Does NADPH oxidase 5 require any subunit for function?
No, NADPH oxidase 5 (NOX5) does not require any subunits for function.
[ 21319793, 15994299 ]
What are the computational methods for the prediction of beta-barrel transmembrane proteins?
Computational tools have been developed for beta-barrel transmembrane protein discrimination, topology prediction and prediction of their structural features. Initial methods developed for the prediction of the transmembrane beta strands were based on hydrophobicity analysis, using sliding windows along the sequence, in order to capture the alternating patterns of hydrophobic-hydrophilic residues of the transmembrane strands, or using generalized secondary structure prediction methods. Other approaches included the construction of special empirical rules using amino-acid propensities and prior knowledge of the structural nature of the proteins, and the development of Neural Network-based predictors to predict the location of alpha-carbon atoms with respect to the membrane. During the last few years, other more refined methods, appeared, including: Neural Networks, Hidden Markov Models, Support Vector Machines, k-Nearest Neighbors, Radial Basis Functions, Bayesian Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Mahalanobis Discriminant Functions, Cellular Automata, N-to-1 Extreme Learning Machines. Hidden Markov Model-based methods are among the most successful in topology prediction, being able to capture the unique architecture of beta-barrel transmembrane proteins. Consensus methods, as well as pipelines of several related tools (e.g. subcellular localization prediciton, alpha-helical transmembrane protein prediction, signal-peptide/lipoprotein prediction) have also used for discriminating beta-barrel transmembrane proteins. Recently, a number of methods for predicting more detailed structural features (e.g. surface accessibility, residue contacts, even detailed atomic 3D models) tailored to beta-barrel transmembrane proteins have been developed, based on knowledge-based potential functions, graph theoretic models, physical models and multi-tape S-attribute grammars. Methods/tools falling in the aforementioned classes are (listed in alphabetical order): BBF (beta-barrel finder), BETAWARE, BOCTOPUS, BOMP, BTMX (Beta barrel TransMembrane eXposure), HHomp, HMM-B2TMR, OMBBpred, PROFtmb, PRED-TMBB, TMB-Hunt, TBBPred, TMBETAPRED-RBF, TMBHMM, TransFold, TMBpro, TMBKNN, Wimley
[ 21426944, 23530628, 15647112, 23297037, 19153681, 21967762, 18006547, 16225682, 22540951, 17088282, 15980447, 15141026, 19421989, 21531175, 16858668, 16674095, 12169530, 19429691, 15215418, 16844989, 15215419, 21064129, 21328706, 12070338, 15070403, 17520325, 17597890, 17597895, 15769290, 12192075, 22031179, 17958348, 22148174, 16597327, 18989393, 19622743, 12798041, 19470175, 21935968, 22987359, 11274469, 18467177, 22247276, 15162482, 20488436, 18312695, 18218108, 18355838, 10698111 ]
List 3 therapeutic uses for botulism toxin.
Botulinum toxin injections are effective in relieving focal spasticity resulting from upper motor neuron injuries, migraine headaches, over active bladder and to relieve pain in the Sacroiliac Joint.
[ 31579938, 19837283, 17119144, 31408270, 32923741, 20664247, 33008506, 29173661, 17458494 ]
What is the most common feature of the Doege–Potter syndrome?
Doege-Potter syndrome is a paraneoplastic syndrome characterized by hypoglycemia secondary to a solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura.
[ 22206790, 28523334, 28410845, 27932370, 23302323, 27376978, 25636632, 28228892, 28784156, 28109372 ]
Is the Apis mellifera genome available?
Yes, the Apis mellifera genome is available since 2006.
[ 31965987, 32518251, 32134461, 32384687 ]
Are there microbes in human breast milk?
Yes, human milk is a rich source of diverse bacteria.
[ 27940404 ]
List programs suitable for pharmacophore modelling
A pharmacophore is an abstract description of molecular features which are necessary for molecular recognition of a ligand by a biological macromolecule. The IUPAC defines a pharmacophore to be "an ensemble of steric and electronic features that is necessary to ensure the optimal supramolecular interactions with a specific biological target and to trigger (or block) its biological response". A pharmacophore model explains how structurally diverse ligands can bind to a common receptor site. Furthermore pharmacophore models can be used to identify through denovo design or virtual screening novel ligands that will bind to the same receptor. Nowadays there are many programs suitable for pharmacophore modelling such as LigandScout, Discovery Studio, Catalyst, PharmaGist, Genetic Algorithm Similarity and Molecular Operating Environment.
[ 21955456, 21143043, 20085380, 20045317, 20055175, 23202316, 22272142, 22435086, 17477520, 22779800, 19691298, 20116902, 22553386, 20621485, 17668276, 20499259, 21179343, 9651155, 20427100, 23140189, 21342558, 21284830, 21138791, 22546667, 18763758, 22587766 ]
What body parts are also known as phalanges?
The anatomical structure of each finger is comprised of four phalanges (distal, middle, proximal, and metacarpal phalange). Toes are also known as phalages
[ 24486016, 19700363, 2187446, 16965880, 7366585, 22250842 ]
Is Tecovirimat effective for smallpox?
Yes, tecovirimat FDA approved for treatment of smallpox.
[ 30120738, 29972742, 29773767, 20393639, 23530860, 24100494, 25896687, 29982575, 25480757 ]
Which signaling pathway is activating the dishevelled proteins?
Dishevelled (Xdsh) controls cell fate via canonical Wnt signaling
[ 15936275, 19561403, 25358879 ]
Which organs are primarily damaged in SLE?
The patients with SLE are mostly affected by renal, peripheral vascular, musculoskeletal and neurological damage. The skin and heart are also damaged very frequently.
