hi fello peeps peepettes discord server friends r trying get new peoplee chat send memes play games like minecraft among us overwatch stuff going on commitment guys girls welcome dm link d
[ "hi fello peeps peepettes discord server friends r trying get new peoplee chat send memes play games like minecraft among us overwatch stuff going on commitment guys girls welcome dm link d" ]
hola felo peeps piepettes discordancia servidor amigos r tratando de conseguir nueva gente chat enviar memes jugar juegos como minecraft entre nosotros overwatch cosas va en compromiso chicos chicas bienvenida dm enlace d
sniff sniff rips roof building mmm smell cabbage rips entire fridge devours contents
[ "sniff sniff rips roof building mmm smell cabbage rips entire fridge devours contents" ]
olfato rasga el techo edificio mmm olor col rasga toda la nevera devora contenido
damn ugly feel like taking knife peeling face face better ugly faceugliness one reasons struggle suicidal ideation hate way look hate ancestors even more say anything looks subjective positive thing buy it people need face facts live fantasy looks looks beautiful beautiful ugly ugly positive negative good bad beautiful ugly amount positive propoganda motivational quotes examples many ugly people would change watching gotham today scene jokers face stolen face face still better ugly face
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "damn ugly feel like taking knife peeling face face better ugly faceugliness one reasons struggle suicidal ideation hate way look hate ancestors even more say anything looks subjective positive thing buy it people need face facts live fantasy looks looks beautiful beautiful ugly ugly positive negative good bad beautiful ugly amount positive propoganda motivational quotes examples many ugly people would change watching gotham today scene jokers face stolen face face still better ugly face" ]
maldita fea se siente como tomar cuchillo pelando cara cara mejor fea cara una razón lucha idea suicida odio manera mirada odio antepasados aún más decir cualquier cosa parece subjetiva cosa positiva comprar la gente necesita cara hechos en vivo fantasía se ve hermosa hermosa fea fea positivo negativo bueno mal hermosa fea cantidad positiva motivación citas ejemplos mucha gente fea cambiaría viendo gotham hoy escena bromistas cara robado cara aún mejor cara fea
planned everything tested stuff see could work actually scared it decided tell long distance boyfriend it break feel guilty online friend going block himi know sounds bad going easier forget way cannot seem thoughi want die alone think asshole scared hurt lot really want end mental hospital would worse dying would fucking hell me scared
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "planned everything tested stuff see could work actually scared it decided tell long distance boyfriend it break feel guilty online friend going block himi know sounds bad going easier forget way cannot seem thoughi want die alone think asshole scared hurt lot really want end mental hospital would worse dying would fucking hell me scared" ]
planeó todo lo probado ver cosas podría funcionar realmente asustado decidió decirle a largo distancia novio se rompe se siente culpable amigo en línea va bloqueo hemi saber suena mal va más fácil olvidarse camino no puede parecer aunque quiero morir solo pensar imbécil asustado mucho dolor realmente quiero final hospital mental peor morir me jodería miedo
mute audio of computer volume record zoom still record audio recording audio affected mute computer
[ "mute audio of computer volume record zoom still record audio recording audio affected mute computer" ]
mute audio del volumen de la computadora registro zoom sigue grabando audio grabación audio afectado ordenador mute
best friend lives hours train ride away often meet met years ago meeting online friends became friends remained contact past years became best friends basically speakplay games online daily basis know gf pretty well sometimes join play hangs us gf travelled city next mine meet best time long time cannot even remember maybe best weekend life weekend eventually passed went home took bus home way home felt bit contributed tiredness got home took shower decided go sleep got really depressed felt sad could sleep started cry really hit hard cried years since awake crying time time know speak tomorrow work know meet future method cope ease pain live map train are feel like fucking stalker now want text him know either sleeps good time want ruin him depressed past years bad times past nothing could get through ever feel sad depressed never happened prior occasion makes sense me happening really depressed really good weekend friends
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "best friend lives hours train ride away often meet met years ago meeting online friends became friends remained contact past years became best friends basically speakplay games online daily basis know gf pretty well sometimes join play hangs us gf travelled city next mine meet best time long time cannot even remember maybe best weekend life weekend eventually passed went home took bus home way home felt bit contributed tiredness got home took shower decided go sleep got really depressed felt sad could sleep started cry really hit hard cried years since awake crying time time know speak tomorrow work know meet future method cope ease pain live map train are feel like fucking stalker now want text him know either sleeps good time want ruin him depressed past years bad times past nothing could get through ever feel sad depressed never happened prior occasion makes sense me happening really depressed really good weekend friends" ]
mejor amigo vidas horas tren viaje a menudo se conocen hace años reunión amigos en línea amigos se mantuvieron contacto años pasados se convirtieron en mejores amigos básicamente juegos de habla en línea base diaria saber gf bastante bien unirse jugar nos cuelga gf viaje ciudad siguiente mi reunión mejor tiempo largo tiempo ni siquiera recordar tal vez mejor fin de semana vida fin de semana final pasó a casa llevó a casa autobús camino a casa se sintió poco contribuido cansancio llegó a casa se tomó la ducha decidió dormir realmente deprimido se sintió triste podía dormir comenzó a llorar realmente golpeado duro llorado años desde despierto tiempo tiempo saber hablar mañana trabajo saber conocer futuro método hacer frente a la facilidad dolor tren mapa en vivo se sienten como maldito acosador ahora quieren texto saber bien dormir quieren arruinarlo deprimido últimos años malos tiempos pasados nada podría conseguir a través de nunca sentirse triste depresión nunca sucedió ocasión previa tiene sentido me sucede muy deprimida realmente buenos amigos fin de semana amigos
everything feels shitim year old male suicidal told mom stepdad depressed laughed said wasnt ive also told friends one thought said joke friends depressed get help from depressed since turned got suicidal feel lonely think kill im school im eating etc almost never sleep hours per night makes tired school sleep class really good reason suicidal except hate way everyone lives wake up go work get paid go home eat sleep starts again also feel like im dick towards everyone care anything anymore people annoyed negativity towards everything alive pain suffering ive almost stopped feeling emotions all feel empathy towards people anymore animals school ive started pretending everything alright someone said emo something like hard be happy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everything feels shitim year old male suicidal told mom stepdad depressed laughed said wasnt ive also told friends one thought said joke friends depressed get help from depressed since turned got suicidal feel lonely think kill im school im eating etc almost never sleep hours per night makes tired school sleep class really good reason suicidal except hate way everyone lives wake up go work get paid go home eat sleep starts again also feel like im dick towards everyone care anything anymore people annoyed negativity towards everything alive pain suffering ive almost stopped feeling emotions all feel empathy towards people anymore animals school ive started pretending everything alright someone said emo something like hard be happy" ]
Todo se siente mierda de edad, hombre suicida le dijo a mamá padrastro deprimido rió dijo no era ive también dijo amigos un pensamiento dijo broma amigos deprimido obtener ayuda de la depresión desde turnos se suicida se siente solo pensar matar im escuela im comer etc casi nunca dormir horas por noche hace cansado clase de sueño escuela realmente buena razón suicida excepto odio manera todos viven despertarse ir trabajo pagar ir a casa dormir comienza de nuevo también se siente como im polla hacia todos cuidado cualquier cosa más gente molestada negatividad hacia todo dolor vivo sufrir casi dejó de sentir emociones todos sienten empatía hacia la gente más animales escuela ive comenzó a fingir todo bien alguien dijo emo algo como duro ser feliz
id like kill nowstanding balcony trying pluck courage it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "id like kill nowstanding balcony trying pluck courage it" ]
id como matar balcón en pie tratando de desplumar el valor
really venting posti live constant need end every day thats want write about ive subscribing lot different subreddits recently found one ive reading snippets reading comments others guess want give collective heartfelt thank everyone subreddit really cool little virtual respite exists uncaring cold void world yeah post follow rules something guess none ever read this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really venting posti live constant need end every day thats want write about ive subscribing lot different subreddits recently found one ive reading snippets reading comments others guess want give collective heartfelt thank everyone subreddit really cool little virtual respite exists uncaring cold void worldyeah post follow rules something guess none ever read this" ]
realmente ventilando posti en vivo constante necesidad final cada día que quiere escribir sobre ive suscribing lot diferentes subreddits recientemente encontrado un ive lectura fragmentos de lectura comentarios otros adivinan quieren dar colectivo sincero agradecimiento a todos subreddit realmente fresco pequeño respiro virtual existe uncareing frío vacío mundoyeah post seguir reglas algo supongo que nadie nunca leer esto
problem sex girl school im shes didnt use protection need ideas parents dont know parents dont know wont talk im bot lost
[ "problem sex girl schoolimshes didnt use protection need ideas parents dont know parents dont know wont talk im bot lost" ]
problema sexo chica schoolimshes no usar protección necesitan ideas los padres no saben los padres no saben no hablar im bot perdido
hello teens im officially teen know account thats year old fuck cares
[ "hello teensim officially teen know account thats year old fuck cares" ]
hola adolescente oficialmente adolescente saber cuenta que años de edad mierda se preocupa
cant post images rteenagers hey all wanted share achievement made sub cant upload image first post know pls help
[ "cant post images rteenagershey all wanted share achievement made sub cant upload image first post know pls help" ]
cant post imágenes rteenagershey todo lo que quería compartir logro hecho sub cant subir imagen primer post saber pls ayuda
kinda like habits killing mei think ive passive ideation life finally feel affects it course im much pussy actually kill myself feel like picking smoking drugs either kill snap whatever shit im in understand impact life others god damn ready done entire life filled shitty circumstance bad luck maybe sign
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "kinda like habits killing mei think ive passive ideation life finally feel affects it course im much pussy actually kill myself feel like picking smoking drugs either kill snap whatever shit im in understand impact life othersgod damn ready done entire life filled shitty circumstance bad luck maybe sign" ]
Un poco como hábitos matando a mei pensar en vida pasiva ideación vida finalmente se siente afecta curso im mucho coño realmente me mata a mí mismo se siente como recoger fumar drogas o matar romper cualquier mierda im en entender impacto vida otros dios maldito listo hecho toda la vida llena de mierda circunstancia mala suerte tal vez firmar
almost argentina want reach help doesnt feel righti dont know do ill give backstory asked im panic attacks again feel endthe end everything near dont like humans want get rid possessions house leave i dont know id go talk people love swallow lot alprazolam pills mom its medication keeps them im low dose want go wait peacefully death want make people love suffer dont want cats see asleep never see again keeping short need help get help need guide someone help make decisions dont feel ok make them im asking help tell professionals need know help me im afraid tell people close im planning committing part wants end all half desperately looking help thanks reading
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "almost argentina want reach help doesnt feel righti dont know do ill give backstory asked im panic attacks again feel endthe end everything near dont like humans want get rid possessions house leavei dont know id go talk people love swallow lot alprazolam pills momits medication keeps them im low dose want go wait peacefully death want make people love suffer dont want cats see asleep never see again keeping short need help get help need guide someone help make decisions dont feel ok make them im asking help tell professionals need know help me im afraid tell people close im planning committing part wants end all half desperately looking help thanks reading" ]
casi argentina quiere llegar a la ayuda no se siente bien no sé hacer mal dar backstory preguntas im ataques de pánico otra vez sentir final todo cerca de dont como los humanos quieren deshacerse posesiones casa dejai no sé id ir hablar gente le encanta tragar mucho alprazolam píldoras momits medicamentos mantiene im dosis baja quieren ir esperar pacíficamente la muerte quieren hacer que la gente el amor sufrir no quieren gatos volver a ver dormidos nunca más mantener corta necesidad ayuda obtener ayuda guía alguien ayuda a tomar decisiones no se siente bien hacerlos im pedir ayuda decirle a los profesionales necesito saber me temo decirle a la gente cerca im planificación comprometer parte quiere terminar toda la mitad desesperadamente buscando ayuda gracias lectura
gotta honest dont even know ex actually broke lol
[ "gotta honest dont even know ex actually broke lol" ]
tengo que ser honesto ni siquiera sé ex realmente rompió lol
