69 values
69 values
How many subscribers have ended their trip at MLK Library and how many docks does that station have?
subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscribers'; ended their trip at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'MLK Library'; number of docks a station have refers to dock_count;
SELECT COUNT(T1.id), T2.dock_count FROM trip AS T1 INNER JOIN station AS T2 ON T2.name = T1.start_station_name WHERE T1.end_station_name = 'MLK Library' AND T1.subscription_type = 'Subscriber' AND T2.dock_count = 19
database name:db_id bike_share_1 station table station Cols: id dtype integer, name dtype text, latitude dtype real, longitude dtype real, dock count dtype integer, city dtype text, installation date dtype text, status table status Cols: station id dtype integer, bikes_available dtype integer, docks_available dtype integer, time dtype text, trip table trip Cols: id dtype integer, duration dtype integer, start date dtype text, start station name dtype text, start station id dtype integer, end date dtype text, end station name dtype text, end station id dtype integer, bike id dtype integer, subscription type dtype text, zip code dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: date dtype text, max temperature in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, mean temperature in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, min temperature in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, max dew point in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, mean dew point in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, min dew point in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, max humidity dtype integer, mean humidity dtype integer, min humidity dtype integer, max sea level pressure in inches dtype real, mean sea level pressure in inches dtype real, min sea level pressure in inches dtype real, max visibility in miles dtype integer, mean visibility in miles dtype integer, min visibility in miles dtype integer, max wind Speed in mph dtype integer, mean wind Speed in mph dtype integer, max gust Speed in mph dtype integer, precipitation in inches dtype text, cloud cover dtype integer, events dtype text, wind direction degrees dtype integer, zip code dtype text,
What is the average coldest temperature for the zip code of 94301 and what stations are within the zip code? Include the latitude and longitude as well.
coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; average coldest temperature refers = AVG(min_temperature_f); stations refers to name; latitude refers to lat; longitude refers to long;
SELECT AVG(T3.min_temperature_f), T1.long, T1.lat FROM station AS T1 INNER JOIN trip AS T2 ON T2.start_station_name = T1.name INNER JOIN weather AS T3 ON T3.zip_code = T2.zip_code WHERE T3.zip_code = 94301
database name:db_id bike_share_1 station table station Cols: id dtype integer, name dtype text, latitude dtype real, longitude dtype real, dock count dtype integer, city dtype text, installation date dtype text, status table status Cols: station id dtype integer, bikes_available dtype integer, docks_available dtype integer, time dtype text, trip table trip Cols: id dtype integer, duration dtype integer, start date dtype text, start station name dtype text, start station id dtype integer, end date dtype text, end station name dtype text, end station id dtype integer, bike id dtype integer, subscription type dtype text, zip code dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: date dtype text, max temperature in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, mean temperature in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, min temperature in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, max dew point in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, mean dew point in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, min dew point in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, max humidity dtype integer, mean humidity dtype integer, min humidity dtype integer, max sea level pressure in inches dtype real, mean sea level pressure in inches dtype real, min sea level pressure in inches dtype real, max visibility in miles dtype integer, mean visibility in miles dtype integer, min visibility in miles dtype integer, max wind Speed in mph dtype integer, mean wind Speed in mph dtype integer, max gust Speed in mph dtype integer, precipitation in inches dtype text, cloud cover dtype integer, events dtype text, wind direction degrees dtype integer, zip code dtype text,
Calculate the average duration travelled by subscribers that both started and ended their trip in Mountain View City Hall and indicate the date when the station was first installed.
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriptions'; started and ended their trip at Mountain View City Hall refers to start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall' and end_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
SELECT AVG(T1.duration), T2.installation_date FROM trip AS T1 INNER JOIN station AS T2 ON T2.name = T1.start_station_name WHERE T1.start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall' AND T1.subscription_type = 'Subscriber' AND T1.end_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'
database name:db_id bike_share_1 station table station Cols: id dtype integer, name dtype text, latitude dtype real, longitude dtype real, dock count dtype integer, city dtype text, installation date dtype text, status table status Cols: station id dtype integer, bikes_available dtype integer, docks_available dtype integer, time dtype text, trip table trip Cols: id dtype integer, duration dtype integer, start date dtype text, start station name dtype text, start station id dtype integer, end date dtype text, end station name dtype text, end station id dtype integer, bike id dtype integer, subscription type dtype text, zip code dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: date dtype text, max temperature in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, mean temperature in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, min temperature in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, max dew point in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, mean dew point in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, min dew point in Fahrenheit degree dtype integer, max humidity dtype integer, mean humidity dtype integer, min humidity dtype integer, max sea level pressure in inches dtype real, mean sea level pressure in inches dtype real, min sea level pressure in inches dtype real, max visibility in miles dtype integer, mean visibility in miles dtype integer, min visibility in miles dtype integer, max wind Speed in mph dtype integer, mean wind Speed in mph dtype integer, max gust Speed in mph dtype integer, precipitation in inches dtype text, cloud cover dtype integer, events dtype text, wind direction degrees dtype integer, zip code dtype text,
What is the description of the film ACADEMY DINOSAUR?
