1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
[ "The 17 inch screen is very large , but the computer is very light ." ]
[['17 inch screen', 'large', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "My opinion of Sony has been dropping as fast as the stock market , given their horrible support , but this machine just caused another plunge ." ]
[['support', 'horrible', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "For the Bluetooth to work properly , you must install the Launch Manager on the Drivers/Applications DVD , or it will not show after the reload ." ]
[['Bluetooth', 'properly', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I also liked the glass screen ." ]
[['glass screen', 'liked', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The switchable graphic card is pretty sweet when you want gaming on the laptop ." ]
[['switchable graphic card', 'sweet', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The battery life has not decreased since I bought it , so i 'm thrilled with that ." ]
[['battery life', 'decreased', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "When I called Toshiba , they would not do anything and even tried to charge me $ 35 for the phone call , even though they did n't offer any technical support ." ]
[['technical support', "did n't offer", 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I bought this notebook and only had it for 3 months If it is overload with updates the BOOT MGR ." ]
[['BOOT MGR', 'overload', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Oh and if thats not bad enough it does n't come with a recovery cd so you can make one if you know how to or buy one if you buy it the cost is $ 25 for two cds ." ]
[['recovery cd', 'bad', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The price and features more than met my needs ." ]
[['price', 'more', 'positive'], ['features', 'more', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Skype is just so dang cool with this machine too ." ]
[['Skype', 'cool', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Also , HDD secures inside using rails , and there is only one set on the main hard drive ." ]
[['HDD', 'secures', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "All I will say now is that it was over two grand less expensive and so much better quality than my hunk of crap Vaio ." ]
[['quality', 'better', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Games being the main issue ." ]
[['Games', 'issue', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "They say that this will invalidate the warranty on the hard drive ( I do n't really understand why but anyway ) ." ]
[['warranty', 'invalidate', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "A great computer for light home use and business use ." ]
[['home use', 'light', 'positive'], ['business use', 'light', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Also consider the MS Office apps are all trial versions , hope you have your own copies ." ]
[['MS Office apps', 'trial', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Even so , I like playing online games , so it was wonderful that there is a feature where I can dualboot Windows ." ]
[['feature', 'wonderful', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The battery life is amazingly long at 7hrs and 5hrs if you use it ." ]
[['battery life', 'long', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "lightweight , long battery life , excellent transition from PC ;" ]
[['battery life', 'long', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The Nortons virus scan is only for a very short time unlike others that usually are good for a year ." ]
[['Nortons virus scan', 'short', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I am first time Mac Buyer and am amazed at features and ease of use the Mac offers ." ]
[['features', 'amazed', 'positive'], ['use', 'ease', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Came fully loaded - good ." ]
[['loaded', 'fully', 'positive'], ['loaded', 'good', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I noticed windows has a new system called Windows 7 , what about us Vista users ? They should get all the bugs out of Vista before investing in a new system ." ]
[['Windows 7', 'new', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The only thing that I have , is the key broad is a little dark to see the letters , would help if it was a little lighter then it is ." ]
[['key broad', 'dark', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "This is the complete opposite to an ergonomic design ." ]
[['design', 'opposite', 'negative'], ['design', 'ergonomic', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The only thing that I do n't like about my mac is that sometimes there are programs that I want to be able to run and I am not able to ." ]
[['programs', "do n't like", 'negative'], ['programs', 'not able', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Wireless has not been a issue for me , like some others have meantioned ." ]
[['Wireless', 'not been a issue', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "MacBook Notebooks quickly die out because of their short battery life , as well as the many background programs that run without the user 's knowlede ." ]
[['battery life', 'short', 'negative'], ['programs', 'background', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "All the things you can do with the trackpad make navigating around the computer and its programs so much simpler , quicker , and easier ." ]
[['trackpad', 'simpler', 'positive'], ['trackpad', 'quicker', 'positive'], ['trackpad', 'easier', 'positive'], ['navigating', 'simpler', 'positive'], ['navigating', 'quicker', 'positive'], ['navigating', 'easier', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I guess the only good thing that came out of these were the speakers and the subwoofer ." ]
[['speakers', 'good', 'positive'], ['subwoofer', 'good', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Theres a built in camera with special effects- for video and photography ." ]
[['built in camera', 'special', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "All for such a great price ." ]
