In Berland a money reform is being prepared. New coins are being introduced. After long economic calculations was decided that the most expensive coin should possess the denomination of exactly n Berland dollars. Also the following restriction has been introduced for comfort: the denomination of each coin should be divisible by the denomination of any cheaper coin. It is known that among all the possible variants the variant with the largest number of new coins will be chosen. Find this variant. Print in the order of decreasing of the coins' denominations.
Input: ['10'] Output:['10 5 1']
[ 2 ]
Vasya has recently learned to type and log on to the Internet. He immediately entered a chat room and decided to say hello to everybody. Vasya typed the word s. It is considered that Vasya managed to say hello if several letters can be deleted from the typed word so that it resulted in the word "hello". For example, if Vasya types the word "ahhellllloou", it will be considered that he said hello, and if he types "hlelo", it will be considered that Vasya got misunderstood and he didn't manage to say hello. Determine whether Vasya managed to say hello by the given word s.
Input: ['ahhellllloou'] Output:['YES']
[ 2 ]
Brian the Rabbit adores chess. Not long ago he argued with Stewie the Rabbit that a knight is better than a king. To prove his point he tries to show that the knight is very fast but Stewie doesn't accept statements without evidence. He constructed an infinite chessboard for Brian, where he deleted several squares to add some more interest to the game. Brian only needs to count how many different board squares a knight standing on a square with coordinates of (0, 0) can reach in no more than k moves. Naturally, it is forbidden to move to the deleted squares.Brian doesn't very much like exact sciences himself and is not acquainted with programming, that's why he will hardly be able to get ahead of Stewie who has already started solving the problem. Help Brian to solve the problem faster than Stewie.
Input: ['1 0'] Output:['9']
[ 3 ]
Stewie the Rabbit explores a new parallel universe. This two dimensional universe has the shape of a rectangular grid, containing n lines and m columns. The universe is very small: one cell of the grid can only contain one particle. Each particle in this universe is either static or dynamic. Each static particle always remains in one and the same position. Due to unintelligible gravitation laws no two static particles in the parallel universe can be present in one column or row, and they also can't be present in the diagonally adjacent cells. A dynamic particle appears in a random empty cell, randomly chooses the destination cell (destination cell may coincide with the start cell, see the samples) and moves there along the shortest path through the cells, unoccupied by the static particles. All empty cells have the same probability of being selected as the beginning or end of the path. Having reached the destination cell, the particle disappears. Only one dynamic particle can exist at one moment of time. This particle can move from a cell to a cell if they have an adjacent side, and this transition takes exactly one galactic second. Stewie got interested in what is the average lifespan of one particle in the given universe.
Input: ['2 2...X'] Output:['0.888888888889']
[ 3 ]
Chris the Rabbit has been interested in arrays ever since he was a child. At the moment he is researching arrays with the length of n, containing only integers from 1 to n. He is not good at math, that's why some simple things drive him crazy. For example, yesterday he grew keen on counting how many different beautiful arrays there are. Chris thinks that an array is beautiful if it meets one of the two conditions: each elements, starting from the second one, is no more than the preceding one each element, starting from the second one, is no less than the preceding one Having got absolutely mad at himself and at math, Chris came to Stewie and Brian to ask them for help. However, they only laughed at him and said that the answer is too simple and not interesting. Help Chris the Rabbit to find the answer at last.
Input: ['2'] Output:['4']
[ 3 ]
Meg the Rabbit decided to do something nice, specifically — to determine the shortest distance between two points on the surface of our planet. But Meg... what can you say, she wants everything simple. So, she already regards our planet as a two-dimensional circle. No, wait, it's even worse — as a square of side n. Thus, the task has been reduced to finding the shortest path between two dots on a square (the path should go through the square sides). To simplify the task let us consider the vertices of the square to lie at points whose coordinates are: (0, 0), (n, 0), (0, n) and (n, n).
Input: ['2 0 0 1 0'] Output:['1']
[ 2 ]
Vasya is interested in arranging dominoes. He is fed up with common dominoes and he uses the dominoes of different heights. He put n dominoes on the table along one axis, going from left to right. Every domino stands perpendicular to that axis so that the axis passes through the center of its base. The i-th domino has the coordinate xi and the height hi. Now Vasya wants to learn for every domino, how many dominoes will fall if he pushes it to the right. Help him do that. Consider that a domino falls if it is touched strictly above the base. In other words, the fall of the domino with the initial coordinate x and height h leads to the fall of all dominoes on the segment [x + 1, x + h - 1].
Input: ['416 520 510 1018 2'] Output:['3 1 4 1 ']
[ 4 ]
Recently, Vladimir got bad mark in algebra again. To avoid such unpleasant events in future he decided to train his arithmetic skills. He wrote four integer numbers a, b, c, d on the blackboard. During each of the next three minutes he took two numbers from the blackboard (not necessarily adjacent) and replaced them with their sum or their product. In the end he got one number. Unfortunately, due to the awful memory he forgot that number, but he remembers four original numbers, sequence of the operations and his surprise because of the very small result. Help Vladimir remember the forgotten number: find the smallest number that can be obtained from the original numbers by the given sequence of operations.
Input: ['1 1 1 1+ + *'] Output:['3']
[ 0 ]
A flea is sitting at one of the n hassocks, arranged in a circle, at the moment. After minute number k the flea jumps through k - 1 hassoсks (clockwise). For example, after the first minute the flea jumps to the neighboring hassock. You should answer: will the flea visit all the hassocks or not. We assume that flea has infinitely much time for this jumping.
Input: ['1'] Output:['YES']
[ 3 ]
One of the Hedgehog and his friend's favorite entertainments is to take some sentence or a song and replace half of the words (sometimes even all of them) with each other's names.The friend's birthday is approaching and the Hedgehog decided to make a special present to his friend: a very long song, where his name will be repeated many times. But try as he might, he can't write a decent song!The problem is that the Hedgehog has already decided how long the resulting sentence should be (i.e. how many letters it should contain) and in which positions in the sentence the friend's name should occur, and it must not occur in any other position in the sentence. Besides, the Hedgehog decided to limit himself to using only the first K letters of an English alphabet in this sentence (so it will be not even a sentence, but one long word).The resulting problem is indeed quite complicated, that's why the Hedgehog asks you to help him and write a program that will make the desired word by the given name P, the length N of the required word, the given positions of the occurrences of the name P in the desired word and the alphabet's size K. Note that the occurrences of the name can overlap with each other.
Input: ['5 2aba101'] Output:['ababa']
[ 0 ]
In the probability theory the following paradox called Benford's law is known: "In many lists of random numbers taken from real sources, numbers starting with digit 1 occur much more often than numbers starting with any other digit" (that's the simplest form of the law).Having read about it on Codeforces, the Hedgehog got intrigued by the statement and wishes to thoroughly explore it. He finds the following similar problem interesting in particular: there are N random variables, the i-th of which can take any integer value from some segment [Li;Ri] (all numbers from this segment are equiprobable). It means that the value of the i-th quantity can be equal to any integer number from a given interval [Li;Ri] with probability 1 / (Ri - Li + 1).The Hedgehog wants to know the probability of the event that the first digits of at least K% of those values will be equal to one. In other words, let us consider some set of fixed values of these random variables and leave only the first digit (the MSD — most significant digit) of each value. Then let's count how many times the digit 1 is encountered and if it is encountered in at least K per cent of those N values, than such set of values will be called a good one. You have to find the probability that a set of values of the given random variables will be a good one.
Input: ['11 250'] Output:['0.500000000000000']
[ 3 ]
One popular blog site edits the uploaded photos like this. It cuts a rectangular area out of them so that the ratio of height to width (i.e. the height / width quotient) can vary from 0.8 to 1.25 inclusively. Besides, at least one side of the cut area should have a size, equal to some power of number 2 (2x for some integer x). If those rules don't indicate the size of the cut are clearly, then the way with which the cut part possesses the largest area is chosen. Of course, both sides of the cut area should be integer. If there are several answers to this problem, you should choose the answer with the maximal height.
Input: ['2 1'] Output:['1 1']
[ 4 ]
The New Vasjuki village is stretched along the motorway and that's why every house on it is characterized by its shift relative to some fixed point — the xi coordinate. The village consists of n houses, the i-th house is located in the point with coordinates of xi.TELE3, a cellular communication provider planned to locate three base stations so as to provide every house in the village with cellular communication. The base station having power d located in the point t provides with communication all the houses on the segment [t - d, t + d] (including boundaries).To simplify the integration (and simply not to mix anything up) all the three stations are planned to possess the equal power of d. Which minimal value of d is enough to provide all the houses in the village with cellular communication.
Input: ['41 2 3 4'] Output:['0.5000001.500000 2.500000 3.500000']
[ 2, 4 ]
A schoolboy Petya studies square equations. The equations that are included in the school curriculum, usually look simple: x2 + 2bx + c = 0 where b, c are natural numbers.Petya noticed that some equations have two real roots, some of them have only one root and some equations don't have real roots at all. Moreover it turned out that several different square equations can have a common root.Petya is interested in how many different real roots have all the equations of the type described above for all the possible pairs of numbers b and c such that 1 ≤ b ≤ n, 1 ≤ c ≤ m. Help Petya find that number.
