Library for communicating with DMS-ziva based devices
Zivid PythonZivid Python is the official Python package for Zivid 3D cameras. Read more about Zivid|Quick Start|Examples|Versioning|License|Support|Test MatrixInstallationDependenciesPythonversion 3.7 or higherZivid SDKversion 2.11.1 (seeherefor help)Compilerwith C++17 supportUbuntu users must install Python headers (apt install python3-dev) in addition to the regularpython3package.Windows users also needs to make sure that the Zivid SDK installation folder is in systemPATHbefore using the package, not only the terminal PATH variable. The default install location that should be added to systemPATHisC:\Program Files\Zivid\bin.Installing official version from PyPI using PIPAfter having installed the latest Zivid SDK, the easiest way to install Zivid Python is to use PIP to fetch the latest official version from PyPI:pip install zividNote:If you don't use the latest Zivid SDK version you need to manually specify the version. SeeVersioning.Installation may take some time since thesetup.pyscript will download additional dependencies and compile C++ source code in the background.On some systems Python 3pipis calledpip3. In this guide we assume it is calledpip. When using PIP version 19 or higher build dependencies are handled automatically.Old PIPIf you are using a version of PIP older than version 19 please manually install the dependencies listed inpyproject.tomlbefore installing zivid.pip install <packages listed in pyproject.toml> pip install zividInstalling from sourcegit clone <zivid-python clone URL> cd zivid-python pip install .You may want to build Zivid Python against a different (but compatible) version of Zivid SDK. An example would be if Zivid SDK 2.1 was released but the official Zivid Python still formally only supports SDK 2.0. Since all the features of the 2.0 API exist in the 2.1 API, Zivid Python can still be built with the new SDK (but without wrapping the latest features). In order to achieve this, editsetup.pyto target the new SDK version before doingpip install .. Note that this option is considered experimental/unofficial.Quick StartPoint cloud captureTo quickly capture a point cloud using default settings, run the following code:import zivid app = zivid.Application() camera = app.connect_camera() settings = zivid.Settings(acquisitions=[zivid.Settings.Acquisition()]) frame = camera.capture(settings)"result.zdf")Instead of using the API to define capture settings, it is also possible to load them from YML files that have been exported fromZivid Studioor downloaded from the Zivid Knowledge Basesettings library. This can be done by providing the filesystem path to such a file, for example:settings = Settings.load("ZividTwo_Settings_2xHDR_Normal.yml") frame = camera.capture(settings)Point cloud data accessData can easily be accessed in the form of Numpy arrays:import zivid app = zivid.Application() camera = app.connect_camera() settings = zivid.Settings(acquisitions=[zivid.Settings.Acquisition()]) frame = camera.capture(settings) xyz = frame.point_cloud().copy_data("xyz") # Get point coordinates as [Height,Width,3] float array rgba = frame.point_cloud().copy_data("rgba") # Get point colors as [Height,Width,4] uint8 array bgra = frame.point_cloud().copy_data("bgra") # Get point colors as [Height,Width,4] uint8 arrayCapture AssistantInstead of manually adjusting settings, the Capture Assistant may be used to find the optimal settings for your scene:import zivid app = zivid.Application() camera = app.connect_camera() capture_assistant_params = zivid.capture_assistant.SuggestSettingsParameters() settings = zivid.capture_assistant.suggest_settings(camera, capture_assistant_params) frame = camera.capture(settings)"result.zdf")Using camera emulationIf you do not have a camera, you can use theFileCameraZivid2M70.zfcfile in theSample Datato emulate a camera.import zivid app = zivid.Application() camera = app.create_file_camera("path/to/FileCameraZivid2M70.zfc") settings = zivid.Settings(acquisitions=[zivid.Settings.Acquisition()]) frame = camera.capture(settings)"result.zdf")ExamplesBasic example programs can be found in thesamplesdirectory. Many more advanced example programs may be found in the separatezivid-python-samplesrepository.VersioningThis python module is usingPEP 440for versioning. The features available in the module depends on the Zivid SDK version used when building the module. When updating this Python package it isrecommendedto also update to the latestZivid SDK. Refer to theTest Matrixfor supported version.The version number of the Zivid Python module consists of six numbers. The three first numbers of the version is thesemantic versionof the code in this repository. The last three numbers is the version of the underlying Zivid SDK library used by the Python module.To check which version of zivid-python that corresponds to a specific version of Zivid SDK, check outzivid-python-releases-urlor runpip index versions zivid.Version breakdownZivid SDK version = 1.4.1 (semantic version) v v v Zivid Python module version = ^ ^ ^ Wrapper code version = 1.0.0 (semantic version)PyPIWhen installing using PIP it is possible to specify the required version. This can be useful if upgrading Zivid SDK is not desired, but you want to update Zivid Python.Install latest version of Zivid Python using latest version of Zivid SDKpip install zividInstall version 1.0.0 of Zivid Python using latest version of Zivid SDKpip install zivid==1.0.0Install version 1.0.0 of Zivid Python using Zivid SDK version 1.4.0pip install zivid== version 1.0.0 of Zivid Python using Zivid SDK version 1.3.0pip install zivid== for older versions of Zivid SDK will be discontinued when they are no longer compatible with latest version of the wrapper code.LicenseThis project is licensed, see theLICENSEfile for details. The licenses of dependencies are listedhere.SupportPlease visitZivid Knowledge Basefor general information on using Zivid 3D cameras. If you cannot find a solution to your issue, please [email protected] matrixOperating SystemPython versionUbuntu 23.103.11Ubuntu 23.043.11Ubuntu 22.043.10Ubuntu 20.043.8Fedora 383.11Fedora 373.11Windows 103.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
Ziviz exploratory data analysis tool for Jupyter
zivverscimZivver Python pip module to CRUD accounts dynamically. This library enables the use of SCIM to talk toZivverRequirementsYou will need to get the API key from Zivver to allow REST calls.Generate API Keys, go to this URLGenerate API keyor follow these steps:In Zivver, go to Organization Settings -> API KeysClick on Generate API KeysSave the API Key, you will need the key to setup a connection to ZivverPython >=3.6Endpoint URLs to Zivver for CRUD actions.Example endpoint: via pip$: pip install zivverscimTestingYou should create an.envfile, we already have added the.env.dummyfile that you need to rename to.env. Update the enviroment variables inside that file.Clone this repo and install requirements:$: git clone [email protected]:Adapta-Innovation/zivverscim.git $: cd zivverscim $: pip install -r requirements.txtInstall Zivverscim locally:$: pip install -e .Run the tests:$: python tests/crud_accounts.pyExceptionsUse the customZivverCRUDErrorobject to get the exception messages:ZivverCRUDError.get_message()# Returns the error messageZivvZivverCRUDError.get_sollution()# Returns the possible sollutionCreate accountBefore you do anything in Python with Zivver, you will need to import the Zivver library:fromzivverscimimportscim_connection_crud# ...create a new Zivver Scim Connection Object:zivver_scim_connection=scim_connection_crud.ZivverSCIMConnection(external_oauth_token_value=self.external_oauth_token.token_value,# Generated API keyscim_api_create_url='',# Endpoint URL from Zivverscim_api_update_url='',# Endpoint URL from Zivverscim_api_get_url='',# Endpoint URL from Zivverscim_api_delete_url='',# Endpoint URL from Zivver)You can use thezivver_scim_connectionobject to create new accounts:zivver_user_object=zivver_scim_connection.create_user_in_zivver(first_name='John',last_name='Doe',nick_name='{}{}'.format('John','Doe'),user_name='[email protected]',zivver_account_key='[email protected]',sso_connection=True,# Only if SSO is enabledis_active=True# If the user should be active upon creation)print(zivver_user_object)# Prints a json represetation of the objectYou can also usealiasesanddelegatesattributes to append those:zivver_user_object=zivver_scim_connection.create_user_in_zivver(# ...aliases=['[email protected]'],# Alias for current userdelegates=['[email protected]']# Delegate access for other users)ReferenceCreate accounts:zivver_user_object=zivver_scim_connection.create_user_in_zivver(first_name='John',last_name='Doe',nick_name='{}{}'.format('John','Doe'),user_name='[email protected]',zivver_account_key='[email protected]',sso_connection=True,# Only if SSO is enabledis_active=True,# If the user should be active upon creationaliases=['[email protected]'],# Alias for current userdelegates=['[email protected]']# Delegate access for other users)Update accounts:zivver_user_object=zivver_scim_connection.update_user_in_zivver(account_id='12412412-4124124124-12412412412-124124412241',first_name='John',last_name='Doe',nick_name='{}{}'.format('John','Doe'),user_name='[email protected]',zivver_account_key='[email protected]',sso_connection=True,# Only if SSO is enabledis_active=True,# If the user should be active upon creationaliases=['[email protected]'],# Alias for current userdelegates=['[email protected]']# Delegate access for other users)Get one account:zivver_user_object=zivver_scim_connection.get_user_from_zivver(account_id=zivver_user_object.account_id)Get bulk accountszivver_users_object=zivver_scim_connection.get_all_users_from_zivver()Delete accountzivver_scim_connection.delete_user_from_zivver(account_id=zivver_user_object.account_id)zivver_users_objectZivver returns azivver_users_objectobject containing the account information. The most important one is the account_id, which you will need to update/get/delete the existing account.Theaccount_idis a UUID randomly generated by Zivver, so save it.classZivverUser:"""ZivverUser Class object created from the ZivverUser create/update response"""def__init__(self,account_id=None,name_formatted=None,meta_created_at=None,meta_location=None,meta_resource_type=None,phone_numbers=None,user_name=None,nick_name=None,is_active=False,schemas=None,enterprise_user=None,zivver_scim_user_aliases=None,zivver_scim_user_delegates=None):self.account_id=account_idself.name_formatted=name_formattedself.meta_created_at=meta_created_atself.meta_location=meta_locationself.meta_resource_type=meta_resource_typeself.phone_numbers=phone_numbersself.user_name=user_nameself.nick_name=nick_nameself.is_active=is_activeself.schemas=schemasself.enterprise_user=enterprise_userself.zivver_scim_user_aliases=zivver_scim_user_aliasesself.zivver_scim_user_delegates=zivver_scim_user_delegates#...ContributionAdapta welcomes any contributions to the open source ZivverSCIM library, so feel free to contribute.IssuesFeel free to submit issues and enhancement requests.Contributing (how to)Please refer to each project's style and contribution guidelines for submitting patches and additions. In general, we follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow.Forkthe repo on GitHubClonethe project to your own machineCommitchanges to your own branchPushyour work back up to your forkSubmit aPull requestso that we can review your changesNOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from "upstream" before making a pull request!Copyright and LicensingThe Zivverscim library software is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3.0
