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Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Low back pain and right lower extremity pain. The encounter reason for today's consultation is for a second opinion regarding evaluation and treatment of the aforementioned symptoms.,HPI - LUMBAR SPINE:, The patient is a male and 39 years old. The current problem began on or about 3 months ago. The symptoms were sudden in onset. According to the patient, the current problem is a result of a fall. The date of injury was 3 months ago. There is no significant history of previous spine problems. Medical attention has been obtained through the referral source. Medical testing for the current problem includes the following: no recent tests. Treatment for the current problem includes the following: activity modification, bracing, medications and work modification. The following types of medications are currently being used for the present spine problem: narcotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants. The following types of medications have been used in the past: steroids. In general, the current spine problem is much worse since its onset.,PAST SPINE HISTORY:, Unremarkable.,PRESENT LUMBAR SYMPTOMS:, Pain location: lower lumbar. The patient describes the pain as sharp. The pain ranges from none to severe. The pain is severe frequently. It is present intermittently and most of the time daily. The pain is made worse by flexion, lifting, twisting, activity, riding in a car and sitting. The pain is made better by laying in the supine position, medications, bracing and rest. Sleep alteration because of pain: wakes up after getting to sleep frequently and difficulty getting to sleep frequently. Pain distribution: the lower extremity pain is greater than the low back pain. The patient's low back pain appears to be discogenic in origin. The pain is much worse since its onset.,PRESENT RIGHT LEG SYMPTOMS:, Pain location: S1 dermatome (see the Pain Diagram). The patient describes the pain as sharp. The severity of the pain ranges from none to severe. The pain is severe frequently. It is present intermittently and most of the time daily. The pain is made worse by the same things that make the low back pain worse. The pain is made better by the same things that make the low back pain better. Sleep alteration because of pain: wakes up after getting to sleep frequently and difficulty getting to sleep frequently. The patient's symptoms appear to be radicular in origin. The pain is much worse since its onset.,PRESENT LEFT LEG SYMPTOMS:, None.,NEUROLOGIC SIGNS/SYMPTOMS:, The patient denies any neurologic signs/symptoms. Bowel and bladder function are reported as normal.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
RE: Sample Patient,Dear Dr. Sample:,Sample Patient was seen at the Vision Rehabilitation Institute on Month DD, YYYY. She is an 87-year-old woman with a history of macular degeneration, who admits to having PDT therapy within the last year. She would like to get started with some vision therapy so that she may be able to perform her everyday household chores, as well as reading small print. At this time, she uses a small handheld magnifier, which is providing her with only limited help.,A complete refractive work-up was performed today, in which we found a mild change in her distance correction, which allowed her the ability to see 20/70 in the right eye and 20/200 in the left eye. With a pair of +4 reading glasses, she was able to read 0.5M print quite nicely. I have loaned her a pair of +4 reading glasses at this time and we have started her with fine-detailed reading. She will return to our office in a matter of two weeks and we will make a better determination on what near reading glasses to prescribe for her. I think that she is an excellent candidate for low vision help. I am sure that we can be of great help to her in the near future.,Thank you for allowing us to share in the care of your patient.,With best regards,,Sample Doctor, O.D.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is an 85-year-old male who was brought in by EMS with a complaint of a decreased level of consciousness. The patient apparently lives with his wife and was found to have a decreased status since the last one day. The patient actually was seen in the emergency room the night before for injuries of the face and for possible elderly abuse. When the Adult Protective Services actually went to the patient's house, he was found to be having decreased consciousness for a whole day by his wife. Actually the night before, he fell off his wheelchair and had lacerations on the face. As per his wife, she states that the patient was given an entire mg of Xanax rather than 0.125 mg of Xanax, and that is why he has had decreased mental status since then. The patient's wife is not able to give a history. The patient has not been getting Sinemet and his other home medications in the last 2 days. ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Parkinson disease.,MEDICATIONS:, Requip, Neurontin, Sinemet, Ambien, and Xanax.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient lives with his wife.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL:
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
EXAM:, Ultrasound-guided paracentesis,HISTORY: , Ascites.,TECHNIQUE AND FINDINGS: ,Informed consent was obtained from the patient after the risks and benefits of the procedure were thoroughly explained. Ultrasound demonstrates free fluid in the abdomen. The area of interest was localized with ultrasonography. The region was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual manner. Local anesthetic was administered. A 5-French Yueh catheter needle combination was taken. Upon crossing into the peritoneal space and aspiration of fluid, the catheter was advanced out over the needle. A total of approximately 5500 mL of serous fluid was obtained. The catheter was then removed. The patient tolerated the procedure well with no immediate postprocedure complications.,IMPRESSION: , Ultrasound-guided paracentesis as above.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
SUBJECTIVE: , This is a 42-year-old white female who comes in today for a complete physical and follow up on asthma. She says her asthma has been worse over the last three months. She has been using her inhaler daily. Her allergies seem to be a little bit worse as well. Her husband has been hauling corn and this seems to aggravate things. She has not been taking Allegra daily but when she does take it, it seems to help somewhat. She has not been taking her Flonase which has helped her in the past. She also notes that in the past she was on Advair but she got some vaginal irritation with that.,She had been noticing increasing symptoms of irritability and PMS around her menstrual cycle. She has been more impatient around that time. Says otherwise her mood is normal during the rest of the month. It usually is worse the week before her cycle and improves the day her menstrual cycle starts. Menses have been regular but somewhat shorter than in the past. Occasionally she will get some spotting after her cycles. She denies any hot flashes or night sweats with this. In reviewing the chart it is noted that she did have 3+ blood with what appeared to be a urinary tract infection previously. Her urine has not been rechecked. She recently had lab work and cholesterol drawn for a life insurance application and is going to send me those results when available.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As above. No fevers, no headaches, no shortness of breath currently. No chest pain or tightness. No abdominal pain, no heartburn, no constipation, diarrhea or dysuria. Occasional stress incontinence. No muscle or joint pain. No concerns about her skin. No polyphagia, polydipsia or polyuria.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for asthma, allergic rhinitis and cervical dysplasia.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is married. She is a nonsmoker.,MEDICATIONS: , Proventil and Allegra.,ALLERGIES: , Sulfa.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital signs: Her weight is 151 pounds. Blood pressure is 110/60. Pulse is 72. Temperature is 97.1 degrees. Respirations are 20.,General: This is a well-developed, well-nourished 42-year-old white female, alert and oriented in no acute distress. Affect is appropriate and is pleasant.,HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. Tympanic membranes are clear. Conjunctivae are clear. Pupils are equal, round and reactive to light. Nares without turbinate edema. Oropharynx is nonerythematous.,Neck: Supple without lymphadenopathy, thyromegaly, carotid bruit or JVD.,Chest: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended. Normoactive bowel sounds. No masses or organomegaly to palpation.,Extremities: Without cyanosis or edema.,Skin: Without abnormalities.,Breasts: Normal symmetrical breasts without dimpling or retraction. No nipple discharge. No masses or lesions to palpation. No axillary masses or lymphadenopathy.,Genitourinary: Normal external genitalia. The walls of the vaginal vault are visualized with normal pink rugae with no lesions noted. Cervix is visualized without lesion. She has a moderate amount of thick white/yellow vaginal discharge in the vaginal vault. No cervical motion tenderness. No adnexal tenderness or fullness.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN:,1. Asthma. Seems to be worse than in the past. She is just using her Proventil inhaler but is using it daily. We will add Flovent 44 mcg two puffs p.o. b.i.d. May need to increase the dose. She did get some vaginal irritation with Advair in the past but she is willing to retry that if it is necessary. May also need to consider Singulair. She is to call me if she is not improving. If her shortness of breath worsens she is to call me or go into the emergency department. We will plan on following up for reevaluation in one month.,2. Allergic rhinitis. We will plan on restarting Allegra and Flonase daily for the time being.,3. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She may have some perimenopausal symptoms. We will start her on fluoxetine 20 mg one tablet p.o. q.d.,4. Hematuria. Likely this is secondary to urinary tract infection but we will repeat a UA to document clearing. She does have some frequent dysuria but is not having it currently.,5. Cervical dysplasia. Pap smear is taken. We will notify the patient of results. If normal we will go back to yearly Pap smear. She is scheduled for screening mammogram and instructed on monthly self-breast exam techniques. Recommend she get 1200 mg of calcium and 400 U of vitamin D a day.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURE:, Upper endoscopy with biopsy.,PROCEDURE INDICATION: , This is a 44-year-old man who was admitted for coffee-ground emesis, which has been going on for the past several days. An endoscopy is being done to evaluate for source of upper GI bleeding.,Informed consent was obtained. Outlining the risks, benefits and alternatives of the procedure included, but not to risks of bleeding, infection, perforation, the patient agreed for the procedure.,MEDICATIONS: , Versed 4 mg IV push and fentanyl 75 mcg IV push given throughout the procedure in incremental fashion with careful monitoring of patient's pressures and vital signs.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position. Medications were given. After adequate sedation was achieved, the Olympus video endoscope was inserted into the mouth and advanced towards the duodenum.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Need for intravenous access.,2. Status post fall.,3. Status post incision and drainage of left lower extremity.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Need for intravenous access.,2. Status post fall.,3. Status post incision and drainage of left lower extremity.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Insertion of right subclavian central venous catheter.,SECOND ANESTHESIA: , Approximately 10 cc of 1% lidocaine.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 74-year-old white female who presents to ABCD General Hospital after falling down flight of eleven stairs and sustained numerous injuries. The patient went to OR today for an I&D of left lower extremity degloving injury. Orthopedics was planning on taking the patient back for serial debridements and need for reliable IV access is requested.,PROCEDURE: , Informed consent was obtained by the patient and her daughter. All risks and benefits of the procedure were explained and all questions were answered. The patient was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. After landmarks were identified, approximately 5 cc of 1% lidocaine were injected into the skin and subcuticular tissues and the right neck posterior head of the sternocleidomastoid. Locator needle was used to correctly cannulate the right internal jugular vein. Multiple attempts were made and the right internal jugular vein was unable to be cannulized.,Therefore, we prepared for a right subclavian approach. The angle of the clavicle was found and a #22 gauge needle was used to anesthetize approximately 5 cc of 1% lidocaine in skin and subcuticular tissues along with the periosteum of the clavicle. A Cook catheter needle was then placed and ________ the clavicle in the orientation aimed toward the sternal notch. The right subclavian vein was then accessed. A guidewire was placed with a Cook needle and then the needle was subsequently removed and a #11 blade scalpel was used to nick the skin. A dilator sheath was placed over the guidewire and subsequently removed. The triple lumen catheter was then placed over the guidewire and advanced to 14 cm. All ports aspirated and flushed. Good blood return was noted and all ports were flushed well. The triple lumen catheter was then secured at 14 cm using #0 silk suture. A sterile dressing was then applied. A stat portable chest x-ray was ordered to check line placement. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Vault prolapse.,2. Enterocele.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Vault prolapse.,2. Enterocele.,OPERATIONS:,1. Abdominosacrocolpopexy.,2. Enterocele repair.,3. Cystoscopy.,4. Lysis of adhesions.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 100 mL.,SPECIMEN: , None.,BRIEF HISTORY:, The patient is a 53-year-old female with history of hysterectomy presented with vaginal vault prolapse. The patient had good support in the anterior vagina and in the posterior vagina but had significant apical prolapse. Options such as watchful waiting, pessary, abdominal surgery, robotic sacrocolpopexy versus open sacrocolpopexy were discussed.,The patient already had multiple abdominal scars. Risk of open surgery was little bit higher for the patient. After discussing the options the patient wanted to proceed a Pfannenstiel incision and repair of the sacrocolpopexy. Risks of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, pain, MI, DVT, PE, mesh erogenic exposure, complications with mesh were discussed. The patient understood the risks of recurrence, etc, and wanted to proceed with the procedure. The patient was told to perform no heavy lifting for 3 months, etc. The patient was bowel prepped, preoperative antibiotics were given.,DETAILS OF THE OPERATION: , The patient was brought to the OR, anesthesia was applied. The patient was placed in dorsal lithotomy position. The patient was prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. A Pfannenstiel low abdominal incision was done at the old incision site. The incision was carried through the subcutaneous tissue through the fascia and the fascia was lifted off the rectus abdominus muscle. The muscle was split in the middle and peritoneum was entered using sharp mets. There was no injury to the bowel upon entry. There were significant adhesions which were unleashed. All the adhesions in the sigmoid colon from the right lower quadrant and left lower quadrant were released, similarly colon was mobilized. There was minimal space, everything was packed, Bookwalter placed then over the sacral bone. The middle of the sacral bone was identified. The right ureter was clearly identified and was lateral to where the posterior peritoneum was opened. The ligament over the sacral or sacral __________ was easily identified, 0 Ethibond stitches were placed x3. A 1 cm x 5 cm mesh was cut out. This was a Prolene soft mesh which was tied at the sacral ligament. The bladder was clearly off the vault area which was exposed, in the raw surface 0 Ethibond stitches were placed x3. The mesh was attached. The apex was clearly up enterocele sac was closed using 4-0 Vicryl without much difficulty. The ureter was not involved at all in this process. The peritoneum was closed over the mesh. Please note that the peritoneum was opened and it was brought around and over the mesh so that the mesh would not be exposed to the bowel. Prior to closure antibiotic irrigation was done using Ancef solution. The mesh has been exposed in antibiotic solution prior to the usage.,After a through irrigation with L and half of antibiotic solution. All the solution was removed. Good hemostasis was obtained. All the packing was removed. Count was correct. Rectus abdominus muscle was brought together using 4-0 Vicryl. The fascia was closed using loop #1 PDS in running fascia from both sides and was tied in the middle. Subcutaneous tissue was closed using 4-0 Vicryl and the skin was closed using 4-0 Monocryl in subcuticular fashion. Cystoscopy was done at the end of the procedure. Please note that the Foley was in place throughout the entire procedure which was placed thoroughly at the beginning of the procedure. Cystoscopy was done and indigo carmine has been given. There was good efflux of indigo carmine in both of the ureteral opening. There was no injury to the rectum or the bladder. The bladder appeared completely normal. The rectal exam was done at the end of the procedure after the cystoscopy. After the cysto was done, the scope was withdrawn, Foley was placed back. The patient was brought to recovery in the stable condition.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY: , A is a young lady, who came here with a diagnosis of seizure disorder and history of Henoch-Schonlein purpura with persistent proteinuria. A was worked up for collagen vascular diseases and is here to find out the results. Also was recommended to take 7.5 mg of Mobic every day for her joint pains. She states that she continues with some joint pain and feeling tired all the time. Mother states that also her seizure has continued without any control so far. She is having some studies in the next few days. She is mostly stiff on her legs, neck, and also on her hands. The rest of the review of systems is in the chart.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , ,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature today is 99.2 degrees Fahrenheit, weight is 45.9 kg, blood pressure is 123/59, height is 149.5 cm, and pulse is 94.,HEENT: She has no facial rashes, no lymphadenopathy, no alopecia, no oral ulcerations. Pupils are reactive to accommodation. Funduscopic examination is within normal limits.,NECK: No neck masses.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular rhythm with no murmur.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender with no visceromegaly.,SKIN: No rashes today.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Examination shows good range of motion with no swelling or tenderness in any of her joints of the upper extremities, but she does have minus/plus swelling of her knees with flexion contracture bilaterally on both.,LABORATORY DATA: , Laboratories were not done recently, but we have some lab results from the previous evaluation that basically is negative for any collagen vascular disease, but shows some evidence of decreased calcium and vitamin D levels.,ASSESSMENT: , This is a patient, who today presents with symptoms consistent with possible oligoarticular arthritis of her knees with also arthralgias and deficiency in vitamin D. She also has chronic proteinuria and seizure disorder. My recommendation is to start her on vitamin D and calcium supplements, and also increase the Mobic to 50 mg, which is one of the few things she can tolerate with all the medication she is taking. We are going to refer her to physical therapy and see her back in 2 months for followup. The plan was discussed with A and her parents and they have no further questions.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Stenosing tenosynovitis first dorsal extensor compartment/de Quervain tendonitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Stenosing tenosynovitis first dorsal extensor compartment/de Quervain tendonitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Release of first dorsal extensor compartment.,ASSISTANT: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , Bier block.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 30 minutes.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,INDICATIONS: ,The above patient is a 47-year-old right hand dominant black female who has signs and symptomology of de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis. She was treated conservatively with steroid injections, splinting, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents without relief. She is presenting today for release of the first dorsal extensor compartment. She is aware of the risks, benefits, alternatives and has consented to this operation.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was given intravenous prophylactic antibiotics. She was taken to the operating suite under the auspices of Anesthesiology. She was given a left upper extremity bier block. Her left upper extremity was then prepped and draped in the normal fashion with Betadine solution. Afterwards, a transverse incision was made over the extensor retinaculum of the first dorsal extensor compartment. Dissection was carried down through the dermis into the subcutaneous tissue. The dorsal radial sensory branches were kept out of harm's way. They were retracted gently to the ulnar side of the wrist. The retinaculum was incised with a #15 scalpel blade in the longitudinal fashion and the retinaculum was released completely both proximally and distally. Both the extensor pollices brevis and abductor pollices longus tendons were identified. There was no pathology noted within the first dorsal extensor compartment. The wound was irrigated. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. The wound was infiltrated with _0.25% Marcaine solution and then closure performed with #6-0 nylon suture utilizing a horizontal mattress stitch. Sterile occlusive dressing was applied along with the thumb spica splint. The tourniquet was released and the patient was transported to the recovery area in stable and satisfactory condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY: , This 57-year-old female who presented today for evaluation and recommendations regarding facial rhytids. In summary, the patient is a healthy 57-year-old female, nonsmoker with no history of skin disease, who has predominant fullness in the submandibular region and mid face region and prominent nasolabial folds.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , I do believe a facelift procedure would be of maximum effect for the patient's areas of concern and a "quick lift" type procedure certainly would address these issues. I went over risks and benefits with the patient along with the preoperative and postoperative care, and risks include but are not limited to bleeding, infection, discharge, scar formation, need for further surgery, facial nerve injury, numbness, asymmetry of face, problems with hypertrophic scarring, problems with dissatisfaction with anticipated results, and she states she will contact us later in the summer to possibly make arrangements for a quick lift through Memorial Medical Center.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Pathologic insufficiency.,2. Fracture of the T8 vertebrae and T9 vertebrae.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Pathologic insufficiency.,2. Fracture of the T8 vertebra and T9 vertebra.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Fracture reduction with insertion of prosthetic device at T8 with kyphoplasty.,2. Vertebroplasties at T7 and T9 with insertion of prosthetic device.,ANESTHESIA: , Local with sedation.,SPECIMEN: , Bone from the T8 vertebra.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,SURGICAL INDICATIONS:, The patient is an 80-year-old female who had previous history of compression fractures. She had recently undergone an additional compression fracture of the T8 vertebrae. She was in extreme pain. This pain interfered with activities of daily living and was unimproved with conservative treatment modalities. She is understanding the risks, benefits, and potential complications as well as all treatment alternatives. The patient provided informed consent.,OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE: , The patient was taken to OR #2 where she was placed prone on the Jackson spinal table. She was given sedative. The thoracodorsal spine was then sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion. Biplanar image intensification was utilized to localize the T8, T7, and T9 vertebrae. Local anesthetic of 1% Marcaine with epinephrine and lidocaine were 50:50 mixed.,Approximately 7 cc was instilled on the left side. This was directly over the posterior aspect of the pedicle on the left. Once this was localized, the right side was localized as well. Stab incisions were then created over the pedicles of T8 bilaterally. Jamshidi needles were then placed percutaneously. Their position was verified in both AP and lateral images. They were advanced slowly under direct image intensification in biplanar fashion. Once these were satisfactorily placed, the inner trocar was removed and a guidewire was inserted into the depths of the T7 vertebrae. The Jamshidi needles were then removed. A biopsy was then harvested with a biopsy trocar placed into the T8 vertebrae. This bone was then removed and sent to the lab. The injection cannulas were then placed over the guidewires and their position was verified in both AP and lateral images. Once this was completed, a second Jamshidi needle was placed at the T7 vertebrae on the left at the entrance of the pedicle. This was advanced under direct image intensification in a biplanar fashion. Once this was deemed satisfactory, it was impacted. The inner trocar was removed and a guidewire was then placed. An injection cannula was then placed over the guidewire into the body of T7. In a similar fashion, T9 was dressed on the left side as well. A guidewire was then placed through the Jamshidi needle, which was verified in both AP and lateral images. The cement injection cannula was then placed over this entering the T9 vertebrae body. Attention was then turned to the kyphoplasty portion of the procedure at the T8 vertebrae. The balloons were inserted bilaterally. The balloons were then inflated under direct image intensification and pressurized to approximately 200 mmHg. These were allowed to expand and reduce the fracture. Once this was completed, the balloons were deflated and removed. The inner cannulas of all four entrance holes were removed and approximately 1.5 cc of cement was injected in each of the cannulas. This was done directly under image intensification. Once this was completed, additional cement was injected into T9 as there was a larger vertebra. The cement was allowed to cure. The cannula was removed and final radiographs were obtained. The stab incisions were then cleansed with water and antibiotic irrigation. The wounds were then approximated with #4-0 Nylon in interrupted fashion. Compression dressings were applied and fixed with tape. She was aroused and moved to her inpatient bed. She was moving all four extremities without deficit. She had no significant pain.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral chronic serous otitis media.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral chronic serous otitis media.,OPERATION PERFORMED:,1. Bilateral myringotomies.,2. Insertion of Shepard grommet draining tubes.,ANESTHESIA: , General, by mask.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 1 mL.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,FINDINGS: ,The patient had a long history of persistent recurrent infections and was placed on antibiotics for the same. At this point in time, he had a small amount of thick mucoid material in both middle ear spaces with middle ear mucosa somewhat inflamed, but no active acute infection at this point in time.,PROCEDURE:, With the patient under adequate general anesthesia with the mask delivery of anesthesia, he had his ear canals cleaned utilizing an operating microscope and all foul cerumen had been removed from both sides. Bilateral inferior radial myringotomies were performed, first on the right and then on the left. Middle ear spaces were suctioned of small amount of thick mucoid material on both sides and then Shepard grommet draining tubes were inserted on either side. Floxin drops were then instilled bilaterally to decrease any clotting within the tubes, and then cotton ball was placed in the external meatus bilaterally. At this point, the patient was awakened and returned to the recovery room, satisfactory, with no difficulty encountered.