[ 23229448, 26936891, 9458204 ]
What is ESN364?
systemic administration of an NK3R antagonist (ESN364) prolongs the LH interpulse interval in ovarectomized ewes and significantly lowers plasma LH and FSH concentrations in castrated nonhuman primates (Macaca fascicularis). Moreover, daily oral dosing of ESN364 throughout the menstrual cycle in M fascicularis lowered plasma estradiol levels in a dose-dependent manner, although nadir levels of estradiol were maintained well above menopausal levels. Nevertheless, estradiol levels during the follicular phase were sufficiently inhibited at all doses to preclude the triggering of ovulation as evidenced by the absence of the LH surge and failure of a subsequent luteal phase rise in plasma progesterone concentrations, consistent with the absence of normal cycle changes in the uterus. Apart from the point at surge, FSH levels were not altered over the course of the menstrual cycle. These effects of ESN364 were reversible upon cessation of drug treatment. ESN364 was well-tolerated and rapidly bioavailable with linear pharmacokinetics and no drug accumulation with repeated, daily oral administration. Drug treatment dose-dependently decreased basal LH, but not FSH, and consequently decreased estradiol and progesterone (in women) as well as testosterone (in men). The hormonal changes in women corresponded to delayed ovulation, decreased endometrial thickening, impeded follicular maturation, and prolongation of the menstrual cycle. Drug effects were rapidly reversible. Oral administration of the NK3R antagonist, ESN364, suppressed the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in healthy volunteers by selective modulation of gonadotropin secretion, leading to a restrained decrease in ovarian hormone levels in women. These results suggest that ESN364 may offer therapeutic benefit in the treatment of women's health disorders with a mitigated risk of menopausal-like adverse events.
[ 26305889, 26653113 ]
Milwaukee protocol was tested for treatment of which disease?
The Milwaukee protocol was tested for treatment of rabies. Therapies suggested in the Milwaukee protocol include therapeutic coma, ketamine infusion, amantadine, and the screening/prophylaxis/management of cerebral vasospasm. The Milwaukee Protocol has proved to be ineffective for rabies and should no longer be used.
[ 25156675, 18305449, 19263274, 27730539, 26639059, 28559126, 24708671 ]
How is yellow fever virus transmitted?
Yellow fever virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and is restricted to Africa, Central and South America and the Caribbean. Yellow fever virus is a flavivirus, and there is only one antigenic type. It was taken to the Americas by the early slave traders, and nowadays reported in Africa, America, Asia and Europe. Yellow fever virus is transmitted by two different cycles: -from human to human by the mosquito Aedes aegypti; which is well-adapted to breeding around human habitations; the infection can be maintained in this way as ‘urban’ yellow fever. -from infected monkeys to humans by mosquitoes such as Haemagogus. This is ‘jungle’ yellow fever and is seen in Africa and South America. Yellow fever is not transmitted directly from human to human by day-to-day contact, but transmission from ill patients to healthcare workers has been reported, notably after needlestick injury.
[ 23697028, 21413253, 20513550, 23411863, 18645665, 23740065, 21199140, 16913829, 23967358, 21723310, 23980723, 24027319, 20874041, 21143108, 22264275, 24056028, 22594140, 16707042, 23523817, 15705322, 22377581, 22966141, 22999801, 23133693, 22897918 ]
What is evaluated with the SAD PERSONS scale?
SAD PERSONS scale was developed to evaluate suicide risk.
[ 29665120, 26346049, 24533537, 29699523, 28723978, 21546092, 22795212, 28471534, 28302702, 24884399 ]
Which are the components of the pre-replication complex (pre-RC) in eukaryotes?
The components of the pre-replication complex (pre-RC) in eukaryotes are: 1) Cdc6/Cdc18, 2) MCM, 3) ORC1-6, 4) Cdt1 and 5) Sap1/Gi.
[ 19910535, 24699916, 22801552, 15201046, 19285403, 22421151, 23720738, 23093411, 20705581, 16257456, 15065651, 22134836, 19531585, 22645314, 25374915, 9159120, 22250202, 22412905, 20097898, 16322558 ]
List co-morbidities that may occur together with "Stiff man Syndrome"
SMS (Stiff man Syndrome) is is a rare disorder of the central nervous system of probable autoimmune origin and as such is associated with other autoimmune diseases, such as Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus . GAD-65 is a dominant auto-antigen that is found both in in stiff-man syndrome and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. TRAB -positive Graves' disease has been reported to occur together with SMS. In a subgroup of patients with the stiff-man syndrome, the condition is likely to have an autoimmune paraneoplastic origin. The detection of autoantibodies against the 128-kd antigen in patients with this syndrome should be considered an indication to search for an occult breast cancer. HCV may be the etiologic virus of progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity; a rare disorder similar to stiff-man syndrome although different because it is progressive and fatal. It is possible that the reported case of association of progressive dementia with concomitant development of stiff-man syndrome in an elderly man represents an exaggerated form of such motor disturbances in dementia, and that clinical and electromyographic features of stiff-man syndrome may be present with increased incidence in patients with dementia.
[ 16006304, 8263140, 9443464, 7714921, 9771977, 8710121, 12803695, 6859058, 2135382, 8381208, 8464926 ]
What disease is associated with Anticitrullinated peptide antibodies (ACPAs)?
nticitrullinated protein antibodies (ACPAs) are serological biomarkers associated with early, rapidly progressing rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
[ 18270852, 25120260, 27696777, 26613769, 22661643, 24206219, 16188943, 29200020, 28826660, 23440041, 32079664, 29290168, 31565241, 23716070, 30297575, 25997035, 25819755, 27348081, 24429169, 27755123 ]
Is celiac disease caused by gliadin-induced transglutaminase-2 (TG2)-dependent events ?