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zixi-apiPython-based Zixi API wrapper
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zjbs-file-clientThe file client of ZJBrainSciencePlatformLicense: GPL-3.0-only
Zjecfsdagl=================This API SDK was automatically generated by [APIMATIC Code Generator]( SDK uses the Requests library and will work for Python ```2 >=2.7.9``` and Python ```3 >=3.4```.How to configure:=================The generated code might need to be configured with your API credentials.To do that, open the file "" and edit its contents.How to resolve dependencies:===========================The generated code uses Python packages named requests, jsonpickle and dateutil.You can resolve these dependencies using pip ( ).1. From terminal/cmd navigate to the root directory of the SDK.2. Invoke ```pip install -r requirements.txt```Note: You will need internet access for this step.How to test:=============You can test the generated SDK and the server with automatically generated testcases. unittest is used as the testing framework and nose is used as the testrunner. You can run the tests as follows:1. From terminal/cmd navigate to the root directory of the SDK.2. Invoke ```pip install -r test-requirements.txt```3. Invoke ```nosetests```How to use:===========After having resolved the dependencies, you can easily use the SDK following these steps.1. Create a "" file in the root directory.2. Use any controller as follows:```pythonfrom __future__ import print_functionfrom zjecfsdagl.zjecfsdagl_client import ZjecfsdaglClientapi_client = ZjecfsdaglClient()controller = api_client.clientresponse = controller.get_basic_auth_test(<required parameters if any>)print(response)```
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Deep Reinforcement LearningShyamal H Anadkat | Fall '21BackgroundHello! This is a repository for AIPI530 DeepRL final project.The goal is to build a pipeline for offline RL. The starter code has been forked fromd3rlpy(see citation at the bottom) Offline reinforcement learning (RL) defines the task of learning from a fixed batch of data.Before diving in, I would recommend getting familiarized with basic Reinforcement Learning. Here is a link to my blog post on Reinforcement Learning to get you started:RL PrimerThe blog post briefly covers the following:What is reinforcement learning ?What are the pros and cons of reinforcement learning ?When should we consider applying reinforcement learning (and when should not) ?What's the difference between supervised learning and reinforcement learning ?What is offline reinforcement learning ? What are the pros and cons of offline reinforcement learning ?When should we consider applying offline reinforcement learning (and when should not) ?Have an example of offline reinforcement learning in the real-worldsource: Started(please read carefully)This project is customized to training CQL on a custom dataset in d3rlpy, and training OPE (FQE) to evaluate the trained policy. Important at the root of the project is the main script, used to train cql & get evaluation utility script to help produce the plots requiredHow do I install & run this project ?1. Clone this repositorygit clone Installpybulletfrom source:pip install git+ Install requirements:pip install Cython numpy pip install -e .Executecql_train.pyfound at the root of the projectDefault dataset ishopper-bullet-mixed-v0Default no. ofepochsis10. You can change this via custom args--epochs_cql&--epochs_fqeFor example if we want to run for 10 epochs:python --epochs_cql 10 --epochs_fqe 10(see colab example below for more clarity)Important Logs:Estimated Q values vs training steps (CQL):d3rlpy_logs/CQL_hopper-bullet-mixed-v0_1/init_value.csvAverage reward vs training steps (CQL):d3rlpy_logs/CQL_hopper-bullet-mixed-v0_1/environment.csvTrue Q values vs training steps (CQL):d3rlpy_logs/CQL_hopper-bullet-mixed-v0_1/true_q_value.csvTrue Q & Estimated Q values vs training steps (FQE):d3rlpy_logs/FQE_hopper-bullet-mixed-v0_1/..Note:I created my own scorer to calculate the true q values. for implementation details)For plotting, I wrote a utility script (at root of the project) which can be executed like sopython plot_helper.pyNote: you can provide arguments that correspond to the path to the logs or it will use the default.If you're curious here's thebenchmark/reproductionOther scripts:Format:./scripts/formatLinting:./scripts/lintSample Plots (with 100 epochs):Note: logs can be found in/d3rlpy_logsExamples speak more:Walkthrough:Background on d3rlpyd3rlpy is an offline deep reinforcement learning library for practitioners and researchers.Documentation:https://d3rlpy.readthedocs.ioPaper: do I install d3rlpy?d3rlpy supports Linux, macOS and Windows. d3rlpy is not only easy, but also completely compatible with scikit-learn API, which means that you can maximize your productivity with the useful scikit-learn's utilities.PyPI (recommended)$ pip install d3rlpyMore examples around d3rlpy usageimportd3rlpydataset,env=d3rlpy.datasets.get_dataset("hopper-medium-v0")# prepare algorithmsac=d3rlpy.algos.SAC()# train,n_steps=1000000)# train onlinesac.fit_online(env,n_steps=1000000)# ready to controlactions=sac.predict(x)MuJoCoimportd3rlpy# prepare datasetdataset,env=d3rlpy.datasets.get_d4rl('hopper-medium-v0')# prepare algorithmcql=d3rlpy.algos.CQL(use_gpu=True)#,eval_episodes=dataset,n_epochs=100,scorers={'environment':d3rlpy.metrics.evaluate_on_environment(env),'td_error':d3rlpy.metrics.td_error_scorer})See more datasets atd4rl.Atari 2600importd3rlpyfromsklearn.model_selectionimporttrain_test_split# prepare datasetdataset,env=d3rlpy.datasets.get_atari('breakout-expert-v0')# split datasettrain_episodes,test_episodes=train_test_split(dataset,test_size=0.1)# prepare algorithmcql=d3rlpy.algos.DiscreteCQL(n_frames=4,q_func_factory='qr',scaler='pixel',use_gpu=True)# start,eval_episodes=test_episodes,n_epochs=100,scorers={'environment':d3rlpy.metrics.evaluate_on_environment(env),'td_error':d3rlpy.metrics.td_error_scorer})See more Atari datasets atd4rl-atari.PyBulletimportd3rlpy# prepare datasetdataset,env=d3rlpy.datasets.get_pybullet('hopper-bullet-mixed-v0')# prepare algorithmcql=d3rlpy.algos.CQL(use_gpu=True)# start,eval_episodes=dataset,n_epochs=100,scorers={'environment':d3rlpy.metrics.evaluate_on_environment(env),'td_error':d3rlpy.metrics.td_error_scorer})See more PyBullet datasets atd4rl-pybullet.How about some tutorials?Try a cartpole example on Google Colaboratory:official offline RL tutorial:CitationThanks toTakuma Senoand his work ond3rlpyThis wouldn't have been possible without it.Seno, T., & Imai, M. (2021). d3rlpy: An Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning LibraryConference paper. 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Offline Reinforcement Learning Workshop, 2021@InProceedings{seno2021d3rlpy, author = {Takuma Seno, Michita Imai}, title = {d3rlpy: An Offline Deep Reinforcement Library}, booktitle = {NeurIPS 2021 Offline Reinforcement Learning Workshop}, month = {December}, year = {2021} }
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An feature extraction algorithm, improve the FastICA
zjk_tryI'm zjk.I'm 21.I'm from Beijing, China.I'm single.Don't wait and come to see me!Or tell me your address and I will see you!
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Example PackageThis is a simple example package. You can useGithub-flavored Markdownto write your content.
PyFunctionUseful Python functions.PyPiZHANGJunPythonfunctions (zjpf).Installpip install zjpfUse this repoimportzjpfaspfprint(dir(pf))This is not a user-oriented software package (personal use only), contact ZHANG Jun if you want to know how to use this repo该项目不面向用户,仅供开发者个人使用。若您想了解本项目功能和用法,可联系张俊。
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Json Database full asyncExamples•NewsAio-JsonExamplefromzjsonimportAsyncClientdb=AsyncClient(name="db.json",directory="cache")asyncdefmain():awaitdb.set(key="key",value="value")print(awaitdb.get("key"))# valueawaitdb.set(key="key2",value=[1,2,3],expire=10# expire after 10 seconds)awaitdb.sleep(10)print(awaitdb.get("key2"))# the telegram channel:
ZJU Crawler介绍浙江大学学生教师信息爬虫,从教务网、查老师获取对应信息。可以结合QQ机器人等食用。该包目前集成了两个爬虫:学生个人信息爬虫加权均绩加权四分制均绩(出国,旧)加权4.3分制均绩(出国,新)加权百分制成绩考试信息(时间、考场、……)查老师网站老师信息爬虫(评分,对应课程等)未来将会添加学在浙大的爬虫(如果修好了)。安装PyPipip install zjucrawler手动安装下载后进入setup.py所在文件夹执行pip install .即可。也可以下载.whl文件安装。使用示例导入importzjucrawler# or:fromzjucrawlerimportchalaoshi# Chalaoshi website(unofficial)fromzjucrawlerimportzju# Fetch from official websites教师importasynciofromzjucrawlerimportchalaoshi# Chalaoshi website(unofficial)asyncdefmain():teacher=input("teacher ID >>>")print(awaitchalaoshi.get_teacher_info(int(teacher)))# 获取教师信息# search_teachers 通过教师姓名/缩写获取教师列表# get_course_info 获取课程平均绩点、标准差loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()loop.run_until_complete(main())学生importasynciofromzjucrawlerimportzju# Fetch from official websitesasyncdefmain():username=input("username>>>")pwd=input("pwd>>>")test=zju.Fetcher(username,pwd,simulated=False)# simulated指定是否模拟浏览器进行登录print(awaittest.get_GPA())# 获取全科均绩,不含弃修# get_avg_score 获取加权平均百分制成绩# get_abroad_GPA_old 出国均绩旧(4分制) -2021级# get_abroad_GPA_new 出国均绩新(4.3分制)2022级-exams=list(awaittest.get_all_exams())# 获取所有考试信息print(exams)print(test.__dict__)loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()loop.run_until_complete(main())注意事项确保包中含有security.js.由于一些众所周知的神秘因素可能无法使用查老师(需要内网),请自行解决:)
## DemoThis is a demo readme file.
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A personal kit. Some easy to use python code.
