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936 | dd8gd9d | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,065,184 | 1,486,043,584 | Yeah. That strategy worked out reeeeeeal well for you guys in the election didn't it? | Thhueros | t3_5rhvt7 | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rhvt7 | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,worldnews,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,CFB,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,history,videos,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,Incels,food,movies,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,Overwatch,changemyview,space,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,wow,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 65 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.347022 | 3.442978 | 3.664675 | true | false | false | 0.659903 | 0.747539 | 0.714892 | 936 | low | 0.707445 |
937 | dd8gbzq | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,065,130 | 1,486,043,530 | I would kill for a Michael Scott or David Brent presidency at this point, if we're being totally honest. | Debageldond | t3_5rl4x8 | 4 | 0 | hillaryclinton | purple | 0 | t3_5rl4x8 | false | Antidisestablishmentarian & Demographic Unicorn | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,funny,europe,pokemontrades,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,UpliftingNews,Incels,food,india,depression,pokemon,philosophy,anime,2007scape,fantasyfootball,space,conspiracy,soccerstreams,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,SubredditDrama,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.262204 | 3.003308 | 2.794914 | true | false | false | 0.638445 | 0.62003 | 0.448481 | 937 | low | 0.568985 |
938 | dd8g4pk | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,064,812 | 1,486,043,212 | Ugh, it's horrible the way Trump behaves, but it's also horrible how Australia treats refugees. Refugees trying to reach Australia by boat are not allowed to the country but are kept in detention on the Nauru island. [A short history of Nauru, Australia’s dumping ground for refugees](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/10/a-short-history-of-nauru-australias-dumping-ground-for-refugees?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Copy_to_clipboard) Kudos to Obama who wanted to save at least some of those refugees and understood they're human beings in desperate plight. | Outwit_All_Liars | t3_5rjwxf | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | pink | 0 | t3_5rjwxf | false | Nasty Woman | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,science,TwoXChromosomes,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,aww,CFB,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,pokemontrades,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,gifs,food,books,pokemon,nba,anime,Overwatch,creepyPMs,me_irl,GetMotivated,jailbreak, | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.133202 | 3.049027 | 2.651729 | true | false | false | 0.605808 | 0.633289 | 0.404623 | 938 | low | 0.547907 |
939 | dd8fmkd | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,071,193 | 1,486,042,393 | Traitor | BlackHermione | t3_5rmgx5 | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_5rmgx5 | true | Summer Intern Shill | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,news,relationships,gonewild,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pokemongo,Futurology,MMA,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,history,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,Android,atheism,food,books,hiphopheads,philosophy,Christianity,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,CanadaPolitics,OldSchoolCool,wow,LifeProTips,spacex,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 46 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.082195 | 3.054412 | 3.049613 | false | false | false | 0.592903 | 0.634851 | 0.526496 | 939 | low | 0.58475 |
940 | dd8eycw | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,062,800 | 1,486,041,200 | Heh. I knew it. My choice for today. https://open.spotify.com/track/32Lg670koSWkUZQ4ExgMzD | Chim7 | t1_dd8ea2e | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | trans | 0 | t3_5rmdn0 | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,TwoXChromosomes,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,gifs,books,philosophy,nba,anime,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,space,CanadaPolitics,LifeProTips,spacex,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.299491 | 3.416214 | 3.325806 | true | false | false | 0.647878 | 0.739777 | 0.611095 | 940 | low | 0.66625 |
941 | dd8ev3q | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,062,631 | 1,486,041,031 | I think he's more like Nellie. > I grew up poor. I had little formal education. No real skills. I don't work especially hard, and most of my ideas are either unoriginal or total crap. And yet, I walked right into a job for which I was ill-prepared, ill-suited, and somebody else already had, and I got it. If you ask me, that's the American dream right there. Anything can happen to anyone. It's just random. | tthershey | t3_5rl4x8 | 6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | trans | 0 | t3_5rl4x8 | false | '08 Hillary supporter | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,personalfinance,pcmasterrace,gaming,soccerstreams,me_irl,television, | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.097074 | 2.753367 | 2.707913 | true | false | false | 0.596668 | 0.547544 | 0.421832 | 941 | medium | 0.522015 |
942 | dd8euhx | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,062,598 | 1,486,040,998 | Chelsea Clinton spoke at Wellesley College this past year: http://theswellesleyreport.com/2016/10/chelsea-clinton-swings-by-wellesley-college/ | swellboy | t3_5rhg6w | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rhg6w | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,explainlikeimfive,relationships,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,europe,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,atheism,Incels,india,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,creepyPMs,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 56 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.190573 | 3.001757 | 2.87149 | true | false | false | 0.620322 | 0.61958 | 0.471936 | 942 | low | 0.570613 |
943 | dd8ea2e | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,061,472 | 1,486,039,872 | #[Here's the /r/HRC playlist for day one!](https://open.spotify.com/user/12123398389/playlist/1Ui2I95ItwZ6naWmXobHUL) Thanks to everyone who submitted a song or three. Unfortunately /u/Chim3's song wasn't on Spotify but you can listen to it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIscL-Bjsq4). **Comment with your song of the day for Day 2!** | reader313 | t3_5rmdn0 | 11 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rmdn0 | false | Jews for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskHistorians,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,books,depression,nba,Christianity,fantasyfootball,soccerstreams,SuicideWatch,wow,TheSilphRoad,me_irl,television,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 27 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3.80764 | 3.528038 | 3.020159 | true | true | true | 0.776437 | 0.772207 | 0.517474 | 943 | medium | 0.688706 |
944 | dd8e7h8 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,061,321 | 1,486,039,721 | oh i love this song | reader313 | t1_dd81vm8 | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Jews for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,worldnews,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,legaladvice,history,whatisthisthing,DIY,Incels,gifs,food,india,depression,philosophy,tifu,changemyview,space,conspiracy,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,TheSilphRoad,spacex,dataisbeautiful,NSFW_GIF,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.323009 | 3.532701 | 3.759643 | true | false | false | 0.653828 | 0.773559 | 0.743981 | 944 | low | 0.723789 |
945 | dd8dru0 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,060,379 | 1,486,038,779 | One more* Republican than there already is. | Magfaeridon | t1_dd8cxyt | 8 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjjed | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,relationships,gonewild,hillaryclinton,AskHistorians,photoshopbattles,nosleep,SandersForPresident,history,whatisthisthing,DIY,food,movies,depression,nba,fantasyfootball,space,wow,SubredditDrama,me_irl,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.112305 | 2.796125 | 2.807941 | true | false | false | 0.600521 | 0.559945 | 0.452471 | 945 | medium | 0.537646 |
946 | dd8dntz | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,060,127 | 1,486,038,527 | Sadly you are absolutely correct. | Firefly54 | t1_dd6r7bl | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rcuhw | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,atheism,gifs,food,movies,india,books,depression,pokemon,nba,Christianity,2007scape,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 70 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.568077 | 3.865403 | 4.19858 | true | true | true | 0.715829 | 0.870046 | 0.878429 | 946 | low | 0.821435 |
947 | dd8dj69 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,059,836 | 1,486,038,236 | Day 12: President Bannon vs California. | Danvaser | t3_5rmdn0 | 14 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rmdn0 | false | Out of Many, One | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,worldnews,news,hillaryclinton,askscience,AskHistorians,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pics,Futurology,nfl,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,videos,sex,whatisthisthing,OutOfTheLoop,india,books,pokemon,nba,anime,2007scape,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,spacex,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 38 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.173502 | 3.001482 | 2.835716 | true | false | false | 0.616004 | 0.6195 | 0.460979 | 947 | medium | 0.565494 |
