggest an important role for the interaction between PGC-1α and ERRα in cancer (reviewed in ). Kinase suppressor of ras 1 (KSR1), a molecular scaffold of the Raf/MEK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) cascade, has been demonstrated to promote oncogenic Ras-dependent anchorage-independent growth through the activation of PGC-1α and ERRα . Interestingly, recent study shows that PGC-1α plays an important role in the metastatic switch. LeBleu et al. demonstrated that circulating mammary epithelial cancer cells exhibit increased PGC-1α expression, enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis, and oxidative phosphorylation, which may contribute to distant metastasis and poor patient outcome . In addition, PGC-1α knockdown decreased ATP production, reduced actin cytoskeleton remodeling, lowered anchorage-independent survival, and decreased intra-/extravasation, which are all checkpoints that prevent metastasis in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer and B16F10 melanoma cells . LeBleu et al. also showed that PGC-1α expression in invasive cancer cells was significantly associated with the formation of distant metastases in a clinical analysis of human invasive breast cancers . As opposed to the tumor-promoting role of PGC-1α described above, several studies have shown that PGC-1α has anticancer effects. As described above, PGC-1α is decreased in colon , breast , and ovarian cancer cells , and PGC-1α overexpression in human ovarian cancer cell line Ho-8910 has been shown to induce apoptosis via downregulation of Bcl-1 and upregulation of Bax, suggesting that PGC-1α may be a contributor to the inhibition of tumor growth . Lee et al. found that PPARγ activation and PGC-1α overexpression by adenovirus infection in HepG2 human hepatoma cells induced E-cadherin upregulation and inhibited cell motility . One report showed that PGC-1α overexpression induced apoptosis via ROS accumulation in HT29 and HCT116 colorectal cancer cells. In addition, PGC-1α overexpression reduced tumor growth in an HT29 xenograft model, suggesting a role of PGC-1α as a tumor suppressor . Zhang et al. reported that von Hippel-Lindau- (VHL-) deficient clear cell renal carcinomas exhibited higher levels of HIF-1α and enhanced glycolysis . HIF-1α is known to induce the expression of transcriptional repressor Dec1, which leads to the suppression of PGC-1α expression and the inhibition of mitochondrial respiration . However, the enforced PGC-1α expression in VHL-deficient cells, despite the restoration of mitochondrial function, did not block the inhibition of cell growth and enhanced sensitivity to cytotoxic therapies in oxidative stress conditions . This is in line with clinical clear cell carcinoma data that showed the correlation of higher mitochondrial mass with reduced tumor aggressiveness , and the association of lower PGC-1α levels with worse patient outcome . It was shown that PGC-1α attenuates stress responses necessary for cancer cell survival, by interacting with heat-shock factor 1 . Wang and Moraes revealed that increased PGC-1α expression due to treatment with PPAR panagonist (bezafibrate) increased mitochondrial biogenesis, resulting in an inhibition of cancer cell proliferation under glycolytic conditions and inhibition of invasion . In addition, PGC-1α downregulation by miRNA-217 led to the promotion of cancer cell proliferation in breast cancer cells, suggesting a role of PGC-1α as a tumor suppressor . Recently, Torrano et al. showed that PGC-1α suppresses metastasis of prostate carcinoma through an ERRα-dependent transcriptional program . Highly metastatic melanoma cells expressed lower levels of PGC-1α [46, 106]. In turn, these PGC-1α-low cells expressed higher levels of integrin, TGFβ, and Wnt signaling components involved in metastasis. It was shown that genetic depletion of PGC-1α increased metastasis in poorly invasive melanoma cells . In contrast, PGC-1α overexpression in melanoma cells by ectopic expression or exposure to inhibitor vemurafenib suppressed metastasis through the direct regulation of inhibitor of DNA binding protein 2 (ID2) and inhibition of TCF-mediated gene transcription . As described above, there have been many studies of the role of PGC-1α in tumor progression. However, it is still not sure if PGC-1α acts as a tumor promoter or tumor suppressor, and to date it is thought that its effect on tumor varies depending on the tissue context and tumor type (reviewed in ). PPARγ and PGC-1α are emerging proteins involved in tumorigenesis and attractive topics to study for further understanding of cancer biology. Originally, PGC-1α was identified as a PPARγ interacting protein. However, most of the reported actions of PGC-1α in cancer were not related to the expression of PPARγ. Despite the fact that PPARγ and PGC-1α can each act as both tumor promoter and tumor suppressor, there is no clearly defined mechanism that can explain the contradictory dual effects. However, their dual actions can be explained, in part, by their cell type-specific effects and variable interacting proteins. Therefore, each of the molecular interactions of PPARγ and PGC-1α with other transcriptional partners needs to be further investigated to understand the role of PPARγ and PGC-1α in cancer.
Afterthought -- Interesting moment: Rocco Testani channels Richard Rothstein. Introducing one panel, veteran school finance litigator Testani, who defends states when they're sued to spend more money on schools, parroted the argument put forward by Richard Rothstein about the inability of schools to meet these performance targets because of all the out of school influences on kids…essentially attacking the standards as a reasonable basis for boosting school funding…someone please remind Eduwonk again why this is such a great argument for public school supporters to be making? If you're interested in the pre-K issue, a swing by Pre-K Now's new website is well worth your while, a lot of information. New Vision, a new think tank/network of young scholars, has produced their first product, a look at housing options in post-Katrina New Orleans. Worth checking out, they're going to tackle edupolicy, too. In the new Washington Monthly, Ed Sector’s Toch takes a look at value-added accountability. He makes the case about the shortcomings of the current No Child Left Behind provisions (though notes that they were what was at hand considering the state of play in 2001 in terms of what states could do) and argues forcefully that value-added measurements, if integrated with the absolute standards that No Child forces states to set, provides a better way. It’s obviously a good way to go looking forward at the next generation of these policies but for now pragmatism intercedes…most states have a lot of work to do before they can actually do this and technical issues still abound. And, the question remains, when it comes to actually displacing adult interests in chronically under-performing schools, is the problem one of measurement or political will? Long-awaited RAND report on Edison Schools is out. Lots of out of context quotes from critics being emailed around. Read the report yourself. It's not a slam dunk for Edison but surely not a scathing indictment either. To those who say the law requires children with disabilities to take tests they cannot pass and forces them out of school, Smith says "most children with disabilities are able to keep up with their peers academically and take standardized tests successfully, some with and some without accommodations" such as readers or extra time. She says there are already many exceptions allowing districts to remove children with disabilities from the accountability system, and the tests for such children can come in many forms, with many kinds of accommodations. Matt Yglesias worries about the potential for pseudostandards (the lowering of standards) as a result of leeway under No Child Left Behind (NCLB). He's right to worry though NYT's Michael Winerip is not the most reliable source of information on this issue. Nonetheless, downward pressure from NCLB is a potential problem and a hard to detect one because states can use obvious and less visible ways to lessen the rigor of their tests since they get to chose the assessments (within some broad parameters) and decide on the definition of proficiency. Unclear, however, just how much of this has actually happened and how much is hysterical NCLB mythology. Unfortunately, the compromise that lands us here was no accident. The solutions all raise their own issues, and did in 2001. For instance, the obvious remedy is national standards and a national test. Yet, desirability aside, nobody seems to have a good idea of how to build the political coalition necessary to support that or a convincing argument about why the outcome would be any different than when Bush I and Clinton went down that road and liberals and conservatives found something they could all agree on. Another idea is to use the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) as an actual yardstick with consequences. However, it's generally agreed this would corrupt the NAEP's validity as an independent gauge of trends over time or as CGCS' Mike Casserly once quipped, why sully the almost only unsullied thing in education? In addition, there is serious disagreement about NAEP's standards, an issue that would have to be addressed if NAEP were to be used in this way. And, though NAEP has a curricular framework, is it the one we want for a national curriculum? In other words, is teaching to the NAEP desirable? In the meantime, it's going to be public analyses of the relative rigor of state standards such as this one from Paul Peterson and I'm Rick Hess Bi*ch or a forthcoming one from S & P's Schoolmatters.com along with NAEP itself that help inform this conversation. And, it's up to advocacy groups and activists in the states to keep an eye on things and hold the line on rigor.
In a world in which cybercriminals are becoming increasingly stealthy and using increasingly sophisticated techniques, from ransomware to DNS hijacking, it is becoming more difficult, more expensive and less effective for businesses alone to defend themselves against threats. According to research recently carried out in the US and EMEA by the Ponemon Institute on behalf of Infoblox, more organisations than ever are reaching out to sources including their peers, industry groups, IT vendors and government bodies for threat intelligence data. This increase could be attributed to the fact that two thirds of the IT security practitioners surveyed said they now realised that threat intelligence could have prevented or minimised the consequences of a cyberattack or data breach. However, despite this exchange and use of threat intelligence, the majority of respondents to the survey claimed not to be satisfied with the current quality of the data. The most important objectives of a successful threat intelligence programme are to enhance an organisation’s overall security posture, improve its incident response and quickly detect attacks. However, less than a third of respondents rated their company’s defence against cyberattacks as highly effective, and only a quarter thought the same about their company’s process of using internal sources such as configuration log activities. Although IT security practitioners are increasingly satisfied with their ability to obtain threat intelligence, there are still a number of concerns about how the information is obtained; that it’s not timely, for example, or that it’s too complicated to ensure speed and ease of use. Much of this dissatisfaction may be due to the way in which the data is actually sourced. While two fifths of companies consolidate their threat intelligence data from a number of different sources, most engage in informal peer-to-peer exchange of threat intelligence, rather than taking a more formal approach, such as using a threat intelligence exchange service or joining a consortium. What’s more, a similar number reported using manual methods to consolidate their data, often due to a lack of qualified staff. Regardless of the approach used, however, around three in five respondents claimed not to trust the sources of intelligence they used. It’s not surprising, therefore, that companies will often use fee-based threat intelligence because they think it’s better quality, that it’s more effective in stopping security incidents and because they don’t have confidence in free sources. Trust is an issue when it comes to giving too, as well as receiving. While around three quarters of organisations provide threat intelligence in addition to using data from other sources, around half claim that the potential liability of sharing meant they would only partially participate in a threat intelligence exchange programme. It’s for this reason perhaps, that organisations prefer sharing with a neutral party or a trusted intermediary rather than sharing with organisations directly, indicating the need for a trusted, neutral exchange platform. Indicators such as suspicious host names, IP addresses and file hashes, threat intelligence will typically be disseminated internally through alerts. However, security personnel in around two thirds of organisations are spending more than 50 hours a week responding to these alerts, when their time could be better spent proactively hunting for signs of criminal activity. Currently, only half of the companies surveyed use automated solutions to investigate threats, with just one in five claiming to use advanced technology such as AI and machine learning. Interestingly, the use of slow manual sharing processes were also cited by over a third of businesses as a reason for not participating in the exchange of threat intelligence information. The most important objective of an organisation’s threat intelligence activities is to quickly detect attacks and improve incident response. For the intelligence to be actionable it needs to be received in a timely manager, immediately prioritising the threats contained. However, as shown above, a large number of organisations are not satisfied with the timeliness of the intelligence, believing that it becomes stale within a matter of minutes. With so many inefficient manual processes in place both in compiling and responding to threat intelligence, it’s clearly time for businesses to embrace more automation or, at the very least, consider a hybrid approach. A threat intelligence provider is only ever as good as the information it provides, of course. Just over two fifths of businesses will use their threat intelligence programme to define and rank levels of risk of not being able to prevent or mitigate threats using indicators based on uncertainty about the intelligence’s accuracy, and an overall decline in the quality of the provider’s services. A similar number will evaluate the quality of a threat intelligence provider and the information it delivers based on its ability to prioritise threat intelligence and deliver it in a timely manner. A similar number again will evaluate the threat intelligence itself using a risk score based on factors including whether it is actionable, confidence in its source, and the veracity of the threat indicator and the indicator type. More than anything, the survey reveals a real need for actionable, timely and effective threat intelligence sharing. What’s more, many respondents to the survey said their organisations are using threat intelligence in a non-security platform, such as DNS, indicating that we’re now seeing a blurring of lines between what are considered security tools and what are considered pure networking tools. Securing today’s networks means using threat intelligence for defence-in-depth, plugging all gaps, and covering all products.
Today the New Horizons spacecraft launches for it's 9 year cruise through the solar system to Pluto, the only planet in our Solar System to have not yet been visited by Earth spacecraft. It then spins its way out to the Kuiper belt. Check out the launch timeline which occurs today at 1:24pm EST (18:24 GMT). There is a webcam to watch the excitement. Just don't stand too close, that thars plootoneeum in thar. And in case you didn't know, the spacecraft is spending precious mass to carry along a couple of items: 430,000 names (submitted via the website), a piece of Scaled Composites SpaceShipOne, and an American flag among other mementos.
Chicago Public Schools are faced with many challenges that have led to educational inequalities. Being America’s 3rd largest school district, Chicago serves approximately 371,000 students (Chenoweth, 2018). Of those students, 78 percent are from low-income families and 18 percent are English language learners (Chenoweth, 2018). Racial segregation in Chicago public schools remains to be an issue even 64 years after the Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme court decision to racially integrate American Public schools. Racial segregation in schools is one of the results of residential segregation that is taking place. A study done at the University of Illinois found that when asked if they were familiar with certain neighborhoods, white Chicago residents had a “blind spot” for neighborhoods that were more diverse and African-American residents were less likely to know anything about “far-flung” suburbs (Chang, 2018). Although African-American students make up 40% of Chicago’s student population, they made up 88% of the students effected by school closures (Anderson, 2016). This is an effect of predominately black and under privileged schools being located in residentially segregated, predominately black, low-income neighborhoods. An increase in building new schools in Chicago has increased over the years and it has been found that not only does the new construction add to the districts’ debt, but also stabilizes racial and class segregation (Karp, 2016). The decision to not merge privilege schools and underprivileged schools into these new public schools, leave low-income African-American students in under-resourced schools that are located only miles away (Karp, 2016). With a racial divide impeding the quality of underprivileged schools in Chicago, achievement gaps become present. Conflict over standardize testing has been in the Chicago spotlight ever since students during the 2013-2014 school year decided to that they would refuse to take the state’s standardize test. In the 2014-2015 school year, over 44,000 students refused to take the PARCC test. Around the country people have argued that standardized testing does not adequately assess the academic abilities of a student, especially when that student is underprivileged. Of course racial inequalities among urban schools are not exclusive to Chicago. Most big urban cities face challenges regarding racial segregation and academic achievement. Studies have found that 40 percent of African-American students attend schools that are more than 90 percent minority, and that African-American students used to attend schools where 40 percent of the students would be classified as low-income, whereas today African-American students attend schools where 60 percent of the students are low-income (Rothstein, 2014). The racial and residential divide is only strengthened as middle class white families migrate from the cities and into the suburbs, taking their money and resources with them. which lead to less resources, under qualified teachers, lower graduation rates, and lower test scores. Although U.S. states vary in the amount of state funding they receive, it has been discovered that higher funding gaps are found in states that have the most urban cities (Wright, 2012).