ENT - Otolaryngology
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
Please accept this letter of follow up on patient xxx xxx. He is now three months out from a left carotid angioplasty and stent placement. He was a part of a CapSure trial. He has done quite well, with no neurologic or cardiac event in the three months of follow up. He had a follow-up ultrasound performed today that shows the stent to be patent, with no evidence of significant recurrence.,Sincerely,,XYZ, MD,
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Atrial fibrillation and shortness of breath.,HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: , The patient is an 81-year-old gentleman. The patient had shortness of breath over the last few days, progressively worse. Yesterday he had one episode and got concerned and came to the Emergency Room, also orthopnea and paroxysmal dyspnea. Coronary artery disease workup many years ago. He also has shortness of breath, weakness, and tiredness.,CORONARY RISK FACTORS: , History of hypertension, no history of diabetes mellitus, ex-smoker, cholesterol status elevated, no history of established coronary artery disease, and family history positive.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for coronary artery disease.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , Knee surgery, hip surgery, shoulder surgery, cholecystectomy, and appendectomy.,MEDICATIONS: , Thyroid supplementation, atenolol 25 mg daily, Lasix, potassium supplementation, lovastatin 40 mg daily, and Coumadin adjusted dose.,ALLERGIES: , ASPIRIN.,PERSONAL HISTORY:, Married, ex-smoker, and does not consume alcohol. No history of recreational drug use.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation chronic, on anticoagulation.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , As above.,PRESENTATION HISTORY: , Shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, and tiredness. The patient also relates history of questionable TIA in 1994.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CONSTITUTIONAL: Weakness, fatigue, tiredness.,HEENT: No history of cataracts, blurry vision or glaucoma.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, no coronary artery disease.,RESPIRATORY: Shortness of breath. No pneumonia or valley fever.,GASTROINTESTINAL: Nausea, no vomiting, hematemesis, or melena.,UROLOGICAL: Some frequency, urgency, no hematuria.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Arthritis, muscle weakness.,SKIN: Chronic skin changes.,CNS: History of TIA. No CVA, no seizure disorder.,ENDOCRINE: Nonsignificant.,HEMATOLOGICAL: Nonsignificant.,PSYCHOLOGICAL: No anxiety or depression.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse of 67, blood pressure 159/49, afebrile, and respiratory rate 18 per minute.,HEENT: Atraumatic and normocephalic.,NECK: Neck veins flat. No significant carotid bruits.,LUNGS: Air entry bilaterally fair, decreased in basal areas. No rales or wheezes.,HEART: PMI displaced. S1 and S2 regular.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Bowel sounds present.,EXTREMITIES: Chronic skin changes. Pulses are palpable. No clubbing or cyanosis.,CNS: Grossly intact.,LABORATORY DATA: , H&H stable 30 and 39, INR of 1.86, BUN and creatinine within normal limits, potassium normal limits. First set of cardiac enzymes profile negative. BNP 4810.,Chest x-ray confirms unremarkable findings. EKG reveals atrial fibrillation, nonspecific ST-T changes.,IMPRESSION:
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY:, A is a 55-year-old who I know well because I have been taking care of her husband. She comes for discussion of a screening colonoscopy. Her last colonoscopy was in 2002, and at that time she was told it was essentially normal. Nonetheless, she has a strong family history of colon cancer, and it has been almost four to five years so she wants to have a repeat colonoscopy. I told her that the interval was appropriate and that it made sense to do so. She denies any significant weight change that she cannot explain. She has had no hematochezia. She denies any melena. She says she has had no real change in her bowel habit but occasionally does have thin stools.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, On today's visit we reviewed her entire health history. Surgically she has had a stomach operation for ulcer disease back in 1974, she says. She does not know exactly what was done. It was done at a hospital in California which she says no longer exists. This makes it difficult to find out exactly what she had done. She also had her gallbladder and appendix taken out in the 1970s at the same hospital. Medically she has no significant problems and no true medical illnesses. She does suffer from some mild gastroparesis, she says.,MEDICATIONS: , Reglan 10 mg once a day.,ALLERGIES: , She denies any allergies to medications but is sensitive to medications that cause her to have ulcers, she says.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She still smokes one pack of cigarettes a day. She was counseled to quit. She occasionally uses alcohol. She has never used illicit drugs. She is married, is a housewife, and has four children.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for diabetes and cancer.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Essentially as mentioned above.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: A is a healthy appearing female in no apparent distress.,VITAL SIGNS: Her vital signs reveal a weight of 164 pounds, blood pressure 140/90, temperature of 97.6 degrees F.,HEENT: No cervical bruits, thyromegaly, or masses. She has no lymphadenopathy in the head and neck, supraclavicular, or axillary spaces bilaterally.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally with no wheezes, rubs, or rhonchi.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub, or gallop.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema, with good pulses in the radial arteries bilaterally.,NEURO: No focal deficits, is intact to soft touch in all four.,ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS: , In light of her history and physical, clearly the patient would be well served with an upper and lower endoscopy. We do not know what the anatomy is, and if she did have an antrectomy, she needs to be checked for marginal ulcers. She also complains of significant reflux and has not had an upper endoscopy in over five to six years as well. I discussed the risks, benefits, and alternatives to upper and lower endoscopy, and these include over sedation, perforation, and dehydration, and she wants to proceed.,We will schedule her for an upper and lower endoscopy at her convenience.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Coronary occlusive disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Coronary occlusive disease.,OPERATION PROCEDURE: , Coronary bypass graft x2 utilizing left internal mammary artery, the left anterior descending, reverse autogenous reverse autogenous saphenous vein graft to the obtuse marginal. Total cardiopulmonary bypass, cold-blood potassium cardioplegia, antegrade for myocardial protection.,INDICATION FOR THE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was a 71-year-old female transferred from an outside facility with the left main, proximal left anterior descending, and proximal circumflex severe coronary occlusive disease, ejection fraction about 40%.,FINDINGS: , The LAD was 2-mm vessel and good, mammary was good, and obtuse marginal was 2-mm vessel and good, and the main was good.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position. Adequate general endotracheal anesthesia was induced. Appropriate monitoring devices were placed. The chest, abdomen and legs were prepped and draped in the sterile fashion. The right greater saphenous vein was harvested and prepared by 2 interrupted skin incisions and by ligating all branches with 4-0 Surgilon and flushed with heparinized blood. Hemostasis was achieved in the legs and closed with running 2-0 Dexon in the subcutaneous tissue and running 3-0 Dexon subcuticular in the skin.,Median sternotomy incision was made and the left mammary artery was dissected free from its takeoff of the subclavian to its bifurcation at the diaphragm and surrounded with papaverine-soaked gauze. The pericardium was opened. The pericardial cradle was created. The patient was fully heparinized and cannulated with a single aortic and single venous cannula and bypass was instituted. A retrograde cardioplegic cannula was placed with a pursestring suture of 4-0 Prolene suture in the right atrial wall into the coronary sinus and tied to a Rumel tourniquet. An antegrade cardioplegic needle sump combination was placed in the ascending aorta and tied in place with 4-0 Prolene. Cardiopulmonary bypass was instituted and the ascending aorta was crossclamped. Antegrade cardioplegia was given at a total of 5 mL per kg through the aortic route. This was followed by something in the aortic route and retrograde cardioplegia through the coronary sinus at a total of 5 mL per kg. The obtuse marginal coronary was identified and opened.,End-to-side anastomosis was performed with a running 7-0 Prolene suture and the vein was cut to length. Cold antegrade and retrograde potassium cardioplegia were given. The mammary artery was clipped distally, divided and spatulated for anastomosis. The anterior descending was identified and opened. End-to-side anastomosis was performed with running 8-0 Prolene suture and the warm blood potassium cardioplegia was given antegrade and retrograde and the aortic cross-clamp was removed. The partial occlusion clamp was placed. Aortotomies were made. The veins were cut to fit these and sutured in place with running 5-0 Prolene suture. A partial occlusion clamp was removed. All anastomoses were inspected and noted to be patent and dry. Ventilation was commenced. The patient was fully warm and the patient was then wean from cardiopulmonary bypass. The patient was decannulated in routine fashion. Protamine was given. Good hemostasis was noted. A single mediastinal chest tube and bilateral pleural Blake drains were placed. The sternum was closed with figure-of-eight stainless steel wire plus two 5-mm Mersiline tapes.,The linea alba was closed with figure-of-eight of #1 Vicryl, the sternal fascia closed with running #1 Vicryl, the subcu closed with running 2-0 Dexon, skin with running 4-0 Dexon subcuticular stitch. The patient tolerated the procedure well.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Herniated nucleus pulposus of L5-S1 on the left.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Herniated nucleus pulposus of L5-S1 on the left.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Microscopic assisted lumbar laminotomy with discectomy at L5-S1 on the left.,ANESTHESIA: , General via endotracheal tube.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 50 cc.,SPECIMENS: , Disc that was not sent to the lab.,DRAINS: , None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,SURGICAL PROGNOSIS: , Remains guarded due to her ongoing pain condition and Tarlov cyst at the L5 nerve root distally.,SURGICAL INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 51-year-old female who has had unrelenting low back pain that radiated down her left leg for the past several months. The symptoms were unrelieved by conservative modalities. The symptoms were interfering with all aspects of daily living and inability to perform any significant work endeavors. She is understanding the risks, benefits, potential complications, as well as all treatment alternatives. She wished to proceed with the aforementioned surgery due to her persistent symptoms. Informed consent was obtained.,OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE: , The patient was taken to OR room #5 where she was given general anesthetic by the Department of Anesthesia. She was subsequently placed on the Jackson spinal table with the Wilson attachment in the prone position. Palpation did reveal the iliac crest and suspected L5-S1 interspace. Thereafter the lumbar spine was serially prepped and draped. A midline incision was carried over the spinal process of L5 to S1. Skin and subcutaneous tissue were divided sharply. Electrocautery provided hemostasis. Electrocautery was then utilized to dissect through the subcutaneous tissues to the lumbar fascia. Lumbar fascia was identified and the decussation of fibers was identified at the L5-S1 interspace. On the left side, superior aspect dissection was carried out with the Cobb elevator and electrocautery. This revealed the interspace of suspect level of L5-S1 on the left. A Kocher clamp was placed between the spinous processes of the suspect level of L5-S1. X-ray did confirm the L5-S1 interval. Angled curet was utilized to detach the ligamentum flavum from its bony attachments at the superior edge of S1 lamina and the inferior edge of the L5 lamina. Meticulous dissection was undertaken and the ligamentum flavum was removed. Laminotomy was created with Kerrison rongeur, both proximally and distally. The microscope was positioned and the dura was inspected. A blunt Penfield elevator was then utilized to dissect and identify the L5-S1 nerve root on the left. It was noted to be tented over a disc extrusion. The nerve root was protected and medialized. It was retracted with a nerve root retractor. This did reveal a subligamentous disc herniation at approximately the L5-S1 disc space and neuroforaminal area. A #15 Bard-Parker blade was utilized to create an annulotomy. Medially, disc material was extruding through this annulotomy. Two tier rongeur was then utilized to grasp the disc material and the disc was removed from the interspace. Additional disc material was then removed, both to the right and left of the annulotomy. Up and downbiting pituitary rongeurs were utilized to remove any other loose disc pieces. Once this was completed, the wound was copiously irrigated with antibiotic solution and suctioned dry. The Penfield elevator was placed in the disc space of L5-S1 and a crosstable x-ray did confirm this level. Nerve root was again expected exhibiting the foramina. A foraminotomy was created with a Kerrison rongeur. Once this was created, the nerve root was again inspected and deemed free of tension. It was mobile within the neural foramina. The wound was again copiously irrigated with antibiotic solution and suctioned dry. A free fat graft was then harvested from the subcutaneous tissues and placed over the exposed dura. Lumbar fascia was then approximated with #1 Vicryl interrupted fashion, subcutaneous tissue with #2-0 Vicryl interrupted fashion, and #4-0 undyed Vicryl was utilized to approximate the skin. Compression dressing was applied. The patient was turned, awoken, and noted to be moving all four extremities without apparent deficits. She was taken to the recovery room in apparent satisfactory condition. Expected surgical prognosis remains guarded due to her ongoing pain syndrome that has been requiring significant narcotic medications.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
ADMISSION DIAGNOSES:,1. Pyelonephritis.,2. History of uterine cancer and ileal conduit urinary diversion.,3. Hypertension.,4. Renal insufficiency.,5. Anemia.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:,1. Pyelonephritis likely secondary to mucous plugging of indwelling Foley in the ileal conduit.,2. Hypertension.,3. Mild renal insufficiency.,4. Anemia, which has been present chronically over the past year.,HOSPITAL COURSE:, The patient was admitted with suspected pyelonephritis. Renal was consulted. It was thought that there was a thick mucous plug in the Foley in the ileal conduit that was irrigated by Dr. X. Her symptoms responded to IV antibiotics and she remained clinically stable. Klebsiella was isolated in this urine, which was sensitive to Bactrim and she was discharged on p.o. Bactrim. She was scheduled on 08/07/2007 for further surgery. She is to follow up with Dr. Y in 7-10 days. She also complained of right knee pain and the right knee showed no sign of effusion. She was exquisitely tender to touch of the patellar tendon. It was thought that this did not represent intraarticular process. She was advised to use ibuprofen over-the-counter two to three tabs t.i.d.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a followup dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and possible metabolic syndrome. The patient reports that she has worked hard for a number of weeks following the meal plan prescribed, but felt like she was gaining weight and not losing weight on it. She is not sure that she was following it accurately. She is trying to walk 1-1/2 to 2 miles every other day, but is increasing her time in the garden and doing other yard work as well. Once she started experiencing some weight gain, she went back to her old South Beach Diet and felt like she was able to take some of that weight off. However she realizes that the South Beach Diet is not a healthy diet for her and so is coming back for better instruction on safe weight loss and low-fat eating.,OBJECTIVE:, Weight is 275 pounds. Food records were reviewed.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient experienced a weight gain of 2 pounds since our last consultation which was two months ago. I did carefully review her food records and evaluated calories consumed. While she was carefully tracking the volume of protein and carbohydrates, she was getting some excess calories from the fatty proteins selected. Thus we rearranged her meal plan a little bit and talked about how to track her fat calories as well. She was more open to reducing the amount of protein from the previous meal plan and increasing slightly the amount of carbohydrates. While this still is not as much carbohydrate as I would normally recommend, I am certainly willing to work with her on how she feels her body best handles weight reduction. We also discussed a snack that could be eliminated in the morning because she really is not hungry at that time.,PLAN:, A new 1500 calorie meal plan was developed based on 35% of the calories coming from protein, 40% of the calories from carbohydrate, and 25% of the calories from fat. This translates in to 10 servings at 15 grams a piece of carbohydrates throughout the day dividing them in to groups of two servings per meal and per snack. This also translates in to 2 ounces of protein at breakfast, 6 ounces at lunch, 2 ounces in the afternoon snack, 6 ounces at supper, and 2 ounces in the evening snack. We have eliminated the morning snack. The patient will now track the grams of fat in her meats as well as added fats. Her goal for total fats over the course of the day is no more than 42 grams of fat per day. This was a half hour consultation. We will plan to see the patient back in one month for support.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Intrauterine pregnancy at 35-1/7.,2. Rh isoimmunization.,3. Suspected fetal anemia.,4. Desires permanent sterilization.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Intrauterine pregnancy at 35-1/7.,2. Rh isoimmunization.,3. Suspected fetal anemia.,4. Desires permanent sterilization.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Primary low transverse cesarean section by Pfannenstiel skin incision with bilateral tubal sterilization.,ANESTHESIA:, Spinal anesthesia.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,500 mL.,INTRAOPERATIVE FLUIDS: , 1000 mL crystalloids.,URINE OUTPUT: , 300 mL clear urine at the end of procedure.,SPECIMENS:, Cord gases, hematocrit on cord blood, placenta, and bilateral tubal segments.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , Male infant, vertex position, very bright yellow amniotic fluid. Apgars 7 and 8 at 1 and 5 minutes respectively. Weight pending at this time. His name is Kasson as well as umbilical cord and placenta stained yellow. Otherwise normal appearing uterus and bilateral tubes and ovaries.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION:, After informed consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the operating room where spinal anesthesia was obtained by Dr. X without difficulties. The patient was placed in supine position with leftward tilt. Fetal heart tones were checked and were 140s, and she was prepped and draped in a normal sterile fashion. At this time, a Pfannenstiel skin incision made with a scalpel and carried down to the underlying fascia with electrocautery. The fascia was nicked sharply in the midline. The fascial incision was extended laterally with Mayo scissors. The inferior aspect of the fascial incision was grasped with Kocher x2, elevated, and rectus muscles dissected sharply with the use of Mayo scissors. Attention was then turned to the superior aspect of the fascial incision. Fascia was grasped, elevated, and rectus muscles dissected off sharply. The rectus muscles were separated in the midline bluntly. The peritoneum was identified, grasped, and entered sharply and the peritoneal incision extended inferiorly and superiorly with good visualization of bladder. Bladder blade was inserted. Vesicouterine peritoneum was tented up and a bladder flap was created using Metzenbaum scissors. Bladder blade was reinserted to effectively protect the bladder from the operative field and the lower uterine segment incised in a transverse U-shaped fashion with the scalpel. Uterine incision was extended laterally and manually. Membranes were ruptured and bright yellow clear amniotic fluid was noted. Infant's head was in a floating position, able to flex the head, push against the incision, and then easily brought it to the field vertex. Nares and mouth were suctioned with bulb suction. Remainder of the infant was delivered atraumatically. The infant was very pale upon delivery. Cord was doubly clamped and cut and immediately handed to the awaiting intensive care nursery team. An 8 cm segment of the tube was doubly clamped and transected. Cord gases were obtained. Cord was then cleansed, laid on a clean laparotomy sponge, and cord blood was drawn for hematocrit measurements. At this time, it was noted that the cord was significantly yellow stained as well as the placenta. At this time, the placenta was delivered via gentle traction on the cord and exterior uterine massage. Uterus was exteriorized and cleared off all clots and debris with dry laparotomy sponge and the lower uterine segment was closed with 1-0 chromic in a running locked fashion. Two areas of oozing were noted and separate figure-of-eight sutures were placed to obtain hemostasis. At this time, the uterine incision was hemostatic. The bladder was examined and found to be well below the level of the incision repair. Tubes and ovaries were examined and found to be normal. The patient was again asked if she desires permanent sterilization of which she agrees and therefore the right fallopian tube was identified and followed out to the fimbriated end and grasped at the mid portion with a Babcock clamp. Mesosalpinx was divided with electrocautery and a 4-cm segment of tube was doubly tied and transected with a 3-cm segment of tube removed. Hemostasis was noted. Then, attention was turned to the left fallopian tube which in similar fashion was grasped and brought out through the fimbriated end and grasped the midline portion with Babcock clamp. Mesosalpinx was incised and 3-4 cm tube doubly tied, transected, and excised and excellent hemostasis was noted. Attention was returned to the uterine incision which is seemed to be hemostatic and uterus was returned to the abdomen. Gutters were cleared off all clots and debris. Lower uterine segments were again re-inspected and found to be hemostatic. Sites of tubal sterilization were also visualized and were hemostatic. At this time, the peritoneum was grasped with Kelly clamps x3 and closed with running 3-0 Vicryl suture. Copious irrigation was used. Rectus muscle belly was examined and found to be hemostatic and tacked and well approximated in the midline. At this time, the fascia was closed using 0 Vicryl in a running fashion. Manual palpation confirms thorough and adequate closure of the fascial layer. Copious irrigation was again used. Hemostasis noted, and skin was closed with staples. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Sponge, lap, needle, and instrument counts were correct x3 and the patient was sent to the recovery room awake and stable condition. Infant assumed the care of the intensive care nursery team and being followed and workup up for isoimmunization and fetal anemia. The patient will be followed for her severe right upper quadrant pain post delivery. If she continues to have pain, may need a surgical consult for gallbladder and/or angiogram for evaluation of right kidney and questionable venous plexus. This all will be relayed to Dr. Y, her primary obstetrician who was on call starting this morning at 7 a.m. through the weekend.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 55-year-old gentleman who presents for further evaluation of right leg weakness. He has difficulty recollecting the exact details and chronology of his problem. To the best of his recollection, he thinks that about six months ago he developed weakness of his right leg. He describes that he is reaching to get something from a cabinet and he noticed that he was unable to stand on his right toe. Since that time, he has had difficulty pushing off when he walks. He has mild tingling and numbness in his toes, but this has been a chronic problem and nothing new since he has developed the weakness. He has chronic mild back pain, but this has been persistent for many years and has not changed. He has experienced cramps in both calves for the past year. This dissipated about two months ago. He does not think that his left leg is weak. He does not have any bowel or bladder incontinence. There is no radicular pain. He does not think that the problem is progressive, meaning that the weakness that he perceives in his right leg is no different than when it was six months ago.,He first sought medical attention for this problem in October. He then saw you a couple of months later. He has undergone an EMG and nerve conduction studies. Unfortunately, he cannot undergo an MRI of his spine because he has an ear implant. He has had a CT scan that shows degenerative changes, but nothing obviously abnormal.,In addition, the patient has hyperCKemia. He tells me that he has had an elevated CK prior to starting taking stat medications, although this is not entirely clear to me. He thinks that he is not taking Lipitor for about 15 months and thought that his CK was in the 500 or 600s prior to starting it. Once it was started, it increased to about 800 and then came down to about 500 when it was stopped. He then had a recent bump again up to the 1000 and since Lipitor has been stopped, his CK apparently has returned to about the 500 or 600s. I do no have any laboratory data to support these statements by the patient, but he seems to be up to speed on this. More recently, he has been started taking Zetia. He does not have any proximal weakness. He denies any myalgias., ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, He has coronary artery disease and has received five stents. He has hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. He states that he was diagnosed with diabetes based on the results of an abnormal oral glucose tolerance test. He believes that his glucose shot up to over 300 with this testing. He does not take any medications for this and his blood glucoses are generally normal when he checks it. He has had plastic surgery on his face from an orbital injury. He also had an ear graft when he developed an ear infection during his honeymoon., ,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, He takes amlodipine, Diovan, Zetia, hydrochlorothiazide, Lovaza (fish oil), Niaspan, aspirin, and Chantix. , ,ALLERGIES:, He has no known drug allergies., ,SOCIAL HISTORY:, He lives with his wife. He works at Shepherd Pratt doing network engineering. He smokes a pack of cigarettes a day and is working on quitting. He drinks four alcoholic beverages per night. Prior to that, he drank significantly more. He denies illicit drug use. He was athletic growing up., ,FAMILY HISTORY:, His mother died of complications from heart disease. His father died of heart disease in his 40s. He has two living brothers. One of them he does not speak too much with and does not know about his medical history. The other is apparently healthy. He has one healthy child. His maternal uncles apparently had polio. When I asked him to tell me further details about this, he states that one of them had to wear crutches due to severe leg deformans and then the other had leg deformities in only one leg. He is fairly certain that they had polio. He is unaware of any other family members with neurological conditions.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , He has occasional tinnitus. He has difficulty sleeping. Otherwise, a complete review of systems was obtained and was negative except for as mentioned above. This is documented in the handwritten notes from today's visit.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, ,Vital Signs:
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , See chart attached.,MEDICATIONS: , Tramadol 50 mg every 4 to 6 hours p.r.n., hydrocodone 7.5 mg/500 mg every 6 hours p.r.n., zolpidem 10 mg at bedtime, triamterene 37.5 mg, atenolol 50 mg, vitamin D, TriCor 145 mg, simvastatin 20 mg, ibuprofen 600 mg t.i.d., and Lyrica 75 mg.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Mother is age 78 with history of mesothelioma. Father is alive, but unknown medical history as they have been estranged. She has a 51-year-old sister with history of multiple colon polyps. She has 2 brothers, 1 of whom has schizophrenia, but she knows very little about their medical history. To the best of her knowledge, there are no family members with stomach cancer or colon cancer.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She was born in Houston, Texas and moved to Florida about 3 years ago. She is divorced. She has worked as a travel agent. She has 2 sons ages 24 and 26, both of whom are alive and well. She smokes a half a pack of cigarettes per day for more than 35 years. She does not consume alcohol.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As per the form filled out in our office today is positive for hypertension, weakness in arms and legs, arthritis, pneumonia, ankle swelling, getting full quickly after eating, loss of appetite, weight loss, which is stated as fluctuating up and down 4 pounds, trouble swallowing, heartburn, indigestion, belching, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, change in bowel habits, change in consistency, rectal bleeding, hemorrhoids, abdominal discomfort and cramping associated with constipation, hepatitis A or infectious hepatitis in the past, and smoking and alcohol as previously stated. Otherwise, review of systems is negative for strokes, paralysis, gout, cataracts, glaucoma, respiratory difficulties, tuberculosis, chest pain, heart disease, kidney stones, hematuria, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, cancer, diabetes, thyroid disease, seizure disorder, blood transfusions, anemia, jaundice, or pruritus.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,Weight 152 pounds. Height is 5 feet 3 inches. Blood pressure 136/80. Pulse 68. In general: She is a well-developed and well-nourished female who ambulates with the assistance of a cane. Neurologically nonfocal. Awake, alert, and oriented x 3. HEENT: Head normocephalic, atraumatic. Sclerae anicteric. Conjunctivae are pink. Mouth is moist without any obvious oral lesions. Neck is supple. There is no submandibular, submaxillary, axillary, supraclavicular, or epitrochlear adenopathy appreciable. Lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally. Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without obvious gallops or murmurs. Abdomen is soft, nontender with good bowel sounds. No organomegaly or masses are appreciable. Extremities are without clubbing, cyanosis, and/or edema. Skin is warm and dry. Rectal was deferred and will be done at the time of the colonoscopy.,IMPRESSION:,1. A 50-year-old female whose 51-year-old sister has a history of multiple colon polyps, which may slightly increase her risk for colon cancer in the future.,2. Reports of recurrent bright red blood per rectum, mostly on the toilet paper over the past year. Bleeding most likely consistent with internal hemorrhoids; however, she needs further evaluation for colon polyps or colon cancer.,3. Alternations between constipation and diarrhea for the past several years with some lower abdominal cramping and discomfort particularly associated with constipation. She is on multiple medications including narcotics and may have developed narcotic bowel syndrome.,4. A long history of pyrosis, dyspepsia, nausea, and belching for many years relieved by antacids. She may likely have underlying gastroesophageal reflux disease.,5. A 1-year history of some early satiety and fluctuations in her weight up and down 4 pounds. She may also have some GI dysmotility including gastroparesis.,6. Report of dysphagia to solids over the past several years with a history of a bone spur in her cervical spine. If this bone spur is pressing anteriorly, it could certainly cause recurrent symptoms of dysphagia. Differential also includes peptic stricture or Schatzki's ring, and even remotely, the possibility of an esophageal malignancy.,7. A history of infectious hepatitis in the past with some recent mild elevations in AST and ALT levels without clear etiology. She may have some reaction to her multiple medications including her statin drugs, which can cause mild elevations in transaminases. She may have some underlying fatty liver disease and differential could include some form of viral hepatitis such as hepatitis B or even C.,PLAN:,1. We have asked her to follow up with her primary care physician with regard to this recent elevation in her transaminases. She will likely have the lab tests repeated in the future, and if they remain persistently elevated, we will be happy to see her in the future for further evaluation if her primary care physician would like.,2. Discussed reflux precautions and gave literature for further review.,3. Schedule an upper endoscopy with possible esophageal dilatation, as well as colonoscopy with possible infrared coagulation of suspected internal hemorrhoids. Both procedures were explained in detail including risks and complications such as adverse reaction to medication, as well as respiratory embarrassment, infection, bleeding, perforation, and possibility of missing a small polyp or tumor.,4. Alternatives including upper GI series, flexible sigmoidoscopy, barium enema, and CT colonography were discussed; however, the patient agrees to proceed with the plan as outlined above.,5. Due to her sister's history of colon polyps, she will likely be advised to have a repeat colonoscopy in 5 years or perhaps sooner pending the results of her baseline examination.,
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
SUBJECTIVE: , The patient is not in acute distress.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure of 121/63, pulse is 75, and O2 saturation is 94% on room air.,HEAD AND NECK: Face is symmetrical. Cranial nerves are intact.,CHEST: There is prolonged expiration.,CARDIOVASCULAR: First and second heart sounds are heard. No murmur was appreciated.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Bowel sounds are positive.,EXTREMITIES: He has 2+ pedal swelling.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is asleep, but easily arousable.,LABORATORY DATA:, PTT is 49. INR is pending. BUN is improved to 20.6, creatinine is 0.7, sodium is 123, and potassium is 3.8. AST is down to 45 and ALT to 99.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , Nuclear stress test showed moderate size, mostly fixed defect involving the inferior wall with a small area of peri-infarct ischemia. Ejection fraction is 25%.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Congestive heart failure due to rapid atrial fibrillation and systolic dysfunction. Continue current treatment as per Cardiology. We will consider adding ACE inhibitors as renal function improves.,2. Acute pulmonary edema, resolved.,3. Rapid atrial fibrillation, rate controlled. The patient is on beta-blockers and digoxin. Continue Coumadin. Monitor INR.,4. Coronary artery disease with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Continue beta-blockers.,5. Urinary tract infection. Continue Rocephin.,6. Bilateral perfusion secondary to congestive heart failure. We will monitor.,7. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stable.,8. Abnormal liver function due to congestive heart failure with liver congestion, improving.,9. Rule out hypercholesterolemia. We will check lipid profile.,10. Tobacco smoking disorder. The patient has been counseled.,11. Hyponatremia, stable. This is due to fluid overload. Continue diuresis as per Nephrology.,12. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis. The patient is on heparin drip.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
ACNE VULGARIS,, commonly referred to as just acne, is a chronic inflammation of the skin that occurs most often during adolescence but can occur off and on throughout life. The skin eruptions most often appear on the face, chest, back and upper arms and are more common in males than females.,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS:,* Blackheads the size of a pinhead.,* Whiteheads similar to blackheads.,* Pustules - lesions filled with pus.,* Redness and inflamed skin.,* Cysts - large, firm swollen lesions in severe acne.,* Abscess - infected lesion that is swollen, tender, inflamed, filled with pus, also seen in severe acne.,CAUSES:,Oil glands in the skin become plugged for reasons unknown but during adolescence, sex-hormone changes play some role. When oil backs up in the plugged gland, a bacteria normally present on skin causes an infection. Acne is NOT caused by foods, uncleanliness or masturbation. Cleaning the skin can decrease its severity but sexual activity has no effect on it. A family history of acne can indicate if an individual will get acne and how severe it might be. Currently, acne can't be prevented.,ACNE CAN BE BROUGHT ON OR MADE WORSE BY:,* Hot or cold temperatures.,* Emotional stress.,* Oily skin.,* Endocrine (hormone) disorder.,* Drugs such as cortisones, male hormones, or oral contraceptives.,* Some cosmetics.,* Food sensitivities. Again, foods do not cause acne but some certain ones may make it worse. To discover any food sensitivities, eliminate suspicious foods from your diet and then start eating them again one at a time. If acne worsens 2-3 days after consumption, then avoid this food. Acne usually improves in summer so some foods may be tolerated in summer that can't be eaten in winter.,TREATMENT:,* Most cases of acne respond well to treatment and will likely disappear once adolescence is over. Even with adequate treatment, acne will tend to flare up from time to time and sometimes permanent facial scars or pitting of the skin may occur.,* If your skin is oily, gently clean face with a fresh, clean wash cloth using unscented soap for 3- 5 minutes; an antibacterial soap may work better. A previously used wet washcloth will harbor bacteria. Don't aggressively scrub tender lesions as this may spread infection; be gentle. Rinse the soap off for a good 1-2 minutes. Dry face carefully with a clean towel and use an astringent such as rubbing alcohol that will remove the skin oil.,OTHER TIPS THAT MAY HELP ACNE:,* Shampoo hair at least twice a week. Keep hair off of face even while sleeping as hair can spread oil and bacteria. If you have dandruff, use a dandruff shampoo. Avoid cream hair rinses.,* Wash sweat and skin oil off as soon as possible after sweating and exercising.,* Use thinner, water-based cosmetics instead of the heavier oil-based ones.,* Avoid skin moisturizers unless recommended by your doctor.,* Do not squeeze, pick, rub or scratch your skin or the acne lesions. This may damage the skin causing scarring and delay healing of acne. Only a doctor should remove blackheads.,* Keep from resting face on hands while reading, studying or watching TV.,* Try to avoid pressing the phone receiver on you chin while talking on the phone.,* Ultraviolet light may be a treatment recommended by your doctor but this is by no means a license to sunbathe! Don't use the sun to treat acne.,* Dermabrasion may be another option to treat acne scars. This is a type of cosmetic surgery to help remove unsightly scars.,MEDICATIONS THAT MAY BE PRESCRIBED TO HELP ACNE INCLUDE:,* Oral or topical antibiotics.,* Cortisone injections into acne lesions.,* Oral contraceptives.,* Tretinoin, which may increase sun sensitivity and excessive dryness, is not recommended during pregnancy.,* Accutane (isotretinoin) is a powerful drug to treat acne but causes birth defects. A woman taking this drug,must be on two types of birth control and have negative pregnancy tests. This drug also increases sun,sensitivity. Other more serious side effects can occur and your doctor will discuss those with you if Accutane is to be prescribed.,TETRACYCLINE:,Tetracycline is a very safe antibiotic. It is not related to penicillin and an allergy to it is unusual. There are several potential side effects:,1. Tetracycline can cause nausea or heartburn.,2. Tetracycline can cause vaginitis.,3. Tetracycline can cause excessive sun burn.,CAUTIONS ON TETRACYCLINE:,1. Do not take Tetracycline with milk or milk products (ice cream, cheese, yogurt, etc.). This will cancel out the Tetracycline. Separate the Tetracycline from these products by one and one-half hours before and after each capsule. Do have a small amount of non milk-containing food in your stomach first to prevent nausea.,2. Do not take Tetracycline if you are pregnant.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
