A4PDFThis is a library for generating PDF files. It aims to be very low level. It does not have its own document model, it merely exposes PDF primitives directly.FeaturesFully color managed usingLittleCMS 2All fonts are embedded as subsetsNot implemented in CProvides a plain C API for easy integration into scripting languagesShips with actypesPython bindingMinimal dependenciesThings the library does not doReading PDF filesModifying PDF filesSupporting any other backend than PDFParsing any vector data files like SVGData conversions in general (apart from colorspaces)Supporting PDF versions earlier than 1.7API stability guaranteesUntil 1.0 there is no guarantee of any kind. Anything can be changed. However we try not to change things without a good reason. Once 1.0 happens, we aim to provide the following:The plain C is both API and ABI stableThe internal C++ implementation "API" is not stable in any wayOnly C symbols are exported so in order to get to the C++ API you have to change build settings. If you do that, there is no stability guarantee.The Python API shall be stable as wellStatusThe basic functionality is there but it's not even close to feature complete.
sale_discountAdds the discount field to the sales lines.InstallingSee INSTALLSupportIf you encounter any problems with this module, please don't hesitate to ask questions on the Adiczion support mail address :[email protected] you encounter any problems with Tryton, please don't hesitate to ask questions on the Tryton bug tracker, mailing list, wiki or IRC channel: LICENSECopyrightSee COPYRIGHTFor more information about us please visit the Adiczion web site:http://adiczion.comFor more information about Tryton please visit the Tryton web site:
Sale Tax Included=================Adiczion's Tryton Module: sale_tax_included-------------------------------------------Adds the ability to Tryton to make sales and invoices with product withprice with tax included... warning::Replace the deprecated module : sale_b2bc.Installing----------See INSTALLSupport-------For more information or if you encounter any problems with this module,please contact the programmers atAdiczion--------website: [email protected] you encounter any problems with Tryton, please don't hesitate to askquestions on the Tryton bug tracker, mailing list, wiki or IRC channel: LICENSECopyright---------See COPYRIGHTAdditional information----------------------For more information please visit the Tryton web site:
No description available on PyPI.
No description available on PyPI.
No description available on PyPI.
Basic package contains common day-to-day ml usage functions.
This module helps to intigrate Orchestrator with python scripts
EmotionA model for emotion classification based on text and audio.AcknowledgementsHafed BenteftifaSoumaya ChaffarFeaturesGive audio and text as input and get back the dominant emotion.Usage/ExamplesBe sure to add double quotes to lines containing one or more commas for.csvfiles.For graphical interface, use upload.wavand.csvfiles.In[1]:importrequestsIn[2]:withopen("./data/raw_sample/audio/UlTJmndbGHM.wav","rb")"",files={'files[]':fd})...:In[3]:response.json()Out[3]:{'predictions_audio':{'UlTJmndbGHM.wav':'positive'},'predictions_texte':{}}curl-F'files[]=@/home/user/emotion/data/raw_sample/audio/DatH-ra0VKY.wav'-F'files[]=@/home/user/file.csv'{"predictions_audio":{"DatH-ra0VKY.wav":"positive"},"predictions_texte":{"file.csv":{"DAMON WILLIAMS: I am the Senior Vice President and Chief Education and Youth Development Officer for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.":"neutral","In that role, I help to shape the education policy and youth development direction for more than 4,000 clubs that are part of our federated network, having an impact on more than 4 million young people across this nation.":"positive"}}}API ReferenceGet a prediction for file(s)POST /predictParameterTypeDescriptionfiles[]FileRequired. File(s) to processInstallationInstall emotion with pippipinstalla62-emotionEnvironment VariablesTo run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env fileGDRIVE_CREDENTIALS_DATAFLASK_SECRET_KEYSystem DependenciesFor audio, you will need to installlibsndfile1(andlibsndfile1-devon some systems)sudoapt-getinstalllibsndfile1Run LocallyBe sure to have python 3.8.13 as the python executablepython3--versionTo install Poetry, run:curl-sSL|POETRY_VERSION=1.1.14python3---yes(Optional) To install the Heroku CLI, follow these steps the projectgitclone to the project directorycdemotionInstall dependencies (add flag--without-devif you do not want development dependencies)poetryinstallActivate the virtual environmentpoetryshellPull cloud data if needed (You will need to exportGDRIVE_CREDENTIALS_DATA)dvcpull[<.dvcfile>]Start using the command line interface (Not implemented yet)emotion--helpRunning TestsTo run tests, run the following command (development dependencies must be installed)pytesttestsDeploymentThis project is automatically deployed on Heroku when a PR is merged. To test locally, run (You will need to exportFLASK_SECRET_KEY)herokulocalTech StackCI:GitHub Actions, DVCCD:GitHub Actions, HerokuFrameworks:Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, FlaskVersionning:Poetry, SemVerCloud:G-Drive, GitHub, HerokuFeedbackIf you have any feedback, please reach out to one of us.Authors@philipgaudreau@guraymo@gtrottier🚀 About UsWe are on our way to finish a degree in Machine Learning.LicenseMIT
No description available on PyPI.
CAEN - Nuclear Instruments A7585A/NIPM12 Python Control LibraryThe NIPM-12 SiPM Power Module is a compact and integrated solution to provide stable and noiseless power supply for single and array / matrix SiPM detectors. High resolution Output Voltage and Output Current measurements enable the NIPM-12 to be used for I-V detector characterization. Digital (UART, I2C and USB with adapter) and analog control interface are runtime selectable by a single pin or a digital command. The module integrates a temperature HV loop that regulates the SiPM output voltage as a programmable function of the SiPM temperature coefficient.This library is a python A7585A/NIPM12 module. It allows to control the module using the UART/USB interface.Features20-85V Output Voltage10mA Output Current1mV Output Voltage stepLess than 300uV rms noiseUser Selectable Digital / Analog output voltage controlAutomatic temperature feedback on the output voltageMulti device support using I2CFully working examples designed to control the module with keypad and display or monitor multiple devices using serial portModule compatible with ZEUS software for stand alone usagePinout of the modulePython installationIn order to install the A7585D python Library, just run the following command:pipinstalla7585dUsageModule user manualThe user manual can be downloaded from the CAEN website: the libraryImport the library in your python script:froma7585d.a7585dimportA7585Dfroma7585d.a7585dimportA7585D_REGCreate the A7585D objectCreate the A7585D object and connect to the module serial port:hv=A7585D()# open serial"COM3")# Windows#"/dev/ttyUSB0") # Linux USB#"/dev/ttyS0") # Linux UARTFull code exampleCreate the A7585D object and connect to the module serial port:froma7585d.a7585dimportA7585Dfroma7585d.a7585dimportA7585D_REGimporttimehv=A7585D()# open serial"COM3")# Windows#"/dev/ttyUSB0") # Linux USB#"/dev/ttyS0") # Linux UART# configure parameters HV# set control output control loop mode# 0 Digital mode (output voltage is vtarget)# 1 Analog mode (output voltage is proportional to vref)# 2 Thermal compensation (output voltage is vtarget - Tcoef * (T - 25)hv.set_parameter(A7585D_REG.CNTRL_MODE,0)# set voltage target to 40Vhv.set_parameter(A7585D_REG.V_TARGET,40)# set max voltage 1mAhv.set_parameter(A7585D_REG.MAX_I,1)# set max voltage (compliance) to 50Vhv.set_parameter(A7585D_REG.MAX_V,50)# configure SiPM temperature compensation coefficienthv.set_parameter(A7585D_REG.T_COEF_SIPM,-35)# configure ramp speed to 5V/shv.set_parameter(A7585D_REG.RAMP,5)# set current monitor range# 0 low range# 1 high range# 2 auto selecthv.set_parameter(A7585D_REG.CURRENT_RANGE,2)# control pi controller (1 enable)hv.set_parameter(A7585D_REG.ENABLE_PI,0)# enable hvhv.set_parameter(A7585D_REG.HV_ENABLE,1)whileTrue:print("HV V_OUT: "+str(hv.get_parameter(A7585D_REG.MON_VOUT)))print("HV I_OUT: "+str(hv.get_parameter(A7585D_REG.MON_IOUT)))time.sleep(0.1)
This module is an implementation of archiver for a7d8473 archive format. It can archive directories, files, soft links, has shell interface.What is a7d8473?A7d8473 or simply a7d is a simple archive format, that has some nice features:If source directory has only text files, then archive will also be text file.Changing one line in the source file results in changing only one line in the archive.If all source files have line lenght limit, then archive will also have line lenght limit.Archived files are stored in compressor-friendly way: all the contents of the source file are usually included in the final archive file unchanged.Metadata is saved in git-like manner. Thus only this metadata is saved:Executable flag.Link flag.There is a bijection between the set of archive files and the set of directory structures.Hello worldThis is "Hello, world!" file pushed into a7d8473 archive.a7d8473 :hello.txt/ Hello, world! ~ ~ ~Here is a little more complex archive:a7d8473 /name_of_directory/ :name_of_file.txt/ -> here is the content of file <- ~ ~ ~ ! print('Hi') ~ ~ ~ @name_of_soft_link/ target_of_this_soft_link ~ ~ ~ ./ ~ ~ ~ /empty_directory/ \ \The first line of archive file is always "a7d8473". Other lines describe archived files and directories.:beforehello.txtmeans, that filehello.txtis neither executable nor soft link. There are other prefixes of file names:@denotes soft links.!denotes executable files./denotes directories.:denotes simple files, which are neither executable nor soft links./is also used as the end of the name because it is not a valid character in file names.\means end of directory, while~ ~ ~denotes end of file content. Only printable ASCII characters are used outside of file contents. Thus, archive files are text files as long as source files are text files.
Simple tester runer. Can run tests in this form: tests/ test1/ test <--- executable tester test2/ test
Table of ContentsDescriptionInstalationUsageGalleryDescriptionSimple python3 wrapper for .a7p files \InstalationAs common from PyPi:pipinstalla7por latest from repository:gitclone pythonsetup.pyinstallThis command builds the Docker image and tags it asgo-server.Usageimportloggingfroma7pimportA7PFile,A7PDataErrorfroma7p.factoryimportA7PFactory# open file in binary modewithopen('data/test.a7p','rb')asfp:# read data from filetry:profile_opj=A7PFile.load(fp)exceptA7PDataErrorasexc:# raises if md5 crc not matchlogging.error(exc)# accessing attributes as for default protobuf payloadprofile_name=profile_opj.profile.profile_name# data conversion to common typesas_json=A7PFile.to_json(profile_opj)as_dict=A7PFile.to_dict(profile_opj)from_json=A7PFile.from_json(profile_opj)from_dict=A7PFile.from_dict(profile_opj)# saving builded profilewithopen('data/test.a7p','rb')asfp:A7PFile.dump(profile_opj,fp)# creating a new a7p Payloadpayload=A7PFactory(meta=A7PFactory.Meta(name="test profile name",),bullet=A7PFactory.Bullet(weight=175,length=0.9),distances=A7PFactory.DistanceTable.LONG_RANGE)withopen('data/test.a7p','wb')asfp:A7PFile.dump(payload,fp)GalleryLatest updates available atJsDelivr CDN
# a8, the Abominade IDE #(c) 2011, PIDA AuthorsLicense GPL v3 ( One True IDE™, successor to the PIDA IDE. An ultra-lightweight IDE, thatembeds Vim, a terminal emulator, and a file browser and makes them worktogether.* [Installation](#installation)* [Configuration](#configuration)* [Keyboard Shortcuts](#keyboard-shortcuts)* [Extensions](#extensions)* [FAQ](#faq)* [Intentional Breakages](#intentional-breakages)* [SSH Tips and Tricks](#ssh-tips-and-tricks)![a8 screenshot]( Installation ##⠠⠊⠝⠎⠞⠁⠇⠇⠁⠞⠊⠕⠝```$ pip install a8```Remember the system dependencies:```# apt-get install vim-gtk python-gtk2 python-vte python-dbus```(non debian distros, please drop me a line to add you.)----## Configurationa8 is a bit configurable. Not so much because I never planned on using it in more than one way.### Configuration fileCreate a config file at `~/.a8/config.yaml`As the name suggests it will be in Yaml, as a map of key values:```foo1: blahfoo2:foo3: blah```### Terminal Configuration ###Is the biggest bit, terminal options live under the `temrinal` key, and theseare them, with default values if they exist (or Unset otherwise):```terminal:'color_foreground': Unset,'color_background': Unset,'backspace_binding': Unset,'cursor_blink_mode': Unset,'cursor_shape': Unset,'font': Unset,'allow_bold': Unset,'audible_bell': Unset,'emulation': Unset,'pointer_autohide': Unset,'scroll_on_keystroke': Unset,'scroll_on_output': Unset,'scrollback_lines': 1000,'visible_bell': Unset,'word_chars': '-A-Za-z0-9,./?%&#:_',```### Window Configuration ###To turn on the toolbar:```toolbar: true```### Session Configuration ###Abominade 0.11 supports 3 session types:```session_type: 'none' # don't remember sessions (alias for "session: false")session_type: 'local' # stores session in the ./.a8 wherever abominade runssession_type: 'user' # default, stores session in ~/.a8```To turn off sessions in 0.10 and earlier:```session: false```### Terminals in a separate window ###Useful for multiple screens:```terminal_window: true```----## Keyboard Shortcuts ##⠠⠅⠑⠽⠃⠕⠁⠗⠙ ⠠⠎⠓⠕⠗⠞⠉⠥⠞⠎Keyboard shortucts are of two types:1. Internal a8 actions2. Custom shell commandsDefine keyboard shortcuts by creating the file:`~/.a8/shortcuts.yaml`This file should contain keys and values of the form:`<action>: <shortcut>`or of the form`key: <shortcut>``[cmd: <command>]``[cwd: <working directory>]``[env: <environment>]`Where action is a string defining the action to be performed, and shortcut is a shortcut string.### Available actions ###Available actions are (with defaults):* `shell (<Alt>t)`* `focus_vim (<Alt>e)`* `focus_terminal (<Alt>r)`* `focus_buffers (<Alt>b)`* `focus_files (<Alt>m)`* `focus_terminals (<Alt>i)`* `focus_bookmarks (<Alt>k)`* `prev_buffer (<Alt>Up)`* `next_buffer (<Alt>Down)`* `prev_terminal (<Alt>Left)`* `next_terminal (<Alt>Right)`* `refresh_files (<Alt>g)`* `toggle_expanded_files (<Alt>x)` (0.11 and later)* `close_all_buffers (<Alt>c)`* `browse_home (<Alt>h)`### Other hotkeys ###* pressing `<Shift>Up` and `<Shift>Down` in terminals will jump to prev/nextprompt (or at least the scrollbar position where you last hit Enter)### Shortcut format ###The format looks like `<Control>a` or `<Shift><Alt>F1` or `<Release>z` (the lastone is for key release). The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or uppercase, and also abbreviations such as `<Ctl>` and `<Ctrl>`. Keys such as `Up`,`Down`, `Left`, `Right` etc are available, but be careful, the keypress will notpass through to the underlying app, terminal or Vim.### Custom shortcuts ###These are custom shell commands bound to a keyboard shortcut. Their format is different from internal a8 shortcuts. They should be part of a list in the value of the `custom` key. Each item in the list should define at least the key `key` as a shortcut string in the format above. Additionally they may define `cmd`, `cwd` and `env` keys. These are used to execute a new terminal with the command.### Example file ###An example shortcut file might look like:```shell: <Control>ofocus_vim: <Alt>Spacecustom:- key: <Alt>jcmd: ifconfig```----## Extensions ##⠠⠑⠭⠞⠑⠝⠎⠊⠕⠝⠎A8 is slightly extensible, to the absolute minimal degree to add functionality without having the burden of a massive framework. This is achieved by the concepts of:1. Extensions2. SignalsSince we are just using Python, all the a8 API is public to any Python code in the same process, and that is intentional. If you want to break it by abusing this, go for it, break it.Extensions are any Python module or instance with a callable `setup` attribute. The signature of `setup` should be:```def setup(app):"""My setup function."""```Of course this can be in an object where the signature would be:```class MyExtension(object):def setup(self, app):"My setup function."""```Extensions are listed in the configuration file under the `extensions` key, and should be importable names, such as `a8.a8_example_ext`, an example to get you started. If importing an attribute from a module, the `:` notation can be used, such as `path.mymodule:myattr`, which would be suitable for an instance as an extension.The app that is passed to the `setup` function is an instance of `` which is the main monolith for a8, i.e., it has access to everything. Terrible, but intentional.The `setup` function can be used to create user interface features and to connect to signals, and as mentioned above, since all the API is public, anything can be achieved using this.### Signals ###A8 exports a number of signals for use by extensions. They are not used internally, so mostly behave as a no op. These are connected using `app.connect` and can be emitted by using `app.emit`.`app.connect` takes a signal name, and a callback to be called. Callbacks are only passed keyword arguments, so it is important to get the names of the arguments correct. here is an example of connecting to the `file-saved` signal in a plugin. All available signals and arguments are listed below.```def on_file_saved(filename):print filename, 'was saved.'def setup(app):app.connect('file-saved', on_file_saved)```### Available Signals ###| *Name* | *Arguments* | *Description* ||-----------------------|--------------------|-----------------------------------------------|| `file-item-added` | `filename` | File item is shown in the file manager || `file-opened` | `filename` | File opened in the editor || `file-closed` | `filename` | File closed in the editor || `bookmark-item-added` | `filename` | Bookmark to `filename` is added || `terminal-executed` | `argv` `env` `cwd` | New terminal has been executed |If you need more signals, just let us know. Since they are not used internally, there is basically no cost.----## FAQ ##⠠⠋⠠⠁⠠⠟### What happened to my favourite PIDA feature? ###Abominade doesn't hope to replace [ PIDA], how could it? So ifyou require some special PIDA features, please go ahead and use PIDA.[Intentional Breakages](#intentional-breakages)### Does it work on a Mac? ###Probably, with difficulty. You'll need X, Gtk, DBus, all with Python support. (and possibly psychiatric help)----## Intentional Breakages ##⠠⠊⠝⠞⠑⠝⠞⠊⠕⠝⠁⠇ ⠠⠃⠗⠑⠁⠅⠁⠛⠑⠎Features intentionally left out of Abominade that make it simpler, butessentially a tool written for me. If you want a real application, try[ PIDA]. The motivation forAbominade is to make an IDE that is tailor-made to me.* Internationalization (I only ever use English)* Non-Vim editors (I only ever use Vim)* Language support (I don't find those outliners useful)* Version control support (Command line is enough)* Project support (Replaced with bookmarks)* Gui configuration (Plain text is enough)* Gui shortcut config (As Gui config)* Window management (Detaching, moving, hovering, floating)* Saving layout* Documentation (ok, so PIDA doesn't have any, either!)* Lots of options (No need to make stuff optional that I use.)* GTK's Actions are a pain* Glade/GTKBuilder is a pain* GTK's stock icons are totally useless* Statusbar/Toolbar/menubar----## SSH Tips and Tricks ##⠠⠎⠠⠎⠠⠓⠀⠠⠞⠊⠏⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠠⠞⠗⠊⠉⠅⠎Abominade's features work surprisingly well for working remotely over SSH.### SSHFS ###If you edit a lot of code on remote hosts, you can mount your project directorylocally via SSHFS.If you then SSH directly from a mounted local dir to the corresponding remotedir, Abominade's terminal filename recognition will still catch relativefilenames. This will break if you cd in your SSH session so that relative pathsdon't match your local current dir anymore, but if you configure SSH's!EscapeChar setting, you can suspend SSH, cd locally, and resume SSH.Another interesting trick is you start Abominade in an SSHFS dir while usinga local session, the session will be shared with remote instances at the samepath, and can be resumed on a different host.### Screen/tmux ###It's a good idea to use GNU screen or tmux for some terminals in Abominade'sterminals pane, since it's easy to accidentally close Abominadeand lose your terminal history.### Vim's Built-in SSH Support ###Haven't used this much in Abominade...
