You are part of the show??? I went to the Boston show and we had the best night ever. We were saying afterwards that we really hoped that everyone running the show had as much fun as we did watching it. It felt like we couldn't clap or cheer enough to show how much we appreciated you guys!
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The travel bans are a recent bad thing but I honestly don't know what you are talking about. Homosexual marriage is legal in the United States and there are really no rights that you lose for being a ... Any United States citizen has the same legal rights whether they are a minority group or not, so the only ... And as far as the idol worship you mention, Trump is so unpopular he has bipartisan action against him for ... So I can't see where any or your points apply at all, you would have been better to say the ...
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Very classy of you to try to politicize her death. What were you expecting? Everyone to begin foaming at the mouth? Show some respect for the dead.
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"Your quotes are out of context. Like I said, I *tend* not to find black women attractive, which is something I might say (not ""I don't ... As for why I might say it: because it doesn't make the issue more confusing, but less. I can't tell you what kind of facial features I find attractive. I really have no idea how to go about enumerating what I like -- regardless of race."
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Reddit is becoming so unbearably illiterate. Back in my day, if you botched a title or misspelled a word, you'd be downvoted into oblivion. I guess we've reached the point where the idiots have the majority vote.
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Sure, it'll be different in different cities. But in this case, you are celebrating that the solution that our city voted upon is being ignored. We voted on this. For OUR city. That's democracy.
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So from what I'm gleaning from your criticisms of the platform, you seem to feel that it doesn't go far ... I'm not sure why that makes you a conservative though. The current Republican platform basically calls for the opposite of what you are saying you desire. They **are** for pure capitalism with little to no government regulation. They are strongly against Universal Healthcare.
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bingo that's the one! thank you my friend! Solved!
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Anything that isn't vegan is normalized. So going vegan is obviously going against the grain. I don't think you're giving me a real reason to not go vegan, just an excuse. You can't acknowledge a fact if you choose to exhibit values that imply the opposite in my opinion.
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This is the dumbest shit. Fuck them if they're uncomfortable. We are either jntegrated or not. But you dont get to just segregate here and there if we are integrated. Im sure some schools still have black and white homecoming courts for high school.
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If you are interested - my educational nonprofit is running a fantasy football college scholarship competition. No minimum GPA required. Check it out at gmgenius.com. You can reserve your spot and the official site goes live in August.
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I personally like I-70 how it is now. As shitty as the traffic is, it acts as a deterrent from overcrowding the already overcrowded mountains. If you 6 or 8 lane I-70 through the mountains, you invite a wave of additional people up every weekend. That will put an even heavier burden on local resources.
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Interesting. The body is amazing. I guess in nature you have sulfuric acid from volcanoes so it's developed a defense. It was really frustrating in Star Wars Episode III, watching them fight like that in a sulfuric acid atmosphere.
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2017s will be hitting dealer lots very soon. I pretty much made up my mind that I wanted one despite there not being any manuals around to test ... A low milage used 2016 popped up 4 hours from me, and I immediately took the day off from work ... I did about a 5 minute test drive, and it was every bit as good as everyone had made it ... Autos are much easier to find if that is what you are looking for.
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So i've just been into a local dive shop to get measured for a drysuit, and i was asking about backplate types. The almost unanimous decision was to get a aluminium backplate for coldwater single cylinder diving, which will also be used for twinset diving in similar conditions. I was under the impression that steel backplates were there way to go for cold water diving? Thanks again for all your help, i'm receiving a lot of contradictory advice is all.
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yeah, stupid beaners are only fit to do what i think they should do! how can they have their own thoughts? i always laugh when people like you show your colours
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Actually, the trance Gods have nothing to do with this. It's everyone that begged him live to post, and may I say you were not amongst those. Therefore, by my supreme logical powers, you do not deserve it. QED
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I honestly feel like he is trying to make you the problem. He's 40 years old now and shouldn't be acting like a careless teenager or young adult. You need to let loose your feelings to him and let it be known that you don't agree with his ... If hecannot compromise, as should be done in a marriage, then I am sorry to say but he isn't worthy ...
