Efficacy of ephedrine in the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Although reported in the aerospace literature and anecdotally by anesthesiologists, the putative antiemetic effect of ephedrine remains unquantitated. We therefore prospectively studied ephedrine as an antiemetic agent in the perioperative setting in 97 patients undergoing general anesthesia for outpatient gynecologic laparoscopy. Patients were assigned in a double-blind randomized fashion to receive a standardized general anesthetic followed by an intramuscular dose of either ephedrine (0.5 mg/kg), droperidol (0.04 mg/kg), or saline before the conclusion of surgery. Nausea, retching, or vomiting, as well as the degree of sedation and discharge times, were assessed in the recovery room and for 24 h postoperatively. Ephedrine was found to have a significantly antiemetic effect (P less than 0.05) when compared with placebo and an antiemetic effect similar to that of droperidol. Sedation scores were also significantly less in the ephedrine group than in both placebo and droperidol groups. Finally, variations in mean arterial blood pressure among the three groups were not statistically significant. We conclude that ephedrine is an effective antiemetic agent with minimal sedative side effects in patients undergoing outpatient laparoscopy.
Prognostic significance of conjugate eye deviation in stroke patients. We prospectively studied the prognostic significance of conjugate eye deviation in 80 patients with acute stroke and compared the 3-month mortality and disability of these patients to those of the Tilburg epidemiological study of stroke. Mortality of patients with conjugate eye deviation was higher (41%) than for the general stroke population (34%), but this difference was not statistically significant (p less than 0.179). Looking at mortality and disability together, we found the outcome of patients with conjugate eye deviation to be significantly worse (p less than 0.001). Deviation of the eyes occurred more frequently to the right (65%) than to the left (35%). In the patient group with eye deviation to the left, mortality was significantly higher (64%, p less than 0.001) than in the group with eye deviation to the right (25%); only two patients of the former group (n = 28) could return home. Compared to the Tilburg epidemiological study of stroke, the group with eye deviation to the left did significantly worse, both for mortality alone (p less than 0.001) and for mortality and disability together (p less than 0.001). The group with eye deviation to the right did significantly worse only for mortality and disability together (p less than 0.01). Our results indicate that conjugate eye deviation is a prognostic factor for poor short-term mortality and disability in stroke patients, especially when the eyes are deviated to the left.
Loop ileostomy after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis--is it necessary? Construction of a loop ileostomy is usually advised in patients having an ileal pouch-anal anastomosis to minimize the complication of chronic pelvic sepsis. Formation and closure of a loop ileostomy was associated with a 41 percent and 30 percent complication rate, respectively, in a prospective series of 34 patients. This morbidity must now be assessed in relation to the benefits of avoiding temporary fecal diversion in restorative proctocolectomy.
Essential fatty acid deficiency ameliorates acute renal dysfunction in the rat after the administration of the aminonucleoside of puromycin. The administration of the aminonucleoside of puromycin (PAN) to rats causes the nephrotic syndrome that is associated with an acute decline in renal function, and an interstitial infiltrate. We examined whether essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD), which inhibits macrophage infiltration in glomerulonephritis, affects PAN-induced renal dysfunction. Both control and EFAD rats developed proteinuria that resolved over 28 d. After PAN administration, there was a prominent infiltration of macrophages in rats fed a normal diet. The infiltrate was prevented by the EFAD diet. The absence of a macrophage interstitial infiltrate was associated with a significantly higher Cin in the EFAD rats than in controls at 7 d (5.21 +/- 1.19 versus 0.39 +/- 0.08, P less than 0.002 ml/min/kg BW). In addition, CPAH fell to less than 10 ml/min/kg BW by day 7 in controls, but remained the same as normal in the EFAD. After administration of PAN to control rats, there was no increase in urinary thromboxane excretion or an increase in glomerular thromboxane production. Furthermore, the effect of EFAD could not be mimicked by the administration of a thromboxane synthase inhibitor. Irradiation-induced leukopenia in rats on a normal diet markedly improved glomerular filtration and renal blood flow in acutely nephrotic rats. EFAD prevents the interstitial cellular infiltrate and the renal ischemia associated with experimental nephrosis. The recruitment of mononuclear cells into the kidney following PAN directly contributes to the decline in renal function.
Incidence and survival rates of children and young adults with osteogenic sarcoma. Gender-specific and race-specific incidence and survival rates of osteogenic sarcoma over a 14-year period are presented for persons aged 0 to 24 years from eight Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) registries. They were no significant gender or racial differences in age at diagnosis. There was no significant gender difference in overall incidence. Although incidence rates were slightly higher in blacks compared with whites, the difference was not significant after controlling for multiple comparisons. Females (median, 74 months) survived longer than males (median, 29 months), although this difference weakened after controlling for stage. No racial differences in survival were observed. White females survived the longest (median, 94 months), followed by black females (median, 41 months), black males (median, 34 months), and white males (median, 29 months). This striking difference in survival should be explored more fully.
Fludarabine: a new agent with marked cytoreductive activity in untreated chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Thirty-three patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) with advanced Rai stage (III-IV) or progressive Rai stage (0-II) disease were treated with fludarabine as a single agent. Eleven patients (33%) obtained a complete remission (CR), 13 (39%) a clinical CR with residual nodules as the only evidence of disease (nodular partial remission [PR]), and two patients (6%) achieved a PR for a total response rate of 79%. Response was rapid, usually occurring after three to six courses of treatment. The major morbidity was infection. Febrile episodes occurred in 13% of the courses (pneumonia 6%, minor infection 4%, and transient fever of undocumented cause 3%). Fludarabine appears to be the most cytoreductive single agent so far studied in CLL.
Rectal strictures: treatment with fluoroscopically guided balloon dilation. The authors performed 25 fluoroscopically guided balloon dilation procedures in nine patients with rectal strictures. In all cases, the stricture developed after rectal surgery. Four patients underwent ileoanal anastomosis after total colectomy for various conditions; five patients underwent rectosigmoid end-to-end anastomosis after resection of a tumor or as treatment for diverticulitis. Maximal stricture dilatation was attained in 20 instances with a single 15-30-mm balloon. In five procedures, two balloons (20 or 15 mm) were inflated simultaneously ("kissing balloons" technique) to dilate the strictures. In five patients, only one dilation procedure was required for effective treatment of the strictures, with no clinical evidence of strictures after follow-up of 1.5-56 months (mean, 29.5 months). In the other four patients, multiple procedures were performed: nine in one patient, five in one patient, and three in two patients. In these patients, no recurrent symptoms developed during follow-up of 1.25-18 months (mean, 8.1 months) after the last dilation. Complicating leaks, infection, or hemorrhage did not occur after any of the procedures. Fluoroscopically guided balloon dilation is a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of rectal strictures.
Single versus double indicator dilution measurements of extravascular lung water. OBJECTIVE: To compare a simplified method of measuring extravascular lung water (EVLW) using only a single indicator (EVLW-SI) with the standard double indicator dilution technique (EVLW-DI). DESIGN: Direct comparison of EVLW-SI with EVLW-DI in 18 critically ill patients. SETTING: A general medical ICU in a university-affiliated hospital. PATIENTS: Nine men and nine women, ages 19 to 80 yr. Six patients were in shock (four from septic shock), and 11 were in respiratory failure. INTERVENTIONS: EVLW-DI and cardiac output were measured in triplicate during injection of cold indocyanine green dye. Cardiac output was calculated both from pulmonary artery (COpa) and femoral artery (COfem-di) thermal dilution signals. EVLW-SI and COfem-si were also measured during three additional injections of cold saline using only thermal signals from the pulmonary and femoral arteries. Order of measurements was random. EVLW-SI was measured in ten patients while blood was withdrawn through the femoral catheter and in ten patients without blood drawn through the femoral catheter. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A total of 84 comparisons were made. Although the overall correlations were good (r2 = .86), EVLW-SI systematically overestimated EVLW-DI (p less than .05). This difference was greater when EVLW-SI was measured without blood withdrawal through the femoral catheter. In this subgroup, mean values for EVLW by the two methods were within 20% of one another in only two of ten patients, in contrast to the results in six of eight patients in which blood was withdrawn through the catheter. COfem-si and COfem-di also overestimated COpa. CONCLUSIONS: Theoretically, neither injection of green dye nor blood withdrawal should be necessary during measurements of EVLW-SI, making it a simpler technique for bedside use than EVLW-DI. However, significant discrepancies exist between the two techniques. Some of this difference is apparently due to technical factors related to catheter design. In any case, we cannot recommend use of the single indicator dilution technique at present to estimate EVLW.
Evaluation of endosonography in TN staging of oesophageal cancer. Strategies for the treatment of cancer of the oesophagus depend on the tumour stage at the time of diagnosis. Resection, the only curative treatment, is confined to early tumour stages. Tumours with local infiltration are usually unresectable and require palliative treatment. Computed tomography has been widely used for preoperative staging but often fails to define this correctly. Endoscopic ultrasound allows direct visualisation of the parietal wall and may be useful in staging gastrointestinal tumours. In a comparative prospective study, 52 patients with tumours of the oesophagus were investigated preoperatively both by endoscopic ultrasound and computed tomography to determine the stage of tumour infiltration and local lymph node involvement. Thirty seven of these patients underwent operation, resection, or dissection and entered the study. The intraoperative findings or the histopathological assessment, or both, were taken as a reference. For all TN stages of oesophageal tumours, correct preoperative staging was accomplished by endoscopic ultrasound in 89% for T stage and 69% for N stage compared with 51% and 51% respectively by computed tomography (highly significant using Fisher's exact test). This study shows that endoscopic ultrasound is useful in preoperative TN staging of tumours of the oesophagus.
Plasma antiepileptic drug concentrations during pregnancy. Steady-state plasma antiepileptic drug (AED) concentrations were measured at intervals throughout pregnancy and during the postnatal period in 105 women who underwent 134 pregnancies. Phenytoin (PHT) dosage had to be increased in 85% of pregnancies in which the drug was received, carbamazepine (CBZ) dosage in 70%, and phenobarbital (PB) or methylphenobarbital (MPB) dosage in 85%, in an attempt to prevent or correct a fall in plasma concentrations of the respective drugs as pregnancy progressed. The altered disposition of the AEDs usually began in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy (often before epileptic pregnant women are referred for neurological supervision), and had returned to baseline value within 4 weeks of childbirth in two thirds of the women receiving PHT. The return to the nonpregnant situation appeared to be slower for CBZ, PB, and MPB. In women studied during more than one pregnancy, the changes in AED dosage to plasma concentration ratios tended to be greater in the first than in the subsequent pregnancies. Full seizure control prior to pregnancy was associated with a more favorable outcome for freedom from seizures during pregnancy. However, the plasma level monitoring-dosage adjustment policy produced no marked improvement in overall seizure control in pregnancy. This may have occurred because some patients were seen too late in their pregnancies for the policy to have been applied optimally.
Imaging of a parapharyngeal hemangiopericytoma. Radioimmunoscintigraphy (SPECT) with indium-111-labeled anti-CEA antibody, and comparison to digital subtraction angiography, computed tomography, and immunohistochemistry. A 27-year-old male patient with a parapharyngeal hemangiopericytoma was investigated radiologically with orthopantomography, computed tomography, and digital subtraction angiography before the operation. Because a malignancy was suspected, the patient was imaged with gamma camera using radiolabeled monoclonal anticarcinoembryonal antigen antibody including single photon emission computed tomography. The radioantibody accumulated strongly into the neoplasm. Tumor to background ratio was 2.2. Samples of the excised tumor were stained immunohistochemically for desmin, vimentin, muscle actin, cytokeratin, CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen), and factor VIII. They showed that the antibody uptake was of unspecific nature and not due to CEA expression in the tumor.
Hereditary cerebral haemorrhage with amyloidosis--Dutch type. Magnetic resonance imaging findings in 7 cases. The clinical history and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings are presented of 7 patients with hereditary cerebral haemorrhage with amyloidosis--Dutch type (HCHWA-D). The diagnosis was based on clinical and genealogical data, was confirmed in 3 patients at autopsy and in 2 others by biopsy. Focal neurological signs, and at least some degree of global cognitive deterioration, were observed in all patients, with unequivocal dementia in 4. MRI showed haemorrhages and areas of gliosis and, to a variable extent, hyperintensity of the white matter in T2-weighted images. Neuropathological examination revealed a large recent haemorrhage together with residual lesions from previous haemorrhages or infarcts in all patients examined. The white matter lesions, present on MRI, turned out to be areas of 'incomplete infarction' with demyelination. It is concluded that (hereditary) amyloid angiopathy can lead to strokes, but also to subcortical ischaemic encephalopathy. Amyloid angiopathy should therefore be considered in the differential diagnosis of white matter lesions, found on CT or MRI, especially when patients present with a cerebral haemorrhage. The relationship between HCHWA-D and Alzheimer's disease, another disease with cerebral amyloid deposition and diffuse white matter involvement, is discussed.