Input: ['3 3'] Output:['12']
[ 3 ]
The commanding officers decided to drop a nuclear bomb on the enemy's forces. You are ordered to determine the power of the warhead that needs to be used.The enemy has N strategically important objects. Their positions are known due to the intelligence service. The aim of the strike is to deactivate at least K important objects of the enemy. The bombing impact point is already determined and has coordinates of [X0; Y0].The nuclear warhead is marked by the estimated impact radius R ≥ 0. All the buildings that are located closer than R to the bombing epicentre will be destroyed. All the buildings that are located further than R from the epicentre, can also be deactivated with some degree of probability. Let's assume that D is the distance between a building and the epicentre. This building's deactivation probability P(D, R) is calculated according to the following formula: We should regard as ea, where e ≈ 2.7182818284590452353602874713527If the estimated impact radius of the warhead is equal to zero, then all the buildings located in the impact point will be completely demolished and all the rest of important objects will not be damaged.The commanding officers want the probability of failing the task to be no more than ε. Nuclear warheads are too expensive a luxury, that's why you have to minimise the estimated impact radius of the warhead.
Input: ['11 5005 51 2'] Output:['3.84257761518762740']
[ 4 ]
You are given a rectangular board of M × N squares. Also you are given an unlimited number of standard domino pieces of 2 × 1 squares. You are allowed to rotate the pieces. You are asked to place as many dominoes as possible on the board so as to meet the following conditions:1. Each domino completely covers two squares.2. No two dominoes overlap.3. Each domino lies entirely inside the board. It is allowed to touch the edges of the board.Find the maximum number of dominoes, which can be placed under these restrictions.
Input: ['2 4'] Output:['4']
[ 2, 3 ]
Vasya and Petya have invented a new game. Vasya takes a stripe consisting of 1 × n square and paints the squares black and white. After that Petya can start moves — during a move he may choose any two neighboring squares of one color and repaint these two squares any way he wants, perhaps in different colors. Petya can only repaint the squares in white and black colors. Petya’s aim is to repaint the stripe so that no two neighboring squares were of one color. Help Petya, using the given initial coloring, find the minimum number of moves Petya needs to win.
Input: ['6111010'] Output:['1']
[ 0 ]
Vasya bought the collected works of a well-known Berland poet Petya in n volumes. The volumes are numbered from 1 to n. He thinks that it does not do to arrange the book simply according to their order. Vasya wants to minimize the number of the disposition’s divisors — the positive integers i such that for at least one j (1 ≤ j ≤ n) is true both: j mod i = 0 and at the same time p(j) mod i = 0, where p(j) is the number of the tome that stands on the j-th place and mod is the operation of taking the division remainder. Naturally, one volume can occupy exactly one place and in one place can stand exactly one volume.Help Vasya — find the volume disposition with the minimum number of divisors.
Input: ['2'] Output:['2 1 ']
[ 3 ]
Vasya studies positional numeral systems. Unfortunately, he often forgets to write the base of notation in which the expression is written. Once he saw a note in his notebook saying a + b = ?, and that the base of the positional notation wasn’t written anywhere. Now Vasya has to choose a base p and regard the expression as written in the base p positional notation. Vasya understood that he can get different results with different bases, and some bases are even invalid. For example, expression 78 + 87 in the base 16 positional notation is equal to FF16, in the base 15 positional notation it is equal to 11015, in the base 10 one — to 16510, in the base 9 one — to 1769, and in the base 8 or lesser-based positional notations the expression is invalid as all the numbers should be strictly less than the positional notation base. Vasya got interested in what is the length of the longest possible expression value. Help him to find this length.The length of a number should be understood as the number of numeric characters in it. For example, the length of the longest answer for 78 + 87 = ? is 3. It is calculated like that in the base 15 (11015), base 10 (16510), base 9 (1769) positional notations, for example, and in some other ones.
Input: ['78 87'] Output:['3']
[ 3 ]
The New Year celebrations in Berland last n days. Only this year the winter is snowless, that’s why the winter celebrations’ organizers should buy artificial snow. There are m snow selling companies in Berland. Every day the i-th company produces wi cubic meters of snow. Next day the snow thaws and the company has to produce wi cubic meters of snow again. During the celebration new year discounts are on, that’s why the snow cost decreases every day. It is known that on the first day the total cost of all the snow produced by the i-th company is equal to ci bourles. Every day this total cost decreases by ai bourles, i.e. on the second day it is equal to ci - ai,and on the third day — to ci - 2ai, and so on. It is known that for one company the cost of the snow produced by it does not get negative or equal to zero. You have to organize the snow purchase so as to buy every day exactly W snow cubic meters. At that it is not necessary to buy from any company all the snow produced by it. If you buy ni cubic meters of snow (0 ≤ ni ≤ wi, the number ni is not necessarily integer!) from the i-th company at one of the days when the cost of its snow is equal to si, then its price will total to bourles. During one day one can buy the snow from several companies. In different days one can buy the snow from different companies. It is required to make the purchases so as to spend as little money as possible. It is guaranteed that the snow produced by the companies will be enough.
Input: ['2 3 104 4 45 5 81 2 5'] Output:['22.000000000000000']
[ 2 ]
A permutation is a sequence of integers from 1 to n of length n containing each number exactly once. For example, (1), (4, 3, 5, 1, 2), (3, 2, 1) are permutations, and (1, 1), (4, 3, 1), (2, 3, 4) are not. There are many tasks on permutations. Today you are going to solve one of them. Let’s imagine that somebody took several permutations (perhaps, with a different number of elements), wrote them down consecutively as one array and then shuffled the resulting array. The task is to restore the initial permutations if it is possible.
Input: ['91 2 3 1 2 1 4 2 5'] Output:['33 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2']
[ 2 ]
Every year a race takes place on the motorway between cities A and B. This year Vanya decided to take part in the race and drive his own car that has been around and bears its own noble name — The Huff-puffer.So, Vasya leaves city A on the Huff-puffer, besides, at the very beginning he fills the petrol tank with α liters of petrol (α ≥ 10 is Vanya's favorite number, it is not necessarily integer). Petrol stations are located on the motorway at an interval of 100 kilometers, i.e. the first station is located 100 kilometers away from the city A, the second one is 200 kilometers away from the city A, the third one is 300 kilometers away from the city A and so on. The Huff-puffer spends 10 liters of petrol every 100 kilometers. Vanya checks the petrol tank every time he passes by a petrol station. If the petrol left in the tank is not enough to get to the next station, Vanya fills the tank with α liters of petrol. Otherwise, he doesn't stop at the station and drives on. For example, if α = 43.21, then the car will be fuelled up for the first time at the station number 4, when there'll be 3.21 petrol liters left. After the fuelling up the car will have 46.42 liters. Then Vanya stops at the station number 8 and ends up with 6.42 + 43.21 = 49.63 liters. The next stop is at the station number 12, 9.63 + 43.21 = 52.84. The next stop is at the station number 17 and so on. You won't believe this but the Huff-puffer has been leading in the race! Perhaps it is due to unexpected snow. Perhaps it is due to video cameras that have been installed along the motorway which register speed limit breaking. Perhaps it is due to the fact that Vanya threatened to junk the Huff-puffer unless the car wins. Whatever the reason is, the Huff-puffer is leading, and jealous people together with other contestants wrack their brains trying to think of a way to stop that outrage.One way to do this is to mine the next petrol station where Vanya will stop. Your task is to calculate at which station this will happen and warn Vanya. You don't know the α number, however, you are given the succession of the numbers of the stations where Vanya has stopped. Find the number of the station where the next stop will be.
Input: ['31 2 4'] Output:['unique5']
[ 3 ]
Vasya has a beautiful garden where wonderful fruit trees grow and yield fantastic harvest every year. But lately thieves started to sneak into the garden at nights and steal the fruit too often. Vasya can’t spend the nights in the garden and guard the fruit because there’s no house in the garden! Vasya had been saving in for some time and finally he decided to build the house. The rest is simple: he should choose in which part of the garden to build the house. In the evening he sat at his table and drew the garden’s plan. On the plan the garden is represented as a rectangular checkered field n × m in size divided into squares whose side length is 1. In some squares Vasya marked the trees growing there (one shouldn’t plant the trees too close to each other that’s why one square contains no more than one tree). Vasya wants to find a rectangular land lot a × b squares in size to build a house on, at that the land lot border should go along the lines of the grid that separates the squares. All the trees that grow on the building lot will have to be chopped off. Vasya loves his garden very much, so help him choose the building land lot location so that the number of chopped trees would be as little as possible.
