19 values
if 2nc
if 2nc
[ { "text": "given:⇒ we know that and also n! = n(n – 1)(n – 2)…………2.1⇒ ⇒ ⇒ 2 × (2n – 1) × 2 = 44⇒ 2n – 1 = 11⇒ 2n = 12⇒ ⇒ n = 6∴ the value of n is 6.", "name": "given:⇒ we know that and also n! = n(n – 1)(n – 2)…………2.1⇒ ⇒ ⇒ 2 × (2n – 1) × 2 = 44⇒ 2n – 1 = 11⇒ 2n = 12⇒ ⇒ n = 6∴ the value of n is 6.", "is_accepted": true } ]
if <span lang="en
if <span lang="en
[ { "text": "5a a a conclusion: a ", "name": "5a a a conclusion: a ", "is_accepted": true } ]
if <span lang="en
if <span lang="en
[ { "text": "proof:as cosθ+cos2 θ=1cos θ =1-cos2 θcos θ =sin2 θ ….(i)using(a + b)3 =a3+b3+3(a + b)now,sin12 θ+3sin10 θ+3sin8 θ+sin6 θ+2sin4 θ+2sin2 θ-2= (sin4 θ)3+sin4 θ-sin2 θ[sin4 θ+sin2 θ](sin2 θ)3+2(sin2 θ)2+2sin2 θ-2=(sin4 θ+sin2 θ)3+2(cos θ)2+2cosθ-2.=((sin2 θ)2+sin2 θ)3 +2cos2 θ+2cosθ-2from (1),=(cos2 θ +sin2 θ)3+2cos2 θ+2cosθ-2as sin2θ + cos2θ = 1= 1 +2cos2 θ+2sin2 θ-2= 1 +2(cos2 θ+sin2 θ)-2=1+2(1)-2=1hence proved.", "name": "proof:as cosθ+cos2 θ=1cos θ =1-cos2 θcos θ =sin2 θ ….(i)using(a + b)3 =a3+b3+3(a + b)now,sin12 θ+3sin10 θ+3sin8 θ+sin6 θ+2sin4 θ+2sin2 θ-2= (sin4 θ)3+sin4 θ-sin2 θ[sin4 θ+sin2 θ](sin2 θ)3+2(sin2 θ)2+2sin2 θ-2=(sin4 θ+sin2 θ)3+2(cos θ)2+2cosθ-2.=((sin2 θ)2+sin2 θ)3 +2cos2 θ+2cosθ-2from (1),=(cos2 θ +sin2 θ)3+2cos2 θ+2cosθ-2as sin2θ + cos2θ = 1= 1 +2cos2 θ+2sin2 θ-2= 1 +2(cos2 θ+sin2 θ)-2=1+2(1)-2=1hence proved.", "is_accepted": true } ]
if p(2n – 1, n) : p(2n + 1, n – 1) = 22 : 7 find n.
if p(2n – 1, n) : p(2n + 1, n – 1) = 22 : 7 find n.
[ { "text": "given: p(2n – 1, n) : p(2n + 1, n – 1) = 22 : 7to find: value of nwe know,so, according to question:p(2n – 1, n) : p(2n + 1, n – 1) = 22 : 7⇒ 7(n + 2)(n + 1) = 22×2 (2n + 1)⇒ 7(n2 + n + 2n + 2) = 88n + 44⇒ 7(n2 + 3n + 2) = 88n + 44⇒ 7n2 + 21n + 14 = 88n + 44⇒ 7n2 + 21n – 88n + 14 – 44 = 0⇒ 7n2 – 67n – 30 = 0⇒ 7n2 – 70n + 3n – 30 = 0⇒ 7n(n – 10) + 3(n – 10) = 0⇒ (n – 10)(7n + 3) = 0∴ the value of n = 10", "name": "given: p(2n – 1, n) : p(2n + 1, n – 1) = 22 : 7to find: value of nwe know,so, according to question:p(2n – 1, n) : p(2n + 1, n – 1) = 22 : 7⇒ 7(n + 2)(n + 1) = 22×2 (2n + 1)⇒ 7(n2 + n + 2n + 2) = 88n + 44⇒ 7(n2 + 3n + 2) = 88n + 44⇒ 7n2 + 21n + 14 = 88n + 44⇒ 7n2 + 21n – 88n + 14 – 44 = 0⇒ 7n2 – 67n – 30 = 0⇒ 7n2 – 70n + 3n – 30 = 0⇒ 7n(n – 10) + 3(n – 10) = 0⇒ (n – 10)(7n + 3) = 0∴ the value of n = 10", "is_accepted": true } ]
if <span lang="en
if <span lang="en
[ { "text": "explanation:given ", "name": "explanation:given ", "is_accepted": true } ]
the value of tan
the value of tan
[ { "text": "tan 3a = tan(2a+a)⇒ tan 3a(1-tan 2a.tan a) = tan 2a + tan a⇒ tan 3a-tan 3a.tan 2a.tan a = tan 2a + tan a⇒ tan 3a- tan 2a - tan a = tan 3a.tan 2a.tan a", "name": "tan 3a = tan(2a+a)⇒ tan 3a(1-tan 2a.tan a) = tan 2a + tan a⇒ tan 3a-tan 3a.tan 2a.tan a = tan 2a + tan a⇒ tan 3a- tan 2a - tan a = tan 3a.tan 2a.tan a", "is_accepted": true } ]
add:xy2z2 + 3x2y2z–4x2yz2,-9x2y2z + 3xy2z2 + x2yz2
add:xy2z2 + 3x2y2z–4x2yz2,-9x2y2z + 3xy2z2 + x2yz2
[ { "text": "the addition is as follows:the result is as follows 4xy2z2-6x2y2z-3x2yz2", "name": "the addition is as follows:the result is as follows 4xy2z2-6x2y2z-3x2yz2", "is_accepted": true } ]
[ { "text": "Tanjant ve Cotanjant fonksiyonları arasnda Birim Çember'de benzerlik yapılarak bulunabilen Tanx.Cotx=1 bağıntısı vardır. Neden sordunki? x in tanımlı olmayan aralıkları için diyorsan..tan(x) fonksiyonu cos(x) fonksiyonunun sıfır oldugu yerlerde tanımsızdır...", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
haii...ingat ainul lagi tak.. ainul dh 11 bulan sekarang.. kejap je masa berlalu..
ainul mardhiah
[ { "text": "comelnya dia", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "comelnya dia", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
alhamdulillah.. harini ainul genap 3bulan..
[ { "text": "comelnyaa awak 😍", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "comelnyaa awak 😍", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
alhamdulillah.. harini ainul genap 3bulan..
[ { "text": "comil nye", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "cuteeeee", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "anak kita 3 bulan 5.7kg tak nampak gebu sebab panjang ikut tang papa nye 😂 dapat gomol pipi layut masa dia lahir je", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
P tile Avalon-ST for PCIe IP Core have both rx\_n\_in and rx\_p\_in . Before, the binding difference should be taught to have only one pin . Now I confuse how to binding it.  ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in0       ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in1       ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in2       ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in3       ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in4       ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in5       ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in6       ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in7       ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in8       ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in9       ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in10      ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in11      ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in12      ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in13      ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in14      ,input  wire          rx\_n\_in15      ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in0       ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in1       ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in2       ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in3       ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in4       ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in5       ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in6       ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in7       ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in8       ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in9       ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in10      ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in11      ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in12      ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in13      ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in14      ,input  wire          rx\_p\_in15      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out0      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out1      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out2      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out3      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out4      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out5      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out6      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out7      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out8      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out9      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out10      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out11      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out12      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out13      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out14      ,input  wire          tx\_n\_out15      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out0      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out1      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out2      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out3      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out4      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out5      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out6      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out7      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out8      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out9      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out10      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out11      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out12      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out13      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out14      ,input  wire          tx\_p\_out15     Thanks a lot !!
How to bind pins for P tile PCIe ------------------------------------
[ { "text": "\n\nHello Sir,\n\n \n\nThe serial output and serial input always some with differential pin. So, they should have \"P\" and \"N\" pins. For PCIe IP before P-tiles, the \"N\" pin is not generate at the PCIe IP top level. However, if you run full compilation. You can see fitter auto assign the \"N\" pin appended with (n) . You can find this info in the fitter report, under resource section, output/input pins. below is the screenshot for non-ptile PCIe fitter report.\n\n![pn.JPG](/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/6599iDE169E0569EA8D63/image-size/large?v=1.0&px=999 \"pn.JPG\")\n\nFor P-tile, the \"P\" and \"N\" pins is declare at the PCIe IP top level, what you need to do is pull both \"P\" and \"N\" signal to your design top level. And you only need to take care about the \"P\" pin location like what you did for non-Ptile PCIe, then quartus will auto fit the \"N\" pin for you.\n\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "\n\nThanks , thanks very much, I have figure it out. \n\nI was so stupid that I asked you this question, which brought you trouble.\n\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "\n\nNo problem 😄 Hope my answer here can help others user as well.\n\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
1と2と4の3つの数字を使って出来る4けたの数で1から始まるものは9通りだけですか? ==========================================
[ { "text": "1124\n1142\n1214\n1224\n1241\n1242\n1244\n1412\n1421\n1422\n1424\n1442\n12通りですね\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "9通りですね\n------\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
0618 4494 4415 codigo
envío regalos
[ { "text": "285027277788 agrega\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
0936 0409 7927
0936 0409 7927
[ { "text": "[ricardochiuyarimeza]( \n\n0047 6058 9990\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
soy de panama mi codigo es 7101 5279 1458
[ { "text": "7101 5279 1458\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
agreguen pls 5060 1641 2894
agreguen pls 5060 1641 2894
[ { "text": "[alexmiranda](\n\n\nagrega 5719 5576 2042\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
3634 5301 1230
[ { "text": "lista para nuevas sorpresas con todos los seguidores de pokemon\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
3527 4285 5238
incursiones remotas
[ { "text": "078266814604\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "6826 6185 4715 agreguen amiwitos\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
4706 7841 7442
código de amistad
[ { "text": "6826 6185 4715 agreguen amiwitos\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
8574 2384 4222 9489 9074 2800 8284 5926 7082 abran o manden regalo.
subamos amistad
[ { "text": "6422 2501 9465\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
9358 0022 2645
codigo de amistad mando regalos
[ { "text": "6998 7912 3894\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
8272 0340 8259
buscó a mesprit
[ { "text": "a cual puedes invitar tu?\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
Exercitiu =========
[ { "text": "\n36 = 36 · n2 | 36 (se imparte cu 36) ⇒  \n\n1 = n2 ⇒ n = √1\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
hallo wir sind ein eherpaar und wir suchen unterkunft in kloster für zwei nächte. und zwar von 12.9.-14.9.2020. ist das möglich und wie teuer ist es?
robert kérdezett a santuari de nostra senyora de la gràcia kapcsán
[ { "text": "hallo robert, der ersteller dieses eintrags arbeitet leider nicht mehr bei uns – und ich konnte bei einer recherche keine information finden, ob man in diesem kloster übernachten kann. ich würde dir empfehlen, einen lokalen tourismusverband zu kontaktieren (z. b. in llucmajor, das ist die dem kloster nächstgelegene größere stadt). die können euch sicher weiterhelfen und ggf. bei der suche nach einer alternative beraten. viele grüße, svenja", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
hallo wir sind ein eherpaar und wir suchen unterkunft in kloster für zwei nächte. und zwar von 12.9.-14.9.2020. ist das möglich und wie teuer ist es?
santuari de nostra senyora de la gràcia
[ { "text": "hallo robert, der ersteller dieses eintrags arbeitet leider nicht mehr bei uns – und ich konnte bei einer recherche keine information finden, ob man in diesem kloster übernachten kann. ich würde dir empfehlen, einen lokalen tourismusverband zu kontaktieren (z. b. in llucmajor, das ist die dem kloster nächstgelegene größere stadt). die können euch sicher weiterhelfen und ggf. bei der suche nach einer alternative beraten. viele grüße, svenja", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
hallo wir sind ein eherpaar und wir suchen unterkunft in kloster für zwei nächte. und zwar von 12.9.-14.9.2020. ist das möglich und wie teuer ist es?
pregunta de robert sobre santuari de nostra senyora de la gràcia
[ { "text": "hallo robert, der ersteller dieses eintrags arbeitet leider nicht mehr bei uns – und ich konnte bei einer recherche keine information finden, ob man in diesem kloster übernachten kann. ich würde dir empfehlen, einen lokalen tourismusverband zu kontaktieren (z. b. in llucmajor, das ist die dem kloster nächstgelegene größere stadt). die können euch sicher weiterhelfen und ggf. bei der suche nach einer alternative beraten. viele grüße, svenja", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
решить a) 77532: - 84 б) 257- - 3855 77532 - = 84 257 - - 3855 b) 54405 - 5405 5405 = 54405 r) [1: 57 - 603 57 - 603 д) 30875 = 2089 30875 - = 2089 e) 38736: - 72 38736 - - 72 ж) 14238: 21 362 - 20272 3) 30892- 14007 18143 + = 30928
решить a) 77532: ✔ - 84 б) 257- - 3855 77532 - = 84 257 - - 3855 b) 54405 - 5405 5405 = 54405 r) [1: 57 - 603 57 - 603
[ { "text": "56/8=7 ответ в 7 раз больше было прочитано потешек,чем сказок....", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
a) 77532: - 84 б) 257- - 3855 77532 - = 84 257 - - 3855 b) 54405 - 5405 5405 = 54405 r) [1: 57 - 603 57 - 603 д) 30875 = 2089 30875 - = 2089 e) 38736: - 72 38736 - - 72 ж) 14238: 21 362 - 20272 3) 30892- 14007 18143 + = 30928 ! ?
a) 77532: - ✔ 84 б) 257- - 3855 77532 - = 84 257 - - 3855 b) 54405 - 5405 5405 = 54405 r) [1: 57 - 603 57 - 603 д) 30875
[ { "text": "на 95%. если   437-100%                  ...", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
i see five wires coming from the xcam.  what pin number is the copper wire?   1.  white/orange (pin1). 2.  orange (pin 2). 3.  white/green (pin 3). 4.  green (pin 6). 5.  copper wire (pin ?)
re: camera pinout diagram
[ { "text": "a - w/g  g  w/o  blue  w/blue  o  w/b  b\nor\nb - w/o  o  w/g  blue  w/blue  g  w/b  b\n \ntry this out!\n \n ", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "the stranded copper is for grounding.  you will need to use a 'shielded' rj45 connector, if you want to make sure the camera is grounded and protected from any possible electrical surges. ", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
how to spell litx?
how to spell litx?
