Islander 1: "Princess!" Islander: "Princess!" Islander 2: "Your Highness!" Aya: "Allow her to go." Takeru: "Shouldn't you have spoken to her?" Miyako: "She'll probably come back soon enough." Takeru: "Ah, yes." Aya: "The princess will discover a new world." Miyako: "A new world..." Attendee 1: "They're so young, too." Text: "Episode 1 \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h Crunch Time with the Princess" Attendee 2: "I feel sorry for Machi-chan and her family." Attendee 1: "What are they going to do?" Machi: "Ichiro." Machi: "What'll happen to us now?" Ichiro: "Don't worry." Ichiro: "I'll take care of everything, somehow." e: "rough sketches by 10AM!" Ichiro: "Oh, no!" Chihiro: "You got that, Machi-chan?" Machi: "Yep. The food Ichiro makes is easy to prepare." umio: "Thank you." Chihiro: "You're welcome." Chihiro: "Is Ichiro-kun busy again?" Machi: "There's a deadline coming." Machi: "Ichiro, here's breakfast." Ichiro: "Man, oh man!" umio: "You okay?" Ichiro: "I-I-I'm fine." Machi: "You must've overslept." Chihiro: "You still haven't found an assistant?" Ichiro: "Right." Ichiro: "It's hard to find anyone who'll do the finishing touches by hand." Chihiro: "And Sano-kun and Akita-kun both suddenly did the solo debut thing." Ichiro: "My deadline's 7:00 the day after tomorrow. After rough sketches, I've got ten more pages to ink. For backgrounds... I've got zilch." Ichiro: "Don't worry! I'll be sure to get it done! And then, with the pay, we'll all go out for steak!" Machi: "Steak? Come on, Ichiro." Chihiro: "Don't overextend yourself." Ichiro: "After I graduated high school and debuted as a manga artist, our father passed away. I was already serialized in a magazine, so instead of finding a job, I began living off manuscript fees and the rent from the apartment building I inherited." Manga Title Text: "Alice and the Knight of Thorns Momo-Tea Kokone" Ichiro: "My stuff doesn't sell well, to be honest." Ichiro: "But I've got to work hard to send my sister and brother to college." Phone: "Masahiro Morikuni" Ichiro: "Hello, Kuga speaking." Machi: "It's Morikuni." Ichiro: "You found an assistant?!" Ichiro: "Understood!" Machi: "I'll predict your future!" Machi: "See you later!" umio: "Later." Ichiro: "Wait! Tell me my fortune!" Chihiro: "What was his fortune?" Machi: "It came up colorless." Machi: "Both his future and his manuscript are blank! Get it?" Chihiro: "Right..." Ichiro: "I'd better get going!" Morikuni: "They were traced, but her backgrounds are pretty good!" Ichiro: "Seriously? That'd be great!" Morikuni: "I only just saw it via email, so no guarantees." Upper Window Text: "Accepting New Students" Lower Window Text: "Dance Ballet" Ichiro: "Hey, I'm just thankful you got one at all!" Morikuni: "Go and meet up with her. Seems she doesn't know the area." Ichiro: "Will do." Ichiro: "At this point, I'd go any distance." Ichiro: "Excuse me." Ichiro: "Um, are you the assistant?" Shiori: "Are you Momo-Tea Kokone-sensei?" Ichiro: "Please call me by my real name, not my pen name! It's Ichiro Kuga. If word gets around that it's me, it might end up being embarrassing for Machi and Fumio." Classmate 1: "Your brother draws manga?" Classmate 2: "Is he famous? Get us his autograph!" Machi: "Shut up." Shiori: "I beg your pardon. I am Shiori Goshiki, and I hope to be your assistant. It's nice to meet you." Ichiro: "Likewise. W-Would you mind if we got right to work?" Shiori: "All right." Ichiro: "I apologize. I would have liked to give you a day to get used to things. But we're in a rush today, so we need to get to work." Shiori: "Okay." Ichiro: "You can use the art tools here or ones you're already used to. Here are the storyboards and some past works." Shiori: "All right." Ichiro: "Um..." Ichiro: "There's a room where assistants can change their clothes, if needed." Shiori: "That's okay. I always dress like this." Ichiro: "Well..." Ichiro: "Here." Ichiro: "Please borrow this, since your clothes look expensive." Shiori: "Is that so?" Ichiro: "Don't worry if it gets dirty." Ichiro: "Okay, please start by doing panel borders and backgrounds for these." Shiori: "Will do." Ichiro: "Sh-She's fast! And skillful! And also, very beautiful." Ichiro: "Your line work is beautiful! Have you been an assistant for long?" Shiori: "No, this is my first time." Ichiro: "For real?!" Shiori: "I learned using this book, Shojo Manga Lessons." Ichiro: "That book's pretty old." Ichiro: "Oh, but it was compiled by Funeko Horehoro-sensei. Not bad." Shiori: "Excuse me." Shiori: "What should I do next?" Ichiro: "Oh, sorry." Ichiro: "Let's see." Ichiro: "Ink the highlights on this hair." Shiori: "All right." Shiori: "I'm done." Ichiro: "Okay." Ichiro: "Would you mind scraping this screentone?" Shiori: "Sure." Shiori: "Finished." Shiori: "What's next?" Ichiro: "I'm so grateful! I'll definitely make the deadline now!" Shiori: "Um..." Ichiro: "It's flawless!" Machi: "We're home!" umio: "Home." Ichiro: "Welcome back." Machi: "Are you a gemstone princess?!" Shiori: "No, children, not gemstone." Ichiro: "Machi. This is Shiori Goshiki-san, who became my assistant in a hurry." Machi: "Welcome. Wait, have you been working her non-stop? Taking breaks improves efficiency!" Ichiro: "I-I'm sorry." Machi: "Does she know where to find the sink and bathroom?" Ichiro: "Oh, that's right!" Machi: "Don't forget these things!" Machi: "Ten-minute break!" Machi: "I'll show you around!" Shiori: "Please do." Machi: "Each of these has a bedroom, dining area, and kitchenette." Machi: "You're guaranteed privacy, and there's also a common area. They're "social apartments."" Shiori: "Social apartments?" Machi: "All sorts of people live in them: a manicurist, an office worker, etc. Also our cousin, Chibi-chan." Shiori: "Chibi-chan?" Machi: "Ichiro is a live-in landlord and manga artist!" Shiori: "Now I see." Machi: "This is the communal kitchen and lounge. There's an oven, so those who want to cook use this it a lot." Machi: "The rooms besides ours only have showers, but there's a public bath nearby." Shiori: "That's good to know." Machi: "So, this is the vacant room that assistants use for staying overnight." Shiori: "It's lovely." Machi: "You'll use it, right?" Machi: "Food's here!" Ichiro: "Huh? Where's Goshiki-san?" Machi: "She said she'd eat alone in the assistant's room." Ichiro: "Maybe I should have told her to go out to eat." Machi: "Maybe... She has a mouth on the back of her head!" Machi: "Or she's an animal spirit who's repaying you." Ichiro: "Don't be weird about it. You know what she is? She's pro-level. No, goddess-level!" Machi: "Okay! I sure hope she stays on." umio: "Stays on." Ichiro: "Think I'll make some tea." Shiori: "I'll do it." Ichiro: "No, that's okay." Shiori: "I just finished this work I was doing." Machi: "Huh?" Machi: "You knew where the tea was?" Shiori: "Yes. Would you like some?" umio: "Uh-uh." Machi: "We'd just have to go to the bathroom again." Machi: "Why don't you stop for the day? We don't wanna turn into a sweatshop." Shiori: "I can keep going." Shiori: "Actually, I thought I'd get even fewer breaks than this." Shiori: "I heard it's a tight schedule." Machi: "Oh, yeah." Machi: "Ichiro's no good at asking for help, even with work. He said he's saving up money so he can send us to college." Machi: "He says he has to be like a parent to us." Machi: "And he tries to take care of everything by himself." Shiori: "Even without connection, you guys have some great communication going on." Machi: "Commu..." Machi: "What?" Machi: "Well, anyway, get some sleep." Shiori: "Okay." Ichiro: "So cute." Shiori: "Here." Ichiro: "Thank you. Go ahead and stop for the day." Shiori: "Just these panel borders." Ichiro: "Thanks, I appreciate it." Ichiro: "Want the radio on to keep you awake?" Shiori: "No, thank you. I know. Why don't I tell you about myself?" Ichiro: "Sure." Ichiro: "I'm nearly 19, and before this year, I had never read any manga. Wow, that's unusual." Ichiro: "Well, not unheard of. Your parents didn't let you?" Shiori: "That's correct. It's just that my grandmother loved books, and she let me alone see her collection." Text: "Alice and the Knight of Thorns Momo-Tea Kokone" Shiori: "Your manga was part of it." Ichiro: "Huh?!" Shiori: "I was surprised." Ichiro: "Did I draw something weird?" Shiori: "I never realized such flights of fancy existed." Ichiro: "That's not a compliment." Shiori: "A misunderstanding leads to a quarrel. But a mysterious fever called love somehow grows out of it all." Shiori: "There are so many such stories, ever in different forms." Ichiro: "Yeah, that's shojo manga for you. Constant ups and downs. From one problem to the next." Shiori: "But I found all that discomfort to be touching." Ichiro: "Hey, Goshiki-san... Usually, the workload is a little more evenly paced around here." Ichiro: "So can I continue to count on you?" Shiori: "Yes!" Ichiro: "Could you..." Shiori: "Hair highlights, right?" Ichiro: "Yeah." Ichiro: "The day's already gone by?!" Ichiro: "Thanks, Goshiki-san. This is enough for today." Shiori: "I can keep going." Ichiro: "Thank you." Ichiro: "But once this page is done, that just leaves finishing touches. I can do those myself." Shiori: "I'm reluctant to stop." Ichiro: "If you push too hard, you'll burn out." Ichiro: "Let's see, the finished manuscript is... one page, two..." Shiori: "What's the matter?" Ichiro: "It's missing... one." Shiori: "Missing one?" Ichiro: "Hold on! Hold on!" Shiori: "Um, what do you mean the manuscript's missing one?" Ichiro: "Don't tell me..." Ichiro: "No, it's here! I think I remember drawing it! Found it!" Ichiro: "I barely even touched it!" Machi: "Blenk." Shiori: "I can keep going." Ichiro: "No, it's okay! I'll figure something out." Ichiro: "Rough sketch, inking, finishes. That'll take 2-3 hours. Maybe I should ask Goshiki-san to... No, an all-nighter is too much to ask when she's not permanent yet." Ichiro: "I'll finish just in time, if I don't sleep." Shiori: "I am unable to guess your feelings." Shiori: "If you really do want help, please tell me honestly." Shiori: "Do you need assistance?" Ichiro: "I just can't afford to miss the deadline." Ichiro: "I'd lose a month's worth of manuscript pay." Mother: "I know I'm your mother, but I have a new life now." Ichiro: "Worst case, I could submit it with just inks and fills. This one page could have some white space left in it." Machi: "Work hard at the manga, Ichiro." Ichiro: "If I just do the best I can do..." Shiori: "Do you..." Shiori: "need assistance?" Ichiro: "I'm sorry, Goshiki-san! I don't really want to cut corners!" Ichiro: "Please work with me all night!" Ichiro: "I'll give you overtime pay!" Shiori: "I will work with you." Ichiro/Shiori: "F-Finished!" Ichiro: "I'll make copies, send an email, and check it over." Ichiro: "You sleep, Gohiki-han..." Shiori: "Right." Ichiro: "I'm so tired. I've kept such regular hours lately. I haven't... done an all-nighter... in ages." Ichiro: "Shoot, I fell asleep briefly." Ichiro: "And Goshiki-san didn't get far, either." Ichiro: "Huh?!" Ichiro: "There's a G-pen sticking her!" Ichiro: "Look out!" Ichiro: "O-Outer space?" Shiori: "Now you and my stinger have been linked." Shiori: "That amounts to the two of us vowing to bind our destinies together!" Ichiro: "I just had some kind of hallucination." Shiori: "I'm saying that in my land, it's an act permitted only to those in a marital relationship." Ichiro: "Marital?" Shiori: "I never thought you were the type to touch someone's body while they're asleep!" Ichiro: "W-Wait, you've got the wrong idea! I thought, well, there was a sharp object stuck in you!" Shiori: "Sharp object?" Ichiro: "This is how it looked!" Shiori: "You were trying to save my life?" Ichiro: "Yeah, and I messed up! I mean, sorry. If I hadn't been half asleep, I might not have mistaken it." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san, I realize I'm the one who asked you to pull an all-nighter." Ichiro: "I'm sorry." Shiori: "I'm sorry, too." Shiori: "If it looked like a sharp object was sticking me, then thank you." Ichiro: "That stinger thing." Ichiro: "It was like a tail." Ichiro: "Are there people with tails?" Ichiro: "No, if that's the case, asking about it might be rude." Shiori: "You and I only just met, and you don't know anything." Shiori: "Maybe it was lucky that you happened to touch me this way?" Ichiro: "We only just met, but I already know that you're reliable, and you do meticulous work." Ichiro: "That's why I feel really sorry. I would say I feel awkward. Not lucky." Shiori: "Then, sure enough. Physical contact must be wonderful between those who trust one another. Like in the stories." Ichiro: "Just who are you, Goshiki-san?" Shiori: "I am the princess of the Star People." Ichiro: "Huh?!" Shiori: "I don't desire marriage born of mishap. I figure that love should come first." Ichiro: "No, wait a minute! You shouldn't joke like that with a coworker you don't know well! I'm raising young kids. I can't have weird rumors going around!" Shiori: "I wouldn't say I don't know you well. I thought your art was the simplest in that magazine, so as practice, I started out by copying it." Shiori: "The more I traced, the more I could tell how much time and care was spent creating it." Shiori: "That's why I would say I know you by your work." Shiori: "I suppose you could say I'm your fan?" Ichiro: "Well, in a way that makes it even worse." Shiori: "Oh, right. We'll start as friends, then." Shiori: "Here's hoping for the best." Ichiro: "Y-Yeah..." Machi: "I'm glad such a great person has come! He said she's "goddess level"!" umio: "They've gone somewhere together." Machi: "The heat is on!" umio: "He's burning up." Machi: "Why?!" Upper Left Text: "Episode 2" Lower Right Text: "Shopping with the Princess"
{ "raw_title": "A Galaxy Next Door Episode 1 – Crunch Time with the Princess", "parsed": [ "A Galaxy Next Door", "1", "Crunch Time with the Princess" ] }
Miyako: "We're going home, Shiori." Shiori: "M-M..." Shiori: "Mother?!" Ichiro/Machi: ""Mother"?!" Takeru: "Good evening. I am Shiori's father." Miyako: "I am her mother." Miyako: "Are you a friend of Shiori's?" Ichiro: "N-Nice to meet you! I'm Kuga, I spoke to you over the phone." Miyako: "That was you?" Shiori: "Word up." Ichiro: "Yeah!" Takeru: "Somehow, I pictured him differently." Miyako: "A-Anyway..." Machi: "I-I'm sorry!" Takeru: "Well, is this your family?" Ichiro: "My sister and brother." Takeru: "Sorry to show up unannounced. It must be bedtime for the children." Ichiro: "I'm sorry, too, for speaking to you over the phone the way I did." Miyako: "We should reapproach this. Could you spare some time tomorrow?" Ichiro: "O-Of course." Ichiro: "Right?" Miyako: "See you tomorrow, then." Shiori: "I'm sorry. That must have frightened you." Machi: "No, I'm fine." Shiori: "Fine, everything's fine." Ichiro: "I-It is fine! We'll talk it all out!" Shiori: "I'm not going back, and that's final!" Ichiro: "Yeah, this is tricky." Aya: "You must give Shiori her freedom." Shiori: "Well, there's my grandmother's dying wish, so I don't think there's any forcing me to go." Ichiro: "It holds that much sway?" Shiori: "Yes." Shiori: "What worries me is that they might do something to your family." Ichiro: "I-I don't think that'll happen. They showed concern for Machi and Fumio. Also, this could be our chance. If we're going to annul the Engagement Pact, the ones who're most likely to know how are here." Shiori: "That's true." Ichiro: "By the way, who's the one you asked to look into it?" Shiori: "She came along with them." Ichiro: "I wonder if your parents know I'm in the pact with you." Shiori: "No, the way they acted, I doubt they know you ever touched my stinger." Ichiro: "Okay." Shiori: "Anyway, knowing how my mother thinks, if we bring up canceling the pact, she'll see it as us breaking up." Ichiro: "So, we deceive them?" Shiori: "Kuga-san, there are people in this world with whom there is no reasoning." Ichiro: "A-All right." Shiori: "Listen, we'll ask how to annul the pact. Then, we'll have them leave in peace." Shiori: "Those are tomorrow's objectives." Shiori: "I am the princess of the Star People." Ichiro: "The time has finally come." Ichiro: "Here's hoping we can settle things peacefully." Shiori: "I hope things go well tomorrow." Ichiro: "Sorry to ask, Chibi-chan, but please look after Machi and Fumio." Chihiro: "Sure. See you later." Ichiro: "Okay, we'll be back." Machi: "Good luck!" umio: "Luck!" Ichiro: "See you later." Machi: "I wonder if they'll be okay." umio: "I'm nervous." Chihiro: "I'm sure they'll be fine." Takeru: "Hi." Ichiro: "H-Hello." Takeru: "I'm glad you came." Shiori: "Where are the other two?" Takeru: "Waiting in the room. Today's an important family-only affair." Ichiro: "I-I'm thinking a fresh start and a good conversation will help." Miyako: "There is nothing to discuss with you." Miyako: "Nor do we need to know anything about you." Miyako: "Because your relationship is out of the question." Shiori: "You really are rude, Mother. You're only allowed to behave that way on the island." Miyako: "There are no rude people on the island." Takeru: "Both of you, calm down." Ichiro: "Don't worry about me. Focus on the objectives." Shiori: "There's something I want the two of you to know." Shiori: "About the Engagement Pact. Let's emphasize that you touched the stinger while trying to help me." Shiori: "I wrote about what wonderful a person Kuga-san is, so please start by looking at this." Ichiro: "Wait!" Shiori: "Why?" Ichiro: "It's going to seem a little suspicious, so let's pass on that for now." Shiori: "But this is necessary in order to explain." Miyako: "Regardless of how you feel, it's superficial in the end." Miyako: "Kuga-san does not know who we truly are. If an outsider knew what would happen if he were joined with you," Miyako: "he would turn tail and run." Miyako: "He is no exception." Shiori: "Even so, Kuga-san knows about my background and he still accepts me!" Miyako: "Accepts you?" Ichiro: "Um, we'll explain things in order!" Miyako: "Don't tell me..." Miyako: "You blabbed about your true identity to an outsider?!" Shiori: "For the record, it was only by accident that he got stung!" Miyako: "Stung?!" Ichiro: "Like she said, an accident!" Miyako: "It's on her... backside, you know!" Miyako: "You know how sacred your stinger is." Miyako: "How could you be so immoral?!" Shiori: "W-We still haven't gone that far!" Ichiro: "It's true! It was an accident!" Miyako: "You expect me to believe such an excuse?" Miyako: "Y-You're the partner in her Engagement Pact?" Miyako: "Shiori is the princess of the Star People. A Star Child who will someday reign over her people as queen." Miyako: "Someone not of the island has no right to touch her." Miyako: "My poor daughter. You've been taken in by a ne'er-do-well." Shiori: "You never put any faith in me." Shiori: "Enough of this!" Ichiro: "Goshiki-san!" Miyako: "Shiori! Come back here!" Miyako: "Shiori!" Shiori: "Mother! I'm the fastest runner in the lower grades! Nobody can ever catch up to me!" Miyako: "Oh?" Shiori: "I also got first place on field day. May I go play tag with everyone?" Miyako: "Shiori, what if you got hurt? Besides, I'm sure you'd never be "it" in tag." Shiori: "Are you trying to say they all lose on purpose?" Miyako: "No." Miyako: "You can do anything. You are a wonderful person." Miyako: "But you are a Star Child. For everyone here, that makes you irreplaceable." Miyako: "So, be a good girl and go play in the house. All right?" Shiori: "Yes, ma'am." Shiori: "I'm sorry. So much for striving towards those objectives." Ichiro: "Yeah. Well, all that was... not easy, huh?" Ichiro: "Here." Shiori: "Thank you." Ichiro: "I'm not on speaking terms with my own mother, so I know how you feel." Ichiro: "But I mean, sometimes I do wish she and I had a decent relationship." Ichiro: "What about you?" Shiori: "Well for starters, it'd be nice if I introduced you," Shiori: "and they were happy I have a good boyfriend." Takeru: "Hey!" Takeru: "Everything okay?" Ichiro: "Yes. Uh, is it okay for you two to be apart?" Takeru: "Oh, you mean that? Right, right. You're in a pact, too. You know about what happens." Ichiro: "Right." Takeru: "I'm fine. Let's head back. Miyako's waiting." Ichiro: "All right." Miyako: "I know..." Miyako: "you would never thoughtlessly yield yourself to another." Miyako: "I apologize for what I said." Shiori: "All right." Miyako: "What accident?" Ichiro: "Please let me explain!" Miyako: "I see, you claim you were trying to help her." Miyako: "Even if you're trying to take responsibility, this relationship is still meaningless! The engagement is to be annulled immediately!" Shiori: "Yes!" Miyako: "Huh?" Shiori: "We'll annul it." Miyako: "You will?" Shiori: "We will." Miyako: "I..." Miyako: "I finally got through to you!" Shiori: "Yes." Shiori: "In return..." Shiori: "There are still things I want to do here." Miyako: "Well! Something similar might happen again!" Miyako: "I am against it!" Shiori: "Per the previous generation's dying wish, I am free." Miyako: "She's gone now. What you want to do... Manga, was it?" Miyako: "Have you accomplished anything these past months?" Miyako: "Have you drawn anything that anyone values?" Shiori: "W-Well..." Miyako: "Kuga-san, you know that we are the guarantors on Shiori's lease, correct?" Ichiro: "Her father is, yes." Miyako: "She's free, only with our financial support? Yet there she sits, enjoying every minute of it. Your lifestyle here will render you useless." Ichiro: "Excuse me." Ichiro: "What's wrong with her enjoying herself?" Ichiro: "Uh, I mean, she's better at communicating than I am. And she actively tries to engage with others." Ichiro: "She became friends with my brother and sister." Ichiro: "Also, she was nice enough to write welcome letters to everyone when she moved in." Ichiro: "She made a fortune-telling booth and outfit using things we had on hand." Miyako: "Fortune-telling?" Ichiro: "What I mean is: Things some would think are too much effort or not worth the trouble..." Ichiro: "and other everyday things people forget, she enjoys spotting those and acting on them." Ichiro: "To me, she seems downright radiant." Ichiro: "Also, she has been working." Miyako: "Working?" Ichiro: "I brought these along." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san did all the backgrounds and treatments on these." Shiori: "Kuga-san, they won't understand. They've never read any manga. These are art samples I got from her to use as reference materials, and this is work she did for another artist." Miyako: "Another artist?" Ichiro: "Oh, I drew this one." Miyako: "It's a different name." Ichiro: "It's a pen name. That is... I am Momo-Tea Kokone!" Ichiro: "I-It's okay if you don't understand right now! Like, how to read manga, or how good the art is!" Ichiro: "She's working hard, and I'm not demanding your approval! But I won't let you say these past months have been for nothing!" Ichiro: "Of course, I understand that you're worried. I'd be a nervous wreck if my sister or brother left home." Ichiro: "But please... Could you give her time?" Takeru: "How about we try it for a year? And we'll lower your allowance a bit," Takeru: "so you can attempt to really support yourself." Takeru: "Will you support her so there are no mishaps, Kuga-san?" Ichiro: "Yes! Of course!" Takeru: "How about it?" Miyako: "A new vow?" Miyako: "We'll give you another year, then." Miyako: "We'll come and get you one year from now." Shiori: "Thank you, Mother." Shiori: "For now, that's enough." Takeru: "Oh, yes. We don't know any details about annulling the pact, either." Takeru: "When we get back to the island, I'll send you documents that describe how." Ichiro: "Thank you for helping us." Takeru: "It doesn't mean I'm on your side, though." Takeru: "The person I most want to support is Miyako. Manga can be drawn on the island too, can't it?" Ichiro: "Yes..." Miyako: "I'm glad you're doing well." Takeru: "Until next time." Ichiro/Shiori: "I-It's over." Shiori: "Accepting lopsided affection is exhausting." Shiori: "Why do you end up losing confidence, Kuga-san? I don't want the one I love to look down on himself!" Shiori: "My wanting you to have confidence in yourself. And my wanting you to be happy as a result. That was pushy of me." Ichiro: "I don't think this and that are the same thing." Ichiro: "No, yeah..." Ichiro: "Sorry I can't respond right away, when you've shared so much with me." Ichiro: "It's like it's a present I can't open, because it's too good for me." Shiori: "Well then, that means it's still there." Shiori: "Thank you for holding on to it for me." Shiori: "Thanks for being by my side today." Ichiro: "Let's head home." Machi: "I'm worried." Chihiro: "They're taking so long." Chihiro: "I'm going to the kitchen. Want anything to drink?" Machi: "No, but thanks." Machi: "The "relax and take it easy" color came up." umio: "Easy." Machi: "Shio-chan should just join our family." Machi: "Does that means we'd have not just a big brother, but a big sister, too?!" Machi: "That'd be sweet!" Machi: "Let's make a prayer!" Machi: "Here goes!" Machi: "I've never seen a shooting star, so we'll just make one of our own." Machi: "May Shio-chan always be with us." Machi: "May we cheer up! May we cheer up! May we cheer up!" Machi: "It's fine. Fortune-telling and magic words shouldn't be too strong." umio: "Yeah." Machi: "I'm sure my wish will come true." Machi: "They're back!" umio: "Back!" Machi: "How did it go? It went well, one way or another." Shiori: "Yes, that it did." Machi: "Good!" umio: "Good, good." Chihiro: "I'm glad." Ichiro: "It's finally arrived, the day I annul my pact with Goshiki-san." Ichiro: "But if we pull out the stinger..." Shiori: "How will Kuga-san feel..." Ichiro: "How will Goshiki-san feel..."
{ "raw_title": "A Galaxy Next Door Episode 10 – Family Meeting with the Princess", "parsed": [ "A Galaxy Next Door", "10", "Family Meeting with the Princess" ] }
Ichiro'S Father: "Sorry." Ichiro'S Father: "Work's been busy." Ichiro: "It's okay. I'll do it." Ichiro'S Father: "Hey, thanks." Teacher: "Split into groups of three." Schoolboy: "Three, huh? We can't do four? Now what?" Ichiro: "Okay, I'll join some other group." Schoolboy A: "Sorry." Schoolboy D: "Kuga, you'll switch with me?" Schoolboy D: "Thanks." Schoolgirl A: "That's a big help." Momoka: "You won! Lucky you!" Ichiro: "Then I'll give it to you, Moka-nee. After I wash it off." Momoka: "No, I want to win on my own." Momoka: "That one's yours, Ichiro-kun." Ichiro: "It's easier to let good things go, so I forgot how to accept them..." Ichiro: "despite how happy I would've been." Momiji: "Greetings." Momiji: "I am Momiji Makado." Keigo: "I'm Keigo Komaki..." Momiji: "We will perform the ceremony to annul your pact." Momiji: "Here's hoping it goes well." Ichiro: "Thank you for coming all the way here. Please, come on inside—" Ichiro: "A-Are you all right?" Momiji: "Looks like he got seasick on the ship. The waves were especially rough today. Pull yourself together. You're in front of the princess." Shiori: "Komaki is one thing, but Makado is on my side." Ichiro: "That trusted staff member you mentioned..." Ichiro: "is Makado-san?" Momiji: "And so..." Momiji: "This is what we will use." Shiori: "These are the forceps?" Momiji: "Yes, forceps made from the island's Yobi stone." Ichiro: "Tweezers, huh?" Momiji: "We will use the forceps to remove the princess's stinger from you. That's roughly what the ceremony involves." Ichiro: "So, you need a ceremony to annul the pact." Momiji: "Technically yes, but we will prepare the site and the clothing. You will not need to do much to prepare. Please just follow our lead on the day in question." Ichiro: "Th-That's all we have to do?" Momiji: "Oh, Princess, are your clothing sizes still the same?" Shiori: "Naturally." Momiji: "May I take your measurements, Kuga-san?" Ichiro: "Oh, uh, sure." Keigo: "Excuse me." Keigo: "I'd like to use your bathroom." Shiori: "Keigo, you need to get some rest." Shiori: "I'll have him rest in my room." Ichiro: "Okay. Hope you feel better." Keigo: "I'm sorry, Princess..." Momiji: "Shall we, then?" Ichiro: "Um, what kind of clothing?" Momiji: "Traditional formal attire." Momiji: "But we're short on time, so it'll be ready-made." Ichiro: "Well, I've never worn anything fancier than a yukata." Momiji: "It's extravagant, isn't it? We just want the sacred Yobi stone to be presented as sacredly as possible. Location and attire don't mean a thing, truth be told." Ichiro: "Did Goshiki-san's grandmother come up with the ceremony, too?" Momiji: "Yes. Our previous leader Aya-sama happened upon a shooting star, and it granted her wish, bringing tranquility and blessings to the islanders." Ichiro: "Blessings..." Momiji: "When I say "blessing," I mean a beautiful world where the islanders love Goshiki, and they care for and help one another. On the other hand, they've also become insular, so in her later years," Momiji: "Aya-sama seemed to have regrets about what she had built." Momiji: "I originally worked for Aya-sama, so I want to be of help to the princess." Momiji: "Sorry this is all so restrictive for you." Ichiro: "Not at all." Ichiro: "Anyway, thank goodness we can finally annul the pact." Ichiro: "I don't like how hard it makes things for Goshiki-san." Momiji: "You love her." Ichiro: "Uh, well..." Momiji: "Even though a tool exists for it, as far as I know this is the first ever pact annulment. Therefore I can't be sure about this." Momiji: "But it's possible the feelings you have for each other are simply due to the pact." Momiji: "But again, I can't be sure." Shiori: "You could have just stayed on the island, Keigo." Keigo: "But I wanted to see you. Miyako-sama was here too last time, so you and I hardly got to talk." Shiori: "You can feel free to take it easy." Keigo: "Wait, please! It's been so long since I've heard your voice!" Shiori: "It doesn't seem possible to exchange thoughts here." Keigo: "Princess." Keigo: "Miyako-sama gave me this." Keigo: "It's a piece of the Yobi stone. She said with this, our minds should be able to link even off the island." Shiori: "Keigo..." Keigo: "Everyone is waiting for you." Keigo: "Princess!" Islanders: "Princess! Your Highness!" Shiori: "I'm sorry. I don't intend to go back." Keigo: "Is it because of that man? I mean, I guess even some outsiders would be attracted to you," Keigo: "but without a pact, there's no telling when a guy like him would have a change of heart." Shiori: "There's no chance of that." Keigo: "But isn't his devotion due to the pact?" Keigo: "Once it's annulled, I bet those feelings will vanish." Momiji: "See you tomorrow, then." Momiji: "We'll come get you in the afternoon." Shiori: "All right." Ichiro: "See you." Ichiro: "I'm nervous about tomorrow." Shiori: "But we can finally annul the pact." Shiori: "That'll be great!" Ichiro: "Yeah! It sure will." Machi: "Did the guests leave?" Ichiro: "Oh yeah, sorry. It's over now." Machi: "You okay?" Machi: "Something happened, didn't it?" umio: "Didn't it?" Ichiro: "No, we're fine!" Ichiro: "There's nothing for you guys to worry about." Machi: "Are you gonna leave?" Shiori: "I-I'm not!" Machi: "Really?" Shiori: "Yes." Ichiro: "We were talking about making hot chocolate. Want some?" Machi: "You bet!" Machi: "It's so warm!" umio: "And tasty." Machi: "Fumio, your glasses are all white!" umio: "All white." Shiori: "Here, Fumio-san." Ichiro: "Hello." Momoka: "Happy New Year. I received a bunch of gifts for the holiday. Mind if I give some of them to you again?" Ichiro: "By all means. Thank you." Momoka: "Did something happen?" Ichiro: "N-No, I-I mean..." Ichiro: "Well..." Ichiro: "Maybe it did." Momoka: "Why don't you let Machi and Fumio come over here from time to time? And then go spend some time alone with Goshiki-san. Although I imagine you'd say it's plenty fun with the four of you." Ichiro: "Okay, yeah. I might take you up on that tomorrow." Ichiro: "There's somewhere we have to go, and I forgot Chibi-chan won't be here." Momoka: "Oh, is that so?" Ichiro: "I mean, tell me if you can't do it. I know it's your New Year's holiday." Momoka: "No, it's totally cool! I love watching kids do their thing." Ichiro: "Thank you." Momoka: "So, what did happen?" Ichiro: "Nothing specifically. I'm just, you know, going out with Goshiki-san." Ichiro: "It's the first time I've ever felt so strongly about someone else." Ichiro: "When I think, what if this situation might come to an end..." Ichiro: "It scares me." Momoka: "You're kidding me! You, boasting about your love life?!" Ichiro: "B-Boasting? Is that what I'm doing?" Momoka: "This is great!" Momoka: "Look, nobody understands how or why feelings change." Momoka: "But hey, change is fun in its own way. A moment and an eternity are both good things." Ichiro: "Yeah, thanks." Ichiro: "Also for helping out tomorrow." Momoka: "Sure, we've got your back." Ichiro: "Okay, bye." Ichiro: "May what I felt that time..." Ichiro: "...be the real thing." Keigo: "Princess, listen to this!" Keigo: "You and I might be able to marry!" Keigo: "I can become a candidate. I'm so happy!" Shiori: "Aren't you still a child, Keigo?" Keigo: "I'll be an adult soon! I'll work hard to be your choice!" Shiori: "What about me do you like?" Keigo: "You're the princess, Princess." Shiori: "I see." Shiori: "I find myself wondering how things would be if I weren't the princess." Shiori: "Grandmother?" Shiori: "Books?" Shiori: "This is lovely!" Shiori: "I could have broadened my imagination... no, my fantasies this way!" Shiori: "I could be free to choose what I love, and whom." Shiori: "This is love!" Ichiro: "Would you go out with me with the intent to someday get married?!" Keigo: "But isn't his devotion due to the pact?" Keigo: "Once it's annulled, those feelings will vanish." Shiori: "What would I do if Kuga-san's feelings were to change tomorrow?" Shiori: "If even our feelings are due to the pact, then I might lose him." Shiori: "Kuga-san..." Takeru: "Tea is ready." Takeru: "Care to join me?" Miyako: "Yes." Takeru: "She'll be fine. I'm sure it will work." Miyako: "Yes, I am too." Shiori: "I look terrible." Keigo: "Princess, it's Keigo." Shiori: "Come in." Keigo: "The time has come. Are you prepared?" Shiori: "Yes." Keigo: "I-I love you. I mean, you look lovely, Princess!" Shiori: "Thank you." Keigo: "Could you and I just... I mean, I'll work hard! So that I can be your choice." Keigo: "So let's make sure today's ceremony is a success!" Ichiro: "W-We're really doing it here?" Momiji: "Like I said, extravagant." Ichiro: "Where are Goshiki-san's parents?" Momiji: "They haven't come. The family head can't be away from the island for long." Momiji: "Don't worry. We'll record it all and show it to them." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san." Ichiro: "You okay?" Shiori: "Yes." Ichiro: "You're not looking too well." Shiori: "I'm fine." Keigo: "Princess, this way." Ichiro: "We should have discussed this more yesterday." Keigo: "The camera is ready." Ichiro: "At any rate, how do you remove the stinger?" Ichiro: "Is this safe?" Momiji: "We will now begin the Stinger Removal Ceremony." Momiji: "This sake is sacred to the island, as it was dedicated to the Yobi stone." Momiji: "It will cause the stinger that stung Kuga-san to manifest." Momiji: "Go on and drink." Ichiro: "Oh, okay." Momiji: "Now, we wait." Ichiro: "Okay." Ichiro: "What's this?!" Shiori: "Are you all right?!" Momiji: "Please pull on that, and extract it." Shiori: "Please lift your hands if it hurts." Ichiro: "I'm fine! Go on, do it!" Momiji: "Remain calm." Keigo: "Gently, gently." Ichiro: "Wait—" Ichiro: "Now what? This is really happening." Ichiro: "We know a bond linking us together will be severed." Ichiro: "I should have talked more and gotten you to smile." Ichiro: "Sorry I couldn't respond right away, even though you share so much with me." Ichiro: "It's like it's a present I can't open because it's too good for me." Ichiro: "I shouldn't have said I was too embarrassed to accept them." Ichiro: "Or that I wanted to hang on to them for later." Ichiro: "I should have opened the gifts I was given and been happy!" Ichiro: "I want you to know I love you." Momiji: "It seems to have ended without incident." Momiji: "Are you all right?" Shiori: "Good for you." Shiori: "This means you're free now. Tell me, do—" Shiori: "Do you still love me?" Ichiro: "I love you!" Shiori: "And I love you!" Keigo: "Y-You!" Momiji: "Yes, yes, our job is done. Time to go." Keigo: "P-Princess!" Keigo: "Princess!" Keigo: "Princess!" Machi: "Good for you, Ichiro and Shio-chan!" umio: "Happy." Machi: "But will things work out in the end?" umio: "Oh no." Ichiro: "Don't say things that make us anxious!" Shiori: "At last, the final episode. Everyone,"
{ "raw_title": "A Galaxy Next Door Episode 11 – Stinger Removal with Kuga-Kun", "parsed": [ "A Galaxy Next Door", "11", "Stinger Removal with Kuga-Kun" ] }
Machi: "Good morning!" umio: "Morning." Shiori: "Good morning." Ichiro: "Don't be so clingy." Machi: "Okay." Machi: "See you later!" umio: "Later." Shiori: "Have a nice day." Ichiro: "Sorry. They're so relieved you came back, they can't stay away." Shiori: "Oh, I don't mind. It's a pleasant sort of weight, like paper secured by a paperweight." Shiori: "So..." Shiori: "You're working today, right?" Ichiro: "Oh, yeah." Ichiro: "I've got to turn in a rough draft." Shiori: "Of course." Ichiro: "I'll finish up before the day is done." Ichiro: "Want to go out somewhere tomorrow?" Shiori: "It'll be a date!" Shiori: "I look forward to it!" Shiori: "All I have are black dresses." Shiori: "This is our first date since annulling the pact. I want to make it one to remember!" Shiori: "I need a new date outfit!" Chihiro: "Huh?" Chihiro: "Shiori-san?" Shiori: "Chibi-chan!" Chihiro: "Are you shopping?" Shiori: "All the details about money and materials have me so dizzy, I don't know what's what." Chihiro: "Where do you plan to wear the clothes?" Shiori: "On a date." Chihiro: "Oh, gotcha." Chihiro: "Want me to help you?" Shiori: "You'd be willing to?" Chihiro: "Dresses really seem like your thing." Shiori: "I just realized, this is my first time looking at clothes with a friend like this." Chihiro: "It is?" Shiori: "I wonder what kind of clothes Kuga-san likes." Chihiro: "You seem like you'd wear what you want no matter what others think." Shiori: "W-Well, the past few days I've felt a growing urge to appeal to him more." Chihiro: "There's no need for all that. I think Ichiro-kun would compliment any choice." Shiori: "I-I know that." Chihiro: "It might've been the Shichi-Go-San festival. I forgot I'd chosen an orange kimono," Chihiro: "and on the day of, I was crying because I wanted a light blue one instead." Ichiro: "You know, you're like a flower amongst all this green." Chihiro: "He hasn't changed at all since then." Chihiro: "So different from all the other guys." Chihiro: "I mean he's really nice, that's all! It doesn't mean anything, and he's my cousin anyway!" Chihiro: "Things just got kind of weird, huh?!" Shiori: "Chibi-chan, are you—" Chihiro: "Wait, wait! Um..." Chihiro: "I-I love him." Chihiro: "But as if he's my brother and then some. With a longing for it to go even beyond that. He's a bit older, and kind, and it was just convenient to fall in love with him. Ichiro-kun is never going to fall in love with me, so that actually leaves me free to love him." Shiori: "You're incredible, Chibi-chan. You know exactly what shape your feelings take." Chihiro: "That's why I was actually relieved when he starting going out with you." Chihiro: "This is the truth." Chihiro: "I'm glad it was you." Shiori: "I-I swear to cherish this love!" Chihiro: "You're swearing it to me? Oh, enough already! On to the next store!" Shiori: "Okay!" Ichiro: "All done!" Shiori: "I'm home." Ichiro: "Welcome home. You two were together?" Chihiro: "We went shopping." Shiori: "I was getting things together to look nice for tomorrow's date. I'm really going all out, so I hope you look forward to it!" Chihiro: "Hey, you go and tell him that?" Shiori: "I'm just so happy!" Ichiro: "Uh oh!" Ichiro: "Machi, I gotta go out for a bit!" Machi: "Where are you going?" umio: "Ichiro, let's play." Ichiro: "To Sano-kun's place. I'll be right back!" umio: "Aww..." Machi: "Want to play with me?" Sano: "Help you? With what?" Ichiro: "Teach me how to put more work into my appearance!" Sano: "This is how Kuga-san turns out once he has a girlfriend?" Sano: "Put together something promising with clothes you have on hand. Shall we see what we can do with your hair and eyebrows?" Ichiro: "Thank you!" Sano: "He seems way more driven than usual." Shiori: "I can say, "I only just got here!"" Ichiro: "Goshiki-san!" Shiori: "Yes?" Ichiro: "So cute!" Ichiro: "Do I look weird?" Shiori: "No, it's just... You look so lovely today, I'm the one who's surprised." Ichiro: "Really?" Ichiro: "You look totally cute yourself." Shiori: "This is bliss!" Ichiro: "I'm glad I put in the effort!" Shiori: "His hand..." Ichiro: "Sorry. My palm's all sweaty." Shiori: "I get it, I get it!" Ichiro: "It's kind of warm today." Shiori: "This is skating? I want to try it." Ichiro: "I've never done it either." Ichiro: "Let's give it a go." Shiori: "This is difficult." Ichiro: "I can't stand up." Shiori: "This is no time for holding hands. One of us needs to improve in a hurry." Ichiro: "Oh, wow!" Ichiro: "You can already skate that well?" Shiori: "All I had to do was think of the frozen ground showdown in Master of the Lion's Fist." Ichiro: "Moka-nee would be happy to hear that." Ichiro: "I still can't walk without support." Shiori: "I'll be that support." Ichiro: "No, you'll be in danger if I fall. I'll get the hang of this a little more first." Shiori: "O-Oh, okay." Girl: "Here goes!" Shiori: "Lucky them." Shiori: "I'd be okay falling with him." Chihiro: "...it was just convenient to fall in love with him." Shiori: "It was probably the same for me." Shiori: "First I had an ideal, and I chased the joy of being able to experience it." Ichiro: "Woop." Shiori: "But now..." Shiori: "You can do it!" Ichiro: "Thanks for waiting." Ichiro: "What's wrong?" Shiori: "The night before the pact annulment," Shiori: "I couldn't sleep because I was thinking this love might end." Ichiro: "And I was thinking, I wish I had told you more." Shiori: "Right." Ichiro: "But I think in the end, unable to say more, I'd still have done the same things." Shiori: "I wanted you to be freed." Shiori: "I never thought I'd choose to let you go because I love you." Ichiro: "Even if I had fallen in love because of the pact, I think I'd fall in love with you all over again." Shiori: "Oh, my!" Ichiro: "Sorry I was too stubborn to hold your hand earlier." Ichiro: "I was thinking, with the pact gone, I need to be even more careful." Ichiro: "Or levelheaded, or something." Shiori: "Why?" Ichiro: "I didn't want you to dislike me for getting carried away. Because it was already at risk of ending once." Shiori: "That won't happen." Ichiro: "That's why I want to keep doing this." Shiori: "This?" Ichiro: "Letting you know things." Ichiro: "I want to hold your hand." Shiori: "Sure!" Ichiro: "I'm home!" Machi: "Welcome home!" umio: "Home." Ichiro/Shiori: "We're back." Ichiro: "I bet you're hungry, huh? Let's eat soon." Shiori: "We picked up some yummy food." Ichiro: "My muscles are aching." Shiori: "You worked too hard at it." Ichiro: "Ow, ow." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san, why aren't you in pain?" Ichiro: "We had too much fun last month." Ichiro: "I spent more than I realized at New Years and on the trip." Ichiro: "We've gotta cut back on spending this month!" Machi: "He looks busy." umio: "Ichiro." Ichiro: "You guys are home?" Machi: "We're going to go play at the park." Ichiro: "Both of you?" Machi: "Yuina-chan, Sakura-chan, and Ren-kun will be there." Ichiro: "Okay, be careful." Machi: "We will." Someone: "Wait up!" Ren: "Huh? Looks like rain, doesn't it?" Yuina: "Want to play at my place, then?" Sakura: "Can we? I want to go, Yuina-chan!" Machi: "I might head home." Yuina: "Oh, Fumio-kun can come too, of course. Let's all go." Machi: "Um..." Yuina: "You didn't get to go skiing that time either, Machi-chan. Did you ask your family if you can go on the amusement park trip?" Yuina: "Well, it's okay." Machi: "Yeah, sorry." Yuina: "See you!" Sakura: "Bye-bye!" Machi: "Let's go." Shiori: "I happened to be passing by, but something's up with Machi-chan." Machi: "We're home." Ichiro: "That was quick." Machi: "It looks like rain, so we called it a day." Machi: "Weren't you doing laundry?" Ichiro: "Oh, yeah! I'd better bring it in." Machi: "Oh, I'll do it." Ichiro: "It's no problem." Shiori: "I'm home." Machi: "You were watching, Shio-chan?" Shiori: "Uh..." Machi: "You were listening?" Shiori: "Yes, just a little." Machi: "Don't tell Ichiro." Machi: "It's out of character for me to turn down my friends, you might say." Shiori: "Character? Are you saying you're unexpectedly shy?" Machi: "Just promise me!" Shiori: "Machi-chan..." Machi: "Dog!" Machi: "Fumio, you're good!" Machi: "Want to go again?" umio: "Ichiro should play, too." Machi: "No, no!" Machi: "Didn't he look busy?" Machi: "Come on. Let's get something to drink." Machi: "In the end, it didn't rain anyway." Shiori: "The way Machi-chan was with her friends... Hold on." Shiori: "Is there some trouble between them?!" umio: "It's good." Machi: "What's up?" Shiori: "I'll keep your secret, but..." Shiori: "It makes me sad to think something might be distressing you." Machi: "I-I'm not distressed! It's just, out there they know me as being all cool." Shiori: "But..." Machi: "Oh. Do you think I didn't go play because we don't get along?" Shiori: "W-Well..." Machi: "Not at all! They're all good kids, so everything's fine! More like, I'm not big on going to other peoples' houses." Machi: "And it's more fun playing with Fumio." Machi: "Right, Fumio?" umio: "I'll play with Shio-chan. Machi, you can go over." Machi: "Why would you say a thing like that?!" Ichiro: "I just felt a chill." Shiori: "Kuga-san." Ichiro: "Wh-Wh-What happened?!" Ichiro: "I see." Ichiro: "You were invited to go play, but you turned them down." Ichiro: "Fumio, you thought Machi could go play if you stayed behind?" Ichiro: "Machi, did you turn it down out of consideration for me?" Machi: "I-It wasn't for your sake." Machi: "It's because I like playing with Fumio." Ichiro: "Yes, I know how fond you are of Fumio." Ichiro: "I'm sorry, though." Machi: "I meant it, it's not that! I mean, you..." Machi: "Everything you do is for our sake! I can help out, too!" Ichiro: "I-I... really am hopeless." Machi: "No, you're not!" Ichiro: "Well, I was trying my best not to make you and Fumio feel that way." Ichiro: "But I must have seemed stretched so thin, you felt you had to deny yourself." Ichiro: "Now, I kind of understand." Ichiro: "I have someone else who's important in my life, and it made me lose sight of what's going on." Ichiro: "I must have made you and Fumio sad." Machi: "We're not sad, we're happy!" umio: "We love Shio-chan." Ichiro: "Thank you." Ichiro: "Hey, Machi." Ichiro: "Next time you're worried, be sure to tell me." Ichiro: "You know how with cake, I get a bigger piece than Fumio? This is the same. If you've got trouble, let me handle the biggest third." Machi: "Sure." Machi: "Then that means, my piece is bigger than Fumio's." Ichiro: "Uh, well..." Machi: "Fumio." Machi: "Sorry I started crying." umio: "It's okay." Shiori: "What kind of playtime have you been turning down?" Machi: "Let's see, with going over to someone's house, getting permission seems like a pain. And then there's..." umio: "Fireworks." Machi: "Huh? You mean at the summer festival?" Ichiro: "I had to work that day, and they were saying the view from the apartment was bad." Ichiro: "I didn't know she'd been invited to go." Shiori: "Summer festival, fireworks! That's lovely!" Ichiro: "Let's take part next time. I want to go, too." Machi: "Let's go next time." Shiori: "Listen. Why don't we have a festival right away?" Momoka: "A festival? I want in!" Shiori: "Momoka-san's on board." Machi/Fumio: "Yeah!" Shiori: "Let's invite Sano-san, too!" Machi/Fumio: "Yeah!" Chihiro: "So we're having a summer festival in the winter, huh?" Ichiro: "Yeah, well... It's just us eating fried noodles outside and setting off fireworks, though." Chihiro: "It's a Shiori-san thing to do." Momoka: "Hello." Sano: "'Sup?" Ichiro/Shiori: "Welcome." Momoka: "We brought fireworks!" Ichiro: "Thanks! You too, Sano-kun." Sano: "I was happy to be invited." Machi: "A pool in winter? That's weird." umio: "Are we getting in?" Sano: "We're putting in water balloons, not you guys. Want to fish for them?" Machi/Fumio: "I do!" Sano: "But it's cold, so let's add hot water." umio: "Cold..." Ichiro: "Good, they're having fun." Momoka: "The noodles are great!" Sano: "It does feel like a festival." Machi: "Fumio! Isn't this fun?" umio: "Yeah." Honami: "Wow, what's all this?" Momoka: "Way to go!" Ichiro: "Sorry to do this unannounced!" Honami: "That's okay." Shiori: "Honami-san!" Shiori: "We're holding a wintertime summer festival. Care to join us?" Honami: "If you say so, Goshiki-chan, I just might." Ichiro: "When did you two get so close?" Shiori: "We met up by chance in the middle of the night, and she taught me how to do my nails. She has such delicate, lovely skills, and she's really nice." Machi: "Shio-chan!" Shiori: "Coming!" Ichiro: "So..." Machi: "Shio-chan, do you know how to fish with this?" Ichiro: "Goshiki-san is the one who was set free." Shiori: "Oh, neat!" Ichiro: "I never could have held this festival myself." Machi: "Ichiro!" umio: "Fireworks. Let's go." Machi: "Thank you." Ichiro: "For what?" Machi: ""For what?" For every day." Machi: "From "good morning" to the next "good morning." Every day." Momoka: "This was so much fun." Sano: "Oh, yeah." Ichiro: "Thanks for today." Shiori: "And thank you. I'm happy you went along with my random idea." Ichiro: "I never could have gotten things together for a festival like this myself." Shiori: "It took more than just me to make something like this a success." Ichiro: "It's really true." Ichiro: "There are people around me who are willing to help." Ichiro: "I've realized a lot of things, thanks to you." Shiori: "I-I'm apparently the type to run wild with things. Your cautious nature balances that out perfectly." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san, you can go anywhere you want on your own now. Keep on running wild. That really makes me happy." Shiori: "You're right. There are many places I want to go and things I want to do." Shiori: "I'll work hard and get to where I can support myself, and then..." Shiori: "I want to be the one to propose to you!" Ichiro: "Oh, man. I can't keep up. All right." Machi: "Congrats!" umio: "Grats." Everyone: "Congrats!" Shiori: "Thank you, everyone! I'll do my best!" Ichiro: "Everyone, hey..."
{ "raw_title": "A Galaxy Next Door Episode 12 – Fireworks with the Princess", "parsed": [ "A Galaxy Next Door", "12", "Fireworks with the Princess" ] }
Shiori: "I am the princess of the Star People, and I wandered here from outer space." Ichiro: "Princess? She might be dangerous..." Shiori: "Our customs dictate that a marital union be formed with the one linked by my stinger." Ichiro: "Are those your family's customs?" Shiori: "Yes." Shiori: "I was supposed to marry a partner of my parents' choosing. But I learned from manga how wonderful an unfettered love and life can be," Shiori: "and I decided to leave the island." Shiori: "And so Kuga-san, you and I must first attempt to fall in love." Ichiro: "You don't want to obey those customs, do you?" Shiori: "Correct." Ichiro: "Then, is there any need to force yourself into love?" Ichiro: "I mean, falling in love is fine, but choose your partner carefully." Shiori: "I see your point." Shiori: "I do have the choice to not fall in love." Ichiro: "Besides, it's always possible I already have someone." Shiori: "Do you?" Ichiro: "I don't at the moment. But let's just forget that whole thing. It's problematic." Shiori: "You've already been chosen, though." Ichiro: "Oh, sorry. We'll come back to this." Shiori: "Um, would you mind if I got some rest?" Ichiro: "No problem. Feel free to take a nap." Ichiro: "What really is her deal?" Morikuni: "Hey, good work." Morikuni: "What's wrong?" Ichiro: "I had a bit of a scare. I thought I was going to miss the deadline." Morikuni: "Yeah, that'd be scary." Morikuni: "Speaking of scary, I recently saw two horror flicks in a row." Ichiro: "Oh, impressive. Were they any good?" Morikuni: "I think you could handle them, Kuga-kun." Morikuni: "They both had to do with villages with strange festivals, customs, rituals, etc." Ichiro: "No, I would pass." Morikuni: "But they're entertaining." Morikuni: "Oh, hey, why not draw some color pages? I like your coloring." Ichiro: "Of course!" Morikuni: "Cool, take today off." Ichiro: "Yes!" Ichiro: "My first color pages in a year!" Shiori: "Good morning, everyone." Islander 1: "Good morning, princess." Islander 2: "Good morning." Shiori: "Sure enough." Shiori: "I guess when I'm this far away from my people, our bond will weaken." Machi: "We're having barbecue tonight!" umio: "Great." Chihiro: "Where's Ichiro-kun?" Machi: "Still asleep, right?" Shiori: "Excuse me." Machi: "Goshiki-san, you're awake!" Chihiro: "Good morning." Shiori: "Um..." Chihiro: "Oh, I'm Chihiro Ibusuki from room 201." Shiori: "Chibi-chan!" Shiori: "Good morning." Chihiro: "Would you like to go get lunch?" Shiori: "No, thank you. I'm going to head home first." Chihiro: "All right." Machi: "Ichiro, it's about dinnertime." Chihiro: "He has a fever." Machi: "You need to get decent sleep!" Shiori: "I'd better text him where to send my pay." umio: "Text message." Chihiro: "Who could it be?" Machi: "Hey! Fumio, that's not your phone!" umio: "Ichiro!" Ichiro: "Fumio! Get away, or you'll catch this!" Machi: "Get us sick! We'll split it into thirds!" Ichiro: "Chibi-chan, could you keep them isolated from me?" umio: "Into thirds." Chihiro: "S-Sure." Machi: "Hurry and get better!" Ichiro: "I'm so drained. Was this usually how colds feel?" Ichiro: "I wonder if Goshiki-san's all right." Shiori: "Kuga-san, please hold my hand!" Shiori: "I apologize for this, but it seems you're under my influence. Your fever appears to have formed because we moved away from each other physically." Ichiro: "A fever because you and I got too far apart?" Shiori: "Yes. It's more like my power than my influence. Do you feel a little better now that I've returned?" Ichiro: "Better than before, now that you mention it." Shiori: "I'm sorry." Shiori: "You're receiving retribution." Shiori: "For being my betrothed, yet being far apart from me." Shiori: "It's all to protect me, as princess. Neither I nor you can control the intentions of the Great Star. An accident may have led to this, but I never meant to put you through this unreasonable ordeal." Shiori: "I'm sorry." Ichiro: "Hey, um... This whole scenario of yours?" Ichiro: "You don't need it either, do you?" Shiori: "Oh, please don't get up." Shiori: "I'll lie down next to you." Ichiro: "Y-You can get up!" Shiori: "It's no problem." Ichiro: "It seems awkward!" Shiori: "Machi-san said you're doing work for your siblings' sake that isn't what you want to do." Ichiro: "She said that?" Shiori: "Yes." Ichiro: "Well, it's true that I didn't have any luck with shonen magazines. And I was happy to be told that I'm cut out for shojo manga. But it's not only for Machi's and Fumio's sakes." Shiori: "Is that so?" Ichiro: "I'm just lucky that what I like to do and what I have to do happen to overlap." Shiori: "You accept your burden and search for the best path forward." Ichiro: "I've never thought of it as a burden." Ichiro: "Isn't it a tiresome idea that people need to be given things like burdens and retribution?" Shiori: "Yes, I've long wondered if it's possible to share feelings with someone without controlling them!" Shiori: "Like in those beautiful stories I've read." Shiori: "What's this?" Ichiro: "Rough color sketches." Shiori: "Color! It's been a year since you've done any." Ichiro: "Yeah, I was so excited I drew a bunch." Ichiro: "Which do you like best?" Shiori: "I like this one." Ichiro: "O-Okay, maybe I'll try expanding on this pattern a little more." Shiori: "Don't overdo it." Ichiro: "Will I... get better if we hold hands?" Shiori: "Physical contact should lessen the burden." Ichiro: "I-If you would." Ichiro: "That's kinda comfy." Ichiro: "I see. She's been telling the truth from the start." Ichiro: "No matter how silly it might sound." Ichiro: "Fumio, where's Goshiki-san?" umio: "Ichiro!" Ichiro: "Sorry about that. I'm fine now." Ichiro: "Uh, about what you said." Shiori: "This is lovely." Ichiro: "Huh?" Shiori: "I'm still staying somewhere temporarily, so I'm looking for a place. Can I rent a room?" Ichiro: "As a friend, I recommend the place." Shiori: "Developing a relationship from friendship is lovely, too." Machi: "Goshiki-san, you want to live here? Yay!" Shiori: "Thank you for having me." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san moved in with very few belongings." Ichiro: "Yobijima, huh?" Ichiro: "Princess of the Star People." Ichiro: "How do I explain that to Machi and Fumio?" Shiori: "Excuse me." Shiori: "I'll help out." Ichiro: "No, it's okay. It's part of my landlord duties." Shiori: "Well, I also want to chat." Ichiro: "Yeah, we do need to discuss what to do from here." Shiori: "You want to know if it's possible to annul our pact." Ichiro: "Is it possible?" Shiori: "I don't know yet, but I arranged for my staff on the island to look into it." Ichiro: "Th-Thank you." Shiori: "Is that enough?" Ichiro: "That was quick! Th-Thanks. This helped me finish up early." Shiori: "No problem." Shiori: "I have a favor to ask of you, too." Ichiro: "Th-This timing makes it hard to refuse." Shiori: "I want to go shopping. Could you come with me?" Ichiro: "Oh, is that all?" Shiori: "Work clothes, everyday clothes, and daily necessities." Shiori: "Is it okay if I go look?" Ichiro: "Go ahead." Ichiro: "Machi still gets clothes from the children's section, so I never come to this floor." Shiori: "Kuga-san, Kuga-san!" Ichiro: "Yes?" Shiori: "What do you think?" Shiori: "Either this..." Shiori: "...this..." Shiori: "...or this. I can't decide." Ichiro: "I'm sorry, I can't tell the difference!" Shiori: "I'll think on it a bit more, then." Shiori: "I-If I mix this in like this..." Shiori: "What do you think?" Ichiro: "Well, it... looks like a school uniform." Shiori: "Does it?!" Ichiro: "Um..." Shiori: "I guess nobody but students would wear this." Ichiro: "Uh, no." Ichiro: "It's fine for you to wear it because you like it. Did your school not have uniforms?" Shiori: "They were correspondence courses, so no uniforms. I've always wanted to try wearing one." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san..." Ichiro: "Then go on and buy it!" Shiori: "I-I will!" Shiori: "They have a lot more books than my grandmother's library!" Shiori: "I-It's a gold mine! Wonderful! I might prefer some over others, but I suspect all the books out there in the world are interesting." Shiori: "I want to purchase one, for the occasion. Should I make it one of yours?" Ichiro: "No, don't worry about that." Ichiro: "She sure is straightforward." Shiori: "I bought some!" Ichiro: "Good for you." Employee: "Your custard pudding, miss." Shiori: "This is wonderful!" Employee: "Your strawberry brûlée parfait, sir." Shiori: "From me, to all the Star People." Ichiro: "Are you... praying?" Shiori: "No, it's a habit before eating. I thought I'd try connecting with my people. But maybe because of the distance, there's no response." Ichiro: "Are you saying you can use telepathy with the islanders?" Shiori: "It's something like that." Shiori: "Oh, my! This pudding is wonderful!" Ichiro: "Hey, I found the island's site." Shiori: "Site?" Ichiro: "I mean this." Shiori: "There's so much I don't know." Ichiro: "Hey, I never look at my local tourist sites. So, there's a page about legends told on the island." Ichiro: "One day, the children of the island found a shooting star." Ichiro: "The star fell at the foot of a mountain and began to cry and cry." Ichiro: "A concerned island child came close, and the star's tears soaked into her. She could sense how sad the star was feeling. "I'm going to tell everyone else." She distributed the tears to other children, and they too could understand the star's feelings." Ichiro: "It was so lonely, it couldn't stand it." Ichiro: "For every tear the star shed, it grew smaller, and eventually disappeared altogether." Ichiro: "But don't worry." Ichiro: "The star's feelings got through to the people of the island, and it's not lonely anymore." Ichiro: "Do the Star People you mentioned come from this story?" Shiori: "It's been made easy for children to understand. I was taught it too, when I was little. It was a meteorite rather than a star, and I heard it brought with it some kind of microorganism." Ichiro: "Doesn't that mean it's some kind of parasite? And that means, you..." Shiori: "According to my grandmother, it's coexistence rather than parasitism. She was the first Star Child, two generations before me. I never had any deep conversations with her when I was young, A year ago, when my mother's rule began, my grandmother started teaching me stories." Ichiro: "I see." Shiori: "They were exciting for me, as until then, I'd only had limited contact with books." Shiori: "History filled with revolutions, everyday activity in foreign lands..." Shiori: "Huge schools, with tyrannical student councils. The amusing fellows who stand up to them!" Ichiro: "Huh?" Shiori: "The fire in my heart blazed up, and before I knew it I was copying away!" Ichiro: "Uh, what's your grandmother doing now?" Shiori: "She passed away." Ichiro: "Oh." Shiori: "Mother was against me leaving the island, but it was my grandmother who supported it." Ichiro: "Then it must be hard for you that I have to stick close, now that you've finally managed to leave home." Shiori: "Just so you know, the reason I'm looking into how to annul the pact is not because I'm dissatisfied with you. If I desire a genuine romance with you, would I really have wanted it to be based on an accident? It's therefore important to me to be sincere as we move forward with proper marital relations." Ichiro: "Well, it doesn't have to be me if we annul the pact! We'll find someone else good for you!" Ichiro: "Sorry, I suddenly... I'll go wash my hands!" Ichiro: "That was a surprise! You never know what she'll say." Man 1: "Sure, I love manga." Man 2: "That's great!" Shiori: "Kuga-san." Shiori: "These two said they wanted to talk about manga. This must be one of those so-called offline gatherings!" Ichiro: "No, it's not!" Man 1: "Hey, let's at least exchange contact info." Man 2: "What's your name?" Ichiro: "Let's go." Shiori: "Ow!" Shiori: "Kuga-san, let go of my hand!" Shiori: "Kuga-san!" Ichiro: "Blood?" Shiori: "Are you all right?" Ichiro: "I am." Ichiro: "Shall we go?" Shiori: "Yes." Ichiro: "Uh, it's stopped and I'm fine now. Sorry to worry you." Shiori: "Please don't apologize. I was the cause of both the sneeze and the nosebleed." Ichiro: "Fevers aren't the only thing?" Shiori: "The retribution for unwelcome forceful contact manifests as a range of physical maladies." Ichiro: "But it was to get you away from those sketchy guys." Ichiro: "I never meant to cause you harm." Shiori: "I didn't understand that." Shiori: "And because of that, I hurt you." Shiori: "If I hadn't left the island, this never would have happened." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san!" Ichiro: "You had never even drawn manga before, right?" Shiori: "Right." Ichiro: "If you became that good in such a short time," Ichiro: "you must have practiced a heck of a lot." Ichiro: "You were able to work at it that hard because you enjoy it, right?" Shiori: "Yes." Ichiro: "Then don't say you wish you hadn't done it because of someone else." Shiori: "Why are you crying?" Ichiro: "I-I'm not crying!" Shiori: "But... May I touch you, then?" Shiori: "See?" Ichiro: "Oh, my sinuses cleared." Shiori: "Thank you for being considerate." Ichiro: "I do... want you to find out how to annul the engagement." Shiori: "Right." Ichiro: "But if you're going to live here, I want to help you." Ichiro: "I'll learn the rules of being with you." Shiori: "O-Okay." Machi: "Why are you embarrassed?" Shiori: "I've never worn pants before." Machi: "You two must be getting along well, though, if you went shopping together." Chihiro: "They did?" Ichiro: "Stop that, Machi." Shiori: "It's true! I was glad when he said he wanted to know more about me." Shiori: "Maybe I should have kept that our secret?" Machi: "I-Ichiro?!" Machi: "Do you know about romance?" umio: "Rome-ants?" Machi: "They say your heart races, and you get all jealous!" umio: "Jell-us?" Momoka: "There's always room for jell-us!"
{ "raw_title": "A Galaxy Next Door Episode 2 – Shopping with the Princess", "parsed": [ "A Galaxy Next Door", "2", "Shopping with the Princess" ] }
Protagonist A: "Darn it! There was nothing I could do! Am I not good enough?!" Master: "You're not giving up, are you?!" Protagonist A: "That voice!" Master: "I don't recall raising anyone to get discouraged after losing!" Protagonist A: "N-No way!" Protagonist A: "No, it can't be! I saw it happen with my own eyes!" Master: "We've been apart for a while, but my heart's been by your side all the time! My favorite student!" Protagonist A: "Master!" Master: "Now, let's go! Your fight has only just begun!" Protagonist A: "You got it!" Protagonist A: "Master!" Manga: "Master of the Lion's Fist" Shiori: "It's so good!" Ichiro: "Are you all right?" Shiori: "I am. I was reading Master of the Lion's Fist yesterday and it was so interesting," Shiori: "I ended up binging fifteen volumes of it." Ichiro: "Oh, you've already finished Lion Fist?" Shiori: "Yes." Ichiro: "That one is good. Can't say I blame you." Shiori: "When the master died in volume one, it was a big shock." Protagonist A: "Master!" Shiori: "I really sympathized with the protagonist, but then the master reappears in volume eight! I couldn't stop myself from restarting at volume one!" Text (Red Boxes): "2nd anime season coming soon!" Ichiro: "That intense bond between the master and the protagonist is really great." Shiori: "Yes! No matter how far apart they get, they're sure to meet again as long as they keep caring for one another!" Shiori: "It gave me such inspiration and courage." Ichiro: "Agreed." Ichiro: "So, let's start figuring out how distance works for us." Shiori: "Ah, yes." Ichiro: "It looks like retribution hits me if I get too far from you," Ichiro: "so let's use today to figure out precisely how far apart is still safe." Shiori: "Yes, let's test this together!" Op: "Funny how it looks like a starry sky" Ichiro: "I got a fever before when we were two stations apart, so let's gauge things from here to that station." Shiori: "Okay. I'll be back, then." Ichiro: "I wonder if she's on the train by now. At the moment, I'm fine—" Ichiro: "Did something happen?" Shiori: "The packed train made me too uncomfortable." Ichiro: "Looks like your mental state affects how I feel, too." Shiori: "I'm sorry." Ichiro: "Oh, don't worry! After five attempts without any real trouble, we know we're fine if we're just one station apart." Ichiro: "Shall we check on the other thing, now?" Shiori: "Yes, you mean "contact." Last time, I was surprised when you yanked on my arm." Ichiro: "Let's go." Shiori: "Ow!" Ichiro: "I'm sorry." Shiori: "It's okay. When it comes to things I wouldn't want people to do... Let's see what I can find in Master of the Lion's Fist." Ichiro: "You're getting ideas from that?" Shiori: "This background character's behavior isn't nice." Ichiro: "Of course we can rule out violence! Please switch genres!" Shiori: "Then we'll use my favorite from the '00s, that huge shojo manga hit: Prom!" High School Boy: "Guess who." School Girl: "Eek!" Shiori: "The prank of sneaking up behind someone and touching their face." Ichiro: "The way you say it..." Ichiro: "But, we could do this one." Shiori: "Well, then..." Shiori: "Go ahead." Ichiro: "Calm down, this is an experiment!" Ichiro: "P-Pardon me!" Ichiro: "Her head's so small! And her hair so silky!" Ichiro: "N-Nothing much happens." Shiori: "I see." Shiori: "Why are you sweating?" Ichiro: "It's because I'm nervous. I think." Ichiro: "That makes sense." Ichiro: "Things like this are bad." Ichiro: "That, huh?" Shiori: "And please say the line!" Ichiro: "Right." Ichiro: "W-Want to have some fun?" Ichiro: "Silky! Smooth!" Ichiro: "P-Please don't laugh!" Shiori: "I'm sorry. It's just so amusing to me when it's pre-arranged." Shiori: "Let's continue. This has been on my mind, too. When someone else's face gets this close, wouldn't I react strongly against it even if it's pre-planned?" Ichiro: "Well, it would be intense to have this actually done to you!" Shiori: "It's an experiment!" Ichiro: "She's enjoying this, isn't she?" Shiori: "Go ahead." Ichiro: "All right. H-Here goes!" Shiori: "Okay." Machi: "Ichiro, your phone was ringing!" Machi: "Making out here at home? Think of the children!" Ichiro: "That's not it! This is, um..." Shiori: "Machi-san, this isn't making out. It's an experiment." Machi: "An experiment?" Shiori: "I was having Kuga-san help me." Shiori: "Thank you for going along with it." Ichiro: "Oh, sure..." Machi: "Well, whatever. I did tell you about the phone!" Shiori: "Are you all right?" Ichiro: "Yeah, sorry." Shiori: "What's the matter?" Ichiro: "I went beyond the peak of embarrassment." Ichiro: "How about we stop for now and get back to work?" Shiori: "Sure." Ichiro: "As we explore like this, I hope you think of more things you'd like to do." Shiori: "Things I'd like to do... There are so many, it's hard to keep them straight." Ichiro: "When think of them, why not start by writing them down? It might help sort out your feelings." Ichiro: "It's Morikuni-san. Maybe it's about the plot and color rough sketches I sent this morning." Ichiro: "Hello, Kuga speaking." Morikuni: "Kuga-kun, good work. Those sketches were great." Ichiro: "Thank you." Morikuni: "I personally like A, but B would work well in terms of composition." Ichiro: "Then I'll use the expressions from A." Morikuni: "Yes, please do. I've got a little something to discuss." Ichiro: "Yes?" Shiori: "Let's see..." Shiori: "Practicing with digital manuscripts on a computer. And looking into how that's done. Working digitally sounds like fun." Shiori: "If we can be one station apart, maybe I can get another assistant gig in the neighborhood." Shiori: "And it sure was fun shopping yesterday." Manga: "Alice and the Knight of Thorns" Ichiro: "Reconsider upcoming developments?" Morikuni: "Yeah. Your art's been on fire lately with all the combat scenes, but a lot of people are musing that it'd be good to also focus on the primary love story." Morikuni: "After all, emotion is important!" Ichiro: "I-I'll think about it." Morikuni: "Yeah, please do." Morikuni: "Once you redo the plot, let's go over it." Ichiro: "That means it's no good the way it is." Machi: "Uh oh, Ichiro's doing chores to avoid work!" Machi: "A-Are you okay?" Machi: "Want to touch Fumio's cheeks?" Ichiro: "Cheeks, huh?" Ichiro: "Squishy." umio: "Squish, squish." Machi: "This is serious." Shiori: "Finished. It's my list of things to accomplish!" Shiori: "The latter half is largely just personal desires, but I'm a sensible grown-up." Shiori: "I will make these happen!" Ichiro: "Now what do I do?" Shiori: "Kuga-san?" Ichiro: "Yes?" Shiori: "Oh, are you cleaning?" Ichiro: "Well... sort of. What's up?" Shiori: "I finished my list of things to accomplish!" Shiori: "I thought I'd start with introducing myself to my new neighbors. And sure enough, you're first." Shiori: "Once again, thank you for all your help. This is just a little something. Feel free to choose one." Ichiro: "Oh, thanks!" Ichiro: "Let's see, maybe I'll go with a towel. I'll cycle an old one into a rag." Shiori: "Don't tell me you do all the cleaning here by yourself?" Ichiro: "Oh, no. I do have a cleaning company come in." Shiori: "Oh, that's a relief." Ichiro: "Are you going around to the other residents, too?" Shiori: "Yes! See you when I'm done." Ichiro: "They might not be here during the day!" Shiori: "Looks like everyone is out." Ichiro: "You might be able to get away with not worrying about it." Ichiro: "It's common these days not to greet neighbors when people move." Shiori: "But I'm sure this is the way to treat those who live under the same roof as me." Ichiro: "I can't speak for other places, but the people here don't go out of their way to mingle." Shiori: "O-Oh, is that how it is." Ichiro: "Then how about writing letters, and leaving them with the gifts in the package boxes?" Shiori: "Letters?" Ichiro: "I think I'd be happy to receive a letter." Shiori: "That's a good idea! Way to go, Kuga-san!" Ichiro: "Don't mention it." Shiori: "Letters... That's exciting! I'll work hard to make them nice." Ichiro: "Yeah!" Ichiro: "By all means, give it a go." Chihiro: "I'm home." Shiori: "Chihiro-san, welcome back!" Chihiro: "Thank you!" Shiori: "I apologize for not offering a proper introduction the other day." Shiori: "My name is Shiori Goshiki." Chihiro: "Oh, no problem. I'm Chihiro Ibusuki!" Shiori: "I have these as welcome gifts. Feel free to choose one if you like." Chihiro: "Thank you! Let's see, I'll take the cleaner!" Shiori: "Here, some cleaner and a letter." Chihiro: "Thank you. Um, have you not gotten to the others?" Shiori: "No, none of them were home. I wrote letters and was just about to leave them in their package boxes." Chihiro: "That's like not getting to choose." Shiori: "Yes, it's unfortunate." Chihiro: "Kuritsu-san likes to eat. Soba noodles might be good for him. On the other hand, maybe something other than food is best for Honami-san. Minakami-san would likely be happy with anything." Shiori: "Maki-san seems picky about the things he uses. So maybe not cleaner. Oh! But that doesn't mean you have to go that route!" Shiori: "We should be friends, if you'd like." Chihiro: "A-All right!" Ichiro: "Oh, Chibi-chan's home." Ichiro: "You met one of them on your own." Shiori: "I did!" Chihiro: "She gave me some cleaner and a letter." Shiori: "I have one for you too, Kuga-san." Ichiro: "For me, too?" Shiori: "Of course." Ichiro: "Th-Thanks!" Shiori: "No, thank you. This wasn't the same as typical new-neighbor greetings," Shiori: "but it was plenty of fun in its own way." Shiori: "I have you to thank." Ichiro: "She writes so politely." Ichiro: "Her personality really comes through." Ichiro: ""I wish for us to be friends"? "Don't hesitate to approach me"?" Ichiro: "That sounds a bit risky!" Text: "Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe? Is that safe?" Ichiro: "Upholding public safety in the building is my job!" Ichiro: "That's important too, but right now, I've got a plot to write!" Shiori: "Good morning." Ichiro: "Oh, good morning. Look at the whiteboard." Whiteboard (Bottom): "Thank you. --Maki" Whiteboard (Center): "Much appreciated! --103 Minakami" Whiteboard (Right): "They were delicious! --Kuri" Whiteboard (Upper Left): "Goshiki-san, thank you for the cleaner! --Honami" Shiori: "This is the start of a wonderful day!" Ichiro: "That's right!" Ichiro: "It's no use! I don't have any ideas!" Morikuni: "After all, emotion is important!" Shiori: "He seems very worried." Machi: "Yeah. He said he had to redo the... plot?" Shiori: "The plot. Maybe it will cheer him up if I can help somehow." Machi: "She's here!" Momoka: "Hi! Here I am." Machi: "Welcome, Moka-nee! You weren't busy?" Momoka: "I had just finished working and was baking. The usual apple pie." Machi: "Yay!" Momoka: "Are you a new resident?" Shiori: "Yes. My name is Shiori Goshiki." Momoka: "I used to live here, too. My name's Momoka Morikuni." Ichiro: "Moka-nee? What brings you here?" Momoka: "I brought a pie. Let's have some tea." Shiori: "It's good." Machi: "Moka-nee is Ichiro's childhood friend! And now she's married to his editor, Morikuni!" Ichiro: "We still call her "Moka-nee" out of habit." Ichiro: "Moka-nee, Goshiki-san is working as my assistant." Momoka: "Oh, yeah? I draw manga, too!" Shiori: "Oh, my! Really?" Ichiro: "She created Master of the Lion's Fist." Ichiro: "She's Beefcake-sensei." Momoka: "Have you read it?" Shiori: "I-I did read it! It was highly entertaining!" Momoka: "Thanks." Shiori: "Oh, wow! Uh, I really like the master, and I ended up crying at that one part! I-I know! Could I ask you for an autograph?!" Momoka: "Sure thing." Shiori: "Wow! Wow!" Ichiro: "Good for you, Goshiki-san." Momoka: "What kind of manga are you drawing?" Ichiro: "Oh, yeah. I haven't heard, either." Shiori: "I-I've started out with copying and studying art. I have yet to write a story." Ichiro: "She said it's only been a year since she started reading manga or drawing." Momoka: "Is that so! Then you still have so much potential." Momoka: "I envy that. Good luck!" Shiori: "A-Are you taking on new assistants?" Momoka: "Assistants? I have enough at the moment. But maybe you could help out as a guest sometimes. Are you good at working digitally?" Shiori: "I don't have any experience with that yet." Momoka: "I see. Last year I got married and went full digital, so all my assistants ask to work from home." Shiori: "Oh, all right." Momoka: "I have a tablet I'm not using. You want it?" Momoka: "It's old, but it might do for practice." Shiori: "Wh-Why would you do me such a favor?" Momoka: "I love manga, and I want the world to be more full of it!" Shiori: "Thank you!" Ichiro: "That's good. I don't know much about digital, so I wasn't sure what to do." Momoka: "Do you still feel bad about losing my data that one time?" Momoka: "I keep telling you, I still had the line drawings, and it didn't make me late." Shiori: "Kuga-san, you used to be Beefcake-sensei's assistant?" Ichiro: "Yeah, just for a bit." Machi: "It's Moka-nee who taught him all about manga!" Shiori: "That makes sense." Ichiro: "Thanks for everything." Momoka: "Did this help distract him? Machi messaged me that I should come over because her brother was down in the dumps." Machi: "That's a secret!" Ichiro: "Yeah, I feel better." Momoka: "Cool, I'll drop by again sometime." Momoka: "See you later." Shiori: "Thank you so much for today, Beefcake-sensei." Momoka: "Don't mention it! And you don't have to use my pen name." Shiori: "Um, Moka-san... Momoka-san..." Shiori: "Momo-Tea!" Momoka: "You're sharp! Ichiro-kun was stressing over his shojo manga pen name, so I gave him my name." Text: "Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi Momoka Kokochi" Momoka: "Tinker with my maiden name "Momoka Kokochi," and you get "Momo-Tea Kokone"!" Text: "Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone Momo-Tea Kokone" Machi: "I thought it up, too! So her success would rub off." Ichiro: "Cut that out." Machi: "See you!" Momoka: "Bye." umio: "Bye-bye." Ichiro: "Moka-nee always has the best timing for cheering me up." Ichiro: "I don't have any confidence, and I can't be like her..." Ichiro: "...but this is where it counts. I'll make it entertaining, or else!" Ichiro: "Huh? Th-This feeling... Uh oh!" Shiori: "Yes?" Ichiro: "Uh, it's me. So, hopefully it's my imagination, but are you feeling bad?" Shiori: "Momoka-san is a good person." Ichiro: "That's true. Is this about her?" Shiori: "When it occurred to me that she must hold a special place for you, I felt a sense of gloom in my heart." Ichiro: "Well, I owe her a lot. But she's married. There's no need for weird suspicions." Shiori: "But I won't calm down unless I find out what this gloom is!" Shiori: "Am I unhappy with your relationship? Why? You're both good-natured. I have no reason to dislike her." Shiori: "Am I... jealous?" Shiori: "Love?" Shiori: "Kuga-san, I'm in... love with you." Ichiro: "G-Goshiki-san! Uh..." Shiori: "Wait! For tonight I want to savor this wonderful feeling!" Shiori: "Please don't say anything. Good night!" Shiori: "This is love!" Ichiro: "Adorable— No, wait! I need to calm down!" Machi: "What do you want to do if it's a sunny weekend?" umio: "The zoo." Machi: "Nice! What about if it rains?" umio: "The zoo!" Machi: "What if it's all crazy and stormy?" umio: "The zoo!"
{ "raw_title": "A Galaxy Next Door Episode 3 – Drama Bomb with the Princess", "parsed": [ "A Galaxy Next Door", "3", "Drama Bomb with the Princess" ] }
Ichiro: "G-Goshiki-san! Uh..." Shiori: "Wait! For tonight, I want to savor this wonderful feeling!" Shiori: "Please don't say anything. Good night!" Ichiro: "I couldn't do any work." Machi: "Ichiro." Machi: "How about the zoo today?" Machi: "Can we go?" Ichiro: "Yeah, let's go! I did promise you." Machi: "Okay! Great!" Ichiro: "I'll have a change of scenery, then get to work." Machi: "I can't wait to see the baby giraffe! You know, Fumio?" Ichiro: "M-Machi..." Machi: "It's fine. We'll go another time." Ichiro: "You sure? We could at least go eat." Machi: "No, I'll play with Fumio. You can feel free to work, Ichiro." Ichiro: "W-Want to at least bake something together this afternoon?" Machi: "Sure." Ichiro: "Okay." Ichiro: "I'll hurry and finish up with work!" Ichiro: "Let's see..." Ichiro: "A scene where the heroine goes to rescue the kidnapped protagonist." Title: "Alice and the Knight of Thorns" Ichiro: "Reconsider upcoming developments?" Morikuni: "Yeah. Your art's been on fire lately with all the combat scenes, but a lot of people are musing that it'd be good to also focus on the primary love story." Morikuni: "After all!" Morikuni: "Emotion is important!" Ichiro: "More and more emotion. I thought way too much about emotion yesterday." Ichiro: "Almost to the point of emotional collapse." Shiori: "I'm in love with you." Ichiro: "No, no, no! She got all carried away, not me!" Ichiro: "And nothing else has happened since. I know, maybe it's that instinct to bond with the first thing you see!" Shiori Chick: "Cheep!" Ichiro: "Stop getting carried away, Ichiro!" Shiori: "I'm... Kuga-san, I'm in lo—" Ichiro: "F-Focus!" Shiori: "I thought I could go to the library to look for materials, but it's raining. I want more assistant gigs, but if I'm going to work from here, that requires going digital." Shiori: "I might as well study up until I can get that tablet." Shiori: "I did it again without even thinking!" Shiori: "It's... This is..." Shiori: "This is love!" Shiori: "Of course." Shiori: "That time I couldn't resist encouraging Kuga-san was because I was being drawn to him." Shiori: "A date?!" Shiori: "That was a shopping and shrine date, wasn't it?!" Shiori: "That stuff, too! I could have savored it more!" Shiori: "Developing a relationship from friendship is lovely, too." Shiori: "I suppose you could say I'm your fan?" Shiori: "How did I say those things with a straight face?" Shiori: "Then again, I already went and told him how I feel. So much for my beloved pattern of neither side knowing the other loves them, and building up a relationship over ten volumes." Shiori: "What am I supposed to do from here?!" Shiori: "O god of shojo manga! Please save me!" Shiori: "Besides..." Shiori: "I've already stung Kuga-san." Shiori: "How am I supposed to act around him?" Shiori: "Good morning." Ichiro: "G-G-Good morning." Shiori: "Those two don't seem too happy." Ichiro: "Yeah, the rain kept us from going to the zoo." Ichiro: "Machi in particular was going on about wanting to see a baby giraffe." Shiori: "That is unfortunate." Shiori: "Well, I canceled plans to go to the library due to the rain, and I have some time." Shiori: "I wonder if I should say something to them." Ichiro: "You mean like... play with them?" Shiori: "Yes, I'm hoping we could all enjoy that." Ichiro: "Honestly, that'd be a big help." Ichiro: "Oh, and I'll join in as soon as I can." Shiori: "I'm on it." Shiori: "May this day end up being a lovely day for all of us." Ichiro: "Yeah." Ichiro: "Okay, I'll leave them to you." Shiori: "Right." Ichiro: "I-Is it going to be like yesterday never happened?" Shiori: "I ended up acting like nothing ever happened!" Shiori: "It's... It's hard to look him in the eye!" Shiori: "No, I need to devote myself fully to those two right now." Shiori: "Good morning, Machi-san, Fumio-san." Machi: "Oh, Goshiki-san. Good morning." umio: "Morning." Shiori: "What's that?" Machi: "These? "Machi-rot" cards. They're original fortune-telling cards Ichiro made for me way back." Shiori: "Wow, lovely! Machi-san, could you tell me my fortune?" Machi: "I guess." Ichiro: "Lose the combat scene and draw some solid interaction between Alice and Mimi." Ichiro: "There, they ought to find this touching. I hope." Ichiro: "Okay, that'll do for now." Ichiro: "Hey, I'm finally done!" Ichiro: "What's the matter?" Shiori: "Kuga-san... Well, I tried to have her tell me my fortune..." Machi: "Pick a card." Shiori: "Okay." Shiori: "I choose this one." Shiori: "But I ruined a card." Machi: "No, no!" Machi: "It was already worn out and held together with tape!" Machi: "That's why I told her she doesn't need to worry about it." Ichiro: "Oh, the ones I made when you were in kindergarten." Ichiro: "I'll remake them, then. I'm done with work." Machi: "You don't have to." Ichiro: "Would you rather they be more traditional?" Machi: "No, not really." Machi: "I liked the ones you did." Machi: "You really don't need to worry about it." Machi: "If you were to redo them, I'd want to see the source materials. You know, something like my favorite fortune-teller's book." Machi: "So, it can wait until the weather's nicer." Shiori: "Machi-san, who's your favorite fortune-teller?" Machi: "Fruit Migahara-sensei." Shiori: "Then I will go pick up a copy." Machi: "Like I said, it doesn't have to be today." Ichiro: "Plus it's raining heavily." Shiori: "I was originally planning to go to the library anyway. Pay it no mind." Shiori: "I'd rather see your new creation than wait for a sunny day." Shiori: "See you later!" Machi: "Wh-Why?" Machi: "Why'd she end up going?!" Ichiro: "I'm not sure, either. But she was saying she wanted to make the day lovely for you two." Machi: "Goshiki-san! Fine, then! Might as well get out the drawing paper!" Ichiro: "The library's beyond the station. I don't think she's lost, but maybe I should have gone with her." Machi: "Ichiro, go check on her if you're worried." Ichiro: "Yeah, sorry. Look after Fumio." Machi: "You got it!" Ichiro: "I wonder if Goshiki-san and the book are all right." Shiori: "Kuga-san? What made you come out in the rain?" Ichiro: "I could ask you the same thing. Are you okay? I bet you're totally soaked." Shiori: "No, the books are dry. I borrowed Migahara-sensei's new release, and several books with tarot designs." Ichiro: "I'll carry them." Shiori: "Thank you." Ichiro: "Were you able to borrow your own?" Shiori: "Huh?" Ichiro: "I mean, you said you were originally going anyway." Ichiro: "Wasn't there a book you wanted to borrow?" Shiori: "I totally forgot." Ichiro: "You forgot?" Shiori: "Th-This kind of thing seldom... well..." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san?" Shiori: "No, maybe I've always been an absentminded person." Shiori: "Did I say something amusing?" Ichiro: "It's just, the word "absentminded"..." Ichiro: "Sorry. I see. Absentminded, eh?" Ichiro: "Thank you." Ichiro: "Shall we go?" Shiori: "Yes." Machi: "Hey, can you draw this card? With a cat picture!" Ichiro: "You know it! The thing about your brother? He can draw!" Machi: "Yeah!" Machi: "He's manga man!" umio: "Man." Ichiro: "But you know, I really do like this sort of thing." Ichiro: "If you watch too closely, I get nervous." Machi: "What's the harm?" Machi: "I like watching you draw." umio: "I like." Shiori: "Your small characters are lovely too, Kuga-san." Ichiro: "Thanks. I'd like it if you could draw the card borders." Machi: "Yeah, draw them!" Shiori: "A-All right." Shiori: "They're one of a kind. That's high pressure." Ichiro: "Done." Ichiro: "What do you think?" Machi: "Thank you." Ichiro: "Look at you, all bashful." Machi: "So, want your fortune told?" Machi: "You too, Goshiki-san. Huh? Where is she?" Shiori: "Now that we've come this far, let's go all out." Shiori: "I'm borrowing some clothes racks." Shiori: "Just do this, and..." Ichiro: "That does set the stage!" Shiori: "And also..." Shiori: "There, how's that?" Ichiro: "I like it!" Shiori: "I'd like to get it even more authentic." Ichiro: "Definitely." Honami: "What're they doing?" Ichiro: "That's cute! Like the real thing!" Machi: "Stop it! It's embarrassing!" Shiori: "You could do this for real someday, Machi-san." Machi: "No, fortune-telling's just a hobby! I'll have a steadier job when I grow up." Ichiro: "Isn't a fortune-teller what you want to be, Machi?" Machi: "Well, I mean, you said you were going to be sure to send us to college." Ichiro: "How'd you know... Well, that was assuming you say you want to go." Ichiro: "You can choose anything, if it's what you really want to do." Ichiro: "I'll always have your back." Machi: "Thank you." Ichiro: "Of course, you'd be naïve to think you don't need to study to become a fortune-teller." Machi: "Right." Machi: "Fumio! You want your fortune told?" Machi: "Come on up! I'll do it! Sit here." Machi: "This is great! A planetarium, in place of a crystal ball! We brought it out of storage." Ichiro: "Um, thank you. For everything." Shiori: "Sure. It's beautiful when an idea takes shape." Shiori: "I'm glad I left the island." Ichiro: "Why don't you start by just drawing whatever?" Ichiro: "You want to make manga, right?" Ichiro: "I think it's fine if a princess becomes a manga artist." Shiori: "It is!" Ichiro: "Yeah, I like it better this way." Ichiro: "There we go." Ichiro: "The planetarium Dad bought way back." Shiori: "Kuga-san?" Ichiro: "G-Goshiki-san!" Shiori: "If you're cleaning up, I'll help." Ichiro: "No, I'll have Machi and Fumio pitch in with that tomorrow." Shiori: "Um, about yesterday..." Shiori: "I'm in love with you." Shiori: "I..." Ichiro: "Wait a minute!" Ichiro: "Let's see, well..." Ichiro: "I've been thinking, I'd better do this the right way, too." Ichiro: "I was happy for the sentiment." Ichiro: "But right now, it's hard to see myself in a relationship or married." Ichiro: "Machi and Fumio are my only family. I want to make them my priority." Ichiro: "And I really don't like the thought of a union that's been decided for me." Ichiro: "As planned, I'd still like to annul my engagement to you." Ichiro: "Like you said before, I think that would be best for both of us." Shiori: "K-Kuga-san! That's enough already!" Ichiro: "No..." Ichiro: "I need to be honest with you, too." Shiori: "But if you reject me any further, it will have negative effects on you!" Shiori: "I'm sure you can fool me, so that there'll be no retribution from the pact." Shiori: "I realize there are times when honesty isn't considered a virtue!" Ichiro: "Goshiki-san, I'm really not... not good at this kind of thing. The idea of "first love" at my age seems iffy, and I get a sense that I'm lacking when it comes to emotional content." Ichiro: "My dream job isn't stable. And I don't want more responsibility or to be a burden on anyone!" Shiori: "Kuga-san! Kuga-san! Don't keep going!" Ichiro: "But now I've fallen in love with you!" Ichiro: "Would you like to go out with me?" Shiori: "B-By that, do you mean the two of us dating?" Ichiro: "Th-That's the one." Shiori: "Gladly!" Ichiro: "It's like we're at a bar." Ichiro: "I just wanted you to know how I feel." Ichiro: "We'll figure out the rest... as we go." Shiori: "As we go! The rest?" Ichiro: "Goshiki-san?! Are you all right?!" Shiori: "M-My heart's so full it's about to stop." Ichiro: "Don't let that happen!" Machi: "Next time we'll make it to the zoo!" Chihiro: "Machi-chan, what's your favorite animal?" Machi: "The giraffe!" Chihiro: "And you, Fumio-kun?" umio: "The panda. What's yours, Chibi-chan?" Chihiro: "Huh? Ichi..." Machi/Fumio: "Ichi?" Chihiro: "Ichigo daifuku! (strawberry mochi)"
{ "raw_title": "A Galaxy Next Door Episode 4 – Weather Conditions with the Princess", "parsed": [ "A Galaxy Next Door", "4", "Weather Conditions with the Princess" ] }
Machi: "Weather radar, check!" Text: "Kaminoi Zoo Guide Map" Machi: "Walking route, check!" Machi: "Personal stuff, check!" Machi: "Ichiro, how is lunch?" Ichiro: "O-Okay!" Machi: "Fumio, the Zoopedia?" Text: "Zoopedia" umio: "Okay." Machi: "The trip to the zoo, take two!" Ichiro: "Good thing the weather's nice today." Machi: "Oh, yeah. It was horrible yesterday." Machi: "It was like a driving range out there." Ichiro: "A "driving rain." If it's "range," that has to do with golf." Text: "Zoopedia Zoopedia" Ichiro: "Fumio, let's leave the Zoopedia here today. It's heavy." Text: "Zoopedia" Machi: "Let's take this small one." umio: "Yeah." Shiori: "Good morning." Machi: "Goshiki-san, good morning!" umio: "Morning." Shiori: "It's fine weather for going out today." Machi: "Oh, hey! Want to come with us, Goshiki-san?" Machi: "I'll show you around!" Shiori: "Well!" Ichiro: "Listen." Ichiro: "The zoo is nearby, so I don't think there'd be any retribution, but if you'd like..." Ichiro: "Would you like to go out with me?" Ichiro: "We're..." Shiori: "We're..." Ichiro: "...going out!" Shiori: "...getting started with dating." Shiori: "Does that mean this will be our first genuine date?!" Shiori: "I'll go!" Ichiro: "Okay!" Machi: "Then make your own lunch. Put whatever you like on a sandwich." umio: "Ham, ham, cheese." Ichiro: "And we have sides." Ichiro: "I guess it'd be best to tell Machi and Fumio that we're dating." Ichiro: "For that matter, Goshiki-san's background... The engagement, the rules system..." Ichiro: "How do I explain all that?" Machi: "Come on, Ichiro. Pack your tea." Ichiro: "Oh, right!" Ichiro: "Forget it, I can't find the words." Machi: "What would you like, Goshiki-san?" Ichiro: "Yet I was brave enough to confess my love yesterday." umio: "Like." Shiori: "Me? I like them all." Ichiro: "I need to do this right." Machi: "We made it!" umio: "Made it." Shiori: "Wow, so this is a zoo!" Machi: "Goshiki-san, let's take a picture!" Ichiro: "Ready, sir!" Machi: "There." Machi: "You need one with no people in it too, right?" Machi: "As a manga reference." Ichiro: "I don't plan on using it, but you never know." Shiori: "Machi-san thinks like a manga artist." Machi: "First we get tickets for the pandas." Ichiro: "All right." Machi: "I need info on the baby giraffe feeding time and the petting zoo!" Ichiro: "If they do it around 11:30AM, we should go to the petting zoo, then to the giraffes later." Machi: "Copy that." Ichiro: "In-between, let's walk around in these zones." umio: "Copy." Shiori: "Ah, so you map out a strategy rather than just going from one end to the other." Machi: "We had no plan yesterday, and we got rained out." Ichiro: "Lesson learned." umio: "Lesson learned." Machi: "Haven't you ever been to a zoo, Goshiki-san?" Shiori: "I haven't. But there are many animals on the island, so I am used to them." Ichiro: "Oh, yeah?" Machi: "Well, let's set out!" umio: "Out." Shiori: "Yes, let's." Shiori: "Now I finally get why so many dates in shojo manga are at the zoo!" Ichiro: "I'm glad she's enjoying herself." Shiori: "M-Maybe I could hold hands, too! Because we're dating!" Text (White): "Because we're dating. Because we're dating!" Text (Green): "—Shiori Goshiki" Text (White): "Because we're dating! Because we're dating! Because we're dating!" Shiori: "His hands are full." Ichiro: "Uh oh, I haven't gotten to talk to her at all." Shiori: "Oh no, I may have given him the idea I want him holding my hand instead of theirs." Ichiro/Shiori: "Now what do I do?" Text: "Petting Zoo" Shiori: "Oh my, you can hold guinea pigs." Zookeeper: "Hold them gently from behind like this, then lower them onto your lap." Children: "Yes, sir!" Machi: "It's so cute! And warm!" Ichiro: "It is cute." Shiori: "So cute!" Ichiro: "Go on, Fumio. It's okay." Ichiro: "Is he still not ready this year?" Ichiro: "Want me to do it?" Shiori: "Fumio-san." Shiori: "Animals pick up on fear." Shiori: "Let's find one that's likely to let you pick it up." Shiori: "There, that's the one." Shiori: "Very good." Shiori: "I'll hold one, too!" Shiori: "You have to show respect, even if they don't understand your words." Ichiro: "Wash thoroughly." Text: "Wash your hands properly." Machi/Fumio: "Okay." Text: "hands properly. Wash your" Ichiro: "Huh?" Ichiro: "Is he lost?" Ichiro: "What's wrong?" Ichiro: "Where are the folks you came with?" her: "Wataru!" Boy: "Daddy!" her: "You shouldn't wander off." Ichiro: "I didn't need to bother." Machi: "You had the wrong idea!" Ichiro: "I hope I didn't scare him." Shiori: "No, it was lovely. If I were lost, your kindness would make me happy." Machi: "Goshiki-san, you're exaggerating—" Ichiro: "Uh, what?" Machi: "You two are like..." Machi: "Did something happen?" Ichiro: "Machi's too sharp!" Shiori: "I'm surprised you could tell." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san! We were so obvious! Y-You've got it wrong, Machi! We weren't keeping it a secret! We only technically started dating yesterday, or maybe today!" Machi: "You're dating?!" Machi: "No way! Oh man, putting the moves on your assistant? That's horrible! Doomed to fail!" Ichiro: "Th-This means...!" Machi: "That's great!" Machi: "Your first girlfriend? And it's Goshiki-san?! Yay!" Ichiro: "W-We won't go overboard while we're working, or when we're at the apartment house!" Ichiro: "Right, Goshiki-san?" Shiori: "That's right! Holding hands? That'd be ridiculous!" Machi: "You could at least hold hands. Even grade schoolers do that." Shiori: "B-But..." Machi: "If this is a date, were we in the way?" Ichiro/Shiori: "You're not in the way!" Ichiro: "You're absolutely not in the way." Machi: "You don't need to look so serious." Shiori: "You could even say I'm in the way of a family event." Machi: "No, you're not! I invited you, didn't I?!" Ichiro: "Both of you!" Shiori: "Machi-san, Fumio-san. Kuga-san told me that you two are the most important to him." Shiori: "Would you let me have some of his time, too?" Machi: "Wh-What a question to ask!" umio: "Sure." umio: "That's fine." Ichiro: "Well..." Ichiro: "Machi." Ichiro: "Fumio." Ichiro: "And Goshiki-san." Ichiro: "I'll treasure all of you." Ichiro: "I promise." Machi: "Look, you don't have to get so serious about it." Machi: "We already knew that." umio: "Knew that." Machi: "Come on, Fumio." Machi: "Let's go! It's panda time!" umio: "Sure." Ichiro: "Okay, let's go!" Machi: "Say..." Machi: "Goshiki-san, what is it you like about Ichiro?" Shiori: "Well, it's hard to sum up." Ichiro: "Machi, don't pester her!" Machi: "Shoot, he overheard me." Shiori: "What is it Kuga-san likes about me?" Machi: "Oh, feeding time's gonna start!" Shiori: "I've never seen giraffes before! They're so adorable!" Ichiro: "That they are!" Machi: "It's my first time seeing a young one!" Machi: "Such long lashes." Machi: "Did you see the tongues?" Machi: "They're totally purple." Ichiro: "They're going to hold still for a while." Ichiro: "H-Hey..." Ichiro: "So, what you said earlier..." Ichiro: "It made me happy." Ichiro: "Thank you." Shiori: "I was happy, too. That the two of them accepted us." Shiori: "And for your promise." Ichiro: "Machi, Fumio, and Goshiki-san. I'll treasure all of you. I promise." Shiori: "Kuga-san!" Ichiro: "Yes?!" Shiori: "Would you hold hands with me?" Shiori: "I suspect if we could do that while watching the giraffes, it would be the best feeling ever!" Ichiro: "I was thinking the same thing." Machi: "They're holding hands!" Ichiro: "Goshiki-san, are you okay?!" Machi: "Wh-What's wrong?!" umio: "What's wrong?" Shiori: "Nothing, it just occurred to me that I'm truly happy." Ichiro: "Oh, okay." Shiori: "Right!" Machi: "I'm happy, too!" umio: "Happy." Takeru: "Well? Have you heard anything from Shiori?" Miyako: "No." Takeru: "Oh." Miyako: "Komaki." Keigo: "Yes, ma'am." Miyako: "Makado." Momiji: "Yes, ma'am." Miyako: "Has any word reached you?" Keigo: "No, ma'am." Momiji: "Nothing, ma'am." Miyako: "I see." Keigo: "I wonder if the princess is doing well." Keigo: "I haven't heard her voice at all lately." Momiji: "I'm sure it's a matter of distance. She's too far away to connect." Keigo: "But..." Takeru: "Well, they say "No news is good news." I'm sure Shiori's doing quite well." Momiji: "I think so, too." Miyako: "Doing well?" Miyako: "She's probably just wandering around aimlessly." Takeru: "Miyako..." Miyako: "And making us worry so." Miyako: "Both of you, if you hear anything from Shiori, do not hesitate to inform us." Keigo: "Understood." Machi: "We're home!" umio: "Home." Machi: "That was so much fun!" Ichiro: "That took all my energy..." Ichiro: "It's blank! Reality calls!" Ichiro: "I might as well wash out the lunch box." Ichiro: "Machi, this is not me procrastinating with chores. It must be done." Shiori: "As for Kuga-san..." Shiori: "What?! What is it about me he's fallen for?!" Shiori: "You know, I haven't had him tell me specifically. It bothers me!" Shiori: "I know." Shiori: "I'll go ask him!" Shiori: "Kuga-san." Shiori: "Is he not in?" Chihiro: "What's going on?" Shiori: "Oh, n-nothing! H-How about you, Chihiro-san?" Chihiro: "I was going to brew some tea." Shiori: "T-Tea? That sounds lovely." Chihiro: "Did you need something from Ichiro-kun?" Shiori: "Sort of. I need to check something." Chihiro: "Check? For work?" Shiori: "W-Well... I'm not sure I'd call it work." Chihiro: "Um... Are you and Ichiro-kun..." Shiori: "Y-Yes?" Chihiro: "No, never mind! If you need Ichiro-kun, he's in the dining room!" Shiori: "Sh-She startled me." Shiori: "Oh, look where he fell asleep." Shiori: "The back of his neck is nice, like a giraffe's." Shiori: "No!" Shiori: "I never thought you were the type to touch someone's body while they're asleep!" Shiori: "I nearly did it without thinking!" Shiori: "Huh? But we're dating now, so it's different, right? No, we haven't reached that point yet." Shiori: "K-Kuga-san, would you mind waking up?" Ichiro: "Oh, sorry. I fell asleep for a moment." Shiori: "There's nothing wrong with you sleeping. But I do think you should do it in bed." Shiori: "Um, listen." Shiori: "Is it all right if I touch the back of your neck for a bit?" Ichiro: "Sure, go ahead." Shiori: "Thank you!" Ichiro: "Hey..." Ichiro: "You don't have to ask just for that." Shiori: "Well, yes, but..." Shiori: "Even if it's less than perfect, I figured I owe someone important to me full disclosure." Ichiro: "Okay." Ichiro: "I-I can't move." Shiori: "I forgot to ask! What is it Kuga-san likes about me?!" Machi: "Ichiro really is a poor talker." umio: "Yeah." Machi: "He's nice and thoughtful enough, but he has trouble expressing it." umio: "I like him, though."
{ "raw_title": "A Galaxy Next Door Episode 5 – At the Zoo with the Princess", "parsed": [ "A Galaxy Next Door", "5", "At the Zoo with the Princess" ] }
Right-Hand Banner (Green Background): "Now running in Monthly Midnight!" Right-Hand Banner (Red Background): "10 volumes now on sale!" Right-Hand Banner (Right-Most): "TV anime broadcast begins next spring!" Left-Hand Banner (Top Section): "Finally over 10 million copies sold!" Morikuni: "Nice!" Ichiro: "Is it emotional enough?!" Morikuni: "It is, it is!" Morikuni: "Until now, you've tended to skirt around scenes like this out of embarrassment. But you nailed this one, and it's really good." Ichiro: "It's a relief to hear you say that." Morikuni: "You're in the zone. Did something good happen?" Morikuni: "Just kidding!" Ichiro: "I'm home." Ichiro: "That went great!" Ichiro: "He approved the rough draft." Ichiro: "It's thanks to Goshiki-san. Or, maybe it's rude to say so." Ichiro: "But I'd like to see that look on her face again. Maybe I'll spend some time with her before I start drawing." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san." Shiori: "Kuga-san." Ichiro: "Um, I'm done with the rough draft." Shiori: "Oh, that's good to hear." Ichiro: "And so..." Ichiro: "I-I'd like to ask you to do the next batch of work." Shiori: "Work time!" Ichiro: "Yeah, it won't be long from now." Ichiro: "I ended up talking about work." Shiori: "Thank you—" Ichiro: "What's the matter?" Ichiro: "Did something happen?" Shiori: "The other day, I stopped by two places to try out as an assistant." Ichiro: "Right, you did mention that." Shiori: "And earlier, I received this email from the first artist." Screen (Subject Line): "To Shiori Goshiki-sama" Screen (Top Body Paragraph): "It was very helpful that you were so diligent as an assistant by complying with my sudden request for help." Screen (Bottom Body Paragraph): "I apologize, but I think having you continue here would be difficult due to design-related discrepancies. However, I do think you could do work for other artists." Ichiro: "D-Design-related discrepancies, huh?" Shiori: "I did think my pen technique was weak, and that I wouldn't have contributed much right away. But there aren't many local artists who haven't gone digital, and I would have welcomed the chance to get regular work." Ichiro: "This happens a lot. There's no need to worry about it so much. What about the other place?" Shiori: "I haven't heard back yet. Honestly, I suspect it'll be hard to become a regular there, too." Ichiro: "Wh-Why?" Shiori: "There's the technical aspect, and it may be the case that..." Shiori: "It's nice to meet you." Shiori: "I am Shiori Goshiki, and I hope to be your assistant. Here's hoping things go well today." Sano: "An upper-class lady persona?" Sano: "I'm Sano. Nice to meet you." Sano: "It's a digital/analog hybrid, and I'd have you draw backgrounds by hand. Then someone else would do the finishing touches." Shiori: "Just leave it to me!" Shiori: "I've already practiced plenty with your work." Sano: "Oh... cool." Shiori: "I wasn't able to fully help out at that last assistant gig, so I've got to try hard today!" Shiori: "I'm done!" Sano: "Hey, good work. The small bits are drawn well, too." Shiori: "Thank you! I studied up. Ah, you actually have read it! Yes, it was very interesting. I've become a fan." Sano: "For real?!" Shiori: "Yes." Sano: "E-Even though there are heaps of magical girl stories out there." Shiori: "Heaps?" Sano: "You know, like the definitive classic Magical Girl-Thing From Another World, or the recent Mystic Knight Cappuccino." Shiori: "Sorry, I'm under-informed." Shiori: "It's only been about a year since I've started reading or drawing manga." Sano: "Oh, okay. You're still new to it?" Sano: "Was your family strict? Oh, are you a real upper-class lady?" Shiori: "A real..." Shiori: "No, in my family, I'm a princess." Sano: "A princess?" Shiori: "Maybe I should keep the princess thing secret." Shiori: "That is, it's a hobby." Sano: "A-A hobby." Shiori: "Yes, a hobby." Shiori: "I go around... acting like... a princess." Sano: "I-Is that so?" Shiori: "I ended up deceiving him." Sano: ""Princess" is an unusual hobby. Oh, but I don't mean that in a bad way." Sano: "It seems really out there, but that's cool." Sano: "Never mind." Shiori: "After that, the mood was a little, well... Maybe we had a failure to communicate." Ichiro: "You consider that a failure? Sometimes it's a good fit, sometimes not." Shiori: "Yes, but even so, I suspect the cause lies with me." Ichiro: "Aren't you getting that tablet from Moka-nee next Sunday? If you learn the ropes, I'm sure you could soon become a digital assistant." Ichiro: "I'm sure there'll be other workplaces that are good fits!" Shiori: "Thank you." Ichiro: "I want to encourage her, but it's about work. I shouldn't get too involved." Ichiro: "Um, Goshiki-san, didn't you write a list of things you want to do?" Shiori: "Yes." Ichiro: "I wonder if there's anything I can help you with." Ichiro: "I-I want you to cheer up!" Machi: "Wouldn't some meat cheer her up?" umio: "Wouldn't it?" Ichiro: "Meat? Wait, you were listening?!" Machi: "Is that a "no," then?" Ichiro: "You know, I did say we'd go once I was done with work, but one thing or another kept us from it. But that's not one of the things Goshiki-san wants to do. We can go some other time." Shiori: "No. There's an item on my list that says "celebratory meat."" Ichiro: "These things you want to do aren't such high hurdles." Ichiro: "Well, then..." Ichiro: "Let's go!" Machi: "Yay! Barbecue!" umio: "'Becue!" Machi: "The barbecue place where we're going... has good meat, and good curry, too!" Shiori: "Curry?" Machi: "It has tons of melt-in-your-mouth meat in it!" Machi: "Fumio loves it, too!" umio: "Love it." Ichiro: "It's unusual for a barbecue place to be known for its curry." Shiori: "I can't wait." Machi: "Oh, we're here!" umio: "It's Beef!" Shiori: "Oh, my!" Shiori: "So this is yakiniku barbecue!" Ichiro: "Is this your first time trying it?" Shiori: "I've participated in barbecues with the children's group on the island. We have a yakiniku restaurant, but I've never been to it." Shiori: "Lovely!" Ichiro: "I'm glad for you." Shiori: "According to things I've read, manga artists eat meat and live with animals." Machi: "That's a rather skewed perspective." Ichiro: "Sorry, our place doesn't allow pets." Shiori: "That's true. But I'm happy with just the meat." Shiori: "Let's go ahead and flip the meat." Machi: "Don't touch it with those!" Machi: "Use the tongs. Those long chopsticks are for salad!" Shiori: "All right. Wh-What about this onion on top?" Machi: "Leave it on top, and just grill one side!" Shiori: "That makes sense. Machi-san, you make a great instructor." Machi: "Sorry, I got carried away." Shiori: "No, I'm glad. You're making the effort so we can enjoy a delicious meal." Machi: "I'm kind of embarrassed." Machi: "It should be good now." Ichiro: "Okay, shall we eat?" Shiori: "Yes!" Machi: "I'm stuffed!" Ichiro: "Did you like it?" Shiori: "Yes." Ichiro: "Great!" Ichiro: "I didn't expect this to be the day I'd finally get to experience a barbecue place like I'd wanted to. It's time I cheered up." Ichiro: "Sure." umio: "Gum." Machi: "It's orange-flavored!" Ichiro: "And it looks like our "minister of meat" is satisfied. Thanks for coming along." Shiori: "Of course. Today was so much fun." Ichiro: "That much?" Shiori: "I realize the island isn't the only reason I have a skewed perspective." Shiori (Child): "May I..." Boy: "Princess!" Girl: "Here you go, Princess." Shiori (Child): "Thank you." Shiori (Child): "Would you mind if I ate with you?" Girl: "We'll get yelled at if we get your clothes dirty." Boy: "Come on, let's go." Girl: "Yeah." Shiori: "When I think back, maybe as a child I was used to giving up." Shiori: "But now that I'm living away from the island by choice, here's what I think." Shiori: "I must keep moving forward and learning, not just give up because I'm incapable." Ichiro: "You're right." Ichiro: "Even now, I have lots of things where I'm liable to give up, so you dazzle me." Shiori: "I do?" Ichiro: "Yeah. But when I see the two of them smiling after that meat dinner, it makes me glad I didn't give up on so many things." Shiori: "You're right. I need to apply myself more and more, too." Ichiro: "No, I didn't mean that! You're definitely trying hard! You don't need to overdo it. Or maybe, you're fine as you are, or..." Ichiro: "Sorry, what am I even saying? It's like, you're fine the way you are. I mean, wanting to change is a good thing, and it's not that I don't want you to..." Shiori: "It made me happy to hear that I dazzle someone, though. I'll make an effort to be even more dazzling." Machi: "You two are so slow!" Shiori: "Sorry, I'll hurry up!" Machi: "Yum!" Machi: "Nothing beats a popsicle after barbecue!" Machi: "You want one, Goshiki-san?" Shiori: "I thought I'd have some coffee." Shiori: "Where's Kuga-san?" Machi: "In his room. He holed up as soon as we got home." umio: "Work?" Machi: "I don't know. But I was hoping we'd play a card game or something." Shiori: "I see." Shiori: "Did I make some careless mistake earlier?" Shiori: "Was it another failure to communicate?" Machi: "It's spilling all over!" Ichiro: "I'm such a mess. There must have been something more I could have said to her." Ichiro: "I have plenty I want to convey, but when I try, the words fail me." Ichiro: "I know, a letter! Maybe I can put it into writing instead! "You've been dependable ever since I met you."" Shiori: "I can keep going." Ichiro: "Which do you like best?" Shiori: "I like this one." Shiori: "This is love!" Shiori: "No, maybe I've always been an absentminded person." Ichiro: "Let's see, how do I word this?" Ichiro: "C-Can't think of the right words. I know!" Ichiro: "I'll use illustrations!" Ichiro: "Okay!" Ichiro: "Let's see. "When I say 'beautiful,' I mean things like your posture and pen work, but now..." But now, um..." Ichiro: "You know what!" Ichiro: "Drawing a manga would be faster!" Ichiro: "Done!" Ichiro: "Okay." Shiori: "Yes?" Ichiro: "Uh, it's Kuga." Shiori: "I haven't gotten dressed yet." Ichiro: "Of course! I'm sorry. I tried drawing... writing a letter, if you'd like to read it. I'll leave it in your mailbox." Shiori: "I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sure I said something careless to you." Ichiro: "What are you talking about?" Shiori: "Never mind, come on in." Ichiro: "Th-Thanks." Ichiro: "What's this?" Shiori: "I thought about what I'm currently capable of. Maybe good communication isn't something I'll master anytime soon, but I can practice the art techniques that were pointed out to me." Shiori: "Also, it's a shame I haven't read the classics. I started reading Magical Girl-Thing From Another World, and it was so good I couldn't stop!" Shiori: "It's hard to believe it's over thirty years old!" Ichiro: "Goshiki-san is incredible." Ichiro: "How embarrassing! Here she is putting her best foot forward, and what have I been drawing?!" Ichiro: "I-It might creep her out." Shiori: "Oh, you had a letter. I'll read it." Ichiro: "Oh, this is just..." Shiori: "Can't you show it to me?" Ichiro: "It's... Well, I started writing about your good points, but it just wasn't coming together as words." Ichiro: "You know what, just forget about it! Sorry." Ichiro: "S-Sorry! I really should've minded my own business!" Shiori: "No, it's just a surprise." Ichiro: "At first, I simply thought a dependable person had arrived." Ichiro: "The Engagement Pact and your background are certainly points of concern. But the way you readily accept new things, and the way you have a different perspective, and speak your mind rather than being timid..." Ichiro: "It's hard to put into words, but the way you see things is always refreshing for me." Shiori: "Why is it so..." Ichiro: "When you seem happy or like you're having fun, it makes me very happy, too." Ichiro: "That one time that rainy day, I felt the tension just melt away." Ichiro: "I wanted you to know." Ichiro: "I realize there are many things I can't do, and yet I try to hide that behind a brave front." Ichiro: "But you readily admit such things, and get yourself right out of a jam." Ichiro: "I thought to myself, how strong and lovely." Ichiro: "You have plenty of wonderful traits the way you are!" Shiori: "This is eighty pages long!" Shiori: "I'm so happy!" Shiori: "I'll treasure it." Phone: "Yudai Sano" Ichiro: "It's Sano-kun." Ichiro: "Long time! What's up?" Sano: "Long time, indeed." Sano: "Uh... I heard you have an assistant named Shiori Goshiki." Ichiro: "Oh! Did she hit you up for work?" Sano: "Well, I wasn't sure whether to mention this. But when I asked whether she'd tried working with you, she was like..." Shiori: "Kuga-san sure is lovely." Sano: "You've got a fan in love with you, no doubt!" Ichiro: "W-We're actually dating." Sano: "Huh?!" Sano: "I was dwelling so much on whether I should tell you, I got all short with her!" Sano: "I'm really sorry." Ichiro: "No, it's okay." Sano: "Now I get it. I'll have her come by again, then. And I don't need to worry about all this." Ichiro: "Really?" Sano: "She's a little unusual, but interesting. And above all, she's got skills. You're cool with it?" Ichiro: "Of course! I'll tell her, too." Sano: "Awesome, please do." Ichiro: "Good. Good for you, Goshiki-san." Machi: "Got the flowers?" umio: "Got 'em." Machi: "Got the candle and incense sticks?" Chihiro: "Got 'em!" Machi: "Good, we're ready! Time to go visit the grave!" umio: "Go! Go!" Lower Right Text: "A Slight Fever with the Princess"
{ "raw_title": "A Galaxy Next Door Episode 6 – A Letter with the Princess", "parsed": [ "A Galaxy Next Door", "6", "A Letter with the Princess" ] }
Ichiro: "When we went to the zoo before, we had bread. Today we'll have rice balls." Ichiro: "There." Ichiro: "Also... some apples." Ichiro: "Good morning, Goshiki-san." Shiori: "Oh, yes." Shiori: "Good morning." Shiori: "I-I'm in love!" Ichiro: "Hey. We're going out today." Ichiro: "There are plenty of apples, so feel free to have some." Shiori: "I will, thank you." Ichiro: "Ever since I gave her that letter, or rough draft, rather, she hasn't looked me in the eye much." Ichiro: "You have plenty of wonderful traits the way you are!" Ichiro: "Um, I could pare that apple for you if you like." Shiori: "No, thank you. I'll do it myself later." Ichiro: "All right." Ichiro: "Maybe she was embarrassed after all." Shiori: "I'll treasure it." Ichiro: "It's embarrassing for me, too." Ichiro: "I'm going to go check on everyone." Ichiro: "Chibi-chan! Will you be ready to go soon?" Chihiro: "Yep, I'm good." Ichiro: "Sorry for making you come along." Chihiro: "It's fine." Ichiro: "Machi, Fumio." Ichiro: "Huh?" Ichiro: "What're you doing?" Machi: "It was like, Fumio was holding her hand, so I got in on it, too." Ichiro: "Fumio, we're about to visit Dad's grave. You can play with her some other time." umio: "No." Shiori: "A grave visit?" Ichiro: "Would Goshiki-san enjoy that, even if we invited her?" Shiori: "If it wouldn't be any trouble, why don't I go with you?" Shiori: "It isn't too far away." Machi: "Nope. That's why we come hang out sometimes." Ichiro: "She ended up coming with us, but is that a good thing?" Writing: "Kuga Family Grave" Machi: "Place the flowers like this?" Ichiro: "Yeah." Chihiro: "I'll change out the water." Ichiro: "Thank you." umio: "The liquor?" Ichiro: "We'll bring it back when we're done, so just set it there." Ichiro: "Let's see..." Ichiro: "The whole family is doing well." Ichiro: "Machi has grown by five centimeters." Machi: "Lately, I've been thinking maybe I'll study astrology stuff." Shiori: "Oh my, lovely." Ichiro: "Fumio still loves illustrated reference books, and he's started trying to make his own." Shiori: "Which is wonderful." Chihiro: "I came along too, Uncle." Ichiro: "We're all doing well, so please watch over us free of concern." Writing: "Kuga Family Grave" Ichiro: "Okay, let's go eat." Ichiro: "Withdraw!" Child: "Wait up!" Shiori: "Oh, a picnic!" Ichiro: "Yeah." Ichiro: "I figured we'd have one before it gets cold." Chihiro: "Lucky for us the weather's nice." Machi: "We always eat interesting food after we visit the grave!" Ichiro: "It's not a rule or anything, but we figure it's best for one part of this to be enjoyable." Shiori: "That makes sense." Machi/Fumio: "Time to eat!" Machi: "It's good!" Ichiro: "Glad to hear it." Shiori: "This is enjoyable." Machi: "Last time, I had Indian curry for the first time! Wasn't that butter chicken stuff yummy, Fumio?" umio: "Yum-yum." Chihiro: "I only come when I can." Ichiro: "Oh, I think you manage to make it all the time. Thanks." Chihiro: "Well, I mean, it's fun after all." Machi: "Chibi-chan, you get embarrassed so easily." Chihiro: "That goes for Goshiki-san, too. I mean, I'm a relative if nothing else." Machi: "But Goshiki-san is Ichiro's girlfriend!" Machi: "They said they're dating!" Ichiro: "M-Machi, don't go blabbing that!" Machi: "What? Can't I say it?" Ichiro: "Yes, you can, but..." Ichiro: "Here, have a manju bun from Kotoriya." Machi: "You got it!" Ichiro: "Um, it's not that we were hiding it." Chihiro: "Yeah, I did have my suspicions. You two make a good couple." Ichiro: "A-Are you sure?!" Shiori: "Oh, that makes me happy!" Ichiro: "I-I'm happy, too..." Shiori: "Oh, my!" Chihiro: "I mean, Ichiro-kun's like a big brother to me anyway..." Machi: "Dad sure did love these manju buns." Ichiro: "He liked sweet things and liquor." Chihiro: "He worked and played so hard. I used to wonder when he ever slept." Machi: "It's too bad he wouldn't go see the doctor more often." Machi: "Huh?" Machi: "I'm fine." umio: "Fine." Shiori: "Here, Machi-san." Shiori: "You too, Fumio-san." umio: "Thank you." Machi: "How many hankies do you even have?" Shiori: "It's a spare. On my island, when we remember the departed, we all talk and pray together while gazing at the starry sky." Miyako: "I'm sure my predecessor was happy that everyone watched over her until the end." Miyako: "Tonight, let us pray for the repose of her soul." Takeru: "You must miss her, Shiori. She was especially fond of you." Shiori: "Yes." Shiori: "It was Grandmother who opened my eyes to a new world." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san, is something wrong?" Shiori: "No." Shiori: "It's lovely and invigorating to talk together this way beneath the blue sky, too." Chihiro: "I like the idea of gathering at night." Shiori: "Thank you. My people are all of one heart, no matter how close or distant they may be." Machi: "Your "people"?" Shiori: "That's a sort of family tradition of ours." Shiori: "I talked my way out of it again." Ichiro: "Oh, hey. I forgot to offer the manju buns, so I'm going to drop by again." Ichiro: "Sorry, you can all go on ahead." Machi: "Okay, got it. Can we play games?" Ichiro: "Sure thing. I'll be home soon." Ichiro: "Chibi-chan, can I ask you to look after them?" Chihiro: "Sure, that's fine." Ichiro: "Thanks a lot. See ya!" Machi: "Well, he needs some alone time, too. Let's go home, Goshiki-san." Machi: "Huh?" Ichiro: "Wonder if that seemed a bit forced." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san?" Shiori: "Is it okay if I go with you?" Ichiro: "You could have just gone back." Shiori: "I'll leave if you prefer, but you looked sad." Ichiro: "No, it's okay." Ichiro: "Let's go together." Shiori: "Did your father have an illness?" Ichiro: "Yeah." Ichiro: "It all happened so quickly." Ichiro: "He would never complain, so we didn't realize until the end." Ichiro: "If only he'd talked about it more." Shiori: "Earlier, you reported about Machi-san and Fumio-san. But it bugged me that nobody told him about you." Shiori: "I think Kuga-san is wonderful for supporting his siblings." Ichiro: "Well, I'm not reliable like Dad, and I'm always worrying over whether I'm doing it right." Ichiro: "There wasn't much good for me to report." Shiori: "What's an example of something that worries you?" Shiori: "Are those worries something you can't share?" Ichiro: "It's still a little difficult." Ichiro: "But thank you." Shiori: "I haven't done anything yet." Ichiro: "No, I'm thankful for the sentiment." Text: "Kuga Family Grave" Ichiro: "The truth is, I only want to share the things that are good." Ichiro: "But just being told it's okay to share the things that aren't good makes me happy." Shiori: "I see." Ichiro: "And so, well... I did think of something else to report." Ichiro: "That's why I came back." Shiori: "That's lovely!" Ichiro: "Dad." Ichiro: "This is Shiori Goshiki-san." Ichiro: "We're in a relationship." Ichiro: "A-And I hope it lasts a long time!" Shiori: "N-Nice to meet you!" Ichiro: "It's getting cooler." Ichiro: "Want to go home?" Shiori: "Yeah." Shiori: "A-A long time?" Shiori: "Now this feels like..." Machi: "Ichiro, what did you want to discuss?" Ichiro: "Dad! This is Shiori Goshiki-san! I want to be in a relationship with her for a long time!" Machi: "Okay then. Be sure to make her happy." umio: "Happy." Shiori: "Huh?!" Machi: "Congratulations!" Ichiro: "Thanks!" umio: "Bum-bum-bum!" Shiori: "I'll be so happy!" Shiori: "Calm down, me!" Shiori: "Now I feel woozy." Ichiro: "A-And I hope it lasts a long time!" Ichiro: "Th-That kinda felt like you-know-what." Kanji: "father" Ichiro: "We're an item!" Ichiro: "G-Goshiki-san?" Ichiro: "Huh?" Ichiro: "Your face looks red." Shiori: "I felt hot. Thought I'd have some water." Ichiro: "You might have a fever." Ichiro: "See?" Ichiro: "Get in bed." Shiori: "Water..." Ichiro: "I'll bring you some." Ichiro: "Now get some rest." Shiori: "Th-Thank you." Ichiro: "I wonder if she got sick because it suddenly got cool." Ichiro: "Vitamins and hydration. Some rice gruel, if she can eat." Ichiro: "And that leaves medicine." Ichiro: "How does her health work?" Ichiro: "Is her stinger the only thing about her that's different from regular people?" Ichiro: "I should have asked." Shiori: "I'll lie down next to you." Ichiro: "I want her to rely on me." Ichiro: "Right, so let her get some rest." Machi: "Can we do something to help?" umio: "To help?" Shiori: "I hear voices." Ichiro: "It's okay. You two just keep warm and get some sleep." Machi: "Okay." Shiori: "Something smells good." Ichiro: "I'm coming in." Ichiro: "I'll leave this here. Have some, if you think you can eat." Ichiro: "Text me anytime if you need anything." Ichiro: "Well, sorry to intrude." Shiori: "Just a little longer." Ichiro: "S-Sure." Shiori: "The room." Shiori: "My room." Ichiro: "Yes?" Shiori: "It's very spacious." Ichiro: "You mean back home." Shiori: "And quiet. Oh, but my people will come if I call to them. That's why, the first time I saw this one, I thought "What a lovely, small room."" Shiori: "Even from the center, I feel like everything's within reach." Ichiro: "Oh, I get it..." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san, you don't have to force yourself to talk." Shiori: "But we need to talk about something." Shiori: "Because I want you to stay." Ichiro: "You don't have to say anything." Ichiro: "I'll be right here." Shiori: "Are you sure?" Ichiro: "I am." Shiori: "I feel better!" Shiori: "I had him fall asleep in that position?! Was he like that all night?!" Shiori: "That means we spent the night together!" Ichiro: "Sorry! I didn't mean to doze off!" Shiori: "It's okay! Thanks to you, I feel completely well now." Ichiro: "Good, good. I'll be going, then." Shiori: "Thank you." Ichiro: "I'm glad you feel better." Shiori: "Me, too." Shiori: "Maybe this fever was a good thing." Machi: "Goshiki-san, are you okay?!" umio: "You okay?" Ichiro: "Wh-What, you were up?" Shiori: "G-Good morning!" Machi: "Goshiki-san, how do you feel?" Shiori: "I'm all better, thanks." Machi: "Oh, that's good!" umio: "That's good." Ichiro: "The way you came barging into the room, you must have been pretty worried." Machi: "And what're you doing here, Ichiro?" Ichiro: "Oh, I just happened to... I was worried, too." Machi: "Then that makes you the same as us!" Ichiro: "Oh, I know. I'll make breakfast. I bet you're hungry." Machi: "I am!" umio: "I am!" Ichiro: "You two can help me get ready, then." Machi/Fumio: "Okay." Machi: "Your face is red, though. Are you okay?" Ichiro: "N-Never mind about me! Come on now, out!" Machi: "Weird." umio: "Weird." umio: "Will it be Christmas soon?" Machi: "That's right! What present will you ask for, Fumio?" umio: "A castle book." Machi: "Nice! What about you, Chibi-chan?" Chihiro: "Me?! Um, um... it's a secret." Lower Right Text: "Christmas with the Princess"
{ "raw_title": "A Galaxy Next Door Episode 7 – A Slight Fever with the Princess", "parsed": [ "A Galaxy Next Door", "7", "A Slight Fever with the Princess" ] }
Bottles: "Infinity Power" Ichiro: "Please do these hair highlights." Shiori: "All right." Ichiro: "When you're done with those, this needs finishing touches." Writing: "Deadline!!" Shiori: "Okay." Shiori: "A few more and all the backgrounds will be done." Ichiro: "Stick with me through the homestretch!" Shiori: "We can do it!" Ichiro: "D-Done!" Shiori: "We did it!" Ichiro: "Sorry things got so busy again." Shiori: "No, I'm glad to have experienced a "hellish year-end schedule."" Screen: "Afternoon Sunny Wave" Radio Personality: "It's Afternoon Sunny Wave!" Radio Personality: "Christmas is almost here. We've been getting winter song requests." Ichiro: "Oh right, Christmas!" Ichiro: "Lovely." Ichiro: "Um, are you..." Shiori: "Yes?" Ichiro: "Do you have any Chr... N-New Year's plans? Like, going home to the island?" Shiori: "I don't. I'm going to spend it here." Shiori: "Uh, is that a problem?" Ichiro: "Not at all. Let's greet the new year together." Shiori: "That's a lovely idea!" umio: "Work's done." Machi: "What's going on?" Ichiro: "Oh, we were talking about New Year's plans. I figured she could join us for the shrine visit, etc." Machi: "We've got Christmas first!" umio: "First." Shiori: "Christmas!" Ichiro: "Don't tell me you don't know about it?" Shiori: "No, I do know. We don't really celebrate it back home." Shiori: "But I have Christmas knowledge!" Machi: "Okay, but be careful because Fumio still believes in Santa." Shiori: "When you say Santa..." Shiori: "you mean the old man who sneaks in with presents." Shiori: "You don't believe anymore?" Machi: "Right, there's no Santa. Not in Japan." Machi: "He's from overseas, so he can't make it here every time. Every kid can get a gift once from the real Santa-san by the time they're ten, but I already got mine." Shiori: "You don't say. What gift was that?" Machi: "Fumio!" Shiori: "Oh, how lovely!" Shiori: "Christmas is special for the Kuga family." Machi: "Yeah! We also have a Christmas party. Let's have it together!" Shiori: "I'd love to!" Ichiro: "This could be for better or for worse." Ichiro: "Oh, well." Momoka: "Merry Christmas Eve!" Machi: "Moka-nee! Come on in!" umio: "Come in." Momoka: "Thank you for inviting me." Momoka: "Here are some refreshments." Machi: "Thank you!" Sano: "Beefcake-sensei! It's been a while!" Momoka: "Yeah, it has." Machi: "For us too, Sano-kun!" Sano: "Did you grow some?" Sano: "Thought so." Shiori: "Sano-sensei!" Shiori: "I appreciate all the work." Sano: "M-My thoughts exactly." Shiori: "You and Fumio-san get along well." Sano: "W-Well, I was invited to the Christmas party the whole time I was an assistant, which ended last year." Ichiro: "Don't you have a manga volume coming out soon? I'm looking forward to it." Sano: "Oh, I'll give you a comp copy." Ichiro: "I already bought one in advance." Ichiro: "Sorry, sorry. I was just so happy that someone who'd helped me was going to debut." Sano: "It's not such a huge deal." All: "Cheers!" Machi: "Yummy!" umio: "Yum!" Shiori: "It's not the first time I've noticed, but Kuga-san is good at cooking." Ichiro: "I can't do it without a recipe." Shiori: "Don't be modest. I just wanted you to know I think you're wonderful." Ichiro: "I'm just embarrassed." Ichiro: "Th-Thank you." Machi: "Listen to the lovebirds." Momoka: "You're dating?!" Ichiro/Shiori: "Yes." Shiori: "I was the one who confessed." Momoka: "Wow..." Momoka: "To Ichiro-kun, huh?" Sano: "You said it. I was surprised, too." Momoka: "Well, Ichiro-kun's a good guy. I get it." Ichiro: "Y-You think so?" Shiori: "I'd like to hear stories about him." Ichiro: "Stop it." Momoka: "Once, when I fell down and was bleeding all over..." Young Momoka: "That really hurts! Let's take a picture!" Young Ichiro: "No! What if it gets infected?!" Momoka: "Shy Ichiro-kun got seriously angry out of concern." Momoka: "I was impressed." Ichiro: "It's because you were bleeding so much." Ichiro: "I didn't know she felt that way about it." Shiori: "Lovely! More stories like that, please!" Shiori: "I bet Chihiro-san must have some, being his cousin." Ichiro: "I think we've heard enough." Chihiro: "Let's see..." Ichiro: "D-Don't go out of your way!" Chihiro: "I had just gotten into the high school here. I was glad, since it was the one I hoped to attend, but I had to move away from my family to do it. But when my parents told me that Ichiro-kun would look after me here during my three years of high school..." Chihiro: "I was really happy." Ichiro: "No, that was because you were studying so hard." Shiori: "So, that's how it happened. Lovely." Machi: "I have one, too!" Ichiro: "Enough! This is too embarrassing!" Machi: "He always lets me and Fumio go first. Even with food and baths. Because he loves us!" Ichiro: "That's all ordinary stuff." Ichiro: "What's with this party?" Shiori: "Compliments make him self-conscious! That's irresistible!" Shiori: "Christmas is such a good time." Sano: "Maybe I sh-should say something, too." Ichiro: "That's okay!" Momoka: "Then let's talk about Goshiki-san next. Where are you from, again?" Shiori: "A place called Yobijima." Momoka: "You're from an island! What kind of place is Yobijima?" Shiori: "Let's see... The people are all very kind and friendly." Shiori: "The stars look beautiful from there." Momoka: "Stars, huh? Nice!" Machi: "Sounds a lot more amazing than Tokyo!" Shiori: "It truly is beautiful." Momoka: "I'd like to hear more about it. Like about your memories from there." Shiori: "Memories..." Shiori: "Wh-What should I say?" Shiori: "They're nearly all memories of being the princess." Shiori: "And should I have been misrepresenting myself in the first place?" Momoka: "Oh hey, sorry." Momoka: "Maybe it was awkward to ask." Shiori: "No, it's not like that." Momoka: "Oh, I know. Here." Momoka: "The tablet. Sorry it took so long. But now it's a Christmas present." Shiori: "This is the tablet?" Shiori: "Thank you!" Momoka: "No problem." Momoka: "These are for Machi and Fumio." Machi/Fumio: "Yay!" Machi: "Thanks!" umio: "Thanks." Momoka: "I had a great time! And the food was delicious." Ichiro: "Be safe going home." Sano: "Sure thing." Chihiro: "Oh, is it also Happy New Year time?" Momoka: "Right, this'll be our last time together this year." Ichiro: "Yeah. Happy New Year." Momoka: "See you next year!" Shiori: ""See you next year." Words that warm the heart." Machi: "Hey, can we stay up a little later?" Ichiro: "Fumio says he's sleepy." Shiori: "I'd like to talk a bit more. I'll stay up with you, if you like." Machi: "Yes!" Machi: "Chibi-chan, come hang out with us!" Chihiro: "Okay, want to come to my room?" Machi: "Hooray! Can I wear pajamas?" Shiori: "Pajamas?! Does that make this a sleepover?!" Chihiro: "Um..." Chihiro: "This is my chance to find out what kind of person Goshiki-san is!" Chihiro: "Sure!" Ichiro: "That's okay with you?" Machi/Shiori: "Yay!" Ichiro: "I was thinking about inviting her on a walk." Ichiro: "But oh well." Shiori/Machi: "Here we are!" Shiori: "What a lovely room. You like books, I see." Chihiro: "Let me know if you'd like to borrow any of them." Shiori: "Would that be okay?" Book (Center): "Stepping on Shadows Masami Ono" Chihiro: "This is a series, so start with volume one if possible! It's a mystery, but its portrayal of the working world is good, and the characters are adorable!" Chihiro: "Sorry. I got excited." Machi: "Hey, is it okay to open these cases?" Chihiro: "No, not those." Machi: "Oh, sorry." Shiori: "Wh-What's inside there?" Shiori: "It's nice to receive a book recommendation. It's like we're close friends." Chihiro: "Oh yes, true." Machi: "Goshiki-san! We're having a sleepover. We're totally friends!" Chihiro: "Hey, there's no need to rush things." Shiori: "Friends." Shiori: "You're right, we are." Machi: "Goshiki-san?" Ichiro: "I hope those two aren't being unreasonable." Shiori: "There's something..." Shiori: "I haven't told the two of you." Shiori: "On my island..." Shiori: "I was a princess!" Shiori: "I was a princess." Chihiro: "Prin..." Machi: "...cess." Shiori: "Yes, a princess." Shiori: "Because of said obligations, and my..." Shiori: "...personal issues, it's been a burden on my boyfriend, Kuga-san." Shiori: "Keeping quiet about it makes me feel like I'm deceiving everyone, and that stings." Ichiro: "Oh, great. Now I'm eavesdropping." Machi: "That sounds like it's pretty bad, but are you thinking we're not friends if you don't tell us everything?" Machi: "I'll listen if you want to talk, but it's okay to keep it secret. I have secrets, too." Shiori: "You do?" Machi: "I even have things I haven't told... Ichiro." Ichiro: "She does?" Chihiro: "I guess I have things I still want to keep secret, too." Shiori: "I see." Machi: "Does Ichiro know?" Shiori: "Yes." Machi: "Then it's fine. He'll be your ally, just not a super strong one." Machi: "As your friend, you have my permission to have secrets." Shiori: "Okay. Thank you." Chihiro: "Maybe Goshiki-san is sweeter than I thought. Uh, may I call you "Shiori-san"?" Machi: "Can I call you "Shio-chan"?" Shiori: "Yes, certainly!" Machi: "Shio-chan!" Shiori: "Machi-chan." Chihiro: "Shio... chan!" Shiori: "Chihiro-chan." Shiori: "It's been a burden on my boyfriend, Kuga-san." Ichiro: "It bothers her... that much, huh. To be honest, at first there were times when I considered it just her problem." Shiori: "Now you and my stinger have been linked." Shiori: "That amounts to the two of us vowing to bind our destinies together!" Shiori: "You want to know if it's possible to annul our pact." Ichiro: "Is it possible?" Shiori: "I don't know yet, but I arranged for my staff on the island to look into it." Ichiro: "I've been waiting patiently for it to be resolved. But..." Machi: "Santa brought us presents!" umio: "Santa-san!" Ichiro: "Good for you." Book: "Castles of Japan" Machi: "It's a castle book! Way to go!" Machi: "I got a sticker maker!" Shiori: "Good morning." Machi: "Good morning, Shio-chan!" Ichiro: "U-Um, Goshiki-san..." Shiori: "Yes?" Ichiro: "Do you have some time tonight?!" Shiori: "Tonight!" Ichiro: "Once dinner is over..." Machi: "Aw, you can at least eat dinner with her." Ichiro: "No way! We all eat dinner together!" Ichiro: "It's just that it's Christmas and all." Shiori: "Is this a date?" Ichiro: "That's right!" Shiori: "A Christmas date!" Shiori: "I'd love to!" Takeru: "Miyako, it's chilly out here." Miyako: "Why not bring a coat, if you think so?" Takeru: "Isn't today that Christmas thing?" Takeru: "Shall we go out somewhere, for a change?" Miyako: "Huh? You're free to go on your own." Takeru: "Got it." Takeru: "I wonder if Shiori's doing well." Miyako: "It's nearly the New Year, and she has yet to contact us at all." Takeru: "Do you miss her?" Miyako: "My feelings aren't so simple as that." Shiori: "Shining lights as far as the eye can see. Lovely!" Shiori: "I saw this in Choco Life volume four! A Christmas lights date!" Ichiro: "I'm glad she's enjoying this." Ichiro: "They say the lights were originally candles placed on trees to represent stars. I guess the stars look prettier from your island, though." Shiori: "But these lights are at eye level rather than overhead, so they're more fascinating. It's like they're drawing me in." Ichiro: "I haven't paid much attention to these things lately." Ichiro: "But today, they seem prettier than usual." Shiori: "Does that mean it seems pretty because you're looking at it with me?" Ichiro: "Y-Yes..." Shiori: "When we're like this, it's like there was never any problem. But every time I grow closer to you, the fact that the pact causes you pain jabs at me like a stinger." Shiori: "It makes me wonder if it should be this way." Ichiro: "I mean, I'm... We've been careful to avoid any retribution from the pact lately. I thought we'd been doing well." Shiori: "But that doesn't mean it's gone." Shiori: "It's a problem that I must resolve." Ichiro: "That makes it sound like it's your fault, and I don't like that." Ichiro: "Let's think it over together, taking your family and physiology into consideration." Ichiro: "Because I love you." Shiori: "I-I'm surprised you've given it that much thought." Ichiro: "Yeah, that's why I want us to stop dating like we're trying it out." Ichiro: "Would you..." Ichiro: "go out with me with the intent to someday get married?!" Ichiro: "And I also mean let's do away with the ancestral Engagement Pact thing. Of course, if you don't want to, it's fine!" Ichiro: "G-Goshiki-san?" Shiori: "Um, is it all right if I kiss you?" Ichiro: "Now?! Wh-Where?!" Shiori: "On the face." Ichiro: "Face! F-Face, right." Ichiro: "Y-Yes." Shiori: "Of course I want to." Shiori: "I love you." Ichiro: "We're home." Chihiro: "Welcome back." Machi: "What, you came home this early?" Ichiro: "Yep, and we brought home a cake." Machi: "Thanks!" Machi: "You two must have been cold. Your faces are beet red!" Shiori: "No, we're warm." Shiori: "Let's have some cake." Ichiro: "I-I'm going to go wash my hands and gargle." Shiori: "I did it!" Shiori: "Kuga-san's lips. That softness." Shiori: "Wait, were they soft? What were they like again?" Shiori: "My eyes were closed, so was my aim a little off? Was it here? Or here? Or around here? How could this be?! I even had my hands on his face..." Shiori: "But... but that time you might call an eternity, within me it was the longest moment. "Moment"?" Phone (Left Button): "Start" Phone (Right Button): "Reset" Shiori: "0.2 seconds?!" Shiori: "But it felt as good as a two-page color spread! Next time it'll be longer. At least a second!" Ichiro: "I can't sleep." Shiori: "A second is so long!" Shiori: "A message?" Screen: "This is your mother. Inbox Mom" Machi: "I'd like to go to a hot spring for a change." umio: "For a change." Machi: "But if wishes were fishes..." Machi: "Huh?" umio: "Huh-huh?" Machi: "Huh-huh?" umio: "Huh-huh-huh?" Machi: "Is it a you-know-what?"