a816Another 65c816 assemblerUsageCommand line$ a816 --help usage: x816 [-h] [--verbose] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-f FORMAT] [-m MAPPING] [--copier-header] [--dump-symbols] [-D KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]] input_file x816 usage positional arguments: input_file The asm file to assemble. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --verbose Displays all log levels. -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output OUTPUT_FILE Output file -f FORMAT Output format -m MAPPING Address Mapping --copier-header Adds 0x200 address delta corresponding to copier header in ips writer. --dump-symbols Dumps symbol table -D KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...], --defines KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...] Defines symbols.or directly from python code:From python codefroma816.programimportProgramdefbuild_patch(input,output):program=Program()program.assemble_as_patch(input,output)program.resolver.dump_symbol_map()Supported SyntaxMemonicsadc, and, asl, bcc, bcs, beq, bit, bmi, bne, bpl, bra, brk, brl, bvc, bvs, clc, cld, cli, clv, cmp, cop, cpx, cpy, db, dec, dex, dey, eor, inc, inx, iny, jml, jmp, jsl, jsr, lda, ldx, ldy, lsr, mvn, mvp, nop, ora, pea, pei, per, pha, phb, phd, phk, php, phx, phy, pla, plb, pld, plp, plx, ply, rep, rol, ror, rti, rtl, rts, sbc, sec, sed, sei, sep, sta, stp, stx, sty, stz, tax, tay, tcd, tcs, tdc, trb, tsb, tsc, tsx, txa, txs, txy, tya, tyx, wai, xba, xceMacros; define a macro.macrotest(var_1,var_2){lda.wvar_1<<16+var_2}; use that macrotest(0x10,0x10); should expand that waylda.w0x10<<16+0x10; code generatedlda.w0x1010Code pointer relocation*=0x008000jsr.l_introScopessome_address=0x54{lda.bsome_addressbeqno_action; this label is only visible inside this scopeno_action:}Named scopes*=0x009000named_scope{addr=0x1234youhou_text:.text'youhou'.db0yaha_text:.text'yaha'.db0}*=0x019A52load_system_menu_text_pointer(named_scope.youhou_text)*=0x019A80load_system_menu_text_pointer(named_scope.yaha_text)
👉 Listen to any PDF book with just a few line of Python code👈InstallationInstall it frompypipipinstallaudiobookfromaudiobookimportAudioBookab=AudioBook("file_path")ab.text_to_speech()UsagesThe audiobook is a python module to listen to your fav pdf book.TestRun tests:pipinstall-rrequirements.txt python-munittesttestsDocumentationRead DetailedDocumentation hereLinux installation requirementsIf you are on a linux system and if the voice output is not working , then : Install espeak , ffmpeg and libespeak1 as shown below:sudoaptupdate&&sudoaptinstallespeakffmpeglibespeak1Roadmapspeech speed controlSupport more extensionssave the audiobook for futureProject statusAlphaAuthorModule : AudioBookAuthor : py-contributorsLanguage : Python
Command-line tool for Amalgam8 ( install the Amalgam8 CLI:sudopipinstallgit+ from github repo. Preferred.orsudopipinstalla8ctl# from pypisudopipinstalla8ctl==<version># for specific version, e.g., pip install a8ctl==0.1.8For usage information, run the following command:a8ctl-hCommandsa8ctlservice-lista8ctlroute-lista8ctlroute-set<service>[--default<tags>][--selector<tags>"("(weight"="<weight>|user"="<name>|header"="<name>":"<pattern>)")"]*a8ctlroute-delete<service>a8ctlaction-lista8ctlaction-add[--source<service>[":"<tags>]][--destination<service>][--header<name>":"<pattern>]*[--cookie<key>"="<value>]*[--action<tags>"("<probability>"->"(delay"="<seconds>|abort"="<return_code>)")"]*[--priority<number>]a8ctlrule-delete<rule-id>a8ctltraffic-start<service><tags>[--amount<percent>]a8ctltraffic-step<service>[--amount<percent>]a8ctltraffic-abort<service>Examples$ a8ctl service-list +-------------+---------------------+ | Service | Instances | +-------------+---------------------+ | reviews | v1(1), v2(1), v3(1) | | productpage | v1(1) | | ratings | v1(1) | | helloworld | v1(2), v2(2) | | details | v1(1) | +-------------+---------------------+ $ a8ctl route-set productpage --default v1 Set routing rules for productpage productpage $ a8ctl route-set helloworld --default v1 --selector 'v2(weight=0.25)' Set routing rules for microservice helloworld $ a8ctl route-set reviews --default v1 --selector 'v2(user="frankb")' --selector 'v3(user="shriram")' Set routing rules for microservice reviews $ a8ctl route-list +-------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------+ | Service | Default Version | Version Selectors | +-------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------+ | productpage | v1 | | | reviews | v1 | v2(user="frankb"), v3(user="shriram") | | ratings | | | | details | | | | helloworld | v1 | v2(weight=0.25) | +-------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------+ $ a8ctl action-add --source reviews:v2 --destination ratings --cookie user=jason --action 'v1(1->delay=7)' Set action rule for destination ratings $ a8ctl action-add --source productpage:v1 --destination reviews --cookie user=jason --header Foo:bar --action 'v2(0.5->delay=5)' --action 'v2(1->abort=400)' --priority 15 Set action rule for destination reviews $ a8ctl action-list +-------------+----------------+-------------------------------+----------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Destination | Source | Headers | Priority | Actions | Rule Id | +-------------+----------------+-------------------------------+----------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | reviews | productpage:v1 | Foo:bar, Cookie:.*?user=jason | 15 | v2(0.5->delay=5.0), v2(1.0->abort=400) | 4ccad0c9-277f-49ae-89be-d900cf66a24d | | ratings | reviews:v2 | Cookie:.*?user=jason | 10 | v1(1.0->delay=7.0) | e76d79e6-8b3e-45a7-87e7-674480a92d7c | +-------------+----------------+-------------------------------+----------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ $ a8ctl rule-delete e76d79e6-8b3e-45a7-87e7-674480a92d7c Deleted rule with id: e76d79e6-8b3e-45a7-87e7-674480a92d7c $ a8ctl traffic-start reviews v2 Transfer starting for reviews: diverting 10% of traffic from v1 to v2 $ a8ctl traffic-step reviews Transfer step for reviews: diverting 20% of traffic from v1 to v2 $ a8ctl traffic-step reviews --amount 40 Transfer step for reviews: diverting 40% of traffic from v1 to v2 ... $ a8ctl traffic-step reviews Transfer step for reviews: diverting 90% of traffic from v1 to v2 $ a8ctl traffic-step reviews Transfer complete for reviews: sending 100% of traffic to v2 $ a8ctl traffic-start reviews v2 Transfer starting for reviews: diverting 10% of traffic from v1 to v2 $ a8ctl traffic-abort reviews Transfer aborted for reviews: all traffic reverted to v1ContributingProposals and pull requests will be considered. Please see the for more information.
a8e isa8e abbreviateJeff Hammel
python-loggingThe a8logging function is a utility for logging events in Python projects. It provides a consistent and flexible way to log successes, errors, and other events, and supports multiple output options such as logging to a file or pushing the logs to Elasticsearch.FeaturesLogs events with the following fields: message, function name, project name, version, and status (success or error).Optionally logs error tracebacks in case of errors.Supports logging to a file, with the option to specify the file name and log rotation settings.Supports logging to Elasticsearch, with the option to specify the Elasticsearch host and port, and other connection settings.Provides a generalized function that can be easily integrated into any Python project.InstallationTo install the log_event function, you will need to install the following dependencies:logging: A built-in Python library for logging events.traceback: A built-in Python library for printing stack traces in case of errors.uuid: A built-in Python library for generating unique IDs.elasticsearch: A third-party library for pushing logs to Elasticsearch.You can install these dependencies by running the following command:pipinstall-rrequirements.txtUsageTo use the log_event function, you will need to import it into your Python code and call it with the appropriate arguments. Here is an example of how to log a success event:froma8loggingimporta8logginga8logging('success',"Test message",function_name='test_function',project_name='test_project',version='1.0.0')This will log a success event with the message 'Test message', the function name 'test_function', the project name 'test_project', and the version '1.0.0'. To log an error event, you can pass the error argument with an Exception object:froma8loggingimporta8loggingtry:# Some code that may throw an exceptionraiseException('Test error')exceptExceptionase:a8logging('error',"Test error",function_name='test_function',error=e,project_name='test_project',version='1.0.0')This will log an error event with the message 'Test error', the function name 'test_function', the project name 'test_project', and the version '1.0.0'. The error traceback will also be logged.To log to a file, you can pass the save_to_file argument with a value of True and the file_name argument with the desired file name:froma8loggingimporta8logginga8logging('success',"Test message",function_name='test_function',project_name='test_project',version='1.0.0',save_to_file=True,file_name='test.txt')This will log the event to the file 'test.txt'.
python-mailera8mailer is a package for sending emails using Outlook and SMTP.InstallationTo install a8mailer, run the following command:pipinstalla8mailerUsageTo use Mailer, import the a8mailer function and call it with the required arguments:froma8mailerimporta8mailer# Send an email to one recipienta8mailer('[email protected]','password',['[email protected]'],'Subject','Body')# Send an email to multiple recipientsa8mailer('[email protected]','password',['[email protected]','[email protected]'],'Subject','Body')# Send an email with CC and BCC recipientsa8mailer('[email protected]','password',['[email protected]','[email protected]'],'Subject','Body',cc_list=['[email protected]','[email protected]'],bcc_list=['[email protected]','[email protected]'])The a8mailer function has the following parameters:luser (str): sender emaillpass (str): sender passwordto_list (required): List of email addresses to send the email to.subject (required): Subject of the email.body (required): Body of the email.cc_list (optional): List of email addresses to CC the email to.bcc_list (optional): List of email addresses to BCC the email to.LicenseMailer is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
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Git-friendly archive format to store many text files in one text file.
a9sCli tool for easily navigating in AWS services.Highly inspired fromk9s.How to installpipinstalla9sDocker builddockerbuild.-ta9s dockerrun-v~/.aws/:/root/.aws-it--rma9sRunning docker from clouddockerrun-v~/.aws/:/root/ to developRunning mock serverInstall poetry env:poetryinstallStart dev server:poetryrunmoto_server-p54321Run mock data:poetryrunpython-mmocked_env.mainRunning mock server with docker-composedocker-compose-fmocked_env/docker-compose.yamlup--buildRunning a9s in with mocked serverRun a9s in local mode (connects to mock server on port 54321):LOCAL=truepoetryruna9sGoalsServicess3 supportroute53 supportEC2 supportELB supportCloudfront supportFeaturesresponsive tablesallow to easily switch between servicesauto-complete commandsvim shortcuts supportopening files in S3quick yanksmart navigation between services - route53 pointing to ELB etc..
Change amino-acidic sequence into counts of atoms.
aa2unicodeConvert ASCII Artwork to unicode box charactersInput:% cat ip.txt 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Version| IHL |Type of Service| Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Identification |Flags| Fragment Offset | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Time to Live | Protocol | Header Checksum | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Source Address | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Destination Address | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Options | Padding | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+Output:% aa2unicode ip.txt 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 ┌───────┬───────┬───────────────┬───────────────────────────────┐ │Version│ IHL │Type of Service│ Total Length │ ├───────┴───────┴───────────────┼─────┬─────────────────────────┤ │ Identification │Flags│ Fragment Offset │ ├───────────────┬───────────────┼─────┴─────────────────────────┤ │ Time to Live │ Protocol │ Header Checksum │ ├───────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────────────────────┤ │ Source Address │ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Destination Address │ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────┤ │ Options │ Padding │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────┘
AAA1111An Api for Automatic1111설치pip install aaa1111pip를 통하여 설치할 수 있습니다.사용법1. CLIaaa1111을 설치하면,txt2img,img2img2가지 cli 명령어를 사용할 수 있습니다.❯txt2img--helpUsage:txt2img[OPTIONS]PARAMS... ╭─api───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │*paramsPARAMS...Pathtoparamsfiles..toml,.yaml,.yml,.json,│ │.json5available.otherswillbeignored.│ │[required]│ ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ ╭─Options───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │--install-completion[bash|zsh|fish|powershelInstallcompletionfor│ │l|pwsh]thespecifiedshell.│ │[default:None]│ │--show-completion[bash|zsh|fish|powershelShowcompletionforthe│ │l|pwsh]specifiedshell,tocopy│ │itorcustomizethe│ │installation.│ │[default:None]│ │--helpShowthismessageand│ │exit.│ ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ ╭─save──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │--save-dir-dDIRECTORYPathtosavedirectory.│ │[envvar:AAA1111_SAVE_DIR]│ │[default:output]│ │--save-ext-eTEXT[default:png]│ │--quality-qINTEGER[default:95]│ │--lossless--no-lossless[default:lossless]│ ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ ╭─api───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │--base-url-bTEXTbaseurl,ifgiven,'host','port'and│ │'https'areignored.│ │[envvar:AAA1111_BASE_URL]│ │[default:None]│ │--host-hTEXT[default:]│ │--port-pINTEGER[default:7860]│ │--https--no-https[default:no-https]│ ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯--api옵션을 활성화한채 실행중인 webui가 필요합니다.명령어 뒤에 입력 파라미터를 담은 파일의 경로를 1개 또는 그 이상 지정해주는 것으로 이미지를 생성합니다.# 하나의 파일만 사용txt2imgexamples/txt1.yaml# glob 패턴txt2imgexamples/txt*지원하지 않는 확장자를 가진 파일은 무시됩니다..toml, .yaml, .yml, .json, .json55가지 확장을 지원하며, 파일은 하나의 python dict를 반환하도록 작성되어야 합니다.예시: yamlruamel.yaml을 사용중이므로 기본적으로 yaml 1.2를 사용합니다.prompt:masterpiece, best quality, 1girlnegative_prompt:(worst quality, low quality:1.1), text, title, logo, signature, (EasyNegativeV2:0.7), (negative_hand-neg:0.7)sampler_name:DPM++ 2M Karrasbatch_size:2n_iter:1cfg_scale:7.5width:512height:768steps:20override_settings:CLIP_stop_at_last_layers:2alwayson_scripts:Simple wildcards:args:[]# Simple wildcards doesn't accept arguments예시: tomlprompt="masterpiece, best quality, 1girl"negative_prompt="(worst quality, low quality:1.1), text, title, logo, signature, (EasyNegativeV2:0.7), (negative_hand-neg:0.7)"sampler_name="DPM++ 2M Karras"batch_size=2n_iter=1cfg_scale=7.5width=512height=768steps=20[override_settings]CLIP_stop_at_last_layers=2[alwayson_scripts."Simple wildcards"]args=[]# Simple wildcards doesn't accept arguments예시: json5// json5 example with comments { "prompt": "masterpiece, best quality, 1girl", "negative_prompt": "(worst quality, low quality:1.1), text, title, logo, signature, (EasyNegativeV2:0.7), (negative_hand-neg:0.7)", "sampler_name": "DPM++ 2M Karras", "batch_size": 2, "n_iter": 1, "cfg_scale": 7.5, "width": 512, "height": 768, "steps": 20, "override_settings": { "CLIP_stop_at_last_layers": 2 }, "alwayson_scripts": { "Simple wildcards": { "args": [], // Simple wildcards doesn't accept arguments }, }, // Trailing comma available }2. python기본 사용방법fromaaa1111importAAA1111fromaaa1111.typesimportTXT2IMG,IMG2IMGfromaaa1111.types.extensionimportSimpleWildcardsapi=AAA1111()params=TXT2IMG(prompt="masterpiece, best quality, 1girl, __woman_clothes__, __places__",negative_prompt="(worst quality, low quality:1.1), text, title, logo, signature, (EasyNegativeV2:0.7), (negative_hand-neg:0.7)",sampler_name="DPM++ 2M Karras",batch_size=2,n_iter=1,cfg_scale=7.5,width=512,height=768,steps=20,override_settings={"CLIP_stop_at_last_layers":2},alwayson_scripts=[SimpleWildcards()])resp=api.txt2img(txt2img)images=resp.images대신 설정 파일 경로를 넣을 수도 있습니다.fromaaa1111importAAA1111api=AAA1111()resp=api.txt2img("examples/txt1.yaml")images=resp.imagesasync 호출도 지원합니다.importasynciofromaaa1111importAAA1111asyncdefgen():api=AAA1111()resp=awaitapi.atxt2img("examples/txt1.yaml")
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ÔËÐа취£º»·¾³£ºpython2 ÔËÐÐÇ°ÏÈ°²×°ROC,transformºÍconRoc,°²×°°ì·¨£º pip install roc2.1.2 roc: ÊäÈ룺Îļþ¼Ðtruth£¨±ê×¢½á¹ûÎļþ¼Ð£©,test£¨Ä£ÐÍÊä³öµÄ½á¹ûÎļþ¼Ð£©,result(Òª±£´æµÄtxtÎı¾ÎĵµÂ·¾¶£©£¬roc(Òª±£´æµÄͼƬ·¾¶£© python from ROC import roc roc.roc("truth","test","result","roc") Êä³ö£ºrocºÍ·ÖÊýÕÛÏßͼ,½á¹ûµÄÎı¾Îĵµ PS:result ºÍroc²»´ø¸ñʽ£¨Àý£º'D:\\python_work\\result') conRoc: ÊäÈ룺Îļþ¼Ðpre_file(ÐèÒª»æͼµÄtxtËùÔÚµÄÎļþ¼Ð£©,image(Òª±£´æµÄͼƬ·¾¶£©,titlestr(ͼƬ±êÌ⣩ python from ROC import conRoc conRoc.conRoc("pre_file","image") Êä³ö£ºrocÕÛÏßͼ PS:image²»´ø¸ñʽ£¨Àý£º'D:\\python_work\\image') txt2xml: ÊäÈ룺txt_file(txt¸ñʽ±ê×¢ÐÅÏ¢Ëù´æ·ÅÎļþ¼Ð£© python from transform import txt2xml txt2xml.txt2xml("txt_file","xml_file") Êä³ö£ºxml_file(xml¸ñʽ±ê×¢ÐÅÏ¢Ëù´æ·ÅÎļþ¼Ð£©Îļþ¼Ð˵Ã÷£ºtransformÎļþ¼Ð£ºtxt2xml £º½«txt¸ñʽÎı¾×ª»»ÎªxmlÎļþ£¨Ã¿¸ötxtÎļþת»»ÎªÒ»¸öxmlÎļþ£© ÐèҪת»»µÄËùÓÐtxtÎļþ·ÅÔÚtxt_fileÖУ¬×ª»»ºóµÄxmlÎļþ´æ·ÅÔÚxml_fileÖÐROCÎļþ¼Ð£ºroc: »æÖÆrocÇúÏߺͷÖÊýÇúÏß²¢¼ÆËãacu¡£Êý¾ÝÀ´Ô´ÓÚdbÁбíIOU: ¼ÆËãÁ½¾ØÐÎIOU,´«ÈëÊý¾ÝΪÿ¸ö¾ØÐÎÁ½Ìõ¶Ô½ÇÏߵĺá×Ý×ø±êReframe=[X1,Y1,X2,Y2],GTframe=[X1,Y1,X2,Y2]¡£read:¶ÁÈ¡xmlÎļþµÄËùÓбê×¢µÄ±êÇ©Êý¾Ý(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)¡£´«ÈëÊý¾ÝΪ´ý²âÊÔxmlÎĵµµÄÔªËضÔÏó¡£Analyze_xml£º½âÎöxmlÎļþ²¢µÃ³öIOU±È¶ÔÖбȶԴíÎó(Öصþ±ÈÂÊСÓÚ0.5£©ºÍ±È¶ÔÕýÈ·µÄ¸öÊý¡£ ÊäÈ룺truthΪ±ê×¼xmlÎļþËùÔÚµÄÎļþ¼Ð£¬testΪ´ý±È¶ÔµÄxmlÎļþËùÔÚµÄÎļþ¼Ð¡£conROCÎļþ¼Ð:conRoc:¸ù¾ÝÎļþ¼ÐÖеÄËùÓÐtxtÎļþÄÚÈÝ»æÖÆÇúÏßͼ£¨Ã¿¸öÎļþ¶ÔÓ¦Á½ÌõͬɫµÄÕÛÏߣ©
aaaaHave you ever been creating an animated plot by saving a series of images and joining them together? The obvious way to name these frames would be using numbers:foriinrange(15):plt.savefig('{}.png'.format(i))But many operating systems will order these files as follows:0.png1.png10.png11.png12.png13.png14.png2.png3.png4.png5.png6.png7.png8.png9.pngThereby screwing up the order of your animation.This is whereaaaa(pronounced like a scream) comes in!aaaahas a single class which creates an iterator that yields an alphabetical sequenceaa,ab,ac, etc. So we can change our above example:fromaaaaimportaaaafname=aaaa()foriinrange(15):plt.savefig('{}.png'.format(next(fname)))Which will preserve the order of the files in your operating system:aa.png ab.png ac.png ad.png ae.png af.png ag.png ah.png ai.png aj.png ak.png al.png am.png an.png ao.pngFile sorting can differ between operating systems, sometimes withserious results.Installationaaaahas no dependences and is tested on Python 3.5 through 3.8 and it can be installed via pip:pipinstallaaaaUsageThere are two ways to useaaaa. Firstly, you can loop directly over anaaaainstance, until there are no items left (in this case the last value of name will bezz):fromaaaaimportaaaanames=aaaa()fornameinnames:print(name)Or, you can use thenext()operator to only get as many values as you need:fromaaaaimportaaaanames=aaaa()foriinrange(10):print(next(names))The default length of an output fromaaaais 2 characters long - this will allow you to order 676 files. If you need a larger or smaller amount of characters you can specify this as an argument toaaaa:fromaaaaimportaaaanames_short=aaaa(1)names_long=aaaa(4)print(next(names_short),next(names_long))# Outputs --> a aaaaBeyond four or five characters in length, initializingaaaabecomes prohibitively slow. Note that four characters gives you456976permutations - so you should never need more than this.ContributeFor my purposes this package is feature complete, but if you find a bug, or have a feature request, open an issue, or create a pull request!LicenseThe project is licensed under the MIT license.
