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Komünist Manifesto
Komunist Manifesto bilimsel sosyalizmin en onemli program belgelerinden biridir. "Bu kucuk kitapcigin agirligi pek cok cilde denktir. Bugune dek uygar dunyada orgutlu ve mucadeleci proletaryanin tumune hayat ve hareket veren onun ruhudur." (Lenin) Karl Marx ile Friedrich Engels tarafindan Komunistler Birligi'nin programi olarak kaleme alinan Komunist Manifesto'nun ilk basimi 1848 Subatinda Londra'da 23 sayfa halinde yayinlandi. O tarihten bugune belli basli dunya dillerinde Manifesto'nun sayisiz basimi yapildi; bugun de yaygin bir ilginin konusu olmaya devam ediyor. Yordam Kitap, Komunist Manifesto ve Hakkinda Yazilar basligiyla sundugu kapsamli derlemeden sonra Manifesto'yu simdi de cep kitaplari dizisi icinde yayinliyor. Eserin Nail Satligan tarafindan Almanca aslindan yapilan cevirisi, anlamayi kolaylastiran bir sozlukce ve David Harvey'in aydinlatici giris yazisiyla birlikte sunuluyor.
Merry Christmas, Baby (Nightshade #4.5)
It's Christmas time in the City. A time of wonder and magic. Only Sabrina Arceneaux is beginning to wonder if the magic is gone from her marriage to Roman. She can feel the distance growing between them, and she's worried that not even her Christmas surprise will be enough to hold them together. Roman Arceneaux wants to make Christmas a special time for his beautiful wife, but to do so, he has to work long hours away from home, leaving Sabrina alone and unhappy. Can he pull off a Christmas miracle before there's nothing left to save?
العلامات الفارقة في كشف دين المارقة
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Sandi (Shiver Cove #3)
Recent 'animal attacks' in Shiver Cove have everyone on edge, but only Sandi and her friends realize the connection to an evil, creature they call 'The Beast'. Unlike some of her supernatural friends, Sandi is just a regular girl and she hates it. After failed months of trying to become a psychic medium, she decides to go in another direction. Secretly, Sandi begins to learn about magic. When she discovers the concept of vision quests it seems like the perfect way to safely learn more about 'The Beast', although nothing ever goes smoothly in Shiver Cove. The vision quest ends with Sandi in the hospital, leaving her explaining how she didn't try to kill herself. Desperately she attempts to piece together any useful information from the vision. Sandi pulls herself together just as the psychic side effects of her near-death experience begin to haunt her. Could her newfound abilities help in their quest to stop 'The Beast' or will she have to step away to protect the ones she loves?
The Grand Slam: Bobby Jones, America, and the Story of Golf
From the bestselling author of the critically acclaimed The Greatest Game Ever Playedcomes The Grand Slam, a riveting, in-depth look at the life and times of golf icon Bobby Jones.In the wake of the stock market crash and the dawn of the Great Depression, a ray of light emerged from the world of sports in the summer of 1930. Bobby Jones, an amateur golfer who had already won nine of the seventeen major championships he'd entered during the last seven years, mounted his final campaign against the record books. In four months, he conquered the British Amateur Championship, the British Open, the United States Open, and finally the United States Amateur Championship, an achievement so extraordinary that writers dubbed it the Grand Slam. A natural, self-taught player, Jones made his debut at the U.S. Amateur Championship at the age of 14. But for the next seven years, Jones struggled in major championships, and not until he turned 21 in 1923 would he harness his immense talent. What the world didn't know was that throughout his playing career the intensely private Jones had longed to retreat from fame's glaring spotlight. While the press referred to him as "a golfing machine," the strain of competition exacted a ferocious toll on his physical and emotional well-being. During the season of the Slam he constantly battled exhaustion, nearly lost his life twice, and came perilously close to a total collapse. By the time he completed his unprecedented feat, Bobby Jones was the most famous man not only in golf, but in the history of American sports. Jones followed his crowning achievement with a shocking announcement: his retirement from the game at the age of 28. His abrupt disappearance from the public eye into a closely guarded private life helped create a mythological image of this hero from the Golden Age of sports that endures to this day.
Never Coming Back (David Raker, #4)
Playing time: 12 hours 55 mins.
Fledgling vampyre Zoey Redbird has managed to settle in at the House of Night. She's come to terms with the vast powers the vampyre goddess, Nyx, has given her, and is getting a handle on being the new Leader of the Dark Daughters. Best of all, Zoey finally feels like she belongs--like she really fits in. She actually has a boyfriend... or two. Then the unthinkable happens: human teenagers are being killed, and all the evidence points to the House of Night. While danger stalks the humans from Zoey's old life, she begins to realize that the very powers that make her so unique might also threaten those she loves. Then, when she needs her new friends the most, death strikes the House of Night. Zoey must find the courage to face a betrayal that could break her heart, her soul, and jeopardize the very fabric of her world. "Cast reeled me in from paragraph one. I snorted and giggled through the whole thing, and devoured it in one sitting." - MaryJanice Davidson, New York Timesbestselling author of the Undead series
Betrayed (House of Night, #2)
Fledgling vampyre Zoey Redbird has managed to settle in at the House of Night. She's come to terms with the vast powers the vampyre goddess, Nyx, has given her, and is getting a handle on being the new Leader of the Dark Daughters. Best of all, Zoey finally feels like she belongs--like she really fits in. She actually has a boyfriend... or two. Then the unthinkable happens: human teenagers are being killed, and all the evidence points to the House of Night. While danger stalks the humans from Zoey's old life, she begins to realize that the very powers that make her so unique might also threaten those she loves. Then, when she needs her new friends the most, death strikes the House of Night. Zoey must find the courage to face a betrayal that could break her heart, her soul, and jeopardize the very fabric of her world. "Cast reeled me in from paragraph one. I snorted and giggled through the whole thing, and devoured it in one sitting." - MaryJanice Davidson, New York Timesbestselling author of the Undead series
The Last Will of Moira Leahy
"The Last Will of Moira Leahy is haunting, exotic and romantic--the way Gothic tales are romantic, wrapped in luscious, dark atmosphere. It's a magicaldebut . . ."--Sarah Addison Allen, New York Times bestselling author of Garden Spells Maeve Leahy is a busy professor of languages at a university in upstate New York. So busy that she leaves little time for memories of her lost twin, Moira; her fractured family in Castine, Maine; and the music she left behind in the wake of tragedy nine years ago. Until a childhood relic and a series of anonymous notes resurrects her dreams, a lost language, and her most painful recollections; and prompts her to cross an ocean in search of ancient history. There, Maeve will learn new truths about her past, and come face to face with the one thing she truly fears. Only then can she choose between the safe life she's built for herself and one of risk, with bonds she knows can be both wrenchingly delicate and more enduring than time.
Using SANs and NAS: Help for Storage Administrators
Data is the lifeblood of modern business, and modern data centers have extremely demanding requirements for size, speed, and reliability. Storage Area Networks (SANs) and Network Attached Storage (NAS) allow organizations to manage and back up huge file systems quickly, thereby keeping their lifeblood flowing. W. Curtis Preston's insightful book takes you through the ins and outs of building and managing large data centers using SANs and NAS. As a network administrator you're aware that multi-terabyte data stores are common and petabyte data stores are starting to appear. Given this much data, how do you ensure that it is available all the time, that access times and throughput are reasonable, and that the data can be backed up and restored in a timely manner? SANs and NAS provide solutions that help you work through these problems, with special attention to the difficulty of backing up huge data stores. This book explains the similarities and differences of SANs and NAS to help you determine which, or both, of these complementing technologies are appropriate for your network. Using SANs, for instance, is a way to share multiple devices (tape drives and disk drives) for storage, while NAS is a means for centrally storing files so they can be shared. Preston exams each technology with a vendor neutral approach, starting with the building blocks of a SAN and how they can be assembled for effective storage solutions. He covers day-to-day management and backup and recovery for both SANs and NAS in detail. Whether you're a seasoned storage administrator or a network administrator charged with taking on this role, you'll find all the information you need to make informed architecture and data management decisions. The book fans out to explore technologies such as RAID and other forms of monitoring that will help complement your data center. With an eye on the future, other technologies that might affect the architecture and management of the data center are explored. This is sure to be an essential volume in any network administrator's or storage administrator's library.
Human Resources
Human Resources has been optioned for film or TV adaptation by Mace Neufeld Productions, producers of The Omen, The Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games, Invictus and a list of other titles. Some things are much worse than getting fired. A beautiful business consultant swoops in to rescue a struggling company from financial disaster. She cancels layoffs and dazzles everyone with her killer looks and corporate savvy. Employee, Lonnie Raiford, becomes skeptical when he and the other staff notice unexplainable, over-the-top attention and affection she showers on his best friend, Hugh Berish. As curiosity mounts about the woman's intentions, Lonnie begins a frantic investigation that uncovers her true identity and a secret more bizarre than anyone at the company had imagined.