948 | dd8de35 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,059,515 | 1,486,037,915 | Stay strong. Look out for yourself but don't let them get to you too much either! | bobmeier | t1_dd85fwv | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Europe | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,worldnews,news,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,atheism,Incels,gifs,food,movies,india,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,changemyview,conspiracy,canada,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,wow,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 67 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.143185 | 3.672238 | 3.088446 | true | false | false | 0.608334 | 0.814026 | 0.538391 | 948 | low | 0.653584 |
949 | dd8cxyt | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,058,439 | 1,486,036,839 | There has to be one more republican vote against her nomination or she gets the position. * Left out the word 'more.' | scifiking | t3_5rjjed | 7 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjjed | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,worldnews,relationships,gonewild,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,MMA,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,history,videos,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,Showerthoughts,DIY,food,movies,india,books,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,2007scape,fantasyfootball,space,socialism,soccerstreams,OldSchoolCool,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,television,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 52 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.234862 | 2.724988 | 2.717229 | true | false | false | 0.631527 | 0.539314 | 0.424686 | 949 | medium | 0.531842 |
950 | dd8cuzn | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,058,223 | 1,486,036,623 | His presidency is gonna be a four-year-long episode of *Scott's Tots*. Christ. | PonderousHajj | t3_5rl4x8 | 8 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rl4x8 | false | Proud Establishment Shill | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,relationships,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,syriancivilwar,CFB,funny,Futurology,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,sex,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,atheism,food,depression,pokemon,philosophy,nba,anime,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,spacex,dataisbeautiful,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.293015 | 2.879305 | 2.645726 | false | false | false | 0.393245 | 0.584068 | 0.402784 | 950 | medium | 0.460032 |
951 | dd8c4dg | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,063,434 | 1,486,034,634 | The upvotes on this page shows why Hillary lost!! | sanjayhk7 | t3_5rgalr | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rgalr | true | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,2007scape,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 73 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.20406 | 3.174535 | 3.224954 | false | false | false | 0.623734 | 0.669687 | 0.580204 | 951 | low | 0.624542 |
952 | dd8bm2a | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,054,766 | 1,486,033,166 | I'd like to think all this admiration and support are a great comfort to her and a vindication that people did believe in her and wanted her to be president. Hopefully it also galvanizes her into adding her voice to the political arena even just as a voice of reason. | Minyae | t1_dd887ss | 57 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rl886 | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,MMA,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,food,movies,books,philosophy,nba,2007scape,changemyview,ShitRedditSays,OldSchoolCool,wow,hearthstone,me_irl,television,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 46 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.720037 | 3.677834 | 3.275166 | true | false | false | 0.754274 | 0.815649 | 0.595584 | 952 | high | 0.721836 |
953 | dd8bjgl | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,054,551 | 1,486,032,951 | Don't. I just got my first a couple of days ago. Not really a club you want to join. | Firefly54 | t1_dd85kfg | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,news,gonewild,askscience,Games,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,CFB,GlobalOffensive,SandersForPresident,legaladvice,GlobalOffensiveTrade,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,food,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,changemyview,CanadaPolitics,gameofthrones,creepyPMs,technology,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 34 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.041149 | 2.797682 | 2.156407 | true | false | false | 0.582519 | 0.560396 | 0.252904 | 953 | low | 0.465273 |
955 | dd89xw1 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,056,840 | 1,486,028,040 | Criticize? Where? I think it's kind of a cute gif. I guess I don't understand your outrage or where it's being directed. | Chim7 | t1_dd899k6 | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | trans | 0 | t3_5rjbup | true | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,worldnews,news,TwoXChromosomes,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,MMA,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,history,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,Incels,gifs,food,movies,india,nba,anime,2007scape,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,conspiracy,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,wow,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 59 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.760228 | 2.315985 | 2.17563 | false | false | false | 0.511447 | 0.420699 | 0.258792 | 955 | low | 0.39698 |
956 | dd899k6 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,047,639 | 1,486,026,039 | That's the father... Completely irrelevant to the discussion of Chelsea, the President will always be front and center for criticism. Yeah, it's pretty clear Trump favors his 3 kids from his 1st wife (I believe) but criticizing a 10 year old for being awkward is low. I remember being 10, I can't imagine that being displayed on the world stage *cringe* | Utaste | t1_dd88zvy | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,news,gonewild,askscience,AskHistorians,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,nosleep,CFB,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,europe,nfl,legaladvice,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,food,Christianity,anime,2007scape,soccerstreams,SuicideWatch,TheSilphRoad,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,GetMotivated,asoiaf,jailbreak, | 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.112382 | 2.936672 | 2.660763 | true | false | false | 0.600541 | 0.600705 | 0.40739 | 956 | low | 0.536212 |
957 | dd893q7 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,047,175 | 1,486,025,575 | i'd personally recommend contacting the police if you truly believe you're in real danger. | kittehgoesmeow | t1_dd85fwv | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,relationships,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,Futurology,SandersForPresident,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,UpliftingNews,movies,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,anime,fantasyfootball,tifu,space,ShitRedditSays,canada,soccerstreams,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,IAmA,television,NSFW_GIF,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 56 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.316535 | 3.172318 | 2.977729 | true | false | false | 0.65219 | 0.669044 | 0.504478 | 957 | low | 0.608571 |
958 | dd88zvy | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,054,076 | 1,486,025,276 | Idk. Chelsea went through her awkward ugly duckling years and had her father's infidelity front and center. My opinion of the two is slowly shifting from Eva Braun 2.0 to the mom and child from *Room*. Obviously niether are true but it can't be helped. | Chim7 | t1_dd88fj3 | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | trans | 0 | t3_5rjbup | true | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,MMA,nfl,legaladvice,videos,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,gifs,food,philosophy,nba,anime,2007scape,socialism,gameofthrones,LifeProTips,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,NSFW_GIF,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 43 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.104521 | 2.952403 | 3.55384 | false | false | false | 0.598552 | 0.605267 | 0.680943 | 958 | low | 0.628254 |
959 | dd88wz3 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,046,644 | 1,486,025,044 | I've been told to kill myself, but nothing else that bad. | Crazy_Cat_Gentleman | t1_dd85kfg | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | #ImWithHer | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,science,worldnews,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,MMA,europe,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,videos,AskWomen,sex,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,food,india,books,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,space,conspiracy,soccerstreams,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,me_irl,IAmA,television,jailbreak, | 57 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.082091 | 3.090675 | 2.977117 | true | false | false | 0.592877 | 0.645367 | 0.50429 | 959 | low | 0.580845 |
960 | dd88w5j | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,046,582 | 1,486,024,982 | AussieJimboLives | t3_5rjbup | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 5 | t3_5rjbup | false | Сделать Россию Гей Снова | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,worldnews,news,TwoXChromosomes,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,books,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,spacex,IAmA,television,dataisbeautiful,NeutralPolitics, | 51 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.087335 | 3.039402 | 2.956483 | true | false | false | 0.594204 | 0.630497 | 0.49797 | 960 | low | 0.574224 |
963 | dd88fj3 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,045,349 | 1,486,023,749 | Wonder how it feels to be 10 years old have all the cameras in the world on you and get made fun of by lowlife scum. But I must admit that's pretty awful. | Utaste | t1_dd8470w | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,explainlikeimfive,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,funny,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,Showerthoughts,Incels,gifs,food,nba,Christianity,2007scape,Overwatch,changemyview,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,DestinyTheGame,television,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 55 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.657846 | 2.728836 | 2.622503 | false | false | false | 0.485545 | 0.54043 | 0.395671 | 963 | low | 0.473882 |