laid todayas title says laid job today cant get thoughts killing head know end world anything cant seem shake thoughts im filling unemploymentbrowsing jobs despite overall dislike amount stress caused pay much deserved plus feels like positive thing going point life really reason posting this wanted get chest guess
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "laid todayas title says laid job today cant get thoughts killing head know end world anything cant seem shake thoughts im filling unemploymentbrowsing jobs despite overall dislike amount stress caused pay much deserved plus feels like positive thing going point life really reason posting this wanted get chest guess" ]
puesto hoy como título dice trabajo ahora no puedo conseguir pensamientos matar cabeza saber mundo final cualquier cosa no puedo parecer sacudir pensamientos im llenar desempleo buscar trabajos a pesar de la cantidad de disgusto general de estrés causado pago mucho merecido plus se siente como algo positivo va punto de la vida realmente razón publicar esto quería conseguir cofre adivinar
antidepressantsi hate antidepressants thing keeping killing myself anyone else
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "antidepressantsi hate antidepressants thing keeping killing myself anyone else" ]
antidepresivos odio a los antidepresivos que siguen matándome a cualquier otra persona
dont immature bitch piece advice selfcentered people universe doesnt revolve around you karen matter say cant make saying something terrible acting like okay youre you theres ones fake depression always say stuff like know depression right think im going go cut now mental health joke dont treat like one edit also includes people say didnt ask
[ "dont immature bitch piece advice selfcentered people universe doesnt revolve around you karen matter say cant make saying something terrible acting likeokay youre you theres ones fake depression always say stuff like know depression right think im going go cut now mental health joke dont treat like one edit also includes people say didnt ask" ]
No inmaduro consejo pieza perra personas egocéntricas universo no gira alrededor de usted karen materia decir no puede hacer decir algo terrible actuando como okay youre que hay una falsa depresión siempre dicen cosas como saber depresión derecho creo que voy a cortar ahora broma de salud mental no tratar como una edición también incluye personas dicen no preguntar
suicidal slightly homocidal help re uploaded try get help hey sound like edgy kid seeking attention please hear out isnt im struggling suicidal homocidal thoughts wanna kill scared keep razor gonna kill i live guns almost impossible get thank god ive wanted hurt others go hurt others wrists slit first
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal slightly homocidal help re uploaded try get help hey sound like edgy kid seeking attention please hear out isnt im struggling suicidal homocidal thoughts wanna kill scared keep razor gonna kill i live guns almost impossible getthank godive wanted hurt others go hurt others wrists slit first" ]
suicida ligeramente homocida ayuda volver a subir tratar de obtener ayuda hey sonido como chico nervioso buscando atención por favor escuchar esnt im lucha suicida homocida pensamientos quieren matar asustado mantener navaja de afeitar va a matar yo armas de fuego en vivo casi imposible obtener gracias dios quería lastimar a otros ir lastimar a otros muñecas cortadas primero
acceptable venti see thousands people complaining venting lgbt people check privilege tfw gf my granny died absolute instant barely mention even think mentioning diagnosed schizophrenia borderline autism psychomotory retardation tachicardia since born never knew late suddenly everyone wants head ruby plate straight attempt murder like become feral something feels like im walking dead ok vent even legal point im now could healed treated fixed cant anymore feel like existence mistake is cause nothing grief destruction
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "acceptable venti see thousands people complaining venting lgbt people check privilege tfw gf my granny died absolute instant barely mention even think mentioning diagnosed schizophrenia borderline autism psychomotory retardation tachicardia since born never knew late suddenly everyone wants head ruby plate straight attempt murder like become feral something feels like im walking dead ok vent even legal point im now could healed treated fixed cant anymore feel like existence mistake is cause nothing grief destruction" ]
Venti ver miles de personas que se quejan de la ventilación Igbt personas comprobar privilegio tfw gf mi abuela murió instante absoluto apenas mencionar siquiera pensar mencionar diagnóstico esquizofrenia borderline autismo psicomotoria retardo taquicardia ya que nació nunca se supo tarde de repente todo el mundo quiere cabeza placa rubí intento de asesinato directo como salvaje algo se siente como estar caminando muerto ok ventilación incluso legal punto im ahora podría sanar tratamiento cant fijo sentir como error de existencia es causar nada dolor destrucción
thicc bois hmu uppercut thicc booty _____________
[ "thicc bois hmu uppercut thicc booty _____________" ]
thicc bois hmu topcut thicc booty ______________
someone please help im seriously overwhelmed daydream jumping front train extreme school stress procrastinating everything stress friends went lots trauma past feeling confused certain things slow processing difficulty expressing specific thoughts dull pressure frontal sinus
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "someone please help im seriously overwhelmed daydream jumping front train extreme school stress procrastinating everything stress friends went lots trauma past feeling confused certain things slow processing difficulty expressing specific thoughts dull pressure frontal sinus" ]
alguien por favor ayudar a mi seriamente abrumado sueño de día salto delante tren estrés escolar extremo postrastinando todo estrés amigos fueron mucho trauma pasado sensación de confusión ciertas cosas lento proceso dificultad para expresar pensamientos específicos presión sinusal frontal sinusal
accept parents never accept youmy mother probably one invalidating human beings ive ever met first asked see therapist told work would make stop feeling sad first found cuts yelled me attempted got angry told selfish never understand people say stay moms anything would reason couldnt anymore shes catalyst many problems everytime even mention depression ask set appointment psychiatrist asks really need it sad youre happy youre around us doesnt even notice wear hoodies summer hide cuts isolate day cant even eat shell ask dont ever leave house get mad do ive accepted never truly care me never validate me never need be im gonna go listen mitski
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "accept parents never accept youmy mother probably one invalidating human beings ive ever met first asked see therapist told work would make stop feeling sad first found cuts yelled me attempted got angry told selfish never understand people say stay moms anything would reason couldnt anymore shes catalyst many problems everytime even mention depression ask set appointment psychiatrist asks really need it sad youre happy youre around us doesnt even notice wear hoodies summer hide cuts isolate day cant even eat shell ask dont ever leave house get mad do ive accepted never truly care me never validate me never need be im gonna go listen mitski" ]
aceptar padres nunca aceptar a mi madre probablemente un inválido seres humanos nunca se reunió primero se le preguntó ver terapeuta dijo que el trabajo haría dejar de sentir triste primero encontrado cortes gritada yo intento se enojó dijo egoísta nunca entender la gente estancia mamás cualquier cosa razón podría más catalizador muchos problemas cada vez que incluso mencionar depresión pedir cita psiquiatra pregunta realmente lo necesita triste youre feliz youre alrededor de nosotros ni siquiera se dan cuenta de usar capuchas verano cuero cortes aislados día no puede ni siquiera comer cáscara pedir nunca salir de casa se enojan nunca me importa realmente nunca me valido nunca necesito ser im voy a ir escuchar mitski
dog keeps staring like bro ur allowed couch stop staring whimpering pls
[ "dog keeps staring like bro ur allowed couch stop staring whimpering pls" ]
perro sigue mirando como hermano u permitido sofá dejar de mirar lloriqueando pls
titlei feel worthless discernible live directions goals family hates me money shitty paying jobs mother tried kick day barely left room since dont know im going do ive laying bed wishing could end deep know could never im spineless always been feel broken never repaired im lazy cant anything right always fuck everything up im disgusting want end im tired feeling like every day pretending everything fine im tired happygolucky friend thats truly am despise myself feelings anxiety worthlessness go away feel like never ending cycle wont ever able break away from want go away
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "titlei feel worthless discernible live directions goals family hates me money shitty paying jobs mother tried kick day barely left room since dont know im going do ive laying bed wishing could end deep know could never im spineless always been feel broken never repaired im lazy cant anything right always fuck everything up im disgusting want end im tired feeling like every day pretending everything fine im tired happygolucky friend thats truly am despise myself feelings anxiety worthlessness go away feel like never ending cycle wont ever able break away from want go away" ]
titlei se siente inútil discernible en vivo direcciones objetivos familia me odia dinero mierda pagar trabajos madre intentó patada día apenas izquierda habitación ya no sé yo voy a hacer ive seying cama desear podría terminar profundamente saber nunca podría ser sin espinas siempre se siente roto nunca reparado im perezoso cant nada derecho siempre joder todo im repugnante want final estoy cansado sentir como cada día pretender todo bien im cansado happygolucky amigo ques realmente soy despreciar a mí mismo sentimientos ansiedad inutilidad irse sentir como nunca terminar ciclo nunca capaz romper de querer irse
reaching outi suppose ill start saying past days unbearable ive never felt lost scares know go ill able start feeling anything besides cold im uncomfortable sharing many personal details open anyone time spare id grateful someone could message me picky ideal lgbt
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reaching outi suppose ill start saying past days unbearable ive never felt lost scares know go ill able start feeling anything besides cold im uncomfortable sharing many personal details open anyone time spare id grateful someone could message me picky ideal lgbt" ]
llegar a outi supone mal comienzo diciendo días pasados insoportables ive nunca se sintió perdido miedos saber ir mal capaz empezar a sentir nada además de frío im incómodo compartir muchos detalles personales abrir cualquier persona tiempo libre id agradecido alguien podría enviarme un mensaje ideal exigente lgbt
so got list mental physical issues deal with really fun sometimes gets feel really alone ex family great me ex made feel loved cared miss much even though broke roughly year ago point wish someone loved cared me least look back say one point that feel sad alone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "so got list mental physical issues deal with really fun sometimes gets feel really alone ex family great me ex made feel loved cared miss much even though broke roughly year ago point wish someone loved cared me least look back say one point that feel sad alone" ]
Así que tengo lista problemas físicos mentales lidiar con muy divertido a veces se siente muy solo ex familia grande me hizo sentir querido cuidado señorita mucho a pesar de que se rompió hace aproximadamente un año punto deseo alguien amado me importó menos mirar atrás decir un punto que se siente triste solo
definition great movie want continue see again movie reason strikes cord even though scenes scott glenn still make winch watch love music
[ "definition great movie want continue see again movie reason strikes cord even though scenes scott glenn still make winch watch love music" ]
definición gran película quieren continuar ver de nuevo la razón de la película golpea cuerda a pesar de que las escenas scott Glenn todavía hacen torno ver música de amor
whatever good enough im years old im constantly feeling never meeting anyones expectations everyone always wants me even everything possible power something best ability always oh well good wrong differently throughout school coasted whole way always told incredibly smart gifted never tried except came computers ive loved computers since started using them escape real world turned mom stepfather always incredibly restrictive usage electronics always wanted less always wanted get away life hated much never really stable home parents got divorced mom remarried still married biggest asshole ive ever met life sad remarried twice single now ive never really stable home ever since parents got divorced ive moved around lot even then kept count went different schools years regular schooling result never made friends feel worthless job dad successfully started company im told grandfather also works underperform everything ever need get away electronics something productive time see point going anymore feel like one cares focuses wrong live life standards whole thought process stemmed argument grandfather who live temporarily basically tried run car walking home reasoning trying teach lesson hear going around listening music time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whatever good enough im years old im constantly feeling never meeting anyones expectations everyone always wants me even everything possible power something best ability always", "oh well good wrong differently throughout school coasted whole way always told incredibly smart gifted never tried except came computers ive loved computers since started using them escape real world turned mom stepfather always incredibly restrictive usage electronics always wanted less always wanted get away life hated much never really stable home parents got divorced mom remarried still married biggest asshole ive ever met life sad remarried twice single now ive never really stable home ever since parents got divorced ive moved around lot even then kept count went different schools years regular schooling result never made friends feel worthless job dad successfully started company im told grandfather also works underperform everything ever need get away electronics something productive time see point going anymore feel like one cares focuses wrong live life standards whole thought process stemmed argument grandfather who live temporarily basically tried run car walking home reasoning trying teach lesson hear going around listening music time" ]