The Magnolia Daphne is a vivid yellow flowered Magnolia with dark green leaves. It could be argued that the Magnolia Daphne is the darkest yellow of all the Magnolia flowers but we are pacifists here and so if you tell us otherwise, we shall put our hemp covered hands up and not argue with you. Expect flowers around April to May and for them to be long lasting relative to other Magnolia. The Magnolia Daphne is that outstanding, it got the attention of the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) and they gave it and AGM (Award Of Garden Merit). We are not sure if any money crossed hands or any undue influence was exerted to get this award but to date the RHS does seem to have a squeaky clean image. For those not in the know, the AGM means that compared to other Magnolias, this one is particularly outstanding for several reasons. The Magnolia Daphne was bred by Belgian Breeder Phillippe De Spoelberch by crossing Magnolia Miss Honeybee and Magnolia Gold Crown. Compared to other Magnolia, the Daphne is considered to show flowers at an earlier age. Considered to have an upright shape making it ideal for compact gardens and hardy down to minus 15 degrees centigrade which easily makes it suitable for the UK climate, especially with global warming on the way. Expect a final height of between 5-8 metres depending on local weather and soil conditions although over zealous gardeners with un-calibrated shears can have a serious effect on height, especially those that enjoy a tipple or three in the garden before pruning. The spread is also weather and soil dependant but you should get between 1 and 2 metres wide. The Magnolia Daphne may express a preferred position of close to the bar with a discount card however we have found best results are in a full sun position with plenty of shelter. Inside a bomb shelter with a UV lamp does now count. Light shade can be tolerated and try not to crowd them as they get leggy (not legless!) and will not flower so well. For best results try to protect Magnolia Daphne from extended periods of drought. Little and often is better than a whole water tanker once a year. Pick the spot where it will stay forever as they do not like being moved. The shallow roots will spread wider than the breadth of the tree so just be aware of that when you are picking a spot. Although the Magnolia Daphne is deciduous it will hold its leaves well into the Autumnal season and may experience wind damage so again, a sheltered spot is preferred. Considered to be a medium to slow growing tree/shrub. Fertile, moist, well drained, neutral to acid soil should give you best results and regular mulching will help the tree. This tree is supplied at a height of 1.25-2.00 metres in a 12 litre container for year round planting and better results than from either bare-root or rootballed stock.
On September 26, 2018, a private member’s Bill 35, Human Rights Code Amendment Act, 2018 was introduced and received first reading in the Ontario legislature. The goal of Bill 35 is to add immigration status, genetic characteristics, police records, and social condition as prohibited grounds of discrimination in Ontario’s Human Rights Code. There’s a tidal shift happening in human rights – Part II are employers ready for Bill 164? Bill 164 aims to expand the current protection offered by the Ontario Human Rights Code in relation to citizenship, race and place of origin to add immigration status, which will essentially eliminate an employer’s ability to discriminate on the basis of how long someone has been in the country. Canada is on its way to including genetic discrimination provisions in its human rights legislation. Since March 2017, some interesting developments have occurred. Private member’s Bill 164, Human Rights Code Amendment Act, 2017, introduced on October 4, 2017 in the Ontario Legislature would amend the Ontario Human Rights Code (Code) to include four new prohibited grounds of discrimination including, social condition, police records, genetic characteristics and immigration status. Genetic discrimination provisions in human rights legislation: Will Ontario be the first Canadian jurisdiction? Canada is on its way to including provisions in human rights legislation that prevents discrimination based on a person’s genetic characteristics. The issue is that a person can experience discrimination and harassment simply because of something that may be—something that has the potential of happening. Employers must be aware that human rights legislation is in the process of evolving to include provisions to prevent this type of discrimination, and this will apply in the workplace as well. Bill S-201 would prohibit any person from requiring an individual to undergo a genetic test as a condition of: providing goods or services to that individual; entering into or continuing a contract or agreement with that individual; or offering or continuing specific terms or conditions in a contract or agreement with that individual. Those who contravene the rules would be subject to severe penalties. ‘Genetic characteristics’ as a prohibited ground of discrimination in Ontario? A recent private member’s bill introduced by a Liberal MPP in the Ontario legislature would add “genetic characteristics” as a prohibited ground of discrimination to the Ontario Human Rights Code. As currently drafted, “genetic characteristics” would be defined as “genetic traits of an individual, including traits that may cause or increase the risk to develop a disorder or disease”.
When should you seek medical care for a bruise or contusion? Both contusions and bruises refer to injuries done to the skin where discoloration has occurred, but the skin itself has not been penetrated. Blood from the vessels surrounding the impact point seeps into tissues and accounts for the discoloration, which is accompanied by tenderness and very often, swelling as well. Most bruises and contusions will heal without the need for any kind of medical treatment, the bleeding which generally accompanies bruises can be reduced if cold compresses are applied very soon after the injury has occurred. This will also help to relieve any swelling, pain and nasty discoloration. In the case of severe bruises or contusions, the area which has been injured should be slightly elevated, and after a period of rest, it may be advisable to apply heat to the affected area. It's possible for some fairly serious complications to occur with bruises that are more powerful in nature. In general, after a bruised area of the body has had a few days to recover from the impact, blood will be drawn away from the impact area, and a return to normality can begin. However, in some cases, blood clots form at the side of impact, a cyst may form which eventually calcifies and must be surgically removed. There's also a possibility that bruises and contusions can become complicated by infection, in which case medical treatment would also be necessary. Some kinds of contusions may be especially worrisome due to the area of the body where they occur. For instance, a cerebral contusion which develops after trauma to the head can cause collections of blood in the area of impact, and this can result in neurological problems for the person affected. It has been known for people who sustain contusions or bruises to the head to suffer from epileptic seizures. The most common way that bruises and contusions occur in the body is when people bump into something which causes trauma to the point of impact on the skin. There can also be much more severe contusions which occur as a result of more traumatic occurrences, such as falling down a flight of stairs. Situations like this can induce bruising over a significant surface area of the skin and can cause severe pain and swelling, as well as general discoloration over a major area. It's also possible for bruises to occur on people who routinely engage in vigorous exercise, for instance, weightlifters and other kinds of athletes. Even though there is no direct impact trauma to areas of the skin, bruises and contusions can develop because there are small tears in the blood vessels directly beneath the skin. In elderly people, bruises can often occur because their skin has a tendency to thin out with advancing age, which means there is much less protection for underlying blood vessels and tissue. This also means that much less impact trauma is necessary in order to produce bruising, it is not an indication that elderly people simply bump into things more often. It happens fairly often that people who take certain medications which tend to thin the blood are more prone to developing bruises, because skin tissue can also thin out to some degree, and these bruises should be monitored and reported to the family doctor. Sometimes, bruising occurs when there is no apparent explanation for the bruise, for instance, nosebleeds, or bleeding which occurs around the gum lines. When there has been no impact trauma at all to the affected area, it could indicate some kind of a bleeding disorder, and if this happens more than once or twice for a person, it should be reported to the family doctor so that some testing can be done to ascertain the underlying cause. It should also be borne in mind that the cause of some so-called unexplained bruises are actually caused by impact traumas, which are later forgotten by the individual who suffered the bump in the first place. Especially when there is no direct pain involved at the precise moment of the bumping or impact trauma, it can be very easy to forget that such a bump ever took place, and later when the discoloration and swelling appears, it might appear to be an unexplained bruise. If you find that you are in extreme pain after suffering a severe bruise, which would be one of the cases where you should contact your doctor, so that some kind of pain reliever can be recommended. If you are taking blood-thinning medications, that's another reason for contacting your family doctor, or if there is no apparent reason for the bruising that you are suffering from. If the bruise which you have incurred is situated anywhere near the head or has happened somewhere around a toenail or a fingernail, these are all cases which should generally be consulted with the family doctor. Any bruising which occurs and has not cleared up within two weeks should also be reported to the family doctor, to be sure that blood clotting has not occurred, and that no cysts are in the process of forming. If you suspect that a bone has been broken or fractured at the same time as the bruising occurred, consult with your doctor to be sure. Bruises which occur around the eyes or in the area of the head or neck can cause goose eggs, which are pronounced swellings at the impact site, they may be cause for concern as well. If you can remember the event which occurred to cause the head injury, and you did not lose consciousness at the time of impact, it is less likely that any severe injury has occurred to the head. On the other hand, if you did suffer a concussion at the time of impact, this is cause for concern and you should contact your doctor immediately about the bruise. Bruises which occur near the eyes will often travel below the eye due to gravity, and cause very noticeable discoloration, commonly referred to as a black eye. This is not usually a serious issue, and it does not require medical attention, as long as you can still move the affected eye in every direction, and you don't notice any negative impact on your vision.
Math, science, social studies through sheltered instructional strategies, which are techniques that are used to make the concepts understandable to all students. Students in this program develop the ability to speak, read, and write in English. Entry and exit from the SEI program determined by the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment. Students with a similar degree of fluency shall be grouped together. Students classified as ELLs shall receive four (4) hours of English Language Development daily. The period of SEI instruction is temporary and not normally intended to exceed one year. Students will be expected to achieve at or above grade level in all academic areas. Once ELL students have achieved English language fluency they shall be transferred to an English language mainstream classroom. Instruction is provided by an SEI trained teacher, a bilingual education endorsed or ESL endorsed teacher. Textbooks, materials, and assessments in English and aligned to the Arizona K-12 English Language Learner Proficiency Standards. Classroom materials appropriate for the students' level of English language proficiency.
There’s a lot to love about Black Panther. It’s the first superhero movie with a majority black cast and it contains a brilliant soundtrack by rap legend Kendrick Lamar. But more importantly, the movie’s core values reflect the culture of a generation characterized by diversity, inclusion, and a fiery drive to spread these principles. Black Panther is Marvel’s two hour love letter to multiculturalism. After all, its status as the first distinctively non-white blockbuster superhero movie is testament to the growing diversity of Marvel’s target audience, Generation Z (those born from the mid-1990s to the early-2000s). Generation Z, also known as “Centennials”, are the most worldly generation because we have come of age in an age of social media. According to U.S. Census data from 2000 to 2010, Generation Z is the most multicultural generation in history, with 48 percent of Generation Z identifying as non-Caucasian. But where is the diversity and cultural richness our generation is known for? We grew up with cheering for Marvel’s Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor, and DC’s Batman and Superman, but while they are all inspiring heroes with compelling stories, Black Panther is the first hero that our increasingly-diverse generation can relate to the most. Once announced, Black Panther quickly sold the most pre-sale tickets for a superhero movie in history, according to imdb.com. Generation Z was finally getting the representation it deserved: just one year earlier, Spider-Man: Homecoming gave us a chance to see a 15-year-old sophomore as one of Marvel’s most iconic superheroes. Likewise, Black Panther is proof that although our generation is the most diverse and the most accepting of diversity. In a generation characterized by the advocacy for social justice and the abandonment of many traditional (and stifling) values, this movie is everything we could hope for. Without spoiling too much, the core conflict of the film involves race and identity politics, and one of the most poignant quotes from the movie involves a heartbreaking reference to slavery. Without a doubt, Black Panther will claim its place in history as one of the most accurate representations of the diversity of Generation Z. As an Asian-American, I can’t help but feel pride when recognizing the revolutionary multiculturalism present in both Black Panther and our own generation. This message of multiculturalism goes into the soundtrack as well, one personally curated and produced by Kendrick Lamar. Outspoken advocate for minority empowerment, the decision for such a high-profile rapper to control an essential part of the movie was a bold but necessary move. On the title track, Lamar spits “sisters and brothers in unison, not because of me / Because we don’t glue with the opposition, we glue with peace.” Unity within diversity has always been a central theme to Lamar’s music, and Black Panther: The Album is an ode to the beauty of the multiculturalism this theme invokes. If anything can be taken away from the movie, it should be the recognition of the movie’s status as a champion of Generation Z. And it’s succeeded as a result: Black Panther opened with a jaw-dropping $218 million dollars, making it the fifth-highest opening for a film of all time. Its success proves Generation Z not only needs, but wants, more representation on the big screen. T’Challa may not be a member of Generation Z, but his fiery sister, Shuri (Letita Wright), a 16-year-old black girl who serves as the scientific mind of Wakanda, is. This movie isn’t supposed to have every character be a member of Generation Z; just serve as its champion.
We tend to think about trauma as a single event, like a car accident, shooting or anything else that sends a person to the hospital. But there are lots of persistent, everyday negative events that can hurt a person’s health in much the same way. Even though they’re not as obviously dramatic, issues like unemployment, living in a home with lead paint and not being able to get enough to eat regularly, can hurt a person’s health just as much as a stabbing or fall. That’s what experts call community trauma: the cumulative harm that comes from dealing with lots of significant challenges in your life. Over time, this additive damage leaves wounds that are just as harmful as a traditional trauma. This can be especially true for kids. One of the toughest aspects of healing community trauma is diagnosing it in the first place. You can’t fix what you don’t see. That’s why Cleveland City Council is considering plans to staff recreation centers across the city with counselors trained to recognize health and behavioral issues stemming from unseen trauma. At a recent Cleveland Health and Human Services Committee meeting, a team of our trauma experts helped explain how counselors working with kids at rec centers could help improve life for young people. Even though they represent different areas of the trauma care spectrum, Lisa, Sarah, Andrea and Tony all know how much damage community trauma can do to Cleveland’s youth. Healing those wounds – visible or otherwise – will continue to be a priority for us. Based on findings in the MetroHealth Community Health Needs Assessment, community trauma has to be addressed to improve our area’s overall health.
Departing from the adage “teach them young and they shall remember”, one Singapore-based organization – Eco Field Trips (EFT) – brings school kids closer top nature for a most rewarding “out-of-classroom” learning experience. Their programs span the Asia Pacific region, and all the way to South Africa. Ranging from studying Marine Bio-Diversity, Turtle Conservation to understanding Agricultural Societies and their Organic way of life, and Indigenous People. Here’s a look at their program in Kaikoura, South Island, New Zealand. Situated on the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand, the small town of Kaikoura is the ideal location for students to experience a unique mix of marine biology and Maori culture. Due to a large oceanic drop-off in Kaikoura Bay, upwelling currents bring nutrients to the surface, making it a haven for all kinds of marine lfe. Students will engage in a range of acivities which give them access to Kaikoura’s marine flora and fauna. One such activity is whale watching, where they will have the chance to see the resident sperm whales. Kaikoura is home to the dusky dolphin: one of the most acrobatic and interactive species of dolphin in the world and students have the opportunity to go snorkelling with these charismatic animals. Besides its wonderful marine life, New Zealand also has a unique and captivating history. Descendants of the Maori tribes which once prospered in these lands will teach us about their beliefs and rituals which provide an interesting backdrop for the trip. This trip runs during New Zealand’s summer months from November to May when the climate is more agreeable.
