69 values
69 values
What is the minimum dew point?
minimum dew point refers to Min(dewpoint)
SELECT MIN(dewpoint) FROM weather
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
What is the maximum and minimum temperature for station number 1 on 15 January 2012?
station number 1 refers to station_nbr = 1 ; minimum temperature = tmin; maximum temperature = tmax; on 15 January 2012 refers to date = '2012-01-15'
SELECT tmax, tmin FROM weather WHERE station_nbr = 1 AND `date` = '2012-01-15'
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
How many stations were able to sell item 5 on January 2014?
item 5 refers to item_nbr = 5; on January 2014 refers to Substring (date, 1, 7) = '2014-01'
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T2.station_nbr) AS number FROM sales_in_weather AS T1 INNER JOIN relation AS T2 ON T1.store_nbr = T2.store_nbr WHERE SUBSTR(`date`, 1, 7) = '2014-01' AND item_nbr = 5
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
What is the lowest minimum temperature recorded in store 16 on January 2012?
lowest minimum temperature refers to Min(tmin); store 16 refers to store_nbr = 16; on January 2012 refers to Substring (date, 1, 7) = '2012-01'
SELECT MIN(tmin) FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN relation AS T2 ON T1.station_nbr = T2.station_nbr WHERE T2.store_nbr = 16 AND T1.`date` LIKE '%2012-01%'
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
How many units of item 7 have been sold by store 7 when the snow is less than 5 inches?
item 7 refers to item_nbr = 7; store 7 refers to store_nbr = 7; snow is less than 5 inches refers to snowfall < 5
SELECT SUM(units) FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN relation AS T2 ON T1.station_nbr = T2.station_nbr INNER JOIN sales_in_weather AS T3 ON T2.store_nbr = T3.store_nbr WHERE T2.store_nbr = 7 AND T3.item_nbr = 7 AND T1.snowfall < 5
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
How many items were sold by store 9 during a snowy day?
store 9 refers to store_nbr = 9; snowy day refers to snowfall < > 0 and snowfall is not null; item refers to item_nbr
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT item_nbr) FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN relation AS T2 ON T1.station_nbr = T2.station_nbr INNER JOIN sales_in_weather AS T3 ON T2.store_nbr = T3.store_nbr WHERE T3.store_nbr = 9 AND T1.snowfall <> 0 AND T1.snowfall IS NOT NULL
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
List out stations number and items sold by store 17.
station number refers to station_nbr; store 17 refers to store_nbr = 17
SELECT T1.station_nbr, T2.item_nbr FROM relation AS T1 INNER JOIN sales_in_weather AS T2 ON T1.store_nbr = T2.store_nbr WHERE T1.store_nbr = 17 GROUP BY T1.station_nbr, T2.item_nbr
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
List out dates when haze is recorded in store 35.
store 35 refers to store_nbr = 35; haze is recorded refers to codesum like '%'||'HZ'||'%'
SELECT T1.`date` FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN relation AS T2 ON T1.station_nbr = T2.station_nbr WHERE T2.store_nbr = 35 AND T1.codesum LIKE '%' OR 'HZ' OR '%'
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
What is the sea level and average speed for store number 3 and store number 4?
store number 3 refers to store_nbr = 3; average speed refers to avgspeed; store number 4 refers to store_nbr = 4
SELECT T1.sealevel, T1.avgspeed FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN relation AS T2 ON T1.station_nbr = T2.station_nbr WHERE T2.store_nbr = 3 OR T2.store_nbr = 4
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
Which items from store 1 have the highest units sold during rainy day?
store 1 refers to store_nbr = 1; highest unit sold refers to Max(units); during rainy day refers to codesum like '%'||'RA'||'%'; item refers to item_nbr
SELECT T2.item_nbr FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN sales_in_weather AS T2 ON T1.`date` = T2.`date` INNER JOIN relation AS T3 ON T2.store_nbr = T3.store_nbr AND T1.station_nbr = T3.station_nbr WHERE T2.store_nbr = 1 AND T1.codesum LIKE '%' OR 'RA' OR '%' GROUP BY T2.item_nbr ORDER BY T2.units DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
What is the ratio of the highest and lowest temperature in store 11?
