Hahaha a medical degree is subsidized. But the doctor has sacrificed a large part of his life, and is subject to the whims of beurocrats. The public servant/union salaries/benefits/ age 55 retirement is HUGELY subsidized by the public.
:I've started. Can you cut out the fat and not the beef, so to speak?
More to come. The UN is done like dinner if it ever was. The UN has been put on notice that the old game of singling out Israel for opprobrium out of proportion to any other country in the Middle East and elsewhere is quickly coming to an end.
A link to the official Nortel Networks history page (which doesn't include political or organizational issues) is now included as well as a link to Funding Universe's corporate history for Nortel Networks (used by any organization wanting to do business or invest in a company) which does include some of the dirt. The most reliable sources of course remain those who were there and involved - BOTH the above sources are secondary sources gathering information from primary sources. I am one of those primary sources and I am being quoted and I am being referenced by showing on the History page of the Wiki entry. Your policy remains stupid when the contributors to Wiki are the primary sources, backed up by secondary references. Regards
==If it's against the US or Jews, it's biased== English wiki, get used to it. -G
" ==Sockpuppetry case== {| align=""left"" style=""background: transparent;"" || |} Your name has been mentioned in connection with a sockpuppetry case. Please refer to Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/Zeninteractiva for evidence. Please make sure you make yourself familiar with the guide to responding to cases before editing the evidence page. "
This user has edited under multiple IPs in the same block. Currently known IPs are,,
" The entry of yet another Palmer sock-puppet onto the scene shows just how dishonest the ""editing"" attempts since Willmcw's admirable edit have been. I would point to the addition of the nonsequiteur ""but Palmer is not affiliated with the U.S. Libertarian Party"" as particularly telling: mentioning the LP at all was meant, if I'm not mistaken, to indicate why Palmer's views on Iraq are considered controversial in the libertarian movement in general. All the other additions by our latest anonymous editor were designed to put Palmer in the best possible light. If this sort of vandalism continues, I'm wondering: is there a way to arbitrate or decide this issue? I'm also wondering if it is possible to simply delete the entry completely, which is another (albeit less attractive) option."
" Besides, if I understand your contribution correctly, you derived the first name ""Christoffa"" from an unprecised book of poems of the 16th century, and the surname ""Corombo"" from a translation in Genoese of a Tuscan poem made in 18th century. This sounds to me as too ungrounded reconstruction to be put in Wikipedia. "
" :::::If you are attempting to suggest that the PRC ""bribed"" Singapore into adopting a language policy in promoting Mandarin, kindly pull up concrete evidence for this before I dump your entire thesis into the garbage can right away. This is an extremely ridiculous assertion conjoured based on nothing but self-imagination. Oh, and you can't even get your dates correct. The Speak Mandarin Campaign began officially in 1979, and by the 1990s, was already tampering off. So just what ""preferential treatment"" did Singapore optain in the interveening years? On what basis are you arguing that the Mandarin promotion council is ""contained in ROC boundaries"", while the Speak Mandarin Campaign is not ""contained in Singapore boundaries""? Gosh, I didnt know a Singapore govenment policy like the SMC was actually transcending boundaries. So just which territory did the SMC spill into? Er....Hong Kong, I suppose, since it is apparantly getting loads of preferential treatment from the PRC? ) But of course if you feel Hong Kong isnt a part of the PRC, then let me know. "
:Well, when Volunteer Marek came to my own personal talkpage and deleted someone else's post there. I completely lost my temper, and intemperately called him a son of a bitch, and told him to stay the fuck off my talk page. I apologize here to him, and to one and all.
|Afd:Mass killings ... (3rd nom)
It seems that Trump is going to go back to first principles ....much like when he bought an old dilapidated hotel...he levelled it...and then built a new modern hotel from the foundations up.
" ::: I am not sure what the harvnb template does. Anyway, it was not necessary so I have deleted it. ¤ "
== NPOV? == The opening 100 lines or so are like something written by a fanboy...shameless fawning violates NPOV.
" : Thanks; I guess you can't upload it to Wikipedia? I'm using Eclipse, but I have BlueJ installed too if you're using that. "
Donny Jr. meeting with the Russians in Trump tower during the Presidential campaign is a good start...
