feeling pretty bad random year old picked fight feel times better know matter tired lonely sad get ill never sad enough continuously pick fights internet strangers
[ "feeling pretty bad random year old picked fight feel times better know matter tired lonely sad get ill never sad enough continuously pick fights internet strangers" ]
Sentirse bastante mal al azar año de edad elegido lucha sentir los tiempos mejor saber la materia cansado solitario triste enfermarse nunca lo suficientemente triste continuamente elegir peleas Internet extraños
wrote redflag note part demanded post set delayed send go end it guess thats healthy part im sorry bit novel see much reason selfedit stagei want say im sorry family didnt cause this deserve this didnt deserve me deserved child sibling wouldnt hurt you break heart force feel unnatural unearned guilt child sibling absolute best disease beyond powers suppose im also sorry current friends might hurt know isnt fault either lights life marvels every one wish much happiness love success suppose im also sorry former friends rejected plain terms who assume either nurse unspoken grievance simply lost interest novelty wore virtues multiplied know ive resented it resentment begin realize mostly arose failed understand you needed much obligation give part arose failure understand myself part still wants spit poison feel wronged me ill show proper motive redflag never particularly likeable girl thinking clearly never particularly good hiding ugly irritating features graced im sorry wasnt either us wanted be thats thing always really wanted liked people effort put failed often not course cant try likeable tried interesting clever generous since seemed like things might attract people guess couldnt get hang it lack core capacity basic humanity many share deficient perhaps even everybody liked would still feel way whatever hurt goes deeper bandage woven shared lagers laughter mend trying fight loneliness kind snake oil remedy dont know finding miserable failure things desire even need certainly does well im sure understand im sorry trans community know clich tranny cant hack it kills herself old story told poorly one strove tell realm many others suppose overestimated myself im sorry making us look bad wont first time ive sorry ambassador us hard sometimes seems get easier little while brief illusions success popularity distract me never lasts soon every time im back first real emotional memories are back high school when now lie bed staring wall fantasizing things never be finding solace planning end it knowing theres really nowhere run disease inside me constitutes rotten core me realized hasnt gotten better keep going round around finding back stale hell gritted teeth attempted bare many times before changes upon changes road less same tired march i edited explicit description methods line subreddits rules im sorry wont pass cheekbone genes next generation like always joked would im sorry wont well whatever plans werent idle daydreams might nursed realities merely yetunrealized hearts wish could see you im sorry anything wished said didnt opportunities slip away kinds reasons me thoughts keep running back road past times before curling hole chest imagining sweet oblivion hope you think me think back rare moments happy lying back stephens van long ago watching street lights pass like auroras overhead perfect sunday sams cabin giggling wrestling sticks bottled water saturday evening music festival attempting clumsily apply makeup rhea messy poorlylit sedan moment apartment when whisper kevin asked could fuck me which come think it one memories involving drugs far bingeing rome brother basement eating quesadillas mom made bowling two strikes row annabelles birthday party night comical failure everyone else getting ready leave philosophy mind classes occasionally felt like neil ryan me bouncing ideas became polished arguments though guess sometimes really three us better yet ever luck making happy think that thats really gave life whatever small worth had least little consolation if among people annoyed made angry even put worst moments least times paid enormous debt awfulness little joy maybe version eternal recurrence favoured nietzche relatable character cloud atlas true find places likely not chances time read body floated distance entry point fraser river may unrecoverable which honestly gives fuck instinct give friends first pick clothes basically worldly possessions right there probably workable option donate organization needs them maybe youll find something mine garage sale value village somewhere likely not please dont blame me please dont blame yourselves everyone constitution survive world didnt come argue case want say goodbye love you wish could stay im sorry say cant
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wrote redflag note part demanded post set delayed send go end it guess thats healthy part im sorry bit novel see much reason selfedit stagei want say im sorry family didnt cause this deserve this didnt deserve me deserved child sibling wouldnt hurt you break heart force feel unnatural unearned guilt child sibling absolute best disease beyond powers suppose im also sorry current friends might hurt know isnt fault either lights life marvels every one wish much happiness love success suppose im also sorry former friends rejected plain terms who assume either nurse unspoken grievance simply lost interest novelty wore virtues multiplied know", "ive resented it resentment begin realize mostly arose failed understand you needed much obligation give part arose failure understand myself part still wants spit poison feel wronged me ill show proper motive redflag never particularly likeable girl thinking clearly never particularly good hiding ugly irritating features graced im sorry wasnt either us wanted be thats thing always really wanted liked people effort put failed often not course cant try likeable tried interesting clever generous since seemed like things might attract people guess couldnt get hang it lack core capacity basic humanity many share deficient perhaps even everybody liked would still feel way whatever hurt goes deeper bandage woven shared lagers laughter mend trying fight loneliness kind snake oil remedy dont know finding miserable failure things desire even need certainly does well", "im sure understand im sorry trans community know clich tranny cant hack it kills herself old story told poorly one strove tell realm many others suppose overestimated myself im sorry making us look bad wont first time ive sorry ambassador us hard sometimes seems get easier little while brief illusions success popularity distract me never lasts soon every time im back first real emotional memories are back high school when now lie bed staring wall fantasizing things never be finding solace planning end it knowing theres really nowhere run disease inside me constitutes rotten core me realized hasnt gotten better keep going round around finding back stale hell gritted teeth attempted bare many times before changes upon changes road less same tired march i edited explicit description methods line subreddits rules im sorry wont pass cheekbone genes next generation like always joked would im sorry wont well whatever plans werent idle daydreams might nursed realities merely yetunrealized hearts wish could see you im sorry anything wished said didnt opportunities slip away kinds reasons me thoughts keep running back road past times before curling hole chest imagining sweet oblivion hope you think me think back rare moments happy lying back stephens van long ago watching street lights pass like auroras overhead", "perfect sunday sams cabin giggling wrestling sticks bottled water saturday evening music festival attempting clumsily apply makeup rhea messy poorlylit sedan moment apartment when whisper kevin asked could fuck me which come think it one memories involving drugs far bingeing rome brother basement eating quesadillas mom made bowling two strikes row annabelles birthday party night comical failure everyone else getting ready leave philosophy mind classes occasionally felt like neil ryan me bouncing ideas became polished arguments though guess sometimes really three us better yet ever luck making happy think that thats really gave life whatever small worth had least little consolation if among people annoyed made angry even put worst moments least times paid enormous debt awfulness little joy maybe version eternal recurrence favoured nietzche relatable character cloud atlas true find places likely not chances time read body floated distance entry point fraser river may unrecoverable which honestly gives fuck instinct give friends first pick clothes basically worldly possessions", "right there probably workable option donate organization needs them maybe youll find something mine garage sale value village somewhere likely not please dont blame me please dont blame yourselves everyone constitution survive world didnt come argue case want say goodbye love you wish could stay im sorry say cant" ]
Escribí parte nota de bandera roja demandado post set retraso enviar ir terminar adivinar que la parte saludable im lo siento poco novela ver mucha razón selfedit stagei quiero decir im lo siento familia no causó esto merecer esto no me merecía hijo hermano no te haría daño romper fuerza del corazón sentir culpa no natural no ganado hijo hermano absoluto mejor enfermedad más allá de los poderes suponer también lamento amigos actuales podrían lastimar saber culpa istnt bien luces maravillas vida cada uno deseo mucha felicidad amor éxito suponer también lo siento ex amigos rechazados términos simples que asumen o enfermera no hablado queja simplemente perdido interés novedad llevaba virtudes multiplicadas saber
going kill myself anybody gun plz let use it cuz tired hearing peoples bullshit things get better want die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "going kill myself anybody gun plz let use it cuz tired hearing peoples bullshit things get better want die" ]
Me voy a matar a alguien arma plz dejar que lo use porque cansado oír gente mierda cosas conseguir mejor quieren morir
growing up irrational fears start off mom told used terrified deflated blowup snowman i believe said across street lived time apparently screamed bloody murder sight i quite remember really little happened next supposedly scared drama faces mom says funniest part drama faces neighbourhood yet apparently scared getting hit vehicle according sister used get lot nightmares said used weird monsters dreams said used tell shell go beat up apparently used laugh end falling asleep again thinks picturing tiny beating monsters probably made laugh she dwarfism got older remember becoming scared falling used able use escalators fine suddenly became scared use nowhere use elevators fine though certain kinds stairs im noticeably cautious walking them remember teeter totter someone fine got older felt nervousscared higher air thats quite yeah developed strange fears growing up
[ "growing up irrational fears start off mom told used terrified deflated blowup snowman i believe said across street lived time apparently screamed bloody murder sight i quite remember really little happened next supposedly scared drama faces mom says funniest part drama faces neighbourhood yet apparently scared getting hit vehicle according sister used get lot nightmares said used weird monsters dreams said used tell shell go beat up apparently used laugh end falling asleep again thinks picturing tiny beating monsters probably made laugh she dwarfism got older remember becoming scared falling used able use escalators fine suddenly became scared use nowhere use elevators fine though certain kinds stairs im noticeably cautious walking them remember teeter totter someone fine got older felt nervousscared higher air thats quite yeah developed strange fears growing up" ]
Crecer miedos irracionales comienza mamá dijo utilizado aterrorizado hinchado muñeco de nieve creo que dijo al otro lado de la calle vivió el tiempo aparentemente gritada sangrienta visión de asesinato recuerdo muy poco sucedió siguiente supuestamente asustado drama caras mamá dice parte divertida drama caras barrio sin embargo aparentemente asustado conseguir coche atropellado según hermana utilizado conseguir mucho pesadillas dicho uso monstruos extraños sueños dicho utilizado decir con concha go go beat up aparentemente utilizado final de risa quedarse dormido otra vez piensa imaginando pequeños monstruos paliza probablemente hizo reír enanismo se hizo mayor recordar convertirse en miedo caída uso capaz utiliza escaleras mecánicas bien de repente se convirtió en miedo uso en ningún lugar utilizar ascensores bien aunque ciertos tipos de escaleras im notablemente cauteloso caminar ellos recordar trocear alguien bien se sintió nervioso mayor mayor aire más alto que sí desarrolló miedos extraños crecer
anyone else feeling sad feel sad nothing it pandemic anything else im stuck continuous loop dont know dont know want do dont anyone hang im confused help
[ "anyone else feeling sad feel sad nothing it pandemic anything else im stuck continuous loop dont know dont know want do dont anyone hang im confused help" ]
Cualquier otra persona que se sienta triste no siente nada triste pandemia cualquier otra cosa im pegado bucle continuo no sé no sé querer no nadie colgar im confuso ayuda
alone need helpim m lost girl going marry hate job live home cant afford anything friends always told im people want friends gfs ive like reached others never works out bullied whole life see path gym help always depressed feel worthless care anymore anything want end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "alone need helpim m lost girl going marry hate job live home cant afford anything friends always told im people want friends gfs ive like reached others never works out bullied whole life see path gym help always depressed feel worthless care anymore anything want end" ]
solo necesita ayuda m chica perdida va a casarse odio trabajo vivir casa no puede permitirse nada amigos siempre se dijo que la gente quiere amigos gfs ive como alcanzó a otros nunca funciona toda la vida acosado ver camino gimnasio ayuda siempre deprimido sentir cuidado inútil más cualquier cosa quiere terminar
know domale soon years old years since met first girlfriend something tbf understand mental challanges nevertheless really fucked up never ever enjoyed sex previous age appropriate girlfriends ended relationships really want sex sex there month turning ive current absolutely amazing gflive partner years love death still cannot commit sex never initiated it does stare upon ceiling trying think something else believes asexual id problem going years orgasms fuck this care think im overlysensitive consider lucky may considered good looking know wrote this gone hour still finished paragraph plea help like a know sincerely hope best yall mind racing please well
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know domale soon years old years since met first girlfriend something tbf understand mental challanges nevertheless really fucked up never ever enjoyed sex previous age appropriate girlfriends ended relationships really want sex sex there month turning ive current absolutely amazing gflive partner years love death still cannot commit sex never initiated it does stare upon ceiling trying think something else believes asexual id problem going years orgasms fuck this care think im overlysensitive consider lucky may considered good looking know wrote this gone hour still finished paragraph plea help like a know sincerely hope best yall mind racing please well" ]
know domale pronto años de edad desde que conoció a primera novia algo tbf entender desasosiegos mentales sin embargo realmente jodido nunca disfrutado sexo edad previa novias apropiadas acabadas relaciones realmente quieren sexo sexo allí mes giro ive corriente absolutamente increíble pareja años amor muerte todavía no puede cometer sexo nunca iniciado lo hace mirar al techo tratando de pensar en algo más cree que asexual problema de identificación años orgasmos follan este cuidado creo im demasiado sensible considerar suerte puede considerarse buen aspecto saber escribió esta hora pasada todavía find petición ayuda como un saber sinceramente esperanza mejor yall mente carreras por favor bien
id even say shades hitchcockthis clearly better mmm seen guilty pleasure woody fans way know annie hall first conceived murder mystery anyhow woody reclaims relevance film comedy one plot turns nice tight say first minutes so actors little hasty delivering lines stick around scarlett johansson proves wellcast diane keatontype role time uncomfortable moments much older woody one could imagine perfect actor role peter lyman jackman
[ "id even say shades hitchcockthis clearly better mmm seen guilty pleasure woody fans way know annie hall first conceived murder mystery anyhow woody reclaims relevance film comedy one plot turns nice tight say first minutes so actors little hasty delivering lines stick around scarlett johansson proves wellcast diane keatontype role time uncomfortable moments much older woody one could imagine perfect actor role peter lyman jackman" ]