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A python binding tozipkin.Changelog0.8.5 (2021-09-20)Always Send a Trace-Id event if the trace has not be sent to zipkin (slow query logs)0.8.4 (2021-07-21)Fix django issue on missing trace.0.8.3 (2021-06-28)Fix issue for django on slow request logs. The reset of the stack must be done on every requests.0.8.2 (2021-06-28)Ensure we never raise an exception if we cannot collect a trace, avoid side effect to clients.0.8.1 (2021-06-25)Hotfix Pyramid slow query logger that does not cleanup the trace stack.0.8.0 (2021-06-25)Rewrite Pyramid binding.Add settings for pyramid to log slow queries only with a configurable time.Add a setting to list what library should be traced.Make socket timout configurable and change default timeout to 1 second.0.7.2 (2021-06-22)Make the scribe async/sync socket configurableAdd a middleware/setting for Django to track only slow query0.7.1 (2021-06-22)Add a Trace context manager for more flexibilityAdd django support using a django middleware and app.Add psycopg2 cursor support to trace sql queryAdd an http client (synchronous) to push trace, client transport is configurable.0.6.10 (2020-01-28)update logging level to avoid errors logs for SQL query outside http contextremove deprecated log.warn0.6.9 (2019-09-26)requests: fixup infinite recursion0.6.8 (2019-09-23)pyramid: fixup tests if zipkin not configured0.6.7 (2019-09-23)pyramid: fixup tweenview init0.6.6 (2019-09-23)pyramid: register trace in a tweenview0.6.5 (2019-09-17)advertise version in pyramid module0.6.4 (2019-09-18)do not throw exception when trying to format to thrift0.6.3 (2019-09-18)ensure zipkin does not raise when trace id is larger than expected0.6.2 (2019-09-17)do not throw warning on configuration mistakes0.6.1 (2019-09-17)fixup python2 support0.6.0 (2019-09-17)refactor pyramid pluginfix reporter0.5 (2019-09-10)Use thriftpy20.4 (2015-08-21)Flask bindingsxmlrpclib client bindingsFiltered parameters in sqlalchemy bindingImplement exponential backoff on connection0.3 (2015-02-16)Make the service name configurable for pyramid application0.2 (2015-02-16)Keep @trace usable when zipkin is not configured0.1 (2015-02-16)Initial version
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C3A native Python library for communicating with the ZKTeco ZKAccess C3 Access Control Panels.This library intends to implement the same functionality as provided by the ZKAccess C3 PullSDK API, but using native Python only.UsageTo use the library, import the main class:from c3 import C3A panel connection can be created from the main classC3:panel = C3(ip) if panel.connect(): panel.get_device_param(["~SerialNumber", "LockCount")To use the real-time log (RTLog), or control outputs, also include the helper classes fromcontroldeviceandrtlog.Compatible devicesThe following devices are tested and known compatible:C3-200 (firmware AC Ver 4.1.9 4609-03 Apr 7 2016)C3-400 (firmware AC Ver 4.3.4 Apr 27 2017)C3-400 (firmware AC Ver Sep 25 2019)inBio 460 (firmware AC Ver 5.0.9 4609-06 - Sep 15 2017) (probably 260 and 160 also work)ProtocolThe C3 access panels communicate using RS485 or TCP/IP. This library only support TCP/IP connections using IPv4. The connection is optionally secured by a password.The wire protocol for the access panels is binary, with the following datagram both for requests (from client to equipment) and responses:Byte012345,6,7,8, ...n-2, n-1nMeaningStartVersionCommandLength LSBLength MSBDataChecksumEndValue0xAA0x010x55The start bytes 0, 1 and last byte have a fixed value.TheCommandis one of the following (only listing commands supported by this library)CodeCommand0x01Connect (without session initiation)0x76Connect (session initiation)0x02Disconnection (session end)0x05Device control command0x0BRetrieve realtime log0xC8Response (confirm successful execution of command)TheLengthfield (2 bytes, in Little Endian encoding) contains the number of bytes of theDatafield.TheDatafield (as of byte 5) may use 4 reserved bytes in front of actual payload:Session Id (2 bytes, in Little Endian encoding): The session identifier assigned by the equipment in response to a session initiation commandMessage Number (2 bytes, in Little Endian encoding): A message sequence number that starts from -258 (the session initiation command) and is increased with every command sendByte5678...MeaningSessionId LsbSessionId MsbMessage Nr LsbMessage Nr MsbPayloadWhether the Session Id and Message Number is used, depends on how the connection is made (using either command 0x01 or 0x76). The support for these commands varies per panel / firmware combination.TheChecksumis a CRC-16 checksum calculated over the full message excluding theStartandEndbyte.APIConnectconnect(password)The method is used to connect a C3 device using TCP. RS485 is not supported, neither is using a password to secure the connection. This method must be called before any other method and initializes a C3 session. The parameterpasswordis optional, when omitted, a connection attempt is made without password. Returns true in case of a successful connection.Disconnectdisconnect()Disconnects from the C3 access panel and ends the session.Get RTLog (real-time log)get_rt_log()This method acquires the realtime event log generated by the access panel. It contains the door and/or alarm status of the equipment. It returns an array of DoorAlarmStatusRecord and/or EventRecord objects.Get Device Parametersget_device_param(params_arr)This method reads device parameters, both configuration and static parameters. The argument is a list of (maximum 30) strings with the parameter names for which the values need to be returned. Valid values are (reduced list): ~SerialNumber, AntiPassback, AuxInCount, AuxOutCount, BackupTime, ComPwd, DateTime, DaylightSavingTime, DaylightSavingTimeOn, DLSTMode, Door{N}CancelKeepOpenDay, Door{N}CloseAndLock, Door{N}Detectortime, Door{N}Drivertime, Door{N}FirstCardOpenDoor, Door{N}ForcePassWord, Door{N}Intertime, Door{N}KeepOpenTimeZone, Door{N}MultiCardOpenDoor, Door{N}SensorType, Door{N}SupperPassWord, Door{N}ValidTZ, Door{N}VerifyType, GATEIPAddress, InBIOTowWay , InterLock, IPAddress, LockCount, NetMask, ReaderCount, Reboot, RS232BaudRate, StandardTime, WatchDog, WeekOfMonth{N}, For the full list and the meaning of the returned value, refer to the PullSDK specification. The return value is a table of key/value pairs with the parameter name and value.Control Devicecontrol_device(control_command_object)Sends a control command to the access panel to perform an action on the requipment. The control_command is an instance of one of the following objects:ControlDeviceOutput(output_number, address, duration): Open or close a door or auxiliary deviceoutput_number: The number of the door or auxiliary to control (1-4)address: Determines whetherdoor_numberis a door (address= 1) or an auxiliary (address= 2)duration: The duration for which the door will be open; 0 will close the door immediately, 1-254 will leave the door open for that number of seconds: 255 will leave the door open for an undetermined periodControlDeviceCancelAlarms(): Cancel any triggered alarmControlDeviceRestart(): Reboot the access panelControlDeviceNormalOpenStateEnable(door_number, enable_disable): Change the normal open/close state for the door controllerdoor_number: The number of the door to control (1-4)enable: Enable normally open mode (enable= True) or disable normally open mode for the door (enable_disable= 0, default)Set log levellog_level(level)Sets the logging level, using the Python logging levels.
A plone product to install content on a plone site.FeaturesInstall contentInstall productsDelete contentApply zope interfacesModify contentGenerate test contentHow to installAdd zkaffold to your product:Add “zkaffold” to your product’s install_requires in setup.pyAdd <include package=”zkaffold” /> in your product’s configure.zcmlAdd “profile-zkaffold:default” as a dependency to your product’s metadata.xmlrun ./bin/buildoutzkaffold should now be installed. Note that zkaffold is not installable / uninstallable from the portal quick installer.How to useAfter installing zkaffold in your plone site, you can build content for your plone site by:create “initial” profile in your product,create a directory called “zkaffold” in profile/initial,create structure.xml (example structure.xml is in zkaffold/exportimport/tests/,You can also create default users in your plone site by:create members.xml (example members.xml is in zkaffold/exportimport/tests/ you are using buildout, in your buildout.cfg:in the [plonesite] section, add your product initial profile (e.g. mysite:initial) to “profiles-initial”,run ./bin/buildoutYour plone site should now be populated with content specified in structure.xml. Note that if your plone site already exists before running buildout, it will not add any content. You’ll have to delete your plone site or run the zkaffold import step to add the content.You can use different profiles to create different content, for example if you want test content, you can create another profile and add that in profiles-initial when you want test content to be built.zkaffold publishes all objects by default by trying to apply transition “publish” to the objects. If your objects need a different way of publishing, have a look at zkaffold/exportimport/tests/ XML schemaThe basic schema that all zkaffold XML files should begin with is:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <site xmlns:zkaffold=""> </site>Thesiteelement is the lone root element and represents the Plone portal object.Descending the object treeObjects may be traversed by their ID in order to reach the object which should be modified. This is done by specifying elements with the tag name as the ID of the object in question. For example, to descend to the object at path “portal/my_folder/my_obj” , one would use the following syntax:<site> <my_folder> <my_obj> ... </my_obj> </my_folder> </site>Adding new objectsTo insert a new object into a folderish object, first descend to the target container, then insert a new element with the same tag name as the portal type you wish to add, with anidattribute of the ID it should have within the ZODB:<site> <my_folder> <MyContentType id="my_new_obj"> </MyContentType> </my_folder> </site>ParametersMore often than not, one will want to specify values for fields in the schema of the object when it is created. To do this, add aparamschild to the element representing the new object, which itself should contain aparamelement for each field. Theparamtag should have thenameattribute set to the name of the field in question and thetypeattribute set to one oftext,lipsum,lipsum_html,reference,image,file,boolean,listorreference_list. Theparamelement then contains the value that should be given to that field. One need not specify aparamelement for each and every field of a content type, the default values will be used where fields are not specified.paramelements with thetypeattribute set tolipsumorlipsum_htmlhave the optional attributeparaswhich specifies the number of paragraphs ofLipsumto generate as the value of that field. They also contain no child elements. Thelipsumvalue causes ordinary Lipsum to be generated with newlines, whereaslipsum_htmlgenerates Lipsum with paragraph tags as necessary:<site> <my_folder> <MyContentType id="my_new_obj"> <params> <param name="title" type="text">My new object</param> <param name="text" type="lipsum_html" paras="5" /> <param name="isNew" type="boolean">True</param> <param name="old_obj" type="reference">/my_folder/my_obj</param> <param name="thumb" type="image">new_obj_thumb.jpg</param> </params> </MyContentType> </my_folder> </site>As in the above example, references are given as path strings to the referenced object. Images & files are given as file names relative to the directory of the XML file.Multi-valued parametersFor fields which may contain multiple values such asReferenceListorLinesField, theparamelement takes thetypeattributelistorreference_list. It should then contain anitemselement, which contains zero or moreitemelements with theirtypeattribute set appropriately, as per theparamtag and their value set as their inner XML:<site> <my_folder> <MyContentType id="my_new_obj"> <params> <param name="title" type="text">My new object</param> <param name="options" type="list"> <items> <item type="text">Option 1</item> <item type="text">Option 2</item> </items> </param> </params> </MyContentType> </my_folder> </site>InterfacesOccasionally