translation |
"af": "U moes 'n kopie van die GNU Algemene Publieke Lisensie ontvang het saam met %s; indien nie, skryf in Engels aan Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA",
"en": "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with %s; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA"
} |
"af": "- As jy voel dat jy die vat verloor, hou jou vas aan waarvan jy seker weet dat dit regtig is, soos dit slagoffer en die koeël wat ek uiteindelik los gekry het.",
"en": "Well, if you feel you're losing your grip, simply stick to what you know is real-- like this victim-- and, ah! The bullet fragment that I have finally dislodged."
} |
"af": "Maar ek kan nie langer nie",
"en": "But I can't do it anymore."
} |
"af": "Diamand KolomCountry name (optional, but should be translated)",
"en": "Alice Springs"
} |
"af": "- Dat ek nie kon vind.",
"en": "Couldn't figure it out."
} |
"af": "5de",
"en": "5th"
} |
"af": "Verander Links Inkeep",
"en": "Channel Intensity"
} |
"af": "Liedere in gekose versameling:",
"en": "Songs in selected collection:"
} |
"af": "_Wurmkleur:",
"en": "_Worm color:"
} |
"af": "Rosalinde!",
"en": "It's just a habit of his."
} |
"af": "Skermresolusie",
"en": "Screenshot taken"
} |
"af": "Mahjongg",
"en": "Mahjongg"
} |
"af": "Inligting",
"en": "Info"
} |
"af": "Hierdie Werk is spot kleur bladsy",
"en": "This Job is spot color page"
} |
"af": "_Kopieer",
"en": "_Copy"
} |
"af": "Gaan ek met jou saam?",
"en": "What of me? Am I going with you?"
} |
"af": "No_u",
"en": "No_w"
} |
"af": "Geen geskiedenis vir herdoen nie",
"en": "No redo history"
} |
"af": "600 punte- per- duim",
"en": "600dpi"
} |
"af": "Het jy geweet nadat Nadira hier weg te gaan, sy in die VSA gesmokkel is? en daar gewoon het onder 'n valse identiteit?",
"en": "Were you aware that after Nadira left here, she was smuggled into the US and living under a false identity?"
} |
"af": "_Aktiveer dié verbinding",
"en": "E_nable this connection"
} |
"af": "OpenArena",
"en": "OpenArena"
} |
"af": "Was jy by Mario?",
"en": "Did you visit Mario?"
} |
"af": "Redigeer_font:",
"en": "Editor _font:"
} |
"af": "Geen strategieë is gevind by woordeboekbediener by '%s' nie",
"en": "No strategies found on dictionary server at '%s'"
} |
"af": "Wys die tweede tydsone",
"en": "Show the switcher buttons"
} |
"af": "Kan nie open databasis",
"en": "Could not read text record #%1 from Database %2"
} |
"af": "Bonssleutels se tikwagtydbounce keys delay",
"en": "bounce keys delay"
} |
"af": "City in California USA",
"en": "Grand Bank"
} |
"af": "Gestuurde pakkies:",
"en": "Transmitted packets:"
} |
"af": "Werkskermopnemer",
"en": "Desktop recorder"
} |
"af": "Ontfout",
"en": "Debug"
} |
"af": "Ek het 'n hoofpyn!",
"en": "- No wonder, with a head like that"
} |
"af": "- Die arme mens.",
"en": "- The poor thing."
} |
"af": "Beweeg alle boodskappe na Gemors",
"en": "Move All Messages to Trash"
} |
"af": "Aanvanklike venstertoestand:",
"en": "Initial window state:"
} |
"af": "Die nuwe wagwoord is te kort",
"en": "The new password is too short"
} |
"af": "Sluit die program af",
"en": "Exit the program"
} |
"af": "Oplaai projek lêers",
"en": "Post Field"
} |
"af": "Minimeer VensterComment",
"en": "Window Minimize"
} |
"af": "is groter as",
"en": "is greater than"
} |
"af": "Kon nie die lêers by die argief voeg nie",
"en": "Could not add the files to the archive"
} |
"af": "Die brief waarvoor jy onderteken.",
"en": "Huh? The letter you signed for."
} |
"af": "%s vra vir %s se teenwoordigheid by 'n vergadering.",
"en": "%s requests the assignment of %s to the following task:"
} |
"af": "Voer wagwoord in om die sertifikaat te ontsluit",
"en": "Couldn't export the certificate."
} |
"af": "K- adresboek",
"en": "Add & Address Book..."