964 | dd88e63 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,045,251 | 1,486,023,651 | Sadly mostly a losing battle on this sub. A lot of nice people but still way too much cult like worship of the Clintons. | Danvaser | t1_dd85rm8 | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5r7swu | false | Out of Many, One | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,science,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,nosleep,CFB,pics,pokemongo,nfl,GlobalOffensiveTrade,food,pokemon,soccerstreams,me_irl,television,jailbreak, | 21 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.171021 | 2.924076 | 2.714481 | true | false | false | 0.615376 | 0.597052 | 0.423844 | 964 | low | 0.545424 |
965 | dd889tm | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,044,941 | 1,486,023,341 | Damnit, I love Kander so much. I'm glad to share a state with him. | DundahMifflin | t3_5rl4x8 | 8 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5rl4x8 | false | Facts are Not Insults | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,news,relationships,gonewild,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,funny,MMA,europe,legaladvice,GlobalOffensiveTrade,OutOfTheLoop,Incels,gifs,depression,philosophy,nba,anime,Overwatch,tifu,space,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,IAmA, | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.235439 | 3.661525 | 3.220068 | true | false | false | 0.631673 | 0.81092 | 0.578707 | 965 | medium | 0.673767 |
966 | dd8880o | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,044,820 | 1,486,023,220 | I'm gonna buy the fuck out of this. | DundahMifflin | t3_5rg6lp | 7 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5rg6lp | false | Facts are Not Insults | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,videos,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,food,movies,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,2007scape,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,canada,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 81 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.7337 | 2.511645 | 2.745728 | false | false | false | 0.251741 | 0.477443 | 0.433415 | 966 | medium | 0.387533 |
967 | dd887ss | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,044,805 | 1,486,023,205 | I wonder if she likes these types of reactions or if she would just appreciate being left to enjoy a night at a show like any human being. Maybe I'm just grumpy right now lol. At first, all of these videos of people cheering for her when she goes to Broadway shows made me glad to see people showing her love, but now my reaction is more, "Ugh, not again. Just let her be a person going to a show." That said, I love how the chant is always Hillary, Hillary, Hillary and not for Bill. She's going down in history as more famous than him. :D | I_Spy_Deplorables | t3_5rl886 | 56 | 0 | hillaryclinton | orange | 0 | t3_5rl886 | false | Enough | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,worldnews,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,GlobalOffensive,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,gifs,food,books,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,2007scape,tifu,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,wow,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,GetMotivated,jailbreak, | 43 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3.304944 | 3.015569 | 2.626589 | true | true | true | 0.649258 | 0.623586 | 0.396922 | 967 | high | 0.556589 |
969 | dd87rin | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,043,688 | 1,486,022,088 | the US house would give him a base of national politics. he was a state representative but a national scale is different. so it'd be a good thing for him to run for the house | kittehgoesmeow | t1_dd87fz3 | 9 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rl4x8 | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,science,news,gonewild,AskHistorians,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,Futurology,SandersForPresident,pokemontrades,legaladvice,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,UpliftingNews,hiphopheads,philosophy,anime,fantasyfootball,socialism,soccerstreams,creepyPMs,spacex,NeutralPolitics, | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.482855 | 3.244227 | 3.060888 | true | false | false | 0.694268 | 0.689899 | 0.52995 | 969 | medium | 0.638039 |
970 | dd87jxv | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,043,187 | 1,486,021,587 | What were the realistic alternatives if we were able to successfully block Tillerson? Was Romney still on the table? I understand that we let Ben Carson through because, as inadequate as Dr. Carson is for the job he was nominated for, the alternatives were considerably worse. | _GameSHARK | t3_5ri900 | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5ri900 | false | Oklahoma | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | relationships,gonewild,hillaryclinton,photoshopbattles,nosleep,EnoughTrumpSpam,AskWomen,LateStageCapitalism,books,SuicideWatch, | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.411102 | 3.027337 | 2.886573 | true | false | false | 0.676115 | 0.626998 | 0.476556 | 970 | low | 0.593223 |
971 | dd87i9h | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,043,075 | 1,486,021,475 | I think your right, we can't be the capitulation party just because we love this country. If we are, the wrong policies will win. Sadly, I think the only thing the Republicans understand Is force. Let's show them we can piss father. MAKE them fucking take notice. Especially after they changed the Senate rules on confirmation! What do we do when hate makes its way into American politics? STAND UP FIGHT BACK! | pi_e_phi | t1_dd6jfj3 | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rdpu8 | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,news,relationships,askscience,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,food,books,depression,philosophy,Christianity,changemyview,CanadaPolitics,OldSchoolCool,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 38 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.280152 | 3.290044 | 3.463107 | true | false | false | 0.389991 | 0.703186 | 0.653151 | 971 | low | 0.582109 |
973 | dd87h0e | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,042,990 | 1,486,021,390 | Sensationalist nonsense. It's good to be aware of potential problems, but the contents of the article do not reflect its title. I dislike Trump as much as anyone here, but half-lies aren't constructive. | _GameSHARK | t3_5rl3b1 | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rl3b1 | false | Oklahoma | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,photoshopbattles,nosleep,books,ShitRedditSays,creepyPMs,me_irl, | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.565619 | 2.441734 | 2.140828 | false | false | false | 0.462212 | 0.457168 | 0.248132 | 973 | low | 0.389171 |
974 | dd87gva | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,042,980 | 1,486,021,380 | It's impossible to hate this man. Probably one of the few good things to come out of my city. | senntenial | t3_5rgalr | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rgalr | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,news,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,askscience,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,europe,nfl,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,OutOfTheLoop,food,pokemon,philosophy,changemyview,space,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,wow,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,DestinyTheGame, | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.177634 | 3.126406 | 2.651457 | true | false | false | 0.617049 | 0.65573 | 0.40454 | 974 | low | 0.559106 |
975 | dd87fz3 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,042,924 | 1,486,021,324 | Jason's going to run for president someday, and I think it'll be sooner rather than later. | c0ckatoo | t1_dd874x5 | 13 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rl4x8 | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,news,relationships,gonewild,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,nosleep,CFB,MMA,europe,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,videos,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,gifs,food,depression,pokemon,fantasyfootball,changemyview,nottheonion,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,LifeProTips,me_irl,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.328083 | 3.156517 | 2.960595 | true | false | false | 0.655112 | 0.664462 | 0.49923 | 975 | medium | 0.606268 |
976 | dd87egh | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,042,821 | 1,486,021,221 | Can't wait to watch it! She always gives a great speech, and this one, at this place, I'm excite. | pi_e_phi | t3_5rhg6w | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rhg6w | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,science,news,explainlikeimfive,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pics,Futurology,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,history,GlobalOffensiveTrade,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,Incels,food,books,hiphopheads,philosophy,Overwatch,changemyview,space,conspiracy,canada,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,SuicideWatch,technology,TheSilphRoad,spacex,IAmA,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 47 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.50374 | 3.732325 | 3.62692 | true | false | false | 0.699552 | 0.831452 | 0.703327 | 976 | low | 0.744777 |
978 | dd87bny | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,042,637 | 1,486,021,037 | What do they mean by "on notice"? On notice for what? I was under the impression that Iran was legitimately only using nuclear material for power plants at this point. | _GameSHARK | t3_5ri8cx | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5ri8cx | false | Oklahoma | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,Games,personalfinance,CFB,pics,pokemongo,food,depression,philosophy,SuicideWatch,me_irl, | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.324226 | 2.890836 | 2.666275 | true | false | false | 0.654136 | 0.587412 | 0.409078 | 978 | low | 0.550209 |