Celiac disease is caused by gliadin-induced transglutaminase-2 (TG2)-dependent events following ingestion of dietary gluten.
[ 18793760, 27613408, 14747475, 20300628, 26883352, 27130174 ]
Which disease can be prevented with PfSPZ Vaccine?
PfSPZ Vaccine is used for prevention of malaria.
[ 32444192, 32920641, 29554084, 29943719, 28199305, 28223498, 33674699, 25917675, 33205741, 28097230, 33947856, 26324116, 28216244, 28362549, 34518679, 27158907, 29438525, 29187199 ]
Which histone marks are deposited by Set7?
Set7 is H4K20 monomethyltransferase. Upregulation of PR-Set7 expression upon loss of HCF-1 leads to improper mitotic H4-K20 methylation. Set7 (or some variant) has also been reported to perform mono-methylation on lysine-4 of H3.
[ 21963854, 12086618, 12208845, 15200950 ]
Which heat shock protein is found to be upregulated during Hsp90 inhibition?
HSP90 inhibition was found to be associated with induction of HSP70 expression.
[ 20015528, 23023377, 24100469 ]
What is the effect of rHDL-apoE3 on vascular permeability?
rHDL-apoE3 markedly improves vascular permeability as demonstrated by the reduced concentration of Evans Blue dye in tissues such as the stomach, the tongue and the urinary bladder and ameliorated hypercholesterolemia.
[ 34875308 ]
Which are the thyroid hormone analogs utilized in human studies?
TRIAC and TETRAC are two different thyroid hormone analogs utilized in human studies
[ 9001190, 20187783, 18080776, 18954857, 23970761, 23307789, 23298477, 21896621, 3730832, 19903697, 16384862, 22947347, 1193013, 23565368, 7608251, 22123068, 18386142 ]
Which enzyme is inhibited by a drug Lorlatinib?
Lorlatinib is anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibitor.
[ 30413378, 29744867, 29067878, 29373100, 29174221, 30322862, 30174447, 29376144, 28594000, 29400604, 30394941, 29458783 ]
What is the mode of action of dexamethasone?
Glucocorticoids like Dexamethasone have a number of modes of action. While these drugs are used to reduce inflammation, Dexamethasone can also induce apoptosis thru initiation of autophagy, activate glucocorticoid receptors in the treatment of uveitic edema, alter gene expression in allergic asthma prevent tachycardia-induced ionic remodeling by reduction of atrial sodium current I(Na), increase gut permeability and suppress inflammation. in addition, Dexamethasone (Dex) can enhance BMP-2-induced osteoblast differentiation and can differentially modulated dendritic cell maturation and TREM1 signaling pathways in GM-CSF-treated and M-CSF-treated monocytes. Dexamethasone can be used for pain management
[ 29449600, 7503523, 32262373, 25347463, 21715273, 32133644, 14965196, 26496078, 28515280, 8523985, 30485523, 8530259, 8559285, 23511350, 9891987, 31547289, 26891836, 19390558 ]
Which are the major phycobiliproteins present in cyanobacteria?
Phycobiliproteins are derived from the photosynthetic apparatus of cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae, and form their large extrinsic antenna complexes called phycobilisomes. Phycobilisomes have a core composed from allophycocyanin (APC) and rods, which are of variable phycobiliprotein composition. C-Phycocyanin (C-Pc) is one of the major light harvesting biliprotein pigments constitutively produced by many cyanobacteria, such as Spirulina platenesis (a blue-green alga). B-Phycoerythrin (B-PE) is an other major light-harvesting pigment found in red algae and cyanobacteria. R-phycoerythrin (R-PE) is the major light-harvesting pigment protein of most red algal phycobilisomes.
[ 10744320, 1409666, 6802826, 20306699, 3086870, 1903389, 2431391, 16190625, 16569506, 24063013, 3127591, 7678762, 23664178, 2502578, 15242812, 8187585, 11504069, 19224391, 11690696, 8344905, 24435274, 16593484, 3931221, 18954974, 18062815, 17234404, 12767340, 12416885, 16592117, 9548282, 8419325 ]
What is the dbSUPER database?
dbSUPER is the first integrated and interactive database of super-enhancers, with the primary goal of providing a resource for assistance in further studies related to transcriptional control of cell identity and disease. dbSUPER provides a responsive and user-friendly web interface to facilitate efficient and comprehensive search and browsing. The data can be easily sent to Galaxy instances, GREAT and Cistrome web-servers for downstream analysis, and can also be visualized in the UCSC genome browser where custom tracks can be added automatically. The data can be downloaded and exported in variety of formats. Furthermore, dbSUPER lists genes associated with super-enhancers and also links to external databases such as GeneCards, UniProt and Entrez. dbSUPER also provides an overlap analysis tool to annotate user-defined regions.
[ 26438538 ]
Idecabtagene vicleucel can be used for treatment of which disease?
Idecabtagene vicleucel was shown to be effective for Relapsed and Refractory Multiple Myeloma.
[ 33598857, 34145225, 33626253, 34625232, 34854741, 34527606, 34461271, 33896344, 34104374, 34256668 ]
Is Mammaprint approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration?
Yes, Mammaprint has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.
[ 18786252, 19506735, 19546609, 18515733, 21479927, 19879448, 17462970 ]
Is a CpG island methylator phenotype involved in ependymomas?
Although devoid of recurrent single nucleotide variants and focal copy number aberrations, poor-prognosis hindbrain ependymomas exhibit a CpG island methylator phenotype
[ 25182241, 22109108, 24553142 ]
How many topological associated domains are contained in the human Hox cluster?
transcriptional activation is associated with a dynamic bi-modal 3d organization, whereby the genes switch autonomously from an inactive to an active compartment.
