[context] {'train-leaveat': '13:00', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-departure': 'peterborough'} [utterance_sys] a single ticket costs 16.50 pounds and total travel time is about 50 minutes . will that be all today ? [utterance_usr] i changed my mind can you book that for me please ?
[context] {'attraction-type': 'museum', 'train-destination': 'kings lynn', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '17:00', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] would the train that arrives at 15:58 work better for you ? [utterance_usr] yes , that would work . can i get a price and a departure time please ? [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'museum', 'train-destination': 'kings lynn', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '17:00', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '11:15', 'train-departure': 'birmingham new street'} [utterance_sys] here is your reference number: qqvpn13m . total fee will be 75.09 gbp payable at the station . is there anything else i can help you with today ? [utterance_usr] can you help me find a place to stay ? i am looking a 0 star hotel with a cheap price . [belief_state] {'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '0', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '11:15', 'train-departure': 'birmingham new street'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] could you give me the information for trinity college ?
[context] {'train-leaveat': '17:00', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-departure': 'stansted airport'} [utterance_sys] the train is 8.08 pounds per person . [utterance_usr] can you give me the travel time ? [belief_state] {'train-leaveat': '17:00', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-departure': 'stansted airport'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] the curry garden is known for the great curry cuisine . would you like me too book it for you ? [utterance_usr] yes , can i get the address , postcode , and phone number ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'curry garden', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] their phone number is 01223259988 , and the postcode is cb21rt . [utterance_usr] thank you . i am also looking for a train . needs to leave on saturday and arrive by 14:45 .
[context] {'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] the phone number is 01223307402 . [utterance_usr] i also need to find a hotel . i am looking for 1 in the east with free wifi . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'portugese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap', 'restaurant-area': 'south', 'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-day': 'monday'} [utterance_sys] i am sorry , but my system is experiencing an error . can you please restate your train requirement -s ? thanks . [utterance_usr] actually , i need to leave from cambridge saturday after 09:45 and go to birmingham new street . may i have the arrival time , train id , and price , please ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'portugese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap', 'restaurant-area': 'south', 'train-leaveat': '09:45', 'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'restaurant-name': 'la margherita', 'restaurant-book people': '4', 'hotel-area': 'west'} [utterance_sys] what are your other requirement -s ? [utterance_usr] find me 1 near that italian place , it should be in the same price range .
[context] {'attraction-type': 'entertainment', 'attraction-name': 'nusha', 'attraction-area': 'south'} [utterance_sys] great choice . it s located at unit g6 , cambridge leisure park , clifton road and their phone number is 01223902158 . would you like help with anything else today ? [utterance_usr] yes , how about a place to eat ? indonesian food would be perfect and in the same area as nusha please . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'indonesian', 'restaurant-area': 'south', 'attraction-type': 'entertainment', 'attraction-name': 'nusha', 'attraction-area': 'south'}
[context] {'taxi-destination': 'yippee noodle bar', 'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '2', 'restaurant-book time': '17:00', 'restaurant-food': 'asian oriental', 'restaurant-name': 'yippee noodle bar', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-area': 'north'} [utterance_sys] there are plenty of location -s that meet your criteria . would you like to narrow it down further by stars , internet , or price range ? [utterance_usr] the hotel should be in the north and should include free wifi . [belief_state] {'taxi-destination': 'yippee noodle bar', 'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '2', 'restaurant-book time': '17:00', 'restaurant-food': 'asian oriental', 'restaurant-name': 'yippee noodle bar', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-area': 'north'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] yes , of course . what day would you like to stay ? [utterance_usr] monday , please . there will be 7 of us and we'd like to stay for 4 days .
[context] {'hotel-stars': '4'} [utterance_sys] we have got 334 star hotel -s in the area . is there any particular part of town you would like to limit it to ? [utterance_usr] yes , the centre of town please . also , no internet is needed , but i would prefer free parking . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'centre', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'no'}
[context] {'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] there are 7 guest houses that are cheap , which part if town did you have in mind ? [utterance_usr] i do not care about price . i just need a place to stay in the north that s 4 stars . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'} [utterance_sys] i found 4 different expensive chinese restaurant -s that you could try . how does hk fusion sound to you ? [utterance_usr] that sounds good . can you book a table for 5 people at 11:15 on wednesday please ?
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] hk fusion is an expensive chinese restaurant located at 21 burleigh street , city centre . would you like more options ? [utterance_usr] this restaurant will be fine . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'hk fusion', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'train-leaveat': '18:15', 'train-destination': 'leicester', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] the arrival time is 20:06 [utterance_usr] i also need a place to stay in the moderate price range . [belief_state] {'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'train-leaveat': '18:15', 'train-destination': 'leicester', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'attraction-type': 'architecture', 'attraction-name': 'all saints church', 'attraction-area': 'centre', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-departure': 'london kings cross', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-leaveat': '17:45', 'train-book people': '5'} [utterance_sys] okay , your booking was successful . the total fee is 118 gbp which can be paid at the station . your reference number is kxru8mtt . [utterance_usr] awesome thanks so much !
[context] {'train-book people': '7', 'train-leaveat': '08:16', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'friday', 'train-departure': 'norwich'} [utterance_sys] booking was successful , the total fee is 123.2 gbp payable at the station . reference number is : 9f6cefrf . [utterance_usr] perfect , thank you ! i am also looking for a restaurant called kohinoor . can you help me with that as well ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-name': 'kohinoor', 'train-book people': '7', 'train-leaveat': '08:16', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'friday', 'train-departure': 'norwich'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for museums in town . can you recommend 1 ? [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'museum'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] ok i have a blue volvo with contact number 07401999983 . [utterance_usr] thank you that s all i needed .
[context] {'taxi-leaveat': '19:15', 'taxi-destination': 'christ college', 'taxi-departure': 'ashley hotel', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-name': 'christ college', 'attraction-area': 'dontcare'} [utterance_sys] excellent , i have booked you a blue honda for 19:15 . the contact number is 07956367561 . is there anything else i can help you with ? [utterance_usr] no thank you . that was all i needed . goodbye . [belief_state] {'taxi-leaveat': '19:15', 'taxi-destination': 'christ college', 'taxi-departure': 'ashley hotel', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-name': 'christ college', 'attraction-area': 'dontcare'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '7', 'restaurant-book time': '14:30', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'pizza hut fenditton', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '7', 'hotel-book stay': '5', 'hotel-name': 'alexander bed and breakfast', 'hotel-area': 'centre', 'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] i would be happy to book your taxi . i need the travel time , departure location and arrival destination please . [utterance_usr] i want it to take me from alexander bed and breakfast to pizza express fen ditton to get me there by 14:30 . [belief_state] {'taxi-destination': 'pizza hut fenditton', 'taxi-departure': 'alexander bed and breakfast', 'taxi-arriveby': '14:30', 'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '7', 'restaurant-book time': '14:30', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'pizza hut fenditton', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '7', 'hotel-book stay': '5', 'hotel-name': 'alexander bed and breakfast', 'hotel-area': 'centre', 'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i need a taxi to come after 19:30 .
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i need a train to leave from london s cross . [belief_state] {'train-departure': 'london kings cross'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'turkish', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'anatolia', 'attraction-type': 'swimming pool', 'attraction-name': 'kings hedges learner pool', 'attraction-area': 'dontcare'} [utterance_sys] moderate range turkish food . phone , 01223362372 . anything else ? [utterance_usr] can you give me the postcode ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'turkish', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'anatolia', 'attraction-type': 'swimming pool', 'attraction-name': 'kings hedges learner pool', 'attraction-area': 'dontcare'}
[context] {'hotel-area': 'south', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'hotel-book stay': '2', 'hotel-book day': 'friday', 'hotel-book people': '8', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'friday'} [utterance_sys] where will you be departing from ? [utterance_usr] i need to depart from leicester and need to arrive by 21:15 .
[context] {'attraction-area': 'west', 'train-day': 'saturday'} [utterance_sys] how many tickets , where are you going to and from and what time would you like to arrive ? i need this in order to help you [utterance_usr] i am traveling from cambridge to stevenage on saturday and want to arrive by 12:15 . i just need the price , train id , and how long it will take . [belief_state] {'attraction-area': 'west', 'train-destination': 'stevenage', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-arriveby': '12:15', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '1', 'restaurant-book time': '15:30', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'train-leaveat': '08:00', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-departure': 'broxbourne'} [utterance_sys] the trip will cost 17.90 pounds . [utterance_usr] yes i need it to go to cambridge , is that possible ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '1', 'restaurant-book time': '15:30', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-arriveby': '08:00', 'train-departure': 'broxbourne'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'friday', 'train-arriveby': '10:30', 'train-departure': 'london kings cross', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-name': 'cambridge belfry'} [utterance_sys] the cambridge belfry is located at back lane , cambourne . can i provide you with any other information ? [utterance_usr] no that is it . thank you .
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '12:45', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'train-book people': '3', 'train-leaveat': '08:30', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'thursday', 'train-departure': 'norwich'} [utterance_sys] you are welcome . may i assist you in any other way today ? [utterance_usr] no thank you , that was everything ! [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '12:45', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'train-book people': '3', 'train-leaveat': '08:30', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'thursday', 'train-departure': 'norwich'}
[context] {'hotel-name': 'warkworth house', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-leaveat': '14:30', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-departure': 'broxbourne'} [utterance_sys] how long will your stay be and when will it begin ? [utterance_usr] i am not sure , actually . just doing some research . could you tell me what the price range is on the warkworth ? [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'warkworth house', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-leaveat': '14:30', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-departure': 'broxbourne'}
[context] {'restaurant-name': 'the lucky star'} [utterance_sys] the lucky star is located at leisure park clifton way cherry hinton . would you like to book there ? [utterance_usr] yes . please reserve table for 5 at monday on 11:15 and get me the reference number
[context] {'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '2'} [utterance_sys] okay , the express by holiday inn cambridge matches the criteria . the address is 1517 norman way , coldhams business park . would you like me to book a reservation ? [utterance_usr] does it have free parking [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'express by holiday inn cambridge', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '2'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'} [utterance_sys] how about yu garden ? it s expensive and serves chinese food . [utterance_usr] that should be fine . can you get the reference number ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'sunday', 'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '15:00', 'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'yu garden'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] i have 8 guest houses that are moderate -ly priced . do you want internet and and or parking ? [utterance_usr] yes , i would prefer free parking and free wifi .