"ACADEMY DINOSAUR" is the title of film
SELECT description FROM film WHERE title = 'ACADEMY DINOSAUR'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many films have a rental duration of over 6 days?
rental duration of over 6 days refers to rental_duration > 6
SELECT COUNT(film_id) FROM film WHERE rental_duration > 6
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please list the titles of the films that are released in 2006 and have a rental rate of $2.99.
released in 2006 refers to release_year = 2006; rental rate of $2.99 refers to rental_rate = 2.99
SELECT title FROM film WHERE release_year = 2006 AND rental_rate = 2.99
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Which film has the longest duration of film screening? Please give its title.
longest duration of film refers to Max(length)
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Which film has a higher replacement cost, ACE GOLDFINGER or ACADEMY DINOSAUR?
higher replacement cost refers to Max(replacement_cost); 'ACE GOLDFIINGER' and 'ACADEMY DINOSAUR' are both the title of film
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Among the films that are released in 2006, how many of them are rated Adults Only in the Motion Picture Association Film Rating?
released in 2006 refers to release_year = 2006; rated Adults Only refers to rating = 'NC-17'
SELECT COUNT(film_id) FROM film WHERE rating = 'NC-17' AND release_year = 2006
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many films with the rental rate of $2.99 have the special feature of "Deleted Scenes"?
rental rate of $2.99 refers to rental_rate = 2.99; film refers to title
SELECT COUNT(film_id) FROM film WHERE rental_rate = 2.99 AND special_features = 'Deleted Scenes'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please list the titles of all the films that have more than 2 special features.
more than 2 special features refers to Count(special_features) > 2
SELECT title FROM ( SELECT title, COUNT(special_features) AS num FROM film GROUP BY title ) AS T ORDER BY T.num > 2
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the email address of the staff Jon Stephens?
SELECT email FROM staff WHERE first_name = 'Jon' AND last_name = 'Stephens'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please give the full names of all the active staff.
full name refers to first_name, last_name; active staff refers to active = 1
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM staff WHERE active = 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
In which year was the film with the highest replacement cost released?
highest replacement_cost refers to Max (replacement_cost); year refers to release_year
SELECT DISTINCT release_year FROM film WHERE replacement_cost = ( SELECT MAX(replacement_cost) FROM film )
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please list the titles of the top 3 films with the highest replacement cost.
highest replacement_cost refers to Max (replacement_cost); film refers to title
SELECT title FROM film WHERE replacement_cost = ( SELECT MAX(replacement_cost) FROM film ) LIMIT 3
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the language of the film ACADEMY DINOSAUR?
"ACADEMY DINOSAUR" is the title of film; language refers to language.name
SELECT T2.name FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN language AS T2 ON T1.language_id = T2.language_id WHERE T1.title = 'ACADEMY DINOSAUR'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many films are in English?
"English" is the name of language
SELECT COUNT(T1.film_id) FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN language AS T2 ON T1.language_id = T2.language_id WHERE T2.name = 'English'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please list the titles of all the films starring the actor PENELOPE GUINESS.
SELECT T2.title FROM film_actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id INNER JOIN actor AS T3 ON T1.actor_id = T3.actor_id WHERE T3.first_name = 'PENELOPE' AND T3.last_name = 'GUINESS'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many actors have starred in the film ACADEMY DINOSAUR?