Clinical differentiation of fulminant Wilsonian hepatitis from other causes of hepatic failure. Establishing a diagnosis of fulminant Wilson's disease can be difficult because Kayser-Fleischer rings may not be present and parameters of copper metabolism, including serum and urinary copper, and serum ceruloplasmin levels are neither specific nor diagnostic. In this study, ratios of both the serum alkaline phosphatase to total bilirubin and aspartate transaminase to alanine transaminase were constructed to evaluate their usefulness in differentiating fulminant hepatic failure caused by Wilson's disease (n = 6) from other etiologies (n = 43). An analysis of the data showed that cutoff values of less than 2.0 for the alkaline phosphatase-total bilirubin ratio and greater than 4.0 for the aspartate transaminase ratio were associated with a diagnosis of fulminant hepatic failure caused by Wilson's disease only (P less than 0.001). The alkaline phosphatase-total bilirubin ratio of less than 2.0 provided 100% sensitivity and specificity in identifying fulminant hepatic failure caused by Wilson's disease from other types of fulminant hepatic failure.
Small-volume resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock in dogs: effects on systemic hemodynamics and systemic blood flow. BACKGROUND AND METHODS: This study compared canine systemic hemodynamics and organ blood flow (radioactive microsphere technique) after resuscitation with 0.8% saline (Na+ 137 mEq/L), 7.2% hypertonic saline (Na+ 1233 mEq/L), 20% hydroxyethyl starch in 0.8% saline, or 20% hydroxyethyl starch in 7.2% saline, each in a volume approximating 15% of shed blood volume. Twenty-four endotracheally intubated mongrel dogs (18 to 24 kg) underwent a 30-min period of hemorrhagic shock, from time 0 to 30 min into the shock period, followed by fluid resuscitation. Data were collected at baseline, 15 min into the shock period, immediately after fluid infusion, 5 min after the beginning of resuscitation, and at 60-min intervals for 2 hr, (65 min after the beginning of resuscitation, and 125 min after the beginning of resuscitation). The animals received one of four randomly assigned iv resuscitation fluids: saline (54 mL/kg), hypertonic saline (6.0 mL/kg), hydroxyethel starch (6.0 mL/kg) or hypertonic saline/hydroxyethyl starch (6.0 mL/kg). RESULTS: Mean arterial pressure increased in all groups after resuscitation. Cardiac output increased with resuscitation in all groups, exceeding baseline in the saline and hypertonic saline/hydroxyethyl starch groups (p less than .05 compared with hypertonic saline or hydroxyethyl starch). Sixty-five minutes after the beginning of resuscitation, cardiac output was significantly (p less than .05) greater in either of the two colloid-containing groups than in the hypertonic saline group. After resuscitation, hypertonic saline and hydroxyethyl starch produced minimal improvements in hepatic arterial flow, hypertonic saline/hydroxyethyl starch increased hepatic arterial flow to near baseline levels, and saline markedly increased hepatic arterial flow to levels exceeding baseline (p less than .05, saline vs. hydroxyethyl starch). One hundred twenty-five minutes after the beginning of resuscitation, hepatic arterial flow had decreased in all groups; hepatic arterial flow in the hypertonic saline group had decreased to levels comparable with those during shock. Myocardial, renal, and brain blood flow were not significantly different between groups. CONCLUSIONS: Small-volume resuscitation with the combination of hypertonic saline/hydroxyethyl starch is comparable with much larger volumes of 0.8% saline, and is equal to hypertonic saline or hydroxyethyl starch in the ability to restore and sustain BP and improve organ blood flow after resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock.
Beta-adrenergic receptors in lymphocyte subsets after exercise. Alterations in normal individuals and patients with congestive heart failure. Dynamic exercise increases the number of beta-adrenergic receptors in mixed lymphocytes by a mechanism that is incompletely understood. In a set of in vivo studies, we have investigated the effects of dynamic exercise on the subset distribution of circulating lymphocytes and on the number of beta-adrenergic receptors in each of these subsets in two groups of patients. In healthy subjects, exercise increased plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine and caused lymphocytosis. Whereas the number of Thelper cells increased only modestly, the number of Tsuppressor/cytotoxic and natural killer cells more than tripled. The number of beta-adrenergic receptors varied among subsets but was not significantly altered by dynamic exercise in any subset except natural killer cells (35% increase, p = 0.0302). In a group of patients with congestive heart failure, dynamic exercise increased plasma norepinephrine but did not alter plasma epinephrine and did not cause significant lymphocytosis. We did not detect any significant alterations of circulating leukocyte subsets or beta-adrenergic receptors in any of these subsets after exercise. A combined analysis of healthy patients and heart failure patients revealed a significant correlation between increases in plasma epinephrine and increases in circulating lymphocytes. We conclude that the exercise-induced increase in beta-adrenergic receptors of mixed lymphocytes is predominantly caused by a redistribution of circulating cell subsets that differ in their beta-adrenergic receptor number. This appears to be mediated by epinephrine rather than norepinephrine.
Stiff-man syndrome: a GABAergic autoimmune disorder with autoantigenic heterogeneity. Autoantibodies that reacted with cell bodies and axon terminals of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurons were present in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid in a patient with stiff-man syndrome with type I diabetes. Immunoblot experiments using this patient's serum and cerebrospinal fluid did not corroborate an earlier observation that these autoantibodies are directed against the GABAergic cytosolic enzyme, L-glutamic acid decarboxylase. While L-glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies may be associated with this syndrome, they do not appear to be easily demonstrated.
Diltiazem therapy for symptoms associated with nutcracker esophagus. A randomized double-blind, cross-over prospective trial in 22 patients was designed to evaluate possible effect of an oral calcium channel blocker, diltiazem, on symptoms of chest pain and/or dysphagia in patients with nutcracker esophagus. We studied 22 consecutive patients referred to an esophageal diagnostic center for evaluation of noncardiac chest pain or dysphagia having high amplitude esophageal contractions, 14 of whom completed the study. Diltiazem (60-90 mg qid) was compared with placebo, each being administered for 8 wk. Patients were evaluated with esophageal motility pre- and posttreatment periods and with regular symptom assessment throughout each 8-wk treatment. Active diltiazem therapy resulted in significantly lower (p less than 0.05) mean distal esophageal peristaltic pressure (128 +/- 20 mm Hg; +/- SE) than placebo (158 +/- 16 mm Hg). Mean chest pains scores were significantly (p less than 0.05) lower with diltiazem therapy than with placebo. Only nine of the 14 patients fulfilled presently acceptable criteria for diagnosing nutcracker esophagus, and the diltiazem effect was similar, although not significant, because of the smaller sample. Conclusions: In this preliminary study involving 14 patients, the oral calcium channel blocker, diltiazem, appeared to improve noncardiac chest pain associated with strong esophageal contraction, the nutcracker esophagus. These improved symptoms were associated with significant decreases in contraction pressure.
Age-related spontaneous intracerebral hematoma in a German community. We investigated incidence, age distribution in relation to etiology, and localization of spontaneous intracerebral hematoma in 100 consecutive cases. Incidence in the total population of the Giessen area was estimated to be greater than 11/100,000 inhabitants/yr and increased with age. There was a trend toward higher incidence in males. Overall mortality was 27%, 22% of 58 patients aged less than 70 years and 33% of 42 patients aged greater than or equal to 70 years. Hypertensive putaminal hematoma showed the highest mortality rate (42%, 10 of 24 cases). Chronic alcoholism and anticoagulant medication influenced the mortality rate unfavourably. We found the following localizations and etiologies to have a specific relation with age: 1) lobar hematomas from vascular malformations, group aged less than 40 years; 2) hypertensive putaminal hematomas and hypertensive thalamic hematomas, group aged 40-69 years; and 3) lobar hematomas, group aged greater than or equal to 70 years. Alcoholism was an additional factor in 38% of the 13 middle-aged men with hypertensive putaminal hematomas. Fourteen cases of spontaneous intracerebral hematoma were possibly due to cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Six of these 14 patients had recurrent lobar hematomas, but only three of the six could be histologically investigated. In these three cases, cerebral amyloid angiopathy was proven.
Edrophonium provocative test in noncardiac chest pain. Evaluation of testing techniques. Edrophonium chloride is used frequently as a provocative agent in the assessment of noncardiac chest pain (NCCP). However, the optimum dose and most appropriate method of interpreting test results is controversial. We studied 150 consecutive NCCP patients and 50 age-matched controls who alternately received either 80 micrograms/kg or 10 mg intravenous bolus doses of edrophonium preceded by saline placebo injections. Distal esophageal pressures were measured before and after drug injection in response to ten 5-cc wet swallows. Following 10 mg of edrophonium, 33% of patients and 4% of controls reported chest pain, while 29% of patients and no controls receiving the 80 micrograms/kg dose complained of chest pain. Amplitude changes after either dose were not significantly different for all comparisons, but the duration of response did distinguish the two doses in patients with chest pain. A significantly greater (P = 0.01) increase in distal contraction duration occurred after 10 mg (74 +/- 12%; +/- SE) compared to 80 micrograms/kg dose (43 +/- 6%). However, individual responses to the two doses overlapped considerably. If a positive test is redefined to include both chest pain and manometric changes that are significantly different from controls, the positivity rate changes drastically; 33% to 9% in the 10-mg group and 30% to 3% in the 80-micrograms/kg group. Side effects were similar between doses, but there was a significant (P = 0.02) linear relationship between intensity of side effects and the edrophonium dose per kilogram of body weight.
Traumatic aneurysm of the superior cerebellar artery: case report and review of the literature. Less than 10% of the 250 reported cases of traumatic intracranial aneurysms have involved the posterior circulation. Traumatic aneurysms of the superior cerebellar artery are extremely rare, with only three cases previously reported. This is the first report of a traumatic superior cerebellar artery aneurysm in which the diagnosis was suggested by computed tomographic scan. The potential for a good outcome suggests the value of early angiography when the history and diagnostic imaging studies suggest the possibility of a traumatic aneurysm.
Expectant management of localized prostatic cancer. Seventy-five patients with clinical Stage B histologically proven prostatic cancer accumulated over a 40-year period and receiving no therapy for at least 1 year after histologic diagnosis were retrospectively reviewed. Twenty-nine patients had Stage B1 lesions, 37 had B2, and nine had B3 lesions; median follow-up for these patients was 124, 120, and 96 months, respectively. Five ultimately received pelvic lymph node dissection with iodine-125 implantation, 23 had transurethral resection of the prostate, and 18 had endocrine therapy. Of those tumors which progressed, 18 of 19 (95%) B1, 26 of 29 (90%) B2, and four of four (100%) B3 lesions demonstrated local progression first. Six of 29 (21%) B1, 17 of 37 (46%) B2, and two of nine (22%) B3 tumors developed recognized distant metastasis. Actuarial survival at 15 years was 67%, 39%, and 63% for patients with B1, B2, and B3 lesions, respectively. These data indicate the varied and potentially protracted course of patients with clinical Stage B prostatic cancer.
Prognostic factors for survival of patients with advanced urothelial tumors treated with methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin, and cisplatin chemotherapy. Between February 1983 and February 1986, 132 patients with advanced urothelial tract tumors were treated with methotrexate, vinblastine, Adriamycin (doxorubicin), and cisplatin (M-VAC) chemotherapy. Analysis of prognostic factors for survival of the first 92 patients was undertaken using the Cox proportional hazards model. Normal alkaline phosphatase and high Karnofsky performance status (KPS) were predominant for long survival. Patients 60 years or older at initiation of therapy were likely to survive longer than younger patients, perhaps indicating physician selectivity of older patients for this therapy, and those with initial hemoglobin in the normal range were also likely to survive longer. The additional 40 patients' data were used to validate the model. Clinical implications of the prognostic factors are discussed.
Transoesophageal pacing for perioperative control of neonatal paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. The perioperative management of a 16-day-old infant with recurrent supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is discussed. Vagal manoeuvres and medication were not adequate in controlling the SVT. Since the patient was scheduled for extensive surgery in the prone position, it was decided to use transoesophageal pacing as the method of choice for conversion of SVT. Transoesophageal pacing succeeded several times in overriding the SVT and restoring normal heart rate and haemodynamic variables. The advantages and disadvantages of various methods of treating SVT in the newborn are discussed.
Muscle blood flow and muscle metabolism during exercise and heat stress. The effect of heat stress on blood flow and metabolism in an exercising leg was studied in seven subjects walking uphill (12-17%) at 5 km/h on a treadmill for 90 min or until exhaustion. The first 30 min of exercise were performed in a cool environment (18-21 degrees C); then subjects moved to an adjacent room at 40 degrees C and continued to exercise at the same speed and inclination for a further 60 min or to exhaustion, whichever occurred first. The rate of O2 consumption, 2.6 l/min (1.8-3.3) (average from cool and hot conditions), corresponded to 55-77% of their individual maximums. In the cool environment a steady state was reached at 30 min. When the subjects were shifted to the hot room, the core temperature and heart rate started to rise and reached values greater than 39 degrees C and near-maximal values, respectively, at the termination of the exercise. The leg blood flow (thermodilution method), femoral arteriovenous O2 difference, and consequently leg O2 consumption were unchanged in the hot compared with the cool condition. There was no increase in release of lactate and no reduction in glucose and free net fatty acid uptake in the exercising leg in the heat. Furthermore, the rate of glycogen utilization in the gastrocnemius muscle was not elevated in the hot environment. There was a tendency for cardiac output to increase in the heat (mean 15.2 to 18.4 l/min), which may have contributed to the increase in skin circulation, together with a possible further reduction in flow to other vascular beds, because muscle blood flow was not reduced.