[ { "text": "correct spelling: litx", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
how to spell llivea correctly?
how to spell llivea correctly?
[ { "text": "love, live, life, olivea, leave.", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
<p>acabei de transferir minha instalação do joomla para o digitalocean e estou executando o nginx. o site parece estar funcionando bem, mas quando entro na parte do administrador e tento atualizar algo na configuração global, recebo o seguinte erro:</p><pre><code>2014/06/26 10:08:38 [error] 19654#0: *1035 fastcgi sent in stderr: "php message: php warning: file\_put\_contents(/usr/share/nginx/projects/hoopsforu/configuration.php): failed to open stream : permission denied in /usr/share/nginx/projects/hoopsforu/libraries/joomla/filesystem/file.php on line 426" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: hoopsf, request: "post /administrator/index.php?option=com\_config http/1.1", upstream: "fastcg i://", host: "", referrer: " .php?option=com\_config" 2014/06/26 10:08:38 [error] 19654#0: *1035 upstream sent invalid status "0 could not write to t he configuration file" while reading response header from upstream, client:, serve r:, request: "post /administrator/index.php?option=com\_config http/1.1", upstream : "fastcgi://", host: "", referrer: " tor/index.php?option=com\_config" </code></pre><p>é assim que minha configuração se parece:</p><pre><code>server { listen 80; server\_name; server\_name\_in\_redirect off; root /usr/share/nginx/projects/hoopsforu; index index.php index.html index.htm default.html default.htm; # support clean (aka search engine friendly) urls location / { try\_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args; } # deny running scripts inside writable directories location ~* /(images|cache|media|logs|tmp)/.*\.(php|pl|py|jsp|asp|sh|cgi)$ { return 403; error\_page 403 /403\_error.html; } location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi\_pass; fastcgi\_index index.php; include fastcgi\_params; fastcgi\_param script\_filename $document\_root$fastcgi\_script\_name; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi.conf; } # caching of files location ~* \.(ico|pdf|flv)$ { expires 1y; } location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|swf|xml|txt)$ { expires 14d; } } </code></pre>
nginx 502 no administrador
[ { "text": "<p>verifique se suas permissões estão definidas para 644 e 755 para arquivos e pastas, respectivamente. mais informações sobre permissões podem ser encontradas aqui: <a href=\"\"></a> </p><p>verifique também se o usuário ou grupo está definido como nginx, para que o nginx tenha permissão para gravar nesses arquivos/diretórios.</p>", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
I am interested in finding 3 by 3 Ramanujan-Hirschhorn matrices. By definition, a Ramanujan-Hirschhorn matrix is a 3 by 3 matrix which produces an infinite number of Fermat near misses. Ramanujan in his "lost notebook" makes the amazing claim that if the integers $a\_n, b\_n, c\_n$ are defined by: $$\sum\_{x\ge0}{a\_n x^n}=\frac{1 + 53x + 9x^2}{1 − 82x − 82x^2 + x^3}$$ $$\sum\_{x\ge0}{b\_n x^n}=\frac{2 - 26x - 12x^2}{1 − 82x − 82x^2 + x^3}$$ $$\sum\_{x\ge0}{c\_n x^n}=\frac{2 + 8x - 10x^2}{1 − 82x − 82x^2 + x^3}$$ then $a\_n^3 + b\_n^3 = c\_n^3 + (-1)^n$ Two proofs of this claim and a plausible explanation of how Ramanujan may have been led to it have been given by Michael Hirschhorn (1993 -94 ). Indeed, Hirschhorn showed that the sequences ${a\_n}$, ${b\_n}$ and ${c\_n}$ are given by $$ \begin{pmatrix} a\_n \\ b\_n \\ c\_n \\ \end{pmatrix}= {\begin{pmatrix} 63 & 104 & −68 \\ 64 & 104 & −67 \\ 80 & 131 & −85 \\ \end{pmatrix}}^n \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 2 \\ 2 \\ \end{pmatrix} $$ Notice that the matrix above is unimodular and it produces an infinite number of triples of Fermat near misses when multiplied on the right by the column vector (1 2 2 ). This is the only Ramanujan-Hirschhorn matrix that I know of. I want to find at least three other Ramanujan-Hirschhorn matrices and all of them must necessarily be unimodular matrices. Can anyone show me how can I derive or compute another Ramanujan-Hirschhorn matrix different from the one given above ? Does anyone know any other Ramanujan-Hirschhorn matrix ? Can anyone help me ?
[How can I compute a 3 by 3 unimodular matrix which produces an infinite number of Fermat near misses?](/questions/3437329/how-can-i-compute-a-3-by-3-unimodular-matrix-which-produces-an-infinite-number-o) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================
[ { "text": "\nI don't expect any more of them. Hirschorn relies on a specific identity involving binary quadratic forms. The coefficients are parametrized by quadruples of positive integers $(a,b,c,d)$ such that both\n$$ a^3 + b^3 + c^3 = d^3 \\; \\; \\; \\mbox{AND} \\; \\; \\; a+d = b+c $$\nI find just the one.\n\n\n\n```\n 6 a: 186 b: 236 c: 313 d: 369 a + d - (b+c) : 6 \n 6 a: 138 b: 145 c: 375 d: 388 a + d - (b+c) : 6 \n 6 a: 108 b: 142 c: 165 d: 205 a + d - (b+c) : 6 \n 4 a: 38 b: 43 c: 66 d: 75 a + d - (b+c) : 4 \n 4 a: 29 b: 34 c: 44 d: 53 a + d - (b+c) : 4 \n 4 a: 200 b: 239 c: 388 d: 431 a + d - (b+c) : 4 \n 2 a: 46 b: 47 c: 148 d: 151 a + d - (b+c) : 2 \n 2 a: 34 b: 39 c: 65 d: 72 a + d - (b+c) : 2 \n 2 a: 31 b: 33 c: 72 d: 76 a + d - (b+c) : 2 \n 2 a: 229 b: 270 c: 474 d: 517 a + d - (b+c) : 2 \n 2 a: 145 b: 179 c: 267 d: 303 a + d - (b+c) : 2 \n 0 a: 3 b: 4 c: 5 d: 6 a + d - (b+c) : 0 \n -2 a: 56 b: 61 c: 210 d: 213 a + d - (b+c) : -2 \n -2 a: 53 b: 58 c: 194 d: 197 a + d - (b+c) : -2 \n -2 a: 44 b: 51 c: 118 d: 123 a + d - (b+c) : -2 \n -2 a: 38 b: 48 c: 79 d: 87 a + d - (b+c) : -2 \n -2 a: 149 b: 166 c: 411 d: 426 a + d - (b+c) : -2 \n -2 a: 134 b: 151 c: 353 d: 368 a + d - (b+c) : -2 \n -2 a: 11 b: 15 c: 27 d: 29 a + d - (b+c) : -2 \n -2 a: 116 b: 121 c: 607 d: 610 a + d - (b+c) : -2 \n -4 a: 88 b: 95 c: 412 d: 415 a + d - (b+c) : -4 \n -4 a: 7 b: 14 c: 17 d: 20 a + d - (b+c) : -4 \n -4 a: 373 b: 552 c: 558 d: 733 a + d - (b+c) : -4 \n -4 a: 25 b: 31 c: 86 d: 88 a + d - (b+c) : -4 \n -4 a: 1 b: 6 c: 8 d: 9 a + d - (b+c) : -4 \n -4 a: 16 b: 23 c: 41 d: 44 a + d - (b+c) : -4 \n -4 a: 160 b: 191 c: 356 d: 383 a + d - (b+c) : -4 \n -6 a: 57 b: 68 c: 180 d: 185 a + d - (b+c) : -6 \n -6 a: 45 b: 69 c: 79 d: 97 a + d - (b+c) : -6 \n -6 a: 45 b: 53 c: 199 d: 201 a + d - (b+c) : -6 \n\n```\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
It appears a lot of people had this nightly build at some point, but I am unable to find the download anywhere, as it was nightly it seems undocumented. In need of the Vertex Alpha support they added to it, without updating to 2.8 just for this would be ideal.
[Where can I obtain Blender 2.79c](/questions/151099/where-can-i-obtain-blender-2-79c) ======================================================================================
[ { "text": "\nFrom Blender's web [page](\n\n\n\n> \n> Download latest builds from the 2.7 series\n> \n> \n> * Blender 2.79b is the last bugfix release in the 2.7 series.\n> * The [last Blender 2.79 nightly build]( includes additional bug fixes and new\n> features on top of 2.79b, which are part of 2.80 too.\n> \n> \n> \n\n\nSo, I suppose this is the last nightly build: <> \n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "\nThere have never been a release with that version.\n\n\nThis is a list with all the tags in git (git tag --list):\n\n\n\n```\n2.72b\nStudio_1.25\nStudio_1.26\nStudio_1.27\nStudio_1.28\nv2.25\nv2.26\nv2.27\nv2.28\nv2.28a\nv2.28c\nv2.30\nv2.31\nv2.31a\nv2.32\nv2.33\nv2.33a\nv2.34\nv2.35\nv2.35a\nv2.36\nv2.37\nv2.37a\nv2.40\nv2.41\nv2.42\nv2.42a\nv2.43\nv2.44\nv2.45\nv2.46\nv2.47\nv2.48\nv2.48a\nv2.49\nv2.49a\nv2.49b\nv2.50\nv2.51\nv2.52\nv2.53\nv2.54\nv2.55\nv2.56\nv2.56a\nv2.57\nv2.57a\nv2.57b\nv2.58\nv2.58a\nv2.59\nv2.60\nv2.60a\nv2.61\nv2.63\nv2.63a\nv2.64\nv2.64a\nv2.65\nv2.65a\nv2.66\nv2.66a\nv2.67\nv2.67a\nv2.67b\nv2.68\nv2.68a\nv2.69\nv2.70\nv2.70-rc\nv2.70-rc2\nv2.70a\nv2.71\nv2.71-rc1\nv2.71-rc2\nv2.72\nv2.72-rc1\nv2.72a\nv2.72b\nv2.73\nv2.73-rc1\nv2.73a\nv2.74\nv2.74-rc1\nv2.74-rc2\nv2.74-rc3\nv2.74-rc4\nv2.75\nv2.75-rc1\nv2.75-rc2\nv2.75a\nv2.76\nv2.76-rc1\nv2.76-rc2\nv2.76-rc3\nv2.76a\nv2.76b\nv2.77\nv2.77-rc1\nv2.77-rc2\nv2.77a\nv2.78\nv2.78-rc1\nv2.78-rc2\nv2.78a\nv2.78b\nv2.78c\nv2.79\nv2.79-rc1\nv2.79-rc2\nv2.79a\nv2.79b\nv2.80\nv2.80-rc1\nv2.80-rc2\nv2.80-rc3\n\n```\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
There is a application with a very slow query (listed below), and I have to optimize to run faster. The truth is that I don't know where to start. Any help? Thanks! ``` SELECT DISTINCT v.order_ANC, v.order_ANC2, f.codi_arxiu, f.nom_arxiu, f.codi_grup, f.codi_fons_refe, f.codi_fons, f.nom_fons, f.any_ini, f.any_fi, f.cronologia, SUM (num_uni_imatges) AS num_uni_imatges, SUM (unitats_text) AS unitats_text, SUM (unitats_notext) AS unitats_notext FROM ( SELECT f.codi_arxiu, f.nom_arxiu, f.codi_grup, f.codi_fons_refe, f.codi_fons, f.nom_fons, f.any_ini, f.any_fi, f.cronologia, SUM (CASE WHEN u.num_imatges > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS num_uni_imatges, COUNT (u.codi_unitat) AS unitats_text, 0 AS unitats_notext FROM ianc_fons f JOIN ianc_unicat u ON ( f.codi_arxiu = u.codi_arxiu AND f.codi_fons = u.codi_fons ) WHERE 1 = 1 AND u.anc_unicat_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT u.anc_unicat_id FROM ianc_unicat u WHERE 1 = 1 AND u.codi_arxiu = '1' AND u.codi_grup = 'ANC' AND u.codi_fons = 1) GROUP BY f.codi_arxiu, f.nom_arxiu, f.codi_grup, f.codi_fons_refe, f.codi_fons, f.nom_fons, f.any_ini, f.any_fi, f.cronologia UNION SELECT f.codi_arxiu, f.nom_arxiu, f.codi_grup, f.codi_fons_refe, f.codi_fons, f.nom_fons, f.any_ini, f.any_fi, f.cronologia, SUM (CASE WHEN u.num_imatges > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS num_uni_imatges, 0 AS unitats_text, COUNT (u.nt1_unitat) AS unitats_notext FROM ianc_fons f JOIN ianci_unicats u ON ( f.codi_arxiu = u.nt1_codi_arxiu AND f.codi_fons = u.nt1_codi_fons ) WHERE 1 = 1 AND u.nt1_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT u.nt1_id FROM ianci_unicats u WHERE 1 = 1 AND u.nt1_codi_arxiu = '1' AND u.codi_grup = 'ANC' AND u.nt1_codi_fons = 1) GROUP BY f.codi_arxiu, f.nom_arxiu, f.codi_grup, f.codi_fons_refe, f.codi_fons, f.nom_fons, f.any_ini, f.any_fi, f.cronologia ) AS f LEFT JOIN v_ianc_arxius_order v ON ( f.codi_arxiu=v.codi_arxiu ) GROUP BY v.order_ANC,v.order_ANC2,f.codi_arxiu, f.nom_arxiu, f.codi_grup, f.codi_fons_refe, f.codi_fons, f.nom_fons, f.any_ini, f.any_fi, f.cronologia ORDER BY v.order_ANC,v.order_ANC2,f.nom_arxiu, f.nom_fons ```
[Optimize slow SQL query](/questions/2843/optimize-slow-sql-query) ==================================================================