If used well, video can provide the most useful and most interesting lessons. The best TV shows and movies have natural, funny, dramatic, engaging dialogue, giving students excellent listening practice. TV and movies also touch on a variety of interesting topics, giving teachers a springboard for creating all kinds of discussion and debate. Many of the techniques used for teaching songs can also be used when using video. However, Teacher Joe has one favorite technique that combines speaking with listening practice. He has used this technique with beginner and advanced students, and with all levels in-between. Try it and see how it helps your students! First, for speaking practice, put students in pairs. One partner will watch the video and describe it to the other student who will turn away from the screen and only listen. Turn the sound off completely, as well as any subtitles. Play a scene once without stopping, to encourage students to speak quickly. They should learn that they don't have to describe everything, only the main things. When the scene is done, have the partner who was listening ask five yes or no questions to clarify. This is an important conversation skill! When students have asked their questions, it's time for the teacher to give a test! (This is as much a test of how well the speakers described as it is a test of the listeners.) Start with simple yes or no questions then build up to Wh- questions. If one student isn't quite sure of an answer, ask another student. Even if a student is correct, you can ask "Are you sure?", just to see if they are confident or only guessing. Check to see if other students agree or not. Their partners may have described things differently. When you are done with the "test", have all students look as you replay the video. Give the students feedback, suggesting better sentences they could have used to describe the scene. It is especially important to emphasize sentences, so that students will try to use better sentences in the future. Sometimes, have the students repeat key sentences aloud to be sure all students "internalize" them. To complete the speaking section, students should change roles so that the listener becomes the speaker and the speaker becomes the listener. For listening practice, turn up the sound and have students write down ten words that they hear. After listening two or three times, students can compare their words in small groups. They can ask questions such as "Did you hear ... ?" or "What did the man say about ... ? Then have one person from each group write their ten words on the board and give feedback. Play the scene one last time so students can see how much more they understand. You can ask after the very first listening how much they understood. Teacher Joe always asks "Who understood 100%?" and then pretends to be surprised when nobody raises their hand! You can ask if anyone understood 75% or more, or if anyone got 50% or more, etc. After the last listening, ask again. Most, if not all. of the students will have improved, giving them renewed confidence in their ability to learn from video.
Refugees from Africa and Syria have been learning the ancient art of dry stone walling in the Peak District, and passing on their own tips to Derbyshire’s wallers too. When the volunteer walling team of refugees from Eritrea arrived, Mark showed them how to choose and line up the stones, and they set to work on gaps in field walls near Froggatt that had been breached by deer or livestock. “Some of them actually knew the basics straight away. It was obvious they’d done it before. One of the men, Samson, said it was very similar to walls he’d made back in Eritrea,” said Mark. The British Red Cross helps hundreds of people in South Yorkshire who either have refugee status or are awaiting results of asylum applications. The charity leads English classes and helps refugees learn about life in the UK and contribute to the community at a time when they are not allowed to work. A new team of wall builders repaired more National Trust field boundaries last month. Yaqoob Adam fled Sudan several years ago, after his home and possessions were taken away from him. Following tortuous journeys through North Africa, across the Mediterranean, and through Europe to a stay at the ‘jungle’ in Calais for several weeks, he eventually arrived in South Yorkshire where he is now helping other refugees learn English and carrying out voluntary work. So far the British Red Cross wallers have mended over 16 metres of dry stone wall around Longshaw and Froggatt, but there are still plenty of gaps, and the volunteers did so well that they’ll be returning in September to mend another stretch of boundary walls.
As the Government consults on increasing public sector apprenticeships, an increasing number of primary and secondary schools are witnessing the multiple benefits of taking on apprentices in positions from Business Administrators to Teaching Assistants. Over the past year, National Schools Training (NST), the largest provider of apprenticeships in schools in England, has seen an increase of over 60% of people taking up apprenticeships as part of their campaign, “One By 2020”, which aims for there to be an apprentice in every school by 2020. The total amount of learners grew from 1,326 in January 2015 to 2,147 in January 2016 and NST have now delivered apprenticeships in over 2,000 schools – a campaign milestone. NST apprenticeships are making a huge impact on schools across the country. NST’s focus on quality is demonstrated by impressive learner success rates, often hitting 95% for some frameworks. This success is particularly evident amongst those starting apprenticeships between the ages of 16 and 18 years old who are using the training as a launch pad into employment or additional education. Ø Assistant Principal of The Clarendon Academy, Julie Thomas, has increased the number of apprenticeships available in school from one to three after a successful first year, with hopes for further increases in future. Ø Walwayne Court Primary School Teaching Assistant Apprentice, Holly White, has progressed into her second year as a Level 2 apprentice and has highlighted the benefit of a “learning on the job” route, saying she would “definitely recommend the apprenticeship”. Ø Head teacher of The John of Gaunt School, Mike Gunston, identifies the availability of the apprenticeships in schools as a positive viable alternative progression route for young people who wouldn’t ordinarily wish to attend sixth form. The school has a Level 2 Apprentice in the position of facilities management. The NST campaign ties in with the Government’s own target – to create 3 million new apprenticeships by 2020. The Government has earmarked the public sector for the delivery of a significant number of these apprenticeships, cited in a speech by the Prime Minister, David Cameron, in December 2015 and announced in a consultation today (25th January 2016). Schools can make a significant contribution towards achieving this. “It’s great to see how schools are realising the multiple benefits of taking on apprentices, and that the Government are recognising the importance and value of apprenticeships across the public sector. “Schools are realising the huge contribution an apprentice can make to school performance, and young adults are embracing this alternative progression route which is often more desirable than other options. “The One By 2020 campaign has made significant progress already with over 2,000 schools taking on at least one apprentice – however there is a long way to go to achieve the ambition of every school having an apprentice.
Why Earn your CASP+ with Infosec? Technical integration of enterprise components falls under the fifth and final domain of the CompTIA advanced security practitioner (CASP) exam, CAS-002, and constitutes 16% of the overall percentage of the exam. As a CASP, you must be able to undertake the responsibility of integrating enterprise components securely. Doing so requires you to understand the following essential topics, which we will explain in this article. What Do I Need to Know About Integrating Hosts, Storage, Networks, and Applications for the CASP Exam? Enterprise organizations must securely integrate hosts, storage, networks, and applications. As a CASP in an organization, you must understand how to integrate such components securely. Below is a comprehensive list of the essential security controls that you might be using in this regard. Secure Data Flows to Meet Changing Business Needs: Business needs can change frequently and may require the deployment of security controls or devices in order to protect data flow. Within the organization, the CASP may undertake the responsibility of analyzing business changes, determining how these changes can affect a security, and deciding what security controls should be deployed to ensure protection. The security practitioners have to ensure confidentiality to protect data flows. Confidentiality ensures that the data is not intercepted by bad guys while it’s in transit over a network. In fact, confidentiality is one of the vital components of the so-called CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity, and availability). Standards: Standards are tactical documents that depict specific processes or steps to meet certain requirements. IT standards are established by governing organizations, such as the International Standard Organization (ISO) and NIST. CASP professionals should be mindful of the varying types, including open standards, competing standards, adherence to standards, lack of standards, and de facto standards. Interoperability Issues: The CASP must be aware of interoperability issues when integrating security solutions into a secure enterprise architecture. Interoperability issues can take place with legacy systems/current systems, application requirements, and in-house developed vs. commercial vs. commercial customized. Cloud and virtualization consideration and hosting options—This section of the exam involves understanding four cloud deployment models, namely public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, and community cloud, as well as two other cloud computing models, single tenancy and multi-tenancy. Secure Use of On-Demand/Elastic Cloud Computing—In this approach, cloud service providers (CSPs) offer cloud resources to organizations or end users on the basis of a pay-per-use model—this means that enterprises or customers will be charged only for the services they use. The resource allocation and deallocation must be protected with secure tools such as Secure Shell, as well as an encryption scheme created to protect the hosts from being compromised. Data Remnants—This is data that is left behind on a system or resource when the system or resource will no longer be utilized. An encryption solution is again recommended to protect data remnants. Security analysts report that misconfigured hypervisors can trigger a separation-of-data issue in a multitenant environment that can expose data remnants. Data Aggregation—Data aggregation is a process whereby data and information are searched, gathered, and expressed in a summary form to accomplish specific business goals. It’s a part of business intelligence (BI) solutions and is commonly used for big data. The security practitioners must use authentication mechanisms such as access control lists (ACLs) to prevent unauthorized access to the servers and domains performing data aggregation. Data Isolation—In databases, data isolation is used to prevent data from being corrupted by two simultaneous operations. In cloud computing, data isolation makes sure that the tenant (user) data in a multitenant environment is isolated from the data of other tenants by using the tenant ID in data labels. Data isolation often involves monitoring and transaction rollback procedures to ensure data protection. Resource Provisioning and Deprovisioning—Resource provisioning and deprovisioning involves allocating or deallocating space and resources to the appropriate number of virtual machines for the client. Concepts involve provisioning and deprovisioning of servers, applications, virtual devices, and users. Securing Virtual Environments—When a company deploys a virtual environment (such as applications, services, appliances, and equipment), the security practitioners must provide the appropriate level of security to ensure protection. Design Considerations—Design considerations are essential during mergers, acquisitions, and demergers/divestitures. Before merging two organizations, the security practitioners must take their structures into consideration. Conversely, when two organizations are demerged, the security analysts will determine how the resources will be divided between them. Crucially, data security must take utmost importance in both scenarios (mergers and demergers). Network Secure Segmentation and Delegation—Network secure segmentation and delegation is vital to enhance network performance and protect network traffic. Network segmentation is usually performed through firewalls, switches, and routers. For example, a network analyst can implement a demilitarized zone (DMZ) using firewalls or Virtual LANs (VLANs) using switches. Network secure segmentation can be performed through various security controls such as MAC filtering. Logical and Physical Deployment Diagrams: Logical and physical deployment diagrams are the two main types of an enterprise’s deployment diagrams. A physical deployment diagram demonstrates the details of physical communication links such as servers, switches, routers, bridges, modems, hubs, printers, and so forth. By contrast, a logical deployment diagram indicates the architecture that includes a domain architecture with an existing domain hierarchy, name, and addressing scheme. Secure Infrastructure Design: CASP students must understand how to secure an infrastructure design. Infrastructure design involves a variety of security controls, including virtual private networks (VPNs), virtual LANs (VLANs), and demilitarized zones (DMZs). Storage Integration—When an organization integrates storage solutions, security analysts must participate in the design and deployment phase in order to make sure that the security considerations have been addressed properly. Security considerations for storage integration may involve the implementation of multi-factor authentication, ACLs, the creation of a private network for a storage solution, and limiting the access to that storage location. What Do I Need to Know About Integrating Advanced Authentication and Authorization Technologies? Authentication and authorization technologies are the access control models that specify which user or device has a particular level of access or permission to access the resource. Previously, classical access control models involved the use of username and password. Today, this technology is evolving with more sophisticated methods, such as credential verifications. Below are descriptions of these latest technologies. Authentication: Authentication is the process used to confirm the identity of a user. It ensures that only the legitimate person is accessing the system or resources. Authentication is one of the five essential pillars of information assurance (IA), along with non-repudiation, confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Examples of authentication include fingerprint, retina scan, and voice pattern, or print authorization. The CASP syllabus involves two types of authentication: certification-based authentication and single sign-on. Attestation: Attestation allows legitimate changes to a user’s machine to be detected by authorized persons. Attestation plays a crucial role in defining what the user is allowed to do and whether his/her machine is running effectively and doesn’t provide any porous hole to attackers. For example, security practitioners will determine if the user has a correct version of software installed on his/her machine. A practical example of attestation is its usage in TPM chips (TPM = trusted platform module). Identity Propagation: This is the process of sharing or passing a user’s authenticated identity information from one part of the multi-tier system to another part. Identity propagation is mostly used in databases. Federation: Federated identity management (FIM), also known as identity federation, is an arrangement that allows organizations with several disparate technologies, use-cases, and standards to share their applications by allowing users to utilize the same login credentials across security domains. As a CASP, you must know several FIM models, including security assertion markup language (SAML), OpenID, Shibboleth, and WAYF. Advanced Trust Models: These models are developed to support network authentication. CASP students should learn about advanced trust models, including remote access dial-in user service (RADIUS), lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP), and active directory (AD). Where Should I Focus My Study Time? Though passing the CASP exam can feel like untying the Gordian knot, acquiring the right training and studying the appropriate material will lead you to your cherished goal of a CASP credential. Candidates should focus their study time on CompTIA’s official material, all of which receives the CompTIA Authorized Quality Curriculum (CAQC) seal. Here is a CASP Resources article that includes everything you need to know in this regard. Do you want to take the CompTIA CASP exam? Good news: InfoSec Institute offers a uniquely designed CASP Boot Camp for the candidates aspiring to CASP examination. The goal of this course is to provide IT experts with the most comprehensive accelerated environment for the CASP exam. InfoSec also offers thousands of articles on a variety of security topics.
