You are given an n x n binary grid board. In each move, you can swap any two rows with each other, or any two columns with each other. Return the minimum number of moves to transform the board into a chessboard board. If the task is impossible, return -1. A chessboard board is a board where no 0's and no 1's are 4-directionally adjacent.
Input: board = [[0,1,1,0],[0,1,1,0],[1,0,0,1],[1,0,0,1]] Output: 2
[ 3 ]
Given the root of a binary tree, the value of a target node target, and an integer k, return an array of the values of all nodes that have a distance k from the target node. You can return the answer in any order.
Input: root = [3,5,1,6,2,0,8,null,null,7,4], target = 5, k = 2 Output: [7,4,1]
[ 4, 4 ]
You are given an array prices where prices[i] is the price of a given stock on the ith day. Find the maximum profit you can achieve. You may complete as many transactions as you like (i.e., buy one and sell one share of the stock multiple times) with the following restrictions: After you sell your stock, you cannot buy stock on the next day (i.e., cooldown one day). Note: You may not engage in multiple transactions simultaneously (i.e., you must sell the stock before you buy again).
Input: prices = [1,2,3,0,2] Output: 3
[ 1 ]
Given the array nums, obtain a subsequence of the array whose sum of elements is strictly greater than the sum of the non included elements in such subsequence. If there are multiple solutions, return the subsequence with minimum size and if there still exist multiple solutions, return the subsequence with the maximum total sum of all its elements. A subsequence of an array can be obtained by erasing some (possibly zero) elements from the array. Note that the solution with the given constraints is guaranteed to be unique. Also return the answer sorted in non-increasing order.
Input: nums = [4,3,10,9,8] Output: [10,9]
[ 2 ]
You are given an integer n and an integer start. Define an array nums where nums[i] = start + 2 * i (0-indexed) and n == nums.length. Return the bitwise XOR of all elements of nums.
Input: n = 5, start = 0 Output: 8
[ 3 ]
Alice is throwing n darts on a very large wall. You are given an array darts where darts[i] = [xi, yi] is the position of the ith dart that Alice threw on the wall. Bob knows the positions of the n darts on the wall. He wants to place a dartboard of radius r on the wall so that the maximum number of darts that Alice throws lies on the dartboard. Given the integer r, return the maximum number of darts that can lie on the dartboard.
Input: darts = [[-2,0],[2,0],[0,2],[0,-2]], r = 2 Output: 4
[ 3 ]
We define the string base to be the infinite wraparound string of "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", so base will look like this: "...zabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcd....". Given a string s, return the number of unique non-empty substrings of s are present in base.
Input: s = "a" Output: 1
[ 1 ]
Given an integer n, return a list of all possible full binary trees with n nodes. Each node of each tree in the answer must have Node.val == 0. Each element of the answer is the root node of one possible tree. You may return the final list of trees in any order. A full binary tree is a binary tree where each node has exactly 0 or 2 children.
Input: n = 7 Output: [[0,0,0,null,null,0,0,null,null,0,0],[0,0,0,null,null,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,null,null,null,null,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,null,null,0,0]] Example 2: Input: n = 3 Output: [[0,0,0]] Constraints: 1 <= n <= 2
[ 1 ]
A car travels from a starting position to a destination which is target miles east of the starting position. There are gas stations along the way. The gas stations are represented as an array stations where stations[i] = [positioni, fueli] indicates that the ith gas station is positioni miles east of the starting position and has fueli liters of gas. The car starts with an infinite tank of gas, which initially has startFuel liters of fuel in it. It uses one liter of gas per one mile that it drives. When the car reaches a gas station, it may stop and refuel, transferring all the gas from the station into the car. Return the minimum number of refueling stops the car must make in order to reach its destination. If it cannot reach the destination, return -1. Note that if the car reaches a gas station with 0 fuel left, the car can still refuel there. If the car reaches the destination with 0 fuel left, it is still considered to have arrived.
Input: target = 1, startFuel = 1, stations = [] Output: 0
[ 1, 2 ]
You are given an m x n binary matrix grid, where 0 represents a sea cell and 1 represents a land cell. A move consists of walking from one land cell to another adjacent (4-directionally) land cell or walking off the boundary of the grid. Return the number of land cells in grid for which we cannot walk off the boundary of the grid in any number of moves.
Input: grid = [[0,0,0,0],[1,0,1,0],[0,1,1,0],[0,0,0,0]] Output: 3
[ 4, 4 ]
Given the root of a binary tree, return the maximum width of the given tree. The maximum width of a tree is the maximum width among all levels. The width of one level is defined as the length between the end-nodes (the leftmost and rightmost non-null nodes), where the null nodes between the end-nodes that would be present in a complete binary tree extending down to that level are also counted into the length calculation. It is guaranteed that the answer will in the range of a 32-bit signed integer.
Input: root = [1,3,2,5,3,null,9] Output: 4
[ 4, 4 ]
A company has n employees with a unique ID for each employee from 0 to n - 1. The head of the company is the one with headID. Each employee has one direct manager given in the manager array where manager[i] is the direct manager of the i-th employee, manager[headID] = -1. Also, it is guaranteed that the subordination relationships have a tree structure. The head of the company wants to inform all the company employees of an urgent piece of news. He will inform his direct subordinates, and they will inform their subordinates, and so on until all employees know about the urgent news. The i-th employee needs informTime[i] minutes to inform all of his direct subordinates (i.e., After informTime[i] minutes, all his direct subordinates can start spreading the news). Return the number of minutes needed to inform all the employees about the urgent news.
Input: n = 1, headID = 0, manager = [-1], informTime = [0] Output: 0
[ 4, 4 ]
You are given a 0-indexed string pattern of length n consisting of the characters 'I' meaning increasing and 'D' meaning decreasing. A 0-indexed string num of length n + 1 is created using the following conditions: num consists of the digits '1' to '9', where each digit is used at most once. If pattern[i] == 'I', then num[i] < num[i + 1]. If pattern[i] == 'D', then num[i] > num[i + 1]. Return the lexicographically smallest possible string num that meets the conditions.
