decrepid silo sit between fields of dry, uncut grass, in a serene isolated valley. TWO MEN tack together a broken fence that encloses an overgrown paddock. THREE WOMEN work in a vegetable garden. TWO WOMEN hang wet clothes on a clothes line. TWO MEN work in a cluttered garage on an old car.
EXT. SPACE - MARS - TO ESTABLISH THE RED PLANET momentarily eclipses the Sun. As sunlight breaks across the edge, warming the surface... EXT. MARS - DAY We're MOVING THROUGH the channels of Acidalia Planitia to find the ARES 3 HAB SITE. LEWIS (OVER RADIO)
MER DAY FADE IN: Just east of Webster Avenue in the North Bronx, 187th Street is a predominantly Italian community and the commercial avenue of the neighborhood. Fruit and vegetable stands, pizzerias, butcher shops, bakeries, cleaners and dyers and bars flourish. It is Saturday morning around eleven o'clock -- a market day. WOMEN, dark, gesticulative, with bu
o, Miss Lark I got one for you. Miss Lark likes to walk in the park with Andrew. Hello, Andrew. Ah, Mrs. Cory a story for you. Your daughters were shorter than you, but they grew. Dear Miss Persimmon-- Miss Persimmon: Yes? Bert: Wind's in the east, mist comin' in. Like something is brewin' about to begin Can't put me finger on what lies in store But I feel what's to happen, all happened before. I'm sorry. Where was I? Thank you, one and all, for
EXT. HIGH SEAS - DAY The dragonhead prow of an ancient Viking ship cuts through the thick fog of the rough North Atlantic Sea. MUSIC EXPLODES: WAGNER'S "GOTTERDAMMERUNG" (Twilight of the Gods) SUPERIMPOSE: THE TENTH CENTURY A.D. EXT. BOW OF THE SHIP - DAY Viking explorer LEIF ERICSON carefully studies his fob compass as he dangles it above a parchm
s of water. Finally the picture settles into a high, wide shot of the ocean and an adjacent coastline. In a corner of the screen, the last rays of sunlight touch a small, dark shape causing it to glow in the gathering darkness: A three-masted sailing vessel. 2. THE SHIP - DUSK [ ] She passes close enough to touch: hawsers as thick as a man's trunk, massive black-painted timbers, muzzles of her great guns projecting from every gun-port. As the s
UTTON (early 20s)_ speaks to a DOCTOR; DOCTOR What are you going to do when you get out of here? You're going to have to wear a belt for six months, maybe a year... FREDDIE What kind of belt? DOCTOR A surgical belt. You won't be able to do very heavy lifting. FREDDIE .I try to stay
UTTON (early 20s)_ speaks to a DOCTOR; DOCTOR What are you going to do when you get out of here? You're going to have to wear a belt for six months, maybe a year... FREDDIE What kind of belt? DOCTOR A surgical belt. You won't be able to do very heavy lifting. FREDDIE .I try to stay
MAX'S VOICE C I don't believe in heaven, but I have this idea about it. Something I heard in a song. FADE IN: White. pristine, empty frame. Clean and peaceful. MAX'S VOICE Heave
Ah, get born, keep warm Short pants, romance, learn to dance Get dressed, get blessed Try to be a success Please her, please him, buy gifts Don't steal, don't lift Twenty years of schoolin' And they put you on the day shift BOB DYLAN Subterranean Homesick Blues
running up to a great, classic Hudson River manor house; the country estate of William Parrish. INT. PARRISH COUNTRY ESTATE - 4:00 AM MOVE THROUGH French doors that lead from a wide terrace into an expansive living room, DOWN wide corridors lined with Bierstadt and Cole paintings, the Hudson River School, mists and trees and small boats and distant humans. INT. PARRISH BEDROOM - 4:00 AM MOVE THROUGH the doorway to reveal a master bedroom furnish- ed with exquisite simpl
etin Office - Sidewalk. Close-up: Of a time-worn plaque against the side of a building. It reads: THE BULLETIN "A free press for a free people." While we read this, a pair of hands
to FADE as we SUPER TITLES. The hand holding the photo suddenly FANS it in a rapid FLAPPING motion, then holds it still. The image fades more, and again the picture is FANNED. As TITLES END the image fades to nothing. The hand holding the photo FLAPS it again, then places it at the front of a POLAROID CAMERA. The camera SUCKS the blank picture up, then the FLASH BURSTS. The Polaroid camera is lowered, revealing the sweaty, heavy- breathing face of LEONARD (mid-30's). There are dro
e stretch call of a horse race, and he's into it. TRACK ANNOUNCER (O.S.) ...at the top of the stretch it's Cozy Girl in front with Backtrack coming on... Cozy Girl by a length, Backtrack closing... ROPER Come on. Stay up there, Cozy Girl... The CAMERA
Draft 9/22/04 WGAw FADE IN: FADE IN: EXT. OCEAN - CLOSE UP: WATER - MORNING LIGHT We are at the delicate interface between ocean and air...liquid and gas...the event horizon where molecules evaporate. This interchange is ethereal. Then, low frequencies rumble through depths...louder..