SUBJECTIVE:, She is here for a followup on her weight loss on phentermine. She has gained another pound since she was here last. We talked at length about the continued plateau she has had with her weight. She gained a pound the month before and really has not been able to get her weight any farther down than she had when her lowest level was 136. She is frustrated with this as well. We agree that if she continues to plateau she really should not stay on phentermine. We would not want her to take it to maintain her weight but only to help her get her weight down, and she may have really lost any benefit from it, and she agrees.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Otherwise negative. She has no specific complaints. No shortness of breath, chest pain or palpitations.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,Vital signs: Her blood pressure is fine. Her diastolic is a little bit high, but otherwise okay.,General: She appears in good spirits. No apparent distress.,HEENT: Negative.,Neck: Supple without bruits.,Chest: Clear.,Cardiac exam: Regular without extra sounds.,ASSESSMENT:, Weight loss on phentermine, really has plateaued.,PLAN:, If she does not lose weight in the next month we will probably consider having her go off the phentermine. If she does lose a couple of pounds, then we will keep her on it until she gets closer to her goal of 135 and then try to keep her there for one or two months and then stop. She agrees with this plan.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Suspicious microcalcifications, left breast.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Suspicious microcalcifications, left breast.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Needle-localized excisional biopsy, left breast.,ANESTHESIA:, Local with sedation.,SPECIMEN: ,Left breast with specimen mammogram.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,HISTORY: , The patient is a 71-year-old black female who had a routine mammogram, which demonstrated suspicious microcalcifications in the left breast. She had no palpable mass on physical exam. She does have significant family history with two daughters having breast cancer. The patient also has a history of colon cancer. A surgical biopsy was recommended and she was scheduled electively.,PROCEDURE:, After proper informed consent was obtained, she was placed in the operative suite. This occurred after undergoing preoperative needle localization. She was placed in the operating room in the supine position. She was given sedation by the Anesthesia Department. The left breast was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The skin was infiltrated with local and a curvilinear incision was made in the left lower outer quadrant. The breast tissue was grasped with Allis clamps and a core of tissue was removed around the localization wire. There were some fibrocystic changes noted. The specimen was then completely removed and was sent to Radiology for mammogram. The calcifications were seen in specimen per Dr. X. Meticulous hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. The area was irrigated and suctioned.,The aspirant was clear. The skin was then reapproximated using #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a running subcuticular fashion. Steri-Strips and sterile dressing on the patient's bra were applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to recovery room in stable condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
GENERAL EVALUATION:,Fetal Cardiac Activity: Normal at 150BPM. Fetal Lie: Longitudinal. Fetal Presentation: Cephalic. Placenta: Anterior Grade I. Uterus: Normal. Cervix: Closed. Adnexa: Not seen. Amniotic Fluid: Normal.,BIOMETRY:,BPD: 8.4 cm consistent with 33 weeks, 6 days gestation,HC: 29.8 cm consistent with 33 weeks, 0 days gestation,AC: 29.7 cm consistent with 33 weeks, 5 days gestation,FL:
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Phimosis and adhesions.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,Phimosis and adhesions.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED: , Circumcision and release of ventral chordee.,ANESTHESIA: ,Local MAC.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,FLUIDS: , Crystalloid. The patient was given antibiotics preop.,BRIEF HISTORY: , This is a 43-year-old male who presented to us with significant phimosis, difficulty retracting the foreskin. The patient had buried penis with significant obesity issues in the suprapubic area. Options such as watchful waiting, continuation of slowly retracting the skin, applying betamethasone cream, and circumcision were discussed. Risk of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, pain, MI, DVT, PE, and CVA risks were discussed. The patient had discussed this issue with Dr Khan and had been approved to get off of the Plavix. Consent had been obtained. Risk of scarring, decrease in penile sensation, and unexpected complications were discussed. The patient was told about removing the dressing tomorrow morning, okay to shower after 48 hours, etc. Consent was obtained.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the OR. Anesthesia was applied. The patient was placed in supine position. The patient was prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. Local MAC anesthesia was applied. After draping, 17 mL of mixture of 0.25% Marcaine and 1% lidocaine plain were applied around the dorsal aspect of the penis for dorsal block. The patient had significant phimosis and slight ventral chordee. Using marking pen, the excess foreskin was marked off. Using a knife, the ventral chordee was released. The urethra was intact. The excess foreskin was removed. Hemostasis was obtained using electrocautery. A 5-0 Monocryl stitches were used for 4 interrupted stitches and horizontal mattresses were done. The patient tolerated the procedure well. There was excellent hemostasis. The penis was straight. Vaseline gauze and Kerlix were applied. The patient was brought to the recovery in stable condition. Plan was for removal of the dressing tomorrow. Okay to shower after 48 hours.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left upper extremity amputation.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left upper extremity amputation.,PROCEDURES:,1. Left abdominal flap 5 x 5 cm to left forearm.,2. Debridement of skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and bone.,3. Closure of wounds, simple closure approximately 8 cm.,4. Placement of VAC negative pressure wound dressing.,INDICATIONS: , This 3-year-old male suffered amputation of his left upper extremity with complications of injury. He presents at this time for further attempts at closure.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , A clean wound to left upper extremity with partial dehiscence of previously closed wounds and also the closure was satisfactory.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , Under inhalational anesthesia, he was prepped and draped in usual fashion exposing left upper extremity and also exposing continuity of the left abdomen, chest, and groin. He underwent systematic evaluation of his wound of his left upper extremity and we excised first the whole wound prior to doing some additional closure. Some areas were dehisced and appeared to be because it was approximation of granulation tissue and as a result the edges were freshened up prior to approximating them. In this fashion, simple closure was accomplished and its total length was approximately 8 cm. It should be noted that prior to doing any procedure that appropriate timeout was performed and he received prophylactic antibiotics as indicated and did not require DVT prophylaxis. At this time, once we accomplished debridement and simple closure removing skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle and bone as well as closing the arm, we could design our flap for the abdomen. The flap was designed as a slightly greater than 1:1 ellipse of skin from just below the costal margin. This was elevated at the level of the external oblique and then laid on the left forearm. The donor's site was closed using interrupted 4-0 Vicryl in the deep dermis and running subcuticular 4-0 Monocryl on the skin. Steri-Strips were applied. At this time, the flap was inset using again 4-0 Monocryl sutures and then ultimately the VAC negative pressure wound dressing was applied to help hold this in place and optimize the vascularization of the flap. The patient tolerated the procedure well and he returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Anemia.,PROCEDURE:, Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Severe duodenitis.,2. Gastroesophageal junction small ulceration seen.,3. No major bleeding seen in the stomach.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was put in left lateral position. Olympus scope was inserted from the mouth, under direct visualization advanced to the upper part of the stomach, upper part of esophagus, middle of esophagus, GE junction, and some intermittent bleeding was seen at the GE junction. Advanced into the upper part of the stomach into the antrum. The duodenum showed extreme duodenitis and the scope was then brought back. Retroflexion was performed, which was normal. Scope was then brought back slowly. Duodenitis was seen and a little bit of ulceration seen at GE junction.,FINDING: , Severe duodenitis, may be some source of bleeding from there, but no active bleeding at this time.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Chest pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 40-year-old white male who presents with a chief complaint of "chest pain".,The patient is diabetic and has a prior history of coronary artery disease. The patient presents today stating that his chest pain started yesterday evening and has been somewhat intermittent. The severity of the pain has progressively increased. He describes the pain as a sharp and heavy pain which radiates to his neck & left arm. He ranks the pain a 7 on a scale of 1-10. He admits some shortness of breath & diaphoresis. He states that he has had nausea & 3 episodes of vomiting tonight. He denies any fever or chills. He admits prior episodes of similar pain prior to his PTCA in 1995. He states the pain is somewhat worse with walking and seems to be relieved with rest. There is no change in pain with positioning. He states that he took 3 nitroglycerin tablets sublingually over the past 1 hour, which he states has partially relieved his pain. The patient ranks his present pain a 4 on a scale of 1-10. The most recent episode of pain has lasted one-hour.,The patient denies any history of recent surgery, head trauma, recent stroke, abnormal bleeding such as blood in urine or stool or nosebleed.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, All other systems reviewed & are negative.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Diabetes mellitus type II, hypertension, coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, status post PTCA in 1995 by Dr. ABC.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Denies alcohol or drugs. Smokes 2 packs of cigarettes per day. Works as a banker.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for coronary artery disease (father & brother).,MEDICATIONS: , Aspirin 81 milligrams QDay. Humulin N. insulin 50 units in a.m. HCTZ 50 mg QDay. Nitroglycerin 1/150 sublingually PRN chest pain.,ALLERGIES: , Penicillin.,PHYSICAL EXAM: , The patient is a 40-year-old white male.,General: The patient is moderately obese but he is otherwise well developed & well nourished. He appears in moderate discomfort but there is no evidence of distress. He is alert, and oriented to person place and circumstance. There is no evidence of respiratory distress. The patient ambulates
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Mr. A is a 50-year-old gentleman with a history of atrial fibrillation in the past, more recently who has had atrial flutter, who estimates he has had six cardioversions since 10/09, and estimates that he has had 12 to 24 in his life beginning in 2006 when the atrial fibrillation first emerged. He, since 10:17 p.m. on 01/17/10, noted recurrence of his atrial fibrillation, called our office this morning, that is despite being on flecainide, atenolol, and he is maintained on Coumadin.,The patient has noted some lightheadedness as well as chest discomfort and shortness of breath when atrial flutter recurred and we see that on his 12-lead EKG here. Otherwise, no chest pain.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter and again he had atrial fibrillation more persistently in 2006, but more recently it has been atrial flutter and that is despite use of antiarrhythmics including flecainide. He completed a stress test in my office within the past several weeks that was normal without evidence of ischemia. Other medical history is significant for hyperlipidemia.,MEDICATIONS:,As outpatient,,1. Atenolol 25 mg once a day.,2. Altace 2.5 mg once a day.,3. Zocor 20 mg once a day.,4. Flecainide 200 in the morning and 100 in the evening.,5. Coumadin as directed by our office.,ALLERGIES: , TO MEDICATIONS ARE NONE. HE DENIES SHRIMP, SEA FOOD OR DYE ALLERGY.,FAMILY HISTORY: , He has a nephew who was his sister's son who passed away at age 22 reportedly from an MI, but was reported to have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as well. The patient has previously met with the electrophysiologist, Dr. X, at General Hospital and it sounds like he had a negative EP study.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient does not smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol nor drink any caffeine. No use of illicit drugs. He has been married for 22 years and he is actually accompanied throughout today's cardiology consultation by his wife. He is not participating in regular exercises now because he states since starting flecainide, he has gotten sluggish. He is employed as an attorney and while he states that overall his mental stress is better, he has noted more recent mental stress this past weekend when he was taking his daughter back to college.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , He denies any history of stroke, cancer, vomiting of blood, coughing up blood, bright red blood per rectum, bleeding stomach ulcers, renal calculi. There are some questions especially as his wife has told me that he may have obstructive sleep apnea and not had a formal sleep study.,PHYSICAL EXAM: , Blood pressure 156/93, pulse is 100, respiratory rate 18. On general exam, he is a pleasant overweight gentleman, in no acute distress. HEENT: Shows cranium is normocephalic and atraumatic. He has moist mucosal membranes. Neck veins are not distended. There are no carotid bruits. Visible skin warm and perfused. Affect appropriate. He is quite oriented and pleasant. No significant kyphoscoliosis on recumbent back exam. Lungs are clear to auscultation anteriorly. No wheezes. No egophony. Cardiac Exam: S1, S2. Regular rate, controlled. No significant murmurs, rubs or gallops. PMI is nondisplaced. Abdomen is soft, nondistended, appears benign. Extremities without significant edema. Pulses grossly intact.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES/LAB DATA:, Initial ECG shows atrial flutter.,IMPRESSION: , Mr. A is a 50-year-old gentleman with a history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the past, more recently is having breakthrough atrial flutter despite flecainide and we had performed a transesophageal echocardiogram-guided cardioversion for him in late 12/20/09, who now has another recurrence within the past 41 hours or so. I have reviewed again with him in detail regarding risks, benefits, and alternatives of proceeding with cardioversion, which the patient is in favor of. After in depth explanation of the procedure with him that there would be more definitive resumption of normal sinus rhythm by using electrocardioversion with less long-term side effects, past the acute procedure, alternatives being continued atrial flutter with potential for electrophysiologic consultation for ablation and/or heart rate control with anticoagulation, which the patient was not interested nor was I primarily recommending as the next step, and risks including, but not limited to and the patient was aware and this was all done in the presence of his wife that this is not an all-inclusive list, but the risks include but not limited to oversedation from conscious sedation, risk of aspiration pneumonia from regurgitation of stomach contents, which would be less likely as I did confirm with the patient that he had been n.p.o. for greater than 15 hours, risk of induction of other arrhythmias including tachyarrhythmias requiring further management including cardioversion or risk of bradyarrhythmias, in the past when we had a cardioverter with 150 joules, he did have a 5.5-second pause especially while he is on antiarrhythmic therapy, statistically less significant risk of CVA, although we cannot really make that null. The patient expressed understanding of this risk, benefit, and alternative analysis. I invited questions from him and his wife and once their questions were answered to their self-stated satisfaction, we planned to go forward with the procedure.,PROCEDURE NOTE: ,The patient received a total of 7 mg of Versed and 50 micrograms of fentanyl utilizing titrate-down sedation with good effect and this was after the appropriate time-out procedure had been done as per the Medical Center universal protocol with appropriate identification of the patient, position, procedure documentation, procedure indication, and there were no questions. The patient did actively participate in this time-out procedure. After the universal protocol was done, he then received the cardioversion attempt with 50 joules using "lollipop posterior patch" with hands-driven paddle on the side, which was 50 joules of synchronized biphasic energy. There was successful resumption of normal sinus rhythm, in fact this time there was not a significant pause as compared to when he had this done previously in late 12/09 and this sinus rhythm was confirmed by a 12-lead EKG.,IMPRESSION: , Cardioversion shows successful resumption of normal sinus rhythm from atrial flutter and that is while the patient has been maintained on Coumadin and his INR is 3.22. We are going to watch him and discharge him from the Medical Center area on his current flecainide of 200 mg in the morning and 100 mg in the evening, atenolol 25 mg once a day, Coumadin _____ as currently being diagnosed. I had previously discussed with the patient and he was agreeable with meeting with his electrophysiologist again, Dr. X, at Electrophysiology Unit at General Hospital and I will be planning to place a call for Dr. X myself. Again, he has no ischemia on this most recent stress test and I suppose in the future it may be reasonable to get obstructive sleep apnea evaluation and that may be one issue promulgating his symptoms.,I had previously discussed the case with Dr. Y who is the patient's general cardiologist as well as updated his wife at the patient's bedside regarding our findings.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
ADMISSION DIAGNOSES: , Hyperglycemia, cholelithiasis, obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES: , Hyperglycemia, cholelithiasis, obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and cholecystitis.,PROCEDURE: , Laparoscopic cholecystectomy.,SERVICE: , Surgery.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Ms. ABC is a 57-year-old woman. She suffers from morbid obesity. She also has diabetes and obstructive sleep apnea. She was evaluated in the Bariatric Surgical Center for placement of a band. During her workup, she was noted to have evidence of cholelithiasis. It was felt that the patient would benefit from removal of her gallbladder prior to having band placement secondary to her diabetes and the risk of infection of the band. The patient was scheduled to undergo her procedure on 12/31/09; however, at blood glucose check, the patient was noted to be hyperglycemic, her sugar was 438. She was admitted to the hospital for treatment of her hyperglycemia.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , Ms. ABC was admitted to the hospital. She was seen by Dr. A. He put her on an insulin drip. Her sugars slowly did come down to normal down to between 115 and 134. On the next day, she was then taken to the operating room, where she underwent her laparoscopic cholecystectomy. She was noted to be a difficult intubation for the procedure. There were some indications of chronic cholecystitis, a little bit of edema, mild edema and adhesions of omentum around the gallbladder. She underwent the procedure. She tolerated without difficulty. She was recovered in the Postoperative Care Unit and then returned to the floor. Her blood sugar postprocedure was noted to be 233. She was started back on a sliding scale insulin. She continued to do well and was felt to be stable for discharge following the procedure.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: ,To return to the Medifast diet. To continue with her blood glucose. She needs to follow up with Dr. B, and she will see me next week on Friday. We will determine if we will proceed with her lap band at that time. She may shower. She needs to keep her wounds clean and dry. No heavy lifting. No driving on narcotic pain medicines. She needs to continue with her CPAP machine and continue to monitor her sugars.
Discharge Summary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, T11 compression fracture with intractable pain.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, T11 compression fracture with intractable pain.,OPERATION PERFORMED:, Unilateral transpedicular T11 vertebroplasty.,ANESTHESIA:, Local with IV sedation.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,SUMMARY: , The patient in the operating room in the prone position with the back prepped and draped in the sterile fashion. The patient was given sedation and monitored. Using AP and lateral fluoroscopic projections the T11 compression fracture was identified. Starting from the left side local anesthetic was used for skin wheal just lateral superior to the 10 o'clock position of the lateral aspect of the T11 pedicle on the left. The 13-gauge needle and trocar were then taken and placed to 10 o'clock position on the pedicle. At this point using AP and lateral fluoroscopic views, the needle and trocar were advanced into the vertebral body using the fluoroscopic images and making sure that the needle was lateral to the medial wall of the pedicle of the pedicle at all times. Once the vertebral body was entered then using lateral fluoroscopic views, the needle was advanced to the junction of the anterior one third and posterior two thirds of the body. At this point polymethylmethacrylate was mixed for 60 seconds. Once the consistency had hardened and the __________ was gone, incremental dose of the cement were injected into the vertebral body. It was immediately seen that the cement was going cephalad into the vertebral body and was exiting through the crack in the vertebra. A total 1.2 cc of cement was injected. On lateral view, the cement crushed to the right side as well. There was some dye infiltration into the disk space. There was no dye taken whatsoever into the posterior aspect of the epidural space or intrathecal canal.,At this point, as the needle was slowly withdrawn under lateral fluoroscopic images, visualization was maintained to ensure that none of the cement was withdrawn posteriorly into the epidural space. Once the needle was withdrawn safely pressure was held over the site for three minutes. There were no complications. The patient was taken back to the recovery area in stable condition and kept flat for one hour. Should be followed up the next morning.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
EXAM:, MRI head without contrast.,REASON FOR EXAM: , Severe headaches.,INTERPRETATION:, Imaging was performed in the axial and sagittal planes using numerous pulse sequences at 1 tesla. Correlation is made with the head CT of 4/18/05.,On the diffusion sequence, there is no significant bright signal to indicate acute infarction. There is a large degree of increased signal involving the periventricular white matter extending around to the subcortical regions in symmetrical fashion consistent with chronic microvascular ischemic disease. There is mild chronic ischemic change involving the pons bilaterally, slightly greater on the right, and when correlating with the recent scan, there is an old tiny lacunar infarct of the right brachium pontis measuring roughly 4 mm in size. There are prominent perivascular spaces of the lenticulostriate distribution compatible with the overall degree of moderate to moderately advanced atrophy. There is an old moderate-sized infarct of the mid and lateral aspects of the right cerebellar hemisphere as seen on the recent CT scan. This involves mostly the superior portion of the hemisphere in the superior cerebellar artery distribution. No abnormal mass effect is identified. There are no findings to suggest active hydrocephalus. No abnormal extra-axial collection is identified. There is normal flow void demonstrated in the major vascular systems.,The sagittal sequence demonstrates no Chiari malformation. The region of the pituitary/optic chiasm grossly appears normal. The mastoids and paranasal sinuses are clear.,IMPRESSION:,1. No definite acute findings identified involving the brain.,2. There is prominent chronic cerebral ischemic change as described with mild chronic pontine ischemic changes. There is an old moderate-sized infarct of the superior portion of the right cerebellar hemisphere.,3. Moderate to moderately advanced atrophy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PAST MEDICAL/SURGICAL HISTORY: , Briefly, his past medical history is significant for hypertension of more than 5 years, asthma, and he has been on Advair and albuterol. He was diagnosed with renal disease in 02/2008 and has since been on hemodialysis since 02/2008. His past surgical history is only significant for left AV fistula on the wrist done in 04/2008. He still has urine output. He has no history of blood transfusion.,PERSONAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY: , He is a nonsmoker. He denies any alcohol. No illicit drugs. He used to work as the custodian at the nursing home, but now on disability since 03/2008. He is married with 2 sons, ages 5 and 17 years old.,FAMILY HISTORY:, No similar illness in the family, except for hypertension in his one sister and his mom, who died at 61 years old of congestive heart failure. His father is 67 years old, currently alive with asthma. He also has one sister who has hypertension. The rest of the 6 siblings are alive and well.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS: , Singulair 10 mg once daily, Cardizem 365 mg once daily, Coreg 25 mg once daily, hydralazine 100 mg three times a day, Lanoxin 0.125 mg once daily, Crestor 10 mg once daily, lisinopril 10 mg once daily, Phoslo 3 tablets with meals, and Advair 250 mg inhaler b.i.d.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Significant only for asthma. No history of chest pain normal MI. He has hypertension. He occasionally will develop colds especially with weather changes. GI: Negative. GU: Still making urine about 1-3 times per day. Musculoskeletal: Negative. Skin: He complains of dry skin. Neurologic: Negative. Psychiatry: Negative. Endocrine: Negative. Hematology: Negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , A pleasant 41-year-old African-American male who stands 5 feet 6 inches and weighs about 193 pounds. HEENT: Anicteric sclera, pink conjunctiva, no cervical lymphadenopathy. Chest: Equal chest expansion. Clear breath sounds. Heart: Distinct heart sounds, regular rhythm with no murmur. Abdomen: Soft, nontender, flabby, no organomegaly. Extremities: Poor peripheral pulses. No cyanosis and no edema.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, This is a 49-year old African-American male who was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease secondary to hypertension. He is on hemodialysis since 02/2008. Overall, I think that he is a reasonable candidate for a kidney transplantation and should undergo a complete pretransplant workup with pulmonary clearance because of his chronic asthma. Other than that, I think that he is a reasonable candidate for transplant.,I would like to thank you for allowing me to participate in the care of your patient. Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions regarding his case.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Clinical stage III squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Clinical stage III squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva.,OPERATION PERFORMED:, Radical vulvectomy (complete), bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy (superficial and deep).,ANESTHESIA: , General, endotracheal tube.,SPECIMENS: , Radical vulvectomy, right and left superficial and deep inguinal lymph nodes. ,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , The patient recently presented with a new vaginal nodule. Biopsy was obtained and revealed squamous carcinoma. The lesion extended slightly above the hymeneal ring and because of vaginal involvement was classified as a T3/Nx/Mx on clinical examination. Of note, past history is significant for pelvic radiation for cervical cancer many years previously.,FINDINGS: , The examination under anesthesia revealed a 1.5 cm nodule of disease extending slightly above the hymeneal ring. There was no palpable lymphadenopathy in either inguinal node region. There were no other nodules, ulcerations, or other lesions. At the completion of the procedure there was no clinical evidence of residual disease.,PROCEDURE:, The patient was brought to the Operating Room with an IV in place. She was placed in the low anterior lithotomy position after adequate anesthesia had been induced. Examination under anesthesia was performed with findings as noted, after which she was prepped and draped. The femoral triangles were marked and a 10 cm skin incision was made parallel to the inguinal ligament approximately 3 cm below the ligament. Camper's fascia was divided and skin flaps were elevated with sharp dissection and ligation of vessels where necessary. The lymph node bundles were mobilized by incising the loose areolar tissue attachments to the fascia of the rectus abdominis. The fascia around the sartorius muscle was divided and the specimen was reflected from lateral to medial. The cribriform fascia was isolated and dissected with preservation of the femoral nerve. The femoral sheath containing artery and vein was opened and vessels were stripped of their lymphatic attachments. The medial lymph node bundle was isolated, and Cloquet's node was clamped, divided, and ligated bilaterally. The saphenous vessels were identified and preserved bilaterally. The inferior margin of the specimen was ligated, divided, and removed. Inguinal node sites were irrigated and excellent hemostasis was noted. Jackson-Pratt drains were placed and Camper's fascia was approximated with simple interrupted stitches. The skin was closed with running subcuticular stitches using 4-0 Monocryl suture.,Attention was turned to the radical vulvectomy specimen. A marking pen was used to outline the margins of resection allowing 15-20 mm of margin on the inferior, lateral, and anterior margins. The medial margin extended into the vagina and was approximately 5-8 mm. The skin was incised and underlying adipose tissue was divided with electrocautery. Vascular bundles were isolated, divided, and ligated. After removal of the specimen, additional margin was obtained from the right vaginal side wall adjacent to the tumor site. Margins were submitted on the right posterior, middle, and anterior vaginal side walls. After removal of the vaginal margins, the perineum was irrigated with four liters of normal saline and deep tissues were approximated with simple interrupted stitches of 2-0 Vicryl suture. The skin was closed with interrupted horizontal mattress stitches using 3-0 Vicryl suture. The final sponge, needle, and instrument counts were correct at the completion of the procedure. The patient was then awakened from her anesthetic and taken to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit in stable condition.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: , Complete heart block.,POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: ,Complete heart block.,PROCEDURES PLANNED AND PERFORMED,1. Implantation of a dual-chamber pacemaker.,2. Fluoroscopic guidance for implantation of a dual-chamber pacemaker.,FLUOROSCOPY TIME: , 2.6 minutes.,MEDICATIONS AT THE TIME OF STUDY,1. Versed 2.5 mg.,2. Fentanyl 150 mcg.,3. Benadryl 50 mg.,CLINICAL HISTORY: , the patient is a pleasant 80-year-old female who presented to the hospital with complete heart block. She has been referred for a pacemaker implantation.,RISKS AND BENEFITS: , Risks, benefits, and alternatives to implantation of a dual-chamber pacemaker were discussed with the patient. The patient agreed both verbally and via written consent.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was transported to the cardiac catheterization laboratory in the fasting state. The region of the left deltopectoral groove was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Lidocaine 1% (20 mL) was administered to the area. After achieving appropriate anesthesia, percutaneous access of the left axillary vein was then performed under fluoroscopy. A guide wire was advanced into the vein. Following this, a 4-inch long transverse incision was made through the skin and subcutaneous tissue exposing the pectoral fascia and muscle beneath. Hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. Lidocaine 1% (10 mL) was then administered to the medial aspect of the incision. A pocket was then fashioned in the medial direction. Using the previously placed wire, a 7-French side-arm sheath was advanced over the wire into the left axillary vein. The dilator was then removed over the wire. A second wire was then advanced into the sheath into the left axillary vein. The sheath was then removed over the top of the two wires. One wire was then pinned to the drape. Using the remaining wire, a 7 French side-arm sheath was advanced back into the left axillary vein. The dilator and wire were removed. A passive pacing lead was then advanced down into the right atrium. The peel-away sheath was removed. The lead was then passed across the tricuspid valve and positioned in the apical location. Adequate pacing and sensing functions were established. Suture sleeve was advanced to the entry point of the tissue and connected securely to the tissue. With the remaining wire, a 7-French side-arm sheath was advanced over the wire into the axillary vein. The wire and dilating sheaths were removed. An active pacing lead was then advanced down into the right atrium. The peel-away sheath was removed. Preformed J stylet was then advanced into the lead. The lead was positioned in the appendage location. Lead body was then turned, and the active fix screw was fixed to the tissue. Adequate pacing and sensing function were established. Suture sleeve was advanced to the entry point of the tissue and connected securely to the tissue. The pocket was then washed with antibiotic-impregnated saline. Pulse generator was obtained and connected securely to the leads. The leads were then carefully wrapped behind the pulse generator, and the entire system was placed in the pocket. The pocket was then closed with 2-0, 3-0, and 4-0 Vicryl using a running mattress stitch. Sponge and needle counts were correct at the end of the procedure. No acute complications were noted.,DEVICE DATA,1. Pulse generator, manufacturer Boston Scientific, model # 12345, serial #1234.,2. Right atrial lead, manufacturer Guidant, model #12345, serial #1234.,3. Right ventricular lead, manufacturer Guidant, model #12345, serial #1234.,MEASURED INTRAOPERATIVE DATA,1. Right atrial lead impedance 534 ohms. P waves measured at 1.2 millivolts. Pacing threshold 1.0 volt at 0.5 milliseconds.,2. Right ventricular lead impedance 900 ohms. R-waves measured 6.0 millivolts. Pacing threshold 1.0 volt at 0.5 milliseconds.,DEVICE SETTINGS: , DDD 60 to 130.,CONCLUSIONS,1. Successful implantation of a dual-chamber pacemaker with adequate pacing and sensing function.,2. No acute complications.,PLAN,1. The patient will be taken back to her room for continued observation. She can be dismissed in 24 hours provided no acute complications at the discretion of the primary service.,2. Chest x-ray to rule out pneumothorax and verified lead position.,3. Completion of the course of antibiotics.,4. Home dismissal instructions provided in written format.,5. Device interrogation in the morning.,6. Wound check in 7 to 10 days.,7. Enrollment in device clinic.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 3-year-old female patient, who was admitted today with a history of gagging. She was doing well until about 2 days ago, when she developed gagging. No vomiting. No fever. She has history of constipation. She normally passes stool every two days after giving an enema. No rectal bleeding. She was brought to the Hospital with some loose stool. She was found to be dehydrated. She was given IV fluid bolus, but then she started bleeding from G-tube site. There was some fresh blood coming out of the G-tube site. She was transferred to PICU. She is hypertensive. Intensivist Dr. X requested me to come and look at her, and do upper endoscopy to find the site of bleeding.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , PEHO syndrome, infantile spasm, right above knee amputation, developmental delay, G-tube fundoplication.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , G-tube fundoplication on 05/25/2007. Right above knee amputation.,ALLERGIES:, None.,DIET: , She is NPO now, but at home she is on PediaSure 4 ounces 3 times a day through G-tube, 12 ounces of water per day.,MEDICATIONS: , Albuterol, Pulmicort, MiraLax 17 g once a week, carnitine, phenobarbital, Depakene and Reglan.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Positive for cancer.,PAST LABORATORY EVALUATION: , On 12/27/2007; WBC 9.3, hemoglobin 7.6, hematocrit 22.1, platelet 132,000. KUB showed large stool with dilated small and large bowel loops. Sodium 140, potassium 4.4, chloride 89, CO2 21, BUN 61, creatinine 2, AST 92 increased, ALT 62 increased, albumin 5.3, total bilirubin 0.1. Earlier this morning, she had hemoglobin of 14.5, hematocrit 41.3, platelets 491,000. PT 58 increased, INR 6.6 increased, PTT 75.9 increased.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 99 degrees Fahrenheit, pulse 142 per minute, respirations 34 per minute, weight 8.6 kg.,GENERAL: She is intubated.,HEENT: Atraumatic. She is intubated.,LUNGS: Good air entry bilaterally. No rales or wheezing.,ABDOMEN: Distended. Decreased bowel sounds.,GENITALIA: Grossly normal female.,CNS: She is sedated.,IMPRESSION: , A 3-year-old female patient with history of passage of blood through G-tube site with coagulopathy. She has a history of G-tube fundoplication, developmental delay, PEHO syndrome, which is progressive encephalopathy optic atrophy.,PLAN: ,Plan is to give vitamin K, FFP, blood transfusion. Consider upper endoscopy. Procedure and informed consent discussed with the family.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Patient is a 14-year-old white female who presents with her mother complaining of a four-day history of cold symptoms consisting of nasal congestion and left ear pain. She has had a dry cough and a fever as high as 100, but this has not been since the first day. She denies any vomiting or diarrhea. She did try some Tylenol Cough and Cold followed by Tylenol Cough and Cold Severe, but she does not think that this has helped.,FAMILY HISTORY: , The patient's younger sister has recently had respiratory infection complicated by pneumonia and otitis media.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, The patient does note some pressure in her sinuses. She denies any skin rash.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Patient lives with her mother, who is here with her.,Nursing notes were reviewed with which I agree.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: Temp is 38.1, pulse is elevated at 101, other vital signs are all within normal limits. Room air oximetry is 100%.,GENERAL: Patient is a healthy-appearing, white female, adolescent who is sitting on the stretcher, and appears only mildly ill.,HEENT: Head is normocephalic, atraumatic. Pharynx shows no erythema, tonsillar edema, or exudate. Both TMs are easily visualized and are clear with good light reflex and no erythema. Sinuses do show some mild tenderness to percussion.,NECK: No meningismus or enlarged anterior/posterior cervical lymph nodes.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs, rubs, or gallops.,LUNGS: Clear without rales, rhonchi, or wheezes.,SKIN: No rash.,ASSESSMENT:, Viral upper respiratory infection (URI) with sinus and eustachian congestion.,PLAN:, I did educate the patient about her problem and urged her to switch to Advil Cold & Sinus for the next three to five days for better control of her sinus and eustachian discomfort. I did urge her to use Afrin nasal spray for the next three to five days to further decongest her sinuses. If she is unimproved in five days, follow up with her PCP for re-exam.