Input: pattern = "IIIDIDDD" Output: "123549876"
[ 2 ]
Given an integer array nums, return the sum of floor(nums[i] / nums[j]) for all pairs of indices 0 <= i, j < nums.length in the array. Since the answer may be too large, return it modulo 109 + 7. The floor() function returns the integer part of the division.
Input: nums = [2,5,9] Output: 10
[ 3, 4 ]
You are given two integer arrays nums1 and nums2 of equal length n and an integer k. You can perform the following operation on nums1: Choose two indexes i and j and increment nums1[i] by k and decrement nums1[j] by k. In other words, nums1[i] = nums1[i] + k and nums1[j] = nums1[j] - k. nums1 is said to be equal to nums2 if for all indices i such that 0 <= i < n, nums1[i] == nums2[i]. Return the minimum number of operations required to make nums1 equal to nums2. If it is impossible to make them equal, return -1.
Input: nums1 = [4,3,1,4], nums2 = [1,3,7,1], k = 3 Output: 2
[ 2, 3 ]
Given an integer array arr and a target value target, return the integer value such that when we change all the integers larger than value in the given array to be equal to value, the sum of the array gets as close as possible (in absolute difference) to target. In case of a tie, return the minimum such integer. Notice that the answer is not neccesarilly a number from arr.
Input: arr = [4,9,3], target = 10 Output: 3
[ 4 ]
Given a list of accounts where each element accounts[i] is a list of strings, where the first element accounts[i][0] is a name, and the rest of the elements are emails representing emails of the account. Now, we would like to merge these accounts. Two accounts definitely belong to the same person if there is some common email to both accounts. Note that even if two accounts have the same name, they may belong to different people as people could have the same name. A person can have any number of accounts initially, but all of their accounts definitely have the same name. After merging the accounts, return the accounts in the following format: the first element of each account is the name, and the rest of the elements are emails in sorted order. The accounts themselves can be returned in any order.
[ 4, 4 ]
Given an integer n, return an array ans of length n + 1 such that for each i (0 <= i <= n), ans[i] is the number of 1's in the binary representation of i.
Input: n = 2 Output: [0,1,1]
[ 1 ]
You are given a sorted integer array arr containing 1 and prime numbers, where all the integers of arr are unique. You are also given an integer k. For every i and j where 0 <= i < j < arr.length, we consider the fraction arr[i] / arr[j]. Return the kth smallest fraction considered. Return your answer as an array of integers of size 2, where answer[0] == arr[i] and answer[1] == arr[j].
Input: arr = [1,2,3,5], k = 3 Output: [2,5]
[ 4 ]
A k-booking happens when k events have some non-empty intersection (i.e., there is some time that is common to all k events.) You are given some events [startTime, endTime), after each given event, return an integer k representing the maximum k-booking between all the previous events. Implement the MyCalendarThree class: MyCalendarThree() Initializes the object. int book(int startTime, int endTime) Returns an integer k representing the largest integer such that there exists a k-booking in the calendar.
Input ["MyCalendarThree", "book", "book", "book", "book", "book", "book"] [[], [10, 20], [50, 60], [10, 40], [5, 15], [5, 10], [25, 55]] Output [null, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3]
[ 4 ]
You are given an n x n binary matrix grid. You are allowed to change at most one 0 to be 1. Return the size of the largest island in grid after applying this operation. An island is a 4-directionally connected group of 1s.
Input: grid = [[1,0],[0,1]] Output: 3
[ 4, 4 ]
You are given two binary trees root1 and root2. Imagine that when you put one of them to cover the other, some nodes of the two trees are overlapped while the others are not. You need to merge the two trees into a new binary tree. The merge rule is that if two nodes overlap, then sum node values up as the new value of the merged node. Otherwise, the NOT null node will be used as the node of the new tree. Return the merged tree. Note: The merging process must start from the root nodes of both trees.
Input: root1 = [1,3,2,5], root2 = [2,1,3,null,4,null,7] Output: [3,4,5,5,4,null,7] Example 2: Input: root1 = [1], root2 = [1,2] Output: [2,2] Constraints: The number of nodes in both trees is in the range [0, 2000]. -104 <= Node.val <= 10
[ 4, 4 ]
Let f(x) be the number of zeroes at the end of x!. Recall that x! = 1 * 2 * 3 * ... * x and by convention, 0! = 1. For example, f(3) = 0 because 3! = 6 has no zeroes at the end, while f(11) = 2 because 11! = 39916800 has two zeroes at the end. Given an integer k, return the number of non-negative integers x have the property that f(x) = k.
Input: k = 0 Output: 5
[ 3, 4 ]
Given the root of a Binary Search Tree (BST), return the minimum absolute difference between the values of any two different nodes in the tree.
Input: root = [4,2,6,1,3] Output: 1 Example 2: Input: root = [1,0,48,null,null,12,49] Output: 1 Constraints: The number of nodes in the tree is in the range [2, 104]. 0 <= Node.val <= 105 Note: This question is the same as 783:
[ 4, 4, 4 ]
Given a string expression of numbers and operators, return all possible results from computing all the different possible ways to group numbers and operators. You may return the answer in any order. The test cases are generated such that the output values fit in a 32-bit integer and the number of different results does not exceed 104.
Input: expression = "2-1-1" Output: [0,2]
[ 1, 3 ]
You are given a string s consisting of n characters which are either 'X' or 'O'. A move is defined as selecting three consecutive characters of s and converting them to 'O'. Note that if a move is applied to the character 'O', it will stay the same. Return the minimum number of moves required so that all the characters of s are converted to 'O'.
Input: s = "XXX" Output: 1
[ 2 ]
On an n x n chessboard, a knight starts at the cell (row, column) and attempts to make exactly k moves. The rows and columns are 0-indexed, so the top-left cell is (0, 0), and the bottom-right cell is (n - 1, n - 1). A chess knight has eight possible moves it can make, as illustrated below. Each move is two cells in a cardinal direction, then one cell in an orthogonal direction. Each time the knight is to move, it chooses one of eight possible moves uniformly at random (even if the piece would go off the chessboard) and moves there. The knight continues moving until it has made exactly k moves or has moved off the chessboard. Return the probability that the knight remains on the board after it has stopped moving.