A model of pneumococcal pneumonia in chronically intoxicated rats. To determine the role of chronic ethanol intoxication on the pathogenesis of pneumococcal pneumonia, male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed an ethanol-containing diet for 1 week before intratracheal challenge with type 3 Streptococcus pneumoniae and for 10 days after infection. Control rats were fed the same diet except that ethanol was replaced isocalorically with carbohydrate. Ethanol treatment increased pneumococcal bacteremia, levels of capsular polysaccharide antigenemia, and susceptibility to lethal pneumonia. Once dissemination occurred, ethanol-fed rats failed to eliminate pneumococci from the bloodstream. Ethanol-fed rats demonstrated a defect in late pulmonary clearance of pneumococci that was temporally associated with a significantly higher pneumonia severity index. Pneumonia was characterized by an intense polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration, severe edema, and a fibrous exudate. Bronchoalveolar lavage confirmed the heightened inflammatory response in the lungs of ethanol-fed rats, suggesting that chronic ethanol intoxication did not impair polymorphonuclear leukocyte recruitment but may alter their antipneumococcal functions.
Glucose tolerance and blood pressure: long term follow up in middle aged men [published erratum appears in BMJ 1991 Apr 20;302(6782):939] OBJECTIVE--to investigate the role of glucose tolerance in the development of hypertension. DESIGN--Retrospective analysis of the results of a health check up in a group of clinically healthy middle aged men in the late 1960s (median year 1968). The subjects were invited to enter into a primary prevention trial for cardiovascular disease in 1974, when they underwent clinical examination for risk factors. The trial was completed in 1979, when the men were re-examined. Follow up was in 1986. SETTING--Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland and second department of medicine, University of Helsinki. SUBJECTS--In all, 3490 men born during 1919-34 participated in a health check up in the late 1960s. In 1974, 1815 of these men who were clinically healthy were entered into a primary prevention trial for cardiovascular disease. On clinical examination 1222 of the men were considered at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Of these, 612 received an intervention and were excluded from the study. A total of 593 men were without risk factors. The study comprised all of the men who did not have an intervention (n = 1203). In 1979, 1120 men were re-examined, and in 1986 945 men attended follow up. There were two groups for analysis: one comprising all subjects and the other comprising only men who were normotensive in 1968 and for whom complete information was available. INTERVENTIONS--By 1979, 103 men were taking antihypertensive drugs, and by 1986, 131 were taking antihypertensive drugs and 12 were taking drugs for hyperglycaemia. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Blood glucose concentration one hour after a glucose load, blood pressure, and body weight were measured in 1968, 1974, and 1979. In 1986 blood pressure and body weight were recorded. RESULTS--Men who were hypertensive in 1986 had significantly higher blood pressures (p less than 0.0001) and (after adjustment for body mass index and alcohol intake) significantly higher blood glucose concentrations one hour after a glucose load at all examinations than those who were normotensive in 1986. Regression analysis showed that the higher the blood glucose concentration after a glucose load in 1968 the higher the blood pressure during the following years. Those men between the second and third tertiles of blood glucose concentration in 1968 had a significantly higher risk of developing hypertension (odds ratio 1.71, 95% confidence interval 1.05 to 2.77) compared with those below the first tertile. CONCLUSION--In this study men who developed hypertension tended to have shown an increased intolerance to glucose up to 18 years before the clinical manifestation of their disorder. Blood glucose concentration one hour after a glucose load was an independent predictor of future hypertension.
Radical prostatectomy after definitive radiation therapy for prostate cancer. Radical prostatectomy was performed in 14 patients following local failure of radiation therapy for adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Ten patients were treated with external beam and 4 with interstitial radiation. The interval from beginning radiation therapy to biopsy-proved residual or recurrent disease was twenty-four to one hundred fourteen months (mean 61 months). Ten patients had significant anterior and lateral fibrosis. Five patients had loss of tissue planes between the prostate and rectum, however, no rectal injuries occurred. Estimated blood loss was 300-8,000 cc (median 1,000 cc). Operative time was one hundred ten to three hundred seventy-five minutes (median 185 minutes). Significant late complications are impotence (100%) and incontinence (55%). Tumor volume was 1.1-27.2 cc (mean 11.1 cc). Seven patients had seminal vesicle involvement, 9 had level III capsule penetration, and 6 had positive surgical margins. Follow-up ranges from one to fifty-two months (median 18 months). Currently, 6 patients are clinically without disease and have serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) of 0.0 ng/mL. Four patients have no clinical evidence of disease but do have detectable serum PSA, and 4 patients have evidence of metastatic bone disease on bone scan with elevated serum PSA levels. Radical prostatectomy following radiation therapy has no greater immediate morbidity or mortality compared with radical prostatectomy without prior irradiation and takes only slightly longer to perform. However, there is a marked increased risk of impotence and incontinence. More patients followed for a longer time are needed to assess the benefit of radical prostatectomy on survival of patients who fail radiation therapy.
Estimation of myocardial ischemic injury during ventricular fibrillation with total circulatory arrest using high-energy phosphates and lactate as metabolic markers. STUDY OBJECTIVE: To define the time course of myocardial ischemic injury using high-energy phosphate (HEP) depletion and the cessation of lactate production as metabolic markers. SETTING: Data were collected in a laboratory animal model. TYPE OF PARTICIPANTS: Ten immature mixed breed swine weighing 23.2 +/- 3.5 kg. DESIGN: After thoracotomy, transmural myocardial biopsies were taken in vivo during normal sinus rhythm and at designated times during ventricular fibrillation with total circulatory arrest (VF-TCA). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Frozen tissue samples were analyzed for adenine nucleotides, by high-performance liquid chromatography, and lactate by enzymatic assay. At five minutes of VF-TCA, myocardial adenosine triphosphate averaged 50% of control. At 15 minutes of VF-TCA, 89% of animals had myocardial adenosine triphosphate levels above 20% of control and adenylate charge ratio above 0.60. With more than 30 minutes of VF-TCA, all animals had adenosine triphosphate levels below 10% of control and adenylate charge ratio below 0.30. In addition, myocardial lactate levels plateaued after 30 minutes of VF-TCA, indicating the cessation of lactate production. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the myocardium can tolerate VF-TCA for as long as 15 minutes without irreversible injury; however, post-ischemic myocardial dysfunction may occur after as little as five minutes of VF-TCA. With more than 30 minutes of VF-TCA, myocardial injury is likely to be irreversible.
T cell subsets (Tc, Th, Ts, Tsi) and IL2 receptor-bearing cells in peripheral blood of patients in the acute phase of alcoholic hepatitis. The present study was designed to evaluate the proportion of T cell subsets and IL2 receptor positive cells in the peripheral blood of patients with acute alcoholic hepatitis (AAH) using monoclonal antibodies to T cell antigens and Tac in a double immunofluorescent technique. The results indicate that the percentage of the total T cells and the intensity of all the T cell antigens are significantly reduced and the percentage of T helper cells and the ratio between Th/Ts cells are significantly increased in AAH when compared to healthy controls. But, significant differences in values observed in this study were not found for the absolute number of these cells. These altered values returned to normal levels during convalescence.
Pleuropulmonary manifestations of hepatic amebiasis Pleuropulmonary manifestations of hepatic amebiasis occurred in 30 patients; 18 (60%) presented with at least 1 pulmonary complaint and 10 (33%) had multiple pulmonary symptoms. In 14 patients (47%), abnormalities were found on examination of the chest. In 16 chest roentgenograms (53%), there was at least 1 abnormality: right-sided pleural effusion (9 patients) and elevated right hemidiaphragm (8 patients) were the most common. All patients were treated with metronidazole (Flagyl) and had resolution of the amebic liver abscess and pulmonary disease. Pleuropulmonary disease is a common complication of amebic liver abscess. The clinical presentation and chest roentgenograms are virtually diagnostic and obviate the need for invasive procedures to confirm the diagnosis. Pleuropulmonary disease resolves with amebicidal treatment of the hepatic abscess.
Suggestive evidence that pelvic endometriosis is a progressive disease, whereas deeply infiltrating endometriosis is associated with pelvic pain. In a 3-year prospective study of 643 consecutive laparoscopies for infertility, pelvic pain, or infertility and pain, the pelvic area, the depth of infiltration, and the volume of endometriotic lesions were evaluated. The incidence, area, and volume of subtle lesions decreased with age, whereas for typical lesions these parameters and the depth of infiltration increased with age. Deeply infiltrating endometriosis was strongly associated with pelvic pain, women with pain having larger and deeper lesions. Because deep endometriosis has little emphasis in the revised American Fertility Society classification and after analyzing the diagnoses made in each class, considerations for a simplifying revision with inclusion of deep lesions are suggested. In conclusion, suggestive evidence is presented to support the concept that endometriosis is a progressive disorder, and it is demonstrated that deep endometriosis is strongly associated with pelvic pain.
Cytogenetic analysis of 434 consecutively ascertained specimens of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: clinical correlations. Cytogenetic and histopathologic data were correlated with clinical parameters from 423 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). Clinical correlations were performed on subgroups of 149 patients with low-grade lymphoma (LG) and 205 patients with diffuse lymphoma with a large cell component (DLLC). Correlations were made between clinical outcome and individual recurring cytogenetic aberrations, each of which was noted in greater than 5% of cases belonging to LG NHL and DLLC, and derived measures of karyotypic complexity, comprising modal chromosome number, number of marker chromosomes, and number of translocation breakpoints. No correlations with survival were noted in LG NHL, although median follow-up was only 2 years. Seven patients with t(8;14) LG NHL had an indolent course. Among 104 patients with DLLC and abnormal karyotypes at diagnosis, breaks at 1q21-23 or more than 4 marker chromosomes was associated with a shortened median survival. Using these variables we constructed a proportional hazards model with a good fit to observed data. Breaks at 6q21-25 predicted a decreased probability of achieving remission. Patients with DLLC and breaks at 1q21-23 or 1p32-36 had a shorter duration of complete remission. Of 41 DLLC studied at relapse, the only long-term survivors had t(14;18).
Perforated duodenal ulcer: an unusual complication of gastroenteritis. A 7 year old boy was admitted to hospital with gastroenteritis, which was complicated by an acute perforated duodenal ulcer. After oversewing of the perforation he made an uncomplicated recovery. Peptic ulceration is under-diagnosed in childhood and this leads to delay in diagnosis and appropriate management. Ulceration is associated with severe illness and viral infections, but perforation is rare.
Risk for colon adenomas in patients with rectosigmoid hyperplastic polyps OBJECTIVE: To determine whether hyperplastic polyps found in the rectosigmoid area of the colon are associated with proximal adenomas, and to judge whether patients with distal hyperplastic polyps found during sigmoidoscopy might benefit from full colonoscopy. DESIGN: Data on patients having colonoscopy collected prospectively according to a set protocol. The size and location of all polyps were noted, and all polyps were biopsied. SETTING: Two university hospitals. PATIENTS: One thousand eight hundred and thirty-six consecutive patients referred for colonoscopy between 31 December 1987 and 31 August 1989. RESULTS: Of the 970 patients who met eligibility requirements, 274 (28.3%) had adenomas and 108 (11.1%) had hyperplastic polyps. The proportion of patients with distal hyperplastic polyps and proximal adenomas (31.9%) was similar to the proportion of those without distal hyperplastic polyps (23.0%) (crude odds ratio, 1.57; 95% CI, 0.77 to 3.06). After adjusting for age and sex, the results were unchanged (adjusted odds ratio, 1.53; CI, 0.82 to 2.88). Patients with distal adenomas, on the other hand, were three times more likely to have proximal adenomas than those without distal adenomas (adjusted odds ratio, 3.42; CI, 1.99 to 5.88). CONCLUSIONS: Distal hyperplastic polyps are not strong predictors of risk for proximal adenomas. Based on the magnitude of the risk difference, we do not believe that finding a hyperplastic polyp during sigmoidoscopy justifies doing a full colonoscopy to search for proximal adenomas. Because rectosigmoid adenomas are associated with proximal adenomas, however, small polyps seen during sigmoidoscopy should be biopsied to determine their type. Colonoscopy should be reserved for patients who are proved to have adenomas.