[ { "text": "\nI suspect one bottleneck is the grouping in the subqueries. For each row in the `ianc_fons` table the rows are being duplicated - one for each join the chile table `ianc_unicat`. And then they are being grouped again.\n\n\nI would try a different approach and move the summing into a joined subquery :\n\n\n\n```\nSELECT f.codi_arxiu,\n f.nom_arxiu,\n f.codi_grup,\n f.codi_fons_refe,\n f.codi_fons,\n f.nom_fons,\n f.any_ini,\n f.any_fi,\n f.cronologia,\n child.num_uni_imatges,\n child.unitats_text\n FROM ianc_fons f\n LEFT JOIN\n ( SELECT codi_arxiu, codi_fons,\n SUM (CASE WHEN u.num_imatges > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS num_uni_imatges,\n COUNT (u.codi_unitat) AS unitats_text\n FROM ianc_unicat u \n WHERE u.anc_unicat_id IN\n (SELECT u.anc_unicat_id\n FROM ianc_unicat u\n WHERE 1 = 1\n AND u.codi_arxiu = '1'\n AND u.codi_grup = 'ANC'\n AND u.codi_fons = 1)\n GROUP BY codi_arxiu, codi_fons\n ) AS child ON f.codi_arxiu = child.codi_arxiu AND f.codi_fons = child.codi_fons\n\n```\n\nNote I have removed the DISTINCT from the Select from `ianc_unicat`. As this is just used in the filtering, the DISTINCT is not necessary. Using DISTINCT is always an overhead as the query engine needs to sort the records and then compare them all one by one to remove duplicates. Avoid as much as possible.\n\n\nEach side of the `UNION` is selecting from the same table, and then summing different child records.\n\n\nAs the summing is now in a separate joined subquery, you can get rid of the union, and just join in the other table in a similar fashion. The Select will now need to sum up the totals from both joined subqueries.\n\n\n\n```\nSELECT f.codi_arxiu,\n f.nom_arxiu,\n f.codi_grup,\n f.codi_fons_refe,\n f.codi_fons,\n f.nom_fons,\n f.any_ini,\n f.any_fi,\n f.cronologia,\n COALESCE(child.num_uni_imatges, 0) + COALESCE(child2.num_uni_imatges, 0) AS num_uni_imatges,\n child.unitats_text,\n child2.unitats_notext\n\n```\n\nNote the use of COALESCE. As you are left joining these totals now, there is a chance that the values may be Null. Null is not the same as 0. Null + 4 would not equal 4, the result would be Null. So the COALESCE is necessary to make Null values 0.\n\n\nNow you no longer need the outer select as this was being used to just sum the rows within the union. You can get rid of this all together. The row joined in to the outer query can just be joined into our main query. We no longer the the extra grouping here either. This gives us a query similar to the following :\n\n\n\n```\nSELECT f.codi_arxiu,\n f.nom_arxiu,\n f.codi_grup,\n f.codi_fons_refe,\n f.codi_fons,\n f.nom_fons,\n f.any_ini,\n f.any_fi,\n f.cronologia,\n COALESCE(child.num_uni_imatges, 0) + COALESCE(child2.num_uni_imatges, 0) AS num_uni_imatges,\n child.unitats_text,\n child2.unitats_notext\n FROM ianc_fons f\n LEFT JOIN\n ( SELECT codi_arxiu, codi_fons,\n SUM (CASE WHEN u.num_imatges > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS num_uni_imatges,\n COUNT (u.codi_unitat) AS unitats_text\n FROM ianc_unicat u \n WHERE u.anc_unicat_id IN\n (SELECT u.anc_unicat_id\n FROM ianc_unicat u\n WHERE 1 = 1\n AND u.codi_arxiu = '1'\n AND u.codi_grup = 'ANC'\n AND u.codi_fons = 1)\n GROUP BY codi_arxiu, codi_fons\n ) AS child ON f.codi_arxiu = child.codi_arxiu AND f.codi_fons = child.codi_fons\n\n LEFT JOIN \n ( SELECT u.nt1_codi_arxiu, u.codi_fons,\n SUM (CASE WHEN u.num_imatges > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS num_uni_imatges,\n COUNT (u.nt1_unitat) AS unitats_notext\n FROM ianci_unicats u \n WHERE 1 = 1\n AND u.nt1_id IN\n (SELECT u.nt1_id\n FROM ianci_unicats u\n WHERE 1 = 1\n AND u.nt1_codi_arxiu = '1'\n AND u.codi_grup = 'ANC'\n AND u.nt1_codi_fons = 1)\n ) AS child2 ON f.codi_arxiu = child2.nt1_codi_arxiu AND f.codi_fons = child2.nt1_codi_fons\n\n LEFT JOIN v_ianc_arxius_order v ON ( f.codi_arxiu=v.codi_arxiu )\n ORDER BY v.order_ANC,v.order_ANC2,f.nom_arxiu, f.nom_fons\n\n```\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "\nOptimising an SQL statement generally involves two phases: Understanding how the DBMS has chosen to execute the query in terms of index lookup and join order (called the query plan), and figuring out a way to write a query that gets the same effect, but that the DBMS finds a better query plan for.\n\n\nForcing the DBMS to choose a better query plan can be as simple as forcing a different index choice (overriding an automatic but non-optimal choice of index), adding a missing index or overriding the optimiser's choice of table join ordering. Or you might find a completely different way of expressing the same logical query, for example by using a join rather than `WHERE column IN (SELECT ...)`. Overriding the optimiser usually requires special syntax that is specific to your SQL product (SQL Server, in this case) that should be explained in the manuals somewhere.\n\n\nIn your case, your first step should probably be to get a better insight into exactly why this query is slow. You can do this to a limited extent by removing some clauses from the query and seeing whether it gets immediately quicker; perhaps removing the `ORDER BY` clause or removing `JOIN` clauses.\n\n\nIf it's available, then a more powerful option is to use whatever analysis tools are provided with your DBMS, or available as third party tools. I don't know SQL server specifically, but I'm sure there's a tool that will show you the query plan for any given query, and ideally give some insight into why the optimiser chose that query plan over other possibilities.\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
I have non-stationary time series. It has evident trend in means and seasonality. These raw data are measured every second. On the plot of original series I see trend and seasonality about 80,81 (after each 80 second we can see new growth). It is possible that I will never obtain model with white noise? I have tried first difference and first seasonal difference on 80 and second seasonal difference with 81 pediod, and twice of 81. And stiil I have regular data in residuals! It is possible?? I have used R. I have tried different ways: step-by-step, ARIMA with different settings for differences, auto.arima. I do not know why I cannot receive white noise in the residuals. I look on ACF of residuals. Has the task got solution? Below I present my data. ``` 3785 4542 4542 4542 4542 4542 4542 4542 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 4731 5772 8043 8516 8516 8516 8516 8516 8516 8516 8516 8516 8516 8516 8516 8516 8516 8516 8705 8705 8705 8705 8705 8705 8705 8705 8705 8705 8800 8800 8800 8800 8800 8800 8800 8800 8800 8800 8800 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 8989 10314 12585 13058 13058 13058 13058 13058 13058 13058 13058 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 13247 14288 16843 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17032 17316 17316 17316 17316 17316 17316 17316 17316 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 17505 18073 21101 21290 21290 21290 21290 21290 21290 21290 21290 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21574 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 21763 25359 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25548 25832 25832 25832 25832 25832 25832 25832 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 26021 29333 30090 30090 30090 30090 30090 30090 30090 30090 30090 30090 30090 30090 30090 30090 30090 30090 30279 30279 30279 ```
[ARIMA with difficult seasonality in R](/questions/80710/arima-with-difficult-seasonality-in-r) ===============================================================================================
[ { "text": "\nI'm not sure if ARIMA would be able to decompose the data into interprettable/decomposed time series. \n\n\nI used [Proc UCM]( in SAS which is a state space model. Following is the code of a basic structural model. The data is decomposed into Trend (level+slope) + Seasonal and White noise (Irregular). There is not much white noise left after you model. I'm assuming this is what you were looking for. The model fits the data like a glove. If you have access to SAS, you can try running the following code, you can get the decomposed series.\n\n\nLevel + Slope+ Seasonal + Irregular (not Shown).\n\n\n![enter image description here](\n\n\n![Forecast Output which is comination of level+slope+season:](\n\n\n![enter image description here](\n\n\nYou could also try `STL decomposition` in R.\n\n\nods graphics on;\n proc ucm data = data;\n\n\n\n```\n id date interval = second; \n model value;\n irregular plot = smooth;\n level ;\n slope variance = 0 noest;\n season length = 80 ;\n dep lags = 2;\n forecast plot=(forecasts decomp) lead = 80 outfor=forecast; \n run ; \nods graphics off ;\n\n```\n\nHope this is helpful.\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
I have a question about the A440 standard (A = 440 Hz) - does it really affect every single modern soundtrack? How can I tell if an audio track has been made using the A440 Standard / 440Hz (as opposed to e.g. A = 432Hz)?
[How to tell if an audio track follows A440 standard?](/questions/44166/how-to-tell-if-an-audio-track-follows-a440-standard) ============================================================================================================================
[ { "text": "\nThere is no 100% certain way to determine which equal-tempered scale standard was used as tuning basis for a song. However the vast majority is A440. Many electronic instruments don't really give you any choice.\n\n\nHowever you ask how to determine it. You'll need to do a spectrum analysis and sum up the energy around the fundamental frequencies of the scales. The largest sum indicates that the given scale was used.