Input: n = 3, k = 2, row = 0, column = 0 Output: 0.06250
[ 1 ]
Given an integer n, return the number of strings of length n that consist only of vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and are lexicographically sorted. A string s is lexicographically sorted if for all valid i, s[i] is the same as or comes before s[i+1] in the alphabet.
Input: n = 1 Output: 5
[ 1, 3 ]
Given a non-empty special binary tree consisting of nodes with the non-negative value, where each node in this tree has exactly two or zero sub-node. If the node has two sub-nodes, then this node's value is the smaller value among its two sub-nodes. More formally, the property root.val = min(root.left.val, root.right.val) always holds. Given such a binary tree, you need to output the second minimum value in the set made of all the nodes' value in the whole tree. If no such second minimum value exists, output -1 instead.
Input: root = [2,2,5,null,null,5,7] Output: 5
[ 4 ]
A decimal number is called deci-binary if each of its digits is either 0 or 1 without any leading zeros. For example, 101 and 1100 are deci-binary, while 112 and 3001 are not. Given a string n that represents a positive decimal integer, return the minimum number of positive deci-binary numbers needed so that they sum up to n.
Input: n = "32" Output: 3
[ 2 ]
Convert a non-negative integer num to its English words representation.
Input: num = 123 Output: "One Hundred Twenty Three" Example 2: Input: num = 12345 Output: "Twelve Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five" Example 3: Input: num = 1234567 Output: "One Million Two Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Seven" Constraints: 0 <= num <= 231 -
[ 3 ]
Given a string s, return true if it is possible to split the string s into three non-empty palindromic substrings. Otherwise, return false. A string is said to be palindrome if it the same string when reversed.
Input: s = "abcbdd" Output: true
[ 1 ]
Given a m * n matrix seats that represent seats distributions in a classroom. If a seat is broken, it is denoted by '#' character otherwise it is denoted by a '.' character. Students can see the answers of those sitting next to the left, right, upper left and upper right, but he cannot see the answers of the student sitting directly in front or behind him. Return the maximum number of students that can take the exam together without any cheating being possible.. Students must be placed in seats in good condition.
Input: seats = [["#",".","#","#",".","#"], [".","#","#","#","#","."], ["#",".","#","#",".","#"]] Output: 4
[ 1 ]
Given two strings str1 and str2, return the shortest string that has both str1 and str2 as subsequences. If there are multiple valid strings, return any of them. A string s is a subsequence of string t if deleting some number of characters from t (possibly 0) results in the string s.
Input: str1 = "abac", str2 = "cab" Output: "cabac"
[ 1 ]
Given an integer array nums, return an integer array counts where counts[i] is the number of smaller elements to the right of nums[i].
Input: nums = [5,2,6,1] Output: [2,1,1,0]
[ 4 ]
Koko loves to eat bananas. There are n piles of bananas, the ith pile has piles[i] bananas. The guards have gone and will come back in h hours. Koko can decide her bananas-per-hour eating speed of k. Each hour, she chooses some pile of bananas and eats k bananas from that pile. If the pile has less than k bananas, she eats all of them instead and will not eat any more bananas during this hour. Koko likes to eat slowly but still wants to finish eating all the bananas before the guards return. Return the minimum integer k such that she can eat all the bananas within h hours.
Input: piles = [3,6,7,11], h = 8 Output: 4 Example 2: Input: piles = [30,11,23,4,20], h = 5 Output: 30 Example 3: Input: piles = [30,11,23,4,20], h = 6 Output: 23 Constraints: 1 <= piles.length <= 104 piles.length <= h <= 109 1 <= piles[i] <= 10
[ 4 ]
You are given two positive integers startPos and endPos. Initially, you are standing at position startPos on an infinite number line. With one step, you can move either one position to the left, or one position to the right. Given a positive integer k, return the number of different ways to reach the position endPos starting from startPos, such that you perform exactly k steps. Since the answer may be very large, return it modulo 109 + 7. Two ways are considered different if the order of the steps made is not exactly the same. Note that the number line includes negative integers.
Input: startPos = 1, endPos = 2, k = 3 Output: 3
[ 1, 3 ]
You are given an m x n integer matrix mat and an integer target. Choose one integer from each row in the matrix such that the absolute difference between target and the sum of the chosen elements is minimized. Return the minimum absolute difference. The absolute difference between two numbers a and b is the absolute value of a - b.
Input: mat = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]], target = 13 Output: 0
[ 1 ]
Given two strings s and t, each of which represents a non-negative rational number, return true if and only if they represent the same number. The strings may use parentheses to denote the repeating part of the rational number. A rational number can be represented using up to three parts: <IntegerPart>, <NonRepeatingPart>, and a <RepeatingPart>. The number will be represented in one of the following three ways: <IntegerPart> For example, 12, 0, and 123. <IntegerPart><.><NonRepeatingPart> For example, 0.5, 1., 2.12, and 123.0001. <IntegerPart><.><NonRepeatingPart><(><RepeatingPart><)> For example, 0.1(6), 1.(9), 123.00(1212). The repeating portion of a decimal expansion is conventionally denoted within a pair of round brackets. For example: 1/6 = 0.16666666... = 0.1(6) = 0.1666(6) = 0.166(66).
Input: s = "0.(52)", t = "0.5(25)" Output: true
[ 3 ]
Given a string s, find the longest palindromic subsequence's length in s. A subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from another sequence by deleting some or no elements without changing the order of the remaining elements.
Input: s = "bbbab" Output: 4
[ 1 ]
You are given a 0-indexed m x n binary matrix grid. You can move from a cell (row, col) to any of the cells (row + 1, col) or (row, col + 1) that has the value 1. The matrix is disconnected if there is no path from (0, 0) to (m - 1, n - 1). You can flip the value of at most one (possibly none) cell. You cannot flip the cells (0, 0) and (m - 1, n - 1). Return true if it is possible to make the matrix disconnect or false otherwise. Note that flipping a cell changes its value from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0.