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AaaaHorodatageThis program is under GNU General Public License, version 3, see LICENCE text file.This program needs python 3 and modules aaaa.ahordat, aaaa.ahordattools.AaaaHorodatage format[0-9]+AAAAZ+/-HH:MM where [0-9]+ = the number of seconds from the epoch until the date entered, AAAA = the epoch of the timestamp, and Z+/-HH:MM the UTC offset (e.g for CEST summertime: Z+02:00). The timezone and epoch are embedded.Below, in the same directory as this fileUsageIn a aaaa.ahordat import AaaaHorodatageTools <your code>Démoin python shel, eg:from aaaa.demo import demo demo()Init:from aaaa.ahordattools import AaaaHorodatageTools new_ts_object = AaaaHorodatageTools() or new_ts_object = AaaaHorodatageTools(AaaaTimestamp) or new_ts_object = AaaaHorodatageTools("server") ... your code ...Exemples:new_ts_object=AaaaHorodatageTools()will create 2000Z+02:00 = 2000-01-01T00:00:00+02:00, embedded epoch = 2000, (Default).new_ts_object=AaaaHorodatageTools("server")will create ts_object with time server UTC.ModifiersAn AaaaHordatage instance has one public instance attibutes:self.ts(its timestamp).Some methods, i call modifiers, can change this attribute; they will be documented withupdate self.ts.Generate timestampsencode(d="", utc=False) # possible inputs: update and return self.ts d="": keyboard input d= list, tuple or dictionary. utc=False: Local UTC offset encoding (see "Setting your timezone") utc=True: UTC encoding decode("typ", ts="") return typ = "string", "list", "dict" ou "dictionary" ts = timestamp (e.g.: ts_object.get_ts()): use ts. ts = none or "": use self.ts.NB: encode year > 9999 with an epoch = 1000 can causes long calculations.timestamps copyShallow copy, but it's enough, here.new_ts_object = ts_object.copy()Harmonize epoch and UTC offsetConvert ts_object_to_harmonize to same epoch and UTC offset than ts_objectts_object.set_ts_same_epoch_offset(ts_object_to_harmonize) ts_object_to_harmonize.ts is updatedTimezonesSetting your timezoneYour local timezone is stored inutc_local_offsetclass attribute Default is +7200 seconds, that is to say +02:00; Europe/Brussels summertimeutc_local_offsetrange: -43200 >=utc_seconds<= +50400Timestamps embbed their own UTC offset, then this attribute is just for encoding timestamp.You can use public methods to get or set it.get_utc_local_offset(typ="") # instance method typ="": default, seconds (integer); typ="string": "+/-HH:MM" Return _utc_local_offset set_utc_local_offset(*offset) # class method work with encode(). Default +02:00 -43200 >= *offset <= +50400 or '-12:00' >= *offset <= '+14:00'Get the embedded UTC offset (the UTC offset embedded in self.ts)get_utc_ts_offset(typ=""): typ="": default, seconds (integer); typ="string": "+/-HH:MM" return the embedded UTC offsetConverting timezoneYou can use methods to convert timestamp from utc to a specific timezone and from a specific timezone to utc.tz2utc() update and return self.ts utc2tz(*new_offset) update and return self.ts -43200 >= *new_offset <= +50400 or '-12:00' >= *new_offset <= '+14:00'.Converting offsetYou can use this utility methods to convert offset from seconds to string and from string to seconds.offset_seconds2string(offset_seconds) # -43200 >= *new_offset <= +50400 offset_string2seconds(offset_string) # no controlTimezones sitesSome timezones sites can help you to determine tour timezone.24timezones;Time.isTime_zoneon Wikipedia.Epochthe reference epoch of the AaaaHorodatage class stored inepochclass attributeDefault is 2000. Range: 1000 <=epoch<= 9999.The epoch attribute is used for encoding timestamps only. For decoding, the script uses the embedded epoch. Timestamp epoch lesser than epoch class attribute are accepted on decoding.Setting epochYou can use this class methods to get or set it.get_epoch() set_epoch(num) # 1000 <= epoch <= 9999, return epochConverting epochYou can change and adapt the embedded epoch of a timestamp.convert2epoch(epoch) update and return self.ts Convert an embedded epoch to an other. 1000 <= epoch <= 9999.OperationsOperations relate to timestamps of the same UTC offset and at the same epoch only.diffDaysSee « - operator » toots1_object.diffDays(typ="string", ts2=0) return ts2 - self.ts1 in days, hours, minutes, seconds. Offset UTC timestamp 1 must match offset UTC timestamp 2 and epoch timestamp 1 must match epoch timestamp 2. Return typ = - "seconds": return the number of seconds. - "string": return a string (+/-DDTHH:MM:SS). Default. - "list": return a list (fixed order). fixed order: sens_difference, day, hour, minutes, seconds. - "dict" or "dictionary": return a dict (any order). ts2 = 0 or none: keyboard input. ts2 eg: ts2_object.get_ts()Tips withts1_object.diffDays(typ="string", ts2=0)I want diffDays between ts1_object, epoch 2000 and offset +02:00, and ts2_object, epoch 1900 and offset +08:00, but not update ts2_object.Consider this tips:ts3_object = ts2_object.copy() ts1_object.set_ts_same_epoch_offset(ts_object3) diff_ts2_ts1 = ts1_object.diffDays("string", ts3_object.get_ts()) del ts3_object+ operator+ operator: ts_object = ts_object + nb_seconds update self.ts and return ts_object + nb_seconds Add nb_seconds at timestamp Tips: - use dhms2second(d=0, h=0, m=0, s=0) utility method to convert days + hours + minutes + seconds in seconds - To add seconds to a new timestamp instance: new_ts_object = ts_object.copy() new_ts_object - nb_seconds- operator- operator: new_ts = ts_object - *nb_seconds_or_ts_object if *nb_seconds_or_ts_object is a nb_seconds integer update self.ts and return ts_object - *nb_seconds self.ts seconds - seconds must be >= 0 (epoch-01-01) if *nb_seconds_or_ts_object is ts_object, call self.ts.diffDays("string", *nb_seconds_or_ts_object.get_ts()) self.ts is NOT updated. See diffDays() method above. Tips: - use dhms2second(d=0, h=0, m=0, s=0) utility method to convert days + hours + minutes + seconds in seconds - To add seconds to a new timestamp instance: new_ts_object = ts_object.copy() new_ts_object - secondsComparison operatorsts_object1 == ts_object2 ts_object1 != ts_object2 ts_object1 < ts_object2 ts_object1 <= ts_object2 ts_object1 > ts_object2 ts_object1 >= ts_object2Conversion to and from Posixts_object.convert_aaaa2posix(aaaa_ts) Return a Posix timestamp (UTC) from an Aaaa timestamp ts_object.convert_posix2aaaa(posix_ts): Return an Aaaa timestamp from a Posix timestamp update self.ts posix_ts will be considered at UTC time.Help:import aaaa.ahordattools help(aaaa.ahordattools)Short demopython3 main.pyYou can find some thoughts about algorithms in thispdf document.
The AAA algorithm for rational approximationThis is a Python implementation of the AAA algorithm for rational approximation described in the paper "The AAA Algorithm for Rational Approximation" by Yuji Nakatsukasa, Olivier Sète, and Lloyd N. Trefethen, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 2018 40:3, A1494-A1522.(doi)A MATLAB implementation of this algorithm is contained inChebfun. The present Python version is a more or less direct port of the MATLAB version.The "cleanup" feature for spurious poles and zeros is not currently implemented.InstallationThe implementation is in pure Python and requires only numpy and scipy as dependencies. Install it using pip:pip install aaa-approxUsageHere's an example of how to approximate a function in the interval [0,1]:import numpy as np from aaa import aaa Z = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 1000) F = np.exp(Z) * np.sin(2*np.pi*Z) r = aaa(F, Z, mmax=10)Instead of the maximum number of termsmmax, it's also possible to specify the error tolerancetol. Both arguments work exactly as in the MATLAB version.The returned objectris an instance of the classaaa.BarycentricRationaland can be called like a function. For instance, you can compute the error onZlike this:err = F - r(Z) print(np.linalg.norm(err, np.inf))If you are interested in the poles and residues of the computed rational function, you can query them likepol,res = r.polres()and the zeroes usingzer = r.zeros()Finally, the nodes, values and weights used for interpolation (calledzj,fjandwjin the original implementation) can be accessed as properties:r.nodes r.values r.weights
### DescriptionFirst pass on creating a package for aws_logger.
Portal GunThe awesome Portal Gun
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NOTE: This code is a extract from code calculates the feature vector from a MSEED file to used it later for training and classification purposes.Automatic Analysis ArchitectureWelcome to this automatic classification scheme! Please carefully read the following before asking questions :)If used, the software should be credited as follow:Automatic Analysis Architecture, M. MALFANTE, J. MARS, M. DALLA MURAand the original paper for which the code was developped should be cited:Malfante, M., Dalla Mura, M., Metaxian, J. P., Mars, J. I., Macedo, O., & Inza, A. (2018). Machine Learning for Volcano-Seismic Signals: Challenges and Perspectives. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 35(2), 20-30.We thank you for the respect of the authors work.Set up and requierements needed to run the codeThis code was developed under Python 3, and needs the following libraries. .obspy>=1.1python_speech_featuressympyCreate and activate your working environment (in a terminal session):conda create -n aaa_features python=3.9conda activate aaa_featuresClone the repository and installgit clone aaa_featurespip install .Install the package aaa_features from PYPI:pip install aaa_featuresConfiguration filesthe feature setting file, contained inconfig_sample/features*.jsonMSEED data samplethe folder data_sample contains a MSEED file from the station EC RETU SHZ 2012-06-28Run the code to get the featurespython call_aaa_features.pyMore infoIf you still have questions, try running and exploring the code. The playground files are relatively easy to play with.If you still have question, fell free to ask !Contact:[email protected]
# An AAA weekend projectA sample project for data processing algorithm design course.Uses the [soccerway][] site’s data and some personal data hosted on dropbox to create a simple data pipeline with some outputs about a teams history.[The source for this project is available here][src].[src]:
Airtable integration for Django-based projectsThis project’s target is to make the Airtable import easier in Django-based applications.InstallationAddaa_airtableto your app’sINSTALLED_APPS, and also setAIRTABLE_SETTINGSin project settings. After all please migrate the app (./ migrate aa_airtable).SettingsAPI_KEY - Airtable API key.DATABASES - Database settings eg.("Media", "tests.parsers.MediaParser")whereMediais table name andtests.parsers.MediaParseris path to table parserENDPOINT_URL - Airtable API endpoint url.DATA_DIRECTORY - Folder with json data backups.FILES_DIRECTORY - Folder with uploaded files to airtable.SAVE_FILES - Should library save uploaded files (default: True)Example Parserfrom aa_airtable.parser import AbstractParser class ArticleParser(AbstractParser): model = Article raw_fields = [ "Name", ("custom_name", "Title"), "Description", ] related_fields = [ ("gallery", "Gallery", Media), ] file_fields = [ "NY Logo" ]SupportDjango 1.11Python 3.4-3.6
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READMEThis package contains all the common functions used to run the Advanced Analytics algorithms. We provide a brief explanation of each of the modules and the corresponding functions:athena_data_providercontains the classAthenaDataProvider, which is initialized by giving the parametersaws_access_key_idaws_secret_access_keys3_staging_dirregion_name.The functionread_queryreturns a DataFrame with the information requested by the query passed as argument.loggercontains the classLogger, which logs important messages and prints them to the terminal or CloudWatch in AWS.metricscontains the classMetrics, which creates the metrics and pushes them to Datadog.s3_clientcontains the classS3Client, that is initialized using boto3.client and boto3.resource and the environment variable RESULT_BUCKET.The functionupload_filesuploads the DataFrame returned by the algorithm (output_df) to the given path (output_path) in AWS, for the chosen variant (variant– typicallyproductionor the name of the experiment, if testing new features).To use these modules in the experiments do the following:
# Example PackageThis is a simple example package. You can use [Github-flavored Markdown]( to write your content.
Alliance Auth - AlumniFeaturesIntegration with Alliance Auth's State System, creates and maintains an Alumni State for past members of an Alliance and/or Corporation.InstallationStep 1 - Prepare AuthRemove/Promote any state with a priority of1, Alumni is considered slightly better than the built in Guest State.Step 2 - Install from pippipinstallaa-alumniStep 3 - Configure Auth settingsConfigure your Auth settings ( as follows:Add'alumni'toINSTALLED_APPSAdd below lines to your settings file:## Settings for AA-Alumni# TasksCELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['alumni_run_alumni_check_all']={'task':'alumni.tasks.run_alumni_check_all','schedule':crontab(minute=0,hour=0,day_of_week=4),}CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['alumni_run_update_all_models']={'task':'alumni.tasks.update_all_models','schedule':crontab(minute=0,hour=0,day_of_week=3),}Step 4 - Update AA's State systempythonmyauth/manage.pyalumni_stateStep 5 - Maintain Alliance AuthRun migrationspython migrateGather your staticfilespython collectstaticRestart your projectsupervisorctl restart myauth:Step 6 - Configure FurtherIn the Admin interface, visitalumni > config > addor<AUTH-URL>/admin/alumni/config/add/Select the Alliances and/or Corporations for which characters with historical membership are AlumniContributingMake sure you have signed theLicense Agreementby logging in athttps://developers.eveonline.combefore submitting any pull requests. All bug fixes or features must not include extra superfluous formatting changes.
Welcome to the AAanalysis documentation!AAanalysis(Amino Acid analysis) is a Python framework for interpretable sequence-based protein prediction. Its foundation are the following algorithms:CPP: Comparative Physicochemical Profiling, a feature engineering algorithm comparing two sets of protein sequences to identify the set of most distinctive features.dPULearn: deterministic Positive-Unlabeled (PU) Learning algorithm to enable training on unbalanced and small datasets.AAclust: k-optimized clustering wrapper framework to select redundancy-reduced sets of numerical scales (e.g., amino acid scales).In addition, AAanalysis provide functions for loading various protein benchmark datasets (load_data), amino acid scales (load_scales), and their two-level classification (AAontology). We combinedCPPwith the explainable AISHAPframework to explain sample level predictions with single-residue resolution.If you are looking to make publication-ready plots with a view lines of code, see ourPlotting Prelude.You can find the official documentation atRead the Docs.InstallAAanalysiscan be installed either fromPyPiorconda-forge:pipinstall-uaaanalysisorcondainstall-cconda-forgeaaanalysisContributingWe appreciate bug reports, feature requests, or updates on documentation and code. For details, please refer toContributing Guidelines. These include specifics about AAanalysis and also notes on Test Guided Development (TGD) using ChatGPT. For further questions or suggestions, please [email protected] you use AAanalysis in your work, please cite the respective publication as follows:AAclust:Breimann and Frishman (2024a),AAclust: k-optimized clustering for selecting redundancy-reduced sets of amino acid scales,bioRxiv.AAontology:Breimannet al.(2024b),AAontology: An ontology of amino acid scales for interpretable machine learning,bioRxiv.CPP:Breimann and Kampet al.(2024c),Charting γ-secretase substrates by explainable AI, .. # Link if availabledPULearn:Breimann and Kampet al.(2024c),Charting γ-secretase substrates by explainable AI, .. # Link if available
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aaapiAnother Audio API - Collection of audio and music processing API with massive amount of dependenciesFree software: MIT licenseDocumentation: wav filessplitting audio based on volumn peaksextracting audio features of MFCC and spectral entropyf0 estimation using CREPEMidiUtilsconverting frequencies to musical notesconverting frequencies to musical labelconverting pandas pd into midi filesgrouping consecutive notes into one notegrouping multiple notes into weighted-averaged noteMusicUtilsidentifying the scale of the musical notesCreditsThis package was created withCookiecutterand theaudreyr/cookiecutter-pypackageproject template.History0.1.0 (2019-12-09)First release on PyPI.
