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d6ev6pu | t5_2u1c9 | 1,471,047,561 | 1,471,025,961 | According to 538, Clinton would have to win the national popular vote by 9.5% to flip South Carolina... SC would actually go blue before Missouri would, believe it or not. | KatiePuss | t1_d6ev31b | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_4xektm | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,worldnews,relationships,AskHistorians,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,pcmasterrace,nfl,legaladvice,history,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,depression,fantasyfootball,OldSchoolCool,me_irl, | 17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.227818 | 2.96855 | 2.711078 | true | false | false | 0.629745 | 0.60995 | 0.422802 | 462,253 | 0 | 0.554166 |
d7zba2h | t5_2u1c9 | 1,474,682,735 | 1,474,661,135 | Because its the best show on teevee since they took the Duggars off the air for being christians. Get'r done! Oh youre right guys, the people whose world view is informed by Duck Dynasty is totally gonna hold him accountable. | OdinsBeard | t1_d7z75st | -5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5464nh | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,news,gonewild,askscience,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,Showerthoughts,DIY,Incels,food,books,depression,philosophy,changemyview,socialism,CanadaPolitics,SuicideWatch,wow,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,me_irl,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 42 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.88879 | 3.685065 | 3.785894 | true | false | false | 0.543973 | 0.817746 | 0.752021 | 358,349 | 0 | 0.70458 |
d5j3fk6 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,469,005,568 | 1,468,983,968 | WHERE'S YOUR CHECK MARK NOW, MILO? | the_vizir | t3_4toyvn | 27 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_4toyvn | false | Canada | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,news,gonewild,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,europe,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,atheism,UpliftingNews,food,india,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,nba,fantasyfootball,tifu,changemyview,space,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 47 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.771311 | 2.76211 | 2.536429 | false | false | false | 0.514251 | 0.55008 | 0.369306 | 548,153 | 1 | 0.477879 |
d8pce59 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,327,675 | 1,476,306,075 | Flake was the guy who said "I've got to mow my lawn" when asked if he was attending the convention. He's been pretty disgusted by Trump from the start. And at the time of the convention, he spoke out against the 'lock her up' chants, which I respected, saying you can disagree with her without thinking she should be in jail. | 198814 | t1_d8p9krb | 22 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_575wd1 | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,relationships,gonewild,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,CFB,pokemongo,nfl,AskWomen,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,food,books,nba,anime,2007scape,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,creepyPMs,spacex,me_irl,jailbreak, | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.200031 | 2.855003 | 2.758735 | true | false | false | 0.622715 | 0.57702 | 0.437399 | 262,579 | 1 | 0.545711 |
d7lickg | t5_2u1c9 | 1,473,821,009 | 1,473,799,409 | "We've had vicious kings, and we've had idiot kings, but I don't know if we've ever been cursed with a vicious idiot king!" | FluffySonya | t1_d7lhz83 | 36 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_52mlvm | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,worldnews,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,food,movies,india,books,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,2007scape,fantasyfootball,tifu,changemyview,conspiracy,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,television,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 66 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.409451 | 2.968811 | 2.762875 | false | false | false | 0.422703 | 0.610025 | 0.438667 | 390,785 | 1 | 0.490465 |
d8c8jt5 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,475,531,802 | 1,475,510,202 | Some hillary supporters (such as myself) are for the TPP so let's not just leave it at "fuck him". | rekirts | t1_d8c1xez | 26 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_55ngzm | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,worldnews,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,aww,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,MMA,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,atheism,pokemon,nba,fantasyfootball,changemyview,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,nottheonion,gameofthrones,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,television,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.314228 | 2.786162 | 2.66745 | false | false | false | 0.398612 | 0.557055 | 0.409438 | 318,536 | 1 | 0.455035 |
db7qfys | t5_2u1c9 | 1,481,795,055 | 1,481,773,455 | That time Trump looked into the camera and asked Russia to hack Hillary doesn't seem like such a big joke anymore. | Thisonedudeperson | t3_5ietby | 118 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5ietby | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,science,news,relationships,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pics,pokemongo,funny,Futurology,europe,nfl,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,food,books,philosophy,Christianity,2007scape,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,creepyPMs,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA, | 44 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.062225 | 2.892181 | 2.48927 | true | false | false | 0.587851 | 0.587802 | 0.354861 | 39,200 | 1 | 0.510171 |
d5u68nn | t5_2u1c9 | 1,469,713,273 | 1,469,691,673 | Vote vote vote. Not just in presidential elections...every election. | DarkMaturus | t3_4uys2r | 57 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_4uys2r | false | I Believe In Science! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,videos,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,food,books,depression,hiphopheads,philosophy,Christianity,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,soccerstreams,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,dataisbeautiful,GetMotivated,asoiaf, | 51 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.224801 | 2.912778 | 2.404829 | true | false | false | 0.628982 | 0.593775 | 0.328997 | 508,029 | 1 | 0.517251 |
d507w0t | t5_2u1c9 | 1,467,760,719 | 1,467,739,119 | Smells awfully brigady in here. Someone should call a sheriff to see if any laws were broken. | ThreePumpTrump | t3_4rd65x | 21 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_4rd65x | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,history,AskWomen,sex,DIY,UpliftingNews,Incels,philosophy,Christianity,fantasyfootball,changemyview,ShitRedditSays,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,spacex,television,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.02759 | 2.894806 | 2.963372 | true | false | false | 0.579089 | 0.588563 | 0.50008 | 573,167 | 1 | 0.555911 |
d8s41lr | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,492,464 | 1,476,470,864 | Is that Tammy Faye Bakker? lmao | Old_Army90 | t1_d8s3fke | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | darkblue | 0 | t3_57hfrg | false | Blue Dogs for Hilldawg | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,photoshopbattles,pcmasterrace,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,nfl,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Android,atheism,books,depression,pokemon,anime,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,television,dataisbeautiful,NeutralPolitics, | 48 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.115243 | 2.918162 | 2.8753 | true | false | false | 0.601264 | 0.595337 | 0.473103 | 252,735 | 0 | 0.556568 |
d39jjhw | t5_2u1c9 | 1,463,551,873 | 1,463,530,273 | Holy fuck #We did it guys! | msx8 | t1_d39ji3m | 42 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_4jt7aj | false | Millennial | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,science,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,food,movies,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,Christianity,2007scape,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 83 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.271949 | 2.994948 | 2.968266 | false | false | false | 0.387915 | 0.617605 | 0.501579 | 673,851 | 1 | 0.502367 |
d9rwj9l | t5_2u1c9 | 1,478,672,556 | 1,478,650,956 | Thank you all, you are calming me down. | Jasmindesi16 | t1_d9rw76l | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5bwlv5 | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,worldnews,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,aww,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,food,movies,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,2007scape,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 88 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4.313087 | 3.89168 | 3.482536 | true | true | true | 0.904313 | 0.877667 | 0.659102 | 112,756 | 0 | 0.813694 |
d5qglfb | t5_2u1c9 | 1,469,499,967 | 1,469,478,367 | Thank you, Bernie. Very proud of how you've conducted yourself and your campaign the last several weeks. | Cstar62 | t3_4ukpsl | 27 | 0 | hillaryclinton | pink | 0 | t3_4ukpsl | false | Pantsuit Aficionado | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,funny,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,movies,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,2007scape,Overwatch,changemyview,space,conspiracy,canada,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 80 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4.382911 | 3.823157 | 3.537213 | true | true | true | 0.921978 | 0.857794 | 0.67585 | 528,080 | 1 | 0.818541 |
d52d35l | t5_2u1c9 | 1,467,883,663 | 1,467,862,063 | | Agastopia | t1_d52af7m | 25 | 0 | hillaryclinton | red | 5 | t3_4rm3v5 | false | #BernNotBust | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,explainlikeimfive,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,pcmasterrace,pics,Futurology,MMA,nfl,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,sex,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,Android,atheism,UpliftingNews,food,india,books,hiphopheads,philosophy,Christianity,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,technology,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 47 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.098249 | 3.082548 | 2.960366 | true | false | false | 0.596965 | 0.64301 | 0.49916 | 569,657 | 1 | 0.579712 |
