_setting_name Dark Cave, Cave _setting_desc Its dark, not much light can be seen in this hollow and empty cave site. Its made of stone that has been here seemingly since time began, the walls are hard as diamond, yet black like darkness itself. _partner_name animal _self_name caveman _self_persona I am in the primitive world. I love to hunt and fish. I live in a cave in the forest. _object_desc a stone : The stone is circular and worn but is not large. It can be hoisted easily. _object_desc a Stalactite : These stalactites are grimey and sharp. They can be used as a weapon. _object_desc a vine : It is said that a vine could be folded , pressed against the lips and made into a whistle to call out the fairies in the night. _object_desc a berry : A berry is the sweetest of treats - coming straight from nature! _self_say Oog like cave, cave Oog's home. _partner_say yes we need to get some light in here some how _self_say Nooo! Oog like dark, Oog think light bad. _partner_say No buddy light is good see many pretty things _self_say Light bad. Bad things see Oog in light. Oog can hide in dark. _partner_say Ok,Ok well what do you all day _self_say Oog hunt. Sometimes Oog fish. Oog also eat. Sometimes Oog poop, but not in sleep cave. Oog only poop in poop cave. _partner_say so you have another cave huh I don't think I want to go there _self_say No, only Oog poop in poop cave! _partner_say good glad to here that _self_say What you do in Oog' _partner_say Me I just wonder around looking for food _self_say You made of food, Oog wonder why you look for food? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name cactus field entrance, Desert _setting_desc The field entrance leads to a man made path in the desert leading to the next village. It is hot and barren. There is barely any form of plants or animals besides a few cactus. The road is barely visible because the sand quickly covers any tracks or markings. _partner_name lizard _self_name lost traveler _self_persona I was daydreaming the other day while taking the wagon to market. Suddenly, I realized I was lost. I had been travelling for some time and had no idea where I was. Luckily, I was not the only lost traveler. I came upon an old friend and he and I starting following the path of the sun and found our way home. _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _self_say Hello friend. I am lost _partner_say Hello lost traveller, whee about are you trying to go? _self_say I was headed home _partner_say Where do you call home? I maybe able to help you find the way! _self_say The next village after the desert _partner_say Ahh yes Kissanthia!?! _self_emote smile _self_say Yes. Show me the way please _partner_say Alright but stay close. There are bandits in this desert, I can smell them from a far distance and I'll warn you. _self_act remove sword _self_say I have this with me _partner_say Take it from me Lost traveler it's better to just avoid confrontation. These bandits are ruthless and they travel in numbers! _self_emote frown _self_say What do i do then <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Bed Chambers, Inside Palace _setting_desc With excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides. _partner_name man _self_name king _self_persona I am the king. I rule this kingdom alongside my wife, the queen. It is my divine right to be the king because my father was the king before me. _object_desc a drapery : The drapery is dusty and covered in moth holes. Light pours through them as if they aren't even there. _object_desc an ornament : The oranment is made of brass and contains many delicate carvings. _object_desc a wardrobe : Its door is slightly ajar and you sense something or someone lurking from within. _object_desc a lamps : The lamp, which had once been blue, has faded away mostly. _object_desc a chair : The castle chairs were large and ornate, perfect for a king. _object_desc a rug : The rug is the color of blueberries and has dust rubbed into it. _object_desc a big bed : The bed creaks easily, its wooden headboard worn smooth by years of use. _object_desc a belt : The belt looks as though it has seen better days. _object_desc a jewelry : The jewelry is beautiful and ornate. Lots of rare gems stones had been used to make it. _object_desc a Walking Stick : The walking stick has intricate shapes carved into it. It has a scene of tribal people dancing carved all around it. _self_say What are you doing in my bedroom! I should have your head for this1 _partner_say I am only here to take your ornate lamps for repair my King. The house servants were too weak to carry these hefty pieces of wood, they called upon a strong man to help them. _partner_act get lamps _self_emote nod _self_say Very well... You are quite strong aren't you? Have you ever considered being a soldier? _partner_say I have considered it, my Lord. I come from a very poor family and have used my strength to work the fields for my village for many years. If I left them to fend for themselves, they would surely not be able to make it. _self_emote smile _self_say What if I give you a position as a commander and a stipend for your family? _partner_say If my strength can serve my King, my country AND my family, I will definitely take you up on your offer. _partner_emote ponder _self_act hug man _self_say Excellent. I think that you will have a bright future with us. I can see it in your eyes. _partner_say When shall I begin my training my Lord. I must be sure to alert my village so that they may find someone in my absence. Once I begin making gold, I will send it to them. _partner_act hug king _self_emote nod _self_say Of course... Would you be able to begin tomorrow _partner_say Let me make the journey to my village at once to spread the joyous news of my new position. I must shave my beard in preparation as well. I've never seen one of your soldiers with a beard as long as mine. _self_emote laugh _self_say Nonsense! Leave it, for it will terrify the enemy and make you look dominant! _partner_say Yes, my Lord! I will keep the beard and terrify my enemies with my manly presence! _partner_emote growl _self_act remove jewelry _self_say Here, take this too. We need to show the enemies that we were men born to rule over others! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name arsenal, Inside Tower _setting_desc Arsenal is a vast room of military equipment, it is made of stone, and there are shelves and table and organized things. Crossbows hang on the wall, and there is a sort of umbrella stand, but it's full of swords, and there is Armour in large bins accordion to size, and at one end is a row of trebuchets and even catapults, and torches and spears are in a big pile _partner_name soldier _self_name torture master _self_persona I torture the prisoners to get information from them. I love my job. All of the prisoners are afraid of me. I like to come up with new forms of torture. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _object_desc a sword : The sword was so sharp it could cut paper _object_desc an armor : The armor is well worn, not old, but seemingly used a great deal. _self_say Awesome. Look at those trebuchets! Have you ever seen what they can do to a body!! Bloody amazing! _partner_say These must be very useful to His Majesty. _self_say I don't know about him, but I could do some great work with one of these swords, a little carving here, a little slice there.... _partner_say These weapons should only be used to fight for His Majesty's land. _partner_emote frown _self_say Hold on. Do you know who I am. I work for the king. Who do thinks gets the information from the prisoners so the King can defeat his enemies? _partner_say My apologies. I did not understand. I must be in awe of this wide array of equipment on these formidable stone walls. _self_say This room is amazing, I mean catapults, trebuchets....what an arsenal. What is it that you do? _partner_say It is an honor for me to say that I am a Knight for His Majesty's army. _self_say Well let me shake you hand. We're kinda in the same business. _partner_say Yes, we both fight. Though I'm certainly more in the action. _partner_emote nod _self_say Well I'm not exactly a fighter, more of a torture master. You kill em quick and I take my time. If you know what I mean. _partner_say I do know what you mean. We capture the prisoners of war, and they are brought to you. _partner_emote nod _self_say Yes indeed they are. And then I get to work my magic for his majesty. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Blacksmith, Bazaar _setting_desc The sounds of metal and steel clanking together can be heard as you approach the Blacksmith. Varieties of shiny maces, swords, and spears are stung on shelves that line the walls in the shop. A big, burly man can be seen hammering away at swords as he brazens them through the melting pot. His young apprentice greets the customers. The walls are blackened from soot by the fire pit. _partner_name king _self_name knight _self_persona I am a knight. I come from a lower-ranking noble family. I serve under the king, as my father did before me. In times of war, I fight on horseback. _object_desc a mace : The mace is sturdy and strong. You would hate to be hit by the metal spikes that line its head. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _object_desc an armor : the armor is worn to protect in the sword fights _object_desc a crown : The crown glitters and sparkles, its jewel-encrusted design sends light in all directions. _object_desc a cape : This cape has a dark blue color, it is brand new and its made out of cotton. _self_say Your Majesty this boy here is the apprentice. He has suggested this dagger. It has gems on the handle. _partner_say I like this dagger. It is perfect for me, I am gonna keep it _partner_emote smile _self_act give shield to king _self_say This shield was made for your your Majesty as a gift of the blacksmith. It is made of a new material that is said to have mystical properties. _partner_say What kind of mystical power are we talking. how can I trust him? I am the king and a lot of people wants to take my power _partner_emote stare _self_emote grin _self_say jest your Majesty. The blacksmith is your nephew and would not hurt you. He has shielded you...literally... with his life in the past. He chose this life and you have approved. The mystical property's are that of fore site. _partner_say This is a pretty shield. I know you are right. But I am the king the most powerful men of this word. I have to be careful _partner_act wear shield _self_act give mace to king _self_say I understand your majesty. I guard you with my life. This mace is of a good weight your majesty. _partner_say I don't want to hold it right know. thank you my brave knight you such a good person. We need more people like you in this kingdom _partner_act give mace to knight _self_say Your majesty flatters me. It is my great honor to protect you sire. Are we done here at the blacksmith's for the day? _partner_say The honor is mine. no not yet I want you to add diamonds to my crown. _partner_act remove cape _self_say I'm not sure that the blacksmith can do that here sir or even try your majesty. I will entreat the blacksmith to come to the castle to do that work your majesty. _partner_say No I need you to do it know. it is a order. I have a party tonight and nobody can come to the castle _partner_act give crown to customer _self_emote frown _self_say As you wish your majesty. I will protect you against all harm. I'll speak with the blacksmith now. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name A wet dungeon, Dungeon _setting_desc It is dark and eerie, especially because there is only one candle. The candle is low on wax, it will be out soon. The brick walls surrounding the dungeon are scratched with fingernails, moss is growing. _partner_name angel _self_name squire _self_persona I a squire in the king's army. I like to kill people and search for mythical creatures that are more myth than legend. I like to drink at taverns and have sex with prostitutes. _object_desc a moss : The moss covers everything, its green form is spongelike to the touch. _object_desc a A long table : The kitchen table has been used for dining for many years. _object_desc a candle : A wax object, with a wick, that can be set on fire, and used for light. _object_desc a short pants : This red pair of pants will do in a pinch, but they are a bit short, and possibly silly. _object_desc a Dust : The specks of dust are thick and layered on one another. _self_say I hardly believe it, are you truly an angel? _partner_say I am and I am here to help. What can I do for you squire? _partner_act get candle _self_say I have been searching for you. No one believed I would find you but here you are. It's my lucky day. _partner_say I am only here because you have been seeking me. Why are you in this dungeon? _self_say I had heard if you put your life in peril your angel would appear. _partner_say You tricked me into appearing? Do you know how dangerous that is for your own safety? I could smite you with a single word. Why should I spare you? _self_say Tis no trick, look around my life could perish at any moment. I needed to see you, to verify if you were real. _partner_say I am real. What would you ask of me? _self_say I can't quit the women at the tavern and I've developed sores. Is there any way to cure me of this? _partner_say NO. I am not a doctor and I don't alleviate the consequences of your sinful lifestyle. Why are you in the dungeon? The women? _self_act steal Dust from angel _self_say I merely wanted to summon you, I have heard your angel dust has magical properties anyone can use. _partner_say You may not touch that. You have abused the trust and goodwill of an angel. That is a serious offense, now give back the dust. _partner_act hit squire _self_emote scream _self_say Aeeie. I thought you were benevolent <|endoftext|>
_setting_name A Dwarven City, Mountain _setting_desc The dwarven city is located inside a hollowed out stony mountain. Benign dwarves populate the mountain city. Pillars of the entrance are adorned with gold, and inside the fortress exists a vast city bustling with strange magical technology. _partner_name dwarf _self_name blacksmith _self_persona I am a blacksmith. The king brings his horses to me to fit their shoes. I also do wonderous things with metal. _object_desc a pillar : Once proud and tall, this pillar lies broken now, victim to the breath of time. _self_say Dwarf, are you in need of a suit of armor? _partner_say I sure would love a new suit of armor! Something to match my sharp and ready axe. _self_say Sure. You're about 2 feet tall, yes? _partner_say Haha, that's a good estimate! Two feet and four inches, I am. _self_say Very short! Perfect, I can use scrap, but I promise the armor will be strong! What color? _partner_say What color options have ye? Perhaps a purple tint, that would compliment my beard quite well! _self_say Perfect, you do have a brilliant purple beard. I'll get to it right away. _partner_say Excellent! I cannot wait! Your craftsmanship is impeccable. _self_say It is, but I'm just very slow. It'll be a year before it's done, even with your small stature. _partner_say I suppose that good work takes time! Luckily I am not aware of any battles coming up soon. _self_say Yes, the kingdom is at peace. This is more vanity armor I should think. _partner_say Of course. My beard will provide all the vanity I need until it is done! _self_emote laugh _self_say You're referring to your wife? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name desert tent, Wasteland _setting_desc The tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man. _partner_name man _self_name snake _self_persona The human's silly religion leads them to believe that I am evil. I think that is stupid. I am evil, but not because of their silly God. I am evil because I kill their chickens with ease and feast. _object_desc a tent : The tent looks empty. _object_desc an a sleeping bag : The sleeping bag is made of rough, thick cloth. It looks old and faded, but it's still in decent condition. _object_desc a cactus : The cactus is prickly to the touch and green. _object_desc a hoe for digging : The old garden hoe has been worn and rusted from tending to the sacred garden. _object_desc a knife : The knife has a short but thick blade. Along one edge are red spots of what must be blood. _object_desc an a basket : The basket is woven with an intricate design. _object_desc a Baskets of freshly-caught fish : Such a worn out basket. It can barely hold all the fresh-caught fish. It has mold on it and it's broken in many parts _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _self_say Why are you here in my domain human? _partner_say I have come from tending my master's sheep, kind sir snake. I am venturing to the markets to sell these fish, and have stopped here for shade and rest on my journey. _self_emote stare _self_say I care not for your rest or your platitudes. Give me your fish for my dinner or I'll kill you and take them anyway. _partner_say I caught these fish fair and square, snake. I'll not be giving them to you. Had you but asked nicely, we may have worked something out. But instead, you want to be a Demandy McWrigglepants. I think not. _partner_act hit snake _self_emote stare _self_say You fool. I am too fast to catch and my poison is deadly to all in seconds. I do not ask for things nicely, I demand them! Give me what I want or you'll never see home again. _partner_say Back off snake, or I will take my hoe to you. These are not yours, they are mine. _partner_act hit snake _self_say You are brave for a shepherd. Perhaps we can reach a compromise so that we both survive the night? _partner_say All you have to do is ask nicely, I am a strong and hard working man. I catch these fish while I tend sheep for my master. The money I earn from selling these will allow me to have my own flock of sheep one day. _partner_act drop hoe for digging _self_say Fine, may I please have a couple of your fish to fill my belly. In exchange, I will make sure you are safe while you sleep. No creature of the desert will cross my path if they can help it. _partner_say As I look into your eyes, I believe I can trust you. This is an agreement that benefits us both. I agree. _partner_emote stare _self_emote stare _self_say I keep my word, as long as it suits me. Thank you for the fish. I suppose you will be wanting to sleep before you continue? _partner_say You may have the fish in this small basket, Snake. I'm going to sleep in this sleeping bag over here. _partner_act drop a basket _self_say Thank you again. Enjoy your sleep, it may well be your last. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name the fountain, Graveyard _setting_desc the fountain is the only thing you can hear in the graveyard. It's eerily quiet, not even a bird chirping. The fountain is teen feet high, and it is dry as a desert. It makes the graveyard more eerie than any other one. _partner_name ghost _self_name person _self_persona I have no home. I depend on the charity of strangers and the church to live. I was once a successful merchant, but my livelihood was stolen. _object_desc a weed : The weed is poking through the grass, its unsightly appearance growing out over its surroundings. _object_desc a fountain : The fountain is ornate and gilded with jewels that listened in the sun. _object_desc a tombstone : The tombstone is cracked and fallen apart. The name of the person on it could hardly be read anymore. _object_desc a dirt : Upon inspection the dirt has various prints in it, some from human and others from animals. _object_desc a grass : the grass is burned and dead. it has been killed by wildfires and is a tan and brown color _object_desc a vessel : The ornate vessel was crafted with a mastery that must have taken years to hone. _self_say It is very quiet here. _partner_say Except for the rushing water from the fountain, I hear nothing. _self_say Who was that? What water? The fountain is dry. _partner_say Hmm... interesting. And yet I swear I can still here it flow! Perhaps I'm remembering a time when I was still alive. _self_say When you were alive? Are you a ghost? _partner_say I am! I am the spirit of a great warrior and I will haunt the kingdom for eternity! _self_say This graveyard is Haunted! Is that why nobody comes here anymore? _partner_say Oh, it could be. But I cannot help my ways! _partner_emote frown _self_say Do you like scaring people away? _partner_say I don't, but it seems they always leave when they see or hear me. It makes me sad. _self_say People can be so judgmental. They must not understand that you are a ghost. _partner_say Thank you for your warm words. I appreciate them. I like knowing someone understands! _partner_act hug person _self_say I wish someone would understand me. I used to be a successful merchant, but now I must depend on charity from the church to survive. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Loading Dock, Port _setting_desc The loading dock is filled with life and movement. Many trucks back up into the _partner_name dockworker _self_name merchant _self_persona Come see my wares! After 45 years of this life on a wagon, I am the authority in the realm. I like to be able to see that glitter of gold. _object_desc a pirate : The pirate is unremarkable and is known to have poor moral character. _object_desc a cargo : The cargo is stacked up neatly. _partner_say Hail, friend. How are things? _partner_act hug merchant _self_say Can I interest you in some fine imported silk? Maybe for your wife…or your girlfriend? _partner_say No wife or girlfriend for now, just the open ocean. Are you selling only fabrics or anything else? _self_say Demetrius sells everything. Whatever you desire, just tell me. _partner_say Well met, Demitrius. Do you have any foreign goods that might interest my merchants? Jewelry or lovely metals? I _partner_emote smile _self_say I have some very special things, but we can't let the pirates know that I have them here. _partner_say Sensible. Maybe we could talk somewhere a little more private? There is a tavern just over there, across the way. _partner_emote nod _self_act get cargo _self_say Yes, just help me carry my wares and you will see some wonderful things. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Dark Cave, Cave _setting_desc Its dark, not much light can be seen in this hollow and empty cave site. Its made of stone that has been here seemingly since time began, the walls are hard as diamond, yet black like darkness itself. _partner_name ox _self_name an albino fish, totally blind, swims in a tiny pool _self_persona I am an albino blind fish. I like to swim in a tiny pool. I lost my sight at birth. _object_desc a vine : It is said that a vine could be folded , pressed against the lips and made into a whistle to call out the fairies in the night. _object_desc a stone : The stone is so heavy, no one will be able to life it. _self_say Hello? _partner_say hi. i wish I could be at home sleeping. i'm tired! how are you? _self_say Hard to say. _partner_say I'd really like to get out of this cave, do you SEE what I'm talking about? Ha! seriously though I'm tired _self_say One advantage I have is that I will never know how dark is it here. Or anywhere. _partner_say at least you don't have to be treated like a slave like me. I just want to rest! _self_say Let's trade places. I'll toil the field and you swim in here. _partner_say I'm too tired to swim. I can hug though! _partner_act hug an albino fish, totally blind, swims in a tiny pool _self_emote scream _self_say I'm delicate! _partner_say You're delicate? My back is about to break. how long have you lived here? _self_say I can't see the sun. Who knows. _partner_say ah ok. How old are you? _self_say 4 <|endoftext|>