\n\n\nBelow is a chart of frequencies in Hertz (Hz) for equal-tempered scale standards A432, A434, A436, A438, A440, A442, A444, A446:\n\n\n\n```\n┌───────────┬─────────┬─────────┬─────────┬─────────┬─────────┬─────────┬─────────┬─────────┐\n│ Note │ A432 │ A434 │ A436 │ A438 │ A440 │ A442 │ A444 │ A446 │\n├───────────┼─────────┼─────────┼─────────┼─────────┼─────────┼─────────┼─────────┼─────────┤\n│ C0 │ 16.05 │ 16.13 │ 16.20 │ 16.28 │ 16.35 │ 16.43 │ 16.50 │ 16.57 │\n│  C#0/Db0  │ 17.01 │ 17.09 │ 17.17 │ 17.25 │ 17.32 │ 17.40 │ 17.48 │ 17.56 │\n│ D0 │ 18.02 │ 18.10 │ 18.19 │ 18.27 │ 18.35 │ 18.44 │ 18.52 │ 18.60 │\n│  D#0/Eb0  │ 19.09 │ 19.18 │ 19.27 │ 19.36 │ 19.45 │ 19.53 │ 19.62 │ 19.71 │\n│ E0 │ 20.23 │ 20.32 │ 20.41 │ 20.51 │ 20.60 │ 20.70 │ 20.79 │ 20.88 │\n│ F0 │ 21.43 │ 21.53 │ 21.63 │ 21.73 │ 21.83 │ 21.93 │ 22.03 │ 22.12 │\n│  F#0/Gb0  │ 22.70 │ 22.81 │ 22.91 │ 23.02 │ 23.12 │ 23.23 │ 23.33 │ 23.44 │\n│ G0 │ 24.05 │ 24.17 │ 24.28 │ 24.39 │ 24.50 │ 24.61 │ 24.72 │ 24.83 │\n│  G#0/Ab0  │ 25.48 │ 25.60 │ 25.72 │ 25.84 │ 25.96 │ 26.07 │ 26.19 │ 26.31 │\n│ A0 │ 27.00 │ 27.12 │ 27.25 │ 27.38 │ 27.50 │ 27.62 │ 27.75 │ 27.88 │\n│  A#0/Bb0  │ 28.61 │ 28.74 │ 28.87 │ 29.00 │ 29.14 │ 29.27 │ 29.40 │ 29.53 │\n│ B0 │ 30.31 │ 30.45 │ 30.59 │ 30.73 │ 30.87 │ 31.01 │ 31.15 │ 31.29 │\n│ C1 │ 32.11 │ 32.26 │ 32.41 │ 32.55 │ 32.70 │ 32.85 │ 33.00 │ 33.15 │\n│  C#1/Db1  │ 34.02 │ 34.18 │ 34.33 │ 34.49 │ 34.65 │ 34.81 │ 34.96 │ 35.12 │\n│ D1 │ 36.04 │ 36.21 │ 36.37 │ 36.54 │ 36.71 │ 36.87 │ 37.04 │ 37.21 │\n│  D#1/Eb1  │ 38.18 │ 38.36 │ 38.54 │ 38.71 │ 38.89 │ 39.07 │ 39.24 │ 39.42 │\n│ E1 │ 40.45 │ 40.64 │ 40.83 │ 41.02 │ 41.20 │ 41.39 │ 41.58 │ 41.77 │\n│ F1 │ 42.86 │ 43.06 │ 43.26 │ 43.46 │ 43.65 │ 43.85 │ 44.05 │ 44.25 │\n│  F#1/Gb1  │ 45.41 │ 45.62 │ 45.83 │ 46.04 │ 46.25 │ 46.46 │ 46.67 │ 46.88 │\n│ G1 │ 48.11 │ 48.33 │ 48.55 │ 48.78 │ 49.00 │ 49.22 │ 49.44 │ 49.67 │\n│  G#1/Ab1  │ 50.97 │ 51.21 │ 51.44 │ 51.68 │ 51.91 │ 52.15 │ 52.39 │ 52.62 │\n│ A1 │ 54.00 │ 54.25 │ 54.50 │ 54.75 │ 55.00 │ 55.25 │ 55.50 │ 55.75 │\n│  A#1/Bb1  │ 57.21 │ 57.48 │ 57.74 │ 58.01 │ 58.27 │ 58.54 │ 58.80 │ 59.07 │\n│ B1 │ 60.61 │ 60.89 │ 61.17 │ 61.45 │ 61.74 │ 62.02 │ 62.30 │ 62.58 │\n│ C2 │ 64.22 │ 64.51 │ 64.81 │ 65.11 │ 65.41 │ 65.70 │ 66.00 │ 66.30 │\n│  C#2/Db2  │ 68.04 │ 68.35 │ 68.67 │ 68.98 │ 69.30 │ 69.61 │ 69.93 │ 70.24 │\n│ D2 │ 72.08 │ 72.42 │ 72.75 │ 73.08 │ 73.42 │ 73.75 │ 74.08 │ 74.42 │\n│  D#2/Eb2  │ 76.37 │ 76.72 │ 77.07 │ 77.43 │ 77.78 │ 78.14 │ 78.49 │ 78.84 │\n│ E2 │ 80.91 │ 81.28 │ 81.66 │ 82.03 │ 82.41 │ 82.78 │ 83.16 │ 83.53 │\n│ F2 │ 85.72 │ 86.12 │ 86.51 │ 86.91 │ 87.31 │ 87.70 │ 88.10 │ 88.50 │\n│  F#2/Gb2  │ 90.82 │ 91.24 │ 91.66 │ 92.08 │ 92.50 │ 92.92 │ 93.34 │ 93.76 │\n│ G2 │ 96.22 │ 96.66 │ 97.11 │ 97.55 │ 98.00 │ 98.44 │ 98.89 │ 99.34 │\n│  G#2/Ab2  │ 101.94 │ 102.41 │ 102.88 │ 103.35 │ 103.83 │ 104.30 │ 104.77 │ 105.24 │\n│ A2 │ 108.00 │ 108.50 │ 109.00 │ 109.50 │ 110.00 │ 110.50 │ 111.00 │ 111.50 │\n│  A#2/Bb2  │ 114.42 │ 114.95 │ 115.48 │ 116.01 │ 116.54 │ 117.07 │ 117.60 │ 118.13 │\n│ B2 │ 121.23 │ 121.79 │ 122.35 │ 122.91 │ 123.47 │ 124.03 │ 124.59 │ 125.15 │\n│ C3 │ 128.43 │ 129.03 │ 129.62 │ 130.22 │ 130.81 │ 131.41 │ 132.00 │ 132.60 │\n│  C#3/Db3  │ 136.07 │ 136.70 │ 137.33 │ 137.96 │ 138.59 │ 139.22 │ 139.85 │ 140.48 │\n│ D3 │ 144.16 │ 144.83 │ 145.50 │ 146.16 │ 146.83 │ 147.50 │ 148.17 │ 148.83 │\n│  D#3/Eb3  │ 152.74 │ 153.44 │ 154.15 │ 154.86 │ 155.56 │ 156.27 │ 156.98 │ 157.68 │\n│ E3 │ 161.82 │ 162.57 │ 163.32 │ 164.06 │ 164.81 │ 165.56 │ 166.31 │ 167.06 │\n│ F3 │ 171.44 │ 172.23 │ 173.03 │ 173.82 │ 174.61 │ 175.41 │ 176.20 │ 177.00 │\n│  F#3/Gb3  │ 181.63 │ 182.47 │ 183.32 │ 184.16 │ 185.00 │ 185.84 │ 186.68 │ 187.52 │\n│ G3 │ 192.43 │ 193.32 │ 194.22 │ 195.11 │ 196.00 │ 196.89 │ 197.78 │ 198.67 │\n│  G#3/Ab3  │ 203.88 │ 204.82 │ 205.76 │ 206.71 │ 207.65 │ 208.60 │ 209.54 │ 210.48 │\n│ A3 │ 216.00 │ 217.00 │ 218.00 │ 219.00 │ 220.00 │ 221.00 │ 222.00 │ 223.00 │\n│  A#3/Bb3  │ 228.84 │ 229.90 │ 230.96 │ 232.02 │ 233.08 │ 234.14 │ 235.20 │ 236.26 │\n│ B3 │ 242.45 │ 243.57 │ 244.70 │ 245.82 │ 246.94 │ 248.06 │ 249.19 │ 250.31 │\n│ C4 │ 256.87 │ 258.06 │ 259.25 │ 260.44 │ 261.63 │ 262.81 │ 264.00 │ 265.19 │\n│  C#4/Db4  │ 272.14 │ 273.40 │ 274.66 │ 275.92 │ 277.18 │ 278.44 │ 279.70 │ 280.96 │\n│ D4 │ 288.33 │ 289.66 │ 290.99 │ 292.33 │ 293.66 │ 295.00 │ 296.33 │ 297.67 │\n│  D#4/Eb4  │ 305.47 │ 306.88 │ 308.30 │ 309.71 │ 311.13 │ 312.54 │ 313.96 │ 315.37 │\n│ E4 │ 323.63 │ 325.13 │ 326.63 │ 328.13 │ 329.63 │ 331.13 │ 332.62 │ 334.12 │\n│ F4 │ 342.88 │ 344.47 │ 346.05 │ 347.64 │ 349.23 │ 350.82 │ 352.40 │ 353.99 │\n│  F#4/Gb4  │ 363.27 │ 364.95 │ 366.63 │ 368.31 │ 369.99 │ 371.68 │ 373.36 │ 375.04 │\n│ G4 │ 384.87 │ 386.65 │ 388.43 │ 390.21 │ 392.00 │ 393.78 │ 395.56 │ 397.34 │\n│  G#4/Ab4  │ 407.75 │ 409.64 │ 411.53 │ 413.42 │ 415.30 │ 417.19 │ 419.08 │ 420.97 │\n│ A4 │ 432.00 │ 434.00 │ 436.00 │ 438.00 │ 440.00 │ 442.00 │ 444.00 │ 446.00 │\n│  A#4/Bb4  │ 457.69 │ 459.81 │ 461.93 │ 464.04 │ 466.16 │ 468.28 │ 470.40 │ 472.52 │\n│ B4 │ 484.90 │ 487.15 │ 489.39 │ 491.64 │ 493.88 │ 496.13 │ 498.37 │ 500.62 │\n│ C5 │ 513.74 │ 516.12 │ 518.49 │ 520.87 │ 523.25 │ 525.63 │ 528.01 │ 530.39 │\n│  C#5/Db5  │ 544.29 │ 546.81 │ 549.33 │ 551.85 │ 554.37 │ 556.88 │ 559.40 │ 561.92 │\n│ D5 │ 576.65 │ 579.32 │ 581.99 │ 584.66 │ 587.33 │ 590.00 │ 592.67 │ 595.34 │\n│  D#5/Eb5  │ 610.94 │ 613.77 │ 616.60 │ 619.43 │ 622.25 │ 625.08 │ 627.91 │ 630.74 │\n│ E5 │ 647.27 │ 650.27 │ 653.26 │ 656.26 │ 659.25 │ 662.25 │ 665.25 │ 668.24 │\n│ F5 │ 685.76 │ 688.93 │ 692.11 │ 695.28 │ 698.46 │ 701.63 │ 704.81 │ 707.98 │\n│  F#5/Gb5  │ 726.53 │ 729.90 │ 733.26 │ 736.63 │ 739.99 │ 743.35 │ 746.72 │ 750.08 │\n│ G5 │ 769.74 │ 773.30 │ 776.86 │ 780.43 │ 783.99 │ 787.55 │ 791.12 │ 794.68 │\n│  G#5/Ab5  │ 815.51 │ 819.28 │ 823.06 │ 826.83 │ 830.61 │ 834.38 │ 838.16 │ 841.94 │\n│ A5 │ 864.00 │ 868.00 │ 872.00 │ 876.00 │ 880.00 │ 884.00 │ 888.00 │ 892.00 │\n│  A#5/Bb5  │ 915.38 │ 919.61 │ 923.85 │ 928.09 │ 932.33 │ 936.57 │ 940.80 │ 945.04 │\n│ B5 │ 969.81 │ 974.30 │ 978.79 │ 983.28 │ 987.77 │ 992.26 │ 996.75 │ 1001.24 │\n│ C6 │ 1027.47 │ 1032.23 │ 1036.99 │ 1041.74 │ 1046.50 │ 1051.26 │ 1056.02 │ 1060.77 │\n│  C#6/Db6  │ 1088.57 │ 1093.61 │ 1098.65 │ 1103.69 │ 1108.73 │ 1113.77 │ 1118.81 │ 1123.85 │\n│ D6 │ 1153.30 │ 1158.64 │ 1163.98 │ 1169.32 │ 1174.66 │ 1180.00 │ 1185.34 │ 1190.68 │\n│  D#6/Eb6  │ 1221.88 │ 1227.54 │ 1233.19 │ 1238.85 │ 1244.51 │ 1250.16 │ 1255.82 │ 1261.48 │\n│ E6 │ 1294.54 │ 1300.53 │ 1306.52 │ 1312.52 │ 1318.51 │ 1324.50 │ 1330.50 │ 1336.49 │\n│ F6 │ 1371.51 │ 1377.86 │ 1384.21 │ 1390.56 │ 1396.91 │ 1403.26 │ 1409.61 │ 1415.96 │\n│  F#6/Gb6  │ 1453.07 │ 1459.80 │ 1466.52 │ 1473.25 │ 1479.98 │ 1486.70 │ 1493.43 │ 1500.16 │\n│ G6 │ 1539.47 │ 1546.60 │ 1553.73 │ 1560.85 │ 1567.98 │ 1575.11 │ 1582.24 │ 1589.36 │\n│  G#6/Ab6  │ 1631.01 │ 1638.57 │ 1646.12 │ 1653.67 │ 1661.22 │ 1668.77 │ 1676.32 │ 1683.87 │\n│ A6 │ 1728.00 │ 1736.00 │ 1744.00 │ 1752.00 │ 1760.00 │ 1768.00 │ 1776.00 │ 1784.00 │\n│  A#6/Bb6  │ 1830.75 │ 1839.23 │ 1847.70 │ 1856.18 │ 1864.66 │ 1873.13 │ 1881.61 │ 1890.08 │\n│ B6 │ 1939.61 │ 1948.59 │ 1957.57 │ 1966.55 │ 1975.53 │ 1984.51 │ 1993.49 │ 2002.47 │\n│ C7 │ 2054.95 │ 2064.46 │ 2073.98 │ 2083.49 │ 2093.00 │ 2102.52 │ 2112.03 │ 2121.54 │\n│  C#7/Db7  │ 2177.14 │ 2187.22 │ 2197.30 │ 2207.38 │ 2217.46 │ 2227.54 │ 2237.62 │ 2247.70 │\n│ D7 │ 2306.60 │ 2317.28 │ 2327.96 │ 2338.64 │ 2349.32 │ 2360.00 │ 2370.67 │ 2381.35 │\n│  D#7/Eb7  │ 2443.76 │ 2455.07 │ 2466.39 │ 2477.70 │ 2489.02 │ 2500.33 │ 2511.64 │ 2522.96 │\n│ E7 │ 2589.07 │ 2601.06 │ 2613.05 │ 2625.03 │ 2637.02 │ 2649.01 │ 2660.99 │ 2672.98 │\n│ F7 │ 2743.03 │ 2755.73 │ 2768.43 │ 2781.13 │ 2793.83 │ 2806.52 │ 2819.22 │ 2831.92 │\n│  F#7/Gb7  │ 2906.14 │ 2919.59 │ 2933.05 │ 2946.50 │ 2959.96 │ 2973.41 │ 2986.86 │ 3000.32 │\n│ G7 │ 3078.95 │ 3093.20 │ 3107.45 │ 3121.71 │ 3135.96 │ 3150.22 │ 3164.47 │ 3178.73 │\n│  G#7/Ab7  │ 3262.03 │ 3277.13 │ 3292.23 │ 3307.34 │ 3322.44 │ 3337.54 │ 3352.64 │ 3367.74 │\n│ A7 │ 3456.00 │ 3472.00 │ 3488.00 │ 3504.00 │ 3520.00 │ 3536.00 │ 3552.00 │ 3568.00 │\n│  A#7/Bb7  │ 3661.50 │ 3678.46 │ 3695.41 │ 3712.36 │ 3729.31 │ 3746.26 │ 3763.21 │ 3780.16 │\n│ B7 │ 3879.23 │ 3897.19 │ 3915.15 │ 3933.11 │ 3951.07 │ 3969.03 │ 3986.99 │ 4004.95 │\n│ C8 │ 4109.90 │ 4128.93 │ 4147.95 │ 4166.98 │ 4186.01 │ 4205.03 │ 4224.06 │ 4243.09 │\n│  C#8/Db8  │ 4354.29 │ 4374.44 │ 4394.60 │ 4414.76 │ 4434.92 │ 4455.08 │ 4475.24 │ 4495.40 │\n│ D8 │ 4613.21 │ 4634.56 │ 4655.92 │ 4677.28 │ 4698.63 │ 4719.99 │ 4741.35 │ 4762.71 │\n│  D#8/Eb8  │ 4887.52 │ 4910.15 │ 4932.78 │ 4955.40 │ 4978.03 │ 5000.66 │ 5023.29 │ 5045.91 │\n│ E8 │ 5178.15 │ 5202.12 │ 5226.09 │ 5250.07 │ 5274.04 │ 5298.01 │ 5321.99 │ 5345.96 │\n│ F8 │ 5486.06 │ 5511.46 │ 5536.85 │ 5562.25 │ 5587.65 │ 5613.05 │ 5638.45 │ 5663.85 │\n│  F#8/Gb8  │ 5812.28 │ 5839.18 │ 5866.09 │ 5893.00 │ 5919.91 │ 5946.82 │ 5973.73 │ 6000.64 │\n│ G8 │ 6157.89 │ 6186.40 │ 6214.91 │ 6243.42 │ 6271.93 │ 6300.44 │ 6328.94 │ 6357.45 │\n│  G#8/Ab8  │ 6524.06 │ 6554.26 │ 6584.47 │ 6614.67 │ 6644.88 │ 6675.08 │ 6705.28 │ 6735.49 │\n│ A8 │ 6912.00 │ 6944.00 │ 6976.00 │ 7008.00 │ 7040.00 │ 7072.00 │ 7104.00 │ 7136.00 │\n│  A#8/Bb8  │ 7323.01 │ 7356.91 │ 7390.81 │ 7424.72 │ 7458.62 │ 7492.52 │ 7526.43 │ 7560.33 │\n│ B8 │ 7758.46 │ 7794.38 │ 7830.30 │ 7866.21 │ 7902.13 │ 7938.05 │ 7973.97 │ 8009.89 │\n└───────────┴─────────┴─────────┴─────────┴─────────┴─────────┴─────────┴─────────┴─────────┘\n\n```\n\nSource: <>\n\n\n(table above was made with excel and <>)\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
In the context of a microcontroller, I have much less memory and far less processing power. This means, I can only buffer a reasonable window of samples (e.g. 16 or 32), and may not be able to use more advanced curve-fitting options, such as [this one]( This plot shows the raw data along with filtered output. The filter in this trial is a leaky-integrator, with alpha = 8. ![enter image description here]( **How can I reliably detect that first peak (and trough) to enable the accumulation of the area shown?** A cleaner trial of raw data (sampled every 50ms): ``` 22279 22279 22267 22277 22277 22276 22279 22275 22276 22280 22279 22278 22277 22277 22280 22279 22280 22278 22279 22280 22274 22280 22274 22278 22275 22276 22277 22279 22276 22279 22280 22286 22278 22276 22280 22278 22284 22279 22280 22277 22279 22281 22274 22281 22274 22280 22283 22279 22277 22278 22282 22286 22276 22277 22276 22278 22277 22274 22281 22276 22279 22277 22277 22285 22273 22276 22281 22277 22285 22275 22283 22281 22281 22280 22275 22276 22272 22277 22284 22273 22280 22273 22278 22278 22274 22277 22272 22276 22282 22272 22273 22282 22280 22278 22280 22282 22283 22272 22273 22275 22281 22280 22278 22282 22282 22281 22278 22284 22280 22276 22280 22280 22280 22273 22274 22281 22279 22273 22280 22282 22279 22281 22282 22276 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[How to detect peaks in a microcontroller?](/questions/20105/how-to-detect-peaks-in-a-microcontroller) ======================================================================================================
[ { "text": "\nIt seems to me, more like a spike detection than a peak. For the simplest spike detector, just get the first difference of the input samples and test for a threshold. Use multiple samples and adjust your test to have some memory (as much as you can) so that noisy results be eliminated and you would get a more robust detection.\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
I know this question is already asked, here is a few links [How to count the node a user has created in a View?]( or [How can I count the number of nodes submitted by the current user?]( This is a very simple task but I am facing a problem. I'm trying to get the number of nodes of a certain content type created by a user. This is the configuration of the view: 1. setting **Author uid** as contextual filter 2. setting the content type in filter criteria and selecting Node ID as field 3. setting aggregation to `yes` and set the `nid` to use the `Count Distinct` aggregation 4. Setting the `Pager` to *Display all items* If I don't use the aggregation this is the result: 2158 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2141 2140 2139 2138 2137 2136 2127 2126 2125 2124 2123 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2122 But if I use it, the result is : ``` 8 15 14 ``` which 8+15+14 = 37 and number of the nodes is also `37` but I wonder why it displays the 37 this way?