lo que sea lo suficientemente bueno im años de edad estoy constantemente sintiendo nunca cumplir con las expectativas de nadie todos siempre me quieren incluso todo el poder posible algo mejor habilidad siempre
wtfff cant believe found search meme templates memeatic
[ "wtfff cant believe found search meme templates memeatic" ]
wtfff no puede creer encontrado buscar plantillas meme memeatic
basically long blogpost think ive got pretty good reasons myself see think otherwiseim end line folks although would like hear lads would say personally think ive done good job making long blogpost explanation bit top usual cocktail anxiety depression substance abuse chemically addicted thing prescribed not fact dropped school highschool freshman amp elongated social interaction since bout years job doesnt count ive chronic disease since baby ibd turned crohns disease large intestine removed amp ulcers kept popping replacement small intestine this two choices first option connected jpouch w pouchitis little remission relative people jpouches ive developed antibodies hardhitting immunosuppressants ie remicade since pumped full stuff kid im likely die extreme pain sometime ss meds stop working regardless meaning constant diarrhea constantly shitting bed night nearconstant internal pain amp constant fear stricture complications leading extreme pain option ostomy amp ostomy bag due fact scar indent inch deep amp inches long abdomen dozen surgeries child bag leaks constantly without ton extra adhesive thus put adhesive leading x diameter circle basically painful fungus infection thats especially raw thanks acidic nature shit antifungal things hamper it never notpainful turn leads a extreme pain upon taking shower touching it applying new bag b pain bend wrong goddamn direction sleep angle slight lean right yes issue brought wound care nurses well relevant doctor cant anything right now due stricture im stuck ostomy without active intervention monthly endoscopies balloon dilation area intestinal fluid pool said stricture eventually leading internal expansion amp thus mindrending pain speaking experience due covid operations stopped guess halfyear absolutely negative desire condition passed onto kid point ive informed parents intentions yes course theyve tried help appreciate efforts despite futile are point believe keeping alive sake others is lack better word phrase simply worth it ampxb relevant bit think obvious anyone anxiety little social interaction constant fucking pain nearly every second day multiple addictions due aforementioned things tends make man suicidal id prolly psychologists fucking field day ive picked nice area woods although near road first responders go much effort plan call killing order streamline things despite possible risk main thing yet decide upon whether go head unfortunately meaning none family members would want keep rifle mm head unlikely possible become vegetable rather dying exit baghave wait materials cant transported car higher risk failure two things yet decide upon are know whether drive place question walk driving would mean family would trouble getting car back walking might get cops called ass decide head would impossible decide exit bag also itd give much time back out another thing ive drafted redflag letter family amp ive planned short post chat servers frequent im still trying think something give first responders either means apology something make laugh either sorry mess letter joke something maybe both less id appreciate opinions question regarding leave first responders
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "basically long blogpost think ive got pretty good reasons myself see think otherwiseim end line folks although would like hear lads would say personally think ive done good job making long blogpost explanation bit top usual cocktail anxiety depression substance abuse chemically addicted thing prescribed not fact dropped school highschool freshman amp elongated social interaction since bout years job doesnt count ive chronic disease since baby ibd turned crohns disease large intestine removed amp ulcers kept popping replacement small intestine this two choices first option connected jpouch w pouchitis little remission relative people jpouches ive developed antibodies hardhitting immunosuppressants ie remicade since pumped full stuff kid im likely die extreme painsometime", "ss meds stop working regardless meaning constant diarrhea constantly shitting bed night nearconstant internal pain amp constant fear stricture complications leading extreme pain option ostomy amp ostomy bag due fact scar indent inch deep amp inches long abdomen dozen surgeries child bag leaks constantly without ton extra adhesive thus put adhesive leading x diameter circle basically painful fungus infection thats especially raw thanks acidic nature shit antifungal things hamper it never notpainful turn leads a extreme pain upon taking shower touching it applying new bag b pain bend wrong goddamn direction sleep angleslight leanrightyes issue brought wound care nurses", "well relevant doctor cant anything right now due stricture im stuck ostomy without active intervention monthly endoscopies balloon dilation area intestinal fluid pool said stricture eventually leading internal expansion amp thus mindrending pain speaking experience due covid operations stopped guess halfyear absolutely negative desire condition passed onto kid point ive informed parents intentions yes course theyve tried help appreciate efforts despite futile are point believe keeping alive sake others is lack better word phrase simply worth it ampxb relevant bit think obvious anyone anxiety little social interaction constant fucking pain nearly every second day multiple addictions due aforementioned things tends make man suicidal id prolly psychologists fucking field day ive picked nice area woods although near road first responders go much effort plan call killing order streamline things despite possible risk main thing yet decide upon whether go head unfortunately meaning none family members would want keep rifle mm head unlikely possible become vegetable rather dying exit baghave wait materials cant transported car higher risk failure two things yet decide upon are know whether drive place question walk driving would mean family would trouble getting car back walking might get cops called ass decide head would impossible decide exit bag also itd give much time back out another thing ive drafted redflag letter family amp ive planned short post chat servers frequent", "im still trying think something give first responders either means apology something make laugh either sorry mess letter joke something maybe both less id appreciate opinions question regarding leave first responders" ]
Básicamente largo blogpost pensar ive consiguió bastante buenas razones yo mismo ver pensar de otra maneraim final gente, aunque me gustaría escuchar chicos diría personalmente pensar ive hecho buen trabajo hacer largo blogpost explicación bit top coctel habitual ansiedad depresión sustancia abuso de sustancias químicamente adicto cosa prescrito no hecho abandonado escuela secundaria estudiante de primer año amp alargada interacción social desde hace algunos años trabajo no cuenta ive enfermedad crónica puesto que baby ibd convertido crohns enfermedad intestino grueso removido úlceras AMP siguió apareciendo reemplazo intestino delgado estas dos opciones primera opción conectada jpouch w pouchitis poca remisión relativa personas jpouches ive desarrollado anticuerpos resistentes inmunosupresores es decir, remicade puesto que bombeado cosas completas niño im probablemente morir dolor extremotiemposometime
think worth try reach tiny amount happinessi cant anything im tired trying make failing im going school job cant things anxietys bad want supported mom entire life im fucking useless seeing everyone else good fun makes feel like shit wanna draw try to cant shit cant things want cant write program video edit make music see people around make feel horrible top success people cant happiness never will assuming get anxiety find sucess something im good at never enjoy things way people do everyone sex drugs drink im interested things wanna interested cause people ive looked seems like theyve much them want am want bad im scared idealistic think reach amount happiness others even eventually get better potential shit even reaching happy think want relationships want friends girlfriend able talk people long keep getting worse seeing interact fun makes feel cause cant that feel worse cause im getting upset peoples happiness think im bad person thinking like this see point trying make life get happiness amount happiness reach little especially go pain long little amount happiness garunteed
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think worth try reach tiny amount happinessi cant anything im tired trying make failing im going school job cant things anxietys bad want supported mom entire life im fucking useless seeing everyone else good fun makes feel like shit wanna draw try to cant shit cant things want cant write program video edit make music see people around make feel horrible top success people cant happiness never will assuming get anxiety find sucess something im good at never enjoy things way people do everyone sex drugs drink im interested things wanna interested cause people ive looked seems like theyve much them want am want badim scared idealistic think reach amount happiness others even eventually get better potential shit even reaching happy think want relationships want friends girlfriend able talk people long keep getting worse seeing interact fun makes feel cause cant that feel worse cause im getting upset peoples happiness think im bad person thinking like this see point trying make life get happiness amount happiness reach little especially go pain long little amount happiness garunteed" ]
Creo que vale la pena tratar de llegar a la cantidad diminuta felicidadi cant cualquier cosa estoy cansado tratar de hacer fallar mi trabajo en la escuela cant cosas ansiedades mal querer apoyo mamá toda la vida im inútil ver a todos los demás buena diversión hace sentir como mierda querer dibujar tratar de cantar mierda cant cosas quieren cant escribir programa editar vídeo hacer música ver gente alrededor hacer sentir horrible éxito la gente no puede felicidad nunca asumir conseguir ansiedad encontrar algo bueno en nunca disfrutar cosas como la gente hace todo el mundo sexo drogas bebida im interesados cosas quieren interesado porque la gente ve parece que quieren mucho lo que quieren bádim idealista pensar llegar a la cantidad de felicidad otros incluso eventualmente conseguir mejor potencial mierda incluso llegar feliz pensar querer relaciones quieren amigos novia capaz hablar personas por mucho tiempo seguir empeorando ver interactuar diversión hace sentir causa no puede ser peor causa im molestar gente felicidad pensar im mala persona pensar como este ver punto tratar de hacer la vida conseguir felicidad cantidad felicidad llegar poco especialmente ir dolor poco cantidad felicidad
know want grow up im go th grade live known last year middle school already plans future career ive talked parents college plans funding getting job renting place end getting brushed youve still got time youll change mind frustrating make decision want clear view im gonna grow up gonna time end running time older cousin gonna go th grade year doesnt even know wants do says time he confusing me
[ "know want grow up im go th grade live known last year middle school already plans future career ive talked parents college plans funding getting job renting place end getting brushed youve still got time youll change mind frustrating make decision want clear view im gonna grow up gonna time end running time older cousin gonna go th grade year doesnt even know wants do says time he confusing me" ]
Sé que quiero crecer I go th grado en vivo conocido el año pasado escuela secundaria ya planes futuro carrera ive padres hablados planes de la universidad financiación conseguir trabajo alquiler lugar fin de ser cepillado todavía tienes tiempo youll cambiar de opinión frustrante tomar la decisión quiere claro visión Im va a crecer tiempo va a terminar en el tiempo de ejecución primo mayor va a ir en el año de grado ni siquiera sabe quiere decir tiempo me confunde
yall ever just want sugar daddy me okay asking friend anyway
[ "yall ever just want sugar daddy meokay asking friend anyway" ]
Yall siempre sólo quiero azúcar papá meokay pidiendo amigo de todos modos
silence thoughtspretty consistently find hardly hearing listening people find wanting die almost time like warn people involuntarily awful everyone leaves eventually find narrating thoughts life others talking dont know maybe alone this im not fuck remain present anymore think negatives practice dbt doesnt help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "silence thoughtspretty consistently find hardly hearing listening people find wanting die almost time like warn people involuntarily awful everyone leaves eventually find narrating thoughts life others talking dont know maybe alone this im not fuck remain present anymore think negatives practice dbt doesnt help" ]
silencio pensamientos bastante consistentemente encontrar apenas escuchar escuchar a la gente encuentra querer morir casi el tiempo como advertir a la gente involuntariamente horrible todo el mundo se va finalmente encontrar pensamientos narradores vida otros hablando no saben tal vez solo este im no mierda permanecer presente más pensar negativos práctica dbt no ayuda
get yesterday want get noooooo avoid getting age
[ "get yesterday want get noooooo avoid getting age" ]
Obtener ayer quiero conseguir noooooo evitar la edad
fellas gay sit toilet dick touches ceramic bowl
[ "fellas gay sit toilet dick touches ceramic bowl" ]
amigos gay sentarse inodoro polla toca cuenco de cerámica
checking hotel itthis question told someone a close friend checking hotel end life would able get police find hotel in words would hotel obligated tell police occupant name obviously want able find me want know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "checking hotel itthis question told someone a close friend checking hotel end life would able get police find hotel in words would hotel obligated tell police occupant name obviously want able find me want know" ]
Esta pregunta le dijo a alguien que un amigo cercano comprobaría la vida final del hotel podría conseguir que la policía encontrara el hotel en palabras que el hotel estaría obligado a decirle a la policía el nombre del ocupante.