[context] {'hotel-area': 'centre', 'hotel-stars': '4'} [utterance_sys] would you prefer a guest house or a hotel proper ? [utterance_usr] it should be a hotel type with free parking . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'centre', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] i have 3 guest houses all in the moderate price range . would you like me to choose 1 for you ? [utterance_usr] i am sorry . i changed my mind . i do not want a guest house . are there any hotel -s with 2 stars ? [belief_state] {'hotel-stars': '2', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hi ! im looking for some information can you tell me about place -s to go in the city centre ? maybe a multiple sports attraction ?
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '7', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'} [utterance_sys] i have successfully booked you at huntington marriott hotel . reference number is g1wb5wlo . do you need anything else ? [utterance_usr] thank you for the booking . i also want to visit an attraction in the east , something fun involving a boat . [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '7', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'attraction-type': 'boat', 'attraction-area': 'east'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'european', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'} [utterance_sys] in that case , i recommend university arms hotel . it s in the same area as the restaurant and may be more convenient . [utterance_usr] that will be fine can you get me the address and postcode . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'european', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-name': 'university arms hotel', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'restaurant-name': 'la margherita', 'restaurant-book people': '4', 'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-name': 'finches bed and breakfast', 'hotel-book stay': '4', 'hotel-book day': 'saturday', 'hotel-book people': '8'} [utterance_sys] your room is booked , ref #1dcw8jzn . can i help you with anything else today ? [utterance_usr] yes . i am looking for a 4 star hotel in the west . could you please find me 1 ?
[context] {'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'attraction-name': 'kambar'} [utterance_sys] do you have an area or price range in mind ? [utterance_usr] i would like an expensive 3 star hotel . [belief_state] {'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'attraction-name': 'kambar'}
[context] {'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] yes there are 5 colleges in centre . 4 are free to get into , 1 is 2 pounds . [utterance_usr] could you give me the address for the 1 that is 2 pounds . [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-book day': 'monday'} [utterance_sys] could you tell me how many nights are you wanting to stay , and with how many people , so i can see what is available ? [utterance_usr] 2 people , for 4 nights .
[context] {'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] there are 3 including bridge guest house . [utterance_usr] ok , can you book me for 1 person for 5 nights starting on sunday ? [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'sunday', 'hotel-book people': '1', 'hotel-book stay': '5', 'hotel-name': 'bridge guest house', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a place to stay in cambridge . i prefer a cheap , 4 star hotel . [belief_state] {'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'international', 'restaurant-area': 'east', 'restaurant-name': 'the missing sock'} [utterance_sys] the post code is cb259aq . [utterance_usr] i also need a hotel on the southside .
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'vietnamese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap'} [utterance_sys] the postcode is cb30af . should i book it ? [utterance_usr] maybe later . i need a train ticket to peterborough on thursday . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'vietnamese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap', 'train-destination': 'peterborough', 'train-day': 'thursday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a mexican restaurant in the south part of town . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'mexican', 'restaurant-area': 'south'}
[context] {'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-parking': 'dontcare', 'hotel-internet': 'dontcare', 'hotel-name': 'avalon', 'hotel-book stay': '5', 'hotel-book day': 'tuesday', 'hotel-book people': '7'} [utterance_sys] booked ! reference number is: dr0zgf0p [utterance_usr] thank you for the help . have a nice day .
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'tuesday', 'hotel-book people': '8', 'hotel-book stay': '4', 'hotel-name': 'home from home', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] okay , your booking was successful . the reference number is db9c3ovk . can i help you with anything else ? [utterance_usr] great , that s all i need , thanks so much for your help ! have a great day ! [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'tuesday', 'hotel-book people': '8', 'hotel-book stay': '4', 'hotel-name': 'home from home', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {'hotel-name': 'a and b guest house', 'hotel-parking': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'dontcare', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-destination': 'bishops stortford', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-arriveby': '16:30', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] would you like me to book for you before you leave ? [utterance_usr] no thats it for today thanks ! [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'a and b guest house', 'hotel-parking': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'dontcare', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-destination': 'bishops stortford', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-arriveby': '16:30', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'monday', 'hotel-book people': '7', 'hotel-book stay': '4', 'hotel-name': 'express by holiday inn cambridge', 'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] what time would you like to leave ? the trains depart every hour . [utterance_usr] whenever will get me there by 17:30 . i do need to leave on friday and i will need the travel time please .
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'friday', 'hotel-book people': '8', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'ashley hotel', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'hotel-stars': '2', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'train-leaveat': '16:45', 'train-destination': 'bishops stortford'} [utterance_sys] i see a departing train leaving at 17:29 . [utterance_usr] i need to travel on monday , departing cambridge . does that make a difference ? [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'friday', 'hotel-book people': '8', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'ashley hotel', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'hotel-stars': '2', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'train-leaveat': '16:45', 'train-destination': 'bishops stortford', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'train-leaveat': '21:45', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-departure': 'peterborough'} [utterance_sys] the first train leaves at 21:48 . [utterance_usr] that will not work for me . when does the next 1 leave on tuesday ? [belief_state] {'train-leaveat': '21:45', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-departure': 'peterborough'}
[context] {'taxi-destination': 'nandos', 'taxi-arriveby': '23:15'} [utterance_sys] no problem where should the car pick you up ? [utterance_usr] at the london museum thank you
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking to book a taxi to pembroke college for this evening . [belief_state] {'taxi-destination': 'pembroke college'}
[context] {'attraction-name': 'great saint marys church'} [utterance_sys] yes , it is a beautiful place known for architecture located in the centre area . it is on market square and has an entrance fee of 2 pounds . [utterance_usr] can i get the phone number please ? [belief_state] {'attraction-name': 'great saint marys church'}
[context] {'attraction-name': 'cambridge university botanic gardens', 'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-arriveby': '08:15', 'train-departure': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-book people': '1'} [utterance_sys] your departure time will be at 05:01 and you arrival time will be at 07:44 . is there anything else i could assist with ? [utterance_usr] so how long would my travel time be please ? 163 minutes ?
[context] {'hotel-area': 'centre', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'attraction-type': 'nightclub', 'train-leaveat': '17:45', 'train-destination': 'ely', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] the first train to leave after 17:45 leaves at 17:50 . would you like to me to book that for you ? [utterance_usr] can i get the price , travel time , & arrival time ? [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'centre', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'attraction-type': 'nightclub', 'train-leaveat': '17:45', 'train-destination': 'ely', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '0', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-book people': '4', 'train-destination': 'stevenage', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '18:30', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] your booking was successful , the total fee is 51.2gbp , payable at the station . reference number is ysj6zwyt . anything else i can help you with today ? [utterance_usr] no , that s all i needed . thank you . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '0', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-book people': '4', 'train-destination': 'stevenage', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '18:30', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'african', 'restaurant-area': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-name': 'bedouin', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-book time': '18:00', 'restaurant-book day': 'sunday', 'restaurant-book people': '7', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'taxi-destination': 'bedouin', 'taxi-departure': 'university arms hotel', 'taxi-arriveby': '18:00'} [utterance_sys] the university arms is located in the centre . i have also booked you a taxi . look for a red volvo . the taxi s contact number is 07835109126 . will you need anything else ? [utterance_usr] nope that should be it thanks
[context] {'restaurant-book people': '6', 'restaurant-book time': '14:30', 'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'hakka', 'restaurant-area': 'north', 'train-destination': 'ely', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-arriveby': '20:00', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] thank you for all your help . we should have a nice anniversary . [utterance_usr] what ? could you please make the reservation ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-book people': '6', 'restaurant-book time': '14:30', 'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'hakka', 'restaurant-area': 'north', 'train-destination': 'ely', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-arriveby': '20:00', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'tuesday', 'hotel-book people': '3', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-area': 'north'} [utterance_sys] sorry , they do not have those dates available . would you like me to try for other days or another location ? [utterance_usr] can you try for just 1 night then ? [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'tuesday', 'hotel-book people': '1', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-area': 'north'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'thai', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'restaurant-name': 'sala thong', 'restaurant-book time': '12:45', 'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '7'} [utterance_sys] you are quite welcome . do you need any further assistance ? [utterance_usr] no , the reservation is all . goodbye .
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-name': 'curry prince', 'restaurant-area': 'east'} [utterance_sys] curry prince is located at 451 newmarket road fen ditton , their phone number is 01223566388 . [utterance_usr] thank you , goodbye . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-name': 'curry prince', 'restaurant-area': 'east'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'friday', 'restaurant-book people': '7', 'restaurant-book time': '14:30', 'restaurant-food': 'modern european', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-area': 'south'} [utterance_sys] yes , i was able to book your party at 14:30 . your reference number is 7h21oo6l . please note the table will be held for 15 minutes . you need anything else ? [utterance_usr] do you know where castle galleries is [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'friday', 'restaurant-book people': '7', 'restaurant-book time': '14:30', 'restaurant-food': 'modern european', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-area': 'south', 'attraction-name': 'castle galleries'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'} [utterance_sys] i found 4 different expensive chinese restaurant -s that you could try . how does hk fusion sound to you ? [utterance_usr] that sounds good . can you book a table for 5 people at 11:15 on wednesday please ?
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'south'} [utterance_sys] frankie and bennys is available , would you like to book it ? [utterance_usr] yea , please book me for 8 people on wednesday at 14:30 . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '14:30', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'frankie and bennys', 'restaurant-area': 'south'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'turkish', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'} [utterance_sys] yes , the meze bar restaurant fits that description . would you like me to book that for you ? [utterance_usr] can you please see if they have booking available for 8 people at 11:00 on thursday ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '11:00', 'restaurant-food': 'turkish', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i need help with attractions ! can you help me out ?
[context] {'attraction-type': 'museum'} [utterance_sys] there are 23 museums in cambridge . is there a particular part of town you are looking for ? [utterance_usr] i do not have a preference on area . [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'museum'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'restaurant-book time': '12:00', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap', 'restaurant-name': 'kohinoor', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-name': 'university arms hotel', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'} [utterance_sys] i was able to book kohinoor , reference number is t8tbnx3r . [utterance_usr] i would like to get a taxi between the hotel and the restaurant . [belief_state] {'taxi-destination': 'kohinoor', 'taxi-departure': 'university arms hotel', 'taxi-arriveby': '12:00', 'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'restaurant-book time': '12:00', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap', 'restaurant-name': 'kohinoor', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-name': 'university arms hotel', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] are you looking to book for just yourself ? [utterance_usr] yes . just 1 person .