id incluso decir sombras hitchcockesto claramente mejor mmm visto placer culpable ventiladores leñosos manera saben annie hall primero concebido asesinato misterio de todos modos leñoso reclama relevancia película comedia una trama se vuelve agradable apretado decir primeros minutos por lo que los actores poco apresurada entrega líneas palo alrededor escarlata johansson demuestra bien cast diane keatonty tiempo papel momentos incómodos mucho más viejos madera uno podría imaginar actor perfecto Peter papel lyman jackman
tired stateless invisiblei years old guy south america i would rather say country inmigrant spain many years mom brought kid life misery home country am stateless home country give new passport without birth certificate spain grant assylum ilegal inmigrant living small room mom barely pay rent survive sometimes afford meals day walk street fear taken toll me im lucky could pass local since skin fairly white long talk people spot foreign accent start asking questions cannot trust anyone arrested twice guardia civil second time policia nacional caught selling replica clothing downtown madrid reason arrest living spain without proper authorization ive een beaten bullied xenophobic police officers well robbed many times local spanish pickpocketers inmigrant cannot even report thieves authorities time end suffering kill myself please go ahead shit chant ilegal inmigration
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired stateless invisiblei years old guy south america i would rather say country inmigrant spain many years mom brought kid life misery home country am stateless home country give new passport without birth certificate spain grant assylum ilegal inmigrant living small room mom barely pay rent survive sometimes afford meals day walk street fear taken toll me im lucky could pass local since skin fairly white long talk people spot foreign accent start asking questions cannot trust anyone arrested twice guardia civil second time policia nacional caught selling replica clothing downtown madrid reason arrest living spain without proper authorization ive een beaten bullied xenophobic police officers well robbed many times local spanish pickpocketers inmigrant cannot even report thieves authorities time end suffering kill myself please go ahead shit chant ilegal inmigration" ]
Apátrida cansada invisible años viejo chico suramérica yo preferiría decir país inmigrante spain muchos años mamá trajo la vida del niño miseria casa país soy apátrida país de origen dar nuevo pasaporte sin certificado de nacimiento spain subsidio assylum ilegal inmigrante vida pequeña habitación mamá apenas pagar alquiler sobrevivir a veces pagar comidas día caminar calle miedo me golpeó im suerte podría pasar local ya piel bastante blanco larga habla gente mancha acento extranjero empezar a hacer preguntas no puede confiar en nadie arrestado dos veces guardia civil segunda vez policía nacional capturado venta de ropa réplica centro madrid razón arresto vida spain sin la autorización adecuada ive een golpeado policías xenófobos bien robados muchas veces locales carteristas españoles inmigrantes no pueden siquiera informar ladrones tiempo dejar de sufrir matarme por favor ir adelante mierda canto inmigración ilegal
online school like im england reason decided go lockdown school online classes first time today think starts couple hours need know like
[ "online school like im england reason decided go lockdown school online classes first time today think starts couple hours need know like" ]
escuela en línea como im Inglaterra razón decidió ir a lockdown escuela clases en línea por primera vez hoy creo que comienza un par de horas necesita saber como
whats coed high school like im never going know ask
[ "whats coed high school like im never going know ask" ]
lo que es coed secundaria como im nunca va a saber preguntar
redflagwatch need helpfirst all apologize cohesive post im kind typing thoughts come me please read though ill start beginning best friend years recently opened events transpired life younger honestly need know better friend help difficult time life well simply call friend c c years old im met high school years ago like brother ever since differences honestly say constant life hes great guy never talk emotion anything sort hes reserved person never really opened me always knew tough life mother good person hes living father since young age last night house hanging argument text longtime girlfriend well call h never appreciated much kind girl thinks thinks wrong believe toxic person never tried get way cs relationship although knows think her fact agrees sheltered understand real world all fact h completely hates im cigarette smoker atheist even though ive good friend c hates think rather silly reasons typical argument two always says really meanspirited things him yet continues drag along telling really care him always says that knock peg time though snapped went told fuck pretty much finally got tired talked her thats told going go home little bit would back later think much told ill see soon hours later calls tells walking door asked going told got phone redflag hotline thought called hs behalf would never guess million years him always stoic told breakdown needed talk someone honestly shocked ive never known emotional all asked exactly happened concerned basically told argument h triggered major anxiety attack past events came flooding out told actually molested child came back once know say never knew bad vented little bit tell everything problem though c always stoic literally never emotional conversation honestly know talk kind thing simply boundary never crossed told ever needed talk would always here told anything needed would there know else say thats had much experience kinds things hes through feel like kind failed clueless say ended watching hobbit going sleep left early morning spoken since need help better know im really hes got talk kind thing better experience type thing im ears thanks advance update texted minute ago asked doing says better says considering seeing therapist keep everything bottled up encouraged let know always well continue best even simply needs bitch life while thank advice additional resources
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflagwatch need helpfirst all apologize cohesive post im kind typing thoughts come me please read though ill start beginning best friend years recently opened events transpired life younger honestly need know better friend help difficult time life well simply call friend c c years old im met high school years ago like brother ever since differences honestly say constant life hes great guy never talk emotion anything sort hes reserved person never really opened me always knew tough life mother good person hes living father since young age last night house hanging argument textlongtime girlfriend well call h never appreciated much kind girl thinks thinks wrong believe toxic person never tried get way cs relationship although knows think her fact agrees sheltered understand real world all fact h completely hates im cigarette smoker atheist even though ive good friend", "c hates think rather silly reasons typical argument two always says really meanspirited things him yet continues drag along telling really care him always says that knock peg time though snapped went told fuck pretty much finally got tired talked her thats told going go home little bit would back later think much told ill see soon hours later calls tells walking door asked going told got phone redflag hotline thought called hs behalf would never guess million years him always stoic told breakdown needed talk someone honestly shocked ive never known emotional all asked exactly happened concerned basically told argument h triggered major anxiety attack past events came flooding out told actually molested child came back once know say never knew bad vented little bit tell everything problem though c always stoic literally never emotional conversation honestly know talk kind thing simply boundary never crossed told ever needed talk would always here told anything needed would there know else say thats had much experience kinds things hes through feel like kind failed clueless say ended watching hobbit going sleep left early morning spoken since need help better know im really hes got talk kind thing better experience type thing im ears thanks advance update texted minute ago asked doing says better says considering seeing therapist keep everything bottled up encouraged let know always well continue best even simply needs bitch life while thank advice additional resources" ]
redflagwatch necesita ayuda primero todos disculpa cohesivo post im amable escribir pensamientos venir me por favor leer aunque mal comienzo comienzo mejor amigo años recientemente abiertos eventos transpirado vida más joven honestamente necesita saber mejor amigo ayuda difícil vida bien simplemente llamar amigo c c años de edad im met High School hace años como hermano desde diferencias honestamente decir vida constante hes gran chico nunca hablar emoción tipo hes reservado persona nunca realmente me abrió siempre sabía vida dura madre buena persona hes vida padre desde joven edad anoche casa colgante discusión textlongtime novia bien llamada h nunca aprecia mucho amable chica piensa mal cree persona tóxica nunca trató de llegar a la relación cs, aunque sabe pensar que su hecho está de acuerdo protegido entender mundo real todo hecho h completamente odia im fumador ateo a pesar de que ive buen amigo
must god must god answer certain choose either way send inevitably stupid comments
[ "must god must god answer certain choose either way send inevitably stupid comments" ]
Dios debe responder a cierto elegir de cualquier manera enviar inevitablemente estúpidos comentarios
nothing reallife emotional hell hole im struggling see good anything point anything nothing real difference would make disappeared tomorrow were sheer coincidence theres magic bearded man sky hand fortune we planet solar system were random happenstance im dead truly nothing consequences feel bad about world exist thank god
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nothing reallife emotional hell hole im struggling see good anything point anything nothing real difference would make disappeared tomorrow were sheer coincidence theres magic bearded man sky hand fortune we planet solar system were random happenstance im dead truly nothing consequences feel bad about world exist thank god" ]
nada real vida emocional infierno agujero im lucha ver bueno cualquier cosa punto nada nada real diferencia haría desaparecer mañana si pura coincidencia no hay magia hombre barbudo cielo mano fortuna planeta sistema solar eran casualidades aleatorias realmente nada las consecuencias se sienten mal sobre el mundo existen gracias a Dios
plot starts interesting however towards end many die short time turning thrillermystery aspect story slaughterbr br the true highlights adam beach jrgen prochnow excellent selves nice try inappropriate last third though good ending
[ "plot starts interesting however towards end many die short time turning thrillermystery aspect story slaughterbr br the true highlights adam beach jrgen prochnow excellent selves nice try inappropriate last third though good ending" ]
trama comienza interesante sin embargo hacia el final muchos mueren corto tiempo convirtiendo el thrillermisterio aspecto historia sacratebr br los verdaderos puntos destacados adam playa jrgen prochnow excelente yos nice intentar inapropiado último tercero aunque buen final
whats best way handlethings talk someone tried commit redflagi talk someone shooting police put psych ward involuntary hold want visit theyre processed wanted hear anyones personal experience being either side best thing person hear want go personal details someone know well know whats going life hoped someone could provide guidance approach this person intoxicated degree well influence suggestions
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whats best way handlethings talk someone tried commit redflagi talk someone shooting police put psych ward involuntary hold want visit theyre processed wanted hear anyones personal experience being either side best thing person hear want go personal details someone knowwell know whats going life hoped someone could provide guidance approach this person intoxicated degreewell influence suggestions" ]
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de manejar las cosas hablar alguien trató de cometer flagi rojo hablar alguien disparar policía poner psiquiatría detención involuntaria quieren visita se procesan se quieren escuchar a alguien experiencia personal ser cualquiera de los lados mejor cosa que la persona oye quieren ir detalles personales alguien sabe bien lo que va la vida esperaba que alguien podría proporcionar orientación acerca de esta persona grado intoxicado bien influencia sugerencias
need helpi cant take anymore im tired alone lonly dont want move on worth plz idk anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need helpi cant take anymore im tired alone lonly dont want move on worth plz idk anymore" ]
Necesito helpi no puedo tomar más estoy cansado solo sólo no quiero mover en plz idk vale la pena más
reading straighten back banana shaped bleep
[ "reading straighten back banana shaped bleep" ]
lectura enderezar hacia atrás bleep en forma de plátano
slowly coming peace idea deathi need post history say ive seeing therapist year hes helped since way get thoughts out recently like switch kinda flipped ive redflag mind past time different now roughly past week like get ready go bed would rather hang myself dramatic way upset wanting it waiting actually it therapist number crisis intervention center last time saw im sure id use anyway honest really real reason post this maybe someone feeling alone relate im sure good one
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "slowly coming peace idea deathi need post history say ive seeing therapist year hes helped since way get thoughts out recently like switch kinda flipped ive redflag mind past time different now roughly past week like get ready go bed would rather hang myself dramatic way upset wanting it waiting actually it therapist number crisis intervention center last time saw im sure id use anyway honest really real reason post this maybe someone feeling alone relate im sure good one" ]
Deathi idea de la paz que viene lentamente necesidad post historia decir ive ver terapeuta año hes ayudó desde manera conseguir pensamientos hacia fuera recientemente como cambio un poco volteado ive redflag mente pasado tiempo diferente ahora más o menos la semana pasada como prepárate a ir a la cama preferiría colgarme dramática manera molesto que esperar en realidad lo terapeuta centro de intervención crisis número de la última vez vio im seguro uso de todos modos honesto real razón post esto tal vez alguien se siente solo relation im seguro buena
deadlines three days cant fucking get anythingplease fucking end me death better migraines head cant get anything done meds helping shitty family friends shitty world live reasons go on smart enough good enough courageous enough better dead
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "deadlines three days cant fucking get anythingpleasefucking end me death better migraines head cant get anything done meds helping shitty family friends shitty world live reasons go on smart enough good enough courageous enough better dead" ]
Los plazos de tres días no puedo conseguir nada por favor mierda terminar la muerte mejor migrañas cabeza no puedo conseguir nada hecho medicamentos ayudar mierda amigos de la familia mierda mundo vivo razones ir en lo suficientemente inteligente bueno suficientemente valiente lo suficientemente mejor muerto
wish would fatal accidentevery single day read innocent people killed people want alive would anything position could take terminal fast growing cancer away someone would could headon fatal collision freeway drunk driver would literally begging die dont know could go redflag knowing pain scares dont want family loved ones blame themselves easy relatively painless method redflag presented me wouldnt look gift horse mouth ive dealt really shitty hand life years age im fucking exhausted cant keep charade much longer
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish would fatal accidentevery single day read innocent people killed people want alive would anything position could take terminal fast growing cancer away someone would could headon fatal collision freeway drunk driver would literally begging die dont know could go redflag knowing pain scares dont want family loved ones blame themselves easy relatively painless method redflag presented me wouldnt look gift horse mouth ive dealt really shitty hand life years age im fucking exhausted cant keep charade much longer" ]
deseo fatal accidente cada día leer gente inocente matar gente quiere vivo cualquier posición podría tomar terminal de crecimiento rápido cáncer de distancia alguien podría encabezar fatal colisión autopista conductor borracho literalmente pidiendo morir no sé podría ir bandera roja saber el dolor miedos no quieren familiares se culpan a sí mismos fácil relativamente indoloro método Redflag me presentó no se vería regalo caballo boca ive trade realmente mierda mano vida años edad im mierda agotado no puede mantener charada mucho más tiempo
whats hentai hear people talking alot idea is best examples find pms understand is thanks
[ "whats hentai hear people talking alot idea is best examples find pms understand is thanks" ]