{ "raw_title": "A Galaxy Next Door Episode 8 – Christmas with the Princess", "parsed": [ "A Galaxy Next Door", "8", "Christmas with the Princess" ] }
Machi: "Ichiro! I wrote my New Year's cards, and now I'll go send them!" Ichiro: "Hold on. Send mine out, too." Machi: "Sure!" Ichiro: "G-Good morning." Ichiro: "Here comes that Christmas memory again!" Shiori: "Good morning. Um..." Ichiro: "Did something happen?" Shiori: "Yes, I heard from the island yesterday." Ichiro: "Did they maybe figure out how to annul the pact?" Shiori: "No, my mother contacted me." Ichiro: "What did she say?" Shiori: "I was told they're looking forward to my return. But if I go back now, I don't know when I'd next be able to leave the island, so I told her I won't be going back for a while." Ichiro: "Okay." Shiori: "Well, I'm sorry there's nothing to pass along about the pact. I've tasked someone I trust with that, so please let them keep investigating." Ichiro: "Got it, no problem. No need to feel so down about it." Ichiro: "W-Want to prepare for the new year together?" Shiori: "Sure!" Tv Text: "Red and White Song Tournament" Shiori: "Kotatsu are the greatest." Shiori: "What other plans are there for New Year's?" Machi: "Plans? There are no such things. We'll eat New Year's food and lie around, then eat more New Year's food and lie around some more. They call that the New Year's Staycation." Ichiro: "Let's do a New Year's shrine visit!" Machi: "Happy New Year!" Left Sign: "Frankfurters" Right Sign: "Chocolate Bananas" Machi: "Let's try our luck!" Machi: "Ichiro, don't you have tickets saved up?" Ichiro: "Yep." Ichiro: "You get one too, Goshiki-san." Ticket (Center): "Lottery ticket Lottery ticket" Ticket (Bottom Right): "Good from 1/1 to 1/3" Shiori: "Well then, thank you!" Machi: "I want the big teddy bear!" Shiori: "Teddy..." umio: "Teddy." Ichiro: "It's huge..." Machi Tag: "Fifth Prize" Both Tags: "Fifth Prize Fifth Prize" All Three Tags: "Fifth Prize Fifth Prize Fifth Prize" Machi: "Shio-chan, win the teddy!" Shiori: "Okay, you bet I will." Ichiro: "You don't need to get so worked up." Vendor: "It's the grand prize! Family tickets for an overnight hot spring trip!" Ichiro: "Wow! You nailed it!" Shiori: "What luck. But, the teddy..." Machi: "Nah, Shio-chan, you're awesome!" umio: "Awesome!" Vendor: "These can only be used this month, so go soon!" Packet: "Grand Prize" Shiori: "We're all on winter vacation, aren't we?" Packet: "Grand Prize" Shiori: "Let's take a hot spring trip together!" Ichiro/Machi/Fumio: "H-Hot spring trip?!" Machi: "Look at this room!" Machi: "It has a foot bath!" Machi: "Mt. Fuji is huge!" umio: "Huge." Ichiro: "Lucky for us the weather's clear." Ichiro: "They have ping-pong. Want to play later?" Machi/Fumio: "Yes!" Phone: "Mother" Ichiro: "Are you okay?" Shiori: "Of course!" Machi: "Oh, they even have a family bath." Text (Top): "Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking Private booking" Text (Middle): "Family bath Family bath Family bath Family bath Family bath Family bath Family bath Family bath Family bath Family bath Family bath Family bath Family bath Family bath Family bath" Text (Bottom): "Mixed bathing allowed Mixed bathing allowed Mixed bathing allowed Mixed bathing allowed Mixed bathing allowed Mixed bathing allowed Mixed bathing allowed Mixed bathing allowed Mixed bathing allowed Mixed bathing allowed Mixed bathing allowed Mixed bathing allowed Mixed bathing allowed" Machi: "Not that I'd bathe with Ichiro anymore, of course." Machi: "Shio-chan, let's try out the spring together!" Shiori: "A lovely idea!" Ichiro: "Are you okay looking after Machi?" Shiori: "Of course!" Shiori: "It'll be great." Machi: "Yeah!" Ichiro: "See you later, then." Machi: "The water's great!" Shiori: "Everyone's naked." Machi: "Shio-chan! Don't go staring at strangers in here!" Shiori: "You're right. I'm sorry. It's my first time bathing with others." Machi: "No problem! Today I'll teach you about hot spring manners!" Shiori: "You're so dependable!" Kanji: "conscience" Shiori: "Open-air baths are lovely!" Ichiro: "Hey, no swimming!" Ichiro: "I had to leave Machi in her care. I wonder if she's looking after her." Shiori: "That was a great bath." Shiori: "Oh, you guys had already gotten out." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san! W-Were things all right? With your tail." Ichiro: "Don't worry, I had my tail tucked away." Thought Bubble: "Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tuck Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked Tucked" Ichiro: ""Tucked..."" Thought Bubble: "Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked.. Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked... Tucked..." Shiori: "Kuga-san?" Shiori: "Are you dizzy from the heat?" Ichiro: "No, I'm fine. It's nothing." Shiori: "Kuga-san?" Ichiro: "I'm fine!" Machi: "What're they doing?" Shiori: "Are you sure?" Machi: "What a feast!" Ichiro: "They said they were going to use the footbath, too." Shiori: "May I sit next to you?" Ichiro: "Yeah. Sure. Of course." Shiori: "Kuga-san, I..." Shiori: "There's something I want to do with you." Ichiro: "So cute!" Shiori: "Look at this, I installed manga production software! A drawing app!" Ichiro: "Oh, right. That." Shiori: "Once you're used to it, it's not much different from drawing on paper. See?" Ichiro: "I haven't touched this sort of thing since I deleted Moka-nee's data." Shiori: "It's just doodling for fun. See, you can even redo things." Shiori: "And applying tone is a cinch." Shiori: "Give it a try, Kuga-san." Ichiro: "Sure." Ichiro: "Wow, that really is something." Shiori: "And if you take the wonderful art this kind person made, and do this..." Ichiro: "These days, you can even do stuff like that?" Ichiro: "Now I'm interested." Shiori: "I thought you might be." Shiori: "It's good for adding color, too." Ichiro: "We've come to this great place with an incredible view, yet we're playing around with a tablet." Shiori: "Well, good point." Ichiro: "I've never had a New Year like this." Ichiro: "I'm truly grateful." Shiori: "What a relief. It kind of seemed like you were avoiding eye contact." Ichiro: "N-No, I was just being self-conscious... Sorry." Shiori: "Is that what it was? Gee. I've never spent New Year's like this either, and it's fun, but I've also had some doubts." Shiori: "It's okay to enjoy it, isn't it?" Ichiro: "Goshiki-san." Ichiro: "It worries you that you didn't go home, huh?" Shiori: "The truth is, I left the island without my mother's permission. I managed to leave thanks to my grandmother's dying wish that I get to do what I want." Ichiro: "And your mother isn't too pleased." Shiori: "It was my first time ever disobeying her, so it felt like my heart was going to burst!" Shiori: "Oh, I'm sorry! Here we are on this trip, and we're talking about this!" Ichiro: "It's not like that! Well, that is, I don't mean you should force yourself to cheer up. I realize you're concerned about the island, but also don't want to go back, so it's okay for you to worry. It's hard to put into words, but if the island's weighing on your mind, I just wish there was a way for you to feel better without necessarily going back. And I wonder what I can do about it." Ichiro: "G-Goshiki-san! Um..." Shiori: "I feel better about it now." Ichiro: "Why?" Shiori: "Because you know the way I feel." Ichiro: "Yeah." Machi: "I slept so much!" Ichiro: "Good morning." Machi: "Good morning. You got up early." Ichiro: "Yeah, I was too wound up to sleep much." Machi: "Kinda like a little kid." Shiori: "What are you looking at?" Ichiro: "The photos from yesterday. I sure did take a lot of them." Shiori: "They're lovely! Could you send them to me?" Ichiro: "Of course." Shiori: "Thank you." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san? You okay?" Phone (Top): "Incoming call" Phone (Bottom): "Mother" Phone (Top): "Incoming call" Phone (Bottom): "Mother" Shiori: "Uh, would you mind listening in?" Ichiro: "All right." Shiori: "Hello." Miyako: "Are you doing well?" Shiori: "No need to worry, Mother. There's no problem." Miyako: "You haven't contacted us at all." Shiori: "Well..." Phone (Top Line): "Mother" Phone (Second Line From Top): "Ongoing call" Phone (Top Left Icon): "Mute" Phone (Top Right Icon): "Speakerphone" Phone (Bottom Left Icon): "Video call" Phone (Bottom Right Icon): "Contacts" Miyako: "How worried do you imagine we've been while you've been living carefree?" Shiori: "I am sorry about that." Miyako: "Your entire life is here and only here." Shiori: "There are also people here who care about me! Even one whom I'm dating!" Shiori: "I said it..." Ichiro: "Good morning! My name is Ichiro Kuga! I'm in a serious relationship with Goshiki-san! And so, it's nice to meet you!" Ichiro: "S-Sorry! I guess I couldn't stand what she said to you!" Ichiro: "I wanted to tell her you're more loved than that... Man, I should have been calmer! For the future's sake, I'd better offer her a more proper greeting!" Ichiro: "Goshiki-san?" Shiori: "I am loved, aren't I?" Machi: "You got that right! I don't know what's going on, but yay!" Shiori: "Thanks for being patient! Let's head on out." Machi/Fumio: "Okay!" Ichiro: "I-I'm taking it." Shiori: "Okay." Machi: "Shio-chan, take a picture!" Shiori: "All right!" Ichiro: "I'm in a serious relationship with Goshiki-san!" Ichiro: "What if what I said made things worse between her and her family?" Machi: "Hurry!" Ichiro: "From their perspective, I'm some mystery guy who suddenly appeared months after their daughter went to Tokyo. I've done it now!" Machi: "Ichiro! Let's take a picture together!" Islander 1: "Is it true, then? Is the princess being deceived by a villain?!" Miyako: "He made some teasing mention of marriage and then hung up on me." Islander 3: "Who is this guy, a con artist?" Islander 4: "They're out there, you know. Matrimonial swindlers!" Islander 5: "The princess is in danger. Let's call her home immediately." Miyako: "I will go and get her." Islander 1: "You personally, Miyako-sama?" Islander 3: "You mustn't. What would become of the island?" Islander 4: "Both Star Children gone at the same time?!" Miyako: "But do you think anyone else can bring back the princess?" Islander 2: "No, that would never work." Islander 3: "But Miyako-sama, surely you won't go alone?" Takeru: "We'll go with her." Islander 1: "Takeru-san!" Takeru: "I must speak to her, as her parent." Miyako: "Shiori..." Shiori: "Lovely. I want us to have a matching pair." Shiori: "Kuga-san, Kuga-san. Time to get some mementos." Machi: "We're gonna go check the chocolates!" Shiori: "Okay." Shiori: "Kuga-san?" Ichiro: "Oh, yeah." Ichiro: "You're getting a call." Shiori: "Whatever. It's just my mother." Shiori: "Don't worry about it so much." Ichiro: "I do, though!" Ichiro: "I think I made things more complicated. It had to be a surprise, me jumping in like that with no warning." Ichiro: "Maybe now your relationship with your family is even worse." Shiori: "I was grateful, so please don't talk that way." Ichiro: "Well, it's not like I wanted to pick a fight. If I'd really been thinking about you, I'd have known not to ramble on irresponsibly." Shiori: "I-Irresponsibly? Does that mean you got caught up in the heat of the moment?" Ichiro: "No. I've given it plenty of thought. I just wish I had said it more tactfully." Ichiro: "Goshiki-san?" Shiori: "I was very happy then. That's good enough, so you don't need to go regretting it!" Ichiro: "Well, it's reflection more than regret. Like, I should have thought harder about it for your sake." Shiori: "Wh-Why do you end up losing confidence, Kuga-san?" Ichiro: "Confidence!" Shiori: "When you go red from shyness or smile reservedly, it really touches me!" Ichiro: "Wait—" Shiori: "But there's no use brooding over what's already done!" Ichiro: "B-Brooding?" Ichiro: "Well, I happen to think so, too." Shiori: "What I'm trying to say is, you're a very lovely person!" Ichiro: "That's what you say, but I've never thought of myself that way." Shiori: "Oh, no..." Ichiro: "But—" Shiori: "I don't want the one I love to look down on himself!" Shiori: "K-Kuga-san! Are you all right, Kuga-san?!" Ichiro: "R-Retribution again. I've had about enough..." Ichiro: "Oh, it's the same imagery as when I was first stung. She said then that I'd been "linked."" Ichiro: "Why is it the only means of linking has to be so sad?" Shiori: "Kuga-san, should I call someone? Maybe it's best if you keep still." Ichiro: "It's just anemia. I'm all right." Shiori: "Oh." Ichiro: "I made you angry..." Shiori: "It's because I was sad." Ichiro: "Oh, I made her sad." Ichiro: "Sorry, Goshiki-san." Shiori: "No, I was the one who..." Ichiro: "D-Don't strain yourself." Shiori: "I'm fine!" Shiori: "And I'm... I'm fed up with this! We can't even argue with this dumb pact." Ichiro: "Yeah, neither of us was at fault." Shiori: "I know, right?!" Shiori: "You're smiling again. What's up? You're the one this thing afflicts." Ichiro: "Sorry, I just... I thought you were mad at me back there." Shiori: "I'm sad." Ichiro: "Yeah. I know that now." Ichiro: "I just thought, seriously angry people sure are pretty." Shiori: "This... is no time for saying such things." Ichiro: "Sorry." Ichiro: "I've never thought of myself as lovely." Shiori: "That again?" Ichiro: "But I do like myself quite a bit for loving you." Ichiro: "That's why I've got so much rattling around in my head." Shiori: "Huh." Shiori: "All right, then. Sort out your thoughts." Shiori: "And please come away from it liking yourself a lot." Machi: "Shio-chan!" Machi: "What's wrong, Ichiro?" umio: "Ichiro." Shiori: "It's anemia." Machi: "Huh?" Ichiro: "I got a little dizzy, but I'm fine now." Machi: "Really?" Ichiro: "You bet!" Machi: "Well, all's well that ends well. These are for you two." Ichiro: "These?" Machi: "Souvenirs for you." umio: "For you." umio: "To thank Shio-chan for the trip." umio: "Don't you like having a matching pair?" Shiori: "Thank you! I'll treasure it for life." Machi: "Whoa, don't go overboard!" Shiori: "It makes me so happy!" Machi: "Maybe too happy!" Machi: "We've got to buy something for us, too!" Shiori: "The two of us are in love, but we aren't all by ourselves." Shiori: "Not as long as we have Machi-chan and Fumi-kun." Shiori: "I feel like I understand your troubles a little better." Shiori: "Are you willing to fight by my side?" Shiori: "It might mean going to the island to annul the pact." Shiori: "But even so, I want us to be rid of the pact once and for all." Ichiro: "Yeah, let's go together." Machi: "Back home already." Shiori: "Let's go visit again sometime." Machi: "Huh? Someone's here." Shiori: "We have a guest?" Miyako: "We're going home, Shiori." Shiori: "M-M..." Shiori: "Mother?!" Ichiro/Machi: ""Mother"?!" Shiori: "This day has finally arrived! The bigger the obstacles, the hotter burns the love!" Ichiro: "Don't you think you read too much manga?" Shiori: "Come on! Overcome this obstacle with me! Even should the flames surround us!"
{ "raw_title": "A Galaxy Next Door Episode 9 – A Hot Spring with the Princess", "parsed": [ "A Galaxy Next Door", "9", "A Hot Spring with the Princess" ] }
Isaku: "My parents died in a car accident when I was five." Tasuke: "Isaku, this is your home from now on." Isaku: "The one to take me in was my grandfather Senagaki Tasuke, boss of the Senagaki-gumi. In other words, my grandpa is a yakuza, and I ended up living as "the boss's granddaughter."" Tasuke: "This guy will be your caretaker." Keiya: "Pleased to meet you, Isaku-san. I'm Uto Keiya." Isaku: "I don't wanna. I want Papa and Mama instead." Keiya: "I'll be your Papa and Mama." Isaku: "Even though you're not old?" Keiya: "I'll be your brother, too. I'll be all of them for you. We're all family here, even if we're not related by blood." Keiya: "I'll protect you forever." Isaku: "I'm sure those words were for "the boss's granddaughter," but with them, he became my greatest support." Isaku: "That was probably the moment I started to love him." Girl 1: "There's my name!" Mom: "Congratulations!" Some Girl: "Yay!" Dad: "We'll have to celebrate tonight!" Tasuke: "How did the admissions announcement go?" Isaku: "I got in." Tasuke: "Oh? I'm glad. Congratulations. I'm sure your parents are as happy as I am." Isaku: "Thank you." Keiya: "Pardon me." Keiya: "Isaku-san." Isaku: "Keiya?" Keiya: "How did the admissions announcement go?" Isaku: "I got in." Keiya: "Congratulations." Isaku: "Y-You're overly happy about it. Put me down." Keiya: "Of course I'm happy! You did good." Keiya: "You were so little when we first met. It makes me misty to think you're heading to high school." Keiya: "I practically raised you, after all." Isaku: "I'm not your child, Keiya." Keiya: "Not by blood, but I was being figurative." Isaku: "That's not the issue—" Tasuke: "Otowa High School is quite far away, though. Wouldn't it be over an hour from here by train?" Isaku: "That's why I chose it." Tasuke: "What?" Isaku: "I want to have a normal teenage life in high school." Isaku: "I don't have any real friends, because everyone's scared of us. But that all changes now. I'll do all the normal things: make friends, do club and school committee work, and..." Isaku: "I'll have a normal romance." Isaku: "Yes, I need to fall in love." Isaku: "Boring, happy love." Isaku: "Because a one-sided crush on a yakuza can't lead to a bright future." Isaku: "I'm finally a high school student now." Katsuki: "The principal's speech took forever!" Ando: "Wanna go somewhere after school?" Boy 1: "Did you see that chick in the class next door?" Boy 2: "Heck yeah." Isaku: "What now? Should I try to talk to someone?" Isaku: "It's a boy." Isaku: "Th-Thank..." Keiya: "Are you all right, Isaku-san?" Isaku: "Huh? What are you doing?!" Isaku: "An old yakuza dude cosplaying as a high schooler? Is this some new scam?!" Keiya: ""Old"? I'm only 26." Isaku: "That's more than old enough." Keiya: "I was worried about you being alone so far from home, so I've decided to attend school with you." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "You're the patriarch's only granddaughter." Isaku: "You can just see me to the train station like before!" Keiya: "No. It's dangerous even inside the school." Keiya: "Because there are boys here!" Isaku: "Sorry, what?" Keiya: "You said you wanted romance, but you're too young for that, Isaku-san! Men are wolves! They only think with their other head. Their sexy feelings are far, far, far stronger than their loving feelings!" Isaku: "What?!" Keiya: "And so, to guard your body from the boys' clutches, I bribed the school to let me enroll." Isaku: "Well, Grandpa won't—" Keiya: "I got his permission, of course." Isaku: "He gave you permission?! I absolutely do not want to go to school with you, so stay far away from me while you're here!" Keiya: "Isaku-san..." Young Isaku: "Good morning, Mami-chan, Aika-chan." Mami: "You're in a yakuza family, right, Isaku-chan?" Aika: "My dad said they're bad guys." Aika: "He said I can't play with you anymore." Isaku: "They're family to me, but other people think they shouldn't exist." Isaku: "Even Keiya..." Isaku: "My feelings have no outlet because he learned that." Isaku: "They've already formed groups." Isaku: "I was only out of the room for a few minutes!" Isaku: "I forget how to make friends." Isaku: "I'll use my ultimate technique: Pretend to Be Asleep." Keiya: "You're not going to try to talk to anyone?" Keiya: "Hmm, I suppose I should act more like a student than this..." Isaku: "I remember telling you to keep your distance at school." Keiya: "Isaku-san—no, that's too polite..." Keiya: "Senagaki!" Isaku: "Don't ignore me!" Boy 1: "You two seem close." Boy 2: "She really is cute." Isaku: "Um, I..." Isaku: "They talked to me without blinking. It's my chance make friends!" Keiya: "That's right, we're close." Keiya: "We're childhood friends." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "We've been together forever, so we know everything about each other." Keiya: "I mean everything." Keiya: "You wouldn't believe how close we are." Keiya: "Oh, the name's Uto Keiya." Keiya: "My specialty is torture." Isaku: "Hey! What are you saying?!" Boy 1: ""Torture"?" Boy 2: "As in electric chair?" Keiya: "I don't need one of those." Keiya: "A ballpoint pen works just fine." Keiya: "Shall I tell you how I use it?" Isaku: "Cut it out!" Keiya: "I'm kidding." Isaku: "That's not funny coming from you!" Boy 1: "Uh, so are you two..." Boy 2: "...weirdos?" Homeroom Teacher: "Okay, time to start homeroom!" Isaku: "It's over. They want nothing to do with me. There will be rumors about "the two weirdos" in no time, and we'll be shunned." Homeroom Teacher: "First, let's decide on our class representatives. If you want to be a leader of our class, declare your candidacy by raising your hand!" Homeroom Teacher: "No? Nobody?" Isaku: ""Class rep" does sound like a solid teenager experience. I could probably make some friends, and I kinda want to try it... But the weirdo thing broke my heart... And I've got social anxiety..." Keiya: "Senagaki-san and I volunteer." Isaku: "Huh?" Satonaka: "It's those two loud people." Sato: "Wow, that guy's super hot." Satonaka: "Doesn't he seem sorta adult?" Isaku: "What?!" Isaku: "What are you thinking?" Keiya: "You looked like you wanted to do it." Isaku: "Butt out!" Homeroom Teacher: "Class reps, here's your first job: Get all the participants assigned for our sports day, please." Morikawa: "Do we all have to do it?" Satonaka: "I don't wanna!" Isaku: "Should I chide them or something?" Isaku: "E-E-Everyone, um..." Keiya: "Okay, everyone, face front. Time to decide who'll be in which event." Satonaka: "Is there a point to this? I hate getting sweaty." Keiya: "But it might be a chance for us all to become friends, right?" Keiya: "At least, I'd like to be friends with you, Satonaka-san." Satonaka: "Wait, you know my name already?" Keiya: "I memorized everyone's." Keiya: "Recognition makes people happy, right?" Keiya: "It's a little thing, but I value it." Isaku: "Who even are you?" Keiya: "Morikawa, let's do basketball together. You're tall, and you look like Michael Jordan, so..." Morikawa: "N-N-No I don't!" Yagi: "Uto-kun is kinda fun." Sato: "He seems like a good guy. Plus he's hot." Katsuki: "A little weird, though." Keiya: "Senagaki-san, you take notes." Isaku: "O-Okay." Isaku: "He's a crazy good actor..." Keiya: "Senagaki-san, how about volleyball?" Keiya: "Isaku-san." Isaku: "Don't come in without asking." Keiya: "What's wrong? Are you sick?" Isaku: "Don't ignore me." Isaku: "It hurts how bad I am at communicating." Keiya: "Oh, come on, it's not like that's anything new." Isaku: "Hey. Ever heard of sugarcoating?" Isaku: "I couldn't do anything. The 26-year-old yakuza who's got nothing but his way with words" Isaku: "fit in right away, but I..." Keiya: "You left off the sugarcoating, too." Isaku: "They called me a weirdo!" Keiya: "I'm sure they've already forgotten about that." Isaku: "That was your fault in the first place. And it upsets me!" Isaku: "I know. I know that my family isn't the only reason I can't make friends. It's partly my own fault. I managed to go to a high school far away, but I still..." Keiya: "I don't think that's a bad thing. The reason you get upset about things other people don't, list all the things you can't do, and stop to overthink your every step" Keiya: "is because you're genuinely trying to see yourself clearly. I hope your daily life gets more fun" Keiya: "as you cry, and worry, and sometimes be a little brave." Keiya: "I'm on your side, Isaku-san." Isaku: "Let me go." Keiya: "No." Keiya: "You're cute." Isaku: "Sheesh!" Keiya: "Well, you are!" Isaku: "Seriously, I'm such a child." Isaku: "I always let my circumstances get me down. Have I ever actually tried hard at anything? I'm not even really sure how to try, but if I take it one thing at a time..." Isaku: "So, I'm gonna be on the volleyball team on sports day." Isaku: "But I've never really played volleyball, so..." Isaku: "would you practice with me?" Luka/Kongo: "Yes, Miss!" Luka: "Practicing for a school event? You're going above and beyond." Isaku: "Everyone else on my team plays sports." Isaku: "I don't wanna drag them down, and they said they might as well play to win..." Isaku: "So I wanna do my best." Luka/Kongo: "Yes, Miss!" Isaku: "Give it to me!" Isaku: "Ow." Keiya: "You bastard! What the hell was that?! You let the ball hit Isaku-san!" Keiya: "Throw softly! Gently! Make it easy for her to return!" Isaku: "That defeats the point of practicing! Knock it off, Keiya!" Keiya: "I'll throw the ball." Isaku: "No. Keiya's too likely to go easy on me. You, please, Luka and Kaoru-chan." Luka: "On it." Kongo: "Absolutely!" Isaku: "Keiya, you're the one who told me to be brave and try things." Keiya: "Ah, yes... I suppose I did..." Isaku: "So I want to do this right!" Luka/Kongo: "Here we go!" Katsuki: "Time for a break!" Katsuki: "Huh?" Katsuki: "Senagaki-san, you look all banged up." Isaku: "Oh, um..." Ando: "You're right—look at those bruises!" Isaku: "I was practicing volleyball at home." Katsuki; Ando; Kawasaki; Yagi; Sato: "What?!" Isaku: "Maybe they're shocked at how little practicing helped..." Ando: "Senagaki-san, you must've worked really hard!" Isaku: "W-Well, I didn't get any better, but..." Isaku: "I thought if I could just not drag you down, maybe we could win." Katsuki: "Wanna shoot for victory, then?" Yagi: "Let's get together during lunch breaks if we're free." Ando: "Sure! Let's all work together, Senagaki-san." Isaku: "Yeah." Isaku: "I want to try hard for them. And I don't know how it'll turn out, but if I do my best, maybe Keiya will acknowledge me a little, too." Isaku: "As a full person, not just a child." Isaku: "Maybe he'll feel..." Katsuki: "Senagaki-san!" Isaku: "Okay!" Various: "Nice! Go you! Well done!" Someone: "Nice receive!" Isaku: "Hey!" Isaku: "I followed you because I saw your usual "gonna have a smoke" walk, you dummy! Don't smoke at school!" Keiya: "Who cares? I bribed my way here anyway. And I'm a 26-year-old "old yakuza dude."" Isaku: "What's with you? Are you in a bad mood?" Keiya: "I see you're in a good mood." Isaku: "Of course I am! We won the match!" Keiya: "Isaku-san..." Keiya: "Let's keep up the momentum this afternoon." Isaku: "Right..." Various: "Go! You can do it!" Isaku: "If we win this match, we win the whole event." Ando: "Senagaki-san! Coming at you!" Isaku: "Okay!" Isaku: "My finger hurts really bad. Like, super bad!" Isaku: "Should I tell someone? The game's almost over, though..." Katsuki: "One more point!" Keiya: "Isaku-san?" Isaku: "We only need one more point. But..." Katsuki: "Incoming!" Isaku: "Keiya is watching." Isaku: "If I can't use my hands..." Isaku: "then I'll just use my foot!" Isaku: "We got it..." Ando: "Amazing, Senagaki-san! A foot play?!" Sato: "We did it!" Isaku: "Honestly, I was so caught up I didn't know what I was doing..." Isaku: "Wh-What did you think?" Keiya: "Hmm?" Isaku: "Of the game." Keiya: "Game?" Isaku: "Of how I played!" Keiya: "Oh, right! It was great." Keiya: "A truly thrilling game." Isaku: "He's not impressed by my heroism at all!" Keiya: "You've been so energetic lately. That makes me happy," Keiya: "but realizing that you'll stop needing me around makes me feel..." Keiya: "lonely." Isaku: ""Lonely"?" Isaku: "Wh-What does that mean?" Keiya: "I wonder if this is that "when kids break away from their parents" thing." Isaku: "Yeah, I figured this wouldn't be so easy..." Isaku: "But..." Isaku: "That's backwards." Isaku: "I want to break away, but I can't." Isaku: "I can work hard because you're on my side." Isaku: "Keiya is still always the center of my world." Isaku: "What are you doing?" Keiya: "I'm glad." Isaku: "He's too cute. It's hopeless. I love him."
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 1 – SPRING AND BEGINNINGS", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "1", "Spring And Beginnings" ] }
Isaku: "Right now, on stage," Isaku: "I don't have to hide my love for Keiya, do I?" Keiya: "O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do." Ando: "Operation Lovey-Dovey..." Katsuki: "...is a big success." Mikio: "This went better than I thought." Mikio: "How boring." Ando: "It's the first day of the festival. Great work on Romeo and Juliet, Class 1-3!" Katsuki & Ando: "Cheers!" Everyone Else: "Cheers!" Katsuki: "It was a great show, and that's thanks to all of you!" Isaku: "Despite several unexpected incidents, the play ended safely. I'm so relieved." Isaku: "Huh? Has our class always been so..." Ando: "You've noticed, then." Katsuki: "With all the after-school work and rehearsals..." Ando: "That's right! Love has bloomed all over!" Katsuki: "Behold: culture festival magic." Isaku: "Wow, really?" Ando: "And what about you? How are things with Uto-kun?!" Katsuki: "Tell us the fruits of Operation Lovey-Dovey." Ando: "You two were off in your own world on stage!" Isaku: "We haven't..." Keiya: "If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, my lips ready stand with a tender kiss." Isaku: "Palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." Keiya: "O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do." Isaku: "No, that was its own thing!" Katsuki: "Why did you trail off there?!" Ando: "Did something happen?!" Isaku: "N-No!" Isaku: "Where is Keiya, anyway?" Mikio: "Personally, I like to eat the cookies and the filling separately." Keiya: "Thank you for that epically uninteresting factoid." Mikio: "Kei-chan, look, look! Open!" Mikio: "Hmm?" Isaku: "He's still here?" Isaku: "Going home?" Mikio: "Yup." Isaku: "I didn't think you'd come to the wrap party." Mikio: "I was just killin' time until Four-Eyes came to pick me up. Well, and I guess I was a little reluctant to leave," Mikio: "since today's the last time I'll get to see you and Kei-chan." Mikio: "I'll miss you." Isaku: "I know you don't mean that." Mikio: "I do mean it! I love you two!" Mikio: "I love you so much!" Isaku: "Move over so I can go back inside." Mikio: "You'll be put in danger even after I leave, Isaku-chan." Mikio: "Over and over, for as long as you're with Kei-chan." Mikio: "Poor thing." Isaku: ""Poor thing"? I absolutely do not want to go to school with you," Isaku: "so stay far away from me while you're here!" Isaku: "I can't afford to be in love with him, so I tried to distance myself." Isaku: "Because it hurts to be with someone who lives in the criminal world." Isaku: "But I..." Isaku: "S-Stop!" Keiya: "You were trying to protect me, weren't you? Thank you." Isaku: "I always chose him." Kodan-Gumi A: "Just shoot him." Kodan-Gumi B: "On it." Isaku: "Oh no!" Keiya: "You surprised me. You worried more about me than yourself," Keiya: "even though it's my fault you were in danger." Isaku: "Keiya!" Isaku: "I don't want you to be gone!" Isaku: "Every time I've been put in danger..." Mikio: "I'm about to assault Isaku-chan!" Isaku: "Say what?" Isaku: "Not a chance!" Keiya: "Isaku-san!" Isaku: "The more I see Keiya up close, the more being with him anyway is all I..." Isaku: "I'm not someone to be pitied." Isaku: "I'm doing this because I want to." Isaku: "Thank you." Mikio: "What?" Isaku: "Because of you, I got to confirm how I really feel." Mikio: "You've got nerves of steel, huh?" Isaku: "Go home already. Your phone's blowing up." Mikio: "Fine, fine." Mikio: "This was a pretty good distraction from the boredom." Mikio: "Bye-bye, now!" Keiya: "Isaku-san?" Isaku: "Keiya." Keiya: "What are you doing out here?" Isaku: "Seeing Mikio off." Keiya: "Did he do anything to you?" Isaku: "It was fine." Keiya: "It's a refreshing morning, isn't it?" Isaku: "It's like the confusion in my heart has lifted." Maid 1: "Hello, you two!" Maid 1: "Can I interest you in pancakes with plenty of whipped cream?" Keiya: "Shall we go in?" Isaku: "Yeah." Maid 1: "Welcome!" Isaku: "This is..." Isaku: "This is really kinda date-like." Maid 2: "Here's your order." Isaku: "Thank you." Isaku: "Oh, wow!" Keiya: "Well, that's cream." Isaku: "It sure is. Yay!" Isaku: "Oh, yours is a heart. Maybe I should take a photo." Girl 1: "Isn't that the pair from yesterday?" Girl 2: "Whoa, they're both pretty!" Girl 3: "I wanna take a pic!" Girl 4: "Don't be rude!" Isaku: "Are they talking about us?" Girl 1: "I should've known Romeo and Juliet are dating." Isaku: "That is about us." Girl 2: "Makes sense. They got the mood across because they're a real couple." Isaku: "Keiya must hear them too, right?" Isaku: "What does he think?" Isaku: "I'm sick of this "Does he or doesn't he?" I want a clearer..." Keiya: "Do you want some of mine?" Isaku: "Um, you don't mind?" Keiya: "Of course not. Say "ah."" Isaku: "I can feed myself." Keiya: "Then you don't get any." Isaku: "Then I don't want any." Isaku: "A-Ah..." Isaku: "My heart is racing." Isaku: "More than it used to." Isaku: "Keiya? Hm?" Isaku: "Are you having fun?" Keiya: "Yes." Isaku: "Me, too." Isaku: "I want to be with him like this forever." Isaku: "That's what I think now." Keiya: "All right, now please feed me a bite." Isaku: "Denied. Too embarrassing." Girl 4: "Um, I saw you two in Romeo and Juliet!" Girl 4: "If you don't mind..." Girl 4: "Yay! Thank you very much!" Isaku: "It's darker than I expected. I can't really see." Keiya: "Are you all right? Should we hold hands?" Isaku: "No." Isaku: "Th-That startled me..." Keiya: "Oh, Isaku-san." Ghoul Boy 2: "Rauuugh... A curse on you..." Keiya: "What makes you think you can cozy up to Isaku-san like that?!" Keiya: "How are you gonna pay for this, creep?" Isaku: "Stop it, Keiya, you're scaring him! Jeez." Ghoul Boy 2: "A ghoul!" Isaku: "Come on, what's the point of scaring the ghouls?" Keiya: "Not my fault." Isaku: "Yes, it is." une-Teller: "Ah, I see, I see..." une-Teller: "I'll read the girlfriend's fortune before the boyfriend's." Isaku: ""Girlfriend"..." Isaku: "He's not denying it? Or maybe he's not really thinking about it." une-Teller: "I see that the interloper has fled, and your heart now overflows with hope." Isaku: "She's not wrong." Keiya: "I'm glad." une-Teller: "This card says you'll face new misfortune in the future!" Isaku: "I understand." Keiya: "It's pointless to believe in this stuff." une-Teller: "Huh? Hey, wait!" Isaku: "Hey!" Keiya: "I'll eliminate any and all misfortune that comes for you." Isaku: "You don't want your fortune told, Keiya?" Keiya: "I'm fine." Kaori: "Uto-chan!" Kaori: "Thought I recognized you." Keiya: "Kaori-san." Kaori: "I came to see you." Kaori: "I came to see you." Keiya: "What brings you here?" Kaori: "Wow, you really are doing the high school thing." Kaori: "The uniform looks ridiculous on you! It's hilarious." Keiya: "Isaku-san, this woman is my—" Kaori: ""Isaku"? So she's the one." Kaori: "Too cute! She's like a doll! I want to bring her home!" Isaku: "This sweet scent seems familiar..." Keiya: "Are you all right?" Isaku: "He smells sweet." Isaku: "Perfume?" Keiya: "Oh, maybe some of hers got on me." Isaku: "Let go." Isaku: "Don't touch me!" Keiya: "Kaori-san, you're unsettling Isaku-san." Kaori: "Oh, sorry about that." Keiya: "This is a work associate of mine." Kaori: "I'm Sekiya Kaori." Kaori: "I run a members-only club." Isaku: "Oh, thank you." Isaku: "I'm Senagaki Isaku." Kaori: "Nice to meet you." Isaku: "It's nice to meet you." Kaori: "She's beautiful." Keiya: "What brings you here today?" Kaori: "I came to witness this "high school life" of yours. It sounded entertaining." Kaori: "Someone like you, incognito in a school for kids with bright futures—scary!" Kaori: "Well, I suppose it can't be too good a school, if they accepted you." Isaku: "She's..." Keiya: "Shall we talk elsewhere?" Keiya: "Is that all right, Isaku-san?" Isaku: "O-Okay." Kaori: "Are you in any school clubs, Isaku-chan?" Isaku: "No, I'm not, but Keiya and I are class representatives." Kaori: "Class representatives?! You're doing that, Uto-chan?" Keiya: "Yes." Kaori: "Say, Uto-chan." Kaori: "I'm thirsty. Could you go buy me something to drink?" Keiya: "All right." Isaku: "But it feels so awkward to be alone with her!" Kaori: "Hey, Isaku-chan! Let's sit down!" Isaku: "O-Okay." Kaori: "I was interested in seeing Uto-chan in high schooler mode," Kaori: "but I also wanted to meet you." Kaori: "I'm glad we got to chat." Isaku: "Did Keiya talk to her about me?" Isaku: "She must be Keiya's..." Kaori: "Isn't it tough being with someone so overprotective?" Isaku: "Sure, sometimes. But it's fun." Isaku: "My tone was harsh just now." Kaori: "You really are adorable." Kaori: "High school girls!" Kaori: "Don't worry. I'm rooting for you, okay, Isaku-chan?" Keiya: "What are you doing?" Kaori: "Oh, welcome back." Kaori: "Thanks." Kaori: "I have to be on my way." Isaku: "Huh?" Kaori: "Thanks for today, you two!" Kaori: "Enjoy the culture festival." Kaori: "Later!" Keiya: "What were you two talking about?" Isaku: "Huh? Nothing much." Keiya: "Did she really come just to see me?" Isaku: "That's what I want to know." School Pa Voice: "We will be closed to the public at 5:00 pm." emale Student 1: "Let's hurry to the field!" emale Student 2: "We have plenty of time." Keiya: "Isaku-san, the closing event is about to start." Isaku: "Right..." Keiya: "Shall we go outside?" Isaku: "I'll watch from here." Keiya: "All right." Isaku: "Is..." Isaku: "Is Kaori-san your... your g-girlfriend?" Keiya: "What?" Keiya: "No, she's not my girlfriend." Isaku: "Not his girlfriend?" Isaku: "What the heck? What is she, then?" Isaku: "There's obviously something between them." Isaku: "Oh." Isaku: "But I can't ask him." Keiya: "Are you jealous?" Isaku: "No!" Keiya: "You're cute." Isaku: "Don't stand so close." Keiya: "You're the only one who can make me "sit" or "stay," Isaku-san." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "I don't know how long I'll sit still, though."
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 10 – LINGERING SCENTS AND WHISPERS", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "10", "Lingering Scents And Whispers" ] }
Keiya: "You're cute." Isaku: "Don't stand so close." Keiya: "You're the only one who can make me "sit" or "stay," Isaku-san." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "I don't know how long I'll sit still, though." Keiya: "I'm not a well-behaved dog." Isaku: "What do you mean?" Isaku: "Stay." Keiya: "It's because you're like that." Isaku: "Seriously, what do you mean?" Keiya: "I mean that being teased by you has its appeal," Keiya: "but I don't intend to grin and bear it forever." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "The fireworks are over." Isaku: "I'm taking my bath first." Keiya: "All right." Isaku: "So, um..." Isaku: "I'm telling Keiya to "stay"..." Isaku: "...and making him bear it?" Isaku: "Bear what?" Keiya: "No matter what kind of man he is, I won't accept anyone" Keiya: "who takes you away from me." Keiya: "I want to kiss you." Keiya: "I'm jealous of a stuffed animal." Keiya: "Was your boy talk..." Keiya: "about me?" Keiya: "I want to know what this is." Keiya: "I want you to teach me." Isaku: "Huh?" Isaku: "Huh?" Isaku: "Huh?!" Keiya: "Isaku-san?" Keiya: "Did something happen? Are you all right?" Isaku: "I'm okay. It's nothing." Keiya: "I see." Isaku: "So if I gave him the go-ahead, does that mean Keiya would... All this time I couldn't tell for sure," Isaku: "but I think maybe Keiya loves me." Keiya: "You dropped your rice, Isaku-san." Isaku: "Keiya." Keiya: "Yes?" Isaku: "You're..." Isaku: "Um..." Isaku: "Y-You're really good at cooking, huh? This is really tasty." Keiya: "I'm glad to hear it! I tweaked the seasoning a little today." Isaku: "Mm-hmm..." Isaku: "I can't ask him! Assuming Keiya did love me," Isaku: "what would we do?" Isaku: "D-Date?" Isaku: "But is that okay? I'm not ready for the consequences." Isaku: "O-Or more like, how do I even get ready?" Isaku: "Ugh, my "I want to date him" feelings are about to win by a landslide!" Isaku: "Because now, it's a real possibility." Isaku: "I just can't imagine us as lovers!" Isaku: "What now? I should confirm Keiya's feelings clearly, and then whatever his answer is, it's on me to decide where we go from there, huh?" Isaku: "I've always thought we couldn't be together because Keiya is a yakuza. And I honestly do feel that way, but at the same time, maybe I was also using it as an excuse to give up on someone I didn't think was into me." Isaku: "If I really want to have a normal life, I should stop this." Isaku: "But... But..." Isaku: "I really wanna talk this through with someone!" Isaku: "Katsuki-san and Ando-san are out, since they don't know who he really is." Isaku: "And I can't think of anyone else to consult..." Kaori: "I'm Sekiya Kaori." Kaori: "I run a members-only club." Caption: " \h\h\h\h\hSEKIYA\h\h\hKAORI \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hMAMA SEKIYA KAORI" Isaku: "Oh, thank you." Isaku: "She's beautiful." Kaori: "Don't worry. I'm rooting for you, okay, Isaku-chan?" Caption: " \h\h\h\h\hSEKIYA\h\h\hKAORI \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hMAMA SEKIYA KAORI \h\h\h\h\hSEKIYA\h\h\hKAORI \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hMAMA SEKIYA KAORI" Isaku: "Maybe I'll try texting her." Isaku: "Wh-What do I type?" Isaku: "No, Isaku, calm down!" Isaku: "You just met her today, and she might be one of Keiya's maybe-girlfriends!" Isaku: "I shouldn't make impulsive decisions while I'm worked up." Isaku: "It's from Ando-san." Isaku: "Almost had a heart attack..." Keiya: "Isaku-san?!" Keiya: "Isaku-san?" Isaku: "It's nothing." Isaku: "It's nothing, so please leave." Keiya: "You're all right, then?" Isaku: "Yup." Isaku: "Ugh, I'm so embarrassed!" Isaku: "This is the place." Isaku: "Excuse me..." Kaori: "Isaku-chan! Welcome!" Kaori: "Sorry you had to come all this way. My schedule was just so full." Isaku: "No, I'm sorry for taking up time before you open." Kaori: "It's no problem! Go on, have a seat. Go on, have a seat." Kaori: "Go on, now, have a seat." Isaku: "Oh, thank you." Kaori: "Want something to drink?" Isaku: "Sorry to trouble you." Isaku: "I've never been someplace like this before." Isaku: "Kaori-san's in a kimono today. She has a different vibe than at the festival." Isaku: "Th-Thank you. I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule, ma'am. It's very—" Kaori: "It's totally fine! Don't sweat it. So what did you want my advice about?" Kaori: "Well, no, I know it has to be about your romance with Uto-chan." Isaku: "Yeah." Kaori: "Don't be so nervous. Ask me anything you'd like!" Isaku: "R-Right. Well, um, it's..." Isaku: "Say it! Say it, Isaku! Kaori-san, are you Keiya's girlfriend? I said it!" Kaori: "What? No, of course not." Kaori: "I'm not his girlfriend, and I've never been his girlfriend." Isaku: "Oh, I see..." Kaori: "We did sleep together back in the day, though." Kaori: "Did I shock you?" Isaku: "I expected that, actually." Kaori: "It was about six years ago that I met Uto-chan. I worked as a hostess at a long-established club, since I didn't have one of my own yet." Member A: "It's been a long time, madam." Proprietress: "Goodness, the Senagaki-gumi gentlemen. Yes, it's good to see you again." Member A: "You're as gorgeous as ever." Proprietress: "Oh my! Thank you. And business is going well, thanks to you." Member A: "I'm glad to hear that." Proprietress: "Oh, and who might that be?" Member A: "Oh, right, it's our first time bringing him." Member A: "Hey! Introduce yourself." Keiya: "Yes, sir." Keiya: "I'm Uto Keiya. Pleased to meet you." Kaori: "Let me tell you, all the ladies loved him. He always had at least one hanging off his arm." Isaku: "Always, eh?" Kaori: "Oddly enough, though, there was never any bickering. He played his cards well. The girls all knew he had them dancing to his tune, but maybe that was part of the fun." Hostess A: "You're such a meanie!" Kaori: "He was a smooth operator." Kaori: "I'm going on break." Black Suit: "All right." Keiya: "Hello." Kaori: "Hello." Kaori: "Darn." Keiya: "Here." Kaori: "I don't want that one." Keiya: "I see." Kaori: "I'll take this one." Kaori: "What's that? A kid's drawing?" Keiya: "Isaku-san drew my face for her art homework." Kaori: "Wow, art class brings back memories." Kaori: "She's the boss's granddaughter, right?" Keiya: "Yes." Kaori: "It must be tough, playing father to her at your age." Keiya: "You've got it wrong." Keiya: "I'm her father, her mother, and her friend." Keiya: "I'm Isaku-san's whole world, and she's my whole world, too." Kaori: "Your world..." Kaori: "I see." Keiya: "I'm going home." Kaori: "What, already?" Keiya: "Isaku-san has school tomorrow morning." Keiya: "Later." Kaori: "He really went home..." Kaori: "What a weirdo!" Kaori: "So he was just the same as he is now, you see?" Kaori: "To Uto-chan, everyone but you might as well be pebbles by the roadside." Isaku: "Yeah, Keiya's always been overprotective." Kaori: "That's not all it is anymore, is it?" Kaori: "You know perfectly well, Isaku-chan." Isaku: "I think being Keiya's lover requires being prepared for a lot, though." Kaori: "It's not like you're a normal civilian either, Isaku-chan." Isaku: "Well, true..." Kaori: "You've been in danger due to your family as well as always being near Uto-chan, right?" Isaku: "Yes." Kaori: "And you still want to be with him, don't you?" Isaku: "Yes." Kaori: "Plus, if you get sick of him, you can just leave him!" Isaku: "Huh?!" Kaori: "Oh, but be sure to time it carefully!" Isaku: "I-Is that how this works?" Isaku: "Thank you for today." Kaori: "Just let me know if you want to talk again." Isaku: "I will." Kaori: "Not that I think Uto-chan will let you go even if you do want to leave him..." Isaku: "I'm pretty sure I wanted her to encourage me." Keiya: "It's unusual for you to visit my room." Isaku: "Th-There's something I want to talk about." Keiya: "Come in." Isaku: "Okay." Isaku: "When was the last time I came to Keiya's room?" Isaku: "It feels as unlived-in as ever." Isaku: "Oh, you don't have to get me a cushion. I won't stay long." Keiya: "Really?" Isaku: "Yeah, I'm okay." Isaku: "Did you keep these old things?" Keiya: "Of course. They're precious memories. Sometimes I take them out and gaze at them, or sniff them." Isaku: "Wow." Isaku: ""Sniff"?" Isaku: "Oh, look!" Keiya: "That's a picture of me that you drew in fourth grade." Keiya: "You've always been really good at drawing. Do you remember? Your assignment was to draw "something you liked."" Isaku: "He's in full Guardian Mode..." Kaori: "That's not all it is anymore, is it?" Isaku: "Keiya..." Keiya: "Yes?" Isaku: ""Free."" Keiya: "Hmm?" Isaku: "F-Free!" Keiya: "What do you mean?" Isaku: "At the culture festival, you said I was making you "stay."" Isaku: "B-But I'm freeing you now!" Isaku: "Keiya..."
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 11 – DAYS GONE BY AND DAYS TO COME", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "11", "Days Gone By And Days To Come" ] }
Isaku: ""Free."" Keiya: "Hmm?" Isaku: "F-Free!" Keiya: "What do you mean?" Isaku: "At the culture festival, you said I was making you "stay."" Isaku: "B-But I'm freeing you now!" Isaku: "Is this going to be...?" Isaku: "Stay!" Isaku: "Um..." Keiya: "Yes?" Isaku: "He's so close." Isaku: "I just confessed my feelings for you." Keiya: "Yes." Isaku: "What does that mean?" Isaku: "Does he mean "Okay, let's date"? I guess he must, or he wouldn't shove me onto the bed, right?" Isaku: "I love you, Keiya." Isaku: "How do you feel?" Keiya: "I love you, too. So much." Isaku: "Th-Then we—" Keiya: "Are free to proceed! Right?" Isaku: "Huh?" Isaku: "Huh?! That's not what I meant by "free"! You're still at "stay" on this stuff!" Isaku: "That was... not what I imagined." Isaku: "Keiya, I love you!" Keiya: "I love you too, Isaku-san." Keiya: "Let's be boyfriend and girlfriend from now on." Isaku: "That's what I pictured. I'd tell Keiya that I love him, and he'd say "I love you, too."" Isaku: "Then we'd officially be in love. But..." Isaku: "Are we both in love?" Keiya: "Grown into the body type I like, I meant." Keiya: "I don't intend to grin and bear it forever." Isaku: "Does he... want me for my body?" Isaku: "No, no, that doesn't make sense." Isaku: "Do Keiya and I think of romantic love the same way?" Luka: "Have a good day." Isaku: "He's not saying anything." Isaku: "I expected that, but still." Isaku: "We are a couple now, right?" Keiya: "Is something wrong?" Isaku: "Well, um..." Isaku: "D-Did you do the Math I homework?" Keiya: "Let me copy yours later." Isaku: "Hey." Isaku: "It's so awkward now. I haven't been able to talk to him all day." Student A: "Bye-bye!" Student B: "See you tomorrow!" Ando: "Isaku-chan!" Katsuki: "You've been out of it all day. What's wrong?" Isaku: "Yesterday, I told Keiya I love him." Ando & Katsuki: "What?!" Ando: "Way to go! That took guts!" Katsuki: "What did he say? He wants to date, right?" Keiya: "He said, "I love you, too."" Ando: "I knew it!" Katsuki: "Good for you!" Isaku: "But..." Isaku: "I don't know if he feels the same way I do. He didn't say, "Let's date," or anything like that." Katsuki: "Huh, really?" Ando: "I gotcha. Let's clear this up!" Katsuki: "Leave it to us." Isaku: "Huh?" Ando: "Instead of going straight home, let's invite him somewhere and talk." Katsuki: "Nice idea. Huh? Where'd he go, though? Hey, anyone seen Uto-kun?" Morikawa: "A girl from Class 2 asked to talk to him, so he went with her." Ando & Katsuki: "She's probably..." Kurino: "I like you." Kurino: "I know you have Senagaki-san, but I still wanted to tell you." Keiya: "Thank you. I'm flattered." Ando: "I knew it—he's getting an offer." Katsuki: "And it's from Kurino-san." Ando: "The girl all the boys are wild for." Isaku: "She's a Class 2 representative. We've talked a few times." Kurino: "I keep trying to give up on you, but I just really like you." Kurino: "I'll give up once and for all now, though, so before I go..." Kurino: "Would you give me a kiss?" Ando & Katsuki: "What?!" Ando: "Hey! What's her deal?!" Katsuki: "Isaku-chan..." Isaku: "Keiya said he loved me." Keiya: "Sure." Ando & Katsuki: "What?! Why the hell would he say that?!" Katsuki: "Isaku-chan?" Isaku: "Hey." Kurino: "Oh, crap." Keiya: "Isaku-san." Isaku: "My love and Keiya's love really are completely different." Isaku: "So, you're fine with any girl who lets you do that." Keiya: "Isaku-san?" Isaku: "I feel stupid." Isaku: "I hate you, Keiya!" Ando & Katsuki: "I-Isaku-chan!" Ando: "Hey, don't just stand there!" Katsuki: "You have to go after her!" Katsuki: "U-Um, Uto-kun?" Ando & Katsuki: "This is no time to freeze!" Luka / Kongo: "Welcome home." Isaku: "Thanks." Kongo: "Hmm? Isaku-san, are you alone?" Kongo: "Where's Keiya-san?" Isaku: "No clue." Isaku: "I made it all the way home." Isaku: "I can't believe he didn't even come after me." Isaku: "My uniform will wrinkle if I don't change clothes." Isaku: "But moving is too much work." Luka: "Yessir, she came home not too long ago." Keiya: "Isaku-san, I'm coming in." Keiya: "Isaku-san..." Keiya: "I'm glad you got home safely." Isaku: "I can get home by myself. I'm not a child." Keiya: "I'm sorry." Keiya: "At the time, I thought doing what she asked would get me back to you faster." Isaku: "Yeah, that figures." Isaku: "I already knew Keiya was like this." Keiya: "From now on, I won't do that with anyone but you." Isaku: "From now on?" Keiya: "Yes." Isaku: "Right." Keiya: "It's true." Isaku: "You don't..." Isaku: "You don't get it, Keiya!" Isaku: "If that's all you had to say, then get out." Keiya: "Dinner will be your favorite—" Isaku: "Don't want any." Isaku: "Jerk." Keiya: "Isaku-san. Hm? About yesterday..." Keiya: "What did you mean when you said I didn't get it?" Isaku: "Think it over for yourself." Keiya: "I thought it over all night, but I didn't figure it out." Isaku: "Then think it over till you do!" Isaku: "I can't believe this guy." Kongo: "Have a good day." Keiya: "Hint, please." Isaku: "He said he wouldn't do it from now on..." Isaku: "So what's our relationship now, exactly?" Isaku: "I can't believe we love each other the same way, and that worries me." Isaku: "Why doesn't he get that?" Keiya: "Here's your lunch, Isaku-san." Isaku: "Thanks." Keiya: "Shall we eat on the roof today?" Isaku: "I'm eating with Ando-san and Katsuki-san today." Isaku: "Do you guys want to eat lunch together?" Ando: "Sure!" Katsuki: "Let's go to the courtyard." Ando: "Yeah, let's go!" Katsuki: "Hurry, or the good seats will be taken!" Isaku: "R-Right!" Katsuki: "It's not crowded." Ando: "Thank goodness!" Ando: "So, what's up?" Katsuki: "We're here to listen." Isaku: "Sorry you had to see me like that yesterday." Ando: "But that wasn't your fault!" Katsuki: "How are things since then?" Isaku: "I've never fought with Keiya like this before. I know we probably need to talk it out," Isaku: "but I sort of got stubborn, and now it's hard." Ando: "Makes sense." Katsuki: "Tell us if there's anything we can do, okay?" Isaku: "Thank you." Katsuki: "What is it?" Katsuki: "Just a coupon?" Ando: "Right, yes, just a coupon!" Ando: "Anyway, we're on your side, Isaku-chan." Isaku: "Getting to and from school is awkward, since there's nowhere to run." Keiya: "Isaku-san." Isaku: "What?" Keiya: "Please go home without me." Keiya: "I have an errand." Isaku: "Errand?" Keiya: "Yes. I told Kongo to wait for you at the school gate." Isaku: "What?! He came all the way here?" Keiya: "I did tell him to try to look respectable." Isaku: "Well, bye, then." Keiya: "Take care." Isaku: "Yeah, yeah." Isaku: "Does he really have an errand?" Isaku: "Maybe he's avoiding me, too." Ando: "What's this about?" Katsuki: "What "advice"?" Keiya: "Feel free to eat while I explain. It'll be my treat." Katsuki: "We're already eating." Ando: "Obviously we plan on you paying." Keiya: "So what I'd like to ask—" Ando: "It's about you and Isaku-chan, right?" Katsuki: "We know." Ando: "And we have a lot of questions for you, too." Katsuki: "Mm-hmm." Ando: "First of all, let me tell you this:" Ando: "You suck. Big time." Katsuki: "Mm-hmm." Katsuki: "Big, big, big time." Ando: "Mm-hmm." Katsuki: "Uto-kun, Isaku-chan confessed her feelings to you, correct?" Ando: "How did you answer her?" Keiya: "Answer her?" Ando: "Yes! Your answer." Katsuki: "Tell us everything in detail." Ando: "Mm-hmm." Keiya: "First, I shoved her onto the bed." Ando: "You did what?" Katsuki: ""First"?" Keiya: "I was just so happy." Waitress: "May I take your order?" Ando: "And then?" Keiya: "She told me to stop." Waitress: "All right." Katsuki: "I'll bet she did." Keiya: "She asked how I felt, so I told her, "I love you, too."" Waitress: "Coming right up." Ando & Katsuki: "Mm-hmm..." Keiya: "Then I shoved her down again." Keiya: "Then she stopped me again, so I figured I was moving too fast." Keiya: "That's where the conversation ended that day." Ando & Katsuki: "This guy is epically insensitive." Keiya: "I love her, so I want to touch her. Isn't that natural?" Katsuki: "You do know the order you do things matters, right?" Ando: "Isaku-chan summoned up the courage to confess to you, and you went at her like a horndog. Any girl would think, "This guy only wants sex!"" Katsuki: "No wonder she doubts your feelings." Waitress: "Here's your order." Waitress: "Please enjoy." Keiya: "Wait, she doubts my feelings?" Ando & Katsuki: "Uh, you've only done doubt-inspiring things!" Katsuki: "And the very next day, you almost kissed another girl..." Ando: "Pretty sure that was the final blow." Keiya: "I explained my reasoning to her, though." Katsuki: "Excuse me, "reasoning"?" Keiya: "I didn't want to waste precious time arguing over a kiss when I could have been using it to hurry back to Isaku-san." Keiya: "Satisfying Kurino-san was the shortest path to my goal, so I chose that." Keiya: "Plus, I'd have lost even more time if she'd made a fuss." Waitress: "Here's your order." Ando & Katsuki: "Thank you..." Keiya: "Please, dig in." Katsuki: "Normally we'd just call him out on his excuses for cheating..." Ando: "...but he clearly believes what he's saying." Ando & Katsuki: "We always thought he was weird." Ando & Katsuki: "But we were wrong. Uto Keiya..." Ando & Katsuki: "is even weirder than weird!" Ando: "Even if we do you the incredible favor of pretending your reasoning made sense, the fact remains that you broke the rules of dating!" Katsuki: "I think that would make it hard for Isaku-chan to believe in you and would make her worry whether you have the same romantic feelings she does." Keiya: "I see." Keiya: "I get it now." Keiya: "Isaku-san, let's go home." Isaku: "Right." Ando: "Hope she'll be okay..." Katsuki: "All we can do now is watch over her." Ando: "Yeah." Isaku: "All this time keeps passing in silence." Isaku: "Is he angry? Because he thinks I'm still too childish? What if we never settle it," Isaku: "and my "I love you" and his both stay unresolved forever?"
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 12 – SCUM AND HEART", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "12", "Scum And Heart" ] }
Kurino: "So before I go..." Kurino: "Would you give me a kiss?" Keiya: "Sure." Isaku: "Hey." Kurino: "Oh, crap." Keiya: "Isaku-san." Isaku: "My love and Keiya's love really are completely different." Isaku: "So, you're fine with any girl who lets you do that." Keiya: "Isaku-san?" Isaku: "I feel stupid." Isaku: "I hate you, Keiya!" Isaku: "How come time always slows to a crawl when I'm exhausted?" Isaku: "I wish I'd never told him how I feel." Isaku: "I knew from the very beginning that I shouldn't fall in love with him." Isaku: "And yet, for so long..." Tasuke: "Isaku, this is your home from now on." Tasuke: "This guy will be your caretaker." Keiya: "Pleased to meet you, Isaku-san. I'm Uto Keiya." Isaku: "I don't wanna. I want Papa and Mama instead." Keiya: "I'll be your Papa and Mama." Isaku: "Even though you're not old?" Keiya: "I'll be your brother, too. I'll be all of them for you. We're all family here, even if we're not related by blood." Keiya: "I'll protect you forever." Keiya: "Happy birthday, Isaku-san." Kid Isaku Age 6: "Keiya's always smiling, and he's nice to me. I love him." Kid Isaku Age 6: "Hey, Keiya. When's your birthday?" Keiya: "Mine? Hmm... Oh! It's the day after tomorrow. I'll be seventeen." Kid Isaku Age 6: "Then I'm gonna do something for your birthday, too!" Keiya: "You really don't have to." Kid Isaku Age 6: "No, I'm gonna do it!" Kid Isaku Age 6: "What should I give him? What would make him happy? I can't buy a cake..." Kid Isaku Age 6: "Happy birthday. Here." Kid Isaku Age 6: "It's from kindergarten. I found it by the river on a field trip. It's smooth and pretty, right?" Kid Isaku Age 6: "It's my treasure!" Keiya: "Thank you." 4Th Grade Isaku: "That's a good pose!" Kid Isaku: "Now stay there and don't move for a while, okay, Ume-chan?" 4Th Grade Isaku: "Aw, man..." Keiya: "Are you drawing a picture, Isaku-san?" 4Th Grade Isaku: "It's my art homework." Keiya: "Oh. Are you supposed to draw an animal?" 4Th Grade Isaku: "Nuh-uh. Just something we like." 4Th Grade Isaku: "The teacher says we can pick a thing, or a place, or anything we want. The cat's not cooperating... Maybe I'll do the flowers in the garden." Keiya: "Hey, Isaku-san." 4Th Grade Isaku: "What?" Keiya: "Why don't you draw me?" 4Th Grade Isaku: "Don't wanna." Keiya: "Why not?! Please draw me!" 4Th Grade Isaku: "Don't wanna!" Keiya: "You do like me, right?" 4Th Grade Isaku: "I don't really want to show off my family..." 4Th Grade Isaku: "Plus, we have to present our work to the whole class." 4Th Grade Isaku: "I'd sound like I was presenting the boy I like." Keiya: "Please, Isaku-san?" 4Th Grade Isaku: "Okay, fine, sheesh." Keiya: "Yay!" Keiya: "Portraits are normally done nude, right?" 4Th Grade Isaku: "I don't wanna draw that. You don't have to strip!" Keiya: "How shall I pose, then? Unlike the cat, I can keep as still as a mountain for as many hours as you need." 4Th Grade Isaku: "We don't need a special pose..." Keiya: "How's this?" 4Th Grade Isaku: "You can just sit on the floor like normal." Keiya: "How's my expression?" 4Th Grade Isaku: "You're making a weird face. Just act normal." Keiya: "Aw... but I want you to draw me looking cool." 4Th Grade Isaku: "Act normal!" Keiya: "Is this all right?" 4Th Grade Isaku: "Yeah." 4Th Grade Isaku: "Okay, Keiya, don't move." Keiya: "All right." Keiya: "Is something wrong?" 4Th Grade Isaku: "Don't move!" Keiya: "Sorry." 4Th Grade Isaku: "Maybe the weird face was better." 4Th Grade Isaku: "This is the person who takes care of me. He's a very good cook." 4Th Grade Isaku: "I was nervous about presenting." Teacher: "That was wonderful! Your good relationship really comes across in the drawing. Applause, everyone!" Kid: "Bye-bye!" Isaku: ""What I Like: Keiya."" Isaku: "I want to have a normal teenage life in high school." Isaku: "I'll have a normal romance." Isaku: "Yes, I need to fall in love." Isaku: "Boring, happy love." Isaku: "Because a one-sided crush on a yakuza can't lead to a bright future." Keiya: "I was worried about you being alone so far from home, so I've decided to attend school with you." Isaku: "Huh?" Tamaru: "You're so meek, I figured you'd do whatever I wanted." Isaku: "Ew, gross!" Keiya: "I want to know what this is." Keiya: "I want you to teach me, Isaku-san." Kodan-Gumi B: "Uto! If you don't want this precious girl to get hurt, be good and do as we say." Isaku: "No way." Keiya: "O then, dear saint..." Keiya: "let lips do what hands do." Isaku: "I-I mean, I do like his face..." Isaku: "but..." Isaku: "I also like his voice, and I guess his hands too?" Isaku: "I've loved him since the moment I met him, I think." Mikio: "I'm about to assault Isaku-chan!" Isaku: "Not a chance!" Keiya: "Isaku-san!" Mikio: "You'll be put in danger even after I leave, Isaku-chan." Mikio: "Over and over, for as long as you're with Kei-chan." Mikio: "Poor thing." Isaku: "I'm not someone to be pitied." Isaku: "Because of you, I got to confirm how I really feel." Keiya: "Say "ah."" Isaku: "Going to high school with Keiya, I've ended up spending more time with him than ever before." Isaku: "Are you having fun?" Keiya: "Yes." Isaku: "Me, too." Keiya: "Are you jealous?" Isaku: "No! "Free."" Keiya: "Hmm?" Isaku: "F-Free!" Keiya: "What do you mean?" Isaku: "At the culture festival, you said I was making you "stay."" Isaku: "B-But I'm freeing you now!" Isaku: "All this time keeps passing in silence." Isaku: "Is he angry? Because he thinks I'm still too childish? It turns out my desire to be with him" Isaku: "was stronger than my conviction that I shouldn't love him. What if we never settle it, and my "I love you" stays unresolved forever?" Keiya: "Come with me." Isaku: "Wh-What's going on?" Keiya: "In here, please." Isaku: "Why are we in here?" Isaku: "Why are you stripping?!" Isaku: "Don't tell me he's gonna jump me again... That's not okay!" Keiya: "Look." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "Look at my back." Isaku: "Why are we talking about your back?" Keiya: "When I got this lion and peony tattoo, the artist told me a story... The lion is afraid of the parasites in its fur," Keiya: "but dewdrops dripping from a peony flower will kill them on contact." Keiya: "So when night falls, the lion rests under the peony flowers." Keiya: "The lion's sanctuary lies beneath those flowers." Keiya: "I thought, "That's what Isaku-san is to me," and I got this ink." Keiya: "That's a thought I decided to carry for life. It'll be there until I die." Isaku: "Oh... I never knew." Keiya: "But if this isn't enough, then..." Keiya: "Take this." Isaku: "Y-Your sword?!" Keiya: "Right hand in front. Grip it firmly with both hands." Isaku: "Wh-What? What's this about?" Isaku: "Keiya?" Keiya: "Cut me." Isaku: "Say what?" Keiya: "Cut me." Isaku: "Say what?" Keiya: "Mark me again, with your own hands." Keiya: "I'll carry that with me for life, too." Isaku: "That's a terrifying idea!" Keiya: "It's all right. I won't die." Isaku: "That's not the issue!" Keiya: "Go ahead." Isaku: "So, Keiya's love isn't completely the same as mine." Isaku: "But I think I can still trust it." Isaku: "I can't do the sword, but..." Isaku: "The scratches are my compromise." Isaku: "Okay, I'm going. Put a shirt on already." Keiya: "From now on, I'll protect you in my role as your lover, too." Isaku: "Okay." Ando: "That's good to hear!" Katsuki: "So you patched things up with Uto-kun!" Ando / Katsuki: "Thank goodness!" Isaku: "Sorry for worrying you two." Katsuki: "For real, we were so worried!" Ando: "Guess what? The day before yesterday, Uto-kun asked us to talk after school!" Katsuki: "About your relationship!" Isaku: "Oh, so that's why he told me to go home alone." Katsuki: "Uto-kun is really... weird, isn't he?" Ando: "It's hard to follow his thinking, like it's the opposite of other people's..." Ando: "Hard to believe he's a normal high schooler, you know?" Isaku: "Um..." Isaku: "Thank you very much for your service." Ando: "It's all good!" Katsuki: "Congrats again!" Isaku: "Thank you." Keiya: "Here, some hot tea." Isaku: "Thanks." Isaku: "Keiya, what did you talk to Ando-san and Katsuki-san about?" Keiya: "Well... I told them in detail about your love confession and everything that had happened since, and I got their advice." Isaku: "Huh. How much "detail," exactly?" Keiya: "I told them I'd shoved you down on the bed before answering you." Isaku: "Y-You even told them that?!" Keiya: "I couldn't come up with a better idea." Isaku: "Well, I'm mortified." Isaku: "Th-Thanks for the tea." Keiya: "You're welcome." Isaku: "That's some wind! It's starting to get a little chilly." Keiya: "Shall we head back inside?" Isaku: "I want to be alone with you a little longer." Keiya: "Me, too." Keiya: "I'll block the wind for you." Keiya: "Do you want my blazer?" Isaku: "If I took it, then you'd be cold." Keiya: "I'm fine." Isaku: "This way, we'll both be warm." Isaku: "No reaction?" Isaku: "Whoa, he's totally shocked!" Isaku: "Come on, you cozy up to me all the time." Keiya: "But I never thought you'd initiate." Isaku: "Well, we're dating now." Keiya: "Nuzzle, nuzzle." Isaku: "His face is so close..." Keiya: "You don't have to stiffen up so much." Keiya: "I won't do anything." Isaku: "Huh?" Isaku: "You won't?" Keiya: "Didn't you tell me to "stay" on that stuff?" Isaku: "Why do you have to be so extreme? Read the mood, you useless yakuza!" Isaku: "Th-That was because I didn't know whether you loved me the right way." Isaku: "Now I know you do, so..." Keiya: "If you let me now, I won't stop again." Isaku: "I don't know what the future will bring," Isaku: "but I want to be with Keiya."
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 13 – WOUNDS AND LOVERS", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "13", "Wounds And Lovers" ] }
Isaku: "My parents died in a car accident when I was five." Tasuke: "Isaku, this is your home from now on." Isaku: "The one to take me in was my grandfather Senagaki Tasuke, boss of the Senagaki-gumi. In other words, my grandpa is a yakuza, and I ended up living as "the boss's granddaughter."" Tasuke: "This guy will be your caretaker." Keiya: "Pleased to meet you, Isaku-san. I'm Uto Keiya." Isaku: "I don't wanna. I want Papa and Mama instead." Keiya: "I'll be your Papa and Mama." Isaku: "Even though you're not old?" Keiya: "I'll be your brother, too. I'll be all of them for you. We're all family here, even if we're not related by blood." Keiya: "I'll protect you forever." Isaku: "It's a boy. Th-Thank..." Isaku: "What are you doing?! An old yakuza dude cosplaying as a high schooler? Is this some new scam?!" Keiya: ""Old"? I'm only 26." Isaku: "That's more than old enough." Keiya: "I was worried about you being alone so far from home, so I've decided to attend school with you." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "You're the patriarch's only granddaughter." Isaku: "You can just see me to the train station like before!" Keiya: "No. It's dangerous even inside the school." Keiya: "Because there are boys here!" Isaku: "Sorry, what?" Keiya: "You said you wanted romance," Keiya: "but you're too young for that, Isaku-san!" Isaku: "What?!" Keiya: "And so, to guard your body from the boys' clutches, I bribed the school to let me enroll." Isaku: "Well, Grandpa won't—" Keiya: "I got his permission, of course." Isaku: "He gave you permission?! I absolutely do not want to go to school with you, so stay far away from me while you're here!" Keiya: "Isaku-san..." Katsuki: "Senagaki-san." Katsuki: "Bye-bye." Ando: "See you." Isaku: "Oh, um, goodbye." Isaku: "I'm so lucky to have classmates who talk normally to me." Keiya: "Isaku-san, I'm going to the bathroom, so please wait here." Isaku: "You better not be sneaking off to smoke again." Keiya: "I'm telling the truth." Tamaru: "Senagaki-san?" Isaku: "Yes?" Tamaru: "Sorry I startled you." Tamaru: "We met at the class rep meeting, but... maybe you don't remember?" Isaku: "Er, I-I'm sorry." Tamaru: "Nah, don't worry about it. We didn't talk then anyway. I'm Tamaru, from the next class over. Nice to meet you." Isaku: "I'm Senagaki Isaku." Tamaru: "Listen, are you dating Uto-kun?" Isaku: "Huh?" Isaku: "N-N-No, I am not!" Tamaru: "Oh. I figured you were, since you're always together." Isaku: "U-Um, w-we're like childhood friends!" Tamaru: "So you don't have a boyfriend?" Isaku: "N-No!" Tamaru: "Oh, good." Tamaru: "Can I have your Insta, then?" Isaku: "I-Insta?" Tamaru: "Yeah, so I can follow you." Isaku: "I do have an account, but I haven't looked at it since I signed up." Tamaru: "Huh? How do you chat with your friends, then?" Isaku: "My friends... don't exist. My family chats on LINE." Tamaru: "Oh. Huh. Well, I'll teach you how to use it, then. Tell me your ID." Isaku: "Okay, here." Yakuza 2: "What?!" Yakuza 2: "Another family attacking?!" Keiya: "It's murder time!" Yakuza 1: "K-Keiya-san!" Yakuza 2: "Hello, sir!" Yakuza 3: "Welcome back! But what's going on?" Keiya: "That guy is done for!" Yakuza 1: ""That guy"?" Yakuza 2: "Is it the Kodan-gumi?" Keiya: "No, it's Tamaru from the next class over! That bastard exchanged Insta IDs with Isaku-san." Yakuza 1; 2; 3: "Ah, it's about her." Yakuza 2: "Isaku-san chatting with a boy, eh?" Yakuza 3: "She's at that age. Good for her!" Keiya: "You think it's good for her?" Yakuza 3: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Keiya: "I need to end that relationship." Isaku: "I love Keiya." Isaku: "Not only am I not getting over it, I'm falling further." Isaku: "I've never DMed with anyone before." Tamaru & Caption: "First DM!" Isaku: "I'm glad, too. But I don't really take many photos... I don't think I'll be good at this." Tamaru: "It's OK! Plenty of people on Insta don't post." Tamaru: "I'll help you use it." Isaku & Caption: "Thank you." Tamaru & Caption: "What are you up to?" Isaku & Caption: "I was doing my homework." Tamaru: "You're studious! I'd love to know more about you. What are your favorite foods?" Isaku: "Foods?" Tamaru & Caption: "Any songs you listen to a lot?" Isaku: "This kind of feels like a "friends" conversation. I wasn't sure this day would come for me. If I can fall for this boy," Isaku: "I'll probably be better off." Tamaru: "Hey, it's Senagaki-san." Isaku: "T-Tamaru-kun!" Tamaru: "So, that album we were DMing about yesterday—" Isaku: "Keiya?!" Tamaru: "What are you doing?" Keiya: "Cleaning the chalkboard erasers. It's my turn today." Tamaru: "Don't do it in the hallway." Keiya: "Sorry, Tamaru-kun, I didn't see you there. You're so short." Isaku: "Keiya!" Tamaru: "You jerk!" Keiya: "What were you talking about with Isaku-chan? What album?" Keiya: "Never mind, I'll ask Isaku-chan later." Isaku: "Stop it." Keiya: "Anyway, do me a favor and walk away from her, okay?" Isaku: "Hey!" Keiya: "If you do, I'll hook you up with another girl." Isaku: "Cut it out!" Isaku: "What kind of "girl" do you plan to hook him up with?!" Isaku: "I did it again..." Isaku: "He must be so turned off. He's gotta be thinking, "What the hell is their deal?"" Isaku: "I'm sorry this guy was rude to you." Tamaru: "Uto-kun's pretty funny, huh? Don't sweat it, Senagaki-san." Isaku: "He wasn't turned off." Isaku: "Tamaru-kun sure posts lots of photos." Isaku: "He's got a lot of friends." Isaku: "Unlike! Unlike!" Isaku: "Social media's exhausting..." Tamaru & Caption: "Did you just like my pic? Why'd you unlike it?!" Isaku & Caption: "I'm sorry, I was looking at your pics and liked it by accident." Tamaru: "It's totally fine. I hope I see pics of you soon, Senagaki-san!" Isaku: "H-Huh?!" Tamaru & Caption: "I'll like the hell out of them!" Isaku & Caption: "But I don't know what I should upload..." Tamaru & Caption: "Then let's go hang out somewhere and take pics together." Isaku: "Huh? Together?" Isaku: "Photos with friends..." Isaku: "Yes, please!" Tamura: "I'm doing karaoke with friends from another school next week. Want to come?" Isaku: "K-Karaoke... Wow, karaoke with friends! That's the classic teenager life! Pics to commemorate a karaoke session... Wow..." Keiya: "Isaku-san." Isaku: "Hey, give that back! What's your game here?!" Keiya: "I'm going to block him." Isaku: "Knock it off already!" Keiya: "You're..." Keiya: "not ready for romance, Isaku-san." Isaku: "Then when is fine with you? What kind of guy?" Keiya: "One who's graduated from high school, gone to college, gotten a job, treasures you body and soul, is both kind and broad-minded, has an excellent academic record, is tall, makes a lot of money—" Isaku: "Your list is too long! Are you an idiot?" Isaku: "I'm going to choose for myself who I like. I'm not the little kid you think I am, Keiya!" Keiya: "Isaku-san..." Isaku: "You jerk!" Isaku: "Don't act like that when you don't even love me..." Isaku: "The DM..." Isaku & Caption: "I'd like to go to karaoke." Tamaru & Caption: "Yay! Looking forward to it!" Isaku & Caption: "Me, too." Isaku: "I'm going to sleep." Isaku: "After that..." Isaku: "I avoided seeing or talking to Keiya." Isaku: "I quietly snuck out." Isaku: "After all, he'd only stop me." Isaku: "Excellent, no one following me." Tamaru: "Found you!" Tamaru: "Hey there." Isaku: "Hello, Tamaru-kun." Girl 1: "Is this the girl you were talking about?" Isaku: "Wow, they're all really snazzy." Tamaru: "Everyone's been wanting to meet you, Senagaki-san." Girl 1: "Hey, let's take a pic." Boy 1: "Good idea." Tamaru: "Senagaki-san!" Tamaru: "First pic of the day!" Girl 1: "Did everyone get it?" Isaku: "Yes, I got it." Girl 1: "Mind if I added this to a story?" Girl 2: "You look so cute in this one, Senagaki-san!" Isaku: "Um, I..." Girl 1: "Let's take more pics together during karaoke, yeah?" Isaku: "They seemed so different from me that I was nervous, but they're good people." Tamaru: "Let's go, Senagaki-san." Isaku: "Time to have fun. Because if I have fun..." Isaku: "I won't have to think about Keiya anymore." Keiya: "Are you guys fired up?!" Isaku: "Y-Yeah..." Girls & Boys 1 & 2: "Woo-hoo!" Isaku: "I-I'm not used to this mood. Maybe I should grab a tambourine?" Girl 1: "What's your poison, Senagaki-san?" Isaku: "Hmm? I'll have apple juice." Girl 1: "That fits you!" Girl 2: "That's sorta cute." Isaku: "How should I respond at times like this?" Boys 1 & 2: "You are my sunshine! Vibes, yeah! Let's cut loose, let love boom, do it like crazy!" Tamaru: "Having fun?" Isaku: "Oh, yes, of course." Boys 1 & 2: "Set off some huge fireworks, oh yeah!" Isaku: "I've never done karaoke with friends before." Tamaru: "What? You're kidding!" Isaku: "Actually, it's my first karaoke, period. So I don't really know what to do..." Tamaru: "Let's sing the next one together, then. Any favorite songs?" Isaku: "Well..." Isaku: "Huh?" Boy 1: "Hey, let me have one." Girl 2: "Sure." Isaku: "Huh?" Girl 1: "Hey, why'd you start without me?" Girl 1: "I brought something, too. Ta-da! Beer!" Isaku: "Huh?" Boy 2: "Hoho, let's drink!" Isaku: "Huh?!" Girl 2: "You snuck it in?" Girl 1: "It's fine, this place never checks." Girl 2: "Want some, Senagaki-san?" Isaku: "No, thank you..." All But Isaku: "Go! Drink, drink, drink!" Isaku: "Where do I look?" Boy 1: "Hey, gimme a kiss." Isaku: "It's that kind of party?" Isaku: "I wanna go home." Isaku: "U-Um..." Tamaru: "No, don't go." Isaku: "Hey—" Tamaru: "I've been into you since we met." Tamaru: "You're so meek, I figured you'd do whatever I wanted." Isaku: "Ew, gross!" Girl 1: "What's going on?" Girl 2: "Aw, who's that?" Tamaru: "Ugh. Who's he?" Tamaru: "Whaddya want?" Isaku: "Keiya..." Tamaru: "Say something! You can't just barge in here and—" Isaku: "Stop. Kei—" Isaku: "I said stop!" Isaku: "Wait... Hey!" Keiya: "If you don't want to end up like that trash, don't tell anyone what happened here." Keiya: "Also, minors shouldn't drink or smoke." Girls & Boys 1 & 2: "Yes, sir." Isaku: "Ke—" Keiya: "Did he do anything to you?" Isaku: "N-No." Keiya: "Good." Isaku: "I was so eager to like someone other than Keiya, I wasn't careful. And look what happened." Isaku: "I'm so stupid." Isaku: "I really am just a child..." Isaku: "I'm feeling really sad now." Keiya: "I should've roughed him up more." Isaku: "No, you shouldn't have." Isaku: "How did you find me?" Keiya: "GPS." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "I set up our smartphones so that I can track you." Isaku: "Say what?!" Keiya: "Please don't leave home without telling anyone. It scares me. This happened because you willingly followed people like that even though you know nothing about the world." Isaku: "I'm sorry, I left lipstick on you." Keiya: "Lipstick?" Isaku: "Hey, personal space." Keiya: "You really are wearing makeup." Isaku: "Yeah, so?" Keiya: "Why?" Isaku: "Well, I usually don't, but I thought I'd use a little today." Isaku: "I was going out with people." Isaku: "Don't stare at me like that!" Keiya: "Right..." Isaku: "What, do I look weird or something?" Isaku: "You're staring too much!" Isaku: "Sheesh..." Keiya: "Isaku-san?" Isaku: "What?" Keiya: "I don't care whether they're in college or in the workplace, whether they're kind or cold, strong or weak... Whether or not they got good grades... No matter what kind of man he is, I won't accept anyone" Keiya: "who takes you away from me." Isaku: "Okay, okay. He's thinking like a guardian." Isaku: "That's enough, I get it. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." Keiya: "All right." Isaku: "I'm not a little kid."
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 2 – MAIDENLY FEELINGS AND PARENTAL FEELINGS", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "2", "Maidenly Feelings And Parental Feelings" ] }
Isaku: "What is this?" Keiya: "It's the test we got back today." Isaku: "That's not my point. Did you seriously get a zero?!" Isaku: "I'm amazed you managed to be our Number 2 like this." Keiya: "This stuff is meaningless. I didn't get here on grades, and I don't need them to stay here." Isaku: "Schoolwork is a student's duty. If you're going to be here, then do your duty!" Isaku: "Listen up: we're studying for your retest!" Keiya: "Aw..." Isaku: "If there's anything you don't understand, ask." Keiya: "I don't understand." Keiya: "It's not like we'll use this stuff in the real world anyway. What's the point?" Isaku: "You sound like a dumb high schooler for real." Keiya: "I don't want to hear that from you, after you got taken in by that dumbass." Isaku: "Are you still pissed about the karaoke thing? I already told you that I feel bad for worrying you!" Keiya: "Do you? Then stay away from boys from now on." Isaku: "Lay off!" ujita: "It's Uto-kun and Senagaki-san!" ujita: "Are you studying? Good for you!" Harasaki: "We have to retest, too. Let us join?" Isaku: "Sure, if you'd like." Harasaki: "Really?" ujita: "Senagaki-san, you're so nice!" Isaku: "Studying with classmates is classic teenager stuff! A-Ask me anything you—" Harasaki: "Uto-kun, I'm surprised you're here." ujita: "I figured you'd be good at schoolwork. I always thought you seemed super grown-up, you know?" Harasaki: "Are you really a high schooler? You look 26, not 16!" Isaku: "Indeed." Keiya: "Fujita-san, Harasaki-san, you both look far too comely and womanly to be high schoolers, too." ujita: "Ha, you sound like an old man!" Isaku: "Hey!" ujita: "People tell me I look like a nightclub hostess all the time, actually." Keiya: "You've got a rosy future! I hope you'll work at our club." ujita: "What? You're so funny!" Isaku: "Shut up, old man." Harasaki: "You're so wacky, Uto-kun." Isaku: "He's lucky the yakuza-at-school thing would never occur to them, or I bet they'd say worse than "wacky."" Isaku: "I wish Keiya really were just a classmate." Isaku: "Then things wouldn't be so hard." Harasaki: "Anyway, I've been wondering, are you two dating?" Isaku: "No, um..." Keiya: "Never." Isaku: "Yeah, I knew that." Isaku: "I knew, but..." Isaku: "that's the first time I've been flat-out dismissed." Isaku: "I just got dumped without ever even asking him out." Kongo: "She hasn't moved a muscle since she got back from school." Luka: "It's kinda scary." Black Suit: "Kaori-san. Uto-sama is here." Kaori: "Oh, my." Kaori: "Uto-chan! Leaving so soon?" Keiya: "I'm just making rounds today." Kaori: "You should stay—it's been so long!" Keiya: "I'm leaving some fresh blood here—" Keiya: "I have school tomorrow morning." Kaori: "School?" Yakuza A: "A smoking-hot boss lady hits on you, and you prioritize school? Man, what a waste." Keiya: "You're not wrong." Keiya: "But... I can't swap her for the woman I care about most." Keiya: "Isaku-san." Isaku: "How long have I been here? Actually, what time is it?! I-I'll go take my bath." Keiya: "Are you all right?" Isaku: "He smells sweet." Isaku: "Perfume?" Keiya: "Oh, maybe some of hers got on me." Isaku: "Let go." Isaku: "Don't touch me!" Keiya: "Isaku-san!" Keiya: "Are you..." Keiya: "Are you angry because I haven't been studying for tests?" Isaku: "Why would you jump to that conclusion?!" Isaku: "Yeah." Keiya: "Then I'll do it, so please don't be angry." Isaku: "Sure." Isaku: "Huh?" Isaku: "You haven't made any progress." Keiya: "I think I need a reward to motivate me more." Isaku: "Are you a child?" Keiya: "Will you give me one?" Isaku: "Fine, if you pass all your retakes." Isaku: "I made coffee." Isaku: "Seriously? You're asleep?" Isaku: "Hey, wake up." Isaku: "I said wake up!" Isaku: "Huh?" Isaku: "He's alive, right?" Isaku: "Oh good, his heart is beating." Isaku: "I haven't seen his sleeping face in a while." Isaku: "It's fine, right? Nothing will happen anyway." Keiya: "I won't accept anyone who takes you away from me." Isaku: "Don't get my hopes up." Isaku: "Dummy." Isaku: "Dummy..." Keiya: "Good morning." Isaku: "I messed up." Isaku: "I was there all night." Isaku: "And I used Keiya's arm as a pillow!" Keiya: "Oh, Isaku-san. Let's have breakfast." Isaku: "Thank you for the food." Keiya: "You're welcome." Isaku: "Well, Keiya's acting normally." Keiya: "Isaku-san." Keiya: "Today I'll start studying for real." Isaku: "Where'd that come from?" Isaku: "Okay. Good luck." Isaku: "I figured he wouldn't really do it, but..." Keiya: "Teacher, I have a question." Isaku: "Don't me "Teacher." ...he's fired up all of a sudden." Katsuki: "They were sold out again!" Ando: "Our big chocolate melon bread—" Keiya: "Isaku-san." Isaku: "Huh?!" Keiya: "I don't understand this part. Isaku-san, question—" Isaku: "Ask me later!" Isaku: "He's in beast mode all of a sudden." Isaku: "What's with him?" Keiya: "I passed them." Isaku: "C-Congratulations." Isaku: "Are these real? You're good when you put your mind to it!" Keiya: "Now, about the reward..." Isaku: "Reward?" Keiya: "Yes. You promised me one." Isaku: "Oh, right, I remember that." Isaku: "I can't even imagine what reward he'll ask me for." Isaku: "What do you want?" Keiya: "I want to kiss you." Isaku: "Pardon?" Isaku: "Why?" Keiya: "Because I want to kiss you." Isaku: "But why?" Isaku: "I don't get it. You said "Never" before. You always act like my guardian! So..." Isaku: "Why?" Isaku: "Is it not like that?" Keiya: "I—" Isaku: "No." Isaku: "We can't." Keiya: "All right. I'll think of a different request." Keiya: "I'll go get dinner ready." Isaku: "What brought that on? What's his deal?!" Keiya: "Isaku-san, Isaku-san!" Keiya: "I thought of another reward. This Sunday, I want to spend the whole day with you." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "You get these." Luka/Kongo: "Yessir." Keiya: "Isaku-san!" Isaku: "Coming!" Isaku: "It's pretty crowded." Keiya: "Yes. They apparently did a large-scale renovation." Isaku: "Huh." Isaku: "I haven't been to the zoo in forever!" Isaku: "We came here once a while back, right?" Keiya: "It's been about eight years." Isaku: "That long ago?" Isaku: "The tiger enclosure got redone!" Keiya: "You seem okay now." Isaku: "Hmm?" Keiya: "Last time you saw the tigers, you cried and said you were scared." Isaku: "I was a kid at the time!" Isaku: "I'm here for his "reward," but am I gonna be able to act normally all day?" Isaku: "Why did you pick the zoo?" Keiya: "You like animals, don't you?" Isaku: "Yeah..." Keiya: "When I brought you here last time, it made you happy." Isaku: "He's... trying to make me happy?" Keiya: "Is there anything you want to see, Isaku-san?" Isaku: "The koalas." Isaku: "It says we can see a baby one." Keiya: "The koalas, huh?" Keiya: "They're over there." Isaku: "I underestimated the koalas' popularity." Keiya: "Isaku-san." Keiya: "Can you see them?" Isaku: "Y-You're embarrassing me!" Isaku: "No, stop, put me down!" Keiya: "You're done already?" Isaku: "That was mortifying. I made eye contact with a little kid." Keiya: "Sorry, I thought it'd help you see better." Isaku: "We let go of each other." Isaku: "I want to hold hands again." Keiya: "It's the petting zoo. Shall we go in?" Isaku: "Mm-hmm." Keiya: "Your face is all red." Isaku: "It's hot out today." Isaku: "O-Oh no..." Isaku: "Today I'm... getting carried away!" Keiya: "Isaku-san." Keiya: "This one's gentle." Keiya: "That's a lot of photos." Isaku: "Because this is cute. The bunny, I mean! The bunny is cute!" Isaku: "He looks so wrong with a bunny! That's what's so cute!" Keiya: "It reminds me of you a little. All white and fluffy, with frightened eyes." Isaku: "Frightened?" Isaku: "Keiya! Are you okay?" Keiya: "Think you can kick my face, you little punk?" Isaku: "Stop that!" Isaku: "This looks delicious! It's so lavish." Keiya: "It's been a while since the two of us went out together, so I got enthusiastic." Isaku: "He's like a girl." Keiya: "I'll get some plates together." Isaku: "Thanks. Oh, wait." Isaku: "I'll take a pic." Keiya: "What is it?" Isaku: "Nothing." Keiya: "You're grinning. Is it porn?" Isaku: "No!" Isaku: "Thank you for the food." Keiya: "Of course." Isaku: "It's good." Keiya: "I'm glad." Isaku: "T-Today's been fun." Keiya: "Yes." Isaku: "You're good at all the cooking and household stuff, huh?" Keiya: "I was your substitute parent, after all." Isaku: "The usual guardian gaze again." Isaku: "But I don't think parents say "I want to kiss you" like that." Mama: "I'm taking the picture now." Kid: "Okay!" Papa: "Smile." Mama & Papa: "Ready, set," Mama & Papa: "smooch!" Isaku: "I guess they do." Mama: "It looks cute! Let's upload it to Insta." Isaku: "If they love someone and treasure them, even if it's not romantic love..." Kid: "Show me!" Papa: "Great photo." Isaku: "Maybe that's how Keiya felt." Keiya: "It's a pretty big zoo." Isaku: "Mm-hmm." Keiya: "It's too bad we couldn't look at everything." Isaku: "Mm-hmm." Isaku: "I've hit my limit." Keiya: "Isaku-san?" Keiya: "Oh, they do look red." Keiya: "I'm sorry I didn't notice." Isaku: "No, I'm sorry." Isaku: "I've never walked this much in these shoes before." Keiya: "I have bandages with me." Isaku: "Thank you." Keiya: "Hold up the hem for a moment." Isaku: "It's fine! I'll do it myself!" Keiya: "Just let me." Isaku: "Is he annoyed at me?" Isaku: "I just really wanted to wear these shoes." Keiya: "You looked pretty today, Isaku-san." Isaku: "I spent days picking out my clothes and hat. I practiced curling my hair" Isaku: "and planned out my makeup..." Isaku: "all because I wanted Keiya to compliment me." Keiya: "Are you in pain?" Isaku: "Yeah. But I'm fine." Keiya: "All done." Keiya: "Here." Isaku: "Thanks." Keiya: "Take my hand." Keiya: "Do you think you can walk?" Isaku: "Yeah." Keiya: "If it's too much, tell me. I'll carry you back." Isaku: "That would be embarrassing." Keiya: "Shall we go?" Isaku: "Why are things kind of uncomfortable now? We were fine earlier." Keiya: "I'm sorry." Keiya: "It was weird of me to say that the other day." Isaku: "I-It's fine. You're always weird." Keiya: "Really? I've done a lot of kissing," Keiya: "but I always thought it was just something that went along with sex." Isaku: "You're scum." Keiya: "That was the first time I'd actively wanted to do it." Keiya: "I want to know what this is." Keiya: "I want you to teach me, Isaku-san." Isaku: "What do I do?" Isaku: "I know I shouldn't." Isaku: "Do you still want to?" Keiya: "I won't if you're opposed to it." Isaku: "I'm not opposed." Isaku: "If I go any further, there'll be no turning back for me, but..."
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 3 – KISSES AND LOVE", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "3", "Kisses And Love" ] }
Keiya: "Does "I'm not opposed"" Keiya: "mean it's okay if I do it?" Isaku: "No!" Keiya: "Isaku-san..." Isaku: "I can't believe I said that!" Keiya: "Why did you run away?" Isaku: "Keiya!" Keiya: "I'm fine. It's only a scratch." Keiya: "It's me. Send a car." Caption: "C L I N I C" Isaku: "I haven't seen Keiya like that in a long time." Isaku: "He usually doesn't let me see that side of him." Yakuza A & B: "Hello, sir." Isaku: "Keiya..." Keiya: "Isaku-san." Isaku: "Are you okay?!" Yakuza B: "Keiya-san!" Keiya: "Of course, I was just kidding." Isaku: "I was genuinely worried, you know!" Keiya: "Sorry. I thought it'd break the tension." Isaku: "I want you to forget what I said before." Isaku: "Was I out of my mind?" Isaku: "Keiya isn't an option. Period. I need to remember why I chose a school so far away." Keiya: "Isaku-san, what should we do?" Keiya: "You and I need at least two more people to make a group." Isaku: "So it's a given that we're in the same group?" Keiya: "Shall we find a group that'll let us join?" Isaku: "Keiya hasn't mentioned it again since then." Keiya: "Three days and two nights with Isaku-san..." Isaku: "I've been acting normal, too." Keiya: "It'll be fun. Right, Isaku-san?" Isaku: "Um, right. Fun." Ando: "Isaku-chan! Uto-kun!" Ando: "Want to be in our group?" Isaku: "Ando-san! A-Are you sure?" Ando: "Of course!" Katsuki: "Come on over." Isaku: "They let me join them!" Ando: "Huh? She's, like, trembling." Isaku: "I'm so happy! Gods must really exist!" Katsuki: "You're right! I wonder why." Katsuki: "Let's shop for swimsuits together." Isaku: "Um, sure!" Keiya: "Look, Isaku-san, the sea." Teacher A: "We're making dinner with this catch, so put your back into it!" Random Walla: "Heave-ho, heave-ho!" Student A: "He's like a manga character!" Maruyama: "Senagaki-san, I washed these— Whoa!" Maruyama: "You're sobbing!" Isaku: "The onions are making my eyes sting." Maruyama: "Tissues..." Maruyama: "Sorry, here." Maruyama: "I can't wipe your nose, but..." Isaku: "I'm the one who should apologize." Keiya: "Sorry. My hand slipped." Keiya: "We don't have much time, so let's work fast." Isaku: "Seriously? What would you have done if you'd hit him?" Isaku: "What was that huff for?" Random Walla: "See you tomorrow!" Ando: "Today was fun." Katsuki: "It cracked me up how unreasonably good Uto-kun was at filleting fish." Ando: "Isaku-chan's man can do it all!" Isaku: "Oh, um, we're not dating." Ando: "Whoops, I guess I forgot." Katsuki: "You're always together, after all." Ando: "Plus, I hear Uto-kun turns down everyone who asks him out." Katsuki: "Exactly!" Isaku: "People have asked him out?" Girl A: "If you're not dating, maybe I'll make a move on him." Isaku: "I-I don't think you should!" Girl A: "Are you panicking?" Isaku: "No, I really am thinking of you." Ando: "You have no chance with him anyway." Girl A: "What?" Katsuki: "Oh, shoot..." Ando: "What's wrong?" Katsuki: "I think I might have left my phone in the changing room." Katsuki: "I'll go look for it." Ando: "Oh! I'll come, too!" Isaku: "Huh?" Isaku: "But it's past curfew. Shouldn't you tell a teacher instead?" Ando: "They won't find out if we're quick. You should come, too!" Isaku: "Sneaking out with friends... Teenage life!" Girl A: "See you guys later!" Katsuki: "Shoot, I forgot it was men's bath hours." Isaku: "It might be bad for us to go in." Ando: "It's probably fine. I'm sure they're all done by now." Ando: "We're in luck! No one here." Ando: "Now's our chance." Katsuki: "I'm in." Isaku: "What if a teacher finds us?" Katsuki: "Hmm, I think it was around here..." Ando: "Hurry up before someone comes!" Isaku: "I'll go look on the other side." Katsuki: "Thanks!" Keiya: "Huh?" Katsuki: "Isaku-chan!" Katsuki: "I found my phone!" Katsuki: "What's up?" Isaku: "U-U-Um, you two g-go on without m-me..." Ando: "Huh? Why?" Ando: "Hey, you look sick. Are you okay?" Isaku: "I'll, uh, do the thing with the thing. And meet you there." Katsuki: "Huh?" Isaku: "You go. I'll be right behind you. Please!" Katsuki: "I don't get it, but got it." Ando: "Hurry back." Isaku: "Right..." Isaku: "What the hell are you doing?" Keiya: "I was in the bath." Isaku: "I can see that! Why now?" Keiya: "It's not like I can bathe with our classmates." Isaku: "Come to think of it, I guess our teachers must know who you are, huh?" Keiya: "No, only the principal." Isaku: "Huh? So if someone saw you now..." Keiya: "I'd be caught." Isaku: "Don't sound so calm. Hurry up and get dressed. I'll be your lookout." Keiya: "Thank you." Keiya: "Oh, I meant to tell you, the miso soup you cooked today was good." Isaku: "That's because Maruyama-kun helped me." Isaku: "He says he likes to cook." Keiya: "Hmm." Isaku: "That reminds me—the knife! That was not funny." Keiya: "I should've stabbed him." Isaku: "Seriously, stop overreacting like that." Keiya: "I can't, because you go along with people too much." Isaku: "How so?" Keiya: "You know I'm right. Remember what you said to me not too long ago?" Isaku: "The truth is, I'm not opposed." Keiya: "You say no, then you say you're not opposed, and then you say forget it." Isaku: "I'm sorry. It was wrong of me to say things without thinking them through." Isaku: "But you have lots of sorta-girlfriends, don't you?" Keiya: "That's different." Isaku: "Scum." Isaku: "I can't be like Keiya's girlfriends." Isaku: "I don't even really understand what that means." Isaku: "When I grow up, I want to leave the family." Isaku: "To have a normal romance and get married..." Isaku: "I was really scared that day." Isaku: "When I thought about how suddenly you might be gone..." Isaku: "We've lived together all this time, and I thought I understood, but I didn't." Isaku: "I love you so much." Isaku: "That's why I can't kiss you." Isaku: "Because then I couldn't leave." Isaku: "But..." Isaku: "He looked right at me, and he said that..." Isaku: "Ugh." Isaku: "Maybe I'll just ask! Listen, Keiya! Do you l-l-like—" Isaku: "You're not dressed!" Keiya: "Isaku-san, I'm all healed up." Keiya: "I'm sorry I scared you that day." Keiya: "But as you can see, I'm fit as a fiddle. I won't die that easily." Keiya: "I'll be by your side forever." Teacher A: "My class is already bonkers." Isaku: "The teachers?" Keiya: "That's right, the teachers are scheduled for baths now." Isaku: "Huh? Huh? Huh?! Wh-Wh-What should we do?!" Teacher A: "Bath time at last!" Teacher C: "Yeah, I'm exhausted." Teacher A: "Ugh, tomorrow's supposed to be hot too." Teacher C: "I heard." Teacher A: "Hydration is key." Teacher C: "I completely agree." Isaku: "Keiya lives in the criminal world, and I'm not prepared to be by his side." Isaku: "I don't even know how to prepare." Isaku: "All I can do..." Isaku: "is keep loving him." Isaku: "And we're in the bathroom." Isaku: "Let's hurry." Isaku: "Okay, my room's that way." Isaku: "What is it?" Isaku: "Keiya! Do you..." Keiya: "Nothing." Keiya: "Good night." Isaku: "Yep, night." Girl: "The water feels great!" Ando: "Time to swim! Let's do a long-distance race." Isaku: "I'm not a very good swimmer." Ando: "Oh, I see." Teacher B: "Whoa, that's some chest! You've got a great body, Uto-kun." Keiya: "Thank you. So do you." Teacher B: "Oh, cheeky! You've never even seen it." Keiya: "Then, please allow me to confirm whether I'm imagining it accurately." Teacher B: "Wh-What?!" Isaku: "Hey, you dirty old man!" Keiya: "Hello, Isaku-san. I'm only twen—er, sixteen." Teacher B: "I can't believe I swooned over a high school student!" Isaku: "You're just being regular Keiya right now! Don't disrespect our teacher!" Keiya: "Are you jealous?" Isaku: "Why would you think that?" Isaku: "No way would I be jealous. Huh? Hey—" Keiya: "You can't take this off, Isaku-san." Isaku: "That's up to me, isn't it?" Isaku: "Jeez, you startled me." Keiya: "Isaku-san, let's go in the water." Keiya: "I'll pull you in a donut float." Isaku: "Sheesh..." Isaku: "I'm sure it's not him. Plenty of people wear hoodies." Keiya: "Let's go." Isaku: "Huh? What... What?!" Keiya: "Here we go!" Isaku: "I-I'm not a toy!" Isaku: "Payback time!" Keiya: "You're so cute." Katsuki: "Why aren't those two dating, again?" Ando: "I know, right?" Ando: "Aim carefully!" Katsuki: "Move a little to the right!" Isaku: "Keiya?" Isaku: "It's that guy again." Isaku: "So he really is after Keiya?" Isaku: "S-Stop!" Isaku: "Keiya, are you okay?" Keiya: "Isaku-san..." Keiya: "I'm fine, what's wrong?" Isaku: "We have to run. This guy was following you!" Keiya: "Right..." Keiya: "He's one of us." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "You know, a member." Isaku: "A "member"?" Keiya: "I brought him along as a bodyguard." Keiya: "After what happened, I thought I'd post one at school for a while." Yakuza C: "I came to report that I haven't seen anyone suspicious." Isaku: "Um, I..." Keiya: "I'm sorry. I kept it from you because I thought it might worry you." Isaku: "In other words, I got this all wrong." Isaku: "I-I'm sorry! The watermelon probably hurt, huh? I'm really, really sorry." Yakuza C: "Nah, I'm fine." Keiya: "You hit him dead on. Is that thanks to the volleyball training? You can go." Yakuza C: "Yessir." Keiya: "Please, wear mine." Keiya: "You were trying to protect me, weren't you?" Keiya: "Thank you." Ando: "Hey, where were you?" Isaku: "The bathroom." Boy A: "Uto! Over here!" Ando: "You missed the watermelon-splitting." Katsuki: "One melon went missing, so we ended up short." Isaku: "R-Really? Oh my goodness!" Ando: "Here's your slice." Isaku: "Thank you." Isaku: "In hindsight, that was pretty reckless of me." Keiya: "You were trying to protect me, weren't you?" Isaku: "Is that what that feeling was?" Isaku: "My body just moved on its own." Isaku: "The moment I thought Keiya might be in danger, I just..." Katsuki: "Oh crap, I'm out of sunscreen." Isaku: "I have some! I'll go get it!" Katsuki: "You sure? Uh, thanks!" Isaku: "Here it is." Kodan-Gumi A: "You're the Senagaki-gumi granddaughter, aren't ya?" Someone: "Go!" Katsuki: "Dang it, Maruyama!" Ando: "Aw, man." Keiya: "Katsuki-san, do you know where Isaku-chan is?" Katsuki: "She went to get sunscreen, but she hasn't come back yet." Yakuza C: "Keiya-san, two guys who looked like Kodan-gumi were headed to the parking lot. They had surfboards. Maybe they're here for fun?" Keiya: "You just let them go?" Yakuza C: "Yeah? I'm here as your bodyguard." Keiya: "You're useless." Keiya: "I guess the useless one..." Keiya: "is me." Kodan-Gumi A: "Are we going the right way?" Kodan-Gumi B: "Sure we are."
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 4 – DUTY AND DANGER", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "4", "Duty And Danger" ] }
Isaku: "Here it is." Kodan-Gumi A: "You're the Senagaki-gumi granddaughter, aren't ya?" Yakuza C: "Keiya-san, two guys who looked like Kodan-gumi were headed to the parking lot. They had surfboards. Maybe they're here for fun?" Keiya: "You just let them go?" Yakuza C: "Yeah? I'm here as your bodyguard." Keiya: "You're useless." Kodan-Gumi A: "Are we going the right way?" Kodan-Gumi B: "Sure we are. When we get to where we'll keep her, we'll call Uto." Kodan-Gumi B: "Oh, she's awake. Morning, little lady." Kodan-Gumi A: "It's just not our usual place." Isaku: "Huh?" Isaku: "Um..." Isaku: "Who are they? Where am I?" Isaku: "A car?" Isaku: "Wait, how did this happen, again?" Isaku: "Oh, right. I went to get sunscreen, and then..." Isaku: "I got kidnapped?!" Kodan-Gumi A: "Keep going straight?" Kodan-Gumi B: "Yep." Isaku: "What's going to happen to me?" Kodan-Gumi B: "Seriously, though, won't this mean war if their patriarch finds out?" Kodan-Gumi A: "Eh, he won't find out. Uto'll do whatever it takes to keep this quiet. His boss would take more than just a finger for this screw-up." Kodan-Gumi A: "Our target here is Uto and only Uto. Full-out gang war would be fun," Kodan-Gumi A: "but the higher-ups don't wanna make a move right now." Isaku: "I'm scared. Keiya!" Kodan-Gumi A: "Hmm? Damn, he's already on to us." Kodan-Gumi B: "Step on it." Isaku: "Keiya." Keiya: "Get alongside them." Yakuza C: "Yessir." Kodan-Gumi A: "What's all this? You need something? Well, he's right next to us—" Keiya: "Hey!" Kodan-Gumi B: "He's saying something." Kodan-Gumi A: "I'll open the window. You take it from there." Kodan-Gumi B: "'Course." Kodan-Gumi B: "Excuse me, miss." Kodan-Gumi A: "You came pretty quick." Keiya: "Stop the car." Kodan-Gumi A: "No can do, sorry!" Kodan-Gumi A: "Whoa, pretty sure I'd crash this car if you shot me now." Kodan-Gumi A: "A daredevil, aren't ya? We'll all go kaboom if you hit the gas tank." Kodan-Gumi B: "Uto! If you don't want this precious girl to get hurt, be good and do as we say." Keiya: "You fat bastard, what makes you think you can cozy up to Isaku-san like that?!" Kodan-Gumi B: ""Fat"?!" Isaku: "This is the argument you're having?!" Keiya: "Get your hands off her! I'll kill you!" Kodan-Gumi A: "What's with him?" Kodan-Gumi A: "Hey, that's dangerous, dude!" Kodan-Gumi A: "Just shoot him." Kodan-Gumi B: "On it." Isaku: "Oh no!" Kodan-Gumi A: "What the hell, man?!" Kodan-Gumi B: "You brat!" Isaku: "No way." Kodan-Gumi A: "Uto, you bastard!" Keiya: "Isaku-san! Are you all ri—" Isaku: "Keiya! Are you all right?!" Keiya: "Yes. I'm pretty tough." Isaku: "Really? You're not hurt? You were so reckless!" Kodan-Gumi B: "I-I can't swim!" Kodan-Gumi A: "S-Seriously?!" Kodan-Gumi B: "I can't! Help!" Keiya: "Isaku-san, let's get away from here." Kodan-Gumi B: "Someone help!" Isaku: "Good idea." Keiya: "Yeah. Understood." Keiya: "I leave it to you." Keiya: "You surprised me. You worried more about me than yourself," Keiya: "even though it's my fault you were in danger." Isaku: "In the moment, I wasn't scared at all." Isaku: "Because..." Isaku: "all I wanted was..." Isaku: "to protect Keiya." Isaku: "Keiya!" Isaku: "I don't want you to be gone!" Keiya: "I told you, I'm not going anywhere." Keiya: "I've been in a bit of a dispute lately." Keiya: "I'm sorry." Isaku: "Promise me you won't do anything too dangerous anymore." Isaku: "I know that's weird to ask, considering your job and all, but..." Keiya: "It's fine." Isaku: "I don't want an "It's fine."" Isaku: "Promise me." Keiya: "Done." Isaku: "I love Keiya no matter who he is. I can't stop." Keiya: "Oh... Hm?" Isaku: "What is it?" Keiya: "I'll be careful not to lose a finger." Isaku: "You really need to knock that off. I still can't imagine a future with Keiya," Isaku: "but I at least want to stay with him as long as I can. Just like Keiya's always been on my side," Isaku: "I want to be on his side." Isaku: "For as long as possible." Teacher B: "And where were you two, exactly?! Both class reps skipping? What were you doing?!" Isaku: "I'm sorry." Keiya: "I'm sorry. There were really pretty fish out there, so we lost track of time swimming." Teacher B: "Excuse me?" Teacher B: "We thought you'd been swept out to sea! It was an uproar! You need to take responsibility for your actions!" Isaku: "Yes, ma'am." Teacher B: "Anyway, no fireworks or campfire for you two tonight!" Teacher B: "You stay in this room and write apology letters!" Keiya: "Yes, ma'am." Isaku: "Yes, ma'am... I was looking forward to enjoying the fireworks and campfire with everyone, like a real teenager." Isaku: "Huh? What is it?" Keiya: "Nothing." Isaku: "What's with him?" Isaku: "And so our hectic beach field trip came to an end." Isaku: "Keiya." Keiya: "Yes?" Isaku: "Excuse me for a sec." Isaku: "Wait, is this right?" Isaku: "Did I grab him in the wrong place?" Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what's going on here." Keiya: "I know you're cute, but beyond that..." Isaku: "I wanted to throw you." Keiya: "Huh?" Keiya: "Are you angry with me?" Isaku: "No! It's just, I figured maybe I should have some fighting skills, so that if we get attacked again, I can help you." Keiya: "I thought you hated violence?" Isaku: "I do hate it. But it's like, I want to be ready in case it's unavoidable someday." Keiya: "I see." Keiya: "Well, it might be a good idea for you to at least learn self-defense." Keiya: "I'll think about it." Isaku: "Okay." Keiya: "See you later." Isaku: "Wait." Isaku: "What's that?" Keiya: "Summer break homework." Isaku: "Oh, you're going to do it early? Good for you." Keiya: "Yes, well..." Keiya: "I'll be going, then." Isaku: "Hold it." Isaku: "Where are you going with that?" Keiya: "Um..." Isaku: "You plan to make someone else do it, don't you?!" Keiya: "You got me." Isaku: "That's not okay! There's no point unless you do it yourself!" Keiya: "I don't wanna!" Isaku: "We'll have to take tests right after the break, too. We have to study!" Keiya: "Meh." Isaku: "Wrong answer!" Isaku: "We'll do it together." Keiya: "If I study with you," Keiya: "will you give me a reward?" Isaku: "Again?! You should just arrange your own rewards." Isaku: "Why do you always ask me?" Keiya: "Because I want them from you." Isaku: "Pardon? But the last thing he begged for was..." Keiya: "I want to kiss you." Keiya: "Kiss you." Keiya: "Kiss you." Keiya: "Kiss you. Kiss..." Isaku: "Why me?" Isaku: "Okay, fine." Keiya: "Really? Yay!" Isaku: "B-But no weird stuff! At all!" Keiya: "Okay." Isaku: "So, what do you want me to do?" Keiya: "Isaku-san, are you ready?" Isaku: "Uh, h-hold on!" Isaku: "Okay, come in." Keiya: "Here I come." Isaku: "I said no weird stuff, so why I am I wearing a swimsuit at home?" Isaku: "This is so embarrassing." Keiya: "So cute!" Isaku: ""Cute"?" Keiya: "I didn't get to see this at the beach, since you were wearing a jacket." Isaku: "You're the one who said not to take it off." Keiya: "Around guys who aren't me, I meant." Isaku: "Huh?" Isaku: "Which is it? Is he being overprotective, or..." Keiya: "Did you shop for it with Ando-san and Katsuki-san?" Isaku: "Yeah. I don't really know what Keiya is thinking, and it's weird to be doing this at home," Isaku: "but I'm a little happy." Isaku: "The truth is, I did want him to see it." Isaku: "I mean, I was thinking of Keiya when I chose it." Isaku: "But this is getting too embarrassing! O-Okay, I'm going to change." Keiya: "No, not yet." Isaku: ""Not yet"?" Keiya: "This way, please." Isaku: "Huh? What?" Isaku: "What's going on?" Keiya: "Ta-da!" Keiya: "It's a pool." Isaku: "Y-Yeah, I see that." Keiya: "I have a watermelon, fireworks, and shaved ice, too." Keiya: "We can barbecue, too." Keiya: "Isn't it a photogenic setup?" Isaku: "I didn't think I'd hear a word like "photogenic" out of your mouth." Keiya: "Even I know that much." Isaku: "You did all this while I was changing?" Keiya: "Yes." Isaku: "Wow!" Keiya: "Our field trip didn't end so well, so I thought it'd be nice to start over and make some fun memories." Isaku: "What is it?" Keiya: "Nothing." Isaku: "Thanks." Keiya: "Come on, I made fancy drinks." Isaku: "This is pretty nice, even if it is just me living it up alone." Isaku: "He's really going all out." Isaku: "Keiya!" Keiya: "Yes?" Isaku: "Got you!" Isaku: "Aren't you gonna use the pool?" Keiya: "Me?" Isaku: "Yeah. You went to all this trouble. I can help you with the barbecue after." Keiya: "Don't mind if I do, then." Isaku: "R-Right, he has to take off his shirt first..." Isaku: "Suddenly I'm feeling shy. What now?" Keiya: "Scoot over, Isaku-san." Keiya: "I want to get in the ring, too." Isaku: "Y-You won't fit! It's a single-person one!" Keiya: "It'll be fine if we squeeze." Isaku: "I-It's not fine!" Keiya: "See? We fit." Isaku: "No, we don't! I'm just sitting on top of you!" Isaku: "I'm getting out!" Keiya: "No. Got you!" Isaku: "My heart's gonna give out..." Isaku: "This position isn't comfortable." Isaku: "Hey! Don't just silently stare!" Keiya: "I was just thinking about how you've grown." Isaku: "You're treating me like a kid again." Keiya: "Grown into the body type I like, I meant." Isaku: "Dirty old yakuza man."
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 5 – STRIFE AND SETTLEMENT", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "5", "Strife And Settlement" ] }
Isaku: "It's August, and summer break has only just begun." Isaku: "I finished all my homework already." Isaku: "It's Ando-san." Ando: "Isaku-chan! Katsuki and I plan to hit the town together soon. Want to come with us?" Isaku: "I'd love to!" Ando: "Sweet! I'll let Katsuki know." Isaku: "Plans with friends during summer break? This is like a dream!" Isaku: "Right? We'd never have imagined that before, huh?" Isaku: "You're going to sleep? Come on, share my happiness!" Isaku: "They're all asleep." Luka: "Isaku-san!" Kongo: "What's the matter?" Isaku: "Say, let me help." Kongo: "No, Isaku-san, we can't have you do something like this. Keiya-san would beat me black and blue." Isaku: "But wouldn't it be faster with three people?" Luka: "It's our job." Isaku: "Oh." Kongo: "I wonder what that was about." Isaku: "I'm bored. It used to be normal for me to be alone with nothing to do," Isaku: "but now I almost feel lonely, like I want people around." Isaku: "Maybe because I'm always with Keiya lately, and I sort of have friends now?" Keiya: "Isaku-san, I'm home." Isaku: "Welcome back!" Keiya: "That's rare." Keiya: "Normally you snap at me not to barge into your room." Keiya: "You must've been very bored. I heard from Luka and Kongo that you suddenly volunteered to help them clean." Isaku: "Uh-huh." Keiya: "Someone gave me some bean jelly. Do you want some?" Isaku: "Yeah." Keiya: "I'll slice it up, then." Isaku: "A summer festival?" Keiya: "Yes, at the shopping arcade. We'll be operating stalls there." Keiya: "Would you like to come?" Keiya: "I could walk around with you after I work." Isaku: "A festival with Keiya." Isaku: "I-I want to, but..." Isaku: "I'm pretty sure I'd run into grade school classmates there." Keiya: "True, it is a neighborhood festival." Isaku: "If I walk around with Keiya, it'll happen again." Keiya: "Would you rather not?" Isaku: "I'll go." Keiya: "All right." Isaku: "I wonder if this yukata looks good. Maybe it's weird to wear it? Keiya sounded like this was just convenient because of work, so am I getting too into it?" Isaku: "Then again, yukata are normal for a festival." Keiya: "Isaku-san?" Keiya: "Sorry to keep you waiting. Shall we?" Isaku: "Y-Yeah." Keiya: "You wore a yukata." Isaku: "I-It was a good chance. I, um, like to wear one at least once a summer." Keiya: "It looks great on you." Isaku: "Thank you." Caption: "TAKOYAKI CHOCOLATE BANANAS" Isaku: "I want takoyaki!" Keiya: "I'll go buy some. You wait here." Isaku: "Okay." Mami: "Hey, is that..." Aika: "So I was right, it is Senagaki-san. Haven't seen her in a while." Isaku: "Uh-oh, it's Mami-chan and Aika-chan." Young Isaku: "Good morning, Mami-chan, Aika-chan." Mami: "You're in a yakuza family, right, Isaku-chan?" Aika: "My dad said they're bad guys." Girl 1: "Oh, is she your friend? She's pretty!" Mami: "Not exactly a "friend."" Girl 1: "Hello!" Aika: "No, don't!" Aika: "You probably don't know, since you just moved here, but..." Girl 1: "What? A yakuza granddaughter?!" Mami: "Shh! She'll hear you!" Isaku: "I hear you loud and clear." Girl 1: "Well, I've never seen someone like that before!" Keiya: "Isaku-chan!" Keiya: "Friends of yours?" Isaku: ""Isaku-chan"?" Isaku: "No, um, they're... grade school classmates." Keiya: "Hello there." Girl 1: "Who's that?" Mami: "Quiet! He might be one of them!" Keiya: "I'm a high school classmate of Isaku-chan's, actually." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "We're on a date, so we'll be going now." Isaku: "Huh?!" Isaku: "Y-You surprised me." Keiya: "I figured you might not want them to know I'm with the Senagakis." Keiya: "Do you want to go home?" Isaku: "I'm okay." Isaku: "My priority right now is..." Isaku: "I don't want to let go!" Isaku: "J-Just while we're at the festival." Isaku: "After all, we might run into them again. The more I talk, the more ridiculous my excuse gets!" Isaku: "So..." Keiya: "That makes sense." Keiya: "Just while we're at the festival, then." Keiya: "Shall we eat our takoyaki around here somewhere?" Isaku: "Sure." Keiya: "I don't think I can eat while holding hands." Keiya: "Is it all right if I eat some?" Isaku: "You can let go of my hand while we're eating, jeez." Isaku: "Just for tonight at this festival..." Isaku: "I want to stay like this." Keiya: "Isaku-san?" Isaku: "He reminds me a little of Keiya." Isaku: "He's cute!" Isaku: "I'm gonna do the shooting booth." Vendor: "Thanks!" Isaku: "I'm gonna get that black dog." Keiya: "Dog?" Keiya: "That's an ugly dog. It's pretty big." Keiya: "Shall I do it?" Isaku: "No, I want to try." Vendor: "Stay behind the white line, miss." Isaku: "Got it." Keiya: "It's a good idea to aim for one of the corners." Isaku: "Okay." Keiya: "A little to the right." Isaku: "Two more chances!" Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "Give it your best." Isaku: "Last chance! I got—" Vendor: "That's all." Vendor: "Here, a consolation prize." Isaku: "Aw, I even hit him, though." Isaku: "I feel like I can do it if I try again." Keiya: "It might be tricky for you." Isaku: "Aw!" Keiya: "I'll get it." Keiya: "I got it." Isaku: "Wow, that was amazing!" Vendor: "C-Congratulations!" Vendor: "I thought he was gonna kill me." Isaku: "In the end Keiya got you for me, huh?" Keiya: "I'm glad you like him, Isaku-chan." Isaku: "I sure do, Uto-kun." Isaku: "Ah, I wish time would stand still." Keiya: "Next time you run into a classmate, you can just wear a mask." Isaku: "B-But I can't see anything. That's scary." Keiya: "Isaku-san?" Isaku: "Wh-Where to next? I'm a little thirsty." Keiya: "Oh, are your feet starting to hurt?" Isaku: "Uh... I wish I'd worn sneakers." Keiya: "Why don't we take a little break? Wait there, please." Isaku: "I never learn. This is the zoo all over again." Isaku: "He really does look like Keiya. The grumpy eyes, and the... hair?" Keiya: "Isaku-san." Keiya: "Is apple juice all right?" Isaku: "Oh, um, yeah. Thanks." Isaku: "H-He didn't see me, right?" Keiya: "Shall we head home when we're finished?" Isaku: "Yeah." Isaku: "I guess it's ending, huh? Keiya's and my..." Isaku: "The pretend date was fun." Isaku: "That should be safe to say, right?" Keiya: "Actually... I wasn't pretending." Isaku: "H-Huh? What does that mean? Or maybe it doesn't mean much?" Keiya: "Oh, I see your classmates over there." Isaku: "Are they gone?" Keiya: "I'm sorry. I lied." Isaku: "What?" Isaku: "Why would you lie?" Keiya: "Because you're unfair." Isaku: "How so?" Keiya: "Lots of ways." Isaku: "Morning." Keiya: "Good morning, Isaku-san." Keiya: "Oh, did you not sleep enough?" Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "You have bags under your eyes." Isaku: "No way!" Keiya: "Couldn't you sleep?" Isaku: "I'm going to hang out with Ando-san and Katsuki-san today." Keiya: "Right." Isaku: "So I was too excited to sleep." Keiya: "Well, eat your breakfast, and hopefully that'll help." Isaku: "Right." Keiya: "How late will you be out?" Isaku: "I'll come home for dinner." Keiya: "Understood." Isaku: "This is yummy." Keiya: "I'm glad." Ando: "Isaku-chan, we're here!" Katsuki: "Cute dress." Isaku: "Th-Thank you." Isaku: "I was so excited for today that I couldn't sleep, so I got bags under my eyes!" Isaku: "I did my best to cover them with makeup!" Katsuki: "You're so funny, Isaku-chan!" Katsuki: "You're good. No bags in sight." Katsuki: "This is good." Isaku: "It really is." Ando: "Give me a bite." Katsuki: "Aw! Well then, I want a bite of yours." Isaku: "These look delicious!" Katsuki: "Apparently this place has been around forever." Isaku: "I can't get any to come up." Isaku: "I had no idea tapioca was such a lung capacity test." Ando: "Usually not quite this much." Katsuki: "You should see your face!" Ando: "Looking good!" Katsuki: "Isaku-chan, try this hat on." Katsuki: "You look like a rich lady." Isaku: "I really do." Ando: "Wait, put these sunglasses on!" Ando: "You look so sketchy!" Katsuki: "That's too good." Katsuki: "Scoot a little closer, Isaku-chan." Isaku: "L-Like this?" Ando: "The heart isn't balanced!" Isaku: "On it! Eating and checking out stores with friends, it's like one of the groups I see having fun, but I'm in the group. Feeling like I'm getting closer to them made me happy." Isaku: "I did worry that I was too bubbly, though." Katsuki: "Guess it's about time to go home." Ando: "Time sure went by fast!" Isaku: "Yes, it did." Katsuki: "That was super fun." Ando: "Totally. Let's hang out again, Isaku-chan." Isaku: "Yes!" Katsuki: "Bye-bye!" Ando: "Bye-bye!" Isaku: "They felt the same way I did!" Isaku: "That was so much fun!" Isaku: "I don't think I can sleep. And I didn't sleep last night, either." Isaku: "I can't fall asleep!" Keiya: "Isaku-san, breakfast is ready." Keiya: "Isaku-san?" Keiya: "Your alarm is beeping." Isaku: "Sorry, mistake." Isaku: "There it is." Keiya: "It's rare to see you having a slow morning." Keiya: "You usually keep the same schedule like clockwork." Isaku: "Don't barge into my room." Keiya: "Did you stay up late last night?" Isaku: "Yeah." Isaku: "I was so excited..." Isaku: "that I couldn't sleep." Keiya: "Want to sleep a little longer?" Keiya: "I have to work until late tonight, so I was hoping to eat breakfast with you." Isaku: "I'm awake, so get out." Keiya: "Hmm?" Isaku: "I don't want you to see my "just woke up" face." Keiya: "That's silly! You're perfectly cute 24 hours a day, 365 days a year." Isaku: "Get out, already!" Keiya: "Do you sleep with him?" Isaku: "I put him by my pillow," Isaku: "but I guess he got tangled in the sheets while I was sleeping." Isaku: "You and him really do look alike." Keiya: "He looks like me?" Isaku: "Well, his grumpy eyes and his bangs remind me of you." Isaku: "Is he mad at me because I said he looked like a dog plushie? Um, give him back—" Isaku: "Mean!" Isaku: "K-Keiya?" Keiya: "I'm jealous of a stuffed animal." Isaku: "He's even hostile to my plushie? Is it because he's a male dog? Come on, Keiya, let me go!" Isaku: "It's hard to breathe, you're heavy, and it's too hot!" Isaku: "Aren't we eating breakfast?" Isaku: "And what about your work?" Isaku: "Hey!" Keiya: "I don't care about breakfast or work anymore." Isaku: "Say what?!" Isaku: "I don't know what this means." Isaku: "Keiya's heartbeat is quiet." Isaku: "Guess I'm the only one who's nervous. When we went to the festival together, he called it a date without batting an eye." Isaku: "But maybe it's not really like that after all..." Keiya: "Isaku-san, I..." Keiya: "Huh?" Keiya: "I-sa-ku-saaaan!" Keiya: "Yet you'll do it with that plushie." Keiya: "And you look so peaceful." Keiya: "How long must I wait?" Isaku: "Keiya."
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 6 – A Midsummer and Night's Dream", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "6", "A Midsummer and Night's Dream" ] }
Luka: "Isaku-san, your grandfather wants to see you." Isaku: "Okay." Isaku: "It's good to see you again, sir." Tanuki-Gumi Boss: "Hello there, Isaku-chan." Tasuke: "There's cake for you, too, honey." Isaku: "This is my grandfather's sworn brother, the boss of the Tanuki-gumi." Isaku: "He's been nice to me since I was little." Isaku: "There's a stranger here, too." Tanuki-Gumi Boss: "Oh, this is my grandson. He's a first-year in high school, like you." Isaku: "P-Pleased to meet you." Mikio: "So, you got a boyfriend?" Tanuki-Gumi Boss: "Don't be disrespectful!" Senagaki: "The boys love you, Isaku!" Isaku: "That startled me." Mikio: "I'm Tanuki Mikio. Nice to meet you." Isaku: "He's a personality type I might not be good at dealing with." gio: "Hey there!" gio: "Kurumi." gio: "From now on, we'll be able to kiss every day." Kurumi: "Kisses of happiness, forever." Isaku: "Today is a girls' date at Katsuki-san's. I've been looking forward to it." Ando: "Crap, that was so good." Katsuki: "I want a romance like that!" Katsuki: "I want a hottie to hug me and kiss me!" Katsuki: "Have you two kissed anyone?" Ando: "Yeah, I guess. It was just my middle school boyfriend, though." Katsuki: "I'm so jealous!" Isaku: "Y-You kissed in middle school? Wow..." Katsuki: "And you, Isaku-chan?" Keiya: "Does "I'm not opposed"" Keiya: "mean it's okay if I do it?" Isaku: "I haven't." Ando: "Really?!" Katsuki: "She paused! And she's blushing!" Ando: "Was it with Uto-kun?!" Isaku: "We really haven't k-kissed." Ando: "Oh, I see." Katsuki: "But you two are so close." Ando: "Don't you ever think about dating him? He's good-looking." Katsuki: "Right? A little weird, but good-looking." Isaku: "W-We went to a festival last week." Isaku: "He said it was a d-d-date..." Katsuki: "I knew something was up!" Ando: "Did he officially say he likes you?!" Isaku: "No. I guess I don't really know how Keiya feels, and I'm kind of scared to know for sure," Ando: "She just called him "Keiya"!" Isaku: "but I also kind of want to know, you know?" Katsuki: "At school she only calls him "Uto"!" Katsuki: "Isaku-chan... you like him, don't you?" Ando: "You should tell him!" Isaku: "N-No, it's probably not time..." Katsuki: "Try casually testing the waters and see if he's into it." Isaku: "That's the first time I've told someone how I feel about Keiya." Isaku: "I said a lot of embarrassing things." Isaku: "But it was fun." Isaku: "I'm home." Keiya: "Did you have fun?" Isaku: "Yeah. We watched a movie, ate snacks, and ta—" Keiya: "Hmm? And what?" Isaku: "Talked about boys." Keiya: "Boys? I assume you were just a listener on that topic." Isaku: "Assuming isn't nice." Isaku: "Later." Keiya: "Was your boy talk..." Keiya: "about me?" Isaku: "No! A-As if I'd talk about you." Keiya: "Ouch." Isaku: "What? Was he joking, or being serious? Which is it?!" Katsuki: "Try casually testing the waters and see if he's into it." Isaku: "Why did you ask me that?" Keiya: "Just a guess." Isaku: "I see." Isaku: "I don't know! I don't get Keiya at all. Every time I think he might feel the same way as me," Isaku: "I just want to get closer to him." Student 1: "Please stop." Mikio: "You picked this fight." ur-Eyes: "Mikio-san!" ur-Eyes: "What are you doing? You'll catch hell from the boss again!" Mikio: "I didn't start it this time." ur-Eyes: "Be quiet!" ur-Eyes: "You realize that I get yelled at too because of you?" ur-Eyes: "He's gone!" Isaku: "I think I'm in the wrong section." Mikio: "Nice to see you again!" Isaku: "Uh... Tanuki?" Mikio: "Yep. Mikio." Mikio: "You're cute in a school uniform, Isaku-chan!" Keiya: "Fancy meeting you here." Keiya: "Nice to see you again." High Schooler: "A hot boy just did the "wall slam" with another hot boy!" Mikio: "Who are you, again?" Isaku: "Keiya!" Mikio: "Oh, the Senagaki captain! What's with the school uniform?" Keiya: "Take your time, Isaku-san. I'll wait for you outside." Isaku: "Okay." Mikio: "An old yakuza dude cosplaying as a high schooler?" Keiya: "I'm currently a high schooler in body and soul." Mikio: "Is this some new scam?" Keiya: "I'm impersonating a student at Isaku-san's school in order to protect Isaku-san from lowlifes." Mikio: "So you're a guard dog? Gotta wonder if Senagaki-gumi is safe with you as Number 2. "Hey, Dad, gimme your daughter's hand."" Keiya: "You better talk to me with respect, kid." Isaku: "Keiya, I'm done—" Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "Well, you have a nice day." ur-Eyes: "Mikio-san!" Mikio: "That was scary." ur-Eyes: "Huh?" Mikio: "I may have found a great way to kill time." ur-Eyes: "What?" Mikio: "Hey, do me a favor." ur-Eyes: "Huh?" Mikio: "I'm Tanuki Mikio! Nice to meetcha." Isaku: "Am I hallucinating?" Mikio: "Isaku-chan!" Isaku: "I'm not hallucinating!" Keiya: "What's this about?" Mikio: "Whatcha mean?" Keiya: "I'm asking why you transferred to our high school." Mikio: "I figured it'd be fun to go to school with you two." Keiya: "Answer seriously, please." Isaku: "Keiya, let go! This is embarrassing." Ando: "Isaku-chan!" Katsuki: "Do you know Tanuki-kun?" Mikio: "Oh, good question! We—" Isaku: "Um, actually, Tanuki-kun is family— I mean, our p-parents are friends— Or not parents, but grandparents?" Isaku: "Keep quiet about our families, okay?!" Mikio: "Oh, you're on Team "Hide It"? I'm on Team "Mention It Whenever."" Isaku: "I'd like you to keep quiet about your ties, too, if you would." Keiya: "By the way, our cover story is that we're childhood friends." Mikio: "That's hilarious." Mikio: "Hmm, what to do..." Isaku: "Please. I'm finally fitting in with my class, and I've made friends. I don't want to be shunned." Isaku: "I don't want to go back to being alone." Mikio: "Huh, I never had that idea. Kinda novel. But hey, we're gonna die like dogs eventually, so I get why you want good memories." Keiya: "Please don't scare her." Mikio: "Sure, I'll keep quiet for you." Mikio: "Repay me by being friendly with me. Both of you." Isaku: "What do you mean by "be friendly"?" Mikio: "I'm sayin' I wanna be friends." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "How inconvenient. In my position, I can't afford to openly oppose him too much." Keiya: "I'll protect you, Isaku-san." Keiya: "But if you're uncomfortable, I'll get rid of him." Isaku: "Not necessary. Don't do anything." Keiya: "Now let's decide what to do for the culture festival. Let's hear some suggestions." Mikio: "He's a class rep!" Keiya: "Pipe down, Tanuki-kun." Isaku: "I definitely don't want to be his friend," Isaku: "but I might need to stick close to him to keep him from blabbing." Ando: "Me!" Ando: "I want to do a play!" Satonaka: "A play?" Morikawa: "Too much work." Ando: "We should do Romeo and Juliet!" Katsuki: "I have scripts ready! It'll help us deepen our friendships, too." Ando: "Let's all work together and make a great teenage memory!" Isaku: "A play, huh? That might be fun. I hope I'm a stagehand." Ando: "And next..." Katsuki: "About the casting..." Katsuki: "Uto-kun will be Romeo, and Senagaki-san will be Juliet!" Isaku: "What?!" Ando: "Nice, you're already using your diaphragm." Katsuki: "These two never make any progress, so we came up with..." Ando: "...Operation: Get Worked Up Playing Lovers and Then Date for Real!" Katsuki: "A life and death romantic tragedy..." Ando: "...is the perfect theme!" Isaku: "I-I don't have any acting experience..." Ando: "No problem! We'll rehearse lots. No one visually fits the parts better than you two!" Katsuki: "You'll do it, won't you?" Keiya: "Of course, if you'd like me to." Isaku: "He agreed so easily!" Sato: "They do look the parts." Morikawa: "I kinda wanna see that!" Keiya: "I'll work to meet your expectations. So, what's Romeo and Juliet about?" All But Keiya: "You don't know?" Ando: ""O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" That one." Katsuki: "The super-famous love story by Shakespeare." Keiya: "A romance? I see." Mikio: "'Scuze me!" Mikio: "Objection! I wanna be Romeo." Isaku: "No!" Katsuki: "This is an unexpected twist." Ando: "What now?" Keiya: "That won't do. Romeo won't— No, I am Romeo! And I won't let you have Juliet!" Ando: "He's suddenly in the role!" Katsuki: "Even though he doesn't know the story..." Mikio: "But classmates have equal participation rights, don't they?" Mikio: "The culture festival is for everyone." Keiya: "What's your game here?" Mikio: "If I play Isaku-chan's lover, we might get closer. Right?" Ando: "What's going on?" Katsuki: "A love triangle?" Mikio: "Let's rock-paper-scissors this." Keiya: "Fine by me." Isaku: "Don't lose, Keiya!" Katsuki: "Don't fail, Uto-kun!" Ando: "You have to win!" Keiya: "Ready." Mikio: "Set." Keiya / Mikio: "Go!" Mikio: "Yay! I'm Romeo!" Isaku: "Our class is slated to perform Romeo and Juliet at the culture festival," Isaku: "with some bizarre casting." Mikio: "Beauty too rich for use!" Isaku: "Who are you?" Mikio: "Touching hers, I'll make blessèd my rude hand!" Keiya: "You mustn't!" Isaku: "Keiya?" Mikio: "What's your problem, overprotective old man?" Keiya: "Keep your rude hand away from Isa—no, Juliet. She belongs to me." Katsuki: "Tybalt, you came in early." Ando: "And those lines don't exist." Keiya: "In the duel scene, I think we should use real swords for extra impact." Katsuki: "How would we even get real swords?" Keiya: "Oh, I could bring my—" Isaku: "Time out!" Mikio: "Tee hee." Isaku: "Seriously?" Keiya: "I absolutely won't allow a love scene between you and Mikio-san." Isaku: "Well, you lost at rock-paper-scissors. You lost, so accept the loss, and just concentrate on making the play a success." Keiya: "Could you not say "lost" so many times?" Isaku: "Go back inside." Isaku: "I know this isn't Keiya's fault, but..." Isaku: "I wanted to play Keiya's lover." Katsuki: "Isaku-chan." Katsuki: "I'm sorry this got weird." Isaku: "Huh?" Katsuki: "See, we suggested this play to get things moving between you and Uto-kun." Ando: "But things took a turn we didn't anticipate." Isaku: "Oh, so that's what happened." Isaku: "They were trying to help me." Isaku: "Thank you. This is a chance for me to try something new, so I'll give it my best!" Isaku: "O... Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Isaku: "How was that?" Mikio; Katsuki; Ando: "Shockingly stiff." Isaku: "Sorry we had to stay late." Mikio: "I'm thinking you just don't love me enough." Isaku: "Why did you want to play Romeo?" Mikio: "Because I wanted to get closer to you, Isaku-chan." Isaku: "You're a bad liar." Mikio: "You know how pissed Kei-chan gets when I mess with you. It's funny." Mikio: "And I'm sure the fact that he has to tread lightly with me makes him extra pissed." Isaku: "What is this guy thinking?" Mikio: "I'm bored. Grandpa monitors me 24-7." Isaku: "Do you live with your grandfather?" Mikio: "Yeah, since before high school started." Mikio: "My folks apparently couldn't handle me, so they tossed me in Grandpa Jail." Isaku: "What the heck did you do?" Mikio: "Lotsa things." Mikio: "Being with you two oughta help with the boredom." Isaku: "He pisses me off." Isaku: "All I want is a peaceful school life!" Sato: "Tanuki-kun and Senagaki-san would be good together, huh?" Isaku: "Stop it!" Satonaka: "What? But Senagaki-san has Uto-kun." Mikio: "Night! See you tomorrow!" Keiya: "Thank you for your work." Keiya: "Thanks for yours too, Isaku-san." Isaku: "We're the last ones here." Keiya: "Let's lock the windows and go home." Isaku: "Okay." Keiya: "Your acting was shockingly stiff." Isaku: "I'm better than I was at first." Keiya: "Are you sure?" Isaku: "I got detailed notes." Isaku: "Watch this." Isaku: "Palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." Isaku: "Don't laugh!" Keiya: "O then, dear saint..." Keiya: "let lips do what hands do." Keiya: "Aren't I better at this than Mikio-san?" Isaku: "I thought he was really going to kiss me." Isaku: "Why do you have Romeo's lines memorized?" Keiya: "I remember them because I wanted to play him." Keiya: "If you're trying your best for the culture festival, I'll do my best not to interfere." Isaku: "What would've happened if he had kissed me?" Mikio: "My, my!" Mikio: "I come back to get my phone, and look what I see!"
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 7 – TANUKI AND GUARD DOG", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "7", "Tanuki And Guard Dog" ] }
Keiya: "Aren't I better at this than Mikio-san?" Isaku: "I really thought he was going to kiss me." Isaku: "Why do you have Romeo's lines memorized?" Keiya: "I remember them because I wanted to play him." Keiya: "If you're trying your best for the culture festival, I'll do my best not to interfere." Isaku: "What would've happened if he had kissed me?" Mikio: "My, my!" Mikio: "I come back to get my phone, and look what I see!" Mikio: "Am I interruptin'?" Isaku: "N-No. We were just about to leave." Mikio: "Are you two sleepin' together?" Isaku: "N-No, we're not! Why would you ask that?" Mikio: "Come on, weren't you, like, nuzzling two seconds ago?" Isaku: "He must've been watching for a while. I thought I'd get kissed, but..." Isaku: "No. We were just rehearsing for the play." Isaku: "What's with you?!" Mikio: "Really?" Keiya: "Yes, really." Mikio: "Oh? Well, that's boring." Keiya: "Here's your phone." Mikio: "Thanks." Keiya: "Let's go, Isaku-san." Satonaka: "Hey, Romeo and Juliet!" Isaku: "Yes?" Satonaka: "The costume design is done. Take a look." Isaku: "Wow, that's really cute!" Satonaka: "We might change a few little details. This one is Romeo." Isaku: "Romeo's is great, too." Satonaka: "What do you think, Tanuki-kun?" Mikio: "Hmm? Doesn't matter to me." Isaku: "Don't be silly. It's the costume you're gonna wear!" Ando: "How're the costumes? Pretty sweet, right?" Isaku: "Ando-san, Katsuki-san. Yeah, they're great." Satonaka: "I showed them earlier, since they're the directors." Ando: "Okay, we'll call these more or less final. Now we gotta get the materials." Katsuki: "There's a fabric store in the shopping arcade, right?" Satonaka: "Would they have stuff that fits this image?" Isaku: "I-It's exciting to all work together to create something, huh?" Ando: "Yep. The people doing the props, the set pieces, the lighting, the music, plus the other actors..." Katsuki: "They weren't exactly eager at first, but they're getting more and more into it!" Ando: "Yeah, and the different teams are getting more in sync!" Isaku: "I can't wait to see how it all turns out." Ando: "Okay, actors! Back to rehearsal!" R&J Cast: "Okay!" Mikio: "Poor you, not gettin' to see Kei-chan in the Romeo costume." Isaku: "He's instigating again. Stay calm, Isaku." Isaku: "Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Why Keiya?" Mikio: "You're so transparent." Isaku: "You are sleepin' together, aren't you? I told you, no." Mikio: "So you've got a one-sided crush?" Mikio: "Bingo." Mikio: "Kei-chan's overprotectiveness distracted me from noticin' earlier." Isaku: "Listen, please don't tell Keiya." Mikio: "Pretty sure he already knows." Isaku: "Seriously, don't tell him!" Mikio: "Hmm, not sure I wanna promise that..." Mikio: "Isaku-chan wears it on her sleeve, but what does Kei-chan think?" Satonaka: "Uto-kun, we'll measure your waist next." Isaku: "Why do you have Romeo's lines memorized?" Keiya: "I remember them because I wanted to play him." Keiya: "If you're trying your best for the culture festival, I'll do my best not to interfere." Keiya: "I should never have said that." Mikio: "Kei-chan's lookin' this way!" Mikio: "Give him a wave!" Isaku: "Cut it out!" Mikio: "Why?" Ando: "Uto-kun, you don't mind?" Keiya: "Hmm? Mind what?" Ando: "Um, those two..." Katsuki: "More like just Tanuki-kun." Isaku: "I'm so tired. Being around Mikio-san is exhausting." Isaku: "It's fine during rehearsal, but when we're on break..." Isaku: "Hey, are you listening?" Keiya: "I'm listening." Isaku: "Is he in a bad mood?" Isaku: "Your cigarette reeks." Keiya: "You shouldn't let down your guard and trust him." Isaku: "Huh?" Keiya: "We have no idea what he's thinking—or what he might do." Isaku: "I haven't let down my guard." Keiya: "If you say so. You do let people steer you pretty easily, though." Isaku: "Excuse me?" Mikio: "Tell me, what is it you like about Kei-chan?" Isaku: "Keep your voice down! I told you, it's a secret! And why should I tell you that, anyway?" Mikio: "Hey, everybody! Isaku-chan here actually has a yakuza—" Isaku: "I'm sorry!" Mikio: "Is it his face? He is a looker." Isaku: "I-I mean, I do like his face..." Isaku: "but..." Isaku: "I also like his voice, and I guess his hands too?" Isaku: "I've loved him since the moment I met him, I think." Isaku: "He's always been the one closest to me, listening to me." Isaku: "Putting it into words like this makes me love Keiya even more." Isaku: "Keiya?" Ando & Katsuki: "Tanuki-kun!" ujita & Harasaki: "Our sword!" Ando & Katsuki: "T-Tanuki-kun!" ujita & Harasaki: "O-Our sword..." Keiya: "How was that performance, Directors?" Ando: "Say what?" Isaku: "What the hell are you doing?" Keiya: "I couldn't take it any more." Isaku: "Why at that moment?! And you promised not to interfere!" Keiya: "But, Isaku-san, you..." Isaku: "What did I do?" Keiya: "Appreciate my efforts, please." Isaku: "Excuse me?" Keiya: "I've endured as best I could so far. I can't keep being good unless you encourage me with a pat on the head." Isaku: "Says the prop-destroyer." Isaku: "Should I humor him for now to smooth things over?" Isaku: "I honestly found what he did cathartic, but... I already knew what Keiya's like and what he'd do, and I didn't jump in to help, so maybe I'm partly responsible." Isaku: "You're hopeless." Isaku: "Good boy." Isaku: "Huh?" Isaku: "Was that not it?" Isaku: "Keiya!" Isaku: "Jeez, my skirt flipped up." Isaku: "Don't sniff me!" Isaku: "Okay, all done." Keiya: "It's not enough." Keiya: "It's rare for you to be the one initiating things. I want more." Isaku: "Hey, done means done." Keiya: "Aw." Isaku: "Pouting won't work." Isaku: "We'll go back, and you'll apologize to everyone." Keiya: "All right." Mikio: "Kei-chan obviously likes you back." Mikio: "I find destruction more exciting than creation." Mikio: "Man, my belly hurts." Katsuki: "Welcome back." Keiya: "Hello." Isaku: "That "hello" should've been "sorry."" Ando: "Have you calmed down, Uto-kun?" Keiya: "Yes. I'm sorry about before." Ando: "I see." Ando: "Well, Tanuki-kun is back from the nurse's office, too." Ando: "So? Why'd you fight?" Keiya: "There was a pest on him, so I tried to shoo it away, but I accidentally swung too hard." Mikio: "Ain't he sweet? I just hate pests." Katsuki: "They're not even trying to sell the lie." Ando: "Look, you guys, we're in the middle of prepping for the festival. Don't drag everyone down with your disputes. Each person needs to cooperate for us to make this a success! Got that?" Keiya: "Yes." Mikio: "Yep." Ando: "Okay, you two put the desks and chairs back." Katsuki: "Everyone else, back to rehearsal!" Mikio: "Ha, the pest was me!" Mikio: "So have you done it with Isaku-chan yet?" Mikio: "Just jokin', I know you haven't." Mikio: "You're a player, but I guess you're inexperienced at love, huh?" Mikio: "If you keep takin' your sweet time, some pest may make trouble, y'know." Keiya: "Sorry, did you say something to me?" Mikio: "Wow, totally ignorin' me? Rude." Keiya: "Oh, I do apologize about before. That sword was light as a feather." Mikio: "So insincere!" Katsuki: "Hey, you two, come over here when you're done." Keiya / Mikio: "Okay." Isaku: "Keiya!" Isaku: "I should've asked before, but will you really be okay?" Isaku: "Won't you get in trouble for doing something like that to Mikio-san?" Keiya: "I'll be fine. Probably." Isaku: ""Probably."" Ando: "Okay! Five days to showtime!" Ando: "Today we'll do a full run-through!" Isaku: "This dress is very cute." Satonaka: "Isaku-chan, strike a pose!" Someone (Girl): "Look this way!" Someone Else (Girl): "Over here!" Isaku: "H-Huh?" Ando: "You look every bit as beautiful as Olivia Hussey!" Katsuki: "Totally! Wait, who's that?" Isaku: "I'm a little embarrassed." Mikio: "Kei-chan, I don't wanna wear tight clothes! They're so confining!" Keiya: "I see." Isaku: "Keiya looks good." Isaku: "I stared too long." Mikio: "Kei-chan, are you listening?" Ando: "Juliet and Tybalt have a good atmosphere going!" Katsuki: "She doesn't even notice Romeo." Ando: "So beautiful!" Katsuki: "Perfection." Ando: "Okay, let's start from Juliet's scene!" Katsuki: "Start whenever you're ready!" Isaku: "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" Ando: "Okay, okay!" Ando: "Hold on just a sec." Katsuki: "The visual is perfect..." Ando: "Honestly, since I saw zero chance of her improving, I gently told her she didn't need to force herself to play the role, but she said..." Isaku: "Thank you for worrying about my feelings. But I'll be okay." Isaku: "Give me the Spartan treatment." Isaku: "I'll work hard and not give up!" Ando: "I see, you're gonna work hard and not give up. That's so commendable..." Ando: "So yeah." Katsuki: "I see." Ando: "Let's take that one more time!" Isaku: "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?!" Ando: "Okay, that's a wrap for today!" Katsuki: "Everyone can go home once they're done cleaning up." Ando / Katsuki: "Great work today!" Yagi / Sato: "Great work today!" Ando: "Uto-kun, Tanuki-kun, you two were amazing!" Mikio: "V!" Katsuki: "And, Isaku-chan..." Isaku: "Yes?!" Katsuki: "Mm-hmm." Isaku: "Huh? "Mm-hmm"?" Ando: "Mm-hmm." Mikio: "Translation: "We gave up and accepted your bad acting."" Isaku: "No way..." Isaku: "I thought I'd improved a lot!" Keiya: "Mikio-san, why would you say that?" Keiya: "Isaku-san personified Juliet. The whole audience will be moved to tears." Mikio: "Such a straight face as you lie like crazy." Ando / Katsuki: "Uto Keiya: the man who lies like he breathes." Isaku: "I feel like Mikio-san is the one who's right..." Mikio: "Your acting is as bland as a daikon!" Mikio: "Tanukis never lie." Keiya: "Isaku-san, it's okay. It's just a cultural festival. Even if we fail, we won't die." Mikio: "You're not helpin', Kei-chan." Mikio: "She wants to make it a success!" Isaku: "What do I do? The festival is just around the corner. Did all the others find my acting that terrible?" Isaku: "If I don't do something, everyone's festival will be ruined because of me." Mikio: "Want me to stay late and rehearse with you?" Isaku: "Yes, please!" Keiya: "That won't be necessary." Isaku: "Why did you say that, Keiya?" Keiya: "I have Romeo's lines memorized. You can practice with me." Isaku: "That won't work. Mikio-san is Romeo, so I have to get in sync with him." Keiya: "Sync?" Mikio: "What she said. I'm Romeo! I have time now, so shall we just do it here?" Keiya: "Let's get out of costume first." Mikio: "I'll go call Four-Eyes first." Isaku: "I'm sure Mikio-san is only doing this on a whim, but it's helpful." Mikio: "Yo, it's me." Isaku: "What's wrong, Keiya?" Keiya: "It's nothing." Ando: "Okay, everyone, clean up quick!" Katsuki: "We're going home. Will you be okay?" Isaku: "Yes." Isaku: "Thank you for staying late." Mikio: "We're buddies. Don't sweat it." Keiya: "Let's go home. Right now. This moment." Mikio: "Kei-chan, you're such a pest." Isaku: "O Romeo, Romeo... Romeo, Romeo, Romeo..." Mikio: "You sound like you're hexing someone. Your movements are stiff, too. Watch and learn." Mikio: "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" Mikio: "Like that." Isaku: "He's good." Mikio: "Okay, Isaku-chan. You try it." Isaku: "O-O Romeo..." Mikio: "Your voice sounds too shy!" Isaku: "O Romeo, Romeo!" Mikio: "That's it!" Mikio: "That's good." Mikio: "Don't move, Kei-chan." Mikio: "Or I'll cut Isaku-chan."