arrived crime scene inspected victims body signs struggle slash marks lower chest searched nearby dumpsters recovered meat cleaver blood staining followed suspects footprints road witnesses claim suspect boarded taxi realise watch broken
[ "arrived crime scene inspected victims body signs struggle slash marks lower chest searched nearby dumpsters recovered meat cleaver blood staining followed suspects footprints road witnesses claim suspect boarded taxi realise watch broken" ]
Llegada escena del crimen inspeccionado víctimas signos de cuerpo lucha slash marcas en el pecho más bajo registrado basureros cercanos recuperados carne escote mancha de sangre seguido de sospechosos huellas testigos de carretera alegan sospechoso abordado taxi realidad reloj roto
dont want add pain worldbasically m dont want live anymore one would assume guess since im subreddit short version ive onandoff depression suicidal tendencies past years life hasnt easy either dad severe ptsd physical disabilities mom works double fulltime job get watch youngest siblings pretty much guess could say family kind dysfunctional oh also homeschooled havent done practically substantive coursework two years now technically graduate high school soon dont think show mom anything put portfolio honestly dont care im tired everything im passionate major career path ive looked im ready college anyway lmao im remarkably talented enjoy doing ive experiences homelife im attractive every instance ive tried making something last boy ended disaster really dont want alive anymore time know fact lot people whod pretty fucked killed myself really dont want add pain world especially dont want burden little brothers sisters that time would tear apart lot see give throw life away like inevitably will dont know would hurt worse
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont want add pain worldbasically m dont want live anymore one would assume guess since im subreddit short version ive onandoff depression suicidal tendencies past years life hasnt easy either dad severe ptsd physical disabilities mom works double fulltime job get watch youngest siblings pretty much guess could say family kind dysfunctionaloh also homeschooled havent done practically substantive coursework two years now technically graduate high school soon dont think show mom anything put portfolio honestly dont care im tired everything im passionate major career path ive lookedim ready college anyway lmao im remarkably talented enjoy doing ive experiences homelifeim attractive every instance ive tried making something last boy ended disaster really dont want alive anymore time know fact lot people whod pretty fucked killed myself really dont want add pain world especially dont want burden little brothers sisters that time would tear apart lot see give throw life away like inevitably will dont know would hurt worse" ]
No quiero añadir dolor mundobásicamente m no quiero vivir más uno asumiría adivinar ya que im subredit versión corta ive onandoff depresión tendencias suicidas años pasados la vida no ha sido fácil o papá severo ptsd discapacidades físicas mamá trabaja doble trabajo a tiempo completo conseguir reloj hermanos más pequeños bastante adivinar podría decir familia tipo disfuncionaloh también escuela en casa no han hecho prácticamente sustantivo trabajo de curso dos años ahora técnicamente graduarse escuela secundaria pronto no creo mostrar mamá nada poner cartera honestamente no me importa estoy cansado todo im pasión carrera principal camino ive lookim listo universidad de todos modos lmmao im notablemente talentoso disfrutar de hacer experiencias de vida en casaim atractivo cada instancia live tratado de hacer algo último chico desastre realmente no quiero vivir más tiempo saber hecho mucha gente que muy follada me mató realmente no quiero añadir dolor mundo especialmente no quiero carga poco hermanos hermanas que el tiempo se desgarrarían mucho ver dar tiro vida como inevitablemente no sabrá peor daño
come watch stream zelda breathe wild twitchtvbarfequieshttpstwitchtvbarfequies
[ "come watch stream zelda breathe wild twitchtvbarfequieshttpstwitchtvbarfequies" ]
ven ver corriente zelda respirar salvaje twitchtvbarfequiashttpstwitchtvbarfequias
cannot life anymore everyone know amazing well friends leave everything fun treat like child gf happy giving everything give nothing keep happy enjoy used love afraid runaway think suicide much seems option take think many people know would really care anyway cannot
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cannot life anymore everyone know amazingwell friends leave everything fun treat like child gf happy giving everything give nothing keep happy enjoy used love afraid runaway think suicide much seems option take think many people know would really care anywaycannot" ]
no puede la vida más todo el mundo sabe increíble bien amigos dejar todo diversión tratar como niño gf feliz dar nada mantener feliz disfrutar del amor usado fugitivo pensar suicidio mucho parece opción tomar pensar que mucha gente sabe que realmente le importa de todos modos no puede
flag big thing america like australia nearly common see government buildings souvenir shops hardly ever see private property even government buildings usually front flag pole thats one
[ "flag big thing america like australia nearly common see government buildings souvenir shops hardly ever see private property even government buildings usually front flag pole thats one" ]
bandera grande cosa américa como australia casi común ver edificios gubernamentales tiendas de souvenirs casi nunca ver propiedad privada incluso edificios del gobierno por lo general asta de la bandera que uno
society brainwashed blinded accept genital mutilation babies genital mutilation legal every single country world also known circumcision baby boys condemn circumcision baby girls call fgm whereas blatantly accept boys st century humans rights havent even established men women given right vote fgm banned decades ago yet boys opening genitally mutilated reasons circumcision barbaric cruel procedure cut pierce babys natural genitals knives scissors crosses limits humanityethics circumcision absolute violation human rights violation babys body arent consenting cruel surgery permanently alters body life talk consent abortion sex im pretty sure cutting genitals also violates choice foreskin natural fully functional part penis contains blood vessels nerve endings sensory neurones circumcision decreases sensitivity destroys natural function penis foreskin also acts natural lubricant protective layer fact women equivalent foreskin clitoris hood however considering cutting female foreskin fgm male foreskin circumcision genital mutilation main points
[ "society brainwashed blinded accept genital mutilation babies genital mutilation legal every single country world also known circumcision baby boys condemn circumcision baby girls call fgm whereas blatantly accept boys st century humans rights havent even established men women given right vote fgm banned decades ago yet boys opening genitally mutilated reasons circumcision barbaric cruel procedure cut pierce babys natural genitals knives scissors crosses limits humanityethics circumcision absolute violation human rights violation babys body arent consenting cruel surgery permanently alters body life talk consent abortion sexim pretty sure cutting genitals also violates choice foreskin natural fully functional part penis contains blood vessels nerve endings sensory neurones circumcision decreases sensitivity destroys natural function penis foreskin also acts natural lubricant protective layer fact women equivalent foreskin clitoris hood however considering cutting female foreskin fgm male foreskin circumcision genital mutilation main points" ]
sociedad lavado de cerebro cegado aceptar mutilación genital bebés mutilación genital legal cada país mundo también conocido circuncisión bebé niños condena circuncisión bebé niñas llamada fgm mientras que descaradamente aceptar niños del siglo anterior derechos humanos han incluso establecido hombres hombres mujeres dado derecho voto fgm prohibido décadas atrás sin embargo niños abrir genital mutilado razones circuncisión barbarie cruel procedimiento corte bebé genitales naturales cuchillos tijeras cruces límites humanidadética circuncisión violación absoluta bebé cuerpo no consentido cruel cirugía permanentemente alterar vida corporal hablar consentimiento aborto sexim bastante seguro cortando genitales también viola elección prepucio natural parte funcional pene contiene vasos sanguíneos terminaciones nerviosas neurones sensoriales disminución sensibilidad destruye función natural pene prepucio también actúa lubricante natural capa protectora hecho mujeres equivalente prepucio clítoris capucha sin embargo considerando cortar hembra prepucio fgm macho prepucio circuncisión genital mutilación genital puntos principales
tik tok weird hello downloaded tik tok last week ask would like see chose comedy first says ok says saw people thinking funny drive people protest girls around age pretending raptors read right raptors girls talking needing men reproduce flat earthers choose comedy saw wtf
[ "tik tok weird hello downloaded tik tok last week ask would like see chose comedy first says ok says saw people thinking funny drive people protest girls around age pretending raptors read right raptors girls talking needing men reproduce flat earthers choose comedy saw wtf" ]
tik tok raro hola descargado tik tok la semana pasada preguntar le gustaría ver elegido comedia primero dice ok dice vio gente pensando divertido conducir a la gente protesta chicas alrededor de la edad pretender raptores derecha raptores niñas hablando necesitando hombres reproducir terrícolas plana elegir comedia vio wtf
might corona work butcher grocery story one people work never wears mask confirmed corona woke morning killer headachecough really bad chest pain ive currently locked room fear infecting family fun homies
[ "might corona work butcher grocery story one people work never wears mask confirmed corona woke morning killerheadachecough really bad chest pain ive currently locked room fear infecting family fun homies" ]
podría corona trabajo carnicería historia de la tienda de comestibles una gente trabajo nunca lleva máscara confirmada corona mañana asesino dolor de cabeza realmente mal dolor de pecho ive actualmente cerrado miedo habitación infectar diversión familia amigos
teen boy crush girl rejected cried hours straight would anything her love much rejected dont know make like me perfect cute ugly photo me httpsibbcoffwltb photo her httpsibbcovxskvq
[ "teen boy crush girl rejected cried hours straight would anything her love much rejected dont know make like me perfect cute ugly photo me httpsibbcoffwltb photo her httpsibbcovxskvq" ]
adolescente chico aplastamiento chica rechazado lloraba horas seguidas haría cualquier cosa su amor mucho rechazado no sé hacer como yo perfecto lindo feo foto me httpsibbcoffwltb foto su httpsibbcovxskvq