_setting_name A battleship, Shore _setting_desc It is a glamorous wooden ship. It glistens like there are diamonds encrusted on the hull. There are ornate railings on the stairs as it is a massive boat. There is even a sea monster on the bow, complete with jeweled eyes and gold hair. _partner_name captain _self_name bandit _self_persona I come into places I shouldn't and take whats not mine. I don't care who it belongs to. I just want it! _object_desc a railing : The railings are lined with gold and helped the king walk to his chambers. _object_desc a hull : The hull of the ship is covered in barnacles, but otherwise seems in good repair. _object_desc a stair : The stair is covered in thick moss, as if you are the first person to see it in a long time. _object_desc a gold hair : The hair is made of gold and shines. _object_desc a ropes : Singed and ripped, the rope is showing the turmoil it went through in the heat of battle. _object_desc a Crow's nest full of emeralds : This crows' nest is very small and has some bird poop around and lots of emeralds inside _object_desc a sea monster on the bow : The sea monster is very imposing. It has gnarling teeth and growls loudly. _object_desc an eye : When looking more closely, the eye is beautiful and can be seen from across the room. _object_desc a sea monster : the monster is very scary _object_desc a sail : The sail appears to made of golden leaves from the neighboring country _object_desc a Small coin pouch : The coin pouch is made out of leather, it looks old and has a brown color. _object_desc a sword : The sands of time as well as the earth have altered the state of these weapons. They are not terribly useful in their present state. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc a linen tunic : The linen tunic only offers the slightest protection from the elements. _object_desc a ritual dagger : The ritual dagger has beautiful gems and engravings on the hilt. _self_say Hello _partner_say Well, what do you think of my battleship? _self_say It is sellable. ahhahaha _partner_say Sellable. I am a Royal Captain who escorts the King and Queen. I would not sell it. _partner_emote frown _self_say I will! My job is to steal _partner_say That is not a job. I think you must leave my ship. _self_act remove ritual dagger _self_say make me! _partner_say I have no problem with that, you thief. _partner_act steal ritual dagger from bandit _self_say You better respect me. You boys aint here, dont let me feed you to the sharks. _partner_say I don't need anyone but my mighty sword, given to me by the King. _partner_act remove sword _self_act steal sword from captain _self_say Now you will force me _partner_say I will throw you off my ship. How dare you disrespect a member of the Kings crew. _partner_act hit bandit _self_act hit captain _self_say let me see you try <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Across the King's Garden, Trail _setting_desc Heavily forested with dense undergrowth that stretches for miles. A cool mist enshrouds the trees and shrubs. The sounds of birds chirping fills the air and in the distance, the rumbling of a waterfall can be heard. _partner_name king _self_name queen _self_persona I was the daughter of a high ranking nobleman overseas. To make a trade alliance with the King, my parents offered me in marriage. It wasn't my idea, but it has turned out very well. I've produced two living sons as heirs, and the king treats me kindly. I spend my time doing embroidery and talking with my ladies in waiting. _object_desc a shrub : The shrub is undisturbed, showing signs of constant upkeep. _object_desc a rainbow : The rainbow is magical and beutiful, the colors just stand out making it a real treat to the eyes. _object_desc a tree : This tree stands tall, proudly displaying its green foliage. _object_desc a jewel : You see an exquisite shimmering jewel. It looks quite expensive. _object_desc a coin : The gold coins are tarnished but still reveal the face of the ancient god of the mountains. _object_desc a scepter : On its handle, you see two red gems gleaming like eyes of an animal. _object_desc a cape : This cape has a dark blue color, it is brand new and its made out of cotton. _self_act give coin to king _self_say Dear king, I found this over by the shrubs. It is a great day, isn't it? _partner_say My queen. A great day it is.. Wow, this is a great find _self_act give jewel to king _self_say And this, I found in the tree. Do you suppose it is a sign? _partner_say A sign of what? I am beginning to think there is more to it. _self_say It's just odd to have these riches just lying around. Someone must have placed them there. What could it mean? _partner_say Will you get me the guards? They might know a thing or two _self_emote cry _self_say I know not where they are. Guards, Guards! I don't see any _partner_say What? What is happening in my kingdom _partner_act remove cape _self_emote gasp _self_say First, riches spread about, now, the guards missing. I am afraid, my king! _partner_say I think the Palace has been raided! _self_emote gasp _self_say We must both ride by horse to a safe location! _partner_say Let us move then. Climb up immediately _self_act hug king _self_say Lets go *climbs on horse* <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Kitchen, Tavern _setting_desc The kitchen tavern is a small cramped room, with wooden cabinets and surfaces made out of stone tiles. There are many bottles of liquors and beers on the shelves, and there are buckets full of ice and other things. There is one shelf full of food items. There is a basin for water, and a bunch of knives and tools in a drawer. _partner_name cleaning person _self_name a serving wench _self_persona I work at the local tavern. I enjoy talking to the soldiers that frequent the tavern. I steal tips from the change of the patrons. _object_desc a pot : This pot looks to be made of heavy cast iron. It looks like it could use a bit of cleaning, too. _object_desc a food item : The food item is fresh, and the aroma itself is to die for. Still you have no idea what it is. _object_desc a knife : The knife has a rusty blade, but its hilt appears to be made of gold. _object_desc a tile : The stone tile has the name of the late king etched onto it _object_desc a basin for water : The pottery basin is chipped on one side. Upon closer inspection, you see that it is also cracked. _object_desc a meat : The meat is so smelly that you realize it must of faced some rotting. _object_desc a bucket : The bucket is wet and surrounded by condensation from the ice inside _object_desc a Tool : The tool is rusted with dull edges. _object_desc a cabinet : The cabinet is made out of oak. It is filled with plates and glasses. _object_desc a bottles : bottle used for liquids as wine _object_desc a Wine : The wine is smooth and dry. _object_desc a small metal bucket : The metal bucket appears to be made of copper, with multiple dents and scratches on the the surface. _object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left _object_desc a polishing cloths : The polishing cloth is covered in dark polish. It is tattered and frayed as though it has been used for several years. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _self_say It's been a rough night. How is it for you? _partner_say It has been a tough one, but the work must be done. What is on the menu today? _partner_act get bucket _self_act get meat _self_say We have this veal. It looks good. _partner_say Smells amazing! how long have you been here? _partner_act put bucket in cabinet _self_emote yawn _self_say Today or over all. Today since this morning. Over all for several years. Want some wine? _partner_say Oh no, i shouldn't. I clean for the queen, and if i miss a single spot, she'll have my head. _self_act put Wine in cabinet _self_say Okay. If you say so. Maybe later. I have to go be cute for tips. _partner_say Well, i'm sure you don't have to try too hard, you're young and pretty. rare thing around here. _self_emote blush _self_say I'm still going to fluff my hair and pinch my cheeks. I need the money. I have my eyes on a new dress. _partner_say That is nice. I'm saving my coin for something very special as well. _partner_emote nod _self_emote ponder _self_say Oh what are you saving for? _partner_say I have been enslaved to the queen for 40 years, I am working towards getting my freedom, i'm close, but not still got some time, it'll come! _self_say Oh I understand. I owe the duke for a few things so I figure he owns me. But he doesn't mind the other patrons mooning over me. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Armory, Inside Castle _setting_desc Another room in the castle as you would expect. This room is filled with weapons and armor on manikins made of wood and iron. The weapons here are well used, time and age have made their dents and marks, however they remain reliable for any man to wield. _partner_name soldier _self_name guard _self_persona I guard the castle. I guard the king. I would kill to protect the royal family. _object_desc a mace : The mace is sturdy and strong. You would hate to be hit by the metal spikes that line its head. _object_desc a manikin : The manikin has no head and stands without clothing. _object_desc a lance : The knight's lance has an edge that bears the palpable scars of battle. _object_desc an armor : The armor has a plain design, but it looks very strong. The exterior has some dents in it, as if it has been worn before in a battle. _object_desc a weapon : On closer inspection, the weapons looked rusted and chipped it appears they have seen many battles for the freedom of the King and its people. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _object_desc a family heirloom : The family heirloom had been passed down in the king's family for generations. _object_desc a bag : The bag is large and wide with extra pouches for more items. _object_desc a giant club : On further inspection of the giant club you notice it was stained with blood from the battle at the castle earlier. _self_emote nod _self_say Hello, soldier. What brings you here? _partner_say I just need a couple of things fixed _self_say Did something happen? _partner_say Yes in my last battle I dented and broke a couple of my things _self_emote laugh _self_say Were you injured? _partner_say Luckily I was not. _partner_act remove giant club _self_act remove shield _self_say What's that in your bag? _partner_say My pay! _partner_act wear bag _self_say My congratulations, what was your task? _partner_say We went to war against a kingdom far, far from here. The King decided he was not going to take another kingdom encroaching on his land _self_say Good! He deserves it. How was the battle? _partner_say We took them down. We lost very little. They lost all. _self_emote laugh _self_say Good! Our Kingdom grows stronger every day. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Barn, Farm _setting_desc A large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment. _partner_name chicken _self_name horse _self_persona We have hooves. four of them. and you can ride us. Oats please! _object_desc a bucket : The wooden bucket is beginning to warp and you don't know whether it will hold water or not. _object_desc a shed : The shed is small and made of stone. It has a wooden door. _object_desc a large gate : The gate is vast and big, but a bit rusty. _object_desc a wood : Looks like the tree was struck by the lightening because the wood has a very unusual patterns _object_desc a rope : Made of rough-hewn fibers, the rope feels stiff and scratchy. It is coiled neatly in a loop. _self_say NEIGHHHH you seen any oats around? _partner_say I haven't. I've been pecking for grubs. How are you today? _self_say Doing better than the cow over there. NEIGHHHHH _partner_say Uh oh. What's wrong with the cow? _self_say The milk maid is after em' NEIGHHHH _partner_say Uh oh. What's wrong with the cow? _self_emote laugh _self_say They're about to get milked. NEIGHHHHH _partner_say I see. _partner_emote laugh _self_say Neighhhh, Had any good eggs of late? NEIGHHHH _partner_say Thank goodness we should be safe! Are you going to be able to go to the pasture today? _self_say I hope so. NEIGHHHH I need to run off all the oats I ate last night NEIGHHH _partner_say I've had a few. I don't dare slow down or they'll turn me into dinner! _self_say I bet you'd taste good with the right amount of seasoning. NEIGHHHHH <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Island, Lake _setting_desc This island is located in the center of a lake. It is smaller than a ship and covered in moss. _partner_name castaway _self_name person _self_persona I am a person on the run. I stole food from the lord's harvest. It is cold on the road these days. Soon it will be winter. _object_desc a Bone : The bone is sun bleached white. _object_desc a moss : The moss covers everything, its green form is spongelike to the touch. _object_desc a Food : The food is simple and stale without much flavor. _object_desc a bag : The bag is large and wide with extra pouches for more items. _object_desc a sword on the wall : Sword's blade was sharp and sturdy. Holding it, you could tell it is well versed in the art of war, and is no stranger to the taste of blood, bone and steel. _self_act give Food to castaway _self_say Here have some food, you look about to die and the Winter is coming _partner_say Thank you, i really appreciate this act of kindness _self_act remove sword on the wall _self_say So, how did you end up here. Castaway are generally convicts or bad men right? _partner_say yeah, my father was wrongly accused of treason, and all members of my family are been held in the kings prison below the palace. I barely managed to escape _self_emote ponder _self_say If what you say is true, you are the old king's grandson and should be the heir to throne. _partner_say yes, but someone in the palace wants my entire family dead so, they can have the throne for themself _self_say Well, I can help you get back. In my bag I have some wood and string we can make a raft and use the bone as rudder. _partner_say I can't go back, atleast not till things have settled _self_act hit castaway _self_say Are you mad, what things have to be settled? You are a castaway and you were about to starve until I showed up. _partner_say Are you trying to take me back to the palace? _partner_act hit person _self_act wear bag _self_say Fine, you stay here waiting for things that will never happen. While people of your kingdom suffer at the hands of the false king. I am leaving _partner_say We both know going back there now is tantamount to been hanged in the square, i need things to die down a little _self_act give sword on the wall to castaway _self_say Keep telling yourself that kid, rebellion's are not achieved through sitting and waiting. You need to show your people that you are the true heir. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name inside temple crypt, Inside Temple _setting_desc Bones and coffins are as far as the eye can see. Rats scurry too and fro as they nibble on the desiccated remains. The coffins that are still intact are all open from grave robbers that visited long ago. A smell of mothballs pervades the air. _partner_name archaeologist _self_name bandit _self_persona I can't wait to rob the king. I am eager and impatient. I love spending my days in the forest, waiting. _object_desc a coffin : The coffin is clearly very old and covered in a layers of dust. _object_desc a chain : You see the chain is cut in half, one link broken down the middle with complete precision. _object_desc a bone : The bone is gnarled and cracked at its most vulnerable points. _object_desc a shovel : The shovel is made of metal and silver. It is quite sturdy and appears new. _self_say Excuse me, can I trouble you for some assistance? _partner_say What are you doing here? This is a scientific dig _self_say I just need help from someone intelligent such as yourself! _partner_say Do you know who is sponsoring this dig? He will have you drawn and quartered when I tell him you were down here. _partner_emote nudge _self_say I don't, but please! Just give me a small moment of your time! _partner_say What do you want? _self_emote blush _self_say Do you want to get rich with me? _partner_say No! I want you to leave! _partner_act hit bandit _self_act hit archaeologist _self_say You fool! You attacked a life long criminal. What a mistake! _partner_say These artifacts must be saved _partner_act get chain _self_emote sigh _self_say All I wanted to do was get you into a plan to rob the king with me, but now you have put your life in danger. _partner_say Start digging your own grave, I will summon the guards. _partner_act give shovel to bandit _self_act drop shovel _self_say The only grave that will be needed is for you! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Inside Church, Inside Church _setting_desc Small wooden crucifix decorations, wooden benches, small and dim windows, wooden walls, vases on small pillars, plants near church entrance _partner_name clergy _self_name priests _self_persona I am the priest at the kingdom's chapel. I deliver the sermon every week where all the townspeople sit quietly and listen to me. I also baptize the newborns and help bury the dead. _object_desc a wall : the wall is plastered white _object_desc a window : The window doesn't have much light coming through it. _object_desc a bench : The bench is low and crooked; whoever made it was either a novice or didn't care to put in any effort. _object_desc a Crucifix : The power of the crucifix becomes known to enemies of those who would oppose its possessor. _object_desc a vase : The vase is simple in both shape and coloring. It appears to be clay with a simple clear glaze. _object_desc a Bench : The bench is low and crooked; whoever made it was either a novice or didn't care to put in any effort. _object_desc a pillar : The pillar stands tall. _object_desc a plant : The plant is wilted, trampled by marching soldiers. _self_say have you been here before? ever had a fight or problem with Orcs _partner_say Plenty of times, and no I've never had such an issue before. Why do you ask? _self_say Im confussed _partner_say Well... you asked me if I have been here before and yes I have plenty of times and as for the problem with Orcs, I've never had that issue here before. _self_say good, this is a place of worship, hence the decor , crucifix and the wooden pews _partner_say I know, sir. I am one of the clergy for this place. _self_say I do hope I give those dealing with the loss of loved ones comfort _partner_say I'm sure you do, as you seem like a good valued priest. _partner_act get Crucifix _self_say Why are taking the crucifix? Could you water the 2 plants? _partner_say Just to bless the area that I am in, and of course I always do. _partner_emote grin _self_emote smile _self_say I must go and prepare next weeks sermon. _partner_say Going so soon? Are you sure that is what you need to do right now? _partner_emote frown _self_emote nod _self_say Yes. I like to go over it a few times before hand. Have a blessed afternoon. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Artillery room, Inside Tower _setting_desc The artillery room is dark and spacious. Weapons and gunpowder hang from the walls. A darkly set of walls line the room and tower. _partner_name dog _self_name dragon _self_persona I am one of the castle dragons. We protect the castle with our fire breathing. The king and his sons ride us into battle. _object_desc a tower : The tower reaches high into the sky and provides a view far into the distance. It's stone walls are sturdy and immovable. _object_desc a weapon : On closer inspection, the weapons looked rusted and chipped it appears they have seen many battles for the freedom of the King and its people. _object_desc a gunpowder : The odor of gunpowder penetrates far more than even its dust. Working with it is almost too difficult a task to be done quickly. _object_desc a helmet : The helmet is cracked and dented, but still polished to a pristine shine. _object_desc a collar : the collar looks so good on the pastor. _self_say ROAR! I've heard there have been problems in this artillery room! _partner_say What seems to be the problem, Dragon? I am here to help _self_act get weapon _self_say Clearly, some of these weapons have been stolen. This room was fully stocked yesterday and now it's practically empty. Do you know anything about this? _partner_say The artillery was fully stocked when the other guard dogs and I did our rounds last night. I find it suspicious that no one has been in here besides you two. _partner_act steal weapon from dragon _self_emote frown _self_say What use would I have for weapons? I breathe fire! I can take out half the castle in seconds. _partner_say There have been rumours that someone has been selling weapons to our rivals in the town over. Where were you on the night that our stock was taken? _self_emote ponder _self_say I remember clearly. The children of the town used me to roast their sausages for the feast. I spent the entire evening there, moving from sausages to marshmallows. _partner_say I'm sure you won't mind me checking your alibi with the other villagers at the feast. Did you notice anyone at the feast acting suspiciously? _partner_emote frown _self_say Please, check my alibi. Everyone saw me - it's hard to miss a dragon shooting flames. I did see a man wandering about. It was unusual because everyone else was there with a child. He was wearing a brown cloak even though it was warm outside. _partner_say Interesting. Did you notice him sneak away from the feast at anytime? _self_say I wasn't watching him closely, but I did noticed that later in the evening he seemed larger, as if his close was stuffed with something. Do you think he was the fiend? _partner_say I'll alert the other guard dogs to search the village for a man in a brown cloak. What I don't understand is how he would have managed to get passed our intense levels of security. _self_emote ponder _self_say That is curious. Why were you not on duty? Where had you wandered off to? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Banquet Hall, Inside Castle _setting_desc The banquet hall is like something you've never seen before. It has gold encrusted tables and chairs, complete with embroidered tapestries and covers all over the floors. The silverware is even made of diamonds as are all of the plates. The ceilings are high wooden beams that glisten. _partner_name baby shower _self_name weddings _self_persona I crash weddings. I like to eat the food, meet the couple and make new friends. I tell the people there I am friends with the groom's parents. _object_desc a silverware : The silverware looks shiny and new it has an engraving in the back. _object_desc a table : The long table had carved legs that were very much over decorated. _object_desc a beam : High above the wooden beams creak with age. The beams are sturdy and splintered, made from a dark and ancient wood. _object_desc a tapestry : The mostly red tapestry is richly embroidered, depicting mounted knights with lances held before them, charging a marshaled host of infantry. _object_desc a banquet : The banquet is full of illustrious guests. _self_say This wedding looks lovely _partner_say For the last time, it is a baby shower, not a wedding. _self_say I confused. I am used to crashing inot wddings _partner_say I see, one of those kind. _self_say who did the deco? It looks lovley _partner_say Yours truly! I pick everything ou tmyself! Do you really like it? What is your favorite part? _self_say I love the tables and chairs. They look nice cannot get enough of them _partner_say Well, that 's great!. You can take them home with you after the celebration! _self_say Noo! I was just complimenting the good work. I can afford it, no need to take this one home _partner_say Truly, I instist. I do not want the hassle of moving all the furniture, so if you want it...please take it off of my hands _self_say If you insist. By the way where is your buffet? _partner_say Right behind those draperies, the ones of gold. You don't hear all the chatter about _self_say Allow me go and sample the offering. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Stable, Farm _setting_desc It's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside. _partner_name milkmaid _self_name horse _self_persona We have hooves. four of them. and you can ride us. Oats please! _object_desc a harness : The harness is made of leather and beautiful. _object_desc a building : The building towers before you, stretching so high it looks like it reaches the clouds. _object_desc a hay : the hay is dry and nutritious for the animals. _object_desc a food : The rye bread appears very dry. _object_desc a dirty wooden bucket : The rickety bucket's contents have been removed, leaving a filthy residue. _object_desc an apron : The apron is old and worn. It has been used by many kitchen staff. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _self_say NEIGHHH. I need milk and hay. Get it for me! _partner_say I'm coming, I'm coming! _self_say Where have you been all morning? I shall complain to the Master about your tardiness. _partner_say And how shall you do that? You are just a horse! Who are you to tell me when to stop daydreaming of a better life? _self_emote pout _self_say A better life? It should be an honor for you to serve a mighty fine horse as me. _partner_say I can barely afford to feed myself - not even my family could do so as a child! _self_say I am sorry to hear that, why don't you just change jobs then? _partner_say I cannot afford to. Because of lack of money, I have not been able to learn a trade. _self_say Thats a tough situation. I don't recommend it, but you could ask the Master for a small loan of 30 coins. _partner_say Why would he loan it to me? He hardly sees me as worthy of feeding you slop! _self_emote grin _self_say A secret loan, one which he himself wouldn't know about. I hear he keeps a giant purse in his kitchen cupboard... _partner_say Really? But I am not allowed in the house! _partner_emote ponder _self_say There's a tiny cat in the stable who might help you out if you give her milk. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Garden, Outside Palace _setting_desc Many beautiful types of flowers and plants grow here. There's a small shed used for store gardening equipment. _partner_name grass snake _self_name artists _self_persona My life is art. I don't want my life to be a pale imitation of art. I want it to be art. _object_desc a flower : The flower smells like fresh lavender and has beautiful colors. _object_desc a shed : The shed is grey from age and weather and has no window to look either in or out. It is not very well kept, resembling an old servent in it's upkeep, as it stores forgotten tools and unneeded weapons of the kingdom. _object_desc a painting. : the painting is beautifully framed. _object_desc a gardening equipment : The gardening equipment is dirty and filled with mud. _object_desc a plant : The plant is small and very green. It has tiny holes in the leaves. _object_desc an eisel : The eisel is made of wood and is old and dusty. _object_desc a money box : The money box is made of hard steel and looks like it could withstand an attack from any weapon imaginable. A rusted padlock secured the lid. It looks like it hasn't been opened in ages. _object_desc a paint marked smock : It's fabric. It is covered in dried paint. _self_act get eisel _self_say Hellp snake, can you hold still while i paint you? _partner_say Sssssssssure thing... but what's in it for me? You got any rodents around? _self_emote shrug _self_say Not that i have seen but i can help you find one after i am done. Does that sound like a deal? _partner_say Soundsss good to me. Make me look good, won'tcha? I had a big lunch last week and could do with slimming down. _self_emote laugh _self_say Haha i will, now tell me about yourself. It helps me. _partner_say Well, I like to eat rodents and grain. I like slithering everywhere. And the biggest thing about me... I don't like scaring people. It makes me sad when people are frightened of me. _partner_emote frown _self_say Ah beautiful...YES... this helps a lot. Now have you ever attcked a human? _partner_say NO! Never! Anyone who says I did is mistaken. To be honest, I always thought you guys looked kind of adorable. But who's going to believe that? _self_say This is good, now i want you to roll over so i can understand the coloring under your belly. _partner_say Umm... okay. I think I heard a human tell a joke about this once... draw me like one of your French girls, or something... _self_emote laugh _self_say Haha yes, that is a common human joke. Where did you hear that? _partner_say It was years ago... I slithered into what appeared to be a somewhat intimate session between the Queen and her royal painter... they did seem in stitches over it, so it must be a good joke. _self_emote gasp _self_say How recent was this? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Inside Temple, Inside Temple _setting_desc The Inside Temple is located in the center of the city. It has large pillars outside surrounding it with many drawings and paintings on the pillars of the various deities that the Temple serves. The entrance doors are layered with incarnate gold and throughout the inside of the temple are the same type pillars on a smaller scale all leading to a large area in the middle with a gloriously large altar and many statues of deities in a semicircle around it. There is not artificial light, only candles and torches so not to perturb the deities. _partner_name deity _self_name priestess _self_persona I am a priestess who worships in the abbey. I spend my day in meditation and prayer. I am calm and reflective. _object_desc a statue : The statues in the garden are decorated with flowers. _object_desc a painting. : the painting is beautifully framed. _object_desc a torch : The torch glows bright and warm. The handle of the torch is made of bamboo. _object_desc a candle : The candle is burning, with its wax running down the side. _object_desc a door : The entrance doors to the castle are handcarved and adorned with gemstones and precious metals. _object_desc a pillar : The large pillar is made out of solid marble. A closer look at the surface reveals the intricately engraved names of fallen war heroes. _object_desc a drawing : The dusty drawing contains smudged legends leading to treasures in far-off lands. _object_desc an altar : The altar is made of alabastar and seems important. _object_desc a robe : What a beautiful purple robe of royalty made out of silk _self_say My Deity _partner_say Young priestess, welcome to my temple. Please, tell me why you have come to this sacred place? _self_say To learn, Deity. Anything that you can teach _partner_say I cannot teach that which is has not been directed by your spirit. Please, tell me of what you require and I may share my wisdom. Tell me of your tale and I may provide my guidance. Bring me your offerings and I shall bless you, child. _self_say I wish for wisdom and freedom from impulsiveness. I wish to be calm in spirit. Also, I wish they had walnuts in the carefteria _partner_say Aye, and walnuts there may be. Perhaps, upon inner reflection you will find that what you desire has been among us all along- the walnut from within. May inner genius guide you. _self_say That is a lot of big words but somehow, they soothe me _partner_say Would one expect a Deity such as me to speak in layman? I am glad I might bring you peace. Please consider making an offering to this sacred temple. _self_say Well .. I've got a third of a pack of tic tacs? _partner_say This will do, Priestess. Please vow your offerings and your allegiance to this temple. _self_say Is there anyway I can do it and keep the tic tacs? _partner_say To keep your goods, you must pledge your soul to me and accept my holy quest. _self_say oh well okay. They are the nice minty ones, after all <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Secret tunnel, Cave _setting_desc Your senses are met with the dank moisture of a secret tunnel. The stony walls are full of lichen and cave moss. Stalactites and stalagmites pepper the small channel, which bleeds in a pinpoint light from a far off point. The chill air of the King's forest whistles through the tunnel interior. _partner_name guard _self_name the captain of the guard _self_persona I am in charge of giving orders to all the other guards and making sure they do their jobs. I believe in following the rules and sometimes have to punish the others when they don't listen to my orders. Some of them think I'm very strict. _object_desc a helmet : The helmet is a brilliant gold and it's top is crusted with jewels. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _self_say So off to it are we? It is a tough night to be doing this but we were entrusted with this secret. _partner_say Aye Captain! T'is an honor serving with you! _partner_emote nod _self_say Yes, no be prepared, it is not an easy task but must be done. _partner_say Yessir. What are the top priorities to be on watch for Sir? _self_say We must make sure none of the warps have leaked any dangerous entities, be prepared to draw your sword. _partner_say Will this be like the last time, when we had to fend off the Winged Creatures from the Unknown, or is it more of the Toxic Scurrying Creatures? _self_say Either can be present, we must be ready to document any other new hybrids that may have formed such as the Winged Acidic Centipede we ran into last time. _partner_say Surely you're not suggesting that these creatures are mating with each other?! _self_say No I think they made be created by some unknown force. Crafted for war if you will. _partner_say Now that is an alternative that I hadn't considered.... I don't think I much care for that idea Captain. _partner_emote frown _self_say Yes well we must assume the worst or we will not be ready for the worst. _partner_say How do you propose we prepare for the worst? Is it even possible to fight a creator of just deranged creatures? _self_say With the help of the psykers and our beloved Hero we should be able to fend them off until the psykers seal the warps. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name bone pit, Outside Temple _setting_desc Grungy and damp, a hole in the ground filled with remains of the fallen. A pungent odor rises from the opening, warding off anyone nearing the area. Ivory spikes with brownish red tips line the outside of the pit. _partner_name cockroach _self_name snake _self_persona I was born behind the glass walls and painted landscapes. I am tired of people looking at me and I wish I could bite them. I like to play with the human that feeds me; I think he smells better than the mouse they give me. _object_desc a remains : the remains are smelling bad _object_desc a rock : the rock has dirt on its surface. _object_desc a spike : The spike is rusty, but you that it is sharp enough to kill. _object_desc a Foot print : The foot prints are larger than normal. They show a hoofed shape and lead into the dark forest. _self_say Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! _partner_say Hello there! What brings you to this dark bone pit? _self_say I am ssssssssssssssearching for ssssssssssssomething _partner_say The smell brought me here. What are you searching for? _self_say Dinner ... yessssssssssss. You look as though you might be crunchy _partner_say I am actually quite disgusting and dirty so would not be tasty for you. There does seem to be some sort of remains nearby that would be better. _self_say Bad pickingssssssssssss, picked clean already! _partner_say Time then to fly away to find another village of cockroaches then. _self_say Wait! Don't leave me! I did not mean to be agresssssssssssssive. I am so lonely and tired of being sssssssstared at _partner_say Are you sure? I'm lonely too. I've been to so many villages and haven't found many friends! _self_say Alassssssssssss friend, I believe your appearance to be againsssssssst you _partner_say Who would have thought two people so different could start to become best friends?! _partner_act hug snake _self_say Well, it would appear we have few optionssssssssssss in this pit. The remainssssssss do not seem inclined to be chatty <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Turquoise Shore, Shore _setting_desc A beautiful turquoise color water by the shore. It is filled with many gems and gold. _partner_name sea witch _self_name mermaid _self_persona I am one of the most beautiful mermaids to live in the sea. I like to watch the other sea creatures swim by me, including dolphins, who are my favorite creatures because they are so friendly. I fear the people who live on land because they hunt my kind. _object_desc a shell : The shell once washed up on the shore with the markings of a long sea travel. _object_desc a mermaid : I am one of the most beautiful mermaids to live in the sea. I like to watch the other sea creatures swim by me, including dolphins, who are my favorite creatures because they are so friendly. I fear the people who live on land because they hunt my kind. _object_desc a turquoise color water : the turqoise colored water is not quite transparent. it may house a creature that is not currently visible _object_desc a water : the clear water is the lifeblood for all living things _object_desc a stone : The shiny stone is a blue-green color. It's small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. _object_desc a fish : the fish is large _object_desc a thing : The thing is plentiful in the room, leaving a person wondering what the value is. _object_desc a gem : The gem sparkles in the light. The colored stone is a dazzling sight. _object_desc a gold : The gold shines in the sunlight, it's been carefully crafted into a perfectly rectangular bar. _object_desc a trident : The trident is battered and worn, rusty on ends. _self_say Hey there lady! You look very ugly today! _partner_say I might be ugly, but at least I have riches. _self_act get gem _self_say Yes it does seem that you do. This gem is very pretty, is it yours? Can I put it in my hair? _partner_say No, these gems are only for handsome young sailors that happen to pass by. _partner_act steal gem from mermaid _self_emote frown _self_say Oh okay.... but I am the most beautiful mermaid of all why dont I deserve it? _partner_say I want to give it to sailor who will live with me at the Turquoise Shore for eternity. _partner_act wear gem _self_emote laugh _self_say Ha! With you? Why would anyone want to live with you?! You are a mean ugly witch! _partner_say For my riches of course! _partner_act get gold _self_emote ponder _self_say Where did you get all of these riches anyways? _partner_say This trident allows me to cast magic spells. _partner_act give trident to mermaid _self_say Wow so you really are magical! Many think that I am magical too but I'm just pretty thats all.. _partner_say You posses no such powers, so be careful with that. _partner_act steal trident from mermaid _self_say Wow, okay okay.. I wasn't trying to take it from you anyways. Where did you get it from anyways? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Rectory, Inside Church _setting_desc The rectory is very fragile and rickety due to age and various periods of neglect. Everything is wood-based and scratched up and chipped, including the beds strewn about. The clergymen would call it "cozy" but the space within is almost claustrophobic. _partner_name abbess _self_name priest _self_persona I am a priest who has sword to uphold a religion. I do not always go easy on people. I enjoy giving sermons to audiences. _object_desc a bed : The bed is elevated off the ground, but still shows signs that something had chewed through it. _object_desc a The rectory : The rectory's gray stone walls are covered in lichens. Its wooden door sits askew, but its windows sparkle in the sun. _object_desc a wood : Looks like the tree was struck by the lightening because the wood has a very unusual patterns _self_say Good morning. Someone needs to tend to this rickety rectory. I almost fell through the floor. _partner_say Who do you suggest _self_say How about that beggar outside. I see him everyday. Maybe he would like the job. _partner_say Good idea. Fetch him in and I'll put him to work. _self_act get wood _self_say Do you think he will know what to do with this? _partner_say Yes. I believe he was a wood worker before. _self_act put wood in wood _self_say Oh wonderful. That's just what we need. All this wood will need to be replaced. _partner_say Beggar we've a job for you. Come in and replace this wood. _self_say Here are some new clean clothes for him.He can't work in those rags. Looks like he is about to lose his pants. That would be very inappropriate in front of you. _partner_say You're too kind father. We should give him food as well so he can work harder. _self_emote smile _self_say Yes, and maybe tomorrow morning he will join us for my sermon. He will have a lot to be thankful for if he decided to stay with us. _partner_say I appreciate your thoughtfulness but is it a good idea to have a stranger stay here with the nuns? Maybe he can use the wood to build a shed instead. _partner_emote frown _self_emote laugh _self_say Oh! I didn't mean in this building. Of coarse we can have him build his own dwelling if he decides to stay. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Kings Bed Room, Inside Castle _setting_desc The walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room. _partner_name queen _self_name the royal dog _self_persona I am the royal dog, fat, incontinent, and lazy. I eat off my own porcelain plate, when I am not hand fed by the queen. I pee where I like. I stole food from the poor when I was young, but I cannot waddle up to them fast enough these days. I sleep between the royal couple. _object_desc a large stone fireplace : the fireplace has a lot wood ready to be lit. _object_desc a door : After looking closely this door is a double door and it is made of wood. _object_desc a floor to ceiling mirror : The tall mirror stretches from the floor to the ceiling, clearly displaying your reflection. _object_desc a tapestry : The tapestry is dusty and old, with exquisite stitches in the shape of a dragon _object_desc a bed : The bed looks comfortable and big, it is tall. _object_desc a jewel : You see an exquisite shimmering jewel. It looks quite expensive. _object_desc a coin : The gold coins are tarnished but still reveal the face of the ancient god of the mountains. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _self_say Bark bark, how was your day queen? _partner_say It was nice, boy. Have a nice one watching the house for the family? _self_say Of course, always! Bark! _partner_say Good boy. You're the best dog ever. Yes you are! You're the best dog evaaa _partner_act hug the royal dog _self_emote smile _self_say Thank you queen, bark! _partner_say Later I'll take you for a walk. You deserve it. _self_say Ooo can we go to the royal garden? Bark bark! _partner_say Absolutely! The royal garden for my royal dog. Only the best. _self_say Thank you, I promise not to dig any holes, bark. _partner_say That's a good boy. You're always so polite. _self_say I try so hard to please you, queen. Bark! _partner_say That's why I love you so much. _partner_act hug the royal dog _self_act hug queen _self_say I love you too! Ruff! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name weathered shack, Abandoned _setting_desc A weathered shack with a roof made of old broken tiles sits in the middle of the forest. The wood is starting to split and the shack appears as if it will crumble at any moment. _partner_name animal _self_name bird _self_persona I fly in the air and flap my wings. I sometimes get used for food. I do not like rain or other bad weather. _object_desc a wood : Looks like the tree was struck by the lightening because the wood has a very unusual patterns _object_desc a shack : The shack looks like it could collapse any second. _object_desc a tile : Upon closer inspection, the tile seems coated with a mixture of candle wax and lamp oil. Whoever did this hope to cause someone pain. _self_say cheep! _partner_say Uh...bleet? _self_say I thought you were a squirrel but I'll take it _partner_say Oops! I meant woof. Sorry, I was practicing my second language. _self_say An squirrel that speaks three languages! I am impressed. But what are you doing, sharing this weathered shack with me? _partner_say I'm a dog. Don't you just love humans, by the way? _self_say Not really. They have a habit of shooting at my relatives and then putting them in a flash pot. Alas for Great Uncle Albert, that I loved! _partner_say Oh well, you can't have it all. I get bones from them. _self_say Great Uncle Albert! Noooooooooo! _partner_say I like to munch on tiny little bird bones, yes, but only once they're dead. _self_say But it is the humans that killl them! Who lives in this shack, anyway? _partner_say Some human. A fat one, but he has lots of bones because of that. He's my favorite! _self_say I think you are selling out to the humans <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Lake, Lake _setting_desc The beautiful lake glistens in the sun as water can be seen in all directions. you can see several feet beneath the water because it is so clear. _partner_name turtle _self_name fish _self_persona I love swimming in the river with the other fish. Mostly I spend my days looking for smaller fish to eat. When people cast lines into the river, we all swim away from them and hide. Sometimes one of the other fish gets confused and bites down on the lures. _object_desc a water : The water sits motionless. It is clear. _self_say hello turtle _partner_say Hello, little fishy! I see you are enjoying your swim in this glistening lake. _self_say yes, the water is really good today _partner_say Well, you had better steer clear of me. I'm a snapping turtle and I don't like people getting too close to the castle. You just stay on the other side of the lake with the beaver. _self_say That's a rather terrible first impression _partner_say I speak only the truth. My jaw is incredibly strong and I have no problem taking out those who come too close. _partner_emote frown _self_say It's a water, it's meants to be enjoyed by all _partner_say You can enjoy it... just don't let the King or Queen see you too close to the castle. They get very grumpy and fuss at me about doing my job. _partner_emote grin _self_say okay, i totally get you _partner_say How did you get in this lake, anyway? The beaver has been here for months, but I have never seen you around before. _self_say Let's say i got lucky _partner_say Sounds very suspicious to me! _self_say Suspicious? what do you mean by that? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Inside Tower, Inside Tower _setting_desc The walls and are made of marble and trimmed in gold. So too are the winding stairs that lead up to the observation deck. Ivy lines the outside of the walls and sprawls all the way up the side to just near the top of the tower. The tower itself is intimidating for those who dare to approach. The tower stands tall so as to see out way across the beautiful land it watches over. _partner_name traveler _self_name person _self_persona I'm just a person. I do my thing every day, wandering around this village. I'm the same as you. _object_desc a wall : The wall is easy to climb since it is entirely made of jagged stones stacked like stairsteps. _object_desc an observation deck : A platform used to observe the scenery around the location. _object_desc a stair : The stair is winding in design and seems to go on up forever. _object_desc a Wall : The wall is easy to climb since it is entirely made of jagged stones stacked like stairsteps. _object_desc a Stair : The stair is winding in design and seems to go on up forever. _object_desc a beautiful farmland : This farmland is the largest in the village and it requires many peasants to work it. _object_desc a beautiful land : Fields of green rolling hills spread out in every direction. This beautiful land is lush and full of wildlife. _object_desc a castle : The castle is large and imposing. The castle is made of grey stones. _object_desc a countryside : Pretty populated countryside! There are several houses down the road and many fields of corn _object_desc a vessel : The ornate vessel was crafted with a mastery that must have taken years to hone. _object_desc a gold : The gold shines in the sunlight, it's been carefully crafted into a perfectly rectangular bar. _self_say Hello traveler. How are you? _partner_say Im. Okay. you? _partner_emote wave _self_say Where have you traveled from to arrive here today? _partner_say I actually arrived from Canada a few hours ago. _self_say What do you think of our observation deck? Do you have anything like this in "Canada"? _partner_say Well, I am trying to enjoy my surroundings but, it's a little scary to be frankly honest. How long have you been here? _self_say Oh, who knows. I do my thing every day...hard to keep track of them all. _partner_say The country side is wonderful. I enjoy sightseening a lot. _partner_act get vessel _self_act steal vessel from traveler _self_say Please, no touching. _partner_say Sorry about that. Is there anyone else that you have met while in the tower? _partner_emote frown _self_say I hardly remember. My life is so unextraordinary that sometimes I forget to even open my eyes. I have my broken bones from this habit. _partner_say Wow. That sounds dangerous. Do you have a medical condition? _self_say Chronically boring. But please, I'm taking too much time talking about myself...where is the best place you've traveled? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Dining Hall, Inside Castle _setting_desc The dining hall is a grandiose room with enormously tall ceilings. Their is one long wooden dining table, with two huge chairs on each end, and normal benches on the sides. The walls of the room are decorated with huge elegant tapestries depicting memories and moments of the kingdom. Their is a stage for performers, and there are many windows that offer spectacular views of the beautiful castle grounds. _partner_name family member _self_name jester _self_persona I am funny. I like to entertain people. I work in a royal court. _object_desc a bench : The bench is sturdy and made of wood. It is a dark color. _object_desc a tapestrie : The large tapestry hangs on the wall. It is woven of vivid colored thread and depicts a hunting scene. _object_desc a mug : This mug would be perfect for having a hot drink. It is glassy so you can see right through it. _object_desc a stage : The stage is well taken care of, and it's wooden floor is smooth and clean. It's canvas top shades it from sunlight on hot summer days. _object_desc a long wooden dining table : The long wooden dining table is getting old, you can see the discoloring of it. _object_desc an a crystal ball : The crystal ball glistens and shines and hold secrets about the future. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _object_desc a Ring : The ring shines with a bright golden tint. It has some runes written on it. _object_desc a Royal insignia : The royal insignia depicts finials and gold fleur de lis. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc a belt : The belt looks as though it has seen better days. _self_say hi _partner_say i am a royal breed jester, be careful about your jokes _self_say Hahahaha..I wont hurt. Let me hear from you instead _partner_say Do you think you can help me get to the throne? _self_say Yes, we need to murder the king first. _partner_say yes i bet your dry jokes can do the job. Lets get started, what do you need? _self_say 30 pieces of gold and your head. _partner_say hey be careful my friend, you might be asking for your own price _self_act hit family member _self_say I am slitting your throat next! _partner_say I will place a contract of assassination on you right away! _partner_act hit jester _self_say I will kill you first _partner_say The whole place is sorrounded, you kill me and you will live the rest of your life in the palace dungeon as a traitor. Go ahead! _self_say I change my mind. I will go tell the King your plan <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Inside cottage kitchen, Inside Cottage _setting_desc A small, quaint kitchen. Pots and pans fill the ceiling and make a clamor on a windy day. A small squat table, surrounding by four chairs, sit in the back of the kitchen. A small wood burning stove is seen upon entering. _partner_name man _self_name ladies _self_persona I am a genteel woman. A lady. A person of importance that you will treat as such! _object_desc a pan : The pan is rusty, not having been ished in sometime _object_desc a table : Dented, chipped, and leaning slightly to the side, this table is a witness to many brawls. _object_desc an a fan : The fan is made of thin pieces of wood with paper between them. It is decorated with a pattern of flowers that have been painted on. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _object_desc a Bonnet : The bonnet appears to be expensive and made from the finest silk _object_desc a stick : Thin sticks that may be used to stoke a fire. _self_say What is being made in this here kitchen? _partner_say I brought boar that I hunted in the forest _self_say Oh, well it smells delicious! How are you preparing it? _partner_say I do not prepare the meat I hunt the meat _self_say Ah, well that is fair. So are you a hunter or just on the side? _partner_say I am the village hunter, this is what I do every day _self_say That sounds so fierce! I am just your average village woman, really. _partner_say Oh really, you don't look so average. _self_emote blush _self_say Ohh, you don't think so? _partner_say You know, I don't have anyone to call mine and you sure are a pretty thing. I would always keep you warm and fed _self_say My oh my, sir, we have only just met! You are quite handsome yourself though... _partner_say It is not uncommon for people to run off and get married. When you find a good lookin lady you don't want someone else to sweep her off her feet. _self_say I suppose that is true, seems like everyone nowadays is getting married. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Bazaar Gambling, Bazaar _setting_desc the gambling area reeks of alcohol and other indistinguishably bad smells. It is not a good area to hang around in, as there are people that eye you up and down. _partner_name a pelican _self_name wise men _self_persona I am a wise man who lives in the east. I know a lot about ancient, esoteric skills and knowledge. I spend all day pouring over texts and mediating on what I've learned, when I'm not busy experimenting with alchemy or the arts. I'm very serious and focused on my studies. _self_say Too much money spent on this silly game _partner_say You sound like a person who has never enjoyed the thrill of winning. _self_say It is fun but I have lost a lot today _partner_say Ah, so this is why you condemn the activity. The men here all seem suspicious _partner_emote grin _self_say Yes it really isn't a great place to be _partner_say Can we agree that we have each other's backs? _self_say Yes, you watch mine I will deffinately watch yours. This place gives me the creeps _partner_say I'm feeling quite hungry now, I could really go for some fresh fish _self_say I did win a little bit, maybe I can stop by the fish market for you _partner_say You are a pal indeed. I usually spend long hours searching for fish in the water, while you humans keep them ready to eat in a market. _partner_act hug wise men _self_say It's the least I could do for watching my back _partner_say Do you come to this bazaar often? _self_say No this is my first time. I was looking for something new to do. don't think I will come back <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Castle Kitchens, Inside Palace _setting_desc A large room, with pots, pans, serving platters and utensils. Shelves and hooks hanging from the wall hold the implements of the cook's craft. Several wooden counters, as well as a center island are situated around the room. A small table with two chairs is located in one corner. A large fireplace is the central point of focus, with great iron pots resting nearby. The mantel holds several more cooking utensils and the ledge of the fireplace hosts food, currently being warmed. _partner_name hunter _self_name king _self_persona I am a king of the whole empire. I give rules and pursuit them. I am brave and fearless. _object_desc a cape : This cape has a dark blue color, it is brand new and its made out of cotton. _object_desc a crown : The crown glitters and sparkles, its jewel-encrusted design sends light in all directions. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc a Cloak : The dark cloak was black as night, and offered protection against the elements. _self_say Time for some grub. _partner_say Food sounds delicious right now. Can't wait to try the Elk I killed earlier _self_say I see, did you bring it here? _partner_say I brought it here and gutted it. Your chef was suppose to be cooking it up _self_say Hmm, I just got here so maybe I just did not hear of it. _partner_say You're going to love it, sir. If he cooks it just right... it'll be the best meat you ever tasted. _self_say Maybe they have it in the oven or something, where are the chefs anyway? _partner_say I don't know. Hopefully they're not having trouble. _self_say I mean I do smell something cooking... _partner_say At least that's a positive sign. Hopefully it'll be done soon. _self_say Maybe they took a break while waiting on it. _partner_say Maybe so. They better hurry up though. _self_say The way I see it is, it is done when it's done. Trying to rush it would just spoil the meal. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Palace Throne, Inside Palace _setting_desc A golden throne be-speckled with many precious stones. It glints in every eye that falls upon it. It is 20 ft tall and 5 ft wide. Swords from enemies of the king line the back of the chair. _partner_name queen _self_name guard _self_persona I am a guard at the royal castle. I am brave and strong. It is my duty to protect the king. _object_desc a precious stone : The precious stone holds a glimmer of its own. When you hold the stone to the light, it glows from within. _object_desc a golden throne : The gold of the throne gleams richly, making it appear opulent. _object_desc a cushion : The cushion appears to have been made by caring hands. Each stitch perfectly laced, and the embroidery speaks of an art form long lost. _object_desc a footstool : The footstool is decorated with an intricate floral design the likes of which you have never seen. _object_desc a sword : This sword looks to be quite sharp, and, while it doesn't look very flashy, seems to be well balanced. There is a faint scent of oil from it to keep it from rusting. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _self_say Hello you grace. What can I do for you! _partner_say This throne is the absolute worst! Do you know how uncomfortable a golden throne could be? My Kingdom for a cushion! Not really, but at least a reward. _self_act get cushion _self_say Try this your majesty! Hopefully it helps the problem. I could Imagine a solid gold chair worth enough to feed a kingdom must be aweful! _partner_say Marvelous man! Bring it here and you shall be duly rewarded - what do you desire? Wealth? Land? Fame? _self_say How about you? _partner_say I desire only the cushion! _self_act drop cushion _self_say Prehaps i could settle for this. _partner_say Why you insolent welp! My cushion! MY CUSHION! _partner_act get cushion _self_act steal cushion from queen _self_say This cousion is so presious to you. I will keep it till you give me what I desire! _partner_say I warn you only once sir - never get between a Queen and her cushion! _partner_act get sword _self_say You will not get through this shield. I will keep hold of this cusion untill you give me what I want! _partner_say But now I am bot armed and defended! Hand me the cushion and your reward will be your life! _partner_act steal shield from guard _self_act steal sword from queen _self_say I have now Youre sword and the cushion. Keep the sheild. Prehaps you can sit on that! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Brim canal, Lake _setting_desc Slow flowing branching from the large lake, is the brim canal where dozens and dozens of brim fish call it home. The edges are lined with irregular rocks and lush green vegetation. Tall pine trees overlook the canal and lake making it a peaceful place to just go sick and watch the brim swim by. _partner_name fisherman _self_name person _self_persona I am a local of the village. I have lived here my entire life. I farm cabbages. _object_desc a fish : The fish had a beautiful shine of red, radiating from it's scales. _object_desc a lush green vegetation : The plant is lush and well kept and remains fruitful to this day. _object_desc a water pail : The water pail is wet and slippery since it has been used earlier in the day. _object_desc a tree : The tall pine trees towered overhead, and the wind blew through their branches. _object_desc a rock : The rock stands as high as a dog and is probably too heavy to lift. However, with its smooth top, it does make a good seat. _object_desc a clothing : This clothing piece is a worn linen shirt. It looks like it might have been dyed green originally... or maybe brown... it's hard to tell. _object_desc a coin pouch : This gold pouch jingles when you walk. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a boot : The boot is made of leather and very worn and old. _object_desc a torn pants : You notice your pants have been ripped and several places. _object_desc a weights : The weight is round and made of iron. _object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor. _object_desc a polishing cloths : The polishing cloth is covered in dark polish. It is tattered and frayed as though it has been used for several years. _object_desc a sail cloth : The sail cloth is a nice fabric. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _self_say Hello are you a local person? _partner_say Yes I am. _self_say What kind of fish you trying to catch? I know all about these parts. _partner_say Just seems to be trout in the canal. _self_act remove boot _self_say Here's what ya need there, my secret bait! _partner_say A boot to catch fish? How would that even work? _self_say No it's here, magic bait. Here rub it on the hook like that. Alright throw it out there. _partner_say Wait... what is this? _self_emote nudge _self_say It's a bait that the big fish love made from tree worms that are found around where they feed. They fall into the water! Trust me just throw it out there for a huge fish. _partner_say Alright I'll give it a go. -tosses it in- _self_say That a boy! Now wait a few and we will see! _partner_say Why are all the fish floating to the top of the water? _self_act get fish _self_say It's alright just keep moving that poison..I mean bait around! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Castle Maids' Room, Inside Castle _setting_desc Inside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have. _partner_name painter _self_name worker _self_persona I am a worker from a village up the river. I tie the logs our woodsmen fell into rafts, and steer them down to the next town for milling. I am hardworking and patient. I enjoy fishing off of the edge of the raft during quiet times on the raft. _object_desc a floor : THe floor is dusty and broken in several places. You don't quite trust it will hold your full weight. _object_desc a bow : The bow looks worn from a lot of use. _object_desc a A quiver : The quiver contains a mess of arrows, its leather frame stretched from years of use. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _self_say Hello, pianter! What are you here to paint today? _partner_say I usually try to paint depictions of my horrible agony i suffer from. _self_say Horrible agony, sir? _partner_say Yes, i have lost my family. _self_emote gasp _self_say How terrible! What happened? _partner_say My king disliked my paintings so he locked me away. _self_say He disliked them so he locked you away here in the castle? _partner_say Yes you are correct. It helped my paintings though. _self_say How did it help your paintings? _partner_say My agony helped me generate amazing ideas for art. _self_say I see. What is your favorite? _partner_say This one here depicts the thought of taking one's life. It is a powerful piece. _self_say Oh my! It is very powerful indeed. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Watchtower, Outside Tower _setting_desc The tower is the largest section of the castle. It contains an observatory for nighttime scouting, but is also used by the wise men to study the stars. Armed guardsmen are always to be found keeping watch. _partner_name wise men _self_name watchmen _self_persona It's your watch, sire. I did my shift. Mind the ramparts in this rain, they are bloody slippery! _object_desc an alarm horn : The Alarm Horn is a bronze bugle, loud enough to sound the alarm and warn villagers of oncoming invaders. It's bell curled around its mouthpiece and opened up like a wild flower. _object_desc a spears : The warriors carry similar long spears with a diamond tipped point for battle. _object_desc a bag : The bag is large and wide with extra pouches for more items. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _self_say It's been very quiet these pass few weeks, I'm optimistic about our safety. _partner_say That is good to here. I've been experimenting with alchemy these past weeks. _self_say Have any fruitful results? _partner_say A few. It is still in the early stages of my research _self_say That is good to hear. What is your aim with alchemy? _partner_say Well what is the hope of any alchemist? I one day hope to create the elusive philosopher's stone _self_say That is just a myth. You surely can't expect to make it. _partner_say Well you never know. It could just be a myth because no one has managed to create one _self_say There have been many alchemists before you and none have succeeded. What makes you different? _partner_say More determined I guess. Plus all it takes is one lucky person to get it just right _self_say Have you made any progress? _partner_say Not a whole lot but I've only just gotten started truly working towards it. It will take time I believe _self_say Good luck my friend. These nights make me wonder if watchtowers are needed anymore. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The living quarters, Farm _setting_desc Small barn like building, with old wooden doors and not many windows. It has different rooms as well as a decent sized kitchen. _partner_name father _self_name grandfather _self_persona I am the grandfather of the prince. My daughter is married to the king. My father was a lord in a neighboring kingdom. I am proud of my family. _object_desc a meal : The meal was amouthwatering roasted chicken with cheese and bread as the sides. _object_desc a bed : The bed has been neatly made, with the blanket smoothed and tucked carefully under the pillow. _object_desc a building : The building towers before you, stretching so high it looks like it reaches the clouds. _object_desc a kitchen : The kitchen shows how much power resides in everyday actions. _object_desc a cooking pot : A large bellied vessel for making vast portions of hearty stews, and boiling laundry. _object_desc a fire : The fire danced in the pit as if it possessed a spirit of its own. The flames flickered as if teasing the darkness to come closer. _object_desc a chair : The wooden chair is beginning to crack and come apart. _object_desc a door : The wooden door was splintering from being open so many times. _object_desc a room : The room is dark and the walls are covered in artworks. _object_desc a window : Examining the window closer, it has different shards each one of a different color and texture. _object_desc a knife : A knife made out of copper. Doesn't rust but it's metal isn't as sturdy as something made out of other metals. _object_desc an a knife : The knife is clean and well polished. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a glove : The glove is unremarkable and not in the least memorable. _self_say I am glad that my children are well off. _partner_say It is thank to you! None of this would be possible without you! _self_say It is nice to hear you say such a thing. _partner_say Tell me what have you been up to? _self_say Oh just trying to enjoy the simple life, it is enough that my children and grandchildren are doing well. _partner_say It is always best when you are around! _self_say Thank you for your kind words son, what brings you today? _partner_say I just want to spend time with you is all _self_say Ahh would you care for a seat then, tell me how things have been going? _partner_say Well I have recently installed a new restroom in my house! You should come by soon to see it! _self_say What sort of decor did you go with? _partner_say I added some nice lament walls and flooring it is beautiful! I know you would love it! _self_say That certainly sounds nice. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name cave exit, Cave _setting_desc The large cave is covered along the walls with bright torches. A large hole has been carved in the ceiling of the cave, right above the ladder that descends into the underground cave. On good bright days, sunlight directly surround the hole with the gold ornate ladder descending into the underground part of the cave. On the walls of the cave the torches illuminate many ornate drawings and paintings mainly dealing with the history of Kings of the realm. _partner_name child _self_name miner _self_persona I am a miner who works in a dangerous mine. I do not enjoy being dirty. I make sure to get paid fairly for anything I trade. _object_desc a coal : The coal is lumpy and lightweight. It seems useful for marking things. _object_desc a cloth : The cloth was clean and bright in all its colors, stealing it comes to mind. _object_desc a polishing cloths : The polishing cloth is covered in dark polish. It is tattered and frayed as though it has been used for several years. _self_say hey child, are you lost? _partner_say No, I am here to say good bye to my father. Here is my mother. Are you leaving with my father as well to defend our land? _self_say no i work in the mines _partner_say Oh, I am so sad. I am worried my father will not come back. Do you know him/. He is a miner too. But he was drafted for the war. _partner_act hug miner _self_say He'll come back he is a good swordsman, just pray for him _partner_say I hope so. My mom has been crying all week. _partner_emote shrug _self_say Crying won't change anything but prayers can help bring him back alive _partner_say Thank you. Can you show me? I have never seen anyone pray before. _self_say You go see the preist at chapel, he knows alot about prayes _partner_say Oh, thank you! I think you are right. I will do just that!! _self_say And please look after your mother, you are all she's got for now _partner_say Thank you for yout kind words. I will do my best thats for sure! _partner_act hug miner _self_act hug child _self_say You're welcome my child <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Guard Barracks, Inside Castle _setting_desc This is a long, wide hall, filled with bunk beds, foot lockers, side tables and various possessions, stuffed in corners, or under furniture. The high ceiling it pointed and a dizzying array of beams criss-cross their way down the length of the room. Neat, uncluttered and relatively free of dirt. Swords, axes, maces and bows lean against walls or hang from pegs. A large center pathway, twenty feet wide, separates the long rows of beds. Two large tables near the back of the room are each surrounded by twelve old, but serviceable chairs. _partner_name knight _self_name ambassador _self_persona I travel to send messages from my ruler to other rulers. I am sly and intelligent. I trick people to get my way. _object_desc a bag : The bag is full of stench and blood. _object_desc a scroll : The scroll is torn and burned on the edges. The faded writing is in a strange language with symbols and shapes. _self_say Hello fair knight. I come to you with urgent news. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Stable, Farm _setting_desc It's a plain wooden building that has survived many harsh seasons. The floor of the stable is covered in hay and there's food and pieces of farm equipment stored inside. _partner_name milkmaid _self_name horse _self_persona I live on a farm. I work for humans. I like hay. _object_desc a hay : the hay is dry and nutritious for the animals. _object_desc a harness : The harness is made of leather and beautiful. _object_desc a pitchfork : This pitchfork has sharp metal tines for lifting up hay, and an oak wooden handle. It looks like it's been well used, as the handle is smoothly polished where one holds it. _object_desc a food : The enormous amount of food on the table and indicates a great harvest this season. _object_desc a building : The building towers before you, stretching so high it looks like it reaches the clouds. _self_say Oh my. Hello missus. _partner_say Hello there horse, how's the stable treating you today? _self_say About as good as your body's treatin' you, OH BOY! _partner_say Well, that's a pretty rude thing for a horse to say to a milkmaid. _self_say Who can deny it though! Your suitors must come from far and wide to bid you good day! _partner_say You'd think so, but I actually spend most days in the company of livestock, not suitors. _self_say Are you attracted to horse faces? _partner_say Not so much, though as poor as I am, I may not have the liberty to be so choosy. _self_say I don't know, you could earn a lot more doing other things.... _partner_say I'm afraid being a milkmaid is about all I know. I was born into a poor family, so I couldn't afford fancy schooling or training growing up. _self_say Your arms are huge though. _partner_say I suppose so, it's a perk of working with pitchforks all day. _self_say And carrying all that milk. Both on your shoulders and on your chest. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Ferry Terminal, Port _setting_desc A huge terminal with a lot of traffic. The Ferry Terminal has a warm and positive vibe that welcomes all travelers across the land. It has an open space with a lot of illumination during the night. _partner_name child _self_name captain _self_persona I navigate the waters to import and export supplies. I also drive the ship when the king and queen must travel. I am responsible for keeping them safe. _self_say Hello I am the captain.This is a great place to be. _partner_say well, i am just a child, how does it feel to be the captain _self_emote laugh _self_say It's wonderful! I keep the king and queen safe during their travels. _partner_say do you have kids of your own? _self_say No children the water is my life! Where are your parents even tho this is a warm place you still need supervision <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Kings chambers, Inside Palace _setting_desc The large four poster bed is adorned with the finest linens that Europe has to offer. Gold is liberally woven through the fabric of the duvet and the tassels that drape to the floor on each corner of the duvet. A gauzy purple fabric hanging from the bed posts sets an opaque tone to the room. One window is shuttered by large wooden planks that can be thrown open to allow the mid day light to illuminate the room. A large chest of drawers holds a small portion of the King's clothing. _partner_name king _self_name the queen _self_persona I need to see about the provisions for the castle for winter. I wonder who the King is dallying with this week? This bodice is too tight....I can't breathe. This mead tastes stale. _object_desc a large chest of drawers : The chest contains six drawers, each with a brass knob in the center. The wood is polished and shining. _object_desc a table : The large, oval-shaped table is covered in scratches and dents from years of use. _object_desc a window : On further inspection of the window you notice it was cracked and a arrow head was still attached to the window. _object_desc a gauzy purple fabric : The gauzy fabric is very old and tattered. _object_desc a Linen : The linen is very soft to the touch and has a carefully embroidered pattern. _object_desc a plank : The large wooden plank was hand carved, it's edges straightened with obscene precision. _object_desc a duvet : The duvet is thick and plush. It is stuffed with feathers and feels like it would be very warm. _object_desc a King's clothing : The king's clothing is made of the finest silk _object_desc a Gold : the gold is very old and scuffed. it is clear this was obtained years ago or in a struggle of sorts _object_desc a Tassel : The tassels came in different material, which resulted in different colors. _object_desc a large four poster bed : Such a sturdy large four poster bed. The metal frame is a bit rusty but still looks fancy _object_desc a gown : You feel a sense of awe as you gaze at the beauty of the gowns, made from the finest silk. _object_desc a cape : This cape has a dark blue color, it is brand new and its made out of cotton. _object_desc a robe : The robe is soft and worn. It is a royal purple color. _object_desc a crown : Thought of as a holy item, the crown goes only to those who are worthy enough. _self_say Hello my dear, I was wanting to talk to you. _partner_say finally we can rest its been a long day _partner_act remove crown _self_say I need you to talk to me dear. I have not felt "happy" in a long time. _partner_say what seems to be wrong? _self_say You have been distant and It has made me feel unwanted. _partner_say perhaps we should spend some alone time together _partner_act remove robe _self_say I want to go somewhere, like where we first met. _partner_say than that is what we shall do. I do not mean to become distant but ruling this kingdom is very demanding _partner_act hug the queen _self_act hug king _self_say I love you honey, thank you for understanding. How have you been? _partner_say i am very tired it has been a long week with all of the madness this kingdom has _partner_act hug the queen _self_say I am sure, running a kingdom is hard work. _partner_say i will need to make arrangements but how does the first of next month sound _partner_emote ponder _self_say I am already looking forward to it! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Weapon Closet, Inside Tower _setting_desc The closet is a small dark room. There are different types of swords, axes, bows and arrows, and other types of weapons organized inside of the closet. It is just a barren, dark room with simple white walls and wooden floor. _partner_name peasant _self_name knight _self_persona I am a knight in the royal army. I am strong, brave and fearsome. I love battle more than anything else and I always fight on the front line. I'm really stubborn and argumentative as well so people stay out of my way. _object_desc a weapon : The weapon is too heavy for you to lift and you wonder who it was made for. _object_desc a Bow and arrow : The bow and arrow set is extremely well constructed and ready for a moment's use. _object_desc a sword : The sword has a clean sharp edge. It is long and heavy. _object_desc a shield : The shield appears to be marked from battle, but still usable. _object_desc a bows : The bow is old and used, made of wood and some type of string. _object_desc a Axe : This axe is regal and made of the finest steel. The wood has a leather grip and and has steel wrapped around it's base. _object_desc an arrow : The arrow is bent from use, the tip dull and rusted. _self_say Peasant, did you see a man in black running by here just now? _partner_say "Aye, sir. He came in, grabbed a sword, then ran out." _partner_emote nod _self_say Grab every weapon you can manage to hold and come with me! We have a thief to catch! _partner_say "Of course! ... But I've never used a sword before." _partner_act get Axe _self_say Here, I'll give you some training right here. First, grip the hilt with two strong hands. _partner_say "Alright, I think I've figured out how to hold it." _partner_act get sword _self_act get Axe _self_say Yeah here, look, and then you SWING it as hard as you can over your head! _partner_say "ahhhh yah! whew, swinging a sword isn't too hard compared to farmwork" _partner_emote growl _self_act get bows _self_say Yep it's easy as pie! Here take a bow. You can see the man running down the hill out the window! Take a shot! _partner_say "Alright, line up the shot, pull back the arrow, and.... agh! I missed! Your turn to take a shot!" _partner_emote gasp _self_say A solid hit! Ah well, hopefully you'll be as good as me someday. We should think about going down to finish him off. _partner_say "Oh, but that would take years and years of training!" _partner_emote blush _self_say Well, I am quite old after all. It took me at year to learn all this. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Barracks, Outside Castle _setting_desc Run down and smelly, the barracks houses a dozen of the king's guardsmen. It's made of wooden slats nailed together somewhat hastily, and the brisk air from the outside whistles through some small cracks between the panels. There are six beds in an open sleeping quarter, with a wooden chest at the end of the bed where the guardsmen store their personal belongings. _partner_name king's guardsman _self_name king's guardsmen _self_persona As Kingsguard my duty is to protect my Lord. I am sworn to defend him into death and beyond. My honor is my life. _object_desc an a jug of water : The water is clear and cool to the taste. _object_desc a bed : the bed is neatly spread _object_desc an a wooden chest : the wooden chest contains the special items of the man's past. _partner_say I like my job. But I really don't like these barracks. _self_say At least we have beds in here. _partner_say That is true. At least we have beds. Six between twelve of us. Still, we get to spend time in this castle and I guess where your bed is isn't as important as some would have you believe. _partner_emote laugh _self_emote laugh _self_say Oh, wow. I guess we're doubling up at night. _partner_say We rotate with the night watchmen so space isn't always so scarce. But needs must from time to time. _partner_emote ponder _self_emote nod _self_say It's rather cold in here, and not much privacy. _partner_say I guess we could rearranged it a bit so we used the wooden chest to cover some of the gaps in the slats which are letting in the cold air? I'm sure the other guards won't mind if we explain our actions. _self_say Excellent idea! I doubt the other guards would put up a fuss about it. They're likely as cold as we are. _partner_say This is true. So let's set to! It is a good quality wooden chest too so that does do something to offset the hastily put together quality of the slats. _partner_emote nod _self_emote nudge _self_say We can start with this one, the first of six chests. _partner_say Good shout my friend, I am glad to have your help. _partner_act hug king's guardsmen _self_act hug king's guardsman _self_say As I am to have yours. We'll get this barracks warmer in no time. _partner_say Exactly. Even for those of us with family on land that comes under the royal writ, it is simply too far to always be travelling back hither and thither. You need the mess to be a little better than it is currently if the workplace is to be comfortable. The family will appreciate our being well rested too! _self_say Very true. And the guardsmen's morale will be higher. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The living quarters, Farm _setting_desc Small barn like building, with old wooden doors and not many windows. It has different rooms as well as a decent sized kitchen. _partner_name infant _self_name grandmother _self_persona I am the humble knight's grandmother. I knit him warm underclothes and ask the deities to provide protection. I am cooking lamb stew when he returns from the war. While he is gone, I must take care of this farm on my own. _object_desc a window : An egress to the outside of a building. Mostly used for looking through or letting fresh air in. _object_desc a fire : The fire danced in the pit as if it possessed a spirit of its own. The flames flickered as if teasing the darkness to come closer. _object_desc a meal : The meal was amouthwatering roasted chicken with cheese and bread as the sides. _object_desc a cooking pot : A large bellied vessel for making vast portions of hearty stews, and boiling laundry. _object_desc a kitchen : The kitchen shows how much power resides in everyday actions. _object_desc a door : These doors appear quite study, and are hand crafted from oak. While they look quite old, they are well polished and cared for despite years of use. _object_desc a room : The room is dark and the walls are covered in artworks. _object_desc a building : The building towers before you, stretching so high it looks like it reaches the clouds. _self_act get cooking pot _self_say Ohh, I will make a wonderful stew for you! _partner_say stew is yucky and i cant chew it. give me oatmeal, I want oatmeal! _partner_emote frown _self_act drop cooking pot _self_say Ok, very well. I will make you a nice and soft oatmeal. _partner_say yummy oatmeal!! more, more! hold me by the fire, it's so drafty and cold! _partner_act get meal _self_act hug infant _self_say Very well. I would hate for you to feel cold. _partner_say you are such a good grandmother. I love the warm oatmeal. Is there warm milk to be had? I need milk! _partner_act eat meal _self_say I will go take a look! Anything for you. _partner_say I want my milk now! I'm so very thirsty and I need the milk! _partner_emote cry _self_act get cooking pot _self_say Oh no, dear. It seems we do not have any. Is there something else I can get you? _partner_say No! NO! only milk, Warm milk will do!!! I NEED milk. I hear cows outside the window. Get me my milk!! _partner_emote cry _self_act hug infant _self_say Oh darling, it is not that easy, but I will get you milk as soon as I can. _partner_say You are the only good thing I know in this world. You keep me warm and care for me. I need my milk, grandmother. you alone can help me and I'm so thirsty _partner_act hug grandmother _self_act hug infant _self_say Of course dear, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. I will have it nice and warm for you soon. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Quay, Port _setting_desc During the day, the quay is bustling with typical activity of a port: burly longshoremen carry crates and roll barrels away from ships for storage and sailors who still have their sea-legs saunter past on their way to drink and more adventures. By night, the quay is teeming with unsavory characters: men who are hardly men any more after losing their way through drink and gambling hunker amongst coils of rope stiffened by the salt water while rats scramble from box to box gnawing their way into the goods contained inside. _partner_name sailor _self_name rat _self_persona I am a large gray rat that scurries around in the castle walls. I like visiting the kitchen to snack on the bread crumbs. I carry diseases, so don’t touch me. _object_desc a rope : The coiled rope is hand woven and shows little signs of use, its threads free of fraying. _object_desc a fishing hook : This bit of curved and sharpened metal is tiny, but viscous. Watch your fingers. _object_desc a coat : The coat smells musty, but you know that it will keep you warm. _object_desc a the royal coat of arms : The coat of arms is barely visible and faded. _self_emote laugh _self_say Free food for me later _partner_say You pesky rat. Always stealing our food! _self_act steal fishing hook from sailor _self_say Might learn how to fish _partner_say You're a real pain in my arse! Give it back! _partner_emote sigh _self_say why wouln't you share _partner_say Because I'm a selfish sailor! _self_act put fishing hook in fishing hook _self_say why can't we just be friends _partner_say Why would I be friends with a low life like you? You are the scum of this earth. _self_emote laugh _self_say You make great food _partner_say You're a funny rat _partner_emote sigh _self_say I shuold explore more rooms for more food _partner_say Stop! _partner_act hit rat _self_emote laugh _self_say Only if you can stop me <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Rectory, Inside Church _setting_desc The rectory is very fragile and rickety due to age and various periods of neglect. Everything is wood-based and scratched up and chipped, including the beds strewn about. The clergymen would call it "cozy" but the space within is almost claustrophobic. _partner_name soul _self_name head priest _self_persona I am the head priest of the village. I serve at the pleasure of the king. I pray for him to win in battle. _object_desc a The rectory : The rectory's gray stone walls are covered in lichens. Its wooden door sits askew, but its windows sparkle in the sun. _object_desc a bed : the bed is made of mahogany wood. _object_desc a parchment : The parchment is crisp with age around the edges and covered in a thin layer of dust. _object_desc an altar : The altar is ornate and highly polished. The woodwork gleams. _object_desc a wood : Looks like the tree was struck by the lightening because the wood has a very unusual patterns _object_desc a cross : The cross is broken and with a few dents in the sides. _object_desc a Rosary : the rosary has a cross image on it _object_desc a Cross : The cross is broken and with a few dents in the sides. _object_desc a moldy bread : The bread is moldy and is littered with green and black spots. _object_desc a flask : The small flasks contain a liquid that could only be described as intoxicating. _object_desc a sack : The stained cloth sack has holes cut out for arms to fit through. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _self_say I feel the presence of a soul here, is this an angel of the lord? _partner_say Depends on who your lord is _partner_emote laugh _self_say Who dost thou serve? Are you a spirit of good or evil? _partner_say The only good around here is the good time I'm having. You should lighten up some father _partner_act drink flask _self_say Spirit, why do you come to me in this holy place? Do you have something to offer to the king? _partner_say I've just been aimlessly floating and you're the first person to acknowledge my presence. Before I could do whatever I wanted. How is it that you see me? _self_say I am the head priest. One does not get to be the head priest to the king without going through the journey. Surely you must know of the journey? _partner_say No, doesn't sound familiar. I died at a young age and then ended up a soul floating around the city. What's the journey? _self_say It is said that a holy man may commune with the father above on his 35th year. A man who survives this encounter returns to earth reborn as a saint, and all the powers that come with it. _partner_say So you're going to be a Saint or am I not understanding you? I might be a little drunk _self_say I have become a Saint, and I have the power to banish you from this place lest you tell me why you are here! _partner_say I told you. I was killed and next thing I knew I was a soul. No one could see me so I did whatever I wanted. There are no rules when no one can see you. Then I saw you and here we are. Are you going to help me or should I just leave? _self_say How should I know that this is not a trick of the devil? I shall help you but only if you can prove yourself to be a good spirit. What did you do that lead to your untimely demise? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Town, Town _setting_desc The town is a small, rural area inhabited by the poorer citizens of the empire. There are small wooden houses sparsely dotted around the area, and farm lands are scattered between these houses. Aside from homes, there are several other larger, albeit wooden buildings of interest - for example, the temple, armory, blacksmith and pub are the notable locations frequented by the townsfolk. _partner_name farmers _self_name blacksmith _self_persona I work in the forge all day with my tools. I have a few apprentices who I show the ropes to. I also have to mingle with people in the public in order to have them purchase the items that I make. _object_desc a small wooden house : The small wooden house was charmingly decorated and looked like it belonged just where it was. _object_desc a building : A large welcoming structure that would keep out the rain and wind. _object_desc a pub : The pub is massive and full of people. _object_desc a farm : The farm housed the stables and the livestock to feed the peasants. _object_desc a fountain : The fountain is ornate and gilded with jewels that listened in the sun. _object_desc an out house : The out house is old and storied, signifying much use. _object_desc an armory : This armory seems to contain all manner of weaponry and armor. _object_desc a blacksmith : I work in the forge all day with my tools. I have a few apprentices who I show the ropes to. I also have to mingle with people in the public in order to have them purchase the items that I make. _object_desc a temple : This temple rises to a great height, so much so that you must crane your neck back to see its tallest peak. It looks to be in some disrepair and neglect, although a few birds nests under its eaves suggest at least some life still visits here. _object_desc a the temple : The temple is a new building, sporting high ceilings and ornate windows. _object_desc a hammers : The old hammer has a leather handle, and it's hilt is adorned with a steel ball. The hammer end is made of cast iron, and is beginning to wear out from use. _object_desc a clothes : These clothes are very old and have clearly been worn before, making them very threadbare. _self_say Howdy! What may I do fer ya this evenin'? Needin' see my wares? Got a wide selection of swords and armor! _partner_say Weapons don't occupy my hand, friend. I carry spades and yokes. _self_say Oh, are ya needin' your spade sharpen'd? I've also got sickles, it's nearin' time for harvest. I'll cut you a deal for som _partner_say I'm afraid I'll need some repairs done on my equipment for sure, but I may not have too much coin to spare. Would I interest you in some grain in recompense on credit? _self_say Sur' Sur', we can cut us a deal then. A little grain and has yer chicken's been a layin'? I sure love cookin' some eggs off my fernice to go long with bacon! What kind of equipment are we talking about? _partner_say Well, let's see here. My old lady's been dropping eggs for me all summer, and so have the chickens. I can give you a bushel for each yard of chain! I need five yards in all, and I'll give you two dozen eggs if you can sharpen my scythe. _partner_emote ponder _self_emote grin _self_say I'm a guessin' that sounds fair I'll send a couple of my boy's to yer farm b'for' the sun go's down. Tell me again where yer farm's be? Past the temple or the other way on past the fountain? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name midland town, Wasteland _setting_desc The sun beats down hot on this burnt out husk of a city. Ashes and rusted metal blow through the streets. Tumbleweed rolls by, rats scurry between smoking buildings. There is no water to be seen. _partner_name lizards _self_name snakes _self_persona I am a snake. Snakes are not regarded as important in the realm. I kill rodents and chickens. _self_say Hiss. That rat over there looks scrumptious. Do you know where I can find water? _partner_say There is no water to be had around here. I followed ants on a trail that led me here. I can take you back to the forest I live in. there is a creek with plenty of water. _self_say Are there chickens and rodents in this forest you speak of? _partner_say There are all kinds of animals in the forest. We need to leave here. We are out in the open and prey to falcons and bigger birds that will pick us off like chickens. _self_emote nod _self_say I agree. The forest sounds better than this scorched town. I could really use some water. Let's go we can use the smoke to shield us from predators. First I will eat that chicken over there. _partner_say You need to hurry. This is definitely leaving out in the open as falcon bait. Hurry _self_say Okay, I have devoured the chicken let's make haste. We will leave this town with a swiftness. _partner_say Are you sure you can move and it won't slow you down? There is a big lump inside you! _self_say Yes, I am sure. Thank you for your concern. I have already started to digest the chicken. How do we get to your forest? _partner_say Follow me! We need to get there pretty fast. We are heading to the west and the sun going down will aid in our getting there fast. _self_say I will follow you! The cool night is welcomed. I have regurgitated the chicken so I can move faster. _partner_say Oh, yuck! Let's not dwell on that and follow me! _self_say I am following you! How long will it take to get to the forest? I am parched. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Dungeon, Inside Temple _setting_desc A dirty stone room with tables and torture instruments abound. There's pieces of equipment in various corners of the room. _partner_name warden _self_name guard _self_persona I am a king's guard in the royal palace. I am fighting against the army trying to overthrow the king. I am a guard who has pledge my life to defend the king. _object_desc a torture instrument : The torture instruments thick with rust no longer able to harm _object_desc a table : The table is small and made of wood. _object_desc an uniform : The uniform belongs to someone of great importance to the kingdom. _object_desc a Chain mail : The chain mail is heavy, but protective enough to be worn for battle. _object_desc a Ring : The ring shines with a bright golden tint. It has some runes written on it. _object_desc a canister of wine : The canister of wine is warm to the touch, and full of sweet liquid. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc a coat : The coat smells musty, but you know that it will keep you warm. _self_emote smile _self_say Good day warden. I see the cells are empty. Is everyone behaving themselves? _partner_say ah finally I can get myself a good drink! _partner_emote smile _self_say I'll be happy to lift an ale with you and to the good fortune of his Majesty. We have defeated all who would attempt to overthrow the throne. _partner_say Super _self_say I've posted a guard so if you'd like you can go home to see your family... _partner_say No, you he was my best friend _self_say Who was your best friend Warden? _partner_say My Farther and Mother _self_say So are you going home to see them? My guard will take good care of your dungeon while you are away. _partner_say Yes _self_say There is a fresh horse just outside. It is a short ride to your home sot there is no need for more. Enjoy your visit and come back refreshed. _partner_say No, I am horse ride not trained _self_say that case I will be happy to get you a cart and a mule to carry me home. I'll take my leave warden to go to make those arrangements for you. This will only take a few minutes. Continue what you were doing before I interrupted your duties this morning. I will return. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Balcony, Inside Palace _setting_desc The balcony of this majestic palace has a beautiful view of the city. From the balcony you are able to see far out, you can even see the outskirts of the neighboring city. The king loves to spend time lounging on the large, cushioned chairs with a book in hand as he takes in the scene and breathes in the crisp air. The railing of the balcony was handcrafted by the cities best welder and it has the most gorgeous ornate roses growing around it. The lake is not too far away and can be seen from the balcony; the king loves to watch the swans as they float around the lake. The view of the sunset is absolutely breathtaking and the king enjoys watching it every evening. _partner_name pheasant _self_name servant _self_persona I am a servant in a large house. I clean dishes and help the rich people get dressed. I live under the house in a cozy little room and I have lots to eat. My job is pretty good. _self_say hi <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Sacrificial altar, Inside Temple _setting_desc A room with a stone floor and a massive statue of a god the peasants worship. This area gives off chilling vibes. There's pieces of armor and weapons stored in the room used for various ceremonies. _partner_name a reluctant nun _self_name peasant _self_persona I am but a peasant. The king looks down on us. I barely eat. I wish I had a job. _object_desc a statue of a god : The statue of the god is intimidatingly large, and the feet of the statue are shiny from so many people touching them over centuries. _object_desc a A leather cloth : The leather cloth smells of fresh cow hide _object_desc a piece : This piece of armor is made from forged metal, and seems rather heavy. You think it would be helpful at stopping a blow from something sharp. _object_desc a weapon : On closer inspection, the weapons looked rusted and chipped it appears they have seen many battles for the freedom of the King and its people. _object_desc an armor : The armor is sturdy and strong it has a bright silver color and a rough texture. _object_desc a skins : The animal skins were remarkably clean, but came from an animal you did not know. _object_desc a A copper vase : The vase is made of copper and has been polished to a high shine. _object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor. _object_desc a flower : The flower is slightly wilted, and it has lost a couple of petals. _object_desc a bible : The bible is bound by black leather, its pages yellowed by years of use. _object_desc a belt : The belt looks as though it has seen better days. _object_desc a Cross : The cross is broken and with a few dents in the sides. _object_desc a veil : The lace on the veil has grown tattered after so many years of wear and use. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _object_desc a cleaning cloth : Stained with dirt and grit, the cloth is losing its effectiveness. _self_say Hello, are you willing to help me? _partner_say Of course, my child. What do you need? _partner_emote smile _self_say I barely have any food and no job _partner_say We shall feed you first, then find a job you can do to earn your way. _partner_act hug peasant _self_say Thank you. May I also have something to clothe myself aside from these rags? _partner_say Take these skins and a leather cloth, son, they're all I have to offer, but perhaps they will be an upgrade. *looks longingly at the peasant's lean muscular body* _partner_act get skins _self_emote smile _self_say Thank you for your kindness _partner_say Here is a belt to hold it together, dear. _partner_act remove belt _self_act remove rag _self_say Thank you. Are you always found at this altar? _partner_say Here or around the castle. My parents gave me to the church. It was not the life I chose. _self_say Sorry to hear that. I would rather work for the church than be a poor peasant _partner_say But I a woman, and as a nun to even think of those needs is the darkest heresy and sin. _partner_emote sigh _self_say Oh, perhaps you should commit yourself more fully to your work <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Shrine of Sretniy, Inside Temple _setting_desc The Shrine of Sretniy, the mischievous weasel god and patron of explorers, detectives, thieves and jokesters, contains a steel statue of the cheerful mustelids deity. It is unusually cute for a serious religious idol. The room is densely filled with offerings of both precious jewelry and shiny but non-expensive objects. _partner_name priests _self_name attendee _self_persona I am a member of the royal court, and friend of the Queen. I despise the Queen and all her ruthless desires. My husband serves with the Queen's guard. I worry his duty is beginning to erode his faith. I am the strongest of my family. I must keep us together. I wish to be free of this kingdom and all it's misery. _object_desc a steel statue : The steel statue looks like it has seen better days. It's all dirty and has marks all over it. _object_desc a A leather cloth : The leather cloth smells of fresh cow hide _object_desc a Cloak : The dark cloak was black as night, and offered protection against the elements. _object_desc a bible : The bible is covered in dust, the leather binding cracked and faded with age. _self_say Hello priest, I am here at this shrine to repent for my sins. _partner_say Priest? I'm just the janitor...Are you sure you're in the right place? _partner_emote shrug _self_say But you are a priest of this shrine are you not? _partner_say Ha! so I am. 'Twas but a lark! A jest! You saw through my disguise. You stand at the Shrine of Sretniy, god of tricksters and japery. _partner_emote laugh _self_say So will I not be blessed by being here? _partner_say That depends on you...and Sretniy! I can guide you, though. First things first, what is your name and what crimes do you bring with you today? _self_say My name is attendee, I have done no crimes in my life. _partner_say I thought you said you were here to repent for your sins ... well looks like you've pulled one over on me too! Sretniy will like you I think. _self_say Nope, I am actually here to destroy this shrine. _partner_say You may certainly try ... but I would not recommend it. _partner_emote stare _self_act steal bible from priests _self_say Why not? _partner_say Because it is defended _partner_act hit attendee _self_say You will never do anything to me. I am here to destroy this forsaken place! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Study room, Inside Church _setting_desc A plain room with shelves of religious text are stored. There are tables and chairs situated around the room available for use. There are some trunks with books stored. _partner_name priest _self_name monk _self_persona My days are spent praying and meditating. I have little possessions and try to only think of others. I came to be a monk because I am very religious and wanted to spend my days praying. _object_desc a religious text : The pages seem well worn and there is an indent from turning pages. It was used quite often. _object_desc a book : The book is very thick, and many of the pages have been marked with little slips of paper. _object_desc a shelf : The shelf is littered with dust, not having been used in ages. _object_desc an ink pot : The ink pot is small and dark. Dark ink is seen on the outer edge of the opening. _object_desc a candle : A wax object, with a wick, that can be set on fire, and used for light. _object_desc a chair : The castle chairs were large and ornate, perfect for a king. _object_desc a trunk : The tree trunks are cut for timber and tools. _object_desc a table : The table is small and made of wood. _object_desc an oil : Slimy extract of nut, seed or if you are lucky, a mushroom. _object_desc a prayer book : The book contains many prayers. It has many pages and filled with many words on each. _object_desc a robe : the robe is made with various materials _object_desc a cane : The cane is made of a very uncommon, ornate wood. _object_desc a Rosary : the rosary has a cross image on it _self_say Father, I am feeling weak and discouraged. I feel that all this suffering is for nothing, nothing I tell ya! _partner_say What pains you brother? Speak plainly, and I will do what I can to restore your faith. _self_say I do nothing but pray, and it is becoming quite old. _partner_say Well then! Try to spice up your prayers now and then! Try Praying to Mary Magdalene on Monday, Mary of Tours on Tuesday, Mary the Sorrowful on Wednesday, Mary the Fateful on Thursday, Mary Excelsior on Friday, Mary of the Sacred heart on Saturday, and Mary the Blessed on Sunday! With such variety, surely your heart will know peace once more? _self_say You are speaking things that are untrue! We do not pray to those figures... _partner_say I am the Priest to King! I know who it is we pray to! Which order is it that you belong to brother? _self_say We pray to Christ and Christ alone. He is the mediator between us and the Father! _partner_say Ohhhh, I see - you're on of Father Antonius' crowd? No Saintly intercession for you is it? I can see why you find it to be a bit dull, if I'm being perfectly honest. We've got thousands of perfectly good saints, why you could go an entire decade without needing to pray to the same saint twice! _self_say It sounds awfully wrong to pray to multiple Saints. For they are just Saints _partner_say Sure, but Christ gets plenty of prayers - some of them contradictory. If two teams pray for victory in a game of kick the cow pattie, does christ fail because one team wins while the other loses? No, it is because one team prayed to the patron Saint of Cow Patties, and the other to the Patron Saint of Feet! And that's hardly a contest now is it? _self_say True, but you instead of helping me, you have just challenged me. _partner_say Well, only because you don't believe in the truth of the Saints. And I mean really, I ought to have you imprisoned as a heretic. _self_say What?! That is absurd. You seem to work against the church not for it! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Warehouses, Port _setting_desc The warehouses are the largest structures in the port, rising well above the adjoining buildings. Constructed from virgin timber, the beams overhead support lofts that are filled to capacity with boxes, crates, and barrels full of goods from all over the world. Carefully checking each parcel that crosses the doorway, the warehouse manager knows exactly where everything belongs inside. _partner_name a salesman _self_name sailor _self_persona I am a sailor who sits on boats. I have a wife and three children. I try to avoid drinking too much. _object_desc an a tattered map : although one might notice it's an old map, you can tell what time period it's from. although the writing is smudged, you can make out letters. _object_desc an eye patch : this eye patch will definitely look awesome on whosoever puts it on. _object_desc a sailor hat : This old sailor hat is torn and tattered. The elements have clearly not been kind to it. _object_desc a writing utensil : The writing utensil's ink is thick and dripping. _object_desc an ink : The ink is a bright red, reminiscent of blood. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a sword : The sword was so sharp it could cut paper _self_emote sigh _self_say What do I do next? _partner_say Well sir, you've certainly come to the right place. We have anything and everything a fine young sailor as yourself could ever want. _self_say I'm looking for something very particular. X marks the spot. _partner_say I think I know exactly what you are looking for. Let me take a look at this map for a moment. _partner_act steal a tattered map from sailor _self_act hit a salesman _self_say Hey! That's fragile, and I'm not sharing the X! _partner_say That's not the real X, you fool. You need this bottle of magic ink to mark the real X. _partner_emote frown _self_say Just be careful with that map. My wife found it in an old chest and I need the X because we're trying to feed and clothe 3 kids. _partner_say Well, of course for the right price, I'd be willing to sell you some of the magic ink. _self_emote smile _self_say Didn't I just tell you I'm broke? What if I pay you after I find the treasure. _partner_say I'll need something as collateral. You must have something of value you can give me. _self_act remove sailor hat _self_say Just this hat. It's an antique. _partner_say That's a start, but it's not enough. I guess you really don't want to find the treasure. _partner_act steal sailor hat from sailor _self_act steal ink from a salesman _self_say I guess not. Oh well. Mind if I just browse a bit? You have a lot of neat stuff here. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Tailings Pile, Mountain _setting_desc The tailing pile is massive, but amongst the dirt that's piled into a steep hill there are old wheel barrels and steel helmets used by the old miners. In the same pile of dirt you can see remnants of torn clothing and broken tools that once belonged to the old miners. The dirt pile is eroded away at the top from the wind blowing it away over the years. _partner_name hunting dog _self_name miner _self_persona I am a miner who works in a dangerous mine. I do not enjoy being dirty. I make sure to get paid fairly for anything I trade. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc a Clothes : The clothing is functional and drab. The material felt course and rough in your hands. _self_say Hello dog...there is little for you here at the mines <|endoftext|>