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 8 – Cheap Theatrics and Melodrama", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "8", "Cheap Theatrics and Melodrama" ] }
Isaku: "Thank you for staying late." Mikio: "We're buddies. Don't sweat it." Keiya: "Let's go home. Right now. This moment." Mikio: "Kei-chan, you're such a pest." Isaku: "O Romeo, Romeo!" Mikio: "That's it!" Mikio: "That's good." Mikio: "Don't move, Kei-chan." Mikio: "Or I'll cut Isaku-chan." Isaku: "What? What's happening?" Mikio: "Okay, Kei-chan, into the van, please!" Keiya: "What's your game here, Mikio-san? Just get in the van." Isaku: "What's going on right now?" Isaku: "Hey!" Mikio: "Aw, Isaku-chan, you're bein' noisy." Mikio: "Don't worry, baby." Mikio: "If you behave, I won't cut you." Mikio: "If you behave." Isaku: "He's serious." Mikio: "You too, Kei-chan. Got that?" Punk 1: "Wow. I've never touched a real handgun before." Punk 2: "Here we go!" Punk 3: "He seems pretty mild-mannered. You sure he's yakuza?" Punk 2: "Well, he doesn't look like a high school kid." Punk 3: "The chick is cute! This'll be fun." Mikio: "Shut up." Punk 3: "Okay." Isaku: "I can't see outside. I don't know what time it is." Isaku: "Where are they taking us?" Keiya: "Isn't it about time you told me what your goal is?" Mikio: "Y'know, girls don't like impatient guys, Kei-chan." Mikio: "I'm bored. Every day, no matter what I do, nothing's interesting. Can't even tell if I'm alive or dead." Mikio: "Plus, I can't even street fight lately, since Grandpa's always houndin' me!" Mikio (To Punk): "Yeah, cuff him to that." Mikio (Back To Keiya): "Can't go to my usual fun spots anymore, either." Mikio: "I was goin' crazy with nothing to do. But then I met you, Kei-chan!" Keiya: "You better talk to me with respect, kid." Mikio: "You gave me chills that day." Isaku: "What day? I want that." Keiya: "And? Why are we here?" Mikio: "I'm about to assault Isaku-chan!" Isaku: "Say what?" Mikio: "I figured this'd be a good way to make you mad." Mikio: "It's hell, right?" Keiya: "Stop!" Punk 1: "I told you not to move!" Mikio: "Now, now. They won't shoot him if you lie back and let me do you." Mikio: "So don't struggle." Mikio: "I know, I know, you're a virgin." Mikio: "It's okay. I'll be gentle." Keiya: "Hey!" Mikio: "Are you scared? Kei-chan can't save you." Isaku: "This guy totally underestimates me." Punk 1: "Hey, Mikio, lemme have a turn later." Punk 3: "I told you to be good." Mikio: "Geez, Kei-chan, you really don't know when to give up." Isaku: "To hell with you. I'm not gonna let my youth or my life be some tool" Isaku: "for your thoroughly stupid, messed-up teenage rebellion." Isaku: "Not a chance!" Punk 2: "H-Hey!" Punk 3: "Huh?" Punk 1: "You bastard!" Punk 2: "Shit. Stand up!" Keiya: "Isaku-san!" Mikio: "Wow! That's my Kei-chan, winnin' in one second flat." Isaku: "Keiya, don't!" Keiya: "Step back a little, Isaku-san." Keiya: "He's done something unforgivable." Isaku: "I said don't. We can't do the play without him!" Punk 2: "Ow! Shit!" Keiya: "Pardon?" Isaku: "Our whole class worked hard to make this, and it's not okay for that to go to waste because of this guy and his garbage stunt." Isaku: "And... he didn't actually succeed, so..." Keiya: "I understand." Mikio: "You're bein' understanding about that? You respect her will that much?" Isaku: "Never show your face around me again after the festival." Mikio: "You're bein' too soft." Keiya: "I couldn't agree more." Isaku: "You said you understood!" Keiya: "I do understand." Isaku: "Did you just click your tongue?" Keiya: "No." Keiya: "Next, the key to the cuffs..." ur-Eyes: "Mikio-san! I can't believe you! Where are you?! Your grandfather is furious!" Keiya: "You didn't manage him well enough, Four-Eyes." Keiya: "This is Uto of the Senagaki-gumi." ur-Eyes: "May I ask what this is about?" Keiya: "Your Mikio-san tried to rape our Isaku-san." ur-Eyes: "What?!" Keiya: "We don't plan to stir up trouble over it, because Isaku-san doesn't want us to." ur-Eyes: "Huh?" Keiya: "But if it ever happens again, our bosses and organizations won't matter." Keiya: "I'll personally deliver the punishment for laying hands on my woman." ur-Eyes: "Uto—" Isaku: "Who were you talking to?" Keiya: "Four-Eyes." Isaku: ""Four-Eyes"?" Keiya: "He's the one assigned to watch Mikio-san." Keiya: "Isaku-san, are you all right?" Isaku: "Yeah." Isaku: "It was scary, but I'm fine..." Isaku: "I think." Isaku: "My crotch kick hit home. The self-defense training must've paid off!" Keiya: "Maybe so." Isaku: "I was right to study it." Keiya: "You've gotten stronger." Isaku: "Have I? Lots of dangerous stuff happens to me when I'm with you, so maybe I'm used to it." Isaku: "Plus..." Isaku: "I was certain you'd protect me." Isaku: "What?!" Keiya: "Shall we go home?" Isaku: "Yeah." Isaku: "Hey, how did you get your hand out of the cuff?" Keiya: "I dislocated a joint. I've already popped it back in." Isaku: "Uh-huh..." Ando: "The festival is finally here..." Ando: "But unfortunately, Tanuki-kun, our Romeo, isn't here!" All: "What?!" Isaku: "That bastard..." Girl: "I wonder if he's still sick." Boy: "Yeah, he's been out for days." Ando: "He said he could make it to the performance, but..." Isaku: "Mikio hasn't come to school since that day." Isaku: "He'd better not have lost interest in the play after losing to Keiya." Katsuki: "You've played Romeo in rehearsal." Ando: "I can't today—there's too much else to do." Katsuki: "At this point, I guess we'll have to get a sub and do cue cards." Keiya: "I can play Romeo." Ando: "You're Tybalt." Keiya: "Tybalt would be easier to sub. He has fewer scenes. And I can play Romeo perfectly." Katsuki: "Uh, why perfectly?" Ando: "Well, in that case, we'll give Romeo to Uto-kun and sub in someone for Tybalt." Mikio: "Here I come to save the day! Mickey is on the scene!" Ando: "You're late!" Katsuki: "I see you're feeling better." Mikio: "Yep! All good." Ando: "Okay, everyone, start setting up!" Classmates: "Okay." Mikio: "Aw, long time no see! How are you two?" Keiya: "Keep your distance, please." Isaku: "How does your brain even work?" Keiya: "Don't come within a 20,000-kilometer radius of Isaku-san." Isaku: "You're askin' me to leave planet Earth!" Keiya: "You've got some nerve." Isaku: "Never mind him, Keiya!" Keiya: "Do you realize that you only survived that day thanks to Isaku-san?" Isaku: "We need to go get in costume!" Mikio: "Not like I asked her to save my life, but yeah." Isaku: "Don't fan the flames, jerk!" Mikio: "But y'know, that all made me change my opinion of Isaku-chan: the girl's got spine! I figured I'd take the rest of the rehearsals seriously, but Grandpa got majorly pissed! I was black and blue. Had to wait for the swellin' to go down." Keiya: "It's a shame I couldn't do the beating." Ando: "What's wrong with you all?! Hurry it up!" Isaku: "Right! Come on, you two!" Keiya: "Right." Mikio: "Kei-chan, one sec." Keiya: "Don't touch me." Mikio: "C'mon, you'll like what I have to say." Isaku: "Thank goodness Mikio made it in time." Isaku: "Though it feels like kind of a shame, too." Katsuki: "Isaku-chan! Get your hair done once you're in costume!" Isaku: "Will do!" Isaku: "Right now, I just have to give my all to making this play great!" Morikawa: "I neither know it nor can learn of him." Maruyama: "Have you importuned him by any means?" Morikawa: "By myself and many others." Maruyama: "See where he comes. So please you, step aside." Morikawa: "Come, madam, let's away." Isaku: "It's Mikio's entrance." Maruyama: "Good morrow, cousin." Keiya: "Benvolio! Is the day so young?" Satonaka; Isaku; Ando: "Huh?!" Ando: "Why is Uto-kun playing Romeo?" Satonaka: "Where's Tanuki-kun?" Mikio: "Here!" Isaku: "Hey! What's this about?" Mikio: "Surprise!" Isaku: "How much chaos do you need to cause before you're satisfied?!" Maruyama: "Uh... What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?" Mikio: "I swapped roles with Kei-chan." Keiya: "Not having that which, having, makes them short." Isaku: "What for?!" Mikio: "For Operation Lovey-Dovey. I figured playin' his lover might make you happy." Isaku: "What kind of reason is that? You're causing everyone trouble!" Ando: "If it's for Operation Lovey-Dovey, we should roll with it." Satonaka: "Mm-hmm!" Isaku: "Huh?!" Ando: "This whole play was a plot to get them together anyway. If Tanuki-kun and Uto-kun perform "perfectly," it'll all work out." Keiya: "Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs..." Ando: "Isaku-chan, you're up. Get ready." Isaku: "R-Right! I'm Juliet," Isaku: "and Keiya is..." Isaku: "Romeo!" Keiya: "Beauty for Earth too dear. The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand" Keiya: "and, touching hers, make blessèd my rude hand." Katsuki: "She looks love-stupid!" Katsuki: "Your face! Your face!" Isaku: "O-Oh, no. Playing against Keiya is different from Mikio..." Isaku: "I can't help but smile!" Keiya: "If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, my lips ready stand with a tender kiss." Juliet: "Palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." Isaku: "Right now, on stage," Isaku: "I don't have to hide my love for Keiya, do I?" Keiya: "O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do." Ando: "Operation Lovey-Dovey..." Katsuki: "...is a big success." Mikio: "This went better than I thought." Mikio: "How boring." Katsuki: "Great work, everyone!" Satonaka: "I was worried there for a while." Kawasaki: "Thank goodness it turned out okay!" Katsuki: "Although Romeo and Tybalt are catching hell right now." Ando: "That was not okay! Even if you did do great." Yagi: "Senagaki-san, that was the best you've ever played Juliet!" Sato: "I thought the same thing! You gave it such emotion." Isaku: "R-Really?" Yagi: "Must be the power of love." Isaku: "H-Huh?" Sato: "I was worried when they swapped roles. But it was fun, huh?" Morikawa: "It really was." Maruyama: "I think that was our best R&J yet!" Isaku: "I'm so glad." Maruyama; Yagi; Morikawa; Sato: "Frankly, our biggest worry was your performance, so we're really glad Uto-kun and Tanuki-kun switched!" Sato: "Let's get a group pic." Isaku: "Y-You want me in it too?" Yagi: "Of course!" Maruyama: "You're the leading lady." Moriyama: "What he said!" Sato: "Uto-kun!" Yagi: "Tanuki-kun!" Isaku: "Oh, hey..." Isaku: "how did you get your costumes to fit?" Keiya: "Mikio-san says he altered them." Isaku: "He's so randomly diligent..." Keiya: "You're not angry?" Isaku: "Eh, the play went well, and everyone said it was my best performance." Keiya: "Isaku-san, I noticed you ad-libbed a bit." Isaku: "I-I was reacting to you! I mean, I was Juliet then, not Isaku, so..." Isaku: "Those sounded like excuses!" Keiya: "You sound like a real actress." Isaku: "Right. I was acting." Keiya: "Unfair Isaku-san is back." Keiya: "O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do." Isaku: "Wha... I..." Isaku: "What was that?!" Keiya: "A pilgrim's kiss." Keiya: "I'm Romeo now, not Keiya." Isaku: "The play is over!" Keiya: "O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do."
{ "raw_title": "A Girl & Her Guard Dog Episode 9 – KNIVES AND ATTACKS", "parsed": [ "A Girl & Her Guard Dog", "9", "Knives And Attacks" ] }
Kimari: "Water collects into stagnant pools." Kimari: "I've always loved watching it spill out all at once." Kimari: "Breaking free, liberated, rushing out." Kimari: "The energy stored up during its stagnation bursts forth." Kimari: "Everything springs into action!" Kimari'S Mom: "Tamaki Mari-san, it's already noon." Kimari: "I... I had the scariest dream!" Kimari'S Mom: "What was it?" Kimari: "I dreamed you put a wet towel on my face in an attempt to kill me, Mom." Kimari'S Mom: "That does sound scary... I told you yesterday to tidy up your room." Kimari: "Wait!" Kimari: "Ow..." Kimari: "Huh? "Things I want to do in high school." "Keep a diary." "Skip school just once." "Go on a journey without a plan."" Kimari'S Mom: "What are you talking about?" Kimari'S Mom: "What?" Megumi: "So?" Kimari: "Well, I just realized, I'm in my second year of high school and I haven't done anything!" Megumi: "You didn't do anything in middle school either, Kimari." Kimari: "Exactly! I knew I had to start doing stuff when I got into high school! That it isn't good sleepwalking through life... I only have so much time, so I'm wondering, where did all that determination go?" Megumi: "So, what are you gonna do?" Kimari: "I decided..." Kimari: "I'm gonna make it happen!" Megumi: "Tokyo?" Kimari: "Yeah. First I'll go to Tokyo, then I'll start my journey from there. Drifting from place to place on a whim!" Megumi: "When?" Kimari: "Ouch!" Boy: "Enjoy your trip." Megumi: "Tomorrow?" Kimari: "Yeah. I'm g-gonna ditch school." Megumi: "Well, that sounds fine." Kimari: "I'm skipping school, though! Playing hooky!" Megumi: "Yeah, and it's not that big a deal." Kimari: "Not that big a deal?" Megumi: "Hey, Kimari... have you never ditched before?" Kimari: "You mean you have, Megu-chan?" Megumi: "Sure I have. Everyone has." Kimari: "Incredible!" Megumi: "Don't look at me like that." Kimari: "So, ever gone on a journey without a plan?" Megumi: "I guess not." Kimari: "Then... then... then..." Megumi: "I'm not going with you." Kimari: "How'd you know that's what I meant?" Megumi: "It was obvious. That's just the way you think, Kimari. But it's meaningless, unless you go by yourself, in my opinion." Kimari: "I see..." Megumi: "Just go." Megumi: "I'll help you." Kimari: "Okay!" Rin: "What are you doing, Sis?" Kimari: "Nothing!" Kimari'S Mom: "Heading out already?" Kimari'S Mom: "What's the big bag for?" Kimari: "I had to borrow gym clothes from a friend." Kimari'S Mom: "Again?" Kimari: "See you later!" Megumi: "Don't call me." Kimari: "I had to!" Megumi: "You don't have to worry. I already called the school. With my mimicry skills." Kimari: "For real?" Megumi: "If you have to stay overnight, I'll back up whatever story you use. Stop worrying and go." Kimari: "Sure!" Kimari: "I'm heading out on a journey." Kimari: "I'll change clothes in the bathroom. I'll get on a train that goes the opposite direction from school. While everyone goes to school like normal," Kimari: "I alone will burst free." Kimari: "I'll go on a journey without a plan." Kimari: "To a place I've never seen before..." Megumi: "What are you doing here?" Kimari: "Well... I mean, it was raining. And I started thinking, "you can't just skip school"..." Megumi: "Isn't there anywhere you wanted to go?" Kimari: "Sure, there is! Lots of places! Kyoto, Okinawa, Hokkaido..." Megumi: "Then why didn't you go there?" Kimari: "Well... you know..." Kimari: "A plane could crash. A shinkansen could explode..." Megumi: "And a meteor could fall at any time." Kimari: "I know that! I know!" Megumi: "Then why didn't you go?" Megumi: "You got scared?" Kimari: "You know. It's the thing I've always done... When I try to join clubs, when I try to learn new things, when I thought about taking the entrance exam for a really good school... I always chicken out at the very last minute. When I'm about to try something I've never done before, I start thinking, "What if it doesn't go well?" "I really don't want to fail." "What if I end up regretting it?"" Kimari: "When the moment comes, every single time..." Megumi: "Well, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing." Kimari: "I hate it, though." Kimari: "I really hate that part of me." Megumi: "See you." Kimari: "Sure." Megumi: "Next time, want to hang out somewhere?" Kimari: "Sure!" Kimari: "Hey, you dropped this!" Megumi: "Are you kidding me? How much is there?" Kimari: "I counted... it was exactly one million!" Megumi: "A million?!" Megumi: "Why did you keep it? Why didn't you take it to the police?" Kimari: "I freaked out!" Megumi: "Sure you did..." Kimari: "I'm serious! I seriously freaked out! And I think... the person who dropped it was wearing a uniform for our school." Megumi: "What year?" Kimari: "I'm not sure... I only caught a glimpse of her from behind." Megumi: "See her?" Kimari: "I don't... think so." Kimari: "Her hair was about as long as that girl's, and I think she was pretty." Megumi: "Anything else?" Kimari: "She smelled good. Conditioner, maybe?" Megumi: "Not much to go on... Well, it's okay. I don't think there are many girls with hair that long. I'm going to check the first-year classrooms." Kimari: "Okay..." Kimari: "I need to calm down..." Kimari: "That smell..." Shirase: "A million..." Shirase: "A million... yen." Shirase: "A million..." Shirase: "Yen!" Shirase: "What do you want?" Shirase: "What do you want?" Kimari: "Oh... actually... Um..." Shirase: "That's..." Kimari: "Uh, Yesterday, I... No, I didn't steal it! I just happened to—" Shirase: "Thank you." Shirase: "Thank you! Thank you!" Kimari: "Antarctica?" Shirase: "My mother wrote this book." Shirase: "She was a member of an Antarctic research expedition." Shirase: "She went missing when I was in middle school, though..." Kimari: "I see." Shirase: "They never found her, and she didn't leave much behind for me," Shirase: "so I'm going to go and find her." Kimari: "To Antarctica? Can you even do that?" Shirase: "That's what everyone says. My grandma, my friends, my teachers, my upperclassmen, and my neighbors... "You really think they'll let a child do that?" "Don't you realize how much that would cost?"" Kimari: "And that's what the million was for?" Shirase: "I've been working part-time jobs." Shirase: "I'm going to go." Shirase: "I'll go, then rub it in the faces of everyone who said I couldn't. After I finished my entrance exams and got into high school, I made up my mind." Kimari: "Antarctica, she said! Antarctica! Don't you think that's amazing? The furthest ends of the Earth!" Hina: "That will be 566 yen." Megumi: "Kobuchizawa Shirase?" Kimari: "Yeah! You know her, Megu-chan?" Megumi: "The girl in class 2 who they call "Antarctica," right?" Kimari: "Antarctica?" Megumi: "She's pretty famous, you know. Ever since she got to high school, she's talked about nothing but going to Antarctica." Kimari: "That is what she said..." Megumi: "There's no way she's going, though." Kimari: "But she has a million yen! And she said she was totally going!" Megumi: "She can't, though. Come on, it's Antarctica." Megumi: "You'd need to be part of an expedition to go." Kimari: "Then, why?" Megumi: "I dunno..." Megumi: "I mean, that's why people call her a weirdo. She doesn't make any friends. She spends all her time after school working and saving up money." Megumi: "Wanna hang out somewhere?" Kimari: "Oh... not today." Megumi: "There it is!" Shirase: "Excuse me, that's my bike." Girl: "Oh, is it? The Antarctic Express?" Girl: "Where's our payment? We were making sure no one stole it." Girl: "We hear you've got some money on you." Girl: "Could you lend us a little? Just a little..." Kimari: "E-Excuse me!" Kimari: "K-Kobuchizawa-san, the teacher's calling you. They gotta ask some questions about the money." Shirase: "Really?" Girl: "Way to spoil the fun..." Shirase: "You were lying?" Shirase: "Don't scare me like that... I thought the teacher really found out about it!" Kimari: "But I gave you a knowing look!" Shirase: "How was I supposed to know?" Shirase: "But why were you there? Just happened to be passing by?" Kimari: "Actually, I happened to see you, and I wanted to talk to you." Shirase: "About what?" Kimari: "I want to encourage you!" Kimari: "I wanted to do something when I got into high school." Kimari: "Something I'd never done. Something amazing! But I never did anything, and whenever I try, I end up getting scared and quit. So... I think it's really amazing to work hard at something, even when everyone discourages you and makes fun of you!" Shirase: "Just let people say what they want." Shirase: "Wanting to show them up just fires me up even more." Shirase: "I think it's for the best." Kimari: "Isn't there any way I can help you?" Kimari: "Just say the word!" Shirase: "Will you go with me, then?" Shirase: "People have said that to me in the past." Shirase: "But they all go away before long. They decide it's impossible," Shirase: "their friends get them to stop..." Shirase: "Or they get scared." Shirase: "I think that's normal. We're in high school, after all." Shirase: "They have classes to get to, and friends." Kimari: "I'm not like them! My feelings about this aren't that frivolous..." Shirase: "I'm checking out boats. Come here this Saturday." Shirase: "If you do, I'll believe you're serious." Kimari: ""Icebreaker Shirase, public exhibition"..." Kimari: "Hiroshima..." Kimari: "Or they get scared." Kimari: "I think that's normal." Kimari: "There's no way she's going, though." Kimari: "Will you go with me, then?" Rin: "Sis! I know it's Saturday, but you can't sleep in forev—" Kimari: "I'm going on a journey." Kimari: "This time, I am going on a journey. I'll get on the train that goes opposite the usual way," Kimari: "so that I can see things I've never seen before..." Kimari: "I'm scared; it's true..." Kimari: "I want to call it off..." Kimari: "It might all turn out to be pointless..." Kimari: "But..." Kimari: "Wow, it's so big!" Shirase: "Crossing the equator, weathering storms," Shirase: "breaking through ice..." Shirase: "14,000 kilometers from Japan. To that place further than the reaches of the universe," Shirase: "that unapproachable place..." Kimari: "How do you plan to get there?" Shirase: "You want to know?" Kimari: "The corners of her mouth curled up in a smile." Kimari: "My youth sprang into action!" Manager: "Miyake-san, come over here!"
{ "raw_title": "A Place Further Than the Universe Episode 1 – One Million Yen For Youth", "parsed": [ "A Place Further Than the Universe", "1", "One Million Yen For Youth" ] }
Hina: "Antarctica, huh?" Kima: "Antarctica, yeah..." Yuzu: "It really is Antarctica!" Shira: "Yeah..." Kana: "High school girls!" All: "Yes?" Kana: "Within 100 kg. You're clear." Kima: "I ate so much while cutting down on my sweets, but it didn't change!" Hina: "You should think about that, my dear." Shira: "Is that really what we're taking there?" Yuzu: "We can't go in the snow cat, I suppose?" Kima: "Yuzuki-chan, you look like you could die right now." Yuzu: "I certainly feel like it." Kima: "Look!" Kima: "It really is a big boat, isn't it?" Kima: "Right?" Shira: "Yeah." Hina: "At least look first." Man: "Hey, lie down there!" Kima: "Okay!" Yuzu: "It's so cold! Or not?" Shira: "December is summer here, so on warm days, it might not even get below freezing during the day." Hina: "Really?" Kima: "Hey, my hand's totally fine!" Kima: "Cold!" Kana: "I'll give you a quick tour before the stuff arrives and things get crazy." Hina: "So this is Syowa Station?" Kana: "That thing that looks like a stack of cubes is the control building. If this were a house, it would be like the living room where everyone hangs out." Kana: "That's the generator building." Kana: "Those are the residence building and the warehouses. That's the Lakeside Hotel." Kima: "Lakeside?" Kana: "It's what we call the lodging house for the summer team." Kana: "Normally, the members who aren't staying for the winter would live there. But because there hasn't been maintenance at the other building for three years, and seeing as you're girls..." Kana: "You get your own rooms!" Kima: "We get to use all this?" Kana: "The air is very dry, so be prepared for lots of static." Kana: "But the floors are heated, and if you open the blinds..." Yuzu: "At last, I don't have to worry about the things Kimari-san rambles in her sleep." Kima: "Do I really talk that much?" Yuzu: "Yes, you do! And you do it with your eyes open..." Kima: "Emergency." Yuzu: "What is it?" Kima: "The jar genie won't come out of the toilet." Kima: "He probably won't go through the ticket gate." Yuzu: "Like that." Kima: "What's the jar genie?" Yuzu: "How should I know?!" Kana: "Well, let's move on to the control building... Or that was my plan, but I bet the stuff is about to start arriving. Let's go back to the heliport." All: "Okay!" Toshi: "I'll have to replace this..." Yume: "Ow." Yumi: "Time for some cleaning up!" Kana: "Okay, let's take a break until the next one arrives! You okay?" Shira: "Yes. I worked part-time at a moving company." Kana: "Okay, then rest for ten minutes and then help me with the loading over there." Yuzu: "Oh? I got an email..." Kana: "It might have arrived when we were in the base earlier. We get a cell phone signal near the control building." Hina: "Wow, so we can use our smartphones, even in Antarctica?" Kima: "Penguins!" Hina: "Keep your voice down! Yuzu! The camera!" Yuzu: "R-Right!" Kana: "Just stay within five meters, okay?" Hina: "Got it!" Shira: "Pen...guin..." Hina: "Hold it!" Hina: "Okay, I'm filming! Yuzu, grab the mike and do a report!" Kima: "Hinata-chan, emergency!" Hina: "What?" Kima: "It's coming toward us!" Shira: "It's coming... coming..." Hina: "Wait, wait, wait! Stay within five meters! Wait, wait!" Kana: "Never a dull moment, huh?" Kana: "Something wrong?" Yuzu: "Oh, no..." Kima: "Is it really okay to drop dirty snow in there?" Shira: "They said it would get filtered, so it's fine." Hina: "Don't take that off. You'll get sunburn." Kima: "But it's hard to breathe!" Hina: "But it's just been one job after another, huh?" Shina: "No one's been here for three years, so we'll probably be this busy for a while." Hina: "I see..." Shira: "You don't like it?" Hina: "Keeping busy is the best way to speed the clock's hands!" Shira: "Another made-up saying?" Hina: "I thought that one up when I was working at the convenience store. I think I prefer to keep busy." Kima: "I'm exhausted!" Yuzu: "I agree." Yuzu: "I think I like keeping busy, too." Kima: "What?" Yuzu: "Well... we've been traveling together for so long, haven't we?" Kima: "Yeah! We have!" Yuzu: "We talked about a lot of things and had fun together, didn't we?" Hina: "What's with you right now?" Kima: "A drama?" Yuzu: "I had an audition before we set out. It's a morning drama. I'll be playing the best friend of the protagonist." Hina: "No way! And you got the part?" Kima: "That's amazing!" Yuzu: "It is great! But when the drama starts shooting, I'll have a lot less time. We won't be able to hang out together like this anymore!" Shira: "You don't like that?" Hina: "Well, even without the drama, we'd be living separately again anyway." Yuzu: "B-But..." Kima: "It's okay. We're all best friends already." Yuzu: "Best friends? Are we best friends?" Hina: "Don't cry." Yuzu: "But didn't you say before... that you'd only just met?" Shira: "Well, at the time, that was the case." Yuzu: "So when did you decide you were best friends?" Yuzu: "Did it happen while I was in Hokkaido?" Kima: "Well..." Yuzu: "It did, didn't it?" Hina: "Don't cry!" Yuzu: "The three of you, without me..." Hina: "Wait, wait, wait!" Yuzu: "Without ever telling me..." Kima: "Don't go outside!" Hina: "Anyway, there's nothing we've done without telling you!" Yuzu: "Really?" Hina: "You really don't trust anyone, do you?" Kima: "Actually, there is one thing we haven't told you!" Kima: "But we are still friends. All of us!" Yuzu: "Since when?" Kima: "I don't know. No time in particular..." Hina: "That's what being friends is, though!" Yuzu: "But you never told me you wanted to be friends." Kana: "Let's have another productive day tomorrow!" All: "Yeah!" Shira: "When did we become friends, huh?" Hina: "You think she was waiting this whole time for someone to say, "Let's be friends"?" Shira: "We could just say it." Hina: "Hell no. "You're obviously just saying that because I made you!"" Shira: "We don't have to do it. How's Kimari doing?" Hina: "I dunno. She said she could handle it..." Hina: "But she's so bold about some things and so timid about others..." Man: "Helmets good? Helmets good! Chin straps good? Chin straps good! Health good? Health good! Feet good? Feet good! Let's have another productive day! Let's do it! Be safe! Be safe!" Kima: "They said we'd get to work indoors..." Hina: "But it's colder in here than it is outside!" Yuzu: "My nose is getting red!" Shira: "They're conserving energy, remember? We need to keep the indoor work short." Kima: "This is all of it, right?" Yumi: "Yes, thank you. Next, take this." Hina: "A chicken?" Yumi: "Yeah, because it's Christmas. I want you to find somewhere warm to defrost it. I had a few I set defrosting yesterday, but it doesn't look like it'll be enough." Hina: "Somewhere warm..." Kima: "I have an idea!" Yuzu: "Go for it! And you two can stay here and help me." Shira: "Yes, ma'am." Kima: "That'd be the best place!" Hina: "That seems unspeakably dangerous." Kima: "What about here, in the sun?" Kima: "It never sets here, after all!" Hina: "I don't know..." Kima: "They're both birds." Hina: "I don't think that matters to them. There are penguins here, too." Kima: "Do they eat chicken, too?!" Hina: "How should I know?!" Hina: "There, that should do it." Kima: "Yeah!" Kima: "But how are things going with the other thing?" Kima: "Oh, just perfect!" Yumi: "Okay, today's pick-me-up is done!" Yuzu: "That's quite extravagant." Shira: "Well, it is Christmas..." Yuzu: "Is Christmas that important?" Yumi: "Do you know the most important parts of life on the station?" Yuzu: "No..." Yumi: "Food and events. We'll be living a spartan life in a limited space for a long time, after all." Yuzu: "Is that right?" Yuzu: "It's time for your pick-me-up." Yuzu: "Christmas cake!" Yuzu: "Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!" Shira: "You don't like Christmas?" Yuzu: "It's not that I don't like it..." Yuzu: "But it's like a birthday, isn't it?" Shira: "So?" Yuzu: "It's not fair, is it? Everybody has a birthday, yet there are people whose birthdays get celebrated, and people whose birthdays don't." Shira: "Isn't that your song?" Kima: "You want to get the external shots in advance?" Hina: "Yeah. Since they said we might not be able to go outside if the wind picks up." Yuzu: "Um..." Yuzu: "About that thing I mentioned before..." Hina: "What happened?" Yuzu: "I've decided to do the drama." Kima: "Really?" Yuzu: "Yes. I gave it a lot of thought, and apparently some people here may be looking forward to it." Hina: "Yeah, that's right!" Kima: "Yeah, yeah!" Yuzu: "So, could I ask a favor of you all?" Yuzu: "Could you fill this out?" Kima: "What's this?" Yuzu: "This way, even after our adventure is over, and we're not around each other as often, I know we'll be fine." Hina: "Oh, come on..." Shira: "This won't mean anything." Shira: "I've been all alone before, so I know. Even if you do this..." Yuzu: "Kimari-san?" Kima: "Sorry. I'm sorry." Kima: "You don't know, do you?" Kima: "You can't know, can you?" Yumi: "Don't leave a scrap behind! If you don't clean your plate, you'll be denied bathroom privileges!" Yume: "Still partially frozen." Hona: "Yeah, partially frozen." Yumi: "It says "partially frozen rice bowl" on the menu!" Yume: "That's one way to put it." Kima: "Yuzuki-chan, want seconds?" Yuzu: "No..." Yuzu: "Kimari-san!" Yuzu: "Um... after dinner, I was hoping to talk to you." Kima: "Sorry, I have something I have to take care of." Yuzu: "I see..." Hina: "What should we do?" Shira: "I don't know if I know what to say to her." Hina: "Then, should we lay off?" Shira: "I didn't say that..." Hina: "Yuzu." Hina: "Don't worry. She's not mad, or anything." Yuzu: "But Kimari-san cried." Shira: "I think she felt hurt." Shira: "It's all on you." Hina: "Don't ditch me!" Yuzu: "Have I done something strange?" Hina: "Well... I wouldn't say "strange." If I were in your position, I'd probably feel the same way." Hina: "It's just..." All: "Merry Christmas!" Shira: "Friendship isn't about lots of words." Yuzu: "I hear that a lot... What is it about, then?" Hina: "Give me a break... It's about... feelings?" Yuzu: "Feelings?" Hina: "For instance, let's say you tell Kimari you like her. Kimari doesn't believe you, so she wants you to write it down on a piece of paper. You'd hate that, right? You'd feel like she didn't trust you." Yuzu: "Well..." Kima: "Seconds, please!" Hina: "That's probably why she was crying." Hina: "Yuzu, Kimari already sees you as a friend." Yuzu: "But what makes us friends? How do you become friends?" Hina: "Well..." Shira: "There's probably no real way to define it." Shira: "It's not like a parental or spousal relationship. It's more vague than that." Shira: "No one's to blame if it fades." Yuzu: "Oh, no..." Shira: "That's the case for me, at least. But that's what lets it feel unrestrained. That's what lets us be together." Kana: "Merry Christmas." Gin: "We're back." Shira: "Are there good children here, too?" Shira: "Are there good children here, too?" Hina: "Why even bother with the performance?" Shira: "That's why I didn't want to do this! Why did you make us do it?" Hina: "Forget it. Come on, let's go. Kimari told us to, remember?" Yuzu: "What does it mean?" Yuzu: "I really don't think I understand..." Kima: "M-Merry Christmas!" Yuzu: "What are you doing?!" Kima: "It's Christmas, so..." Kima: "That hurt!" Yuzu: "Are you okay?" Kima: "Could we talk for a minute?" Kima: "It's hard to settle down when it stays dusk like this, huh? It's like the day never ends." Yuzu: "You're angry, aren't you?" Yuzu: "You didn't write back." Kima: "Because you didn't have anything to apologize for." Yuzu: "What's that?" Kima: "Megu-chan has been my best friend since kindergarten." Kima: "Right before I headed out, she said she wanted to break things off... But I still think of her as a friend, so..." Yuzu: "She doesn't respond often, does she?" Kima: "But somehow, I can tell... When I'm watching the screen, and it pops up with the little "message read" sign. She writes something back, sometimes right away, sometimes after a while, sometimes half a day..." Kima: "Each time I see it, I can tell. "Ah, I bet she's at school right now." "I bet she's in bed." "I bet she's not sure whether or not she should respond."" Kima: "I can tell just how she's feeling. Is that weird?" Kima: "I think that's what friends are for me." Kima: "It's totally vague, I know, but that's what it is for me." Kima: "I'm sorry. I guess that doesn't solve anything..." Shira: "Merry Christmas! And..." Both: "Happy birthday!" Kima: "Yuzuki-chan, it was your birthday before, right? But we spent so long being seasick at the time... We're sorry." Kima: "Kimari suggested that we should celebrate it in Antarctica. We had Yumiko-san set the ingredients aside." Hina: "Well, just fill in the parts we messed up with your imagination." Kima: "Yuzuki-chan..." Kima: "Happy birthday." Hina: "Happy birthday!" Shira: "Go on, blow them out." Kima: "Again?" Hina: "This is just like the first time we met you, huh?" Yuzu: "I'm not crying!" Hina: "Blow them out before they melt. Yuzuki-chan." Yuzu: "No!" Yuzu: "Because... it's the first time... friends have celebrated my birthday..." Kima: "Go on, Yuzuki-chan." Hina: "Hey! Oh, dear..." Yuzu: "I messed up my first time!" Yuzu: "Time for a pick-me-up!" All: "Right!" Hina: "But when the question gets put to you, it's hard to express it, huh?" Shira: "You mean, what friends are?" Hina: "Yeah." Kima: "Wow, after you burn it, there's so little left." Shira: "But they say when they take back a whole year's worth of garbage it'll be like a mountain." Kima: "I get it!" Kima: "I think friendship is this one little word!" Hina: "What's with that quote?" Shira: "But it's better than your quotes, Hinata."
{ "raw_title": "A Place Further Than the Universe Episode 10 – Partial Friendship", "parsed": [ "A Place Further Than the Universe", "10", "Partial Friendship" ] }
Hina: "No! I don't want to die!" Kima: "Shut up!" Hina: "Let go! This is why I didn't want to come here!" Yuzu: "Kimari-san..." Kima: "Shut up! If you want her to live, fork over the cash!" Hina: "Help me! I have a turtle and a hamster who need me!" Yuzu: "I'm sorry, I'm just a temp. You'll want to talk to the banking manager..." Shira: "This is no time to be playing around." Kima: "You're still laughing?!" Yuzu: "She's right. It's not nice to keep laughing at her..." Kima: "Yuzuki-chan. That's the kind of thing that hurts most..." Woman: "Can you hear me?" Hina: "There it is! Kimari!" Kima: "Rin! Mom!" Mom: "What happened to your face? We've gotta take a picture!" Kima: "That's the first thing you have to say after all this time?" Rin: "Sis, are you gonna do your New Year's Eve broadcast looking like that?" Hina: "My stomach hurts!" Kima: "We're working on it..." Woman: "Next. Miyake-san?" Hina: "Yes?" Woman: "Some friends of yours heard about this relay test and came to talk to you." Hina: "Friends?" Hina: "Of mine?" Girl: "Miyake-san, it's been so long! We haven't heard from you for so long, so we were worried." Girl: "What is it? Did it go down?" Shira: "Hinata?" Hina: "Ouchies! My leg's cramped! Shirase, sorry, you take over!" Shira: "Hey! Hinata!" Gin: "It's here." Kana: "That's all the extra stuff we needed brought by DROMLAN from Japan on its way to the new station." Gin: "Which means we have everything we need now." Kana: "Of course, we won't be able to create an observatory that can see the stars this year right away." Kana: "But a few years from now, if we try for it..." Gin: "We should go, shouldn't we?" Kana: "I think that's what everyone wants, at least." Kana: "Still... that's the place where Takako died." Kana: "It's not safe at all." Kana: "What should we do?" Kima: "This is awful!" Kima: "I bet Mom's spreading it all over social media right now!" Yuzu: "What's the big deal? It makes better advertising for the broadcast." Shira: "Hinata?" Hina: "Oh... do mine, too!" Kima: "Oh? Your only New Year's card is to your manager? None for your friends from earlier?" Hina: "Well... they're New Year's cards, but they won't reach anyone until the boat gets back to Japan anyway. I'm gonna hit the can!" Hina: "Ouch! Stupid thing..." Kima: "Is she annoyed? Did it hurt that much?" Yuzu: "She seems a bit stressed out." Kima: "Shirase-chan, you're going, too?" Hina: "Piss off! Piss off!" Hina: "Piss off, damn it!" Hina: "Stupid thing!" Hina: "Piss off!" Kima: "There you are! The weather's cleared up, so they said they'd bring us along for the sea ice and geological testing!" Hina: "I'll prepare the camera, so think about your report!" Shira: "Huh? Oh. Right." Kima: "Expedition! Expedition!" Yuzu: "Don't forget, you said you'd do the report!" Hina: "Don't claim later that you don't want to do it!" Shira: "Um... Hinata... About before..." Hina: "That was a test, so it won't cut the mustard." Shira: "No—" Kima: "Hurry up! They're heading out soon!" Hina: "Coming!" Hona: "We did this together three years ago." Hona: "Takako-senpai just wanted to do everything." Kima: "She did?" Hona: "Yeah, she went all over." Kima: "She was here, too, Shirase-chan!" Kima: "Isn't that nice?" Shira: "Yeah..." Hona: "Take that!" Kima: "What's that?" Hona: "It's all ice up ahead, so we're digging a hole with steam." Hona: "After that, I think we went to Rundvågshetta." Kima: "Sounds like a powerful name!" Hona: "It's a place with exposed rock." Hona: "If you ask Nobue-san, she might take you there." Kima: "Let's go!" Kima: "Sea Ice here! Nobue-san at geology? Do you read? Over!" bu: "Haven't heard from him since Christmas. The garnet he gave me two years ago..." bu: "Dry rocks and dry love... No email. No nothing from Yu-kun." Yuzu: "She's currently unable to talk. Over." Kima: "It's cold!" Yuzu: "Seriously. The difference in air temperature is extreme..." Yuzu: "Please, stop it!" Kima: "Look! It's amazing! So cold!" Kima: "Antarctica really is amazing, huh?" Hina: "It's neat to see it from this angle..." Kima: "The sky is flowing by!" Yuzu: "I wonder if we'll see an aurora?" Shira: "At night, maybe." Hina: "But it won't become night" Hina: "during the time we're here." Shira: "Hinata." Shira: "Is something bothering you?" Hina: "Bothering me? Well, my lips get so chapped with the dry air, but my lip balm is frozen, so it's hard to put on." Kima: "I know how you feel!" Yuzu: "It really is hard! It's like your skin is peeling off." Hina: "Right?" Toshi: "All crew outdoors, please seek shelter in the main building or a building with emergency rations." Kima: "It's not getting better at all." Yuzu: "You should probably give up on it." Hina: "Where'd Shirase go, anyway?" Kima: "Someone asked her earlier if she knew how to play Mahjong..." Hina: "For real? Can she?" Kima: "It sounded fun, so I looked over her shoulder, but..." Kima: "Hey, how do you read the one that looks like a person next to a five?" Shira: ""Go."" Kima: "Hey, you've got some white ones mixed up in your reserves." Shira: "They're not reserves." Kima: "That bird is so cute! "Get out!"" Kima: "...she said." Yuzu: "That's rather cruel." Kima: "Right? I was only asking questions!" Hina: "Shirase's always been testy!" Kima: "No kidding!" Shira: "Ron." Shira: "Menhon, Double South, Three Dora nets me 16,000 points." Hona: "Are you for real?" Kana: "Hey, have you been playing with Takako since you were little?" Shira: "Yes, once in a while..." Kana: "Let's quit. We can't win. Not against the daughter of Gin and Takako..." Toshi: "Is Miyake-san here?" Shira: "She's probably in the bath." Kana: "What's up? We got an email from her friends addressed to the base." Shira: "Friends?" bu: "None to the base, either..." bu: "He said he'd write me every day..." bu: "Want to use it? Please." Hina: "Shirase?" Hina: "Are you..." Kima: "Hinata-chan?" Hina: "You saw it?" Shira: "Just a little." Yuzu: "But that was addressed to Hinata-san..." Hina: "How could you do something like that?" Shira: "But... but I was worried, so..." Shira: "You seemed so mad about something, and... you wouldn't say anything..." Kima: "You were mad?" Hina: "What, you saw it?" Shira: "You should have said something! I was worried. I thought you were hiding something!" Shira: "Something you weren't telling us!" Hina: "Let me tell you in advance, it's a totally gross story." Hina: "I don't want to talk about it, and I hate that you asked me." Shira: "Just tell us." Hina: "In short, it's about why I stopped going to club." Club: "It's the competition, so the fastest people should go." Club: "Your year and stuff doesn't matter!" Hina: "But for the third-years, this will be their last competition..." Club: "Exactly! It would be more rude to go easy on them!" Teach: "Two hundred meter, Miyake Hinata." Hina: "Yes!" Sen: "Didn't you say something to that idiot?" Club: "O-Of course... we told her to be more sensitive..." Hin: "In that instant, nothing mattered to me." Shira: "But it does matter! They're the ones to blame." Hina: "Humans can be scary, huh? After I quit, they kept spreading all kinds of rumors to lay the blame on me." Yuzu: "Is that why you quit school?" Shira: "Hinata." Hina: "Sorry I'm a loser!" Yuzu: "Then the ones who sent the email are..." Hina: "Yeah. My old teammates." Hina: "They want to talk during the broadcast. They said they were proud their friend went to Antarctica. Though mainly, I was thinking "Oh, were we friends?"" bu: "Well?" bu: "What? Different from what you imagined?" Hina: "It's almost otherworldly, huh?" Kima: "Oh, uh, yeah!" Yuzu: "What an unusual color!" Yume: "We'll set up a tent and antenna down that way." Kima: "Okay!" Hina: "Hey!" Hina: "How long are you gonna drag this out? Forget it. I don't like being treated this way." Kima: "But..." Hina: "Look, why do you think I came to Antarctica?" Hina: "Because there's nothing here!" Hina: "I wanted to go to an empty place with no one to tie me down!" Hina: "Look, isn't it amazing?" Hina: "Glaciers! Strata! Water from melted snow!" Hina: "Colors and shapes I've never seen before! We're in a place isolated from everything we know, a completely different world from where we've been before. That's what I came here to enjoy!" Hina: "But it doesn't mean anything if you're all sad, right?" Kima: "Got it. Then we'll forget it!" Kima: "First, we've got camping to do!" Yuzu: "It's not a game!" Hina: "Shirase?" Shira: "It does mean something." Shira: "It absolutely does mean something!" Yuzu: "It's like a sci-fi movie, isn't it?" bu: "Want to drink the water? It's delicious." Kima: "We can drink it?" bu: "In a way, it's the cleanest water on the planet. Hardly anyone's ever touched it, and it doesn't get warm enough to breed bacteria." Hina: "I'm first!" Kima: "No fair!" Kima: "How is it?" Hina: "Delicious!" Yuzu: "I want to try, too!" Yuzu: "You're right! It's delicious and cold!" Kima: "It really hits the spot!" Kima: "Want some, Shirase-chan?" Shira: "Later." Yuma: "We got through." Yuma: "Talk." Shira: "Me?" Shira: "U-Um... this is Kobuchizawa at Rundvågshetta. Over." Kana: "This is Syowa. We read you loud and clear." Kana: "How is the scenery? Over." Shira: "Um... It's like we're surrounded by cake." Kana: "Cake?" Gin: "Takako said the same thing. The minute we got there, "I want to eat chocolate cake!"" Shira: "My mother said that?" Yuzu: "It's the best natural water I've ever had!" Kima: "Like this?" Yume: "Perfect." Yuzu: "Kimari-san, you're good at the strangest things." Kima: "That's not strange, is it?" Hina: "Can they see this on the satellites?" bu: "Yes. We use these so they can check our location on the satellites. It will definitely show up." Yuzu: "It's not taking it now." bu: "Yu-kun..." bu: "Yu-kun!" Kima: "Um..." Yume: "Don't let it bother you. She does this constantly." Hina: "We even put a plate here. Someone's watching, huh?" Hina: "It's nothing personal, okay?" Kima: "What bliss!" Yuzu: "Especially since it's getting colder." Kima: "And now it's time for..." Kima: "Ta-da!" Kima: "Next time we get hot water going, let's make tamagoyaki!" Hina: "You really like tamagoyaki, huh?" Yuzu: "She did eat a lot of it for breakfast in Singapore!" Shira: "Hinata." Shira: "I'm going to collect water. Come with me." Ima: "We don't have enough? Sorry I used it all earlier..." Yuzu: "Kimari-san." Hina: "Wow, it's freezing when the wind blows. I could just die right now!" Shira: "I've been thinking about what I'd do in your position. If someone had treated me so awfully, then called me up out of the blue, as though nothing happened," Shira: "wanting to apologize for the permanent damage they'd done..." Hina: "Hey, look..." Shira: "I couldn't be okay with it. I couldn't smile." Hina: "You're not me, though." Shira: "I know, but..." Shira: "I know, but..." Hina: "Shirase." Hina: "Take off your gloves." Hina: "Hand them over." Hina: "Your hands are enough." Hina: "Shirase, you're so annoying, the way you keep talking and talking." Hina: "Thanks." Hina: "I'm sorry. I guess I'm still scared." Shira: "Hinata..." Hina: "I'm scared." Shira: "But we..." Hina: "I said your hands were enough, remember?" Hina: "Thanks for bringing me along." Kima: "Tamagoyaki's ready!" Hina: "Okay! We're on our way!" Hina: "C'mon!" Yumi: "You suck! They're not supposed to be flat noodles!" Toshi: "They're thin enough!" Yumi: "Start from scratch." Toshi: "Really?!" Woman: "Ready to roll in ten minutes." Yuzu: "Understood!" Kima: "My sun tan never recovered..." Yuzu: "It's proof that you're enjoying Antarctica." Hina: "Hey." Hina: "Do you think I'll feel better if I forgive them?" Shira: "You want to forgive them?" Hina: "If it would make me feel better, I might. But when I imagine them looking all relieved afterwords, it gets under my skin." Shira: ""Piss off"?" Hina: "Yeah." Hina: "I'm a pretty petty person, aren't I?" Kima: "It's 9:00 AM here. A six-hour difference from Japan..." Shira: "Before we start, may I say one thing?" Kima: "Shirase-chan?" Shira: "I beg your pardon, but could you leave Miyake Hinata alone?" Hina: "Shirase... You might think Hinata has been holding a grudge against you since she quit school," Hina: "that she's been suffering badly. Maybe you think she spends every day crying, thinking about what happened to her." Hina: "But..." Hina: "But..." Kima: "But that's not true!" Kima: "Hinata-chan is having a super, amazing fun time with us! She's having a really fulfilling trip of the sort you can't get where you are!" Hina: "Hey!" Shira: "Hinata is already looking forward! She's already walking! She's taking her steps with us!" Hina: "Shirase!" Yuzu: "It's fine! It's friendship!" Shira: "Unlike Hinata, I'm a real jerk, so I'll say it outright. You can't live your lives in this halfway state forever!" Shira: "You hurt someone and made them suffer! Now you get to live with that!" Shira: "That's what you get for hurting someone!" Shira: "That's what you get for hurting my friend!" Hina: "Shirase!" Shira: "You think you can come crawling back now?" Shira: "Piss off!" Gin: "Let's get things ready." Kana: "Okay." Vo: "The year is nearing its end." Kima: "Will it be on TV?" Hona: "Last year's video, yeah." bu: "It's here! Yu-kun! Yu-kun! Yu-kun!" Kima: "Let's do it, too! Casting away our worldly desires!" Hina: "You mean..." Hina: "...like this?" Ima: "Let's bash the bad thoughts away, Hinata-chan!" Hina: "What if we break it?" Shira: "So what if you do? It's just a drum can." Hina: "Good point!" Hina: "Okay, let's do the first one together!"
{ "raw_title": "A Place Further Than the Universe Episode 11 – Bash the Drum Can", "parsed": [ "A Place Further Than the Universe", "11", "Bash the Drum Can" ] }
Woman: "Sensei, could I..." Sen: "Yes?" Sen: "Kobuchizawa." Shira: "From my grandma?" Woman: "Yes, please return home at once." Shira: "Did something happen to my grandma?" Woman: "Well..." Shira: "It was almost like a dream." Shira: ""Oh. I'm not waking up." Shira: "Why aren't I waking up?" I thought." Shira: "That feeling never ended." Shira: "It still hasn't ended." Yuzu: "For three weeks?" Kana: "It's not too far, but we can't get there via helicopter." Hina: "You mean..." Kima: "...we take the snowcat?" Kana: "Righto!" Kima: "Yeah! We finally get to take one!" Gin: "It's not particularly fun." Kana: "They're very slow! We have to avoid crevasses and other dangerous places as we go. We'll be going one way, then have to alter course a bit..." Gin: "Kanae." Kana: "I meant to do that! Totally meant to do that! You're the one always complaining about how annoying long hair is, aren't you?" Gin: "Well, it's better than when Takako used to cut it, at least..." Gin: "What about you?" Shira: "Can I?" Kana: "Of course! That's why we're inviting you." Shira: "Could you give me time to think about it?" Gin: "Understood." Kana: "I thought she'd be jumping at the chance..." Yuzu: "The hole in the ozone layer was discovered during an expedition here, and they were the first in the world to report it. These weather balloons are released twice a day, simultaneously, at places all over the world." Man: "Three, two, one. Release!" Yuzu: "Shirase-san didn't come, did she?" Hina: "She probably needs time to be alone and think. She hasn't had much to say since the captain made the offer..." Man: "It's here." Man: "This is the point where we lost communication." Toshi: "The ridge snack station is back in business! Any beers?" Shira: "Right..." Kima: "Here you are!" Kima: "They're nice and cold!" Man: "That's nice of you. Thanks!" Shira: "What's the matter?" Kima: "Nothing! We finished our recording, so I thought..." Shira: "Oh." Kima: "Hey! It's pretty warm today, huh?" Shira: "Is it? It seems a bit chilly for the middle of summer..." Kima: "Yeah, I guess..." Kima: "They launched a weather balloon earlier! Could you see it from here?" Shira: "Yeah." Kima: "I hear today's pick-me-up is anpan!" Shira: "What is it?" Kima: "N-Nothing..." Kima: "It's just... you know... How to put it..." Kima: "What now?!" Shira: "That's my line." Shira: "About my mother?" Hina: "Kimari, your lack of planning is making this more complicated than it should be." Yuzu: "Why did you even say you'd go talk to her?" Kima: "Because..." Shira: "Sorry." Shira: "I'm not particularly depressed or stressed out about it. I actually feel pretty normal, I guess..." Shira: "Maybe... too normal, I guess?" Hina: "Normal?" Shira: "I was convinced that when I arrived in Antarctica, I would start crying." Hina: "Is that why the first thing you said when we got here was "in your face"?" Shira: "It was?" Yuzu: "You don't remember?" Kima: "But you came here because your mother was waiting, didn't you? You wanted to come here because your mother was here, right?" Shira: "Yeah." Kima: "That's why you asked Kanae-san over and over, took all those jobs, worked so hard to get here..." Shira: "I know that." Kima: "You said that your mother was waiting for you here!" Hina: "Kimari." Yuzu: "That's not a nice thing to say to Shirase-san..." Shira: "I know all that." Shira: "It's like, why did I even come this far, then?" Shira: "But..." Kima: "But?" Shira: "But... once we get there, there's nowhere left to go." Shira: "It'll be all over." Shira: "If I go, and nothing changes, I think..." Shira: "I'm going to spend the rest of my life feeling the way I do now." Kana: "So, before we head inland, I'd like to talk for about thirty minutes about the civilian research projects that will follow Challenge For Antarctic." Yume: "I'm freezing to death." Yumi: "The beer's icing over." Kana: "I'm kidding. We just have a few simple words to say. Gin-chan?" Gin: "Let's go." All: "Cheers! Cheers!" Yumi: "Okay, this one's cooked!" Yuzu: "Cold!" Yumi: "If you don't gobble it up fast, it'll go cold in no time!" Hina: "No time to lose!" Yumi: "That's the thrill of the Antarctic barbecue." Kima: "I dropped my marshmallow!" Yumi: "You got it too close." Yumi: "By the way, I heard... Kobuchizawa-san's unsure she'll go?" Yuzu: "I suppose..." Yumi: "Are you sure you don't want to say anything to her?" Hina: ""To act is not necessarily compassion. True compassion sometimes comes from inaction!"" Yuzu: "More nonsense..." Kima: "But that's basically what we decided." Yuzu: "I envy you guys." Yumi: "The ability to give each other space is the proof that you're good friends." Yumi: "What the hell are you doing?!" Yuzu: "Did she say we were good friends?" Kima: "Yeah." Yuzu: "We're good friends!" Shira: "Aren't you going to go?" Gin: "You should know by now that I'm not good in party situations." Shira: "What do you think?" Gin: "About what?" Shira: "Mom." Gin: "If you have to ask me that, you probably shouldn't go." Gin: "I may not want to believe it, but the fact is that Takako is dead. I can talk about dying wishes and what she would have wanted, but none of us know if that's how she really felt, if it's what she really wanted." Shira: "Then why did you come to Antarctica again?" Shira: "Because I wanted to come." Shira: "Because I latched on to the idea that Takako wanted me to." Gin: "At the end of the day, those ideas we latch on to aren't enough to motivate us. But when we run around on the injustices of reality, they're the only things that can break through, make the impossible possible, and allow us to proceed on." Gin: "That's what I believe." Shira: "You're saying I shouldn't leave it to anyone else?" Gin: "That's right. But..." Gin: "That's how you've always done things, isn't it?" Shira: "Moving." Shira: "Cashier." Shira: "Cleaning." Shira: "Cleaning." Shira: "Newspaper delivery. I know that! I know I'm being unreasonable!" Shira: "Cashier." Shira: "Moving." Shira: "Traffic surveys." Shira: "Cleaning." Shira: "Factory." Shira: "Factory." Shira: "Cashier." Shira: "Delivery. But... I really want to go." Shira: "Cashier." Shira: "Because... my mother is waiting there." Kima: "Amazing!" Hina: "Right? They said it's hand-drawn." Yuzu: "Apparently we're taking this on the trip inland!" Kima: "Really?" Gin: "Is that your luggage?" Kima: "Yeah!" Gin: "Too much. Halve it. You have five minutes." Kima: "No way!" Shira: "Good morning." Gin: "Good morning." Shira: "And so, our final journey began." Shira: "14,000 kilometers from Japan." Shira: "To that place further than the reaches of the universe." Shira: "The place that seemed out of reach." Yuzu: "I thought we were taking the snowcat..." Kana: "That's S-16, the departure point for the inland expedition." Kana: "Today's mission is loading materials onto the snowcats stationed there." Kima: "So cold!" Kana: "It's going to be a lot colder here than it was at Syowa Station, yeah." Kana: "This scenery is more like how you imagine Antarctica, right?" Yuzu: "It really is..." Yuzu: "Slow, isn't it?" Hina: "Well, have you got two sevens? Two sevens." Yuzu: "Okay." Hina: "You had them?" Shira: "Have some sympathy for person who's lost three times straight..." Man: "114 here. We've passed through S-18." Kana: "112 here. Roger." Kima: "What's going on?" Kana: "It's time to work. We'll be going outside, so get ready." Yuki: "Ouch! Just breathing hurts my chest!" Kima: "I've lost all feeling in my nose!" Gin: "It's going to get colder as we get higher up." Kima: "Think I can manage it?" Yuzu: "You brought that?" Hina: "Here." Yuzu: "Thank you very much!" Yuzu: "I can't feel anything!" Hina: "Eat fast or it'll get cold!" Kima: "We're turning off the engines at night, right?" Kana: "Yeah, we don't have enough fuel to keep it running." Toshi: "Syowa here. Syowa here. Inland team, do you read? Over." Gin: "It's a regular check-in." Gin: "Practice it." Gin: "Because none of us knows what's going to happen out there." Kana: "It's going to get very windy tonight, so when moving between cars, make sure to use this rope." Kana: "Don't assume you'll be fine because it's just a few meters. If you end up out in a blizzard, you're never making it back." Kima: "What's that?" Hina: "What?" Yuzu: "It's the sun... right?" Kana: "Looks kind of apocalyptic, huh? It's called a "sun pillar."" Kana: "It's an optical illusion caused by ice crystals." Shira: "Did my mother see this, too?" Gin: "Yes, she did." Gin: "You could say she gazed at it as she slept there." Gin: "It's here." Hina: "What, a blizzard?" Kana: "There's no question. Don't worry. As long as we stay in here..." Kima: "I can't see anything!" Yuzu: "Neither can I!" Kana: "I see. This is your first time seeing a real one?" Yuzu: "Yes..." Shira: "Was it like this when my mother went missing?" Gin: "We think she left something at the inland station, or maybe she slipped..." Gin: "Takako?" Gin: "The next thing I knew, she was gone." Gin: "And moments later, a blizzard was raging." Gin: "It's beautiful..." Gin: "Takako!" Gin: "It's so..." Gin: "very beautiful." Kima: "Shirase-chan." Kima: "Are you okay?" Shira: "You can't sleep?" Kima: "No... I'd been asleep, but I just woke up." Shira: "Do you like Antarctica, Kimari?" Kima: "Yeah, I really like it." Shira: "I see." Kima: "But I'm not sure if I would have liked it if I were here by myself." Shira: "Really?" Kima: "It's because I'm here with you guys." Kima: "As long as I was with you guys, I'd probably feel the same way about the Arctic." Kima: "Hey, Shirase-chan..." Kima: "Thanks for taking me." Kima: "Thanks to you, I got the most out of my youth." Shira: "Dear Mom." Shira: "I've made friends." Shira: "I, who thought I'd be fine by myself forever, now have friends. They're all a little weird, a little frustrating," Shira: "a little broken..." Shira: "But I have friends who were willing to travel to Antarctica with me. We fought, we cried," Shira: "we had problems... But they were willing to travel this far with me," Shira: "to this place where you were..." Shira: "I was able to come this far because of them. Mom," Shira: "what can you see from where you are?" Shira: "Will I be able to see the same sights that you saw?" Shira: "I'm going to be there soon..." Shira: "the place where you are." Kana: "It's been a while, huh?" Gin: "Sorry for the wait." Gin: "Though we're going to keep you waiting a while yet, still..." Hina: "Is this okay like this?" Kana: "Of course it's not. We need to fix the foundation, build the building, carry supplies piece by piece, create a telescope..." Gin: "It's going to be a long time before the Kobuchizawa Observatory is finished..." Gin: "But..." Kima: "Kobuchizawa..." Shira: "She's probably remembering..." Shira: "seeing this with my mom..." Hina: "Shirase..." Shira: "We're not going to find any traces of my Mom. It was three years ago." Kima: "You don't know that!" Hina: "Yeah. The fact that no one's been here for three years makes it more likely that we will!" Shira: "It's okay! We're not going to find anything!" Kima: "You can't give up!" Kima: "Anything at all... even one single piece!" Shira: "It's fine!" Hina: "No, it's not!" Shira: "You won't find anything!" Yuzu: "How can you be sure?" Shira: "It's okay." Shira: "Just making it here was enough." Shira: "I've accomplished my goal." Shira: "I made it to the place my mother was." Shira: "Thank you. So it's okay now." Kima: "No, it isn't!" Kima: "You've come this far! You've come this far, that's why..." Kima: "Just one piece! There has to be one piece of proof that your mother was here!" Hina: "Kimari!" Yuzu: "Shirase-san!" Hina: "Here!"
{ "raw_title": "A Place Further Than the Universe Episode 12 – A Place Further Than the Universe", "parsed": [ "A Place Further Than the Universe", "12", "A Place Further Than the Universe" ] }
Kimari: "Good morning!" Hinata: "You're late." Yumiko: "Being late for watch duty makes trouble for everyone." Kimari: "Yes ma'am!" Hinata: "Today's menu, if you would." Kimari: ""Leftover special."" Hinata: "That's too honest!" Yumiko: "At times like these, we go with you-know-what!" Kimari: "That's it for the watch report. Is there any other business to address?" bue: "Um, I was thinking the premade Calpis is too thin..." Honami: "It's too strong, isn't it?" Yume: "Poor man's Calpis." Honami: "Don't call me "poor."" Kimari: "Person on duty there?" Hinata: "Well, the person on duty yesterday made it, not me, but I'll do what I can." Kimari: "It's cold!" Hinata: "They did say it would be windy..." Kimari: "What are we supposed to do after this?" Hinata: "Clean the bathrooms!" Honami: "I told you I hate hijiki!" Hinata: "Just eat it. I'm told you've been a little anemic lately, Honami-san." Honami: "Meanie!" Honami: "Those high school girls were so cute at the start." Yume: "They weren't doing anything then." Kimari: "Want some tea?" Honami: "After so much time in Antarctica, you'll never reintegrate into society. Like that." Shirase: "Chisou, ron. Riisoku, jyunchansanshiki, dora dora... Sorry... with uraura, that's a sanbai man." Kane: "I told you not to rely on the suji!" Kimari: "I think that's a different thing, actually..." Kimari: "Doesn't the sound of a vacuum cleaner just make you think of home?" Hinata: "Where have you been?" Yuzuki: "They invited me out, so I did some interviews." Kimari: "Oh, the island stroll?" Yuzuki: "Yes." Kimari: "They took Shirase-chan and I out for that yesterday." All: "Yeah!" Hinata: "Why didn't you tell me?!" Yuzuki: "Because you were on watch duty today!" Kimari: "Odd man out!" Hinata: "Shut up!" Kimari: "Ow!" Hinata: "Who cares about some island stroll? I'm going out on the ice operation later!" Kimari: "That's right! I gotta hurry!" Yuzuki: "It's almost time for the meetup!" Hinata: "Hey!" Shirase: "We're all going on the ice operation." Hinata: "Really?" Kimari: "The four of us will be heading out to join the ice operation. Over." Voice: "Roger that. Be safe." Yuzuki: "Which should we take?" Yumiko: "Hi!" Yuzuki: "I could just die!" Yuzuki: "Wow! Glaciers!" Yuzuki: "You're shaving from these big blocks of ice?" Kanae: "It's forbidden to remove things from Antarctica, so it's the only souvenir we're allowed to take freely. This ice is full of air that's tens of thousands of years old, so as it melts, it pops." Kanae: "Want to eat some?" All: "Yeah!" Kimari: "So this is how thousand-year-old air tastes!" Yuzuki: "You can distinguish it?" Kimari: "When I grow up, I've gotta drink alcohol with this." Hinata: "I bet you'd be a loud drunk, Kimari." Kimari: "You think?" Kanae: "When this starts up, it really hits home that summer's almost over." Yuzuki: "Really?" Kanae: "Soon, it'll be autumn, then winter..." Kimari: "The winter team!" Hinata: "What do you do during winter?" Kanae: "All kinds of things. We play games, drink booze... Of course, research and investigation is important," Kanae: "but when we hit June, it's nighttime all day." Hinata: "I see..." Kimari: ""Polar night," right?" Kanae: "During the day, there's a faint brightness around the horizon," Kanae: "but that's the only change you see. Otherwise, it just stays night for a long, long time." Hinata: "Perpetual night, huh?" Kanae: "But that just makes the stars all the more more beautiful!" Kanae: "You can see the aurora, too!" Kimari: "The aurora..." Kimari: "That's right, we never saw it!" Hinata: "Because we only get a tiny bit of night." Kimari: "We got a photo with penguins, ate shaved ice... we haven't gotten the aurora or the Antarctic stars!" Hinata: "Because the sun doesn't go down, like I told you." Shirase: "Help! Help! But I'm happy! But they stink! But I'm happy!" Hinata: "What's she doing?" Shirase: "But they stink! But I'm happy!" Kanae: "I need to get back to work. You guys take it easy." Shirase: "But they stink! But I'm happy!" Kanae: "This'll be your last day on the frozen sea, right?" Shirase: "But they stink!" Kimari: "That's right..." Shirase: "But I'm happy!" Shirase: "I told you to help me!" Hinata: "Sorry, I can't get within five meters of them..." Shirase: "Do something!" Hinata: "Sorry, I can't!" Yuzuki: "We've really gotten used to it all, haven't we?" Yuzuki: "This scenery, too..." Kimari: "Hey, just hypothetically..." Kimari: "Hypothetically..." Kimari: "Well, no one else needs the rooms. And we can keep sending video from here, right? So there's no reason we have to leave right now, is there?" Kimari: "You're going to hurt me!" Hinata: "I'm not, I'm not." Kimari: "Liar!" Hinata: "What did you think? If we don't go back now, we're stuck here all year." Kimari: "I know that. It'll be fine. I bet that once it gets dark I could sleep forever." Shirase: "What about school? By the time we get back, everyone will have graduated." Kimari: "Well..." Yuzuki: "What about our families?" Hinata: "And Yuzu's drama?" Yuzuki: "Well, I do understand not wanting to go back..." Kimari: "You'll come back, then?" Yuzuki: "What? Sure..." Kimari: "For the winter stay. All four of us!" Hinata: "Fine." Kimari: "You'd better mean it! You'd better not let me down!" Shirase: "Yeah, yeah..." Kimari: "I'm asking seriously." Shirase: "I'm answering seriously." Kimari: "Okay, then!" Yuzuki: "But... what are we going to do?" Yuzuki: "Remember what the captain said? If there was anything we wanted to do before we leave, we should tell her." Kimari: "Before we leave, huh?" Gin: "Are you sure that's all you want?" Kimari: "Yeah. Before we leave, we want to play with everyone here!" Walla: "Hey! Let 'er rip!" Walla: "You can do it! Let's do this!" Toshio: "Captain! If I hit it out of the park, will you consider my offer?" Gin: "Sure." Toshio: "I'm holding you to that!" Yumiko: "He still hasn't given up?" Shirase: "Can he hit it?" Kanae: "I doubt it. Gin-chan is known as the "Antarctic 19-in-Pinstripes." Her pitches are first-rate. And..." Kanae: "No one can dodge them." Kimari: "No way..." Kanae: "Don't worry. Takako could still hit them." Gin: "Takako..." Gin: "You're watching, right?" Yuzuki: "Hinata-san!" Hinata: "What, now?" Hinata: "If you were gonna cut it, you should have done it when we arrived." Shirase: "I just got the urge to cut it." Kimari: "Should I do it?" Yuzuki: "Kimari-san, please stand back." Kimari: "Aw..." Hinata: "Up to where?" Hinata: "Seriously?" Shirase: "Yeah!" Toshio: "You can't keep putting it off. She's really going, you know..." Kanae: "There." Yuzuki: "Is this flag handmade?" Kanae: "The guests of honor are here. Come on, line up here!" All: "Okay!" Kanae: "Huh?" Shirase: "Well? Does it look good on me?" Gin: "You really are your mother's daughter." Gin: "You look just like her when you smile." Honami: "What happened? Broken heart?" Kimari: "No." Hinata: "But maybe, in a way..." Honami: "In a way?" Yume: "Use your imagination." Honami: "I don't get it!" Kanae: "Normally, we'd be changing places with the winter team, but there's no one swapping in this time, so it's just a farewell party for the departing summer team." Kanae: "Well, Captain?" Gin: "You've done an excellent job, everyone." Gin: "This morning, the weather is nice. It's an excellent morning for a departure. In particular, I'd like to talk about Japan's first high school-aged Antarctic research team members." Gin: "This was a major experiment." Gin: "I'm sure they were all nervous." Gin: "We were all very, very nervous, too." Gin: "But they did an excellent job as expedition members. The male team members' internal wishing for them to stay has been so loud, it's audible." Gin: "But they are going home." Gin: "It's time to give up on them." Gin: "Lastly..." Gin: "Thank you for everything. Even after you go home, I hope you'll occasionally think of us, here in the darkness, far over the horizon, silently lasting through the winter." Gin: "Let's meet again here some day." Kanae: "Now, as a representative of the summer team, Kobuchizawa Shirase-san." Shirase: "Yes ma'am." Shirase: "Everyone." Shirase: "Good morning. As you all know," Shirase: "my mother was a member of your Antarctic expedition." Shirase: "She loved Antarctica, and left our house in her obsession. When I looked at her, to be honest, it was hard for me to have positive feelings about Antarctica." Shirase: "I think wanting to change that feeling was the reason I came here." Shirase: "A place further than the universe." Shirase: "Mom... rather, my mother called it that." Shirase: "It's a place that strips everything bare." Shirase: "Time, life, hearts..." Shirase: "It's a place with nothing to protect you and nowhere to hide. It's an environment that exposes everything we're embarrassed about, and everything we want to hide," Shirase: "and so naked and crying, we're forced to come face-to-face with who we really are." Shirase: "We've overcome trial after trial together." Shirase: "And from that, I think I now understand... the reason my mother loved this place was not just this scenery, this sky, this wind, but also the time she spent here, overcoming things with her team. She loved this atmosphere, where you have no choice but to overcome things with your team, with nothing else to get in the way." Shirase: "I love this place." Shirase: "Good luck over the winter." Shirase: "I'll be back again, I swear." Kanae: "Are you crying?" Yumiko: "Here." Kimari: "You made these for us?" Yumiko: "With leftovers, of course." bue: "Um..." Hinata: "Wow, thanks..." bue: "Could you take this back to Yu-kun? He's waiting in Japan?" Hinata: "What?" Honami: "Don't go!" Shirase: "You smell of alcohol..." Honami: "Of course I do! I've been drinking!" Yume: "Don't worry. Have this." Yuzuki: "Shirase-san, thank her! Thank her!" Toshio: "Just go already!" Kimari: "So that's your signature, Yuzuki-chan?" Shirase: "Looks like an idol's." Hinata: "How many of these did you sell?" Yuzuki: "Would you please cease your babbling?" Yuzuki: "Here." Dai: "Um..." Yuzuki: "Yes?" Dai: "I'm looking forward to your drama. Though I won't get to see it until I get back..." Yuzuki: "Okay..." Toshio: "How'd it go?" Yuzuki: "There really are people looking forward to it..." Hinata: "Of course there are!" Kimari: "You'd better work hard!" Yuzuki: "Okay!" Kanae: "It's time to go!" All: "Okay!" Kanae: "Take care." All: "Thank you!" Kanae: "Actually, I should be thanking you..." Kanae: "Do you remember what we talked about in the van that first day?" Kanae: "Talking with you then really gave me a lot of courage." Kanae: "When I saw your faces, I realized I couldn't let our plans be canceled." Yuzuki: "You were thinking they might?" Kanae: "Yes. For adults, there's a moment when you shouldn't be honest." Shirase: "Take care of the captain." Kanae: "You heard her." Gin: "Well, listen to you." Kanae: "Go on, get in!" All: "Okay!" Shirase: "And take this." Shirase: "I think my mother would be mad if you didn't let her stay for the winter." Gin: "But..." Shirase: "I don't need it anymore." Gin: "Understood." Hinata: "Let's go." Honami: "They're gone." Toshio: "The average age here just jumped. Ouch!" Yumiko: "Well, we've got a lot of time ahead of us!" Shirase: "When we first came here, it seemed so far away..." Hinata: "Well, that's what a journey is." Yuzuki: "It's not over yet. There's still the 60 degrees, the 50 degrees, the 40 degrees..." Kimari: "Screaming!" Yuzuki: "I'll probably throw up again." Kimari: "It's okay. Barfing and barfing, thinking "I'm so sick, I'm gonna die..."" Hinata: "That's fine. That's part of the journey, too." Yuzuki: "Do you think we've gotten a little stronger?" Shirase: "Or maybe we've gotten sloppier..." Hinata: "It's because everything is bigger here." Yuzuki: "Is this what we're wearing?" Kimari: "It's the last one! We need to make it special!" Shirase: "Let's see... This will be my final catchy, witty, sensational report..." Yuzuki: "Maybe you should put down the script?" Hinata: "Okay, let's go!" Shirase: "Wait! It's the last one! I need a little more time!" Kimari: "The aurora!" Yuzuki: "You're right!" Hinata: "Oh, no! I can't get it to show up!" Kimari: "It's okay." Kimari: "If that happens once in a while." Shirase: "Mom..." Kimari: "No way!" Shirase: "I know." Kimari: "That's it!" Kimari: "That's the South Star! I'm calling it!" Shirase: "I don't think it's that bright..." Kimari: "Hey." Kimari: "Let's say goodbye here." Shirase: "Kimari..." Yuzuki: "Does that mean we won't be together anymore?" Kimari: "The opposite. It means that even when we're not together, we can be together. After all... we're still who we are." Yuzuki: "Who's that a quote from? Hinata-san?" Hinata: "It's not bad, though." Kimari: "Right?" Shirase: "We still have a lot we have to do, right?" Kimari: "Yeah. When we're done doing that, let's go on another journey." Kimari: "The four of us. The four of us, yes. Well, Shirase still has her million yen. I've got my savings, too..." Shirase: "That's gone now." Shirase: "I left it there." Shirase: "In the place further than the universe." Kimari: "When you go on a journey, there are things you learn for the first time." Shirase: "That this scenery is indispensable." Yuzuki: "That people change, the world changes, even when you're not looking." Hinata: "That there's no such thing as a "nothing" day." Kimari: "That your house has its own smell." Shirase: "If you want to learn those things, you've got to get moving." Shirase: "Then just keep moving until you see something you've never seen before." Hinata: "No matter how far you go, the world is so big... You'll definitely find something new." Yuzuki: "It's a little scary, but I know you can do it." Kimari: "Because..." Kimari: "Why?" Kimari: "Why?" Kimari: "People who feel the same way will find you right away."
{ "raw_title": "A Place Further Than the Universe Episode 13 – We'll Go On Another Journey Someday", "parsed": [ "A Place Further Than the Universe", "13", "We'll Go On Another Journey Someday" ] }
Shira: "The Shirase leaves port in Japan in mid-November, heads south across the ocean towards Antarctica, and makes a port call in Fremantle on the way." Kima: "Australia!" Shia: "There, they'll resupply and bring the expedition members on board. Then as December begins, they'll set course for the continent of Antarctica." Kima: "The people don't board in Japan?" Shira: "They haven't done that for a long time. Nowadays, people typically board at Fremantle, then fly home from Sydney. So while the Shirase is in port there, we'll want to take a plane from Japan to Fremantle." Shira: "Then we'll board the Shirase... and head for Antarctica." Kima: "Will they let us on?" Shira: "Antarctic expeditions are typically a state enterprise. The boat is manned by the SDF, and the expedition members have to pass strict screenings and training." Shira: "High schoolers would never be allowed in." Shira: "However..." Shira: "This year is special." Kima: "What's this year?" Kima: ""Civilian Antarctic Expedition to Take Place for the First Time in Three Years"?" Kim: "The moment I saw that smile," Kim: "I felt a shiver run through my heart." Kim: ""Is this what trembling with anticipation means?" I wondered. I'm currently making the most preposterous, absurd, and enormous plans I've ever made." Kima: "Hey, is that a submarine?" Shira: "Yeah." Kima: "Gotta be eighteen for this one, too, huh?" Meg: "Oh? Looking for part-time work?" Kima: "Morning. And yeah. I told you about the cost of the plane ticket yesterday. Shirase-chan wants me to earn it in advance." Meg: "Antarctica, huh?" Kima: "Yeah. She also said, since I'll have to take time off from school, I should attend every day now while I can. Hey, look! This one's perfect!" Meg: "What is it?" Kima: "They're hiring high school-aged girls! It's in the hospitality industry. It's a job where you talk to boys and go on walks with them and stuff." Kima: "If you do really well, you could even make a million yen per month..." Megu: "If they catch you, you're dead." Kima: "I'll be fine! I'll turn in a part-time job permission form to the school." Meg: "You're so ignorant." Meg: "Setting the money aside, do you really think they'll let you go?" Kima: "Yeah! Shirase-chan told me all about it. She's got some friends on the civilian Antarctic expedition that's going this year, so..." Meg: "I did some research, and it sounds a little dicey." Kima: ""Four years ago, with the completion of new stations and commissioning of a new icebreaker ship, the Shirase II and Syowa Station were sold to civilian interests, but they've struggled with maintenance and operation costs. The expedition members and sponsor companies involved in the last expedition three years ago have also been announcing their withdrawal one by one," Kima: "and the safety of participants may not be ensured. As a result, more and more voices are speaking up against the project itself"..." Teach: "Tamaki-san! Tamaki-san!" Kima: "Yes?!" Teach: "Would you kindly read the next passage?" Kima: "Yes sir! "This, combined with the financial problems, is causing concern regarding"— Wagh!" Teach: "And what comes after "Wagh"?" Kima: "Still so much to write... I haven't had to write lines since elementary school..." Meg: "You shouldn't have been reading it in class." Kima: "But I just couldn't wait... So, what else?" Meg: "There's nothing else. For now, there's nothing about the project being canceled." Kima: "Then, it's okay, right?" Meg: "You sure? Even if it hasn't been canceled, it won't be that simple for you to get on. Just because it's for civilians doesn't change that." Kima: "Oh, but Shirase-chan is the daughter of an expedition member!" Meg: "It's not like getting family seats at a concert. They're not gonna let you on the ship that easily." Kima: "I see..." Kima: "You're probably right." Meg: "You're going to see her soon, right?" Meg: "You should just ask her straight up." Kima: "Okay... got it." Kima: "Sorry!" Shira: "Punctuality is crucial. That goes double when we're in Antarctica. A few minutes can mean the difference between life or death." Kima: "But I told you, the teacher got mad at me..." Shira: "Did you find a job?" Shira: "I told you to pick one by today." Kima: "I know, but... Look, it's just the cost of a ticket to Australia, right? I'm sure I can scrape up the money over summer vacation..." Shira: "You should have as much money as possible, just in case." Shira: "Here, I looked for you." Kima: "Really?" Shira: "Girls in high school." Shira: "A job in the hospitality industry. You talk to boys and go on walks with them, it says. Nice wage, isn't it?" Kima: "Yeah, it is..." Girls: "Here come the PonPon Girls!" Mem: "If you hit the jackpot, you can take me home with you!" Shira: "R-Really?" Kima: "Yeah, Megu-chan had to tell me about it, too... I guess you can be pretty stupid sometimes, too, Shirase-chan..." Shira: "I'm not stupid! I just didn't know." Shira: "What was that?" Kima: "A friend of mine. She's worried about whether or not they'll really let us go." Shira: "You don't believe me?" Kima: "It's not that I don't believe you..." Kima: "But there's no guarantee, I guess..." Kima: "I mean, it's pretty worrying, right?" Kima: "And even if it isn't canceled, we don't know if they'll let us join..." Shira: "They will." Shira: "I'm the daughter of Kobuchizawa Takako, after all." Kima: "You're sure?" Kima: "Is that enough to qualify?" Shira: "I assure you, it is." Kima: "You think so? But..." Shira: "If you don't want to do this anymore, you can just say so." Shira: "How dare you try to blame it on me..." Kima: "It's not that I don't want to do it! I just don't want to fail! I don't want to think "I just shouldn't have bothered!" I would rather think "I wish I'd gone!" "I wish I'd followed Shirase-chan's plan!"" Shira: "I really am aware of the whole situation. I've thought up a plan, too." Kima: "You do?" Shira: "Yeah. I'll explain the whole thing, so you should keep making your preparations." Kima: "Okay, sure thing!" Kima: "Welcome! Do you wish me to warm that up for you?" Emp: "Well, you can learn it as you go. First, handle the restocking. Miyake-san over there will tell you what to do." Kima: "Yes, sir!" Kima: "Excuse me..." Kima: "Um, I'm Tamaki. I'm joining the team as of today." Miya: "Tamaki?" Kima: "Tamaki Mari." Miya: "Oh, that's why you're "Kimari"." Miya: "I'm Miyake Hinata. How old're you?" Kima: "Sixteen. Second year high school." Miya: "Same here! Nice to meetcha!" Kima: "L-Likewise..." Miya: "You go to Tatara Nishi High, right?" Kima: "Yeah, "Tanishi."" Miya: "Why the sudden need for a job?" Kima: "There's a place I want to go, so I need money." Miya: "Would that place happen to be..." Miya: "Antarctica?" Shira: "You want to go?" Kima: "Yeah, apparently she's been listening in on our conversations." Miya: "Hey, you make it sound like I did it on purpose. I wasn't eavesdropping. You two were just talking so loud!" Shira: "Loud? "If you don't want to do this, just say so!" "It's not that I don't want to do it!"" Kima: "Enough! We get it!" Miya: "That piqued my curiosity." Miya: "Then straight after, Kimari came in to get a job, y'know? And I got to thinking, it's gotta be destiny!" Shira: "Just to be clear, this isn't a game." Miya: "I know that!" Shira: "It's dangerous, and you need to pay your own way. We're heading out in December, so you'll need to take time off from school, too." Miya: "I'm okay! It's all good! I've got money from my job, and I don't go to school." Kima: "What, really?" Miya: "It's not that surprising, is it?" Miya: "You see them from time to time..." Miya: "Sixteen-year-olds who don't go to school." Miya: "Don't get the wrong idea, though. I'm as smart as anyone. I got my high school certificate and I got an A rating in the recent mock exam." Kima: "And you're still only in your second year?" Shira: "Does that mean you're going to college?" Miya: "Yep! My current dream is to ace everything and show up everyone who goofs off in high school and fails!" Shira: "But then how would you have time to go to Antarctica?" Miya: "A reasonable question, but I still have almost two years before entrance exams, and when I think about how I'll spend next year knuckling down for exams, it makes me want to do something special while I can." Kima: "I get you! I so get you! If you don't do it this year, you'll never get another chance, right?" Miya: "Exactly! Ah, must my sixteenth year come and go, with nothing but meat buns and oden to show for it?" Kima: "Precisely!" Miya: "I'd love to have a drink out with you! Even though I don't drink!" Kima: "Same here!" Shira: "Shut up!" Shira: "I'm the one making the plans here. You need to follow my instructions." Kima: "We never said we wouldn't..." Miya: "What? Is she the irritable type?" Kima: "A tad." Shira: "This describes my plan." Shira: "We'll put it into action this Sunday." Shira: "This Sunday, then." Both: "Okay." Both: "Bye-bye!" Kima: "What do you think of her plan?" Miya: "Dunno! Seems like it'll be pretty tricky..." Kima: "Yeah, it does..." Miya: "But she knows a lot more about Antarctica than we do, so it seems to me that we might as well try. "If you can still turn back, it's not really a journey. When you hit the point of no return, that's the moment it becomes a journey."" Kima: "That sounds like a quote! Who said it originally?" Miya: "Me!" Kima: "Oh." Miya: "I'm happy, though." Miya: "I've always liked you two. You know? My store's close to Tanishi, so students come in all the time." Kima: "Right..." Miya: "But you two seemed different, somehow." Miya: "You've got a different sort of vibe, I guess." Kima: "No one's ever said that to me before..." Miya: "I really hate the thought of blending in with a crowd. That's why I couldn't handle high school." Miya: "I really envied you two." Kima: "Envied what about us?" Miya: "Hard to say..." Miya: "The honesty, I guess?" Miya: "Do you feel sufficiently flattered?" Kima: "Well..." Miya: "That's how Hinata-chan works her way into your heart! See you!" Kima: "Sure!" Kima: "Shinjuku!" Miya: "Cool it with the gawking! They'll know we're from Gunma!" Kima: "But everything's flashing! I don't know where to look!" Miya: "Calm down!" Shira: "Kimari! Wait for me! Don't leave me behind!" Miya: "Hey! That's not her!" Kima: "K-Kabukicho..." Shira: "Y-You've never been here before?" Kima: "I've never been here at night, I guess... I said I'd be spending the night at Megu-chan's, but..." Miya: "You don't think the police'll take us in, do you?" Miya: "I'll be fine, but your school might get mad at you if they find out." Kima: "Just for walking around?" Miya: "Well, it is Kabukicho..." Shira: "Don't worry. Just act like you're in college." Host: "Hey, here for a good time? Just for a bit. Just stop in for a bit." Shira: "I'm with friends! I'm with friends!" Kima: "What should we do?" Miya: "It's funny. Just let it play out." Miya: "I found it! The Antarctic expedition informal meet-up!" Kima: "Really?" Shira: "Okay, do it just like we planned." Kima: "But this only says "lure someone out."" Miya: "What does that mean?" Shira: "Well, there are normally a lot of male participants in an expedition, so I thought, being high school girls..." Miya: "Are you talking about seducing them?" Kima: "Well, Shirase-chan is beautiful, after all." Shira: "Me? No, I didn't mean me!" Miya: "Wait, were you planning to make one of us do it?" Kima: "There's no way!" Miya: "They're here! What do we do?" Shira: "Kimari! Please!" Kima: "No! Hey!" Miya: "Kimari! Go!" Miya: "How old-fashioned are you?!" Kima: "Then you do it, Hinata-chan!" Miya: "Look! If we don't do something, they'll go without us! Show some leg!" Kima: "I'm wearing pants!" Miya: "Your breasts, then! Stick out your breasts!" Kima: "Are you mocking me?! Besides, the best breasts belong to..." Shira: "No! No!" Miya: "Go! You wanna go to Antarctica, right?" Kima: "Yeah! It's not fair! You are the one who came up with this plan!" Shira: "No! Besides, it can't be me!" Miya: "Why can't it be you?" Kima: "Yeah!" Kana: "Shirase-chan?" Yumi: "She never gives up, does she?" Ketsu: "Who was that?" Miya: "Why did you bow to them? What is this, school? Are you an honor student?" Shira: "I told you it couldn't be me!" Kima: "Why not?" Shira: "They know me! So if they see me, they'll catch..." Yumi: "Ugh. There's three of them..." Shira: "Run." Shira: "Run!" Yumi: "Hey, you!" Kima: "Hinata-chan, you run fast!" Hina: "Over short distances, sure! Think we should split up for now?" Shira: "Yeah." Shira: "Where should we meet up? Coordinate with cell phones!" Hina: "All right!" Kima: "They're still chasing us!" Shira: "They're part of the expedition team, so they've got tons of stamina!" Kima: "Should we split up, too?" Shira: "Sorry!" Kima: "Okay!" Shira: "What's so funny?" Kima: "I was just thinking... this is pretty fun." Shira: "Fun?" Kima: "Yeah. It's like... motion!" Kima: "I feel like my youth is in motion!" Kima: "Yeah... this is what it is." Kima: "Like anything could happen." Kima: "Like I could make anything happen!" Kima: "The scenery that surrounds me every day is changing at a dizzying rate." Kima: "Drinking outside really is the best! Isn't it great? Let's go drinking over there today." Kima: "Bye-bye!" Kana: "You didn't have to exhaust yourselves running away." Yumi: "Kanae." Kima: "But... Shirase-chan said..." Hina: "Yeah, she said you'd have our heads if you caught us." Shira: "I never said that!" Yumi: "This is quite a plan you came up with, though..." Kana: "In other words, get a male expedition member on your side so he'll smuggle you on board, right? You naughty girls." Kana: "Whose idea was this?" Kana: "Yeah, that figures. Look, Shirase-chan." Kana: "I've told you many times before: we can't take you with us. It may be a civilian expedition, but there are strict requirements for—" Shira: "I know that! I know I'm being unreasonable!" Shira: "But... I really want to go." Shira: "Because... my mother is waiting there." Kima: "Shirase-chan?" Kana: "What is this?" Shira: "It's just what it looks like." Shira: "You're having trouble with funding, right?" Shira: "Let me become one of your sponsors! If you take me along, you can have the money!" Yumi: "She really thought this through, huh?" Kana: "Fine. Come to Fremantle on December 1st." Shira: "Really?" Kana: "Is that what you expected to hear? You don't have to worry about us. We're going," Kana: "no matter what." Vo: "Takako! Takako!" Vo: "Takako! Takako!" Vo: "Takako! Takako!" Yumi: "Well, I do understand how she feels." Yumi: "It's been three years." Yumi: "Are we really okay for funding, though?" Kana: "I told you before, didn't I? It might be tough, but I have lots of ideas." Yumi: "Shiraishi-san..." Kana: "Yeah. And here's step one!" Kima: "Your mother, huh?" Miya: "Well, don't get too down. It's not necessarily ove—" Shira: "We're almost there if I'd had a little more money she would have taken it so I just need a little more and she'll definitely accept it..." Miya: "A glass-half-full type, huh?" Kima: "I guess." Miya: "Well, you'd have to be, to get this done." Kima: "Yeah." Miya: "However!" Miya: "I am introducing an emergency motion! I request a dismissal of Kobuchizawa Shirase as group leader! All in favor?" Kima: "Me! Majority rules! Thus, you are hereby dismissed as leader!" Miya: "Now, let's go to Antarctica!" All: "Yeah!"
{ "raw_title": "A Place Further Than the Universe Episode 2 – Kabukicho Fremantle", "parsed": [ "A Place Further Than the Universe", "2", "Kabukicho Fremantle" ] }
Yuzuki: "I could just die right now." Kimari: "High school students. Antarctica." Hinata: "Seriously doubt we'll find anything." Shirase: "Here you are." Kimari: "Thanks! That's hot!" Hinata: "Why would you serve it hot?!" Shirase: "My grandma says it's only May, so..." Hinata: "Even if it's only May, it's still hot out! I want cold tea. And some sweets with it, too!" Kimari: "I request something of the pudding variety!" Shirase: "Don't you think this is a bit bizarre?" Hinata: "Bizarre? This, from the girl who came up with our last plan?" Kimari: "Yeah! Don't you realize how embarrassed we were?" Shirase: "What was I supposed to do? It was our only option." Hinata: "Even so..." Kimari: "What? What?" Hinata: "High school girl!" Hinata: "Goes to Antarctica!" Shirase: ""The planned civilian Antarctic expedition team has announced plans to send a female high school student with its news crew"?" Kimari: ""The accompanying student will be celebrity Shiraishi Yuzuki-san... She'll be doing online streams about the trip to Antarctica and conditions at Syowa Station."" Shirase: "Someone beat me to it!" Kimari: "I didn't know about this! The expedition members didn't mention a thing about it..." Hinata: "They probably realized the trouble it would cause. See?" Shirase: "Reporter... journalist... where? Um... um... um..." Shirase: "Shiraishi Yuzuki. Her agency is... Call this place right now!" Hinata: "And say what, exactly?" Shirase: "Ask them if I go along with her. I'm the daughter of an Antarctic expedition member and a girl in high school. I know everything about Antarctica!" Hinata: "Call her yourself." Shirase: "But... I'm not cut out for that sort of thing... They're all strangers, after all..." Hinata: "I'm gradually starting to understand how this girl works." Kimari: "Same." Kimari: "Beep!" Shirase: "No way, no way, no way!" Hinata: "Talk! You want to go to Antarctica, don't you?" Yuzuki: "Um..." Shirase: "How dare you push this on me?!" Hinata: "Same to you!" emale Voice: "Hello?" Shirase: "What are you doing?" Yuzuki: "Um..." Yuzuki: "You're Kobuchizawa Shirase-san, aren't you?" Shirase: "Yes?" Yuzuki: "A pleasure to meet you. My name is Shiraishi Yuzuki." Yuzuki: "Shiraishi... ...Yuzuki?" Kimari: "Huh? Isn't that the name of..." Kimari: "She's on wiki! A child actress who started in commercials at the age of five." Shirase: "38,000 followers?" Kimari: "Made her singing debut with "The Follow Backs Don't Stop."" Yuzuki: "I could just die right now. I'm so embarrassed." Kimari: "Shirase-chan!" Hinata: "Take a picture!" Yuzuki: "Uploading my image to SNS without permission is a violation of likeness rights." Kimari: "Then can I get an autograph and a hand print?" Hinata: "She's not a sumo wrestler!" Shirase: "But what are you doing here?" Yuzuki: "Well... I wanted to talk to you." Kimari: "About what?" Yuzuki: "Would you go to Antarctica in my place?" Hinata: "Huh?" Yuzuki: "Antarctica." Yuzuki: "You want to go, don't you?" Shirase: "Where did you leak it? A message board? Twitter? Your timeline?" Kimari: "I didn't leak it!" Yuzuki: "Oh, no..." Yuzuki: "Do you remember the meet-up in Shinjuku before? I had been invited, too. I heard about you there." Shirase: "I see." Hinata: "But what do you mean, in your place?" Yuzuki: "Put simply, I don't want to go." Yuzuki: "I'm originally from Hokkaido, so I'm sick of the cold, for one thing. I think any high school girl going would fit the requirements of the project, so..." Shirase: "You..." Shirase: "You're sure?" Hinata: "Shirase!" Hinata: "Shirase-chan! You did it!" Shirase: "Yes... Yes!" Shirase: "Yes!" Shirase: "Well? Told you, didn't I? I told you that my plan would work perfectly!" Kimari: "But..." Shirase: "Impossible, you said? Ridiculous, you said?" Hinata: "Was this... part of the plan?" Shirase: "It worked, didn't it?" Shirase: "I've done it, Antarctica! At last, Antarctica!" Shirase: "Wait for me, penguins! Wait for me, auroras!" Kimari: "I bet that hurt." Hinata: "Sorry, she's an idiot." Yuzuki: "That's all right..." Yuzuki: "Is this the only way out?" Hinata: "Yes, but..." Yuzuki: "I'm borrowing your sandals. Excuse me." Hinata: "Wait!" Tamiko: "Hello there." Tamiko: "I am Yuzuki's manager." Tamiko: "My name is Shiraishi Tamiko." Kimari: "Shiraishi?" Tamiko: "I am also her mother." Kimari: "Thought so." Yuzuki: "I keep telling you, I'm not going." Tamiko: "But you have to go. It's your job, remember?" Yuzuki: "I told these girls they could do it instead." Tamiko: "Do you really think it's your place to decide that? Pardon me." Tamiko: "What is it?" Shirase: "Well... you see..." Hinata: "She just has to report on Antarctica, right? I think she can do it!" Kimari: "She's beautiful, see? Just like a famous actress!" Tamiko: "Can she perform?" Hinata: "O-Of course!" Shirase: "I'm c-currently... in... Antarctica... the weather..." Hinata: "Hello! Can't hear you!" Hinata: "Hold it! I can perform! I'll handle it!" Hinata: "Hello! I'm in Antarctica! People of Japan, are you seeing me?" Tamiko: "Can you be attractive?" Kimari: "She didn't sugar-coat it!" Hinata: "Shut up! Okay, in that case..." Hinata: "How about this?!" Tamiko: "I'll be going now." Hinata: "Huh?" Shirase: "What are we even doing?" Yuzuki: "H-Hey..." Girl: "Yeah?" Yuzuki: "Th-This might be coming out of nowhere, but..." Yuzuki: "Would you be my friends?" Tamiko: "I told you before, didn't I?" Tamiko: "When you reach your second year, you'll get more real time off." Tamiko: "Can't you just bear with it for one year?" Yuzuki: "No." Tamiko: "You don't have to worry. I'll make sure you're in time for entrance exa—" Yuzuki: "I don't care about entrance exams." Yuzuki: "I'm not going to high school for entrance exams." Kimari: "And here I thought we'd found a miracle." Hinata: "Too bad Shirase can't talk in front of people." Kimari: "But, Hinata-chan, you also couldn't—" Hinata: "You don't have to rub it in!" Kimari: "That scarred her more than I thought! Welcome—" Shirase: "We have it!" Hinata: "Have what?" Kimari: "Convince her?" Shirase: "Yes. Apparently the girl is refusing to go." Tamiko: "If you can convince her to go, I'll recommend to the production company that you go as her companions. What do you think?" Shirase: "In other words, if we can get her to go..." Hinata/Mari: "I see!" Kimari: "But Yuzuki-chan left, didn't she?" Shirase: "Actually, she has a job in Tokyo on Sunday, so she'll be staying in a hotel until Saturday!" Hinata: "Friday, Saturday... two days?" Shirase: "Which means there's no time to waste! Let's go!" Kimari: "It's after ten." Shirase: "Then tomorrow morning, before we go to school. Five o'clock?" Hinata: "Wait, wait. Are we gonna film her waking up?" Shirase: "Six, then? Seven? When should we do it?!" Hinata: "Calm down. If she's that set against it, she must have a pretty serious reason not to want to go." Shirase: "I thought she just said she didn't like the cold." Hinata: "She said that pretty bluntly. That means she probably has a deeper reason not to want to go." Kimari: "Hinata-chan, you're so mature!" Shirase: "So, what's the reason?" Hinata: "Well, I don't know that yet. But asking about that should probably be our first task." Kimari: "A reason, huh?" Hinata: "Uh-oh! See you later!" Kimari: "Sure! See you tomorrow!" Hinata: "What's wrong?" Shirase: "Self-loathing." Shirase: "I was just thinking, you're probably right, Hinata." Shirase: "At the end of the day, I've mainly been prioritizing my own feelings. I haven't been thinking about anyone else." Hinata: "You're just realizing that? Just kidding. As they say, it's a thin line between self-assertion and selfishness." Shirase: "Who says that?" Hinata: "Me!" Megumi: "Working today?" Kimari: "Nope!" Megumi: "Want to grab a bite, then?" Megumi: "Antarctica, huh?" Megumi: "Did you work that all out?" Kimari: "Well... We're not sure yet, but..." Kimari: "Sorry. Another time." Hinata: "Here?" Hinata: "Room 305." Kimari: "What should we do? T-T-Tail her?" Hinata: "What good would that do?" Hinata: "A coincidence. Just pretend it's a coincidence." Hinata: "Huh? Were you staying here? Where are you off to?" Yuzuki: "Um..." Kimari: "Studying?" Yuzuki: "Yeah. I need to catch up on the classes I miss." Yuzuki: "This place has free refills, and it's open late." Kimari: "You're so responsible..." Yuzuki: "It's about Antarctica, right? I'm sorry, I haven't made any more progress." Hinata: "Y-Yeah, we know that, but..." Shirase: "There's something else we wanted to ask you." Yuzuki: "What is it?" Shirase: "Why don't you want to go?" Yuzuki: "Is it strange that I don't?" Kimari: "Well, c'mon! Antarctica has penguins! Icebergs, too! And you can see the aurora!" Yuzuki: "My mother got to you, didn't she? Does she want you to convince me to go?" Yuzuki: "Stare..." Shirase: "Yes." Hinata: "Spineless!" Kimari: "But I still want to know the reason you don't want to go." Yuzuki: "Why should I tell you?" Kimari: "Well, it's okay if you don't want to..." Yuzuki: "I doubt you would understand." Yuzuki: "I don't have any friends." Yuzuki: "Not just now." Yuzuki: "I never have." Yuzuki: "Not once." Yuzuki: "I've been a child actress since I was four years old." Yuzuki: "But because I was so busy, I hardly had any time to play with friends." Yuzuki: "Then it kept happening and happening." Yuzuki: "I've never had a fight with friends. My mom's the only one I fight with. So once I got into high school," Yuzuki: "I decided I had to make friends, no matter what. I'd go to clubs, get a part-time job, buy sweets with my friends after class, do karaoke..." Yuzuki: "But..." Yuzuki: "Thanks, you guys!" Girl: "Sure! Let's go hang out some time." Yuzuki: "Really?" Girl: "Sure thing." Girl: "Also, can we get a picture together? Yuzuki-chan's a celebrity, so people want to see pictures." Girl2: "Take one with me, too!" Yuzuki: "Sorry..." Girl: "Oh. Bye, then." Yuzuki: "First impressions are important, aren't they?" Yuzuki: "I need to start working hard to form them right now." Yuzuki: "Proper relationships and groups... You're basically establishing who you are." Yuzuki: "Wh-What?" Kimari: "I just wanted to hug you suddenly!" Yuzuki: "I can't breathe!" Kimari: "I totally understand you!" Yuzuki: "I always hate new school terms and stuff, too!" Kimari: "You don't understand!" Yuzuki: "Yes, I do!" Kimari: "No, you don't!" Kimari: "Because you're all best friends, aren't you?" Hinata: "Best friends?" Yuzuki: "Aren't you?" Hinata: "We haven't even known each other a month." Shirase: "We've never even hung out together." Kimari: "We're just all trying to go to the same place." Kimari: "For now, at least." Kimari: "Right?" Kimari: "Yeah. Yeah!" Hinata: "Sorry to keep you out so late." Shirase: "I hope your mother understands." Yuzuki: "Not at all. I feel a little better, having gotten to talk about it. Well, bye." Hinata: "Bye-bye!" Hinata: "So... where does that actually leave us?" Kimari: "What do you mean?" Hinata: "Have you forgotten? We came here to convince her!" Kimari: "Oh! That's right! Huh? But if Yuzuki-chan refuses, Shirase-chan can go in her place..." Kimari: "If we convince her, we can go together... Huh? Wait, but if Yuzuki-chan refuses, Shirase-chan can go in her place... I'm so confused!" Hinata: "It's not that hard!" Shirase: "If she refuses, they'll get some other entertainer to go in her place." Kimari: "I see!" Shirase: "Convincing her was our only chance." Shirase: "But..." Hinata: "Well, I think this is okay." Yuzuki: "It's the first time anyone's done that to me." Yuzuki: "Having friends... Is that what it feels like?" Yuzuki: "Kimari-san!" Kimari: "Let's go to Antarctica!" Yuzuki: "What are you doing? They'll yell at you!" Hinata: "Come on, let's just go!" Shirase: "Come on, the wind is really strong! Hurry up!" Yuzuki: "But I..." Kimari: "Hold out your hand!" Kimari: "What a strange dream." Kimari: "Good morning!" Yuzuki: "You guys..." Hinata: "I told you it was too early! She's still in her pajamas!" Kimari: "It was Shirase-chan who said it!" Shirase: "What was I supposed to do? We're going all the way to Tokyo." Yuzuki: "Tokyo?" Kimari: "Yeah! We heard you had a job in Tokyo, so I figured we could go together!" Hinata: "Sorry to jump on you like this! It's all because she didn't ask for your contact info." Kimari: "Me?!" Shirase: "Do you have time?" Yuzuki: "Yeah." Kimari: "Really?! Then, then... We can go to the Tokyo... Polar..." Hinata: "Wh-What's wrong?" Hinata: "Kimari! Kimari! What did I do? It must have been you! But you're the one who said we should go together..." Hinata: "I'm saying I'll go if I can go with the three of them." Hinata: "And I won't go without them." Kimari: "Okay, Yuzuki-chan! Let's go!" Yuzuki: "Okay!" Shirase: "P-Penguins!" Kimari: "Aren't they nice and fluffy looking?" Yuzuki: "Yeah..." Hinata: "Hey!" Kimari: "Wow, it's long!" Hinata: "Hey, we can go inside this!" Kimari: "Really?" Kimari: "It's pretty cramped in here, huh?" Shirase: "I believe they use newer models of snowcats nowadays, of course..." Hinata: "Full speed ahead, and keep 'er steady!" Yuzuki: "I don't think it's a boat." Hinata: "This bunk bed only has a top bunk!" Kimari: "It says they keep the rooms over twenty degrees Celsius! Nice to hear it!" Yuzuki: "Because it'll be negative ten degrees outside! I bet my nose would be running..." Yuzuki: "Come a little closer!" Kimari: "I bet the real one is a lot more beautiful!" Shirase: "Yes, I've heard it's very beautiful. My mother said it brought her to tears." Hinata: "Most people don't get to see the aurora, though, do they? I've heard that." Kimari: "Then if we really do get to see it, we might be the only high school students in the world to see the aurora from Antarctica." Yuzuki: "Really?" Yuzuki: "In that case..."
{ "raw_title": "A Place Further Than the Universe Episode 3 – The Follow Backs Don't Stop!", "parsed": [ "A Place Further Than the Universe", "3", "The Follow Backs Don't Stop!" ] }
Kima: "It's not a dream. It's not a joke. It's not a misunderstanding." Kima: "That's what goes through my mind, every day, after I confirm it. At school, at home, at my job," Kima: "We're going to Antarctica!" Stu: "She actually said Antarctica!" Kima: "You don't care?" Shira: "No." Shira: "It's not as if they'd believe me right now anyway." Shira: ""In your face, in your face, in your face!"" Kima: "You're kind of a jerk, you know." Shi: "I certainly am." Shi: "You mind?" Kima: "Nope!" Teach: "You're serious about this? You need two days off for this "summer training," and then you'll be taking time off beginning in December?" Shira: "Yes." Teach: "What do your parents have to say?" Shira: "We have their permission." Teach: "Tamaki-san?" Kima: "Um..." Kima: "What do you think, Rin?" Rin: "Seems pretty normal. She didn't slam the refrigerator door, and the rhythm of her chopping seems normal..." Kima: "Okay!" Rin: "Wait!" Rin: "I'm suspicious. It's too normal. Like it's all a front, to trick us..." Mom: "Mari-chan." Kima: "Y-Yes?" Mom: "I bought some bath salts. Could you take them to the bathroom?" Kima: "Sure!" Mom: "They started selling those recently." Kima: "Does she already know?" Kima: "No, it might just be a coincidence... If I jump to conclusions, I might be digging my own grave. But what if she knows?" Kima: "If she does, then trying to hide it might make the situation worse! Maybe I should be just come clean, and—" Mom: "Mari-chan." Mom: "Is something the matter? Or is there something on your mind?" Mom: "Antarctica, perhaps?" Kima: "H-Hey, Mom! The truth is, I've decided to take a trip this winter..." Mom: "Oh, that's a done deal, is it?" Mom: "I simply hadn't heard a thing about it! Not until a neighbor told me today. Gosh, was I embarrassed!" Kima: "W-Well, I meant to tell you..." Kima: "It was just an issue of t-t-timing, and we needed to be sure it was happening..." Mom: "Who filled this in, now?" Mom: "And who stamped it?" Mari: "Wait, wait, wait, wait!" Mari: "At least put down the weapon!" Mom: "It's not a weapon. It's a cooking utensil. Though I could use it to dish out something to a certain idiot daughter of mine..." Kima: "That's a terrifying thing to say!" Dad: "I'm ho—" Kima: "Dad!" Kima: "Dad! Dad!" Dad: "Forgive me, my daughter..." Kima: "Dad! Da—" Meg: "This is pretty much all on you, Kimari." Kima: "You don't have to sum it all up like that! Now I can't go unless I pass every single test! And even without that, I won't have any time to study during our training camp..." Meg: "You're really taking time off next week, then?" Kima: "Yeah, it's four days, including the weekend, so I'll be off through Tuesday." Meg: "Are you sure about all this?" Meg: "I read that they're not even sure if the boat will leave the harbor." Kima: "Well, it's not like I can do anything about that..." Kima: "I gotta get to my job!" Meg: "Rough life, huh?" Kima: "See you!" Meg: "Don't overwork yourself, okay?" Meg: "If you work too hard and it doesn't go through, you're really going to regret it." Kima: "Right. See you!" Kima: "I request your assistance!" Hina: "No dice." Kima: "Why not?!" Hina: "Look, going to school means you're taking classes, right?" Hina: "That means you've got tons of time allotted every day just for learning." Hina: "If you still can't do it, you're probably just not putting in the work. Academics aren't like sports. Anyone can pick this stuff up if they try." Shira: "She's right." Kima: "Traitor!" Shira: "I'm not a traitor. Hinata's right, that's all." Kima: "Fine, whatever. I'll ask Yuzuki-chan!" Hina: "She's younger than you." Kima: "She's here, she says!" Yuzu: "Good morning!" Kima: "You seem different today..." Yuzu: "I was at work last time. I had to dress that way." Kima: "You had to?" Yuzu: "I just look awful in that cutesy stuff, anyway. It's really not "me."" Shira: "Really?" Hina: "I thought you looked cute..." Yuzu: "I can't stand that "Look at me, I'm a girly-girl!" junk." Kima: "Why's she in such a bad mood?" Hina: "Well, her job being what it is, she probably deals with some complicated stuff." Kima: "Is this the place?" Hina: "Yeah, definitely." Kana: "Sorry I'm late!" Kana: "Sorry that it wasn't the easiest place to find. Go on, get in." Kana: "Oh, don't worry, I'll tidy it up! Sorry, sorry!" Yuzu: "This isn't quite what I was expecting..." Kana: "Not quite what you were expecting, huh?" Kana: "Yeah, I guess it wouldn't be. An Antarctic expedition is a very big project. Even if we are civilians, you wouldn't expect a junky old minivan." Kima: "How are we supposed to respond to that?" Hina: "Like I'd know!" Kana: "But I never thought you'd manage to end up coming with us." Kana: "What happened to your million yen?" Shira: "I still have it." Kima: "You don't need it, do you?" Kana: "As I'm sure you've read, we don't have any money." Kana: "So we're doing a whole lot to raise the funds to get to Antarctica. That also means we're trimming every bit of fat that we can. We won't let it be canceled. Don't worry. You girls might not know this, but we've been hearing the same thing over and over since the project started. "You don't have the money. Won't it be dangerous?"" Kana: "We're used to it." Yuzu: "You are?" Kana: "Any time one of those reports comes out, the rest of the team and I all shout together... "Shut up, idiots!"" Kana: "You know?" Kima: "We do that, too!" Kana: "Really?" Kima: "Yes!" Yuzu: "The mountains, huh?" Kima: "Feels nice out here!" Kana: "Though we won't be going out there until two days from now." Kana: "Today and tomorrow, it's all lectures. Go on, get in." Kana: "Check these documents!" Kima: "Wow! A station handbook?" Yuzu: ""Internal documents... handle with care."" Hina: "Wow, a snowcat! This is so exciting!" Kana: "Based on that documentation, I'll be giving you a condensed version of the summer and winter training the others get." Kana: "Antarctica is the only continent in the world with no permanent inhabitants. Unlike Japan, it has many rules surrounding its use. I want you to be sure to memorize them all." Kima: "Got it!" Shira: "You're not like this in school..." Kima: "You aren't in my class!" Kana: "Well, let's meet the team captain!" Gin: "I am this Antarctic expedition's captain, Todo Gin." Kima: "Captain..." Yuzu: "It's a woman?" Gin: "I'm going to start by saying this: Whether the members of my team are researchers or just accompanying us, I will treat you all the same." Gin: "We have many things to accomplish. Just because you're in high school doesn't mean I won't ask you to do everything, from laundry to hard labor, as necessary. Keep that in mind." All: "Yes ma'am!" Gin: "These are the ABCs of an antarctic expedition." Gin: "A: Always follow procedure. B: Be alert at all times. C: Common sense." Gin: "I want you to keep these in mind at all time." Kima: "She sure did sound like a real captain, huh?" Yuzu: "If you dozed off around her, you'd have chalk coming your way, for sure." Kima: "If we had a test, I bet she'd fill it with all the hardest questions." Hina: "We're surveying a route tomorrow, right?" Kima: "Yeah, we'll be going outside. It'd be a waste not to, being up here in the mountains and all!" Hina: "Still, this all looks pretty tough." Kana: "How did it go?" Gin: "How did what go?" Kana: "Seeing her again after so long." Gin: "I told you, didn't I?" Gin: "I'm going to treat her like any other member of the team." Kana: "Yeah, yeah..." Gin: "Did you go against my wishes on purpose?" Kana: "No, I didn't have any part of this." Kana: "That girl really got here through her own efforts. Though I must admit, I had a feeling she would..." Kana: "Since the first day she told me she wanted to come along." Kana: "She's Takako's daughter, after all." Kima: "What's this?" Yuzu: "A transceiver, I think." Yuzu: "This is a compass, and that's a GPS..." Kima: "And then we've got flags. Hinata-chan, do you get it?" Hina: "Yeah, she taught us most of it to us yesterday." Kima: "But why do we have to do this? Antarctica's flat, isn't it?" Kima: "We can get along fine without marking a route, can't we?" Shira: "Totally wrong. The landscape's white as far as you can see, so it's easy lose track of your direction in a blizzard." Shira: "That's why you need to create a route to walk along." Kima: "So we set up the flags to serve as landmarks, huh? But where do we put them?" Hina: "Figuring that out is the point of the training." Hina: "This is our current location. And this is our destination." Kima: "So we just have to get there?" Hina: "But we can't just go right there. We have to go here, here, and here on the way, and set up flags at each point." Yuzu: "I see!" Kima: "Okay, let's do it! That way, right?" Hina: "Wait, wait! We can't just run off willy-nilly. Do you even know where the points are?" Kima: "There... ish?" Hina: ""Ish"? Come on!" Shira: "We'll need to keep precise track of our location." Kima: "I'm getting the feeling this is gonna be hard." Kima: "Forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty!" Kima: "Right here!" Hina: "Check the angle." Shira: "Which should I look with? Left eye or right eye?" Hina: "Your dominant eye, probably." Shira: "Which eye is that?" Yuzu: "I think you go like this..." Kima: "Are you done yet?!" Shira: "168 degrees." Hina: "More to the right!" Kima: "Right?" Hina: "Right!" Kima: "Right?" Hina: "Correct!" Shira: "There!" Yuzu: "Um, the latitude is... And the longitude is..." Yuzu: "It seems further away than the last one, doesn't it?" Hina: "If the instruments are right, we should be right here, I think." Kana: "That's where they are, huh? They've gotten pretty off-track..." Kana: "This reminds me of the first time I took part in one of these." Gin: "What's the story on the other three?" Kana: "Well, the one is the girl we were supposed to bring along from the start, right? They seem to have become friends at some point, but... Oh." Yuzu: "She said the other expedition members would compete on time, but..." Shira: "I think precision is more important than speed." Hina: "Safety first, right?" Shira: "Okay, here I go." Shira: "One, two..." Shira: "398, 399, 400." Shira: "Okay, here!" Kima: "Two steps left!" Kima: "Yes, there!" Hina: "That was fast." Hina: "I'm impressed you could tell, though. Kimari must be good with the compass." Yuzu: "She does seem cut out for it!" Kima: "Just call me a compass expert. A compasser, for short!" All: "First comes rock! Rock-paper-scissors!" Kima: "Okay, I'll take this one!" Kima: "Feels like we're on a field trip! Anyone bring any playing cards?" Hina: "We're not here to play around!" Shira: "Sleeping in a tent will be good training, too." Kima: "But it's not even 8:00 yet! Come on, the captain said they'd always socialize at night during their training camps..." Hina: "Less talk, more sleep!" Kima: "Hey, let's talk!" Hina: "Don't look at me." Kima: "Wanna tell scary stories?" Yuzu: "I could just kill you right now." Kima: "Yuzuki-chan, do you not like scary stories?" Yuzu: "Please shut talking now." Kima: "What does "shut talking now" mean?" Yuzu: "You're my senpai, so I self-corrected! You knew what I meant, so please leave me alone!" Kima: "Please shut talking now." Hina: "Knock it off, Kimari!" Kima: "Shirase-chan, are you asleep?" Kima: "I was wondering about something... Do you know the captain?" Shira: "How could you tell?" Kima: "Just had a feeling." Shira: "She and my mother knew each other in high school." Shira: "She went to Antarctica with my mother." Shira: "She came home." Shira: "My mother didn't." Shira: "That's all." Shira: "Because... my mother is waiting there." Kima: "What a big sky! Where's the North Star?" Yuzu: "Um, were supposed to trace something from the Big Dipper, aren't we?" Hina: "I thought it was Cassiopeia." Kima: "What's the South Star?" Yuzu: "South Star? Is there one?" Hina: "There is, but you can't see it as clearly, I've heard." Kima: "Which is it?" Hina: "You can't see it from here, duh. "Never think the stars you see are all the stars there are."" Kima: "Another of your sayings, Hinata-chan?" Hina: "Yeah, that one kinda sucked, huh?" Kana: "This is Syowa Station. Aurora Team, do you read me? Over." Kima: "We got it!" Hina: "This is Aurora Team, Miyake. We read you loud and clear. Over." Kana: "This is your regular check-in. Is everything all right there? Over." Hina: "Four members of Aurora Team. All personnel and equipment accounted for. Over." Kana: "Understood. It gets cold around dawn, so watch your body temperature. This concludes your regular check-in. Be safe." Hina: "Be safe!" Yuzu: "She really did contact us!" Hina: "I almost forgot!" Kima: "So cold..." Kima: "Hey..." Kima: "Is there something there?" Kima: "What was Shirase-chan's mom like?" Gin: "All I can say about her is that she was very strange." Kima: "Was she like Shirase-chan?" Gin: "I don't know. I don't know her daughter very well." Gin: "But in stubbornness and conviction, she's her spitting image. She's trouble." Kima: "Isn't trouble just the best?" Gin: "A personality like yours will do well in Antarctica." Kima: "Really?" Gin: "Why do you want to go to Antarctica?" Gin: "Did she invite you?" Kima: "Yeah..." Kima: "But I'm the one who made the decision." Kima: "That I wanted to go with her. That I didn't want my high school years to end the way they were going." Kima: "That I wanted to go somewhere that's not here." Gin: "I see." Kima: "But then I met Hinata-chan and Yuzuki-chan, and I got to hear how the members of the expedition felt, and I learned stuff about you and Shirase-chan, and now..." Kima: "It's not just "somewhere" to me." Kima: "It's Antarctica!" Kima: "I'm gonna go to Antarctica with all of you..." Kima: "Everyone, wake up!" Hina: "What is it?!" Yuzu: "I'm not a morning person..." Kima: "Just get up already! You, too, Shirase-chan! Hurry! Hurry!" Kima: "I wanna go with all of you." Kima: "I wanna find the South Star with all of you. I wanna see auroras, eat shaved ice, and take pictures with penguins!" Kima: "We've got to go!"
{ "raw_title": "A Place Further Than the Universe Episode 4 – Four Caterpillars", "parsed": [ "A Place Further Than the Universe", "4", "Four Caterpillars" ] }
Kana: "What do you think?" Yuzu: "It's really warm!" Hina: "Really feels like summer..." Kana: "Make sure you get your fill of it! You won't be touching any warm surfaces for a while, after this." Kima: "Hey." Shira: "What?" Kima: "Let's do this in Antarctica, too." Muka: "Well, shall we?" Muka: "Ready to sail!" Kana: "It's done, huh?" Todo: "No." Todo: "We did it." Kima: "The boat left the land." Kima: "I don't know what this trip will mean in the end." Kima: "We'll be taking time off from school, missing tests... It might even affect our entrance exams. But as of now," Kima: "we are no longer high school students who can never take a step forward." Kima: "We are not 17-year-olds and 16-year-olds who try but accomplish nothing." Kima: "It's all ocean!" Hina: "Of course it is." Kima: "The world really is big, isn't it?" Kima: "That's enough!" Kana: "Hey, guys, I'm taking a picture!" Kana: "Look up here!" Kana: "Okay, say cheese!" Hina: "Ready to go?" Shira: "I see! Thank you very much!" Hina: "Yeah, yeah. Very cute." Yuzu: "We're not live, so you can do it again..." Hina: "We rocked!" Kima: "They said the waves were gonna get pretty rough..." Yuzu: "We really need to be efficient with our time. They wanted us to help out later, right?" Hina: "Yes, that's right." Hona: "Why didn't you wake me?" Yume: "I did." Hona: "Then you need to wake me harder!" Hina: "Excuse us!" Hona: "Wait! Wait! Thirty minutes more!" Hona: "Fifteen, at least!" Hina: "Okay. We'll wait outside." Kima: "Did she not have eyebrows?" Hina: "It's not uncommon among women." Yuzu: "I'd actually say it's typical." Kima: "Is it really?" Shira: "Ow!" Hona: "As we go further south, we'll be stopping at places in the ocean known as "stations"" Hona: "to gather bacteria and seawater. We have tons of equipment on board to help us with that!" Hona: "This is a water sampler and a CTD monitor." Shira: "Wow! This is a water sampler and a CTD monitor, huh?" Yume: "We'll be gathering rocks like these and performing geological surveys in Antarctica. We'll investigate the stratum several thousand meters down" Yuzu: "The mic is too close!" Yume: "to learn more about the conditions on primordial Earth." Kima: "She has normal eyebrows, right?" Hina: "Would you just listen to her?" Kima: "Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no! We're late! We're late!" Yuzu: "Which way was it, again?" Kima: "This way!" Kima: "Ow!" Hina: "Sorry we're late!" Yumi: "Yeah, yeah, we've been waiting!" Kima: "Hey, dessert! You make that here, too?" Yumi: "Well, with whatever we have, anyway. Now, if you don't mind, start up on those." Kima: "Those?" Kima: "This is why I wanted to bring a peeler! Stupid Rin!" Yuzu: "There are still so many more to go..." Kima: "But this kind of thing is fun, don't you think?" Hina: "You like grunt work, huh, Kimari?" Yumi: "Seems like it takes the four of you just to reach one horsepower." Hina: "Are we that slow?" Yumi: "It's clear you don't help out at home very often. Still, don't rush yourselves. We don't want you getting hurt." Kima: "She's fast!" Yumi: "I am a pro, after all." Yuzu: "Are you a cook somewhere?" Yumi: "I'm usually a lunch lady. I'm constantly thinking up and preparing dishes" Yumi: "for picky eaters like you guys." Yumi: "Anyway, work hard, so you can get up on deck soon." Hina: "Get up on deck?" Vo: "From 1100 hours to 1700 hours, training is permitted on-deck. Counterclockwise." Yuzu: "What's that?" Yumi: "It means we're allowed to train topside. In other words, we can go outside and get some exercise." Hina: "Exercise?" Yumi: "I'll take you up when you're done." Yumi: "It's sort of a duty for expedition members." Kima: "Wow, the ocean." Yuzu: "W-We're going to run here?" Yumi: "Yep." Toshi: "Hey, wait up!" Yumi: "If they announce clockwise, you'd go this way. If they announce counterclockwise, you go that way. The direction changes by day, so be careful." All: "Okay!" Yuzu: "About how long do we have to run?" Yumi: "There's no particular rule. But as we've told you over and over, stamina is crucial on an expedition. You might be working all day in sub-zero conditions, so you need strong bodies to meet the challenge." Shira: "Mom was always exercising, too..." Yumi: "If you run out of stamina and pass out, not only will you not contribute anything, you'll be an active drag on the people around you. You don't want to get to Antarctica to be a drag, right? See you!" Hina: "She's fast!" Kima: "Okay! We'll do our best, too!" Hina: "Hey!" Yuzu: "Kimari-san doesn't realize, does she?" Shira: "She'll catch on soon enough." Yuzu: "I thought so..." Hina: "Hey, are you okay?" Kima: "Why... is it... so big?" Hina: "You've walked around here countless times, haven't you?" Kima: "But... everyone else... goes so fast..." Yuzu: "Even she can run that fast..." Hina: "She looks like a scientist, but I guess she still has tons of stamina." Shira: "We're going." Kima: "W-Wait!" Kima: "Eighteen!" Kima: "By the time we get to Antarctica, we'll be Amazons!" Shira: "It won't be that easy..." Hina: "Okay, last one!" Yuzu: "It itches!" Yuzu: "My nose!" Hina: "Yuzu, can you not lift your arms?" Yuzu: "If you do anything, I will just kill you..." Yuzu: "You idiots! You idiots!" Shira: "So this is a seawater bath..." Kima: "It's pretty big, huh?" Hina: "Definitely worth experiencing." Yuzu: "Would you get out already?" Yuzu: "Seawater is more permeating than I expected." Shiri: "My hair is so crusty... I think that's why everyone cuts their hair. And the men shave their heads..." Hina: "Okay, maybe we should cut it!" Kima: "I'll cut it! The boat has barber facilities, right?" Yuzu: "Not even if the fate of the world depended on it." Shira: "Ditto." Kima: "How come? I'm good! I cut my own bangs all the time!" Hina: "At last, the mystery..." Shira: "...is solved. That's why..." Yuzu: "...her hair looks like that." Kima: "What? What?" Vo: "Provisions ready!" Shira: "It's time for dinner." Kima: "No way! Already?" Kima: "I'm all sticky!" Yuzu: "Because you didn't wash off properly in the shower." Kima: "But I didn't have time! Hey, meat and potatoes! Are these the ones we peeled?" Hina: "Have we forgotten to do anything else?" Shira: "Dinner, bath... laundry?" Yuzu: "Don't we have to do that at a certain time, too?" Shira: "It's because you two were playing around in the bath. Take responsibility and go do it." Hina: "Wait, but what about our dinner?" Kima: "But didn't we pick someone to do it because it seemed easy to forget?" Hian: "Oh, that's right!" Yuzu: "Yes. As I recall, we did rock-paper-scissors..." Hina: "Hey!" Shira: "That'll do it." Hina: "What do you mean, "that'll do it"? You actually sat there and ate your whole meal!" Shira: "I still made it in time, so what's the problem?" Shira: "Don't." Kima: "She must be tired. They kept us busy a lot longer than I expected." Hina: "Yeah, true... And it all starts again tomorrow. You think we'll hold out?" Shira: "We just have to do our best, right? We don't have any other choice." Yuzu: "Feel sick..." Yuzu: "I feel... sick." Yuzu: "Going to die." Kima: "The world is spinning." Hina: "Don't talk. If you talk..." Hina: "How'd it go?" Shira: "Don't ask." Kana: "You're really seasick, huh?" Kima: "But we were totally fine before." Yuzu: "We took medicine for it..." Kana: "Didn't that wear off?" Yuzu: "It can wear off?" Kana: "It's medicine. Of course it'll wear off eventually." Hina: "I see." Hina: "I've never been on a boat this long. I didn't even think..." Shira: "Hinata, you idiot." Hina: "Why am I the idiot?" Kana: "You need to take medicine and get a good night's rest." Kana: "Then have a proper meal. I know you probably don't have an appetite, and you're afraid that if you eat it'll just come back up. But if you don't eat, you'll just keep losing stamina." Kana: "If it gets bad enough, we might have to give you an IV supplement." Hina: "I see." Kana: "If that happens, none of your training will mean anything." Shira: "Okay." Vo: "Provisions ready!" Shira: "Remember what Kanae-san said? If we don't want to be a drag in Antarctica, we have to eat, whether we like it or not!" Shira: "It all came up." Kima: "Yuzuki-chan, did it all come up for you, too?" Yuzu: "Don't say it." Hina: "Stop rocking! Just stop for a little bit!" Yuzu: "I think it is stopped." Both: "No way!" Yuzu: "They said they're collecting seawater." Kima: "And still..." Shira: "Yumiko-san said we'd get used to it eventually. But it's not happening." Hina: "They've probably been on boats so often their semicircular canals are busted." Vo: "From 0800 hours to 1400 hours, training is permitted on-deck. Clockwise." Hina: "What'll we do?" Hina: "Yeah, there's no way I can run..." Kima: "But it's a little better outside, with the wind, at least..." Yuzu: "I could probably manage it if not for the rocking..." Yuzu: "I wanted to see the whales..." Kima: "Whales? Can you see them?" Shira: "They said earlier that they were in sight." Kima: "Can you see them?" bu: "Um... Tamaki-san, was it?" Kima: "Yes." bu: "There's one right now." bu: "You see it?" Yuzu: "She self-destructed just now." Hina: "Because she was focusing on a single point, right?" Shira: "Lay off. Just thinking about it makes me want to puke." Hona: "There they are. Hey! I looked in your room earlier, and it looked like you weren't ready at all. Are you okay?" Hina: "Ready?" Kima: "53 degrees?" Hona: "Though we set that record a long time ago. The last time I came here, it felt to me like we rocked so far, this desk was up there." Both: "No way!" Hona: "When you go to Antarctica, you must surpass these things..." Hona: "The howling 40 degrees. The maddening 50 degrees." Hona: "The screaming 60 degrees." Kima: "Wh-What do you mean?" Shira: "It's about latitudes." Shira: "Earth is a water planet, remember?" Shira: "It spins on its axis, and that creates wind and water currents. But Earth has continents, so those block the currents and weaken them. But around this area of the southern hemisphere, there's no land in the way, so there's nothing to interrupt the current. Mom said they were going to plow their way right through it." Hina: "How long will it take?" Hona: "I don't know all the details, but pretty long." Hona: "Your insides will go woo, like on a roller coaster!" Kima: "A roller coaster? I like those, but..." Hina: "But do you want to go on one now?" Muka: "Here it comes..." Todo: "Though I like this kind of thing... the feeling, like I'm fighting." Mari: "I'm falling!" Hina: "That was the biggest one yet, right?" Shira: "I think that was about 15 degrees." Kima: "No way." Hina: "Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes!" Shira: "I floated." Shira: "My body floated." Hina: "You'd better stay in bed." Kima: "But the blood is rushing to my head..." Kima: "Ouch..." Hina: "You okay?" Kima: "I'm dizzy." Hina: "No getting to sleep tonight, huh?" Shira: "Yeah..." Yuzu: "You think we'll really make it to Antarctica?" Hina: "Of course we will. We're on a boat going there." Yuzu: "I know that... but we might not be able to do anything once we get there." Yuzu: "Everyone has so much stamina, and they can handle the boat..." Yuzu: "It's almost like we're completely different organisms." Shira: "Then we have to become stronger, too!" Yuzu: "You really think we can be like them?" Shira: "We just have to do our best, right? We don't have any other choice." Kima: "That's not true." Kima: "We always had a choice." Kima: "But we chose to be here." Yuzu: "Kimari-san?" Kima: "We chose this ourselves!" Hina: "Well said!" Yuzu: "Where are you going?" Hina: "The toilet." Shira: "I think I'm getting used to throwing up." Kima: "Same." Hina: "I'll eat anything! I'll puke anything!" Shira: "That was an actual hill." Hina: "Yeah, when I get home I can tell them... expedition ships are amazing." Kima: "Yeah, I'll tell them it was really fun!" Yuzu: "You must be joking!" Kima: "I'm not!" Kima: "I'm sure that when this trip is over, that's how we'll feel!" Yuzu: "I'd like to go outside for a bit!" Hina: "That sounds good!" Kima: "I wanna see, too!" Kima: "Let's go!" Yuzu: "It's pitch black!" Kima: "This is the ocean we're crossing, huh?" Shira: "To a continent of ice protected by storms and raging waves!" Hina: "We really did choose to go there, didn't we?" Kima: "What's that? Rain?" Yuzu: "It's salty! It's the waves!" Hina: "You're right!" Shira: "It's salty!" Yumi: "Feeling better?" Kima: "Yeah, we're totally fine!" Hina: "Because we saw the whales yesterday!" Yumi: "Sounds like you've gotten used to the boat." All: "Yes!" Yumi: "But... Once we make landfall, you're gonna get landsick." Hina: "For real?" Vo: "Left ten degrees, five miles!" Mari: "Where are they?" Kima: "No clouds. No birds." Kima: "The view is a single sheet of blue." Kima: "I strain my eyes, but the horizon is all I can see. I know I was probably hearing the sounds of the boat," Kima: "but that overwhelming scenery seemed to render everything silent." Kima: "I was looking out on an infinite world reminiscent of outer space." Yuzu: "No way..." Hina: "Is that..." Shira: "It is." Shira: "Those are..." Kima: "In that moment, we knew for sure." Kima: "It really lay ahead... Antarctica!" Kana: "We're back, aren't we?"
{ "raw_title": "A Place Further Than the Universe Episode 8 – Howling, Maddening, Screaming", "parsed": [ "A Place Further Than the Universe", "8", "Howling, Maddening, Screaming" ] }
Yuzu: "Ow!" Hina: "It's because you're wearing all that!" Yuzu: "What's the big deal? It's over anyway." Kima: "No, it's not! There's gonna be a jump-rope contest on the return trip, too!" Hina: "You saw the red meat that the winning team got!" Hina: "We can't take last place again! We need to pull out of fish tier, at least!" Kima: "It's not red meat!" Shira: "What?" Kima: "Shirase-chan, you're quite adept at jumping rope." Shira: "Is that weird?" Kima: "No, but you just didn't seem like the type." Shira: "Why not?" Hina: "Defying expectations is kind of Shirase-chan's thing. Like, she's clumsier than she looks." Kima: "More short-tempered than she looks." Yuzu: "More selfish than she looks." Shira: "What's that supposed to mean?" Hina: "Someone's birthday?" Toshi: "Um..." Toshi: "I'm in love!" Yuzu: "You're in love?" Kimari: "With the team captain?" Yuzu: "Um..." Toshi: "Zaizen Toshio." Yuzu: "You're in love with her?" Toshi: "Something wrong with that?" Yumi: "Of course there's something wrong with it. Everyone you tell gets so exasperated they lose their capacity for words." Yumi: "See?" Toshi: "You're wrong! They're just so stunned by my sudden confession..." Hina: "We're too exasperated to speak." Toshi: "Really?" Yuzu: "By team captain, you mean Captain Todo Gin? The beautiful, smart, determined..." Hina: "Seems pretty out of your league." Toshi: "That's so rude! I'm allowed to be in love with someone! I've always loved strong women like her!" Yuzu: "Why?" Toshi: "I feel like... they could protect me." Yuzu: "You could just die." Toshi: "Did you just say something to me? Something truly cruel?" Yumi: "I'm really sorry. You said it before, didn't you? That you wouldn't bring romance onto the ship." Toshi: "That's why I've held back until now! But I can no longer stop myself!" Yumi: "I would love to hit you." Toshi: "You basically are hitting me!" Yuzu: "So, why did you come to us?" Toshi: "Well, I heard that the captain had an old friend among the high-schoolers... I was wondering if you had any information..." Kima: "He means Shirase-chan!" Yumi: "How long have you known her?" Shira: "I first met her about ten years ago, but..." Toshi: "Got any pictures from that time?!" Yumi: "Okay, you need to maintain a five-meter distance at all times." Toshi: "When was that decided?!" Shira: "But she was just a friend of my mother's. I never talked to her much." Toshi: "I see. Then what am I going to—" Yumi: "Just give up on her, like I said! Toshio, you're such a—" Hina: "That's it!" Hina: "That's it! Including the expedition members' love lives in our reports will make them more exciting!" Toshi: "Report?" Yuzu: "I see! That's a great idea! We've never even touched on it before!" Shira: "Isn't that in poor taste?" Hina: "It's fine. Apparently our views have been in the pits lately." Kima: "You think people will watch?" Yuzu: "Of course they will! Whatever they might claim, everybody loves things like that!" Toshi: "You mean, my love for the captain will..." Toshi: "...be broadcast to the whole world over the Internet?" Hina: "No, Zaizen-san, you can go back to your room." Hina: "We'll take it from here." Yumi: "Sounds like you're in the way." Shira: "What kind of person she was?" Hina: "Yes! The captain's personality, her relationships with men..." Shira: "I told you before. She was just someone my mom knew. I didn't especially..." Shira: "She never really talked much." Taka: "I'm gonna buy some cabbage. Look after her." Gin: "Wait! What should I..." Shira: "Here, your change." Shira: "Here, your change." Gin: "You shouldn't give money to people you don't know." Kima: "Serious?" Yuzu: "Sounds more eccentric to me..." Hina: "So, what about her love life?" Shira: "How would I know about that? I was still in kindergarten back then." Hina: "We'll just have to ask her ourselves, then." Shira: "Ourselves?" Yuzu: "We'll set up an interview, and lead the conversation in that direction." Kima: "Like a press conference with a celebrity! "How's the love life?"" Shira: "Why are you asking me?" Shira: "Wait, who's supposed to go ask her?" Shira: "No! No!" Hina: "I feel like we've been through this before!" Yuzu: "Have we really?" Kima: "Why are you so desperate not to do it? You talked to her on the deck before we set out, remember?" Shira: "You were watching?" Hina: "Why would you ever think we weren't?" Yuzu: "You seemed close enough to me!" Shira: "No, we just happened to run into each other, so..." Kima: "You don't get along then?" Shira: "I don't know if I'd say. It's more like..." Gin: "There's a distance between us." Kana: "You talked to her on the deck before, didn't you?" Gin: "You saw that?" Kana: "You seemed close enough to me..." Gin: "No, we just happened to run into each other, so..." Gin: "We always had trouble communicating with each other. So whenever Takako would leave, we'd just..." Both: "A penguin!" Kana: "What on earth?" Gin: "I don't have any children, so I had no idea what to even say to her. Takako was just determined to—" Kana: "But Takako's gone now." Kana: "Are you sure you don't want to talk to her?" Kana: "About Takako?" Kana: "She's said that... that her mother is waiting for her." Gin: "We canceled the search." Gin: "It was my call." Kana: "Sorry for the wait. You can come in." Kima: "Hello!" Hina: "Sorry to impose..." Kana: "No problem!" Gin: "K-Kanae?" Yuzu: "Pardon us!" Kana: "Where's Shirase-chan?" Hina: "She had something else to take care of." Kana: "I see..." Hina: "Okay, camera's rolling." Gin: "Wait a minute. What are you going to ask me?" Hina: "We were hoping to ask some questions about your personal life!" Kima: "Your favorite foods, what you do back home..." Hina: "And... your love life!" Yuzu: "What's your "type"?!" Gin: "I will not answer questions unrelated to the Antarctic expedition." Kana: "Gin-chan, the high school girls have questions for you." Trio: "Please!" Yuzu: "Our views have been dropping lately!" Hina: "We need this!" Kima: "Her ears are bright red!" Gin: "They are not!" Hina: "Captain, did you just get out of the bath?" Kima: "What's your favorite bath salt?" Yuzu: "What's your "type"?!" Kima: "Maybe we should make the eyes a little larger..." Yuzu: "I think she's fine the way she is..." Kima: "They're so big!" Yuzu: "They did say we were in the Antarctic Circle." Kima: "The sun's not gonna go down, is it?" Toshi: "Someone like a cloud?" Yuzu: "What does that mean?" Hina: "Dunno. But that's what she said." Toshi: "There are lots of kinds of clouds... Cirrus, stratus, cumulus..." Yumi: "You're so boring." Toshi: "Why?" Shira: "I think..." Taka: "What big clouds!" Shira: "Yeah..." Gin: "Clouds are amazing, aren't they?" Gin: "You can't grasp them, but when you look up, they're always there." Toshi: "And... what does that mean?" Shira: "I don't know." Gin: "I think I have an idea, though." Yumi: "Yeah..." Toshi: "What? What is it?" Muka: "How did the interview go?" Gin: "Did Kanae..." Muka: "No, I asked. I was just curious to know if you and Kobuchizawa-san's daughter were very close." Gin: "She didn't show up." Gin: "She probably hasn't forgiven me." Muka: "That is a problem. A captain needs to be able to talk to their members and check in." Vo: "From 0800 hours to 1200 hours, training is permitted on-deck." Yuzu: "Ouch!" Kima: "That looked like it hurt!" Hina: "That happens a lot when you exercise in winter..." Hina: "Shirase?" Shira: "Penguins!" Toshi: "You know what it means? To be "like a cloud"..." Dai: "I think so." Toshi: "No way! What does it mean?" Toshi: "Tell me! What does it mean?" Dai: "Can't put it... into words." Gin: "Why?" Taka: "Why what?" Gin: "Takako, you're trying to leave me and her alone together, aren't you?" Taka: "I sure am! She needs your spirit, after all." Todo: "Hey!" Todo: "She's your child!" Shira: "Ow." Gin: "You can't do it?" Shira: "No." Kana: "What are you doing?" Shira: "What do you want?" Gin: "I wanted to know how you feel... about me." Shira: "Do you want me to tell you that I hate you?" Shira: "I don't hate you. When my mother decided to join the civilian expedition, she told me over and over again..." Shira: "that an Antarctic expedition can be dangerous." Shira: "But you're still going, right?" Taka: "Yes." Shira: "I was fully aware of the kind of place Antarctica was." Gin: "But I was the team captain." Shira: "Did you make a mistake?" Shira: "Was my mother left in Antarctica because of poor judgment on your part?" Gin: "I didn't have any other choice." Shira: "Then isn't that enough?" Gin: "Fine." Gin: "Let me just ask one more question." Gin: "Is that how you really feel?" Gin: "You really feel that way?" Shira: "I don't know." Shira: "This is why I didn't want to talk about it!" Shira: "I have no idea how I feel. All I know... is that, even though my mom wasn't coming home," Shira: "that day after day, my life wasn't going to change... I lived every one of those days waiting for her to come home, but nothing changed. I told myself, day after day after day," Shira: "that it was like I was waiting for her to come home." Shira: "If I want to change things, I just have to go... to where my mother is," Shira: "to the place further than the universe." All: "What?" Man: "All, slow astern. All, slow astern." Muka: "It finally happened." Shira: "What is it?" Gin: "We hit some fast ice." Gin: "We're going to ram through it." Kima: "You're right!" Kima: "We're going to slam down on the ice?" Kana: "Yes. We'll back up once, and then..." Man: "All, stop. All, slow ahead." Man: "All, stop. All, slow ahead." Gin: "We'll slam the ice..." Gin: "with all we've got." Gin: "We use the weight of the boat to shatter the ice." Kana: "That's why we call it an icebreaker." Yuzu: "What happens if the ice doesn't break?" Kana: "We'll do it over and over again. Again and again until it breaks." Kima: "Antarctica is tough, huh..." Kana: "It's said that it's especially difficult to reach land from here." Yuzu: "Is it?" Kima: "Then why did we specifically come here?" Kana: "It's the only place we can go. Rules about Antarctic exploration were formalized after the second World War..." Kana: "Ah, do you know about that?" Shira: "Yes." Gin: "Japan had lost the war, so many countries were opposed to Japan sending expeditions to Antarctica." Kana: "Of course, Japan didn't have much influence over the discussion. In the end, we were allotted East Ongul Island, which was even said to be unreachable." Kima: "You mean, they bullied you?" Kana: "I'm not sure if I'd go that far... but maybe that is what it amounted to." Kana: "An "If you really want to go there, go ahead and try" kind of thing." Yuzu: "That's very annoying." Kana: "But that just fired up everyone even more!" Gin: "They raised large amounts of money from all over the country," Gin: "and the shipwrights worked as hard as they could to design and build a ship..." Shira: "What then?" Gin: "Time and time again," Gin: "they found themselves on the brink of giving up, but they dug deep and pressed on." Gin: "Just like breaking through the ice." Kana: "Step by step." Shira: "Again and again..." Muka: "Two-thirds ahead!" Gin: "Go!" Kima: "Go!" Both: "Go!" Taka: "Get 'em!" Shira: "We did it..." Gin: "Not yet. There's a long way to go until we get there." Gin: "Year after year. Again and again..." Taka: "I'm home!" Gin: "Again and again." Gin: "Takako!" Gin: "Takako!" Man: "Hey!" Gin: "Takako!" Man: "Kobuchizawa!" Taka: "It's beautiful..." Gin: "Takako!" Taka: "It's so..." Taka: "very beautiful." Toshi: "Um..." Toshi: "Just for the record, I was really, really, really serious! I wanted to do something for her!" Yumi: "I told you, I get it." Toshi: "But she didn't even notice me!" Yumi: "An expedition member can't help their captain. They won't let you. Why don't you respect that, and find someone more within your reach?" Toshi: "Yumiko..." Toshi: "Y-Y-Y-You..." Yumi: "No! That's not what I meant! No!" Kima: "How did it all fit in there so neatly before?" Kima: "It's a mystery." Yuzu: "What will you do?" Kana: "Have you finished cleaning up?" Kima: "Yes! All finished!" Yuzu: "How can you be so comfortable with lying?" Kana: "Would you like to step outside for a minute?" Shira: "Can we?" Hina: "Yuzu! The camera!" Yuzu: "Right!" Kima: "Is this it?" Kana: "It's just a brief stop. Stay within five meters." Hina: "Okay, let's go!" Kima: "Is this..." Hina: "...Antarctica?" Kima: "What should I do?" Hina: "Shirase, you go first." Kima: "After you." All: "One, two..." Kima: "We're here!" Kima: "We're here!" Kima: "We're here!" Yuzu: "We made it!" Hina: "Goal!" Kima: "Shirase-chan..." Hina: "It's nice, huh?" Yuzu: "It's where your mother was." Shira: "In your face..." Shira: "In your face, in your face, in your face!" Shira: "You made fun of me and looked down your noses, but I believed! You betrayed me, thinking it was impossible, but I didn't give up!" Shira: "And this is how it turns out!" Shira: "Well? I'm standing in Antarctica! In your face, in your face, in your face! In your face!" Hina: "That's your priority?" Yuzu: "She must have been had a lot of pent-up feelings." Kima: "It's okay. That's the Shirase-chan we know." Hina: "In your face!" Yuzu: "In your face!" Kima: "One, two..." All: "In your face!" Gin: "One, two..."