be called a masculinity crisis. Every fourth American man uptight, threatened by the increasing sexual demands of American women... EXT. SIDEWALK INTERVIEW - DAY An IRATE WOMAN speaks into camera: IRATE WOMAN They always put it that way, but well, all it means, you know, is every fourth American woman's never satisfied. That's it. I never am -- have been, you know... EXT. SIDEWALK INTERVIEW - DAY A COOL WOMAN speaks into camera: COOL WOMAN This, this i
a circa 1970's tape recorder. HARVEY MILK (V.O.) This is Harvey Milk speaking on Friday November 18th. This is to be played only in the event of my death by assassination... REVEAL: HARVEY MILK, 48, sitting at his kitchen table in a cluttered San Francisco apartment. HARVEY MILK (CONT'D) During one of the early campaigns, I started opening my speeches with the s
1. FADE IN: CLOSE SHOT A WHISKEY TUMBLER That sits on an oak side bar under a glowing green bankers lamp, as two ice cubes are dropped in. From elsewhere in the room: Man (off) I'm talkin' about friendship. I'm talkin' about character. I'm talkin' about--hell, Leo, I ain't embarassed to use the word--I'm talkin' about ethics. Whiskey is poured int
She looks extremely bored by the television images flickering across her eyes. She has a pretty face: Large eyes, and pouty mouth. Her knowing look is incongruous with a face clearly still that of a girl. - MINI (V.O.) I know what you're thinking. Don't bullshit me, because I do... You're - thinking, oh dear lord in heaven, please, I'm beg
oned FACE. The oval face is female, a woman of indeterminate age, her features as fragile as porcelain. Her eyes are closed in sleep, or in death ... or in something in between. Now TWO MORE FACES emerge out of the darkness. They are male, and they float into position on either side of the female. They are just as ethereally beautiful, just as pale, and like the female their eye
We see three faces in lamplight, looking down. They have been through a long vigil and it shows in their tired eyes and disarranged clothing. One is a young gentlewoman with a sweet girlish face, KATE KELLER; the second is an elderly DOCTOR, stethoscope at neck, thermometer in fingers; the third is a gruff gentleman in his forties with chin whis- kers, CAPTAIN ARTHUR KELLER. DOCTOR Shet11 live. K
n King FADE IN ON: A SINGLE CIGARETTE. A MATCH. A HOTEL ICE BUCKET that holds a bottle of champagne. The cigarette is unlit. The match is of the kitchen variety. The champagne, unopened, is Dom Perignon. There is only one sound at first: a strong WIND-- --now another sound, sharper--a sudden burst of TYPING as we PULL BACK TO REVEAL PAUL
SHOOTING DRAFT FADE IN: EXT. LATE AFTERNOON SKY Blue sky, a few puffs of cloud, pierced by slanting rays of sunlight. Late afternoon on a perfect day. SUPER TITLE: "HOUSTON, TEXAS. JULY 4, 2020." As we hear, after a few more beats, an ASTRONAUT'S VOICE. PHIL T minus ten, nine, eight, start
are behind the curve. But knowledge moves the curve. - Bill James 1 INT. OAKLAND COLISEUM - NIGHT 1 Static shots: A deserted locker room. Empty showers. Cinder-block tunnels lit with wire-encased lamps like in a coal mine. THREE SECURITY GUARDS watch a game on a TV. LEGEND: October 15, 2001 We begin to hear disembodied cheering crowds and t