d8oi1fx | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,277,599 | 1,476,255,999 | I have felt like yelling "Oh for fuck's sake" every single day of this election cycle. | idontusejelly | t1_d8ohnip | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5701td | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,Futurology,MMA,europe,nfl,legaladvice,history,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,gifs,india,depression,philosophy,nba,2007scape,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,conspiracy,canada,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,television,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 60 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.165372 | 2.489948 | 2.581083 | false | false | false | 0.360952 | 0.47115 | 0.382984 | 265,196 | 0 | 0.405029 |
da71wqh | t5_2u1c9 | 1,479,593,985 | 1,479,572,385 | Those only exist on your imagination. | mutatron | t1_da71uyh | 33 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5dsfqu | false | Texas | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,DIY,Android,atheism,Incels,food,books,depression,pokemon,nba,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,space,canada,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 65 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.972014 | 2.919955 | 2.729596 | false | false | false | 0.565028 | 0.595856 | 0.428474 | 74,265 | 1 | 0.529786 |
d8osnme | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,304,062 | 1,476,282,462 | That makes two, with the Enid News endorsement last week. BOOMER! | AskMeAboutMyGenitals | t3_5749wt | 22 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5749wt | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,science,explainlikeimfive,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,nosleep,SandersForPresident,EnoughTrumpSpam,fantasyfootball,soccerstreams,SuicideWatch,spacex, | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.330342 | 3.14372 | 3.035971 | true | false | false | 0.655683 | 0.660751 | 0.522318 | 264,260 | 1 | 0.612917 |
d3sr1y7 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,464,866,132 | 1,464,844,532 | Not a big fan of the PGA (or golf in general), but good on them for standing up for their values! Huzzah! | the_vizir | t3_4m4n8o | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_4m4n8o | false | Canada | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,worldnews,relationships,AskHistorians,Games,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,Futurology,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,history,depression,Christianity,anime,2007scape,space,soccerstreams,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,jailbreak, | 23 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.531671 | 3.415723 | 3.108423 | true | false | false | 0.706618 | 0.739634 | 0.54451 | 636,235 | 0 | 0.663588 |
d8yjb3n | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,892,643 | 1,476,871,043 | I'm sure #PodestaEmails65ElectricBoogalo will fix this right up for trump | DieGo2SHAE | t3_589gbf | 25 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_589gbf | false | Virginia | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,gonewild,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,gifs,food,movies,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,CanadaPolitics,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,television,dataisbeautiful,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 73 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.258679 | 3.367161 | 3.136544 | true | false | false | 0.637553 | 0.725551 | 0.553124 | 234,616 | 1 | 0.638742 |
d87jt3f | t5_2u1c9 | 1,475,210,654 | 1,475,189,054 | No problem...Hillary is great with children!. | Lynn_NC | t3_554pwd | 26 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_554pwd | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,news,relationships,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,CFB,funny,Futurology,whatisthisthing,changemyview,space,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,me_irl,dataisbeautiful,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 27 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.718883 | 3.863019 | 3.513301 | true | false | false | 0.753982 | 0.869355 | 0.668526 | 330,677 | 1 | 0.763954 |
d9jf5k0 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,478,164,129 | 1,478,142,529 | I thought she's a Yankees fan now? #WhichHillary. /s | rma_01 | t1_d9jf0nk | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5at8lh | false | Millennial | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,science,news,TwoXChromosomes,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,Futurology,nfl,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,sex,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,anime,2007scape,changemyview,space,CanadaPolitics,LifeProTips,spacex,me_irl,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 36 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.173133 | 3.030305 | 2.872969 | true | false | false | 0.61591 | 0.627859 | 0.472389 | 163,022 | 0 | 0.572053 |
d8fy757 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,475,743,492 | 1,475,721,892 | As good as individual polls might be right now, I still have a nagging feeling that Ohio and Iowa are both Trump's in the end, barely, but they're likely his. Don't get complacent with a single day or week of polling-- trends are more indicative of any real "swings" among polled demographics. | devries | t3_562p5z | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_562p5z | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,askscience,EnoughTrumpSpam,Incels,nba,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams, | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.329658 | 2.929806 | 2.458723 | true | false | false | 0.65551 | 0.598714 | 0.345505 | 304,878 | 0 | 0.533243 |
d7iymjh | t5_2u1c9 | 1,473,663,419 | 1,473,641,819 | Did you use Internet blockers/limiters or any kind or just cold turkey, so to speak? | currently___working | t1_d7iyf1f | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_52b917 | false | Moderates For Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,science,news,TwoXChromosomes,leagueoflegends,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,pokemontrades,gaming,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,movies,india,hiphopheads,pokemon,nba,2007scape,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,hearthstone,spacex,television,dataisbeautiful,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 48 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.054218 | 2.85601 | 2.78586 | true | false | false | 0.585825 | 0.577312 | 0.445708 | 397,017 | 0 | 0.536282 |
d3q1d2s | t5_2u1c9 | 1,464,691,282 | 1,464,669,682 | Preach. Couldn't have said it better. | Zanctmao | t1_d3pn9y5 | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_4lq81r | false | #HillYes | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,explainlikeimfive,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,pcmasterrace,funny,Futurology,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,pokemontrades,AskWomen,sex,Showerthoughts,food,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,nba,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,creepyPMs,technology,hearthstone,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,NeutralPolitics, | 38 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.19978 | 3.005145 | 2.971378 | true | false | false | 0.622652 | 0.620563 | 0.502532 | 640,075 | 0 | 0.581916 |
dcbtse9 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,484,245,362 | 1,484,223,762 | Pretty damn pathetic isn't it. | TK2510 | t1_dcbtpsf | 21 | 0 | hillaryclinton | red | 0 | t3_5nh3h0 | false | Bitches Get Stuff Done | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,movies,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,Christianity,2007scape,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,television,dataisbeautiful,NSFW_GIF,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 83 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.328411 | 2.472466 | 2.515697 | false | false | false | 0.4022 | 0.46608 | 0.362956 | 18,430 | 1 | 0.410412 |
d9hjzo2 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,478,063,392 | 1,478,041,792 | Thanks for putting country over party. ❤💙 | lynch_kubrick | t1_d9hjxf8 | 49 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5ameq5 | false | We Will Rise | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,news,TwoXChromosomes,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pics,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,MMA,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,history,AskWomen,sex,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,atheism,UpliftingNews,gifs,movies,india,books,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 67 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3.992888 | 3.518208 | 3.310646 | true | true | true | 0.823304 | 0.769356 | 0.606451 | 171,186 | 1 | 0.733037 |
d8y4frw | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,861,234 | 1,476,839,634 | Pleeeeeaaaaase provide context. | adamgerges | t1_d8y3p25 | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_58706a | false | The Real One | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pcmasterrace,Futurology,MMA,EnoughTrumpSpam,pokemontrades,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,food,india,books,pokemon,nba,anime,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,NSFW_GIF,NeutralPolitics, | 56 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.170549 | 3.101631 | 2.903486 | true | false | false | 0.615256 | 0.648545 | 0.481737 | 235,833 | 0 | 0.581846 |