one may wish to add interfaces to objects which they do not automatically provide, particularly marker interfaces. This is achieved using theinterfaces&interfacetags, like so:<site> <my_folder> <MyContentType id="my_new_obj"> <interfaces> <interface>identifier.of.IMyMarker</interface> <interface>identifier.of.IReplacementObject</interface> </interfaces> <params> <param name="title" type="text">My new object</param> </params> </MyContentType> </my_folder> </site>This adds the interfaces specified by the identifiers to the object.Interfaces that are already applied to objects may be similarly removed by replacing theinterfaceelement with aremoveelement, thus:<site> <my_folder> <MyContentType id="my_new_obj"> <interfaces> <remove>IMyMarker</remove> </interfaces> <params> <param name="title" type="text">My new object</param> </params> </MyContentType> </my_folder> </site>Modifying existing objectsExisting objects may be modified in a very similar way to which they are added. Simply descend to the object in question, append themodifyelement to it, and addparamsandinterfaceselements as its children, as necessary. Instead of taking the default values where fields are not specified, the fields will retain their current values:<site> <my_folder> <my_new_obj> <modify> <params> <param name="title" type="text">My updated title for my new object</param> </params> </modify> </my_new_obj> </my_folder> </site>Setting the default page of folderish objectsTo set the default page of a new or existing folderish object, use themodifyelement with asetDefaultPageattribute:<site> <my_folder> <modify setDefaultPage="my_new_obj"> ... </modify> </my_folder> <FolderishType id="another_folder"> <modify setDefaultPage="folder_home" /> <params> ... </params> <ContentType id="folder_home"> ... </ContentType> </FolderishType> </site>Deleting objectsExisting objects can be deleted by descending to their container object and inserting adeleteelement with itsidattribute set to the ID of the object which should be deleted. Thedeleteelement also has the optional parameter,ctypewhich can be used to specify a particular content type which the specified object must be in order to be deleted:<site> <my_folder> <!-- I never liked that new object anyway... --> <delete id="my_new_obj" ctype="MyContentType" /> </my_folder> </site>Dependencieszkaffold depends on lxml, which depends on libxml2-dev and libxslt-dev. In Debian, you can use:sudo aptitude installlibxml2-devlibxslt-devPLUGINzkaffold supports a plugin system for exporting content:Add an import step for your profile initial,create an exporter for your field, it should return a lxml.etree.Element for <param> or (lxml.etree.Element for <param>, filename, file content):def my_field_exporter(plone_object, field): ... return paramcreate the import step to register the field exporter:from zkaffold.contextexporter import IContentExporter def register_field_exporters(context): portal = context.getSite() sm = portal.getSiteManager() exporter = sm.getUtility(IContentExporter) exporter.register_field_exporter('mysite.fields.MyField', 'mysite.field_exporters.my_field_exporter')TestsTo run zkaffold’s tests, you need to:add “zkaffold [test]” in the “eggs” in the [test] section of your buildout.cfg,run ./bin/buildout,./bin/test
Kan's Business Card in PythonTo Publishpipinstalltwine python3setup.pysdistbdist_wheel twinecheckdist/* twineuploaddist/*
zkApps Umstad AI AssistantIntroductionzkApps Umstad AI Assistant, your expert guide in the world of MINA Protocol, o1js. Designed to assist developers, this chatbot provides in-depth assistance with zkApps o1js which is specifically designed to assist developers working on zkApps development powered by the GPT language model. This project includes two main application:Web Application Chatbot:zkappsumstad.comCLI Agent:DOWNLOAD LINK HERE!zkApps Umstad ChatbotFeaturesThe Umstad AI Assistant offers a comprehensive range of features designed to support developers in various aspects of the MINA Protocol and o1js:Documentation & General Knowledge:Access to extensive resources including the Mina Protocol documentation, o1js guides, and Auro Wallet information.Integration with Mina Book and Mina Blog for up-to-date knowledge and insights.Availability of various project documentations to enhance understanding and application.Example Codebase:Embedded code examples within the documentation for practical reference.Projects Repositories:Embedded codebase of zkApps projects.Community Interaction and Issue Tracking:Embedded and processed integration with the Mina Protocol Discord channels, specifically zkapps-developers and zkapps-questions, for community support and engagement.Direct access to o1js GitHub Issues, providing insights into current challenges, bugs, and solutions within the community.Mainnet Blockchain Information Access:Direct access to Blockchain Summary, Block and Account Information utilizing Mina Explorer API.Current MINA Price utilizing Coingecko API(TODO: Fix Fetching issue for deployment)Best Practices for Asking QuestionsBe Specific:Clearly state your issue or the topic you need assistance with.Querying issues, errors, problems:Begin with "I have an issue ..." or "I have a problem ..." for asking about errors, issues, problems, discussion, strange questions etc in order to utilize Issue Tool which queries the Issue Vectors which includes Discord and Github data.Do not extend the conversation:Even thoughgpt-4-1106-previewcan handle overlong contexts, it is strongly advised that not to extend the conversation too much(For now, ideal 3 questions). Just create new chat after 2-3 questions because every query creates crowded context.Technical DetailsArchitecture OverviewBackend TechnologiesLanguage and Frameworks:Built using Next.js functions, OpenAI node.js ensuring robust and scalable performance.Database:Uses vercel KV db.APIs:Uses Vercel Functions.Security and ComplianceData Privacy:We store your conversations in the KV db. Do not share confidentials, private keys etc. We are not responsible for Vercel's security.OPENAI API KEY:Application stores your OpenAI API KEY on the browser local storage. So, if you are using shared computer, please remove your key in the settings panel.zkApps Umstad CLI AGENTTODOFeaturesTODOUsageTODOInstallationTODOGetting StartedTODOBest Practices for AgentTODOArchitectureSupportFor any technical issues or further inquiries, please contact our support team [email protected] thanks to the Mina Protocol zkIgnite program for funding the project and all contributors to this project.
zkApp Umstad CLI AgentIntroductionIntroducing the zkApps Umstad AI Agent, your specialized assistant in the realm of the MINA Protocol and o1js. This agent, powered by the advanced GPT language model, is tailored to support developers in creating, debugging and testing zkApps smart contracts. It offers comprehensive guidance and expertise specifically for those working on zkApps development within the MINA ecosystem.InstallationpipinstallzkappumstadIt is suggested that before using the tool create a folder and use it inside the folder.mkdirnew_foldercdnew_folderCreate zk project and wait 10-15 seconds:zkumstad-createGo into the zkapps project folder and you can optionally open the project in editor:cdinitial_project code.Then, you can run and use the tool:zkumstad-startFeatures & ArchitectureCurrently uses our own API to send queries. No need to post your OPENAI API KEY. However, it will be needed to POST the query with OPENAI API KEY later on.Retrieval ToolsDocumentationsCode SnippetsProjectsIssuesCoder AgentGets related context and writes codeBuilds and gets errorsDebugs errorsFix and retry codeUsageCommandszkumstad-start: Runs the tool.zkumstad-create: Initialize zkapps project named initial_project.zkumstad-help: Displays commandsYou can save your conversations by writing 'save' to console as a Markdown file.You can reset the conversation by writing 'reset'.Write 'quit' to terminate the agent.SpecificationsYou Must Delete smart contract and test files from src folder before creating new contract in order to build.Best Practices for AgentSpecify your project requirements in detail and collaborate with the AI Agent.In order to query about issues, errors etc. start with "I have an issue...".SupportFor any technical issues or further inquiries, please contact our support team [email protected] thanks to the Mina Protocol zkIgnite program for funding the project and all contributors to this project.
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# zkceleryZKCelery is a collection of helpers for easily using ZooKeeper within Celery.# InstallationSimply runpip install zkcelery# RequirementsZKCelery relies on [ZooKeeper]( UsageA new configuration variable is required in order to let ZKCelery know about your ZooKeeper servers:ZOOKEEPER_HOSTS = ‘localhost:2181’This is a comma-separated list of hosts to connect to.
zkSmall command line utility for Zettelkasten
install: $ python installtips: 1. virtualenv may be a good tool for you
This library provides a framework for writing clustered services.Currently, it is derived from the basis used in HAAlchemy, and is intended to be used withHAAlchemyandConnmon.The core of the framework is a clusterable service which can connect with other clusterable services using a p2p system, and within the p2p system a partial implementation of the RAFT consensus algorithm may also be used for “leader” selection.Messaging is performed using a simple RPC scheme. Applications which use the system only work with RPC message objects.The filedemo.pyillustrates some use of the API.The ZKCluster API is very specific to its current use cases, and is likely not useful as a general use RPC / clustering library.
zkcurvefit module has curvefit method which takes 3 arguments file-to-read, file-to-write, timestep-max , density_coeff (dilution factor), plot = “on” or “off” reads the file and curvefits every column with the initial column which should be timestep column [1:tmax].“It’s written for decaying datasets.”It write 3 files1 = all curvefit data points 2 = once in 50 curvefit data points 3 = koff values where koff = 1/tauOffFor curvefit to work best you need to have big datasets with first column is timestep with 1 increments starting with 1 since timestep 0 disrupts the curveffitting algorithm used here.
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Builds E.coli model with DNA, free and bound transcription factors data file for lammps mimicing real bp density of E.coli. Considers 1 bead is equal 10 basepairs. Requires previously obtained data file from lammps (see, circularDNA module) atom type = angle6 types of atoms represents:1 = DNA monomer2 = DNA monomer specific sites3 = free transcription factors binding sites4 = bound transcription factor binding sites5 = stem point for transcription factors no affinity to “2”6 = cell membrane molecules“zkdatabuilder” module “buildNwrite” function: uses functions “membrane,freeTF,angler,bonder,radius position” to read previously collapsed DNA data file via position function and creates a membrane around it using membrane function it also creates free transcription factors in given microMolarite via freeTF funtion within the parameters which are found by using radius thus preserving the bp density of E.coli angler and bonder are there to create necessary bonds and angles it doesn’t return anything just creates a data file it takes 3 parameters1 = um of free transcription factors2 = data file to read3 = name of the data file to create then write everything4 = for how many beads there is a promoter.In buildNwrite functions Type 2 atoms come with type 4 atoms with “Visne” or “Cherry” model. Visne/Cherry model can be applied as a coarse grain model for many transcription factors. It reduces the impact of the bridging effect on the simulation while making model structurally more similar to the DNA binding proteins to provide more realistic simulations. can be called using zkdatabuilder.buildNwrite(um,filetoread,filetowrite,tfd)“circularDNA” module: has two functions1 = Creating lammps data file (data.init) for given DNA length as a perfect circular polymer (generate function)2 = Creating lammps input file (in.init) to collapse given DNA data file (inputfile function)P.S in.init is only to be used to collapse circular DNA onto itself, for your own simulations use different input file after collapsing DNA and making an E.coli model around it using buildNwrite.