lo que hentai escuchar gente hablando muchas ideas es los mejores ejemplos encontrar pms entender es gracias
sabotaging myselfjesus christ fuck wrong me im supposed take new treatment depression anxiety keep going therapy saying im taking it taken single pill month im fucking stupid cant believe it im sabotaging realising am still it hate myself wanting end end june now guess coming
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sabotaging myselfjesus christ fuck wrong me im supposed take new treatment depression anxiety keep going therapy saying im taking it taken single pill month im fucking stupid cant believe it im sabotaging realising am still it hate myself wanting end end june now guess coming" ]
Se supone que tomar un nuevo tratamiento depresión ansiedad seguir yendo a terapia diciendo que me tomé una sola píldora mes im mierda estúpido no puedo creer que estoy saboteando darse cuenta de que todavía me odio a mí mismo querer terminar junio ahora adivinar venir
went bed yesterday praying wake upwell happen worst part is many people useful members society talented gifted pass away like meanwhile me done anything productive wastes oxygen stay im big pussy actually something world so fucking unfair many people deserve ive got im wasting away guilt feel immeasurable
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "went bed yesterday praying wake upwell happen worst part is many people useful members society talented gifted pass away like meanwhile me done anything productive wastes oxygen stay im big pussy actually something world so fucking unfair many people deserve ive got im wasting away guilt feel immeasurable" ]
se fue a la cama ayer rezando despertar bien sucede la peor parte es mucha gente útil miembros de la sociedad talentoso talentoso fallece como mientras tanto yo hice cualquier cosa productiva desperdicio de oxígeno permanecer im gran coño en realidad algo mundo tan injusto mucha gente se merece i I I got derrochando culpa se siente inconmensurable
hating body time _ tfw u sleep pillow ur thighs ur ur side rest upon eachother cant stand feel touch
[ "hating body time _tfw u sleep pillow ur thighs ur ur side rest upon eachother cant stand feel touch" ]
odiando el tiempo del cuerpo _tfw u dormir almohada ur muslos u u lado descansar sobre el otro no se puede parar tacto
everyone ignoring subi dont know say friends dont want say word goodbye them thinking messaging goodnight thanks everything think
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everyone ignoring subi dont know say friends dont want say word goodbye them thinking messaging goodnight thanks everything think" ]
Todo el mundo ignorando subi no saben decir amigos no quieren decir adiós palabra ellos pensando mensajería buenas noches gracias todo pensar
heroic therapistsmy therapist arguing suicidal people attempting redflag want live bullshit suicidal people ive met whove attempted still suicidal including myself shes convinced shes read facts evidence suicidal people actually want live life good need saved somehow art horses even though genuinely want die therapists really want feel like theyre saving life heroic theyre saving people want die leaving suffering dont understand havent felt feel
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "heroic therapistsmy therapist arguing suicidal people attempting redflag want live bullshit suicidal people ive met whove attempted still suicidal including myself shes convinced shes read facts evidence suicidal people actually want live life good need saved somehow art horses even though genuinely want die therapists really want feel like theyre saving life heroic theyre saving people want die leaving suffering dont understand havent felt feel" ]
Heroica terapeutasmi terapeuta argumentando suicidas que intentan vivir mierda suicidas personas que han conocido a quien todavía intento suicida incluyéndome a mí misma está convencida de que lee hechos evidencia de que la gente suicida realmente quiere vivir una vida buena necesidad salvada de alguna manera arte caballos a pesar de que realmente quieren morir terapeutas realmente quieren sentir que están salvando vidas heroicas que están salvando a la gente quieren morir dejando sufrimiento no entienden no han sentido sentir
friends sent fucked texts give upall friends past fucked left major trust issues last friendship ended telling everyone ever talked toxic selfish despite fact always make time matter theyd get angry hung literally anyone else wanted die dont get along parents friends had ive known newer friends almost years thought finally friendship would last however today thought itd real funny pull epic prank pretended stalker kept leaving messages going see got work even gave location apartment pretty scared thought someone fucking me asked two friends like fucking times swore werent honestly assholes deserve oscar start believe person real anxiety making feel awful whole thing im literally near tears work messages wont stop even manager got worried said tell somebody go home early minutes later cue fucking assholes walk laughing say along planning longer scared id call police fucking furious laugh say oh youre actually angry left without even giving real apology and two adults theyre dumb teen knew scared panicking thought shit hilarious give up last straw me realize awful two make feel time im letting go anymore hate almost much hate point dont know im ever gonna trust anyone again know probably wont friends honestly thought lonely makes want die knows probably next days ill least gone end month know much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friends sent fucked texts give upall friends past fucked left major trust issues last friendship ended telling everyone ever talked toxic selfish despite fact always make time matter theyd get angry hung literally anyone else wanted die dont get along parents friends had ive known newer friends almost years thought finally friendship would last however today thought itd real funny pull epic prank pretended stalker kept leaving messages going see got work even gave location apartment pretty scared thought someone fucking me asked two friends like fucking times swore werent honestly assholes deserve oscar start believe person real anxiety making feel awful whole thingim literally near tears work messages wont stop even manager got worried said tell somebody go home early minutes later cue fucking assholes walk laughing say along planning longer scared id call police fucking furious laugh", "say oh youre actually angry left without even giving real apology and two adults theyre dumb teen knew scared panicking thought shit hilarious give up last straw me realize awful two make feel time im letting go anymore hate almost much hate point dont know im ever gonna trust anyone again know probably wont friends honestly thought lonely makes want die knows probably next days ill least gone end month know much" ]
amigos enviaron textos jodidos entregar a todos los amigos pasado follada izquierda grandes problemas de confianza última amistad terminó diciendo a todos nunca hablado tóxico egoísta a pesar de hecho siempre hacer que el tiempo importa que se enojen colgar literalmente cualquier otro quería morir no llevarse bien padres amigos había conocido amigos más nuevos casi años pensó que finalmente la amistad duraría sin embargo hoy pensó que realmente divertido tirón épica broma pretendió acosador seguía dejando mensajes ir al trabajo incluso dio apartamento lugar bastante asustado pensamiento alguien me preguntó dos putas veces juró no eran honestamente imbéciles merecer oscar empezar creer persona verdadera ansiedad hacer sentir horrible todo thingim literalmente cerca de lágrimas mensajes de trabajo no se detendrá incluso gerente se preocupa dijo decirle a alguien ir a casa temprano minutos más tarde señal imbéciles caminar risas decir a lo largo planificación más asustado id llamar a la policía puta risa furiosa
thinking ending allim long time stalker subreddit know strange thing say thinking ending many occasions feels like ever increasing feeling like right thing do right fiance friends work guess would lessen impact finding me also wondering things could do tidy things could make things easier handle passing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thinking ending allim long time stalker subreddit know strange thing say thinking ending many occasions feels like ever increasing feeling like right thing do right fiance friends work guess would lessen impact finding me also wondering things could do tidy things could make things easier handle passing" ]
pensar terminar alli mucho tiempo acosador subreddit saber cosa extraña decir pensar terminar muchas ocasiones se siente como siempre creciente sentir como lo correcto hacer bien amigos trabajo supongo que disminuiría el impacto al encontrarme también me pregunto cosas podría hacer cosas ordenadas podría hacer las cosas más fáciles pasar
worth livinggood evening everyone im sure correct place post oh well here suicidal thoughts since age never actually anything im writing despite thinking killing near future like living find boring nothing personally enjoy seeing people around depresses even more luckily enough blessed good family never notable problems trouble school trauma social problems despite thoughts while never told anyone apart teacher familiar with want hurt ones love me think therapy kind would help though tried yet point need live like anything do done at least thought about hate certain things like school even stuff necessarily hate like spending times loved ones boring pointless grow older feel trouble keep coming financially independent all want live pay taxes nothing truly live for know normal im oversensitive start thinking future end crying want live want end life front others always put fake smile invent random garbage goto job life would people look weirdly move on im tired that recently thoughts become stronger spending evenings roof idea yet impossibility im weak anyone situation ive tried setting goals stuff nothing gives live please give ideas otherwise would also appreciate ideas regarding painless ways go future thank taking time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "worth livinggood evening everyone im surecorrect place postoh well here suicidal thoughts since age never actually anything im writing despite thinking killing near future like living find boring nothing personally enjoy seeing people around depresses even more luckily enough blessed good family never notable problems trouble school trauma social problems despite thoughts while never told anyone apart teacher familiar with want hurt ones love me think therapy kind would help though tried yet point need live like anything do done at least thought about hate certain things like school even stuff necessarily hate like spending times loved ones boring pointless grow older feel trouble keep coming financially independent", "all want live pay taxes nothing truly live for know normal im oversensitive start thinking future end crying want live want end life front others always put fake smile invent random garbage goto job life would people look weirdly move on im tired that recently thoughts become stronger spending evenings roof idea yet impossibility im weak anyone situation ive tried setting goals stuff nothing gives live please give ideas otherwise would also appreciate ideas regarding painless ways go future thank taking time" ]
Vale la pena vivir buenas noches todo el mundo im cierto correcto lugar postoh bien aquí pensamientos suicidas desde la edad nunca en realidad nada im escribir a pesar de pensar matar cerca de futuro como vivir encontrar aburrido nada personalmente disfrutar de ver a la gente alrededor de las depresiones incluso lo suficientemente afortunadamente bien familia nunca problemas notables problemas problemas trauma escolar problemas sociales a pesar de los pensamientos mientras que nunca se le dijo a nadie aparte profesor familiarizado con querer lastimar a los que me aman creo que la clase de terapia me ayudaría aunque se intenta pero punto necesidad de vivir como cualquier cosa hecho por lo menos pensar en odiar ciertas cosas como la escuela incluso cosas necesariamente odio como pasar tiempo seres queridos aburridos envejecer sentir problemas seguir viniendo económicamente independiente
today sent sister image something think sent pic dick sickos today sent sister image little kid petting furry looked convincing enough dog still thinks dog wanna ruin her tldr sent picture kid petting furry sister thinks dog
[ "today sent sister image something think sent pic dick sickos today sent sister image little kid petting furry looked convincing enough dog still thinks dog wanna ruin her tldr sent picture kid petting furry sister thinks dog" ]
Hoy he enviado la imagen de la hermana algo creo enviado pic dick sickos hoy he enviado la imagen de la hermana pequeño niño petting peludo parecía convincente suficiente perro todavía piensa perro quiere arruinar su tldr enviado foto niño petting peludo hermana piensa perro
comment post noice this post was brought to you by noice gang
[ "comment post noice this post was brought to you by noice gang" ]
comentario post ruido este post fue traído a usted por la banda de ruido
ive made mindok im sad today fill paperwork guide dogs organisation doctors heres thing ive issues cant go details eat pretty good diet certainly type diet would cause major illness malnourishment feel ok eat onoff problems go away little while come back ive accepted fact health change actually terrible problems get uncomfortable doctors tried help me recurring issues curing properly meaning fix issues come back time due complicating circumstances doctors careful medicines give me means im restricted medications currently taking medicines good thing anyway doctors done best ive tolerated issues long enough im willing keep persisting getting better swimming current guys going start making memories long willing certain point patience finally runs out retiring good luck guys tank support led give much appreciated but ive made decision live much happy life can im saying peace out quality life quantity life me take care guys im putting life order take while doctor comes brilliant solution thats good stands currently im buying time im worn thin life get better
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive made mindok im sad today fill paperwork guide dogs organisation doctors heres thing ive issues cant go details eat pretty good diet certainly type diet would cause major illness malnourishment feel ok eat onoff problems go away little while come back ive accepted fact health change actually terrible problems get uncomfortable doctors tried help me recurring issues curing properly meaning fix issues come back time due complicating circumstances doctors careful medicines give me means im restricted medications currently taking medicines good thing anyway doctors done best ive tolerated issues long enough im willing keep persisting getting better swimming current guys going start making memories long willing certain point patience finally runs out retiring good luck guys tank support led give much appreciatedbut ive made decision live much happy life can im saying peace out quality life quantity life me take care guys im putting life order take while doctor comes brilliant solution thats good stands currently im buying time im worn thin life get better" ]
ive made mindok im triste hoy llenar papeleo guía perros organización médicos heres thing ive issues not go detalles comer bastante buena dieta ciertamente tipo dieta causaría enfermedad grave malnutrición se siente bien comer off problemas desaparecen poco mientras que volver ive aceptado hecho cambio de salud en realidad problemas terribles tratar a los médicos me ayudan problemas recurrentes curar correctamente significado problemas volver tiempo debido a circunstancias complicadas médicos medicamentos cuidadosos me dan medios im medicamentos restringidos tomar medicamentos buena cosa de todos modos los médicos hecho mejor ive tolered problemas lo suficiente im dispuesto seguir persistiendo conseguir mejor natación actuales chicos van a empezar a hacer memorias mucho querer cierto punto paciencia finalmente se acaba retiro buena suerte chicos apoyo tanque led dar mucho aprecio pero ive hecho vida vida mucho feliz puede im decir paz calidad de vida cantidad de vida me toman cuidado im poner orden de vida tomar mientras que el médico viene brillante solución que buenos stands actualmente im compra tiempo im vida delgada se ponen mejor
anyone lay dark think different ways dyingam one somehow find strange peace knowing one absolute way end hurt courage go it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone lay dark think different ways dyingam one somehow find strange peace knowing one absolute way end hurt courage go it" ]
alguien yacía oscuro pensar diferentes maneras de morir uno de alguna manera encuentra extraña paz sabiendo una manera absoluta final dolor coraje ir
someone send jail ive got much horny system cant contained
[ "someone send jail ive got much horny system cant contained" ]
alguien envía a la cárcel tiene mucho sistema cachondo no puede contener
alright am everybody persevere stay til sunrise think
[ "alright am everybody persevere stay til sunrise think" ]
Muy bien, todos perseveran hasta que el amanecer piense.
