Yeah. Fun for drunk trolling if that's your style i guess. I like information, not pointless slurs. Don't get me wrong, I use slurs, but its not my virtual raison d'être.
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Isolation, aka alone time can be some of the most beautiful time you will ever spend. It's rare in our busy world,and when you find alone time, enjoy. As a retired man I spend most days alone, and I love it.
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"We had an MTI here at Lackland send an email to LAK-ALL stating something along the lines of, ""To whom ... He drives a XX with license plate XXX-XXX. Thank you."" Crashed our Outlook servers for a day or two. Everybody was responding hey take me off this list please, thank you. "
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Damn brotha, I think you take the cake in terms of numbers. This is a borderline terrorist act!! !
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Female, and I don’t care if your politics are different than mine. I do care that you’re empathetic, kind, share some of my interests, etc... I have dated people who would classify themselves in a different political party than me. But our ideological differences were more about the size of government than social issues.
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Aww, I'm glad you are enjoying our conversation. I am enjoying it too. She does look happy. I should subscribe to that magazine because I'm into writing :) I like looking at facial expressions in video games because the faces are either emotionless or overexaggerated. I used to think that I was insightful into other people's lives but it turns out that I wasn't and I couldn't even see I wasn't.
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Heard of guy who had his cert pulled for failure to pay child support. Doesn't make any sense. So you're having trouble making your child support payments? We're gonna help you make those payments by making you unemployable.
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Great idea to look at both sides and try to work out what is true and what is false. I wouldn't be too worried, the side of freedom and fun is winning at the moment, despite what CNN or other subs say. Thanks for your openness and interest in hearing what we have to say.
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Testosterone regulates more than muscle growth. It has a huge effect on your mood, energy, libido. All that goes begins to go to shit once you approach your 40s.
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That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. **------You are here** And if it was, I didn't mean it.
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MindrGrindr your post showed us that you had something to say. Unfortunately, your when when was a lose lose. I'm sorry my dear but you're up for elimination. **legendary and epic lip sync ensues** Charlie Hides, shantay you stay. Mindrgrindr, you'll always be 0 ft away from our hearts.
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Congrats! That motivation to learn will take you far my friend. Best of luck at the new job.
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LOL. Really? I thought the 8 year Trump steak thing was rather great. Awww, you hurt my feelings. Because bringing up wikileaks was soooo original!
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you can agree or disagree with segwit2x, but these arent hostile entities. i believe they have bitcoin's best interest at heart. So when bitmain stalled progress for a year to preserve asicboost profits, that had bitcoins interest at best heart? When they [mined spam transactions instead of regular tx's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/6s526x/antpool_mining_block_with_low_fee_spamtxs_while/) were they also looking out for the best interests of bitcoin? I think you need to accept that there are actors within our ecosystem that have perverse incentives.
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The original comment was obviously a joke, you're the one that wanted to get serious. If you can't extrapolate the meaning of my last comment from that, it makes you and your agenda look dumb. Edit: I promise this was a sick burn in context, before he deleted everything :(
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Oh my God, I didn't expect to get an answer this detailed, thank you so much! I've wanted super car before but the Vette is the only one I may ever be able to afford, so this is perfect! Thank you! !
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If you feel suicidal it might feel like no one will miss you when you're gone but they will feel it harshly and forever. We need you to speak up so we can help you. Let us carry you now so you can carry us later. We are all in this together and we need you.
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You write in the title "She didn't want to say where she was." It sounds more like she didn't want to talk to you. If I were hung over after new year's eve, you know what I would do? Get greasy food and grumpily make my way home.
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It's funny how you skipped every word of my response leading up to that. You may think your tone was calm, and maybe it was, but the things you're saying can be very dangerous for someone who hasn't found happiness yet. You say you think this is an issue for a therapist to deal with, while spreading ideas that undermine the entire profession. You're playing with fire, and I'm not cool with watching people get burned. I really don't care how sad and pathetic you are.