[ 24843030 ]
What is the indication for prophylactic use of antibiotics in COPD?
In a subset of patients with severe disease and prone to developing infections prophylactic use of antibiotics may reduce number of exacerbations and improve social and health care costs.
[ 11498704, 20477251, 22108462 ]
Which factor interacts with Treslin/TICRR throughout the cell cycle of human cells?
MDM two binding protein (MTBP) is a factor that interacts with Treslin/TICRR throughout the cell cycle. MTBP depletion by means of small interfering RNA inhibits DNA replication by preventing assembly of the CMG (Cdc45-MCM-GINS) holohelicase during origin firing. Although MTBP has been implicated in the function of the p53 tumor suppressor, it is required for DNA replication irrespective of a cell's p53 status. MTBP is proposed to act with Treslin/TICRR to integrate signals from cell cycle and DNA damage response pathways to control the initiation of DNA replication in human cells.
[ 23704573 ]
Which drugs are included in the Lonsurf combination pill?
Lonsurf is an oral fixed dose combination of trifluridine and tipiracil that is used for cancer treatment.
[ 32891715, 31002008, 33468799, 32801768, 27568360, 27431756, 26197742, 31489588, 26609205, 34034550, 28315543, 34207352, 33294265, 30445951 ]
The virus that causes FIP, Feline Infectious Peritonitis belongs to what family?
The virus that causes FIP, Feline Infectious Peritonitis belongs to the family coronavirus.
[ 31375588, 22546085, 30065095, 27712624, 26656689, 29329682, 29778200, 23865689, 23763835, 25701212, 29478397 ]
How are ultraconserved elements called when they form clusters?
Ultraconserved non-coding elements (UCNEs) are organized as large clusters, so-called gene regulatory blocks (GRBs) around key developmental genes. Their molecular functions and the reasons for their high degree of conservation remain enigmatic.
[ 22962458, 23193254 ]
List the three most abundant bacterial phyla present in mouse feces.
Firmicutes Proteobacteria Bacteroidetes
[ 20926643, 25537565, 23457582, 19159975 ]
Is there any approved treatment for NAFLD?
No, Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most prevalent liver disease worldwide, and there is no approved pharmacotherapy.
[ 30016770, 29448843, 29247356, 29122694 ]
List symptoms of Meigs' Syndrome.
Meigs' syndrome is a benign ovarian tumor associated with ascites and pleural effusion.
[ 26046039, 25469326, 23328144, 24962423, 24490014 ]
Does the protein mTOR regulate autophagy?
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a major negative regulator of autophagy.
[ 24092929, 24209762, 24326530, 24275748, 24024901, 23982275, 24255881, 24275666, 24278483, 24131573, 23940798, 24265855 ]
What is an acceptable sequence coverage(depth) required for human whole-exome sequencing?
A medium depth may be considered as 8x while the most common values vary between 30x and 60x. Values more than 75x or even up to 125x may be considered for the investigation of rare disease variants.
[ 23647072, 23160641, 22952768, 23357921, 22156295, 24290377, 23450047, 23349227, 21654732, 23940558, 23728943, 22654895, 21499249, 21943378, 23272691, 24065236, 22038007, 23015295 ]
What are the five traits associated with metabolic syndrome?
Metabolic syndrome is the concurrent presentation of multiple cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and hypertension.
[ 25612864, 15157122, 20694148, 24260389, 29502759, 19137372, 16305067, 26956847, 32562864, 20021073, 20018034, 31637139, 26175188, 17918262, 18489847, 25104441, 14975163, 12240700 ]
In which genomic regions are Alu enriched?
There are regions such as the four homeobox gene clusters, which are nearly devoid of these repeats that contrast with repeat dense regions in other transcriptionally active regions of the genome. Alu elements are more clustered in genes which are involved in metabolism, transport, and signaling processes. In contrast, they are significantly fewer in genes coding for information pathway components as well as structural proteins. This bias in Alu distribution is independent of the effect of Alu density of the flanking genomic region and is also not affected by the GC content of the gene and its upstream and downstream regions.
[ 12777511, 23420552, 11884141, 6165649, 2716062, 12832639 ]
Which substances are dangerous to g6PD deficient individuals?
Antimalarial drugs (primaquine, pamaquine, chloriquine), fava beans, sulfonamides, some antibiotics( nalidixic acid, nitrofurantoin, isoniazid, dapsone, and furazolidone) and henna
[ 23483616, 17355169, 23874116, 22171972, 22963789, 23690191, 23275730, 23664599, 22018328, 23282778, 23065279 ]
Is eculizumab effective for Guillain-Barré syndrome?
In a clinical trial eculizumab did not achieve primary outcome for Guillain-Barre syndrome. However, because this was a small study without statistical comparison with the placebo group, the efficacy and safety of eculizumab could be investigated in larger, randomised controlled trials.
[ 31171755, 27801990, 29685815 ]
How do CYP1A2 polymorphisms affect the habitual coffee consumption effect on apetite?
The CYP1A2 polymorphism -163C > A (rs762551) polymorphism renders carriers: rapid (AA), intermediate (AC), or slow (CC) caffeine metabolizers. High coffee consumption was more prevalent in rapid compared to slow metabolizers (P = 0.008 after adjustment for age, sex, and BMI) and was associated with lower appetite perception and lower BMI only in rapid metabolizers (P for interaction of rs762551 genotype*coffee consumption = 0.002 and 0.048, respectively).
[ 34564706 ]
Is transcription-associated mutagenesis (TAM) related to gene expression levels?