":::::I have previously stated that these would be much more defensible if there were, in fact, a particular citation for each one included that somebody, somewhere, has called a particular analyst's six-month punt a ""Friedman unit"" or variation thereon. But including any and all such predictions is synthesis. It's not our job to say what predictions are or are not Friedmans; it's our job to document secondary sources making that judgement. I'm sorry, but your paragraph above amounts to tautology. | "
Is anyone surprised to see another connection between dogma and crime? Horrible torture and murder inflicted on the innocent due to religion based judgement. Cults are just religions with less adherents and smaller body counts, the underlying dogma is the same.
" you can avoid further irrelevant notices.If this is a shared IP address, and you didn't make the edit, consider creating an account for yourself so you can avoid further irrelevant notices.'' -TAB Oh I felt really upset by attempts of these jews to whitewash and erase memories of their genocidal communism in Russia and later in Eastern Europe. Wouldn't you upset at people who masterminded (at least shared responsibility) the genocide of Slavs in USSR - 30 to 40 millions were exterminated! And remember that Hungarian Uprising in 1956? And look who were those oligarchs who plundered Russia in 1990th? And to which country they run for cover when their power ended? And now they shriek defending that ""scientist"". Don't you think its horrible? And take that jew who was guarding the boas's page like a hen. He is a snitch! Stukach in Russian... It is definitely genetic... But my J-dar tells me that this place is full of them. So you can put me into your black list or whatever you have out there. And you can even report me to your thought police - ADL and $PLC if you wish. All the best and have a nice day."
" == Class project == It appears that there is a class project editing urbanism. This is a good thing, but it's not doing much to produce a unified, concise encyclopedia article. Instead, it's produced a rambling overlong jumble of individual elements, which don't do much to illuminate the concept. The article is far too long, goes into far too much detail about individual projects, and written in excessively academic prose. Would some of the participants please broaden their focus to overall article improvement, removing extraneous detail, improving the prose and focus, and generally improving the article rather than just expanding a particular segment? "
Even the Fiji Times spaces it.
Mr. Invasive Species is at it again, and again sadly a reputable media outlet has provided a forum for his utter nonsense as if it were worthy of discussion. Syd Singer has defended and promoted the spread of coqui frogs, rats, fire ants, invasive mangrove, guava, and more. I suppose he also advocates for the fungus destroying our Ohia forests - his logic would lead us there. Only a complete lack of understanding of ecology can explain this. Healthy ecosystems are not made up of whatever shows up - they are intricate interdependent webs of species that evolved together. Hawaii is the extinction capital of the world already because of the high number of endemic species. The only way for our native birds, bugs and plants to thrive is in healthy native ecosystems which are fast disappearing. Tune out dangerous noise such as Sydney Ross Singer's irresponsible advocacy for environmental destruction. Please support real efforts to preserve Hawaii's native ecosystems.
The ones Lobbying the hardest are the Contractors that the DOT will employ. If the Federal Funding were not available, and limited to roads for commerce, we would have no project to be discussing. A Project like this puts an Appointed Official, in charge of the DOT in control of very Large sums of money. There are far better uses for our funds than employing Contractors to build a road that no more than a dozen people will benefit from. The DOT employs a lot of Engineers, but they Contract out the actual construction. They hold the money,and then award contracts to cronies. The cost would far outweigh any benefit to the state. Contractors from out of state bid Federal projects, and can easily utilize an out of state workforce. This is a beefed up loser for the state. There will be very little benefit from this road, the one to King Cove is a far better investment. This plays into the Lawsuit filed against taking half of the PFD, arbitrarily.
I cannot even believe that so many Palmer youth were involved. Please Please Make an example out of these wannabes. I say this as I have three children of my own. If I ever found out one of my children was involved in something like this, they would be begging for prison. I can't even put into words the hell they would pay,before the cops showed up. I am truly Sorry for your loss. May God punish the guilty and let time ease your minds.
== Celebrity section == I'm going to remove the names. This should be at their website plus we have no idea whether these people still support Alleycat Allies. I mean, using a Twitter comment as a reference? That's nuts. ~
How do you know it's a "commercial" class? How do you know it's not a free class? Have you asked the instructor? Have you queried the participants?