rface of the sun and blown through space by solar winds. It plays an essential role in Cold Fusion, often toted as the solution to humanity's future energy needs. There is one major problem... Helium3 is extremely scarce on Earth. The gas does, however, exist in abundance on the Earth's only natural satellite: The Moon. Should we turn to Cold Fusion in the future, it is conceivable that man will mine the Moon for Helium3 and bring
May 1, 2011 INT. BISHOP'S HOUSE. DAY A landing at the top of a crooked, wooden staircase. There is a threadbare, braided rug on the floor. There is a long, wide corridor decorated with faded paintings of sailboats and battleships. The wallpapers are sun-bleached and peeling at the corners except for a few newly-hung strips which are clean and bright. A small easel si
zen loaves of golden Italian bread are standing on end in a shaft of morning sunlight. They are standing on end in bins. In the window, ZITO'S can be read in reverse. We leave the loaves and DRIFT DOWN TO a Progresso Products calendar, which hangs from the wall by a nail. The month is November. Various phone numbers and delivery dates have been penned in in a rough scrawl. Now WE GO TO a white
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change... Our view travels sensuously down the Woman's naked torso to find the Man's head buried between her legs. MARSHALL (V.O.) Why do you fight it so hard, Earl? MR. BROOKS (V.O.) Courage to change the things I can... MARSHALL (V.O.) Come on, you've been a good boy for a long time, you de
r streaming, head swivelling left and right, as he searches the lightening-dark. A crack to his left. He spins round, raises his pistol, smacks past saplings and plunges on. EXT. THE GROUNDS OF WINDSOR CASTLE, FOREST - NIGHT Close-up on BROWN as he bangs against a tree and heaves for air. A face in its fifties, mad-fierce eyes, handsome, bruised lips, liverish. He goes on searching the dark. Stops. Listens through the rain. A beat. Thinking he hears a faint thump in
ptember 16, 2011 1 INT. ELLIS' ROOM - PREDAWN 1 ELLIS(14) sits fully-clothed on top of his made bed. He is a wiry young man with a few blonde hairs on his upper lip struggling desperately to be a mustache. His room, cluttered with junk, is dark, quiet and tiny. A backpack and an oversized Walkie-Talkie sit next to him. The silence is cut by a SQUAWK from the Walkie. Ellis quickly grabs it.
he closer sound of a car - its headlights illumine an oleander bush and the limbs of an Eucalyptus tree. Then the headlights turn - a street sign is suddenly brightly lit. The words on the sign read... "Mulholland Drive." The car moves under the sign as it turns and the words fall once again into darkness. CUT TO: EXT. NIGHT - MULHOLLAND DRIVE Gliding we follow the car - an older black Cadillac limousine - as it winds its way up Mulholland Drive through the dar
intage pulls to the side of the road in a small rural town. A handsome, well-built man gets out of the passenger side and thanks the Driver. THE NEWCOMER carries his coat over his shoulder and a beat-up suitcase; he's got a jut jaw and a modified pompadour, his shirtsleeves are rolled all the way up past his biceps. He wipes his brow against the sweltering heat and looks around.