Un Baile Perfecto
!Ninguna mujer iba a atrapar al sargento Nick Paretti! Y eso incluia a Gina Santini. Habian aceptado hacer creer en publico que eran pareja, pero Nick jamas habia tenido intencion de mantener la farsa en el dormitorio de Gina. Sin embargo, su boca sensual lo dejaba ante un precipicio de placer que no fue capaz de resistir. De modo que se lanzo al vacio, y en el proceso se llevo la virginidad de Gina. La hermosa joven afirmaba que buscaba obtener experiencia y no conseguir un marido, aunque su corazon no estaba de acuerdo. Mientras tanto, algo le dijo a Nick que los guardias que tenia apostados ante su corazon habian soltado sus armas y se habian rendido...
That One Thing (Alex and Jared - The College Years, #1)
A short story Alex Ross expects to grow up during his four years at MIT, but he doesn't anticipate exactly how much things will change. Graduating valedictorian of his class opens the world to him in ways he never imagined. A surprise visit from his boyfriend, Jared Douglas, shocks Alex into the realization he's no longer sure how the pieces of his life fit together. He's faced with the fact boyhood dreams might not suit the man. Jared is determined Alex will have the chance to make his own decisions. It's Jared's steadfast love and the knowledge he will be there regardless of what Alex chooses that gives him the confidence to search his heart for that one thing he needs to be happy.
Troublemakersis an often hilarious, sometimes frightening, occasionally off-the-wall collection of stories about men living on the edge. From the streets of Chicago's southwest side to the rural roads of Nebraska to the small towns of southern Illinois, these men tread a very fine line between right and wrong, love and hate, humor and horror. Each story is a Pandora's box waiting to be opened: a high school boy with a new driver's license picks his brother up from jail; a UPS driver suspects his wife of having an affair but cannot find any tangible evidence of her indiscretion; an unemployed man's life begins to unravel after he discovers a dead man in a tree in his own backyard; two boys spend Halloween with an older thug; a young college teacher's patience is tested by both his annoying colleagues and the criminals who haunt his neighborhood. In story after story, McNally's troublemakers lead readers to a place no less thrilling or dangerous than the human heart itself.
Tokyo Ghoul: re, Vol. 5
"Diventero il tuo dio." Il piano per la distruzione dei "Rose" avanza, l'identificazione del gruppo di Ghoul e vicina. Intanto Haise Sasaki cerca di riconquistare i vent'anni di vuoto della sua memoria. I contorni della verita si fanno via via meno confusi... Kanae, nel frattempo, progetta l'eliminazione di tutti i membri della QS per il suo padrone e si mette in contatto con l'Albero di Aogiri. La famiglia Tsukiyama e circondata, passi minacciosi si fanno sempre piu vicini... Poi, il panorama viene cucito. Qualcuno, contorcendosi nel rosso cremisi, causera un grande dolore..
Doctor Who: The Child
"Tell me another story, Leela. Not the one about the walking doll or the creepy mechanical men. A new one. I want to hear a new one..." Leela is dead but her soul lives on. She has been reborn as a young girl, Emily, whose 'imaginary friend' tells her amazing tales about a great Wizard and the warrior who accompanies him on his adventures through time and space. Emily prepares to tell her parents the story of a cold, grey world whose people are ruled over by a Glass Angel. The Wizard is her prisoner and only the warrior girl and her three peculiar friends can save him...
Obrolan Sufi
Sejatinya, kita semua rindu untuk selalu mendekat kepada Tuhan. Banyak jalan untuk itu, di antaranya melalui tasawuf. Tetapi, menjadi sufi bagi sebagian orang sangatlah berat dan sulit. Robert Frager, seorang mursyid dari Amerika, menepis anggapan itu. Bertasawuf bukanlah mengasingkan diri dari hiruk-pikuk dunia untuk kemudian berdekatan dengan Tuhan. Pengembangan spiritual dan kehidupan sehari-hari dapat menyatu dalam harmoni. Melalui metode obrolan antara guru dan murid, antara mursyid dan darwis, Syekh Frager menyampaikan ajaran-ajaran tasawuf secara ringan, tanpa menggurui, dan mengantarkan kita pada perenungan. Hasilnya, kita yang membacanya ingin lebih memperpendek jarak kita dengan Tuhan dan senantiasa ingin menyertakan Tuhan dalam aktivitas sehari-hari kita.
نام‌ها و نشانه‌ها در دستور زبان فارسی
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Mardrömsakademien (Mardrömsakademien, #1) (Nightmare Academy #1)
Spoken i garderoben? Monster under sangen? Trams! De finns ju faktiskt inte i verkligheten. Det ar vad Charlie Benjamin intalar sig nar han vaknar om natten. Men, vad gor man om monstret under sangen faktiskt ar verkligt? Charlie Benjamin har alltid varit lite annorlunda. Han kan inte sitta still och hans vilda fantasi ar nagot utover det vanliga. Han har ocksa en mycket otrevlig vana - han slapper in fruktansvarda mardromsmonster i var varld. Som tur ar finns det ett sarskilt stalle for sadana som Charlie - Mardromsakademien, en skola for barn som fatt Gavan. Och det har Charlie - till och med starkare an de andra eleverna. Nar Charlie av misstag oppnar en portal till Landet Nedan utmanas hans och de nyfunna vannernas krafter till det yttersta. Ska de lyckas halla mardromsmonstren borta, eller ar det redan for sent ...
A Soldier's Promise
Overview "These tears I cry...sure won't be the last...this pain inside...never seems to past...never seems to past me by..." Tour the journey as this Officer and gentleman, John Dixon, rescues a woman that has been sold to drugs and slave trade. He is a hero to the states; but his soul is empty much like poor Nikki's. Both are victims to lack of love and support as John is condemned for serving a country that has killed innocent members of his family and Nikki is outcast from her influential family due to her accidental addiction to drugs. Love finds them and life is good but when John is called back to fighting for his country Nikki is left feeling alone and abandoned. John's family has yet to accept her and their newborn son, her sister is wallowing in her luxurious lifestyle, and the loneliness and uncertainty of John's wellbeing begins to warm the veins in her arms. The letters begin and express the love, support, and dependence, they vow never to break. When the letters stop... the commanding officers seem oblivious to what has happened to Nikki's Dear John. She suspects malice and questions the platoon only to find that Naval Officers that her husband trained and wives she has communed, cried, and serviced with have demanded she show proof of marriage. Lost in the twilight zone, Nikki becomes irate and against all odds and warning of possible torture and capture leaves the states headed to Afghanistan in search for her husband. Book one is just the beginning of this story of romance and heroism. How far would you go for love? My love for you will never dissipate no matter how high the tides, the seasons pass, the storms rage. I promise to return...if only in your dreams...Love John... Dear John, I will love you forever. Care for our son..., teach him of your goodness, your honor, your bravery...I will wait for you. No matter the seasons past...the suns rise and fall. My heart belongs to you. In my dreams I am there with you... Nikki in my heart I lie with you... John, when you are afraid I cradle you... Nikki my heart weeps for you...holding tight to your picture...my love will never die...Till the next moon sets...I will write soon...I will never say goodbye... Dear Nikki... My Dear John... BOOK DEDICATION: This series "A Soldiers Promise" is dedicated to the men and women enduring the everyday challenges of being in today's military. The military poses many challenges emotionally for families and unless you have been there it is impossible to understand. AMB Publications is proud to convey these challenges based on true life events and emotions that showcase love, betrayal, struggle, constant moving around, long distance relationships, and so much more. With the turn of every page, we hope that we can inspire and entertain you the readers worldwide and take this experience and share it with others experiencing the very same circumstances. As members in each branch of the military "A Soldier's Promise" is AMB's salute to the Armed Forces.
Switched (Trylle Trilogy, #1)
Wendy Everly knew she was different the day her mother tried to kill her and accused her of having been switched at birth. Although certain she's not the monster her mother claimed she is she does feel that she doesn't quite fit in The new girl in High School, she's bored and frustrated by her small town life and then there's the secret that she can't tell anyone. Her mysterious ability she can influence people's decisions, without knowing how, or why... When the intense and darkly handsome newcomer Finn suddenly turns up at her bedroom window one night her world is turned upside down. He holds the key to her past, the answers to her strange powers and is the doorway to a place she never imagined could exist. Forening, the home of the Trylle. Everything begins to make sense to Wendy. Among the Trylle, she is not just different, but special. But what marks her out as chosen for greatness in this world also places her in grave danger. With everything around her changing, Finn is the only person she can trust. But dark forces are conspiring not only to separate them, but to see the downfall everything that Wendy cares about. The fate of Forening rests in Wendy's hands, and the decisions she and Finn make could change all their lives forever...
Switched (Trylle, #1)
Wendy Everly knew she was different the day her mother tried to kill her and accused her of having been switched at birth. Although certain she's not the monster her mother claimed she is, she does feel that she doesn't quite fit in. The new girl in High School, Wendy is bored and frustrated by her small-town life -- and then there's her secret, her mysterious ability -- she can influence people's decisions, without knowing how, or why ...When the intense and darkly handsome newcomer Finn suddenly turns up at her bedroom window one night, her world is turned upside down. He holds the key to her past, the answers to her strange powers and is the doorway to a place she never imagined could exist: Forening, the home of the Trylle. Among the Trylle she is not just different, but special. But what marks her out as chosen for greatness in this world also places her in grave danger. With everything around her changing, Finn is the only person she can trust. But dark forces are conspiring -- not only to separate them, but to see the downfall of everything that Wendy cares about...