From the Heart out...!
Now that will be interesting, won't it.
: He is appealing to a higher court, so a final verdict has not yet been reached. IMHO this is a significant case because of its legal implications, but more knowledgeable people than I need to improve and expand the article.
:Hi. Requests to remove the images from the article are not uncommon, and there is a detailed reason why these images are not removed at Talk:Muhammad/FAQ. There may be ongoing discussions regarding images at Talk:Muhammad/images that you can join. Thanks, —
Thank you for this information. I hadn't made up my mind yet on who I was voting for as my choice for Secretary of State but now I'm certain that it won't be for Val Hoyle. If she doesn't respect the lives of elephants or rhinos, how can she respect mine?
Wikipedia...no integrity left? Starting in February 2003, Connolley set to work on the Wikipedia site. He rewrote Wikipedia’s articles on global warming, on the greenhouse effect, on the instrumental temperature record, on the urban heat island, on climate models, on global cooling. On Feb. 14, he began to erase the Little Ice Age; on Aug.11, the Medieval Warm Period. In October, he turned his attention to the hockey stick graph. He rewrote articles on the politics of global warming and on the scientists who were skeptical of the band. Richard Lindzen and Fred Singer, two of the world’s most distinguished climate scientists, were among his early targets, followed by others that the band especially hated, such as Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, authorities on the Medieval Warm Period. All told, Connolley created or rewrote 5,428 unique Wikipedia articles. His control over Wikipedia was greater still, however, through the role he obtained at Wikipedia as a website administrator, which allowed him to act with virtual impunity. When Connolley didn’t like the subject of a certain article, he removed it — more than 500 articles of various descriptions disappeared at his hand. When he disapproved of the arguments that others were making, he often had them barred — over 2,000 Wikipedia contributors who ran afoul of him found themselves blocked from making further contributions.[64]
No idea who originally bought them, but there are certainly LARCs available on the UK surplus market.
$2 million is far short of what should be required in bonding. Make that $20M, close up all the holes, & get PEBBLE the heck out of there.
:Don't bother with that unless a proper one is created. That user is under the impression that discussions must always happen, and that only admins can merge articles (both of those are obviously false).
Can you add a source for/change the second sentence of the article? Nice idea for the halloween hook btw, I've adapted it slightly.
Our "leader" drained the swamp in favor of people who are even more swampy than the people they replaced. There is a cure for our president and it does not include debating with people who support him. They will not be moved by any argument based on factual observations. Debate with supporters of this president is futile. Those of us who don't accept the new swamp must OUTVOTE the opposition-early and often. Talking to them, or you, is a dead end..
== You've been keeping a low profile == Hey man, where you been?
How many tax hikes during his reign?
== Get a life == You seriously need to get a life. :Oh, I hate ANIs, but here we go. Your illicit removal of the very valid OR and SYNTH templates another user replaced before I had a chance to.
" ::::OccultZone, the needful is to up your block to ""indefinite"" for escalating the situation again. I'm very tempted to. TT "
Sour Grapes crowd is running out of fake news. What's next, Trump's an alien lizard creature?
Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's Think Breast's
" ::From Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style_%28dates_and_numbers%29#Numbers_2: ""Numbers above ten may be written out if they are expressed in two or fewer words, except in tables and infoboxes. Example: ""sixteen"", ""eighty-four"", ""two hundred"", ""twenty million"" but ""3.75"", ""544"", ""21 million""."""
The Cougar Mountain Software article was clearly biased and based on marketing material. There is no need to add NPOV 24SevenOffice article just because I added a NPOV for the Cougar Mountain Software. Please base your editing on facts and objectivity.
== This article is wrong. == When I want the boy or girl to tighten up I poke them in the kidneys a few times. Hitting the head would probably just piss them off. I am 99% sure donkey punching is when you hit them in the kidney as you cum.
gay u moomma no u aint straight
" WTF fred...why are you threatening to block me...is it about the jesus thing? it was true you know...i found it in a book called ""you suck""!!! "
Larry Grathwohl Can anyone tell me why their is no mention of Larry Grathwohl (FBI informant who worked with the Weathermen) on this article?