979 | dd87bjk | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,042,629 | 1,486,021,029 | Hill yes!!! | pi_e_phi | t3_5ri7ep | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5ri7ep | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,worldnews,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pics,pokemongo,Futurology,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,pokemontrades,history,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,Android,UpliftingNews,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,philosophy,Christianity,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,canada,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,technology,spacex,IAmA,dataisbeautiful,NeutralPolitics, | 47 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.338595 | 3.372561 | 3.902135 | true | false | false | 0.657771 | 0.727117 | 0.787627 | 979 | low | 0.724172 |
980 | dd879x9 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,042,525 | 1,486,020,925 | Honestly, a majority of our politicians could be described as "hawkish." Our country has a sometimes too-friendly relationship with the corporations that provide our armor and materiel, and for a long time we were basically the muscles behind the UN's fists. | _GameSHARK | t1_dd7klh6 | 4 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5ri8cx | false | Oklahoma | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,explainlikeimfive,relationships,gonewild,AskHistorians,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,funny,gaming,food,movies,philosophy,anime, | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.27349 | 2.780266 | 2.563323 | true | false | false | 0.6413 | 0.555345 | 0.377544 | 980 | low | 0.52473 |
981 | dd876r4 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,042,319 | 1,486,020,719 | They got even more love inside :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIFvIuRBIbk | cmonshoe | t1_dd86t0v | 32 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rl886 | false | Woof! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,news,relationships,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,Futurology,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,philosophy,changemyview,space,conspiracy,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,spacex,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.158342 | 3.453 | 3.187305 | true | false | false | 0.612168 | 0.750445 | 0.568672 | 981 | high | 0.643762 |
982 | dd8762e | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,042,274 | 1,486,020,674 | I don't think my reaction would be quite so noisy but I'd be really happy to see them, too. In spite of whatever flaws they have as people or as politicians, I feel like the Clintons represent the best part of our people and our country. | _GameSHARK | t3_5rl886 | 44 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rl886 | false | Oklahoma | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,gonewild,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,funny,gaming,gifs,food, | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.611255 | 3.478403 | 3.076671 | true | false | false | 0.726753 | 0.757812 | 0.534784 | 982 | high | 0.673116 |
983 | dd874x5 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,042,197 | 1,486,020,597 | i really do hope he runs for the House. set him up to face Blunt again in the future or to run for the governorship in the future | kittehgoesmeow | t3_5rl4x8 | 23 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rl4x8 | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,TwoXChromosomes,syriancivilwar,pics,europe,videos,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,anime,fantasyfootball, | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.306034 | 3.159637 | 3.144608 | true | false | false | 0.649534 | 0.665367 | 0.555593 | 983 | high | 0.623498 |
984 | dd86t0v | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,041,449 | 1,486,019,849 | These always make me happy. I hope she's doing alright. I'm glad there are people around to shower her with kindness and support. | eggpl4nt | t3_5rl886 | 76 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rl886 | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,news,relationships,gonewild,AskHistorians,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,CFB,pokemongo,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,history,videos,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,Android,OutOfTheLoop,food,philosophy,nba,2007scape,space,socialism,CanadaPolitics,gameofthrones,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,me_irl,IAmA,dataisbeautiful,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 36 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.955349 | 3.955582 | 3.650348 | true | false | false | 0.813807 | 0.896199 | 0.710503 | 984 | high | 0.806836 |
985 | dd86nms | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,041,123 | 1,486,019,523 | Maybe it's actually a teenager in Macedonia. | plink_plonk | t1_dd83yn9 | 7 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | I'm not giving up, and neither should you | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,news,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,pcmasterrace,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,legaladvice,sex,Incels,gifs,food,books,philosophy,anime,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,spacex,dataisbeautiful,NSFW_GIF,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.181865 | 2.892378 | 2.841259 | true | false | false | 0.618119 | 0.587859 | 0.462676 | 985 | medium | 0.556218 |
986 | dd86hjg | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,040,749 | 1,486,019,149 | Damn, the protocol office at the state department must be having a collective apoplexy right now. | dolphins3 | t3_5rjwxf | 8 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rjwxf | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,news,askscience,Games,syriancivilwar,europe,history,AskWomen,gaming,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,Incels,books,hiphopheads,nba,2007scape,canada,CanadaPolitics,technology,spacex,PurplePillDebate, | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.809939 | 2.798365 | 2.669188 | false | false | false | 0.524024 | 0.560594 | 0.409971 | 986 | medium | 0.498196 |
987 | dd868kh | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,040,218 | 1,486,018,618 | Stupidly, I thought maybe I'd give him a chance. Make the best out of a bad situation, you know? I gave him one shot. He blew it long before the presidency with the Bannon pick. | myst_aura | t1_dd84d3f | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,CFB,pcmasterrace,funny,GlobalOffensive,legaladvice,AskWomen,gaming,gifs,depression,ShitRedditSays,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,technology,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,dataisbeautiful,NeutralPolitics, | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.089536 | 3.024536 | 2.73536 | true | false | false | 0.594761 | 0.626186 | 0.430239 | 987 | low | 0.550395 |
988 | dd866gh | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,040,092 | 1,486,018,492 | Hmm. Well mostly this stuff, political activism. Also, theatre, hockey, fitness, and pop punk I guess. I've loved your posts here and in ESS for a long time. What is Steven Universe like/about? I've been wanting to get into it. Sorry to hear they keep pushing back the episodes. | Darclite | t1_dd85wui | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Don't Boo, Vote! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,nosleep,CFB,pics,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,videos,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,food,movies,india,depression,pokemon,philosophy,nba,changemyview,canada,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,creepyPMs,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.573447 | 3.370231 | 3.012748 | true | false | false | 0.717188 | 0.726441 | 0.515204 | 988 | low | 0.652944 |
989 | dd865g3 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,040,035 | 1,486,018,435 | Except Michael Scott isn't an evil, self-service sociopath, and does actually know the basics of his job. | dolphins3 | t3_5rl4x8 | 19 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rl4x8 | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,Games,photoshopbattles,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,MMA,pokemontrades,legaladvice,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,Android,UpliftingNews,food,depression,Christianity,2007scape,soccerstreams,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,wow,TheSilphRoad,DestinyTheGame,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.90815 | 2.625364 | 2.436048 | false | false | false | 0.548871 | 0.510422 | 0.338559 | 989 | medium | 0.465951 |
990 | dd864ej | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,039,974 | 1,486,018,374 | What's the site? | mozumder | t1_dd85vg6 | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,news,TwoXChromosomes,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,aww,syriancivilwar,pics,funny,Futurology,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,depression,hiphopheads,anime,changemyview,space,CanadaPolitics,SuicideWatch,technology,spacex,dataisbeautiful,NeutralPolitics, | 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.248527 | 3.078713 | 3.008031 | true | false | false | 0.634984 | 0.641898 | 0.513759 | 990 | low | 0.596881 |
991 | dd85wui | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,039,536 | 1,486,017,936 | Oh ok. Mmmmm I was wondering what are u into. Lately I am really into Steven Universe and there are some new episodes coming out. But lately CN has really sucked and they keep moving the episode dates away! | ghostunit777 | t1_dd85tif | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Deal Me In! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,science,worldnews,AskHistorians,Games,aww,CFB,SandersForPresident,nfl,legaladvice,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,food,movies,pokemon,philosophy,nba,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,me_irl,television,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 27 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.517708 | 3.365139 | 3.356285 | true | false | false | 0.703086 | 0.724965 | 0.620431 | 991 | low | 0.682827 |