{ "raw_title": "A Place Further Than the Universe Episode 9 – Antarctic Love Story (Blizzard Arc)", "parsed": [ "A Place Further Than the Universe", "9", "Antarctic Love Story (Blizzard Arc)" ] }
Daichi: "Video games are wonderful. I might be a 38-year-old man, but when I'm in a game, I'm young again." Daichi: "And I can do things that I could never do in real life. Okay, time to start by making my character." Daichi: "I'll name him "Earth," I guess. Since Daichi's my real name." Daichi: "And I'll make him look... young." Daichi: "He can be the same height as me..." Daichi: "And he definitely needs black hair and black eyes. There. That should do it." Daichi: "He doesn't exactly stand out, but I'm not the type to be the main character myself." Daichi: "I'm a salaryman in the real world. I can only play two or three hours a day. So I might cause trouble for other players if I tried to play with them. I'll be going solo most of the time, I bet." Daichi: "Now to pick my skills. I can pick mostly things that were underpowered... or, let's be honest, trash, during the beta. Then the hardcore crowd will leave me alone, and I play the game at my own pace." Daichi: "Out of my ten skills, six are underpowered. Bows are supposed to have really bad accuracy." Daichi: "And potions are available cheap from NPCs, so medicine's pretty worthless." Daichi: "Kick has no special attacks. You can't beat an enemy in one hit just by kicking it." Daichi: "Wind Magic is worse than the other types for attacking. It doesn't work against Fire and it's useless against Earth." Daichi: "Sneak has a high MP cost. If you move, it's easy to find you, so it's not good for trying to run away from monsters." Daichi: "Improved Physical Abilities supposedly gives a bonus to running, using a weapon, or crafting. But it's a small bonus, so if you want to be strong, you should pick something more specialized. But by picking skills that are underpowered, other people won't want to play with me. So I can relax and play my way." Earth: "That's it for making my character! Time for my first log-in! The concept of One More Free Life Online is, like the name says, that you can enjoy another life here. There's no big "Beat the Final Boss" quest, so you're free to spend all your time fighting monsters," Earth: "or being a craftsperson who specializes on making items." Earth: "Or you can just hang out and talk to other players. You can play the game however you want." Earth: "It's the first day, so the place is packed." Myun: "You're a new player, right? How about some equipment? We've got the good stuff!" Earth: "I guess there aren't any archers, huh?" Ward: "You there, loser." Ward: "The one with the bow." Earth: "This is an unlucky way to start my first day... You mean me?" Ward: "Don't you know that bows are useless?" Ward: "I guess some people are just weird!" Ward: "And you've got the face of a loser. You're such a dork!" Ward: "Let's go!" Bad Guy'S Party: "Hah! Look at that loser lying in the road!" Myun: "Hey, is the new player okay?" Crowd: "I guess they didn't like the bow... Glad I picked a sword!" Myun: "Hey, be careful, newbie!" Earth: "I guess people really don't like archers." Myun: "Come back any time!" Earth: "That's better for me, though." Myun: "Welcome!" Earth: "Oh, look at 'em all working hard! Okay, I'll try, too!" Earth: "I can't even shoot the thing..." Earth: "Guess I've gotta practice!" Earth: "Take this, and this, and this, and this!" Earth: "It's even less accurate than I'd heard!" Earth: "I fired 100 shots and made it to level 5." Earth: "Veni Ventus Volare. Wind Needle!" Earth: "It's more accurate than archery." Earth: "And my Kick skill's gone way up, too..." Earth: "Okay, I've got the minimum skills I need to survive out there. Time to head out into the field!" Crowd: "I saw one over there! Get it! Out of the way! That's my prey!" Earth: "Looks like a mess. I guess I won't be doing any combat today. I'll focus on gathering herbs." Earth: "So you don't know what it is after you pick it up, huh?" Earth: "I guess I'll go back and appraise it." Earth: "I lost another one?" Earth: "At first, I kept messing up and losing my herbs before I could identify them." Earth: "But I'm starting to figure it out. And the reason for that is... My medicine level is going up, and I've been able to figure out which category an herb is in." Earth: "The problem is that I found two of these!" Earth: "What was I supposed to do if I didn't use appraise on these first? What were the devs thinking, putting this in the first area?" Earth: "I went to a potion store and used my starting cash to buy a beginner's medicine crafting set. The method to make healing potions..." Earth: "It's just what I thought. You grind up the herb, soak it in clean water, heat it, and you're done." Earth: "In this game, once you've made an item, you can batch craft it. The items aren't as high-quality, but it's much easier." Earth: "Guess I'll make some potions and antidotes for tomorrow!" Earth: "My medicine skill is at level 7! And my Production Fingertips skill went up a bit, as well! But you can get potions for really cheap from NPCs, so nobody's going to want these." Earth: "Now it's time to go hunting!" Earth: "It's finally emptied out!" Earth: "I won't have to argue with other players about who gets to fight a monster." Earth: "You can't fire quickly with a bow, so the first shot is really important." Earth: "It noticed me?" Earth: "I got it!" Earth: "I'm less of an archer and more of a kicker, huh?" Zwei: "Gwaaaahh!" Zwei: "That was hilarious!" Earth: "What?" Zwei: ""What," he says!" Millie: "You're laughing too much." Zwei: "But, Millie!" Earth: "So, what was so funny?" Zwei: "Sorry, sorry! I've fought rabbithorns before, but I've never seen one make a noise like that! It was like, "Fwraaaaaagghhh!"" Zwei: "Humor is justice!" Earth: "So you're a comedian or something?" Millie: "Sorry." Zwei: "You seem pretty cool." Zwei: "I'm Zwei. This is Millie." Zwei: "I can send a friend request, right?" Millie: "May I send one, too?" Earth: "Sure, but..." Zwei: "Awesome! I've got a partner now!" Zwei: "Time to aim for being a top comedic duo!" Earth: "I'm not your partner!" Zwei: "That was perfect! Let's party up some time!" Millie: "See you around, okay?" Earth: "Sure." Earth: "It took way too long to take out a single monster... I need to get more experience." Earth: "They notice me even when I try to hit them from their blind spots." Earth: "Veni Ventus Volare! Wind Needle!" Earth: "Wind Needle's a wind spell, so it hits... But how do I stay hidden from them?" Earth: "My Sneak skill? It's worth a try!" Earth: "The bow never hits, and you can't use sneak to run away. But put them together, and they're really strong!" Earth: "I think I'm seeing what my next step is!" Earth: "The hardcore crowd will be up all night, I'm sure." Earth: "But I've got work tomorrow." Earth: "Time to go to bed." Earth: "What's with this bread? It's pretty unimpressive. The stuff you buy from NPCs doesn't taste that good. If you can taste stuff in this game, I'd like to be able to eat something that tastes better." Earth: "I've got my seasonings and cooking set... Time to get to work! First, I'll start by just frying the meat to see how it tastes, then season it with salt and pepper." Earth: "My very first rabbit steak!" Earth: "It's tough! It's way too tough!" Earth: "So its score is 2, huh?" Earth: "Now I'll try making cuts in it and preparing it properly." Earth: "And I'll put some herbs in to get rid of the gamy taste." Earth: "It's tender and delicious!" Earth: "It's got a score of 5, huh?" Earth: "I'd love to get it up another point or two." Earth: "Scoring it was definitely the right idea." Earth: "Now I'll try to parboil it a little before frying." Man: "What's that tantalizing, herbaceous aroma I'm smelling?" Woman: "It's making me so hungry!" Crowd: "Why would I smell meat in a place like this? It smells so good! I've never smelled anything like it! Where's it coming from?" Earth: "I finally got a score of 7! I'm satisfied with this!" Crowd: "Let me have some!" Crowd: "You can't make something that smells this good and not give us any!" Earth: "O-Okay!" Earth: "A hundred gloh per steak! How about that? That's about 20 times what it costs to buy bread from the NPCs!" Crowd: "I'll take it! I'll pay, just give it to me!" Crowd: "Is it ready yet?" Earth: "Just a little more!" Crowd: "Where's mine?" Earth: "Wait, I said!" Earth: "And so I spent the evening in cooking hell, but I crafted enough to get to cooking level 20." Crowd: "Why is everyone lined up? To try the delicious rabbit steak! Hold this and stand here, okay?" Earth: "And I learned Cooking Promotion!" Earth: "Here you go! Thanks to that, I was able to cook at high speed, and finally escape that hell." Earth: "And now I'm making a bow. There's no demand for bows so you have to make them yourself." Earth: "I'm going to start by making the simplest bow out of just a piece of wood." Earth: "I'll sand it down carefully and add something to make it less slippery." Earth: "Make the grips and tie the string..." Earth: "A score of three and an attack of four, huh? It's better than the basic beginner's bow, I guess. I guess I can try some other stuff. I can put together three pieces of wood, two made from a harder material and one that's more flexible..." Earth: "Then sand down the parts that face each other so they fit together and bend." Earth: "It's got an attack of 12! That's a big improvement! Okay, next..." Earth: "I need some armor!" Myun: "Thanks for your business!" Earth: "Cooking level 25?" Earth: "Oh, I've got to hurry!" Earth: "I used a lot of my money to buy that armor..." Earth: "I need to earn some more cash." Earth: "And I'll also put in my new prototype grape-flavored potions to try them out, too." Effect: "I'll start with the wolf, since it's closest." Earth: "Hawk Shot!" Earth: "It's a lot easier to fight with this new bow! Okay, time to get to work!" Earth: "Veni Ventus Volare! Wind Needle!" Earth: "Veni Gutadia Acrus Ratula! Wind Cutter!" Earth: "My kick and wind magic skills have gone up along with my archery." Earth: "All right. I've got a lot of items and I'm running out of arrows. Time to head back." Earth: "But my excitement only lasted for a moment. Shortly after this, we were all brutally attacked by a new system." Crowd: "I apologizing for using the shout function. Please sell me a potion! Does anybody have the medicine skill? I'll buy them for 30 gloh if you have spares! Please! I need potions!" Earth: "What's going on?" Earth: "You can buy all the potions you want from the NPCs, right?" Earth: "Zwei, this is Earth." Zwei: "Is that you, Earth?" Earth: "I got back from hunting and the whole town's filled with people looking for potions. What happened?" Zwei: "The NPCs have started saying they're out of potions!" Earth: "That's pretty bad, though, right?" Zwei: "It is bad! For you! Those potion juices you sold at the vending machine... They're gonna be begging you for them!" Crowd: "It's the chef!" Earth: "I guess you're right!" Crowd: "The chef who can make potions!" Zwei: "They're there already, huh?" Crowd: "I'll pay! Just give me some now!" Zwei: "I'm on my way!" Earth: "Thanks! That would be a huge help!" Crowd: "Please! We all need your help! You can make potions, right?" Earth: "Wait! I know you need potions! But there's so many people here! I'm putting a limit on how many you can buy! Potions are 40 gloh each, and you can only buy five!" Crowd: "Okay!" Crowd: "Dumbass!" Zwei: "Earth." Earth: "Zwei! Millie!" Zwei: "I'll deal with the crowd control. You just make the potions." Millie: "I'll handle the money, okay?" Earth: "Thanks so much." Earth: "I don't have a choice. Everybody thought Medicine was a trash skill, so barely anybody took it. I don't want all the players to be upset because nobody has potions." Earth: "I'm out of medicinal herbs. I'm sorry! I'm out of medicinal herbs! These are the last potions I have for the day!" Man: "Seriously? Oh, well. Make some more tomorrow, okay?" Earth: "Sure." Zwei: "Sorry, everyone!" Ward: "Hey!" Ward: "Hey, loser archer. Give me all the potions you've got. We'll make good use of them for you." Earth: "Sorry. These are for the people who stood in line." Ward: "You've got some nerve, don't you?" Zwei: "Hey! Leave us alone!" Earth: "Zwei!" Ward: "I'll show you what happens if you don't do what I say." Earth: "I'll say the exact same thing to you." Earth: "You don't seem to understand the situation everyone's in right now." Ward: "Who are you guys? You're going to take this loser's side?" Earth: "You shouldn't get any ideas about stealing them." Ward: "Fine. I'll pay." Earth: "What do you think will happen if we can't buy weapons and armor from the NPCs, like what just happened with the potions?" Earth: "You're going to need craftspeople!" Earth: "Which means you'll need to get along with other players! And if you make an enemy out of everyone here, you'll end up with nobody willing to sell you anything!" Ward: "Don't you dare lecture me! Who do you think you are, anyway?" Zwei: "Hey, don't try to PvP him!" Earth: "Don't worry. I can't just let players like him boss everybody around!" Earth: "He thinks he's won already, I bet. That's fine by me. His arrogance gives me a chance to hit him in his weak spot!" Earth: "I shift to the side to dodge, and..." Earth: "There!" Ward: "Archers can't do anything but steal other people's points from long-range! But he's fighting up close?!" Zwei: "He's amazing, Millie! Get Blue Color together, now!" Millie: "Okay!" Earth: "Sorry for the trouble! I'll go get some more medicinal herbs and open my shop again tomorrow, okay?" Daichi: "All my hard work paid off today. I bet the guy with the mohawk and his buddies will find themselves ignored by all the craftspeople, now."
{ "raw_title": "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life Episode 1 – Earth Logs In", "parsed": [ "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "1", "Earth Logs In" ] }
Zetan: "We've finally made it to town." Earth: "Sorry to make you run the whole night." Zetan: "I don't need an apology. For me, that's nothing!" Earth: "I see. I'm really grateful, though." Earth: "Is there a new fad where everybody's playing instruments?" Zetan: "Towns inside the Fairy Kingdom all love to promote the arts." Zetan: "To the north is Shepia, the town of literature. To the east is the town of painting, Sezanah. To the west is the town of sculpting, Ranjelo. And where we're at, in the south, is the town of music, Shubert." Earth: "I bet I could hear all kinds of music just by walking through the streets." Earth: "But I want to get some sleep." Zetan: "I've got an inn I always go to, then." Innkeeper: "With this many introduction letters, and having Wild-Haired Zetan bring you here, you're more than welcome to stay." Earth: "Wild-Haired...?" Zetan: "Innkeep, that nickname is embarrassing. Stop it." Innkeeper: "I've gotten you rooms next to each other. Enjoy your stay." Earth: "See you later, Wild-Haired Zetan." Zetan: "Stop that!" Earth: "I was lucky that I got saved by a fairy famous enough to have his own nickname." Earth: "Now I can finally log out and sleep." Earth: "Now, time to do some adventuring!" Earth: "I-I can't move!" Earth: "Is this a bug?" Earth: "C-Can you get off me? If anybody sees this, they're gonna get the wrong idea!" y Queen: "Big Brother's not gonna like me anymore! So I'm never gonna let him go!" Earth: "She's regressed to being an infant?" Innkeeper: "Earth, since you're awake, how about some breakfast?" Innkeeper: "I see I'm interrupting. I'll come back later." Earth: "No! Save me!" Zetan: "Save you from what?" Zetan: "Oh, I see you brought a girl back to your room already." Earth: "I did not bring her here! Help me get her off! Please!" y Queen: "No! If I let go of Big Brother, he's gonna leave the kingdom!" Innkeeper: "Y-Your Highness!" Dragon Princess: "Sister..." Earth: "You're kidding me. Now, of all times?" Innkeeper: "A d-d-dragonian?!" Dragon Princess: "What are you doing?" y Queen: "I came to apologize for what happened at the southern fort. I've punished the man who runs the fort, his daughter, as well as all 80 of her personal soldiers." Earth: "Punished how, specifically?" y Queen: "I summoned them to a special area, did near-lethal damage to them 30 times and healed them 29 times, shattering their minds... Then, of course, I demoted the girl to the lowest rank of soldier, as well as the rest of them." Innkeeper: "The number of times she healed them and the number of times she did near-lethal damage don't match, do they?" Zetan: "So the last time she did it, she just left them, huh?" Dragon Princess: "There it is. This is who my sister really is. She creeps me out." Earth: "Well... the people in the town were all really nice. I don't hate your kingdom or anything." y Queen: "Really? You're not gonna start hating this country, Big Brother?!" Dragon Princess: "Stop trying to flirt with him, you stupid big sister!" y Queen: "Ow! What was that for, you stupid little sister?" Dragon Princess: "If you're done talking, then you don't need to be here anymore, right?" y Queen: "Ow! What about you? What are you doing here?" Dragon Princess: "I'm here to keep an eye on my stupid sister!" y Queen: "Earth!" y Queen: "I'm afraid I must be going." y Queen: "I apologize for causing a scene, Innkeep. Farewell." Zetan: "I knew you were close to the queen, but I didn't know you were friends with a dragonian, too." Innkeeper: "Were you aware that the fairies once started a war with the other nations?" Innkeeper: "The dragonians were the ones we fought the deadliest battles with." Zetan: "If they knew a dragonian was in town, the whole city would be in an uproar!" Innkeeper: "Seems we should all keep our mouths shut, then. I'll bring you a meal later." Innkeeper: "Enjoy your stay." Earth: "What an awful way to wake up..." Zetan: "Aw, you're lucky to have a pretty girl like her in love with you. I wish I had a girl like that." Earth: "Come in." Karen: "I apologize for the intrusion. I heard that Wild-Haired Zetan could be found here..." Zetan: "Something I can do for you?" Karen: "My daughter's gone missing. I want you to find her for me!" Earth: "Calm down. Can you explain what happened?" Karen: "I'm sorry for being in such a panic. My name is Karen Fenrir." Zetan: "Fenrir... That's a famous noble family." Karen: "My daughter always goes for a walk at the same time each day. But today, she didn't come back. I went to look for her, but I can't find her anywhere." Zetan: "You people can switch between human and wolf forms whenever you want. Even if a monster attacked her, they couldn't hurt her." Karen: "And that's why I'm worried that something terrible may have happened." Karen: "This is my daughter." Karen: "I'll pay you, of course, so please..." Zetan: "All right. I accept." Karen: "Thank you!" Earth: "Zetan, I'll help, too." Zetan: "You're sure?" Karen: "Please do! I'll make sure you're properly rewarded for your trouble, as well!" Zetan: "Sorry to make you help with a job that should be mine." Earth: "I just wanted to repay you for carrying me all the way here, but... If I'm getting paid, too, then that doesn't really work." Zetan: "Well, aren't you nice? If you want to thank me, make me some more good food." Earth: "Food's all you want?" Zetan: "Yeah. Lookin' forward to it!" Earth: "This is farther than you'd go on a walk." Zetan: "The gate guard said he saw her, so this has to be the right direction." Earth: "I sense monsters!" Earth: "Two from the right, one from the left!" Zetan: "Your ability to detect monsters sure comes in handy. It definitely did on the way from the fort." Earth: "With that kind of power, you could beat them easily anyway." Zetan: "So? What are we looking at?" Earth: "I'm not seeing anything but monsters for the moment. It will drain my resources faster, but I guess I'll try expanding the search radius to its maximum." Earth: "I see a group of monsters, and something else!" Zetan: "Okay, get on!" Earth: "I saw two things that weren't monsters..." Earth: "Activate Long-Distance Vision!" Earth: "That's definitely Miss Mina Fenrir. She's pretty badly hurt, too." Zetan: "What?" Earth: "We need to do something before night falls. Zetan, I want you to break past those goblins" Earth: "and splash Miss Mina with this rare potion." Earth: "I'll back you up." Zetan: "Got it!" Mina: "Who's there?" Zetan: "Excuse me, missy." Mina: "My wounds healed..." Zetan: "Can you hang in there a little longer now?" Mina: "Y-Yes!" Zetan: "Okay, give 'em hell. And don't worry! I'll protect you if things get bad." Mina: "Okay!" Earth: "That's the last of them." Zetan: "You're good. You know just how to help in a fight, and it made my life easier." Mina: "I don't know who you are, but thank you for your support." Zetan: "Oh, no. We're only here because your mother hired us to help find you." Mina: "My mother hired you?" Zetan: "Yeah. I'm Zetan. And the human here is..." Earth: "I'm Earth." Mina: "Zetan... You mean Wild-Haired Zetan?!" Zetan: "Well, I guess some people call me that." Mina: "I'm really lucky, aren't I? To have the famous Zetan save me!" Earth: "Oh!" Earth: "I'm sorry to ask this, Miss Mina, but why didn't you transform? Wouldn't have you been able to fight back more easily as a wolf?" Mina: "Well, you see... I was going for my walk when I smelled something slightly sweet... And suddenly everything went hazy. The next thing I knew, I was surrounded by goblins, and for some reason I couldn't transform..." Earth: "I see. Can you drink this and try transforming again?" Mina: "I was able to transform! Why couldn't I do it before?" Earth: "The anti-poison potion worked. So I was right. Somebody poisoned her." Earth: "Okay, turn back to human form and have Zetan carry you back to town." Zetan: "What will you do?" Earth: "I'm a little tired. I'm going to rest here for a bit before I head back." Zetan: "Fine. Don't be too late." Earth: "How long are you going to keep hiding?" Earth: "I sensed two things here that weren't monsters. And those goblins had some pretty expensive-looking equipment, didn't they?" Earth: "The ones with the shields were tankers. The ones with the spears pinned her down from a distance. And the ones with the swords attacked up close, right? The only race that could've made goblins fight as a team," Earth: "and use poison to weaken a Fenrir..." Earth: "is a human!" pc Man: "Wh-What the hell do you think you're doing?" Earth: "That's my line! Kidnapping and killing is what the bad guys do! I don't know if you did this on your own or if somebody hired you," Earth: "but what's wrong with attacking a bad guy?" pc Man: "Damn it..." pc Man: "You..." Earth: "This feeling... he's human, but not a PC. If I let him go, it might ruin relations between the humans and fairies, and even lead to a scenario where there's a war!" Earth: "Knowing the One More GMs, I could totally see that!" pc Man: "Damn you! I'll make sure you don't tell anyone!" Earth: "That's my afterimage!" Earth: "Triangle Shot!" Earth: "I changed course in mid-air, so it didn't hit as hard as it usually does... But it still did plenty of damage, I see." pc Man: "I'm human, you idiot! And they're fairies!" Earth: "Sorry. I don't care about what race or country somebody's from. All I care about is whether we can take each other's hand and walk beside each other. If we can all admit our good parts, and bad parts, and walk beside each other, that's for the best... whether the other person is a fairy or dragonian." Earth: "And if I have to fight, I'll show no mercy even to a human." Earth: "You didn't leave?" Zetan: "I was curious if you caught your rat." Earth: "Yup. I disinfected the place, too." Zetan: "Good, then. Get on." Earth: "I'm fine. I'll walk." Zetan: "I want to give you a ride. Today, you're my partner. Earth, the human adventurer!" Earth: "All right. I'll take you up on that, then." Karen: "Mina! You're safe!" Mina: "Mother!" Karen: "Zetan, Earth, thank you so much. I'll pay you 100,000 gloh each." Earth: "There's one more reward I'd like to ask for, ma'am." Zetan: "Hey, that's plenty of money." Earth: "I'd like you to ensure that Miss Mina and Zetan get a chance to spend some quality time together." Earth: "As you can see, Miss Mina seems quite taken by him." Mina: "I've heard so many tales of his bravery... and always wanted to meet him. And when I actually did, he was so kind..." Karen: "Oh, my! Oh, my!" Zetan: "Earth, what do you think you're doing?" Earth: "Remember what you said this morning? You wanted a pretty girl who was in love with you. Miss Mina's certainly pretty, right?" Mina: "I look forward to spending time with you!" Earth: "I'll let the three of you work out the details! Have fun!" Earth: "Queen, can we talk?" y Queen: "Of course! Wow, you never summon me!" Earth: "Wow, that was fast." y Queen: "What is it? A confession of love?" Earth: "You see..." y Queen: "Yes?" y Queen: "I can't believe it..." Earth: "Yeah, I figured you should know." y Queen: "I believe that humans and fairies must not be allowed to fight." Earth: "I agree. Make sure you keep an eye out for trouble." y Queen: "For now, you have my thanks for stopping it before it started. I'll see what I can learn." Earth: "Thanks." Earth: "Anyway, it's time for me to sleep, so I'll see you later..." y Queen: "You're saying you want to sleep next to me, right?" Earth: "I am not." y Queen: "Aw, you're so shy!" Earth: "Leave already!" y Queen: "Okay, I will, but when can I see you next?" Earth: "Eventually!" y Queen: "If you don't promise me, I won't leave. I want to give you my thanks for what you did today, too!" Earth: "Your thanks? Are you saying that as queen of the fairies?" y Queen: "Of course! Thanks to you, we were able to avoid unnecessary bloodshed." Earth: "Then I promise we can meet again. But no trying to give me a reward." y Queen: "Fine." Earth: "Do you understand, Queen? The way you're getting too involved with me is basically the same as what the fort commander's daughter was doing." Innkeeper: "We'll miss having you here." Earth: "I need to get going, though. I'm running low on enhanced oil. And I want to do some repairs on my bow, too." Earth: "Oh, Zetan. How'd it go after that?" Earth: "I guess I know the answer to that!" Zetan: "She says she wants me to move in with her." Innkeeper: "Oh, my!" Zetan: "To the Fenrir mansion near the castle. Karen has preparations to make, she said, so she already left. We need to get going, too." Earth: "That's great!" Zetan: "You're heading back to a human town, right?" Zetan: "I'm sad I won't get to give you a ride on my back." Earth: "Don't worry about it, partner." Earth: "I had a lot of fun being your partner. Let's do it again sometime." Zetan: "Bye!" Mina: "I promise we'll be happy together!" Innkeeper: "You've got a long journey home, though, Earth." Earth: "Oh, I've got something up my sleeve! Pikasha! Can you come here?" Innkeeper: "That bird won't even let the royal family ride on them sometimes. It won't just show up here." Earth: "I know. I was just joking and hoping it would work. It would be great if it did..." Innkeeper: "Uh?" Earth: "It did work." Innkeeper: "It sure did." Earth: "Okay, let me down here!" Earth: "If I ride you into town, it'll make a huge fuss!" Earth: "Don't get so disappointed, please..." Earth: "Here you go! Some cooking to thank you! Eat up!" Earth: "All filled up? There, there." Earth: "You're sure?" Earth: "That's an incredibly powerful effect. Thanks, Pikasha!" Earth: "See you around!" Blacks: "Hey, Earth. It's been a while." Earth: "I'm back. I was visiting the Fairy Kingdom, but I realized I need some new equipment." Blacks: "You can use the place all you like. By the way, do you have enough materials?" Earth: "I went to all the hunting spots, but they were all drained dry. I'll work things out somehow." Earth: "It's a little heavier now, but I think it's still okay. Its old attack power was 46, so it's gone up by 9. This one's going to be a lot harder to keep repaired, though." Earth: "Time to try out my new bow." Earth: "A breaking announcement? "A Challenge From the Departed" has been fully cleared?" Labyrinth Guardian: "Thank you for freeing the souls of those who were trapped and suffering. I am the guardian of the labyrinth. You have all purified the wicked spirit energy that resided within the labyrinth, and now I can finally return to heaven." Earth: "I see, so this was the backstory." Labyrinth Guardian: "I'd like to reword those who contributed most to our freedom, but unfortunately I only have so many items to give." Earth: "A PvP tournament that only those who defeated a secret boss can participate in." Earth: "All the items you get from winning look really strong." Labyrinth Guardian: "Will you participate?" Earth: "No!" Earth: "Those rewards look great, but I don't want to fight in public anymore." Earth: "I've never heard a cry like that before. I don't want to get involved in any more trouble, but it'd bother me if I didn't look into it."
{ "raw_title": "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life Episode 10 – Earth Gets a Partner", "parsed": [ "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "10", "Earth Gets a Partner" ] }
Earth: "A dragon?" Earth: "They all disappeared... They were NPCs?" Earth: "It wouldn't be right to just abandon it, would it?" Earth: "Whew!" Earth: "What? Um... Food, maybe?" Earth: "I guess this'll work." Earth: "Well, I saved this dragon, but now what do I do with her?" Earth: "I could go back to First, but..." Earth: "No way. I'd stand out too much. Maybe the Fairy Kingdom, then? But there's a chance that bringing this dragon there will cause some kind of huge problem..." Earth: "I guess the first thing I need to do is find some more food for her." Earth: "I did come out here to test my new bow, after all." Earth: "Every living thing looks cute when it's a baby, I guess." Earth: "What? You want this, too?" Earth: "Okay, fine. Give me a sec." Earth: "I can't believe it..." Earth: "She ate so much food! They say journeys are more fun with friends, and you should try to help people you meet, but... I wonder if that goes for dragons, too." Earth: "All right... Queen, can you drop by for a second?" y Queen: "Hello! I'm here, just like you asked! It's me, your lover, Queenie!" Earth: "Sorry, Queen. We've got a problem." y Queen: "A problem?" y Queen: "What's a baby red dragon doing here?" Earth: "So I was right. It's a big deal." Earth: "So this is what happened..." y Queen: "I understand what happened. But this is definitely a big problem." Earth: "It's that big a deal?" y Queen: "Wild dragons never leave the borders of their kingdom, so that their terrible power doesn't cause needless conflict." Earth: "Wild dragons? Are they different than regular dragons?" y Queen: "Yes." y Queen: "They're both extremely powerful, but... The dragons have learned to control their power and are starting to learn to get along with the other races. But wild dragons have given up on controlling their power, and isolated themselves instead." Earth: "Given up on controlling their power?" y Queen: "And to make matters worse, that's a red dragon." Earth: "What do you mean?" y Queen: "Red dragons are much stronger than the others. They're a symbol of their nation. The royal family of the Wild Dragon Kingdom." Earth: "And their child was kidnapped?" y Queen: "Yes, this is a huge problem. If they find out, there's no telling what they might do in their anger." Zephana: "Trouble, Your Highness." Zephana: "There are red dragons heading here at top speed." Zephana: "You need to return to the castle..." Zephana: "Y-You stupid queen! What are you doing?! Why would you kidnap a red dragon baby?!" y Queen: "Wh-What do you mean, stupid? Even I wouldn't do something like that!" Zephana: "So what's it doing here, then?" y Queen: "It was Earth who..." Earth: "So what direction are the dragons coming from?" y Queen: "There they are." Earth: "They're huge!" Earth: "If one of these went on a rampage, it would be a disaster!" Dragon Dad: "Was it you who kidnapped our child?!" Earth: "I can hear his voice directly in my head..." y Queen: "Wait! This man—" Dragon Dad: "Silence, Fairy Queen!" Dragon Dad: "We're talking to him right now." Dragon Dad: "Child of man, answer us. Why did you kidnap our child?" Earth: "I don't know why your child was kidnapped." Earth: "The ones who did it are probably dead. I simply found him and took care him." Dragon Dad: "And you expect us to believe that?" Earth: "I understand that you doubt me. But I'm telling the truth!" Dragon Dad: "Very well. Then bring me our child." Dragon Dad: "Do that and I will believe you, out of respect for your courage." y Queen: "Earth..." Earth: "It's fine." Earth: "It's just fine." Dragon Mom: "Oh, my child!" Dragon Dad: "My apologies, child of man." Dragon Dad: "We have just seen our child's memories. What you said is indeed true." Dragon Dad: "You fed her, too, I see. You have my gratitude." Dragon Dad: "I also want to apologize for needlessly suspecting you. Ask for anything you want." Earth: "All right, I will." Earth: "Please don't hold the Fairy Kingdom responsible for what happened today." Earth: "And pretend that we have never met." Dragon Mom: "I understand why you'd want to protect the fairies. But why pretend we never met?" Earth: "I prefer peace and quiet. I don't want to attract attention." Dragon Mom: "It's not that you don't want to be associated with us, correct? Very well, then." Dragon Dad: "Yes. We shall grant your wish." Dragon Dad: "We shall return to our lands, then. Farewell, child of man." y Queen: "It worked, huh?" Earth: "Yeah. We got lucky." y Queen: "Thank you for thinking about the Fairy Kingdom, too. As Queen, you have my gratitude." Earth: "As Queen, huh? She's growing up." y Queen: "What will you be doing now? If you don't have any plans, why not come to the castle so I can thank you?" Earth: "I'd rather go to a town than the castle. I'd like to get some work." y Queen: "I see. I'll see you're given a ride, then. Pikasha!" Earth: "Thank you. And if you could—" y Queen: "Of course." y Queen: "I will see to it that no one knows that you were involved with this." Earth: "Thanks. I don't want to attract any more attention than I already have." Earth: "All right, I'm counting on you!" y Queen: "Yes, leave it to me!" Earth: "Huh?" Earth: "You're kidding me..." Earth: "There's barely any work." Innkeep: "Oh, it's your first time here, huh?" Earth: "Um, is there just no demand for adventurers here?" Innkeep: "No, that's not true. There were a lot of jobs at first." Innkeep: "But human adventurers took them all." Innkeep: "All the inns are like this now." Earth: "I see. Oh, dear." Innkeep: "If you want work that bad, why not work here while you stay the night?" Innkeep: "Table 7's food is ready." Earth: "Okay!" Earth: "Let me read your order back to you. First..." Man: "Hey, I don't have my food yet!" Earth: "Sorry!" Earth: "Why am I doing the cooking, too?" Innkeep: "Here's the next order." Earth: "Okay! It's just like being a part-timer at a restaurant!" Earth: "It's finally over.." Innkeep: "Good work today!" Innkeep: "You were a huge help." Innkeep: "Here's your pay!" Earth: "Thanks." Earth: "I'll be going to bed." Innkeep: "Thanks. Sweet dreams!" Earth: "I started the day by finding a dragon baby, and ended it as a part-timer at a restaurant... One More's really got everything..." Earth: "But well, it's kind of fun. I could make some money and open my own restaurant. That might be one way to play... You know, I think this game has too many things to do." Old Man: "So we all agree to continue running One More, then." Old Man: "Good, good. These results are spectacular." Male 1: "That's all well and good, old man. But how are things looking with the two of them?" Old Man: "You'll be shocked. Involvement with one of the players has caused EA to learn to laugh, and EB to learn to be angry." emale 1: "I was surprised when I first saw it, as well. EA had become almost completely emotionless, and EB reacted by constantly acting like a spoiled child..." emale 1: "I can't believe the two of them have changed so much." Male 2: "Unbelievable. I'd been so focused on showing that world to my daughter... I didn't realize there was someone like that out there." emale 1: "He's an interesting man." Male 1: "What, you know him?" emale 1: "Yes. I'm a player, too." Male 3: "Yes, I'm very curious about this player. But that's all the more reason to continue operating the game." Old Man: "Yes. We need One More to train our AIs, as well!" Earth: "So Silver's party won the "Challenge from the Departed" PvP tournament, huh?" Earth: "I guess Glad gets to taste the agony of defeat this time." Earth: "The wind feels so good..." Earth: "It's been a while since this game's been so relaxing for me." Earth: "This is actually what I wanted when I started this game." Earth: "But I've been attracting attention instead." Earth: "I kind of wonder what I'm doing." Earth: "Well, it was fun, though. Being able to run around and move like that..." Earth: "When I was little, I used to run around and play all the time. But once I got older, I was so busy with work, I didn't get a lot of chances to exercise. And the next thing I knew, I was so out of shape that I was feeling depressed." Earth: "So I decided that I could at least come here... And it's so much fun to be able to do things that I could never do in the real world, even when I was younger." Earth: "So I let things get out of hand." Earth: "'Cause in the real world, my body and my heart don't work like they did when I was little." Earth: "Wait, why am I crying?" Earth: "It's not a good idea for me to be alone." Earth: "I think about stuff I shouldn't and get depressed." Earth: "I'm better off when there's crazy stuff going on around me." Earth: "Fortunately, I know lots of crazy people." Earth: "Actually, maybe that means I've been kind of harsh on them. I need to be nicer." Earth: "Or so I thought, but... This is way too sudden!" y Queen: "What is?" Earth: "Nothing. Never mind. So, what's so urgent you needed to summon me here the second I arrived in town?" y Queen: "I thought you might want to see me!" Earth: "Shaddup!" Earth: "And who might you be?" Earth: "I was hoping Her Majesty might introduce me, but..." Green Dragon: "I'm a green dragon. We are wild dragons that have the power to control the wind." Earth: "A wild dragon? I heard your race tries to avoid contact with the other races." Green Dragon: "We green dragons are an exception. We're less powerful than the other wild dragons, but far faster and more agile, and we can take human form, too." Green Dragon: "Thus, we sometimes serve as messengers." Earth: "I see. I understand who you are. But..." Earth: "What would someone like that want with me?" Green Dragon: "You really have no idea why I'm here?" Earth: "I'm not sure..." Earth: "All I can think of is that I returned the red dragon baby. But they agreed to pretend that never happened." Green Dragon: "Yes. There's actually a problem with the young lady." Earth: "A problem?" Green Dragon: "Yes. After returning to our kingdom..." Green Dragon: "she's nearly stopped eating entirely." Earth: "Huh?" Green Dragon: "If she's going to grow up into a big, strong dragon, she needs to eat." Green Dragon: "But she..." Green Dragon: "She only eats about half what a normal dragon her age eats!" Green Dragon: "And not only that..." Dragon Baby: "Teach me how to become human!" Green Dragon: "She came to us and asked that..." Earth: "And you've been told to find out why?" Green Dragon: "Yes. Do you have any idea?" Earth: "No, not really." Earth: "When I found her, she ate a whole lot." Green Dragon: "Really?" Earth: "Yes." y Queen: "Hey." y Queen: "Don't you suppose that your cooking was just too good?" y Queen: "What did you feed her?" Earth: "Soup and Hamburg steak... a lot of both..." Green Dragon: "Soup? Hamburg steak? What are those things?" Earth: "They're, um... well..." Earth: "Did I screw up?" Green Dragon: "This is delicious!" Green Dragon: "I can see why the young lady isn't interested in our food anymore!" y Queen: "Right?" y Queen: "His cooking is the best." Earth: "Ahem." Green Dragon: "Sorry, can I have seconds?" y Queen: "Me, too!" Earth: "You may not have seconds! What did you even come here for? And Queen! Don't expect me to cook for you, too!" Green Dragon: "I-I'm sorry." Green Dragon: "I don't know what came over me." Green Dragon: "Um..." Green Dragon: "Can you please make some more? I want to take it back for her." Earth: "Look, I can't just..." Green Dragon: "Please! If I go back without any, they'll be infuriated with me!" Earth: "But I don't have the ingredients!" Green Dragon: "Then I shall procure them!" Earth: "Does he have to go that far?" Green Dragon: "Thank you!" Green Dragon: "I'll be going, then. Just you wait, young lady!" Earth: "Hey, didn't you say the wild dragons didn't interact with the other races?" y Queen: "Yes, that's how it usually works. But you may have just changed that." Earth: "I feel tired all of a sudden. I'm going back to the inn." y Queen: "You should come to the castle this time. I'll prepare the best room we have for you." Earth: "And then you'll sneak into the bed, won't you? I can tell exactly what you're up to!" y Queen: "Wait!" Earth: "Farewell! Jump!" y Queen: "Wait, Earth!" Earth: "I know I said I'd be nicer, but there are limits!" Earth: "Still, those wild dragons... Did I just open relations with an isolated race with my cooking?" Dragon Baby: "Another plate!" Green Dragon: "Understood." Dragon Dad: "What's going on? What is this?" Green Dragon: "This is cooking, Sire!" Dragon Dad: "Cooking!" Green Dragon: "Indeed. A technology that makes food even more delicious." Green Dragon: "She simply missed the taste of this." Dragon Dad: "Astonishing... I had no idea that child of man had such a skill." Green Dragon: "No luck, huh? I've gotten to the point where it looks right," Green Dragon: "but it tastes... terrible. I guess it's pointless to try and imitate its appearance without learning the basics of the art." Green Dragon: "Should I ask the king for permission to go learn from him?"
{ "raw_title": "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life Episode 11 – Earth Finds a Baby Dragon", "parsed": [ "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "11", "Earth Finds a Baby Dragon" ] }
Earth: "No way! Has she been hugging me like this since the last time I logged out?" Earth: "One, two, three." yqueen: "That's a mean way to wake me up." Earth: "Fun time is over. We're leaving." yqueen: "Hey, why not stay here a little..." yqueen: "This isn't what I like to do in bed!" Earth: "I just can't get used to being treated this way, and I don't know if I like it..." Earth: "I want to start leveling up my kick and whip skills. And I'd better get another thorn whip to replace the one I just used. And..." Emer: "Excuse me." Earth: "Yes?" Emer: "My name is Emer. You are Earth, correct?" Earth: "You've got the wrong guy." Emer: "Black hair. Black eyes. And a bow. I am quite certain you are him." Earth: "I told you. You've got the wrong guy." Earth: "Somehow I can tell from the aura this guy's giving off that he's another wild dragon. I don't want to get involved." Earth: "There are plenty of people out there with black hair and black eyes. And more and more people are using bows lately." Earth: "Anyway, I'll be going. The reason I've got so many wild dragons showing up around me" Earth: "must be because of what I did with the baby red dragon." Earth: "Part of this is my responsibility. But whatever responsibility I had, I've already fulfilled it!" Earth: "I don't want to spend any more time being forced to cook for the wild dragons. I'm an adventurer. I'm not logging in to play as a chef." Earth: "All that's left is to find an inn for tonight." Emer: "So you are Earth, after all." yqueen: "It's really mean to tie someone up with a thorn whip and leave them there!" Earth: "You've got the wrong guy!" Earth: "Fly and Large Jump!" Emer: "You won't get away!" yqueen: "Wait!" Earth: "An inn! If I can get inside, I can log out!" Earth: "Wind Booster!" yqueen: "He's fast! If he gets inside that inn, he'll escape!" Emer: "Understood!" Earth: "How much is a room?" Innkeep: "F-Fifty gloh..." Earth: "I'll take it!" Earth: "Large Jump!" yqueen: "Wait!" Earth: "Not a chance!" Earth: "I can't stay in the Fairy Kingdom anymore, can I?" Earth: "I'm sorry for all the fuss yesterday." Innkeep: "Wh-What did you do? The queen put out a warrant for your arrest..." yqueen: "A warrant?" yqueen: "What's going on?" yqueen: "Earth!" Earth: "I didn't think you'd go so far as to put out a warrant." Earth: "That's going too far. Even for you. Even I can get angry, you know!" yqueen: "Wait! I can explain! The green dragon elder..." Earth: "I'm very disappointed, Queen. I thought you knew me a little better than that." Earth: "There's only one thing I want from you now. Take this damn ring off! You put it on. You can take it off." Earth: "And you, wild dragon... I'm never cooking for any of you again. So get the hell out of here!" Emer: "And if I refuse?" Earth: "If you're going to try and force me to, I'm prepared to fight." Emer: "Have you lost your mind, child of man?" Earth: "Hell no. I can see exactly how arrogant your power has made you." Earth: "I saved your country's princess, and instead of a reward, you keep making demands!" Earth: "If that isn't arrogance, what is?" Emer: "You dare call us arrogant? You need to learn your place, child of man." Emer: "Let's take this outside. I'll rip you apart and force you to obey." Earth: "And I'll blast a hole in that smug face of yours!" Earth: "What I said then..." Earth: "I prefer quiet. I don't want to attract attention." Dragon Dad: "We shall grant your wish." Earth: "They promised! But..." Earth: "From a dragon's perspective, a human should be willing to do whatever they want. But they don't get to tell me what to do! I'm sick of them acting this way!" Emer: "It would be dishonorable for a wild dragon to strike the first blow at full force. I'll let you attack first." Earth: "All right, let's see what you've got!" Earth: "Arrow Twister!" Emer: "Is that all you've got? You have no chance, then!" Earth: "I guess I should've expected a dragon to be tough. Most of my attacks won't even scratch it! But if I take even a single hit..." Emer: "Now... dance the dance of death!" Emer: "I'll make your death painful." Earth: "Damn it. Should I use a suffocation herb?" Earth: "No... if the wind blows it back at me, I'm dead. Then..." Earth: "If I can't pierce his scales, I'll shatter them!" Earth: "Twin-Fanged Arrow!" Earth: "Even a Heavy Blunt Arrow can't do it?" Emer: "A dragon's scales are unbreakable!" Earth: "Oh, no!" Earth: "Shield Parry!" Earth: "That blunted the force of his attack. But that's the most I can do to resist him now!" Emer: "So you managed to just barely survive that? Perhaps that shield sacrificed itself to protect its master, in one last show of loyalty." Earth: "I've been through so many battles with that shield, and now it's gone." Earth: "He killed one of my partners!" Earth: "So I need to stand up! I need to stand up and fight! I haven't lost yet!" Earth: "This isn't over!" Emer: "How can you still fight?" Earth: "It doesn't matter if everyone laughs at me. If I look like a loser." Earth: "I never wanted to be cool in the first place." Earth: "In games and in reality, once you give up, it's over. So... I'll keep fighting until the very end, and never give up! That's what humans do!" Emer: "I'm done playing around." Emer: "It's time for me to give you the right to die!" Earth: "Wind Booster!" Earth: "This is what I've been waiting for!" Earth: "Hell Mine Oil!" Earth: "I managed to survive that..." Earth: "My ears are ringing! But now's my chance! My bow skill... The one the Queen gave me..." yqueen: "I'll give you two powers. These two techniques are a recreation of powerful skills created in the time of the 21st fairy ruler." Earth: "Seven Falling Stars!" Emer: "This skill... It's the fairies'..." Emer: "Why do you..." Emer: "You're going to regret that." Earth: "I should've known a dragon could survive that..." Emer: "This is the end! Wind Breath!" Emer: "So there's nothing left of you?" Emer: "That's what you get for not knowing your place, child of man." Earth: "Sorry. I used Wind Booster to escape. And I'm using Sneak, too, so you can't see me." Earth: "I've got just one chance. And I'll lose this bow that's been with me for so long." Earth: "The moment of fate has come." Earth: "I offer up the life of my other self... discarding advantage... and my own life, as well... to force open the door to tomorrow before it closes... To ensure a tomorrow for those who come after..." Earth: "I put all of my will into this arrow..." Earth: "My life up to this point has had but one purpose: to fire this last arrow!" Emer: "You're not dead?!" Earth: "And the other gift the queen gave me..." yqueen: "It combines your life, your magic, and the feelings you placed into your bow, and fires a single, powerful arrow." Earth: "Even a dragon's not invincible. And this shot will make you realize that!" Dragon: "If you fire that arrow, you won't survive!" Earth: "That's the plan!" Earth: "Sacrifice Bow!" Emer: "Wind Barrier!" Earth: "I can't use any more arts... And I'm loaded down with status debuffs." Earth: "This is the last shot, partner!" Earth: "Blast a hole in him!" Earth: "Thanks for everything... For sticking with a guy like me..." Earth: "He's still not defeated?" Earth: "I'm out of ways to fight. Which means..." Emer: "Don't do it..." Earth: "This is the end for you, wild dragon!" Male 1: "What the hell?" Male 2: "What's this dragon's level?" emale 1: "Stats-wise, he's the weakest one. He's also old, and had little time left." Male 2: "So there's still a chance of winning?" Male 1: "Should we nerf that oil?" emale 2: "No, I'd rather not. If we nerf every clever idea they have, they'll stop wanting to make new things." Male 2: "That's a fair point." Male 1: "I'm surprised he was willing to sacrifice his bow, though." Male 1: "And he sacrificed himself at the end, too." Male 2: "That's the thing!" Male 1: "One More may be a VR game, but it feels extremely real. But the fear and the pain didn't stop him at all." Male 2: "I didn't think he'd be able to beat a dragon..." Earth: "I didn't lose, but I guess I died, too..." Earth: "If I wait two minutes, I'll be teleported to the last place I logged out." Earth: "Guess I'll wait." Red Dragon: "Get to work." White Dragon: "Yes, sire." Earth: "Did they come to save the green dragon?" Earth: "Wait, what are you doing?" Earth: "Why would you revive me before your dragon buddy?" Red Dragon: "You have my deepest apologies for this." Red Dragon: "The wild dragon you defeated was the green dragon elder. I've learned he's become terribly arrogant and had been mistreating others. He threatened the Fairy Queen and told her that if she didn't put out a warrant for you, he'd attack the human and fairy towns." Earth: "She was being threatened? She only did it to protect the humans and fairies?" Red Dragon: "We came here to ensure he received punishment. But instead, we found that you, a human, had defeated him. I am extremely impressed!" Earth: "But that doesn't change the fact that I killed one of your fellow dragons. Are you okay with that?" Red Dragon: "Of course. If you hadn't defeated him, I would have ripped him apart with my own jaws. He wasn't going to survive, either way." Red Dragon: "Oh, and here." Red Dragon: "We haven't compensated you for the cooking you did, I'm told." Red Dragon: "The others are my way of apologizing." Earth: "Dragonscale Light Armor? I don't have Light Armor skill." Red Dragon: "Don't worry. It's no heavier than a human robe." Earth: "It's so much lighter than it looks! And it's easier to move in than leather." Red Dragon: "The service you've given us merits it. Any less of a reward would be an insult to our pride. And as for this bow..." Earth: "I can't see its stats." Red Dragon: "It belonged to the one fairy who faced me in combat. It's a strange weapon that only recognizes those who meet its conditions. You may not be able to equip it now, but perhaps someday it will open its heart to you." Earth: "A weapon with a mind of its own, huh?" Red Dragon: "We need to earn your trust, after all. For the sake of my daughter, as well." Earth: "My body feels so heavy... That's what I get for using Sacrifice Bow... I don't really want to do this, but... Pikasha, can you come here?" Earth: "I'm fine! I'm too tired to move, that's all." Earth: "I'm glad to have Pikasha around, but I feel like I'm abusing my privileges... I'm not supposed to like standing out or attracting attention..." Earth: "But it's true that I had fun that day." Earth: "Excuse me. I'd like a cape!" Earth: "Okay! Looking good!" Zephana: "Her Highness fell into a state of shock after she saw how angry you became. She's like a living corpse." Lunea: "Right now, her mind's like a balloon that could burst at any moment." Lunea: "Please, be careful what you say to her." Earth: "Sure, I was pretty angry. But I didn't mean to do this to her." Earth: "Queen!" yqueen: "Earth!" yqueen: "I'm so sorry..." Earth: "No, the red dragon told me what happened." Earth: "You only put that warrant out to protect your people." Earth: "As queen, it was the right decision to make, I think." Earth: "And I didn't even think about that when I snapped at you... I was acting like a child." yqueen: "No, I realize just how badly I've been behaving." yqueen: "As my way of apologizing, I'll do whatever I can to respect your wishes." Earth: "Then..." Earth: "I'd like you... I'd like you to seal... I'd like you to seal this ring's powers." yqueen: "So you really do hate me..." Earth: "No, that's not it. I know I've taken advantage of all the special treatment you've given me, but..." Earth: "I actually don't like being treated that way, or standing out." yqueen: "You're right... You're telling me that, as queen, I shouldn't be going to visit you or giving you extra special treatment. That's what you want to say, right?" yqueen: "I'd gotten too excited, hadn't I? I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused." Earth: "No, that wonderful parade you gave me, and those rides on Pikasha... That stuff made me really happy. You can only experience stuff like that in One More. And the only reason I was able to defeat the green dragon was because of the skills you gave me." yqueen: "It's done." yqueen: "Can we see each other again someday?" Earth: "Someday." Earth: "Now, it's time to say goodbye to the Fairy Kingdom. I guess I'll head back to First."
{ "raw_title": "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life Episode 12 – Earth Gets Angry", "parsed": [ "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "12", "Earth Gets Angry" ] }
Daichi: "Several days have passed since the incident where the potions disappeared. The world of the game has changed, just a bit." Daichi: "Medicine is no longer considered a useless skill. Learning that the NPCs can run out of inventory caused players to rethink the Medicine skill." Daichi: "Now, what to do today?" Zwei: "Hey, Earth." Earth: "Hey, Zwei. I hadn't realized you were a guild master. Thanks for the invite!" Zwei: "Sure. These are the members of Blue Color. Hm... you know Millie, right?" Millie: "Hi there!" : "I'll introduce myself first, then." : "I'm Nora. I mostly do melee combat with short swords." Zwei: "Earth!" Zwei: "Make sure you don't say words like "flat" or "smooth" or "cutting board" around her." Earth: "Got it..." Rage: "I'm Rage! I'm a tanker, and I use a one-handed ax and a shield." Rage: "Let me aggro the enemies!" Kazamine: "And lastly, there's me. I'm Kazamine. I'm a swordsman who uses a bastard sword." Earth: "I'm Earth. My weapon is..." : "I know your weapon! You're an archer, right?" Rage: "Everybody's talking about you." Zwei: "'Cause of this!" Zwei: "That chef is super-strong. FYI for anyone watching, bows are super hard to use" Earth: "I guess I really stood out for that, but... He was just a low-skill player. I didn't want to stand out like that." Earth: "Okay, I guess I don't need to introduce myself then, but... um..." Zwei: "What's wrong?" Earth: "Four melee fighters, one mage, and an archer... That's not a very well-balanced party, right?" : "Millie can use more than one element. And I can use healing magic." Earth: "I see. So you can fight at melee range and also provide support." : "Yup." Earth: "So, what's our target for the day?" Rage: "We're going after a Wild Bear." Earth: "A Wild Bear? That's a tough opponent." Zwei: "Well, we're strong enough that I think we can take it." Earth: "Where is that confidence coming from?" Zwei: "'Cause we've got you, Earth!" Earth: "You're expecting me to win for you?" All: "Yup!" Earth: "Don't agree with him!" Earth: "I've never fought a Wild Bear. I heard they're fast and smart, and really hard to beat." Zwei: "And when we're done, Earth will cook something delicious for us all!" All: "Yup!" Earth: "I'm cooking, too?!" Zwei: "Is everybody ready, then? Let's get going!" All: "Yeah!" Earth: "Were you even listening?" Zwei: "Well? See any?" Earth: "Yeah. I do... But most of them are in groups." Earth: "There's one in front of us that's by itself. Let's pull it!" Zwei: "Okay, we'll lure it to someplace where we have the advantage." Kazanami: "Long-Distance Vision's very handy, isn't it? I'm glad we had Earth come with us." Rage: "Yeah." Zwei: "See? He's really helpful, right?" Earth: "You don't get to brag about me." Zwei: "Millie, buffs." Millie: "Okay!" Millie: "Aqua Ayuda Anima!" Earth: "I'm going to split off from the group and use my Sneak skill." Zwei: "Okay." Zwei: "Hawk Shot!" Zwei: "Confirmed hit!" Zwei: "It's c-coming!" Rage: "I'm on it! I'll taunt it! Activating Aggro Control art "Taunt!"" Earth: "During combat, monsters have a hidden parameter called "aggro" that shows who they're angry at. Rage is a tank with a high defense, so he'll direct the enemy's anger towards him, and protect us." Rage: "Over here!" Earth: "And while he's doing that, I'll aim at the monster from a safe place!" Millie: "El Re Cura Per! Light Healing!" Rage: "Thanks, Millie!" : "Don't you dare drop aggro on me!" : "Art: Backstab!" : "Its skin is too tough! My short sword can't penetrate it!" Zwei: "It is tough!" Millie: "I'll fire off a spell, too! Aster Es Flamma! Fire Lance!" Millie: "Uh-oh." Rage: "I'm not done with you yet! Activating Taunt!" : "El Lebertelle! Aqua Cure!" Kazamine: "I didn't think it would be this tough..." Zwei: "I guess I underestimated it..." : "I think I'm running low on MP!" Earth: "This is turning bad, fast! I need to make a quick, decisive call! I'll believe in my 38 years of life experience, and make a risky bet!" Earth: "I'll aim right between its eyes, which is probably its weak spot!" Earth: "I've got just one chance. If I can't pull this off, then I don't belong in this party!" Earth: "Did I get it?" Earth: "What? I was sure I hit its weak point! Did I not do enough damage?" Earth: "Oh, no... We'll all be wiped out!" Rage: "Damn it! Come get me!" Zwei: "How much HP does it have?" Earth: "I'll have to play... my final card!" Rage: "Hey!" Zwei: "Earth! Secare Ventus! Wind Booster!" Zwei: "The spell I learned at Wind Magic level 15... For just 10 seconds..." Zwei: "It gives a huge boost to move speed! Take this!" Zwei: "Millie! Finish it! Aster Es Flamma! Fire Lance!" Earth: "We finally got it, huh?" : "Honestly, that was tough. Zwei..." Zwei: "I'm sorry. I didn't think it would be this bad." Earth: "Now, now... Let's have something to eat. I brought a new dish we can all try." All: "I've been waiting for this!" Rage: "This is great." : "I'm happy 'cause I love meat!" Kazanami: "It just looks like meat on a stick, but you spent a long time preparing this, didn't you?" Millie: "The lemon juice brings out a nice clean flavor, and the smell of the herbs gets rid of the gamy taste!" Zwei: "How come I just get bread from the market?!" Earth: "'Cause you love comedy, Zwei. I figured you'd see the humor in it." Zwei: "I do not!" Earth: "Oh, fine. Now that the joke's over..." Zwei: "Yay!" : "Hey, Earth, are recipes for cooking expensive?" Earth: "I wouldn't say expensive... you just can't buy them." Rage: "Huh? Why not?" Earth: "There's this unspoken rule among crafters that you don't trade recipes." Kazamine: "And why is that?" Earth: "One reason is that coming up with a recipe takes a ton of time and money. And the second reason is that two people making the same recipe can end up with products of wildly different quality." Millie: "Even with the same ingredients?" Earth: "Yes. Recipes are the product of the hard work and creativity of the people who made them. You can copy the recipe itself, but you can't copy the quality. That's the conclusion everyone came to, I guess." : "I see. So even if I bought the recipe for these yummy kabobs from you, I wouldn't be able to make them?" Rage: "Yes, that's what it means." Zwei: "Then, from now on, let's have Earth cook for us for really cheap!" Earth: "Hey, where did that come from?" Zwei: "Everybody, you're all really glad Earth joined our party, right?" All: "Yup!" Earth: "Listen to me!" Zwei: "All right, now that that's settled, I think that's enough adventuring for one day!" All: "Yup!" Zwei: "Let's head back, everyone!" All: "Yup!" Earth: "Listen to me..." Rage: "Earth, can I send a friend request?" : "Me, too!" Kazamine: "I'd like to send one, as well." Earth: "My first adventure with a party in this world was a success!" Earth: "I screwed up! As for how this happened..." Earth: "Okay!" Earth: "The forest in the fifth area, huh? I think I'm ready for it!" Earth: "Crap! That's a rock ant with a link ability! It's going to call its buddies!" Earth: "I've got no choice but to fight!" Earth: "It reflects damage, too?" Earth: "I can't move!" Earth: "M-My body's going numb!" Earth: "I'm doomed!" Earth: "And thus, I took a penalty from dying and was warped back to town." Earth: "I got my butt kicked, but it's my fault for being arrogant. I'll just have to do better next time." Earth: "First update?" Earth: "This is an important message for all players of One More Free Life Online... The message was about a major update that was coming called "The Fairy Ball."" Earth: "There would be new skills and arts, more items to craft..." Earth: "And also fairies who could support us as we played!" Adventurers: "Hey, this is... This is definitely gonna be a "brawl," not a "ball," right?" Earth: "The other players are going to be leveling up, too, though. I can't get hit with any more penalties from dying." Earth: "I worked my way out from under the heavy penalty, and learned blacksmithing. I decided to make an arrowhead that could pierce the rock ant's skin." Earth: "First, I got two types of iron." Earth: "One was basic iron for piercing. The second was intended as a bludgeoning weapon. I used a purer form of iron for that." Earth: "I used the most popular shape, a triangular pyramid with indentations on the back." Earth: "Adding this iron arrowhead to a wooden arrow creates an iron arrow with 7 attack." Earth: "Then I made a mace-like arrowhead out of purer iron." Earth: "I think these are all the items I want for now." Earth: "Now I need something to help with my kicks. I'll probably see other monsters that reflect kick damage, like the rock ant." Earth: "And kicking doesn't let you equip a weapon, so it's weak. To solve these two problems..." Earth: "I'll add seven thick, short spikes to the bottom of my boots. And maybe a blade on the side?" Earth: "What shape should the blade take? I could base it off a kukri knife or a jambiya..." Earth: "Like this, maybe?" Blacks: "What are you going to do with that?" Earth: "Just you wait and see, Blacks!" Blacks: "I can't even imagine what you'd use it for, though." Earth: "It's done." Blacks: "So this is the finished product, huh?" Earth: "For now, yeah. But..." Earth: "I've still got to actually use it if I want to know how it can be improved." Blacks: "I've never seen anyone make an item that helps with kicks." Earth: "Cool, huh?" Players: "Look at that!" Players: "Brutal, huh? The weapon of a weirdo! Are they boots or weapons?" Earth: "They're both!" Players: "That's such a cool idea! Right?" Myun: "Okay, here you go!" Myun: "Those are some scary-looking shoes you've got there. Are you going to cut something with them?" Earth: "Oh, these are more for shaving down than cutting." Myun: "That's even more brutal! And I thought you were just a chef!" Earth: "I don't have a choice, Myun! I need them! Thanks for the bowstrings. Bye!" Earth: "Now for my bow... My Archery level has reached 30, so I guess I'll specialize." Earth: "I have three choices: Shortbow, longbow, and hunting bow." Earth: "Shortbows are easy to use, but they have a limited range. They're not good for me, since I'm not a melee fighter." Earth: "Longbows have range and power, but take a long time to fire. They're not good for solo players. Which means I should probably pick the hunting bow, since it's got the same range and power as what I've been using." Earth: "It's a more powerful skill, so I'll get more of an attack bonus." Earth: "Okay, time to get to work on the bow!" Earth: "I like it!" Blacks: "Making something again?" Earth: "Yeah. A bow." Blacks: "That's your bow? That ain't like any bow I've ever seen." Earth: "It's fun to make things that couldn't possibly exist in the real world." Blacks: "Yeah. That's the best part of being a craftsperson, right?" Earth: "Okay, it's done!" Earth: "I'll call it the X-type compound hunting bow!" Earth: "It needs more strength to pull than my old bow, but..." Earth: "Okay! It feels great to fire! And it's a lot more powerful than the last one!" Earth: "Thanks for everything." Earth: "You helped me out a lot." Earth: "Tomorrow, I'll try my new one out!" Earth: "All right, he's not linked to any other ones!" Earth: "Arrow Twister!" Earth: "Now!" Earth: "Heck yeah!" Earth: "I've got my revenge!" Earth: "The ant exoskeleton can be used for crafting light armor. Maybe I'll have the armor merchant, Myun, take it off my hands." Announcement: "Attention all players. The Fairy Ball is about to begin. The first half will involve making a contract with a fairy." Earth: "So this is a Contract Crystal, huh?" Earth: "As an archer, I hope I get to make a contract with a wind fairy." Earth: "I wonder what I'll get, though? I don't think there are any monsters here... Time to try it out!" Earth: "Fairy contract ritual!" Earth: "No way..." Zwei: "Hey, Earth, you busy?" Zwei: "What? You failed to make a contract with a fairy?" Earth: "What about you, Zwei?" Zwei: "Oh, I got him." Earth: "And everybody else?" Kazamine: "I never thought somebody I knew would fail to make a contract." Millie: "But it's still too early to give up! The announcement said "first half." That means there's probably a second half, right?" Earth: "That's true!" Millie: "And also..." Millie: "The broken item didn't disappear. Which means you've got one more chance, maybe, right?" : "That might be right!" Millie: "I'm sure there's a good chance something will happen in the second half!" Earth: "I see!" Zwei: "I think that's probably right. But now there's a new mystery." Zwei: "Why do the fairies like you so much?!" Zwei: "Fairy-playah." : "He's a playah." Rage: "Indeed, he is a playah." Millie: "A playah!" Kazamine: "He definitely is!"
{ "raw_title": "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life Episode 2 – Earth Joins His First Party", "parsed": [ "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "2", "Earth Joins His First Party" ] }
Earth: "Lately, fairies have been so friendly toward me for some reason." Earth: "Sorry, but I can't make a contract with you. My crystal's broken." Earth: "Are you playing?" Earth: "Well, as long as you're having fun." Earth: "My skill levels have gone up! That means..." Earth: "All right. I can learn a more specialized skill!" Earth: "If I can master new skills, I'll be able to fight in whole new ways!" Earth: "Time for my first dungeon trip!" Earth: "I remember exploring caves like this when I was young." Earth: "That was close." Earth: "I was still a kid, and it was so exciting to me. That feeling of not knowing how far the darkness would go..." Earth: "I thought I could never experience that again!" Earth: "But this really is a world filled with adventure!" Earth: "Veni Gutadia Acrus Ratula! Wind Cutter!" Earth: "What?" Earth: "I'll use the High Jump skill I just learned!" Earth: "Ow..." Earth: "Take this!" Earth: "Ow... I'll have to watch out for ceilings, I guess." Earth: "Are those darkness fairies?" Earth: "They want me to follow them? I wouldn't have been able to pass this way before, but now I have Stable Center of Gravity." Earth: "There are so many fairies." Earth: "Is there something there?" Earth: "What is this?" Earth: "A secret door?" Earth: "This is what makes adventuring great! Any traps?" Earth: "Nope!" Earth: "An old ring... Or maybe you're supposed to put something on it?" Earth: "I'll take it as a memory of my adventures." Earth: "Thanks to you guys, I've found a neat item! Thank you!" Earth: "A message from the GMs? "We're ready to announce the second half of The Fairy Ball." "Its name is 'The Fairy Battle Tournament!'"" Earth: "So they're finally announcing the second half of the event?" Gm: "Your fairies are about to evolve! By participating in, or winning, a certain number of PvP fights," Gm: "your fairies will evolve and take a new form!" Gm: "You won't be able to evolve them by fighting the same opponents over and over again. Try to fight a lot of different opponents!" Gm: "The top 16 players in this special PvP mode will be invited to a tournament. Expect some amazing prizes for the winners!" Gm: "There's a ton more coming in this update, too!" Gm: "Get a title that separates you from the rest!" Gm: "There are also hidden titles that you can earn based on your playstyle! And those who failed to make contracts with fairies at first can repair their contract crystals via PvP! Repaired contract crystals have a guaranteed success rate and a higher likelihood of rare fairies!" Gm: "Fairy self-identity has also been unlocked, and fairies will act differently than before!" Gm: "Our latest update, "The Fairy Battle Tournament," is coming soon! See the site for more details!" Earth: "Wow, everybody's really excited. So am I, but..." Earth: "Will this work, though? There are a lot of people who aren't good at PvP." Earth: "I hope people don't start targeting craftspeople who aren't good at combat." Blacks: "Oh, you don't need to worry about problems with PvP." Earth: "Yeah?" Blacks: "Yup! We craftspeople have all agreed that if anybody tries to force one of us to fight, we'll tell each other about it. Nobody's stupid enough to try something if it means making an enemy out of the entire guild." Earth: "I see. I'm glad to hear that." Blacks: "Oh, have you gone to the new town yet?" Earth: "The one that was just discovered?" Earth: "I think the name was..." Earth: "The town of Nexia." Blacks: "Yeah. They've opened the warp portal, so it's easy to get there." Blacks: "That's where the hardcore PvP crowd is gathering." Blacks: "People who want to take their time are all meeting up to fight around First." Earth: "So they're splitting into groups? Players making decisions like that is one of the neat things about online games." Earth: "Blacks, are you going to fight in First?" Blacks: "Nope." Blacks: "I'm happier just swinging my hammer. I'll let the other players do the fighting." Earth: "A true craftsperson! There are lots of ways you can enjoy an event. What should I do?" Earth: "I spent a lot of time waiting to log in. I guess that's what happens on patch day. Now, I think they said they're adding titles..." Crowd: "Hey, look at that! That's definitely one! That's a rare title!" Earth: "I guess I'll see what my title is." Earth: "What?" Crowd: "He's a Fairy-playah?" Earth: "What the hell is this? And every other player can see it? That's humiliating!" Earth: "This title stands out a little too much." Earth: "That's right. If I do a PvP, it'll disappear! Would somebody please fight me?" Rona: "Sure, I will!" Earth: "Thank you for your help! You're making me cry!" Rona: "No, it's fine." Rona: "I'm Rona. You're Earth, right?" Earth: "You know me?" Rona: "Yeah. I'm a member of Blue Color." Earth: "Blue Color?" Earth: "You're in Zwei's guild?" Rona: "That's right. I use a lot of martial arts, so I've been wanting to meet you, since you use kicks!" Earth: "I see!" Earth: "Anyway, thanks so much for PvPing me!" Earth: "What?" Earth: "You want to tell me something?" Rona: "What's gotten into him? He's usually pretty shy." Earth: "What?" Earth: "You mean you don't want to fight?" Rona: "He's never let me know what he's thinking like that!" Crowd: "Look! He really is a Fairy-playah! The title doesn't lie!" Earth: "N-N-No! This is...! Somebody PvP me!" Earth: "It always went the same way." Earth: "Could I really force a fairy to fight if they didn't want to? No, I couldn't." Rona: "I've never seen anyone actually do that." Earth: "I'm so mad at you, GMs!" Rona: "Earth, are you busy?" Earth: "No, I can talk." Rona: "Thanks. I actually need some advice." Earth: "You're having problems because your fairy won't eat anything, right?" Rona: "Yeah, how'd you know?" Earth: "I guessed. You want me to make food he'll eat, right?" Rona: "Wow! How'd you know?" Earth: "Well..." Earth: "Because half the server is asking for the same thing right this minute!" Rona: "H-How did that happen?" Earth: "Actually..." Earth: "Fairy food?" Player: "Yes. Up until now, I've been feeding mine the bread the NPCs sell, but..." Player: "But now this happens." Earth: "That bread's not very good, yeah." Player: "So I figured that you, the man who made that steak, would be able to make something he'd like!" Earth: "Well, since you were nice enough to ask... It wouldn't be right of me as a chef to say no!" Player: "Thanks! I'm so glad I asked you!" Earth: "So I made a big thing of karaage I thought the fairy would like." Player: "I'm so happy! Thank you!" Players: "I'll take five packs of karaage! Eight packs, here!" Earth: "I'm sorry! Limit of three per person! Everybody found out about it, and the next thing I knew, I was cooking for the whole town!" Earth: "I don't want to stand out! Why did this happen to me?" Earth: "Sorry to make you help." Rona: "Aw, don't say that. You made some for me." Rona: "I'm the one who should thank you." Earth: "Thanks to you, things have calmed down." Earth: "And more craftspeople are making fairy food." Earth: "I suppose it's time to close up shop." Rona: "I see. What will you do now?" Earth: "Hm... I've been cooking the whole time, so I haven't had a chance to check out the new patch." Rona: "Then why don't you come see the new town with me?" Earth: "So this is Nexia?" Rona: "Look over there!" Rona: "They're doing PvP!" Players: "Let's do this. I know we can win!" Rona: "Hey, Earth... Isn't there something weird about that wolf fairy?" Earth: "You're right." Players: "Make a windstorm!" Players: "He blocked it? But..." Earth: "He's good! The way he's blocking those blows... He's not having the system do it for him!" Players: "Now! Get him with fire magic!" Players: "Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up!" Players: "Not again!" Earth: "What's going on?" Rona: "The fairy ignored his command?" Players: "Now!" Players: "Thanks. We won, thanks to you!" Earth: "So that's it." Rona: "Hey, Earth, what just happened? A fairy can't just ignore its master's commands, right?" Earth: "He's a slave fairy user." Rona: "What's that?" Earth: "That's what they call people who abuse their fairies. If you hit your fairy to make it do what you want, or don't treat it kindly, I guess sometimes it'll stop listening. Like that." Rona: "I see." Earth: "Well, it's hard to say he doesn't deserve it." Player: "D-Damn it! You didn't do what I told you!" Earth: "Oh, no! Something really bad's about to happen?" Rona: "Wh-What do you mean?" Earth: "I once saw a video of a slave fairy user on a video site once." Earth: "If you abuse a fairy too much..." Abusive Player: "Why didn't you protect me back there? You're just a tool, right? Screw you!" Abusive Player: "You're worthless! Just disappear!" Earth: "And as a penalty, you have to fight a battle with your contracted fairy." Abusive Player: "Wh-What is this?" Abusive Player: "What are you going to do? I'm your master!" Abusive Player: "Stop it! Stop!" Earth: "If you lose the battle, they take your contract crystal," Earth: "and all your fairy-related data is reset." Player: "Damn it." Earth: "I guess he knew that." Rona: "I didn't know that there was a system like that." Earth: "There used to be systems like that in old online games, once in a while. If you gave too many unreasonable orders, they'd suddenly go out of control, or attack you." Rona: "It's hard to think of anybody making something like that today." Earth: "Most games these days go easier on their players." Earth: "Maybe the GMs are trying to make it feel like an old-school MMO." Rona: "I see." Earth: "Anyway, I'm kind of tired, so I'm gonna log off for the day. Bye!" Rona: "Okay, thanks for the karaage. I'll share them with my fairy later." Daichi: "Some people, like Rona, really care about their fairies. And some don't." Daichi: "I guess it's up to the player what they want to do." Player: "Excuse me." Player: "Can I talk to you?" Earth: "I saw you the other day..." Player: "I wanted to talk to you, because you've got that title!" Earth: "You want to know how to make up with your fairy, huh?" Player: "Yeah, I saw the video where somebody's fairy attacked them. And if I don't do something, I'll end up like that!" Earth: "Why were you so mean to him in the first place?" Player: "I didn't know what I was supposed to do, so I looked at the videos other players were uploading." Player: "They were all treating their fairies like circus animals." Player: "I thought that was what you were supposed to do." Earth: "And they got a personality during the update, and your fairy stopped listening to you?" Player: "Yeah." Player: "And after that, I hit it a few times to make it obey me..." Player: "I knew I shouldn't have been doing it." Earth: "So you don't know how to treat your fairy, is that it?" Player: "Please! Give me some advice! Anything! I'll pay—" Earth: "I don't need money! And don't try to solve it that way, either. It'll turn into a habit." Player: "Oh, sorry." Earth: "I'll give you advice. It's up to you whether to follow it or not, though." Player: "Thank you. What do I do?" Earth: "You don't need to do anything special. Just treat it as a friend." Player: "A friend?" Earth: "Fight together. Take breaks with it. And when you finish adventuring and head back to town, say "bye" before you log out." Earth: "Take care of your fairy, and he'll sense it." Earth: "You could try sharing a meal with him, too!" Player: "A meal?" Player: "Hey, you're the Fairy-playah Chef, right?" Earth: "Don't call me that!" Earth: "And?" Player: "I'd like you to make something that'll make it happy." Earth: "Got it!" Earth: "One order of Rabbithorn karaage!" Earth: "That's all it takes! Be careful, and little by little, you'll be able to make up with it!" Player: "Yeah... Thank you!" Player: "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." Player: "I'll come back if I need anything!" Earth: "I'm glad it worked out." Silver: "Wonderful." Earth: "Who's there?" Silver: "My name is Silver."
{ "raw_title": "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life Episode 3 – Earth, Fairy-playah?", "parsed": [ "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "3", "Earth, Fairy-playah?" ] }
Earth: "It should be safe to talk here." Earth: "That's clearly some of the best equipment in the game. He must be one of the game's top players, playing its toughest content!" Silver: "I won't take up a lot of your time." Silver: "Have you ever met a man named Glad?" Earth: "No." Silver: "I see. I've heard a rumor that he's targeting players who have the "Fairy-playah" title, and I thought he might've gone after you." Earth: "I'm sorry, but who is this Glad?" Silver: "A former static member of my party. We had issues with his behavior, but he was a very skilled tanker." Earth: ""Former" means he's no longer in your party, right?" Silver: "You're observant." Silver: "Glad became arrogant and began to look down on the other members. But when the current event began, he was the only one to fail to make a contract with a fairy." Earth: "Just like me?" Silver: "He became extremely upset, and began to take it out on the other members." Silver: "As leader, I had no choice but to banish him." Silver: "Though, the bigger problem is... You can show yourself." Earth: "A light Valkyrie?" Earth: "A perfect humanoid fairy..." Silver: "Anything I do to try and make him feel better will just make him angrier. After the last update, he was able to get a new contract crystal, and make a contract with a darkness fox fairy. He's going around challenging people to special PvP duels." Earth: "So, even after getting a fairy, he still feels the humiliation he felt at the start?" Silver: "He'll use the tournament on the last day of the event as a way to show his strength. Please be careful and stay away from him." Earth: "Thanks for the warning." Silver: "I intend to take responsibility for this. I'll have to scold him at the tournament, I think." Earth: "It's dangerous to just believe one side of a story, but I'll be careful. It's against the terms of service to challenge someone to PvP while they're fighting monsters. Even if this Glad guy is after me, as long as I'm hunting out here, I'm safe!" Earth: "At this distance, there's time to fire again! Arts! Mirror Arrow! The new Bow art I learned is pretty helpful," Earth: "but it's still rough fighting a Wild Bear on my own..." Earth: "But this is how I'm going to play. This is what I want." Earth: "Okay, I'll upgrade this to Kick Attack." Earth: "My first kick art!" Earth: "The update to the skill UI made it a lot easier to understand, too!" Earth: "My first job for the day is to hunt for ore in the mines near Nexia." Earth: "My objective is to make steel and light metal. There's something I want to try crafting with them." Earth: "Heave! Ho! Heave!" Earth: "Watch out, everybody! I hit some explosive ore!" Earth: "I got it! Sorry, guys!" Players: "It's fine! Thanks for not letting it blow up! We all would've wound up dead if that thing had gone off." Players: "The area of effect on that thing is way too big. I wish they'd nerf it. Some people take advantage of that, though. The bomb masters, you could call 'em." Earth: "Blacks, I'm borrowing your smithy again." Blacks: "Oh, Earth. You got another weird thing you want to try?" Earth: ""Weird"? That's rude." Blacks: "Well, good luck!" Earth: "Now, then..." Earth: "Today, I'm making a new arrowhead and a metal whip." Earth: "The arrowhead is twisted so it can dig into flesh easier. I got the idea from an item called a twisted-blade dagger." Earth: "It's hard to get the twist right." Earth: "Okay, one more time!" Earth: "I think I've got it!" Earth: "I've finally been able to add a status debuff to an arrow itself! That makes it much stronger!" Earth: "Now for the whip!" Blacks: "Is that the finished product?" Earth: "Yes. I made the whole thing out of light metal!" Blacks: "I see! Light metal is light and supple like bamboo, so I was thinking that if you stretched it out, you could make it into a whip. It must've taken a lot of work, though!" Earth: "My arms are so stiff I can't lift them!" Earth: "I'll be heading out for the day." Blacks: "Okay, bye!" Earth: "Hello? I'd like to borrow a spot to work on some explosive ore..." Alchemist: "Sure, just use the room downstairs." Earth: "I didn't know the formulation shop had a basement. But even if I fail down here, it won't bother anybody!" Earth: "The risk it'll blow up on me is too big for me to be able to use it right now." Earth: "But I don't want to just throw away such a powerful item." Earth: "I'll see how far I can get with my Medicine skill..." Earth: "But in the real world, I'm not a technical person at all. It's exhausting to have to actually think for once. I started by mixing in so me oil and herbs along with a piece of the ore" Earth: "to adjust the speed at which it ignites, but..." Earth: "But if I want to find the best ratios, I'll need to experiment!" Earth: "I'll start with A!" Earth: "It didn't ignite. That's a failure." Earth: "Now, B!" Earth: "That took 80% of my HP!" Earth: "It's too powerful. But maybe I could use it to take a monster down with me if I were about to die?" Earth: "I'll name it Hell Mine Oil, I guess." Earth: "Okay!" Earth: "Lastly, the C oil! Please work!" Earth: "This is it! That's the ratio I want! I'll make a bunch of this one!" Earth: "Veni Gutadia Acrus Ratula! Wind Cutter!" Earth: "The oil made this a lot easier!" Earth: "I can't raise my skills if I rely on it too much, but still..." Earth: "Nice!" Earth: ""Aeolian Dust Hunting Bow"... An elemental weapon art that lets you add magical properties to a weapon. I'm interested in more powerful wind magic, but to me, magic is just a support skill. I'm just going to believe that wind and bows are a good combination, and say yes." Earth: "They really want to make sure I'm sure, huh?" Earth: "Now then, time to check out my new art..." Earth: "Gatling Arrow!" Earth: "I can fire in bursts!" Earth: "I guess the most I can do is two at a time at this level." Earth: "And my other one is..." Earth: "Ad Caelum! Fly!" Earth: "Wind support magic? That looks really helpful!" Myun: "You got a whole bunch today, huh? You want me to make a leather cape with this, right?" Earth: "Yeah. I want to reduce how much damage I take from the rear." Myun: "I'm on it." Earth: "Fanfare?" Gm: "An announcement for all players of One More Free Life Online! We are now concluding the scoring for the Fairy PvP event!" Zwei: "Hey, Earth!" Earth: "Hey!" Gm: "I repeat." Zwei: "Nobody from our guild really spent a lot of time on this." Gm: "We are now concluding the scoring for the Fairy PvP event!" Zwei: "I doubt anybody made it into the tournament." Earth: "There are only 16 slots. I wouldn't worry about it." Gm: "And now, we'll announce the players who earned the right to be in the final tournament!" Millie: "Two of them have a way higher win rate and number of battles fought than the others." Earth: "Yeah. That's incredible." Earth: "Silver and Glad. After hearing what Silver had to say, I'm worried about their relationship, but I can't control my desire to see their battle!" Gm: "Thank you, everyone, for coming to our special tournament server! We hope you enjoy the show!" Millie: "Wow. I bet most of the game's players are here today." Earth: "If there are this many people here... I'll use my Long-Distance Vision!" Earth: "I knew there'd be people here who knew my pain!" Gm: "Let the first battle begin!" Zwei: "Their levels are so high that the fights are awesome! I think their fairies have evolved a bunch of times, too." Earth: "Yeah." Earth: "Even if I entered, I'd be lucky to win 10% of my matches." Gm: "Match set!" Earth: "Particles of light went from the losing fairy to the winning one?" Earth: "That effect didn't exist during Fairy PvP." Earth: "What's going on?" Earth: "I should've known it'd be these two in the final match." Silver: "We finally meet, Glad." Glad: "Give it up, old man. Or is there still something you want to say?" Silver: "There's nothing I want to say. But... I must make you mend your ways." Glad: "Make me mend my ways? How so?" Silver: "By breaking you!" Glad: "Fine. Come and get me!" Glad: "Your ax distracts the enemy while you knock them off-balance. I've seen that trick a ton of times!" Zwei: "Wow." Millie: "So that's what a top player looks like, huh?" Earth: "Silver said he'd take responsibility." Earth: "But..." Silver: "Moon Crescent!" Silver: "What?" Earth: "He dodged with Wind Boost? He knows Wind Magic?" Glad: "You fell for it, old man! You can't dodge me mid-air! Cross Line!" Gm: "The match is over! The winner is Glad!" Glad: "We're even now, old man." Zwei: "The two of them looked like they were about the same strength..." Earth: "I guess he was more obsessed with victory." Earth: "Huh?" Glad: "You evolved, huh? I hope you're worth something." y Queen: "I refuse. I refuse to allow you in my presence for another moment." Glad: "What? What do you mean?" y Queen: "First, listen to me." y Queen: "The purpose of this event was to select the next ruler of the fairies. We were given a prophecy that told us our next ruler should be someone strong and well-versed in the arts of war." Glad: "So what?" y Queen: "Fairies are not warlike creatures." y Queen: "Thus, we decided to learn how to fight from humans, the masters of war. The winner of a fight would inherit the experiences of the loser, until only one was left, who would become our ruler. And that was me." Glad: "And so as soon as you're done with us, you're ditching us? How convenient for you." y Queen: "I don't think the others will be leaving." y Queen: "I'm leaving you because our contract is at an end. Remember what you always said? "I'm gonna get even with that old geezer! I'll have my revenge!" And you just got it!" Glad: "So I meant nothing to you." y Queen: "Did I mean anything to you?" y Queen: "I was never your partner. I was just a tool. So I used you as a tool to help me become queen." Glad: "Cut the crap! I'm not your tool!" y Queen: "And I'll say those exact words to you!" y Queen: "I'm not your tool. To you, this world may be a game. But it's real to me!" Millie: "That Fairy Queen is talking like she's a real person." Earth: "Yeah, it doesn't seem like just an AI. Is she some experiment or research project? No, it'd be rude to start asking questions like that. I'll just forget it." y Queen: "I'll give you a reward. Three hundred thousand gloh, in addition to the prize for winning the tournament. I'll also make sure you get a contract with a fairy that was as strong as me before I evolved. You want somebody obedient, right?" Glad: "I refuse to accept that!" y Queen: "Oh, are you going to resort to force? If you can defeat me, I'll accept your strength and accompany you. But if you lose, you won't get the extra money or the fairy. You can't step up to the table unless you're willing to bet something. That's your human rule, right?" Glad: "Come on, fight me! I'll make you obey me once more!" y Queen: "Let's begin, then." y Queen: "Earthquake." Glad: "Is that supposed to throw me off-guard?" y Queen: "Fire Lance. Wind Cutter. Water Lance." Zwei: "How is she casting that fast? And each spell has five bolts!" Glad: "Fly!" Glad: "Is that all you've got?!" y Queen: "Shock." y Queen: "Elpitaga Flamma Artido. High Explosion!" Glad: "I can still fight..." y Queen: "Sustena Lumina. Lightning." y Queen: "Fire Lance. Wind Cutter. Water Lance. Lightning." y Queen: "You have one HP left. Will you still fight?" y Queen: "That should've served to break his pride." y Queen: "I'll let you take over." Silver: "Thank you." Silver: "I should've been the one to do this for you..." y Queen: "And there are still three who need a reward! Thank you for refusing to fight," Earth: "even though it meant giving up on a chance to evolve your fairy! Evolution was supposed to be a reward for battling, but I wanted some of us to not have to battle." Earth: "As a thank you, I'll increase your fairies' ranks." Earth: "And as for you..."
{ "raw_title": "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life Episode 4 – Earth Receives a Reward He's Not Sure He's Happy About", "parsed": [ "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "4", "Earth Receives a Reward He's Not Sure He's Happy About" ] }
y Queen: "And as for you..." y Queen: "You're going to fight me!" Earth: "What? I'm afraid I don't understand." y Queen: "You didn't participate in this event with a fairy at your side." y Queen: "So I can't just give you a reward." Earth: "Of course." y Queen: "So I'd like you to go through the process of fighting me, regardless of whether you win or not. As a reward, I'll give you some of my power. Of course, if you win, you'll get more. Is that all right?" Earth: "Got it!" Male Gm 1: "The event's reached its climax." Male Gm 2: "Now... let's see what happens." Earth: "Now, how do I win this?" Earth: "It might not even be possible." Earth: "The Fairy Queen has a lot of powerful magic. That High Explosion spell she used on Glad, especially. That thing's nasty. The only advantage I have is that I've seen her fight once already, but I doubt she's ever fought an archer." Earth: "I can't believe picking underpowered skills came in handy like this... But if the fight drags out, she'll learn to adapt, and that advantage will disappear. Which means I can't win by fighting fair, and the only way to beat her is to play dirty!" y Queen: "Are you ready?" Earth: "Yeah." Earth: "I'm ready whenever!" y Queen: "Let us begin, then." Earth: "Sliding Charge!" Earth: "First, I'll use 70% of my strength and feel her out!" y Queen: "Wind Cutter!" Earth: "That was strong enough to cancel Wind Cutter! Which means, at full strength..." y Queen: "Fire Lance!" y Queen: "He countered my magic... I guess I'm at a disadvantage at this range. I'll have to..." y Queen: "Wind Booster!" Earth: "I knew that was coming!" y Queen: "A potion? I won't let you drink it! Shock!" Earth: "I saw that coming, too! You used it in the fight with Glad!" y Queen: "Is this... poison?" Earth: "Yup! I made it from suffocation herbs!" Earth: "You can't cast your spells in that poison fog, can you?" y Queen: "I should've banned the use of items." Earth: "Humans are weak creatures. And that's why we have to think" Earth: "about how we can defeat the strong." y Queen: "Earth Wall." Milie: "Oh, my. He can't attack when she's protected like that. What will Earth do?" Zwei: "Sneak? I get it! We can see him, but the queen can't!" Zwei: "That's why he can use it!" Zwei: "He's going to try to end the fight!" y Queen: "He's not attacking?" y Queen: "I can't even sense him." y Queen: "Is he waiting for the wall's duration to run out?" y Queen: "Maybe I should go on the offensive, then?" y Queen: "Where is he?" Earth: "You're wide open, Queen!" Earth: "Time to end this! First, I'll throw her off balance!" Earth: "Sliding Charge!" Earth: "And then attack with all I've got! Gatling Arrow!" Earth: "Mirror Arrow!" Earth: "Twin-Fanged Arrow!" Earth: "And this is the end!" Earth: "Ad Caelum! Fly!" Earth: "Arrow Twister!" Earth: "Secare Ventus! Wind Booster!" y Queen: "This can't be..." Earth: "Oh, no! I forgot I was in front of all these people! Okay, time to beat feet." y Queen: "You..." y Queen: "You've defeated me utterly! I realize now how overconfident I was!" y Queen: "I'll treat today as a learning experience." y Queen: "And now it's time for your reward. Show me your broken fairy contract crystal and the stand for the Ring of the Fairy King." Earth: "The stand for the Ring of the Fairy King? Oh, do you mean..." Earth: "This?" y Queen: "Give them to me." y Queen: "Five, already..." y Queen: "You truly are full of surprises!" y Queen: "Come, children of light!" y Queen: "Now there are six lights within. And this is a gift from me." y Queen: "And it's done." y Queen: "This ring shall be your reward." Earth: "Hold it." y Queen: "What are you doing?" Earth: "What am I doing? Why are you trying to put that on my left ring finger?" y Queen: "What's wrong with that? It's not going to cost you anything!" Earth: "It'll cost me a lot of things! Especially my sanity!" y Queen: "It will, huh? Well, you're putting it on anyway!" Earth: "No!" y Queen: "Fire Arm!" Earth: "A buff spell? No fair!" y Queen: "All's fair in love and war!" Earth: "This is neither!" y Queen: "Take good care of it, please." Earth: "I can't get it off! Why? "The 87th Fairy Queen Ring."" Earth: "Contains the power of six elemental fairies... Only one exists in the entire world..." Earth: "Cannot be unequipped?!" y Queen: "I'll be going back to my kingdom now. I hope we all meet again someday, everyone!" Milie: "That was a pretty fun event, huh?" Zwei: "Sure was! I didn't expect the husband-and-wife comedy routine at the end!" Earth: "And with that, One More Free Life Online's first major event, "The Fairy Ball," came to an end." Earth: "Things were a little different after the event ended. My battle with the queen was uploaded to the game's official site," Earth: "and people started to realize how strong the combination of wind magic and archery was. More and more players began to choose them for their build. I ended up famous as a result, and decided to head somewhere remote so I could play in peace and quiet. But..." Earth: "Queen?! Why?" y Queen: "That ring's actually a teleport point!" y Queen: "I'm here to bring some love to a lonely, fairyless man! Just kidding!" Earth: "Is this... Is this who you normally are?" y Queen: "That's so mean! I'm a queen!" Earth: "Then go back home and rule your kingdom!" y Queen: "No! Ruling a kingdom is really boring! Let me relax for a bit! Please!" Earth: "Looks like I'm not getting my peaceful game life back." Players: "Look at that! It's the Fairy Queen's husband! Look at those killer shoes!" Earth: "Th-This is awkward..." zer: "Hey, you there! I want to talk to you. Look at me!" Earth: "Wow, somebody's trying to be intimidating. I feel bad for whoever they're talking to." zer: "Hey! Look at me!" Earth: "Yeah, of course they're just gonna get ignored." zer: "Are you listening?! Hey! Hey! You there! Hey!" Earth: "It's hard to relax here in town. Maybe I'll go hunting. There's something I want to try..." Earth: "Hey, what kind of spell is Prism Nova? It just says it's something you can learn with the ring equipped." y Queen: "You'll have to try it and find out! That's your thing, right, honey?" Earth: "Fairies everywhere, hear my voice! Grant my wish!" Earth: "My prayers lie with the fairies! With my great wish!" Earth: "I make my wish unto the great ruler of the fairies. I make my wish to their ruler. I offer up a portion of my magic to the great ruler of the fairies, that she might empower my soul." Earth: "Grant me your great protection this one time. Let that protection, and my magic," Earth: "become a strength that brings pain and despair unto the enemy before me." Earth (Thoughts): "An Area of Effect targeting circle? I'll put it on the bear, and..." Earth: "May this incantation be my vow, and may I be granted the aid of the fairy queen, that the glory and honor of this victory be offered up unto her!" Earth: "My name is Earth! He who was granted this skill by the 87th Fairy Queen!" Earth: "By the contract we swore, may a single miracle manifest before me." Earth: "My wish becomes a spell, a plea unto the fairy queen. Grant my wish! Annihilate my foe with true power! Prism Nova!" Earth: "What the heck?!" Earth: "I tried it a few more times after that, and figured out what it did, more or less. Prism Nova... is a spell that afflicts all enemies in the area of effect with multiple random status effects?" y Queen: "That's right! By the way, there's a lot of status effects it can inflict on someone, but paralysis and petrify have pretty low odds of triggering. Also, the cooldown period is pretty long, so be careful." Earth: "Don't eat the food for the customers!" y Queen: "I can at least have one, right? All the food in the Fairy Kingdom is so sweet! I need something else!" y Queen: "And we rulers don't get any real freedom! We're the most important people in the country, which means we have to work harder for it than anybody else! We're the biggest slaves in the country!" y Queen: "The ruler isn't on top! They have to support the whole country on their own! It's really hard!" Earth: "You're under a lot of stress, huh?" zer: "Hey, you!" zer: "How dare you ignore me back there!" zer: "Hey, you there! I want to talk to you. Look at me!" Earth: "Oh, I remember. You were talking to me?" zer: "Well, enough about that. I'm Nazer, with the guild "The Bow of Apollo." We're working towards our great goal: the salvation of oppressed archers everywhere." Earth: "What's with this guy?" zer: "And that's why I want to help a poor, suffering soul like you, who cries himself to sleep at night because no guild will have him! I've come offering you salvation! We'll prepare for you a position at the lowest rank of our guild, so come with me, and be grateful!" Earth: "Thanks, but I'm good. Bye." Earth: "Isn't it time you headed home?" y Queen: "No." Earth: "Fine. You can take some of the food for the customers with you." y Queen: "Really?" Earth: "This should be enough, right?" y Queen: "Yup! Now I feel ready to get back to work." Earth: "You really are a big eater." y Queen: "You're so silly. That's not what I meant." y Queen: "Anyway, see you later!" Earth: "I don't know what that meant, but I should be able to get some peace and quiet now." Earth: "Tomorrow, I'll work on my equipment some more." Earth: "Hello! Now, then... What are you all doing there?" Blacks: "Sorry, sorry." Smiths: "Stare..." Blacks: "You're famous right now." Earth: "You too, Blacks?" Earth: "You can watch, but don't stand so close." All: "Okay!" Earth: "First, I'll upgrade the X-type compound hunting bow. I've used it a whole bunch, so I need to swap out the bow itself. And while I'm at it, I've decided to change the materials I use." Earth: "The wood will be something newer and higher quality." Earth: "The reinforcements will be light metal instead of iron." Earth: "The result was a big upgrade to a more powerful bow!" Earth: "The next step is to upgrade my bladed shoes. I'll be making changes to them, too, including the materials I use! First, the shoes." Earth: "Last time I used iron. But this time I'll use mostly light metal to increase its armor value and stability when landing." Earth: "I'll make the spikes out of steel. I'll add in the screw twists that I learned to make when doing my arrowheads, so that they're more powerful when attacking." Earth: "And last but not least, the blades. Last time, I put them on the sides." Earth: "This time I'll put them on the front, and make it so you can swap them! It'll make them easier to repair, and if I kick with my toes, I can deal damage with the blade," Earth: "and if I kick with the soles of my feet, the spikes! They'll be sure to deal additional damage." Earth: "They're done!" Earth: "I'd honestly feel better if they still just looked at me like I was a weirdo." Earth: "Now then, there's one thing left to do." Earth: "This is great!" Earth: "Wait, it's got a score of 9?" Myun: "You brought me the materials, so just like I promised, it's yours for 5,000 gloh." Earth: "You're really letting me have it that cheap?" Myun: "Don't worry about it. I always charge the amount I said I would, no matter what the score ends up being. I see. Thank you." Myun: "A message? Who sent it?" Myun: "Ayame... the guildmaster of the Bow of Apollo?" Myun: "Are they all members of the Bow of Apollo? It's a big guild." Ayame: "Welcome, Earth." Ayame: "I am Ayame, guildmaster of the Bow of Apollo." Earth: "Hello... What can I do for you today?" Ayame: "I wanted to apologize for Nazer's behavior the other day. After your battle with the Fairy Queen, every player in One More knows about you." Earth: "Huh..." Ayame: "As an archer-only guild, if we can get you to join us, we'll be able to grow even bigger." Ayame: "At least, that's what he seemed to think..." Earth: "Don't worry. It didn't offend me or anything." Ayame: "No, that's not all. We did an investigation and found that Nazer's been using your name to recruit members." Ayame: "I want to apologize to you on his behalf. I'm so sorry, Earth!" Earth: "Um... Got it! I accept your apology for that, too. Please raise your head." Ayame: "Thank you. We've punished him to ensure this never happens again." Earth: "Punished him?" Ayame: "He's been demoted from lieutenant to ordinary member. He's also lost his guild invite privileges. We won't banish him. He must accept his punishment as a member of our guild." Ayame: "That is my responsibility as leader." Earth: "That's fine. I think that's a good way to handle it," Earth: "and I have no objections." Ayame: "One more thing, Earth." Ayame: "Your battle with the Fairy Queen was truly amazing! You're the hope of archers everywhere." Ayame: "Keep it up! We all have great expectations for you!" Earth: "That battle's had all kinds of effects on the game, huh?" Earth: "I just want to relax and enjoy the game..." Male Gm 2: "He defeated EA and won its friendship, and he's having a massive influence on other players, as well."
{ "raw_title": "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life Episode 5 – Earth Has a Big Battle With the Queen", "parsed": [ "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "5", "Earth Has a Big Battle With the Queen" ] }
Daichi: "They're allowing about as many new players as there are existing players, huh? I guess that means the new servers have been installed." Daichi: "I heard that the shortage of VR headsets got resolved, too. Which means registrations won't be open for long." Zwei: "Hey, Earth." Earth: "Hey." Zwei: "They added a new status effect in yesterday's patch. How are you gonna handle it?" Earth: "Break Arms, huh? If you get hit with it, you can't hold a weapon for a while." Millie: "We'll have to watch out for paralysis and petrification. It'll trigger if you take more than 25% of your total HP in damage to your arms, too." Earth: "Well, at least other players can't steal your dropped weapon." Earth: "I played another game where somebody swiped a rare weapon from me after I died." Millie/Zwei: "Really?" Gm: "It's time to announce our new update! A new dungeon is coming! Its name is "A Challenge From the Departed!"" Gm: "The dungeon is entirely randomly generated. Each time you enter, it will be a completely new experience! And there are all kinds of traps awaiting unlucky players, so if you can't think quick, you'll be joining the dead in the dungeon!" Gm: "How far can you get before the one-hour time limit runs out? Your first goal will be the tenth floor! It's up to you whether you accept this challenge from the departed! Look forward to our next update!" Zwei: "A totally randomly generated dungeon..." Earth: "That sounds like a ton of fun!" Gm: "Now, we'll do an advance showing of our trailer for the second round of player registrations!" Zwei: "That's me!" Earth: "Don't show that!" Millie: "Aw, you look so cool, though!" Earth: "If new players think bows are a lot stronger than they are, they're going to regret it later... If I'm going to get ready for the new dungeon," Earth: "then I'll need a shield! I don't think I can get any further in the game with dodging as my only defense," Earth: "especially in a cramped dungeon without room to move around. I specialized my Shield skill in "small shields," which makes it easier to use my bow." Earth: "Thanks to that, I can gather materials at the same time." Earth: "Next, it's time to make new equipment, but..." Blacks: "What are you making this time?" Earth: "I'm making a new compound bow with these plans I brought in from the real world." Blacks: "Its attack is that high even with a score of 3? Any archer would love this!" Earth: "I can't recommend it to them, given how much the arrows cost. And I just made it to learn more about how these things work. I'm not going to use it." Blacks: "You mean you're trying to make something even better?" Earth: "Yeah, but it doesn't exist in the real world, so I'll have to draw up the plans myself." Earth: "It's finally done! That took forever! I used material from the rock ants' exoskeletons on the sides of the shield to strengthen it, but mostly to protect the compound bow parts that I've placed inside the back." Earth: "Maybe the Accuracy Bonus (Weak) came from the little scope sight I put on it?" Earth: "If I let go of the grip, it goes back to being a normal shield. The reason I raised my Shield skill on my right hand, and made that compound bow for practice, and went through all that trouble trying to figure out how to draw plans, was all for this. It works in a semi-weird way, and the handle's upside-down, but it's a weapon intended just for me, so that's fine! Okay, now even if I get hit with Break Arms, I won't immediately lose my ability to attack at long range!" Earth: "It took five whole days to finish it, but it's good to be ready." Earth: "Look at all the players!" Earth: "I guess that's what happens the first day after a big update. Now, time to check out that new dungeon!" Seller: "We're having a big sale! Don't go in there without potions! Who wants potions? Cheap, powerful potions!" Seller 2: "Buy now or cry later! Who wants to try my new potions?" Earth: "The merchant players are all fired up, too. This is where they make their money." Red: "You there! Listen to me!" Earth: "Um... what is it?" Red: "I am Red!" Blue: "I'm Blue!" Yellow: "Mah name is Yellow!" Pink: "I'm Pink!" Green: "And I am none other than Green!" All: "Together, we are..." Earth: "Stop, stop! You can't say another word!" Red: "But we're just getting to the good part!" Earth: "Absolutely not!" Earth: "I see! A party that's modeling themselves after Sentai rangers? Where's Black, then?" Red: "He said he had a stomachache today." Pink: "Well, don't worry about that, okay?" Earth: "You guys don't really sound like rangers... But I guess I'm supposed to ignore that, right?" Red: "Anyway, that means we don't have enough people. We were looking for another member when we found you! And so, of course, we had to approach you!" Earth: "I don't think I can get too far in there on my own, so maybe I'll go along with them." Earth: "You're inviting me to a pick-up group, right?" Blue: "You're not wrong." Earth: "You're really into the role-play thing, huh?" Red: "Then it's settled! We assault the enemy hideout, everyone!" All: "Right!" Earth: "It's not a hideout, though! It's a dungeon! Well, whatever." Red: "All right! Let's go—" Earth: "Wait!" Earth: "Looks like we hit a nasty map. There are fifteen traps in this room." Earth: "And four of them are instant death traps. It's pretty typical for heroes to fall for traps, but I don't want us getting wiped out." Blue: "True, that would be a problem." Earth: "I'll take the lead. Follow my path exactly." All: "Right." Blue: "Red made the right call. I was concerned when he wanted to add another member, but..." Earth: "I bet. You never know what'll happen when you add a new member for one session. I'm surprised they decided to do it at all." Red: "No, we were lucky to meet the guy who married the Fairy Queen. There's no way he could be weak." Earth: "Um, are you talking about me?" Red: "Who else could I be talking about?" Earth: "I want to cry..." Earth: "We're finally through." Red: "We'll take the lead from now on." Earth: "Sure." Red: "Come on! Swiftly! Swiftly!" Yellow: "Swiftly!" Red: "The enemy is here! We five warriors shall defeat our foes!" All: "Right!" Blue: "Too easy." Yellow: "Piece of cake!" Green: "Behold my techniques!" Red: "The power of justice prevails!" Earth: "Oh, I guess you call yourself heroes for a reason! I guess I can focus on finding traps, then!" Red: "The stairs to the second floor! How long did it take us to get here?" Blue: "Eighteen minutes. We're taking too much time for a one-hour dungeon." Earth: "Sorry. I wish I could disarm the traps faster, but it's dangerous to rush this stuff." Green: "None of us are so foolish as to complain about such a thing! Be at ease!" Pink: "We're just glad to have you." Yellow: "I think we've just got to be careful as we go." Red: "Okay, let's go down a floor!" Red: "It took us eighteen minutes to find the staircase from the first floor to the second, but..." Pink: "We'll make it to the third floor really fast." Earth: "Sometimes a randomly generated dungeon is on your side, and sometimes it's not." Red: "Let's hurry on ahead! Swiftly!" Red: "Hwaah!" Red: "Wights and skeleton soldiers!" Pink: "Leave it to me! All right... Here I go!" Pink: "Glorious Lovely Flash!" Red: "Did we get them?" Pink: "Oh, my! The skeleton soldiers can dispel the spell, huh?" Green: "They're different from the skeletons we saw on the first floor!" Blue: "More wights!" Red: "Don't worry!" Red: "We'll destroy them!" Yellow: "My attacks aren't working!" Earth: "Wights can't take physical damage! Leave this to me and Pink, and Blue's water magic!" Red: "Thanks!" Earth: "This Aeolian Dust Arrow has wind magic on it, so it'll work on the wights!" Red: "So we've finally found the way down to the fourth floor?" Blue: "We lost a lot of time dealing with those tricky monsters." Earth: "It's been forty minutes already. There's no way we'll make it to the tenth floor in time. Why don't we aim for the fifth floor instead?" Red: "No objection here!" Earth: "What is this feeling, like the grim reaper's caressing my face?" Earth: "Something's not right about this floor." Red: "Right!" Voice: "Somebody help me!" Earth: "Another party? What happened?" Red: "I'm coming!" Earth: "Wait!" Earth: "That trap locked us in here! It's the type that won't let us leave until we complete this room's quest!" Blue: "Look at them all." Red: "There's no time to think about this. Let's go, everyone!" Green: "Understood!" Yellow: "Time to kick butt!" Earth: "Are there traps...?" Earth: "No! I can fight with my full strength!" Earth: "Gatling Arrow! Aeolian Dust Arrow!" Adventurer 1: "Thanks, you saved us." Adventurer 2: "Let's join the fight, too!" Red: "Okay! Finish them!" Rangers: "Storm..." Rangers: "Hurricane!" Earth: "That's one heck of a flashy attack... It does look strong, though!" Adventurer 1: "You're the leader, huh? Thanks for saving us from being wiped out!" Red: "I just did what anyone would do!" Blue: "Look, a huge treasure chest." Adventurer 2: "I can't wait to see what's inside!" Earth: "No! Don't touch that chest!" Adventurer 2: "What, you think we owe you this because you saved us?" Earth: "No, it's a trap!" Adventurer 2: "Don't underestimate me. I've got the Thief skill, too. I can tell if there's a trap." Earth: "Fine. We won't touch the chest." Red: "Earth!" Earth: "If you insist on opening it, wait until we're all out of the room!" Green: "But then we won't get any reward..." Blue: "We should do what Earth says. Red." Red: "Right." Earth: "Let's leave immediately." Red: "Earth, if you abandoned that treasure chest, there must be something really bad inside, right?" Earth: "Yeah. This room had a double trap. The first trapped you inside with a bunch of monsters. And the other..." Earth: "Kills you with your own greed." Red: "We're out of time. Earth, I don't want to offend you, but can I ask you a question? That adventurer said he had the Thief skill, but he didn't see the trap. I know it's considered impolite to ask about others' skills, but is your level above 20?" Earth: "I can't give you the exact number, but I'll admit it's over 20." Earth: "It's actually above 30. If it was 20, I wouldn't have been able to see that last trap. But I shouldn't tell that to somebody I've just met." Red: "Let's split up our winnings and call it a day. We didn't get much, though." Earth: "My Thief skill went way up, so I'm pretty happy." Red: "If you're satisfied, then so are we!" Green: "I'm not! I wanted to explore the second floor more! There might've been good items!" Yellow: "But there's that time limit!" Green: "Clearing an entire floor before moving on to the next is one way to enjoy a dungeon! I enjoy mapping!" Earth: "I get that! You feel so satisfied when you complete a map!" Green: "Behold! This is my complete map of the first floor!" Blue: "I can never figure out what your maps are trying to say. Is this map really right?" Pink: "Green has a terrible sense of direction, too." Yellow: "These floors are randomly generated anyway, so that map'll be useless next time we come." Earth: "Good point." Red: "Earth, thank you so much for coming today! We'd love to introduce you to Black! Let me send a friend request!" Earth: "Sure. I was lucky I got to do a run with you guys! If I want to get to the tenth floor within an hour, I need to be able to disarm traps faster. That's why I decided to build a tool that would help my Thief skill... But if you make it too thin, it snaps." Earth: "And if you try to make it so it doesn't snap, it gets too thick!" Blacks: "Making another weird item?" Earth: "I'm trying to come up with a way to deal with the traps in the new dungeon. I could do it faster with a picking tool, but it's hard to get one that's thin but doesn't break." Blacks: "Let me see that for a second." Blacks: "Well? How's this?" Earth: "Wow! I can tell you're a pro! It's even better than I could've hoped for!" Blacks: "This one's on the house." Earth: "Thanks! I learned a lot!" Blacks: "Sure thing! Keep it up!" Earth: "Things will go much smoother with this. Now I just need some more arrows..." y Queen: "Hey, how've you been?!" Earth: "You always show up out of nowhere, don't you? You scared me!" y Queen: "Does that mean I should make a big announcement before I arrive? Maybe add in some music?" Earth: "Are you trying to be a pro wrestler?" Earth: "Well, whatever. So, you're in your full regalia today. Did something happen?" y Queen: "I'm going to give out contract crystals to the new adventurers, so they can make contracts with fairies." Earth: "Oh, right. A lot of new players just joined." y Queen: "I want to hand over as many as I can today. It's pretty tough to write all those emails. I do have human helpers, but still." Earth: "Does she mean the game's GMs? Still, going out of her way to deliver the crystals in person is pretty old-fashioned." y Queen: "So, anyway, I'm off!" y Queen: "Let's talk again later, my husband!" Earth: "You and I are not married!" y Queen: "Aw, and I spent so much time on my hair." Earth: "She's a woman in that sense, I guess. Maybe I hit her too hard." y Queen: "I guess it's time to go." y Queen: "Farewell!" Earth: "I guess she's working hard at her job, at least. I should work hard, too." Earth: "This should be enough for another dungeon run. Now to do some cooking..." y Queen: "I'm back..." Earth: "You don't look so good..." y Queen: "Handing over the crystals went fine. But after that..." y Queen: "Who cares about my measurements? Why do you want to know what kind of guy I like? What's the point of asking me my favorite food? And there were these weird questions about how I felt about having affairs, and I'm obviously not telling any of you where you can come meet me!" Earth: "I-I see. Sounds rough." y Queen: "I felt like I had no choice but to summon everyone who asked those questions to the battlefield, then defeat them and revive them ten times, giving them a death penalty each time." Earth: "Wait... What were you thinking?" y Queen: "But... But when I did... They said, "For us, this is a reward!" And then they all got these creepy smiles!" y Queen: "Humans are scary. I'm so tired." Earth: "I do feel a little bad for her..." y Queen: "And so..." y Queen: "Please, let me rest my head on your lap! Give me head pats! And sign this marriage form, too!" Earth: "Wh-Where did you learn about that?" y Queen: "I got it from the town hall! I've already signed it!" Earth: "Which town hall?" y Queen: "Once you sign it, we'll be officially married!" Earth: "Why would we get married? Sheesh, how do you learn about this stuff?" y Queen: "Don't be so stubborn! The husband comes home tired from work! It's the wife's job to cheer the husband up!" Earth: "Who's the wife and who's the husband in this scenario?!" y Queen: "It's so good!" Earth: "Sheesh..." y Queen: "What's this called? I've never seen it before!" Earth: "It's a meat bun. My Cooking skill finally hit level 50, and I can use a steamer now, so I tried making it." y Queen: "So I'm your first customer, huh? I'm so happy!" Earth: "Well, I guess I can give her what she wants a little, just for today. It must be rough being a queen. She can't go on adventures whenever she wants like I can, and I'm the only adventurer she gets to talk to, so..." y Queen: "Thank you, husband!" Earth: "Stop saying that!" y Queen: "Look at you blush!"
{ "raw_title": "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life Episode 6 – Earth Gets Excited Over a New Dungeon", "parsed": [ "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "6", "Earth Gets Excited Over a New Dungeon" ] }
Earth: "Stun?! Damn it! I can't move! This isn't good..." Earth: "As for how I found myself in this situation... After making myself a set of tools, I spent my days going into the dungeon solo. My goal, of course, was to improve my lockpicking and trap disarming skills. Well, at first I messed up all the time, and sometimes even got myself killed in the process." Earth: "But after a lot of practice, my thief skill finally reached level 50!" Earth: "Now I can evolve it into a higher ranked skill." Earth: "Hm..." Earth: "Superior Thief is a more powerful version of thief that does mostly the same things. And Benevolent Thief can..." Earth: "steal from monsters... or get a bonus while sneak attacking, which are things a normal thief can't do." Earth: "It will require more EXP to evolve, however." Earth: "Benevolent Thief, definitely. That sounds a lot more fun." Earth: "Red?" Black: "At last, the time has come. Yah-wah-who-wha-wuh! Black is here!" Black: "So, yeah, nice to meet you, Earth." Black: "Now, let us begin." Earth: "Sure thing." Black: "Oh, my! A new type of trap!" Earth: "Wow, fascinating! Look how clever this is! Wonderful!" Black: "Indeed!" Earth: "Look what happens if you try to pick it the normal way!" Pink: "Hey, why are those two getting so excited over disarming a trap?" Black: "Brilliant, Earth! You noticed the trick!" Red: "I introduced them because I thought they'd get along, but I didn't expect them to get along so well." Earth: "Okay, now here..." Earth: "Think we can do it?" Black: "Indeed we can!" Earth: "And at the same time, I kept going into the dungeon myself. And as I disarmed more and more traps," Earth: "my success rate began to increase..." Earth: "And my Benevolent Thief skill was increasing, too. There was something else I noticed while I was down there." Earth: "How the monsters in the dungeon worked." Earth: "They seemed to be attracted to light. And so... I was able to use my Long-Distance Vision skill, which lets me see in the dark," Earth: "to drastically reduce the number of battles I had to fight. Once I realized that, I was able to avoid unnecessary fights, and go deeper into the dungeon." Earth: "And today, I reached the staircase to the next-to-last level on my own." Earth: "Now then, how much time do I have left?" Earth: "Just over five minutes..." Earth: "That's not a lot. There are liches on the 9th floor." Earth: "I have to take my time." Earth: "Well, I'll just have to see how far I can get." Earth: "That was close." Red: "Watch out for liches! Not only do they use status attacks, they'll also summon nearby monsters, which means big trouble!" Earth: "That makes them really tough for solo players!" Earth: "If I end up fighting that thing, I'm done for. Gotta be careful!" Earth: "What is this?" Earth: "The staircase is right there!" Earth: "I don't have time to disarm all these traps..." Earth: "I guess I'll just have to go for it!" Earth: "Ad Caelum!" Earth: "Fly!" Earth: "Just a little more!" Earth: "Is this the end?" Earth: "No, I'll go as far..." Earth: "as I can!" Earth: "It didn't kick me out of the dungeon?" Earth: "The timer stopped?" Earth: "What's going on here? I'm still on the staircase..." Earth: "Does this mean I'm regarded as having reached the last floor?" Earth: "Well, whatever." Earth: "I've reached a place nobody else has." Andre: "Oh?" Earth: "Who's there?" Andre: "I didn't expect anyone to reach this place alone." Andre: "My name is Andre. I am a knight of the Empire." Andre: "Well, that was a long, long time ago." Andre: "This staircase is long. Listen to my tale. It will give you something to think about on the long way down. My nation ordered me to investigate this place, the Labyrinth of the Departed, and seal it away. I led a great army inside, but the monsters and traps slew them all." Andre: "In the end, I was the last one left. I journeyed through the labyrinth alone and reached the deepest room." Andre: "But..." Andre: "There was nothing there." Andre: "Not even air to breathe. I died there, and was transformed into a skeleton knight that is forced to protect this dungeon." Earth: "You came to seal the labyrinth, and they turned you into its guardian?" Earth: "Is this room still there?" Andre: "No. I destroyed it." Andre: "I am the only one who will ever die from such a trap." Earth: "Even in death, he still tried to be a noble knight..." Andre: "You'll find me waiting at the bottom of the stairs." Earth: "And what do you want me to do?" Andre: "Kill me." Andre: "I have endured this long, refusing to let my heart become that of a monster, as well. But I will not be able to keep that up much longer." Andre: "I am tired." Andre: "Please, let me be free... To be with my men... my comrades." Earth: "A-Andre?" Andre: "At last! At last, you gave in, Andre! This sword! This body! They're all mine!" Andre: "What the hell was that for?" Earth: "Stop talking. You're pissing me off." Andre: "How dare you, human? I'll make you suffer before you die!" Earth: "He traveled that distance in a single instant?" Earth: "The fight's not over yet." Earth: "He's fast. And he hits hard!" Andre: "Excellent. Just like I hoped! You want to focus on defending? Very well!" Andre: "Flames? How dare you?!" Earth: "You think I'm just defending, huh? I don't fight with a sword! I'm not going to fight you head-on!" Andre: "You aren't, huh? Then..." Earth: "Break Arms?" Andre: "Your bow can't help you now." Andre: "This time, you're finished. Right, human? Give it up." Earth: "I told you. It's not over yet." Andre: "What?" Earth: "I've got more tricks in store." Earth: "You haven't won yet." Andre: "How fun." Earth: "But my Secret Another Bow isn't invincible. It can only fire special arrows, and I can't use any arts with it. But it fires fast, and I can aim faster than with a big bow. I'll fight not with power, but with quantity!" Andre: "Stop moving around! You're making me mad! Shield Charge!" Earth: "What?" Andre: "Shield Chaser!" Earth: "Stun?! Damn it! I can't move! This isn't good..." Andre: "I didn't expect I would have to use this art." Andre: "But this has gone on long enough. I'll send you to the god you love so much." Earth: "To my god, you say?" Andre: "Whenever something happens, you always pray to your god. Because you love him so much, right?" Andre: "Curse you!" Earth: "There are no gods in this world! The only thing you'll find in this place is the human will, which struggles to survive, no matter how bad things get!" Andre: "Then show me your will!" Earth: "All right, I will!" Earth: "Triangle Shot!" Earth: "I use a diagonal kick after creating an illusion!" Earth: "Fairies everywhere, hear my voice! Grant my wish! My prayers lie with the fairies!" Earth: "With my great wish!" Earth: "I make my wish unto the great ruler of the fairies. I make my wish to their ruler. I offer up a portion of my magic to the great ruler of the fairies," Andre: "Is that all you've got? An incantation? He's using magic?" Andre: "Give up and die already!" Earth: "that she might empower my soul." Earth: "Grant me your great protection this one time. Let that protection, and my magic, become a strength that brings pain and despair unto the enemy before me." Andre: "Stop that spell!" Earth: "May this incantation be my vow, and may I be granted the aid of the fairy queen," Earth: "that the glory and honor of this victory be offered up unto her!" Andre: "I won't let you finish it! There will be no miracles!" Earth: "My name is Earth! He who was granted this skill by the 87th Fairy Queen!" Earth: "By the contract we swore, may a single miracle manifest before me." Earth: "My wish becomes a spell, a plea unto the Fairy Queen. Grant my wish!" Earth: "Annihilate my foe with true power!" Earth: "Elder Prism Nova! I recited the whole incantation, so it's the most powerful Prism Nova I can do... Please, give me petrification or paralysis... Something that will get me out of this!" Andre: "You're going to pay for that, human!" Earth: "No luck, huh?" Earth: "What's this?" Earth: "An illusion?" Andre: "You!" Andre: "That ring... are you his contract partner?" Earth: "I see... It's the effect of the ring!" Earth: "Thanks, Queen!" Earth: "Now, to finish this!" Earth: "Wide Arrow! Gatling Arrow! Twin-Fanged Arrow! Mirror Arrow! Arrow Twister!" Earth: "Now explode!" Earth: "Did I get him?" Andre: "Splendid. Victory is yours." Earth: "Is that you, Andre?" Andre: "Yup." Andre: "You defeated him before my soul disappeared." Andre: "You gave me a little time to thank you." Earth: "I see..." Earth: "So I gave you what you wanted?" Andre: "Yup. You've given me even more than I hoped for!" Andre: "I never thought I'd be able to meet my end as a human, not a monster!" Earth: "You're so easygoing! Is that who you really are?" Andre: "Sorry, sorry. I was in a state of complete despair before we fought. Honestly, I figured since you were playing solo, you didn't have a chance." Earth: "Sorry about that." Andre: "Anyway, it's time to go." Andre: "Thanks, really. For defeating me." Andre: "As a reward, you can have my sword." Andre: "It's a mess, but if you sell it as an antique, it should be worth something." Earth: "Thanks, Andre." Earth: "I'll accept it." Andre: "You said that there is no god here." Andre: "But I think there is. I was able to meet my end not as a monster, but as a human, and my companions even came to get me." Andre: "Only God could bring me such luck." Andre: "I pray that God blesses the path you walk, as well." Earth: "Thanks, Andre." Earth: "Watch over me while you drink a nice glass or something." Earth: "If God is real, I'm sure he'll hook you up." Gm: "We have an urgent announcement!" Gm: "One of the secret bosses of "A Challenge from the Departed" has been defeated." Gm: "Its defeat has unlocked a new type of weapon, the Knight's Sword. A Knight's Sword is a superior version of a one-handed sword, with a long reach and a powerful attack." Gm: "See the upcoming announcement on our official home page for more details!" Earth: "So beating the dungeon unlocked a new weapon, huh? She said "one of the secret bosses," which means there are probably more weapon unlocks to be found." Earth: "No luck, huh?" Earth: "I can't repair either of them..." Earth: "I guess I should've known." Earth: "Sorry. Thanks for everything you've done for me." Earth: "I turned my broken weapons into a new shield, but..." Earth: "My bow and leather equipment are both a mess and need repairing." Earth: "This is gonna hurt my wallet. But, well..." Earth: "And so, my time spent fighting alone came to an end, for now."
{ "raw_title": "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life Episode 7 – Earth Challenges a Boss", "parsed": [ "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "7", "Earth Challenges a Boss" ] }
Male Gm 1: "Now, let's hear your report." emale Gm: "PN-O-EA seems to be enjoying herself." Male Gm 1: "Her learning seems to be advancing quickly thanks to that archer. We'll need to thank him." emale Gm: "There's a problem, though." emale Gm: "PN-1-EB has been complaining that she is bored." Male Gm 1: "Let's allow her to go for a walk." Earth: "Hey." Zwei: "Earth! Thanks for coming!" Earth: "No, thanks for inviting me." Zwei: "Nora and Kazamine can't play today. So we were hoping we could get a thief player who could also DPS." Earth: "But then we'll only have Millie for a healer. Will we be okay?" Millie: "A new healer is going to join us today." Earth: "A new player, huh?" Earth: "I don't see them anywhere, though." Zwei: "Sorry. She said she'd be late." Earth: "It's okay if she's a few minutes late." Rona: "Oh, Earth..." Rona: "About this new player..." Rage: "She can be a little rude sometimes. I guess "strong-willed" would be a nice way to put it." Earth: "So I just need to kind of brush it off, huh?" Zwei: "There weren't any other free healers today. Sorry." Earth: "Not a lot of people play tanks or healers. I get it." Zwei: "Thanks, I appreciate that." Eliza: "So you've all come out to greet me, I see!" Eliza: "I appreciate that." Zwei: "No, you're just late, dummy! Earth, her name is Eliza. Her real name is "Elizabeth," but we call her "Eliza" for short." Zwei: "She's a really good mage, and really dependable." Earth: "Zwei even did her introduction for her... It must be rough being a guild master." Zwei: "Come on, Eliza! Get down here and apologize to Earth!" Eliza: "I don't know... This archer looks like a wimp. Is he actually useful for anything?" Eliza: "He looks so ordinary, like a generic townsperson." Zwei: "Eliza!" Earth: "You can see if I'm useful or not once we get into the dungeon." Earth: "Okay, there we go!" Rona: "I'm so glad we brought you. There were a ton of traps on that last floor, too." Earth: "You run into traps like that sometimes. Some of those traps are one-hit kills if you step on them. Make sure to keep an eye out." Eliza: "Well, it looks like he can disarm traps, at least." Zwei: "Okay, we made it to the fifth floor." Zwei: "Let's take a break." Eliza: "Do we have time for breaks?" Eliza: "There's a time limit. Let's keep moving." Rage: "We're going to need to be much more careful from here on out." Millie: "You sometimes run into dangerous enemies on this floor." Earth: "The lesser liches." Eliza: "A-Are they that dangerous?" Earth: "Yeah. Not only are they immune to physical attacks," Earth: "they use a ton of status effects that stop you from moving. People call them "trauma generators."" Earth: "Don't worry. I can deal with any freeze or paralysis effects. And Eliza can fix petrification." Rona: "And I've learned magic-type attacks, so I can help, too!" Zwei: "Yeah. We can handle one lesser lich." Earth: "Yeah. If we're careful..." Earth: "Zwei!" Zwei: "What is it?" Earth: "Monsters are approaching." Zwei: "How many?" Earth: "Twelve. Four Lesser Liches." Millie: "Oh, my..." Zwei: "Earth, are there any traps in this room?" Earth: "No, none." Zwei: "Okay." Zwei: "It's dangerous to try to run. We'll fight them here!" Rage: "I'll guard the rear!" Rona: "Guess we have to fight!" Millie: "I'll cast some offensive buff spells while I've still got the chance!" Zwei: "Yeah. Eliza, get ready to use some attack magic." Zwei: "Eliza?" Eliza: "D-Did you say something?" Earth: "She's so nervous that she's shaking." Zwei: "An attack spell! Hit them with something strong!" Eliza: "G-Got it!" Earth: "I need to get ready to attack, too." Earth: "Here they come!" Earth: "I'll hit them first!" Earth: "Wide Arrow!" Eliza: "Holy Ray!" Millie: "Explosion!" Zwei: "Okay, great!" Earth: "I guess I should've known that wouldn't be enough." Rage: "Aggro Control!" Rage: "Taunt!" Rage: "I'll handle their attacks!" Rona: "Here I go! War Spirit Twinfists!" Zwei: "Okay, there's one!" Zwei: "This would be a lot easier if I had a magic sword..." Earth: "Oh, no! Rage has been petrified and can't move! They'll start coming after us!" Millie: "Eliza, heal Rage, please!" Zwei: "Eliza, if we can't heal Rage's petrification, we'll be wiped out!" Eliza: "I-I know! I'll do it now!" Eliza: "No... I'm too scared to speak!" Rona: "Now, Eliza!" Zwei: "Damn it! I'm running out of MP!" Rage: "Aren't you ready yet, Eliza?!" Earth: "Get down, everyone!" Earth: "Eliza." Earth: "Did that wake you up?" Earth: "Heal him." Eliza: "Y-Yes!" Eliza: "Rapidem Cominut Lux. Stone Break Cure!" Rage: "Thank you! Now I can go back on defense!" Zwei: "Okay, the enemy's weakened. Let's finish them!" Earth: "Yeah!" Eliza: "If you had something that powerful, why didn't you use it from the start?" Earth: "They're risky to use, and I can't carry a lot of them." Eliza: "But you could've been faster—" Zwei: "Eliza! If you don't stop complaining about Earth..." Eliza: "N-No! I wasn't complaining. I just..." Millie: "Both of you..." Millie: "It's not just guild members down here today." Millie: "So put a lid on it." Both: "O-Okay." Earth: "Millie's scary when she gets angry, huh?" Eliza: "Um... I'm sorry." Earth: "We're not done with the dungeon yet. We'll need your help with healing." Eliza: "Leave it to me!" Zwei: "Well, we made it out alive!" Rona: "I wasn't sure we would!" Rage: "Yeah." Zwei: "Thanks again, Earth. You were a huge help today!" Earth: "I got a lot of good stuff out of it. I'm grateful to you guys, too." Zwei: "Glad to hear it." Zwei: "Let's play again sometime." Earth: "Yeah, see you." All: "Bye! See you later!" Earth: "So these are the new weapons, the Japanese Bow and Ootachi." Earth: "Kazamine from Blue Color was kind of a samurai character. He's gonna love that Ootachi." Dragon Princess: "You there." Dragon Princess: "Are you Earth?" Earth: "Pointed ears, Japanese clothing, and dragon-like horns." Earth: "That's not a player avatar." Earth: "I'm Earth, yes. Who are you?" Dragon Princess: "I am... Hm, I'll explain it in a way that's easy for you to understand. I'm like the Fairy Queen's little sister." Earth: "I can tell she's going to be a pain to deal with!" Dragon Princess: "Seeing you tense up like that saddens me." Earth: "Okay, I understand who you are." Earth: "Why have you come to see me?" Dragon Princess: "There are several reasons. But the real reason was that I wanted a taste for myself." Earth: "A taste?" Dragon Princess: "I'm especially interested in... yes... getting a taste of your lips. How about it?" Earth: "You're just as bad as your big sister! Yeah, I'm definitely sure you're her sister now!" Dragon Princess: "So you think you can hit me with a fan, huh? You're an intriguing guy. I think I can see why my sister is so taken with you." Earth: "Please go away..." Dragon Princess: "My sister told me you make the most delicious food. I'd love to try some." Earth: "I refuse. Sorry, but I'm going to the armor shop today." Dragon Princess: "You can go there first, then. I'll just follow you there!" Dragon Princess: "I don't get many chances to go outside like this. I want to look around at the city. Or is that not okay?" Earth: "Oh, fine..." Earth: "This is all store merchandise, so don't touch it." Dragon Princess: "I-I know! I'm just surprised that humans can make things like these!" Myun: "Thanks. You've got a cute little friend with you today, huh?" Earth: "Oh, well... you know..." Earth: "Anyway, I came today 'cause I wanted you to repair this cloak I'm wearing." Myun: "Oh, this thing's just at the end of its life." Dragon Princess: "The end of its life?" Myun: "If it's this badly damaged, it'll be easier to buy a new one rather than repair it." Earth: "Yeah... I've been through a lot with it, but I guess I put it through too many battles." Earth: "Okay, can I get you to craft me some new armor?" Myun: "Of course. Any requests?" Earth: "Hm..." Earth: "I've got a pelt and fur from a wild bear. Can you make something with that?" Myun: "Great. I love it when people bring me materials. Do you have anything metal you can give me, too?" Earth: "Sure, if you'll take silver." Myun: "Gotcha." Myun: "A set of leather armor, reinforced with silver. Since you're bringing me the materials, how about 12,000 gloh for the craft?" Earth: "Go for it." Myun: "Thanks. I'll call you when it's ready." Earth: "Got it." Dragon Princess: "Seems like you're done." Earth: "Y-Yeah..." Dragon Princess: "Now, I think it's time for you to feed me." Earth: "Parboiled Rabbit Steak with Herbs. Here you go!" Dragon Princess: "This is definitely going to be delicious!" Earth: "It's piping hot, so don't burn yourself." Dragon Princess: "Time to dig in!" Dragon Princess: "It's so tender! It's like it's melting in my mouth. I can taste the salt and pepper, and the faint scent of the herbs..." Dragon Princess: "This is incredible!" Earth: "I'm glad you liked it." Dragon Princess: "More!" Dragon Princess: "That was delicious. Thank you." Earth: "I didn't expect you to eat three whole steaks. Maybe I should have, since you're the Fairy Queen's sister. Hey, if you're her sister, does that make you a fairy, too?" Dragon Princess: "No, I can't really talk about that. I also can't give you my real name. So just call me whatever you like." Earth: "I see... I'll just call you "Ryuu" then." Dragon Princess: "Ryuu?" Earth: "You've got those Japanese dragon-style horns. Or do you not like it?" Dragon Princess: "I never thought I'd get my own personal nickname. All right. You're the only one allowed to call me that! I plan on spending a lot of time around you!" Earth: "The Fairy Queen's sister, huh? I hope she doesn't cause any more trouble..." Earth: "Hey, Blacks!" Blacks: "Oh, Earth! Did you see the official announcement?" Earth: "Yeah." Blacks: "Crazy stuff, huh?" Earth: "It was an announcement about a previously hidden aspect of the game's design." Earth: "Skills evolve by leveling them, which is how you learn arts." Earth: "But there was a condition that needed to be met to learn the most powerful arts." Earth: "You had to specialize in a single playstyle. If you wanted to use the most powerful physical arts, you needed to learn only physical attack skills. And if you wanted to learn the most powerful magic arts, you needed to learn only magical skills." Earth: "It would've been one thing if that was just for combat skills, but..." Blacks: "I can't believe they made it apply to crafters, too." Earth: "People are gonna be ticked off about this for a while." Blacks: "What are you going to do? They've given us a month to re-spec our skills. You might have trouble in the fights ahead if you don't." Earth: "Yeah, if I specialize in just physical attacks, it will probably give me more firepower in the end. But..." Earth: "The style I've got now is what's most fun for me." Earth: "So I'll keep things as they are now." Blacks: "I see, I see. All the guys who were only part-time crafters have been bailing out. With somebody like you around, though, it'll be a little less lonely." Earth: "You're exaggerating." Earth: "Making people happy with delicious food is a kind of strength in its own. And I don't want to lose that strength." Earth: "Would you look at this?!" Myun: "What do you think? The materials you brought in were all high-quality, so I've got a lot of confidence in this one." Earth: "This is great. My defense went way up. The bonuses to durability and psyche are great, too." Myun: "Glad you like it." Myun: "What will you do with the old armor? If you're going to just discard it, I can take it off your hands." Earth: "No, it's been good to me for a long time. I want to give it a proper end myself." Myun: "I see. It would make me happy if you took good care of your new armor, just like you did your old armor." Earth: "Of course." Earth: "In this game, you can physically touch your equipment. Maybe that's why you get so attached to it, and feel a little sad when it's time to say goodbye." Earth: "It's like meeting someone new, and then parting with them..." y Queen: "Earth." Earth: "Queen?" y Queen: "There's something I need to tell you." y Queen: "I'm putting up a barrier." y Queen: "First, I need to apologize." y Queen: "I'm so sorry... You will never be able to make a contract with a fairy." Earth: "What? Do the fairies hate me that much?" y Queen: "No, it's the opposite. The fairies love you too much!" Earth: "Huh?" y Queen: "I was planning on introducing you to a fairy you could contract with soon." y Queen: "I planned to have you choose from one of the six greater fairies you see before you." Greater Fairy: "We'd all love to make a contract with you. You're famous among fairies." y Queen: "But the citizens of the fairy kingdom found out about it. Over 80 percent of the country's population came to my gates and demanded to be allowed to make a contract with you." Earth: "Th-That many?" y Queen: "As queen of the fairy kingdom, I can't ignore the will of my people. If a fairy were to a contract with you, it would plunge the country into chaos." Earth: "Oh, well... I understand, I guess." y Queen: "You're not upset? The lack of a contracted fairy will make your journeys and battles more difficult." Earth: "Well, life's just like that sometimes. Who knows? Maybe it'll be fun to try it." y Queen: "You really are a strange man... Then, at the very least, allow me to give you another form of strength instead." y Queen: "Earth, give me your hand." y Queen: "I'll give you two powers. These two techniques are re-creations of powerful skills created in the time of the 21st Fairy Ruler." y Queen: "The first one is Seven Falling Stars." Earth: "This looks like it'll be hard to learn to use." y Queen: "Yes." y Queen: "And the other is Sacrifice Bow." y Queen: "This technique is extremely dangerous. It combines your life, your magic, and the feelings you placed into your bow, and fires a single, powerful arrow." y Queen: "It would be best not to use it except in the most dire of circumstances." Earth: "Got it." y Queen: "The stats you lose will come back with proper rest. So don't worry." Earth: "But the weapon won't come back. So I have to decide if I'm willing to sacrifice a beloved weapon to fire it..." Earth: "Got it. I don't know if I'll use Sacrifice Bow, but I'll practice with Seven Falling Stars." y Queen: "Good. Please, keep what I've told you a secret. Oh, and you've probably already seen the announcement, but..." y Queen: "The path to the Fairy Kingdom will be opened to all you adventurers." Earth: "The Fairy Kingdom? We'll be able to go after the next update?" y Queen: "Yes! Please come see us when the path is opened. We'll all be happy to welcome you!" Earth: "I definitely will! Oh, let me give you all a present before you go." y Queen: "A present?" y Queen: "Earth, thank you for this gift of food." Zephana: "I can't wait to try your cooking!" Earth: "Great." Earth: "I guess I'll be seeing you in the Fairy Kingdom next." Zephana: "Oh, that might not be true!" Zephana: "We might sneak out to come see you!" y Queen: "Hey! Are you trying to come see him ahead of the rest of us?" Zephana: "If anybody's at fault here, I think it's you, for keeping him all to yourself! I wanted to make a contract with him!" Earth: "The Fairy Kingdom, huh?" y Queen: "Zephana!"
{ "raw_title": "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life Episode 8 – Earth Meets A Dragonian Girl", "parsed": [ "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "8", "Earth Meets A Dragonian Girl" ] }
Zwei: "Hey, Earth, did you hear the news about the new ad campaign?" Earth: "Yeah, it's a big deal." Rona: "Huh? What campaign?" Zwei: "What? You don't know?" Earth: "There are four VR games out there right now. There's this game, One More, but also a fighting game, an FPS shooter," Earth: "and a mech game. They all required their own specific VR helmet," Earth: "but they all wanted more customers, so the publishers all worked together..." Earth: "And now you can play any game with any of the helmets." Rona: "I see." Zwei: "And so they're starting a big ad campaign for a 15-day free trial." Earth: "And they'll be adding the Fairy Kingdom into One More on the first day it begins." Zwei: "All four games are going to get a lot more players." Zwei: "Ow!" Earth: "These are for the customers! I'll whack anybody who touches them, and that includes you, Zwei!" Zwei: "You already whacked me!" Earth: "Oh, Nora..." Earth: "This is for you." : "This is so that if Zwei does something dumb, I can smack him hard, right?" Zwei: "What was that for?!" Earth: "You've got it." : "Okay." Kazamine: "If that many new players are coming, all the guilds must be getting ready to try to recruit them." Zwei: "Hey, put that thing away." : "Think we should start recruiting, too?" : "I think we could be a good medium-sized guild, if we wanted to be. First, we'd have to make sure to get Eliza in line, or the new members might have a rough time." Zwei: "Eliza, huh?" Rona: "Earth saved her the other day, right?" Zwei: "Listen, Earth, why don't you just join our guild?" Earth: "No." Zwei: "Why?" Earth: "I'm sorry I keep turning you down each time you ask." Earth: "But, well... part of it is that I just want to do my own thing." Earth: "And there are some things I'd rather other players didn't find out about." Earth: "The Queen and her sister, for instance..." Dragonprincess: "A new item for your repertoire? Maybe I'll be the first to take a bite." Earth: "This is something new I'm making for the customers. Don't eat it!" Dragonprincess: "You're mean." : "Who are you?" Dragonprincess: "You're telling me I have to look at this delicious meat and not eat it?" Earth: "Listen, Ryuu..." Blue Color: "Ryuu?" Earth: "If I let you start eating, you'll eat 15 of these steaks! You glutton!" Dragonprincess: "Who are you calling a glutton?" Earth: "It's true, isn't it?" Dragonprincess: "You'll regret saying that!" Millie: "Um..." Millie: "Who might you be?" Millie: "I've never seen an outfit like that before..." Kazamine: "Japanese clothes?" Millie: "And you don't look like a fairy." Earth: "Oh..." Rage: "Earth! Don't tell me the queen wasn't enough for you, so you went after her, too?" Zwei: "What?! I'm so jealous! I wish I could—" Earth: "Don't you start getting weird ideas, too, Rage!" Zwei/Rage: "It's a compliment!" Earth: "Shaddup!" Earth: "She's practically eating me out of house and home! If I could give her to you, I would!" Millie: "They seem quite close." Dragonprincess: "Can I eat this?" Earth: "Oh, fine..." : "He called her "Ryuu," right?" Dragonprincess: "Indeed. Only Earth can call me that." Dragonprincess: "I have no intention of letting anyone else do it." Zwei: "I'm putting this up on the game forum." Earth: "If you do, I don't think I'll ever cook for you again." : "So first he's a fairy-playah, and now he's a dragon babysitter?" Rona: "He's taking an interesting path in life." Millie: "Really." Earth: "Give me a break, guys." Earth: "What would happen if I went to the Fairy Kingdom like this?" Earth: "The Fairy Kingdom is south of the game's second city, Nexia. There's a castle at its center, with towns spreading out in a cross shape, and forts that serve as checkpoints in each cardinal direction." Earth: "And today's the day it was put into the game!" Earth: "A ton of players are on their way there, of course." Earth: "The usual way to get there is to walk. With so many people heading for the same place, it means everyone has something in common, and it's easy to talk with people you've never met." Earth: "So that's the north fortress?" Adventurers: "Oh, so that's the fort? We're finally here." Earth: "It's huge..." Man: "Um..." Earth: "Yes?" Man: "If you don't mind, I'd like to take a closer look at that ring on your left hand." Earth: "Didn't she say something about this ring serving as a pass?" Earth: "Oh, this?" Man: "That's the Queen's ring, yes. So you're Earth. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am the leader of the northern fort. May I have a word?" Earth: "Is there something wrong?" Man: "Her Highness has requested that you be brought to her immediately." Man: "Bring it here!" Soldier: "Yes, sir!" Adventurers: "What's going on? An event?" Earth: "Everyone's staring at me..." Man: "This is a pikasha, a bird which only a select few fairies are permitted to ride. It allows you to move very quickly. Please take this pikasha to the castle town." Adventurer: "Those fluffy feathers look so comfy... I'm jealous. But we don't get to ride it, right?" Earth: "I'll just try to ignore it..." Earth: "Okay, thanks. Pikasha, thanks for the ride!" Earth: "It sure is fluffy!" Earth: "The pikasha put up a barrier to block the wind?" Earth: "It's not as windy as I thought it would be." Earth: "Flying up here feels like something out of a real fantasy story!" Earth: "Is that the city?" Earth: "I'm almost there." Queen: "Welcome!" Earth: "I thank you for the warm welcome, Your Majesty." Earth: "She looks relieved. She knows I'm not going to make fun of her in a place like this." Queen: "We've prepared a small parade." Earth: "A parade?" Queen: "You're the star!" Queen: "I hope you all enjoy it, as well!" Earth: "I don't like being the center of attention, but it'd be a waste of time to refuse and get in a fight..." Earth: "And I'm not hating it as much as I thought I would." Earth: "Even if it's a game, only a few players will ever get to experience something like this!" Earth: "And that's why I should try to have as much fun as possible." Earth: "This fantasy isn't reality." Earth: "But the memories it'll leave are real!" Earth: "I thank you for the warm welcome." Earth: "But I think you went a little overboard..." Queen: "The point of the parade was to make sure every fairy in the kingdom knew you were here. They've all been waiting for you!" Queen: "There were even rumors I was keeping you all to myself." Earth: "Those rumors were true." Earth: "Uh-oh!" Queen: "Maybe I will keep you all to myself!" Earth: "Hey!" Ulna: "Your Highness, control yourself." Queen: "Of course. We'd appreciate it if you would stay in our country for a while." Queen: "We won't do anything to spoil your stay, like assigning an escort or a monitor." Earth: "Very well. Starting tomorrow, I'll go back to being a normal adventurer." Earth: "I'll head back to the fort town and start looking around." Queen: "Then with this, our audience is concluded." Earth: "This was the longest I've ever been logged in." Earth: "Time to log out and..." Queen: "Where are you going?" Earth: "I was going to the inn to get some sleep." Queen: "Then why don't we sleep next to each other in my bed?" Queen: "Hey!" Queen: "Jeez!" Earth: "I jumped out the window like a thief!" Earth: "Actually, I do have the Benevolent Thief skill..." Earth: "After I left the castle, they gave me a ride to the south fort town on a pikasha." Earth: "The reason I chose the south side... was that this was the furthest side from Nexia, so there were fewer players here." Earth: "Excuse me! I defeated those eight high rabbits!" Woman: "You defeated them already? I thought it would take several days. Oh, did you see any thiefbirds?" Earth: "I sure did! After I shot a high rabbit," Earth: "one tried to steal my kill right in front of me!" Earth: "So I shot it down!" Woman: "You're a really good shot!" Earth: "By the way, is there someplace I can use to cook?" Woman: "Use the kitchen in the back." Earth: "I'll pay you rent for it." Woman: "How kind of you!" Earth: "This is a tavern and quest giver in the middle of town. The second floor is an inn." Earth: "I've decided to stay here for a while, making this my base while I do quests. First, I'll add some simple seasonings so I can get a feel for what the meat tastes like." Earth: "Yeah, it's good. Both fillets are thinly sliced, but you can really taste the meat. There's no gamy taste, either." Earth: "Okay, I'll make a simple dish that really brings out the ingredients! I decided to see if I could use thiefbird meat to make kabobs, just like I did with rabbithorn. And I tried one more dish: a mix of chopped up high rabbit meat with the leftover thiefbird, kneaded into a patty! It's the first time I've tried this, and it might be a little weird, but..." Earth: "Time to dig in! First, the kabobs!" Earth: "Yeah, I can taste more of the flavor with every bite!" Earth: "This isn't bad, either." es: "I thought I smelled something good!" es: "That looks good! Human cooking really is different. I'd love to try it!" Earth: "Um, if you're willing to pay..." es: "We are!" es: "These kabobs go so well with beer! Those obnoxious high rabbits ain't so tough now, huh? I didn't know thiefbirds were so good! Gimme another drink!" Woman: "Coming!" Earth: "I didn't think I'd be cooking even after coming to the Fairy Kingdom. I guess it's okay, though. For the next several days, my play cycle consisted of doing quests, cooking what I killed," Earth: "and then eating and drinking with everyone! I was having a ton of fun with all the fairies, but..." Boy: "Ma'am, you need to hide Earth, now! The fort leader's stupid daughter is on her way here!" Boy: "Hurry!" Woman: "Earth, hide down there!" Daughter: "I've heard there's a human here who cooks strange food." Daughter: "Bring him to me immediately." Daughter: "I need to give him a chance to work as my chef." Earth: "That's an incredibly arrogant way of putting it..." Woman: "I'm sorry. He's already left." Daughter: "I know he was here a few days ago, at least." Daughter: "Has he truly left? Nothing good will come of hiding him. I know he wouldn't refuse a chance to cook for me." Woman: "I told him that it was dangerous to leave without taking time to properly prepare, but he said he had urgent business in the east." Daughter: "The east, yes?" Woman: "Yes." Daughter: "I see. Hey! Get me information on every adventurer who headed east. No chef can be allowed to leave this city without cooking for me at least once! When you find him, capture him and bring him to me!" Soldiers: "Yes, ma'am!" Daughter: "You, too. Call me if you learn anything." Woman: "Of course." es: "What's her problem? She's always that stupid, right?" Woman: "It's safe now, I think." Woman: "That stupid girl has her eye on you now, huh? I'm sorry, Earth. This is my fault..." Earth: "You knew who I was?" Woman: "Yes. There's actually an order from the queen that even if we recognize you, we're not to say anything." Earth: "I didn't know." Woman: "And you didn't seem to want special treatment, either." Woman: "That girl causes a lot of problems with her personality as it is. But her father runs the fort, so nobody can say anything. And he never punishes her for her selfishness, either. He spoils her." Earth: "Is that okay for him to run the fort this way? Nothing good comes of being cruel to your people." Earth: "I can't cause any more problems for you. I'll leave." Woman: "If it weren't for this, I would've wanted you to stay here forever." Earth: "No, I had a great time." Earth: "And... Having people say they liked my cooking, drinking with me and having fun..." Earth: "My life was lots of fun!" Earth: "I waited for nightfall and then left." Soldiers: "You're Earth, yes?" Soldiers: "We've heard what's going on. That stupid girl has caused far too many problems." Soldiers: "People are gathering evidence of her behavior to take to the queen." Soldiers: "Come back when things calm down." Soldiers: "Through here. Hurry." Earth: "Thank you." Zetan: "This way." Zetan: "You're late." Zetan: "Hurry and get on my back." Zetan: "Your cooking was delicious." Earth: "You ate it?" Zetan: "Yes. And as a small way of saying thanks, I'll take you to the south town." Earth: "Okay, then hurry!" Zetan: "Leave it to me!" Earth: "Farewell, fort town of the south!" Earth: "Farewell, fairies of the south!" Zephana: "We have received a report from the people of the south fort town that the daughter of the fort's leader exhibited inappropriate behavior toward a human adventurer yesterday." Queen: "That's terrible... We're trying to be friends with the humans. Nothing can be allowed to stop that."