:becareful of WHAT??? Just coz U went to a particular school it doesnt make it the best school in the country and gives you the right to put it on top of this list of schools. This is a wikipage not a PUBLIC page and has guildlines that you seem to be incapable of understanding. You are more than welcome to help expand this page but only under wikiguildlines. So learn them and next time sign your posts you spineless wimp.
" == Sound Changes Misplaced == ""Loss of /ə/ in final syllables. "" This is listed late in the 1400 to 1600 group. In the book on the Canterbury tales I have, the pronunciation guide says it was unlikely that Chaucer himself pronounced the final schwa represented by e in Middle English. In fact many see this as the impetus of the Great Vowel Shift that occurred in the 15th cent. No longer were the vowels in 'name'[na:m] and 'nam' [nam] ""I took"" in complementary distribution. Thus a new long vowel /a:/ came about causing the vowels above it to shift upwards to better differentiate themselves. GVS was the result. ""American and Australian English flapping of /t/ and /d/ to [ɾ] in some circumstances."" This phonetic weakening also occurs in some British dialects, notably cockney, as a glottal stop. It might be added that a similar allophonic distribution occurred in British English but was ""stamped out"" by their spelling pronunciation. This is the reason that final stops are released in RP unlike in every other dialects (thus the /t/ and /p/ in 'tip' and 'pit' have virtually identical aspirated values in RP) and also why certain word that have histories preceding the Enlightenment are pronounced more closely to their spelling (earlier artic became arctic [a:ktIk] in British English.)"
The Wrecker exists for one reason Robin and it isn't to get to the truth. The Wreckers only goal is to sale more advertising and newspapers. I'm sure they've seen an uptick in clicks and people paying for subscriptions. Hopefully Evan will get a little bonus right before Christmas for coming up with a sensational story.
== File:JokerPriceIsRight.jpg listed for deletion == A file that you uploaded or altered, File:JokerPriceIsRight.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Files for deletion. Please see the discussion to see why this is (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry), if you are interested in it not being deleted. == File:Onthespot.jpg listed for deletion == A file that you uploaded or altered, File:Onthespot.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Files for deletion. Please see the discussion to see why this is (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry), if you are interested in it not being deleted.
What were those horrific things going on at the DNC? You mean the devastating emails from Podesta claiming that Chelsea Clinton was spoiled?
====Regarding edits made during November 19 2006 (UTC)==== Please do not remove content from Wikipedia. It is considered vandalism. If you would like to experiment, please use the sandbox. Thank you. If this is an IP address, and it is shared by multiple users, ignore this warning if you did not make any unconstructive edits. -··)
I think I'm older than you. Think Maui Wowee!
" ==Speedy deletion of HAZMAT Class 9 Miscellaneous== A tag has been placed on HAZMAT Class 9 Miscellaneous, requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia per CSD g12. Under the criteria for speedy deletion, articles that do not meet basic Wikipedia criteria may be deleted at any time. Please see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as an appropriate article, and if you can indicate why the subject of this article is appropriate, you may contest the tagging. To do this, add on the top of the article and leave a note on the article's talk page explaining your position. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the article that would confirm its subject's notability under the guidelines. If you think that this notice was placed here in error, you may contest the deletion. To do this, add on the top of the page (just below the existing speedy deletion or ""db"" tag) and leave a note on the page's talk page explaining your position. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself. '''''''''' // "
" == Spellmaster == Your Spellmaster bot appears to be translating British English into American English (see this edit, this edit) as forbidden by the Wikipedia:Manual of Style (spelling). As all the edits seem to involve the word ""humourous/humorous"", I'm guessing that this is just a mistake, but I would just like to make sure that this doesn't happen again. Thanks! smurrayinchester(), "
Normally I'd hesitate to support a derivative use, and normally I discourage recentism, but here the pop singer is so very well known. See, e.g. Tom Jones
Excellent forecast.....I could use the vitamin "D"
::::I wish we'd just let people edit. Yes, there was a lot of overlap between the articles on the suspect and the crime in this case. As pointed out, it was only one day. Once people refine the two articles according to WP:summary style, the uniquenesses of each will probably become apparent. Otherwise they can be merged without controversy. ::::In this case, it's apparent that the shooter has spent what he claims is nine years compiling the Templar Tl;dr Manifesto - for better or worse people are going to be going over his tactical and political ideas for a long time to come. I think we'll need yet another article page for that.