let spare dream suffering depression years ongoing headw meds side almost major life evens graduations travelling solo cover everything recently seen change destructive behaviour evolving pill popping major alcoholism sober now isolation even recent thing seem piercings professional experience whatsoever stick poke gave pricing tattoos separately prior idea scare me past months given least piercings night confines bathroom ashamed even though live alone never hidden coping mechanism seems foreign externally puppettered idk asking anymore feels like behaviours brain adjust according going headampxbi sorry incoherent mind mush nose hurts like bitch last piercing gave lol half bad immediate response self destructive behaviour evolve change circumstances sometimes smarter us
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "let spare dream suffering depression years ongoing headw meds side almost major life evens graduations travelling solo cover everything recently seen change destructive behaviour evolving pill popping major alcoholism sober now isolation even recent thing seem piercings professional experience whatsoever stick poke gave pricing tattoos separately prior idea scare me past months given least piercings night confines bathroom ashamed even though live alone never hidden coping mechanism seems foreign externally puppettered idk asking anymore feels like behaviours brain adjust according going headampxbi sorry incoherent mind mush nose hurts like bitch last piercing gave lol half bad immediate response self destructive behaviour evolve change circumstances sometimes smarter us" ]
Deja que el sueño de repuesto sufrimiento depresión años continua cabeza meds lado casi mayor vida pares graduaciones viajando solo cubrir todo cambio recientemente visto comportamiento destructivo evolución píldora popping alcoholismo mayor sobriedad ahora aislamiento incluso cosa reciente parece piercings experiencia profesional cualquier palo poke dio precios tatuajes por separado idea previa me asusta los últimos meses dado menos piercings noche confines cuarto de baño vergüenza a pesar de vivir solo nunca oculto mecanismo de afrontamiento parece externamente titiritero idk preguntar más se siente como comportamientos cerebro ajuste según va cabezampxbi lo siento mente incoherente mush nariz duele como perra último piercing dio lol media mala respuesta inmediata comportamiento autodestructivo evolucionan circunstancias cambio a veces más inteligentes nos
posting ara ara forget day ara ara
[ "posting ara ara forget day ara ara" ]
Publicando ara ara olvidar el día ara ara
less want die want liveif switch end life think would pressed now whole process dying scares me want leave body mess definitely want make unsuccessful attempt want another years living life long already enough good bits make bad lonliness
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "less want die want liveif switch end life think would pressed now whole process dying scares me want leave body mess definitely want make unsuccessful attempt want another years living life long already enough good bits make bad lonliness" ]
menos quiero morir quiero vivir si cambio fin de la vida pensar ahora todo el proceso morir me asusta quiero dejar cuerpo desastre definitivamente quiero hacer intento sin éxito quiero otros años vivir la vida ya lo suficiente buenas bits hacer mala soledad
arm become snake thanks obama care got fucky wucky arm fixed got kicked balls bear left kind redflag scar obama care exist would cost arm leg thats epic bruh moment epic victory royale plas vote election thanks bois girls bears
[ "arm become snake thanksobama care got fucky wucky arm fixed got kicked balls bear left kind redflag scar obama care exist would cost arm leg thats epic bruh moment epic victory royale plas vote election thanks bois girls bears" ]
brazo se convierte en serpiente gracias cuidado obama consiguió puto brazo wucky arreglado recibió pelotas pateadas oso izquierda especie bandera roja cicatriz obama cuidado existir costaría pierna brazo esos épico bruh momento épico victoria royale plas votación elección gracias bois chicas osos
want feel pretty area girls blonde skinny short thick latinas considered beautiful hot one blasian brown eyed girl am gets treated terribly im always ugly friend always tall boys told arms long im built like man makes sad cant help im made pretty too im smart im funny bake cook like sports pretty much anything im open minded always gets taken granted im addison rae look alike
[ "want feel pretty area girls blonde skinny short thick latinas considered beautiful hot one blasian brown eyed girl am gets treated terribly im always ugly friend always tall boys told arms long im built like man makes sad cant help im made pretty too im smartim funny bake cook like sports pretty much anything im open minded always gets taken grantedim addison rae look alike" ]
quiero sentir zona bonita chicas rubia flaco corto grueso latinas considerado hermoso caliente un blasian marrón ojo chica am recibe tratamiento terriblemente im siempre feo amigo siempre altos chicos contaron brazos largos im construido como hombre hace triste cant ayuda im hecho bastante im smartim divertido hornear cocinar como deportes casi cualquier cosa im mente abierta siempre se da por sentadoim addison rae se ven igual
hope catch covid diebecause im pussy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hope catch covid diebecause im pussy" ]
esperanza coger covid morir porque im coño
takewho q good resource prescriptions much take finish
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "takewho q good resource prescriptions much take finish" ]
takewho q buen recurso recetas mucho tomar acabado
life going nowhere lost half money saving past year fulltime job stock market stupid absolutely despise work done show lack compassion caregiving world little valued employee let ruin mentally scared quitting trying find new one lacking self confidence would able anything else isolated longer friends anyone talk outside family cannot form close notredflag everyday depressed anxious redflaged life world current state mind failed nearly everything tried work minimum wage job blew opportunity graduate college find good career put living life becoming adult skills hobbies interests awkward cannot express emotionally intimately another person virgin adult relationship see reason smoke eat drink death fuck shattered hopes dreams ability sense normalcy life best option get gun go forest shoot head falling cliff everything life absurd hate it seriously thinking buying gun online
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life going nowhere lost half money saving past year fulltime job stock market stupid absolutely despise work done show lack compassion caregiving world little valued employee let ruin mentally scared quitting trying find new one lacking self confidence would able anything else isolated longer friends anyone talk outside family cannot form close notredflag everyday depressed anxious redflaged life world current state mind failed nearly everything tried work minimum wage job blew opportunity graduate college find good career put living life becoming adult skills hobbies interests awkward cannot express emotionally intimately another person virgin adult relationship see reason smoke eat drink death fuck shattered hopes dreams ability sense normalcy life best option get gun go forest shoot head falling cliff everything life absurd hate it seriously thinking buying gun online" ]
vida yendo a ninguna parte perdido medio dinero ahorrando el año pasado empleo a tiempo completo mercado de valores estúpido absolutamente despreciado trabajo hecho mostrar falta de compasión cuidadondo mundo poco valioso empleado dejar arruinar mentalmente asustado dejar de tratar de encontrar nuevo uno carece de confianza en sí mismo podría cualquier otra cosa aislado amigos más largos nadie hablar fuera de la familia no puede formar cerca noredflag diario deprimido ansioso rojo flaged vida mundo actual estado mente falló casi todo lo tratado trabajo salario mínimo trabajo soplado oportunidad graduado universidad encontrar buena carrera poner vida vida convertirse en adultos habilidades hobbies intereses incómodos no puede expresar emocionalmente otra persona virgen adulto relación ver razón humo comer muerte mierda sueños capacidad sentido normalidad vida mejor opción conseguir arma ir bosque disparar cabeza acantilado todo absurdo odio seriamente pensando comprar arma en línea
ive seen nsna ive seen roger moorefilms must say felt good see connery again proves times one bondbr br the film really masterpiece really worth watching jokes sit much better here effects funny interesting connery connery brandauer really good villain von sydow wasted score often good scenes seem pretty unnecessarybr br
[ "ive seen nsna ive seen roger moorefilms must say felt good see connery again proves times one bondbr br the film really masterpiece really worth watching jokes sit much better here effects funny interesting connery connery brandauer really good villain von sydow wasted score often good scenes seem pretty unnecessarybr br" ]
ive see nsna ive see roger moorefilms debe decir sentirse bien ver connery de nuevo prueba veces un bondbr br la película realmente obra maestra realmente vale la pena ver chistes sentarse mucho mejor aquí efectos divertidos interesante connery connery brandauer muy bueno villano von sydow puntuación perdida a menudo buenas escenas parecen bastante innecesario br br
petshonestly want write long pity backstory experienced goes nowhere ill try brief generically nothing left besides pets become anchor life reason live dreams hopeless point family split hardly factor before anyone goes think loved ones none sorry fault frankly know nobody blame myself short definition failure burned bridges disappointments point wound alone cant keep relationships cannot escape scars past dont enough money time keep around happy spills friendship too thats fact aside good way make sure pets cats taken care of are different one nice doesnt get along well pets is slow slow hes bit chunky sweet uses claws much eccentric litter generally good way making sure taken care of ampxb theyre still pretty young waiting another years feeling like this really feasible planning immediately done pretty thorough research better get ducks row tips
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "petshonestly want write long pity backstory experienced goes nowhere ill try brief generically nothing left besides pets become anchor life reason live dreams hopeless point family split hardly factor before anyone goes think loved ones none sorry fault frankly know nobody blame myself short definition failure burned bridges disappointments point wound alone cant keep relationships cannot escape scars past dont enough money time keep around happy spills friendship too thats fact aside good way make sure pets cats taken care of are different one nice doesnt get along well pets is slowslowhes bit chunky sweet uses claws much eccentric litter generally good way making sure taken care of ampxb theyre still pretty young waiting another years feeling like this really feasible planning immediately done pretty thorough research better get ducks row tips" ]
petshonestly want write long compaty backstory experience va a ninguna parte mal intentar breve genéricamente nada más que mascotas se convierten en ancla vida razón vivir sueños sin esperanza punto familia división apenas factor antes de que alguien vaya pensar seres queridos ninguno la culpa francamente saber nadie culpa a mí corta definición falla puentes decepciones punto herida solo cant mantener relaciones no puede escapar cicatrices pasado no suficiente dinero tiempo mantener alrededor feliz derrame amistad también que hecho a un lado buena manera asegurarse de mascotas gatos cuidado de son diferentes uno agradable no se llevan bien mascotas es lentoslentohes poco gruesos dulces usos garras muy excéntricos camada generalmente buena manera asegurarse de cuidar ampxb were bastante joven esperando otro año sentir como esta planificación realmente factible inmediatamente hecho bastante exhaustiva investigación mejor conseguir patos fila consejos
goodbye guessi need help wanna kill myself im gonna probably school much pain possible cant keep up anxiety full bus really problem me option get school wanna cry scream whatever im emotionless fuck wrong happy problem free child think expectations high complain fucking child others bigger problems bitching it never asked girl feel comfortable body old enough knife gun yet brothers friend got swiss army knife sooo fucking enough shit tough failure anymore redflag lists bye loved
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "goodbye guessi need help wanna kill myself im gonna probably school much pain possible cant keep up anxiety full bus really problem me option get school wanna cry scream whatever im emotionless fuck wrong happy problem free child think expectations high complain fucking child others bigger problems bitching it never asked girl feel comfortable body old enough knife gun yet brothers friend got swiss army knife sooo fucking enough shit tough failure anymore redflag lists bye loved" ]
Adiós, supongo que necesito ayuda para matarme. Probablemente voy a ir a la escuela mucho dolor posible no puedo mantener la ansiedad bus completo realmente problema me opción conseguir escuela quiero llorar gritar lo que sea im sin emociones mierda mal problema feliz niño libre pensar expectativas alto quejarse puto niño otros problemas más grandes quejándose nunca se le preguntó a la chica sentirse cómodo cuerpo lo suficientemente viejo cuchillo arma sin embargo hermanos amigo tengo Suiza cuchillo ejército sooo mierda suficiente duro fracaso más Redflag listas bye amado
anyone cry anymorebeen lot first girlfriend actually really cared broke yesterday cause bored ive lost relationships family drug use im sad feel like could cry million tears cant havent cried years even shit make me friends redflag attempts mums cancer diagnosis losing friends moving cant cry cant let out makes feel really bad know guys shits tough holding redflag want ex girlfriend feeling responsible starting get closer closer thank guys love you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone cry anymorebeen lot first girlfriend actually really cared broke yesterday cause boredive lost relationships family drug use im sad feel like could cry million tears cant havent cried years even shit make me friends redflag attempts mums cancer diagnosis losing friends moving cant cry cant let out makes feel really bad know guys shits tough holding redflag want ex girlfriend feeling responsible starting get closer closer thank guys love you" ]