ZKDEX-Python-SDKThis is a python sdk for zkdexHow to useinstall the packagepipinstallzkdex-python-sdkHow to developcreate a virtual environmentpython3-mvenv.env# activatesource.env/bin/activate# if you use windows, you should activate it like this:# .\.env\Scripts\Activate.ps1pipinstallmaturinbuild the projectmaturindeveloprun the testpython3tests/
zkdumpreader reads lammps dump file to check if bound molecules are sepeareted and write how many molecules left bound in each timestep into a csv file. Also reports which molecules are apart from their binding sites at which timestep in how many units of sigma to a report.txt file zkdumpreader has only one method named dumpread.
zkeysDisplay Zsh key bindings in more human-readable formats.For example, print a table of key bindings, sorted by widget (i.e. function):% zkeys ... ^B backward-char ^[[D backward-char ^[OD backward-char ^? backward-delete-char ^H backward-delete-char ^[^? backward-kill-word ^[^H backward-kill-word ^[B backward-word ^[b backward-word ^A beginning-of-line ^[OH beginning-of-line ^[C capitalize-word ^[c capitalize-word ^L clear-screen ^[^L clear-screen ...Instead of:% bindkey "^@" set-mark-command "^A" beginning-of-line "^B" backward-char "^D" delete-char-or-list "^E" end-of-line "^F" forward-char "^G" send-break "^H" backward-delete-char ... "^[B" backward-word "^[C" capitalize-word "^[D" kill-word "^[F" forward-word ...Runzkeys -hto see more sorting and grouping options.By default,zkeysrunsbindkey -Lin a Zsh subprocess. It can also read from standard input, which is faster, and enables displaying the current shell configuration:bindkey-L|zkeysTo learn about Zsh key bindings, see: Python 3.8 or newer.Install the latest release fromPyPIusingpipx(recommended) orpip:pipxinstallzkeys python3-mpipinstall-UzkeysTo install the latest version from GitHub, replacezkeyswithgit+
zk-flock [![Build Status](]( can use `zk-flock` to run programs in a cluster under a distributed lock to limit overall amount of instances.Configuration=============You have to write the configuration file **/etc/distributed-flock.json** with the following content:```js{"host": ["hostname1:2181","hostname2:2181","hostname3:2181"],"timeout": 5,"app_id": "my_application_namespace","sleep": "ON", //ON or OFF - Default OFF"maxla": 30, // If >=0 -> max loadaverage for work. Default -1"logger": {"path": "/tmp/zkflock.log","level": "INFO","zklevel": "ERROR"},"auth": {"scheme": "digest","data": "noxiouz:password"}}```* **host** - list of Zookeeper nodes* **timeout** - timeout for zookeper connection (sec)* **app_id** - namespace for your application in Zookeeper. This means that the lock will be storedin Zookeeper with path likes **/app_id/your_lock_name*** **sleep** - Sleep before work. Default: "OFF". Switch "ON" by -s (--sleep).* **maxla** - Maximal load average. Use if >=0. Default: -1. Set by -m (--maxla).Logging=======* **path** - path to log file (default: /dev/null)* **level** - logging level of zk-flock (default: INFO)* **zklevel** - logging level of Zookeeper Client (default: WARN)Both loglevels are one of values: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUGUsage=====To run the application under the supervision of the zk-flock use the command:```bashzk-flock <pidname> <application command>```If your application requires command-line arguments enclose it in double quotes:```bashzk-flock my_test_lock "bash /home/user/ arg1 arg2 arg3"```For attempting to lock lasted for a specific time, use the **-w** option (**--wait**) setting the time in seconds.Add key **-d** or **--daemonize** to starts this appliction as daemon.Use **-p** or **--pdeathsig** to specify a signal that will be sent if the master process died. By default the signal is **SIGTERM**.Non Linux usage warning=======================If you kill zk-flock application with **kill -9**, the lock will be released, but this will not stop your application.
The Zeek Package Manager makes it easy for Zeek users to install and manage third party scripts as well as plugins for Zeek and ZeekControl. The command-line tool is preconfigured to download packages from theZeek package source, a GitHub repository that has been set up such that any developer can request their Zeek package be included. See theREADMEfile of that repository for information regarding the package submission process.NoteIt’s left up to users to decide for themselves via code review, GitHub comments/stars, or other metrics whether any given package is trustworthy as there is no implied guarantees that it’s secure just because it’s been accepted into the default package source.See the package managerdocumentationfor further usage information, how-to guides, and walkthroughs. For offline reading, it’s also available in thedoc/directory of the source code distribution.
zk_grpca zookeeper registration center manager for python grpcioRequires: Python 3.5, grpcio, kazooinstallpipinstallzk-grpc####How to update 0.0.1 to 0.1.01. Update the Client server which use with ZKGrpc or AIOZKGrpc to v0.1.0 zk-grpc first. 2. Then update the server which use with ZKRegister or AIOZKRegister.Notice: Can not use V0.0.1 ZKGrpc class with v0.1.0 ZKRegister classMore EaxmplesService Registerimportsignalfromexample_pb2importHelloRequest,HelloResponsefromexample_pb2_grpcimportHelloServiceServicer,add_HelloServiceServicer_to_serverfromkazoo.clientimportKazooClientfromzk_grpcimportZKRegisterclassHelloService(HelloServiceServicer):defhello_world(self,request:HelloRequest,context):hello=request.helloreturnHelloResponse(hello=hello)defrun(host,port):fromgrpcimportserverfromconcurrent.futuresimportThreadPoolExecutorserver=server(ThreadPoolExecutor(50))add_HelloServiceServicer_to_server(HelloService(),server)server.add_insecure_port("{}:{}".format(host,port))server.start()kz=KazooClient(hosts="")kz.start()zk_register=ZKRegister(kz_client=kz)# register all servicers on gprc server obj, do not support aio grpc serverzk_register.register_grpc_server(server,host,port)# or register servicer one by one# zk_register.register_server(HelloServiceServicer, host, port)defshutdown(*args,**kwargs):zk_register.stop()# close kazoo client after zk_register stopedkz.stop()kz.close()server.stop(0.5)signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM,shutdown)try:server.wait_for_termination()exceptKeyboardInterrupt:shutdown()if__name__=='__main__':host=""port=50052run(host,port)Service Discoveryfromexample_pb2importHelloRequestfromexample_pb2_grpcimportHelloServiceStubfromkazoo.clientimportKazooClientfromzk_grpcimportZKGrpcdefrun():# before useingkz=KazooClient(hosts="")kz.start()zk_g=ZKGrpc(kz_client=kz)# get stubstub=zk_g.wrap_stub(HelloServiceStub)# call grpc apiresp=stub.hello_world(HelloRequest(hello="hello"))print(resp.hello)# before exitzk_g.stop()kz.stop()kz.close()if__name__=='__main__':run()
zkieSimple tool to access zookeeper configuration from the commandline, with syntax highlight.pipinstall'zkie[ui]'to install minimal command line without highlight, you can just use:pipinstall'zkie'Usage# list all nodes recursivelyzkfind/# upload myconfig.json to config directoryzkuploadmyconfig.json/config/# display myconfig.json with syntax highlightzkget/config/myconfig.json# list directoryzkls/config
zkill-searchfSearch for EVE Killmails on Zkillboard by ship and equipmentsInstallation$pipinstallzkill-searchfPython version of 3.7 or higher is required to install this package.A command-line scriptzkill-searchfwill be installed.UsageBefore running the script, you need to create a YAML configuration file to specify search criteria - ship type, modules and/or module market groups.To find EVE item and market group IDs, you will need an online database, such as: is a sample configuration file:---ship:17720# ship iditem:-[2897,9127]# put item id(s) in list-542# market group id-131fetch-limit:10ship: Item id of the shipitem: Each entry is a search criteria. If an entry is integer, it's considered as a module market group ID. Otherwise a list of item ID should be provided.When filtering search results, items in a list are combined by 'OR' relationship, while item lists and market groups are combined by 'AND' relationship.fetch-limit: Maximum number of results to be displayed. Note that up to 1000 killmails of the specific ship type will be inspected. Afterward the program will stop anyway.Give your configuration file to the script:$zkill-searchf<path-to-config-file> SearchingforCynabalkillmailswith:220mmVulcanAutoCannonIIOR220mmMedium'Scout'AutocannonI ANDAfterburners ANDMicrowarpdrives ...... Finished.10matchingkillmailsfound.404killmailsexaminedintotal.
Python BoilerplatePython Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.Free software: MIT licenseDocumentation: package was created withCookiecutterand theaudreyr/cookiecutter-pypackageproject template.History0.1.0 (2020-08-09)First release on PyPI.
# Python ZKLib #ZK fingerprint Attendance Machine Library for python with a connection to the network using the UDP protocol and port 4370## Getting startedLogin as admin to attendance machine and set the ip address for example (to and connect the machine with ethernet to your network.```bashpip install zklib```Connect to the machine```pythonimport sysimport zklibimport timeimport zkconstzk = zklib.ZKLib("", 4370)ret = zk.connect()print "connection:", ret```If result was```connection True```Then you are connected.More examples on how to use the Library available in file
zklib library for read attendace data through selenium app
Data creation and analysis of Molecular Dynamics package LAMMPS.