[context] {'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'friday', 'train-arriveby': '16:30', 'train-departure': 'norwich'} [utterance_sys] is there a arrive or leave by time you prefer ? [utterance_usr] i am going to cambridge on friday , leaving from norwich and i need to book 5 tickets . and can you please give me the reference number ? [belief_state] {'train-book people': '5', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'friday', 'train-arriveby': '16:30', 'train-departure': 'norwich'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hello ! i am looking for a nice restaurant that serves scottish food . can you recommend 1 ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'scottish'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] i was able to book you that ticket on train tr3021 . your total fee will be 16:5 gbp . your reference number is uc2okh53 . can i help with anything else ? [utterance_usr] thanks , that s all i need . have a nice day .
[context] {'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-book people': '7', 'train-destination': 'ely', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-arriveby': '09:00', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] that has been booked . reference number is : fsugm4nq . [utterance_usr] thanks , that s all i need ! [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-book people': '7', 'train-destination': 'ely', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-arriveby': '09:00', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '1', 'restaurant-book time': '14:00', 'restaurant-food': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'fitzbillies restaurant', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] okay . i got you into the cambridge chop house and your reference number is t3xzdzfc . [utterance_usr] thank you . that s all i need today . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '1', 'restaurant-book time': '14:00', 'restaurant-food': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'fitzbillies restaurant', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'saturday', 'hotel-book people': '1', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'limehouse', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'restaurant-area': 'north'} [utterance_sys] the number for the nirala is 01223360966 cb41uy . the number for royal spice is 01733553355 and the postcode is cb41eh . [utterance_usr] thank you . that s all i need today .
[context] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'attraction-type': 'swimming pool', 'attraction-name': 'kings hedges learner pool', 'attraction-area': 'north'} [utterance_sys] their phone number is 01223353248 . as for entrance fee , i do not have the information to provide to you . i apologize . [utterance_usr] that s ok . i need a taxi to take me to and from the hotel and pool . i want to leave the pool by 02:15 . [belief_state] {'taxi-leaveat': '02:15', 'taxi-departure': 'kings hedges learner pool', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'attraction-type': 'swimming pool', 'attraction-name': 'kings hedges learner pool', 'attraction-area': 'north'}
[context] {'attraction-type': 'theatre', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] you can reach adc at 01223300085 . is there any other information i can get for you today ? [utterance_usr] what s the postcode ? [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'theatre', 'attraction-name': 'adc theatre', 'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'hotel-parking': 'no', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-name': 'huntingdon marriott hotel', 'hotel-book stay': '4', 'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '5', 'train-departure': 'cambridge', 'train-arriveby': '10:44', 'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-book people': '5'} [utterance_sys] i have successfully created a booking for 5 tickets ! your reference number is 080d4w62 . the fee is 300.39 gbp . is there anything else i can assist you with today ? [utterance_usr] that s it ! thank you so much for your help !
[context] {'taxi-destination': 'prezzo', 'taxi-departure': 'huntingdon marriott hotel', 'taxi-arriveby': '16:15', 'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '6', 'restaurant-book time': '16:15', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-name': 'prezzo', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '6', 'hotel-book stay': '1', 'hotel-name': 'huntingdon marriott hotel', 'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive'} [utterance_sys] i have you in a blue honda , the number to contact the is 07758846096 . may i help you with any thing else ? [utterance_usr] actually , that was all i needed . thanks so much . goodbye . [belief_state] {'taxi-destination': 'prezzo', 'taxi-departure': 'huntingdon marriott hotel', 'taxi-arriveby': '16:15', 'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '6', 'restaurant-book time': '16:15', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-name': 'prezzo', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '6', 'hotel-book stay': '1', 'hotel-name': 'huntingdon marriott hotel', 'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive'}
[context] {'taxi-destination': 'pipasha restaurant', 'taxi-departure': 'club salsa', 'restaurant-name': 'pipasha restaurant', 'attraction-name': 'club salsa'} [utterance_sys] what time would you like to leave the club by taxi ? [utterance_usr] i would like to leave by 21:45 please . [belief_state] {'taxi-leaveat': '21:45', 'taxi-destination': 'pipasha restaurant', 'taxi-departure': 'club salsa', 'restaurant-name': 'pipasha restaurant', 'attraction-name': 'club salsa'}
[context] {'taxi-destination': 'carolina bed and breakfast', 'taxi-leaveat': '07:00', 'taxi-departure': 'cafe jello gallery'} [utterance_sys] i have booked you for a yellow volvo taxi with the contact number 07456851233 for 7:15 . [utterance_usr] that will be fine , thank you for your help , bye .
[context] {'taxi-leaveat': '10:15', 'taxi-destination': 'museum of classical archaeology', 'taxi-departure': 'curry king'} [utterance_sys] a red bmw will pick you up , and the contact number is 07641445161 . can i help you with anything else ? [utterance_usr] no thank you , that s all i need for now ! [belief_state] {'taxi-leaveat': '10:15', 'taxi-destination': 'museum of classical archaeology', 'taxi-departure': 'curry king'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hello ! i am looking for a train arriving at cambridge that would leave after 13:15 . [belief_state] {'train-leaveat': '13:30', 'train-destination': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'restaurant-name': 'jinling noodle bar', 'attraction-area': 'centre', 'attraction-type': 'dontcare'} [utterance_sys] you can call them at 01223364222 . [utterance_usr] thank you . that will be all .
[context] {'attraction-type': 'dontcare', 'attraction-name': 'all saints church', 'attraction-area': 'centre', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-arriveby': '11:15', 'train-departure': 'ely'} [utterance_sys] the phone number for all saints church is 01223452587 and they are located on jesus lane . they do not charge an entrance fee . can i do anything else for you ? [utterance_usr] no , that will be it . thank you so much for your help ! [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'dontcare', 'attraction-name': 'all saints church', 'attraction-area': 'centre', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-arriveby': '11:15', 'train-departure': 'ely'}
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'friday', 'hotel-book people': '6', 'hotel-book stay': '4', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '2', 'attraction-type': 'college'} [utterance_sys] do you need any further help with booking ? [utterance_usr] i will also need a taxi from the hotel to the college that leaves the hotel by 08:45 [belief_state] {'taxi-leaveat': '08:45', 'hotel-book day': 'friday', 'hotel-book people': '6', 'hotel-book stay': '4', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '2', 'attraction-type': 'college'}
[context] {'attraction-area': 'south', 'attraction-name': 'byard art', 'train-destination': 'kings lynn', 'train-arriveby': '19:30', 'train-departure': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-leaveat': '19:30'} [utterance_sys] there are 14 trains that fit your criteria . the first departs at 5:11 and the last train train departs at 18:11 . what would be your preference for departure time ? [utterance_usr] i would like to leave at 18:00 please .
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'saturday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'restaurant-book time': '14:45', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap', 'restaurant-name': 'the gandhi', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-arriveby': '10:15', 'train-departure': 'kings lynn'} [utterance_sys] i have train tr3297 that leaves at 09:11 and will get you into cambridge at 09:58 . would that work for you ? if not , i have earlier trains . [utterance_usr] that sounds great ! can you book tickets for everyone on that train ? same group that will be eating together . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'saturday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'restaurant-book time': '14:45', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap', 'restaurant-name': 'the gandhi', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'train-book people': '5', 'train-leaveat': '09:11', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-arriveby': '10:15', 'train-departure': 'kings lynn'}
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'tuesday', 'hotel-book people': '7', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house'} [utterance_sys] you are all set , the reference number is y5rm8zuc , can i assist with anything else ? [utterance_usr] can you find me a spanish restaurant in the moderate price range ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'spanish', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-book day': 'tuesday', 'hotel-book people': '7', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a guest house in the south of town .
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a moderate priced place to dine in the centre of town [belief_state] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap'} [utterance_sys] allenbell is available , would that work for you ? [utterance_usr] yes , that would be fine . thanks . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'european', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] okay , i can book your table at eraina . they serve european food . how many in your party , what day and time please ? [utterance_usr] i would like to book for tuesday at 12:45 .
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'curry king', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] how many people and what time would you like me to make your reservation ? [utterance_usr] i have a party of 8 and need it for 14:45 . can you help me with that ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '14:45', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'curry king', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'attraction-type': 'boat', 'attraction-name': 'riverboat georgina', 'attraction-area': 'north'} [utterance_sys] certainly . i recommend tandoori palace . they serve expensive indian food in the west . were you looking for reservations ? [utterance_usr] no that does not sound good , i need 1 that serves north african food . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'north african', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'attraction-type': 'boat', 'attraction-name': 'riverboat georgina', 'attraction-area': 'north'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hi i am looking for an expensive restaurant on the east side of town . can you help me ?
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] can you recommend me a restaurant in the expensive priced range located in the east part of town ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'east'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'tuesday', 'restaurant-book people': '6', 'restaurant-book time': '16:45', 'restaurant-name': 'tang chinese'} [utterance_sys] yes , i have found tang chinese . it is located in the centre with an expensive price range , shall i book you a table ? [utterance_usr] yes , for 6 on tuesday at 16:45 . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'tuesday', 'restaurant-book people': '6', 'restaurant-book time': '16:45', 'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'tang chinese', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] we have 2 in the centre of town , shiraz restaurant and la mimosa . do you require more information or do you want to reserve a table at 1 ? [utterance_usr] can i get the postcode and phone number of shiraz restaurant ?
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'} [utterance_sys] if you would like to eat in the city center , i recommend the curry garden . their phone is 01223302330 . can i book you a table ? [utterance_usr] yes , can you please book a table for 1 for 17:15 on thursday . could i have the reference number please ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '1', 'restaurant-book time': '17:15', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'british', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'graffiti', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-arriveby': '13:15', 'train-departure': 'ely'} [utterance_sys] what day would you like to travel and do you have a specific departure time in mind ? [utterance_usr] the train should leave on friday and departure time does not matter as long as it arrives by 13:15 . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'british', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'graffiti', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'train-leaveat': 'dontcare', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'friday', 'train-arriveby': '13:15', 'train-departure': 'ely'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '16:45', 'train-departure': 'birmingham new street', 'attraction-area': 'centre', 'attraction-name': 'old schools'} [utterance_sys] 01223332320 . it is on trinity lane . [utterance_usr] where is that located again , in the centre right ?