[['price', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Another thing is that after only a month the left mouse key broke and it costed $ 175 to send it in to fix it ." ]
[['left mouse key', 'broke', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It has good speed and plenty of hard drive space ." ]
[['speed', 'good', 'positive'], ['hard drive space', 'plenty', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Very long-life battery ( up to 10-11 hours depending on how you configure power level settings ) ." ]
[['battery', 'long-life', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The black model also has a very nice seamless appearance - one of the better looking notebooks I 've seen ." ]
[['appearance', 'nice seamless', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The technical service for dell is so 3rd world it might as well not even bother ." ]
[['technical service for dell', '3rd world', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The graphics were awful and the warranty is n't even worth the cheap payment on the computer ." ]
[['graphics', 'awful', 'negative'], ['warranty', "is n't even worth", 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "They gave me a hard time yet again , but their was a malfunction in the battery itself , it did n't die ." ]
[['battery', 'malfunction', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "If you do n't feel comfortable doing it yourself , just buy the case and be happy , plus it looks nice , I bought the white one from Best Buy ." ]
[['case', 'nice', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Excellent speed for processing data ." ]
[['speed', 'Excellent', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It has come into good use for my finances , scheduling , my parents business expenses , and it is definitely amazing for gaming ." ]
[['gaming', 'amazing', 'positive'], ['use', 'good', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I was taught to use Photoshop and was amazed ." ]
[['Photoshop', 'amazed', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The driver updates do n't fix the issue , very frustrating ." ]
[['driver updates', 'frustrating', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It doesnt work worth a damn ." ]
[['work', 'doesnt', 'negative'], ['work', 'damn', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It works really well ." ]
[['works', 'well', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Bigger HD , better graphics card , and a bid HD ." ]
[['HD', 'Bigger', 'positive'], ['HD', 'bid', 'positive'], ['graphics card', 'better', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The built in camera is very useful when chatting with other techs in remote buildings on our campus ." ]
[['built in camera', 'useful', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The DVD burner broke after burning 3 DVD 'd during that time !" ]
[['DVD burner', 'broke', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It works fine with our wireless and they 've had not problems ." ]
[['works', 'fine', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Product support very poor as each phone call costs me long distan" ]
[['Product support', 'poor', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Overall the computer is very easy to use , the screen is perfect , great computer , my daughter loves ." ]
[['screen', 'perfect', 'positive'], ['use', 'easy', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The casing of the power cord fried and shocked my husband when he pulled it out of the socket ." ]
[['casing of the power cord', 'fried', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It does not keep internet signals no matter where you bring it ." ]
[['internet signals', 'not keep', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It 's a great product for a great price !" ]
[['price', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "But see the macbook pro is different because it may have a huge price tag but it comes with the full software that you would actually need and most of it has free future updates ." ]
[['software', 'full', 'positive'], ['updates', 'free', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "and the multiple page viewer ( allows you to press one button to see every separate page currently opened at the same time in one screen ) are great for those who are working non stop or just shopping online ." ]
[['multiple page viewer', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Keyboard good sized and easy to use ." ]
[['Keyboard', 'good sized', 'positive'], ['Keyboard', 'easy to use', 'positive'], ['use', 'easy', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "wonderful features ." ]
[['features', 'wonderful', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Im glad that it has such great features in it ." ]
[['features', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[['TYPING', 'OMITTED', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Only a few days after I received the computer back , the screen froze again ." ]
[['screen', 'froze', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It is not ideal for children because of the temp ." ]
[['temp', 'not ideal', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Although i do believe that Windows operating system may be to fault for some of the problems ." ]
[['Windows operating system', 'fault', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Great OS , fabulous improvements to the existing line bumping up the processor speed and adding the thunderbolt port ." ]
[['OS', 'Great', 'positive'], ['OS', 'fabulous', 'positive'], ['processor speed', 'fabulous', 'positive'], ['thunderbolt port', 'adding', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Images are crisp and clean ." ]
[['Images', 'crisp', 'positive'], ['Images', 'clean', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "although its windows vista compared to windows xp sucks ." ]
[['windows vista', 'sucks', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The computer runs very fast with no problems and the iLife software that comes with it ( iPhoto , iMovie , iWeb , iTunes , GarageBand ) is all very helpful as well ." ]