Input: ['2 21 01 11 1'] Output:['0']
[ 0 ]
Vasya tries to break in a safe. He knows that a code consists of n numbers, and every number is a 0 or a 1. Vasya has made m attempts to enter the code. After each attempt the system told him in how many position stand the right numbers. It is not said in which positions the wrong numbers stand. Vasya has been so unlucky that he hasn’t entered the code where would be more than 5 correct numbers. Now Vasya is completely bewildered: he thinks there’s a mistake in the system and it is self-contradictory. Help Vasya — calculate how many possible code variants are left that do not contradict the previous system responses.
Input: ['6 2000000 2010100 4'] Output:['6']
[ 0 ]
A triangular number is the number of dots in an equilateral triangle uniformly filled with dots. For example, three dots can be arranged in a triangle; thus three is a triangular number. The n-th triangular number is the number of dots in a triangle with n dots on a side. . You can learn more about these numbers from Wikipedia ( task is to find out if a given integer is a triangular number.
Input: ['1'] Output:['YES']
[ 0, 3 ]
A kindergarten teacher Natalia Pavlovna has invented a new ball game. This game not only develops the children's physique, but also teaches them how to count. The game goes as follows. Kids stand in circle. Let's agree to think of the children as numbered with numbers from 1 to n clockwise and the child number 1 is holding the ball. First the first child throws the ball to the next one clockwise, i.e. to the child number 2. Then the child number 2 throws the ball to the next but one child, i.e. to the child number 4, then the fourth child throws the ball to the child that stands two children away from him, i.e. to the child number 7, then the ball is thrown to the child who stands 3 children away from the child number 7, then the ball is thrown to the child who stands 4 children away from the last one, and so on. It should be mentioned that when a ball is thrown it may pass the beginning of the circle. For example, if n = 5, then after the third throw the child number 2 has the ball again. Overall, n - 1 throws are made, and the game ends.The problem is that not all the children get the ball during the game. If a child doesn't get the ball, he gets very upset and cries until Natalia Pavlovna gives him a candy. That's why Natalia Pavlovna asks you to help her to identify the numbers of the children who will get the ball after each throw.
Input: ['10'] Output:['2 4 7 1 6 2 9 7 6']
[ 0 ]
Vasya has gotten interested in programming contests in TCMCF+++ rules. On the contest n problems were suggested and every problem had a cost — a certain integral number of points (perhaps, negative or even equal to zero). According to TCMCF+++ rules, only accepted problems can earn points and the overall number of points of a contestant was equal to the product of the costs of all the problems he/she had completed. If a person didn't solve anything, then he/she didn't even appear in final standings and wasn't considered as participant. Vasya understood that to get the maximal number of points it is not always useful to solve all the problems. Unfortunately, he understood it only after the contest was finished. Now he asks you to help him: find out what problems he had to solve to earn the maximal number of points.
Input: ['51 2 -3 3 3'] Output:['3 1 2 3 ']
[ 2 ]
Once Vasya needed to transport m goats and m wolves from riverbank to the other as quickly as possible. The boat can hold n animals and Vasya, in addition, he is permitted to put less than n animals in the boat. If in one place (on one of the banks or in the boat) the wolves happen to strictly outnumber the goats, then the wolves eat the goats and Vasya gets upset. When Vasya swims on the boat from one shore to the other, he must take at least one animal to accompany him, otherwise he will get bored and he will, yet again, feel upset. When the boat reaches the bank, first all the animals get off simultaneously, and then the animals chosen by Vasya simultaneously get on the boat. That means that at the moment when the animals that have just arrived have already got off and the animals that are going to leave haven't yet got on, somebody might eat someone. Vasya needs to transport all the animals from one river bank to the other so that nobody eats anyone and Vasya doesn't get upset. What is the minimal number of times he will have to cross the river?
Input: ['3 2'] Output:['11']
[ 2 ]
Vasya is a born Berland film director, he is currently working on a new blockbuster, "The Unexpected". Vasya knows from his own experience how important it is to choose the main characters' names and surnames wisely. He made up a list of n names and n surnames that he wants to use. Vasya haven't decided yet how to call characters, so he is free to match any name to any surname. Now he has to make the list of all the main characters in the following format: "Name1 Surname1, Name2 Surname2, ..., Namen Surnamen", i.e. all the name-surname pairs should be separated by exactly one comma and exactly one space, and the name should be separated from the surname by exactly one space. First of all Vasya wants to maximize the number of the pairs, in which the name and the surname start from one letter. If there are several such variants, Vasya wants to get the lexicographically minimal one. Help him.An answer will be verified a line in the format as is shown above, including the needed commas and spaces. It's the lexicographical minimality of such a line that needs to be ensured. The output line shouldn't end with a space or with a comma.
Input: ['4AnnAnnaSabrinaJohnPetrovIvanovaStoltzAbacaba'] Output:['Ann Abacaba, Anna Ivanova, John Petrov, Sabrina Stoltz']
[ 2 ]
On a history lesson the teacher asked Vasya to name the dates when n famous events took place. He doesn't remembers the exact dates but he remembers a segment of days [li, ri] (inclusive) on which the event could have taken place. However Vasya also remembers that there was at most one event in one day. Help him choose such n dates of famous events that will fulfill both conditions. It is guaranteed that it is possible.
Input: ['31 22 33 4'] Output:['1 2 3 ']
[ 2 ]
There are many interesting tasks on domino tilings. For example, an interesting fact is known. Let us take a standard chessboard (8 × 8) and cut exactly two squares out of it. It turns out that the resulting board can always be tiled using dominoes 1 × 2, if the two cut out squares are of the same color, otherwise it is impossible. Petya grew bored with dominoes, that's why he took a chessboard (not necessarily 8 × 8), cut some squares out of it and tries to tile it using triminoes. Triminoes are reactangles 1 × 3 (or 3 × 1, because triminoes can be rotated freely), also the two extreme squares of a trimino are necessarily white and the square in the middle is black. The triminoes are allowed to put on the chessboard so that their squares matched the colors of the uncut squares of the chessboard, and also the colors must match: the black squares must be matched with the black ones only and the white ones — with the white squares. The triminoes must not protrude above the chessboard or overlap each other. All the uncut squares of the board must be covered with triminoes. Help Petya find out if it is possible to tile his board using triminos in the described way and print one of the variants of tiling.
Input: ['6'] Output:['']
[ 2 ]
Little Masha loves arranging her toys into piles on the floor. And she also hates it when somebody touches her toys. One day Masha arranged all her n toys into several piles and then her elder brother Sasha came and gathered all the piles into one. Having seen it, Masha got very upset and started crying. Sasha still can't calm Masha down and mom is going to come home soon and punish Sasha for having made Masha crying. That's why he decides to restore the piles' arrangement. However, he doesn't remember at all the way the toys used to lie. Of course, Masha remembers it, but she can't talk yet and can only help Sasha by shouting happily when he arranges the toys in the way they used to lie. That means that Sasha will have to arrange the toys in every possible way until Masha recognizes the needed arrangement. The relative position of the piles and toys in every pile is irrelevant, that's why the two ways of arranging the toys are considered different if can be found two such toys that when arranged in the first way lie in one and the same pile and do not if arranged in the second way. Sasha is looking for the fastest way of trying all the ways because mom will come soon. With every action Sasha can take a toy from any pile and move it to any other pile (as a result a new pile may appear or the old one may disappear). Sasha wants to find the sequence of actions as a result of which all the pile arrangement variants will be tried exactly one time each. Help Sasha. As we remember, initially all the toys are located in one pile.
Input: ['3'] Output:['5{1,2,3}{1,2},{3}{1},{2,3}{1},{2},{3}{1,3},{2}']
[ 0 ]
In a far away galaxy there are n inhabited planets, numbered with numbers from 1 to n. They are located at large distances from each other, that's why the communication between them was very difficult until on the planet number 1 a hyperdrive was invented. As soon as this significant event took place, n - 1 spaceships were built on the planet number 1, and those ships were sent to other planets to inform about the revolutionary invention. Paradoxical thought it may be, but the hyperspace is represented as simple three-dimensional Euclidean space. The inhabited planets may be considered fixed points in it, and no two points coincide and no three points lie on the same straight line. The movement of a ship with a hyperdrive between two planets is performed along a straight line at the constant speed, the same for all the ships. That's why the distance in the hyperspace are measured in hyperyears (a ship with a hyperdrive covers a distance of s hyperyears in s years).When the ship reaches an inhabited planet, the inhabitants of the planet dissemble it, make n - 2 identical to it ships with a hyperdrive and send them to other n - 2 planets (except for the one from which the ship arrived). The time to make a new ship compared to the time in which they move from one planet to another is so small that it can be disregarded. New ships are absolutely identical to the ones sent initially: they move at the same constant speed along a straight line trajectory and, having reached a planet, perform the very same mission, i.e. are dissembled to build new n - 2 ships and send them to all the planets except for the one from which the ship arrived. Thus, the process of spreading the important news around the galaxy continues.However the hyperdrive creators hurried to spread the news about their invention so much that they didn't study completely what goes on when two ships collide in the hyperspace. If two moving ships find themselves at one point, they provoke an explosion of colossal power, leading to the destruction of the galaxy!Your task is to find the time the galaxy will continue to exist from the moment of the ships' launch from the first planet.