[Problem with getting number of nodes created by a user in a View](/questions/180476/problem-with-getting-number-of-nodes-created-by-a-user-in-a-view) ======================================================================================================================================================
[ { "text": "\nYou should make sure that you have no sort criteria set in your view that splits your aggregation. \n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
We had left the TV on after the news finished and on came the [Monopoly Millionaire's Club]( I had no knowledge of its existence and watched some out of curiosity. The particular game in question was [No Vacancy]( The gameplay is fairly straightforward: 1. The player has a hotel with 21 rooms divided evenly among 3 floors so that each floor has 7 rooms. 2. Each turn, 5 cars appear in front of the hotel. Each car holds between 1 and 5 people, inclusive. (It is not specified whether or not each number is represented or if every car is assigned randomly and independently of each other.) (The cars are refreshed every turn so the cars you didn't pick disappear and new ones come in. I.E., the cars you've already picked have no bearing on what cars you can pick next.) 3. The player picks one of the cars and is then told how many people are in the car. 4. The player must give each person in the car a room in the hotel and they must all be on the same floor. 5. Filling rooms on the first floor yields \$1,000 each, the second yields \$2,000 each, and the third yields \$3,000 each. (Yes, these are very expensive rooms.) 6. Once every floor has at least 3 people, the player can quit after any turn and take what money is earned thus far. 7. If ever the player is unable to place everyone from the car on the same floor, the game ends and the player receives nothing. 8. If every room is filled, the player receives \$100,000. --- Now, given that the entire game is electronic, it would be easy for the house to force every player to lose by simply spamming every vehicle as having 5 passengers. Let us presume, though, that the producers are *not* out to steal hope from their contestants. Even with that, though, it struck me as being much more about chance than strategy despite all the dramatic music and lighting - combined with the dramatic host - indicating that strategy was key. **If you play perfectly, how much can you expect to win on average?** **Does it matter if each car is random vs. all five cars holding every number from 1 to 5?**
[Monopoly Game Show: Is there a winning strategy?](/questions/19848/monopoly-game-show-is-there-a-winning-strategy) ===================================================================================================================
[ { "text": "\nIf passenger counts from 1 to 5 are equally distributed, it's possible to compute for each of the 343 (7x7x7) possible population distributions the expected value if one stands pat and if one takes another car (the stand-pat case is easy; for the take-another car case, figure out for each passenger count 1-5 which of the three possible resulting distributions would be the best, and then take the average of the best values from those five passenger counts).\n\n\nIf I figured the math right, that would yield an expected value of $37,480 starting with all rooms empty (all expected values rounded to the nearest dollar). In this table, the two numbers in the row heading show the number of occupied rooms on the first two floors; the column headings give the number of occupied rooms on the third floor. The cells marked with \"**\" indicate the expected value from betting; those without asterisks indicate the expected value from standing pat (when it's higher than that from betting). Cells marked with dashes indicate combinations that won't arise when using an optimal strategy. Looking at the table, there's no apparent pattern for what moves are optimal. For example, if the first car has 1, 2, 3, or 5 people in it, they should be placed on the top floor, but if it has exactly four they should go on the second floor--a result that's far from intuitively obvious. I'm not sure how well a naïve strategy would do, but the optimal strategy yields a result which is better than 37% of the maximum value. I'm not sure how the expected value using optimal strategy compares with what the expected value would be if the player knew car capacities in advance.\n\n\n\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7\n0 0: 37480** 38370** 40128** 38014** ----- 35153** 36910** 39856** \n0 1: ----- ----- ----- 38543** ----- ----- 36843** 40564** \n0 2: ----- 39658** 40945** 40433** ----- 38576** 39321** 43320** \n0 3: ----- 38259** 40520** ----- ----- 34348** 36099** 39678** \n0 4: 35734** 36893** 39069** ----- ----- 32844** 34855** 38105** \n0 5: ----- ----- ----- 34327** ----- 31807** 34418** 37614** \n0 6: ----- 36154** 39222** 35625** ----- 33700** 35582** 39238** \n0 7: 38728** 39545** 42685** 38769** ----- 36262** 38478** 43832** \n\n1 0: ----- ----- 40179** ----- ----- ----- ----- 40404** \n1 1: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- \n1 2: ----- ----- 40505** 39800** ----- 37976** 38689** 42889** \n1 3: ----- ----- 39924** ----- ----- ----- ----- 39471** \n1 4: ----- ----- 39046** ----- ----- ----- ----- 38454** \n1 5: ----- ----- 38343** ----- ----- ----- ----- 38478** \n1 6: ----- ----- 38536** ----- ----- ----- ----- 38672** \n1 7: ----- ----- 42182** 38489** ----- 37006** 37872** 43360** \n\n2 0: ----- ----- 41017** ----- ----- ----- ----- 42729** \n2 1: ----- ----- 40641** 39251** ----- 37331** 38047** 42392** \n2 2: ----- ----- 40701** 40957** 39599** 38785** 39182** 44212** \n2 3: ----- 38977** 41090** ----- ----- ----- 37759** 43846** \n2 4: ----- 38152** 39922** ----- ----- 35321** 36694** 41238** \n2 5: ----- 37217** 39100** ----- 34769** 34150** 36718** 41032** \n2 6: ----- 37473** 39086** 37529** 35808** 36006** 36672** 41360** \n2 7: ----- 41348** 43493** 43008** 40006** 39672** 40560** 52800** \n\n3 0: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- \n3 1: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 35248** 39349** \n3 2: ----- 38790** 40514** ----- 37569** 37630** 38216** 43817** \n3 3: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- \n3 4: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- \n3 5: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 28000 31000 34000 \n3 6: ----- 34320** 37923** ----- ----- 30000 33000 36000 \n3 7: ----- 38059** 42956** ----- 29200** 32000 35000 44000** \n\n4 0: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- \n4 1: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 34775** 38521** \n4 2: ----- ----- 39668** ----- ----- 36349** 37411** 41848** \n4 3: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- \n4 4: 31137** 32718** 35585** ----- 24000 27000 30000 33000 \n4 5: ----- ----- 36784** ----- ----- 29000 32000 35000 \n4 6: ----- 33851** 37180** ----- ----- 31000 34000 37000 \n4 7: 36379** 37156** 40963** ----- 30000 33000 36000 39000 \n\n5 0: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- \n5 1: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 34539** 38168** \n5 2: ----- 37244** 38753** ----- 35150** 34852** 37056** 41206** \n5 3: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 26000 29000 32000 \n5 4: ----- ----- 36136** ----- ----- 28000 31000 34000 \n5 5: ----- ----- 35172** 25210** ----- 30000 33000 36000 \n5 6: ----- 33468** 36723** 27008** 29000 32000 35000 38000 \n5 7: ----- 36523** 40136** 30040** 31000 34000 37000 40000 \n\n6 0: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- \n6 1: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 33825** 37126** \n6 2: ----- ----- 38227** ----- 35558** 35632** 36134** 40672** \n6 3: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 30000 33000 \n6 4: ----- ----- 36213** ----- ----- 29000 32000 35000 \n6 5: ----- ----- 36011** ----- 28000 31000 34000 37000 \n6 6: ----- 32459** 35456** 27840** 30000 33000 36000 39000 \n6 7: ----- 35336** 39280** 31200** 32000 35000 38000 41000 \n\n7 0: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 41958** \n7 1: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 35526** 41632** \n7 2: ----- 40407** 42104** 41980** 38984** 38486** 39072** 51360** \n7 3: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 31000 42800** \n7 4: ----- ----- 39331** ----- ----- 30000 33000 36000 \n7 5: ----- ----- 38776** ----- 29000 32000 35000 38000 \n7 6: ----- 34616** 38480** 30600** 31000 34000 37000 40000 \n7 7: 40776** 40480** 50400** 42000** 35000** 36000 39000 100000 \n\n```\n\nIncidentally, although the game would allow a contestant to stop with only three occupants on each floor, the only situation where a contestant who is playing optimally would be in any \"danger\" without at least four occupants on every floor would have five occupants on each of two floors, and three on the other. A player who is using optimal strategy may have such a situation arise with the three occupants on any floor. If the three occupants are on one of the lower floors, the player should stand pat with an expected value of \\$26,000 or \\$28,000. If the three occupants are on the top floor, standing pat would have an expected value of \\$24,000 but continuing on would--despite the risk--have an expected value of \\$25,210.\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "\nIf the number of people in a car you pick is evenly distributed between 1 and 5, on average a car will have 3 people, or that any two cars on average will have 6 people. \n\n\nSo, most of the time, you'll have 6 people on each floor, for $36,000 total. \n\n\nFor a strategy, I would fill floors from the top, until there are 3 or fewer rooms left (average car). Then I would move to the next floor unless there is a gap above it that it perfectly fits. Fill until 3 or fewer rooms. At that point, if you can get the top to 1 or 0, do that. Otherwise, go to the bottom row. \n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "\nIt struck me that it's always possible to guarantee a nonzero amount of money won - follow the strategy that if any floor has two or fewer occupants, pick a car and give rooms to the people in that car. Stand pat as soon as all floors have at least three occupants.\n\n\nThis works because any floor with at most two people always has at least five vacancies, and so can always accommodate another carful of people.\n\n\nThis may not be an optimal expected value, but it does give at least $18,000 in the worst case, which is quite a lot of money.\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
Find all integral solutions of $x^2+1= y^2+z^2$. Actually I have to find all integral solution of $a(a+1)=b(b+1)+c(c+1)$. I reduced this in the above form I.e., $ (2a+1)^2+1= (2b+1)^2+(2c+1)^2$ .