[context] {'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '0', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '11:15', 'train-departure': 'birmingham new street'} [utterance_sys] there are 3 cheap guest houses in east with free parking . they are all 4 stars . would you like me to book 1 of those ? [utterance_usr] no , i would like that zero star cheap guest house in the north . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '0', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '11:15', 'train-departure': 'birmingham new street'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hi , i am looking for a place to stay that has free parking . [belief_state] {'hotel-parking': 'yes'}
[context] {'train-leaveat': '14:00', 'train-destination': 'stevenage', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-arriveby': '14:00', 'train-departure': 'cambridge', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'restaurant-food': 'chinese'} [utterance_sys] i have 4 options . hk fusion is an excellent choice . [utterance_usr] ok , can i please book a table for 6 people at 11:15 on the same day ?
[context] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] there are several nice expensive restaurant -s in the centre area . is there a particular food type that interests you most ? [utterance_usr] i do not have a preference . i need a table booked for 6 people at 13:45 on thursday , though . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '6', 'restaurant-book time': '13:45', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'} [utterance_sys] we have quite a few options available to you . is there a particular cuisine you are interested in ? [utterance_usr] yes i would like scandinavian food [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'scandinavian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'}
[context] {'hotel-name': 'city centre north bed and breakfast'} [utterance_sys] they are at 328a histon road postcod cb43ht , and their phone number is 01223312843 [utterance_usr] thank you ! can you book that for me ?
[context] {'taxi-leaveat': '02:00', 'taxi-destination': 'alexander bed and breakfast', 'taxi-departure': 'bedouin', 'restaurant-name': 'bedouin', 'hotel-book day': 'thursday', 'hotel-book people': '4', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'alexander bed and breakfast', 'hotel-area': 'centre', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'} [utterance_sys] i have a taxi that will arrive at 02:00 . the taxi will be a white audi and you can contact them at 07924317108 . anything else ? [utterance_usr] no , that will be all , thank you . [belief_state] {'taxi-leaveat': '02:00', 'taxi-destination': 'alexander bed and breakfast', 'taxi-departure': 'bedouin', 'restaurant-name': 'bedouin', 'hotel-book day': 'thursday', 'hotel-book people': '4', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'alexander bed and breakfast', 'hotel-area': 'centre', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'tuesday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '11:15', 'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'south', 'hotel-area': 'south', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '3'} [utterance_sys] the lensfield hotel is an expensive hotel in the south . the address for it is 5357 lensfield road . what day would you like to book the room for ? [utterance_usr] i do not need to book it . thanks for the help . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'tuesday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '11:15', 'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'south', 'hotel-area': 'south', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '3'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'london kings cross', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge', 'train-leaveat': 'dontcare', 'train-arriveby': '14:00'} [utterance_sys] do you need any further assistance ? [utterance_usr] no that was all . thanks
[context] {'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-area': 'west', 'train-leaveat': '17:45', 'train-destination': 'bishops stortford', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] i have train tr5928 available that departs at 19:29 and arrives at 20:07 . would you like me to book you a ticket ? [utterance_usr] no . i just need to know the price . [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-area': 'west', 'train-leaveat': '17:45', 'train-destination': 'bishops stortford', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a guest house to stay in that is cheap . [belief_state] {'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] in the north , i have 4 attractions . 2 are swimming pools . i also have a park and a boating attraction . do you have a preference ? [utterance_usr] boating sounds nice . can i get the address and entrance fee please ?
[context] {'hotel-name': 'dontcare', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '3'} [utterance_sys] unfortunately , no . i do happen to have 2 guest houses though . both are moderate pricing and 3 stars . are you interested in 1 of those ? [utterance_usr] yes , please . can i get a room for 4 people ? we'll arrive on wednesday and stay 5 nights . [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '4', 'hotel-book stay': '5', 'hotel-name': 'dontcare', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '3'}
[context] {'attraction-type': 'multiple sports', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] i am sorry but i have nothing in that area for sports . would you like to try another area or attraction today ? [utterance_usr] ok , are there any colleges in the center of town ? [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'london kings cross', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '20:00', 'train-departure': 'cambridge', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-name': 'pizza express', 'restaurant-book time': '16:15', 'restaurant-book day': 'monday', 'restaurant-book people': '8'} [utterance_sys] i have you booked for 8 people at 16:15 on monday . your reference number is k4pzhb51 . [utterance_usr] excellent . thank you very much for all of your help !
[context] {'attraction-name': 'all saints church', 'attraction-area': 'centre', 'train-leaveat': '08:30', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-departure': 'ely'} [utterance_sys] there is a train leaving from ely at 09:35 and arriving in cambridge at 09:52 . how does that sound ? [utterance_usr] that would be great . can you get me 8 tickets on that train , and give me the reference number ? [belief_state] {'attraction-name': 'all saints church', 'attraction-area': 'centre', 'train-leaveat': '08:30', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-departure': 'ely'}
[context] {'hotel-name': 'university arms hotel', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'attraction-name': 'the man on the moon', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] phone number is 01223474144 , and postcode is cb12lf [utterance_usr] thank you . i am looking to get a taxi to commute between the 2 place -s . [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'university arms hotel', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'attraction-name': 'the man on the moon', 'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'restaurant-name': 'maharajah tandoori restaurant'} [utterance_sys] for when and how many ? [utterance_usr] can you book a table for 5 people at 16:00 on monday ?
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'west'} [utterance_sys] tandoori palace is an expensive indian restaurant located in the west . would you like to book a table ? [utterance_usr] yes , i would like to make a reservation for 5 people at 18:15 on wednesday . i would also like the reference number . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'restaurant-book time': '18:15', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'tandoori palace', 'restaurant-area': 'west'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'african', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'} [utterance_sys] great , i have found 2 hotel -s meeting that criteria . how many days were you spending at the hotel and how many people will be residing with you ? [utterance_usr] i need a hotel for 2 people on 4 nights starting on friday [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'african', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-book day': 'friday', 'hotel-book people': '2', 'hotel-book stay': '4', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'thursday', 'train-arriveby': '08:45', 'train-departure': 'stevenage', 'train-book people': '8', 'restaurant-food': 'asian oriental', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] there are several options available in center cambridge . i would be happy to assist with your reservation . what price range restaurant are you interested in ? [utterance_usr] i do not have a specific price range . just something in the centre will be fine .
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'scottish'} [utterance_sys] certainly . is there a certain area of town that you would like to stay in ? [utterance_usr] no , any part of town is good . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'scottish', 'restaurant-area': 'dontcare'}
[context] {'taxi-leaveat': '05:45', 'taxi-destination': 'little saint marys church', 'taxi-departure': 'el shaddia guest house'} [utterance_sys] yes , it s booked for you ! booked car type : black lexus contact number : 07566754071 [utterance_usr] thank you . i think that is all i need today . [belief_state] {'taxi-leaveat': '05:45', 'taxi-destination': 'little saint marys church', 'taxi-departure': 'el shaddia guest house'}
[context] {'hotel-parking': 'no', 'hotel-area': 'south', 'hotel-name': 'lensfield hotel', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'} [utterance_sys] we have 2 location -s that are in the south , moderate -ly priced , and have free wifi . they are both guest houses , would 1 of those meet your needs ? [utterance_usr] yes , can you give me the address of your favorite 1 ?
[context] {'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'train-book people': '4', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-arriveby': '17:15', 'train-departure': 'norwich'} [utterance_sys] booked ! fee is 56.32 gbp payable at the station . reference number: g5dhghzv . also do you have an area preference for the hotel ? [utterance_usr] no , but i would prefer a guest house . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-book people': '4', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-arriveby': '17:15', 'train-departure': 'norwich'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'british', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'west'} [utterance_sys] we have 2 restaurant -s that meet your specification -s , would you like me to book you a table ? [utterance_usr] yes , please do that for me . i would like to book a table for 8 people at 16:30 on monday . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'tuesday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '16:30', 'restaurant-food': 'british', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'west'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'norwich', 'train-day': 'friday', 'train-leaveat': '18:45', 'train-book people': '1', 'hotel-area': 'south', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'hotel-stars': '4'} [utterance_sys] aylesbray lodge guest house will suit your needs . can i book something for you ? [utterance_usr] do they have free parking ?
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'sunday', 'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '16:15', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'hotel-area': 'south', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'} [utterance_sys] yes , they do offer free parking . can i book a room for you ? [utterance_usr] no thank you . i have all the info i need . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'sunday', 'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '16:15', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'hotel-area': 'south', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] i have 2 options to choose from . pizza express and pizza express fen ditton are both in the centre of town . [utterance_usr] i would like to make a reservation at pizza express fen ditton . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'pizza hut fenditton', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'hotel-name': 'arbury lodge guest house', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'attraction-name': 'mumford theatre'} [utterance_sys] the phone number is 08451962320 . [utterance_usr] can i get the postcode and area please ?
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'tuesday', 'hotel-book people': '6', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] they are located at 82 arbury road . do you need anything else ? [utterance_usr] no thank you , that is all i needed . [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'tuesday', 'hotel-book people': '6', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {'taxi-leaveat': '18:45', 'taxi-destination': 'gonville hotel', 'taxi-departure': 'bedouin', 'restaurant-food': 'african', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-book day': 'friday', 'hotel-book people': '2', 'hotel-book stay': '2', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'} [utterance_sys] all right , i have booked your taxi . [utterance_usr] thanks . can i have the contact number and car type , please ? [belief_state] {'taxi-leaveat': '18:45', 'taxi-destination': 'gonville hotel', 'taxi-departure': 'bedouin', 'restaurant-food': 'african', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-book day': 'friday', 'hotel-book people': '2', 'hotel-book stay': '2', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hi , i am looking for a park in the town centre .
[context] {'train-book people': '8', 'train-destination': 'london liverpool street', 'train-day': 'thursday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] your reference number is owvuy7zz . the total fee is 132.8 gbp payable at the station . do you need anything else ? [utterance_usr] thanks and yes , now that you asked , i really would like to check out some colleges in the centre [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-area': 'centre', 'train-book people': '8', 'train-destination': 'london liverpool street', 'train-day': 'thursday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a place to eat in the east side of the city . [belief_state] {'restaurant-area': 'east'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] we have acorn guest house , arbury lodge guest house , archway house , avalon , hamilton lodge , home from home , kirkwood house , or limehouse ? [utterance_usr] can you book the limehouse for 1 person to stay 4 nights starting saturday ?