store 11 refers to store_nbr = 11; highest temperature refers to Max(tmax); lowest temperature refers to Min(tmin); ration = Divide (Max(tmax), Min(tmin))
SELECT CAST((MAX(T1.tmax) - MIN(T1.tmin)) AS REAL) / MIN(T1.tmin) FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN relation AS T2 ON T1.station_nbr = T2.station_nbr WHERE T2.store_nbr = 11
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
What was the difference of number of units sold in station number 1 and number 2 on year 2012?
station 1 refers to station_nbr = 1; station 2 refers to station_nbr = 2; on year 2012 refers to substring (date, 1, 4) = '2012'; difference = Subtract (Sum(units where station_nbr = 1), Sum(units where station_nbr = 2))
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T1.station_nbr = 1 THEN units ELSE 0 END) - SUM(CASE WHEN T1.station_nbr = 2 THEN units ELSE 0 END) FROM relation AS T1 INNER JOIN sales_in_weather AS T2 ON T1.store_nbr = T2.store_nbr WHERE T2.`date` LIKE '%2012%'
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
What was the average temperature difference between store number 18 and 19 on 16 September 2022?
store number 18 refers to store_nbr = 18; store number 19 refers to store_nbr = 19; on 16 September 2022 refers to date = '2022-09-16'; average temperature difference = Subtract(tavg where store_nbr = 18, tavg where store_nbr = 19)
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T1.store_nbr = 18 THEN T2.tavg ELSE 0 END) - SUM(CASE WHEN T1.store_nbr = 19 THEN T2.tavg ELSE 0 END) FROM relation AS T1 INNER JOIN weather AS T2 ON T1.station_nbr = T2.station_nbr WHERE T2.`date` = '2012-09-16'
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
How many units are being sold for item 1 when the average temperature is 83?
item 1 refers to item_nbr = 1; when the average temperature is 83 refers to tavg = 83
SELECT SUM(units) FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN sales_in_weather AS T2 ON T1.`date` = T2.`date` INNER JOIN relation AS T3 ON T2.store_nbr = T3.store_nbr WHERE T2.item_nbr = 1 AND T1.tavg = 83
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
What is the difference between the units sold for item 1 when the sunset was the earliest and the latest?
item 1 refers to item_nbr = 1; when the sunset earliest refers to Min(sunset); latest sunset refers to Max(sunset); difference unit sold refers to Subtract(Sum(units where Min(sunset)), Sum(units where Max(sunset)))
SELECT ( SELECT SUM(T2.units) AS sumunit FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN sales_in_weather AS T2 ON T1.`date` = T2.`date` INNER JOIN relation AS T3 ON T2.store_nbr = T3.store_nbr WHERE T2.item_nbr = 5 AND sunset IS NOT NULL GROUP BY T1.sunset ORDER BY T1.sunset LIMIT 1 ) - ( SELECT SUM(T2.units) AS sumunit FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN sales_in_weather AS T2 ON T1.`date` = T2.`date` INNER JOIN relation AS T3 ON T2.store_nbr = T3.store_nbr WHERE T2.item_nbr = 5 AND sunset IS NOT NULL GROUP BY T1.sunset ORDER BY T1.sunset DESC LIMIT 1 )
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
What was the total unit sold for item 10 when the average temperature was below the median temperature?
item 10 refers to item_nbr = 10; average temperature below median temperature refers to tavg < avg(tavg); total units refers to Sum(units)
SELECT SUM(T5.units) FROM weather AS T4 INNER JOIN sales_in_weather AS T5 ON T4.`date` = T5.`date` INNER JOIN relation AS T6 ON T5.store_nbr = T6.store_nbr WHERE T5.item_nbr = 10 AND T4.tavg < ( SELECT AVG(T1.tavg) FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN sales_in_weather AS T2 ON T1.`date` = T2.`date` INNER JOIN relation AS T3 ON T2.store_nbr = T3.store_nbr WHERE T2.item_nbr = 10 )
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
What was the average temperature differences during May 2012 for store number 6 and 7?