{ "raw_title": "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life Episode 9 – Earth Goes to the Fairy Kingdom", "parsed": [ "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", "9", "Earth Goes to the Fairy Kingdom" ] }
politan: "Foolish humans! Mere mortals cannot possibly defeat me!" Desir/I: "The Shadow Worlds. They represent the worst calamity humanity has ever faced." Desir/I: "They're steadily shrouding our world in black fog." Desir/I: "We have no way of knowing what goes on inside that fog. The one thing we do know is that no living creature can survive in the land it taints." Desir/I: "There's only one way to save the world. Before the fog claims everything, we must conquer the Shadow Worlds." Desir: "Let's settle this once and for all, Boromir Napolitan! I will slay you and bring an end to this accursed hell!" Zod: "Here it comes!" politan: "What?" politan: "Well, then..." politan: "What?!" Desir: "Magical pattern analysis complete! I've sealed every Draconian spell!" Doneve: "Good!" politan: "How impudent! Measly humans, trying to stand in my way?!" politan: "You bastards!" politan: "How dare you?!" Zod: "Here's the rest of our magic power. Take it all!" Desir: "Now!" politan: "Curse you!" politan: "This cannot be where I meet my end!" Rafaello/Priscilla: "We did it!" Zod: "Good!" Desir: "Finally... we can get out of this hell." Rafaello: "Great work, everyone! Now the world is saved!" Doneve: ""Cleared" message, late. Wrong target?" Zod: "No, the slaying of Boromir Napolitan should definitely do it." Rafaello: "Right? We'd usually be sent back to our world by now." Desir: "Let's give it a little more time." Desir: "Everything is over now." Zod: "You're right. Of the one hundred and fifty million people who fought him, only six of us survived." Zod: "It's hard to believe." Desir/I: "That's right." Desir/I: "This world took too much from us." Desir/I: "The comrades I fought alongside..." Desir/I: "My irreplaceable friends..." Desir/I: "This hellscape has taken too much from us." Priscilla: "We've finally defeated Napolitan." Priscilla: "Let's talk about something uplifting." Zod: "You can't look away from reality. Ninety-nine percent of the mages died." Zod: "We need to think about what's to come." Priscilla: "Before that, we must pray." Desir: "Come on, now. We saved the world, so let's not fight." Priscilla: "Rafaello, you did an amazing job of blocking Napolitan's attacks, as expected of the knight of light." Rafaello: "Not at all. This time, Desir contributed much more to the victory." Doneve: "Yes. No Desir, no clear. Thank you." Desir: "Oh, please." Zod: "I must confess that I didn't think you could withstand this fight." Desir: "What?" Zod: "Even with the protective artifact, to analyze and seal Napolitan's Draconian spells with your Circle..." Zod: "Even I do not possess such power." Zod: "Despite having so much strength, you were absolutely unknown." Zod: "Why is that?" Priscilla: "I'd like to know, as well." Desir: "Because..." Desir: "I'm a commoner." Zod: "How unfortunate. If you'd been at the Magic Tower, I could have given you any support you needed." Rafaello: "By the way, do you all know what you'll do once we get back to our world?" Doneve: "My dead friends' homes. Visit. Their keepsakes. Return." Doneve: "Their honorable deaths. Remember. Forever." Priscilla: "I will go back to the League of Western Kingdoms. I'll take care of the victims' families, and I'll build a memorial and a temple for the spirits of those who died here." Zod: "We have to prevent a recurrence of Shadow Worlds." Zod: "If one of a similar scale to this appears, it really will be the end of us." Rafaello: "How about you, Azest?" Rafaello: "You, Desir?" Rafaello: "Are you returning to Hebrion Academy?" Desir: "I..." Romantica: "We used to have a villa around here." Romantica: "Every evening, the sea sparkled like gold. It was beautiful. I don't... want to die here. This... This isn't... right..." Desir: "I'll think about it for a while." Desir: "What was that?!" Rafaello: "It isn't over yet?!" Priscilla: "What is this magic power?" Doneve: "He's still alive." Zod: "That can't be. I know we killed him." Zod: "Wait... the dragon's heart!" Priscilla: "You know what's going on?" Zod: "I have read about it in an old document." Zod: "Dragon hearts don't only pump blood. They also store and circulate vast amounts of mana. When the dragon dies, the blood stops, and the stored mana, with nowhere else to go..." Desir: "You mean the mana Napolitan stored up will explode?!" Priscilla: "No way!" Rafaello: "Why couldn't you realize that before we killed him?!" Zod: "This is the first time in history that humans have defeated a dragon." Zod: "An extraordinary amount of magic power! Even in perfect condition, we couldn't stop it!" Zod: "It's useless. That's a ball of pure magic power. Your spells won't work." Zod: "Unfortunately, we all must prepare for the end." Rafaello: "No... then this world is..." Doneve: "How regrettable." Priscilla: "My lord... My god..." Desir/I: "Is this really it?" Desir/I: "I..." Desir/I: "I..." Desir/I: "I...!" Desir/I: "What?" Desir: "What's going on here?" Desir: "What's happening?" Brigitte: "New students, welcome to Hebrion Academy." emale Student A: "Is that a professor?" emale Student B: "She's beautiful..." Brigitte: "You there, no chitchat." emale Student A/B: "Yes, ma'am!" Desir: "Professor Brigitte..." Brigitte: "I'm sorry to tell you after you came all this way, but not everyone here can be enrolled." emale Student A/B: "Huh?" Brigitte: "You will now take a test. Only the top 600 will be accepted." emale Student A: "There's a test?" emale Student B: "I didn't know that." Brigitte: "The test is..." Brigitte/Desir: "to clear a Shadow World." emale Student A: "A Shadow World... That's impossible." emale Student B: "It's too dangerous." Brigitte: "There's no need to be afraid." Desir: "This can't be real." Brigitte: "This Shadow World is an artificial one created for the purpose of the test." Desir/I: "What's going on?!" Brigitte: "You will hear more from your seniors, who will support you in the process." Desir/I: "Don't tell me..." Desir/I: "This is..." Brigitte: "Let us now begin the entrance exam for the year 3613." Desir: "Hebrion Academy's entrance ceremony?" Desir: "It can't be!" Desir/I: "The battle against Boromir Napolitan started in 3616." Desir/I: "And for the next ten years, we fought in that dungeon and..." Desir/I: "everything was destroyed." Desir/I: "Then, our fight..." Desir/I: "That hell we went through..." Desir/I: "What was the point of it?!" Desir/I: "This isn't a dream." Desir/I: "I clearly remember this view." Desir/I: "All of it." Desir/I: "This is..." Ladoria: "Hey! I was looking for you!" Ladoria: "I couldn't find you at the meeting spot." Ladoria: "You're Desir Herrman, right?" Desir: "Oh, I'm sorry..." Ladoria: "Well, it's all right." Ladoria: "I'm Ladoria Doriche. I'm a second-year student here, and I'll be your mentor." Desir: "Nice to meet you, Ms. Doriche." Ladoria: "Call me Ladoria. Nice to meet you." Desir/I: "Ladoria Doriche." Desir/I: "She's a genius of a mage who wields fire magic. If I remember correctly, she placed first in the academy rankings." Ladoria: "Hmm? Something wrong?" Desir: "Oh, nothing. Just... nervous." Ladoria: "Oh, about the test?" Ladoria: "Don't be nervous!" Ladoria: "It's a Shadow World created for the test." Desir: "Is that so?" Ladoria: "Yes, just to see if you can fight." Ladoria: "Huh? Are you a commoner?" Desir: "I don't believe that's a problem for enrollment?" Ladoria: "It's not, but..." Ladoria: "Even if you pass, you'll be in the beta class." Desir/I: "I know." Desir/I: "This school has a discriminatory practice." Desir/I: "It puts nobles into the alpha class, and commoners into the beta class." Desir/I: "Even if you have talent, you can't receive a proper education if you're a commoner." Desir/I: "It's crushed the talents of many mages." Ladoria: "Well, if you can't pass the test, you can't enroll here anyhow..." System/I: "ID pass, confirmed. Welcome, Ms. Ladoria Doriche." Ladoria: "Come on in." Ladoria: "Huh? You're not surprised?" Desir: "I've seen a similar building before..." Ladoria: "That can't be true! There's no facility this grand anywhere else." Ladoria: "Come on, we'll be late. Hurry!" Elheim: "Ladoria." Elheim: "Hey, fancy seeing you here." Desir: "Do you know him?" Ladoria: "He's an annoying jerk called Elheim." Desir/I: "I think he's a mage who wields water magic, and who doesn't get along with Ladoria." Desir: "You don't like him, then?" Ladoria: ""Don't like" is putting it mildly. I hate him!" Elheim: "It took you a while to get here, huh? Oh, you're slow because you're short." Ladoria: "You are as aggravating as ever. Your tongue reveals your crude upbringing." Elheim: "Just what one expects a despicable fire mage like yourself to say." Ladoria: "And who lost to that despicable fire mage?" Elheim: "You can't tell the difference between losing and letting someone win?" Ladoria: "I know, right?! Because if that was you going all-out, you'd be far too ashamed to still be here!" Elheim: "Hey. Are you Ladoria's...?" Desir: "Yes, I am." Elheim: "You seem to know some manners. Your name?" Desir: "I'm Desir Herrman." Elheim: "Man, you're a commoner?! As expected of you, Ladoria!" Elheim: "That'll be no competition at all." Ladoria: "What do you mean?" Elheim: "Just look forward to the test." Elheim: "Oh, a word of advice." Elheim: "Even if you get lucky and pass the test, you'll end up in the beta class." Elheim: "You might be better off not taking it." Elheim: "That's all." Ladoria: "Look forward to what?! Spit it out! Ugh!" Announcement/I: "The entrance exam will commence shortly. Candidates, please come to the testing site." Desir: "Shall we go?" Ladoria: "Let's go!" Ladoria: "Listen! You've got to pass the test, okay?!" Ladoria: "You hear me?!" Desir: "I-I'll do what I can..." Desir/I: "All the people and places I knew..." Desir/I: "This really is my past." Desir/I: "If so, then perhaps..." Desir/I: "Perhaps..." Desir: "Not here, huh?" Romantica: "Hey, you." Romantica: "Why do you keep looking all around like that? Can't you settle down? It's embarrassing." Desir: "R-Romantica." Desir/I: "I don't know why this happened." Desir/I: "But..." Desir/I: "I won't let that tragedy repeat itself."
{ "raw_title": "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Episode 1 – Destruction", "parsed": [ "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "1", "Destruction" ] }
Romantica: "All right! I'm ready to have fun!" Pram: "Yes!" Romantica: "What? You have a problem?" Desir: "We'll be in the alpha class after the break." Romantica: "That's why we've got to play right now!" Romantica: "I'm sure we'll be busier than we are now." Romantica: "So I'm not doing anything that can be done tomorrow!" Desir: "O-Okay." Pram: "Desir, let's play together!" Pram: "Desir!" Desir: "Okay. We'll enjoy ourselves a little today." Pram: "Yes!" Romantica: "Good!" Romantica: "Yay!" Desir: "I guess it's fine." Pram: "Desir!" Romantica: "Hurry up and join us!" Desir: "Okay." Desir: "You look great in all of them." Romantica: "Is that all you have to say?! Can't you tell me something that gets me hyped?!" Desir: "Hyped, you say?" Romantica: "Time for take two!" Romantica: "What do you think?" Desir: "Wow! That looks amazing!" Romantica: "Yes, that's what I'm talking about." Desir: "It looks great on you..." Romantica: "Y-You think so—" Desir: "...Pram!" Romantica: "Huh?" Pram: "Thank you!" Romantica: "You meant about him?!" Romantica: "Man..." Pram: "This one... no, maybe this one." Romantica: "Hey, are we done yet?" Pram: "Please don't talk to me! It's distracting!" Romantica: "Sorry." Pram: "Blue colors fit Desir's intellectual image, but shades of red totally fit his hidden strength and passion!" Pram: "But we can't forget orange, which shows his kindness and generosity... Oh! Actually pink might work best?!" Desir/I: "Help me, Romantica!" Romantica/I: "I can't." Pram: "No, maybe this one's better?" Desir/I: "Don't give up on me!" Romantica/I: "No one can stop him when he's like this." Desir/I: "I know..." Desir/I: "But this posture is bad for my back!" Pram: "Please do not move!" Desir: "Okay!" Pram: "This! Or this?!" Pram: "We found the perfect tie for you, didn't we?" Desir: "Yes... Thank you for choosing it for me." Romantica: "He took more time shopping than I did." Desir: "Pram looks happy, so all is good." Romantica: "You're right. Oh! Let's go there next!" Pram: "Great idea! Let's go!" Desir: "Those two are full of energy..." Azest: "Desir Herrman?" Desir: "Azest." Desir: "I didn't know you were here." Azest: "You think I'm out of place here?" Desir: "I wouldn't say that." Azest: "I like a change of pace every now and then, too." Desir: "Azest, listen..." Desir: "Do you... want to join?" Azest: "Me? Join you?" Desir: "Sure." Azest: "Very well. I wouldn't mind a rematch for the ranking tournament." Desir: "No, no, no, nothing serious like that. It's just play." Azest: "I'm kidding." Desir/I: "Spare me! It's impossible to tell." Desir: "Sh-Shall we go?" Azest: "Sure." Romantica: "Wow, that's impressive!" Pram: "I got one!" Romantica: "Why is she here?!" Pram: "Why is she standing next to Desir?!" Desir: "Come on, it doesn't hurt to hang out together." Azest: "Is this better?" Pram: "Azest, let's play together!" Romantica: "Huh?! Pram, you betrayed me!" Pram: "It's not like that." Romantica: "You traitor!" Desir: "How about that one?" Pram: "I wanted to be with Desir!" Desir: "We'll play the next game together." Romantica: "This isn't funny!" Desir: "Romantica." Romantica: "Wh-What is it?" Desir: "We're playing the academy's top-class swordsman and magic knight." Desir: "You let your guard down, and you're done." Romantica: "I know that." Pram: "I'm going to finish this game in a flash so I can pair up with Desir in the next game!" Pram: "Here I go!" Desir/I: "So fast!" Desir/I: "There's no opening!" Desir: "Romantica!" Romantica: "Going up against me in air hockey, of all things..." Romantica: "I'll teach you your place." Desir: "Hold on, it's not fair to use magic." Azest: "I see. I understand." Desir: "Understand what?!" Azest: "It's our turn next." Romantica: "It's pointless!" Romantica: "Wha...?!" Romantica: "Are you kidding me?!" Pram: "You're amazing, Azest!" Desir/I: "That's right, she hates losing..." Romantica: "This is getting interesting. Let's go!" Romantica: "Not yet!" Pram: "There!" Pram: "Yes!" Romantica: "Desir!" Romantica: "Nice!" Pram: "You're amazing, Desir!" Azest: "Finally, you're putting your back into it." Desir: "The game begins now!" Desir: "Thank you for hanging out with us." Azest: "No, I should be the one to thank you. It was a nice change of pace." Romantica: "Well, I don't believe we'll see her again!" Desir: "What are you talking about?" Romantica: "Huh?" Desir: "She's going to train with us, remember." Pram: "And we'll be in the alpha class, so we'll see each other at the academy." Romantica: "I forgot!" Romantica: "Wow, so this is the alpha class. It's a huge step up from the beta class." Pram: "Look what I got." Romantica: "It's a world of difference. It's almost refreshing." Romantica: "Whatever. We worked hard to be here. Right, Pram?" Desir: "Good to see that you're motivated." Desir: "Then let's head off to our morning practice." Romantica: "Even though we're in alpha class, we're gonna keep doing this, huh?" Azest: "You identify each person's strength and adjust the training accordingly..." Desir: "Let's continue this after school." Azest: "Yes." Pram: "Romantica, the class is about to begin." Romantica: "Can't you... go a bit easy in the morning?" Desir: "We don't have much time left." Romantica: "What you told us the other day... Were you serious about it?" Desir: "The next battle will be a real fight. If anything goes wrong we could die," Desir: "so I need you two to be stronger." Desir: "I know it'll be tough, but..." Pram: "I believe in you, Desir." Romantica: "I don't doubt you either, at this point." Romantica: "Let's do this." Prelude: "The battle between humanity and the Shadow Worlds still continues." Prelude: "This disaster that repeats every year continues tainting our world." Prelude: "Because of this erosion, our continent is now half of what it used to be." Prelude: "Currently, though, the success rate of clearing the Shadow Worlds is 99.9%. We've been able to halt the contamination from the Shadow Worlds" Prelude: "thanks to the power of the magic gems." Prelude: "Magic gems are the crystallized mana that appear when you clear a Shadow World. They contain an incredible amount of mana," Prelude: "but you cannot use it as-is. Fifty years ago, the technology to process and use the power of the magic gems was invented in the magical tower. As a result, the great wealth of mana that the magic gems produce has given rise to many things." Prelude: "Now, this technology to use magic gems..." Prelude: "Who was it invented by?" Prelude: "Let me see..." Prelude: "You there!" Prelude: "The one with red ribbons, nodding away." Romantica: "Y-Yes?! Yes!" Prelude: "Do you know the answer?" Romantica: "Um..." Desir: "The master of the magical tower, Zod Exarion." Romantica: "It was the master of the magical tower, Zod Exarion!" Prelude: "That is correct." Desir: "You've got to pay attention to the lecture." Romantica: "It's because you made me strain myself during morning practice!" Prelude: "Well then, that is all for today's class." Prelude: "Thank you, everyone." Desir: "Professor Prelude." Prelude: "You are...?" Desir: "I'm Desir Herrman." Prelude: "Ah, you're the one who became a single ranker in the ranking tournament." Prelude: "So are you, sleepy head." Romantica: "Huh?! Uh, I'm sorry..." Prelude: "And how can I help you?" Desir: "I'd like to ask you a favor, Professor Prelude." Prelude: "A favor, you say?" Prelude: "And what is this favor?" Prelude: "You want support for your party? It's true that each party is eligible to receive support from the academy and the magical tower," Prelude: "but unfortunately the deadline has passed..." Desir: "No, That's not it." Desir: "This is what we'd like to ask you." Prelude: "A request form?" Prelude: "The protection detail for the magical tower's Heurelli branch?" Desir: "I understand that Hebrion Academy can assign a party to fill a request." Prelude: "Yes, that is true." Desir: "I'd like you to put in that request for our party." Prelude: "But..." Desir: "Please." Prelude: "Unfortunately, I can't." Prelude: "To begin with, I don't have a reason to." Prelude: "What brought this up?" Desir: "A magical stone called the Tear of Regernel is stored at Heurelli branch, isn't it?" Prelude: "How do you know that?" Desir: "In ten hours, some people are going to try to steal it." Prelude: "Don't tell me..." Desir: "The Outers." Prelude: "The Tear of Regernel, and the existence of the Outers, who are after the magic gems..." Prelude: "You were in the beta class just a few days ago. How do you know all this?" Desir: "I don't have time to discuss that right now." Desir: "What matters is that if we don't do something, the magic gems will be stolen." Desir: "Professor Prelude, please put in the request for our party." Desir: "Only you can do this." Man: "M-Master Zod!" Man: "W-We have a problem! Heurelli branch is under attack!" Zod: "They really are here, huh?"
{ "raw_title": "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Episode 10 – Respite", "parsed": [ "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "10", "Respite" ] }
Desir: "I-I'm very sorry." Kraiken: "It's fine." Kraiken: "More importantly, are you hurt?" Desir: "Thank you." Kraiken: "You seem to be in a hurry, but where are you going this late at night?" Desir: "My siblings are waiting at home for my return." Desir: "They must be starving." Kraiken: "I see. You should hurry up, then." Kraiken: "However, it's not safe for you to be out and about at night." Kraiken: "You might get involved in unexpected trouble." Kraiken: "Trouble like this." Kraiken: "You'd better be careful." Aide A: "Should I kill him?" Kraiken: "Leave him be." Kraiken: "Let's begin." Kraiken: "Fire." Kraiken: "As expected of the Magical Tower." Kraiken: "The strength of their Defense Magic is nearly unparalleled." Kraiken: "However..." Kraiken: "It cannot defend against two types of attack at once." Kraiken: "Continue!" Guard A: "Intruders! Fight back! Do not let them in!" Kraiken: "Good grief. Must you be so noisy?" Kraiken: "Go." Guard A: "Fire!" Aide A: "Master Kraiken." Kraiken: "Yes. Let's go." Kraiken: "Invisible." Guard B: "They really are here! All of you, go downstairs!" Kraiken: "What a stupid lot." Kraiken: "However..." Kraiken/I: "The readiness of the security guards..." Guard B: "They really are here!" Kraiken/I: "Their reaction..." Aide A: "Right here, sir." Kraiken: "Good." Kraiken: "Get back." Kraiken: "Earth Rage!" Kraiken: "So this is..." Kraiken: "The high-rank magic gem, the Tear of Regernel!" Pram: "Stop right there, Outers." Pram: "I need you to surrender." Aide A: "A child?" Aide B: "Why is he here?" Kraiken: "Let me ask you something." Kraiken: ""Outers"... How did you... learn our name?" Pram/I: "This man... he's strong!" Kraiken: "Answer me." Kraiken: "Kill him." Aide A: "Sir." Aide C: "Wave of Flame!" Kraiken: "Oh?" Pram/I: "Two swordsmen." Pram/I: "Four mages." Pram/I: "Their Circle is about the same as Romantica's." Aide E: "Ice Spear!" Aide F: "Fireball!" Aide E: "What?!" Aide A: "Get back! Mages are at disadvantage!" Pram: "Too slow!" Kraiken: "Entangle." Kraiken: "Doom Fist!" Kraiken: "Nice moves. But you seem to be lacking experience." Kraiken: "Bind!" Pram: "Do you really think I can't handle speed like that?!" Kraiken: "Didn't I tell you? You don't have enough experience." Kraiken: "From the look of it, you are a student at Hebrion Academy." Kraiken: "Use this experience in the next battle." Kraiken: "If there is a next battle, that is." Aide D: "What?!" Aide E: "Watch out! There are more on his side?" Aide A: "Master Kraiken!" Kraiken/I: "It's not strong enough to penetrate the armor." Kraiken/I: "But its accuracy and speed..." Kraiken/I: "As well as the volume of it..." Kraiken/I: "Multiple casters?" Kraiken/I: "What is going on?! The readiness of the security guards," Kraiken/I: "the skilled guards that are well placed on this spot..." Kraiken/I: "Something doesn't add up." Kraiken/I: "No, I can't lose sight of what I'm here for!" Kraiken: "All of you, protect me!" Outers: "Yes, sir!" Kraiken: "Goodbye." Pram: "You're not getting away!" Pram: "Don't get in my way!" Aide B: "Get blown away by Master Kraiken's magic!" Aide B: "You can't escape!" Aide B: "Master Kraiken?!" Pram: "I thought he was on your side!" Kraiken: "There's plenty more where he came from." Pram: "You're awful." Kraiken: "Nice swordsmanship. But it's pointless!" Pram: "Is this...?" Kraiken: "Repeating the useless attack?" Kraiken: "That seems to be the only attack you know. And..." Kraiken: "There!" Kraiken: "I see. Just one caster..." Romantica: "What's your point?" Kraiken: "I never expected brats like you to ruin my plan." Kraiken: "Who sent you?" Kraiken: "You knew I was going to be here today, didn't you? How?" Kraiken: "Who told you?" Romantica: "You think we'd tell you?" Kraiken: "You'd better confess, or you'll feel pain that makes you wish you were dead." Romantica: "What a cheap threat. I'll give you 30 points." Kraiken: "A foolish decision." Pram: "Romantica, you shouldn't make him too mad." Romantica: "He was just acting so arrogant." Romantica: "Couldn't help it!" Kraiken: "What?! Even if it's accurate, an attack that weak can't—" Kraiken: "Wh-What?!" Romantica: "Thank you for your advice." Kraiken: "Stop underestimating me!" Romantica: "So close!" Kraiken: "Brats, play time is over!" Romantica: "Pram, get back!" Kraiken: "Earth Rage." Pram: "Here we go." Romantica: "Are you okay?" Pram: "Yes." Romantica: "We're thoroughly beaten." Pram: "Yes, he was very strong." Romantica: "I guess we need more training!" Pram: "Let's ask Desir to train us!" Pram/I: "Was this really okay, Desir?" Kraiken: "That was unexpected." Kraiken: "To have read our moves like this... As expected of Zod Exarion, I suppose." Kraiken: "But the Tear of Regernel is in my hand." Kraiken: "Victory is ours." Desir: "That's too early to say." Kraiken: "Who's there?!" Kraiken: "You are..." Desir: "Nice to see you again. May I ask reimbursement" Desir: "for the bread you stepped on earlier?" Kraiken: "How did you know where I was?" Kraiken: "Is this...?" Desir: "I've marked you with mana." Kraiken: "So it was all your doing." Kraiken: "Tonight's security detail, those brats... All of it." Kraiken: "Excellent! Such skill for someone so young!" Kraiken: "How dare you get in my way?!" Kraiken: "Doom Fist!" Kraiken: "What?!" Desir: "Now, I'll ask you to return..."
{ "raw_title": "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Episode 11 – A Raid", "parsed": [ "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "11", "A Raid" ] }
Desir: "Now, I'll ask you to return..." Desir: "...what you've taken." Kraiken: "Doom Fist!" Desir: "It's useless." Kraiken: "What's happening? My magic won't activate." Kraiken: "Don't tell me... you're inversing my spell?! That's impossible!" Desir: "I told you it's useless." Kraiken: "Freeze! If you come any closer, I'll destroy this! Don't you dare take a step from—" Desir: "Be my guest." Kraiken: "What?" Desir: "I'm saying, do whatever the hell you like!" Kraiken: "What do you take me for?!" Kraiken: "What?!" Desir: "Gravity Control." Kraiken: "There's no way! No one can use the magic of this Circle at such a speed!" Desir: "I'll be taking this back." Kraiken: "How are you drawing mana from an unprocessed magic gem?!" Desir: "You don't need to know." Desir: "It's over." Desir: "You're like a magical beast." Kraiken: "Not "like." I am a magical beast!" Kraiken: "You bastard!" Desir: "Ow..." Desir: "It doesn't work on you, huh?" Kraiken: "You insolent brat!" Kraiken: "How foolish. A spell of that level won't work on me," Kraiken: "and I can use magic even in this state." Kraiken: "I'll let you choose how you want to die." Kraiken: "By magic, or by fist?!" Kraiken: "I won't give you time to inverse!" Kraiken: "I'll skewer you. You're persistent," Kraiken: "but this will be the end of you." Kraiken: "Die!" Kraiken: "That's what you get when you resist the Outers." Kraiken: "What?" Kraiken: "Impossible!" Desir: "That was a rare spell. Because of that, it took me a while." Kraiken: "What?" Kraiken: "You can inverse this spell, too?!" Kraiken: "Damn you, damn you, damn you, damn you!" Desir: "Fireball!" Kraiken: "Who exactly... are you?" Desir/I: "I don't know that, either." Desir/I: "But... I know my role." Romantica: "Desir!" Pram: "Desir!" Prelude: "Are you sure this is what you wanted?" Prelude: "Your reward for protecting Regernel..." Desir: "Yes. I want to play chess against the master of the Magical Tower." Prelude: "You're a strange one." Prelude: "Though I can say the same thing of the master for accepting your request." Prelude: "This is as far as I go." Prelude: "Make sure to behave yourself." Desir: "Yes, ma'am. Thank you." Zod: "Welcome, Desir Herrman." Desir/I: "The master of the Magical Tower, Zod Exarion." Desir/I: "Right now, and also in the future, he is no doubt the strongest mage there is." Desir/I: "And he's... my irreplaceable friend." Zod: "What's the matter?" Desir: "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just nervous." Zod: "Do sit down." Desir: "Yes, sir." Desir: "Thank you for making time for me." Zod: "I wish I could indulge in our game, but I have a meeting in 27 minutes." Zod: "Do you have a set of rules you prefer?" Desir: "I would like to request the Irbil method." Zod: "An unusual choice. Not many around here know how to play under those rules." Desir: "A good friend of mine taught me." Desir: "Almost forcibly." Zod: "That must have been difficult." Desir: "It's a fond memory now." Zod: "I see." Zod: "Then let us begin." Zod: "You are skilled." Desir: "Thank you." Zod: "But you have more to learn." Zod: "Looks like I might make it to the meeting." Desir: "Looks that way." Desir: "Why don't we make a wager?" Zod: "Wager?" Desir: "Yes." Desir: "A loser will grant one wish of a winner. What do you say?" Zod: "That wouldn't work." Zod: "There is no way that you, a student, can grant my wish." Desir: "Those haven't been processed yet, am I right? May I borrow one?" Zod: "You may." Zod: "Let me see it!" Desir: "Here you go." Zod/I: "Even though it's unprocessed..." Zod: "What exactly did you do?" Desir: "Why don't we make that answer my wager?" Zod: "Very well." Zod: "If I win, you will tell me how." Zod: "And... what is your wish?" Desir: "I'll tell you when I win." Zod: "Interesting." Desir: "Then the wager is set." Desir: "I'll give it everything I've got." ergman: "Why don't you help work the crowd?" ergman: "Unpleasant rumors are going around because you lost in the ranking tournament." Azest: "I'm not interested." ergman: "What did you say?" Azest: "It's true that we lost." Azest: "It's pointless to hide it or lie about it." ergman: "You should have beat Desir and his team! It's all your fault! Do you understand that?!" ergman: "If you have complaints, then leave here right now! And quit my Blue Moon while you're at it!" Azest: "Not a bad idea." Romantica: "Hey, doesn't this remind you of someone? How irritating he is." Pram: "It's so cute, isn't it?!" Romantica: "Huh?" Pram: "Huh?" Romantica: "Huh?" Pram: "Huh?" Romantica: "Huh?" Pram: "Huh?" Romantica: "Huh?" Pram: "Huh?" Desir: "Now, you two did really well against the Outers." Desir: "Thanks to you, we recovered the Tear of Regernel." Romantica: "Of course we did!" Romantica: "Do you think I'd really say that?" Romantica: "Honestly, neither Pram nor I had any chance against the last guy." Romantica: "We need to get stronger. That's what you're getting at, right?" Desir: "Right." Pram: "Excuse me?" Desir: "What's up?" Pram: "Why do you try so hard to train us to be strong?" Desir: "In 13 days, a Shadow World will appear. We'll be sent to conquer it." Desir: "It won't be like the simulations we do at the Academy." Desir: "If we fail, then the world will get closer to its doom, and..." Desir: "We will die." Desir: "I will not allow that to happen." Desir: "I won't let anyone die." Desir: "No matter what I have to do!" Romantica: "Knowing you, I'm sure that will come true, as well." Romantica: "Even though you're in the lowest Circle, you're somehow super strong. And you were right about the Privius Clocktower and the Outers." Romantica: "Seriously, who exactly are you?" Desir: "I'm..." Romantica: "Stop!" Desir: "Huh?" Romantica: "You don't need to say it." Desir: "I thought you wanted to know." Romantica: "I do." Desir: "Then..." Romanitca: "Do you remember what I said when you invited me to join the party? I said, "I'm gonna uncover your secret, so just you wait!" So I don't want you to just tell me. Too bad." Desir: "Romantica..." Desir: "Are you being honest with yourself? You actually want me to tell you, don't you?" Romantica: "Of course not!" Desir: "Don't be shy. I'll tell you! I am actually..." Romantica: "Stop it!" Pram: "I believe in you, Desir!" Desir: "Thank you." Romantica: "That's all you say, Pram." Desir: "We all need to get stronger... including me." Desir: "I'm sure it will be tough, but please stick with me." Pram: "Okay!" Romantica: "I guess I'll have to." Azest: "I'll be in your care." emale Announcement/I: "This is an emergency announcement for all students. This is not a drill. Today, we've confirmed that a Shadow World has appeared." emale Announcement/I: "All students must immediately report to the auditorium." emale Announcement/I: "I repeat. This is an emergency announcement for all students." emale Announcement/I: "This is not a drill." emale Announcement/I: "Today, we've confirmed that a Shadow World has appeared. All students must immediately report to the auditorium." Romantica: "So this is the combat uniform... Hmm, it's not bad!" Pram: "I know!" Desir: "You two look great!" Romantica: "I know. We need her, right?" Desir: "Yes." Desir/I: "It starts right here." Desir/I: "The reason why I was brought back here..." Desir/I: "My role..." Desir/I: "This time, I will..." Desir/I: "We will..." Desir: "Shall we begin?" Romantica: "Okay!" Pram: "Yes!" Azest: "Sure."
{ "raw_title": "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Episode 12 – Anti-Mage", "parsed": [ "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "12", "Anti-Mage" ] }
Romantica: "Hey, you..." Desir: "Romantica! You're safe—" Romantica: "How do you know my name? Have we met before?" Desir: "Oh, sorry..." Desir: "I, uh, saw that." Romantica: "Hmm. So we're in the same testing group." Romantica: "Best of luck to you, I guess." Desir/I: "Of course I know you." Desir/I: "You have no idea how devastated I was to lose you." Desir/I: "I will never let you go through such an ordeal ever again!" Ladoria: "Desir, you're in Group D." Ladoria: "The test is..." Ladoria: "a race in the Erenstee Plains in the beginner level of the Shadow World." Ladoria: "But don't worry. We call it a Shadow World, but it's not dangerous. It's actually safe." Ladoria: "The Shadow Worlds used at Hebrion Academy are created for the purpose of the tests. They employ a safety system, so even if you receive fatal damage, you can evacuate immediately." Desir: "Damage..." Ladoria: "Right. In other words, in this test—" Elheim: "The use of magic and attacks towards other participants is allowed. You know?" Ladoria: "Elheim!" Elheim: "And... it is impossible for you lot to pass the test." Ladoria: "You won't know that until we try!" Elheim: "Oh, but I do." Elheim: "Allow me to present my mentee, Azest Kingscrown." Elheim: "She's a magic knight." Ladoria: "A magic knight?!" Desir: "Azest..." Desir/I: "I know you very well. She is a magic knight of ice and a high Circle mage who can wield vision magic, which is impossible to inverse. And she's better with a sword than most pure knights." Desir/I: "She'll be my most reliable teammate." Desir/I: "I guess she's still not much of a talker." Elheim: "What's the matter, Ladoria? Have you lost your steam from earlier already?" Ladoria: "Oh, please! You just got lucky with your mentee assignment! It doesn't reflect your skills whatsoever!" Elheim: "No, it obviously reflects my personal virtue. I guess a commoner is a perfect fit for someone of your level." Ladoria: "What did you say?!" Desir/I: "Good to see you again, Azest." Ladoria: "I mean... Frankly, your odds aren't that great against a magic knight." Ladoria: "But don't give up, okay?" Desir: "Thank you, Ladoria." Announcement/I: "We will now begin the testing for Group D. Participants, please assemble at the gate." Desir: "I'm off." Ladoria: "Good luck!" Announcement/I: "Welcome to Erenstee Plains in the Shadow World." Announcement/I: "You will be aiming for the goal over there." Announcement/I: "Only the top three will pass the test. You are allowed to use magic attacks, interference, and any other methods." Announcement/I: "If you receive fatal damage, you will be disqualified." Announcement/I: "Please line up at the starting line." Desir/I: "Azest survived until the end, like I did." Desir/I: "Did she come back to this world with past memories, by any chance?" Desir/I: "I have no idea what she's thinking... not that I could ever tell before." Azest: "Desir Herrman." Desir: "H-How do you know my name?!" Azest: "I checked the roster before I came here." Desir: "Oh, I see." Azest: "You are at the lowest Circle, with below average physical abilities. Even if you continue training, you have no future." Desir: "You may be right." Desir/I: "Sounds like she has no past memories..." Azest: "I noticed that you've been observing me, but you need not be wary." Azest: "I have no interest in attacking the weak." Desir: "Is that so? Thanks." Announcement/I: "The race through Erenstee Plains will now begin. Counting down. Five, four, three, two, one, start!" Romantica: "Hey! You're kicking up the dust!" Romantica: "Jeez!" Romantica: "Oh, I'm sorry!" Romantica: "It's fluffy... So cute!" Desir: "You still like that sort of stuff." Romantica: "Huh?! What do you mean by "still"?! What do you think you know about me?!" Desir: "Um..." Romantica: "What? Are you, like, hitting on me?! You think you're hitting on me?! Why don't you focus on the race?" Desir: "You're right. But at this rate, both of us are going to be disqualified." Romantica: "Don't lump me in with you. Stop acting so familiar!" Desir: "Sorry, my bad." Romantica: "My gosh! That face you're making really bugs me, so stop it!" Desir: "I just missed this so much, I can't help it." Romantica: "You missed what exactly?!" Sing: "Man, stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong! I'll blast you away first!" Sing: "Fire Rod!" Romantica: "Wind Strike!" Announcement/I: "Due to fatal damage, Sing Eggs is disqualified from the Shadow World." Announcement/I: "There are five participants remaining." Romantica: "I guess I owe you one." Romantica: "Thank you for looking out for me." Romantica: "However! This settles the score, you hear me?!" Desir: "Sure." Romantica: "I. Told. You! Stop making that face!" Desir: "But don't you need to catch up? They've got quite a lead." Romantica: "Hmph!" Romantica: "I was going to save this for later, but... I guess it's fine." Romantica: "I'll show you my true abilities." Romantica: "Aerosweep!" Examiner: "Groups A and C have just finished." Examiner: "Groups D and F are currently being tested." Examiner: "Everything is going smoothly." Professor A: "This year's candidates are excellent." Professor B: "Indeed. After all, we have a magic knight this year." Professor C: "Overwhelmingly strong. She's what all nobles should be." Professor A: "Exactly. By the way, there is a commoner in Group D." Professor B: "In the same group as the magic knight, of all things? Even I pity him." Treviri/I: "So fast. As expected of the magic knight. Well, if I keep up this pace, I should pass." Treviri: "A blast like this isn't strong enough to blow me away..." Treviri: "What?!" Treviri: "She's cutting through... the wind?!" Treviri: "That's a magic knight for you. Just you watch!" Treviri: "Wait..." Treviri: "What the heck?!" Announcement/I: "Due to fatal damage, Treviri Tycus and Nasi Holm are disqualified from the Shadow World." Announcement/I: "There are three participants remaining." Romantica: "I guess one of them survived." Romantica: "Anyhow, now both of us will pass." Romantica: "Did you really think I'd say that?" Romantica: "You're next." Romantica: "You'd better drop out." Desir: "May I ask why?" Romantica: "That! That face you're making! It pisses me off!" Desir: "Is that the reason? Isn't that a little harsh?" Romantica: "Oh, not at all." Romantica: "I'm trying to talk you out of this before you get hurt. Aren't I so kind?" Romantica: "If you get it, go ahead and drop out now. Okay?" Desir: "I refuse." Romantica: "Good, nice to know you're obedient—" Romantica: "Wait! What did you just say?!" Desir: "I said I refuse." Romantica: "Are you stupid? You saw my magic, didn't you?!" Romantica: "Stop smiling!" Romantica: "I gave you a chance... I'm through with you! It'll hurt so bad you'll think you're gonna die, but they say you can't die here, so rest easy." Romantica: "Wind Strike!" Romantica: "Bye-bye!" Desir: "You're able to handle that many simultaneously? Impressive." Desir: "As expected of you, Romantica." Romantica: "Huh?!" Desir: "But you prioritize speed, so your control is weak." Desir: "A slight adjustment to the trajectory, and it won't hit." Romantica: "Wha... Who do you think you are?! It just happened to miss, that's all!" Romantica: "There's no way you could beat me!" Romantica: "I won't miss this time." Romantica: "Have a taste of my Venom Wind!" Desir: "Same thing again." Desir: "If I change the air currents a little..." Desir: "They'll miss the target." Romantica: "Did you just...?" Romantica: "No way..." Romantica: "An inversing spell?" Desir: "Correct." Romantica: "No way..." Romantica/I: "Usually, someone has to be at a much higher Circle to be able to inverse your spell." Romantica: "That's impossible, since you're at the lowest Circle!" Romantica: "Are you serious?" Romantica: "I can't believe it..." Romantica: "He really did inverse it." Romantica: "Does that mean his skills are much higher than mine?" Desir: "Shall we finish this up?" Desir: "I have others I need to defeat." Desir: "I can't stay here for long." Romantica: "So what?" Romantica: "Try and see if you can inverse this many spells!" Desir/I: "You are strong, Romantica." Desir/I: "Surely one of the best among this year's new students." Desir/I: "But not strong enough." Desir/I: "At this rate, we will repeat the same future." Desir/I: "Romantica, you can become stronger." Desir/I: "And that's why I have to be the one to win now." Desir: "There are three things you overlooked." Desir: "First, inversing spells isn't the only thing I can do. Grease." Romantica: "That's one of the basic spells to erase friction." Romantica: "Why would you use that?" Desir: "Second, you're not the one I've been fighting all along." Desir: "Third, we're not being tested on magic skills, but on whether or not we can reach the goal." Desir: "And even if we receive fatal damage here, we won't die." Desir: "Which means I can do something like this." Romantica: "That's... fire magic?" Romantica: "Are you insane?! You might not die, but you'll still take damage!" Desir: "Fireball." Romantica: "Whoa." Romantica: "He's really out there." Azest: "He'll catch up with me. I don't know what kind of method you used to beat Romantica Eru," Azest: "but I will take back that I called you weak." Azest: "I'll defeat you with everything I've got." Azest: "Magic Arrows of Prey." Desir: "Analysis completed on every linked spell." Desir: "Control obtained over Magic Arrows of Prey." Azest/I: "Inversing the spell?" Azest/I: "I'll end this before you take them all!" Desir: "Adjusting trajectory!" Azest: "You dodged the fatal blow." Azest: "Inversing spells... so that's how you defeated her." Azest: "I won't give you time to inverse my spell." Azest: "I'll crush you in one fell swoop!" Desir: "Good call." Desir: "As expected from you." Desir: "Adjusting trajectory!" Azest/I: "He's using the blowback...?!" Desir: "You're too hung up on beating me, Azest." Announcement/I: "First place in Group D is Desir Herrman!" Desir/I: "Azest..." Desir/I: "Romantica... We have to get stronger" Desir/I: "so we can overcome that tragedy."
{ "raw_title": "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Episode 2 – The Test", "parsed": [ "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "2", "The Test" ] }
Professor A: "Test results, magic Circles, and family histories." Professor A: "We've assigned classes thusly based on these elements." Professor B: "As expected, there's not a single commoner assigned to the alpha class." ergman: "Of course not. The alpha class exists to nurture the chosen mages. We can't afford to accept uneducated commoners there." Professor C: "Exactly. Commoners should be happy that they get to enroll in Hebrion Academy at all." Headmaster: "Silence. The placement is completed, but there has been a recommendation that a certain student be placed in the alpha class." Headmaster: "Isn't that right, Professor Brigitte?" Brigitte: "That's correct." Brigitte: "Desir Herrman." Brigitte: "I believe he should be placed in the alpha class." ew Student A: "Yes! I'm in alpha!" ew Student B: "Obviously. We're born for that." Desir/I: "Beta, huh?" Desir/I: "But I'm more concerned about..." Romantica: "No way..." Romantica/I: "Run-down classrooms." Romantica/I: "Musty interiors." Romantica/I: "When, exactly, was this place built? Jeez..." Beta Class Teacher: "Uh, the skills of mages are ranked in Circles." Beta Class Teacher: "The lowest Circle is one, the highest Circle is seven." Beta Class Teacher: "In the entrance exam, they place weight on your Circle. To be in the alpha class, you need to be at least Circle 2. All of you here are..." Beta Class Teacher: "Circle 1." Romantica/I: "I'm Circle 2!" Beta Class Teacher: "Your skills probably won't be good enough for real Shadow Worlds," Beta Class Teacher: "but best of luck to you." Romantica/I: "What are you laughing about?!" Romantica/I: "Did I not get chosen for the alpha class... because of that?" Romantica/I: "Being in beta is bad enough..." Romantica/I: "But why do I have to be in the same class as him? Not to mention sitting next to him?!" Romantica/I: "He beat the magic knight, didn't he? So why is he here? Jeez, I don't get it!" Romantica/I: "What are you smiling about?!" Beta Class Teacher: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What's the matter?! Is something wrong?!" Romantica: "It's nothing!" Desir/I: "Beta class, huh?" Brigitte: "It's been a while, Desir Herrman." Desir: "Thank you for all you did at the orphanage, Professor Brigitte." Brigitte: "I'm happy you remember me," Brigitte: "and that you grew up to be an excellent mage." Brigitte: "No one even imagined you could beat Azest." Brigitte: "I wish I could have placed you in the alpha class..." Brigitte: "but the professors, as nobles, strongly opposed the idea." Brigitte: "I'm sorry." Desir/I: "They set up a wall between nobility and commoners. But... their obsession with status means..." Desir/I: "It's not just me. There are many diamonds in the rough here." Desir/I: "I must awaken as many talents as possible." Desir/I: "No matter what it takes." Romantica: "I can't believe I'm in beta." Doneta: "Excuse me. Are you the daughter of Baron Eru, Ms. Romantica Eru?" Romantica: "I am. Who are you?" Doneta: "I'm Doneta Hadoon." Doneta: "I'm a new student like yourself, though I'm in the alpha class." Romantica: "Oh." Doneta: "I'm actually looking for party members." Romantica: "I hope you find good ones." Doneta: "That's why I came here." Doneta: "I'm going to be joining Blue Moon." Romantica: "Blue Moon? You mean..." Doneta: "The best party in this academy, made up of the top students of the alpha class. I came to invite you, since you have excellent skills and a perfect lineage, Romantica." Romantica/I: "If I join, I might be promoted to the alpha class." Romantica/I: "Then my answer is clear." Romantica/I: "But..." Doneta: "However..." Doneta: "in exchange for recommending you for the party..." Doneta: "I want you to go out with me." Romantica: "Huh?" Romantica: "What?! Wait... Wh-What are you talking—" Doneta: "I'm serious." Romantica: "But, but, but, but... we've only met today!" Doneta: "I saw you at the entrance ceremony. It's love at first sight. It's unthinkable that a brilliant noble like you should be lumped into the beta class with filthy commoners." Doneta: "I want you to come with me." Romantica: "C-Can you give me some time to think?" Doneta: "Of course." Doneta: "Oh, right." Doneta: "This is for you." Doneta: "It's a kemuvin." Doneta: "In my hometown, it's customary to gift this to someone you're in love with." Doneta: "Open it." Romantica: "What?" Romantica: "I-I couldn't take this..." Doneta: "It's proof of my sincerity." Doneta: "Please take it." Doneta: "I hope to hear a favorable answer." Desir: "Not too shabby." Desir: "Nice reaction." Romantica: "Don't ambush me like that!" Desir: "Can you stand?" Romantica: "Of course I can!" Romantica: "So, what do you want?" Desir: "I have the same proposal for you that he did." Romantica: "Bleh! Who would go out with you?! There's no way." Desir: "Not that proposal. Would you like to join my party?" Romantica: "That's even worse! The best party in the academy, where success is guaranteed, against a party created by a new student in the beta class? Which do you think I'd choose?" Desir/I: "That was the biggest mistake you made." Romantica: "If I've made myself clear, then get lost! I don't have any business with you!" Desir: "I guess I have no choice. Here you go." Romantica: "What's that?" Desir: "Read it when no one's around." Romantica: "What, it's for me? What kind of embarrassing things did you write? My goodness..." Desir: "I recommend you get rid of it after you read it. It's for your sake." Romantica: "Huh?" Desir: "You can give me your answer later." Romantica: "What the...?" Romantica: "How did he...?" Desir: "Will she get mad, or will she cry?" Desir: "Well, I bet she'll get mad." Desir: "I found you." Desir/I: "Pram Schnaizer. Among the warriors who participated in that battle before my return here, he was one of the fastest swordsmen." Desir/I: "He was that strong in a timeline where he barely had any training." Desir/I: "This time, he can be much stronger." Romantica: "Found you! Where the hell did you learn about—" Desir: "Hush. The practice is starting." Romantica: "The practice?" Romantica: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What is that life form?! Too adorable!" Desir: "I guess Pram is kind of cute." Romantica: "Kind of?! That's pure cuteness! A cutie like that exists here? Is this paradise? Was it paradise all along?" Pram: "Achoo!" Romantica: "I can't! I wanna keep him! What do I do?!" Desir: "A great sword? Why..." Romantica: "Can he really wield such a large weapon?" Pram: "I'm Pram Schnaizer, from the beta class." Percival: "I don't need to announce my name for a mere beta." Percival: "Get us started already." Referee: "O-Oh, okay." Referee: "Ready..." Referee: "begin!" Percival: "Damn!" Percival: "You bastard...!" Romantica: "He's actually pretty strong!" Desir: "No." Desir/I: "He's just swinging it around blindly." Desir/I: "Why is he using a great sword?" Desir/I: "The attacks are coming non-stop." Desir/I: "But, knowing Pram, he'll..." Desir: "Hold it!" Pram: "I yield." Referee: "Match over! Percival wins!" Romantica: "He did his best, but he lost anyway." Romantica: "But why did he choose a great sword? It didn't work for him, right?" Desir: "Right..." Desir: "Don't!" Desir: "The match is over!" Percival: "Shut up. Do you want to end up like him?" Desir: "His blow landed that hard, did it?" Desir: "Or are you jealous of someone who's more talented than you?" Percival: "Shut up!" Percival: "You... blocked it?!" Desir: "You won the match." Desir: "What more do you want?" Percival: "I'm going to remember your face!" Pram: "A-Are you okay?" Desir: "Yeah, I used magic to block it. It didn't do much damage." Romantica: "Just like at the entrance exam, you are really reckless!" Pram: "I'm done!" Pram: "I'm so sorry." Pram: "Your right arm... it'll inconvenience you for a while, I'm sure." Desir: "I chose to get involved. You don't need to blame yourself." Pram: "But because of me, you made an enemy of someone from the alpha class..." Romantica: "How are you so cute when you're crying?!" Desir: "Romantica, restrain yourself." Desir: "I'm really all right." Pram: "Oh! I haven't introduced myself." Pram: "I'm Pram Schnaizer." Desir: "I'm D—" Romantica: "I'm Romantica Eru!" Pram: "Right..." Desir: "I'm Desir Herrman. Nice to meet you, Mr. Schnaizer." Pram: "If you don't mind, I'd love it if you'd use my first name..." Romantica: "Pram." Pram: "Right..." Desir: "Okay, then... Mr. Pram." Pram: "Please don't be so formal!" Desir: "O-Okay... Pram." Desir/I: "Pram, Pram, Pram, Pram..." Desir/I: "Why is he blushing? But he looks happy, so whatever." Pram: "I can't thank you enough, Desir!" Pram: "I will never forget your kindness." Pram: "If there's anything I can do, please feel free to tell me!" Desir: "Yes, I'll be sure to take you up on that." Pram: "Of course!" Pram: "Goodbye!" Romantica: "My gosh, that was so cute!" Desir: "So, Romantica." Desir: "You wanted to talk to me?" Desir: "Shall we go somewhere else?" Romantica: "You didn't tell anyone about this, did you?!" Desir: "Of course not." Desir: "But the professors here are aware of it. That's why you were dropped to the beta class, even though you're a noble with amazing magic skills. In Prillecha Kingdom, which lies several hundred kilometers away from here," Desir: "there lived a merchant who made a fortune through trading. The commoner merchant bought a title from a poor noble and obtained the surname of Eru." Desir: "This was when you were about four years old." Desir: "Romantica Eru. "Even if you buy a noble title, you can't change your commoner blood."" Desir: "That's what the professors here think." Desir: "That's why you were placed in the beta class." Romantica: "I know that!" Desir: "You should decline that offer." Desir: "The Blue Moon party is only open to nobles." Romantica: "I'm sure Doneta will protect me!" Desir: "Remember what he said about commoners?" Doneta: "Filthy commoners..." Desir: "I'm sure you can imagine what would happen if Doneta found out about this." Desir: "Would you like to join my party? If you don't..." Romantica: "If I don't, you'll tell everyone that I'm a commoner? Give me a break! You'll never succeed with a party you blackmail people into joining!" Desir: "No, I would never do that." Romantica: "Then what will you do?" Desir: "If you turn me down, I guess I'll have to start it with Pram alone." Romantica: "Alone with... Pram?!" Pram: "Desir!" Pram: "Desir..." Pram: "Desir..." Romantica: "That's not fair!" Desir: "What's not fair?" Romantica: "Honestly, I find you super sketchy!" Romantica: "You keep smiling at me for no reason! You know so much about my family! You acted recklessly at the entrance exam! And you beat a magic knight! More importantly, what's up with that inversing spell?! How can you do that when you're at the lower Circle?!" Desir: "So, what do you say?" Romantica: "Fine! I'll join your party." Romantica: "And I'm gonna uncover your secret, so just you wait." Desir: "Okay..." Desir: "Nice to work with you, Romantica." Romantica: "That smile of yours really pisses me off."
{ "raw_title": "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Episode 3 – Comrades", "parsed": [ "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "3", "Comrades" ] }
Pram'S Mother: "This is proof of love. As long as this sword keeps shining," Pram'S Mother: "your father will be thinking of us forever and ever." Pram'S Mother: "Come on, Pram." Pram: "Okay!" Pram: "Huh?" Pram'S Mother: "Your father loves us..." Pram'S Mother: "Loves us..." Pram'S Mother: "Loves us..." Romantica: "Are you really sure this is okay?" Desir: "I spoke to them in advance to confirm." Desir: "This is Desir Herrman." Brigitte: "Come in." Desir: "Excuse me." Brigitte: "It seems you have enough party members." Desir: "Yes. I've come to apply to form a party." Desir: "Professor Brigitte." Brigitte: "Enjoy." Romantica: "This is tasty!" Brigitte: "I'm glad you like it." Brigitte: "Help yourselves to the sweets." Romantica: "So adorable!" Brigitte: "Well, why don't we get down to business?" Brigitte: "Desir Herrman, can you tell me why you want to form a party?" Desir: "I'm planning to get promoted to the alpha class by winning the ranking tournament." Brigitte: "Do you have any idea how difficult that is?" Desir: "Of course I do." Pram: "Um... Is getting promoted that hard to do?" Brigitte: "Yes." Brigitte: "First, I'll explain how the ranking tournament works." Brigitte: "The ranking tournament is an exam to determine the ranks of students in each grade. It's conducted with the alpha and beta classes together, and eligibility to participate requires a party of three to six members." Brigitte: "The exam takes the form of a battle between two parties. Basically, the winning party's rank goes up." Romantica: "That means parties with more members are at advantage." Brigitte: "Not necessarily, since individual achievements are assessed. Besides beating the opponents, supporting your party members, intercepting the opponents... The key is how much you have contributed to the victory of your party." Romantica: "I see." Brigitte: "The objective of the ranking tournament is to assess the various skills of the students." Brigitte: "All of that is for qualifying rounds." Brigitte: "The winning parties will participate in the final rounds." Brigitte: "They take place in a Shadow World." Brigitte: "Those who place within the top nine are given the title of single rankers. If you become a single ranker, you can advance from the beta class to the alpha class." Brigitte: "That's why the ranking tournament is also called a promotional tournament." Brigitte: "But no one has ever been promoted before." Romantica: "That's no surprise! Just think about the advantage alpha has over beta..." Romantica: "It'll be completely one-sided." Brigitte: "Right." Brigitte: "In the past exams, the top students were all from the alpha class." Brigitte: "I'll be honest with you. It's impossible to get promoted." Desir: "That's why it's worth doing." Romantica: "Excuse me?!" Desir: "Think about it." Desir: "What if a party of three, all of them in beta, became single rankers? It would prove the professors here, who claim the beta class isn't worth teaching because we're untalented, are all wrong." Brigitte: "I'm a professor here, too, you know?" Desir: "Oh, I'm sorry." Brigitte: "I'm kidding." Brigitte: "If you can become single rankers..." Brigitte: "You might become the trigger to overhaul the rotten system at this academy." Desir: "Yes, ma'am!" Brigitte: "I like your spirit." Brigitte: "Lastly..." Brigitte: "Romantica Eru." Romantica: "Y-Yes." Brigitte: "Pram Schnaizer." Pram: "Yes?" Brigitte: "All party members' agreement is necessary to form a party." Brigitte: "Do you still want to join his party after hearing all of this?" Romantica: "Wow. I didn't know we had a place like this here." Romantica: "They practice all they want in a good environment. Must be nice." Desir: "Only alpha class is allowed to use it." Desir: "This is what we're allowed to use." Romantica: "Huh?! What the heck?! Y-You can't be serious!" Romantica: "Are you really sure it's here?!" Romantica: "The floor's creaking!" Pram: "Such a difference from the place we just saw." Pram: "Agh, and so much dust..." Desir: "I'm sure it'll grow on us." Desir: "Hmm?" Desir: "Wow... that's a big family." Pram: "Holy moly..." Desir: "Well, then, let's clean up the room." Romantica: "No way! I can put up with dust and cobwebs and a worn-out room, but I can't take the rats!" Desir: "But you know..." Romantica: "No!" Desir: "There's no other room." Romantica: "No! Way!" Desir: "Professor Brigitte found this room for us." Romantica: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no fricking way!" Desir: "Okay, fine." Romantica: "So you'll find us another room?!" Desir: "I'll plug the rat holes. Romantica, you clean up the room." Romantica: "Leave it to me! I'm good at cleaning!" Romantica: "Oh, come on! Were you listening to me?! Were you?! Hey, were you?!" Desir: "Romantica." Romantica: "What?!" Desir: "I'm dead set on using this space." Pram: "Where am I?" Pram: "Hello...?" Desir: "You woke up. That's good. I was just going to come wake you up." Pram: "Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry! You pushed through your injury?!" Desir: "Don't worry about it." Pram: "How could I not?!" Pram: "You took care of everything..." Desir: "It's quite all right. Okay, now that you're awake, shall we get going?" Romantica: "Yes... Let's go back and I'll take a shower—" Desir: "To start training." Romantica: "Excuse me?!" Desir: "So that we can become single rankers." Brigitte: "Do you still want to join his party?" Romantica/I: "Everyone in the alpha class is obviously stronger than me." Romantica/I: "There's no way I can become a single ranker..." Romantica: "What?" Desir: "You're going to uncover my secret, right? What are you going to do, Romantica?" Romantica: "You really piss me off..." Romantica: "I will join him!" Brigitte: "Very well." Pram: "I will join so that I can spend more time with Desir." Brigitte: "I see... Ahem." Brigitte: "I will approve your application to form a party." Romantica: "I knew I shouldn't have joined you." Romantica: "Fine! I'll do it, happy?!" Romantica: "Come on, let's go!" Desir: "Romantica." Romantica: "What?" Desir: "The training room is this way." Desir: "Romantica, I'm going to ask you to improve the accuracy of your magic." Romantica: "I'm actually pretty good at that." Romantica: "I can handle this many all at once, you see?" Desir: "Now fire them off." Romantica: "Just you watch." Romantica: "Wind Strike!" Romantica: "So?" Desir: "Right." Desir: "See if you can get them all to hit the center." Romantica: "What?! That's impossible—" Desir: "We've got no chance against alpha class unless you do." Desir/I: "I know you can do it." Desir/I: "The you from my future proved that." Desir: "Well, if you aren't confident, then I guess that's that." Desir: "You can be the cleaner of this room until you graduate." Romantica: "That smile of yours!" Romantica: "Ugh, jeez! What do you want me to do?!" Romantica: "What's this?" Desir: "Move the ball... to the circle over there." Desir: "But no throwing it." Romantica: "Huh?" Desir: "Aren't you a mage?" Desir: "Manipulate the air current around the ball to move it to the circle." Desir: "Wind magic is your forte, right?" Romantica: "Of course it is!" Desir: "The basics are the same." Desir: "Just do like you normally do it." Romantica: "Like I normally do..." Desir: "Visualize the wind." Romantica: "Okay!" Romantica/I: "Warm..." Romantica/I: "Cold..." Romantica/I: "Refreshing..." Romantica/I: "Violent..." Romantica/I: "But more importantly... Free!" Romantica/I: "Now!" Desir/I: "Incredible. She got the hang of it in on the first try." Desir: "While that memory is fresh, please repeat the same exercise." Romantica: "Okay!" Romantica/I: "I got a compliment!" Desir: "Your turn, Pram." Pram: "Okay!" Pram: "What should I do? Swordsmanship? You'll teach me, right? Right?" Desir: "Well, um..." Desir: "There's nothing I can teach you." Pram: "What?!" Pram: "But why not?!" Desir: "You perfected your craft as a sword master. You should be strong enough to win the ranking tournament as you are." Pram: "That... can't be true." Desir/I: "If Pram demonstrates his full potential, that is." Desir/I: "His swordsmanship, that tore through enemies with nothing but a rapier..." Desir/I: "It's not something I can forget." Desir: "Pram, can I ask you a question?" Pram: "Yes?" Desir: "Why did you choose the great sword?" Desir: "When you were fighting the swordsman from the alpha class the other day..." Desir: "I don't think that's how you usually fight. Your weapon should be something much lighter" Desir: "that allows you to take advantage of your agility..." Desir: "A rapier. Am I wrong?" Desir: "What do you say?" Pram: "Do I need to... tell you?" Desir: "It concerns the overall combat skills of the party." Desir: "I'd like to know." Pram: "In that case, would you come with me?" Pram: "Um, what about Romantica's training?" Desir: "Oh..." Romantica: "Oh my gosh, check this out! So fun!! Aren't I amazing?!" Desir: "I'd rather not interrupt her." Desir: "I'm sure she'll be all right." Pram: "You trust her." Desir: "Yes, as much as I trust you." Pram: "This is it." Pram: "I don't know what my father looks like." Pram: "My mother was a commoner, and my father was a noble. I was born out of wedlock," Pram: "and the only thing my father left behind is this." Desir/I: "There's no doubt about it." Desir/I: "That's the weapon Pram used back then." Desir: "May I take a look?" Pram: "Please." Desir: "So light." Pram: "I learned about that sword when I was six." Pram: "Hearing that my father left it to me, I started on the path of the sword. So that one day, when I got to see my father," Pram: "I'd be a respectable son, fit to wield this sword." Pram: "But..." Pram'S Mom: "Pram." Pram'S Mom: "Do not ever try to visit your father." Pram'S Mom: "He lives in a different world than us." Pram: "Yes, Mother." Pram'S Mom: "Please don't look like that." Pram'S Mom: "I love you, Pram." Pram: "I love you, too, Mother..." Pram: "My mother never told me the name of my father until the end." Desir/I: "For nobility, a child with a commoner is nothing but a disgrace." Desir/I: "If Pram had visited his father, he wouldn't have lived to be here." Desir/I: "That's why she didn't tell him." Pram: "I wanted to know who my father is." Pram: "I enrolled in Hebrion Academy to find my father. Nobles from many different countries come here, so I thought maybe I could get information about him." Pram: "But..." Pram: "I got this appraised in town." Pram: "I thought it might give me some clue." Pram: "And..." Pram: "I was told it had no value as a sword!" Pram: "And it was not something worthy of a noble man!" Pram: "Isn't it awful?!" Pram: "I thought he loved my mother!" Pram: "I thought that's why he left this sword to me!" Pram: "But...!" Pram: "This piece of trash!" Desir: "Pram..." Pram: "I will never use that sword again." Pram: "I don't want to." Desir: "A sword, huh?" Romantica: "How do you like that?! I completely mastered it in just three days!" Desir: "Good job!" Desir: "But it's out of the circle, so it doesn't count." Romantica: "Huh?" Romantica: "What?" Romantica: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What do you want?!" Romantica: "Wh-Wh-What the heck is it?!" Desir: "Pram, could I take a look at your sword again?" Pram: "I don't care about that sword anymore." Desir: "Sorry, but there's something I'd like to confirm." Pram: "I'm sorry, but I can't show it to you." Desir: "Just for a little bit. Please." Pram: "I can't." Desir: "What?"
{ "raw_title": "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Episode 4 – Forming a Party", "parsed": [ "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "4", "Forming a Party" ] }
Desir/I: "It hasn't changed." Desir/I: "I guess that's to be expected." Desir/I: "Before time turned back, I used to come here to shop." Pram: "Right here." Desir: "Oh." Pram: "It's through here." Desir: "I've never been here before. "Wujukeun's store." "No refund for changing your mind." "No refund for defective products."" Desir: "So no refund whatsoever, huh?" Desir: "Talk about obsessed with money." Pram: "Desir, I don't want to hold that sword ever again." Pram: "Never." Desir: "Won't you give me a chance?" Desir: "Security is perfect." Esteban Man: "Enter, customer. Here." Desir/I: "Heavily guarded, I see." Wujukeun: "One face I saw yesterday." Wujukeun: "Another face that's new to me." Wujukeun: "Welcome. I'm the store owner, Wujukeun." Wujukeun: "So? Are you here to sell, or buy?" Desir: "I'm here to buy the rapier he sold." Wujukeun: "Didn't you read my "No Refunds" sign outside?" Desir: "That's why I'm here to buy it off you." Wujukeun: "Okay." Wujukeun: "This is it, yes?" Wujukeun: "I already told him that this has no value as a sword." Wujukeun: "As a sword, mind you." Pram: "What?" Wujukeun: "I knew something was off because it was so light. They rarely comes in this size, but it's most likely—" Desir: "A kemuvin." Wujukeun: "You know about it?" Desir: "I've seen one before." Wujukeun: "It's used by nobility to give a gift to a lover. Like a box." Pram: "To a lover?" Wujukeun: "Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to open it." Desir: "How much is it?" Wujukeun: "Forty silver." Pram: "Wait a minute!" Pram: "I sold it to you for three silver!" Pram: "And you didn't tell me that it was a kemuvin!" Wujukeun: "You asked me to appraise the sword. So, I appraised it as a sword, which was worth three silver." Wujukeun: "Now I'm selling it as a kemuvin. Its value is 40 silver." Wujukeun: "Get it?" Pram: "You swindler!" Wujukeun: "It's called business, little boy." Desir: "That's enough, Pram." Pram: "But...!" Desir: "Regretfully, the store owner is right." Wujukeun: "It seems your friend can tell right from wrong." Wujukeun: "So, what do you say?" Desir: "We'll buy it for 40 silver." Pram: "What?" Wujukeun: "No hesitation? That's a surprise." Wujukeun: "Maybe I should have asked for more." Desir: "But that's as high as I go, all right?" Wujukeun: "You bet. It's a deal." Wujukeun: "Looking won't get you anywhere. An amateur can't open that thing." Desir: "Here, Pram." Pram: "But..." Desir: "Come on, just take it." Desir: "There's a groove in the hilt. Pull it with your nail..." Pram: "This?" Desir: "And remove the "blade."" Pram: "Like this?" Pram: "What?!" Wujukeun: "Huh?!" Pram: "Isn't this...?" Desir: "I knew it." Pram: "It's neither iron nor silver." Pram: "I've never seen... shining metal like this!" Desir: "Of course you haven't. That is made from blancium." Wujukeun: "What?! Are you sure?! Is that really blancium?!" Desir: "Yes." Desir: "Harder than steel and lighter than a feather. It's metal that's used only in the highest quality weapons." Desir/I: "And this shine... This is the weapon Pram used to use." Desir: "Come on, let's go back." Pram: "Uh... Y-Yes!" Desir: "If you would kindly remove him." Wujukeun: "Once you leave that sword behind you." Desir: "What you sold was a kemuvin." Desir: "I paid for it." Desir: "I trust that the deal was made." Wujukeun: "If that's blancium, it's a whole different story." Desir: "But you said the same thing to Pram earlier." Desir: "Are you going back on your own words?" Wujukeun: "Shut up, brat!" Esteban Man: ""No," master said. Sword, leave and go." Desir: "That speech reminds me of my friend." Esteban Man: "Want to get hurt?" Desir: "I'd rather not." Esteban Man: "Dodged?" Wujukeun: "What are you doing?! Take care of him already!" Esteban Man: "O-Okay..." Desir: "Pram." Pram: "Please keep your distance. I don't like fighting," Pram: "but if you mean to harm Desir, I won't hold back." Desir: "Pram..." Pram: "Leave it to me!" Desir: "Didn't you say you'd never use that sword again?" Pram: "Wha?! Eh, um, well..." Desir: "I'm just kidding." Desir: "Show me what you're truly capable of." Pram: "Y... Yes!" Pram: "Here I go." Desir/I: "Yes. That sword suits Pram perfectly." Desir/I: "But his opponent's attacks can be fatal if they land." Desir/I: "Pram is still inexperienced. Can he win?" Esteban Man: "Those eyes, I like! I fight! I defeat you!" Esteban Man: "Let's go, warrior!" Esteban Man: "So fast..." Esteban Man: "So fast. Can't see." Esteban Man: "He is... strong." Esteban Man: "I have... fun!" Desir/I: "Too shallow. Is he having a problem gauging the distance with a rapier?" Desir/I: "The guy's getting used to Pram's speed." Desir/I: "If the fight drags on, Pram's at a disadvantage." Desir/I: "Yes, Pram will have to aim for the vital point." Desir/I: "But..." Desir/I: "The guy will naturally see it through." Esteban Man: "You finished?" Desir: "Pram!" Desir: "Believe in your father!" Pram: "What...?" Pram: "I will, Desir!" Esteban Man: "Good, warrior!" Pram/I: "I don't know what to make of you." Pram/I: "The secret of this sword... These inscriptions on it..." Pram/I: "Did you know them all? But for now..." Pram/I: "I'll bring you victory, for you believed in me!" Pram: "No." Desir: "Hold on!" Desir: "Pram!" Desir: "Pram!" Desir: "Are you okay?" Pram: "I managed to defeat him." Pram: "Without this sword, I'd be the one on the floor." Pram: "It's thanks to my father." Desir: "Good for you." Pram: "Thank you!" Desir: "Shall we go?" Pram: "Yes!" Wujukeun: "And where exactly are you going?" Wujukeun: "The door can only be opened by the guy you knocked down there. If you want to get out, leave the sword behind—" Pram: "It's open, Desir." Desir: "Thanks, Pram." Wujukeun: "Huh?" Market People: "Welcome! Come on, do take a look!" Desir: "Pram." Pram: "Yes?!" Desir: "Are you hungry?" Desir: "Let's grab something to eat." Pram: "Y-Yes, I am! Let's eat!" Desir: "Two, please." d Vendor: "Sure thing!" Desir: "Here. It's my treat." Pram: "Th-Thank you so much!" Desir: "No big deal." Pram: "N-Not just about the skewer, but also about the sword... and stuff..." Desir: "I said it's no big deal." Desir: "You have your own situation." Desir: "Maybe I shouldn't have interfered." Desir: "But still, we are a party." Desir: "When your friend is in trouble, it's natural to help them out." Desir: "Wait, you don't like the skewers?" Pram: "Oh, no!" Pram: "That's not it..." Pram: "So much happened before I came here." Pram: "I lost everything I believed in." Pram: "I didn't know what I was supposed to do." Pram: "But..." Pram: "but I now have someone who calls me a friend." Pram: "I... I'm happy!" Desir: "Let's eat before it gets cold." Pram: "Yes! Thank you for the food!" Pram/I: "Thank you, Mother." Pram/I: "I got to meet someone wonderful." Pram/I: "Thank you, Father." Pram/I: "I'll walk my path with him, along with the words you left for me. "So my fledgling won't lose his way."" Romantica: "Stop!" Romantica: "I did it!" Romantica: "Take that, Desir!" Romantica: "No one's here." Romantica: "Here I go." Romantica: "Wind Strike!" Romantica: "Now!" Romantica: "I did it!" Romantica: "Okay." Alpha Girl: "Wait, why is a beta here?" Alpha Boy: "Must have come to watch us because she's jealous." Doneta: "Romantica." Doneta: "Thanks for waiting." Server: "Enjoy your meal." Romantica: "Wow!" Doneta: "Doesn't even compare with the beta class, does it?" Doneta: "It's my treat, so don't be shy." Doneta: "I guess you're not." Romantica: "Thank you, it was very good." Doneta: "So?" Doneta: "Did you come here today to give me your reply?" Romantica: "Yes." Doneta: "That's good." Doneta: "Shall we go, then?" Doneta: "I'd like to introduce you to the members of Blue Moon." Romantica: "I came here to return this to you." Doneta: "I don't understand." Romantica: "I bet." Doneta: "Are you saying you don't want to go out with me?" Romantica: "No." Romantica: "I mean, I guess I am? Anyhow, it's not just that." Romantica: "I joined a party in the beta class." Doneta: "Beta class?" Doneta: "Ha! That doesn't make sense. Did they threaten you? If so, I can—" Romantica: "I chose to do it." Romantica: "I didn't like it in the beginning, but now I'm having fun." Romantica: "The leader is training me, and I'm improving my skills. Say, you mentioned before that the beta class was a collection of commoners, all of them trash." Doneta: "So what? Commoners are trash." Romantica: "No plan to change that statement?" Doneta: "Of course not." Romantica: "I used to be a commoner." Romantica: "Wow, you look scary." Doneta: "Please stop joking." Romantica: "I'm not joking." Romantica: "That's why I was put into the beta class even though I'm a noble." Romantica: "But now, I'm thinking it's fine." Romantica: "My party won't look at me the way you just did." Doneta: "Had I known you were a commoner, I wouldn't have invited you to our party." Doneta: "I will commend you for being honest." Romantica: "I guess this is how it ends, huh? It annoys me that it went exactly how he predicted," Romantica: "but I guess that's that." Romantica: "Our party is planning to get promoted to the alpha class." Romantica: "That makes us enemies." Doneta: "I'll crush every single one of you." Romantica: "You'd be wise not to look down on us too much." Romantica: "See you! Thanks for the good food." Commoner 1: "Kill the nobles!" Commoner 2: "Execute the head of the house of Hadoon!" Commoner 3: "Punish the nobles!" Commoner 4: "Kill them! Kill them!" Young Doneta: "Dad!" Doneta: "You dirty commoner!" Journalist A: "Hey, did you interview Hebrion Academy?" Journalist B: "Not yet!" Journalist A: "Has anything like this ever happened before?!" Journalist B: "Not that we know of!" Editor In Chief: "Hurry up! We gotta put the news out there before other newspapers!" Journalists A; B: "Yes, sir!"
{ "raw_title": "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Episode 5 – Rapier", "parsed": [ "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "5", "Rapier" ] }
Romantica: "Wind Strike!" Desir/I: "The real game begins now." Brigitte: "You've succeeded with flying colors, Desir." Brigitte: "But now, they're totally going to come after you." ergman: ""Beta class to rank within 30th place. Will they be the first ever promoted to alpha?"" ergman: "Give me a break. We can't have them put a stain on our sacred alpha class! I apologize for my disgraceful conduct, but I hope you understand my rage." ergman: "You've been chosen to be a part of the glorious Blue Moon. You might only be first-years, but you have the responsibility of protecting and upholding its pride and tradition. In the final round of the tournament, you must use any means necessary to eliminate them." ergman: "They must never be single rankers. You hear me?!" ergman: "Azest Kingscrown." Azest: "Yes, sir." ergman: "You've fought against Desir Herrman." Azest: "I have." ergman: "Can you beat him?" Azest: "The odds are in my favor." ergman: "So you can win?" Azest: "Yes, sir." ergman: "Very good." ergman: "You are the leader of the first-years in Blue Moon. Be sure to bring us victory." Azest: "Yes, sir." Azest/I: "Desir Herrman. Ever since that day, I've never forgotten about you." Azest/I: "The one who gave me a taste of defeat..." Azest/I: "This time, I'll beat you with everything I've got." Doneta: "May we have a word?" Azest: "Doneta Hadoon and Percival Asengunitz." Azest: "Do you object to me being the leader?" Doneta: "I know how strong you are. That's not what we want to discuss." Azest: "What then?" Doneta: "Can I be the one to take down Romantica Eru?" Percival: "I'll take on Pram Schnaizer." Azest: "We have a better chance of winning if we fight as a party." Doneta: "We know. Shall we say it's for personal reasons?" Doneta: "I want to crush her with my own hands." Azest: "Very well. Suit yourselves." Doneta: "You're reasonable." Azest: "I do have one order as your leader." Azest: "Desir Herrman is off-limits." Azest: "I will be the one to defeat him." Desir: "They both have enough skills. Maybe they're ready for the next step." Romantica: "One, two, three, four." Pram: "Five, six, seven... Oh, Desir!" Desir: "You're here early." Romantica: "At last, it's the final round! So, what kind of training are we going to do?" Desir: "We're not doing any training." Romantica/Pram: "Huh?!" Desir: "We're doing a special regimen for the final round." Desir: "That should do it." Romantica: ""Chronology of Events," "Structure of Privius Clock Tower," and "History of 1218"?" Pram: "They're all history books." Desir: "Yes." Desir: "I'm going to have you study history." Romantica: "Huh?! H-History?!?!" Desir: "Shh!" Romantica: "I'm sorry." Desir: "The final round of the ranking tournament will take place in a Shadow World prepared by the academy." Desir: "Historical incidents of various scales are recreated in those Worlds." Desir: "If you are able to stop the incidents from happening, you clear the Shadow World." Pram: "I see! If you have historical knowledge, it will help clear the Shadow World. You're so smart, Desir!" Romantica: "But we don't know what incidents from which era will be reproduced, right?" Desir: "I picked certain events at random." Romantica: "At random? So we're using your intuition? What if you're totally off?" Desir: "That's a good question." Desir: "I guess there's no way around it. Shall we study all of historical events?" Romantica/Pram: "What?!" Desir: "I didn't want to burden you too much," Desir: "but if Romantica is up for it, then I don't see why we can't." Desir: "Let's read all the books on that bookshelf." Desir/I: "It's not my intuition. I know for a fact what the Shadow World for the final round is going to be." Romantica: "Say, Pram..." Pram: "Y-Yes?" Romantica: "What exactly are you looking at?" Pram: "Huh?!" Pram: "W-Was it obvious?" Romantica: "So adorable." Romantica: "Listen, did you go shopping, just the two of you or something?" Romantica: "Maybe grab something to eat together?" Romantica: "Sharing a little secret just between the two of you, perhaps?" Romantica: "Come on, tell me." Romantica: "Go on." Pram: "Please stop!" Romantica: "Fess up. Tell me what happened." Pram: "N-N-Nothing happened!" Romantica: "I don't believe you! Come on, show me your face." Pram: "Please stop!" Desir: "Let's read the books, shall we?" Romantica: "R-Right!" Pram: "We're sorry." Pram: "Um... Uh..." Romantica: "What do you want?" Azest: "It's been a while." Desir: "Two months, maybe?" Desir: "I heard you joined Blue Moon. A wise choice." Azest: "Why do you say that?" Desir: "You deserve to be in the strongest party in the academy." Azest: "The strongest, huh?" Azest: "I wonder if that's true." Azest: "Since you are here, Desir Herrman." Azest: "I'll get down to business. I came here today—" Desir: "To declare war on me, right?" Desir: "Showing courtesy for someone you recognize as your rival... That's very much like you, Azest." Azest: "You seem to know me quite well." Azest: "I underestimated you on that day. I owe you an apology," Azest: "but I won't lose to you again. I will defeat you with everything I have." Desir/I: "That's the spirit." Desir/I: "Use me to get even stronger. I overextended myself to fight against you on that day," Desir/I: "to ignite the fighting spirit in you." Desir/I: "To change our future." Desir/I: "Please continue to grow stronger." Desir/I: "I'm looking forward to fighting alongside you, Azest Kingscrown." Romantica: "It's pretty noisy out there." Desir: "The final round is a big event at the academy." Desir: "A lot of townspeople come to watch." Pram: "It's like a festival." Romantica: "I see you're wearing your tie properly today." Pram: "Oh, yes, you are!" Desir: "It feels stifling, so I prefer not to." Desir: "But I've got to go all-out today, you know?" Romantica: "I see. I kind of assumed you were the type of boy who liked to show off your chest." Desir: "That's some strange type of boy..." Pram: "W-We should go and find you a tie that doesn't feel stifling!" Romantica: "I want to come, too!" Pram: "Huh?" Romantica: "Huh?" Pram: "Huh?" Romantica: "Huh?" Desir/I: "They aren't even nervous." Desir/I: "I guess that's for the best." Desir: "Well then, Romantica." Romanitca: "Hm?" Desir: "Pram." Pram: "Yes." Desir: "Are you ready?" Pram: "I am." Romantica: "You bet!" Desir: "Then let's get going." emale Spectator: "Good luck!" Male Spectator: "We have high hopes for you!" Blue Moon Boy A: "So that's Desir? Doesn't seem like a big deal." Blue Moon Girl A: "Don't let your guard down. Remember what Professor Fergman told us?" Blue Moon Boy A: "A guy like that isn't worth worrying about." emale Announcer/I: "Thank you for waiting." emale Announcer/I: "We will begin the final round of the ranking tournament shortly." emale Announcer/I: "To clear the Shadow World, the participants must solve a certain incident." Romantica: "So they won't tell us what incident." Desir: "Finding it out is part of the deal." emale Announcer/I: "In the Shadow World, you are allowed to use magic attacks, interference, and any other methods." emale Announcer/I: "If you receive fatal damage, you will be disqualified. Those who contribute to clearing the Shadow World will receive more points," emale Announcer/I: "and the top nine players will receive the title of single rankers." Pram: "We're at the very bottom." Desir: "Yeah. To be single rankers, we have to either clear the Shadow World ourselves," Desir: "or defeat every other participant here." emale Announcer/I: "The gates are now opening." emale Announcer/I: "The final round of the ranking tournament begins now." Romantica: "Finally, it's time." Pram: "Let's do our best." Desir: "Don't worry. We can do this." Pram/Romantica: "Yes!" Desir: "Shall we go, then?" emale Announcer/I: "Welcome to the Shadow World. Your location has been determined randomly." emale Announcer/I: "Good luck and do your best to clear the Shadow World." Desir: "First, I have to find those two." Desir: "Icebolt, huh?" Blue Moon Girl A: "Look how lucky I am." Blue Moon Girl A: "I found you right off the bat." Desir: "I didn't know I was so famous." Blue Moon Girl A: "You are... infamous, that is!" Blue Moon Girl A: "Ice blast!" Desir: "Fire road!" Desir/I: "Two spells at the same time?" Blue Moon Girl A: "Aqua wave!" Desir: "Fire road!" Desir/I: "The other spell is a defensive one. But why?" Desir: "What an interesting idea. As expected from an alpha." Blue Moon Girl A: "I'm only just getting started." Blue Moon Girl A: "Amazing, huh? It's the type of magic a commoner like you would never be able to wield in your life." Blue Moon Girl A: "Any last words?" Desir: "That's the alpha class for you." Desir: "But shouldn't you be aiming right here?" Desir: "Oh, I guess you don't have fine control over your spell." Blue Moon Girl A: "Shut your mouth!" Desir: "Hit the nail on the head?" Blue Moon Girl A: "How did you do that?" Blue Moon Girl A: "Inversing spells?" Desir: "Never underestimate your opponent and always think about your next step. Those are the basics on the battlefield." Desir: "Watch closely and ingrain it in your brain." Blue Moon Girl A: "There's no way a commoner's magic can beat me!" Blue Moon Girl A: "Desir...!" emale Announcer/I: "One participant has been disqualified. There are 29 participants remaining."
{ "raw_title": "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Episode 6 – Final Round", "parsed": [ "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "6", "Final Round" ] }
Mob A: "To be dropped in the middle of a plain of all places..." Mob A: "It's super hot." Mob A: "My beautiful skin is going to get sunburned." Mob A: "Mmm, what a nice breeze." emale Announcement/I: "One participant has been disqualified." emale Announcement/I: "There are 27 participants remaining." Romantica: "Good." Pram: "Desir isn't here." Romantica: "Doesn't seem to be around here." Romantica: "I guess we were lucky to be transported so close to each other." Pram: "You think Desir is okay?" Romantica: "So adorable...! I mean!" Romantica: "Here I go." Romantica/I: "Two are nearby." Romantica/I: "And one on the other side." Romantica: "Let's get the one on the other side!" Mob B: "I found you." Mob C: "Detection Magic has the downside of revealing your location to your opponent. Didn't you know?" Mob B: "They're beta trash. Of course they don't." Romantica: "Trash, huh?" Romantica: "You want to find out which one of us is the actual trash?" Mob B: "We'll teach the beta trash about class differences!" Romantica: "You think you can beat us because we're in beta? I wonder where that confidence comes from." Mob B: "It's not confidence. It's called certainty—" Mob B: "Oh? As expected of trash. You seem entirely lacking in manners. Out of my way!" Pram: "That didn't work." Romantica: "Man, I guess he wasn't as weak." Mob D: "A-Are you okay?" Mob B: "Get a grip. You think that was enough to take me down? Be on your guard already." Mob D: "O-Okay!" Romantica: "Ready, Pram?" Pram: "Yes!" Mob D: "So fast! Is he really from beta?" Mob B: "Screw you!" Mob B: "Now! Blast them away with Area Magic!" Mob A: "O-Okay!" Romantica: "I found you." Romantica: "You bothered to hide yourselves, then used magic that revealed your location? Are you dumb?" Mob B: "You bastard!" Pram: "You shouldn't get distracted." Mob: "Damn it! Who do you think you're talking to?!" Pram: "I said, you shouldn't get distracted." Romantica: "Bye-bye, alpha boy!" Mob B: "Damn you!" Romantica: "If he had targeted me first, he might have won. This is what you get for underestimating beta class." emale Announcement/I: "Two participants have been disqualified. There are 25 participants remaining." Pram: "We won!" Romantica: "We sure did. I just hope the other guys all let their guard down like that." Romantica: "More importantly, you're improving a whole lot, Pram!" Pram: "It's all thanks to Desir!" Romantica: "Oh, that reminds me." Romantica: "How long are you going to observe?! I know you're there!" Desir: "You got me." Pram: "Desir!" Desir: "You were so strong that I got pulled in." Pram: "You were watching the whole time?!" Romantica: "So? What did you think?" Desir: "It was a good fight, Romantica." Romantica: "Naturally." Pram: "Wh-What about me?" Desir: "You were amazing, Pram." Desir: "I had no role to play." Romantica/I: "Back then..." Romantica: "Let's get the one on the other side!" Romantica: "Wait, isn't that...?!" Romantica/I: "I thought I'd become pretty strong. He so easily inversed that spell." Romantica/I: "We're in the same party, but it still annoys me." Desir: "Romantica." Desir: "You did really well too. Here's your reward." Desir: "There, there, there, there, there." Romantica: "Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you doing?!" Desir: "Well, since you were quiet, I assumed you were waiting for me to pat your head, too." Romantica: "I was not!" Romantica: "Oh, jeez! Never touch my head again!" Gabriel: "It's not that I have a personal grudge against you." Gabriel: "If anything, resent your poor luck." emale Announcement/I: "One participant has been disqualified. There are 18 participants remaining." Pram: "Another one." Desir: "Yes." Romantica: "But continue what you were saying." Desir: "Right. There are two paths for us to get promoted to the alpha class." Desir: "First is to finish in first place by clearing this Shadow World." Desir: "Second is to survive and place within the top nine." Romantica: "Clearing the Shadow World..." Romantica: "You think we can do it?" Desir: "Not even close. They would gang up on us in the process of clearing it. They're all alpha, after all." Pram: "Of course." Romantica: "These are all enemies, right?" Desir: "With that said," Desir: "there's a chance for us to finish in the final nine. The other parties will be crashing against each other, so more people will get disqualified." Desir: "There are 18 remaining, so if nine more get disqualified, we'll win." Desir: "See? That's easier than clearing it." Romantica: "Oh, no, no, no. I don't think that's as easy as you make it sound!" Pram: "We'll be okay." Desir: "It's pouring down." Pram: "Let's get under that tree over there!" Desir: "It doesn't seem like it'll let up anytime soon." Romantica: "What should we do?" Pram: "Let's stay here a little longer." Desir: "All right." Romantica: "I guess that's our only option." Romantica/I: "Aiming to be in the top nine among the alpha students... The thought wouldn't even cross my mind if I was by myself." Romantica/I: "What if I had taken Doneta's invitation, hiding the truth?" Doneta: "Had I known you were a commoner, I wouldn't have invited you to our party." Romantica: "They'd have found out by now, and..." Desir: "Romantica." Romantica: "Huh?" Desir: "Don't you worry! You two are truly getting strong, I guarantee it." Pram: "Yup, yup." Romantica/I: "Seriously, you're a weirdo." Romantica: "Stop touching my head!" Desir: "Okay." Romantica: "And I told you I don't like that look on your face!" Desir: "My bad." Pram: "I love it!" Desir: "Thanks." Romantica: "What the heck?!" Romantica/I: "This party..." Romantica/I: "I love them so much!" Desir: "It's time." Romantica: "Time for what?" Desir: "Don't you remember from our studying? This is the world of the Privius Clock Tower." emale Annoucement/I: "The Privius Clock Tower is a high-level magical device that produces monsters at regular intervals." emale Annoucement/I: "A survival quest has been generated." Romantica: "A survival quest?" emale Announcement/I: "The clock tower has produced a new monster." Gabriel Team A: "Yeah, yeah." Gabriel Team B: "Focus!" emale Announcement/I: "Survive the monster's attack." Doneta: "A monster?" Professor A: "Oh boy, that's too bad." Professor B: "Beta class is absolutely finished now." Romantica: "Wh-What was that?" emale Announcement/I: "One participant has been disqualified. There are 17 participants remaining." Desir: "Get back, you two." Pram: "Desir!" Romantica: "Hey!" Romantica: "Ugh! What is this smell?!" Pram: "It stinks!" Romantica: "Hey, what's happening—" Desir: "It's coming. You two, be on guard!" Romantica: "R-Rats again?!" Pram: "Desir!" Romantica: "Whoa! The monster rat is pissed!" Pram: "Desir, help us!" Desir: "That one... Crap! Both of you, run!" Romantica: "Huh? Why?" Desir: "Just hurry!" Pram: "Okay!" Desir: "Run! It's a pack of them!" Desir/I: "A Kildra mouse." Desir/I: "A monster that uses a battalion of mice like limbs. Its staple diet is human blood. It never gives up once it decides on a target. The other parties must also be..." Romantica: "Windblow!" Romantica: "It's not working at all!" Desir: "It's pointless! Run for now!" Romantica: "But they'll catch up!" Romantica: "A dead end?!" Desir: "Pram, keep on going!" Pram: "Okay!" Desir: "Romantica!" Desir: "You're mouse food otherwise!" Romantica: "Okay, fine!" Desir: "Romantica!" Desir: "Are you okay?" Desir: "Run! Hurry!" Romantica: "O-Okay..." Romantica: "What the heck are we supposed to do?!" Desir: "We have to beat the one in command!" Romantica: "And where is that?" Desir: "Inside the pack!" Romantica: "That's impossible!" Desir: "There's a way!" Romantica: "Desir?!" Pram: "Desir?!" Desir: "Your favorite... human blood!" Desir: "There it is! Romantica!" Romantica: "G-Got it!" Romantica: "Wind Bullet!" Romantica: "Yes!" Romantica: "Are you serious?!" Desir: "It may not look it, but it is a monster. Its magical resistance seems to be high." Desir/I: "Even Romantica with her current skills can't beat it in one blow. I have no choice." Desir: "Let's retreat and regroup." Desir: "Hold on!" Romantica: "Pram?!" Desir: "Pram!" emale Announcement/I: "One participant has been disqualified." emale Announcement/I: "There are 16 participants remaining." Gabriel: "So, this is the monster?" Red Dragon A: "That's bad, no?" Red Dragon B: "Yeah." Gabriel: "You guys, don't move." Gabriel: "Spearburn!" Pine Tree A: "Oh, just a mouse." Pine Tree A: "Go on, shoo!" Pine Tree Leader: "Idiot! Look out!" Pram/I: "I have to focus." Pram/I: "Desir said there's a commander." Pram/I: "Where is it?" Pram/I: "It must have sustained some damage from Romantica's spell." Pram/I: "I'm going to find it!" Desir: "Pram! Where are you?! Pram!" Romantica: "Should I blast them away with magic?" Desir: "No! You'll hit Pram, too! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Desir: "Damn it!!" emale Announcement/I: "You have succeeded in defeating the Kildra mouse. This concludes the survival quest." Desir: "Pram!" Romantica: "Are you okay?" Pram: "Desir..." Desir: "Pram!" Desir: "Thank you, Pram." Pram: "I got praised." Romantica: "Don't push yourself so hard." Pram: "Yeah, I shouldn't have." Pram: "I think... I'm a bit tired..." Desir: "Yeah, get plenty of rest." Pram: "Okay... I'll close my eyes for a second..." Romantica: "Is he asleep?" Desir: "Yeah." Romantica: "I'm amazed at Pram. He said he didn't like rats." Desir: "Yeah." Desir: "Romantica, can you watch Pram for a bit?" Romantica: "What? Um, sure." Romantica: "Desir?" Desir/I: "What the hell am I doing?" Desir/I: "I should've been able to clear it without making Pram go through that!" Desir/I: "I got carried away by their improvement, I let my guard down..." Desir/I: "And this is the result?!" Desir/I: "I'm such an idiot!" Desir/I: "Don't forget." Desir/I: "I'm here so I won't lose my friends again!" Romantica: "It's not letting up." Romantica: "Hey! Where have you... been? What happened to you?" Desir: "It's nothing. More importantly, how's Pram?" Desir: "Hi there, Pram. We should get going soon." Pram: "What happened to your face?!" Desir: "It's nothing. You think you can move?" Pram: "Yes! I'm okay now!" Desir: "Good. Let's get going." Romantica: "Wait, in this rain?!" Desir: "Yeah." Desir: "We finally found it." Desir: "That's Privius Clock Tower." Romantica: "That's..." Pram: "Let's go!" Desir/I: "I'll never make the same mistake again." Desir/I: "I'll take the perfect route to reach my goal." Red Dragon B: "That's our leader for you!" Red Dragon A: "But that's a bit much, no?" Gabriel: "Let's go." Pine Tree Leader: "The heck are you doing?"
{ "raw_title": "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Episode 7 – Magical Beasts", "parsed": [ "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "7", "Magical Beasts" ] }
Blue Moon A: "Privius Clock Tower. If we stop it, we win, right?" Blue Moon B: "Yeah, it'll be a piece of cake for us." Doneta: "Wind?" Azest/I: "No. This is..." Azest/I: "Ice Wall!" Percival: "What was that?" Azest: "An enemy." Azest/I: "The detection and the attack were almost simultaneous." Azest/I: "The only one who'd be coming at us right now would be..." Azest/I: "Desir Herrman." emale Announcement/I: "Two participants have been disqualified." Desir: "Fifteen people left." Azest: "On your right!" Azest: "There'll be more. They're coming in waves." Doneta: "Are you all right?" Azest: "Yes." Romantica: "Sorry, they blocked it." Desir: "Well, Azest is on their team. That's to be expected." Romantica: "Our location is completely blown." Desir: "That's fine." Desir: "Let's set one up on another party." Romantica: "Are you insane?" Romantica: "If we do that, all of them will gather here." Romantica: "Stop smiling and say something!" Desir: "Gathering them here is the point." Romantica: "What?" Desir: "Trust me, Romantica." Romantica: "Okay." emale Announcement/I: "Two participants have been disqualified." emale Announcement/I: "There are 13 participants remaining." Doneta: "Azest." Doneta: "I'm opening the door." Azest: "Okay." Gabriel: "Blue Moon, huh?" Doneta: "Gabriel? You're here, too?" Gabriel: "Were you the ones who attacked us outside?" Doneta: "What?" Gabriel: "A sneak attack using poor visibility... What a dirty trick for the top party in the academy." Pine Tree Leader: "Our party was attacked, as well." Doneta: "No, that's a misunderstanding!" Gariel: "Ha! You're going to play dumb?" Azest: "What proof do you have that it was us?" Gabriel: "There's no one who can use so many spells of that level at once except you guys." Azest: "I see." Azest/I: "They'd never believe me if I told them that it was a beta's doing." Azest/I: "So that's what he's after." Gabriel: "I'll take that as an affirmation." Azest: "You two, do not engage." Azest: "I will take care of them." Gabriel: "You sure have a talent for annoying me, Azest Kingscrown." Gabriel: "Spearburn!" Red Dragon B: "How do you like that? Our leader is the strongest flame mage!" Red Dragon A: "Idiot, next to you!" Azest: "Ice Wall!" Red Dragon A: "Damn it!" Gabriel: "You guys give me a hand, too!" Gabriel: "We won't be single rankers unless we beat them!" Pine Tree Leader: "Bring it on!" Pine Tree A: "Don't underestimate Pine Tree!" Pine Tree Leader: "Here they come!" Pram: "Sounds like it's over." Romantica: "Yes." Desir: "It didn't work." Romantiac/Pram: "What?" Desir: "There's no announcement." Azest: "Too bad, Desir Herrman." Desir: "As expected of you, Azest." Desir: "I was hoping for friendly fire amongst the alphas..." Azest: "I just locked them in place. I didn't make them transport out." Desir: "Our best bet would have been if you'd crushed each other," Desir: "but you ruined that plan." Azest: "What a pitiful plan. If you think you are qualified to call yourselves single rankers," Azest: "fight me and prove it!" Desir: "Crap!" Romantica: "Desir!" Pram: "Desir!" Percival: "Pay attention. I'm your opponent!" Romantica: "Pram!" Doneta: "Now the nuisance is gone." Doneta: "Honestly, I didn't expect you to survive this long." Doneta: "But this will be the end..." Doneta: "for you and your party." Azest: "Get up." Azest: "That wasn't enough to take you out, was it?" Desir: "Stone Break!" Azest: "Winterfist!" Azest: "Inversing..." Desir/I: "Make it in time!" Percival: "You gave up on the great sword?" Percival: "Why don't you swing it around like the last time?!" Pram: "You're chattier than I thought." Percival: "The hell?! You...!" Percival: "How dare you!" Percival: "There!" Percival: "Take this!" Percival/I: "Are you kidding me? What's going on?!" Percival: "Damn it!" Percival/I: "My skills aren't enough?" Percival/I: "He's completely different from the last time!" Percival: "You bastard!" Percival: "Hey... What's going on?" Percival: "How did you get so strong in such a short time?" Pram: "I don't owe you an explanation!" Pram: "Blegh." Percival: "Know your place, trash beta!" Percival: "What the heck is Doneta doing?" Romantica: "Wind Strike!" Doneta: "If I remember correctly, you're a mage of Circle 2." Doneta: "And that's the best you've got?" Romantica/I: "Crap. I don't have much mana left." Romantica/I: "And I'm at a disadvantage in close combat." Doneta: "It doesn't matter. Let's end th—" Doneta: "Wh-What?!" Romantica: "Desir!" Doneta: "I've lost visibility." Doneta: "But so have they." Doneta: "What are you going to do, Romantica?" Doneta: "How did she know my location?" Doneta: "I see. She used the wind to locate me." Doneta: "How stupid." Romantica/I: "I'll end this while there's still fog." Romantica: "What?! A magical reaction?" Doneta: "So pathetic!" Romantica: "Is that..." Romantica: "...an artifact?!" Doneta: "Something too good for a commoner." Romantica: "Commoner this, commoner that! You and I aren't that different!" Romantica: "Regardless of status, you're students just like us!" Doneta: "Just like you?" Romantia: "Yes! You're students and humans, just like us! Try as you might to segregate us, that fact won't change." Doneta: "Just like you?!" Doneta: "I, a noble, am like you, a commoner?" Romantica: "If you think I'm wrong, tell me exactly what the difference is!" Doneta: "Everything!" Doneta: "Class! Strength! Talent!" Doneta: "We've been different since the moment we were born! A commoner like you needs to stop speaking nonsense!" Doneta/I: "There's no way you and I are the same." Romantica: "You're crazy." Doneta: "You wouldn't understand even if I told you." Doneta: "You can learn it the hard way." Romantica: "Wind—" Doneta: "Blast." Pram: "Romantica!" Pram: "Are you okay?" Romantica: "I blocked it, just barely." Doneta: "Percival." Percival: "Hm?" Doneta: "I'm going to do it." Doneta: "I'll slaughter all the commoners." Percival: "H-Hey!" Romantica: "Pram, can you take over? I need to restore my mana." Pram: "Understood." Romantica: "Pram!" Doneta: "You're finished!" Percival: "Doneta!" Doneta: "You filthy commoners..." Doneta: "Every single one of you!" Percival: "Hey, Pram is my prey." Doneta: "Shut up!" Doneta: "I'll kill them!" Romantica: "Are you all right?" Pram: "Yes." Pram: "That tall guy had tunnel vision. He didn't even try to look around. He was so focused on you..." Pram: "I was able to take advantage of that." Romantica/I: "What do I do? He's not someone I can beat without my magic." Romantica/I: "But..." Romantica/I: "In my current condition, I'll only slow Pram down." Romantica: "Pram." Romantica: "Can you steer spiky-hair somewhere else?" Pram: "I think I can... But why?" Romantica: "Doneta is after me, so I'll fight him myself." Romantica: "You want to take on spiky-hair one-on-one, don't you?" Romantica: "It's not a problem, so leave it to me." Pram: "That's not what your face says." Pram: "You don't want to slow me down..." Pram: "Isn't that what you're thinking?" Romantica: "It's just..." Pram: "Then I'll have to refuse." Romantica: "Pram." Pram: "All three of us will become single rankers together." Pram: "No one is left behind. That's what a party is for." Pram: "Plus, Desir once told us..." Desir: "Don't you worry! You two are truly getting strong, I guarantee it." Pram: "We are strong." Romantica: "Pram." Romantica: "Please stop smiling like that. It's annoying because you look like him." Pram: "I love Desir's smile." Romantica: "Well, it pisses me off!" Romantica: "I'm sorry... Thank you." Romantica: "Okay, then. Let's do this!" Pram: "Yes!" Azest: "Is that it for your pointless struggle?" Azest: "There won't be a goal like at the entrance ceremony." Desir: "Right. Let's fight to our hearts' content, Azest." Azest: "You can inverse this, too?" Azest: "Wintercrash!" Desir: "That's incredible." Desir: "Fantastic work, Azest."
{ "raw_title": "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Episode 8 – Crash", "parsed": [ "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "8", "Crash" ] }
Azest: "I don't understand." Azest: "Mana, magic speed, combat skills... I'm better than you in all of them" Azest: "and yet I'm struggling. Why?" Desir: "You've got to have more fun." Azest: "If I'm lacking anything..." Azest: "It would be actual battle experience." Desir: "I knew you'd do that." Desir: "Fireball!" Azest: "It's pointless." Desir: "Strength!" Azest: "You can block this, too?" Desir: "Did you assume I couldn't use swords?" Desir: "That was amazing power." Azest/I: "Why..." Azest/I: "Why?!" Azest: "I'm much stronger than you are, so why can't I beat you?" Desir: "Isn't this fun, Azest?" Azest: "Fun?" Desir: "As strong as you are, you've never had a battle against a worthy opponent, have you?" Desir/I: "Back then, you looked bored all the time" Desir/I: "because battles didn't challenge you.." Desir: "Someone you can't reach with your magic or your sword." Desir: "What do you say? Do you want to beat someone like that with everything you've got?" Azest: "I don't know about having fun, but I'll admit..." Azest: "I want to beat you." Desir: "Give me everything you've got!" Azest: "I will." Azest: "Frozen Throne!" Desir: "Vision Magic, huh?" Desir: "I can't inverse that." Azest: "Are you ready?" Desir/I: "Inside the frozen palace of Vision Magic, she can wield her magic without limitation." Desir/I: "It's the trump card Azest used before I returned." Desir/I: "It's incredible that she can use it already." Desir/I: "But..." Desir: "Are you finished?" Desir: "It doesn't matter how many you make." Desir: "Your magic will not reach me." Azest/I: "Every spell is immediately inversed." Azest/I: "What about my sword?" Azest/I: "No, not enough..." Azest/I: "Not my sword alone... nor my magic alone." Desir: "Brilliant, Azest." Romantica: "Are you okay?" Pram: "Yes." Pram: "He is very strong." Romantica: "We have to beat Doneta before spiky hair joins the fray." Pram: "I agree." Doneta: "Percival, give me a hand." Percival: "I thought you were going to take care of the commoners." Doneta: "I don't want to waste any more of my time on the stupid commoners." Percival: "Talk about selfish..." Percival: "All right, then, let's get ready to rumble!" Romantica: "Pram." Pram: "I'll handle this." Percival: "Take this!" Pram: "Romantica!" Percival: "You're dead!" Pram: "Crap!" Romantica: "I can do this!" Romantica: "Pram, get down." Romantica: "Checkmate!" Desir/: "Magic sword..." Desir/: "The ultimate attack method that can only be used by magic knights." Desir/: "Usually, it takes about ten years to master it, but..." Desir/: "She fit ten years into the blink of an eye." Azest: "Here I go." Desir: "Stone Break!" Desir: "Fire Road!" Azest: "It seems that you can't inverse this one. It's my victory, Desi—" Azest: "Inversing... but what?" Azest: "It can't be..." emale Announcement/I: "The quest is cleared. The magical power of the Privius Clock Tower has been severed, and it has stopped functioning." emale Announcement/I: "This marks the end of the ranking tournament's final round." emale Announcement/I: "The darkness of the Privius Clock Tower has been dispelled." emale Announcement/I: "The clock tower will never again summon demons." emale Announcement/I: "The person who cleared the quest is... Desir Herrman." ergman: "Damn it!" ergman: "It's not possible! I will not acknowledge it!" ergman: "Professor Brigitte must have used some sort of illegal means!" ergman: "It's impossible for a commoner to outdo a magic knight and clear a Shadow World!" Professor E: "Exactly! It's a fraud!" Professor A: "By fraud, do you mean Professor Brigitte leaked the content of the exam to certain students?" ergman: "That's right!" Professor A: "Where's your proof?" ergman: "It's obvious!" Professor A: "Everyone here watched them fight. It's hard to believe anything illegal took place." ergman: "Something will turn up if we investigate!" Aide A: "Please stop this, Professor Fergman." Aide B: "We're in the presence of the headmaster." Headmaster: "Bring it to me." Aide B: "Yes, sir." Aide B: "These are the names of the single rankers determined by the headmaster." Professor A: "If you'd already determined them, why did you hold this meeting?" Headmaster: "I wanted to hear your opinions." Headmaster: "Even if they are rubbish that isn't worth listening to." ergman: "R-Rubbish?!" Aide B: "I will read the names of the nine single rankers." Desir: "The objective of our party was to reduce the number of alphas down to nine by pitting other parties against each other." Desir: "But you saw right through it." Azest: "Yes. You couldn't have become single rankers unless you defeated us... or so we thought." Desir: "It wasn't just you, Azest. The other three from Blue Moon were focused on fighting us." Desir: "That's why we were able to distract you from our other objective." Azest: "Clearing the Shadow World?" Desir: "Bingo. I got to the clock tower slightly before you, so I tried to analyze the spell, but I didn't have enough time." Desir: "As expected of such a historical magical device." Desir: "I barely managed to analyze it because I was one-on-one with you." Desir: "If all the alphas had come at me together, I'd have been in over my head." Azest: "You weren't focused on the battle against me. You were looking at the bigger picture." Desir: "Like I was during the entrance exam." Azest: "I see." Azest: "Perhaps I've been playing into your hands ever since." Azest: "You defeated me utterly." Desir: "Just by a hair." Desir: "If your sword had come slightly faster..." Pram: "If it had," Pram: "we would have fought in your place." Romantica: "We had already beaten Doneta and spiky hair." Pram: "Desir!" Desir: "Hey." Romantica: "Come on, make some space." Romantica: "You got a problem?" Pram: "Grrr..." Desir: "We survived and won thanks to your magic, Romantica." Desir: "Thank you." Romantica: "What?!" Romantica: "Y-You don't have to thank me for something like that." Pram: "Desir, what about me? Me?!" Desir: "You did really well, too, Pram. There, there, there, there!" Desir: "There, there, there, there!" Pram: "Thank you so much." Desir: "You, too, Romantica. There, there, there, there..." Romantica: "I mean, I didn't ask you to do that!" Pram: "Then you can pet my head more instead!" Romantica: "Huh?! Why?!" Desir: "You're going?" Azest: "Professor Fergman wants to see me." Azest: "Because we lost to you." Azest: "Desir." Azest: "I... have a favor to ask, although I know I'm asking a lot." Desir: "What is it?" Azest: "Could I... join your training?" Desir: "What?" Romantica: "Of course you can't!" Romantica: "Right, Desir?" Desir: "Meet us at the main gate of the training area at six in the morning and after school." Romantica: "Come on, Desir!" Romantica: "Don't nod in agreement!" Desir: "Well, we should get going, too." Desir: "Professor Brigitte is waiting for us." Brigitte: "Great job, everyone!" Desir: "Thank you." Pram: "Ma'am." Romantica: "And... what's the verdict?" Brigitte: "First..." Romantica: "Is that... a special cake from Beswald Bakery?!" Desir: "Is it famous?" Romantica: "A super popular store where people line up for half the day just to buy a loaf of bread!" Romantica: "Their cakes are reserved for the next three years!" Pram: "It looks yummy!" Romantica: "If you're serving us such a special cake, does it mean...?" Brigitte: "No, you didn't pass." Romantica: "Are you kidding?!" Brigitte: "Yes, I'm kidding!" Desir/Romantica/Pram: "What...?" Romantica: "Jeez..." Brigitte: "I'm sorry. I wanted to surprise you." Brigitte: "Desir Herrman." Desir: "Yes." Brigitte: "Romantica Eru." Romantica: "Y-Yes!" Brigitte: "Pram Schnaizer." Pram: "Yes!" Brigitte: "Congratulations. As of today, all three of you are officially registered as single rankers." Brigitte: "You are promoted to the alpha class." Romantic/Pram: "Yes!" Brigitte: "Come on, let's celebrate." Brigitte: "Have as much as you'd like." Romantic: "With extra chocolate, please!" Pram: "With extra cream, please!" Desir: "Thank you so much for everything." Brigitte: "Don't mention it. You outsmarted that dumpy scum, so this is the least I can do." Desir: ""Dumpy scum"?" ergman: "Achoo!" Brigitte: "Here, enjoy!" Children: "Goodbye, Ms. Brigitte!" Brigitte: "Oh, what's wrong?" Desir: "Teach me..." Desir: "Please teach me magic!" Brigitte/I: "You've grown so strong, Desir."
{ "raw_title": "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special Episode 9 – Showdown", "parsed": [ "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special", "9", "Showdown" ] }
Highschoolgirla: "I know, right?" Highschoolgirlb: "I totally get that." Pa: "We will soon make a brief stop at Hashimoto." Pa: "The doors on the right side will open." Pa: "The next..." Yuki: "I'm so glad I snagged this cute dress on a discount!" Yuki: "Rin-chan's made an Insta post!" Yuki: "A foreigner?! Huh? Why me?" Yuki: "Oh, is he asking for directions?" Itsuomi: "Do you need help?" Yuki: "Phew. I'm glad he took over." Yuki: "Wait, don't I know him from somewhere?" Yuki: "Oh, right! He's in the same college club as Rin-chan!" Yuki: "They're hitting it off. I hope he figured out the way." eigner: "Bye-bye!" Yuki: "He really bailed me out there." Yuki: "Oh, wait. Not sign language. Thank... you... so... much—" Itsuomi: "I'm wondering... Can you read my lips? Or can you not?" Yuki: "In my face!" Itsuomi: "A little bit. I see." Itsuomi: "That guy earlier? He spoke Japanese just fine." Yuki: "Oh, wow. Okay." Yuki: "He's staring at me like I'm some exotic zoo animal." Itsuomi: "Never met anyone like you before." Yuki: "See? I knew it!" Itsuomi: "Huh..." Itsuomi: "I'm getting off at the next stop." Itsuomi: "How 'bout you? Getting off? Staying on?" Yuki: "I get it now." Yuki: "He's making it easier for me to lip-read." Itsuomi: "Okay." Itsuomi: "Later." Yuki: ""See... you."" Yukimom: "Have a nice day. Take care out there." Batayan: "Man, I can't choose." Oushi: "What's with her? Someone's in high spirits." Student A: "I couldn't believe it." Student B: "Oh. Good morning, Yuki!" Rin: "Whew. That was a lot of difficult material we covered." Rin: "Could you keep up?" Rin: "Who, me?" Rin: "Was it him?" Rin: "Ooh, I see!" Yuki: "That explains his massive bag. His name's Itsuomi..." Rin: "You look so cute right now! Are you... in love?" Yuki: "Love?! Talk about jumping the gun!" Rin: "Or maybe you're just crushing!" Yuki: "Crushing?" Rin: "That's probably it." Yuki: "Oh..." Yuki: "So this is what it's like to have a crush." Rin: "I have someone like that, too. Someone I'm crushing on." Rin: "Itsuomi-san's boss at his part-time job. They're cousins, actually. They work at a café'n'bar together." Rin: "Wanna grab a meal there sometime soon?" Yuki: "I don't know if I should. But..." Yuki: "I do want to see him again." Rin: "Yikes! Wait, timeout!" Rin: "I get so nervous talking to the boss! I can never bring myself to ask for his contact details!" Yuki: "I've never seen this side of Rin-chan." Rin: "If you go with me..." Rin: "I feel like I can give it a shot." Rin: "Yuki! Geez, you gripped my hand so hard! But thanks! I'll do my best!" Rin: "Yuki..." Rin: "All right! I've got your back!" Rin: "We're clearing this quest to cap off your first year! Let's go get their deets!" Yukimom: "Oh?" Yukimom: "Are you heading out?" Yukimom: "Take care." Yukimom: "It's already quite dark out." Rin: "We're here." Rin: "I... I don't look weird, do I?" Rin: "You look great too, Yuki!" Carter: "Bill! We're in deep shit!" Bill: "What're you talking about?! Ain't nothing we haven't seen before! Let's go kick some ass! I'd better not catch you running with your tail between your legs!" Yuki: "He's got a different aura to him tonight." Yuki: "The cool, handsome type." Rin: "Itsuomi-san, thanks for helping Yuki out on the train the other day." Itsuomi: "Sure." Kyouya: "Huh? Is that you, Rin-chan?" Kyouya: "Welcome. You liked the place enough to come back?" Rin: "Oh... yes." Kyouya: "Thank you. Oh, a friend? Hello there." Kyouya: "Thanks for coming by." Rin: "Oh. Hey, Kyouya-san?" Yuki: "Oh..." Yuki: "Somehow, I can always tell instantly that they're talking about me." Itsuomi: "Do you drink booze?" Itsuomi: "Or do you not?" Yuki: "Th..." Yuki: "That gave me a start! He's not afraid to get all up in someone's space, huh?" Yuki: "Oh, I haven't ordered yet, have I?" Yuki: "Huh? For some reason," Yuki: "I keep seeing the positives in everything he does." Rin: "Beer for me, Itsuomi-san." Rin: "Itsuomi-san is trilingual, you know?" Yuki: "Driving... war?" Rin: "I'll write it out." Rin: "Right?" Rin: "What?" Rin: "That's amazing!" Kyouya: "Oh, welcome!" eignerguy: "Hi!" Kyouya: "Itsu, can you take over the table at the back?" Itsuomi: "Sure." eignerlady: "Yes, I can drink!" Yuki: "She kissed him? What is happening?!" eignerguy: "Although it's snowing, Japan is warmer than I thought." Yuki: "A group of foreigners... I wonder if it was just her way of saying hi." Yuki: "Itsuomi-san's acting perfectly normally." Yuki: "He really is used to interacting with foreigners, huh?" Yuki: "I bet... I bet he's seen a world I know nothing of—" Yuki: "had experiences I wasn't even aware existed." eignerlady: "It's a little humid, though, isn't it?" eignerguy: "Compared to your hometown, everywhere is humid." Yuki: "What? Rin-chan's already making her move?!" Kyouya: "Hope to get to know you better." Rin: "S-S-Same here!" Yuki: "I need..." Yuki: "I need to get Itsuomi-san's deets, too!" Yuki: "But... I wonder how Rin-chan asked. I feel like writing it out would make it kinda forceful." Yuki: "What language are they speaking behind me?" Yuki: "English? German? Japanese?" Yuki: "I didn't end up getting his details." Rin: "I gotta check with Itsuomi-san first, but..." Itsuomi: "Rin." Itsuomi: "I'm done with my shift. Want me to walk you?" Itsuomi: "Or do you not?" Rin: "Really? Yes, please! I live nearby, so walk Yuki for me!" Yuki: "Rin-chan, no!" Yuki: ""Go. Get. Him. Girl"?!" Yuki: "He's ready to go!" Yuki: "He's here... walking with me." Yuki: "Oh, a moped. That startled me." Itsuomi: "That was close." Yuki: "He's holding my hand like it's nothing." Yuki: "The snow's starting to pile up on his arm." Yuki: "My thoughts won't get passed on to him through my hand, right?" Itsuomi: ""Sure thing."" Itsuomi: "How do I say that in sign language?" Yuki: "I wonder..." Yuki: "I wonder how big the world is in Itsuomi-san's eyes. If there's a way to put an end to these feelings that burst into my world," Yuki: "then I don't want to know it." Batayan: "Hey, Oushi." Batayan: "Why are you looking around like that?" Mitoki: "Trying to find someone?" Oushi: "It's not like that." Shin: "Okay, all done." Itsuomi: "Ooh." Shin: "Itsu-kun, how about grabbing a bite after this if you have time?" Itsuomi: "I've got class in the afternoon, but I'm free until then."
{ "raw_title": "A Sign of Affection Episode 1 – Yuki's World", "parsed": [ "A Sign of Affection", "1", "Yuki's World" ] }
Itsuomi: ""Sure thing." How do I say that in sign language?" Yukimom: "Sorry to interrupt your little daydream, but... Are you okay on time?" Yuki: "I'm not okay... in any way." Rin: "Good for you, Yuki. You got his deets!" Rin: "Oh, c'mon! It was nothing! Anyway, were you nervous when you asked?" Rin: "You sure were, huh?" Yuki: "Just being around him makes me nervous already." Yuki: "On top of that, he gave me the biggest surprise of my life so far..." Yuki: "I keep going back to look at it." Yuki: ""Our Cultural Exchange Club"..." Itsuomi: "That was quite nice." Girl A: "Then let's go together next time!" Itsuomi: "Yeah. Well..." Yuki: "Itsuomi-san." Rin: "There he goes, surrounded by hot girls again. But wait! There were some boys around until a moment ago, too!" Yuki: "The girls he's talking to are so pretty. Maybe they have parents from overseas?" Yuki: "The way his mouth is moving... He's probably not speaking Japanese. Did he send me that because he doesn't meet many deaf people, intending it to be some kind of cultural exchange?" Yuki: "Even if he did, I'm glad he's entered my life." Rin: "Oh..." Rin: "He's leaving." Rin: "Itsuomi-san!" Yuki: "Huh?" Yuki: "The thought of making eye contact makes me squee." Yuki: "Whoa, he's totally looking at me." Yuki: "No..." Yuki: "I shouldn't look away." Itsuomi: "Aren't you gonna do this stuff today?" Yuki: "So embarrassing!" Yuki: "Uh..." Yuki: "I need to type." Yuki: "He's always so in my face!" Itsuomi: "Huh..." Itsuomi: "Wow, you're cute." Yuki: "Huh? Did he just call me c-cute? I didn't misread his lips, right?" Itsuomi: "Oh, I gotta go. It's time for my flight." Yuki: "Flight?!" Yuki: "Where's he going this time?" Yuki: "Ma... o... u...?" Yuki: "The Demon Lord? La... Oh, it was "La."" Yuki: "O... u...?" Yuki: "Laos!" Rin: "You two seem to be hitting it off." Rin: "You seem so happy when you're with Itsuomi-san. It's like you're totally in love." Rin: "What?!" Rin: "But you seemed different from yesterday. You were glowing!" Yuki: ""Different from yesterday"?" Yuki: "Was I really?" Yuki: "Wait, what's the difference between love and crushing, anyway?" Rin: "Hey, Yuki." Rin: "Look up there." Rin: "Your childhood friend's looking this way." Yuki: "Oushi-kun." Yuki: "He saw that, huh?" Yuki: "I wonder what they're talking about. I can't read people's lips from the side." Batayan: "Huh... You're friends with those girls, Oushi? They're cute. Invite them to a boozer sometime." Oushi: "The one with the longer hair is deaf." Batayan: "Oh? How deaf?" Oushi: "Completely." Batayan: "Oh..." Batayan: "Can hearing aids help with that?" Oushi: "She uses them already. Still can't pick up any sounds." Batayan: "That sounds too complicated for me, but okay. See you later, Oushi." Oushi: "See ya." Yuki: "He ignored me." Rin: "But... He actually learned it, huh?" Yuki: "Itsuomi-san..." Rin: "See? Your face really is glowing again." Rin: "After seeing him last night, I'm all in "I love him" mode!" Yuki: "You are?!" Rin: "I mean, he's so nice." Rin: "If you can't tell which it is, why don't you just pick one?" Yuki: "If I can decide which I am—" Yuki: "in love with him, or just crushing..." Stationstaff: "Sir!" Stationstaff: "Hey, sir!" Izumi: "Oushi." Oushi: "Izumi." Izumi: "I guess you can be a good Samaritan at times." Oushi: "Wha?" Izumi: "That's the first time I've seen you use sign language with anyone other than Yuki-san." Oushi: "Oh, really?" Izumi: "Life must be difficult for the deaf." Oushi: "Yeah." Izumi: "If it weren't for you, that guy might have been mistaken for a fare evader." Oushi: "I guess." Oushi: "It's easier to put yourself in danger when you can't hear." Oushi: "So maybe they should stay where they're safe and not leave..." Yuki: "I wonder where Itsuomi-san is right now and what he's doing." Yuki: "Is it just a crush, or could it be love... huh?" Yuki: "What? It's from Itsuomi-san!" Yuki: "Wow." Yuki: "I'd never heard of such a place." Yuki: "They're cute!" Yuki: "I had no idea..." Yuki: "I'd never seen any of this before." Yuki: "Itsuomi-san..." Yuki: "What kind of place is the one you're in right now? What kind of sights does it have, and what kind of times can you spend there?" Yuki: "Are you not scared to set foot in unfamiliar worlds?" Yuki: "Seven dollars?! Some place to stay." Yuki: "He's so whimsical..." Yuki: "He's coming back. Will I see him then?" Yuki: "I left home early." Yuki: "Is that..." Yuki: "Itsuomi-san! "Good morning."" Yuki: "My fingers are moving awkwardly." Yuki: "My world continues to grow since your arrival." Yuki: "And even my sighs seem to blend in effortlessly with it." Yuki: "I want this to be love." Yuki: "I would prefer that. "You learned the signs for common greetings?" "When did you get back to Japan?" There's so much I want to ask him." Yuki: "I could use my phone or a notebook." Itsuomi: "Hold out your hand." Yuki: "He held it!" Itsuomi: "Laos souvenir." Yuki: "Right! The souvenir! He might've been saying something at the time," Yuki: "but I couldn't bring myself to look at him." Yuki: "Why did he pick this? Is it some kind of god?" Yuki: "It's so creepy, it's wrapped around to being kinda cute." Yuki: "Itsuomi-san must've seen so many things I have no knowledge of..." Yuki: "A world I'm not familiar with." Madoka: "Yuki!" Yuki: "Oh, Madoka-chan." Yuki: "I want more." Yuki: "There she is." Yuki: "They're deep in conversation. I'd like to talk to her about a bunch of stuff concerning Itsuomi-san," Yuki: "but it's not like we made plans to meet up or anything." Yuki: "Oushi-kun." Oushi: "What are you standing around for?" Yuki: "Waiting for a friend." Oushi: "A friend?" end A: "What? Working the whole time sounds so sad!" Rin: "You gotta go on a holiday, right?" end B: "I know you two aren't any better off, okay?" Oushi: "They're having a loud chat about their plans for spring break." Yuki: "You don't have to translate that stuff for me." Oushi: "Please. I know you're curious." Oushi: "That's the second-year girl who takes notes on your laptop for you, right?" Yuki: "What about it?" Oushi: "You call her your friend, huh..." Yuki: "Oushi-kun's sign language is always so pointed." Yuki: "But at times, his fingertips look frail—almost meek." Yuki: "It makes me feel like he must be worried for me deep down." Yuki: "Itsuomi-san." Oushi: "What's his deal?" Oushi: "Listen, you." Yuki: "What?" Oushi: "Don't get carried away." Yuki: "I'm not." end A: "Say, is that sign language?" Rin: "Huh?" Rin: "Oh, Yuki." end B: "Wow. Wonder what they're talking about." Rin: "Yuki!" Rin: "Hello!" Oushi: "Hey." Oushi: "You should try to avoid suddenly clinging to her from behind." Oushi: "She can't hear footsteps." Rin: "Sorry about that. I won't do it again." end B: "Is there anywhere you'd like to go, then?" Girl B: "I couldn't communicate my thoughts at all." Rin: "Hmm? Uh-huh." Girl B: "When you speak different languages, it changes..." Rin: "Let's go." Yuki: "Every movement of Itsuomi-san's fingers stirs these unfamiliar feelings within me. Every time he looks at me, I feel such nervous excitement that I can't bear to look back at him." Yuki: "This emotion must be love." Yuki: "I..."
{ "raw_title": "A Sign of Affection Episode 2 – To Affection", "parsed": [ "A Sign of Affection", "2", "To Affection" ] }
Yuki: "All right." Yuki: "Time to make a sign language guide for Itsuomi-san!" Yuki: "The day I realized that the emotion I felt for him was love..." Itsuomi: "Ooh... Thanks." Yuki: "It'd be nice if I could hand it to him when I visit the bar with Rin-chan. But I need to figure out the right time. If it seems like a bother, I'll put it away immediately." Yuki: "Huh?" Yuki: "Drawing sign language is harder than I expected." Yuki: "The right hand goes like this, so..." Yuki: "Hmm?" Yukimom: "Yuki! Sorry, but could you go get..." Yukimom: "That's a peculiar dance." Rin: "Hello!" Kyouya: "Welcome. Have a seat wherever you like." Rin: "Thank you." Yuki: "Rin-chan's less nervous than last time." Yuki: "Meanwhile, I'm way more tense." Rin: "It's ringing." Itsuomi: "What's that noise?" Kyouya: "Huh..." Rin: "Happens during class sometimes, too." Yuki: "I've never heard actual sounds before..." Itsuomi: "From birth?" Kyouya: "Hey!" Kyouya: "Sorry about Itsu and all his questions. Here, clean all this up." Itsuomi: "Sure." Kyouya: "He always tries to get all up in people's business." Rin: "Yeah, he does do that, doesn't he?" Yuki: "Is it interest? Or plain curiosity?" Yuki: "It makes me happy either way." Rin: "I wonder if being born overseas has something to do with it." Kyouya: "Who knows? I think Itsu's a little unique regardless." Rin: "A sign language guide?" Kyouya: "Did you make that, Yuki-chan?" Rin: "Hey, can I see, too?" Kyouya: "Whoa!" Rin: "Oh, wow!" Kyouya: "That's so much info! Writing all this down must've been a lot of effort!" Rin: "The drawings are so cute!" Rin: "Great job, Yuki!" Itsuomi: "My name... "I"..." Itsuomi: ""Tsu"..." Itsuomi: "I don't get it." Itsuomi: "Is this how you sign "tsu"?" Yuki: "Oh, "tsu" is..." Yuki: "Itsuomi-san's fingers are so long." Itsuomi: "Wow, you're as red as the souvenir I got you from Laos." Yuki: "That thing?!" Itsuomi: "Thanks for this." Itsuomi: "Though I dunno if I'll use it." Yuki: "What?!" Itsuomi: "I won't get it just with drawings." Itsuomi: "Teach me in person, Yuki." Itsuomi: "What signs do you use often?" Itsuomi: ""Cute," huh?" Yuki: "Itsuomi-san's signing..." Yuki: "It feels reassuring, like it'll embrace anything and everything in stride." Itsuomi: "What's up?" Rin: "Oh. Sudden contact can make her jump, apparently." Itsuomi: "Huh? Sorry." Yuki: "My heart is leaping out of my chest. I hope they can't hear it." Yuki: "There's a girl here who's madly in love with you." Yuki: "What should I do, now that I've fallen for you?" Shin: "Yay!" Emma: "We're here." Itsuomi: "How long have you been barhopping?" Shin: "This is only our second one." Shin: "Sorry about that." Yuki: "That gave me a start." Emma: "You okay, Shinshin?" Emma: "Sowwy, did that stawtle you?" Yuki: "Whoa." Yuki: "This girl's pretty." Yuki: "Her hair's so silky." Shin: "What the... You're so pwetty, miss. You in the market for a hairstyle change?" Emma: "Y'see, he's a really good stylist." Shin: "You're laying it on thick!" Yuki: "Okay... I have no idea what they're saying." Shin: "Short hair will probably look great on you." Shin: "Or you could try a different color! Maybe some highlights, too?" Itsuomi: "Shin." Itsuomi: "You're coming over here." Itsuomi: "You too, Emma." Emma: "Okay!" Itsuomi: "Sorry about that, Yuki." Yuki: "Does he know him? Are they friends?" Itsuomi: "Take off your coats. And sit here." Shin: "I'll have a beer, Itsu-kun." Emma: "And I'll take a glass of red wine!" Itsuomi: "All you're getting is water, you drunks." Kyouya: "They're Itsu's classmates from high school." Shin: "Don't want water." Emma: "Red wine!" Rin: "Oh?" Shin: "Itsu-kun's such a meanie." Kyouya: "The dude in the sunglasses is actually the cool, standoffish type when sober." Shin: "Always acting like I'm some kind of alcoholic. I'm not drunk at all, okay?" Yuki: "Alcohol can be scary, huh?" Emma: "Hey, Itsu-kun, are you gonna be sticking around for a while?" Itsuomi: "Why?" Emma: "I just wanna know!" Emma: "Why do you keep going abroad at the drop of a hat?" Yuki: "Huh? She was really clinging to him. I get that she may be drunk," Yuki: "but even then, the way she's looking at him..." Rin: "Wha? Why now?!" Kyouya: "What's wrong?" Rin: "My mom just texted me, "I'm at your place, Rin." Sorry, Yuki, I gotta go. Yuki? Yuki?" Yuki: "What are they to each other?" Kyouya: "Did you say you're from Fukuoka, Rin-chan?" Kyouya: "I couldn't tell from your accent at all." Rin: "Well, I tried really hard to fix it over my first year here." Yuki: "It's eating away at me." Yuki: "She's clinging to him again?!" Rin: "Whoa, what's with them?" Kyouya: "Huh?" Kyouya: "Oh, Emma-chan?" Kyouya: "They're not going out. Just friends." Kyouya: "I don't think there's any chance they'll get together in the future, either." Rin: "Huh? Why's that?" Kyouya: "That's not something I should be telling you." Yuki: "Hearing that just makes me feel" Yuki: "like their relationship is a special one." Kyouya: "Yuki-chan?" Kyouya: "I think he's serious about learning sign language. Teach him, okay?" Itsuomi: "Kyou, where's the wine opener?" Kyouya: "Coming." Kyouya: "Bye. Feel free to come back anytime." Yuki: ""Be careful... on your way home."" Yuki: "I should trust what the boss says about his relationship with that girl." Rin: "Man, I had a fun time chatting with him tonight! I gotta put my best foot forward so that things with Kyouya-san go smoothly. Right, Yuki?" Yuki: "At some point, my race had already begun. I just didn't know it." Yuki: "I should put my best foot forward, too. I want to." Yuki: "It's been four days. I haven't texted Itsuomi-san or met him. Maybe he's overseas again." Yuki: "Or maybe..." Yuki: "I won't let it eat away at me!" Yuki: "I texted him... I hope that was okay." Yuki: "He replied instantly!" Yukimom: "Oh?" Yukimom: "Are you going out?" Yukimom: ""For a bit"?" Yukimom: "Be home by curfew!" Yuki: "I have less than two hours." Yuki: "I've never met anyone out at this time." Yuki: "This is a first!" Oushi: "Hey!" Yuki: "Ow!" Yuki: "Tissues? Why?" Oushi: "Where are you going at this hour?!" Yuki: "O-O-O-Oushi-kun?!" Yuki: "I gotta go. See you." Yuki: "How many packs of tissues does he have?!" Oushi: "What, you meeting someone right now?" Yuki: "Yeah, why?" Oushi: "It's not some guy, is it?" Oushi: "Wha?!" Oushi: "He called you out this late?" Yuki: "I told my mom I'm going out. I'll be home by curfew, too." Oushi: "Is it that silver-haired dude?" Oushi: "Meeting him alone is a bad idea." Oushi: "He's probably just having fun messing with you." Yuki: "Don't talk about him like that." Oushi: "If that ain't it..." Oushi: "He's just jerking himself off over how nice he is!" Yuki: "My race has already begun." Yuki: "And now that it has, I won't look back." Itsuomi: "Want a drink?" Itsuomi: "Oh, no need to pay me back." Itsuomi: "Yuki, do you have 10 yen on you? I want a drink, too." Itsuomi: "Thanks." Itsuomi: "Do you want this? Or do you not? Think it's worth around 10 yen." Itsuomi: "Can't really use it in Japan, though." Yuki: "I've never seen this before." Yuki: "Which country is it from?" Itsuomi: "Wanna see some others? Or do you not?" Itsuomi: "Oh..." Yuki: "He doesn't feel like explaining, huh?!" Itsuomi: "You're so cute." Yuki: "That's the sign I taught him last time. There are several different gestures for "cute."" Itsuomi: "Mmm." Yuki: "Such as "cute," and "cute."" Itsuomi: "Wow... Any others?" Yuki: "Well..." Yuki: "It's, uh..." Yuki: "The thing you always do..." Itsuomi: "The world of sign language is fascinating. When I first met you and I saw you signing," Itsuomi: "it felt like the world I'd lived in so far had been flipped upside down. I used to live overseas," Itsuomi: "and I naturally gained an interest in cultures and languages. They became my driving force in life," Itsuomi: "and I kept looking at goals far away in the distance." Itsuomi: "But you helped me realize that there were things close by, too." Yuki: "Huh? Was he saying something?" Itsuomi: "Do you want to get to know me better?" Itsuomi: "What's the sign for "more"?" Yuki: "More." Yuki: "More..." Yuki: "and more..." Yuki: "and more... and mo—" Itsuomi: "Okay, I hear ya." Yuki: "While he holds my hands, I feel like I'm dancing upon the palm of his." Yuki: "His carefree attitude only makes my heart race even more." Yuki: "Wha?" Yuki: "Why?" Itsuomi: "Du bist süß." Yuki: "H-He's messing with me to see how I'll react?!" Yuki: "But that's fine, as long as it makes him smile." Yuki: "Itsuomi-san's fingers hold on to me, as though to say they won't let me go." Yuki: "And all I can do is cling on to them tight." Yuki: "It's almost painful, but it still doesn't feel real." Yuki: "A little over an hour until curfew. The snow falling outside seemed to freeze in place for a moment," Yuki: "but that was only wishful thinking on my part." Itsuomi: "Still snowing, huh?" Itsuomi: "Is that the sign for snow?" Itsuomi: "I love it too, just like you." Yuki: "I know he's not talking about loving me!" Itsuomi: "What's the sign language for "love"?" Itsuomi: "This? I'll use it someday." Yuki: "Huh?!" Itsuomi: "Oh, I mean, like," Itsuomi: ""I love traveling" and stuff." Itsuomi: "I'll walk you. Which way to your home?" Yuki: "The pedestrian side..." Itsuomi: "Don't get run over." Yuki: "It may feel like he's got me wrapped around his fingers, but right now, he makes me feel safe." Yuki: "Anyone would fall for him if he treated them this way." Itsuomi: "Hm?" Itsuomi: "Who?" Itsuomi: "Oh, them?" Yuki: "Why are you supposed to make eye contact at times like these? It's almost cruel." Itsuomi: "I don't have a girlfriend. Emma's just a friend." Yuki: "But..." Yuki: "I'm sure she thinks differently." Itsuomi: "How about you?" Itsuomi: "What about that guy I saw you signing happily with at college?" Yuki: "Wait..." Yuki: "He saw us back then?" Itsuomi: "Huh... When was that?" Oushi: "You fool!" Itsuomi: "Oh." Itsuomi: "Enough of this topic." Yuki: "Whimsical as ever, I see." Itsuomi: "Hmm... Rockin' Robin is closed on Mondays." Itsuomi: "Let me guess. Does that mean "promise"?" Itsuomi: "Let's go home." Yuki: "Snow fills the sky above. It blows with the wind, just like my heart letting off steam right now." Yuki: "How childish can I be?" Yuki: "I don't want to say goodbye." Itsuomi: "Uh, how long have you been there?" Emma: "Just got here. And I bought some booze." Emma: "Itsu-kun, let me stay the night." Itsuomi: "I only let you stay last time because Shin was there, too." Emma: "I know that." Emma: "You get where I'm going with this, don't you?" Itsuomi: "Get off of me." Itsuomi: "Come in, I guess." Emma: "What'll you have?" Itsuomi: "I'm good." Emma: "Huh?" Itsuomi: "Feel free to use whatever." Itsuomi: "Spare key's by the entrance. Do not give it to Shin." Emma: "Wait!" Emma: "Where are you going?" Itsuomi: "It's late and it's snowing, so stay inside." Emma: "Are you that put off by my showing up?" Itsuomi: "Don't pull this crap anymore." Emma: "What..." Emma: "I'm only doing this because it's you!" Itsuomi: "Emma." Itsuomi: "Don't wail by my front door. You'll bother the neighbors." Emma: "Meanie!" Emma: "Sheesh! Who leaves a girl alone in their home?! Yeah, yeah, I'll leave! Once I finish this drink..." Emma: "Itsu-kun, you jerk! Ah!" Emma: ""Sign Language Guide"?"
{ "raw_title": "A Sign of Affection Episode 3 – Someone is thinking of someone", "parsed": [ "A Sign of Affection", "3", "Someone is thinking of someone" ] }
Emma: ""Sign Language Guide"?" Emma: "What... is this?" Emma: "Is Itsu-kun trying to pick up yet another skill?" Emma: "But..." Emma: "Why sign language?" Yuki: "That was the first time I've ever gotten home so close to curfew." Yuki: "A coin from a faraway land..." Yuki: "I feel like it can take me anywhere because Itsuomi-san gave it to me." Yuki: "Oh, Rin-chan!" Rin: "On the next Rockin' Robin day off, I'm gonna go shopping for supplies with the boss." Yuki: "What? Way to go, Rin-chan!" Rin: "But..." Yuki: "Instant reply!" Rin: "I don't think I could handle being alone in a car with him yet..." Rin: "So why don't you and Itsuomi-san join us?" Yuki: "All four of us?" Yuki: "Itsuomi-san and I did make plans to meet up. Maybe we could do this instead?" Yuki: "I may feel like I could go anywhere, but there's only one place I want to go." Yuki: "Okay, I'll try asking him!" Itsuomi: "Let me sleep over." Kyouya: "Yeah... I'm not gonna ask why. I already know, more or less." Itsuomi: "Also, I'm kinda hungry." Tv: "Objection! There is no evidence supporting this claim!" Tv: "Objection sustained." Itsuomi: "Can I switch to the subtitled version for this movie?" Tv: "Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions, ma'am?" Kyouya: "You always do. Feel free." Tv: "Are you sure that you haven't seen them for the time being?" Itsuomi: "Are you sure that you haven't seen them for the time being?" Kyouya: "What's it called, shadowing? That thing where you repeat what's said." Tv: "To tell the truth, a woman testified that she saw you, him," Itsuomi: "Yep." Tv: "and the men in the shop two hours before the incident." Kyouya: "You're keeping that up even though you're fluent?" Tv: "And the other person who was there" Itsuomi: "You forget the languages you don't use frequently." Tv: "gave us information that you were quarreling for a while." Kyouya: "Huh..." Tv: "Please give us the truth... Have you seen them?" Kyouya: "I guess there are no shortcuts for plain old effort." Tv: "Your Honor, may I summon the partner for questioning?" Tv: "How many gunshots did you hear? Two? Three? Or more?" Kyouya: "Is that sign?" Itsuomi: ""More."" Kyouya: "Yuki-chan taught you that, huh? You know, unlike with English and stuff, she's the only one you can use sign language with right now." Kyouya: "So why are you trying to learn it?" Kyouya: "Is that for your dream, too?" Kyouya: "Yuki-chan seemed to be into Itsu. There's the Emma-chan mess, too. I really don't wanna see these girls crying." Itsuomi: "Beer for you." Kyouya: "Uh, it was mine to begin with." Itsuomi: "Huh? You made plans with Rin?" Kyouya: "Why?" Itsuomi: "Yuki just asked if I wanted to join you guys." Kyouya: "Oh, right. You wanna come along on the shopping run?" Itsuomi: "Oho?" Itsuomi: "Rin, huh?" Kyouya: "What? There's nothing going on with her!" Girl: "Wow, that girl was so pretty!" Girl2: "I saw that, too! Think she's a model? Her hair is out of this world!" Pickupguy: "How you doin', babe? Where are you headed?" Pickupguy: "You meeting up with anybody? Uh, a friend? Well?" Pickupguy: "Hello? Don't ignore me." Pickupguy: "Oh? Who are you calling?" Emma: "A friend." Pickupguy: "For real? Is she cute?" Emma: "It's a guy!" Shin: "Thank you. Come again." Waiter: "Thank you for waiting." Waiter: "Here's your beef skirt steak." Emma: "That looks so good!" Emma: "It's great! You should try it, Shin-chan!" Shin: "I will." Emma: "Say, how about we get another bottle of red wine?" Shin: "Whoa, you really are in the mood. What's wrong, Emma?" Shin: "Itsu-kun again?" Emma: "Sure is. I put myself out there, and he didn't even blink! And for some reason, he's studying something again." Shin: "Studying what?" Emma: "Well... sign language or something?" Shin: "Wow." Emma: "Sheesh. My heart was about to explode." Shin: "Well, gotta drink and forget it all." Shin: "Excuse me! We'll have another bottle of red wine!" Emma: "I knew I could count on you to have my back!" Shin: "I'll drink with you all you want tonight." Emma: "Stahp! I could cry!" Emma: "I'm so glad you're here for me!" Shin: "Okay, let's eat. This looks amazing." Emma: "And eat I will! Itsu-kun, you jerk!" Yuki: "Today's the day." Yuki: "I'm feeling the butterflies, both good and bad. I hope we can get everyone involved in fun convos. Rin-chan said she and the boss would come pick me up by car, but I'd feel bad asking them to come all the way to my place." Yuki: "Besides, I didn't want Oushi-kun to see me, like he did the other night." Yuki: "Why... Why are you here?!" Oushi: "What's up with that reaction? And where are you going?" Yuki: "Calm down..." Yuki: "To the library." Oushi: "The library? By the way, what time did you get back last time?" Oushi: "Hey!" Yuki: "He comes off so childish compared to Itsuomi-san." Yuki: "You're heavy." Yuki: "Oh, it's Itsuomi-san." Oushi: "This isn't the stop for the library. Hey, Yuki." Yuki: "So many people out today!" Oushi: "Yuki! Hold up!" Yuki: "Where's Itsuomi-san?" Oushi: "Yuki!" Itsuomi: "Target acquired." Oushi: "Yuki." Yuki: "Oushi-kun..." Oushi: "You're here to meet up with him?" Oushi: "Hey!" Itsuomi: "What?" Oushi: "She can't hear, so you should try not to grab her from behind." Yuki: "I can't read his lips." Yuki: "Is he saying something?" Itsuomi: "Yuki said..." Itsuomi: "It's okay if it's me." Oushi: "Wha?" Yuki: "Huh? Why's he glaring so angrily?!" Yuki: "He's glaring at Itsuomi-san." Yuki: "Itsuomi-san..." Itsuomi: "It's nothing." Itsuomi: "Let's go." Yuki: ""Nothing"? It sure didn't feel like nothing. "You." "Fool."" Yuki: "What? Why?" Yuki: "Itsuomi-san still seems kinda mad." Itsuomi: "Don't worry about it. We guys have our own stuff going on." Yuki: "Oh." Yuki: "I get the feeling I shouldn't pry any further." Rin: "Oh... Looks like they'll be here soon." Kyouya: "Really? That was fast." Rin: "Right? I can't handle this situation! Hurry up, Yuki!" Kyouya: "I'm glad it's so perfect out." Rin: "You said it!" Rin: "I'm so sad he had to resort to talking about the weather! You better spice things up, girl! By the way, Kyouya-san, this place opened up nearby..." Rin: "Did he just sigh? End me now!" Kyouya: "Say, Rin-chan... I dunno if this is appropriate to ask, but..." Kyouya: "Does Yuki-chan like Itsu? Or is she interested in him, at least?" Kyouya: "The guy's hot. And popular." Kyouya: "But right now, he's more interested in chasing his dreams than romance." Rin: "His dreams...?" Kyouya: "Yeah. And I've seen so many of our female customers cry after he rejected them." Rin: "Are you worried Yuki's going to end up like them?" Kyouya: "Yeah..." Rin: "But don't you think he's taken a liking to her? He seems really interested in learning sign, too." Kyouya: "If he's taken a liking to her as a potential partner, I'll be over the moon, too..." Kyouya: "But I wonder where the affection he shows her is coming from, really." Kyouya: "Rin-chan, looks like they're here." Rin: "What?!" Itsuomi: "We're here." Rin: "Wait, time out! Why are you holding hands?!" Itsuomi: "Hmm? Because Yuki nearly got run over back there." Rin: "Oh... Is that so..." Kyouya: "Glad she's okay. Anyway, hop in." Itsuomi: "'Kay." Itsuomi: "We're good to go, Kyouya." Kyouya: "A-A-All right! Shall we get going?" Rin: "Yeah! Let's go!" Rin: "What are you looking to buy today?" Kyouya: "Aside from bar supplies, I'm also going to pick up some personal stuff. So feel free to look around yourself, Rin-chan." Rin: "Kyouya-san's so nice!" Rin: "What kind of personal stuff?" Kyouya: "Well, I love rice seasoning, so I'm gonna pick up big bags of those." Rin: "Kyouya-san's so cute!" Rin: "Whoa!" Rin: "These snack bags are huge!" Kyouya: "It makes me happy to see you all excited, too." Itsuomi: "Yuki." Yuki: "What's gotten into these two?" Yuki: "Wow, tiramisu! It's so big!" Itsuomi: "It makes you look tiny, Yuki." Itsuomi: "Do you want this?" Rin: "Uh, well..." Kyouya: "Oh." Kyouya: "Don't tell Itsu." Kyouya: "But when he called for you, his voice had a super affectionate tone." Yuki: "Really?" Yuki: "I didn't know voices could be so obviously different." Itsuomi: "What?" Kyouya: "Nothing." Yuki: "What kind of voice does he usually have?" Yuki: "Was that the only time he's spoken to me affectionately? Or has he always done that?" Yuki: "Yeah, right. As if." Itsuomi: "This chocolate's great." Itsuomi: "It's Belgian." Yuki: "It looks great!" Itsuomi: "You'll pick some up, right? Right?" Yuki: "A pushy sales pitch!" Yuki: "Oh, wow... I'm having such a great time today." Itsuomi: "Have you ever been overseas, Yuki?" Itsuomi: "I see." Itsuomi: "Makes sense. The desire to communicate is what really matters." Yuki: "That feeling can show the way." Itsuomi: "It goes for you too, Yuki." Itsuomi: "When we first met, you had this look in your eyes when you signed "Thank you" to me." Itsuomi: "I still can't seem to forget it. Back when I couldn't speak English and had a message I really wanted to get across, I thought that maybe I had a similar look in my eyes." Yuki: "I had no idea he felt that way." Itsuomi: "All right." Itsuomi: "Next time I go overseas, I'll take you with me in my carry bag." Itsuomi: "Would you mind jumping in?" Yuki: "Is that..." Yuki: "an invitation to go together?" Itsuomi: "Just kidding." Itsuomi: "You won't be." Yuki: "Everything he says shoots me right through the heart." Yuki: "What kind of voice did he say that in?" Rin: "Is Kyouya-san going to be all right?" Rin: "Maybe I should go help him." Itsuomi: "Rin." Rin: "What is it, Itsuomi-san?" Itsuomi: "Should we give you and Kyouya some alone time on the way back?" Rin: "Huh?!" Itsuomi: "So that's why you've been coming to the bar a lot lately." Rin: "Wh-Whatever could you mean?" Itsuomi: "Be honest. Then I'll help you out." Rin: "Counting on you!" Itsuomi: "Okay." Itsuomi: "Tell him to take you on a drive on the way back." Rin: "What? Weren't you gonna help me out?" Itsuomi: "I just gave you some advice." Rin: "What if he says no?!" Kyouya: "Finally. Sorry, there was a huge line." Rin: "Kyouya-san!" Itsuomi: "Go for it. C'mon." Itsuomi: "Looks like those two are gonna go for a drive on the way home." Yuki: "Huh? Wow, Rin-chan's going for it today." Yuki: "Cute. I'm happy for you, Rin-chan." Itsuomi: "Shall we leave our stuff with them and take the train back?" Yuki: "Oh, right. We'll be alone on the way back, too." Rin: "Later. You do your best too, Yuki." Itsuomi: "Shall we?" Itsuomi: "Hmm?" Itsuomi: "What? "You and me." "Shall we get dinner together?"" Itsuomi: "Oh, hey, I'm starting to get the hang of sign." Itsuomi: "I'm going home." Yuki: "He shot me down! Sadness!" Itsuomi: "Why not eat at my place?" Yuki: "Place?" Itsuomi: "Kyouya?" Yuki: "Like, his place of residence?" Itsuomi: "On second thought, I think we'll take the pizzas and stuff with us. Are you still nearby?" Yuki: "Hold on a second. Does that mean..." Itsuomi: "Yeah, gotcha. Thanks." Itsuomi: "Let's go."