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Technology. The microprocessor you're using to execute the instructions to display this text that I typed. Text that I typed, probably, hundreds if not thousands of miles away from you. Every time a second passes, a pulsating current has gone through that processor millions, hundreds of millions or billions of ... Millions of individual transistors are arranged to perform logical operations with that electricity.
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Don't get me wrong - I am coming from the same side as you, it pisses me right off. However, I find that when I suggest improvements, people just get angry at me for trying hard in QP and ... This is why I say best to not say anything.
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"Look at it this way: if you want to keep them as plates, then you must err on the side of coldness and distance (i.e. sex only). Once you start permitting warmth and affection to come in (i.e. ""going out to eat, short trips""), then you've also begun laying the foundation for an LTR whether you like it or not."
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I am very fortunate to be in this category, and I often don't notice pay days. But I still get excited when I notice I got paid, it's a reflex left over from when times were ... I think to not care at all, you would need to have grown up with money.
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So you believe a bunch of pseudoscience and you think that your incorrect views should be entertained? Other than the nuclear stuff you're just ranting about views that you hold that don't have any scientific evidence to back them. It's a science show, why are you surprised? Additionally, I can easily give you reasons why nuclear power isn't the answer to our energy concerns. It produces nuclear waste which is dangerous and has to be stored securely for long periods of time.
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No offense but all the examples you gave were not actually in austin. Maybe it is people in the suburbs and not actually people who live in austin. If I had to drive an hour to get downtown I might be pissed off too. Ill add that I have had very few of the experiences like you cite. I certainly wouldnt chalk them up to a trend.
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Can I just say I love your method of critiquing my poetry? I got **so much** out of this, I hardly know where to start! I'm afraid that my response will probably be a little less detailed than your feedback deserves. So apologies in advance for that. But I do want to pick your brain on a few subjects.
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Are you talking about the one that robbed you of a normal family? If so then dropping it in the institute (or with the children of atom.) then blowing it up would be the most poetic. If not then the best place is inside where forged hangout. You can truly get the one ring experience throwing it into their fire pits and watching it sink to the ...
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If you're gonna hold onto the box for a couple years, 80 bucks is a steal. If you wanna draft it with some friends, 80 bucks is a great price. If you want to open it and resale it, 80 bucks probably doesnt give you a good enough ROI. If you're a collectionist and you want every card, its worth if you the concept of collecting everything is worth.
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Murdering two people is not "free speech", it's murder you fucking psychopath. Dont let this man make you afraid to stand up to racial injustice in our community. Die for the right for other to live peacefully. Don't let this hate win and keep your voice hidden. Always stand up for each other, and stand up against hate, just like the two victims did.
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"""But why, Sansa? If he's guilty, as you say, give me the command. I'll do it myself. Why must justice wait, sister?"" ""For the giggles, little Arya."
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No no no, there is a huge difference between having a hard time expressing emotion and being unable to feel empathy at all. The fact that you're aware of this and feel bad about it is proof that you do not suffer from the same personality disorder that my ex had. So many guys have been trained to turn off their emotions, and it's absolutely shameful. But my ex was downright abusive and did horrible things-you are not that person. There is help out there.
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I'm so sorry this happened to you. Honest. I've met some awesome mental health people...but yeah my kids school psychologist is just like yours. I want to punch him. I hope this are better for you now!
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you sound like exactly the type of conservative person i adore to have a civil discussion with! i agree with your opinion about reddit mods having a hard job and doing it reasonably well, but to me, its bad to compare it to other comment sections. it would be like saying, hey, our prisons arent that bad compared to russian or north korean or somalian prisons or whatever, and yeah thats true, but we should never be in the same category at all with those countries/other websites. i think we should alvvays strive to be better. i dunno, just my two cents
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If you don't have a separate control group to make the opinion based facts that you are making, they are not enough in the way of evidence to support the initial claim made in this article... Have you ever taken statistics in mathematics? If not, we are done talking. Good luck with your opinions. While I do support more policing of our police I think your opinions are wrong.