Tool to make zhike logos
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Python to Leo: Machine Learning Model TranspilerThis Python library offers the ability to transpile Python machine learning models into Leo code. Additionally, it provides tools to execute the transpiled code from Python and to generate zk proofs.🚀 Getting Started for Users (Python ML Developers)Prerequisites:Python: Ensure Python 3.9.6 or newer is installed.Check by running:python3--versionIf not installed, follow the instructionshere.Leo: Ensure Leo version 1.9.3 or newer is installed.Check by running:leo--versionIf necessary, update:leoupdateInstallation guide:Leo InstallationConfirm you're on the master branch of GitHub (you should be by default).Installation:Through PyPI:Install using the following command:pip3installzkmlThrough the GitHub repository:Clone the repository, or download the.whlor.tar.gzfile from thedistfolder.Navigate to thedistdirectory containing the.whlor.tar.gzfile:cddistInstall using pip:pip3installzkml-0.0.1b1-py3-none-any.whlORpip3installzkml-0.0.1b1.tar.gzUsage:Explore theexamplesfolder from GitHub for example usages. To run the examples, additional Python packages are required. You can install these from theexamplesfolder by running:pip3install-rrequirements.txtThe examples demonstrate how to work with the Python to Leo transpiler. Currently, the transpiler supports sklearn decision tree models, and the examples cover the Iris dataset, the German credit dataset, and the MNIST dataset.Notes:On some systems, "python" and "pip" might be used instead of "python3" and "pip3".In case you are unfamiliar with Jupyter notebooks, here are two ways to run these notebooks:Visual Studio Code (VS Code)Ensure you haveVS Code installed.Install the Jupyter extensionin VS Code.Open the notebook file (.ipynb) in VS Code to view, edit, and run the Python code cells interactively.Jupyter NotebookEnsure you haveJupyter Notebook installed.Navigate to theexamplesfolder in a terminal and launch Jupyter Notebook using the commandjupyter notebook.Once Jupyter Notebook launches in your browser, open the notebook files (.ipynb) to view and run the Python code cells interactively.For a more detailed tutorial on using Jupyter Notebooks, refer to thisJupyter Notebook beginner guide.🛠 Guide for Library DevelopersSetup:Clone the repository.Ensure no previous version ofzkmlis installed:pip3uninstallzkmlNavigate to thezkmlsource code directory:cdzkmlInstall in editable mode:pip3install-e.Contribution guidelines:Please follow the contribution guidelines outlinedhere. For efficient workflows, we also encourage you to get in touch with the developers prior to contributing.Thank you for your interest in the zkml Python to Leo transpiler. Let's push the boundaries of zk and Python together!
# zkmo
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# Zookeeper Node Monitoring Daemon[![Build Status](]([![# of downloads](](\_monitor)[![pypy version](](\_monitor)This is a simple daemon for monitoring particular Zookeeper nodes forcompliance with a given set of specifications (ie, minimum number ofregistered nodes). In the event that a path changes and becomes out ofspec, (too few nodes, for example), an alert is fired off to let you know.## Clustered Design*zk_monitor* is designed to operate in clustered mode with multiple redundantagents running on multiple servers. The agents talk to eachother throughZookeeper using a common path and a series of locks/znodes. You can run asmany agents as you want, but only one will ever handle sending off alerts.## ConfigurationMost of the connection and *zk_monitor* specific settings are managed viaCLI arguments:$ python --helpUsage: <options>Options:--version show program's version number and exit-h, --help show this help message and exit-z ZOOKEEPER, --zookeeper=ZOOKEEPERZookeeper Server (def: localhost:2181)--zookeeper_user=ZOOKEEPER_USERZookeeper ACL Username--zookeeper_pass=ZOOKEEPER_PASSZookeeper ACL Password-c CLUSTER_NAME, --cluster_name=CLUSTER_NAMEUnique cluster name (ie, prod-zookeeper-monitor)--cluster_prefix=CLUSTER_PREFIXPrefix path in Zookeeper for all zk_monitor clusters-f FILE, --file=FILE Path to YAML file with znodes to monitor.-p PORT, --port=PORT Port to listen to (def: 8080)-l LEVEL, --level=LEVELSet logging level (INFO|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR)-s SYSLOG, --syslog=SYSLOGLog to syslog. Supply facility name. (ie "local0")The list of paths that you want to monitor are supplied via a YAMLformatted configuration file. Here's an example file:/services/foo/min_1:alerter:email: [email protected]: 1/services/foo/min_0:alerter:email: [email protected]: 0/services/foo/min_3:children: 3### Alerter ConfigurationIn the above example, you'll see that two of the paths have an 'alerter/email'parameter configured. With this in place, any path spec violations will resultin an email fired off to that address. The third path does not have anysettings, which means that no alert will actually be sent off in the event ofa spec violation.### Simple Execution$ python -l INFO -z localhost:2181 -f test.yaml2014-05-31 16:20:25,862 [35661] [nd_service_registry] [__init__]: (INFO) Initializing ServiceRegistry object2014-05-31 16:20:25,863 [35661] [nd_service_registry] [_connect]: (INFO) Connecting to Zookeeper Service (localhost:2181)2014-05-31 16:20:25,867 [35661] [nd_service_registry] [_state_listener]: (INFO) Zookeeper connection state changed: CONNECTED2014-05-31 16:20:25,868 [35661] [nd_service_registry] [__init__]: (INFO) Initialization Done!2014-05-31 16:20:25,868 [35661] [zk_monitor.monitor] [_stateListener]: (INFO) Service registry connection state: True## REST InterfaceThough not necessary for alerting purposes, you can access the a JSON-formattedREST interface for the intentionally inspecting the status of the app, andthe current compliance of your watched Zookeeper nodes.### /statusThis page provides a simple live status of the app and its monitors.$ curl --silent http://localhost:8080/status{"monitor": {"alerter": {"alerting": true},"compliance": {"/services/foo/min_0": true,"/services/foo/min_1": "Found children (0) less than minimum (1)","/services/foo/min_3": "Found children (2) less than minimum (3)"}},"version": "0.0.1","zookeeper": {"connected": true}}## Development### Class/Object Architecturerunserver|+-- nd_service_registry.KazooServiceRegistry| | Connection to Zookeeper|+-- alert.Dispatcher| | Handles dispatching of all alerts to Alerter objects| || +--| | | Sends Email-Based Alerts Asynchronously| | || | +-- tornadomail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend()| || +--| | Sends Hipchat Alerts Asynchronously|+-- cluster.State| | Handles node-to-node communication via Zookeeper| || +-- Registers /zk_monitor/agent/<agent name>|+-- monitor.Monitor| | Monitors all configured paths| || +-- Obj Ref -> alerts.Dispatcher| | Alerts are fired off to the Dispatcher, the Dispatcher| | handles determining whether or not the alert is a dup, a shift| | from in-compliance to out-of-compliance (or vice versa),| | and which Alerters to fire off (Hipchat, Email, etc).|+-- tornado.Application| | Handles all web requests| || +--| || +-- root.RootHandler| | URL: /| || +-- state.StateHandler| | URL: /state| | Obj Ref -> nd_service_registry.KazooServiceRegistry| | Obj Ref -> monitor.Monitor### Setup# Create a dedicated Python virtual environment and source itvirtualenv --no-site-packages .venvunset PYTHONPATHsource .venv/bin/activate# Install the dependenciesmake build# Run the testsmake test### Postfix on Mac OSXIf you want to develop on a Mac OSX host, you need to enable email the*postfix* daemon on your computer. Here's how!Modify */Syatem/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plist*:--- /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plist.bak 2014-06-02 11:45:24.000000000 -0700+++ /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plist 2014-06-02 11:47:07.000000000 -0700@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@<key>ProgramArguments</key><array><string>master</string>- <string>-e</string>- <string>60</string></array><key>QueueDirectories</key><array>@@ -18,5 +16,8 @@</array><key>AbandonProcessGroup</key><true/>++ <key>KeepAlive</key>+ <true/></dict></plist>Restart the service:cd /System/Library/LaunchDaemonssudo launchctl unload org.postfix.master.plistsudo launchctl load org.postfix.master.plist
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No description available on PyPI.