Input: grid = [[1,1,1],[1,0,0],[1,1,1]] Output: true
[ 1, 4, 4 ]
You are given an integer array nums of length n where nums is a permutation of the numbers in the range [0, n - 1]. You should build a set s[k] = {nums[k], nums[nums[k]], nums[nums[nums[k]]], ... } subjected to the following rule: The first element in s[k] starts with the selection of the element nums[k] of index = k. The next element in s[k] should be nums[nums[k]], and then nums[nums[nums[k]]], and so on. We stop adding right before a duplicate element occurs in s[k]. Return the longest length of a set s[k].
Input: nums = [5,4,0,3,1,6,2] Output: 4
[ 4 ]
You have a 2-D grid of size m x n representing a box, and you have n balls. The box is open on the top and bottom sides. Each cell in the box has a diagonal board spanning two corners of the cell that can redirect a ball to the right or to the left. A board that redirects the ball to the right spans the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner and is represented in the grid as 1. A board that redirects the ball to the left spans the top-right corner to the bottom-left corner and is represented in the grid as -1. We drop one ball at the top of each column of the box. Each ball can get stuck in the box or fall out of the bottom. A ball gets stuck if it hits a "V" shaped pattern between two boards or if a board redirects the ball into either wall of the box. Return an array answer of size n where answer[i] is the column that the ball falls out of at the bottom after dropping the ball from the ith column at the top, or -1 if the ball gets stuck in the box.
Input: grid = [[1,1,1,-1,-1],[1,1,1,-1,-1],[-1,-1,-1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,-1],[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]] Output: [1,-1,-1,-1,-1]
[ 1, 4 ]
The numeric value of a lowercase character is defined as its position (1-indexed) in the alphabet, so the numeric value of a is 1, the numeric value of b is 2, the numeric value of c is 3, and so on. The numeric value of a string consisting of lowercase characters is defined as the sum of its characters' numeric values. For example, the numeric value of the string "abe" is equal to 1 + 2 + 5 = 8. You are given two integers n and k. Return the lexicographically smallest string with length equal to n and numeric value equal to k. Note that a string x is lexicographically smaller than string y if x comes before y in dictionary order, that is, either x is a prefix of y, or if i is the first position such that x[i] != y[i], then x[i] comes before y[i] in alphabetic order.
Input: n = 3, k = 27 Output: "aay"
[ 2 ]
You are given a 0-indexed string s of even length n. The string consists of exactly n / 2 opening brackets '[' and n / 2 closing brackets ']'. A string is called balanced if and only if: It is the empty string, or It can be written as AB, where both A and B are balanced strings, or It can be written as [C], where C is a balanced string. You may swap the brackets at any two indices any number of times. Return the minimum number of swaps to make s balanced.
Input: s = "][][" Output: 1
[ 2 ]
A square triple (a,b,c) is a triple where a, b, and c are integers and a2 + b2 = c2. Given an integer n, return the number of square triples such that 1 <= a, b, c <= n.
Input: n = 5 Output: 2
[ 3 ]
Given a positive integer n, find the sum of all integers in the range [1, n] inclusive that are divisible by 3, 5, or 7. Return an integer denoting the sum of all numbers in the given range satisfying the constraint.
Input: n = 7 Output: 21
[ 3 ]
There is an undirected connected tree with n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1 and n - 1 edges. You are given the integer n and the array edges where edges[i] = [ai, bi] indicates that there is an edge between nodes ai and bi in the tree. Return an array answer of length n where answer[i] is the sum of the distances between the ith node in the tree and all other nodes.
Input: n = 6, edges = [[0,1],[0,2],[2,3],[2,4],[2,5]] Output: [8,12,6,10,10,10]
[ 1, 4 ]
Given an integer number n, return the difference between the product of its digits and the sum of its digits.
Input: n = 234 Output: 15
[ 3 ]
You are given an even integer n. You initially have a permutation perm of size n where perm[i] == i (0-indexed). In one operation, you will create a new array arr, and for each i: If i % 2 == 0, then arr[i] = perm[i / 2]. If i % 2 == 1, then arr[i] = perm[n / 2 + (i - 1) / 2]. You will then assign arr to perm. Return the minimum non-zero number of operations you need to perform on perm to return the permutation to its initial value.
Input: n = 2 Output: 1
[ 3 ]
In the "100 game" two players take turns adding, to a running total, any integer from 1 to 10. The player who first causes the running total to reach or exceed 100 wins. What if we change the game so that players cannot re-use integers? For example, two players might take turns drawing from a common pool of numbers from 1 to 15 without replacement until they reach a total >= 100. Given two integers maxChoosableInteger and desiredTotal, return true if the first player to move can force a win, otherwise, return false. Assume both players play optimally.
Input: maxChoosableInteger = 10, desiredTotal = 11 Output: false
[ 1, 3 ]
You are given a 0-indexed m x n matrix grid consisting of positive integers. You can start at any cell in the first column of the matrix, and traverse the grid in the following way: From a cell (row, col), you can move to any of the cells: (row - 1, col + 1), (row, col + 1) and (row + 1, col + 1) such that the value of the cell you move to, should be strictly bigger than the value of the current cell. Return the maximum number of moves that you can perform.
Input: grid = [[2,4,3,5],[5,4,9,3],[3,4,2,11],[10,9,13,15]] Output: 3
[ 1 ]
Given a 2D integer array circles where circles[i] = [xi, yi, ri] represents the center (xi, yi) and radius ri of the ith circle drawn on a grid, return the number of lattice points that are present inside at least one circle. Note: A lattice point is a point with integer coordinates. Points that lie on the circumference of a circle are also considered to be inside it.
Input: circles = [[2,2,1]] Output: 5
[ 3 ]
You are given an integer array nums. You have an integer array arr of the same length with all values set to 0 initially. You also have the following modify function: You want to use the modify function to convert arr to nums using the minimum number of calls. Return the minimum number of function calls to make nums from arr. The test cases are generated so that the answer fits in a 32-bit signed integer.
Input: nums = [1,5] Output: 5
[ 2 ]
You are given k identical eggs and you have access to a building with n floors labeled from 1 to n. You know that there exists a floor f where 0 <= f <= n such that any egg dropped at a floor higher than f will break, and any egg dropped at or below floor f will not break. Each move, you may take an unbroken egg and drop it from any floor x (where 1 <= x <= n). If the egg breaks, you can no longer use it. However, if the egg does not break, you may reuse it in future moves. Return the minimum number of moves that you need to determine with certainty what the value of f is.