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I've seen us falter in a lot of March-May home ties against bottom sides that have cost us the title. People need to be realistic about how tough some of these matches, even at home, will be. I don't think you're wrong - the run of matches up until Man United away will prove crucial.
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
We'll get way more than 120m for Coutinho in the summer. As much as i'd love him to stay you can't deny him his move. Just make sure we get huge money and have a replacement lined up before he leaves.
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
I'm a ravens fan, and I just wanted to say, I feel you guys. We have been there, pats, Steelers, and especially you guys, aj green and that nightmare. But today, bad game happen. Just burn the tape and move on to Thursday you have another game to get it right, luckily it's soon ... PS.
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"Yes. This empathy is why we should help them ""indulge illusions"" as you say. Fuck me for caring about people, right? God forbid people do what makes them happy, especially if it *doesn't affect you. *"
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In fairness, I'd have no problem telling you my preferred sex position. I'll be honest; I'm always curious about tops/bottoms. It probably comes from reading too much smut and being too comfortable talking about sex myself. It's pure curiosity on my part, not trying to assign personality. Not that I'd ever dream of actually asking anyone.
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i dunno...thank me for my business and quit nickel and diming me every chance they get? to be clear, the example i've laid out does not happen to me *personally* as i am not in that particular financial situation. but i hear things, and i read a lot, and i know people who have struggled to get out from under extra fees imposed on them by their own fucking banks for not having enough money. it's madness and i'm baffled that you're defending it. shrug.
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
Omg! You just solved a mystery I have been puzzling about for 30 years! We had two goldfish in a tank for a couple/few years with some algae eaters, and suddenly over the course ... We thought they were fighting. One of them then suicided by jumping out of the tank.
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some of the comments have been beautiful. you and everyone else at linkin park had a huge impact on my life. i want to thank you all. you will be missed chester, i wish you peace wherever you are.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
"I don't think it is behind. Just that instead of the teenagers requesting songs, it is the soccer moms that rule the radio. ""That Theocracy fella plays his guitar too much and loud! Is he smoking meth? Because if he is, I sure don't want my monthly support to your station supporting him."" "
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Yep. It's not my fault you fail to understand the difference between Nazi murderers and those against them. As I said, move on. It's better this way.
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This isn't a flaw, it's a choice he is making. He doesn't have to be a controlling ass about your clothes; he *wants* to be. Also, I notice that he must have started dating you when you were 17 and he was 21. That's not a lot of years, but it's a huge difference developmentally. You were barely out of high school and had never lived on your own, and he had.
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Also- You say you have a hangover today, I'm assuming you had a pretty fun night last night. A lot of alcohol with dehydrate your skin and can make your skin take longer to repair than normal. A few questions to think about (that you don't need to answer to the whole class): Did you go dancing? Wear tight jeans or tights? Did you have sex?
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Finally! a story that doesn't involve someone getting fucked over. This is the first positive top comment I've seen. There are a good 13 comments above yours as I see it right now. Thank you for making me smile and not at someone else's expense
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Parents have the rights to raise their children as they see fit, per SCOTUS. Children don't have the rights to have parents. If you can point me to them, please show me.
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While what you're saying is true, POC are becoming more and more prevalent in our country. It's predicted that white Americans will be a [minority in 2044](http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/03/04/390672196/for-u-s-children-minorities-will-be-the-majority-by-2020-census-says). So even if whites continue to edge out victories among the youth, they will grow to have less voting power.
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I completely disagree. People absolutely care about all of those things, and definitely judge you for them. But, in my experience, they care more that you are putting in the effort. You can't afford to care about what they think if it's going to stop you from bettering yourself. Who gives a fuck if for 6-12 months people think you're a pussy?