[context] {'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] how about acorn house ? they have excellent reviews . [utterance_usr] yes , if acorn house has free parking , please book my reservation . [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'thursday', 'hotel-book people': '6', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'lensfield hotel', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'attraction-name': 'kambar'} [utterance_sys] the lensfield hotel does have free parking . i can assist you with that reservation . [utterance_usr] yes , can you please book a room with the details i already provided . [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'thursday', 'hotel-book people': '6', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'lensfield hotel', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'attraction-name': 'kambar'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] i have the express by holiday inn cambridge located on 1517 norman way , coldhams business park . their phone number is 01223866800 . would you like to know anything else ? [utterance_usr] yes , could you book the hotel room for me for 7 people ?
[context] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'no', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'} [utterance_sys] the avalon guest house has a 4 star rating . would you like me to book a reservation ? [utterance_usr] yes could you check for a booking for 4 people and 2 nights starting from saturday ? [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'saturday', 'hotel-book people': '4', 'hotel-book stay': '2', 'hotel-name': 'avalon', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'no', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'dontcare'} [utterance_sys] acorn guest house is located at 154 chesterton road . will that work for you ? [utterance_usr] is this a cheap place to stay ? i really want to book a cheap place . [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'dontcare'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-arriveby': '11:30', 'train-departure': 'norwich', 'train-leaveat': '05:16', 'attraction-area': 'west', 'attraction-type': 'college'} [utterance_sys] will you be needing anything else today ? [utterance_usr] no , that s everything . thanks again .
[context] {'train-leaveat': '16:45', 'train-destination': 'norwich', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] tr1309 departs at 17:36 and arrives by 18:55 . would you like a ticket ? [utterance_usr] no thanks . i also need place -s to go in the centre . [belief_state] {'attraction-area': 'centre', 'train-leaveat': '16:45', 'train-destination': 'norwich', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'train-departure': 'broxbourne'} [utterance_sys] i would suggest loch fyne . they serve the most amazing selection of seafood in the entire city . it s definitely an experience . [utterance_usr] that sounds perfect . could you book a table for 8 people at 19:30 on friday ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'friday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '19:30', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'train-departure': 'broxbourne'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a restaurant . the restaurant should serve world food and should be in the centre
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a place to eat in the east side of the city . [belief_state] {'restaurant-area': 'east'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] can you book a hotel room for me ? [belief_state] {'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-day': 'wednesday'} [utterance_sys] i have trains departing cambridge to birmingham new street wednesday every hour starting at 5:01 , is there a particular time you would like to depart at ? [utterance_usr] departing time , no , but i would like to arrive at birmingham new street by 16:45
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hi , i am heading to birmingham new street so please find me a train that leaves on friday [belief_state] {'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-day': 'friday'}
[context] {'attraction-name': 'clare college', 'train-book people': '3', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-arriveby': '13:00', 'train-departure': 'peterborough'} [utterance_sys] i still have 14 trains . arriving at :09 and :38 every hour starting at 06:09 and the last is at 12:38 . which 1 do you want ? [utterance_usr] i would like 1 that arrives by 13:00 on wednesday . [belief_state] {'attraction-name': 'clare college', 'train-book people': '3', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-arriveby': '13:00', 'train-departure': 'peterborough'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] don pasquale pizzeria is an excellent but expensive place in the city centre . would you like more information on it ? [utterance_usr] that sounds perfect . could you book a table for 4 people at 18:30 on saturday .
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'west'} [utterance_sys] tandoori palace is an expensive indian restaurant located in the west . would you like to book a table ? [utterance_usr] yes , i would like to make a reservation for 5 people at 18:15 on wednesday . i would also like the reference number . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'restaurant-book time': '18:15', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'tandoori palace', 'restaurant-area': 'west'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] do you have any food type preferences ? [utterance_usr] i would like to eat international food . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'international'}
[context] {'hotel-name': 'worth house', 'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-name': 'vue cinema', 'hotel-book stay': '2', 'hotel-book day': 'thursday', 'hotel-book people': '7', 'taxi-destination': 'vue cinema', 'taxi-departure': 'worth house'} [utterance_sys] what time would you like to arrive at the cinema ? [utterance_usr] i want to leave the hotel by 3:30 .
[context] {'hotel-name': 'lovell lodge', 'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-area': 'west'} [utterance_sys] 2 stars . yes it has free internet . [utterance_usr] thanks ! i will also need to book a taxi to pick me up at the hotel by 24:30 . can you help with that ? [belief_state] {'taxi-leaveat': '24:30', 'taxi-destination': 'cafe jello gallery', 'taxi-departure': 'lovell lodge', 'hotel-name': 'lovell lodge', 'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-area': 'west'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a train that leaves saturday going to ely , do you have a train with those details ? [belief_state] {'train-destination': 'ely', 'train-day': 'saturday'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] there are 2 turkish restaurant -s in the centre of town . they are efe s restaurant and anatolia . [utterance_usr] either would be fine . can you book for 1 at 20:00 on tuesday ?
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate'} [utterance_sys] there are 5 italian restaurant -s in the moderate price range . 4 have pizza in their names and then there is prezzo . [utterance_usr] could i book through you a table at the prezzo for 8 on 17:15 this friday , as well as get the reference number for the prezzo ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'friday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '17:15', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'prezzo'}
[context] {'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-name': 'byard art', 'attraction-area': 'south'} [utterance_sys] sure thing ! it has free admission and their phone number is 01223464646 . is there anything more i can help with today ? [utterance_usr] i also need a really expensive place to stay . [belief_state] {'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-name': 'byard art', 'attraction-area': 'south'}
[context] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-book stay': '2', 'hotel-book day': 'thursday', 'hotel-book people': '3', 'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-area': 'north'} [utterance_sys] there are 3 chinese restaurant -s in the north . do you have a price range preference ? [utterance_usr] i like my food expensive .
[context] {'taxi-leaveat': '02:15', 'taxi-departure': 'kings hedges learner pool', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'attraction-type': 'swimming pool', 'attraction-name': 'kings hedges learner pool', 'attraction-area': 'north'} [utterance_sys] there are 7 that meet those requirement -s . might i suggest the acorn guest house ? i have heard it s quite nice . [utterance_usr] what is the price range for the acorn guest house ? [belief_state] {'taxi-leaveat': '02:15', 'taxi-departure': 'kings hedges learner pool', 'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'attraction-type': 'swimming pool', 'attraction-name': 'kings hedges learner pool', 'attraction-area': 'north'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'train-leaveat': '21:00', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] certainly . where are you headed ? [utterance_usr] i am going to leicester . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'train-leaveat': '21:00', 'train-destination': 'leicester', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'hotel-stars': '2', 'hotel-name': 'express by holiday inn cambridge', 'hotel-book stay': '2', 'hotel-book people': '1'} [utterance_sys] i can absolutely do that for you ! what day would you like me to book for ? [utterance_usr] i actually need it booked for 3 nights , starting monday .
[context] {'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '2'} [utterance_sys] okay , the express by holiday inn cambridge matches the criteria . the address is 1517 norman way , coldhams business park . would you like me to book a reservation ? [utterance_usr] does it have free parking [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'express by holiday inn cambridge', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-stars': '2'}
[context] {'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-name': 'primavera', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] yes , they offer free wifi as well as free parking . would you like me to book a room for you ? [utterance_usr] yes , for 7 people . we want to check in on sunday and stay for 2 nights . [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'sunday', 'hotel-book people': '7', 'hotel-book stay': '2', 'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-name': 'primavera', 'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] great ! there are many outstanding indian restaurant -s in cambridge . what area of town do you prefer to visit ? [utterance_usr] i am looking for something in the west , and it should be expensive .
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'tuesday', 'restaurant-book people': '6', 'restaurant-book time': '16:45', 'restaurant-name': 'tang chinese'} [utterance_sys] yes , i have found tang chinese . it is located in the centre with an expensive price range , shall i book you a table ? [utterance_usr] yes , for 6 on tuesday at 16:45 . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'tuesday', 'restaurant-book people': '6', 'restaurant-book time': '16:45', 'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'tang chinese', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i need to take a train , i want to leave on wednesday after 11:00 . [belief_state] {'train-leaveat': '11:00', 'train-day': 'wednesday'}
[context] {'attraction-type': 'nightclub', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] the admission fee is 4 pounds per person . is there anything else i can help with ? [utterance_usr] yes , i am also looking for a train . i need to arrive by 18:00 . i am heading to london liverpool street .
[context] {'attraction-type': 'nightclub'} [utterance_sys] sure ! the kambar is a nightclub located in the centre . the address is 1 wheeler street . the entrance fee is 5 pounds . [utterance_usr] thank you , i also need a train from london kings cross to cambridge . [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'nightclub', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-departure': 'london kings cross'}
[context] {'taxi-leaveat': '15:45', 'taxi-destination': 'acorn guest house', 'taxi-departure': 'sesame restaurant and bar', 'restaurant-name': 'sesame restaurant and bar', 'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] a red volkswagen will take you from the acorn guest house to the sesame restaurant and bar . the contact number is 07193707133 [utterance_usr] ok , great . thank you very much for your help . [belief_state] {'taxi-leaveat': '15:45', 'taxi-destination': 'acorn guest house', 'taxi-departure': 'sesame restaurant and bar', 'restaurant-name': 'sesame restaurant and bar', 'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'saturday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'restaurant-book time': '18:45', 'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap', 'restaurant-name': 'the lucky star', 'restaurant-area': 'south', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-arriveby': '15:00', 'train-departure': 'london kings cross'} [utterance_sys] what day do you need to book the train for ? [utterance_usr] tomorrow if it is available
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'restaurant-book time': '16:45', 'restaurant-name': 'cow pizza kitchen and bar', 'train-destination': 'london kings cross', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '08:00', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] we have trains leaving before 8 every day this week , which day is preferred ? [utterance_usr] i would like to leave on monday . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'restaurant-book time': '16:45', 'restaurant-name': 'cow pizza kitchen and bar', 'train-destination': 'london kings cross', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '08:00', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for hungarian food in the centre [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'hungarian', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'thursday', 'train-arriveby': '08:45', 'train-departure': 'stevenage', 'train-book people': '8', 'restaurant-food': 'asian oriental', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] there are 4 options dojo noodle bar , yippee noodle bar , j restaurant , and kymmoy . would you like me to book a table at 1 of those ? [utterance_usr] you do not need to book me for any . could i get the address for the dojo noodle bar , however ?