ENT - Otolaryngology
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with hypertrophy of tonsils and of uvula and soft palate.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with hypertrophy of tonsils and of uvula and soft palate with deviation of nasal septum.,OPERATION:, Tonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, and septoplasty.,ANESTHESIA:, General anesthetics.,HISTORY: , This is a 51-year-old gentleman here with his wife. She confirms the history of loud snoring at night with witnessed apnea. The result of the sleep study was reviewed. This showed moderate sleep apnea with significant desaturation. The patient was unable to tolerate treatment with CPAP. At the office, we observed large tonsils and elongation and thickening of the uvula as well as redundant soft tissue of the palate. A tortuous appearance of the septum also was observed. This morning, I talked to the patient and his wife about the findings. I reviewed the CT images. He has no history of sinus infections and does not recall a history of nasal trauma. We discussed the removal of tonsils and uvula and soft palate tissue and the hope that this would help with his airway. Depending on the findings of surgery, I explained that I might remove that bone spur that we are seeing within the nasal passage. I will get the best look at it when he is asleep. We discussed recovery as well. He visited with Dr. XYZ about the anesthetic produce.,PROCEDURE:,: General tracheal anesthetic was administered by Dr. XYZ and Mr. Radke. Afrin drops were placed in both nostrils and a cottonoid soaked with Afrin was placed in each side of the nose. A Crowe-Davis mouth gag was placed. The tonsils were very large and touched the uvula. The uvula was relatively long and very thick and there were redundant folds of soft palate mucosa and prominent posterior and anterior tonsillar pillars. Also, there was a cryptic appearance of the tonsils but there was no acute redness or exudate. Retraction of the soft palate permitted evaluation of the nasopharynx with the mirror and the choanae were patent and there was no adenoid tissue present. A very crowded pharynx was appreciated. The tonsils were first removed using electrodissection technique. Hemostasis was achieved with the electrocautery and with sutures of 0 plain catgut. The tonsil fossae were injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. There already was more room in the pharynx, but the posterior pharyngeal wall was still obscured by the soft palate and uvula. The uvula was grasped with the Alice clamp. I palpated the posterior edge of the hard palate and calculated removal of about a third of the length of the soft palate. We switched over from the Bayonet cautery to the blunt needle tip electrocautery. The planned anterior soft palate incision was marked out with the electrocautery from the left anterior tonsillar pillar rising upwards and then extending horizontally across the soft palate to include all of the uvula and a portion of the soft palate, and the incision then extended across the midline and then inferiorly to meet the right anterior tonsillar pillar. This incision was then deepened with the electrocautery on a cutting current. The uvular artery just to the right of the midline was controlled with the suction electrocautery. The posterior soft palate incision was made parallel to the anterior soft palate incision but was made leaving a longer length of mucosa to permit closure of the palatoplasty. A portion of the redundant soft palate mucosa tissue also was included with the resection specimen and the tissue including the soft palate and uvula was included with the surgical specimen as the tonsils were sent to pathology. The tonsil fossae were injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. The soft palate was also injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. The posterior tonsillar pillars were then brought forward to close to the anterior tonsillar pillars and these were sutured down to the tonsil bed with interrupted 0 plain catgut sutures. The posterior soft palate mucosa was advanced forward and brought up to the anterior soft palate incision and closure of the soft palate wound was then accomplished with interrupted 3-0 chromic catgut sutures. A much improved appearance of the oropharynx with a greatly improved airway was appreciated. A moist tonsil sponge was placed into the nasopharynx and the mouth gag was removed. I removed the cottonoids from both nostrils. Speculum exam showed the inferior turbinates were large, the septum was tortuous and it angulated to the right and then sharply bent back to the left. The septum was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine using a separate syringe and needle. A #15 blade was used to make a left cheilion incision.,Mucoperichondrium and mucoperiosteum were elevated with the Cottle elevator. When we reached the deflected portion of the vomer, this was separated from the septal cartilage with a Freer elevator. The right-sided mucoperiosteum was elevated with the Freer elevator and then with Takahashi forceps and with the 4 mm osteotome, the deflected portion of the septal bone from the vomer was resected. This tissue also was sent as a separate specimen to pathology. The intraseptal space was irrigated with saline and suctioned. The nasal septal mucosal flaps were then sutured together with a quilting suture of 4-0 plain catgut. I observed no evidence of purulent secretion or polyp formation within the nostrils. The inferior turbinates were then both outfractured using a knife handle, and now there was a much more patent nasal airway on both sides. There was good support for the nasal tip and the dorsum and there was good hemostasis within the nose. No packing was used in the nostrils. Polysporin ointment was introduced into both nostrils. The mouth gag was reintroduced and the pack removed from the nasopharynx. The nose and throat were irrigated with saline and suctioned. An orogastric tube was placed and a moderate amount of clear fluid suctioned from the stomach and this tube was removed. Sponge and needle count were reported correct. The mouth gag having been withdrawn, the patient was then awakened and returned to recovery room in a satisfactory condition. He tolerated the operation excellently. Estimated blood loss was about 15-20 cc. In the recovery room, I observed that he was moving air well and I spoke with his wife about the findings of surgery.
ENT - Otolaryngology
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS:, Change in bowel function.,POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS:, Proctosigmoiditis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Colonoscopy with biopsy.,ANESTHESIA: , IV sedation.,POSTPROCEDURE CONDITION: , Stable. ,INDICATIONS:, The patient is a 33-year-old with a recent change in bowel function and hematochezia. He is here for colonoscopy. He understands the risks and wishes to proceed. ,PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the endoscopy suite where he was placed in left lateral Sims position, underwent IV sedation. Digital rectal examination was performed, which showed no masses, and a boggy prostate. The colonoscope was placed in the rectum and advanced, under direct vision, to the cecum. In the rectum and sigmoid, there were ulcerations, edema, mucosal abnormalities, and loss of vascular pattern consistent with proctosigmoiditis. Multiple random biopsies were taken of the left and right colon to see if this was in fact pan colitis.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , Follow up with me in 2 weeks and we will begin Canasa suppositories.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURE: , Circumcision.,PRE-PROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: , Normal male phallus.,POST-PROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: , Normal male phallus.,ANESTHESIA: ,1% lidocaine without epinephrine.,INDICATIONS: , The risks and benefits of the procedure were discussed with the parents. The risks are infection, hemorrhage, and meatal stenosis. The benefits are ease of care and cleanliness and fewer urinary tract infections. The parents understand this and have signed a permit.,FINDINGS: , The infant is without evidence of hypospadias or chordee prior to the procedure.,TECHNIQUE: ,The infant was given a dorsal penile block with 1% lidocaine without epinephrine using a tuberculin syringe and 0.5 cc of lidocaine was delivered subcutaneously at 10:30 and at 1:30 o'clock at the dorsal base of the penis.,The infant was prepped then with Betadine and draped with a sterile towel in the usual manner. Clamps were placed at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock and the adhesions between the glans and mucosa were instrumentally lysed. Dorsal hemostasis was established and a dorsal slit was made. The foreskin was fully retracted and remaining adhesions between the glans and mucosa were manually lysed. The infant was fitted with a XX-cm Plastibell. The foreskin was retracted around the Plastibell and circumferential hemostasis was established. The excess foreskin was removed with scissors and the infant tolerated the procedure well with a minimum amount of blood loss. Instructions for continuing care are to watch for any evidence of hemorrhage or urination and the parents are instructed in the care of the circumcised penis.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
EXAM: ,Ultrasound neck/soft tissue, head.,HISTORY: , Right-sided facial swelling and draining wound.,TECHNIQUE AND FINDINGS:, Ultrasound of the right mandibular region was performed.,No focal collection is identified. This whole region appears to be phlegmonous. It is hard to adequately delineate the exact margins of this region.,IMPRESSION: ,Abnormal appearing right mandibular region has more phlegmonous changes. No focal fluid collection.,Had a discussion with Dr. xx. Consider CT for further evaluation.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR VISIT:, Kidney transplant.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 52-year-old gentleman with ESRD secondary to hypertension, status post kidney transplant in February 2006. He had to back down on his WelChol because of increased backache. He actually increased his Pravachol and is tolerating this with minimal problems. He comes in for followup.,ALLERGIES: , Aspirin and Altace caused cough, Lipitor and Pravachol at higher doses caused myalgias, Zetia caused myalgias.,MEDICATIONS:, Gengraf 125/50 mg daily, CellCept 500 mg q.i.d., acyclovir 800 mg q.i.d., DexFol daily, ferrous sulfate Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, metoprolol 50 mg b.i.d., vitamin C daily, baby aspirin 81 mg daily, Bactrim Single Strength daily, Cozaar 50 mg daily, WelChol 625 mg daily, and Pravachol 10 mg daily.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. ESRD secondary to hypertension.,2. Cadaveric kidney in February 2006.,3. Gunshot wound in Southeast Asia.,4. Hyperlipidemia.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Cardiovascular: No chest pain, dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, PND or edema. GU: No hematuria, foamy urine, pyuria, frequency or dysuria. He has occasional tingling over his graft, but this is not bothering him today.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 82. Blood pressure is 108/64. Weight is 64.5 kg. GENERAL: He is in no apparent distress. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, rubs or gallops. LUNGS: Clear bilaterally. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended. Multiple scars. Right lower quadrant graft is unremarkable. EXTREMITIES: No edema.,LABORATORY DATA:, Labs dated 07-11-06, hematocrit 34.8, sodium 137, magnesium 1.9, potassium 4.9, chloride 102, CO2 25, BUN is 37, creatinine is 1.3, calcium 10.1, phosphorus 3.7, and albumin 4.4. LFTs unremarkable. Cholesterol 221, triglycerides 104, HDL 42, LDL 158, and cyclosporine 163.,IMPRESSION:,1. Status post cadaveric kidney transplant with stable function.,2. Hypertension under excellent control.,3. Hyperlipidemia not at goal. He simply is not tolerating higher doses of medications.,PLAN:,1. We will add over-the-counter fish oil b.i.d.,2. Continue all current medications.,3. Recheck labs today including urinalysis.,4. He will see transplant in two weeks and me in four weeks. We will plan to send urine for decoy cells on his next visit.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Left calcaneal valgus split.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Left calcaneal valgus split.,PROCEDURES: ,1. Left calcaneal lengthening osteotomy with allograft.,2. Partial plantar fasciotomy.,3. Posterior subtalar and tibiotalar capsulotomy.,4. Short leg cast placed.,ANESTHESIA: , Surgery performed under general anesthesia.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 69 minutes.,The patient in local anesthetic of 20 mL of 0.25% Marcaine plain.,COMPLICATIONS: , No intraoperative complications.,DRAINS: ,None.,SPECIMENS: , None.,HISTORY AND PHYSICAL: , The patient is a 13-year-old female who had previous bilateral feet correction at 1 year of age. Since that time, the patient has developed significant calcaneal valgus deformity with significant pain. Radiographs confirmed collapse of the spinal arch, as well as valgus position of the foot. Given the patient's symptoms, surgery is recommended for calcaneal osteotomy and Achilles lengthening. Risks and benefits of surgery were discussed with the mother. Risks of surgery include risk of anesthesia; infection; bleeding; changes in sensation in most of extremity; hardware failure; need for later hardware removal; possible nonunion; possible failure to correct all the deformity; and need for other surgical procedures. The patient will need to be strict nonweightbearing for at least 6 weeks and wear a brace for up to 6 months. All questions were answered and parents agreed to the above surgical plan.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. General anesthesia was then administered. The patient received Ancef preoperatively. A bump was placed underneath the left buttock. A nonsterile tourniquet was placed on the upper aspect of the left thigh. The extremity was then prepped and draped in a standard surgical fashion. The patient had a previous incision along the calcaneocuboid lateral part of the foot. This was marked and extended proximally through the Achilles tendon. Extremity was wrapped in Esmarch. Tourniquet inflation was noted to be 250 mmHg. Decision was then made to protect the sural nerve. There was one sensory nervous branch that did cross the field though it was subsequently sharply ligated because it was in the way. Dissection was carried down to Achilles tendon, which was subsequently de-lengthened with the distal half performed down the lateral thigh. Proximal end was tacked with an 0 Ethibond suture and subsequently repaired end-on-end at length with the heel in neutral. Dissection was then carried on the lateral border of the foot with identification of the peroneal longus and valgus tendons, which were removed from the sheath and retracted dorsally. At this time, we also noted that calcaneocuboid joint appeared to be fused. The area between the anterior and middle facets were plicated on fluoroscopy for planned osteotomy. This was performed with a saw. After a partial plantar fasciotomy was performed, this was released off an abductor digiti minimi. The osteotomy was completed with an osteotome and distracted with the lamina spreader. A tricortical allograft was then shaped and subsequently impacted into this area. Final positioning was checked with multiple views of fluoroscopy. It was subsequently fixed using a 0.94 K-wire and drilled from the heel anteriorly. A pin was subsequently bent and cut short at the level of the skin. The wound was then irrigated with normal saline. The Achilles was repaired with this tie. Please note during the case, it was noted the patient had continued significant stiffness despite the Achilles lengthening. A posterior capsulotomy of the tibiotalar and subtalar joints were performed with increased 10 degrees of dorsiflexion. Wound was then closed using #2-0 Vicryl and #4-0 Monocryl. The surgical field was irrigated with 0.25% Marcaine and subsequently injected with more Marcaine at the end of the case. The wound was clean and dry and dressed with Steri-Strips and Xeroform. Skin was dressed with Xeroform and 4 x 4's. Everything was wrapped with 4 x 4's in sterile Webril. The tourniquet was released after 69 minutes. A short-leg cast was then placed with good return of capillary refill to his toes. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was subsequently taken to the recovery room in stable condition.,POSTOPERATIVE PLAN: , The patient will be hospitalized overnight for elevation, ice packs, neurovascular checks, and pain control. The patient to be strict nonweightbearing. We will arrange for her to get a wheelchair. The patient will then follow up in about 10 to 14 days for a cast check, as well as pain control. The patient will need an AFO script at that time. Intraoperative findings are relayed to the parents.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Mr. A is a 50-year-old gentleman with a history of atrial fibrillation in the past, more recently who has had atrial flutter, who estimates he has had six cardioversions since 10/09, and estimates that he has had 12 to 24 in his life beginning in 2006 when the atrial fibrillation first emerged. He, since 10:17 p.m. on 01/17/10, noted recurrence of his atrial fibrillation, called our office this morning, that is despite being on flecainide, atenolol, and he is maintained on Coumadin.,The patient has noted some lightheadedness as well as chest discomfort and shortness of breath when atrial flutter recurred and we see that on his 12-lead EKG here. Otherwise, no chest pain.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter and again he had atrial fibrillation more persistently in 2006, but more recently it has been atrial flutter and that is despite use of antiarrhythmics including flecainide. He completed a stress test in my office within the past several weeks that was normal without evidence of ischemia. Other medical history is significant for hyperlipidemia.,MEDICATIONS:,As outpatient,,1. Atenolol 25 mg once a day.,2. Altace 2.5 mg once a day.,3. Zocor 20 mg once a day.,4. Flecainide 200 in the morning and 100 in the evening.,5. Coumadin as directed by our office.,ALLERGIES: , TO MEDICATIONS ARE NONE. HE DENIES SHRIMP, SEA FOOD OR DYE ALLERGY.,FAMILY HISTORY: , He has a nephew who was his sister's son who passed away at age 22 reportedly from an MI, but was reported to have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as well. The patient has previously met with the electrophysiologist, Dr. X, at General Hospital and it sounds like he had a negative EP study.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient does not smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol nor drink any caffeine. No use of illicit drugs. He has been married for 22 years and he is actually accompanied throughout today's cardiology consultation by his wife. He is not participating in regular exercises now because he states since starting flecainide, he has gotten sluggish. He is employed as an attorney and while he states that overall his mental stress is better, he has noted more recent mental stress this past weekend when he was taking his daughter back to college.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , He denies any history of stroke, cancer, vomiting of blood, coughing up blood, bright red blood per rectum, bleeding stomach ulcers, renal calculi. There are some questions especially as his wife has told me that he may have obstructive sleep apnea and not had a formal sleep study.,PHYSICAL EXAM: , Blood pressure 156/93, pulse is 100, respiratory rate 18. On general exam, he is a pleasant overweight gentleman, in no acute distress. HEENT: Shows cranium is normocephalic and atraumatic. He has moist mucosal membranes. Neck veins are not distended. There are no carotid bruits. Visible skin warm and perfused. Affect appropriate. He is quite oriented and pleasant. No significant kyphoscoliosis on recumbent back exam. Lungs are clear to auscultation anteriorly. No wheezes. No egophony. Cardiac Exam: S1, S2. Regular rate, controlled. No significant murmurs, rubs or gallops. PMI is nondisplaced. Abdomen is soft, nondistended, appears benign. Extremities without significant edema. Pulses grossly intact.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES/LAB DATA:, Initial ECG shows atrial flutter.,IMPRESSION: , Mr. A is a 50-year-old gentleman with a history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the past, more recently is having breakthrough atrial flutter despite flecainide and we had performed a transesophageal echocardiogram-guided cardioversion for him in late 12/20/09, who now has another recurrence within the past 41 hours or so. I have reviewed again with him in detail regarding risks, benefits, and alternatives of proceeding with cardioversion, which the patient is in favor of. After in depth explanation of the procedure with him that there would be more definitive resumption of normal sinus rhythm by using electrocardioversion with less long-term side effects, past the acute procedure, alternatives being continued atrial flutter with potential for electrophysiologic consultation for ablation and/or heart rate control with anticoagulation, which the patient was not interested nor was I primarily recommending as the next step, and risks including, but not limited to and the patient was aware and this was all done in the presence of his wife that this is not an all-inclusive list, but the risks include but not limited to oversedation from conscious sedation, risk of aspiration pneumonia from regurgitation of stomach contents, which would be less likely as I did confirm with the patient that he had been n.p.o. for greater than 15 hours, risk of induction of other arrhythmias including tachyarrhythmias requiring further management including cardioversion or risk of bradyarrhythmias, in the past when we had a cardioverter with 150 joules, he did have a 5.5-second pause especially while he is on antiarrhythmic therapy, statistically less significant risk of CVA, although we cannot really make that null. The patient expressed understanding of this risk, benefit, and alternative analysis. I invited questions from him and his wife and once their questions were answered to their self-stated satisfaction, we planned to go forward with the procedure.,PROCEDURE NOTE: ,The patient received a total of 7 mg of Versed and 50 micrograms of fentanyl utilizing titrate-down sedation with good effect and this was after the appropriate time-out procedure had been done as per the Medical Center universal protocol with appropriate identification of the patient, position, procedure documentation, procedure indication, and there were no questions. The patient did actively participate in this time-out procedure. After the universal protocol was done, he then received the cardioversion attempt with 50 joules using "lollipop posterior patch" with hands-driven paddle on the side, which was 50 joules of synchronized biphasic energy. There was successful resumption of normal sinus rhythm, in fact this time there was not a significant pause as compared to when he had this done previously in late 12/09 and this sinus rhythm was confirmed by a 12-lead EKG.,IMPRESSION: , Cardioversion shows successful resumption of normal sinus rhythm from atrial flutter and that is while the patient has been maintained on Coumadin and his INR is 3.22. We are going to watch him and discharge him from the Medical Center area on his current flecainide of 200 mg in the morning and 100 mg in the evening, atenolol 25 mg once a day, Coumadin _____ as currently being diagnosed. I had previously discussed with the patient and he was agreeable with meeting with his electrophysiologist again, Dr. X, at Electrophysiology Unit at General Hospital and I will be planning to place a call for Dr. X myself. Again, he has no ischemia on this most recent stress test and I suppose in the future it may be reasonable to get obstructive sleep apnea evaluation and that may be one issue promulgating his symptoms.,I had previously discussed the case with Dr. Y who is the patient's general cardiologist as well as updated his wife at the patient's bedside regarding our findings.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, C4-C5, C5-C6 stenosis.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , C4-C5, C5-C6 stenosis.,PROCEDURE: , C4-C5, C5-C6 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATIONS OF PROCEDURE: , The patient is a 62-year-old female who presents with neck pain as well as upper extremity symptoms. Her MRI showed stenosis at portion of C4 to C6. I discussed the procedure as well as risks and complications. She wishes to proceed with surgery. Risks will include but are not limited to infection, hemorrhage, spinal fluid leak, worsened neurologic deficit, recurrent stenosis, requiring further surgery, difficulty with fusion requiring further surgery, long-term hoarseness of voice, difficulty swallowing, medical anesthesia risk.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room on 10/02/2007. She was intubated for anesthesia. TEDS and boots as well as Foley catheter were placed. She was placed in a supine position with her neck in neutral position. Appropriate pads were also used. The area was prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. Preoperative localization was taken. _____ not changed. Incision was made on the right side in transverse fashion over C5 vertebral body level. This was made with a #10 blade knife and further taken down with pickups and scissors. The plane between the esophagus and carotid artery was carefully dissected both bluntly and sharply down to the anterior aspect of the cervical spine. Intraoperative x-ray was taken. Longus colli muscles were retracted laterally. Caspar retractors were used. Intraoperative x-ray was taken. I first turned by attention at C5-C6 interspace. This was opened with #15 blade knife. Disc material was taken out using pituitary as well as Kerrison rongeur. Anterior aspects were taken down. End plates were arthrodesed using curettes. This was done under distraction. Posterior longitudinal ligament was opened with a nerve hook and Kerrison rongeur. Bilateral foraminotomies were done. At this point, I felt that there was a good decompression. The foramen appeared to be opened. Medtronic cage was then encountered and sent few millimeters. This was packed with demineralized bone matrix. The distraction was then taken down. The cage appeared to be strong. This procedure was then repeated at C4-C5. A 42-mm AcuFix plate was then placed between C4 and C6. This was carefully screwed and locked. The instrumentation appeared to be strong. Intraoperative x-ray was taken. Irrigation was used. Hemostasis was achieved. The platysmas was closed with 3-0 Vicryl stitches. The subcutaneous was closed with 4-0 Vicryl stitches. The skin was closed with Steri-strips. The area was clean and dry and dressed with Telfa and Tegaderm. Soft cervical collar was placed for the patient. She was extubated per anesthesia and brought to the recovery in stable condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, PICC line insertion.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, The patient was identified by myself on presentation to the angiography suite. His right arm was prepped and draped in sterile fashion from the antecubital fossa up. Under ultrasound guidance, a #21-gauge needle was placed into his right cephalic vein. A guidewire was then threaded through the vein and advanced without difficulty. An introducer was then placed over the guidewire. We attempted to manipulate the guidewire to the superior vena cava; however, we could not pass the point of the subclavian vein and we tried several maneuvers and then opted to do a venogram. What we did was we injected approximately 4 mL of Visipaque 320 contrast material through the introducer and did a mapping venogram and it turned out that the cephalic vein was joining into the subclavian vein. It was very tortuous area. We made several more attempts using the mapping system to pass the glide over that area, but we were unable to do that. Decision was made at that point then to just do a midline catheter. The catheter was cut to 20 cm, then we inserted back to the introducer. The introducer was removed. The catheter was secured by two #3-0 silk sutures. Appropriate imaging was then taken. Sterile dressing was applied. The patient tolerated the procedure nicely and was discharged from Angiography in satisfactory condition back to the general floor. We may make another attempt in the near future using a different approach.,
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
EYES: , The conjunctivae are clear. The lids are normal appearing without evidence of chalazion or hordeolum. The pupils are round and reactive. The irides are without any obvious lesions noted. Funduscopic examination shows sharp disk margins. There are no exudates or hemorrhages noted. The vessels are normal appearing.,EARS, NOSE, MOUTH AND THROAT:, The nose is without any evidence of any deformity. The ears are with normal-appearing pinna. Examination of the canals is normal appearing bilaterally. There is no drainage or erythema noted. The tympanic membranes are normal appearing with pearly color, normal-appearing landmarks and normal light reflex. Hearing is grossly intact to finger rubbing and whisper. The nasal mucosa is moist. The septum is midline. There is no evidence of septal hematoma. The turbinates are without abnormality. No obvious abnormalities to the lips. The teeth are unremarkable. The gingivae are without any obvious evidence of infection. The oral mucosa is moist and pink. There are no obvious masses to the hard or soft palate. The uvula is midline. The salivary glands appear unremarkable. The tongue is midline. The posterior pharynx is without erythema or exudate. The tonsils are normal appearing.,NECK:, The neck is nontender and supple. The trachea is midline. The thyroid is without any evidence of thyromegaly. No obvious adenopathy is noted to the neck.,RESPIRATORY: , The patient has normal respiratory effort. There is normal lung excursion. Percussion of the chest is without any obvious dullness. There is no tactile fremitus or egophony noted. There is no tenderness to the chest wall or ribs. There are no obvious abnormalities. The lungs are clear to auscultation. There are no wheezes, rales or rhonchi heard. There are no obvious rubs noted.,CARDIOVASCULAR: , There is a normal PMI on palpation. I do not hear any obvious abnormal sounds. There are no obvious murmurs. There are no rubs or gallops noted. The carotid arteries are without bruit. No obvious thrill is palpated. There is no evidence of enlarged abdominal aorta to palpation. There is no abdominal mass to suggest enlargement of the aorta. Good strong femoral pulses are palpated. The pedal pulses are intact. There is no obvious edema noted to the extremities. There is no evidence of any varicosities or phlebitis noted.,GASTROINTESTINAL: , The abdomen is soft. Bowel sounds are present in all quadrants. There are no obvious masses. There is no organomegaly, and no liver or spleen is palpable. No obvious hernia is noted. The perineum and anus are normal in appearance. There is good sphincter tone and no obvious hemorrhoids are noted. There are no masses. On digital examination, there is no evidence of any tenderness to the rectal vault; no lesions are noted. Stool is brown and guaiac negative.,GENITOURINARY (FEMALE): , The external genitalia is normal appearing with no obvious lesions, no evidence of any unusual rash. The vagina is normal in appearance with normal-appearing mucosa. The urethra is without any obvious lesions or discharge. The cervix is normal in color with no obvious cervical discharge. There are no obvious cervical lesions noted. The uterus is nontender and small, and there is no evidence of any adnexal masses or tenderness. The bladder is nontender to palpation. It is not enlarged.,GENITOURINARY (MALE): , Normal scrotal contents are noted. The testes are descended and nontender. There are no masses and no swelling to the epididymis noted. The penis is without any lesions. There is no urethral discharge. Digital examination of the prostate reveals a nontender, non-nodular prostate.,BREASTS:, The breasts are normal in appearance. There is no puckering noted. There is no evidence of any nipple discharge. There are no obvious masses palpable. There is no axillary adenopathy. The skin is normal appearing over the breasts.,LYMPHATICS: , There is no evidence of any adenopathy to the anterior cervical chain. There is no evidence of submandibular nodes noted. There are no supraclavicular nodes palpable. The axillae are without any abnormal nodes. No inguinal adenopathy is palpable. No obvious epitrochlear nodes are noted.,MUSCULOSKELETAL/EXTREMITIES: , The patient has normal gait and station. The patient has normal muscle strength and tone to all extremities. There is no obvious evidence of any muscle atrophy. The joints are all stable. There is no evidence of any subluxation or laxity to any of the joints. There is no evidence of any dislocation. There is good range of motion of all extremities without any pain or tenderness to the joints or extremities. There is no evidence of any contractures or crepitus. There is no evidence of any joint effusions. No obvious evidence of erythema overlying any of the joints is noted. There is good range of motion at all joints. There are normal-appearing digits. There are no obvious lesions to any of the nails or nail beds.,SKIN:, There is no obvious evidence of any rash. There are no petechiae, pallor or cyanosis noted. There are no unusual nodules or masses palpable.,NEUROLOGIC: , The cranial nerves II XII are tested and are intact. Deep tendon reflexes are symmetrical bilaterally. The toes are downgoing with normal Babinskis. Sensation to light touch is intact and symmetrical. Cerebellar testing reveals normal finger nose, heel shin. Normal gait. No ataxia.,PSYCHIATRIC: ,The patient is oriented to person, place and time. The patient is also oriented to situation. Mood and affect are appropriate for the present situation. The patient can remember 3 objects after 3 minutes without any difficulties. Remote memory appears to be intact. The patient seems to have normal judgment and insight into the situation.