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"The destruction caused by *their* destruction is also many orders of magnitude smaller than the destruction caused by the failure of a nuclear power plant, is pretty much by definition isolated, and is also pretty much by definition taking place in water, which is what nuclear waste is contained in (over-simplification, I know), so if there's any ""safe"" nuclear device to be destroyed, it's a sub. Again, I agree with you that we need more nuclear power. That's a pretty shoddy argument, though."
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Actually it revolves around the historical context of English law and the return of the right to bear arms to the peasantry, which was cited by the founders as their inspiration for the nation. They weren't granting any new rights, just recognizing an existing and self-evident natural right to self preservation through arms. The fact that people like you no longer recognize natural rights and freedoms is rather sad for our democracy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution#Influence_of_the_English_Bill_of_Rights_of_1689
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Good God Almighty! Best click ever. Thank you for taking the time to enrich my life!! !
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Tigers are 1.5 back and doing it without JD and Kinsler. We got Cabrera back after an injury. Frod has been burning victories. But we are in pretty good position when you take that into the equation.
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I've debated about this for a while. I've concluded that you end up spending more money by having a kid and being married. So the taxes aren't worth it. Basically, save more but spend more. I rather be single, be free, and be happy.
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Thanks for your question, because it was interesting for me to explore. I thought it was totally natural for someone to use a nickname in the same way as a middle name. But I grew up watching pro wrestling, and outside of that, it isn't common usage. It's actually old-fashioned.
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The connection is not encrypted. He doesn't have a valid SSL certificate. Seriously people, don't use this yet! I don't want to give my personality profile to any three letter agency listening in and neither do you! I sent him an email.
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That house kinda plain. Like a fucking lot plain. I guess you are buying the location more than the house.
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That's not ironic, learn to words. I'm not insulting you over the music I'm insulting you because you're an emotional little bitch boy who's crying because you can't handle someone criticising your boyfriend. Stop insulting me and my taste in music then if you think it's pointless.
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A biplane in the 1940s is somewhat different to a passenger airline in 2001, don't you think? I guess you prefer to leave out the bits that don't support your bullshit. Edit: date correction.
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same here man.. wife left me right before the holidays, I moved into a new place with a bunch of ... A byproduct of all that is I really have nowhere to be. I don't know if this would help but I like to keep the lights on, keep a movie/tv on even ... Do yourself a favor, don't drink. I learned really quickly you can't escape your problems, they just come back worse.
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I just got home from doing the same. Cancer sucks, we're battling a different type though. Sleep well tonight. Edit: Thanks to whoever gave gold, you picked the right time for it!
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So in the end, was it worth it? Jesus Christ. How irreparably changed my life has become. It's always the last days of summer and I've been left out in the cold with no door to get back in. I'll grant you I've had more than my share of poignant moments.
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And we'll all just take your word for it, instead of understanding the basic concepts involved here. I'm not trying to say you're weak, I'm trying to show you the difference between picking up five pounds, and holding that weight entirely on your wrist joint with arm musculature. It's a very different thing. Did you actually try this experiment to prove a point, or did you just reactively assume you are capable because you're a human? Because *many* humans can't actually do this basic task.
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" I think it depends on the vibe/kind of wedding you're having. We did the iPod playlist thing, which was really fun. It worked because a.) I spent a TON of time planning it and making sure there was a good flow and enough variety to ... once the cake was cut, we had no other ""event"" to do."
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Yes, you should have the freedom to fail! But when you're freedom to fail starts to affect other's freedoms, then we have a conflict. The problem in the mindset of unchecked individual freedom is that it assumes that there is simply a relationship between the individual and state that exists in a vacuum—it suffers from a sort of social solipsism that fails to see how the freedoms of one might impinge upon the freedoms of others.
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In what way is she pro-American? Maybe you mean she is pro-American when our direction aligns with her vision. She is the consummate politician, who has no opinions of her own but is very good at promising what she thinks people want. She takes small steps and doesn't commit to anything major until it's the easy and popular choice. Some people believe that's a sign of her skill as a politician, but to me it epitomizes the worst of European nature; cowardice, operating under the guise of 'building consensus' or 'being a steady hand'.