The electrocardiographic manifestations of cyclic antidepressant therapy and overdose: a review. Cyclic antidepressants may cause changes in the electrocardiogram at therapeutic or toxic serum levels. The most serious complications of cyclic antidepressant toxicity are dysrhythmias, hypotension, and seizures. It is predominantly the cardiotoxic effects that cause mortality. Once cardiotoxicity is evident, the treatment of choice is serum alkalinization, preferably by sodium bicarbonate therapy. In order to predict which overdose patients are at high risk for complications, electrocardiographic criteria have been identified as reliable screens. For "first generation" tricyclic antidepressants, QRS prolongation (particularly greater than 100 msec) and a terminal 40-ms frontal plane axis greater than 120 degrees are the most sensitive. This article reviews antidepressant pharmacology, electrocardiographic manifestations of antidepressant cardiotoxicity, and approaches to treatment of antidepressant-induced conduction disturbances and dysrhythmias.
Follow-up of patients with low output, low gradient hemodynamics after percutaneous balloon aortic valvuloplasty: the Mansfield Scientific Aortic Valvuloplasty Registry. Symptomatic patients with a low cardiac output and low aortic valve gradient have a poor prognosis but are at high risk for aortic valve surgery. The outcome of percutaneous balloon aortic valvuloplasty in this subgroup of patients is unclear. Therefore, 67 patients (group 1) underwent percutaneous balloon aortic valvuloplasty between December 1, 1986 and November 1, 1987 who had a low cardiac index (less than 2.5 liters/min per m2) and a low aortic valve gradient (less than or equal to 40 mm Hg) before the procedure. The results were compared with 200 patients (group 2) who had a low cardiac index but not a low aortic valve gradient (greater than 40 mm Hg) before the procedure and who had similar baseline presenting symptoms. After balloon aortic valvuloplasty, there was a greater decrease in aortic valve gradient in patients in group 2 than in patients in group 1 (mean +/- SD -33.0 +/- 16.7 mm Hg and -14.6 +/- 6.9 mm Hg, respectively; p less than 0.001) although there was no significant difference in improvement in estimated aortic valve area (0.31 +/- 0.21 and 0.31 +/- 0.22 cm2, respectively; p = NS). In-hospital mortality was 11.9% for patients in group 1 which was not significantly different from the 7.5% mortality for patients in group 2. However, the actuarial probability of survival at 12 months for patients who survived the initial hospitalization was 46% in group 1 and 64% in group 2 (p less than 0.05). Moreover, at follow-up (mean 8.8 months) 64% of surviving group 1 patients displayed clinical improvement, compared with 70% of surviving group 2 patients.
Tick-borne borreliosis in west Africa. Reported cases of tick-borne relapsing fever due to the spirochaete Borrelia crocidurae are rare in West Africa, and few epidemiological data are available. To see how common relapsing fever is in Senegal thick blood smears from cases of fever of unknown origin and from randomly selected clinic outpatients from a rural dispensary were examined for Borrelia. The prevalence of Borrelia infections in small mammals was also assessed. Borrelia was seen in smears of 12 (0.9%) of 1340 children. All children who tested positive had complained of acute fever. Prevalence was 0% (0/496), 0.5% (2/417), 1.6% (5/308), and 4.2% (5/119) at ages 0-1, 2-4, 5-9, and 10-14, respectively. 26 other instances of borreliosis were seen in patients from different regions of Senegal. Blood samples from 7 of these patients were inoculated intraperitoneally into white mice; serious infection developed in all mice. Borrelia was seen in thick smears from 65 of 461 wild rodents or insectivores. Six rodents species were infected. From a sample of 93 rodents, 33.3% were infected, as judged by intraperitoneal inoculation of white mice, compared with 14.1% by direct smear examination. The findings suggest that borreliosis has a wide distribution and a high incidence in Senegal. This disease may be a major cause of morbidity in rural areas throughout much of West Africa.
Rejection of multivisceral allografts in rats: a sequential analysis with comparison to isolated orthotopic small-bowel and liver grafts. Multivisceral isografts and allografts were transplanted to Lewis rats, and the histopathologic changes were studied in the liver, intestine, and other constituent organs. Rats receiving isografts had indefinite survival with maintenance of weight. With multivisceral allografts (from Brown-Norway donors), the intestinal component was rejected more severely than the companion liver and with about the same severity as when intestinal transplantation was performed alone. Intestinal rejection in either circumstance was a lethal event, causing death in 10 to 12 days. The earliest (by day 4) and most intense cellular rejection was in the Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes. This was associated with or followed by cryptitis, epithelial cell necrosis, focal abscess formation, mural necrosis, and eventual perforation. Liver allografts transplanted alone or as part of multivisceral grafts also had histopathologic evidence of rejection, but this was self-limiting and spontaneously reversible when the liver was transplanted alone. Thus the Achille's heel of multivisceral grafts is the intestinal component that is not protected by the presence of the liver in the organ complex. Better immunosuppression should permit successful experimental and clinical transplantation of such grafts.
Urinary tract dilatation in constipated children. Abnormalities of the upper urinary tract were sought retrospectively in 180 children with constipation who had been investigated surgically over a 5-year period. Of those in whom an intravenous urogram had been performed, the incidence of dilatation of the upper renal tract was high, but only 12% of the patients with non-organic constipation had been so investigated.
Diagnosis, classification, and course of myelodysplastic syndromes. The myelodysplastic syndromes are bone marrow stem cell disorders that result in disorderly and ineffective hematopoiesis. They are prognostically heterogenous. Approximately one third of cases evolve to acute myeloid leukemia. Many additional cases terminate in severe bone marrow failure. The French-American-British Working Group classification of the myelodysplastic syndromes defines morphologic and prognostic groups. Cytogenetic and in vitro cell culture characteristics are important prognostic indicators.
Effect of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation on survival of infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. To determine the effect of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) on the survival of infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, we undertook a retrospective review of 31 infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia treated at Children's National Medical Center. Infants were categorized by means of the Bohn quadrant analysis to determine the impact of ECMO on infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia and a "poor prognosis." All infants assigned to the Bohn 100% mortality quadrant required ECMO. The survival rate in this group was 86% (6/7) when assessed preoperatively and 67% (6/9) when assessed postoperatively. Comparison of the change occurring in ventilation index and arterial carbon dioxide pressure demonstrated that after repair the clinical condition of 48% of infants deteriorated, 40% improved, and 12% remained unchanged. Of the 12 infants whose condition was worse after surgery, 11 eventually required ECMO. Our review demonstrates that ECMO improved survival significantly in infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia who had a "poor prognosis" by the criteria of Bohn et al. We recommend consideration of ECMO for all infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia for whom maximal medical therapy has failed.
A complex ileovaginal fistula with associated obstructive uropathy in a patient with Crohn's disease: technical considerations and review of the literature. A high index of suspicion of an ileogenital fistula should be aroused by a patient with Crohn's disease, weight loss, malnutrition, and a persistent vaginal discharge. Preoperative gastrointestinal and genitourinary evaluation should be used in an attempt to localize the fistulous origin as well as concomitant fistulae. The principles of surgical therapy include preoperative ureteral catheters, resection of the diseased bowel and fistulous segment of bowel, and interposition of healthy tissue (ie, omentum) between the bowel anastomosis and the vaginal cuff.
The diagnosis of ovarian cancer by pathologists: how often do diagnoses by contributing pathologists agree with a panel of gynecologic pathologists? The Cancer and Steroid Hormone Study, a multicenter, population-based, case-control study of ovarian, breast, and endometrial cancer in women 20 to 54 years of age, permitted the diagnoses of contributing pathologists to be compared with those of a panel of three gynecologic pathologists. A diagnosis of ovarian cancer was made by contributing pathologists on 477 subjects. Agreement between the two groups of pathologists was 97% for primary epithelial ovarian cancer and 89% for primary nonepithelial ovarian malignancies. Agreement on diagnosis of major cellular subtypes of ovarian malignancy ranged between 73% for endometrioid cancer and 100% for clear cell carcinomas. We conclude that the diagnosis of pathologic features of primary ovarian cancer is highly predictable. Nonetheless, diagnosis by histologic type varies sufficiently that a review process should be considered for clinical or investigative decisions involving specific histologic diagnoses of ovarian cancer.
Ultrastructural evidence of a merocrine secretion in the human endolymphatic sac. The results of a light and transmission electron microscopic analysis of an endolymphatic sac (ES) from a patient suffering from episodic vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss are presented. A biopsy of the intraosseous portion of the ES was obtained during a translabyrinthine approach to section the vestibular nerve in the internal acoustic meatus. The material consisted mainly of tubular epithelial structures filled with heavily stained material. Pathologically dilated and degranulated rough endoplasmic reticuli and disaggregation of polyribosomes with accumulation of solitary ribosomes in the cytosol and endoplasmic reticulum suggested a disturbed epithelial cell protein synthesis. Ultrastructural evidence of an increased merocrine secretion of glycoprotein conjugates into the ES was noted. This made it possible to analyze the presumed intracellular secretory pathways. An increased number of intraepithelial lymphocytes and monocytes was observed. Since the inner ear had been subjected to surgical intervention before the vestibular nerve section, no conclusions can be drawn as to whether the patient's symptoms were related to the disturbed protein metabolism and hypersecretion of glycoprotein conjugates into the ES. The findings support earlier experimental results that indicate that the ES has not only a resorptive function but also a secretory one.
Intravitreal suture: a complication of pterygium surgery. Among the complications associated with pterygium surgery, scleral perforation is mentioned in cases where subconjunctival tissue must be separated from the sclera. We present a case in which such a perforation and consequent suturing resulted in an intravitreous migration of a suture. We believe this is the first report of such a complication following pterygium surgery.
Bretylium tosylate versus lidocaine in experimental cardiac arrest Bretylium tosylate has been shown effective in the treatment of ventricular fibrillation and in the prevention of its recurrence. However, lidocaine is generally preferred because bretylium could have adverse hemodynamic effects related to its antiadrenergic action. To explore further the differences between these two antiarrhythmic agents, the authors compared the effects of bretylium, lidocaine, and saline on a standardized dog model of ventricular fibrillation followed by electromechanical dissociation (EMD). The protocol included three successive episodes of cardiac arrest in each animal. Three minutes before each episode of ventricular fibrillation, 5 mg/kg of bretylium tosylate (n = 11), 1 mg/kg of lidocaine (n = 9) or saline (n = 12) were administered blindly. There was no difference in the duration of cardiac arrest (bretylium, 8 min 18 sec; lidocaine, 7 min 54 sec; saline, 8 min 20 sec) or the total doses of epinephrine required to resuscitate the animals. Both bretylium and lidocaine appeared to preserve cardiac function 5 minutes after recovery, as stroke volume increased from 17.8 +/- 6.7 to 18.7 +/- 6.7 mL (NS) after bretylium and from 17.7 +/- 7.7 to 19.0 +/- 7.0 mL (NS) after lidocaine, but decreased from 19.0 +/- 5.3 to 14.6 +/- 6.0 mL (P less than .05) after saline. During the first 10 minutes of EMD, ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia recurred in 4 dogs treated with lidocaine, 3 dogs treated with saline, but no dog treated with bretylium (P less than .05 between bretylium and saline).
Wrist flexion as an adjunct to the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. The effects of five minutes of wrist flexion on median motor and sensory evoked potential latencies in 87 individuals were studied. Nineteen subjects had carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) as diagnosed by increased median nerve latencies across the wrist, and 68 had values in the normal range and were assigned to the control group. A slight prolongation of up to 0.5m sec of evoked potential latencies was observed in both groups after flexion, but the differences between the two groups were not significant to establish the value of adding wrist flexion to conventional screening methods.
Apneic oxygenation in apnea tests for brain death. A controlled trial. We performed a prospective controlled study of apneic oxygenation on 15 patients undergoing apnea tests for brain death. All patients were preoxygenated with 100% oxygen at existing respirator settings. During the 10-minute apnea tests, nine patients were given continuous apneic oxygenation by tracheal cannula. The other six patients had tracheal tubes open to room air. The patients given apneic oxygenation had little or no hypoxia by the end of the test. The patients given room air during the test became hypoxic. Many neurologists perform apnea tests with no oxygenation or with preoxygenation alone. This is the first prospective controlled study (to our knowledge) of apneic oxygenation; it shows that preoxygenation alone does not prevent hypoxia during apnea tests for brain death. We recommend that all apnea tests be performed with apneic oxygenation.
Response of spinal cord blood flow and motor and sensory evoked potentials to aortic ligation. To produce spinal cord ischemia in the lamb, ligation of the thoracic aorta was performed for 15, 30, and 45 minutes in three animals each. Spinal cord blood flow and motor and sensory evoked potentials were measured before, during, and after aortic ligation. Ischemia with a blood flow of zero during ligation was encountered in the thoracic and lumbar cords, followed by hyperemia upon release of the ligature. Both somatosensory and motor evoked potentials were obliterated during aortic ligation and gradually recovered following resumption of flow. Motor and sensory evoked potentials behaved similarly to high aortic ligation.
