Error while downloading the dataset for python

by kst23 - opened

When I run:

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("bigcode/startcoderdata", data_dir="python", split="train")

I get the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/", line 2609, in load_dataset
File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/", line 1140, in _download_and_prepare
verify_splits(, split_dict)
File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/datasets/utils/", line 101, in verify_splits
raise NonMatchingSplitsSizesError(str(bad_splits))
datasets.utils.info_utils.NonMatchingSplitsSizesError: [{'expected': SplitInfo(name='train', num_bytes=1822150805920, num_examples=206642239, shard_lengths=None, dataset_name=None), 'recorded': SplitInfo(name='train', num_bytes=61852029161, num_examples=12866649, shard_lengths=[102000, 106000, 101079, 108000, 103079, 107000, 103079, 106000, 104079, 104000, 104079, 106000, 105079, 104000, 104079, 102000, 108079, 101000, 107079, 100000, 108079, 104000, 108079, 103000, 107000, 102079, 107000, 101079, 106000, 102079, 107000, 101079, 108000, 101079, 105000, 99079, 107000, 102079, 109000, 104079, 110000, 101079, 108000, 101079, 106000, 100079, 107000, 102000, 106079, 105000, 104079, 104000, 103079, 102000, 106079, 102000, 106079, 103000, 108079, 101000, 108079, 104000, 105079, 106000, 104079, 104000, 105079, 104000, 103079, 102000, 105000, 104079, 104000, 108079, 104000, 107079, 103000, 107079, 103000, 109079, 101000, 109079, 101000, 109079, 100000, 108079, 100000, 107079, 103000, 109079, 104000, 108079, 104000, 104079, 106000, 105079, 104000, 103000, 105079, 103000, 105078, 103000, 104078, 104000, 101078, 109000, 102078, 105000, 105078, 105000, 107078, 105000, 108078, 102000, 106078, 100000, 108078, 101000, 106078, 99000, 106000, 102078, 106000, 10078], dataset_name='starcoderdata')}]

How can I fix this issue? I am facing the same problem with JS dataset as well... didn't try it on others yet.

Well, got the answer...
In case anyone else comes looking for it... just pass the argument: verification_mode="no_checks" in load_dataset!

kst23 changed discussion status to closed

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