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"Whatever - keep your head in the sand. Both candidates played demographics against each other. Clinton began many speeches by literally naming various groups: women, black people, gay people, etc..... and explicitly played the ""Woman Card"" at every event at which she spoke. If you and others cannot admit that this is identity politics then we will lose again in 2020. "
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Congratulations! Would you mind sending seven of your Professors to teach in the [University of the East](https://www.reddit.com/r/Geosim/comments/6fb1qk/event_the_university_of_the_east_a_message_to_all/)? We would love to have your perspective in our University to enhance our student's education.
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From what I've seen, C-level guys are often highly educated. I think an MBA from a good school would certainly be on "the track" if you plan to work your ... My suggestion would be to cruise around Linkedin to check out people that are following a similar path from you. My advice above is purely what I have observed on LinkedIn in my professional network.
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Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. If you define Russia as an enemy then collusion with them would be treason. If you consider undermining our free and fair elections as an act of cyber war than it is treason. Now arguing those is where it becomes more difficult, but many people will see it as treason.
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I don't care if it's accurate in your opinion, I'm asking why you said it. What was your point? If you say you weren't claiming she fit the description, why did you say that?
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Whether he was or wasn't isn't the point. It's not a black and white issue like you seem to think. No that is your prejudice doing that. As you will notice in my previous comments I point out that religion has both good and bad sides. My point is that religion is more bad than good.
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I mean national office sure, but I don't have a problem with him, or even Kid Rock for that matter, ... Mayor, school board, state rep, House. Spend 4-8 years or so learning the ropes and then I'm good with whatever you want to do.
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A governmental construct that has elected every other president. The only ones who seem to being whining about the electoral college are the ones who can't get over the fact that the democrat's hand held successors to their darling boys, Gore and Hillary, lost. The reason we have this system is because tyranny of the majority is a thing. If we had done what you want you'd eventually have a rural versus urban societal imbalance and even conflict. Which both need each other to be a nation so just ignoring one or the other is stupid and dangerous.
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You say this but I know a couple where the women has MS, so she's wheelchair bound. Her husband has to help her go to the bathroom. They travel a lot, they were at a airport without a special, seperate, handicap bathroom, so the husband went into ... A cleaning women saw this and called security and made a big deal out of this. It was really stupid.
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I can appreciate that. But he says he plays "semi-competitive"ly and complains that one player in his group "takes the game too seriously, playing ... And then one has to think, well, is his group and that player he's complaining about really that serious and ... It's just interesting because there's a lot of complaining in this sub about "this guy in my group is too ... And sometimes it's true that the guy is probably too competitive, and sometimes your deck is just unreasonably built.
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From my experience: Sometimes you get really great team mates and you have a lot of fun. Sometimes you get really toxic kids like i got last night who just want to throw the game and joke around. This is from a soloQ perspective and consistent lvl 4-5 player in EU. Currently i have no alternative so ill stick to it but for soloQ not recommended at all..
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i've had people straight up pop their windows down and say 'don't you want to go?' which gets a very enthusiastic 'it's not my right of way you stupid cunt!' male or female, that gets their attention pretty good and gets them moving.
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OP, you are a very kind soul. I am a programmer in the USA with a filipina wife. We have a plan that when our retirement fund hits 7 figures: We're moving back to her country and providing ... Her family lives near Jaen, Nueva Ecija. Nothing would bring me more joy than what you are doing now.
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
Might be a bit of a long shot but I've been trying to pick up Babe It Ain't No Lie for a while and can't seem to find a good tutorial. One of my favorite acoustic tunes and would love to see a good lesson if you can. Either way, definitely inspired by what you're doing, keep up the good work!