"ACADEMY DINOSAUR" is the title of film
SELECT COUNT(T1.actor_id) FROM film_actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id WHERE T2.title = 'ACADEMY DINOSAUR'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please list the full names of all the actors that have starred in the film ACADEMY DINOSAUR.
full name refers to first_name, last_name; "ACADEMY DINOSAUR" is the title of film
SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T3.title = 'ACADEMY DINOSAUR'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Among the films starring PENELOPE GUINESS, how many of them are released in 2006?
release in 2006 refers to release_year = 2006;
SELECT COUNT(T2.film_id) FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T3.release_year = 2006 AND T1.first_name = 'PENELOPE' AND T1.last_name = 'GUINESS'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please give the title of the film starring PENELOPE GUINESS and has the highest replacement cost.
highest replacement cost refers to Max (replacement_cost)
SELECT T3.title FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T1.first_name = 'PENELOPE' AND T1.last_name = 'GUINESS' ORDER BY T3.replacement_cost DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please list the full names of all the actors that have starred in the film with the highest replacement cost.
highest replacement cost refers to Max (replacement_cost); full name refers to first_name, last_name
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id ORDER BY T3.replacement_cost DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Among the films starring PENELOPE GUINESS, how many of them are in English?
"English" is the name of language
SELECT COUNT(T3.film_id) FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id INNER JOIN language AS T4 ON T3.language_id = T4.language_id WHERE T4.name = 'English' AND T1.first_name = 'PENELOPE' AND T1.last_name = 'GUINESS'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the title of the film with the longest duration time and stars PENELOPE GUINESS?
longest duration of film refers to Max(length)
SELECT T3.title FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T1.first_name = 'PENELOPE' AND T1.last_name = 'GUINESS' ORDER BY T3.length DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please list the titles of all the films in the category of "Horror".
"Horror" is the name of category
SELECT T1.title FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN film_category AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id INNER JOIN category AS T3 ON T2.category_id = T3.category_id WHERE T3.name = 'Horror'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many films are there under the category of "Horror"?
"Horror" is the name of category
SELECT COUNT(T1.film_id) FROM film_category AS T1 INNER JOIN category AS T2 ON T1.category_id = T2.category_id WHERE T2.name = 'Horror'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please list the titles of all the films under the category of "Horror" and has a rental rate of $2.99.
"Horror" is the name of category; rental rate of $2.99 refers to rental_rate = 2.99
SELECT T1.title FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN film_category AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id INNER JOIN category AS T3 ON T2.category_id = T3.category_id WHERE T3.name = 'Horror' AND T1.rental_rate = 2.99
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
For how many times has the customer RUTH MARTINEZ rented a film?
times of rented refers to Count(rental_id)
SELECT COUNT(T2.rental_id) FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN rental AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T1.first_name = 'RUTH' AND T1.last_name = 'MARTINEZ'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please list the titles of all the films that the customer RUTH MARTINEZ has rented.
SELECT T4.title FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN rental AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id INNER JOIN inventory AS T3 ON T2.inventory_id = T3.inventory_id INNER JOIN film AS T4 ON T3.film_id = T4.film_id WHERE T1.first_name = 'RUTH' AND T1.last_name = 'MARTINEZ'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Among the films that the customer RUTH MARTINEZ has rented, how many of them are released in 2006?
release in 2006 refers to release_year = 2006
SELECT COUNT(T1.customer_id) FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN rental AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id INNER JOIN inventory AS T3 ON T2.inventory_id = T3.inventory_id INNER JOIN film AS T4 ON T3.film_id = T4.film_id WHERE T4.release_year = 2006 AND T1.first_name = 'RUTH' AND T1.last_name = 'MARTINEZ'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Among the films that the customer RUTH MARTINEZ has rented, what is the title of the one with the highest replacement cost?
highest replacement cost refers to Max(replacement_cost)
SELECT T4.title FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN rental AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id INNER JOIN inventory AS T3 ON T2.inventory_id = T3.inventory_id INNER JOIN film AS T4 ON T3.film_id = T4.film_id WHERE T1.first_name = 'RUTH' AND T1.last_name = 'MARTINEZ' ORDER BY T4.replacement_cost DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please list the full names of all the customers who have rented the film with the highest replacement cost.
full name refers to first_name, last_name; highest replacement cost refers to Max(replacement_cost)
SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN rental AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id INNER JOIN inventory AS T3 ON T2.inventory_id = T3.inventory_id INNER JOIN film AS T4 ON T3.film_id = T4.film_id ORDER BY T4.replacement_cost DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many films rented to the customer RUTH MARTINEZ were returned in August, 2005?