{ "raw_title": "A Sign of Affection Episode 4 – What Kind of Voice?", "parsed": [ "A Sign of Affection", "4", "What Kind of Voice?" ] }
Yuki: "I..." Yuki: "Itsuomi-san's place?" Yuki: "Somehow, we ended up coming to his place to eat." Itsuomi: "Oh, my family's living overseas right now, so don't worry about that." Yuki: "Overseas?! So he lives alone... My brain's about to short-circuit." Yuki: "Th-The... The nerves!" Yuki: "I've never seen him drinking before." Yuki: "Stay calm... Stay calm!" Itsuomi: "Did you have fun today?" Yuki: "I had put the sign for "fun" in the Sign Language Guide, but still..." Itsuomi: "Great. Same here." Itsuomi: "I had fun, too." Yuki: "Huh?" Yuki: "Itsuomi-san..." Yuki: "He's hugging me?" Yuki: "Oh. He was just grabbing his phone." Yuki: "What did he mean by that?" Yuki: "Itsuomi-san..." Yuki: "Well, I'm too nervous to be comfy. If there is such a thing as compatibility between people's wavelengths," Yuki: "I wonder where he and I stand. I hope we're compatible." Yuki: "I caught a glimpse of the screen..." Yuki: "What language is that? While he seems like he lives in a different world, I'm in his arms right now." Yuki: "He's wrapping me all up." Yuki: "Being with him brings out something that completely takes over my mind..." Yuki: "The clingy side of me." Oushi: "Hey, quit hanging on to me." Izumi: "Here. Mint's favorite toys and other stuff." Oushi: "Yeah." Izumi: "Tell your folks I said hi." Oushi: "Sure. Mom sounded awfully envious of your family trip." Izumi: "What should I get her as a souvenir?" Oushi: "Don't bother with that crap. Just make sure you have a good time." Izumi: "Okay." Izumi: "I'll be back for you in a couple of days, so be good, Mint." Oushi: "Ow!" Oushi: "Sheesh, I'm such a fool... "You." "Fool."" Oushi: "Tch. That fool." Kyouya: "Looks like we're stuck here for a while." Rin: "Sure does. Yikes! I gotta make this a fun chat!" Kyouya: "Rin-chan." Kyouya: "You can take a nap if you're tired." Rin: "I-I'm good!" Kyouya: "Yeah?" Rin: "Hey, Kyouya-san?" Kyouya: "Hmm?" Rin: "What kind of seasoning powder do you like?" Kyouya: "Huh?" Rin: "What am I even asking?!" Kyouya: "I do like the junk-food flavors, but plain old bonito's gotta be my number one." Rin: "He actually answered! He's so nice!" Kyouya: "How about you?" Rin: "I, uh..." Rin: "Cod roe, maybe?" Kyouya: "Oh, that's a good one." Rin: "Right?" Rin: "Please get this traffic jam over with already!" Itsuomi: "That's my kid sister. Took that pic at her 3-5-7 ceremony in Japan." Itsuomi: "She's a lot younger than me. Though, well, this pic's from three years ago." Itsuomi: "Hmm? Yeah." Itsuomi: "Oh, that's because..." Yuki: "Hmm?" Yuki: ""Parking... all day"?" Itsuomi: "Could you read my lips?" Itsuomi: "Let me write it down." Yuki: "Oh, working holiday. I think you go abroad for that?" Yuki: "Twenty-two..." Yuki: "Three years older than me." Yuki: "In-your-face as always!" Itsuomi: "Oh..." Itsuomi: "Hmm..." Yuki: "Oh, my sign language guide!" Yuki: "He's been going through it, huh?" Yuki: "Germany?! His family's over there, huh?" Itsuomi: "They have great beer." Yuki: "His words and mine are conversing on the same page." Yuki: "I can't hear his voice, but I feel like he's talking to me affectionately." Yuki: "I want to know more... and I want him to know more about me." Yuki: "My family doesn't use sign language." Itsuomi: "Really? How do you communicate?" Yuki: "Using phones, handwriting, or gestures. Sometimes through mouthing." Itsuomi: "Mouthing? Like lipreading?" Yuki: "Not just that. Verbalizing is part of it, too." Itsuomi: "I see." Itsuomi: "So it's like speaking out loud?" Itsuomi: "Do you do that too? Or do you not?" Yuki: "Very rarely." Yuki: "Just with my family." Itsuomi: "How did you practice?" Yuki: "I paid attention to people's expressions and mouth movements when they spoke. And along with that, I focused on the pronunciation of vowels." Itsuomi: "That must've been a lot of effort." Itsuomi: "But you only speak to your family, huh?" Yuki: "People used to tell me I had a weird voice. But if I wrote that down," Yuki: "it'd ruin the mood." Yuki: "He remembered the promise he made me at the laundromat." Yuki: "Wow, there's so much! Whoa!" Yuki: "It's got little hearts! Cute!" Yuki: "I laughed out loud!" Itsuomi: "Hello?" Kyouya: "Oh, Itsu? I hope you walked Yuki-chan back." Itsuomi: "Nah. She's home right now." Kyouya: "Home?!" Kyouya: "Whose?" Itsuomi: "Mine." Kyouya: "Hey, what the hell?" Itsuomi: "So, what's up?" Kyouya: "I mean, not much... It's just, uh..." Itsuomi: "Is it good?" Kyouya: "Don't do anything weird." Kyouya: "I mean, I know you're not that kind of guy." Itsuomi: "Huh? What do you mean, something weird?" Kyouya: "Hey! Are you messing with me?!" Itsuomi: "Later. I'm hanging up." Kyouya: "I'm trusting you, okay?!" Kyouya: "Sorry. Looks like he's made off with her to his place." Rin: "Phrasing..." Kyouya: "Y'know, I was thinking... Doesn't he get all up in Yuki-chan's space?" Rin: "Ah..." Kyouya: "Is it because they look at phones and use sign and stuff? Or does he do that with other girls in college, too?! Do I not know Itsu as well as I thought I did?!" Rin: "It's not what you think." Rin: "Hmm... I do see him side-hugging other guys and stuff, though." Kyouya: "Oh... Well, I've never seen him clinging to Emma-chan, at least." Kyouya: "Do you think he considers Yuki-chan his?" Rin: "Like, his girlfriend?" Kyouya: "Not that. I mean, guys have this urge to keep cute girls all to themselves." Kyouya: "It's just my pet theory, though." Rin: "Do you get that urge with anyone, Kyouya-san?" Rin: "Sorry! That was a weird thing to ask out of the blue, huh?!" Kyouya: "Oh, nah. I think most guys feel that urge at some point." Rin: "Really..." Kyouya: "Oh..." Kyouya: "Are you hungry, Rin-chan?" Rin: "A little, I guess." Kyouya: "Then... What say we go get some dinner?" Rin: "S-Sure!" Kyouya: "Let's try looking for places on the way back." Rin: "Oh, there's this new Vietnamese place in my neighborhood I recommend!" Kyouya: "Sounds good." Yuki: "Eek! Wh-What?!" Itsuomi: "I was hoping to make you laugh again." Itsuomi: "I didn't know you laughed like that." Itsuomi: "Nope. I found it cute." Itsuomi: "Tell me more about yourself." Itsuomi: "I want to show you... and tell you a bunch of stuff, too." Itsuomi: "You said all noises mixed together for you. What must that world be like?" Itsuomi: "Do those hearing aids make people think you can hear when you've got them on?" Itsuomi: "I should've asked earlier, but do these questions make you uncomfortable? Or do they not?" Yuki: "If it's Itsuomi-san..." Itsuomi: "You know how you said you were okay with me doing some things?" Itsuomi: "How much does that cover?" Yuki: "Itsuomi-san... His hand, which roughly grabbed on to mine back when we first met, is slowly but surely learning to speak." Yuki: ""How much"?" Itsuomi: "What... does that mean?" Itsuomi: ""A"? No, that's not it." Itsuomi: ""Every"..." Itsuomi: "Emma." Yuki: "He has a visitor?" Yuki: "Maybe I should go." Itsuomi: "Huh? You're leaving?" Itsuomi: "I see. I'll walk you, then." Yuki: "Huh? Didn't he have a visitor?" Yuki: "I wanted to stay a little longer." Yuki: "How should I bring up this topic again?" Emma: "Who's that?!" Yuki: "E... Emma-san?" Itsuomi: "Go downstairs first. I'll be right there." Emma: "Oh, hello..." Itsuomi: "Here to give back the key?" Emma: "Y-Yeah..." Emma: "Hold on, what's going on here? Who's this girl leaving Itsu-kun's place?!" Emma: "Th..." Emma: "Thanks for letting me stay that night!" Emma: "Huh? She should've heard that." Emma: "Wait, Itsu-kun's not gonna like that!" Itsuomi: "You didn't even stay the night." Emma: "Gah! He's looking at me with those cold, emotionless eyes!" Emma: "Are you still mad about the other night?" Itsuomi: "I'm not mad or anything." Emma: "Do I have to give the key back?" Emma: "But if I don't, you're gonna think I'm a pain! Okay, here you are! I'm sorry!" Yuki: "She just handed him a key." Yuki: "Was that Itsuomi-san's?" Yuki: "Is he dating Emma-san now?" Itsuomi: "Huh? You're leaving?" Itsuomi: "I see. I'll walk you, then." Yuki: "He'll walk me? But Emma-san's here. Maybe I should confirm." Yuki: "Rin-chan..." Yuki: "They were clinging to each other again." Emma: "Huh? She's gone." Itsuomi: "See ya, Emma." Emma: "Huh? O-Okay..." Rin: "A key? For what?!" Rin: "You should ask him about it." Rin: "Yuki..." Rin: "Oh, right. I wanted to talk about this." Rin: "Itsuomi-san looks at you with really gentle eyes." Yuki: "You know, I get really clingy when I'm with Itsuomi-san." Yuki: "Like how the snow from the sky above clings to the things it falls on." Yuki: "But I wonder what I mean to Itsuomi-san." Rin: "Whoa, you got here quick! Come in!" Yuki: "Huh? Itsuomi-san?!" Rin: "I'm gonna go down to the corner store real quick!" Yuki: "Where's Rin-chan going?!" Shin: "Aren't you singing?" Emma: "I'm not in the mood anymore." Emma: "Are you up for drinks, Shin-chan?" Shin: "Nah." Emma: "Huh? You're not drinking? Are you working on a practice model's hair tonight?" Emma: "Oh..." Shin: "Something happen with Itsu-kun?" Emma: "Nothing." Emma: "Nothing at all. That's why I'm down." Shin: "Emma, you might be trying too hard." Emma: "Huh?" Shin: "How about we go for drinks after I'm done with work?" Emma: "Oh, Shin-chan!" Emma: "What time do you get off? Down to the second! At what point in the Earth's rotation?!" Shin: "What are you, nine?" Itsuomi: "I called Rin last night, figuring something was wrong. And what do you know?" Itsuomi: "Why did you leave without me?" Itsuomi: "Well, it doesn't matter." Itsuomi: "Let's pick up where we left off." Yuki: "Where we left off..." Itsuomi: ""Why"?" Itsuomi: "Because I want to talk to you, obviously." Yuki: "No matter what I mean to him," Itsuomi: ""Every"..." Yuki: "I want him to let me be the falling snow." Yuki: "You are my sky." Yuki: "You don't need to ask how much that covers."
{ "raw_title": "A Sign of Affection Episode 5 – The Answer", "parsed": [ "A Sign of Affection", "5", "The Answer" ] }
Yuki: "I... Itsuomi-san." Itsuomi: ""It's okay if it's me"? How much does that cover?" Yuki: "Everything." Yuki: "What's that kiss to the hand supposed to mean?" Itsuomi: "Yuki?" Itsuomi: "You okay?" Yuki: "Calm down. My phone... Where's my phone? Oh, I had it in my pocket!" Yuki: "Oh, no..." Yuki: "I'm getting too flustered. But given what he just did..." Yuki: "He never has any concept of personal space!" Itsuomi: "Huh?" Itsuomi: "Oh, yeah. "Everything."" Itsuomi: "Is that so?" Yuki: "That must've made my feelings for him obvious." Yuki: "He's an observant guy..." Yuki: "And he's staring at me full on!" Yuki: "Okay, he probably knows." Yuki: "See?" Yuki: "But..." Yuki: "I bet he doesn't know how intense my feelings are. Or how figuring out these love-adjacent feelings within me" Yuki: "opened my eyes to just how much I had to learn." Itsuomi: "I know. Yeah, yeah." Yuki: "He wasn't looking!" Itsuomi: "Oh, sorry. The bar's booked out for a private party tonight, so I should go in early." Yuki: "Huh?" Itsuomi: "Also, I'm going overseas again on Monday." Itsuomi: "I'll be back around the end of spring break." Yuki: "Does that mean..." Yuki: "He'll be gone for a month and change?" Yuki: "Oh..." Itsuomi: "Once I'm back, I'll be sure to make time" Itsuomi: "for us." Itsuomi: "Hmm? What's up?" Itsuomi: ""Why... did you just..."" Itsuomi: "Oh, that." Yuki: "I taught him what patting the head means in sign before." Itsuomi: "Right." Yuki: "Breathing in the cool, fresh air is calming me down." Rin: "Huh?" Rin: "Yuki!" Rin: "Huh? Whoa, what's up?!" Yuki: "We only met for a short while, but I'm so happy he did for me what I'd only consider doing for people I truly care about" Yuki: "that I'm starting to get carried away." Oushi: "Yikes, it's cold." Oushi: "It might even snow again." Yukimom: "Oushi-kun?" Oushi: "Oh, Yuki's mom." Yukimom: "Good evening. You're walking Mint-chan, are you?" Oushi: "Izumi and her folks are on a trip right now, so I'm taking care of Mint." Yukimom: "Lucky Izumi-chan." Oushi: "Feeling the wanderlust?" Yukimom: "Not that. I mean she's lucky for having such a nice friend." Oushi: "Right..." Yukimom: "I'm sure Yuki finds it very reassuring that you go to the same college, too." Oushi: "Unfortunately, I don't believe she shares that sentiment." Yukimom: "Of course she does! You even know sign language!" Oushi: "If she ever has trouble in college, I'm right there." Yukimom: "Huh?" Oushi: "You can always leave her in my hands." Yukimom: "Thanks." Oushi: "Is Yuki-san doing okay these days?" Yukimom: "Oh, she just texted me saying she was staying the night at a friend's place." Oushi: "What?" Yukimom: "Rin-chan called me right after that, too." Oushi: "Oh..." Yukimom: "I feel like she hasn't stayed over at a friend's place since elementary school." Rin: "Understood. Goodbye. Okay, alibi secured!" Itsuomi: "Thanks, Rin." Oushi: "No way." Yukimom: "Hmm?" Oushi: "Oh, uh... Well..." Yukimom: "What?" Oushi: "Do you mind giving me Yuki-san's contact details?" Kyouya: "Oh, man. Good work." Itsuomi: "You too." Kyouya: "I'm so grateful that they chose to host their wedding afterparty here." Kyouya: "Y'know, an afterparty can also be a good time for hookups. But you stole the spotlight. I felt bad for the guys." Kyouya: "Remember how you said you weren't really looking for a girlfriend not so long ago?" Kyouya: "When you said that, I fully believed it. You're always going overseas and all." Kyouya: "You're going somewhere on Monday too, aren't you?" Kyouya: "Itsu, where are you thinking of taking this thing with Yuki-chan?" Itsuomi: "Why do you sound so worried?" Kyouya: "Because you worry the heck out of me! You've got a screw or two loose up there, man. You never book accommodations before you fly off somewhere. And, like, you seem likely to fall into some active volcano abroad and die. You keep going to these places!" Itsuomi: "Yeah, they're not always fenced like in Japan." Kyouya: "Don't try to distract me!" Kyouya: "How do you feel about Yuki-chan?!" Itsuomi: "You sure enjoy romance chatter, huh?" Kyouya: "You bet I do! I love reading gossip about celebrity romances and stuff!" Kyouya: "That's not the point, though." Itsuomi: "This is, like, just my opinion, but..." Itsuomi: "Yuki is crystal clear." Itsuomi: "That she's never had to hear any nasty words thrown her way probably plays a part." Itsuomi: "People are all empty glasses at first." Itsuomi: "And it's other people who scratch them up, make a mess of them, or help them shine." Itsuomi: "I thought I wanted to keep watching her forever." Itsuomi: "Her eyes, her hands, and her expressions are all beautiful. Now I'm no longer just "watching."" Itsuomi: "I've just been captivated by her." Kyouya: "Bro's down bad! Does he not realize it?" Rin: "Are you closed for the night?" Kyouya: "Oh, Rin-chan, Yuki-chan. Nah, you're good. Have a seat." Rin: "Yay!" Rin: "She's spending the night at my place." Kyouya: "Oh? Nice. The college life." Itsuomi: "Can I borrow her for a sec?" Rin: "Huh? Huh?!" Itsuomi: "What?" Itsuomi: "When did it start snowing? We had such good weather during the day, too." Itsuomi: "Hmm?" Itsuomi: "Oh, nah." Itsuomi: "So warm." Itsuomi: "The sky looked pretty similar the first time you came here too, right? When I show her this," Itsuomi: "she'll look at me." Yuki: "Does he realize what he's saying with that sign?" Yuki: "Wait, I didn't even teach him that." Itsuomi: "Yuki." Itsuomi: "How about we..." Itsuomi: "become a couple?" Itsuomi: "How about we become a couple?" Itsuomi: ""Why"?" Itsuomi: "Because I'd like to go out with you." Itsuomi: "I wasn't really expecting all this, either. I'll probably keep traveling to places" Itsuomi: "and meet all kinds of people during my travels. But none of those places will have you." Yuki: "My vision's getting blurry." Yuki: "I can only figure out bits and pieces..." Itsuomi: "Can you still read my lips?" Yuki: "Not all of it." Itsuomi: "I want you, Yuki." Itsuomi: "Is your answer gonna be an okay?" Yuki: "Itsuomi-san..." Itsuomi: "Yeah?" Itsuomi: "Cool." Yuki: "Huh? He's awfully cool about it. What is this? The same vibes as that one playground game?" Itsuomi: "I'll learn... more... sign language." Kyouya: "Why d'you have your arm draped over her?" Itsuomi: "Uh... so, we're going out." Rin: "Wh-Wh-Where did that come from?!" Kyouya: "What? Really?!" Rin: "You're going out?!" Kyouya: "For real?!" Yuki: "Their lips are moving too fast to read." Itsuomi: "Huh?" Itsuomi: "Whoa, all three of you have the exact same look." Kyouya: "Well, duh!" Rin: "Man... Wow." Rin: "That's crazy, Yuki." Itsuomi: "Don't hide your lips, Rin." Kyouya: "Itsu, of all people?" Itsuomi: "Kyouya, get me a beer." Kyouya: "Right away." Rin: "So, how are you when you're dating someone, Itsuomi-san?" Itsuomi: "Normal?" Rin: "And I wanna know what "normal" means to you!" Rin: "Cool, cool! You did seem to have taken a liking to Yuki!" Rin: "I'm so happy for you, Yuki!" Yuki: "Rin-chan's glee is starting to make this all sink in." Yuki: "He really is such an enigma." Itsuomi: "Let's bounce." Rin: "Huh? There's so much more I'd like to talk about." Itsuomi: "Yuki has a 10 PM curfew, right? It's past ten." Rin: "Like we said, she's spending the night at mine." Itsuomi: "Yeah, but her folks don't know you're out right now, do they?" Rin: "Oh, right." Itsuomi: "I'll walk her to your place." Rin: "I'll go, too." Itsuomi: "Why don't you stay and drink some more?" Itsuomi: "Walk her later, Kyouya." Kyouya: "Okay. Stick around some more, Rin-chan." Rin: "Sure!" Rin: "This is the key to my place." Rin: "That reminds me. Yuki saw some girl handing you a key and got worried." Kyouya: "Oh... yeah, that's a thing." Itsuomi: "Got it." Itsuomi: "Let's go." Yuki: "Huh? Is Rin-chan not coming with us?" Rin: "Aren't you glad you got to walk home together? I'll head back in a while myself." Yuki: "I see. She's spending some alone time with the boss, too." Yuki: "Huh? Itsuomi-san?" Yuki: "I'm not sure I understand what "borrowing an apartment" is all about." Yuki: "I'm not sure how much say I have in his friendships." Yuki: "I don't want to cause any issues." Yuki: "And I certainly don't want to make his world a smaller place." Yuki: "Huh?" Yuki: "I've got some other messages. Oushi-kun?" Yuki: "What? Why now?" Yuki: "Oh, yeah. Why were he and Itsuomi-san scowling at each other the other day?" Yuki: "I'll add him later." Yuki: "He's holding my hand." Yuki: "He was always just grabbing it before." Yuki: "Oh, so this is what..." Yuki: "holding hands is like." Yuki: "The way his hands moved back there was so assertive." Yuki: "I don't even feel like I'm walking home right now." Rin: "Man, that nearly gave me a heart attack. I never expected them to start going out tonight." Kyouya: "Right?" Rin: "But Itsuomi-san was the same as ever, wasn't he? I'm worried..." Kyouya: "Y'know, I think he was actually on cloud nine." Rin: "What? You mean he was putting on a front?" Kyouya: "I don't think he was hiding it or anything. Maybe you couldn't see it, but for me, it was quite apparent in his face. Good for him." Rin: "Yeah. All the best to those two." Kyouya: "Hey, Shin." Shin: "Where's Itsu-kun?" Kyouya: "Done for the night. He left." Shin: "Oh..." Kyouya: "You're leaving?" Kyouya: "Sure you don't want a drink?" Shin: "Nah, I don't wanna be the third wheel." Yuki: "I can go with him?" Itsuomi: "Later." Itsuomi: "Yuki." Yuki: "These hands that hold me, those eyes that gaze upon me..." Yuki: "will see yet another new, uncharted world. I don't want you to think I only see what's around me, so I won't say it to you," Yuki: "but I've even fallen in love with looking up at your face like this." Yuki: "Every expression you show me drenches me in a shower of light. On this day, February 21st, our worlds came together as one." Kyouya: "So, why did you choose now?" Itsuomi: "What do you mean?" Kyouya: "You're going on a trip on Monday." Kyouya: "You go away right after you start dating? That'll suck for her." Itsuomi: "I didn't want to regret anything, like, "I should've asked her out sooner."" Kyouya: "Huh..." Itsuomi: "Y'know, we only just started dating..." Kyouya: "Yeah?" Itsuomi: "But I don't see Yuki and I breaking up." Itsuomi: "What's with the silence?" Kyouya: "You sounded so young and innocent." Kyouya: "Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm rooting for the two of you." Itsuomi: "Cheers." Kyouya: "Bye. Hot damn,"
{ "raw_title": "A Sign of Affection Episode 6 – I Thought I Wanted to Keep Watching Her Forever", "parsed": [ "A Sign of Affection", "6", "I Thought I Wanted to Keep Watching Her Forever" ] }
Yuki: "I wonder if Itsuomi-san's reached Cambodia yet." Yuki: "I want to be able to travel with him..." Yuki: "so I gotta hurry up and find a job!" Yuki: "I... I can't read her lips." Yuki: "They're probably not going to call me." Yuki: "I wonder how people normally find part-time work." Yuki: "I'm pretty sure this was the place Madoka-chan mentioned in high school..." Madoka: "I'm gonna work here for sure!" Madoka: "Boom!" Yuki: "She did get accepted here." Yuki: "Wow, she responded already?" Yuki: "Hmm? Rin-chan?" Rin: "Man, work's killing me!" Rin: "Yeah, at a realtor's office. It's been busy, probably because it's spring break." Senpaia: "Fujishiro-san! Run a listing check!" Rin: "Listing check?!" Senpaib: "That's the meter box, not storage!" Rin: "I'm sorry!" Senpaic: "Answer the phone!" Rin: "On it!" Tsujimura: "Hey there." Tsujimura: "No need to panic and rush things, okay, Rin-chan?" Rin: "Thank you, Tsujimura-san!" Tsujimura: "If there's anything you don't understand, feel free to ask." Rin: "Thank you so much..." Rin: "How about you?" Rin: "Found a job yet?" Rin: "Oh... When does Itsuomi-san get back, again?" Rin: "Haha, that's so him." Rin: "Must be nice to have a boyfriend who's used to going overseas, though." Yuki: "Boyfriend..." Rin: "What else would he be?" Rin: "He might not be around at the moment, but you two have started dating." Rin: "You can develop your love once he gets back." Yuki: "Love..." Yuki: "Love, huh?" Rin: "Isn't it great?" Yuki: "Okay, I'm going to keep at it!" Yuki: "I can't get a job at all. Is it really this hard?" Yuki: "Hmm? Oushi-kun?" Yuki: "His sister? Mio-san?" Mio: "Yuki-chan!" Yuki: "Mio-san studied sign, and we used to play together as kids." Mio: "You've grown up so pretty! I love your hair color." Oushi: "Use sign, Mio." Mio: "Oh." Mio: "Right... Sorry, I've forgotten most of it." Mio: "Interpret for me, Oushi." Oushi: "Wha?" Mio: "I'm working at a nursing home. We had a deaf person move in recently, which made me think of you." Mio: "We talked a bunch! That was fun. Thanks, Oushi." Oushi: "Sure." Mio: "Teach me stuff again. Oh, can we exchange contact details?" Mio: "Thanks. I'll read the QR code." Mio: "Let's video call and stuff sometime." Mio: "But, really, you're amazing, Oushi." Mio: "You've been consistent in your sign language studies." Mio: "Not translating that?" Oushi: "Huh?" Mio: "You wouldn't, would you?" Mio: "You go to the same college, right? Feel free to order him around." Mio: "Hey, where's the translation?" Mio: "Well, hang in there, little bro." Mio: "See you, Yuki-chan." Mio: "I'll make sure to brush up on my sign." Yuki: "Oushi-kun, you're still studying sign?" Oushi: "Yeah." Oushi: "I think I might want to be a sign language interpreter." Oushi: "Aren't I amazing?" Yuki: "Yeah! That's awesome!" Yuki: "It's usually women who take more of an interest in sign." Yuki: "Hmm?" Yuki: "What?" Oushi: "Praise me more." Yuki: "I'll be going, then. I'm glad I got to see Mio-san again." Oushi: "Have you met that dude lately?" Yuki: ""That dude"?" Yuki: "Itsuomi-san? Are you two friends or something?" Oushi: "Hell no!" Yuki: "Oushi-kun, I don't know what expression you're asking me that with." Yuki: "Why did you sign looking down?" Oushi: "So, what's the answer?" Yuki: "I haven't stayed over." Oushi: "Huh..." Oushi: "Don't overthink it." Oushi: "I just don't like the idea of some weirdo taking advantage of your disability." Oushi: "As your childhood friend." Yuki: "I wasn't overthinking it or anything." Yuki: "For Oushi-kun, it's not about me. He just really hates the idea of his sympathy for the deaf being misunderstood." Yuki: "He's been saying it for years, and he'll probably keep saying it." Yuki: "But, like, there's no need for him to." Konno: "What's wrong, Emma? Why are you sighing at your phone?" Emma: "Huh? No way, did I just sigh?" Konno: "Sure did. Boyfriend?" Emma: "N-N-No, no!" Konno: "Wow, he hasn't replied for a week?" Emma: "He's probably traveling or something." Emma: "This is nothing new for him." Konno: "Then why let it bother you? He'll get back to you at some point. If he's into you, that is." Konno: "C'mon, your customer will be here soon." Konno: "Emma!" Emma: "Oh... Coming!" Yuki: "Message from Itsuomi-san!" Yuki: "He's surrounded by kids again." Yuki: "I'll put on some makeup and take a video later." Yuki: "Last minute or not, I'm delighted to be going out with you." Yuki: "S-Sorry! Please don't touch my tummy again!" Yuki: "The sky to the west is dyed orange in the corner of my eyes." Yuki: "I love these beautiful moments." Yuki: "Why is the sky in my world so enormous?" Yuki: "Will this twilight shining down on me soon shine down on you as well?" Yuki: "Itsuomi-san..." Yuki: "I miss you." Yuki: "It's been a month since Itsuomi-san left on his trip. At times, I wouldn't hear from him for days, but then he'd give me a full recap." Itsuomi: "There was a festival in Thailand. Makha Bucha. It happens on a full moon day around this time of year." Itsuomi: "Made it to Myanmar. Here's me having a pint with a friend I made here." Itsuomi: "They were selling birds. You can buy them and set them free for karma." Itsuomi: "I did it." Yuki: "And then, he went off the grid again. He was in India last. I scroll down and see countries I know nothing about, all while my familiar hometown flows by outside the train window. It almost makes our relationship feel otherworldly." Yuki: "Hmm?" Yuki: "I wish Itsuomi-san would appear before me right now..." Yuki: "Itsuomi-san? Huh? Now?" Yuki: "He's back? What? I can see him now?" Yuki: "When did he get back? I figured it'd be soon... But this is so out of the blue!" Yuki: "I can finally see Itsuomi-san again!" Yuki: "Itsuomi-san. "I want to hug you. Do you mind?"" Yuki: "Huh?" Yuki: "What?!" Yuki: "D-Did he just kiss me? Wha?" Yuki: "Wait, what? Oh, was he not asking about a hug..." Yuki: "but a kiss?! I misread his lips because they share the same vowel!" Yuki: "That was my first-ever kiss, and this is how it goes... You're looking at me like nothing even happened." Yuki: "What are you playing at?" Itsuomi: "Okay, let's go. I'm craving some Japanese food." Yuki: "Why does he keep launching surprise bazookas at me?" Yuki: "My heart feels like it's going to explode..." Yuki: "His hair's a bit longer." Yuki: "And he's got a tan now." Yuki: "C-Calm down, me!" Yuki: "It feels like he's grown a lot in our time apart." Yuki: "Itsuomi-san..." Izumi: "Yuki-san?" Izumi: "And a silver-haired boy?" Waiter: "Here's your order." Izumi: "Oh, thank you." Yuki: "This is actually the first time we've gone anywhere to eat together." Itsuomi: "I... re...com...mend... this." Yuki: "Fingerspelling! So he learned it during his trip." Itsuomi: "We'll have a soba with fried tofu, and a cold soba." Sobalady: "Sure." Itsuomi: "Fingerspelling makes it a lot easier to communicate." Itsuomi: "I gotta practice it more." Itsuomi: "We...l?...co...me... b...a...ck." Yuki: ""Good to be home."" Yuki: "The guy who was traveling the world yesterday is now eating before me." Itsuomi: "Yeah, Japanese food hits the spot." Yuki: "It's like I've got him all to myself here." Itsuomi: "Don't worry. I got it." Yuki: "Huh? He's paying for me, too?" Itsuomi: "It's fine." Yuki: "I really need a job, and soon." Littlegirl: "Come back!" Yuki: "Huh? Like the front of the leg?" Yuki: "Oh, the guy who was with Emma-san back then." Yuki: "Right, Shin-san." Yuki: "Now..." Itsuomi: "Is this about your hearing?" Yuki: "He's right, but I feel like I shouldn't admit it." Yuki: "He's offering to introduce me to a close friend." Itsuomi: "Huh? You sure?" Itsuomi: "Let's hold hands." Itsuomi: "Give me a squeeze if you want to leave." Yuki: "It's begun." Yuki: "I want him to take me into his world." Yuki: "I want to learn more and have him learn more." Yuki: "But..." Yuki: "I'd rather he not notice what a pain it'll be to hold my hand through it all just yet." Imaginaryshin: "Yeet! Huh? This your girl? No way, for real?!" Itsuomi: "Heya, Shin." Shin: "You got here quick, Itsu-kun." Yuki: "Huh? Oh, that was just how he is when drunk." Shin: "Who might this be?" Itsuomi: "Let me introduce you..." Itsuomi: "to my girlfriend."
{ "raw_title": "A Sign of Affection Episode 7 – Let me introduce you to my girlfriend", "parsed": [ "A Sign of Affection", "7", "Let me introduce you to my girlfriend" ] }
Alice: "Wake-key-key, wake-key-key." Alice: "Wake-key-key, Onii-chan!" Protag: "Morning, Alice." Protag: "This is Alice. She's my little sister who turns fourteen this year." Alice: "You seem so sweepy, Onii-chan. This is what I'm going to do to you, sweepyhead." Alice: "Are you wakey-wakey now, Onii-chan?" Alice: "Alice made today's bweakfast all by herself! You need to come down before it gets cold!" Protag: "Okay, got it. I wash my face in the bathwater that my sister just used, then wipe my face dry with my sister's bra, and head into the kitchen." Protag: "In the kitchen was Yoshiko, who should have died yesterday. I was very surprised." Alice: "Come on, Onii-chan! Hurry up and sit down so you can eat!" Protag: "Yeah. Let's dig in." Protag: "Today's breakfast is an omelet made from Alice's eggs, with a cup of Alice's milk." Protag: "It's so creamy and rich..." Protag: "My little sister's freshly hatched eggs and freshly squeezed milk... They're so good!" Alice: "You silly-head. You have ketchup on your mouth. What are we going to do with you, meowy meow?" Protag: "Alice pulls some just-worn panties from a gate to a parallel world," Alice: "Wipey, wipey. Wipey, wipey." Protag: "Ah, my little sister's hot, just-worn panties taste so good. The fragrant panties and my sister's juices create the ultimate harmony, and the—" Toki: "The fuck is this?!" Itsuki: "Whoa! Where'd that come from?" Toki: "Don't "Where'd that come from?" me! What the hell is this world of madness?" Itsuki: "Heh. I see you've been moved by my masterpiece." Toki: "You moron..." Toki: "L-Let me just confirm, just in case... This is supposed to be the second chapter manuscript of The Scarlet Jäger, correct?" Itsuki: "But of course." Toki: "Well, this is strange... According to the plot, in the opening of chapter two, the protagonist is shocked when the heroine, who died protecting him from a demon's attack at the end of chapter one," Itsuki: "See? It perfectly reflects the plot." Toki: "What part of this makes you say that?" Itsuki: "Well, the protagonist is surprised, isn't he? I mean, uh... that chick who was supposed to have died yesterday is there..." Toki: "Her name is Yoshiko! Don't forget the main heroine's name!" Toki: "I guess you did at least include it, even if it feels totally out of place..." Itsuki: "Good grief. What am I supposed to do with an editor like you?" Toki: "Don't make it sound like this is my fault." Toki: "But that's not the biggest problem here." Itsuki: "What?" Toki: "Who the hell is this new character named Alice? I didn't hear a thing about her being in this!" Itsuki: "She's the protagonist's younger sister. It's written right in the protagonist's bio that he has a little sister." Toki: "It was just a single sentence! I thought she was just a secondary character!" Itsuki: "You mean she's freakishly cute? Yeah, I know." Toki: "No, you moron! Not only would she be a strike-out for always being naked," Toki: "and I can't even tell you which of them is the most fucked up! Not to mention the protagonist was casually wiping his face" Toki: "He's a friggin' perv... No, he's a complete ****** case! Let me just confirm that you didn't" Itsuki: "I'm insulted. Of course I'd never make a stupid typo like that." Toki: "And this thing about Alice's milk?" Itsuki: "Milk from Alice's boobies. It tastes very rich." Toki: "And Alice's eggs?" Itsuki: "Eggs that Alice laid. They're unbelievably delicious." Toki: "Rejected." Itsuki: "Huh?" Toki: "This is all rejected! There's no way in hell we could publish this!" Itsuki: "True. I might've gone a tiny bit too far with the milk and eggs. But this is a story about psychic powers," Toki: "Just... a tad...?" Itsuki: "It happens all the time. Like when the protagonist's parent was some legendary adventurer, or they're an heir to some ancient martial art" Toki: "Stop thinking some crazy psychopath setting where people lay eggs" Itsuki: "B-But washing one's face with the bathwater your little sister just used" Toki: "Like hell it's normal! You're a freak with a serious sister complex!" Toki: "Anyway, I'm rejecting that manuscript. I'm fine with you working on a new project, but I hope you're progressing" Toki: "The deadline for that is at the end of the month." Itsuki: "Yeah, I know." Toki: "You'd better not be lying." Itsuki: "I-I'm not. Leave it to me." Toki: "Honestly, his obsession with little sisters is a serious problem..." Chihiro: "Oh, hello, Toki-san." Toki: "Oh. Hey, Chihiro-kun." Chihiro: "Did you just have a meeting with my brother?" Toki: "Yeah, we just finished up. That looks heavy. Ingredients for dinner?" Chihiro: "Yes. My brother has guests coming over, so I bought a bit extra." Toki: "You seem like a very reliable younger brother." Chihiro: "You're too kind." Chihiro: "Oh, please continue to look after my brother." Toki: "I will." Chihiro: "Well, if you'll excuse me." Toki: "If only Chihiro-kun were his younger sister," Toki: "If only he had a little sister... Then again, he probably wouldn't have become an author if that were the case. Talk about complicated." Itsuki: "Hey." Chihiro: "Hey." Chihiro: "I ran into Toki-san on my way here." Itsuki: "Ah..." Chihiro: "Did the meeting go well?" Itsuki: "O-Of course." Itsuki: "What are you making tonight?" Chihiro: "Probably paella or stir-fried shrimp in chili sauce. Shrimp was on sale today." Itsuki: "Seriously?" Haruto: "Heya, the hot guy has arrived." Itsuki: "Hey." Haruto: "Throw me a bone here... Hey, something smells good." Chihiro: "Hello, Fuwa-san." Haruto: "Hey, Chihiro-kun. I brought a gift." Chihiro: "Oh, go right ahead." Itsuki: "This is my apartment, you know." Haruto: "Don't worry about it." Haruto: "So, how's your new series going?" Haruto: "The first ever Itsuki Hashima book where the main heroine isn't the little sister." Itsuki: "That was canceled." Haruto: "Really? But the proposal seemed pretty good." Itsuki: "My works depend on the heroine being the little sister." Itsuki: "Must be Kanikou and Miyako." yuta: "Good evening, Senpai! Let's have sex!" Miyako: "Nayu! What are you saying?!" yuta: "It's just a casual greeting, Myaa-san." Itsuki: "How is that even a greeting?" Chihiro: "Oh, good evening, Kani-san and Miyako-san." yuta: "Good evening, Chihiro-kun. You can call me Onee-chan at any time." Chihiro: "I will not." yuta: "But when Itsuki-senpai and I get married," Chihiro: "I will not." Itsuki: "We're not!" yuta: "What? Your new project's been canceled?" Itsuki: "Well, these things happen." yuta: "But it was so interesting... But that means the only person in the world who got to read it," Itsuki: "No. I had Haruto and the others read it, too." yuta: "Meow?!" Haruto: "Oh, yeah." Miyako: "I read it, too." yuta: "I can't believe there were others. That manuscript is such a slut." Itsuki: "Did you just call the manuscript a slut?" Itsuki: "Chihiro, how much longer do you think it'll be?" Chihiro: "Probably thirty minutes." yuta: "Well then, Senpai, let's kill some time by making out." Itsuki: "I decline!" Haruto: "Why don't we play a casual game?" Itsuki: "Good idea." yuta: "Get a clue, Prince Manwh*re." Itsuki: "You're the one who needs to get a clue, you fool." Haruto: "More importantly, could you stop calling me that, Nayu-chan?" Itsuki: "So, what do you wanna play?" Haruto: "Something easy that we don't need to spend time setting up. Oh, how about turtle soup?" Itsuki: "Are you thinking straight?" yuta: "It's to be expected from Prince Manwh*re." Miyako: "Turtles? What's that?" Haruto: "Turtle soup." Haruto: "First, the master talks about a mysterious incident. The other players ask yes or no questions in regards to the mystery and try to solve it." Miyako: "Wow, that seems pretty interesting." Haruto: "When writers drink together," Haruto: "It's a great way to train your creativity." Itsuki: "Also, if your incident is too shitty, you get told," Miyako: "That sounds kinda difficult." Itsuki: "All right... Then as an example, I will come up with" yuta: "Y-You can start at any time, Senpai!" Itsuki: "Stop talking like that!" Itsuki: "All right, here we go." Itsuki: "A man got married. However, she was a perfect uggo," Itsuki: "But the man lived his life without making a single complaint. Why was that?" yuta: "Because she was a little sister, right?" Haruto: "Because she was a little sister." Miyako: "Is it because she was a little sister?" Itsuki: "I-Impossible... How could you get it right without asking a single question?" Haruto: "It was a shitty example that didn't even give us an opportunity to object, but the phrase "she was a perfect uggo" was pretty good, so I won't go so far as to insult your personality." yuta: "Senpai's examples being complete trash is nothing new." Miyako: "They're always like this?" Haruto: "All right, I'll come up with one next." Haruto: "A novelist completely misses a deadline. However, not only does he not get in trouble," Haruto: "Why is that?" Itsuki: "He was thanked for missing his deadline?" yuta: "Um... Isn't that just your fantasy, Prince Manwh*re?" Haruto: "No." yuta: "Does this story take place in modern Japan?" Haruto: "Yes." Itsuki: "That's a lie! There's no way something that wonderful" Itsuki: "Haruto, if you're a true novelist, you should know that better than anyone!" Haruto: "Well, I've never broken a deadline, so..." Itsuki: "You traitor!" yuta: "You've popped plenty of cherries, but you won't break a few deadlines?" Haruto: "I'm telling you, I'm not a manwh*re." Itsuki: "The more one regrets being unable to protect those they love," Haruto: "You've never regretted or felt sorry for a single thing." yuta: "Do you think you can break out" Haruto: "B-Break through... my own shell?" Both: "Yup, yup." Haruto: "S-Stop trying to lure me down the path of scum, you two. More importantly, think about an answer to the story!" Itsuki: "Okay, here's a question. Was the novelist a little sister?" Haruto: "No!" Itsuki: "Impossible... She's not even a little sister, and they let her slide on the deadline?" Miyako: "Er, he already said the novelist was a "he" when he told us the story." Itsuki: "Oh, right... Then does the novelist have a little sister?" Haruto: "Unknown. He may have one or he might not." Itsuki: "Since it's unknown, I guess that's not an important factor." Miyako: "Um... Is the novelist popular?" Haruto: "Unknown." Miyako: "Then is he a novelist that isn't popular at all?" Haruto: "Unknown." yuta: "That's also unknown? Then... Do parts of the novelist's profile, such as how much he makes" Haruto: "No." yuta: "No?" Itsuki: "So the novelist's background has nothing to do with it. Then should we be concentrating on the editorial staff?" Haruto: "Oh, you're on the right track." yuta: "Oh, I get it. Um, was the editorial staff facing some kind of dangerous situation?" Haruto: "Yes." Itsuki: "Was the editorial staff saved from this crisis by the novelist missing his deadline?" Haruto: "Yes." Itsuki: "All right!" Miyako: "But what kind of crisis could be remedied by missing a deadline?" Itsuki: "Missing... a deadline... Deadline... Coming to a close..." Itsuki: "Haruto, could you give us the story in detail again?" Haruto: "Okay." Haruto: "A novelist completely misses a deadline. However, not only does he not get in trouble," Haruto: "Why is that?" Itsuki: "Was that a deadline for a project?" Haruto: "No." Miyako: "Huh? What does that mean?" Itsuki: "Did you figure it out, too, Kanikou?" yuta: "Yes!" Miyako: "Huh?" Itsuki: "Did the novelist physically break a deadline?" Haruto: "Yes." yuta: "Was the editorial office completely closed until the novelist broke the deadline?" Haruto: "Yes." yuta: "When the novelist broke the deadline," Haruto: "Yes... You've basically figured it out." Itsuki: "I've completely solved the mystery. This is what happened... The editorial office had its door and windows completely closed, so all of the staff had passed out from CO2 poisoning. That's when the novelist who had come to the office noticed something was wrong, broke through a window or another entrance, and saved the editorial staff's lives. And he was greatly thanked. In Japanese, the word for "deadline" can also mean to be closed. In this case, the word didn't mean the deadline of a manuscript," Haruto: "You're correct. Congratulations." Miyako: "Wow, good job, Itsuki." Itsuki: "A problem like that is nothing to someone like me." yuta: "You're amazing, Senpai! Now, go ahead and break through my nasty little closed-off spot, too." Itsuki: "I decline!" yuta: "Aw..." Miyako: "Jeez... Why are you so vulgar, Nayu?" Itsuki: "Don't "aw" me!" Haruto: "Well, anyway..." All: "Cheers!" Haruto: "So good." Itsuki: "Hey, this is really good. It's on the sweet side, but with the right amount of bitterness." Haruto: "It goes down easy, but it's a bit strong, so be careful." Miyako: "This is really good. You made all of this, right, Chihiro-kun?" Chihiro: "Oh, yes. I did." Itsuki: "You should learn how to cook, too, Kanikou." yuta: "You say that, but you can't even cook yourself, Senpai." Itsuki: "Well... If I had a little sister like" Itsuki: "I'd seriously try to learn how to cook, too." yuta: "I see your obsession with little sisters never changes, Senpai. Then how about the slightly meaner ones, like Kirino-chan from Oreimo?" Itsuki: "Rather than make the Goddess Kirino happy, I'd rather have her yell at me and say," yuta: "You're sick..." Itsuki: "If I'm gonna be sick, I'd want to be sick over a little sister." Itsuki: "That was so good." yuta: "It was. Now if I could just have your dick for dessert, Senpai," Haruto: "I guess you never change, either, Nayu-chan." Haruto: "Oh. I got a message from my editor." Haruto: "Let's see..." Haruto: "What? Seriously?" Itsuki: "Are they asking for a manuscript?" Haruto: "Don't lump me in with you." Haruto: "An anime-related problem just came up." Haruto: "So I'm gonna go see my editor right now." Miyako: "What? Right now?" Itsuki: "Must be hard being such a great novelist that your work gets an anime adaptation." Haruto: "Well, yeah..." Miyako: "Your anime starts in April, right?" Haruto: "Yeah. It's less than three months away now." Haruto: "I'm pretty excited." Itsuki: "Well, do your best." Haruto: "You, too." Miyako: "I should head home, too." Chihiro: "Oh, my last bus is coming soon." yuta: "Well then, Myaa-san, Chihiro-kun, farewell." Miyako: "What are you going to do, Nayu?" yuta: "I'm holed up in a nearby hotel, so I'm going to stay a little longer." Itsuki: "If you're holed up there, why are you out fooling around?" Miyako: "Well, goodnight, Chihiro-kun." Chihiro: "Yes. Goodnight." yuta: "We're finally alone, Senpai!" Itsuki: "You should hurry and go, too." yuta: "What? But our hot night together is just starting." Itsuki: "Hey, what are you trying to do, you minor?" yuta: "Oh, come on. A little bit won't hurt." Itsuki: "Nope. A kid should just stick to juice." yuta: "I'm an adult." Itsuki: "Hey, come on. Stop it." yuta: "Just a little bit. It'll just be a little bit." yuta: "Now I'm all wet." Itsuki: "Just go and get cleaned up." yuta: ""Even if I don't have a place in school," yuta: "I love you, Itsuki-senpai..." yuta: "Yet you're only interested in little sisters..." yuta: "You're such a perv, Senpai." yuta: "Well, Senpai, I'll see you tomorrow." Itsuki: "Do some work, you idiot." yuta: "I'm in love..." yuta: "I'm in love with your work, Hashima-sensei." Both: "That's misleading!" Itsuki: "Imagine getting puked on by someone I'd just met..." yuta: "I'm sorry about the other day..." Itsuki: "Don't worry about it! I'm not someone who worries about the little things." yuta: "Also, I like you. I've always liked you, ever since I read your books. Please go out with me." Itsuki: "L-Let me think about that..." Itsuki: "What should I do?" Itsuki: "I mean, I don't know anything about her... I guess a girl is more than just her face and boobs." Itsuki: "So this is her debut..." Itsuki: "This is on another level..." Itsuki: "Well, then..."
{ "raw_title": "A Sister's All You Need. Episode 1 – I Only Need a Little Brother Who Can Cook, a Beautiful Naked Girl, and Friends I Can Relate To.", "parsed": [ "A Sister's All You Need.", "1", "I Only Need a Little Brother Who Can Cook, a Beautiful Naked Girl, and Friends I Can Relate To." ] }
Itsuki: "In my second year of middle school, my mother passed away." Itsuki: "In my second year of high school, my father remarried. Since he was able to marry another woman" Itsuki: "I resented him intensely. I still haven't mended things with my father," Itsuki: "but my relationship with my new little brother is going well." Chihiro: "What's wrong?" Itsuki: "Nah, it's nothing." Chihiro: "By the way, Nii-san," Chihiro: "I'm going to start a part-time job." Itsuki: "Really? What kind of job?" Chihiro: "I-I'm going to be working..." Chihiro: "for that tax accountant, Ashley Ono-san." Chihiro: "Are you okay?!" Itsuki: "Yeah, I'm fine. Just fine. More importantly, why in the world would you work for her?" Chihiro: "She asked if I'd be interested in a part-time job." Chihiro: "She also said she'd help me study accounting." Itsuki: "Study? Do you want to become a tax accountant?" Chihiro: "Not exactly... I just wanted to be able to help you out more, Nii-san." Itsuki: "You already help me out so much as it is." Chihiro: "It's fine. This is something that I want to do." Itsuki: "I see." Itsuki: "Well, in any case, be careful." Chihiro: "Yup." Chihiro: "This is it... right?" Chihiro: "Pardon me..." Chihiro: "This is a tax accounting office, right?" Ashley: "Glad you could make it, Chihiro-kun." Chihiro: "Hello. I look forward to working with you." Ashley: "The pleasure's all mine." Chihiro: "Sure. By the way, is there anyone else here?" Ashley: "I bring in some help around December to March when it's busy, but otherwise, it's just myself." Chihiro: "I see." Ashley: "Don't worry. I won't eat you up." Chihiro: "Um... So what would you like me to do?" Ashley: "First, I'd like you to do some cleaning back there." Chihiro: "Back there?" Ashley: "This is also my residence, so my bedroom and kitchen are back there." Chihiro: "I see." Chihiro: "Huh?!" Ashley: "I manage to keep the office where my clients come through clean, but I just can't seem to find the time to clean in there, as well." Chihiro: "I'm pretty sure this goes beyond not being able to find the time..." Chihiro: "But..." Chihiro: "Nii-san's place when he first started living on his own was like this, too." Chihiro: "Ashley-san." Ono: "Yes?" Chihiro: "Would you mind" Chihiro: "if I give this my all?" Ashley: "N-Not at all. Go right ahead." Ashley: "It's a totally different room. I didn't think you'd do all this for me." Chihiro: "It's no problem. It's been a while since I really got to clean, so it was fun." Ashley: "Good work. I drew a bath for you, so feel free to take one. You worked up a sweat, didn't you?" Chihiro: "Um..." Chihiro: "Thank you very much. I'll take you up on that offer." Ashley: "Chihiro-kun, the towels are—" Ashley: "Oh?" Ashley: "So... you're a girl. Considering my line of work, I've met a lot of interesting people, but you definitely take the cake." Chihiro: "The only one in my family who thinks I'm a boy is my brother. I even go to school as a normal girl. I just pretend I'm his little brother" Ashley: "And now I've found out." Chihiro: "Um, please don't tell him..." Ashley: "Hmm... What to do?" Chihiro: "Please!" Ashley: "Don't worry. I'm not into bullying girls with small boobs." Chihiro: "Thank you so much." Ashley: "But this isn't a secret that you'll be able to keep forever." Chihiro: "I know..." Chihiro: "I'm going to tell Nii-san the truth someday." Ashley: "I wonder how Itsuki-kun will react when the time comes. Given his love for little sisters," Ashley: "How intriguing." Little Sister: "Hurrrgh." Protagonist: "When I woke up, my naked little sister" Protagonist: "Oh, good morning." Little Sister: "Herf." Protagonist: "You're as cute as ever." Little Sister: "Hngh." Protagonist: "My little sister stands just under two meters tall. When she's intimidating an enemy, she swells up to about five meters. Her whole body is covered in tentacles and protrusions. She has fifteen bumps on her shoulders and back, and there seems to be something like a brain floating inside. For the most part, she considers humans food, so it's hard to communicate with her. You tried to eat me again last night, didn't you? You bad girl." Protagonist: "Looks like she's reflecting on her actions." Protagonist: "You're so cute." Toki: "What is this?" Itsuki: "A practice draft of my new project. I just wrote it to get a clearer picture of things." Toki: "Oh?" Itsuki: "How much can one love someone just because they're a little sister? That's the theme for this piece." Toki: "I see. And?" Itsuki: "And?" Toki: "Were you able to love a creature from another dimension" Itsuki: "Just barely, but yes." Toki: "If it's just barely for you, it's definitely not possible for normal people! I'm fine with you working on a new project, but I hope you're progressing with volume 6 of Mahou Academy." Itsuki: "Have no fear. I just have the climax left to do." Toki: "If you fail to meet your deadline again, you're going straight back to that prison." Itsuki: "I-I'm really okay this time." Itsuki: "Hey, Kanikou. We're going to the zoo." yuta: "Just the two of us, Itsuki-senpai?" Itsuki: "It's for research. I'm not going to force you, but—" yuta: "I'll go!" yuta: "It's not very crowded, unlike the amusement park we went to." Itsuki: "Yeah. I guess it's always best to go out on the weekdays." yuta: "Yup. It's been so long since I've been to the zoo." Itsuki: "I haven't been here since I came with my family when I was little." yuta: "All right, Senpai." Itsuki: "Stop phrasing it in such a gross way!" yuta: "He's so big, Senpai." Itsuki: "Yeah, he is." Girl: "Mommy, the panda's so cute!" Mom: "Yes, it's adorable." yuta: "He's got his p**** out in full view in front of a little girl." yuta: "If he were a human, he'd be arrested for indecent exposure." Itsuki: "Yeah. What an awful panda." yuta: "Pandas are kind of like old human men." Itsuki: "Yeah. He looks like he'd be watching a baseball game and eating yakitori." yuta: "Senpai, it says this panda's about thirty in human years." Itsuki: "You're in the prime of your career! What in the world are you doing?" yuta: "It's this panda's job to eat and expose his p**** to the world in broad daylight. Apparently he rests in his room when the zoo is closed, but he's got a pool and heated floors." Itsuki: "Must be nice!" yuta: "Not to mention, he's the most popular animal at the zoo." Itsuki: "All he has to do is sit there naked and eat food." yuta: "If it was you naked in there, Senpai, I'd come watch you all day, too." Itsuki: "Come on. Let's go to the next spot." Girl: "The panda's so cute! Panda! Panda!" Itsuki: "I just ended up enjoying myself like a normal person. But I came here to get some ideas on the monster they'd fight in the climax..." Itsuki: "What's the matter, Kanikou?" yuta: "I was thinking about the golden balls on the kangaroo." Itsuki: "Kangaroo?" yuta: "They were just dangling from his crotch like pendulums." Itsuki: "Yeah, so they were." yuta: "If he were to hop in that state, wouldn't they rip off and go flying?" Itsuki: "Don't say such horrifying things." yuta: "Not to mention, those guys do kickboxing." Itsuki: "They take no-guard tactics to another level." yuta: "All the lions and elephants had their p****es dangling in clear view, too." yuta: "I took lots of pictures." Itsuki: "Well, this is awful." yuta: "Now I just need to get a picture of a human p****." Itsuki: "Don't look at me." Itsuki: "Don't look at my crotch, either!" yuta: "But I already have a naked picture of you, Senpai." Itsuki: "That's from that one time! Hurry up and delete it!" yuta: "No way!" yuta: "Ah, Senpai, your cute and defenseless ass... Smooch, smooch, smooch!" Sieg: "Chrom! So this was your doing, after all!" Chrom: "Are you enjoying my amusement park from hell?" Hilde: "Return us to our world!" Chrom: "Don't be in such a hurry. You haven't even seen my brilliant plan yet." Sieg: "What?" Chrom: "Come forth, my minions of darkness!" Panda: "Man, this yakitori is tasty." Itsuki: "Why would I even write "yakitori is tasty"?" Itsuki: "Lions, tigers, alligators... But I already modeled an enemy after a carnivore before... Maybe I should drop the animal idea for a sec, and... Okay. I'm going out for a bit." Chihiro: "Huh? Where to?" Itsuki: "The aquarium. I was so enthralled by the whale shark I saw in Okinawa" Chihiro: "The aquarium... That sounds nice." Itsuki: "Want to come with me, then?" Chihiro: "Can I?" Chihiro: "I'd love to!" Chihiro: "This is the first time we've ever gone out alone." Itsuki: "Now that you mention it, I guess it is. After my father remarried," Itsuki: "I'm not sure if Chihiro was trying to respect my privacy," Itsuki: "but he kept his distance." Itsuki: "Our relationship only changed after I started living on my own. Right now, I think our relationship is going as well as" Itsuki: "I guess it's already been about four years. Time sure does fly." Itsuki: "Are you all right? Your face is all red." Chihiro: "I'm fine. It's just a little tight in here." Chihiro: "Wow, this is amazing!" Chihiro: "Nii-san! Look! Sardines! That's what I cooked for you the other day!" Itsuki: "R-Right. It was delicious." Chihiro: "That tuna is amazing. I wonder how many people it could feed. That red snapper is so big, too. This is great! Oh, and there's a shark! I'll make some meuniere sometime soon!" Chihiro: "There are a lot of fish I don't know, too. I wonder if they taste good." Itsuki: "You really just see them as food, don't you?" Chihiro: "That was so much fun!" Itsuki: "Yeah." Chihiro: "You came to do research for your book, right? Did I get in your way?" Itsuki: "Not at all. Actually, I got a new idea for my book." Chihiro: "Idea?" Itsuki: "A character that sees everything as food seems kinda fun." Chihiro: "I-I don't see everything as food. I was in awe at how pretty the jellyfish were." Itsuki: "But you'd eat them, right?" Chihiro: "I would, but..." Itsuki: "I guess even you get excited about certain things." Chihiro: "W-Well, can you blame me?" Itsuki: "Right..." Chihiro: "Nii-san?" Itsuki: "Then why don't we go somewhere again sometime soon?" Chihiro: "Really?!" Itsuki: "Sure." Chihiro: "Thanks! That's a promise!" Itsuki: "Yeah. It's a promise." Chihiro: "It's already pretty late, so I'm going to head home. I'm come by again tomorrow to cook for you." Itsuki: "Sure." Ann: "A message to our passengers." Ann: "Due to an accident involving an injury, the inbound train is currently suspended." Ann: "We will make another announcement when the line is back in service. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause." Itsuki: "Seriously?" Chihiro: "Sounds like it's going to take a while." Itsuki: "Guess we'll just have to take a taxi. We're going in the same direction anyway, so you can ride with me." Chihiro: "Which fish did you like best, Nii-san?" Itsuki: "Probably the spotted garden eel. It moved really funny." Chihiro: "Yeah, the spotted garden eel was super cute." Itsuki: "With that name, and what it looked like," Chihiro: "Maybe..." Itsuki: "When we went to the zoo the other day," Itsuki: "Talk about a perv." Chihiro: "I-I see... I have to wonder about girls who are that vulgar, but..." Itsuki: "Well, yeah." Itsuki: "But I think it's cool that there's a girl I can have dirty conversations with." Chihiro: "Why don't you stay the night tonight? Your room's just how you left it." Itsuki: "Nah, I'm going home." Chihiro: "I see... Well, thanks for seeing me home." Chihiro: "Dad..." Itsuki: "Chihiro, hurry up and get out." Chihiro: "B-But..." Dad: "Itsuki." Dad: "Thanks for the gift from your trip." Itsuki: "It was nothing." Chihiro: "Dad! You haven't seen Nii-san in a while, so why don't you talk..." Chihiro: "Jeez." Chihiro: "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Nii-san." Itsuki: "Yeah." Chihiro: "Hey... Nii-san!" Chihiro: "I want you and Dad to patch things up." Itsuki: "Please go." Itsuki: "I know that, but..." Haruto: "That was a shitty anime all the way to the end." Haruto: "What's with anime adaptations, anyway?" Sis: "What are you doing?" Haruto: "I'm having a drink. What are you doing up at this hour?" Sis: "That's none of your business." Haruto: "I see." Sis: "By the way, the last episode for the anime adaptation" Haruo: "Did you watch it?" Sis: "I-It just happened to be on when I turned on the TV." Haruto: "I see. Wasn't it awful?" Sis: "Yeah. It was trash." Sis: "It was seriously trash. Everyone involved in making it should die." Haruto: "You don't have to get that angry." Sis: "Huh?! I'm not angry! I refuse to accept that it was your anime, so I don't even care." Sis: "It's totally different from the novels from episode 1. The animation was trash the whole time. They weren't even moving! The voice actors were stiff, the mechas and enemies" Sis: "Wh-What are you doing, you stupid brother?!" Haruto: "Oh, uh, sorry..." Haruto: "Just wait. Next time, I'll do better." Sis: "Y-You'd better not! If you let them make trash like that again, I'll never forgive you! You better work harder next time!"
{ "raw_title": "A Sister's All You Need. Episode 10 – A Lack of Problems Is All You Need.", "parsed": [ "A Sister's All You Need.", "10", "A Lack of Problems Is All You Need." ] }
Itsuki: "Oh... It's you, Miyako." Miyako: "Itsuki?! Are you okay?!" Itsuki: "It's nothing. I just haven't slept for two days." Itsuki: "More importantly, you came at the perfect time." Miyako: "Huh?" Itsuki: "Would you deliver this to my editor?" Itsuki: "I'm counting on you..." Miyako: "Itsuki?! Hey, Itsuki!" Miyako: "Jeez... What am I gonna do with you?" Miyako: "Do I just use this to call him down?" Yamagata: "May I help you?" Miyako: "Y-Yes, u-um... I have It—" Miyako: "I'm here to deliver something from Itsuki Hashima-sensei to Toki-san." Yamagata: "Ah... come in." Yamagata: "Ken-Ken, there's a delivery for you." Toki: "That's enough, you little-sister-obsessed fool!" Miyako: "Is he okay?" Yamagata: "This happens all the time. That's his desk right there, so you can just leave it." Miyako: "Right..." Miyako: "This seems rough." Yamagata: "It's always like this when proofreading day is near." Miyako: "Is it?" Yamagata: "It's the cover for Nayuta Kani-sensei's new volume. It's supposed to go on sale this month, but the manuscript hasn't been turned in yet." Miyako: "Isn't that bad?" Yamagata: "Exactly. I haven't even been able to get a hold of her." Miyako: "Um..." Miyako: "Want me to check on her?" Yamagata: "Huh?" Miyako: "Looks like I can go see her." Yamagata: "Who are you?" yuta: "Welcome, Myaa-san!" yuta: "Come, come. Take your clothes off." Miyako: "O-Okay." Miyako: "I didn't come here to play, though!" yuta: "Huh? Oh, really?" Miyako: "Nayu, you haven't turned in your manuscript yet." yuta: "Meow..." Miyako: "Your editor said she's been up all night waiting for it. How much longer do you think it'll take?" yuta: "I'm almost done with the amount I'm supposed to write, but I just haven't been into it." Miyako: "You haven't been into it?" yuta: "So let's have some fun!" Miyako: "No." yuta: "Aw..." Miyako: "Don't give me that." yuta: "Meow... I guess I don't have a choice." yuta: "In that case, Myaa-san, let me use your lap as a pillow." Miyako: "Huh?" yuta: "I'll work as I have you recharge my batteries." Miyako: "What does that even mean? If that'll really help you write your manuscript, I guess I don't mind." Miyako: "Here." Miyako: "Wait, you write it on your smartphone?" yuta: "Yup. I'll use whatever to write." yuta: "I can write all the same using my laptop, my Pomera, or even pencil and paper." Miyako: "That's amazing, but..." Miyako: "If you have to be naked to write, I guess it doesn't really matter." yuta: "Your thighs feel nice, Myaa-san." Miyako: "Yes, yes. Thank you." yuta: "Okay, I guess I'll get to work." Miyako: "Wow..." yuta: "And my manuscript's been sent." Miyako: "Good job, Nayu." yuta: "It's all thanks to you, Myaa-san." Miyako: "Are things not going well with your editor?" yuta: "That's not true." Miyako: "Then you should contact her." yuta: "Well... It's not like talking to my editor makes me finish my manuscript any faster." Miyako: "You don't know that." yuta: "That wouldn't happen." Miyako: "Nayu..." Toki: "Next, the fifth line on page 21." Yamagata: "You're a lifesaver. Thank you." Toki: "Yes. The description of Hilde going up the stairs..." Miyako: "Oh, I didn't really do anything..." Yamagata: "Now we'll be able to release the new book somehow." Toki: "How did you think there weren't any problems with this, you moron? It's obviously too long!" Miyako: "What's wrong?" Yamagata: "Now I have to go apologize to the printers," Yamagata: "Not the little shit who couldn't keep her deadline... Somehow I get stuck with it." Yamagata: "I know very well that this is my job. A simple job, where a little girl continuously gives me the runaround." Miyako: "Um... Are things not going well between you two?" Yamagata: "I don't think I could really say we're creating something together like they are." Toki: "And I'm telling you that description is going too far! You're focusing way too much on her legs... What?" Miyako: "Maybe you two should talk more about the content..." Toki: "Well, yeah, but... I'm telling you—" Yamagata: "No." Yamagata: "There's no place for anyone to say anything about her work. As an editor, I'm basically just fixing her typos." Yamagata: "It's infuriating, honestly." Miyako: "Have you thought about quitting as her editor?" Yamagata: "The thought hasn't crossed my mind even once." Miyako: "Not even once?" Yamagata: "Well, if I quit, I couldn't be the first to read Nayuta Kani's novel." Miyako: "That must mean..." Miyako: "you really love Nayu's work." Yamagata: "I hate to admit it, but yes." Toki: "Damn it, wait a second!" Toki: "Ugh, we're getting nowhere! I'm heading over there now!" Miyako: "I guess editors have a lot to deal with." Haruto: "All right. In celebration of Itsuki and Nayu-chan's new volumes coming out... Cheers!" Ituski: "Cheers." Miyako: "Good job." Chihiro: "Good job." yuta: "Thanks to Myaa-san, I was able to release my book. Thank you." Itsuki: "Did Miyako do something?" Miyako: "Huh?" yuta: "Myaa-san stri—" Miyako: "I didn't do a thing!" Itsuki: "R-Right... Come to think of it, Kaiko-san also said it was all thanks to you, too. What did you do?" Miyako: "Seriously, I didn't do anything." Miyako: "If you pry any further, I'll break your collarbone." Itsuki: "G-Got it..." Itsuki: "Seriously, what happened?" Itsuki: "Nothing beats a meal eaten when you're not being crushed by work." Haruto: "True. You try not to eat too much before a deadline since if you get full," yuta: "Yup." Itsuki: "You never even worry about deadlines." yuta: "Well, I do feel like I should be positive" Itsuki: "Meaning you have zero intention to." Haruto: "Now that we're all relaxed, why don't we play a game?" Itsuki: "Good idea." Miyako: "What are we going to play?" Haruto: "Hmm..." Haruto: "How about Once Upon a Time?" Haruto: "Once Upon a Time is a game in which the players are storytellers creating a story. Each player has an ending card that has the ending to their story, and a number of story cards to build up their story are passed out. The first player to use all their story cards" Haruto: "If an idea from one of your story cards comes up while another storyteller is speaking, you can present your card and steal the position of storyteller from them." Chihiro: "I see. So you try to take the story in the direction" Haruto: "Also, there's an interrupt card that can be used when a similar type of card" Haruto: "Make sure you use those wisely." Haruto: "Okay, let's do rock-paper-scissors to see who the first storyteller is." Itsuki: "All right. I'll create a new story. Once upon a time, there was an older brother and younger sister." Haruto: "Looks like Itsuki got the most appropriate cards again." Itsuki: "This is God's will telling me to make this a story about a little sister. This goes without saying, but the little sister is super beautiful." yuta: "Got it!" yuta: "Now I'm the storyteller." Miyako: "I see. So that's how you use your cards and interrupt." Haruto: "Once the storyteller changes," yuta: "The little sister was extremely beautiful. But someone put a curse on her, and she was turned into a wolf." Chihiro: "Huh?" Itsuki: "What on earth are you doing to my little sister?!" yuta: "The one who turned the little sister into a wolf" yuta: "Her name is Kaniko-chan. And then the witch Kaniko-chan said," yuta: ""I've always loved you, Senpai. If you marry me, I'll return your little sister to normal."" Itsuki: "You can't be serious!" yuta: "Then the older brother thought, "She cares so much about me. She's so adorable." And so, the two fell in love." Itsuki: "Come back to your senses, Big Brother!" Chihiro: "Um... I can use this interrupt card right now, right?" Chihiro: "I guess I'm the storyteller now. Let's see..." Chihiro: "As promised, the witch returned the little sister to her natural form. As a result, the big brother realized that his little sister was better." yuta: "Senpai, you cheating jerk." Itsuki: "Yes! Good work, Chihiro!" Chihiro: "Then the big brother said, "Kaniko-san, let's divorce. I love my little sister more." The older brother and Kaniko-san got in a huge argument, but Kaniko-san finally understood how deep their bond as siblings was." Chihiro: "And so, the two were able to reclaim their peaceful life. Let's see... Hmm..." Haruto: "If you can't continue the story, you can pass." Chihiro: "Oh, then I pass." Haruto: "Then the player on your left becomes the storyteller." yuta: "That's me! Though the witch had withdrawn once, deep inside, she just couldn't accept it." Chihiro: "What?" yuta: "As she saw them living happily, her hatred brewed, and the witch put a curse on them." yuta: "***** dangle, dangle, sausage! The witch's magic made the big brother's p**** over a meter long," Miyako: "That's awful!" Itsuki: "What a terrifying curse..." Haruto: "This would definitely make Kaniko-chan an evil witch." Haruto: "And so..." yuta: "This is all a tragedy born of love." Itsuki: "Like hell making someone's p**** a meter long is love!" Haruto: "So in order to find the witch, who had concealed herself, the siblings went on a journey." Itsuki: "So they're on a journey naked..." Haruto: "But then one of the witch's creatures appears to get in their way. The two ran away with all their might." Itsuki: "While they're naked..." Haruto: "While they were running, they found a cave." Itsuki: "While they're naked..." Haruto: "The two hid in the cave to get away from the creature" Itsuki: "While they're naked?" Haruto: "Yes, while they're naked. Um..." Haruto: "In the depths of the cave, they found a shining holy sword." yuta: "Got it! The big brother thought he might be able to fight with the creature with the sword, but he couldn't swing the sword properly" yuta: "It was then that the creature found them in the cave. This was now a life or death situation. But the big brother didn't give up. "That's right. Even if I can't use this holy sword," Itsuki: "Hey, you don't mean..." yuta: "Schwing!" yuta: "The big brother took his p**** in his hands and wielded it like a sword." Itsuki: "Are you stupid?!" yuta: "With the power of magic, the big brother's p**** could become a sword," yuta: "and could even work like a whip if he willed it to. "Thank you, Witch Kaniko-chan!" As he thanked the witch for such a wonderful p****," Itsuki: "They're being attacked by the creature because of the witch in the first place!" Miyako: "Um... I can interrupt with this, right?" yuta: "Oh, it's finally Myaa-san's turn to be the storyteller." Miyako: "I really don't want to be the storyteller right now..." yuta: "Okay, Myaa-san, tell us all about the battle between the big brother and the creature." Miyako: "Um, well... The big brother, um... used his, well..." yuta: "Oh? What was that?" Miyako: "I said he used... h-his..." Miyako: "p****..." yuta: "You need to say it louder!" Miyako: "H-He used his... He used his p**** to attack the creature!" Miyako: "Are you satisfied?!" yuta: "Well done, Myaa-san!" Miyako: "The creature collapsed from the big brother's attack. The siblings then continued their journey to find the witch." yuta: "While they were naked!" Chihiro: "And so, the journey of the naked siblings continued." Chihiro: "The big brother fought against the witch's minions," Chihiro: "He defeated ruthless titans and evil dragons, and even won a duel against the ultimate P**** Master," Chihiro: "Because of that, the king of the P**** Kingdom handed over his throne to him," Chihiro: "The witch that had cursed them finally admitted defeat and apologized to them. The big brother forgave the witch, and made her his second wife. And so the three continued to live long, happily, and naked, and their kingdom came to be known as Nudist Land." yuta: ""And that's the reason this kingdom has such a strange name."" Itsuki: "It's finally over..." Haruto: "Yeah... Somewhere along the way I stopped caring about winning or losing." Chihiro: "That was an awful story." Itsuki: "But all the foreshadowing worked out," Itsuki: "Especially when he acquired his special move, the Turning Swallow Cut!" Miyako: "Yeah, I do feel somewhat accomplished." Itsuki: "Yeah, I'd love to turn this into an anime." Haruto: "There's no way they could air it." Itsuki: "True... Who's the moron that made his p**** into a weapon?" Chihiro: "Oh, it's already this late? I'm sorry, I have to head home." Miyako: "Oh, yeah. I'm going to miss the last train, too." Haruto: "I'm going to drink a little while longer. Be careful, you two." yuta: "I don't have the will to go back to my hotel, so I'm going sleep right here." Itsuki: "She's exhausted from playing too much. What is she, a kid?" Haruto: "Say, Itsuki." Haruo: "Why don't you..." Haruto: "just go out with Nayu-chan?" Itsuki: "Where did that come from?" Haruto: "Nayu-chan's a great girl." Haruto: "She's cute, she has big boobs, she's funny, and she's pervy." Itsuki: "You know I declined a long time ago." Haruto: "I do, but I have my own reasons." Itsuki: "Reasons?" Haruto: "My reasons are my own." Itsuki: "I don't really get it," Haruto: "Well, you like Nayu-chan, right?" Itsuki: "N-No, I don't feel that way about Kanikou." Haruto: "Stop being so stubborn." Haruto: "You like her, right? So go out with her." Itsuki: "What's with you today? You're being really pushy." Haruto: "Yeah, I might be." Itsuki: "All right, fine. I admit it. I like Kanikou." Haruto: "Then..." Itsuki: "I like her, and I want to go out with her. Honestly, I even want to marry her." Itsuki: "But I can't right now. Not yet." Haruto: "Not right now?" Itsuki: "Hypothetically... This is strictly hypothetical... Let's say that Kanikou and I got married. What happens then?" Haruto: "Congratulations." Itsuki: "Shut up." Itsuki: "If Kanikou got married, the publishers would lose their minds. It might even end up in the paper or the news." Haruto: "Well, I guess she is an eighteen-year-old author who's super popular." Itsuki: "And if it ended up on the news, this is how it would play out... "Super Popular Female Novelist Nayuta Kani-san Gets Married!" "She married a man two years older than her in the same profession."" Haruto: "Yeah, I guess that's how it'd turn out." Itsuki: "Meaning I wouldn't be Itsuki Hashima anymore," Itsuki: "I'd just end up some supporting character in the story of her life." Itsuki: "I wouldn't be able to handle that." Itsuki: "I want to be the protagonist. Right now, I'm a nobody," Itsuki: "then I'll tell her that I like her myself." Itsuki: "I do feel slightly bad for her, but I'm going to have her wait until then." Haruto: "I see." Haruto: "I guess there's no helping it, then." Haruto: "I guess there's nothing you can do." Haruto: "But, Itsuki, what would it mean for you to be equal to her? Does that mean you just have to beat her in sales? Or get some literary award?" Itsuki: "No idea. So for now, I'm going to at least strive to be someone who won't just" Itsuki: "I guess getting an anime would be a good first step." Haruto: ""For now," "I guess," and "first step"..." Haruto: "You don't hold back, do you? But, well, I guess you're right. Considering how high you're aiming," Itsuki: "Exactly." Haruto: "Man, this beer is good." Itsuki: "Yeah. Beer and sausages are the best combo." Haruto: "You know, I want to go to Germany or Belgium someday." Itsuki: "Her story really is way too good." Itsuki: "Yeah?" Toki: "Itsuki, I have something to tell you." Itsuki: "Was there an emergency reprint or something?" Toki: "I'm surprised you knew." Itsuki: "Wait, seriously?!" Toki: "I'm talking about Kani-sensei's new volume, not Mahou Academy." Itsuki: "Die. The number of volumes printed for her current book is already higher" Toki: "Which means she's so popular that even that wasn't enough." Itsuki: "So what were you calling for again?" Toki: "Oh, right." Toki: "I guess I should congratulate you."
{ "raw_title": "A Sister's All You Need. Episode 11 – Becoming the Protagonist Is All You Need.", "parsed": [ "A Sister's All You Need.", "11", "Becoming the Protagonist Is All You Need." ] }
Itsuki: "When I was in sixth grade, my mom was hospitalized due to sickness. My father would come home late because of work," Itsuki: "so we hired a housekeeper." Mitahora: "Oh, you left your vegetables again." Itsuki: "I asked you to not put them in because I don't like them, Mitahora-san." Mitahora: "And you'll never grow big if you're a picky eater." Mitahora: "Just buck up and eat them." Mitahora: "That's a good boy." Itsuki: "Could you at least stop putting carrots and green peppers in the Hamburg steaks?" Itsuki: "During my second year of middle school, my mother passed away. Considering how pathetic I always look, it was impossible to make friends, so I always went home right after school and read books. It was only when I was reading interesting books" Itsuki: "I fell in love with all of the beautiful girls in these books," Itsuki: "and I often took the most interest in little sister characters." Itsuki: "If I were the author, I'd definitely have the protagonist get with the little sister." Itsuki: "Not that I'd ever be able to write a novel." Ayane: "Nice to meet you! I'm Ayane Mitahora." Itsuki: "Mitahora?" Ayane: "Yeah, I'm the daughter of the housekeeper lady. I'm a first-year in high school." Ayane: "You're Itsuki Hashima-kun, right?" Itsuki: "Y-Yes... Can I help you?" Ayane: "I came to hang out with you." Itsuki: "H-Hang out?" Ayane: "I heard that you seemed down lately, so I came to cheer you up!" Itsuki: "I think that goes beyond what a housekeeper's supposed to do." Ayane: "This doesn't have anything to do with my mom. I came here on my own." Ayane: "I mean, my mom won't stop talking about you at home. Like you getting a hundred on your test," Ayane: "She's always comparing me with you." Ayane: "I started thinking of you as a responsible little brother." Itsuki: "I don't really like being thought of that way." Ayane: "Of course I'd be worried if I heard" Ayane: "And that's why I'm here." Itsuki: "That's your reason? Honestly, I couldn't hide my bewilderment," Itsuki: "It felt as though she was a protagonist or heroine from one of the stories I'd read." Ayane: "Wow, you have a lot of manga." Itsuki: "They aren't manga, they're novels... for what it's worth." Ayane: "Oh, really?" Ayane: "Wow, I didn't know novels like this existed." Itsuki: "Th-That one's especially, um, uh..." Ayane: "Oh, are you embarrassed? You don't need to worry." Itsuki: "Yup." Ayane: "Maybe I'll try reading some of these, too." Ayane: "Can I borrow some?" Itsuki: "Huh? Sure, I guess..." Ayane: "Thanks." Itsuki: "One second, please." Itsuki: "If you're not used to reading these, maybe we should get you a short story. Maybe a light fantasy..." Itsuki: "Maybe you'd prefer a female protagonist..." Ayane: "You don't need to get too in-depth about it." Itsuki: "But I do." Itsuki: "I mean, what if you don't like the one I pick?" Ayane: "Then just let me borrow something else. For now, I'd like to read the one that you're most into right now." Itsuki: "The one I'm most into?" Ayane: "Yeah." Itsuki: "It'd be this." Ayane: "A Sister's All You Need?" Ayane: "You want a little sister, Itsuki-kun?" Itsuki: "Well, sort of." Ayane: "Then could I borrow this one? I promise to finish it by next week." Itsuki: "You're planning to come again next week?" Ayane: "Can't I?" Itsuki: "I guess you can..." Itsuki: "After that, Ayane Mitahora would come over to my house weekly. She was a pretty, older girl who'd play with me," Itsuki: "and she'd even cosplay for me, at times. It was only natural that the middle-school Itsuki Hashima" Itsuki: "Okay. I'll definitely tell her next week." Itsuki: "Um, did something happen?" Ayane: "Well, I professed my feelings to someone and got turned down. It seems I haven't been able to get over it." Itsuki: "You professed your feelings?" Ayane: "Yeah." Itsuki: "What are they like?" Ayane: "He's a boy in my class." Ayane: "I think I fell for him when I saw him reading a light novel on the bus home." Ayane: "I'd been eyeing him ever since. He was always working, even while the other kids fooled around" Ayane: "And he's the only one who'd clean properly when everyone else is so whatever about it. But he'd always go straight home as soon as his duties were done, so for better or worse, he never follows the crowd—" Itsuki: "That's enough!" Ayane: "You're the one who asked..." Itsuki: "I..." Itsuki: "I like you, Ayane-san." Ayane: "Huh?" Itsuki: "I'm telling you that I like you, Ayane-san. Please go out with me." Ayane: "I'm sorry." Itsuki: "But why? I've definitely read more light novels than that guy," Itsuki: "and I'm extremely confident that I'd never follow the crowd." Ayane: "That's not it, though." Ayane: "I'm really sorry. I can only see you as my little brother." Ayane: "Sorry. I'm gonna go home for today." Itsuki: "Don't ever come here again!" Itsuki: "I have no need for an older sister." Ayane: "Itsuki-kun..." Itsuki: "A little sister's all I need, so..." Ayane: "But you don't have a little sister." Itsuki: "What kind of pretty girl falls for the lame, boring guy who likes reading?! Is this a light novel?! And she even got rejected! Then what the hell am I?! The son of the family that the mother of a minor character who got rejected" Itsuki: "Not only am I not a minor character, I'm not even a background character..." Itsuki: "Damn it. I want to be the protagonist." Itsuki: "I guess I'll try writing a novel." Itsuki: "It was as though I had a revelation. There was no basis for it," Itsuki: "My love and fantasies toward little sisters... My painful failures, frustrations, my inferiority complex... My longing to become the protagonist..." Itsuki: "My overwhelming sense of hope that would crush anything unreasonable. I wanted to give everything I had to that novel." Itsuki: "Just you wait, world... I... I'm the protagonist!" Itsuki: "You're already here, Kanikou?" yuta: "Did you have a nice dream?" Itsuki: "Yeah." yuta: "What kind of dream was it?" Itsuki: "I dreamt of my ex." Itsuki: "I'm kidding." Itsuki: "I dreamt of the person I was before I became who I am now. So we've all gathered here" Itsuki: "Let us all toast to the new chapter of my life." All: "Cheers!" Chihiro: "Congratulations, Nii-san." Haruto: "Congrats, I guess." Itsuki: "Thanks!" Toki: "The announcement about the anime version was supposed to be a secret, yet you immediately opened your damn mouth." Itsuki: "Oh, it's not a big deal. It's not like I wrote about it on the Internet." Toki: "Think a little more about your actions, you moron." Itsuki: "I look forward to many more years together." Toki: "I don't need you to ask me to stick around." Toki: "We're going to be so busy, it'll probably run us into the ground. You'd better be prepared." Miyako: "Despite how they usually act toward each other," Miyako: "That might be kind of nice." Haruto: "And now, I've got a gift for Itsuki!" Haruto: "It's an indie game I found the other day. I thought it'd be perfect for a new start." Itsuki: "The life of a light novel writer... Everything about that title sounds bleak." yuta: "Since you brought it over, why don't we give it a try?" Itsuki: "From the looks of it, it's a standard dice game." Miyako: "I've played a similar one. The one who has the most money wins, right?" Haruto: "No. In this game, there are other values," Haruto: "and the player who gets the most happiness points in 30 rounds is the winner." Chihiro: "What do you use the money for?" Haruto: "Apparently you can add value to your dice roll with money." Itsuki: "That's important." Haruto: "There are a lot of detailed rules, but let's try playing. This says the youngest player goes first." Chihiro: "That'll be me, then. Where do you start?" Haruto: "There are major label, mid-level label, minor label, and Internet novelist courses. You can pick the newcomer prize space on any of these. And you can switch courses later, if you want." Chihiro: "Then I'll start at the mid-level label. Let's see... If you roll a 4 or more, you successfully debut." Itsuki: "Which means the game doesn't even start until you get past the newcomer award." Chihiro: "Four or more... There!" Chihiro: "I did it! I successfully debuted!" yuta: "Now it's my turn. I might as well go for the major label. I guess I need a six to make it." Itsuki: "That's gonna be pretty hard." Haruto: "Well, in real life, it'd be about one in a hundred, so compared to that..." yuta: "Hup!" Itsuki: "Seriously?!" Itsuki: "All right. Then I'm also going to go for an electrifying debut at a major label!" Itsuki: "How dare you reject an anime series author like myself?" Miyako: "Must be hard getting into a major label." Miyako: "I think I'll go for the minor label." Miyako: "And I've successfully debuted." Haruto: "Then I guess I'll try out the Internet novelist route that no one's gone for yet." Haruto: "I don't even need to roll for that." Haruto: "That concludes round 1." Chihiro: "So I guess I'm up." Chihiro: "Yay! I released a new volume and got 500,000 yen." Haruto: "Here's your 500,000 yen." yuta: "Oh, I also released a new volume and received three million yen." Haruto: "The difference despite them both being newbies..." Itsuki: "All right. I'm also going to make it big at a major label. Five! So close!" Miyako: "Now it's my turn." Miyako: "Let's see... I got 200,000 yen for releasing a new volume. It must be hard at a minor label." Haruto: "As for me..." Haruto: "Someone said they enjoyed my work." Haruto: "I gain one happiness point. That ends round 2." Chihiro: "My story creates a buzz. My popularity goes up a rank. So what happens when my popularity goes up?" Haruto: "Apparently you can get more royalties and get bonuses when you roll the die." Chihiro: "Huh, that sounds great." yuta: "I just got one million because of reprints." Itsuki: "I failed to debut again." Miyako: "200,000 again?" Haruto: "Uploaded a novel to the Internet. Nothing really happens." Itsuki: "Rejected again!" Itsuki: "Rejected again!" Itsuki: "Rejected!" Itsuki: "Rejected!" Itsuki: "Rejected..." Haruto: "I think you should probably give up and go to a mid-level or minor label." Itsuki: "Not yet! I'm sure if I don't give up, my dream will come true!" Miyako: "But everyone else is going to get way ahead of you. Nayu, how much money do you have right now?" yuta: "About 20 million yen." Itsuki: "Twenty mil?!" Haruto: "That's definitely a major label for you... All I've got is 300,000 from my part-time job." Chihiro: "But you're the most popular, right, Fuwa-san?" Miyako: "I guess each route has its own characteristics. You don't earn much on the Internet novelist route, but it's easy to get popular. You have a lot of money and popularity" yuta: "Sorry I'm such a winner, everyone." yuta: "Let's see... I missed a deadline, so I miss five turns," yuta: "Isn't that a bit harsh just for missing a deadline?" Miyako: ""Just"?" Toki: "Apparently, at major labels, publishing gets pretty strict." Itsuki: "So I guess it's not all good things at a major label." Itsuki: "I think I'll go for a mid-level label after all." Miyako: "Where did your dream go?" Itsuki: "Oh. Six." Haruto: "I just got an offer from a mid-level label. Hmm... It's pretty comfortable being in the Internet novelist business, but..." Chihiro: "My series will be made into an anime! I just received two million yen! Yay!" Miyako: "My series will be made into a live-action movie! I just got one million yen! But I miss two turns and lose three happiness points?" Miyako: "What's going on?" yuta: "Negative comments are flooding my blog! If my popularity is higher than six," yuta: "Why is this happening?" Itsuki: "I won one million at the horse races." Itsuki: "That's nice, but it has nothing to do with being a writer." Haruto: "My editor lost my manuscript!" Itsuki: "Yeah... That's pretty disheartening." Chihiro: "My media venture falls through because my editor screwed up." Chihiro: "Minus five happiness points." Chihiro: "Could you not?" Toki: "Sorry... Even though this is a game that doesn't deal with any real people or events," Haruto: "My anime was a huge failure." Haruto: "Minus five happiness points." Haruto: "Oh. It's just me." Miyako: "My publisher got bought out." Miyako: "I'm not sure if this is good or not." Chihiro: "Because the protagonist didn't end up with the heroine they wanted," Chihiro: "Minus four happiness points, and I lose three turns. A stalker? Does this actually happen?" Toki: "Even after that, the troubled lives of the writers continued. And then..." Itsuki: "We're done!" Chihiro: "I have no idea what the readers want anymore..." Haruto: "I should've never published my book." Miyako: "So who won this thing, anyway? The one with the most happiness points wins, right?" Miyako: "Wait, everyone's negative!" Chihiro: "Most of the events were negative and there was rarely anything positive." Haruto: "Which means that since Itsuki debuted late," Itsuki: "I know I won, but I don't feel satisfied at all. I don't, but..." Haruto: "This is pretty realistic." Toki: "I hate to say that all of the events sounded extremely familiar." Miyako: "What? Are writers' lives really this messed up?" Itsuki: "Yeah, it basically means that it's not so easy to be happy." Miyako: "It must be hard." Itsuki: "Well... We're still here because it's still a lot of fun, despite all that." yuta: "I'll follow you the rest of my life, Senpai!" Itsuki: "G-Get off of me, Kanikou! How dare you sneak in like that?" yuta: "Nope! I'm gonna get even closer! I'm not going to let go!" Toki: "Well, I'll be going now. See you later." All: "Bye!" Miyako: "Sorry. Go on ahead!" Miyako: "Um, Toki-san!" Toki: "Yes?" Miyako: "Could you tell me more about being an editor sometime?" Toki: "Sure, I don't mind." Toki: "Are you interested in becoming an editor?" Miyako: "Yes." Toki: "I see. Would you like to try working part-time at our office?" Miyako: "Yes!" yuta: "The one Itsuki-senpai loves is me!" yuta: "If he became an equal protagonist to me..." yuta: "But he's always been the best writer in the world to me..." yuta: "I guess I'll just have to keep doing my best." Haruto: "I don't want to lose... in various ways." Guy A: "What? You're buying that? Wasn't the anime shit, though?" Guy B: "I'm telling you, the novels are awesome." Guy B: "Also, what anime?" Haruto: "I really need to try harder." Itsuki: "Mahou Academy's going to be made into an anime?" Itsuki: "Seriously? Are you serious?!" Toki: "Yeah." Itsuki: "All right! My time has finally come!" Toki: "I guess I should tell you this, too." Itsuki: "Huh?" Toki: "This opportunity came up because another anime project fell through, so basically," Toki: "There's really no time or budget," Toki: "There's the whole thing with Fuwa-sensei's anime, too." Toki: "Do you still..." Itsuki: "I'll do it." Toki: "You're sure?" Itsuki: "There are things you can't see unless you take a step forward. So the only choice I have is to fearlessly take that step." Itsuki: "What I said sounded cool and all, but... No, it'll be okay. I can get through this. After all, I don't have a little sister. As long as I have the longing for a little sister, I can go on forever! All right, let's do this!" Chihiro: "I have to tell Nii-san the truth..." Itsuki: "That was all 12 episodes of A Sister's All You Need."
{ "raw_title": "A Sister's All You Need. Episode 12 – A Sister's All You Need?", "parsed": [ "A Sister's All You Need.", "12", "A Sister's All You Need?" ] }
Itsuki: "Hmm..." Itsuki: "Hmm..." Itsuki: "That's not right." Miyako: "I wanted to study for a test, but my school's library was crowded, so I was hoping you'd let me use your place to study. I wanted to study for a test, but my school's library was crowded, so I was hoping you'd let me use your place to study." Miyako: "Okay!" yuta: "Whatcha doin', Myaa-san?" Itsuki: "Go ahead... Onii-chan." Itsuki: "Still not right..." yuta: "Ah, studying for a test? Must be hard being a college student." Miyako: "Well, yeah." Miyako: "Maybe he's not home." yuta: "Oh, the door's unlocked." Miyako: "Hey, Nayu!" Itsuki: "This is embarrassing, so could you turn off the lights?" Itsuki: "That's cute, but I really want to emphasize how Hilde is feeling here. I want to wrap my body around you! No! She needs to be more straightforward here! I love you, Onii-chan!" Itsuki: "Smooch..." yuta: "Itsuki-senpai..." Itsuki: "You've got it all wrong, Kanikou! It's not like I've gone insane or anything..." yuta: "Oh, don't worry. You were acting out a scene in your novel, right?" Miyako: "Nayu, did you find Itsuki?" Miyako: "Wh-What are you doing, you pervert?!" yuta: "You've got it all wrong, Myaa-san! This is something novelists do all the time! It's very necessary in order to paint a convincing picture!" Miyako: "I don't know what you're talking about!" Itsuki: "Would you two just get out?!" Itsuki: "Something's just not right..." Itsuki: "They're here again?" Itsuki: "Will you two give it a..." Haruto: "Why are you dressed like that?" Itsuki: "It's not what it looks like! It's—" Miyako: "I definitely didn't want to see that..." yuta: "Huh? But aren't you used to seeing d**ks, Myaa-san?" Miyako: "O-Of course I'm not used to it..." yuta: "Oh, I see." Miyako: "How judgmental can you be?!" yuta: "Then are you a virgin, Myaa-san?" Miyako: "O-Of course not..." Miyako: "I-I had plenty of boyfriends." yuta: "You're so mature, Myaa-san. I want to have sex all the time with Senpai, too." Miyako: "All the time? You're making it sound like Itsuki and I, well, you know... He's just a classmate of mine." yuta: "Oh, right. You two went to the same college." Miyako: "Well, he quit after about six months, but..." yuta: "What was Senpai like in college?" Miyako: "You look tired." end A: "Yeah, I got called in to work at the last minute. I barely even slept." end B: "Same here. My boyfriend wouldn't let me sleep at all." Miyako: "Wouldn't let you..." end A: "That guy's always off on his own, writing something." end B: "Hashima-kun, was it? He's sort of creepy." end A: "He probably doesn't have any friends." Miyako: "It seemed like he had something that was more important" Miyako: "Something that I didn't have... Itsuki must've been writing his novel during all of his breaks" Miyako: "He went straight home after lectures," yuta: "That sounds just like Senpai." Haruto: "Well, that's pretty awful." Itsuki: "It's no laughing matter." Haruto: "Whoops, sorry. Nayu-chan is one thing, but to have Miyako-chan see you completely naked... I feel sorry for her, too." Haruto: "Actually, how'd you become friends with her, anyway? At first glance, you two don't seem to have anything in common." Itsuki: "Beats me..." Miyako: "Say, Hashima-kun. What are you always typing on your laptop?" Itsuki: "I-I have no idea what you're talking about..." Miyako: "Oh, come on. I won't tell anyone." Itsuki: "A novel..." Miyako: "A novel? You want to become a novelist, Hashima-kun?" Itsuki: "It's not that I want to... I already am." Miyako: "So I bought your book yesterday and read it..." Itsuki: "Y-Yeah?" Miyako: "I didn't really understand it." Itsuki: "Hmph. My book isn't something that" Miyako: "I-I'm not a slut! I haven't even gone out with anyone... Anyway, what kind of person do you have to be to understand that, then? No one would be able to understand a weird story like that." Itsuki: "Too bad!" Itsuki: "and it's sold around 100,000 copies!" Miyako: "Huh? You're kidding! That thing sold that many?" Itsuki: "How dare you call it "that thing," you ignorant slut?! You had the nerve to say you didn't understand a masterpiece that 100,000 people did understand. That's beyond hilarious, to the point that I actually pity you. Being an imbecile isn't shameful or bad, but to ignore the fact that you are an imbecile could be called a crime. You should just crawl into a hole out of embarrassment, you shameless slut! Wha—" Miyako: "Y-You didn't have to be so mean... you idiot!" Itsuki: "Huh? Uh, wait, um, I... I... guess there may or may not have been a possibility" Itsuki: "Someone posted a shitty review a lot like that on Amazon recently," Itsuki: "So, um... I'm sor... A-At least stop crying, you slut!" Miyako: "I told you I'm not a slut, and I'm not crying!" Itsuki: "Er, yeah, you are..." Miyako: "I'm not crying, and I'm not a slut!" Itsuki: "Oh, all right, already. You're not crying, and you're not a slut." Miyako: "I'm not!" Itsuki: "Shit, this sucks..." Miyako: "You don't have to worry. Everyone already thinks you're a weirdo anyway." Miyako: "Talk about an awful first impression. After that, Itsuki and I started talking." Miyako: "I would borrow books and video games from him, and he'd ask me about fashion." Miyako: "But..." Miyako: "Huh?!" Miyako: "What do you mean, you quit school?!" Itsuki: "I just realized that college was nothing but a waste of time" Miyako: "A waste of time..." Miyako: "I can tell Itsuki is saying that from the bottom of his heart. That's why he made the decision so quickly..." Itsuki: "Hello? Miyako?" Miyako: "Oh, really? Fine. Hope you don't get dropped!" Miyako: "I'm never going to leave your side..." yuta: "Myaa-san. What's the matter? Myaa-san?" Miyako: "Huh? Oh... I was just remembering when that idiot suddenly quit school." yuta: "I wish I'd gone to school with Senpai, too." Miyako: "You really like Itsuki, don't you?" yuta: "Yes, I do." Miyako: "Honestly, what do you see in that stupid, little-sister-obsessed freak?" yuta: "Everything. I love everything about him." Miyako: "Well, um..." Miyako: "I guess I'll cheer you on." yuta: "Thank you very much." yuta: "By the way, Myaa-san..." Miyako: "Yes?" yuta: "Will you come to a hotel with me?" Miyako: "Huh?" Chihiro: "Pardon the intrusion." Haruto: "Hey, Chihiro-kun. I'm visiting again." Chihiro: "Ah, Fuwa-san. Hello." Miyako: "Nice to meet you..." yuta: "Nice to meet you." yuta: "Please, come in." Miyako: "Wow... So this is where you're holed up. Does your publisher pay for your hotel?" yuta: "Yup. So I'll get in trouble if I don't get a bit further in my manuscript." Miyako: "Just "a bit" further?" yuta: "I'm going to work, so go ahead and make yourself at home, Myaa-san." Miyako: "Hey! Why are you stripping?!" yuta: "I can't work unless I'm completely naked." Miyako: "I-I see..." yuta: "Do you like Senpai, Shirakawa-san?" Miyako: "O-Of course not! He's just a friend." yuta: "Just so you know, I do like Senpai." yuta: "Senpai is everything to me." Miyako: "What do you see in that stupid, little-sister-obsessed freak?" yuta: "Senpai saved me." yuta: "And so..." Miyako: "Ugh! Why couldn't I have been there for you?! I would've kicked all of their asses!" yuta: "Meow..." Chihiro: "Here you go." Itsuki: "All right. Let's eat." Haruto: "Oh, one sec." Itsuki: "Huh?" Haruto: "Throw up a peace sign above the fried rice." Itsuki: "Huh? Like this?" Haruto: "Got it." Chihiro: "What are you doing?" Haruto: "Showing off my ***ness." Chihiro: "Your ***ness?" Haruto: "You know how I've been showing my face in magazines and on Niconama lately? If you're good-looking at all," Haruto: "so I'm trying to show that I like hanging out with guys more than I do with girls. This way, I'll get more lady fans who are into that kind of thing," Chihiro: "Oh..." Itsuki: "Don't call yourself good-looking." Itsuki: "And wait..." Haruto: "Become *** with me." Itsuki: "You can't be serious! Why do I have to be treated like I'm ***, too?!" Haruto: "Oh, come on! You might even gain a new group of fans." Itsuki: "I don't want them! It wouldn't make me happy at all if my books sold because of how I am!" Haruto: "You get so serious about the weirdest stuff." yuta: "Myaa-san!" Miyako: "Huh? Wh-What?" yuta: "Let me fondle your boobs." Miyako: "H-Huh?! Why?!" yuta: "I'm currently writing a scene about fondling boobs, so I'd like to use this as research." Miyako: "You have perfectly good breasts of your own that you could use!" yuta: "The boob size of the character currently being fondled" Miyako: "That still doesn't..." yuta: "Please! I need to do this to paint a vivid, realistic picture!" Miyako: "So that really was for work..." Miyako: "Here, hurry up and get it over with." yuta: "Oh, I need them exposed, if you would." Miyako: "Exposed?! O-Of course I'm going to say no to that!" yuta: "Pretty please? Myaa-san?" Miyako: "Oh, fine! Fondle them exposed, then!" yuta: "Thank you very much!" Miyako: "Okay, I'm taking off my top..." yuta: "You're taking that off in just the right way, Myaa-san." Miyako: "O-Only a little bit, all right? Don't be rough with me." yuta: "I humbly thank you for this treat." Itsuki: "And I'm telling you the only ones I want to flirt with are little sisters! One day I'm going to create the ultimate little sister!" Haruto: "Your obsession with little sisters sure is something... I actually have a little sister, and they aren't that great, to be honest. All she ever does is complain about everything I do, plus she's quick to hit me, tells me that my books are gross or boring, and tells me that my interviews are annoying or gross... It's really depressing." Itsuki: "You fool! Don't compare your little sister-shaped filth with my little sister!" Haruto: "F-Filth?! She may not be perfect, but she's not that bad! I'll have you know that my little sister used to be really cute... And not long ago, when I got sick, she even bought some gelatin for me." Haruto: "Also, you don't even have a little sister." Itsuki: "No, I do." Haruto: "Huh?" Chihiro: "Huh?!" Itsuki: "She resides in my heart!" Haruto: "R-Right... I see..." yuta: "I think I got it." yuta: "I think I can write a great scene now." Miyako: "I see... That's good." yuta: "Now, your butt, please!" Miyako: "What?!" Itsuki: "Chihiro... water..." Haruto: "Chihiro-kun went home a long time ago." Haruto: "Hey, Itsuki..." Itsuki: "Nyanpasu..." Haruto: "What's your name?" Itsuki: "Nyanpasu!" Haruto: "And where do you live?" Itsuki: "Nyanpasu..." Haruto: "Well, then..." Miyako: "Both Itsuki and Nayu are doing their best. And yet, I'm..." yuta: "That should do it for now." Miyako: "Good work." yuta: "Thank you. Because of you, I was able to write a great scene." Miyako: "Uh... You're welcome, I guess..." Miyako: "Well, I'm gonna get going." Itsuki: "It wouldn't make me happy at all if my books sold because of how I am!" Haruto: "Say whatever you want. While you geniuses stay at a standstill," Haruto: "I'm home." Little Sister: "You're late, Onii!" Haruto: "Huh?" Little Sister: "How many times do I have to tell you to let me know if you're going to be late?" Haruto: "Yeah, I forgot." Little Sister: "You never forget to do your creepy tweets." Haruto: "I-I'm just creating a persona..." Little Sister: "Huh? And who would even want to see that?" Haruto: "There are actually a lot of female fans who like that kind of thing." Little Sister: "Aren't your books marketed toward virgin guys? You don't need any more female fans." Haruto: "You idiot. Nowadays, even series that are marketed towards guys" Haruto: "Ow!" Little Sister: "You're an idiot! Perv! Adult game nerd!" Toki: "So how's Kani-sensei's manuscript?" Yamagata: "It's perfect, as usual. As her editor, there's nothing for me to complain about." Toki: "Must be nice that she doesn't cause you any problems." Yamagata: "If only she could figure out what a deadline is." Toki: "How's your out-of-control, little-sister-obsessed author? Uh... I should actually start poking him soon..." Itsuki: "What you want, someone else always has." Itsuki: "And usually, it means nothing to the person who actually has it. It's pretty much a miracle when you have what you want," Itsuki: "and most comedies and tragedies happen due to the absence of that miracle." Itsuki: "That's basically how this whole world works." Itsuki: "Hello?" Toki: "Itsuki? How's the manuscript coming along?" Itsuki: "Uh... Yeah, it's coming along just fine." Toki: "You'd better be telling the truth." Itsuki: "Yup."
{ "raw_title": "A Sister's All You Need. Episode 2 – If Only a Miracle Would Happen", "parsed": [ "A Sister's All You Need.", "2", "If Only a Miracle Would Happen" ] }
Miyako: "It's so cold in this room." Miyako: "Why don't you turn on the heater?" Itsuki: "It's been broken since this morning." Itsuki: "It's let me down." Miyako: "Are you getting it fixed?" Itsuki: "They're coming in three days." yuta: "Senpai!" yuta: "What about something like this?" Itsuki: "Of course! There's always this option!" yuta: "Yup!" Miyako: "The beach? Are you actually thinking about going swimming in winter?" yuta: "This is a chapter where they go to Okinawa for their school trip." Miyako: "Huh?" Haruto: "What's up, Itsuki?" Itsuki: "Hey, Haruto." Haruto: "Huh? To where?" Itsuki: "Okinawa." Haruto: "Huh?" Itsuki: "Okinawa!" yuta: "Meow!" Itsuki: "Currently, it's 17 degrees Celsius." Miyako: "Is Okinawa somewhere you go just because you feel a little cold? More importantly, why did I come, too?" yuta: "It's your loss if you worry about the little things, Myaa-san!" Itsuki: "Since it's the off-season, booking our hotel and flight was a cinch, too." Itsuki: "Haruto should've just skipped the script meeting for his anime and come with us." Haruto: "Okinawa, huh? I'm jealous..." Itsuki: "This beer is great! It pairs well with the goya champloo, too." Miyako: "Yeah! I couldn't even imagine what hibiscus beer tasted like, but... It's sweet, tart, and delicious." yuta: "I wanna try it, too." Miyako: "No. You can't drink alcohol until you're twenty." Itsuki: "That's right. Kids should just stick to their juice." yuta: "Is the fact that you don't see me as a potential lover" Itsuki: "I'm sorry, what? I couldn't hear you very well." yuta: "Isn't it hard to pretend you couldn't hear me" Itsuki: "Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about." yuta: "Is the fact that you don't see me as a potential lover" Itsuki: "Sorry, did you say something?" yuki: "I love you, Senpai." Itsuki: "What was that about a dove?" yuta: "Please go out with me." Itsuki: "And where would you like to go?" yuta: "Let's have sex." Itsuki: "Honestly, I prefer the trumpet over the sax." yuta: "A one-night ***** would be fine, too." Itsuki: "Did you need a vase or a tub?" yuta: "That's a bit painful." Itsuki: "The same could be said for your confession." yuta: "Then how about something prettier, like, "My, doesn't the moon look lovely tonight"?" Itsuki: "Yeah." yuta: "Huh? That was the line that Soseki Natsume used to say "I love you"..." Itsuki: "I know. I knew what it meant and purposely ignored it." yuta: "And I love you because you're that way." Itsuki: "What about Arabs?" Itsuki: "I'm getting tired of this, so could we stop?" yuta: "Then... let me have some alcohol." Itsuki: "And I already told you. Here, have an egg." yuta: "Lick, lick..." Itsuki: "How long are you going to lick that?" yuta: "Look at you, just sticking your balls into a girl's face like that. We definitely need to do something about that strange fetish of yours." Itsuki: "Don't make it sound so dirty!" Miyako: "Convenience stores in Okinawa are so interesting. They had so many varieties of alcohol that you can't get in Tokyo, so I bought some. Want some?" Itsuki: "Where's Kanikou?" Miyako: "She took a bath and immediately fell asleep." Miyako: "How is that?" Itsuki: "Well, I guess it's good." Miyako: "Say, Itsuki..." Itsuki: "Hm?" Miyako: "How do you feel about Nayu?" Itsuki: "She's a pervert." Miyako: "That's not what I meant." Miyako: "I mean, considering how often she tells you that she loves you..." Itsuki: "What's there to think about?" Miyako: "Huh? You did?" Itsuki: "To answer your question from three days ago..." Itsuki: "I can't go out with you. And the day after I told her no," Miyako: "Oh..." Itsuki: "What's with that look?" Miyako: "I just felt bad for thinking that you were scum for stringing her along all this time." Itsuki: "Is that what you thought of me?" Miyako: "So you don't have any feelings for Nayu?" Itsuki: "That's a silly question." Itsuki: "It's worse because it's not like I don't have feelings for her." Miyako: "I see." Itsuki: "Have you ever read any of Kanikou's books, Miyako?" Miyako: "I haven't..." Itsuki: "If you have no plans to become a novelist, you should read them. Your missing out if you haven't read them. If you have time to read my stuff, read Nayuta Kani's books instead." Miyako: "I guess you've got a lot going on, too... So we can plan on going to Shuri Castle and Churaumi Aquarium for sure, but where else do you two want to go?" Itsuki: "A deserted island." Miyako: "Huh?" Itsuki: "There's a part of my story where they end up on a deserted island. If I can, I'd like to do some research for that." Miyako: "Well, there might be a remote island with no one on it..." Miyako: "Pardon me." yuta: "It's the ocean!" Miyako: "I guess it's no surprise that the water's actually cold." yuta: "But since we're here, let's go swimming." Miyako: "What are you talking about? We don't even have swimsuits." yuta: "We don't need any! No one else is around anyway." Miyako: "W-Wait, what are you doing, Nayu?! Itsuki, look the other way!" yuta: "Splash!" Miyako: "Hey! Put on some clothes!" yuta: "It's so cold..." Miyako: "Of course it is!" yuta: "But it's not that bad, actually. Come on, hurry up and join me, Myaa-san." Miyako: "Th-That's cold! You're getting me wet!" yuta: "Come on, you too, Senpai!" Itsuki: "Are you stupid?" Miyako: "I wonder if I'll ever be able to go to a world that sparkles like that..." yuta: "Huh? What was that, Myaa-san?" Miyako: "Oh, it's nothing. Itsuki, you'd better not move from there. I'll break your collarbone if you peek." Itsuki: "Like hell I would!" Miyako: "So cold..." Miyako: "What?" yuta: "I've noticed it before, but your body is really toned. Did you play any sports?" Miyako: "I did karate from grade school until my second year in middle school," Miyako: "I didn't take any of them seriously, though." end A: "A girl who does karate will never be popular." Miyako: "I don't really care about being popular. Sensei told me I had a lot of potential." end A: "Huh? Are you going to try for the Olympics, then?" Miyako: "Not exactly..." end A: "Then join the tennis club with me!" Miyako: "Hm... I wonder if I would've been able to make" Miyako: "Or would I have gotten discouraged at some point" Miyako: "That's cold!" Miyako: "Now you've done it!" yuta: "Take that!" Miyako: "For crying out loud..." Miyako: "What am I even doing?" Itsuki: ""What are you even doing?" would be my line..." Alba: "Now your little sister is mine!" Alba: "Go! Finish him!" Jin: "Megalodon!" Megalodon: "I-It's not like I was trying to save you or anything." Mel: "It's finally over, Nii-san. Let's get married." Jin: "You don't care if I have sharkskin?" Mel: "I don't mind at all." Mel: "Smooch." Setsuna: "How'd you like that?" Setsuna: "Holy crap! You're amazing, Sensei!" Itsuki: "Yeah, I know, right? Though, when I showed it to my editor, he rejected it immediately." Setsuna: "But, Sensei, how's a fish supposed to have sex with a human? I saw something about salmon spawning on TV before, and they were spraying their sperm all over the eggs." Itsuki: "Sharks are fish, but the eggs are fertilized in the female's body. They even have the organs for that." Setsuna: "For real?! Sharks have d*cks?" Itsuki: "Yeah, so in the final scene where the protagonist and the heroine get together, it'll be a super touching moment that could only be brought to you by a shark." Itsuki: "And yet my moronic editor can't even understand this brilliance..." Setsuna: "I'm gonna try drawing real quick." Itsuki: "Huh? Drawing what?" Setsuna: "How about something like this?" Itsuki: "This is..." Setsuna: "I want some salmon roe now." Itsuki: "Huh? Salmon roe?" Setsuna: "We were just talking about spawning, remember? So now I wanna eat some salmon roe." Itsuki: "Then go eat some." Setsuna: "Come with me, Sensei!" Itsuki: "I was just planning to go to a conveyor belt sushi place nearby... How did this happen?" Setsuna: "The only place to eat salmon roe is Hokkaido!" Itsuki: "Then why are we eating at a ramen place?!" Setsuna: "Well, the ramen looked really good, so I suddenly wanted to eat that." Itsuki: "Well, whatever." Itsuki: "The ramen is definitely good." Itsuki: "All right. Well, we came all the way to Hokkaido." Itsuki: "So cold... Hey, how much farther to the hotel?" Setsuna: "I think it's just up ahead." Itsuki: "Just for the sake of asking, you do know where the hotel is, right?" Setsuna: "No worries! It should be in this direction, I think." Itsuki: "You think?! Hang on a sec!" Itsuki: "Let's see..." Itsuki: "It's in the complete opposite direction, you dumbass!" Setsuna: "Holy crap! What's with this seafood bowl?" Itsuki: "So many shrimps, too..." Both: "Let's dig in!" Itsuki: "There's more salmon roe than rice! This is way too much!" Setsuna: "Hokkaido's friggin' awesome!" Setsuna: "I guess eating too much sea urchin and salmon roe will make you feel sick." Itsuki: "Up until now, I never knew the significance" Itsuki: "But apparently they were actually doing their job..." Itsuki: "I want to eat some leaves." Itsuki: "We have an hour until our flight." Setsuna: "Sensei, I'm actually gonna stay here about another week." Itsuki: "Huh?" Setsuna: "Well, since I'm here, I thought I'd check out the Snow Festival, too." Itsuki: "That's way too sudden!" Setsuna: "How about you, Sensei?" Itsuki: "No. It's cold, and there're too many people." Setsuna: "Well, Sensei, I'm gonna go cancel my flight. I'll come by your place again sometime soon." Itsuki: "Sure." Itsuki: "Yes?" Toki: "Itsuki?" Itsuki: "What? If it's about the manuscript for volume 5, I haven't written it yet." Toki: "Don't admit that so boldly, you idiot. I'm concerned about that, but I'm calling you about something else." Itsuki: "Oh?" Toki: "Do you have any idea where Puriketsu-sensei is?" Itsuki: "Setsuna? I was just with him. Did something happen?" Toki: "He still hasn't finished the illustration for this month's volume." Itsuki: "This month's? Seriously?" Toki: "Where is he? When I find that brat, I'm going to kill him..." Itsuki: "Wh-Who knows? I have no idea..." Lady: "To all passengers on Flight 62 departing at 2:30 PM for Haneda..." Toki: "Departing for Haneda?" Itsuki: "Shit." Toki: "Itsuki, where are you right now?" Itsuki: "H-Hokkaido?" Toki: "What?!" Itsuki: "Sorry, Setsuna. Do your best to survive." Setuna: "Sensei!" Setsuna: "Why won't you let me draw the illustrations for your new series?!" Itsuki: "Because it's not worthy." Setsuna: "Are you saying that my art isn't worthy of your series?" Itsuki: "No, it's the opposite." Setsuna: "The opposite?" Itsuki: "My series isn't worthy of your art." Itsuki: "My novel comes in way behind your art." Itsuki: "That's why, right now... I won't be able to partner up with you again." Setsuna: "If that's the case, no problem! I love that childish side you have." Itsuki: "Someday I'll write a series worthy of your art." Itsuki: "Wait for me until then." Hilde: "Take that!" Yuuna: "Now you've done it! Take that!" One: "Jeez!" Two: "Take that!" One: "There!" Yuuna: "Huh?" Hilde: "Wait, it suddenly got cold... What's going on?" Sieg: "What is that?" Sieg: "Hilde!" bushige: "No doubt about it... This was caused by magic!" Sieg: "Hilde!" bushige: "Sieg, wait! It's too dangerous!" Sieg: "I'll be fine. A little blizzard like this can't rip apart our bond as siblings!" Itsuki: "That's definitely a very realistic scene, if I do say so myself." Itsuki: "I guess that means my trips to Okinawa and Hokkaido were worthwhile after all." Chihiro: "Going to Hokkaido just two days after you went to Okinawa... Don't you think you're a bit too free-spirited, Nii-san?" Itsuki: "Nah, this is normal for a novelist." Chihiro: "Really?" Itsuki: "Let's dig in." Chihiro: "Let's dig in." Itsuki: "These spring rolls are delicious!" Chihiro: "I put both the chiraga that you got in Okinawa" Itsuki: "I see. I guess that's one way to do it. The fat from the pork" Itsuki: "The harmonious trio of texture with the crispy wrapping," Itsuki: "It's a miraculous harmony of Japanese delicacies from the north and the south. If I were to give it a name, it'd be, yes... South... South... Southern..." Itsuki: "Southern Northern... Southerthern... Northerthern... Well, I guess North and South spring rolls will do." Itsuki: "Yup, yup." Chihiro: "I'm glad you like them." Chihiro: "Well, see you later, Nii-san." Itsuki: "Yeah." Chihiro: "I wish you'd come home once in a while, Nii-san." Itsuki: "I will, when I feel like it." Itsuki: "Oh, yeah." Itsuki: "Here, I bought souvenirs for the family." Itsuki: "Awamori and nama chocolate." Chihiro: "Thanks! Mom and Dad will love it!" Itsuki: "And here. You can have this if you want it." Chihiro: "Wow... Thanks!" Chihiro: "A whale shark... Now we have matching straps!" Itsuki: "Well, be careful getting home."
{ "raw_title": "A Sister's All You Need. Episode 3 – As Long As It's Research", "parsed": [ "A Sister's All You Need.", "3", "As Long As It's Research" ] }
Miyako: "What's the matter, Itsuki? Are you stuck on your manuscript again?" Itsuki: "Don't say "again." What's stressing me out now isn't the volume itself but the summary." Chihiro: "Oh, so you're done writing volume five of Mahou Academy (Sister Method Academy)? Congrats." Itsuki: "No... I'm actually only about half done with the volume." Chihiro: "What? Half? Doesn't it go on sale next month?" Miyako: "You haven't even finished the volume, and you're writing the summary?" Itsuki: "Well, it's needed for the publisher's website and for bookstore announcements." Chihiro: "But you know what's going to happen, right? So it shouldn't be too hard to write a summary..." Itsuki: "I've got the overall idea," Itsuki: "Actually, in my case, it's more likely to change." Miyako: "Then what are you going to do about the summary?" Itsuki: "That's why I'm stressing out. I have to capture the reader's attention" Itsuki: "As it is, this requires a skill set different from an author's," Chihiro: "You realize that not knowing what's going" Itsuki: "Guess I have no choice!" Itsuki: "I'll just have to BS my way around it like I always do!" Chihiro: "So you always do that..." Miyako: "The publishing business is definitely weird." : "A few days had passed since that shocking event. Sieg and Hilde had finally reclaimed their peaceful academy life, but one day, they receive some terrifying news. Sieg and Hilde seek to find the truth" : "They set off for a certain place," : "There's a chance that a secret at Vlad Magic Academy might be revealed, and I can't shake the feeling" : "The super popular little sister academy battle love comedy! Something tumultuous may occur in volume five... and it's finally set to go on sale." Haruto: "I brought you some chocolate today." Itsuki: "Huh?" Itsuki: "And why do I have to accept chocolate from you?" Haruto: "Look." Itsuki: "Beer?" Haruto: "Yeah, it's Valentine's Day beer." Itsuki: "There's chocolate in it?" Haruto: "Nah. They replicate the smell of chocolate with roasted malt. Basically, it's a stout. A kind of stout that's only made at this time of year. It's delicious." Haruto: "Would you like some?" Itsuki: "I-I would..." Haruto: "Look at that covetous face on you, you dirty little boy." Itsuki: "N-Nonsense. I don't look like I'm coveting anything..." Haruto: "Don't hold back." Haruto: "I know you want it so bad that you can't resist. You want some thick, robust liquid" Itsuki: "I-I didn't say that..." Haruto: "Come on. Beg for it." Itsuki: "Wh-Who would do something so shameful?" Miyako: "What in the world are you doing?" Haruto: "Practicing the role of the cruel seme. I thought girls might like this kind of thing." yuta: "I must say, seeing you force yourself onto Itsuki-senpai was great." Itsuki: "Hey, get those foul thoughts out of your head, Kanikou." Miyako: "Wow, it smells really good." yuta: "I want some, too." Itsuki: "You drink your root beer." yuta: "I will!" Miyako: "You actually brought some..." yuta: "This is my soul drink that I discovered in Okinawa." Miyako: "The smell is so strong..." yuta: "That's the best part." Itsuki: "Well, why don't we drink, too?" Haruto: "Oh, before we start drinking..." Haruto: "Let me take a picture." Haruto: "Yay!" Itsuki: "Showing off your ***ness again?" Haruto: "It's been going better than I thought." Haruto: "I figure I'll stick with the *** route until the anime's over." yuta: "Media mixing must be annoying" Haruto: "Speaking of, didn't you decline all anime, drama, and movie offers, Nayu-chan?" Miyako: "You did?" Haruto: "Nayuko Kani-sensei is definitely the top-selling author at our publisher." Miyako: "Wow... Why did you decline?" yuta: "Well, I didn't want to end up with more work" Haruto: "True, working on anime adaptations makes you insanely busy. There's a meeting every week," Haruto: "As soon as the anime's finished," Haruto: "Like back when I was in school..." Itsuki: "Well, do your best, but don't die from overwork." Itsuki: "This sort of tastes like coffee." yuta: "I guess this is the perfect time for the Valentine's chocolates I brought." Itsuki: "There'd better not be anything weird in them." yuta: "They're from the store, so don't worry. I'd planned to make some on my own and put some components of myself in them," Miyako: "Of course I did..." Itsuki: "Well done, Miyako." yuta: "You could eat them a little more delicately." Miyako: "Here. I brought some obligatory chocolates for you, too. Have some, too, Fuwa-san." Haruto: "Thanks, Miyako-chan!" Miyako: "This beef stew is so good! The meat is so tender!" Itsuki: "They're leftovers from what Chihiro made last night." Haruto: "Chihiro-kun's so good at cooking." yuta: "It's so good. Nothing less from my future little brother-in-law." Miyako: "Actually, this might be good enough to serve at a restaurant." Itsuki: "If I remember correctly, he used chocolate as a secret ingredient. I think he said something about polyphenols doing something to the meat." Itsuki: "Shit! It's the editor! Run!" Toki: "You seem to be... having a good time." Itsuki: "Um... Well, you seem a bit tired..." Toki: "I chased Puriketsu all the way to Hokkaido," Itsuki: "What a bloodbath..." Toki: "Itsuki! We're well past your deadline, too!" Itsuki: "Yes..." Toki: "Hello, Kani-sensei and Fuwa-sensei." Toki: "And, um... Who might you be?" Miyako: "I'm Shirakawa. I went to college with Itsuki." Toki: "Ah, I see. I'm Itsuki's editor, Toki. It's nice to meet you." Itsuki: "So, what did you want?" Toki: "Don't take that tone with me, you fool. Here. Chocolates from your readers. I've brought yours, as well, Fuwa-sensei." Itsuki: "How do you like that, Haruto? Now you see what I'm capable of." Haruto: "Good for you..." Miyako: "But Fuwa-san's series have sold more volumes, right?" Haruto: "Itsuki's series has quite a few female fans." Itsuki: "I'm so popular right now, I feel like I could save the world." Haruto: "Though, if we're being honest," yuta: "Exactly!" Itsuki: "Say what you will, you losers. Now, then... Let us feast upon the offerings from my followers." yuta: "You're treating those chocolates so differently from mine..." Toki: "There are plenty of readers looking forward to your series." Itsuki: "I know." Itsuki: "Oh, it's you, Miyako." Itsuki: "Sorry, but I'm expecting a guest today." Miyako: "Oh, your editor from the other day?" Itsuki: "No, a tax accountant." Miyako: "A tax accountant?" Itsuki: "An author is basically self-employed." Miyako: "Get some... of your taxes back?" Itsuki: "When the publisher pays the author royalties," Itsuki: "But in most cases, you withhold too much. So when you declare your actual earnings in your final return, the amount you overpaid in taxes come back to you." Miyako: "Wow, you really are an adult..." Itsuki: "What do you mean, "really"?" Miayko: "What's the accountant like?" Itsuki: "I've never met them, but Haruto says they're really reliable" Miyako: "Huh... Well, good luck on the final return." Miyako: "Oh, and your manuscript, too." Itsuki: "Coming." Ashley: "Are you Itsuki Hashima-kun?" Itsuki: "Huh? Uh, yes." Itsuki: "Um... Are you the accountant?" Ashley: "I'm Ashley Ono. Nice to meet you." Itsuki: "Nice to meet you..." Ashley: "This place is pretty clean, considering you're young and single." Ashley: "Let's get started, shall we?" Itsuki: "Oh, sure." Ashley: "Please, have a seat." Itsuki: "Oh, sure..." Ashley: "You even have all of your receipts sorted monthly." Itsuki: "Uh, thanks..." Ashley: "By the way," Ashley: "are you registered at this address?" Itsuki: "No, at my parents'." Ashley: "That'll work to our advantage." Ashley: "Do you have a car?" Itsuki: "I don't... have one." Ashley: "You should totally buy some expensive import car." Itsuki: "Don't be ridiculous..." Ashley: "I'm kidding." Ashley: "Unlike other jobs, authors don't have as many necessary expenses." Itsuki: "With other self-employed jobs," Itsuki: "but authors don't have most of those expenses. There probably aren't many other jobs that cost as little as being an author." Ashley: "Basically, seeing how many things we can add as legitimate expenses" Ashley: "You've counted all these books as expenses, right?" Itsuki: "Yes." Ashley: "What about things other than books?" Itsuki: "Well, I've just been writing off things that I bought for research." Ashley: "I see. So you're a good boy." Ashley: "And I love nothing more than to lead good little boys like you down the path of evil." Itsuki: "Huh?" Ashley: "Oh, nothing." Ashley: "I took the liberty of doing some research on your works." Ashley: "It seems you like little sisters?" Itsuki: "I love them!" Ashley: "Oh?" Ashley: "I think I've seen this one somewhere before." Itsuki: "That would be the main heroine of Oreimo," Itsuki: "The goddess Kirino must be famous, if even an accountant knows of her." Ashley: "And who are these two obscene-looking lolis?" Itsuki: "The main heroines of Haganai: I don't have many friends." Ashley: "These lolis are the main heroines? Is the author some lolicon?" Itsuki: "Without a doubt." Ashley: "What about the girl next to them?" Itsuki: "The main heroine of Oregairu and the protagonist's little sister," Ashley: "Another little sister..." Ashley: "Are all the figures you have displayed here little sisters?" Itsuki: "Yes." Ashley: "Then there shouldn't be an issue with counting them all as research material." Itsuki: "No! They were bought solely so I could admire their beauty! I don't want to categorize them in such a crude manner as "materials"!" Ashley: "Materials it is." Itsuki: "N-No..." Ashley: "Don't you want to lower your taxes at all?" Itsuki: "I... do... but I cannot sully the little sisters..." Ashley: "If you count them as expenses," Itsuki: "These figures are indeed research materials. Thank you very much!" Ashley: "Leave it to me." Ashley: "I see you have a lot of games, too... So what kind of game is this Little Sister in Love with Big Brother" Itsuki: "It's a game where the little sister in love with her big brother" Ashley: "And this We're Related, We Can't Do Such Things!~" Itsuki: "A game about a sister wife who gets absorbed in a forbidden relationship." Ashley: "And what is a sister wife in this case?" Itsuki: "The protagonist's younger sister who is also his wife." Ashley: "That seems rather complicated." Ashley: "Let's see... Big Brother's Counter Attack~" Itsuki: "That was a bullshit game. The little sister never even showed up." Ashley: "It says she died right in the title." Ashley: "And this F*ck-a-Sis?" Itsuki: "It's a game where you f*ck your little sister. The ending moved me to tears." Ashley: "It's Not Strange for a Little Sister to Eat Big Brother's F**ces, Right?" Ashley: "It's not strange?" Itsuki: "It's great because it's strange." Ashley: "Looks like you spend quite a bit online. Are these 400-yen and 600-yen purchases digital books?" Itsuki: "The smaller ones are, mostly." Ashley: "And there are some fees from some streaming sites... Are they music sites?" Itsuki: "S-Something like that..." Ashley: "There are quite a few purchases close to 10,000 yen here." Itsuki: "O-Other than music..." Ashley: "Magic gems?" Itsuki: "It's currency to buy loot boxes on a social network game." Ashley: "And what kind of game are you playing?" Itsuki: "Legion of Little Sisters." Ashley: "I can imagine exactly what kind of game it is just from the title." Itsuki: "Whatever you're thinking, it's probably correct." Itsuki: "Would the gems count as expenses, too?" Ashley: "Are you using that game for your work?" Itsuki: "No, not at all." Ashley: "Then start using it for your work." Itsuki: "Huh?" Ashley: "Have the protagonist say this in your new volume... "The likelihood that I'm going to survive is low."" Sieg: "If I had to compare it to something," Ashley: "Make it so the protagonist is hooked on social network games." Itsuki: "That ruins everything!" Ashley: "Then it doesn't have to be the protagonist." Chrom: "Little sisters are nothing more than tools. The only things I'm serious about are fighting you and buying loot boxes" Itsuki: "You just changed the character we're ruining!" Itsuki: "And it's making the protagonist look lame just by association!" Ashley: "Destroying the character just a little bit won't hurt." Itsuki: "Yes, it will!" Ashley: "Which is more important to you: reducing your taxes or how perfect your work is?" Itsuki: "How perfect my work is!" Ashley: "Honestly... This is the problem with you authors." Itsuki: "You're making it sound like this is my fault..." Ashley: "I guess I don't have a choice." Ashley: "I'll figure out a reason for the social network game expenses somehow." Itsuki: "Just do that to begin with if it's possible!" Itsuki: "S-So exhausted... What was the point of having me" Itsuki: "She totally just did that for laughs." Itsuki: "Hey, Haruto." Haruto: "Hmm?" Itsuki: "What was with that cruel accountant?" Haruto: "Well, she was reliable, wasn't she?" Itsuki: "Well, my refund will be about three times more than last year." Haruto: "So there you go, then." Itsuki: "They're here." Haruto: "Do you have a meeting? You should've told me." Itsuki: "No..." Itsuki: "Gah! Wha— Gah!" Ashley: "I brought a copy of his return and the receipts I'd borrowed..." Ashley: "But I wasn't expecting to see you here, Haruto-kun." Haruto: "I-It's been a while, hasn't it?" Ashley: "I had so much fun figuring out your taxes last year. I had some fun with Itsuki-kun's, as well, but it was nothing compared to yours." Itsuki: "What did she do to you?" Haruto: "She made me explain the plots of adult games and adult manga..." Itsuki: "She did the same to me." Ashley: "Well, with Haruto-kun... the amount he had was incredible. I think he had at least a hundred adult games." Itsuki: "How many adult games have you bought?" Haruto: "Y-You've got it all wrong! I-It's all for research!" Ashley: "Haruto-kun apparently loves maids." Itsuki: "Come to think of it, you do have a lot of those in your books. They always seem to end up in maid outfits, too." Haruto: "I think it's every man's fantasy to have some gentle girl devote herself to him." Ashley: "And those gentle girls who want to devote themselves to you... You love foisting your desires on them" Haruto: "I-I wouldn't dream of it!" Ashley: "Top-Heavy Maid, Bound and Sticky IV." Ashley: "Master, Up My Ass Please ~The Innocent Female Slave・Genuine Love Edition~. I'll Make You Suck It ☆ (The limited edition includes a download patch code" Haruto: "A-And I'm telling you, that's all for research!" Itsuki: "And what could an author learn from" Ashley: "The day that you told me every filthy little detail" Haruto: "I could never go through that humiliation ever again." Ashley: "Even if I told you that I'd put on a maid outfit?" Haruto: "Huh?!" Ashley: "I could provide you with some pervy services, too." Ashley: "Fuck me up, Master." Ashley: "You just imagined me in some lewd manner, didn't you?" Haruto: "O-Of course not..." Ashley: "It's all right. You don't have to deny it... You imagined me with my maid outfit falling off as I took your p***s into my tiny little mouth, didn't you? Because you're so earnest," Ashley: "From now on, every morning," Ashley: "And despite being wrapped in guilt," Ashley: "You'll start to hate yourself, but find that you're taking it upon yourself to console yourself. Every day... Every single day." Haruto: "I-I wouldn't do such a..." Ashley: "That's a wonderful expression, Haruto-kun. It thrills me to no end when I see that face of yours." Itsuki: "What the hell is this? Some new kind of roleplay?" Ashley: "Itsuki-kun... You'll have me come see you again next year, won't you?" Itsuki: "I-I was planning on it..." Ashley: "Good boy. For such a good boy, I'll add a little service and call you" Ashley: "Onii-chan..." Ashley: "All right?" Itsuki: "Seriously?!" Ashley: "I'm kidding. As much as I'd like to play with you two a little longer," Haruto: "R-Right..." Itsuki: "Thanks..." Ashley: "These are documents about hometown taxes. The recommended payment sites are listed," Haruto: "Huh..." Ashley: "For the record, I like sake. I look forward to working with you again," Ashley: "Onii-chan." Itsuki: "Yes, ma'am! All right! Onii-chan's going to find some local government to donate to" Haruto: "Whoa, snap out of it! I know she looks young, but she's 32... Meaning she's an old hag!" Itsuki: "You fool! Age has nothing to do with little sisters!" Haruto: "It doesn't?! You really are something else..." Ashley: "Authors are so much fun."
{ "raw_title": "A Sister's All You Need. Episode 4 – As Long As You're Working.", "parsed": [ "A Sister's All You Need.", "4", "As Long As You're Working." ] }
Miyako: "Huh? Itsuki?" Itsuki: "O-Oh, it's just you, Miyako." Miyako: "Where are you going?" Itsuki: "Karaoke." Miyako: "By yourself?" Itsuki: "Yeah." Miyako: "Can I go with you, then?" Miyako: "Hey, aren't you going to sing?" Itsuki: "I don't have time for that right now." Miyako: "Then why'd you even come to karaoke?" Itsuki: "Because he'll show up at my place if I'm there." Miyako: "He?" Itsuki: "My editor." Miyako: "Are you that close to your deadline?" Itsuki: "Listen well, Miyako. There are two kinds of deadlines." Miyako: "Two kinds?" Itsuki: "There's the deadline (tentative)" Isuki: "Then there's the deadline that, if missed, may prevent you" Itsuki: "The actually dangerous, true deadline." Miyako: "And which one are you about to miss right now?" Itsuki: "The true deadline..." Toki: "I...tsu...ki..." Itsuki: "Impossible! How did you find me?!" Toki: "To prepare for incidents like this," Itsuki: "But that's a crime!" Toki: "If it's for the sake of releasing a book, committing a crime is nothing to me." Toki: "That's what it means to be an editor. You're coming with me." Itsuki: "Let me go! You can do whatever you want to my body," Toki: "The last thing authors who miss deadlines get to talk about is pride. Come on, let's go, you idiot." Itsuki: "Just... Just hear me out! Ow, ow, ow, ow! Hey!" Toki: "You're squeezing too hard! Ow! Sorry for the ruckus. It was Shirakawa-san, wasn't it?" Itsuki: "I can walk on my own!" Toki: "The next time this idiot decides to run away," Toki: "please contact me." Miyako: "R-Right..." Miyako: "Yeah, the publishing business really is weird." Tokuyama: "Now, about the reason we called you... Are you familiar with this title?" Kaiko: "Mahou Academy (Sister Method Academy)? Yes, I've heard of it." Editor A: "Hello, this is GF Bunko's editorial department." Editor A: "Oh, hello! It's nice to hear from you. Yes, thank you again for that." Haruto: "Well... I think the thing to look forward to the most" Haruto: "would be the intense battle scenes that you'd only be able to see in an anime." Itsuki: "Let go of me!" Toki: "Give it up already!" Haruto: "They're a bit noisy next door..." Toki: "You're not going home until you finish writing." Itsuki: "It's no use. There's no way I'll be able to finish in time." Itsuki: "The only thing I can do is run." Setsuna: "What are you doing, Sensei?" Itsuki: "Oh, it's just you, Setsuna. Are you running away from the editor, too?" Setsuna: "Nope. I just had a meeting today and was about to head home." Itsuki: "I see." Setsuna: "Oh, yeah, Sensei..." Setsuna: "Wanna go look at some girls' asses?" Itsuki: "Huh?" Itsuki: "I ended up coming to this mixed bath hot spring inn without a second thought, but... I have a feeling the editor will kill me if he ever finds out." Itsuki: "Well, I turned off the GPS on my smartphone, so he shouldn't be able to find me." Setsuna: "All right, Sensei! Let's head to the bath!" Itsuki: "You're really going to the mixed bath?" Setsuna: "But of course!" Itsuki: "Why do you want to see girls' asses that badly?" Setsuna: "For input!" Itsuki: "Input?" Setsuna: "Well, I'm drawing a lot of asses in the series I'm working on right now, right?" Itsuki: "Well, yeah, I guess." Setsuna: "The composition on them is all starting to look the same," Setsuna: "So I want to stare at some new asses for inspiration." Itsuki: "I guess even he gets stuck creatively sometimes..." Itsuki: "I somehow feel betrayed..." Setsuna: "What was that?" Itsuki: "Nothing." Setsuna: "Sensei, your ass is pretty cute." Itsuki: "S-Stop staring, idiot." Setsuna: "Well, let's go!" Itsuki: "Sure." Hag A: "Well, lookie here. We got some cuties coming in." Hag B: "Oh, you're right. It's not often we see young men come in." Setsuna: "Heya! Super nice view, isn't it?" Itsuki: "H-Hey!" Hag B: "Where'd you come from, boys?" Setsuna: "Tokyo! How about you young ladies?" Hag A: "Did you hear that? He called us young ladies!" Hag B: "It's been about three years since someone called me that!" Itsuki: "You must mean thirty years..." Hag A: "Too bad there are only us shriveled-up, wrinkled old hags around." Setsuna: "That's not true! Girls are beautiful, no matter how old they are!" Hag A: "Oh, my! He called us girls!" Hag B: "If you keep talking like that, I'm gonna fall for you." Hag A: "You there. Why don't you come and join us?" Hag B: "Don't worry. We don't bite." Itsuki: "N-No, I'm..." Setsuna: "What's the matter, Sensei?" Hag B: "Come now, little boy." Itsuki: "S-Setsuna! I'm going to the men's bath!" yuta: "I want to go to a hot spring with Itsuki-senpai, too. Then we could bathe together and..." Itsuki: "That was horrifying..." Itsuki: "H-How?! I turned off my GPS!" Toki: "I thought this might happen," Itsuki: "You actually went that far?!" Toki: "I told you..." Toki: "If it's to get the book out... I'll do whatever it takes." Itsuki: "N-No!" Itsuki: "Hey!" Toki: "This is now your work space." Itsuki: "You can't be serious!" Itsuki: "Wh-What is this place?!" Toki: "It's a special room where we trap— where we put authors and manga artists so they can concentrate on their work." Itsuki: "Y-You can't be serious! I can't work in a place like this! If you're going to trap me somewhere, at least put me in a hotel like Kanikou!" Toki: "The only ones afforded that are authors" Toki: "Just three more days. That's the real final deadline." Itsuki: "Wh-What if I don't make it?" Toki: "I'll kill you." Itsuki: "K-Ki—" Toki: "See ya. I'll let you out once you've finished." Itsuki: "W-Wait! O-Oh, yeah! What do I do about the bathroom?" Itsuki: "Y-You can't mean..." Toki: "You can relieve yourself in the very room you're working in. Such consideration to make sure that the creator doesn't have" Itsuki: "You can't be serious! Let me out of here! I mean, please let me out! Please!" Itsuki: "Wait, wait, wait... This can't be happening... Is he insane?" Itsuki: "I guess the only choice I have is to write..." Sieg: "What are these monsters?" Sieg: "My hands are shaking... Am I actually experiencing fear?" Itsuki: "I have to hurry up and finish... or I'll die." Sieg: "I don't want to die..." Chrom: "How pathetic you look, Sieg." Sieg: "Chrom!" Chrom: "You're not getting away." Toki: "You're not getting away..." Toki: "Itsuki!" Itsuki: "It was just a dream... Wait, a dream? Shit! I didn't get any further..." Haruto: "Hey, Itsuki!" Itsuki: "Haruto." Haruto: "You okay in there?" Itsuki: "Not really..." Haruto: "It's unusual for you to sound so defeated. Giving up might actually be a way out of this, you know. The editors aren't completely heartless." Haruto: "If you really can't do it, I'm sure they'll delay the release." Itsuki: "Oh, yeah. Your new volume comes out in March, too, doesn't it?" Haruto: "Yeah, but mine's already through revisions." Haruto: "So, what are you going to do? Give up?" Itsuki: "No. I'll keep at it a little longer." Haruto: "I see. Well, good luck." Itsuki: "Yeah. I'm gonna hurry up and finish the manuscript" Haruto: "By the way, you can't use your cell phone in here either, right? Do you want me to give Chihiro-kun or Nayu-chan any messages from you?" Itsuki: "Just tell them not to worry." Haruto: "Roger. Well, do your best." Itsuki: "I'm not going to let him get any further ahead of me." Itsuki: "I somehow made it to the climax..." Itsuki: "Damn it! I'm so close!" Haruto: "Itsuki." Itsuki: "What? You're here again?" Haruto: "I brought you a gift." Haruto: "A lunch that Chihiro-kun made for you." Chihiro: "Could you take this lunch to Nii-san?" Haruto: "Of course. I'm sure Itsuki will be ecstatic." Chihiro: "This is just about all I can do... But I'm sure my brother will be okay." Itsuki: "Chihiro..." Haruto: "I also brought you more Valentine's chocolates from your readers." Itsuki: "Th-Thanks, I guess..." Itsuki: "Tell Chihiro thanks for me, too." Haruto: "I will. Well, let's have drinks at your place again soon." Itsuki: "Yeah." Miyako: "Do your best on your manuscript." yuta: "When you get back, let's go to a hot spring." Itsuki: "Wife, my ass..." Itsuki: "It's so good... It's too good." Itsuki: "The chocolates are good, too... So good..." Itsuki: "All right..." Itsuki: "This is the battle that decides my fate!" Chrom: "This time, it's over for you, Sieg!" bushige: "Are you giving up, Sieg?" Yuuna: "You're someone my brother actually acknowledged." Hilde: "You can't lose, Onii-chan! I'll wait for you forever!" Sieg: "Hilde..." Itsuki: "I want to eat Chihiro's delicious food again!" Sieg: "I want to eat Hilde's disgusting food again!" Itsuki: "I want to drink beer and play games with Haruto and Miyako again! I want to go on trips with Setsuna again!" Sieg: "I want to spar with Nobushige and Yuuna again!" Itsuki: "I want Ashley-san to call me "Onii-chan" again!" Sieg: "I want Hilde to call me "Onii-chan" again!" Itsuki: "I want to see Kanikou again!" Sieg: "I want to see Hilde again! I'm going to make it back to Hilde no matter what..." Sieg: "I will not die in a place like this!" Itsuki: "I'm going to hurry home, drink, and go to bed! There's no way I'm going to let this deadline defeat me!" Chrom: "I-Impossible! How can you still stand? What is this power?!" Both: "This is my... Our power!" Itsuki: "It's done..." Itsuki: "It's finally complete... And there's no doubt about it... This is my most brilliant, most amazing masterpiece to date!" Itsuki: "I'm so amazing! Go, me! I'm so brilliant, it's scary!" Itsuki: "Just you wait... I'm giving you..." Haruto: "Oh, they're all lined up." Haruto: "The release dates for our books are always so nerve-racking. It's been four years since I debuted," Itsuki: "Yeah..." Itsuki: "Yes, buy it. Buy it!" Customer A: "Is that any good?" Customer B: "I like it." Itsuki: "That guy's got good taste." Haruto: "Good for you." Haruto: "Don't let it get to you." Haruto: "There's no reason to compare who sold more." Itsuki: "I know all that. I know that, but... It's still... frustrating." Haruto: "Well, I can't say I don't understand." Itsuki: "This new volume is my ultimate masterpiece. I suffered way more than I have before," Itsuki: "More than anything I've ever written before..." Haruto: "I see." Itsuki: "Actually, I think it's the best in the whole universe. My Mahou Academy volume 5 is way better" Haruto: "Best in the whole universe, huh? I think my series is better than yours, too. So that makes me the best in the whole universe." Itsuki: "Someday, I'll win." Haruto: "That's my line." Itsuki: "Huh?" Haruto: "Nothing. Anyway, since I'm the author with the anime series, this'll be my treat today." Itsuki: "Seriously? Then I'm gonna order some cake!" Haruto: "I'm sure it's fine. Your new volume was released with no problems." Itsuki: "I-I guess you're right..." Itsuki: "Hello?" Toki: "Itsuki? There's something I need to tell you." Itsuki: "Wh-What's going on?" Toki: "You don't have to be so wary." Toki: "Congratulations. It's been decided that your Mahou Academy will be made into a manga."
