we arent mad at you or anything .
right seth ?
she glared at him .
he shrugged .
i guess .
emily perked up .
you see , everyone makes mistakes .
seth grunted to himself .
emily rolled her eyes .
hey seth , its not like you havent done something stupid .
we all remember the swamp troll .
seth frowned and jason snickered .
seth punched his arm .
hey dont make me nag you about the time you almost took off my head with your throwing knifes .
jason stopped dead and narrowed his eyes .
it was an accident .
i didnt know youd run that way .
alright , we understand that weve all done stupid , foolish things .
so lets just add this accident to my list , okay ?
i said quickly before the two started something .
they nodded but shot each other smirks .
i sighed , wondering why those two buffoons had been granted this power along , with emily and me .
its not like they werent foolish enough already .
the day when it all changed was still a mystery to us .
a lot of things happened that didnt quite make sense .
the four of us were already best friends .
we were walking through the woods , rambling on about how halloween was almost here and that ms. stecher was still giving us too much homework .
then all of a sudden an invisible object slammed into me .
i shrieked and couldnt move .
it had me pinned to the ground .
seth ran forward and grabbed a branch to protect me .
it should have gone right through the air but it collided into something and snapped in half .
seth dropped it in amazement .
emily ran over to me but was plowed to the ground .
she screamed , spitting out dirt , twigs and leaves .
seth stood watching , terrified .
he didnt have a clue as what to do to fight these invisible creatures .
none of us did , at that time , because we didnt know what was going on .
the world was still a normal place to us at the time .
something grabbed seths legs and pulled him against a tree .
he kicked and punched but couldnt find the right place to hit his attacker .
hold on !
jason yelled .
i opened my mouth to say that we already were when he vanished .
dragged away was my guess .
my legs shot with pain .
i heard emily yell the first curse words ive heard her say in a while .
i spotted her red arm just before my body felt like fire .
i closed my eyes and blacked out .
i didnt really black out but thats what i thought at the time .
i opened my eyes to find i was sitting on the ground next to my sleeping body .
i saw emily sitting there , saying nothing for once .
something fell off my back and i picked it up .
it was a wooden bow , and when i reached behind my back i felt a quiver full of feathered arrows strapped there .
i ran a finger over the smooth , dark wood and turned to see seth crashing out of the woods .
i smirked at him and pointed at his head .
you have dark blue hair .
i giggled , not knowing why i was giggling after what had just happened to us a few minutes ago .
he frowned and pulled a piece or two out of his head .
his eyes widened , and i laughed at the shock on his face .
if we were dead , which was my best guess , why not poke fun at him ?
seth smiled at me .
well , yes but you have green hair .
its bright green , like neon green .
i shoved my hair in front of my face .
it was bright green all right .
i stood up and examined myself .
i was wearing light brown hunting boots and tight black pants made out of some sort of light cloth .
a thick woven jacket was shielding me from the october cold .
when i looked back at seth , i realized he had also made an outfit change .
he was wearing black leather boots and dark blue pants .
his top was a short , brown cloak with a hood and leather belt .
a beautiful steel sword with an ornamental hilt was swinging at his side from a woven sheath .
oh well , i guess i have green hair .
its not that bad .
i like green .
i rambled as i examined the short hunting knife that was resting in a small sheath on my hip .
i ran a finger over the blade before putting it back .
how seth and i had acquired such dangerous weapons was anyones guess .
i certainly had no clue .
i heard footsteps and turned to see emily running over .
she was wearing a close fitting , long robe .
it was a stunning deep blue with a trim of gold embroidery .
she had no weapons dangling from her body were visible from where i was standing .
i have pink hair !
isnt it cool ?
she spun around so we could take in all of its bubblegum pink color .
she looked at the bow slung over my shoulder and seths gleaming sword .
hey , i dont have anything cool and deadly .
why do you both get something like that and i didnt ?
its not like you can trust jazell with something sharp or dangerous .
hey !
we cant trust you either .
i pointed out , crossing my arms .
arming you is as scary as giving a kindergartener a knife .
she gasped .
yeah , well , im ignoring you now .
she huffed and turned around .
there you are !
jason exclaimed as he crashed out of the trees , panting .