Spontaneous point mutation rate in a gene increases with its transcription level, suggesting that movement of RNA polymerase through the target initiates a mutagenic process(es). This phenomenon is termed transcription-associated mutation (TAM). Transcription-associated mutagenesis is directly proportional to the level of gene expression.
[ 15143174, 23055242, 10628973, 23564176, 23146897, 21177427, 20435731, 21177431, 17398168 ]
What is the mode of inheritance of Romano Ward long QT syndrome?
The Romano Ward long QT syndrome (LQTS) has an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance.
[ 8048706, 9302275, 10593671, 2771275, 8098062, 8223759, 19862833, 7994803, 10560244, 7695867, 15950200, 9272155, 8180509 ]
Is Hirschsprung disease one of the characteristics of the Mowat-Wilson syndrome?
Mowat-Wilson syndrome is characterized by typical facial features, moderate-to-severe mental retardation, epilepsy and variable congenital malformations, including Hirschsprung disease, genital anomalies, congenital heart disease, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and eye defects.
[ 24092421, 21893004, 15908750, 24029077, 20145308, 23466526, 14681759, 20158378, 22486326, 23427518, 20428734, 24282181, 16150342, 19302864, 16088920, 11891681, 21336163, 17958891, 21957361, 23610866 ]
What is MLE4901?
MLE4901 is an oral neurikinin 3 receptor antagonist that has been shown to safely and effectively relieve hot flush symptoms in menopausal women without the need for oestrogen exposure.
[ 28385352 ]
Define pseudotumor cerebri. How is it treated?
Benign intracranial hypertension (BIH) is characterized by an elevation of the intracranial pressure not associated with an intracranial process or hydrocephaly, and with normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contents. The elevation of the intracranial pressure is isolated; therefore, diseases such as cerebral venous thrombosis or dural fistulas should not be considered as etiologies of BIH. The exact definition of BIH remains debated, and other terms such as "pseudotumor cerebri" or "idiopathic intracranial hypertension" are often used in the literature. The management of patients with BIH depends mainly on the presence and severity of ocular symptoms and signs on which the prognostic of the disease is based. Repeated lumbar punctures associated with acetazolamide and weight loss are usually efficient enough. However a surgical treatment (optic nerve sheath fenestration or lumboperitoneal shunt) is required when appropriate medical management does not prevent progressive alteration of vision (visual loss or visual field defect), or when the patients complains of severe, refractory headaches. Careful follow-up with repeated formal visual field testing may help preventing a devastating visual loss in these patients.
[ 20721668, 8721925, 10532364, 23265564, 15010717, 23136035, 10529973, 16388155, 27128512, 11524298, 7049034, 1614156, 25449933, 2347863, 29393752, 11240545, 33717740, 26444398, 32736880, 11680122, 3799419 ]
What is the role of tankyrases in response to Double Strand Breaks (DSBs)?
Tankyrases promote homologous recombination and check point activation in response to DSBs.
[ 26845027 ]
What is the preDIVA clinical trial?
The preDIVA trial (Prevention of Dementia by Intensive Vascular Care) was an open-label, cluster-randomized controlled trial in community-dwelling individuals aged 70 to 78 years.
[ 27474376, 19812459, 28596452, 28263374 ]
What is the role of cohesins at the IFNG locus?
Cohesins form cell-type-specific long-range chromosomal cis-interactions at the developmentally regulated IFNG locus. Hence, the ability of cohesin to constrain chromosome topology is used not only for the purpose of sister chromatid cohesion, but also to dynamically define the spatial conformation of specific loci. This new aspect of cohesin function is probably important for normal development and disease.
[ 19458616 ]
Is Tocilizumab (Actemra) used to block/antagonize the IL-6 receptor?
yes, tocilizumab (actemra) is used to block/antagonize the il-6 receptor.
[ 24155139, 20305672, 18071945, 28841363, 33269653, 31164961, 32365119, 22334272, 22870473, 29952844, 20402381, 33264466, 33262810, 20065633, 19368420, 30021477, 31809899, 20953198, 23844337, 31796986, 16102523 ]
List sclerostin interaction partners.
alkaline phosphatase carbonic anhydrase gremlin-1 fetuin A midkine annexin A1 annexin A2 collagen α1 casein kinase II secreted frizzled related protein 4 Phex asporin follistatin erbB-3 LRP5 noggin
[ 22206666, 17002572, 15199066, 20951118 ]
Which mRNAs are sequestered in stress granules?
Stress granules are higher order assemblies of nontranslating mRNAs and proteins that form when translation initiation is inhibited. This subset of mRNAs is characterized by extended length and adenylate-uridylate (AU)-rich motifs, is highly enriched with genes critical for cell survival and proliferation. mRNA accumulation in stress granules correlates with longer coding and UTR regions and poor translatability
[ 29483269, 29129640, 21118122, 29576526, 24013423 ]
What syndrome is associated with mutations in lysine methyltransferase 2D KMT2D?
Mutations in lysine methyltransferase 2D (KMT2D) gene, which encodes the catalytic core of a multisubunit chromatin remodeling enzyme, are responsible for the neurodegenerative disorder Kabuki syndrome.
[ 27573763, 30891914, 24838796, 31935506, 29914387, 24240169, 31282990, 26932671, 31813957, 28007623, 32083401, 29725259, 24705355, 28475860, 31465303, 31816409, 32803813, 26194542, 30980591 ]
Which is the main gene signature in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)?
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) has a type I interferon (IFN) gene signature.
[ 15593221, 23400715, 18075793, 27723281, 32334613, 19968664, 23083033, 27094810, 31890206, 17849124, 20538795, 19479852, 12642603, 31660791, 23028528, 29644082, 24598455, 31044165, 30185417, 24834763, 22242767, 25861459, 31130331, 28130918, 21803750, 24839407, 23754736, 15511676, 24379124, 30745462, 19790071, 27009916 ]
What is the most common monogenic cause of common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) in Europeans?