992 | dd85vg6 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,039,460 | 1,486,017,860 | Well I told him my name and the school I go to and that it was just the worst. He really seemed very friendly and I really was into making new friends. But now I don't know if I will be making friends here anymore | ghostunit777 | t1_dd85rxv | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Deal Me In! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | explainlikeimfive,hillaryclinton,askscience,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,funny,gaming,books,philosophy,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl, | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.547619 | 3.50981 | 3.155092 | true | false | false | 0.710653 | 0.766921 | 0.558805 | 992 | low | 0.678793 |
993 | dd85u22 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,046,586 | 1,486,017,786 | I am not sure sixty something year olds can make healthy babies. So maybe that's a problem with Drumpf and this kid | ghostunit777 | t1_dd85fgp | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | true | Deal Me In! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,Incels,gifs,food,depression,pokemon,philosophy,anime,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,space,ShitRedditSays,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,wow,LifeProTips,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,asoiaf,jailbreak, | 47 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.233844 | 2.980867 | 2.612041 | false | false | false | 0.63127 | 0.613522 | 0.392466 | 993 | low | 0.545753 |
994 | dd85tif | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,039,356 | 1,486,017,756 | I will be | Darclite | t1_dd843vb | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Don't Boo, Vote! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,worldnews,explainlikeimfive,hillaryclinton,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,photoshopbattles,pcmasterrace,pics,funny,europe,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,whatisthisthing,DIY,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,food,books,philosophy,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,space,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,wow,spacex,me_irl,dataisbeautiful,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.215368 | 3.24192 | 3.25906 | true | false | false | 0.626595 | 0.68923 | 0.590651 | 994 | low | 0.635492 |
995 | dd85tb8 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,039,344 | 1,486,017,744 | The Daily Show did brilliant Office parodies of the Trump campaign, it worked really well. | Camaro6460 | t3_5rl4x8 | 9 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rl4x8 | false | Canada | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,science,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,Games,sex,changemyview,soccerstreams,spacex, | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.520343 | 3.316079 | 3.221356 | true | false | false | 0.703752 | 0.710737 | 0.579102 | 995 | medium | 0.66453 |
996 | dd85rxv | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,039,265 | 1,486,017,665 | You have any personal information on here? That could be a problem. Otherwise it's probably nothing. But otherwise it's probably just a troll trying to threaten people into not being vocal about their political support. Berniebros sending death threats during the primary was practically routine. That being said, report it to the admins. | Darclite | t1_dd85fwv | 6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Don't Boo, Vote! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,news,AskHistorians,Games,CFB,pokemongo,funny,nfl,AskWomen,gaming,Showerthoughts,gifs,food,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,anime,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,LifeProTips,me_irl,GetMotivated, | 23 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.114895 | 2.77576 | 2.647252 | true | false | false | 0.601176 | 0.554039 | 0.403252 | 996 | medium | 0.519489 |
997 | dd85rm8 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,039,247 | 1,486,017,647 | HIt them with the facts my dude | PhilippeCoutinho | t1_dd5m1rk | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5r7swu | false | Bernie Shill | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pokemongo,funny,MMA,europe,nfl,history,videos,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,UpliftingNews,depression,nba,Christianity,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,LifeProTips,technology,me_irl,dataisbeautiful, | 43 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.793498 | 3.039853 | 2.896652 | true | false | false | 0.519865 | 0.630628 | 0.479644 | 997 | low | 0.543379 |
998 | dd85ozk | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,039,095 | 1,486,017,495 | It was an operation that Obama passed on and probably for good reason. | CisternaChyli | t1_dd847la | 4 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | California | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,relationships,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,sex,UpliftingNews,food,depression,nba,Christianity,changemyview,SuicideWatch,me_irl,NeutralPolitics, | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.416149 | 3.22701 | 2.961218 | true | false | false | 0.677392 | 0.684906 | 0.49942 | 998 | low | 0.620573 |
999 | dd85kfg | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,038,841 | 1,486,017,241 | I haven't gotten any hate mail, but I'm not a super frequent contributor. I kinda feel left out. | ccolfax | t1_dd84t63 | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Moderates For Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,worldnews,hillaryclinton,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,nosleep,pcmasterrace,funny,Futurology,SandersForPresident,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,history,sex,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,books,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,Christianity,anime,changemyview,space,socialism,CanadaPolitics,gameofthrones,TheSilphRoad,spacex,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.257549 | 2.919124 | 2.765778 | true | false | false | 0.637267 | 0.595616 | 0.439557 | 999 | low | 0.55748 |
1,001 | dd85fwv | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,038,588 | 1,486,016,988 | Guys I just got a pm from the guy who tricked me about the new Hillary friends website. He had told me, look there is a new Hillary friends site. I am on that site, and I have made tons of friends already. So maybe you wanna come over and enjoy. But when I clicked, it was a really bad video that was anti-Hillary. And it made me feel real bad, and I went to school that day with like a ball in my stomach. But right now he send me another pm and I just can't take it. Here it is: "I can't wait to gun down commies like you. The next empire is coming soon." He changed his name to KILLTHELEFT. Now I am even scared and I just can't take it. I am afraid if he is someone at school and if he tries to kill me? EDIT: I got to the computer to make it into an image so u believe me and here it is: http://imgur.com/a/8yuWv EDIT: also, colfax has sent me a pm telling me he will be friends w me | ghostunit777 | t3_5rjbup | 4 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Deal Me In! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,explainlikeimfive,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,MMA,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,anime,changemyview,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.156721 | 3.059461 | 2.833652 | true | false | false | 0.611758 | 0.636315 | 0.460347 | 1,001 | low | 0.569473 |
1,003 | dd856rj | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,038,095 | 1,486,016,495 | Mmmmm ok but I was wondering if u wanna be official friends | ghostunit777 | t1_dd84eqy | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Deal Me In! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,relationships,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,Games,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,pics,funny,MMA,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,Showerthoughts,DIY,UpliftingNews,food,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,anime,fantasyfootball,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,OldSchoolCool,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,SubredditDrama,hearthstone,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 51 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.621073 | 3.402328 | 3.18863 | true | false | false | 0.729237 | 0.73575 | 0.569077 | 1,003 | low | 0.678021 |
1,004 | dd84ujz | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,037,454 | 1,486,015,854 | Nope! | reader313 | t1_dd84tj9 | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Jews for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,science,worldnews,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pics,funny,Futurology,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,history,videos,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,food,india,books,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,space,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,LifeProTips,technology,spacex,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 52 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.080384 | 2.601085 | 2.288712 | true | false | false | 0.592445 | 0.503381 | 0.29343 | 1,004 | low | 0.463085 |
1,005 | dd84tj9 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,037,399 | 1,486,015,799 | Does the song have to be politics related? If not this song is very calming; a peaceful start to the day: https://open.spotify.com/track/79K6qUL4AmIgMOjXPNmq1Z | catnipcatnip | t1_dd81mox | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Texas | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,worldnews,explainlikeimfive,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,nosleep,CFB,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,OutOfTheLoop,food,books,depression,space,SuicideWatch,wow,TheSilphRoad,NeutralPolitics, | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.288589 | 3.028803 | 2.759537 | true | false | false | 0.64512 | 0.627424 | 0.437645 | 1,005 | low | 0.570063 |