d61j69c | t5_2u1c9 | 1,470,192,167 | 1,470,170,567 | I haven't clicked on the article, but just reading the quotes...I can't tell if these are real quotes or fake quotes. The nominee not supporting the Speaker of the House, taking shots at John McCain because he's not good for vets (in the midst of the Khan fiasco), and talking about how he's beating Kelly Ayotte in the polls. I can't tell if these are 100% real quotes, because I feel like this could be from an article in the onion. | HeyTherePLH | t1_d61ivtq | 56 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_4vuo3a | false | Deal Me In | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,personalfinance,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,funny,pokemontrades,AskWomen,sex,anime,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,me_irl, | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.231186 | 2.81845 | 2.669528 | true | false | false | 0.630597 | 0.566419 | 0.410075 | 487,252 | 1 | 0.535697 |
dcc0f78 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,484,256,370 | 1,484,234,770 | I have spent the last 2 days watching old Obama speeches, SOTUs speeches after tragedies etc...along with Obama and Clinton Debates in 08, and some speeches when she was First Lady and senator...and I am just left with one overarching feeling, this country didn't deserve either of them fighting for us. Hillary could have left office with Bill and gone into the private sector and made millions without anyone complaining, but no. She cared and she stayed and she went toe to toe with these assholes for over a decade. Thank You Hillary, we appreciate you. | Why_Do_We_Fall_Bruce | t3_5nj01v | 21 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5nj01v | false | California | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,news,explainlikeimfive,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,MMA,EnoughTrumpSpam,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,UpliftingNews,gifs,books,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,2007scape,soccerstreams,wow,technology,TheSilphRoad,me_irl,NeutralPolitics, | 40 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2.875051 | 3.157444 | 2.838394 | true | true | true | 0.540497 | 0.664731 | 0.461799 | 18,324 | 1 | 0.555676 |
d6v8q5y | t5_2u1c9 | 1,472,096,617 | 1,472,075,017 | I signed up on the website. I'm in Florida what ways would there be to volunteer? | AnchorofHope | t3_4zczxn | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_4zczxn | false | Florida | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,news,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,food,me_irl,dataisbeautiful, | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.419686 | 3.077569 | 3.006588 | true | false | false | 0.678287 | 0.641566 | 0.513317 | 436,836 | 0 | 0.611057 |
d3jw51w | t5_2u1c9 | 1,464,248,797 | 1,464,227,197 | Y'all need to put some Respeck on Bills name!! | epic_ukdunce | t1_d3jvxja | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_4l244y | false | United Kingdom | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,aww,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pics,Futurology,MMA,EnoughTrumpSpam,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,Incels,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,Overwatch,changemyview,canada,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,technology,me_irl,IAmA,television,NeutralPolitics, | 47 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.233302 | 3.240434 | 3.191258 | true | false | false | 0.631133 | 0.688799 | 0.569882 | 654,007 | 0 | 0.629938 |
dc7yqgx | t5_2u1c9 | 1,484,030,006 | 1,484,008,406 | Your commitment and passion make total sense. If it helps your health in its own way, it's worth it to keep fighting. In a much smaller way, as a consultant I have also benefited greatly from the ACA. Before, I paid through the nose for a terrible plan that would leave me bankrupt if I ever had a serious medical condition. ACA health plans were still more expensive than I'd like but the quality of the plan was so.much.better. And the state subsidies also made a huge difference to people who needed them. | Prez_SHillton | t1_dc7y5bg | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | trans | 0 | t3_5mxbyv | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskHistorians,me_irl, | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.572893 | 3.681368 | 3.025129 | true | false | false | 0.717047 | 0.816674 | 0.518997 | 20,857 | 0 | 0.684239 |
dbndzzt | t5_2u1c9 | 1,482,796,464 | 1,482,774,864 | That's also an excellent one! I was so, so excited about that. | SandDollarBlues | t1_dbn6v05 | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | purple | 0 | t3_5kcsrl | false | I Believe In Hillary's America | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,worldnews,news,relationships,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,CFB,funny,Futurology,MMA,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,Android,food,philosophy,gameofthrones,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,jailbreak, | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.037477 | 4.01386 | 4.115519 | true | true | true | 0.834585 | 0.9131 | 0.852987 | 29,568 | 0 | 0.866891 |
d7hdc2w | t5_2u1c9 | 1,473,562,393 | 1,473,540,793 | We shouldn't "back" the fact that she referred to the [40 percent of Trump supporters who believe black people are "lazier" than white people]( or [the 60 percent that believe our president is a secret Muslim]( as racist, when they are in fact racist? It's possible that this will end up politically detrimental for her--although it's far too soon to tell--but from a moral standpoint, clapping back against racism, xenophobia, sexism and general bigotry should always be applauded. | anneoftheisland | t1_d7hcrsw | 28 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5243pk | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,funny,Futurology,MMA,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,gifs,food,movies,books,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,wow,SubredditDrama,technology,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,television,GetMotivated,jailbreak, | 56 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.06558 | 2.68171 | 2.269551 | true | false | false | 0.5887 | 0.526763 | 0.28756 | 401,467 | 1 | 0.467674 |
d8dbbjp | t5_2u1c9 | 1,475,593,241 | 1,475,571,641 | got a linky for that? | rganothervagenda | t1_d8dbag4 | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_55rz6f | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,news,relationships,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,MMA,EnoughTrumpSpam,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,food,depression,philosophy,anime,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,me_irl,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 38 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.222898 | 3.125498 | 3.094868 | true | false | false | 0.6285 | 0.655466 | 0.540358 | 315,110 | 0 | 0.608108 |
d7r7esb | t5_2u1c9 | 1,474,181,592 | 1,474,159,992 | Amazing how much this can change someone's mood. Almost instant for me... I have an unhealthy relationship with this election. | histbook | t1_d7r63re | 45 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_539vs0 | false | Don't Boo, Vote! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,science,worldnews,news,AskHistorians,Games,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,Futurology,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,pokemontrades,history,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,DIY,food,india,depression,pokemon,philosophy,anime,changemyview,ShitRedditSays,CanadaPolitics,creepyPMs,TheSilphRoad,spacex,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.343371 | 3.172185 | 3.06068 | true | false | false | 0.65898 | 0.669006 | 0.529886 | 375,718 | 1 | 0.619291 |
d88ldjn | t5_2u1c9 | 1,475,280,589 | 1,475,258,989 | His wife sleeps in a separate room | Krankor1 | t1_d8874rs | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | orange | 0 | t3_55775j | false | Taco Trucks On Every Corner 🌮 | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,science,worldnews,news,askscience,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pics,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,europe,EnoughTrumpSpam,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,movies,depression,hiphopheads,anime,2007scape,fantasyfootball,space,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,IAmA,television,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics, | 43 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.161786 | 2.899891 | 2.839443 | true | false | false | 0.613039 | 0.590038 | 0.46212 | 327,655 | 0 | 0.555066 |
d9e3awc | t5_2u1c9 | 1,477,867,729 | 1,477,846,129 | Lol - I love her 😂 | feministbrowngal | t1_d9e31u9 | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5a5k4g | false | Nasty Woman | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,explainlikeimfive,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pics,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,food,books,hiphopheads,philosophy,nba,2007scape,tifu,changemyview,space,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 58 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3.264353 | 3.541272 | 3.224258 | true | true | true | 0.638988 | 0.776045 | 0.579991 | 183,500 | 0 | 0.665008 |
db1q9pr | t5_2u1c9 | 1,481,454,307 | 1,481,432,707 | So is that subreddit for when I want to talk about non-HRC stuff with a similar crowd to this place? | smocca | t1_db1pw4b | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5hn8gm | false | Oregon | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,news,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,aww,photoshopbattles,CFB,pics,nfl,pokemontrades,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,food,india,pokemon,nba,anime,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,gameofthrones,wow,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,DestinyTheGame, | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.198815 | 2.967895 | 2.908846 | true | false | false | 0.622408 | 0.60976 | 0.483379 | 43,350 | 0 | 0.571849 |
d8k4rqs | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,010,805 | 1,475,989,205 | Oh please, please, please let this happen | r00tdenied | t3_56k4nj | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_56k4nj | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,gonewild,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pcmasterrace,funny,Futurology,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,Android,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,food,movies,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,philosophy,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,tifu,changemyview,space,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 70 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.454366 | 2.821445 | 2.91507 | true | false | false | 0.687061 | 0.567288 | 0.485285 | 287,165 | 0 | 0.579878 |