returned in August, 2005 refers to year(return_date) = 2005 and month (return_date) = 8
SELECT COUNT(T1.customer_id) FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN rental AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T1.first_name = 'RUTH' AND T1.last_name = 'MARTINEZ' AND STRFTIME('%m',T2.return_date) = '8' AND STRFTIME('%Y', T2.return_date) = '2005'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Please give the full name of the customer that have rented the most films.
full name refers to first_name, last_name; customer who rented the most film refers to Max(count(rental_id))
SELECT T.first_name, T.last_name FROM ( SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name, COUNT(T2.rental_id) AS num FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN rental AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.first_name, T1.last_name ) AS T ORDER BY T.num DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Among the customers who have rented the film ACADEMY DINOSAUR, how many of them are active?
"ACADEMY DINOSAUR" is the title of film; customer refers to customer_id; active refers to active = 1
SELECT COUNT(T1.customer_id) FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN rental AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id INNER JOIN inventory AS T3 ON T2.inventory_id = T3.inventory_id INNER JOIN film AS T4 ON T3.film_id = T4.film_id WHERE T1.active = 1 AND T4.title = 'ACADEMY DINOSAUR'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Which film is rented for the most times by the customers? Please give its title.
film refers to title; film rented the most times refers to title where Max(Count(rental_id))
SELECT T.title FROM ( SELECT T1.title, COUNT(T3.rental_id) AS num FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN inventory AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id INNER JOIN rental AS T3 ON T2.inventory_id = T3.inventory_id GROUP BY T1.title ) AS T ORDER BY T.num DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Which customer has rented more movies, RUTH MARTINEZ or LINDA WILLIAMS?
rented more movie Max(Count(customer_id)); "RUTH MARTINEZ" and "LINDA WILLIAMS" are both full name of customer
SELECT T.first_name, T.last_name FROM ( SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name, COUNT(T1.customer_id) AS num FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN rental AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE (T1.first_name = 'RUTH' AND T1.last_name = 'MARTINEZ') OR (T1.first_name = 'LINDA' AND T1.last_name = 'WILLIAMS') GROUP BY T1.first_name, T1.last_name ) AS T ORDER BY T.num DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Among all the films starring PENELOPE GUINESS, what is the title of the one with the highest rental price per day?
highest rental price per day refers to Max(Divide(rental_rate, rental_duration))
SELECT T3.title FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T1.first_name = 'PENELOPE' AND T1.last_name = 'GUINESS' ORDER BY T3.rental_rate / T3.rental_duration DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the average replacement cost of the films under the category of "Horror"?
"Horror" is the name of category; average replacement cost = Divide (Sum(replacement_cost), Count(film_id where name = Horror))
SELECT AVG(T3.replacement_cost) FROM film_category AS T1 INNER JOIN category AS T2 ON T1.category_id = T2.category_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T1.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T2.name = 'Horror'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Among all films that the customer RUTH MARTINEZ has rented, what is the percentage of it being a Music film?
music film refers to name = 'Music'; percentage = Divide (Count(film_id where name = 'Music'), Count(film_id)) * 100
SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(T3.name = 'Music', 1, 0)) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.film_id) FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN film_category AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id INNER JOIN category AS T3 ON T2.category_id = T3.category_id INNER JOIN inventory AS T4 ON T1.film_id = T4.film_id INNER JOIN customer AS T5 ON T4.store_id = T5.store_id INNER JOIN rental AS T6 ON T4.inventory_id = T6.inventory_id WHERE T5.first_name = 'RUTH' AND T5.last_name = 'MARTINEZ'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the average duration time of the films starring PENELOPE GUINESS?
average duration time = AVG(length)
SELECT AVG(T3.length) FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T1.first_name = 'PENELOPE' AND T1.last_name = 'GUINESS'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is Diane Collins' email address?
SELECT email FROM customer WHERE first_name = 'DIANE' AND last_name = 'COLLINS'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Give the number of inactive customers.
inactive refers to active = 0
SELECT COUNT(customer_id) FROM customer WHERE active = 0
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Who is the owner of email address "[email protected]"? Give the full name.
"[email protected]" is the email; owner refers to customer; full name refers to first_name, last_name
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM customer WHERE email = '[email protected]'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Give the postal code for the address No.65.
address no. 65 refers to address_id = 65
SELECT postal_code FROM address WHERE address_id = 65
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
State the number of addresses in the Nordrhein-Westfalen district.
number of address refers to address_id
SELECT COUNT(address_id) FROM address WHERE district = 'Nordrhein-Westfalen'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the phone number of address No.72?
address no. 72 refers to address_id = 72; phone number refers to phone
SELECT phone FROM address WHERE address_id = '72'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
State the number of films that are 178 minutes long.