Input: ['40 0 00 0 10 1 01 0 0'] Output:['1.7071067812']
[ 3 ]
Today s kilometer long auto race takes place in Berland. The track is represented by a straight line as long as s kilometers. There are n cars taking part in the race, all of them start simultaneously at the very beginning of the track. For every car is known its behavior — the system of segments on each of which the speed of the car is constant. The j-th segment of the i-th car is pair (vi, j, ti, j), where vi, j is the car's speed on the whole segment in kilometers per hour and ti, j is for how many hours the car had been driving at that speed. The segments are given in the order in which they are "being driven on" by the cars.Your task is to find out how many times during the race some car managed to have a lead over another car. A lead is considered a situation when one car appears in front of another car. It is known, that all the leads happen instantly, i. e. there are no such time segment of positive length, during which some two cars drive "together". At one moment of time on one and the same point several leads may appear. In this case all of them should be taken individually. Meetings of cars at the start and finish are not considered to be counted as leads.
Input: ['2 332 5 1 2 141 3 11'] Output:['1']
[ 0 ]
The territory of Berland is represented by a rectangular field n × m in size. The king of Berland lives in the capital, located on the upper left square (1, 1). The lower right square has coordinates (n, m). One day the king decided to travel through the whole country and return back to the capital, having visited every square (except the capital) exactly one time. The king must visit the capital exactly two times, at the very beginning and at the very end of his journey. The king can only move to the side-neighboring squares. However, the royal advise said that the King possibly will not be able to do it. But there is a way out — one can build the system of one way teleporters between some squares so that the king could fulfill his plan. No more than one teleporter can be installed on one square, every teleporter can be used any number of times, however every time it is used, it transports to the same given for any single teleporter square. When the king reaches a square with an installed teleporter he chooses himself whether he is or is not going to use the teleport. What minimum number of teleporters should be installed for the king to complete the journey? You should also compose the journey path route for the king.
Input: ['2 2'] Output:['01 11 22 22 11 1']
[ 0 ]
Vasya thinks that lucky tickets are the tickets whose numbers are divisible by 3. He gathered quite a large collection of such tickets but one day his younger brother Leonid was having a sulk and decided to destroy the collection. First he tore every ticket exactly in two, but he didn’t think it was enough and Leonid also threw part of the pieces away. Having seen this, Vasya got terrified but still tried to restore the collection. He chose several piece pairs and glued each pair together so that each pair formed a lucky ticket. The rest of the pieces Vasya threw away reluctantly. Thus, after the gluing of the 2t pieces he ended up with t tickets, each of which was lucky.When Leonid tore the tickets in two pieces, one piece contained the first several letters of his number and the second piece contained the rest.Vasya can glue every pair of pieces in any way he likes, but it is important that he gets a lucky ticket in the end. For example, pieces 123 and 99 can be glued in two ways: 12399 and 99123.What maximum number of tickets could Vasya get after that?
Input: ['3123 123 99'] Output:['1']
[ 2 ]
Volodya has recently visited a very odd town. There are N tourist attractions in the town and every two of them are connected by a bidirectional road. Each road has some travel price (natural number) assigned to it and all prices are distinct. But the most striking thing about this town is that each city sightseeing tour has the same total price! That is, if we choose any city sightseeing tour — a cycle which visits every attraction exactly once — the sum of the costs of the tour roads is independent of the tour. Volodya is curious if you can find such price system with all road prices not greater than 1000.
Input: ['3'] Output:['0 3 4 3 0 5 4 5 0 ']
[ 3 ]
Right now you are to solve a very, very simple problem — to crack the safe. Four positive integers stand one by one on a circle protecting the safe. You know that to unlock this striking safe you have to make all four numbers equal to one. Operations are as follows: you may choose two adjacent numbers and increase both by one; you may choose two adjacent even numbers and divide both by two. Nothing else. Crack the safe!
Input: ['1 1 1 1'] Output:['']
[ 0 ]
It's a very unfortunate day for Volodya today. He got bad mark in algebra and was therefore forced to do some work in the kitchen, namely to cook borscht (traditional Russian soup). This should also improve his algebra skills.According to the borscht recipe it consists of n ingredients that have to be mixed in proportion litres (thus, there should be a1 ·x, ..., an ·x litres of corresponding ingredients mixed for some non-negative x). In the kitchen Volodya found out that he has b1, ..., bn litres of these ingredients at his disposal correspondingly. In order to correct his algebra mistakes he ought to cook as much soup as possible in a V litres volume pan (which means the amount of soup cooked can be between 0 and V litres). What is the volume of borscht Volodya will cook ultimately?
Input: ['1 100140'] Output:['40.0']
[ 2 ]
During a recent research Berland scientists found out that there were n cities in Ancient Berland, joined by two-way paths. Any two cities are joined by no more than one path. No path joins a city with itself. According to a well-known tradition, the road network was built so that it would be impossible to choose three cities from each of which one can get to any other one directly. That is, there was no cycle exactly as long as 3. Unfortunately, the road map has not been preserved till nowadays. Now the scientists are interested how much developed a country Ancient Berland was. Help them - find, what maximal number of roads could be in the country. You also have to restore any of the possible road maps.
Input: ['3'] Output:['21 22 3']
[ 2 ]
One day Vasya got hold of information on the Martian dollar course in bourles for the next n days. The buying prices and the selling prices for one dollar on day i are the same and are equal to ai. Vasya has b bourles. He can buy a certain number of dollars and then sell it no more than once in n days. According to Martian laws, one can buy only an integer number of dollars. Which maximal sum of money in bourles can Vasya get by the end of day n?
Input: ['2 43 7'] Output:['8']
[ 0 ]
Berland scientists noticed long ago that the world around them depends on Berland population. Due to persistent research in this area the scientists managed to find out that the Berland chronology starts from the moment when the first two people came to that land (it is considered to have happened in the first year). After one Berland year after the start of the chronology the population had already equaled 13 people (the second year). However, tracing the population number during the following years was an ultimately difficult task, still it was found out that if di — the number of people in Berland in the year of i, then either di = 12di - 2, or di = 13di - 1 - 12di - 2. Of course no one knows how many people are living in Berland at the moment, but now we can tell if there could possibly be a year in which the country population equaled A. That's what we ask you to determine. Also, if possible, you have to find out in which years it could be (from the beginning of Berland chronology). Let's suppose that it could be in the years of a1, a2, ..., ak. Then you have to define how many residents could be in the country during those years apart from the A variant. Look at the examples for further explanation.
Input: ['2'] Output:['YES110']
[ 3 ]
Last year the world's largest square was built in Berland. It is known that the square can be represented as an infinite plane with an introduced Cartesian system of coordinates. On that square two sets of concentric circles were painted. Let's call the set of concentric circles with radii 1, 2, ..., K and the center in the point (z, 0) a (K, z)-set. Thus, on the square were painted a (N, x)-set and a (M, y)-set. You have to find out how many parts those sets divided the square into.
Input: ['1 0 1 1'] Output:['4']
[ 3 ]
A chessboard n × m in size is given. During the zero minute we repaint all the black squares to the 0 color. During the i-th minute we repaint to the i color the initially black squares that have exactly four corner-adjacent squares painted i - 1 (all such squares are repainted simultaneously). This process continues ad infinitum. You have to figure out how many squares we repainted exactly x times.The upper left square of the board has to be assumed to be always black. Two squares are called corner-adjacent, if they have exactly one common point.
Input: ['3 31'] Output:['4']
[ 3 ]
Not so long ago as a result of combat operations the main Berland place of interest — the magic clock — was damaged. The cannon's balls made several holes in the clock, that's why the residents are concerned about the repair. The magic clock can be represented as an infinite Cartesian plane, where the origin corresponds to the clock center. The clock was painted two colors as is shown in the picture: The picture shows only the central part of the clock. This coloring naturally extends to infinity.The balls can be taken to be points on the plane. Your task is to find the color of the area, damaged by the given ball.All the points located on the border of one of the areas have to be considered painted black.
Input: ['-2 1'] Output:['white']
[ 3 ]
You can find anything whatsoever in our Galaxy! A cubical planet goes round an icosahedral star. Let us introduce a system of axes so that the edges of the cubical planet are parallel to the coordinate axes and two opposite vertices lay in the points (0, 0, 0) and (1, 1, 1). Two flies live on the planet. At the moment they are sitting on two different vertices of the cubical planet. Your task is to determine whether they see each other or not. The flies see each other when the vertices they occupy lie on the same face of the cube.