General Medicine
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Penile discharge, infected-looking glans.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 67-year-old African-American male, who was recently discharged from the hospital on July 21, 2008 after being admitted for altered mental status and before that after undergoing right above knee amputation for wet gangrene. The patient was transferred to Nursing Home and presents today from the nursing home with complaints of bleeding from the right AKA stump and penile discharge. As per the patient during his hospitalizations over here, he had indwelling Foley catheter for a few days and when he was discharged at the nursing home he was discharged without the catheter. However, the patient was brought back to the ED today when he suffered fall yesterday and started bleeding from his stump. While placing the catheter in the ED on retraction of foreskin purulent discharge was seen from the penis and the glans appeared infected, so urology consult was placed.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Negative except as in the HPI.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for end-stage renal disease on dialysis, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Right AKA,MEDICATIONS:, Novolin, Afrin, Nephro-Vite, Neurontin, lisinopril, furosemide, Tums, labetolol, Plavix, nitroglycerin, Aricept, omeprazole, oxycodone, Norvasc, Renagel, and morphine.,ALLERGIES: , PENICILLIN and ADHESIVE TAPE.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Significant for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, chronic renal insufficiency, and myocardial infarction.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient lives alone. He is unemployed, disabled. He has history of tobacco use in the past. He denies alcohol or drug abuse.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: A well-appearing African-American male lying comfortably in bed, in acute distress.,NECK: Supple.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: S1 and S2, normal.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nondistended, and nontender.,GENITOURINARY: Penis is not circumcised. Currently, indwelling Foley catheter in place. On retraction of the foreskin, pale-looking glans tip with areas of yellow-white tissue. The proximal glans appeared pink. The patient currently has indwelling Foley catheter and glans slightly tender to touch. However, no purulent discharge was seen on compression of the glans. Otherwise on palpation, no other deformity noticed. Bilateral testes descended. No palpable abnormality. No evidence of infection in his perineal area.,EXTREMITIES: Right AKA.,NEUROLOGIC: Awake, alert, and oriented. No sensory or motor deficit.,LABORATORY DATA: , I independently reviewed the lab work done on the patient. The patient had a UA done in the ED which showed few bacteria, white blood cells 6 to 12, and a few epithelial cells which were negative. His basic metabolic panel with creatinine of 7.2 and potassium of 5, otherwise normal. CBC with a white blood cell count of 11.5, hemoglobin of 9.5, and INR of 1.13.,IMPRESSION: , A 67-year-old male with multiple comorbidities with penile discharge and pale-appearing glans. It seems that the patient has had multiple catheterizations recently and has history of peripheral vascular disease. I think it is due to chronic ischemic changes.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , Our recommendation would be:,1. To remove the Foley catheter.,2. Local hygiene.,3. Local application of bacitracin ointment.,4. Antibiotic for urinary tract infection.,5. Follow up as needed. Of note, it was explained to the patient that the appearance of this glans may improve or may get worsened but at this point, there is no indication to operate on him. If increased purulent discharge, the patient was asked to call us sooner, otherwise follow up as scheduled.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Acute appendicitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Acute appendicitis.,PROCEDURE: , Laparoscopic appendectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,INDICATIONS: , Patient is a pleasant 31-year-old gentleman who presented to the hospital with acute onset of right lower quadrant pain. History as well as signs and symptoms are consistent with acute appendicitis as was his CAT scan. I evaluated the patient in the emergency room and recommended that he undergo the above-named procedure. The procedure, purpose, risks, expected benefits, potential complications, alternative forms of therapy were discussed with him and he was agreeable with surgery.,FINDINGS: , Patient was found to have acute appendicitis with an inflamed appendix, which was edematous, but essentially no suppuration.,TECHNIQUE: ,The patient was identified and then taken into the operating room, where after induction of general endotracheal anesthesia, the abdomen was prepped with Betadine solution and draped in sterile fashion. An infraumbilical incision was made and carried down by blunt dissection to the level of the fascia, which was grasped with an Allis clamp and two stay sutures of 2-0 Vicryl were placed on either side of the midline. The fascia was tented and incised and the peritoneum entered by blunt finger dissection. A Hasson cannula was placed and a pneumoperitoneum to 15 mmHg pressure was obtained. Patient was placed in the Trendelenburg position, rotated to his left, whereupon under direct vision, the 12-mm midline as well as 5-mm midclavicular and anterior axillary ports were placed. The appendix was easily visualized, grasped with a Babcock's. A window was created in the mesoappendix between the appendix and the cecum and the Endo GIA was introduced and the appendix was amputated from the base of the cecum. The mesoappendix was divided using the Endo GIA with vascular staples. The appendix was placed within an Endo bag and delivered from the abdominal cavity. The intra-abdominal cavity was irrigated. Hemostasis was assured within the mesentery and at the base of the cecum. All ports were removed under direct vision and then wounds were irrigated with saline antibiotic solution. The infraumbilical defect was closed with a figure-of-eight 0 Vicryl suture. The remaining wounds were irrigated and then everything was closed subcuticular with 4-0 Vicryl suture and Steri-Strips. Patient tolerated the procedure well, dressings were applied, and he was taken to recovery room in stable condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
SUBJECTIVE: , The patient states that she feels better. She is on IV amiodarone, the dosage pattern is appropriate for ventricular tachycardia. Researching the available records, I find only an EMS verbal statement that tachycardia of wide complex was seen. There is no strip for me to review all available EKG tracings show a narrow complex atrial fibrillation pattern that is now converted to sinus rhythm.,The patient states that for a week, she has been home postoperative from aortic valve replacement on 12/01/08 at ABC Medical Center. The aortic stenosis was secondary to a congenital bicuspid valve, by her description. She states that her shortness of breath with exertion has been stable, but has yet to improve from its preoperative condition. She has not had any decline in her postoperative period of her tolerance to exertion.,The patient had noted intermittent bursts of fast heart rate at home that had been increasing over the last several days. Last night, she had a prolonged episode for which she contacted EMS. Her medications at home had been uninterrupted and without change from those listed, being Toprol-XL 100 mg q.a.m., Dyazide 25/37.5 mg, Nexium 40 mg, all taken once a day. She has been maintaining her Crestor and Zetia at 20 and 10 mg respectively. She states that she has been taking her aspirin at 325 mg q.a.m. She remains on Zyrtec 10 mg q.a.m. Her only allergy is listed to latex.,OBJECTIVE:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 36.1, heart rate 60, respirations 14, room air saturation 98%, and blood pressure 108/60. The patient shows a normal sinus rhythm on the telemetry monitor with an occasional PAC.,GENERAL: She is alert and in no apparent distress.,HEENT: Eyes: EOMI. PERRLA. Sclerae nonicteric. No lesions of lids, lashes, brows, or conjunctivae noted. Funduscopic examination unremarkable. Ears: Normal set, shape, TMs, canals and hearing. Nose and Sinuses: Negative. Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, and Throat: Negative except for dental work.,NECK: Supple and pain free without bruit, JVD, adenopathy or thyroid abnormality.,CHEST: Lungs are clear bilaterally to auscultation. The incision is well healed and without evidence of significant cellulitis.,HEART: Shows a regular rate and rhythm without murmur, gallop, heave, click, thrill or rub. There is an occasional extra beat noted, which corresponds to a premature atrial contraction on the monitor.,ABDOMEN: Soft and benign without hepatosplenomegaly, rebound, rigidity or guarding.,EXTREMITIES: Show no evidence of DVT, acute arthritis, cellulitis or pedal edema.,NEUROLOGIC: Nonfocal without lateralizing findings for cranial or peripheral nervous systems, strength, sensation, and cerebellar function. Gait and station were not tested.,MENTAL STATUS: Shows the patient to be alert, coherent with full capacity for decision making.,BACK: Negative to inspection or percussion.,LABORATORY DATA: , Shows from 12/15/08 2100, hemoglobin 11.6, white count 12.9, and platelets 126,000. INR 1.0. Electrolytes are normal with exception potassium 3.3. GFR is decreased at 50 with creatinine of 1.1. Glucose was 119. Magnesium was 2.3. Phosphorus 3.8. Calcium was slightly low at 7.8. The patient has had ionized calcium checked at Munson that was normal at 4.5 prior to her discharge. Troponin is negative x2 from 2100 and repeat at 07:32. This morning, her BNP was 163 at admission. Her admission chest x-ray was unremarkable and did not show evidence of cardiomegaly to suggest pericardial effusion. Her current EKG tracing from 05:42 shows a sinus bradycardia with Wolff-Parkinson White Pattern, a rate of 58 beats per minute, and a corrected QT interval of 557 milliseconds. Her PR interval was 0.12.,We received a call from Munson Medical Center that a bed had been arranged for the patient. I contacted Dr. Varner and we reviewed the patient's managed to this point. All combined impression is that the patient was likely to not have had actual ventricular tachycardia. This is based on her EP study from October showing her to be non-inducible. In addition, she had a cardiac catheterization that showed no evidence of coronary artery disease. What is most likely that the patient has postoperative atrial fibrillation. Her WPW may have degenerated into a ventricular tachycardia, but this is unlikely. At this point, we will convert the patient from IV amiodarone to oral amiodarone and obtain an echocardiogram to verify that she does not have evidence of pericardial effusion in the postoperative period. I will recheck her potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus at this point and make adjustments if indicated. Dr. Varner will be making arrangements for an outpatient Holter monitor and further followup post-discharge.,IMPRESSION:,1. Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response.,2. Wolff-Parkinson White Syndrome.,3. Recent aortic valve replacement with bioprosthetic Medtronic valve.,4. Hyperlipidemia.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Nasal fracture and deviated nasal septum with obstruction.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Nasal fracture and deviated nasal septum with obstruction.,OPERATION:, Open reduction, nasal fracture with nasal septoplasty.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,HISTORY: , This 16-year-old male fractured his nose playing basketball. He has a left nasal obstruction and depressed left nasal bone.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was given general endotracheal anesthesia and monitored with pulse oximetry, EKG, and CO2 monitors.,The face was prepped with Betadine soap and solution and draped in a sterile fashion. Nasal mucosa was decongested using Afrin pledgets as well as 1% Xylocaine, 1:100,000 epinephrine was injected into bilateral nasal septal mucoperichondrium and the nasal dorsum, lateral osteotomy sites.,Inspection revealed caudal portion of the cartilaginous septum lying crosswise across the nasal spine area and columella causing obstruction of the left nasal valve. Further up, the cartilaginous septum was displaced to the left of the maxillary crest. There was a large maxillary crest and supramaxillary crest had a large spur with the vomer bone touching the inferior turbinate.,There was a large deep groove horizontally on the right side corresponding to the left maxillary crest.,A left hemitransfixion incision was made. Mucoperichondrium was elevated from left side of the cartilaginous septum and mucoperiosteum was elevated from the ethmoid plate. Vomer and inferior tunnel was created at the floor of the left side of the nose to connect the anterior and inferior tunnels, which was rather difficult at the area of the vomerine spur, which was very sharp and touching the inferior turbinate.,The caudal cartilaginous septum, which was lying crosswise, was separated from the main cartilage leaving approximately 1 cm strut. The right side mucoperichondrium was released from the cartilaginous septum as well as ethmoid plate and the maxillary crest area.,The caudal cartilaginous strut was sutured to the columella with interrupted #4-0 chromic catgut suture to bring it into the midline.,Further back, the cartilaginous septum anterior to the ethmoid plate was deviated to the left side, so it was freed from the maxillary crest, nasal dorsum, from the ethmoid plate, and was sutured in the midline with a transfixion #4-0 plain catgut sutures.,Further posteriorly, the ethmoid plate was deviated to the left side and portion of it was removed with Jansen-Middleton punch forceps.,The main deviation was also caused by the vomerine crest and the maxillary crest and supramaxillary cartilaginous cartilage.,This area was freed from the perichondrium on both sides. The maxillary crest was removed with a gouge. Vomer was partially removed with a gouge and the rest of the vomer was displaced back into the midline.,Thus, the deviated septum was corrected. Left hemitransfixion incisions were closed with interrupted #4-0 chromic catgut sutures. The septum was also filtered with #4-0 plain catgut sutures.,By valve, septal splints were tied to the septum bilaterally with a transfixion #5-0 nylon suture.,Next, the nasal bone suture deviated to the left side were corrected. The right nasal bone was depressed and left nasal bone was wide. Therefore, the nasal bones were refractured back into the midline by compressing the left nasal bone and elevating the right nasal bone with the nasal bone elevator through the nasal cavities. The left intercartilaginous incision was made and the nasal bones were disimpacted subperiosteally and they were molded back into the midline.,Steri-Strips were applied to the nasal dorsal skin and a Denver type of splint was applied to the nasal dorsal to stabilize the nasal bones.,Nasal cavities were packed with Telfa gauze rolled on both sides with bacitracin ointment. Approximate blood loss was 10 to 20 mL.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
IDENTIFYING DATA:, This is a 40-year-old male seen today for a 90-day revocation admission. He had been reported by his case manager as being noncompliant with medications, refusing oral or IM medications, became agitated, had to be taken to ABCD for evaluation, admitted at that time to auditory hallucinations and confusion and was committed for admission at this time. He has a psychiatric history of schizophrenia, was previously admitted here at XYZ on 12/19/2009, had another voluntary admission in ABCD in 1998.,MEDICATIONS: , Listed as Invega and Risperdal.,ALLERGIES: , None known to medications.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,The only identified problem in his chart is that he is being treated for hyperlipidemia with gemfibrozil. The patient is unaware and cannot remember what medications he had been taking or whether he had been taking them at all as an outpatient.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Listed as unknown in the chart as far as other psychiatric illnesses. The patient himself states that his parents are deceased and that he raised himself in the Philippines.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, He immigrated to this country in 1984, although he lists himself as having a green card still at this time. He states he lives on his own. He is a single male with no history of marriage or children and that he had high school education. His recreational drug use in the chart indicates that he has had a history of methamphetamines. The patient denies this at this time. He also denies current alcohol use. He does smoke. He is unable to tell me of any PCP. He is in counseling service with his case manager being XYZ.,LEGAL HISTORY: , He had an assault in December 2009, which led to his previous detention. It is unknown whether he is under legal constraints at this time.,OBJECTIVE FINDINGS: ,VITAL SIGNS: , Blood pressure is 125/75. His weight is 197 with height 5 feet 4 inches.,GENERAL:, He is cooperative, although disorganized and focusing entirely and telling me that he is here because there was some confusion in how he took his medications. He does not endorse any voices at this time.,HEENT: , His head exam is normal with normal scalp. HEENT is unremarkable. Pupils equal and reactive to light and accommodation. TMs are normal.,NECK:, Unremarkable with no masses or tenderness.,CARDIOVASCULAR:, Normal S1 and S2. No murmurs.,LUNGS:, Clear.,ABDOMEN: ,Negative with no scars.,GU: ,Not done.,RECTAL:, Not done.,DERM:, He does have a scarring of acne lesions, both face and back.,EXTREMITIES:, Otherwise negative.,NEUROLOGIC: , Cranial nerves II through X normal. Reflexes are normal and gait is unremarkable.,LABORATORY DATA: , His labs done at ABCD showed his CMP to be normal with an elevated white count of 17.2. Chest x-ray was indicated as being done and normal as was a UA and he did apparently receive hydration in the hospital with IV fluids.,ASSESSMENT: , History of hyperlipidemia with elevated triglycerides. We will maintain his gemfibrozil 600 b.i.d. and for health maintenance issues, we will also maintain just a vitamin daily and we will obtain recheck on his labs and lipid levels in one week after treatment is initiated.
General Medicine
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Penile discharge, infected-looking glans.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 67-year-old African-American male, who was recently discharged from the hospital on July 21, 2008 after being admitted for altered mental status and before that after undergoing right above knee amputation for wet gangrene. The patient was transferred to Nursing Home and presents today from the nursing home with complaints of bleeding from the right AKA stump and penile discharge. As per the patient during his hospitalizations over here, he had indwelling Foley catheter for a few days and when he was discharged at the nursing home he was discharged without the catheter. However, the patient was brought back to the ED today when he suffered fall yesterday and started bleeding from his stump. While placing the catheter in the ED on retraction of foreskin purulent discharge was seen from the penis and the glans appeared infected, so urology consult was placed.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Negative except as in the HPI.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for end-stage renal disease on dialysis, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Right AKA,MEDICATIONS:, Novolin, Afrin, Nephro-Vite, Neurontin, lisinopril, furosemide, Tums, labetolol, Plavix, nitroglycerin, Aricept, omeprazole, oxycodone, Norvasc, Renagel, and morphine.,ALLERGIES: , PENICILLIN and ADHESIVE TAPE.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Significant for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, chronic renal insufficiency, and myocardial infarction.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient lives alone. He is unemployed, disabled. He has history of tobacco use in the past. He denies alcohol or drug abuse.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: A well-appearing African-American male lying comfortably in bed, in acute distress.,NECK: Supple.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: S1 and S2, normal.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nondistended, and nontender.,GENITOURINARY: Penis is not circumcised. Currently, indwelling Foley catheter in place. On retraction of the foreskin, pale-looking glans tip with areas of yellow-white tissue. The proximal glans appeared pink. The patient currently has indwelling Foley catheter and glans slightly tender to touch. However, no purulent discharge was seen on compression of the glans. Otherwise on palpation, no other deformity noticed. Bilateral testes descended. No palpable abnormality. No evidence of infection in his perineal area.,EXTREMITIES: Right AKA.,NEUROLOGIC: Awake, alert, and oriented. No sensory or motor deficit.,LABORATORY DATA: , I independently reviewed the lab work done on the patient. The patient had a UA done in the ED which showed few bacteria, white blood cells 6 to 12, and a few epithelial cells which were negative. His basic metabolic panel with creatinine of 7.2 and potassium of 5, otherwise normal. CBC with a white blood cell count of 11.5, hemoglobin of 9.5, and INR of 1.13.,IMPRESSION: , A 67-year-old male with multiple comorbidities with penile discharge and pale-appearing glans. It seems that the patient has had multiple catheterizations recently and has history of peripheral vascular disease. I think it is due to chronic ischemic changes.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , Our recommendation would be:,1. To remove the Foley catheter.,2. Local hygiene.,3. Local application of bacitracin ointment.,4. Antibiotic for urinary tract infection.,5. Follow up as needed. Of note, it was explained to the patient that the appearance of this glans may improve or may get worsened but at this point, there is no indication to operate on him. If increased purulent discharge, the patient was asked to call us sooner, otherwise follow up as scheduled.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
INDICATION FOR OPERATION:, Right coronal synostosis with left frontal compensatory bossing causing plagiocephaly.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Syndromic craniosynostosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Syndromic craniosynostosis.,TITLE OF OPERATION: , Anterior cranial vault reconstruction with fronto-orbital bar advancement.,SPECIMENS: , None.,DRAINS: , One subgaleal drain exiting from the left posterior aspect of wound.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, After satisfactory general endotracheal tube anesthesia was started, the patient was placed on the operating table in supine position with the head held on a horseshoe-shaped headrest and the head was prepped and draped down the routine manner. Here, the proposed scalp incision was infiltrated with 1% Xylocaine and then a zigzag scalp incision was made from one ear to the other ear, posterior to the coronal suture. Scalp incision was reflected anteriorly and then the periosteum was taken off of the bone and then the temporalis muscles were reflected anterolaterally until the anterior cranial vault was exposed and then the periorbital rim, nasion and orbital part of the zygomatic arch were all dissected out as well as the pterion. Using a craniotome, several bur holes were made; two on the either side of the midline posteriorly and then two posterolaterally. The two posterior bur holes were then connected with a punch over the superior sagittal sinus and then the craniotome was used to fashion a flap first on the left and then on the right, going paramedian along the superior sagittal sinus in the midline and then curving over the fronto-orbital bar. We then dissected superior sagittal sinus off of the inner table of the right bundle flap and then connected the right bundle flap going across the pterion on the right, which was abnormal. The pterion on the right was then run short down after removing both bone flaps and then the dura was dissected off from the orbital roofs. On the right, the orbital roof was jagged and abnormal and we had to repair a CSF leak from where the dura was punctured by the orbital roof. The orbital rim was then dissected out and then using the saw and chisels, we were able to make the releasing cuts to free up the orbital rims, zygomatic arch and then remove the orbital bar going posteriorly and then the distal bar was split in the middle and then reapproximated with a bone graft in the middle to move the orbits out a little bit and the orbital bar was held together using absorbable plate. It was then replaced and advanced and then relaxing, barrel-staving incisions were made in the bone flaps and the orbital rim and it was held on the right side with an absorbable plate to fix it in the proper position. The bone flaps were then reapproximated using absorbable plates and screws, as well as #2-0 Vicryl to secure back into place. Some of the places were also secured in the midline posteriorly, as well as off to the right where the bony defects were in place. The periosteum was then brought over the skull and fastened in place and the temporalis muscles were tacked up to the periosteum. The wounds were irrigated out. A drain was left in posteriorly and then the wounds were closed in a routine manner using Vicryl for the galea and fast-absorbing gut for the skin followed by sterile dressings. The patient tolerated the procedure well and did receive blood transfusions.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
NAME OF PROCEDURE,1. Selective coronary angiography.,2. Placement of overlapping 3.0 x 18 and 3.0 x 8 mm Xience stents in the proximal right coronary artery.,3. Abdominal aortography.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 65-year-old gentleman with a history of exertional dyspnea and a cramping-like chest pain. Thallium scan has been negative. He is undergoing angiography to determine if his symptoms are due to coronary artery disease.,NARRATIVE: ,The right groin was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion and the area of the right coronary artery anesthetized with 2% lidocaine. Constant sedation was obtained using Versed 1 mg and fentanyl 50 mcg. Received additional Versed and fentanyl during the procedure. Please refer to the nurses' notes for dosages and timing.,The right femoral artery was entered and a 4-French sheath was placed. Advancement of the guidewire demonstrated some obstruction at the level of abdominal aorta. Via the right Judkins catheter, the guidewire was easily infiltrated to the thoracic aorta and over aortic arch. The right Judkins catheter was advanced to the origin of the right coronary artery where selective angiograms were performed. This revealed a very high-grade lesion at the proximal right coronary artery. This catheter was exchanged for a left #4 Judkins catheter which was advanced to the ostium of the left main coronary artery where selective angiograms were performed.,The patient was found to have the above mentioned high-grade lesion in the right coronary artery and a coronary intervention was performed. A 6-French sheath and a right Judkins guide was placed. The patient was started on bivalarudin. A BMW wire was easily placed across the lesion and into the distal right coronary artery. A 3.0 x 15 mm Voyager balloon was placed and deployed at 10 atmospheres. The intermediate result was improved with TIMI-3 flow to the terminus of the vessel. Following this, a 3.0 x 18 mm Xience stent was placed across the lesion and deployed at 17 atmospheres. This revealed excellent result however at the very distal of the stent there was an area of haziness but no definite dissection. This was stented with a 3.0 x 8 mm Xience stent deployed again at 17 atmospheres. Final angiograms revealed excellent result with TIMI-3 flow at the terminus of the right coronary artery and approximately 10% residual stenosis at the worst point of the narrowing. The guiding catheter was withdrawn over wire and a pigtail was placed. This was advanced to the abdominal aorta at the area of obstruction and small injection of contrast was given demonstrating that there was a small aneurysm versus a small retrograde dissection in that area with some dye hang up after injection. The catheter was removed. The bivalarudin was stopped at the termination of procedure. A small injection of contrast given through arterial sheath and Angio-Seal was placed without incident.,It should also be noted that an 8-French sheath was placed in the right femoral vein. This was placed initially as the patient was going to have a right heart catheterization as well because of the dyspnea.,Total contrast media, 205 mL, total fluoroscopy time was 7.5 minutes, X-ray dose, 2666 milligray.,HEMODYNAMICS: , Rhythm was sinus throughout the procedure. Aortic pressure was 170/81 mmHg.,The right coronary artery is a dominant vessel. This vessel gives rise to conus branch and two small RV free wall branches and PDA and a small left ventricular branch. It should be noted that there was competitive flow in the posterior left ventricular branch and that the distal right coronary artery fills via left sided collaterals. In the proximal right coronary artery, there is a large ulcerative plaque followed immediately by a severe stenosis that is subtotal in severity. After intervention, there is TIMI-3 flow to the terminus of the right coronary with better fill into the distal right coronary artery and loss of competitive flow. There was approximately 10% residual stenosis at the worst part of the previous stenosis.,The left main is without disease and trifurcates into a moderate-sized ramus intermedius, the LAD and the circumflex. The ramus intermedius is free of disease. The LAD terminates at the LV apex and has elongated area of mild stenosis at its mid segment. This measures 25% to 30% at its worst point. The circumflex is a large caliber vessel. There is a proximal 15% to 20% stenosis and an area of ectasia in the proximal circumflex. Distally, this circumflex gives rise to a large bifurcating marginal artery and beyond that point, the circumflex is a small vessel within the AV groove.,The aortogram demonstrates eccentric aneurysm formation. This may represent a small retrograde dissection as well. There was some dye hang up in the wall.,IMPRESSION,1. Successful stenting of subtotal stenosis of the proximal coronary artery.,2. Non-obstructive coronary artery disease in the mid left anterior descending as described above and ectasia of the proximal circumflex coronary artery.,3. Left to right collateral filling noted prior to coronary intervention.,4. Small area of eccentric aneurysm formation in the abdominal aorta.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES,1. Multiple extensive subcutaneous abscesses, right thigh.,2. Massive open wound, right thigh, status post right excision of multiple subcutaneous abscesses, right thigh.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED,1. On 03/05/08, by Dr. X, was massive debridement of soft tissue, right lateral thigh and hip.,2. Soft tissue debridement on 03/16/08 of right thigh and hip by Dr. X.,3. Split thickness skin graft to right thigh and right hip massive open wound on 04/01/08 by Dr. Y.,REASON FOR ADMISSION: , The patient is a 62-year-old male with a history of drug use. He had a history of injection of heroin into his bilateral thighs. Unfortunately, he developed chronic abscesses, open wounds on his bilateral thighs, much worse on his right than his left. Decision was made to do a radical excision and then it is followed by reconstruction.,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The patient was admitted on 03/05/08 by Dr. X. He was taken to the operating room. He underwent a massive resection of multiple subcutaneous abscesses, heroin remnants, which left massive huge open wounds to his right thigh and hip. This led to a prolonged hospital course. The patient initially was treated with local wound care. He was treated with broad spectrum antibiotics. He ended up growing out different species of Clostridium. Infectious Disease consult was obtained from Dr. Z. He assisted in further antibiotic coverage throughout the rest of his hospitalization. The patient also had significant hypoalbuminemia, decreased nutrition. Given his large wounds, he did end up getting a feeding tube placement, and prior to grafting, he received significant feeding tube supplementation to help achieve adequate nutrition for healing. The patient had this superior area what appeared to be further necrotic, infected soft tissue. He went back to the OR on 03/16/08 and further resection done by Dr. X. After this, his wound appeared to be free of infection. He is treated with a wound VAC. He slowly, but progressively had significant progress in his wound. I went from a very poor-looking wound to a red granulated wound throughout its majority. He was thought ready for skin grafting. Note that the patient had serial ultrasounds given his high risk of DVT from this massive wound and need for decreased activity. These were negative. He was treated with SCDs to help decrease his risk. On 04/01/08, the patient was taken to the operating room, was thought to have an adequate ________ grafting. He underwent skin grafting to his right thigh and hip massive open wound. Donor sites were truncated. Postoperatively, the patient ended up with a vast majority of skin graft taking. To unable to take, he was kept on IV antibiotics, strict bed rest, and limited range of motion of his hip. He is continued on VAC dressing. Graft progressively improved with this therapy. Had another ultrasound, which was negative for DVT. The patient was mobilized up out of his bed. Infectious Disease recommendations were obtained. Plan was to complete additional 10 days of antibiotics at discharge. This will be oral antibiotics. I would monitor his left side, which has significantly decreased inflammation and irritation or infection given the antibiotic coverage. So, decision was not made to excise this, but instead monitor. By 04/11/08, his graft looked good. It was pink and filling in. He looked stable for discharge. The patient was discharged to home.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , Discharge to home.,CONDITION: , Stable.,Antibiotic Augmentin XR script was written. He is okay to shower. Donor site and graft site dressing instruction orders were given for Home Health and the patient. His followup was arranged with Dr. X and myself.