Extensive aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible: surgical resection and immediate reconstruction. A case report. A case of extensive aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible is described. The surgical defect was reconstructed immediately with two autogenous ribs and corallin porous hydroxyapatite. The postoperative results were good. There was no recurrence after 2 years of follow-up. The patient does not have any functional or esthetic problems.
Natural death as viewed by the medical examiner: a review of 1000 consecutive autopsies of individuals dying of natural disease. A study of 1000 consecutive autopsies of individuals dying of natural disease was conducted. Cardiovascular disease was responsible for 60.9% of all deaths with coronary artery disease--not only the main cause of cardiovascular death but also the main cause of all natural deaths--accounting for 45.1% of such cases. Diseases of the central nervous and respiratory systems accounted for 8.7 and 8.6%, respectively, of the natural deaths. Seizure disorders and pneumonia were the main causes of death in these organ systems. There were 124 deaths of children less than one year in age, 91 of which were due to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). All of the SIDS deaths were in children less than 10 months old.
The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in nonulcer dyspepsia. Importance of stratification according to age Helicobacter pylori (formerly Campylobacter pylori) is causally related to active antral gastritis and is highly associated with duodenal and gastric ulcers. However, the relationship of H pylori to nonulcer dyspepsia is less clear. We determined the presence of H pylori in unselected patients who were undergoing upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy, and we found a prevalence of 37% in 110 patients with nonulcer dyspepsia that was similar to previous data. Patients with nonulcer dyspepsia who had H pylori were found to be significantly older than patients with nonulcer dyspepsia who did not have H pylori. In addition, when stratified according to age, we detected an increased prevalence of H pylori in patients with nonulcer dyspepsia with increasing age, similar to that reported for asymptomatic control populations. This finding casts doubt as to the causal role of H pylori for most patients with nonulcer dyspepsia and stresses the importance of considering epidemiologic factors, such as age, when evaluating the role of H pylori in specific disease states.
Evaluation of treatment protocols on minimal to moderate spasticity in multiple sclerosis. Thirty men and women diagnosed with definite multiple sclerosis (MS) were treated for ten weeks in a blinded, cross-over study. Patients with minimal to moderate spasticity were randomized to one of three sequences to evaluate the effects on MS-related spasticity of baclofen alone, stretching regimen with placebo, placebo alone, and stretching regimen with baclofen. The Cybex II isokinetic unit, timed gait, Ashworth scale, and subject's assessment of function were objective and subjective measures used to evaluate changes in hypertonicity. There was significant correlation between the Cybex and Ashworth as methods of measuring spasticity. Overall, treatment with baclofen alone significantly improved moderate quadriceps spasticity as measured by Cybex flexion scores. A trend, indicative of enhancing the beneficial effects of baclofen, was noted when stretching exercises were added to the treatment.
An inner city cancer prevention clinic. Design, methods, and early results. An American Cancer Society demonstration pilot project is underway that is designed to provide comprehensive cancer prevention-related services to the underserved community of West Oakland, California. An array of cancer prevention services are being made available through an inner-city clinic (West Oakland Health Center), including cancer risk assessments and education about cancer, physical examinations for cancer, teaching of self-examination procedures, smoking cessation, and nutrition counseling, appointments for Pap smears, sigmoidoscopy, mammography, and other more specialized screening procedures, case management for findings suspicious for cancer, and community education programs. Described is the process of implementing these services, their utilization, and their impact (after 6 months).
Diaphragmatic fatigue produced by constant or modulated electric currents. In anesthetized rabbits the efficiency of phrenic nerve stimulation with trains of electric current was studied either when ventilation was effected entirely by bilateral nerve stimulation (electrophrenic ventilation) or during unilateral nerve stimulation when animals were ventilated with a pump and open chest. Trains of rectangular electric pulses (RPT) with constant amplitude and frequency or sine waves, both the amplitude and frequency of which were modulated and controlled by a computer (MSWT), were used with each animal. MSWT closely reproduced the physiological shape of transdiaphragmatic pressure waves. Diaphragm fatigue, as determined from the decrease in the maximal relaxation rate of twitches, occurred after 20 minutes of bilateral or unilateral nerve stimulation with RPT, but only after 60 min (unilateral stimulation) or 98 min (bilateral stimulation) with MSWT. These data show the importance of the motor signal pattern in long-lasting nerve stimulation.
Predicting recurrence time of esophageal carcinoma through assessment of histologic factors and DNA ploidy. Cytophotometric analysis of nuclear DNA content was done in 128 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. The relationship among histopathologic features, DNA distribution pattern, and survival time was investigated from the standpoint of recurrence. Of 128 patients, 77 (60.1%) died of recurrence within 2 years after surgery: 16 (12.5%) from 2 to 5 years and two (1.6%) over 5 years. The rate of death of recurrence within 2 years was higher in patients with T4 or N1 than T1, T2, and T3 or N0 (P less than 0.01). Survivors over 5 years more frequently possessed type II DNA pattern than types III and IV (P less than 0.05). The rate of death of recurrence within 2 years was 34.4% in type II, which was lower than the 59.6% rate in type III (P less than 0.05) and the 76.6% rate in type IV (P less than 0.01). Survivors from 2 to 5 years were higher in type III than in type IV (P less than 0.05), and recurrence over 5 years was found only in type II. This inclination was more apparent in those with curative resection. In the patients with type II, careful follow-up may be needed over 5 years for late recurrence. However, in those with type IV, no recurrence over 2 years could be regarded as healed because most of their recurrences occur within 2 years. These findings suggest that the growth rate of esophageal carcinoma should reflect DNA aneuploidy, and the DNA analysis of esophageal carcinoma should be a valuable parameter for postoperative follow-up planning.
The use of ultrasound in evaluating neurologic diseases of childhood. Real-time cranial sonography, intracranial Doppler, and neuromuscular sonography are the sonographic techniques that are applicable to the neurologic evaluation of infants and children. Although limited by age, specificity, and operator skill and experience, the advantages of real-time cranial and intracranial Doppler sonography make them useful techniques in the evaluation of the young infant, particularly in the serial assessment of ventricular size and in the study of the critically ill infant. The use of neuromuscular sonography in the assessment of the floppy infant and in the guidance of biopsy makes this an increasingly valuable tool.
Control of total peripheral resistance during hyperthermia in rats. To elucidate the effect of blood volume on the circulatory adjustment to heat stress, we studied alpha-chloralose-anesthetized rats at three levels of blood volume: normovolemia (NBV), hypervolemia (HBV; +32% plasma volume by isotonic albumin solution infusion), and hypovolemia (LBV; -16% plasma volume by furosemide administration). Body surface heating was performed with an infrared lamp to raise arterial blood temperature (Tb) at the rate of approximately 0.1 degree C/min. Before heating, central venous pressure (CVP) was significantly higher in HBV (0.41 +/- 0.25 mmHg) and lower in LBV (-1.44 +/- 0.22 mmHg) than in NBV (-0.41 +/- 0.10 mmHg). The Tb at which CVP started to decrease was approximately 40 degrees C in HBV, approximately 41 degrees C in NBV, and approximately 42 degrees C in LBV, and it decreased by 1.53 +/- 0.14, 1.92 +/- 0.24, and 0.62 +/- 0.14 mmHg from 37 to 43 degrees C of Tb in HBV, NBV, and LBV, respectively. Stroke volume was closely correlated with CVP, and this relationship was not affected by Tb. Heart rate responses to the raised Tb were similar among the three groups. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was not affected by blood volume modification or CVP and was maintained at preheating (Tb 37 degrees C) level until Tb rose to 40 degrees C. Above this Tb, MAP increased until Tb reached 43 degrees C (+30-40 mmHg) for all three groups. Total peripheral resistance (TPR) was inversely correlated with CVP, and the slope of the linear relationship between TPR and CVP in LBV was three- to fourfold steeper than in NBV or HBV.
Disturbance in daily sleep/wake patterns in patients with cognitive impairment and decreased daily activity. The sleep/wake patterns of 121 chronically ill, mentally and physically handicapped patients were visually monitored hourly for 14 consecutive days. Four types of sleep/wake patterns were found. In order to investigate how cognitive and physical functions correlated with sleep disorders, patients were classified based on a scale of mental function and the grading of daily activity. The percent of total sleep hours and the sleep rating, showing disturbances in sleep/wake pattern, were evaluated. We found a high degree of individuality in sleep/wake patterns. Sleep disturbance was associated with daily activity as well as with cognitive impairment. This monitoring system provides medical personnel with valuable information for clinical management.
Percent tumor necrosis as a predictor of treatment response in canine osteosarcoma. The percent tumor necrosis was determined in 200 dogs with spontaneously occurring osteosarcoma. One hundred dogs had no treatment before amputation or death. One hundred other dogs were treated with either radiation therapy alone (n = 23), intraarterial (IA) cisplatin alone (n = 16), intravenous (IV) cisplatin alone (n = 6), radiation therapy plus IA cisplatin (n = 47), or radiation therapy plus IV cisplatin (n = 8). Eighty-nine of these 100 dogs had their tumors resected 3 weeks after the end of therapy (6 weeks after the initiation of therapy) and replaced with a cortical bone allograft. Dogs with preoperative treatment were evaluated for local tumor control and time to metastasis. The mean percent tumor necrosis in untreated osteosarcoma was 26.8%. The mean percent tumor necrosis for dogs receiving radiation only, IA cisplatin only, and IV cisplatin only was 81.6%, 49.1% and 23.8%, respectively. The mean percent tumor necrosis for dogs receiving radiation therapy plus IA cisplatin or radiation therapy plus IV cisplatin was 83.7% and 78.2%, respectively. There was no significant difference between percent tumor necrosis in untreated osteosarcoma compared with those receiving IV cisplatin, but there was a significant increase in percent tumor necrosis with all other treatments. A mathematic model for the effect of cisplatin and radiation dose was developed using multiple regression analysis. The radiation dose calculated to cause at least 80% tumor necrosis was 42.2 Gy (95% confidence interval [CI], 38.0 to 47.6 Gy) when radiation was given alone and 28.1 Gy (95% CI, 21.3 to 36.6 Gy) when radiation was combined with IA cisplatin. Areas of viable tumor tended to be most frequent adjacent to the articular cartilage and in the joint capsule. Percent tumor necrosis was strongly predictive for local tumor control; 28 of 32 dogs with greater than 80% tumor necrosis had local control, and only eight of 29 dogs with less than 79% tumor necrosis had local control (P = 0.0047). There was no correlation between percent tumor necrosis and time to metastasis.
Surgical management of nonparasitic cystic liver disease. We report clinical features, surgical management, recurrences, and follow-up study of 12 patients with simple hepatic cyst, 11 patients with polycystic liver disease, and 19 patients with cystadenoma who were surgically treated over a 25-year period. The median age of patients was 48 years, and 37 women and 5 men were in the series. The most common presenting symptom and physical finding were chronic abdominal pain and tenderness in the right upper quadrant. The most commonly associated disease was polycystic kidney disease, which was an associated finding in 5 of the 11 patients with polycystic liver disease (45%). The most valuable diagnostic studies in all groups were computed tomography and ultrasonography. The location of the disease was bilobar in patients with polycystic liver disease, with a right lobe predominance in 18% of patients. The right lobe was also predominant in 83% of patients with simple hepatic cyst and 58% of patients with cystadenoma. Of all solitary cystic lesions in the left lobe, 75% of them were cystadenomas. Of the 66 surgical procedures performed, aspiration was associated with a failure rate of 100%; partial excision, a failure rate of 61%; and total excision and liver resection, a failure rate of 0%. Orthotopic liver transplantation was performed in three patients and was associated with two early deaths. Partial excision relieved symptoms in three patients (43%) with polycystic liver disease. Total excision, enucleation, or liver resection with cyst(s) is the treatment of choice for non-parasitic cystic lesions of the liver.
Patient compliance--a factor in facial trauma repair. The clinical records of 25 consecutive patients who were treated for facial trauma were reviewed and analyzed to ascertain what effect patient cooperation had on the outcome of facial fracture repair. The study was designed to establish the incidence of complications and to discover what factors contributed to untoward sequela in such patients. Overall, 15 patients (60%) were noncompliant in one or more aspects of their care. Six patients (24%) had significant postoperative complications associated with their facial injuries. Four of these patients were not fully cooperative.
Effect of delayed captopril therapy on left ventricular mass and myonecrosis during acute coxsackievirus murine myocarditis. The effect of captopril on coxsackievirus B3 murine myocarditis was investigated. Thirty-two, 3-week-old mice were infected with coxsackievirus B3 on day 0 of the study, then randomized into a placebo group or a captopril group starting on day 3 of infection. On day 9 of infection, the mice were put to death. Hearts were weighed and processed for light microscopic examination. Heart weight was 125 +/- 19 mg in the control group versus 102 +/- 14 mg in the captopril group (p less than 0.0003). Amount of necrosis as a percentage of left ventricular section was 3.5% (2.0% to 7.5%) in the placebo group versus 2.0% (0.0% to 5.0%) in the captopril group (p less than 0.01). The amount of dystrophic calcification was 5.0% (0.0% to 27.5%) in the placebo group versus 1.3% (0.0% to 20.0%) in the captopril group (p less than 0.01). The extent of the histopathologic involvement by planimetry was 10.2% in the placebo group versus 5.4% in the captopril group (p = 0.052). We conclude that captopril is beneficial in decreasing left ventricular mass and the amount of myocardial necrosis and calcification in the short term in the murine myocarditis model.