Input: ['0 0 00 1 0'] Output:['YES']
[ 3 ]
Petya works as a PR manager for a successful Berland company BerSoft. He needs to prepare a presentation on the company income growth since 2001 (the year of its founding) till now. Petya knows that in 2001 the company income amounted to a1 billion bourles, in 2002 — to a2 billion, ..., and in the current (2000 + n)-th year — an billion bourles. On the base of the information Petya decided to show in his presentation the linear progress history which is in his opinion perfect. According to a graph Petya has already made, in the first year BerSoft company income must amount to 1 billion bourles, in the second year — 2 billion bourles etc., each following year the income increases by 1 billion bourles. Unfortunately, the real numbers are different from the perfect ones. Among the numbers ai can even occur negative ones that are a sign of the company’s losses in some years. That is why Petya wants to ignore some data, in other words, cross some numbers ai from the sequence and leave only some subsequence that has perfect growth.Thus Petya has to choose a sequence of years y1, y2, ..., yk,so that in the year y1 the company income amounted to 1 billion bourles, in the year y2 — 2 billion bourles etc., in accordance with the perfect growth dynamics. Help him to choose the longest such sequence.
Input: ['10-2 1 1 3 2 3 4 -10 -2 5'] Output:['52002 2005 2006 2007 2010']
[ 2 ]
C*++ language is quite similar to C++. The similarity manifests itself in the fact that the programs written in C*++ sometimes behave unpredictably and lead to absolutely unexpected effects. For example, let's imagine an arithmetic expression in C*++ that looks like this (expression is the main term): expression ::= summand | expression + summand | expression - summand summand ::= increment | coefficient*increment increment ::= a++ | ++a coefficient ::= 0|1|2|...|1000 For example, "5*a++-3*++a+a++" is a valid expression in C*++.Thus, we have a sum consisting of several summands divided by signs "+" or "-". Every summand is an expression "a++" or "++a" multiplied by some integer coefficient. If the coefficient is omitted, it is suggested being equal to 1.The calculation of such sum in C*++ goes the following way. First all the summands are calculated one after another, then they are summed by the usual arithmetic rules. If the summand contains "a++", then during the calculation first the value of the "a" variable is multiplied by the coefficient, then value of "a" is increased by 1. If the summand contains "++a", then the actions on it are performed in the reverse order: first "a" is increased by 1, then — multiplied by the coefficient.The summands may be calculated in any order, that's why sometimes the result of the calculation is completely unpredictable! Your task is to find its largest possible value.
Input: ['15*a++-3*++a+a++'] Output:['11']
[ 2 ]
The blinds are known to consist of opaque horizontal stripes that can be rotated thus regulating the amount of light flowing in the room. There are n blind stripes with the width of 1 in the factory warehouse for blind production. The problem is that all of them are spare details from different orders, that is, they may not have the same length (it is even possible for them to have different lengths)Every stripe can be cut into two or more parts. The cuttings are made perpendicularly to the side along which the length is measured. Thus the cuttings do not change the width of a stripe but each of the resulting pieces has a lesser length (the sum of which is equal to the length of the initial stripe)After all the cuttings the blinds are constructed through consecutive joining of several parts, similar in length, along sides, along which length is measured. Also, apart from the resulting pieces an initial stripe can be used as a blind if it hasn't been cut. It is forbidden to construct blinds in any other way.Thus, if the blinds consist of k pieces each d in length, then they are of form of a rectangle of k × d bourlemeters. Your task is to find for what window possessing the largest possible area the blinds can be made from the given stripes if on technical grounds it is forbidden to use pieces shorter than l bourlemeter. The window is of form of a rectangle with side lengths as positive integers.
Input: ['4 21 2 3 4'] Output:['8']
[ 0 ]
Two chess pieces, a rook and a knight, stand on a standard chessboard 8 × 8 in size. The positions in which they are situated are known. It is guaranteed that none of them beats the other one.Your task is to find the number of ways to place another knight on the board so that none of the three pieces on the board beat another one. A new piece can only be placed on an empty square.
Input: ['a1b2'] Output:['44']
[ 0, 3 ]
Having unraveled the Berland Dictionary, the scientists managed to read the notes of the chroniclers of that time. For example, they learned how the chief of the ancient Berland tribe was chosen.As soon as enough pretenders was picked, the following test took place among them: the chief of the tribe took a slab divided by horizontal and vertical stripes into identical squares (the slab consisted of N lines and M columns) and painted every square black or white. Then every pretender was given a slab of the same size but painted entirely white. Within a day a pretender could paint any side-linked set of the squares of the slab some color. The set is called linked if for any two squares belonging to the set there is a path belonging the set on which any two neighboring squares share a side. The aim of each pretender is to paint his slab in the exactly the same way as the chief’s slab is painted. The one who paints a slab like that first becomes the new chief.Scientists found the slab painted by the ancient Berland tribe chief. Help them to determine the minimal amount of days needed to find a new chief if he had to paint his slab in the given way.
Input: ['3 3WBWBWBWBW'] Output:['2']
[ 2 ]
When Petya has free from computer games time, he attends university classes. Every day the lessons on Petya’s faculty consist of two double classes. The floor where the lessons take place is a long corridor with M classrooms numbered from 1 to M, situated along it.All the students of Petya’s year are divided into N groups. Petya has noticed recently that these groups’ timetable has the following peculiarity: the number of the classroom where the first lesson of a group takes place does not exceed the number of the classroom where the second lesson of this group takes place. Once Petya decided to count the number of ways in which one can make a lesson timetable for all these groups. The timetable is a set of 2N numbers: for each group the number of the rooms where the first and the second lessons take place. Unfortunately, he quickly lost the track of his calculations and decided to count only the timetables that satisfy the following conditions:1) On the first lesson in classroom i exactly Xi groups must be present.2) In classroom i no more than Yi groups may be placed.Help Petya count the number of timetables satisfying all those conditionsю As there can be a lot of such timetables, output modulo 109 + 7.
Input: ['31 1 11 2 3'] Output:['36']
[ 3 ]
Berland scientists know that the Old Berland language had exactly n words. Those words had lengths of l1, l2, ..., ln letters. Every word consisted of two letters, 0 and 1. Ancient Berland people spoke quickly and didn’t make pauses between the words, but at the same time they could always understand each other perfectly. It was possible because no word was a prefix of another one. The prefix of a string is considered to be one of its substrings that starts from the initial symbol.Help the scientists determine whether all the words of the Old Berland language can be reconstructed and if they can, output the words themselves.
Input: ['31 2 3'] Output:['YES010110']
[ 2 ]
Vasya’s elder brother Petya loves playing computer games. In one of his favourite computer games Petya reached the final level where a fight with the boss take place.While playing the game Petya found spell scrolls and now he is about to use them. Let’s describe the way fighting goes on this level:1) The boss has two parameters: max — the initial amount of health and reg — regeneration rate per second.2) Every scroll also has two parameters: powi — spell power measured in percents — the maximal amount of health counted off the initial one, which allows to use the scroll (i.e. if the boss has more than powi percent of health the scroll cannot be used); and dmgi the damage per second inflicted upon the boss if the scroll is used. As soon as a scroll is used it disappears and another spell is cast upon the boss that inflicts dmgi of damage per second upon him until the end of the game.During the battle the actions per second are performed in the following order: first the boss gets the damage from all the spells cast upon him, then he regenerates reg of health (at the same time he can’t have more than max of health), then the player may use another scroll (no more than one per second).The boss is considered to be defeated if at the end of a second he has nonpositive ( ≤ 0) amount of health.Help Petya to determine whether he can win with the set of scrolls available to him and if he can, determine the minimal number of seconds he needs to do it.
Input: ['2 10 3100 399 1'] Output:['NO']
[ 2 ]
Once upon a time DravDe, an outstanding person famous for his professional achievements (as you must remember, he works in a warehouse storing Ogudar-Olok, a magical but non-alcoholic drink) came home after a hard day. That day he had to drink 9875 boxes of the drink and, having come home, he went to bed at once.DravDe dreamt about managing a successful farm. He dreamt that every day one animal came to him and asked him to let it settle there. However, DravDe, being unimaginably kind, could send the animal away and it went, rejected. There were exactly n days in DravDe’s dream and the animal that came on the i-th day, ate exactly ci tons of food daily starting from day i. But if one day the animal could not get the food it needed, it got really sad. At the very beginning of the dream there were exactly X tons of food on the farm.DravDe woke up terrified...When he retold the dream to you, he couldn’t remember how many animals were on the farm by the end of the n-th day any more, but he did remember that nobody got sad (as it was a happy farm) and that there was the maximum possible amount of the animals. That’s the number he wants you to find out. It should be noticed that the animals arrived in the morning and DravDe only started to feed them in the afternoon, so that if an animal willing to join them is rejected, it can’t eat any farm food. But if the animal does join the farm, it eats daily from that day to the n-th.
Input: ['3 41 1 1'] Output:['2']
[ 2 ]
After a terrifying forest fire in Berland a forest rebirth program was carried out. Due to it N rows with M trees each were planted and the rows were so neat that one could map it on a system of coordinates so that the j-th tree in the i-th row would have the coordinates of (i, j). However a terrible thing happened and the young forest caught fire. Now we must find the coordinates of the tree that will catch fire last to plan evacuation.The burning began in K points simultaneously, which means that initially K trees started to burn. Every minute the fire gets from the burning trees to the ones that aren’t burning and that the distance from them to the nearest burning tree equals to 1.Find the tree that will be the last to start burning. If there are several such trees, output any.