d8qbexb | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,392,689 | 1,476,371,089 | Steve Bannon is dumb as all outdoors and if he thought attacking Bill Clinton was going to work he's mistakenly wrong. I believe if he would've given a sincere apology during the debate the women would kept quiet and when Anderson press him and he lied that was the last straw for them and that's why they're speaking out. Trump and his goons can twist this story however they want but it ain't gonna fly. In the words of Al Sharpton, nice try but we got you. | msleen35 | t1_d8q4nh8 | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_579orw | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,news,gonewild,askscience,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,legaladvice,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,depression,philosophy,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,SuicideWatch,hearthstone,me_irl,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.028131 | 2.702519 | 2.261665 | true | false | false | 0.579226 | 0.532798 | 0.285145 | 258,290 | 0 | 0.465723 |
d5vf7tz | t5_2u1c9 | 1,469,783,838 | 1,469,762,238 | It just makes so mad. Mostly because of the damn interest rates and what could happen to my credit if I'm ever unemployed. The one loan I have is the NJCLASS loan, I read an article about this kids mom who cosigned it and then he got killed and NJCLASS is still making her pay it. Smh and I got community college free too. 30k per year x2 for in state tuition at Rutgers+housing, food=60k | arizonadeserts | t1_d5vf2fd | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_4v2yvq | false | Moderates For Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,leagueoflegends,Games,photoshopbattles,CFB,pcmasterrace,history,AskWomen,movies,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,anime,fantasyfootball,soccerstreams,wow,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,GetMotivated,jailbreak, | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.886687 | 2.849333 | 2.565766 | false | false | false | 0.543441 | 0.575375 | 0.378292 | 502,914 | 0 | 0.499036 |
d8l8sgw | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,084,589 | 1,476,062,989 | Holy crap. He is acting like a child. | chickeninferno | t3_56p76b | 4 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_56p76b | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,worldnews,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,CFB,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,gifs,food,india,books,pokemon,philosophy,Christianity,2007scape,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 66 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.852703 | 2.379653 | 2.442024 | false | false | false | 0.281848 | 0.439163 | 0.340389 | 280,471 | 0 | 0.3538 |
d3zt11i | t5_2u1c9 | 1,465,347,432 | 1,465,325,832 | And coincidentally, the only people who don't hate donald trump. | DoctorRobert420 | t1_d3zjuq7 | 21 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_4mzba2 | false | California | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,explainlikeimfive,gonewild,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,Futurology,SandersForPresident,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,food,movies,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,tifu,changemyview,space,conspiracy,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 73 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.106616 | 3.147611 | 2.885329 | true | false | false | 0.599082 | 0.661879 | 0.476175 | 625,336 | 1 | 0.579045 |
dcnev38 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,484,890,792 | 1,484,869,192 | I think that is true. Its hard to imagine people calling themselves progressive/ left acting like that. But, occupy wall street had a name for sexism and being all about the white guys, so some of it is real. | Danie2009 | t1_dcmfgl8 | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5ot718 | false | #ImWithHer | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,science,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,nfl,legaladvice,videos,AskWomen,sex,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,Showerthoughts,UpliftingNews,movies,books,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,changemyview,canada,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,wow,SubredditDrama,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 51 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.455877 | 3.297276 | 3.598357 | true | false | false | 0.687443 | 0.705283 | 0.694578 | 12,608 | 0 | 0.695768 |
d9s5r6o | t5_2u1c9 | 1,478,683,904 | 1,478,662,304 | no =/ | liberrtines | t1_d9s5m72 | 0 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5bxpnv | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,worldnews,relationships,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,europe,nfl,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,Android,atheism,Incels,food,india,books,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,space,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 62 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.122169 | 2.845882 | 2.566346 | true | false | false | 0.603017 | 0.574375 | 0.37847 | 106,624 | 0 | 0.51862 |
dbq5681 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,482,974,135 | 1,482,952,535 | > He could have won the damn general election himself if he ran as the Green Party nominee. Really? Like, really really? Source please. | Dorkfish_HA | t1_dbq4zo0 | 26 | 0 | hillaryclinton | orange | 0 | t3_5kqt7l | false | Come On, Man | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,news,relationships,gonewild,AskHistorians,Games,syriancivilwar,pokemontrades,legaladvice,Showerthoughts,books,anime,space,SuicideWatch,spacex,me_irl, | 19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.387013 | 2.93927 | 2.826025 | true | false | false | 0.670021 | 0.601458 | 0.45801 | 28,504 | 1 | 0.576496 |
dcs7h9b | t5_2u1c9 | 1,485,165,977 | 1,485,144,377 | The organizers of the march in DC specifically left her off the list of invitees/special guests because they didn't want it to be focused on her. | youthdecay | t1_dcs7a2x | 41 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5ple71 | false | Virginia | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,news,TwoXChromosomes,aww,CFB,pcmasterrace,funny,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,gifs,food,depression,philosophy,nba,2007scape,OldSchoolCool,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,TheSilphRoad,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,television,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.286681 | 2.867329 | 2.701948 | true | false | false | 0.644637 | 0.580594 | 0.420005 | 8,624 | 1 | 0.548412 |
d915obr | t5_2u1c9 | 1,477,034,231 | 1,477,012,631 | Started off strong but tanked at the end. Just like his campaign. | vartrax | t3_58kj0g | 73 | 0 | hillaryclinton | green | 0 | t3_58kj0g | false | MM Establishment Donor | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,news,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,nfl,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,GlobalOffensiveTrade,Showerthoughts,DIY,atheism,gifs,india,books,depression,philosophy,anime,fantasyfootball,space,canada,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,technology,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 46 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.269263 | 3.091892 | 3.054359 | true | false | false | 0.640231 | 0.64572 | 0.52795 | 221,578 | 1 | 0.604634 |
d444qr5 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,465,613,629 | 1,465,592,029 | Meanwhile, everyone acts surprised that Republican Party nominated someone like Donald Trump. This kind of racist bigotry and toxic, death-be-upon-all-dissenters politics is synonymous with the Republican Party. This isn't the fringe: it's what the party represents and is. | msx8 | t3_4nhjn3 | 28 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_4nhjn3 | false | Millennial | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,gonewild,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,Futurology,MMA,europe,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,LateStageCapitalism,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,food,books,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,fantasyfootball,changemyview,socialism,soccerstreams,creepyPMs,LifeProTips,technology,me_irl,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.747292 | 2.56228 | 2.436777 | false | false | false | 0.508175 | 0.492127 | 0.338782 | 613,313 | 1 | 0.446361 |
d9pp7ha | t5_2u1c9 | 1,478,557,550 | 1,478,535,950 | They're Never Trumpers who kept hinting there was some huge Trump oppo bombshell yet to drop. Never materialised. W/e. | BlueTigerOrpheus | t1_d9podkx | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_5bllen | false | Texas cheerleader | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,nosleep,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,videos,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,depression,hiphopheads,philosophy,nba,anime,Overwatch,space,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,creepyPMs,spacex,me_irl,television,dataisbeautiful,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.048249 | 2.803753 | 2.643945 | true | false | false | 0.584315 | 0.562157 | 0.402239 | 130,599 | 0 | 0.516237 |
d4c05tv | t5_2u1c9 | 1,466,126,472 | 1,466,104,872 | He has not conceded. To me, that says it all. He's basically been showing her that he won't be a team player. A President needs a VP that they can trust to reflect their leadership goals, and who will work with the POTUS to achieve these goals. Sanders is signalling that he's not that guy. | Prez_SHillton | t1_d4bqnn0 | 29 | 0 | hillaryclinton | red | 0 | t3_4odf0c | false | Corporate Democratic Wh*re | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,worldnews,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pokemongo,europe,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,UpliftingNews,depression,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,SuicideWatch,TheSilphRoad,me_irl,jailbreak, | 19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.292416 | 2.739258 | 2.479563 | true | false | false | 0.646088 | 0.543453 | 0.351888 | 600,797 | 1 | 0.51381 |
