stringlengths 4
| Script
stringlengths 4
Create an empty list and assign it to interest with key 'links' | interests['links'] = [] |
Create an empty list and assign it to interest with key 'users' | interests['users'] = [] |
Create an empty list and assign it to interest with key 'hashtags' | interests['hashtags'] = [] |
Assign to the text the value of tweet with jey tweet | text = tweet['tweet'] |
Assign to links the result of the function compile of re with argument '(http.*?)\Z|(http.*?) ' then call the function findall with argument text | links = re.compile().findall(text) |
For each link in links | for link in links: |
If link at position 0 exists | if link[0]: |
Assign to link the link at the position 0 | link = link[0] |
Else if link at position 1 exists | elif link[1]: |
Assign to link the link at the position 1 | link = link[1] |
Else | else: |
Continue | continue |
Assign to response the result of the method urlopen of urllib2 with argument link | response = urllib2.urlopen(link) |
Assign to full_link the variable url of response | full_link = response.url |
Append to interests with key links the variable full_link | interests['links'].append(full_link) |
Except | except: |
Append to interests with key 'users' the result of the function findall with argument text called on compile of re with argument '(@\w+)' | interests['users'] += re.compile('(@\w+)').findall(text) |
Append to interests with key 'hashtags' the result of the function findall with argument text called on compile of re with argument '(#\w+)' | interests['hashtags'] += re.compile('(#\w+)').findall(text) |
Sort the list interests with key 'users' | interests['users'].sort() |
Sort the list interests with key 'hashtags' | interests['hashtags'].sort() |
Sort the list interests with key 'links' | interests['links'].sort() |
Return the interests | return interests |
Define the function twitter_locate with arguments self and cityFile | def twitter_locate(self, cityFile): |
Assign an empty list to cities | cities = [] |
If cityFile is not equal to None | if cityFile != None: |
For each line in the method readlines called with no arguments of the opened file cityFile | for line in open(cityFile).readlines(): |
Assign to city the string stripped of '\n' and '\r' in low case | city = line.strip('\\n').strip('\r').lower() |
Append to the list cities the city | cities.append(city) |
Assign to locations an empty list | locations = [] |
Assign to locCnt the value 0 | locCnt = 0 |
Assign to cityCnt the value 0 | cityCnt = 0 |
Assign to tweetsText an empty string | tweetsText = '' |
For each tweet in tweets of self | for tweet in self.tweets: |
If tweet with key 'geo' is not equal to None | if tweet['geo'] != None: |
Append to locations the tweet with key 'geo' | locations.append(tweet['geo']) |
Increment locCnt of 1 | locCnt += 1 |
Concatenate to tweetsText the tweet with key 'tweet' in lower case | tweetsText += tweet['tweet'].lower() |
For each city in cities | for city in cities: |
If the substring city is in tweetsText | if city in tweetsText: |
Append to locations the value city | locations.append(city) |
Increment cityCnt of 1 | cityCnt += 1 |
Return the value locations | return locations |
Call the method quote_plus of urllib with argument the concatenation of 'from:', handle and ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets' | query = urllib.quote_plus('from:' + handle+ ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets') |
Assign to response the result of the the method open of browser with argument the concatenation of '', 'search.json?q=' and query | response =''+ 'search.json?q='+ query) |
Define the function load_cities with argument cityFile | def load_cities(cityFile): |
Assign an empty list to cities | cities = [] |
For each line in the method readlines with no argument of the opened file cityFile | for line in open(cityFile).readlines(): |
Assign the line stripped of '\n' and '\r' in lower case to city | city=line.strip('\\n').strip('\r').lower() |
Append city to cities | cities.append(city) |
Return the variable cities | return cities |
Define the function twitter_locate with arguments tweets and cities | def twitter_locate(tweets,cities): |
Assign an empty list to locations | locations = [] |
Assign 0 to locCnt | locCnt = 0 |
Assign 0 to cityCnt | cityCnt = 0 |
Assign to tweetsText an empty string | tweetsText = "" |
If tweet with key 'geo' is not equal to None | if tweet['geo'] != None: |
Append the tweet with key 'geo' to locations | locations.append(tweet['geo']) |
Increment locCnt of 1 | locCnt += 1 |
Concatenate the tweet with key 'tweet' to tweetsText in lower case | tweetsText += tweet['tweet'].lower() |
For each city in cities | for city in cities: |
If the substring city is in tweetsText | if city in tweetsText: |
Append the city to locations | locations.append(city) |
Increment cityCnt of 1 | cityCnt+=1 |
Return the variable locations | return locations |
Define the function main with no arguments | def main(): |
Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of 'usage %prog ' and '-u <twitter handle> [-c <list of cities>]' of optparse | parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog '+ '-u <twitter handle> [-c <list of cities>]') |
Call the method add_option with arguments '-c', dest equals to 'cityFile', type equals to 'string' and help= equals to 'specify file containing cities to search' | parser.add_option('-c', dest='cityFile', type='string',help='specify file containing cities to search') |
Assign cityFile of options to cityFile | cityFile = options.cityFile |
If handle is equal to None | if (handle==None): |
Call the function exit to 0 | exit(0) |
Assign an empty list to to cities | cities = [] |
If cityFile is not equal to None | if (cityFile!=None): |
Call the function load_cities with argument cityFile and assign the result to cities | cities = load_cities(cityFile) |
Assign the result of the function twitter_locate with argument tweets and cities to location | locations = twitter_locate(tweets,cities) |
Import the library dedicated to regular expressions | import re |
Import the second version of the http client | import urllib2 |
Define the function get_tweets with argument handle | def get_tweets(handle): |
Call the method quote_plus of urllib with argument the concatenation of 'from:', handle and ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets' | query = urllib.quote_plus('from:' + handle+ ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets') |
Assign to tweets an empty list | tweets = [] |
Assign to browser the class anonBrowser with no argument | browser = anonBrowser() |
Call the method of browser anonymize with no arguments | browser.anonymize() |
Assign to response the result of the the method open of browser with argument the concatenation of '', 'search.json?q=' and query | response =''+ 'search.json?q=' + query) |
Assign to json_objects the result of the method load of json with argument response | json_objects = json.load(response) |
For each result in json_objects with key 'result' | for result in json_objects['results']: |
Assign to new_result an empty dictionary | new_result = {} |
Assign to new_result with key 'from_user' the variable result with key 'from_user_name' | new_result['from_user'] = result['from_user_name'] |
Assign to new_result with key 'geo' the variable result with key 'geo' | new_result['geo'] = result['geo'] |
Assign to new_result with key 'tweet' the variable result with key 'text' | new_result['tweet'] = result['text'] |
Append to tweets the new_result | tweets.append(new_result) |
Return the variable tweets | return tweets |
Define the function find_interests with argument tweets | def find_interests(tweets): |
Assign to interests an empty dictionary | interests = {} |
Assign to interests with key 'links' an empty list | interests['links'] = [] |
Assign to interests with key 'users' an empty list | interests['users'] = [] |
Assign to interests with key 'hashtags' an empty list | interests['hashtags'] = [] |
For each tweet in tweets | for tweet in tweets: |
Assign the tweet with key 'tweet' to text | text = tweet['tweet'] |
Call the method findall with argument text of the function compile with argument '(http.*?)\Z|(http.*?) ' of the library re and assign it to links | links = re.compile().findall(text) |
For each link in links | for link in links: |
If link in position 0 exists | if link[0]: |