during May 2012 refers to SUBSTR(date, 1, 7) = '2012-05'; store number 6 refers to store_nbr = 6; store number 7 refers to store_nbr = 7; average temperature difference = Subtract (Divide (Sum(tavg), Count (date) where the store_nbr = 6), Divide (Sum(tavg), Count(date) where store_nbr = 7))
SELECT ( SELECT CAST(SUM(tavg) AS REAL) / COUNT(`date`) FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN relation AS T2 ON T1.station_nbr = T2.station_nbr AND T1.`date` LIKE '%2012-05%' AND T2.store_nbr = 6 ) - ( SELECT CAST(SUM(tavg) AS REAL) / COUNT(`date`) FROM weather AS T1 INNER JOIN relation AS T2 ON T1.station_nbr = T2.station_nbr WHERE T1.`date` LIKE '%2012-05%' AND T2.store_nbr = 7 )
database name:db_id sales_in_weather sales_in_weather table sales_in_weather Cols: date dtype date, store number dtype integer, item number dtype integer, units dtype integer, weather table weather Cols: station number dtype integer, date dtype date, temperature max dtype integer, temperature min dtype integer, temperature average dtype integer, departure from normal dtype integer, dew point dtype integer, wet bulb dtype integer, heat dtype integer, cool dtype integer, sunrise dtype text, sunset dtype text, code summarization dtype text, snowfall dtype real, preciptotal dtype real, station pressure dtype real, sea level dtype real, resultant speed dtype real, resultant direction dtype integer, average speed dtype real, relation table relation Cols: store number dtype integer, station number dtype integer,
In which country does Polish found least in?
SELECT T2.Name FROM ethnicGroup AS T1 INNER JOIN country AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Code WHERE T1.Name = 'Polish' GROUP BY T2.Name, T1.Percentage ORDER BY T1.Percentage ASC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which countries have more than 90% of African? List the name of the country in full.
Percentage = 90 means 90% of the population
SELECT T2.Name FROM ethnicGroup AS T1 INNER JOIN country AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Code WHERE T1.Name = 'African' AND T1.Percentage > 90
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
State the different ethnic group and percentage of the language in Singapore.
SELECT T1.Name, T1.Percentage FROM ethnicGroup AS T1 INNER JOIN country AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Code WHERE T2.Name = 'Singapore' GROUP BY T1.Name, T1.Percentage
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Calculate the percentage of country which gained independence as republic after 1970.
SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN Government = 'republic' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(Country) FROM politics WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', Independence) > '1970'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Find the GPD for Bosnia and Herzegovina and the type of government it belongs to.
SELECT T1.GDP, T2.Government FROM economy AS T1 INNER JOIN politics AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Country INNER JOIN country AS T3 ON T3.Code = T2.Country WHERE T3.Name = 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
State the country and its population with population growth greater than 2% but infant mortality rate less than 5%.
SELECT T1.Name, T1.Population FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN population AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Population_Growth > 2 AND T2.Infant_Mortality < 5
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which is the majority of the ethnic group in country with great than 10,000,000 population
SELECT T2.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Population > 10000000 GROUP BY T2.Name, T2.Percentage ORDER BY T2.Percentage DESC LIMIT 2
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Provide the country with its full name which has the most ethnic group? List them all ethnic group together with its percentage.
SELECT T1.Name, T2.Name, T2.Percentage FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = ( SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country GROUP BY T1.Name ORDER BY COUNT(T2.Name) DESC LIMIT 1 ) GROUP BY T1.Name, T2.Name, T2.Percentage
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the full name of the country with 100% Africans?
Percentage = 100 means 100% of the population
SELECT T1.Name FROM ethnicGroup AS T1 INNER JOIN country AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Code WHERE T1.Percentage = 100 AND T1.Name = 'African'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
List the infant mortality of country with the least Amerindian.
SELECT T1.Infant_Mortality FROM population AS T1 INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Country WHERE T2.Name = 'Amerindian' ORDER BY T2.Percentage ASC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
For country with area greater than 600000, what is agriculture percentage of GDP the country contributes?
SELECT T2.Agriculture FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN economy AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Area > 600000 AND T2.Agriculture IS NOT NULL
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Provide the country with republic government which has the highest population growth?
SELECT T2.Country FROM population AS T1 INNER JOIN politics AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Country WHERE T2.Government = 'republic' ORDER BY T1.Population_Growth DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
When did 'Bulgaria' gain independence?
SELECT T2.Independence FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN politics AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = 'Bulgaria'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Calculate the population of Arab in each country?