nadie llorar másbeen mucho primera novia realmente se preocupaba roto ayer causa aburrido relaciones perdidas familia drogas uso im triste sentir como podría llorar millones de lágrimas no puede haber llorado años incluso mierda me hacen amigos Redflag intentos de mamás cáncer diagnóstico perder amigos movimiento no puede llorar no puede dejar de salir hace sentirse muy mal saber chicos mierdas duro sosteniendo Redflag quieren ex novia sentirse responsable empezar a acercarse más gracias chicos amor
see reasonso yeah first time wright thoughts depending life redflag down real name max im years old live small city germany called trier look like normal person nothing special pretend im fine year now im supposed job get life right road germany still live motto arbeit macht frei work makes free even were allowed say this sure live it anything less worth hoboshit people pretend want help tell lie look think theyre better you someone kills pretend knew thing someone goes rampage blame media question innocence victims say life get better really see light end tunnel im tired people need help psychological trashcan react pissed need talk im tired wasting mind worth it know life unfair honestly feel sympathy start shooting revenge teacher look away bosses also everybody looks away comes confrontation someone finally gets revenge unfair shit loneliness hate went trough hes villain brought far live like never happened continue bullshit say follow picture justice know mother would life worth living thats reason cant it often think killing solution voice says cut open gets louder day day also thought taking brought far me like said want mother live thoughts son something like this father touched back like game know happened school pure terror stole stuff again got hit often stopped counting tried convince teachers im neonazi nearly successful teachers said could tell something happened did respond supposed do one helped me brother help me teachers help principle didnt life fight me want live rules darwinism know change thing im bad guy played many egoshooter listened metal thats spare energy put life end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "see reasonsoyeah first time wright thoughts depending life redflag down real name max im years old live small city germany called trier look like normal person nothing special pretend im fine year now im supposed job get life right road germany still live motto arbeit macht frei work makes free even were allowed say this sure live it anything less worth hoboshit people pretend want help tell lie look think theyre better you someone kills pretend knew thing someone goes rampage blame media question innocence victims say life get better really see light end tunnel im tired people need help psychological trashcan react pissed need talk", "im tired wasting mind worth it know life unfair honestly feel sympathy start shooting revenge teacher look away bosses also everybody looks away comes confrontation someone finally gets revenge unfair shit loneliness hate went trough hes villain brought far live like never happened continue bullshit say follow picture justice know mother would life worth living thats reason cant it often think killing solution voice says cut open gets louder day day also thought taking brought far me like said want mother live thoughts son something like this father touched back like game know happened school pure terror stole stuff again got hit often stopped counting tried convince teachers im neonazi nearly successful teachers said could tell something happened did respond supposed do one helped me brother help me teachers help principle didnt life fight me want live rules darwinism know change thing im bad guy played many egoshooter listened metal thats spare energy put life end" ]
ver razonesoyeah primera vez pensamientos wright dependiendo de la vida rojo bandera abajo nombre real max im años de edad vivir pequeña ciudad alemana llamado trier aspecto como persona normal nada especial finge im fingido año ahora im supuesto trabajo conseguir la vida bien carretera Alemania todavía vivo lema arbeit macht frei trabajo hace gratis incluso se les permitió decir esto seguro vivir cualquier cosa menos vale hoboshit gente pretender que quieren ayuda decir mentira mirada piensan que son mejores que alguien mata pretende saber lo que alguien va descontrolada culpa medios pregunta víctimas dicen la vida se ponen mejor ver luz final túnel im cansados gente necesita ayuda basura psicológica puede reaccionar enojado necesidad hablar
due fairly mild heart condition likely wont able drink alcohol smoke weed basically orthostatic hypotension stand blood pressure drops time problem every years get bad attack days ago worst due multiplle factors passed like times convulsed span minutes middle dang cvs decided actually look condition basically since alcohol weed lower heart rate heart rate already low recommended dont either wasnt hyped alcohol wouldve nice try weed get older
[ "due fairly mild heart condition likely wont able drink alcohol smoke weed basically orthostatic hypotension stand blood pressure drops time problem every years get bad attack days ago worst due multiplle factors passed like times convulsed span minutes middle dang cvs decided actually look condition basically since alcohol weed lower heart rate heart rate already low recommended dont either wasnt hyped alcohol wouldve nice try weed get older" ]
debido a una condición cardíaca bastante leve probablemente no podrá beber alcohol humo hierba básicamente hipotensión ortostática soportar caídas de la presión arterial problema de tiempo cada año tener mal ataque hace días peor debido a factores multiplle pasados como tiempos convulsionados lapso minutos dang medio cvs decidió realmente mirar condición básicamente ya que el alcohol mala frecuencia cardíaca baja frecuencia cardíaca ya se recomienda no ni siquiera alcohol histé wouldve buen intento maleza envejecer
ive cursed comments days row why cursed holy sheep
[ "ive cursed comments days row why cursed holy sheep" ]
live malditos comentarios días fila por qué maldita oveja santa
falsely accused sexual harrasment earlier today im confused hear happening time never thought would happen
[ "falsely accused sexual harrasment earlier today im confused hear happening time never thought would happen" ]
falsamente acusado acoso sexual temprano hoy me confundí escuchar que sucedeba el tiempo nunca pensé que sucedería
anyone want chat idk like dm u do im probably gonna go sleep soon tho respond im probably sleeping
[ "anyone want chat idk like dm u do im probably gonna go sleep soon tho respond im probably sleeping" ]
alguien quiere chat idk como dm u do im probablemente va a dormir pronto tho responder im probablemente durmiendo
people say film typical teen horror movie well horror movie teenage girl it expect good film counted actual screams audience whilst film jumpy scary film bored film point even edge seat one point thing slightly bad tiny bit slow getting actual storyline led happened happened acting good scenery good storyline good too hope see when stranger calls months good film
[ "people say film typical teen horror movie well horror movie teenage girl it expect good film counted actual screams audience whilst film jumpy scary film bored film point even edge seat one point thing slightly bad tiny bit slowgetting actual storyline led happened happened acting good scenery good storyline good too hope see when stranger calls months good film" ]
la gente dice película típica adolescente película de terror bien película de terror adolescente espera buena película cuenta real gritos audiencia mientras que la película nervioso película miedo aburrido punto de película incluso borde asiento de un punto algo levemente malo poco lento ledgetting real historia led sucedió actuando buen paisaje buena historia buena también esperanza ver cuando el desconocido llama meses buena película
better omegle hey yall anyone know sites similar omegle without dicks like talking random people lmao
[ "better omegle hey yall anyone know sites similar omegle without dicks like talking random people lmao" ]
mejor omegle hey yall cualquiera sabe sitios similares omegle sin pollas como hablar gente al azar lmmao
want interesting chat dms open chat anything really crazy stuff weird shit vent rant
[ "want interesting chat dms open chat anything really crazy stuff weird shit vent rant" ]
quieren charla interesante dms chat abierto cualquier cosa realmente loco raro mierda de ventilación despotricar
appreciation post ubellamtzzz fucking hate bitch fine cause baes asf
[ "appreciation post ubellamtzzz fucking hate bitch fine cause baes asf" ]
apreciación post ubellamtzzz puta odio bien causa baes asf
wanting dead years waiting wanting good moments change bad do amount amount good change bad matter hard try better even seem better matter time revert back monster seems lll always be pushing boulder hill matter close get top rolls back down wish would finally end good dying hard like everything else
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wanting dead years waiting wanting good moments change bad do amount amount good change bad matter hard try better even seem better matter time revert back monster seems lll always be pushing boulder hill matter close get top rolls back down wish would finally end good dying hard like everything else" ]
querer años muertos esperando querer buenos momentos cambio malo cantidad buena cambio mal materia duro intentar mejor incluso parece mejor materia tiempo volver monstruo parece que siempre va a empujar colina colina materia cerca conseguir arriba rollos de vuelta abajo deseo finalmente terminar bien morir duro como todo lo demás
uhh liking guy like never responding clown hours anyway hows everybody life super super duper boring rn tell exciting things youre make feel excited
[ "uhh liking guy like never responding clown hours anyway hows everybody life super super duper boring rn tell exciting things youre make feel excited" ]
uhh gusta chico como nunca responder horas payaso de todos modos cómo todo el mundo vida super super duper aburrido rn decir cosas emocionantes que estás hacer sentir emocionado
sure movie historically accurate great entertainment demille pictures especially later epics slow plodding action moves clip story basically series peaks little quiet moments action takes us indian raid cabin one best parts movie jean arthur excellent attempting appease warpainted natives followed cooper taken war camp tortured later comes protracted battle cheyenne whole thing ridiculous great fun entertaining start finish jean arthur one best actresses era shines here
[ "sure movie historically accurate great entertainment demille pictures especially laterepics slow plodding action moves clip story basically series peaks little quiet moments action takes us indian raid cabin one best parts movie jean arthur excellent attempting appease warpainted natives followed cooper taken war camp tortured later comes protracted battle cheyenne whole thing ridiculous great fun entertaining start finish jean arthur one best actresses era shines here" ]
seguro película históricamente precisa gran entretenimiento demille imágenes especialmente latepépicas lento plodding acción movimientos clip historia básicamente series picos pequeños momentos tranquilos acción nos lleva indian cabina una mejor parte película jean arthur excelente intento de apaciguar la guerra pintados nativos seguido Cooper tomado campo de guerra torturado más tarde viene larga batalla cheyenne toda cosa ridícula gran diversión entretenido comienzo final jean arthur una mejor era actrices brilla aquí
reasons leave sub unfunny posts plague sub every weeks sexism lies karmawhoring pedophilia stolen ideas
[ "reasons leave sub unfunny posts plague sub every weeks sexism lies karmawhoring pedophilia stolen ideas" ]
Razones dejar sub unfunny posts peste sub cada semana sexismo mentiras karma prostituyendo pedofilia ideas robadas
want die again anything sad anymoreim confused im happy everything going good life im starting feel better appearance urge go lay snow freeze death overwhelming im even sure im posting here know damn well guts it guess im hoping talk something
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want die again anything sad anymoreim confused im happy everything going good life im starting feel better appearance urge go lay snow freeze death overwhelmingim even sure im posting here know damn well guts it guess im hoping talk something" ]
Quiero morir de nuevo cualquier cosa triste másim confundido im feliz todo va bien vida im comienzo sentir mejor apariencia impulso ir tumbar nieve helada muerte abrumadorim incluso seguro im publicar aquí sabe malditamente bien tripas supongo que im esperanza de hablar de algo
truly remarkable film takes journey hidden emotionsa deep enlightening story story takes lives beliefs gay religious cultures excellent performances superb star cast touch deepest reaches emotions belief love risks nothing worth nothing film starts introducing us characters surface seem everything later find beneath surfaces character looking journey self discovery learn story must chose path life destined despite difficulties encounteran thumbs film
[ "truly remarkable film takes journey hidden emotionsa deep enlightening story story takes lives beliefs gay religious cultures excellent performances superb star cast touch deepest reaches emotions belief love risks nothing worth nothing film starts introducing us characters surface seem everything later find beneath surfaces character looking journey self discovery learn story must chose path life destined despite difficulties encounteran thumbs film" ]
película verdaderamente notable toma viaje emociones ocultas una historia profunda esclarecedora historia toma vidas creencias gay culturas religiosas excelentes actuaciones magnífica estrella elenco toque más profundo emociones creencia amor riesgos nada vale nada película comienza introduciéndonos personajes superficie parece todo más tarde encontrar debajo de superficies carácter mirando viaje auto descubrimiento aprender historia debe elegir camino vida destinada a pesar de dificultades encontrar pulgares película
first thanks everyone submitted request lot great requests wish could fulfill all win time please keep visiting rredflag im sure well back laptops giveaway near future winners announced subject verification details outlined original post replied im received within hours disqualified another person need selected
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "first thanks everyone submitted request lot great requests wish could fulfill all win time please keep visiting rredflagim sure well back laptops giveaway near future winners announced subject verification details outlined original post replied im received within hours disqualified another person need selected" ]