Second Kiss (Second Kiss, #1)
'Even my most humiliating moments seemed funny somehow when I told them to Jess.' Gemma Mitchell is a normal girl who somehow gets herself into abnormally embarrassing circumstances. And while she thinks she's the biggest loser in school because of them, there are a few people in her life who would disagree. One of those people is her best friend, Jess Tyler, who is opposite to her in every way. He's popular, good looking, athletic, and intelligent, and he can't get enough of Gemma. But while Gemma is dealing with problems like wrong locker combinations and Valentine's Day dances, Jess is living in a world of serious issues that are foreign to Gemma, until she realizes that he's holding on to her for dear life. Humorous and true to life, Second Kiss is an entertaining saga about a boy and girl who find that their lives have a lot more meaning once they have shared them with each other.
Thirteen Reasons Why
Librarian's Note: this is an alternate cover edition - ISBN 13: 9780141328294 You can't stop the future. You can't rewind the past. The only way to learn the secret is to press play. Clay Jensen returns home to find a strange package with his name on it. Inside he discovers several cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker - his classmate and first love - who committed suicide two weeks earlier. Hannah's voice explains there are thirteen reasons why she killed herself. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he'll find out why. All through the night, Clay keeps listening - and what he discovers changes his life... forever.
Goodness Gracious Green (Green #2)
Will Lois Barker put down roots in Green . . . or will small-town life be too tough? The charming and uncertain journalist is delighted with her decision to keep The Green News-Item and excited about the possibility of romance with her good-looking catfish farmer/coach neighbor--and the growth of her fresh faith and friendships. Her second year in Green has scarcely been rung in, though, before Lois is wrung out. The former owners of the paper want it back. The mayor's dog bites her on the face. A series of fires threaten Lois. And while her friends blossom, Lois feels wilted. Although Lois finds fresh hopes turning stale in her second year in Green, in the midst of challenges and lessons, Lois's journey still explodes with possibilities!
Opublikovannyi polveka nazad avtobiograficheskii roman Al'bertiny Sarrazen MENIa ZOVUT ASTRAGAL' oboshel ves' mir. Napisannyi v tiur'me, gde ona provela neskol'ko let i kuda za prostitutsiiu i vorovstvo popadala ne raz, on prines ei nastoiashchuiu slavu. Vospitannaia priemnymi roditeliami - nastoiashchikh ona nikogda ne znala, - Al'bertina v shestnadtsat' let sbezhala iz shkoly dlia trudnovospituemykh i pytalas' vyzhit' v Parizhe vsemi dozvolennymi i nedozvolennymi sposobami. I vse eto vremia, v nevole i na svobode, ona pisala. Priznanie prishlo nezadolgo do smerti. Vypustiv podriad tri bestsellera, Al'bertina Sarrazen umerla v tridtsat' let ot vrachebnoi oshibki, ne prozhiv i goda posle publikatsii poslednei chasti trilogii. Vse sobytiia, o kotorykh idet rech' v romane, - podlinnye. Pobeg iz tiur'my, zhizn' vne zakona, bezumnaia liubov' na fone tiuremnykh vospominanii i postoiannogo strakha snova okazat'sia za reshetkoi opisany s predel'noi iskrennost'iu. I interes k knige posle stol'kikh let ne ugasaet. Ee nedavno pereizdali vo Frantsii, Anglii, SShA i eshche desiatke stran, gde chitateli vnov' otkryvaiut dlia sebia etot malen'kii shedevr.
Nerina has lived all her life as a mermaid, fascinated by humans and land but also repulsed by sex and unable to understand love. Her curiosity gets her captured by a human male intent on awakening her lust and turning her human. But Nerina doesn't believe the legend is real and fears Kyros will kill her when he learns she can't transform.
In the seamy Hong Bay district of Hong Kong, crimes of every shape and size are commonplace. But not letter bombs. Not until Leung and Ramaswamy are successfully and bloodily spread across their office walls. When Det. Inspector Bill Spencer narrowly escapes becoming victim number three, the cops are grimly determined to track down the culprit.
The Agent's Secret Past
THREAT FROM HER AMISH PAST Eight years ago, a drifter destroyed Becca Miller's ties to her Amish community--and murdered her family. Now a special agent with Fort Rickman's criminal investigation department, Becca knows her past has caught up with her and doesn't want to relive it. She's convinced that the killer, who supposedly died years ago, is very much alive and after her. Special agent Colby Voss agrees to help her investigate. Yet the closer they get to the truth, the closer the killer gets to silencing her permanently. Military Investigations: Serving their country and solving crimes
Ensaio de uma vida bandida
"Hoje e nove de dezembro de mil novecentos e noventa e seis: o dia em que mataram um bandido; o dia em que o meu heroi morreu". E com o lamento de um personagem que se inicia o novo livro de Leandro Franca. Obra que resgata a historia de Leonardo Pareja, o carismatico criminoso que se tornou celebre por suas acoes ousadas e espetaculares. Baseado nos fatos reais, o enredo traz duas historias paralelas que conduzem o leitor as tragicomicas proezas de um cangaceiro pos-moderno. Assim estruturada, a novela literaria envolve o leitor em uma armadilha: hipnotizado pela encenacao, encantado pelos atores - neles incluida a persona do bandido -, o leitor se aproxima de tal forma do enredo que, nao e arriscado afirmar, descobre-se dele cumplice.
The House of Binding Thorns (Dominion of the Fallen, #2)
The multi-award-winning author of The House of Shattered Wingscontinues her Dominion of the Fallen saga as Paris endures the aftermath of a devastating arcane war.... As the city rebuilds from the onslaught of sorcery that nearly destroyed it, the great Houses of Paris, ruled by Fallen angels, still contest one another for control over the capital. House Silverspires was once the most powerful, but just as it sought to rise again, an ancient evil brought it low. Phillippe, an immortal who escaped the carnage, has a singular goal--to resurrect someone he lost. But the cost of such magic might be more than he can bear. In House Hawthorn, Madeleine the alchemist has had her addiction to angel essence savagely broken. Struggling to live on, she is forced on a perilous diplomatic mission to the underwater dragon kingdom--and finds herself in the midst of intrigues that have already caused one previous emissary to mysteriously disappear.... As the Houses seek a peace more devastating than war, those caught between new fears and old hatreds must find strength--or fall prey to a magic that seeks to bind all to its will.
Under Drake's Flag: A Tale of the Spanish Main
The struggle between England and Spain for supremacy of the high seas, as seen through the eyes of a sixteenth-century teenager, Ned Hearne. Along with three friends, young Ned is swept up in one adventure after another as he accompanies the daring English mariner Francis Drake on amazing voyages of discovery across the Pacific. An eyewitness to the great naval battle between the English fleet and the Spanish Armada, Ned has firsthand views of England's rise as the world's most powerful sea-going nation.
The Ghost Bride
Yangsze Choo's stunning debut, The Ghost Bride, is a startlingly original novel infused with Chinese folklore, romantic intrigue, and unexpected supernatural twists. Li Lan, the daughter of a respectable Chinese family in colonial Malaysia, hopes for a favorable marriage, but her father has lost his fortune, and she has few suitors. Instead, the wealthy Lim family urges her to become a "ghost bride" for their son, who has recently died under mysterious circumstances. Rarely practiced, a traditional ghost marriage is used to placate a restless spirit. Such a union would guarantee Li Lan a home for the rest of her days, but at what price? Night after night, Li Lan is drawn into the shadowy parallel world of the Chinese afterlife, where she must uncover the Lim family's darkest secrets--and the truth about her own family. Reminiscent of Lisa See's Peony in Love and Amy Tan's The Bonesetter's Daughter, The Ghost Bride is a wondrous coming-of-age story and from a remarkable new voice in fiction.
Mr. Majeika
As a rule, magic carpets don't turn up in schools, but this is exactly what happens when Class Three's new teacher flies in through the classroom window and lands on the floor with a bump. Mr Majeika can behave just like any ordinary teacher if he wants to, but something has to be done about Hamish Bigmore, the class nuisance, and so he uses a little magic to turn him into a frog. And to everyone's delight it looks as if Hamish will have to remain a frog because Mr Majeika can't remember the spell to turn him back again! With Mr Majeika in charge, suddenly life at school become much more exciting - there's even a magic-carpet ride to Buckingham Palace!
Entice (The Embrace Series, #2)
Every day Violet Eden wonders whether she made the right choice. She still doesn't fully understand these powers she's been granted as a half-angel Grigori. And worse, isn't even sure she's capable of using them. Stab someone through the heart? Really? No matter how bad things get, though, Violet doesn't run and she doesn't quit. Even if it means she can never allow herself to love the guy she longs for. Even if it means asking her enemy for help. Even if no one is telling her the truth. The war between Exiles and Angels is on--and she's wanted by both sides.