Aaargh: an astonishingly awesome application argument helper.Aaarghis a Python module that makes building friendly command line applications really easy. Applications built withAaarghprovide a single executable with a subcommand for each exposed Python function. Each subcommand may have its own command line arguments. This is similar to the way version control systems provide multiple commands using a single entry point. (Examples includebzr commitandgit checkout).Aaarghis named after one of the castles in the movieMonty Python and the Holy Grail. The acronymAaarghstands foran astonishingly awesome application argument helper, but omits a few letters to make it triple A.Aaarghis compatible with both Python 2.6+ and Python 3.RationaleThe Python standard library contains theoptparse,getopt, andargparsemodules, and out in the wild you will find many alternative command line interface libraries stacked on top of these, such ascliff,cement,opster,plac, and many others. Some of these libraries separate the command line interface setup of your application from the actual code, some force yet another argument parsing API upon you, some force you to hide your code in non-obvious framework constructs, and some even add dependencies on other modules.This makes you screamaaargh. And, lo and behold, here it is!UsageAaarghdelegates almost all of its work to theargparsemodule, which does a great job handling arguments and printing usage information. However,argparseis a bit verbose and cumbersome for many simple applications, soAaarghlets application authors minimize boilerplate code by wrapping commonly usedargparsefeatures in a few non-intrusive decorators.Aaarghdoes not hide theargparseAPI, since the decorators haveexactly the same APIas theirargparsecounterparts. This is a deliberate design decision, and this is what makesAaarghdifferent from its many alternatives.The docstrings in theaaargh.pyfile contain all information you need to useAaargh. Refer to theargparsedocumentation for information on specifying arguments, providing defaults, adding help texts, and so on.ExampleA simple command line application that exposes a few functions looks like this:#!/usr/bin/env python import aaargh app = aaargh.App(description="A simple greeting application.") # Application level arguments: app.arg('--name', help="Name of the person to greet", default="stranger") # Application level defaults: app.defaults(name="visitor") # overrides "stranger" @app.cmd def hello(name): # application level "name" argument is always passed print("Hello, world!") @app.cmd(name="hi", help="Say hi") # override subcommand name @app.cmd_arg('-r', '--repeat', type=int, default=1, help="How many times?") def say_hi(name, repeat): # both application and subcommand args for i in range(repeat): print("Hi, %s!" % name) @app.cmd @app.cmd_defaults(name="my friend") # overrides "visitor" for this command only def greetings(name): print("Greetings, %s." % name) @app.cmd(alias='bye') # Allow "bye" aswell as goodbye def goodbye(name): print("Goodbye, cruel world!") if __name__ == '__main__': command line interface for this application behaves like this:$ ./ hello Hello, world! $ ./ hi --repeat=3 Hi, visitor! Hi, visitor! Hi, visitor! $ ./ --help usage: [-h] [--name NAME] {hello,hi,greetings} ... A simple greeting application. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --name NAME Name of the person to greet Subcommands: {hello,hi,greetings} hello hi Say hi greetings $ ./ hi --help usage: hi [-h] [-r REPEAT] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -r REPEAT, --repeat REPEAT How many times?InstallationInstallation usingpipis trivial, especially when usingvirtualenv:(yourenv) $ pip install aaarghAfter succesful installation, this should work:(yourenv) $ python >>> import aaargh >>> help(aaargh)HistoryVersion 0.7.1 (2014-03-13)Include licensing file in source distribution (issue #9, issue #13)Version 0.7 (2014-02-18)Add basic support for command aliases packaging (issue #4, issue #10)Version 0.6 (2014-02-16)No longer usepbrfor packaging (issue #12)Add proper licensing file (issue #9)Fix error message when calling the program without a subcommand under Python 3Version 0.5 (2013-09-23)No longer add global args to subcommands (issues #3 and #5)Switch topbrfor packagingVersion 0.4 (2012-10-17)Fix automaticargparsedependency installation when usingpip installwith Python 2.6.Version 0.3 (2012-06-10)Also accept global args after the subcommandVersion 0.2 (2012-05-17)Add support for Python 3Version 0.1 (2012-05-17)Initial release
Aaargs ...I'm not a huge fan of theargparselibrary that ships with Python. Personally, I much prefertyperorclick. Butargparseis often used so this is my approach in bringing at leastattributeautocompletion to theargparse library.Let us take a look at the official documentation and use their examples:importargparseparser=argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='ProgramName',description='What the program does',epilog='Text at the bottom of help')parser.add_argument('filename')# positional argumentparser.add_argument('-c','--count')# option that takes a valueparser.add_argument('-v','--verbose',action='store_true')# on/off flagargs=parser.parse_args()print(args.filename,args.count,args.verbose)Why isn't theargparse.ArgumentParsera container class, like a dataclass?So my approach tosolvethis looks like this:fromaaargsimportArgumentParser,ArgumentclassMyParser(ArgumentParser):rog="ProgramName"description="What the program does"epilog="Text at the bottom of help"# You can define arguments directlyfilename=Argument(positional=True)# positional argumentencoding=Argument()# keyword argument '--encoding'# or pass the 'name_or_flags' argumentcount=Argument("-c","--count")verbose=Argument("-v","--verbose",action="store_true")# annotations are also supported for boolean argumentsdebug:bool=Argument()# --debug with action="store_true"parser:argparse.ArgumentParser=MyParser.get_parser()args:MyParser=MyParser.parse_args()You can also print the parser just like the original:args=MyParser.parse_args(["","--encoding","utf-8","-c","3","--debug"])print(args)>>>MyParser(count='3',debug=True,encoding='utf-8',filename='',verbose=False)print(args.encoding)# this will autocomplete 🎉>>>"utf-8"You can also create a Parser using keyword arguments if you prefer (I don't):fromaaargsimportArgumentParserclassMyParser(ArgumentParser,prog="ProgramName",description="What the program does",epilog="Text at the bottom of help",):...
aaaSvgaaaSvg is a simple SVG library for simple creation of SVG files with Python.
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OverviewThis is my Linux Kernel project, which aims to develop and customize a Linux kernel for specific hardware or use cases.FeaturesCustomized kernel configurationDevice driver developmentPerformance optimizationSecurity enhancementsKernel module developmentGetting StartedTo get started with this project, follow these steps:Clone the repository:git clone the Linux kernel:make ARCH=your_architectureInstall the kernel:make ARCH=your_architecture installCustomize the kernel configuration:make ARCH=your_architecture menuconfigModify and develop the kernel code according to your requirements.ContributingContributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request.LicenseThis project is licensed under the MIT License. See theLICENSEfile for more details.ContactFor any questions or inquiries, please contact me [email protected].
Anki Add-on BuilderAn opinionated build tool for Anki add-ons. Used in most of my major Anki projects.DisclaimerInstallationUsageSpecificationsLicense and CreditsDisclaimerProject StateThis is still very much a work-in-progress. Neither the API, nor the implementation are set in stone. At this point the project's main purpose lies in replacing the variety of different build scripts I am employing across all of my add-ons, making the build chain more standardized and maintainable.Platform Supportaabhas only been tested on Linux so far, but it might also work on other POSIX-compliant environments like macOS.InstallationRequirementsaabneeds to be run in an Anki development environment to work correctly. Please refer toAnki's documentationfor information on how to set this up.Installing the latest releasepip install aabInstalling from the master branchpip install --upgrade git+ can get an overview of all supported actions by accessing the built-in help:$ aab -h usage: aab [-h] [-v] [-s] {build,ui,clean} ... positional arguments: {build,ui,clean} build Build and package add-on for distribution ui Compile add-on user interface files clean Clean leftover build files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Enable verbose outputEach subcommand also comes with its own help screen, e.g.:$ aab build -h usage: aab build [-h] [-t {anki21,anki20,all}] [-d {local,ankiweb,all}] [version] positional arguments: version Version to build as a git reference (e.g. 'v1.2.0' or 'd338f6405'). Special keywords: 'current' – latest commit, 'release' – latest tag. Leave empty to build latest tag. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t {anki21,anki20,all}, --target {anki21,anki20,all} Anki version to build for -d {local,ankiweb,all}, --dist {local,ankiweb,all} Distribution channel to build forExamplesBuild latest tagged add-on releaseaab build -d local -t anki21 releaseor simplyaab buildCompile Qt UI forms and resources for Anki 2.1aabui-tanki21SpecificationsProject StructureIn order foraabto work correctly, your project should generally follow the directory structure below:project root ├── src [required] (contains add-on package and Anki 2.0 entry-point) │ ├── {module_name} [required] (add-on package) | └── {display_name}.py [optional] (Anki 2.0 entry-point) └── addon.json [required] (contains add-on meta information read by aab)For a more detailed look at the entire directory tree please feel free to take a look at some of theadd-ons I've published recently.addon.jsonAll of the metadata needed byaabto work correctly is stored in anaddon.jsonfile at the root of the project tree. For more information on its fields and their specifications please refer to theschema file.License and CreditsAnki Add-on BuilderisCopyright © 2019Aristotelis P.(Glutanimate)Anki Add-on Builder is free and open-source software. Its source-code is released under the GNU AGPLv3 license, extended by a number of additional terms. For more information please see thelicense filethat accompanies this program.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Please see the license file for more details.
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AABBTree - Axis-Aligned Bounding Box TreesRepositoryDocumentationPyPIAABBTree is a pure Python implementation of a static d-dimensional axis aligned bounding box (AABB) tree. It is inspired byIntroductory Guide to AABB Tree Collision DetectionfromAzure From The Trenches.Left: An AABB tree, leaves numbered by insertion order. Right: The AABBs and their bounding boxes.InstallationAABBTree is available through PyPI and can be installed by running:pip install aabbtreeTo test that the package installed properly, run:python -c "import aabbtree"Alternatively, the package can be installed from source by downloading the latest release from theAABBTree repositoryon GitHub. Extract the source and, from the top-level directory, run:pip install -e .The--userflag may be needed, depending on permissions.ExampleThe following example shows how to build an AABB tree and test for overlap:>>> from aabbtree import AABB >>> from aabbtree import AABBTree >>> tree = AABBTree() >>> aabb1 = AABB([(0, 0), (0, 0)]) >>> aabb2 = AABB([(-1, 1), (-1, 1)]) >>> aabb3 = AABB([(4, 5), (2, 3)]) >>> tree.add(aabb1, 'box 1') >>> tree.does_overlap(aabb2) True >>> tree.overlap_values(aabb2) ['box 1'] >>> tree.does_overlap(aabb3) False >>> tree.add(aabb3) >>> print(tree) AABB: [(0, 5), (0, 3)] Value: None Left: AABB: [(0, 0), (0, 0)] Value: box 1 Left: None Right: None Right: AABB: [(4, 5), (2, 3)] Value: None Left: None Right: NoneDocumentationDocumentation for the project is available at to the project are welcome. Please visit theAABBTree repositoryto clone the source files, create a pull request, and submit issues.PublicationIf you use AABBTree in you work, please consider including this citation in your bibliography:K. A. Hart and J. J. Rimoli, Generation of statistically representative microstructures with direct grain geomety control,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 370 (2020), 113242. (BibTeX) (DOI)The incremental insertion method is discussed in section 2.2.2 of the paper.License and Copyright NoticeCopyright © 2019-2021, Georgia Tech Research CorporationAABBTree is open source and freely available under the terms of the MIT license.
aabc: Android App Bundle Checkeraabc is a utility that checks whether Android apps on a device were built using Android App Bundles (AAB) or whether they're monolithic APKs. This script calls ADB to gather this information and can output lists of apps built with AAB.RequirementsAndroid Debug Bridge (adb)is required to run aabc. ADB is a part ofAndroid SDK Platform-Tools.UsageIf you find that the usage instructions below are unclear or inaccurate, pleaseopen an issue.Connecting Android Device(s) with adbEnable developer options and USB debugging on your Android device(s).Connect Android device(s) to your computer via USB.Runadb devicesand note the serial of the target device (the output in the left column).A pop-up may appear on your device asking you to allow the connection. Allow it.Running aabcSpecify the devices you want to check by passing their serials (from step 3 above) to aabc:# Check device with serial "FOBAR1234"aabcFOOBAR1234# Check multiple devices by passing multiple serialsaabcFOOBAR1234HELLOWORLD12By default, aabc will list apps that are built using Android App Bundles. This preference can be specified explicitly by passing-a(this does the same as the above example):aabc-aFOOBAR1234You can do the opposite and output apps that don't use Android App Bundles (monolithic apps) with-m:aabc-mFOOBAR1234To filter out system apps that you might not care about checking, pass-3to look at third-party apps only:aabc-3FOOBAR1234See an overview of available options and usage information:$aabc-h usage:aabc[-h][-3][-a|-m]device_serial[device_serial...]OutputlistofAndroidappsinstalledondevicesthatuseAndroidAppBundles(default)oraremonolithic. positionalarguments:device_serialSerial(s)ofdevice(s)tocheck(from"adb devices"output)optionalarguments:-h,--helpshowthishelpmessageandexit-3,--third-party-apps-onlyOnlycheckifthird-partyappsuseAndroidAppBundles-a,--output-aabOutputlistofpackagesthatuseAndroidAppBundles-m,--output-monolithicOutputlistofpackagesthataremonolithic(notusingAndroidAppBundles)
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aablobwrapperFor convenience, this module provide some wrappers for the Azure append blob writer. It implements the write function of the object and a context manager, allowing for you to easily use things like the CVS package, or simply appending to an append blob directly.InstallationpipinstallaablobwrapperExamplesimportcsvfromaablobwrapperimportSyncBlobAppenderconnection_string="https://<storageaccount><container_name>"credential="<key>"container_name="<container_name>"blob_name="<blobname>"appender=SyncBlobAppender(connection_string,credential,container_name,blob_name,binary=False)csv_writer=csv.writer(appender)csv_writer.writerow(["write","some","data"])for more examples, for example, to see how to use context managers or how to use the async version, see the examples folder.