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I actually liked singing hymns, but only when I was in a singles ward where everyone would sing. Back at my parent's ward, there's probably 8 people actually singing while everyone else is mumbling, looking at their phone, or trying to keep their kids quiet. The first time I heard "In Our Lovely Deseret," I was about 16-17. None of my siblings had heard it and we could not stop giggling over those lyrics. That kind of laughing that gets worse when you try not to laugh, which we were desperately doing.
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We're a relatively small tech company, so no real "line managers" per se. I have my direct boss but could also contact his direct boss. Yes, headphones can be used, but there are times where I need to really concentrate and even music is too distracting. I suppose I could switch desks, I just feel on principle like I shouldn't have to as I've sat here for years and he's on day 4. Haha, glad you enjoyed my predicament.
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In what part of the world is "car-burning" cultural, you genius ? This bullshit that happens every year is the handywork of young, poor and uneducated morons who have fun by destroying ... They don't need to feel french or not to be like that.
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I used to work at a detail shop and you're 100% correct. It would be a pain in the ass because there is so much of it but there's no way it ... You would use solvent to break most of it down and then use a clay bar for the harder spots ... Prob. talking like $250.00.
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Let's forget about all the reasons why that's not true. Do you not *want* grocery stores and gas stations and coffee shops? Do you *not want to live in a society* that has restaurants and barbershops and retail stores? These things are necessary for a healthy civilization, but it sounds like you have no problem whatsoever in torturing the ...
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^(*Image Transcription: Facebook post*) --- **Jennifer Kelly** Hi Kelly I am your father’s cousin. Jennifer [redacted] Stephen [redacted]’s sister. You are a very talented young man Thank you for accepting my friendship on facebook. My son Kevin is also a very talented musician. nbsp; --- ^^I'm #32;a #32;volunteer #32;content #32;transcriber #32;for #32;Reddit! #32;[If #32; #32;you'd #32;like #32;more #32;information #32;on #32;what #32;we #32;do #32;and #32;why #32;we #32;do #32;it, #32;click #32;here!
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I hope you find the love that you deserve, my friend. If it helps, I like you and want you around! ❤️
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Jesus, from the title I thought you'd be a jaded couple of 40-somethings that were tired of each other. I didn't expect you both to be 18. Have you talked to her about this? Lack of sex is technically a symptom of an issue, not the problem itself. You need to see what the actual problem is before you can try to fix it.
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"To each their own I guess. Tips jars and options in the systems like Square and Clover are present everywhere but if I am not getting any ""service"" or a service that I am forced to pay for anyway I really hate tipping. Bathroom attendant's have my utmost sympathy but I do not want to treated like royalty. I can dispense my own soap thank you very much. I am not paying you money to do that."
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Alright this is something I have a lot of experience with so it's going to be a bit long. * **This is the most important advice I can give you. ** *READ THE SENTENCE AGAIN!!!!!!!! * Talk with your player and find out the story s/he wants to tell. The most beautiful part about a solo game is you don't have to manage expectations of what the whole party ...
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"[This article](http://daniellakens.blogspot.ca/2017/07/impossibly-hungry-judges.html) gives a good sense for just how ""ridiculous"" a *d* of 1.18 is, FWIW. Briefly: the kind of finding in psychology that ends up with a *d* around 1.5 is something like ""people who deviate from a group are rejected from that group"". That's the kind of level of in-your-face obvious differentiation we're talking about here. "
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" Heya, good read, just wanted to give my perspective as a sociology undergrad. First, let me express my condolences for your entire field slowly collapsing into postmodernist bullshit. Second, I never argued that race didn't exist or was a social construct. My argument was that lumping all people with a light skin pigment together and treating them as one monolithic group is problematic. Saying ""all white people are racist"" is no different than saying ""all black people are criminals""; neither is true and both assume that everyone with a certain skin tone are a monolithic group when in reality, that's simply not true."
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I was joking to my fiance by quoting the movie Elf: "Hope you find your dad!" while she was leaving. Her Dad has been dead for 10 years...