Discharge Summary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Right trigger thumb.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right trigger thumb.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:, Trigger thumb release.,ANESTHESIA:, Monitored anesthesia care with regional anesthesia applied by surgeon with local.,COMPLICATIONS:,
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic cholecystitis without cholelithiasis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Chronic cholecystitis without cholelithiasis.,PROCEDURE: , Laparoscopic cholecystectomy.,BRIEF DESCRIPTION: , The patient was brought to the operating room and anesthesia was induced. The abdomen was prepped and draped and ports were placed. The gallbladder was grasped and retracted. The cystic duct and cystic artery were circumferentially dissected and a critical view was obtained. The cystic duct and cystic artery were then doubly clipped and divided and the gallbladder was dissected off the liver bed with electrocautery and placed in an endo catch bag. The gallbladder fossa and clips were examined and looked good with no evidence of bleeding or bile leak. The ports were removed under direct vision with good hemostasis. The Hasson was removed. The abdomen was desufflated. The gallbladder in its endo catch bag was removed. The ports were closed. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Please see full hospital dictation.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
ALLOWED CONDITION: , Right shoulder sprain and right rotator cuff tear (partial).,CONTESTED CONDITION:, AC joint arthrosis right aggravation.,DISALLOWED CONDITION: ,
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Recurrent herniation L4-5 disk with left radiculopathy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Recurrent herniation L4-5 disk with left radiculopathy.,PROCEDURE:, Redo L4-5 diskectomy left.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ANTIBIOTIC (S),: Vancomycin given preoperatively.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 10 mL.,BLOOD REPLACED:, None.,CRYSTALLOID GIVEN:, 800 mL.,DRAIN (S):, None.,DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATION:, The patient was brought to the operating room in supine position. General endotracheal anesthesia was administered. He was turned into the prone position on the operating table and positioned in the modified knee-chest position with Andrews frame being used. Care was taken to protect pressure points. The back was shaved, scrubbed with Betadine scrub, rinsed with alcohol, and prepped with DuraPrep, and draped in the usual sterile fashion with Ioban drape being used. A midline skin incision was made, excising scar from previous surgery. Dissection was carried down through the subcutaneous tissue with electrocautery technique. The lumbosacral fascia was split to the left of the spinous process, and subperiosteal dissection of the spinous process and lamina, area of previous laminotomy was identified. Cross-table lateral was also made to confirm position. The scar was then loosened from the inferior portion of 4, superior of L5 lamina, and a portion of the lamina was removed. I did identify normal dura. The scar was then lysed from the medial wall. Dura and nerve root were identified and protected with nerve root retractor. The bulging disk fragment was still contained under the longitudinal ligament. A rent was made with the Penfield and a moderately large fragment was removed. The disk space was then entered with a cruciate cut in the annulus, with additional nuclear material being received. When no other fragments could be removed from the disk space, no other fragments were felt in the central canal under the longitudinal ligament, and a Murphy ball could be passed through the foramen without evidence of compression, the decompression was complete. Check was made for CSF leakage, and no evidence of significant epidural bleeding was present. The wound was irrigated with antibiotic solution. Twenty milligrams of Depo-Medrol was placed over the dura and nerve root. A free fat graft from the subcutaneous tissue was then placed over the dura. Closure was obtained with the lumbosacral fascia being reapproximated with #1, running, Vicryl suture. Subcutaneous closure was obtained in layers with 2-0, running, Vicryl suture. Skin closure was obtained with 3-0 Vicryl subcuticular suture. Proxi-Strips and sterile dressing was applied. The skin had been infiltrated with 8 mL of 0.5% Marcaine with epinephrine.,After a sterile dressing was applied, the patient was turned into the supine position on the waiting recovery room stretcher, brought from under the effects of anesthesia, and taken to the recovery room.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CONSTITUTIONAL:, Normal; negative for fever, weight change, fatigue, or aching.,HEENT:, Eyes normal; Negative for glasses, cataracts, glaucoma, retinopathy, irritation, or visual field defects. Ears normal; Negative for hearing or balance problems. Nose normal; Negative for runny nose, sinus problems, or nosebleeds. Mouth normal; Negative for dental problems, dentures, or bleeding gums. Throat normal; Negative for hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, or sore throat.,CARDIOVASCULAR:, Normal; Negative for angina, previous MI, irregular heartbeat, heart murmurs, bad heart valves, palpitations, swelling of feet, high blood pressure, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, or history of stress test, arteriogram, or pacemaker implantation.,PULMONARY: , Normal; Negative for cough, sputum, shortness of breath, wheezing, asthma, or emphysema.,GASTROINTESTINAL: , Normal; Negative for pain, vomiting, heartburn, peptic ulcer disease, change in stool, rectal pain, hernia, hepatitis, gallbladder disease, hemorrhoids, or bleeding.,GENITOURINARY:, Normal female OR male; Negative for incontinence, UTI, dysuria, hematuria, vaginal discharge, abnormal bleeding, breast lumps, nipple discharge, skin or nipple changes, sexually transmitted diseases, incontinence, yeast infections, or itching.,SKIN: , Normal; Negative for rashes, keratoses, skin cancers, or acne.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: , Normal; Negative for back pain, joint pain, joint swelling, arthritis, joint deformity, problems with ambulation, stiffness, osteoporosis, or injuries.,NEUROLOGIC: , Normal; Negative for blackouts, headaches, seizures, stroke, or dizziness.,PSYCHIATRIC: , Normal; Negative for anxiety, depression, or phobias.,ENDOCRINE:, Normal; Negative for diabetes, thyroid, or problems with cholesterol or hormones.,HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: , Normal; Negative for anemia, swollen glands, or blood disorders.,IMMUNOLOGIC: , Negative; Negative for steroids, chemotherapy, or cancer.,VASCULAR:, Normal; Negative for varicose veins, blood clots, atherosclerosis, or leg ulcers.
General Medicine
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:,1. Acute respiratory failure, resolved.,2. Severe bronchitis leading to acute respiratory failure, improving.,3. Acute on chronic renal failure, improved.,4. Severe hypertension, improved.,5. Diastolic dysfunction.,X-ray on discharge did not show any congestion and pro-BNP is normal.,SECONDARY DIAGNOSES:,1. Hyperlipidemia.,2. Recent evaluation and treatment, including cardiac catheterization, which did not show any coronary artery disease.,3. Remote history of carcinoma of the breast.,4. Remote history of right nephrectomy.,5. Allergic rhinitis.,HOSPITAL COURSE:, This 83-year-old patient had some cold symptoms, was treated as bronchitis with antibiotics. Not long after the patient returned from Mexico, the patient started having progressive shortness of breath, came to the emergency room with severe bilateral wheezing and crepitations. X-rays however did not show any congestion or infiltrates and pro-BNP was within normal limits. The patient however was hypoxic and required 4L nasal cannula. She was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. The patient improved remarkably over the night on IV steroids and empirical IV Lasix. Initial swab was positive for MRSA colonization., ,Discussed with infectious disease, Dr. X and it was decided no treatment was required for de-colonization. The patient's breathing has improved. There is no wheezing or crepitations and O2 saturation is 91% on room air. The patient is yet to go for exercise oximetry. Her main complaint is nasal congestion and she is now on steroid nasal spray. The patient was seen by Cardiology, Dr. Z, who advised continuation of beta blockers for diastolic dysfunction. The patient has been weaned off IV steroids and is currently on oral steroids, which she will be on for seven days.,DISPOSITION: , The patient has been discharged home.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS:,1. Metoprolol 25 mg p.o. b.i.d.,2. Simvastatin 20 mg p.o. daily.,NEW MEDICATIONS:,1. Prednisone 20 mg p.o. daily for seven days.,2. Flonase nasal spray daily for 30 days.,Results for oximetry pending to evaluate the patient for need for home oxygen.,FOLLOW UP:, The patient will follow up with Pulmonology, Dr. Y in one week's time and with cardiologist, Dr. X in two to three weeks' time.
Discharge Summary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
ADMITTING DIAGNOSES:, Hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease reflux.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:, Hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease reflux.,SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS: , Postoperative ileus.,PROCEDURES DONE: , Hiatal hernia repair and Nissen fundoplication revision.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is an 18-year-old male who has had a history of a Nissen fundoplication performed six years ago for gastric reflux. Approximately one year ago, he was involved in a motor vehicle accident and CT scan at that time showed that he had a hiatal hernia. Over the past year, this has caused him an increasing number of problems, including chest pain when he eats, and shortness of breath after large meals. He is also having reflux symptoms again. He presents to us for repair of the hiatal hernia and revision of the Nissen fundoplication.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , Mr. A was admitted to the adolescent floor by Brenner Children's Hospital after his procedure. He was stable at that time. He did complain of some nausea. However, he did not have any vomiting at that time. He had an NG tube in and was n.p.o. He also had a PCA for pain management as well as Toradol. On postoperative day #1, he complained of not being able to urinate, so a Foley catheter was placed. Over the next several days, his hospital course proceeded as follows. He continued to complain of some nausea; however, he did not ever have any vomiting. Eventually, the Foley catheter was discontinued and he had excellent urine output without any complications. He ambulated frequently. He remained n.p.o. for three days. He also had the NG tube in during that time. On postoperative day #4, he began to have some flatus, and the NG tube was discontinued. He was advanced to a liquid diet and tolerated this without any complications. At this time, he was still using the PCA for pain control. However, he was using it much less frequently than on days #1 and #2 postoperatively. After tolerating the full liquid diet without any complications, he was advanced to a soft diet and his pain medications were transitioned to p.o. medications rather than the PCA. The PCA was discontinued. He tolerated the soft diet without any complications and continued to have flatus frequently. On postoperative day #6, it was determined that he was stable for discharge to home as he was taking p.o. without any complications. His pain was well controlled with p.o. pain medications. He was passing gas frequently, had excellent urine output, and was ambulating frequently without any issues.,DISCHARGE CONDITION:, Stable.,DISPOSITION: , Discharged to home.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , The patient was discharged to home with instructions for maintaining a soft diet. It was also recommended that he does not drink any soda postoperatively. He is instructed to keep his incision site clean and dry and it was also recommended that he avoid any heavy lifting. He will be able to attend school when it starts in a few weeks. However, he is not going to be able to play football in the near future. He was given prescription for pain medication upon discharge. He is instructed to contact Pediatric Surgery if he has any fevers, any nausea and vomiting, any chest pain, any constipation, or any other concerns.
Discharge Summary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
VITAL SIGNS: , Blood pressure *, pulse *, respirations *, temperature *.,GENERAL APPEARANCE:, Alert and in no apparent distress, calm, cooperative, and communicative.,HEENT: , Eyes: EOMI. PERRLA. Sclerae nonicteric. No lesions of lids, lashes, brows, or conjunctivae noted. Funduscopic examination unremarkable. Ears: Normal set, shape, TMs, canals and hearing. Nose and Sinuses: Negative. Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, and Throat: Negative except for dental work.,NECK: , Supple and pain free without bruit, JVD, adenopathy or thyroid abnormality.,CHEST:, Lungs are bilaterally clear to auscultation and percussion.,HEART: , S1 and S2. Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, heave, click, lift, thrill, rub, or gallop. PMI nondisplaced. Chest wall unremarkable to inspection and palpation. No axillary or supraclavicular adenopathy detected.,BREASTS:, In the seated and supine position unremarkable.,ABDOMEN: , No hepatosplenomegaly, mass, tenderness, rebound, rigidity, or guarding. No widening of the aortic impulse and no intraabdominal bruit auscultated.,EXTERNAL GENITALIA: , Normal for age.,RECTAL: , Negative to 7 cm by gloved digital palpation with Hemoccult-negative stool.,EXTREMITIES: , Good distal pulse and perfusion without evidence of edema, cyanosis, clubbing, or deep venous thrombosis. Nails of the hands and feet, and creases of the palms and soles are unremarkable. Good active and passive range of motion of all major joints.,BACK:, Normal to inspection and percussion. Negative for spinous process tenderness or CVA tenderness. Negative straight-leg raising, Kernig, and Brudzinski signs.,NEUROLOGIC:, Nonfocal for cranial and peripheral nervous systems, strength, sensation, and cerebellar function. Affect is normal. Speech is clear and fluent. Thought process is lucid and rational. Gait and station are unremarkable.,SKIN: , Unremarkable for any premalignant or malignant condition with normal changes for age.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Mass lesion, right upper extremity.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Intramuscular lipoma, right arm, approximately 4 cm.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Excision of intramuscular lipoma with flap closure by Dr. Y.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: ,This is a 77-year-old African-American female who presents as an outpatient to the General Surgical Service with a mass in the anterior aspect of the mid-biceps region of the right upper extremity. The mass has been increasing in size and symptoms according to the patient. The risks and benefits of the surgical excision were discussed. The patient gave informed consent for surgical removal.,GROSS FINDINGS: , At the time of surgery, the patient was found to have intramuscular lipoma within the head of the biceps. It was removed in its entirety and submitted to Pathology for appropriate analysis.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room. She was given intravenous sedation and the arm area was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion. Xylocaine was utilized as local anesthetic and a longitudinal incision was made in the axis of the extremity. The skin and subcutaneous tissue were incised as well as the muscular fascia. The fibers of the biceps were divided bluntly and retracted. The lipoma was grasped with an Allis clamp and blunt and sharp dissection was utilized to remove the mass without inuring the underlying neurovascular structures. The mass was submitted to Pathology. Good hemostasis was seen. The wound was irrigated and closed in layers. The deep muscular fascia was reapproximated with #2-0 Vicryl suture.,The subcutaneous tissues were reapproximated with #3-0 Vicryl suture and the deep dermis was reapproximated with #3-0 Vicryl suture. Re-approximated wound flaps without tension and the skin was closed with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in running subcuticular fashion. The patient was given wound care instructions and will follow up again in my office in one week. Overall prognosis is good.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 41-year-old registered nurse (R.N.). She was admitted following an overdose of citalopram and warfarin. The patient has had increasing depression and has been under stress as a result of dissolution of her second marriage. She notes starting in January, her husband of five years seemed to be quite withdrawn. It turned out, he was having an affair with one of her best friends and he subsequently moved in with this woman. The patient is distressed, as over the five years of their marriage, she has gotten herself into considerable debt supporting him and trying to find a career that would work for him. They had moved to ABCD where he had recently been employed as a restaurant manager. She also moved her mother and son out there and is feeling understandably upset that he was being dishonest and deceitful with her. She has history of seasonal affective disorder, winter depressions, characterized by increased sleep, increased irritability, impatience, and fatigue. Some suggestion on her part that her father may have had some mild bipolar disorder and including the patient has a cyclical and recurrent mood disorder. In January, she went on citalopram. She reports since that time, she has lost 40 pounds of weight, has trouble sleeping at night, thinks perhaps her mood got worse on the citalopram, which is possible, though it is also possible that the progressive nature of getting divorce than financial problems has contributed to her worsening mood.,PAST AND DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY: , She was born in XYZ. She describes the family as being somewhat dysfunctional. Father was a truckdriver. She is an only child. She reports that she had a history of anorexia and bulimia as a teenager. In her 20s, she served six years in Naval Reserve. She was previously married for four years. She described that as an abusive relationship. She had a history of being in counseling with ABC, but does not think this therapist, who is now by her estimate 80 years old, is still in practice.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,GENERAL: This is an alert and cooperative woman.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98.1, pulse 60, respirations 18, blood pressure 95/54, oxygen saturation 95%, and weight is 132.,PSYCHIATRIC: She makes good eye contact. Speech is normal in rate, volume, grammar, and vocabulary. There is no thought disorder. She denies being suicidal. Her affect is appropriate for material being discussed. She has a sense of future, wants to get back to work, has plans to return to counseling. She appeared to have normal orientation, concentration, memory, and judgment.,Medical history is notable for factor V Leiden deficiency, history of pulmonary embolus, restless legs syndrome. She has been off her Mirapex. I did encourage her to go back on the Mirapex, which would likely lead to some improvement in mood by facilitating better sleep.,The patient at this time can contract for safety. She has made plans for outpatient counseling this Saturday and we will get a referral to a psychiatrist for which she is agreeable to following up with.,LABORATORY DATA: , INR, which is still 8.8. In 1998, she had a normal MRI. Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, and CBC were all normal.,DIAGNOSES: ,1. Seasonal depressive disorder.,2. Restless legs syndrome.,3. Overdose of citalopram and warfarin.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , The patient reports she has been feeling better since discontinuing antidepressants. I, therefore, recommend she stay off antidepressants at present. If needed, she can take Prozac, which has been effective for her in the past and she plans to see a psychiatrist for consultation. She does give a fairly good history of seasonal depression and given that her mood has improved in the past with Prozac, this will be an appropriate agent to try as needed in the future, but given the situational nature of the depression, she primarily appears to need counseling.,Please feel free to contact me at digital pager if there is additional information I can provide.
Psychiatry / Psychology
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right hyoid mass, rule out carcinomatosis.,2. Weight loss.,3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right hyoid mass, rule out carcinomatosis.,2. Weight loss.,3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,4. Changes consistent with acute and chronic bronchitis.,5. Severe mucosal irregularity with endobronchial narrowing of the right middle and lower lobes.,6. Left vocal cord irregularity.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Fiberoptic flexible bronchoscopy with lavage, brushings, and endobronchial mucosal biopsies of the right bronchus intermedius/right lower lobe.,ANESTHESIA: , Demerol 50 mg with Versed 3 mg as well as topical cocaine and lidocaine solution.,LOCATION OF PROCEDURE: , Endoscopy suite #4.,After informed consent was obtained and following the review of the procedure including procedure as well as possible risks and complications were explained and consent was previously obtained, the patient was sedated with the above stated medication and the patient was continuously monitored on pulse oximetry, noninvasive blood pressure, and EKG monitoring. Prior to starting the procedure, the patient was noted to have a baseline oxygen saturation of 86% on room air. Subsequently, she was given a bronchodilator treatment with Atrovent and albuterol and subsequent saturation increased to approximately 90% to 91% on room air.,The patient was placed on a supplemental oxygen as the patient was sedated with above-stated medication. As this occurred, the bronchoscope was inserted into the right naris with good visualization of the nasopharynx and oropharynx. The cords were noted to oppose bilaterally on phonation. There was some slight mucosal irregularity noted on the vocal cord on the left side. Additional topical lidocaine was instilled on the vocal cords, at which point the bronchoscope was introduced into the trachea, which was midline in nature. The bronchoscope was then advanced to the distal trachea and additional lidocaine was instilled. At this time, the bronchoscope was further advanced through the main stem and additional lidocaine was instilled. Bronchoscope was then further advanced into the right upper lobe, which revealed no evidence of any endobronchial lesion. The mucosa was diffusely friable throughout. Bronchoscope was then slowly withdrawn into the right main stem and additional lidocaine was instilled. At this point, the bronchoscope was then advanced to the right bronchus intermedius. At this time, it was noted that there was severe mucosal irregularities of nodular in appearance significantly narrowing the right lower lobe and right middle lobe opening. The mucosal area throughout this region was severely friable. Additional lidocaine was instilled as well as topical epinephrine. At this time, bronchoscope was maintained in this region and endobronchial biopsies were performed. At the initial attempt of inserting biopsy forceps, some resistance was noted within the proximal channel at this time making advancement of the biopsy forceps out of the proximal channel impossible. So the biopsy forceps was withdrawn and the bronchoscope was completely withdrawn and new bronchoscope was then utilized. At this time, bronchoscope was then reinserted into the right naris and subsequently advanced to the vocal cords into the right bronchus intermedius without difficulty. At this time, the biopsy forceps were easily passed and visualized in the right bronchus intermedius. At this time, multiple mucosal biopsies were performed with some mild oozing noted. Several aliquots of normal saline lavage followed. After completion of multiple biopsies there was good hemostasis. Cytology flushing was also performed in this region and subsequently several aliquots of additional normal saline lavage was followed. Bronchoscope was unable to be passed distally to the base of the segment of the right lower lobe or distal to the further visualized endobronchial anatomy of the right middle lobe subsegments. The bronchoscope was then withdrawn to the distal trachea.,At this time, bronchoscope was then advanced to the left main stem. Additional lidocaine was instilled. The bronchoscope was advanced to the left upper and lower lobe subsegments. There was no endobronchial lesion visualized. There is mild diffuse erythema and fibromucosa was noted throughout. No endobronchial lesion was visualized in the left bronchial system. The bronchoscope was then subsequently further withdrawn to the distal trachea and readvanced into the right bronchial system. At this time, bronchoscope was readvanced into the right bronchus intermedius and additional aliquots of normal saline lavage until cleared. There is no gross bleeding evidenced at this time or diffuse mucosal erythema and edema present throughout. The bronchoscope was subsequently withdrawn and the patient was sent to recovery room. During the bronchoscopy, the patient noted ________ have desaturation and required increasing FiO2 with subsequent increased saturation to 93% to 94%. The patient remained at this level of saturation or greater throughout the remaining of the procedure.,The patient postprocedure relates having some intermittent hemoptysis prior to the procedure as well as moderate exertional dyspnea. This was confirmed by her daughter and mother who were also present at the bedside postprocedure. The patient did receive a nebulizer bronchodilator treatment immediately prebronchoscopy and postprocedure as well. The patient also admitted to continued smoking in spite of all of the above. The patient was extensively counseled regarding the continued smoking especially with her present symptoms. She was advised regarding smoking cessation. The patient was also placed on a prescription of prednisone 2 mg tablets starting at 40 mg a day decreasing every three days to continue to wean off. The patient was also administered Solu-Medrol 60 mg IV x1 in recovery room. There was no significant bronchospastic component noted, although because of the severity of the mucosal edema, erythema, and her complaints, short course of steroids will be instituted. The patient was also advised to refrain from using any aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication because of her hemoptysis. At this time, the patient was also advised that if hemoptysis were to continue or worsen or develop progressive dyspnea, to either contact myself, , or return to ABCD Emergency Room for evaluation of possible admission. However, the above was reviewed with the patient in great detail as well as with her daughter and mother who were at the bedsite at this time as well.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade-III status post conization with poor margins.,2. Recurrent dysplasia.,3. Unable to follow in office.,4. Uterine procidentia grade II-III.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade-III postconization.,2. Poor margins.,3. Recurrent dysplasia.,4. Uterine procidentia grade II-III.,5. Mild vaginal vault prolapse.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) with bilateral salpingooophorectomy.,2. Uterosacral ligament vault suspension.,ANESTHESIA: , General and spinal with Astramorph for postoperative pain.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 100 cc.,FLUIDS: ,2400 cc.,URINE: , 200 cc of clear urine output.,INDICATIONS: ,This patient is a 57-year-old nulliparous female who desires definitive hysterectomy for history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia after conization and found to have poor margins.,FINDINGS: ,On bimanual examination, the uterus was found to be small. There were no adnexal masses appreciated. Intraabdominal findings revealed a small uterus approximately 2 cm in size. The ovaries were atrophic consistent with menopause. The liver margins and stomach were palpated and found to be normal.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was taken back to the operating suite and administered a spinal anesthesia for postoperative pain control. She was then placed in the dorsal lithotomy position and administered general anesthesia. She was then prepped and draped in the sterile fashion and an indwelling Foley catheter was placed in her bladder. At this point, the patient was evaluated for a possible vaginal hysterectomy. She was nulliparous and the pelvis was narrow. After the anesthesia was administered, the patient was repeatedly stooling and therefore because of these two reasons, the decision was made to do an abdominal hysterectomy. After the patient was prepped and draped, a Pfannenstiel skin incision was made approximately 2 cm above the pubic symphysis. The second scalpel was used to dissect out to the underlying layer of fascia. The fascia was incised in the midline and extended laterally using the Mayo scissors. The superior aspect of the rectus fascia was grasped with Ochsners, tented up and underlying layer of rectus muscle was dissected off bluntly as well as with Mayo scissors. In a similar fashion, the inferior portion of the rectus fascia was tented up, dissected off bluntly as well as with Mayo scissors. The rectus muscle was then separated bluntly in the midline and the peritoneum was identified and entered with the Metzenbaum. The peritoneal incision was extended superiorly and inferiorly with good visualization of the bladder. At this point, the above findings were noted and the GYN Balfour retractor was placed. Moist laparotomy sponges were used to pack the bowel out of the operative field. The bladder blade and the extension for the retractor were then placed. An Allis was used on the uterus for retraction. The round ligaments were then identified, clamped with two hemostats and transected and then suture ligated. The anterior portion of the broad ligament was dissected along vesicouterine resection. The bladder was then dissected off the anterior cervix and vagina without difficulty. The infundibulopelvic ligaments on both sides were then doubly clamped using hemostats, transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. The uterine vessels on both sides were skeletonized and clamped with two hemostats and transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl. Good hemostasis was assured. The cardinal ligaments on both sides were clamped using a curved hemostat, transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl. Good hemostasis was obtained. Two hemostats were then placed just under the cervix meeting in the midline. The uterus and cervix were then _______ off using a scalpel. This was handed and sent to Pathology for evaluation. Using #0 Vicryl suture, the right vaginal cuff angle was closed and affixed to the ipsilateral cardinal ligament. A baseball stitch was then used to close the cuff to the midline. The same was done to the left vaginal cuff angle, which was affixed to the ipsilateral and cardinal ligaments. The baseball stitch was used to close the cuff to the midline. The hemostats were removed and the cuff was closed and good hemostasis was noted. The uterosacral ligaments were also transfixed to the cuff and brought out for good support by using a #0 Vicryl suture through each uterosacral ligament and incorporating this into the vaginal cuff. The pelvis was then copiously irrigated with warm normal saline. Good support and hemostasis was noted. The bowel packing was then removed and the GYN Balfour retractor was moved. The peritoneum was then repaired with #0 Vicryl in a running fashion. The fascia was then closed using #0 Vicryl in a running fashion, marking the first stitch and first last stitch in a lateral to medial fashion. The skin was then closed with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a subcuticular closure and an Op-Site was placed over this. The patient was then brought out of general anesthesia and extubated. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct x2. She will follow up postoperatively as an inpatient.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , I need refills.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient presents today stating that she needs refills on her Xanax, and she would also like to get something to help her quit smoking. She is a new patient today. She states that she has mesothelioma in the lining of her stomach and that it does cause her some problems with eating and it causes some chronic pain. She states that she is under the care of a cancer specialist; however, she just recently moved back to this area and is trying to find a doctor a little closer than his office. She states that she has tried several different things to help her quit smoking and she has failed everything and had heard good results about Chantix and wanted to give it a try.,OBJECTIVE: ,Well developed and well nourished. She does not appear to be in any acute distress. Cardiovascular: Regular rhythm. No murmurs, gallops, or rubs. Capillary refill less than 3 seconds. Peripheral pulses are 2+ bilaterally. Respiratory: Her lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally with good effort. No tenderness to palpation over chest wall. Musculoskeletal: She has full range of motion of all four extremities. No tenderness to palpation over long bones. Skin: Warm and dry. No rashes or lesions. Neuro: Alert and oriented x3. Cranial nerves II-XII are grossly intact. No focal deficits.,PLAN: , I did refill her medications. I have requested that she have her primary doctor forward her records to me. I have discussed Chantix and its use and success rate. She was given a prescription, as well as a coupon. She is to watch for any worsening signs or symptoms. She verbalized understanding of discharge instructions and prescriptions. I would like to see her back to proceed with her preventive health measures.