went see vanilla sky huge huge hugetom cruise fan extremely cynical brother girlfriend say totally blown away movie especially tcs performance thought moving film expectingbr br i read reviews decided go see it pleased coerced into seeing it strange thing cannot say why say found totally involving could stop thinking next day felt film say is storyline fantasy psychodrama whatever people events shape life small events like getting car change everythingbr br as critics wrote yes maybe original stunning nd film alejandro amenbar totally different interpretation subject means narcissistic remake benefit tom cruise penelope cruzbr br i cannot even consider writing couple trite glib sentences describe film go see itbr br yes know balanced thoughtful review its kind film
[ "went see vanilla sky huge huge hugetom cruise fan extremely cynical brother girlfriend say totally blown away movie especially tcs performance thought moving film expectingbr br i read reviews decided go see it pleased coerced into seeing it strange thing cannot say why say found totally involving could stop thinking next day felt film say is storyline fantasy psychodrama whatever people events shape life small events like getting car change everythingbr br as critics wrote yes maybe original stunning nd film alejandro amenbar totally different interpretation subject means narcissistic remake benefit tom cruise penelope cruzbr bri cannot even consider writing couple trite glib sentences describe film go see itbr br yes know balanced thoughtful review its kind film" ]
was see vainilla sky enorme enorme enormetom crucero fan extremadamente cínico hermano novia decir totalmente impresionado película especialmente tcs rendimiento pensamiento película en movimiento esperabr br i leer críticas decidió ir ver satisfecho coaccionado en verlo extraño cosa no puede decir por qué decir encontrado totalmente involucrado podría dejar de pensar al día siguiente sentido película decir es historia fantasía psicodrama lo que sea que la gente eventos forma vida pequeños eventos como conseguir coche cambio todobr br como los críticos escribieron sí tal vez original impresionante y película alejandro amenbar totalmente diferente interpretación tema significa narcisista remake beneficio tom crucero penelope cruzbr bri ni siquiera puede considerar la escritura pareja frases trite glib describir película ir ver itbr br sí saben balanceada crítica su película tipo
today birthday im now legally stay here anyway im looking girls around years old hmu
[ "today birthday im now legally stay hereanyway im looking girls around years old hmu" ]
Hoy cumpleaños soy ahora legalmente permanecer aquí de todos modos estoy buscando chicas alrededor de años de edad hmu
horrible mental episodebreakdown yesterday im shit deserve livei get stressed easily especially social situations let emotions take control go crazy hate world much took pickaxe construction site started smashing breaking things screaming crying got arrested almost got tazed carrying deadly weapon know whats wrong me stuff like this know else cope sometimes feel like shit nobody deal me nobody ever understand cant wait end need man fuck up stop coward tie rope around neck suffering all need serious help seem available matter hard try im crazy alcoholic piece shit thats going till end death thing ever comfort me im really cut world
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "horrible mental episodebreakdown yesterday im shit deserve livei get stressed easily especially social situations let emotions take control go crazy hate world much took pickaxe construction site started smashing breaking things screaming crying got arrested almost got tazed carrying deadly weapon know whats wrong me stuff like this know else cope sometimes feel like shit nobody deal me nobody ever understand cant wait end need man fuck up stop coward tie rope around neck suffering all need serious help seem available matter hard try im crazy alcoholic piece shit thats going till end death thing ever comfort meim really cut world" ]
horrible episodio mental ruptura ayer im mierda merece vivir conseguir estresado fácilmente especialmente situaciones sociales dejar que las emociones tomar control loco odio mundo mucho tomó pickaxe sitio de construcción comenzó romper romper cosas gritando llanto fue arrestado casi conseguido portando armas mortales cosas como este saber más hacer frente a veces se siente como mierda nadie me trata nadie nunca entender final de espera necesidad de mierda hombre mierda parar cobarde cuerda de corbata alrededor del cuello todos los sufrimientos necesidad seria ayuda parece disponible materia dura tratar im loco alcohólico pedazo mierda que va hasta el final muerte cosa nunca consuelo meim realmente cortado mundo
well sucks moms fleetwood mack record that have theres scratch middle song secondhand news makes replay spot repeatedly sucks
[ "well sucks moms fleetwood mack record that have theres scratch middle song secondhand news makes replay spot repeatedly sucks" ]
bien chupa mamas floetwood mack record que tienen theres rasguño medio canción noticias de segunda mano hace replay mancha repetidamente chupa
teenagers reddit life currently mods please mercifully banish goes rule potentially mandatory teenager m curious must like teenager world right now already believe experience short ago was vastly different main reason want always keep change mistake many generations parents made assumed much us based lives s s etc way society advancing things exist even im saying age someone years younger me crazy stage happy pressures have worries you
[ "teenagers reddit life currently mods please mercifully banish goes rule potentially mandatory teenager m curious must like teenager world right now already believe experience short ago was vastly different main reason want always keep change mistake many generations parents made assumed much us based lives s s etc way society advancing things exist even im saying age someone years younger me crazy stage happy pressures have worries you" ]
adolescentes reddit vida actual mods por favor misericordiosamente desterrar gos regla potencialmente obligatorio adolescente m curiosidad debe como adolescente mundo ahora ya creo que la experiencia hace poco era muy diferente principal razón siempre quiero mantener el cambio error muchas generaciones padres hicieron asumido mucho basado vidas s s s etc manera sociedad que avanza las cosas existen incluso im decir edad alguien años más joven yo loco escenario presiones felices tienen preocupaciones
ok so since last post fairly good tuesday felt amazing got ball python name chad slithers hes amazing cute aslo amazing much better therapy helping lot ever think suicide feeling really good things rn love all feeling better
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ok so since last post fairly good tuesday felt amazing got ball python name chad slithers hes amazing cute aslo amazing much better therapy helping lot ever think suicide feeling really good things rn love all feeling better" ]
ok así que desde el último post bastante bueno martes se sintió increíble consiguió pelota python nombre chad slithers hes increíble lindo aslo increíble mucho mejor terapia ayudar a mucho nunca pensar suicidio sentirse realmente buenas cosas rn amor todos sentirse mejor
someone please talk meeveryone hates me feel like already dead help whole world shit hole one cares me hyperventilating somebody please tell care seriously believe die soon
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "someone please talk meeveryone hates me feel like already dead help whole world shit hole one cares me hyperventilating somebody please tell care seriously believe die soon" ]
alguien por favor me habla todo el mundo me odia se siente como ya muerto ayudar a todo el mundo agujero de mierda uno me importa hiperventilación alguien por favor decirle a cuidado seriamente creer morir pronto
bite every post open ton bite comments someone explain pls
[ "bite every post open ton bite comments someone explain pls" ]
morder cada post abierto ton morder comentarios alguien explicar pls
need help english hw usually need help questions fucking hard least know answer pls help stranger need gave every apologize opportunity possibility way means hes always time got office now will would might may have procedure apply person normal ordinary plain regular ps english second language mean ok
[ "need help english hw usually need help questions fucking hard least know answer pls help stranger need gave every apologize opportunity possibility way means hes always time got office now will would might may have procedure apply person normal ordinary plain regular ps english second language mean ok" ]
necesita ayuda inglés hw generalmente necesita ayuda preguntas mierda duro menos saber respuesta pls ayuda extraño necesidad dio cada disculpa oportunidad posibilidad manera significa que siempre tiene tiempo de oficina ahora voluntad podría tener procedimiento aplicar persona normal normal normal ps inglés segundo idioma significa ok
losing willi want suffer alone silence anymore pcp left therapist left friends left me family noninvolved sick feeling guilty wishing dead want anymore want tolerate pain wish easy way out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "losing willi want suffer alone silence anymore pcp left therapist left friends left me family noninvolved sick feeling guilty wishing dead want anymore want tolerate pain wish easy way out" ]
perder willi quiere sufrir solo silencio más pcp izquierda terapeuta izquierda amigos me dejó familia no involucrado enfermo sentimiento de culpa deseos muertos deseo más tolerar dolor deseo fácil salida
idk needs hear but go bed am
[ "idk needs hear but go bed am" ]
idk necesita escuchar pero vete a la cama
thinking tying something around neck bedthis seems like peaceful way go honestly actually hanging seems painful shooting would gruesome someone find body laying bed air conditioner watching tv slowly going unconscious seems almost peaceful
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thinking tying something around neck bedthis seems like peaceful way go honestly actually hanging seems painful shooting would gruesome someone find body laying bed air conditioner watching tv slowly going unconscious seems almost peaceful" ]
pensar atar algo alrededor de la cama del cuello esto parece como un camino pacífico ir honestamente colgar parece doloroso disparar alguien horrible encontrar cuerpo tendido cama aire acondicionado viendo la televisión lentamente va inconsciente parece casi pacífico
i eoke yesterday even though wanted sleep poped stuff hope wont wake
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i eoke yesterday even though wanted sleep poped stuff hope wont wake" ]
Ayer me desperté a pesar de que quería dormir cosas despejadas esperanza no se despertará
help idk take frustration anger guys frustrated
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "help idk take frustration anger guys frustrated" ]
ayudar a idk tomar frustración ira chicos frustrados
please tell still care whenever bf gone today went nyc family hes target phone dying didnt even tell sister spamming vids said instead letting know knows get excessively sad goes mia hours without notice hes still home yet wish hed cares more always ends makes feel better hes taken shower back room call everynight heart still settled hes favorite person atm makes sad almost everyday consider leaving makes thoat tight eyes water even consider im worried wont ever able stable anyone love j wish would give attention care maybe problem im attached clingy