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One of the best defensive teams in Europe at home. We were an excellent championship side. We will struggle just like any promoted side but when you say we're weak it is taken as comparative. I.e. you think we are worse than other promoted teams - that isn't at all clear
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Well killing them for survival (to eat) is natural. That's the food chain. I do think you should treat the animal with respect though.
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Hey, if you add it all up, we agree on a lot - cricket, Voks and a fair amount of other stuff. It's not my fault that you have yet to discover the joy of 26g knurled darts. ;)
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I would honestly prefer those who disagree to bring a real conversation to the table. People have tried bringing a real conversation to the table, and when they do, feminists try to shut it down. It makes sense to oppose the people who oppose the changes you're trying to make. The idea that radical feminism is just some fringe group with no real power is bullshit. This has been going on for a long time.
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for sure. there's no set name for it, but i'm sure you can find other people with a similar sound. there are a lot popping up these days.
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Honestly, part of me wonders if I'm just not good enough to marry. This is manipulative, self-victimizing language. I hope you don't talk to him like this. It's a super guilt-trip and drives people AWAY. Your boyfriend had the courage and trust in you to be honest with you, and you react this badly.
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Spoken like a true redditor. Full of shit and cringingly wrong. Sea world does a crapload of conservation work. I bet you have no idea what they do for the California seal population for example. SeaWorld does some things that are bad, sure, but look what they did, they changed their behavior, for ex with ...
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I'm not sure why you are taking my quest for knowledge as some toxic argument. Or maybe you are just responding to what you see in general. Either way. You taught me a lot. I didn't know that these were fixable problems being worked on etc... which is exactly why I made this post.
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I'm so sorry. I know it wasn't me that said it to you but I feel so personally responsible. Everyone else keeps saying that if you really love it, to just do it. But sometimes it's not so easy, especially if you are so close to the person who made you feel that ... I hope you find your confidence again, friend.
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" I respect what you're saying, but we are still in disagreement. You're perfectly entitled to what your opinion is of the ""highest quality"" version of the show, and I am to mine. My opinion is that the source version paints Goku as a childish idiot spouting nonsense half of the time. It violates the principle concept of being a super saiyan, which is that going super accentuates the anger and violence of the character, making them more serious and straight forward. Right now it's basically ""an evil guy"" doing shit and Goku going HEEHEE THAT WAS FUN LETS KEEP GOING OK, WEEE I'M BLUE."
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The your argument hinges on the assumption that we need population to stay stable. A drop in population reduces unemployment which relieves the burden on social services, lowering taxes. In a more and more industrialized society we need less and less workers to maintain productivity, so a small drop in population wouldn't harm most countries economically. People with higher IQ's already tend to reproduce less, so there is already selection pressure against intelligence. That will happen with or without wars.
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What's wrong with that? Is it somehow detrimental to society? Does somebody else having a hobby harm you or others in some way? What about adults playing pokemon is so horrible? Please explain in detail so that we may understand your reasoning.
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My man! You can and should link to a specific time point though, I can't remember when in the video they actually say that. To my knowledge you did not.
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If you aren't imposing yourself on other people, you do what you like. No one would care if it wasn't for the trans activists trying to change laws and force us to act ... You can even believe inside your own head that you're a woman, as long as you accept that other people ...
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kick her out. i don't even have a sister and i want to cry for you. it's humiliating what they did to you. i am APPALLED at this behavior. kick them both out.
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This is fantastic news. Thank you very much for easing my mind. Any idea if this will effect me getting a mortgage at all?
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This happened to my nanny’s 19 year old daughter. Ran off and married her bf and no communication with her parents for a week. Very scary and you have my sympathy. The thing is, she’ll always be your daughter and if this guy is bad news she needs to figure that out on her own—pressuring her might have the opposite effect. Make clear to her when she surfaces that you love her and want to be in her life no matter what!