[Solution of Diophantine equation](/questions/1842447/solution-of-diophantine-equation) =======================================================================================
[ { "text": "\nThe case where $z^2-x^2=1-y^2=0$ is self-evident.We have $z=\\pm x$ and $y=\\pm 1$\n\n\nNow consider the case where $(1-y^2)(z^2-x^2)\\neq 0$\n$$z^2-x^2=1-y^2$$\n$$(z+x)(z-x)=(1+y)(1-y)$$\n$$\\dfrac{z+x}{1+y}=\\dfrac{1-y}{z-x}\n=\\dfrac{p}{q}$$ with $pq\\neq 0$ and $\\gcd(p,q)=1$.\n\n\nIt follows:\n$$z+x=\\dfrac{p}{q}(1+y)$$\n$$z-x=\\dfrac{q}{p}{(1-y)}$$\n\n\nHence, in order to find all the integral solutions, the following restrictions must apply \n$$1-y\\equiv 0\\pmod p$$\n$$1+y\\equiv 0\\pmod q$$ \n\n\nIn other words,by alternatively subtracting 1 from 2/ adding 1 and 2 $$qs-pr=2y$$\n$$qs+pr=2$$ where $r,s$ are 2 coprime integers.\nSince\n$$z+x=ps$$\n$$z-x=qr$$\n\n\nwe have:\n$$z=\\dfrac{1}{2}(ps+qr)$$ $$x=\\dfrac{1}{2}(ps-qr)$$ $$y=\\dfrac{1}{2}(qs-pr)$$where $pr,qs$ have the same parity and $qs+pr=2$.\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "\nThere is a parametrization, most of the restrictions are to cut down on repetition. I found this by working with an answer by Ted Shifrin, [Rulings of One Sheet Hyperboloid](\n\n\nTake integers $a,b,c,d.$ Allow $b \\geq 0,$ then $a,c,d >0.$\n\n\nMain restriction:\n$$ a d - b c = 1. $$\nSecondary:\n$$ a c > b d. $$\nDefine\n$$ x = a d + b c, $$\n$$ y = a c - b d, $$\n$$ z = a c + b d.$$\nTo reduce repetition, when $y$ is odd, demand $x \\leq y.$ Notice that $X$ is always odd because $ad+bc \\equiv ad-bc \\pmod 2.$\n\n\nThis is lightning fast.\n\n\n\n```\n1 x: 1 y: 1 z: 1 a: 1 b: 0 c: 1 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 2 = 2\n2 x: 1 y: 2 z: 2 a: 1 b: 0 c: 2 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 5 = 5\n3 x: 1 y: 3 z: 3 a: 1 b: 0 c: 3 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 10 = 2 5\n4 x: 1 y: 4 z: 4 a: 1 b: 0 c: 4 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 17 = 17\n5 x: 1 y: 5 z: 5 a: 1 b: 0 c: 5 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 26 = 2 13\n6 x: 1 y: 6 z: 6 a: 1 b: 0 c: 6 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 37 = 37\n7 x: 1 y: 7 z: 7 a: 1 b: 0 c: 7 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 50 = 2 5^2\n7 x: 5 y: 5 z: 7 a: 3 b: 1 c: 2 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 50 = 2 5^2\n8 x: 1 y: 8 z: 8 a: 1 b: 0 c: 8 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 65 = 5 13\n8 x: 7 y: 4 z: 8 a: 2 b: 1 c: 3 d: 2 1 + z^2 : 65 = 5 13\n9 x: 1 y: 9 z: 9 a: 1 b: 0 c: 9 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 82 = 2 41\n10 x: 1 y: 10 z: 10 a: 1 b: 0 c: 10 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 101 = 101\n11 x: 1 y: 11 z: 11 a: 1 b: 0 c: 11 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 122 = 2 61\n12 x: 1 y: 12 z: 12 a: 1 b: 0 c: 12 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 145 = 5 29\n12 x: 9 y: 8 z: 12 a: 5 b: 2 c: 2 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 145 = 5 29\n13 x: 1 y: 13 z: 13 a: 1 b: 0 c: 13 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 170 = 2 5 17\n13 x: 7 y: 11 z: 13 a: 4 b: 1 c: 3 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 170 = 2 5 17\n14 x: 1 y: 14 z: 14 a: 1 b: 0 c: 14 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 197 = 197\n15 x: 1 y: 15 z: 15 a: 1 b: 0 c: 15 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 226 = 2 113\n16 x: 1 y: 16 z: 16 a: 1 b: 0 c: 16 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 257 = 257\n17 x: 11 y: 13 z: 17 a: 3 b: 1 c: 5 d: 2 1 + z^2 : 290 = 2 5 29\n17 x: 1 y: 17 z: 17 a: 1 b: 0 c: 17 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 290 = 2 5 29\n18 x: 15 y: 10 z: 18 a: 2 b: 1 c: 7 d: 4 1 + z^2 : 325 = 5^2 13\n18 x: 17 y: 6 z: 18 a: 3 b: 2 c: 4 d: 3 1 + z^2 : 325 = 5^2 13\n18 x: 1 y: 18 z: 18 a: 1 b: 0 c: 18 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 325 = 5^2 13\n19 x: 1 y: 19 z: 19 a: 1 b: 0 c: 19 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 362 = 2 181\n20 x: 1 y: 20 z: 20 a: 1 b: 0 c: 20 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 401 = 401\n21 x: 1 y: 21 z: 21 a: 1 b: 0 c: 21 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 442 = 2 13 17\n21 x: 9 y: 19 z: 21 a: 5 b: 1 c: 4 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 442 = 2 13 17\n22 x: 17 y: 14 z: 22 a: 9 b: 4 c: 2 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 485 = 5 97\n22 x: 1 y: 22 z: 22 a: 1 b: 0 c: 22 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 485 = 5 97\n23 x: 13 y: 19 z: 23 a: 7 b: 2 c: 3 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 530 = 2 5 53\n23 x: 1 y: 23 z: 23 a: 1 b: 0 c: 23 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 530 = 2 5 53\n24 x: 1 y: 24 z: 24 a: 1 b: 0 c: 24 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 577 = 577\n25 x: 1 y: 25 z: 25 a: 1 b: 0 c: 25 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 626 = 2 313\n26 x: 1 y: 26 z: 26 a: 1 b: 0 c: 26 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 677 = 677\n27 x: 17 y: 21 z: 27 a: 3 b: 1 c: 8 d: 3 1 + z^2 : 730 = 2 5 73\n27 x: 1 y: 27 z: 27 a: 1 b: 0 c: 27 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 730 = 2 5 73\n28 x: 1 y: 28 z: 28 a: 1 b: 0 c: 28 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 785 = 5 157\n28 x: 23 y: 16 z: 28 a: 2 b: 1 c: 11 d: 6 1 + z^2 : 785 = 5 157\n29 x: 1 y: 29 z: 29 a: 1 b: 0 c: 29 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 842 = 2 421\n30 x: 15 y: 26 z: 30 a: 4 b: 1 c: 7 d: 2 1 + z^2 : 901 = 17 53\n30 x: 1 y: 30 z: 30 a: 1 b: 0 c: 30 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 901 = 17 53\n31 x: 11 y: 29 z: 31 a: 6 b: 1 c: 5 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 962 = 2 13 37\n31 x: 1 y: 31 z: 31 a: 1 b: 0 c: 31 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 962 = 2 13 37\n32 x: 1 y: 32 z: 32 a: 1 b: 0 c: 32 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1025 = 5^2 41\n32 x: 25 y: 20 z: 32 a: 13 b: 6 c: 2 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1025 = 5^2 41\n32 x: 31 y: 8 z: 32 a: 4 b: 3 c: 5 d: 4 1 + z^2 : 1025 = 5^2 41\n33 x: 19 y: 27 z: 33 a: 10 b: 3 c: 3 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1090 = 2 5 109\n33 x: 1 y: 33 z: 33 a: 1 b: 0 c: 33 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1090 = 2 5 109\n34 x: 1 y: 34 z: 34 a: 1 b: 0 c: 34 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1157 = 13 89\n34 x: 31 y: 14 z: 34 a: 8 b: 5 c: 3 d: 2 1 + z^2 : 1157 = 13 89\n35 x: 1 y: 35 z: 35 a: 1 b: 0 c: 35 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1226 = 2 613\n36 x: 1 y: 36 z: 36 a: 1 b: 0 c: 36 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1297 = 1297\n37 x: 1 y: 37 z: 37 a: 1 b: 0 c: 37 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1370 = 2 5 137\n37 x: 23 y: 29 z: 37 a: 3 b: 1 c: 11 d: 4 1 + z^2 : 1370 = 2 5 137\n38 x: 17 y: 34 z: 38 a: 9 b: 2 c: 4 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1445 = 5 17^2\n38 x: 1 y: 38 z: 38 a: 1 b: 0 c: 38 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1445 = 5 17^2\n38 x: 31 y: 22 z: 38 a: 2 b: 1 c: 15 d: 8 1 + z^2 : 1445 = 5 17^2\n39 x: 1 y: 39 z: 39 a: 1 b: 0 c: 39 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1522 = 2 761\n40 x: 1 y: 40 z: 40 a: 1 b: 0 c: 40 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1601 = 1601\n41 x: 1 y: 41 z: 41 a: 1 b: 0 c: 41 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1682 = 2 29^2\n41 x: 29 y: 29 z: 41 a: 5 b: 2 c: 7 d: 3 1 + z^2 : 1682 = 2 29^2\n42 x: 1 y: 42 z: 42 a: 1 b: 0 c: 42 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1765 = 5 353\n42 x: 33 y: 26 z: 42 a: 17 b: 8 c: 2 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1765 = 5 353\n43 x: 13 y: 41 z: 43 a: 7 b: 1 c: 6 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1850 = 2 5^2 37\n43 x: 1 y: 43 z: 43 a: 1 b: 0 c: 43 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1850 = 2 5^2 37\n43 x: 25 y: 35 z: 43 a: 13 b: 4 c: 3 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1850 = 2 5^2 37\n44 x: 1 y: 44 z: 44 a: 1 b: 0 c: 44 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 1937 = 13 149\n44 x: 41 y: 16 z: 44 a: 3 b: 2 c: 10 d: 7 1 + z^2 : 1937 = 13 149\n45 x: 1 y: 45 z: 45 a: 1 b: 0 c: 45 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 2026 = 2 1013\n46 x: 1 y: 46 z: 46 a: 1 b: 0 c: 46 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 2117 = 29 73\n46 x: 31 y: 34 z: 46 a: 8 b: 3 c: 5 d: 2 1 + z^2 : 2117 = 29 73\n47 x: 19 y: 43 z: 47 a: 5 b: 1 c: 9 d: 2 1 + z^2 : 2210 = 2 5 13 17\n47 x: 1 y: 47 z: 47 a: 1 b: 0 c: 47 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 2210 = 2 5 13 17\n47 x: 23 y: 41 z: 47 a: 4 b: 1 c: 11 d: 3 1 + z^2 : 2210 = 2 5 13 17\n47 x: 29 y: 37 z: 47 a: 3 b: 1 c: 14 d: 5 1 + z^2 : 2210 = 2 5 13 17\n48 x: 1 y: 48 z: 48 a: 1 b: 0 c: 48 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 2305 = 5 461\n48 x: 39 y: 28 z: 48 a: 2 b: 1 c: 19 d: 10 1 + z^2 : 2305 = 5 461\n49 x: 1 y: 49 z: 49 a: 1 b: 0 c: 49 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 2402 = 2 1201\n50 x: 1 y: 50 z: 50 a: 1 b: 0 c: 50 d: 1 1 + z^2 : 2501 = 41 61\n50 x: 49 y: 10 z: 50 a: 5 b: 4 c: 6 d: 5 1 + z^2 : 2501 = 41 61\n\n```\n\nIt is also easy enough to find all rational solutions by stereographic projection around a given rational solution.\n\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
clue òlohengrinó heroine
òlohengrinó heroine
[ { "text": "elsa", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
handling shift del in c#
handling shift del in c#
[ { "text": "handling shift del in c#", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
[ { "text": "tooltips", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
Is this a vented cap?
[ { "text": "Which model and year of automobile are you talking about. Would love to help you but I do not know your situation. I would recommend you call a dealer parts dept and make sure of your requirements. Different cap requirements for fuel injected and carburetor cars.", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
[ { "text": "cube what is in the numerator get 27 a^3 and now you can divide this by denominator....should get -3a as an answer.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
[ { "text": "hey there!", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
how do you spell anya?
how do you spell anya?
[ { "text": "correct spelling for the english word \"anya\" is [ˈɛnɪə], [ˈɛnɪə], [ˈɛ\\_n\\_ɪ\\_\\_ə]] (ipa phonetic alphabet)", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
hola bona tarda, soc la montse i em faria gracia aquesta activitat per una festa d'aniversari. serien nens i nenes de entre 16 i 21 anys. podrieu informar-me si es possible un grup gran o potser es tindrien que partir. teniu preus mes reduits per grup? i per ultim l'activitat es a vilafranca? gracies.
can bruna: preguntas y respuestas
[ { "text": "hola montse.\nesta dissenyat pwr a grups de 5. podrien entrar fins a 6 tot i que no es recomenable. la activitat dura 60 minuts.", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "hola, em sembla que fan un màxim de grup de fins a 6 persones tot i que ja diuen que 5 persones es el numero ideal.això es degut a les limitacions d'espai de les diverses estances de l'activitat ja que més gent es farien nosa.\nel descompte per grup ho hauries de demanar al room directament.\ni l'activitat és a vilafranca mateix.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
algun català sap si i a un llibre (en catala, es clar) k parli de les fades? tipus de fades i tot aixo
catalans, ajuda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
[ { "text": "he sentit parlar del llibre de les fades.\r\n\r\net passo el link on el pots comprar, si t'el compres ja m'explicaràs que tal. sort maca!!!!\r\n\r\n,978-84-342-2910-5.htm", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "lo puedes comprar en una librería de fantasia aa y si te molesta que hable en castellano te jodes.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": " sabía que el latino era una lengua!!\r\n\r\nno et puc ajudar!!! però crec que si busquessis a google ho trobaries\r\n\r\ntraducción (para quien no quiera entenderlo): no te puedo ayudar!!! pero creo que si buscases en google lo encontrarias", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "no se te ha ocurrido pensar que es una falta de respeto hablar en catalan aqui...cuando los demas hablamos castellano o latino???", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
which one would you visit?
paris, barcelona, london, athens or rome?