AA BlueprintsThis is an blueprints library app forAlliance Auth(AA) that can be used to list blueprints for your corporation or alliance.OverviewFeaturesLists all blueprints owned by corporation or alliance (configurable with permissions)Manage user requests for making copies of blueprintsHintBlueprints sends Auth notifications to inform users about blueprint requests. If you like to get those as direct messages on Discord please consider also installingDiscord Notify.ScreenshotsLibraryView BlueprintCreate a RequestMy RequestsOpen RequestsManage BlueprintsInstallationRequirementsAA Blueprints needs the appdjango-eveuniverseto function. Please make sure it is installed before before continuing.StepsStep 1 - Install the PackageMake sure you are in the virtual environment (venv) of your Alliance Auth installation. Then install the newest release from PyPI:pip install aa-blueprintsStep 2 - Configure AAAdd 'blueprints' toINSTALLED_APPSinsettings/ the following automated task definition:CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['blueprints_update_all_blueprints']={'task':'blueprints.tasks.update_all_blueprints','schedule':crontab(minute=0,hour='*/3'),}CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['blueprints_update_all_industry_jobs']={'task':'blueprints.tasks.update_all_industry_jobs','schedule':crontab(minute=0,hour='*'),}CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['blueprints_update_all_locations']={'task':'blueprints.tasks.update_all_locations','schedule':crontab(minute=0,hour='*/12'),}Step 3 - Finalize App installationRun migrations & copy static files:pythonmanage.pymigrate pythonmanage.pycollectstaticRestart your supervisor services for AuthStep 4 - Update EVE Online API ApplicationUpdate the Eve Online API app used for authentication in your AA installation to include the following scopes:esi-assets.read_assets.v1esi-assets.read_corporation_assets.v1esi-characters.read_blueprints.v1esi-corporations.read_blueprints.v1esi-industry.read_character_jobs.v1esi-industry.read_corporation_jobs.v1esi-universe.read_structures.v1Step 5 - Data importLoad EVE Online type data from ESI:pythonmanage.pyblueprints_load_typesPermissionsIDDescriptionNotesbasic_accessCan access this apprequest_blueprintsCan request blueprintsmanage_requestsCan review and accept blueprint requestsadd_personal_blueprint_ownerCan add personal blueprint ownersadd_corporate_blueprint_ownerCan add corporate blueprint owners:warning: Should only be given to directors or the CEO.view_alliance_blueprintsCan view alliance's blueprintsview_industry_jobsCan view details about running industry jobs:warning: This permission will let someone seeallindustry job main authors (in alphabetical order):Erik KalkokenRebecca Claire Murphy, aka MyrheaPeter Pfeufer, aka Rounon Dax
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# Tony Boyles, the personAllow other developers to save your contact info by simply installing an NPM package named after you.Forked from the original, [johnkpaul/johnkpaul]( installnpm install aaboyles## license [ISC](
My first Python package with a slightly longer description
AA Bulletin BoardSimple bulletin board forAlliance AuthAA Bulletin Board⚠️ Before You Install This Module ⚠️InstallationStep 1: Install the PackageStep 2: Configure Alliance AuthSettings in/home/allianceserver/myauth/myauth/settings/local.pySettings in/home/allianceserver/myauth/myauth/urls.pyStep 3: Configure Your WebserverApacheNginxStep 4: Finalizing the InstallationStep 5: Set Up PermissionsPermissionsChangelogTranslation StatusContributing⚠️ Before You Install This Module ⚠️This module needs quite some configuration done before working properly. You need to modify your Apache/Nginx configuration as well as the global URL config of Alliance Auth. So please only install if you know what you're doing/feel comfortable to make these kinds of changes. For your own sanity, and mine :-)InstallationImportant: Please make sure you meet all preconditions before you proceed:AA Bulletin Board is a plugin for Alliance Auth. If you don't have Alliance Auth running already, please install it first before proceeding. (see the officialAA installation guideor details)Aa Bulletin Board needs a couple of changes made to your Webserver and Alliance Auth configuration. So make sure you know how to do so. The steps needed will be described in this document, but you need to understand what will be changed.Step 1: Install the PackageMake sure you're in the virtual environment (venv) of your Alliance Auth installation Then install the latest release directly from PyPi.pipinstallaa-bulletin-boardStep 2: Configure Alliance AuthSettings in/home/allianceserver/myauth/myauth/settings/local.pyThis is fairly simple, configure your AA settings ( as follows:# AA Bulletin BoardINSTALLED_APPS+=["ckeditor","ckeditor_uploader","django_ckeditor_youtube_plugin","aa_bulletin_board",#]if"ckeditor"inINSTALLED_APPS:# ckEditorimportckeditor.configsMEDIA_URL="/media/"MEDIA_ROOT="/var/www/myauth/media/"X_FRAME_OPTIONS="SAMEORIGIN"CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH="uploads/"CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_USER=TrueCKEDITOR_ALLOW_NONIMAGE_FILES=False# Editor configuration## If you already have this from another app, like `aa-forum`, you don't need to# define this again, just add it to the `CKEDITOR_CONFIGS` dict, see below## You can extend and change this to your needs# Some of the options are commented out, feel free to play around with themckeditor_default_config={"width":"100%","height":"45vh","youtube_responsive":True,"youtube_privacy":True,"youtube_related":False,"youtube_width":1920,"youtube_height":1080,"extraPlugins":",".join(["uploadimage",# "div","autolink",# "autoembed",# "embedsemantic","clipboard","elementspath",# "codesnippet","youtube",]),"toolbar":[{"name":"styles","items":["Styles","Format",# "Font",# "FontSize",],},{"name":"basicstyles","items":["Bold","Italic","Underline","Strike",# "Subscript",# "Superscript",# "-",# "RemoveFormat",],},{"name":"clipboard","items":[# "Cut",# "Copy",# "Paste",# "PasteText",# "PasteFromWord",# "-","Undo","Redo",],},{"name":"links","items":["Link","Unlink","Anchor",],},{"name":"insert","items":["Image","Youtube","Table","HorizontalRule","Smiley","SpecialChar",# "PageBreak",# "Iframe",],},{"name":"colors","items":["TextColor","BGColor",],},{"name":"document","items":[# "Source",# "-",# "Save",# "NewPage",# "Preview",# "Print",# "-",# "Templates",],},],}# Add the external YouTube pluginaa_bulletin_board__external_plugin_resources=[("youtube","/static/ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/youtube/","plugin.min.js",)]# Put it all togetherCKEDITOR_CONFIGS={"default":ckeditor.configs.DEFAULT_CONFIG,"aa_bulletin_board":ckeditor_default_config,}CKEDITOR_CONFIGS["aa_bulletin_board"]["external_plugin_resources"]=aa_bulletin_board__external_plugin_resourcesSettings in/home/allianceserver/myauth/myauth/urls.pyNow let's move on to editing the global URL configuration of Alliance Auth. To do so, you need to open/home/allianceserver/myauth/myauth/urls.pyand change the following block right before thehandlerdefinitions:# URL configuration for cKeditorfromdjango.appsimportappsifapps.is_installed("ckeditor"):# Djangofromdjango.contrib.auth.decoratorsimportlogin_requiredfromdjango.views.decorators.cacheimportnever_cache# ckEditorfromckeditor_uploaderimportviewsasckeditor_viewsurlpatterns=[re_path(r"^upload/",login_required(ckeditor_views.upload),name="ckeditor_upload"),re_path(r"^browse/",never_cache(login_required(ckeditor_views.browse)),name="ckeditor_browse",),]+urlpatternsAfter this, yoururls.pyshould look similar to this:fromdjango.urlsimportinclude,re_pathfromallianceauthimporturls# Alliance auth urlsurlpatterns=[re_path(r"",include(urls)),]# URL configuration for cKeditorfromdjango.appsimportappsifapps.is_installed("ckeditor"):# Djangofromdjango.contrib.auth.decoratorsimportlogin_requiredfromdjango.views.decorators.cacheimportnever_cache# ckEditorfromckeditor_uploaderimportviewsasckeditor_viewsurlpatterns=[re_path(r"^upload/",login_required(ckeditor_views.upload),name="ckeditor_upload"),re_path(r"^browse/",never_cache(login_required(ckeditor_views.browse)),name="ckeditor_browse",),]+urlpatternshandler500="allianceauth.views.Generic500Redirect"handler404="allianceauth.views.Generic404Redirect"handler403="allianceauth.views.Generic403Redirect"handler400="allianceauth.views.Generic400Redirect"Step 3: Configure Your WebserverYour webserver needs to know from where to serve the uploaded images, of course, so we have to tell it.ApacheIn your vhost configuration you have a lineProxyPassMatch ^/static !, which tells the server where to find all the static files. We're adding a similar line for the media, right below that one.Add the following right below the static proxy match:ProxyPassMatch^/media!Now we also need to let the server know where to find the media directory we just configured the proxy for. To do so, add a new Alias to your configuration. This can be done right below the already existing Alias for/static:Alias"/media""/var/www/myauth/media/"At last, a Directory rule is needed as well. Add the following code below to the already existing Directory rule for the static files:<Directory"/var/www/myauth/media/">Requireallgranted</Directory>So the whole block should now look like this:ProxyPassMatch^/static!ProxyPassMatch^/media!#***NEWproxyruleProxyPass/"/static""/var/www/myauth/static/"Alias"/media""/var/www/myauth/media/"<Directory"/var/www/myauth/static/">Requireallgranted</Directory><Directory"/var/www/myauth/media/">Requireallgranted</Directory>Restart your Apache webserver.NginxIn order to let Nginx know where to find the uploaded files, you need to add a new location rule to the configuration.location/media{alias/var/www/myauth/media;autoindexoff;}Restart your Nginx webserver.Step 4: Finalizing the InstallationRun static files collection and migrationspythonmanage.pycollectstatic pythonmanage.pymigrateRestart your supervisor services for AuthStep 5: Set Up PermissionsNow it's time to set up access permissions for your new module. You can do so in your admin backend. Read thePermissionssection for more information about the available permissions.PermissionsIDDescriptionNotesbasic_accessCan access the Bulletin BoardGrants read access to the bulletin boardmanage_bulletinsCan manage bulletinsGrants the right to edit and delete existing bulletins and create new bulletinsChangelogSeeCHANGELOG.mdTranslation StatusDo you want to help translate this app into your language or improve the existing translation? -Join our team of translators!ContributingDo you want to contribute to this project? That's cool!Please make sure to read theContribution Guidelines.(I promise, it's not much, just some basics)
Buyback ProgramAn Alliance Auth app for creating buyback programs and to allow users calculate prices for buyback contracts. Designed to be very transparent for the user and fast to use for the managers.ContentsImagesFeaturesInstallationProgram SettingsChange LogImagesFeaturesMultiple programs with their own settingsMultiple ownersSupports corporation and character ownersFlexible program settings:Allow all itemsAllow only specific itemsCustom location namesGlobal program taxItem specified taxHauling fuel costDynamic low price density taxNPC price for NPC buy ordersBest price variant for ore:Supports raw, compressed, refined and any combination of the 3.Will calculate price by the best available pricing methodAllow / disallow unpacked itemsRestrict program to:StatesGroupsOpen for everyonePersonal buyback static tracking for:Outstanding contractsFinished contractsProgram tracking for owners:Outstanding contractsTotal bought valueContract abuse checker and notificationsCheck if items do not match the calculated contractCheck if price does not match the calculated contractCheck if contract is made at wrong locationCheck if contract is made incorrectly to corporation or characterCheck extra characters in contract titleCheck if contract contains donationsCheck for scam contracts mimicing buyback contractsContract tracking historySupports base price sources from:Fuzzwork APIJanice APIUse buy, sell or split price as sourceUse 5% top average or instant prices for sourceSupports discord notificationsNotifications for accepted contractsNotifications for new contractsForaa-discordbotFordiscordproxyInstallationStep 1 - PrerequisitesBuyback program is a plugin for Alliance Auth. If you don't have Alliance Auth running already, please install it first before proceeding. (see the officialAA installation guidefor details)Buyback program needs the appdjango-eveuniverseto function. Please make sure it is installed, before before continuing.Step 2 - Install AppActivate your venvsource /home/allianceserver/venv/auth/bin/activateInstall the pluginpip install aa-buybackprogramAdd'buybackprogram',into your settings/ installed apps sectionRun migrationspython migrateCollect static filespython collectstaticReload supervisorStep 3 - Update EVE Online API ApplicationUpdate the Eve Online API app used for authentication in your AA installation to include the following scopes:esi-contracts.read_character_contracts.v1esi-contracts.read_corporation_contracts.v1esi-universe.read_structures.v1Step 4 - Data PreloadBuybackprogram requires a lot of data to function as it is designed to allow your clients to sell you any items that exists in EVE. For this reason pre-loading all the date will take a while. Data pre-loading is used to decrease the amount of API calls made to type and price fetches.Preload Load Type DataTo load type data run the commandpython buybackprogram_load_data. This will start the preload of allEveType,SolarSystem,EveMarketGroupandEveTypeMaterialobjects.You can follow the progress of the load from your auth dashboard. This task can spike up easily over 100.000 tasks at a time so it is very normal that the queue grows very large while running this task.:warning: You will need to wait for the type data to load up before you can start to use the plugin. Trying to adjust program settings while the required data has not been yet loaded may result in failure of adjusting the settings.Preload Price DataAfter you have preloaded the type data you can preload price data into the database. Price data preloading is not mandatory but will speed up the first buyback calculations.:information_source: If price information is not found for items when the prices are calculated the first time the prices for that item will be fetched during the calculation process. This will increase the calculation time for the contract.To preload price data runpython buybackprogram_load_pricesStep 5 - Configure Auth settingsBuyback program requires a few periodic tasks to operate and update its data.Buybackprogram is designed to use locally stored prices to speed up the price calculations. It is important that you have the price update task in your periodic tasks so that your prices will update.By adding the following lines in yourlocal.pysetting file the program will update the stored item prices at midnight. This same task is also responsible for maintenance tasks such as removing unlinked tracking objects. It will also check for any new contracts and update the statistics page with them every 15 minutes:# Buybackprogram price updatesCELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['buybackprogram_update_all_prices']={'task':'buybackprogram.tasks.update_all_prices','schedule':crontab(minute=0,hour='0'),}# Buybackprogram contract updatesCELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['buybackprogram_update_all_contracts']={'task':'buybackprogram.tasks.update_all_contracts','schedule':crontab(minute='*/15'),}Additional settingsYou may change the following settings by adding the lines in yourlocal.pysetting filesNameDescriptionDefaultOptionsBUYBACKPROGRAM_TRACKING_PREFILLThis is the prefill tag you will have on the tracking description for your contractsaa-bbp.Free text inputBUYBACKPROGRAM_PRICE_SOURCE_IDStation ID for fetching base prices. Supports IDs listed onFuzzwork API. Does not work with Janice API!60003760See ID listBUYBACKPROGRAM_PRICE_SOURCE_NAMEDisplay name of your price source. Has no effect on the actual price fetch which uses the ID.JitaFree text inputBUYBACKPROGRAM_PRICE_AGE_WARNING_LIMITLimit in hours when an item price is considered as outdated48BUYBACKPROGRAM_PRICE_METHODBy default Fuzzwork API will be used for pricing, if this is set to "Janice" then the Janice API will be used.FuzzworkFuzzwork,JaniceBUYBACKPROGRAM_PRICE_INSTANT_PRICESOn default we use top 5% average prices. Set totrueto change to instant pricesFalseFalse,TrueBUYBACKPROGRAM_PRICE_JANICE_API_KEYThe API key to access Janice API.nullG9KwKq3465588VPd6747t95Zh94q3W2EBUYBACKPROGRAM_UNUSED_TRACKING_PURGE_LIMITTime limit to remove unlinked tracking objects from the database. Set to 0 to never purge any tracking objects.48Any number in hoursBUYBACKPROGRAM_TRACK_PREFILL_CONTRACTSDetermines if we will track and store contracts that starts with the prefill phrase but do not have any actual tracking hits in databaseTrueTrue,FalseNote: If you change your price source for an old install you need to wait for the price update task to run or manually run it to update your current database prices.Note: Using Janice API, Jita 4-4 prices will be used with the top 5% average price of the 5 day median price for buy and sell orders. No other price sources can be used with JaniceStep 6 - Adjust PermissionsOverview of all permissions in this program. Note that all permissions are in the "general" section.NamePurposeExample Target Audiencebasic_accessCan access this app and see own statics. Can use buyback programs that are allowed by the buyback restriction rules.Member Statemanage_programsCan create new locations and buyback programs and manage their own buyback programs. Can see own buyback programs statics.Buyback managerssee_leaderboardCan see the leaderboard stats for the programs that are visible for the userMember Statesee_performanceCan see the performance stats for the programs that are visible to the userMember / Managerssee_all_staticsCan see all statistics in all buyback programsLeadershipStep 7 - Program SetupAfter you have preloaded all the needed data you can start to setup programs.Each user withmanage_programspermission is able to setup their own buyback programs.ManagersEach buyback program is operated by a manager. To add a new manager click on thesetup managerbutton.LocationsEach buyback program operates at a location that is constructed ofSolarSystemand aCustom nameand an optionalStructure ID. To add a new location click on theadd locationbutton on the buyback page.Solar System & NameFind a solar system by typing in the solar system box. Then determine a name for the structure. Most often you want to use the actual in-game name of the structure so that people are able to identify the location.The solar system name will indicate your sellers where the program contract structure is located. The name will describe the structure name in where the contracts should be created and most often should be identical to the actual structure name in-game.Structure IDStructure ID is optional and will enable contract location tracking in the program statistics page. If a program location has been given a structure ID the statistics page will display a warning if the user has made the actual contract from some other structure than the one that was determined in the buyback program.The easiest way to find the actual structure id is to link the structure name into any chat box and post the structure name into the chat. This can be done in any channel or the structure name can be also copied from any MOTDs.After you have posted the structure name in the chat right click it and press copy. You can now paste the structure into notepad or any other text editor and your output should look like this:[17:37:54] Ikarus Cesaille > <url=showinfo:35826//1037962518481>Oisio - LinkNet Central Station</url> `The unique structure ID for your structure is then1037962518481. Adding the ID to the location ID field will check if the contract creation location matches this ID.Step 8 - Create ProgramOnce you have created a location and added at least one manager you can setup the actual program. Click on thecreate programbutton to create a new program.Program settingsEach program can be customized based on your needs. When setting up select the settings you wish to use.Name/DescriptionA display name for your programManagerThis is the character or the characters corporation which will be used as the assign to target for buyback contracts at this location. To add more owners use theadd managerbutton. You can only see your own characters.Is CorporationIf you wish that the contracts are assigned to the owners corporation instead of the character tick this box.LocationThe location where contracts should be created at. Only these locations are acceptedExpirationExpiration time the contracts should bet set to.Price typeYou can select what price type is used as the base price for your calculations. You can select from either buy, sell or split prices.Default taxThis is a general tax which is applied on all items in this program. If you wish to not allow all items in this program you can leave this to 0.General tax is applied on all items sold via the buyback. You can add additional taxes on individual items or ban them from being accepted to the program once you have created the program.Hauling fuel costYou can add a fuel cost expense that is applied on each item sold via this program based on the volume of the item.:information_source: This setting is aimed more to null sec buyback programs to make it easier to calculate your taxes and display your members the expenses you have when selling.Price density modifierYou can use a price density modifier which will add a additional tax on items with low price per volume ratio such as T1 ships.:information_source: This setting is aimer more at high sec buyback programs.Compressible price density modifierYou can select to ignore price density calculations for items that can be compressed. This is helpful when the compressed variants do not have proper buy orders in Jita. If you set this to True then the compressible item density will be calculated based on the isk / volume of the compression variant of the sold item.Price density thresholdThis is the lowest isk/m^3 ratio for items that are accepted to the program without the price density tax. Finding your own limits depends on your logistical department.For example: Tritanium is 500 ISK/m³ @ 5 ISK per unit price. PLEX is 14,5Trillion ISK/m³ @2.9M per unit price.Price density taxThis is the tax which will be applied to items with a price density below the price density threshold:warning: You should avoid using both the hauling fuel cost and the price density modifier at the same time as their function is fairly similar.Allow all itemsIf you wish to allow any types of items to be sold via this program keep this box ticker.You can determine individual increased taxes or ban items from being accepted to this program after creating the program.If you do not want to accept all items you can set this box to False. By doing this you will need to set up a tax for each item you wish to accept into the program individually.Ore settingsOre type items such as asteroid, moon goo and ice have additional pricing methods you can use. You can use a mix of any of the three pricing models.:information_source: When using more than one pricing model the best price will be used as the buy value.Use Refined valueIf you wish to calculate ore buyback value based on the mineral values tick this box.Use compressed valueIf you want to use compressed value as a pricing method tick this box.Use raw ore valueIf you want to use raw ore value as a pricing method you can tick this box. Note that some ores such as Kernite and Moon Goo do not represent the real mineral value of the ores.You can also individually ban raw ore types from the program. If you have an other option than the raw ore value selected the price will be calculated based on the other pricing models.Allow unpacked itemsMost often you want to buy only items that are packed. This will ensure that people do not sell items such as broken ammo crystals for you.Refining rateThe refining rate is used in combination with the use refined value option.Blue loot npc priceIf you cant to use NPC buy order prices for blue loot (Sleeper loot) instead of Jita prices check this box. NPC price for these items will always be used even when Jita price would be higher.Red loot npc priceIf you cant to use NPC buy order prices for red loot (Triglavian loot) instead of Jita prices check this box. NPC price for these items will always be used even when Jita price would be higher.RestrictionsYou can restrict the visibility of the buyback programs to groups and states with the restriction options.If no options are selected the program will be visible for everyone with thebasic_accessrole.:no_entry: Do not mix group and state restrictions as this may lead into logic error. If you need to mix then create a separate programs for them.Discord DM messagesIf you want to receive messages over discord for every new contract you can tick this box.:information_source: Requires theaa-discordbot pluginordiscordproxy appto workShow list of items on discord messageThis option will determine if a list of all contract items is added into the discord message description field. If you are accepting all items the list may become very long. If set to false will show a link to the tracking page instead.Discord channel messagesYou can send notifications about new contracts directly into the discord channel which is linked to AUTH,:information_source: Requires theaa-discordbot pluginordiscordproxy appto workStep 9 - Special TaxesYou can modify individual item settings or allow items for a program that has setallow all items = Falsevia thespecial taxesmenu for each program.Set a item specific tax for each item. The tax wil be applied on top of the default tax for the program. You can also disallow an item from being accepted in the contract completely.:information_source: The item specific tax can also be a negative value allowing you to decrease taxes on certain items.To adjust individual item taxes inside a program click on theSpecial taxesbutton next to your program.You can either add items one by one with theadd itembutton or add all items that belongs to a market group and every sub-child market group of that group withadd market groupYou can edit an item on the taxation table simply by adding it again. To delete the item press the delete button next to it or to delete all items in the program click on the delete all items button.Market GroupsWhen you add an market group each item inside that market group, the child of the market group and the child of the child group will be added to the item taxes (3 steps down)The easiest way to check which items are under which market group is to open the market window in-game or third party programs such as groupMineralsis the bottom market group that includes the standard minerals. Adding this market group to the taxation will add 8 items to the taxes (Tritanium, Pyerite etc.)Market groupStandard oresis a parent category and there are no direct items under this category. However this category has child categories such as Veldspar, Jaspet, Scordite which each includes multiple variations of the ores. Adding theStandard orescategory will add each ore type to the special tax section.Most Common GroupsName | Includes | Items -- | -- Standard Ores | Normal ores from belts and anomalies | Veldspar, Hedbergite, Compressed Arkonor ... Moon Ores | Ores from moon mining | Cobaltite, Loparite, Pollucite Ice Ores | Ores from ice mining | Blue Ice, Dark Glitter, Compressed Blue Ice .... Minerals | Contains materials for refining Standard Ore | Tritanium, Pyerite .... Salvage Materials | Salvage from loot | Armor Plates, Trigger Unit, Ancient Radar Decorrelator ...