Segredos de Uma Condessa Respeitável (Secrets #1)
Lady Isobel Maitland nao se pode dar ao luxo de ser apanhada fazendo qualquer coisa, mesmo remotamente, escandalosa, ou corre o risco de perder tudo o que tem de mais querido. Mas uma noite, num jardim escuro num baile de mascaras, Isobel cede a tentacao e permite que um namorisco inocente com o marques de Blackwood se transforme em paixao..
At the Highwayman's Pleasure
CAPTIVATED BY THE DARK RIDER... Embittered by injustice, Ross Durden leads a double life: gentleman farmer by day, roguish highwayman by night. He has sworn to right the wrongs of the past, but danger lurks around every corner--not least when he sets eyes on the beautiful daughter of his sworn enemy. Celebrated actress Charity Weston is no stranger to disguises herself. But when a darkly daring masked man steals a kiss, she is drawn into a web of intrigue even she could never have imagined.
How To Make Money Online As An Artist: An In Depth Guide On How I Use The Internet To Make Money With My Art
Imagine a world where anyone could make a living doing exactly what they wanted professionally. Imagine a world with more musicians, painters, sculptors, poets, and in general, more passion. If you walk into a kindergarten class and say, "raise your hand if you are an artist", it's more than likely that almost every, if not all of the Crayola stained hands will go up in the air. If you walked into a board meeting at some big and powerful corporation and ask the same question, you will be lucky if you're not escorted off the property by security. Where do we lose this creative spunk? At what point do we throw in the paint drenched towel and conform to societies standards? How do we create a world where the childish ideology of being what you want to be as an adult was a real thing? I wrote this book to help break down the cliche boundaries of being an artist. You will learn that the term "Starving Artist" is irrelevant today. In this book I will not only introduce you to several different methods of selling your art online, but I will walk you step-by-step through my personal journey, and show you everything I did along the way to become a self-employed artist. HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE AS AN ARTIST is exactly what it says. It's not just a list of websites where you can sell your art. If you are looking to take your passion for art to the next level, then this book will serve as a guide for you to learn some of the different ways to actually make money using the online market. I will teach you methods that I personally use and make my living with. Art is love, and the world can always use a little more love!
The Road to Wigan Pier
Although George Orwell grew up in the relative comfort of the English middle class, his socialist convictions and general sense of fairness led him to hate his country's deeply ingrained class structure. That perspective permeates this book, but the most striking elements are the quotidian details of life that Orwell observes in his first-person account of the lives of coal miners and others in the poor north of England. Wigan Pieris almost too realistic at times, as Orwell brings his unparalleled powers of observation to portray the wretched conditions of the working class. That Orwell may have slanted his reporting to make things look worse than they were is a question that does not lessen the book's interest.
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution
y`d rytshrd dwknz mw'lf hdh lktb mn kbr `lm lbywlwjy wlHywn fy njltr wy`ml 'stdh fy jm`@ 'wksfwrd. wqd dhsh dwknz lwjwd mthl hdhh lnsb@ mn mnkry Hqyq@ ltTwr wmn lmw'mnyn HrfyWaan bsfr ltkwyn b`tbrh mSdran lltrykh, wySf dwknz hw'l "ltkwynyyn" b'nhm "mnkrw ltrykh" lHqyqy, ldhy 'thbtth l`lwm lHdyth@. yshn dwknz fy hdh lktb hjwman `nyfan `l~ mnkry Hqyq@ ltTwr 'w mnkry ltrykh, wywDH bl'dl@ wlbrhyn ljzm@ rswkh Hqyq@ ltTwr wskhf@ mz`m mnkryh, wystmd 'dlth wbrhynh mn l'mthl@ lHy@ llntkhb lTby`y, wmn l'dl@ lwDH@ fy sjl lHfryt, wmn lTwl lhy' l`mr lkwn ldhy tm ltTwr fyh, km tqysh ls`t lTby`y@ mthl Hlqt l'shjr wlnZy'r lmsh`@. km 'n hnk 'dl@ Hsm@ mstmd@ mn `lm lwrthyt ljzyy'y@, ldhy ybHth wyqrn lwrthyt `l~ mstw~ ljzyy't lkymyy'y@ fy lky'nt lHy@.
Smithsonian Everything You Need to Know: Grades K-1
Curious minds find hundreds of fascinating facts in "Smithsonian Everything You Need to Know: Grades K-1." The flip-top box is packed with 275 fact cards covering categories such as Earth and space, plants and animals, geography, history, and health. Whether it s the number of teeth in a great white shark s mouth or how a rainbow forms, kids ages 5 7 will learn a variety of information in a tactile and engaging manner. Each flip of a card not only showcases beautiful color photographs and illustrations paired with a fact, but also presents a new learning moment. With this packed-full box of facts, kids are given an extra opportunity to learn all they need to know for early science, social studies, and history exploration in a fun format that s sure to engage eager young minds. "
Shattered (Open Heart #2)
Mishca needs to save her sisters, but only Ryder can save her. The truth about Mishca's past shattered her heart. She deals with the pain by focusing on a new mission: saving her newfound family from their creator. With her sisters scheduled for termination, Mishca and her friends set out on a journey up the North Queensland Coast to save them before someone else dies. Ryder understands the need driving Mischa. It's in her DNA. But he's not giving up on the chance they can still be together. She's the only one to have seen him levitate. The only one to watch the sparks dance across his skin. The only one he trusts enough to know what is in his heart. And now, he might be the only one who can stop Mishca from losing her humanity. Driven apart by secrets, will they come together in time?
Killer Plan (DI Geraldine Steel, #7)
Leigh Russell returns with Killer Plan, the seventh book in thebestselling DI Geraldine Steel series. Caroline's husband is killed, but she can't turn to the police without implicating herself in his murder. When one of her 10-year-old twins is kidnapped, the desperate mother is forced to resort to drastic measures to get him back. As time runs out, and a second body is discovered, Geraldine realises she has a secret that might just help solve the case. But the truth could destroy her career. Faced with the unenviable decision of protecting herself or the widow she barely knows, Geraldine must grapple with her conscience and do the right thing before the death count mounts any further.
Emotional Alchemy: How the Mind Can Heal the Heart
According to ancient legends, alchemists use a magical philosopher's stone to transmute lead into gold. In Emotional Alchemy, Tara Bennett-Goleman shows readers how they can use this alchemist metaphor to transform emotional confusion (lead) into insightful clarity (gold). And what does the magic stone represent? "Mindfulness", a lifelong practice that can bring readers more joy and contentment than gold, according to Bennett-Goleman. "Mindfulness means seeing things as they are without trying to change them", she writes. "The point is to dissolve our reactions to disturbing emotions, being careful not to reject the emotion itself".Those who have never entered this practice will find a concise and articulate teacher in Bennett-Goleman, who leads national workshops with her husband, author Daniel Goleman (Emotional Intelligence). What makes this book such an exciting breakthrough is Bennett-Goleman's ability to apply Buddhist mindfulness to Western psychology. She shows how emotional alchemy can be used to address typical habits, such as mistrust, fear of rejection, feeling unlovable. Readers will also find fascinating scientific facts on how emotional alchemy affects brain chemistry and even cancer survival. --Gail Hudson
الخروج من سوسروقة
ttHdth hdhh lrwy@ `n trykh lshrks `qb lljw ljm`y mn lqfqs nHw bld lshm wtrky wtstrj` Swr mn Hy@ lmjtm` lshrksy qbl my'ty `m. yqwl lktb nzyh 'bw nDl `n hdhh lrwy@: "zhr@ `mr fy lkhrwj mn swsrwq@ 'Tlt `n kthb `l~ hdhh lmrHl@ lt'sysy@ fy bn mdyn@ `mWn, wdhlk mn khll mrfqth ltfSyly@ lmlHm@ lshtt lshrksy mn bld lqfqs l~ 'n stqr bhm lmqm fy `mWn.. wbldht fy khwf wbywt lmdrj lrwmny wsfwH lql`@, wm` lnshT lzr`y bd't tqm lbywt mn libn lTyn lmjbwl bltbn, km 'qymt dkkyn llHdd@ wlHdhw lkhyl, wZhrt 'swq bdy'y@ lltbdl wltjr@ l'wly@, w'khdh lshrks ystkhdmwn l`rbt dht l`jlt lkhshby@ lkbyr@ lty tjrh l'bqr, km stkhdmw l'dwt lzr`y@ lbdy'y@, wrHw yhtmwn l~ jnb zr`@ lqmH wlHbwb bzr`@ lkhDr wl'shjr `l~ Hwfy lsyl fy lmhjryn wr's l`yn wlshbswG `l~ mtdd lmdyn@. wm` rsm mlmH lHy@ lmdy@ rHt trsm mlmH lHy@ ljtm`y@ ldkhly@ llmhjryn lshrks, km tnql wqy'` l`lqt lm`qd@ wlmtshbk@ wldmwy@ 'Hynan m` lmHyT l`rby, khSwS lbdwy."
