iron sulfide can be formed by heating a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur & iron sulfide is made of iron and sulfur -> <mask> sulfide is made of a mixture of iron and sulfur being heated
iron sulfide can be formed by heating a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur & iron sulfide is made of iron and sulfur -> iron <mask> is made of a mixture of iron and sulfur being heated
iron sulfide can be formed by heating a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur & iron sulfide is made of iron and sulfur -> iron sulfide is <mask> of a mixture of iron and sulfur being heated
iron sulfide can be formed by heating a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur & iron sulfide is made of iron and sulfur -> iron sulfide is made of a <mask> of iron and sulfur being heated
iron sulfide can be formed by heating a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur & iron sulfide is made of iron and sulfur -> iron sulfide is made of a mixture of <mask> and sulfur being heated
iron sulfide can be formed by heating a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur & iron sulfide is made of iron and sulfur -> iron sulfide is made of a mixture of iron and <mask> being heated
iron sulfide can be formed by heating a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur & iron sulfide is made of iron and sulfur -> iron sulfide is made of a mixture of iron and sulfur being <mask>
iron is a kind of element & sulfur is a kind of element -> <mask> and sulfur are two elements
iron is a kind of element & sulfur is a kind of element -> iron and <mask> are two elements
iron is a kind of element & sulfur is a kind of element -> iron and sulfur are <mask> elements
iron is a kind of element & sulfur is a kind of element -> iron and sulfur are two <mask>
iron sulfide is made of a mixture of iron and sulfur being heated & iron and sulfur are two elements -> <mask> sulfide is made of two elements
iron sulfide is made of a mixture of iron and sulfur being heated & iron and sulfur are two elements -> iron <mask> is made of two elements
iron sulfide is made of a mixture of iron and sulfur being heated & iron and sulfur are two elements -> iron sulfide is <mask> of two elements
iron sulfide is made of a mixture of iron and sulfur being heated & iron and sulfur are two elements -> iron sulfide is made of <mask> elements
iron sulfide is made of a mixture of iron and sulfur being heated & iron and sulfur are two elements -> iron sulfide is made of two <mask>
iron sulfide is made of two elements & a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined -> <mask> sulfide is a compound
iron sulfide is made of two elements & a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined -> iron <mask> is a compound
iron sulfide is made of two elements & a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined -> iron sulfide is a <mask>
air is made of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and argon & if two substances together form a mixture then those substances can be separated from one another by physical changes -> <mask> is a mixture
air is made of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and argon & if two substances together form a mixture then those substances can be separated from one another by physical changes -> air is a <mask>
juice is a kind of solution & a bottle contains juice -> the <mask> contains a solution
juice is a kind of solution & a bottle contains juice -> the bottle <mask> a solution
juice is a kind of solution & a bottle contains juice -> the bottle contains a <mask>
salt is soluble in water & if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution -> <mask> will dissolve in water and form a solution
salt is soluble in water & if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution -> salt will <mask> in water and form a solution
salt is soluble in water & if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution -> salt will dissolve in <mask> and form a solution
salt is soluble in water & if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution -> salt will dissolve in water and <mask> a solution
salt is soluble in water & if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution -> salt will dissolve in water and form a <mask>
salt will dissolve in water and form a solution & the student mixed salt with water -> <mask> and water will form a solution
salt will dissolve in water and form a solution & the student mixed salt with water -> salt and <mask> will form a solution
salt will dissolve in water and form a solution & the student mixed salt with water -> salt and water will <mask> a solution
salt will dissolve in water and form a solution & the student mixed salt with water -> salt and water will form a <mask>
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution & sugar is soluble in water -> <mask> will dissolve in water and form a solution
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution & sugar is soluble in water -> sugar will <mask> in water and form a solution
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution & sugar is soluble in water -> sugar will dissolve in <mask> and form a solution
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution & sugar is soluble in water -> sugar will dissolve in water and <mask> a solution
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution & sugar is soluble in water -> sugar will dissolve in water and form a <mask>
sugar is a kind of solid & salt is a kind of solid -> <mask> and salt are solids
sugar is a kind of solid & salt is a kind of solid -> sugar and <mask> are solids
sugar is a kind of solid & salt is a kind of solid -> sugar and salt are <mask>
sugar and salt are solids & if solids are combined physically , then the physical properties of the solids will stay the same -> if <mask> and salt are combined physically, then the physical properties of the sugar and salt will stay the same
sugar and salt are solids & if solids are combined physically , then the physical properties of the solids will stay the same -> if sugar and <mask> are combined physically, then the physical properties of the sugar and salt will stay the same
sugar and salt are solids & if solids are combined physically , then the physical properties of the solids will stay the same -> if sugar and salt are <mask> physically, then the physical properties of the sugar and salt will stay the same
sugar and salt are solids & if solids are combined physically , then the physical properties of the solids will stay the same -> if sugar and salt are combined physically, then the physical <mask> of the sugar and salt will stay the same
sugar and salt are solids & if solids are combined physically , then the physical properties of the solids will stay the same -> if sugar and salt are combined physically, then the physical properties of the <mask> and salt will stay the same
sugar and salt are solids & if solids are combined physically , then the physical properties of the solids will stay the same -> if sugar and salt are combined physically, then the physical properties of the sugar and <mask> will stay the same