SCARSDALE, N.Y. (October 13, 2011) – Almstead Lawn Care, leaders in the field of organic lawn services, recently utilized the latest natural soil supplements and organic fertilizers, along with aeration and seeding techniques, to strengthen more than 20 acres of sports fields in Scarsdale, N.Y. The benefits of an organic program are derived from improving soil biology in a way that supports lawns naturally. While the Village of Scarsdale began to implement its organic lawn care program two years ago, a new state law known as the Child Safe Playing Fields Act recently went into effect requiring all schools and day care centers to stop using pesticides on playgrounds and sports fields. Effective May 2011 for schools and November 2010 for child care facilities, the Child Safe Playing Fields Act aims to protect children from harmful pesticides and has been widely applauded by parents, environmental groups and human health activists. The law does allow for emergency pesticide applications pending reviews and approvals. Organic lawn care focuses on improving soil biology so that plants and lawns are strengthened naturally. In Scarsdale, Almstead this spring employed a technique called “Slit Seeding,” where a tractor attachment slices into the ground, drops in grass seeds and folds the grass to cover the soil all in one pass. After a summer of active field use, the Almstead team returned to Crossway Fields in late September, this time opting for a strategy called “Core Aeration.” Essentially core aeration creates hundreds of thousands of tiny holes in the soil, which allows for an increased flow of oxygen, water and nutrients to the soil. This in turn produces a healthier lawn as the improved soil environment provides more resources to the plants. Almstead also treated the fields with an organic blend of insoluble fertilizer containing a “9-0-4” percent blend of Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium, respectively. Insoluble fertilizer releases more slowly over time, thereby staying in the soil longer and providing more nutrients to the grass. Additionally, such fertilizers don’t produce Nitrate runoff, which is an environmental concern surrounding traditional Nitrogen fertilizers. Nutrients in this organic blend were derived from feather meal, soybean meal, cottonseed meal, alfalfa meal and vegetable ash. Equally important, Almstead conducted tests to check on the biology of the soil, discovering that the fields had a low active beneficial fungi count. This required that the team conduct a humate application, an organic source of food for these microorganisms, to correct the issue naturally. Active beneficial fungi help with disease suppression and nutrient retention in the soil. Michael Almstead, Vice President of Almstead Tree & Shrub Care Co., prepares for a day of aeration, seeding and organic fertilization at Crossway Fields in Scarsdale, N.Y. The company, which has offices in Hawthorne and New Rochelle, N.Y., Stamford, Conn., and North Halendon, N.J, recently completed a second round of organic lawn care on more than 20 acres of sports field. Organic lawn care specialists Almstead Tree & Shrub Care Co. recently utilized a Core Aeration technique on more than 20 acres of sports fields in Scarsdale, N.Y. Here Michael Almstead, Vice President of Almstead Tree & Shrub Care Co., shows how holes were created to aerate the soil, which enables grass roots to grow deeper and ultimately produces a healthier lawn. Justin Eubanks, of Almstead Tree & Shrub Care Co., prepares an organic blend of fertilizers for a baseball field at Crossway Fields in Scarsdale, N.Y., where the company recently serviced more than 20 acres of sports fields. While the Village of Scarsdale implemented its organic lawn care program proactively, a new law known as the Child Safe Playing Fields Act recently went into effect requiring all schools and day care centers to stop using pesticides on playgrounds and sports fields.
Holding it all together. An introduction to aircraft fasteners. "If you need it to keep you in the air, you should not be buying it at your local hardware store or home center." Let's get this out of the way first. Aircraft fasteners work best for aircraft needs, especially for anything that keeps you in the air. Certain automotive fasteners may work better for specialty interior items, but otherwise, AN nuts, bolts, washers, cotter pins, screws, and rivets bought from a reputable aviation vendor are best. Maintenance time presents the owner with a new opportunity to consider the value of aviation hardware installed to aviation standards. This is the time to take a hard look at any deficiencies in that regard and bring them up to snuff. If you need it to keep you in the air, you should not be buying it at your local hardware store or home center. Grade 8 bolts, such as you may find at the hardware store, are not equal to AN aircraft bolts. They may have the same gold color, but the composition of the metal and other important specifications are not the same. A good way to tell a grade eight bolt from an AN bolt is to look at the length of the threads. The threaded portion of an AN bolt is typically much shorter and the markings on the head are different. For a good description of aircraft bolt markings, please see Chapter 7 of Advisory Circular AC 43.13-1B, a book that every amateur airplane builder should have in his or her library. Grade 8 bolts are not equivalent to aircraft bolts. On the left is a ¼-28 Grade 8 bolt, and on the right is an AN4 aircraft bolt. Note the much shorter threaded portion on the AN bolt. There are some specialty bolts that you may come across for special applications. Eye bolts sized from AN42 (3/16 inch) to AN46 (3/8 inch) can come in handy for creating tie-down points. AN173, AN174, and similar bolts are available with actual diameters that produce a close tolerance or zero-clearance fit. NAS bolts have extra strength. If your aircraft design calls for one of these special bolts, do not be tempted to substitute a regular bolt in its place. Bolts need to be replaced when their plating has worn off, when it becomes at all difficult to thread on a nut, or when there is any damage to the unthreaded grip area. Another good rule of thumb is to replace a bolt with a shorter one if you need more than 1/8 inch of washers anywhere on the bolt to make it work. Not more than four threads should project beyond the end of a standard AN365 nut. This nut with six threads showing is bottomed out on the shank of an AN4 bolt. This situation could easily lead to a failure of the bolt or the item being secured. AN bolts come in length increments of 1/8 inch. These bolts start with a grip length of 1/16 inch (AN3-3A for example) and with each increase in number grow 1/8 inch longer. Thus an AN4-11A bolt is 1/8 inch longer than an AN4-10A bolt. Two standard AN960 washers equal the same 1/8 inch. Nuts and bolts work together as a team to take on many different tasks, but these different tasks often require different kinds of nuts. The basic aircraft nut is the AN365 stop nut. It features a nylon insert that keeps it from loosening after installation and is readily available in sizes ranging from #4 to ¾ inch, (with designations AN365-440 and AN365-1216A respectively) to match standard AN bolts. Look-alikes are often available at your favorite hardware store, but they are not the same. A thin version for use where the bolt is in shear carries the designation AN364. They should not be used where there is any load that tends to pull the bolt along its length. All-metal stop nuts are best for firewall-forward applications where temperatures are likely to be above 250° F. The two nuts on the left are MS21042 nuts; the others are AN363 nuts. In areas where temperatures are high, such as firewall-forward installations, it is better to use an all-metal AN363 stop nut. As an alternative you can also use the less common MS21042 nut. These nuts are smaller but develop the same strength as the AN363 nuts. Good use of all-metal stop nuts in this Jabiru engine installation. The question often arises, "Do I need to adjust the torque to compensate for the nylon insert drag?" The answer is yes. The torque used to overcome the drag of the locking insert does nothing to tighten the nut you are using. Here are some drag numbers derived from testing a number of new stop nuts. Another question is, "When should I replace a stop nut?" Some mechanics say if you can turn a stop nut by hand it is time to replace it. While it is certainly true that you should replace any stop nut that can be turned by hand, it is also true that the locking insert needs to apply a lot more drag than that, especially for larger nuts. Most people cannot exert more than about 5 inch-pounds of torque with their bare hand. The real rule is that you should replace a stop nut whenever there is a reduction in the drag or locking power of the nut. Unfortunately, there is a reduction in drag every time you reuse a stop nut. The practical answer is, do not reuse stop nuts for critical installations, and replace other stop nuts whenever there is a noticeable reduction in drag as you tighten the nut. The bottom line is that nuts are cheap, but the trouble they can cause if they fail may be quite costly. Castle nuts are best for any application where there is going to be rotation, such as this Cub aileron control. Be sure that the down-side tail of the cotter pins does not interfere with the rotation and that the up-side tail extends to at least the center of the bolt being secured. Castle nuts work best on bolts where there is possible rotation such as on control linkages. The standard castle nut is the AN310, but a thin shear-only version called AN320 is also available. Castle nuts obviously require cotter pins to work properly. When tightening castle nuts, always start by applying the minimum torque and then tighten to line up the cotter pin hole with the slots in the nut. Cotter pins secure castle nuts or clevis pins. For clevis pins the cotter pin is typically wrapped around the sides of the pin, but with castle nuts the cotter pin folds up around the end of the bolt. Cotter pins are usually installed with the legs of the cotter pin perpendicular to the axis of clevis pins but parallel to the axis of bolts. The legs of the cotter pin should extend to at least the centerline of the clevis pin as they wrap around the end. In a nut-and-bolt installation, the top leg of the cotter pin should wrap over the end of the bolt to at least the centerline of the bolt, and the bottom leg should be cut off just short of flush with the bottom surface of the castle nut. Cotter pins should in all cases be regarded as non-reusable. Another handy nut is the AN315 check nut or jam nut, which also comes in a thin version, designated AN316. These nuts work by jamming another nut or threaded clevis when you tighten them against each other. Jam nuts also work well to remove threaded studs. Anchor nuts or nut plates work really well for places where it is going to be difficult to access the bolt and the nut at the same time for maintenance or repairs. On the left are some K1000 fixed anchor nuts, and on the right are some F5000 floating anchor nuts. In areas where access to the nut is restricted or merely inconvenient, an anchor nut or nut plate can solve the problem. These come in a variety of shapes and sizes, some of the more common ones being the K1000 fixed anchor nut and the F500 floating anchor nut. They are typically riveted into place with 3/32-inch flush rivets. All anchor nuts should be replaced as soon as their locking action begins to be compromised. They do not have an infinite life. All nuts should have a minimum of one complete thread exposed beyond the end of the nut, but no more than four threads exposed. With too many threads showing, it is likely that the nut is bottoming out on the end of the threads, rather than the item being held together by the nut and bolt. For a bolt to produce the holding force for which it was designed it must be properly tightened. There are more precise ways than torque to determine a bolt's tightness, but torque is still the universal standard used by aviation mechanics. AC43.13-1B and other aviation mechanic handbooks list torque values for fine and coarse thread nuts and bolts. Use these values unless the manufacturer of the item in question specifies something else. Please note that engine and propeller manufacturers will always have recommended torques for nuts and bolts used to assemble and install their products. Be sure to consult them for the proper torque values and do not rely on generic tables. Another important point regarding torque numbers is that generic tables provide torques for clean, dry (no oil or anti-seize compound) nuts and bolts. Lubricants and anti-seize compounds will alter the tightness of nuts and bolts tightened to any particular torque value. Engine and propeller bolt torques will be based on assembly as per the manufacturer's recommendations, which may—or may not—be with dry threads. You must look to the manufacturer's literature to determine whether or not a particular bolt torque is based on assembly with a lubricant, anti-seize, or dry. One last point on torques. You will notice on the generic torque tables that there are two values listed for each bolt diameter and thread combination—one for shear and one for tension. The shear value assumes the use of a shear (thin) nut such as an AN364 nut and that the bolt has a load that is perpendicular to its length, in other words, the load is trying to shear the bolt in two. This will be a lower value than the tension value because the thin shear nut has less ability to hold a load. The tension values will be based on using AN365 or other similar tension or standard nuts. In addition to the shear and tension values, there will be separate tables for values for fine and course threads. Standard AN bolts have fine threads, thus the fine thread values should be used. Be sure to use the correct torque for the nut and bolt you are tightening. You should always be able to start the threads of a nut or bolt by hand. If you cannot, you need to find out why. Undamaged threads should easily engage and begin to turn until they hit the stop portion of the nut. The best solution to hard-starting nuts and bolts is usually to simply replace them, but there are times when this could be extremely difficult or expensive. For these instances it is important not to grab a simple machinist's tap or die and recut the threads. There are taps and dies made just for restoring threads that are designed not to remove material but to merely straighten it. These are often called rethreading or thread chasing taps and dies. A serious mechanic should invest in a set of these tools for the more common aircraft sizes. Thread chasing taps and dies (left) are best for repairing threads. Machinist taps and dies (right) are for cutting new threads. They are different tools for different jobs. Even when using the proper thread restoration tools, care should be taken when working on nut plates or anchor nuts. You must never cut into the anchor part of the threads. This will destroy the locking feature and make the part worthless. Always inspect fasteners before reusing them to avoid causing harm to undamaged parts. And remember, whenever possible simply replace any fastener that has any damage to its threads. Big problems often start when mechanics try to simply push their way through little problems. The standard aircraft washer is the AN960 flat washer. It is 1/16-inch thick, so that when two of them are added together they equal a one number bolt length. AN960L washers are one-half the thickness of standard washers. Use aluminum washers against aluminum surfaces and steel washers against steel surfaces. No bolt should have more than 1/8 inch of washers on it. If it does, it is time to get a shorter bolt. Use a large AN970 washer over rod ends such as this throttle linkage to protect against the rod end failing and coming completely off the bolt. For applications requiring a large diameter washer, the AN970 fills the bill. Tinnerman washers come in handy when placing screws through fiberglass, and finishing washers make for a neater installation of interior items. Internal star lock washers (MS35333) are commonly found on Lycoming exhaust systems. They fit between the AN960 washer and the nut. These lock washers are single-use items. Lock washers are not too common on aircraft except on engines. The most popular lock washer is the MS35333 internal star washer, but you can also get external star lock washers (MS35335) or split washers (MS35338). The most common application for lock washers is in conjunction with exhaust system nuts. In these applications lock washers should be regarded as single-use items and replaced each time they are removed. Use a thin, protective washer under the lock washer to protect the surface below, especially if the attached item is aluminum. Never use lock washers on nuts where there will be rotation, such as control ends. Standard AN rivets should be replaced with the same whenever possible, but sometimes it is nearly impossible, or at least very difficult to do so. For such instances, and certainly wherever originally specified, pull rivets (also called pop rivets) can come in very handy. This is another instance where hardware store rivets should be avoided for any structural items. For these applications Cherry Aerospace rivets come in two varieties that can meet most aviation rivet needs. The less expensive "Q" rivets can substitute directly for AN rivets of the same diameter in many applications, but where maximum shear strength is critical, it will be necessary to increase the size or go to the more expensive and stronger CherryMAX rivets. If these rivets are being used for structural repairs or as substitutes for AN rivets, it is best to double-check with the kit or plans designer to be sure of their suitability. For things like attaching baffle seals, or for interior items, there are a number of non-structural pull rivets available from your local hardware store or from aviation vendors. Just be sure to not cut corners on any structural rivets. Various pull rivets can come in quite handy when it is difficult or impossible to buck a conventional rivet. From left to right: low strength, non-structural rivets; Cherry 'Q' rivets; and CherryMax rivets. Above are some washers especially designed to work with rivets. Aircraft fasteners have come to be what they are today through many years of experience, some of it tragic. The result is a system of nuts, bolts, washers, rivets, and such that work pretty well. Unless there is a really good reason not to, using certified aviation hardware is the best way to go. As you work on your airplane, please keep that in mind—and don't be reluctant to throw out any fasteners that no longer measure up to new standards.
Help the child identify each animal. Then make its animal sound together. Help the child describe the colors, patterns, and other details of each animal. As you use two of the puppets, ask the child to be the farmer and pretend to feed, brush, and pet each animal. Use the puppets to ask the child questions, and let the child ask questions of the puppet, too. For instance, the puppet might ask the child what it's like to be a kid, or ask about favorite snacks, games, or friends. Place one puppet on your hand and one on the child's hand. Use your puppets to ask the child's puppet questions. For instance, "I want to go to school with you, Pig. What is it like there?" Use the animals to act out a "people" scene that's familiar to the child. For instance, you might have the cow go on a trip to the library to find a new book. Allow the child to join in the scene or simply observe. Use the puppets to act out challenging social scenes, and encourage the child to help you resolve them. For instance, perhaps the horse wants to play with the sheep but doesn't know how to ask, or maybe the pig is being too bossy and the other animals are upset. Encourage the child to make up a story of his or her choosing and act it out as a puppet show. Optional: Add a stage for the big performance, make a poster with the name of the play, and create and collect tickets from the audience members.