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No worries! While nobody here knows your particular pain but there are plenty of people that know what that place feels like. Try to stay occupied with activities if you can. I hope you are receiving the care you need right now. Edit: added a word
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" The only thing I would judge you on is your negative attitude toward yourself. Why do you think ""all men want (fill in a specific body type)"" ? Men are more complex than that. Why do you think ""all women judge others who don't look like (specific body type) ""? Women are WAY more supportive of each other, given the chance."
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I want to thank you for being gay, it just better my chances with the ladies. Kidding aside, like a majority of us, what your preferences in private doesn’t consern our movement. You like the color green, I like red. Stay the course.
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First i appreciate the minimalist approach, but you are one major step away! A monitor arm will make your whole thing DRASTICALLY level up! it will clean up the look and gain you that extra depth and desk space you are lacking with a more shallow desk, as you have. you can find them on amazon pretty cheap.
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Gonna be completely honest with you: my girlfriend and I love these types of threads. So I’ll read them to her while she’s working on the computer or when we’re just sitting around. I saw this one was past the expiration date to comment, so I had to ask!
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The Irish built your country, literally and figuratively. 20 of your former presidents were of Irish ancestry. Shut up kid, lest we send another to correct the mistakes your kind are prone to make.
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Those are some nice scores. Seems like you prepared really well for all 4 of the tests. The highest I've seen around here are 160s for the RLA, SS, and Science. Hope you ease into college life without any issues, thanks for the math advice on my post.
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I think there are ways you can start to prioritize yourself more without giving him up for adoption or hurting ... Giving him up for adoption now really will be quite traumatic. I really think you should find a therapist to work through this with you.
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You're right tbh, it's so childish and I hate it. Seeing people use it is frustrating so I get what you're saying. I'll probably not use it again - it's a bit of an embarrassment
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Get out in the streets. Be as loud as you can in whatever way you can, whether it's social media, traditional media, with money or ... To paraphrase Captain America, when Trump or his cronies say to move, stand up and say, "No, *you* move." Remember that people across the country are organizing for a national strike on January 20th. Don't go to work or school and don't make any purchases.
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Wow we learned you have an anger issue. Just because I know a douchebag doesn't mean I am one. Calling someone you know nothing of a piece of shit shows a lot about you.
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Why the fuck would you tell your probation officer you post here? That's some stupid shit right there. Then you come here and post about it, and in your post you admit to using? That's even stupider. I wouldn't be surprised of you get called in for a surprise UA.
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I definitely agree. I appreciate your insight since I think it puts some of my feelings that I couldn't describe into words. I hope this topic didn't come across as insensitive. I'm truly trying to proponent a cause that I support in a community that understands the gravity of these issues.
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I dunno, for example every time Barrett writes anything it gets posted here and he gets abused. I think you're being naive if you think sexism isn't real, and isn't very real in the AFL and /r/afl. Never said that I don't think it's real, I do, just that in this instance her idea is stupid enough ...
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IAP basically gives you classes to help with English fluency. It also puts you in intensive classes designed to help you fit in better on campus. It also gives you priority when selecting classes, which in my mind is a pretty good perk. Not sure if you've seen this: http://global.uic.edu/undergraduate/iap/
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Depends on which form of Irish you use. It's tough to understand if you only know the standard Irish we learn in school. If you know Ulster/Donegal Irish, it's a lot easier. Irish and Scottish diverge on a gradient, basically. The further south/west you go, the less the two have in common.
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Learning something is easy. But getting a job is not. Nowadays you have to prove your skills, have a git hub, create programs just to grab their attention. You just can't slap "knowledge of python3" on your resume. It does not work like that.
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That may be the dumbest quote i've ever heard. You literally cannot live without air you can live without having sex. Thank you for proving my point about there being a massive social stigma revolving around sex. Sex is idolized so much that it's being compared to air that is madness. I'm not saying sex is bad or unenjoyable but it truly doesn't matter if/when someone loses their virginity.
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Be careful now! This sort of thinking will lead us down to the slippery slope of political correctness! Next thing you know you'll be wearing grey suits! Because colour will offend feminists! You know, those feminists - the same one who we keep obsessing over their dyed hair because it's colourful!