1,006 | dd84t63 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,037,382 | 1,486,015,782 | Sadly being a Hillary supporter on reddit means you're bound to get another horrible message. Those fucks need to be exposed. There's a reason they pm and not reply to a comment with their crap. | catnipcatnip | t1_dd831gg | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Texas | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,MMA,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,gifs,food,movies,india,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,2007scape,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,television,GetMotivated,asoiaf,jailbreak, | 81 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.64088 | 2.280146 | 2.40984 | false | false | false | 0.228258 | 0.410305 | 0.330531 | 1,006 | low | 0.323032 |
1,007 | dd84t4o | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,037,379 | 1,486,015,779 | She really seems miserable about this entire experience. | 2rio2 | t1_dd84oz3 | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,hillaryclinton,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,photoshopbattles,nosleep,pcmasterrace,Futurology,MMA,EnoughTrumpSpam,pokemontrades,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,Incels,food,india,pokemon,tifu,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.234157 | 2.984177 | 2.71059 | true | false | false | 0.631349 | 0.614482 | 0.422652 | 1,007 | low | 0.556161 |
1,009 | dd84rvh | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,037,315 | 1,486,015,715 | Countdown until The Biden Foundation is accused of being a money laundering, power-buying scheme? | TheExtremistModerate | t3_5rgalr | 6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rgalr | false | Moderates For Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,nfl,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,UpliftingNews,food,movies,books,pokemon,nba,Christianity,anime,Overwatch,changemyview,space,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,creepyPMs,wow,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 59 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.011376 | 2.859347 | 2.78875 | true | false | false | 0.574987 | 0.57828 | 0.446593 | 1,009 | medium | 0.533286 |
1,011 | dd84po7 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,037,197 | 1,486,015,597 | Collins won't be voted out. She's extremely popular in Maine. Not sure about Murkowski. | Juli87 | t1_dd83yn9 | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Grit and Grace | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,AskHistorians,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pics,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,MMA,europe,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,gifs,pokemon,philosophy,nba,fantasyfootball,space,CanadaPolitics,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,technology,hearthstone,dataisbeautiful,GetMotivated, | 39 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.288755 | 2.826947 | 2.463532 | true | false | false | 0.645162 | 0.568883 | 0.346978 | 1,011 | low | 0.520341 |
1,012 | dd84oz3 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,037,160 | 1,486,015,560 | aww I feel bad for Melania. | Juli87 | t1_dd8470w | 6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Grit and Grace | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,science,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pics,funny,Futurology,SandersForPresident,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,videos,sex,gaming,whatisthisthing,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,food,depression,philosophy,Christianity,2007scape,fantasyfootball,tifu,changemyview,space,socialism,soccerstreams,nottheonion,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,wow,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 60 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.239121 | 3.029673 | 3.316086 | true | false | false | 0.632605 | 0.627676 | 0.608118 | 1,012 | medium | 0.622799 |
1,013 | dd84ne6 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,037,081 | 1,486,015,481 | It's hard out there for a politician. Every republican is expected to fall in line, or they get primaried. Every democrat is supposed to block everything or THEY get primaried. This is why the 2 party system is insane. Everything reduced to binary right and wrong and good and evil. Makes everyone dumber. | Danvaser | t1_dd83yn9 | 6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Out of Many, One | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,news,relationships,hillaryclinton,askscience,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,nosleep,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,DIY,depression,philosophy,nba,Christianity,fantasyfootball,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,TheSilphRoad,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics, | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.944952 | 2.691089 | 2.502322 | false | false | false | 0.558182 | 0.529483 | 0.358859 | 1,013 | medium | 0.482175 |
1,014 | dd84kxk | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,036,953 | 1,486,015,353 | So glad to hear that altright was banned. I've only visited it once, and I'm still shocked at what I read. | cxntworthy | t3_5rjbup | 4 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | I Believe In Science! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,worldnews,TwoXChromosomes,askscience,Games,me_irl, | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.788407 | 3.623757 | 3.74613 | true | false | false | 0.771571 | 0.799966 | 0.739842 | 1,014 | low | 0.77046 |
1,015 | dd84h6n | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,036,764 | 1,486,015,164 | I followed the campus protests a bunch, and Milo seemed to pop up. I have a feeling it was one of those things where he started out as an average troll, and had to keep upping the ante to get attention. Either way, yeah, if people just didn't show up or ignored him I think it would be better. | AATRWY | t1_dd848kn | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Whatever You Do, You Need Courage | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,news,AskHistorians,GlobalOffensiveTrade,me_irl, | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.443087 | 3.277157 | 3.24091 | true | false | false | 0.684207 | 0.699449 | 0.585091 | 1,015 | low | 0.656249 |
1,016 | dd84g4d | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,036,711 | 1,486,015,111 | 11 hour hearings | heartlocked | t1_dd847la | 6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | We Will Rise | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,pokemongo,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,history,gaming,whatisthisthing,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,india,depression,hiphopheads,philosophy,Christianity,anime,changemyview,space,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,hearthstone,spacex,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,NSFW_GIF,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 44 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.170428 | 3.020161 | 2.792571 | true | false | false | 0.615226 | 0.624917 | 0.447763 | 1,016 | medium | 0.562635 |
1,017 | dd84eqy | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,036,643 | 1,486,015,043 | We're all your friends here. | Integritywaiting | t1_dd843vb | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,news,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,GlobalOffensive,SandersForPresident,MMA,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,food,india,books,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 78 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.142223 | 3.369093 | 2.93856 | true | false | false | 0.60809 | 0.726111 | 0.49248 | 1,017 | low | 0.608894 |
1,018 | dd84d3f | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,036,560 | 1,486,014,960 | I went into this with extremely low expectations for Donald Trump and he has failed to even meet those yet. | pittpanthers95 | t1_dd80pfx | 11 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,science,news,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,aww,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pics,funny,GlobalOffensive,SandersForPresident,europe,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,atheism,UpliftingNews,food,books,Christianity,anime,Overwatch,space,socialism,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,technology,TheSilphRoad,me_irl,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.282174 | 3.026595 | 2.836375 | true | false | false | 0.643497 | 0.626783 | 0.461181 | 1,018 | medium | 0.577154 |
1,019 | dd84b0m | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,036,460 | 1,486,014,860 | I got some in the immediate aftermath of the election, people sending me screenshots of comments I made on this sub and other subs. | pittpanthers95 | t1_dd82uvp | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,history,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,Incels,food,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,tifu,changemyview,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 71 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.311311 | 3.247526 | 3.088206 | true | false | false | 0.650869 | 0.690855 | 0.538317 | 1,019 | low | 0.62668 |
1,020 | dd848kn | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,036,340 | 1,486,014,740 | Milo was invited to speak at my alma meter pre-election and to be honest, had it not been a couple of Trump supporters defacing our campus, I would never have even known who he was. I didn't find out about his appearance until after the event and from what I gathered, nobody outside of the College Republicans who invited him, knew that he was even there. To my knowledge, there weren't such large scale protests or riots before the election nationwide. I get why things have boiled over; emotions are high and Milo is a particularly awful kind of troll. I just really wish that this didn't happen. It's not a good image and it doesn't help the resistance movement. My libertarian family members, who have made no secret of their hatred towards Trump, are now busy calling the students "liberal punks". | freevantage | t1_dd81ozt | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | I Believe In Science! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,relationships,askscience,leagueoflegends,CFB,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,Showerthoughts,food,nba,soccerstreams,TheSilphRoad,me_irl, | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.332109 | 3.167891 | 2.919592 | true | false | false | 0.65613 | 0.667761 | 0.48667 | 1,020 | low | 0.60352 |