Loss-of-function nuclear factor κB subunit 1 (NFKB1) variants are the most common monogenic cause of common variable immunodeficiency in Europeans.
[ 29477724, 30063981 ]
What is Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS)?
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute immune mediated neuropathy, polyradiculoneuritis, characterized by rapid onset of symmetric extremity muscle paralysis, areflexia and albuminocytological dissociation in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Recently, the heterogeneity of GBS has been noticed with definition of several GBS variants. The diagnosis of GBS includes clinical, electrophysiological and laboratory (CSF) criteria.
[ 34434441, 30895887, 26793497, 12690329, 24511391, 31639842, 19202218, 28968363, 26560944, 23087283, 32537271, 23431480, 12134330, 15168961, 24872655, 16708185, 8478553, 12415961, 15018590, 23642721, 32192609, 9365863, 15921641, 16206698, 30069105, 20508277, 33002998, 23117942, 24731000 ]
Is Crohn's disease (CD) linked to the consumption of refrigerated food?
All findings point to refrigeration as a potential risk factor for Crohn's disease. Environmental risk factors playing a causative role in Crohn's Disease (CD) remain largely unknown. Recently, it has been suggested that refrigerated food could be involved in disease development. Patients were exposed earlier than controls to the refrigerator (X2 = 9.9, df = 3, P = 0.04) and refrigerator exposure at birth was found to be a risk factor for CD (OR = 2.08 (95% CI: 1.01-4.29), P = 0.05). Comparable results were obtained looking for the exposure to freezer at home.
[ 61441, 16059694, 19177167, 14683664, 23444276 ]
List phagosomal markers.
Rab7 LAMP1 Cathepsin D Rab9 V-ATPase CD63
[ 30201700, 20829607, 29675446, 26928472, 18485117 ]
Is SATB1 positioned close to AT-rich sequences?
Yes, SATB1 is preferentially located at the start of an AT-rich sequence and is associated with other, more diffuse AT- rich sequences in the genome.
[ 8049444, 27590341, 9548713, 24047082, 24729451, 18408014, 10629043, 24118100, 28179318, 29306014 ]
What is the function of the enzymes known as dual specificity phoshpatases (DUSPs)?
DUSPs (dual-specificity phosphatases) are a heterogeneous group of protein phosphatases that can dephosphorylate both phosphotyrosine and phosphoserine/phosphothreonine residues within the one substrate. DUSPs have been implicated as major modulators of critical signalling pathways that are dysregulated in various diseases. DUSPs can be divided into six subgroups on the basis of sequence similarity that include slingshots, PRLs (phosphatases of regenerating liver), Cdc14 phosphatases (Cdc is cell division cycle), PTENs (phosphatase and tensin homologues deleted on chromosome 10), myotubularins, MKPs (mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatases) and atypical DUSPs.
[ 24206177, 21288197, 21764456, 22266315, 24308939, 21300429, 24311790, 23190643, 22769588, 24531476, 19228121, 23926106, 24155099, 22812510 ]
Are BBS mutations involved in syndromic Hirschsprung disease?
In 3 families with Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) and Hirschsprung disease (HSCR), concomitant mutations in BBS genes and regulatory RET elements have been identified. Analysis of the data suggests that BBS mutations can potentiate HSCR predisposing RET alleles, which by themselves are insufficient to cause disease.
[ 19666486 ]
What does Retapamulin treat?
Retapamulin is a small molecule covalently binding and inhibiting the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
[ 22777229, 28874907, 18341664, 23793314, 16940066, 18041900, 28491950, 25250996, 25396674, 17350985, 18725451, 18416589, 20066388, 18389088, 18973410, 23837927, 24935401, 21191403, 19344241, 20941943, 16957433 ]
What are the years of the initiation and completion of the Human Genome project?
The Human Genome Project was initiated in 1990 and completed in 2003.
[ 27087232, 10418432, 26952518, 29068423, 30546257, 11261244, 12046269 ]
What are the 4 cardinal signs of inflammation according to Celsus?
redness or rubor , heat or calor, swelling or tumor, and pain or dolor
[ 9120866, 28282278, 12799851, 12776909, 28002223, 23931059, 23583354, 7734328, 29135930, 15041917, 10867774 ]
What are the molecular and cellular effects of LB-100 on ovarian carcinoma cells following cisplatin treatment?
LB100 sensitized ovarian carcinoma lines to cisplatin-mediated cell death. Sensitization via LB100 was mediated by abrogation of cell-cycle arrest induced by cisplatin. Loss of the cisplatin-induced checkpoint correlated with decreased Wee1 expression, increased cdc2 activation, and increased mitotic entry (p-histone H3). LB100 also induced constitutive hyperphosphorylation of DDR proteins (BRCA1, Chk2, and gH2AX), altered the chronology and persistence of JNK activation, and modulated the expression of 14-3-3 binding sites.
[ 25376608 ]
Where are pannexins localized?
Pannexins (Panxs) are a multifaceted family of ion and metabolite channels that play key roles in a number of physiological and pathophysiological settings. These single membrane large-pore channels exhibit a variety of tissue, cell type, and subcellular distributions.
[ 25505382, 24300303, 29932112, 26386583, 28735901 ]
What is VISMapper?
VISMapper is a vector integration site analysis web server to analyze next-generation sequencing data for retroviral vector integration sites. VISMapper can be found at:
[ 28931371 ]
What is TOPAZ1?