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Are they meant to be hidden? Coz that's a fierce fuck up if they are. Like, endangering lives level of fuck up. EDIT So many little 'Ivans' all riled up. I'd be saying the same thing if it was any other president you tools.
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Welcome /u/yvrunner. There are resources for you in our sidebar including our community book recommendation thread and our WIKI for terminology. Hope you find them helpful. How do you get over a covert narcissist that you work with and see on the daily? You get a new job, move departments or divisions, and cut off all contact.
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Agreed. The camera work on the last FPP Duos match was much better though. And your ticker idea is great, i hope they adopt that. +1 for this.
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I'm so sorry that happened to you. I repress much of my childhood but the thought of what you're going through is terrifying. Do you have a support system?
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Oh man. I don't have anything like this in my life and I can't imagine I would handle it well if I did. All my best wishes, and hopes for good friends and great communication to carry you two through! Internet hugs to you and her.
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Glad I could help. I laughed so loud when I read that, that my gf and daughter both got woken up and had to come check on me. You deserve a gold, but my money's funny, so that's your consolation prize.
[ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
thank you very much, i appreciate it. it is a disgrace what has been done to the mods! what do you think your part will be? will you boycott? wait to see what happens tomorrow?
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
Awesome. There are people all over atlanta bitching about a 15 minute drive. Wish we could impart some of your perspective on them. I feel lucky to be here as well.
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"""Even so, we should take care. They transported the spire here somehow, and our warships are vulnerable even to smaller craft while in this position. It may do us well to send spacecraft on patrols to ensure we are not taken by surprise. Bring your commanding officer here after this meeting, so we may coordinate that."" 'Tratamee then fell silent, waiting to see if the officer had more information for him."
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" American exceptionalism encourages a ""we"" mentality, regardless of whether you define it as populist or nationalist. It's still based on collective responsibility, collective success. It still puts you in a tribe. This is in direct opposition to the ""I"" mentality encouraged by individualism. You can use an ""I"" mentality to improve something based on the ""we"", but eventually ""I"" will be crushed in favor of ""we"", usually in the form of ""the greater good""."
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
I'm so happy for you!! That's so amazing oh my god you did great and I'm super proud. This like... inspires me to think I can move out on my own, too.
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Maybe if our society didn't shame women for being sexual, you'd have more luck. Oh well. Also, there are sex/kink clubs in this city for straight people.
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Yep, definitely helps you appreciate that evolution is very good at making machines that make other machines, and anything outside of that is strictly an accident. Animals would live forever and have babies even into their old age, but that's actually not a viable evolutionary strategy. Better that the previous generation expire so the next generation can introduce genetic diversity. Evolution's indifference to our desire for immortality is super distressing the first time you realize it.
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Hey, I am part of an elite squad of rogue writers. We shot the shit as we feature subreddits we love. Let me know if you're ever interested in joining our gang of misfits. We are always looking out for funny fucks like yourself over in /r/SubRedditOfTheDay.
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
"Your sort methods don't align which is probably the issue as you change from old to new. Also, in my experience you cannot combine children from different ""more"" groups together. Note that `dh1g4v6` does not appear when you combine it with `dh1g58x`: https://api.reddit.com/api/morechildren/.json?api_type=json link_id=t3_68uvd9 children=dh1g58x,dh1g4v6 But it loads fine if you only request it: https://api.reddit.com/api/morechildren/.json?api_type=json link_id=t3_68uvd9 children=dh1g4v6"
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
In my experience you can get job offers from intelligence agencies without any military service. I've had offers from a couple agencies (including DIA) and no military service. The DIA is the military's intelligence service so they work very closely with the military. So while you could have a little advantage over someone without military service, intel agencies are in the excepted service and thus no veterans' preference. You'll be competing with everyone else on a level playing field.