[ "please tell still care whenever bf gone today went nyc family hes target phone dying didnt even tell sister spamming vids said instead letting know knows get excessively sad goes mia hours without notice hes still home yet wish hed cares more always ends makes feel better hes taken shower back room call everynight heart still settled hes favorite person atm makes sad almost everyday consider leaving makes thoat tight eyes water even consider im worried wont ever able stable anyone love j wish would give attention care maybe problem im attached clingy" ]
Por favor, decir todavía cuidado cada vez que bf se fue hoy familia nyc hes objetivo teléfono moribundo ni siquiera decir hermana spamming vids dijo en lugar de dejar saber saber se entristece excesivamente va mia horas sin aviso él sigue en casa sin embargo deseo hed se preocupa más siempre termina se siente mejor él se toma ducha detrás habitación llamada cada noche corazón todavía establecido hes favorito persona atm hace triste casi todos los días considerar salir hace thoat ojos apretados agua incluso considerar im preocupado dont nunca capaz estable alguien amor j deseo prestar atención tal vez problema im adjunto pegajoso
please helpcan someone please tell live regret much things ill never able take back get badly hurt ill never go back ignorant people really believe me really drama queen like thought know put stupid situation know said wrong things still thought someone would help told hurt long ago humiliation comes back waves again
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "please helpcan someone please tell live regret much things ill never able take back get badly hurt ill never go back ignorant people really believe me really drama queen like thought know put stupid situation know said wrong things still thought someone would help told hurt long ago humiliation comes back waves again" ]
Por favor ayuda puede alguien por favor decir en vivo arrepentimiento muchas cosas enfermas nunca capaz de volver a ser malherido mal nunca volver gente ignorante realmente me creen realmente drama reina como pensamiento saber poner situación estúpida saber dijo cosas equivocadas todavía pensó que alguien le ayudaría a decir daño hace mucho tiempo la humillación vuelve olas de nuevo
plan nnn november starts hours me im gonna nut nonstop dont nut left buy time nut regenerates ill already enough willpower fap checkmate
[ "plan nnn november starts hours me im gonna nut nonstop dont nut left buy time nut regenerates ill already enough willpower fap checkmate" ]
plan nnn noviembre comienza horas me voy a tuerca nonstop nonstop nut left comprar tiempo nut regenera mal ya suficiente fuerza de voluntad fap jaquemate
thought killing myselfso posted multipul times really want kill myself like really everyday shit gets worse either way going say im now graduated highschool thinking really wanted kill back didnt thought things could get better today another interview went nowhere thought kill years ago nothing experienced would regret getting experience except maybe good video games lol said years nothing good worth noting thats past years school even worse bullying ontop faliure tell ok head cliff near house want fucking bad said mom still live isnt world sposed somewhat even arnt supposed get good bad bad bad bad bad bad
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thought killing myselfso posted multipul times really want kill myself like really everyday shit gets worse either way going say im now graduated highschool thinking really wanted kill back didnt thought things could get better today another interview went nowhere thought kill years ago nothing experienced would regret getting experience except maybe good video games lol said years nothing good worth noting thats past years school even worse bullying ontop faliure tell ok head cliff near house want fucking bad said mom still live isnt world sposed somewhat even arnt supposed get good bad bad bad bad bad bad" ]
Pensé que matarme a mí mismo tan publicado multipulpo veces realmente quiero matarme a mí mismo como realmente mierda cotidiana se pone peor de cualquier manera decir ahora graduado pensamiento de secundaria realmente quería matar de nuevo no pensé que las cosas podrían mejorar hoy otra entrevista fue a ninguna parte pensado matar hace años nada experimentado se arrepentiría de conseguir experiencia excepto tal vez buenos videojuegos lol dijo años nada bueno vale la pena señalar que los últimos años escuela incluso peor intimidación en la parte superior faliure decir ok cabeza acantilado cerca de casa quieren mierda mal dijo mamá sigue vivo esnt mundo se supone que se pone algo bueno mal mal mal mal mal
prescribed something overdose guarantee death today im worried ill itim terrified ill swallow whole bottle moment despair subject loved ones seizures death drawn week
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "prescribed something overdose guarantee death today im worried ill itim terrified ill swallow whole bottle moment despair subject loved ones seizures death drawn week" ]
prescríto algo sobredosis garantizar la muerte hoy im preocupado enfermo itim aterrorizado mal tragar botella entera momento desesperación sujeto seres queridos convulsiones muerte sorteada semana
thanks covid mental health help easy get family going issues share need hearing mine right want redflag out depressed past present future feel empty hollow self hmed days ago want know going make worse trying figure sexually assaulted kid cannot remember confusing hate much feel like anyone talk me want hug ill probably cry get one thinking texting crisis line depressed need help cannot get
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thanks covid mental health help easy get family going issues share need hearing mine right want redflag out depressed past present future feel empty hollow self hmed days ago want know going make worse trying figure sexually assaulted kid cannot remember confusing hate much feel like anyone talk me want hug ill probably cry get one thinking texting crisis line depressed need help cannot get" ]
Gracias covid salud mental ayuda fácil conseguir familia va problemas compartir necesidad escuchar el mío derecho querer rojoflag fuera deprimido pasado presente futuro sentirse vacío hueco hmed días atrás quiere saber va a empeorar peor tratando figura sexualmente agredido niño no puede recordar confuso odio mucho sentir como cualquiera me habla quiero abrazo mal llorar probablemente conseguir un pensamiento mensajes de texto línea de crisis depresión necesidad ayuda no puede conseguir
never loved life wish someone did feel lonely worthless always end crying sleep wonder feels loved
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "never loved life wish someone did feel lonely worthless always end crying sleep wonder feels loved" ]
nunca amó la vida deseo alguien se sentía solitario inútil siempre termina llorando sueño maravilla se siente amado
people like gecs sounds like someone stroke trying make song
[ "people like gecs sounds like someone stroke trying make song" ]
La gente como los gecs suena como alguien apoplejía tratando de hacer una canción
number day big day guys our first milestone day
[ "number day big day guys our first milestone day" ]
número día gran día chicos nuestro primer día hito
im trying change life really worth iti fucking hate everything myself cant deal it im becoming asshole lashing family dont job despite applying going interviews didnt go college im dumb fuck cant remember anything barely graduated high school want fucking give up often imagine dying tragic way family wont burdened cause death ive always wanted get fight maybe beaten senseless maybe someone murder get hit car ive often thought running away jumping death want feel pain die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im trying change life really worth iti fucking hate everything myself cant deal it im becoming asshole lashing family dont job despite applying going interviews didnt go college im dumb fuck cant remember anything barely graduated high school want fucking give up often imagine dying tragic way family wont burdened cause death ive always wanted get fight maybe beaten senseless maybe someone murder get hit car ive often thought running away jumping death want feel pain die" ]
I tratar de cambiar la vida realmente vale la pena Iti mierda odio todo lo que yo no puedo lidiar con él I convertirme en imbécil latigazo familia no trabajo a pesar de aplicar entrevistas ir no ir universidad im tonto mierda no recuerdo nada apenas graduada secundaria quiere mierda renunciar a menudo imaginar morir trágica manera familia no se carga porque la muerte ive siempre quería conseguir pelea tal vez golpeado sin sentido tal vez alguien asesinato consigue atropello coche i ve a menudo pensamiento huyendo saltando muerte quiero sentir dolor morir
dan katzir produced wonderful film takes us rollercoaster ride real romance set troubles surrounding modern israelbr br for anyone whos ever love film brings back uncertainties insecurities heartache make love bittersweet atmosphere fear isolation came difficult times israel time serve intensify feeling instantly drawn dans plight cant fail deeply movedbr br you cant write drama passion like contrast realities dans desperate snatched relationship iris realities state turmoil make eminently watchable ounce passion ever love see film
[ "dan katzir produced wonderful film takes us rollercoaster ride real romance set troubles surrounding modern israelbr br for anyone whos ever love film brings back uncertainties insecurities heartache make love bittersweet atmosphere fear isolation came difficult times israel time serve intensify feeling instantly drawn dans plight cant fail deeply movedbr br you cant write drama passion like contrast realities dans desperate snatched relationship iris realities state turmoil make eminently watchable ounce passion ever love see film" ]
Dan Katzir producido maravillosa película nos lleva montaña rusa paseo real romance conjunto problemas que rodean moderno israelbr br para cualquier persona que siempre amor película trae de vuelta incertidumbres inseguridades dolor de corazón hacer amor agridulce atmósfera miedo vino aislamiento tiempos difíciles israel tiempo servir intensificar sensación instantáneamente atraído dans difícil no puede fallar profundamente conmovido br br cant escribir drama pasión como contraste realidades dans desesperadas arrebatada relación iris realidades estado agitación hacer eminentemente observable onza pasión siempre amor ver película
guys help im slipping recently got among us realized im scrolling reddit less often please dont let leave
[ "guys help im slipping recently got among us realized im scrolling reddit less often please dont let leave" ]
los chicos me ayudan a deslizarme recientemente me di cuenta de que me desplazo rojo menos a menudo, por favor, no te vayas.