Input: ['3 312 2'] Output:['1 1']
[ 0 ]
On a number line there are n balls. At time moment 0 for each ball the following data is known: its coordinate xi, speed vi (possibly, negative) and weight mi. The radius of the balls can be ignored.The balls collide elastically, i.e. if two balls weighing m1 and m2 and with speeds v1 and v2 collide, their new speeds will be: .Your task is to find out, where each ball will be t seconds after.
Input: ['2 93 4 50 7 8'] Output:['68.53846153844.538461538']
[ 0, 3 ]
Once Bob got to a sale of old TV sets. There were n TV sets at that sale. TV set with index i costs ai bellars. Some TV sets have a negative price — their owners are ready to pay Bob if he buys their useless apparatus. Bob can «buy» any TV sets he wants. Though he's very strong, Bob can carry at most m TV sets, and he has no desire to go to the sale for the second time. Please, help Bob find out the maximum sum of money that he can earn.
Input: ['5 3-6 0 35 -2 4'] Output:['8']
[ 2 ]
Learn, learn and learn again — Valera has to do this every day. He is studying at mathematical school, where math is the main discipline. The mathematics teacher loves her discipline very much and tries to cultivate this love in children. That's why she always gives her students large and difficult homework. Despite that Valera is one of the best students, he failed to manage with the new homework. That's why he asks for your help. He has the following task. A sequence of n numbers is given. A prefix of a sequence is the part of the sequence (possibly empty), taken from the start of the sequence. A suffix of a sequence is the part of the sequence (possibly empty), taken from the end of the sequence. It is allowed to sequentially make two operations with the sequence. The first operation is to take some prefix of the sequence and multiply all numbers in this prefix by  - 1. The second operation is to take some suffix and multiply all numbers in it by  - 1. The chosen prefix and suffix may intersect. What is the maximum total sum of the sequence that can be obtained by applying the described operations?
Input: ['3-1 -2 -3'] Output:['6']
[ 2 ]
In one little known, but very beautiful country called Waterland, lives a lovely shark Valerie. Like all the sharks, she has several rows of teeth, and feeds on crucians. One of Valerie's distinguishing features is that while eating one crucian she uses only one row of her teeth, the rest of the teeth are "relaxing".For a long time our heroine had been searching the sea for crucians, but a great misfortune happened. Her teeth started to ache, and she had to see the local dentist, lobster Ashot. As a professional, Ashot quickly relieved Valerie from her toothache. Moreover, he managed to determine the cause of Valerie's developing caries (for what he was later nicknamed Cap).It turned that Valerie eats too many crucians. To help Valerie avoid further reoccurrence of toothache, Ashot found for each Valerie's tooth its residual viability. Residual viability of a tooth is a value equal to the amount of crucians that Valerie can eat with this tooth. Every time Valerie eats a crucian, viability of all the teeth used for it will decrease by one. When the viability of at least one tooth becomes negative, the shark will have to see the dentist again. Unhappy, Valerie came back home, where a portion of crucians was waiting for her. For sure, the shark couldn't say no to her favourite meal, but she had no desire to go back to the dentist. That's why she decided to eat the maximum amount of crucians from the portion but so that the viability of no tooth becomes negative. As Valerie is not good at mathematics, she asked you to help her to find out the total amount of crucians that she can consume for dinner.We should remind you that while eating one crucian Valerie uses exactly one row of teeth and the viability of each tooth from this row decreases by one.
Input: ['4 3 182 31 23 62 3'] Output:['11']
[ 2 ]
It is known that fleas in Berland can jump only vertically and horizontally, and the length of the jump is always equal to s centimeters. A flea has found herself at the center of some cell of the checked board of the size n × m centimeters (each cell is 1 × 1 centimeters). She can jump as she wishes for an arbitrary number of times, she can even visit a cell more than once. The only restriction is that she cannot jump out of the board.The flea can count the amount of cells that she can reach from the starting position (x, y). Let's denote this amount by dx, y. Your task is to find the number of such starting positions (x, y), which have the maximum possible value of dx, y.
Input: ['2 3 1000000'] Output:['6']
[ 3 ]
According to the regulations of Berland's army, a reconnaissance unit should consist of exactly two soldiers. Since these two soldiers shouldn't differ much, their heights can differ by at most d centimeters. Captain Bob has n soldiers in his detachment. Their heights are a1, a2, ..., an centimeters. Some soldiers are of the same height. Bob wants to know, how many ways exist to form a reconnaissance unit of two soldiers from his detachment.Ways (1, 2) and (2, 1) should be regarded as different.
Input: ['5 1010 20 50 60 65'] Output:['6']
[ 0 ]
Email address in Berland is a string of the form A@B, where A and B are arbitrary strings consisting of small Latin letters. Bob is a system administrator in «Bersoft» company. He keeps a list of email addresses of the company's staff. This list is as a large string, where all addresses are written in arbitrary order, separated by commas. The same address can be written more than once.Suddenly, because of unknown reasons, all commas in Bob's list disappeared. Now Bob has a string, where all addresses are written one after another without any separators, and there is impossible to determine, where the boundaries between addresses are. Unfortunately, on the same day his chief asked him to bring the initial list of addresses. Now Bob wants to disjoin addresses in some valid way. Help him to do that.
Input: ['[email\xa0protected]@a'] Output:['[email\xa0protected],[email\xa0protected]']
[ 2 ]
In his very young years the hero of our story, king Copa, decided that his private data was hidden not enough securely, what is unacceptable for the king. That's why he invented tricky and clever password (later he learned that his password is a palindrome of odd length), and coded all his data using it. Copa is afraid to forget his password, so he decided to write it on a piece of paper. He is aware that it is insecure to keep password in such way, so he decided to cipher it the following way: he cut x characters from the start of his password and from the end of it (x can be 0, and 2x is strictly less than the password length). He obtained 3 parts of the password. Let's call it prefix, middle and suffix correspondingly, both prefix and suffix having equal length and middle always having odd length. From these parts he made a string A + prefix + B + middle + C + suffix, where A, B and C are some (possibly empty) strings invented by Copa, and « + » means concatenation.Many years have passed, and just yesterday the king Copa found the piece of paper where his ciphered password was written. The password, as well as the strings A, B and C, was completely forgotten by Copa, so he asks you to find a password of maximum possible length, which could be invented, ciphered and written by Copa.
Input: ['abacaba'] Output:['11 7']
[ 2, 4 ]
Every true king during his life must conquer the world, hold the Codeforces world finals, win pink panda in the shooting gallery and travel all over his kingdom.King Copa has already done the first three things. Now he just needs to travel all over the kingdom. The kingdom is an infinite plane with Cartesian coordinate system on it. Every city is a point on this plane. There are n cities in the kingdom at points with coordinates (x1, 0), (x2, 0), ..., (xn, 0), and there is one city at point (xn + 1, yn + 1). King starts his journey in the city number k. Your task is to find such route for the king, which visits all cities (in any order) and has minimum possible length. It is allowed to visit a city twice. The king can end his journey in any city. Between any pair of cities there is a direct road with length equal to the distance between the corresponding points. No two cities may be located at the same point.
Input: ['3 10 1 2 11'] Output:['3.41421356237309490000']
[ 2 ]
A long time ago in some far country lived king Copa. After the recent king's reform, he got so large powers that started to keep the books by himself.The total income A of his kingdom during 0-th year is known, as well as the total income B during n-th year (these numbers can be negative — it means that there was a loss in the correspondent year). King wants to show financial stability. To do this, he needs to find common coefficient X — the coefficient of income growth during one year. This coefficient should satisfy the equation:A·Xn = B.Surely, the king is not going to do this job by himself, and demands you to find such number X.It is necessary to point out that the fractional numbers are not used in kingdom's economy. That's why all input numbers as well as coefficient X must be integers. The number X may be zero or negative.
Input: ['2 18 2'] Output:['3']
[ 0, 3 ]
In a Berland's zoo there is an enclosure with camels. It is known that camels like to spit. Bob watched these interesting animals for the whole day and registered in his notepad where each animal spitted. Now he wants to know if in the zoo there are two camels, which spitted at each other. Help him to solve this task.The trajectory of a camel's spit is an arc, i.e. if the camel in position x spits d meters right, he can hit only the camel in position x + d, if such a camel exists.