{ "raw_title": "A Sister's All You Need. Episode 5 – All You Need Is to Write Novels.", "parsed": [ "A Sister's All You Need.", "5", "All You Need Is to Write Novels." ] }
Toki: "This is manga artist Kaiko Mikuniyama-sensei. And this is Tokuyama from Comic Gifted's editorial department." Kaiko: "I-It's a pleasure to meet you!" Itsuki: "L-Likewise..." Tokuyama: "Okay, so... Today, we wanted to have the two of you meet, so if you have any questions or anything, please go ahead." Itsuki: "Hey. Is this girl who looks like she stepped out of some mansion really going to be" Itsuki: "There are some pretty pervy scenes in it..." Toki: "Don't worry." Tokuyama: "Here are the character designs and sample pages we had her do." Kaiko: "Um... What do you think?" Itsuki: "They're absolutely amazing!" Kaiko: "R-Really?" Itsuki: "Yes!" Kaiko: "Thank you so much! I've been in love with your work ever since your debut," Itsuki: "Seriously?" Kaiko: "Yes! I'm an only child," Kaiko: "So when I started reading works with characters like that," Itsuki: "I-It was like that for me, too." Kaiko: "In particular, I truly admire the love for little sisters that shows in your works. The description of Hilde-san's toes in the scene where she's walking up the stairs" Itsuki: "You actually brought up that scene? I definitely worked really hard on that scene!" Kaiko: "I sense genuine love in your works" Itsuki: "I know, right?" Kaiko: "Well, this is cliché, but from Eroma—" Itsuki: "I've made up my mind, Kaiko Mikuniyama-san. I can tell that my work will be in good hands with you." Kaiko: "I'm honored, Hashima-san. I'll do my absolute best so that I won't let you down!" Haruto: "Let's see, there's Itsuki's and my new volumes, Mahou Academy getting a manga version, The Spirit Knight of the Distant Sea anime about to air, Miyako-chan and Chihiro-kun moving to their next year in school..." Haruto: "Was there anything else that we're celebrating?" yuta: "Itsuki-senpai's and my marriage!" Itsuki: "Are you stupid?" Haruto: "All right. Well, in honor of various things... Cheers!" All: "Cheers!" Haruto: "Now Itsuki's finally had his work developed into other media. I hope the manga turns out great." Itsuki: "There's no need to worry. I'm positive it'll become an amazing manga." yuta: "You sound quite certain. Is the manga artist that amazing?" Itsuki: "Yes! Not only is her art amazing," Itsuki: "No one other than Kaiko-san can have such a deep understanding of my work. She was definitely meant for me!" yuta: "The manga artist is a girl?" Itsuki: "Yeah." yuta: "Meant for you..." Itsuki: "D-Don't get the wrong idea!" yuta: "So that must mean I'm the one meant for you after all, Senpai!" Itsuki: "How do you come to that conclusion?" yuta: "Well, because no one in the world loves you as much as I do." Itsuki: "You can't even spend a full day talking about little sisters," yuta: "True, I can't keep up with your little sister talk, but... I'll make up for it with love!" Itsuki: "Hey! Get off of me, you idiot!" yuta: "Senpai!" Haruto: "Why are you here?" Ashley: "Itsuki-kun let me know that the sake had arrived and invited me. Let's forget about what happened in our past," Ashley: "and have some fun today." Haruto: "Please don't make it sound like something actually happened between us in the past! I only asked you to work on my final return last year..." Ashley: "Oh, is that so?" Ashley: "Anyway, all of this food is delicious. Is it homemade?" Chihiro: "Oh, yes. I made all the dishes." Ashley: "That's impressive, considering how young you are. Why don't you come work part-time at my place?" Chihiro: "Huh?" Ashley: "I've been looking for someone who can cook. You're definitely qualified for the job." Chihiro: "Um... Please let me think on it." Toki: "That sure hits the spot after two all-nighters!" Miyako: "Wait, you haven't been home in two days?" Toki: "Having to stay overnight at the office is pretty normal for editors." Miyako: "Really? It must be rough being an editor." Toki: "I definitely won't deny that. I have an irregular lifestyle, my job uses me, my author won't write his damn manuscript, and my illustrator runs off on me..." Toki: "But, well..." Toki: "It's definitely a job that's worth doing. I think the joy that I feel when a new book comes out" Toki: "Hey, you, Itsuki! You can do it if you try, so why don't you just try in the first place?!" Itsuki: "Huh? Shut up, you idiot! I can't do my best unless I'm feeling pressured!" Toki: "Then I'll make sure your schedule is so full that you'll always be pressured!" Itsuki: "Huh? You can't be serious, you sex-worker-obsessed freak!" Toki: "What's wrong with sex workers?" Setsuna: "Guess Sensei's not home... Oh, well." Itsuki: "Nyanpasu..." Chihiro: "I'm going to get some water and Pocari from my brother's place." yuta: "It's getting dark, so be careful of gropers." Chihiro: "I-I'm fine! I'm a guy, after all." Setsuna: "I wonder if I can find some kind of hideaway..." Setsuna: "Oh, how cute." Setsuna: "L-Look at that ass go! That's the kind of godly ass you only see once every hundred, no, every thousand years! If I'm looking at that ass, I think I can reach the next dimension as an illustrator!" Setsuna: "H-Hey, wait a sec!" Chihiro: "Me?" Setsuna: "Yes! Yes, you!" Chihiro: "Can I help you?" Setsuna: "Could you show me your ass?" Chihiro: "Huh?" Setsuna: "Your ass! Your butt!" Chihiro: "Wh-What are you talking about?!" Setsuna: "I'll never ask for anything again!" Chihiro: "N-No! You can't be serious!" Setsuna: "But I am! I've never been more serious in my entire life!" Chihiro: "And I told you no!" Setsuna: "P-Please wait! I'll do anything!" Chihiro: "Get away from me, you weirdo!" Setsuna: "Ass!" Setsuna: "I don't care about this piece of cloth!" Setsuna: "J-Just one more layer..." Chihiro: "That's enough!" Chihiro: "What's your problem?!" Setsuna: "A-Ass..." Ashley: "Well, today was fun." Ashley: "Hopefully we'll be able to enjoy the cherry blossoms together next year, too." Haruto: "Could you not say something that sounds so much like a death flag? You never know what's going to happen in an author's life." Itsuki: "Well, I'll be fine." Itsuki: "My future is guaranteed to be rosy!" Ashley: "That's the spirit. Do your best, Onii-chan." Itsuki: "Yes, ma'am! Onii-chan's going to do his absolute best for his little sister!" Chihiro: "Well, I'll be going now." Itsuki: "Oh, thanks." Miyako: "It's late, so look out for any weirdos out there." Chihiro: "Right... Oh, there's roast beef and such in the fridge, so please, help yourselves." Haruto: "Thanks, Chihiro-kun." Chihiro: "No problem. I'll be watching the anime from home, as well." Haruto: "You've got such a dependable brother." Itsuki: "I could never trade Chihiro with the beast that you call a little sister." Haruto: "Beast? Hey! Other than her personality, my little sister is basically perfect..." Little Sister: "Huh? What do you mean you're having a screening at your friend's house?" Little Sister: "But I wanted to watch it with you..." Little Sister: "Never mind! Ugh, forget you!" Little Sister: "Don't ever come home again!" Haruto: "Yeah, you know, personality is everything. Never mind." Haruto: "Anyway, we still have a lot of time, so why don't we play a game?" yuta: "Good idea." Miyako: "What are we going to play?" Haruto: "Let's see... Something we can play lightly while drinking... Oh. What about Cat & Chocolate: Blooming Days?" Miyako: "What kind of game is that?" Haruto: "It's a fun party game" Haruto: "The other players judge by majority vote" Miyako: "That sounds pretty hard." Haruto: "You'll get the idea once we play." Haruto: "As for who's going to go first..." Itsuki: "I'm not proud of this, but I had no friends in school." yuta: "I became a shut-in because I was bullied." Haruto: "The club I joined fell apart" Miyako: "Writers are so..." Miyako: "I'm actually somewhat enjoying my university life." Haruto: "Then let's start with Miyako-chan and go clockwise." Miyako: "Okay, sure." Miyako: "So I just have to solve the problem with these items... Let's see... "I forgot my bathing suit." Isn't the only choice you have for this to just sit out?" yuta: "You have to use the items that you have in your hand to solve it." Miyako: "What?" Miyako: "With two items?" Miyako: "Then, first, I'd change into my gym clothes." Miyako: "And then..." Miyako: "Sensei, I forgot my bathing suit, so could I just practice soccer instead?" Itsuki: "Who do you think I am?" Miyako: "Yeah, I guess it would end up like that." yuta: "How about this?" yuta: "All right. Then why don't we just play soccer in the pool today? Shirakawa, you are to participate naked." Miyako: "Sure thing, Sensei!" Miyako: "Take that!" Miyako: "Why?!" Haruto: "That's a bit much... Why don't we start the judging? Ready, and..." Miyako: "What should I have done, then?" Itsuki: "All right. I'm up next. "I accidentally called my teacher 'Mom,' and it's awkward."" Haruto: "That's pretty embarrassing." yuta: "As a high school student, that'd be pretty fatal." Itsuki: "Well, my mom died when I was in middle school, so if it were a female teacher, she might've reminded me of her..." Haruto: "Huh? Oh, uh... I'm sorry." yuta: "Sorry..." Itsuki: "D-Don't worry about it! Um... so I have to use one item. Then I'll use this! I'd just play it off like," Itsuki: "How's that?" Haruto: "Y-Yeah, that's super funny!" yuta: "Y-Yeah... You're amazing, Senpai!" Miyako: "Yeah, I think that's perfectly fine." Haruto: "As for the judging..." Haruto: "Okay, I guess I'm up next." Haruto: ""I can't fix my bedhead," and I have to solve this with three items." Miyako: "You'd be able to fix it in no time if you had my hair products card." Haruto: "Part of this game is not having items you need when you actually need them. All right. I'll go with this. First, I'll put on a headband." Miyako: "I see! Then you'll be able to hide your bedhead." Haruto: "And then... some killifish." Miyako: "Huh? Killifish?" Haruto: "I'll put the fish bowl with the killifish on my head" Haruto: "And then, lastly... a guitar!" Miyako: "A guitar?!" Haruto: "If I head to school with the bowl of killifish on my head while playing the guitar," Miyako: "Yeah, they'll just think you went crazy!" Haruto: "But I've solved the bedhead problem! So, what's the verdict?" Miyako: "Huh? How is that okay?!" Itsuki: "Well, it was pretty funny to imagine." yuta: "Yup." Miyako: "This doesn't feel right." yuta: "All right, I'm next." yuta: "Let's see... "I broke the window," and I have to solve it with three items." yuta: "Okay, here I go!" Miyako: "A fire extinguisher, dumbbells, and a moped? What are you going to do with these?" yuta: "First, I'm going to swing the dumbbells around" yuta: "Shatter, shatter..." yuta: "A teacher comes to stop me," yuta: "and while they're wincing, I'll smack them with the dumbbell to shut them up." Miyako: "Uh... Nayu?" yuta: "I'll continue to destroy the remaining windows and walls" yuta: "then I'll ride the moped through the halls, destroying the school even more. Break! Break! Break!" yuta: "The school just needs to be destroyed!" Itsuki: "Calm down, Kanikou!" yuta: "Oh, sorry. I guess I switched into some weird mode there." Haruto: "All right, what's the verdict?" yuta: "Senpai! You're the only person who understands me!" Itsuki: "Well, there are times where you just have to let loose..." yuta: "I love you so much, Senpai! You're the only one who'd save me! I'd let you do anything you want to me, Senpai! Please mess me up good!" Itsuki: "I refuse!" Miyako: "It really makes you use your head, but it's a fun game." Itsuki: "It makes you use your imagination, so it's great for writers. Well? Do you guys want to play another round?" Haruto: "Actually, I think the anime's about to start." Itsuki: "Oh, yeah. I guess it's finally time for the main event." yuta: "Myaa-san?" Miyako: "I-I'm really looking forward to the anime." Haruto: "I'm getting nervous. I wonder how it's going to turn out." Miyako: "Now I'm getting nervous, too." yuta: "You're the creator. Haven't you seen it already?" Haruto: "I got the white box copy yesterday, but I wanted to watch the first episode live as it broadcasts." Itsuki: "All right, let's turn on the TV and wait." Itsuki: "Oh, it's starting." Preview: "Next time on The Spirit Knight of the Distant Sea," Preview: "See you again next week! Excalibur!" Itsuki: "Haruto..." Haruto: "I already had a bad feeling when I got the white box copy" Haruto: "They were already using animatics at the recording session for episode 1, and we were still having script meetings last month. The other reason I didn't watch the white box version" Haruto: "And I worked so hard..." Haruto: "Anyway, that's done and over with. Let's get back to drinking." Haruto: "This beer is so good!" Haruto: "It's really good..." Itsuki: "U-Um... I don't know what I should say, but... W-We aren't writing to make anime! We're writing novels! So, you know... Don't worry about the anime, even if it looks like that... I guess that's not possible." Haruto: "Yeah..." Haruto: "I'm just going to forget about the anime and concentrate on my story..." Haruto: "If I could actually do that, it'd be a lot easier." Miyako: "Fuwa-san..." Haruto: "You know... I basically think of my novel as a commercial product. I wrote it, researching what kind of developments and characters were popular," Haruto: "So no matter what some opinionated readers may say, or if anonymous trolls say that my work is generic" Haruto: "I don't feel a thing." Haruto: "Like hell that's true! I love them... Stories with swords and magic, filled with adventures!" Haruto: "Stories where the beautiful girl is popular. Stories where people who try their best are rewarded." Haruto: "Stories where the nice guy ends up happy..." Haruto: "That's why I wanted to write that." Haruto: "It's not some commercial product." Haruto: "I love it, God damn it! I absolutely love it..." Haruto: "How else could I have written thirteen volumes of it, you bastards?! To you guys, this might just be another option out of many," Haruto: "Why can't you guys understand that?! Shit! Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!" Haruto: "Huh? Wait... Wh-Why are you crying, Miyako-chan?" Itsuki: "Yeah, seriously. Why are you crying? You're not even an author." Miyako: "Well, I might not be an author," Miyako: "I don't... but... but... But even I can understand how sad it'd be if something I worked so hard on" Itsuki: "Haruto?" Haruto: "I'm going home. I don't want you guys to keep seeing how pathetic I am right now." Itsuki: "Okay." Haruto: "Thanks, Miyako-chan." Miyako: "I wonder if Fuwa-san is okay..." Itsuki: "Who knows? I mean, it's not like this doesn't affect me, too." yuta: "Yeah. These kinds of failures dealing with other media ventures happen all the time." Miyako: "I see... But even I can understand how sad it'd be if something I worked so hard on"
{ "raw_title": "A Sister's All You Need. Episode 6 – Having Your Media Developments Go Well Is All You Need.", "parsed": [ "A Sister's All You Need.", "6", "Having Your Media Developments Go Well Is All You Need." ] }
Haruto: "As expected, the reviews and comments for episode 2 are horrible." Haruto: "And it's doubtful that it's going to get any better from here. I'm completely done for." Haruto: "Why did I even work so hard on it? As soon as the anime's finished, I'd like to completely forget about work and play some TRPGs." Itsuki: "Hey, Haruto." Haruto: "Hm?" Itsuki: "I feel like playing a TRPG, so you be the master." Haruto: "Well, that came out of nowhere." Itsuki: "I've been wanting to play one for a while now." Itsuki: "You seem like you have some time on your hands, so why not?" Haruto: "Uh, I still have quite a bit of work..." Itsuki: "And I don't care." Haruto: "All right." Haruto: "Good grief. I guess I don't have a choice." Itsuki: "As for the other players, how about Kanikou, Chihiro, and Miyako?" Haruto: "S-Sure. Okay." Miyako: "Um... T-R-P-G, was it?" yuta: "I've only heard the term before." Chihiro: "I've read a replay book before, but I've never actually played." Haruto: "A tabletop RPG is a game where you advance" Haruto: "Each player makes their own character and participates in the story. Most of the setting will be determined by the gamemaster, but depending on what the players do," yuta: "Is it all right to create a character that's completely different from you in real life?" Haruto: "Sure. One of the best things about RPGs is playing as someone other than yourself. Of course, you can make your character exactly like yourself, too." Chihiro: "Exactly like myself..." Haruto: "The world for the game is an orthodox world of swords and magic. You're all adventurers who have arrived in an unexplored country." Haruto: "All right, let's jump right in and have you create some characters. For this game, I've arranged some samples of partially predetermined abilities," Miyako: "Fuwa-san... What's this "2D" and "3D" that's listed next to "strength" and that other stuff?" Haruto: ""D" stands for dice. You make various decisions throughout the game by rolling dice. The higher your parameters, the more dice you get." Miyako: "So 2D means you roll two dice, and 3D means you roll three dice?" Haruto: "Exactly." Chihiro: "Um... Can we pick whatever sex we want?" Haruto: "Of course." Itsuki: "What? You're going to make a girl character, too?" Chihiro: "Huh? Are you making one, too?" Itsuki: "Her name is Tsukiko, and she's a seventeen-year-old female knight." Chihiro: "Then maybe I'll make mine a girl, too... While we're at it, can I make it so that she's your character's little sister?" Itsuki: "Little sister?!" Itsuki: "Y-You as my little sister, huh?" Itsuki: "W-Well, sure, why not?" yuta: "Okay! Then I'm going to be Senpai's little sister, too! And I'll be ten years old. My hobby is to have sex with Tsukiko-oneechan!" Itsuki: "A ten-year-old like that doesn't exist!" yuta: "Can I not?" Haruto: "Er, I guess you can, but..." Miyako: "Hm... If you three are going to be sisters on an adventure together," Miyako: "If I make my age twenty like I am in real life," yuta: "So Myaa-san's my older sister..." Itsuki: "Wait. I'm Miyako's younger sister?" Itsuki: "I'm a younger sister?" Miyako: "Well, good for you, considering your obsession with them." Itsuki: "No, wait. I love little sisters," Miyako: "Then do you want me to bring my age down?" Itsuki: "Well, I guess this could work." Miyako: "So I guess you're okay with being a little sister..." Itsuki: "I hope you'll watch over me, Big Sister." Miyako: "You're a bit cocky for a little sister." Haruto: "All right. Let's do the opening." Haruto: "Gagagia Kingdom: a small kingdom that lies on the ends of the continent. Within its boundaries lie various ruins and caves," Haruto: "Four adventuring sisters have just arrived at the kingdom. What fate awaits them?" Haruto: "Now, please introduce the characters you've created." Miyako: "I guess I'll start, since I'm the oldest." Miyako: "My name is Miyako in katakana. I'm an expert on attack magic." Miyako: "I also have a special attack that lets me shoot coins super fast." Itsuki: "I'm Tsukiko, the second sister." Itsuki: "I have the ability of reproducing any weapon I've seen before." Chihiro: "I'm the third sister, Sen. I'm a thief-type who uses bows and arrows" Chihiro: "I have the ability to nullify any magical attack that touches my right hand." yuta: "You're all using skills that I'm pretty sure I've seen before." Haruto: "This isn't going to be used in a book or made into an anime, so it's fine." yuta: "I see." yuta: "Lastly, I'm the youngest sister, Death Mask. When I come in contact with another's bodily fluids," Haruto: "Your skill is probably going to cause the most trouble." Haruto: "All right, let's start the story." Haruto: "You've all arrived at the castle town in Gagagia Kingdom. It's early afternoon, and the main street is filled with people." Miyako: "So, what should we do?" yuta: "Let's go to an inn and relax by having sex, Tsukiko-oneesama." Itsuki: "Are you stupid?" Haruto: "You've used up all of your travel money on your way here." Haruto: "At this rate, you won't be able to sleep at an inn." Chihiro: "That means we have to make some money." Miyako: "How do you make money?" Haruto: "If you go to the pub, you can find some jobs. Or you could go to some ruins and find treasure chests," Itsuki: "All right, let's go to some ruins." Sen: "But I think we have a better chance at getting money by working." Haruto: "While you're discussing what you're going to do," Man A: "Are you girls low on cash?" Itsuki: "What? Really?!" Man B: "Of course." Itsuki: "We're so lucky, running into such generous people right off the bat! We accept!" Chihiro: "Hey! W-We can't, Onii... Nee-san!" Miyako: "They obviously have other intentions." Itsuki: "What? Really?" Man A: "Oh, come on. We'll show you a good time." Itsuki: "How dare you trick me with the intention of doing lewd things? Unforgivable!" Man A: "You're going to try to fight us, little girl?" Miyako: "Of course we are! We'll rip you to smithereens!" Chihiro: "I think we might get some money if we defeat them." Haruto: "Not even a second thought about robbing people..." Haruto: "All right. Are you guys going to fight these adventurers?" Haruto: "Okay, one sec. I'm going to make battle preparations." Haruto: "This is Tsukiko. This is Sen-chan. This is Miyako-chan, and this is Death Mask-chan." Itsuki: "I'm an old man..." Miyako: "Their faces are very stoic..." Haruto: "This is an overseas TRPG, so you're just going to have to bear with me." Haruto: "And these guys are your enemies." Haruto: "The characters fight in order of the highest agility. All right, begin your battle!" Man A: "What's the matter?" Man B: "Aren't you going to fight back?" Man C: "I'll rip your clothes to shreds!" Man D: "Here. Take this." Miyako: "That's enough!" Miyako: "Ice Needle!" Man A: "Looks like it had no effect." Itsuki: "Damn it, they're strong..." yuta: "At this rate, we're going to be defeated. Myaa-san, we're going to have to do that one thing." Miyako: "What thing?" yuta: "We'll power you up with my ability! Then you'll be able to defeat them with your magic in no time." Miyako: "Doesn't your ability require us to do dirty things? No! I don't want to!" yuta: "Don't worry. We just have to have a little kiss." Miyako: "Really? Well, I guess that's okay." yuta: "Right! Here I come! My tongue slips in between Onee-sama's lips. Their tongues intertwine in an obscene dance, and unable to help herself anymore, Onee-sama lets out a moan. "Ah, no... Ah..."" Miyako: "Don't fabricate my reaction!" yuta: "You're so adorable, Onee-sama." yuta: "As I devour Onee-sama's tongue, I gently untie the strings of her robe. "No, you mustn't..." I ignore my sister's weak cries of resistance" yuta: "I also strip naked," yuta: ""Ah!" Onee-sama exclaims heatedly." yuta: "You feel it, don't you, Onee-sama? I aggressively attack Onee-sama's various spots," Man A: "Wh-What the hell are they doing?" Soldier: "Hold it right there!" Haruto: "Uh, a number of soldiers head your way." Man A: "Oh, crap! Let's get out of here." Haruto: "Seeing the soldiers, the adventurers flee." Itsuki: "Looks like we're saved." Haruto: "You feel relieved, but the soldiers surround you." Itsuki: "What?!" Soldier: "You're under arrest for public indecency!" yuta: "You've got it all wrong!" Soldier: "That's what you call public indecency." yuta: "Oh, right." Miyako: "I'm innocent! I never thought the day would come" yuta: "Well, it's in the past now, so what can you do? Let's think about what we're going to do now." Miyako: "I don't want to hear that from you!" Silvia: "Pardon me." Itsuki: "Who the hell are you?" Silvia: "I am Silvia, the princess of this kingdom. I have a favor to ask of you adventurers. If you will do this for me, I will promise your release." Sen: "I guess we have no choice but to hear what she has to say." yuta: "I see." yuta: "It's basically an errand side quest." Itsuki: "No, Haruto's novels will usually" Itsuki: "I'm sure there's something more to this. For example, the princess is actually a villain, the sage is an evil wizard," Haruto: "You there. Stop trying to predict what's going to happen." Itsuki: "We've got company!" Chihiro: "Are goblins powerful in this world?" Haruto: "Could someone use their wisdom to figure that out?" Miyako: "I'll do it, since mine is the highest." Haruto: "Success." Haruto: "Goblins are some of the weakest monsters." Haruto: "They're weak against fire." yuta: "Then let's rip them apart!" Miyako: "Fireball!" Haruto: "After defeating the goblins, you continue further into the forest and spot a beautiful lake." yuta: "Since there's a lake in front of us, I guess we'll go for a swim!" Itsuki: "Can we heal if we take a breather here?" Haruto: "Yup." Miyako: "Then let's rest." Chihiro: "Is it really going to be okay?" yuta: "What could be dangerous about such a pretty lake?" Itsuki: "In shark thrillers and monster movies, the first ones to die" Chihiro: "In the TRPG replays I've read," Haruto: "Those are probably TRPGs based on the Cthulhu mythos. You're basically guaranteed fanservice scenes, gore, and horror in that world. This game is a peaceful fantasy, so nothing that dangerous will happen." Itsuki: "Are you sure about that?" Haruto: "Then why don't you use your intuition and roll the dice? I think you can sense if there's going to be any danger or not." Haruto: "It doesn't seem like there's anything dangerous." yuta: "All right. It's time to get into the water. Let's all strip naked!" Miyako: "Well, I guess it's fine as long as it's safe." Chihiro: "I-I have to strip, too?" yuta: "There's no need to be embarrassed. We're all sisters." Chihiro: "Okay..." Itsuki: "Don't do anything weird." Haruto: "And that's when it happened!" Miyako: "Huh?" Chihiro: "I told you so!" Haruto: "The creature that rises from the water is the Roper," yuta: "I'm not going to lose to any tentacles!" yuta: "Oh, no. Don't. You can't go in there." Chihiro: "I don't have my knives. What are we going to do?" Miyako: "I might be able to do something with my magic. Energy Bolt!" Miyako: "I can't defeat it on my own!" Itsuki: "Looks like it's time for me to use the ace up my sleeve!" Miyako: "Huh?" Itsuki: "Unlimited Bla— I mean... I'll use my Phantom Smith to reproduce a long sword!" Chihiro: "Thanks, Nee-san!" Chihiro: "But why'd you cut me loose first?" Itsuki: "An older sister is always supposed to protect her little sister first." Chihiro: "N-Nee-san!" yuta: "Hello? I'm your little sister, too." Itsuki: "You were happy about this situation!" Chihiro: "I'll save you right away, Death Mask-san!" Itsuki: "All right. That's enough tentacle play!" Haruto: "Something unexpected happened," Haruto: "Thank goodness." Itsuki: "You have no shame, you tentacle lover." Itsuki: "So this is the mansion where the sage lives." yuta: "This is definitely some heretic's mansion." Sen: "There are probably traps." Miyako: "But we can't deliver the letter unless we go in." yuta: "What's written in the letter?" Itsuki: "Silvia said to make sure not to open the envelope—" yuta: "Let's open it!" Itsuki: "Good point." Haruto: "This is what's written in the letter. "I'm delivering four young girls to you as sacrifices. Please accept them."" Itsuki: "This is exactly what I said would happen!" Chihiro: "So what should we do?" Miyako: "There's no reason to go in, knowing we're just going to be sacrificed." yuta: "You're right." yuta: "Then let's just burn the mansion to the ground." Miyako: "Huh?" Mage: "Curses... We were so close. It looks like I'll have to deal with you myself—" Miyako: "Take that." Itsuki: "Princess Silvia! We've put a stop to your evil plans to revive the evil deity" Silvia: "I was careless to think I was just dealing with newbie adventurers." Silvia: "I'll just have to eliminate all of you!" yuta: "I'll destroy that illusion!" Silvia: "Curses... But I have more than magic—" Itsuki: "Roper's tentacles!" Silvia: "Wh-What is this?" Itsuki: "I can reproduce any weapon. Monster tentacles are no exception!" Silvia: "Let go of me! Please! Let me go! Get out of there! N-No!" yuta: "Come on, Myaa-oneesama! This is our chance to power you up." Miyako: "Again?" Haruto: "And so the four sisters" Haruto: "That concludes this adventure. Good work, everyone." All: "Good work, everyone!" Miyako: "Nayu gave me a hard time, but TRPGs are really fun." Chihiro: "Yes. I'd like to play one again." Haruto: "I'm happy to hear that." yuta: "I regret not being able to have sex with Itsuki-senpai even once," Itsuki: "Well, don't." Haruto: "Okay, I'll think about our next session." Chihiro: "I'm looking forward to it." Miyako: "Nayu, you need to learn more self-respect." yuta: "Oh, come on. Your body doesn't lie, Myaa-san." Haruto: "Thanks for this, Itsuki." Itsuki: "Huh? What are you talking about?" Haruto: "This game session was to cheer me up, right?" Itsuki: "D-Don't get the wrong idea!" Haruto: "I see." Haruto: "You know... It's a lot of fun creating something," Haruto: "I'm sure it's the same for those people." Haruto: "There were some rough times, and in the end, it didn't work out..." Haruto: "But the fact that we all worked so hard wasn't a waste." Haruto: "I think." Haruto: "So I shouldn't be stopping here, right?" Itsuki: "I see." Haruto: "Yeah." Haruto: "Say, Itsuki." Haruto: "Does Miyako-chan..." Haruto: "have a boyfriend?"
{ "raw_title": "A Sister's All You Need. Episode 7 – Adventure Is All You Need.", "parsed": [ "A Sister's All You Need.", "7", "Adventure Is All You Need." ] }
Haruto: "Does Miyako-chan..." Haruto: "have a boyfriend?" Itsuki: "Huh?" Haruto: "W-Well, I guess I'm just a little curious..." Itsuki: "Oh?" Haruto: "Well, I mean... Miyako-chan's a really nice girl." Itsuki: "Well, yeah." Itsuki: "A boyfriend, huh? I wouldn't be surprised if she had one, but..." Haruto: "What are you doing?" Itsuki: "I'm asking her." Haruto: "That's too direct!" Itsuki: "It's the quickest way to find out." Haruto: "Yeah, but..." Miyako: "H-Huh?!" Miyako: "Could Itsuki actually... But he likes Nayu..." Miyako: "Huh? What?!" Itsuki: "I got a reply." Miyako: ""Don't worry about it"? Are you kidding me?! Ugh!" Haruto: "All right. I'm going to ask her out in the near future." Haruto: "And then I'm going to be happy!" Itsuki: "Wow, you're pretty fired up." Haruto: "My anime's a complete failure, and I'm pretty sure I've hit rock bottom right now. So the only way to go from here is up." Itsuki: "Well, do your best. I'll help you out, too." Itsuki: "Or so I said... but what am I supposed to do?" yuta: "By the way, Senpai..." Itsuki: "Huh?" yuta: "I want to have a surprise party." Itsuki: "Surprise?" yuta: "April 29th is Myaa-san's birthday, so I want to celebrate it." Itsuki: "Huh... And you want to use my place?" yuta: "A birthday, huh?" Itsuki: "It might be a chance for Haruto to make his move." Itsuki: "Yeah, that's fine. I'll contact Haruto and Chihiro, too." yuta: "Now I just need a present. Senpai, please give me some advice." Itsuki: "Why are you asking me?" yuta: "I never had any friends to celebrate birthdays with, so..." Itsuki: "I-I see... But that goes for me, too." yuta: "But you write romantic comedies, Senpai." Itsuki: "Well, the girls in my stories are easy to please. They'd be happy if the protagonist gave them anything," Itsuki: "I don't know what girls actually like in real life." yuta: "I'd be happy to receive shit from you, too, Senpai." Itsuki: "You need to realize that anyone who gives you shit actually hates you!" yuta: ""She'd be happy with me giving her shit?" Itsuki: "No!" yuta: "Even if it was a little sister?" Itsuki: "I would never give my little sister shit!" Itsuki: "Actually, I'd want to receive shit from my little sister." Itsuki: "Why are we talking about shit when we're eating curry?" yuta: "Because you brought it up first, Senpai." Itsuki: "I'm sorry." yuta: "Present... present..." Itsuki: "You're taking this seriously." yuta: "Yes! I really want to make her happy!" Itsuki: "You really do like Miyako, don't you?" yuta: "Huh?" Itsuki: "I've been wondering this for a while, but why are you so clingy with Miyako?" yuta: "Well, Myaa-san is nice, lets me rely on her," yuta: "She's like an older sister." Itsuki: "Th-The little sister attribute?!" yuta: "Senpai?" Itsuki: "Huh? R-Right, um... Present, present... She seems like she has a lot of friends," Itsuki: "Maybe an autograph of an author she likes?" yuta: "That's a good idea. Do you know what author she likes?" Itsuki: "No, no idea." yuta: "I guess I'll have to ask her directly." Miyako: "Favorite author?" Miyako: "I can't always keep up with everything that goes on" yuta: "Apparently her favorite author is you, Itsuki-senpai." Itsuki: "Say what?" Itsuki: "Ah, so she's a fan of mine, eh?" yuta: "That's only if she had to choose." Itsuki: "What, Kanikou? Are you jealous?" yuta: "I-I am not." Itsuki: "Hey, don't get too discouraged." Itsuki: "Well, then... Let's write her an autograph." Miyako: "Hello?" All: "Happy birthday!" Miyako: "Huh?" yuta: "Happy birthday, Myaa-san!" yuta: "Were you surprised?" Miyako: "Huh?" Miyako: "Yeah, I was." yuta: "The surprise was a huge success!" Miyako: "Thanks, Nayu." Miyako: "Is something wrong?" Haruto: "N-No, it's nothing. Happy birthday, Miyako-chan." yuta: "Come, come, Myaa-san." Miyako: "Did you make all of this, Chihiro-kun?" Chihiro: "Yes." Miyako: "You're so good with girly stuff." Chihiro: "No, I'm not girly at all!" yuta: "This one's from me." Miyako: "Thank you!" Miyako: "Is it okay if I open it?" yuta: "Yup!" Miyako: "What's on this?" yuta: "A novel." Miyako: "A novel?" yuta: "Yes. I wrote a novel with you as the main character." Itsuki: "What?!" Miyako: "A novel where I'm the main character?" Haruto: "I'm sure if the editors found out, they'd do whatever they could to get it." Itsuki: "Hey! Let me read it, too!" yuta: "Nope. This is something that I wrote for Myaa-san and Myaa-san alone." Miyako: "Thanks, Nayu. I look forward to reading it." yuta: "Yup!" yuta: "By the way, Myaa-san..." yuta: "How does it feel to be 21?" Miyako: "How does it feel? Well..." Miyako: "I thought I'd feel more grown up in my twenties, I guess?" Both: "Ah..." Itsuki: "I think I thought the same exact thing when I turned twenty." Haruto: "Yeah, me, too." Chihiro: "You felt that way, too, Fuwa-san?" Haruto: "I mean, I still read books and play games every day," Miyako: "But both you and Itsuki have become independent and are actually working. And as far as that goes, I'm still..." Haruto: "Miyako-chan?" Miyako: "A long time ago, I thought being twenty made you really mature... Like I'd already have my goal set for the future," Miyako: "And I thought I'd be in love." yuta: "But you're a sophisticated woman who's had plenty of relationships." Miyako: "I'm sorry. That was a lie." yuta: "Huh?" Miyako: "I lied about having a lot of experience and relationships. In truth, I've never even been on a date." yuta: "Huh?" Miyako: "I'm sorry... I'm not the kind of mature woman that you'd look up to." yuta: "Myaa-san..." Miyako: "I'm sorry for lying." yuta: "I could never hate you! The reason I love you" yuta: "It's because you're genuinely a good person." Miyako: "Nayu..." yuta: "It doesn't matter if you're a slut or a virgin." Miyako: "Nayu... Nayu!" Miyako: "Ugh! You're such a good girl! I love you, too!" Miyako: "I almost want to kiss you!" yuta: "You can if you want." Miyako: "Huh?" yuta: "I wouldn't mind you kissing me, Myaa-san." Miyako: "Well, I'm not going to. Your lips belong to Itsuki, don't they?" yuta: "You're exactly right." Itsuki: "Uh, no one said that you could make them mine." Knight: "I love you, Princess." Princess: "I love you, too, Ikki." Miyako: "Wait! This is a dirty novel!" Princess: "Universe!" Miyako: "What is this?" Miyako: "It's not completely fantasy or a dirty novel... It's more a mythology?" Miyako: "Either way, I couldn't stop reading it..." Miyako: "I guess Nayu really is amazing." Miyako: "I thought I'd feel more grown up in my twenties." Miyako: "Am I going to be okay like this?" Haruto: "Hey." Itsuki: "Huh?" Haruto: "Do you remember that thing you said you'd help me with a couple weeks ago?" Itsuki: "Oh... You mean Miyako?" Haruto: "Yeah, that." Itsuki: "Right. And?" Haruto: "Well, I was sort of counting on you." Itsuki: "Counting on me?" Haruto: "The birthday party." Itsuki: "I forgot." Haruto: "That's what I thought. And then Miyako-chan and Nayu-chan ended up in a total yuri situation..." Itsuki: "That itself got me pretty excited. Well, I'll help you out next time." Haruto: "Yeah, I'm counting on you." Itsuki: "Yup." Itsuki: "By the way..." Itsuki: "How am I supposed to help, exactly?" Haruto: "Exactly? I thought you'd be an expert, since you write rom-coms." Itsuki: "What do you guys think rom-coms are?" Itsuki: "All right. Let's go to an amusement park." Haruto: "A-Amusement park?" Itsuki: "The volume I'm writing now has" Itsuki: "It'll be me, you, Miyako, and Kanikou." Haruto: "I get it. So basically a double date at an amusement park." Itsuki: "I-It's not a date! I'm only going for research!" Itsuki: "It's so crowded..." Miyako: "Well, it is Golden Week." Itsuki: "I totally forgot about that!" yuta: "I did, too." Haruto: "You sort of forget what day of the week it is in this line of work." Miyako: "It really is a weird industry." Miyako: "You look excited, Nayu." yuta: "Yes! I haven't been to a place like this since I was little!" Miyako: "Really? Then why don't we start with something you want to do, Nayu?" yuta: "Thanks, Myaa-san! In that case..." Itsuki: ""Super high speeds exceeding 300 kilometers per hour"..." Itsuki: ""An exciting race filled with speed and thrills"..." Itsuki: "Say, Kanikou. Why don't we rethink this?" yuta: "Oh? Do you not handle thrill rides very well?" Itsuki: "It's not that I don't handle them well. I've never been on one. I was little when I actually went to an amusement park with my family." yuta: "I see! Then let's experience our first time together!" Itsuki: "But wouldn't it be better to experience our first time on a much calmer ride?" yuta: "It'll be fine!" Haruto: "Give it up, Itsuki." Miyako: "I don't like them very much, either, but Nayu wants to ride it, so..." yuta: "Isn't this exciting, Senpai?" Itsuki: "I've said my prayers. Now kill me." Miyako: "I'm getting nervous, too." Haruto: "I'm getting nervous for various reasons myself." yuta: "Wasn't that so much fun?!" Itsuki: "Yeah! Especially that one part that went "rattle rattle" and then "zoom"! It was awesome!" Haruto: "That was pretty intense." Miyako: "Yes. I almost got dizzy." yuta: "Senpai, which ride should we go on next?" Itsuki: "Any of them! We'll be riding them all eventually, anyway!" yuta: "Woohoo! You totally get it, Itsuki-senpai!" Itsuki: "What's the matter, Haruto? Let's hurry up and go to the next one." Haruto: "Wait... Let's not go on another intense one right after that." Miyako: "Yeah, I concur." Itsuki: "Oh, all right, then. We can go on a calmer one next." Haruto: "Is something wrong, Miyako-chan?" Miyako: "Oh, no. I'm just a bit tired." Haruto: "I see. Um..." Haruto: "Th-Then why don't we take a little break?" Haruto: "Here you go." Miyako: "Oh, thank you." Haruto: "S-So what do you usually on your days off, Miyako-chan?" Miyako: "I usually go shopping or to karaoke with my friends." Haruto: "I see..." Miyako: "What do you do, Fuwa-san?" Haruto: "I usually read books or play video games at home." Miyako: "Oh, you did mention that. Still, I'm a bit surprised." Haruto: "Huh?" Miyako: "You seemed like the type that goes out a lot." Haruto: "That's not true at all. I've always been more of the indoor type." Miyako: "Come to think of it, I've been reading more books lately, too..." Miyako: "Ever since I met Itsuki." Haruto: "I see... Oh, did you already read Nayu-chan's novel from your birthday?" Miyako: "Yes..." Haruto: "How was it?" Miyako: "It made me think that Nayu really is a great writer." Miyako: "It almost feels unnatural to be hanging out with her all the time." Haruto: "Unnatural?" Miyako: "Like, I wonder if it's okay to be talking about such normal things with her..." Miyako: "Like we don't really match up..." Haruto: "I think I get what you mean." Haruto: "But you shouldn't worry about that." Miyako: "Really?" Haruto: "I'm surrounded by geniuses and amazing people. If I started worrying about that, there'd be no end. I wouldn't last." Haruto: "That's why I don't think about it." Miyako: "You're right." Haruto: "Y-Yeah..." Itsuki: "Now that we've gone on all the rides..." yuta: "Let's finish things off by going on the first one again." Itsuki: "Yeah, that sounds good." Miyako: "I think I'm done." Haruto: "I'm gonna pass, too. You two go and have fun." Itsuki: "You're so hopeless. All right, shall we, Kanikou?" yuta: "Yes!" yuta: "We'll be back, Myaa-san." Miyako: "Yeah. Have fun." Itsuki: "Hey, stop pulling." yuta: "Here we go!" Itsuki: "Okay, already." yuta: "That rattly part is the best!" Miyako: "Seriously, they're so made for each other..." Haruto: "Ri—" Miyako: "They should just go out with each other already." Haruto: "So that's how it is..." yuta: "That was so much fun!" Miyako: "Good for you!" Itsuki: "So, did you make any progress?" Itsuki: "Haruto?" Haruto: "Nothing happened." Itsuki: "What the heck, you coward?" Haruto: "Well, I'll just keep going at my own pace." Haruto: "So you don't have to help me out anymore." Itsuki: "Huh? Oh, okay." Haruto: "Yeah. It'd just be too cruel..." Itsuki: "Huh?" Haruto: "Nothing." Kaiko: "H-How is it?"
{ "raw_title": "A Sister's All You Need. Episode 8 – All You Need Is Love and Friendship.", "parsed": [ "A Sister's All You Need.", "8", "All You Need Is Love and Friendship." ] }
Toki: "This is the manuscript for chapter 1 of the manga version of Mahou Academy (Sister Method Academy)." Toki: "You seem happy." Itsuki: "But of course!" Itsuki: "Kaiko-san is a magnificent manga artist who completely understands my work. I'm so excited to see how it turned out, I can't contain myself." Itsuki: "Her art is as amazing as I remember! Way to go, Kaiko-san! This is exactly the quality I expected from her! That must mean the pervy scenes also..." Toki: "You mean like the opening scene where Sieg sees Hilde naked?" Itsuki: "Yes! I'm sure the nudity is depicted in the best way!" Itsuki: "What the hell?! Why... Why is Hilde not naked?!" Toki: "I was shocked when I saw the manuscript, too. It appears that she, Mikuniyama-sensei, is a huge underwear fetishist." Itsuki: "Huh?" Itsuki: "So... Could you explain to me why Hilde is wearing underwear?" Kaiko: "I-It's just like your editor told you. I absolutely love underwear, and that's why I drew it." Itsuki: ""And that's why I drew it," my ass! Didn't you say that you loved my work? How could you do something so awful to it?" Kaiko: "It's true that I love and admire your work." Itsuki: "Then—" Kaiko: "But I had always thought there was a very clear and unfortunate flaw in your books." Itsuki: "You can't mean..." Kaiko: "Yes. Why must you always insist" Kaiko: "The elegant little sisters should be wearing underwear worthy for girlfriends!" Itsuki: "You fool! A true big brother wants to see every last detail of his little sister! Saying that a filthy little piece of cloth" Itsuki: "Little sisters are the most beautiful when they are in their natural state." Kaiko: "Then they'd be no different from wild beasts! People first become human when they don underwear. Beautiful things need beautiful underwear. Is that not the true human pursuit of beauty?" Itsuki: "You fool! Truly beautiful creatures are already beautiful as they are! Nudity is the ultimate form of fashion! Little sisters are the most beautiful wild beasts in this world!" Kaiko: "Did you just call nudity "fashion"?! You, a moronic monkey that can't even understand the beauty of underwear, have the nerve to tell me, a girl who's been surrounded by beautiful underwear all her life" Itsuki: "What a coincidence! I don't want to brag about my family, but my grandfather's family made a fortune breeding koi and he was a millionaire in Gifu," Itsuki: "Just as koi are beautiful and elegant as they swim in their natural form, little sisters are the most beautiful when they're naked!" Kaiko: "Gifu..." Kaiko: "No wonder you have values similar to a wild monkey's." Itsuki: "Gunma... I guess I can see why you would consider underwear sacred, since you're a savage" Toki: "Does any of this really matter anymore?" Both: "Of course it does!" Toki: "B-But considering Mikuniyama-sensei's art quality," Itsuki: "You moron!" Itsuki: "The nude scenes in my books are not there to make the readers happy! They're there for no logical reason, other than the fact that I want to see them!" Toki: "Is that something you should declare so proudly?" Kaiko: "I also don't draw underwear for the sake of the readers. I draw it because I want to see the cute little sisters in underwear." Toki: "What are we supposed to do about this?" Setsuna: "Heya, Sensei!" Itsuki: "Sorry, I'm in a meeting right now." Setsuna: "You're in a bad mood. What's up?" Itsuki: "The artist doing the manga version of Mahou Academy and I aren't seeing eye to eye." Setsuna: "Huh... The manga for Mahou Academy?" Itsuki: "If you want." Setsuna: "Heya! I'm the illustrator Puriketsu." Kaiko: "Y-You're Puriketsu-sensei? I-It's an honor to meet you! My name is Kaiko Mikuniyama, and I'm a new manga artist." Setsuna: "Totes pleasure." Setsuna: "Is this the manga manuscript? Wow, you're really good!" Setsuna: "Huh? But this part's supposed to be..." Itsuki: "That's right!" Setsuna: "What?! Wait, wait, wait! What are you thinking?! Putting panties on a naked girl... What decent human being would do that?!" Kaiko: "P-Puriketsu-sensei... So you're also a heretic who believes" Setsuna: "This is unbelievable!" Itsuki: "What are you talking about?!" Itsuki: "Anything else is unacceptable!" Itsuki: "Just a bra? I had no idea you were such a heathen, Puriketsu-sensei!" Setsuna: "Actually, I'm fine with the scenes where she's facing front as they are, but when her butt's showing in full, I want the panties to be off!" Kaiko: "Th-There's no way I could do something so unnatural! Bra and panties are a set! There's no other answer!" Setsuna: "Sensei! We can't leave Mahou Academy in the hands of someone like this." Itsuki: "I want to say that I agree... But other than this scene," Itsuki: "Why did you have to be an underwear-obsessed freak when you have so much talent?" Kaiko: "I could say the same about you! How did you end up a nude-lover" Setsuna: "Then I'll just draw it." Setsuna: "I'll draw the Mahou Academy manga." Tokuyama: "Are you serious?!" Toki: "You can't just do that!" Itsuki: "Can you even draw manga?" Setsuna: "I can probably manage." Kaiko: "I will do the manga version of Mahou Academy! I won't let anyone else do it!" Setsuna: "Then let's have a competition." Kaiko: "I wouldn't have it any other way!" Kaiko: "I won't lose, even if I'm up against you, Puriketsu-sensei!" Toki: "Uh... so... We will now begin this manga competition" Toki: "The theme is that scene with Hilde, and the judges will be us three." Kaiko: "I will put my all into this manuscript." Setsuna: "I'll show you how it's done." Itsuki: "How do you think this will go, Tokuyama-san?" Tokuyama: "Well... As a manga editor," Tokuyama: "and since she's nude in the original story," Itsuki: "So the judges feel that Puriketsu-sensei has a clear lead in this competition." Toki: "Who are you commentating to? Anyway, are you both ready?" Kaiko: "No, one moment, please." Itsuki: "P-Panties?!" Setsuna: "Those are panties, right?" Kaiko: "Yes, they are indeed panties." Itsuki: "Y-You had panties on your head this whole time?" Kaiko: "Precisely." Itsuki: "You pervert!" Kaiko: "What's wrong with using panties as a ribbon?!" Itsuki: "I-I'm not saying it's wrong... But why did you suddenly pull out panties?" Kaiko: "Kaiko Mikuniyama" Kaiko: "is now preparing for battle!" ur: "What?!" Kaiko: "Now... let us begin." Itsuki: "Wait, wait, wait! What's with that getup?!" Kaiko: "This is my formal uniform when I draw manga." Itsuki: "F-Formal uniform? Though I guess there are many authors who change clothes when they work... Kanikou is naked when she writes, so for someone to have panties on their face," Itsuki: "I guess it's..." Itsuki: "I guess it's... I guess it's..." Itsuki: "not strange! All right. We're starting for real this time!" Kaiko: "Yes, sir." Setsuna: "Heck yeah!" Setsuna: "I'm done!" Kaiko: "As am I." Itsuki: "All right. Let's start with Setsuna's manga." Itsuki: "The nudes you draw are absolutely the best." Itsuki: "All right, let's see yours." Itsuki: "There's... even less exposure?!" Itsuki: "But..." Kiako: "Well? How do you like my manga?" Toki: "All of the judges unanimously vote for Mikuniyama-sensei." Setsuna: "I guess I still have a way to go." Itsuki: "Sorry. The nudes that you drew were really amazing..." Itsuki: "But it felt more like a single drawing than a whole manga. On the other hand, there was a story in Mikuniyama-sensei's depiction of underwear. I, a nude supremacist," Itsuki: "Kaiko Mikuniyama-sensei..." Itsuki: "It's a pleasure to work with you on Mahou Academy." Kaiko: "Yes! Likewise!" Kaiko: "I look forward to working with you!" Itsuki: "Wh-What's up, Kanikou?" yuta: "Why are you looking at an underwear site?" Itsuki: "I-I was just looking something up for my books..." yuta: "Why would you need to look up something about underwear? No matter what kind of underwear they're wearing," Itsuki: "It's true. That's how it's been... But from now on, I'll intricately write scenes depicting them in underwear." yuta: "What?! Where did this come from?" Itsuki: "Mikuniyama-sensei, the artist doing the manga version," yuta: "Kaiko Mikuniyama..." yuta: "Hi. I'm Nayuta Kani. I'm Itsuki-senpai's wife." Miyako: "Hey. Don't lie to someone you just met." yuta: "Fine. I'm his future wife." Kaiko: "Right..." Miyako: "Oh, I'm Miyako Shirakawa. I'm one of Itsuki and Nayu's friends," Kaiko: "U-Um, so..." yuta: "I'll get straight to the point. Please stop luring Senpai down the wrong path." Kaiko: "Wrong path, you say?" yuta: "I heard you made some changes to the manga that weren't in the original!" Kaiko: "Huh? Well, yes, I did..." Miyako: "Changes?" yuta: "This woman had the nerve to put underwear on the heroine in her nude scene!" Miyako: "Oh..." yuta: "How can you be so calm about this, Myaa-san?!" Miyako: "Huh? I mean, who cares?" yuta: "No..." yuta: "Where did the nudity-loving Myaa-san go?" Miyako: "When did I say anything about loving nudity?" yuta: "We were naked together in the ocean and this room!" Miyako: "Th-That was..." yuta: "We even wandered around town stark naked and got arrested." Miyako: "That was in a game!" Kaiko: "What in the world are you two doing?" Miyako: "Y-You've got the wrong idea! I'm not some nudity-loving pervert." yuta: "Myaa-san, no..." Kaiko: "It appears that you're the only one with these wicked thoughts." Kaiko: "Underwear is indeed the ultimate form of beauty! In the shower, while they're eating, and even when they're going to school, beautiful girls should only be wearing underwear." Miyako: "Wait, no. You're plenty weird yourself!" Kaiko: "Huh?" yuta: "Anyway! I can't leave Mahou Academy in your hands!" Kaiko: "No... There is no one who can better express that series in manga form than I can!" yuta: "Th-That's not true!" Kaiko: "Very well. Shall we find out?" yuta: "Bring it!" Miyako: "Nayu, you're terrible at drawing." Kaiko: "I believe I'm the winner." yuta: "P-Please wait." yuta: "This was just the practice round! Let's do it for real this time!" yuta: "Give it up, Nayu." yuta: "No matter how good she is, no one has the right to put underwear on nudes! This problem affects my life personally!" Miyako: "Now you're just overreacting..." Kaiko: "Um... how does my manga affect your life?" yuta: "Well..." yuta: "I'm the one who's going to marry Senpai." Kaiko: "Right..." yuta: "And I'm basically naked at home all the time! My dream is to live a married life overflowing with love, where Senpai and I" Miyako: "Well, throw that dream away!" Kaiko: "Well, get rid of that dream!" yuta: "That's why I can't have Senpai realizing he likes anything else!" yuta: "What if he stops lusting after me?!" Kaiko: "Wouldn't you putting on underwear solve that problem?" Kaiko: "Anyway, I don't have any plans to remove the underwear from the manga." yuta: "You leave me no choice." Kaiko: "Wh-What are you doing?!" yuta: "I'm going to show you the glory of nudity!" Kaiko: "Wh-What are you—" yuta: "I'm going to show you what boobs feel like." Kaiko: "I-I already know what they feel like! I have my own!" yuta: "Are you sure?" yuta: "Mikuniyama-san, could it be..." yuta: "that you've never fondled another girl's boobs before?" Kaiko: "S-So what if I haven't?" yuta: "I only learned of this recently myself, but fondling another girl's boobs is completely different" Kaiko: "What?!" yuta: "Mikuniyama-san..." Kaiko: "Wh-What are you..." yuta: "The underwear that you draw is indeed amazing." Kaiko: "Please get your hand out of there..." yuta: "If you used your skills to draw nudes," Kaiko: "S-Stop..." yuta: "Why do you insist on only drawing underwear? I'm not telling you not to draw underwear. But draw some nudes, too..." yuta: "Or could it be... that you actually can't draw them, because you've never touched boobs or butts in real life?" Kaiko: "I-It's not that I can't draw them... It's true that I can't draw them as well as underwear, but..." yuta: "Are you sure you didn't just run away from nudity," Kaiko: "I won't let you!" Kaiko: "I will prove my love to you! It's not that I ran away from nudity." Kaiko: "I will prove that to you!" yuta: "N-No..." Kaiko: "I see. This is indeed different from fondling my own breasts." yuta: "Wh-Why are you... so... good at... f-fondling boobs?" Kaiko: "I'm a manga artist, so I'm very good with my hands." yuta: "M-Manga artists are amazing..." yuta: "D-Don't look at me..." Kaiko: "That's not going to happen! I'm going to observe every last detail of your body." Kaiko: "This is indeed wonderful." Kaiko: "I'll have to go much deeper and put my all into this." yuta: "P-Please stop..." Kaiko: "Please let me feel it..." Kaiko: "As you said, nudity is a theme that is worth exploring." yuta: "R-Right?" Kaiko: "Very well. I will try drawing Hilde nude." yuta: "Yes! I did it, Shenpai!" Kaiko: "But there's one problem." Kaiko: "The only breasts I know are my own and yours. But in comparison, Hilde's breasts are..." yuta: "That won't be a problem. We have a perfect model for Hilde's boobs right here." Kaiko: "Ah, you're right." Miyako: "Huh? Wait, you don't mean..." yuta: "Take off your clothes, Myaa-san, like you always do." Miyako: "N-No! I'm not some nudity-loving weirdo!" Kaiko: "Please, Shirakawa-san. Please strip naked for my manga." Miyako: "No way! I'm not going to get naked!" Miyako: "What am I even doing?" Toki: "This is the final manuscript of the manga version of chapter 1." Haruto: "Wow, that turned out great." Chihiro: "So your series is really becoming a manga, huh? That's amazing." Itsuki: "Yeah..." Haruto: "The details on the underwear are amazing." Chihiro: "I-It's so erotic..." Itsuki: "This nude is magnificent!" Itsuki: "Look at the texture of these boobs! This is exactly the Hilde that I wanted! This is the perfect manga"
{ "raw_title": "A Sister's All You Need. Episode 9 – Nudity and Underwear Are All You Need.", "parsed": [ "A Sister's All You Need.", "9", "Nudity and Underwear Are All You Need." ] }
Abciee: ""Newbie ABCiee Is Going to Do His Best, Ciee."" Abciee: "Hi, hi! I'm ABCiee, and I just started working at the TV station of my dreams, ABC TV! I'm doing my best to become the number one TV guy!" Abciee: "Ooh, the veteran actress, Ms. Pond Snail!" g: "Ah, thank you so much for coming today! My, how beautiful you look—" Snail: "Didn't I mention how much I despise all these dramatics?" g: "Huh? Right, yes! Of course!" Snail: "You there." Abciee: "Huh? Wha? M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Me?!" Snail: "Would you be so kind as to lead me to the green room?" All: "What?" Crawfish: "Oh, uh, he's still really new..." Snail: "And?" All: "But of course!" Abciee: "Th-This way, pwease." Snail: "Maybe I'll ask the station chief to go ahead and fire that frog and crayfish." Calm: "Yes, right away." Abciee: "U-Uh-oh. Messing up would mean..." Abciee: "Death! I-I-I-It's right this way. Which way? Which way? Which way do I go?" Abciee: "It's so hard to find where you're going in a TV station, ciee!" Snail: "Well? Are we there yet?" Abciee: "J-Just a little further!" Abciee: "Right this way!" All: "Huh?" Abciee: "It wasn't this way!" Abciee: "Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no! Um... So we go this way, and then, that way..." Snail: "You there." Abciee: "D-D-D-D-D-Don't worry! The green room, right?! Gotcha! It's all good! I totally remember where it is now! Yes, right this way!" Snail: "This is the green room?" Abciee: "No, it's not! I just, um... Huh? Death..." Snail: "This brings back memories." Abciee: "Huh?" Snail: "When I was just starting out, I'd always come here whenever I messed up. Oh, how I cried. Until I had no more tears to cry. Time after time. The tears I cried up here on this roof made me the actress I am today... Huh?" Abciee: "Is this going to take long? We don't have much time, so could we get a move on?" Snail: "You're the one who got us lost!"
{ "raw_title": "ABCiee Working Diary Episode 1 – Newbie ABCiee Is Going to Do His Best, Ciee", "parsed": [ "ABCiee Working Diary", "1", "Newbie ABCiee Is Going to Do His Best, Ciee" ] }
Abc: ""Smiles and Tears, Ciee, at the Wrap Party!"" Otter: "Great job, everyone! Now, then..." Otter: "Cheers!" All: "Cheers!" Abc: "Hello, I'm ABCiee! We're having a wrap party for one of our shows. And... I'll be performing an escape trick for everyone's entertainment!" Bug: "Now, will ABCiee be able to escape from the box before it explodes?" Cray: ""Explodes"? Seriously?" sh: "That's ABCiee for you." Bug: "All right, let's get on with it and start—" Crowd: "What?!" Otter: "ABCiee!" Cray: "ABCiee... This can't be happening..." Cray: "You... were always so earnest... and hard-working..." sh: "You always made everyone smile..." Bug: "You always worked too hard!" Otter: "I loved you, ABCiee!" Abc: "Huh?!" Cray: "You could never do anything right, you idiot!" g: "You were always causing trouble." Bug: "You even failed at buying lunch." Crab: "And you made a mess of the cue cards." Turtle: "You sucked at interviews." Mana: "You wrecked the set." Snail: "You didn't know where the green room was." Catfish: "You kept messing up your jokes." sh: "You sucked hard!" Bug: "You were damn annoying!" Cray: "You could've at least learned how to do your job before you died!" Abc: "Hey, hey, hey! That's pretty mean, don't ya think?!" Crowd: "Gotcha right back!" Cray: "Keep up the good work." Abc: "This is supposed to be a wrap party, but it's still a lot of work, ciee!" Abc: "Miss Otter... So, uh, hey... When you said you "loved" me..." Otter: "Oh, that might've been a joke, too." Abc: "W-W-Well? Was it or wasn't it?!" Bug: "You still haven't gotten our lunches!" Abc: "I'm sorry!" sh: "You haven't written the cue cards!" Abc: "I'm sorry!" Cray: "Where's the script?" Cray: "Don't make me explode you for real!"
{ "raw_title": "ABCiee Working Diary Episode 12 – Smiles and Tears, Ciee, at the Wrap Party!", "parsed": [ "ABCiee Working Diary", "12", "Smiles and Tears, Ciee, at the Wrap Party!" ] }
Abc: ""Banned Pairings Can Be Complicated, Ciee!" Hello, I'm ABCiee. One of the commentators, Mr. Kaniyama, passed out right before filming today." Abc: "What should I do?" Snail: "Oh dear. What's all this?" Abc: "Ms. Pond Snail!" g: "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" g: "Why is Ms. Pond Snail one of the commentators today? I told you Ms. Sweetfish was our guest today!" Abc: "Oh, yes. I told her what was going on and she said: "Would you like me to do the show today?"" g: "But Ms. Sweetfish and Ms. Pond Snail are..." Sweet: "What? What's this about Pond Snail?" g: "Oh, no, no, no! It's nothing! Nothing at all!" g: "Yup, the show is screwed. I'm going home." Abc: "What? Wait. D-Don't tell me they were banned from being on the same show together..." Abc: "Isn't there anything you can do, Mr. Crayfish?!" Cray: "Nope, nope, nope. I want nothing to do with those two." Abc: "E-Excuse me, Ms. Pond Snail. About today..." Snail: "Ta-da! Isn't this just wonderful?" Abc: "Yup, not gonna be able to tell her. Never mind. I was thinking maybe you could build a wall between Ms. Sweetfish and Ms. Pond Snail." Manatee: "This is all a bit sudden, isn't it?" Abc: "No, no. Hey! Like this thing! You could maybe use this and—" Abc: "I guess I'll just have to take matters into my own hands, ciee!" Sweet: "What's with that kimono? Talk about horrible taste." Snail: "Shut it, cake face." Sweet: "What?" Snail: "You wanna go?" Abc: "Hey! You two are adults! This is your job! You two are just being childish and selfish, ciee! Ciee?" Both: "I know, right?" Both: "Thank you, ABCiee!" Manatee: "Hey, ABCiee! ABCiee!" Abc: "Huh? Wait, wait, wait, wait." Abc: "The show's already started!" Otter: "Um, I'd like to move on..." Otter: "And now, a commercial break." Mana: "Aw, the show's ruined."
{ "raw_title": "ABCiee Working Diary Episode 6 – Banned Pairings Can Be Complicated, Ciee!", "parsed": [ "ABCiee Working Diary", "6", "Banned Pairings Can Be Complicated, Ciee!" ] }
Abciee: ""Beware! Comedians Are Sensitive, Ciee!"" Abc: "Hello, I'm ABCiee. Our guest for today, Mr. Catfish, won't leave his dressing room." Cray: "Mr. Catfish, we need you out here." Otter: "Please come out." Cat: "Take a look at that script." Otter: ""Make sure Mr. Catfish does his usual joke that doesn't land."" Cat: "Whaddaya mean, "doesn't land"?! It's not like I don't want it to land!" Abciee: "Comedians are surprisingly sensitive, ciee!" Cray: "Oh, uh, this is just..." Cat: "I haven't been on TV in forever. My daughter's even here with her friends." Otter: "All the more reason—" Cat: "If I don't land that joke, my daughter's friends might make fun of her! I need to make that joke land at all costs!" Abc: "U-Um... I love your comedy, Mr. Catfish! I think you're super funny!" Cat: "For real?" Abc: "Yes!" Cat: "Which one?" Abc: "Huh?" Cat: "Which joke's your favorite?" Abc: "U-Um, I... Hee, hee, hoo! The catfish's La-meows technique." Abc: "How do you greet someone in India? Na-meow-ste." Cat: "Those are awful!" Cray: "ABCiee!" Abc: "You guys could've at least laughed!" Abc: "At this rate, his daughter... That's it!" Otter: "Oh, she's precious! Is this..." Abc: "Mr. Catfish's daughter. Mr. Catfish! Numeko's here!" Cat: "Numeko?" ume: "Hey! What's the big idea, Pops?! The hell d'ya think you're doin', huh?! Shape up! You're scared yer joke's not gonna land? What ya talkin' 'bout? Yer jokes ain't s'posed to land! Mom fell for you 'cause ya never backed down even if yer jokes didn't land!" Abc: "She sure is harsh..." Larvo: "She's got a point, though." ume: "Just shut yer mouth and suck it up!" Abc: "Mr. Catfish!" Cat: "You're right. I don't know what I was thinking." ume: "Get out there and get laughed at, you stupid dumbass!" Cat: "All right! Here I go!"
{ "raw_title": "ABCiee Working Diary Episode 7 – Beware! Comedians Are Sensitive, Ciee!", "parsed": [ "ABCiee Working Diary", "7", "Beware! Comedians Are Sensitive, Ciee!" ] }
Abc: ""Please Let Me Through, Ciee! ABko vs. the Security Guard!"" Abc: "Hello, I'm ABCiee. Believe it or not, I'm having lunch with everyone's favorite announcer, Miss Otter! Let's dig in!" Otter: "Oh? What's wrong?" Abc: "I forgot my side dishes..." Otter: "Aw, no way! Then, want to share some of mine?" Abc: "Nice!" sh: "Oh, ABCiee. Apparently, someone's waiting with some side dishes for you at the door." Abc: "ABko! Grandpa!" Abko: "Your side dishes, Big Brother!" Abc: "Aw, you didn't have to." Abko: "We thought it'd be nice to have lunch with you for once. You can give us a tour of the studio." Gramps: "I thought I might get an autograph from your live guest today, Mr. Gengoro." Abc: "Hey! Did you leave out my side dishes on purp—" Abko: "Let us meet Gengoro!" Abc: "Yeah, not happening!" Gramps: "But we're family! Can't you pull a few strings?" Abc: "That has nothing to do with it! And no, I can't!" Abko: "Get his autograph! Please, please, please!" Abc: "I can't!" Abko: "It's not fair! You get to see him!" Abc: "ABko! Hey! Stop crying! Come on!" Guard: "What's the matter?" Abc: "Oh, um, uh..." Gramps: "It's all his fault!" Abc: "Grandpa!" Guard: "H-H-Hey, what are you doing?" Gramps: "Now, ABko! Grandpa will take care of things here! Go!" Abko: "Right!" Guard: "Hey, little girl! Are you really okay with trying to barge in like this?" Gramps: "ABko! Go! Flee!" Guard: "I understand wanting to meet Mr. Gengoro. But first, you need to become someone who Mr. Gengoro wants to meet. I'm sure you can manage that." Abko: "Okay... I understand. I'm sorry." Grandpa: "Oh, uh, my thoughts exactly." Abc: "The security guard at the TV station is something else, ciee!" Guard: "Thank you for understanding." Otter: "ABCiee, did you get your side dishes?" Abko: "Hey! It's Miss Otter!" Both: "Miss Otter! Miss Otter! Miss Otter!" Abc: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!" Abko: "Can we just..." Gramps: "...get an autograph, please?"
{ "raw_title": "ABCiee Working Diary Episode 8 – Please Let Me Through, Ciee! ABko vs. the Security Guard!", "parsed": [ "ABCiee Working Diary", "8", "Please Let Me Through, Ciee! ABko vs. the Security Guard!" ] }
Abc: ""Interviewing People in the City Can Be Touching, Ciee!"" Abc: "Hello, I'm ABCiee. I'm out interviewing people on the street. Excuse me... Excuse me... E-Excuse me, sir, could you tell me your secret—" Guy: "Buzz off. You're in my way." Abc: "I'm sorry. Could you tell me your secret—" One: "Hey, are we on TV?" Rando: "Hey, you!" Abc: "Thank you so much! Do you mind if I interview you..." Rando: "That one restaurant you guys said was good wasn't all that great. What are you going to do about it?" Abc: "Um, uh, excuse me... E-Excuse me... I— Huh? E-Excuse me... It's so hard to find anyone who'll let me interview them, ciee!" Abc: "Could you tell me your secret? What? You're actually going to tell me?" Abc: "Like anyone's actually gonna agree to an interview like this..." Turtle: "You mad, ABCiee?" Abc: "What's the big idea? Don't point that at me." Turtle: "See?" Abc: "Huh?" Turtle: "If you want them to forget about the camera and get some honest comments, you need to make them feel at ease first." Abc: "Make them feel at ease?" Turtle: "Well, anyway, we'll see this through to the end with you, so let's just go with the flow." Abc: "Th-Thank you very much!" Abc: "Um... Excuse me." Abc: "Wow, you have eight grandkids?" Gramps: "Yeah, and they're adorable! Even though I can't tell them apart!" Gramps: "Not bad, kid. You've got a knack for this." Abc: "Maybe I should become a masseur, ciee!" Turtle: "He's really putting him at ease." Abc: "Do you have any secrets, sir?" Turtle: "Oh, here we go! Nice, ABCiee!" Gramps: "Huh? Secrets? Hmm, secrets... Ah, work on that knot in my lower back a little more and I might just remember some!" Abc: "Sure thing!" Gramps: "A little more! You've almost got it!" Abc: "Oh? Right here?" Gramps: "A little lower!" Abc: "Right!"
{ "raw_title": "ABCiee Working Diary Episode 9 – Interviewing People in the City Can Be Touching, Ciee!", "parsed": [ "ABCiee Working Diary", "9", "Interviewing People in the City Can Be Touching, Ciee!" ] }
Tv: "Good morning! We're here at Bādon Broadcasting Station with the morning news. His Majesty is celebrating his 99th birthday at Dōwā Castle." L: "Huh? I didn't know he was that old." Tv: "Various festivities to celebrate His Majesty's birth will be held nationally, including in Dōwā itself." J: "Just goes to show how peaceful our nation is." L: "Jean, you need to hurry up." J: "Yeah, yeah." J: "That reminds me, Lotta..." J: "I'm going on a business trip today." L: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I need time to get things ready!" L: "Here." L: "I'll be looking forward to a souvenir." L: "Oh." L: "Your cigarette case! You can't forget to take your trademark, "Jean the Cigarette Peddler."" Man: "Jean..." Man: "How about a cigarette?" Ppl: "Look, a cigarette. Wow... That's such a luxury." Moz: "Everyone, our ten o'clock snack is roll cake" Moz: "from Hachikuma, on 3rd Avenue!" K: "Yay!" A: "It isn't ten yet, but who cares?" Knot: "Hello." A: "Chief, please have some cake." O: "I will, once it's ten." M: "Deputy Chief, I heard you'd be out of the office, so I didn't get you any." Knot: "Is something wrong?" J: "Our department's getting shut down." P: "As you know, the Dōwā Kingdom is a federation comprised of thirteen autonomous districts. ACCA was created as an entity, independent of the state, with various agencies that are vital to our citizens' lives." P: "These include police and fire departments, and medical services. ACCA has allowed each district branch to operate autonomously, as well. We, at ACCA Headquarters, have been tasked with the oversight of the thirteen branches for many years. And for what reason was your Inspection Department created at headquarters?" O: "To monitor the day-to-day operations at each branch." P: "That's right. Approximately one hundred years ago, when we were politically unstable, your Inspection Department was created to monitor the outlying districts. Members of your department were stationed at each ACCA branch to oversee data output on a daily basis. Further, senior officials also conducted random audits. The Inspection Department's raison d'être was rooted in times of chaotic instability." P: "And for that reason..." Knot: "I see, we're finally being shuttered." M: "I figured it'd happen eventually." A: "We aren't really necessary." Owl: "We'll be split up." A: "No!" Owl: "That's right, Jean... You'll still go out today." J: "Huh?" Knot: "The next flight is in an hour and a half." P: "I've notified the Inspection Department of their termination!" Spade: "Well done." Spade: "ACCA will finally be rid of the Inspection Department." Pastis: "Was this the right move?" Gro: "We've merely trimmed excess fat to streamline the budget." Gro: "That's all." Li: "I wouldn't call it "excess." From our perspective, it's an important department that exposes what lies in shadow." Li: "It's quick to identify any brewing unrest." Gro: "In these times, there is no brewing unrest." Pine: "A watchful inspector can have the effect of tightening regional operations." Gro: "That is all in the past, as well." Gro: "Now, it is important for HQ to demonstrate trust in the outlying regions." Li: "Trust..." Pine: "Well, the matter's been decided." Pine: "At a later time, we can discuss how things will look." Spade: "Indeed." Gro: "Excuse me." Pastis: "When he steps out, it just makes it easier to breathe." J: "This district is endless." Ei: "Thinking that we're in the middle of nowhere?" Ei: "It's just that many people aren't out because the harvest's over." J: "Uh-huh." Ei: "The district's primarily agricultural. Do you know how much produce comes from Fāmasu? Ninety percent of national produce! Ninety!" J: "I think the crime rate's low here, too." Ei: "That's right!" Ei: "There are lots of really nice people here, so I have it easy." J: "You like it here?" Ei: "Yes!" J: "I'm glad to hear it's a great place," J: "but our department's being shut down at the end of the month." Ei: "Huh?!" J: "Eyes on the road, all right?" Ei: "What do you mean, we're getting shut down?" J: "The Inspection Department is a fossil, see? Given how peaceful times have been, everyone was wondering how long the department would last." Ei: "I didn't..." Ei: "What's going to happen to us?" J: "Well, given that you're a supervisor, I'm sure you'll be fine." Ei: "We can't fire our people! They all do great work!" J: "Let's finish up here." J: "Technically, my job includes looking into subordinates' performances." Ei: "Feel free to examine every nook and cranny." Ei: "I doubt you'll find anything to complain about!" J: "I'll admit it's well organized." Ei: "Okay, the next stop is..." J: "Wait. I'll take care of my other task" J: "while the branch director is still here." Bc: "Otus, you still carry a lot of catalogs around with you, eh?" J: "You're welcome to keep any you take a liking to." Bc: "Hmm! This is a catalog for donut vending machines, isn't it? Very nice." J: "Feel free to peruse them to pass the time." Ei: "What was all that about?" J: "A company president I know asked me to do it." J: "I guess I'll start making the station rounds tomorrow." J: "The district's huge, so it'll be tough to get around." Ei: "What's wrong?" J: "HQ." M: "Oh, Deputy Chief!" A: "Don't forget to bring back presents!" J: "Yeah, yeah." J: "Is Knot there?" Knot: "Is something wrong?" J: "Send me the Fāmasu inspectors' shift and computer-use logs, will you?" Knot: "Got it." J: "Thanks." J: "Here. October 3rd." Ei: "Y-Yes?" J: "The time stamp of the data transfer from the west station" J: "is off by five minutes on this day alone." J: "This data's been tampered with." Ei: "No way!" Ei: "That's impossible." J: "How long from here to the west station?" Ei: "About an hour and a half by plane." J: "We still have time." Inspector: "Well, this is always a surprise." Inspector: "And there's a festival going on in town, too." Ei: "We'll be done soon enough." J: "Are Constables Maïs and Beets here?" J: "Of course not. Festivals are the best time for black market deals. On October 3rd, due to an anonymous citizen's tip, the constables went to search a warehouse on the outskirts." J: "But there's no record of that here. Why is that? I believe the two caught the criminals red-handed, but let the illegal cigarette makers go in exchange for cuts of future deals. They then came to you and asked you to modify their shift logs, didn't they?" Inspector: "Wh-Wh-What?" J: "Since you're responsible for compiling data, you were torn about modifying and sending their shift logs to HQ." J: "Resulting in a five-minute delay from your usual transmission time." Inspector: "W-Wait a minute, Deputy Chief! What makes you so sure? It's just five minutes." Ei: "It isn't unheard of to fall behind by five minutes for health reasons." J: "Did you confirm that was the case?" Ei: "You don't trust your subordinates, Deputy Chief?" J: "The anonymous tip about the cigarette makers was still" J: "in the report from the day before." J: "I guess no one thought to scrub the previous day's data." Inspector: "You're wrong! I only did what they asked..." J: "Is that right?" J: "I can smell tobacco on you." Ei: "Both Constables Beets and Maïs admitted to the wrongdoing." J: "At the very end, I guess we ended up smearing our own name..." Ei: "I'm so sorry." J: "I try not to think of subordinates as exceptional." J: "After all, doubting them is my job." J: "Now, I can finally leave this behind." J: "Traveling around isn't easy." Ei: "I wonder what will happen to ACCA from here." Ei: "Will each branch become more distinct without Inspection Department oversight?" Ei: "Or will they simply fall under HQ's leadership?" J: "I doubt that." J: "Each district wants to retain its own character. In part, that's what maintains peace in this country, too." J: "Besides, ACCA is a unified front in name only." J: "Each of the thirteen has its own uniform. Just as this district has its unique look," J: "each ACCA branch has adopted a form that suits their locale." J: "That's what I like about ACCA." J: "If you don't want to return to HQ, why not request a transfer?" J: "You could stay here for work." Ei: "I'll go back to headquarters." Ei: "I want to learn a lot from you, Deputy Chief!" J: "Eh?" J: "We aren't getting shut down?" Owl: "That's what we were told this morning." J: "What? But we learned some of our staff was corrupt. I thought we'd be shut down immediately or something." Knot: "Well, all's well that ends well, right?" Spade: "True, the Inspection Department was at fault in this matter. More importantly, one of the districts was harboring corruption. The Inspection Department is precisely the kind of agency that can uncover such corruption early." Spade: "As such, the department will no longer be terminated. I can understand that reasoning." Pine: "Still, it is mystifying why Grossular, who first proposed the termination," Pine: "was so quick to concede." Pine: "Don't you agree?" Lilium: "Few can understand what goes on in that man's head." Gro: "I want Jean Otus monitored." e: "This way!" J: "Another fire... There have been lots." Rail: "Smoking is a pastime of the rich." Rail: "You shouldn't just do it on the street." Guy: "Hey, let's go, rookie!" A: "Check of yesterday's data from the Peshi Branch complete. Forwarding to Data Management Department." Keli: "It's snack time!" Keli: "Today, we have flan! A five-pack!" Am: "Yay! Flan! Flan!" Moz: "Huh? Deputy Chief, aren't you off duty today?" J: "I forgot my lighter." Knot: "What's that?" J: "A draft of the audit schedule for the second half of the year." Knot: "Oh, it's already that time?" Knot: "Hey, this is good!" Keli: "It's a five-pack, so it'd also be perfect to buy for home, Knot!" Knot: "Five would mean squabbles over the extra one." Keli: "Huh? But you have three children and your wife..." Knot: "Well, my wife ran off." Girls: "What?!" J: "Chief, isn't this a bit much?" J: "Currently, each branch is randomly audited at least once every two years. But according to this, I'm now supposed to hit all thirteen in six months." Owl: "It's a directive from the Five Chief Officers." J: "The Five Chief Officers?" J: "Have I done something to make them have it out for me?" Owl: "Who knows? Maybe they feel we need to tighten things up because we recently uncovered that corruption." J: ""Tighten things up," huh?" Man: "What are you looking at?" Rail: "Jean the Cigarette Peddler." Man: "Again?" Rail: "Hard to believe he puffs through that expensive stuff like air." Rail: "I heard he lives in a ritzy apartment building in the town center." Rail: "And on the top floor, at that." Rail: "Maybe he was born with a silver spoon up his ass." Man: "You sure know a lot about him." Rail: "Rumors about people you don't like are easy to come by." L: "The light bulb in the entrance, got it. I'll make sure it's switched right away." Man: "Thank you, building manager." L: "Welcome back. Huh? Weren't you going drinking with Nino?" J: "For some reason, I felt I was being watched." L: "What do you mean?" J: "I just feel restless." L: "Hey, smoke outside." J: "Yeah, yeah." J: "I guess I wouldn't feel watched all the way up here... If anyone were watching, it'd either be God up high or an ACCA chopper." J: "The Five Chief Officers, huh?" Tv: "We're here at the Bādon Broadcasting Station with the morning news." L: "Maybe the brass has something against you now..." J: "You think so, too?" L: "Hitting all the branches in six months?" Tv: "Yesterday evening, there were fires of suspicious origin," L: "Maybe you should just quit." Tv: "such as a dumpster fire in a Bādon District apartment." L: "We have the family business, managing this building." Tv: "Police believe the fires may be linked" L: "So, when do you start making the rounds?" Tv: "to an arson chain and continue to investigate." J: "Today." L: "Crap!" Tv: "Last night, according to the East Bādon police, around midnight..." J: "Oh, you don't need to pack catalogs today." L: "Why not?" J: "Because I'm auditing the local branch." Bread: "Thank you!" J: "Their sandwich bread is really soft." Knot: "Oh, I had no idea." Rail: "An elite from headquarters, buying bread here, of all places?" Rail: "I thought you lot got your food at the town center's upscale shopping district." J: "This bakery's good." J: "Isn't that why you guys come all the way here for your donuts?" Rail: "Branch staffers are really good at finding cheap, tasty eats." Rail: "I'm surprised elites would even know of this place." J: "You know you branch guys get paid better than we do, right?" R+Man: "Huh?" Knot: "Yeah, it's true." J: "Our entrance exam is harder, but our salary is lower." J: "It's one of the seven wonders of ACCA." Knot: "Someone you know?" J: "Nope, but he can't seem to leave me alone." Rail: "Damn him, looking like it all just fell into his lap..." Gurusu: "I'm surprised to hear" Gurusu: "there's an audit today. It's too sudden." J: "An audit is pointless unless it's sudden." Gurusu: "I feel my life shorten each time..." Mauve: "Tell the branch director that I'm here. Do it now." Man: "Yes, ma'am!" Mauve: "You're here for an audit, too, Otus?" Mauve: "Good work." Man: "Sorry to keep you waiting!" Man: "This way, please." J: "Me, too, huh?" Gurusu: "The director-general is personally conducting an unannounced audit? Has something happened?" J: "Who knows? I finished my rounds at the west station, so I'll go to the east station next. Maybe the north station tomorrow." Gurusu: "Deputy Chief, you always smoke in the center of the central plaza, don't you?" J: "The brass doesn't caution you about that?" J: "Nope." J: "Let's swing by the café at headquarters." Pine: "Hello, Otus." J: "Oh, hello..." Lilium: "Conducting an audit?" J: "Yes." Pine: "Your department managed to avoid termination." J: "Thanks to your decision." Lilium: "Grossular changed his mind. He was pro-termination, but he took my opinion into account." Pine: "Those two always butt heads." Lilium: "I've just never shared the same opinion with him." Lilium: "Not once." Lilium: "It's hard to discern what he really thinks, as well." Lilium: "Indeed, he's just like you, Otus." J: "I'd have cast my vote with Chief Officer Grossular, also." Lilium: "Hmm?" J: "I've submitted a request for transfer many times..." J: "That doesn't change the Inspection Department's irrelevance, does it?" J: "Or are you saying something is about to happen in this peaceful world?" Lilium: "We don't know that for sure. And if something were to, the Inspection Department might be the first to know." Pine: "Hmm?" Pine: "It's Director-General Mauve." Lilium: "She was apparently out on an audit." Pine: "Oh?" J: "You didn't know?" J: "I assumed she was acting on the Five Chief Officers' behalf." Lilium: "Well, given that she's the one acting, I'm sure there won't be any mistakes." Lilium: "Well, excuse us." Pine: "Thanks for the cigarette." Jg: "Take care. Take care." J: "Well, then..." Gurusu: "There really are a lot of fires lately." Gurusu: "I wonder if that's another arson." J: "It's already four o'clock. I'll go to the east station tomorrow." Gurusu: "Huh?" J: "I'm supposed to go drinking with a friend." Gurusu: "I... I see." Rail: "You know, these days, it's unusual for someone to carry something that could start a fire." : "Is something wrong?" J: "No." Gro: "That's an intriguing rumor." Gro: "A coup d'état in these peaceful times, you say?" ?: "Next time on ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept., The Partner in Crime's Name Is Nino." : "I see..." : "It's finally my turn."
{ "raw_title": "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. Episode 1 – Jean the Cigarette-Peddler", "parsed": [ "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.", "1", "Jean the Cigarette-Peddler" ] }
: "The branch chief is making room for you at the table tonight." : "Their love for poker is well known." : "It will be a long night." J: "You aren't going to play poker?" B: "Before we start, I'll give you this." B: "It's a cigarette from Yakkara." B: "It should be good." B: "Yakkara is a gambler who's always chasing dreams. We'll place our bets on you, the one who should sit upon the throne." J: "That's a huge wager." B: "When you dream, dream big." B: "Wouldn't you agree?" M: "I'm here." Gro: "When you became director-general and stood here for the first time, what were your thoughts?" M: "Probably the same as yours, Chief Officer." Gro: "Were they? When I saw the neat rows of staff from each district branch," Gro: "I felt the need to further unify ACCA. The uniforms seem to" Gro: "symbolize the current organization itself." Lilium: "How fragmented... Each district's characteristics are important, but ACCA mustn't overemphasize them." Lilium: "What can be unified, should be." Lilium: "Weren't you thinking along the same lines, Chief Officer Grossular?" Gro: "ACCA could be said to symbolize the nation's very order." Gro: "It needs to be strengthened." Lilium: "Worrisome rumors also never cease." Gro: "You mean about a coup?" Lilium: "It won't be long until Prince Schwan will ascend the throne." Lilium: "Self-preservation instincts have been roused in every district." Lilium: "A coup d'état will occur." Lilium: "There is no doubt." Lilium: "I am all for it." Lilium: "However, it shouldn't be to preserve the districts. But to preserve order and the lives of the citizenry. If ACCA leads the coup, that will be possible." Gro: "Won't that be a difficult feat?" Lilium: "I don't hear you opposing my viewpoint, Chief Officer Grossular." Lilium: "That means we are of the same mind." Lilium: "Why don't we try a small ruse?" Gro: "If ACCA can protect this nation," Gro: "I will agree to your proposal." Lilium: "The ruse is quite trivial, but it may prove effective." Pine: "The two of you really are such opposites." Pastis: "I doubt we shall ever have a unanimous decision." Lilium: "I don't want to quash pro-coup stirrings in the districts now. The Inspection Department is our concern because they audit all the districts. If Jean Otus is of royal blood, the coup will gain the added justification of putting him on the throne." Lilium: "Mauve is looking into the coup d'état rumors. We must stop her." Lilium: "It'll be fine." Lilium: "You can do this, Chief Officer Grossular." Lilium: "There is nothing for you to worry about. Everything will go well..." M: "You wish to speak with me about the coup, correct? If that is your decision, I have no objection." M: "If that is the only way to protect ACCA and this nation. However, we don't yet know if we will be able to convince Otus" M: "to join the coup." Lilium: "Thank you for coming all the way here." Lilium: "ACCA will lead the coup, Brother." Lilbro: "Oh?" Lilium: "This nation has begun to move as our family desires." Lilium: "So that our Furawau District will obtain everything in its grasp." Moz: "Assorted cookies from Hachikuma!" Atri: "I've brought... butter cake!" Knot: "Where's the chief?" Keri: "With the rain, maybe he's running late." Atri: "Agent Rail, you don't have a sweet tooth?" R: "It isn't that." Moz: "Hey, I know you're a good person at heart, so a word of advice." Atri: "If you want to keep working at ACCA, it's now or never to turn over a new leaf." R: "Huh?" Moz: "Internal Affairs may have an eye on you, you know?" Keri: "If this doesn't ring any bells, it's fine." Keri: "Lotta, isn't the uniform of the Bādon Branch cool?" L: "Yeah." Moz: "Especially the police uniform!" L: "It's really cool!" Atri: "By the way, Lotta, do you have someone you like?" L: "Not right now, I guess..." Keri: "You mean you used to? What was he like?" L: "More someone I looked up to than someone I liked. A friend of my brother's." Atri: "Tell us more!" R: "Maybe she means that blue-haired dude." Owl: "Yes, I doubt that was the end of it, either." Owl: "Stay vigilant. The Dōwā family's involvement is unfortunate, but don't let it affect how you handle things. Very well." Owl: "Pranetta's next, eh?" J: "Yeah, my bus just reached the border." J: "I hear people are inviting you to stuff everywhere, Lotta?" L: "Yeah, we couldn't do a barbecue because of the rain today, so I hosted a dessert party at our place." J: "I see." J: "It's bone dry here..." L: "Be careful." J: "Okay." Ro: "Deputy Chief, thank you for coming out here." J: "Hmm?" Ro: "I adjusted my uniform to the locale." Ro: "I have a message from the branch chief. Unlike other districts, we have no special welcome for you, Deputy Chief." Ro: "The district chief agrees." Ro: "We understand it may be disrespectful toward one of royal blood." Ro: "But this is how Pranetta operates." Ro: "Please get in. We have water, but please drink sparingly. It's a scarce resource." J: "Down here is much better than up there." Ro: "Let's drop your baggage off before we start the rounds." J: "Here?" Ro: "We apologize that we can't provide actual lodging. This is our night duty room. You'll find everything you need there." J: "A big group in town or something?" Ro: "They're filming a drama series, so the film crew has booked all the nearby lodgings." J: "Huh... I thought he wouldn't be able to follow me all the way out here," J: "but I bet he's watching from somewhere." Staff: "Deputy Chief, thank you for coming." J: "Thanks." Staff: "I retrieved all the reports from yesterday. I'll input them now." Ro: "Thanks." Ro: "We should also get going." Ro: "Where would you like to go first?" J: "For this district, I think going in order is best." Ro: "Then, let's start at the north sector and go clockwise." J: "Okay." Ro: "Are you already done?" J: "Yeah, there aren't any issues." J: "This district is pretty problem-free." Ro: "Yes, it gives us an easy time of it. And he should be done entering the reports into the system." Ro: "I'm going back to send them." J: "I'll come with you." J: "Four o'clock, huh?" J: "The bells are handy..." Ro: "This place makes you lose track of time." Ro: "But it is different from living in sunlight." Ro: "This is a hard place to live, really. Basically, TV is our only entertainment." J: "But no one looks down on it. Especially around this time, when the guys come back from the excavation sites." Ro: "They're chasing a dream, after all." J: "It's inconvenient that you can't send reports from here." J: "If only you could set up an antenna..." Ro: "The signal could interfere with TV broadcasts, you see. We can't disturb the sole source of entertainment for district citizens, just for our convenience." H: "But it does help you get exercise. When I was at the Jumōku Branch, I gained a ton of weight. But I lost it all after I came here." Ro: "Please ensure that, after Jumōku, Agent Koruri is assigned here, too." J: "I'll talk to the department chief." H: "The signal is bad today." Ro: "Should we try another spot?" H: "It might be better in the east." Ro: "A storm may be coming." J: "You can't see anything..." Ro: "Nothing we can do." Ro: "Looks like it'll take time, so let's have dinner." Ro: "But I'm afraid it'll have to be emergency rations." J: "I haven't had hardtack in ages." Ro: "I'm sorry we're making you eat this." J: "It's fine. You seem to be worried about offending me." J: "But I'm just like you guys." J: "This is good!" J: "Can I open the pistachios, too?" H: "You like nuts, Deputy Chief?" H: "We have snacks today, too... Popcorn from Jumōku! Caramel and cheese!" J: "They say it's hard to live in Pranetta or Suitsu, but Pranetta is different from Suitsu." J: "People and goods freely come and go." Ro: "While Suitsu has a wide gap between nobility and commoners, the district itself is not impoverished. The administration is the problem." Ro: "Pranetta is actually poor. Although the district is vast, no crops can grow, and we have limited goods. But the district residents choose to pursue their dreams over material improvements." J: "You mean the mining industry." Ro: "Yes. They allocate the majority of the budget from the central council for that." Ro: "There haven't been any huge finds." Ro: "Perhaps nothing really is there. But the district residents still haven't given up, and no one complains about the administration." Ro: "That's the difference between here and Suitsu. The only discomfort Pranetta citizens feel from living underground" Ro: "is that they don't live under the sky." Ro: "I'm glad the storm subsided faster than expected." J: "Huh?" J: "I hear a noise outside. I wonder if they're filming." Ro: "No, it's residents. This time of day is comfortable enough to go above ground, so they're enjoying the outside air." Poll: "Hi, Agent Otus..." Poll: "Thank you for coming all the way out here." J: "It's been a while, Branch Chief." Poll: "How about it? Walk with me to enjoy the dusk?" J: "Certainly." Poll: "District Chief," Poll: "everyone from the Inspection Department is back, safe and sound." Kid: "Here you go." J: "Thanks." Dc: "The storm must have made things tough." J: "Yes," J: "this place is really something." J: "But everyone looks so cheerful." Dc: "Do you have any cigarettes?" J: "Yes." Dc: "May I have one?" J: "Of course." J: "Please." Dc: "Our lives will probably remain the same," Dc: "regardless of the coup's success." Dc: "Unlike other districts, we have nothing to protect." Dc: "That is why Pranetta chose not to participate in the coup. But when we told her that, she said that, should we chance upon underground resources and become wealthy, there could be war. That is, if ACCA dissolved with this nation's order. While insisting that we pursue dreams, we must have never thought we'd ever realize them. After all, we never considered what would happen if we did. Instead of Prince Schwan, who wishes to terminate ACCA, we will support you, the one with ACCA, for the throne. That's what the coup is for, isn't it? If so, we haven't much to offer," Dc: "but here is a cigarette." Ro: "I hope the district residents can someday lead lives that let them see the sky when they want," Ro: "but look as cheerful as they do now. Deputy Chief," Ro: "what will you do?" J: "I wonder..." O: "You must be tired from the trip, Jean. When is the next one?" J: "Two days from now." O: "Oh, right... You have to finish everything before the centennial ceremony." J: "It's all good." J: "It seems the ceremony will be pretty grand." O: "Yes." J: "The king will attend, as well." O: "That reminds me, Jean. When you get home, make time to talk to Miss Lotta. Though you may often talk, without my having to say such things." J: "Has something happened?" L: "You're okay with herbal tea, aren't you?" J: "Thanks. Can you tell me what happened" J: "while I was gone?" L: "Okay." M: "Today, of all days, I suppose he wouldn't come. If he reports in, it'll be tomorrow." Poch: "Director-General..." M: "Oh, hello." Poch: "What a coincidence. Well, I'm totally addicted to the sandwich bread here. Oh, this is new." Staff: "Please try it." Poch: "Delicious! I'll have some of this." Poch: "This one is new, too..." M: "It's me." M: "Understood. I'll be right there." Poch: "An emergency?" M: "Yes." M: "ACCA command is in uproar tonight." J: "I see." J: "That must have been scary." J: "I'm sorry I couldn't be here." L: "No, it isn't your fault. You had work." J: "I'm glad you're okay." J: "I'll have to thank the department chief." J: "And Agent Rail, too." L: "Jean," L: "was Mom royalty?" J: "Apparently. I only heard recently, too." J: "From Nino. Lotta, Nino serves Dōwā's royal family. He's been watching over us" J: "under orders from the Privy Council president." L: "I see. Actually, I was thinking there was something up with him." L: "You know, I once told him that I was going to marry him. A really long time ago. But then, Nino got all serious" L: "and said he couldn't do that..." L: "Even though I was just a kid, I knew there was something up with him." L: "So I'm not surprised. Even though we know the truth, it won't change things with Nino, will it?" J: "I'm not sure about that..." J: "Let's go out to eat." L: "Okay, I'll get ready." ews: "We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special news bulletin. His Majesty has had to retire in the midst of an award ceremony, due to poor health. We have an update. According to the Privy Council, His Majesty has yet to recover and will not attend any political functions, starting tomorrow." Mob: "Yes, immediately." Pastis: "There's no point in panicking." Lilium: "Indeed. Right now, we can only wait for news to come. More importantly, what we should hasten to discuss" Lilium: "concerns the plan." Lilium: "I was just discussing it with Chief Officer Grossular." Gro: "Indeed." Pine: "True, His Majesty may abdicate." Spade: "And that idiot prince may ascend the throne." Pastic: "Oh?" Pastic: "Wouldn't we trigger the coup d'état before that?" Spade: "But we have limited time. Before we can refine the plan, we must deal with ACCA's centennial ceremony." Spade: "Important figures will arrive from every district. We can't change our plans now. We can only pray that His Majesty pulls through." Lilium: "The anniversary ceremony..." Lilium: "Couldn't we use it to our advantage?" Poch: "Oh, Chief Officer Grossular!" Gro: "Excuse the intrusion. May I have a word with Director-General Mauve?" M: "I would have come to you, if you had only asked." Gro: "It's fine." Gro: "Have you spoken with Otus?" M: "No." Gro: "Didn't you order him to report to you about each district's status?" M: "Yes. He didn't show up today." Gro: "I see." M: "Otus leaves for his final audit, in Furawau District, the day after tomorrow." Gro: "If he continues to fail to report in, what do you think his reasons may be?" M: "I doubt he has forgotten." M: "He may simply be busy." M: "Or he may have a specific reason." Gro: "I will wait for your report." M: "Understood." Princess: "Should Father pass away," Princess: "Schwan will take the throne!" Princess: "And that isn't all... Keep in mind Schnee's children in Bādon." Princess: "Especially the man who was absent during the previous attempt." Princess: "There can be no further mistakes." Princess: "End them, without fail." Lilbro: "Thank you for coming." Lilium: "Welcome to Furawau." J: "Next time on ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.," J: "Furawau's Flowers Smell of Malice." J: "Where's Nino? Man..."
{ "raw_title": "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. Episode 10 – Starfall in a City Without a Sky", "parsed": [ "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.", "10", "Starfall in a City Without a Sky" ] }
Lillbro: "It is an honor to receive someone of royal blood in our district." Lillbro: "This is a glorious day for the Lilium family. Wouldn't you agree, Brother?" Lilbro: "Indeed." J: "Um, I've come here as part of my duties for the ACCA Inspection Department." Lilbro: "So you must go to work, then." J: "My subordinates are waiting." Lilbro: "At least have some tea." Lilbro: "It's herbal tea, made from flowers grown in Furawau." J: "There really are a lot of flowers blooming here. It's beautiful." Lilbro: "They are our district's pride and joy." Lilbro: "Furawau is a beautiful place, where many flowers bloom." Lilbro: "Our people are the same way. The residents are just like those flowers, cheerful and elegant." J: "The Furawau District councilor also seems quite cheerful." J: "Is he family?" Lilbro: "He is a good subordinate." J: "The district chief seems more relaxed than he does when I've seen him in Bādon." Lilbro: "I'm sure it has to do with being here." J: "When he's home, does Chief Officer Lilium change, as well?" Lilbro: "Hmm, I'm not sure about him." Lillbro: "He takes things so seriously." Lilbro: "He stands out from the siblings." Lilbro: "There is a different air about him. He chose to leave for the capital himself." Lilbro: "But he cares about this nation more than any among us." Canary: "Thank you for coming out here." J: "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." Canary: "Oh, it was fine." J: "The residents look really upbeat, but it's more a show of bravado than cheer." J: "It's different than what I saw in Pranetta." Canary: "Is something wrong?" J: "You really fit in here." Canary: "Oh?" J: "You're always smiling." Canary: "Probably from spending time in a place with flowers everywhere." Canary: "It makes you feel peaceful." J: "Yakkara is to be his next assignment. I wonder if he'll be okay." Assassins: "This way!" Assassins: "Where is the target now?" Assassins: "Dining at the district chief's estate. He may stay the night, rather than return to his hotel." Assassins: "Then, we haven't time to try to lure him to an isolated spot." Assassins: "Right, we don't know when we might be interrupted." Assassins: "We mustn't overlook any opportunities." Assassins: "There can be no more mistakes!" Lillbro: "Where were you before?" J: "Pranetta." Lilbro: "Ah, right next door, then." J: "Next door, but the scenery is completely different." Lilbro: "Even in Furawau District, the area bordering Pranetta is desert." Lilbro: "Once you're out that far, nothing worthwhile can be mined there." Lilbro: "Most likely, resources are concentrated in the southwest, under the seabed." Lillbro: "I can offer only my sincere condolences to Pranetta's citizens. Had the central council's budget been allocated to improve their cities, by now, Pranetta would have become friendlier to live in." Lilbro: "Perhaps it was their leaders' arrogance." J: "No, I believe all the residents wanted the same thing." Lilbro: "I see." Lilbro: "There is something all Furawau residents desire, as well." J: "What would that be?" Lilbro: "More than ninety percent of all oil distributed to the districts is produced in Furawau. What our residents want is the practical use of our resources." Lilbro: "For us, supporting the nation of Dōwā is a point of pride." Altea: "If we do find resources, of course we'd want to share them with the districts." Altea: "But seizure against our will would cause hardships. Furawau's resources were flowing to Dōwā Kingdom before the founding of our current political system." Altea: "In a way, their resources were taken from them." Altea: "Are they satisfied with what happened?" Lillbro: "Well, District Chief... Perhaps it is time to give it to him?" Lilbro: "Are you finished with your meal?" J: "Yes." Lilbro: "Then, let us change venues." J: "Furawau is leading the coup d'état, isn't it?" Lilbro: "It is my understanding that you will rise up with us?" Assassins: "Okay, there's the car. It's back." Assassins: "Let's go when he exits the vehicle." Assassins: "If we fail, our lives are forfeit!" Assassins: "We'll place our bets on killing him and making it out alive." Assassins: "There's someone in the way... Just shoot! We can't avoid collateral damage!" Assassins: "Kill him now." : "Jean!" J: "Nino!" Canary: "He's been shot... Get him to the hospital now!" Staff: "We must first contact the branch chief and request instructions." Canary: "That can wait! There's no time to lose!" Canary: "Why?" Canary: "You were targeted, Deputy Chief. Why do we have to keep this a secret?" J: "We have no choice." J: "It was the district chief's decision. I'm sure he had his reasons." urse: "The patient's awake." J: "Talk about the devil's luck." J: "If it had been the group that attacked Lotta..." J: "It must have been the Dōwā family again." : "Yeah." J: "I was told the attackers killed themselves." : "There must be more than two. I wonder if they got away." J: "Maybe." : "This is my first time here... For some reason, my supervisor never let me come to Furawau. This time, due to the Five Chief Officers' orders to ACCA Agent Crow, I was allowed to come. I even followed the directive not to harm anyone affiliated with the Dōwā family." : "I'm sure I'll be praised for my actions." J: "You're talkative today." : "Hey, Jean... These days, when I look at you, I can't tell if you're getting dragged into things," : "or if you're prying into the whole mess." : "I won't tell you what to do. My job is simply to watch over you." J: "To watch over me?" J: "You should stop already, Nino." J: "You don't exist to serve the Dōwā family." J: "Neither Lotta nor I want that." Lilbro: "Jean, I'm glad you are all right." J: "I was hoping to avoid being dragged into royal politics." J: "But the people wouldn't want ACCA to disband." J: "I'll accept your earlier offer." Lilbro: "Now that His Majesty has collapsed, time is of the essence." Lilbro: "Once you return to Bādon, please meet with our younger brother." Sch: "Me, go to Bādon?" Sch: "I refuse." Magie: "As successor to the throne, you can attend a national ceremony His Majesty was meant to attend." Sch: "What's the occasion, anyway?" Magie: "ACCA's centennial anniversary." Sch: "There will be no scheduled meetings. I shall attend the ceremony and depart right after!" Magie: "In Bādon, I'll be able to serve you authentic sandwich bread." Sch: "I don't want any!" Lil: "I heard that Crow protected you." Lil: "How is he?" J: "He'll remain in Furawau until he recovers from his injuries." J: "If he wants to, that is." Lil: "I see. I've heard he may have other responsibilities." Lil: "I shall not pry, though." Lil: "Either way, I am glad to hear that you have come to a resolve." Lil: "How many cigarettes have you accepted? I spread word that intent to join the coup would be indicated by handing a cigarette to the "heir."" Lil: "So thirteen... Even Dōwā District gave you one." J: "The branch chief probably decided. I doubt the Privy Council's president is involved." Lil: "We won't know until the day of the ceremony, when we see how many guards are with His Highness." Lil: "What do you think? Everyone is longing for you to ascend the throne." J: "It doesn't even have to be me, as long as it isn't the prince." Lil: "But it does have to be you. It is only you who can protect ACCA and the people. If we ensure the coup's success and put you on this nation's throne, the people can continue living their lives as before." Lil: "But first, a successful coup." Lil: "You needn't worry. You have us." Lil: "You needn't worry." J: "Sorry for asking you to look after Lotta." R: "It's no big deal." R: "But I was surprised when you asked, out of the blue." J: "Could you look after Lotta while I'm in Furawau?" R: "Huh?" R: "Nothing happened on our end." J: "Thanks." R: "What will you do?" J: "Hmm?" R: "You're of royal blood, right?" R: "You're older than that idiot prince. Maybe you can sit on that throne." J: "And if I do?" R: "Maybe you'll be better than that idiot." J: "Huh... Then, maybe I will." ews: "Many important figures from all districts are here in Bādon to attend the ACCA centennial ceremony. The ceremony is planned for this weekend at the central district branch plaza." L: "His Majesty won't be there, right?" ews: "ACCA headquarters and various Bādon Branch departments" J: "Prince Schwan will attend in his place." ews: "are making final preparations..." L: "The ceremony... Civilians can attend, right?" J: "Hmm..." L: "Jean, you look stressed out." J: "I'm just tired." Grus: "Excuse me." Grus: "Everyone's here early." Rocks: "Maybe you're too lax because you're so close, Agent Grus." Grus: "The only ones who aren't here yet are Warbler, Pulse, and Eider..." Atri: "Hare and Fāmasu are both faraway districts!" Sandpiper: "In Suitsu, just leaving takes a long time." Grus: "You let your hair grow out." Pulse: "Hi!" Eider: "Hi, all." Moz: "Pulse! Eider!" Passer: "Hey, Eider! I've been waiting for you to show up!" Passer: "Come here." Eider: "What's this about?" Passer: "Eider, do you have feelings for the deputy chief?" Eider: "Huh? Th-That isn't—" Keli: "Why bother trying to pretend otherwise?" Moz: "You visited, just to try to see him." Eider: "Sure, that did happen before, but now, well..." Dan: "Girls really like talking about relationships." Canary: "How cute." Staff: "What?! You're dating Agent Grus?" Eider: "Um, he was a really good listener. And um, one thing led to another, and yes..." Passer: "Bādon and Fāmasu! It's super far!" Sandpiper: "Well, well, Agent Grus." Grus: "Oh, please. After our next assignments, I do hope we'll be a little closer." : "Speaking of assignments, maybe the deputy chief position will open up soon." : "Then Warbler will become deputy chief... There will also be fluctuations amongst the leadership, including demotions." : "Not to mention, a coup." : "Huh?" Atri: "Don't! We can't talk about it!" : "Huh? But it's going to happen, right?" Keli: "Well, sure, but..." Warbler: "What are we talking about?" Warbler: "A coup d'état?" : "See, being in Suitsu leaves you behind on the news." : "Maybe Warbler won't be able to handle being the new deputy chief." Sandpiper: "Then, maybe it'll be me. I'm the smart one, after all." Warbler: "Knot, what's this about a coup?" Warbler: "ACCA? Leading a coup?" Knot: "Yes. To avoid chaos, ACCA will lead it in conjunction with the districts." Warbler: "Wait a minute. For what reason?" Knot: "To protect ACCA, or so they say." Knot: "Prince Schwan has stated he'll disband ACCA when he ascends." Knot: "By pulling off a coup, ACCA will prevent that." Knot: "If ACCA survives, the citizens' lives will be protected." Knot: "That about sums up the rationale." Warbler: "But how do you make the logical leap to a coup?" Warbler: "No one thinks it's odd?" Owl: "Warbler, if I may?" Warbler: "Chief..." Owl: "The Five Chief Officers and the director-general have made their decisions on this matter." Owl: "A coup is going to happen in the near future. Given that, ACCA should be at the helm, to prevent utter chaos. That's their line of thought." Warbler: "Going to happen?" Warbler: "Impossible. Each of the thirteen districts may have complaints, but they'd see far greater benefits to being under Dōwā family rule." Warbler: "Even the talk about disbanding ACCA is only coming from the prince." Warbler: "He may be a fool, but will he be a dictator? It's more likely that he'll just follow the Privy Council!" Warbler: "The Dōwā royal family is aware of how much power they're worth. They wouldn't try an autocratic rule now and risk breaking the current system!" Warbler: "I doubt "protecting ACCA" would withstand scrutiny as a rationale." Owl: "We can't be sure he won't disband ACCA. Nothing is more frightening than having a fool of a ruler who wouldn't think twice of tightening the noose around his own neck..." Owl: "ACCA needs to persevere. That is what the people want." Warbler: "You're too biased toward ACCA." Warbler: "Everyone has gone mad!" M: "You haven't gone to buy sandwich bread lately." J: "I don't think so, no. Evidently, the cigarettes I was getting indicated the districts' willingness to participate in the coup." M: "I've heard there were thirteen." M: "The Five Chief Officers told me that." J: "I informed Chief Officer Lilium of this, yes." M: "Before informing me, I see..." M: "What were you instructed to do?" J: ""Instructed" may not be the word." M: "I see." M: "You needn't report to me anymore." J: "Excuse me." M: "Otus..." M: "You're all right, aren't you?" J: "Yes." J: "Warbler?" Warbler: "So, the pro-coup faction wants you to be the next king? If we're pitting the king's grandchildren against each other, the unpopular Prince Schwan loses to you, the one with ACCA, the people's pride and joy. Unless the Privy Council intervenes, there are no roadblocks." Warbler: "The coup will occur without objection." Warbler: "You'll go along with this." Warbler: "You aren't even interested in the throne, are you? Is it for ACCA?" Warbler: "You don't find this ludicrous?" J: "I'd really like you to take my post..." J: "But there needs to be one final push." J: "The prince is a real headache, you know." Magie: "By the way, Your Highness. Are you sure you shouldn't see your cousin?" Sch: "My cousin?" Magie: "Yes, the one in Bādon." Sch: "I only have cousins in Dōwā!" Sch: "I see. So he survived." Magie: "You're still pretending ignorance?" Sch: "Who cares?! Who cares if he lives or dies?" Sch: "It doesn't matter to me!" Magie: "Your Highness, perhaps you should show more interest in the people and the nation." Magie: "Try to be liked by your relatives, at least." Sch: "If you want to distance us, go ahead! It isn't like you're even useful!" Sch: "I'm not talking about you!" Magie: "I understand." Sch: "It doesn't matter..." Sch: "I'm going to be the king of Dōwā." ews: "Important district figures have come to Bādon. Prince Schwan has just arrived from Dōwā." R: "Huh? Magie?!" ews: "He did not seem fatigued by his journey," R: "He was one of the Dōwā family's personal guards?" ews: "as he left his plane for the tarmac." L: "The boy who loved sandwich bread!" ews: "After exchanging greetings with important district figures," L: "So Agent Rail's friend from Dōwā must've been..." ews: "he gave a press conference." Lil: "Tonight is the final meeting with various district representatives. The coup will succeed, and Otus will become the new king." Lil: "Tomorrow is the day on which we finally see the bright, shining future." Lil: "The Lilium family has waited a very long time for this." Gro: "You said, "The Lilium family."" Lil: "I did." Lil: "You have also been waiting for this. Everyone has." Lil: "Am I wrong?" Gro: "That's enough." Gro: "Just tell it like it is." Lil: "Put Otus in power. Then control Otus, to control the nation. By the time anyone notices, Furawau will have total control, and everyone will have to accept it as the new reality." Lil: "That's right... Just as you are doing now. Though people know things cannot continue this way, why are they unable to resist?" Lil: "Because they stand against the Lilium family of Furawau nation." M: "You are not joining the meeting?" M: "Otus appears to be meeting privately with Chief Officer Lilium." Gro: "So it seems." M: "Chief Officer..." M: "Are you all right?" Gro: "Yes." : "Next time on ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept., "Where the Bird Flies."" : "It will be fine, no matter where you choose to go."
{ "raw_title": "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. Episode 11 – Furawau's Flowers Smell of Malice", "parsed": [ "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.", "11", "Furawau's Flowers Smell of Malice" ] }
King: "Has Schwan left?" Q: "Yes, Your Majesty." King: "It's cruel to do to that child, but we have no choice." Q: "I regret that this is the only way to protect the kingdom." King: "The fault for spoiling him is ours, mine and my daughter's. You have served the house of Dōwā to the best of your ability. Thank you for allowing me to meet Schnee's children while I still live. He is like me." Q: "You will see them again, Your Majesty." Q: "Here in Dōwā, in this room." Lilium: "Due to ill health, Chief Officer Grossular, who is spearheading the plan, could not attend, so I shall coordinate." Lilium: "This will be our final meeting before we proceed." Lilium: "I'd like to confirm we're on the same page about what will happen tomorrow." Lilium: "Today, we also have Prince Jean with us. Now, the fate of ACCA and the thirteen territories rests upon this coup. We cannot alter the plan, but we can still cancel it." Lilium: "No one here, sharing our goals, wishes to do so, yes?" Lilium: "Very well, let us proceed with final confirmation." Cop: "Your role, as patrolling beat cops, is crowd control, in case of chaos." Guy: "We're really going ahead with this." Cops: "I think we'll succeed, though. I hear the prince will only have around fifteen guards. They say the Privy Council knows of the coup and doesn't support the prince. But who'll become king instead? If the replacement wants to abolish ACCA, what then? You have a point..." R: "When will they announce that the Otus family has royal blood?" R: "I wonder if Lotta's doing okay. When the press rushes over, I'll protect her from them." J: "If I may? The plan calls for the prince to swear an oath to concede his claim, right after he's been taken into custody. But couldn't that wait till later? I mean, I don't think I should force my way to center stage tomorrow." J: "I feel that will make the prince stubborn." J: "I worry that things won't go smoothly." Pine: "You may be right." Pastis: "It's His Highness, after all." J: "So when you speak to the prince tomorrow, I'll leave it up to you, Chief Officers. Once we reach an agreement with the prince, please delay announcing my royal lineage until a later date." Lilium: "Then, let us do that. Is everyone else in agreement?" J: "I believe this will be a success." J: "That's tomorrow's schedule, isn't it?" Gro: "Are you all right with this?" J: "Please don't look at me like that." J: "What do you think would be best for this nation?" J: "I've always wanted to talk to you about this, Chief Officer." J: "About ACCA and this nation." Gro: "Even if we talked until dawn, it wouldn't be enough." Magie: "Yes, Commander. We are fine here. The prince is sulking a bit, but that is his fault." Mond: "You're rather harsh toward your master, Magie." Magie: "But I do wonder whether we have enough guards." Mond: "His Highness did not want them." Mond: "He said there was no need to arrange theatrics for ACCA. The Privy Council president approved it." Sch: "I thought you were going to serve me sandwich bread, Magie." : "Something's different... I can sense the tension in the air, even so early in the morning." Abend: "How are you feeling?" : "I'm fine. At the least, I can protect Lotta from the crowd." : "Jean should be safe, as well. He's under ACCA's protection." : "I'm just not that worried in general, I suppose." : "I wonder why." J: "You should stop already, Nino." J: "You don't exist to serve the Dōwā family." : "I'm doing this because I choose to." J: "Then stop saying things like, "I'm not supposed to have fun."" J: "I've always had fun." J: "Even now." J: "Maybe I'll get scolded for that, too." : "Perhaps because it's about Jean..." Lil: "Well, it's time." J: "Yes." L: "Huh?" L: "Jean's all the way up there." People: "It's the prince!" Sch: "What's the schedule?" Magie: "After the anthem, the chief officers and the director-general will address the crowd, followed by Your Highness's speech and then—" Sch: "I don't care what follows." J: "The only ones here oblivious to the coup d'état are the prince and his people." Sch: "What's the meaning of this?" Sch: "How dare you treat me in this manner?!" Lil: "It is to protect ACCA and the nation" Lil: "from the heir who wishes to disband ACCA." Lil: "We are not the only ones. I doubt anyone wants you to ascend to the throne," Lil: "not even the Dōwā family." Crowd: "What's going on? Disband ACCA? The prince isn't thinking about the nation. If one like that is king, there'll be war. I'm against his ascension! Not my king! Not my king!" Sch: "It's the ACCA coup I've heard about. They seek to ruin me, and put another on the throne." Sch: "Someone who will protect ACCA." Sch: "Why are you over there?" Sch: "Why will you not step forward?!" L: "Jean..." M: "Silence! In this nation, there is but one prince, Your Highness Prince Schwan." M: "Please refrain from referencing wild speculation." M: "ACCA will protect the nation." M: "It is the same as protecting the Dōwā family, the nation's symbol. The nation has enjoyed constant development and prosperity under Dōwā family rule. The Dōwā family's continued peace assures peace for this nation, in turn." Lillbro: "I do not believe this was a part of the schedule." M: "We would like you, the family heir, to take better care of yourself." M: "We are honored that ACCA has your trust. However, we would still prefer that you not attend functions with such a small guard detail." M: "We understand, of course, that your guards are highly trained elites. But we wished for you to realize that, as you just experienced, a gun may be pointed at one any time. To that end, we incorporated a highly theatrical exercise into the ceremony itself." M: "Please forgive our insolence. Your thoughtfulness in avoiding a brazen show of power will surely be admired by the people." M: "The Dōwā family avoids conflict. That is why we have peace." M: "Rulers who favor shows of power will not bring peace to the nation." M: "That is why the Dōwā family symbolizes peace." M: "Under the Dōwā family, ACCA will continue to protect the nation." M: "We entrust the future to you, Your Highness." Sch: "I would like ACCA" Sch: "to safeguard the nation for posterity." Magie: "Your Highness, your hand." M: "Thank you, Your Highness." L: "Nino?" Lillbro: "This is..." Lilbro: "It seems that Furawau alone" Lilbro: "was not informed of this farce." Spade: "Evidently, you relied on trickery too much to win such a major wager." Spade: "Will Furawau continue the game?" L: "You were involved, too." L: "Then, it was you?" J: "Once Director-General Mauve told me about my royal heritage," J: "we strategized in Kororē, to prepare for today." J: "So that your game would become ACCA's game. And now, we've won. In this game, a win for Furawau would look different than a win for ACCA." J: "For us, a win is to have ACCA's continued existence assured." J: "But for you and Furawau, that wasn't the case." J: "ACCA's preservation was mere pretext and justification. Your true win would be for you to usurp the Dōwā family's position. Fear that local autonomy would fall with ACCA bred self-preservation in each district. If you could take advantage of it, attainment of your goal wouldn't be impossible. But if ACCA won first," J: "Furawau's game would be over, then and there." Lil: "You acted on speculation?" Lil: "No, you didn't." J: "Director-General Mauve has conducted a thorough investigation of Furawau's internal affairs. She has testimony from the Furawau representative in the central council." Lil: "I knew no one outside the Lilium family could be trusted." J: "What will you do now? Will you still play the game with another strategy?" Lil: "Furawau will leave the game. The game called "Dōwā Kingdom."" Gro: "This was your feat of strength, Director-General Mauve." Gro: "The Five Chief Officers are no longer needed in ACCA. The five leaders, central to ACCA's creation a century ago, became its chief officers. We are their remnants." Gro: "I believe we can abolish the position now." Gro: "You are the leader." Gro: "Last night, Otus briefed me on the plan." Gro: "Today, I was hesitant to stand here as one of the Five Chief Officers. To me, the thirteen different uniforms look like the symbol of solidarity now." Gro: "Thank you." Cop: "An exercise kept secret, even from us. The director-general is quite the leader." L: "Jean!" J: "Sorry to worry you, Lotta." L: "Nino was with me! But when I looked for him, he was gone." J: "I see." L: "Um, thank you for telling me about the danger when my life was at risk." Magie: "I told her." Sch: "Then you should thank him." Magie: "Yes, His Highness was worried about both of you and ordered me to warn you." Sch: "You both should come to the castle. I'm sure Grandfather would be pleased!" Rocks: "So, in the end, not even their royal lineage was publicized." Rocks: "That was well done." Warbler: "Yeah." Owl: "So, though matters have been resolved, tensions will remain high in each branch for a while. We return to our important work of monitoring each district. First, we have a staff dinner tonight. I'll have your next assignments then." Sand: "Here it comes." Passer: "I'm so nervous!" Eider: "Chief, what's in that envelope?" Owl: "Jean's normal transfer request." : "For ACCA, the ceremony marked a transition to a new system. The positions of the Five Chief Officers were abolished, and Director-General Mauve became the highest-ranking official." Boy: "Question!" Guide: "Yes, young man?" Boy: "Why does ACCA's symbol still have a thirteen, even though there are twelve districts?" M: "It's what Chief Officer Grossular wanted. I agreed wholeheartedly." : "Grossular submitted his resignation, but Mauve dissuaded him. He remains a chief officer, in an advisory capacity." Gro: "I still hope that someday, Furawau will return to Dōwā Kingdom." Gro: "No need to change it for now." : "With Furawau's secession, there were concerns about a resource shortage. But the discovery of underground resources in Pranetta drastically changed the conversation. Many flocked to Pranetta and applied for residency, to pursue their dreams. In particular, a growing number of young applicants from Yakkara." Spade: "Of course you bet on the winning horse. Anyway, I'm retired now... Just an ordinary citizen, so never mind me." : "With ACCA's transition, the other chief officers left for their own destinations." Pine: "As Jumōku's district chief, my goal is obvious. To spread our specialty goods throughout the nation. Naturally, that includes Suitsu." : "In Suitsu, for the first time, residents will be able to elect their next representative." Pastis: "My reasons? Just look at this beautiful scenery." Pastis: "I've realized that all residents love this beautiful land of Suitsu." Pastis: "That is all." Warbler: "Who knew you'd be nominated for the council?" Biscuit: "Suitsu will change from being a nation to a district!" : "Suitsu's development was welcome news to citizens who were shaken by Furawau's secession." Lilbro: "So ultimately, where did the leak regarding Jean Otus's bloodline originate?" Lil: "Who knows? It doesn't matter now." Lil: "Nothing to do with the Lilium family. Or with Furawau Kingdom." Magie: "Your Highness, Miss Lotta has arrived from Bādon." L: "This is a present, sandwich bread!" Sch: "I accept." L: "This is for Magie, from Agent Rail!" L: "You really care for your friends! Oh, and this is for the first princess, to thank her for telling me so much about my mother." Sch: "She tried to have you killed." : ""Because the first princess apologized," she said. And above all, because she was her mother's older sister." Sch: "Grandfather is waiting." : "Well done." Abend: "Everything was Privy Council President Qualm's orders. We had to eradicate the Lilium family's plots before Prince Schwan's ascension." Abend: "Even if that meant involving the Otus siblings. I would never have conceived of such a thing." : "But you supported his plan by insisting that Jean would never want the throne himself." : "And for the past six months, you guided Jean's actions." : "In terms of orchestration, an impressive feat." Abend: "It was nothing so grand. You know that better than anyone." Abend: "His Majesty no longer needs photos." Abend: "You are released from your duties. You are free. Live as you see fit." : "I will do so." Abend: "It's time... I'm leaving." Abend: "In any case, we'll meet again." Abend: "After all, you and I will live as we want." Driver: "Where to?" Abend: "To Beak Beauty Salon, in the east sector. Can you make it quick?" Abend: "Dyeing my hair blond is such a hassle." Atri: "Welcome back, Deputy Chief." Moz: "You must be tired from your trip!" J: "I'm not that tired, actually... The schedule's relaxed this time of year." Atri: "Your previous rounds were just too tough. Is coffee all right?" J: "Sure." Keri: "Hey, I saw them again in the downstairs café, Director-General Mauve and Chief Officer Grossular! Don't you think they're a great pair?" Moz: "I do! They'd be wonderful together!" J: "My parents died in the Peshi-Rokkusu train accident." J: "Due to the accident, I once met Chief Officer Grossular back then." J: "He came to meet with bereaved families. He laid a hand on my shoulder," J: "and looked at me, without a word. If I really do have royal blood, I believe the chief officer may have already known, even back then." J: "But if he did, he never spoke of it to anyone." J: "I think that's the kind of man Chief Officer Grossular is. I became interested in ACCA because I sensed how proud he was of it." M: "You really like him, don't you?" J: "And in time, another who shared the chief officer's perspective emerged and became director-general." J: "I know my feelings will be unrequited." M: "You are the same way." M: "I have boundless respect for the chief officer, as well." Atri: "Here." J: "There's enough for me?" Moz: "Yes. It was for Knot, but he left early." Keri: "His wife contacted him. He's going to the airport to pick her up!" Keri: "By the way, Deputy Chief, isn't Lotta traveling now?" Keri: "Have you been eating okay? We can all go out for dinner." J: "I'm fine. Even if I were drinking by myself, my partner in crime would just wander in." : "Are you having fun, Jean?" J: "Having fun at prom?" : "Well, it was all unfortunate... In many ways." J: "And why are you ditching the queen? You were voted prom king, right?" : "Isn't it hilarious? It's more suited to you."
{ "raw_title": "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. Episode 12 – Where the Bird Flies", "parsed": [ "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.", "12", "Where the Bird Flies" ] }
Gro: "That's an intriguing rumor." Gro: "A coup d'état in these peaceful times, you say?" M: "Yes, sir." Gro: "And that's why you've been making the rounds, auditing various branches?" M: "ACCA was created for a reason, sir." Gro: "And hence, the endless rumors." M: "Then, it's only a rumor, sir?" Gro: "The Five Chief Officers will discuss this." Gro: "However..." Gro: "I will say that our nation is at peace now." Gro: "ACCA is the symbol of peace itself." L: "You're going to the western sector today?" L: "Please buy tomato sandwich bread from Mugimaki." L: "This is what happens when you drink too much." Teacher: "Okay, all eyes on our tour guide!" Guide: "Hi, everyone. Do you know about ACCA?" Guide: "You learned about it in social studies class, right, Acca?" Acca: "Huh? Oh, um..." Guide: "ACCA was established ninety-nine years ago. A hundred years before its creation, this kingdom was divided into thirteen nations." Guide: "The nations were united by the current king's..." Acca: "Great-grandfather!" Guide: "That's right! But with the passage of time, we entered the era of the current king's father, and the twelve districts united against Dōwā and attempted a coup d'état." Guide: "However... His Majesty's father was a peaceful man, so he held talks with district representatives, and averted the coup d'état by granting each district autonomy! The negotiations resulted in moving the capital, establishing a central congress, as well as the creation of an independent, civilian organization." Guide: "That organization was ACCA. ACCA was named for a symbol of peace, a species that went extinct the year ACCA was created." Acca: "The bird, acca!" Guide: "That's right!" Guide: "The symbol of peace, acca. Acca is what protects our peace!" Knot: "My kids will be on that tour next year, too." J: "They're that old already?" Rail: "Where's the fire?" Man: "The north sector." Rail: "North, huh? If it isn't in our jurisdiction," Rail: "it'll be hard to set him up as the arsonist." J: "All good... The audit's complete." Guru: "That was fast." J: "That's because this branch is competent." J: "Another fire?" Guru: "Looks like a robbery, not a fire." Guru: "A tobacco store was robbed." J: "Hmm..." J: "Lots of tobacco theft lately, too." Guru: "With the high taxation, it's a luxury good." Guru: "Not everyone gets theirs for free like you, Deputy Chief." Guru: "By the way, did you find your lighter?" J: "No." J: "But I've probably found it." Radio: "One of the thieves is in block 8, fleeing north. We've lost the other one." Men: "Know where the rookie is? No. Damn it! He's gone off on his own again!" Boy: "Help me..." Rail: "Damn, a brat." Rail: "Brats complicate trials." Rail: "Just leave what you stole and go." Rail: "Just go, I said!" Boy: "Okay!" J: ""You shouldn't just smoke on the street."" J: "You're no stranger to smoking. Agent Rail, they have high hopes for you, a rookie with top arrest numbers after three months." J: "But you've also pocketed and fenced confiscated goods four times. You have dealings with criminals." J: "And now, you're in the middle of plotting some scheme with my lighter. In addition," J: "you've taken the entrance exam for ACCA Headquarters." Rail: "The Internal Affairs Department knows that?" J: "Oh, I wouldn't know." J: "There's a special route, you see." Rail: "There you go again! Can you even understand how miserable it is to pour blood, sweat, and tears into something and get nothing in return?! I worked my ass off, but guys with money and connections sabotaged me! I had no choice but to drop a rank and join a branch I wasn't interested in!" Rail: "You couldn't possibly understand!" J: "What a waste..." J: "Those are expensive." Rail: "Hey, are you even listening?!" J: "Even if I did, I wouldn't get it." J: "I don't have money or connections." Rail: "Right, just look at where you live." J: "I'm only the building manager." J: "Now that I know why you keep pestering me, I feel better. Since you just hate rich people, I guess I'm no longer a target." J: "Anything else you want to say?" J: "No?" J: "Okay, I'd like my lighter back." J: "I don't think the Internal Affairs Department's noticed anything. Be more careful from now on." Rail: "Trying to get me to owe you?" J: "I'm with the Inspection Department. Our job is to monitor the headquarters staff stationed in regional branches. The actions of branch staff" J: "are outside our jurisdiction. Uh, the tomato sandwich bread in two-centimeter slices—" Mauve: "The usual, please." Mauve: "You live around here, Otus?" J: "No, my sister asked me to get bread here, so I stopped by after my audit." Mauve: "I see. Where's the next one?" J: "Jumōku District." Mauve: "Their bread leaves quite an impression. Try the fast food place called "Basswood."" Mauve: "It's popular now." J: "Where is your next audit, Director-General?" J: "I heard you were also conducting audits." Mauve: "There will be no further audits." Mauve: "The Five Chief Officers have decreed it." Mauve: "Did you just smile?" J: "No, I didn't." Mauve: "Well, good luck with your audits." : "How was Mushroomhead?" : "Glad to see that. It's supposed to symbolize peace, but it sure flies off at the drop of a hat." J: "Can I ask you something else?" J: "Lately, I feel I'm being watched." : "The Inspection Department being watched?" : "Okay. I'll look into it." Man: "Good work, rookie." Rail: "I wonder if he was trying to set fire to this condo." Man: "Probably. He's the arsonist." Man: "Now you owe Otus one." Rail: "Heh." Man: "Oh, I think that's Otus's little sister." Rail: "She's cute!" Man: "Hey, let's get going!" : "Hey." L: "Nino!" : "A chocolate sundae." L: "You and Jean went drinking the other day, right? He isn't really a drinker, so don't overdo it, okay?" : "Sure." : "What are you up to?" L: "Breaking down our building expenses." : "You're totally ready to get hitched." L: "I want a husband who'll join the family." : "Oh?" L: "Even if Jean quits ACCA, he can't manage the building by himself." : "He won't quit..." Staff: "Thank you for waiting." L: "But he doesn't like his job at the Inspection Department. I wonder why he won't quit. Being a building manager's a pretty stable job." L: "Besides, the ACCA pay is low. Do you two ever talk about things like that?" : "Actually, no." L: "Next time, try it." : "Got it." L: "How's work?" : "Busy... I got a good tip, so I have to run around for a while." L: "I guess you're a PI-turned-journalist." L: "Does being a freelance reporter pay?" : "Do you only care about money?" L: "Want to eat dinner sometime, the three of us?" : "You cooking?" L: "No." : "We'll see." L: "Then, once stuff quiets down for you two, it'll be a dinner party. I'll cook." : "I'll work hard for that." Lilium: "As for the coup d'état, it'll just be a rumor, like usual." Pastis: "But Director-General Mauve taking direct action is worrisome." Spade: "I concur." Pine: "It's hard to imagine that rumors would lead one such as she by the nose." Lilium: "That's true. But, Chief Officer Grossular," Lilium: "were you not aware of these rumors in advance? Those rumors partly led you to change your opinion about the Inspection Department's continued existence." Gro: "That's right." Gro: "These rumors of a coup d'état aren't likely to be just talk." Gro: "I have obtained information with more credibility than a rumor." Gro: "Deputy Chief Jean Otus, of the Inspection Department..." Gro: "He is involved in this coup d'état plot." Spade: "The smoker's involved?" Gro: "Weren't some of you also concerned by him?" Gro: "I have already ordered Director-General Mauve to end her investigations." Gro: "We, the Five Chief Officers, shall deal with this." Lilium: "So, when he goes out to the districts for audits, we suspect Otus contacts coup d'état sympathizers? It isn't implausible, but he mentioned that he's requested a departmental transfer many times." Gro: "But there is no actual record of that man ever submitting said requests." J: "I don't feel anyone watching me." J: "Good work, Nino." Gro: "We allowed the Inspection Department to continue and had him watched, but he is more cunning than anticipated." Gro: "We must assign superior eyes to him. There is a suitable undercover agent within the Internal Affairs Department." Gro: "Undercover agents fall under our supervision. No one else knows who they are, not even the Internal Affairs Department." Gro: "That includes Otus, of course." Gro: "Come in. Moving forward, Crow will" Gro: "handle surveillance of Jean Otus." Hotel: "You're in room 406." Hotel: "When should we bring your breakfast?" J: "Don't worry about it. I'll come down to the dining hall." Hotel: "We'll bring your breakfast." J: "Okay, at eight." J: "This isn't the room I booked." Hotel: "We received orders to give you that room." Koruri: "Good morning," Koruri: "Deputy Chief!" J: "Good morning. After I'm through here—" Koruri: "About that..." Branch Chief: "Otus," Branch Chief: "welcome to Jumōku." J: "Branch Director, thank you for your hospitality with the hotel." Bc: "Let me know if there are any problems." Koruri: "So, our main systems have been down since this morning..." Koruri: "We've been trying to get them back up." J: "This is pretty old stuff." Staff: "We'll figure something out by evening." J: "I'll go buy everyone lunch, then." J: "From Basswood." All: "Huh?!" Staff: "In this district, agricultural produce is 2.5 times larger than average. So the dishes are all mega-sized, too! What sets Basswood apart is that their food's super tasty!" J: "I guess that explains it. In the six months you've been here, you guys have all gotten bigger." Koruri: "Apparently, the average height of district youths has increased again. I hear it's 2 meters, 22 centimeters." J: "Wow." Staff: "Would you like some cake, too? Here you go." J: "Well, I'll try this, then." : "It's way too big." J: "Nino..." J: "Here for an investigation?" : "Yeah. I came on a local's recommendation, only to find you here." J: "Since I mentioned it to you, I haven't felt anyone watching me. Thanks a lot." : "That's good to hear." : "It was just some thug. Maybe Mushroomhead was involved?" J: "Oh, I see." : "I'm sure everything is fine now." J: "You always look out for me." : "It's nothing new." J: "Right." : "Want to grab dinner somewhere?" J: "I'll call you." : "Okay, thanks." Koruri: "We just received word that we can't get our systems back online today." J: "Oh." J: "Then, let's go somewhere else today." Koruri: "Sorry..." J: "Well? Are the systems back online?" Koruri: "We didn't manage, after all." J: "I see. I guess that's that." Koruri: "I'm so sorry." J: "Are backup systems available?" Koruri: "Yes, but they don't perform daily backups, so we have to manually enter the missing data." J: "I'll help." Owl: "Sorry to make you come along after school. I was asked to get something for my staff, but I couldn't figure out where the store was." Lotta: "This is the place for a cake with nuts. I've been wanting to come here, too!" Lotta: "Delicious." Owl: "Dōwā District is famous for this kind of rustic, simple cake." Owl: "I hear His Majesty likes it." Lotta: "Really? I'd love to go there!" Owl: "I've never been there, either." Owl: "I do feel bad for you and Jean." Owl: "All the district branches in six months... I'd prefer to do some of them myself," Owl: "but I'm not too good with planes, trains, and things like that... Motion sickness." L: "Oh, don't worry about it. My brother enjoys making rounds, so it's fine!" Rail: "Crap, what are they talking about? I want to have tea with her, too!" Rail: "She's so cute." J: "Thanks." Koruri: "Thank you. Thanks to your help, Deputy Chief, I think we'll wrap up earlier than expected." J: "We're almost there. Let's do our best." Koruri: "Okay!" J: "Sorry." : "Run into trouble?" J: "Yeah." : "Cheers." J: "And you?" : "Almost done." J: "I'm envious..." : "Want to switch careers and help me out?" J: "I don't want to travel everywhere..." J: "Besides, you're a lone wolf." J: "Wait a sec. Do you even have friends besides me?" : "I don't have time to hang out and stuff. In my free time, I prefer riding my motorcycle and drinking with you, I guess..." J: "You haven't changed at all." J: "We've known each other for what, almost fifteen years?" : "Yeah." J: "You can be a bit aloof." : "Really?" J: "You've been that way ever since we met, after starting high school." J: "You just stood out from the crowd." : "Look who's talking. You were pretty standoffish, too." : "We were kind of alike. That's probably why we got along." : "Besides, Jean, you haven't changed, either." : "I thought you might get a bit stuffy after joining ACCA, but not at all." J: "The Inspection Department has good people, but yeah..." : "You really don't like your job there, do you?" J: "No. Not my thing." : "But you won't quit." : "You have a reason you can't quit." J: "A reason?" J: "For example?" : "Like I'd know." : "You complain, but won't quit. Anyone would think you have a reason." J: "Well, even if I quit..." : "I've never seen that brand before." J: "Oh, this?" J: "It's my first time, too." : "Want wine?" : "Still buying presents for someone?" J: "I told you already!" : "Oh, that." Crow: "Jean Otus received cigarettes in Jumōku District." Crow: "Also, assigning surveillance for me is pointless." Crow: "I'm repeating myself, but my surveillance is the best." Crow: "And here, I thought you had faith in me." Crow: "You took your time to decide." Gro: "Of course." Gro: "You are Jean Otus's friend, Crow." Crow: "Jean Otus noticed your man watching him." Crow: "I wouldn't make that mistake." Crow: "I believe the other chief officers will soon realize that the rumors were true." Crow: "I'll call again." : "He's never noticed me watching him." : "Not once in the thirty years I've known him." Atri: "Oh, my god!" Atri: "Potato chips and bread from Jumōku District! So huge!" Knot: "Where to next?" J: "Suitsu District." J: "In two weeks." Knot: "Guess you can unwind a little." : "So that's where the meeting is tonight." Mauve: "We meet again, Otus." J: "Director-General, would you like some?" Mauve: "Hmm? Oh, sandwich bread from Jumōku District!" J: "I got ahead of myself and bought too much." Mauve: "Then I accept." Mauve: "Thank you." Mauve: "Otus..." Mauve: "Are you free this weekend, in the evening?" : "Next time on ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept., The Swirling Smoke of Rumors in the Castle." : "Jean appears to still be oblivious."
{ "raw_title": "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. Episode 2 – The Partner In Crime's Name Is Nino", "parsed": [ "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.", "2", "The Partner In Crime's Name Is Nino" ] }
Keri: "Wow, I didn't think you'd come with gifts while off-duty, Deputy Chief!" J: "Is there a dress code for the restaurant" J: "called Vert, on 7th Avenue?" Knot: "Vert?" Atri: "There are ten cream puffs in here!" Km: "We get two each?" Knot: "Oh, the sister restaurant of the upscale restaurant in Kororē District." Knot: "I wouldn't be surprised." J: "Right..." Pastis: "Do you really believe what they said back there?" Spade: "It isn't entirely implausible." Pine: "What do you think?" Lilium: "Grossular isn't exactly being a team player." Lilium: "We cannot give him sole control over Crow." L: "Jean's having dinner with a colleague." L: "And I was looking forward to our dinner party, too. Nino, did you talk to Jean, like I asked?" : "Huh? Oh... I forgot." L: "Jeez, you're like twins with stuff like that." : "Sorry, sorry." L: "Be sure you don't forget to ask him next time about why he can't quit ACCA." : "Got it." : "Well, either way, he won't quit." : "Not ever." Mauve: "I'm sorry for forcing you to come to such an uptight venue." Mauve: "I wanted to eat food from my homeland." J: "I'm so glad I stuck it out with ACCA..." : "The Dōwān cake was that good?" L: "Yeah!" L: "It was chock full of nuts. So delicious!" : "Good." L: "Dōwā District, huh? I wish I could go." Mail: "We have a delivery!" L: "Okay!" L: "Thanks! Nino!" : "What?" L: "It's heavy. Can you carry it for me?" : "You got it, Princess." : "From Fāmasu District?" L: "It's for Jean, so maybe it's from someone in ACCA?" L: "Oh, potatoes!" L: "I'll make a potato gratin!" L: "It'll be great on toast! Jean loves that, too." L: "What?" : "Oh, just thinking you haven't changed a single bit." : "You've always been the type to get caught up in things." Mauve: "Do you have an aversion to alcohol?" J: "I'm not a strong drinker, so I try not to drink too much." Mauve: "It's a private dining room. You can go off the rails without any damage to your reputation." J: "I doubt that." Mauve: "True. I wouldn't want you to get drunk." Mauve: "I wouldn't want you to forget tonight. Otus, this is a business engagement." Mauve: "The kind where you arrange a good meal and try to recruit someone to your faction." Mauve: "If word got out that I'd entertained a powerful figure, it'd cause a stir. But you wouldn't raise an eyebrow. However, where I stand now, you are more powerful an ally than any other." Mauve: "What's wrong?" J: "Nothing." Mauve: "Are you getting drunk? That won't do. You can have my water, too." J: "No, I'm fine." J: "I'm so embarrassed..." Mauve: "It's about the coup d'état." J: "A coup d'état?" Mauve: "You haven't heard the rumors?" J: "No, nothing worth bringing to your attention, Director-General." Mauve: "I pay close attention to any rumors of coup d'états. Through my investigations, I have confirmed" Mauve: "that it isn't just a rumor this time. However, Chief Officer Grossular has forbidden further investigation." Mauve: "I would like your help." Mauve: "You visit every single district." Mauve: "I'd like you to report any information you find during your rounds. In secrecy." J: "A coup d'état?" J: "Could something like that actually happen in this peaceful nation?" Mauve: "Peaceful?" Mauve: "Are you being serious?" Mauve: "Do you not know?" Schwan: "A coup d'état?" Schwan: "That's ridiculous. It's just another rumor." Magie: "But if we only get concerned after one happens, Dōwā Kingdom is finished." Schwan: "Finished?" Schwan: "Impossible." Schwan: "Not as long as I am the next king." Pastis: "Prince Schwan's Coming of Age Commemorative Ceremony..." Spade: "Talk about last minute." Pine: "Attendees requested ACCA headquarters include the Five Chief Officers, the director-general, and the deputy director-general. Also, two from the Inspection Department." Owl: "So, Jean..." Owl: "Sorry to ask this of you right before your departure for Suitsu District." Owl: "And about the second invitation... I don't do airplanes, so..." Owl: "I'm thinking of asking Knot to fill in for me." Owl: "Will you go for me?" Knot: "Oh, but I have my kids..." J: "It will be winter break by then." J: "Maybe they can stay with your parents." Knot: "I see." Knot: "It'd only be about two days..." Owl: "Yeah." Knot: "Then I'll go." Knot: "Dōwā, huh?" Knot: "Guess I'll have a story to tell my kids." Mauve: "As you well know, the king did not produce a male heir." Mauve: "His Majesty sired only daughters. As such, the only claim to the throne is Prince Schwan, born to the king's youngest daughter." J: "He's coming of age soon, isn't he?" Mauve: "Yes." Mauve: "He will become the official heir to the throne." Mauve: "When he ascends the throne, we will not be at peace as a nation." Mauve: "He is a complete idiot." J: "You don't mince words." Mauve: "I believe the current coup d'état movement involves powerful figures in outlying districts, who fear this outcome." Mauve: "Even ACCA branch staff is suspect." Mauve: "I know this goes beyond the scope of your position. But I'd like you to do this as a favor." J: "This is a serious request." Mauve: "That's right." J: "Did you consider the possibility I might refuse?" Mauve: "I do not wish to go against the Five's will." Mauve: "I'd like to fulfill my responsibilities as ACCA director-general." Mauve: "ACCA was founded to serve the people of this nation. Though ACCA may have to confront this nation's issues," Mauve: "it cannot allow a coup d'état to ravage the country." Mauve: "ACCA is not the symbol of peace." Mauve: "It's the protector of order, one that will guide the nation to peace." Mauve: "You understand ACCA's role. That is my assessment." Mauve: "Like me, you desire order." Mauve: "Will you help me?" J: "I understand." J: "I accept your request." J: "I mean, when she smiles at you like that..." : "Jean, you're drinking too much." J: "Hey, look who's pouring me another." : "And you'll get to see her again in Dōwā, won't you?" J: "Yeah." : "Good thing you didn't quit ACCA, huh?" J: "Yeah!" : "I'll be there, too. In Dōwā." : "It's for a story, given how big the festivities will be." : "I'll see you there." : "Well, let's get going. They've started boarding already." L: "Okay!" Magie: "Regarding tomorrow's ceremony, I've requested the attendees wear formal attire." Schwan: "All right." Schwan: "I have no desire to see any ACCA uniforms. After all, tomorrow will be a historic day. My grandfather will announce his retirement, and my succession claim will be formalized, Magie. After my ascension is announced, I shall stand before the people and speak respectfully of my joy at having come of age." Schwan: "Then, to conclude, I shall say the following." Schwan: "On the day of my ascension, ACCA is to be disbanded!" Schwan: "ACCA, the symbol of peace?" Schwan: "The Dōwā family, my family, is the symbol of peace. As in," Schwan: "me." Magie: "Nothing is final yet." Schwan: "Of course it is! He invited all these people. Grandfather did!" Magie: "It wasn't His Majesty. It was his aide, the president of the Privy Council." Schwan: "That's basically the same thing! Stop talking already! Listen, Magie... After disbanding ACCA, my next act will be to shut down the central congress for good! Then I shall place the Privy Council back under royal jurisdiction! Right?" Schwan: "What's your response?" Schwan: "You may speak!" Magie: "Yes." Schwan: "All you have going for you are looks!" Magie: "I am honored by your praise." Magie: "But are you not forgetting one further thing?" Magie: "What about the Privy Council president's replacement?" Schwan: "Idiot. The president will retire with Grandfather. That is entirely in line with the virtues" Schwan: "the president speaks so highly of." Pastis: "I hear this sudden call for formal attire came from the prince?" Spade: "Who else could it be?" Pastis: "He sure likes us dancing to his tune." Mauve: "May I join you?" Spade: "Very well." Mauve: "All the branch chiefs have arrived." Mauve: "We are to dine with them tonight. Should we include the Inspection Department staff?" Spade: "That won't be necessary." Mauve: "Understood." Pine: "Why was the Inspection Department" Pine: "invited to tomorrow's ceremony?" Mauve: "They have in-depth knowledge of all the districts. The royal family can ill afford to ignore them," Mauve: "given the unsavory rumors of late. The royal family has made no formal request to meet with Inspection Department staff. But they may put out feelers at tomorrow's celebration." Gro: "So even the royal family is manipulated by the rumors." Mauve: "Yes, just like I was." Mauve: "Of course, the Five Chief Officers are impervious. All thirteen district chiefs, members of the central congress, all ACCA branch chiefs, and the Five Chief Officers..." Mauve: "Such powerful figures being assembled in one place is rare." Mauve: "I wonder what will be announced at tomorrow's ceremony." Q: "That concludes the overview of tomorrow's events, from the ceremony to the celebration." King: "I see." Q: "Is there any issue with giving the address at the ceremony, Your Majesty?" King: "Have I ever had any issues with anything you've informed me of?" Q: "I am honored by your words." King: "Which sweets will be served at the celebration?" Q: "I believe you will find them worthy." King: "And fruits?" Q: "We've not been remiss." Staff: "President of the Privy Council, His Highness has apparently prepared his own remarks for the address tomorrow." Staff: "What do you advise?" Q: "Just let him be." Q: "It's going as predicted." Q: "He can do whatever he wants. At least for now." Mauve: "Would you like this bread, too?" L: "Oh." Mauve: "Are you from here?" L: "Um..." : "She's on my team for a story. She's my assistant." Mauve: "I see." L: "She's beautiful." Knot: "You're still half asleep?" Mauve: "All of the bread was great." Knot: "You're eating all that?" J: "Let's split it 50-50." Guard: "His Majesty has arrived!" King: "I am overjoyed that my grandson, Schwan, has come of age, and that I can share this joy with all of you." King: "I ask that you all enjoy yourselves to your heart's content." Schwan: "Is that it?" King: "Yes." Schwan: "But what about my ascen—" King: "Hmm?" Magie: "It appears His Majesty is not abdicating." Q: "Everyone is waiting for you to speak, Your Highness." Schwan: "I am gladdened to have such an occasion to welcome my coming of age day. Those of you who represent our loyal subjects, I appreciate that you have come here today. I trust you will continue your efforts to contribute to Dōwā Kingdom's continued prosperity." Spade: "That was awful." Mauve: "So there will be no announcement of an abdication..." Mauve: "Why were so many of us called in, then?" J: "I want to have a smoke." J: "Can I get out?" Guard: "A smoke?" Schwan: "Very well." Guard: "But, Your Highness..." Schwan: "As the guest of honor today, I permit it." Schwan: "What a joker, smoking in this castle. Cigarettes are scarce in this nation because the Privy Council's president became concerned for the health of my grandfather, a smoker. And yet, that man..." Schwan: "How curious." Magie: "She looks like your taste in ladies, Your Highness." Schwan: "Find out who she is." Knot: "That girl looks like Lotta." J: "Huh?" J: "Lotta." L: "Nino brought me as his assistant!" : "She said she wanted to go to Dōwā, so I killed two birds with one stone." J: "How are you helping him, anyway?" L: "Um, like carrying luggage..." J: "You aren't carrying anything." L: "Nino said it wouldn't go with my dress!" J: "Uh..." : "Well, let's take a commemorative photo." L: "Okay!" Knot: "Wow. They all look delicious." J: "The king does like his sweets." J: "The strawberries are amazing, too." Audience: "This was supposed to be a celebration for His Highness." Audience: "But all this is to His Majesty's taste." L: "They look so good..." : "I recommend that one. His Majesty has a particular fondness for them." L: "Wow..." Attendant: "Please." King: "Do you like sweets?" L: "Yes!" King: "Have as much as you'd like." L: "Did you take a photo of me with the king?" : "Of course." Pine: "So was what Grossular said true?" : "Director-General Mauve," : "a comment on today's ceremony, please." Mauve: "You are one of Otus's friends?" : "Yes." Mauve: "Hmm, I didn't know that." : ""That"?" Mauve: "I do my best to know everything about everyone in ACCA." : "The Director-General knows who I am." Gro: "And after that, what of Otus?" : "Nothing of note, but..." : "Have you noticed the president of the Privy Council?" : "He's paying close attention to Jean. Right now, there are enough influential people gathered here to overthrow this nation. And everyone's focused on the man who's entrusted with the responsibility of keeping it together." : "I guess that about sums it up." : "Jean may accept his third and fourth cigarette tonight." : "Excuse me." : "Yes? Yes, it's fine." J: "I'm going for a smoke." Knot: "Okay." : "It's all going smoothly. I believe you'll be satisfied." Lilium: "That's bold, smoking in Dōwā. Personally, I find Dōwā's night breeze rather harsh." J: "Sure you can afford to be here?" Lilium: "Yes. I'd like to spend more time chatting with my brothers, but I'm here on official business." J: "Your brothers?" Lilium: "My older brother is chief of Furawau District," Lilium: "and my younger brother is an ACCA branch chief." J: "Oh, that's impressive." Lilium: "You didn't know?" J: "No." Lilium: "I can tell when someone's lying." Lilium: "I think of you as an honest, likable young man." Lilium: "Are you here to get away from everyone's eyes on you?" J: "Yes." Lilium: "You look confused about why that is." J: "Then, do you know why, Chief Officer?" Lilium: "You're the intermediary for the rebels planning a coup d'état." Lilium: "That is what they believe about you." Lilium: "Those with power and influence among the thirteen districts, that is." Lilium: "Rumors have spread throughout the nation." Lilium: "That's why everyone's looking at you." J: "Well, that's a bother." Lilium: "As I thought, you aren't the one. I believe Grossular started these rumors." Lilium: "He desires for ACCA to have absolute power." Lilium: "It's obvious." Lilium: "He is the one plotting the coup d'état." Lilium: "Without realizing it, you're being made into his puppet." Lilium: "Of course, I won't let Grossular get his way." Lilium: "ACCA may suffer internal turmoil, but I'll be sure to protect order in this nation." Mauve: "Like me, you desire order." Lilium: "And for that, I want your help, Otus." Lilium: "To preserve peace in this nation." : "Next time on ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept., Smoldering Embers in an Isolated Nation." : "The next audit will be in..." : "I see. It's a whole different story from the others."
