the impoverished brain disparities in maternal education affect the neural response to sound
how poverty molds the brain poor neural processing of sound linked to lower maternal education background
global change and the distributional dynamics of migratory bird populations wintering in central america
greatest threat to eastern forest birds is habitat loss on wintering grounds
tetraplegia is a risk factor for central sleep apnea
quadriplegics at risk for serious sleep breathing disorder
single dose versus day dose metronidazole for the treatment of trichomoniasis in women an open label randomised controlled trial
standard treatment for common std doesn t eliminate parasite in some women
the fire ant social chromosome supergene variant sb shows low diversity but high divergence from sb
scientists explore the evolution of a social supergene in the red fire ant
an analog of the natural steroidal alkaloid cortistatin a potently suppresses tat dependent hiv transcription
potent new compound virtually eliminates hiv in cell culture
familial linkage between neuropsychiatric disorders and intellectual interests
family history of psychiatric disorders shapes intellectual interests study suggests
repeatedly pairing vagus nerve stimulation with a movement reorganizes primary motor cortex
reorganizing brain could lead to new stroke tinnitus treatments
electron diffusion region during magnetopause reconnection with an intermediate guide field magnetospheric multiscale observations
nasa mission uncovers a dance of electrons in space
luck in food finding affects individual performance and population trajectories
animal populations are shrinking due to their high risk food finding strategies
longitudinal associations between other sex friendships and substance use in adolescence
early male friendship as a precursor to substance abuse in girls
progressive cl channel defects reveal disrupted skeletal muscle maturation in r huntington s mice
huntington s disease affects muscle as well as neurons study reveals
gut microbiome derived metabolites modulate intestinal epithelial cell damage and mitigate graft versus host disease
healthy gut could help prevent deadly side effect of bone marrow transplant
toddlers prefer those who win but not when they win by force
toddlers prefer winners but avoid those who win by force
realizing the promise of well being longitudinal research from an effective early intervention program for substance exposed babies and toddlers identifies essential components
realizing the promise of education an effective early intervention program for substance exposed babies and toddlers
ultraviolet light curves of gaia apd in superluminous supernova models
ultraviolet light from superluminous supernova key to revealing explosion mechanism
rpap provides a flexible scaffold for coupling hsp to the human r tp co chaperone complex
structure of a protein complex related with cell survival revealed
no association between proton pump inhibitor use and risk of alzheimer s disease
antiulcer drugs do not increase risk of alzheimer s disease
chemoselective tarantula toxins report voltage activation of wild type ion channels in live cells
tarantula venom illuminates electrical activity in live cells
impairment of slc a encoding vesicular glutamate transporter vglut underlies nonsyndromic deafness dfna and inner hair cell dysfunction in null mice
inherited form of hearing loss stems from gene mutation
hyperthermic laser ablation of recurrent glioblastoma leads to temporary disruption of the peritumoral blood brain barrier
laser treatment may boost effectiveness of brain tumor drugs
the cosmic gorilla effect or the problem of undetected non terrestrial intelligent signals
a cosmic gorilla effect could blind the detection of aliens
tumor induced osteoclast mirna changes as regulators and biomarkers of osteolytic bone metastasis
small bits of genetic material fight cancer s spread
traditional complementary and alternative medicine use in sub saharan africa a systematic review
study of traditional medicine finds high use in sub saharan africa despite modern medicine
phase sensitive imaging of the outer retina using optical coherence tomography and adaptive optics
nanometer scale growth of cone cells tracked in living human eye
severe nde mediated microcephaly results from neural progenitor cell cycle arrests at multiple specific stages
in some genetic cases of microcephaly stem cells fail to launch
narrow pollen diets are associated with declining midwestern bumble bee species
the buzz about bumble bees isn t good
erg dependence distinguishes developmental control of hematopoietic stem cell maintenance from hematopoietic specification
erg gene key to blood stem cell self renewal
batch spawning facilitates transfer of an essential nutrient from diet to eggs in a marine fish
the fish and the egg towards a new strategy for fattening up red drum in texas
delivery of a drug cache to glioma cells overexpressing platelet derived growth factor receptor using lipid nanocarriers
tiny packages may pack powerful treatment for brain tumors
perinatal outcomes in multifetal pregnancy following fetal reduction
fetal reduction in multifetal pregnancies associated with better birth outcomes
jet stream dynamics hydroclimate and fire in california from ce to present
wildfire risk in california no longer coupled to winter precipitation
family history of myocardial infarction stroke and diabetes and cardiometabolic markers in children
one third of children have higher levels of cardiometabolic risk factors due to family history
eeg oscillations during word processing predict mci conversion to alzheimer s disease
delayed word processing could predict patients potential to develop alzheimer s disease
vascular stiffness mechanoactivates yap taz dependent glutaminolysis to drive pulmonary hypertension
new understanding of pulmonary hypertension leads to promising drug targets
incidence and clearance of oral human papillomavirus infection in men the him cohort study
single men smokers at higher risk for oral human papillomavirus infection
planting sentinel european trees in eastern asia as a novel method to identify potential insect pest invaders
a first in tree research european trees planted in china to identify potentially invasive species in our forests
a c orf carm axis regulates lipid metabolism under glucose starvation induced nutrient stress
mutation associated with als causes sugar starved cells to overproduce lipids study shows
a hot segment based approach for the design of cross amyloid interaction surface mimics as inhibitors of amyloid self assembly