[ { "text": "paris and barcelona", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "barcelona", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "barcelona", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "barcelona", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "barcelona", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "barcelona", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "barcelona", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "london", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "athens, then barcelona", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "london", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
hiroshima  e nagasaki mali necessari ?
hiroshima  e nagasaki mali necessari ?
[ { "text": "duro ammetterlo ma, da un punto di vista strategico, assolutamente necessario. la strategia e le regole d' ingaggio però, non vanno mai d' accordo con l' etica, l' umanità e quant' altro", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "il bombardamento di hiroshima e nagasaki con testate nucleari fu un crimine di guerra e contro l'umanità, non giustificato dalle esigenze belliche. i giapponesi avevano dimostrato di combattere con un fanatismo fuori del comune, ma i militari intendevano protrarre il conflitto al solo scopo di ottenere una pace con gli stati uniti, all'unica condizione del mantenimento sul trono della dinastia imperiale. gli stati uniti lo sapevano benissimo, ma erano prigionieri della loro stessa politica della \"resa incondizionata\", e avevano chiesto aiuto all'unione sovietica di stalin per sopraffare la tenace resistenza nemica. stalin si disse d'accordo e, come concordato, dichiarò guerra al giappone l'8 agosto 1945 (tre mesi dopo la resa della germania nazista): l'armata rossa invase la manciuria, la corea, la parte meridionale dell'isola di sachalin e le isole curili. siccome gli stati uniti, dopo la capitolazione del terzo reich, si erano dotati delle bombe atomiche, non avevano più bisogno dello scomodo alleato sovietico per piegare il giappone, e anzi volevano evitare un'occupazione comunista di hokkaido e dell'arcipelago nipponico. i giapponesi, dal canto loro, non erano in grado di sopportare una guerra su due fronti: ben sapendo che, se i sovietici avessero occupato tokyo, non avrebbero mai tollerato una monarchia e avrebbero instaurato un regime socialista, si affrettarono a stipulare la pace con gli stati uniti d'america.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
¿feliç any nou 2019?
¿feliç any nou 2019?
[ { "text": "hola :\n\ndesde la comarca del maresme feliç 2019.", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
woeiii.....      ?
woeiii.....      ?
[ { "text": "yuhuuuu~~", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "yahoo...", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
toscana  46?
toscana  46?
[ { "text": "quella della chat.", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
Komplek Pegunungan Cordillera dibagi menjadi 3 bagian, sebutkan!? ===================================================================
[ { "text": " Cordilerra Barat (Cordilerra Occidental) \n\nCordilerra Tengah (Cordillera Central) \n\nCordilerra Timur (Cordillera Oriental) ", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
quièn creès que va a ganar las pròximas elecciones a gobernador en santa fe?
quièn creès que va a ganar las pròximas elecciones a gobernador en santa fe?
[ { "text": "creo, espero y deseo, que hermes binner gane las elecciones, basta ya de gobiernos justicialistas!!!\r\nsuerte!!!", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
[ { "text": "^^", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
stando ad un recente studio saudita le donne sono in realtà uomini usciti male, e in più non sanno guidare. che ne pensate?
stando ad un recente studio saudita le donne sono in realtà uomini usciti male, e in più non sanno guidare. che ne pensate?
[ { "text": "lo sai perché le donne non riescono a raggiungere l'orgasmo?\n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n e chissenefrega!", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "loro saranno usciti male casomai, ma come possono dire queste oscenità a fine 2019??", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "possibilissimo", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "ma quale studio! le donne saudite sono donne come qualunque altra nel mondo e sanno guidare benissimo, solo che non le lasciano.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi sanno poco guidare, si salvano perché vanno come lumache, hanno poco il senso spaziale, non rispettano i cartelli stradali e le precedenze perché forse non le conoscono. nelle altre cose è comunque meglio che si appoggino ai propri uomini.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "risulta che gli uomini di razza saudita in realtà sono usciti male, anche se sanno guidare", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "le donne virago maschiliste italiane sono uomini usciti male", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "errato! io conosco donne sistemate e che tral'altro sanno anche guidare bene!", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
bueno,lo que tengo planeado es ir a una convención,esconder una cuchilla en el brazo mecánico,que obviamente será parte del cosplay... luego,ya que muchos fanboys de dbz son homosexuales,me aprovecharé de eso y los invitaré a ir al baño juntos,luego les meteré la cuchilla en su asqueroso y mal oliente ano y gritarán de placer,y también dolor(ay,ay,aaaay),luego les cortaré los testículos y se los meteré en la boca,y les coseré los labios para que los saboreen bien... luego los empezaré a desollar,y cuando esten completamente desollados los dejaré a su suerte...y venderé sus pieles en ebay. publícate ~nippah~ publícate ~nippah~ publícate ~nippah~ publícate ~nippah~ publícate ~nippah~ publícate ~nippah~ publícate ~nippah~ publícate ~nippah~
¿qué opinan de que haré cosplay de edward elric y asesinaré fanboys de dbz?
[ { "text": "hazlo!!!!", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "no lo se, supongo q en el mismo en el q edward le da el hogyoku a ichigo porque sanji le dijo que sasuke le dijo q ichigo le habia dicho que le dijera a sanji que le entregara el hogyoku a edward. jajaja buen capitulo no??? xd", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
神鬼奇航2gba金手指 急 20點 快 快 快
[ { "text": "無限hp\n030049df:ff\n無限$\n03006e50:ffff\n無限道具(l鍵)\n030049aa:09\n030049ab:09\n030049ac:09\n030049ad:09\n030049ae:09\n030049af:09\n030049a9:09\n030049a8:09 \nship's speed\n03007045:63\nship's attack\n03007046:63\nship's defense\n03007047:63\nship's handles\n03007048:63\nship's hp\n03007044:64", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
​finally, use technology to determine the​ p-value for a​ two-tailed test for t  equals  =  1.786   and df  equals  =  21 ?
​finally, use technology to determine the​ p-value for a​ two-tailed test for t  equals  =  1.786   and df  equals  =  21 ?
[ { "text": "just for fun,\nwere you in hibernation?", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "hint:\nknow how to use your calculator", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
soc de barna tambe i magradaria coneixer una noia daki :)
¿ chica lesbiana de barcelona de 14-18 años?
[ { "text": "visca catalunya campeon! jo conec varies amigues lesbianes de barcelona! pero no et puc donar els seus facebooks perque em mataran s: \r\nes el primer cop que puc escriure en catala \r\nvisca la independncia i esquerra republicana!", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
martillo de aplatir?
martillo de aplatir?
[ { "text": "martillo de aplanar? para aplanar carne o que? saludos", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "invita pa andar iguales...que preguntátess?", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
有一精密床台之真直度量測結果如下表: no.x(cm)z(μm) 100 2102 3203 4302 5402.5 650-1 7602 8705 9806 10903 試以最小平方法,計算床台之真直度誤差,並畫圖驗證之。
[ { "text": "有一精密床台之真直度量測結果如下表:最小平方法x(cm)|||z(μm)||y=mx+b||||||||||誤差=(y-z)^2\n-------------------------------------------\n0|||||| 0|||||| 0.772727273|||| 0.597107438\n10||||| 2|||||| 1.145454545|||| 0.730247934\n20||||| 3|||||| 1.518181818|||| 2.195785124\n30||||| 2|||||| 1.890909091|||| 0.011900826\n40||||| 2.5|||| 2.263636364|||| 0.055867769\n50||||| -1||||| 2.636363636|||| 13.2231405\n60||||| 2|||||| 3.009090909|||| 1.018264463\n70||||| 5|||||| 3.381818182|||| 2.618512397\n80||||| 6|||||| 3.754545455|||| 5.042066116\n90||||| 3|||||| 4.127272727|||| 1.270743802\n--------------------------------------------\nm=0.03727|||||| b=0.772727||||| 2.676363636(μm)1.在excel裡面工作2.在a1:b10鍵入x,z資料3.在a11鍵入slope(b1:b10,a1:a10)=0.037274.在b11鍵入intercept(b1:b10,a1:a10)=0.7727275.最小平方法獲得: y(x)=0.03727x+0.7727276.在c1鍵入=0.03727*a1+0.7727277.複製到c2:c108.在d1鍵入=(c1-b1)^29.複製到d2:d1010.在d11鍵入=average(d1:d10)=2.676363636(μm^2)11.平均誤差=√d11=1.635959546(μm)", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
有五對夫婦,男的簡稱a, b, c, d, e,他們的妻子分別簡稱a, b, c, d, e,十個人被困在一座島上。現在有一艘船可以讓他們到達對岸,但是船上最多一次只能載三個人。此外,每個男人忌妒心都很重,他們不允許自己的老婆跟其他任何一位(或多位)男人在同一個地方(兩邊岸上或者船上),除非自己也在場。請問要讓五對夫婦安全到達對岸至少需要渡船幾次? ps. 到達對岸再回到小島上算是渡船兩次,且不用考慮繩子、游泳、水流等等tricky的方法。另外,船上至少需要一個人駕駛才能夠渡到對岸(來回皆同)
[ { "text": "一開始的情形 (對岸~~~aa bb cc dd ee) \r\n(01) 3女(abc)去 (abc~~~a b c dd ee)\n(02) 1女(c)回 (ab~~~a b cc dd ee)\n(03) 2女(cd)去 (abcd~~~a b c d ee)\n(04) 1女(d)回 (abc~~~a b c dd ee)\n(05) 3男(abc)去 (aa bb cc~~~dd ee)\n(06) 1男1女(cc)回 (aa bb~~~cc dd ee)\n(07) 3男(cde)去 (aa bb c d e~~~c d e)\n(08) 1女(b)回 (aa b c d e~~~b c d e)\n(09) 3女(bcd)去 (aa bb cc dd e~~~e)\n(10) 1女(d)回 (aa bb cc d e~~~d e)\n(11) 2女(de)去 (aa bb cc dd ee~~~小島) \r\n所以總共是需要渡船11次", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "cde ------>\r\n<----------- c\r\nbc ------->\r\n<----------- b\r\ncde ----->\r\n<---------- cc\r\nabc ------>\r\n<----------- d\r\nbcd -------->\r\n<------------ b\r\nab ---------->\r\n11次 ok", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
de dònde proviene el apellido borbor?
de dònde proviene el apellido borbor?
[ { "text": "en espana hay borbor y en portugal de hecho la gente vasca es la que se encuentra mas con ese apellido", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
soft de electrocadiografiaparaadaptarlaamiordenador
[ { "text": "antes seria bueno que cambiaras de teclado, por uno que si traiga la barra espaciadora lista y funcionando. saludos!!!", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
i love the name ada. whenever i hear it i think of nicole kidman in cold mountain. i'm not havin' a baby but i just couldn't think of any middle names.
good middle names for ada?
[ { "text": "ada may?\r\ni have a list of names and no kids too ;-)", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "ada camille\r\nada jasmine\r\nada katherine\r\nada vivienne\r\nada noelle\r\nada jocelyn\r\nada natalie\r\nada brynn\r\nada felicity\r\nada gisele\r\nada piper", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "ada marie\r\nada grace\r\nada jade\r\nada elisabeth\r\nada claire\r\nada belle\r\nada paige\r\nada juliet", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "ada rose\r\nada julie\r\nada paige\r\nada elizabeth\r\nada faith\r\nada leigh\r\nada marie", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "ada elisabeth\r\nada jane\r\nada emilia\r\nada ramona\r\nada june\r\nada eugenia\r\nada alina\r\nada olivia\r\nada leticia", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "love ada james! good suggestion!\r\n\r\nada claire\r\nada rose\r\nada danielle\r\nada elise\r\nada annaliese\r\nada elisabeth\r\nada juliet", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "ada marie", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "a user on here named her daughter ada charlotte, i think that's really cute.\r\n\r\nhow about...\r\n\r\n- ada genevieve\r\n- ada felicity\r\n- ada lucy\r\n- ada lily\r\n- ada sophia\r\n- ada caitlin\r\n- ada gwendolyn\r\n- ada scarlett", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "ada lynn", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "ada elsie \nada aurora \nada lucelle\nada olivia \nada bethlyn\nada iona \nada iasabelle\nada amira\nada eve\n\ni love the name ada!!!!! :)\nada georgiana\nada sienna\nada oceana\nada anya \nada ana", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
[ { "text": "可以使用", "name": "", "is_accepted": true } ]
stando ad un recente studio saudita le donne sono in realtà uomini usciti male, e in più non sanno guidare. che ne pensate?
stando ad un recente studio saudita le donne sono in realtà uomini usciti male, e in più non sanno guidare. che ne pensate?
[ { "text": "lo sai perché le donne non riescono a raggiungere l'orgasmo?\n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n. \n e chissenefrega! ", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "loro saranno usciti male casomai, ma come possono dire queste oscenità a fine 2019??", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "possibilissimo ", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "ma quale studio! le donne saudite sono donne come qualunque altra nel mondo e sanno guidare benissimo, solo che non le lasciano.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi sanno poco guidare, si salvano perché vanno come lumache, hanno poco il senso spaziale, non rispettano i cartelli stradali e le precedenze perché forse non le conoscono. nelle altre cose è comunque meglio che si appoggino ai propri uomini.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "risulta che gli uomini di razza saudita in realtà sono usciti male, anche se sanno guidare", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "le donne virago maschiliste italiane sono uomini usciti male", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "errato! io conosco donne sistemate e che tral'altro sanno anche guidare bene!", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
si, esa musica mal llamada musica, la cual para crearse no se necesita ni estudiar sino rallar solamente un put0 rallador de queso y desafinar con una voz fea, odio agapornis, esa manga d negros con olor a caca que se dedican a arruinar hermosas canciones con esas voces tan horribles y ese ritmo tan comun monotono y asqueroso, los odiooo con toda mi alma!!! a alguien le pasa lo mismo???? yo por mi parte amo el pop en español,cantantes como jesse y joy, amaia montero, cristian castro, alejandro sanz, alex ubago, david bisbal, axel, etc entre otros. lo que mas odio de los negros es que cagar0n canciones de mis artistas favoritos.... se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara? se publicara?