Arab is the name of enthic groups in the country; Population of (Arab in each country) = (percentage of Arab) * (population of each country)
SELECT T2.Percentage * T1.Population FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Name = 'Arab'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the population of African in 'Turks and Caicos Islands'?
African is the name of enthic groups in the country; Population of (African in Turks and Calcos Island) = (percentage of African) * (population of Turks and Calcos Island)
SELECT T2.Percentage * T1.Population FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Name = 'African' AND T1.Name = 'Turks and Caicos Islands'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the number of growth population for country with the lowest infant mortality?
Growth population = population_growth * population
SELECT T2.Population_Growth * T1.Population FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN population AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Infant_Mortality IS NOT NULL ORDER BY T2.Infant_Mortality ASC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Among countries with more than 400,000 GDP, state its capital and population.
SELECT T1.Capital, T1.Population FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN economy AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.GDP > 400000
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Calculate the service of GDP for Brazil.
The service of GDP can be computed by service * GDP
SELECT T2.Service * T2.GDP FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN economy AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = 'Brazil'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which country has the highest infant mortality? Also state its population growth.
SELECT T1.Name, T2.Population_Growth FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN population AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country ORDER BY T2.Infant_Mortality DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
List all countries with negative growth in population. State the country, population and growth.
Negative growth in population means population_growth < 0
SELECT T1.Name, T1.Population, T2.Population_Growth FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN population AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Population_Growth < 0
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
For countries with area between 500000 to 1000000, state the country and infant mortality rate.
SELECT T1.Name, T2.Infant_Mortality FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN population AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Area BETWEEN 500000 AND 1000000
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Among the countries with more than 3% population growth rate, state the country name in full along with its GDP.
Population_growth = 3 means 3% population growth rate
SELECT T1.Name, T3.GDP FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN population AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country INNER JOIN economy AS T3 ON T3.Country = T2.Country WHERE T2.Population_Growth > 3
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the infant mortality rate for Ethiopia?
Ethiopia is one of country names
SELECT T2.Infant_Mortality FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN population AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = 'Ethiopia'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How much does the gross domestic products goes to the industry sector for Singapore?
Singapore is one of country names; GDP refers to gross domestic products; GDP to the industry sector = GDP * Industry
SELECT T2.GDP * T2.Industry FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN economy AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = 'Singapore'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How much is her GDP in agriculture for the country with the least area?
SELECT T2.GDP * T2.Agriculture FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN economy AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country ORDER BY T1.Area ASC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which country has the biggest percentage of the albanian ethnic group?
SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Name = 'Albanian' ORDER BY T2.Percentage DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Among the countries with the African ethnic group, how many of them has a population of over 10000000?
SELECT COUNT(T1.Name) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Name = 'African' AND T1.Area > 10000000
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Please list the name of the countries with over 5 ethnic groups.
SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country GROUP BY T1.Name HAVING COUNT(T1.Name) > 5
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which country has the highest GDP?
SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN economy AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country ORDER BY T2.GDP DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Among the countries with a population of over 10000000, how many of them have a GDP of over 500000?
SELECT COUNT(T1.Name) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN economy AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.GDP > 500000 AND T1.Population > 10000000
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Please list the capital cities of the countries with an inflation rate under 2.
SELECT T1.Capital FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN economy AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Inflation < 2
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which country has the lowest inflation rate?
SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN economy AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Inflation IS NOT NULL ORDER BY T2.Inflation ASC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Among the countries whose agriculture percentage of the GDP is under 50%, how many of them have an area of over 8000000?
SELECT COUNT(T1.Name) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN economy AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Agriculture < 50 AND T1.Area > 8000000
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How many cities have a salt lake located in it?
SELECT COUNT(T1.City) FROM located AS T1 INNER JOIN lake AS T2 ON T1.Lake = T2.Name WHERE T2.Type = 'salt'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Please list the depth of the lakes that are located in the Province of Albania.
SELECT T2.Depth FROM located AS T1 INNER JOIN lake AS T2 ON T1.Lake = T2.Name WHERE T1.Province = 'Albania'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
The lake with the highest altitude is located in which city?
SELECT T2.City FROM lake AS T1 LEFT JOIN located AS T2 ON T2.Lake = T1.Name ORDER BY T1.Altitude DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How many lakes in the Canary Islands cover an area of over 1000000?