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This is actually more common than you think. What do you think is going on in those piles? People are trying to get the ball out of your hands. They try anything
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Accepted, here is your [wiki page](http://www.reddit.com/r/lordoftheringsrp/wiki/mary), please keep it up to date. Your flair is updated. Also you may join our [Discord channel](https://discord.gg/T6hX9hv), we are a pretty welcoming bunch. Most people fit in pretty well within a day if you get to know us enough :)
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Teacher here and this kind of thing would get a HELL NO from me... I'm not sure how you think someone would find out, though. Acting out a fantasy with you is not the same as actually doing anything unethical, but... it hits me as ... Is there some kind of similar fantasy like doctor/patient that would work as well?
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Over a fucking tweet? Cancelling his state visit would hurt our country in the coming years. No matter how much you dislike the president it's important we have good diplomatic relations with the USA. Presidents and prime ministers come and go but the nations and their people stick around.
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
Thank you! I really like Vivienne's character. Despite the ideological differences, I'm not sure why people don't like her. I'm glad you enjoyed my portrayal of her, though!
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It doesn't matter how many guns he had, a person can only shoot one rifle at a time. Different guns have different purposes, who are you to say how many is enough for my needs. You do not support the second amendment.
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Don't post your own arguements, it's lazy. unoriginal, and we all know you're salty right now so it takes the fun out of it. /07 is not your army.
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It can be hard to eat when your stomach feels like it's full of battery acid. Take care of you. Sending love and light your way, my friend. You're not alone.
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CAPS is nice if you need temporary therapy. However in my personal experience, it's very frustrating if you have a serious mental illness like chronic depression. CAPS is not designed to be a long term treatment which is hard sometimes because a) serious mental illness is not temporary, b) clinician turnover rates are high because they are either practicum students who are there for a year only or are actual psychologists but leave because another campus can offer them more, and c) finding an alternative service off campus for an affordable cost is difficult. Tl;dr it's helpful for some people but not everyone.
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No, enforcing net neutrality means leaving the internet exactly the way it is. Not only are you wrong, you're intentionally misinterpreting my comment to argue against a more favorable argument. A really bad, really obvious strawman, in other words. And, to reiterate, you're *still wrong* even while arguing against a strawman. When I said The government has absolutely no reason to mess with the internet.
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"I thought it was interesting too, in a comical way. ""This is not just for the alt-right. All kinds of white supremacists are welcome! If you're with the alt-right, neo-Confederates, or the fascists, we stand together!"" "
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:) Not so fun story for you my nose is all gross and my sinuses are producing snot today. But I had a ginger candy and that helped clear it out for a bit. I never would have guessed!
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I have a hard time applying this thought process to food. My best friend considers food as absolutely nothing but nutrition and fuel, and she eats so well. She never caves to temptations. For me, it is at the center of family bonding, love, home, etc. but I am trying to view it the way you do.
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Can you please be specific about that "other stuff" and compare Catalonia with other regions in the EU? We are the most economically federal country in EU meaning Catalonia has the most control over its economics that it can get anywhere and it has incredible competencies in other areas. I'll be waiting for you to keep spewing propaganda my friend, give me something funny to read
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It's like those little kids who have a square peg, and are desperately smashing at it trying to make it ... Um, try actually looking at it, instead of insisting it is what you want it to be? This literally describes my entire childhood and beyond with her. I'm just not the person she wanted for a daughter.
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I didn't respond to everyone but thank you EVERYONE for your support and thoughts and for sharing your experiences. My husband is supportive but there are aspects of this he cannot quite understand (for him it was not quite real yet... I had the first few physical aches and pains and so I think felt more connected) For the ladies going through the same thing this month I am so so sorry and I will be thinking of you all in the next few days. I hope you all have supportive people near you and send you all my sympathy and love.
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"louder for the folks in the back" *typing on my phone in the back of the class/bus/wherever the "back" is in this headcannon* No no, I heard you. I can't help but hear you. You're raping my ears with you're sexist bitching...err...righteous anger." I hear you. I acknowledge you're angry about something.
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