AIDS has always been political. From its beginning, the AIDS epidemic in the US has carried with it marginalization and stigmatization. Disproportionately affecting queer individuals and people of color, HIV/AIDS is inextricably linked to the systems of oppression that render these communities particularly vulnerable. As such, the history of the American political response to the epidemic is a particularly dark one. Much of this public negligence of the AIDS epidemic was due to its particular prevalence in queer communities, specifically among gay and bisexual men. Before the terms HIV and AIDS were coined, the virus was publicly referred to as GRID (Gay-Related Immune Deficiency) and even “gay plague.” Media coverage also featured rather problematic biases — with news outlets explicitly referring to the virus as one inherently associated with sexual promiscuity and drug abuse — or failed to cover HIV/AIDS at all (The New York Times, for example, did not print a cover story on the epidemic until 1983). By the time Reagan publicly acknowledged the epidemic in 1987, over 20,000 Americans had died from AIDS-related illness, and misinformation and stigma were running rampant. Even then, Reagan’s prevention strategy was primarily rooted in abstinence education, and he even remarked that “morality” was adequately preventative. There is no way to remotely quantify the trauma inflicted on HIV-positive individuals by such as period of apathy and erasure — just as there is no way to excuse political ignorance and inaction. Over thirty years later, on World AIDS Day 2018, we can celebrate the progress that has been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The advent of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has enabled hundreds of thousands of HIV-positive individuals and their children in the U.S. to live happier, healthier lives. Preventative measures like pre-and-post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP) can reduce rates of transmission, as can needle sharing programs for intravenous drug users. To some extent, the American public consciousness has evolved in terms of its perception of the virus and disproportionately affected populations. But we also must recognize that the AIDS epidemic is far from over, and that we can find some disheartening political parallels today. The Trump administration has implemented a number of notable HIV/AIDS-related policy changes: diverting funding away from health programs/entities like PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) and the CDC, barring HIV-positive individuals from serving in the U.S. military, and proposing cuts to Medicaid (on which 40% of HIV-positive individuals depend for healthcare). Six members of the Presidential Advisory Council of HIV/AIDS (PACHA) appointed during the Obama administration resigned in June 2017 in protest of the Trump administration’s lack of strategy to address the epidemic, and the remaining members had their appointments terminated shortly thereafter. Beyond the federal level, 33 states have HIV-specific laws, including 24 that criminalize lack of disclosure to sexual partners and 25 that criminalize behaviors with low risk for HIV transmission. Unfortunately, marginalization and stigmatization persist today in our country and contribute to homophobia, racism, and xenophobia. We must also acknowledge the role of the United States within a global context, especially in relation to an epidemic that is particularly concentrated in parts of the world (e.g. sub-Saharan Africa) in which governmental barriers and public stigma are particularly acute.
The needs and concerns of children faced with a moving home vary greatly depending on their age and the destination of the move. With older children and teenagers, psychological and emotional needs are the priority, whereas babies and toddlers have more basic requirements such as physical comfort during the transition. Young children generally feel safe and comforted as long as they are in the presence of their parents, however a major worry for them is being left behind. It is therefore important that no matter what the age of your child, you communicate with them about the move clearly and effectively. Moving your home, leave alone moving to another country and culture, must not come as a surprise and you should introduce the subject as early as possible. As a parent, your role is to encourage communication, providing comfort and emotional support. Your children may experience a whole range of emotions including; anger, sadness, relief and excitement. You will need to help them through this emotional battlefield and allow them to express their fears and concerns openly. It can be beneficial to hold regular family meetings where you all discuss your feelings, questions and worries. Once a child feels respected and listened to they become more open to discussing the positive aspects of the move. Encourage children to learn about the new country in advance (this will assist your knowledge at the same time). Provide children of all ages with a special address book and stationary for keeping up with old friends. Email provides a cheap method of maintaining daily contact with friends. Take video and photos of the new home and area if your children are unable to see them before the move. Arrange to visit new schools and meet teachers before the actual first day of school. Explore your new area with the whole family as soon as possible. A key factor in ensuring a smooth transition for the whole family will be the initial reactions of each child. When you introduce the subject of moving to a new home you should be as informative as possible and explain why you feel the move will be of benefit to the entire family, not just the working parent. With younger children, it is best to keep things light hearted and fun, as they will want to know things like how their toys and furniture will be transported from one place to the other. Acting out the process with these toys help them to relate to what will be happening. Books and games are another good way to help your children express their feelings and concerns. If your child has special needs, it is important that they understand any variations in how their needs will be addressed. Provide the needed reassurance, stability and security. Show them the destination on a map; this helps them become familiar with where they are going. Books and games are a useful tool for explaining the move process. Give them things they can do to feel involved, such as sorting through belongings for outgrown toys and clothes and placing items into boxes. Help them feel involved on move day by allowing them to pack their flight bag, selecting the books, toys and snacks they would like to take. Teenagers will face more complex issues about moving to a new country. During adolescence, teenagers are seeking validation and approval, this is often achieved within friendship groups. Leaving their friends, changing schools, giving up coveted sports positions and various hard-earned opportunities will seem a daunting prospect. Although they will understand the idea of belonging somewhere other than where they are presently living, they may not have the skills to accept the idea of moving easily. They may have concerns about their capability to adjust to a new culture, fear of the unknown may leave them feeling insecure, unconfident and experience anxiety. Be respectful of their emotional needs. Be clear about the benefits to the whole family. Anticipate some of the concerns that may arise and have responses prepared. Encourage open communication and honesty. Encourage them to keep a diary; this is a non-confrontational way for them to work through their concerns. Subscribe to magazines or hometown newspapers that have youth contact. Suggest exchange visits with friends.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives has passed H.R. 4881, the Precision Agriculture Connectivity Act, to reduce barriers to the implementation of cutting-edge technology on America’s farms. The legislation, authored by Congressmen Dave Loebsack (D-IA) and Bob Latta (R-OH), establishes a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) task force, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), to evaluate the best ways to meet the broadband connectivity and technological needs of precision agriculture. Loebsack and Latta are both co-chairs of the House Rural Broadband Caucus. Precision agriculture is the use of technology like the Internet of Things (IoT), self-driving machinery, drones, and satellites to operate farms in a more effective and efficient manner. Because rural communities often have less access to high-speed broadband connectivity, the agricultural community has more difficulty integrating advanced technologies that could make their work easier, safer, and better for the environment. The bill establishes the Task Force for Reviewing the Connectivity and Technology Needs of Precision Agriculture in the United States, which will operate under the direction of the FCC and in collaboration with USDA. The Task Force must be comprised of farmers and ranchers, Internet service providers, broadband mapping experts, and representatives from the satellite industry, electric cooperatives, precision agriculture equipment manufacturers, and local and state government representatives.
I recently read an excellent summary article, “Lesson Design for Deeper Learning”, on the blog site, “It’s A Halal Life”, derived from a presentation at a recent West Coast Education Forum. The main points listed brought back to mind the influence that Madeline Hunter has had upon our classroom activities, as they provided a well-planned approach to maximizing learning within the students; the article’s major focus aligns well and adds to Hunter’s organizational format. One component that I think has been less emphasized among the others is the importance of the background the learner brings to the classroom; we have long recognized that students differ greatly regarding their ability and developmental levels yet too often these are ignored when the teacher forges ahead into the lesson. Certainly it’s convenient administratively to “standardize” the approach; we’ve done that for over a century with our “traditional” bell schedules packing everything into equitably-distributed minutes throughout the school day, whether it’s a block schedule or seven or eight periods. My point is, that for every new concept, there should be some “pre-teaching” to assure that each student has the tools (background) necessary to develop the topic under consideration; in other words, all are sharing a common background as it relates to the area of study. Once this is done, it offers the instructor the opportunity to use what we used to refer to as “The Discovery Approach” in which students are led to solve a problem through answering a series of questions derived and developed from the common knowledge base shared among the students in the class. An example I often used in a General Science class was to ask the question, “Which is heavier, moist air or dry air”, and lead the students to the answer beginning with questions relative to molecular weights of the gaseous components of air, the average molecular weights of standard volumes of air, etc. The students at this point in the school year already had learned about molecular weights of elements and compounds, and were given this exercise as an opportunity to apply their knowledge. (By the way, since molecules of water vapor, H20, are replacing some of the N2, O2, and C02, it has the effect of lightening the weight; thus, dry air is heavier at the same temperature and elevation). One comment that occurred to me as I read the blogger’s description of having been in classes where the teacher lectured to note-taking students, then asked them to regurgitate those notes back for test purposes and evaluation. I agree with her criticism of that approach, in general, but I had the good fortune of having had one of those teachers, one whom I consider to have been my best and most influential teacher. This was a high school Social Studies Teacher, and students throughout the school lived in fear that they would be assigned to his sections rather than one of the others available. His approach was to lecture daily, and have an essay test each six weeks. Two questions were offered but you were to choose only one of them, and woe betides’ the student who completed the question during the hour test session! However, within his lectures were intense discussions of “The Why” of things, much as the blogger emphasizes in her article. I learned about comparative religions, pre-history, the development of civilization, American History and its meaning, etc. His classes were spiced with such cynical comments as “The more I see of people, the more I admire dogs, and you _______ are a mangy cur!” (this to someone who was distracting the class), or “The greatest general in all history was General Ignorance”. I had this teacher for both World and American History, and chose to audit World History again as a Senior, when I had a blank period in my schedule. His cynicism was balanced by the fact that in spite of being an agnostic, he had written numerous Christian hymns, some of which I’ve seen published in church hymnals. Enough about that. I would also place increased emphasis on Checking for Understanding; too often students leave the “scene of the crime” with a confused perception of what they were supposed to have assimilated. Having them paraphrase back to the teacher is a good start on developing this approach. My time these days is focused on finding a provider that offers therapy to address my current health issues. Initially, I was told that I have chronic inflammatory demyelinizing polyneuropathy (CIDP), but learned last week that I actually have CIDP-like symptoms related to the diagnosis derived from a bone marrow biopsy, another one of those alphabetically-named maladies. This one, monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS), is a protein-based condition that sometimes (5%) later develops into multiple myeloma, a form of cancer. However, it has treatments available, some of which are based on stem cells derived from the patient (autologous or Adult cells), and which offer the potential to halt the progress of my CIDP symptoms. Understandably, this was welcome news, as the “pure CIDP” has no cure and is progressive, and treatments provide only temporary relief. My doctors are referring me to the Mayo Clinic and the Billings, Montana Clinic, both of which may be able to offer me the therapy if I’m an acceptable candidate. I’ll have to make sure my personal hygiene is satisfactory. I’m also setting up a workshop in my “new house”; I now have a drill press, table saw, band saw, and Rockwell combination. The first project is constructing a movable workbench for large materials. This is in an oversized, heated and insulated garage; one end is composed of old kitchen cabinets that provide countertop workspace and lots of storage. One side wall is all shelving, floor to ceiling. And there’s still plenty of room for a ping-pong or pool table, and my Total Gym! A veritable paradise! Finally, the neurologist tells me that I should be quite ok to travel to Bahrain in April, to visit two schools associated with one of our Department of Defense military installations. Afterward, I’ll either do a bit of touring somewhere interesting on the way home, or I’ll come home immediately to Charlotte, North Carolina, where I’ve finally been accepted to work as a volunteer at the Wells Fargo Golf Championship. I have until February 20 to tell them “yes or no”, the problem being that there would not be enough time to do any touring between the school visit and the tournament.
Figure 2.21. The result is that the potentials were never developed and impediments were sufficient to prevent any further hardware development of a truly sustained-use space launcher. Steve Wurst of Access to Space LLC has recovered some of the historic hardware from the "bone yard'' of The Marquardt Company, as its property was being sold in bankruptcy, and transformed it into a modern combined cycle access to space launcher concept on private financing. Access to space launcher concepts do not fit the preconceived concepts of the government and, short of turning the project into a government-sponsored program with government control, the project remains in the shadows. However, the over abundance of nay-sayers and skeptics, and the lack of dreamers continues to prevent the realization of a transportation system to space. We are left with Space Conestoga Wagons and have yet to see the "railroad to Space''. As indicated in Figure 2.21, progress toward the future in both Earth-based launchers and space exploration appears to be impeded by the acceptance of the status quo. The key to breaking this stalemate is a propulsion system integrated into a sustained-use vehicle that can provide routine, frequent flights and advance our space capabilities. The X Series of aircraft proved that even high-speed research aircraft could be operated frequently and safely. And this despite the need to air launch these aircraft from a modified B-50 in the early flight operations and later the modified B-52. Nuclear submarine reactors are reported to outlive the hull, and are without nuclear accident. In space nuclear-electric propulsion is a vital necessity if we are ever to travel significant distances in meaningful time. The missing elements are the dreams, determination and resources analogous to those that were committed to the building of the transcontinental railroad [Ambrose, 2000]. In many respects the challenges are less daunting although the environment is a great deal harsher.
Thank you, everyone, for your support. Together we can be a strong voice for our beloved wolves! Please send off these tweets to your following at your leisure over the weekend for added support. This imperiled species needs our help urgently with as many voices as we can muster! Thank you. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is soliciting comments as the state conservation agency retools its 2008 Wolf Management Plan. The 2008 plan was crafted with extensive public input. Among its principal goals were to maintain a viable wolf population, minimize wolf-related conflicts, and conduct science-based, socially acceptable management of the species. Since the plan was enacted, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that the gray wolf population (Canis lupus) in the western Great Lakes region, which includes Michigan, had recovered and no longer needed the protection of the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA).* The species was removed from the ESA in 2012, and, hence, the Wolverine State assumed “full management authority” for the wolves. The DNR estimates that in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula the wolf population has grown to over 600 which is up from 20 animals in 1992. Great Lakes wolves remain divisive creatures. Either they are viewed as a dangerous nuisance by Michiganders who have lost pets or livestock in a wolf attack, or they aresacred icons, as many American Indian tribes view them. While the 2013 state-sponsored wolf hunt in Michigan yielded 22 animals being legally killed, organizations, like Keep Wolves Protected (a force behind the largely symbolic November 2014 ballot proposals) have rejected “trophy hunting” this natural predator. Phase 1 of the comment period is now open. Interested parties can participate in an electronic survey in which respondents are asked questions about the 12 strategic goals from the 2008 plan. Comments and answers will be accepted until December 11, 2014. Those unable to participate in the survey electronically can contact the DNR Wildlife Division at 517-284-9453 to receive a paper survey. The Michigan DNR, whose mission it is to conserve, protect, and manage the State’s natural resources, hopes to have the wolf plan update completed by the spring of 2015.