178 min long refers to length = '178'
SELECT COUNT(film_id) FROM film WHERE length = '178'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Tell the special features of the film Uprising Uptown.
"UPRISING UPTOWN" is the title of film
SELECT special_features FROM film WHERE title = 'UPRISING UPTOWN'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the description of the film Artist Coldblooded?
"ARTIST COLDBLOODED" is the title of film
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Give the detailed address for store No.2.
store no. 22 refers to store_id = 2; detailed address refers to address, address2, district
SELECT T1.address, T1.address2, T1.district FROM address AS T1 INNER JOIN store AS T2 ON T1.address_id = T2.address_id WHERE T2.store_id = 2
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Which continent is the mother country of Clarksville city in?
"Clarksville" is the city;
SELECT T1.country FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.country_id = T2.country_id WHERE T2.city = 'Clarksville'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many actors played a role in the 2006 film whose rental duration is 7 days, rental rate is 4.99 and is 98 minutes duration?
in 2006 refers to release_year = 2006; 98 min duration refers to length = 98; number of actors refers to count(actor_id)
SELECT COUNT(T1.actor_id) FROM film_actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id WHERE T2.release_year = 2006 AND T2.rental_duration = 7 AND T2.rental_duration = 4.99 AND T2.length = 98
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
The actor Dan Harris played in a 77 minute film with replacement cost of 9.99, what was the rating for that film?
77 min film refers to length = 77
SELECT T3.rating FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T1.first_name = 'DAN' AND T1.last_name = 'HARRIS' AND T3.length = 77 AND T3.replacement_cost = '9.99'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many films did actor Daryl Wahlberg appear in?
SELECT COUNT(T1.film_id) FROM film_actor AS T1 INNER JOIN actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id WHERE T2.first_name = 'DARYL' AND T2.last_name = 'WAHLBERG'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Sherri Rhodes rented a film at 12:27:27 on 2005/7/28, when did she/he return that film?
rented at 12:27:27 on 2005/7/28 refers to rental_date = '2005-07-28 12:27:27'
SELECT T2.return_date FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN rental AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T1.first_name = 'SHERRI' AND T1.last_name = 'RHODES' AND T2.rental_date = '2005-07-28 12:27:27'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Give the name of the manager staff for store No.1.
store no. 1 refers to store_id = 1; name refers to first_name, last_name
SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name FROM staff AS T1 INNER JOIN store AS T2 ON T1.store_id = T2.store_id WHERE T2.store_id = 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
State the address location of store No.1.
store no. 1 refers to store_id = 1; address location refers to address, address2, district
SELECT T1.address, T1.address2, T1.district FROM address AS T1 INNER JOIN store AS T2 ON T1.address_id = T2.address_id WHERE T2.store_id = 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Where does the staff Jon Stephens live?
location refers to address, address2, district
SELECT T1.address, T1.address2 FROM address AS T1 INNER JOIN staff AS T2 ON T1.address_id = T2.address_id WHERE T2.first_name = 'Jon' AND T2.last_name = 'Stephens'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many addresses are there in Woodridge city?
"Woodridge" is the city
SELECT COUNT(T1.address_id) FROM address AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.city_id = T2.city_id WHERE T2.city = 'Woodridge'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many films are in English?
"English" is the name of language
SELECT COUNT(T1.film_id) FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN language AS T2 ON T1.language_id = T2.language_id WHERE T2.name = 'English'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Give the address location of Heather Morris.
address location refers to address
SELECT T1.address FROM address AS T1 INNER JOIN customer AS T2 ON T1.address_id = T2.address_id WHERE T2.first_name = 'HEATHER' AND T2.last_name = 'MORRIS'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Give the email address of the person who lives in "1411 Lillydale Drive".