{ "raw_title": "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. Episode 3 – The Swirling Smoke of Rumors in the Castle", "parsed": [ "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.", "3", "The Swirling Smoke of Rumors in the Castle" ] }
L: "Wow!" L: "Thank you so much, Nino!" : "Jean's away for work again?" L: "He left as soon as he returned from Dōwā." : "What's with that box?" L: "Oh... I send gifts to the owner, along with our monthly reports." L: "I'm not sure what he likes, so I end up sending lots of things." : "Didn't you say you've never met him?" L: "Yeah, and I only know his post office box." : "Huh..." : "Thanks for the cake." L: "Leaving already?" : "I'll take the package to the post office for you." : "I have to mail something, too." : "I'll send you the report. I'm going to Suitsu District tonight. Oh, and Lotta's present will be included with the report. Enjoy." : "Also..." : "Apparently, people working for the prince are sniffing around Lotta." : "Jean's about to get sucked in even more." : "It's okay. Just don't call me out of worry like you did before, please." : "Excuse me." Man: "You can use that?" J: "There's no signal, so I can't." Woman: "Hey..." Woman: "Could I touch that?" Others: "Wow, it's real. Hey." Others: "I'll give you the money... Next time you visit, can you bring me something like that?" J: "In Suitsu District, they're forbidden by law." Man: "How much do you want?" J: "It isn't about the money." Man: "Then, what do you want?" J: "Hmm..." J: "Maybe cigarettes." Others: "It's a cigarette! I've never seen one before." Staff: "If you're eating here, eat at your own table!" Staff: "I told you not to talk to outsiders!" Biscuit: "I'd like to request that you not frequent places like this." J: "The food just smelled so good. I couldn't help it." Warbler: "Deputy Chief... You didn't arrive as scheduled," Warbler: "so I've come to get you." J: "How long have you been stationed here?" W: "Four years." J: "A long time." J: "This is a difficult assignment, and not many are a good fit. That tends to extend appointments here." J: "Isn't living here inconvenient, though? Unless you're a district citizen, you can only eat or shop in designated areas," J: "so you don't bring in outside influences." J: "If you call it preserving tradition, it may sound like a good thing." J: "But I wonder what the residents think." J: "I can't really tell. It's an interesting district." J: "You were stationed in Dōwā District before, right?" J: "How does this one compare?" W: "It's isolated. One can freely come and go from Dōwā." J: "Yeah, gaining entry here is a pretty complicated process. Have you been back to Bādon at all?" W: "No." J: "Next term, you will likely be reassigned." W: "All right." J: "All locations in Dōwā are important, with complex relations to maintain with local populaces. I think I can trust you to carry on my responsibilities, but my transfer request never goes through." W: "I couldn't possibly do your job. I'm not as skilled at staying on good terms" W: "with the brass." W: "You can use the terminal there to communicate with HQ." W: "For personal communication, you can use the phone." J: "Only being able to communicate with people in select places is inconvenient." W: "Here's the schedule for your audit." J: "I've always said that I decide the schedule." W: "Tomorrow morning, I'll pick you up at eight o'clock." W: "Please refrain from smoking." Branch Chief: "I received reports that HQ's Inspection Department made contact with the locals. Be more careful." W: "My apologies." Spade: "What did you just say?" Lilium: "Jean Otus has no connection to any coup d'état sympathizers. That is my conclusion. It is a personal one, and I do not ask you all to accept it." Lilium: "But I am his ally." Spade: "Where is Otus now?" Pine: "In Suitsu District." Pastis: "My beloved homeland." Pastis: "It is its own country..." Pastis: "An independent nation, located within a country." W: "The south station is next." J: "Let's walk there." W: "The north sector is among Suitsu District's most isolated. Please refrain from taking any personal actions." J: "Isolated, huh?" J: "It's just a sector without any nobles living here." J: "It isn't particularly dangerous." J: "What's that?" W: "Who knows? They probably committed theft." J: "It's already two o'clock. Let's eat." W: "We can't go to any restaurants here." W: "I'll buy something." J: "Then—" W: "As long as it's bread, you don't care, right?" W: "Please return to the carriage." Man: "Hey, I'm glad you're safe." J: "Oh, the man from earlier." Men: "An ACCA Headquarters uniform! Damn." Men: "What should we do? He heard us." Men: "Don't move! Now that you've overheard us, we can't let you leave!" J: "Overheard what?" Man: "Don't play dumb! We were talking about the coup!" Carriage: "I saw him taking photos there, but..." W: "If you'd actually vanished into thin air, it wouldn't trouble me in the least, Jean Otus!" Men: "You're crazy, bringing someone like him here! This is an important meeting place! He learned about our plans for the coup. We had no choice but to bring him! You should have discussed it with us." Woman: "It isn't my fault if Biscuit gets angry at you." J: "Biscuit?" B: "You guys captured someone from headquarters?" Men: "Biscuit!" J: "It's you." B: "You guys brought trouble." Men: "Biscuit, look! There are lots of photos on his device!" J: "I was asked to take them." Men: "These photos are around the meeting place. Are people investigating us?" B: "Everyone, quiet!" B: "Now that he knows, we can't let him leave." L: "I asked Jean to send me photos of Suitsu," L: "but I guess he's busy." L: "Thanks for the food!" Maggy: "You lost her?" Sub: "I'm sorry, sir! The restaurant's mochi dessert was so tasty that..." Maggy: "Idiot! You can get desserts like that in Dōwā!" Knot: "The deputy chief?" Knot: "We've received no particular word." Knot: "Has something happened?" W: "No, I'll contact you later." W: "Damn it!" W: "Where'd he go?" B: "You're very calm." J: "You guys haven't given me" J: "any reason to be nervous." B: "You think we're meeting like this as a hobby?" B: "We do want to change Suitsu. That isn't a lie." B: "This nation is wrong." J: "By "nation," you mean Suitsu District?" B: "This is its own nation! Although it's within the larger nation known as Dōwā, how can one area be so isolated? We may have been granted autonomy," B: "but nothing has changed in nearly a century." B: "We want to make Suitsu into a real district, under Dōwā Kingdom!" J: "As suspected, their goal is different than the coup d'état the chief officers and director-general spoke of..." J: "By "coup d'état," you mean you plan to occupy the district office?" B: "That's right." J: "And what will you demand after doing so?" B: "We have two demands." B: "First, to remove restrictions on the transportation network. Once we can go freely between here and other districts, this district will change." J: "Many people want that. If that demand is granted, I can introduce you to people who'd want to help with your reforms." B: "You're just saying that so we'll let you go!" J: "It isn't a lie. In my briefcase, back at the hotel, I have something I received." J: "It's in room 301, the hotel across from the ACCA Suitsu Branch." B: "Our other demand" B: "is to have Suitsu's representative congressman, Beurre, resign." B: "I guess ACCA's so removed from politics, you don't know why. When Dōwā granted autonomy to the districts, the central congressional system was established." B: "District representatives were to gather as an institution. The idea was to leverage each district's unique advantages" B: "for developing the nation as a whole. In the hundred years since, while other districts maintained a balance with each other and continued to develop, Suitsu was different. Thanks to nobles who wished to preserve "tradition and formality."" B: "Then Beurre rose to prominence, promising to change Suitsu's bad habits. Though a commoner like us," B: "he obtained a title and even became our representative. He was our hope." B: "And yet... He's never once returned to Suitsu from his congressional seat in Bādon." B: ""Change Suitsu"?" B: "How would he know how things are, if he never comes back?" B: "In the end, Beurre was only after fame and glory." J: "It seems like Chief Officer Pastis often comes back here." B: "He isn't a politician. He doesn't even consider changing Suitsu." B: "He merely likes Suitsu as the nation built on tradition and formality." B: "After all, he's of noble blood." B: "For now, forget about Pastis." B: "But Beurre must be brought down! We need a new district representative!" Boule: "Hello, Chief Officer Pastis." Pastis: "Oh..." Pastis: "I didn't know you also frequented this place, Congressman Beurre." Boule: "Of course I do. For anyone with a name worth knowing in Bādon, it's a must." Pastis: "Have you returned recently to Suitsu?" Boule: "I just returned from there the other day. I used my personal jet." Pastis: "I see." Pastis: "How was it?" Boule: "The same... It's a beautiful place!" Pastis: "I couldn't agree more." Boule: "Well, I hope to see you soon." Pastis: "District Chief Lilium..." Pastis: "I didn't know you were in Bādon." Lbro: "I had business with the central congress." Pastis: "Then you should have invited your younger brother along." Lbro: "He wouldn't come to a place like this." Pastis: "True." Pastis: "Beurre asked you for a favor, didn't he?" Pastis: "To become a member here?" Lbro: "He did." Pastis: "A most entertaining man. He seems quite proud to get a referral from Furawau District's prestigious Lilium family." Pastis: "But in Suitsu, he'll be a very different man." Lbro: "You are a count. He's a commoner who bought a title to become a baron." Pastis: "He has never gone back to Suitsu." Pastis: "I have full access to Transportation Department records." Pastis: "But he is better off not returning." Pastis: "If he does, he'll be burned at the stake. He said he would change the district, but he only changed himself." B: "Untie him." B: "Biscuit! We're back!" J: "The majority of businessmen in my apartment complex wish to do business with Suitsu." J: "There are many who would help Suitsu open its doors." J: "All are influential men who can fund things being done in the district." B: "Why would you do things like this?" J: "I get cigarettes as payment..." B: "You mean this?" B: "They found this in your hotel room's doorframe." Men: "Biscuit!" B: "What's wrong?" W: "Sorry, I was looking for someone—" J: "Warbler?" W: "What's going on here?!" B: "He learned our plans, so we had to secure him." W: "You..." Men: "We have an emergency! ACCA discovered our meeting place in the west sector! Those who escaped say it's just a matter of time before the others are found out!" Men: "They're taking action tonight!" B: "Crap! No one gave them the go-ahead!" Cop: "Don't let them enter the district office! If you encounter resistance, weapon-use is authorized!" Men: "What should we do, Biscuit? We have no choice now! Yeah! We have to do this!" B: "We have no choice. We must go, too." B: "Men, follow in your brothers' footsteps!" J: "This coup d'état in Suitsu District..." W: "It's only one of many which have occurred between the district and commoners." J: "You're the one telling them about Congressman Beurre's actions in Bādon, aren't you?" W: "I'm worried about the Inspection Department." W: "Let's take back roads." W: "People are coming into the back roads, too." W: "Please be careful." W: "Deputy Chief!" W: "Where are you?" Mob: "Hey, look... This one's with ACCA. He's trying to hide among us! Wha—" : "We don't have time to bother with ACCA." : "Our enemy is the district office!" : "That's right. Let's go!" W: "Deputy Chief!" W: "Are you all right?" J: "I'm fine." W: "Let's wait until things calm down." J: "Yeah." W: "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." W: "The Inspection Department is fine." W: "The area is cordoned off, so we can't get back in for a while." J: "I don't care for now." J: "You saw how they were doing, right?" J: "Well?" W: "Some got away, but the leaders were all captured. Biscuit included." J: "He's with ACCA." W: "Yes." J: "Warbler, you'll be charged with being an accomplice." W: "After being stationed in Suitsu, I've opened my eyes. In this kingdom, there are shadows I didn't know about." W: "It's just a fiction that we're at peace. You often say, "This kingdom is at peace."" W: "During audits, you must have seen how things stood in this district." W: "What can you call "at peace"?" J: "I never had any chance to see how the district citizens were feeling." W: "That's right." W: "ACCA's presence here is different from that in other districts. The majority stationed at ACCA's Suitsu Branch are commoners, but the more senior ranks are dominated by lesser noble families. They do anything the more powerful noble families in the district office tell them." W: "In the past, there were other coups." W: "But word never got out that they even happened." W: "That's Suitsu District for you. I met Biscuit and the others here, and I wanted to help their coup succeed. They're a ragtag bunch, but they really love their district." W: "This is all very unfortunate!" J: "Then, being stationed here for the long term was working out for you." W: "I guess I'll be fired." W: "Will you let me run? Once I leave this district, I can never come back." W: "You made it out!" W: "The other women and children?" Gf: "They're all okay." W: "Thank goodness..." Branch Chief: "Issue a gag rule!" Branch Staff: "What about the inspector from HQ?" Branch Director: "Who could've expected a coup during an audit?" Branch Director: "Branch Director, what do you want to do?" Branch Director: "Jean Otus... We don't want to be on his bad side." Branch Chief: "Huh?" Bd: "I'll talk to him. Call him to my office." Bc: "Yes, sir!" Bd: "I'd prefer to take this opportunity to talk to you about a different coup d'état." Bd: "But I'd like to ask you not to mention what's happened here." J: "A gag rule, then." Bd: "We can't let you leave until you agree." J: "May I have a smoke?" Bc: "You bastard!" Bd: "Go ahead." J: "I have a condition for my not mentioning the coup elsewhere." Bd: "Let's hear it." J: "I want you to release everyone arrested" J: "in the coup." Bd: "Very well. We'll look the other way this time. But the ACCA staff member, their leader, will be fired." J: "He is under your purview. No ACCA staff, ordered to quell the coup," J: "used weapons against the people. None of them could harm their own flesh and blood." J: "Word of this will not get out." J: "Meaning this won't be reported to HQ." J: "You will retain your position." W: "Next term, when I'm reassigned, I'm going to leave my post here." W: "Until this district changes, they will keep rising up." W: "I wish to see that through." J: "In my audit, I must admit you received the lowest marks, unfortunately." J: "You didn't fulfill your supervisory responsibilities. During my audit, you disregarded your responsibilities to focus on events occurring in the district." J: "You were staring out the window. Earlier, I said you could be the one to take over my responsibilities, but back to square one." J: "After recent events, this assignment has become more difficult than ever." J: "You'll be staying here." Gf: "Warbler, you can stay?" Men: "All right!" Men: "I'm happy for you, Warbler!" Gro: "Indeed." Gro: "I have also heard reports that Otus received a cigarette in Suitsu." Gro: "Wait... Can we not meet and talk about this?" : "Good work, Jean..."
{ "raw_title": "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. Episode 4 – Smoldering Embers in an Isolated Nation", "parsed": [ "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.", "4", "Smoldering Embers in an Isolated Nation" ] }
Sch: "What? Magie went to Bādon?" Mond: "Yes, Your Highness. Just a short time ago." Sch: "How dare my aide leave Dōwā without my permission?!" Mond: "He said he could not let someone else handle something again." Magie: "Mochi dessert?" Magie: "How could he let food distract him from his mission?" Mond: "What's wrong, Magie?" Magie: "Commander..." Magie: "Just rather irritated by an incompetent subordinate." Mond: "I see. Are you engaged in an important mission?" Magie: "Yes, I would say it is important." Mond: "Are you sure you can entrust such a task to an incompetent subordinate?" Mond: "I am certain he had his reasons." Sch: "Find out who she is." L: "Yay!" L: "So yummy." L: "This place has the best pancakes." L: "That was great!" Staff: "Come back anytime." L: "I will!" Rail: "That uniform..." Rail: "You must be with the guy who's been stalking Lotta lately." Rail: "Let's hear your intentions." Magie: "I don't care about that right now." Staff: "Seconds... Sorry for the delay!" Magie: "This is what I care about right now, this "toast" object! Crispy on the outside, yet fluffy and chewy inside!" Magie: "How delicious... I must remember this toast type of bread." Rail: "That's sandwich bread." Magie: "Sandwich bread?" Rail: "When you grill it, it's called toast." Magie: "It's the first time I've seen one." Magie: "So toast is grilled sandwich bread..." Magie: "Dōwā only has tough bread. Nothing like this. I must make a mental note." Rail: "Uh..." Rail: "I've heard of a west-sector bakery that specializes in sandwich bread. Want to go?" Magie: "You'd take me there?" Rail: "Sure, I've been wanting to check it out, too." Owl: "How was Suitsu, Jean?" J: "The usual." J: "But about their supervisor, Warbler... I know I mentioned that he could take on my role," J: "but I don't think he's ready yet." Owl: "Did something happen?" J: "Just a feeling after observing him." Owl: "All right. Well, even if stepping down will be possible for you, I doubt it'll be for a good while yet." J: "Once I'm done with the district audits," J: "do you think the brass will finally approve my transfer request?" Owl: "I'm not sure." Owl: "But, Jean, wouldn't that also put you in a tight spot?" J: "Not really..." M: "You visit every single district. I'd like you to report any information you find during your rounds. In secrecy." J: "I can't tell her about the Suitsu fiasco," J: "but I need to make my report." Lilium: "You look pale." Lilium: "Did Crow say something in his report?" Gro: "There is nothing to report." Pine: "Crow even infiltrated Suitsu?" Lilium: "Most likely." J: "Guess I'll take the bus instead of the subway." Lilium: "Get in." Lilium: "How was Suitsu?" Lilium: "I heard you had to stay longer than planned. Did something unusual happen?" J: "Nothing in particular." Lilium: "Since Grossular doesn't share information your observer gives him," Lilium: "I decided to ask you myself." J: "Observer?" Lilium: "Grossular assigned one to you a month ago." J: "I didn't know I had one. Regarding the coup d'état," J: "you mentioned that Chief Officer Grossular is involved." J: "Is that really true?" J: "I mean..." Lilium: "Go on." J: "I don't see the connection between the coup and Chief Officer Grossular." Lilium: "Hmm. Is that your intuition, based on your own read of him, and not someone else's opinion? You made me want to ask you that" Lilium: "because to us, Grossular is an impenetrable, unreadable man." Lilium: "I'll give you the benefit of a doubt and try to scrutinize him again." J: "About this observer you mentioned..." J: "Is it an ACCA member?" Lilium: "Someone with Internal Affairs." Lilium: "Have you sensed anyone watching you?" J: "Not at all in the past month." Lilium: "Of course you wouldn't have. You're probably used to being watched" Lilium: "by that person." J: "Being watched..." Mauve: "He isn't coming..." Staff: "Potatoes!" Keli: "Let's make microwave potato chips!" Staff: "Wow, that'd be great!" Knot: "Eider, you came all the way here from Fāmasu District?" Ei: "Yes, I had paperwork to finish regarding my staff's former wrongdoing." Ei: "I thought I'd pay my regards to the deputy chief, but..." Knot: "Ah. Jean left this morning for an audit in Birra District." Ei: "I see." Moz: "Oh, what? Does Eider have feelings for the deputy chief?" Ei: "N-No..." L: "Yeah, Jean's so busy... He already left for his next audit." L: "Nino, want to grab dinner tonight?" : "Sorry, I don't think I can tonight." L: "Nino, you're working too hard, as well!" L: "Where are you right now?" : "That's a secret." : "He's staying in Birra's best hotel. He's staying for five days, longer than in the other districts due to the long travel time." : "Hmm? He's taking a while to enter." : "Is he thinking of having a smoke out here?" Danlin: "Deputy Chief, you'll catch a cold. Please come inside." J: "Right." : "Jean... noticed?" Owl: "Since he knows, we have no choice. You can tell him what he needs to know," Owl: "while getting a sense for where he stands." Owl: "Of course, you can also leave without talking to him." Owl: "This doesn't mean your duties are over, however." Owl: "You'll just change roles to only be his friend, and continue." D: "Good morning. I'm glad the sun's out! I'm sorry we couldn't provide you with any more than boots yesterday." J: "My arrival was sudden." D: "I've borrowed a whole set of warm gear from Birra Branch." J: "They're warm." D: "The branch chief is preparing some Birra cuisine for tonight's dinner." D: "Well, let's go." J: "Okay." Bakery: "You must really like sandwich bread, coming here daily, while you visit." Magie: "I'd like the azuki bean, too." L: "Hello!" Bakery: "Hi, Lotta. What would you like today?" L: "Three two-centimeter slices! Walnut, cheese, and chocolate! And..." L: "Oh, hello." L: "Have we met?" Magie: "Do you like sandwich bread?" L: "Of course! Do you?" Magie: "Same here, of course." L: "They have really good sandwich bread." D: "Birra Branch is my fourth assignment." D: "Compared to others I've been at, Birra has a pretty balanced operation. There's a good amount of trade, so quality of life is much better than in Suitsu. Birra isn't as prosperous as Fāmasu, but it's self-sufficient," D: "and things are stable." D: "The district administration is a well-oiled machine." J: "Things really are different, depending on the district." D: "I agree. Though, everyone really cares about their own districts." Gurusu: "Eider, you're here." Ei: "Yes, but I'm about to leave." Gurusu: "I heard about what happened in Fāmasu." Gurusu: "It must've been difficult." Gurusu: "I know how you feel." Gurusu: "The supervisor is responsible for any subordinate impropriety. But you shouldn't bear it alone." Ei: "That isn't it." Guru: "Oh?" Ei: "I've come all the way out here, but the deputy chief is on a business trip. I have such bad luck! Why isn't the deputy chief here?!" Gurusu: "Wh-Why not have lunch before you leave? It's on me." Perry: "I heard you liked wheat bread, so I made special arrangements for some today." Perry: "Wheat doesn't grow in this district. That applies to the beer you're drinking now. We grow some barley, but it's mostly for export." Perry: "We like drinks that our own district produces." Perry: "We have potatoes and rye bread. Our wood fires keep us warm." Perry: "That's enough." Perry: "We can support our residents' lives." Perry: "But we aren't oblivious to the widening gap between districts. Should one district grow in power and dominate the nation, each district would no longer be assured of retaining an equal degree of autonomy. To be prepared for such an eventuality, we are sure to accept our allotted budget and use the oil provided." Perry: "We wouldn't want other districts to leave us behind." Perry: "Sorry to bore you with serious talk." Perry: "If you'd like, you're welcome to smoke." J: "Then, I'll do so over there." Bar: "This is for you, from a customer." J: "Is this a cigarette from Birra?" Perry: "This district has no cigarette-makers." Perry: "You're the only one who wants cigarettes here." Schwan: "What is this, Magie?" Magie: "It's called "sandwich bread." Please try it." Schwan: "And?" Magie: "Please spread some butter on it." Schwan: "I like tough, dense bread." Magie: "This is walnut sandwich bread. I brought this back from Bādon." Schwan: "Are you listening to me? Magie, I haven't forgiven you for leaving the castle without my permission—" Magie: "The bread's done. This is called "toast."" Schwan: "What is your goal, Magie?" Magie: "Miss Lotta would highly recommend this," Magie: "the same Miss Lotta you find attractive!" Schwan: "That's right! Did you learn anything about her?" Magie: "She lives in a ritzy apartment building in the center of Bādon, and she likes sandwich bread." Schwan: "And?" Magie: "That is all. To win her heart, you will need to set up a bakery for sandwich bread in Dōwā." Schwan: "That isn't what I was interested in!" Schwan: "Wait, you said a ritzy apartment?" Schwan: "What do her parents do?" Magie: "One moment." Magie: "This is Magie." Magie: "What can you tell me about Miss Lotta's parents?" Magie: "Please... Aren't we fellow aficionados of sandwich bread? Sharing is caring." Schwan: "Magie, who are you talking to?" Magie: "I'll send you the Dōwān cake that Miss Lotta likes." Magie: "It will make her happy." Magie: "Hmm, I see." Magie: "Her parents are deceased." Schwan: "I see." D: "That concludes the entire schedule. Well done." J: "I'll treat you to dinner tonight." D: "Are you sure? I figured you must have plans to meet a friend." D: "It seemed like you've been waiting for a call." J: "It's fine." D: "Thank you for dinner." D: "Goodnight." J: "I thought you'd invite me to grab a bite, at least once," J: "like usual. When someone helped me out during the Suitsu riot, I thought he looked familiar." : "We don't have time to bother with ACCA." J: "I'd heard the same voice before, too. And looking back, I think there were many other similar instances," J: "not just in this past month." J: "Do you work for ACCA?" : "That's right." J: "I see." J: "I don't really understand my current predicament." J: "Do you?" : "You're just someone who always gets caught up in things." J: "Here's what I think, Nino. You aren't the kind of guy who'd try to get me into deeper trouble. So just tell me" J: "about this someday, when you can." : "This involves you, but you don't really give a damn." : "That's just like you, Jean." : "I'm not watching you because I work for ACCA." : "For now, that's all I can say." J: "Okay." J: "I'm going back tomorrow." J: "Once I return, I have to make sure Lotta gets a good meal." J: "You should come." J: "It really is snowing a lot." : "Jean..." J: "Birran liquor?" J: "I'm not a strong drinker." J: "Wait a minute. When we drink together," J: "you're always egging me on." J: "Do I tell you things when I'm drunk?" : "Like what?" : "If it's about Director-General Mauve, I've heard lots." : ""The director-general really respects Chief Officer Grossular. I like him, just as the director-general does, too."" J: "I said stuff like that?" L: "Nino, you know a lot of good places." L: "This is great! It tastes even better when we eat together!" : "Oh, Jean..." : "Don't you have to go to the west-sector bakery for bread?" : "After being in districts with hard bread, ours must be great." J: "All the bread tastes good to me." J: "I have to go on an audit again, starting Friday." : "Too bad, since the rest of the world will be on vacation." J: "Nino, while I'm gone," J: "take Lotta out for dinner every night." : "Got it." L: "Really?" L: "Yay!" L: "Hey, where are you going next?" J: "Rokkusu District." Sandpiper: "I guess we don't get any vacation." J: "Nope." J: "I'll try to minimize smoke breaks, so we can wrap up early." Sandpiper: "Oh, really? If we aren't stopping for smoke breaks, we'd go faster on the highway, too!" J: "Did you really get top marks in the department entrance exam?" Sandpiper: "But that's how things are in the Inspection Department. Not everyone looks competent." Sandpiper: "The same goes for you, Deputy Chief." J: "Let's go." Sandpiper: "Aye aye, sir." Sandpiper: "Did you do a double take?" Sandpiper: "Everyone looks like Chief Officer Grossular, don't they?" Sandpiper: "Most men here have long hair. The custom got to me, so I'm growing mine out." Sandpiper: "That was the real Chief Officer Grossular. He came back yesterday. He looks like anyone else, but you can tell him right away by his presence." J: "Huh..." J: "It's the first time I've run into him here." Pastis: "Chief Officer Lilium..." Lilium: "Chief Officer Pastis." Lilium: "I thought you flew home yesterday." Pastis: "That was the plan, but I wanted to delay my return by a day. Well, in terms of protecting one's district, not being overly suspicious is important." Lilium: "You said "district," not "nation."" Pastis: "I merely thought you might not like the nation talk." Lilium: "Did my brother give you ideas?" Pastis: "I have pride in my position as an ACCA Chief Officer, too." Pastis: "Though not as much as you." Lilium: "Mine pales in comparison to Chief Officer Grossular. He's proud of ACCA as an institution, and cares for it more than anything." Pastis: "ACCA has many people like that." Pastis: "Director-General Mauve in HQ is the same." Pastis: "Well, it's a good thing to have pride." Lilium: "Yes, as long as it isn't excessive." Lotta: "Hey, what are you up to, Jean?" Lotta: "Oh, I'm not calling about anything in particular." Lotta: "Huh?" Lotta: "You're going somewhere by train?" Lotta: "Oh." Lotta: "Take care, then." Lotta: "Don't forget presents!" Lotta: "Okay, let's eat!" : "Don't worry. After ACCA began managing the national railway, the number of accidents plummeted." : "Especially in Rokkusu District. Next time on ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.," : "Where Pride and Train Tracks Lead." : "You really don't give a damn, do you?"
{ "raw_title": "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. Episode 5 – Overlapping Footprints in the Distance.", "parsed": [ "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.", "5", "Overlapping Footprints in the Distance." ] }
Council: "to rescuing the passengers and conducting a speedy investigation." ews: "More names of casualties have been released. We now have sixty-three total casualties." Gro: "What do you want?" Gro: "You wouldn't have come here unless you had a reason." J: "You're right." Gro: "Did you finish your audits?" J: "I only have the south sector left." J: "I'll return to Bādon tomorrow." Gro: "What are you thinking?" Gro: "Your wandering gaze said you were thinking something." Gro: "Rokkusu residents have good eyes." J: "I was just remembering." J: "I read an article in Kororē District. An interview with Director-General Mauve when she was Kororē branch director, after she'd been appointed director-general." J: "Kororē branch had a "Mauve Avenue" in their offices." J: "They must have been proud of the first female director-general being from their ranks." J: "The article was displayed there." J: "In it, the director-general spoke of you." J: "That's what I was remembering." J: "That's all." Gro: "That's all?" J: "That's a lie." J: "I never noticed I had an observer you'd assigned to me." J: "But he isn't a straightforward guy. He may have lied in his reports." Gro: "What are you trying to say?" J: "My parents died in the train accident that happened thirteen years ago" J: "on the border between here and Peshi District." J: "The responses to the accident by the districts weren't even close." J: "Peshi District refused any responsibility." J: "And to avoid strife, Rokkusu took full responsibility. The one who counseled the Rokkusu chief to, and to bring the national rail under ACCA, then made it happen" J: "was you, the Rokkusu branch chief. It's widely known that since then, the number of rail accidents has rapidly declined. You said, "ACCA exists to build a better nation." In the article, Director-General Mauve spoke of her respect for you." J: "I agree with her sentiment." J: "I say this, without understanding my situation. I don't understand what this coup d'état business is all about," J: "but I've heard I'm involved, somehow." J: "I've also heard speculation that you may be a coup sympathizer. But just as I am not involved, I don't think you are involved in any of it." J: "That's all." J: "I'm sorry to interrupt your time off." Gro: "How naïve." Owl: "Knot... If I remember correctly, isn't Jean supposed to be back today?" Knot: "Yes. He was back earlier, but left right away," Knot: "after dropping off presents from his Rokkusu audit." J: "You haven't gone back home, then." Mauve: "I was waiting for you to return." Mauve: "And about what we discussed?" Mauve: "Is there anything you want to tell me?" J: "Nothing of note." Mauve: "I see." Mauve: "You are less useful than expected." ews: "Representatives from Peshi and Rokkusu have been holding a press conference. While Peshi has focused on identifying the accident's cause, Now, a month after the accident, Peshi and Rokkusu talks have hit another impasse." ews: "A follow-up interview with Rokkusu Branch Chief Grossular has attracted attention." Gro: "The Rokkusu district chief agrees and will soon release a statement. I also believe we should work toward bringing the national rail under ACCA." Gro: "ACCA's duty is to protect the livelihood of all citizens." ews: "After announcing that Rokkusu will bear full responsibility," ews: "the Rokkusu district chief is departing for his tour to visit the victims' family." ews: "Branch Chief Grossular, said to have aided these developments, accompanies him." Lotta: "Oh, come on... You'll catch a cold. Up, both of you! Wake up already!" : "I hurt all over." L: "Serves you right, falling asleep like that." : "Jean drank too much and couldn't get up." L: "Did something happen to him?" : "He got scolded by a superior officer." L: "The department chief?" : "Someone higher up." L: "I'll bring water. You really shouldn't drink so much." : "I didn't make you drink this time." : "You have to work on your reporting skills." Moz: "Deputy Chief, we have snacks today." J: "Don't want any." Knot: "Are you all right?" J: "Mostly..." Knot: "You wrote up the audit report, right? Starting today, the chief's on break, too. Why not go home?" J: "Well..." Atri: "Deputy Chief, you're on break starting day after tomorrow, right? Do you have any plans?" J: "I'll just be at home." Moz: "Where do you want to go for the New Year's countdown?" Keli: "There are a lot of options." Moz: "I want to toast in the new year with champagne!" Keli: "Uh, let's see which places offer drinks like that..." Atri: "This is a really secret hole in the wall." Keli: "Huh?!" Moz: "Oh, where? Hey... This is the deputy chief's apartment building!" J: "I don't own the building." J: "We have a party every year in our entrance hall." J: "General managers of big department stores and stuff live there." J: "We let them do what they want." Staff: "Can we come?" J: "Sure." Keli: "Deputy Chief, you'll also be there, right?" Atri: "You won't sleep through it, right?" J: "I'm sure my sister will be there." Atri: "But you're the building manager, aren't you?" J: "I don't do anything, though..." Moz: "Knot, why don't you come, too?" Knot: "Sorry, I have kids, so I'll pass." Moz: "Oh, okay. Too bad." Knot: "Once they're a little older, I can." Lotta: "Why don't we have a party at our place?" Lotta: "The little ones can sleep when they get tired. And we have a spare room, so people can stay over. Take the smoking outside, Jean." J: "That's what she said." All: "Yay!" All: "Cheers!" J: "Huh? Mushroomhead's here." L: "Is he with your department?" J: "No, he works at the branch office. I've lent him my lighter, though." L: "Oh, he smokes, too?" J: "Well..." J: "I'm going to have a smoke." Rail: "Oh, he left! Now's my chance!" Rail: "Hello..." L: "Happy New Year." Rail: "Right, Happy New Year." Rail: "Here's a cake from Dōwā. I heard you like it." L: "Oh, thank you so much! Maybe a thank you for the lighter? He went to all that trouble because he knows Jean likes Dōwān cakes. He's just a like a girl!" Keli: "Oh, it's the chief. He's finally here." Owl: "Happy New Year. There was a lot of traffic." Atri: "Knot's family is over there." Moz: "It's amazing! There's a kids' corner!" Keli: "This means they can relax and enjoy themselves to the hilt!" Owl: "Lotta..." L: "Oh, Department Chief!" Owl: "Happy New Year." L: "Happy New Year." Owl: "The owner of the cafe we went to last time" Rail: "He's the one who had tea with Lotta before!" Owl: "baked a cake they eat in Dōwā to celebrate New Year's. I got one for you." L: "Oh! Thank you so much!" Rail: "He might be an even bigger obstacle than the brother." Residents: "Happy New Year, Jean." J: "Happy New Year." Residents: "Feel free to smoke here." J: "Thank you." Residents: "We received an order from Fāmasu District." Residents: "They ordered more than fifty donut vending machines." Residents: "My company got a massive order, too. From Jumōku District." J: "That's good to hear." Residents: "We also got one. I hope you'll continue to help us this year." J: "Of course." L: "Amazing!" Staff: "So cute!" Atri: "Wow, you have an impressive guest list." Atri: "You say you're just the manager, but you have a great top-floor unit." Moz: "Has your family been in the business long?" J: "Only starting with my parents." Atri: "How did they end up in this position?" J: "No idea. I never really asked." Moz: "Which one is the landlord?" J: "I don't think he's here." J: "Actually, I don't know what he looks like." All: "Huh?" Keli: "You really don't care about details, do you, Deputy Chief?" Moz: "I thought you were just a private person, but maybe you just don't concern yourself with personal matters." Mauve: "It's been a hundred years since ACCA's birth." Mauve: "It seems I must be the one to make a move, after all. Now, in the hundredth year following ACCA's creation," Mauve: "I expect all of you to strive even harder in your jobs." Mauve: "Do not forget you are with ACCA. We protect the citizens' livelihood." Atri: "That was no different from the other New Year's all-hands meeting." Moz: "I thought it'd be different for ACCA's hundredth year." Keli: "I hear many people will come to the centennial from all over." Atri: "Oh, right. Guess there'll be a ceremony." Keli: "They might decide next term's assignments for the Inspection Department, too. Everyone will be there." Moz: "I wonder if the deputy chief will get his transfer request." Atri: "I just have this feeling that nothing will change here." Keli: "Yeah." Mauve: "You've all helped me numerous times since Kororē District, but your speed still amazes me." Staff: "We were allowed to come assist you when you were appointed director-general. You said to conduct district inspections to get a lay of the land before the centennial celebration." Staff: "But in truth, the coup rumors were involved, after all." Mauve: "I did hesitate to involve you all in this coup d'état matter." Mauve: "Once you acted, those in the know might realize what was happening. I've been forbidden from my own investigation. But based on your reports, we don't seem to be in imminent danger." Mauve: "The king's health is of concern. But as we saw the other day, he seems well enough." Mauve: "Whether a coup happens will depend on the royal family." Mauve: "As for the districts, it seems to be business as usual." Mauve: "However, there is one concern." Staff: "What would that be?" Mauve: "When I went home, I met with Kororē District Branch Chief Griese and District Chief Clem. When I sprang the topic of a possible coup d'état on them," Mauve: "there was something odd about their reaction." Mauve: "So something is going on." Staff: "We'll look into it." Mauve: "Please do." Staff: "What will you do about the Suitsu coup d'état?" Mauve: "I'd heard of past cover-ups, but it's the first since I became director-general." Mauve: "Not to mention, it happened during Otus's audit, just a while ago." Staff: "What an utter failure by the Inspection Department, given their role." Mauve: "Protecting their subordinates probably affected it." Mauve: "It was to protect the Inspection Department." Mauve: "He takes his job seriously." Mauve: "However, he does not seem loyal to me." Staff: "One more thing, ma'am. This has not been proven," Staff: "but regarding Grossular's possible involvement..." Mauve: "Let's hear it." Gro: "I see. I'll do as you say." Jean: "I never noticed I had an observer" Jean: "you'd assigned to me." Gro: "As for why Otus realized he was being watched..." Pine: "How unusual to see Chief Officer Grossular in the common room." Spade: "Apparently, various things outside the norm occur in the hundredth year." Lilium: "Yes?" Gro: "Why did you leak information about Crow to Otus?" Lilium: "I wanted him to do something." Gro: "But it was careless." Lilium: "My apologies." Gro: "You are the one taking reckless action, Chief Officer Lilium." Lilium: "I want you to share all the information you have on Otus with us. And I'd like us to formally debate the appropriate course together" Lilium: "for ACCA's future." Gro: "I shall set a time and place." Lilium: "I think I won that round." Bc: "Bring on the dishes!" Staff: "Coming!" Bc: "Please dig in, Mr. Otus." J: "You can just call me Jean. Did you even call me that last time, Branch Chief?" Bc: "Now, now..." Bc: "I'm so glad you came all the way out here. We're out of beer!" P: "You're really getting the red carpet." J: "Seems that way." Bc: "Now, now." J: "Everyone here seems cheerful." P: "They're pretty happy-go-lucky, but today, they've been over the top." J: "They're full of energy." P: "They have the nation's highest life expectancy. The food's really good here, after all." Bc: "Oh, District Chief!" Dc: "Hey, sorry to be late." P: "Wow, even the district chief's here! What's going on?" Dc: "Thank you for coming out here, Mr. Otus! I'm Sereno, the district chief." J: "Nice to meet you." Dc: "You cut quite an impressive figure, even from afar. But you're even more so, up close." Bc: "Oh, indeed!" J: "The people of Hare District are far more impressive. Everyone's so energetic." Dc: "Oh, no need for that." Bc: "The district chief is turning 91 this year! Doesn't look it, does he?" J: "That's amazing!" Bc: "Compared to him, I'm still green around the ears. Many people who went through the coup a century ago are still alive in this district." J: "The coup d'état, huh? I really need to return with some information, or I'll be in trouble." Dc: "So, how's it going?" Dc: "How are things progressing?" J: "Progressing?" Dc: "Oh, um, you know... You're making quite the rounds, with all your audits." J: "Oh, this will be my seventh district." Dc: "How are things in the other districts?" J: "Huh?" Dc: "Well, you wouldn't want to blabber about that in another district!" Bc: "Indeed!" Lilium: "You're the intermediary for the rebels planning a coup d'état." J: "I see. That's the role I'm said to play. His question just now was to probe how other districts feel about a coup d'état. Then, I might learn something if I act the part and talk to them." J: "But how should I do that? Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to pile so much on." P: "Oh, thanks so much, Deputy Chief!" J: "Should I just get them drunk?" J: "Nino's really good at making me drink. Please." Dc: "Huh?" Bc: "Oh, please. You first, Mr. Otus!" J: "But I want to pour you drinks." Dc: "Really? Then, thank you." J: "In the end, I only got bits and pieces out of them." Bc: "I can't drink anymore." J: "Though it's for the director-general, doing things I hate happening to me, to someone else sucks." : "Good work." : "Want a drink?" J: "No, I don't. I don't know if the information's useful," J: "but I guess it's better than no information." J: "She isn't coming at all." Staff: "Privy Council President Qualm," Staff: "His Highness, Prince Schwan, wishes to meet with you." Sch: "The portrait I had commissioned for my coming of age is now complete. I would like to display it" Sch: "in the Dōwā family portrait hall." Q: "Understood, Your Highness. I shall have it done." Sch: "I will decide where it should be put." Sch: "Give me permission to enter the portrait hall." Sch: "My grandfather treasures the hall as the place he finds peace. I was to speak with you before entering it." Sch: "So I'm not forbidden from entering it, am I? I will hang the portrait myself." Q: "Understood, Your Highness." Q: "But only you may enter the hall. We, of the Privy Council, will carry the portrait for you." Sch: "It's been ten years since I've been in this room." Q: "Where should we hang the portrait?" Sch: "Let's put it next to this one." Sch: "Grandfather always sits there, doesn't he?" Sch: "Let us hang the portrait where he can easily see his successor, me." Magie: "How did it go, Your Highness?" Sch: "I put it in a good spot." Magie: "I'm happy to hear that." Magie: "What should we do about the bakery, Your Highness?" Sch: "I don't remember that topic being a discussion point, Magie." Magie: "Perhaps you should go to Bādon once, Your Highness." Magie: "Broadening your horizons is important." Sch: "I do want to go to Bādon." Sch: "As future king, there are many things I should learn. But the Dōwā family has traditionally disliked" Sch: "for their women and children to leave their home district." Sch: "For that reason, I've never had occasion to leave." Sch: "All because of that tragedy thirty-three years ago." ews: "Our land, sea, and air transportation has now marked two years without accident." L: "Wow! ACCA is amazing." J: "The Transportation Department is always undergoing improvement." L: "So is the Medical Department. The citizens' lives are being improved in visible ways, so ACCA will become more popular than ever." L: "Oh, toast's done!" J: "You made more toast?" L: "I mean, every day, you're buying sandwich bread from Mugimaki. Eat one more slice, okay?" J: "Popular, huh?" ews: "Flight BD022 to Dōwā is leaving the gate." ews: "Passengers, please proceed to Gate 9, as soon as possible." : "Next time on ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept., The Truth Emerges in the Night Mists. The next audit's in Dōwā? He's already on his eighth."
{ "raw_title": "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. Episode 6 – Where Pride and Train Tracks Lead", "parsed": [ "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.", "6", "Where Pride and Train Tracks Lead" ] }
A: "I'll make tea." A: "Please take a break." J: "Thanks." J: "Can I have a smoke?" A: "If it's in this room." A: "Please don't let Dōwā residents see you smoking." J: "If I go by what I heard in Hare District, by now, all the districts have heard about the coup plot and that I'm traveling as an intermediary for coup sympathizers." J: "None of the districts have much activity. Perhaps they're waiting to see what happens." J: "I wonder what the situation is... High-ranking officials in every district think me part of the coup d'état." J: "Chief Officer Grossular is monitoring me because he thinks I'm a sympathizer. But some disagree with that assessment. That's right." Lilium: "I believe Grossular started these rumors." Lilium: "He is the one plotting the coup d'état." J: "Chief Officer Lilium believes that I'm innocent. He's on my side." J: "But he also worries that Chief Officer Grossular is part of the coup." J: "That's why he asked for my help." Lilium: "ACCA may suffer internal turmoil, but I'll be sure to protect order in this nation." J: "Director-General Mauve asked me to investigate the coup." M: "I would like your help." J: "But she doesn't seem to be aware of the rumors that I'm the sympathizers' intermediary. I don't know what the other chief officers believe, but it seems that high-ranking officials share the same perspective on the coup." M: "It isn't just a rumor this time." J: "Chief Officer Grossular ordered Nino to observe me." J: "Never mind Nino... I don't really get it." J: "Everything hinges on Dōwā's royal family." J: "On how much longer His Majesty King Falke can retain the throne." J: "Wait." J: "What's the point of setting me up as an intermediary in the first place?" Qualm: "I'm counting on you for security tomorrow." Mond: "Understood. I see how relaxed you are because tomorrow's outing doesn't involve you, Magie." Mond: "Tomorrow, when you stay behind, be sure you take good care of His Highness." Magie: "Yes, sir." Mond: "If anything were to happen to His Highness, you are to stay by him." Magie: "Just like thirty-three years ago." Mond: "Hmm?" Magie: "I was just speaking of the incident to His Highness." Mond: "Ah." Mond: "We exist to protect the royal family of Dōwā. But at times, things beyond our control may occur. The ship sank, taking His Majesty's prized possession and our beloved brother-in-arms with it." Magie: "His Highness wishes to go out into the world." Mond: "Oh?" Magie: "His position as sole heir seems to be motivating that line of thought." Mond: "I see. If it ever comes to pass, Magie, you must stay by his side, no matter what." J: "Even more black clothes than usual." : "The wind is cold in Dōwā." J: "Huh." : "Taking a cake back as Lotta's present?" J: "No, she asked for this." J: "Snowballs. Knot brought some for his kids last time, and she heard about it." Lotta: "I didn't see that! I want to try it!" J: "So, yeah. We bought them at a morning market, and I don't know where the actual store is." : "It's just up ahead. It's closed now, so I'll bring you tomorrow. Where's your audit tomorrow?" J: "His Majesty is making an outing, so I've put things on hold." J: "I'm free all day." : "How about three o'clock, then? They have a great cake, so we can try it." J: "Chocolate cake again?" : "Nope, apple cake." J: "Choosing a cake without chocolate, that's rare." : "It's great. You haven't heard?" J: "You sure know a lot." : "Leave your uniform behind tomorrow. It makes you stand out." J: "Uh, I didn't bring anything else to wear." : "Jeez." J: "I wonder if it'll snow tomorrow." L: "Oh, my god! Snowballs! Huge, too! So many! I'm so happy!" L: "I want to try them now..." L: "Jean, you'd better not have forgotten." L: "Oh! It's snowing!" J: "Hey. Is there someone you're trying to avoid running into?" : "You have good instincts." J: "I can tell." : "I don't get along with the owner here." J: "Lotta will be over the moon." : "Which cake will you order for yourself?" J: "I'll take this snowball." : "I hear His Majesty likes them, too. The royal family orders from here." J: "He really likes sweets, huh?" : "I'll have the white chocolate cake and the apple cake for here." Staff: "This time, His Majesty is taking his rest stop here." Staff: "Oh, you didn't know? Every time he goes on an outing, he visits a pâtisserie he likes." J: "Then we should leave." Owner: "That won't be necessary." Owner: "Please take a seat. His Majesty requests that we do business as usual." Owner: "He enjoys spending time with customers. The farthest seat in back is reserved for His Majesty, but you can sit anywhere else." J: "The owner seems like a nice person." : "I'm sure he's in a good mood because the king will be visiting." Owner: "You'll need to remove your hat and sunglasses." Mond: "That man... Isn't he with ACCA HQ's Inspection Department?" Guard: "Did he come here because he knew about His Majesty's visit?" Mond: "We only learned of it this morning." Mond: "It must be a coincidence." Mond: "But he has some nerve to be present." Mond: "Who is the other man? Well, should there be any risk to His Majesty," Mond: "Privy Council President Qualm will signal us." J: "This is good. Can I try your cake, too?" : "You have nerves of steel, you know." J: "What?" : "Right now, most people wouldn't be able to say a single word." J: "But they said to act like nothing is unusual." J: "I'm sure it's fine, as long as we aren't too loud." King: "Is it good?" J: "Yes, Your Majesty." King: "Is that a snowball?" J: "Yes, Your Majesty." Q: "He is with the Inspection Department at ACCA headquarters. Is that right?" J: "Yes." King: "He seems to be wearing clothes from Dōwā." J: "Well... I only brought my uniform, so he lent me these." King: "You are the photographer from the coming of age ceremony." : "Thank you for allowing me to take photographs, Your Majesty." : "I was able to get some good shots." King: "No, I should thank you." : "You honor me, Your Majesty." King: "Would you like to join us? I cannot eat so much alone." J: "Um..." : "He's telling you to come over." : "You shouldn't refuse." Q: "Over there." : "May I take photos? They won't be seen by anyone outside of here." King: "Very well." J: "That was quite a day." : "Yeah, it was." : "It isn't every day that you get thanked." J: "I always thank you, and so does Lotta." : "I meant in my line of work." J: "He's drunk. That's rare." : "When your supervisor praises you, doesn't it feel good?" J: "Do you have one in your job?" : "Yeah. I've never gotten any praise, though. When I see him, he usually tells me off. He did that last time. If I keep talking to you like this," : "I bet he'll grab me by the collar again." J: "Do you like what you do, Nino?" : "It isn't about whether I like it." : "I'm not supposed to like it." : "But I guess..." : "I do." : "That's why I get told off..." J: "Nino fell asleep." King: "This is good art, Schwan." Schwan: "Grandfather, which painting do you like?" King: "All of them." Staff: "This is our new mugwort walnut bread." Staff: "Try it, if you'd like!" J: "Thanks." Staff: "I guess the director-general isn't coming..." J: "Is she avoiding me?" L: "It's chock full of flour! It's delicious! The powdered sugar and white chocolate really make it look like a snowball!" L: "Oh, right! It snowed the other day!" J: "It also snowed in Dōwā." L: "Huh... I'd love to go to Dōwā when it snows, too. I bet everything looks super cute then." J: "You seem really into Dōwā." L: "Yeah, I love it! What about you? You go to all the districts. Which one do you like most?" J: "Hmm." J: "I like Dōwā a lot, too." J: "But I think my favorite is Bādon." L: "I'm sure I'm the same." L: "And so is everyone... I bet they all like their home districts best." L: "Where are you going on your next trip? It's soon, isn't it?" J: "Yeah. I'll have Nino take you out—" L: "Nino's also busy, isn't he? The department chief and I have plans" L: "to go and thank the café owner for the New Year's cake!" L: "So I won't be lonely." J: "Oh, okay. That's good." L: "So where are you off to?" J: "Kororē District." L: "Bring back chocolate for me!" J: "Yeah, yeah." L: "Kororē's known for chocolate!" J: "Chocolate, huh?" J: "Nino will definitely show up." : "Notable figures in Hare District seem proactive about the coup. Kororē is never influenced by what happens in other districts, so there may be movement." : "I'll follow up in a later report." : "Thank you. I've finished my report to Chief Officer Grossular." : "I'll be going to Kororē tomorrow." : "Dōwā?" : "It went quite well. I sent over the report and photos." : "I'm fast, aren't I? I haven't slept a wink after getting back from Dōwā." : "It's becoming harder to shake off the fatigue. I need to eat some good chocolate, for sure." : "Yes, and Kororē is next." : "I understand. I'll talk to you later." : "Thirty years, huh?" : "I've grown old." Staff: "Why did the director-general entrust him with such an important mission?" Staff: "Sir! Ma'am!" Staff: "Keep your voice down. My apologies. Look at this." Staff: "Connections to coup d'état sympathizers? I knew it!" Staff: "Wait a minute..." Mauve: "I see." Mauve: "So Jean Otus is..." Mauve: "He's currently in Kororē, isn't he?" J: "Hmm... They could've been staring" J: "because they heard the rumors that I'm a coup sympathizer. I wonder if I'll have a chance to explain myself to the director-general when she hears them." Bc: "Welcome to Kororē District." J: "Branch Chief Griese..." Bc: "You must be exhausted. You should try to get some rest in Kororē." J: "Um..." Bc: "I'm sure other districts give you an extended welcome, but we won't go to such lengths here. The district chief and I have made our decision. We will never take a roundabout approach like men in other districts." J: "Uh... It didn't feel like the right time to probe into the coup situation." Larrousse: "Deputy Chief," Larrousse: "I've made transportation arrangements for your sector audits, starting tomorrow." J: "Thank you. As usual, you're efficient." J: "In Kororē, men feel inferior." Larrousse: "It's simply due to women being slightly superior. There are many competent men here." Larrousse: "By the way, about Dōwā..." Larrousse: "Is His Majesty in good health?" J: "He looks like he is." Staff: "Everyone is worried" Staff: "about ACCA's future." Staff: "What will happen when the next ruler takes the throne?" Aunt: "My, Schwan... How unusual for you to come visit." Schwan: "I hope you are well, Aunt." Aunt: "Why are you here?" Schwan: "To hear a story of the past." Aunt: "The past?" Schwan: "The incident happened when my mother was still young," Schwan: "so I wished to hear about it from you, her older sister. Please tell me about your younger sister," Schwan: "the second princess, who passed away thirty-three years ago." J: "There are so many shops, I can't tell which one's good." J: "Isn't Nino around? I wish he'd tell me where to go." M: "I received a report concerning you, Otus." J: "Director-General, about that... It's only rumors. Or, um..." M: "You are royalty." M: "You are first in the line of succession." M: "As I suspected, you didn't know." M: "Let us walk as we talk. I learned from a subordinate's report that you are an intermediary for coup sympathizers." J: "That's..." M: "And from another report that you are of royal blood. In that moment of revelation, I suspected, "Jean Otus is being used." I try not to overestimate my intuition," M: "but that is what I thought." M: "And I don't think I am far from the truth." M: "Well?" M: "Aren't you just being set up as this intermediary?" J: "That's right." M: "I believe you." M: "I know that you are incapable of lying. Earlier, when I said you were useless," M: "I was overly harsh on you." M: "You are in the thick of things." M: "What I wanted from you was beyond your reach." J: "It's true that I had nothing to report." M: "No, there was." M: "For example, the matter in Suitsu." M: "You specifically chose not to tell me about Chief Officer Grossular, did you not?" M: "I've heard you often spend time at Mauve Avenue. Because you knew of my respect for the chief officer, you chose not to inform me that he was suspected of being a coup sympathizer." M: "Am I right?" J: "When you put it like that, it's hard to deny." J: "You're right." M: "Had you reported it to me, it would've been a major accomplishment, too." M: "You chose not to out of consideration." M: "But such consideration is unnecessary." J: "There is a different reason why I didn't report it to you." J: "I don't believe Chief Officer Grossular is involved." J: "That's why I didn't report it to you." J: "Director-General, it wouldn't have been an accomplishment." M: "You don't ask any questions about yourself." M: "Did you suspect the truth?" J: "No, I'm still half doubtful." M: "You're calm." J: "I wouldn't say that." J: "But I must ask someone for the truth." Schwan: "Travel outside the district? Why should I?" Magie: "I thought you wished to go to Bādon, to broaden your horizons." Schwan: "My horizons are broad enough. I said I wanted to go to Bādon because I wanted to learn more about the girl." Magie: "I didn't know you felt so strongly about Miss Lotta." Schwan: "That isn't it!" Schwan: "It was to determine if she would stand in my way." Schwan: "After listening to my aunt's tale, I believe I get it now." Schwan: "I believe that girl is related to the second princess." Schwan: "Did the princess really die thirty-three years ago? That girl looks just like the princess, in her portrait at age 16." Schwan: "Well, even if she's related, she's a girl. My line of succession remains unaffected." Magie: "Miss Lotta has a much older brother. The disrespectful man who was smoking on castle grounds, the day of the ceremony." Schwan: "This is the first I'm hearing of this, Magie!" Magie: "Is that so? If necessary, I can return to Bādon and conduct a full investigation into Miss Lotta—" Schwan: "I don't care about that girl!" Schwan: "Go look into her brother!" Magie: "Wait, I cannot." Schwan: "Why not?" Magie: "I cannot leave you, Your Highness. I was ordered to stay by your side, just like the guard who disappeared" Magie: "into the sea with the princess, thirty-three years ago." Schwan: "The guard... What was his name?" Magie: "Abend." Magie: "You won't find any guard who is ignorant of that name. He was said to have had beautiful white hair that caught the eye of the beautiful second princess, who was as beautiful as snow herself. He should be remembered for his loyalty." : "Jean has learned the truth." : "Director-General Mauve informed him." : "I don't know the exact nature of their conversation. Jean will come to me, and I will tell him. Now that he knows why he's being involved in all this, isn't it okay to tell him the truth?" : "Well? Do you wish to tell him yourself? You don't have time to consult Privy Council President Qualm." : "He is here now." : "I understand. Excuse me." J: "You don't need to stay on the call, Nino?" : "No." : "Did you finish buying presents?" J: "Not yet. Tell me if there are any good places to go." : "All right." : "It's going to be a long story." J: "Tell it to me." : "Next time on ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept., The Princess Who Spread Her Wings and the Friend Who Had a Duty." : "Tonight's special..." : "On principle, I don't dwell on the past, after all."
{ "raw_title": "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. Episode 7 – The Truth Emerges in the Night Mists", "parsed": [ "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.", "7", "The Truth Emerges in the Night Mists" ] }
Mond: "Come with me, Magie." Mond: "I heard Prince Schwan has been visiting the first princess." Magie: "Only twice, but yes." Mond: "Until now, he hadn't visited her since childhood. Twice is enough." Mond: "What ideas has His Highness put in her head?" Mond: "The first princess's personal guard is acting in a suspicious manner. Is Prince Schwan involved?" Magie: "I'm hard pressed to believe that he isn't somehow." Mond: "At any event, I will have to report this to Privy Council President Qualm." Sch: "Wait." Sch: "My involvement is a regrettable misunderstanding. Once I've learned the truth from my aunt, I shall have Magie report to you." Sch: "Qualm can wait until afterward." Aunt: "If what Schwan said is true, the Otus siblings will eventually become obstacles to our plan." Aunt: "My beloved daughter... I'd thought Schwan was the only one who stood in our way. Any complications must be seen to." Aunt: "Go to Bādon." Magie: "Perhaps the first princess intends to send assassins after the siblings?" Sch: "I merely shared my speculations. My aunt is a dreadful woman, so perhaps it is possible... she will do that." Sch: "Once the snow stops, I shall visit her." Sch: "By then, I may be too late, however." Sch: "My aunt does as she pleases." Sch: "If it happens, it happens." Magie: "This is Magie. I have information regarding Miss Lotta." J: "Chief, thank you for taking Lotta out" J: "while I was gone." Owl: "Oh, she was the one who agreed to keep me company." J: "May I ask you a favor?" Owl: "What would that be?" J: "I have three more trips, back-to-back." J: "During that time, could you take Lotta out again, like for tea and such?" Owl: "That's fine by me, but are you sure I'm the best person?" J: "When she talks about her outings with you, she always seems very happy." J: "I'm thinking of asking Knot and the others, too." Owl: "Of course I don't mind." Owl: "I'll ask those three which places Lotta might like." J: "Thank you." Owl: "You'll be on a long trip." J: "Yes, the farthest one is first, Peshi District. From there, I'll fly to Yakkara," J: "and then continue to Pranetta District." Owl: "Jean, be careful." J: "I'll be fine." Guards: "Even among the masses, she stands out." Guards: "She is undeniably of royal blood." Guards: "The brother is currently not in Bādon. We'll take care of the sister first." L: "Wh-What's this about?" R: "Shh!" L: "You're with ACCA..." R: "Your life is in danger!" L: "Why?" R: "I don't know why," R: "but you're in danger. And suspicious people were following you. A friend, who lives far away, told me." R: "I'll have to send him a ton of sandwich bread as thanks." R: "Let's take the subway to ACCA HQ. You'll be safe there." R: "I don't really understand what's going on. It seems to be something that can't be made public." R: "But I'll protect you!" L: "Thanks." R: "It's them." R: "Let's blend in with the people changing lines and get off." R: "We're at the Central Marketplace Station. We can take the bus to the branch office, but they may have anticipated it." L: "Maybe it'd be better if we went to my place to see what's happening." R: "It's true that your apartment building has great security." R: "But they know where it is." L: "The café owner..." Cafe: "Why aren't you in school?" L: "They're the same sweets that Jean brought me last time as a present!" Cafe: "It's also a traditional sweet from Dōwā. I'll make some tea. Take a seat." L: "You said your friend lives far away. Where does he live?" R: "Dōwā." L: "I have a friend in Dōwā who loves sandwich bread, too!" L: "He said he was really impressed by how soft the bread is here." L: "My mom was also like that. I'm told she came from another district, and got into sandwich bread." L: "I wonder if she was from Dōwā, as well..." Cafe: "They say Dōwā, Kororē, and Suitsu have a lot of folks with blond or blue hair." R: "My friend also has blue hair." L: "Blue hair, huh?" R: "Hey, about this Dōwān friend of yours—" L: "Hey, my place is around the corner. Can we stop by, real quick? There's a back entrance. I want to change clothes. This uniform really sticks out." Cafe: "Don't play hooky too often, okay?" R: "Oh, my god... Oh, my god!" L: "I'll go change, so hang on." R: "O-Okay." R: "She really does look like her mother." R: "She must be from Dōwā..." R: "Miss Lotta's in danger?" Magie: "Assassins are heading your way." R: "Assassins?" Magie: "I can't give you many details, but since you were kind to me in Bādon, I'm giving you this information." R: "How are you and Miss Lotta connected?" Magie: "No connection in particular. But if we are fortunate enough to see each other again, I would like to have another lively discussion about sandwich bread." R: "Okay, I trust you." R: "I'll protect Lotta!" R: "But why would her life be in danger?" L: "Jean's in Peshi District," L: "and Nino's... He's busy." P: "They say this statue of the second princess" P: "watches over Peshi's waters from the harbor. Well, the branch director and the district chief are waiting, Deputy Chief." P: "I'll wait for you, while I fish here!" Herring: "Though my predecessor made the decision, the incident still shames me. Peshi District is still marred by the royal family's misfortune." Herring: "I did not wish to cause further damage to Peshi District's reputation. That is why I could not offer to take responsibility for the train accident in the past." J: "How does Peshi District view ACCA? Do they feel it may as well not exist?" Herring: "No, ACCA must continue." J: "Isn't there something you want to talk to me about?" J: "Let's hear it." Herring: "Peshi District stands with you." Herring: "Please become the next king of Dōwā." R: "Are you ready?" L: "Yeah. Oh, I should take some chocolate." R: "It isn't a picnic, you know." Security: "Intruder alert. Intruder alert." R: "It's them!" L: "I'll try to contact security on the first floor!" R: "Lotta, they're already here!" R: "Let's go." L: "Oh, please don't break the windows. The wind will get in." R: "We don't have time!" R: "Can the staff elevator make other stops than the ground floor? They may have others waiting downstairs." L: "Yeah. Let's get to the basement machine room, and take the stairs up." R: "The police department must have been notified, so I'm sure they'll dispatch a patrol car. But there's traffic at this time of day..." R: "I'm out of options. I'll ask someone I know for help." R: "He'll look kind of shady, but don't mind him." L: "Okay." R: "But who were they, anyway?" L: "It's scary that we don't even know why." L: "And Jean isn't here..." R: "I'll protect you." Residents: "What's that alarm about? Is it a malfunction?" R: "As I thought, it's caused a huge commotion." R: "Good timing, though. We can get out, using the crowd as cover." R: "There he is! Good." L: "Oh, the police are here, too." R: "Really? Then it's better to go under their protection." R: "Hey!" Police: "Oh? I think he's a wanted fugitive." Police: "Wait!" R: "Hey!" R: "What the hell are they doing?" R: "Oh, well. Let's just—" Guard: "We need you to get into the car." Guards: "A traffic jam... There's no need to hurry. We have the target." L: "Why me?" Guard: "It's your blood." L: "You want... my blood?" L: "I don't think my blood type is anything unusual." Guard: "We must extinguish one of the Dōwā family bloodlines." L: "Eh?" R: "Oh!" R: "I see." R: "Huh?!" L: "I'm of royal blood?" Guard: "Yes, Your Highness. It is unfortunate that we must extinguish the life of someone so innocent, but it is an order—" Owl: "Apologies, the crowd has made me ill. May I rest here a short while?" L: "Chief?" Owl: "Miss Lotta! What a relief." Owl: "Oh." Owl: "Why do people from Dōwā have Miss Lotta?" Owl: "The black tie means that you work for the first princess, doesn't it?" Owl: "Hmm... I work for ACCA Headquarters' Inspection Department." Owl: "How strange... We received no word that emissaries from the royal family would be visiting." Owl: "I'll have to confirm this with Dōwā Branch." Guard: "Wait!" Owl: "Oh, you don't wish to make this public? You are welcome to go, if you release the Bādon residents from your custody." L: "Thank you, Chief." Owl: "You're very welcome." R: "You saved our lives." R: "I'm sorry, Lotta. I wasn't strong enough." L: "No need to apologize." L: "You made me feel a lot better while it was happening." L: "Thank you!" Owl: "So, what is actually going on?" L: "Oh..." L: "I don't really understand it, either..." Owl: "I'll check on the ACCA side. Once Jean returns from his audit, we'll have a proper chat." L: "Okay. What were you doing here, Chief?" Owl: "I was going to ask if you wanted to go for lunch." Owl: "Would you like to come, as well? My staff will be joining us." L: "Let's all go! The more, the merrier." R: "I'm happy to accept, then." L: "Please don't tell anyone else about that." R: "Okay." R: "I'm sharing a secret with Lotta!" Staff: "We've received a report from the Inspection Department that "emissaries from the royal family" were acting strangely in Bādon District." M: "Forward the report to the Five Chief Officers, also. So the royal family has finally learned that Otus has royal blood," M: "after it's been rumored for six months, across the districts?" M: "Anything else?" Staff: "An emergency meeting of the Five Chief Officers tomorrow, at two o'clock." M: "I see." Gro: "If things do not go as planned, what then?" Passer: "Deputy chief, this is a gift from the district chief. His secretary brought it here." Passer: "Starting tomorrow, you'll be in Yakkara District?" J: "Yeah." Passer: "How nice! That district is the top choice among supervisors! Yakkara guys are really nice, though they're all bums." : "Thank you for coming." : "Welcome to Yakkara. So, there are two routes to the branch office. Which would you prefer?" J: "I'll leave it up to you." : "Heads, we take the right route..." : "Tails. We'll take the left route, then." J: "They've really embraced the local culture..." : "When a place is this unique, you have no choice but to embrace it. That's what this nation's about, isn't it?" : "There are thirteen unique characteristics, and we respect them. That's one of our national virtues." Lilium: "Please begin, Chief Officer Grossular." Gro: "I will tell you about Jean Otus. As you all must have heard, via various channels, there is a rumor that the man is of royal blood. I first heard it right after our initial decision to terminate the Inspection Department. Upon investigation of that rumor, I found it to be true. As you well know, in recent years, each district has been suspected of having pro-coup elements." Gro: "I believe there should be a coup, spearheaded by ACCA. I suggested the Inspection Department's termination to minimize any obstacles for those working toward a coup. However, then I learned that an Inspection Department member, Otus, was of royal blood. I decided using him was more strategic, so I agreed to allow the Inspection Department to continue." Pine: "Then, your claim to information that Otus was acting as an intermediary between sympathizers was..." Gro: "Correct. I did not obtain that information. I created the rumor that Otus, who is of royal blood, sought districts that shared "his" goals. Once Otus was situated as an intermediary, I assigned Crow, from Internal Affairs, to observe him, so Crow could report how each district's notable figures reacted to the rumor." Gro: "I want you all to think hard about this. Prince Schwan, soon to be King Schwan, wishes to abolish ACCA and create an autocracy. To prevent his ascension, and to preserve order, we will trigger a coup d'état." Gro: "Otus is an upright individual, who desires to preserve peace in this nation. If he is the next king, the nation will continue to be at peace. But because he is no longer on the Dōwā family register, we cannot achieve that by normal means. That is why I linked him to the coup movement, to garner sympathizer support for his claim to the throne." Gro: "This is for the future of ACCA." Gro: "What say you all?" Gro: "This poses no danger to the people. ACCA serves to protect the people, and ACCA will lead the coup d'état." Lilium: "Chief Officer Grossular," Lilium: "why didn't you present this plan to us at the very beginning?" Gro: "I had to first observe how each district felt about a potential coup. Only once the majority of districts supported a coup could it even be a possibility. And that has come to pass. Chief Officer Lilium, do you find my argument unsatisfactory, as usual?" Lilium: "No." Lilium: "I side with Chief Officer Grossular." Lilium: "I agree." Pastis: "This is the first time the two of you" Pastis: "have agreed on something, isn't it?" Lilium: "Some aspects of the plan require further refinement," Lilium: "but ACCA's continued existence safeguards this nation's future." Lilium: "And if this is the only means of protecting ACCA..." Lilium: "What do the rest of you think?" Pine: "This means that ACCA will take the lead in the coming coup, right?" Pine: "Your opinions have aligned... I see no reason to object." Pastis: "As long as I can protect Suitsu's beautiful scenery, I have no preference." Lilium: "And you, Chief Officer Spade?" Spade: "It's true, I would take no pleasure in standing by, while that idiot prince ascends." Spade: "Then, let's stake our bet on preserving ACCA. Chief Officer Grossular," Spade: "you started us down this path." Spade: "I'd hope that you would not try to take back the cards you laid on the table." Gro: "I merely dealt the cards." Lilium: "See? Nothing to worry about. Though, perhaps "I merely dealt the cards" was a tad much, Chief Officer Grossular." Lilium: "Let's have a toast." Lilium: "Didn't things proceed just as I said?" Lilium: "It was simple, yes? This is why I opposed you at every turn before those three." Lilium: "There's no need to look at me that way now." Lilium: "From now on, we have to stay in agreement, remember?" Lilium: "We must make this an entertaining game. Otherwise, Chief Officer Spade and the others will tire of it." Lilium: "Ensuring Director-General Mauve stays quiet is our next step." Gro: "That will be the most difficult challenge of all." Lilium: "We'll manage." Gro: "I wonder." Lilium: "You... will manage." Lilium: "She will listen to you." Lilium: "Am I wrong?" Lilium: "It will be fine." Lilium: "Don't worry, Chief Officer Grossular." Lilium: "You merely need to do as I say."
{ "raw_title": "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. Episode 9 – A Graceful Black Adder Bears Its Fangs", "parsed": [ "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.", "9", "A Graceful Black Adder Bears Its Fangs" ] }
Mauve: "I expected something to happen..." Mauve: "But I didn't expect this." Mauve: "I just hope it doesn't cause turmoil." Tv: "With the first anniversary of ACCA's establishment just around the corner, there's already a festive air in town. The theme of the ACCA anniversary festival will be "connection," and preparations are fast underway for the opening ceremonies at the main venue." Jean: "Sorry for making you come all the way out here. I couldn't find the time to visit." Teacher: "Oh, think nothing of it. I'm sorry for taking up your time. ACCA's first anniversary is coming up, isn't it?" Jean: "I've been busy with this and that." Teacher: "Do the two of you live here together?" Jean: "Yes, I'm the building manager." Jean: "Would coffee be all right?" Teacher: "Oh, you don't have to do that!" Jean: "Is something going on with Lotta? That's what you wanted to discuss, isn't it?" Teacher: "Yes." Jean: "Is it her grades? Or has she caused a problem?" Teacher: "No, it's nothing like that. Her grades are excellent, and her attitude sets an excellent example for the other students. But... that's actually why I've been concerned about what's come over her lately." Jean: "What's come over her?" Teacher: "Does she ever seem to have anything on her mind at home?" Jean: "Nothing comes to mind." Teacher: "I see..." Teacher: "I hope I'm just imagining things." Jean: "Are you concerned about something?" Teacher: "Well..." Teacher: "I gave my students a free writing assignment the other day." Teacher: "But, well, she's been late in handing it in." Jean: "Lotta has?" Teacher: "I mean, even the most outstanding students can be late sometimes. That's nothing uncommon, and it's not a particularly big deal. It's just that, given the prompt..." Jean: "What was it?" Teacher: ""What are your thoughts on your career path right now?"" Jean: "Her career path, huh?" Teacher: "Yes. It's been nagging at me a bit." Teacher: "Since the assignment, she's seemed a little distant and a little absent." Teacher: "She hasn't really been herself. Still, it's a touchy subject and I didn't want to nudge her the wrong way. So I thought it'd be best to talk to her family about it." Jean: "I see." Teacher: "Have you ever discussed Lotta's future with her?" Jean: "Now that you mention it, I don't think we've talked about anything like that face-to-face." Teacher: "I'm thinking I may have just been worrying too much." Jean: "Oh, no. I appreciate you coming to me." Jean: "Hello? Lotta?" Lotta: "Yeah. What's up, Jean?" Jean: "Nothing in particular. I was just wondering how Kororē was." Lotta: "What do you mean?" Jean: "This was your first time entering Dōwā from Kororē, wasn't it? Was everything all right?" Lotta: "Why wouldn't it be? Everything was totally fine. This is my third trip here." Lotta: "I'm getting used to traveling, too." Lotta: "Oh, I bought tons of chocolate. You're gonna love it." Jean: "That so? I'm glad, then." Lotta: "Hey, is something wrong, Jean?" Jean: "Well, your teacher came by to..." Lotta: "Oh, hang on! Someone's here!" Lotta: "Coming!" Lotta: "Sorry, it was Magie. Prince Schwan is going on a walk with the king. He's asking if I want to come." Jean: "Yeah? Sounds like the king is doing well." Lotta: "Yeah. Really well." Lotta: "He said he's looking forward to the one-year anniversary." Jean: "I see." Lotta: "I feel bad for leaving when things are so busy." Jean: "Don't worry about it." Lotta: "By the way, you were saying something, weren't you? About my teacher." Jean: "Oh." Jean: "That's okay." Jean: "We can talk later." Jean: "The king's waiting for you, right?" Lotta: "I know, but..." Lotta: "Is it really okay?" Jean: "Yeah." Lotta: "All right." Lotta: "Catch you later, then!" Jean: "Yeah." Jean: "Today's shipment is sardines in oil and fish candy from Peshi. From Kororē, chocolate liqueur and..." Worker: "Excuse me." Worker: "About the potatoes from Fāmasu District... There's been a mistake, and they were shipped by air instead." Jean: "I see. We'll go process the pickup ourselves, then." Parrot: "Huh?" Jean: "Thanks for coming out so early." Parrot: "It's totally fine." Parrot: "I usually go to the gym before work." Jean: "Huh, that's impressive." Jean: "I'm already beat." Parrot: "In your case, Deputy Chief, it must be because you smoke." Jean: "Could be." Parrot: "I never thought the day would come when I would be in the Inspection Department, sorting cargo and going to the airport to pick up potatoes." Jean: "What can we do? We're desperate for help right now." Pochard: "The anniversary festival is being led by Bādon, where ACCA Headquarters is located, but the idea is that the other districts will play a central role, as well." Pochard: "Of note are the booths that will be opening in the festival plaza. Each district will be showcasing local specialties and crafts, as well as their traditional culture. The districts are all quite eager to demonstrate how magnificent they are. We want you, the Inspection Department, to take on a special assignment supporting the Administration Department, coordinating with local leaders to manage and direct what each of the districts will be showcasing." Parrot: ""Manage and direct" makes it sound nice, but we've basically just been handed the Administration Department's chores. Is this really what we should be doing?" Jean: "It's the perfect job for us, since we're already familiar with each district." Parrot: "But isn't there more important work for us right now?" Jean: "I think this is a good thing in the long run. You never know when the department's going to get axed." Parrot: "Oh yeah, I heard about something like that. Someone mentioned it." Jean: "So there's no harm in gaining experience doing different things." Parrot: "But I'd like to think that now is exactly when the Inspection Department is most important." Jean: "What do you mean?" Parrot: "It's times like these that surveillance is critical, isn't it?" Parrot: "Furawau could be hatching a plot with another district as we speak. Those people... Everyone's happy about the new administration, but can you tell me how, specifically, things have gotten better? All that's really changed is the Five Chief Officers system getting scrapped and Furawau being exposed as dissidents." Parrot: "We still don't even know why they separated." Parrot: "They vanished in the midst of the ceremony, too." Parrot: "It's only natural to be suspicious. Everyone my age in the department is worried that Furawau might be up to something." Parrot: "This really isn't the time to be picking up potatoes." Parrot: "Are you listening, Deputy Chief?" Jean: "Parrot, I hear that you admire District Chief Pine." Parrot: "Y-Yes. I'm, well..." Jean: "How tall are you?" Parrot: "A hundred, uh... I'm ten centimeters shorter than the district chief, at 198 centimeters." Jean: "You'll fit just perfectly, then." Jean: "The Mr. Jumō costume is surprisingly big." Jean: "I'm told District Chief Pine was the one who came up with the idea." Parrot: "W-Well..." Parrot: "If it's work, I'll do it." Owl: "Still at it?" Jean: "Yes. I still have some day-to-day work to do." Owl: "I'm sorry. With everyone off to the other districts, all the work's been dumped on you." Jean: "It's fine every once in a while. It's for the festival, after all." Owl: "It's a little lonely around here when it's so quiet." Jean: "They said they'll bring back plenty of souvenirs. Let's just look forward to their return." Owl: "Yeah." Jean: "I have Parrot, too. I'll be fine." Owl: "Speaking of, how is he? He seems like a bit of a tough nut." Jean: "I haven't entirely figured him out yet, but I think he's working hard." Owl: "That's good to hear. Now, remind me... What are your plans for tomorrow?" Jean: "We have a meeting in the morning, and then I'll be heading to Birra." Owl: "Birra?" Jean: "It wasn't originally on my schedule, but it seems there's a disagreement regarding their booth. The Administration Department asked me to reconcile it." Owl: "I see. You've certainly got your hands full. Don't push yourself too hard, though." Jean: "I know." Parrot: "Hello." Jean: "Oh? You're still here?" Parrot: "Deputy Chief, this is from the Administration Department." Jean: "Oh, right. Thanks." Parrot: "I tried asking them directly, but it was pointless." Parrot: "Why can't I take on the Birra job?" Parrot: "It's too risky for you to vacate headquarters right now." Jean: "The Administration Department knows what it's doing, I'm sure." Parrot: "But you have an important planning meeting tomorrow, too." Jean: "You'll be there, too. I'll leave it to you if I really need to." Parrot: "W-Well, if you insist, Deputy Chief... But I can't help but think that this is what makes ACCA so..." Parrot: "Deputy Chief, could I have one?" Jean: "Weren't you against smoking this morning?" Parrot: "One cigarette won't hurt." Jean: "Sorry, that was my last one." Lotta: "You can't come pick me up?" Jean: "No. I was hoping that I could, especially with the luggage you're bringing back." Jean: "But as it turns out, I have to leave immediately." Lotta: "I see." Lotta: "Okay. You must be busy, huh, Jean?" Jean: "Sorry." Lotta: "Nah. I don't have that much to carry. Don't worry about it." Jean: "I was hoping I'd at least get to see you." Lotta: "I'll be fine." Lotta: "I'm not a child. Don't worry about me." Lotta: "Okay. Bye now." Jean: "Yeah." Jean: "Not a child, huh?" Sandpiper: "What's on your mind, Deputy Chief?" Jean: "Oh, nothing." Sandpiper: "Thanks for coming out here. My branch director was all like, "There's nothing from our district that's fit for the festival."" Jean: "So I heard." Sandpiper: "Well, there's no time like the present. Let's get going, shall we?" Sandpiper: "My car's parked over there." Jean: "The road's snowed over. Don't overdo it." Sandpiper: "Don't sweat it. Cars here're all-wheel drive. I've arranged for the rye and booze to go out on the first shipment tomorrow morning." Jean: "Thanks. You sure work fast." Sandpiper: "Not as fast as you, Deputy Chief. Man, I'm glad we got that cleared up. You really are in a league of your own." Jean: "It was only because you gave me a chance to save face. Besides, the booze here is definitely something to be proud of." Jean: "The rye bread is delicious, too." Sandpiper: "Oh, don't toast just yet." : "Sorry. I finally made it." Jean: "Nino." Sandpiper: "Ninox just happened to be here taking photos of the aurora." Jean: "Wow, that's something you do, huh?" : "Wanna see?" Jean: "Yeah. Later." : "I'll send them once they're developed." Sandpiper: "This is great. It's like a mini-reunion. I invited Dunlin, too, but he said he couldn't make it." Jean: "Figures. He's in Jumōku, isn't he?" Sandpiper: "If I were him, I'd try to make it anyway." : "You sure haven't changed since high school." Jean: "Speaking of which, you know Dunlin, too?" : "I do." Sandpiper: "The three of us took the same elective class." : "Yeah. And we started hanging out every now and then." Jean: "Right, you mentioned that." Sandpiper: "We never really met up outside of school, though, did we? You never came when we invited you." : "Is that right?" Jean: "You've always been that way, haven't you?" Sandpiper: "So have you, Deputy Chief." Jean: "Me?" Sandpiper: "You've both always been weirdly unapproachable." Jean: "You're just too outgoing." : "Besides, I always had club work to do." Sandpiper: "Oh, yeah! You were in the photography club, weren't you?" : "Yeah." Sandpiper: "I heard your advisory teacher, Mr. Wind, is the principal now." : "Really? I wonder how he's doing." Sandpiper: "It would suck for the students if he's still just as strait-laced. He used to yell at me all the time." : "You sure haven't changed." Sandpiper: "Say, Nino, you're a photographer now, right?" Sandpiper: "That's really something. You realized your dream, didn't you?" : "I guess so." Sandpiper: "I mean, my dream basically came true, too." Jean: "Your dream was to join ACCA?" Sandpiper: "My dream was to become a super popular elite." Jean: "I see." Sandpiper: "Maybe not as much as the Deputy Chief, but Inspection Department leaders are pretty popular." : "You're popular?" Jean: "Who knows?" Sandpiper: "You're super popular. Speaking of which, what's your type, Deputy Chief?" Jean: "My type?" Sandpiper: "You know, what kind of person are you into?" Sandpiper: "What about Director-General Mauve? You're both good at what you do. I bet you'd make a great couple." Sandpiper: "Well, I live over that way. Let's get drinks again sometime." Jean: "I feel like I don't fit in with my subordinates these days. The way we interact, the way we think..." Jean: "It wasn't like that before. Maybe I'm getting old." : "I never thought I'd hear that from you." : "But you have Lotta. It should be easy enough to figure out stuff like that." Jean: "I don't know." Jean: "I thought I understood Lotta, but it turns out I might be pretty clueless. Lotta's teacher told me the other day that she's been acting strange at school lately." Jean: "But I haven't noticed anything at all." : "Acting strange? How so?" Jean: "I don't even know." Jean: "Her teacher thinks she might be worried about her future." Jean: "But that might not be the only thing." Jean: "Have you heard anything?" : "Nothing really. I haven't gotten any calls lately either, come to think of it." Jean: "I see. I guess she's just at that age." Jean: "Say, Nino..." Jean: "What were we doing back in the day?" Jean: "Back when we were Lotta's age." : "Dunno. I was focused on what was ahead of me." Jean: "Well, in your case, you had things to deal with." : "So did you." Jean: "That's true." : "If it's bothering you, why don't you ask Lotta directly? You two don't actually talk about much" : "other than what you ask each other. Because you're too kind." : "You blabber on when you get drunk, but that doesn't work for Lotta." Jean: "You're right." Jean: "Lotta..." Lotta: "Jean's home..." Parrot: "Are you listening, Deputy Chief?" Jean: "Oh, yeah." Owl: "Lotta?" Owl: "I wouldn't mind, but is something the matter?" Jean: "No, not exactly..." Jean: "She doesn't have school today, but she left early this morning." Jean: "So..." Jean: "It would be great if you could keep an eye out for her. I'll be leaving again." Owl: "That's right. You have another business trip today." Jean: "Yes." Jean: "On day-to-day business." Jean: "I'll be back before the festival tomorrow." Owl: "All right, I'll take a look around and see if I can find Lotta." Jean: "Thank you." Parrot: "Deputy Chief." Parrot: "Do you have a moment?" Parrot: "That rumor seems to be quite reliable." Jean: "Rumor?" Parrot: "The one I told you about on the phone last night. The rumor about the former chiefs gathering in Bādon for the festival opening." Jean: "Right, you mentioned that. Your intelligence network buddies uncovered that, right?" Parrot: "We've confirmed that District Chief Pine and District Chief Pastis will both be taking leave at the time of the event." Parrot: "I still think Furawau is on the move. And as a diversion, they're gathering all the ACCA chiefs in a demonstration of solidarity at an anniversary event." Parrot: "I believe that's what they're up to." Jean: "I'd expect that we'd have received some kind of notification in that case." Parrot: "That's true, but..." Jean: "At the very least, I haven't gotten anything." Parrot: "Everyone suspects there's something going on. Especially because nothing's being made public." Jean: "That's a bit of a stretch." Parrot: "I hope you're right." Owl: "Hmm, I haven't received any such report." Pine: "I determined that there was no reason to report it." Owl: "So be it." Pine: "Still, I didn't expect to run into you here. That was a miscalculation." Pine: "It's been quite a while since we've had time to chat, Owl." Owl: "So, why tell me all this?" Owl: "Why are you telling me about something that wasn't worth reporting?" Pine: "Because we can't have the Inspection Department sniffing around and causing a fuss." Owl: "We can't have Jumōku causing a fuss." Pine: "Is that why you're telling me this?" Owl: "When you learned about Jean Otus's birth and the coup, and when ACCA then made its move, you must have come to realize" Owl: "who's really controlling Furawau." Owl: "We'd like for Jumōku to just quietly watch over this turmoil." Owl: "It seems the tables have turned since then." Pine: "I'm sure you've heard the rumors going around." Owl: "Are the others here, as well?" Pine: "I'm not sure." Servant: "Sir, what will you do?" Bastis: "I never would have thought this scenery would look so different to me." Bastis: "Nothing's even changing." Bastis: "No one loves this nation more than I do." Bastis: "I'll be repaid for the humiliation that I was made to suffer." Servant: "It seems to me as though the air is becoming clearer, slowly but surely." Bastis: "I'm proud of the beloved citizens of our district." Lilium: "Even ACCA, which is tasked with protecting the nation... Everyone outside of headquarters thinks of their district when they think of peace." Lilium: "In the end, all anyone cares about is protecting their own district." Lilium: "I want to get this over with and come home." Lilium: "Seizing the kingdom's power will take time." Lilium: "If it weren't for that, it would all be over in an instant." Lilium: "I believe I have the eyes not to miss the opportunity." Spade: "What's your wager?" Bakara: "The path you walk, Detective Spade." Bakara: "If I win, I'll have you go to Bādon." Spade: "I didn't get the spade I wanted." Spade: "What am I supposed to do at headquarters, Chief Baccarat?" Bakara: "The Five Chief Officers." Canary: "What can I do for you?" Spade: "Oh, it's nothing special." Spade: "I just wanted to play a game, Branch Supervisor Canary." Wind: "I never expected to see you here." : "It'd been too long since I saw you last, sir." : "You haven't changed at all, Mr. Wind." Wind: "I hear you do camera work now." : "Where'd you hear that?" Wind: "I saw your photos in this magazine." : "That's right. You always were an avid reader." Wind: "I'm pleased to see you've taken up photography for a living. You always had talent." : "Thanks to your instruction." Wind: "Back in high school, you'd often taken pictures of your friends." : "One of those friends has a younger sister attending this school now." Wind: "Lotta Otus?" : "You knew?" Wind: "Of course. She came by the day she enrolled. To thank me for taking care of her brother and his friends." Wind: "She's a very good girl. She's bright and cheerful, but she also has a thoughtful side." : "You know her well." Wind: "She's popular with the club members. She often models for them." : "I had no idea." Wind: "Speaking of, she came by to ask me for advice the other day." : "Lotta did?" Wind: "Yeah. Well, it wasn't all that big a deal, but she's thinking a bit about her future." : "Her future, huh?" Wind: "Are you interested?" : "Yes. Jean's been worried that it seems to be getting to her these days." Jean: "What were we doing back in the day?" : "I mean, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried, either." Wind: "Listen, there's nothing to worry about." Wind: "She's no different than how you were way back when. You two certainly agonized over it just the same." Wind: "Nothing has changed." Wind: "It's a road that everyone must walk." Jean: "My career path, huh?" Jean: "There isn't really anything I want to do." Jean: "I have to take care of Lotta, too." : "Your grades are good. Why don't you try the ACCA employment exam?" Jean: "ACCA?" : "There must be someone you admire, even if there isn't anything you want to do." Jean: "Do you have someone like that?" : "Me?" Jean: "Yeah." : "I guess." : "I'll do detective work, like my father did." Wind: "Is that so?" : "You aren't going to stop me?" Wind: "Why do you think I would?" Wind: "Ultimately, you have to fly with your own wings, Ninox. Whether it's spreading those wings or just taking a step forward, doing it is up to you." Wind: "But just because you have wings doesn't mean you'll reach great heights. Pay close attention to the winds, wait for the right time, and muster the courage you need to kick off the ground. And once you're in the air," Wind: "there'll be turbulence. But there will also be a view spectacular beyond imagination. The path you take through the sky won't be mapped," Wind: "but it will nonetheless be an invaluable journey etched into your heart." Wind: "And when the time is right, you'll catch another wind and set off for another world." Wind: "So what we need to do never changes." Wind: "No matter how much you want to be by her side, or to lend her a hand... Wherever she lands," Wind: "you have to honor the life she chooses and watch over her." Wind: "I'm sure you two can do it." Jean: "District Chief Pastis?" Barotto: "Yes. I just got word he's arrived in Bādon and is headed to headquarters now." Barotto: "It seems that District Chief Pine was behind this recent incident." Barotto: "Considering his wisdom and judgment, it's believable." Barotto: "Our suspicions are becoming more and more realistic." Jean: "Do you have a handle on former Chief Officer Spade as well?" Barotto: "Well... Nothing's confirmed as of yet." Jean: "Then we don't know." Barotto: "But the citizens of Yakkara are gamblers by nature!" Barotto: "They could have read the tea leaves." Jean: "You mean Yakkara's sided with Furawau?" Jean: "You're definitely overthinking it." Barotto: "I hate to say it, but that region is filled with people who migrated as soon as resources in Pranetta were discovered." Jean: "That's a rather underhanded comment." Barotto: "Right or wrong doesn't matter." Barotto: "The point is that they're capable of such cold decision-making!" Jean: "Why don't we find somewhere better to discuss this? Well, even if Furawau were to do something," Jean: "it's entirely up to the central council to respond." Jean: "It's not ACCA's business." Barotto: "But it's been proven that if ACCA takes the initiative, a coup is possible." Barotto: "That's how much influence it has." Jean: "You knew about that..." Barotto: "You can't brick up people's mouths." Jean: "So you think ACCA could inspire the people to rise up." Barotto: "I don't know." Barotto: "But I do think ACCA is tied down by some old ways of thinking." Barotto: "Like what happened with Birra. I don't understand why it was necessary for the Deputy Chief to go personally." Barotto: "Even under a new order, ACCA itself hasn't changed at all. Worse yet, I fear that it's only further consolidated power" Barotto: "by abolishing the Five Chief Officers system." Jean: "All right." Jean: "Let's go ask directly, then. That'll clear things up quickly." Barotto: "Ask? Ask who?" Jean: "The leader of ACCA." Jean: "Or are you content just reporting to me?" Barotto: "I'll go." Grossular: "The day the wind was born within me, a storm arrived just before I departed." Grossular: "The wind didn't implore me to stay. But it made me think, and it made me fearful." Grossular: "What would I do if it was a premonition?" Grossular: "I'll be leaving now." Grossular: "It isn't like it was back then." Mauve: "Come in." Jean: "Pardon us." Mauve: "What is it?" Grossular: "The wind today is strong." Grossular: "But it's very peaceful." Pine: "Well... It's not often that I see you in the meeting room, Chief Officer Grossular." Grossular: "You were the one who called me." Pine: "So I was. But it seems former Chief Officer Spade hasn't come." Grossular: "Indeed." Spade: "I never thought you'd win." Grossular: "I just hope his absence doesn't inspire any odd suspicions." Bastis: "I, too, was subject to curious glances at the airport." Pine: "Hey, there's nothing to worry about." Pine: "Today is just a festival." Pine: "Yes, and this is just a reunion." Jean: "You heard it." Barotto: "Huh? A reunion?" Mauve: "Yes. Which means you were worried for nothing." Barotto: "I see." Mauve: "Of course, I like to think that I'm perfectly aware that the members of this department, especially of the younger generation, have much on their minds." Mauve: "Speculations about the status quo, and even anxieties." Barotto: "No, well, that's..." Mauve: "It's fine. It's only natural that the citizens share similar sentiments." Mauve: "I suspect District Chief Pine is keenly aware of all this as well." Mauve: "He most likely acted as he has with that in mind. I've been told that he will be participating in the festival not on behalf of ACCA, but as a guest." Mauve: "That was his intention." Barotto: "I had no idea." Mauve: "Do you have any other questions?" Barotto: "No." Mauve: "I'm happy to hear them if you do." Jean: "Did District Chief Pine also call on Furawau? The concerns people have, including about the festival, will not be quelled without addressing Furawau, Director-General." Mauve: "I see. You have a point." Mauve: "But there's nothing to worry about in that regard, either." Mauve: "I just received a letter from Furawau. I'd considered keeping it quiet based on its contents, but it's turned out to be something we can reveal at the festival. I'll refrain from sharing details now, but I'd like you to understand the nature of this letter." Mauve: "Furawau merely did what it deemed to be necessary. It wasn't looking for a conflict." Mauve: "The letter makes that much clear. Thus, we at ACCA will keep an eye on their leadership, and respond appropriately as the need arises." Mauve: "It's time. Let us proceed to the venue where everyone awaits." Lilium: "Bādon is so cold, Chief Officer Pine." Barotto: "Deputy Chief, about everything that happened..." Jean: "The Inspection Department was tasked, to some extent, with assessing movement within each district following the establishment of the new order at the ceremony." Jean: "Though your motives and beginnings were different, you ended up doing just that. There's no reason to be disappointed." Jean: "Going forward, I think ACCA will be populated with more rational people like you." Jean: "But change is still a slow process. It may be old-fashioned for an official like me to visit Birra myself, but I think it's important." Jean: "You do have a tendency to become entrenched in speculation. But put another way, you're capable of deep insight." Jean: "And you're extremely analytical." Jean: "I think you're well-suited for our department." : "Long day, huh, Jean?" : "The festival was nice. Everything was perfect, including Director-General Mauve's closing speech." Jean: "Yeah. It was." : "What's up? You look pretty serious." Jean: "No, it's nothing." Jean: "I just don't know what young folks are thinking. Maybe I don't need to try to understand. Maybe I just need to work through things with them." : "Yeah. I guess that's what it means to watch over them." Jean: "Hmm?" : "Nothing. I was just thinking about something like that." Mauve: "Mr. Otus." Mauve: "I think the time has come for you to prepare yourself." Jean: "What do you mean by that?" Mauve: "I mean exactly what I said." Mauve: "The tree appears ripe to my eyes." Mauve: "Your burden may grow heavier, but go on forth." Wind: "You don't need to be certain about the future." Wind: "Whatever happens, happens." Wind: "You said you wanted to broaden your horizons." Wind: "That's the right idea." Lotta: "But that's still so vague. And when I think about my brother and stuff..." Wind: "Your brother might find a good partner." Wind: "And someone else who can manage the building might come along." Wind: "Circumstances change." Wind: "It's okay for things to be vague." Wind: "It's important to cherish that feeling. You can't panic and let yourself lose sight of that." Wind: "Whatever works." Wind: "Just do what you feel is right." Lotta: "Okay. So I visited Kororē, and a new bakery in the western sector" Lotta: "was looking for help, so I asked if I could do it." Jean: "So that's what it was." Lotta: "The owner is so nice! Their son's really kind, too. I ran into him at the airport, and he carried my luggage for me." Jean: "Ah, so that's who that was. I see." Lotta: "Sorry, I wanted to tell you all about it. But I got lost inside my own head." Jean: "It's all right." Jean: "I've felt like that before." Jean: "You should talk to your teacher, though. She was really worried about you." Lotta: "Yeah." Jean: "Anyway, did you bake this bread?" Lotta: "Oh, yeah! I did! We got a lot of rye from Birra. We worked hard starting early that morning to get it ready in time for the festival." Jean: "Huh." Jean: "From Birra?" Lotta: "Say, I was thinking about sharing some with the landlord. What do you think?" Jean: "I'm sure they'd appreciate it." : "Hey, Jean..." : "What were we thinking about back in the day?"
{ "raw_title": "ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.-Regards Episode OVA –", "parsed": [] }
T: "Hmm... It's two o'clock, I think..." G: "I-I've gotta pin this on someone. Oh, I know! He'll do..." Pw: "Perfect! I'm Phoenix Wright," Pw: "a rookie attorney, who just got his badge three months ago. And today," Pw: "for the first time, I set foot in the courtroom as an attorney!" Mia: "What's keeping Wright?" Pw: "Excuse me!" Pw: "Sorry I'm late..." Mia: "The trial begins at 10 AM. I hope you're ready." Pw: "I am! Sorry to force you to take time to be here for me, Chief." Mia: "Don't mention it." Mia: "I mean, it's my beloved subordinate's first-ever defense. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Pw: "Thank you!" Mia: "But I must say I'm impressed." Mia: "Not everyone has the courage to take on a homicide trial, right off the bat." Pw: "I wanted... no, I had to do this." Pw: "Because I owe him a favor." Mia: "A favor? To the defendant?" Pw: "Yes." Pw: "Actually, I kind of owe my current job to him. He's one of the reasons I became an attorney." Mia: "Well, that's news to me." Pw: "I want to help him in any way I can!" Pw: "That's my client, Larry Butz." Pw: "He's been my best friend since grade school." Butz: "Nick! It wasn't me! What's your problem? Lemme go! Nick! It wasn't me!" Pw: "I know. I believe you." Butz: "Nick!" Pw: "But the newspapers say it was you." Mia: "Wright..." Mia: "So he's the one who motivated you to become an attorney?" Pw: "Yes. He's a good guy at heart. He just has terrible luck." Mia: "He doesn't seem to have the best attitude." Pw: "He just has terrible luck and a terrible attitude." Mia: "Anyway, you must believe in his innocence to the very end. Do not forget that." Pw: "I won't!" J: "Court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Larry Butz." Payne: "The prosecution is ready, Your Honor." Pw: "The defense is ready, Your Honor." J: "Then, your opening statement, Mr. Payne." Payne: "At once, Your Honor. The victim is Cindy Stone, a twenty-two-year-old model. She was found dead in her apartment's living room. We have concluded she was murdered from autopsy results and the state of the scene. Time of death is estimated to have been around 4 or 5 PM. The cause, blunt force trauma to the head. The murder weapon was this statue of The Thinker. I present it to the court as evidence." J: "Accepted." J: "But I must say, this is a modern thinker indeed." Butz: "Not "modern"! It's "Rodin"!" Butz: "That is the gift of love that I made with all my heart and soul!" J: "Oh, so it's handmade?" Payne: "By the way, we found the defendant's fingerprints on the murder weapon." Butz: "Huh?! No way!" Pw: "You made it by hand. Of course your fingerprints are all over it!" Butz: "Nick! Let me state my case, man... At this rate, I'm gonna be found guilty!" Payne: "The prosecution would also like to call the defendant to the stand." J: "Very well. You may proceed." Butz: "All right! Hell, yeah!" Mia: "Looks like your friend has a foul mouth, to go with his terrible luck and attitude." Payne: "Now, Mr. Butz... It seems you were recently dumped by the victim." Butz: "Watch it, buddy! We're the twentieth century's greatest couple!" Pw: "The twentieth century ended a long time ago, dude." Butz: "But lately, she'd been ignoring my calls, just a bit. And standing me up, just a bit." Payne: "That is generally what we call being dumped—" Butz: "Shut up with your nonsense!" Payne: "Then you knew about her trip overseas?" Butz: "T-Trip overseas? That's news to me, just a bit..." Payne: "This is the victim's passport." Payne: "According to this, she returned from New York the day before the murder." Payne: "We also found a photograph taken during the trip." Butz: "My present..." Payne: "I present these two items to the court as evidence, Your Honor." J: "Accepted." Butz: "Huh? Hang on a second! Who took that photo?" Payne: "The man with whom she went, of course." Butz: "Aw! Hell, no!" Pw: "Please stop repeating that word..." Payne: "And there we have our motive. The defendant heard about this, and murdered the victim in a rage." J: "Yes. That is quite the clear motive." Butz: "Wait a second... I didn't do it, I swear!" Payne: "By the way, on the day of the murder, did you visit the victim's apartment? M-Maybe I did! And maybe I didn't!" Mia: "I can hardly bear how dumb he is at playing dumb." Payne: "You don't remember? Then, let me remind you..." Payne: "The defendant is lying, Your Honor!" Payne: "The prosecution would like to call its key witness to the stand." Pw: "A witness?" J: "Order! Order in the court!" J: "Escort the witness to the stand." Sahwit: "Hello." Mia: "This is where things get real, Wright." Sahwit: "Hello." Pw: "A witness?" Payne: "Please state your name and occupation." Sahwit: "I am Frank Sahwit. I sell newspaper subscriptions." J: "Please tell the court what you saw on the day of the murder." Sahwit: "Of course. That day, I was at the apartment complex to sell subscriptions, when I saw a man hurriedly leaving the apartment in question. It was that man, over there." Pw: "Damn it, Larry... Why haven't I heard this?" Sahwit: "I found that quite strange, so I looked inside the apartment." Sahwit: "And I saw a woman lying there, dead. I was too scared to go inside. So I rushed to a nearby pay phone, and called the police." Sahwit: "It was 2 PM." Pw: "Two o'clock..." J: "A pay phone? Didn't the apartment have a phone?" Payne: "There was a phone by the front door, but the area had a blackout that day, from 1 PM to 6 PM, so he couldn't use it." J: "That does explain using a pay phone." Pw: "A blackout?" Payne: "How about it, Your Honor? You could hardly ask for a more conclusive witness testimony." Mia: "What's the matter?" Pw: "N-Nothing." J: "The defense may begin its cross-examination." Pw: "Y-Yes, Your Honor!" Mia: "Here's your time to shine. If your client is innocent, the witness must have lied in his testimony." Mia: "Compare the testimony to the evidence. A contradiction is bound to be in there. Find it." Pw: "A contradiction..." Mia: "That's right. The evidence holds all the keys. Go get 'em." Pw: "Okay. I'll give it a shot!" Pw: "Er... Your Honor! Just now, there was a clear contradiction in the testimony!" J: "Oh? Where, exactly?" Pw: "Well, uh... I'm saying we should all put our heads together and find it..." Pw: "Ow!" Mia: "What's so funny?" Mia: "Right now, you need less laughter, more thought." Pw: "Ah, y-yeah!" Pw: "The autopsy report..." Pw: "What is this?" Pw: "All right!" J: "Let's try again. The defense may begin its cross-examination." Pw: "You say you found the body at 2 PM." Pw: "Are you sure of the time?" Sahwit: "Absolutely sure." Pw: "But according to the autopsy report, the victim's estimated time of death was sometime after 4 PM." Pw: "Isn't this a clear contradiction?" Mia: "Brilliantly done, Wright!" J: "The witness is to explain himself." Sahwit: "O-Of course..." Sahwit: "In the apartment, I heard the time being announced. She must've been watching TV before she died." Payne: "Oh, that makes sense—" Pw: "Huh? Wasn't there a blackout at that time?" Pw: "The TV couldn't have been on." Sahwit: "My apologies, I was mistaken. I heard the clock. The table clock." Pw: "The table clock?" Sahwit: "That's right! The Thinker that he used to kill her." Payne: "Your Honor, if I may, this is indeed a clock." Payne: "If you twist the neck, it appears to say the time aloud." Butz: "Whaddya think of my genius idea?" Pw: "Mention these things earlier! If you twist the neck, it says the time?" Pw: "Mr. Sahwit! You're lying!" Pw: "In your testimony, you said..." Sahwit: "I was too scared to go inside." Pw: "You could only know this was a clock if you heard it announce the time." Pw: "That's right." Pw: "You heard this clock that day. When you entered the apartment, and used it to strike the victim!" T: "It's two o'clock, I think..." Pw: "The sound must have surprised you. And the time was burned into your memory." Pw: "Am I wrong?" J: "How does the witness respond?" Sahwit: "I never..." Sahwit: "Shut up! Quit yammering and nitpicking! I saw it with my own eyes... He was the one who killed her!" J: "Order! Watch your mouth, witness." J: "Can the defense prove that the witness heard this clock announce the time?" Pw: "W-Well..." Mia: "Simple. Let's sound the clock here and now, in this court." Pw: "Yes." T: "Hmm..." J: "What a Rodin way to announce the time." Butz: "Isn't it great?! It's my genius voice—" J: "But how is this proof of anything?" Pw: "9:25?" Pw: "Mr. Payne, what time is it right now?" Payne: "Right now? 11:25." J: "It's two hours slow!" Pw: "Mr. Sahwit's testimony was also two hours off. Which means, what he heard at the time of the murder" Pw: "was most definitely this clock!" Sahwit: "I'll grant you that's an amusing story..." Sahwit: "Sure, it looks like the clock's two hours slow. But we don't know if it was running slow on the day of the murder!" Sahwit: "Well? Got an answer to that?!" Sahwit: "If you can't prove that, you have no case." Mai: "Wright!" J: "How about it, defense?" Mai: "You can't back down here." Pw: "Am I going to fail you, after coming so close?" Butz: "Objection!" J: "If you don't have any proof, I cannot let you indict this witness." Sahwit: "I come all this way to testify, and you call me a murderer? You attorneys are all scum!" Pw: "Forgive me, Larry..." J: "This concludes Frank Sahwit's cross-examination." Mia: "Not so fast!" Pw: "Ch-Chief?" Mia: "Now is the time to laugh, Wright. An attorney can only laugh when times are desperate!" Mia: "Don't give up until the very end." J: "If the defense has something to say, speak up." J: "Well, do you?" Pw: "But there's no way to prove the clock was running slow on the day of the murder." Mia: "Turn your thinking about." Pw: "Turn it about?" Mia: "Yes. Try to figure out why the clock was running two hours slow, in the first place." Pw: "Two hours..." Pw: "Two hours." J: "It seems the defense has nothing to say, after all." Pw: "I see... Two hours!" J: "This concludes the cross-examination." Pw: "Objection!" Pw: "The reason the clock was running two hours slow is this..." Pw: "Right here!" Sahwit: "Wh-What about that photo?" Pw: "Japan is in a different time zone than other countries. According to her passport, the victim had just returned from overseas the day before the murder." Pw: "The time difference between Japan and New York is fourteen hours. When it's 4 PM here, it's 2 AM there. Disregard AM and PM." Mia: "And the difference is exactly two hours." Pw: "The victim took the table clock with her on the trip, but hadn't reset it since returning. That's why the time you heard" Pw: "was two hours off!" Pw: "How's that, Mr. Sahwit... No, Mr. Didit!" J: "Arrest the witness immediately!" Pw: "As a newspaper salesman, Frank Sahwit had been burglarizing homes, while residents were away. But the victim returned while he was in her apartment," Pw: "and that led to the murder." T: "It's two o'clock, I think..." J: "Order!" J: "Mr. Wright..." Pw: "Yes, Your Honor." J: "I am quite honestly amazed. In your first defense, you even discovered the true culprit." Pw: "Gee, thanks, Your Honor." J: "I shall now hand down the verdict." J: "Not guilty!" Payne: "Aw! Hell, no!" Mia: "Well done, Wright." Pw: "Thank you, Chief." J: "And with that, court is adjourned." Butz: "You're amazing, Nick!" Mia: "Congratulations, Mr. Harry Butz." Butz: "Uh, my name's Larry..." Mia: "Could you repeat that, Harry?" Butz: "Never mind, er, well... Thank you so much! I'll never forget this." Pw: "Dude, I was the one who saved you." Butz: "Oh, right! Please accept this!" Mia: "Wait, isn't this the murder weapon?" Butz: "Oh, no... It's the same thing, but it's not. I made two of them, and this one's mine." Mia: "Ah." Butz: "Please accept it as a memento of our meeting!" Mia: "Then, I guess I'll take you up on it." Mia: "Thank you." Butz: "I loved her, man. How could she betray me like that? I'm so sad!" Pw: "Larry..." Mia: "I wouldn't be so certain." Mia: "She loved you. And here's the proof." Butz: "Lies! Nick!" Pw: "Oh, yeah. She took that clock with her on the trip, didn't she?" Butz: "She probably just didn't have any others." Pw: "You really think she'd take something so bulky, just because of that?" Butz: "I guess not." Butz: "Thanks, man." Mia: "Today got a bit exciting, but you finally took your first step." Pw: "Yeah, it was really scary, though." Mia: "But still..." Mia: "It was an important step you took to help someone." Mia: "Listen well, Wright. In our massive society, there must be plenty of people out there who need your help." Mia: "Do your best." Pw: "I will!" Mia: "Oh, right... The reason you became an attorney?" Pw: "I owe it all to him." Mia: "Tell me the whole story sometime." Pw: "Sure thing! I forgot my bike at the courthouse!" Mia: "Oh, dear..." Pw: "See you later!" Pw: "And so, my first trial came to a close. But my promise to tell the chief about my reason for becoming an attorney" Pw: "was a promise I wouldn't be able to keep." Pw: "One night, tragedy befell the chief. At the messy crime scene were shards of glass, an utterly startling murder weapon, and a dying message in blood. What do those words mean? The one under arrest" Pw: "is the chief's little sister?" Pw: "Why were you there? Are you really a murderer?"
{ "raw_title": "Ace Attorney Episode 1 – The First Turnabout", "parsed": [ "Ace Attorney", "1", "The First Turnabout" ] }
Pw: "I'm Phoenix Wright. While I somehow proved my client's innocence in my first trial, I'm still a highly inexperienced rookie attorney." Pw: "But I'll do my best to help those who have no one on their side!" Maya: "Hello? This is Maya." Mia: "Hello, it's me." Maya: "Oh, Mia! What's up? You haven't called in a while." Mia: "Sorry, I've been so busy lately. How have you been?" Maya: "Lonely... And it's your fault for leaving your beloved little sister alone! Just teasing! I'm good. I've gotten used to having my own place." Mia: "Oh? I'm glad. Actually, I'm calling because I have a favor to ask." Maya: "I know! You want me to hold evidence for you again?" Mia: "Indeed. The case I'm working on will be big." Mia: "I'm uncomfortable keeping the evidence here until trial." Maya: "So, what is it this time?" Mia: "A table clock." Maya: "Clock?" Mia: "Yes, it's made to resemble the statue The Thinker. And it tells you the time! You've always liked toys, right?" Maya: "Hey... I'm not a little girl anymore, Sis!" Mia: "Oh, but at the moment, the clock doesn't talk." Mia: "I had to remove the clockwork. I put some papers inside instead." Maya: "Is that the evidence, then?" Mia: "Sharp as always. These are important, so keep them safe." Redd: "The Thinker, eh? Smart thinking, Miss Fey." Pw: "Huh? You have a little sister?" Mia: "I hadn't mentioned that?" Pw: "No... This is the first I've heard of it." Mia: "She's coming to the office tonight to see me." Mia: "Why don't you join us for dinner?" Pw: "Really?" Mia: "Of course. Then, let's meet up here at 9 PM." Pw: "Got it! I'll see you later!" Miles: "And with that, the prosecution rests its case." J: "I shall now hand down the verdict." J: "Guilty!" Da: "Why wasn't I informed about that evidence?!" Miles: "Reflect on your own incompetence before criticizing my methods." Pw: "Talk about night and day..." Pw: "I'm late!" Pw: "Not here yet?" Pw: "I'm back!" Pw: "Ch-Chief?" Pw: "Chief!" Pw: "Who's there?" Pw: "Y-You're..." Pw: "Oh, it's okay. I work here." Maya: "Sis! Sis! Sis..." Pw: "So you're the chief's..." Gs: "Freeze! This is the police! Crime scene secured, pal!" Gs: "I'm Detective Dick Gumshoe, pal." P: "Excuse me. Look at this." Pw: ""Maya"?" Gs: "This mean anything to you, pal?" Pw: "N-No." Maya: "Th-That's my name..." Gs: "What's your name?" Maya: "Maya Fey." Pw: "Maya..." Gs: "Case closed!" Gs: "You're coming down to the station!" Pw: "W-Wait a second..." Gs: "You're coming, too, pal. Yeah, to the station!" Tv: "This was the scene of the crime. Last night, the chief of Fey & Co. Law Offices, Ms. Mia Fey, was murdered." Pw: "Chief..." Mia: "I mean, it's my beloved subordinate's first-ever defense. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Well done, Wright." Tv: "Police suspect the beautiful attorney's own sister murdered her." Tv: "Currently, she's being held in custody." Pw: "Those tears weren't fake." Pw: "Now that I get a good look at her, her outfit's rather strange." Pw: "Um..." Maya: "It's you, the lawyer." Pw: "You've had a rough night, huh?" Pw: "Have you contacted your family?" Maya: "My mother and father are both gone." Pw: "Last night, you came to see Mia at the office, right?" Maya: "She asked me to come." Pw: "I see." Maya: "She wanted me to hold on to some evidence for an upcoming trial." Pw: "Evidence?" Maya: "That clock that's shaped like The Thinker." Pw: "The one Larry made!" Maya: "I'm pretty sure our conversation is on my cell phone." Pw: "Let's hear it!" Maya: "But I dropped it somewhere..." Pw: "Of course." Maya: "I'm so sorry!" Pw: "By the way, what's with that bizarre— I mean, interesting outfit?" Maya: "I-I'm not strange, really!" Maya: "I'm a spirit medium. In training..." Pw: "S-Spirit medium? I'm pretty sure that qualifies as strange." Maya: "I'm still in training, but the Fey family has always been sensitive to the spirit world. Especially the women." Pw: "So Mia was into this stuff too?" Maya: "Yes. Her powers were seriously out of this world!" Pw: "I had no idea..." Pw: "Wait, can't you ask Mia's spirit who killed her?" Maya: "Oh, no... I'm still in training!" Pw: "In training?" Maya: "I couldn't do something as amazing as contacting a spirit..." Pw: "I guess it wouldn't be that easy, huh?" Maya: "By the way, Mr. Lawyer..." Maya: "Could I ask you a favor?" Maya: "Um, could you contact a lawyer named Grossberg for me?" Pw: "Grossberg?" Maya: "My sister said if I were ever in trouble, I should call him." Pw: "You know, I'm a defense attorney, too." Maya: "But... You'll never believe me." Pw: "Why do you think so?" Maya: "Your eyes back then." Pw: "Y-You're..." Maya: "You looked at me like I'd done it." Pw: "No, I never thought..." Maya: "It's okay." Maya: "I understand." Pw: "All right. Grossberg the lawyer, right?" Pw: "I'll go ask him for you." Marvin: "Ah, my boy... So you worked under Mia." Marvin: "She was my student. It's a shame what happened to her. Don't you think so, son?" Pw: "Um, well... I'd like to ask you to defend Maya, her sister." Marvin: "Mia told me about her. Asked me to look after her if she were ever in trouble." Pw: "Then..." Marvin: "Of course I'll defend her! If I, Marvin Grossberg, do not take this case, who will, my boy?" Pw: "Thank you so much!" Pw: "Goodbye, then." Marvin: "Hello? This is Grossberg." Redd: "Long time, no talk..." Redd: "Mister Lawyer." Pw: "I'm glad he agreed to defend her." Pw: "This is for the best, really." Mia: "Here's your dinner, Charley." Mia: "What's so funny?" Pw: "But it's just so strange... Calling a potted plant "Charley."" Mia: "Really? "Phoenix Wright" is a far stranger name, if you ask me." Pw: "That's not the point." Pw: "Is this..." Mia: "Then, the office tonight. Say 9:00 PM?" Maya: "Okay, but I expect dinner! Something good! Like burgers! I could really go for a good burger!" Gs: "Oh? Aren't you, uh..." Pw: "Phoenix Wright, an attorney." Gs: "Oh, right! You've got one odd name, pal." Pw: "Like you're one to talk, Suedeshoes." Gs: "What's with that girly cell phone?" Gs: "Girly phone for a girly guy. Perfect fit." Pw: "No one's ever called me "girly" before... So, have you figured anything out?" Gs: "Sorry, pal, but I got no info to give an attorney!" Pw: "But I'm not defending her." Gs: "Well, there's one thing I can say for sure. There's no way you're winning tomorrow's trial, pal." Pw: "Wh-Why do you say that?" Gs: "They've put Mr. Edgeworth on the prosecution." Pw: "Edgeworth?" Gs: "Looks like even you've heard of him..." Pw: "Of course I have." Miles: "Objection!" Pw: "Miles Edgeworth..." Pw: "He hasn't lost a case since he became prosecutor at the incredibly young age of twenty. A machine who will do anything for a "guilty" verdict, he's an unprecedented genius prosecutor." Gs: "So give up, go home, and cry into your pillow, pal." Pw: "By the way, Detective Gumshoe, what about that witness from last night?" Gs: "You mean April May? Like I said, I'm not giving you any info, pal." Pw: "Her name's April May, huh? She must've gone home by now, right?" Gs: "Who do you think we are? No way would we let her leave her room till the trial ends!" Pw: "That means she's still in the hotel across the way." Gs: "My lips are sealed tighter than a bank vault, pal." Pw: "Got it, pal! The key witness," Pw: "April May..." Pw: "This must be her room." Pw: "Um, anyone here?" Pw: "Excuse me..." Pw: "Look at them go." Pw: "A flashy screwdriver?" April: "Is that you, bellboy? Leave the wine there, would you? Or would you rather drink with me?" Pw: "N-No, thanks!" Pw: "Is this a wiretap?" Pw: "Hello? Oh, Mr. Grossberg..." Marvin: "I'm truly sorry, but I can't take the case." Pw: "But you agreed yesterday! Please! The client is Mia's sister!" Marvin: "I know that... But I'm sorry." Pw: "Could you at least refer another attorney?" Marvin: "Terribly sorry, my boy. But I'm afraid no lawyer worth their salt would take this on." Pw: "Wh-Why? I mean—" Pw: "What am I supposed to say to her?" Class: "Thief!" Pw: "It wasn't me... It wasn't me!" Pw: "I didn't do it! Right now, she's in the same position" Pw: "as I was then!" Pw: "I'm sorry." Maya: "It isn't your fault." Maya: "I've been abandoned, huh?" Pw: "That's not true. Er..." Pw: "Look! These two said they'd hear us out." Pw: "Don't give up!" Pw: "I'll go see them now." Pw: "We still have time!" Maya: "Mr. Lawyer..." Pw: "Maya... Please let me defend you!" Maya: "Please defend me!" Pw: "I'd be glad to—" Maya: "Gladly—" Crowd: "Mr. Edgeworth!" Pw: "Last time, I had the chief by my side." Pw: "But today, I must fight alone to save her sister!" Pw: "It's been a while, Edgeworth." Miles: "What in the world are you doing here," Miles: "Phoenix Wright?" Pw: "At last... At last, I've come this far." Pw: "I became an attorney to stand in this courtroom. Let me show you, Miles Edgeworth," Pw: "what Phoenix Wright, attorney-at-law, is made of!" Pw: "Objection!"
{ "raw_title": "Ace Attorney Episode 2 – Turnabout Sisters — 1st Trial", "parsed": [ "Ace Attorney", "2", "Turnabout Sisters — 1st Trial" ] }
Pw: "My name is Phoenix Wright," Pw: "attorney-at-law." Pw: "I've become somewhat well-known lately, I think. No matter how difficult a case may be," Pw: "I stand in the courtroom to defend the clients I believe in." Pw: "For their sake, I'm willing to make any sacrifice!" Pw: "I should go through the file one last time before the trial begins." Pw: "Hello?" Pw: "Looks like they hung up." ???: "It's nothing personal, Mr. Attorney." Pw: "How did I get into this mess?" J: "That's far enough! You can't run forever, Phoenix Wright!" Pw: "Ouch..." By: "Good morning, Mr. Wright, sir!" Pw: "Wh-Who are you?" By: "I'm Maggey Byrde! I'm placing my life in your hands today!" Pw: ""Your life"?" By: "You promised me! You said you would prove that I was not guilty!" Pw: ""Not guilty"?" By: "Yep! Even as the Goddess of Misfortune, this is the biggest crisis of my life! Looking back, my life has been a trade fair of bad luck, defeats, and setbacks! But you said, "Leave it to me!" I was moved to tears, Mr. Phoenix Wright!" Pw: ""Wright"?" By: "That's right, Mr. Wright!" Pw: "Phoenix Wright... What a weird name." By: "I want you to believe me! I did not kill him!" Pw: "You what? K-K-Ki..." Bai: "The trial will begin shortly." By: "I'm counting on you in there, okay?" Pw: "Courtroom 2?" Pw: "What is even going on?" J: "Court is now in session for the trial of Miss Maggey Byrde!" Pw: "Who is that old geezer?" Payne: "Long time no see, Wright." Pw: "Right... And who are you?!" J: "Your opening statement, Mr. Payne." Payne: "At once, Your Honor. The defendant is accused of killing her lover." Pw: "You killed your lover?!" By: "It wasn't like that!" By: "Constable Prince was a senior I respected..." Payne: "What's worse, her lover was a fellow police officer!" Pw: "A p-police officer?" J: "Please call your first witness." Gum: "I'm Dick Gumshoe. I'm the detective in charge of homicides down at the precinct." Pw: "That detective looks down in the dumps." Gum: "Constable Byrde was, uh, a very trustworthy subordinate!" Pw: "You worked under that detective?" By: "Yes, sir! He was always watching out for me while I was a trainee! He's a wonderful detective!" Payne: "Then, Detective, describe for us the details of the murder." Gum: "Sir! It happened at the park near the precinct, "Exposé Park." The victim was one of the local cops, Dustin Prince. His body was beat up bad, and his neck was snapped. He was likely pushed down from the benches on the upper path." Payne: "There was a very crucial piece of evidence found under the victim's body." Payne: "This is it." Gum: "The victim grabbed the killer's glasses as he was being shoved and held onto them as he fell." Pw: "The killer's glasses? What about those?" By: "This is my spare pair." Pw: "S-Spare? Th-Then you really..." By: "No! The ones they found weren't mine! It was a coincidence that on that same day, I accidentally stepped on mine." Pw: "Coincidence?" By: "Just another day in the life of the Goddess of Misfortune." J: "Defense, you may begin your cross-examination." Pw: "Huh? Cross-examination? I have to do it?" J: "Obviously. Who else would?" By: "This is your time to shine! I'm counting on you!" Pw: "Uh, what am I supposed to do?" By: "Y-You don't know?" Pw: "No... I hate to break it to you, but I don't remember anything." By: "What?! W-Wait, is it amnesia?" Pw: "Amnesia?!" By: "I now have a new biggest crisis of my life." J: "Defense, hurry up and begin your cross-examination." By: "Just go for it!" Pw: "Right." Pw: "Then..." Pw: "Let's start with the glasses. Do you have any proof that these belong to the defendant?" Gum: "The lenses are for a near-sighted wearer, and are almost the same prescription as hers." Gum: "Even the frames look kinda like the ones she's wearing in her ID." Pw: "Wait. "Almost" and "kinda" are not good enough in a case like this." Pw: "Do you have more definitive proof?" Payne: "One moment! If you want definitive proof, take a look at this photo." Pw: "M-Maggie?" J: "That's the defendant's name, Maggie Byrde." By: "It's a setup! A conspiracy!" J: "Order! Order!" Pw: "The victim wrote her name? There's no hope!" Pw: "What? Hold it!" Gum: "Th-There it is! Really makes my empty stomach rumble..." Pw: "What's come over me? Without thinking, I just yelled out. And I yelled it at the top of my lungs, finger outstretched. Witness, please state the defendant's name for me." Gum: "Huh? Well, it's Maggie Byrde." Pw: "How is it spelled?" Payne: "Hold it! This line of questioning is pointless! Just look at the photo!" Pw: "Sure, it does say "Maggie." But the defendant's name is spelled "Maggey"!" Pw: "This is a blatant contradiction of facts!" Payne: "B-But... Maybe the victim didn't know how to spell her name correctly!" Pw: "May I remind you that it was you who said, "The defendant is accused of killing her lover."" Pw: "There's no way he wouldn't have known his lover's name!" Gum: "The day of the incident happened to be Constable Prince's birthday. Maggey had gotten him a present." Pw: "And is this it?" Pw: "That's an awfully yellow glove." By: "He loved baseball and the color yellow to death!" J: "Oh? Is that glove relevant to this case?" Gum: "Huh? I'm not sure." Pw: "Actually, that glove is the key to this whole case!" Pw: "Take a close look at the glove. It's made for a left-handed person." Pw: "And now, look at the crime scene photo again." Gum: "H-He wrote with his right hand!" By: "That's right! He was a southpaw!" Pw: "There's no way a southpaw would use his right hand to write a dying message. Therefore, whoever wrote that..." Pw: "It wasn't the victim!" Pw: "What was that?" Pw: "I still can't remember, but I can feel the rush." Pw: "Energy is surging through my body!" J: "It seems that we have reached a conc—" Payne: "Hold it!" Payne: "Your Honor, the prosecution is not finished yet!" J: "What?!" By: "No way!" Payne: "There was a witness to this murder." Payne: "And the witness saw the moment the victim was pushed to his death. What's more, he saw the very face of the culprit!" By: "I'm telling you, it wasn't me!" J: "Summon the witness to the stand!" Payne: "Sir, meet the drifter who was taking a walk in the park on the day of the murder!" Well: "Hi!" Pw: "He saw the culprit?" Payne: "Please state your name for the court, witness." Well: "First, I'd like to clarify something. Just now, you introduced my wonderful self to the court, correct? Perhaps as a "drifter who was taking a walk"?" Payne: "Huh? Did I?" Well: "But I can't have you judging me with such bias. Sure, I suppose calling me a university student would not be the absolute truth. But everything in my life is to be of the utmost, top grade quality, you understand. I am merely looking for that perfect, top notch university, don't you see? I have a rigorous selection process." Payne: "Yes, yes, I understand. I'll keep that in mind." Well: "Only first-rate fashion, cars, women, and glasses may apply! And of course, the same goes for university!" Pw: "But you aren't wearing glasses..." J: "That's enough! Your name, witness!" Well: "I am Richard Wellington. You may say I'm more or less a university student." Pw: "What do you mean, more or less?" Well: "Shall I begin, then? I was strolling through Exposé Park that day when all of a sudden, in front of my eyes," Well: "a police officer falls from above! I looked up in surprise and locked eyes with an aghast lady." Well: "Indeed, it was her!" Pw: "Was there anything else you noticed?" Well: "Hmm... Let me think... Oh, right! I saw a bunch of bananas fall with him!" Pw: "B-Bananas? At the scene?" Well: "Indeed. They were extremely yellow and looked rather appetizing." Pw: "Bananas? Extremely yellow?" Pw: "Could the bananas have been..." Well: "Yes, that's them over there." Pw: "Really?" Pw: "If you think they look so yummy, do you care for a bite?" Well: "It can't be... That's bananas!" Pw: "By the way, how's your eyesight?" Well: "Wh-Wh-Wh-Why are you asking me about this all of a sudden?" Payne: "Objection! You can't say he has bad eyesight just because he mistook a glove for bananas." J: "Objection overruled." Well: "They're both 20/200! Problem?" J: "20/200? That's certainly not good." Pw: "Why aren't you wearing your glasses today?" Well: "Ack! I lost them recently, you see..." Pw: "You lost them? Could it be that these glasses are actually yours?" Well: "Wh-Where did you find..." Pw: "They were found under the victim's body." Well: "Wh-What?!" Pw: "Why were your glasses there?" Well: "How would I know? Besides, didn't the victim name his killer, Maggie?" Pw: "Sure, he did write "Maggie," but her name is spelled this way." Well: "Ack!" Pw: "Besides, the victim was left-handed. So this was an attempt to frame her. The real killer used the victim's right hand to write it!" Well: "It wasn't me. To write that message, the killer would've had to know her name. But I don't know her at all!" Pw: "You don't know him either, right?" By: "Right. But speaking of my name... That day, when Constable Prince and I were walking around the park, we found a cell phone." By: "Um, hello? I'm Maggey." Well: "Oh, thank you! I've been searching for my phone." By: "I'm glad you called!" By: "We can meet up, and I can give this back!" Well: "I'll be right there!" By: "So we both waited right there, but nobody showed up." By: "Right after I split up with him, I heard a scream..." By: "And I found him dead." Pw: "Maggey's name... It all adds up!" Pw: "Witness, did you lose your cell phone recently?" Well: "S-So what if I did?" Pw: "You tried calling the number in a bid to get it back." Well: "How did you..." Pw: "That's when you learned that her name was Maggey. And that's when you incorrectly assumed that it was spelled this way!" Pw: "This mistake could only occur if you heard the name!" Pw: "It's clear as day now." Pw: "The real murderer..." Pw: "...is you!" Well: "Eek!" Payne: "Objection! The witness has no motive to commit murder!" Well: "Th-That is absolutely correct! Why would I kill a cop?" J: "Fair point. Defense, can you explain what motive this witness could have had?" Pw: "Well..." Payne: "Impossible. They'd never even met." Pw: "I'm so close to remembering something! Something I was investigating!" J: "It seems that the cross-examination has reached its—" Maya: "Hold it!" Maya: "Sorry I kept you waiting, Nick!" Maya: "I was afraid I wouldn't make it in time!" By: "I've been waiting for you, Maya! You made it in the nick of time!" Pw: "Maya?" Maya: "I'm here to the rescue with the ultra-decisive super-important evidence!" Maya: "Here, Nick!" Pw: "Wh-What is this?" Maya: "I put together a crazy list!" Pw: "List?" Maya: "Putting it together was really hard work, y'know?" Pw: "Names and phone numbers?" Pw: "Uh, what is this?" Maya: "What? You're the one who asked me to look this up!" By: "They're the contacts from the phone I picked up that day!" Maya: "Would you believe it? They were all members of a group of con artists!" Well: "Ack!" Pw: "Group of con artists... cell phone... name..." J: "Defense, wrap up the cross-examination!" Pw: "I see! This is what I was investigating!" Pw: "Where is that cell phone now?" Maya: "Don't you have it?" By: "I gave it to you when I hired you to defend me." Pw: "Let me see..." Maya: "That's the one!" By: "Yep!" Pw: "Thank you. You provided the last piece of the puzzle, miss." Maya: ""Miss"?" Pw: "Judge, this is the motive right here!" J: "What?" Pw: "The cell phone the defendant found. When we looked up the contacts stored on it, we found that they were all members of a group of con artists." Payne: "Con artists?!" Pw: "Witness, you'd saved your friends' phone numbers on this thing." Payne: "Objection! The witness had been told he'd get it back! Why would he have to kill?" Pw: "Because when he got there, he saw it... The victim's outfit!" Maya: "It's a police uniform!" Pw: "That's right. Constable Prince was in uniform when he met the defendant. When you saw that, you incorrectly assumed she brought a cop along. "If he suspects anything and runs a check on my phone..." In your mind, it was possible they'd already run one! So you went into a panic" Pw: "and killed Constable Prince by pushing him over!" Well: "Not bad for a lawyer with a third-rate education." Pw: "What's so funny?" Well: "That's not my phone!" Maya: "It's the same model as the one Nick has?" Well: "I've already found the phone I lost. Incidentally, the numbers stored on this phone have all magically disappeared. It must've glitched when I dropped it." Pw: "He erased all the numbers that could be used as evidence?" Well: "Numbers of a con artist group? Nice setup!" Maya: "N-Nick..." Pw: "Where did you find that cell phone, anyway?" Well: "Oh, you are too much! Of course you wouldn't know!" J: "Witness, what is the meaning of..." J: "Ow..." Pw: "Looks like they hung up." Pw: "Now I remember everything! So it was then! That ringtone..." Well: "The evidence your accusation is based on is all gone!" Maya: "He's totally in the driver's seat now. Aw, he turned the tables on us." Pw: "Turned the tables?" Pw: "Then we can just turn them about!" J: "Why, thank you so much." J: "The court hereby concludes the cross-examination!" Well: "If that will be all, I'll have to bid you gentlemen and ladies goodbye." Pw: "Objection!" Pw: "I hate to break it to you, but I still have evidence." Pw: "Right in front of my eyes, too!" Well: "What?" Pw: "Could you call my cell phone right now?" Maya: "Huh? Call you? Uh..." Pw: "With this, the court will see everything for what it is." Maya: "I'm calling now." Pw: "Huh?" Pw: "You called my phone, right?" Maya: "Y-Yeah." Maya: "What?" Well: "Wh-Why is my phone ringing?" Pw: "How strange. I could almost swear that you're holding my phone." Well: "Don't tell me!" Pw: "By the way, thank you very much for the lump on my head earlier." Pw: "I don't think I need to explain any further." Pw: "When you went to retrieve your cell phone, you mistakenly took mine!" Pw: "This is the evidence that proves your guilt!" J: "Mr. Payne, where is Mr. Wellington?" Payne: "He was arrested and taken away, Your Honor." J: "It's been a while since I last saw you put on such a show, Mr. Wright." J: "Now then, I shall hereby hand down the verdict for Miss Maggey Byrde." J: "Not guilty!" By: "Thank you so much!" J: "That is all! This court is adjourned!" Maya: "Amnesia?! Come to think of it, you were acting weird. You even called me "miss" and all." Pw: "I'm fine now." By: "Thank you so, so much! I'm moved to tears!" Gum: "Maggey!" Gum: "Congrats on the verdict!" By: "Your name isn't Dick for nothing, huh?" Gum: "I was against your arrest until the very end..." By: "I'm going to find a new life for myself starting now. The next time we meet, I'm sure I'll have found a whole ocean's worth of good luck!" Maya: "That's the spirit. Don't let anyone call you the Goddess of Misfortune anymore. Right, Nick?" Pw: "Yeah, exactly. By the way..." Maya: "What?" Pw: "Who might you be, miss?" Maya: "Huh?" Maya: "What the heck? Your amnesia isn't gone yet!" Pw: "I'm kidding, Maya! My name is Phoenix Wright, attorney-at-law. No matter how difficult a case may be, I'll continue to stand in the courtroom to defend the clients I believe in!" Pw: "Objection! The phantom thief, Mask DeMasque, has stolen the sacred urn from Kurain Village, Maya's home. But the stolen urn was then lost. A bizarre detective appears. Meet all the shady individuals around Mask DeMasque as the plot keeps thickening. What's more, the prosecutor waiting in the courtroom was a total enigma! Find the contradictions! Reach out to the truth!"
{ "raw_title": "Ace Attorney Season 2 Episode 1 – The Lost Turnabout", "parsed": [ "Ace Attorney Season 2", "1", "The Lost Turnabout" ] }
Pw: "My name is Naruhodo Ryuichi, attorney-at-law. The stage for my newest battle is a special express train heading northward through the snowy plains, the Silver Star. A trial is set to begin is set to begin in its dining car." Pw: "In this absurd setting, I have to defend a preposterous client." Pw: "Court is now in session for the trial of fugitive Hubley Richnande!" Pw: "December 31st, New Year's Eve. I was invited aboard the Silver Star Special Express's maiden voyage." Mc: "We have kept you waiting far too long. Today's finally the day the super-luxury express Silver Star debuts. The Goldstruck Republic's multimillionaire with a deep love for Japan and railways, Hubley Richnande, poured his personal funds into creating a dream private railway. That is the Silver Star. Unfortunately, Mr. Richnande couldn't be here with us today, but regardless, we shall be departing very shortly." Maya: "Isn't this amazing? They made it a choo-choo train on purpose. How nostalchic." Pw: "You mean nostalgic." Maya: "All right. Let's go, Naruhodo-kun." Gum: "Huh? It's you two!" Pw: "Detective Itonoko?" Maya: "And the judge, too!" J: "Hello there." Gum: "We entered the postcard contest and won." J: "I'm taking a trip to the hot springs in the north aboard a retro train." Maya: "Ta-dah! We were invited!" Gum: "What? Invited?" Maya: "Which car are you in? We're in Car 1." Gum: "We're in Car 3." Maya: "Let's hang out later!" Maya: "Here." Rick: "Thank you very much." Rick: "Naruhodo Ryuichi-sama and Ayasato Mayoi-sama, yes?" Rick: "Welcome aboard the Silver Star. I'm Rick, and I'll be your attendant." Maya: "Nice to meet you, Rick-san." Rick: "You're in the Sakura Room, yes?" Maya: ""Sakura Room"? Sounds like a traditional inn!" Maya: "It really does say "Sakura"!" Maya: "I've never see anything like this!" Pw: "A compartment, huh?" Maya: "Amazing!" Maya: "It's like a hotel room!" Pw: "Yeah, very nice." Rick: "Thank you very much. The Silver Star is a private service that Richnande built by buying an old railroad." Rick: "Its retro appearance is modeled after the good old steam engine trains from the 50s." Rick: "Even the decor has been meticulously designed. Meanwhile, the train's engines and propulsion system are bleeding edge technology." Rick: "By the way, the entire crew is people who followed Mr. Richnande from his homeland." Maya: "You too, then?" Rick: "Yes, I'm from Goldstruck Republic as well." Pw: "I hear Mr. Richnande loves Japan very much and was recently naturalized." Rick: "That's right." Maya: "Ah, so that's why the Sakura Room and stuff." Rick: "The ultimate railway, a realization of his dreams and ideals... That's the Silver Star." Rick: "We hope you enjoy your journey." Maya: "But man, I can't believe you got invited to this. When did you become such a big shot, Naruhodo-kun?" Pw: "Funny thing about that." Pw: "I don't know Mr. Richnande at all. I have no idea why I was invited." Maya: "Yeah, you are pretty small fry, if anything." Maya: "Anyway, let's explore!" Maya: "Come on, come on!" Gale: "Pardon me. Where is the Chrysanthemum Room?" Rick: "I'll take you there, sir." Gale: "Long time no see." Sai: "You're here, too?" Rick: "Heading out?" Maya: "Exploring the train!" Rick: "Have fun." Rick: "This is it, sir." Gale: "Thank you." Disp: "Emergency deployment. The fugitive who escaped soon after the flight landed is yet to be found." Disp: "Set up blockades on every transportation system in the area. Finding the fugitive is the top priority, but make sure no civilians are hurt." Cop: "This looks bad. A storm's brewing tonight. The sun's going down soon, too. There's no way we can find him. This could end up becoming a diplomatic issue." Maya: "We're next to the dining car, huh? It's great that it's so close." Pw: "It's so lavish, I could cry!" Regina: "I wasn't told about this. Sorry, we can't." G: "But it's an order from a passenger, and Richnande-sama has told us to meet all their demands." Reg: "The king said that?" Reg: "Very well." Reg: "Please come this way." Pw: "Trouble of some sort?" C: "We depart!" Maya: "The sunset was so pretty, right, Naruhodo-kun?" Pw: "Mm..." Pw: "After receiving the invitation, I tried to study up on Mr. Hubley Richnande. When he, a world-famous multimillionaire, gained Japanese citizenship and bought a whole railroad, the news reached even my ears." Pw: "What's this?" Maya: "Ahoy, Steel Samurai." Pw: "Ahoy?" Maya: "Believe it or not, it's actually a transceiver. Let's play with them." Pw: "What can we even do with transceivers?" Maya: "Isn't that obvious? We play bomb squad." Pw: "B-Bomb squad?" Maya: "Vanguard, have you located the bomb? Over. Yes, we've found it! It has a red wire and a blue wire! Screw it! This is a pain! Clip them all!" Pw: "What the heck?" Maya: "Nothing says train adventure like runaways and bomb alerts!" Pw: "You've been watching too many movies." Gum: "I came to hang out, pal!" Maya: "Itonoko-san!" Gum: "Thanks for bringing me here, Regina-san." Reg: "You're very welcome. Enjoy yourselves." Rick: "Commence operation. May we secure our king." Reg: "Right. Also, in the dining car earlier..." Rick: "I heard." Rick: "It's a request from a valued passenger. It wasn't in our plans, but we must still fulfill it." Reg: "Got it." Rick: "Don't worry. If we follow the plan, everything will work out." Reg: "Okay." Rick: "May I help you with something?" Gale: "I'd like some scotch." Rick: "Certainly. I'll get it." Gum: "A book about trains?" Pw: "Yeah. I wanted to learn about this railroad. It was originally a short local line, and it gradually grew in size to transport locals across the country." Gum: "Oh?" Pw: "But you know what?" Maya: "Oh, come on. Quit being such rail nerds. Let's play with these!" Gum: "Whoa! Ahoy, Steel Samurai! But what can we do with these?" Maya: "Isn't that obvious? We play bomb squad." Gum: "Oh, sounds great!" Gum: "Nothing says train adventure like runaways and bomb alerts!" Maya: "Wow, you know your stuff!" Maya: "This is Skip. Come in, Vanguard. Over." Gum: "Moving through Car 2, the dining car." Gum: "Just reached Car 3." Gum: "Commencing bomb search." Maya: "Ya moron! The passengers' lives are in our hands!" Maya: "I expect great things." Gum: "U-Uh..." Gum: "What was that "Ya moron" all about?" Maya: "Don't sweat the small stuff. Over." Pw: "They make a great duo." Gum: "This is Vanguard! I've found it! This is one hell of a bomb. It has five wires! I've never seen anything like it before!" Maya: "What? Screw it! Clip them all!" Gum: "Skip, it'll definitely explode!" Reg: "Sir?" Gum: "R-Regina-san?" Reg: "What is this bomb you speak of?" Gum: "It's a game. We're just playing around. Luxury trains always need their mysteries." Reg: "I-I see..." Reg: "Dinner for Car 3 passengers begins at 6 PM." Gum: "Oh... Right." Maya: "There are set dinner times, huh?" Gum: "So yeah, I'm gonna go dig in first." J: "Hey." Gum: "Please. You bring your gavel here, too?" J: "I just don't feel complete without it." Pw: "Almost 8 PM, huh? Shall we get ready for dinner?" Maya: "Dinner!" Gum: "This is the greatest trip." J: "I feel so lucky." Gum: "What's wrong?" J: "I forgot something in the dining car." Maya: "So yum!" Pw: "The judge?" Maya: "Oh, it is him." Jam: "What's happening?" Maya: "Oh, a show's beginning!" Gum: "Yikes. This blizzard came out of nowhere." Gum: "What's this? What's going on?" Gum: "Th-That's gotta be a human soul!" Gum: "We stopped?" Gum: "What now?" Pw: "We're moving again." Maya: "That surprised me." Pw: "Hey, are you all right?" Jam: "Yes. Sorry for worrying you." Gum: "What was that all about? And what was that soul..." Reg: "Sir." Reg: "Quiet." Gum: "A-Aren't you..." Rich: "I've taken over the Silver Star." Gum: "Taken over?!" Rick: "I'll be taking this." Rich: "We're confiscating all communication devices. But rest assured, we guarantee your safety." G: "Whoa, what's this?" Rick: "Go inside, please." Gum: "This is big trouble." Gum: "The judge is in the dining car, and then there's those two. Are they okay?" Rich: "I'm the head of the Goldstruck Republic's Richnande Family, Hubley Richnande. I'm the owner of this Silver Star." Pw: "Richnande..." Rich: "I apologize profusely for startling you. The purpose of these guns is not to instill fear. They're a symbol of my resolve toward what we are about to undertake. I would like you all to understand that." Sai: "Resolve?" Rich: "Let's take it one step at a time. First, we need you all" Rich: "to hand over any and all communication devices you might have." G: "What is this?" Maya: "Ahoy, Steel Samurai." G: ""Ahoy"?" Maya: "It's just a toy." R: "Let it go. I thought I told you not to place anyone under duress." G: "I'm sorry, sir." Rich: "I apologize for his indiscretion." Maya: "I-It's okay." Jam: "Hubley Richnande?" Rich: "It's been too long, Madam." Butter: "W-Weren't you sentenced to death in America?" Maya: "Death?!" Rich: "Indeed. One year ago, I stood trial for murder. I was found guilty." Maya: "Why are you in Japan, then?" Rich: "I was being transferred to a Japanese prison." Pw: "Right. You were naturalized. You're a Japanese citizen now." Rich: "Exactly. As such, I was flown to Japan. I escaped from the airport, and now I stand before you aboard the Silver Star. Just as I had always planned." Piston: "Y-You planned this?" Rich: "Indeed. I spent a long time formulating my plan of escape. Of course, I couldn't pull this off alone. But I have my trustworthy companions with me. They're all from the Goldstruck Republic. They believed in my innocence and helped me throughout, from my breakout to my getaway. I thank them from the bottom of my heart." Cylinder: "Ah, so they're your gentlemanly accomplices." Pw: "But what's your end goal? Even if you hide in your own train, it'll reach its destination tomorrow morning. And then it'll be game over." Rich: "I have but one goal. A retrial." Piston: "What? A retrial?" Rich: "All the evidence and testimony presented in the trial a year ago was false! I came here to prove that!" Sai: "And how exactly will you prove it?" Rich: "It begins right here, right now. I will stand trial once again!" Pw: "But this is a running train. What can you do here?" Rich: "This car has everything we need... Including a courtroom and all the witnesses!" Rich: "This is why I invited you all." Gum: "We've got one hell of a time bomb on our hands now." Reg: "Get back inside, please." Pw: "What do you mean, all the witnesses are in this car?" Rich: "All the people I invited to travel in Car 1 are related to that case. Isn't that right, everyone?" Pw: "But what about a defense lawyer?" Rich: "I have one, of course. It's you, Mister Naruhodo! I invited you aboard in appreciation of your skills." Maya: "Who's the prosecutor, then?" Sai: "I assume it's me." Rich: "Exactly, Mister Saiga." Pw: "Saiga?" Sai: "United States Attorney's Office, Saiga Yusaburo." G: "Who's there?" Pw: "Judge!" Maya: "So that's where you were!" Rich: "Judge?" J: "I noticed I'd left my gavel here earlier. If I was going to end up in this mess, I wish I'd never realized!" Rich: "This is very convenient. We're lucky to have a real judge to preside over the trial. Please conduct it." J: "Huh? Oh... O-Okay." Cyl: "But what is forcibly holding a trial here going to achieve?" Rich: "This entire trial will be broadcast to a certain place. In the end, I want to brandish the truth in their faces!" Pw: ""In the end"?" Rich: "The Silver Star is scheduled to arrive at her destination at 7 AM, along with the first sunrise of the year. I'd like you to uncover the truth by then." Pw: "What if this trial finds you guilty, too?" Rich: "Then I will accept the verdict. However, that will not happen, as long as you conduct a fair and just trial!" Sai: "Our justice system does not make mistakes." Pw: "I understand." Pw: "I'll defend you." Rich: "You have my thanks, Mister Naruhodo!" Sai: "Give me twenty minutes. I need to prepare." Maya: "Hey, excuse me. Looks like I overate. May I go to the bathroom?" Rich: "Go ahead." Maya: "Thank you!" Maya: "Itonoko-san." Maya: "Itonoko-san!" Gum: "Itonokogiri here. Are you okay?" Maya: "Yeah. That's the whole story. Please help Naruhodo-kun!" Gum: "Got it, pal. I'm in Car 3 right now. The dining car is the very next one. I'll see if I can get there." Reg: "Hold it!" Gum: "Are you serious, pal?!" Gum: "Wh... Wh... Wh... What the hell?! Where's the dining car?! Where'd Car 1 go?!" Pw: "Objection! Is the fugitive Hubley Richnande really innocent? Saiga is the prosecutor who faces me, the defense. He presents evidence after evidence that indicates Richnande's guilt. What's worse, a key witness is found murdered aboard the train."
{ "raw_title": "Ace Attorney Season 2 Episode 10 – Northward, Turnabout Express — 1st Trial", "parsed": [ "Ace Attorney Season 2", "10", "Northward, Turnabout Express — 1st Trial" ] }