TOPAZ1 is a novel germ cell-specific expressed gene conserved during evolution across vertebrates. Its PAZ-domain protein is abundantly expressed in the gonads during germ cell meiosis. The expression pattern of TOPAZ1, and its high degree of conservation, suggests that it may play an important role in germ cell development. Further characterization of TOPAZ1 may elucidate the mechanisms involved in gametogenesis, and particularly in the RNA silencing process in the germ line.
[ 26358182, 22069478 ]
Are hepadnaviral minichromosomes free of nucleosomes?
Nucleosomes along viral cccDNA in the minichromosomes are not random but sequence-specifically positioned.
[ 22787202, 3023620, 8649399, 8380890, 1337883, 21331901 ]
When was vivotif first licenced in Europe?
The vaccine vivotif was first licensed in Europe in 1983.
[ 28515625 ]
Is metoprolol metabolized by CYP2D6?
Yes, metoprolol is metabolized by CYP2D6.
[ 14732961 ]
How many DNaseI hypersensitive sites (DHS) mark the murine beta globin locus region?
The expression of genes both from the endogenous locus and from transgenes is strongly influenced by a linked 15-kilobase region of clustered DNaseI hypersensitive sites (HSs) known as the locus control region (LCR) Targeted deletion of 5'HS1 and 5’HS4 of the beta-globin locus Control region reveals additive activity of the sites . The LCR is composed of a series of 5 DNase . sites (5'HSs), that form in the nucleus of erythroid precursors .
[ 9012519, 12324650, 10220430, 9114030, 11567985, 10828050, 2362805, 16189270, 2040696, 11867225, 9744863 ]
Are there any tools that could predict protein structure considering amino acid sequence?
Yes. Tools such as Jpred, Jnet, Porter 4.0 and PSIPRED Workbench have been developed that predict protein structure based solely on its amino acid sequence, whereas the recently updated Jnet algorithm provides a three-state (alpha-helix, beta-strand and coil) prediction of secondary structure at an accuracy of 81.5%.
[ 18463136, 33999203, 17888742, 21780007, 20066664, 15980586, 19433514, 15978619, 23772049, 31388850, 15215441, 34265844, 18757875, 31251384, 31063641, 26519323, 19046975 ]
Which virus type causes Molluscum contagiosum?
Molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) is a human poxvirus that causes tumor-like skin lesions.
[ 24491904, 22262788, 26672647, 24155912, 21228810, 23372568, 24155550, 881573, 9525670, 18950398, 12552001, 21802105, 16390992, 9275219, 23598933, 15284701, 18616033, 8938977, 25186152, 22301546, 3814509, 8850036, 10500212, 25072249, 22688765, 10502526 ]
Is the Miller-Fisher syndrome considered to be a variant of Guillain-Barré?
Miller Fisher syndrome is a variant of Guillain-Barre syndrome characterized by the classic triad of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and areflexia
[ 16049921, 1667714, 9703176, 15909003, 8437011, 15012892, 11521055, 10965158, 19810856, 16155441, 3612209, 10511801, 22447677, 25072194, 21325125, 18428104, 19263690, 16645971, 11155543, 19374296, 26380131, 24513384, 26366317 ]
Which cell secretes the enzyme tryptase?
Degranulation of mast cells (MCs) releases several mediators such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), chymase, tryptase, histamine, and cytokines.
[ 31709696, 31853339, 31858758 ]
Have mutations in the ZEB2 gene been found in any human syndrome?
Yes, the Mowat-Wilson syndrome
[ 17203459, 23312518, 23243526, 20125191, 21893004, 16053902, 15908750, 23523603, 24029077, 12746390, 19842203, 20145308, 23466526, 14681759, 17932455, 23322667, 18259761, 22486326, 20093881, 18230842, 20428734, 23427518, 19215041, 24282181, 16150342, 23152852, 16088920, 23001561, 19236961, 15006694, 17223398, 17958891, 16688751, 22246645, 16532472, 18445050 ]
What is the main difference between nascent and mature chromatin?
Nascent chromatin is created after transcription and is mostly lacking histone modifications and H1, which makes it more prone to digestion by DNaseI.
[ 6226660, 7171565, 1893943 ]
Which syndrome is caused by pathogenic COL4A3-COL4A5 variants?
Massively parallel sequencing identifies pathogenic variants in the genes affected in Alport syndrome (COL4A3-COL4A5) in as many as 30% of individuals with focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), 10% of those with kidney failure of unknown cause, and 20% with familial immunoglobulin A (IgA) glomerulonephritis. The population frequencies for Alport syndrome are suggested by the frequencies of predicted pathogenic COL4A3-COL4A5 variants, but must be adjusted for the disease penetrance of individual variants and for the likelihood of already diagnosed disease and non-Gly substitutions.
[ 34245817, 34400539 ]
Is Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome usually diagnosed in older adults?
lennox-gastaut syndrome (lgs) is a severe pediatric epilepsy syndrome characterized by mixed seizures, cognitive decline, and generalized slow (<3 hz) spike wave discharges on electroencephalography.
[ 20542434, 26945476, 9400037, 20518600, 22576075, 19588340, 24659735, 26166587, 8029151 ]
What is the correlation between SPARC expression and growth inhibition in human cancer?
Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a multi-faceted protein-modulating cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. SPARC seems to act as a tumour suppressor, as it has been found that loss of SPARC accelerates the development of certain types of cancer, whereas its expression impairs tumor growth. However it has also been associated with a aggressive phenotypes of some tumours. The role of SPARC may depend on its subcellular localization.
[ 19830689, 16424866, 12414657, 22863973, 20215880, 23321672, 12500936, 20955243, 21098700, 21799470, 20100207, 22206672, 20087345, 19920824, 19236378, 15958556 ]
Describe Multilocus Inherited Neoplasia Allele Syndrome (MINAS)
Genetic testing of hereditary cancer using comprehensive gene panels can identify patients with more than one pathogenic mutation in high and/or moderate-risk-associated cancer genes. This phenomenon is known as multilocus inherited neoplasia alleles syndrome (MINAS), which has been potentially linked to more severe clinical manifestations.