"1411 Lillydate Drive" is the address
SELECT T2.email FROM address AS T1 INNER JOIN staff AS T2 ON T1.address_id = T2.address_id WHERE T1.address = '1411 Lillydale Drive'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How much money did the customer No.297 pay for the rental which happened at 12:27:27 on 2005/7/28?
customer no. 297 refers to customer_id = 297; at 12:27:27 on 2005/7/28 refers to rental_date = '2005-07-28 12:27:27'; money pay for rent refers to amount
SELECT T1.amount FROM payment AS T1 INNER JOIN rental AS T2 ON T1.rental_id = T2.rental_id WHERE T2.rental_date = '2005-07-28 12:27:27' AND T2.customer_id = 297
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Which category does the film Working Microcosmos belong to?
"WORKING MICROCOSMOS" is the title of film; category refers to name
SELECT T3.name FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN film_category AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id INNER JOIN category AS T3 ON T2.category_id = T3.category_id WHERE T1.title = 'WORKING MICROCOSMOS'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Give the number of documentary films.
"Documentary" is the name of category; number of film refers to Count(film_id)
SELECT COUNT(T1.film_id) FROM film_category AS T1 INNER JOIN category AS T2 ON T1.category_id = T2.category_id WHERE T2.name = 'Documentary'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
State the name of the category which has the most number of films.
category refers to name; most number of films refers to Max(Count(film_id))
SELECT T.name FROM ( SELECT T2.name, COUNT(T1.film_id) AS num FROM film_category AS T1 INNER JOIN category AS T2 ON T1.category_id = T2.category_id GROUP BY T2.name ) AS T ORDER BY T.num DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Give the name of the film for inventory No.3479.
inventory no. 3479 refers to inventory_id = '3479'; name of film refers to title
SELECT T1.title FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN inventory AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id WHERE T2.inventory_id = 3479
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the percentage more for the rental payment for store No.2 than store No.1?
store no. 1 refers to store_id = 1; store no.2 refers to store_id = 2; rental payment refers to amount; percent more = Divide (Subtract(amount where store_id = 2, amount where store_id = 1), amount where store_id = 1) *100
SELECT CAST((SUM(IIF(T2.store_id = 2, T1.amount, 0)) - SUM(IIF(T2.store_id = 1, T1.amount, 0))) AS REAL) * 100 / SUM(IIF(T2.store_id = 1, T1.amount, 0)) FROM payment AS T1 INNER JOIN customer AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id INNER JOIN store AS T3 ON T2.store_id = T3.store_id
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many times is the number of Indian cities than Italian cities?
indian refers to country = 'India'; Italian refers to country = 'Italy'; times = Divide(Count(city where country = 'India), Count(city where country = 'Italy'))
SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(T1.country = 'India', 1, 0)) AS REAL) / SUM(IIF(T1.country = 'Italy', 1, 0)) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.country_id = T2.country_id
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many times is the number of films Gina DeGeneres acted in than Penelope Guinness?
"Gina DeGeneres" and "Penelope Guinness" are both full name of actor; times number of film = Divide (Count (film_id where first_name = 'GINA' and last_name = 'DEGENERES'), Count(film_id where first_name = 'PENELOPE' and last_name = 'GUINESS'))
SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(T2.first_name = 'GINA' AND T2.last_name = 'DEGENERES', 1, 0)) AS REAL) * 100 / SUM(IIF(T2.first_name = 'PENELOPE' AND T2.last_name = 'GUINESS', 1, 0)) FROM film_actor AS T1 INNER JOIN actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
In 2006, how many restricted films were released?
restricted refers to rating = 'R'; release refers to release_year; in 2006 refers to release_year = 2006; film refers to title
SELECT COUNT(film_id) FROM film WHERE rating = 'R' AND release_year = 2006
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many actors starred in the film id 508?
SELECT COUNT(actor_id) FROM film_actor WHERE film_id = 508
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What are the special features for the film "Smoochy Control"?
"SMOOCHY CONTROL" is the title of film
SELECT special_features FROM film WHERE title = 'SMOOCHY CONTROL'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many customers paid over the amount of 10 on August 2005?
over the amount of 10 refers to amount > 10; paid on August 2005 refers to payment_date like '2005_08%'; customer refers to customer_id
SELECT COUNT(customer_id) FROM payment WHERE SUBSTR(payment_date, 1, 7) LIKE '2005-08'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
List the names of the films that are more than 180 minutes long.
more than 180 min long refers to length > 180; name of film refers to title
SELECT title FROM film WHERE length > 180
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How much is the total rental payment for the first 10 rentals?
first 10 rental refers to rental id between 1 and 10; total rental payment refers to sum(amount)
SELECT SUM(amount) FROM payment WHERE rental_id BETWEEN 1 AND 10
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What are the full names of all the active employees?