see posts people sad want end lives makes feel even lonelier want die even more fuck thoughts debilitatingim sleeping time now maybe hours day want anymore life cant take want to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "see posts people sad want end lives makes feel even lonelier want die even more fuck thoughts debilitatingim sleeping time now maybe hours day want anymore life cant take wantto" ]
ver posts personas tristes quieren fin de la vida hace sentir incluso más solo quieren morir aún más mierda pensamientos debilitando su tiempo de sueño ahora tal vez horas día quieren más la vida no puede tomar wantto
japanses trees pretty school tree starting grow white flowers looks like trees japan pink im sure probably wanted share
[ "japanses trees pretty school tree starting grow white flowers looks like trees japan pinkim sure probably wanted share" ]
japanses árboles bastante escuela árbol empezando a crecer flores blancas parece árboles japan pinhim seguro que probablemente quería compartir
ahaha might suffocate ahahaha last six months costicted throat hard breathe moments asthma symptoms read im afraid tell parents cuz doctor set coronavirus restrictions me im really careful corona anyways government controls real bad system counrty really badly done send pics police taken home every minutes im patient instead weeks ill corona knows end choose tell ahaha cant get meds way ahahaha help
[ "ahaha might suffocate ahahaha last six months costicted throat hard breathe moments asthma symptoms read im afraid tell parents cuz doctor set coronavirus restrictions me im really careful corona anyways government controls real bad system counrty really badly done send pics police taken home every minutes im patient instead weeks ill corona knows end choose tell ahaha cant get meds way ahahaha help" ]
ahaha podría asfixiar ahahaha los últimos seis meses garganta costicada respiración dura momentos síntomas de asma leer im miedo decirle a los padres cuz médico establecer coronavirus restricciones me im muy cuidadoso corona de todos modos el gobierno controla realmente mal sistema counrty realmente mal hecho enviar fotos policía toma a casa cada minuto im paciente en lugar de semanas enfermedad corona sabe final elegir decirle ahaha no puede conseguir medicamentos manera ahahahaha ayuda
cant anymorei know else do im point return depression gets worse everyday even real reason it hit one day everything fell apart thought once could rebuild think anymore think ive made peace it end pointless suffering know im even bothering write this maybe kind survival instinct maybe want leave note kind either way im gone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant anymorei know else do im point return depression gets worse everyday even real reason it hit one day everything fell apart thought once could rebuild think anymore think ive made peace it end pointless suffering knowim even bothering write this maybe kind survival instinct maybe want leave note kind either way im gone" ]
Ya no puedo saber más do im point volver la depresión empeora cada día incluso la razón real que golpeó un día todo se desmoronó pensamiento una vez podría reconstruir pensar más live hizo la paz termina sufrimiento sin sentido knowim incluso molesto escribir este instinto de supervivencia tal vez tipo tal vez quiere dejar nota tipo de cualquier manera mi ido
seen movie number times find compelling sad lack real emotion characters disturbing seem empty hopeless story based real eventbr br a teenage girl murdered boyfriend obvious reason apparently felt like it boasts friends believe takes view body number times one reports murder two strong leads keanu reeves crispen glover crispen glovers character seriously annoyingbr br keanus character matt appears one sense right wrong keanu best flawless performance believable anyone thinks man cant act watch movie matts little brother almost disturbing character movie twelve compassion love factor life sad think kids like this really makes grateful have
[ "seen movie number times find compelling sad lack real emotion characters disturbing seem empty hopeless story based real eventbr br a teenage girl murdered boyfriend obvious reason apparently felt like it boasts friends believe takes view body number times one reports murder two strong leads keanu reeves crispen glover crispen glovers character seriously annoyingbr br keanus character matt appears one sense right wrong keanu best flawless performance believable anyone thinks man cant act watch movie matts little brother almost disturbing character movie twelve compassion love factor life sad think kids like this really makes grateful have" ]
ver número de película veces encontrar convincentes triste falta real emoción personajes perturbadores parecen vacía historia sin esperanza basada en real eventbr br una adolescente asesinado novio razón obvia aparentemente se sentía como se jacta amigos creen tiene vista número de cuerpo veces uno informes asesinato dos fuertes leads keanu reeves crujiente guantera crujiente carácter seriamente molestobr br keanus carácter mate parece un sentido correcto mal keanu mejor rendimiento impecable creíble cualquiera piensa hombre no puede actuar ver película Matts pequeño hermano casi perturbador personaje película doce compasión amor factor vida triste pensar niños como esto realmente hace agradecidos tener
want kill spitejust make family friends angry upset care temporary want suffer ive already written redflag note
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want kill spitejust make family friends angry upset care temporary want suffer ive already written redflag note" ]
quiero matar despecho sólo hacer amigos de la familia enojados molesto cuidado temporal deseo sufrir ya escrito nota de bandera roja
movie needs come dvd cause thats way buy it thought soo funny real plot it suppose oscar winning film appreciate films cary elwes cute robin hood cant even think favorite part movie pretty good anyways peace out
[ "movie needs come dvd cause thats way buy it thought soo funny real plot it suppose oscar winning film appreciate films cary elwes cute robin hood cant even think favorite part movie pretty good anyways peace out" ]
la película necesita venir dvd porque esa es la manera de comprarlo pensó soo divertido verdadera trama que supone Oscar película ganadora apreciar películas cary elwes lindo petirrojo capó incluso pensar parte película bastante bueno de todos modos paz hacia fuera
went jack like th time today decided im tired horny hell gets accomplished jack off feel good seconds feel hollow again much dick hurts ache
[ "went jack like th time today decided im tired horny hell gets accomplished jack off feel good seconds feel hollow again much dick hurts ache" ]
got jack como la vez de hoy decidió me cansado cachondo infierno consigue consumado jack off se siente bien segundos se siente hueco de nuevo mucho dolor polla dolor
holy shit didnt get caught update last posthttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentslxdi_wanna_go_outside_so_badutm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_appamputm_nameiossmf im living room wondering didnt get kidnapped caught nice doe one besides cars passing
[ "holy shit didnt get caught update last posthttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentslxdi_wanna_go_outside_so_badutm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_appamputm_nameiossmf im living room wondering didnt get kidnapped caught nice doe one besides cars passing" ]
Dios mío, no te han pillado la última actualización del post httpswwwredditcomnteenagerscommentslxdi_wanna_go_outside_so_badutm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_appamputm_nameiossmf im living room sendering not becouted becouted doe one allowing cars passing
yee yee ass haircut makes feel comfortable ngl head feels lighter small price bitches dick which never anyway
[ "yee yee ass haircut makes feel comfortable ngl head feels lighter small price bitches dick which never anyway" ]
yee yee culo corte de pelo hace sentir cómodo ngl cabeza se siente más ligero pequeño precio perras polla que nunca de todos modos
lot justifications kill myselffear death im afraid death want kill gets first revenge hurt betrayed everyone id kill make feel way made feel betrayed abandoned trapped believe say life nothing want escape truth reality us
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "lot justifications kill myselffear deathim afraid death want kill gets first revenge hurt betrayed everyone id kill make feel way made feel betrayed abandoned trapped believe say life nothing want escape truth reality us" ]
muchas justificaciones me matan miedo a la muerte miedo a la muerte quieren matar consigue primero venganza herido traicionado todos id matar hacer sentir de la manera hizo sentirse traicionado abandonado atrapado creer decir vida nada quiere escapar de la verdad realidad nosotros
coronavirus day coronavirus test officially came positive struggling breathe day congestion head nose felt stuffy head feels heavy still cant smell anything
[ "coronavirus day coronavirus test officially came positive struggling breathe day congestion head nose felt stuffy head feels heavy still cant smell anything" ]
coronavirus día prueba de coronavirus oficialmente vino positivo lucha respirar día congestión craneal nariz se siente congestionada cabeza se siente pesado todavía no puede oler nada
crashed car days ago im depressed got license midaugust sucks go without crashing car two months anyways stop sign neighborhood turned right looking behind mirror dark outside see much reached dome light i think called quote it next thing knew heard loud noise airbags deployed subaru service automatically getting called shellshocked idea happened fast got see mailbox made rock completely leveled bottom front car broken too minutes later dude whos mailbox broke came garage driving car immediately stopped saw mailbox got car explained happened called parents i adhd tend panic often came instantly since house literally one block explained happened police came well since subaru service alerted guess officer asked obvious showed him asked guy wanted put ticket license said no man going pick pizza dominos mom dad helped shovel remains mailbox he able leave completely blocked driveway told family name towing service left mom came back pizza called towing company told us wait minutes mom left dad waited came towed subaru im left car rural illinois the university like miles away tho small village dq mcdonalds subway jj arbys know do parents like leaving house much stranded home im also picky eater know family brings food like also supposed poll worker cant without car tldr illinois teen crashes car mailbox cant drive next month rural area ps fine airbag gave bad scratch back left hand im good physically mentally whole nother story
[ "crashed car days ago im depressed got license midaugust sucks go without crashing car two months anyways stop sign neighborhood turned right looking behind mirror dark outside see much reached dome light i think called quote it next thing knew heard loud noise airbags deployed subaru service automatically getting called shellshocked idea happened fast got see mailbox made rock completely leveled bottom front car broken too minutes later dude whos mailbox broke came garage driving car immediately stopped saw mailbox got car explained happened called parents i adhd tend panic often came instantly since house literally one block explained happened police came well since subaru service alerted guess officer asked obvious showed him asked guy wanted put ticket license said no man going pick pizza dominos mom dad helped shovel remains mailbox he able leave completely blocked driveway told family name towing service left mom came back pizza called towing company told us wait minutes mom left dad waited came towed", "subaru im left car rural illinois the university like miles away tho small village dq mcdonalds subway jj arbys know do parents like leaving house much stranded home im also picky eater know family brings food like also supposed poll worker cant without car tldr illinois teen crashes car mailbox cant drive next month rural area ps fine airbag gave bad scratch back left handim good physically mentally whole nother story" ]
coche estrellado días atrás im deprimido consiguió licencia midaugust chupa ir sin estrellarse coche dos meses de todos modos stop sign barrio se volvió a la derecha mirando detrás espejo oscuro exterior ver mucho alcanzado cúpula luz creo que llamó citar lo siguiente sabía oído ruido ruido airbags desplegado servicio subaru automáticamente se llama shellshocked idea sucedió rápido consiguió ver buzón hecho roca completamente nivelado coche delantero roto demasiado minutos más tarde tipo que el buzón se rompió coche coche coche coche coche coche coche coche de coche inmediatamente se detuvo vio explicó que pasó llamado padres i adhd tienden pánico a menudo llegó instantáneamente desde casa literalmente un bloque explicó sucedió policía llegó bien desde subaru servicio alertó oficial le preguntó obvio le preguntó tipo quería poner la licencia de entrada dijo ningún hombre va a recoger pizza Dominos mamá papá ayudó a pala sigue siendo buzón él pudo salir completamente bloqueado camino de entrada dijo nombre familia remolque servicio izquierda mamá volvió pizza llamada remolque compañía nos dijo espera minutos mamá dejó papá esperó vino remolque
feel reason liveim unemployed mentally ill facing criminal charges borderline broke im verge ending it career prospects ruined now way hole
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel reason liveim unemployed mentally ill facing criminal charges borderline broke im verge ending it career prospects ruined now way hole" ]
se siente la razón liveim desempleados enfermos mentales frente a cargos criminales límite rompió el borde final de las perspectivas de carrera arruinado ahora agujero camino
im alonei one matter try still one one would care died
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im alonei one matter try still one one would care died" ]
Sólo un asunto intenta aún a uno le importaría muerto.