primero gracias todo el mundo enviado solicitud lote grandes solicitudes deseo podría cumplir todos los tiempos de ganar por favor siga visitando rredflagim seguro bien back laptops regalo cerca de futuros ganadores anunciados asunto detalles de verificación delineado original post contestado im recibido en horas descalificado otra persona necesita seleccionada
coming guy prefer special type girls please nice give lots hugs cuddles
[ "coming guy prefer special type girls please nice give lots hugs cuddles" ]
viene chico prefieren chicas tipo especial por favor agradable dar un montón de abrazos abrazos
teachers dress classroom biggest sweethearts ever made fun trying bring joyfulness teachers dress bring joy classroom sweetest things ever trying bring happiness laughs classroom appreciated maybe even bring candy room decorations opinion deserve raise acts kindness made fun acting silly amp fun
[ "teachers dress classroom biggest sweethearts ever made fun trying bring joyfulness teachers dress bring joy classroom sweetest things ever trying bring happiness laughs classroom appreciated maybe even bring candy room decorations opinion deserve raise acts kindness made fun acting silly amp fun" ]
profesores vestido aula más grandes novios nunca hecho diversión tratando de traer alegría profesores vestido traer alegría aula cosas más dulces nunca tratando de traer felicidad risas aula apreciada tal vez incluso traer dulces decoración habitación opinión merece elevar actos amabilidad hecho diversión actuación tonto amplificador diversión
anyone else get like sometimes struggle mental health problems dont really know me days really mood open problems im order improve myself soon im sitting someone actually struggle fully honest end downplaying things im thinking whole lot actually comes talks kinda want talk bout crap going comes freeze act like everythings going good
[ "anyone else get like sometimes struggle mental health problems dont really know me days really mood open problems im order improve myself soon im sitting someone actually struggle fully honest end downplaying things im thinking whole lot actually comes talks kinda want talk bout crap going comes freeze act like everythings going good" ]
alguien más se pone como a veces lucha problemas de salud mental realmente no me conocen días realmente estado de ánimo problemas abiertos im orden me mejoran pronto estoy sentado alguien realmente lucha totalmente honesto terminar restando importancia a las cosas im pensar que mucho en realidad viene charlas un poco quieren hablar de mierda va viene congelación actuar como todo va bien
think im scared idk whyi never met someone bigger loser myself left girl job friends come florida dad brother moved pipe dream said needed help pay bills always thought cant turn back family ive year friends im working two shit jobs living life bottle time go college im living parent age im always broke im awkward shy cant make conversation friends all ive never felt alone im options drive uber eats go bring reason cant know need never happy moved im happy now carry know stop pain fear wanna free cant i
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think im scared idk whyi never met someone bigger loser myself leftgirl job friends come florida dad brother moved pipe dream said needed help pay bills always thought cant turn back family ive year friends im working two shit jobs living life bottle time go college im living parent age im always broke im awkward shy cant make conversation friends all ive never felt alone im options drive uber eats go bring reason cant know need never happy moved im happy now carry know stop pain fear wanna free canti" ]
Creo que me asustó idk por qué nunca conocí a alguien más grande perdedor yo mismo izquierda chica trabajo amigos venir florida padre hermano movió pipe dream dijo que necesitaba ayuda pagar cuentas siempre pensé que no podía volver atrás familia año en vivo amigos im trabajo dos mierda trabajo vivir vida botella tiempo ir universidad im vida padre edad im siempre roto im torpe tímido no puedo hacer conversación amigos todos live nunca se sentían solos im opciones conducir uber come ir llevar razón no sé necesidad nunca feliz movió im feliz ahora llevar saber dejar de dolor miedo quiere libre canti
everything now even go seek happiness feels like pointless know distraction time right back started feeling living pointless motivation live ready go exhausting say least means go maybe guts makes feel trapped meaningless existence things stay alive upset others death knows long mentality carry though damn sure recommended one pointless
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everything now even go seek happiness feels like pointless know distraction time right back started feeling living pointless motivation live ready go exhausting say least means go maybe guts makes feel trapped meaningless existence things stay alive upset others death knows long mentality carry though damn sure recommended one pointless" ]
todo ahora incluso ir a buscar la felicidad se siente como sin sentido saber distracción tiempo de vuelta comenzó a sentir vida motivación sin sentido vivir listo ir agotador decir menos medios ir tal vez tripas hace sentir atrapado existencia sin sentido cosas mantenerse vivo molestos otros la muerte sabe larga mentalidad llevar aunque malditamente seguro recomendado uno inútil
parents happy lately cant remember last time yelled us weird maybe finally replaced batteries know mean what mean
[ "parents happy lately cant remember last time yelled us weird maybe finally replaced batteries know mean what mean" ]
padres felices últimamente no pueden recordar la última vez nos gritó raro tal vez finalmente reemplazar baterías saber significa lo que significa
entirely sure doi really want complainer whiner ive really hard time lately im beginning think need help growing whole life revolved around mom jealous condescending way required special treatment colon cancer traveling specialist specialist chemo treatment chemo treatment got used hospital environment soon enough settled fort knox ky louisville ky getting best treatment could best professionals field went well approaching last treatment surgery remove last cancer around colon would free battle shed fought many years long story short last surgery go way doctors planned short stem cancer thought disconnected body fact connected heart slight tug resulted catastrophe year old child hard believe news fact next year rounding corner hope standing porch still lingers joke cruel sick joke corners rounded close times finally set in reality think thats depression began recovered time that senior year college tried taking life due rusty knife self actualization survived day im still struggling pretty poorly depression days good days debilitating cant admit family theyve suffered enough really really want get better im sure do im afraid go psychiatrist therapist im really feeling creep back anyone advice theyve done improve
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "entirely sure doi really want complainer whiner ive really hard time lately im beginning think need help growing whole life revolved around mom jealous condescending way required special treatment colon cancer traveling specialist specialist chemo treatment chemo treatment got used hospital environment soon enough settled fort knox ky louisville ky getting best treatment could best professionals field went well approaching last treatment surgery remove last cancer around colon would free battle shed fought many years long story short last surgery go way doctors planned short stem cancer thought disconnected body fact connected heart slight tug resulted catastrophe year old child hard believe news fact next year rounding corner hope standing porch still lingers joke cruel sick joke corners rounded close times finally set in reality think thats depression began recovered time that senior year college tried taking life due rusty knife self actualization survived day im still struggling pretty poorly depression days good days debilitating cant admit family theyve suffered enough really really want get betterim sure do im afraid go psychiatrist therapist", "im really feeling creep back anyone advice theyve done improve" ]
completamente seguro doi realmente quiero quejarse lloriqueo ive realmente duro tiempo últimamente estoy empezando a pensar necesidad ayuda crecer toda la vida girada en torno a mamá celosa manera condescendiente requerido tratamiento especial cáncer de colon viaje especialista tratamiento quimio tratamiento quimio tratamiento usado hospital ambiente lo suficientemente pronto establecido fort knox ky louisville ky conseguir mejor tratamiento podría mejor campo profesionales se acercó bien último tratamiento cirugía eliminar último cáncer alrededor colon libre luchado larga historia corta última cirugía ir manera médicos planificado corto cáncer de tronco pensamiento desconectado hecho del cuerpo conectado corazón ligero remolcado resultado catástrofe año viejo niño duro creer noticia hecho el próximo año vuelta esquina esperanza de pie porche todavía persistente broma cruel broma esquinas cerca redondeado tiempos cerrados finalmente establecidos en la realidad creo que la depresión comenzó tiempo recuperado que la universidad de último año trató de tomar la vida debido a la oxidación cuchillo auto actualización sobrevivió día im todavía luchando muy pobre depresión días buenos días no pueden admitir familia que han sufrido bastante realmente quieren obtener Better
one lines trailer film publicists exaggerate six featured players screen time goodbr br its always fascinating certain plot premises worked either highballing comedy deadly serious situation mary boland ditzy charlie ruggles henpecked play usual characters planning motor way california share expenses advertise someone share ride get burns allen monster dog premise deadly serious one several generations later kaliforniabr br of course traveling gracie allen know going going absolutely nuts trying figure monty pythonesque reasoning whole world aint enough get run wc fields part time sheriff full time pool hustler whos living sin alison skipworth back delve thingsbr br a real classic comedy thirties missed
[ "one lines trailer film publicists exaggerate six featured players screen time goodbr br its always fascinating certain plot premises worked either highballing comedy deadly serious situation mary boland ditzy charlie ruggles henpecked play usual characters planning motor way california share expenses advertise someone share ride get burns allen monster dog premise deadly serious one several generations later kaliforniabr br of course traveling gracie allen know going going absolutely nuts trying figure monty pythonesque reasoning whole world aint enough get run wc fields part time sheriff full time pool hustler whos living sin alison skipworth back delve thingsbr br a real classic comedy thirties missed" ]
Una línea de trailer publicistas película exageran seis jugadores destacados pantalla tiempo br br br su siempre fascinante ciertas instalaciones de la trama trabajaron bien highballing comedia mortífera grave situación mary boland ditzy charlie ruggles henpecked juego personajes habituales planificación motor manera california compartir gastos anuncio alguien compartir paseo conseguir quemaduras monster dog premisa mortal serio una varias generaciones más tarde kaliforniabr br br por supuesto viajar gracie allen saber ir absolutamente loco tratando figura monty pythonesque razonamiento mundo entero lo suficiente conseguir correr wc campos a tiempo parcial sheriff tiempo completo pool chamker whats living sin alison skipworth volver delve thingsbr br una verdadera comedia clásica 30 años extrañados
shoutout high maintenance boys ive hearing lot abt guys dont want high maintenance girlfriend realised also lot high maintenance guys probably never get recocnised personal struggle high maintenance boys yall deserve love happyness world
[ "shoutout high maintenance boys ive hearing lot abt guys dont want high maintenance girlfriend realised also lot high maintenance guys probably never get recocnised personal struggle high maintenance boys yall deserve love happyness world" ]
chillon out de alto mantenimiento chicos ive audition lot abt chicos no quieren alta mantenimiento novia se dio cuenta también lote de alto mantenimiento chicos probablemente nunca conseguir reconocimiento lucha personal de alto mantenimiento chicos yall merecen amor feliz mundo
dead luckyi cant help think died lucky theres pain stress depression family friends homework work nun bliss want dont wanna wait anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dead luckyi cant help think died lucky theres pain stress depression family friends homework work nun bliss want dont wanna wait anymore" ]
muertos afortunados no pueden ayudar a pensar muertos afortunados no hay dolor estrés depresión familia amigos tarea trabajo monja bienaventuranza quieren no quiero esperar más
creating final playlistim thinking song or songs play way out religious person angry one want recall good times people cared for get lost melodrama heartbreak suggestions got me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "creating final playlistim thinking song or songs play way out religious person angry one want recall good times people cared for get lost melodrama heartbreak suggestions got me" ]
crear final playlistim pensamiento canción o canciones jugar manera persona religiosa enojado uno quiere recordar buenos tiempos la gente se preocupaba por perderse melodrama corazón rompe sugerencias me consiguió
panic attack rushed ampeit started morning today mom sister fighting supposed go lunch nice day kept arguing walking restaurant chest started hurting started hyperventilating lost balance felt like fainting happening mom screaming stop pretending kept shouting me left felt like dying almost fell middle road couple times sister drag back home went home locked room lost everything started screaming hyperventilating thinking maybe die could hear mom shouting screaming asking stop telling im making head panic attack couple times bad sister started freak cry point close fainting called taxi forced go aampe institute mental health lot shit happened cant seem look mom ever again feel like thinks im mental crazy would wanted hold hand tell okay instead leaving middle road screaming im back home one wants look talk way know relationship mom never never likes address depression always think head