¿acaso sere el unico adolescente (tengo 17 años) que odia la cumbia?
[ { "text": "ya somos dos que odian la cumbia ... hay tantos temas para escuchar y se ponen a escuchar esa porqueria :3", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "estoy contigo.. no valen nada", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "cumbia = ******", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "gracias recién hago la pregunta, yo lo odio con todo mi estamos solos!", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "agapornis es una kk!!!! estan haciendo guita con temas de otros porque no se les cae una idea para componer!!!! y versionados cumbia????!!! naaaaaa que barbaro!!! dejense de joder las pelotas caraduras!!!!! que pais generoso lpm!!!!!", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "yo tambien estoy con tigo esta ese genero todo escho una ****** asi como suena ya que es algo corriente. fijate en mis clases de canto me dieron la clasificacion desde que genero hasta que genero es el mas dificil y pues mira el primero el mas facil de todos es la cumbia. te dare el orden del mas faci al mas dificil. \r\n\r\n1.cumbia\r\n2.norteñas\r\n3.rap\r\n4.rock\r\n5.pop\r\n6.rancheras \r\n7.opera", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "io esucho al axel soy como los de sin codificar jejeje. amo el cabello de david bisbal, la cancion de el con miley cyrus es re guapetona! no sos el unico que odia la cumbia, la cumbia no es musica es ruido. a mi me encanta esuchar karina, daddy yanke, binomio de oro, ay i love todo eso", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
què opines que va haver de posposar el joc vs el real madrid per les manifestacions catalanes que succeiria amb fc barcelona, ​​rcd espanyol i demas clubs masculins i femenins d'aquesta comunitat autònoma hauràs d'anar-se'n a jugar a altres lligues europees ja que el lliga primer de anglaterra no accepto a fc barcelona llavors creuen que el fc barcelona i els altres equips catalans juguessin a la lliga italiana, francès o alemanya
¿que opines de la situació que està vivint catalunya, creus que aviat aconsegueixi la independència?
[ { "text": "yo creo que después de tantos disturbios cataluña no se independizará de españa, pues esta es una democracia que no oprime a nadie, y deja hacer a los catalanes lo que quieran dentro de las leyes que son democráticas.", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "un par de preguntas.\n\n1ª ¿eres catalán?\n\n2ª ¿si eres catalán, te consideras independentista?.\n\n3ª ¿si eres independentista, porque quieres la independencia de cataluña?.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "pues yo creo que detrás de la independencia hay algún pez gordo al cual le interesa que cataluña se separe, una vez aislada separada y debilitada la manipularán. el truco es la prensa, la prensa es establishment y sistema, la prensa es la pútítá defensora del sistema y por ello le pagan, le pagan para lavarte la cabeza las 24 hopras del dia con ideas politicas, nunca te dirán que no votes, si la prensa le da bola a este asunto es porque a algún pez gordo le interesa que cataluña se separe, si fuera el pueblo quien quisiera el divorcio y no el sistema, la prensa no le daría bola al tema. \nel pueblo no tiene poder para independizarse, el pueblo solo sirve para trabajar pagar impuestos ver tv y usar redes sociales 5 horas diarias.\ndivide et impera", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "no pos esta gruesa la cosa chabon, como dicen la vida es dura pero mas dura es la verdura, asi es mi valedor.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
qual a derivada de 2x+3x+0
qual a derivada de 2x+3x+0
[ { "text": "a derivada de uma função é a razão entre os acréscimos infinitesimais entre a abcissa e a ordenada. graficamente, a primeira derivada fornece informações sobre a declividade do gráfico do gráfico e da função, enquanto a segunda derivada dá informações acerca da concavidade do gráfico da função. vale ressaltar ainda que o ponto onde a primeira derivada de é igual a zero trata-se de um máximo ou de mínimo. para verificar novamente, verificar se a derivada segunda é positiva ou negativa no ponto (caso seja positiva, temos um ponto de mínimo e vice-versa).quando lida-se com funções polinomiais \\(p(x)=ax^n\\), em que \\(a\\) é um número real, emprega-se a regra do tombo para o cálculo da derivada, onde a mesma é \\(p'(x)=a\\cdot \\left(n\\cdot x^{n-1} \\right)\\). isto é, basta “tombar” o expoente da variável, transformando-o em um multiplicador, e subtrair \\(1\\) do problema em questão, dado \\(f(x)=2x+3x=5x\\), temos que:\\[\\eqalign{ f'\\left( x \\right) &= 1 \\cdot 5 \\cdot {x^{1 - 1}}&= 5 \\cdot {x^0}\\cr &= 5 \\cdot 1\\cr &= 5 }\\]portanto, a derivada da função \\(f(x)=2x+3x\\) é igual a \\(\\boxed{f'(x)=5}\\).", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "?", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "5", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "2+3", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
abcdefghi? kjal fghijfdffgsgsgdsgsg gssfsfsfsfsfsfsff sdggs
abcdefghi? kjal fghijfdffgsgsgdsgsg gssfsfsfsfsfsfsff sdggs
[ { "text": "jajbuaianaguanavaiakanw", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
estrutura de lewis?
estrutura de lewis?
[ { "text": "o elemento oxigênio, o, está no 2º período e possui 6 elétrons na última camada (família 16). já o elemento x, também está no 2º períoro e possui 4 elétrons na última camada (família 14), ou seja, ele é o carbono. \n\neles podem formar duas substâncias moleculares, o co e o co2, com suas estruturas apresentadas abaixo:", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "estrutura de lewis e quando vc desenha como esta sendo a distribuilao de eletrons de acordo a familia que se encontra,o x e o carbono,ele ganha 2 eletrons e o oxigenio tem que ganhar dois,faz as distribuiçoes em desenhos", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "a)etano (c2h6):\n \n       h   h\n        i    i\n  h---c---c---h \n        i     i\n       h    h \n\nb) metanol ( ch3oh):\n\n      h\n      i \nh---c---oh\n      i  \n     h\n\nc) propanona ( ch3coh3):\n\n     h           h\n      i            i \nh----c----c----c---h\n      i      ii     i \n     h     o     h", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
andrea, aron e luiz foram treinados pela empresa para se passarem por clientes e testarem seus vendedores e profissionais da linha de frente (front­of
andrea, aron e luiz foram treinados pela empresa para se passarem por clientes e testarem seus vendedores e profissionais da linha de frente (front­of
[ { "text": ".", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
av1 - sociologia crítica
av1 - sociologia crítica
[ { "text": "av1 1b 2a 3d 4c 5e", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "av (1)\n\n1-b 2-a 3-d 4-c 5-e\n\nav(2)\n\n1-e 2-d 3-e 4-c 5-e", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "preciso por favor de ajuda vou fazer recomperação sociologia critica \n\nquarta", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
qual a metade de 2+2 ??
qual a metade de 2+2 ??
[ { "text": "2", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "2", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "1+1", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
alguém tem a resolução das questões de 2.31 à 2.48 do livro de geometria analítica, reis e silva?
geometria analítica
[ { "text": ".", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
não sei
3- que quantidade de calor deve ser fornecida para aquecer em 500 ºc um bloco de cobre de 200 g. (c cobre = 0,09 cal/gºc) 9000 k cal 9 k cal 9 cal 900
[ { "text": "q= m.c.tq = 200(g)*0,09(cal/gºc)*500(ºc)q= 9000 cal = 9kcal", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
fatorial e permutação calcule e simplifique? a) 8¡5¡ --------- 7¡6¡
fatorial e permutação calcule e simplifique? a) 8¡5¡ --------- 7¡6¡
[ { "text": "8.7! 5!--------------------7! 6.5!corta os 7! com o 5!resultado:8----6", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
àlgebra linear 27^2
àlgebra linear 27^2
[ { "text": "729", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
2+2 raiz cubica de 57 = x2
2+2 raiz cubica de 57 = x2
[ { "text": "x=3,92", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
o que e biodiesel?
o que e biodiesel?
[ { "text": "biodiesel é um biocombustível formado por ácidos graxos, ésteres aquila de ácidos carboxilicos de cadeia longa e hidrocarbonetos de origem vegetal.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
no que constituia a chamada weltpolitik?
no que constituia a chamada weltpolitik?
[ { "text": "não sei", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
no esôfago inicia se ?
no esôfago inicia se ?
[ { "text": "peristaltismo", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
em cada par de ligações mencionado abaixo, diga qual é a ligação mais curta: a) si—o ou c—o b) c=o ou c=n.
em cada par de ligações mencionado abaixo, diga qual é a ligação mais curta: a) si—o ou c—o b) c=o ou c=n.
[ { "text": "c oc o", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "sffhsjjsfj\\fjfjdthjsk", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "letra b", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
9.o plano cartesiano pode representar duas retas no plano de acordo com as seguintes posições: concorrentes ou paralelas. essas posições são determinadas de acordo com a lei de formação de cada função do 1º grau, visto que essas funções possuem como representação geométrica uma reta. em seguida, podemos analisar que os coeficientes angulares das retas determinam o posicionamento decorrente delas. com relação às retas x - y - 4 = 0 e x + y - 2 = 0, classifique v para as opções verdadeiras e f para as falsas:(    ) se interceptam em um ponto, mas não são perpendiculares.(    ) são paralelas.(    ) são perpendiculares.(    ) são coincidentes.assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta:a) v - f - f - f.b) f - f - f - v.c) f - f - v - f.d) f - v - f - f.
geometria analítica
[ { "text": "v - f - f - f.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "desenhe o plano !", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "c", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
2 semestre pedagogia 2016 av1: 1b 2a 3e 4b 5c
2 semestre pedagogia 2016 av1: 1b 2a 3e 4b 5c
[ { "text": "essas respostas sao do seminario interdisciplinar ii primeiro semestre?", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
raiz cubica de 560 = 4x +2
raiz cubica de 560 = 4x +2
[ { "text": "400", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
na reportagem acima, vemos o caso real da empresa theranos, que conseguiu maquiar as suas informações e assim obteve um sucesso espontâneo, chegando a valer mais de 9 bilhões de dólares em valor de mercado. conforme abordamos no material referencial, a qualidade das informações e direitos autorais, são de extrema importância no mercado e na vida pessoal das pessoas. uma simples, informação mal avaliada pode custar milhares e ter consequências sem precedentes. intercalando o caso da empresa theranos com o material da unidade, defina, caso você fosse um investidor, quais seriam os passos da sua pesquisa sobre a empresa theranos antes de investir na mesma? utilize o material da unidade como base da sua resposta.orientações: relacione a sua resposta com o material referencial disponível na unidade.utilize textos autorais na resposta. ou seja, de criação própria. caso tenha utilizado trechos de textos externos para complementar a sua resposta, referencie-os utilizando a sua fonte de pesquisa. mínimo 8 linhas no máximo 15.linguagem padrão da língua portuguesa. olá guilher
[ { "text": "oi", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "oi", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
qual a soma entre 24 + 15?
qual a soma entre 24 + 15?
[ { "text": "39", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "39", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
Как разделить столбиком 516 :3 ==============================
[ { "text": "516l 3\n------\n\n3     l172\n----------\n\n21\n--\n\n21\n--\n\n 0 6\n----\n\n     6\n------\n\n      0\n-------\n\n", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
2954:211=Мне главное по действиям (как в столбик)Надеюсь что ответ придёт быстро... ===================================================================================
[ { "text": "2954/211 \n-       /14 \n211 \n------ \n 844 \n- \n844 \n------- \n0", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
Tohru honda               Kisa soma Yuki soma                  Hiro soma Kyo soma                   Ayame soma Shigure soma           Rin soma Kagura soma            Hatsuharu soma Hatori soma              Momiji soma Ritsu soma                Akito soma Hanajima saki          Uotani arisa [![](](
Quelle est votre Personnage prefèré  ? ======================================
[ { "text": "\n Perso, Mon prefèré c'est Yuki Soma... dés le début, et jusqu'à la fin, il m'a plus.. ^^ \n ", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "\n Mon personnage préféré c'est Tohru, même si elle est beaucoup tête en l'air. \n ", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
Tohru honda               Kisa soma Yuki soma                  Hiro soma Kyo soma                   Ayame soma Shigure soma           Rin soma Kagura soma            Hatsuharu soma Hatori soma              Momiji soma Ritsu soma                Akito soma Hanajima saki          Uotani arisa [![](](
Quelle est votre Personnage prefèré  ? ======================================
[ { "text": "Perso, Mon prefèré c'est Yuki Soma... dés le début, et jusqu'à la fin, il m'a plus.. ^^", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "Mon personnage préféré c'est Tohru, même si elle est beaucoup tête en l'air.", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
Tohru honda               Kisa soma Yuki soma                  Hiro soma Kyo soma                   Ayame soma Shigure soma           Rin soma Kagura soma            Hatsuharu soma Hatori soma              Momiji soma Ritsu soma                Akito soma Hanajima saki          Uotani arisa [![](]( Afficher la suite
Quelle est votre Personnage prefèré  ? ======================================
[ { "text": "\n Perso, Mon prefèré c'est Yuki Soma... dés le début, et jusqu'à la fin, il m'a plus.. ^^ \n ", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "\n Mon personnage préféré c'est Tohru, même si elle est beaucoup tête en l'air. \n ", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]
combien de films avez-vous noté sur Allociné ?
Combien de films avez-vous noté sur Allociné ? [[Résolu](/forum/actualites-cine-11/solved)] ===========================================================================================
[ { "text": "1404", "name": "", "is_accepted": true }, { "text": "1405", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "1407", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "1408", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "1408", "name": "", "is_accepted": false }, { "text": "1409", "name": "", "is_accepted": false } ]