Your writing is terrible, yet you claim to have attended university. I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance right now.
"And just out of curiosity, are you big into conspiracy theories?" Just the conspiracy of public sector unions vs. taxpayers. Don't kid yourself. The prime budget buster has been outlandish wage and benefits packages of public employees. Alaska has the highest per capita public sector pension shortfall in the U.S. Wages & bennies untouchable --even during economic slowdowns. Public-employee unions have so successfully used their political muscle that whereas public-sector compensation once lagged the private sector, now the reverse is true. The average state and local government employee now collects 46 percent more in total compensation (salary plus benefits) than the average private-sector employee (even more in Alaska) Ref: Employee Benefit Research Institute. It will NEVER be enough. Look at union sponsored ads to toss Cathy Giessel and elect Beltrami -- fox in charge of the hen house. Public sector unions should be outlawed. Contract APD records section out post haste.
Didn't Jin leave Ruff Ryders? It is mentioned in his albums...
" == Mc Sleep == I was very surprised that the Mc Sleep case was not included on the page and have added it, along with a link to a PDF detailing the court's opinion on the matter. This was a well-publicized case at the time, and basically established the principal that Mc Donald's owns the letters ""Mc"" when combined with another word, at least in the sphere of business."
) :The government should not be considered more authoritative on scientific matters. Yes, we need to maintain a NPOV, but certainly should be leery of giving any sort of preference to suspect (i.e. government funded) studies. (UTC
== Adminship - == Thanks for supporting my request for adminship in January. I have recently reapplied, and you may wish to vote. Thanks,
Unless I missed something, Red Harvest, I am not sure of how you came up with your tally as to the vote. Can you explain this one...? :::
The word for servant in Greek was 'diakonos', there was no feminine word so the word 'diaconissa' was coined to distinguish between the different roles of deacons and deaconesses.
" *Support per WP:COMMONNAME and WP:CONCISE. ° "
There is no U.S President in history whom the establishment has tried so hard to impeach from Day 1. Trump will get past this. No one is completely innocent; not James Comey, not Loretta Lynch, not Hillary Clinton, no one.
:::Ah, the transcluding. Makes sense. None of the individual elements are enough, but I'm pretty confident looking at the whole.  |  | WER
This is a very good question. My opinion is that she was a failure as Secretary of State. She is far too militaristic for me. Not that Trump would be any better. Bernie on the other hand ...
You play. They have left the ArbCom. Neither is active, neither responds, neither comments to ArbCom matters. One of them demonstrably displays bias. Each of them accuses me falsely without providing justification. And you count their votes. You make some narrow point about one case but you endorse their lamentable actions. Shame!
17 intelligence agencies swore up and down that it was the Russians. No, wait, only 4. No, wait, no one knows for sure. The CNN/MSNBC nicknamed "journalists" have no problems with parroting a lie, whatever it is to make Trump look bad.
== Herburt coat of arms == Dear Piotr, I did my best in order to avoid the deletion of this stub, please see if it is enough.
YA RIGHT, or you could just pick up the phone and find out for yourself.
== Gat and Goren == Please discuss at Talk:Benign_prostatic_hyperplasia#Gat_and_Goren
" == The article attributed to == The article ""96t"" from the IP was deleted by on 05:18 UT 26 August 2005. The content of the deleted article was as follows: ""Nine six t. commonly thought to be patent nonsense was 96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t 96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96tv 96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t 96t96t96t96t96t 96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t 96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t which can be deciphered as 96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t96t NARF! as the cummulative sum of nine sixties or 540"" This is the sort of nonsense article that is very likely to be construed as obvious vandalism by an administrator. If the above article wasn't contributed by you personally, then someone else with vandal tendencies is using your computer. Regards, "
' Sorry , Humans brains evolved from an ability to see patterns. . That's why we 'instinctually' jump seeing a snake. . . When the Republicans, vote in lockstep, . …many many times to gut programs of funding, . ...after voting for the creation or preservation of those same programs, . …human brains detect that pattern. . . Why we say Republicans consistently try to shaft the working class. . We can see the pattern and make the obvious conclusion. . The GOP saw in Trump a pliable buffoon who would sign anything they sent him. . (…that was recorded, that's documented, ….that's your GOP Party.) . . Granted many stereo-types are false, ….like liberals don't work. . Other stereo-types are earned. Like Republicans shafting the little guy. ,
Does Downing have any data to back any of his claims? The rock walls at Kewalos, Rockpiles, and Bowls don't seem to affect the surf at all. Saying that the breakwater would be a haven for eels is also a far stretch. After years of diving by breakwaters, I haven't seen the case.