} |
"af": "Alle pakkette",
"en": "All packages are up to date"
} |
"af": "Alle",
"en": "All"
} |
"af": "embed\" is a verb (command description).",
"en": "filename expected"
} |
"af": "Gebruik veilige skuiwe",
"en": "_Use safe moves"
} |
"af": "Hulpbron",
"en": "Test _Source"
} |
"af": "Kies 'n aksie:please reply",
"en": "Choose an action:"
} |
"af": "Klaar",
"en": "Done"
} |
"af": "Verskoon my.",
"en": "Excuse me."
} |
"af": "Hoog",
"en": "High"
} |
"af": "Wel, sê iets, Gibbs.",
"en": "Well... say something, Gibbs."
} |
"af": "inheemse tale geskik sal wees vir die onderskeie",
"en": "which indigenous language was suitable for"
} |
"af": "Kon nie 'n ICE-luistersok skep nie: %s",
"en": "Could not create ICE listening socket: %s"
} |
"af": "Uitnodiging",
"en": "Invitation"
} |
"af": "Gee die gebruiker om met finger op te soek",
"en": "Enter the user to finger"
} |
"af": "Huidige seleksie",
"en": "Current selection"
} |
"af": "Kommentaar :",
"en": "Comment :"
} |
"af": "-Ons wou jou vra",
"en": "-We planned to ask you."
} |
"af": "U is nie verniet die neef van die Engelse koning nie",
"en": "You're the cousin of the English king."
} |
"af": "Rand ( )",
"en": "RANDNEGBINOM(4 )"
} |
"af": "- Skaam?",
"en": "Ashamed?"
} |
"af": "Jy lag?",
"en": "You laugh?"
} |
"af": "Behalwe Ziva miskien.",
"en": "Except maybe Ziva."
} |
"af": "Al wat ek weet is dat hy my verwond het",
"en": "All I know Is that he wounded me"
} |
"af": "Lêerstelsel",
"en": "File System"
} |
"af": "-Glaeske...",
"en": "-Glaske..."
} |
"af": ".",
"en": "."
} |
"af": "Omvou van teks",
"en": "Text Wrapping"
} |
"af": "Kunstenaar:",
"en": "Artist:"
} |
"af": "Dit doen die Pentagon altyd.",
"en": "They're supposed to. It's the Pentagon."
} |
"af": "Strengheid:",
"en": "Strictness:"
} |
"af": "Afgeleë verbinding na% 1:% 2...",
"en": "Remote connection to %1: %2..."
} |
"af": "Jy het ander ambisies gehad, ek ook",
"en": "You had other ambitions. Me too."
} |
"af": "n Fout het ingetree terwyl probeer is om kontak te maak met die aanmeldingskerms. Miskien het al die bywerkings nog nie in werking getree nie.",
"en": "An error occurred while trying to contact the login screens. Not all updates may have taken effect."
} |
"af": "_Bin",
"en": "_Bin"
} |
"af": "Voeg 'n nuwe woordeboekbron by",
"en": "Add a new dictionary source"
} |
"af": "Opspring",
"en": "Popup"
} |
"af": "Laai BIOS storting.",
"en": "Load BIOS dump."
} |
"af": "1",
"en": "1"
} |
"af": "Maar dit is 'n begin.",
"en": "But it's a start."
} |
"af": "Nou is ek jou nuwe mamma",
"en": "And now I'm your new mummy."
} |
"af": "Kon nie sessie vir %s open nie",
"en": "Couldn't open session for %s"
} |
"af": "Beeldlêer suksesvol na CD geskryf",
"en": "Image successfully burned to CD"
} |
"af": "Kon nie stel Kleur SkemaImage/ info menu item ( should be translated )",
"en": "image_url . dat"
} |
"af": "Khoof Tir short",
"en": "of Kho"
} |
"af": "Hunks",
"en": "Hunks"
} |
"af": "Country name ( optional , but should be translated )",
"en": "by Designation :"
} |
"af": "Jy het verloor",
"en": "You've lost."
} |
"af": "Te- doen as gevolg vandag kleur :",
"en": "Date Range"
} |
"af": "Gids vir die laai/aanvoeg van lêers aan die samesteller.",
"en": "Directory for loading/attaching files to composer."
} |
"af": "Naam : % 1",
"en": "Extra information"
} |
"af": "Sy wil jou daar hê, met jou gewere",
"en": "She wants you to go there with your rifles."
} |
"af": "Plak as Aanhaling",
"en": "Paste as & Quotation"
} |
"af": "Woordeboekbron om te gebruik",
"en": "Dictionary source to use"
} |
"af": "Om iemand te wees, moet jy iets hê en ek is net goed om vir hulle koolsop te bedien!",
"en": "To be a somebody one needs to have something. And I'm good only to serve him cabbage soup."
} |