Input: k = 1, n = 2 Output: 2
[ 1, 3, 4 ]
Given a string date representing a Gregorian calendar date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, return the day number of the year.
Input: date = "2019-01-09" Output: 9
[ 3 ]
Given a string s which represents an expression, evaluate this expression and return its value. The integer division should truncate toward zero. You may assume that the given expression is always valid. All intermediate results will be in the range of [-231, 231 - 1]. Note: You are not allowed to use any built-in function which evaluates strings as mathematical expressions, such as eval().
Input: s = "3+2*2" Output: 7 Example 2: Input: s = " 3/2 " Output: 1 Example 3: Input: s = " 3+5 / 2 " Output: 5 Constraints: 1 <= s.length <= 3 * 105 s consists of integers and operators ('+', '-', '*', '/') separated by some number of spaces. s represents a valid expression. All the integers in the expression are non-negative integers in the range [0, 231 - 1]. The answer is guaranteed to fit in a 32-bit integer
[ 3 ]
You are given a 0-indexed array nums consisting of n positive integers. The array nums is called alternating if: nums[i - 2] == nums[i], where 2 <= i <= n - 1. nums[i - 1] != nums[i], where 1 <= i <= n - 1. In one operation, you can choose an index i and change nums[i] into any positive integer. Return the minimum number of operations required to make the array alternating.
Input: nums = [3,1,3,2,4,3] Output: 3
[ 2 ]
Given an integer array nums and an integer k, return true if nums has a good subarray or false otherwise. A good subarray is a subarray where: its length is at least two, and the sum of the elements of the subarray is a multiple of k. Note that: A subarray is a contiguous part of the array. An integer x is a multiple of k if there exists an integer n such that x = n * k. 0 is always a multiple of k.
Input: nums = [23,2,4,6,7], k = 6 Output: true
[ 3 ]
Given an array nums containing n distinct numbers in the range [0, n], return the only number in the range that is missing from the array.
Input: nums = [3,0,1] Output: 2
[ 3, 4 ]
For two strings s and t, we say "t divides s" if and only if s = t + ... + t (i.e., t is concatenated with itself one or more times). Given two strings str1 and str2, return the largest string x such that x divides both str1 and str2.
Input: str1 = "ABCABC", str2 = "ABC" Output: "ABC" Example 2: Input: str1 = "ABABAB", str2 = "ABAB" Output: "AB" Example 3: Input: str1 = "LEET", str2 = "CODE" Output: "" Constraints: 1 <= str1.length, str2.length <= 1000 str1 and str2 consist of English uppercase letters
[ 3 ]
Given a string s representing a valid expression, implement a basic calculator to evaluate it, and return the result of the evaluation. Note: You are not allowed to use any built-in function which evaluates strings as mathematical expressions, such as eval().
Input: s = "1 + 1" Output: 2 Example 2: Input: s = " 2-1 + 2 " Output: 3 Example 3: Input: s = "(1+(4+5+2)-3)+(6+8)" Output: 23 Constraints: 1 <= s.length <= 3 * 105 s consists of digits, '+', '-', '(', ')', and ' '. s represents a valid expression. '+' is not used as a unary operation (i.e., "+1" and "+(2 + 3)" is invalid). '-' could be used as a unary operation (i.e., "-1" and "-(2 + 3)" is valid). There will be no two consecutive operators in the input. Every number and running calculation will fit in a signed 32-bit integer
[ 3 ]
Alice and Bob take turns playing a game, with Alice starting first. You are given a string num of even length consisting of digits and '?' characters. On each turn, a player will do the following if there is still at least one '?' in num: Choose an index i where num[i] == '?'. Replace num[i] with any digit between '0' and '9'. The game ends when there are no more '?' characters in num. For Bob to win, the sum of the digits in the first half of num must be equal to the sum of the digits in the second half. For Alice to win, the sums must not be equal. For example, if the game ended with num = "243801", then Bob wins because 2+4+3 = 8+0+1. If the game ended with num = "243803", then Alice wins because 2+4+3 != 8+0+3. Assuming Alice and Bob play optimally, return true if Alice will win and false if Bob will win.
Input: num = "5023" Output: false
[ 2, 3 ]
You are given an integer array nums, and you can perform the following operation any number of times on nums: Swap the positions of two elements nums[i] and nums[j] if gcd(nums[i], nums[j]) > 1 where gcd(nums[i], nums[j]) is the greatest common divisor of nums[i] and nums[j]. Return true if it is possible to sort nums in non-decreasing order using the above swap method, or false otherwise.
Input: nums = [7,21,3] Output: true
[ 3 ]
Given two integer arrays nums1 and nums2, return an array of their intersection. Each element in the result must appear as many times as it shows in both arrays and you may return the result in any order.
Input: nums1 = [1,2,2,1], nums2 = [2,2] Output: [2,2] Example 2: Input: nums1 = [4,9,5], nums2 = [9,4,9,8,4] Output: [4,9]
[ 4 ]
You have n coins and you want to build a staircase with these coins. The staircase consists of k rows where the ith row has exactly i coins. The last row of the staircase may be incomplete. Given the integer n, return the number of complete rows of the staircase you will build.
Input: n = 5 Output: 2
[ 3, 4 ]
You are given an integer array matchsticks where matchsticks[i] is the length of the ith matchstick. You want to use all the matchsticks to make one square. You should not break any stick, but you can link them up, and each matchstick must be used exactly one time. Return true if you can make this square and false otherwise.
Input: matchsticks = [1,1,2,2,2] Output: true
[ 1 ]
Strings s1 and s2 are k-similar (for some non-negative integer k) if we can swap the positions of two letters in s1 exactly k times so that the resulting string equals s2. Given two anagrams s1 and s2, return the smallest k for which s1 and s2 are k-similar.