Buybacks for Alliance AuthThis is a buyback program management app forAlliance Auth(AA).ContentsKey FeaturesInstallationInstall appUpdate Eve Online appConfigure AA settingsFinalize installation into AAData importSetup permissionsSetup corpDefine programsCalculatingUpdatingTips & TricksTODOOverviewThis app helps running buyback programs for an alliance or corporation.Key FeaturesIt offers the following main features:Manage corporation buyback programsCalculate value of the items that will be sent to the buyback programStore statistics on the usage of buyback programsInstallationInstall appInstall into your Alliance Auth virtual environment from PyPI:pipinstallaa-buybacksUpdate Eve Online appUpdate the Eve Online app used for authentication in your AA installation to include the following scopes:esi-universe.read_structures.v1 esi-contracts.read_corporation_contracts.v1 esi-assets.read_corporation_assets.v1Configure AA settingsConfigure your AA settings ( as follows:Add'eveuniverse'and'buybacks'toINSTALLED_APPSAdd these lines to bottom of your settings file:# settings for buybacksCELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['buybacks_update_all_offices']={'task':'buybacks.tasks.update_all_offices','schedule':crontab(minute=0,hour='*/12'),}CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['buybacks_sync_all_contracts']={'task':'buybacks.tasks.sync_all_contracts','schedule':crontab(minute=0,hour='*'),}Finalize installation into AARun migrations & copy static filespythonmanage.pymigrate pythonmanage.pycollectstaticRestart your supervisor services for AAData importLoad EVE Online type data from ESI:pythonmanage.pybuybacks_load_typesSetup permissionsNow you can access Alliance Auth and setup permissions for your users. This is an overview of all permissions used by this app:NamePurposeCodeCan access this app and view buyback programsEnabling the app for a user. This permission should be enabled for everyone who is allowed to use the app (e.g. Member state)basic_accessCan setup corporationAdd or updates the character for syncing offices and contracts. This should be limited to users with admins / leadership privileges.setup_retrieverCan manage buyback programsUser with this permission can manage the buyback programs and notificationsmanage_programsSetup corpFinally you need to set a corporation with the character that will be used for fetching the corporation offices, contracts and related structures. Just click onSetup Corpand add the requested token.Note that only users with the appropriate permission will be able to see and use this button.Note that the respective character needs to be adirectorfor the corporation.Define programsLet's say your corp has an ORE buyback program and you want to use this tool for that. First, you need to click onCreate Programand fill the name of the program.Note that only users with the appropriate permission will be able to see and use this button.Once it is created, you should be able to add all the locations (where your corp has an office) denoting the structures or stations to create the contracts for. You might only accept the ores in certain corp refineries and don't want people to send it other structures.You should also be able to add all the items and the percentage the corp skims on top of the price. For example, for your ORE buyback program, addPlagioclasewith brokerage set at 20%.That's it. The buybacks program is fully created and ready to be used.CalculatingAny character can use one of the buyback programs by clicking onUsebutton on one of the program. Once done, they need to select the location and can copy-paste the items they want to send to the corp. When they click onCalculate, the app calculates the exact amount based on the prices defined in the program and shows them that total value.Once they see the total value, they would need to send an in-game contract for the exact amount and then click onNotifyto notify the app about it.Once the corp accepts a contract, our contracts sync feature would automatically match the corresponding notification (based on the total price, items with quantities and the location of the contract) and store it in the statistics.UpdatingTo update your existing installation of Buybacks first enable your virtual environment.Then run the following commands from your AA project directory (the one that pythonmanage.pycollectstaticpythonmanage.pybuybacks_load_typesFinally restart your AA supervisor services.Tips & TricksIf you want to edit the brokerage of an item in a program, you can just add the item with the new brokerage and it will update the existing one.TODOUse refined value to calculate OREsSet refining percentage per itemStatistics filtering
Buybacks for Alliance AuthThis is a buyback program management app forAlliance Auth(AA).ContentsKey FeaturesInstallationInstall appUpdate Eve Online appConfigure AA settingsFinalize installation into AAData importSetup permissionsSetup corpDefine programsCalculatingUpdatingTips & TricksTODOOverviewThis app helps running buyback programs for an alliance or corporation.Key FeaturesIt offers the following main features:Manage corporation buyback programsCalculate value of the items that will be sent to the buyback programStore statistics on the usage of buyback programsInstallationInstall appInstall into your Alliance Auth virtual environment from PyPI:pipinstallaa-buybacks2Update Eve Online appUpdate the Eve Online app used for authentication in your AA installation to include the following scopes:esi-universe.read_structures.v1 esi-contracts.read_corporation_contracts.v1 esi-assets.read_corporation_assets.v1Configure AA settingsConfigure your AA settings ( as follows:Add'eveuniverse'and'buybacks'toINSTALLED_APPSAdd these lines to bottom of your settings file:# settings for buybacks2CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE["buybacks_update_all_offices"]={"task":"buybacks2.tasks.update_all_offices","schedule":crontab(minute=0,hour="*/12"),}CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE["buybacks_sync_all_contracts"]={"task":"buybacks2.tasks.sync_all_contracts","schedule":crontab(minute=0,hour="*"),}Finalize installation into AARun migrations & copy static filespythonmanage.pymigrate pythonmanage.pycollectstaticRestart your supervisor services for AAData importLoad EVE Online type data from ESI:pythonmanage.pybuybacks_load_typesSetup permissionsNow you can access Alliance Auth and setup permissions for your users. This is an overview of all permissions used by this app:Name | Purpose | Code -- | -- | -- Can access this app and view buyback programs |Enabling the app for a user. This permission should be enabled for everyone who is allowed to use the app (e.g. Member state) |basic_accessCan setup corporation | Add or updates the character for syncing offices and contracts. This should be limited to users with admins / leadership privileges. |setup_retrieverCan manage buyback programs | User with this permission can manage the buyback programs and notifications |manage_programsSetup corpFinally you need to set a corporation with the character that will be used for fetching the corporation offices, contracts and related structures. Just click onSetup Corpand add the requested token.Note that only users with the appropriate permission will be able to see and use this button.Note that the respective character needs to be adirectorfor the corporation.Define programsLet's say your corp has an ORE buyback program and you want to use this tool for that. First, you need to click on ** Create Program** and fill the name of the program.Note that only users with the appropriate permission will be able to see and use this button.Once it is created, you should be able to add all the locations (where your corp has an office) denoting the structures or stations to create the contracts for. You might only accept the ores in certain corp refineries and don't want people to send it other structures.You should also be able to add all the items and the percentage the corp skims on top of the price. For example, for your ORE buyback program, addPlagioclasewith brokerage set at 20%.That's it. The buybacks program is fully created and ready to be used.CalculatingAny character can use one of the buyback programs by clicking onUsebutton on one of the program. Once done, they need to select the location and can copy-paste the items they want to send to the corp. When they click onCalculate, the app calculates the exact amount based on the prices defined in the program and shows them that total value.Once they see the total value, they would need to send an in-game contract for the exact amount and then click on ** Notify** to notify the app about it.Once the corp accepts a contract, our contracts sync feature would automatically match the corresponding notification ( based on the total price, items with quantities and the location of the contract) and store it in the statistics.UpdatingTo update your existing installation of Buybacks first enable your virtual environment.Then run the following commands from your AA project directory (the one that pythonmanage.pycollectstaticpythonmanage.pybuybacks_load_typesFinally restart your AA supervisor services.Tips & TricksIf you want to edit the brokerage of an item in a program, you can just add the item with the new brokerage and it will update the existing one.TODOUse refined value to calculate OREsSet refining percentage per itemStatistics filtering
Note to ContributorsDue to certain uncontrollable circumstances surrounding the environment in which Architecture-as-Code is being developed and funded, we cannot accept any new outside contributions at this time. We will reject any pull requests from unknown sources. While this is unfortunate, we still accept feedback and ideas that will better the form and function of the AaC product in all of its forms. We apologize for this inconvenience.In the future, it is our intention to accept contributions from outside sources per our standards and code of conduct. We are committed to reaching the goal of an open source repository and hope that potential contributors will still follow our progress and join us in the future.Architecture-as-Code (AaC)AaC is a distinctly different take on Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) that allows a system modeller to define a system in simple yaml. This approach allows engineers to apply rigorous configuration management to their baselines (unlike other "boxes and lines" approaches). Our team has spent many years engineering, building, testing, and delivering complex systems. In that time we've seen an enormous amount of effort and money put into system modelling. Unfortunately, it is almost always the case that the system model is either never used by the teams building and delivering product, or it adds complexity to those team's workflow and becomes an impediment. The creators of AaC have spent many years working to adopt and tailor the principles of DevOps within our professional workplaces. We've seen the amazing efficiencies that can be achieved by knocking down the "wall of confusion" between developers and operations and optimizing around system thinking, flow, and continuous improvement through learning and experimentation. We believe the critical tipping point that allowed this to occur was the creation of Infrastructure-as-Code and the adoption of new practices like GitOps that embrace automated quality assurance, automated deployment, and continuous monitoring. Our objective is to knock down the "wall of confusion" that exists between systems engineering and development, optimizing the total system delivery value stream from concept/requirement through to operations with complete traceability and configuration management throughout. We believe we can discover new ways to define, deliver, and evolve complex systems using Architecture-as-Code.AaC is a self-defining solution. At the heart of the AaC application is a definition of AaC itself. This model checks itself for correctness. Core data types are purposefully simple and can be extended by a user.AaC is designed with extensibility in mind. The built-in functionality is intentionally minimized. AaC uses a plug-in system to extend the base capability. To further simplify this, AaC includes a built-in command to generate new plugins from an AaC model. There are a few internal examples of this in the plugins folder of the repository and more info below.Using AaC to Model Your SystemAaC is written in Python to help make it more approachable for casual users and easily extensible for power users.You will need Python 3.9 or later to run AaC.To install AaC on Linux or Windows:pipinstallaacTo use AaC you first define a model of your system in yaml. Refer to the documentation for more details. A simple model for an EchoService is provided here for reference. Cut and paste the below model into a file called EchoService.yaml.Note: This is using a little yaml trick to concatenate the content of two yaml files into a single file.schema:name:Messagefields:-name:bodytype:string-name:sendertype:string---model:name:EchoServicedescription:This is a message mirror.behavior:-name:echotype:REQUEST_RESPONSEdescription:This is the one thing it does.input:-name:inboundtype:Messageoutput:-name:outboundtype:Messageacceptance:-scenario:onReceivegiven:-The EchoService is running.when:-The user sends a message to EchoService.then:-The user receives the same message from EchoService.Now you can run AaC against your model.aaccheckEchoService.yamlAaC has some core "root types" for you to work with. You can see the root types ofschemaandmodelused in the example above. The AaC core root types are:schema: Allows you to model data structures used within your system as user-defined types.enum: Allows you to model enumerated values (types with only specific values allowed).model: Allows you to model the components of your system and their interfaces. These can be abstract or concrete.usecase: Allows you to model the behavior and interactions between your models.plugin: Allows you to easily extend the AaC DSL itself and create tailored aac commands to your needs.Although you can use the yaml trick above when modelling your system, it would be better to keep things more structured and organized. To help with this AaC allows you to define each item you model in a separate file and then import it as needed. To do this just put animportat the root of your model file.Here's an example of the EchoService broken into two files:Message.yamlschema:name:Messagefields:-name:bodytype:string-name:sendertype:stringEchoService.yamlimport:files:-./Message.yaml---model:name:EchoServicedescription:This is a message mirror.behavior:-name:echotype:REQUEST_RESPONSEdescription:This is the one thing it does.input:-name:inboundtype:Messageoutput:-name:outboundtype:Messageacceptance:-scenario:onReceivegiven:-The EchoService is running.when:-The user sends a message to EchoService.then:-The user receives the same message from EchoService.Ok, so that's interesting, but what can you do with the AaC model once you've built it? AaC is designed and built on years of experimentation, experience, and learning. But this version is a brand new implementation rewritten entirely in Python in an attempt to make AaC more user friendly to both the casual user and the power user. Right now AaC doesn't have a lot of additional features. But new plugins are being created to deliver more functionality. Over time there will be plugins available to use the AaC model to auto-generate content for reviews, documentation, and even system development and deployment.User DocumentationUsers who would like more detailed documentation on leveraging AaC can find it in our Github pagesUser Guide DocumentationDeveloper DocumentationContributors, developers, or just generally interested parties who would like to understand the more technical underpinnings of AaC are welcome to read the project and developer documentation found in our Github pagesDeveloper Guide DocumentationWe're also actively working on other functionality so keep an eye out for new updates.
关于Pubsubpubsub的最初目的是通过redis服务转发单目摄像头数据,供深度学习和ROS两方同时订阅实际使用过程中增加了转发FairMOT识别结果的用途,同时pubsub在主-从两台机器上进行部署在0.1.4版本中,增加了对主-从和多话题的支持,修改了配置文件的配置方式在0.1.5版本中,完善了,并发布到pypi在0.1.6版本中,增加了configs模块,可通过此模块直接获得配置信息1. 遗留问题1.1.redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Connection closed by server.使用try... except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError:的方法规避了此问题FYI - 在本项目下,使用`py37`没有出现此问题 - 在本项目下,使用`python`没有出现此问题 - 在`FairMOT`下出现此问题,初步怀疑是`timeout`问题该问题通过安装hiredis的方式进行了修复,修复版本0.1.5,暂未出现此问题2. 依赖本工具依赖redis服务请先安装redis-serverapt install redis-server为Python安装依赖pip3.7 install opencv-python numpy pyyaml hiredis redis pip2.7 install opencv-python numpy pyyaml hiredis redis补充说明setup.py文件本身指明了相关依赖,但是由于公司网络原因,可能会出现无法正常下载安装的情况,建议在安装之前手动完成依赖包的安装。3. 作为程序部署step1. 在~路径下新建路径robot\configs,注意:请勿使用其他路径step2. 将项目目录下的配置文件config\pubsub.yaml拷贝到~\robot\configs路径下,注意:请勿修改文件名称step3. 按实际情况修改~\robot\configs\pubsub.yaml文件# camera data pub & sub config mono: type: "pub" source: "0" host: "" port: "6379" db: 3 name: "robot_mono" topic: "robot_mono" # bbox from FairMOT pub & sub config track: type: "pub" source: "0" host: "" port: "6379" db: 3 name: "robot_track" topic: "robot_track"参数说明:mono: 指定为单目相机,该名称请勿修改 type: 发布消息,请勿修改 source: camera device id, 通过 ls /dev/video* 配合 v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --all查看 host: 消息发布ip,对应部署了pubsub程序的服务器的IP地址 port: 消息发布端口,对应部署了pubsub程序的服务器的Redis服务的端口 db: 不需改动 name: 消息发布服务的名称 topic: 消息发布话题的名称 track: 指定为跟踪算法,该名称请勿修改 type: 发布消息,请勿修改 source: 请勿修改 host: 消息发布ip,对应部署了tracking算法的服务器的IP地址 port: 消息发布端口,对应部署了tracking算法的服务器的Redis服务的端口 db: 不需改动 name: 消息发布服务的名称 topic: 消息发布话题的名称step5. 在~/.bashrc中声明configs地址执行下面的命令,将configs的路径加入到系统环境echo export ROBOT_CONFIGS=$(dirname ~/.)'/robot/configs' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc请务必注意将配置文件放在上述指定文件夹下setp6. 如果存在主-从部署,请在从机上重复上述过程请注意:模块和程序使用同样的配置文件!!!3.1. 开机自启动[未测试]在/etc/rc.local脚本中增加了开机自启动代码,代码如下export PUBLISHERPATH=$(dirname ~/.)'/robot/pubsub' source $(dirname $(which conda))/activate pubsub cd $PUBLISHERPATH python app.py第一段申明了MONOPUB的路径第二段进入到该路径第三段在后台启动脚本publish.sh并输出日志到pub.log第三段回到home可使用ps -ef | grep python查看4. 作为模块使用分别在python2.7和python3.7版本下进行测试。4.1. 安装pip install aa-pubsub4.2. 配置如果主-从部署在同一IP下,可以不必另外配置如果主-从部署在不同IP下,从机需要依照主机的配置方法自行配置请注意:模块和程序使用同样的配置文件!!!5. 性能目前Publisher端读取摄像头数据到Subscriber端得到数据拥有约100ms的延时,其中有20秒是docker造成的延时。6. 开发/贡献代码6.1. 测试用例测试用例的统一运行入口是test.py文件python test.py各测试用例请统一在testcases路径下实现,以test_{name}.py的形式命名py文件中,测试类以{name}Test的形式命名更多请参考unittest6.2. 提交pip安装提交需要的工具pip install twine更新version.py的版本号提交python sdist twine upload dist/*
No description available on PyPI.