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "panic attack rushed ampeit started morning today mom sister fighting supposed go lunch nice day kept arguing walking restaurant chest started hurting started hyperventilating lost balance felt like fainting happening mom screaming stop pretending kept shouting me left felt like dying almost fell middle road couple times sister drag back home went home locked room lost everything started screaming hyperventilating thinking maybe die could hear mom shouting screaming asking stop telling im making head panic attack couple times bad sister started freak cry point close fainting called taxi forced go aampe institute mental health lot shit happened cant seem look mom ever again feel like thinks im mental crazy would wanted hold hand tell okay instead leaving middle road screaming im back home one wants look talk way know relationship mom never never likes address depression always think head" ]
El ataque de pánico comenzó mañana mamá hermana pelea supuestamente ir almuerzo buen día siguió discutiendo caminar pecho del restaurante comenzó dolor hiperventilación equilibrio perdido se sentía como desmayarse pasando mamá gritos dejar de fingir me gritaba izquierda se sentía como morir casi caída carretera media par de veces hermana arrastrar volver a casa casa cerrado habitación perdido todo comenzó gritando hiperventilación pensar tal vez morir podría oír gritos gritando dejar de decir im hacer crisis de pánico en la cabeza un par de veces hermana mala comenzó punto de llanto extraño cerca desmayo llamado taxi forzado ir aampe instituto de salud mental mucho mierda pasó no puede parecer mirada mamá vuelve a sentir como piensa im loco loco querría tener la mano decir bien en lugar de dejar medio camino gritando en casa uno quiere mirar habla manera saber relación mamá nunca le gusta abordar la depresión siempre pensar cabeza
im fucking close ending allwhen eminem said when im gone carry mourn wish upon friends really considering redflag point hate life really see point it like peace life always depression even anti depressants really depression fucking tired everyday fake happy mom dad sister school counselors friends hurting inside much want pain end fucking ed fucking school front friends teacher staff taken restraints hospital hours upon end think that probably fucking helps shit make even suicidal permanent way end pain death cutting temporary solution literally fucking anyone sees tell someone trying get help good intentions always end going hospital want peace never ending depression tried hang twice stopped parents came home times tried od adderall adhd meds take enough fucking sick tired world become want end life really see future wretched thing call world like fucking real want emotional peace once
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im fucking close ending allwhen eminem said when im gone carry mourn wish upon friends really considering redflag point hate life really see point it like peace life always depression even anti depressants really depression fucking tired everyday fake happy mom dad sister school counselors friends hurting inside much want pain end fucking ed fucking school front friends teacher staff taken restraints hospital hours upon end think that probably fucking helps shit make even suicidal permanent way end pain death cutting temporary solution literally fucking anyone sees tell someone trying get help good intentions always end going hospital want peace never ending depression tried hang twice stopped parents came home times tried od adderall adhd meds take enough fucking sick tired world become want end life really see future wretched thing call world like fucking real want emotional peace once" ]
l mierda cerca terminar todo cuando eminem dijo cuando I ido llevar duelo deseo sobre amigos realmente considerando rojo punto odio vida realmente ver punto como paz vida siempre depresión incluso antidepresivos realmente depresión mierda cansado todos los días falso feliz mamá papá hermana escuela consejeros amigos dolor dentro mucho deseo final mierda Ed mierda escuela amigos frente profesor personal tomó restricciones hospital horas al final pensar que probablemente mierda ayuda a la mierda incluso suicida manera permanente fin dolor muerte cortar solución temporal literalmente alguien ve decirle a alguien tratando de conseguir ayuda buenas intenciones siempre terminan ir hospital quieren paz nunca terminar depresión intentado colgar dos veces paró padres llegó a casa tiempos probados od addall adhd meds tomar suficiente enfermo mundo cansado llegar a querer terminar la vida realmente ver futuro miserable cosa llamar mundo como mierda real quiere emocional paz una vez
nah redeeming qualities know posted looking votes shit something wrong me aware age friends matter effort matter notting doomed untill keel shit person
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nah redeeming qualities know posted looking votes shit something wrong me aware age friends matter effort matter notting doomed untill keel shit person" ]
Nah calidades redentoras saber publicado buscando votos mierda algo mal yo consciente edad amigos materia esfuerzo notando condenado hasta que la quilla mierda persona
feel like im drowningnot kind gasping air fighting hang kind moment finding bottom lake stuck mud giving up year absolutely awful ive lost friends work people grasp want everyone keeps asking im future plans even want alive nod say im fine keep putting people listen give advice rock want burden much effort wake productive want stop disappointment want stop being
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like im drowningnot kind gasping air fighting hang kind moment finding bottom lake stuck mud giving up year absolutely awfulive lost friends work people grasp want everyone keeps asking imfuture plans even want alive nod say im fine keep putting people listen give advice rock want burden much effort wake productive want stop disappointment want stop being" ]
se siente como me ahoganno tipo jadeo aire lucha cuelgan momento amable encontrar fondo lago pegado barro dando para arriba año absolutamente horrible perdido amigos trabajo la gente entiende quieren que todo el mundo sigue pidiendo planes infutuos incluso quieren vivo asienten decir im bien seguir poniendo a la gente escuchar dar consejos roca quieren carga mucho esfuerzo despertar productivo quieren detener la decepción quieren dejar de ser
thank youi posted days ago stressful job wife years telling love anymore still doesnt job still hell im ok even little bit im longer considering redflag option appreciate reached me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thank youi posted days ago stressful job wife years telling love anymore still doesnt job still hellim ok even little bit im longer considering redflag option appreciate reached me" ]
gracias youi publicado hace días trabajo estresante esposa años diciendo amor más todavía no trabajo todavía hellim ok incluso un poco más de tiempo teniendo en cuenta Redflag opción apreciar llegó a mí
shattered thread hang to name james httpiimgurcommllpng took picture see human behind post today calm voice agonizing night never ending memories asked speak ex years face face many months remaining feelings me shred hope tried hard guy met better that move forward could happy changing challenging every end finally felt like could cover promises much more good enough anymore ive depression sw another username guys really kept bay past couple months via skype sms pm im grateful lot you saw lot people also suffer really changes perspective exhausted bay abiding time loud enough siren call lead me saw light go completely words today know anymore im sitting front computer looking body tremble
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "shattered thread hang to name james httpiimgurcommllpng took picture see human behind post today calm voice agonizing night never ending memories asked speak ex years face face many months remaining feelings me shred hope tried hard guy met better that move forward could happy changing challenging every end finally felt like could cover promises much more good enough anymoreive depression sw another username guys really kept bay past couple months via skype sms pm im grateful lot you saw lot people also suffer really changes perspective exhausted bay abiding time loud enough siren call lead me saw light go completely words today know anymore im sitting front computer looking body tremble" ]
hilo roto colgar a nombre james httpiimgurcommllpng tomó una foto ver humano detrás de post hoy voz tranquila noche agonizante recuerdos nunca final pedido hablar ex años cara cara muchos meses restante sentimientos me trituran esperanza tratado duro chico se reunió mejor que moverse hacia adelante podría feliz cambio desafiante cada extremo finalmente se sintió como podría cubrir promesas mucho más bueno más moreive depresión sw otro nombre de usuario chicos realmente mantuvo la bahía pasados dos meses via skype sms pm im lote agradecido que viste mucho la gente también sufren realmente cambios perspectiva bahía agotado tiempo permanente ruidoso llamada me vio luz ir palabras completamente hoy saben más im sentado delante ordenador mirando cuerpo tiembla
cant ask helpyour whole life youre told certain people tell anything others tell brave reach out ashamed asking help all everybody hurts sometimes cant though ive done terrible things things plague mind day shame regret guilt constantly worry people think knew ive done hamster wheel never stops guess good thing way feelings constant reminder better person every night cry day face numb constant worry im worthy worthy things ive ever wanted secrets ill keep forever even professional dont know much longer keep up dont know do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant ask helpyour whole life youre told certain people tell anything others tell brave reach out ashamed asking help all everybody hurts sometimes cant though ive done terrible things things plague mind day shame regret guilt constantly worry people think knew ive done hamster wheel never stops guess good thing way feelings constant reminder better person every night cry day face numb constant worry im worthy worthy things ive ever wanted secrets ill keep forever even professional dont know much longer keep up dont know do" ]
No puedo pedir ayuda toda tu vida se le dijo a ciertas personas decir cualquier cosa que otros dicen valiente llegar avergonzado pedir ayuda todo el mundo duele a veces no puedo aunque live hecho cosas terribles plaga mente día vergüenza arrepentimiento culpa constantemente la gente piensa que sabía ive hecho rueda de hámster nunca deja de adivinar buena manera los sentimientos constante recordar mejor persona cada noche llorar día cara entumecimiento constante preocupación im digno cosas dignas ive siempre quiso secretos mal guardar para siempre incluso profesional no sé mucho más mantener el día no sé hacer
need help gfs redflagjust context gf years ago committed redflag brother sold drugs still dating time might sound real honestly need help ive tried therapists going grave daily writing things ive told help im still stuck bottom
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need help gfs redflagjust context gf years ago committed redflag brother sold drugs still dating time might sound real honestly need help ive tried therapists going grave daily writing things ive told helpim still stuck bottom" ]
Necesito ayuda gfs redflagjust context gf hace años cometido redflag hermano vendió drogas todavía salir tiempo podría sonar real honestamente necesidad de ayuda ive probado terapeutas ir grave diario escribir cosas ive le dijo a helpim todavía atascado fondo
boys skinny enough need skinnier filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "boys skinny enough need skinnier filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
chicos lo suficientemente delgados necesitan relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
tis birthday finally live user flair
[ "tis birthday finally live user flair" ]
cumpleaños finalmente el estilo de usuario en vivo
fuck greta thunberg know posted video mocking governments spending space exploration want mock mocking military spending u stupid piece shit srry needed vent
[ "fuck greta thunberg know posted video mocking governments spending space exploration want mock mocking military spending u stupid piece shit srry needed vent" ]
mierda Greta Thunberg saber publicar vídeo burlándose de los gobiernos que gastan la exploración espacial quieren burlarse de los gastos militares u estúpida pieza mierda sry necesidad ventilación
i got hold razors tried slit wrist today couldnt cut deep enough theres pointless blood everywhere dont think effective way go jump front train car find may inconvenience many people guns arent sold city im really sure get one concoction available medications likely cause overdose work redflag prevention hot line talk people redflag regular basis all seems pretty clear life constant pain people wish redflag seen viable solution im sure im writing this guess maybe itll help figure put note something cheers
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i got hold razors tried slit wrist today couldnt cut deep enough theres pointless blood everywhere dont think effective way go jump front train car find may inconvenience many people guns arent sold cityim really sure get one concoction available medications likely cause overdose work redflag prevention hot line talk people redflag regular basis all seems pretty clear life constant pain people wish redflag seen viable solution im sure im writing this guess maybe itll help figure put notesomething cheers" ]
Tengo maquinillas de afeitar intentado cortar la muñeca hoy no podría cortar lo suficientemente profundo Theres sangre sin sentido por todas partes no creo manera eficaz ir salto frente coche tren encontrar puede inconvenientes muchas personas armas arent cityim vendido realmente seguro conseguir un brebaje medicamentos disponibles probable causa sobredosis trabajo Redflag prevención línea caliente habla gente redflag base regular todo parece bastante clara vida constante dolor la gente desea Redflag solución viable im seguro im escribir esta suposición tal vez ayudará a la figura poner nota algo vítores
im sorryive wronged many people im selfish lazy mean person think peoples wellbeing shit person want commit redflag that deserve know make things better atleast hurt anyone ever again know else point everyone hates hate myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im sorryive wronged many people im selfish lazy mean person think peoples wellbeing shit person want commit redflag that deserve know make things better atleast hurt anyone ever again know else point everyone hates hate myself" ]
Lamentablemente agraviado mucha gente la perezosa egoísta la persona mala piensa la gente bienestar mierda persona quiere cometer bandera roja que merece saber hacer las cosas mejor al menos lastimar a alguien otra vez saber otra vez punto todo el mundo odia odio a mí mismo