[context] {'attraction-name': 'gallery at 12 a high street', 'train-destination': 'stevenage', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] yes ! there are a lot , actually . when would you like to take the train ? [utterance_usr] i would like the train to leave on saturday after 14:15 . [belief_state] {'attraction-name': 'gallery at 12 a high street', 'train-leaveat': '14:15', 'train-destination': 'stevenage', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'train-book people': '4', 'train-destination': 'london liverpool street', 'train-day': 'friday', 'train-arriveby': '17:45', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] your train has been booked , reference number x5em7dtz . is there anything else that you need help with today ? [utterance_usr] what attractions do you have in the south ? [belief_state] {'attraction-area': 'south', 'train-book people': '4', 'train-destination': 'london liverpool street', 'train-day': 'friday', 'train-arriveby': '17:45', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'restaurant-food': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-name': 'bedouin', 'restaurant-book time': '12:15', 'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '6'} [utterance_sys] it s all booked , your reference is znl8d0eg [utterance_usr] could you also help me find a train leaving friday for broxbourne ?
[context] {'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '19:00', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] alright , i have your table booked at fitzbillies restaurant . the table will be reserved for 15 minutes . your reference number is: bcvphb3u . anything else today ? [utterance_usr] no thanks , that is everything [belief_state] {'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '19:00', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'train-arriveby': '17:15', 'train-departure': 'norwich'} [utterance_sys] certainly ! first , can you confirm the day you are traveling and the destination you are traveling to ? [utterance_usr] i'll be going to cambridge on saturday . [belief_state] {'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-arriveby': '17:15', 'train-departure': 'norwich'}
[context] {'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'hotel-name': 'carolina bed and breakfast', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '1', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'wednesday'} [utterance_sys] we have train every 2 hour -s starting at 05:17 , what time works for you ? [utterance_usr] i only need to arrive by 13:00 or earlier .
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '3', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'rosas bed and breakfast', 'hotel-area': 'south', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'train-book people': '3', 'train-leaveat': '21:15', 'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] the address is 53 roseford road and the phone number is 01223512596 [utterance_usr] thanks a lot , that is enough for today [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '3', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'rosas bed and breakfast', 'hotel-area': 'south', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'train-book people': '3', 'train-leaveat': '21:15', 'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hello . can you recommend a good hotel in the centre ? [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'centre', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'korean', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'little seoul', 'restaurant-book people': '2'} [utterance_sys] i would be happy to reserve for you , what day and time are you looking for ? [utterance_usr] thank you , i need a reservation for 2 people at 13:15 on monday .
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'korean', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'little seoul'} [utterance_sys] little seoul is located in the centre of town . [utterance_usr] i wanted indonesian food if possible . i wanted to ask about expensive indonesian food first . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'indonesian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hi ! can you find me a moderate -ly priced restaurant for my girlfriend and i ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'friday', 'train-arriveby': '10:30', 'train-departure': 'london kings cross', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'} [utterance_sys] 3 hotel -s pop up for you would you like expensive or cheap ? [utterance_usr] cheap hotel on the east side of town
[context] {'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-stars': '2', 'train-book people': '7', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-arriveby': '08:45', 'train-departure': 'london liverpool street'} [utterance_sys] i do not have any 2 star hotel -s in that area . would you like a different area or a higher rated hotel ? [utterance_usr] do you have 1 with a star of 4 ? [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'train-book people': '7', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-arriveby': '08:45', 'train-departure': 'london liverpool street'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'tang chinese', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'} [utterance_sys] it has 4 stars . [utterance_usr] does it have free parking as well ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'tang chinese', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'african', 'restaurant-area': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-name': 'bedouin', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-book time': '18:00', 'restaurant-book day': 'sunday', 'restaurant-book people': '7'} [utterance_sys] there are 9 hotel -s with wifi offered . what price range are you looking for ? in the meantime , i will also attempt your restaurant booking . [utterance_usr] i would like the hotel also to be expensive with at least a 4 star rating . i will need a reference number for my reservation .
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'european', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] it does not . for european food in the same area and price range , how about the michaelhouse cafe ? it is located at st . michael s church trinity street city centre . [utterance_usr] okay . great . can you book me a reservation there for 5 people at 16:15 for this monday ? also i will need a reference number . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'monday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'restaurant-book time': '16:15', 'restaurant-food': 'european', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'michaelhouse cafe', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a hotel that is in the expensive price range . [belief_state] {'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'european', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'restaurant-name': 'darrys cookhouse and wine shop', 'train-departure': 'stevenage', 'train-day': 'friday', 'train-arriveby': '15:30'} [utterance_sys] tr7785 will arrive in cambridge at 14:43 on friday . would you like a ticket ? [utterance_usr] yes please , and thank you .
[context] {'train-leaveat': '21:00', 'train-destination': 'ely', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] tr8533 will leave cambridge at 21:50 . would you like a ticket on that train ? [utterance_usr] no thank you but i do need the arrival time and train id . [belief_state] {'train-leaveat': '21:50', 'train-destination': 'ely', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'friday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'restaurant-book time': '12:00', 'restaurant-name': 'golden curry', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-arriveby': '09:30'} [utterance_sys] where will you be departing from ? [utterance_usr] broxbourne . this is on friday , by the way . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'friday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'restaurant-book time': '12:00', 'restaurant-name': 'golden curry', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-arriveby': '09:30', 'train-departure': 'broxbourne'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] it seems there are no tables for 7 available at 15:15 , did you want to book for something later in the day ? [utterance_usr] actually , let s try a little earlier . is there anything at 14:15 ?
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'turkish', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'anatolia'} [utterance_sys] the address is 30 bridge street in the centre . [utterance_usr] can you book me a table for 7 at 12:30 on thursday ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '7', 'restaurant-book time': '12:30', 'restaurant-food': 'turkish', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'efes restaurant'}
[context] {'train-book people': '2', 'train-leaveat': '08:00', 'train-destination': 'stevenage', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] i have confirmed booking for 2 , the total fee is 20.48 gbp payable at the station . your reference number is mrvafswe . would you like help finding anything else ? [utterance_usr] i also need to find an attraction called kings hedges learner pool . [belief_state] {'attraction-name': 'kings hedges learner pool', 'train-book people': '2', 'train-leaveat': '08:00', 'train-destination': 'stevenage', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-day': 'wednesday', 'train-arriveby': '16:45'} [utterance_sys] i can get you there at 16:44 , if you like . tr8860 will depart cambridge at 14:01 . would you like to book tickets on that train ? [utterance_usr] no . i require the travel time , price , and train id .
[context] {'train-leaveat': '15:30', 'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] i found that tr3245 is likely suited for your needs . it departs at 16:01 on saturday evening . may i book that for you ? [utterance_usr] yes please , book it for 2 people and provide me with the reference number if you do not mind . [belief_state] {'train-book people': '2', 'train-leaveat': '15:30', 'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'friday', 'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '11:00', 'restaurant-food': 'british', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] i was able to book restaurant 17 , reference number is xxz4d253 . [utterance_usr] sounds wonderful , thank you for your help . that is all i need . bye . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'friday', 'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '11:00', 'restaurant-food': 'british', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'restaurant 17', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a train on friday that leaves after 21:45 .
[context] {'attraction-name': 'saint johns college'} [utterance_sys] it is on saint john s street , though it does not have an exact street number . is there anything else you would like to know ? [utterance_usr] yes , i am also looking for a train that leaves on friday after 11:15 . [belief_state] {'attraction-name': 'saint johns college', 'train-leaveat': '11:15', 'train-day': 'friday'}
[context] {'hotel-name': 'cityroomz', 'train-book people': '1', 'train-leaveat': '08:00', 'train-destination': 'broxbourne', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] unfortunately , cityroomz does not offer free parking just free internet . is there something more i can help with ? [utterance_usr] no thank you . [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'cityroomz', 'train-book people': '1', 'train-leaveat': '08:00', 'train-destination': 'broxbourne', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'restaurant-name': 'the lucky star', 'restaurant-book time': '11:15', 'restaurant-book day': 'monday', 'restaurant-book people': '5', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house'} [utterance_sys] it is rated 4 stars . should i book it ? [utterance_usr] yes please , thank you .
[context] {'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'dontcare'} [utterance_sys] acorn guest house is located at 154 chesterton road . will that work for you ? [utterance_usr] is this a cheap place to stay ? i really want to book a cheap place . [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'dontcare'}
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '8', 'hotel-book stay': '5', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] great , your reservation is booked at the alexander , your reference number is z8brhtv8 . is there anything else i can do for you today ? [utterance_usr] i also need to find a train going to cambridge . [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '8', 'hotel-book stay': '5', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-destination': 'cambridge'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] the train id is tr4187 . would you like me to book this for you ? [utterance_usr] i am also looking for a expensive restaurant located in the north .
[context] {'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] the primavera is located at 10 king s parage postcode cb21sj [utterance_usr] thanks ! i am also looking for a guest house to stay in in the north . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-name': 'primavera', 'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a place to stay in the north that has free wifi . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] can you help me with a taxi booking ?
[context] {'train-leaveat': '16:30', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'thursday', 'train-departure': 'bishops stortford'} [utterance_sys] there s a train that leaves at 17:29 and arrives by 18:07 . does that sound okay ? [utterance_usr] yes , that would work . what is the price of a ticket ? [belief_state] {'train-leaveat': '16:30', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'thursday', 'train-departure': 'bishops stortford'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'sunday', 'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '16:15', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'hotel-area': 'south', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'} [utterance_sys] yes , both the establishments offer free internet as well . [utterance_usr] give me the address and phone number for the 1 you most recommend [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'sunday', 'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '16:15', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'hotel-area': 'south', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'cocum', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-area': 'west', 'attraction-name': 'museum of classical archaeology', 'taxi-destination': 'cocum', 'taxi-departure': 'museum of classical archaeology', 'taxi-leaveat': '11:30'} [utterance_sys] of course , i have booked a yellow ford for you at that time , and the contact number is 07870520690 . anything else today ? [utterance_usr] no thanks . that will be it for today . have a great night . goodbye .