d4yh58j | t5_2u1c9 | 1,467,629,935 | 1,467,608,335 | Yes, people support idiots, want to know why they support idiots? Becuase believe it or not, the working class in this country has been getting fucked for years. The majority of people that support Trump aren't racists, they aren't neo-nazis or anything of the such. They're normal, working class people fed up and misguided and mad at the left for disrespecting them for years, so a populist fool comes along and swindles them. I'm going to link you something, and it'd do you good to read it, because people like you are a real issue right now. | IDFSHILL | t1_d4yh18x | 0 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_4r22me | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,science,worldnews,explainlikeimfive,TwoXChromosomes,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,MMA,europe,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,Showerthoughts,atheism,food,movies,books,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,2007scape,Overwatch,tifu,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,television,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 64 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.898073 | 2.850361 | 2.935258 | false | false | false | 0.293327 | 0.575673 | 0.491469 | 575,277 | 0 | 0.45349 |
d9lz3zh | t5_2u1c9 | 1,478,311,512 | 1,478,289,912 | Holy shit guys. The spirit cooking trend on twitter is *hilarious* The Trump online presence is going to spend today saying Hillary literally worships Satan and is involved in the occult. This is who we're dealing with here. lol. | Felix_Ezra | t3_5b4s2s | 22 | 0 | hillaryclinton | red | 0 | t3_5b4s2s | false | A Bunch of Malarkey! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,science,worldnews,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,photoshopbattles,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,Futurology,MMA,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,food,movies,india,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,nba,anime,space,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,gameofthrones,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 55 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2.032395 | 2.486669 | 2.625849 | true | true | true | 0.327309 | 0.470199 | 0.396696 | 151,928 | 1 | 0.398068 |
d84lngx | t5_2u1c9 | 1,475,030,331 | 1,475,008,731 | Indeed. The last 40 years never happened. History ended when the civil rights act was passed. | Danvaser | t1_d84k3mi | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_54sf03 | false | ♥ Bermie | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,relationships,hillaryclinton,askscience,AskHistorians,nosleep,CFB,funny,Futurology,MMA,nfl,legaladvice,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,books,philosophy,nba,anime,space,soccerstreams,creepyPMs,TheSilphRoad,NeutralPolitics, | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.343955 | 3.228731 | 3.449161 | true | false | false | 0.659127 | 0.685405 | 0.648879 | 339,139 | 0 | 0.66447 |
d5iju0b | t5_2u1c9 | 1,468,978,023 | 1,468,956,423 | Less than 1 in a trillion chance it was a coincidence. | shemperdoodle | t1_d5iedm8 | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_4tm7lf | false | America is Already Great | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,news,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,AskHistorians,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,CFB,funny,SandersForPresident,MMA,nfl,history,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,food,depression,anime,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,spacex,me_irl,NeutralPolitics, | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.098491 | 2.855103 | 2.801076 | true | false | false | 0.597026 | 0.577049 | 0.450369 | 549,143 | 0 | 0.541481 |
d8mrmyo | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,173,409 | 1,476,151,809 | Trump probably has Sputnik as a primary news source. Probably trusts it more than his intelligence briefings. | juleppunch | t3_56vshe | 33 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_56vshe | false | Corporate Democratic Wh*re | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | news,explainlikeimfive,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,personalfinance,pokemongo,europe,nfl,pokemontrades,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,depression,anime,SuicideWatch,LifeProTips,hearthstone,me_irl,NeutralPolitics, | 23 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.311538 | 2.854516 | 2.791429 | true | false | false | 0.650926 | 0.576879 | 0.447414 | 271,189 | 1 | 0.558406 |
dbcdkji | t5_2u1c9 | 1,482,096,961 | 1,482,075,361 | She lost | WolfAmongstRavens | t3_5iy2m6 | -12 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5iy2m6 | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,science,worldnews,explainlikeimfive,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pics,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,videos,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,food,india,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,2007scape,Overwatch,changemyview,space,conspiracy,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 68 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.014072 | 3.036684 | 2.84649 | true | false | false | 0.575669 | 0.629709 | 0.464279 | 35,536 | 0 | 0.556552 |
d9bta6p | t5_2u1c9 | 1,477,702,818 | 1,477,681,218 | I know. I was just starting to relax and think happily of her victory speech on the 8th, and this happened. i'm so exhausted. | feministbrowngal | t1_d9bsffz | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_59vkrb | false | Nasty Woman | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,science,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,MMA,europe,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,Incels,food,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,nba,2007scape,fantasyfootball,tifu,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,SuicideWatch,spacex,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 52 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.464896 | 3.685488 | 3.881856 | true | false | false | 0.689725 | 0.817869 | 0.781415 | 191,244 | 0 | 0.763003 |
d8dfx7s | t5_2u1c9 | 1,475,606,523 | 1,475,584,923 | Ok, just woke up. According to Twitter the Morning Joe people are having a meltdown. Can't find specifics, can anyone fill me in? | melatonineveryday | t3_55sym4 | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_55sym4 | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,explainlikeimfive,relationships,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,pokemontrades,history,AskWomen,sex,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,food,books,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,anime,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 53 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.448216 | 3.052812 | 3.072403 | true | false | false | 0.685505 | 0.634386 | 0.533477 | 314,606 | 0 | 0.617789 |
dbfktom | t5_2u1c9 | 1,482,287,832 | 1,482,259,032 | I think what frustrates me the most about the electors yesterday is that it's now just one more talking point. More ammo. That she got more than Trump. Really? I kept it to myself but this is honestly what I expected to happen. Spurred on by the fact that since HRC lost, so it doesn't "matter". Just like pre-election "HRC has it in the bag, my vote doesn't matter". It's the same thinking. | JoeFabooche | t3_5jcxqz | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5jcxqz | true | I'm not giving up, and neither should you | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,relationships,gonewild,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,funny,me_irl, | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.341498 | 3.214379 | 2.826728 | false | false | false | 0.658506 | 0.681243 | 0.458226 | 33,207 | 0 | 0.599325 |
d8xyeu7 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,853,067 | 1,476,831,467 | Something's going on! | histbook | t1_d8xxj3p | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_586jna | false | Don't Boo, Vote! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,worldnews,news,relationships,gonewild,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,nosleep,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,pokemontrades,history,AskWomen,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,food,india,hiphopheads,philosophy,anime,changemyview,space,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 48 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.268237 | 3.07175 | 3.122605 | true | false | false | 0.639971 | 0.639879 | 0.548854 | 236,328 | 0 | 0.609568 |
d9mqchr | t5_2u1c9 | 1,478,364,631 | 1,478,343,031 | "How Hillary Clinton could lose Washington D.C." | lynch_kubrick | t1_d9mmnn8 | 33 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5b8qwb | false | We Will Rise | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,science,worldnews,news,gonewild,hillaryclinton,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,aww,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,Futurology,SandersForPresident,BlackPeopleTwitter,history,videos,Showerthoughts,UpliftingNews,depression,fantasyfootball,tifu,space,ShitRedditSays,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,wow,spacex,dataisbeautiful,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics, | 37 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.128369 | 3.04512 | 2.797829 | true | false | false | 0.604585 | 0.632156 | 0.449374 | 147,606 | 1 | 0.562038 |
d6auh9o | t5_2u1c9 | 1,470,794,926 | 1,470,773,326 | And he did not seem to be joking either. At least it's not obvious from the tone of his voice. This is the most irresponsible candidate ever. | vph | t1_d6asnmh | 21 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_4wxyrf | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,europe,nfl,AskWomen,sex,LateStageCapitalism,Showerthoughts,food,india,depression,pokemon,anime,CanadaPolitics,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,SubredditDrama,technology,spacex,me_irl,GetMotivated, | 34 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.809696 | 2.205206 | 2.455463 | false | false | false | 0.523963 | 0.388572 | 0.344506 | 469,538 | 1 | 0.419014 |