[['iLife software', 'helpful', 'positive'], ['iPhoto', 'helpful', 'positive'], ['iMovie', 'helpful', 'positive'], ['iWeb', 'helpful', 'positive'], ['iTunes', 'helpful', 'positive'], ['GarageBand', 'helpful', 'positive'], ['runs', 'fast', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "At first it worked well for a month or so then the system board failed and I send it in to toshiba some complaints and three weeks later I then receive my laptop back only to discover that it still has the same problem so now I have to send it back again to get it fixed again ." ]
[['system board', 'failed', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Until I bought the Dell , I thought you just looked for what you wanted ( size , software , options , hardware ) and purchase the best deal you could find ." ]
[['hardware', 'best', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It has plenty of memory , lots of hard drive , and great graphics ." ]
[['memory', 'plenty', 'positive'], ['hard drive', 'lots', 'positive'], ['graphics', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "However , my girlfriend realized that the netbook 's hinge is a bit loose ( when you open or close the LCD ) ." ]
[['hinge', 'loose', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "My problem was with DELL Customer Service ." ]
[['DELL Customer Service', 'problem', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Newegg 's RMA service was great as always , I contacted them late Friday night , and they issued me an RMA number and a PrePaid UPS shipping label the very next morning on Saturday ." ]
[['RMA service', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Design : very durable ." ]
[['Design', 'durable', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It is easy to go from one keyboard to another ." ]
[['keyboard', 'easy', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "My ONLY issues are : 1 ) the screen/video resolution wo n't increase to a higher resolution then 1024 x 60" ]
[['screen/video resolution', 'issues', 'negative'], ['screen/video resolution', "wo n't increase", 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Its pretty fast and does not have hiccups while I am using it for web browsing , uploading photos , watching movies ( 720p ) on occasion and creating presentations ." ]
[['web browsing', 'fast', 'positive'], ['uploading photos', 'fast', 'positive'], ['watching movies', 'fast', 'positive'], ['creating presentations', 'fast', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Quality Display I love HP , , it 's the only computer/printer we will buy ." ]
[['Quality Display', 'love', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "the features are great , the only thing it needs is better speakers ." ]
[['features', 'great', 'positive'], ['speakers', 'better', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I bought this laptop and found its TAB is not functioning ." ]
[['TAB', 'not functioning', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "-Called headquarters again , they report that TFT panel is broken , should be fixed by the end of the week ( week 3 ) ." ]
[['TFT panel', 'broken', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Navigation through the computer is far superior compared to Windows operating systems , as well ." ]
[['Navigation', 'superior', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The screen is framed by half- to a full-inch margin that is obviously unnecessary , reduces the screen size and increases the bulk ." ]
[['screen', 'unnecessary', 'negative'], ['screen size', 'reduces', 'negative'], ['bulk', 'increases', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I had to re-install Windows within two weeks of the purchase and soon discovered cracks in the screen hinges ." ]
[['screen hinges', 'cracks', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[['BATTERY', 'PROBLEM', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "and plenty of storage with 250 gb ( though I will upgrade this and the ram.. )" ]
[['storage', 'plenty', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Programs would crash all the time , and it turned out to be a very unstable , unreliable laptop for me ." ]
[['Programs', 'crash', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "the key bindings take a little getting used to , but have loved the Macbook Pro ." ]
[['key bindings', 'loved', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Keyboard is reasonable size ." ]
[['Keyboard', 'reasonable size', 'positive'], ['size', 'reasonable', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Fan noise : The fan made a constant hissing noise in the background ." ]
[['Fan', 'noise', 'negative'], ['fan', 'noise', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The screen is bright and clear , the operating system is solid and friendly to a novice ." ]
[['screen', 'bright', 'positive'], ['screen', 'clear', 'positive'], ['operating system', 'solid', 'positive'], ['operating system', 'friendly', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It has a .1 ghz faster processor and a stock 500gb hard drive ." ]
[['processor', 'faster', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "`` This is n't a big deal , I have n't noticed the issue with DVDs or other media , only through USB output ." ]
[['USB output', 'issue', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "With Windows laptops a wireless mouse is an absolute must ." ]
[['wireless mouse', 'must', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Very good quality and well made ." ]
[['quality', 'good', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "my niece and nephew have played a few web games and it runs anything that does n't require a dedicated video card ." ]
[['video card', 'dedicated', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It had the full sized touch pad with 2 buttons instead of just one ." ]
[['touch pad', 'full sized', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Typically , when I purchase a new laptop I always end up using an external mouse for convenience ." ]
[['external mouse', 'convenience', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]