Second Chance for Love
World's Apart? When Tom Quinn rescued Josey, the handsome country vet had little sympathy for the mess she was in, or her ability to get out of it. To him, Josey was a spoiled city girl -- just like his ex-wife. Forced to rely on Tom's hospitality, Josey soon found the strength to start again -- to make a new home and friends, and care for Pepper, an abandoned puppy. In the small rural community, she could have greater happiness that she'd ever know -- if Tom were only willing to give marriage a second chance.
The Young Hitler I Knew
August Kubizek met Adolf Hitler in 1904 and over the next four years they became close friends, eventually sharing a flat together in Vienna. This book tells the story of their extraordinary friendship, and gives fascinating insight into Hitler's character during these formative years.
Hitler's War Directives, 1939-1945
The Second World War was Hitler's personal war in many senses. He intended it, prepared for it, chose the moment for launching it, planned its course, and, on several occasions between 1939 and 1942, claimed to have won it. Although the aims he sought to achieve were old nationalist aspirations, the fact that the policy and strategy for their realization were imposed so completely by Hitler meant that if victory had come, it would have been very much a personal triumph: the ultimate failure was thus a personal one too. This book presents all of Hitler's directives, from preparations for the invasion of Poland (31 August 1939) to his last desperate order to his troops on the Eastern Front (15 April 1945), whom he urges to choke the Bolshevik assault 'in a bath of blood'. They provide a fascinating insight into Hitler's mind and how he interpreted and reacted to events as they unfolded. The book also has detailed notes which link the Fuhrer's orders and explain the consequences of his directives and how the Allies responded to them.
One Million Tomorrows
People born into the complacent bitch society of the 22nd Century regard indefinitely prolonged life as a birthright. But to get their one million tomorrows men have to make the transition from FUNKIE to COOL. FUNKIE is a slang for `functional male`. Immortality can only be achieved at the expense of male sexuality. So when Will Carewe is offered one million tomorrows without the side effects, he is being offered something very valuable. Something people would kill for.
The Different Girl
Four nearly identical girls on a desert island. An unexpected new arrival. A gently warped near future where nothing is quite as it seems. Veronika. Caroline. Isobel. Eleanor. One blond, one brunette, one redhead, one with hair black as tar. Four otherwise identical girls who spend their days in sync, tasked to learn. But when May, a very different kind of girl--the lone survivor of a recent shipwreck--suddenly and mysteriously arrives on the island, an unsettling mirror is about to be held up to the life the girls have never before questioned. Sly and unsettling, Gordon Dahlquist's timeless and evocative storytelling blurs the lines between contemporary and sci-fi with a story that is sure to linger in readers' minds long after the final page has been turned.
Murhan alkemia (Maria Wern, #12)
Kuuluisa lasitaiteilija Justus Hartman katoaa mystisesti sairaalasta, ja hanen veljenpoikansa, rikoskomisario Maria Wernin pomo Tomas Hartman, ryhtyy etsimaan vanhaa setaansa. Justus Hartmanin menneisyys alkemistina viitoittaa etsintojen suuntaa: han oli kiinnostunut ikuisen elaman mahdollisuudesta, ei niinkaan kullasta ja rikkauksista. Kun hotellin uima-altaan pohjalla makaavasta lasi-arkusta loytyy tuntemattoman miehen ruumis, Maria ymmartaa, etta murhalla ja Tomasin sedan katoamisella on jokin yhteys. Menneisyydesta nousevat haamut sotkevat tutkimuksia, ja pian on selvaa, etta myos Tomas kantaa mukanaan salaisuuksia 40 vuoden takaa. Justus Hartmanin katoaminen alkaa pikkuhiljaa selvita, mutta mikaan ei valmista kohtaamaan kauhistuttavaa murhaajaa, joka nayttaa seuraavan tarkasti alkemian periaatteita.
The Wisdom of Finance: Discovering Humanity in the World of Risk and Return
"A fascinating new perspective on modern finance," --Oliver Hart, 2016 Nobel Laureate in Economics "Lucid, witty and delightfully erudite...From the French revolution to film noir, from the history of probability to Jane Austen and The Simpsons, this is an astonishing intellectual feast." --Sebastian Mallaby, author of The Man Who Knew: The Life and Times of Alan Greenspan In 1688, essayist Josef de la Vega described finance as both "the fairest and most deceitful business . . . the noblest and the most infamous in the world, the finest and most vulgar on earth." The characterization of finance as deceitful, infamous, and vulgar still rings true today - particularly in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. But, what happened to the fairest, noblest, and finest profession that de la Vega saw? De la Vega hit on an essential truth that has been forgotten: finance can be just as principled, life-affirming, and worthyas it can be fraught with questionable practices. Today, finance is shrouded in mystery for outsiders, while many insiders are uneasy with the disrepute of their profession. How can finance become more accessible and also recover its nobility? Harvard Business School professor Mihir Desai, in his "last lecture" to the graduating Harvard MBA class of 2015, took up the cause of restoring humanity to finance. With incisive wit and irony, his lecture drew upon a rich knowledge of literature, film, history, and philosophy to explain the inner workings of finance in a manner that has never been seen before. This book captures Desai's lucid exploration of the ideas of finance as seen through the unusual prism of the humanities. Through this novel, creative approach, Desai shows that outsiders can access the underlying ideas easily and insiders can reacquaint themselves with the core humanity of their profession. The mix of finance and the humanities creates unusual pairings: Jane Austen and Anthony Trollope are guides to risk management; Jeff Koons becomes an advocate of leverage; and Mel Brooks's The Producersteaches us about fiduciary responsibility. In Desai's vision, the principles of finance also provide answers to critical questions in our lives. Among many surprising parallels, bankruptcy teaches us how to react to failure, the lessons of mergers apply to marriages, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model demonstrates the true value of relationships. THE WISDOM OF FINANCE is a wholly unique book, offering a refreshing new perspective on one of the world's most complex and misunderstood professions.
Creative Is a Verb: If You're Alive, You're Creative
Following up on her successful Life Is a Verb, and in the tradition of Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way, Patti Digh here presents a book that leads readers by both heart and head to acknowledge, reinforce, and use their own creative spirit. Creative Is a Verb is equally a book for people who say, "I'm not creative" or "I'm just a dabbler" or "I'm an artist." Thirty-three related essays are organized around six overarching themes that guide readers beyond the fear of creativity to embrace their inner artist. As the author says, "If you're alive, you're creative." Among the themes: "Be Ordinary," "See More," "Get Present," and "Catch Fire." Each essay is followed by creative exercises for the reader, allowing her to apply the principles of each story to her own life. Original artwork contributed by artist/followers of the author's blog 37days enhance each essay.
Isabel Feeney, Star Reporter
It's 1920s Chicago--the guns-and-gangster era of Al Capone--and it's unusual for a girl to be selling theTribuneon the street corner. But ten-year-old Isabel Feeney is unusual . . . unusually obsessed with being a news reporter. She can't believe her luck when she stumbles into a real-life murder scene andher hero, the famous journalist Maude Collier. The story of how Isabel fights to defend the honor of her accused friend and latches on to the murder case makes for a winning middle grade mystery.
The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century
Are mass violence and catastrophes the only forces that can seriously decrease economic inequality? To judge by thousands of years of history, the answer is yes. Tracing the global history of inequality from the Stone Age to today, Walter Scheidel shows that inequality never dies peacefully. Inequality declines when carnage and disaster strike and increases when peace and stability return. The Great Leveleris the first book to chart the crucial role of violent shocks in reducing inequality over the full sweep of human history around the world. Ever since humans began to farm, herd livestock, and pass on their assets to future generations, economic inequality has been a defining feature of civilization. Over thousands of years, only violent events have significantly lessened inequality. The "Four Horsemen" of leveling--mass-mobilization warfare, transformative revolutions, state collapse, and catastrophic plagues--have repeatedly destroyed the fortunes of the rich. Scheidel identifies and examines these processes, from the crises of the earliest civilizations to the cataclysmic world wars and communist revolutions of the twentieth century. Today, the violence that reduced inequality in the past seems to have diminished, and that is a good thing. But it casts serious doubt on the prospects for a more equal future. An essential contribution to the debate about inequality, The Great Levelerprovides important new insights about why inequality is so persistent--and why it is unlikely to decline anytime soon.
The Girl Who Could Not Dream
"A perfect combination of adventure, humor, and pure imagination!" --Jessica Day George, New York Timesbest-selling author of Tuesdays at the Castle"Funny, scary, and endlessly inventive." --Bruce Coville, author of Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon HatcherSophie loves the hidden shop below her parents' bookstore, where dreams are secretly bought and sold. When the dream shop is robbed and her parents go missing, Sophie must unravel the truth to save them. Together with her best friend--a wisecracking and fanatically loyal monster named Monster--she must decide whom to trust with her family's carefully guarded secrets. Who will help them, and who will betray them?
The Disappearances
What if the ordinary things in life suddenly...disappeared? Aila Quinn's mother, Juliet, has always been a mystery: vibrant yet guarded, she keeps her secrets beyond Aila's reach. When Juliet dies, Aila and her younger brother Miles are sent to live in Sterling, a rural town far from home--and the place where Juliet grew up. Sterling is a place with mysteries of its own. A place where the experiences that weave life together--scents of flowers and food, reflections from mirrors and lakes, even the ability to dream--vanish every seven years. No one knows what caused these "Disappearances," or what will slip away next. But Sterling always suspected that Juliet Quinn was somehow responsible--and Aila must bear the brunt of their blame while she follows the chain of literary clues her mother left behind. As the next Disappearance nears, Aila begins to unravel the dual mystery of why the Disappearances happen and who her mother truly was. One thing is clear: Sterling isn't going to hold on to anyone's secrets for long before it starts giving them up.