Input: ['20 11 -1'] Output:['YES']
[ 0 ]
How horrible! The empire of galactic chickens tries to conquer a beautiful city "Z", they have built a huge incubator that produces millions of chicken soldiers a day, and fenced it around. The huge incubator looks like a polygon on the plane Oxy with n vertices. Naturally, DravDe can't keep still, he wants to destroy the chicken empire. For sure, he will start with the incubator.DravDe is strictly outside the incubator's territory in point A(xa, ya), and wants to get inside and kill all the chickens working there. But it takes a lot of doing! The problem is that recently DravDe went roller skating and has broken both his legs. He will get to the incubator's territory in his jet airplane LEVAP-41.LEVAP-41 flies at speed V(xv, yv, zv). DravDe can get on the plane in point A, fly for some time, and then air drop himself. DravDe is very heavy, that's why he falls vertically at speed Fdown, but in each point of his free fall DravDe can open his parachute, and from that moment he starts to fall at the wind speed U(xu, yu, zu) until he lands. Unfortunately, DravDe isn't good at mathematics. Would you help poor world's saviour find such an air dropping plan, that allows him to land on the incubator's territory? If the answer is not unique, DravDe wants to find the plan with the minimum time of his flight on the plane. If the answers are still multiple, he wants to find the one with the minimum time of his free fall before opening his parachute
Input: ['40 01 01 10 10 -11 0 1-10 1 -1'] Output:['1.00000000 0.00000000']
[ 3 ]
A motorcade of n trucks, driving from city «Z» to city «З», has approached a tunnel, known as Tunnel of Horror. Among truck drivers there were rumours about monster DravDe, who hunts for drivers in that tunnel. Some drivers fear to go first, others - to be the last, but let's consider the general case. Each truck is described with four numbers: v — value of the truck, of its passangers and cargo c — amount of passanger on the truck, the driver included l — total amount of people that should go into the tunnel before this truck, so that the driver can overcome his fear («if the monster appears in front of the motorcade, he'll eat them first») r — total amount of people that should follow this truck, so that the driver can overcome his fear («if the monster appears behind the motorcade, he'll eat them first»). Since the road is narrow, it's impossible to escape DravDe, if he appears from one side. Moreover, the motorcade can't be rearranged. The order of the trucks can't be changed, but it's possible to take any truck out of the motorcade, and leave it near the tunnel for an indefinite period. You, as the head of the motorcade, should remove some of the trucks so, that the rest of the motorcade can move into the tunnel and the total amount of the left trucks' values is maximal.
Input: ['51 1 0 31 1 1 21 1 2 11 1 3 02 1 3 0'] Output:['41 2 3 5 ']
[ 4 ]
Given the number n, find the smallest positive integer which has exactly n divisors. It is guaranteed that for the given n the answer will not exceed 1018.
Input: ['4'] Output:['6']
[ 0 ]
The sequence is called ordered if it is non-decreasing or non-increasing. For example, sequnces [3, 1, 1, 0] and [1, 2, 3, 100] are ordered, but the sequence [1, 3, 3, 1] is not. You are given a sequence of numbers. You are to find it's shortest subsequence which is not ordered.A subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from the given sequence by deleting zero or more elements without changing the order of the remaining elements.
Input: ['567 499 600 42 23'] Output:['31 3 5']
[ 2 ]
The tournament «Sleepyhead-2010» in the rapid falling asleep has just finished in Berland. n best participants from the country have participated in it. The tournament consists of games, each of them is a match between two participants. n·(n - 1) / 2 games were played during the tournament, and each participant had a match with each other participant. The rules of the game are quite simple — the participant who falls asleep first wins. The secretary made a record of each game in the form «xi yi», where xi and yi are the numbers of participants. The first number in each pair is a winner (i.e. xi is a winner and yi is a loser). There is no draws.Recently researches form the «Institute Of Sleep» have found that every person is characterized by a value pj — the speed of falling asleep. The person who has lower speed wins. Every person has its own value pj, constant during the life. It is known that all participants of the tournament have distinct speeds of falling asleep. Also it was found that the secretary made records about all the games except one. You are to find the result of the missing game.
Input: ['44 24 12 32 13 1'] Output:['4 3']
[ 0, 2 ]
As a big fan of Formula One, Charlie is really happy with the fact that he has to organize ticket sells for the next Grand Prix race in his own city. Unfortunately, the finacial crisis is striking everywhere and all the banknotes left in his country are valued either 10 euros or 20 euros. The price of all tickets for the race is 10 euros, so whenever someone comes to the ticket store only with 20 euro banknote Charlie must have a 10 euro banknote to give them change. Charlie realize that with the huge deficit of banknotes this could be a problem. Charlie has some priceless information but couldn't make use of it, so he needs your help. Exactly n + m people will come to buy a ticket. n of them will have only a single 10 euro banknote, and m of them will have only a single 20 euro banknote. Currently Charlie has k 10 euro banknotes, which he can use for change if needed. All n + m people will come to the ticket store in random order, all orders are equiprobable. Return the probability that the ticket selling process will run smoothly, i.e. Charlie will have change for every person with 20 euro banknote.
Input: ['5 3 1'] Output:['0.857143']
[ 3 ]
Once Bob decided to lay a parquet floor in his living room. The living room is of size n × m metres. Bob had planks of three types: a planks 1 × 2 meters, b planks 2 × 1 meters, and c planks 2 × 2 meters. Help Bob find out, if it is possible to parquet the living room with such a set of planks, and if it is possible, find one of the possible ways to do so. Bob doesn't have to use all the planks.
Input: ['2 6 2 2 1'] Output:['aabccaaabdda']
[ 2 ]
A bracket sequence is called regular if it is possible to obtain correct arithmetic expression by inserting characters «+» and «1» into this sequence. For example, sequences «(())()», «()» and «(()(()))» are regular, while «)(», «(()» and «(()))(» are not.One day Johnny got bracket sequence. He decided to remove some of the brackets from it in order to obtain a regular bracket sequence. What is the maximum length of a regular bracket sequence which can be obtained?
Input: ['(()))('] Output:['4']
[ 2 ]
Bob is preparing to pass IQ test. The most frequent task in this test is to find out which one of the given n numbers differs from the others. Bob observed that one number usually differs from the others in evenness. Help Bob — to check his answers, he needs a program that among the given n numbers finds one that is different in evenness.
Input: ['52 4 7 8 10'] Output:['3']
[ 0 ]
Recently the construction of Berland collider has been completed. Collider can be represented as a long narrow tunnel that contains n particles. We associate with collider 1-dimensional coordinate system, going from left to right. For each particle we know its coordinate and velocity at the moment of start of the collider. The velocities of the particles don't change after the launch of the collider. Berland scientists think that the big bang will happen at the first collision of particles, whose velocities differs in directions. Help them to determine how much time elapses after the launch of the collider before the big bang happens.
Input: ['3-5 90 15 -1'] Output:['1.00000000000000000000']
[ 4 ]
You received as a gift a very clever robot walking on a rectangular board. Unfortunately, you understood that it is broken and behaves rather strangely (randomly). The board consists of N rows and M columns of cells. The robot is initially at some cell on the i-th row and the j-th column. Then at every step the robot could go to some another cell. The aim is to go to the bottommost (N-th) row. The robot can stay at it's current cell, move to the left, move to the right, or move to the cell below the current. If the robot is in the leftmost column it cannot move to the left, and if it is in the rightmost column it cannot move to the right. At every step all possible moves are equally probable. Return the expected number of step to reach the bottommost row.
Input: ['10 1010 4'] Output:['0.0000000000']
[ 3 ]
You are given the following points with integer coordinates on the plane: M0, A0, A1, ..., An - 1, where n is odd number. Now we define the following infinite sequence of points Mi: Mi is symmetric to Mi - 1 according (for every natural number i). Here point B is symmetric to A according M, if M is the center of the line segment AB. Given index j find the point Mj.
Input: ['3 40 01 12 3-5 3'] Output:['14 0']
[ 3 ]
You're given the centers of three equal sides of a strictly convex tetragon. Your task is to restore the initial tetragon.
Input: ['31 1 2 2 3 30 1 1 0 2 29 3 7 9 9 8'] Output:['NOYES3.5 1.5 0.5 2.5 -0.5 -0.5 2.5 0.5NO']
[ 3 ]
n people came to a party. Then those, who had no friends among people at the party, left. Then those, who had exactly 1 friend among those who stayed, left as well. Then those, who had exactly 2, 3, ..., n - 1 friends among those who stayed by the moment of their leaving, did the same.What is the maximum amount of people that could stay at the party in the end?
Input: ['13'] Output:['1']
[ 3 ]
You're given a string of lower-case Latin letters. Your task is to find the length of its longest substring that can be met in the string at least twice. These occurrences can overlap (see sample test 2).
Input: ['abcd'] Output:['0']
[ 0, 2 ]
You are given n segments on the Ox-axis. You can drive a nail in any integer point on the Ox-axis line nail so, that all segments containing this point, are considered nailed down. If the nail passes through endpoint of some segment, this segment is considered to be nailed too. What is the smallest number of nails needed to nail all the segments down?
Input: ['20 22 5'] Output:['12 ']
[ 2 ]
Bob wants to put a new bargaining table in his office. To do so he measured the office room thoroughly and drew its plan: Bob's office room is a rectangular room n × m meters. Each square meter of the room is either occupied by some furniture, or free. A bargaining table is rectangular, and should be placed so, that its sides are parallel to the office walls. Bob doesn't want to change or rearrange anything, that's why all the squares that will be occupied by the table should be initially free. Bob wants the new table to sit as many people as possible, thus its perimeter should be maximal. Help Bob find out the maximum possible perimeter of a bargaining table for his office.