Audio Captioning datasets for PyTorchAudio Captioning unofficial datasets source code forAudioCaps[1],Clotho[2],MACS[3], andWavCaps[4], designed for PyTorch.Installationpipinstallaac-datasetsIf you want to check if the package has been installed and the version, you can use this command:aac-datasets-infoExamplesCreate Clotho datasetfromaac_datasetsimportClothodataset=Clotho(root=".",download=True)item=dataset[0]audio,captions=item["audio"],item["captions"]# audio: Tensor of shape (n_channels=1, audio_max_size)# captions: list of strBuild PyTorch dataloader with".",download=True)dataloader=DataLoader(dataset,batch_size=4,collate_fn=BasicCollate())forbatchindataloader:# batch["audio"]: list of 4 tensors of shape (n_channels, audio_size)# batch["captions"]: list of 4 lists of str...Download datasetsTo download a dataset, you can usedownloadargument in dataset construction :dataset=Clotho(root=".",subset="dev",download=True)However, if you want to download datasets from a script, you can also use the following command :aac-datasets-download--root"."clotho--subsets"dev"Datasets informationHere is the statistics for each dataset :DatasetSamplingrate (kHz)Estimatedsize (GB)SourceSubsetsAudioCaps3243AudioSettrainvaltesttrain_v2Clotho44.153Freesounddevvalevaldcase_aac_testdcase_aac_analysisdcase_t2a_audiodcase_t2a_captionsMACS4813TAU Urban Acoustic Scenes 2019fullWavCaps32941AudioSetBBC Sound EffectsFreeSoundSoundBibleasas_noacbbcfsdfsd_noclsbFor Clotho, thedevsubset should be used for training, val for validation and eval for testing.Here is additional statistics on the train subset for AudioCaps, Clotho and MACS:AudioCaps/trainClotho/devMACS/fullWavCaps/fullNb audios49,8383,8403,930403,050Total audio duration (h)136.6124.010.97563.3Audio duration range (s)0.5-1015-30101-67,109Nb captions per audio152-51Nb captions49,83819,19517,275403,050Total nb words2402,482217,362160,0063,161,823Sentence size22-528-205-402-38Vocabulary2472443692721246001This duration is estimated on the total duration of 46230/49838 files of 126.7h.2The sentences are cleaned (lowercase+remove punctuation) and tokenized using the spacy tokenizer to count the words.RequirementsThis package has been developped for Ubuntu 20.04, and it is expected to work on most Linux-based distributions.Python packagesPython requirements are automatically installed when using pip on this repository.torch >= 1.10.1 torchaudio >= 0.10.1 py7zr >= 0.17.2 pyyaml >= 6.0 tqdm >= 4.64.0 huggingface-hub >= 0.15.1 numpy >= 1.21.2External requirements (AudioCaps only)The external requirements needed to downloadAudioCapsareffmpegandyt-dlp.ffmpegcan be install on Ubuntu usingsudo apt install ffmpegandyt-dlpfrom theofficial repo.You can also override their paths for AudioCaps:fromaac_datasetsimportAudioCapsdataset=AudioCaps(download=True,ffmpeg_path="/my/path/to/ffmpeg",ytdl_path="/my/path/to/ytdlp",)Additional informationCompatibility with audiocaps-downloadIf you want to useaudiocaps-download 1.0package to download AudioCaps, you will have to respect the AudioCaps folder tree:fromaudiocaps_downloadimportDownloaderroot="your/path/to/root"downloader=Downloader(root_path=f"{root}/AUDIOCAPS/audio_32000Hz/",n_jobs=16)"wav")Then disable audio download and set the correct audio format before init AudioCaps :fromaac_datasetsimportAudioCapsdataset=AudioCaps(root=root,subset="train",download=True,audio_format="wav",download_audio=False,# this will only download labels and metadata files)ReferencesAudioCaps[1] C. D. Kim, B. Kim, H. Lee, and G. Kim, “Audiocaps: Generating captions for audios in the wild,” in NAACL-HLT, 2019. Available:[2] K. Drossos, S. Lipping, and T. Virtanen, “Clotho: An Audio Captioning Dataset,” arXiv:1910.09387 [cs, eess], Oct. 2019, Available:[3] F. Font, A. Mesaros, D. P. W. Ellis, E. Fonseca, M. Fuentes, and B. Elizalde, Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Detection and Classication of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE 2021). Barcelona, Spain: Music Technology Group - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Nov. 2021. Available:[4] X. Mei et al., “WavCaps: A ChatGPT-Assisted Weakly-Labelled Audio Captioning Dataset for Audio-Language Multimodal Research,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17395, 2023, [Online]. Available: the aac-datasets packageIf you use this software, please consider cite it as "Labbe, E. (2013). aac-datasets: Audio Captioning datasets for PyTorch.", or use the following BibTeX citation:@software{ Labbe_aac_datasets_2024, author = {Labbé, Etienne}, license = {MIT}, month = {01}, title = {{aac-datasets}}, url = {}, version = {0.5.0}, year = {2024} }ContactMaintainer:Etienne Labbé "Labbeti":[email protected]
aac-distributions packageThis package provides the Gaussian and Binomial distribution classes.Gaussian - Gaussian distribution class for calculating and visualizing a Gaussian distribution.Attributes: mean (float) - representing the mean value of the distribution. stdev (float) - representing the standard deviation of the distribution. data_list (list of floats) - a list of floats extracted from the data file. Methods: calculate_mean() - Function to calculate the mean of the data set. calculate_stdev() - Function to calculate the standard deviation of the data set. plot_histogram() - Function to output a histogram of the instance variable data using matplotlib pyplot library. read_data_file(filename) - Function to read in data from a txt file. The txt file should have one number (float) per line. The numbers are stored in the data attribute. pdf(x) - Probability density function calculator for the Gaussian distribution. Args: x (float): point for calculating the probability density function Returns: float: probability density function output plot_histogram_pdf(n_spaces) - Function to plot the normalized histogram of the data and a plot of the probability density function along the same range Args: n_spaces (int): number of data points Returns: list: x values for the pdf plot list: y values for the pdf plot __add__(other) - Function to add together two Gaussian distributions Args: other (Gaussian): Gaussian instance Returns: Gaussian: Gaussian distribution __repr__() - Function to output the characteristics of the Gaussian instanceBinomial - Binomial distribution class for calculating and visualizing a Binomial distribution.Attributes: mean (float) representing the mean value of the distribution. stdev (float) representing the standard deviation of the distribution. data_list (list of floats) a list of floats to be extracted from the data file. p (float) representing the probability of an event occurring. n (int) number of trials. Methods: calculate_mean() - Function to calculate the mean of the Binomial distribution from p and n. calculate_stdev() - Function to calculate the standard deviation of the Binomial distribution from p and n. read_data_file(filename) - Function to read in data from a txt file. The txt file should have one number (float) per line. The numbers are stored in the data attribute. replace_stats_with_data() - Function to calculate p and n from the data set Args: None Returns: float: the p value float: the n value plot_bar() - Function to output a bar chart of the instance variable data using matplotlib pyplot library. pdf(k) - Probability density function calculator for the binomial distribution. Args: x (float): point for calculating the probability density function Returns: float: probability density function output plot_bar_pdf() - Function that creates the bar chart that plots the pdf of the binomial distribution Args: None Returns: list: x values for the pdf plot list: y values for the pdf plot __add__(other) - Function to add together two Binomial distributions with equal p Args: other (Binomial): Binomial instance Returns: Binomial: Binomial distribution __repr__() - Function to output the characteristics of the Binomial instance.Distribution - Generic distribution class for calculating and visualizing a probability distribution, from which Gaussian and Binary distributions inheritAttributes: mean (float) representing the mean value of the distribution. stdev (float) representing the standard deviation of the distribution. data_list (list of floats) a list of floats to be extracted from the data file. Methods: read_data_file(filename) - Function to read in data from a txt file. The txt file should have one number (float) per line. The numbers are stored in the data -> contains the Distribution class, its attributes and methods being inherited by Gaussian and Binomial -> contains the Gaussian class, its attributes and methods as described in aac-distributions package -> contains the Binomial class, its attributes and methods as described in aac-distributions package summary.InstallationNote:, notice that there's is a dot in front of the .py files when importing the Gaussian and Binomial classes.This dot is required in Python 3.X, but if you are working in Python 2.X, you shouldn't need it.The classes in this package make use of built-in Python libraries like: Math - provides access to mathematical functions matplotlib - provides data visualization and graphical plotting functionalityTo install the package, type pip install aac-distributions
This is a Python wrapper for theAACGM-v2 C library, which allows converting between geographic and magnetic coordinates. The currently included version of the C library is 2.6. The wrapper is provided “as is” in the hopes that it will be useful to the space science community, and will not automatically be updated when new versions of the C library is released. MLT calculations are included in the wrapper (not part of the C library, please see the documentation for implementation details). The package is free software (MIT license).This fork ofaacgmv2(github link) provides the interface compatible withaacgmv2 < 2.4.Quick startInstall (requires NumPy):pip install aacgm2Convert between AACGM and geographic coordinates:>>> from aacgm2 import convert >>> from datetime import date >>> # geo to AACGM, single numbers >>> mlat, mlon, malt = convert(60, 15, 300, date(2013, 11, 3)) >>> "{0:.8f}".format(float(mlat)) '57.47357891' >>> "{0:.8f}".format(float(mlon)) '93.61113360' >>> "{0:.8f}".format(float(malt)) '1.04566346' >>> # AACGM to geo, mix arrays/numbers >>> glat, glon, galt = convert([90, -90], 0, 0, date(2013, 11, 3), a2g=True) >>> ["{0:.8f}".format(float(gl)) for gl in glat] ['82.96859922', '-74.33899667'] >>> ["{0:.8f}".format(float(gl)) for gl in glon] ['-84.65010944', '125.84759847'] >>> ["{0:.8f}".format(float(ga)) for ga in galt] ['14.12457922', '12.87721946']Convert between AACGM and MLT:>>> from aacgm2 import convert_mlt >>> from datetime import datetime >>> mlon = convert_mlt([0, 12], datetime(2013, 11, 3, 18, 0), m2a=True) >>> ["{0:.8f}".format(float(ml)) for ml in mlon] ['159.08043649', '339.08043649']If you don’t know or use Python, you can also use the command line. See details in the full documentation.Documentation (2020-08-16)Same as 2.6.0-rc22.6.0-rc2 (2020-08-14)Binary wheels for MacOSX2.6.0-rc1 (2020-08-12)Updated AACGM-v2 coefficients derived using the IGRF13 modelUpdated IGRF and GUFM1 coefficients using the IGRF13 modelAdded additional checks to the C code for reading the IGRF13 coefficient fileUpdated CI setup on travis and appveyorDeployment of linux and osx wheels to the package indexChanged version support to 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8Updated test values to match new coefficients2.5.0 (unreleased)Updated C code and coefficients to version (2018-05-27)Update to AACGM-v2.4, which includes changes to the inverse MLT and dipole tilt functions and some minor bug fixesUpdated dependenciesRemoved support for python (2016-11-03)Change method of calculating MLT, see documentation of convert_mlt for details1.0.13 (2015-10-30)Correctly convert output of subsol() to geodetic coordinates (the error in MLT/mlon conversion was not large, typically two decimal places and below)1.0.12 (2015-10-26)Return nan in forbidden region instead of throwing exception1.0.11 (2015-10-26)Fix bug in subsolar/MLT conversion1.0.10 (2015-10-08)No code changes, debugged automatic build/upload process and needed new version numbers along the way1.0.0 (2015-10-07)Initial release
This is a Python wrapper for theAACGM-v2 C library, which allows converting between geographic and magnetic coordinates. The currently included version of the C library is 2.6. The package is free software (MIT license). When referencing this package, please cite both the package DOI and the AACGM-v2 journal article:Shepherd, S. G. (2014), Altitude‐adjusted corrected geomagnetic coordinates: Definition and functional approximations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119, 7501–7521, doi:10.1002/2014JA020264.Quick startInstall (requires NumPy):pip install aacgmv2Convert between AACGM and geographic coordinates:>>> import aacgmv2 >>> import datetime as dt >>> import numpy as np >>> np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float_kind': lambda x:'{:.4f}'.format(x)}) >>> # geo to AACGM, single numbers >>> dtime = dt.datetime(2013, 11, 3) >>> np.array(aacgmv2.get_aacgm_coord(60, 15, 300, dtime)) array([57.4736, 93.6111, 1.4816]) >>> # AACGM to geo, mix arrays/numbers >>> np.array2string(np.array(aacgmv2.convert_latlon_arr([90, -90], 0, 0, dtime, method_code="A2G"))).replace('\n', '') '[[82.9686 -74.3390] [-84.6501 125.8476] [14.1246 12.8772]]'Convert between AACGM and MLT:>>> import aacgmv2 >>> import datetime as dt >>> import numpy as np >>> np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float_kind': lambda x:'{:.4f}'.format(x)}) >>> # MLT to AACGM >>> dtime = dt.datetime(2013, 11, 3, 0, 0, 0) >>> np.array(aacgmv2.convert_mlt([1.4822189, 12], dtime, m2a=True)) array([93.6203, -108.6130])If you don’t know or use Python, you can also use the command line. See details in the full documentation.Documentation
AllianceAuth CharLinkA simple app for AllianceAuth that allows users to link each character to all the AllianceAuth apps with only 1 login action.OverviewBasic usageSelect which app you want to link your character toLogin on CPP siteCharacter linked to the selected appsAuditingUsers with the appropriate permission (seepermissions) can audit the linked characters of the users of their corporation, alliance or auth state. A link will appear on top of the main page of the app and will redirect to a page with a table of all the linked characters of the users of the selected corporation.A user can be audited by clicking on the link on theMain Charactercolumn.NEW: Users can now audit the apps they have access to. Select the app you want to audit from the dropdown menu in the audit page.InstallationInstall the app withpipinstallaa-charlinkAdd'charlink',to yourINSTALLED_APPSinlocal.pyRun migrationsCurrent appsI've opened anissueto track the current apps that are implemented in CharLink and the WIPs. If you want another app to be supported, please comment on the issue or reach me on theAllianceAuth discord server.SettingsNameDescriptionDefaultCHARLINK_IGNORE_APPSList of apps to ignore. Use the name of the app as it is called inINSTALLED_APPS[]PermissionsNameDescriptioncharlink.view_corpCan view linked character of members of their corporation.charlink.view_allianceCan view linked character of members of their alliance.charlink.view_stateCan view linked character of members of their auth state.Login page urlIf you want to setup a template override to link the "Add character" button to the login page of this package, set theaelement to:<ahref="{% url 'charlink:index' %}"class="btn btn-block btn-info"title="Add Character">{% translate 'Add Character' %}</a>Known issuesFor AFAT is not possible to check if the added character has a token which is still valid, it only checks if the character has ever added a token with the required scopes.
Client for EPICS Archive ApplianceUtilities for interacting with an EPICSArchiver Applianceserver.With the exception ofaaget --how plot ...PV name strings are passed through verbatim, and may include AA binning operators. See theProcessing of datasection for a list.For fidelity, data is retrieved in the binary protobuf encoding native to AA.Intended to supplant from the python ecosystem (eg. pip)python >= 3.7aiohttp >= 3.7.0 (and perhaps earlier)numpy >= 1.7Cython >= 0.20setuptools >= 40.9.0h5py (optional)Dependencies from outside the python ecosystem (eg. rpm, deb, etc.)Working C++11 toolchainprotobuf compilerprotobuf-lite library and headers for >= 3.0apt-getinstallprotobuf-compilerlibprotobuf-dev yuminstallprotobuf-compilerlibprotobuf-devel dnfinstallprotobuf-compilerlibprotobuf-devel brewinstallprotobuf(Getting protobuf on windows is difficult... Seefor an exampleusingvcpkg.)Build and install with pipvirtualenvaa .aa/bin/activate pipinstall-Upip pipinstallCython ./setup.pysdist pipinstalldist/aaclient-*.tar.gz aaget-hAlternately, for in-place usage (eg. evaluation or troubleshooting)../setup.pybuild_ext-i python-maaclient.cmd.get-hIn either case a configuration file isrequired.cpaaclient.conf.exampleaaclient.conf# edit aaclient.conf and fill in at least "host="Command Line InterfaceThis package provides several CLI tools for interacting with an Archiver Appliance server.See theexample configuration file.aagrepSearching for PVsRunningaagrepwithout arguments will attempt to print a full list of PV names being archived. Otherwise query patterns (wildcard or regexp) will be applied. If multiple patterns are provided, the output will be all PV names which matched any pattern.$ aagrep RH CO2:RH-IaagetPrinting dataQuery data from a set of PV names for a certain time range and print the results.$ aaget --start='-1 h' --end=now CO2:RH-I 01-30 07:50:11.958813 CO2:RH-I 45.10040283203125 01-30 08:13:04.816086 CO2:RH-I 44.56939697265625 01-30 08:40:41.527406 CO2:RH-I 44.06585693359375aah5Extract to HDF5 fileQueries likeaaget, with results written to a HDF5 file instead of being printed to screen.$ aah5 --start='-1 h' --end=now out.h5 CO2:RH-I INFO:__main__:'CO2:RH-I' : (3, 1) $ h5ls -r out.h5 / Group /CO2:RH-I Group /CO2:RH-I/meta Dataset {3/Inf} /CO2:RH-I/value Dataset {3/Inf, 1/Inf}Alternate entry points.aaget->python -m aaclient.cmd.getaagrep->python -m aaclient.cmd.grepaah5->python -m aaclient.cmd.h5APIThe API behind the CLI executables is (primarily) asyncio based.importasynciofromaaclientimportgetArchiveasyncdefdemo():A=awaitgetArchive()V,M=awaitA.raw('CO2:CO2-I',T0='-12 h')print(V.shape,M.shape) entry point for API usage isaaclient.getArchive(), which returns an object inheriting fromaaclient.IArchive.StreamingTheaaclient.IArchive.raw_iter()method allows for incremental retrieval of arbitrarily large data for long time range. Async. iteration will yield samples in batches.Blocking APIA blocking (threaded) API is also provided as a convenience for interactive usage.frommatplotlib.pyplotimport*fromaaclient.threadingimportgetArchiveA=getArchive()# Request ~1000 points of "caplotbinning" data# suitable for quick/efficient visualization of a# long time rangeV,M=A.plot('CO2:CO2-I',T0='-7 d',count=1000)figure()plot_date(M.time_mpl,V[:,0],'-')grid(True)# Request complete (raw) data for a (shorter)# time rangefigure()V,M=A.raw('CO2:CO2-I',T0='-12 h')plot_date(M.time_mpl,V[:,0],'-')grid(True)show()