Office Notes
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Prior history of anemia, abdominal bloating.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, External hemorrhoids, otherwise unremarkable colonoscopy.,PREMEDICATIONS:, Versed 5 mg, Demerol 50 mg IV.,REPORT OF PROCEDURE:, Digital rectal exam revealed external hemorrhoids. The colonoscope was inserted into the rectal ampulla and advanced to the cecum. The position of the scope within the cecum was verified by identification of the appendiceal orifice. The cecum, the ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse colon, splenic flexure, descending colon, and rectum were normal. The scope was retroflexed in the rectum and no abnormality was seen. So the scope was straightened, withdrawn, and the procedure terminated.,ENDOSCOPIC IMPRESSION:,1. Normal colonoscopy.,2. External hemorrhoids.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Neurologic consultation was requested by Dr. X to evaluate her seizure medication and lethargy.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is well known to me. She has symptomatic partial epilepsy secondary to a static encephalopathy, cerebral palsy, and shunted hydrocephalus related to prematurity. She also has a history of factor V Leiden deficiency. She was last seen at neurology clinic on 11/16/2007. At that time, instructions were given to mom to maximize her Trileptal dose if seizures continue. She did well on 2 mL twice a day without any sedation. This past Friday, she had a 25-minute seizure reportedly. This consisted of eye deviation, unresponsiveness, and posturing. Diastat was used and which mom perceived was effective. Her Trileptal dose was increased to 3 mL b.i.d. yesterday.,According to mom since her shunt revision on 12/18/2007, she has been sleepier than normal. She appeared to be stable until this past Monday about six days ago, she became more lethargic and had episodes of vomiting and low-grade fevers. According to mom, she had stopped vomiting since her hospitalization. Reportedly, she was given a medication in the emergency room. She still is lethargic, will not wake up spontaneously. When she does awaken however, she is appropriate, and interacts with them. She is able to eat well; however her overall p.o. intake has been diminished. She has also been less feisty as her usual sounds. She has been seizure free since her admission.,LABORATORY DATA: , Pertinent labs obtained here showed the following: CRP is less than 0.3, CMP normal, and CBC within normal limits. CSF cultures so far is negative. Dr. Limon's note refers to a CSF, white blood cell count of 2, 1 RBC, glucose of 55, and protein of 64. There are no imaging studies in the computer. I believe that this may have been done at Kaweah Delta Hospital and reviewed by Dr. X, who indicated that there was no evidence of shunt malfunction or infection.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Trileptal 180 mg b.i.d., lorazepam 1 mg p.r.n., acetaminophen, and azithromycin.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient was asleep, but easily aroused. There was a brief period of drowsiness, which she had some jerky limb movements, but not seizures. She eventually started crying and became agitated. She made attempts to sit by bending her neck forward. Fully awake, she sucks her bottle eagerly.,HEENT: She was obviously visually impaired. Pupils were 3 mm, sluggishly reactive to light.,EXTREMITIES: Bilateral lower extremity spasticity was noted. There was increased flexor tone in the right upper extremity. IV was noted on the left hand.,ASSESSMENT: ,Seizure breakthrough due to intercurrent febrile illness. Her lethargy could be secondary to a viral illness with some component of medication effect since her Trileptal dose was increased yesterday and these are probable explanations if indeed shunt malfunction has been excluded.,I concur with Dr. X's recommendations. I do not recommend any changes in Trileptal for now. I will be available while she remains hospitalized.,
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right mesothelioma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right lung mass invading diaphragm and liver.,FINDINGS: , Right lower lobe lung mass invading diaphragm and liver.,PROCEDURES:,1. Right thoracotomy.,2. Right lower lobectomy with en bloc resection of diaphragm and portion of liver.,SPECIMENS: , Right lower lobectomy with en bloc resection of diaphragm and portion of liver.,BLOOD LOSS: , 600 mL.,FLUIDS: , Crystalloid 2.7 L and 1 unit packed red blood cells.,ANESTHESIA: , Double-lumen endotracheal tube.,CONDITION:, Stable, extubated, to PACU.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, Briefly, this is a gentleman who was diagnosed with a B-cell lymphoma and then subsequently on workup noted to have a right-sided mass seeming to arise from the right diaphragm. He was presented at Tumor Board where it was thought upon review that day that he had a right nodular malignant mesothelioma. Thus, he was offered a right thoracotomy and excision of mass with possible reconstruction of the diaphragm. He was explained the risks, benefits, and alternatives to this procedure. He wished to proceed, so he was brought to the operating room.,An epidural catheter was placed. He was put in a supine position where SCDs and Foley catheter were placed. He was put under general endotracheal anesthesia with a double-lumen endotracheal tube. He was given preoperative antibiotics, then he was placed in the left decubitus position, and the area was prepped and draped in the usual fashion.,A low thoracotomy in the 7th interspace was made using the skin knife and then Bovie cautery onto the middle of the rib and then with the Alexander instrument, the chest was entered. Upon entering the chest, the chest wall retractor was inserted and the cavity inspected. It appeared that the mass actually arose more from the right lower lobe and was involving the diaphragm. He also had some marked lymphadenopathy. With these findings, which were thought at that time to be more consistent with a bronchogenic carcinoma, we proceeded with the intent to perform a right lower lobectomy and en bloc diaphragmatic resection. Thus, we mobilized the inferior pulmonary ligament and made our way around the hilum anteriorly and posteriorly. We also worked to open the fissure and tried to identify the arteries going to the superior portion of the right lower lobe and basilar arteries as well as the artery going to the right middle lobe. The posterior portion of the fissure ultimately divided with the single firing of a GIA stapler with a blue load and with the final portion being divided between 2-0 ties. Once we had clearly delineated the arterial anatomy, we were able to pass a right angle around the artery going to the superior segment. This was ligated in continuity with an additional stick tie in the proximal portion of 3-0 silk. This was divided thus revealing a branched artery going to the basilar portion of the right lower lobe. This was also ligated in continuity and actually doubly ligated. Care was taken to preserve the artery to the right and middle lobe.,We then turned our attention once again to the hilum to dissect out the inferior pulmonary vein. The superior pulmonary vein was visualized as well. The right angle was passed around the inferior pulmonary vein, and this was ligated in continuity with 2-0 silk and a 3-0 stick tie. Upon division of this portion, the specimen site had some bleeding, which was eventually controlled using several 3-0 silk sutures. The bronchial anatomy was defined. Next, we identified the bronchus going to the right lower lobe as well as the right middle lobe. A TA-30 4.8 stapler was then closed. The lung insufflated. The right middle lobe and right upper lobe were noted to inflate well. The stapler was fired, and the bronchus was cut with a 10-blade.,We then turned our attention to the diaphragm. There was a small portion of the diaphragm of approximately 4 to 5 cm has involved with tumor, and we bovied around this with at least 1 cm margin. Upon going through the diaphragm, it became clear that the tumor was also involving the dome of the liver, so after going around the diaphragm in its entirety, we proceeded to wedge out the portion of liver that was involved. It seemed that it would be a mucoid shallow portion. The Bovie was set to high cautery. The capsule was entered, and then using Bovie cautery, we wedged out the remaining portion of the tumor with a margin of normal liver. It did leave quite a shallow defect in the liver. Hemostasis was achieved with Bovie cautery and gentle pressure. The specimen was then taken off the table and sent to Pathology for permanent. The area was inspected for hemostasis. A 10-flat JP was placed in the abdomen at the portion of the wedge resection, and 0 Prolene was used to close the diaphragmatic defect, which was under very little tension. A single 32 straight chest tube was also placed. The lung was seen to expand. We also noted that the incomplete fissure between the middle and upper lobes would prevent torsion of the right middle lobe. Hemostasis was observed at the end of the case. The chest tube was irrigated with sterile water, and there was no air leak observed from the bronchial stump. The chest was then closed with Vicryl at the level of the intercostal muscles, staying above the ribs. The 2-0 Vicryl was used for the latissimus dorsi layer and the subcutaneous layer, and 4-0 Monocryl was used to close the skin. The patient was then brought to supine position, extubated, and brought to the recovery room in stable condition.,Dr. X was present for the entirety of the procedure, which was a right thoracotomy, right lower lobectomy with en bloc resection of diaphragm and a portion of liver.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Malnutrition and dysphagia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Malnutrition and dysphagia with two antral polyps and large hiatal hernia.,PROCEDURES: , Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy of one of the polyps and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement.,ANESTHESIA: , IV sedation, 1% Xylocaine locally.,CONDITION:, Stable.,OPERATIVE NOTE IN DETAIL: , After risk of operation was explained to this patient's family, consent was obtained for surgery. The patient was brought to the GI lab. There, she was placed in partial left lateral decubitus position. She was given IV sedation by Anesthesia. Her abdomen was prepped with alcohol and then Betadine. Flexible gastroscope was passed down the esophagus, through the stomach into the duodenum. No lesions were noted in the duodenum. There appeared to be a few polyps in the antral area, two in the antrum. Actually, one appeared to be almost covering the pylorus. The scope was withdrawn back into the antrum. On retroflexion, we could see a large hiatal hernia. No other lesions were noted. Biopsy was taken of one of the polyps. The scope was left in position. Anterior abdominal wall was prepped with Betadine, 1% Xylocaine was injected in the left epigastric area. A small stab incision was made and a large bore Angiocath was placed directly into the anterior abdominal wall, into the stomach, followed by a thread, was grasped with a snare using the gastroscope, brought out through the patient's mouth. Tied to the gastrostomy tube, which was then pulled down and up through the anterior abdominal wall. It was held in position with a dressing and a stent. A connector was applied to the cut gastrostomy tube, held in place with a 2-0 silk ligature. The patient tolerated the procedure well. She was returned to the floor in stable condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Fever.,PROCEDURES: Bronchoalveolar lavage.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: The patient is a 28-year-old male, status post abdominal trauma, splenic laceration, and splenectomy performed at the outside hospital, who was admitted to the Trauma Intensive Care Unit on the evening of August 4, 2008. Greater than 24 hours postoperative, the patient began to run a fever in excess of 102. Therefore, evaluation of his airway for possible bacterial infection was performed using bronchoalveolar lavage.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: The patient was preoxygenated with 100% FIO2 for approximately 5 to 10 minutes prior to the procedure. The correct patient and procedure was identified by time out by all members of the team. The patient was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion and sterile technique was used to connect the BAL lavage catheter to Lukens trap suction. A catheter was introduced into the endotracheal tube through a T connector and five successive 20 mL aliquots of normal saline were flushed through the catheter, each time suctioning out the sample into the Lukens trap. A total volume of 30 to 40 mL was collected in the trap and sent to the lab for quantitative bacteriology. The patient tolerated the procedure well and had no episodes of desaturation, apnea, or cardiac arrhythmia. A postoperative chest x-ray was obtained.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , Following a barium enema prep and lidocaine ointment to the rectal vault, perirectal inspection and rectal exam were normal. The Olympus video colonoscope then introduced into the rectum and passed by directed vision to the distal descending colon. Withdrawal notes an otherwise normal descending, rectosigmoid and rectum. Retroflexion noted no abnormality of the internal ring. No hemorrhoids were noted. Withdrawal from the patient terminated the procedure.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CIRCUMCISION,After informed consent was obtained the baby was placed on the circumcision tray. He was prepped in a sterile fashion times 3 with Betadine and then draped in a sterile fashion. Then 0.2 mL of 1% lidocaine was injected at 10 and 2 o'clock. A ring block was also done using another 0.3 mL of lidocaine. Glucose water is also used for anesthesia. After several minutes the curved clamp was attached at 9 o'clock with care being taken to avoid the meatus. The blunt probe was then introduced again with care taken to avoid the meatus. After initial adhesions were taken down the straight clamp was introduced to break down further adhesions. Care was taken to avoid the frenulum. The clamps where then repositioned at 12 and 6 o'clock. The Mogen clamp was then applied with a dorsal tilt. After the clamp was applied for 1 minute the foreskin was trimmed. After an additional minute the clamp was removed and the final adhesions were taken down. Patient tolerated the procedure well with minimal bleeding noted. Patient to remain for 20 minutes after procedure to insure no further bleeding is noted.,Routine care discussed with the family. Need to clean the area with just water initially and later with soap and water or diaper wipes once healed.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:, BRCA-2 mutation. ,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 59-year-old with a BRCA-2 mutation. Her sister died of breast cancer at age 32 and her daughter had breast cancer at age 27.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,The chest was clear. The abdomen was nontender. Pelvic examination shows no masses. No heart murmur. ,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The patient underwent surgery on the day of admission. In the postoperative course she was afebrile and unremarkable. The patient regained bowel function and was discharged on the morning of the fourth postoperative day.,OPERATIONS AND PROCEDURES: , Total abdominal hysterectomy/bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with resection of ovarian fossa peritoneum en bloc on July 25, 2006.,PATHOLOGY: , A 105-gram uterus without dysplasia or cancer.,CONDITION ON DISCHARGE: , Stable.,PLAN: ,The patient will remain at rest initially with progressive ambulation after. She will avoid lifting, driving or intercourse. She will call me if any fevers, drainage, bleeding, or pain. Follow up in my office in four weeks. Family history, social history, psychosocial needs per the social worker.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: , Percocet 5 #40 one every 3 hours p.r.n. pain.
Discharge Summary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURE:, Belly button piercing for insertion of belly button ring.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, The patient was prepped after informed consent was given of risk of infection and foreign body reaction. The area was marked by the patient and then prepped. The area was injected with 2% Xylocaine 1:100,000 epinephrine.,Then a #14-gauge needle was inserted above the belly button and inserted up to the skin just above the actual umbilical area and the ring was inserted into the #14-gauge needle and pulled through. A small ball was placed over the end of the ring. This terminated the procedure.,The patient tolerated the procedure well. Postop instructions were given regarding maintenance. Patient left the office in satisfactory condition.
Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , T12 compression fracture with cauda equina syndrome and spinal cord compression.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, T12 compression fracture with cauda equina syndrome and spinal cord compression.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Decompressive laminectomy at T12 with bilateral facetectomies, decompression of T11 and T12 nerve roots bilaterally with posterolateral fusion supplemented with allograft bone chips and pedicle screws and rods with crosslink Synthes Click'X System using 6.5 mm diameter x 40 mm length T11 screws and L1 screws, 7 mm diameter x 45 mm length.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 400 mL, replaced 2 units of packed cells.,Preoperative hemoglobin was less than 10.,DRAINS:, None.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , With the patient prepped and draped in a routine fashion in the prone position on laminae support, an x-ray was taken and demonstrated a needle at the T12-L1 interspace. An incision was made over the posterior spinous process of T10, T11, T12, L1, and L2. A Weitlaner retractor was placed and cutting Bovie current was used to incise the fascia overlying the dorsal spinous process of T10, T11, T12, L1, and L2. An additional muscular ligamentous attachment was dissected free bilaterally with cutting Bovie current osteotome and Cobb elevator. The cerebellar retractors were placed in the wound and obvious deformation of the lamina particularly on the left side at T12 was apparent. Initially, on the patient's left side, pedicle screws were placed in T11 and L1. The inferior articular facet was removed at T11 and an awl placed at the proximal location of the pedicle. Placement confirmed with biplanar coaxial fluoroscopy. The awl was in appropriate location and using a pedicle finder under fluoroscopic control, the pedicle was probed to the mid portion of the body of T11. A 40-mm Click'X screw, 6.5 mm diameter with rod holder was then threaded into the T11 vertebral body.,Attention was next turned to the L1 level on the left side and the junction of the transverse processes with the superior articular facet and intra-articular process was located using an AM-8 dissecting tool, AM attachment to the Midas Rex instrumentation. The area was decorticated, an awl was placed, and under fluoroscopic biplanar imaging noted to be at the pedicle in L1. Using a pedicle probe, the pedicle was then probed to the mid body of L1 and a 7-mm diameter 45-mm in length Click'X Synthes screw with rod holder was placed in the L1 vertebral body.,At this point, an elongated rod was placed on the left side for purposes of distraction should it be felt necessary in view of the MRI findings of significant compression on the patient's ventral canal on the right side. Attention was next turned to the right side and it should be noted that the dissection above was carried out with operating room microscope and at this point, the intraspinous process ligament superior to the posterior spinous process at T12 was noted be completely disrupted on a traumatic basis. The anteroposterior spinous process ligament superior to the T12 was incised with cutting Bovie current and the posterior spinous process at T12 removed with a Leksell rongeur. It was necessary to remove portion of the posterior spinous process at T11 for a full visualization of the involved laminar fractures at T12.,At this point, a laminectomy was performed using 45-degree Kerrison rongeur, both 2 mm and 4 mm, and Leksell rongeur. There was an epidural hematoma encountered to the midline and left side at the mid portion of the T12 laminectomy and this was extending superiorly to the T11-T12 interlaminar space. Additionally, there was marked instability of the facets bilaterally at T12 and L1. These facets were removed with 45-degree Kerrison rongeur and Leksell rongeur. Bony compression both superiorly and laterally from fractured bony elements was removed with 45-degree Kerrison rongeur until the thecal sac was completely decompressed. The exiting nerve roots at T11 and T12 were visualized and followed with Frazier dissectors, and these nerve roots were noted to be completely free. Hemostasis was controlled with bipolar coagulation.,At this point, a Frazier dissector could be passed superiorly, inferiorly, medially, and laterally to the T11-T12 nerve roots bilaterally, and the thecal sac was noted to be decompressed both superiorly and inferiorly, and noted to be quite pulsatile. A #4 Penfield was then used to probe the floor of the spinal canal, and no significant ventral compression remained on the thecal sac. Copious antibiotic irrigation was used and at this point on the patient's right side, pedicle screws were placed at T11 and L1 using the technique described for a left-sided pedicle screw placement. The anatomic landmarks being the transverse process at T11, the inferior articulating facet, and the lateral aspect of the superior articular facet for T11 and at L1, the transverse process, the junction of the intra-articular process and the facet joint.,With the screws placed on the left side, the elongated rod was removed from the patient's right side along with the locking caps, which had been placed. It was felt that distraction was not necessary. A 75-mm rod could be placed on the patient's left side with reattachment of the locking screw heads with the rod cap locker in place; however, it was necessary to cut a longer rod for the patient's right side with the screws slightly greater distance apart ultimately settling on a 90-mm rod. The locking caps were placed on the right side and after all 4 locking caps were placed, the locking cap screws were tied to the cold weld. Fluoroscopic examination demonstrated no evidence of asymmetry at the intervertebral space at T11-T12 or T12-L1 with excellent positioning of the rods and screws. A crosslink approximately 60 mm in width was then placed between the right and left rods, and all 4 screws were tightened.,It should be noted that prior to the placement of the rods, the patient's autologous bone, which had been removed during laminectomy portion of the procedure and cleansed off soft tissue and morcellated was packed in the posterolateral space after decortication had been effected on the transverse processes at T11, T12, and L1 with AM-8 dissecting tool, AM attachment as well as the lateral aspects of the facet joints. This was done bilaterally prior to placement of the rods.,Following placement of the rods as noted above, allograft bone chips were packed in addition on top of the patient's own allograft in these posterolateral gutters. Gelfoam was used to cover the thecal sac and at this point, the wound was closed by approximating the deep muscle with 0 Vicryl suture. The fascia was closed with interrupted 0 Vicryl suture, subcutaneous layer was closed with 2-0 Vicryl suture, subcuticular layer was closed with 2-0 inverted interrupted Vicryl suture, and the skin approximated with staples. The patient appeared to tolerate the procedure well without complications.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
EXAM: ,Three views of the right foot.,REASON FOR EXAM: , Right foot trauma.,FINDINGS: , Three views of the right foot were obtained. There are no comparison studies. There is no evidence of fractures or dislocations. No significant degenerative changes or obstructive osseous lesions were identified. There are no radiopaque foreign bodies.,IMPRESSION: , Negative right foot.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , The patient is a 63-year-old executive who was seen by his physician for a company physical. He stated that he was in excellent health and led an active life. His physical examination was normal for a man of his age. Chest x-ray and chemical screening blood work were within normal limits. His PSA was elevated.,IMAGING:,Chest x-ray: Normal.,CT scan of abdomen and pelvis: No abnormalities.,LABORATORY:, PSA 14.6.,PROCEDURES: , Ultrasound guided sextant biopsy of prostate: Digital rectal exam performed at the time of the biopsy showed a 1+ enlarged prostate with normal seminal vesicles.,PATHOLOGY: ,Prostate biopsy: Left apex: adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated, Gleason's score 3 + 4 = 7/10. Maximum linear extent in apex of tumor was 6 mm. Left mid region prostate: moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, Gleason's 3 + 2 = 5/10. Left base, right apex, and right mid-region and right base: negative for carcinoma.,TREATMENT:, The patient opted for low dose rate interstitial prostatic implants of I-125. It was performed as an outpatient on 8/10.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
FAMILY HISTORY: , Her father died at the age of 80 from prostate cancer. Her mother died at the age of 67. She did abuse alcohol. She had a brother died at the age of 70 from bone and throat cancer. She has two sons, ages 37 and 38 years old who are healthy. She has two daughters, ages 60 and 58 years old, both with cancer. She describes cancer hypertension, nervous condition, kidney disease, lung disease, and depression in her family.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is married and has support at home. Denies tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use.,ALLERGIES: , Aspirin.,MEDICATIONS: ,The patient does not list any current medications.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Hypertension, depression, and osteoporosis.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , She has had over her over her lifetime four back surgeries and in 2005 she had anterior cervical discectomy and fusion of C3 through C7 by Dr. L. She is G10, P7, no cesarean sections.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , HEENT: Headaches, vision changes, dizziness, and sore throat. GI: Difficulty swallowing. Musculoskeletal: She is right-handed with joint pain, stiffness, decreased range of motion, and arthritis. Respiratory: Shortness of breath and cough. Cardiac: Chest pain and swelling in her feet and ankle. Psychiatric: Anxiety and depression. Urinary: Negative and noncontributory. Hem-Onc: Negative and noncontributory. Vascular: Negative and noncontributory. Genital: Negative and noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, On physical exam, she is 5 feet tall and currently weighs 110 pounds; weight one year ago was 145 pounds. BP 138/78, pulse is 64. General: A well-developed, well-nourished female, in no acute distress. HEENT exam, head is atraumatic and normocephalic. Eyes, sclerae are anicteric. Teeth, she does have some poor dentition. She does say that she needs some of her teeth pulled on her lower mouth. Cranial nerves II, III, IV, and VI, vision is intact and visual fields are full to confrontation. EOMs are full bilaterally. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Cranial nerves V and VII, normal facial sensation and symmetrical facial movements. Cranial nerve VIII, hearing is intact, although decreased bilaterally right worse than left. Cranial nerves IX, X, and XII, tongue protrudes midline and palate elevates symmetrically. Cranial nerve XI, strong and symmetrical shoulder shrugs against resistance. Cardiac, regular rate and rhythm. Chest and lungs are clear bilaterally. Skin is warm and dry. Normal turgor and texture. No rashes or lesions are noted. General musculoskeletal exam reveals no gross deformity, fasciculations, and atrophy. Peripheral vascular, no cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. She does have some tremoring of her bilateral upper arms as she said. Strength testing reveals difficulty when testing due to the fact that the patient does have a lot of pain, but she seems to be pretty equal in the bilateral upper extremities with no obvious weakness noted. She is about 4+/5 in the deltoids, biceps, triceps, wrist flexors, wrist extensors, dorsal interossei, and grip strength.,It is much more painful for her on the left. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ bilaterally only at biceps, triceps, and brachioradialis, knees, and ankles. No ankle clonus is elicited. Hoffmann's is negative bilaterally. Sensation is intact. She ambulates with slow short steps. No spastic gait is noted. She has appropriate station and gait with no assisted devices, although she states that she is supposed to be using a cane. She does not bring one in with her today.,FINDINGS: , Patient brings in cervical spine x-rays and she has had an MRI taken but does not bring that in with her today. She will obtain that and x rays, which showed at cervical plate C3, C4, C5, C6, and C7 anteriorly with some lifting with the most lifted area at the C3 level. No fractures are noted.,ASSESSMENT: , Cervicalgia, cervical radiculopathy, and difficulty swallowing status post cervical fusion C3 through C7 with lifting of the plate.,PLAN:, We went ahead and obtained an EKG in the office today, which demonstrated normal sinus rhythm. She went ahead and obtained her x-rays and will pick her MRI and return to the office for surgical consultation with Dr. L first available. She would like the plate removed, so that she can eat and drink better, so that she can proceed with her shoulder surgery. All questions and concerns were addressed with her. Warning signs and symptoms were gone over with her. If she should have any further questions, concerns, or complications, she will contact our office immediately; otherwise, we will see her as scheduled. I am quite worried about the pain that she is having in her arms, so I would like to see the MRI as well. Case was reviewed and discussed with Dr. L.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