SELECT COUNT(T2.Name) FROM located AS T1 INNER JOIN lake AS T2 ON T1.Lake = T2.Name WHERE T1.Province = 'Canary Islands' AND T2.Area > 1000000
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which country has the most languages spoken?
SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN language AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country GROUP BY T1.Name ORDER BY COUNT(T2.Name) DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the capital city of the country that has the percentage of Armenian speakers over 90%?
Percentage of country > 90% refers to percentage > 90; America is one of country names
SELECT T1.Capital FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN language AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Name = 'Armenian' AND T2.Percentage > 90
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Among the countries with a population of under 1000000, how many of them have over 2 languages?
SELECT T2.Country FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN language AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Population < 1000000 GROUP BY T2.Country HAVING COUNT(T1.Name) > 2
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How many organizations are founded in countries with a population of under 1000000?
SELECT COUNT(T2.Name) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN organization AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Population < 1000000
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How many organizations are established after 1999/1/1 in a country whose GDP is under 500000?
SELECT T1.Country, COUNT(T1.Country) FROM economy AS T1 INNER JOIN organization AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Country WHERE T1.GDP < 500000 AND STRFTIME('%Y', T2.Established) < '1999' GROUP BY T1.Country
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Among the countries with over 3 organizations, how many of them have an inflation rate of over 5%?
SELECT COUNT(T2.Country) FROM economy AS T1 INNER JOIN organization AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Country WHERE T2.Country IN ( SELECT Country FROM organization GROUP BY Country HAVING COUNT(Country) > 3 ) AND T1.Inflation > 5
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How many organizations are established in the country with the most ethnic groups?
SELECT COUNT(T2.Province) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN organization AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T3 ON T3.Country = T2.Country GROUP BY T1.Name ORDER BY COUNT(T3.Name) DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Please list the organization names established in the countries where Dutch is spoken.
Dutch is one of language
SELECT T2.Name FROM language AS T1 INNER JOIN organization AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = 'Dutch'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How many organizations are established in countries where people speak Bosnian?
Bosnian is one of language
SELECT COUNT(T2.Name) FROM language AS T1 INNER JOIN organization AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = 'Bosnian'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the highest infant mortality rate per thousand of the countries whose inflation is under 3?
SELECT MAX(T2.Infant_Mortality) FROM economy AS T1 INNER JOIN population AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Country WHERE T1.Inflation < 3
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Among the countries whose GDP is over 1000000, how many of them have a population groth rate of over 3%?
population growth rate of over 3% means population_growth > 3
SELECT COUNT(T1.Country) FROM economy AS T1 INNER JOIN population AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Country WHERE T1.GDP > 1000000 AND T2.Population_Growth > 3
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which country has the highest GDP per capita?
GDP per capita = GDP / population
SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN economy AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country ORDER BY T2.GDP / T1.Population DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the highest lake area coverage of a country?
Lake area coverage = [sum(area of the lakes in the country) / (area of the country)] * 100%
SELECT T2.Area * 100 / T3.Area FROM located AS T1 INNER JOIN lake AS T2 ON T1.Lake = T2.Name INNER JOIN country AS T3 ON T3.Code = T1.Country ORDER BY T2.Longitude DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the average population growth rate of countries where more than 3 languages are used?
SELECT SUM(T3.Population_Growth) / COUNT(T3.Country) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN language AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country INNER JOIN population AS T3 ON T3.Country = T2.Country WHERE T2.Country IN ( SELECT Country FROM language GROUP BY Country HAVING COUNT(Country) > 3 ) GROUP BY T3.Country
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Please list the names of the countries with an inflation rate that's 30% above the average.
Average inflation rate = [sum(inflation) / count(countries)]; 30% above average implies inflation > 1.3 average inflation rate
SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN economy AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country GROUP BY T1.Name, T2.Inflation HAVING T2.Inflation > AVG(T2.Inflation) * 1.3
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Where country does Baghdad belongs to?
Baghdad is one of provinces
SELECT Name FROM country WHERE Province = 'Baghdad'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which religion has the largest population in Martinique?
SELECT T2.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN religion AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = 'Martinique' ORDER BY T1.population DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which country is 41% Christian? Give the full name of the country.
SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN religion AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Name = 'Christian' AND T2.Percentage = 41
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which two countries does the Detroit River flow through? Give the full name of the country.
SELECT T3.Name FROM located AS T1 INNER JOIN river AS T2 ON T1.River = T2.Name INNER JOIN country AS T3 ON T3.Code = T1.Country WHERE T2.Name = 'Detroit River'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which two countries have the longest border in the world? Give the full name of the country.
SELECT T2.Country1, T2.Country2 FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN borders AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country1 ORDER BY T2.Length DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which country has the most neighbors? Give the full name of the country.
SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN borders AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country1 GROUP BY T1.Name ORDER BY COUNT(T1.Name) DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which country is Mountain Cerro Chirripo located in? Give the full name of the country.
SELECT DISTINCT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN geo_mountain AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Mountain = 'Cerro Chirripo'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How many mountains are there in Indonesia?
Indonesia refers to one of countries
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T2.Mountain) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN geo_mountain AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = 'Indonesia'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the quantity of the mountains does Japan have?
Japan is one of country names
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T2.Mountain) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN geo_mountain AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = 'Japan'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the latitude of the island on which Mount Andrinjitra is located?
SELECT T1.Latitude FROM island AS T1 INNER JOIN mountainOnIsland AS T2 ON T1.Name = T2.Island WHERE T2.Mountain = 'Andringitra'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which two countries share the second highest mountain? Give the country code.
SELECT T1.Code FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN geo_mountain AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Mountain = ( SELECT Name FROM mountain ORDER BY Height DESC LIMIT 1, 1 )
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the area of Egypt as a percentage of Asia?
SELECT T2.Percentage FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN encompasses AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country INNER JOIN continent AS T3 ON T3.Name = T2.Continent WHERE T3.Name = 'Asia' AND T1.Name = 'Egypt'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the area of Egypt as a percentage of Asia?
SELECT T1.Area * 100 / T3.Area FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN encompasses AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country INNER JOIN continent AS T3 ON T3.Name = T2.Continent WHERE T3.Name = 'Asia' AND T1.Name = 'Egypt'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which city in Japan has the most people in the country?
most people refers to largest population
SELECT T2.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = 'Japan' ORDER BY T2.Population DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
For the country in which Olsztyn is located, where is the capital?
Olsztyn is one of country names
SELECT T1.Capital FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Name = 'Olsztyn'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
In which province is the highest volcano mountain located in?
SELECT T1.Province FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN geo_mountain AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country INNER JOIN mountain AS T3 ON T3.Name = T2.Mountain WHERE T3.Type = 'volcano' ORDER BY T3.Height DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
When did Uganda declare independence?
Uganda is one of country names
SELECT T2.Independence FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN politics AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = 'Uganda'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What kind of government does Iran have?
Uganda is one of country names
SELECT T2.Government FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN politics AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = 'Iran'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Where does Bermuda belong to? Give the full name of the country.
Bermuda is one of countries
SELECT T3.Name FROM locatedOn AS T1 INNER JOIN island AS T2 ON T1.Island = T2.Name INNER JOIN country AS T3 ON T3.Code = T1.Country WHERE T3.Name = 'Bermuda'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Where is the capital of country which has the largest percentage of Malay people?
Malay is one of country names
SELECT T1.Capital FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Name = 'Malay' ORDER BY T2.Percentage DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
For the third largest country, which ethinic group has the most population?
SELECT T2.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = ( SELECT Name FROM country ORDER BY Area DESC LIMIT 2, 1 ) GROUP BY T2.Name ORDER BY T2.Percentage * T1.Population DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Which country has the city of 114339 in population? Give the full name of the country.
SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Population = 114339
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How many rivers finally flows to the sea of 459m in depth?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM river WHERE Sea IN ( SELECT Name FROM sea WHERE Depth = 459 )
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the area of the country which became independent in 1921/3/13?
SELECT T1.Area FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN politics AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Independence = '1921-03-13'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the population density of the Petropavl's home country?
Population density = Population / area
SELECT CAST(T1.Population AS REAL) / T1.Area FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T2.Name = 'Petropavl'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How many more people speak English than speak Scottish in United Kingdom?