active employee refers to active = 1; full name refers to first_name, last_name
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM staff WHERE active = 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Who is the staff manager in store id 2?
staff manager refers to manager_staff_id
SELECT manager_staff_id FROM store WHERE store_id = 2
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many rentals were returned on 5/27/2005?
return on 5/27/2005 refers to return_date = '2005-05-27'; rental refers to rental_id
SELECT COUNT(rental_id) FROM rental WHERE rental_date = '2005-05-27'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What are the names of the movies which Laura Brody starred in?
name of movie refers to title
SELECT T3.title FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T1.first_name = 'Laura' AND T1.last_name = 'Brody'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
List the name of the films that can only be found in store id 2.
name of film refers to title
SELECT T1.title FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN inventory AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id WHERE T2.store_id = 2
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the full name of the customer who rented movies for 7 consecutive days?
rented for 7 consecutive days refers to Subtract(return_date, rental_date) = 7; full name refers to first_name, last_name
SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT customer_id, COUNT(*) AS num_days FROM ( SELECT *, date(days, '-' || rn || ' day') AS results FROM ( SELECT customer_id, days, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY days) AS rn FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT customer_id, date(rental_date) AS days FROM rental ) ) ) GROUP BY customer_id, results HAVING num_days = 7 ) AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many films are categorized as horror?
"Horror" is the name of category
SELECT COUNT(T1.film_id) FROM film_category AS T1 INNER JOIN category AS T2 ON T1.category_id = T2.category_id WHERE T2.name = 'Horror'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the name of the most rented movie?
most rented movie refers to title where Max(Count(rental_id))
SELECT T.title FROM ( SELECT T1.title, COUNT(T3.rental_id) AS num FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN inventory AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id INNER JOIN rental AS T3 ON T2.inventory_id = T3.inventory_id GROUP BY T1.title ) AS T ORDER BY T.num DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the most common special features of science-fiction movies?
"science fiction" is the name of category; most common special features refers to Max(frequency(special_features))
SELECT T1.special_features FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN film_category AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id INNER JOIN category AS T3 ON T2.category_id = T3.category_id WHERE T3.name = 'sci-fi' ORDER BY T1.special_features DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the full name of the actor who starred in most movies?
full name refers to first_name, last_name; actor who starred in the most movies refers to actor_id where Max(Count(film_id))
SELECT T.first_name, T.last_name FROM ( SELECT T2.first_name, T2.last_name, COUNT(T1.film_id) AS num FROM film_actor AS T1 INNER JOIN actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id GROUP BY T2.first_name, T2.last_name ) AS T ORDER BY T.num DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Among the films with a rental duration of 7 days, how many are comedies?
rental duration of 7 refers to rental_duration = 7; comedies refers to name = 'Comedy'
SELECT COUNT(T1.film_id) FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN film_category AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id INNER JOIN category AS T3 ON T2.category_id = T3.category_id WHERE T1.rental_duration = 7 AND T3.name = 'Comedy'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Who is the staff manager of the store with the most non-active customers?
most non-active customer refers to Max(Count(active = 0))
SELECT T.first_name, T.last_name FROM ( SELECT T3.first_name, T3.last_name, COUNT(T1.customer_id) AS num FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN store AS T2 ON T1.store_id = T2.store_id INNER JOIN staff AS T3 ON T2.store_id = T3.store_id WHERE T1.active = 0 GROUP BY T3.first_name, T3.last_name ) AS T ORDER BY T.num DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the rental price per day of the most expensive children's film?
children's film refers to name = 'Children'; average price per day of most expensive film = Max(Divide(rental_rate, rental_duration))
SELECT T1.rental_rate FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN film_category AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id INNER JOIN category AS T3 ON T2.category_id = T3.category_id WHERE T3.name = 'Children' ORDER BY T1.rental_rate / T1.rental_duration DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the complete address of store id 1?
complete address refers to address, address2, district
SELECT T3.address, T3.address2, T3.district FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.country_id = T2.country_id INNER JOIN address AS T3 ON T2.city_id = T3.city_id INNER JOIN store AS T4 ON T3.address_id = T4.address_id WHERE T4.store_id = 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many customers are from the city of Lethbridge?
customer refers to customer_id
SELECT COUNT(T3.customer_id) FROM city AS T1 INNER JOIN address AS T2 ON T1.city_id = T2.city_id INNER JOIN customer AS T3 ON T2.address_id = T3.address_id WHERE T1.city = 'Lethbridge'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many cities are there in the United States?