struggle existencebeat logic literally argue death life painful filled suffering life continue painful filled suffering life meaningless pain suffering meaningless thus kill myself implied assumptionsmedical conditions promise chronic consistency exist i life worth living would point to point means reason whether god higher power manmade literally good reason live oh experiencing highs life full woes struggle every second day thoughts attack paralyze body addition constant head bodily painevery activity struggle really know im still alive focusing finding things look forward mask struggle existence
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "struggle existencebeat logic literally argue death life painful filled suffering life continue painful filled suffering life meaningless pain suffering meaningless thus kill myself implied assumptionsmedical conditions promise chronic consistency exist i life worth living would point to point means reason whether god higher power manmade literally good reason liveoh experiencing highs life full woes struggle every second day thoughts attack paralyze body addition constant head bodily painevery activity struggle really knowim still alive focusing finding things look forward mask struggle existence" ]
lucha existenciabeat lógica literalmente argumenta muerte vida dolorosa sufrimiento vida continua sufrimiento doloroso sufrimiento sin sentido sufrimiento sin sentido por lo tanto me mata implícito condiciones médicas promesa consistencia crónica existen i vida vale la pena vivir señalaría a punto significa razón si dios poder superior hombre hecho literalmente buena razón viviroh vivir altos vida completo ayes lucha cada segundo día pensamientos atacar ataque paraliza cuerpo adición constante cuerpo dolor cada actividad lucha realmente saber aún vivo enfoque encontrar cosas mirar hacia adelante máscara lucha existencia
hi guys taking antidepressants month now going get vaccinated second dose sinovac next week think stop taking vaccinated covid vaccine
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hi guys taking antidepressants month now going get vaccinated second dose sinovac next week think stop taking vaccinated covid vaccine" ]
Hola chicos tomando antidepresivos mes ahora va vacunarse segunda dosis sinovac la próxima semana pensar dejar de tomar vacuna vacuna covid
kids thing keeps killing myselfno respect love myself im incredibly disappointed professional choices ive made life know could be time seeing am devastating im ashamed everyday advice people give look bright side hard myself serves remind deluding lowering standards free well almost way im pain dont care part except comes kids leaving fatherless isnt option trudge on wading mediocrity point im given freedom solve problem all thanks listening
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "kids thing keeps killing myselfno respect love myself im incredibly disappointed professional choices ive made life know could be time seeing am devastating im ashamed everyday advice people give look bright side hard myself serves remind deluding lowering standards free well almost way im pain dont care part except comes kids leaving fatherless isnt option trudge on wading mediocrity point im given freedom solve problem all thanks listening" ]
niños cosa sigue matando a sí mismono respeto amor me im increíblemente decepcionado opciones profesionales ive hecho la vida sabe que podría ser tiempo ver soy devastadora im vergüenza diario consejo gente dar mirada lado brillante duro me sirve recordar engaños bajando estándares libres muy bien manera im dolor no importa parte excepto es niños dejando sin padre esnt opción trudge en wading mediocrity punto im dado libertad resolver problema todos gracias escuchar
burger patty cos meat buns
[ "burger patty cos meat buns" ]
hamburguesa empanada porque bollos de carne
anything make bearable tried killing many times want kill soon looking reason live reason way make life bearable solve problems which really really cannot right nowi friends cannot enjoy hobbies even bearable anymore desperately looking something make bearable instead killing myself need reason live reason
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anything make bearable tried killing many times want kill soon looking reason live reason way make life bearable solve problems which really really cannot right nowi friends cannot enjoy hobbies even bearable anymore desperately looking something make bearable instead killing myself need reason live reason" ]
cualquier cosa hace soportable intentado matar muchas veces quieren matar pronto buscando razón viva razón manera hacer la vida soportable resolver problemas que realmente no puede ahora no puedo disfrutar hobbies incluso soportable más buscando desesperadamente algo hacer soportable en lugar de matarme necesito razón viva razón
help turn camera without teacher noticing hate keeping camera teacher wants keep
[ "help turn camera without teacher noticing hate keeping camera teacher wants keep" ]
ayuda a girar la cámara sin que el maestro note que el odio mantiene la cámara que el profesor quiere mantener
seen show younger really good show watch educational children years old barney definitely super de duper bj pretty funny babie bop cute kids cool too show learning numbers kinda like sesame street different type show characters like barney purple dinosaur bj yellow dinosaur baseball hat head baby bop cute green dinosaur pink bow first one started old barney friends show second one different new episodes also last one new scene barneys park also show barney universal studios florida see barney bj baby bop show done get go play shop meet barney good show watch show learn many things like movie live show universal studios florida
[ "seen show younger really good show watch educational children years old barney definitely super de duper bj pretty funny babie bop cute kids cool too show learning numbers kinda like sesame street different type show characters like barney purple dinosaur bj yellow dinosaur baseball hat head baby bop cute green dinosaur pink bow first one started old barney friends show second one different new episodes also last one new scene barneys park also show barney universal studios florida see barney bj baby bop show done get go play shop meet barney good show watch show learn many things like movie live show universal studios florida" ]
ver show más joven realmente buen show ver educación niños años edad barney definitivamente super de duper bj bastante divertido babie bop lindo niños fresco también mostrar aprendizaje números como sésamo calle diferente tipo mostrar personajes como barney dinosaurio púrpura bj amarillo dinosaurio béisbol sombrero cabeza baby bop lindo verde dinosaurio rosa arco primero uno comenzó viejo barney amigos mostrar segundo uno diferente nuevos episodios también último una nueva escena barneys parque también mostrar barney estudios universales florida ver barney bj baby bop show hecho conseguir ir a jugar tienda meet barney buen show show mostrar aprender muchas cosas como película show estudio universal florida
id like share redflag note wrote year agoi sorry way words express sorry all lot thinking decided best thing stop living hard decision wonderful people hurts ever know hurting like this cant bare anymore reason keep going sorry first foremost family please guys dont anything rash support other please know know kind like death bed confession always honest ones fault please know that please sorry love all support other love all impart guilt one except blame truly mean that believe deeply sorry love all various people supported past life thank you please know fault either therapist effective patient willing share never willing share anything pay price cant let you go lives great people life full opportunity help people anyone else please know blame you also specifically school sorry campus hope doesnt hurt anyone sorry every woman girl ever met please forgive existing practical stuff passwords not including im idiot movies books dont want keep please give library anything else please give homeless shelter whichever seems need more please give money personal bank account split equally food bank redflag preventative non profits martin scorseses charity film preservation sorry please dont try understand try live let grief take course support other dont follow me please dont talking family love much hurts keep hurting you please good other please live lives love you theaccountismine want dead made drafts really best draft have attempt year ago im probably going use it did would work would people okay im really cowardly shitty dont want get better want people love me im sorry
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "id like share redflag note wrote year agoi sorry way words express sorry all lot thinking decided best thing stop living hard decision wonderful people hurts ever know hurting like this cant bare anymore reason keep going sorry first foremost family please guys dont anything rash support other please know know kind like death bed confession always honest ones fault please know that please sorry love all support other love all impart guilt one except blame truly mean that believe deeply sorry love all various people supported past life thank you please know fault either therapist effective patient willing share never willing shareanything pay price cant let you go lives great people life full opportunity help people anyone else please know blame you also specifically school sorry campus hope doesnt hurt anyone sorry every woman girl ever met please forgive existing practical stuff passwords not including im idiot movies books dont want keep please give library anything else please give homeless shelter whichever seems need more please give money personal bank account split equally food bank redflag preventative non profits martin scorseses charity film preservation", "sorry please dont try understand try live let grief take course support other dont follow me please dont talking family love much hurts keep hurting you please good other please live lives love you theaccountismine want dead made drafts really best draft have attempt year ago im probably going use it did would work would peopleokayim really cowardly shitty dont want get better want people love me im sorry" ]
id like share redflag note written year agoi law way words express all lot thinking decision best heart heart heart heart living like this cant bear more race still goin first first family please guy guys dont thing rash support other please know kin like like death bed confesion always honest please know worm love all holding other holding one one one culption one holding one holding one holding one holding one one one holding one holding one holding one holding one one holding one holding one one one one one one one one one one one one know culpe specificate one holder holder hold cover whe wone wone wear wone wone welfare welfare welfare toll ac count count count ac count ac count ac count ac bank country country country bank split country country bank bank split country bank country bank country bank bank country country country net netry netry netry net net net net net net net netry net net netry net net net netry netry netry net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net net netry
really know who im living fi wish someone go love support family hates me theyre incapable asking whats wrong offering help support blame everything hold grudges nothing burden them care concern im want careerwise know ill ever get there years years trying complete poverty im tired it guy thought related thought liked ghosted me fifth rejection accepted alone nothing holding here anyone loves me even myself covid especially life sad sit home school work day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really know who im living fi wish someone go love support family hates me theyre incapable asking whats wrong offering help support blame everything hold grudges nothing burden them care concern im want careerwise know ill ever get there years years trying complete poverty im tired it guy thought related thought liked ghosted me fifth rejection accepted alone nothing holding here anyone loves me even myself covid especially life sad sit home school work day" ]
Realmente sé quién soy vivir fi deseo alguien ir amor apoyo familia me odia son incapaces de preguntar lo que está mal ofrecer ayuda apoyo culpa de todo tener rencores nada carga le preocupa preocupación quiero carrera saber mal nunca llegar allí años tratando de pobreza completa estoy cansado chico pensó relacionados pensamiento me gustaba fantasmated quinto rechazo aceptado solo nada que sostiene aquí nadie me ama incluso yo mismo covid vida triste sentarse casa trabajo escuela día
asked crush out today told crush also friend feeling told loves friend tbh feel bad fell great feelings change mean break friendship always friend great one fellow teens want say that crush likes friend way do break bond feelings understand cherish friendship rather breaking ps also love one go ahead tell might get another chance would late life big live every moment fullest
[ "asked crush out today told crush also friend feeling told loves friend tbh feel bad fell great feelings change mean break friendship always friend great one fellow teens want say that crush likes friend way do break bond feelings understand cherish friendship rather breaking ps also love one go ahead tell might get another chance would late life big live every moment fullest" ]
pregunta aplastamiento hacia fuera hoy dijo aplastamiento también amigo sentimiento dijo ama amigo tbh sentir mal cayó grandes sentimientos cambio significa romper amistad siempre amigo grande un compañero adolescentes quieren decir que aplastamiento como amigo manera hacer romper lazos sentimientos entender amistad más bien romper ps amor también uno ir adelante decir podría tener otra oportunidad de vida tardía grande vivir cada momento más lleno
joseph joestar sexiest jojo bruh wanna pounded hunky old man badly could use hermit purple tie send hamon body make cum fucks inch joestar cock damn tomoko higashikata lucky
[ "joseph joestar sexiest jojo bruh wanna pounded hunky old man badly could use hermit purple tie send hamon body make cum fucks inch joestar cock damn tomoko higashikata lucky" ]
joseph joestar el más sexy jojo bruh quiere follada hunky viejo hombre mal podría utilizar ermitaño corbata púrpura enviar hamon cuerpo hacer corrida folladas pulgadas joestar polla maldito tomoko higashikata suerte
oneitis even remember probably happily married chad rn kids living peace security always wasnt type girls im type creepy usually fat stalkers
[ "oneitis even remember probably happily married chad rn kids living peace security always wasnt type girls im type creepy usually fat stalkers" ]
oneitis incluso recordar probablemente felizmente casados chad rn niños viviendo paz seguridad siempre no era tipo chicas im tipo espeluznante generalmente acosadores gordos