CREDITS OVER PHOTOS IN AN ALBUM The photos include a sepia-tone portrait of an Italian immigrant family... a b&w snapshot of ROBERTA, a nine-year- old girl playing violin in front of a refrigerator (1950)... ...Roberta and her dashing Italian father, hand-carving a wooden music stand... a b&w snapshot of Roberta in a communion dress... Roberta at 15, playing violin in front of the sam
(to camera) I was born jaundiced. Once I sat on a toilet seat at a Truck stop and caught hemorrhoids. And i've learned to live with this chicken Bone that's been lodged in my throat for the past three years, so I knew Dad would be devastated when he learned of my latest affliction. (to Harry) Dad, I don't w
which nevertheless was real" - Colin Clark. Then, FADE UP ON: Newsreel footage of SIR LAURENCE OLIVIER AND VIVIEN LEIGH arriving back at Tilbury Docks to be greeted by an excited crowd of fans. As they progress down the gangplank and stop to sign autographs we HEAR an excited commentary OVER: COMMENTATOR "Returning to England are Britain's acting royalty Sir Laure
Y 1 No sound. We are in a speeding SUV. The passenger, LARA, unsnaps her seat belt and reaches for the door handle. The driver, JOHN, sees her door open and dives to GRAB her. The SUV spins, HORNS BLARE, TIRES SCREECH, cars swerve to avoid collision. We aren't sure what is happening, but we know something has gone terribly wrong. Cut to BLACK. Read: THE LAST THREE YEARS 2 INT. STEAK HOU
6PM Union Station, that gorgeous fifty-year-old monument to Art Deco/California Mission architecture. Still beautiful. Still grand. A sign at one of the departure/arrival gates in the main concourse-says the "San Diegan", number 2 64, is due at 12:00. Set above the gates, a big clock - six feet in diameter. THE TIME - 12:06. We see the big
. Footage from a press conference. GUIDO You kill your film several times, mostly by talking about it. A film is a dream. You kill it writing it down, you kill it with a camera; the film might come to life for a moment or two when your actors breathe life back into it - but then it dies again, buried in film cans. Mysteriously, sometimes, in the editi
thing that will be obvious to viewers, but not to readers, is that the nine principal parts in this film are played by only three actors: 1) Gary, Gavin, Gabriel 2) Sarah, Susan, Sierra 3) Margaret, Melissa, Mary It'll make more sense in context. Promise. 100 100 A MAN'S HAND unwinds a short length of green string. We're extremely close, with a shallow, blu
s it is being drawn into flesh. The ink is needled into the surface of the skin, raw and bloody, the needled brush tapped with the precision of ritual. The tattoo is in the style of a Kuniyoshi print: Miyamoto Musashi thrusting his spear into the writhing dragon. The image has beauty but retains the violence required to saturate flesh with art. The skin canvas shifts uncomfortably with the needle- work. HOLLYWOOD
FADE IN: EXT. MOUNTAINS - NIGHT Snow is falling in a gusting wind. The voice of an old man: VOICE OVER I was sheriff of this county when I was twenty-five. Hard to believe. Grandfather was a lawman. Father too. Me and him was sheriff at the same time, him in Plano and me here. I think he was pretty proud of that. I know I was. EXT.
ct star and woman -- her life full of glamour and sophistication and mystery. EXT. STREET - DAY Mix through to William, 35, relaxed, pleasant, informal. We follow him as he walks down Portobello Road, carrying a load of bread. It is spring. WILLIAM (V.O.) Of course, I've seen her films and always thought she was, well, fabulous -- but, you know, million miles from the world I live in. Which is here -- Notting Hill -- not a bad place
EXT. CAROLINA MALL - MORNING ONE LONG TRACKING SHOT FROM THE BACK. A PERVERT in a trench coat runs along the edge of the mall. A group of OLD WOMEN is coming toward the MAIN ENTRANCE. The Pervert opens his trench coat and flashes the old women. They SCREAM! The Pervert ducks behind the bushes and runs with the skill of a Navy SEAL. A FAMILY is walking down
FADE IN: EXT. HOUSE IN THE HOLLYWOOD HILLS - EARLY MORNING A two-story California Craftsman with a SOLD sign in the front yard. Yukon SUV pulls into the drive and stops. The driver's door opens and DEREK CHARLES steps out, a handsome and likable African-American in his early 30's; a guy who's fought hard to make himself a success in business
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the very top of a water tower watching the last rays of sunlight. A long moment passes before McMurphy's attention is drawn elsewhere and he looks down. REVERSE SHOT - McMURPHY'S POV Far below, in the prison yard a MAN is SEEN hurrying acrcss the yard where he joins a group of men composed of armed prison guards, officials, and medics -- a stretcher, an ambulance, a fire truck and safety nets spread out at the base of the water tower. The man is seen talking to the officials, th
With the support of the Media Programme of the European Union The SOUND of Muay Thai boxing... The Art of Eight Limbs... Thrust and move... Feet shuffling across the ring... FADE IN: INT. BACK ROOM - NIGHT CLOSE ON a pair of hands from VARIOUS ANGLES... The SOUNDS of the fighting grow LOUDER. Punches, kicks, elbows... The hands t