[context] {'taxi-destination': 'prezzo', 'taxi-departure': 'huntingdon marriott hotel', 'taxi-arriveby': '16:15', 'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '6', 'restaurant-book time': '16:15', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-name': 'prezzo', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '6', 'hotel-book stay': '1', 'hotel-name': 'huntingdon marriott hotel', 'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive'} [utterance_sys] i have you in a blue honda , the number to contact the is 07758846096 . may i help you with any thing else ? [utterance_usr] actually , that was all i needed . thanks so much . goodbye . [belief_state] {'taxi-destination': 'prezzo', 'taxi-departure': 'huntingdon marriott hotel', 'taxi-arriveby': '16:15', 'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '6', 'restaurant-book time': '16:15', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-name': 'prezzo', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '6', 'hotel-book stay': '1', 'hotel-name': 'huntingdon marriott hotel', 'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'korean', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-name': 'little seoul'} [utterance_sys] there phone number is 01223308681 is there anything else i can help you with ? [utterance_usr] no . thank you , goodbye . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'korean', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-name': 'little seoul'}
[context] {'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'} [utterance_sys] acorn guest house is available . [utterance_usr] i really want to stay in the east and be 4 star rated . does the acorn fit that ?
[context] {'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house'} [utterance_sys] will you need any dinner reservations to go with that ? [utterance_usr] no thanks . i just need to book the room . [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'tuesday', 'hotel-book people': '7', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'acorn guest house'}
[context] {'hotel-book day': 'saturday', 'hotel-book people': '1', 'hotel-book stay': '4', 'hotel-name': 'alexander bed and breakfast', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] i am sorry , there is no availability for those dates . would you like me to try to find another hotel ? [utterance_usr] yes let s try another hotel in the same price range . [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'saturday', 'hotel-book people': '1', 'hotel-book stay': '4', 'hotel-area': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hi , i am looking for an indian restaurant .
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'australian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'} [utterance_sys] i am sorry , there are no australian restaurant -s . would you like another type of food ? [utterance_usr] how about asian oriental food ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'asian oriental', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'}
[context] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'saint johns chop house', 'restaurant-area': 'west'} [utterance_sys] saint johns chop house is a british restaurant in the west which is moderate -ly priced . [utterance_usr] thank you goodbye . [belief_state] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'saint johns chop house', 'restaurant-area': 'west'}
[context] {'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'hotel-stars': '2', 'hotel-name': 'express by holiday inn cambridge', 'hotel-book stay': '2', 'hotel-book people': '1'} [utterance_sys] i can absolutely do that for you ! what day would you like me to book for ? [utterance_usr] i actually need it booked for 3 nights , starting monday .
[context] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate'} [utterance_sys] you have 11 choices in the north . most are guest houses , 2 are hotel -s . [utterance_usr] let s go with a 4 star hotel , i'll need 5 nights for 2 people , starting on friday . [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'friday', 'hotel-book people': '2', 'hotel-book stay': '5', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate'}
[context] {'train-leaveat': '14:15', 'train-destination': 'peterborough', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] there are 133 trains making that trip , do you have a day you prefer ? [utterance_usr] i'll be traveling on tuesday . [belief_state] {'train-leaveat': '14:15', 'train-destination': 'peterborough', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] tr2874 train arrives at stevenage at 14:10 . would you like more info or can i book it for you ? [utterance_usr] i would like the price and travel time , please ?
[context] {'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-area': 'west', 'train-leaveat': '17:45', 'train-destination': 'bishops stortford', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] i have train tr5928 available that departs at 19:29 and arrives at 20:07 . would you like me to book you a ticket ? [utterance_usr] no . i just need to know the price . [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-area': 'west', 'train-leaveat': '17:45', 'train-destination': 'bishops stortford', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'attraction-name': 'saint johns college'} [utterance_sys] saint john s college is in the centre of town on saint john s street . the entrance fee is 2.50 pounds . can i help you with anything else ? [utterance_usr] is there an exact address , like a street number ? thanks ! [belief_state] {'attraction-name': 'saint johns college'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] i have several train going to stevenage . where are you departing from and what time would you like to arrive by ? [utterance_usr] i am departing from cambridge on saturday . i would like to arrive in stevenage by 14:00 .
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] can you help me find a train ? i am looking for to take me to birmingham new street and it should leave on saturday . [belief_state] {'train-destination': 'birmingham new street', 'train-day': 'saturday'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'british', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'attraction-type': 'boat', 'attraction-name': 'riverboat georgina', 'attraction-area': 'north'} [utterance_sys] there are 2 british place -s , graffiti and travellers rest , do you have a preference ? [utterance_usr] i will take graffiti . can you make a reservation for tuesday for 8 people at 14:30 please ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'tuesday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '14:30', 'restaurant-food': 'british', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'dontcare', 'restaurant-name': 'graffiti', 'attraction-type': 'boat', 'attraction-name': 'riverboat georgina', 'attraction-area': 'north'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] what price range and what area are you looking for in particular ? [utterance_usr] it should be in the expensive range and have a star rating of 2 . thanks !
[context] {'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'} [utterance_sys] there are 2 in that area . huntington marriott hotel and the cambridge belfry . do you have a price range in mind ? [utterance_usr] once you find the hotel you want to book it for 7 people and 3 nights starting from wednesday [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'wednesday', 'hotel-book people': '7', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '17:00', 'restaurant-food': 'mediterranean', 'restaurant-name': 'la mimosa'} [utterance_sys] i am sorry . that time is unavailable as well . [utterance_usr] can you help me find a train going to stevenage and leaving thursday instead ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'wednesday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '17:00', 'restaurant-food': 'mediterranean', 'restaurant-name': 'la mimosa', 'train-destination': 'stevenage', 'train-day': 'thursday'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] the phone number for the cambridge corn exchange is 01223357851 . is there anything else i can help you with today ? [utterance_usr] no that is all i need today . thank you very much .
[context] {'attraction-type': 'park', 'attraction-name': 'cherry hinton water play', 'attraction-area': 'east'} [utterance_sys] yes , they have free admission . their phone number is 01223446100 . the postcode is cb18dw . is there anything else i can help with today ? [utterance_usr] i am looking for a train going to cambridge on saturday . [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'park', 'attraction-name': 'cherry hinton water play', 'attraction-area': 'east', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'sunday'}
[context] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] arbury lodge guest house is in the moderate price range in the north part of town . [utterance_usr] is that my only option ? i need a guest house in the north and internet is not important . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-area': 'centre', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-leaveat': '09:45', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-departure': 'ely'} [utterance_sys] i have train tr3412 leaving at 11:35 and arriving at 11:52 . [utterance_usr] that sounds great . can you please book it for 4 people ?
[context] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '0', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-destination': 'stevenage', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '18:30', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] i have a 15:21 or a 17:21 train , arriving 49 minutes later at 16:10 or 18:10 , respectively . would you like me to book 1 for you ? [utterance_usr] yes . the 17:21 would be perfect . please book it for 4 people . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '0', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-book people': '4', 'train-destination': 'stevenage', 'train-day': 'monday', 'train-arriveby': '18:30', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking to get some info about a hotel called home from home [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'home from home'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hello , i am looking for information on a hotel called hobsons house .
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for place called club salsa . [belief_state] {'attraction-name': 'club salsa'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'norwich', 'train-day': 'sunday'} [utterance_sys] where will you be coming from ? [utterance_usr] i'll be leaving from cambridge . is there a train that can get there before 17:15 ? [belief_state] {'train-destination': 'norwich', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-arriveby': '17:15'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] there are 2 turkish restaurant -s in the centre of town . they are efe s restaurant and anatolia . [utterance_usr] either would be fine . can you book for 1 at 20:00 on tuesday ?
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'turkish', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] there are 2 that match your requests . anatolia and efes restaurant . would you like me to book 1 for you ? [utterance_usr] is 1 of them in the centre area . i would like 1 close to the college . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'turkish', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] there are several nice expensive restaurant -s in the centre area . is there a particular food type that interests you most ? [utterance_usr] i do not have a preference . i need a table booked for 6 people at 13:45 on thursday , though . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'thursday', 'restaurant-book people': '6', 'restaurant-book time': '13:45', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'train-leaveat': '18:30', 'train-destination': 'ely', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-departure': 'london liverpool street'} [utterance_sys] you are speaking to the cambridge help desk , so we can only book a train if you are leaving from or heading to cambridge . cambridge to ely ? [utterance_usr] no , going to cambridge and leaving london liverpool st . i am leaving saturday and want to leave sometime after 18:30
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hi , i am looking for a train that s departing cambridge and going to london liverpool street . [belief_state] {'train-destination': 'london liverpool street', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i need help finding a train leaving cambridge after 15:30 . [belief_state] {'train-leaveat': '15:30', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] there are entertainment , museum , multiple sports , park , and swimmingpool attractions . would you like more information on any of those ? [utterance_usr] how about museums ?
[context] {} [utterance_sys] we have some great museums in cambridge as well as great restaurant -s , nightclub s , multiple sports and cinema s . do you have anything particular in mind ? [utterance_usr] i am looking for an attraction in the centre . [belief_state] {'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] the primavera is located at 10 king s parage postcode cb21sj [utterance_usr] thanks ! i am also looking for a guest house to stay in in the north . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-name': 'primavera', 'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hi ! i am really excited about visiting soon and would like to go to a restaurant in the centre that serves european food . can you help me ?
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am excited to visit some of your attractions . can you help me find a place to stay in the east part of town ? [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'east'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hi , i am trying to find a hotel to stay at . can you help with that ? [belief_state] {'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {'train-departure': 'leicester', 'train-leaveat': '09:30', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'monday'} [utterance_sys] tr0032 arrives at 11:54 and costs 37.80 pounds . may i book that for you ? [utterance_usr] yes , that would be terrific .
[context] {'train-destination': 'london liverpool street', 'train-day': 'thursday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] there are 5 results , depending on when you want to leave . there is a train that leaves at 11:59 and arrives by 13:27 , will that be ok ? [utterance_usr] yes , that will work can you book that for me ? [belief_state] {'train-destination': 'london liverpool street', 'train-day': 'thursday', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'attraction-type': 'theatre', 'attraction-name': 'adc theatre', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] how about the express by holiday inn cambridge ? it is on the east side & has parking and wifi . [utterance_usr] what star is it ? [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'express by holiday inn cambridge', 'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-type': 'hotel', 'attraction-type': 'theatre', 'attraction-name': 'adc theatre', 'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] are there any restaurant -s that serve christmas food around ?