Let's apply these ideas to an example and see how we might move from a program to the solutions. For simplicity, we retain Prolog style but we ignore variables and unification. % e, h is deliberate. We will assume that the language used uses the Standard Search Strategy - which of course means that the language could be Prolog. What possibilities do we have for moving to a solution? Since we are using the Standard Search Strategy, we must proceed by investigating b before we can use the simplification of (4), that c is true. There are two possibilities for b, using (2) or using (3). Success in tracing a solution to our program only occurs when we reach an empty list of sub-goals, denoted by [ ]. What we have is an ordered trace of all possible computational paths for the program. The diagram represents the "Standard Computational Tree" both in terms of clause ordering and in terms of goals within clause bodies. For now, let us see what happens when (in a more general language than Prolog) we leave the search strategy undefined. use b: - d, e. which leads us to ? - d, e, c. use b :-f. which leads us to ? - f, c. evaluate c first (through equation 4) to get ? - b. - and we can see why unless we have a defined search strategy our logic programs will (start of §4) "probably generate a load of rubbish" one such strategy being to tackle first the left-most goal, using the top-most expansion ... in other words, to use the standard search strategy. this appears to conflict with our example tree; but it doesn't! clauses 1 - 3 - 7 - 4. There are similar problems in grammar writing (class 52 348) ... and in functional languages such as Scheme and other forms of Lisp!
French local governments take action against climate change - France in the United States / Embassy of France in Washington, D.C. For many years, French local governments have been combating climate change worldwide alongside their foreign partners. Find out how with our selection of 12 real projects! "Decentralized cooperation for the climate" is a series of personal accounts and concrete examples of projects implemented by French local governments on the ground as part of long-term collaboration with their foreign partners. These local governments work together in fields ranging from agro-ecology and sustainable urban development to sanitation, biodiversity and renewable energy sources, with the aim of mitigating the effects of climate change or enabling communities to adapt to it. Local rural and urban populations are feeling the full force of the impacts of climate change. As they are on the front line, they are best placed to develop appropriate solutions. Many French local governments (regions, communes and departments) are helping to combat climate change, especially through long-standing partnerships with their foreign partners. These are relations of friendship and exchange between men and women in France and abroad that have led to projects being set up, in some cases several decades ago. It is thanks to these exchanges of expertise and know-how that region-specific solutions can be implemented. And it is thanks to the spread of knowledge from one person to another through participative approaches that innovative solutions can be found. In 2015, the Delegation for the External Action of Local Government (DAECT) of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI) launched a call for climate-related projects. The aim was to provide financial support for projects led by local governments to combat climate change. Examples include reducing deforestation, introducing environmental and energy diagnoses, managing marine areas, sustainable agriculture, and raising young people’s awareness of climate issues. This call for projects confirmed and highlighted local government mobilization with regard to climate issues. 21 emblematic projects were selected: 21 winners for COP21. With "Decentralized cooperation for the climate", we hope to showcase and encourage all these local initiatives. Taking action for the climate also means taking action together, in partnership, here and elsewhere.
Can Gas6 help repair myelin in MS? In MS the immune system damages the protective myelin coating that surrounds nerves. At first the body is capable of repairing myelin. But as MS progresses myelin repair becomes less effective and damage accumulates, which means that nerves can’t function properly. Our researchers have identified a molecule called Gas6 that can help to reduce myelin damage. They will now investigate how Gas6 works in more detail using mice with a condition similar to MS. They will also explore how we can target Gas6 to boost the natural myelin repair process in the brain. We need to know how Gas6 works to help us develop new treatments that repair myelin. These treatments have the potential to slow or stop all types of MS. There are currently no treatments available to help repair damage caused by MS. We need to support innovative projects like these if treatments are to become a reality. The aim of this project is to investigate the effect of amiloride as a new therapy for protecting nerves from damage following inflammation. Scientists are working on three ways to tackle MS: stopping the immune damage, promoting myelin repair and protecting nerves from damage.
Planting a naked-root rose. Bare-root roses are greatest planted at first of their dormant interval to minimize the shock of transplanting. If the roots look dry, soak them in a bucket of water for a couple of hours before planting. Take away diseased or damaged stems, and trim any thick roots by a 3rd. Place the rose in a freshly dug gap, spreading out the roots and checking that the bud union is barely above floor level. Backfill with soil and water thoroughly. To make sure success along with your rose bushes you have to follow four easy steps. Water deeply twice per week, reasonably than shallowly extra usually, and avoid splashing the leaves with water to stop illness. Make sure your roses are planted the place they obtain a minimum of six hours of sun a day. House your roses far enough apart to make sure air circulation and deter mildew. Lastly, keep soil pH between 6.5 and .8. To avoid wasting area in your garden, strive planting your crops in blocks rather than in the traditional rows. Rows end up leaving too much house between crops for needless pathways. Blocks help keep crops tight collectively without sacrificing manufacturing. Small selection kitchen vegetables do best in blocks which are organized in a large bed. As was mentioned in the beginning of this article, when you have an concept what you are attempting to do, gardening will come simple. With stable data, like the information you learned right here, you will be able to plant a grasp garden that would be the envy of everyone you recognize. Even a small funding of time and effort to gardening actions is bound to be tremendously rewarded. Those rewards may are available food to feed our families or in flowers and other decorative plants to beautify our surroundings. Everyone can reap these rewards. The ideas that are outlined above will get us began in that course. When maintaining an natural garden, remember to all the time wind up your hoses. Dragging and storing a hose that isn’t wound up can take quite a lot of time away from you. Attempt utilizing stationary or transportable hose reels to wind up your hoses and to avoid wasting you some time. Weed management in your natural garden might be tougher than a conventional backyard as a result of you’ll be able to’t use chemical herbicides. Top-of-the-line methods to control weeds with out using chemical compounds is creating ground cover with mulch. Save tree trimmings and grass clippings from elsewhere in your backyard and unfold them around your crops to a depth of about 3 inches. This must be enough to forestall weeds from germinating and rising. Be sure that you’ve got earthworms in your soil. Earthworms are very important to good natural gardening, because they aerate the soil. Also, the by-products of earthworm digestion are actually great plant food. Earthworms encourage soil micro organism that present needed vitamins to your crops whereas competing with harmful insect pests, decreasing the necessity for chemical pesticides and fertilizers. When first growing a backyard, try to put as a lot effort into the first bed as potential. Land that hasn’t been used for a while wants an overhaul to begin becoming a viable spot for plants. Often these regions both lack the correct nutrients or consistency of soil. When you plan to make a backyard out of patch, be sure that it has all the correct pre-circumstances to planting. You must hold your seeds damp with out drowning them in water. Spray water over the soil to maintain it moist, and place the pots or trays by which you will have your seeds in water so that the soil can take up the water. Make sure you change the water in which your pots are standing usually. It can discourage weeds and is a cost efficient and biodegradable protecting layer. Think about a colour scheme. Spray completely, and repeat as needed.
Why Do Israel And Singapore Love Each Other? Until the year 2000, Israel and Singapore kept a deep, dark secret from the world. So what's behind Israel and Singapore's secret alliance? Earlier this year, Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made his first visit to Israel, highlighting an odd international friendship between the two countries that has endured for almost half a century. As Lissette Padilla explains in today's Seeker Daily report, Israel and Singapore enjoy a unique diplomatic relationship that was, for many years, largely secret. It all started in the late 1960s, when Singapore first declared independence from Malaysia. Looking for a way to build a military that could compete with its powerful neighbors, Singapore asked Israel for guidance. Singapore's first Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, got some guidance, all right. Israel essentially built Singapore's military from scratch, designing the defense infrastructure and supplying the new country with arms. In 1969, the countries established formal relations, but the military arrangement was kept a secret -- Singapore feared the alliance would rattle Malaysia and other Muslim neighbors. In fact, the deal was kept secret until 2000, when Yew disclosed the details in his autobiography. Today the two countries have virtually identical systems for conscription, training and reserve duty. Both nations have disproportionately large military forces relative to their population and continue to pour resources into defense. In fact, since 2007 Israel and Singapore have placed first and second each year on the Global Militarization Index. The geopolitical basis of the relationship is rooted in the two countries' striking similarities. Each is a non-Muslim nation in a predominately Muslim region. (Singapore is majority Buddhist.) Both countries have similar populations numbers and free-market systems with an emphasis on the technology sector. Even their GDPs are similar, each tallying just over $300 billion. In short, Singapore and Israel have a lot in common and indications suggest they will continue to work together. As part of the recent visit, officials agreed to significantly expand existing research and collaboration efforts. Anyway, their scientists are already used to hanging out: Since 1997, the Singapore-Israel Industrial Research & Development Foundation has provided $170 million in funding for about 150 projects worldwide.
Wa-li-utimma nia-mati alaykum refers to the perfection of religion and completion of Allah's favour (Ma’idah, 5: 3). In 11 Hijra, on the 18th Dhil Hajj, at Ghadir Khumm, the Holy Prophet chose Ali as his successor. After this event verse 3 of al Ma’idah was revealed. In other words the religion of Allah, Islam, was perfected when imamat was established to succeed risalat, which is the completion of Allah's favour. It also refers to the fulfilment of the promise Allah made with Ibrahim in connection with the descendants of Ismail (see commentary of verse 124 of this surah and Genesis 17:20). La-allakum tahtadun also refers to the divinely established institution of imamat for the guidance of the faithful for all times, in fulfilment of the promise made by Allah in connection with the descendants of Ismail.
Students are often surprised to learn that colleges and universities can provide accommodations for those with learning disabilities or emotional issues. In fact, there are many options available, depending on the diagnosed disability. Students may receive a scribe, a reader, or digital texts, extra time for exams, a reduced course load, or a learning strategist to help them organize their courses. In addition, the assessor will offer suggestions for study strategies that are compatible with the student’s learning style. Colleges and universities require a current assessment before providing accommodations. Referrals may be made by the college/university or the student may refer themselves. The testing process is valuable and interesting, and gives a young adult a new understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. There are several funding options to assist a college or university student. The cost of the assessment may be covered by a parent’s health insurance plan and bursaries are available through some institutions and through OSAP. Chisholm is also part of the Regional Assessment Team at Queen’s University, which assists many colleges and universities.
Ecovillages are intentional communities that strive for a degree of self-sufficiency and a low environmental impact, often motivated by the desire to find a sustainable alternative to capitalist society. Many are part of the Global Ecovillages Network and vary in size from 50-500 members. Some have a strong spiritual dimension, for example the Findhorn Community in Scotland and Auroville in India, whilst others focus on collaborative and egalitarian social structures. Ecovillages often experiment in social organisation, operating alternative education and social welfare systems, forms of consensus democracy, or alternative economies, for example Christiania and Findhorn Community both have a local currency and informal bartering systems. They can also be places where practical research into green technologies occurs, such as new designs for composting toilets or waste water recycling and experiments in permaculture principles. There are currently around 500 sites in the ecovillages network, which includes large groupings of villages in Senegal and Sri Lanka, small ecotowns, sites in urban contexts such as Christiania, and educational centres such as Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales. One of the better known ecovillages is Crystal Waters located near Brisbane, Australia, which has a population of around 200 people. Initiated in 1985 as a cooperative community, in 1987 it became the first such settlement to be designed and operated wholly according to permaculture principles. The cooperative owns 500 acres of land which was bought by a trust fund to which prospective residents contributed. Eighty percent of land is held in common, including areas for agriculture and for wildlife habitats, whilst the rest is owned privately, this includes housing and commercial property in the Crystal Waters village. The settlement aims to have a low environmental impact, to revive land quality, as well as improving the socio-economic circumstances in what is an economically depressed area. The community has a set of by-laws that ensure sustainable construction methods, govern the use of land, the types of businesses on site and levels of recycling etc. Crystal Waters does not aim for total self-sufficiency, preferring to maintain connection with surrounding communities.
Port Stephens–Great Lakes Marine Park extends from Cape Hawke near Forster south to Birubi Beach at the northern end of Stockton Beach. all of Port Stephens, the Karuah River, the Myall River, Myall and Smiths Lakes, and their creeks and tributaries to the tidal limit. The park was established in December 2005 and its zones and management rules commenced in 2007. Changes to the rules regarding fishing from some ocean beaches and headlands were introduced in June 2018. The marine park Zoning Map (PDF, 2326.29 KB) and User Guide (PDF, 3078.08 KB) provide information about the current zoning arrangements and management rules in the park. The Hunter Marine Park (Commonwealth Waters) adjoins the State marine park and extends further offshore. For more information visit the Australian Government. The marine park contains a diverse range of habitats, including beaches, seagrass beds, mangroves, saltmarsh and open waters, which all support distinct groups of plants and animals. intermittently open and closed lake (Smiths Lake). Cabbage Tree Island (John Gould Nature Reserve), the primary breeding site for the threatened seabird Gould's petrel. The park offers quality recreational fishing and productive commercial fishing grounds, aquaculture, many popular scuba diving sites, and regionally significant tourism activities such as whale and dolphin watching. Its diverse marine life includes many dolphin, turtle, fish, invertebrate, seabird and seaweed species, and threatened species such as the Gould's petrel, little tern, grey nurse shark, black rockcod and green turtle. A number of significant Aboriginal cultural and spiritual sites within or adjacent to the park include middens, burial sites and traditional campsites. Aboriginal people's association with the sea and land in the area dates back thousands of years and local people still gather food in the traditional way.
Stroke is a major cause of disability and death worldwide and the third most common cause of death in developed countries. Nearly six million people die from stroke every year and another five million are left permanently disabled. Italian pharma gets EU rights to Seloken.
Formby Asparagus (also the name of the variety) is white at the base and green through the stem with a purple tinged tip. New asparagus crowns are grown from seed which is saved from the old plant. After the first year, the crowns are transplanted into a 20cm deep trench and a ridge 8cm high is piled up around them. The first cutting can be taken in the third year. While tractors are now used to manage the land, the crop is hand cut. Formby, near Liverpool, was once nationally famous for the quality of its award-winning asparagus grown on the fine, sandy soil of the local dunes. During the six-week season (May – mid June), it was supplied regularly to large ocean liners on the area’s transatlantic crossings. Until the mid 19th century, this coastal area received considerable supplies of fertiliser in the form of ‘night-soil’ from Liverpool (a sewer system had not yet been completed). This enabled farmers to improve and bring into cultivation the previously uncultivated rear-dune area. This is important as once the asparagus crowns have reached the end of their productive life (10-15 years) the ground is exhausted. At the height of production some 200 acres were under cultivation. Only a small proportion of land is used to produce Formby Asparagus by traditional methods and, due to the short season, supplies are limited. The Formby Civic society and the National Trust (who own Formby Point) are involved in schemes to protect this traditional product as only a couple of producers exist.