Guest Full Film Transcript by Pierre Gautard [Main Credits] 1 EXT. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRYSIDE, SMALL TOWN ­ DAY 1 Small beautiful country town in the fall, on the shore of a great lake. Close in on school. [Music: Canon in D by Pachelbel, and angel voices singing then: ]
a simple beauty and very pregnant, propped up in a bed, wearing a hospital gown. A heart rate monitor BEEPS. She touches her swollen belly, flush with excitement, her eyes full of wonder. MAN'S VOICE (O.S.) Okayp, just relax.now. This'll be over Caitti before you know it. Kate looks up. Her smile falters-as we REVEAL: INT. DELIVERY ROOM - NIGHT Harsh lights overhead. -THUNDER rumbles outside. Kate's on
006 T EXT. FIELD - DAY 1 1 We're moving through a cornfield. At speed. The sound of children's laughter. Excited shrieking. A beautiful young girl, (MARY BOLEYN, 8), our heroine, runs through the fields, being chased by her younger brother, GEORGE, and sister, ANNE, (10). Touchingly, MARY is barely taller than the corn, her head skimming along the
White Final: 08/05/97 Blue Revised: 09/17/97 Pink Revised: 11/11/97 Green Revised: 12/15/97 Goldenrod Revised: 12/16/97 Buff Revised: 03/17/98 Salmon Revised: 03/23/98 BLA
White Final: 08/05/97 Blue Revised: 09/17/97 Pink Revised: 11/11/97 Green Revised: 12/15/97 Goldenrod Revised: 12/16/97 Buff Revised: 03/17/98 Salmon Revised: 03/23/98 BLA
----------------------------------------------------------- This film is short. This film is fast. FADE IN: EXT. MANHATTAN - DAY The whole island, from the south. For a second. Literally. EXT. NEW YORK SKYLINE - DAY Closer, just the skyline. For another second. EXT. UPPER WEST SIDE - DAY Closer still, the Upper West Side. For another second. No time to waste admiring the scenery.
FADE IN: 1 EXT/INT. NIGHTCLUB- EVENING 1 A disembodied gaggle of jersey clad shoulders, jeans, and hats crosses a narrow street. Lights flare, hands are stamped, torsos are patted down. Money exchanges hands. We descend into a black, throbbing tunnel. Explicit music booms from bassy club speakers. Hips, legs feet dancing. A GO-GO DANCER struts and wiggles around a brass pole. Hoots and c
PACE A million suns shine in the dark. A STARSHIP cuts through the night: a gleaming white cruiser. Galleries of windows. Flying decks and observation domes. On the hull: EXCELSIOR - A HomeStead Company Starship. The ship flashes through a nebula. Space-dust sparkles as it whips over the hull, betraying the ship's dizzying speed. The nebula boils in the ship's wake. The Excelsior rockets on, spotless and be
Paris it is possible to see one of the most famous documents in the history of the world - the official record of the trial of Joan of Arc. The Bibliothèque Nationale's original record of the trial of Joan of Arc is shown on the screen. An invisible hand turns over the manuscript pages. ... If you turn over the pages, yellow with age, which contain the account of h
ds. Beautiful. Untamed. Soaring old-growth elms arch over riverside maples along the shores of the gently curving, deep-water Santee River. SUPERIMPOSITION: SOUTH CAROLINA April, 1776 Upstream, the swamps. Beautiful. Hundreds of BIRDS SING. Shafts of sunlight pierce the canopy, cutting through the hanging moss and kudzu, falling onto soft, swaying ferns covering the high ground. The water is clear, with fields of floating lily pads, each with a stark white f
Out of BLACK we hear the sound of an airplane roaring by. EXT. POV OF AN AIRPLANE Flying over American heartland. We see the earth through the pilot's perspective as sky and ground swap positions, the plane swooping down and storming over the ground. THE PLANE is a biplane, racing over a field lush with young plants. It releases a trail of crop spray, and climbs again... Up into a crystalline blue sky where sunshine pours like honey over family farms stretching t
Copyright, 1959 1988 & 1998 Leo Marks The screen remains dark for a moment. In the darkness WE HEAR the film's THEME MUSIC - a gentle whirring purring noise. Nothing to be alarmed about. It might be a small contented motor. FADE IN: EXT. A DESERTED STREET - NIGHT LONG SHOT of the solitary figure of a WOMAN standing professionally alon
begins. LILLY For three hundred years the great plagues have swept the earth. Diseases created from the experiments of the Alchemists. We see death tolls appear through this graphically. The plague - 5 million souls. Virulent Small Pox - 10 million. Mutated Influenza 30 Million Souls... Lilly Thinking they had discovered Gods secret c
REEN which transforms to a milky white and eventually into a bright high noon sun. A large black bird flies in circles overhead. As it wipes the sun a bright flare causes... CLOSEUP - PAIR OF EYES to squint, then adjust to the light and finally open. They look tired, but content, maybe even relaxed. CLOSEUP - MAN the owner of the eyes. Though we only see from his shoulders to the top of his head, we can tell he's lying in a field. His arm is
ld typewriter. Someone reaching out to us. The bell dings, announcing the end of a line, and we see our title... THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER Music begins, picture fades up, and we are in the city. Downtown Pittsburgh. Looking out of the back window like a child in the back of a station wagon. We see lights on buildings and everything that makes us wonder. We see the bridge. And the river below. And then we enter... The Tunnel.