Acute and long-term changes in serum lipids after acute stroke. We studied serum lipid profiles in 171 patients less than or equal to 48 hours after the onset of acute stroke and 3 months later. The 83 patients suffering cerebral infarction had significantly higher serum concentrations of total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B and significantly lower serum concentrations of triglycerides and lipoprotein (a) less than or equal to 48 hours after ictus than 3 months later. The lipid profiles of the 53 patients suffering lacunar infarction were similar on both occasions, the only significant differences being higher total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol concentrations less than or equal to 48 hours after ictus. No significant changes were observed among the 35 patients suffering cerebral hemorrhage apart from a significantly higher concentration of high density lipoprotein3-cholesterol less than or equal to 48 hours after ictus. Our study, with many patients classified according to stroke subtype, gives results different from those of previous studies with much fewer patients. We conclude that in studies of serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations as risk factors for cerebral infarction, comparing values obtained less than or equal to 48 hours after admission with control values may incorrectly identify certain lipid fractions as risk factors.
Selective impairment of memory and visual perception in splenial tumours. The neuropsychological abnormalities found in 9 patients with tumours involving the splenium of the corpus callosum are described. The outstanding features of their cognitive deficits were a severe memory deficit and visual perception impairment in the presence of relatively intact intellect. It is argued that (1) the amnesia is due to damage to the fornix where that structure is closely applied to the splenium and that it is the result of a disconnection between the frontal and temporal lobes, although the possibility that damage to more than one structure, for example, retrosplenial cortex and fornix, cannot be excluded; (2) there is a dual pathway for visual object recognition, one of which passes directly to the dominant hemisphere for semantic analysis and the other via the nondominant hemisphere for prior perceptual analysis. Further, it is postulated that there is a subcortical as well as a callosal route between the hemispheres that is important for visual object recognition.
How ancient is temporal arteritis? Realism is one of the characteristics of Amarnian art; some details of The Harpist represented in the tomb of Pa-Aton-Em-Heb (1350 BC, 18th Dynasty) might gives clues to a diagnosis: the eyes are closed with swollen lids, and the harpist appears to stare into space; he is round shouldered with a very wasted face, his temporal ara is heightened and hollowed by a broken line joining the extremity of the eyebrow with the corner of the eye. These details are not found elsewhere. Did the harpist's blindness result from temporal arteritis associated to polymyalgia rheumatica?.
Choice of emergency operative procedure for bleeding duodenal ulcer In a consecutive series of 201 emergency operations in patients with bleeding duodenal ulcer the size of the ulcer was the only factor that showed a significant correlation with the procedure chosen. Vagotomy, pyloroplasty and underrunning of the bleeding point was performed in 101 cases with ten deaths (10 per cent), partial (Billroth II) gastrectomy in 81 cases with ten deaths (12 per cent), and vagotomy and antrectomy in 16 cases with one death (6 per cent). A patient was more likely to be treated by partial gastrectomy if a giant ulcer with an internal diameter of greater than or equal to 2 cm was found. The results suggest that while vagotomy and pyloroplasty, combined with a direct attack on the bleeding point or excision of an anterior ulcer is an acceptable standard emergency operation for bleeding duodenal ulcer, gastric resection proved to be a satisfactory alternative procedure and should be considered in the technically difficult case with a very large ulcer. A giant ulcer was present in 37 per cent of cases coming to surgery.
Role for specific complement phenotypes and deficiencies in the clinical expression of IgA nephropathy. IgA nephropathy, the most commonly occurring type of chronic glomerulonephritis in individuals of European and Asian descent, exhibits marked heterogeneity of clinical signs and ultimate prognosis. Based upon their studies of regional clustering of the ancestors of related patients in eastern Kentucky, the authors have postulated the existence of an inherited disease susceptibility for IgA nephropathy. They examined serum concentrations of individual complement proteins and phenotypes for C3, C4A, C4B, and factor B (Bf) for related and unrelated patients with IgA nephropathy from Kentucky and for patients from the Mid-South region of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama. In these populations, they have described partial complement deficiencies or specific phenotypes which may be associated with the disease. Their findings include the following: (1) partial deficiencies for C2, beta 1H (H), properdin (P), or C4 binding protein (C4BP) in four patients with end-stage renal disease, (2) an association between the C3*F allele with IgA nephropathy in the combined group of unrelated patients from Kentucky and the Mid-South, (3) the occurrence of C4B deficiency in two siblings with IgA nephropathy, and (4) an association between C4A deficiency and poor outcome in patients with IgA nephropathy diagnosed as adults. In addition, the related patients differ from the unrelated patients from Kentucky with respect to frequencies of Bf*F and the BfF (FF + FS + F1F + F1S) phenotype, suggestive of immunogenetic difference between these groups. Important functional differences exist between C4A and C4B isotypes and functional differences are also possible based upon C3 or Bf phenotype.
Preventing colorectal cancer. Knowledgeable patients should not die of colorectal cancer. Increasing the intake of dietary fiber, decreasing fat consumption, and increasing the use of modern technology to detect adenomatous polyps and early cancer can greatly decrease the mortality associated with colorectal cancer.
Simple technique for long term central venous access in the patient with thrombocytopenic carcinoma. A technique for the insertion of a central venous access device in the patient with thrombocytopenia is described. Using the Seldinger technique, a wire is placed into the internal jugular vein. A catheter tunneled from the anterior part of the chest is inserted through a peel-away sheath into the central venous system. The incision is then closed.
Training increases muscle blood flow in rats with peripheral arterial insufficiency. This study investigated the effect of physical training on muscle blood flow (BF) in rats with peripheral arterial insufficiency during treadmill running. Bilateral stenosis of the femoral artery of adult rats (300-350 g) was performed to reduce exercise hyperemia in the hindlimb but not limit resting muscle BF. Rats were divided into normal sedentary, acute stenosed (stenosed 3 days before the experiment), stenosed sedentary (limited to cage activity), and stenosed trained (run on a treadmill by a progressively intense program, up to 50-60 min/day, 5 days/wk for 6-8 wk). Hindlimb BF was determined with 85Sr- and 141Ce-labeled microspheres at a low (20 m/min) and high treadmill speed (30-40 m/min depending on ability). Maximal hindlimb BF was reduced to approximately 50% normal in the acute stenosed group. Total hindlimb BF (81 +/- 5 ml.min-1.100 g-1) did not change in stenosed sedentary animals with 6-8 wk of cage activity, but a redistribution of BF occurred within the hindlimb. Two factors contributed to a higher BF to the distal limb muscle of the trained animals. A redistribution BF within the hindlimb occurred in stenosed trained animals; distal limb BF increased to approximately 80% (P less than 0.001) of the proximal tissue. In addition, an increase in total hindlimb BF with training indicates that collateral BF has been enhanced (P less than 0.025). The associated increase in oxygen delivery to the relatively ischemic muscle probably contributed to the markedly improved exercise tolerance evident in the trained animals.
Oral squamous cell carcinoma arising in a patient with long-standing lichen planus. A case report. The risk of malignant transformation of oral lichen planus remains a controversial point. Many previous reports have been discounted on the basis of inadequate information or lack of histologic confirmation of lichen planus. We report a well-documented case of long-standing cutaneous and oral lichen planus in which squamous cell carcinoma of the dorsal portion of the tongue occurred. There is an apparent difference in the sites of oral carcinomas in patients with lichen planus compared with the general population. This suggests that lichen planus increases the risk of oral cancer in affected sites.
Injuries of the external ear. Ear injuries occur in people of all ages but predominate in active people such as wrestlers, boxers, and bike riders. The types and extent of injury are a function of the force causing the injury. Shearing forces of moderate intensity cause hematoma formation, whereas greater force causes lacerations or even amputation. Sharp objects cause lacerations determined by the force, direction, and point of impact. The high ratio of surface area to mass makes the auricle vulnerable to extremes of temperature. People participating in high-risk activities should wear protective headgear. The goal of treatment is to restore the normal contours while preventing infection. Hematoma results in disfigurement by organization or chondritis. Evacuation and pressure dressings using sterile technique correct the condition. Second-degree burns are treated by regular cleansing and application of topical antimicrobials. Deeper burns require debridement, biologic dressings, or burying the cartilage subcutaneously for later reconstruction. Simple lacerations are closed under aseptic technique using either skin-to-skin sutures only or sutures of the skin combined with intercartilage sutures. Extensive and complex lacerations require meticulous care to match all fragments and prevent infection or loss of tissue. Bare cartilage must be covered with vascularized tissue. The treatment of total amputation is controversial. Some advocate reattachment as a composite graft using intravenous low molecular weight dextrans and heparin as adjuvants. Mladick dermabrades the amputated pinna, reattaches it with sutures, and then slips it into a pocket of elevated postauricular skin for 2 weeks. Others urge microvascular reanastomosis of the small nutrient vessels. Brent and Byrd separate the cartilage from its overlying skin and envelope it first with vascularized temporoparietal fascia and then a split-thickness skin graft. Chondritis is the most feared complication of injury or surgery of the pinna. It is an aggressive process, and prompt removal of pus and necrotic cartilage is required. Exteriorization and removal of all cartilage is effective but disfiguring. Removal of only affected cartilage and constant irrigation with antibiotic solutions is effective but requires prolonged hospitalization. Iontophoresis of antibiotics into the auricle may be effective and conserve tissue. Traumatic deformities are corrected with composite grafts from the opposite ear, costal cartilage, and local pedicled flaps.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS).
Observation of cerebrospinal fluid flow with echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging. Using echo-planar (EP) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow patterns have been demonstrated in the normal subject and patients with pathological conditions including communicating hydrocephalus, aqueduct stenosis and syringohydromyelia. Snap-shot imaging times of 128 ms allow detailed demonstration of transient intraventricular CSF flow patterns, which is not possible with conventional MRI. The potential of EPI as a method for qualitative and quantitative assessment of CSF dynamics is illustrated.
The role of gastric resection in the management of multicentric argyrophil gastric carcinoids. A patient with pernicious anemia, atrophic non-antral gastritis, hypergastrinemia, and widespread hyperplasia of enterochromaffin-like cells and manifest enterochromaffin-like cell carcinoma was followed up during 39 months, including 15 months after gastric resection. In this case normalization of gastrin levels did not prevent the development of multiple gastric carcinoids in the fundic mucosa, suggesting that factors other than gastrin are of importance in the pathogenesis.
Autoradiographic evaluation of monoclonal antibodies' access to melanoma-associated antigens in melanoma xenografts. Autoradiography of nude mice bearing human malignant melanoma xenografts was performed to characterize the distribution pattern of radioiodinated anti-melanoma monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) and fragments in macroscopic tumor nodules. Non-uniformity of radioactivity distribution was seen in all MoAb-xenograft combinations. The predominant patterns were marked deposition of radioactivity either in the periphery of nodules or in sharply delimited intra-tumoral foci. These patterns were generated by limitations in the accessibility of melanoma tissue rather than gross necrosis or heterogeneity of antigen expression. Computer-aided densitometry of autoradiograms was used to elaborate the difference of accumulation in intra-tumoral hot spots versus cold areas. It was found that increasing uniformity was achieved by increasing the dose of MoAb (i.e., intact IgG) injected, whereas a reduction in the size of MoAb (IgG greater than F(ab')2 greater than Fab) showed no such effect.
Hemodynamic effects of H2-receptor antagonists. Histamine H2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs) often are administered to intensive care unit patients in an attempt to reduce gastric acidity and to prevent stress-related mucosal damage. These agents have an extremely low overall incidence and severity of adverse reactions; however, hemodynamically significant hypotension has been noted. Clinical studies with rapidly administered intravenous cimetidine in critically ill patients have demonstrated a depression in blood pressure in up to 75 percent of patients. Ranitidine, also studied in this setting, does not appear to induce similar hemodynamic changes. The newer H2RAs, famotidine and nizatidine, have not been evaluated in critically ill patients.