This is the first of three sections which focus on food. You are introduced to the names for food and drink items commonly consumed by French children, and to simple ways of expressing their preferences. Food is a very important part of many social situations. Children taking part in a school visit to France will want to be aware of what to do in a foreign country: what food to expect on the table, and how to say what they like and don't like. Later sections will use the language for likes and dislikes in more contexts - talking about sports and pastimes. The next section will introduce more food words, and other structures to help children make choices at meals and when shopping. A French family's breakfast: pressing oranges ...... hot chocolate and bread. One class decided to do a food technology project on French cheeses; they soon discovered that there are more than 360 different types to try! Whilst some of the most well-known are soft creamy cheeses, like Camembert, there are other types that look and taste very different. Camembert comes from Normandie in northern France. It is made from raw cows' milk in round shapes (see picture). Inside the cheese is soft and creamy; its taste is slightly salty and a bit fruity. The outside - the "rind" - is soft velvetty-white, and is also eaten. The taste developes as the cheese is kept - called "maturing" - at its best, it's slightly runny in the middle. Made from cows' milk from the Jura mountains, this hard cheese is matured for a long period. It developes a golden-yellow hard crust, which you don't eat. Inside it has a nutty taste. This is made from the milk of the ewes (female sheep).fed on the limestone plateaux in the Aveyron region. The cheese-makers add blue mold - "penicillium roqueforti" - to the curds, then ripen them in damp, airy natural limestone caves under the village of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon. Inside the white, slightly shiny surface, the cheese is crumbly with blue veins of mold. It tastes creamy and slightly salty. TYou may want to find out about British cheeses, too. Sschools can get a free "Say Cheese" teaching pack - contact [email protected], giving your school address including postcode. One class used this free classroom resource as an opportunity to explore food technology through a food topic which engaged and motivated the children - crisps (potato chips in the US). They had to use their dictionary to find out what they were!. As a part of the project, both classes devised a new flavour of crisps, and designed the packets. They also found out how crisps had been invented in the USA by a chef who was desperate to please a picky millionaire businessman, Cornelius Vanderbilt, who kept on sending his fried potato chips back to the kitchen because they were too thick and too soggy. They discovered how crisps came to Europe, and how they are made by machines in factories, and packed to keep fresh. Cornelius Vanderbilt - the man who demanded crisps?
Can you think of anything in photography that is as basic yet as continually challenging as composition? It’s essentially how we arrange things within the confines of our frame, right? I’m sure that you know a lot about compositional rules already: the rule of thirds, S-shapes, contrasting/complementing colors, visual rhythm, leading lines, and all that. Or as my friend cartoonist Ron Ruelle breaks it down, “Hey man, it’s all just circles and lines”. Think of this: as we go along building our craft as photographers, we assemble a mental tool kit of things, techniques, and approaches, that we learn and eventually find work for us in our pursuit. This is in one sense the process of building our style. On the other hand, because we usually end up using these tools repeatedly, it is also the process of learning to see and do things the same way. What begins as style can easily become formula. You know what I’m talking about: the landscape guy who always shoots with the same overly wide lens placed low to the ground pointing up with a single flower or rock in the lower left third to lead your eye to something huge and epic in the background. Yawn! The portraitist whom always has her subject in the middle of the frame with only the subject’s collar to hairline showing, an 85mm lens wide open so that only the lashes are sharp, not to mention the necessary blank stare. Ugh! Is that all you've got? Come on man. Reach. Strive! Treat each subject with its own unique expression of existence and you as an artist should be true to your subjects revealing something special about every one of them in a way that only you can. Look, if you can predict the composition before you have laid eyes on your subject, you may be needing to change it up a bit. When I was a student my teacher Michelle Andonian gave the class one of the most brilliant, and insidious, compositional exercises to do. It daunted most of our class but I embraced it and it forever changed me. Over the years I have had many young photographers ask to be my intern/student/assistant. After a brief interview and a look over their portfolio, given that I liked what I saw, I would send them home to do what has been dubbed “The Andonian Exercise”. I told them to take their time and when it was completed send me the results for grading. At last count, fourteen people were given the assignment but only two returned. Those two became my assistants. So how does it work? It’s very simple. The photographer picks a focal length, any focal length, but cannot change it. Fixed lens or zoom is fine but if you choose, say, 62mm on your favorite zoom lens you may not change that setting. Next the photographer picks a spot to stand. You cannot move away from that place. You can for instance tip-toe or squat, change your height, but your feet can’t move you to a different place. Then you put your subject somewhere but like the photographer, they can not move from that spot. A human is often a good subject but if you normally only photograph bunches of bananas, I suppose that will work too. Got it? Good. Now following those rules give me 50 completely different compositions of your subject. No, really. I’ll be honest with you: this is not easy at all. As I’ve said, it’s scared off several potential assistants of mine. I’m quite sure that it will illicit some unsavory language from many of you as you grind your way through. However, bear this in mind: it’s not really as bad as you think. Granted, the first dozen frames will come quickly: these are the frames that you are most familiar with making. These are your “go to” shots. After that you will most likely find a couple more and then completely hit a wall around frame 18 or so. You will only see the frames that you have already shot. You won’t see anything new or different. Go back through your “take” and make sure. Yep, nothing. Well don’t give up, keep going as this is where the magic happens. What you are trying to do here is get past your established notions of what “compositions” are. This is all about breaking out of your “style” and compositional habits. Over the years you have programed yourself into thinking “I shoot this sort of thing and this is how it’s supposed to look: this part goes here, this part goes there….” Nope, all wrong. Remember that there is no visual rule book to follow. Instead you are seeing the world based on what you have told yourself over the years what isn’t worth consideration let alone exploration. When you are done frustratedly screaming to the heavens ask yourself “what do I take for granted about my subject right now and how do I feel required to show it?”. That’s the key. Really dig into that as it should lead to a jaw dropping set of realizations. When you finally crawl over the mental wall you will start to see other, previously hidden to you, compositions. They will come. You will find that certain ways of composing may look good but feel odd. Heck, some will just be odd. You will however find things that you never would have considered. Some will prove to be useful to you and your work while others less so. Regardless, realize that you have opened a huge box of new and exciting visual options. When you get to that point you will find that there are limitless ways to compose a single subject even from a fixed position and angle of view. Yes, minds will be blown. I revisit this exercise from time to time just to see what I’ve become overly accustomed to doing as we all become creatures of habit. I recommend you do an “Andonian” once a year. On your birthday would be appropriate as it hopefully will bring a new you. You will note that I’m not showing the results of my last “Andonian” because it will bias you. It will also give away some of the very necessary concepts that will lead to your “Oh, wow!” moment. I can’t cheat you out of that, now can I? Repeat all with eyes open and closed gives 150 and we have not even considered hand position, depth of field or the posture of the photographer. John I appreciate your analytical approach. Most people don't even try to really think through a challenge like this. However in this case by doing so you are missing a lot. I can't quite tell from your descriptions but I believe that what you are proposing would be very subtle changes in framing; especially the modifications to "body" and "head". There is a good possibility that I wouldn't consider them to be truly separate and noticeably different compositions. BTW, eyes open/closed would not be considered to be a different composition. Most importantly the problem is that you are going into this with a developed method. The purpose of this is to get away from whatever system you have already created in your head that almost instinctively guides your composition. If you can create a check list going into the shoot, as essentially you have, then you are not looking for the new and inspiring. I would suggest that rather than trying to game the exercise you turn off the brain, a huge problem with many of us, and attempt the Andonian with the open mind necessary to get the most from it. Thanks again for reading my piece, giving it a lot of thought, as well as your comments. John, sure you can do that but is the goal to complete the exercise or to learn from the exercise? Just like physical exercise you can find a way to complete the training as easily as possible or you can complete the training to improve yourself. You mention being an engineer. I was an engineer too. In college I could game the classes to pass the tests or I could use the class to learn the subject. I'm happy I chose to learn the subject as are the people who were impacted by my engineering work. I fear I have not been clear. I am not trying to game the system, rather I am suggesting a rational approach to developing an array of starting points that will not be constrained by an individual's preconceptions and prior exteriences. These starting points can then be examined, evaluated and refined in the light of aesthetic judgements. "Think of this: as we go along building our craft as photographers, we assemble a mental tool kit of things, techniques, and approaches, that we learn and eventually find work for us in our pursuit. This is in one sense the process of building our style. On the other hand, because we usually end up using these tools repeatedly, it is also the process of learning to see and do things the same way. What begins as style can easily become formula. This can be applied to many branches of engineering including my own (Chemical) where safety issues are a critical factor in effective design. Here there are very real risks if the engineers involved are too narrow in their application of their previous experiences to a novel situation. To ovecome this a structured approach to hazard analysis (HAZAN) has been developed which in broad terms is analogouss to the approach I suggested here. I do not see this as an alternative to learning, rather it is an aid to reconising the breadth of what is still to be learned. "a rational approach to developing an array ..." yep just stop there. Scrap that entirely. What I want is for you to be highly irrational, emotive and naturally explore. I want you to be a child again where everything is possible, surprising, and new. You need to get out of your organized engineering mindset. Many of my friends are engineers so I know that they, and I will assume that you as well, are very creative but tend to work with their known laws and guidelines. I don't want you to "think outside the box" and certainly not "what are the specifications of the box and allowable tolerances that are within guidelines" rather I want you to learn that there is no box other than the one that you have built. Take a deep breath and jump into the pool with no preconceptions at all. The water is not only nice but fun. BTW if you think this exercise is interesting wait till you see one that I have coming up and it will make your head hurt but in the best way. I'm going to try this challenge. But, I have a question. Would using, say, the Rule of Thirds in varying ways be considered only one composition or many? So, for example, if I put my subject at each intersection, would that be considered four separate compositions by this challenge? I don't want to cheat right off the bat, LOL! Robert I see where you are going. Here's some insight: i abandoned the "Rule Of Thirds" years ago. This was after reading an article by the great Galen Rowel where he said that he used the center ground glass focusing area of his camera, a Nikon FM2, as his compositional aid. Using the center area whereby as a clock face he would put something interesting at, say 2 o'clock and another element at 7 o'clock. This got me into my "Rule Of Seven" with it also being an odd number to allow for more subtle compositions with greater rhythmic potential. So again, don't think. Just go see. If you are already thinking about "The Rule Of 3rds" then you won't as easily see "The Rule Of 5ths" now will you? Like I told Mr. Hubble: throw everything that you know out the door and explore. Be willing to defy all the rules and everything that you know. Ok, no RoT, no Golden ratios. I'll just follow the instructions laid out and see where it takes me. oh, Articles that are article. Nothing worse than "blog/journalist/writers" who just link somebody else video. I often like my results better when I ignore (actually forget to employ) the rules, thanks for reminding me of that. Always seems to be those times where I don't have time and only enough time to compose and squeeze off one shot. Keith, I think that is when you have successfully turned off your brain and are "shooting by gut". I highly recommend such things. I will be posting an article on that very topic in the future.
Fortress Bukelon the village Matochina is one of the best preserved military buildings in Bulgaria. Fortress Bukelon is located on a high plateau close to the village Matochina. A high plateau, which dominates the surrounding areas of Bukelon is part of the ridge, which rises high in the transition from lowland river Tunja here. In this part of south eastern Bulgaria, Fortress Bukelon is located on the east bank of the river, situated about 40 km northeast of Svilengrad and about 10 km east of the village Sladun. Very close by here is the Bulgarian-Turkish border. Fortress Bukelon by the village Matochina stands on the hill, which is visible at the northern end of the village. Possible reason for to this is that this is the only military fortification in the village. Today, the ever impressive Fortress Bukelon lies in ruins, but they are sufficient to obtain an idea of its military power. At the outset of the hill Bukelon was once built a firewall, which until now has remained only briefly ruins. Fifty meters after the wall is located the actual Fortress Bukelon. Once when it was built, it was the closest guard to the north of Adrianople. In literature it is often described as a Roman "Castro", built in opus mikstum. It has served as the frontline of the town of Adrianople, which then was known as Edirne. In the circumference of Bukelon, you can see the remains of the tower, whose height is about 18 meters. It was built and restored in 12-14 century. This tower is a really impressive sight when you look at it from afar. From the very outer fortress traces are practically negligible. Visible on the plateau and some equipment and facilities, such as tank, places for religious purposes and others. It is believed that Fortress Bukelon on the edge of the village Matochina was built during the Roman Empire. Over 387 years near Bukelon is conducted a major battle between the troops of Emperor Valens and the Goths. This battle ended with a loss to the Romans and the death of the Emperor. At the side of the front door of Bukelon, Cross has built a brick monogram that suggests who was her ruler in the 14th century. According to the letter designations, that is Tsar Mihail. According to historical data, in 1328 Bulgarian Tsar Mihail waged long battles against Andronicus III and followed on down to Dimotika. There are suggestions that the way Tsar Mihail has resided briefly in Bukelon and had undertaken restoration of the fortress. The entire fortress Bukelon by the village Matochina is about 65 meters wide and 150 meters long. Tower and walls of Bukelon are built of stones, in layers of 4 rows of bricks, cemented with white mortar. The top floor of a semi-cylindrical shape probably served as a chapel. Battlements are located on all sides, but they is reached by wooden stairs wooden stairs. Fortress Bukelon is one of 100 national tourist sites of the Bulgarian Tourist Union. A curious fact is that the region itself and the fortress is where the Bulgarian film "Mila from Mars" was shot.