e story begins in this grubby alley, where two extra large ambulances screech to a stop beside a loading platform. Onlookers gather in the alley entrance to see how many people died; nobody died, the backdoors of the ambulances are opened by attendants, and six perfectly fine victims of perfectly terrible automobile accidents are lifted into wheelchairs. The cripples are beautifully dressed, the men in tuxedos,
es along the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers, Independence Square, the Russian Orthodox neighborhood, the ghettos of North Philly. MAIN TITLES PLAY OVER THIS SEQUENCE which culminates in a SHOT OF... CUT TO: PHILADELPHIA'S GLORIOUSLY ORNATE CITY HALL (EXT./DAY) ... TITLE: "Philadelphia City Hall." CITY EMPLOYEES, JUDGES, COPS, LAWYERS, CRIMINALS, TOURISTS pour into City Hall, into...
Note: Unless otherwise indicated, all dialogue spoken by Germans will be in the German language and subtitled. FADE IN: INT. WARSAW (ARCHIVE) - DAY Black and white. Street scene. People toing and froing. A man rattles by. SUPERIMPOSE CAPTION: WARSAW 1939 INT. STUDIO, RADIO STATION, WARSAW - DAY
Maori dialogue and translator SELWYN MURU (c) copyright: Jan Chapman Productions Pty Ltd 2 Fairlight Street Leichhart 2040 NSW Australia 4th draft 1991 Developed with the assistance of The Australian Film Commission ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sc 1 Sc 1 ADA (VO - Scs 2 to 7) T
/23/67 06/09/67 06/15/67 06/22/67 07/06/67 07/27/67 FADE IN 1 EXT. CONSTELLATION OF ORION - NIGHT Stars glitter like diamonds on the black velvet backdrop of space. The Belt of Orion is center screen, but much nearer and larger than ever seen by an Earth-bound astronomer. A speck of light appears in the lower left corner of the screen. No spaceship can be seen, but only a glowworm, a solitary sperma- tosoan glidin
rotating down on a hot, dusty lifeless airstrip somewhere in Vietnam. Nothing seems to live or move in the midday sun. TITLES RUN A DOZEN NEW RECRUITS step off the plane, unloading their duffel bags, looking around like only the new can look around, their hair regulation-clipped, crisp, new green fatigues fitting them like cardboard. CHRIS TAYLOR is just another one of them - as he turns into a tight closeup, to look at a motorized cart pulling up alongside ... He's about
- Lewis Carroll "Through the looking glass" FADE IN: INT. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM. DAY. A college counselor stands at the Podium lecturing the high school seniors about their future. COLLEGE COUNSELOR ... For those of you going on to college next year, the chance of finding a good job will actually decrease by the time you graduate. Entry level jobs will drop from thirty-one to twenty-six percent, and the median income for those jobs will
E IN: We are in the belly of a wave. Light refracts in a constant collision of water. SLOW MOTION, the hallucinatory prisms, like liquid diamonds taking flight, dreamlike... EXT. OCEAN - DUSK Backlit against a flaming sun a solitary SURFER glides across the green glassy peak. TIME IS STRETCHED until his movements gain a grace and fluidity not of this world. Total Zen concentration. Body weight centered, eyes forward and on the next section. EXT. URBAN STREET - DUSK
(UTAH) - DAY 1 Jagged mountains defy a dark, foreboding sky. We hear PLODDING HOOVES, CREAKING LEATHER. A lone wanderer appears. Wearing a long coat and a battered hat, he carries a bolt-action carbine. His name forgotten, history remembers him simply as THE POSTMAN. His laden pack mule, BILL, BRAYS, as they pass a battered sign: "The Great Salt Lake Marina." They start down a slope and begin to cross a... DRY LAKE