Effects of xamoterol on inotropic and lusitropic properties of the human myocardium and on adenylate cyclase activity. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the effects of xamoterol in the human myocardium. In the presence of forskolin or milrinone, xamoterol increased isometric force of contraction, contraction velocity, and relaxation velocity in isolated, electrically driven preparations from human myocardium, but had no effect alone. There was no difference in the effect of xamoterol between right atrial myocardium and left ventricular myocardium from nonfailing (NF), moderately failing (NYHA II-III), and severely failing (NYHA IV) human hearts. The positive inotropic and lusitropic effects of isoprenaline were reduced depending on the severity of heart failure in left ventricular myocardium (i.e., NF greater than NYHA II-III greater than NYHA IV). In the presence of norepinephrine, xamoterol produced negative inotropic effects similar to those of the beta-adrenoceptor antagonists pindolol and propranolol. Xamoterol alone had no effects on force of contraction, whereas pindolol and propranolol markedly reduced contractile force. In NYHA class IV, isoprenaline stimulated adenylate cyclase about twofold but xamoterol, like pindolol or propranolol, had no effect. Experiments with the beta 1- and beta 2-selective antagonists CGP 207.12A and ICI 118.551, respectively, showed that the positive inotropic and lusitropic effects of xamoterol were mediated by beta 1-adrenoceptors. Consistently, xamoterol had a selectivity of 13.8 at beta 1-adrenoceptors as measured in radioligand binding experiments. It is concluded that xamoterol acts as a beta 1-adrenoceptor antagonist with a selectivity of 13.8 in human ventricular myocardium. The compound has an intrinsic sympathomimetic activity, as it produces beta 1-adrenoceptor-mediated positive inotropic and lusitropic effects in the presence of forskolin. The beneficial effects of xamoterol in patients with heart failure could be due to prevention of the detrimental effects of norepinephrine such as beta 1-adrenoceptor downregulation of an increase of Gi (inhibitory guanine-nucleotide binding protein).
Geographic variation of inflammatory bowel disease within the United States. One approach to learn about possible environmental risks in inflammatory bowel disease relates to studying its geographic pattern of occurrence. The geographic variation of inflammatory bowel disease within the United States was analyzed using the accumulated 17.5 million hospital discharges of all U.S. Medicare beneficiaries during two consecutive years. To validate the geographic pattern shown by the Medicare data, hospitalization was compared with mortality from inflammatory bowel disease among different states. Mortality and hospitalization statistics both suggested that the occurrence of inflammatory bowel disease was determined by environmental factors that had a marked geographic variation within the United States. Both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis appeared to be more frequent in northern parts of the United States than in southern and in urban more than rural parts. These trends were observed for men and women and for blacks and whites alike. Similar geographic patterns of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis suggested the influence of one or more identical risk factors for both diseases.
Psychological characteristics of children with Shwachman syndrome. Twelve children and young adults with Shwachman syndrome were compared with their unaffected siblings and with controls suffering from cystic fibrosis in terms of intellectual ability, motor skills, and behaviour. There were highly significant differences in intelligence quotient between those with Shwachman syndrome and the other two groups. Four of the index subjects but none of the control subjects were below the normal range. The differences between groups on other tests of cognitive and motor skills were not significant, though those with Shwachman syndrome tended to have the lowest scores. There was no evidence that those with Shwachman syndrome had more behavioural difficulties than the control subjects. We suggest that the intellectual difficulties of patients with Shwachman syndrome may be of neurological rather than social origin and that they may originate before birth.
Plasma cell granuloma of the nasal cavity treated by radiation therapy. Plasma cell granuloma is a rare, benign tumor most commonly found in the lungs in patients younger than 30 years. Although presentation has been reported at a number of other anatomic sites, this report is the first of plasma cell granuloma of the nasal cavity. The tumor was initially resected, but progression was seen at 1-month follow-up. Because further surgery to completely eradicate the tumor would have been extensive and disfiguring, 40-Gy external beam radiation was given in 20 fractions using a three-field wedge technique. Most recent clinical follow-up at 27 months showed local control. Surgery remains the treatment of choice for plasma cell granuloma when the disease can be completely resected. However, irradiation can also be effective in patients with recurrent or inoperable local disease.
Dose dependency of time of onset of radiation-induced growth hormone deficiency. Growth hormone (GH) secretion during insulin-induced hypoglycemia was assessed on 133 occasions in 82 survivors of childhood malignant disease. All had received cranial irradiation with a dose range to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis of 27 to 47.5 Gy (estimated by a schedule of 16 fractions over 3 weeks) and had been tested on one or more occasions between 0.2 and 18.9 years after treatment. Results of one third of the GH tests were defined as normal (GH peak response, greater than 15 mU/L) within the first 5 years, in comparison with 16% after 5 years. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis showed that dose (p = 0.007) and time from irradiation (p = 0.03), but not age at therapy, had a significant influence on peak GH responses. The late incidence of GH deficiency was similar over the whole dose range (4 of 26 GH test results normal for less than 30 Gy and 4 of 25 normal for greater than or equal to 30 Gy after 5 years), but the speed of onset over the first years was dependent on dose. We conclude that the requirement for GH replacement therapy and the timing of its introduction will be influenced by the dose of irradiation received by the hypothalamic-pituitary axis.
Absorption of carbon 13-labeled rice in milk by infants during acute gastroenteritis. To determine whether rice cereal could be used to complement a cow milk-based diet in the nutritional management of infants with acute diarrhea, we assessed its digestion and absorption in eight affected male infants, 69 to 131 days of age. They received cow milk formula with 5.4% lactose (diluted 1:1 with water and precooked rice cereal) 5 to 22 hours after admission and rehydration. The first feeding consisted of milk diluted with carbon 13-enriched rice cereal. A 48-hour fecal collection and balance study was performed. Rice cereal was reasonably well absorbed (84.0% to 95.8%) by seven of the eight infants. The study was repeated in seven of the infants after they had recovered. Our results indicated that rice cereal is well absorbed by young infants with acute diarrhea and that it is an adequate nutrient supplement for this patient population.
Incidence, causes and mechanism of hypercalcaemia in a hospital population in Hong Kong. To determine the incidence and causes of hypercalcaemia in a hospital population in Hong Kong, all 29,107 samples received in the laboratory in one year were analysed for plasma calcium and albumin, and samples with a plasma calcium concentration adjusted for albumin greater than 2.55 mmol/l were investigated. Plasma calcium greater than 2.55 mmol/l was found in 462 patients. Repeat samples were received from 302 of these and hypercalcaemia was confirmed in 183. The main causes of hypercalcaemia were malignancy (72.1 per cent), tuberculosis (6.0 per cent), and primary hyperparathyroidism (5.5 per cent). In the malignant hypercalcaemia group, carcinoma of lung was the most common (31.8 per cent) and carcinoma of breast was uncommon (3.0 per cent). Secondary deposits in bone were detected in 35 of the 122 solid tumours. In order to identify the mechanism of hypercalcaemia the contributions of renal tubular reabsorption and increased bone resorption to the plasma calcium concentration were calculated. Increased tubular reabsorption was the main contributor to hypercalcaemia in primary hyperparathyroidism and carcinoma of liver (none of whom had bony metastases) and it contributed significantly to hypercalcaemia in carcinoma of lung without bony metastases and carcinoma of oesophagus. We conclude that in Hong Kong (a) primary hyperparathyroidism is uncommon, (b) tuberculosis is an important cause and (c) humoral factors may be responsible for a relatively high proportion of cases of malignant hypercalcaemia.
Noninvasive detection of patients with ischemic and nonischemic heart disease prone to ventricular fibrillation. Abnormalities in the fast Fourier transforms of signal-averaged electrocardiograms (ECGs) obtained during sinus rhythm appear to distinguish patients with ischemic heart disease and sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia from those without ventricular tachycardia. This study was performed to determine the power of frequency analysis to detect patients with a history of ventricular fibrillation, to determine the extent to which spectra of signal-averaged ECGs from patients with ischemic and nonischemic heart disease are comparable and to compare results of signal-averaged ECG analysis in patients with ventricular fibrillation with results of programmed ventricular stimulation. Signal-averaged ECGs were obtained during sinus rhythm from 60 patients with sustained ventricular tachycardia (Group I) and 34 patients with ventricular fibrillation (Group II). Results of signal-averaged ECG analysis were abnormal in 92% of patients with ventricular tachycardia and 85% of patients with ventricular fibrillation (p = NS). Abnormal spectra were detected in the signal-averaged ECGs from 90% of patients with ischemic and from 86% of patients with nonischemic heart disease (p = NS). In contrast, the results of programmed stimulation differed markedly between the two patient groups. Sustained ventricular arrhythmias were induced in 91% of the patients with ventricular tachycardia compared with only 46% of those with ventricular fibrillation (p less than 0.0001). Moreover, ventricular tachycardia was inducible in 81% of patients with ischemic heart disease compared with only 50% of those with nonischemic heart disease (p less than 0.02). Thus, abnormalities in the spectra of signal-averaged ECGs were found in the majority of patients with ventricular fibrillation and were detectable even in those whose arrhythmia was not inducible by programmed stimulation. These results broaden the potential clinical application of noninvasive interrogation of signal-averaged ECGs to include the prospective identification of patients with ischemic or nonischemic heart disease prone to ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation.
Loss of endothelium-dependent relaxant activity in the pulmonary circulation of rats exposed to chronic hypoxia. To determine whether exposure to chronic hypoxia and subsequent development of pulmonary hypertension induces alterations of endothelium-dependent relaxation in rat pulmonary vascular bed, we studied isolated lung preparations from rats exposed to either room air (controls) or hypoxia (H) during 1 wk (1W-H), 3 wk (3W-H), or 3W-H followed by 48 h recovery to room air (3WH + R). In lungs pretreated with meclofenamate (3 microM), the endothelium-dependent vasodilator responses to acetylcholine (10(-9)-10(-6) M) and ionophore A23187 (10(-9)-10(-7) M) were examined during conditions of increased tone by U46619 (50 pmol/min). Acetylcholine or A23187 produced dose-dependent vasodilation in control lungs, this response was reduced in group 1W-H (P less than 0.02), abolished in group 3W-H (P less than 0.001), and restored in group 3WH + R. In contrast, the endothelium-independent vasodilator agent sodium nitroprusside remained fully active in group 3W-H. The pressor response to 300 pM endothelin was greater in group 3W-H than in controls (6.8 +/- 0.5 mmHg vs. 1.6 +/- 0.2 mmHg, P less than 0.001) but was not potentiated by the endothelium-dependent relaxing factor (EDRF) antagonists: hydroquinone (10(-4) M); methylene blue (10(-4) M); and pyrogallol (3 x 10(-5) M) as it was in controls. It was similar to controls in group 3W-H + R. Our results demonstrate that hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension is associated with a loss of EDRF activity in pulmonary vessels, with a rapid recovery on return to a normoxic environment.
Plasma glucagon concentration in cirrhosis is related to liver function but not to portal-systemic shunting, systemic vascular resistance, or urinary sodium excretion. We tested the hypothesis that increased plasma glucagon concentration resulting from portal-systemic shunting or liver dysfunction causes arterial vasodilation and thereby stimulates sodium retention in cirrhosis. Twenty-seven studies were performed in patients with alcoholic liver disease, 11 of whom had ascites. Liver function was quantitated as the elimination rate of antipyrine, caffeine, and stable isotopes of cholic acid administered both orally (2,2,4,4-2H) and intravenously (24-13C). Portal-systemic shunt fraction was calculated as the ratio of the intravenous and oral clearances of the isotopes of cholic acid. Cardiac output was measured by using Doppler echocardiography. Plasma glucagon concentration was increased in patients with ascites when compared with that in patients without ascites (474 +/- 180 pg/ml vs 245 +/- 120 pg/ml, p = 0.0007) but was unrelated to urinary sodium excretion, heart rate, mean arterial pressure, cardiac output, and systemic vascular resistance (r = -0.48, 0.35, -0.13, 0.18, and 0.22, respectively). Plasma glucagon concentration correlated with the half-lives of all model compounds (r = 0.58, p = 0.002; r = 0.62, p = 0.0008; r = 0.62, p = 0.001; and r = 0.64, p = 0.0005; for caffeine, antipyrine, oral and intravenous cholic acid, respectively) but not with shunt fraction (r = 0.14). Increased plasma glucagon concentration in cirrhosis is probably a result of diminished hepatic clearance. However, increased plasma concentration of glucagon does not appear to cause a hyperdynamic circulatory state or sodium retention.
Effects of long-term treatment with metoprolol and hydrochlorothiazide on plasma lipids and lipoproteins. In order to evaluate the effects of one-year antihypertensive treatment on plasma lipids and lipoproteins, 65 patients whose diastolic blood pressure was in the range 95-120 mmHg were randomly allocated to groups that received either hydrochlorothiazide or metoprolol, or both drugs when the response to one of them was insufficient to control blood pressure. Blood pressure was effectively reduced in all groups. Patients on hydrochlorothiazide showed a significant increase (P less than 0.01) in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) after 3 months of treatment. A significant increase in triglycerides was observed after 6 and 12 months, together with a decrease in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) after 12 months (P less than 0.05) of treatment in patients on metoprolol. In patients treated with both hydrochlorothiazide and metoprolol, total cholesterol increased after 3 (P less than 0.001) and 6 months (P less than 0.05), triglycerides increased after 6 (P less than 0.01) and 12 months (P less than 0.01), and LDL-C increased after 3 (P less than 0.05), 6 (P less than 0.001) and 12 months (P less than 0.01) of treatment, respectively. In 61% of the patients, three or more lipid parameters were affected during the study period. We conclude that long-term antihypertensive treatment with hydrochlorothiazide, metoprolol, and particularly with both drugs, can induce lipid effects that deserve recognition, because in some cases these might counteract the possible benefit of a reduction in blood pressure on the prevention of coronary heart disease.