d619s9w | t5_2u1c9 | 1,470,180,658 | 1,470,159,058 | No one is saying she's said straight-up that she's anti-vax. What people are saying is that she's cynically pandering to anti-vaxxers and other peddlers of alt-med, which the snopes report kinda lends credence to. | Ziggie1o1 | t1_d618dvf | 39 | 0 | hillaryclinton | pink | 0 | t3_4vsgsu | false | A Woman's Place is in the White House | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,photoshopbattles,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,MMA,pokemontrades,history,videos,AskWomen,LateStageCapitalism,Showerthoughts,food,movies,books,depression,pokemon,nba,anime,Overwatch,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,OldSchoolCool,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,hearthstone,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,asoiaf, | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.122837 | 2.716833 | 2.211072 | true | false | false | 0.603186 | 0.536949 | 0.269648 | 487,840 | 1 | 0.469928 |
d9y307e | t5_2u1c9 | 1,479,033,730 | 1,479,012,130 | If there was no electoral college _before_ the campaigns started then they would have both campaigned differently and there would be higher turnout in non-swing states. You can't say for certain that she would have won the popular vote if the rules were different. | Cyral | t1_d9xtbio | 24 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5cm8be | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | relationships,AskHistorians,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,AskWomen,Showerthoughts,me_irl, | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.363456 | 2.955885 | 2.608256 | true | false | false | 0.664061 | 0.606277 | 0.391307 | 87,736 | 1 | 0.553882 |
d3jrxlj | t5_2u1c9 | 1,464,242,046 | 1,464,220,446 | Thank you for your knowledge on this matter. | GYP-rotmg | t1_d3jly28 | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | green | 0 | t3_4l0zue | false | NY Establishment Donor | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,worldnews,explainlikeimfive,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,aww,syriancivilwar,CFB,pics,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,AskWomen,sex,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,atheism,Incels,food,movies,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,nba,Christianity,anime,2007scape,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,wow,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 74 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4.375525 | 3.570189 | 3.325843 | true | true | true | 0.920109 | 0.784431 | 0.611106 | 654,488 | 0 | 0.771882 |
d5csnjg | t5_2u1c9 | 1,468,576,840 | 1,468,548,040 | Not sure you really want to bring up flip flopping... | GinsengandHoney | t3_4sue7n | 1 | null | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_4sue7n | true | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,science,explainlikeimfive,relationships,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,Games,personalfinance,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,SandersForPresident,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,LateStageCapitalism,whatisthisthing,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,Incels,food,india,hiphopheads,philosophy,nba,Christianity,Overwatch,changemyview,conspiracy,canada,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 53 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.959288 | 2.776409 | 2.481458 | false | false | false | 0.561809 | 0.554227 | 0.352468 | 557,268 | 0 | 0.489501 |
d98by8d | t5_2u1c9 | 1,477,501,917 | 1,477,480,317 | ヾ(^-^)ノ | progress18 | t3_59gxfj | 33 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_59gxfj | false | I'm with her - ॐ | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,nosleep,funny,Futurology,pokemontrades,history,sex,whatisthisthing,DIY,UpliftingNews,books,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,wow,LifeProTips,TheSilphRoad,spacex,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.105066 | 3.094925 | 2.9349 | true | false | false | 0.59869 | 0.6466 | 0.491359 | 202,069 | 1 | 0.578883 |
d8jfteu | t5_2u1c9 | 1,475,971,313 | 1,475,949,713 | They ask the lawyers every month now. | penguincheerleader | t3_56i2w2 | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_56i2w2 | false | I'mwithnerd | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,explainlikeimfive,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,history,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,atheism,books,pokemon,space,AskTrumpSupporters,technology,TheSilphRoad,spacex,IAmA,television,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.18165 | 3.114786 | 2.958455 | true | false | false | 0.618065 | 0.65236 | 0.498574 | 291,195 | 0 | 0.589666 |
d5osxbm | t5_2u1c9 | 1,469,395,989 | 1,469,374,389 | Not sure this is the best line of attack with the Russian uranium scandal picking up steam | Duke_2 | t3_4ud20n | -6 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_4ud20n | false | Indiana | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,relationships,Games,personalfinance,SandersForPresident,EnoughTrumpSpam,sex,DIY,UpliftingNews,gifs,depression,philosophy,changemyview,soccerstreams,SuicideWatch,spacex,IAmA,dataisbeautiful,NSFW_GIF,PurplePillDebate, | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.192182 | 2.837231 | 2.419863 | true | false | false | 0.62073 | 0.571866 | 0.333601 | 533,770 | 0 | 0.508732 |
d8pxc80 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,359,674 | 1,476,338,074 | I don't know, Samantha Bee and John Oliver have really stepped up to the plate this year. It would have been nice to have Jon Stewart but as he isn't fond of Sec. Clinton maybe we lucked out. | Firefly54 | t1_d8pwqr7 | 28 | 0 | hillaryclinton | orange | 0 | t3_578n9d | false | Enough | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,science,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,pics,SandersForPresident,legaladvice,GlobalOffensiveTrade,food,philosophy,changemyview, | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.539436 | 3.126894 | 3.060529 | true | false | false | 0.708583 | 0.655871 | 0.52984 | 259,490 | 1 | 0.631431 |
d9o9aoz | t5_2u1c9 | 1,478,470,510 | 1,478,448,910 | I just want to say...I got to briefly touch Tim Kaine's hand today in Milwaukee. #dadcrush | bartleby | t3_5bf9ji | 24 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5bf9ji | false | Wisconsin | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,photoshopbattles,CFB,pcmasterrace,SandersForPresident,MMA,nfl,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,food,movies,books,philosophy,anime,fantasyfootball,changemyview,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,technology,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 44 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.314193 | 3.16673 | 3.075164 | true | false | false | 0.651598 | 0.667424 | 0.534323 | 138,115 | 1 | 0.617781 |
d8kypgx | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,070,639 | 1,476,049,039 | Trump has been so bad that I've completely forgotten any differences I had with Hillary. I respect that you guys hate Bernietalk, and I have come to truly love and be very proud of our candidate, but it's worth knowing that I and two friends who cried after the NY primary are now actively fighting for Hillary, one canvassing and the other and myself donating. And it's all thanks to the campaign Hillary has run, and her vision which I hope she recounts tonight, and how deeply monstrous Trump has acted. What can I say, the Democratic party's a big tent, and there's a difference between a civil dinner table argument and the scalding inferno in the Republican tent. Stronger together. | TouchMyDuck | t3_56n3iz | 26 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_56n3iz | false | Berning for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,askscience,personalfinance,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,legaladvice,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,Showerthoughts,books,philosophy,anime,nottheonion,me_irl, | 16 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3.222908 | 3.083468 | 2.857827 | true | true | true | 0.628503 | 0.643277 | 0.467751 | 283,621 | 1 | 0.579844 |
d7mvdz7 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,473,905,484 | 1,473,883,884 | Republicans are drawn to senile old men like moths to a flame. | wenchette | t1_d7mtl8b | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | green | 0 | t3_52s9et | false | A Nation of Immigrants | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,atheism,food,movies,india,books,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,ShitRedditSays,socialism,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,TheSilphRoad,me_irl,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics, | 63 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.907399 | 2.77834 | 2.724876 | false | false | false | 0.548681 | 0.554787 | 0.427028 | 387,340 | 0 | 0.510165 |
d9zcb34 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,479,115,211 | 1,479,093,611 | No, she made the majority of this country extremely proud. The hopes and dreams of many Americans weighed on her shoulders. She held them up throughout the entire election and not once faltered. I don't know where you stand, but now it is our turn to be strong for her. | RanchDressinInMyButt | t1_d9zc59e | 41 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5ctn9f | false | Millennial | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,funny,GlobalOffensive,MMA,europe,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,sex,whatisthisthing,UpliftingNews,gifs,movies,india,books,depression,nba,anime,2007scape,tifu,ShitRedditSays,soccerstreams,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,NeutralPolitics, | 46 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.294247 | 3.046255 | 2.108483 | true | false | false | 0.646551 | 0.632485 | 0.238225 | 85,341 | 1 | 0.505754 |
d8xvu4r | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,849,694 | 1,476,828,094 | 45-39. Last week was 45-38, so pretty much UNCHANGED. | Carson_McComas | t3_586o4h | 21 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_586o4h | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | worldnews,TwoXChromosomes,AskHistorians,Games,nosleep,pcmasterrace,Futurology,EnoughTrumpSpam,changemyview,gameofthrones,NeutralPolitics, | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.249501 | 2.907135 | 2.946887 | true | false | false | 0.635231 | 0.592139 | 0.495031 | 236,499 | 1 | 0.574133 |