"United States" is the country
SELECT COUNT(T2.city) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.country_id = T2.country_id WHERE T1.country = 'United States'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
List the names of the customers from India.
"India" is the country; name refers to first_name, last_name
SELECT T4.first_name, T4.last_name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.country_id = T2.country_id INNER JOIN address AS T3 ON T2.city_id = T3.city_id INNER JOIN customer AS T4 ON T3.address_id = T4.address_id WHERE T1.country = 'India'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Among the classic movies, how many movies have a rental rate of less than 1?
classic movie refers to name = 'Classics'; rental rate of less than 1 refers to rental_rate < 1; movie refers to film_id
SELECT COUNT(T1.film_id) FROM film_category AS T1 INNER JOIN category AS T2 ON T1.category_id = T2.category_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T1.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T3.rental_rate < 1 AND T2.name = 'Classics'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the full name of the customer who rented the highest number of movies of all time?
full name refers to first_name, last_name; customer who rented the most film refers to Max(count(rental_id))
SELECT T.first_name, T.last_name FROM ( SELECT T2.first_name, T2.last_name, COUNT(T1.rental_id) AS num FROM rental AS T1 INNER JOIN customer AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T2.first_name, T2.last_name ) AS T ORDER BY T.num DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
How many times was "Blanket Beverly" rented?
"BLANKET BEVERLY" is the title of film; rented times refers to count(rental_id)
SELECT COUNT(T3.rental_id) FROM film AS T1 INNER JOIN inventory AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id INNER JOIN rental AS T3 ON T2.inventory_id = T3.inventory_id WHERE T1.title = 'Blanket Beverly'
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
What is the full name of the actor who has the highest number of restricted films?
restricted refers to rating = 'R'; highest number of film refers to Max(Count(film_id)); full name refers to first_name, last_name
SELECT T.first_name, T.last_name FROM ( SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name, COUNT(T2.film_id) AS num FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T3.rating = 'R' GROUP BY T1.first_name, T1.last_name ) AS T ORDER BY T.num DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,
Who are the top 5 actors with the highest number of films? List their full names and calculate the average number of films for each of the actors.
actors with highest number of films refers to actor_id with Max(Count(film_id)); full name refers to first_name, last_name; average number of film = Divide (Count(film_id), 5)
SELECT T.first_name, T.last_name, num FROM ( SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name, COUNT(T2.film_id) AS num FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id GROUP BY T1.first_name, T1.last_name ) AS T ORDER BY T.num DESC LIMIT 5
database name:db_id movie_3 film_text table film_text Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, actor table actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, address table address Cols: address id dtype integer, address dtype text, address 2 dtype text, district dtype text, city_id dtype integer, postal code dtype text, phone dtype text, last update dtype datetime, category table category Cols: category id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, city table city Cols: city id dtype integer, city dtype text, country id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, country table country Cols: country id dtype integer, the name of the country dtype text, last update dtype datetime, customer table customer Cols: country id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, email dtype text, address id dtype integer, active dtype integer, create date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, film table film Cols: film id dtype integer, title dtype text, description dtype text, release year dtype text, language id dtype integer, original language id dtype integer, rental duration dtype integer, rental rate dtype real, length dtype integer, replacement cost dtype real, rating dtype text, special features dtype text, last update dtype datetime, film_actor table film_actor Cols: actor id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, film_category table film_category Cols: film id dtype integer, category id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, inventory table inventory Cols: inventory id dtype integer, film id dtype integer, store id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, language table language Cols: language id dtype integer, name dtype text, last update dtype datetime, payment table payment Cols: payment id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, staff id dtype integer, rental id dtype integer, amount dtype real, payment date dtype datetime, last update dtype datetime, rental table rental Cols: rental id dtype integer, rental date dtype datetime, inventory id dtype integer, customer id dtype integer, return date dtype datetime, staff id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime, staff table staff Cols: staff id dtype integer, first name dtype text, last name dtype text, address id dtype integer, picture of the staff dtype blob, email of the staff dtype text, store id dtype integer, active dtype integer, username dtype text, password dtype text, last update dtype datetime, store table store Cols: store id dtype integer, manager staff id dtype integer, address id dtype integer, last update dtype datetime,