zkp-playgroundDescriptionzkp-playground is a playground for ZKP algorithms.The project was created on the basis of theKlefkiandPlonk_Pylibraries.KlefkiDocumentationRequirements:python>=3.6Installationpip3installzkp_playground zkp_playgroundshellZKP ExamplesGroth16fromzkp_playground.curves.bns.bn128importBN128ScalarFPasFP,ECGBN128asECGfromzkp_playground.zkp.groth16importgroth16fromzkp_playground.zkp.groth16.r1csimportR1CSfromzkp_playground.zkp.groth16.qapimportQAP@R1CS.r1cs(FP)deff(x,k,c):y=x+c+kreturny**3g=ECG.G1h=ECG.G2qap=QAP(f.A,f.B,f.C)U,V,W,T=qap.qapa=f.witness(FP(89),FP(8),FP(8))H=qap.H(a)R=groth16.RationalGenerator(FP,ECG,ECG,ECG,ECG.e,ECG.G1,ECG.G2,4,U,V,W,T)tau,sigma=groth16.setup(R,len(a))pi=groth16.prov(R,H,tau,sigma,a)assertgroth16.vfy(R,tau,a,pi)Plonkfromzkp_playground.zkp.plonk.trusted_setupimportsetup_algofromzkp_playground.zkp.plonk.proverimportprover_algofromzkp_playground.zkp.plonk.verifierimportverifier_algodefpermute_idices(wires:list[str])->list[int]:# This function takes an array "circuit" of arbitrary values and returns an# array with shuffles the indices of "circuit" for repeating valuessize=len(wires)permutation=[i+1foriinrange(size)]foriinrange(size):forjinrange(i+1,size):ifwires[i]==wires[j]:permutation[i],permutation[j]=permutation[j],permutation[i]breakreturnpermutation# Wiresa=["x","var1","var2","1","1","var3","empty1","empty2"]b=["x","x","x","5","35","5","empty3","empty4"]c=["var1","var2","var3","5","35","35","empty5","empty6"]wires=a+b+c# Gatesadd=[1,1,0,-1,0]mul=[0,0,1,-1,0]const5=[0,1,0,0,-5]public_input=[0,1,0,0,0]empty=[0,0,0,0,0]gates_matrix=[mul,mul,add,const5,public_input,add,empty,empty]permutation=permute_idices(wires)# We can provide public input 35. For that we need to specify the position# of the gate in L and the value of the public input in p_iL=[4]p_i=35public_inputs=(L,p_i)n=len(gates_matrix)# matrix transposegates_matrix=list(zip(*gates_matrix))# To get the witness, the prover applies his private input x=3 to the# circuit and writes down the value of every wire.witness=[3,9,27,1,1,30,0,0,3,3,3,5,35,5,0,0,9,27,30,5,35,35,0,0,]# We start with a setup that computes the trusted setup and does some# precomputationCRS,Qs,p_i_poly,perm_prep,verifier_prep=setup_algo(gates_matrix,permutation,*public_inputs)# The prover calculates the proofproof_SNARK,u=prover_algo(witness,CRS,Qs,p_i_poly,perm_prep)# Verifier checks if proof checks outverifier_algo(proof_SNARK,n,p_i_poly,verifier_prep,perm_prep[2])Elliptic Curve Group ExampleTest,G2)p2=e(G1@2,G2)assertp1*p1==p2Create Custom Groupsimportzkp_playground.constasconstfromzkp_playground.algebra.fieldsimportFiniteFieldfromzkp_playground.algebra.groupsimportEllipticCurveGroupfromzkp_playground.curves.arithimportshort_weierstrass_form_curve_additionclassFiniteFieldSecp256k1(FiniteField):P=const.SECP256K1_PclassFiniteFieldCyclicSecp256k1(FiniteField):P=const.SECP256K1_NclassEllipticCurveGroupSecp256k1(EllipticCurveGroup):"""y^2 = x^3 + A * x + B"""N=const.SECP256K1_NA=const.SECP256K1_AB=const.SECP256K1_Bdefop(self,g)[0].__class__x,y=short_weierstrass_form_curve_addition(self.x,self.y,g.x,g.y,,,,field(self.A),field(self.B),field)ifx==y==field(0):returnself.__class__(0)returnself.__class__((x,y))
zkpwgenA tool for generating random passwords consisting of full-width Japanese and Roman characters.By default, generated passwords are intended to be easy to input on mobile devices with a single conversion: a password containseitherHiragana or Katakana, but not both. Same goes for upper- and lower-case Roman letters.zkpwgen was heavily inspired bypwgen. The name is derived fromzenkaku(全角, “full-width”)pwgen.UsageExample output:$ zkpwgen ギエカヘゴダピO ぁらみxま8ぞv りかぱ2ゃfょ8 モラ3ボ8メ1ズ メプヂCゲペ6バ ゃ0ぉふ3ゅあ7 だ8へろDせなH ジbゲヒミカ4ツ ぅもふ2ゆkけs ぢぁち6ぃへつM ヂ2FェGサメベ ばそ8さNてGぼ ぎゆ8まほ5jば ぁぉばぱHまKず アfベuヒチゼp ヘテ4ラvァ3ズ ノギPガイルヅド ぜもぁ3あGそF むどgぽりbてg ワモラセeヒゴh ラLモ5Lヨリ4 くぷあDろ2ぐH ミ8ェジミマァテ よbまeぶはlめ グ7ウィズスPラ ば0ぶOご2ゃた プ3ゴ7ョ1ュャ へ5cゎぽげ1が ぃIするふどもI セテァプスキNフ ス8mオ5ノ6g ぜuじ1ぇぎ0k ぽだOけれくDぐ ッOタ5ブゴ2ゾ ヮビワジ6フェp オダュ6Jベゼ6 ゼEナ4Oル3ュ ゥニヌ3ボヮャヲ て7ごしぺ8ぷけ つ7っ6Aことゎ マリ5Aレ8Pサ おみwけ4ゎてi エ2サ8モエfク どぅgて4nぶ0 まこさ4Iぜぺど ぷtちひsえぅげ ドeゾ2ソヨfニ トxゲ0ノヒヌ0 ゾグラ8kエユt だ3せ3ひ8yぞ マシクサヘコ6メ ばふさHけじ7H チゼjフメ4pオ リニhクォ0ヒヌ ホベレ3ゲザLア けlぶ4rぐゃ8 ァ4フ6ヒスズ0 ぎ7ゅBと6こ7 ギ8エpスnムo フrタiツnノ5 へnっfゆpぽり にHう7EすIく へtめ8も8oぇ ぶぺぺ0IにろE らぬ6そ8mまゃ ぐ2れ7yぎあt し6な3ほ3Dす ヌHトOヘ1Aツ ぐぐらぇは1ざ1 なっ4おぃ4う1 ぶぉ6ぷrろ4い けNぼよそへぃ6 へげず6ゎべ5ゃ だ0ぴ0つ4だ7 ドセゴ4ネゥ7E うつゎ5Iうので ハ5ベケイ1Mス ォニケクポDフズ ャBホミ4シ2ル グッソ2HハボDInvoke aszkpwgen -hfor help.Quick InstallThis package is not on PyPI, so install with:pip install git+ is distributed under theGPLv2 license.
zkpyA Python library that allows for easy compiling/proving/verifying of zk circuits.OverviewZKPy is a Python library that allows for easy compiling/proving/verifying of zk circuits. It is implemented as a wrapper of Circom or SnarkJS, allowing developers to incorporate zero knowledge proofs into Python projects.Features: Theptaumodule allows users to:Create and contribute to a powers of tau ceremonyApply beacon to a powers of tau ceremonyPerform phase 2 of a powers of tau ceremony (for groth16)Export and import contributions from 3rd party softwareVerify a powers of tau fileThecircuitsmodule allows users to:Compile circom circuitsGenerate r1cs, wasm, etcGenerate witness from input fileProve circuits with support for three proving schemes (groth16, PLONK, FFLONK)Export verification keysVerify proofs with support for three proving schemes (groth16, PLONK, FFLONK)Dependencieszkpy requiresCircomandsnarkjs. You can find installation instructionshere.InstallationThe recommended way to install zkpy is through pip.pip install zkpyUsagePowers of TauHere is an example use case walking through a powers of tau ceremony:from zkpy.ptau import PTau ptau = PTau() ptau.start() ptau.contribute() ptau.beacon() ptau.prep_phase2()ThePTauobject maintains an underlying powers of tau file throughout these operations. You can also import an existing ptau file:ptau = PTau(ptau_file="ptau_file.ptau")At any stage, we can verify the powers of tau file is valid:ptau.verify()CircuitThis class uses a circuit defined in a circom file to generate and verify zk proofs.Here is an example scenario walking through compiling a circuit, generating witnesses, generating a proof, and verifying the proof:from zkpy.circuit import Circuit, GROTH, PLONK, FFLONK circuit = Circuit("./circuit.circom") circuit.compile() circuit.get_info() circuit.print_constraints() circuit.gen_witness("./example_circuits/input.json") circuit.setup(PLONK, ptau) circuit.prove(PLONK) circuit.export_vkey() circuit.verify(PLONK, vkey_file="vkey.json", public_file="public.json", proof_file="proof.json")ContributingHelp is always appreciated! Feel free to open an issue if you find a problem, or open a pull request if you've solved an issue.See more
Zertrin Python ToolboxA collection of useful functions by ZertrinFree software: MIT licenseDocumentation: functions for dictionaries.zkpytb.jsonHelpers related to json.zkpytb.loggingHelper functions for logging.zkpytb.pandasHelper functions for Pandas.zkpytb.priorityqueueAn implementation of PriorityQueue based on heapq.zkpytb.utilsMiscellaneous helper functions.CreditsThis package was created withCookiecutterand theaudreyr/cookiecutter-pypackageproject template.History0.3.0 (2023-11-27)Removed travis-ci integration and replaced it with GitHub ActionsUpdate of supported Python versions: dropped EOL’d Python 3.5 and 3.6 and added Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and (2020-07-04)Update supported Python versions: drop Python 3.4 and added Python 3.8zkpytb.pandas: describe_numeric_1d(series): handle case where input series is empty0.1.1 (2019-08-29) add ‘Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7’ trove classifier0.1.0 (2019-08-29)zkpytb.dicts: Add dict_value_map()zkpytb.pandas: add describe_numeric_1d(series)Add py 3.7 to tox.ini and .travis.yml0.0.10 (2018-05-30)Add AutoDict and AutoOrderedDict classes in zkpytb.dictszkpytb.dicts.hashdict and JsonEncoder: normalize path separator to ensure stable representation and hash for windows and linux.Fix tests test_compare_df_cols_*() to reach 100% coverage.0.0.9 (2018-05-11)Add module zkpytb.json with a custom JSONEncoder class, and use it in hashdict().0.0.8 (2018-05-11)Add tests for zkpytb.logging0.0.7 (2018-05-11)zkpytb.dicts: add hashdict() helper.0.0.6 (2018-04-17)zkpytb.pandas: only try to import statsmodels when using mad()Minor changes missed while relasing previous version.0.0.5 (2018-04-17)Add an implementation of PriorityQueue based on heapqueue in zkpytb.priorityqueueAdd mad(c) (median absolute deviation) and percentile(q) functions in zkpytb.pandasAdd code coverage and coverallsAdd tests for zkpytb.pandasFix requirements_dev.txt because pandas>=0.21 is not compatible with py340.0.4 (2017-06-27)zkpytb.utils: add hashstring() and get_git_hash() helpers.Add tests for zkpytb.dicts and zkpytb.utils modules.0.0.3 (2017-06-23)Add first version of zkpytb.logging module with function setup_simple_console_and_file_logger().0.0.2 (2017-06-22)Disable universal wheel.0.0.1 (2017-06-22)First release on PyPI.
This is just a copy of the bindings provided with zookeeper itself.
Trial and error.