[context] {} [utterance_sys] do you have any food type preferences ? [utterance_usr] i would like to eat international food . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'international'}
[context] {'taxi-destination': 'cafe uno', 'taxi-departure': 'acorn guest house', 'taxi-arriveby': '15:15', 'restaurant-book day': 'saturday', 'restaurant-book people': '4', 'restaurant-book time': '15:15', 'restaurant-name': 'cafe uno', 'hotel-book day': 'saturday', 'hotel-book people': '4', 'hotel-book stay': '4', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] a blue volvo is booked . the contact number is 07059000529 . will that be all for you today ? [utterance_usr] yes thank you . you have been so helpful and made this process easy . [belief_state] {'taxi-destination': 'cafe uno', 'taxi-departure': 'acorn guest house', 'taxi-arriveby': '15:15', 'restaurant-book day': 'saturday', 'restaurant-book people': '4', 'restaurant-book time': '15:15', 'restaurant-name': 'cafe uno', 'hotel-book day': 'saturday', 'hotel-book people': '4', 'hotel-book stay': '4', 'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'yes', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {'train-leaveat': '14:00', 'train-destination': 'stevenage', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-arriveby': '14:00', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] it will be 10.24 pounds . [utterance_usr] can you tell me the travel time as well please ? also , i am looking for an expensive restaurant in the centre for lunch .
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'saturday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '14:45', 'restaurant-name': 'backstreet bistro', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-arriveby': '11:15', 'train-departure': 'stevenage'} [utterance_sys] i do apologize for the confusion , sir . yes , the tr6016 will indeed have you there well before 11:15 . with a cost of 10.24 pounds and a travel time of 49 minutes . [utterance_usr] ok . that will work . thanks for your help . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'saturday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '14:45', 'restaurant-name': 'backstreet bistro', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-arriveby': '11:15', 'train-departure': 'stevenage'}
[context] {'hotel-name': 'a and b guest house', 'hotel-parking': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'dontcare', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-destination': 'bishops stortford', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-arriveby': '16:30', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'} [utterance_sys] would you like me to book for you before you leave ? [utterance_usr] no thats it for today thanks ! [belief_state] {'hotel-name': 'a and b guest house', 'hotel-parking': 'dontcare', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'dontcare', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'train-destination': 'bishops stortford', 'train-day': 'tuesday', 'train-arriveby': '16:30', 'train-departure': 'cambridge'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] are the any guest house type place -s to stay in the north part of town available ?
[context] {'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'} [utterance_sys] how about the warkworth house ? they are a moderate guest house in the east part of town . would you like to book a room ? [utterance_usr] yes , please . i would like to book for 4 people for 2 nights staring on saturday . [belief_state] {'hotel-book day': 'saturday', 'hotel-book people': '4', 'hotel-book stay': '2', 'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hi there . can you help me find a museum in the west part of town ? [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-area': 'west'}
[context] {'hotel-pricerange': 'expensive', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'} [utterance_sys] i have at least 5 options for you . do you need free parking too ? [utterance_usr] i do not need it , but either way . as long as the hotel is expensive and has free wifi i do not mind . are any located in the centre ?
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i am looking for a place to stay . the hotel should include free parking and should be in the north part of town . [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'north', 'hotel-parking': 'yes'}
[context] {'attraction-type': 'boat', 'attraction-name': 'riverboat georgina', 'attraction-area': 'north'} [utterance_sys] thank you and have a great day ! [utterance_usr] actually , can you help me find a restaurant ? an expensive 1 in the west . [belief_state] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'attraction-type': 'boat', 'attraction-name': 'riverboat georgina', 'attraction-area': 'north'}
[context] {'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'sunday', 'train-arriveby': '10:00', 'train-departure': 'birmingham new street', 'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-type': 'guest house', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate'} [utterance_sys] there are 34 star guest houses in the east in your price range . will you need free parking ? [utterance_usr] no , that s not really necessary . what are my 3 choices for guest houses ?
[context] {'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'} [utterance_sys] unfortunately , we do not have any hotel -s with those preference in the area , but we do have 6 guest houses available . would a guest house be okay ? [utterance_usr] a guest house is fine . which 1 would you recommend ? [belief_state] {'hotel-area': 'east', 'hotel-stars': '4', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '14:45', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'curry king', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] sure for what day ? [utterance_usr] on tuesday . book and give me the reference number [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'tuesday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '14:45', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-name': 'curry king', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'hotel-name': 'worth house', 'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-name': 'vue cinema', 'hotel-book stay': '2', 'hotel-book day': 'thursday', 'hotel-book people': '7', 'taxi-destination': 'vue cinema', 'taxi-departure': 'worth house', 'taxi-leaveat': '03:30'} [utterance_sys] yes , it is booked in the afternoon . is there anything else i can help you with today ? [utterance_usr] no , that will be all for now . thank you for you help . goodbye
[context] {'taxi-leaveat': '19:00', 'taxi-destination': 'cambridge belfry', 'taxi-departure': 'la margherita', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap', 'restaurant-name': 'la margherita', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'hotel-book day': 'friday', 'hotel-book people': '5', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'cambridge belfry', 'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'} [utterance_sys] ok , i have reserved a taxi for you leaving the restaurant at 19:00 . it will be a red volvo , and the contact number is 07540782675 . is there anything else i can help you with ? [utterance_usr] no , that s all . thanks so much ! bye ! [belief_state] {'taxi-leaveat': '19:00', 'taxi-destination': 'cambridge belfry', 'taxi-departure': 'la margherita', 'restaurant-food': 'italian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'cheap', 'restaurant-name': 'la margherita', 'restaurant-area': 'west', 'hotel-book day': 'friday', 'hotel-book people': '5', 'hotel-book stay': '3', 'hotel-name': 'cambridge belfry', 'hotel-area': 'west', 'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {'attraction-type': 'nightclub', 'attraction-name': 'the fez club', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] the phone number for the fez club is 01223519224 and they are located at 8 market passage . the entrance fee is 5 pounds . have fun ! [utterance_usr] thank you , i will ! i also need info for a train . [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'nightclub', 'attraction-name': 'the fez club', 'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] can you give me any info on whether you have any 2 star hotel or guest houses somewhere in town ?
[context] {'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '0', 'hotel-internet': 'yes'} [utterance_sys] there are 30 star hotel -s , both city centre north bed and breakfast , and el shaddai are cheap , and cityroomz is moderate . which would you like ? [utterance_usr] i would prefer a guest house if any 0 stars are available . [belief_state] {'hotel-pricerange': 'cheap', 'hotel-stars': '0', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'friday', 'restaurant-book people': '7', 'restaurant-book time': '15:15', 'restaurant-food': 'japanese', 'restaurant-name': 'wagamama', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] i was able to book your table for 7 for friday at 15:15 . the reference number is : ini5o0n5 . [utterance_usr] okay , i also need a train to get to norwich . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'friday', 'restaurant-book people': '7', 'restaurant-book time': '15:15', 'restaurant-food': 'japanese', 'restaurant-name': 'wagamama', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'train-destination': 'norwich'}
[context] {'hotel-area': 'south', 'hotel-stars': '3'} [utterance_sys] either the bridge guest house or the lensfield hotel seem like they would work for you . would you like to book a reservation at 1 of them ? [utterance_usr] i need something with free parking as well . do either of those have free parking ?
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'tuesday', 'restaurant-book people': '1', 'restaurant-book time': '16:30', 'restaurant-food': 'modern european', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'de luca cucina and bar'} [utterance_sys] yes that certainly worked ! you are booked for 16:30 on tuesday and your reservation number is ibfe4s17 . [utterance_usr] thanks ! i am also looking for a guest house to stay at . i do not need free parking . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'tuesday', 'restaurant-book people': '1', 'restaurant-book time': '16:30', 'restaurant-food': 'modern european', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-name': 'de luca cucina and bar', 'hotel-parking': 'no', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'monday', 'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '16:00', 'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] your table for 3 has been reserved on monday at 16:00 at jinling noodle bar . your reference number is 3ul0pl4q . can i help with anything else today ? [utterance_usr] great . i also need to find a place to stay in the same price range as the restaurant and i am looking for a hotel . [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'monday', 'restaurant-book people': '3', 'restaurant-book time': '16:00', 'restaurant-food': 'chinese', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-pricerange': 'moderate', 'hotel-type': 'hotel'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] well , we have a large variety of restaurant -s here , 110 in total ! what type of food would you like ? what is your price range ? [utterance_usr] i would like moderate -ly priced turkish food . if you find 1 please book a table for 2 at 16:30 on saturday . also provide a reference number .
[context] {} [utterance_sys] was there a particular area of town you wanted to dine in ? or a particular style of cuisine ? [utterance_usr] i would really like some malaysian food tonight , moderate in price please . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'malaysian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate'}
[context] {'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] yes there are 5 colleges in centre . 4 are free to get into , 1 is 2 pounds . [utterance_usr] could you give me the address for the 1 that is 2 pounds . [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'college', 'attraction-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'restaurant-food': 'light bites', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive'} [utterance_sys] no expensive restaurant [utterance_usr] could you try chinese food , instead ?
[context] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] i have lots of options for you . do you have a preferred food type ? [utterance_usr] yes , i would like indian food please . [belief_state] {'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-pricerange': 'expensive', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'}
[context] {'restaurant-book day': 'sunday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '17:15', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-area': 'centre'} [utterance_sys] you have a reservation at saffron brasserie for 8 people on sunday at 17:15 . reference #q7c8ex21 . can i help you with anything else today ? [utterance_usr] i need to find a 3 star guest house that has free wifi . can you help me ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-book day': 'sunday', 'restaurant-book people': '8', 'restaurant-book time': '17:15', 'restaurant-food': 'indian', 'restaurant-area': 'centre', 'hotel-stars': '3', 'hotel-internet': 'yes', 'hotel-type': 'guest house'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] i would really like to visit a museum while i am here . are there any located in the east ?
[context] {'attraction-area': 'centre', 'train-book people': '1', 'train-leaveat': '08:32', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-arriveby': '09:32', 'train-departure': 'broxbourne'} [utterance_sys] i have over 40 different choices . can you tell me what you would like to see or do in order to narrow down the search ? [utterance_usr] is there anything in the entertainment type ? if not , then a museum would be nice . [belief_state] {'attraction-type': 'museum', 'attraction-area': 'centre', 'train-book people': '1', 'train-leaveat': '08:32', 'train-destination': 'cambridge', 'train-day': 'saturday', 'train-arriveby': '09:32', 'train-departure': 'broxbourne'}
[context] {} [utterance_sys] [utterance_usr] hi ! can you find me a moderate -ly priced restaurant for my girlfriend and i ? [belief_state] {'restaurant-pricerange': 'moderate'}