1,022 | dd847la | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,036,291 | 1,486,014,691 | https://mobile.twitter.com/SimonMaloy/status/827001774431203328/photo/1 Us military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate background information. I hope the press and Dems are all over this. I think we need at least 2 years of investigations. | Integritywaiting | t3_5rjbup | 12 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,news,relationships,gonewild,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,CFB,pcmasterrace,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,nfl,legaladvice,history,GlobalOffensiveTrade,Showerthoughts,food,books,philosophy,nba,anime,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,technology,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,NeutralPolitics, | 34 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.295483 | 3.11413 | 2.797267 | true | false | false | 0.646864 | 0.652169 | 0.449202 | 1,022 | medium | 0.582745 |
1,023 | dd847f9 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,036,282 | 1,486,014,682 | God, this news cheered me the f*ck up. I was actually thinking today that she should make a documentary re: election, release on TV, and win an Emmy | denn_r | t3_5rg6lp | 6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5rg6lp | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,explainlikeimfive,gonewild,leagueoflegends,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,CFB,pics,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,europe,nfl,legaladvice,AskWomen,sex,gaming,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,food,books,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,2007scape,tifu,changemyview,space,socialism,SuicideWatch,wow,technology,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 43 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.931207 | 3.276552 | 2.962443 | true | false | false | 0.554704 | 0.699273 | 0.499796 | 1,023 | medium | 0.584591 |
1,024 | dd8470w | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,043,462 | 1,486,014,662 | https://i.imgur.com/3vTGgzE.gifv Lol. I missed this one. | Chim7 | t3_5rjbup | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | trans | 0 | t3_5rjbup | true | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,explainlikeimfive,relationships,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,Futurology,SandersForPresident,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,history,videos,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,Android,OutOfTheLoop,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,anime,fantasyfootball,tifu,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 55 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3.224215 | 3.185553 | 3.087336 | false | false | false | 0.628834 | 0.672883 | 0.538051 | 1,024 | low | 0.613256 |
1,025 | dd843vb | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,036,107 | 1,486,014,507 | Thank you. I was wondering if you wanna be Hillary friends w me | ghostunit777 | t1_dd83u8u | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Deal Me In! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,relationships,hillaryclinton,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,MMA,nfl,pokemontrades,legaladvice,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,Incels,movies,books,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 47 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4.261453 | 3.556062 | 3.216379 | true | true | true | 0.891249 | 0.780334 | 0.577577 | 1,025 | low | 0.74972 |
1,026 | dd83zgd | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,035,894 | 1,486,014,294 | pls print. | jersephsmerth | t3_5rg6lp | 7 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rg6lp | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,news,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pics,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,MMA,europe,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,food,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,philosophy,Christianity,anime,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,spacex,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 64 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.124296 | 3.048829 | 2.991398 | true | false | false | 0.603555 | 0.633231 | 0.508665 | 1,026 | medium | 0.581817 |
1,027 | dd83yn9 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,035,857 | 1,486,014,257 | There's this GOP twitter account that is telling people to vote out Collins and Murkowski in 2018 for voting against DeVos. Collins isn't up for reelection until 2020, Murkowski is 2022. | dam_3 | t3_5rjbup | 4 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,news,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,leagueoflegends,Games,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,funny,GlobalOffensive,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,atheism,food,movies,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,nba,anime,soccerstreams,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,television,GetMotivated,asoiaf,jailbreak, | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.144671 | 2.946172 | 2.751518 | true | false | false | 0.608709 | 0.60346 | 0.435189 | 1,027 | low | 0.549119 |
1,028 | dd83u8u | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,035,645 | 1,486,014,045 | Awww, how cruel. Just like their leader :( | Integritywaiting | t1_dd83m0a | 7 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pics,pokemongo,funny,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,legaladvice,videos,sex,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,food,movies,india,depression,pokemon,philosophy,Christianity,2007scape,Overwatch,changemyview,space,conspiracy,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 67 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.814953 | 2.708886 | 2.864212 | false | false | false | 0.525293 | 0.534644 | 0.469707 | 1,028 | medium | 0.509881 |
1,030 | dd83og4 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,035,372 | 1,486,013,772 | Meh. I'm not into playing nice, lately | ghostunit777 | t1_dd816mx | 6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Deal Me In! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,relationships,gonewild,hillaryclinton,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,pcmasterrace,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,food,india,pokemon,Overwatch,space,nottheonion,gameofthrones,wow,LifeProTips,TheSilphRoad,spacex,NeutralPolitics, | 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.142847 | 2.868443 | 2.802889 | true | false | false | 0.608248 | 0.580918 | 0.450924 | 1,030 | medium | 0.546696 |
1,031 | dd83m0a | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,035,257 | 1,486,013,657 | Well, I got one telling me there was another website where I could find more Hillary friends and that I could find new friends there. And when I clicked, it was a very bad anti-Hillary video. And at school, my teacher even asked me, what's wrong. Because I was shocked and I hated it | ghostunit777 | t1_dd82uvp | 6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Deal Me In! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,science,news,askscience,AskHistorians,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,EnoughTrumpSpam,history,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,philosophy,anime, | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.190275 | 3.00081 | 2.854321 | true | false | false | 0.620247 | 0.619305 | 0.466678 | 1,031 | medium | 0.568743 |
1,032 | dd83gyv | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,035,026 | 1,486,013,426 | Part of it had a sexual context. That's what creeped me out. | Integritywaiting | t1_dd83awb | 6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,science,news,relationships,gonewild,askscience,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,Futurology,europe,nfl,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,gifs,food,pokemon,nba,fantasyfootball,changemyview,canada,SuicideWatch,spacex,NeutralPolitics, | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.239276 | 3.083184 | 3.013171 | true | false | false | 0.632644 | 0.643195 | 0.515334 | 1,032 | medium | 0.597057 |
1,033 | dd83awb | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,034,756 | 1,486,013,156 | I get hateful messages about every week or so but I don't know about creepy. | Chim7 | t1_dd82uvp | 4 | 0 | hillaryclinton | trans | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,worldnews,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,pics,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,nfl,DIY,hiphopheads,nba,Christianity,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,canada,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,LifeProTips,spacex,me_irl,television,asoiaf,jailbreak, | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.012757 | 3.020446 | 2.866426 | true | false | false | 0.575336 | 0.625 | 0.470385 | 1,033 | low | 0.556907 |
1,034 | dd8388i | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,034,639 | 1,486,013,039 | Seriously. I wouldn't mind Bernie weighing in if he actually joined the fucking party but until then I'm not that interested in who he wants to chair the DNC. | klm550 | t1_dd7tm87 | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,worldnews,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,leagueoflegends,personalfinance,aww,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,pokemontrades,history,AskWomen,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,Android,UpliftingNews,books,depression,Christianity,anime,soccerstreams,wow,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,television,jailbreak, | 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.413897 | 2.950586 | 2.617311 | false | false | false | 0.423828 | 0.60474 | 0.39408 | 1,034 | low | 0.474216 |