Input: s1 = "ab", s2 = "ba" Output: 1
[ 4 ]
You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums representing the score of students in an exam. The teacher would like to form one non-empty group of students with maximal strength, where the strength of a group of students of indices i0, i1, i2, ... , ik is defined as nums[i0] * nums[i1] * nums[i2] * ... * nums[ik]. Return the maximum strength of a group the teacher can create.
Input: nums = [3,-1,-5,2,5,-9] Output: 1350
[ 2 ]
Given a string containing just the characters '(' and ')', return the length of the longest valid (well-formed) parentheses substring .
Input: s = "(()" Output: 2
[ 1 ]
Given two binary strings a and b, return their sum as a binary string.
Input: a = "11", b = "1" Output: "100" Example 2: Input: a = "1010", b = "1011" Output: "10101" Constraints: 1 <= a.length, b.length <= 104 a and b consist only of '0' or '1' characters. Each string does not contain leading zeros except for the zero itself
[ 3 ]
A kingdom consists of a king, his children, his grandchildren, and so on. Every once in a while, someone in the family dies or a child is born. The kingdom has a well-defined order of inheritance that consists of the king as the first member. Let's define the recursive function Successor(x, curOrder), which given a person x and the inheritance order so far, returns who should be the next person after x in the order of inheritance. Successor(x, curOrder): if x has no children or all of x's children are in curOrder: if x is the king return null else return Successor(x's parent, curOrder) else return x's oldest child who's not in curOrder For example, assume we have a kingdom that consists of the king, his children Alice and Bob (Alice is older than Bob), and finally Alice's son Jack. In the beginning, curOrder will be ["king"]. Calling Successor(king, curOrder) will return Alice, so we append to curOrder to get ["king", "Alice"]. Calling Successor(Alice, curOrder) will return Jack, so we append to curOrder to get ["king", "Alice", "Jack"]. Calling Successor(Jack, curOrder) will return Bob, so we append to curOrder to get ["king", "Alice", "Jack", "Bob"]. Calling Successor(Bob, curOrder) will return null. Thus the order of inheritance will be ["king", "Alice", "Jack", "Bob"]. Using the above function, we can always obtain a unique order of inheritance. Implement the ThroneInheritance class: ThroneInheritance(string kingName) Initializes an object of the ThroneInheritance class. The name of the king is given as part of the constructor. void birth(string parentName, string childName) Indicates that parentName gave birth to childName. void death(string name) Indicates the death of name. The death of the person doesn't affect the Successor function nor the current inheritance order. You can treat it as just marking the person as dead. string[] getInheritanceOrder() Returns a list representing the current order of inheritance excluding dead people.
Input ["ThroneInheritance", "birth", "birth", "birth", "birth", "birth", "birth", "getInheritanceOrder", "death", "getInheritanceOrder"] [["king"], ["king", "andy"], ["king", "bob"], ["king", "catherine"], ["andy", "matthew"], ["bob", "alex"], ["bob", "asha"], [null], ["bob"], [null]] Output [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, ["king", "andy", "matthew", "bob", "alex", "asha", "catherine"], null, ["king", "andy", "matthew", "alex", "asha", "catherine"]]
[ 4 ]
You are given an integer array nums (0-indexed). In one operation, you can choose an element of the array and increment it by 1. For example, if nums = [1,2,3], you can choose to increment nums[1] to make nums = [1,3,3]. Return the minimum number of operations needed to make nums strictly increasing. An array nums is strictly increasing if nums[i] < nums[i+1] for all 0 <= i < nums.length - 1. An array of length 1 is trivially strictly increasing.
Input: nums = [1,1,1] Output: 3
[ 2 ]
You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums and an integer value. In one operation, you can add or subtract value from any element of nums. For example, if nums = [1,2,3] and value = 2, you can choose to subtract value from nums[0] to make nums = [-1,2,3]. The MEX (minimum excluded) of an array is the smallest missing non-negative integer in it. For example, the MEX of [-1,2,3] is 0 while the MEX of [1,0,3] is 2. Return the maximum MEX of nums after applying the mentioned operation any number of times.
Input: nums = [1,-10,7,13,6,8], value = 5 Output: 4
[ 2, 3 ]
Alice and Bob continue their games with stones. There is a row of n stones, and each stone has an associated value. You are given an integer array stones, where stones[i] is the value of the ith stone. Alice and Bob take turns, with Alice starting first. On each turn, the player may remove any stone from stones. The player who removes a stone loses if the sum of the values of all removed stones is divisible by 3. Bob will win automatically if there are no remaining stones (even if it is Alice's turn). Assuming both players play optimally, return true if Alice wins and false if Bob wins.
Input: stones = [2,1] Output: true
[ 2, 3 ]
Given an integer array nums, find three numbers whose product is maximum and return the maximum product.
Input: nums = [1,2,3] Output: 6 Example 2: Input: nums = [1,2,3,4] Output: 24 Example 3: Input: nums = [-1,-2,-3] Output: -6 Constraints: 3 <= nums.length <= 104 -1000 <= nums[i] <= 100
[ 3 ]
You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums of length n. A split at an index i where 0 <= i <= n - 2 is called valid if the product of the first i + 1 elements and the product of the remaining elements are coprime. For example, if nums = [2, 3, 3], then a split at the index i = 0 is valid because 2 and 9 are coprime, while a split at the index i = 1 is not valid because 6 and 3 are not coprime. A split at the index i = 2 is not valid because i == n - 1. Return the smallest index i at which the array can be split validly or -1 if there is no such split. Two values val1 and val2 are coprime if gcd(val1, val2) == 1 where gcd(val1, val2) is the greatest common divisor of val1 and val2.
Input: nums = [4,7,8,15,3,5] Output: 2
[ 3 ]
Given a signed 32-bit integer x, return x with its digits reversed. If reversing x causes the value to go outside the signed 32-bit integer range [-231, 231 - 1], then return 0. Assume the environment does not allow you to store 64-bit integers (signed or unsigned).
Input: x = 123 Output: 321 Example 2: Input: x = -123 Output: -321 Example 3: Input: x = 120 Output: 21 Constraints: -231 <= x <= 231 -
[ 3 ]
Given an integer array nums and an integer k, return the number of subarrays of nums where the greatest common divisor of the subarray's elements is k. A subarray is a contiguous non-empty sequence of elements within an array. The greatest common divisor of an array is the largest integer that evenly divides all the array elements.