Audio Captioning metrics (aac-metrics)Metrics for evaluating Automated Audio Captioning systems, designed for PyTorch.Why using this package?Easy to install and downloadProduces same results thancaption-evaluation-toolsandfenserepositoriesProvides 12 different metrics:BLEU[1]ROUGE-L[2]METEOR[3]CIDEr-D[4]SPICE[5]SPIDEr[6]BERTScore[7]SPIDEr-max[8]SBERT-sim[9]FER[9]FENSE[9]SPIDEr-FL[10]Vocab (unique word vocabulary)InstallationInstall the pip package:pipinstallaac-metricsIf you want to check if the package has been installed and the version, you can use this command:aac-metrics-infoDownload the external code and models needed for METEOR, SPICE, SPIDEr, SPIDEr-max, PTBTokenizer, SBERTSim, FluencyError, FENSE and SPIDEr-FL:aac-metrics-downloadNotes:The external code for SPICE, METEOR and PTBTokenizer is stored in~/.cache/aac-metrics.The weights of the FENSE fluency error detector and the the SBERT model are respectively stored by default in~/.cache/torch/hub/fense_dataand~/.cache/torch/sentence_transformers.UsageEvaluate default metricsThe full evaluation pipeline to compute AAC metrics can be done withaac_metrics.evaluatefunction.fromaac_metricsimportevaluatecandidates:list[str]=["a man is speaking","rain falls"]mult_references:list[list[str]]=[["a man speaks.","someone speaks.","a man is speaking while a bird is chirping in the background"],["rain is falling hard on a surface"]]corpus_scores,_=evaluate(candidates,mult_references)print(corpus_scores)# dict containing the score of each metric: "bleu_1", "bleu_2", "bleu_3", "bleu_4", "rouge_l", "meteor", "cider_d", "spice", "spider"# {"bleu_1": tensor(0.4278), "bleu_2": ..., ...}Evaluate DCASE2023 metricsTo compute metrics for the DCASE2023 challenge, just set the argumentmetrics="dcase2023"inevaluatefunction call.corpus_scores,_=evaluate(candidates,mult_references,metrics="dcase2023")print(corpus_scores)# dict containing the score of each metric: "meteor", "cider_d", "spice", "spider", "spider_fl", "fluerr"Evaluate a specific metricEvaluate a specific metric can be done using theaac_metrics.functional.<metric_name>.<metric_name>function or theaac_metrics.classes.<metric_name>.<metric_name>class. Unlikeevaluate, the tokenization with PTBTokenizer is not done with these functions, but you can do it manually withpreprocess_mono_sentsandpreprocess_mult_sentsfunctions.fromaac_metrics.functionalimportcider_dfromaac_metrics.utils.tokenizationimportpreprocess_mono_sents,preprocess_mult_sentscandidates:list[str]=["a man is speaking","rain falls"]mult_references:list[list[str]]=[["a man speaks.","someone speaks.","a man is speaking while a bird is chirping in the background"],["rain is falling hard on a surface"]]candidates=preprocess_mono_sents(candidates)mult_references=preprocess_mult_sents(mult_references)corpus_scores,sents_scores=cider_d(candidates,mult_references)print(corpus_scores)# {"cider_d": tensor(0.9614)}print(sents_scores)# {"cider_d": tensor([1.3641, 0.5587])}Each metrics also exists as a python class version, likeaac_metrics.classes.cider_d.CIDErD.MetricsLegacy metricsMetric namePython ClassOriginRangeShort descriptionBLEU[1]BLEUmachine translation[0, 1]Precision of n-gramsROUGE-L[2]ROUGELtext summarization[0, 1]FScore of the longest common subsequenceMETEOR[3]METEORmachine translation[0, 1]Cosine-similarity of frequencies with synonyms matchingCIDEr-D[4]CIDErDimage captioning[0, 10]Cosine-similarity of TF-IDF computed on n-gramsSPICE[5]SPICEimage captioning[0, 1]FScore of a semantic graphSPIDEr[6]SPIDErimage captioning[0, 5.5]Mean of CIDEr-D and SPICEBERTScore[7]BERTScoreMRefstext generation[0, 1]Fscore of BERT embeddings. In contrast to torchmetrics, it supports multiple references per file.AAC-specific metricsMetric namePython ClassOriginRangeShort descriptionSPIDEr-max[8]SPIDErMaxaudio captioning[0, 5.5]Max of SPIDEr scores for multiples candidatesSBERT-sim[9]SBERTSimaudio captioning[-1, 1]Cosine-similarity ofSentence-BERT embeddingsFluency Error Rate[9]FERaudio captioning[0, 1]Detect fluency errors in sentences with a pretrained modelFENSE[9]FENSEaudio captioning[-1, 1]Combines SBERT-sim and Fluency Error rateSPIDEr-FL[10]SPIDErFLaudio captioning[0, 5.5]Combines SPIDEr and Fluency Error rateOther metricsMetric namePython ClassOriginRangeShort descriptionVocabularyVocabtext generation[0, +∞[Number of unique words in candidates.Future directionsThis package currently does not include all metrics dedicated to audio captioning. Feel free to do a pull request / or ask to me by email if you want to include them. Those metrics not included are listed here:CB-Score[11]SPICE+[12]ACES[13](can be found here:[14]s2v[15]RequirementsThis package has been developped for Ubuntu 20.04, and it is expected to work on most Linux distributions. Windows is not officially supported.Python packagesThe pip requirements are automatically installed when usingpip installon this repository.torch >= 1.10.1 numpy >= 1.21.2 pyyaml >= 6.0 tqdm >= 4.64.0 sentence-transformers >= 2.2.2 transformers torchmetrics >= 0.11.4External requirementsjava>= 1.8 and <= 1.13is required to compute METEOR, SPICE and use the PTBTokenizer. Most of these functions can specify a java executable path withjava_pathargument or by overridingAAC_METRICS_JAVA_PATHenvironment variable.Additional notesCIDEr or CIDEr-D?The CIDEr metric differs from CIDEr-D because it applies a stemmer to each word before computing the n-grams of the sentences. In AAC, only the CIDEr-D is reported and used for SPIDEr incaption-evaluation-tools, but some papers called it "CIDEr".Do metrics work on multi-GPU?No. Most of these metrics use numpy or external java programs to run, which prevents multi-GPU testing in parallel.Do metrics work on Windows/Mac OS?Maybe. Most of the metrics only need python to run, which can be done on Windows. However, you might expect errors with METEOR metric, SPICE-based metrics and PTB tokenizer, since they requires an external java program to run.About SPIDEr-max metricSPIDEr-max[7]is a metric based on SPIDEr that takes into account multiple candidates for the same audio. It computes the maximum of the SPIDEr scores for each candidate to balance the high sensitivity to the frequency of the words generated by the model. For more detail, please see thedocumentation about SPIDEr-max.ReferencesBLEU[1] K. Papineni, S. Roukos, T. Ward, and W.-J. Zhu, “BLEU: a method for automatic evaluation of machine translation,” in Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics - ACL ’02. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2001, p. 311. [Online]. Available:[2] C.-Y. Lin, “ROUGE: A package for automatic evaluation of summaries,” in Text Summarization Branches Out. Barcelona, Spain: Association for Computational Linguistics, Jul. 2004, pp. 74–81. [Online]. Available:[3] M. Denkowski and A. Lavie, “Meteor Universal: Language Specific Translation Evaluation for Any Target Language,” in Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014, pp. 376–380. [Online]. Available:[4] R. Vedantam, C. L. Zitnick, and D. Parikh, “CIDEr: Consensus-based Image Description Evaluation,” arXiv:1411.5726 [cs], Jun. 2015, [Online]. Available:[5] P. Anderson, B. Fernando, M. Johnson, and S. Gould, “SPICE: Semantic Propositional Image Caption Evaluation,” arXiv:1607.08822 [cs], Jul. 2016, [Online]. Available:[6] S. Liu, Z. Zhu, N. Ye, S. Guadarrama, and K. Murphy, “Improved Image Captioning via Policy Gradient optimization of SPIDEr,” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 873–881, Oct. 2017, arXiv: 1612.00370. [Online]. Available:[7] T. Zhang*, V. Kishore*, F. Wu*, K. Q. Weinberger, and Y. Artzi, “BERTScore: Evaluating Text Generation with BERT,” 2020. [Online]. Available:[8] E. Labbé, T. Pellegrini, and J. Pinquier, “Is my automatic audio captioning system so bad? spider-max: a metric to consider several caption candidates,” Nov. 2022. [Online]. Available:[9] Z. Zhou, Z. Zhang, X. Xu, Z. Xie, M. Wu, and K. Q. Zhu, Can Audio Captions Be Evaluated with Image Caption Metrics? arXiv, 2022. [Online]. Available:[10] DCASE website task6a description:[11] I. Martín-Morató, M. Harju, and A. Mesaros, “A Summarization Approach to Evaluating Audio Captioning,” Nov. 2022. [Online]. Available:[12] F. Gontier, R. Serizel, and C. Cerisara, “SPICE+: Evaluation of Automatic Audio Captioning Systems with Pre-Trained Language Models,” in ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023, pp. 1–5. doi: 10.1109/ICASSP49357.2023.10097021.ACES[13] G. Wijngaard, E. Formisano, B. L. Giordano, M. Dumontier, “ACES: Evaluating Automated Audio Captioning Models on the Semantics of Sounds”, in EUSIPCO 2023, 2023.SBF[14] R. Mahfuz, Y. Guo, A. K. Sridhar, and E. Visser, Detecting False Alarms and Misses in Audio Captions. 2023. [Online]. Available:[15] S. Bhosale, R. Chakraborty, and S. K. Kopparapu, “A Novel Metric For Evaluating Audio Caption Similarity,” in ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023, pp. 1–5. doi: 10.1109/ICASSP49357.2023.10096526.CitationIf you useSPIDEr-max, you can cite the following paper using BibTex :@inproceedings{Labbe2022, title = {Is my Automatic Audio Captioning System so Bad? SPIDEr-max: A Metric to Consider Several Caption Candidates}, author = {Labb\'{e}, Etienne and Pellegrini, Thomas and Pinquier, Julien}, year = 2022, month = {November}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2022 Workshop (DCASE2022)}, address = {Nancy, France}, url = {} }If you use this software, please consider cite it as "Labbe, E. (2013). aac-metrics: Metrics for evaluating Automated Audio Captioning systems for PyTorch.", or use the following BibTeX citation:@software{ Labbe_aac_metrics_2024, author = {Labbé, Etienne}, license = {MIT}, month = {01}, title = {{aac-metrics}}, url = {}, version = {0.5.3}, year = {2024}, }ContactMaintainer:Étienne Labbé "Labbeti":[email protected]
Portal GunThe awesome Portal Gun
Various helpers and classes.Installationpip install aacommons
AACommPy Package DocumentationAACommPy is a Python package that provides functionalities for working with the AAComm nuget package. AAComm is a nuget package used for communication with FPGA devices. AACommPy provides a Python wrapper for the AAComm nuget package, allowing you to use the nuget package's functionalities in your Python scripts.1.Installation To install AACommPy, follow these steps: Download the Python package for AACommPy by executing the following command:pip install aacommpyOnce the package is installed, you can access its functionalities from your Python scripts.Usage To use AACommPy, you can import the necessary modules and call the available functions. Here's an example of how to use the package: ---------python------------ import clr import os path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), 'AAComm.dll') clr.AddReference(path) from AAComm import Services from AAComm import CommAPI from AAComm import Shared api = CommAPI() status = CommAPI.StartAACommServer() if status != "": print(status) else:Access the static variable IsAACommServerRunningis_running = CommAPI.IsAACommServerRunning print(f"AACommServer is running: {is_running}") cData = Services.ConnectionData() cData.ControllerType = Shared.ProductTypes.AGM800_ID cData.CommChannelType = Shared.ChannelType.Ethernet cData.ET_IP_1 = 172 cData.ET_IP_2 = 1 cData.ET_IP_3 = 1 cData.ET_IP_4 = 101 cData.ET_Port = 5000 res = api.Connect(cData) print(res)3.Available Commands AACommPy provides several commands that can be executed through the command line using the installed package. These commands include:3.1.install: Downloads and installs the AAComm package. You can specify a version using the --version option. the version number is the same with the AAComm nuget package version you want to use with you python script. 3.2.version: Retrieves the installed version of AAComm. 3.3.update: Updates the installed AAComm package to the latest version. 3.4.dotnetfw: Sets the .NET framework version of AAComm library. You can choose from the available options: net40, net46, net48, netcoreapp3.1, net5.0. The default version is net40.Example Usage Here's an example of how to use the AACommPy package:Install the package:pip install aacommpy #Run the command to download and install the AAComm package:aacommpy install #Check the installed version of AAComm:aacommpy version #Update the AAComm package to the latest version:aacommpy update #Set the .NET framework version to be used by AAComm to net5.0:aacommpy dotnetfw --netfw net5.0 #Please note that the usage examples provided assume that you have the necessary permissions to install packages and run the commands.
CorpStats 2.0Electric Boogaloo!Extended Corpstats module forAllianceAuthwith some extra features around corp member tracking, and auth utilization.Includes:Corp level viewsCorp Overview viewsMember Service activation statsMember TrackingLast Login and DurationLast known shipUpcoming:Member Location TrackingLast known location of membersBased on the hard work of:Ariel RinAdarnofActive Devs:AaronKableInstallationInstall the Repopip install aa-corpstats-twoAdd'corpstats',to yourINSTALLED_APPSin your projectslocal.pyrun migrations and restart authsetup your perms as documented belowPermissionsIf you are coming fromn the inbuilt module simply replace your perms fromcorputilswith the matchingcorpstatspermPermAdmin SiteAuth Sitecorpstats view_corp_corpstatsNoneCan view corp stats of their corporation.corpstats view_alliance_corpstatsNoneCan view corp stats of members of their alliance.corpstats view_state_corpstatsNoneCan view corp stats of members of their auth state.corpstats view_all_corpstatsNoneCan view all corp stats.corpstats add_corpstatCan create modelCan add new corpstats using an SSO token.corpstats change_corpstatCan edit modelNone.corpstats remove_corpstatCan delete modelNone.UsageIs very well documentedhereContributingMake sure you have signed theLicense Agreementby logging in athttps://developers.eveonline.combefore submitting any pull requests. All bug fixes or features must not include extra superfluous formatting changes.Changes1.1.0Added service activation informationModified alliance view to show all corpstats visible to a userupdated to django-esi >= 2.0.0FA 5 update1.0.4perms fixes
aacRepair - PyPi, GitHub (short) documentationrepair aac and aacPlus files grabbed from the internetInfoAAC files consist of multiple segments, frames. Each frame has a header and a payload. Browser gets stuck if AAC file frame is defective and will not start to play or refuse to play next AAC file. This will stop the entire playlist. File gets trimmed from head to tail, to remove defective frames. Cut off byte count is shown in the summary.Command Line$ aacrepair Menu "Main" 1 -- Single File aac or aacPlus 2 -- Bulk Repair, Folder 3 -- Exit Enter your choice: 1Python or sys.path fail; use$ python -m aacrepair.cmdaacrepair Modulebulk repairfrom aacrepair import AacRepair # 'r' before a string tells the Python interpreter to treat backslashes as a literal (raw) character aacRepair = AacRepair(r"F:\propaganda-podcasts") # setter overrides default export path 'F:\propaganda-podcasts\aac_repair' aacRepair.set_export_path(r"F:\repaired_foobar") AacRepair class with two possible arguments, mandatory folder path and optional dictionary.No dictionary provided. Folder path is used as list to import files into a dictionary AND store repaired files.A dictionary of files is provided. Folder path is used to store repaired files. (best use on web server)Web ServerEndpoint converts multi-file upload from file storage type to bytestream, uses .read() methodList of files is written to dictionary {file_name_key: file_byte_content_value}web server gets not the file path, only file name - needs path to store repaired filesdictionary {file(n).aac: b'\x65\x66\x67\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00'}files = request.files.getlist('fileUploadAcpRepair') f_dict = {f: open(f, "rb").read() for f in files if f[-5:] == ".aacp" or f[-4:] == ".aac"} aacRepair = AacRepair("/home/Kitty/aac_files", f_dict) SystemList of files in folder is written to dictionary {file_name_key: file_byte_content_value}aacRepair = AacRepair("/home/Kitty/meow_aac") aacRepair.set_export_path("/home/Kitty/foo") objectheadandtailare used to cut chunks left or right onlyaacRepair = AacRepair() # converts file path to file content, if object is not of type bytes rep_object = aacRepair.repair_object(aac_path_or_object, head=None, tail=None)header_aac ModuleUse as input for further aac stream processing or repair.from aacrepair import header_aacheader_aac module example to show all frames with header.header_aac.pull_frame('/home/foo/bar.aac')header_aac dictionary outputheader_aac dictionary output ofheader_info(aac_object, frame_bytes=None, print_out=True)SYNC_WORD_BOOL: True MPEG4_BOOL: True Layer_BOOL: True CRC_16_IS_SET_BOOL: False PROFILE_INT: 1 PROFILE_STR: AAC Main SAMPLING_FREQUENCY_INT: 3 SAMPLING_FREQUENCY_STR: 48000 Hz PRIVATE_BIT_BOOL: False CHANNEL_CONFIG_INT: 2 CHANNEL_CONFIG_STR: 2 channels: front-left, front-right ORIGINALITY_BOOL: False HOME_BOOL: False COPYRIGHT_ID_INT: 0 COPYRIGHT_START_INT: 0 FRAME_LENGTH_INT: 530 BIT_RESERVOIR_INT: 2047 FRAME_NUMBER_INT: 0 CRC_16: {} IS_LAST_FRAME_BOOL: False ERROR_STR: FRAME_BYTES: b''Bytes======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== AAAAAAAA AAAABCCD EEFFFFGH HHIJKLMM MMMMMMMM MMMOOOOO OOOOOOPP QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQ ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ========Bit Groups===== ========= ====== ==================================================================================== Group Number Count Description ===== ========= ====== ==================================================================================== A 0-12 12 Syncword, all bits 1 B 13 1 MPEG Version set 0 is MPEG-4, set 1 MPEG-2 C 14-15 2 Layer set to 0 D 16 1 [[[ ``Warning`` ]]], set to 1 if there is no CRC and 0 if there is CRC E 17-18 2 Profile, the MPEG-4 Audio Object Type F 19-22 4 MPEG-4 Sampling Frequency G 23 1 Private bit set to 0, H 24-26 3 MPEG-4 Channel Configuration I 27 1 Originality, set 1 originality of audio, else 0 J 28 1 Home, set to 1 to signal home usage of the audio, else 0 K 29 1 Copyright ID bit L 30 1 Copyright ID start M 31-43 13 Frame length of ADTS frame including headers and CRC check - 1 O 44-54 11 Buffer fullness, states the bit-reservoir per frame P 55-56 2 Number of AAC ADTS frame minus 1 Q 57-72 16 CRC check ===== ========= ====== ====================================================================================pip install""" Linux """ $ pip3 install aacrepair """ Windows """ > pip install aacrepairUninstallPython user:find the module locationuninstall and then remove remnants$ pip3 show aacrepair$ pip3 uninstall aacrepairLocation: ... /python310/site-packagesWhat's next - contributions welcometry multithread a testmultiprocessing plus multithreading repair, if file count is x (works only on linux)android 'Threading in Worker', make it run
AACR Project GENIEIntroductionThis repository documents code used to gather, QC, standardize, and analyze data uploaded by institutes participating in AACR's Project GENIE (Genomics, Evidence, Neoplasia, Information, Exchange).DependenciesThis package contains both R, Python and cli tools. These are tools or packages you will need, to be able to reproduce these results:Python >=3.8 or <3.10pip install -r requirements.txtbedtoolsR 4.2.2renv::install()Follow instructionshereto install synapserJava > 8For mac users, it seems to work better to runbrew install javawgetFor mac users, have to runbrew install wgetFile ValidatorOne of the features of theaacrgeniepackage is that is provides a local validation tool that GENIE data contributors and install and use to validate their files locally prior to uploading to Synapse.pip install aacrgenie genie -vThis will install all the necessary components for you to run the validator locally on all of your files, including the Synapse client. Please view the help to see how to run to validator.genie validate -h genie validate data_clinical_supp_SAGE.txt SAGEContributingPlease viewcontributing guideto learn how to contribute to the GENIE package.Sage Bionetworks OnlyDeveloping locallyThese are instructions on how you would develop and test the pipeline locally.Make sure you have read through theGENIE Onboarding Docsand have access to all of the required repositories, resources and synapse projects for Main GENIE.Be sure you are invited to the Synapse GENIE Admin team.Make sure you are a Synapse certified user:Certified User - Synapse User Account TypesClone this repo and install the package locally.pip install -e . pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r requirements-dev.txtIf you are having trouble with the above, try installing viapipenvSpecify a python version that is supported by this repo:pipenv --python <python_version>pipenv install from requirements fileActivate yourpipenv:pipenv shellConfigure the Synapse client to authenticate to Synapse.Create a SynapsePersonal Access token (PAT).Add a~/.synapseConfigfile[authentication] authtoken = <PAT here>OR set an environmental variableexport SYNAPSE_AUTH_TOKEN=<PAT here>Confirm you can log in your terminal.synapseloginRun the different pipelines on the test project. The--project_id syn7208886points to the test project.Validate all the filesexcluding vcf files:python bin/ main --project_id syn7208886 --onlyValidateValidateallthe files:python bin/ mutation --project_id syn7208886 --onlyValidate --genie_annotation_pkg ../annotation-toolsProcess all the files aside from the mutation (maf, vcf) files. The mutation processing was split because it takes at least 2 days to process all the production mutation data. Ideally, there is a parameter to exclude or include file types to process/validate, but that is not implemented.python bin/ main --project_id syn7208886 --deleteOldProcess the mutation data. Be sure to clone this repo: checkoutthe version of the repo pinned to theDockerfile. This repo houses the code that re-annotates the mutation data with genome nexus. The--createNewMafDatabasewill create a new mutation tables in the test project. This flag is necessary for production data for two main reasons:During processing of mutation data, the data is appended to the data, so without creating an empty table, there will be duplicated data uploaded.By design, Synapse Tables were meant to be appended to. When a Synapse Tables is updated, it takes time to index the table and return results. This can cause problems for the pipeline when trying to query the mutation table. It is actually faster to create an entire new table than updating or deleting all rows and appending new rows when dealing with millions of rows.If you run this more than once on the same day, you'll run into an issue with overwriting the narrow maf table as it already exists. Be sure to rename the current narrow maf database underTablesin the test synapse project and try again.python bin/ mutation --project_id syn7208886 --deleteOld --genie_annotation_pkg ../annotation-tools --createNewMafDatabaseCreate a consortium release. Be sure to add the--testparameter. Be sure to clone the cbioportal repo: checkoutthe version of the repo pinned to theDockerfilepython bin/ Jan-2017 ../cbioportal TEST --testCreate a public release. Be sure to add the--testparameter. Be sure to clone the cbioportal repo: checkoutthe version of the repo pinned to theDockerfilepython bin/ Jan-2017 ../cbioportal TEST --testProductionThe production pipeline is run on Nextflow Tower and the Nextflow workflow is captured innf-genie. It is wise to create an ec2 via the Sage Bionetworks service catalog to work with the production data, because there is limited PHI in GENIE.