dao6cw1 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,480,649,014 | 1,480,627,414 | It doesn't really matter though. You think the proproganda and goverment intervention was bad this year? Wait to the Republican FBI director who is working under a Republican attorney general. (One who hates when black people vote) who himself is under a Republican president. (Who was one of the most untruthful presidental candidates in history) all being overseen by a Republican Congress. Doesn't matter who the dems run. By election day 2020 the candidate will be under several different investigations and have the full force of the goverment spreading rumors and lies about him/her. They will be hated across the country by progressives and conservatives. It'll be somewhat of a victory if the dem nominee gets to election day without being branded an open traitor to the Republic. | the_dog1 | t1_danu4k6 | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | navy | 0 | t3_5fw8g1 | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,worldnews,leagueoflegends,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,food,movies,books,pokemon,philosophy,nba,anime,soccerstreams,SuicideWatch,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,television,GetMotivated,asoiaf,jailbreak, | 36 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.153968 | 2.777286 | 2.275039 | true | false | false | 0.611061 | 0.554481 | 0.289241 | 54,641 | 0 | 0.484928 |
dalfgrv | t5_2u1c9 | 1,480,499,557 | 1,480,470,757 | What are you even talking about?? Have you looked at your 401k | iamtheguyy | t1_dalf5kk | 1 | null | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5fmi4c | true | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,aww,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,Android,atheism,Incels,gifs,food,movies,india,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 82 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.649354 | 2.68545 | 2.148515 | false | false | false | 0.483397 | 0.527848 | 0.250487 | 57,376 | 0 | 0.420577 |
d9qj34j | t5_2u1c9 | 1,478,594,828 | 1,478,573,228 | How will I sleep tonight?? | thiefjuice | t3_5bqq1c | 31 | 0 | hillaryclinton | pink | 0 | t3_5bqq1c | false | I Voted for Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,worldnews,news,TwoXChromosomes,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,Futurology,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,history,videos,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,food,books,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,changemyview,space,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,dataisbeautiful,NeutralPolitics, | 54 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.224907 | 3.106112 | 3.090205 | true | false | false | 0.629009 | 0.649844 | 0.53893 | 125,503 | 1 | 0.605927 |
d7j76ef | t5_2u1c9 | 1,473,677,049 | 1,473,655,449 | Get well soon, Madame President! | ItsThee | t3_52c9yt | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_52c9yt | false | Germany | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,legaladvice,history,sex,whatisthisthing,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,books,depression,hiphopheads,philosophy,nba,Christianity,fantasyfootball,space,ShitRedditSays,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,SubredditDrama,TheSilphRoad,spacex,dataisbeautiful,NeutralPolitics, | 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.451519 | 3.415351 | 3.135691 | true | false | false | 0.686341 | 0.739527 | 0.552862 | 396,297 | 0 | 0.659576 |
d64avea | t5_2u1c9 | 1,470,365,966 | 1,470,337,166 | Possibly because they disagree with Khan's views on Islam and Sharia Law. They may also feel that he sold out his deceased son. | Cervixalott | t1_d640v5d | 1 | null | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_4w4912 | true | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,worldnews,news,gonewild,askscience,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,CFB,pcmasterrace,SandersForPresident,pokemontrades,history,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,UpliftingNews,gifs,food,india,depression,philosophy,anime,Overwatch,space,technology,TheSilphRoad,DestinyTheGame,NeutralPolitics, | 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.228346 | 2.710118 | 2.4787 | false | false | false | 0.629879 | 0.535002 | 0.351624 | 481,050 | 0 | 0.505501 |
d56qmxe | t5_2u1c9 | 1,468,187,541 | 1,468,165,941 | >steep decline I don't think you appreciate how horrible things were. 50 years ago institutionalized segregation was 100% legal. Trump is a piece of shit but his rhetoric would just be a given back then. | bundem3322 | t1_d56oviz | 52 | 0 | hillaryclinton | red | 0 | t3_4s5mqr | false | Clinton/Kaine 2016 | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,science,worldnews,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,MMA,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,food,books,pokemon,philosophy,Christianity,anime,2007scape,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,canada,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 61 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.320782 | 2.459875 | 2.040538 | false | false | false | 0.40027 | 0.462429 | 0.217413 | 564,952 | 1 | 0.360037 |
d5kxumj | t5_2u1c9 | 1,469,131,011 | 1,469,109,411 | I'm living for this drama | arizonadeserts | t3_4tx0t6 | 42 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_4tx0t6 | false | Moderates For Hillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,gonewild,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,pcmasterrace,pics,GlobalOffensive,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,history,videos,sex,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,Incels,food,india,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,philosophy,nba,anime,2007scape,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,canada,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,NSFW_GIF,NeutralPolitics, | 57 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.813164 | 2.755404 | 2.787118 | false | false | false | 0.52484 | 0.548135 | 0.446093 | 544,538 | 1 | 0.506356 |
d9syefx | t5_2u1c9 | 1,478,728,960 | 1,478,707,360 | If this holds, four of the five new Democratic senators elected last night will be women: Kamala Harris in California; Catherine Cortez Masto in Nevada; Tammy Duckworth in Illinois; and Maggie Hassan in New Hampshire. Democrats would have a net gain of two seats. | wenchette | t3_5c1vfe | 76 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_5c1vfe | false | The Dream Lives On | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,relationships,gonewild,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,nosleep,GlobalOffensive,MMA,Showerthoughts,philosophy,nba,anime,fantasyfootball,soccerstreams,SuicideWatch,me_irl, | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.400436 | 2.940085 | 2.844187 | true | false | false | 0.673417 | 0.601694 | 0.463573 | 100,240 | 1 | 0.579562 |
d3hdpu4 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,464,088,227 | 1,464,066,627 | In the pockets of hardworking americans? Lol but seriously they're in panama. We're all keeping our savings there in case Bernie gets his revolution. Don't want to live in a failed state, and all. | Todd_Buttes | t1_d3hdjhw | 35 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_4ks2ms | false | Corporate Democratic Wh*re | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,nfl,legaladvice,history,videos,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,gifs,food,depression,philosophy,anime,fantasyfootball,CanadaPolitics,SuicideWatch,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 36 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2.96212 | 2.929003 | 2.655787 | true | true | true | 0.562525 | 0.598481 | 0.405866 | 660,150 | 1 | 0.52229 |
d96bhc7 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,477,373,854 | 1,477,352,254 | Now I really feel like a #milennial. | quarab | t1_d96bfav | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_595vaa | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | explainlikeimfive,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,pcmasterrace,funny,pokemontrades,history,AskWomen,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,gifs,movies,india,changemyview,space,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,LifeProTips,TheSilphRoad,spacex,IAmA,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 37 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.897923 | 2.774956 | 3.035221 | true | false | false | 0.546284 | 0.553805 | 0.522088 | 207,337 | 0 | 0.540726 |
d8q6oil | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,385,905 | 1,476,364,305 | And yet, he was still attacked by the Rs. If anyone has been the poster boy for family values, it's been Obama. | Makinmecrazy | t3_578vx0 | 23 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_578vx0 | false | Washington | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,news,relationships,gonewild,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,personalfinance,pics,pokemongo,SandersForPresident,MMA,EnoughTrumpSpam,pokemontrades,legaladvice,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,UpliftingNews,food,books,pokemon,philosophy,Christianity,anime,2007scape,soccerstreams,wow,hearthstone,spacex,NeutralPolitics, | 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.966977 | 2.995294 | 2.63589 | false | false | false | 0.563754 | 0.617706 | 0.399771 | 258,742 | 1 | 0.527077 |
d5ooa4a | t5_2u1c9 | 1,469,385,758 | 1,469,364,158 | What does Bill Clinton have to do with anything here? This is trolling to be reported. Your comments show you are a Sanders dead ender. Get with the program. | michaelconfoy | t1_d5oo0qw | 5 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_4ubipy | false | Liberal | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,science,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,Incels,food,movies,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,conspiracy,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,gameofthrones,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf, | 75 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.301372 | 2.026631 | 2.160907 | false | false | false | 0.395359 | 0.336783 | 0.254282 | 534,147 | 0 | 0.328808 |
d7ctvv0 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,473,280,878 | 1,473,259,278 | That's Florida for ya. Every election it seems. Oh and 3rd parties need to fuck off pls and thx | MillardShillmore | t3_51lk7s | 32 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_51lk7s | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,AskReddit,science,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,videos,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,Android,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,gifs,food,movies,india,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,2007scape,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,conspiracy,canada,CanadaPolitics,nottheonion,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 80 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.099576 | 2.909254 | 2.92398 | false | false | false | 0.344306 | 0.592753 | 0.488014 | 410,457 | 1 | 0.475025 |