INDICATION:, Acute coronary syndrome.,CONSENT FORM: , The procedure of cardiac catheterization/PCI risks included but not restricted to death, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, emergent open heart surgery, bleeding, hematoma, limb loss, renal failure requiring dialysis, blood loss, infection had been explained to him. He understands. All questions answered and is willing to sign consent.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Selective coronary angiography of the right coronary artery, left main LAD, left circumflex artery, left ventricular catheterization, left ventricular angiography, angioplasty of totally occluded mid RCA, arthrectomy using 6-French catheter, stenting of the mid RCA, stenting of the proximal RCA, femoral angiography and Perclose hemostasis.,NARRATIVE: , The patient was brought to the cardiac catheterization laboratory in a fasting state. Both groins were draped and sterilized in the usual fashion. Local anesthesia was achieved with 2% lidocaine to the right groin area and a #6-French femoral sheath was inserted via modified Seldinger technique in the right common femoral artery. Selective coronary angiography was performed with #6 French JL4 catheter for the left coronary system and a #6 French JR4 catheter of the right coronary artery. Left ventricular catheterization and angiography was performed at the end of the procedure with a #6-French angle pigtail catheter.,FINDINGS,1. Hemodynamics systemic blood pressure 140/70 mmHg. LVEDP at the end of the procedure was 13 mmHg.,2. The left main coronary artery is a large with mild diffuse disease in the distal third resulting in less than 20% angiographic stenosis at the take off of the left circumflex artery. The left circumflex artery is a large caliber vessel with diffuse disease in the ostium of the proximal segment resulting in less than 30% angiographic stenosis. The left circumflex artery gives rise to a high small obtuse marginal branch that has high moderate-to-severe ostium. The rest of the left circumflex artery has mild diffuse disease and it gives rise to a second large obtuse marginal branch that bifurcates into an upper and lower trunk.,The LAD is calcified and diffusely disease in the proximal and mid portion. There is mild nonobstructive disease in the proximal LAD resulting in less than 20% angiographic stenosis.,3. The right coronary artery is dominant. It is septal to be occluded in the mid portion.,The findings were discussed with the patient and she opted for PCI. Angiomax bolus was started. The ACT was checked. It was higher in 300. I have given the patient 600 mg of oral Plavix.,The right coronary artery was engaged using a #6-French JR4 guide catheter. I was unable to cross through this lesion using a BMW wire and a 3.0x8 mm balloon support. I was unable to cross with this lesion using a whisper wire. I was unable to cross with this lesion using Cross-IT 100 wire. I have also used second #6-French Amplatz right I guide catheter. At one time, I have lost flow in the distal vessel. The patient experienced severe chest pain, ST-segment elevation, bradycardia, and hypotension, which responded to intravenous fluids and atropine along with intravenous dopamine.,Dr. X was notified.,Eventually, an Asahi grand slam wire using the same 3.0 x 8 mm Voyager balloon support, I was able to cross into the distal vessel. I have performed careful balloon angioplasty of the mid RCA. I have given nitroglycerin under the nursing several times during the procedure.,I then performed arthrectomy using #5-French export catheter.,I performed more balloon predilation using a 3.0 x16 mm Voyager balloon. I then deployed 4.0 x15 mm, excised, and across the mid RCA at 18 atmospheres with good angiographic result. Proximal to the proximal edge of the stent, there was still some persistent haziness most likely just diseased artery/diffuse plaquing. I decided to cover this segment using a second 4.0 x 15 mm, excised, and two stents were overlapped, the overlap was postdilated using the same stent delivery balloon at high pressure with excellent angiographic result.,Left ventricular catheterization was performed with #6-French angle pigtail catheter. The left ventricle is rather smaller in size. The mid inferior wall is minimally hypokinetic, ejection fraction is 70%. There is no evidence of aortic wall stenosis or mitral regurgitation.,Femoral angiography revealed that the entry point was above the bifurcation of the right common femoral artery and I have performed this as Perclose hemostasis.,CONCLUSIONS,1. Normal left ventricular size and function. Ejection fraction is 65% to 70%. No MR.,2. Successful angioplasty and stenting of the subtotally closed mid RCA. This was hard, organized thrombus, very difficult to penetrate. I have deployed two overlapping 4.0 x15 mm excised and with excellent angiographic result. The RCA is dominant.,3. No moderate disease in the distal left main. Moderate disease in the ostium of the left circumflex artery. Mild disease in the proximal LAD.,PLAN: , Recommend smoking cessation. Continue aspirin lifelong and continue Plavix for at least 12 months.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for hypertension. The patient takes hydrochlorothiazide for this. She also suffers from high cholesterol and takes Crestor. She also has dry eyes and uses Restasis for this. She denies liver disease, kidney disease, cirrhosis, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, bleeding disorders, prior DVT, HIV and gout. She also denies cardiac disease and prior history of cancer.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Significant for tubal ligation in 1993. She had a hysterectomy done in 2000 and a gallbladder resection done in 2002.,MEDICATIONS: , Crestor 20 mg p.o. daily, hydrochlorothiazide 20 mg p.o. daily, Veramist spray 27.5 mcg daily, Restasis twice a day and ibuprofen two to three times a day.,ALLERGIES TO MEDICATIONS: , Bactrim which causes a rash. The patient denies latex allergy.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is a life long nonsmoker. She only drinks socially one to two drinks a month. She is employed as a manager at the New York department of taxation. She is married with four children.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Significant for type II diabetes on her mother's side as well as liver and heart failure. She has one sibling that suffers from high cholesterol and high triglycerides.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Positive for hot flashes. She also complains about snoring and occasional slight asthma. She does complain about peripheral ankle swelling and heartburn. She also gives a history of hemorrhoids and bladder infections in the past. She has weight bearing joint pain as well as low back degenerating discs. She denies obstructive sleep apnea, kidney stones, bloody bowel movements, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, dark tarry stools and melena.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,On examination temperature is 97.7, pulse 84, blood pressure 126/80, respiratory rate was 20. Well nourished, well developed in no distress. Eye exam, pupils equal round and reactive to light. Extraocular motions intact. Neuro exam deep tendon reflexes 1+ in the lower extremities. No focal neuro deficits noted. Neck exam nonpalpable thyroid, midline trachea, no cervical lymphadenopathy, no carotid bruit. Lung exam clear breath sounds throughout without rhonchi or wheezes however diminished. Cardiac exam regular rate and rhythm without murmur or bruit. Abdominal exam positive bowel sounds, soft, nontender, obese, nondistended abdomen. No palpable tenderness. No right upper quadrant tenderness. No organomegaly appreciated. No obvious hernias noted. Lower extremity exam +1 edema noted. Positive dorsalis pedis pulses.,ASSESSMENT: , The patient is a 56-year-old female who presents to the bariatric surgery service with a body mass index of 41 with obesity related comorbidities. The patient is interested in gastric bypass surgery. The patient appears to be an excellent candidate and would benefit greatly in the management of her comorbidities.,PLAN: , In preparation for surgery will obtain the usual baseline laboratory values including baseline vitamin levels. Will proceed with our usual work up with an upper GI series as well as consultations with the dietician and the psychologist preoperatively. I have recommended six weeks of Medifast for the patient to obtain a 10% preoperative weight loss.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR EXAM: , Followup for fetal growth. , ,INTERPRETATION: , Real-time exam demonstrates a single intrauterine fetus in cephalic presentation with a regular cardiac rate of 147 beats per minute documented. ,FETAL BIOMETRY: ,BPD = 8.3 cm = 33 weeks, 4 days,HC = 30.2 cm = 33 weeks, 4 days,AC = 27.9 cm = 32 weeks, 0 days,FL = 6.4 cm = 33 weeks, 1 day,The head to abdomen circumference ratio is normal at 1.08, and the femur length to abdomen circumference ratio is normal at 23.0%. Estimated fetal weight is 2,001 grams. ,The amniotic fluid volume appears normal, and the calculated index is normal for the age at 13.7 cm. ,A detailed fetal anatomic exam was not performed at this setting, this being a limited exam for growth. The placenta is posterofundal and grade 2., ,IMPRESSION: , Single viable intrauterine pregnancy in cephalic presentation with a composite gestational age of 32 weeks, 5 days, plus or minus 17 days, giving and estimated date of confinement of 8/04/05. There has been normal progression of fetal growth compared to the two prior exams of 2/11/05 and 4/04/05. The examination of 4/04/05 questioned an echogenic focus within the left ventricle. The current examination does not demonstrate any significant persistent echogenic focus involving the left ventricle.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Excisional breast biopsy with needle localization.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the radiology suite where needle localization was performed with mammographic guidance. I reviewed the localizing films with the radiologist, and the patient was then brought to the operative suite and placed supine on the operating table. General endotracheal anesthesia was induced without incident. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner.,The skin overlying the needle tip was incised in a curvilinear fashion. Dissection down to the needle tip was performed using a combination of Metzenbaum scissors and Bovie electrocautery. Every attempt was made to get approximately 1 cm of normal tissue around the lesion. The wire was released and the lesion having been excised was removed from the wound and sent to Radiology for confirmation of excision. The wound was copiously irrigated with sterile water, and hemostasis was obtained using Bovie electrocautery. Once Radiology called and confirmed complete excision of the mass, the skin incision was approximated with 4-0 Vicryl in a subcuticular fashion. The skin was prepped with benzoin and Steri-Strips were applied. A dressing was then applied. All surgical counts were reported as correct.,Having tolerated the procedure well, the patient was subsequently taken to the recovery room in good and stable condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
Thereafter, he was evaluated and it was felt that further reconstruction as related to the anterior cruciate ligament was definitely not indicated. On December 5, 2008, Mr. XXXX did undergo a total knee replacement arthroplasty performed by Dr. X.,Thereafter, he did an extensive course of physical therapy, work hardening, and a work conditioning type program.,At the present time, he does complain of significant pain and swelling as related to the right knee. He is unable to crawl and/or kneel. He does state he is able to walk a city block and in fact, he is able to do 20 minutes of a treadmill. Stairs are a significant problem. His pain is a 5 to 6 on a scale of 1 to 10.,He is better when he is resting, sitting, propped up, and utilizing his ice. He is much worse when he is doing any type of physical activity.,He has denied having any previous history of similar problems.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,Over-the-counter pain medication.,ALLERGIES: , NKA.,SURGERIES: , Numerous surgeries as related to the right lower extremity.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He does admit to one half pack of cigarette consumption per day. He denies any alcohol consumption.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,On examination today, he is 28-year-old male who is 6 feet 1, weighs 250 pounds. He does not appear to be in distress at this time. One could appreciate 1-2/4 intraarticular effusion. The range of motion is 0 to a 110 degrees of flexion. I could not appreciate any evidence of instability medial, lateral, anterior or posterior. Crepitus is noted with regards to range of motion testing. His strength is 4 to 5 as related to the quadriceps and hamstring.,There is atrophy as related to the right thigh. The patient is able to stand from a seated position and sit from a standing position without difficulty.,RECORDS REVIEW:,1. First report of injury.,2. July 17, 2002, x-rays of the right knee were negative.,3. Notes of the Medina General Hospital Occupational Health, Steven Rodgers, M.D.,4. August 5, 2002, an MRI scan of the right knee which demonstrated peripheral tear of the posterior horn of the medial
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is an extremely pleasant 69 year-old gentleman, who I follow for his follicular lymphoma. His history is that in February of 1988 he had a biopsy of a left posterior auricular lymph node and pathology showed follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. From 03/29/88 to 08/02/88, he received six cycles of CHOP chemotherapy. In 1990, his CT scan showed retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Therefore from 04/02/90 to 08/20/90, he received seven cycles of CVP. In 1999, he was treated with m-BACOD. He also received radiation to his pelvis. On 03/21/01, he had a right cervical lymph node biopsy, which again showed follicular lymphoma. His most recent PET scan dated 12/31/08 showed resolution of previously described hypermetabolic lymph nodes in the right lower neck.,Overall, he is doing well. He has a good energy level, his ECOG performance status is 0. He denies any fever, chills or night sweats. No lymphadenopathy. No nausea or vomiting. No change in bowel or bladder habits.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Avelox 400 mg q.d. p.r.n., cefuroxime 200 mg q.d. to be altered monthly with doxycycline 100 mg q.d., Coumadin 5 mg on Monday and 2.5 mg on all other days, dicyclomine 10 mg q.d., Coreg 6.25 mg b.i.d., Vasotec 2.5 mg b.i.d., Zantac 150 mg q.d., Claritin D q.d., Centrum q.d., calcium q.d., omega-3 b.i.d., Metamucil q.d., and Lasix 40 mg t.i.d.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,As per the HPI, otherwise negative.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. He has chronic lymphedema of the bilateral lower extremities secondary to his pelvic radiation.,2. He had bilateral ureteral obstruction and is status post a stent placement. The obstruction was secondary to his pelvic radiation.,3. History of congestive heart failure.,4. History of schwannoma resection. It was resected from T12 to L1 in 1991.,5. He has chronic obstruction of his inferior vena cava.,6. Recurrent lower extremity cellulitis.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,He has no tobacco use. No alcohol use. He is married. He is a retired Methodist minister.,FAMILY HISTORY: , His mother just died two days ago. There is no history of solid tumors or hematologic malignancies in his family.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VIT:
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Headaches.,HEADACHE HISTORY:, The patient describes the gradual onset of a headache problem. The headache first began 2 months ago. The headaches are located behind both eyes. The pain is characterized as a sensation of pressure. The intensity is moderately severe, making normal activities difficult. Associated symptoms include sinus congestion and photophobia. The headache may be brought on by stress, lack of sleep and alcohol. The patient denies vomiting and jaw pain.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, No significant past medical problems.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, ,No significant past surgical history.,FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY:, ,There is a history of migraine in the family. The condition affects the patient’s brother and maternal grandfather.,ALLERGIES:, Codeine.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, See chart.,PERSONAL/SOCIAL HISTORY:, Marital status: Married. The patient smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day. Denies use of alcohol.,NEUROLOGIC DRUG HISTORY:, The patient has had no help with the headaches from over-the-counter analgesics.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,ROS General: Generally healthy. Weight is stable.,ROS Head and Eyes: Patient has complaints of headaches. Vision can best be described as normal.,ROS Ears Nose and Throat: The patient notes some sinus congestion.,ROS Cardiovascular: The patient has no history of any cardiovascular problems and denies any present problems.,ROS Gastrointestinal: The patient has no history of gastrointestinal problems and denies any present problems.,ROS Musculoskeletal: No muscle cramps, no joint back or limb pain. The patient denies any past or present problem related to the musculoskeletal system.,EXAM:,Exam General Appearance: The patient was alert and cooperative, and did not appear acutely or chronically ill.,Sex and Race: Male, Caucasian.,Exam Mental Status: Serial 7’s were performed normally. The patient was oriented with regard to time, place and situation.,Three out of three objects were readily recalled after several minutes. The patient correctly identified the president and past president. The patient could repeat 7 digits forward and 4 digits reversed without difficulty. The patient’s affect and emotional response was normal and appropriate. The patient related the clinical history in a coherent, organized fashion.,Exam Cranial Nerves: Sense of smell was intact.,Exam Neck: Neck range of motion was normal in all directions. There was no evidence of cervical muscle spasm. No radicular symptoms were elicited by neck motions. Shoulder range of motion was normal bilaterally. There were no areas of tenderness. Tests of neurovascular compression were negative. There were no carotid bruits.,Exam Back: Back range of motion was normal in all directions.,Exam Sensory: Position and vibratory sense was normal.,Exam Reflexes: Active and symmetrical. There were no pathological reflexes.,Exam Coordination: The patient’s gait had no abnormal components. Tandem gait was performed normally.,Exam Musculoskeletal: Peripheral pulses palpably normal. There is no edema or significant varicosities. No lesions identified.,IMPRESSION DIAGNOSIS: ,Migraine without aura (346.91),COMMENTS:, The patient has evolved into a chronic progressive course. Medications Prescribed: Therapeutic trial of Inderal 40mg - 1/2 tab b.i.d. x 1 week, then 1 tab. b.i.d. x 1 week then 1 tab t.i.d.,OTHER TREATMENT:, The patient was given a thorough explanation of the role of stress in migraine, and given a number of suggestions about implementing appropriate changes in lifestyle.,RATIONALE FOR TREATMENT PLAN:, The treatment plan chosen is the most effective and should result in the most beneficial outcome for the patient. There are no reasonable alternatives.,FOLLOW UP INSTRUCTIONS:
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
INDICATION:, Coronary artery disease, severe aortic stenosis by echo.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Left heart catheterization.,2. Right heart catheterization.,3. Selective coronary angiography.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was explained about all the risks, benefits and alternatives to the procedure. The patient agreed to proceed and informed consent was signed.,Both groins were prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. After local anesthesia with 2% lidocaine, 6-French sheath was inserted in the right femoral artery and 7-French sheath was inserted in the right femoral vein. Then right heart cath was performed using 7-French Swan-Ganz catheter. Catheter was placed in the pulmonary capillary wedge position. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, PA pressure was obtained, cardiac output was obtained, then RV, RA pressures were obtained. The right heart catheter _______ pulled out. Then selective coronary angiography was performed using 6-French JL4 and 6-French 3DRC catheter. Then attempt was made to cross the aortic valve with 6-French pigtail catheter, but it was unsuccessful. After the procedure, catheters were pulled out, sheath was pulled out and hemostasis was obtained by manual pressure. The patient tolerated the procedure well. There were no complications.,HEMODYNAMICS:,1. Cardiac output was 4.9 per liter per minute. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, mean was 7, PA pressure was 20/14, RV 26/5, RA mean pressure was 5.,2. Coronary angiography, left main is calcified _______ dense complex.,3. LAD proximal 70% calcified stenosis present and patent stent to the mid LAD and diagonal 1 is a moderate-size vessel, has 70% stenosis. Left circumflex has diffuse luminal irregularities. OM1 has 70% stenosis, is a moderate-size vessel. Right coronary is dominant and has minimal luminal irregularities.,SUMMARY: , Three-vessel coronary artery disease with aortic stenosis by echo with normal pulmonary artery systolic pressure.,RECOMMENDATION: , Aortic valve replacement with coronary artery bypass surgery.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Please evaluate stomatitis, possibly methotrexate related.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a very pleasant 57-year old white female, a native of Cuba, being seen for evaluation and treatment of sores in her mouth that she has had for the last 10-12 days. The patient has a long history of severe and debilitating rheumatoid arthritis for which she has had numerous treatments, but over the past ten years she has been treated with methotrexate quite successfully. Her dosage has varied somewhere between 20 and 25 mg per week. About the beginning of this year, her dosage was decreased from 25 mg to 20 mg, but because of the flare of the rheumatoid arthritis, it was increased to 22.5 mg per week. She has had no problems with methotrexate as far as she knows. She also took an NSAID about a month ago that was recently continued because of the ulcerations in her mouth. About two weeks ago, just about the time the stomatitis began she was placed on an antibiotic for suspected upper respiratory infection. She does not remember the name of the antibiotic. Although she claims she remembers taking this type of medication in the past without any problems. She was on that medication three pills a day for three to four days. She notes no other problems with her skin. She remembers no allergic reactions to medication. She has no previous history of fever blisters. ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, Reveals superficial erosions along the lips particularly the lower lips. The posterior buccal mucosa along the sides of the tongue and also some superficial erosions along the upper and lower gingiva. Her posterior pharynx was difficult to visualize, but I saw no erosions on the areas today. There did however appear to be one small erosion on the soft palate. Examination of the rest of her skin revealed no areas of dermatitis or blistering. There were some macular hyperpigmentation on the right arm where she has had a previous burn, plus the deformities from her rheumatoid arthritis on her hands and feet as well as scars on her knees from total joint replacement surgeries. ,IMPRESSION: , Erosive stomatitis probably secondary to methotrexate even though the medication has been used for ten years without any problems. Methotrexate may produce an erosive stomatitis and enteritis after such a use. The patient also may have an enteritis that at this point may have become more quiescent as she notes that she did have some diarrhea about the time her mouth problem developed. She has had no diarrhea today, however. She has noted no blood in her stools and has had no episodes of nausea or vomiting. ,I am not as familiar with the NSAID causing an erosive stomatitis. I understand that it can cause gastrointestinal upset, but given the choice between the two, I would think the methotrexate is the most likely etiology for the stomatitis. ,RECOMMENDED THERAPY: ,I agree with your therapeutic regimen regarding this condition with the use of prednisone and folic acid. I also agree that the methotrexate must be discontinued in order to produce a resolution of this patients’ skin problem. However, in my experience, this stomatitis may take a number of weeks to go away completely if a patient been on methotrexate, for an extended period of time, because the medication is stored within the liver and in fatty tissue. Topically I have prescribed Lidex gel, which I find works extremely well in stomatitis conditions. It can be applied t.i.d. ,Thank you very much for allowing me to share in the care of this pleasant patient. I will follow her with you as needed.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Left heart catheterization.,2. Bilateral selective coronary angiography.,3. Left ventriculogram was not performed.,INDICATION: , Non-ST elevation MI.,PROCEDURE: , After risks, benefits, and alternatives of the above-mentioned procedure were explained in detail to the patient, informed consent was obtained both verbally and in writing. The patient was taken to cardiac catheterization suite where the right femoral region was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. 1% lidocaine solution was used to infiltrate the skin overlying the right femoral artery. Once adequate anesthesia had been obtained, a thin-walled #18 gauge Argon needle was used to cannulate the right femoral artery. A steel guidewire was inserted through the needle into the vascular lumen without resistance. A small nick was then made in the skin. The pressure was held. The needle was removed over the guidewire. Next, a Judkins left #4 catheter was advanced to the level of the ascending aorta under direct fluoroscopic visualization with the use of a guidewire. The guidewire was removed. The catheter was connected to the manifold and flushed. The ostium of the left main coronary artery was engaged. Using hand injections of nonionic contrast material, the left coronary system was evaluated in several different views. Once an adequate study had been performed, the catheter was removed from the ostium of the left main coronary artery and a steel guidewire was inserted through the catheter. The catheter was then removed over the guidewire.,Next, a Judkins right #4 catheter was advanced to the level of the ascending aorta under direct fluoroscopic visualization with the use of a guidewire. The guidewire was removed. The catheter was connected to manifold and flushed. The catheter did slip into the left ventricle. During the rotation, the LVEDP was then measured. The ostium of the right coronary artery was then engaged. Using hand injections of nonionic contrast material, the right coronary system was evaluated in several different views. Once adequate study has been performed, the catheter was then removed. The sheath was lastly flushed for the final time.,FINDINGS:,LEFT MAIN CORONARY ARTERY: , The left main coronary artery is a moderate caliber vessel, which bifurcates into the left anterior descending and circumflex arteries. There is no evidence of any hemodynamically significant stenosis.,LEFT ANTERIOR DESCENDING ARTERY: , The LAD is a moderate caliber vessel, which is subtotaled in its mid portion for approximately 1.5 cm to 1 cm with subsequent TIMI-I flow distally. The distal portion was diffusely diseased. The proximal portion otherwise shows minor luminal irregularities. The first diagonal branch demonstrated minor luminal irregularities throughout.,CIRCUMFLEX ARTERY: ,The circumflex is a moderate caliber vessel, which traverses through the atrioventricular groove. There is a 60% proximal lesion and a 90% mid lesion prior to the takeoff of the first obtuse marginal branch. The first obtuse marginal branch demonstrates minor luminal irregularities throughout.,RIGHT CORONARY ARTERY: , The RCA is a moderate caliber vessel, which demonstrates a 90% mid stenotic lesion. The dominant coronary artery gives off the posterior descending artery and posterolateral artery. The left ventricular end-diastolic pressure was approximately 22 mmHg. It should be noted that during injection of the contrast agent that there was ST elevation in the inferior leads, which resolved after the injection was complete.,IMPRESSION:,1. Three-vessel coronary artery disease involving a subtotaled left anterior descending artery with TIMI-I flow distally and 90% circumflex lesion and 90% right coronary artery lesion.,2. Mildly elevated left-sided filling pressures.,PLAN:,1. The patient will be transferred to Providence Hospital today for likely PCI of the mid LAD lesion with a surgical evaluation for a coronary artery bypass grafting. These findings and plan were discussed in detail with the patient and the patient's family. The patient is agreeable.,2. The patient will be continued on aggressive medical therapy including beta-blocker, aspirin, ACE inhibitor, and statin therapy. The patient will not be placed on Plavix secondary to the possibility for coronary bypass grafting. In light of the patient's history of cranial aneurysmal bleed, the patient will be held off of Lovenox and Integrilin.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Refractory dyspepsia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Hiatal hernia.,2. Reflux esophagitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with pseudo and esophageal biopsy.,ANESTHESIA:, Conscious sedation with Demerol and Versed.,SPECIMEN: , Esophageal biopsy.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,HISTORY:, The patient is a 52-year-old female morbidly obese black female who has a long history of reflux and GERD type symptoms including complications such as hoarseness and chronic cough. She has been on multiple medical regimens and continues with dyspeptic symptoms.,PROCEDURE: , After proper informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the endoscopy suite. She was placed in the left lateral position and was given IV Demerol and Versed for sedation. When adequate level of sedation achieved, the gastroscope was inserted into the hypopharynx and the esophagus was easily intubated. At the GE junction, a hiatal hernia was present. There were mild inflammatory changes consistent with reflux esophagitis. The scope was then passed into the stomach. It was insufflated and the scope was coursed along the greater curvature to the antrum. The pylorus was patent. There was evidence of bile reflux in the antrum. The duodenal bulb and sweep were examined and were without evidence of mass, ulceration, or inflammation. The scope was then brought back into the antrum.,A retroflexion was attempted multiple times, however, the patient was having difficulty holding the air and adequate retroflexion view was not visualized. The gastroscope was then slowly withdrawn. There were no other abnormalities noted in the fundus or body. Once again at the GE junction, esophageal biopsy was taken. The scope was then completely withdrawn. The patient tolerated the procedure and was transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. She will return to the General Medical Floor. We will continue b.i.d proton-pump inhibitor therapy as well as dietary restrictions. She should also attempt significant weight loss.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
On review of systems, the patient admits to hypertension and occasional heartburn. She undergoes mammograms every six months, which have been negative for malignancy. She denies fevers, chills, weight loss, fatigue, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, upper extremity trauma, night sweats, DVT, pulmonary embolism, anorexia, bone pain, headaches, seizures, angina, peripheral edema, claudication, orthopnea, PND, coronary artery disease, rheumatoid arthritis, rashes, upper extremity edema, cat scratches, cough, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, dyspnea at two flights of stairs, hoarseness, GI bleeding, change in bowel habits, dysphagia, ulcers, hematuria, or history of TB exposure. She has had negative PPD.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Hypertension.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Right breast biopsy - benign.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She was born and raised in Baltimore. She has not performed farming or kept birds or cats.,Tobacco: None.,Ethanol: ,Drug Use: ,Occupation: She is a registered nurse at Spring Grove Hospital.,Exposure: Negative to asbestos.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Mother with breast cancer.,ALLERGIES: , Percocet and morphine causing temporary hypotension.,MEDICATIONS: , Caduet 10 mg p.o. q.d., Coreg CR 40 mg p.o. q.d., and Micardis HCT 80 mg/12.5 mg p.o. q.d.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,BP: 133/72
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURES:,1. Placement of SynchroMed infusion pump.,2. Tunneling of SynchroMed infusion pump catheter,3. Anchoring of the intrathecal catheter and connecting of the right lower quadrant SynchroMed pump catheter to the intrathecal catheter.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , Under general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was placed in a lateral decubitus position. The patient was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The intrathecal catheter was placed via a percutaneous approach by the pain management specialist at which point an incision was made adjacent to the needle containing the intrathecal catheter. This incision was carried down through the skin and subcutaneous tissue to the paraspinous muscle fascia which was cleared around the entry point of the intrathecal catheter needle. A pursestring suture of 3-0 Prolene was placed around the needle in the paraspinous muscle. The needle was withdrawn. The pursestring suture was tied to snug the tissues around the catheter and prevent cerebrospinal fluid leak. The catheter demonstrated free flow of cerebrospinal fluid,throughout the RV procedure. The catheter was anchored to the paraspinous muscle with an anchoring device using interrupted sutures of 3-0 Prolene. Antibiotic irrigation and antibiotic soak sponge were placed into the wound, and the catheter was clamped to prevent persistent leakage of cerebrospinal fluid while the SynchroMed-pump pocket was created. Then, I turned my attention to the anterior abdominal wall where an oblique incision was made and carried down through the skin and subcutaneous tissue to the external oblique fascia, which was freed from attachments to the overlying subcutaneous tissue utilizing blunt and sharp dissection with electrocautery. A pocket was created that would encompass the SynchroMed fusion pump. A tunneling device was then passed through the subcutaneous tissue from the back incision to the abdominal incision, and a SynchroMed pump catheter was placed to the tunneling device. The tunneling device was then removed leaving the SynchroMed pump catheter extending from the anterior abdominal wall incision to the posterior back incision. The intrathecal catheter was trimmed. A clear plastic boot was placed over the intrathecal catheter, and the connecting device was advanced from the SynchroMed pump catheter into the intrathecal catheter connecting the 2 catheters together. The clear plastic boot was then placed over the connection, and it was anchored in place with 0-silk ties. Good CSF was then demonstrated flowing through the SynchroMed pump catheter. The SynchroMed pump catheter was connected to the SynchroMed pump and anchored in place with a 0-silk tie. Excess catheter was coiled and placed behind the pump. The pump was placed into the subcutaneous pocket created for it on the anterior abdominal wall. The pump was anchored to the anterior abdominal wall fascia with interrupted sutures of 2-0 Prolene; 4 of the sutures were placed. The subcutaneous tissues were irrigated with normal saline. The subcutaneous tissue of both wounds was closed with running suture of 3-0 Vicryl. The skin of both wounds was closed with staples. Antibiotic ointment and a sterile dressing were applied. The patient was awake and taken to the recovery room. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was stable at the completion of the procedure. All sponge and lap, needle and instrument counts were correct at the completion of the procedure.
Pain Management
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Left communicating hydrocele.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left communicating hydrocele.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,PROCEDURE: ,Left inguinal hernia and hydrocele repair.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 5-year-old young man with fluid collection in the tunica vaginalis and peritesticular space on the left side consistent with a communicating hydrocele. The fluid size tends to fluctuate with time but has been relatively persistent for the past year. I met with the patient's mom and also spoke with his father by phone in the past couple of months and explained the diagnosis of patent processus vaginalis for communicating hydrocele and talked to them about the surgical treatment and options. All their questions have been answered and the patient is fit for operation today.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: ,The patient had a very thin patent processus vaginalis leading to a rather sizeable hydrocele sac in the left hemiscrotum. We probably drained around 10 to 15 mL of fluid from the hydrocele sac. The processus vaginalis was clearly seen back to the peritoneal reflection where a high ligation was successfully performed. There were no other abnormalities noted in the inguinal scrotal region.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: , The patient came to the operating room and had an uneventful induction of inhalation anesthetic. A peripheral IV was placed, and we conducted a surgical time-out to reiterate all of The patient's important identifying information and to confirm that we were indeed going to perform a left inguinal hernia and hydrocele repair. After preparation and draping was done with chlorhexidine based prep solution, a local infiltration block as well as an ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve block was performed with 0.25% Marcaine with dilute epinephrine. A curvilinear incision was made low in the left inguinal area along one of prominent skin folds. Soft tissue dissection was carried down through Scarpa's layer to the external oblique fascia, which was then opened to expose the underlying spermatic cord structures. The processus vaginalis was dissected free from the spermatic cord structures, and the distal hydrocele sac was widely opened and drained of its fluid contents. The processus vaginalis was cleared back to peritoneal reflection at the deep inguinal ring and a high ligation was performed there using both the transfixing and a mass ligature of 3-0 Vicryl. After the excess hydrocele and processus vaginalis tissue was excised, the spermatic cord structures were replaced and the external oblique and Scarpa's layers were closed with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl sutures. Subcuticular 5-0 Monocryl and Steri-Strips were used for the final skin closure. The patient tolerated the operation well. He was awakened and taken to the recovery room in good condition. Blood loss was minimal. No specimen was submitted.,