1,035 | dd834l2 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,034,478 | 1,486,012,878 | Yea... I'd buy that actually | megavega11 | t1_dd7sem0 | 11 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rg6lp | false | #ImWithHer | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,CFB,Futurology,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,gaming,whatisthisthing,Incels,food,depression,2007scape,conspiracy,technology,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.401682 | 3.430571 | 3.538024 | true | false | false | 0.673732 | 0.743941 | 0.676098 | 1,035 | medium | 0.697924 |
1,036 | dd8334i | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,034,415 | 1,486,012,815 | I didn't think about a book tour! Oooh, I hope so. | I_Spy_Deplorables | t1_dd7hnso | 6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | orange | 0 | t3_5rg6lp | false | Enough | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,explainlikeimfive,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,SandersForPresident,nfl,legaladvice,history,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,food,india,books,hiphopheads,philosophy,nba,anime,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,SubredditDrama,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,television,asoiaf,jailbreak, | 45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.649709 | 3.502948 | 3.429393 | true | false | false | 0.736481 | 0.76493 | 0.642824 | 1,036 | medium | 0.714745 |
1,037 | dd831u3 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,034,359 | 1,486,012,759 | Yeah, I'm not justifying it or promoting it, just saying I'm not shocked by it. | AATRWY | t1_dd82zxn | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Whatever You Do, You Need Courage | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,nosleep,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,sex,books,depression,pokemon,anime,ShitRedditSays,creepyPMs,wow,spacex, | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.327845 | 3.240515 | 3.478528 | true | false | false | 0.655052 | 0.688822 | 0.657874 | 1,037 | low | 0.667249 |
1,038 | dd831gg | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,034,342 | 1,486,012,742 | Damn, I blocked and deleted it. I didn't want to see it again. I will def do that if it happens again. | Integritywaiting | t1_dd82ycu | 7 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,worldnews,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,photoshopbattles,pcmasterrace,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,UpliftingNews,food,movies,Overwatch,gameofthrones,SuicideWatch,spacex,NeutralPolitics, | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.022936 | 3.065234 | 3.009941 | true | false | false | 0.577911 | 0.637989 | 0.514345 | 1,038 | medium | 0.576748 |
1,039 | dd82zxn | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,034,276 | 1,486,012,676 | Yes, I guess it's not surprising. There is a lot of anger in people after this election, that I guess will come out in destructive ways, unfortunately. | Integritywaiting | t1_dd82v6m | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,news,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,CFB,GlobalOffensive,sex,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,food,nba,anime,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,SuicideWatch,TheSilphRoad,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics, | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.493228 | 3.58896 | 3.661905 | true | false | false | 0.696893 | 0.789875 | 0.714043 | 1,039 | low | 0.733604 |
1,040 | dd82ycu | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,034,205 | 1,486,012,605 | Screenshots to shame them please . | catnipcatnip | t1_dd82uvp | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Texas | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,science,worldnews,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,MMA,europe,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,videos,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,movies,india,books,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,2007scape,Overwatch,space,canada,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,NeutralPolitics, | 65 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.39603 | 2.960737 | 2.990108 | true | false | false | 0.672302 | 0.607684 | 0.50827 | 1,040 | low | 0.596085 |
1,041 | dd82w2q | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,034,106 | 1,486,012,506 | Did you read the article? It said it had to do with what's best for their child, nowhere did it say they were getting a divorce. | thudturtle | t1_dd6wbxg | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rfzmf | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,gonewild,AskHistorians,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,MMA,nfl,AskWomen,sex,LateStageCapitalism,UpliftingNews,depression,pokemon,ShitRedditSays,CanadaPolitics,SuicideWatch,TheSilphRoad,spacex,DestinyTheGame, | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.232564 | 2.863074 | 2.549373 | true | false | false | 0.630946 | 0.57936 | 0.373271 | 1,041 | low | 0.527859 |
1,042 | dd82v6m | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,034,068 | 1,486,012,468 | Depends what you mean by mainstream, I suppose, but they're the official Campus Republican group. I have no idea what they're actually like, but Milo has been invited to several campuses by the College Republicans. This is the first I've seen with actual rioting, but they've had a lot of issues with them. Those were all pre-election, so, like I said, I'm not surprised that the response increased in intensity. | AATRWY | t1_dd82kn3 | 4 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Whatever You Do, You Need Courage | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,gonewild,AskHistorians, | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.496035 | 3.020132 | 2.678162 | true | false | false | 0.697603 | 0.624909 | 0.412719 | 1,042 | low | 0.57841 |
1,043 | dd82uvp | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,034,055 | 1,486,012,455 | Has anyone else gotten any personal creepy messages from trumpsters? I just got a really sick one. | Integritywaiting | t3_5rjbup | 8 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,pcmasterrace,pics,funny,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,pokemontrades,legaladvice,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,food,movies,books,pokemon,philosophy,nba,tifu,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,television,dataisbeautiful,NSFW_GIF,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 56 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.804386 | 2.946401 | 2.885449 | false | false | false | 0.522619 | 0.603526 | 0.476212 | 1,043 | medium | 0.534119 |
1,044 | dd82sgj | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,033,950 | 1,486,012,350 | "...meanwhile, Wahl Street and millionayuhs and billionayuhs..." Good Lord. Cruz was a champion debater. I pray to god he ends up eating another booger or something because otherwise Bernie is in for a trouncing. | imaseacow | t1_dd7xsft | 6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | green | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Hillionaire | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,relationships,gonewild,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pics,Futurology,MMA,nfl,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,gaming,OutOfTheLoop,philosophy,Christianity,anime,2007scape,fantasyfootball,space,canada,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,me_irl,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.055188 | 3.279951 | 3.061031 | true | false | false | 0.586071 | 0.700259 | 0.529994 | 1,044 | medium | 0.605441 |
1,045 | dd82qei | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,033,859 | 1,486,012,259 | Berkeley has a history of being pretty radical since the 60's I guess - protest/alternative trends, let's hope the violence doesn't spread to other campuses etc. | Integritywaiting | t1_dd81ozt | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,BlackPeopleTwitter,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,gifs,food,movies,Christianity,anime,2007scape,canada,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,wow,SubredditDrama,DestinyTheGame,asoiaf, | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.338203 | 2.993807 | 2.868097 | true | false | false | 0.657672 | 0.617274 | 0.470897 | 1,045 | low | 0.581948 |
1,046 | dd82kn3 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,033,612 | 1,486,012,012 | I don't think they were mainstream republicans were they? | Integritywaiting | t1_dd81z87 | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,news,explainlikeimfive,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,funny,nfl,legaladvice,history,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,Android,india,depression,philosophy,changemyview,space,socialism,CanadaPolitics,SuicideWatch,wow,spacex,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.220629 | 2.827286 | 2.46398 | true | false | false | 0.627926 | 0.568982 | 0.347115 | 1,046 | low | 0.514674 |
1,047 | dd82jz6 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,486,033,584 | 1,486,011,984 | I kind of hate this. 1) Cruz is an excellent debater and highly intelligent. He's an ideologue, which blinds him to a lot of practical realities, and he's personally incredibly obnoxious which is why no one in the world likes him, but this type of thing is really in his wheelhouse. Bernie...well, he's smart and has the courage of his convictions but he is not quite at Cruz's intellectual level and debates were not his forte. This is the wrong sort of forum for him. 2) Has everyone forgotten that Bernie spent the primaries running *against* Obamacare? Hillary was the one defending it and saying it needed to be defended & strengthened while Bernie criticized it and called for a different single payer system. Uh, maybe I'm still bitter, but after all that I feel like I'd rather send someone else to defend the ACA. | imaseacow | t1_dd7xbkc | 4 | 0 | hillaryclinton | green | 0 | t3_5rjbup | false | Hillionaire | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,AskHistorians,personalfinance,CFB,pcmasterrace,food,depression,creepyPMs,me_irl,DestinyTheGame, | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.281215 | 2.801816 | 2.617908 | true | false | false | 0.643254 | 0.561595 | 0.394263 | 1,047 | low | 0.533038 |