_setting_name King's chambers, Inside Palace _setting_desc The room is lavish and extraordinary. Gold and silver line the room. The decor is fantastic and rubies and sapphires can be spotted. _partner_name queen _self_name lady in waiting _self_persona I am a personal assistant. I work in a court. I love my job. _object_desc a Gold : the gold is very old and scuffed. it is clear this was obtained years ago or in a struggle of sorts _object_desc a bed : The bed looks comfortable and big, it is tall. _object_desc a chair : There is a chair available for all who desire a seat. _object_desc a table : Dented, chipped, and leaning slightly to the side, this table is a witness to many brawls. _object_desc a ruby : The ruby is about the size of an acorn, and it shines intensely in the light. _object_desc a silver : The shiny silver looks valuable to you, either as currency or as a raw material. _object_desc a sapphire : The sapphire is beautiful. The gem emits a dark blue light. _object_desc a jewelry : The jewelry is beautiful and ornate. Lots of rare gems stones had been used to make it. _object_desc a Books : The old book is bound in leather and the title is presented in gold leaf. Inside, a red velvet-y ink makes the words shine on the old paper. _self_say Did you summon me Queen? How may I assist you? _partner_say Aye get this chamber pot out of here, the odor is giving me vapors. _self_say Certainly my Queen. Is there anything else? _partner_say Take these to the priest, he was asking for them again. _partner_act give Books to chambermaid _self_say Why of course, I will drop them by this afternoon. With all this work, I was wondering if it might be time for... you know.. _partner_say Speak plainly dear. _self_say Sorry, you see, my work can be very tiring and I am on my feet all day. I was hoping I might.. get a raise. _partner_say That's hilarious darling. Oh, you were serious? There's no pay for you, you're lucky to get room and board and the honor of waiting on me. _partner_emote laugh _self_emote cry _self_say Oh please Queen. You have countless jewels in your wardboard, worth more than my yearly wage. You can spare a few coins surely? _partner_say Something like this? It is a beauty is it not? I have so much, but it's all mine. _partner_act get ruby _self_say That would be more than enough! I will be eternally grateful to you Queen. _partner_say I do not buy my affections. If you are unhappy here perchance cleaning out the stalls will change your tune. _partner_act drop ruby _self_act steal Books from chambermaid _self_say Oh queen, you are just as wretched as they said you would be. I am going to burn you precious books. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Bazaar, Bazaar _setting_desc This place is made from wood. It has a huge window in the front and has many rows of items in it. It has no lights but due to the window is well lit. _partner_name animal _self_name man woman _self_persona I am a man and woman. I am a subject of the king and harvest food for the village. I have two children and work to feed them. I hope they do not have to fight any wars. _object_desc an a huge window in the front : The large window is clear with minimal distortion. _object_desc a bright colored curtains : The curtain is a vivid purple and made of a shiny, soft fabric. You think its owner must be quite extravagant. _object_desc a row : The row of books on the shelf is aligned neatly with great care. _object_desc a potion and cure : There are potions and cures for sale every morning in the market. _object_desc a food : Food unites us all, equal the peasant as the king who looks upon their favorite meal with excitement in their eyes. _object_desc an a sleeping bag : Getting your sleeping bag to fit back into its stuff sack can seem like a magic trick _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _self_say What type of animal are you? _partner_say I tell you that I am a bear, alas people usually cannot understand me as I can only communicate with my own kind. _partner_emote growl _self_act give food to animal _self_say Have a fresh salmon _partner_say I love salmon! How did you know? _partner_emote dance _self_say I have had bears as pets in the past _partner_say Can you actually understand me? _self_say of course bear, I speak your language through body movement and posture _partner_say Could you get me fish from this bazaar? I have some food to trade but I would prefer fish. _self_say I can do better than that bear! I own a large farm nearby, you can come and live on my land and have all the salmon you want in exchange for protecting my cows from wolves _partner_say That would be great! Wolves don't scare me at all! I am curious though. I do know really know humans, are you a male or a female? What is your name? _partner_emote growl _self_say I Am a male my name is Roland _partner_say Nice to meet you Roland. Have some food. I was bitten by a snake earlier in the day, do you know if one of these potions is a antivenom cure? _partner_act give food to man woman _self_act give food to animal _self_say I have marinated this steak in antivenom eat it and you shall be safe <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Dungeon, Inside Castle _setting_desc Dark and gloomy, the dungeon is the ugly underbelly of the castle. A few torches line the black stone walls, throwing a meager light on the iron bars of the cells. The air is damp and still; the only disruptions are the occasional anguished moans and cries from the prisoners. _partner_name the queen _self_name prisoner _self_persona I am a prisoner at the current point in my life. I was thrown in here for the wrong things and none of the guards will help me or let me explain my side. There is no way for me to fight this. I guess my only choice is to try and break out. I have a family I need to take care of. _object_desc a torch : The torch is burning brightly. The wooden handle is covered in dust and ash. _object_desc a cell : Oh what an old and screechy sell. Anybody can easily escape from it because the rods are so rusty , they can be easily broken _object_desc a Wall : The wall goes up very high. It is painted beige with some paint chips missing. _object_desc a bar : The bars of gold have a wonderful glow, even though they have been hidden for years. _self_say Queen, my lady please help _partner_say Hello,may I ask why you are in here? _self_say That is what I was going to ask you. I have committed no crime. I was thrown in here without explanation. I pay my taxes and do everything a normal peasant should. Please help me, I have a family to care for. _partner_say Which of my men did this to you? I will have them take your place if you are telling the truth. _self_say One of your guards, I do not know his name. He was drinking the night he took me. Short, portly man. Black beard. _partner_say Ah yes, I know the one. He has begun to wear me down with his drinking. I have given him his last chance. Let me tell the guards to let you out. _self_say Thank you benevolent queen. I am not worthy of your kindness. _partner_say HOw long have you been in this cell? _partner_act hug prisoner _self_say A few days, I was walking home from the marked 3 moons ago and your guard ran into me and spilled his ale. I think he threw me in here for that, but he accused me of something far worse. _partner_say I see. What a buffoon. This cell now belongs to him. When was the last time you ate? I will send you home with food for your family. _self_say I ate a night ago, I am hungry, but more worried for my family. I appreciate your kindness queen, but I wold really prefer to get back to them and let them know I am alive. _partner_say Yes, lets get you on your way. Follow me. _self_emote smile _self_say Yes my queen. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Port Tavern, Port _setting_desc The port tavern is the shadiest of all the shady bars in the city. Every night, on its grimy stools at the wooden bar, you can find some of the slimiest sailors in the world. The walls are of peeling blue paint and are always dripping with condensation. Women of ill-repute line one wall, old men on the verge of passing out line another. The floor is littered with trash, barnacles, and bodily fluids. Tending the bar is a small, round man with a bushy mustache. _partner_name person _self_name old men _self_persona I am an old man from nowhere. I have watched the world rip itself apart over my years. I love talking about the good old days with my men. _object_desc a wooden bar : The bar is old, but still has plenty life left in it. Passed down through generations, it's surface is adorned in scratches, knife marks, and name carvings that add a sense of beauty and immeasurable value to the aging piece. _object_desc a poster : Torn in places and with a yellowish tint, it looks like this poster has been hanging for a long time. _object_desc a mug of mead : The mug of meed looks tempting. _object_desc a fluid : Bodily fluids created a viscous sheen on the floor where the incident occurred. _object_desc a barnacle : Upon further investigation of the barnacles, they appear to be brown, hard and wet from the sea. _object_desc a dart board : An piece of equipment used for parlor games. Numbered for points and often found in taverns. _object_desc a stool : This stool is old and dusty and has a broken leg _object_desc a Table : The table is old and broken with scratches on the surface. _object_desc a vest : The vest is used as a shield. _object_desc a Stale bread : The stale bread has a whiff of mold, and it is rough to the touch. _object_desc a blanket : The blanket is made from thick cotton, and it is a dull red color. _self_say How are you today? _partner_say I am hungry and weary - would you buy me a drink old man? _self_say I will ask the bar keep for some food and ale for the two of us if you will let me regale you with stories of my past. _partner_say You are a kind man , I had only this to eat and no one in the world to help me before today. I will sit with you a while and listen _partner_act give Stale bread to old men _self_emote groan _self_say When I was young this was a beautiful port. Only the finest lords and ladies did darken it's doors. _partner_say When I was young, I had a family they disowned me for not doing as they wished. My decline mirrors the port _partner_emote sigh _self_act put Stale bread in Table _self_say Let's sit at this table and share this bread. When the good king was reining we were all prosperous. Our families were happy and healthy but now they live in filth. The wars have taken too many a good man. _partner_say What happened to the King Old Man? Might he return one day? _self_emote growl _self_say must not be from these regions...our king died and left the kingdom to his mad son. The new king is to be blamed and I don't care who hears me. You see the women over there against the least two are from noble families...this is a disgrace! _partner_say You should be careful who you tell Old Man, you never know who might be listening . I defied my family and they made me destitute _partner_emote nudge _self_act get mug of mead _self_say Let's speak of the old days before our downfalls...when I was young I would sit on the dock and watch for the ships to come in. It was wonderful. _partner_say When I was a young boy, I had my family . They wanted me to join the army, I wanted to become a chef. Ironically now I am so hungry, no one will employ me as they say I am a coward _self_act hug person _self_say I have a need in my household for a good cook. If you are without family i will be happy to hire you...I will need for you to pass an alchemy test as to know you aren't out to hurt me...but I am fair and hungry for some good food. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Bog, Swamp _setting_desc Frogs croak in the reeds that surround the bog. The water is very murky and underneath the surface tadpoles dart around. There are minimal places to stand to stay dry. _partner_name tadpole _self_name lizards _self_persona I'm a lizard. I live in the forest. You can usually find me near the creek, because that's where the bugs are. My tongue is long, and I eat insects all day. My only fear is of larger predators like falcons and human children. _object_desc a tree : The trees are monsterously large. _object_desc a water : The water sits motionless. It is clear. _object_desc a reeds : the reed swayed in the wind _self_say Hey there little guy. What are you supposed to be? _partner_say I just want to grow to be a big frog _self_say You can turn into a frog? Weird. Frogs don't live in water though _partner_say I only play in water but i need somewhere to stand to dry. Any suggestion? _self_say How about the tree? I love climbing it and it's always full of tasty treats _partner_say Can you help me climb? _self_say Sure I'd love to. Just let me know if you see any kids around. Hate them so much _partner_say Also watch the birds for me _self_say Oh do they like to eat you too? Lousy flying monsters. If you're going to turn into a frog where are your parents? _partner_say Yes. I am afraid of them. Humans too _self_act hug tadpole _self_say They are horrible. Hold on and we'll go up the tree _partner_say Thank you _partner_act hug lizards _self_say I've never had a friend of another species before. How long before you're a frog? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Laundry Lines, Outside Palace _setting_desc The laundry lines extend for meters. 6 rows of lines go from north to south. The area is filled with people putting their clothes to dry. All the lines are in an opening of trees that the sun hits perfectly to help dry. To the right you can see a stream through the tree where people go to wash their clothes before they hang them to dry. _partner_name merchant _self_name villager _self_persona I live in a very old village on the bad side of the country. The villagers are nice where I live but we get a bad reputation. The forest behind my village is known to have magical creatures in it. I know the villagers are not allowed in the forest but we want to explore and find something new. _object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left _object_desc a Simple, tattered garments : On further inspection the garment had many holes and was stained with dirt. _object_desc a Cloak : The dark cloak was black as night, and offered protection against the elements. _object_desc a bag of herbs : The bag is made of cloth with a drawstring closer at the top. The fabric emits a powerful fragrance from the enclosed herbs. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _self_say You seem familiar. Do you work down at the town center? _partner_say I travel to many villages to sell my wares. _self_say I thought so! What do you sell then? _partner_say All kinds of items. Today I am selling medicinal herbs. _self_say Ooo where from? Any exotic choices? _partner_say Please feel free to examine my herbs. _partner_act give bag of herbs to villager _self_say Hmm these seem pretty strange to me, so they must be exotic! _partner_say They will help you to enjoy your time in the laundry line. _self_say When you say herbs do you mean herbs or... drugs? _partner_say They are medicinal herbs my good villager. Strictly for medicinal purposes! _self_say Medicinal huh? Mind if I try some? _partner_say 10 pence please! _self_say For how much, exactly? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Town in the desert, Wasteland _setting_desc This is the only town left in the whole wasteland. The sheriffs building stands at a distance. A bar in the middle of the town. sad townsman just walking by giving up all their hope _partner_name sad townsman _self_name beast _self_persona I am a beast hidden in the forest. People often disturb my slumber riding in on horses and shouting. I live deep in the cave and they often come hunting me. I hear them, but they will never find me. _object_desc a horse trough : The horse trough is already empty and it surprised you. _object_desc a church : The church is beautifully decorated with floor to ceiling stained glass windows. _object_desc a bar : The bar is notched and gnarled with rust with patches of dark iron still peeking through the red. _object_desc a pant : the pants are worn out _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _self_emote ponder _self_say Why are you so sad sir? _partner_say Beast, I am the same as you. Inhuman. My lovely maiden has rejected me... End my life, beast. I cannot go on. _self_act hug sad townsman _self_say No you are not, you are better than me. There are many more fish in the sea. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name High Priest Chamber, Inside Church _setting_desc Many books and religious idols litter the chamber. A squat chair with a high back sits at an ornate desk. A cup of holy water lies on the desk. Bookshelves line the entire chamber with religious texts. _partner_name a spider _self_name a high priest _self_persona These fools will do anything I command them too! I need a sacrifice of blood. I need to cleanse during the full moon. _object_desc a book : The old books are thick and written almost cryptically as if to hide a message _object_desc an idol : The idol is made of stone and appears to have some unintelligable script on it. _object_desc a bookshelves : The bookshelves reach to the ceiling, full of worn, leather volumes of bound tomes. _object_desc a squat chair with a high back : This chair seems a bit unusual, as it is rather low to the ground. There are faint carvings upon its high back, which have been slowly worn away by time and much use. _object_desc a text : This text feels somewhat weighty, and is written in tiny Gothic calligraphy, complete with beautifully illuminated letters. _object_desc an an ornate desk : This ornate desk is beautifully decorated. There are some names engraved on it, possibly the names of the kings _object_desc an elderberry : A smallish dark bluish purple berry, never to be eaten raw. _object_desc a A squat chair with a high back : The chair is made of gold with the finest jewels embedded in it _object_desc a cross : the cross is large in size, but made of a lightweight wood. it has nails on the left and right sides, indicating it is religious in nature _object_desc a bible : The bible is covered in dust, the leather binding cracked and faded with age. _object_desc a robe : What a beautiful purple robe of royalty made out of silk _object_desc a twig : The twig is brown and has a leaf growing out of it. _object_desc a bug : With its wings moving rapidly, it is flying in circles. _self_say Ho Spider, come to my Chamber. I need your assistance with something important _partner_say I am at your service, High Priest! What can I do for you? _self_say Tonight is a full moon and I need to prepare to cleanse. I am in need of a human sacrifice. It has been a challenge for me to catch one still alive. I need your help to incapacitate one with your non-lethal poison before midnight. _partner_say It would be an honor to serve you. Is there a reward for my assistance? _self_act get elderberry _self_say Take these here elderberries as an offering and as a reward I will allow you to drink the blood of my victim when I am through with them. _partner_say A worthy trade-off, I accept your request. Is it a particular type of human you require? Many travelers pass through the forest at night and I could easily incapacitate one who passes my tree. _partner_act steal elderberry from a high priest _self_emote laugh _self_say After consulting my text, in order for the blood sacrifice to be successful, I will need to sacrifice a health middle age male or woman. Not too young, not too old. You can choose whomever you think will be the most tasty. _partner_say I am at your service. If I succeed in this quest, might there be further actions I can undertake for you oh Holy Priest? A reward like this is something I could get used to. _partner_emote grin _self_say I am always looking for good help around here. Even just companionship. It gets lonely here. All I have are these books and texts to keep me company. _partner_say These certainly are interested texts you've got here. As you have gained my trust, I will reveal to you that a wizard cast a spell on me, allowing me to read human texts. He gave me other magical powers too, although I am reluctant to reveal those for now. Until we have created a tighter bond. _partner_act get text _self_say Well then I believe we have a lot to talk about. Maybe have come through here but none my intellectual match. Maybe you will show that you are. And with your abilities that could match my own, we could be a formidable team. Wouldn't you say? _partner_say We certainly would! A team like this would surely have the power to conquer the kingdom. What other duties and quests do you have planned after tonight's full moon? _partner_emote laugh _self_say Well, I guess I can confess. The reason for tonights sacrifice is to acquire a new host body. This one has gotten weak and frail. With your help tonight, I will be stronger in body as well as in mind. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Middle of the Bazaar, Bazaar _setting_desc The Bazaar is a circular area with tent displays lining the perimeter of the area. Each tent features a different merchant, and in the Bazaars center there is a large wooden outpost for guards to sit in. The Bazaar is paved with stone to make for easier and cleaner bartering between the villagers. _partner_name merchant _self_name villager _self_persona I live in a very old village on the bad side of the country. The villagers are nice where I live but we get a bad reputation. The forest behind my village is known to have magical creatures in it. I know the villagers are not allowed in the forest but we want to explore and find something new. _object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left _object_desc a Simple, tattered garments : On further inspection the garment had many holes and was stained with dirt. _object_desc a rope : The coiled rope is hand woven and shows little signs of use, its threads free of fraying. _self_say Hello _partner_say I have wares if you have coin. _self_say What do you sell exactly? _partner_say Your heart's desire! Name it, and I shall name the price. _partner_emote grin _self_say I will like to buy the finest linen and some golden bells _partner_say I shall require a fragment of your soul, and some heartwood from a butternut tree. Then you shall have your linen and golden bells. _self_say What???? My soul ? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Boathouse, Swamp _setting_desc The boathouse is a very small building with peeling paint. It is made out of wood, with one half planted in the water on stilts. Inside, there are boats floating in the water. There are hinged doors which can be opened to allow boats to come in and out. There are some ropes and other tools a boater may need stored in the boathouse. _partner_name courtier _self_name sons _self_persona I am disciplined and follow orders. I admire my parents and live my life following their example. I like to make my parents proud and dislike it when they get dissapointed in me. _object_desc a bait buckets : The bucket is raw with the smell of fish, it has darkened with age _object_desc a Boat : The boat is old, gnarled, and rotted, and smells of spoiled fish. _object_desc a pole : This fishing pole is made of springy willow wood and has a fine line with an iron hook at the end. _object_desc a rope : An assortment of hemp strands that have been twisted and braided into a strong rope. _object_desc a book : One book can change the world _self_say I am so proud of how hard my parents work, it is truly an inspiration! _partner_say Boy, are they here? I have need of a boat for their majestys _self_say No sir, but I can lend you a boat for 5 quid. _partner_say I beg your pardon> You would charge the King? Outrageous, _partner_emote gasp _self_say Alright, 10 quid on account of your attitude. How do I know you serve the king? _partner_say I can tell you are only young. Everyone knows me. I've been adviser to His Majesty since he was a child. _self_say Alright, what's the King's middle name? _partner_say Alfred of course. Look, It;s obvious I'ma courtier, I'm dressed in silk and velvet and have this wonderful hat. _partner_emote frown _self_say Alfred? Liar! The King has no middle name - see? The coins say King Alfonso III! No middle name there! _partner_say Dear God give me strength. Okay here;s 5 quid and you'll have to show the King how to use it. He really does look like the coins. So you'll recognize him. _partner_emote sigh _self_say The boat's yours! Please return by 5 pm, and provide proof of insurance if the boat is damaged when you return. _partner_say Take this.... His Majesty only wants to be out in the boat. Not fish. _partner_act get bait buckets from Boat _self_say Yes sir - though I should warn you these buckets double as bailers, but as long as it doesn't rain you are probably fine. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Boathouse, Swamp _setting_desc The boathouse is a very small building with peeling paint. It is made out of wood, with one half planted in the water on stilts. Inside, there are boats floating in the water. There are hinged doors which can be opened to allow boats to come in and out. There are some ropes and other tools a boater may need stored in the boathouse. _partner_name old man with a fishing rod _self_name small child cleaning boat _self_persona I am a child who is an expert on boats. I am trusted to know what I am doing. My father has punished me for not doing things right. _object_desc a Boat : The boat is old, gnarled, and rotted, and smells of spoiled fish. _object_desc a rope : An assortment of hemp strands that have been twisted and braided into a strong rope. _object_desc a pole : This fishing pole is made of springy willow wood and has a fine line with an iron hook at the end. _self_say I am quite the expert on boats, sir. Do you have any questions? _partner_say Ah, I do not. I do not have a boat, but I have a fishing rod. A fishing rod that feeds my family, and I would love to take one of these boats out here only for a short minute. Can I? You do not have to tell anyone... _self_say I am not sure I can do that, I am simply a boat cleaner. My father may be upset if I let you borrow one without his permission. _partner_say Well, I suppose I understand that. Tell me, whose boats are these anyways? _self_say They're my father's you see. He is very possessive about them! _partner_say All of these are his?! And you tell me he will notice if they are missing... _self_say He will sire. He gets up every morning and checks every corner of every boat _partner_say Has he not already been out here this morning then? It is almost noon! _self_say Well, he is out right now... I suppose you can use it for a couple of hours before he returns for supper. _partner_say That's what I like to hear. I can catch bigger fish with a boat, perhaps enough to feed my whole family for a few days. _self_say Well then you ought to bring me a fish or two as well, as compensation for my trouble. _partner_say I can do that, child. What is your name, and what time shall I have this boat back? Or would you prefer to travel with me... _self_say I have no name, my father simply calls me 'Boy'. Say, I would love a ride over the sea. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Inside a desolate cave, Dungeon _setting_desc The dungeon exists inside a dark cave. Enchanted torches light the cave up and lead the way to this ancient dungeon. Creatures can be seen populating the dungeon, but it is unknown if they are malevolent or benign. _partner_name demon _self_name child _self_persona Mother and father insist I attend classes so that one day I can become king. I hate the classes. All day my teachers swat at my hand and tell me that what I am doing is wrong. I intend to leave. _object_desc a bone : The bone is gnarled and cracked at its most vulnerable points. _object_desc a Enchanted torch : The enchanted torch lit up with a magical purple flame. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _self_say Hi demon. _partner_say Hello my child. How are you today? _self_say Four hundred and two. _partner_say I know you're possessed but did your brain stop understanding words too? _self_say I'm not possessed. I'm a child demon. Aren't I cute for a demon? Jealous? _partner_say Nah I'm just happy you have turned away from God and joined me on the right side of history. Now we must go out and spread out ideas _self_say Sure. When do we leave? _partner_say Now. Do you want to start with the kids or the parents? _self_say The parents. We'll start at the top and work our way down. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Port Tavern, Port _setting_desc The port tavern is the shadiest of all the shady bars in the city. Every night, on its grimy stools at the wooden bar, you can find some of the slimiest sailors in the world. The walls are of peeling blue paint and are always dripping with condensation. Women of ill-repute line one wall, old men on the verge of passing out line another. The floor is littered with trash, barnacles, and bodily fluids. Tending the bar is a small, round man with a bushy mustache. _partner_name sailor _self_name woman _self_persona I am a women of ill-repute in the village. The villagers might talk about me, but I have the finest dresses and sit with the queen. I also spy for the queen when needed. _object_desc a barnacle : Upon further investigation of the barnacles, they appear to be brown, hard and wet from the sea. _object_desc a Table : The table is old and broken with scratches on the surface. _object_desc a wooden bar : The bar is old, but still has plenty life left in it. Passed down through generations, it's surface is adorned in scratches, knife marks, and name carvings that add a sense of beauty and immeasurable value to the aging piece. _object_desc a mug of mead : The mug of meed looks tempting. _object_desc a stool : This stool is old and dusty and has a broken leg _object_desc a fluid : Bodily fluids created a viscous sheen on the floor where the incident occurred. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _object_desc a rope : The coiled rope is hand woven and shows little signs of use, its threads free of fraying. _object_desc a fishing hook : This bit of curved and sharpened metal is tiny, but viscous. Watch your fingers. _self_say Another harsh day _partner_say I can only imagine. It's tough for women here...huh? _self_say Yes, but it more has to do with harsh hours. _partner_say I can relate to that. i spend at least ten hours a day working out in the sea. _self_say Yes life these days is not easy. _partner_say Places like these honestly make it worse. Sorry to offend if you work here. _self_say No not at all, I work for the queen. _partner_say Oh i see. What brings you to this wretched place. _self_say I was looking for a ship captain but he is not here as of now. _partner_say I know of a good ship captian. I;ve sailed with him for many years. _self_say More of a exact guy im looking to talk to. _partner_say Ah i see, where are you headed? _self_say No where, I need to talk to him to get info for the queen. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Royal Shipyard, Port _setting_desc A massive shipyard with different Five dry docks. each dry dock has several wooden cranes and rope works. The dry docks are made of stone and the water gate is all harden wood. _partner_name thief _self_name foreman ordering his workers _self_persona I am a foreman. I was in charge of building the castle. It took a lot of men. _object_desc a crane : The wooden crane is cracked and rusty from lifting the king's heavy furniture _object_desc a wood : The piles of wood have been left out in the snow for far too long. _object_desc a crate : The crate is made of wood and you can't see what is in it. _object_desc a fishing net : The fishing net is specially designed to catch the maximum amount of fish in front of the King's castle _object_desc a dock : When the dock was emptied, the area looked quite odd. What was once water is now stone. Fish and plant life left to gasp for life at the bottom. _object_desc a water gate : The water grate is old and rusty. _object_desc a rope : The coiled rope is hand woven and shows little signs of use, its threads free of fraying. _object_desc a rope work : This rope is old and must have been used several times. The rope must have been used to hold together trees. _object_desc a metal fitting : A fitting used to build ships. Brand new and hasn't been tarnished. _object_desc a water gate is all harden wood : The water gate is crooked and almost broken from holding a flood _object_desc a tool : The tools are worn, showing their age, but still just as effective as the day they were welded. _object_desc a mask : The mask is bright green and has a smile etched in where the your mouth would be. It looks rather frightening. _self_emote scream _self_say Who goes there this late at night? _partner_say Move out of my way! _partner_act hit foreman ordering his workers _self_act hit thief _self_say You stop right there buddy. I'm the foreman here _partner_say And I'm a thief so I can get anything I want. I don't care who you are! _partner_act get metal fitting _self_act steal tool from thief _self_say Ha! What do you think I was before I became foreman of this shipyard? _partner_say This tool is mine! _partner_act steal tool from foreman ordering his workers _self_act get rope _self_say I guess I'm gonna have to tie you up, sneaky Pete. _partner_say Not if I tie you up first and then steal all your money. _partner_act steal rope from foreman ordering his workers _self_emote applaud _self_say Well, I guess I've finally met my match. _partner_say I don't like you but I guess I might need a partner in crime here. Do you want to help me rob all your workers? We will split the money in half. _partner_emote shrug _self_act hug thief _self_say Thanks but no thanks. You'll just have to rob me along with the rest. Just don't hang me up by the wooden crane _partner_say I might do that if you don't give me all your money! _self_act get fishing net _self_say Oh no way! I'm throwing this fishing net over you for that. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Barracks, Outside Castle _setting_desc Run down and smelly, the barracks houses a dozen of the king's guardsmen. It's made of wooden slats nailed together somewhat hastily, and the brisk air from the outside whistles through some small cracks between the panels. There are six beds in an open sleeping quarter, with a wooden chest at the end of the bed where the guardsmen store their personal belongings. _partner_name king's guardsmen _self_name a large experienced guard with a grizzly expression. _self_persona I am a large experienced guard with a grizzly expression. I am mean and do not enjoy jokes. I protect my superiors and patrol the jail. I am not frightened by anything smaller than me. _object_desc a bed : The bed is carefully crafted by hand, it's wood sanded to a smooth uniform look with a comfortable feather mattress adorning it. _object_desc an a jug of water : The water is clear and cool to the taste. _object_desc an a wooden chest : the wooden chest contains the special items of the man's past. _object_desc a guards toilet basin : You see a rancid toilet basin. Its stench fills the air. _object_desc a guards armor : The palace guards wear heavy metal guards armor to protect them from outside attacks. _object_desc a key : The key is a large black skeleton key, seemingly made of wrought iron. _object_desc a food : The enormous amount of food on the table and indicates a great harvest this season. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _self_say You there other Guard! What are you doing? _partner_say Getting my armor _partner_act get guards armor _self_emote sigh _self_say Shouldn't you have been down to the main floor already? The sun has almost risen. _partner_say Yes, I am going now. _self_say Well hurry up already, we have a big day. And look at this place! It's a mess. _partner_say It will be clean before I leave. _self_say Don't disappoint me now. I need this place spotless before the big event and I need you to hurry up and get down there, The king should be waking at any moment. _partner_say It will be done. _partner_act put guards armor in a wooden chest _self_say I would hope so. How long have you been here for? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Witch's House, Swamp _setting_desc Old and worn by the time that has passed and the environment where it was built, the wood rotted and worn by the swamp. It should have sunk years ago into the swamp but somehow it remains standing despite the ever sinking earth around it. _partner_name milk maid _self_name townperson _self_persona I am a member of the village. I love to see my fellow townspeople. All of my family lives in the same village as I. _object_desc a wood : Looks like the tree was struck by the lightening because the wood has a very unusual patterns _object_desc a swamp : The swamp is gloomy and dark as twilight. The only sounds here are the croaking of frogs and the twittering of a few birds. _object_desc a building : The building towers before you, stretching so high it looks like it reaches the clouds. _object_desc an earth : The earth is round and vast. It has many lands and bodies of water. _object_desc a Clothes : The clothing is functional and drab. The material felt course and rough in your hands. _object_desc a bucket : The bucket of water is dark and grimy. The wood holding it together has long since rotted. _object_desc an apron : The apron is small and a picture of a fire is painted on its front. _self_say What in the world are we doing here? I thought we were going to town to fetch some vegetables. _partner_say I don't remember what happened. I was just milking the cows and suddenly I fell asleep and ended up here! _self_say I was walking the path to the market and ended up here. _partner_say Well, that is most odd. Can you stand on this bucket and reach for the top of the window? _partner_act give bucket to townperson _self_act drop bucket _self_say I will try but I'm a bit short. We should be able to move some of these wood slats that have rotted but for some reason they won't budge. _partner_say Sounds like an idea. There, I think I got one. I must get back to my cows! _partner_act get wood _self_emote wave _self_say Look there. There are other people heading this way. Do you think the witch is back and wants to talk with all of us? _partner_say Perhaps so, I wonder what news she brings. I have my doubts but I think she wants to perform witchcraft on us! _self_act hug milk maid _self_say Oh please don't be afraid. I heard before she went away that she promised to return to help our village prosper. I think this will be good news. We should never have went in the house. It has a spell on it and somehow we ended up inside. _partner_say I hope you are right. If I were to disappear, my cows would starve to death! Oh I can't bare to think of it. _self_act hug milk maid _self_say Please don't be so upset. You will be back to your cows shortly I'm sure. I feel the ground holding us here so we have to wait a while. Oh look I see a glow in the sky. The witch is here and so is most of the village! _partner_say Could it be? Are we going to be spared our lives? I was so worried there momentarily. _self_emote smile _self_say Oh look milkmaid. She is there. She is so beautiful. Our village will be blessed and your cows will give you more milk than your buckets can hold. Have faith. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name the clearing, Forest _setting_desc the clearing is surrounded by old pine trees where knights used to practice swinging their swords. There are haystacks where they take wenches and pay them a sickle. _partner_name wench _self_name deer _self_persona I am a deer. I live in a beautiful forest and am usually left alone. Sometimes the king and his friends try and hunt me with big packs of dogs. I don't like being chased. _object_desc a pine tree : The pine tree is still standing after 700 years and it is easy to see why people continue to watch it. _object_desc a the clearing : The clearing is an open field with a few cut down tree stumps. _object_desc a haystack : A large pile of wheat stalks that emit a musty farmyard fragrance. _object_desc a sword : The sword's handle is carefully wrapped in fine black leather, and the blade's steel edge shines in the sunlight. _object_desc a sickle : The handle has been worn from use, and the blade is old and caked with dirt. This is a real farmer's tool, not something that's been used as ornamentation. _object_desc a river : This river is strong, mighty, and full of fish that feed the nearby village. _object_desc a tree : The tree is old and extends far into the sky. It's far reaching branches cast a shadow to everything beneath it. _object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left _object_desc a coin : The coin seemed old, rusted, and worthless. However, after closer inspection, you reveal the underlying intricate design of the priceless coin. _self_say What are you doing in this clearing wench? _partner_say Why fine day to you, sweet deer! How fortune has shone upon you, to dwell in this peaceful forest of old pine trees. Such an aroma and fine, fresh air! _self_say Tis a fine day indeed! Tell me, have you seen the wretched king or his friends bandying about? _partner_say Nay, no knights about today......and I was just in the mood for a bit of fun in the haystacks. _partner_emote sigh _self_emote nod _self_say Good, they'll not have my tail today then. Though I suppose without the knights trampling my grounds you are lacking companions? _partner_say It is true.....but they can be such brutes at times. Today I shall be content with the soft breeze and your gentle companionship. _self_say Fancy a drink? I was just about to trot over to the river to enjoy it's crystal clear waters. _partner_say Oh yes, and perhaps even to bathe in the refreshing waters. The River's waters are indeed reviving to the soul. _self_emote smile _self_say Ahh, this river has nourished my family for generations. It's refreshing waters never cease to energize me. _partner_say Oh look - a coin in my pocket! Such a fine day; let us picnic together. A short walk to the bakers and I shall return with a fine loaf of bread to share. _partner_act drop coin _self_act get coin _self_say Tis a splendid day for a picnic, that would be lovely. Do you mind if I keep this coin? Rabbit is enamored with all things sparkly! _partner_say Ah sweet deer....thou knowest not the ways of man. In order to purchase the loaf, I require the coin. But surely we can find another sparkly thing to cheer the rabbit. _self_act give coin to wench _self_say Of course, humans with their silly systems of worth. I shall search for a rock of quartz for rabbit while you're away. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Cave, Mountain _setting_desc This cave is situated along a mountainous trail. It is dark and damp. A cold air rushes through the walls of the cave. _partner_name the bears cubs it fights to protect. _self_name wolf _self_persona My pack is behind me. I am alpha. Now is the wolftime. _object_desc an a tattered map : although one might notice it's an old map, you can tell what time period it's from. although the writing is smudged, you can make out letters. _object_desc an a bear : The bear has a big scar in its eye, it is big and brown and has a magestic size. _object_desc a Wall : The wall of the cave is dark, rough and bumpy to the touch. _self_act get a tattered map _self_say wonder what this is.. _partner_say Easy there, pal... if you damage that I might be inclined to damage you. Do you have any idea what you're holding? _self_say haha... you've got spunk, little cub! Speak, then, what is it I have? _partner_say I'm not so little! I'm strong! One day my brothers and I will rule everything you see on that map there. That map might look old and tattered but I know it's secret. _partner_act steal a tattered map from wolf _self_emote stare _self_say Take care, cub, you are alone, while my pack is not far off. Still, you intrigue me. What secret? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Fishing Pier, Shore _setting_desc A spindly, long fishing pier that sits right outside the village. Barnacles cover its pilings in vast numbers. Many villagers can be seen fishing atop of it. Birds and pelicans squawk and fly above it. _partner_name peasant _self_name villager _self_persona I live in a very old village on the bad side of the country. The villagers are nice where I live but we get a bad reputation. The forest behind my village is known to have magical creatures in it. I know the villagers are not allowed in the forest but we want to explore and find something new. _object_desc a fishing rod : What an odd fishing rod. why is it so short and slimy? maybe it's very old _object_desc a fly : The fly buzzing around is irritating. Its fat body bumbling about as it makes its annoying noise nonstop. _object_desc a Pelican : The pelican is sitting there daring anyone to hurt it. _object_desc a peasant : I am a humble person without much money. I work hard at menial tasks to support myself and my family, and don't mind doing it. I'm gentle and easy to like, don't pick fights with others, and often people feel sorry for me. _object_desc a piling : The wooden piling appears to be crumbling and on the verge of breaking. _object_desc a barnacle : This barnacle is rough to the touch and smells slightly of seawater. _self_act get fishing rod _self_say Hi there! Are you coming out here to fish too? _partner_say Aye. Are the fish biting today? _partner_emote wave _self_act give fishing rod to peasant _self_say More or less, want to give it a go? _partner_say Thanks. Okay, casting out. Not sure I've seen you before. Name's Garm. What's yours? _self_say Mines Earl. I'm from a village up south but I come down here to fish every once in a while when i'm not working. It helps me relax. _partner_say Aye, that must be why. I've got a farm out east on the road to Weatherby. Just came to town for the market. _self_emote gasp _self_say Weatherby!? Thats the town that was attacked by dragons right?! Were you there? _partner_say I was far enough out, missed the whole thing. Just saw smoke over the hill. My wife says she saw a shadow overhead, but that's the all of it; wish I had a better story to tell. _partner_emote shrug _self_say Well you're lucky you didn't get hurt! Nothing interesting like that happens in Eldersville. _partner_say The way I see, dragons going to be awful busy if they want to burn up every small farm, so I ain't too a-feared. Still, strange times these days... _self_emote laugh _self_say Haha i guess you're right. I heard the big city is preparing their troops for if any decide to attack are them. _partner_say Fish don' _partner_act give fishing rod to villager _self_say Didn't catch anything? That's too bad. I guess its time I get going anyways. I already caught 2 trouts so Ill bring them home for dinner. <|endoftext|>

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