Input: nums = [9,3,1,2,6,3], k = 3 Output: 4
[ 3 ]
Given an integer num, find the closest two integers in absolute difference whose product equals num + 1 or num + 2. Return the two integers in any order.
Input: num = 8 Output: [3,3]
[ 3 ]
We are given n different types of stickers. Each sticker has a lowercase English word on it. You would like to spell out the given string target by cutting individual letters from your collection of stickers and rearranging them. You can use each sticker more than once if you want, and you have infinite quantities of each sticker. Return the minimum number of stickers that you need to spell out target. If the task is impossible, return -1. Note: In all test cases, all words were chosen randomly from the 1000 most common US English words, and target was chosen as a concatenation of two random words.
Input: stickers = ["with","example","science"], target = "thehat" Output: 3
[ 1 ]
A message containing letters from A-Z can be encoded into numbers using the following mapping: 'A' -> "1" 'B' -> "2" ... 'Z' -> "26" To decode an encoded message, all the digits must be grouped then mapped back into letters using the reverse of the mapping above (there may be multiple ways). For example, "11106" can be mapped into: "AAJF" with the grouping (1 1 10 6) "KJF" with the grouping (11 10 6) Note that the grouping (1 11 06) is invalid because "06" cannot be mapped into 'F' since "6" is different from "06". In addition to the mapping above, an encoded message may contain the '*' character, which can represent any digit from '1' to '9' ('0' is excluded). For example, the encoded message "1*" may represent any of the encoded messages "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", or "19". Decoding "1*" is equivalent to decoding any of the encoded messages it can represent. Given a string s consisting of digits and '*' characters, return the number of ways to decode it. Since the answer may be very large, return it modulo 109 + 7.
Input: s = "*" Output: 9
[ 1 ]
Given a string s containing only three types of characters: '(', ')' and '*', return true if s is valid. The following rules define a valid string: Any left parenthesis '(' must have a corresponding right parenthesis ')'. Any right parenthesis ')' must have a corresponding left parenthesis '('. Left parenthesis '(' must go before the corresponding right parenthesis ')'. '*' could be treated as a single right parenthesis ')' or a single left parenthesis '(' or an empty string "".
Input: s = "()" Output: true Example 2: Input: s = "(*)" Output: true Example 3: Input: s = "(*))" Output: true Constraints: 1 <= s.length <= 100 s[i] is '(', ')' or '*'
[ 1, 2 ]
We define the lcp matrix of any 0-indexed string word of n lowercase English letters as an n x n grid such that: lcp[i][j] is equal to the length of the longest common prefix between the substrings word[i,n-1] and word[j,n-1]. Given an n x n matrix lcp, return the alphabetically smallest string word that corresponds to lcp. If there is no such string, return an empty string. A string a is lexicographically smaller than a string b (of the same length) if in the first position where a and b differ, string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b. For example, "aabd" is lexicographically smaller than "aaca" because the first position they differ is at the third letter, and 'b' comes before 'c'.
Input: lcp = [[4,0,2,0],[0,3,0,1],[2,0,2,0],[0,1,0,1]] Output: "abab"
[ 1, 2 ]
Given an array of integers nums sorted in non-decreasing order, find the starting and ending position of a given target value. If target is not found in the array, return [-1, -1]. You must write an algorithm with O(log n) runtime complexity.
Input: nums = [5,7,7,8,8,10], target = 8 Output: [3,4] Example 2: Input: nums = [5,7,7,8,8,10], target = 6 Output: [-1,-1] Example 3: Input: nums = [], target = 0 Output: [-1,-1] Constraints: 0 <= nums.length <= 105 -109 <= nums[i] <= 109 nums is a non-decreasing array. -109 <= target <= 10
[ 4 ]
Given an integer n, return the number of positive integers in the range [1, n] that have at least one repeated digit.
Input: n = 20 Output: 1
[ 1, 3 ]
You have an array arr of length n where arr[i] = (2 * i) + 1 for all valid values of i (i.e., 0 <= i < n). In one operation, you can select two indices x and y where 0 <= x, y < n and subtract 1 from arr[x] and add 1 to arr[y] (i.e., perform arr[x] -=1 and arr[y] += 1). The goal is to make all the elements of the array equal. It is guaranteed that all the elements of the array can be made equal using some operations. Given an integer n, the length of the array, return the minimum number of operations needed to make all the elements of arr equal.
Input: n = 3 Output: 2
[ 3 ]
Given an array of unique integers, arr, where each integer arr[i] is strictly greater than 1. We make a binary tree using these integers, and each number may be used for any number of times. Each non-leaf node's value should be equal to the product of the values of its children. Return the number of binary trees we can make. The answer may be too large so return the answer modulo 109 + 7.
Input: arr = [2,4] Output: 3
[ 1 ]
We are playing the Guess Game. The game is as follows: I pick a number from 1 to n. You have to guess which number I picked. Every time you guess wrong, I will tell you whether the number I picked is higher or lower than your guess. You call a pre-defined API int guess(int num), which returns three possible results: -1: Your guess is higher than the number I picked (i.e. num > pick). 1: Your guess is lower than the number I picked (i.e. num < pick). 0: your guess is equal to the number I picked (i.e. num == pick). Return the number that I picked.
Input: n = 10, pick = 6 Output: 6 Example 2: Input: n = 1, pick = 1 Output: 1 Example 3: Input: n = 2, pick = 1 Output: 1 Constraints: 1 <= n <= 231 - 1 1 <= pick <=
[ 4 ]
A gene string can be represented by an 8-character long string, with choices from 'A', 'C', 'G', and 'T'. Suppose we need to investigate a mutation from a gene string startGene to a gene string endGene where one mutation is defined as one single character changed in the gene string. For example, "AACCGGTT" --> "AACCGGTA" is one mutation. There is also a gene bank bank that records all the valid gene mutations. A gene must be in bank to make it a valid gene string. Given the two gene strings startGene and endGene and the gene bank bank, return the minimum number of mutations needed to mutate from startGene to endGene. If there is no such a mutation, return -1. Note that the starting point is assumed to be valid, so it might not be included in the bank.