amyloid plaques in alzheimer s diabetes novel leads for inhibitors
novel method of quantifying radioactive cesium rich microparticles csmps in the environment from the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant
fukushima radioactive particle release was significant says new research
environmental dna from seawater samples correlate with trawl catches of subarctic deepwater fishes
edna in seawater samples could reveal status of deepwater fish populations
molecular orientation control of semiconducting molecules using a metal layer formed by wet processing
highly efficient wet processed solar cells with molecules in the same orientation
condom access in south african schools law policy and practice
south african policy on adolescents rights to access condoms is causing confusion
sex specific responses to climate change in plants alter population sex ratio and performance
climate change s effect on rocky mountain plant is driven by sex
exploring the combined role of eustasy and oceanic island thermal subsidence in shaping biodiversity on the gal pagos
how have changing sea levels influenced evolution on the galapagos islands ?
an ephb abl signaling pathway is associated with intestinal tumor initiation and growth
new knowledge on ephb signaling may improve treatment of intestinal cancers
benzothiazole amphiphiles promote the formation of dendritic spines in primary hippocampal neurons
neuronal structures associated with memory sprout in response to novel molecules
preterm birth and risk of heart failure up to early adulthood
preterm birth linked to higher risk of heart failure
pathogenic tau induced pirna depletion promotes neuronal death through transposable element dysregulation in neurodegenerative tauopathies
abnormal gene copying seen in tauopathy fruit fly models
nanotopographical cues augment mesenchymal differentiation of human embryonic stem cells
stem cell breakthrough could lead to new bone repair therapies on nanoscale surfaces
overweight and cpg methylation of the pomc promoter in offspring of high fat diet fed dams are not reprogrammed by regular chow diet in rats
how genes link mom s diet to risk of obesity in her offspring
the world s largest toothed pterosaur nhmuk r an incomplete rostrum of coloborhynchus capito seeley from the cambridge greensand of england
tiny fossil fragment reveals giant but ugly truth part of biggest ever toothed pterosaur from dinosaur era
the globalization of tobacco use challenges for the st century
global tobacco report outlines challenges for st century
hippocampal place cell sequences depict future paths to remembered goals
going places rat brain gps maps routes to rewards
estimating the global distribution of field size using crowdsourcing
crowdsourced field data shows importance of smallholder farms to global food production
the interactions between a small molecule and g quadruplexes are visualized by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy
designer molecule shines a spotlight on mysterious stranded dna
flaf is a sandwich protein that anchors the archaellum in the archaeal cell envelope by binding the s layer protein
attaching the propeller how the motility structure of unicellular archaea is fixed to their surface
recommendations for imaging tumor response in neurofibromatosis clinical trials
common outcome measures required for neurofibromatosis clinical trials
tube feeding in us nursing home residents with advanced dementia
use of feeding tubes decreases among nursing home residents with advanced dementia
therapeutic effects of four strains of probiotics on experimental colitis in mice
supplement of probiotics provides a new therapy for ulcerative colitis
effect of hydrolyzed infant formula vs conventional formula on risk of type diabetes the trigr randomized clinical trial
modifying baby formula doesn t prevent type diabetes in children
forty years of change in forage fish and jellyfish abundance across greater puget sound washington usa anthropogenic and climate associations
populated puget sound sees stark shifts in marine fish species
edible dormice glis glis avoid areas with a high density of their preferred food plant the european beech
don t move to ensure constant food supply edible dormice rather give up their favourite food
long range charge transport in single g quadruplex dna molecules
breakthrough in molecular electronics paves way for new generation of dna based computer circuits
thermally tunable self healing composites for soft robotic applications
squishy robots phase changing material could allow even low cost robots to switch between hard and soft states
melanosome transfer to keratinocyte in the chicken embryonic skin is mediated by vesicle release associated with rho regulated membrane blebbing
safety in darkness team lays bare melanin s dna guarding mechanism
lesbian gay bisexual and transgender adolescent school victimization implications for young adult health and adjustment
school bullying violence against lgbt youth linked to risk of suicide hiv infection
dentate gyrus mossy cells control spontaneous convulsive seizures and spatial memory
specific set of nerve cells controls epileptic seizures spread through brain
spinal subdural hemorrhage in abusive head trauma a retrospective study
spinal bleeding with brain injury may suggest abuse in young children
impact of smoking on cognitive decline in early old age the whitehall ii cohort study
smoking associated with more rapid cognitive decline in men
increasing recognition of happiness in ambiguous facial expressions reduces anger and aggressive behavior
seeing happiness in ambiguous facial expressions reduces aggressive behavior
systemic neutrophil depletion modulates the migration and fate of transplanted human neural stem cells to rescue functional repair
using donor stem cells to treat spinal cord injury
the evolution of sexes a specific test of the disruptive selection theory
theory of the evolution of sexes tested with algae
a yr record of clay mineralogy at lake towuti indonesia paleoclimate reconstruction from reflectance spectroscopy and perspectives on paleolakes on mars
paleolake deposits on mars might look like sediments in indonesia
gaps and rings in an alma survey of disks in the taurus star forming region
unknown treasure trove of planets found hiding in dust
an intermediate mass black hole in the centre of the globular cluster tucanae
a middleweight black hole is hiding at the center of a giant star cluster
gun violence restraining orders alternative or adjunct to mental health based restrictions on firearms ?