Bradford Street Buddies: Springtime Blossoms
CHIRP! CHIRP! CHIRP! It's springtime on Bradford Street. Jada and Jamal are searching for signs of spring. So are their best friends, Carlita Garcia and Josh Cornell. But the most surprising sign of spring awaits them at school the next day . . . a surprise that blossoms into a colorful plan to beautify the schoolyard just in time for Earth Day. Get set to dig in and join the neighborhood fun with the Bradford Street Buddies!
The Secrets We Keep (A Letty Whittaker 12 Step Mystery #3)
When psychotherapist and recovering alcoholic Letty Whittaker responds to a middle-of-the-night crisis call, she knows helping Trinnie face her demons won't be easy. However, instead of finding her friend dead drunk, Letty finds her just . . . dead. And Paul, another close friend, is the primary suspect. Worse, Trinnie's Fourth Step--AA's infamous list of resentments--implicates Paul. Letty has a choice: turn the list over to the police or use it to track the suspects back through the hard-drinking bar scene. In a race to prove Paul's innocence, Letty wrestles the dark addictions that nearly consumed her just months ago--and comes face-to-face with the person who's secrets were worth killing for.
The Big Game
A dark fantasy was about to be made real. Could she handle four Dominant men? She was about to find out.
A Little Bit Country
Rock singer, Ash Ivers, and country music star, Jackson Abrams, have intense passion that brings them together, but will they be able to overcome all their differences when Jackson's career is threatened? Ash Ivers says and does what he wants, and with being the lead singer of the world famous rock band, From Ashes, he gets away with both. Three years ago, his mouth got the better of him, and he started a media feud with county music star, Jackson Abrams. When they're both booked to play a charity concert, he sees his chance to finally confront Jackson in person. Though, he's uncertain if his anger will hold against his attraction to the singing cowboy. Jackson Abrams is the darling of country music. He's polite, charming, handsome...and he has a secret that he fears could jeopardize his career. When it comes to the cocky rock star, Ash Ivers, he's infuriated and intrigued by him. He wants their feuding to stop, but he also doesn't want to lose the attention it gives him from Ash. As Ash and Jackson meet, the heat of anger turns to passion. But when Jackson's world starts crumbling around him, will their differences make them stronger, or drive them apart? ***Author's Note*** This is the expanded, full-length novel. The original novella, "A Little Bit Country", was approximately 28k. This book is approximately 60k. It takes the original novella, and where it ended, this one continues on to complete the story.
The Teddy Bear Habit
A twelve-year-old boy, whose problems include having to take "Square" music lessons, an attachment to a childhood teddy bear, and a father who earns a living creating comic strips, gets involved with jewel thieves in an attempt to break the dull routine.
The Ghost Catcher
A gift to know when people are in trouble of the ghostly type puts Hailey Hatmaker in the middle of a major problem - one that winds up getting her into more hot water than she can handle. In true Hailey Hatmaker fashion, she dives into what turns out to be a battle with Limbo, her number one nemesis. Can Hailey rescue two friends before it's too late? Or is she forever condemned to losing to Limbo?
Japanese Cooking Made Simple: A Japanese Cookbook with Authentic Recipes for Ramen, Bento, Sushi & More
Japanese food is adored throughout the globe, yet a mysterious shroud remains over Japanese cooking. Perhaps cooking with exotic flavors is as daunting as attempting to recreate the artful presentation, but the love for Japanese food rarely finds its way into the home. Japanese Cooking Made Simple demystifies the cuisine that you love to eat and helps you discover, from the comforts of your kitchen, the wide variety of dishes that this delicate, delicious, and nourishing cuisine offers. You'll find that with rice, fresh fish, poultry, and vegetables-and some basic condiments-you can prepare authentic Japanese dishes that are both aesthetically and palate pleasing. Japanese Cooking Made Simple will clear the air of mystery that surrounds Japanese cookery and provide simple techniques to help you create delicious, authentic Japanese meals at home. Learn the fundamentals of Japanese cooking, with detailed instructions for all the essentials, from how to cook rice to how to slice fish for sushi and sashimi Enjoy more than 100 easy-to-follow authentic Japanese recipes, including Miso Soup, Ramen with Braised Pork Belly, Tempura Soba, Fried Tofu in Broth, California Roll, Pan-Broiled Salmon with Scallions, Chicken Yakitori, and Green Tea Ice Cream Discover beautifully illustrated instructions for making sushi, including norimaki and temaki Whether you want to create impressive bento boxes or simply prepare savory ramen for your family, Japanese Cooking Made Simple offers you the basic techniques you need to create authentic Japanese meals in the comfort of your home.-
The Colombian Mule
When Colombian Arias Cuevas is caught trying to smuggle drugs through Venice airport, his fear isn't fuelled by the idea of prison. He's much more frightened of his aunt--it was her coke he took off with. The cops set up a sting to find out who was to be the recipient of the drugs, and art smuggler Nazzareno Corradi falls straight into the trap. But he's been set up. His lawyer hires "the Alligator," and his fixer, Max, to find out what's going on. Soon it becomes apparent why Cuevas was so afraid--the aunt, La Tia, has left a bloody trail in her wake, is now looking to do some business in Italy, and she's not about to let anybody get in her way.
A Million Years in a Day: A Curious History of Everyday Life from the Stone Age to the Phone Age
Who invented beds? When did we start cleaning our teeth? How old are wine and beer? Which came first: the toilet seat or toilet paper? What was the first clock? Every day, from the moment our alarm clock wakes us in the morning until our head hits our pillow at night, we all take part in rituals that are millennia old. Structured around one ordinary day, A Million Years in a Day reveals the astonishing origins and development of the daily practices we take for granted. In this gloriously entertaining romp through human history, Greg Jenner explores the gradual and often unexpected evolution of our daily routines. This is not a story of politics, wars, or great events. Instead, Jenner has scoured Roman rubbish bins, Egyptian tombs, and Victorian sewers to bring us the most intriguing, surprising, and sometimes downright silly nuggets from our past. Drawn from across the world, spanning a million years of humanity, this book is a smorgasbord of historical delights. It is a history of all those things you always wondered-and many you have never considered. It is the story of your life, one million years in the making.
Mein Kampf
Madman, tyrant, animal - history has given Adolf Hitler many names. In Mein Kampf (My Struggle), often called the Nazi bible, Hitler describes his life, frustrations, ideals, and dreams. Born to an impoverished couple in a small town in Austria, the young Adolf grew up with the fervent desire to become a painter. The death of his parents and outright rejection from art schools in Vienna forced him into underpaid work as a labourer. During the First World War, Hitler served in the infantry and was decorated for bravery. After the war, he became actively involved with socialist political groups and quickly rose to power, establishing himself as Chairman of the National Socialist German Worker's party. In 1924, Hitler led a coalition of nationalist groups in a bid to overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich. The infamous Munich "Beer-hall putsch" was unsuccessful, and Hitler was arrested. During the nine months he was in prison, an embittered and frustrated Hitler dictated a personal manifesto to his loyal follower Rudolph Hess. He vented his sentiments against communism and the Jewish people in this document, which was to become Mein Kampf, the controversial book that is seen as the blue-print for Hitler's political and military campaign. In Mein Kampf, Hitler describes his strategy for rebuilding Germany and conquering Europe. It is a glimpse into the mind of a man who destabilized world peace and pursued the genocide now known as the Holocaust. "... I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord"
The Changing Face of Inequality: Urbanization, Industrial Development, and Immigrants in Detroit, 1880-1920
Originally published in 1983, The Changing Face of Inequalityis the first systematic social history of a major American city undergoing industrialization. Zunz examines Detroit's evolution between 1880 and 1920 and discovers the ways in which ethnic and class relations profoundly altered its urban scene. Stunning in scope, this work makes a major contribution to our understanding of twentieth-century cities.
Moonburner (Moonburner Cycle #1)
Kai is a Moonburner--a female sorceress reviled by her people and normally killed at birth. Except Kai's parents saved her by disguising her as a boy--a ruse they've kept up for almost seventeen years. But when her village is attacked, Kai's secret is revealed and she's sentenced to death. Thankfully, the gods aren't done with Kai. Despite the odds stacked against her, she escapes her fate, undertaking a harrowing journey to a land where Moonburners are revered and trained as warriors. But her new home has dangers of its own--the ancient war against the male Sunburners has led the Moonburners down a dark path that could destroy all magic. And Kai, armed only with a secret from her past and a handsome but dangerous ally, may be the only one who can prevent the destruction of her people...