Immunoprofile of mucoepidermoid carcinomas of minor salivary glands. Because the data on the antigenic phenotype of mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) are incomplete and somewhat disparate, 45 MECs were evaluated immunohistochemically for low- and high-molecular-weight keratins, vimentin, glial fibrillary acidic protein, smooth muscle actin, and S-100 protein. Tumors stained uniformly for keratins and, on occasion, focally for vimentin. Tumors were nonreactive with antibodies to glial fibrillary acidic protein and, with few exceptions, to muscle-specific actins and S-100 protein. Clear cell and papillary histologic variants were seen as potential diagnostic pitfalls. If used with hematoxylin-and-eosin-stained sections, limited potential is seen for this antibody panel in surgical pathology. Myoepithelial cell-associated antigens are expressed to a very limited extent in MECs.
Magnetic resonance imaging for assessment of vena caval tumor thrombi: a comparative study with venacavography and computerized tomography scanning. We assessed the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging in demonstrating the presence and extent of vena caval tumor thrombi. The study group included 20 patients with vena caval thrombi from renal cell carcinoma (18), renal pelvic transitional cell carcinoma (1) and adrenal pheochromocytoma (1). Preoperative diagnostic studies included magnetic resonance imaging in all patients, inferior venacavography in 16 and computerized tomography scanning in 15. All patients underwent an operation in which the presence and extent of the vena caval thrombus were confirmed. Magnetic resonance imaging accurately delineated the presence and extent of the thrombus in all 20 patients (100%). Venacavography was accurate in 15 patients (94%) but 8 (50%) required a retrograde and antegrade study. Computerized tomography scanning demonstrated the presence of a tumor thrombus in all 15 patients but accurately delineated the cephalad extent of the thrombus in only 5 (33%). In patients with vena caval tumor thrombi magnetic resonance imaging can provide accurate information regarding the extent of vena caval involvement while avoiding the need for an invasive contrast imaging study.
Muscle rehabilitation in impaired elderly nursing home residents. Based on observations of changes in muscle function associated with aging, and the exacerbation of these changes with frailty, a program of muscle strengthening has been developed to correct specific defects in muscles. This pilot study was undertaken on 18 functionally impaired nursing home residents (age range 60 to 90 years) with markedly deteriorated muscle function (50%) secondary to age, disuse, and multiple chronic illnesses. Fourteen of the subjects completed the six-week program without adverse effects. In 75% of the patients, there was improved muscle function, with endurance, strength, and speed increasing 35%, 15%, and 10%, respectively. After the program, many subjects increased their spontaneous activity and decreased their dependency. The improvements were still evident four months after rehabilitation. These results suggest that it may be possible, through a carefully supervised, short-term program of muscle rehabilitation, for nursing home residents to achieve an enhanced level of physical functioning.
Two urokinase dose regimens in native arterial and graft occlusions: initial results of a prospective, randomized clinical trial. The effects of two urokinase (UK) dose regimens on lysis time, lytic success, primary clinical success, and frequency of complications of peripheral thrombolysis were compared. Seventy-two intraarterial UK infusions were performed by means of standard catheter-directed infusion techniques in 63 patients with symptomatic peripheral arterial or bypass graft occlusions. Patients were prospectively randomized to high-dose (250,000 U/h for 4 hours and then 125,000 U/h) or low-dose (50,000 U/h) regimens. The mean time to complete lysis was 20.8, 26.0, 16.5, and 18.2 hours for the high-dose artery, low-dose artery, high-dose graft, and low-dose graft groups, respectively (P was not significant). Respective mean infusion durations were 27.1, 35.4, 22.2, and 25.3 hours. Clinical success was achieved in 65%-85% of cases. The frequency of complications was equivalent between groups, except for a higher frequency of minor bleeding complications in the high-dose group. The two urokinase dose regimens studied were equally effective in enabling peripheral thrombolysis.
The influence of sclerotherapy on gastric mucosal blood flow distribution. Hemodynamic events and structural vascular changes of the gastric mucosa in cirrhotics have caught the attention of investigators in the recent past, but as yet it is not known whether therapeutic interruption of variceal blood flow at gastroesophageal level alters such portal hypertensive mucosal features. The newly developed endoscopic laser-Doppler technique was used to assess whether variceal eradication by means of endoscopic sclerotherapy influences the gastric mucosal congestion in portal hypertension patients. Gastric mucosal blood flow was determined at ten defined sites of the stomach, before the first session of sclerotherapy and after complete variceal eradication had been achieved in 15 patients. A statistically significant decrease (P less than 0.01 to 0.05) in microcirculation was found at the gastric antrum and corpus, an increase at the pylorus (P less than 0.05), but no change in the fundic area. An important question following these findings is: What are the consequences of such aggravation of gastric congestion on the integrity of the gastric mucosa?.
Erythropoietin receptors induced by dimethyl sulfoxide exhibit positive cooperativity associated with an amplified biologic response. Erythropoietin triggers the differentiation of erythrocyte progenitors by binding to receptors on their plasma membrane. We report here that pretreatment of erythropoietin-responsive murine erythroleukemia cells with chemical inducers resulted in a striking increase in erythropoietin-specific hemoglobinization. This amplification of the erythropoietin biologic response was accompanied by the induction of a new population of high-density receptors (approximately 20,000 per cell) exhibiting marked positive cooperativity. Erythropoietin binding to new receptors displayed a convex upward Scatchard plot and a Hill coefficient (nH) of 6.75. Measurement of erythropoietin receptor mRNA demonstrated an initial decrease in receptor transcript followed by an approximately 2- to 3-fold increase after 24-48 hr. This increase in receptor message does not appear to account for the magnitude of the receptor up-regulation by dimethyl sulfoxide. We propose that this positive cooperativity reflects the interaction (clustering) of receptors, presumably through the formation of homooligomers or heterooligomers, and that this receptor interaction may amplify the erythropoietin signal transduction pathway.
Relationship of ischemic heart disease to sudden death. A clinicopathological synthesis is presented of the relationship of ischemic heart disease to sudden cardiac death. The immediate pathophysiological process responsible for sudden cardiac death is a lethal arrhythmia, usually ventricular fibrillation. Although significant coronary atherosclerosis is present in most cases of naturally occurring sudden death, available evidence indicates that several mechanisms can be operative in the pathogenesis of the fatal event. These are (1) acute myocardial infarction in a minority of cases; (2) myocardial ischemia, without infarction, which is initiated either by (a) an exertion-induced increase in myocardial oxygen demand or (b) an acute coronary event often involving plaque degeneration and platelet aggregation; and (3) a primary arrhythmia, usually resulting from altered electrical conduction in the setting of a previous myocardial infarction.
Events following implantation of an intraluminal ringed prosthesis in the ascending, transverse, and descending thoracic aorta. From March 1978 through July 1985, 23 patients underwent implantation of 24 intraluminal ringed prostheses (IRP). There were 18 men and 5 women, with a mean age of 54.7 years, range 15-74 years. Eleven IRP were placed in the ascending aorta, two in the transverse arch, and 11 in the descending aorta. Pathology included acute aortic dissection in four patients, chronic dissection in four, and aortic aneurysm in 16. There were eight hospital deaths (35%). Causes of death included acute cardiac failure in seven patients, and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in one. IRP complications requiring revision included right coronary artery occlusion in three of 11 patients (27%) with an IRP in the ascending aorta. Graft revision was also required in three of 11 IRP implanted in the descending aorta (27%), due to graft occlusion in one and graft stenosis in two. Of the six patients with IRP complications, there were three hospital deaths (50%). All 15 hospital survivors were followed for a mean of 68.5 months, range 5-112 months. There were four late deaths (26.7%). Causes of late death included hemoptysis in one, cardiomyopathy in one, and aortic redissection and rupture in two. We conclude that patients undergoing repair of aortic pathology with IRP have an important risk of early phase events, as technical problems can occur due to malposition and slippage of the securing rings.
A new ophthalmic electronic videoendoscope system for intraocular surgery. A new ophthalmic electronic videoendoscope system has a 20-guage probe for intraocular observation, a standard size for vitreous microsurgical instruments, and both endoscopic and operating microscopic images are displayed on a split-screen monitor system to provide surgeos a simultaneous view of both images. Using this endoscope system at any time during surgery, surgeons can examine the intraocular structure such as the ciliary sulcus, pars plana, or vitreous base and obtain valuable but otherwise unobtainable information for completing the surgery.
Treatment of advanced-stage massive mediastinal Hodgkin's disease: the case for combined modality treatment. In the initial series of 198 patients treated at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) with mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone (MOPP) chemotherapy for Hodgkin's disease, a review of presenting chest radiographs available on 192 of these patients showed 49 patients with mediastinal masses greater than one third the greatest posteroanterior chest diameter. Five patients had stage IIB disease, and 44 had stage III or IV disease. Thirty-five (71%) patients achieved a complete remission with MOPP chemotherapy. Fourteen (40%) of the complete responders relapsed, but four of these achieved durable remissions in response to subsequent therapy. Thirty (61%) patients have died (14 induction failures, nine relapsed patients, seven complete responders in remission). Thus, with a median follow-up of 20 years (range, 15 to 23), the overall survival for the group is 39%, and the disease-free survival for the complete responders is 60%. A subset of 10 patients received mantle radiation therapy after maximal response to MOPP. One of these patients failed to achieve complete remission, but among the nine complete responders only one has relapsed. In contrast, 13 of 26 (50%) patients achieving a complete response to MOPP alone have relapsed (P2 = .0536). Although MOPP alone was not prospectively compared with MOPP plus radiation therapy in the treatment of advanced-stage massive mediastinal Hodgkin's disease in this series, the retrospective analysis shows a nearly significant difference in disease-free survival favoring combined modality treatment. The difference in tumor mortality between MOPP-treated (44%) and combined modality-treated patients (80%) was also nearly significant (P2 = .055). However, overall survival differences between patients treated with MOPP alone and those treated with combined modality therapy were not significantly different (P2 = 0.23) because of the mortality related to late complications of combined modality treatment.
Effect of ischemia induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion on superoxide dismutase activity in rat brain. Acute cerebral ischemia increases the generation of free radicals, causing cell damage, and theoretically may decrease the activity of the scavenging enzyme superoxide dismutase. To investigate the role of superoxide dismutase in cerebral ischemia, we used a model of middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats. In this model an infarct is produced in the pyriform and frontoparietal cortices, extending into the lateral basal ganglia. We measured superoxide dismutase activity by using the xanthine oxidase cytochrome c reduction assay in these areas of rat brains. Tissue samples were analyzed 20 minutes, 2, 6, or 24 hours, or 7 days after middle cerebral artery occlusion and 2 or 24 hours or 7 days after sham operation (n = 8-10 at each time). There was no significant change in superoxide dismutase activity relative to control values in any brain area at any time up to 24 hours after surgery. However, 7 days after middle cerebral artery occlusion a significant decline in superoxide dismutase activity, to 55%-68% (p less than 0.05) of that in unoperated controls, was observed in all brain areas. Our results do not support an important role for changes in the activity of endogenous superoxide dismutase during the acute phase of cerebral ischemia. However, the decrease in superoxide dismutase activity 7 days after ischemia could indicate ongoing additional damage to peri-infarct tissue.
Candidacidal activity of Crohn's disease neutrophils. The ability of normal and Crohn's disease neutrophils to kill Candida albicans has been studied using neutrophils isolated from peripheral blood and suspended in phosphate buffered saline at 5 x 10(6) cells per ml. C albicans was grown to a stationary phase in broth culture and suspended in phosphate buffered saline at 10(7) organisms/ml. Neutrophils and Candida were then incubated together at 37 degrees C in a shaking water bath in the presence of fresh serum. At 30 and 60 minutes samples were withdrawn, neutrophils lysed, and Candida survival assessed by colony counting. Results were compared with control suspensions of Candida incubated with serum alone. After 30 and 60 minutes in the presence of autologous serum normal neutrophils had killed significantly more Candida than Crohn's disease neutrophils (mean (SD) 61.0 (16.7)% v 40.5 (16.2)% at 30 minutes, p less than 0.0001; 83.2 (7)% v 70.8) 16)% at 60 minutes, p less than 0.005). The results did not alter significantly when normal neutrophils were incubated with Candida in the presence of Crohn's disease serum instead of normal serum. When Crohn's disease neutrophils were incubated with Candida in the presence of normal serum instead of autologous serum there was some improvement in candidacidal ability at 30 minutes (48.9 (20.6)% v 40.5 (16.2)%, p less than 0.03) but not at 60 minutes. Phagocytosis, measured using a radiometric assay, was normal. Neutrophils from patients with Crohn's disease have an impaired ability to kill this granuloma provoking organism. It is not due to serum inhibitors or defective phagocytosis.