gun violence restraining orders a promising strategy to reduce gun violence in u.s.
naturally occurring versus anthropogenic sources of elevated molybdenum in groundwater evidence for geogenic contamination from southeast wisconsin united states
molybdenum in wisconsin wells not from coal ash
gene expression profile correlates with t cell infiltration and relative survival in glioblastoma patients vaccinated with dendritic cell immunotherapy
personlized dendritic cell vaccine increases survival in patients with deadly brain cancer
risk factors for emergency presentation with lung and colorectal cancers a systematic review
older people at higher risk of emergency cancer diagnosis
an affinity effect relationship for microbial communities in plant soil feedback loops
understanding plant soil interaction could lead to new ways to combat weeds
ancient mitochondrial genomes reveal the demographic history and phylogeography of the extinct enigmatic thylacine thylacinus cynocephalus
mapping the tasmanian tiger s mysterious loss from mainland
rapid automated quantification of cerebral leukoaraiosis on ct images a multicenter validation study
artificial intelligence improves stroke and dementia diagnosis in most common brain scan
the tlr antagonist eritoran protects mice from lethal influenza infection
potential novel treatment for influenza discovered scientists pursue new therapies as deadly h n flu spreads in china
metastasis suppressor transcript destabilization through tarbp binding of mrna hairpins
discovery of pro metastasis protein reveals mysterious link to neurodegeneration
liquid corn and fish fertilizers are good options for fertigation in blackberry cultivars grown in an organic production system
liquid corn fish fertilizers good options for organic blackberry production
saharan dust nutrients promote vibrio bloom formation in marine surface waters
saharan dust affects marine bacteria potential pathogen vibrio
generating dna sequence data with limited resources for molecular biology lessons from a barcoding project in indonesia
generating dna sequence data in the developing world
breast cancer risk after recent childbirth a pooled analysis of prospective studies
increased risk for breast cancer after childbirth may last more than years
towards improved migraine management determining potential trigger factors in individual patients
triggers for migraine attacks determined for individual patients
a high resolution model of bat diversity and endemism for continental africa
unique high resolution map on bat diversity in africa
analysis of combined data sets yields trend estimates for vulnerable spruce fir birds in northern united states
avian ecologists combine bird survey data to id vulnerable boreal species
paediatric adverse drug reactions following use of asthma medications in europe from to
adverse drug reactions in children following use of asthma medications
probing the upper band gap of atomic rhenium disulfide layers
d materials researchers discover multilayer band gap using its own technology
intestinal epithelial toll like receptor prevents metabolic syndrome by regulating interactions between microbes and intestinal epithelial cells in mice
mouse study adds to evidence linking gut bacteria and obesity
astronomical detection of radioactive molecule alf in the remnant of an ancient explosion
pair of colliding stars spill radioactive molecules into space
valley floor aeolianite in an equatorial pit crater on mars
watery past on mars searching for past life forms
propranolol vs corticosteroids for infantile hemangiomas a multicenter retrospective analysis
beta blocker associated with better outcomes in treatment of infantile vascular tumors
ediacara biota flourished in oligotrophic and bacterially dominated marine environments across baltica
ediacara biota flourished in bacterially rich marine habitats
topical delivery of avastin to the posterior segment of the eye in vivo using annexin a associated liposomes
new innovation could mean eye injections are a thing of the past