Rosedale has a public school, must be for all the help. I can tell you for fact that Rosedale Freeland doesn't use the public school system for her little angles. The elitist just don't get it, nor do they care too.
A dentist should go where the patients are, that's their calling, to serve their patients. Our dentist is a young recent graduate who took over a practice in a smaller town on vancouver island, where we have a home. He is very busy and is even looking to add a partner. He told me that more than half of his grad class are living in Vancouver, working part time and financially going backwards. However, most will not leave the city. So, urban dental grads, suck it up and do what it takes to advance your career and go where you can serve the patients who need your skills.
Shakespeare’s Hamlet, who suffered from melancholia, expressed the sentiment – “how weary, stale, flat and unprofitable seem to me the workings of this world. It is an unweeded garden and things rank and gross in nature possess it merely”
Enlightenment. What appears that you may be lacking.
"==2014 FIFA World Cup statistics== Please don't change ""least"" to ""fewest"" in the template. Template parameters don't just adjust themselves. If you want to do that try editing Template:Ifcs (a lot of code which I doubt you'll understand). → • contribs • "
If you are here to chatise me then F U.
== August 2007 == Please stop. If you continue to vandalize Wikipedia, as you did to Justin Timberlake, you will be blocked from editing. :If this is a shared IP address, and you didn't make any unconstructive edits, consider creating an account for yourself so you can avoid further irrelevant warnings.
If what this defector says is true, than any kind of mistake could trigger a catastrophe, even one not involving military action...at some point there will be casualties regardless, if NK continues on this path.
"::::::and as somebody involved in education, you should be well aware that when there is complexity, a student who refused to acknowledge that and refuses to try to learn, is pretty much a lost cause. You can deal with the fact that WP is complex and there is a lot to learn, or you can blow that off. If you blow if off, you will fail, and you will eventually be ""expelled"", just like any disruptive student. Your fate is in your hands, and not anybody else's. "
Please block this user. He/She is a horrible editor and can vandalize a whole article
LW2 - Nobody should be addressed as "Doctor", unless they are a real doctor. (Medical doctor, that is.) I'm offended by those that think their PhD diploma entitles them to such a title. I will now brace for the reactions of the "triggered" ... looking forward to it, actually.
==J-Roc is a producer that works with Timbaland ?????== Yes he is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timbaland_production_discography So why is the J-Roc keyword redirecting to a bunch of fake fictional characters of a dumbass canadian soap opera?
luke.... how's about you answer a question. The USA was just caught using white phosphorous in Iraq. According to international law this amounts to a war crime because it was near innocent civilians.... What should happen to the USA Luke? Should we ignore 'actual' crimes against people. I know this will fly in the face of your trumpian logic but let's give it a shot shall we.
Volume four released. Well, I guess ADV couldn't wait, volume 4 hit the streets this past week (my local shop got it on Wednesday the 20th). Funny though, Amazon still lists it as a pre-order, guess they're still sitting on it. Anyway, I changed the article slightly to reflect vol. 4's release.
Technically, you can revoke consent at any time. As a matter of law, if a woman consents to sex but changes her mind mid-stream and demands that her partner stop and withdraw, he is obliged to stop and withdraw. However, "the heat of passion" being what it is, I suspect that most of us would consider it unrealistic to expect that a demand to stop will be instantly complied with when uttered when intercourse is already well under way.
" ::::FWIW, there was a talk page discussion at the 'crat's page , and they seemed to make a somewhat apologetic note to Atmoz, but apparently didn't see fit to correct the RFA. – "