Input: startGene = "AACCGGTT", endGene = "AACCGGTA", bank = ["AACCGGTA"] Output: 1 Example 2: Input: startGene = "AACCGGTT", endGene = "AAACGGTA", bank = ["AACCGGTA","AACCGCTA","AAACGGTA"] Output: 2 Constraints: 0 <= bank.length <= 10 startGene.length == endGene.length == bank[i].length == 8 startGene, endGene, and bank[i] consist of only the characters ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']
[ 4 ]
Given two strings: s1 and s2 with the same size, check if some permutation of string s1 can break some permutation of string s2 or vice-versa. In other words s2 can break s1 or vice-versa. A string x can break string y (both of size n) if x[i] >= y[i] (in alphabetical order) for all i between 0 and n-1.
Input: s1 = "abc", s2 = "xya" Output: true
[ 2 ]
You are given a string s, an integer k, a letter letter, and an integer repetition. Return the lexicographically smallest subsequence of s of length k that has the letter letter appear at least repetition times. The test cases are generated so that the letter appears in s at least repetition times. A subsequence is a string that can be derived from another string by deleting some or no characters without changing the order of the remaining characters. A string a is lexicographically smaller than a string b if in the first position where a and b differ, string a has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in b.
Input: s = "leet", k = 3, letter = "e", repetition = 1 Output: "eet"
[ 2 ]
Solve a given equation and return the value of 'x' in the form of a string "x=#value". The equation contains only '+', '-' operation, the variable 'x' and its coefficient. You should return "No solution" if there is no solution for the equation, or "Infinite solutions" if there are infinite solutions for the equation. If there is exactly one solution for the equation, we ensure that the value of 'x' is an integer.
Input: equation = "x+5-3+x=6+x-2" Output: "x=2" Example 2: Input: equation = "x=x" Output: "Infinite solutions" Example 3: Input: equation = "2x=x" Output: "x=0" Constraints: 3 <= equation.length <= 1000 equation has exactly one '='. equation consists of integers with an absolute value in the range [0, 100] without any leading zeros, and the variable 'x'
[ 3 ]
You are given an integer n indicating there are n people numbered from 0 to n - 1. You are also given a 0-indexed 2D integer array meetings where meetings[i] = [xi, yi, timei] indicates that person xi and person yi have a meeting at timei. A person may attend multiple meetings at the same time. Finally, you are given an integer firstPerson. Person 0 has a secret and initially shares the secret with a person firstPerson at time 0. This secret is then shared every time a meeting takes place with a person that has the secret. More formally, for every meeting, if a person xi has the secret at timei, then they will share the secret with person yi, and vice versa. The secrets are shared instantaneously. That is, a person may receive the secret and share it with people in other meetings within the same time frame. Return a list of all the people that have the secret after all the meetings have taken place. You may return the answer in any order.
Input: n = 6, meetings = [[1,2,5],[2,3,8],[1,5,10]], firstPerson = 1 Output: [0,1,2,3,5]
[ 4, 4 ]
We have an array of integers, nums, and an array of requests where requests[i] = [starti, endi]. The ith request asks for the sum of nums[starti] + nums[starti + 1] + ... + nums[endi - 1] + nums[endi]. Both starti and endi are 0-indexed. Return the maximum total sum of all requests among all permutations of nums. Since the answer may be too large, return it modulo 109 + 7.
Input: nums = [1,2,3,4,5], requests = [[1,3],[0,1]] Output: 19
[ 2 ]
You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums and an integer k. You have a starting score of 0. In one operation: choose an index i such that 0 <= i < nums.length, increase your score by nums[i], and replace nums[i] with ceil(nums[i] / 3). Return the maximum possible score you can attain after applying exactly k operations. The ceiling function ceil(val) is the least integer greater than or equal to val.
Input: nums = [10,10,10,10,10], k = 5 Output: 50
[ 2 ]
On day 1, one person discovers a secret. You are given an integer delay, which means that each person will share the secret with a new person every day, starting from delay days after discovering the secret. You are also given an integer forget, which means that each person will forget the secret forget days after discovering it. A person cannot share the secret on the same day they forgot it, or on any day afterwards. Given an integer n, return the number of people who know the secret at the end of day n. Since the answer may be very large, return it modulo 109 + 7.
Input: n = 6, delay = 2, forget = 4 Output: 5
[ 1 ]
RandomizedCollection is a data structure that contains a collection of numbers, possibly duplicates (i.e., a multiset). It should support inserting and removing specific elements and also reporting a random element. Implement the RandomizedCollection class: RandomizedCollection() Initializes the empty RandomizedCollection object. bool insert(int val) Inserts an item val into the multiset, even if the item is already present. Returns true if the item is not present, false otherwise. bool remove(int val) Removes an item val from the multiset if present. Returns true if the item is present, false otherwise. Note that if val has multiple occurrences in the multiset, we only remove one of them. int getRandom() Returns a random element from the current multiset of elements. The probability of each element being returned is linearly related to the number of the same values the multiset contains. You must implement the functions of the class such that each function works on average O(1) time complexity. Note: The test cases are generated such that getRandom will only be called if there is at least one item in the RandomizedCollection.
Input ["RandomizedCollection", "insert", "insert", "insert", "getRandom", "remove", "getRandom"] [[], [1], [1], [2], [], [1], []] Output [null, true, false, true, 2, true, 1]
[ 3 ]
There are two mice and n different types of cheese, each type of cheese should be eaten by exactly one mouse. A point of the cheese with index i (0-indexed) is: reward1[i] if the first mouse eats it. reward2[i] if the second mouse eats it. You are given a positive integer array reward1, a positive integer array reward2, and a non-negative integer k. Return the maximum points the mice can achieve if the first mouse eats exactly k types of cheese.
Input: reward1 = [1,1,3,4], reward2 = [4,4,1,1], k = 2 Output: 15
[ 2 ]
Given an integer array nums, return the number of subarrays filled with 0. A subarray is a contiguous non-empty sequence of elements within an array.
Input: nums = [1,3,0,0,2,0,0,4] Output: 6
[ 3 ]