English and Scottish are two languages; United Kingdom is a country
SELECT T3.Population * (T2.Percentage - T1.Percentage) FROM ethnicGroup AS T1 INNER JOIN ethnicGroup AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Country INNER JOIN country AS T3 ON T1.Country = T3.Code WHERE T1.Name = 'Scottish' AND T2.Name = 'English' AND T3.Name = 'United Kingdom'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
What is the most populated city of the 12th highest density country?
Population density = Population / area
SELECT T2.Name FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country WHERE T1.Name = ( SELECT Name FROM country ORDER BY CAST(Population AS REAL) / Area LIMIT 11, 1 ) ORDER BY T2.Population DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How many times longer is the longest border in the United States than the shortest?
How many times longer = longest border / shortest border
SELECT MAX(T2.Length) / MIN(T2.Length) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN borders AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country2 WHERE T1.Name = 'United States'
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Please list the capital cities of the countries that have more than 4 mountains.
SELECT T1.Capital FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN geo_mountain AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country GROUP BY T1.Name, T1.Capital HAVING COUNT(T1.Name) > 4
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
How many mountains are there in the country with the greatest population?
SELECT COUNT(T2.Mountain) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN geo_mountain AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country GROUP BY T1.Name ORDER BY T1.Population DESC LIMIT 1
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,
Among the countries whose agriculture takes up more than 40% of its GDP, how many of them have less than 2 mountains?
SELECT COUNT(T3.Country) FROM ( SELECT T1.Country FROM economy AS T1 INNER JOIN geo_mountain AS T2 ON T1.Country = T2.Country WHERE T1.Industry < 40 GROUP BY T1.Country HAVING COUNT(T1.Country) < 2 ) AS T3
database name:db_id mondial_geo borders table borders Cols: Country1 dtype text, Country2 dtype text, Length dtype real, city table city Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Population dtype integer, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, continent table continent Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, country table country Cols: Name dtype text, Code dtype text, Capital dtype text, Province dtype text, Area dtype real, Population dtype integer, desert table desert Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, economy table economy Cols: Country dtype text, gross domestic product dtype real, Agriculture dtype real, Service dtype real, Industry dtype real, Inflation dtype real, encompasses table encompasses Cols: Country dtype text, Continent dtype text, Percentage dtype real, ethnicGroup table ethnicGroup Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, geo_desert table geo_desert Cols: Desert dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_estuary table geo_estuary Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_island table geo_island Cols: Island dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_lake table geo_lake Cols: Lake dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_mountain table geo_mountain Cols: Mountain dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_river table geo_river Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_sea table geo_sea Cols: Sea dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, geo_source table geo_source Cols: River dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, island table island Cols: Name dtype text, Islands dtype text, Area dtype real, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, islandIn table islandIn Cols: Island dtype text, Sea dtype text, Lake dtype text, River dtype text, isMember table isMember Cols: Country dtype text, Organization dtype text, Type dtype text, lake table lake Cols: Name dtype text, Area dtype real, Depth dtype real, Altitude dtype real, Type dtype text, River dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, language table language Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, located table located Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, locatedOn table locatedOn Cols: City dtype text, Province dtype text, Country dtype text, Island dtype text, mergeswith table mergeswith Cols: Sea1 dtype text, Sea2 dtype text, mountain table mountain Cols: Name dtype text, Mountains dtype text, Height dtype real, Type dtype text, Longitude dtype real, Latitude dtype real, mountainonisland table mountainonisland Cols: Mountain dtype text, Island dtype text, organization table organization Cols: Abbreviation dtype text, Name dtype text, City dtype text, Country dtype text, Province dtype text, Established dtype date, politics table politics Cols: Country dtype text, Independence dtype date, Dependent dtype text, Government dtype text, population table population Cols: Country dtype text, population growth dtype real, infant mortality dtype real, province table province Cols: Name dtype text, Country dtype text, Population dtype integer, Area dtype real, Capital dtype text, capital province dtype text, religion table religion Cols: Country dtype text, Name dtype text, Percentage dtype real, river table river Cols: Name dtype text, River dtype text, Lake dtype text, Sea dtype text, Length dtype real, SourceLongitude dtype real, SourceLatitude dtype real, Mountains dtype text, SourceAltitude dtype real, EstuaryLongitude dtype real, EstuaryLatitude dtype real, sea table sea Cols: Name dtype text, Depth dtype real, target table target Cols: Country dtype text, Target dtype text,