[ 30580288 ]
Which mechanisms underlie adaptive mutagenesis (stationary-phase mutagenesis) in Bacillus subtilis?
Increased transcription levels potentiate adaptive mutagenesis. Central to stationary-phase mutagenesis in B. subtilis is the requirement for Mfd protein (transcription repair coupling factor). The B. subtilis' ability to accumulate chromosomal mutations under conditions of starvation is influenced by cell differentiation and transcriptional derepression, as well as by proteins homologous to transcription and repair factors. Under conditions of nutritional stress, the processing of deaminated bases in B. subtilis may normally occur in an error-prone manner to promote adaptive mutagenesis. A functional RecA protein is not required for adaptive mutagenesis, which seems to be independent of recombination-dependent repair and, in some cases, of the Y DNA polymerases. Oxidative stress-induced DNA damage has been associated with adaptive mutagenesis. The occurrence of such mutations is exacerbated by reactive oxygen species. Starved B. subtilis cells lacking a functional error prevention GO (8-oxo-G) system (composed of YtkD, MutM, and YfhQ) had a dramatic propensity to increase the number of stationary-phase-induced revertants. The MMR (encoded by the mutSL operon) protects B. subtilis from stationary-phase mutations. The MMR modulation of the mutagenic/antimutagenic properties of MutY regulates stationary-phase mutagenesis. Two of the genes that are involved in the regulation of post-exponential phase prokaryotic differentiation, comA and comK, are involved in adaptive mutagenesis. Also, YqjH, a homolog of DinB protein, plays a role in stationary phase mutagenesis.
[ 20971907, 12644484, 12270822, 22056936, 9308969, 24914186, 16950921, 17917870, 19011023, 20435731, 15375129, 22201950 ]
What is MRSA?
community-associated methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (ca-mrsa) has become a severe health concern because of its treatment difficulties.
[ 19828738, 19162372, 22814471, 19506056, 15884297, 21075466, 19732087, 25108628, 19130105, 26812054, 20861339, 17537949, 22176801, 25113379, 21571749, 15472807, 25240872, 24850346, 15060266, 26047024, 19710260, 20524852, 24267132, 27736763, 23405883, 17385151, 27721155, 12723397, 18347206, 19129414, 27450316, 19252301, 26684366, 24045390, 23824338, 17121622, 24322533, 27025639, 19777772, 17581935, 23756924, 8851953, 25648247, 20071545, 27112442, 25865979, 20071548, 22291965 ]
Is lithium effective for treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?
No, lithium is not effective for treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
[ 26892289, 21936930, 23453347, 23582371, 29399045, 22378918, 28978660, 22091594, 29400298, 18250315, 20702794, 20363190, 18367867 ]
Which enzymes are inhibited by Duvelisib?
Duvelisib is an oral dual inhibitor of phosphoinositide 3-kinase-δ (PI3K-δ) and PI3K-γ in late-stage clinical development for hematologic malignancy treatment.
[ 29522278, 27174919, 30033575, 30067771, 29191916, 28017967, 30094870, 29479062, 28388280, 25912635, 29233821 ]
Which disease can be treated with Anifrolumab?
Anifrolumab is a type I interferon (IFN) receptor antagonist that has been shown to be effective for moderate-to-severe systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
[ 30588322, 28130918, 29420200, 27663753, 29644080, 29644082, 29460699 ]
Where is the organ of Corti located?
The cochlea, a coiled structure located in the ventral region of the inner ear, acts as the primary structure for the perception of sound. Along the length of the cochlear spiral is the organ of Corti, a highly derived and rigorously patterned sensory epithelium that acts to convert auditory stimuli into neural impulses.
[ 32393641, 32571852, 31939628, 32154838, 32579963 ]
Which aminoacid position in the human CREB protein is phosphorylated?
pCREB is phosphorylated at its Serine 133.
[ 27480489, 28185187 ]
Which server is used for generating modes of pseudo components of DNA, RNA and protein sequences?
Pse-in-One is a web server for generating various modes of pseudo components of DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. It can, through its 28 different modes, generate nearly all the possible feature vectors for DNA, RNA and protein sequences. Particularly, it can also generate those feature vectors with the properties defined by users themselves. These feature vectors can be easily combined with machine-learning algorithms to develop computational predictors and analysis methods for various tasks in bioinformatics and system biology.
[ 25958395 ]
What induces Arabidopsis ROF1 expression?
The abundance of ROF1 increased several-fold under stress conditions such as wounding, heat stress or exposure to elevated NaCl levels.
[ 17080288, 8914512, 23133621, 14996219, 19366428 ]
Which is the phenotype of the disease fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva?
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP), a congenital heterotopic ossification (HO) syndrome caused by gain-of-function mutations of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type I receptor ACVR1, manifests with progressive ossification of skeletal muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints.
[ 26049728, 27881824, 29033382 ]
What are the 4 histological types of lung cancer?
Lung cancer is broadly subclassified on the basis of histological features into squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, large cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma.
[ 2038147, 11269538, 30830374, 10599212, 1663533, 18299312, 8691638, 2549305, 33854137, 9063489, 25168588, 6973391, 23754705, 1966930, 1656541, 11765223, 3019250, 12499060, 18390646 ]
Can the CEP290 gene mutations be targeted by AAV-mediated gene therapy?
The large size of the CEP290 gene prevents its use in adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated gene augmentation therapy.
[ 28109959 ]