Input: ['3 3000010000'] Output:['8']
[ 0 ]
Once Bob needed to find the second order statistics of a sequence of integer numbers. Lets choose each number from the sequence exactly once and sort them. The value on the second position is the second order statistics of the given sequence. In other words it is the smallest element strictly greater than the minimum. Help Bob solve this problem.
Input: ['41 2 2 -4'] Output:['1']
[ 0 ]
Once Bob took a paper stripe of n squares (the height of the stripe is 1 square). In each square he wrote an integer number, possibly negative. He became interested in how many ways exist to cut this stripe into three pieces so that the sum of numbers from each piece is equal to the sum of numbers from any other piece, and each piece contains positive integer amount of squares. Would you help Bob solve this problem?
Input: ['41 2 3 3'] Output:['1']
[ 4 ]
You are given two set of points. The first set is determined by the equation A1x + B1y + C1 = 0, and the second one is determined by the equation A2x + B2y + C2 = 0.Write the program which finds the number of points in the intersection of two given sets.
Input: ['1 1 02 2 0'] Output:['-1']
[ 3 ]
You are given an equation: Ax2 + Bx + C = 0. Your task is to find the number of distinct roots of the equation and print all of them in ascending order.
Input: ['1 -5 6'] Output:['22.00000000003.0000000000']
[ 3 ]
Once Bob saw a string. It contained so many different letters, that the letters were marked by numbers, but at the same time each letter could be met in the string at most 10 times. Bob didn't like that string, because it contained repeats: a repeat of length x is such a substring of length 2x, that its first half coincides character by character with its second half. Bob started deleting all the repeats from the string. He does it as follows: while it's possible, Bob takes the shortest repeat, if it is not unique, he takes the leftmost one, and deletes its left half and everything that is to the left of this repeat.You're given the string seen by Bob. Find out, what it will look like after Bob deletes all the repeats in the way described above.
Input: ['61 2 3 1 2 3'] Output:['31 2 3 ']
[ 2 ]
Last year Bob earned by selling memory sticks. During each of n days of his work one of the two following events took place: A customer came to Bob and asked to sell him a 2x MB memory stick. If Bob had such a stick, he sold it and got 2x berllars. Bob won some programming competition and got a 2x MB memory stick as a prize. Bob could choose whether to present this memory stick to one of his friends, or keep it. Bob never kept more than one memory stick, as he feared to mix up their capacities, and deceive a customer unintentionally. It is also known that for each memory stick capacity there was at most one customer, who wanted to buy that memory stick. Now, knowing all the customers' demands and all the prizes won at programming competitions during the last n days, Bob wants to know, how much money he could have earned, if he had acted optimally.
Input: ['7win 10win 5win 3sell 5sell 3win 10sell 10'] Output:['1056']
[ 0, 2 ]
In one one-dimensional world there are n platforms. Platform with index k (platforms are numbered from 1) is a segment with coordinates [(k - 1)m, (k - 1)m + l], and l < m. Grasshopper Bob starts to jump along the platforms from point 0, with each jump he moves exactly d units right. Find out the coordinate of the point, where Bob will fall down. The grasshopper falls down, if he finds himself not on the platform, but if he finds himself on the edge of the platform, he doesn't fall down.
Input: ['2 2 5 3'] Output:['4']
[ 0, 3 ]
At a geometry lesson Bob learnt that a triangle is called right-angled if it is nondegenerate and one of its angles is right. Bob decided to draw such a triangle immediately: on a sheet of paper he drew three points with integer coordinates, and joined them with segments of straight lines, then he showed the triangle to Peter. Peter said that Bob's triangle is not right-angled, but is almost right-angled: the triangle itself is not right-angled, but it is possible to move one of the points exactly by distance 1 so, that all the coordinates remain integer, and the triangle become right-angled. Bob asks you to help him and find out if Peter tricks him. By the given coordinates of the triangle you should find out if it is right-angled, almost right-angled, or neither of these.
Input: ['0 0 2 0 0 1'] Output:['RIGHT']
[ 0 ]
Nick's company employed n people. Now Nick needs to build a tree hierarchy of «supervisor-surbodinate» relations in the company (this is to say that each employee, except one, has exactly one supervisor). There are m applications written in the following form: «employee ai is ready to become a supervisor of employee bi at extra cost ci». The qualification qj of each employee is known, and for each application the following is true: qai > qbi. Would you help Nick calculate the minimum cost of such a hierarchy, or find out that it is impossible to build it.
Input: ['47 2 3 141 2 52 4 13 4 11 3 5'] Output:['11']
[ 2 ]
Nick is interested in prime numbers. Once he read about Goldbach problem. It states that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes. That got Nick's attention and he decided to invent a problem of his own and call it Noldbach problem. Since Nick is interested only in prime numbers, Noldbach problem states that at least k prime numbers from 2 to n inclusively can be expressed as the sum of three integer numbers: two neighboring prime numbers and 1. For example, 19 = 7 + 11 + 1, or 13 = 5 + 7 + 1.Two prime numbers are called neighboring if there are no other prime numbers between them.You are to help Nick, and find out if he is right or wrong.
Input: ['27 2'] Output:['YES']
[ 0, 3 ]
Reca company makes monitors, the most popular of their models is AB999 with the screen size a × b centimeters. Because of some production peculiarities a screen parameters are integer numbers. Recently the screen sides ratio x: y became popular with users. That's why the company wants to reduce monitor AB999 size so that its screen sides ratio becomes x: y, at the same time they want its total area to be maximal of all possible variants. Your task is to find the screen parameters of the reduced size model, or find out that such a reduction can't be performed.
Input: ['800 600 4 3'] Output:['800 600']
[ 4 ]
A burglar got into a matches warehouse and wants to steal as many matches as possible. In the warehouse there are m containers, in the i-th container there are ai matchboxes, and each matchbox contains bi matches. All the matchboxes are of the same size. The burglar's rucksack can hold n matchboxes exactly. Your task is to find out the maximum amount of matches that a burglar can carry away. He has no time to rearrange matches in the matchboxes, that's why he just chooses not more than n matchboxes so that the total amount of matches in them is maximal.
Input: ['7 35 102 53 6'] Output:['62']
[ 2 ]
Petya is the most responsible worker in the Research Institute. So he was asked to make a very important experiment: to melt the chocolate bar with a new laser device. The device consists of a rectangular field of n × m cells and a robotic arm. Each cell of the field is a 1 × 1 square. The robotic arm has two lasers pointed at the field perpendicularly to its surface. At any one time lasers are pointed at the centres of some two cells. Since the lasers are on the robotic hand, their movements are synchronized — if you move one of the lasers by a vector, another one moves by the same vector.The following facts about the experiment are known: initially the whole field is covered with a chocolate bar of the size n × m, both lasers are located above the field and are active; the chocolate melts within one cell of the field at which the laser is pointed; all moves of the robotic arm should be parallel to the sides of the field, after each move the lasers should be pointed at the centres of some two cells; at any one time both lasers should be pointed at the field. Petya doesn't want to become a second Gordon Freeman. You are given n, m and the cells (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), where the lasers are initially pointed at (xi is a column number, yi is a row number). Rows are numbered from 1 to m from top to bottom and columns are numbered from 1 to n from left to right. You are to find the amount of cells of the field on which the chocolate can't be melted in the given conditions.
Input: ['24 4 1 1 3 34 3 1 1 2 2'] Output:['82']
[ 3 ]
Several months later Alex finally got his brother Bob's creation by post. And now, in his turn, Alex wants to boast about something to his brother. He thought for a while, and came to the conclusion that he has no ready creations, and decided to write a program for rectangles detection. According to his plan, the program detects if the four given segments form a rectangle of a positive area and with sides parallel to coordinate axes. As Alex does badly at school and can't write this program by himself, he asks you to help him.
Input: ['1 1 6 11 0 6 06 0 6 11 1 1 0'] Output:['YES']
[ 0, 3 ]
Little Petya likes numbers a lot. He found that number 123 in base 16 consists of two digits: the first is 7 and the second is 11. So the sum of digits of 123 in base 16 is equal to 18.Now he wonders what is an average value of sum of digits of the number A written in all bases from 2 to A - 1.Note that all computations should be done in base 10. You should find the result as an irreducible fraction, written in base 10.
Input: ['5'] Output:['7/3']
[ 3 ]
The spring is coming and it means that a lot of fruits appear on the counters. One sunny day little boy Valera decided to go shopping. He made a list of m fruits he wanted to buy. If Valera want to buy more than one fruit of some kind, he includes it into the list several times. When he came to the fruit stall of Ashot, he saw that the seller hadn't distributed price tags to the goods, but put all price tags on the counter. Later Ashot will attach every price tag to some kind of fruits, and Valera will be able to count the total price of all fruits from his list. But Valera wants to know now what can be the smallest total price (in case of the most «lucky» for him distribution of price tags) and the largest total price (in case of the most «unlucky» for him distribution of price tags).
Input: ['5 34 2 1 10 5appleorangemango'] Output:['7 19']
[ 2 ]