sugar and salt are solids & if solids are combined physically , then the physical properties of the solids will stay the same -> if sugar and salt are combined physically, then the physical properties of the sugar and salt will <mask> the same
if sugar and salt are combined physically, then the physical properties of the sugar and salt will stay the same & a student mixed sugar and salt -> the physical <mask> of sugar and salt will stay the same
if sugar and salt are combined physically, then the physical properties of the sugar and salt will stay the same & a student mixed sugar and salt -> the physical properties of <mask> and salt will stay the same
if sugar and salt are combined physically, then the physical properties of the sugar and salt will stay the same & a student mixed sugar and salt -> the physical properties of sugar and <mask> will stay the same
if sugar and salt are combined physically, then the physical properties of the sugar and salt will stay the same & a student mixed sugar and salt -> the physical properties of sugar and salt will <mask> the same
a speck is a kind of solid object & color is a kind of physical / visual property -> <mask> of different colors are different substances
a speck is a kind of solid object & color is a kind of physical / visual property -> specks of different <mask> are different substances
a speck is a kind of solid object & color is a kind of physical / visual property -> specks of different colors are different <mask>
specks of different colors are different substances & a powder is made up of white specks and black specks -> the <mask> is made up two different substances
specks of different colors are different substances & a powder is made up of white specks and black specks -> the powder is <mask> up two different substances
specks of different colors are different substances & a powder is made up of white specks and black specks -> the powder is made up <mask> different substances
specks of different colors are different substances & a powder is made up of white specks and black specks -> the powder is made up two different <mask>
the powder is made up two different substances & an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically -> the <mask> is a mixture
the powder is made up two different substances & an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically -> the powder is a <mask>
salt is a kind of pure substance & pepper is a kind of substance -> <mask> and pepper are two substances
salt is a kind of pure substance & pepper is a kind of substance -> salt and <mask> are two substances
salt is a kind of pure substance & pepper is a kind of substance -> salt and pepper are <mask> substances
salt is a kind of pure substance & pepper is a kind of substance -> salt and pepper are two <mask>
salt and pepper are two substances & salt and pepper are mixed in a container -> <mask> and pepper are two substances mixed in a container
salt and pepper are two substances & salt and pepper are mixed in a container -> salt and <mask> are two substances mixed in a container
salt and pepper are two substances & salt and pepper are mixed in a container -> salt and pepper are <mask> substances mixed in a container
salt and pepper are two substances & salt and pepper are mixed in a container -> salt and pepper are two <mask> mixed in a container
salt and pepper are two substances & salt and pepper are mixed in a container -> salt and pepper are two substances <mask> in a container
salt and pepper are two substances & salt and pepper are mixed in a container -> salt and pepper are two substances mixed in a <mask>
salt and pepper are two substances mixed in a container & an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically -> <mask> and pepper mixed together will form a mixture
salt and pepper are two substances mixed in a container & an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically -> salt and <mask> mixed together will form a mixture
salt and pepper are two substances mixed in a container & an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically -> salt and pepper <mask> together will form a mixture
salt and pepper are two substances mixed in a container & an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically -> salt and pepper mixed together will <mask> a mixture
salt and pepper are two substances mixed in a container & an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically -> salt and pepper mixed together will form a <mask>
a student mixed peanut, sugar, spice, and salt togher in a bowl & an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically -> a <mask> made a mixture
a student mixed peanut, sugar, spice, and salt togher in a bowl & an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically -> a student <mask> a mixture
a student mixed peanut, sugar, spice, and salt togher in a bowl & an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically -> a student made a <mask>
salad is a mixture & fruit salad is a kind of salad -> <mask> salad is a kind of mixture
salad is a mixture & fruit salad is a kind of salad -> fruit <mask> is a kind of mixture
salad is a mixture & fruit salad is a kind of salad -> fruit salad is a <mask> of mixture
salad is a mixture & fruit salad is a kind of salad -> fruit salad is a kind of <mask>
fruit salad often is made of fruit & fruit is usually a solid -> <mask> salad is made of solids
fruit salad often is made of fruit & fruit is usually a solid -> fruit <mask> is made of solids
fruit salad often is made of fruit & fruit is usually a solid -> fruit salad is <mask> of solids
fruit salad often is made of fruit & fruit is usually a solid -> fruit salad is made of <mask>
fruit salad is a kind of mixture & fruit salad is made of solids -> <mask> salad is a mixture of solids
fruit salad is a kind of mixture & fruit salad is made of solids -> fruit <mask> is a mixture of solids
fruit salad is a kind of mixture & fruit salad is made of solids -> fruit salad is a <mask> of solids
fruit salad is a kind of mixture & fruit salad is made of solids -> fruit salad is a mixture of <mask>
fruit salad is a mixture of solids & a mixture of solids can be separated easily -> <mask> salad can be easily separated
fruit salad is a mixture of solids & a mixture of solids can be separated easily -> fruit <mask> can be easily separated
fruit salad is a mixture of solids & a mixture of solids can be separated easily -> fruit salad can be easily <mask>
if something is insoluble in something , then they will remain separated & oil is insoluble in water -> <mask> will remain separated in water
if something is insoluble in something , then they will remain separated & oil is insoluble in water -> oil will <mask> separated in water
if something is insoluble in something , then they will remain separated & oil is insoluble in water -> oil will remain <mask> in water
if something is insoluble in something , then they will remain separated & oil is insoluble in water -> oil will remain separated in <mask>
water is the solvent & evaporation can be used to separate a solution by allowing the solvent to evaporate -> the <mask> water will evaporate from the solution
water is the solvent & evaporation can be used to separate a solution by allowing the solvent to evaporate -> the solute <mask> will evaporate from the solution