Error while loading "test" split

by emrecan - opened


I tried to load the dataset using load_dataset from HuggingFace Datasets, but it fails with an error that says the following:

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 1 missing columns ({'null'})
This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using
hf://datasets/figenfikri/stsb_tr/test.json (at revision 1a41ab2d8f050eec4a36174d31cfbe9d9e56d885)
Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at

There are "null" columns in train and validation splits but not in test, can we add an empty column named "null" for test so that it loads succesfully?

Thank you,

Hello Emrecan,

Thanks for reporting the issue. The files have been revised and re-uploaded. Please let me know if you encounter any further problems.


figenfikri changed discussion status to closed

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