If I get dementia, I want my friends and family to embrance my reality. If I think my spouse is still alive, or if I think we’re visiting my parents for dinner, let me believe those things. I’ll be much happier for it. If I get dementia, I still want to enjoy the things that I’ve always enjoyed. Help me find a way to exercise, read and visit with friends. If I get dementia and I become agitated, take the time to figure out what is bothering me. If I get dementia, treat me the way that you would want me to be treated. If I get dementia, make sure that there are plenty of snacks for me in the house. Even now, if I don’t eat, I will get angry, and if I have dementia I may have trouble explaining what I need. If I get dementia, don’t feel guilyt if you cannot care for me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s not your fault, and you’ve done your best. Find someone who can help you, or choose a great new place for me to live. If I get dementia and I like to pick up items and carry them around, help me return those items to their original places. If I get dementia, don’t exclude me from parties and family gatherings. If I get dementia, know that I stil llike receiving hugs or handshakes. If I get dementia, remember that I am still the person that you know and love. In HR, we talk about ‘Champions’ a lot. We talk about needing Champions for Recognition, for Diversity, for Change…people who are leaders, big picture thinkers, are dedicated to the cause, are not afraid to use their voice and will perform to high standards. Someone with ideas, passion and committment. There are champions in sport, health, environment, community – I am sure you can name a few. I was referred to my Champion of Pain Management (for lack of another term) almost 10 years ago, and we’ve been together ever since. He is relentless on finding a solution, a fix, a cause…or being a source of hope. Although he is a trusted leader, he doesn’t hesitate to refer to others when puzzled. He is a respected mentor, coach and teacher. I have heard the many stories. At first, I felt I wasn’t doing my part in my relationship with my Champion. Perhaps I was naive, scared, intimidated, but, because of my natural curiosity, I started to read how to make the connection better. Plus, I wanted to find some way to demonstrate my appreciation for his time and work. (Words just don’t cut it). communicate: remembering that little notebook of things that were said and things to share, info on meds, etc. be prepared: what is new since last time? how is it going? any changes? I often need to think through my appointment ahead of time. bring someone with you: I still struggle with this one personally (that’s a whole other blog), but it can assist with communication and information capture – plus emotional support. **ask questions, ask questions, ask questions – about everything – I learned that Doctors need and want you to be involved in your care and its through your story they are best equipped to do their jobs. A recent visit sparked this blog as I found myself once again feeling grateful to have him in my corner. But I can’t talk about this Champion without also sharing my gratitude to the many other leaders, researchers and health care practitioners, all Champions too, that have provided guidance and support along my journey. As fortunate as I may be, I recognize that so very many continue to struggle to find their own Champion/leaders/partners/voices. Everyday the paper, tv news or social media is filled with heartbreaking stories of cries and pleas for help and resources; people looking for many levels and different kinds of care. I remain ever hopeful for some creative solutions by all those impacted. Dad moves into a seniors complex on Friday. It is a stressful process for anyone. I am struggling to reconcile years of accumulation with the square footage available in a one-bedroom apartment, but the equation just won’t work out. I know that the “extent to which I resist will be the extent to which I suffer” (read that somewhere), so I am trying to be more accepting and less fussy. I am self-medicating with chocolate. Sure, it would be great if I meditated more or exercised more, but I won’t. Rather than adding to the emotion of the situation by feeling guilty about what I “should” do, I am going with it. I am conscious of what I am doing and why. I am not in a downward spiral. This is temporary and I know what I will do to get back on track next week. Just need to get through the next few days and I know I will be fine. I am making good use of the desensitizing effects of sugar to get through a trying time and I am okay with it. “For America’s working moms, there is pretty much an endless stream of resources to guide and comfort them on how to tell the boss they’re pregnant … But for America’s working daughters, there is little to help them navigate between their careers and the needs of their aging parents”. These are the opening lines from a recent story that appeared on the Atlantic website by Liz O’Donnell. This story nicely summarizes the disparity between the resources offered for childcare versus eldercare, although it focuses primarily from a female perspective, which overlooks the large portion of men who care for older adults. Background: There is ample research on caregiver role strain and burden. The build up of daily stressors related to caregiving is known to have a negative impact on caregivers’ emotional, mental, physical, financial, and social health. In addition to these negative impacts, employed caregivers’ work performance (e.g., work productivity, employee engagement, job satisfaction, etc.) can also suffer. Objectives: The objectives of this research study was to A: understand how caregivers’ health and work productivity may be influenced by caregiving/employee roles at Dal, and to B: explore potentially effective workplace assistance recommendations, from the employed caregiver perspective, for Dalhousie. Participants: 11 female participants completed in-person interviews, as well as two surveys. One on health and work performance, and another on the negative/positive aspects of the caregiver experience. Results: For objective A, the results were broken down into three broad themes: “Feeling the Crunch”, “On Vacation, But Not Really”, and “At Work, But Not Always”. “Feeling the Crunch” referred to the challenges negotiating a balance between work and caregiving roles. “On Vacation, But Not Really” referred to some participants taking time off (i.e. vacation days, etc.) to attend to caregiving responsibilities. “At Work, But Not Always” referred to being at work, but being interrupted during the workday by caregiving responsibilities or intrusive thoughts. For objective B, the recommendations were broken down into two categories: institutional-level, and individual-level. The institutional-level recommendation was a caregiving/caregiving policy that aimed to raise awareness of the issue and decrease inconsistencies in how caregiving accommodations are handled/approved. The individual-level recommendations were: to create a structured schedule, engage in health promoting behaviours (as much as possible), acknowledge and accept one’s limitations, and focus on one’s strengths. Conclusions: It is clear that the work and caregiving roles interact in a primarily negative and cyclical manner. Employers have much to gain by intervening and improving the situation of employed caregivers.
The academic session begins in mid-April (the first week of Baisakh), and is completed by the third week of March of the following year (the second week of Chaitra). The academic session is divided into four terms, and each term ends with the conduct of the terminal examination. Unit tests account for twenty (20) percent, and the terminal examinations carry 80 percent of the marks. The final result is prepared on the basis of average marks obtained throughout the three terms. Information about examination schedules, important activities/events and holidays are clearly mentioned in the school calendar. Parents are required to follow the schedule strictly. They will also be notified in writing if any changes are made in the schedule due to any circumstances.
Cambridge is a demanding place. The standards and expectations are very high and it can feel intense and overwhelming studying here sometimes. There will inevitably be times that you feel under pressure and will worry about your studies, or about other things such as your finances or relationships. Stress might be caused by major life events or be the result of prolonged heavy workload and demanding everyday responsibilities. And sometimes there is no obvious cause. Yet, it is worth noting that some stress can be good (McGonigal: The Upside of Stress). Research shows that a moderate level of stress is a positive thing and actually makes us perform better. It makes us more alert and can help us perform in situations such as exams, job interviews or public speaking. Stressful situations can also be invigorating and some people enjoy the excitement that comes with highly stressful pursuits such as extreme sports. In short, we need a bit of stress in our lives sometimes and it’s not always a bad thing. However, stress is only healthy if it is short-lived. Excessive or prolonged stress can lead to ill health and physical or emotional exhaustion.
CAA has begun accepting nominations for the 2020 Awards for Distinction, which will be announced at the 108th Annual Conference in Chicago between February 12-15, 2020. All nominations must be sent with the proper nomination form including the nominee’s contact information. Below is a short description of awards given by CAA and details of the history, eligibility, and nomination process for each award. Nominations for the Morey, Barr, and Mather awards are for authors of books or articles/criticism published between September 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019 and these nominations are due July 31, 2019. Nominations for the Arthur Kingsley Porter and Art Journal awards are for works published within the last year. These nominations are due September 1, 2019. To give the jury full opportunity to evaluate each submission fairly, submit materials well before the deadline. Publishers may submit no more than three titles for any given award. Publishers may not submit the same title for the Morey and Barr awards (The Morey jury does not accept exhibition catalogues; the Barr award is specifically for museum/library/archive/gallery catalogues). Works published posthumously are not eligible. All materials should be sent to Cali Buckley, CAA Grants and Special Programs Manager, at [email protected]. All nominations are due September 1, 2019. To give the jury full opportunity to evaluate each submission fairly, submit materials well before the deadline. Nominations for Awards for Distinction require letters of support from the nominator that include the nominator’s identity, relationship to the nominee, how the nominee’s work has affected them, and why the nominee should be recognized for this particular award. It is recommended that nominators contact colleagues, students, and other professional contacts to write their own letters of nomination as well, bearing in mind that only five letters will be considered by the award jury. Nominations for Awards for Distinction also require a short CV (approximately two-pages) of the nominee. For Lifetime Achievement awards, a web link to a longer version of the CV can be included within the two-page CV. All materials should be sent to [email protected]. The Charles Rufus Morey Book Award was established in 1953. It is presented for an especially distinguished book in the history of art, published in the English language. Preference is given in the award of the prize to books, including catalogues raisonnés, by a single author, but major publications in the form of articles or group studies may be included. Publication of documents or inventories, unless specifically in the context of an exhibition, are also eligible. A publisher may submit no more than 3 titles for this award. The Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award for museum scholarship was established in 1980, in honor of the founding director of the Museum of Modern Art and a scholar of early-twentieth-century painting. This award is presented to the author or authors of an especially distinguished catalogue in the history of art, published in the English language under the auspices of a museum, library, or collection. Catalogues of public or private collections or significant portions thereof and exhibition catalogues are eligible. In 2009, CAA established a second Barr award for the author(s) of catalogues produced by smaller museums, libraries, and collections with an annual operating budget of less than $10 million dollars. Six copies of the book (for CAA and each jury member). To receive the mailing addresses for the jury, please submit your completed nomination form to [email protected]. The Frank Jewett Mather Award, first presented in 1963 for art journalism, is named in honor of the art critic, teacher, and scholar who was affiliated with Princeton University until his death in 1953. It is awarded for significant published art criticism that has appeared in publication in a one-year period; the 2020 award year is September 1, 2018–August 31, 2019. The Mather award may be given for work that originated before the indicated period provided that such work extends into the award period. CAA welcomes nominees who have produced significant critical work in the field of visual arts over the past year. Please submit your completed nomination form and copies of critical writings or single-author publications to [email protected]. The Arthur Kingsley Porter Prize was established in 1957, in memory of a founding member of the CAA and one of the first American scholars of art history. This award seeks to encourage high scholarly standards among younger members of the profession. The prize is awarded for a distinguished article published in The Art Bulletin during the previous calendar year (2019 for the 2020 award) by a scholar who is under the age of thirty-five or who has received the doctorate not more than ten years before acceptance of the article for publication. Established in 2000 and first presented in 2001, the Art Journal Award is presented to the author of the most distinguished contribution—article, interview, conversation, portfolio, review, or any other text or visual project—published in Art Journal during the previous calendar year (2019 for the 2020 award). The Distinguished Teaching of Art Award, established in 1972, is presented to an artist of distinction who has developed a philosophy or technique of instruction based on his or her experience as an artist; has encouraged his or her students to develop their own individual abilities; and/or has made some contribution to the body of knowledge loosely called theory and understood as embracing technical, material, aesthetic, and perceptual issues. The Distinguished Teaching of Art History Award, established in 1977, is awarded to an individual who has been actively engaged in teaching for most of his or her career. Among the range of criteria that may be applied in evaluating candidates are: inspiration to a broad range of students in the pursuit of humanistic studies; rigorous intellectual standards and outstanding success in both scholarly and class presentation; contribution to the advancement of knowledge and methodology in the discipline including integration of art historical knowledge with other disciplines; and aid to students in the development of their careers. The Artist Award for a Distinguished Body of Work, first presented in 1988, is a peer award given to an artist for exceptional work through exhibitions, presentations, or performances mounted between September 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019. This award is presented to a living artist of national or international stature and must tie them to an exceptional recent exhibition. The Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement, first presented in 1988, celebrates the career of an artist who, among other distinctions, has demonstrated particular commitment to his or her work throughout a long career and has had an important impact nationally and internationally on the visual arts field. The Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award for Writing on Art, established in 2003, celebrates the career of an author of note and includes art criticism, art history, art biography, and/or art theory. The award is presented to an author who, among other distinctions, has demonstrated particular commitment to their work throughout a long career and has had an impact, nationally and internationally, on the field. Copies of written work in digital or print form (or publication information if written work compiled in a single volume). If nominee is author or curator, please submit copies of sample writings, which may be website links and printouts, photocopies or scanned pages of newspapers or magazines, and more. If the writing is contained in a single volume (such as a book), please provide the publication information. The CAA/AIC Award for Distinction in Scholarship and Conservation was initiated in 1990 (as the “CAA/Heritage Preservation Award for Distinction in Scholarship and Conservation”) for an outstanding contribution by one or more persons who, individually or jointly, have enhanced understanding of art through the application of knowledge and experience in conservation, art history, and art. The joint award with the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works was first presented in 2016.
What is the abbreviation for Knights of Columbus? Knights of Columbus can be abbreviated as K.C. A: What does K.C. stand for? K.C. stands for "Knights of Columbus". A: How to abbreviate "Knights of Columbus"? "Knights of Columbus" can be abbreviated as K.C.. A: What is the meaning of K.C. abbreviation? The meaning of K.C. abbreviation is "Knights of Columbus". A: What is K.C. abbreviation? One of the definitions of K.C. is "Knights of Columbus". A: What does K.C. mean? K.C. as abbreviation means "Knights of Columbus". A: What is shorthand of Knights of Columbus? The most common shorthand of "Knights of Columbus" is K.C.. You can also look at abbreviations and acronyms with word K.C. in term.
A stream graph, is a type of stacked area graph which is displaced around a central axis, resulting in a flowing, organic shape. Stream graphs display the changes in data over time of different categories through the use of flowing, organic shapes that somewhat resemble a river-like stream. This makes Stream Graphs aesthetically pleasing and more engaging to look at. In a Stream graph, the size of each individual stream shape is proportional to the values in each category. The axis that a Stream Graph flows parallel to, is used for the time scale. Stream graphs are ideal for displaying high-volume datasets, in-order to discover trends and patterns over time across a wide range of categories.
What’s the Difference Between Spotted, Brown, Black, and Meadow Knapweed? Twenty two different knapweed (Centaurea sp) species are well established in the United States. Four of these knapweed overlap in distribution and share similar morphological characteristics. This includes spotted (C. stoebe), brown (C. jacea), black (C. nigra) and meadow knapweed (C. xmoncktonii). The key to separating these and other knapweed species are the involucre bracts.
Drinkaware research has revealed that 98% of the Irish public are unaware of their guidelines for 'low-risk' drinking and the excesses that could lead them to poor health. Their research showed that 24% of us fear encountering some form of health issues as a result of our drinking habits. To mark World Cancer Day 2019, Drinkaware is encouraging people to get the facts on the low-risk alcohol guidelines to understand their drinking habits and make small changes to help reduce their cancer risk. The link between alcohol and cancer is well established. In Ireland, the HSE National Cancer Control Programme state that each year 900 people are diagnosed with alcohol-related cancers and roughly 500 die as a result. They also advise people allow for at least two alcohol-free days in the week. Drinking above these guidelines and in particular, binge drinking - six or more standard drinks in one sitting - further increases the risks associated with alcohol, Drinkaware has said. Drinkaware CEO, Sheena Horgan, said: “While there are many different factors that can contribute to the development of cancer, there are some actions we can all take to reduce our own and our family's cancer risk. One proactive and positive step is to drink less alcohol. However, awareness of the HSE low-risk alcohol guidelines is just 2% of the population – according to the Drinkaware Index. Without this information, it’s hard to appreciate what misuse is or how at risk you may be."