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First - my deepest and most sincere condolences at the loss of your mom. Losing a parent is something we are never prepared for. My heart breaks for you. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story-- it's yet another reminder for me to KCKO. I read this as I am standing next to a friend making my favorite pasta salad...
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Then where does it end? Shall we stop the free speech of every republican? With that logic we shouldn't tolerate your intolerance towards the right
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I want to preface this by saying that i am so happy for them and their success! It must feel absolutely amazing to have your dream home and i cant wait until i have mine one day. BUT I dont like her house at all! 🙈 Its probably because i love more open floor space. The rooms are big, but it feels narrow to get to each one.
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Ah you've inspired me to finish my riot grrrl playlist! I never thought of sharing it. . .
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Your happiness and health should be more important than whether they "look bad" for having an overweight daughter. It doesn't seem like you'll have a support network in them, but that's OK. Hang around here and we'll be happy to cheer you on.
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The only people keeping Utah stuck in the past are the rural voters who have far too much power over the state. SLC and Sandy/Draper have different cultures than what you're used to in the middle of butt-fuck no-where. Progressiveness is what we want, yet you stifle our progress with your ass-backwards views.
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. I would not call myself anywhere close to the top 1% of the 1% - but as a main carrier ... I would have to say in this case - you are wrong. Same. I like my carrier.
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" Hey, thank you so much for saying that, it brought a smile to my face! Growing up, no one really supported my interests, the standard response was ""Mmhmm, that's nice. So, when are you going to be an accountant/doctor/lawyer?"" which led to me being lost post-college and not sure of what I want to do in life. I guess to make up for what I didn't really get, I just try to make sure sis gets the opportunity to explore things she's really interested in."
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Sorry you have a lot of animosity towards our fan base. Yes. Some of the fans going to UCF games with signs decked out in Husker Gear were turds. That was such a minute fraction of the fan base. Do you represent all of UCF fan base?
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From what I understand you should always wear a bra that fits your larger breast and then place an insert ... I'd say your best bet for finding something inexpensive would be Amazon. Looks like inserts can range from under ten to well above 30, but you may consider getting some nicer ones ... Or you could get a fake breast. I've read some reviews and sometimes the inserts/enhancers don't give the right shape when your have a smaller breast.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
"As far as ""thinking of you"" gifts go, flowers are the best. As a not-a-flower person, they always brighten my day. They don't add unwanted junk to my house since I can toss them in a week. The only other gift that doesn't add clutter is food... but I don't like cake. I give flowers to my female friends all the time as thank you gifts. "
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He had water, it was always full and hr let us know if it wasnt. He also was part pixie bob and manx, so it might be a big cat thing too. I've never neglected my pets though, thank you very much.
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Dude, do it. Go to Sephora, let them know you want a concealer. They'll match your skin tone, help you learn how to put it on. Shit is life changing. The Sephora by me has male employees too and they are incredibly understanding and helpful.
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my point is, your comments have shown a startling lack of empathy and levels of hypocrisy. you've been able to separate Bowie's music from his past, historical context aside, while you denigrate those that can do the same for Brand New. to my knowledge, no one has championed Jesse Lacey or his actions. they have said that the music, which they heard prior to the allegations, is worthy of recognition. it is especially hard to separate art from artist when you have experienced the art before knowing of the artist's disgusting behavior.
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To the naysayers of this and recent reviews: Wilkins' reviews are generally pretty well founded and I think his grading ... If you think he's been overly positive then I'd honestly recommend doing a re-watch of series 9. I enjoyed it immensely the first time around and I'm somehow enjoying it MORE going through it while 10 is ... He's cleary a very well versed fan but unwilling to pull his punches. Tonight's episode was a bit rubbish but I think a B- is fair.
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I mean, it improved our draft position, if it makes you feel better . . .
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exactly. Go talk to your older relatives, the casual racism in my families elders is pretty impressive. They give zero fucks about it too. It takes generations dying for change to happen.
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Thank you for helping me find farpoint aim for my disbaled brother. You're a really good person..thank you. I'll leave my post when I've accomplished my goal not when trolls throw nasty insults.
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