d3so6sg | t5_2u1c9 | 1,464,860,230 | 1,464,838,630 | I used to be far left. Well, do thought I was in college and the two years after. And then I found out I wasn't nearly as far-left as I thought. These sanders supporters are fucking delusional. I'm almost scared how brainwashed they are and how easy it was. Just think about how far gone you have to be to think anyone who disagrees with you is a paid shill or bot. They literally think people who think differently are sub-human. | Murphy_York | t3_4m4vgu | 85 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_4m4vgu | false | Former Berner | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,politics,science,worldnews,news,explainlikeimfive,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,personalfinance,photoshopbattles,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,MMA,europe,nfl,legaladvice,AskWomen,LateStageCapitalism,Showerthoughts,OutOfTheLoop,food,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,Overwatch,changemyview,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,wow,LifeProTips,technology,hearthstone,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,television,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.222205 | 2.428315 | 2.515044 | false | false | false | 0.37533 | 0.453276 | 0.362756 | 636,392 | 1 | 0.397121 |
d3lw84q | t5_2u1c9 | 1,464,387,073 | 1,464,365,473 | I can't even count how many times I've seen the infantile view of "after 4 years of trump burning the US to the ground, we'll get some real progressive change" on reddit How stupid does one have to be to have such a peanut view of politics? | KillerTeemo | t1_d3lw4gy | 35 | 0 | hillaryclinton | rainbow | 0 | t3_4lb4fl | false | #ImWithHer | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,science,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,CFB,pcmasterrace,pics,pokemongo,funny,GlobalOffensive,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,BlackPeopleTwitter,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,atheism,UpliftingNews,food,movies,books,depression,hiphopheads,pokemon,nba,2007scape,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,canada,soccerstreams,nottheonion,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,GetMotivated,asoiaf,NeutralPolitics, | 72 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.586703 | 2.66941 | 2.546069 | false | false | false | 0.467546 | 0.523196 | 0.372259 | 647,870 | 1 | 0.454334 |
da0n4pg | t5_2u1c9 | 1,479,194,303 | 1,479,172,703 | What's the lesson? "Never appoint a Republican to an important office"? Done. | Oneoneonder | t1_da0ieq7 | 30 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_5cxd1e | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,news,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,SandersForPresident,MMA,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,history,videos,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,Showerthoughts,DIY,food,india,depression,hiphopheads,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,CanadaPolitics,SuicideWatch,DestinyTheGame,jailbreak, | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.17896 | 2.982888 | 2.829159 | true | false | false | 0.617384 | 0.614108 | 0.45897 | 83,346 | 1 | 0.563488 |
d91ogvn | t5_2u1c9 | 1,477,076,403 | 1,477,054,803 | That is part of it that I did not mention in my post. She does not seem to be interested in the day-to-day, week after week work of being in Congress and the "playing politics" that goes on. I believe she would have a much bigger strength working outside of elected office. If she wants to be involved in elected office, I wish her the best and think she could do great at it. I hope she moves to Indiana (never going to happen) to do it. | FWdem | t1_d91o9bp | 2 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_58mrzx | false | Indiana | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,news,personalfinance,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,nba,soccerstreams,nottheonion,me_irl, | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.607966 | 3.126753 | 2.834593 | true | false | false | 0.725921 | 0.65583 | 0.460635 | 219,659 | 0 | 0.614128 |
d6iijq2 | t5_2u1c9 | 1,471,302,676 | 1,471,281,076 | I feel like we're gonna see a flood of posts about Manafort's Ukraine/Russia ties and *literally nothing* will come of it. It won't cause Trump's numbers to fall, no one will be arrested or tried or investigated. | jigielnik | t3_4xulhr | 21 | 0 | hillaryclinton | mod | 0 | t3_4xulhr | false | Netflix and Chillary | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,hillaryclinton,Games,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,nosleep,CFB,pics,Futurology,SandersForPresident,history,videos,Showerthoughts,DIY,atheism,UpliftingNews,gifs,food,movies,india,books,pokemon,philosophy,nba,anime,fantasyfootball,Overwatch,changemyview,space,nottheonion,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,TheSilphRoad,spacex,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,GetMotivated, | 39 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.066202 | 2.916894 | 2.883832 | true | false | false | 0.588857 | 0.594969 | 0.475717 | 456,393 | 1 | 0.553181 |
dd314vy | t5_2u1c9 | 1,485,768,540 | 1,485,746,940 | Breitbart kissed Trump's ass & championed him as a candidate. Trump loves whoever kisses his ass. | starshipcity | t1_dd2mf1f | 1 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_5qtht1 | false | Don't Boo, Vote! | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | The_Donald,AskReddit,science,news,explainlikeimfive,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,CFB,pcmasterrace,pokemongo,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,MMA,pokemontrades,legaladvice,AskWomen,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,DIY,Android,OutOfTheLoop,atheism,UpliftingNews,Incels,food,movies,india,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,nba,anime,2007scape,Overwatch,tifu,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,canada,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,gameofthrones,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,SubredditDrama,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,me_irl,IAmA,DestinyTheGame,GetMotivated,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 71 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.477261 | 3.156735 | 3.196423 | true | false | false | 0.439858 | 0.664525 | 0.571464 | 3,444 | 0 | 0.558616 |
d866q2a | t5_2u1c9 | 1,475,125,262 | 1,475,103,662 | I can't believe Hillary's defense gave up three touchdowns. | LLv2 | t3_54yqd7 | 35 | 0 | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_54yqd7 | false | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,worldnews,news,gonewild,askscience,AskHistorians,Games,nosleep,pcmasterrace,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,whatisthisthing,DIY,atheism,Incels,depression,philosophy,Christianity,anime,fantasyfootball,tifu,changemyview,socialism,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,OldSchoolCool,AskTrumpSupporters,SuicideWatch,SubredditDrama,spacex,IAmA,television,dataisbeautiful,NSFW_GIF,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics,jailbreak, | 45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.099064 | 2.932157 | 2.641695 | true | false | false | 0.597171 | 0.599395 | 0.401549 | 334,742 | 1 | 0.532705 |
d7k7krn | t5_2u1c9 | 1,473,749,326 | 1,473,720,526 | They also lied about it. | Impulsive_Guy | t1_d7k0mmt | 1 | null | hillaryclinton | null | 0 | t3_52fr97 | true | null | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | AskReddit,science,gonewild,hillaryclinton,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,nosleep,pics,Futurology,MMA,EnoughTrumpSpam,history,videos,GlobalOffensiveTrade,gaming,Showerthoughts,atheism,UpliftingNews,hiphopheads,philosophy,nba,fantasyfootball,space,CanadaPolitics,gameofthrones,me_irl,DestinyTheGame,GetMotivated,jailbreak, | 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.178906 | 2.893929 | 2.833656 | false | false | false | 0.617371 | 0.588309 | 0.460348 | 393,926 | 0 | 0.555342 |
d8xreee | t5_2u1c9 | 1,476,844,424 | 1,476,822,824 | lol | JaneGoodallVS | t3_585r94 | 3 | 0 | hillaryclinton | blue | 0 | t3_585r94 | false | Pokémon Go To The Polls | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | politics,AskReddit,science,worldnews,news,relationships,TwoXChromosomes,gonewild,hillaryclinton,askscience,leagueoflegends,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,aww,photoshopbattles,syriancivilwar,nosleep,pcmasterrace,funny,GlobalOffensive,Futurology,SandersForPresident,europe,nfl,EnoughTrumpSpam,pokemontrades,legaladvice,history,AskWomen,sex,GlobalOffensiveTrade,LateStageCapitalism,gaming,whatisthisthing,Showerthoughts,DIY,Android,UpliftingNews,food,movies,india,books,depression,pokemon,philosophy,nba,Christianity,anime,changemyview,space,ShitRedditSays,canada,socialism,CanadaPolitics,AskTrumpSupporters,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,wow,LifeProTips,technology,TheSilphRoad,hearthstone,spacex,television,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 69 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3.083867 | 3.156237 | 3.157729 | true | true | true | 0.593326 | 0.664381 | 0.559612 | 236,817 | 0 | 0.605773 |
d7qqwue | t5_2u1c9 | 1,474,155,419 | 1,474,133,819 | Sean Hannity is the A1 deplorable. | Ziggie1o1 | t3_536rn4 | 0 | 0 | hillaryclinton | pink | 0 | t3_536rn4 | false | A Woman's Place is in the White House | null | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | science,gonewild,AskHistorians,Games,PoliticalDiscussion,personalfinance,syriancivilwar,pokemongo,funny,BlackPeopleTwitter,history,videos,AskWomen,whatisthisthing,Android,OutOfTheLoop,books,hiphopheads,philosophy,Christianity,anime,changemyview,space,soccerstreams,CanadaPolitics,creepyPMs,SuicideWatch,spacex,dataisbeautiful,PurplePillDebate,NeutralPolitics, | 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.053123 | 3.004081 | 2.79786 | true | false | false | 0.585548 | 0.620254 | 0.449383 | 376,579 | 0 | 0.551729 |