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symy bthwwn dr pnjh slgy , frGy khh khmwsh myshwd , dwrwth aysyly , lydr khrys , tmkhyn , bydry , swnt bzrg apws 106 , ms , akhryn swnt h , khnwdh brntnw , yzdh bgtl , bthwwn w dwstnsh ,
Death Minus Zero (Sam Turner, #2)
With his second novel Baker takes more risks than many writers would dare and triumphs. Val McDermid, novelist, Manchester Evening News. Baker's second novel is strong, dark and discursive. There's no doubt that - with his York setting and up-from-the-gutter hero - Baker has added something new to the crime scene. Philip Oakes, Literary Review. The supporting cast work splendidly, and York itself is evoked in an effective series of settings. Dark and seedy, leavened with ample wit, I enjoyed this book and can imagine it making an entertaining television series. Martin Hughes, Crime Time.
Eric is a perfectly ordinary boy - perfectly ordinary, that is, until the night he turns into a dog! This is the story of his adventures with his best friend, Roy, and their efforts to puzzle out the reason for his transformation.
In These Words: Chapter 1
Asano Katsuya is the spirit of the United States experienced pathologist, He is recruited to police stations in Tokyo to accept a serial murder suspect for personality profiling work. ("Personality profiling" - the spirit of forensic experts to test the behavior of the suspect or speculate that, after a report of items listed) Tokyo police think he planted the suggestion of a clever scam, a few months, to be able to apprehend suspects justice ...... However, things aren't really so smooth as they planned it.
The Possession of Lawrence Eugene Davis
At the beginning of the Great Depression Lawrence Eugene Davis returns to his family's ranch to set his father's affairs in order. But the house stirs memories of his unhappy childhood and his miserable time in the trenches. Memories are not the only thing woken, however, and Lawrence finds himself hunted and eventually overcome by the sinister presence. Salvation comes at the eleventh hour in the form of a stranger who claims he can rid Lawrence of the demon threatening to possess him--but in exchange he wants Lawrence for himself. 33,000 words.
Start Calligraphy: The Right Way to Write
Start Calligraphy- The Right Way To Write Book Description calligraphy is the art and craft of beautiful writing and lettering.
Lucifer's Children
From the author of FAMILY BUSINESS comes the next shocking installment of the Breeder Series -- LUCIFER'S CHILDREN. A family tragedy thrusts Amanda into the foster care of the Henning family at the start of her senior year of high school. Amanda soon learns that the prestigious private school isn't what it seems. Monarch Preparatory School for Girls is a place plagued by rampant teen pregnancy, promiscuity, and violence. Amanda is confused when Kat, who rules the school, befriends her. Perhaps more confusing, though, are her momentary lapses in memory, misplaced or moved objects, and instances of depravity taking place within the Henning household. Unbeknownst to Amanda, Ceremonial Father conducts ritual sacrifice and blood orgies with a group of Satanists. What is truly happening at Monarch Prep? Can Amanda make it to graduation? Most of all, what role will she play?
Edgedancer (The Stormlight Archive #2.5)
From #1New York Timesbestselling author Brandon Sanderson, a special gift edition of Edgedancer, a short novel of the Stormlight Archive. Three years ago, Lift asked a goddess to stop her from growing older--a wish she believed was granted. Now, in Edgedancer, the barely teenage nascent Knight Radiant finds that time stands still for no one. Although the young Azish emperor granted her safe haven from an executioner she knows only as Darkness, court life is suffocating the free-spirited Lift, who can't help heading to Yeddaw when she hears the relentless Darkness is there hunting people like her with budding powers. The downtrodden in Yeddaw have no champion, and Lift knows she must seize this awesome responsibility. Other books by Brandon Sanderson The Cosmere The Mistborn Saga Mistborn: The Final Empire The Well of Ascension The Hero of Ages Alloy of Law Shadows of Self Bands of Mourning The Stormlight Archive The Way of Kings Words of Radiance Edgedancer (Novella) Oathbringer(forthcoming) Collection Arcanum Unbounded Other Cosmere Titles Elantris Warbreaker Rithmatist The Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians Series Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians The Scrivener's Bones The Knights of Crystallia The Shattered Lens The Dark Talent The Reckoners Series Steelheart Firefight Calamity At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
One Cold Night (ARe Fearless #3)
Heat sizzles during the winter... John Prince has been undercover for the ATF for over two years when his cover is blown. His rescuer comes in the female form and goes by Leena. Their attraction is hot enough to melt the snow outside but he has to wonder: are the ones who set him up for death still after him? Leena Parsons prefers dogs to people. Regardless, she can't leave the man she finds in an icy river to die, so she takes him home. During their days and nights together, she learns about the man betrayed by his own. She falls for him and when danger arrives again, she puts herself in harm's way to ensure that he isn't killed. He lied to her about his last name, thrust her into danger, and yet through it all she stayed at his side. When it is all over, will he be able to hold onto the woman who found him one cold night?
Marriage Can Be Murder (Baby Boomer Mystery, #3)
Empty-nester Carol Andrews is thrilled when daughter Jenny announces her engagement. She's dreamed of planning her daughter's wedding since the day Jenny was born. But with only two months to pull together a destination wedding on Nantucket, Jenny insists on hiring Cinderella Weddings to organize the event. Father-of-the-bride Jim objects to the cost, and Carol objects to having her opinion ignored. When Carol finds the wedding planner dead at the bottom of a creepy staircase at a Nantucket inn, and the cheating husband of Carol's BFF Nancy is accused of her death, Carol has more to worry about than getting to the church on time!
Hallinta (Eteläraja-trilogia, #2)
Alue X:n salaisuus raottuu Etelarajaan, hallituksen salaiseen laitokseen, tuodaan pahamaineiselta Alue X:lta palanneen retkikunnan selviytyjat. Laitosta johtava agentti kuulustelee heita raottaakseen nakymattoman rajan taakse katkeytyvan maailman mysteeria. Han kuulee pelkoa herattavia, ristiriitaisia vihjailuja, etta raja liikkuisi vaajaamatta kohti laitosta, mutta huomaa, ettei voi luottaa saamiinsa tietoihin. Sabotoiko joku hanen tyotaan peitellakseen totuutta Alue X:n ja retkikuntien kohtalosta? Hallintaon maailmanmenestykseksi kohonneen ja useita palkintoja voittaneen Etelaraja-trilogian toinen kirja.
His Brother's Widow
During the course of gaining a divorce from the man she had called husband only hours after meeting him, Annie Markham becomes the last thing she ever expected to be; a widow. She is too stunned to even think about how she is going to deal with being a widow, instead of just a divorced woman. But, when her brother-in-law steps up to lend a helping hand, she realizes that she may have had feelings for him for the past five years of her marriage. Has she been with the wrong brother this whole time?
Parisian Chic: A Style Guide
Celebrity model Ines de la Fressange shares the well-kept secrets of how Parisian women maintain effortless glamour and a timeless allure. Ines de la Fressange--France's icon of chic--shares her personal tips for living with style and charm, gleaned from decades in the fashion industry. She offers specific pointers on how to dress like a Parisian, including how to mix affordable basics with high-fashion touches, and how to accessorize. Her step-by-step do's and don'ts are accompanied by fashion photography, and the book is personalized with her charming drawings. Ines also shares how to bring Parisian chic into your home, and how to insert your signature style into any space--even the office. The ultrachic volume is wrapped with a three-quarter-height removable jacket and features offset aquarelle paper and a ribbon page marker. Complete with her favorite addresses for finding the ultimate fashion and decorating items, this is a must-have for any woman who wants to add a touch of Paris to her own style.
No mean feat
Mark Inglis was working and climbing on Mt Cook, when, at age 23, he and his companion were trapped by the weather on Middle Peak. They were 13 days in an ice cave and both suffered such severe frostbite that their legs had to be amputated below the knee. This book takes us from childhood to Mt Cook, through the experience trapped there in 1982, and on to University, becoming a Research Scientist, making medla-winning wines with Montana Wines, and then back to sports and the Paralympic Games in 2000. The culmination of this book is 2002, when he once more climbed Mt Cook.
On the Laws of Japanese Painting
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
Grey's Ghost
NOTE: Grey's Ghost is an excerpt from the novel . When Nan and Sarah attended a seance, they discovered that the medium holding it was not the one who could communicate with ghosts.