ibe gotten point even tried kill myself im pretty sure id faili going kill tonight as hope school everyday thought youll good everything else want end life obviously pointless im sure way certainly die risk taker dont know do parents wont take seriously friends try help cant do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ibe gotten point even tried kill myself im pretty sure id faili going kill tonight as hope school everyday thought youll good everything else want end life obviously pointlessim sure way certainly die risk taker dont know do parents wont take seriously friends try help cant do" ]
Ibe consiguió punto incluso trató de matarme im bastante seguro id falli va a matar esta noche como esperanza escuela todos los días pensé que todo lo demás quiere fin de la vida obviamente inútilim seguro manera ciertamente morir toma riesgos no sé los padres no se toman en serio amigos tratar de ayudar no puede hacer
care lazy trying restart life years life shittier excercised dieted got hobbies gone therapy things drones constantly drone forums insipid generic platitude never succeeded always failed time stepped face dirt more believe myself zero self esteem since kid nothin proud of horrible hand eye coordination always picked last sports ooor academic performance socially clueless hate myself that despise everyone else want go msss shooting massacre bunch retards feel terror pani maybe would cathartic lucky able get gun license poisonously envious anyone something want intimate notredflag friendships money degree independence respect charisma beauty youth one things best feign indifference cannot pretend happy tlothers longer wish worst care fairness care earned what thing deserve deterministic universe repeat would love horribly injure ruin peoples lives deserve it would cathartic me would especially love stab every cunt ever yttered phrase pull bootstraps normie fucktardstion interested fitting society want every single person die come afterwards ah would antnatalist paradise done fighting
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "care lazy trying restart life years life shittier excercised dieted got hobbies gone therapy things drones constantly drone forums insipid generic platitude never succeeded always failed time stepped face dirt more believe myself zero self esteem since kid nothin proud of horrible hand eye coordination always picked last sports ooor academic performance socially clueless hate myself that despise everyone else want go msss shooting massacre bunch retards feel terror pani maybe would cathartic lucky able get gun license poisonously envious anyone something want intimate notredflag friendships money degree independence respect charisma beauty youth one things best feign indifference cannot pretend happy tlothers longer wish worst care fairness care earned what thing deserve deterministic universe repeat would love horribly injure ruin peoples lives deserve it would cathartic me would especially love stab every cunt ever yttered phrase pull bootstraps normie fucktardstion interested fitting society want every single person die come afterwards ah would antnatalist paradise done fighting" ]
cuidado perezoso tratando reiniciar la vida años vida más mierda dieta excercida consiguió hobbies ido terapia cosas drones constantemente drone foros insípidos platitud genérica nunca tuvo éxito tiempo escalonado cara suciedad más creo yo mismo cero autoestima ya niño nohin orgulloso de horrible mano coordinación ojo siempre elegido último deportes ooor rendimiento académico socialmente sin pistas odio a mí mismo que desprecia a todos los demás quieren ir msss tiro masacre grupo retardados sentir terror pani tal vez catartico suerte capaz conseguir licencia arma venenosamente envidia a alguien algo quiere íntimo noticiero amistades dinero grado independencia respeto carisma belleza juventud una cosa mejor fingen indiferencia no puede pretender feliz twothers más largo deseo peor cuidado cuidado se ganó lo que merece universo determinista repetición amaría horriblemente injuria ruina gente vidas merecería catártico me encantaría especialmente apuñalar a cada coño siempre yttered frase tirar botines normie mierda tardstion interesado apropiado sociedad quiere cada persona morir después ah ah antnatista paraíso hecho lucha
i want end hopefully tomorrow better idk much take
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i want end hopefully tomorrow better idk much take" ]
Quiero terminar con suerte mañana mejor idk mucho tomar
every seconds patrick rochei hope listen poem poem patrick roche
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "every seconds patrick rochei hope listen poem poem patrick roche" ]
cada segundo Patrick Rochei espera escuchar poema poema Patrick Roche
happy new year goodbyewelp another year alone im even going lie say maybe ill find love im gonna end life simple
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "happy new year goodbyewelp another year alone im even going lie say maybe ill find love im gonna end life simple" ]
feliz año nuevo adioswelp otro año solo incluso voy a mentir decir tal vez mal encontrar el amor im va a acabar con la vida simple
chillin here thinking steven universe x baki crossover au anyone wants ask it suggest details even major plot points even tell better subreddit post this feel free put even dm
[ "chillin here thinking steven universe x baki crossover au anyone wants ask it suggest details even major plot points even tell better subreddit post this feel free put even dm" ]
chillin aquí pensando universo steven x baki cruce au cualquiera quiere preguntarle sugerir detalles incluso puntos de la parcela importantes incluso decir mejor subreddit post esta sensación libre poner incluso dm
dear lord someone help ive dug whole dont know get oh god sorry long text really do school thing called remind basically sign different teachers get automatic text messages saying stuff like dont forget project due tomorrow things like that today hanging friend got one saying teachers name birthday tomorrow animal print show love specify science teacher telling us wish social studies teacher happy birthday least wasnt teachers birthday thought like bot sending messages teachers couldnt see text back last year accidentally texted one back came automatic message saying messaging back disabled something like assumed like teachers messaged back friend stupid got text back saying okay then science teacher saw text messaged back saying dont animal print sorry realize sounds snotty didnt mean be see teacher tomorrow dont know whether kill kill self someone tell get hole ive dug
[ "dear lord someone help ive dug whole dont know getoh god sorry long text really do school thing called remind basically sign different teachers get automatic text messages saying stuff like dont forget project due tomorrow things like that today hanging friend got one saying teachers name birthday tomorrow animal print show love specify science teacher telling us wish social studies teacher happy birthday least wasnt teachers birthday thought like bot sending messages teachers couldnt see text back last year accidentally texted one back came automatic message saying messaging back disabled something like assumed like teachers messaged back friend stupid got text back saying okay then science teacher saw text messaged back saying dont animal print sorry realize sounds snotty didnt mean be see teacher tomorrow dont know whether kill kill self someone tell get hole ive dug" ]
Querido Señor alguien ayuda a cavar todo no sé Getoh Dios perdón texto largo realmente hacer escuela cosa llamada recordar básicamente firmar diferentes profesores reciben mensajes de texto automáticos diciendo cosas como no olvidar proyecto debido a mañana cosas como que hoy colgando amigo consiguió uno diciendo profesores nombre cumpleaños mañana animal impreso show amor especificar ciencia profesor que nos dice desea estudios sociales profesor feliz cumpleaños menos no era profesores cumpleaños pensó como bot enviar mensajes profesores no pudo ver texto atrás el año pasado accidentalmente envió un mensaje de vuelta llegó mensaje automático diciendo mensaje de vuelta desactivado algo como supuesto como profesores mensaje de vuelta amigo estúpido recibió texto de nuevo diciendo bien entonces profesor de ciencia vio texto mensaje de vuelta diciendo no imprimir animal lamenta darse cuenta sonidos mocoso no significa ser ver profesor mañana no sé si matar matar auto alguien decirle conseguir agujero ive cavado
iti fucking it tried many times hang myself felt time vision getting dark sounds becoming surreal head getting heavy me getting back toes grasping air hating myself want die cant live fucking hate coward let go die already
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "iti fucking it tried many times hang myself felt time vision getting dark sounds becoming surreal head getting heavy me getting back toes grasping air hating myself want die cant live fucking hate coward let go die already" ]
iti mierda lo intentó muchas veces colgarme sentí la visión del tiempo conseguir sonidos oscuros llegar a ser surrealista la cabeza conseguir pesado volver los dedos de los pies agarrando el aire odiarme a mí mismo quiero morir no puedo vivir maldito odio cobarde dejar ir morir ya
im readyi borderline personality disorder everyday terrible war rages mind heart simply surpassed able cope with rifle need one bullet cant even muster energy find one wonder hurts
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im readyi borderline personality disorder everyday terrible war rages mind heart simply surpassed able cope with rifle need one bullet cant even muster energy find one wonder hurts" ]
im ready borderline trastorno de la personalidad todos los días terrible guerra rabia mente corazón simplemente superado capaz de hacer frente a rifle necesidad de una bala no puede incluso reunir energía encontrar una maravilla duele
ive miserable long rememberim almost thirty goddamned tired living like this sad scared lonely miserable reference point peaceful content life like like trying imagine completely new color get hold there get past crisis thats whole damned life im tired surviving crisis crisis never getting feel like real human being fuck human being do tried getting smarter getting kinder making useful enough never enough point straightup cruel string person along vague promises one day feeling pain know whatll stop pain one responsible me hell responsible myself responsibility take care myself unless someone else going step in im one decides looks like know did understand could done little kid whole goddamned world denied me itll always denied me ill always feel like ive never felt different yet am held almost three decades dream cant even see im damned tired want end one person one person whole damned life genuinely cared helped me died completely unexpectedly know ill never meet anyone else like them one sliver goodness world gone never deserved it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive miserable long rememberim almost thirty goddamned tired living like this sad scared lonely miserable reference point peaceful content life like like trying imagine completely new color get hold there get past crisis thats whole damned life im tired surviving crisis crisis never getting feel like real human being fuck human being do tried getting smarter getting kinder making useful enough never enough point straightup cruel string person along vague promises one day feeling pain know whatll stop pain one responsible me hell responsible myself responsibility take care myself unless someone else going step in im one decides looks like know did understand could done little kid whole goddamned world denied me itll always denied me ill always feel like ive never felt different yet am held almost three decades dream cant even see im damned tiredwant end one person one person whole damned life genuinely cared helped me died completely unexpectedly know ill never meet anyone else like them one sliver goodness world gone never deserved it" ]
live miserable long rememberim casi treinta malditos cansados viviendo como este triste asustado solo miserable punto de referencia contenido pacífico vida como intentar imaginar completamente nuevo color se mantienen allí conseguir más allá crisis que toda la maldita vida im cansado sobrevivir crisis crisis nunca llegar a sentirse como verdadero ser humano mierda ser humano hacer más inteligente hacerse más amable hacer suficientemente útil nunca suficientemente punto recta persona cuerda cruel a lo largo de vagas promesas un día sentir dolor saber lo que va a dejar de dolor uno responsable yo mismo responsable responsabilidad cuidar a mí mismo a menos que alguien más va paso en im uno decide que sabe lo que sí entender podría hacer niño niño entero maldito mundo me negó siempre me negó que siempre se siente mal como vivir nunca se sintió diferente sin embargo estoy celebrado casi tres décadas sueño no puede incluso ver el maldito cansado querer terminar una persona toda la vida realmente cuidado me ayudó a morir completamente inesperadamente saber mal nunca conocer a nadie más como ellos un mundo de bondad más vivo ido nunca me lo merecía
hi guys um know post today ampxb um ampxb uh ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb bet expect spanish inquisition ampxb no one expects spanish inquisition
[ "hi guys um know post today ampxb um ampxb uh ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb bet expect spanish inquisition ampxb no one expects spanish inquisition" ]
ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb apt ampxb ampxb apxb apxb ampxb apxb apxb apxb apxb apxb apxb apxb apxb ap apxb apxb apxb ap apxb ap apxb apxb ap apxb apxb
screenplay due go back school wont live longi dont care anymore dont care anything anymore want kill myself plan want slit wrists open longer here longer burden anyone dont matter make people mad me im worthless
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "screenplay due go back school wont live longi dont care anymore dont care anything anymore want kill myself plan want slit wrists open longer here longer burden anyone dont matter make people mad me im worthless" ]
guión por volver a la escuela no vivirá longi no le importa nada más quiero matarme plan quiero las muñecas cortadas abrir más aquí carga más largo nadie importa hacer que la gente me enloquezca im inútil