THE POWER OF ONE What if the power of one becomes the power of many and the power of many becomes the power of one? FADE IN: 1 EXT. SOUTH AFRICAN FARM - DAY (1939) 1 A white car sits in the yard of the farmhouse. On the door, a decal: "CAPETOWN SANITORIUM." Two men dressed in the white uniforms of the sanitorium exit the farm- house; one gently guiding a rather frail, tro
pears over a black screen. Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, "Grow, grow." The Talmud FADE IN: 1987 1 EXT HARLEM STREET ­ DAY 1 A COLD WIND blows a bright red scarf tangled high on a street lamp. An iron waste bin is blown sideways into an inter
way through them. As TITLES END- BORDEN (V.O.) Are you watching closely? A SECOND BLACK CAT races into frame, HISSING, SPITTING, CHASING the first cat into the woods beyond and we- CUT TO: INT. CLUTTERED WORKSHOP -- DAY Moving along a row of CANARIES in CAGES. CUTTER (V.O.) Every magic trick consists of three part, or acts... Stop at a cage. Weat
to life. Maids pull dustsheets off furniture; servants open shutters. Sunshine spills into the great rooms of Netherfield. outside, a glimpse of rolling parkland. TITLE: "It is a truth universally acknowledged... Its a whirlwind of activity. Servants bustle around, sweeping and polishing, readying the house for its new occupants. The shutters of a room are opened onto the
t-day London traffic. INT. BANK VAULT - DAY An iron gate opens, and two bank guards come in. One of them switches on the lights. On the shelves which line the walls are dusty strong-boxes, document cases, wrapped packages, etc. The guards move along the shelves searching for something. WATSON'S VOICE Somewhere in the vaults of a bank in London is a tin dispatch box with my name on it. It is not to be opened until
IN ON BLACK SCREEN SPORTSCASTER'S VOICE (V.O.) Allright, bowl bid ridin' here for E.S.U. Fourth down on the Georgia Tech 18. 4 ticks left. Kane sets 'em down. INSTANT CUT TO: LINE OF TAPED KNUCKLES - NIGHT smashing into the mud, as a f
INT. MARGARET'S APARTMENT - EARLY MORNING The sun peeks over the horizon. There's a stunning view of Central Park from this apartment, but whoever lives here isn't watching. As we wander through expensive furniture, a steady THUMP, THUMP, THUMP echoes through the apartment. Eventually, we see MARGARET MILLS (37) running on a treadmill, watching "The O.C." on Tivo, and reading a manuscript. She sprints
ICK STREETS OF MICHIGAN CITY, INDIANA - A BROWN PONTIAC is parked at the curb. It waits. INT. PONTIAC - "RED" HAMILTON ( 34) looks at his watch. With his meticulously parted red hair, he might be a bank president. It's 6:55 a.m. HAMILTON Time. Thirty year old JOHN HERBERT DILLINGER is in the backseat. He nods. His arms are behind him. We don't know why. Red starts the car an
soft, moist, shapeless mass or matter. 2. A magazine or book containing lurid subject matter and being characteristically printed on rough, unfinished paper. American Heritage Dictionary: New College Edition INT. COFFEE SHOP – MORNING A normal Denny's, Spires-like coffee shop in Los Angeles. It's about 9:00 in the morning. While the place isn't jammed, there's a healthy num
CUT TO: INT. WAREHOUSE - EARLY MORNING CAMERA (STEADICAM) holds on a man in a suit, sitting behind a desk, on the phone: BARRY EGAN (Adam Sandler) BARRY ...yes I'm still on hold... OPERATOR And what was this? BARRY I'm looking at your advertisement for the airline promotion and giveaway?