Tool to create react-native lib for zhike
Failed to fetch description. HTTP Status Code: 404
zk_screenshot_makerDescription苹果商店上截图的尺寸要求比较严格,直接截图并不能使用。 这个工具用了创建一个符合尺寸要求的截图
Table of Contentstl;drInstallingUsageDependenciestl;drA powerful & scriptable shell forApache ZooKeeperInstallingAs Dockerfile:::$ docker build . -f Dockerfile -t zk-shell:1.3.3From PyPI:$ pip install zk-shellOr running from the source:# Kazoo is needed $ pip install kazoo $ git clone $ cd zk_shell $ export ZKSHELL_SRC=1; bin/zk-shell Welcome to zk-shell (0.99.04) (DISCONNECTED) />You can also build a self-contained PEX file:$ pip install pex $ pex -v -e zk_shell.cli -o zk-shell.pex .More info about PEXhere.UsageDocker Version$ docker run -it zk-shell:1.3.3and use the connect command to connect to your zookeeper instance$ zk-shell localhost:2181 (CONNECTED) /> ls zookeeper (CONNECTED) /> create foo 'bar' (CONNECTED) /> get foo bar (CONNECTED) /> cd foo (CONNECTED) /foo> create ish 'barish' (CONNECTED) /foo> cd .. (CONNECTED) /> ls foo ish (CONNECTED) /> create temp- 'temp' true true (CONNECTED) /> ls zookeeper foo temp-0000000001 (CONNECTED) /> rmr foo (CONNECTED) /> (CONNECTED) /> tree . ├── zookeeper │ ├── config │ ├── quotaLine editing and command history is supported via readline (if readline is available). There’s also autocomplete for most commands and their parameters.Individual files can be copied between the local filesystem and ZooKeeper. Recursively copying from the filesystem to ZooKeeper is supported as well, but not the other way around since znodes can have content and children.(CONNECTED) /> cp file:///etc/passwd zk://localhost:2181/passwd (CONNECTED) /> get passwd (...) unbound:x:992:991:Unbound DNS resolver:/etc/unbound:/sbin/nologin haldaemon:x:68:68:HAL daemon:/:/sbin/nologinCopying between one ZooKeeper cluster to another is supported, too:(CONNECTED) /> cp zk://localhost:2181/passwd zk://othercluster:2183/mypasswdCopying between a ZooKeeper cluster and JSON files is supported as well:(CONNECTED) /> cp zk://localhost:2181/something json://!tmp!backup.json/ true trueMirroring paths to between clusters or JSON files is also supported. Mirroring replaces the destination path with the content and structure of the source path.(CONNECTED) /> create /source/znode1/znode11 'Hello' false false true (CONNECTED) /> create /source/znode2 'Hello' false false true (CONNECTED) /> create /target/znode1/znode12 'Hello' false false true (CONNECTED) /> create /target/znode3 'Hello' false false true (CONNECTED) /> tree . ├── target │ ├── znode3 │ ├── znode1 │ │ ├── znode12 ├── source │ ├── znode2 │ ├── znode1 │ │ ├── znode11 ├── zookeeper │ ├── config │ ├── quota (CONNECTED) /> mirror /source /target Are you sure you want to replace /target with /source? [y/n]: y Mirroring took 0.04 secs (CONNECTED) /> tree . ├── target │ ├── znode2 │ ├── znode1 │ │ ├── znode11 ├── source │ ├── znode2 │ ├── znode1 │ │ ├── znode11 ├── zookeeper │ ├── config │ ├── quota (CONNECTED) /> create /target/znode4 'Hello' false false true (CONNECTED) /> mirror /source /target false false true Mirroring took 0.03 secs (CONNECTED) />Debugging watches can be done with the watch command. It allows monitoring all the child watches that, recursively, fire under :(CONNECTED) /> watch start / (CONNECTED) /> create /foo 'test' (CONNECTED) /> create /bar/foo 'test' (CONNECTED) /> rm /bar/foo (CONNECTED) /> watch stats / Watches Stats /foo: 1 /bar: 2 /: 1 (CONNECTED) /> watch stop /Searching for paths or znodes which match a given text can be done via find:(CONNECTED) /> find / foo /foo2 /fooish/wayland /fooish/xorg /copy/fooOr a case-insensitive match using ifind:(CONNECTED) /> ifind / foo /foo2 /FOOish/wayland /fooish/xorg /copy/FooGrepping for content in znodes can be done via grep:(CONNECTED) /> grep / unbound true /passwd: unbound:x:992:991:Unbound DNS resolver:/etc/unbound:/sbin/nologin /copy/passwd: unbound:x:992:991:Unbound DNS resolver:/etc/unbound:/sbin/nologinOr via igrep for a case-insensitive version.Non-interactive mode can be used passing commands via--run-once:$ zk-shell --run-once "create /foo 'bar'" localhost $ zk-shell --run-once "get /foo" localhost barOr piping commands through stdin:$ echo "get /foo" | zk-shell --run-from-stdin localhost barIt’s also possible to connect using an SSH tunnel, by specifying a host to use:$ zk-shell --tunnel ssh-host zk-hostDependenciesPython 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 or 3.6Kazoo >= 2.2Testing and DevelopmentPlease seeCONTRIBUTING.rst.
Zero-Knowledge Swiss Knife: Python library for prototyping composable zero-knowledge proofs in the discrete-log setting.Let’s say Peggy commits to a secret bit and wants to prove to Victor in zero knowledge that she knows this bit—that is, without revealing it. In Camenisch-Stadler notation, we can write:To implement this zero-knowledge proof, Peggy will run:fromzkskimportSecret,DLRepfromzkskimportutils# Setup: Peggy and Victor agree on two group generators.G,H=utils.make_generators(num=2,seed=42)# Setup: generate a secret randomizer.r=Secret(utils.get_random_num(bits=128))# This is Peggy's secret bit.top_secret_bit=1# A Pedersen commitment to the secret bit.C=top_secret_bit*G+r.value*H# Peggy's definition of the proof statement, and proof generation.# (The first or-clause corresponds to the secret value 0, and the second to the value 1. Because# the real value of the bit is 1, the clause that corresponds to zero is marked as simulated.)stmt=DLRep(C,r*H,simulated=True)|DLRep(C-G,r*H)zk_proof=stmt.prove()Victor will receive the commitmentCandzk_prooffrom Peggy, and run this to verify the proof:fromzkskimportSecret,DLRep# Setup: get the agreed group generators.G,H=utils.make_generators(num=2,seed=42)# Setup: define a randomizer with an unknown value.r=Secret()stmt=DLRep(C,r*H)|DLRep(C-G,r*H)assertstmt.verify(zk_proof)Victor is now convinced that Peggy knows the committed bit.Documentation and materialsDocshttps://zksk.readthedocs.ioAcademic paper— theoretical details>Warning.Please don’t use this software for anything mission-critical. It is designed for quick protyping of privacy-enhancing technologies, not production use.Getting startedYou need to have Python 3.6 or higher to use zksk. The library is tested and supported on Debian-based systems. Mac support is not guaranteed.You can install zksk using pip:pipinstallgit+ make sure everything is in order, you can run unit tests. For that, install the dev version of the package:pipinstall"git+[dev]"Then, run the tests with pytest:pytestContributingSee thecontributing document.CitingIf you use zksk in your research, please cite like this:@inproceedings{LueksKFBT19,author={Wouter Lueks and Bogdan Kulynych and Jules Fasquelle and Simon Le Bail{-}Collet and Carmela Troncoso},title={zksk: {A} Library for Composable Zero-Knowledge Proofs},booktitle={Proceedings of the 18th {ACM} Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society ({WPES@CCS})},pages={50--54},year={2019},}
Zero-Knowledge Swiss Knife: Python library for prototyping composable zero-knowledge proofs in the discrete-log setting.Let’s say Peggy commits to a secret bit and wants to prove to Victor in zero knowledge that she knows this bit—that is, without revealing it. In Camenisch-Stadler notation, we can write:To implement this zero-knowledge proof, Peggy will run:fromzkskimportSecret,DLRepfromzkskimportutils# Setup: Peggy and Victor agree on two group generators.G,H=utils.make_generators(num=2,seed=42)# Setup: generate a secret randomizer.r=Secret(utils.get_random_num(bits=128))# This is Peggy's secret bit.top_secret_bit=1# A Pedersen commitment to the secret bit.C=top_secret_bit*G+r.value*H# Peggy's definition of the proof statement, and proof generation.# (The first or-clause corresponds to the secret value 0, and the second to the value 1. Because# the real value of the bit is 1, the clause that corresponds to zero is marked as simulated.)stmt=DLRep(C,r*H,simulated=True)|DLRep(C-G,r*H)zk_proof=stmt.prove()Victor will receive the commitmentCandzk_prooffrom Peggy, and run this to verify the proof:fromzkskimportSecret,DLRep# Setup: get the agreed group generators.G,H=utils.make_generators(num=2,seed=42)# Setup: define a randomizer with an unknown value.r=Secret()stmt=DLRep(C,r*H)|DLRep(C-G,r*H)assertstmt.verify(zk_proof)Victor is now convinced that Peggy knows the committed bit.Documentation and materialsDocshttps://zksk.readthedocs.ioAcademic paper— theoretical details>Warning.Please don’t use this software for anything mission-critical. It is designed for quick protyping of privacy-enhancing technologies, not production use.Getting startedYou need to have Python 3.6 or higher to use zksk. The library is tested and supported on Debian-based systems. Mac support is not guaranteed.You can install zksk using pip:pipinstallgit+ make sure everything is in order, you can run unit tests. For that, install the dev version of the package:pipinstall"git+[dev]"Then, run the tests with pytest:pytestContributingSee thecontributing document.CitingIf you use zksk in your research, please cite like this:@inproceedings{LueksKFBT19,author={Wouter Lueks and Bogdan Kulynych and Jules Fasquelle and Simon Le Bail{-}Collet and Carmela Troncoso},title={zksk: {A} Library for Composable Zero-Knowledge Proofs},booktitle={Proceedings of the 18th {ACM} Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society ({WPES@CCS})},pages={50--54},year={2019},}
ZK Soap Python LibraryA Python Library For Manage Data From Fingerprint Machine with SOAP ProtocolFeaturesGet Attendance Log with DateRangeGet User InformationRequirementsPython version 3.6 or higherFingerprint Machine Support ZK Web ServiceEasy InstallationInstall with pipTo install withpip, simply require the latest version of this package.python-mpipinstallzksoapQuick StartJust pass your IP, Port and Comkey :Get Attendance# reference the ZK Soap PHP namespacefromzksoapimportFingerprint# initialmachine=Fingerprint('','80','123456')# get machine statusprint("Machine Status : "+machine.getStatus())# connected | disconnected# get all log dataprint(machine.getAttendance())# return List of Attendance Log# get all log data with dateprint(machine.getAttendance('all','2022-05-01'))# return List of Attendance Log# get all log data with date rangeprint(machine.getAttendance('all','2022-05-01','2022-05-10'))# return List of Attendance Log# get specific pin log dataprint(machine.getAttendance('1'))# return List of Attendance Log# OR Listprint(machine.getAttendance(['1','2']))# return List of Attendance Log# get exported json formatuser_attendance_data=machine.getAttendance()json_data=json.dumps(user_attendance_data,cls=UserAttendanceEncoder,indent=4)file_path='user_attendance2.json'withopen(file_path,'w')asfile:file.write(json_data)print(f"JSON data for user attendance saved to{file_path}")Get User Information# reference the ZK Soap PHP namespacefromzksoapimportFingerprint# initialmachine=Fingerprint('','80','123456')# get machine statusprint("Machine Status : "+machine.getStatus())# connected | disconnected# get all user dataprint(machine.getUserInfo())# return List of User Info Data# get specific pin user dataprint(machine.getUserInfo('1'))# return List of User Info Data# OR Listprint(machine.getUserInfo(['1','2']))# return List of User Info Data# get exported json formatdecoded_data=machine.getUserInfo()data_dict={"data":decoded_data}json_data=json.dumps(data_dict,indent=4,cls=UserInfoEncoder)file_path='user_info2.json'withopen(file_path,'w')asfile:file.write(json_data)print(f"JSON data saved to{file_path}")ChangelogUploading to pypi
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