The Job
My name is Jessica. I own a women's clothing store in New York City and need work done on my store to be able to advertise my company to females walking on the sidewalk. So I had to find a company. The best I could find for a reasonable price is owned by Eric. He's tattooed and fights me on everything. But he's the one who can do the job for what I can afford. My only problem? He ends up being the person I never expected thanks to my sister... I'm Eric and my construction company just needs a job. Thankfully, low bidding gets Jessica to hire me. But just when I think things are looking up I come home to my girlfriend kicking me out. F*ck. So I do the only thing I know to do in this situation and that's find a f*ck buddy. It just so happens to be Jessica's employee. But when that falls through I set my eyes on control freak Jessica. She seems like the perfect person to be my new f*ck buddy. Maybe I'm wrong... * This sexy steamy bad boy romance is perfect for fans of Joanna Blake, Devon Hartford, Sabrina Paige, Winter Renshaw, Vanessa Waltz and Dani Wyatt *
McKnight's Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation
This edition features the exact same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a la Carte also offer a great value for your students-this format costs 35% less than a new textbook. Continuing Tom L. McKnight's well-known thematic focus on landscape appreciation, Darrel Hess offers a broad survey of all of the physical processes and spatial patterns that create Earth's physical landscape. "McKnight's Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation" provides a clear writing style, superior art program, and abundant pedagogy to appeal to a wide variety of students. This new edition offers a truly meaningful integration of visualization, technology, the latest applied science, and new pedagogy, providingessential tools and opportunities to teach and engage students in these processes and patterns. Package consists of: Books a la Carte for McKnight's Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation, 11/e
Nina e il Mistero dell'Ottava Nota (La bambina della Sesta Luna)
Nina, la bambina della Sesta Luna e tornata... L'estate e finita, ma a Venezia si racconta ancora di un particolare giorno, due mesi prima, quando molti videro la statua del Leone Alato spiccare il volo. Realta o fantasia? Solo Nina De Nobili sa... Sa bene che il leone ha volato: lei era presente! Proprio in quell'occasione ha sconfitto il suo nemico, il Conte Karkon Ca' d'Oro, scomparso tra i flutti della laguna. Comincia cosi un'altra travolgente avventura di Nina, la piccola alchimista, ancora una volta impegnata a salvare il destino della Sesta Luna. Aiutata dai suoi quattro inseparabili amici Cesco, Dodo, Fiore e Roxy e dall'androide Max, Nina si trova coinvolta in un viaggio a ritroso nel tempo, fino a giungere nell'antico Egitto. Ma, a proposito, Karkon... e davvero morto? Buon divertimento!
Citizen Sailors: Becoming American in the Age of Revolution
In the decades after the United States formally declared its independence in 1776, Americans struggled to gain recognition of their new republic and their rights as citizens. None had to fight harder than the nation s seamen, whose labor took them far from home and deep into the Atlantic world. "Citizen Sailors "tells the story of how their efforts to become American at sea in the midst of war and revolution created the first national, racially inclusive model of United States citizenship. Nathan Perl-Rosenthal immerses us in sailors pursuit of safe passage through the ocean world during the turbulent age of revolution. Challenged by British press-gangs and French privateersmen, who considered them Britons and rejected their citizenship claims, American seamen demanded that the U.S. government take action to protect them. In response, federal leaders created a system of national identification documents for sailors and issued them to tens of thousands of mariners of all races nearly a century before such credentials came into wider use. Citizenship for American sailors was strikingly ahead of its time: it marked the federal government s most extensive foray into defining the boundaries of national belonging until the Civil War era, and the government s most explicit recognition of black Americans equal membership as well. This remarkable system succeeded in safeguarding seafarers, but it fell victim to rising racism and nativism after 1815. Not until the twentieth century would the United States again embrace such an inclusive vision of American nationhood."
The Root of Wild Madder: Chasing the History, Mystery, and Lore of the Persian Carpet
Every Persian carpet has a story to tell -- from the remote villages of Afghanistan and Iran, down the ancient trade routes traveled for centuries, to the bazaars of Tehran and the markets of the Western world. Carpet-making is one of this tumultuous region's few constants, an art form that transcends religious and political turmoil. Part travelogue and part exploration into the meaning and worth of these mystical artifacts, The Root of Wild Madderpresents practical information about carpets while exploring the artistic, religious, and cultural complexities of these enigmatic lands.
Persian Myths
The traditional tales and stories of ancient Iran describe confrontations between good and evil, the victories of the gods and the exploits of heroes and fabulous supernatural creatures such as the magical bird Simurgh and the div or demons.
Perdida en la realidad
Leah siempre ha visto la vida unos centimetros mas bajo de lo normal, por una malformacion que la hace ser objeto de burlas, miradas y risas. Su autoestima se ha visto influenciada por ello, siente que no vale la pena, que no habra nadie que pueda quererla por ser diferente. ?Como la van a querer, cuando ella misma no se quiere? Se pregunta constantemente. Nunca ha tenido pareja, ni siquiera se ha dado su primer beso, siente que no esta hecha para el amor, a pesar de llevar anos enamorada de la misma persona, Mateo, un hombre mayor que ella, y que puede ser la clave para cambiarlo todo. Leah tendra que aprender a aceptarse a si misma, comprendiendo que la realidad es relativa. Todo depende de los ojos con la que se mire....
Girl in the Mirror
After a vicious encounter forces her to have plastic surgery to forever correct her facial deformity, Charlotte Godowski becomes beautiful Charlotte Godfrey, the darling of Hollywood, but when destiny intervenes causing Charlotte to face her past, she learns that only love can heal a bruised heart.
Wylding Hall
When the young members of a British acid-folk band are compelled by their manager to record their unique music, they hole up at Wylding Hall, an ancient country house with dark secrets. There they create the album that will make their reputation, but at a terrifying cost: Julian Blake, the group's lead singer, disappears within the mansion and is never seen or heard from again. Now, years later, the surviving musicians, along with their friends and lovers--including a psychic, a photographer, and the band's manager--meet with a young documentary filmmaker to tell their own versions of what happened that summer. But whose story is true? And what really happened to Julian Blake?
Faust: A Tragedy, Part 1
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
Kui sinu elus jaab aeg mingil pohjusel seisma, voib juhtuda, et vaikus hakkab raakima. Minuga nii laks. Lamasin voodis ja valjavaated sealt tousta ei olnud just uleliia suured. Aega moelda oli palju. Uhel hetkel ilmusid valgele seinale read ning nii lihtne tundus olevat neid sealt maha kirjutada. Esialgu motlesin, et teen seda ainult uhele vaikesele poisile. Juhuks, kui teda kunagi peaks huvitama. Siis aga, lugedes lahkunud kolleegist kirjutatut, moistsin, et kui sinu elust ahvardab saada raamat, on targem oma lugu ise ara raakida. Lopuks tegingi kaks varianti, teine on nuud siin. Kindlasti mitte mingi eriline seikspiir, aga loodetavasti maailm sellest palju onnetumaks ka ei muutu. ,,Raagin siin asjadest, millest ma mitte kunagi mitte kuskil mitte kellegile pole varem raakinud," utleb Vahur Kersna. ,,Kui sinu elust ahvardab uhel paeval saada raamat, on moistlik oma lugu ise ara raakida."
Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero
"What was he like?" Jack Kennedy said the reason people read biography is to answer that basic question. What was he like, this man whose own wife called him "that elusive, unforgettable man"? In this New York Times bestselling biography, Chris Matthews answers that question with the verve of a novelist. We see this most beloved president in the company of friends. We see and feel him close-up, having fun and giving off that restlessness of his. We watch him navigate his life from privileged, rebellious youth to gutsy American president. We witness his bravery in war and selfless rescue of his PT boat crew. We watch JFK as a young politician learning to play hardball and watch him grow into the leader who averts a nuclear war. Matthews's extraordinary biography is based on personal interviews with those closest to JFK, oral histories by top political aide Kenneth O'Donnell and others, documents from his years as a student at Choate, and notes from Jacqueline Kennedy's first interview after Dallas. As Matthews writes: "I found a fighting prince never free of pain, never far from trouble, never accepting the world he found, never wanting to be his father's son. He was a far greater hero than he ever wished us to know."
The Taste of the Hucow: Total Dairy Submission
When nineteen year old Mary borrowed money from the outlaw Neal Barton, she thought she'd have no problem paying him back. She was wrong. One night she receives a knock on the door from someone wanting to collect - And it looks like Mary's only other option is to volunteer as Neal's cow for a night. She accepts the bizarre offer, having no idea what to expect. Whether she's being the plaything of Neal's cruel, dominatrix girlfriend, Tori - or attached to a strange mechanical pump that squeezes every last drop from her - Mary's night as a pet-cow is sure to be unforgettable. But that's all that can be described here. Check inside for more, including an excerpt. This 5,000 word eBook is by lactation erotica Best-Seller Penelope Stone and is intended for Adult Audiences Only!
Die Überraschung im Schneesturm
"The Magnificent Century," the second volume of Costain's A History of the Plantagenets, covers Henry III's long and turbulent reign, from 1216 to 1272. During his lifetime Henry was frequently unpopular, unreliable and inconsistent. Yet his reign saw spectacular advancement in the arts, sciences and theology, as well as in government. Despite all, it was truly a magnificent century. "Combines a love of the subject with factual history. . .a great story." --"San Francisco Chronicle" A History of the Plantagenets includes "The Conquering Family," "The Magnificent Century," "The Three Edwards "and "The Last Plantagenets."
Send--the classic guide to email for office and home--has become indispensable for readers navigating the impersonal, and at times overwhelming, world of electronic communication. Filled with real-life email success (and horror) stories and a wealth of useful and entertaining examples, Senddissects all the major minefields and pitfalls of email. It provides clear rules for constructing effective emails, for handheld etiquette, for handling the "emotional email," and for navigating all of today's hot-button issues. It offers essential strategies to help you both better manage the ever-increasing number of emails you receive and improve the ones you send. Sendis now more than ever the essential book about email for businesspeople and professionals everywhere. From the Trade Paperback edition.