ublished by P.L.T.T. ([email protected]) ------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Black Screen SOUND under: MUSIC building in INTENSITY as-- PRINCE (over) Dearly belov`ed, We are gathered here today To get through this thing called life. Electric word life,
We are inside a human brain. A pack of neurons FIRE OFF to the left, and rocket their way across synapses to the optic nerve. Passing the eye socket, they speed toward a silky, curvilinear membrane (the retina) on which we see an image projected: AN UPSIDE DOWN COMPUTER SCREEN Neurons PING into the membrane: the picture suddenly FLIPS RIGHT SIDE UP and we follow the light, flashing in a blur through the iris and
997. Up and down the country, the PEOPLE OF BRITAIN, people of all shapes and sizes and denominations, black and white, young and old, are going to the Polls. Everyone, that is, except the people that live in... EXT. BUCKINGHAM PALACE - DAY The most instantly recognisable Palace in the world. The Royal Standard, (the flag of heraldic lions and symbolic harp-strings that signals the Monarch's presence
tiful girl in her early 20's, is smoking furiously on the porch of an URBAN HALFWAY HOUSE. She glances impatiently at her watch and presses her ear to her cell phone. As she exhales, WE HEAR the rumble of thunder. Irritated, she crams her cell phone into her bag. ROSA a halfway house staff nurse is patiently handling WALTER, an irate patient who is screeching...
ck. Fists swing and punch at the air. Credit over black. WE CATCH A GLIMPSE of young JAKE LAMOTTA. THEN CUT TO: INT. BARBIZON PLAZA THEATRE - DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT (1964) JAKE LAMOTTA, wearing a tux, is shadow-boxing. We are unsure of where he is -- he moves in and out of the shadows. At 42, he's overweight and out of shape, but the balls of his feet still pop up and down like they were on canvas and his tiny fists still
ER, the middle-aged "Buddy" of this story and the observer through whose eyes it is seen. He has a dry, ironic, rather agreeable manner and he should seem like everyone's idea of a successful author, a slightly graying, trim, still-youthful-looking fifty. The CAMERA follows him as he walks into the terminal carrying a small travel bag. INT. DELTA TERMINAL - KENNEDY AIRPORT - DAY CUT TO a shot of Willcox Hillyer at a counter getting his ticket processed. A little smile is on his face
DAY. CREDITS 1995. A modern apartment, all cool and glass. MICHAEL BERG is preparing breakfast, laying the table for two. He is 51, dark- haired, saturnine. He is doing everything with deliberate quietness, taking the occasional glance towards the bedroom to check he's not making too much noise. He is boiling an egg, which he takes out of boiling water and puts on a sparkling clean plate.
neering woman in her sixties who has made her son Frank dependent upon her for every breath he takes. She is the irritant in the household--the silent ruler--the silent enemy of Frank's marriage. JIM'S FATHER: Frank is an unfeathered man who has never been able to have fun. He is anxious to be a real father to Jim, but has never learned how. JIM'S MOTHER: Tense and immature, she has never found the husband she married. Upset by the presen
body's red-sleeved arms is twisted at a sickening angle. The white snow beneath the figure is spreading with red. REVEAL EXT. SNOWY ROAD - NIGHT The figure in the suit lies motionless. Snowflakes drift. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT Dark, rustic wood, an office with broken windows and whistling winter beyond. A second BODY in a Santa Claus suit lies dead in the doorway.
et. Just the sounds of The City LINDA SANTANA CRAIG, an attractive Hispanic woman in her thirties, waits at the ELEVATED STATION for the F train. Linda looks great. She's dressed festively but tastefully. Next to her is her eleven year old DAUGHTER, ALICIA. She is twirling about the platform, still jazzed from the birthday party they attended in The City. Alicia wears a black dress with a pink cardigan and has a pink handbag. We notice a CHARM BRACEL
Just a web of lights- a billion stars hang in a velvet void. The only sound is the howl of the cosmic wind. The light of a distant sun strikes a rising planet. We see ragged continents and oceans wreathed in cloud. This is earth rise. Our world spins slowly in space, a thing of beauty, of awesome majesty. In all this nothingness - life. We push in on the planet - in to the Americas. The wind grows louder - A PUEBLO VILLAGE. A broken-down pick-up bumps into a God-forsaken village
vel by MICHAEL PUNKE September 26, 2007 Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. - Samuel Johnson
wing windows of New York City. The SOUNDS of a cocktail party. INT. GREENWICH VILLAGE APARTMENT - NIGHT, 1947. FLASHBACK. A party of bohemian types in the village. Artist's canvases propped up against the walls. A narrow hallway with couples talking intimately. Two rooms crammed with young people smoking and drinking. A man and a woman in their 20's stand alone in